byteyears - list ages of files
byteyears <filelist [[+|-]options]
The byteyears program
accepts a list of filenames on standard input, and produces
the same list of names, each preceded by its time-size since last use in
"byte-years". This measure has been found to be useful in determining
which files are the biggest wastes of space. A file's size in bytes is
multiplied by the time in years since it was last accessed. Options are:
NOTE: filenames must be separated by \r or \n. All other characters are
considered part of the filename. The output will have a 7-digit number,
a tab, and a filename on each line.
Some more text, with a bullet list:
- List item 1.
- List item 2.
Yet more text, with a compact dictionary list:
- Itm1
Description 1.
- Item2
Description 2.
- Item 3
Description 3.
The last chunk of sample text.
Options may start with '+' or '-',
folowed by a letter whose case isn't significant.
The option letter may be followed by a parameter,
whose case usually is significant.
- -d
sets debug level , written to file .
- -a
use access time (default).
- -c
use status-change time.
- -m
use modification time.
- -m
don't show files under minimum measure .
- +m
don't show files over maximum measure .
byteyears uses a few environment variables.
- B_byteyears
This is the border width around byteyears's widgets.
The default is 3 pixels.
- D_byteyears<N><file>
This is a debug level (a single digit) plus an optional output file name.
The debug level controls how much information
byteyears writes to the output file.
The default is 1, which produces only fatal error messages.
If the file is omitted, stderr is used.
The current time is noted only once when byteyears starts. This
makes the numbers comparable, but means that a file that is changing now
may come out (slightly) negative. If byteyears is reading from a slow
pipe, the results may be look funny.
Backup dumps sometimes read every file, and neglect to restore the access
time afterwards. This defeats the main function of byteyears (and
all other tools for detecting unused files, by making it appear that every
file is "used" when a backup is done.