ABC X C1:Code 1 C2:Code 2 M:Meter K:Key H:Headers T:Title --- - C1:------ C2:------ M:----- K:--- H:------- T:----- ABC 1 C1: C2: M: K:C H:LQ T:J Geils Band - Centerfold (3:31) (Trignis of Windfola) ABC 536 C1:000000070006000 C2:dduduudduduuddu M:2/4 K:F H:LORS T:Jgerfreuden (237), S. 509 ABC 158 C1:007707010007000 C2:ddduduuuudddudu M:2/2 K:G H:LORS T:Jger im grnen Wald (2-60) S. 187 ABC 1 C1:242662266055533 C2:uduududuududddu M:2/4 K:F H:"LRS T:Jägerin-Polka F (pk06808) ABC 1 C1:242662266055533 C2:uduududuududddu M:2/4 K:F H:"LORS T:Jägerin-Polka F (pk06808) ABC 148 C1:000000010101000 C2:uuududddududduu M:6/8 K:Bb H:LORS T:Jgerlied (2-23), S. 105 ABC 1 C1:071603000267003 C2:duduudduddudddu M:3/4 K:G H:LZ T:Jgerlied ABC 1 C1:071603000267003 C2:duduudduddudddu M:3/4 K:G H:LVZ T:Jgerlied V1+2 ABC 1 C1:003304000222650 C2:uuduuudduuddudd M:3/4 K:G H:LZ T:Jgerlied V2 ABC 535 C1:050001000002000 C2:duuudduudddduud M:3/4 K:A H:LORS T:Jgerlust (236), S. 508 ABC 44 C1:062276160040664 C2:duuddduddududdu M:2/4 K:C H:"LR T:Jägermarsch. CF (mr07346) ABC 44 C1:062276160040664 C2:duuddduddududdu M:2/4 K:C H:"LOR T:Jägermarsch. CF (mr07346) ABC 514 C1:000000000000070 C2:dddudududdddudd M:6/8 K:G H:LORS T:Jger und Graserin (220), S. 475 ABC 160 C1:003000001107000 C2:uuudddududuuddd M:6/8 K:G H:LORS T:Jger und Graserin (2-62) S. 191 ABC 280 C1:700011100600002 C2:duuududddududdu M:3/4 K:C H:"LR T:Jäger-Walzer CF (wz07525) ABCDC ABC 280 C1:700011100600002 C2:duuududddududdu M:3/4 K:C H:"LOR T:Jäger-Walzer CF (wz07525) ABCDC ABC 0 C1: C2: M: K: H:BSZ T:J.Gray's Twenty Four Country Dances for the Year 1812 ABC 0 C1: C2: M: K: H:BSZ T:J.Gray's Twenty Four Country Dances for the Year 1812 ABC 0 C1: C2: M: K: H:BSZ T:J.Gray's Twenty Four Country Dances for the Year 1812 ABC 0 C1: C2: M: K: H:BSZ T:J.Gray's Twenty Four Country Dances for the Year 1812 ABC 0 C1: C2: M: K: H:BSZ T:J.Gray's Twenty Four Country Dances for the Year 1812 ABC 0 C1: C2: M: K: H:BSZ T:J.Gray's Twenty Four Country Dances for the Year 1812