ABC X C1:Code 1 C2:Code 2 M:Meter K:Key H:Headers T:Title
--- - C1:------ C2:------ M:----- K:--- H:------- T:-----
ABC 164 C1:000000000000000 C2:duududdddduuduu M:2/4 K:A H:LORS T:Huagu diao
ABC 488 C1:030070060077600 C2:uddddduuududduu M:2/4 K:A H:LORS T:Hua guzi
ABC 505 C1:030503000701010 C2:ududuududududud M:2/4 K:C H:LORS T:Hua hama
ABC 423 C1:010007010700176 C2:udududdudududdu M:2/4 K:C H:LORS T:Hua he bao
ABC 545 C1:360007150000000 C2:uddudududududdd M:2/4 K:G H:LORS T:Huaihua jishi kai
ABC 1 C1:471000000003011 C2:ududuuududdduuu M:4/4 K:D H:L T:Huai nian
ABC 492 C1:000700030002050 C2:duuddduudududud M:2/4 K:F H:LORS T:Huainian
ABC 597 C1:000000030000000 C2:uudduuduudududu M:2/4 K:Bb H:LORS T:Huaishu kaihua
ABC 10 C1:000100010077020 C2:uuddududduuudud M:2/4 K:C H:LORS T:Huaishu kaihua
ABC 421 C1:030607000600000 C2:uddduudddududud M:2/4 K:F H:LORS T:Hualezhetou huanatou
ABC 337 C1:002607060006000 C2:uddudddudduuddu M:4/4 K:Bb H:LORS T:Huanghe chuanfu haozi
ABC 81 C1:471326706065267 C2:uduuudddduudddd M:4/4 K:Bb H:L T:Huang he chuan fu haozi (Variante zu Cut 5)
ABC 252 C1:000000000000000 C2:udududududduduu M:2/4 K:E H:LOS T:Huanghe chuangong haozi
ABC 41 C1:040103067706000 C2:duudddddudddudu M:2/4 K:F H:LORS T:Huanghe li piaoqi yi zhi chuan
ABC 3 C1:076707110003001 C2:dddduuuuddddduu M:2/4 K:C H:LORS T:Huang hua cao
ABC 85 C1:471170306713000 C2:ududdudduduuduu M: K:G H:L T:Huangjiang jao The horns of male antilope
ABC 99 C1:471407112000671 C2:udududduuuddudu M: K:C H:L T:Huangjiang jao The horns of male antilope
ABC 177 C1: C2: M: K:G H:L T:Huangjiang jao The horns of male antilope
ABC 291 C1:070005070000000 C2:dddudduuduuudud M:2/4 K:A H:LORS T:Huang shan yangge
ABC 599 C1:070707020041010 C2:ddduduuuudduddd M:2/4 K:F H:LORS T:Huangyandong da shengli
ABC 547 C1:020006210000762 C2:uduudduduudduud M:2/4 K:D H:LORS T:Huangyang biandan
ABC 390 C1:670001250000010 C2:dduuduudududddd M:4/4 K:Bb H:LORS T:Huangying zhanchi
ABC 472 C1:176700000003000 C2:uddduudddududdu M:2/4 K:Bb H:LORS T:Huanle shengchan
ABC 338 C1:000706040007070 C2:ddudddduuuudddu M:2/4 K:D H:LORS T:Huaqi longchuan zou xinjiang
ABC 1 C1:017220010251767 C2:uduuuududdddudu M: K:Dmaj H:"LR T:Hubert Cumberdale's
ABC 2 C1:017220010251767 C2:uduuuududdddudu M: K:Gmaj H:"LR T:Hubert Cumberdale's
ABC 1 C1:017220010251767 C2:uduuuududdddudu M:4/4 K:Gmaj H:LR T:Hubert Cumberdale’s
ABC 605 C1:000207070101000 C2:udduudduuuddudd M:6/8 K:G H:LORS T:Hubertuslied (302), S. 624f
ABC 1080 C1:000000070000000 C2:dduudddduududdd M:3/4 K:C H:CFLOQw T:Hub-sadâ Bir Güzel
ABC 1080 C1:000000070000000 C2:dduudddduududdd M:3/4 K:C H:CFLOQw T:Hub-sadâ Bir Güzel
ABC 1080 C1:000000070000000 C2:dduudddduududdd M:3/4 K:C H:CFLOQw T:Hub-sadâ Bir Güzel
ABC 1080 C1:000000020007000 C2:uddduudddduudud M:3/4 K:C H:CFLOQw T:Hub-sadâ Bir Güzel
ABC 88 C1:000001000000000 C2:udddddudududdud M:C K:G H:BLOQRZ T:Huchage
ABC 88 C1:000001000000000 C2:udddddudududdud M:C K:G H:BLOQRZ T:Huchage
ABC 88 C1:000001000000000 C2:udddddudududdud M:C K:G H:BLOQRZ T:Huchage
ABC 7266 C1:000001000000000 C2:udddddudududdud M:C K:G H:BLOQRZ T:Huchage
ABC 7266 C1:000001000000000 C2:udddddudududdud M:C K:G H:BLOQRZ T:Huchage
ABC 26 C1:117701070001711 C2:uuddduuduuddddd M:3/2 K:F H:BL T:Huckle and Buff
ABC 1 C1:117701070001711 C2:uuddduuduuddddd M:3/2 K:F H:L T:Huckle and Buff
ABC 1 C1:117701070001711 C2:uuddduuduuddddd M:3/2 K:F H:BL T:HUCKLE AND BUFF
ABC 9 C1:117701070001711 C2:uuddduuduuddddd M:3/2 K:F H:BL T:HUCKLE AND BUFF
ABC 24 C1:117701070001711 C2:uuddduuduuddddd M:3/2 K:F H:BLSZ T:Huckle and Buff
ABC 24 C1:117701070001711 C2:uuddduuduuddddd M:3/2 K:F H:BLSZ T:Huckle and Buff
ABC 24 C1:117701070001711 C2:uuddduuduuddddd M:3/2 K:F H:BLSZ T:Huckle and Buff
ABC 24 C1:117701070001711 C2:uuddduuduuddddd M:3/2 K:F H:BLSZ T:Huckle and Buff
ABC 1 C1:117701070001711 C2:uuddduuduuddddd M:3/2 K:F H:"L T:Huckle and buff
ABC 1 C1:117701070001711 C2:uuddduuduuddddd M:3/2 K:F H:BL T:Huckle and Buff
ABC 24 C1:117701070001711 C2:uuddduuduuddddd M:3/2 K:F H:LSZ T:Huckle and Buff
ABC 26 C1:117701070001711 C2:uuddduuduuddddd M:3/2 K:F H:BL T:Huckle and Buff
ABC 26 C1:117701070001711 C2:uuddduuduuddddd M:3/2 K:F H:BL T:Huckle and Buff
ABC 26 C1:117701070001711 C2:uuddduuduuddddd M:3/2 K:F H:BL T:Huckle and Buff
ABC 26 C1:117701070001711 C2:uuddduuduuddddd M:3/2 K:F H:BL T:Huckle and Buff
ABC 24 C1:117701070001711 C2:uuddduuduuddddd M:3/2 K:F H:LSZ T:Huckle and Buff
ABC 24 C1:117701070001711 C2:uuddduuduuddddd M:3/2 K:F H:LSZ T:Huckle and Buff
ABC 24 C1:117701070001711 C2:uuddduuduuddddd M:3/2 K:F H:LSZ T:Huckle and Buff
ABC 24 C1:117701070001711 C2:uuddduuduuddddd M:3/2 K:F H:ALQSZ T:Huckle and Buff
ABC 45 C1:117701070001711 C2:uuddduuduuddddd M:3/2 K:F H:L T:Huckle and Buff
ABC 9 C1:117701070001711 C2:uuddduuduuddddd M:3/2 K:F H:BL T:HUCKLE AND BUFF
ABC 9 C1:117701070001711 C2:uuddduuduuddddd M:3/2 K:F H:BL T:HUCKLE AND BUFF
ABC 9 C1:117701070001711 C2:uuddduuduuddddd M:3/2 K:F H:BL T:HUCKLE AND BUFF
ABC 24 C1:117701070001711 C2:uuddduuduuddddd M:3/2 K:F H:BLSZ T:Huckle and Buff
ABC 24 C1:117701070001711 C2:uuddduuduuddddd M:3/2 K:F H:BLSZ T:Huckle and Buff
ABC 7267 C1:117701070001711 C2:uuddduuduuddddd M:3/2 K:F H:BL T:Huckle and Buff
ABC 7268 C1:117701070001711 C2:uuddduuduuddddd M:3/2 K:F H:BL T:HUCKLE AND BUFF
ABC 7267 C1:117701070001711 C2:uuddduuduuddddd M:3/2 K:F H:BL T:Huckle and Buff
ABC 7268 C1:117701070001711 C2:uuddduuduuddddd M:3/2 K:F H:BL T:HUCKLE AND BUFF
ABC 2673 C1:117701070001711 C2:uuddduuduuddddd M:3/2 K:F H:LO T:Huckle and Buff
ABC 2673 C1:117701070001711 C2:uuddduuduuddddd M:3/2 K:F H:LO T:Huckle and Buff
ABC 5776 C1:117701070001711 C2:uuddduuduuddddd M:3/2 K:F H:BL T:HUCKLE AND BUFF
ABC 5777 C1:117701070001711 C2:uuddduuduuddddd M:3/2 K:F H:L T:Huckle and Buff
ABC 3887 C1:117701070001711 C2:uuddduuduuddddd M:3/2 K:F H:BFLORZ T:Huckle and Buff
ABC 3887 C1:117701070001711 C2:uuddduuduuddddd M:3/2 K:F H:BFLORZ T:Huckle and Buff
ABC 5776 C1:117701070001711 C2:uuddduuduuddddd M:3/2 K:F H:BL T:HUCKLE AND BUFF
ABC 5777 C1:117701070001711 C2:uuddduuduuddddd M:3/2 K:F H:L T:Huckle and Buff
ABC 5776 C1:117701070001711 C2:uuddduuduuddddd M:3/2 K:F H:BL T:HUCKLE AND BUFF
ABC 5777 C1:117701070001711 C2:uuddduuduuddddd M:3/2 K:F H:L T:Huckle and Buff
ABC 9 C1:117701070001711 C2:uuddduuduuddddd M:3/2 K:F H:BLORZ T:Huckle and Buff
ABC 1 C1:111050600101060 C2:uuudduudduuuddu M: K:Amaj H:LR T:The Huckleberry
ABC 2 C1:563766376727223 C2:dduddduddduduuu M: K:Amaj H:LR T:The Huckleberry
ABC 3 C1:563766376727223 C2:dduddduddduduuu M: K:Amaj H:LR T:The Huckleberry
ABC 1 C1:006200662210767 C2:dudduuudddddudu M:2/4 K:D H:ACLQRSZ T:Huckleberry Blues
ABC 1 C1:006200662210767 C2:dudduuudddddudu M:2/4 K:D H:ACLQRSZ T:Huckleberry Blues
ABC 1 C1:111050600101060 C2:uuudduudduuuddu M:C| K:A H:CLQRS T:Huckleberry Hornpipe
ABC 1 C1:111050600101060 C2:uuudduudduuuddu M:C| K:A H:CLQRS T:Huckleberry Hornpipe
ABC 1 C1:111050600101060 C2:uuudduudduuuddu M:C| K:A H:CLQRS T:Huckleberry Hornpipe
ABC 1 C1:111050600101060 C2:uuudduudduuuddu M:C| K:A H:CLQRS T:Huckleberry Hornpipe
ABC 1 C1:111050600101060 C2:uuudduudduuuddu M:C| K:A H:CLQRS T:Huckleberry Hornpipe
ABC 7 C1:111050600101060 C2:uuudduudduuuddu M:C| K:A H:CLQRS T:Huckleberry Hornpipe
ABC 8 C1:111050600101060 C2:uuudduudduuuddu M:C| K:A H:CLQRS T:Huckleberry Hornpipe
ABC 11 C1:111050600101060 C2:uuudduudduuuddu M:C| K:A H:CLQRSW T:Huckleberry Hornpipe
ABC 1 C1:563766376727223 C2:dduddduddduduuu M:C K:A H:CQR T:Huckleberry Hornpipe
ABC 156 C1:111050600101060 C2:uuudduudduuuddu M:C| K:A H:CLQRS T:Huckleberry Hornpipe
ABC 932 C1:111050600101060 C2:uuudduudduuuddu M:C| K:A H:CLQRS T:Huckleberry Hornpipe
ABC 2319 C1:111050600101060 C2:uuudduudduuuddu M:C| K:A H:CLQRS T:Huckleberry Hornpipe
ABC 4845 C1:111050600101060 C2:uuudduudduuuddu M:C| K:A H:CLQRS T:Huckleberry Hornpipe
ABC 4846 C1:111050600101060 C2:uuudduudduuuddu M:C| K:A H:CLQRS T:Huckleberry Hornpipe
ABC 156 C1:111050600101060 C2:uuudduudduuuddu M:C| K:A H:CLQRS T:Huckleberry Hornpipe
ABC 932 C1:111050600101060 C2:uuudduudduuuddu M:C| K:A H:CLQRS T:Huckleberry Hornpipe
ABC 2319 C1:111050600101060 C2:uuudduudduuuddu M:C| K:A H:CLQRS T:Huckleberry Hornpipe
ABC 4845 C1:111050600101060 C2:uuudduudduuuddu M:C| K:A H:CLQRS T:Huckleberry Hornpipe
ABC 4846 C1:111050600101060 C2:uuudduudduuuddu M:C| K:A H:CLQRS T:Huckleberry Hornpipe
ABC 7269 C1:111050600101060 C2:uuudduudduuuddu M:C| K:A H:CLQRS T:Huckleberry Hornpipe
ABC 7270 C1:111050600101060 C2:uuudduudduuuddu M:C| K:A H:CLQRS T:Huckleberry Hornpipe
ABC 7271 C1:111050600101060 C2:uuudduudduuuddu M:C| K:A H:CLQRS T:Huckleberry Hornpipe
ABC 7269 C1:111050600101060 C2:uuudduudduuuddu M:C| K:A H:CLQRS T:Huckleberry Hornpipe
ABC 7270 C1:111050600101060 C2:uuudduudduuuddu M:C| K:A H:CLQRS T:Huckleberry Hornpipe
ABC 7271 C1:111050600101060 C2:uuudduudduuuddu M:C| K:A H:CLQRS T:Huckleberry Hornpipe
ABC 2674 C1:111050600101060 C2:uuudduudduuuddu M:C| K:A H:CLOQRS T:Huckleberry Hornpipe
ABC 2674 C1:111050600101060 C2:uuudduudduuuddu M:C| K:A H:CLOQRS T:Huckleberry Hornpipe
ABC 5778 C1:111050600101060 C2:uuudduudduuuddu M:C| K:A H:CLQRS T:Huckleberry Hornpipe
ABC 5779 C1:111050600101060 C2:uuudduudduuuddu M:C| K:A H:CLQRS T:Huckleberry Hornpipe
ABC 5780 C1:111050600101060 C2:uuudduudduuuddu M:C| K:A H:CLQRS T:Huckleberry Hornpipe
ABC 5781 C1:111050600101060 C2:uuudduudduuuddu M:C| K:A H:CLQRS T:Huckleberry Hornpipe
ABC 5782 C1:111050600101060 C2:uuudduudduuuddu M:C| K:A H:CLQRS T:Huckleberry Hornpipe
ABC 5778 C1:111050600101060 C2:uuudduudduuuddu M:C| K:A H:CLQRS T:Huckleberry Hornpipe
ABC 5779 C1:111050600101060 C2:uuudduudduuuddu M:C| K:A H:CLQRS T:Huckleberry Hornpipe
ABC 5780 C1:111050600101060 C2:uuudduudduuuddu M:C| K:A H:CLQRS T:Huckleberry Hornpipe
ABC 5781 C1:111050600101060 C2:uuudduudduuuddu M:C| K:A H:CLQRS T:Huckleberry Hornpipe
ABC 5782 C1:111050600101060 C2:uuudduudduuuddu M:C| K:A H:CLQRS T:Huckleberry Hornpipe
ABC 5778 C1:111050600101060 C2:uuudduudduuuddu M:C| K:A H:CLQRS T:Huckleberry Hornpipe
ABC 5779 C1:111050600101060 C2:uuudduudduuuddu M:C| K:A H:CLQRS T:Huckleberry Hornpipe
ABC 5780 C1:111050600101060 C2:uuudduudduuuddu M:C| K:A H:CLQRS T:Huckleberry Hornpipe
ABC 5781 C1:111050600101060 C2:uuudduudduuuddu M:C| K:A H:CLQRS T:Huckleberry Hornpipe
ABC 5782 C1:111050600101060 C2:uuudduudduuuddu M:C| K:A H:CLQRS T:Huckleberry Hornpipe
ABC 1 C1:000000120001001 C2:uuuuududdduuudd M:4/4 K:F H:L T:Huckleberry Hunting
ABC 1 C1:000000120001001 C2:uuuuududdduuudd M:4/4 K:F H:L T:Huckleberry Hunting
ABC 1 C1:000000120001001 C2:uuuuududdduuudd M:4/4 K:F H:L T:Huckleberry Hunting
ABC 130 C1:116600110000050 C2:uudduuduuuuuddu M:C K:G H:HLOQSZ T:Huddle-duddle. (p)1657.PLFD1.130
ABC 130 C1:116600110000050 C2:uudduuduuuuuddu M:C K:G H:HLOQSZ T:Huddle-duddle. (p)1657.PLFD1.130
ABC 130 C1:116600110000050 C2:uudduuduuuuuddu M:C K:G H:ABHLOQZ T:Huddle-duddle. (p)1657.PLFD1.130
ABC 130 C1:116600110000050 C2:uudduuduuuuuddu M:C K:G H:ABHLOQZ T:Huddle-duddle. (p)1657.PLFD1.130
ABC 129 C1:116600110000050 C2:uudduuduuuuuddu M:C K:G H:HLOQSZ T:Huddle-duddle. (p)1657.PLFD.130
ABC 129 C1:116600110000050 C2:uudduuduuuuuddu M:C K:G H:HLOQSZ T:Huddle-duddle. (p)1657.PLFD.130
ABC 129 C1:116600110000050 C2:uudduuduuuuuddu M:C K:G H:HLOQSZ T:Huddle-duddle. (p)1657.PLFD.130
ABC 51 C1:577071267261267 C2:dddduuudduuduuu M:6/8 K:G H:BLQZ T:Huddle it over. JJo6.53
ABC 51 C1:577071267261267 C2:dddduuudduuduuu M:6/8 K:G H:BLQZ T:Huddle it over. JJo6.53
ABC 124 C1:000000000000000 C2:uuduuududddduuu M:2/4 K:F H:LORS T:Hudie feilai you feiqu
ABC 115 C1:604405777603111 C2:dududddduuuudud M:6/8 K:D H:"L T:Hudie Gallagher's
ABC 1 C1:777773111713000 C2:ddddduuuudududd M: K:Amix H:LR T:Hudie Gallagher's March
ABC 2 C1:774405777773111 C2:ddududdddduuuud M: K:Amix H:LR T:Hudie Gallagher's March
ABC 3 C1:774665777773111 C2:ddudduddddduuuu M: K:Dmix H:LR T:Hudie Gallagher's March
ABC 1 C1:000007070603000 C2:uddduddddududdd M:3/4 K:A H:ACILORS T:Hudson Barn
ABC 1 C1:007704000307007 C2:dduuddduduuuudd M:6/8 K:Dm H:ACILORS T:Hudson Creek
ABC 1 C1:670004000010040 C2:ddududdudududdu M: K:G#m H:V T:Hudson & David together again
ABC 1 C1:670004000010040 C2:ddududdudududdu M: K:G#m H:V T:Hudson & David together again
ABC 12 C1:000101032770070 C2:uuuudddududdduu M:3/4 K:Gm H:ACHLQRSZ T:Hud y Bibell
ABC 12 C1:000101032770070 C2:uuuudddududdduu M:3/4 K:Gm H:ACHLQRSZ T:Hud y Bibell
ABC 12 C1:000101032770070 C2:uuuudddududdduu M:3/4 K:Gm H:ACHLQRSZ T:Hud y Bibell
ABC 12 C1:000101032770070 C2:uuuudddududdduu M:3/4 K:Gm H:ACHLQRSZ T:Hud y Bibell
ABC 12 C1:000101032770070 C2:uuuudddududdduu M:3/4 K:Gm H:ACHLQRSZ T:Hud y Bibell
ABC 88 C1:000101042770070 C2:uududdduduudduu M:3/4 K:G H:CLQRS T:Hud y Bibell - The allurement of the Pipe
ABC 88 C1:000101042770070 C2:uududdduduudduu M:3/4 K:G H:CLQRS T:Hud y Bibell - The allurement of the Pipe
ABC 88 C1:000101042770070 C2:uududdduduudduu M:3/4 K:G H:CLQRS T:Hud y Bibell - The allurement of the Pipe
ABC 162 C1:000207000101000 C2:uduuddudduuuduu M:3/1 K:F H:LOR T:Huete du dich!
ABC 1 C1: C2: M: K:C H:LQZ T:HUEY LEWIS (Made by Ratissia of snowbourne (4:04)
ABC 1 C1:026456270265000 C2:ududdududduuduu M:4/4 K:D H:FLOZ T:Huffman's Hornpipe v.1
ABC 1 C1:026456270265000 C2:ududdududduuduu M:4/4 K:D H:FLOZ T:Huffman's Hornpipe v.1
ABC 1 C1:026456270265000 C2:ududdududduuduu M:4/4 K:D H:FLOZ T:Huffman's Hornpipe v.1
ABC 1 C1:026456270265000 C2:ududdududduuduu M:4/4 K:D H:FLOZ T:Huffman's Hornpipe v.1
ABC 49 C1:026456270265000 C2:ududdududduuduu M:4/4 K:D H:FLOZ T:Huffman's Hornpipe v.1
ABC 49 C1:026456270265000 C2:ududdududduuduu M:4/4 K:D H:FLOZ T:Huffman's Hornpipe v.1
ABC 49 C1:026456270265000 C2:ududdududduuduu M:4/4 K:D H:FLOZ T:Huffman's Hornpipe v.1
ABC 49 C1:026456270265000 C2:ududdududduuduu M:4/4 K:D H:FLOZ T:Huffman's Hornpipe v.1
ABC 1 C1:060706050607060 C2:ddduddduududddu M:4/4 K:D H:FLOZ T:Huffman's Hornpipe v.2
ABC 1 C1:060706050607060 C2:ddduddduududddu M:4/4 K:D H:FLOZ T:Huffman's Hornpipe v.2
ABC 1 C1:060706050607060 C2:ddduddduududddu M:4/4 K:D H:FLOZ T:Huffman's Hornpipe v.2
ABC 1 C1:060706050607060 C2:ddduddduududddu M:4/4 K:D H:FLOZ T:Huffman's Hornpipe v.2
ABC 50 C1:060706050607060 C2:ddduddduududddu M:4/4 K:D H:FLOZ T:Huffman's Hornpipe v.2
ABC 50 C1:060706050607060 C2:ddduddduududddu M:4/4 K:D H:FLOZ T:Huffman's Hornpipe v.2
ABC 50 C1:060706050607060 C2:ddduddduududddu M:4/4 K:D H:FLOZ T:Huffman's Hornpipe v.2
ABC 50 C1:060706050607060 C2:ddduddduududddu M:4/4 K:D H:FLOZ T:Huffman's Hornpipe v.2
ABC 30643 C1:000002617777011 C2:ududddduuuududu M:2/4 K:B H:BCLSZ T:HUFF'S HORNPIPE
ABC 30643 C1:000002617777011 C2:ududddduuuududu M:2/4 K:B H:BCLSZ T:HUFF'S HORNPIPE
ABC 305571 C1:000002617777011 C2:ududddduuuududu M:2/4 K:B H:BCLSZ T:HUFF'S HORNPIPE
ABC 305571 C1:000002617777011 C2:ududddduuuududu M:2/4 K:B H:BCLSZ T:HUFF'S HORNPIPE
ABC 305571 C1:000002617777011 C2:ududddduuuududu M:2/4 K:B H:BCLSZ T:HUFF'S HORNPIPE
ABC 305571 C1:000002617777011 C2:ududddduuuududu M:2/4 K:B H:BCLSZ T:HUFF'S HORNPIPE
ABC 305571 C1:000002617777011 C2:ududddduuuududu M:2/4 K:B H:BCLSZ T:HUFF'S HORNPIPE
ABC 305571 C1:000002617777011 C2:ududddduuuududu M:2/4 K:B H:BCLSZ T:HUFF'S HORNPIPE
ABC 305571 C1:000002617777011 C2:ududddduuuududu M:2/4 K:B H:BCLSZ T:HUFF'S HORNPIPE
ABC 305571 C1:000002617777011 C2:ududddduuuududu M:2/4 K:B H:BCLSZ T:HUFF'S HORNPIPE
ABC 305571 C1:000002617777011 C2:ududddduuuududu M:2/4 K:B H:BCLSZ T:HUFF'S HORNPIPE
ABC 39043 C1:121000161052111 C2:uuuududuuuududd M:6/8 K:G H:BLQRY T:"HUGAR MON FONA SOURALING"
ABC 39043 C1:121000161052111 C2:uuuududuuuududd M:6/8 K:G H:BLQRY T:"HUGAR MON FONA SOURALING"
ABC 39043 C1:121000161052111 C2:uuuududuuuududd M:6/8 K:G H:BLQRY T:"HUGAR MON FONA SOURALING"
ABC 19 C1:121000260007111 C2:uuuuddduduuuudd M:3/4 K:D H:BFLVZ T:Hugar Mu Fean
ABC 19 C1:121000260007111 C2:uuuuddduduuuudd M:3/4 K:D H:BFLVZ T:Hugar Mu Fean
ABC 21131 C1:010201000000027 C2:uuuuddduduuuudd M:3/4 K:D H:BLZ T:Hugar Mu Fean
ABC 21131 C1:010201000000027 C2:uuuuddduduuuudd M:3/4 K:D H:BLZ T:Hugar Mu Fean
ABC 19 C1:121000260007111 C2:uuuuddduduuuudd M:3/4 K:D H:BFLVZ T:Hugar Mu Fean
ABC 19 C1:121000260007111 C2:uuuuddduduuuudd M:3/4 K:D H:BFLVZ T:Hugar Mu Fean
ABC 19 C1:121000260007111 C2:uuuuddduduuuudd M:3/4 K:D H:BFLVZ T:Hugar Mu Fean
ABC 19 C1:121000260007111 C2:uuuuddduduuuudd M:3/4 K:D H:BFLVZ T:Hugar Mu Fean
ABC 19 C1:121000260007111 C2:uuuuddduduuuudd M:3/4 K:D H:BFLVZ T:Hugar Mu Fean
ABC 19 C1:121000260007111 C2:uuuuddduduuuudd M:3/4 K:D H:BFLVZ T:Hugar Mu Fean
ABC 21131 C1:010201000000027 C2:uuuuddduduuuudd M:3/4 K:D H:BLZ T:Hugar Mu Fean
ABC 21131 C1:010201000000027 C2:uuuuddduduuuudd M:3/4 K:D H:BLZ T:Hugar Mu Fean
ABC 21131 C1:010201000000027 C2:uuuuddduduuuudd M:3/4 K:D H:BLZ T:Hugar Mu Fean
ABC 21131 C1:010201000000027 C2:uuuuddduduuuudd M:3/4 K:D H:BLZ T:Hugar Mu Fean
ABC 21131 C1:010201000000027 C2:uuuuddduduuuudd M:3/4 K:D H:BLZ T:Hugar Mu Fean
ABC 21131 C1:010201000000027 C2:uuuuddduduuuudd M:3/4 K:D H:BLZ T:Hugar Mu Fean
ABC 21131 C1:010201000000027 C2:uuuuddduduuuudd M:3/4 K:D H:BLZ T:Hugar Mu Fean
ABC 21131 C1:010201000000027 C2:uuuuddduduuuudd M:3/4 K:D H:BLZ T:Hugar Mu Fean
ABC 21131 C1:010201000000027 C2:uuuuddduduuuudd M:3/4 K:D H:BLZ T:Hugar Mu Fean
ABC 21131 C1:010201000000027 C2:uuuuddduduuuudd M:3/4 K:D H:BLZ T:Hugar Mu Fean
ABC 1 C1:772700050027711 C2:dduddudduuuuddd M:3/4 K:Am H:LORZ T:Huggaremamma
ABC 133 C1:772700050001711 C2:ddudduduuuudddd M:3/4 K:Am H:ALRZ T:Huggaremamma
ABC 1 C1:062706270607772 C2:duddududdduddud M:3/4 K:Am H:"LOZ T:Huggaremamma
ABC 1 C1:062706270607772 C2:duddududdduddud M:3/4 K:Am H:"LOZ T:Huggaremamma
ABC 1 C1:062706270607772 C2:duddududdduddud M:3/4 K:Am H:"LOZ T:Huggaremamma
ABC 1 C1:062706270607772 C2:duddududdduddud M:3/4 K:Am H:"LOZ T:Huggaremamma
ABC 1 C1:062706270607772 C2:duddududdduddud M:3/4 K:Am H:"LOZ T:Huggaremamma
ABC 1 C1:062706270607772 C2:duddududdduddud M:3/4 K:Am H:"LOZ T:Huggaremamma
ABC 133 C1:772700050001711 C2:ddudduduuuudddd M:3/4 K:Am H:ALRZ T:Huggaremamma
ABC 133 C1:772700050001711 C2:ddudduduuuudddd M:3/4 K:Am H:LORZ T:Huggaremamma
ABC 133 C1:772700050001711 C2:ddudduduuuudddd M:3/4 K:Am H:LORZ T:Huggaremamma
ABC 3 C1:062706270607772 C2:duddududdduddud M:3/4 K:Am H:"LOZ T:Huggaremamma (Wood-chopping momma)
ABC 3 C1:062706270607772 C2:duddududdduddud M:3/4 K:Am H:"LOZ T:Huggaremamma (Wood-chopping momma)
ABC 3 C1:062706270607772 C2:duddududdduddud M:3/4 K:Am H:"LOZ T:Huggaremamma (Wood-chopping momma)
ABC 3 C1:062706270607772 C2:duddududdduddud M:3/4 K:Am H:"LOZ T:Huggaremamma (Wood-chopping momma)
ABC 3 C1:062706270607772 C2:duddududdduddud M:3/4 K:Am H:"LOZ T:Huggaremamma (Wood-chopping momma)
ABC 3 C1:062706270607772 C2:duddududdduddud M:3/4 K:Am H:"LOZ T:Huggaremamma (Wood-chopping momma)
ABC 3 C1:062706270607772 C2:duddududdduddud M:3/4 K:Am H:"LOZ T:Huggaremamma (Wood-chopping momma)
ABC 3 C1:062706270607772 C2:duddududdduddud M:3/4 K:Am H:"LOZ T:Huggaremamma (Wood-chopping momma)
ABC 3 C1:062706270607772 C2:duddududdduddud M:3/4 K:Am H:"LOZ T:Huggaremamma (Wood-chopping momma)
ABC 3 C1:062706270607772 C2:duddududdduddud M:3/4 K:Am H:"LOZ T:Huggaremamma (Wood-chopping momma)
ABC 3 C1:062706270607772 C2:duddududdduddud M:3/4 K:Am H:"LOZ T:Huggaremamma (Wood-chopping momma)
ABC 3 C1:062706270607772 C2:duddududdduddud M:3/4 K:Am H:"LOZ T:Huggaremamma (Wood-chopping momma)
ABC 3 C1:062706270607772 C2:duddududdduddud M:3/4 K:Am H:"LOZ T:Huggaremamma (Wood-chopping momma)
ABC 3 C1:062706270607772 C2:duddududdduddud M:3/4 K:Am H:"LOZ T:Huggaremamma (Wood-chopping momma)
ABC 3 C1:062706270607772 C2:duddududdduddud M:3/4 K:Am H:"LOZ T:Huggaremamma (Wood-chopping momma)
ABC 1 C1:070607000503030 C2:dddduudduuddduu M:6/8 K:F H:CLQR T:Huggerth the Puss
ABC 1 C1:070607000503030 C2:dddduudduuddduu M:6/8 K:F H:CLQR T:Huggerth the Puss
ABC 4236 C1:670533670012670 C2:ddduudduuddduud M:6/8 K:F H:BLZ T:HUGGERTH THE PUSS
ABC 4236 C1:670533670012670 C2:ddduudduuddduud M:6/8 K:F H:BLZ T:HUGGERTH THE PUSS
ABC 1 C1:670533670012670 C2:ddduudduuddduud M:6/8 K:F H:LRSZ T:Huggerth the Puss
ABC 1 C1:670533670012670 C2:ddduudduuddduud M:6/8 K:F H:LRSZ T:Huggerth the Puss
ABC 4236 C1:670533670012670 C2:ddduudduuddduud M:6/8 K:F H:BLZ T:HUGGERTH THE PUSS
ABC 4236 C1:670533670012670 C2:ddduudduuddduud M:6/8 K:F H:BLZ T:HUGGERTH THE PUSS
ABC 4236 C1:670533670012670 C2:ddduudduuddduud M:6/8 K:F H:BLZ T:HUGGERTH THE PUSS
ABC 4236 C1:670533670012670 C2:ddduudduuddduud M:6/8 K:F H:BLZ T:HUGGERTH THE PUSS
ABC 4236 C1:670533670012670 C2:ddduudduuddduud M:6/8 K:F H:BLZ T:HUGGERTH THE PUSS
ABC 4236 C1:670533670012670 C2:ddduudduuddduud M:6/8 K:F H:BLZ T:HUGGERTH THE PUSS
ABC 4236 C1:670533670012670 C2:ddduudduuddduud M:6/8 K:F H:BLZ T:HUGGERTH THE PUSS
ABC 4236 C1:670533670012670 C2:ddduudduuddduud M:6/8 K:F H:BLZ T:HUGGERTH THE PUSS
ABC 4236 C1:670533670012670 C2:ddduudduuddduud M:6/8 K:F H:BLZ T:HUGGERTH THE PUSS
ABC 26 C1:000000000202060 C2:uududddduduuddd M:C| K:G H:"BCLQR T:Hugh & Cry
ABC 22076 C1:207101763001712 C2:uduudduuduuuddd M:C K:G H:BCLQR T:HUGH CURTIN'S REEL*
ABC 22076 C1:207101763001712 C2:uduudduuduuuddd M:C K:G H:BCLQR T:HUGH CURTIN'S REEL*
ABC 22076 C1:207101763001712 C2:uduudduuduuuddd M:C K:G H:BCLQR T:HUGH CURTIN'S REEL*
ABC 1 C1:422367602447601 C2:uuuudddududdudu M:C K:D H:LRSZ T:Hugh Dunlop [1]
ABC 1 C1:422367602447601 C2:uuuudddududdudu M:C K:D H:LRSZ T:Hugh Dunlop [1]
ABC 1 C1:371532614536253 C2:ududuududududud M:C K:D H:LRSZ T:Hugh Dunlop [2]
ABC 1 C1:371532614536253 C2:ududuududududud M:C K:D H:LRSZ T:Hugh Dunlop [2]
ABC 1 C1:003715326145362 C2:ududuududududud M:4/4 K:D H:CLQR T:Hugh Dunlop
ABC 1 C1:003715326145362 C2:ududuududududud M:4/4 K:D H:CLQR T:Hugh Dunlop
ABC 3336 C1:371532614536253 C2:ududuududududud M:C K:D H:BLZ T:HUGH DUNLOP
ABC 3336 C1:371532614536253 C2:ududuududududud M:C K:D H:BLZ T:HUGH DUNLOP
ABC 1 C1:020042002300670 C2:duuuudddududdud M:4/4 K:D H:CLQR T:Hugh Dunlop
ABC 1 C1:020042002300670 C2:duuuudddududdud M:4/4 K:D H:CLQR T:Hugh Dunlop
ABC 3011 C1:422367602447601 C2:uuuudddududdudu M:C K:D H:BLQRZ T:HUGH DUNLOP
ABC 3011 C1:422367602447601 C2:uuuudddududdudu M:C K:D H:BLQRZ T:HUGH DUNLOP
ABC 3011 C1:422367602447601 C2:uuuudddududdudu M:C K:D H:BLQRZ T:HUGH DUNLOP
ABC 3336 C1:371532614536253 C2:ududuududududud M:C K:D H:BLZ T:HUGH DUNLOP
ABC 3011 C1:422367602447601 C2:uuuudddududdudu M:C K:D H:BLQRZ T:HUGH DUNLOP
ABC 3336 C1:371532614536253 C2:ududuududududud M:C K:D H:BLZ T:HUGH DUNLOP
ABC 3336 C1:371532614536253 C2:ududuududududud M:C K:D H:BLZ T:HUGH DUNLOP
ABC 3011 C1:422367602447601 C2:uuuudddududdudu M:C K:D H:BLQRZ T:HUGH DUNLOP
ABC 3011 C1:422367602447601 C2:uuuudddududdudu M:C K:D H:BLQRZ T:HUGH DUNLOP
ABC 3336 C1:371532614536253 C2:ududuududududud M:C K:D H:BLZ T:HUGH DUNLOP
ABC 3011 C1:422367602447601 C2:uuuudddududdudu M:C K:D H:BLQRZ T:HUGH DUNLOP
ABC 3336 C1:371532614536253 C2:ududuududududud M:C K:D H:BLZ T:HUGH DUNLOP
ABC 3011 C1:422367602447601 C2:uuuudddududdudu M:C K:D H:BLQRZ T:HUGH DUNLOP
ABC 3336 C1:371532614536253 C2:ududuududududud M:C K:D H:BLZ T:HUGH DUNLOP
ABC 3011 C1:422367602447601 C2:uuuudddududdudu M:C K:D H:BLQRZ T:HUGH DUNLOP
ABC 3336 C1:371532614536253 C2:ududuududududud M:C K:D H:BLZ T:HUGH DUNLOP
ABC 3011 C1:422367602447601 C2:uuuudddududdudu M:C K:D H:BLQRZ T:HUGH DUNLOP
ABC 3336 C1:371532614536253 C2:ududuududududud M:C K:D H:BLZ T:HUGH DUNLOP
ABC 94 C1:711722677777007 C2:duuduuddddddddu M:4/4 K:D H:ABLQRZ T:Hughes' Hornpipe,aka. RHu.094
ABC 94 C1:711722677777007 C2:duuduuddddddddu M:4/4 K:D H:ABLQRZ T:Hughes' Hornpipe,aka. RHu.094
ABC 94 C1:711722677777007 C2:duuduuddddddddu M:4/4 K:D H:ALQRSZ T:Hughes' Hornpipe,aka. RHu.094
ABC 94 C1:711722677777007 C2:duuduuddddddddu M:4/4 K:D H:ABLQRSZ T:Hughes' Hornpipe,aka. RHu.094
ABC 3888 C1:711722677777007 C2:duuduuddddddddu M:4/4 K:D H:AFLQRSZ T:Hughes' Hornpipe,aka. RHu.094
ABC 3888 C1:711722677777007 C2:duuduuddddddddu M:4/4 K:D H:AFLQRSZ T:Hughes' Hornpipe,aka. RHu.094
ABC 94 C1:711722677777007 C2:duuduuddddddddu M:4/4 K:D H:ABLQRSZ T:Hughes' Hornpipe,aka. RHu.094
ABC 087 C1:022351671161712 C2:uuududduududuud M:C| K:D H:BLRSUZ T:Hugh Gillespie's
ABC 1 C1:320006220005110 C2:uuduuduuudddduu M: K:Gmaj H:LR T:Hugh Gillespie's
ABC 2 C1:320077220005110 C2:uudduuduuuddddu M: K:Amaj H:LR T:Hugh Gillespie's
ABC 3 C1:320006220001770 C2:uuduuuddudddduu M: K:Gmaj H:LR T:Hugh Gillespie's
ABC 4 C1:320006220001770 C2:uuduuuddudddduu M: K:Gmaj H:LR T:Hugh Gillespie's
ABC 5 C1:320006220005110 C2:uuduuduuudddduu M: K:Gmaj H:LR T:Hugh Gillespie's
ABC 6 C1:320077220005117 C2:uudduuduuduuddd M: K:Amaj H:LR T:Hugh Gillespie's
ABC 7 C1:320006220005110 C2:uuduuduuudddduu M: K:Gmaj H:LR T:Hugh Gillespie's
ABC 78 C1:220077230051770 C2:uudduududdudddu M:3/4 K:Dmaj H:LR T:Hugh Gillespie's
ABC 78 C1:220077230051770 C2:uudduududdudddu M:3/4 K:Dmaj H:LR T:Hugh Gillespie's
ABC 087 C1:022351671161712 C2:uuududduududuud M:C| K:D H:BLRSUZ T:Hugh Gillespie's
ABC 087 C1:022351671161712 C2:uuududduududuud M:C| K:D H:BLRSUZ T:Hugh Gillespie's
ABC 1 C1:320077220005117 C2:uudduuduuduuddd M:3/4 K:A H:LSVZ T:Hugh Gillespie's No.2
ABC 959 C1:007722000511712 C2:dduuduuduuddduu M:3/4 K:A H:LSZ T:Hugh Gillespie's No.2
ABC 959 C1:007722000511712 C2:dduuduuduuddduu M:3/4 K:A H:LSZ T:Hugh Gillespie's No.2
ABC 1 C1:320006220005110 C2:uuduuduuudddduu M:3/4 K:Gmaj H:LR T:Hugh Gillespie’s
ABC 959 C1:007722000511712 C2:dduuduuduuddduu M:3/4 K:A H:LSZ T:Hugh Gillespie’s No.2
ABC 1 C1:050240711217707 C2:ududuuuuudddddu M:C K:Gmin H:BCLRZ T:Hugh Gilmour's Lament for Niel Gow
ABC 1 C1:050240711217707 C2:ududuuuuudddddu M:C K:Gmin H:BCLRZ T:Hugh Gilmour's Lament for Niel Gow
ABC 74 C1:172011003011017 C2:uduuuduuudddudd M:9/4 K:C H:BLSZ T:Hugh Hopley
ABC 74 C1:172011003011017 C2:uduuuduuudddudd M:9/4 K:C H:BLSZ T:Hugh Hopley
ABC 1 C1:000101000100050 C2:uuudduddddududu M:9/4 K:C H:BLRZ T:Hugh Hopley
ABC 1 C1:000101000100050 C2:uuudduddddududu M:9/4 K:C H:BLRZ T:Hugh Hopley
ABC 74 C1:172011003011017 C2:uduuuduuudddudd M:9/4 K:C H:BLSZ T:Hugh Hopley
ABC 74 C1:172011003011017 C2:uduuuduuudddudd M:9/4 K:C H:BLSZ T:Hugh Hopley
ABC 74 C1:172011003011017 C2:uduuuduuudddudd M:9/4 K:C H:BLSZ T:Hugh Hopley
ABC 74 C1:172011003011017 C2:uduuuduuudddudd M:9/4 K:C H:BLSZ T:Hugh Hopley
ABC 116 C1:011017663777652 C2:uuuddduddddudud M:9/4 K:D H:BLQWZ T:Hugh Hopley. JJo1.065
ABC 116 C1:011017663777652 C2:uuuddduddddudud M:9/4 K:D H:BLQWZ T:Hugh Hopley. JJo1.065
ABC 1 C1:676002671622320 C2:dddudduduuuudud M:4/4 K:D H:CLRSZ T:Hughie and Allan's Reel
ABC 1 C1:676002671622320 C2:dddudduduuuudud M:4/4 K:D H:CLRSZ T:Hughie and Allan's Reel
ABC 1 C1:676002671622320 C2:dddudduduuuudud M:4/4 K:D H:CLRSZ T:Hughie and Allan's Reel
ABC 1 C1:676002671622320 C2:dddudduduuuudud M:4/4 K:D H:CLRSZ T:Hughie and Allan's Reel
ABC 1 C1:676002671622320 C2:dddudduduuuudud M:4/4 K:D H:CLRSZ T:Hughie and Allan's Reel
ABC 1 C1:676002671622320 C2:dddudduduuuudud M:4/4 K:D H:CLRSZ T:Hughie and Allan's Reel
ABC 6 C1:040411110317763 C2:duuuuuuuddduddu M:C| K:Edor H:CDLQRWZ T:Hughie and Janet's March
ABC 6 C1:040411110317763 C2:duuuuuuuddduddu M:C| K:Edor H:CDLQRWZ T:Hughie and Janet's March
ABC 6 C1:040411110317763 C2:duuuuuuuddduddu M:C| K:Edor H:CDLQRWZ T:Hughie and Janet's March
ABC 6 C1:040411110317763 C2:duuuuuuuddduddu M:C| K:Edor H:CDLQRWZ T:Hughie and Janet's March
ABC 1 C1:040411110317763 C2:duuuuuuuddduddu M:C| K:Edor H:CDLQRWZ T:Hughie and Janet's March
ABC 0 C1:000770050311000 C2:ddduuuddduudddu M:3/4 K:F#Min H:GLQS T:Hughie Graham
ABC 0 C1:000770050311000 C2:ddduuuddduudddu M:3/4 K:F#Min H:GLQS T:Hughie Graham
ABC 1 C1:010161070101610 C2:uududuudududddu M:4/4 K:G H:L T:Hughie Grame
ABC 1 C1:010161070101610 C2:uududuudududddu M:4/4 K:G H:L T:Hughie Grame
ABC 1 C1:010161070101610 C2:uududuudududddu M:4/4 K:G H:L T:Hughie Grame
ABC 478 C1:302776253263071 C2:uuddduduududuuu M:4/4 K:A H:CLRSZ T:Hughie Jim Paris
ABC 478 C1:302776253263071 C2:uuddduduududuuu M:4/4 K:A H:CLRSZ T:Hughie Jim Paris
ABC 1 C1:302776253263071 C2:uuddduduududuuu M:C| K:A H:"CRZ T:Hughie Jim Paris
ABC 1 C1:302776253263071 C2:uuddduduududuuu M:C| K:A H:"CRZ T:Hughie Jim Paris
ABC 1 C1:302776253263071 C2:uuddduduududuuu M:C| K:A H:"CRZ T:Hughie Jim Paris
ABC 1 C1:302776253263071 C2:uuddduduududuuu M:C| K:A H:"CRZ T:Hughie Jim Paris
ABC 1 C1:302776253263071 C2:uuddduduududuuu M:C| K:A H:"CRZ T:Hughie Jim Paris
ABC 1 C1:302776253263071 C2:uuddduduududuuu M:C| K:A H:"CRZ T:Hughie Jim Paris
ABC 1 C1:302776253263071 C2:uuddduduududuuu M:C| K:A H:"CRZ T:Hughie Jim Paris
ABC 1 C1:302776253263071 C2:uuddduduududuuu M:C| K:A H:"CRZ T:Hughie Jim Paris
ABC 1 C1:302776253263071 C2:uuddduduududuuu M:C| K:A H:"CRZ T:Hughie Jim Paris
ABC 1 C1:302776253263071 C2:uuddduduududuuu M:C| K:A H:"CRZ T:Hughie Jim Paris
ABC 1 C1:302776253263071 C2:uuddduduududuuu M:C| K:A H:"CRZ T:Hughie Jim Paris
ABC 1 C1:302776253263071 C2:uuddduduududuuu M:C| K:A H:"CRZ T:Hughie Jim Paris
ABC 1 C1:302776253263071 C2:uuddduduududuuu M:C| K:A H:"CRZ T:Hughie Jim Paris
ABC 1 C1:302776253263071 C2:uuddduduududuuu M:C| K:A H:"CRZ T:Hughie Jim Paris
ABC 1 C1:302776253227071 C2:uuddduduuudduuu M:C| K:A H:"CRSZ T:Hughie Jim Paris
ABC 1 C1:302776253227071 C2:uuddduduuudduuu M:C| K:A H:"CRSZ T:Hughie Jim Paris
ABC 1 C1:302776253227071 C2:uuddduduuudduuu M:C| K:A H:"CRSZ T:Hughie Jim Paris
ABC 1 C1:302776253227071 C2:uuddduduuudduuu M:C| K:A H:"CRSZ T:Hughie Jim Paris
ABC 1 C1:302776253227071 C2:uuddduduuudduuu M:C| K:A H:"CRSZ T:Hughie Jim Paris
ABC 1 C1:302776253227071 C2:uuddduduuudduuu M:C| K:A H:"CRSZ T:Hughie Jim Paris
ABC 1 C1:302776253227071 C2:uuddduduuudduuu M:C| K:A H:"CRSZ T:Hughie Jim Paris
ABC 1 C1:302776253227071 C2:uuddduduuudduuu M:C| K:A H:"CRSZ T:Hughie Jim Paris
ABC 1 C1:673027762532270 C2:dduuddduduuuddu M:C| K:A H:"CRSZ T:Hughie Jim Paris
ABC 1 C1:673027762532270 C2:dduuddduduuuddu M:C| K:A H:"CRSZ T:Hughie Jim Paris
ABC 1 C1:673027762532270 C2:dduuddduduuuddu M:C| K:A H:"CRSZ T:Hughie Jim Paris
ABC 1 C1:302776253227071 C2:uuddduduuudduuu M:C| K:A H:"CRSZ T:Hughie Jim Paris
ABC 1 C1:302776253263071 C2:uuddduduududuuu M:C| K:A H:"CRZ T:Hughie Jim Paris
ABC 1 C1:302776253227071 C2:uuddduduuudduuu M:C| K:A H:"CRSZ T:Hughie Jim Paris
ABC 1 C1:302776253263071 C2:uuddduduududuuu M:C| K:A H:"CRZ T:Hughie Jim Paris
ABC 1 C1:302776253227071 C2:uuddduduuudduuu M:C| K:A H:"CRSZ T:Hughie Jim Paris
ABC 1 C1:302776253263071 C2:uuddduduududuuu M:C| K:A H:"CRZ T:Hughie Jim Paris
ABC 1 C1:302776253263071 C2:uuddduduududuuu M:4/4 K:A H:CLRSZ T:Hughie Jim Paris
ABC 1 C1:302776253263071 C2:uuddduduududuuu M:4/4 K:A H:CLRSZ T:Hughie Jim Paris
ABC 478 C1:302776253263071 C2:uuddduduududuuu M:4/4 K:A H:CLRSZ T:Hughie Jim Paris
ABC 478 C1:302776253263071 C2:uuddduduududuuu M:4/4 K:A H:CLRSZ T:Hughie Jim Paris
ABC 1 C1:302776253263071 C2:uuddduduududuuu M:4/4 K:A H:CLRSZ T:Hughie Jim Paul's
ABC 1 C1:302776253263071 C2:uuddduduududuuu M:4/4 K:A H:CLRSZ T:Hughie Jim Paul's
ABC 1 C1:302776253263071 C2:uuddduduududuuu M:C| K:A H:"CRZ T:Hughie Jim Paul's Reel
ABC 1 C1:302776253263071 C2:uuddduduududuuu M:C| K:A H:"CRZ T:Hughie Jim Paul's Reel
ABC 1 C1:302776253263071 C2:uuddduduududuuu M:C| K:A H:"CRZ T:Hughie Jim Paul's Reel
ABC 1 C1:302776253263071 C2:uuddduduududuuu M:C| K:A H:"CRZ T:Hughie Jim Paul's Reel
ABC 1 C1:302776253263071 C2:uuddduduududuuu M:C| K:A H:"CRZ T:Hughie Jim Paul's Reel
ABC 1 C1:302776253263071 C2:uuddduduududuuu M:C| K:A H:"CRZ T:Hughie Jim Paul's Reel
ABC 1 C1:302776253263071 C2:uuddduduududuuu M:C| K:A H:"CRZ T:Hughie Jim Paul's Reel
ABC 1 C1:302776253263071 C2:uuddduduududuuu M:C| K:A H:"CRZ T:Hughie Jim Paul's Reel
ABC 1 C1:302776253263071 C2:uuddduduududuuu M:C| K:A H:"CRZ T:Hughie Jim Paul's Reel
ABC 1 C1:302776253263071 C2:uuddduduududuuu M:C| K:A H:"CRZ T:Hughie Jim Paul's Reel
ABC 1 C1:302776253263071 C2:uuddduduududuuu M:C| K:A H:"CRZ T:Hughie Jim Paul's Reel
ABC 1 C1:302776253263071 C2:uuddduduududuuu M:C| K:A H:"CRZ T:Hughie Jim Paul's Reel
ABC 1 C1:302776253263071 C2:uuddduduududuuu M:C| K:A H:"CRZ T:Hughie Jim Paul's Reel
ABC 1 C1:302776253263071 C2:uuddduduududuuu M:C| K:A H:"CRZ T:Hughie Jim Paul's Reel
ABC 1 C1:302776253227071 C2:uuddduduuudduuu M:C| K:A H:"CRSZ T:Hughie Jim Paul's Reel
ABC 1 C1:302776253227071 C2:uuddduduuudduuu M:C| K:A H:"CRSZ T:Hughie Jim Paul's Reel
ABC 1 C1:302776253227071 C2:uuddduduuudduuu M:C| K:A H:"CRSZ T:Hughie Jim Paul's Reel
ABC 1 C1:302776253227071 C2:uuddduduuudduuu M:C| K:A H:"CRSZ T:Hughie Jim Paul's Reel
ABC 1 C1:302776253227071 C2:uuddduduuudduuu M:C| K:A H:"CRSZ T:Hughie Jim Paul's Reel
ABC 1 C1:302776253227071 C2:uuddduduuudduuu M:C| K:A H:"CRSZ T:Hughie Jim Paul's Reel
ABC 1 C1:302776253227071 C2:uuddduduuudduuu M:C| K:A H:"CRSZ T:Hughie Jim Paul's Reel
ABC 1 C1:302776253227071 C2:uuddduduuudduuu M:C| K:A H:"CRSZ T:Hughie Jim Paul's Reel
ABC 1 C1:673027762532270 C2:dduuddduduuuddu M:C| K:A H:"CRSZ T:Hughie Jim Paul's Reel
ABC 1 C1:673027762532270 C2:dduuddduduuuddu M:C| K:A H:"CRSZ T:Hughie Jim Paul's Reel
ABC 1 C1:673027762532270 C2:dduuddduduuuddu M:C| K:A H:"CRSZ T:Hughie Jim Paul's Reel
ABC 1 C1:302776253227071 C2:uuddduduuudduuu M:C| K:A H:"CRSZ T:Hughie Jim Paul's Reel
ABC 1 C1:302776253263071 C2:uuddduduududuuu M:C| K:A H:"CRZ T:Hughie Jim Paul's Reel
ABC 1 C1:302776253227071 C2:uuddduduuudduuu M:C| K:A H:"CRSZ T:Hughie Jim Paul's Reel
ABC 1 C1:302776253263071 C2:uuddduduududuuu M:C| K:A H:"CRZ T:Hughie Jim Paul's Reel
ABC 1 C1:302776253227071 C2:uuddduduuudduuu M:C| K:A H:"CRSZ T:Hughie Jim Paul's Reel
ABC 1 C1:302776253263071 C2:uuddduduududuuu M:C| K:A H:"CRZ T:Hughie Jim Paul's Reel
ABC 16 C1:302776253227071 C2:uuddduduuudduuu M:C| K:A H:"R T:Hughie Jim Paul's Reel
ABC 294 C1:326361653227662 C2:uudududduuudddu M:C K:G H:"CLRZ T:Hughie Johnny Angus of West Mabou
ABC 1 C1:326361653227662 C2:uudududduuudddu M:C K:G H:"CLRZ T:Hughie Johnny Angus of West Mabou
ABC 41 C1:007705022571004 C2:ddduuddduuudddu M:4/4 K:D H:"BFLRSZ T:Hughie Martin's Schottische
ABC 1 C1:776466272367666 C2:dddudduduuddddu M:4/4 K:D H:CLORSZ T:Hughie Rory MacKinnon
ABC 1 C1:776466272367666 C2:dddudduduuddddu M:4/4 K:D H:CLORSZ T:Hughie Rory MacKinnon
ABC 1 C1:776466272367666 C2:dddudduduuddddu M:4/4 K:D H:CLORSZ T:Hughie Rory MacKinnon
ABC 1 C1:776466272367666 C2:dddudduduuddddu M:4/4 K:D H:CLORSZ T:Hughie Rory MacKinnon
ABC 1 C1:776466272367666 C2:dddudduduuddddu M:4/4 K:D H:CLORSZ T:Hughie Rory MacKinnon
ABC 1 C1:776466272367666 C2:dddudduduuddddu M:4/4 K:Amix H:LZ T:Hughie Rory MacKinnon
ABC 5 C1:776466272367666 C2:dddudduduuddddu M:4/4 K:D H:CLORSZ T:Hughie Rory MacKinnon
ABC 5 C1:776466272367666 C2:dddudduduuddddu M:4/4 K:D H:CLORSZ T:Hughie Rory MacKinnon
ABC 5 C1:776466272367666 C2:dddudduduuddddu M:4/4 K:D H:CLORSZ T:Hughie Rory MacKinnon
ABC 1 C1:776466272367666 C2:dddudduduuddddu M:4/4 K:Amix H:LZ T:Hughie Rory MacKinnon
ABC 39 C1:740020064400200 C2:ddudududuuudddd M:C K:A H:DL T:Hughie Rory MacKinnon
ABC 39 C1:740020064400200 C2:ddudududuuudddd M:C K:A H:DL T:Hughie Rory MacKinnon
ABC 26 C1:031177766071630 C2:uuudddddduduudu M:2/2 K:F H:CLRZ T:Hughie's Cap
ABC 1 C1:031177766071630 C2:uuudddddduduudu M:2/2 K:F H:CLRZ T:Hughie's Cap
ABC 1 C1:031177766071630 C2:uuudddddduduudu M:2/2 K:F H:CLRZ T:Hughie's Cap
ABC 1 C1:031177766071630 C2:uuudddddduduudu M:2/2 K:F H:CLRZ T:Hughie's Cap
ABC 1 C1:066211276000516 C2:dduuuuddududuud M: K:Ddor H:LR T:Hughie's Cap
ABC 2 C1:031177766006302 C2:uuudddddduuduuu M: K:Fmaj H:LR T:Hughie's Cap
ABC 3 C1:077077660311772 C2:dddddduuuuddudu M: K:Cdor H:LR T:Hughie's Cap
ABC 4 C1:031177766071630 C2:uuudddddduduudu M: K:Fmaj H:"LR T:Hughie's Cap
ABC 130 C1:031177766071630 C2:uuudddddduduudu M:2/2 K:F H:CLRZ T:Hughie's Cap
ABC 130 C1:031177766071630 C2:uuudddddduduudu M:2/2 K:F H:CLRZ T:Hughie's Cap
ABC 26 C1:031177766071630 C2:uuudddddduduudu M:2/2 K:F H:CLRZ T:Hughie's Cap
ABC 26 C1:031177766071630 C2:uuudddddduduudu M:2/2 K:F H:CLRZ T:Hughie's Cap
ABC 26 C1:031177766071630 C2:uuudddddduduudu M:2/2 K:F H:CLRZ T:Hughie's Cap
ABC 26 C1:031177766071630 C2:uuudddddduduudu M:2/2 K:F H:CLRZ T:Hughie's Cap
ABC 316 C1:031177766027035 C2:uuudddddududuuu M:C| K:Dmin H:CDZ T:Hughie's Cap
ABC 276 C1:031177766071630 C2:uuudddddduduudu M:2/2 K:F H:CLRZ T:Hughie's Cap
ABC 7279 C1:031177766071630 C2:uuudddddduduudu M:2/2 K:F H:CLRZ T:Hughie's Cap
ABC 7279 C1:031177766071630 C2:uuudddddduduudu M:2/2 K:F H:CLRZ T:Hughie's Cap
ABC 2678 C1:031177766071630 C2:uuudddddduduudu M:2/2 K:F H:CLOR T:Hughie's Cap
ABC 2678 C1:031177766071630 C2:uuudddddduduudu M:2/2 K:F H:CLOR T:Hughie's Cap
ABC 5786 C1:031177766071630 C2:uuudddddduduudu M:2/2 K:F H:CLRZ T:Hughie's Cap
ABC 5786 C1:031177766071630 C2:uuudddddduduudu M:2/2 K:F H:CLRZ T:Hughie's Cap
ABC 5786 C1:031177766071630 C2:uuudddddduduudu M:2/2 K:F H:CLRZ T:Hughie's Cap
ABC 52053 C1:031177766006302 C2:uuudddddduuduuu M:4/4 K:G H:CLQRYZ T:HUGHIE'S CAP (reel)
ABC 52053 C1:031177766006302 C2:uuudddddduuduuu M:4/4 K:G H:CLQRYZ T:HUGHIE'S CAP (reel)
ABC 52053 C1:031177766006302 C2:uuudddddduuduuu M:4/4 K:G H:CLQRYZ T:HUGHIE'S CAP (reel)
ABC 8 C1:022766631123071 C2:uudddduuuuududd M:C K:G H:ALORS T:Hughie Shortie
ABC 8 C1:022766631123071 C2:uudddduuuuududd M:C K:G H:ALORS T:Hughie Shortie
ABC 8 C1:022766631123071 C2:uudddduuuuududd M:C K:G H:ALORS T:Hughie Shortie
ABC 751 C1:112307166001600 C2:uuuududdudududd M:C| K:G H:CDHRZ T:Hughie Shortie's
ABC 751 C1:112307166001600 C2:uuuududdudududd M:C| K:G H:CDHRZ T:Hughie Shortie's
ABC 816 C1:112307166001600 C2:uuuududdudududd M:C| K:G H:CDHLORZ T:Hughie Shortie's
ABC 816 C1:112307166001600 C2:uuuududdudududd M:C| K:G H:CDHLORZ T:Hughie Shortie's
ABC 204 C1:022766631123071 C2:uudddduuuuududd M:4/4 K:G H:L T:Hughie Shortie's
ABC 1020 C1:022766631123071 C2:uudddduuuuududd M:4/4 K:G H:L T:Hughie Shortie's
ABC 816 C1:112307166001600 C2:uuuududdudududd M:C| K:G H:ACDLRZ T:Hughie Shortie's
ABC 3 C1:112307166621662 C2:uuuududdduudduu M:C| K:G H:"CIR T:Hughie Shortie's Reel $1(R-98)
ABC 1 C1:026366271123071 C2:ududduduuuududd M: K:G H:"COZ T:Hughie Shortie's Reel
ABC 1 C1:026366271123071 C2:ududduduuuududd M: K:G H:"COZ T:Hughie Shortie's Reel
ABC 1 C1:026366271123071 C2:ududduduuuududd M: K:G H:"COZ T:Hughie Shortie's Reel
ABC 1 C1:026366271123071 C2:ududduduuuududd M:C| K:G H:"CRSZ T:Hughie Shortie's Reel
ABC 1 C1:026366271123071 C2:ududduduuuududd M:C| K:G H:"CRSZ T:Hughie Shortie's Reel
ABC 1 C1:026366271123071 C2:ududduduuuududd M:C| K:G H:"CRSZ T:Hughie Shortie's Reel
ABC 1 C1:026366271123071 C2:ududduduuuududd M:C| K:G H:"CRSZ T:Hughie Shortie's Reel
ABC 1 C1:026366271123071 C2:ududduduuuududd M:C| K:G H:"CRSZ T:Hughie Shortie's Reel
ABC 1 C1:026366271123071 C2:ududduduuuududd M:C| K:G H:"CRSZ T:Hughie Shortie's Reel
ABC 1 C1:026366271123071 C2:ududduduuuududd M:C| K:G H:"CRSZ T:Hughie Shortie's Reel
ABC 1 C1:026366271123071 C2:ududduduuuududd M:C| K:G H:"CRSZ T:Hughie Shortie's Reel
ABC 1 C1:026366271123071 C2:ududduduuuududd M:C| K:G H:"CRSZ T:Hughie Shortie's Reel
ABC 1 C1:026366271123071 C2:ududduduuuududd M:C| K:G H:"CRSZ T:Hughie Shortie's Reel
ABC 1 C1:026366271123071 C2:ududduduuuududd M:C| K:G H:"CRSZ T:Hughie Shortie's Reel
ABC 1 C1:026366271123071 C2:ududduduuuududd M:C| K:G H:"CRSZ T:Hughie Shortie's Reel
ABC 1 C1:026366271123071 C2:ududduduuuududd M:C| K:G H:"CRSZ T:Hughie Shortie's Reel
ABC 1 C1:026366271123071 C2:ududduduuuududd M:C| K:G H:"CRSZ T:Hughie Shortie's Reel
ABC 1 C1:030227666311230 C2:uuudddduuuuudud M:C| K:G H:"BCLOSZ T:Hughie Shortie's Reel
ABC 1 C1:030227666311230 C2:uuudddduuuuudud M:C| K:G H:"BCLOSZ T:Hughie Shortie's Reel
ABC 1 C1:030227666311230 C2:uuudddduuuuudud M:C| K:G H:"BCLOSZ T:Hughie Shortie's Reel
ABC 1 C1:030227666311230 C2:uuudddduuuuudud M:C| K:G H:"BCLOSZ T:Hughie Shortie's Reel
ABC 1 C1:030227666311230 C2:uuudddduuuuudud M:C| K:G H:"BCLOSZ T:Hughie Shortie's Reel
ABC 1 C1:030227666311230 C2:uuudddduuuuudud M:C| K:G H:"BCLOSZ T:Hughie Shortie's Reel
ABC 1 C1:030227666311230 C2:uuudddduuuuudud M:C| K:G H:"BCLOSZ T:Hughie Shortie's Reel
ABC 1 C1:030227666311230 C2:uuudddduuuuudud M:C| K:G H:"BCLOSZ T:Hughie Shortie's Reel
ABC 1 C1:030227666311230 C2:uuudddduuuuudud M:C| K:G H:"BCLOSZ T:Hughie Shortie's Reel
ABC 1 C1:030227666311230 C2:uuudddduuuuudud M:C| K:G H:"BCLOSZ T:Hughie Shortie's Reel
ABC 1 C1:030227666311230 C2:uuudddduuuuudud M:C| K:G H:"BCLOSZ T:Hughie Shortie's Reel
ABC 1 C1:030227666311230 C2:uuudddduuuuudud M:C| K:G H:"BCLOSZ T:Hughie Shortie's Reel
ABC 1 C1:030227666311230 C2:uuudddduuuuudud M:C| K:G H:"BCLOSZ T:Hughie Shortie's Reel
ABC 1 C1:112307166621662 C2:uuuududdduudduu M:C| K:G H:"CRZ T:Hughie Shortie's Reel
ABC 3 C1:112307166621662 C2:uuuududdduudduu M:C| K:G H:"CIR T:Hughie Shortie's Reel
ABC 1 C1:112307166621662 C2:uuuududdduudduu M:C| K:G H:"CRZ T:Hughie Shortie's Reel
ABC 3 C1:030227666311230 C2:uuudddduuuuudud M:C| K:G H:"BCLOSZ T:Hughie Shortie's Reel
ABC 3 C1:030227666311230 C2:uuudddduuuuudud M:C| K:G H:"BCLOSZ T:Hughie Shortie's Reel
ABC 3 C1:030227666311230 C2:uuudddduuuuudud M:C| K:G H:"BCLOSZ T:Hughie Shortie's Reel
ABC 3 C1:030227666311230 C2:uuudddduuuuudud M:C| K:G H:"BCLOSZ T:Hughie Shortie's Reel
ABC 3 C1:030227666311230 C2:uuudddduuuuudud M:C| K:G H:"BCLOSZ T:Hughie Shortie's Reel
ABC 2 C1: C2: M:4/4 K:G H:CLRZ T:Hughie Shortie's Reel
ABC 14 C1:112307166621662 C2:uuuududdduudduu M:4/4 K:G H:"CLR T:Hughie Shortie's Reel
ABC 186 C1:112307166621662 C2:uuuududdduudduu M:C| K:G H:"CRZ T:Hughie Shortie's Reel
ABC 187 C1:112307166621662 C2:uuuududdduudduu M:C| K:G H:"CRZ T:Hughie Shortie's Reel
ABC 3 C1:112307166621662 C2:uuuududdduudduu M:C| K:G H:"CIR T:Hughie Shortie's Reel
ABC 3 C1:112307166621662 C2:uuuududdduudduu M:C| K:G H:"CIR T:Hughie Shortie's Reel
ABC 3 C1:030227666311230 C2:uuudddduuuuudud M:C| K:G H:"BCLOSZ T:Hughie Shortie's Reel (Hugh Shortie's Reel)
ABC 3 C1:030227666311230 C2:uuudddduuuuudud M:C| K:G H:"BCLOSZ T:Hughie Shortie's Reel (Hugh Shortie's Reel)
ABC 3 C1:030227666311230 C2:uuudddduuuuudud M:C| K:G H:"BCLOSZ T:Hughie Shortie's Reel (Hugh Shortie's Reel)
ABC 3 C1:030227666311230 C2:uuudddduuuuudud M:C| K:G H:"BCLOSZ T:Hughie Shortie's Reel (Hugh Shortie's Reel)
ABC 3 C1:030227666311230 C2:uuudddduuuuudud M:C| K:G H:"BCLOSZ T:Hughie Shortie's Reel (Hugh Shortie's Reel)
ABC 1 C1:112307166621662 C2:uuuududdduudduu M:C| K:G H:"RZ T:Hughie Shortie's Reel (Johny Wilmot; R-98)
ABC 1 C1:112307166621662 C2:uuuududdduudduu M:C| K:G H:"RZ T:Hughie Shortie's Reel (Johny Wilmot; R-98)
ABC 1 C1:112307166621662 C2:uuuududdduudduu M:C| K:G H:"RZ T:Hughie Shortie's Reel (Johny Wilmot; R-98)
ABC 1 C1:112307166621662 C2:uuuududdduudduu M:C| K:G H:"RZ T:Hughie Shortie's Reel (Johny Wilmot; R-98)
ABC 1 C1:112307166621662 C2:uuuududdduudduu M:C| K:G H:"RZ T:Hughie Shortie's Reel (Johny Wilmot; R-98)
ABC 1 C1:112307166621662 C2:uuuududdduudduu M:C| K:G H:"RZ T:Hughie Shortie's Reel (Johny Wilmot; R-98)
ABC 1 C1:112307166621662 C2:uuuududdduudduu M:C| K:G H:"CRZ T:Hughie Shortie's Reel (r-98)
ABC 204 C1:022766631123071 C2:uudddduuuuududd M:4/4 K:G H:L T:Hughie Shorty's
ABC 216 C1:302276627112306 C2:uuuuddduduuuudu M:C K:G H:"CLR T:Hughie Shorty's
ABC 216 C1:302276627112306 C2:uuuuddduduuuudu M:C K:G H:"CLR T:Hughie Shorty's
ABC 517 C1:302276627112306 C2:uuuuddduduuuudu M:C K:G H:"CLR T:Hughie Shorty's
ABC 517 C1:302276627112306 C2:uuuuddduduuuudu M:C K:G H:"CLR T:Hughie Shorty's
ABC 517 C1:302276627112306 C2:uuuuddduduuuudu M:C K:G H:"CLR T:Hughie Shorty's
ABC 517 C1:302276627112306 C2:uuuuddduduuuudu M:C K:G H:"CLR T:Hughie Shorty's
ABC 1 C1:112300776001600 C2:uuuudddudududdd M:4/4 K:G H:CLR T:Hughie Shorty's
ABC 24 C1:022766271123062 C2:uuuddduduuuuduu M:C| K:G H:BCDHLOQRSZ T:Hughie Shorty's
ABC 24 C1:022766271123062 C2:uuuddduduuuuduu M:C| K:G H:BCDHLOQRSZ T:Hughie Shorty's
ABC 24 C1:022766271123062 C2:uuuddduduuuuduu M:C| K:G H:BCDHLOQRSZ T:Hughie Shorty's
ABC 24 C1:022766271123062 C2:uuuddduduuuuduu M:C| K:G H:BCDHLOQRSZ T:Hughie Shorty's
ABC 24 C1:022766271123062 C2:uuuddduduuuuduu M:C| K:G H:BCDLOQRZ T:Hughie Shorty's
ABC 1 C1:112307166621662 C2:uuuududdduudduu M: K:Gmaj H:"LR T:Hughie Shorty's
ABC 2 C1:001261771123007 C2:uududduuuudddud M: K:Gmaj H:LR T:Hughie Shorty's
ABC 3 C1:110227077702230 C2:uuuudddduuududd M: K:Gmaj H:LR T:Hughie Shorty's
ABC 4 C1:210227662711230 C2:uuuuddduduuuudu M: K:Gmaj H:LR T:Hughie Shorty's
ABC 216 C1:302276627112306 C2:uuuuddduduuuudu M:C K:G H:"CLR T:Hughie Shorty's
ABC 517 C1:302276627112306 C2:uuuuddduduuuudu M:C K:G H:"CLR T:Hughie Shorty's
ABC 7273 C1:022766271123062 C2:uuuddduduuuuduu M:C| K:G H:BCDLOQRZ T:Hughie Shorty's
ABC 7274 C1:022766271123062 C2:uuuddduduuuuduu M:C| K:G H:BCDLOQR T:Hughie Shorty's
ABC 7274 C1:022766271123062 C2:uuuddduduuuuduu M:C| K:G H:BCDLOQR T:Hughie Shorty's
ABC 7273 C1:022766271123062 C2:uuuddduduuuuduu M:C| K:G H:BCDLOQRZ T:Hughie Shorty's
ABC 3 C1:112307166621662 C2:uuuududdduudduu M:C| K:G H:"CIR T:Hughie Shorty's Reel $1(R-98)
ABC 1 C1:026366271123071 C2:ududduduuuududd M:C| K:G H:"CRZ T:Hughie Shorty's Reel
ABC 14 C1:112307166621662 C2:uuuududdduudduu M:4/4 K:G H:"CLR T:Hughie Shorty's Reel
ABC 1 C1:026366271123071 C2:ududduduuuududd M:C| K:G H:"CLR T:Hughie Shorty's Reel
ABC 1 C1:026366271123071 C2:ududduduuuududd M: K:G H:"COZ T:Hughie Shorty's Reel
ABC 1 C1:026366271123071 C2:ududduduuuududd M: K:G H:"COZ T:Hughie Shorty's Reel
ABC 1 C1:026366271123071 C2:ududduduuuududd M: K:G H:"COZ T:Hughie Shorty's Reel
ABC 1 C1:026366271123071 C2:ududduduuuududd M: K:G H:"COZ T:Hughie Shorty's Reel
ABC 1 C1:026366271123071 C2:ududduduuuududd M: K:G H:"COZ T:Hughie Shorty's Reel
ABC 1 C1:026366271123071 C2:ududduduuuududd M: K:G H:"COZ T:Hughie Shorty's Reel
ABC 1 C1:026366271123071 C2:ududduduuuududd M: K:G H:"COZ T:Hughie Shorty's Reel
ABC 1 C1:026366271123071 C2:ududduduuuududd M: K:G H:"COZ T:Hughie Shorty's Reel
ABC 1 C1:026366271123071 C2:ududduduuuududd M: K:G H:"COZ T:Hughie Shorty's Reel
ABC 1 C1:026366271123071 C2:ududduduuuududd M: K:G H:"COZ T:Hughie Shorty's Reel
ABC 1 C1:026366271123071 C2:ududduduuuududd M: K:G H:"COZ T:Hughie Shorty's Reel
ABC 1 C1:026366271123071 C2:ududduduuuududd M:C| K:G H:"CRZ T:Hughie Shorty's Reel
ABC 1 C1:026366271123071 C2:ududduduuuududd M:C| K:G H:"CRZ T:Hughie Shorty's Reel
ABC 118 C1:022766271123071 C2:uuddduduuuududd M:C| K:G H:"BCLORSZ T:Hughie Shorty's reel
ABC 118 C1:022766271123071 C2:uuddduduuuududd M:C| K:G H:"BCLORSZ T:Hughie Shorty's reel
ABC 118 C1:022766271123071 C2:uuddduduuuududd M:C| K:G H:"BCLORSZ T:Hughie Shorty's reel
ABC 118 C1:022766271123071 C2:uuddduduuuududd M:C| K:G H:"BCLORSZ T:Hughie Shorty's reel
ABC 1 C1:026366271123071 C2:ududduduuuududd M:C| K:G H:"CRSZ T:Hughie Shorty's Reel
ABC 1 C1:026366271123071 C2:ududduduuuududd M:C| K:G H:"CRSZ T:Hughie Shorty's Reel
ABC 1 C1:026366271123071 C2:ududduduuuududd M:C| K:G H:"CRSZ T:Hughie Shorty's Reel
ABC 1 C1:026366271123071 C2:ududduduuuududd M:C| K:G H:"CRSZ T:Hughie Shorty's Reel
ABC 1 C1:026366271123071 C2:ududduduuuududd M:C| K:G H:"CRSZ T:Hughie Shorty's Reel
ABC 1 C1:026366271123071 C2:ududduduuuududd M:C| K:G H:"CRSZ T:Hughie Shorty's Reel
ABC 1 C1:026366271123071 C2:ududduduuuududd M:C| K:G H:"CRSZ T:Hughie Shorty's Reel
ABC 1 C1:026366271123071 C2:ududduduuuududd M:C| K:G H:"CRSZ T:Hughie Shorty's Reel
ABC 1 C1:026366271123071 C2:ududduduuuududd M:C| K:G H:"CRSZ T:Hughie Shorty's Reel
ABC 1 C1:026366271123071 C2:ududduduuuududd M:C| K:G H:"CRSZ T:Hughie Shorty's Reel
ABC 1 C1:026366271123071 C2:ududduduuuududd M:C| K:G H:"CRSZ T:Hughie Shorty's Reel
ABC 1 C1:026366271123071 C2:ududduduuuududd M:C| K:G H:"CRSZ T:Hughie Shorty's Reel
ABC 3 C1:112307166621662 C2:uuuududdduudduu M:C| K:G H:"CIR T:Hughie Shorty's Reel
ABC 1 C1:030227666311230 C2:uuudddduuuuudud M:C| K:G H:"BCLOSZ T:Hughie Shorty's Reel
ABC 1 C1:030227666311230 C2:uuudddduuuuudud M:C| K:G H:"BCLOSZ T:Hughie Shorty's Reel
ABC 1 C1:030227666311230 C2:uuudddduuuuudud M:C| K:G H:"BCLOSZ T:Hughie Shorty's Reel
ABC 1 C1:030227666311230 C2:uuudddduuuuudud M:C| K:G H:"BCLOSZ T:Hughie Shorty's Reel
ABC 1 C1:030227666311230 C2:uuudddduuuuudud M:C| K:G H:"BCLOSZ T:Hughie Shorty's Reel
ABC 1 C1:030227666311230 C2:uuudddduuuuudud M:C| K:G H:"BCLOSZ T:Hughie Shorty's Reel
ABC 1 C1:030227666311230 C2:uuudddduuuuudud M:C| K:G H:"BCLOSZ T:Hughie Shorty's Reel
ABC 1 C1:030227666311230 C2:uuudddduuuuudud M:C| K:G H:"BCLOSZ T:Hughie Shorty's Reel
ABC 1 C1:030227666311230 C2:uuudddduuuuudud M:C| K:G H:"BCLOSZ T:Hughie Shorty's Reel
ABC 1 C1:030227666311230 C2:uuudddduuuuudud M:C| K:G H:"BCLOSZ T:Hughie Shorty's Reel
ABC 1 C1:030227666311230 C2:uuudddduuuuudud M:C| K:G H:"BCLOSZ T:Hughie Shorty's Reel
ABC 1 C1:030227666311230 C2:uuudddduuuuudud M:C| K:G H:"BCLOSZ T:Hughie Shorty's Reel
ABC 1 C1:030227666311230 C2:uuudddduuuuudud M:C| K:G H:"BCLOSZ T:Hughie Shorty's Reel
ABC 1 C1:030227666311230 C2:uuudddduuuuudud M:C| K:G H:"BCLOSZ T:Hughie Shorty's Reel
ABC 1 C1:030227666311230 C2:uuudddduuuuudud M:C| K:G H:"BCLOSZ T:Hughie Shorty's Reel
ABC 1 C1:030227666311230 C2:uuudddduuuuudud M:C| K:G H:"BCLOSZ T:Hughie Shorty's Reel
ABC 1 C1:030227666311230 C2:uuudddduuuuudud M:C| K:G H:"BCLOSZ T:Hughie Shorty's Reel
ABC 1 C1:030227666311230 C2:uuudddduuuuudud M:C| K:G H:"BCLOSZ T:Hughie Shorty's Reel
ABC 1 C1:030227666311230 C2:uuudddduuuuudud M:C| K:G H:"BCLOSZ T:Hughie Shorty's Reel
ABC 1 C1:030227666311230 C2:uuudddduuuuudud M:C| K:G H:"BCLOSZ T:Hughie Shorty's Reel
ABC 1 C1:030227666311230 C2:uuudddduuuuudud M:C| K:G H:"BCLOSZ T:Hughie Shorty's Reel
ABC 1 C1:030227666311230 C2:uuudddduuuuudud M:C| K:G H:"BCLOSZ T:Hughie Shorty's Reel
ABC 1 C1:030227666311230 C2:uuudddduuuuudud M:C| K:G H:"BCLOSZ T:Hughie Shorty's Reel
ABC 1 C1:030227666311230 C2:uuudddduuuuudud M:C| K:G H:"BCLOSZ T:Hughie Shorty's Reel
ABC 1 C1:030227666311230 C2:uuudddduuuuudud M:C| K:G H:"BCLOSZ T:Hughie Shorty's Reel
ABC 1 C1:030227666311230 C2:uuudddduuuuudud M:C| K:G H:"BCLOSZ T:Hughie Shorty's Reel
ABC 1 C1:030227666311230 C2:uuudddduuuuudud M:C| K:G H:"BCLOSZ T:Hughie Shorty's Reel
ABC 1 C1:030227666311230 C2:uuudddduuuuudud M:C| K:G H:"BCLOSZ T:Hughie Shorty's Reel
ABC 1 C1:030227666311230 C2:uuudddduuuuudud M:C| K:G H:"BCLOSZ T:Hughie Shorty's Reel
ABC 1 C1:030227666311230 C2:uuudddduuuuudud M:C| K:G H:"BCLOSZ T:Hughie Shorty's Reel
ABC 1 C1:030227666311230 C2:uuudddduuuuudud M:C| K:G H:"BCLOSZ T:Hughie Shorty's Reel
ABC 1 C1:030227666311230 C2:uuudddduuuuudud M:C| K:G H:"BCLOSZ T:Hughie Shorty's Reel
ABC 1 C1:030227666311230 C2:uuudddduuuuudud M:C| K:G H:"BCLOSZ T:Hughie Shorty's Reel
ABC 1 C1:030227666311230 C2:uuudddduuuuudud M:C| K:G H:"BCLOSZ T:Hughie Shorty's Reel
ABC 1 C1:030227666311230 C2:uuudddduuuuudud M:C| K:G H:"BCLOSZ T:Hughie Shorty's Reel
ABC 1 C1:030227666311230 C2:uuudddduuuuudud M:C| K:G H:"BCLOSZ T:Hughie Shorty's Reel
ABC 1 C1:030227666311230 C2:uuudddduuuuudud M:C| K:G H:"BCLOSZ T:Hughie Shorty's Reel
ABC 3 C1:026366271123071 C2:ududduduuuududd M:C| K:G H:"CRZ T:Hughie Shorty's Reel
ABC 1 C1:026366271123071 C2:ududduduuuududd M:C| K:G H:"CRZ T:Hughie Shorty's Reel
ABC 1 C1:026366271123071 C2:ududduduuuududd M:C| K:G H:"CRZ T:Hughie Shorty's Reel
ABC 134 C1:026366271123071 C2:ududduduuuududd M:C| K:G H:"CLR T:Hughie Shorty's Reel
ABC 134 C1:026366271123071 C2:ududduduuuududd M:C| K:G H:"CLR T:Hughie Shorty's Reel
ABC 126 C1:000206030606020 C2:ududduduuuududd M:2/2 K:G H:CL T:Hughie Shorty's Reel
ABC 126 C1:000206030606020 C2:ududduduuuududd M:2/2 K:G H:CL T:Hughie Shorty's Reel
ABC 71 C1:026366271123071 C2:ududduduuuududd M:C| K:G H:"CRSZ T:Hughie Shorty's Reel
ABC 71 C1:026366271123071 C2:ududduduuuududd M:C| K:G H:"CRSZ T:Hughie Shorty's Reel
ABC 146 C1:026366271123071 C2:ududduduuuududd M:C| K:G H:"CLR T:Hughie Shorty's Reel
ABC 118 C1:022766271123071 C2:uuddduduuuududd M:C| K:G H:"BCLORSZ T:Hughie Shorty's reel
ABC 2 C1:030227666311230 C2:uuudddduuuuudud M:C| K:G H:"BCLOSZ T:Hughie Shorty's Reel (Hugh Shorty's Reel)
ABC 1 C1:026366271123071 C2:ududduduuuududd M:C| K:G H:"RZ T:Hughie Shorty's Reel (Johny Wilmot; R-98)
ABC 1 C1:112307166621662 C2:uuuududdduudduu M:C| K:G H:"RZ T:Hughie Shorty's Reel (Johny Wilmot; R-98)
ABC 1 C1:112307166621662 C2:uuuududdduudduu M:C| K:G H:"RZ T:Hughie Shorty's Reel (Johny Wilmot; R-98)
ABC 1 C1:112307166621662 C2:uuuududdduudduu M:C| K:G H:"RZ T:Hughie Shorty's Reel (Johny Wilmot; R-98)
ABC 1 C1:112307166621662 C2:uuuududdduudduu M:C| K:G H:"RZ T:Hughie Shorty's Reel (Johny Wilmot; R-98)
ABC 1 C1:112307166621662 C2:uuuududdduudduu M:C| K:G H:"RZ T:Hughie Shorty's Reel (Johny Wilmot; R-98)
ABC 1 C1:112307166621662 C2:uuuududdduudduu M:C| K:G H:"RZ T:Hughie Shorty's Reel (Johny Wilmot; R-98)
ABC 1 C1:001107776037601 C2:uuddddudduuduuu M:4/4 K:Am H:CLR T:HUGHIE SMITH'S
ABC 5456 C1:001107776037601 C2:uuddddudduuduuu M:4/4 K:Am H:CLR T:HUGHIE SMITH'S
ABC 5456 C1:001107776037601 C2:uuddddudduuduuu M:4/4 K:Am H:CLR T:HUGHIE SMITH'S
ABC 5456 C1:001107776037601 C2:uuddddudduuduuu M:4/4 K:Am H:CLR T:HUGHIE SMITH'S
ABC 5456 C1:001107776037601 C2:uuddddudduuduuu M:4/4 K:Am H:CLR T:HUGHIE SMITH'S
ABC 5456 C1:001107776037601 C2:uuddddudduuduuu M:4/4 K:Am H:CLR T:HUGHIE SMITH'S
ABC 7275 C1:001107776037601 C2:uuddddudduuduuu M:4/4 K:Am H:CLR T:HUGHIE SMITH'S
ABC 7275 C1:001107776037601 C2:uuddddudduuduuu M:4/4 K:Am H:CLR T:HUGHIE SMITH'S
ABC 2676 C1:001107776037601 C2:uuddddudduuduuu M:4/4 K:Am H:CLOR T:HUGHIE SMITH'S
ABC 2676 C1:001107776037601 C2:uuddddudduuduuu M:4/4 K:Am H:CLOR T:HUGHIE SMITH'S
ABC 5784 C1:001107776037601 C2:uuddddudduuduuu M:4/4 K:Am H:CLR T:HUGHIE SMITH'S
ABC 5784 C1:001107776037601 C2:uuddddudduuduuu M:4/4 K:Am H:CLR T:HUGHIE SMITH'S
ABC 5784 C1:001107776037601 C2:uuddddudduuduuu M:4/4 K:Am H:CLR T:HUGHIE SMITH'S
ABC 1 C1:110010770013730 C2:uuudduuduududdd M:3/4 K:A H:BLw T:Hughie the Graeme
ABC 1 C1:110010770013730 C2:uuudduuduududdd M:3/4 K:A H:BLw T:Hughie the Graeme
ABC 0 C1:010161070101614 C2:uududuudududddu M:4/4 K:DDor H:LQS T:Hughie the Graeme
ABC 6 C1:300177110027770 C2:uudduuuddduuduu M:3/4 K:F# H:LSZ T:Hughie the Graeme
ABC 1 C1:110010770013730 C2:uuudduuduududdd M:3/4 K:A H:BLw T:Hughie the Graeme
ABC 0 C1:010161070101614 C2:uududuudududddu M:4/4 K:DDor H:LQS T:Hughie the Graeme
ABC 1 C1:031177766006302 C2:uuudddddduuduuu M:4/4 K:Fmaj H:CL T:Hughie’s Cap
ABC 1 C1:077077660311772 C2:dddddduuuuddudu M:4/4 K:C H:RSZ T:Hughie’s Cap
ABC 20 C1:607162266277673 C2:dduduuddudddduu M:C| K:G H:LRSZ T:Hughie Travers' # 1
ABC 20 C1:607162266277673 C2:dduduuddudddduu M:C| K:G H:LRSZ T:Hughie Travers' # 1
ABC 529 C1:607162266277673 C2:dduduuddudddduu M:C| K:G H:LRSZ T:Hughie Travers' # 1
ABC 1 C1:276176210354433 C2:uddudduuududuud M:4/4 K:G H:LRSZ T:Hughie Travers' # 2
ABC 1 C1:276176210354433 C2:uddudduuududuud M:4/4 K:G H:LRSZ T:Hughie Travers' # 2
ABC 1 C1:276176210354433 C2:uddudduuududuud M:4/4 K:G H:LRSZ T:Hughie Travers' # 2
ABC 1 C1:276176210354433 C2:uddudduuududuud M:4/4 K:G H:LRSZ T:Hughie Travers' # 2
ABC 1 C1:276176210354433 C2:uddudduuududuud M:4/4 K:G H:LRSZ T:Hughie Travers' # 2
ABC 1 C1:671064661177223 C2:ddududduudduuuu M:6/8 K:D H:DRZ T:Hughie Travers'
ABC 66060 C1:671064661177223 C2:ddududduudduuuu M:6/8 K:D H:CDQR T:HUGHIE TRAVERS'
ABC 1 C1:767100266100722 C2:ddduudduduuuddd M:6/8 K:HP H:CLQS T:Hughie Travers
ABC 1 C1:767100266100722 C2:ddduudduduuuddd M:6/8 K:HP H:CLQS T:Hughie Travers
ABC 1 C1:767100266100722 C2:ddduudduduuuddd M:6/8 K:HP H:CLQS T:Hughie Travers
ABC 1 C1:760000622662777 C2:ddduudduddduduu M:C K:HP H:CLQS T:Hughie Travers
ABC 1 C1:760000622662777 C2:ddduudduddduduu M:C K:HP H:CLQS T:Hughie Travers
ABC 1 C1:760000622662777 C2:ddduudduddduduu M:C K:HP H:CLQS T:Hughie Travers
ABC 13 C1:026442600267150 C2:ududududduduudu M:4/4 K:Am H:LR T:Hughie Travers'
ABC 13 C1:026442600267150 C2:ududududduduudu M:4/4 K:Am H:LR T:Hughie Travers'
ABC 1 C1:671002661177223 C2:dduudduudduuudd M:6/8 K:Gmaj H:LR T:Hughie Travers'
ABC 327 C1:671064661177223 C2:ddududduudduuuu M:6/8 K:D H:DRZ T:Hughie Travers'
ABC 327 C1:671064661177223 C2:ddududduudduuuu M:6/8 K:D H:DRZ T:Hughie Travers'
ABC 13 C1:035443760267150 C2:udududdudduduud M:4/4 K:Am H:LR T:Hughie Travers'
ABC 13 C1:035443760267150 C2:udududdudduduud M:4/4 K:Am H:LR T:Hughie Travers'
ABC 1 C1:671002661177223 C2:dduudduudduuudd M:6/8 K:Gmaj H:LR T:Hughie Travers'
ABC 327 C1:671064661177223 C2:ddududduudduuuu M:6/8 K:D H:DRZ T:Hughie Travers'
ABC 327 C1:671064661177223 C2:ddududduudduuuu M:6/8 K:D H:DRZ T:Hughie Travers'
ABC 300 C1:671002661177223 C2:dduudduudduuudd M:6/8 K:G H:LZ T:Hughie Travers'
ABC 61 C1:671002661177223 C2:dduudduudduuudd M:6/8 K:G H:LZ T:Hughie Travers'
ABC 66060 C1:671064661177223 C2:ddududduudduuuu M:6/8 K:D H:CDQR T:HUGHIE TRAVERS'
ABC 66060 C1:671064661177223 C2:ddududduudduuuu M:6/8 K:D H:CDQR T:HUGHIE TRAVERS'
ABC 1 C1:671002661177223 C2:dduudduudduuudu M: K:Gmaj H:LR T:Hughie Travers'
ABC 2 C1:671064661177223 C2:ddududduudduuud M: K:Dmaj H:LR T:Hughie Travers'
ABC 3 C1:671002661007223 C2:dduudduduuuuddd M: K:Gmaj H:LR T:Hughie Travers'
ABC 4 C1:671002661007223 C2:dduudduduuuuddd M: K:Gmaj H:LR T:Hughie Travers'
ABC 5 C1:661007223006767 C2:dduduuudddduddd M: K:Amaj H:LR T:Hughie Travers'
ABC 6 C1:671064661177223 C2:ddududduudduuud M: K:Dmaj H:LR T:Hughie Travers'
ABC 1 C1:016176210354431 C2:ududduuududuuud M: K:Ador H:LR T:Hughie Travers'
ABC 2 C1:366176210354431 C2:uddudduuududuuu M: K:Ador H:LR T:Hughie Travers'
ABC 3 C1:035443500161762 C2:udududududduuud M: K:Ador H:LR T:Hughie Travers'
ABC 4 C1:035443502761762 C2:ududududdudduuu M: K:Ador H:LR T:Hughie Travers'
ABC 5 C1:016176300301431 C2:ududduuuduuuddd M: K:Ador H:LR T:Hughie Travers'
ABC 6 C1:035443503661762 C2:ududududdudduuu M: K:Ador H:LR T:Hughie Travers'
ABC 7 C1:035443502761762 C2:ududududdudduuu M: K:Ador H:LR T:Hughie Travers'
ABC 1 C1:116071062266277 C2:uudduduuddudddd M: K:Gmaj H:LR T:Hughie Travers'
ABC 2 C1:607106226627767 C2:dduduuddudddduu M: K:Gmaj H:LR T:Hughie Travers'
ABC 3 C1:066176730223117 C2:dduddduuuuuuudd M: K:Gmaj H:LR T:Hughie Travers'
ABC 4 C1:607106226627767 C2:dduduuddudddduu M: K:Gmaj H:LR T:Hughie Travers'
ABC 5 C1:116071062266277 C2:uudduduuddudddd M: K:Gmaj H:LR T:Hughie Travers'
ABC 6 C1:420006226610767 C2:duduudduddduuuu M: K:Gmaj H:LR T:Hughie Travers'
ABC 720 C1:607106226627767 C2:dduduuddudddduu M:C K:G H:LZ T:Hughie Travers'
ABC 147 C1:607106226627767 C2:dduduuddudddduu M:C K:G H:LZ T:Hughie Travers'
ABC 147 C1:607106226627767 C2:dduduuddudddduu M:C K:G H:LZ T:Hughie Travers'
ABC 335 C1:035443500161762 C2:udududududduuud M:C| K:Ador H:RZ T:Hughie Traver's
ABC 341 C1:671002661177211 C2:dduudduudduuuud M:6/8 K:Gmaj H:"HLRZ T:Hughie Travers'
ABC 55 C1:671002661177223 C2:dduudduudduuudd M:6/8 K:Gmaj H:LR T:Hughie Travers'
ABC 327 C1:671064661177223 C2:ddududduudduuuu M:6/8 K:D H:DRZ T:Hughie Travers'
ABC 327 C1:671064661177223 C2:ddududduudduuuu M:6/8 K:D H:DRZ T:Hughie Travers'
ABC 327 C1:671064661177223 C2:ddududduudduuuu M:6/8 K:D H:DRZ T:Hughie Travers'
ABC 7276 C1:607106226627767 C2:dduduuddudddduu M:C K:G H:LZ T:Hughie Travers'
ABC 7277 C1:671002661177223 C2:dduudduudduuudd M:6/8 K:G H:LZ T:Hughie Travers'
ABC 7278 C1:671064661177223 C2:ddududduudduuuu M:6/8 K:D H:DRZ T:Hughie Travers'
ABC 7276 C1:607106226627767 C2:dduduuddudddduu M:C K:G H:LZ T:Hughie Travers'
ABC 7277 C1:671002661177223 C2:dduudduudduuudd M:6/8 K:G H:LZ T:Hughie Travers'
ABC 7278 C1:671064661177223 C2:ddududduudduuuu M:6/8 K:D H:DRZ T:Hughie Travers'
ABC 2677 C1:671064661177223 C2:ddududduudduuuu M:6/8 K:D H:DOR T:Hughie Travers'
ABC 2677 C1:671064661177223 C2:ddududduudduuuu M:6/8 K:D H:DOR T:Hughie Travers'
ABC 327 C1:671064661177223 C2:ddududduudduuuu M:6/8 K:D H:DRZ T:Hughie Travers'
ABC 327 C1:671064661177223 C2:ddududduudduuuu M:6/8 K:D H:DRZ T:Hughie Travers'
ABC 5785 C1:671064661177223 C2:ddududduudduuuu M:6/8 K:D H:DRZ T:Hughie Travers'
ABC 5785 C1:671064661177223 C2:ddududduudduuuu M:6/8 K:D H:DRZ T:Hughie Travers'
ABC 5785 C1:671064661177223 C2:ddududduudduuuu M:6/8 K:D H:DRZ T:Hughie Travers'
ABC 327 C1:671064661177223 C2:ddududduudduuuu M:6/8 K:D H:DRZ T:Hughie Travers'
ABC 327 C1:671064661177223 C2:ddududduudduuuu M:6/8 K:D H:DRZ T:Hughie Travers'
ABC 1 C1:116071062266277 C2:uudduduuddudddd M:4/4 K:G H:LR T:Hughie Travers' No. 1
ABC 103 C1:116071062266277 C2:uudduduuddudddd M:4/4 K:G H:LR T:Hughie Travers� No. 1
ABC 1 C1:276176210354433 C2:uddudduuududuud M:4/4 K:Ador H:LRZ T:Hughie Travers No. 2
ABC 2 C1:366176210441111 C2:uddudduuuduuuuu M:4/4 K:Ador H:LR T:Hughie Travers (No. 2)
ABC 23 C1:366176210441111 C2:uddudduuuduuuuu M:4/4 K:G H:LRZ T:Hughie Travers' No. 2
ABC 23 C1:366176210441111 C2:uddudduuuduuuuu M:4/4 K:G H:LRZ T:Hughie Travers' No. 2
ABC 532 C1:366176210441111 C2:uddudduuuduuuuu M:4/4 K:G H:LRZ T:Hughie Travers' No. 2
ABC 1 C1:607106226627767 C2:dduduuddudddduu M:4/4 K:G H:"CDLOQRSZ T:Hughie Traver's Reel #1 (G major)
ABC 1 C1:035443502761762 C2:ududududdudduuu M:4/4 K:A H:"CDLOQRZ T:Hughie Traver's Reel #2 (A dorian)
ABC 1 C1:671064661177223 C2:ddududduudduuud M:6/8 K:Dmaj H:LR T:Hughie Travers’
ABC 1 C1:671002661007223 C2:dduudduduuuuddd M:6/8 K:Gmaj H:LR T:Hughie Travers’
ABC 1 C1:607106226627767 C2:dduduuddudddduu M:4/4 K:Gmaj H:LR T:Hughie Travers’
ABC 13 C1:035443760267150 C2:udududdudduduud M:4/4 K:Am H:LR T:Hughie Travers’
ABC 141071 C1:011062011011077 C2:uuduuuuudddduud M:6/8 K:D H:CLQZ T:HUGH KELLY
ABC 141071 C1:011062011011077 C2:uuduuuuudddduud M:6/8 K:D H:CLQZ T:HUGH KELLY
ABC 141071 C1:011062011011077 C2:uuduuuuudddduud M:6/8 K:D H:CLQZ T:HUGH KELLY
ABC 1 C1:402646531473323 C2:dduuduuduuddudu M:C| K:HP H:CLQS T:Hugh Kennedy. M.A. B.Sc
ABC 1 C1:402646531473323 C2:dduuduuduuddudu M:C| K:HP H:CLQS T:Hugh Kennedy. M.A. B.Sc
ABC 1680 C1:176571550077716 C2:uddudududdduddd M:4/4 K:G H:BLORbs T:Hugh McArdle's Fancy #1
ABC 1680 C1:176571550077716 C2:uddudududdduddd M:4/4 K:G H:BLORbs T:Hugh McArdle's Fancy #1
ABC 1680 C1:176571550077716 C2:uddudududdduddd M:4/4 K:G H:BLORbs T:Hugh McArdle's Fancy #1
ABC 1680 C1:176571550077716 C2:uddudududdduddd M:4/4 K:G H:BLORbs T:Hugh McArdle's Fancy #1
ABC 1680 C1:176571550077716 C2:uddudududdduddd M:4/4 K:G H:BLORbs T:Hugh McArdle's Fancy #1
ABC 1680 C1:176571550077716 C2:uddudududdduddd M:4/4 K:G H:BLORbs T:Hugh McArdle's Fancy #1
ABC 1680 C1:176571550077716 C2:uddudududdduddd M:4/4 K:G H:BLORbs T:Hugh McArdle's Fancy #1
ABC 1680 C1:176571550077716 C2:uddudududdduddd M:4/4 K:G H:BLORbs T:Hugh McArdle's Fancy #1
ABC 492093 C1:176571550077716 C2:uddudududdduddd M:C| K:G H:BLQRSZ T:HUGH MCARDLE'S FANCY
ABC 1680 C1:176571550077716 C2:uddudududdduddd M:4/4 K:G H:BLORbs T:Hugh McArdle's Fancy
ABC 1680 C1:176571550077716 C2:uddudududdduddd M:4/4 K:G H:BLORbs T:Hugh McArdle's Fancy
ABC 1680 C1:176571550077716 C2:uddudududdduddd M:4/4 K:G H:BLORbs T:Hugh McArdle's Fancy
ABC 1680 C1:176571550077716 C2:uddudududdduddd M:4/4 K:G H:BLORbs T:Hugh McArdle's Fancy
ABC 1798 C1:176571550077716 C2:uddudududdduddd M:4/4 K:G H:BL T:Hugh McArdle's Fancy
ABC 1798 C1:176571550077716 C2:uddudududdduddd M:4/4 K:G H:BL T:Hugh McArdle's Fancy
ABC 1798 C1:176571550077716 C2:uddudududdduddd M:4/4 K:G H:BL T:Hugh McArdle's Fancy
ABC 1680 C1:176571550077716 C2:uddudududdduddd M:4/4 K:G H:BL T:Hugh McArdle's Fancy
ABC 323 C1:000300020006000 C2:uddudududdduddd M:C| K:G H:"CL T:Hugh McArdle's Fancy
ABC 323 C1:000300020006000 C2:uddudududdduddd M:C| K:G H:"CL T:Hugh McArdle's Fancy
ABC 323 C1:000300020006000 C2:uddudududdduddd M:C| K:G H:"CL T:Hugh McArdle's Fancy
ABC 1 C1:176571550077716 C2:uddudududdduddd M:C| K:G H:LRSZ T:Hugh McArdle's Fancy
ABC 1680 C1:176571550077716 C2:uddudududdduddd M:4/4 K:G H:BL T:Hugh McArdle's Fancy
ABC 323 C1:000300020006000 C2:uddudududdduddd M:C| K:G H:"CL T:Hugh McArdle's Fancy
ABC 492093 C1:176571550077716 C2:uddudududdduddd M:C| K:G H:BLQRSZ T:HUGH MCARDLE'S FANCY
ABC 492093 C1:176571550077716 C2:uddudududdduddd M:C| K:G H:BLQRSZ T:HUGH MCARDLE'S FANCY
ABC 1680 C1:176571550077716 C2:uddudududdduddd M:4/4 K:G H:BL T:Hugh McArdle's Fancy
ABC 1798 C1:176571550077716 C2:uddudududdduddd M:4/4 K:G H:BL T:Hugh McArdle's Fancy
ABC 1798 C1:176571550077716 C2:uddudududdduddd M:4/4 K:G H:BL T:Hugh McArdle's Fancy
ABC 1680 C1:000300020006000 C2:uddudududdduddd M:C| K:G H:BCILZ T:"Hugh McArdle's Fancy" (hornpipe) 1680
ABC 1680 C1:000300020006000 C2:uddudududdduddd M:C| K:G H:BCILZ T:"Hugh McArdle's Fancy" (hornpipe) 1680
ABC 1680 C1:000300020006000 C2:uddudududdduddd M:C| K:G H:BCILZ T:"Hugh McArdle's Fancy" (hornpipe) 1680
ABC 1680 C1:000300020006000 C2:uddudududdduddd M:C| K:G H:BCILZ T:"Hugh McArdle's Fancy" (hornpipe) 1680
ABC 1680 C1:000300020006000 C2:uddudududdduddd M:C| K:G H:BCILZ T:"Hugh McArdle's Fancy" (hornpipe) 1680
ABC 141127 C1:030177011027040 C2:uudduuuddududud M:6/8 K:G H:CLQZ T:HUGH O'DONNELL
ABC 1 C1:030177011027040 C2:uudduuuddududud M:6/8 K:G H:"BCL T:Hugh O'Donnell
ABC 1 C1:030177011027040 C2:uudduuuddududud M:6/8 K:G H:"BCL T:Hugh O'Donnell
ABC 1 C1:030177011027040 C2:uudduuuddududud M:6/8 K:G H:"BCL T:Hugh O'Donnell
ABC 1 C1:030177011027040 C2:uudduuuddududud M:6/8 K:G H:"BCL T:Hugh O'Donnell
ABC 1 C1:030177011027040 C2:uudduuuddududud M:6/8 K:C H:"BCL T:Hugh O'Donnell
ABC 1 C1:030177011027040 C2:uudduuuddududud M:6/8 K:C H:"BCL T:Hugh O'Donnell
ABC 1 C1:030177011027040 C2:uudduuuddududud M:6/8 K:C H:"BCL T:Hugh O'Donnell
ABC 1 C1:030177011027040 C2:uudduuuddududud M:6/8 K:C H:"BCL T:Hugh O'Donnell
ABC 340 C1:030177011027040 C2:uudduuuddududud M:6/8 K:C H:"CLQS T:Hugh O'Donnell
ABC 335 C1:030177011027040 C2:uudduuuddududud M:6/8 K:C H:"CLQS T:Hugh O'Donnell
ABC 1 C1:030177011027040 C2:uudduuuddududud M:6/8 K:C H:"BCL T:Hugh O'Donnell
ABC 2 C1:030177011027040 C2:uudduuuddududud M:6/8 K:G H:"BCL T:Hugh O'Donnell
ABC 1 C1:030177011027040 C2:uudduuuddududud M:6/8 K:C H:"BCL T:Hugh O'Donnell
ABC 2 C1:030177011027040 C2:uudduuuddududud M:6/8 K:G H:"BCL T:Hugh O'Donnell
ABC 1 C1:030177011027040 C2:uudduuuddududud M:6/8 K:C H:"BCL T:Hugh O'Donnell
ABC 2 C1:030177011027040 C2:uudduuuddududud M:6/8 K:G H:"BCL T:Hugh O'Donnell
ABC 1 C1:030177011027040 C2:uudduuuddududud M:6/8 K:C H:"BCL T:Hugh O'Donnell
ABC 2 C1:030177011027040 C2:uudduuuddududud M:6/8 K:G H:"BCL T:Hugh O'Donnell
ABC 141127 C1:030177011027040 C2:uudduuuddududud M:6/8 K:G H:CLQZ T:HUGH O'DONNELL
ABC 141127 C1:030177011027040 C2:uudduuuddududud M:6/8 K:G H:CLQZ T:HUGH O'DONNELL
ABC 215 C1:030177011027040 C2:uudduuuddududud M:6/8 K:C H:"CLQS T:Hugh O'Donnell
ABC 340 C1:030177011027040 C2:uudduuuddududud M:6/8 K:C H:"CLQS T:Hugh O'Donnell
ABC 340 C1:030177011027040 C2:uudduuuddududud M:6/8 K:C H:"CLQS T:Hugh O'Donnell
ABC 584 C1:030177011027040 C2:uudduuuddududud M:6/8 K:C H:"CLQRS T:Hugh O'Donnell
ABC 584 C1:030177011027040 C2:uudduuuddududud M:6/8 K:C H:"CLQRS T:Hugh O'Donnell
ABC 1 C1: C2: M:4/4 K:C H:LQ T:Hugh O'Donnell [Flute1] (2:20) - Turlough O'Carolan
ABC 1 C1: C2: M:4/4 K:C H:LQ T:Hugh O'Donnell [Flute2] (2:20) - Turlough O'Carolan
ABC 1 C1: C2: M:4/4 K:C H:LQ T:Hugh O'Donnell [Horn] (2:20) - Turlough O'Carolan
ABC 497044 C1:051170021161277 C2:duuduuuduudduud M:C K:Em H:BCLQRS T:HUGH O'NEILL'S FANCY (reel)
ABC 497044 C1:051170021161277 C2:duuduuuduudduud M:C K:Em H:BCLQRS T:HUGH O'NEILL'S FANCY (reel)
ABC 497044 C1:051170021161277 C2:duuduuuduudduud M:C K:Em H:BCLQRS T:HUGH O'NEILL'S FANCY (reel)
ABC 491248 C1:007070111161071 C2:dduuuududuuudud M:C K:Dm H:BLSYZ T:HUGH O'NEILL'S LAMENT
ABC 68 C1:007070111161071 C2:dduuuududuuudud M:C K:Dm H:BLZ T:Hugh O'neill's Lament
ABC 68 C1:007070111161071 C2:dduuuududuuudud M:C K:Dm H:BLZ T:Hugh O'neill's Lament
ABC 68 C1:007070111161071 C2:dduuuududuuudud M:C K:Dm H:BLZ T:Hugh O'neill's Lament
ABC 68 C1:007070111161071 C2:dduuuududuuudud M:C K:Dm H:BLZ T:HUGH O'NEILL'S LAMENT
ABC 68 C1:007070111161071 C2:dduuuududuuudud M:C K:Dm H:BLOQRZbs T:Hugh O'Neill's Lament
ABC 68 C1:007070111161071 C2:dduuuududuuudud M:C K:Dm H:BLOQRZbs T:Hugh O'Neill's Lament
ABC 68 C1:007070111161071 C2:dduuuududuuudud M:C K:Dm H:BLOQRZbs T:Hugh O'Neill's Lament
ABC 68 C1:007070111161071 C2:dduuuududuuudud M:C K:Dm H:BLOQRZbs T:Hugh O'Neill's Lament
ABC 68 C1:007070111161071 C2:dduuuududuuudud M:C K:Dm H:BLOQRZbs T:Hugh O'Neill's Lament
ABC 68 C1:007070111161071 C2:dduuuududuuudud M:C K:Dm H:BLOQRZbs T:Hugh O'Neill's Lament
ABC 68 C1:007070111161071 C2:dduuuududuuudud M:C K:Dm H:BLOQRZbs T:Hugh O'Neill's Lament
ABC 68 C1:007070111161071 C2:dduuuududuuudud M:C K:Dm H:BLOQRZbs T:Hugh O'Neill's Lament
ABC 68 C1:007070111161071 C2:dduuuududuuudud M:C K:Dm H:BLOQRZbs T:Hugh O'Neill's Lament
ABC 1 C1:007070111161071 C2:dduuuududuuudud M:C K:Dmin H:LRSZ T:Hugh O'Neill's Lament
ABC 68 C1:007070111161071 C2:dduuuududuuudud M:C K:Dm H:BLZ T:HUGH O'NEILL'S LAMENT
ABC 491248 C1:007070111161071 C2:dduuuududuuudud M:C K:Dm H:BLSYZ T:HUGH O'NEILL'S LAMENT
ABC 491248 C1:007070111161071 C2:dduuuududuuudud M:C K:Dm H:BLSYZ T:HUGH O'NEILL'S LAMENT
ABC 68 C1:007070111161071 C2:dduuuududuuudud M:C K:Dm H:BLZ T:HUGH O'NEILL'S LAMENT
ABC 68 C1:007070111161071 C2:dduuuududuuudud M:C K:Dm H:BLZ T:Hugh O'neill's Lament
ABC 68 C1:007070111161071 C2:dduuuududuuudud M:C K:Dm H:BLZ T:Hugh O'neill's Lament
ABC 0068 C1:000770111161071 C2:dduuuududuuudud M:C K:G H:BCILQZ T:"Hugh O'Neill's Lament" (air) 0068
ABC 0068 C1:000770111161071 C2:dduuuududuuudud M:C K:G H:BCILQZ T:"Hugh O'Neill's Lament" (air) 0068
ABC 0068 C1:000770111161071 C2:dduuuududuuudud M:C K:G H:BCILQZ T:"Hugh O'Neill's Lament" (air) 0068
ABC 2 C1:770111200707112 C2:dduuuudduuuuddd M:4/4 K:Gmaj H:LR T:Hugh Savage’s
ABC 2 C1:777011102070711 C2:ddduuuudduuuudd M:4/4 K:Gmaj H:LR T:Hugh Savage’s
ABC 1 C1:006001003301006 C2:duduududuududdu M:6/8 K:Am H:"S T:Hugh's Happy
ABC 130 C1:006001003301006 C2:duduududuududdu M:6/8 K:Am H:"C T:Hugh's Happy
ABC 650 C1:006001003301006 C2:duduududuududdu M:6/8 K:Am H:"S T:Hugh's Happy
ABC 130 C1:006001003301006 C2:duduududuududdu M:6/8 K:Am H:"S T:Hugh's Happy
ABC 130 C1:006001003301006 C2:duduududuududdu M:6/8 K:Am H:"S T:Hugh's Happy
ABC 130 C1:006001003301006 C2:duduududuududdu M:6/8 K:Am H:"S T:Hugh's Happy
ABC 130 C1:006001003301006 C2:duduududuududdu M:6/8 K:Am H:"S T:Hugh's Happy
ABC 130 C1:006001003301006 C2:duduududuududdu M:6/8 K:Am H:"RS T:Hugh's Happy
ABC 130 C1:006001003301006 C2:duduududuududdu M:6/8 K:Am H:"RS T:Hugh's Happy
ABC 130 C1:006001003301006 C2:duduududuududdu M:6/8 K:Am H:"RS T:Hugh's Happy
ABC 7272 C1:006001003301006 C2:duduududuududdu M:6/8 K:Am H:"S T:Hugh's Happy
ABC 7272 C1:006001003301006 C2:duduududuududdu M:6/8 K:Am H:"S T:Hugh's Happy
ABC 2675 C1:006001003301006 C2:duduududuududdu M:6/8 K:Am H:"OS T:Hugh's Happy
ABC 2675 C1:006001003301006 C2:duduududuududdu M:6/8 K:Am H:"OS T:Hugh's Happy
ABC 5783 C1:006001003301006 C2:duduududuududdu M:6/8 K:Am H:"S T:Hugh's Happy
ABC 5783 C1:006001003301006 C2:duduududuududdu M:6/8 K:Am H:"S T:Hugh's Happy
ABC 5783 C1:006001003301006 C2:duduududuududdu M:6/8 K:Am H:"S T:Hugh's Happy
ABC 1 C1:026366271123071 C2:ududduduuuududd M: K:G H:"COZ T:Hugh Shortie's Reel
ABC 1 C1:026366271123071 C2:ududduduuuududd M: K:G H:"COZ T:Hugh Shortie's Reel
ABC 1 C1:026366271123071 C2:ududduduuuududd M: K:G H:"COZ T:Hugh Shortie's Reel
ABC 1 C1:026366271123071 C2:ududduduuuududd M: K:G H:"COZ T:Hugh Shortie's Reel
ABC 1 C1:026366271123071 C2:ududduduuuududd M: K:G H:"COZ T:Hugh Shortie's Reel
ABC 1 C1:026366271123071 C2:ududduduuuududd M: K:G H:"COZ T:Hugh Shortie's Reel
ABC 1 C1:026366271123071 C2:ududduduuuududd M: K:G H:"COZ T:Hugh Shortie's Reel
ABC 1 C1:026366271123071 C2:ududduduuuududd M: K:G H:"COZ T:Hugh Shortie's Reel
ABC 1 C1:026366271123071 C2:ududduduuuududd M: K:G H:"COZ T:Hugh Shortie's Reel
ABC 1 C1:026366271123071 C2:ududduduuuududd M: K:G H:"COZ T:Hugh Shortie's Reel
ABC 1 C1:026366271123071 C2:ududduduuuududd M: K:G H:"COZ T:Hugh Shortie's Reel
ABC 1 C1:026366271123071 C2:ududduduuuududd M: K:G H:"COZ T:Hugh Shortie's Reel
ABC 1 C1:030227666311230 C2:uuudddduuuuudud M:C| K:G H:"BCLOSZ T:Hugh Shortie's Reel
ABC 1 C1:030227666311230 C2:uuudddduuuuudud M:C| K:G H:"BCLOSZ T:Hugh Shortie's Reel
ABC 1 C1:030227666311230 C2:uuudddduuuuudud M:C| K:G H:"BCLOSZ T:Hugh Shortie's Reel
ABC 1 C1:030227666311230 C2:uuudddduuuuudud M:C| K:G H:"BCLOSZ T:Hugh Shortie's Reel
ABC 1 C1:030227666311230 C2:uuudddduuuuudud M:C| K:G H:"BCLOSZ T:Hugh Shortie's Reel
ABC 1 C1:030227666311230 C2:uuudddduuuuudud M:C| K:G H:"BCLOSZ T:Hugh Shortie's Reel
ABC 1 C1:030227666311230 C2:uuudddduuuuudud M:C| K:G H:"BCLOSZ T:Hugh Shortie's Reel
ABC 1 C1:030227666311230 C2:uuudddduuuuudud M:C| K:G H:"BCLOSZ T:Hugh Shortie's Reel
ABC 1 C1:030227666311230 C2:uuudddduuuuudud M:C| K:G H:"BCLOSZ T:Hugh Shortie's Reel
ABC 1 C1:030227666311230 C2:uuudddduuuuudud M:C| K:G H:"BCLOSZ T:Hugh Shortie's Reel
ABC 1 C1:030227666311230 C2:uuudddduuuuudud M:C| K:G H:"BCLOSZ T:Hugh Shortie's Reel
ABC 1 C1:030227666311230 C2:uuudddduuuuudud M:C| K:G H:"BCLOSZ T:Hugh Shortie's Reel
ABC 1 C1:030227666311230 C2:uuudddduuuuudud M:C| K:G H:"BCLOSZ T:Hugh Shortie's Reel
ABC 1 C1:026366271123071 C2:ududduduuuududd M: K:G H:"COZ T:Hugh Shortie's Reel
ABC 3 C1:026366271123071 C2:ududduduuuududd M: K:G H:"COZ T:Hugh Shortie's Reel
ABC 3 C1:026366271123071 C2:ududduduuuududd M: K:G H:"COZ T:Hugh Shortie's Reel
ABC 3 C1:026366271123071 C2:ududduduuuududd M: K:G H:"COZ T:Hugh Shortie's Reel
ABC 3 C1:026366271123071 C2:ududduduuuududd M: K:G H:"COZ T:Hugh Shortie's Reel
ABC 3 C1:026366271123071 C2:ududduduuuududd M: K:G H:"COZ T:Hugh Shortie's Reel
ABC 3 C1:026366271123071 C2:ududduduuuududd M: K:G H:"COZ T:Hugh Shortie's Reel
ABC 3 C1:026366271123071 C2:ududduduuuududd M: K:G H:"COZ T:Hugh Shortie's Reel
ABC 3 C1:026366271123071 C2:ududduduuuududd M: K:G H:"COZ T:Hugh Shortie's Reel
ABC 3 C1:026366271123071 C2:ududduduuuududd M: K:G H:"COZ T:Hugh Shortie's Reel
ABC 3 C1:026366271123071 C2:ududduduuuududd M: K:G H:"COZ T:Hugh Shortie's Reel
ABC 3 C1:026366271123071 C2:ududduduuuududd M: K:G H:"COZ T:Hugh Shortie's Reel
ABC 2 C1:026366271123071 C2:ududduduuuududd M: K:G H:"COZ T:Hugh Shortie's Reel
ABC 1 C1:026366271123071 C2:ududduduuuududd M: K:G H:"COZ T:Hugh Shortie's Reel
ABC 1 C1:026366271123071 C2:ududduduuuududd M: K:G H:"COZ T:Hugh Shortie's Reel
ABC 202 C1:026366271123071 C2:ududduduuuududd M: K:G H:"COZ T:Hugh Shortie's Reel
ABC 202 C1:026366271123071 C2:ududduduuuududd M: K:G H:"COZ T:Hugh Shortie's Reel
ABC 202 C1:026366271123071 C2:ududduduuuududd M: K:G H:"COZ T:Hugh Shortie's Reel
ABC 1 C1: C2: M: K:C H: T:Hugh Shorty's Reel
ABC 1 C1:026366271123071 C2:ududduduuuududd M: K:G H:"COZ T:Hugh Shorty's Reel
ABC 1 C1:026366271123071 C2:ududduduuuududd M: K:G H:"COZ T:Hugh Shorty's Reel
ABC 1 C1:026366271123071 C2:ududduduuuududd M: K:G H:"COZ T:Hugh Shorty's Reel
ABC 1 C1:026366271123071 C2:ududduduuuududd M: K:G H:"COZ T:Hugh Shorty's Reel
ABC 1 C1:026366271123071 C2:ududduduuuududd M: K:G H:"COZ T:Hugh Shorty's Reel
ABC 1 C1:026366271123071 C2:ududduduuuududd M: K:G H:"COZ T:Hugh Shorty's Reel
ABC 1 C1:026366271123071 C2:ududduduuuududd M: K:G H:"COZ T:Hugh Shorty's Reel
ABC 1 C1:026366271123071 C2:ududduduuuududd M: K:G H:"COZ T:Hugh Shorty's Reel
ABC 1 C1:026366271123071 C2:ududduduuuududd M: K:G H:"COZ T:Hugh Shorty's Reel
ABC 1 C1:026366271123071 C2:ududduduuuududd M: K:G H:"COZ T:Hugh Shorty's Reel
ABC 1 C1:026366271123071 C2:ududduduuuududd M: K:G H:"COZ T:Hugh Shorty's Reel
ABC 1 C1:026366271123071 C2:ududduduuuududd M: K:G H:"COZ T:Hugh Shorty's Reel
ABC 1 C1:026366271123071 C2:ududduduuuududd M: K:G H:"COZ T:Hugh Shorty's Reel
ABC 1 C1:026366271123071 C2:ududduduuuududd M: K:G H:"COZ T:Hugh Shorty's Reel
ABC 1 C1:026366271123071 C2:ududduduuuududd M: K:G H:"COZ T:Hugh Shorty's Reel
ABC 1 C1:026366271123071 C2:ududduduuuududd M: K:G H:"COZ T:Hugh Shorty's Reel
ABC 1 C1:026366271123071 C2:ududduduuuududd M: K:G H:"COZ T:Hugh Shorty's Reel
ABC 1 C1:026366271123071 C2:ududduduuuududd M: K:G H:"COZ T:Hugh Shorty's Reel
ABC 1 C1:026366271123071 C2:ududduduuuududd M: K:G H:"COZ T:Hugh Shorty's Reel
ABC 1 C1:026366271123071 C2:ududduduuuududd M: K:G H:"COZ T:Hugh Shorty's Reel
ABC 1 C1:026366271123071 C2:ududduduuuududd M: K:G H:"COZ T:Hugh Shorty's Reel
ABC 1 C1:026366271123071 C2:ududduduuuududd M: K:G H:"COZ T:Hugh Shorty's Reel
ABC 1 C1:026366271123071 C2:ududduduuuududd M: K:G H:"COZ T:Hugh Shorty's Reel
ABC 1 C1:026366271123071 C2:ududduduuuududd M: K:G H:"COZ T:Hugh Shorty's Reel
ABC 1 C1:026366271123071 C2:ududduduuuududd M: K:G H:"COZ T:Hugh Shorty's Reel
ABC 1 C1:026366271123071 C2:ududduduuuududd M: K:G H:"COZ T:Hugh Shorty's Reel
ABC 1 C1:026366271123071 C2:ududduduuuududd M: K:G H:"COZ T:Hugh Shorty's Reel
ABC 1 C1:026366271123071 C2:ududduduuuududd M: K:G H:"COZ T:Hugh Shorty's Reel
ABC 1 C1:026366271123071 C2:ududduduuuududd M: K:G H:"COZ T:Hugh Shorty's Reel
ABC 1 C1:026366271123071 C2:ududduduuuududd M: K:G H:"COZ T:Hugh Shorty's Reel
ABC 1 C1:026366271123071 C2:ududduduuuududd M: K:G H:"COZ T:Hugh Shorty's Reel
ABC 1 C1:026366271123071 C2:ududduduuuududd M: K:G H:"COZ T:Hugh Shorty's Reel
ABC 1 C1:026366271123071 C2:ududduduuuududd M: K:G H:"COZ T:Hugh Shorty's Reel
ABC 1 C1:026366271123071 C2:ududduduuuududd M: K:G H:"COZ T:Hugh Shorty's Reel
ABC 1 C1:026366271123071 C2:ududduduuuududd M: K:G H:"COZ T:Hugh Shorty's Reel
ABC 1 C1:026366271123071 C2:ududduduuuududd M: K:G H:"COZ T:Hugh Shorty's Reel
ABC 1 C1:030227666311230 C2:uuudddduuuuudud M:C| K:G H:"BCLOSZ T:Hugh Shorty's Reel
ABC 1 C1:030227666311230 C2:uuudddduuuuudud M:C| K:G H:"BCLOSZ T:Hugh Shorty's Reel
ABC 1 C1:030227666311230 C2:uuudddduuuuudud M:C| K:G H:"BCLOSZ T:Hugh Shorty's Reel
ABC 1 C1:030227666311230 C2:uuudddduuuuudud M:C| K:G H:"BCLOSZ T:Hugh Shorty's Reel
ABC 1 C1:030227666311230 C2:uuudddduuuuudud M:C| K:G H:"BCLOSZ T:Hugh Shorty's Reel
ABC 1 C1:030227666311230 C2:uuudddduuuuudud M:C| K:G H:"BCLOSZ T:Hugh Shorty's Reel
ABC 1 C1:030227666311230 C2:uuudddduuuuudud M:C| K:G H:"BCLOSZ T:Hugh Shorty's Reel
ABC 1 C1:030227666311230 C2:uuudddduuuuudud M:C| K:G H:"BCLOSZ T:Hugh Shorty's Reel
ABC 1 C1:030227666311230 C2:uuudddduuuuudud M:C| K:G H:"BCLOSZ T:Hugh Shorty's Reel
ABC 1 C1:030227666311230 C2:uuudddduuuuudud M:C| K:G H:"BCLOSZ T:Hugh Shorty's Reel
ABC 1 C1:030227666311230 C2:uuudddduuuuudud M:C| K:G H:"BCLOSZ T:Hugh Shorty's Reel
ABC 1 C1:030227666311230 C2:uuudddduuuuudud M:C| K:G H:"BCLOSZ T:Hugh Shorty's Reel
ABC 1 C1:030227666311230 C2:uuudddduuuuudud M:C| K:G H:"BCLOSZ T:Hugh Shorty's Reel
ABC 1 C1:030227666311230 C2:uuudddduuuuudud M:C| K:G H:"BCLOSZ T:Hugh Shorty's Reel
ABC 1 C1:030227666311230 C2:uuudddduuuuudud M:C| K:G H:"BCLOSZ T:Hugh Shorty's Reel
ABC 1 C1:030227666311230 C2:uuudddduuuuudud M:C| K:G H:"BCLOSZ T:Hugh Shorty's Reel
ABC 1 C1:030227666311230 C2:uuudddduuuuudud M:C| K:G H:"BCLOSZ T:Hugh Shorty's Reel
ABC 1 C1:030227666311230 C2:uuudddduuuuudud M:C| K:G H:"BCLOSZ T:Hugh Shorty's Reel
ABC 1 C1:030227666311230 C2:uuudddduuuuudud M:C| K:G H:"BCLOSZ T:Hugh Shorty's Reel
ABC 1 C1:030227666311230 C2:uuudddduuuuudud M:C| K:G H:"BCLOSZ T:Hugh Shorty's Reel
ABC 1 C1:030227666311230 C2:uuudddduuuuudud M:C| K:G H:"BCLOSZ T:Hugh Shorty's Reel
ABC 1 C1:030227666311230 C2:uuudddduuuuudud M:C| K:G H:"BCLOSZ T:Hugh Shorty's Reel
ABC 1 C1:030227666311230 C2:uuudddduuuuudud M:C| K:G H:"BCLOSZ T:Hugh Shorty's Reel
ABC 1 C1:030227666311230 C2:uuudddduuuuudud M:C| K:G H:"BCLOSZ T:Hugh Shorty's Reel
ABC 1 C1:030227666311230 C2:uuudddduuuuudud M:C| K:G H:"BCLOSZ T:Hugh Shorty's Reel
ABC 1 C1:030227666311230 C2:uuudddduuuuudud M:C| K:G H:"BCLOSZ T:Hugh Shorty's Reel
ABC 1 C1:030227666311230 C2:uuudddduuuuudud M:C| K:G H:"BCLOSZ T:Hugh Shorty's Reel
ABC 1 C1:030227666311230 C2:uuudddduuuuudud M:C| K:G H:"BCLOSZ T:Hugh Shorty's Reel
ABC 1 C1:030227666311230 C2:uuudddduuuuudud M:C| K:G H:"BCLOSZ T:Hugh Shorty's Reel
ABC 1 C1:030227666311230 C2:uuudddduuuuudud M:C| K:G H:"BCLOSZ T:Hugh Shorty's Reel
ABC 1 C1:030227666311230 C2:uuudddduuuuudud M:C| K:G H:"BCLOSZ T:Hugh Shorty's Reel
ABC 1 C1:030227666311230 C2:uuudddduuuuudud M:C| K:G H:"BCLOSZ T:Hugh Shorty's Reel
ABC 1 C1:030227666311230 C2:uuudddduuuuudud M:C| K:G H:"BCLOSZ T:Hugh Shorty's Reel
ABC 1 C1:030227666311230 C2:uuudddduuuuudud M:C| K:G H:"BCLOSZ T:Hugh Shorty's Reel
ABC 1 C1:030227666311230 C2:uuudddduuuuudud M:C| K:G H:"BCLOSZ T:Hugh Shorty's Reel
ABC 1 C1:030227666311230 C2:uuudddduuuuudud M:C| K:G H:"BCLOSZ T:Hugh Shorty's Reel
ABC 1 C1:030227666311230 C2:uuudddduuuuudud M:C| K:G H:"BCLOSZ T:Hugh Shorty's Reel
ABC 3 C1:026366271123071 C2:ududduduuuududd M: K:G H:"COZ T:Hugh Shorty's Reel
ABC 3 C1:026366271123071 C2:ududduduuuududd M: K:G H:"COZ T:Hugh Shorty's Reel
ABC 2 C1:026366271123071 C2:ududduduuuududd M: K:G H:"COZ T:Hugh Shorty's Reel
ABC 2 C1:026366271123071 C2:ududduduuuududd M: K:G H:"COZ T:Hugh Shorty's Reel
ABC 35 C1:076122110706221 C2:dddduuuududdduu M:2/4 K:G H:LZ T:Hugh's Mistake
ABC 35 C1:076122110706221 C2:dddduuuududdduu M:2/4 K:G H:LZ T:Hugh's Mistake
ABC 35 C1:076122110706221 C2:dddduuuududdduu M:2/4 K:G H:LZ T:Hugh's Mistake
ABC 36 C1:076122110706221 C2:dddduuuududdduu M:2/4 K:G H:LZ T:Hugh's Mistake
ABC 36 C1:076122110706221 C2:dddduuuududdduu M:2/4 K:G H:LZ T:Hugh's Mistake
ABC 1 C1:001107776037601 C2:uuddddudduuduuu M:4/4 K:Am H:CLR T:Hugh Smith's Farewell
ABC 100 C1:001107776037601 C2:uuddddudduuduuu M:4/4 K:Ador H:"CLQR T:Hugh Smith's Farewell
ABC 345 C1:001107776037601 C2:uuddddudduuduuu M:4/4 K:Ador H:"CLQR T:Hugh Smith's Farewell
ABC 330 C1:300110777603760 C2:uuuddddudduuduu M:4/4 K:Ador H:"CLQRV T:Hugh Smith's Farewell (with piano acc.)
ABC 9065 C1:300110777603760 C2:uuuddddudduuduu M:4/4 K:Ador H:"CLQRV T:Hugh Smith's Farewell (with piano acc.)
ABC 9065 C1:300110777603760 C2:uuuddddudduuduu M:4/4 K:Ador H:"CLQRV T:Hugh Smith's Farewell (with piano acc.)
ABC 1 C1:026366271123071 C2:ududduduuuududd M:C| K:G H:"CRSZ T:Hughy Shorty's Reel
ABC 1 C1:026366271123071 C2:ududduduuuududd M:C| K:G H:"CRSZ T:Hughy Shorty's Reel
ABC 1 C1:026366271123071 C2:ududduduuuududd M:C| K:G H:"CRSZ T:Hughy Shorty's Reel
ABC 1 C1:026366271123071 C2:ududduduuuududd M:C| K:G H:"CRSZ T:Hughy Shorty's Reel
ABC 1 C1:026366271123071 C2:ududduduuuududd M:C| K:G H:"CRSZ T:Hughy Shorty's Reel
ABC 1 C1:026366271123071 C2:ududduduuuududd M:C| K:G H:"CRSZ T:Hughy Shorty's Reel
ABC 1 C1:026366271123071 C2:ududduduuuududd M:C| K:G H:"CRSZ T:Hughy Shorty's Reel
ABC 1 C1:026366271123071 C2:ududduduuuududd M:C| K:G H:"CRSZ T:Hughy Shorty's Reel
ABC 1 C1:026366271123071 C2:ududduduuuududd M:C| K:G H:"CRSZ T:Hughy Shorty's Reel
ABC 1 C1:026366271123071 C2:ududduduuuududd M:C| K:G H:"CRSZ T:Hughy Shorty's Reel
ABC 1 C1:026366271123071 C2:ududduduuuududd M:C| K:G H:"CRSZ T:Hughy Shorty's Reel
ABC 1 C1:026366271123071 C2:ududduduuuududd M:C| K:G H:"CRSZ T:Hughy Shorty's Reel
ABC 1 C1:026366271123071 C2:ududduduuuududd M:C| K:G H:"CRSZ T:Hughy Shorty's Reel
ABC 1 C1:026366271123071 C2:ududduduuuududd M:C| K:G H:"CRSZ T:Hughy Shorty's Reel
ABC 1 C1:026366271123071 C2:ududduduuuududd M:C| K:G H:"CRSZ T:Hughy Shorty's Reel
ABC 1 C1:026366271123071 C2:ududduduuuududd M:C| K:G H:"CRSZ T:Hughy Shorty's Reel
ABC 1 C1:026366271123071 C2:ududduduuuududd M:C| K:G H:"CRSZ T:Hughy Shorty's Reel
ABC 1 C1:026366271123071 C2:ududduduuuududd M:C| K:G H:"CRSZ T:Hughy Shorty's Reel
ABC 1 C1:026366271123071 C2:ududduduuuududd M:C| K:G H:"CRSZ T:Hughy Shorty's Reel
ABC 1 C1:026366271123071 C2:ududduduuuududd M:C| K:G H:"CRSZ T:Hughy Shorty's Reel
ABC 1 C1:026366271123071 C2:ududduduuuududd M:C| K:G H:"CRSZ T:Hughy Shorty's Reel
ABC 1 C1:026366271123071 C2:ududduduuuududd M:C| K:G H:"CRSZ T:Hughy Shorty's Reel
ABC 1 C1:026366271123071 C2:ududduduuuududd M:C| K:G H:"CRSZ T:Hughy Shorty's Reel
ABC 1 C1:026366271123071 C2:ududduduuuududd M:C| K:G H:"CRSZ T:Hughy Shorty's Reel
ABC 1 C1:026366271123071 C2:ududduduuuududd M:C| K:G H:"CRSZ T:Hughy Shorty's Reel
ABC 1 C1:026366271123071 C2:ududduduuuududd M:C| K:G H:"CRSZ T:Hughy Shorty's Reel
ABC 71 C1:026366271123071 C2:ududduduuuududd M:C| K:G H:"CRSZ T:Hughy Shorty's Reel
ABC 71 C1:026366271123071 C2:ududduduuuududd M:C| K:G H:"CRSZ T:Hughy Shorty's Reel
ABC 1 C1:037725126723706 C2:udduduudduuuudd M: K:Dmaj H:LR T:Hugo's
ABC 1 C1:630611616227777 C2:duduududuuddddd M: K:Amaj H:LR T:Hugo's Big
ABC 2 C1:000177726306116 C2:udddududuuduudd M: K:Amaj H:LR T:Hugo's Big
ABC 1 C1:062761062761021 C2:duddududduuuuud M:3/4 K:Am H:"CL T:Hugos polska
ABC 1191 C1:006600041752007 C2:dddduudduduuddd M:2/4 K:D H:BCLOZ T:Hug shin seose y shiaull mean
ABC 191 C1:006600041752007 C2:dddduudduduuddd M:2/4 K:D H:LZ T:Hug shin seose y shiaull mean
ABC 1 C1:004071111004077 C2:uduuududddduudu M:4/4 K:Edor H:LR T:Hug The Bundle
ABC 434 C1:004077771004071 C2:udddduuduuuuudu M:4/4 K:Edor H:"HLRZ T:Hug The Bundle
ABC 1 C1:122750736025122 C2:uuuddduududuuud M:2/4 K:G H:LR T:Hugues Polka
ABC 1 C1:122750736025122 C2:uuuddduududuuud M:2/4 K:G H:LR T:Hugues Polka
ABC 1 C1:122750736025122 C2:uuuddduududuuud M:2/4 K:G H:LR T:Hugues Polka
ABC 1 C1:122750736025122 C2:uuuddduududuuud M:2/4 K:G H:LR T:Hugues Polka
ABC 28 C1:122750736025122 C2:uuuddduududuuud M:2/4 K:G H:LR T:Hugues Polka
ABC 11 C1:000531107716602 C2:duuudduddududdu M:3/4 K:Am H:"ACLOQRW T:Hu Hei! Kor er det vel friskt og lett
ABC 28 C1:000763000531107 C2:dduduuudduddudu M:3/4 K:Am H:"ACLOQRW T:Hu Hei! Kor er det vel friskt og lett
ABC 28 C1:000763000531107 C2:dduduuudduddudu M:3/4 K:Am H:"ACLOQRW T:Hu Hei! Kor er det vel friskt og lett
ABC 28 C1:000763000531107 C2:dduduuudduddudu M:3/4 K:Am H:"ACLOQRW T:Hu Hei! Kor er det vel friskt og lett
ABC 1 C1:262206237771777 C2:uduuduudddudddu M:2/4 K:Am H:"ABCLR T:Huhtikuun polkka
ABC 1 C1:262206237771777 C2:uduuduudddudddu M:2/4 K:Am H:"ABCLR T:Huhtikuun polkka
ABC 1 C1:262206237771777 C2:uduuduudddudddu M:2/4 K:Am H:"ABCLR T:Huhtikuun polkka
ABC 41 C1:262206237771777 C2:uduuduudddudddu M:2/4 K:Am H:"ABCLRW T:Huhtikuun polkka
ABC 132 C1:262206237771777 C2:uduuduudddudddu M:2/4 K:Am H:"ABCLR T:Huhtikuun polkka
ABC 133 C1:262206237771777 C2:uduuduudddudddu M:2/4 K:Am H:"ABCLORW T:Huhtikuun polkka
ABC 14 C1:262206237771777 C2:uduuduudddudddu M:2/4 K:Am H:"ABCLR T:Huhtikuun polkka
ABC 2322 C1:262206237771777 C2:uduuduudddudddu M:2/4 K:Am H:"ABCLR T:Huhtikuun polkka
ABC 14 C1:262206237771777 C2:uduuduudddudddu M:2/4 K:Am H:"ABCLR T:Huhtikuun polkka
ABC 2322 C1:262206237771777 C2:uduuduudddudddu M:2/4 K:Am H:"ABCLR T:Huhtikuun polkka
ABC 7280 C1:262206237771777 C2:uduuduudddudddu M:2/4 K:Am H:"ABCLR T:Huhtikuun polkka
ABC 7280 C1:262206237771777 C2:uduuduudddudddu M:2/4 K:Am H:"ABCLR T:Huhtikuun polkka
ABC 5787 C1:262206237771777 C2:uduuduudddudddu M:2/4 K:Am H:"ABCLR T:Huhtikuun polkka
ABC 5788 C1:262206237771777 C2:uduuduudddudddu M:2/4 K:Am H:"ABCLR T:Huhtikuun polkka
ABC 5789 C1:262206237771777 C2:uduuduudddudddu M:2/4 K:Am H:"ABCLR T:Huhtikuun polkka
ABC 5787 C1:262206237771777 C2:uduuduudddudddu M:2/4 K:Am H:"ABCLR T:Huhtikuun polkka
ABC 5788 C1:262206237771777 C2:uduuduudddudddu M:2/4 K:Am H:"ABCLR T:Huhtikuun polkka
ABC 5789 C1:262206237771777 C2:uduuduudddudddu M:2/4 K:Am H:"ABCLR T:Huhtikuun polkka
ABC 5787 C1:262206237771777 C2:uduuduudddudddu M:2/4 K:Am H:"ABCLR T:Huhtikuun polkka
ABC 5788 C1:262206237771777 C2:uduuduudddudddu M:2/4 K:Am H:"ABCLR T:Huhtikuun polkka
ABC 5789 C1:262206237771777 C2:uduuduudddudddu M:2/4 K:Am H:"ABCLR T:Huhtikuun polkka
ABC 74 C1:772533773044772 C2:ddududdduudddud M:3/8 K:G H:LORS T:Hui gege
ABC 137 C1:000001760007000 C2:uddduddudududdu M:4/4 K:Bb H:LORS T:Hui guannan
ABC 169 C1:000403000771000 C2:duddudududdddud M:3/4 K:G H:CLQRV T:Hui main, au doz mois de mai
ABC 192 C1:007007000011077 C2:dduuddduuudddud M:6/8 K:G H:CLQVW T:Hui matin a l'ajournee
ABC 1 C1: C2: M: K:C H:LQZ T:Hui Meng You Xian (0:40)
ABC 151 C1:471730621075000 C2:udududududduuud M:2/4 K:C H:L T:Huiqin Future
ABC 3 C1:607007607002307 C2:duddddududddudd M:3/4 K:Bb H:CILRW T:Huisbärg-Juiz Bb ABCD
ABC 3 C1:607007607002307 C2:duddddududddudd M:3/4 K:Bb H:CILORW T:Huisbärg-Juiz Bb ABCD
ABC 4 C1:707007607002307 C2:duddddududddudd M:3/4 K:C H:ILRSW T:Huisbärg-Juiz C 2+
ABC 4 C1:707007607002307 C2:duddddududddudd M:3/4 K:C H:ILORSW T:Huisbärg-Juiz C 2+
ABC 1 C1:001061011020061 C2:uduuuududddduuu M:6/8 K:Amix H:L T:A h-Uiscidhe Chroidhe na N-Anmann
ABC 909 C1:173027052023173 C2:uduudduududuuud M:6/8 K:Gmix H:BLRZbs T:Huish the Cat #2
ABC 909 C1:173027052023173 C2:uduudduududuuud M:6/8 K:Gmix H:BLRZbs T:Huish the Cat #2
ABC 909 C1:173027052023173 C2:uduudduududuuud M:6/8 K:Gmix H:BLRZbs T:Huish the Cat #2
ABC 909 C1:173027052023173 C2:uduudduududuuud M:6/8 K:Gmix H:BLRZbs T:Huish the Cat #2
ABC 382 C1:173027052023173 C2:uduudduududuuud M:6/8 K:C H:BFLRZbs T:Huish the Cat #2
ABC 382 C1:173027052023173 C2:uduudduududuuud M:6/8 K:C H:BFLRZbs T:Huish the Cat #2
ABC 382 C1:173027052023173 C2:uduudduududuuud M:6/8 K:C H:BFLRZbs T:Huish the Cat #2
ABC 382 C1:173027052023173 C2:uduudduududuuud M:6/8 K:C H:BFLRZbs T:Huish the Cat #2
ABC 909 C1:173027052020660 C2:uduudduudduuddu M:6/8 K:Gmix H:BLRZbs T:Huish the Cat #3
ABC 909 C1:173027052020660 C2:uduudduudduuddu M:6/8 K:Gmix H:BLRZbs T:Huish the Cat #3
ABC 909 C1:173027052020660 C2:uduudduudduuddu M:6/8 K:Gmix H:BLRZbs T:Huish the Cat #3
ABC 909 C1:173027052020660 C2:uduudduudduuddu M:6/8 K:Gmix H:BLRZbs T:Huish the Cat #3
ABC 21072 C1:173027052023173 C2:uduudduududuuud M:6/8 K:Am H:BLRZ T:HUISH THE CAT
ABC 1 C1:010703000207000 C2:uduuddududuuudd M:6/8 K:C H:CLQR T:Huish the Cat
ABC 1 C1:010703000207000 C2:uduuddududuuudd M:6/8 K:C H:CLQR T:Huish the Cat
ABC 493165 C1:173027052023173 C2:uduudduududuuud M:6/8 K:Am H:BLRZ T:HUISH THE CAT
ABC 1 C1:052023173011660 C2:duududuuuddudud M:6/8 K:C H:BCLORZ T:Huish the cat
ABC 2231 C1:173027052005173 C2:uduuddududuuudd M:6/8 K:C H:BLQRZ T:HUISH THE CAT
ABC 2231 C1:173027052005173 C2:uduuddududuuudd M:6/8 K:C H:BLQRZ T:HUISH THE CAT
ABC 940 C1:052023173011660 C2:duududuuuddudud M:6/8 K:Gmix H:BLRZ T:Huish the Cat
ABC 940 C1:052023173011660 C2:duududuuuddudud M:6/8 K:Gmix H:BLRZ T:Huish the Cat
ABC 940 C1:052023173011660 C2:duududuuuddudud M:6/8 K:Gmix H:BLRZ T:Huish the Cat
ABC 909 C1:052023173011660 C2:duududuuuddudud M:6/8 K:Gmix H:BLRZ T:Huish the Cat.
ABC 909 C1:173027052023173 C2:uduudduududuuud M:6/8 K:Gmix H:BLRZbs T:Huish the Cat
ABC 909 C1:173027052023173 C2:uduudduududuuud M:6/8 K:Gmix H:BLRZbs T:Huish the Cat
ABC 909 C1:173027052023173 C2:uduudduududuuud M:6/8 K:Gmix H:BLRZbs T:Huish the Cat
ABC 909 C1:173027052023173 C2:uduudduududuuud M:6/8 K:Gmix H:BLRZbs T:Huish the Cat
ABC 909 C1:173027052023173 C2:uduudduududuuud M:6/8 K:Gmix H:BLRZbs T:Huish the Cat
ABC 909 C1:173027052023173 C2:uduudduududuuud M:6/8 K:Gmix H:BLRZbs T:Huish the Cat
ABC 909 C1:173027052023173 C2:uduudduududuuud M:6/8 K:Gmix H:BLRZbs T:Huish the Cat
ABC 909 C1:173027052023173 C2:uduudduududuuud M:6/8 K:Gmix H:BLRZbs T:Huish the Cat
ABC 909 C1:173027052023173 C2:uduudduududuuud M:6/8 K:Gmix H:BLRZbs T:Huish the Cat
ABC 382 C1:052023173011660 C2:duududuuuddudud M:6/8 K:C H:BLORZ T:Huish The Cat
ABC 382 C1:052023173011660 C2:duududuuuddudud M:6/8 K:C H:BLORZ T:Huish The Cat
ABC 382 C1:052023173011660 C2:duududuuuddudud M:6/8 K:C H:BLORZ T:Huish The Cat
ABC 382 C1:173027052023173 C2:uduudduududuuud M:6/8 K:C H:BFLRZbs T:Huish the Cat
ABC 382 C1:173027052023173 C2:uduudduududuuud M:6/8 K:C H:BFLRZbs T:Huish the Cat
ABC 382 C1:173027052023173 C2:uduudduududuuud M:6/8 K:C H:BFLRZbs T:Huish the Cat
ABC 382 C1:173027052023173 C2:uduudduududuuud M:6/8 K:C H:BFLRZbs T:Huish the Cat
ABC 382 C1:173027052023173 C2:uduudduududuuud M:6/8 K:C H:BFLRZbs T:Huish the Cat
ABC 382 C1:173027052023173 C2:uduudduududuuud M:6/8 K:C H:BFLRZbs T:Huish the Cat
ABC 382 C1:173027052023173 C2:uduudduududuuud M:6/8 K:C H:BFLRZbs T:Huish the Cat
ABC 382 C1:173027052023173 C2:uduudduududuuud M:6/8 K:C H:BFLRZbs T:Huish the Cat
ABC 1 C1:052023173011660 C2:duududuuuddudud M:6/8 K:C H:LRSZ T:Huish the Cat
ABC 1 C1: C2: M:6/8 K:G H:LRSZ T:Huish the Cat
ABC 1 C1: C2: M:6/8 K:C H:LRSZ T:Huish the Cat
ABC 909 C1:052023173011660 C2:duududuuuddudud M:6/8 K:Gmix H:BLRZ T:Huish the Cat.
ABC 21072 C1:173027052023173 C2:uduudduududuuud M:6/8 K:Am H:BLRZ T:HUISH THE CAT
ABC 21072 C1:173027052023173 C2:uduudduududuuud M:6/8 K:Am H:BLRZ T:HUISH THE CAT
ABC 493165 C1:173027052023173 C2:uduudduududuuud M:6/8 K:Am H:BLRZ T:HUISH THE CAT
ABC 493165 C1:173027052023173 C2:uduudduududuuud M:6/8 K:Am H:BLRZ T:HUISH THE CAT
ABC 2231 C1:173027052005173 C2:uduuddududuuudd M:6/8 K:C H:BLQRZ T:HUISH THE CAT
ABC 2231 C1:173027052005173 C2:uduuddududuuudd M:6/8 K:C H:BLQRZ T:HUISH THE CAT
ABC 2231 C1:173027052005173 C2:uduuddududuuudd M:6/8 K:C H:BLQRZ T:HUISH THE CAT
ABC 2231 C1:173027052005173 C2:uduuddududuuudd M:6/8 K:C H:BLQRZ T:HUISH THE CAT
ABC 2231 C1:173027052005173 C2:uduuddududuuudd M:6/8 K:C H:BLQRZ T:HUISH THE CAT
ABC 2231 C1:173027052005173 C2:uduuddududuuudd M:6/8 K:C H:BLQRZ T:HUISH THE CAT
ABC 2231 C1:173027052005173 C2:uduuddududuuudd M:6/8 K:C H:BLQRZ T:HUISH THE CAT
ABC 2231 C1:173027052005173 C2:uduuddududuuudd M:6/8 K:C H:BLQRZ T:HUISH THE CAT
ABC 2231 C1:173027052005173 C2:uduuddududuuudd M:6/8 K:C H:BLQRZ T:HUISH THE CAT
ABC 909 C1:052023173011660 C2:duududuuuddudud M:6/8 K:Gmix H:BLRZ T:Huish the Cat.
ABC 382 C1:052023173011660 C2:duududuuuddudud M:6/8 K:C H:BCFLORWZ T:Huish the cat
ABC 382 C1:052023173011660 C2:duududuuuddudud M:6/8 K:C H:BLORZ T:Huish The Cat
ABC 382 C1:052023173011660 C2:duududuuuddudud M:6/8 K:C H:BLORZ T:Huish The Cat
ABC 5790 C1:052023173011660 C2:duududuuuddudud M:6/8 K:C H:BCLORZ T:Huish the cat
ABC 5790 C1:052023173011660 C2:duududuuuddudud M:6/8 K:C H:BCLORZ T:Huish the cat
ABC 5790 C1:052023173011660 C2:duududuuuddudud M:6/8 K:C H:BCLORZ T:Huish the cat
ABC 1065 C1:052023173011660 C2:duududuuuddudud M:6/8 K:C H:BCLORZ T:Huish the cat
ABC 940 C1:052023173011660 C2:duududuuuddudud M:6/8 K:Gmix H:BLRZ T:Huish the Cat
ABC 940 C1:052023173011660 C2:duududuuuddudud M:6/8 K:Gmix H:BLRZ T:Huish the Cat
ABC 1 C1:307110300077621 C2:uduuuddduudddud M:6/8 K:G H:L T:Huish the Cat from the Bacon [2]
ABC 1 C1:307110300077621 C2:uduuuddduudddud M:6/8 K:G H:L T:Huish the Cat from the Bacon [2]
ABC 461 C1:173027762067173 C2:uduudddudduduud M: K:Dmix H:BLQSZ T:Huish the Cat from Under the Table. JBut.458
ABC 0909 C1:052023003011660 C2:duududuuuddudud M:6/8 K:C H:BCILZ T:"Huish the Cat" (jig) 0909
ABC 0909 C1:052023003011660 C2:duududuuuddudud M:6/8 K:C H:BCILZ T:"Huish the Cat" (jig) 0909
ABC 0909 C1:052023003011660 C2:duududuuuddudud M:6/8 K:C H:BCILZ T:"Huish the Cat" (jig) 0909
ABC 2934 C1:061007160116011 C2:dududuuduuududd M:2/4 K:Am H:CFLOSWZ T:Huldre-kve
ABC 2934 C1:061007160116011 C2:dududuuduuududd M:2/4 K:Am H:CFLOSWZ T:Huldre-kve
ABC 10628 C1:061007160116011 C2:dududuuduuududu M:2/4 K:Dm H:CFLOQSVWZ T:Huldre-kve
ABC 10628 C1:061007160116011 C2:dududuuduuududu M:2/4 K:Dm H:CFLOQSVWZ T:Huldre-kve
ABC 23 C1:171261771712610 C2:uuduuudududuudu M:2/4 K:F H:ABCDHLOQRZ T:Huldre-Kve
ABC 23 C1:171261771712610 C2:uuduuudududuudu M:2/4 K:F H:ABCDHLOQRZ T:Huldre-Kve
ABC 2934 C1:061007160116011 C2:dududuuduuududd M:2/4 K:Am H:CFLOSWZ T:Huldre og 'en Elland
ABC 2934 C1:061007160116011 C2:dududuuduuududd M:2/4 K:Am H:CFLOSWZ T:Huldre og 'en Elland
ABC 10628 C1:061007160116011 C2:dududuuduuududu M:2/4 K:Dm H:CFLOQSVWZ T:Huldre og 'en Elland
ABC 10628 C1:061007160116011 C2:dududuuduuududu M:2/4 K:Dm H:CFLOQSVWZ T:Huldre og 'en Elland
ABC 63 C1:711177011172760 C2:duuudduuududddd M:C K:D H:BFLQSZ T:Hulin Hornpipe. WG.63
ABC 63 C1:711177011172760 C2:duuudduuududddd M:C K:D H:BFLQSZ T:Hulin Hornpipe. WG.63
ABC 243 C1:000300000000000 C2:udududu M:2/4 K:Ab H:LQ T:Hullabalaylay
ABC 1 C1:011011017003000 C2:uuuuududdududdd M:6/8 K:G H:L T:Hullabaloo Belay
ABC 1 C1:011011017003000 C2:uuuuududdududdd M:6/8 K:G H:L T:Hullabaloo Belay
ABC 1 C1:011011017003000 C2:uuuuududdududdd M:6/8 K:G H:L T:Hullabaloo Belay
ABC 0 C1:700204040401020 C2:dduududuudduuuu M:2/4 K:GMin H:DLQZ T:Hulla mucka doo
ABC 1 C1:000001100000011 C2:uuuduuudddududd M:2/2 K:C H:ALQRSZ T:Hull Dock Company's March,The. TJD.21
ABC 21 C1:000001100000011 C2:uuuduuudddududd M:2/2 K:C H:ALQRSZ T:Hull Dock Company's March,The. TJD.21
ABC 21 C1:000001100000011 C2:uuuduuudddududd M:2/2 K:C H:ABLQRSZ T:Hull Dock Company's March,The. TJD.21
ABC 3889 C1:000001100000011 C2:uuuduuudddududd M:2/2 K:C H:AFLQRSZ T:Hull Dock Company's March,The. TJD.21
ABC 3889 C1:000001100000011 C2:uuuduuudddududd M:2/2 K:C H:AFLQRSZ T:Hull Dock Company's March,The. TJD.21
ABC 21 C1:000001100000011 C2:uuuduuudddududd M:2/2 K:C H:ABLQRSZ T:Hull Dock Company's March,The. TJD.21
ABC 21 C1:000001100000011 C2:uuuduuudddududd M:2/2 K:C H:ABLQRZ T:Hull Dock Company's March. TJD.21, The
ABC 21 C1:000001100000011 C2:uuuduuudddududd M:2/2 K:C H:ABLQRZ T:Hull Dock Company's March. TJD.21, The
ABC 197 C1:000001100000011 C2:uuuduuudddududd M:C| K:D H:BLOQRZ T:Hull Dock Company's March TS.197
ABC 197 C1:000001100000011 C2:uuuduuudddududd M:C| K:D H:BLOQRZ T:Hull Dock Company's March TS.197
ABC 197 C1:000001100000011 C2:uuuduuudddududd M:C| K:D H:LOQRSZ T:Hull Dock Company's March TS.197
ABC 197 C1:000001100000011 C2:uuuduuudddududd M:C| K:D H:ABLOQRSZ T:Hull Dock Company's March TS.197
ABC 3890 C1:000001100000011 C2:uuuduuudddududd M:C| K:D H:FLOQRSZ T:Hull Dock Company's March TS.197
ABC 3891 C1:000001100000011 C2:uuuduuudddududd M:C| K:D H:FLOQRSZ T:Hull Dock Company's March TS.197
ABC 3890 C1:000001100000011 C2:uuuduuudddududd M:C| K:D H:FLOQRSZ T:Hull Dock Company's March TS.197
ABC 3891 C1:000001100000011 C2:uuuduuudddududd M:C| K:D H:FLOQRSZ T:Hull Dock Company's March TS.197
ABC 197 C1:000001100000011 C2:uuuduuudddududd M:C| K:D H:ABLOQRSZ T:Hull Dock Company's March TS.197
ABC 1 C1:000007120000001 C2:duuuuuddududddu M:4/4 K:C H:LOQRSZ T:Hull Dock March. JGi.121
ABC 121 C1:000007120000001 C2:duuuuuddududddu M:C| K:C H:BLQZ T:Hull Dock March. JGi.121
ABC 121 C1:000007120000001 C2:duuuuuddududddu M:C| K:C H:LOQRSZ T:Hull Dock March. JGi.121
ABC 121 C1:000007120000001 C2:duuuuuddududddu M:C| K:C H:ABLOQRSZ T:Hull Dock March. JGi.121
ABC 3892 C1:000007120000001 C2:duuuuuddududddu M:4/4 K:C H:FLOQRSZ T:Hull Dock March. JGi.121
ABC 3892 C1:000007120000001 C2:duuuuuddududddu M:4/4 K:C H:FLOQRSZ T:Hull Dock March. JGi.121
ABC 121 C1:000007120000001 C2:duuuuuddududddu M:C| K:C H:ABLOQRSZ T:Hull Dock March. JGi.121
ABC 12 C1:775620624117775 C2:dddduduuuuddddd M:6/8 K:C H:BLQWZ T:Hull Hampleford, or... Ru2.012
ABC 12 C1:775620624117775 C2:dddduduuuuddddd M:6/8 K:C H:BLQWZ T:Hull Hampleford, or... Ru2.012
ABC 676 C1:002002176063002 C2:uuuddduuudddduu M:6/8 K:D H:"LORSZ T:Hullican jig
ABC 676 C1:002002176063002 C2:uuuddduuudddduu M:6/8 K:D H:"LORSZ T:Hullican jig
ABC 676 C1:002002176063002 C2:uuuddduuudddduu M:6/8 K:D H:"LORSZ T:Hullican jig
ABC 676 C1:002002176063002 C2:uuuddduuudddduu M:6/8 K:D H:"LORSZ T:Hullican jig
ABC 676 C1:002002176063002 C2:uuuddduuudddduu M:6/8 K:D H:"LORSZ T:Hullican jig
ABC 1 C1:002622176773712 C2:uduuudddduduuud M:6/8 K:D H:OR T:Hullican's (Hooligan's) Jig
ABC 1 C1:002622176773712 C2:uduuudddduduuud M:6/8 K:D H:LOR T:Hullican's (Hooligan's) Jig
ABC 7247 C1:002622176773712 C2:uduuudddduduuud M:6/8 K:D H:OR T:Hullican's (Hooligan's) Jig
ABC 7247 C1:002622176773712 C2:uduuudddduduuud M:6/8 K:D H:OR T:Hullican's (Hooligan's) Jig
ABC 7284 C1:002622176773712 C2:uduuudddduduuud M:6/8 K:D H:OR T:Hullican's (Hooligan's) Jig
ABC 7284 C1:002622176773712 C2:uduuudddduduuud M:6/8 K:D H:OR T:Hullican's (Hooligan's) Jig
ABC 5795 C1:002622176773712 C2:uduuudddduduuud M:6/8 K:D H:OR T:Hullican's (Hooligan's) Jig
ABC 5794 C1:002622176773712 C2:uduuudddduduuud M:6/8 K:D H:LOR T:Hullican's (Hooligan's) Jig
ABC 5794 C1:002622176773712 C2:uduuudddduduuud M:6/8 K:D H:LOR T:Hullican's (Hooligan's) Jig
ABC 5795 C1:002622176773712 C2:uduuudddduduuud M:6/8 K:D H:OR T:Hullican's (Hooligan's) Jig
ABC 5794 C1:002622176773712 C2:uduuudddduduuud M:6/8 K:D H:LOR T:Hullican's (Hooligan's) Jig
ABC 5795 C1:002622176773712 C2:uduuudddduduuud M:6/8 K:D H:OR T:Hullican's (Hooligan's) Jig
ABC 1067 C1:002622176773712 C2:uduuudddduduuud M:6/8 K:D H:OR T:Hullican's (Hooligan's) Jig
ABC 6 C1:002622176773712 C2:uduuudddduduuud M:6/8 K:D H:BORZ T:Hullican's (Hooligan's) Jig
ABC 1 C1:170663712267661 C2:uddduduuuddddud M:6/8 K:G H:"CRZ T:Hullichan
ABC 1 C1:170663712267661 C2:uddduduuuddddud M:6/8 K:G H:"CRZ T:Hullichan
ABC 1 C1:170663712267661 C2:uddduduuuddddud M:6/8 K:G H:"CRZ T:Hullichan
ABC 1 C1:170663712267661 C2:uddduduuuddddud M:6/8 K:G H:"CRZ T:Hullichan
ABC 1 C1:170663712267661 C2:uddduduuuddddud M:6/8 K:G H:"CRZ T:Hullichan
ABC 1 C1:170663712267661 C2:uddduduuuddddud M:6/8 K:G H:LR T:Hullichan
ABC 1 C1:170663712267661 C2:uddduduuuddddud M:6/8 K:G H:LR T:Hullichan
ABC 8 C1:170663712267661 C2:uddduduuuddddud M:6/8 K:G H:"CLQRS T:Hullichan
ABC 88 C1:170663712267661 C2:uddduduuuddddud M:6/8 K:G H:"CRZ T:Hullichan
ABC 1 C1:172622170663712 C2:ududuuuddduduuu M: K:Gmaj H:LR T:Hullichan
ABC 2 C1:000663712267661 C2:dduduuuudddduud M: K:Dmaj H:LR T:Hullichan
ABC 3 C1:172622215663117 C2:ududuuuuddduuud M: K:Gmaj H:LR T:Hullichan
ABC 51 C1:170663712267661 C2:uddduduuuddddud M:6/8 K:G H:"LR T:Hullichan
ABC 8 C1:170663712267661 C2:uddduduuuddddud M:6/8 K:G H:"CLQRS T:Hullichan
ABC 8 C1:170663712267661 C2:uddduduuuddddud M:6/8 K:G H:"CLQRS T:Hullichan
ABC 420 C1:002622176063712 C2:uduuuddduduuudd M:6/8 K:G H:L T:Hullichan Jig
ABC 46 C1:317262217066371 C2:uududuuuddduduu M:6/8 K:G H:CILQ T:Hullichan Jig
ABC 46 C1:317262217066371 C2:uududuuuddduduu M:6/8 K:G H:CILQ T:Hullichan Jig
ABC 1 C1:172622170663712 C2:ududuuuddduduuu M:6/8 K:G H:"S T:Hullichan Jig
ABC 8 C1:172622170663712 C2:ududuuuddduduuu M:6/8 K:G H:"BRZ T:Hullichan Jig
ABC 8 C1:172622170663712 C2:ududuuuddduduuu M:6/8 K:G H:"BRZ T:Hullichan Jig
ABC 8 C1:172622170663712 C2:ududuuuddduduuu M:6/8 K:G H:"BRZ T:Hullichan Jig
ABC 8 C1:172622170663712 C2:ududuuuddduduuu M:6/8 K:G H:"BRZ T:Hullichan Jig
ABC 8 C1:172622170663712 C2:ududuuuddduduuu M:6/8 K:G H:"BRZ T:Hullichan Jig
ABC 8 C1:172622170663712 C2:ududuuuddduduuu M:6/8 K:G H:"BRZ T:Hullichan Jig
ABC 8 C1:172622170663712 C2:ududuuuddduduuu M:6/8 K:G H:"BRZ T:Hullichan Jig
ABC 8 C1:172622170663712 C2:ududuuuddduduuu M:6/8 K:G H:"BRZ T:Hullichan Jig
ABC 8 C1:172622170663712 C2:ududuuuddduduuu M:6/8 K:G H:"BRZ T:Hullichan Jig
ABC 8 C1:172622170663712 C2:ududuuuddduduuu M:6/8 K:G H:"BRZ T:Hullichan Jig
ABC 1 C1:003172622170663 C2:uududuuuddduduu M:6/8 K:G H:"LRZ T:the Hullichan Jig
ABC 1 C1:003172622170663 C2:uududuuuddduduu M:6/8 K:G H:"LRZ T:the Hullichan Jig
ABC 1 C1:003172622170663 C2:uududuuuddduduu M:6/8 K:G H:"LRZ T:the Hullichan Jig
ABC 1 C1:003172622170663 C2:uududuuuddduduu M:6/8 K:G H:"LRZ T:the Hullichan Jig
ABC 1 C1:003172622170663 C2:uududuuuddduduu M:6/8 K:G H:"LRZ T:the Hullichan Jig
ABC 1 C1:003172622170663 C2:uududuuuddduduu M:6/8 K:G H:"LRZ T:the Hullichan Jig
ABC 1 C1:170663712267661 C2:uddduduuudddduu M:6/8 K:G H:"L T:Hullichan jig
ABC 1 C1:170663712267661 C2:uddduduuuddddud M:6/8 K:G H:LRZ T:Hullichan Jig
ABC 1 C1:170663712267661 C2:uddduduuuddddud M:6/8 K:G H:LRZ T:Hullichan Jig
ABC 1 C1:170663712267661 C2:uddduduuuddddud M:6/8 K:G H:LR T:Hullichan Jig
ABC 1 C1:170663712267661 C2:uddduduuuddddud M:6/8 K:G H:LR T:Hullichan Jig
ABC 17 C1:172622170663712 C2:ududuuuddduduuu M:6/8 K:D H:" T:Hullichan Jig
ABC 46 C1:317262217066371 C2:uududuuuddduduu M:6/8 K:G H:CILQ T:Hullichan Jig
ABC 420 C1:002622176063712 C2:uduuuddduduuudd M:6/8 K:G H:L T:Hullichan Jig
ABC 420 C1:002622176063712 C2:uduuuddduduuudd M:6/8 K:G H:L T:Hullichan Jig
ABC 420 C1:002622176063712 C2:uduuuddduduuudd M:6/8 K:G H:L T:Hullichan Jig
ABC 420 C1:002622176063712 C2:uduuuddduduuudd M:6/8 K:G H:L T:Hullichan Jig
ABC 420 C1:002622176063712 C2:uduuuddduduuudd M:6/8 K:G H:L T:Hullichan Jig
ABC 420 C1:002622176063712 C2:uduuuddduduuudd M:6/8 K:G H:L T:Hullichan Jig
ABC 131 C1:172622170663712 C2:ududuuuddduduuu M:6/8 K:G H:"C T:Hullichan Jig
ABC 2 C1:400262200066371 C2:duduudduduuuudd M:9/8 K:D H:LR T:The Hullichan Jig
ABC 51 C1:170663712267661 C2:uddduduuuddddud M:6/8 K:G H:"LR T:Hullichan Jig
ABC 51 C1:170663712267661 C2:uddduduuuddddud M:6/8 K:G H:"LR T:Hullichan Jig
ABC 51 C1:170663712267661 C2:uddduduuuddddud M:6/8 K:G H:"LR T:Hullichan Jig
ABC 51 C1:170663712267661 C2:uddduduuuddddud M:6/8 K:G H:"LR T:Hullichan Jig
ABC 51 C1:170663712267661 C2:uddduduuuddddud M:6/8 K:G H:"LR T:Hullichan Jig
ABC 8 C1:172622170663712 C2:ududuuuddduduuu M:6/8 K:G H:"BRZ T:Hullichan Jig
ABC 8 C1:172622170663712 C2:ududuuuddduduuu M:6/8 K:G H:"BRZ T:Hullichan Jig
ABC 8 C1:172622170663712 C2:ududuuuddduduuu M:6/8 K:G H:"BRZ T:Hullichan Jig
ABC 8 C1:172622170663712 C2:ududuuuddduduuu M:6/8 K:G H:"BRZ T:Hullichan Jig
ABC 8 C1:172622170663712 C2:ududuuuddduduuu M:6/8 K:G H:"BRZ T:Hullichan Jig
ABC 8 C1:172622170663712 C2:ududuuuddduduuu M:6/8 K:G H:"BRZ T:Hullichan Jig
ABC 8 C1:172622170663712 C2:ududuuuddduduuu M:6/8 K:G H:"BRZ T:Hullichan Jig
ABC 8 C1:172622170663712 C2:ududuuuddduduuu M:6/8 K:G H:"BRZ T:Hullichan Jig
ABC 420 C1:002622176063712 C2:uduuuddduduuudd M:6/8 K:G H:L T:Hullichan Jig
ABC 420 C1:002622176063712 C2:uduuuddduduuudd M:6/8 K:G H:L T:Hullichan Jig
ABC 655 C1:172622170663712 C2:ududuuuddduduuu M:6/8 K:G H:"S T:Hullichan Jig
ABC 131 C1:172622170663712 C2:ududuuuddduduuu M:6/8 K:G H:"S T:Hullichan Jig
ABC 131 C1:172622170663712 C2:ududuuuddduduuu M:6/8 K:G H:"S T:Hullichan Jig
ABC 131 C1:172622170663712 C2:ududuuuddduduuu M:6/8 K:G H:"S T:Hullichan Jig
ABC 131 C1:172622170663712 C2:ududuuuddduduuu M:6/8 K:G H:"S T:Hullichan Jig
ABC 420 C1:002622176063712 C2:uduuuddduduuudd M:6/8 K:G H:L T:Hullichan Jig
ABC 131 C1:172622170663712 C2:ududuuuddduduuu M:6/8 K:G H:"FRS T:Hullichan Jig
ABC 131 C1:172622170663712 C2:ududuuuddduduuu M:6/8 K:G H:"FRS T:Hullichan Jig
ABC 131 C1:172622170663712 C2:ududuuuddduduuu M:6/8 K:G H:"FRS T:Hullichan Jig
ABC 7285 C1:172622170663712 C2:ududuuuddduduuu M:6/8 K:G H:"S T:Hullichan Jig
ABC 7285 C1:172622170663712 C2:ududuuuddduduuu M:6/8 K:G H:"S T:Hullichan Jig
ABC 2681 C1:172622170663712 C2:ududuuuddduduuu M:6/8 K:G H:"OS T:Hullichan Jig
ABC 2681 C1:172622170663712 C2:ududuuuddduduuu M:6/8 K:G H:"OS T:Hullichan Jig
ABC 8023 C1:172622170663712 C2:ududuuuddduduuu M:6/8 K:G H:"CLOQRZ T:Hullichan Jig
ABC 5796 C1:172622170663712 C2:ududuuuddduduuu M:6/8 K:G H:"S T:Hullichan Jig
ABC 5796 C1:172622170663712 C2:ududuuuddduduuu M:6/8 K:G H:"S T:Hullichan Jig
ABC 5796 C1:172622170663712 C2:ududuuuddduduuu M:6/8 K:G H:"S T:Hullichan Jig
ABC 164 C1:060112625111777 C2:duuududuuudddud M:6/8 K:A H:ABLOQZ T:Hullichan Jig,aka. EHo.164
ABC 181 C1:172622170663712 C2:ududuuuddduduuu M:6/8 K:G H:OQRZ T:Hullichan Jig,The. FTB.181
ABC 181 C1:172622170663712 C2:ududuuuddduduuu M:6/8 K:G H:BOQRZ T:Hullichan Jig,The. FTB.181
ABC 181 C1:172622170663712 C2:ududuuuddduduuu M:6/8 K:G H:BOQRZ T:Hullichan Jig,The. FTB.181
ABC 181 C1:172622170663712 C2:ududuuuddduduuu M:6/8 K:G H:OQRZ T:Hullichan Jig,The. FTB.181
ABC 1 C1:002712176001712 C2:uduuudduduuuddd M:6/8 K:Gmaj H:LR T:Hullichan Jig (version learned in Kent!)
ABC 1 C1:002712176001712 C2:uduuudduduuuddd M:6/8 K:Gmaj H:LR T:Hullichan Jig (version learned in Kent!)
ABC 1 C1:002712176001712 C2:uduuudduduuuddd M:6/8 K:Gmaj H:LR T:Hullichan Jig (version learned in Kent!)
ABC 3893 C1:002712176063002 C2:uduuuddduuudddu M:6/8 K:D H:FORZ T:Hullihan's Jig
ABC 3893 C1:002712176063002 C2:uduuuddduuudddu M:6/8 K:D H:FORZ T:Hullihan's Jig
ABC 243 C1:002712176063002 C2:uduuuddduuudddu M:6/8 K:D H:ORZ T:Hullihan's Jig
ABC 106 C1: C2: M:C K:G H:ABHLOR T:Hull's 4th Dragoon March (not available here)
ABC 7281 C1: C2: M:C K:G H:ABHLOR T:Hull's 4th Dragoon March (not available here)
ABC 7281 C1: C2: M:C K:G H:ABHLOR T:Hull's 4th Dragoon March (not available here)
ABC 260 C1:400057125400040 C2:duduudduduuduuu M:4/4 K:Emaj H:LRS T:Hull's
ABC 260 C1:400057125400040 C2:duduudduduuduuu M:4/4 K:Emaj H:LRS T:Hull's
ABC 260 C1:400057125400040 C2:duduudduduuduuu M:4/4 K:Emaj H:LRS T:Hull's
ABC 1 C1:405700174000576 C2:dududdudduddudu M:4/4 K:Emajor H:LRSVZ T:Hull's
ABC 8 C1:405700174221712 C2:dududduuuduuddu M: K:Dmaj H:LR T:Hull's
ABC 9 C1:405700174221712 C2:dududduuuduuddu M: K:Emaj H:LR T:Hull's
ABC 10 C1:400444174221712 C2:duduudduuuduudd M: K:Emaj H:LR T:Hull's
ABC 1 C1:405700174000576 C2:dududdudduddudu M: K:Emaj H:LR T:Hull's
ABC 2 C1:405700174005712 C2:dududduduuddudu M: K:Dmaj H:LR T:Hull's
ABC 3 C1:400057125400040 C2:duduudduduuduuu M: K:Emaj H:LR T:Hull's
ABC 4 C1:405706374041712 C2:duddudduuduuddu M: K:Dmaj H:LR T:Hull's
ABC 5 C1:422171254057062 C2:duuuduuddudduud M: K:Emaj H:LR T:Hull's
ABC 6 C1:405700174221712 C2:dududduuuduuddu M: K:Emaj H:LR T:Hull's
ABC 7 C1:405706374041002 C2:duddudduuuddudd M: K:Dmaj H:LR T:Hull's
ABC 260 C1:400057125400040 C2:duduudduduuduuu M:4/4 K:Emaj H:LRS T:Hull's
ABC 260 C1:400057125400040 C2:duduudduduuduuu M:4/4 K:Emaj H:LRS T:Hull's
ABC 6 C1:400407274005712 C2:dududduduuddudu M:4/4 K:Emaj H:"FLR T:Hull's (John Morris Rankin)
ABC 72 C1:000002116600031 C2:uuudduuududdudu M:C| K:A H:LOQRSZ T:Hull's March EHo.072
ABC 72 C1:000002116600031 C2:uuudduuududdudu M:C| K:A H:LOQRSZ T:Hull's March EHo.072
ABC 072 C1:000002116600031 C2:uuudduuududdudu M:C| K:A H:ABLOQZ T:Hull's March. EHo.072
ABC 1 C1:400407274005712 C2:dududduduuddudu M:4/4 K:Emaj H:"FLR T:Hull's (R-169; \251John Morris Rankin)
ABC 1 C1:400407274005712 C2:dududduduuddudu M:4/4 K:Emaj H:"FLR T:Hull's (R-169; \251John Morris Rankin)
ABC 1 C1:400407274005712 C2:dududduduuddudu M:4/4 K:Emaj H:"FLR T:Hull's (R-169; \251John Morris Rankin)
ABC 1 C1:400407274005712 C2:dududduduuddudu M:4/4 K:Emaj H:"FLR T:Hull's (R-169; \251John Morris Rankin)
ABC 6 C1:400407274005712 C2:dududduduuddudu M:4/4 K:Emaj H:"FLR T:Hull's (R-169; \251John Morris Rankin)
ABC 6 C1:400407274005712 C2:dududduduuddudu M:4/4 K:Emaj H:"FLR T:Hull's (R-169; \251John Morris Rankin)
ABC 6 C1:400407274005712 C2:dududduduuddudu M:4/4 K:Emaj H:"FLR T:Hull's (R-169; \251John Morris Rankin)
ABC 6 C1:400407274005712 C2:dududduduuddudu M:4/4 K:Emaj H:"FLR T:Hull's (R-169; \251John Morris Rankin)
ABC 6 C1:400407274005712 C2:dududduduuddudu M:C| K:Emaj H:"FLR T:Hull's (R-169; \251John Morris Rankin)
ABC 1 C1:405700174000576 C2:dududdudduddudu M:4/4 K:E H:LR T:Hull's Reel
ABC 1 C1:405700174000576 C2:dududdudduddudu M:4/4 K:E H:LR T:Hull's Reel
ABC 1 C1:400407274005712 C2:dududduduuddudu M:4/4 K:D H:"LRZ T:Hull's Reel
ABC 1 C1:400407274005712 C2:dududduduuddudu M:4/4 K:D H:"LRZ T:Hull's Reel
ABC 1 C1:405700174000576 C2:dududdudduddudu M:4/4 K:E H:LR T:Hull's Reel
ABC 1 C1:405700174000576 C2:dududdudduddudu M:4/4 K:E H:LR T:Hull's Reel
ABC 1 C1:405700174000576 C2:dududdudduddudu M:4/4 K:E H:LR T:Hull's Reel
ABC 1 C1:405700174000576 C2:dududdudduddudu M:4/4 K:E H:LR T:Hull's Reel
ABC 1 C1:400407274005712 C2:dududduduuddudu M:4/4 K:D H:"LRZ T:Hull's Reel
ABC 1 C1:405700174000576 C2:dududdudduddudu M:4/4 K:E H:LR T:Hull's Reel
ABC 1 C1:405700174000576 C2:dududdudduddudu M:4/4 K:E H:LR T:Hull's Reel
ABC 1 C1:400407274005712 C2:dududduduuddudu M:4/4 K:D H:"LRZ T:Hull's Reel
ABC 1 C1:400407274005712 C2:dududduduuddudu M:4/4 K:D H:"LRZ T:Hull's Reel
ABC 1 C1:400407274005712 C2:dududduduuddudu M:4/4 K:D H:"LRZ T:Hull's Reel
ABC 1 C1:400407274005712 C2:dududduduuddudu M:4/4 K:D H:"LRZ T:Hull's Reel
ABC 1 C1:400407274005712 C2:dududduduuddudu M:4/4 K:D H:"LRZ T:Hull's Reel
ABC 1 C1:400407274005712 C2:dududduduuddudu M:4/4 K:D H:"LRZ T:Hull's Reel
ABC 1 C1:400407274005712 C2:dududduduuddudu M:4/4 K:D H:"LRZ T:Hull's Reel
ABC 1 C1:400407274005712 C2:dududduduuddudu M:4/4 K:D H:"LRZ T:Hull's Reel
ABC 1 C1:400407274005712 C2:dududduduuddudu M:4/4 K:E H:"LRZ T:Hull's Reel
ABC 1 C1:400407274005712 C2:dududduduuddudu M:4/4 K:E H:"LRZ T:Hull's Reel
ABC 1 C1:400407274005712 C2:dududduduuddudu M:4/4 K:E H:"LRZ T:Hull's Reel
ABC 1 C1:400407274005712 C2:dududduduuddudu M:4/4 K:E H:"LRZ T:Hull's Reel
ABC 1 C1:400407274005712 C2:dududduduuddudu M:4/4 K:E H:"LRZ T:Hull's Reel
ABC 1 C1:400407274005712 C2:dududduduuddudu M:4/4 K:E H:"LRZ T:Hull's Reel
ABC 1 C1:400407274005712 C2:dududduduuddudu M:4/4 K:E H:"LRZ T:Hull's Reel
ABC 1 C1:400407274005712 C2:dududduduuddudu M:4/4 K:E H:"LRZ T:Hull's Reel
ABC 1 C1:400407274005712 C2:dududduduuddudu M:4/4 K:E H:"LRZ T:Hull's Reel
ABC 1 C1:400407274005712 C2:dududduduuddudu M:4/4 K:E H:"LRZ T:Hull's Reel
ABC 1 C1:400407274005712 C2:dududduduuddudu M:4/4 K:E H:"LRZ T:Hull's Reel
ABC 1 C1:400407274005712 C2:dududduduuddudu M:4/4 K:E H:"LRZ T:Hull's Reel
ABC 1 C1:400407274005712 C2:dududduduuddudu M:4/4 K:E H:"LRZ T:Hull's Reel
ABC 1 C1:400407274005712 C2:dududduduuddudu M:4/4 K:E H:"LRZ T:Hull's Reel
ABC 1 C1:400407274005712 C2:dududduduuddudu M:4/4 K:E H:"LRZ T:Hull's Reel
ABC 1 C1:740040727400571 C2:ddududduduuddud M:4/4 K:E H:"LRZ T:Hull's Reel
ABC 4 C1:400407274005712 C2:dududduduuddudu M:C| K:E H:"CILR T:Hull's reel
ABC 1 C1:740040727400571 C2:ddududduduuddud M:4/4 K:E H:"LRZ T:Hull's Reel
ABC 1 C1:740040727400571 C2:ddududduduuddud M:4/4 K:E H:"LRZ T:Hull's Reel
ABC 1 C1:400407274005712 C2:dududduduuddudu M:4/4 K:D H:"LRZ T:Hull's Reel
ABC 1 C1:400407274005712 C2:dududduduuddudu M:4/4 K:D H:"LRZ T:Hull's Reel
ABC 1 C1:400407274005712 C2:dududduduuddudu M:4/4 K:D H:"LRZ T:Hull's Reel
ABC 1 C1:400407274005712 C2:dududduduuddudu M:4/4 K:D H:"LRZ T:Hull's Reel
ABC 1 C1:400407274005712 C2:dududduduuddudu M:4/4 K:D H:"LRZ T:Hull's Reel
ABC 1 C1:400407274005712 C2:dududduduuddudu M:4/4 K:D H:"LRZ T:Hull's Reel
ABC 1 C1:400407274005712 C2:dududduduuddudu M:4/4 K:D H:"LRZ T:Hull's Reel
ABC 1 C1:400407274005712 C2:dududduduuddudu M:4/4 K:D H:"LRZ T:Hull's Reel
ABC 1 C1:400407274005712 C2:dududduduuddudu M:4/4 K:D H:"LRZ T:Hull's Reel
ABC 1 C1:400407274005712 C2:dududduduuddudu M:4/4 K:D H:"LRZ T:Hull's Reel
ABC 1 C1:400407274005712 C2:dududduduuddudu M:4/4 K:D H:"LRZ T:Hull's Reel
ABC 1 C1:400407274005712 C2:dududduduuddudu M:4/4 K:D H:"LRZ T:Hull's Reel
ABC 1 C1:400407274005712 C2:dududduduuddudu M:4/4 K:D H:"LRZ T:Hull's Reel
ABC 1 C1:400407274005712 C2:dududduduuddudu M:4/4 K:E H:"LRZ T:Hull's Reel
ABC 1 C1:400407274005712 C2:dududduduuddudu M:4/4 K:E H:"LRZ T:Hull's Reel
ABC 1 C1:400407274005712 C2:dududduduuddudu M:4/4 K:E H:"LRZ T:Hull's Reel
ABC 1 C1:400407274005712 C2:dududduduuddudu M:4/4 K:E H:"LRZ T:Hull's Reel
ABC 1 C1:400407274005712 C2:dududduduuddudu M:4/4 K:E H:"LRZ T:Hull's Reel
ABC 1 C1:400407274005712 C2:dududduduuddudu M:4/4 K:E H:"LRZ T:Hull's Reel
ABC 1 C1:400407274005712 C2:dududduduuddudu M:4/4 K:E H:"LRZ T:Hull's Reel
ABC 1 C1:400407274005712 C2:dududduduuddudu M:4/4 K:E H:"LRZ T:Hull's Reel
ABC 1 C1:400407274005712 C2:dududduduuddudu M:4/4 K:E H:"LRZ T:Hull's Reel
ABC 1 C1:400407274005712 C2:dududduduuddudu M:4/4 K:E H:"LRZ T:Hull's Reel
ABC 1 C1:400407274005712 C2:dududduduuddudu M:4/4 K:E H:"LRZ T:Hull's Reel
ABC 1 C1:400407274005712 C2:dududduduuddudu M:4/4 K:E H:"LRZ T:Hull's Reel
ABC 1 C1:400407274005712 C2:dududduduuddudu M:4/4 K:E H:"LRZ T:Hull's Reel
ABC 1 C1:400407274005712 C2:dududduduuddudu M:4/4 K:E H:"LRZ T:Hull's Reel
ABC 1 C1:400407274005712 C2:dududduduuddudu M:4/4 K:E H:"LRZ T:Hull's Reel
ABC 1 C1:400407274005712 C2:dududduduuddudu M:4/4 K:E H:"LRZ T:Hull's Reel
ABC 1 C1:400407274005712 C2:dududduduuddudu M:4/4 K:E H:"LRZ T:Hull's Reel
ABC 1 C1:400407274005712 C2:dududduduuddudu M:4/4 K:E H:"LRZ T:Hull's Reel
ABC 1 C1:400407274005712 C2:dududduduuddudu M:4/4 K:E H:"LRZ T:Hull's Reel
ABC 1 C1:400407274005712 C2:dududduduuddudu M:4/4 K:E H:"LRZ T:Hull's Reel
ABC 1 C1:400407274005712 C2:dududduduuddudu M:4/4 K:E H:"LRZ T:Hull's Reel
ABC 1 C1:400407274005712 C2:dududduduuddudu M:4/4 K:E H:"LRZ T:Hull's Reel
ABC 1 C1:400407274005712 C2:dududduduuddudu M:4/4 K:E H:"LRZ T:Hull's Reel
ABC 4 C1:400407274005712 C2:dududduduuddudu M:C| K:E H:"CILR T:Hull's reel
ABC 1 C1:400407274005712 C2:dududduduuddudu M:4/4 K:E H:"LRSZ T:Hull's Reel
ABC 1 C1:400407274005712 C2:dududduduuddudu M:4/4 K:E H:"LRSZ T:Hull's Reel
ABC 1 C1:400407274005712 C2:dududduduuddudu M:4/4 K:E H:"LRSZ T:Hull's Reel
ABC 1 C1:400407274005712 C2:dududduduuddudu M:4/4 K:D H:"CLRVZ T:Hull's Reel
ABC 1 C1:400407274005712 C2:dududduduuddudu M:4/4 K:E H:"LRZ T:Hull's Reel
ABC 1 C1:400407274005712 C2:dududduduuddudu M:4/4 K:E H:"LRZ T:Hull's Reel
ABC 1 C1:400407274005712 C2:dududduduuddudu M:4/4 K:E H:"LRZ T:Hull's Reel
ABC 1 C1:400407274005712 C2:dududduduuddudu M:4/4 K:E H:"LRZ T:Hull's Reel
ABC 1 C1:400407274005712 C2:dududduduuddudu M:4/4 K:E H:"LRZ T:Hull's Reel
ABC 1 C1:400407274005712 C2:dududduduuddudu M:4/4 K:E H:"LRZ T:Hull's Reel
ABC 1 C1:400407274005712 C2:dududduduuddudu M:4/4 K:E H:"LRZ T:Hull's Reel
ABC 1 C1:740040727400571 C2:ddududduduuddud M:4/4 K:E H:"LRZ T:Hull's Reel
ABC 1 C1:740040727400571 C2:ddududduduuddud M:4/4 K:E H:"LRZ T:Hull's Reel
ABC 1 C1:740040727400571 C2:ddududduduuddud M:4/4 K:E H:"LRZ T:Hull's Reel
ABC 1 C1:740040727400571 C2:ddududduduuddud M:4/4 K:E H:"LRZ T:Hull's Reel
ABC 1 C1:740040727400571 C2:ddududduduuddud M:4/4 K:E H:"LRZ T:Hull's Reel
ABC 1 C1:400407274005712 C2:dududduduuddudu M:4/4 K:E H:"LRZ T:Hull's Reel
ABC 1 C1:400407274005712 C2:dududduduuddudu M:4/4 K:E H:"LRZ T:Hull's Reel
ABC 1 C1:400407274005712 C2:dududduduuddudu M:4/4 K:E H:"LRZ T:Hull's Reel
ABC 1 C1:400407274005712 C2:dududduduuddudu M:4/4 K:E H:"LRZ T:Hull's Reel
ABC 1 C1:400407274005712 C2:dududduduuddudu M:4/4 K:E H:"LRZ T:Hull's Reel
ABC 1 C1:400407274005712 C2:dududduduuddudu M:4/4 K:E H:"LRZ T:Hull's Reel
ABC 1 C1:400407274005712 C2:dududduduuddudu M:4/4 K:E H:"LRZ T:Hull's Reel
ABC 1 C1:400407274005712 C2:dududduduuddudu M:4/4 K:E H:"LRZ T:Hull's Reel
ABC 1 C1:400407274005712 C2:dududduduuddudu M:4/4 K:E H:"LRZ T:Hull's Reel
ABC 1 C1:400407274005712 C2:dududduduuddudu M:4/4 K:E H:"LRZ T:Hull's Reel
ABC 1 C1:400407274005712 C2:dududduduuddudu M:4/4 K:E H:"LRZ T:Hull's Reel
ABC 1 C1:400407274005712 C2:dududduduuddudu M:4/4 K:E H:"LRZ T:Hull's Reel
ABC 1 C1:400407274005712 C2:dududduduuddudu M:4/4 K:E H:"LRZ T:Hull's Reel
ABC 1 C1:400407274005712 C2:dududduduuddudu M:4/4 K:E H:"LRZ T:Hull's Reel
ABC 1 C1:400407274005712 C2:dududduduuddudu M:4/4 K:E H:"LRZ T:Hull's Reel
ABC 1 C1:400407274005712 C2:dududduduuddudu M:4/4 K:E H:"LRZ T:Hull's Reel
ABC 1 C1:400407274005712 C2:dududduduuddudu M:4/4 K:E H:"LRZ T:Hull's Reel
ABC 6 C1:400407274005712 C2:dududduduuddudu M:C| K:E H:"CILR T:Hull's reel
ABC 72 C1:400407274005712 C2:dududduduuddudu M:4/4 K:E H:"LRZ T:Hull's Reel
ABC 72 C1:400407274005712 C2:dududduduuddudu M:4/4 K:E H:"LRZ T:Hull's Reel
ABC 287 C1:400407274005712 C2:dududduduuddudu M:4/4 K:D H:"LRZ T:Hull's Reel
ABC 288 C1:400407274005712 C2:dududduduuddudu M:4/4 K:D H:"LRZ T:Hull's Reel
ABC 289 C1:400407274005712 C2:dududduduuddudu M:4/4 K:D H:"LRZ T:Hull's Reel
ABC 287 C1:400407274005712 C2:dududduduuddudu M:4/4 K:D H:"LRZ T:Hull's Reel
ABC 288 C1:400407274005712 C2:dududduduuddudu M:4/4 K:D H:"LRZ T:Hull's Reel
ABC 289 C1:400407274005712 C2:dududduduuddudu M:4/4 K:D H:"LRZ T:Hull's Reel
ABC 06030 C1:007706277777031 C2:ddduddddduuuduu M:C K:F H:BCLZ T:HULL'S RELIEF
ABC 06030 C1:007706277777031 C2:ddduddddduuuduu M:C K:F H:BCLZ T:HULL'S RELIEF
ABC 06030 C1:007706277777031 C2:ddduddddduuuduu M:C K:F H:BCLZ T:HULL'S RELIEF
ABC 06030 C1:007706277777031 C2:ddduddddduuuduu M:C K:F H:BCLZ T:HULL'S RELIEF
ABC 06030 C1:007706277777031 C2:ddduddddduuuduu M:C K:F H:BCLZ T:HULL'S RELIEF
ABC 06030 C1:007706277777031 C2:ddduddddduuuduu M:C K:F H:BCLZ T:HULL'S RELIEF
ABC 06030 C1:007706277777031 C2:ddduddddduuuduu M:C K:F H:BCLZ T:HULL'S RELIEF
ABC 1 C1:777103110017007 C2:ddduduuudddudud M:C| K:F H:L T:Hull's Victory [1]
ABC 1 C1:035326531177710 C2:uduudduuudddudu M:C| K:F H:"BLORZ T:Hull's Victory [1]
ABC 1 C1: C2: M:C| K:F H:BLORZ T:Hull's Victory [1]
ABC 1 C1:777103110017007 C2:ddduduuudddudud M:C| K:F H:"RZ T:Hull's Victory $1(R-4)
ABC 1 C1:772200066053002 C2:dduuuddddduudud M:2/4 K:D H:LS T:Hull's Victory [2]
ABC 65 C1:777103110017007 C2:ddduduuudddudud M:C| K:Cmix H:QR T:Hull's Victory
ABC 492094 C1:532653207771031 C2:duudduuddduduuu M:C| K:D H:BLQRZ T:HULL'S VICTORY
ABC 1 C1:777103110017007 C2:ddduduuudddudud M:C| K:F H:"CRZ T:Hull's Victory
ABC 1 C1:777103110017007 C2:ddduduuudddudud M:C| K:F H:"CRZ T:Hull's Victory
ABC 1 C1:777103110017007 C2:ddduduuudddudud M:C| K:F H:"CRZ T:Hull's Victory
ABC 1 C1:777103110017007 C2:ddduduuudddudud M:C| K:F H:"CRZ T:Hull's Victory
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ABC 1 C1:030071001177710 C2:uduuuddduduuudd M:2/2 K:F H:LZ T:Hull's Victory
ABC 1820 C1:532653207771031 C2:duudduuddduduuu M:C| K:D H:BLRZ T:Hull's Victory
ABC 1820 C1:532653207771031 C2:duudduuddduduuu M:C| K:D H:BLRZ T:Hull's Victory
ABC 1702 C1:532653207771031 C2:duudduuddduduuu M:C| K:D H:BLRZ T:Hull's Victory
ABC 1820 C1:532653207771031 C2:duudduuddduduuu M:C| K:D H:BLRZ T:Hull's Victory
ABC 1 C1:000260320077774 C2:duuuddduduuuddd M:4/4 K:F H:"LS T:Hull's Victory
ABC 1 C1:030071001177710 C2:uduuuddduduuudd M:2/2 K:F H:L T:Hull's Victory
ABC 1 C1:035326531177710 C2:uduudduuudddudu M:C| K:F H:"LRZ T:Hull's Victory
ABC 1 C1:035326531177710 C2:uduudduuudddudu M:C| K:F H:"LRZ T:Hull's Victory
ABC 1 C1:035326531177710 C2:uduudduuudddudu M:C| K:F H:"LRZ T:Hull's Victory
ABC 1 C1:035326531177710 C2:uduudduuudddudu M:C| K:F H:"LRZ T:Hull's Victory
ABC 1 C1:035326531177710 C2:uduudduuudddudu M:C| K:F H:"LRZ T:Hull's Victory
ABC 1 C1:035326531177710 C2:uduudduuudddudu M:C| K:F H:"LRZ T:Hull's Victory
ABC 1 C1:035326531177710 C2:uduudduuudddudu M:C| K:F H:"LRZ T:Hull's Victory
ABC 1 C1:035326531177710 C2:uduudduuudddudu M:C| K:F H:"LRZ T:Hull's Victory
ABC 1 C1:035326531177710 C2:uduudduuudddudu M:C| K:F H:"LRZ T:Hull's Victory
ABC 1 C1:035326531177710 C2:uduudduuudddudu M:C| K:F H:"LRZ T:Hull's Victory
ABC 1 C1:035326531177710 C2:uduudduuudddudu M:C| K:F H:"LRZ T:Hull's Victory
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ABC 1702 C1:532653207771031 C2:duudduuddduduuu M:C| K:D H:BLRZbs T:Hull's Victory
ABC 1702 C1:532653207771031 C2:duudduuddduduuu M:C| K:D H:BLRZbs T:Hull's Victory
ABC 1702 C1:532653207771031 C2:duudduuddduduuu M:C| K:D H:BLRZbs T:Hull's Victory
ABC 1 C1:035326531177710 C2:uduudduuudddudu M:C| K:G H:"LRZ T:Hull's Victory
ABC 1 C1:035326531177710 C2:uduudduuudddudu M:C| K:G H:"LRZ T:Hull's Victory
ABC 1 C1:035326531177710 C2:uduudduuudddudu M:C| K:G H:"LRZ T:Hull's Victory
ABC 1 C1:035326531177710 C2:uduudduuudddudu M:C| K:G H:"LRZ T:Hull's Victory
ABC 1 C1:035326531177710 C2:uduudduuudddudu M:C| K:G H:"LRZ T:Hull's Victory
ABC 1 C1:035326531177710 C2:uduudduuudddudu M:C| K:G H:"LRZ T:Hull's Victory
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ABC 1702 C1:532653207771031 C2:duudduuddduduuu M:C| K:D H:BLRZbs T:Hull's Victory
ABC 1702 C1:532653207771031 C2:duudduuddduduuu M:C| K:D H:BLRZbs T:Hull's Victory
ABC 1702 C1:532653207771031 C2:duudduuddduduuu M:C| K:D H:BLRZbs T:Hull's Victory
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ABC 1 C1:777103110017007 C2:ddduduuudddudud M:C| K:F H:"RZ T:Hull's Victory
ABC 1 C1:777103110017007 C2:ddduduuudddudud M:C| K:F H:"RZ T:Hull's Victory
ABC 1 C1:777103110017007 C2:ddduduuudddudud M:C| K:F H:"RZ T:Hull's Victory
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ABC 1702 C1:532653207771031 C2:duudduuddduduuu M:C| K:D H:BLRZbs T:Hull's Victory
ABC 1702 C1:532653207771031 C2:duudduuddduduuu M:C| K:D H:BLRZbs T:Hull's Victory
ABC 1702 C1:532653207771031 C2:duudduuddduduuu M:C| K:D H:BLRZbs T:Hull's Victory
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ABC 0592 C1:532653207771031 C2:duudduuddduduuu M:2/4 K:F H:BFL T:HULL'S VICTORY
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ABC 1 C1:035326531177710 C2:uduudduuudddudu M:C| K:F H:"BLORZ T:Hull's Victory
ABC 1 C1:035326531177710 C2:uduudduuudddudu M:C| K:F H:"BLORZ T:Hull's Victory
ABC 1 C1:035326531177710 C2:uduudduuudddudu M:C| K:F H:"BLORZ T:Hull's Victory
ABC 1 C1:035326531177710 C2:uduudduuudddudu M:C| K:F H:"BLORZ T:Hull's Victory
ABC 1 C1:035326531177710 C2:uduudduuudddudu M:C| K:F H:"BLORZ T:Hull's Victory
ABC 1 C1:035326531177710 C2:uduudduuudddudu M:C| K:F H:"BLORZ T:Hull's Victory
ABC 1 C1:035326531177710 C2:uduudduuudddudu M:C| K:F H:"BLORZ T:Hull's Victory
ABC 1 C1:035326531177710 C2:uduudduuudddudu M:C| K:F H:"BLORZ T:Hull's Victory
ABC 1 C1:035326531177710 C2:uduudduuudddudu M:C| K:F H:"BLORZ T:Hull's Victory
ABC 1 C1:035326531177710 C2:uduudduuudddudu M:C| K:F H:"BLORZ T:Hull's Victory
ABC 1 C1:035326531177710 C2:uduudduuudddudu M:C| K:F H:"BLORZ T:Hull's Victory
ABC 1 C1:035326531177710 C2:uduudduuudddudu M:C| K:F H:"BLORZ T:Hull's Victory
ABC 1 C1:035326531177710 C2:uduudduuudddudu M:C| K:F H:"BLORZ T:Hull's Victory
ABC 1 C1:035326531177710 C2:uduudduuudddudu M:C| K:F H:"BLORZ T:Hull's Victory
ABC 1 C1:035326531177710 C2:uduudduuudddudu M:C| K:F H:"BLORZ T:Hull's Victory
ABC 1 C1:035326531177710 C2:uduudduuudddudu M:C| K:F H:"BLORZ T:Hull's Victory
ABC 1 C1:035326531177710 C2:uduudduuudddudu M:C| K:F H:"BLORZ T:Hull's Victory
ABC 1 C1:035326531177710 C2:uduudduuudddudu M:C| K:F H:"BLORZ T:Hull's Victory
ABC 1 C1:035326531177710 C2:uduudduuudddudu M:C| K:F H:"BLORZ T:Hull's Victory
ABC 1 C1:035326531177710 C2:uduudduuudddudu M:C| K:F H:"BLORZ T:Hull's Victory
ABC 1 C1:035326531177710 C2:uduudduuudddudu M:C| K:F H:"BLORZ T:Hull's Victory
ABC 1 C1:035326531177710 C2:uduudduuudddudu M:C| K:F H:"BLORZ T:Hull's Victory
ABC 1 C1:035326531177710 C2:uduudduuudddudu M:C| K:F H:"BLORZ T:Hull's Victory
ABC 1 C1:035326531177710 C2:uduudduuudddudu M:C| K:F H:"BLORZ T:Hull's Victory
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ABC 1 C1:532653117771031 C2:duudduuuddduduu M:C| K:F H:"BLORZ T:Hull's Victory
ABC 0 C1: C2: M: K:C H: T:HullsVictory
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ABC 1 C1:777103110017007 C2:ddduduuudddudud M:C| K:F H:"RZ T:Hull's Victory
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ABC 140 C1:532653117771031 C2:duudduuuddduduu M:C| K:F H:"BLORZ T:Hull's Victory
ABC 140 C1:532653117771031 C2:duudduuuddduduu M:C| K:F H:"BLORZ T:Hull's Victory
ABC 140 C1:532653117771031 C2:duudduuuddduduu M:C| K:F H:"BLORZ T:Hull's Victory
ABC 140 C1:532653117771031 C2:duudduuuddduduu M:C| K:F H:"BLORZ T:Hull's Victory
ABC 140 C1:532653117771031 C2:duudduuuddduduu M:C| K:F H:"BLORZ T:Hull's Victory
ABC 1 C1:035326531177710 C2:uduudduuudddudu M:C| K:F H:"BLORZ T:Hull's Victory
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ABC 1 C1:035326531177710 C2:uduudduuudddudu M:C| K:F H:"LRZ T:Hull's Victory
ABC 2 C1:035326531177710 C2:uduudduuudddudu M:C| K:G H:"LRZ T:Hull's Victory
ABC 2 C1:035326531177710 C2:uduudduuudddudu M:C| K:G H:"LRZ T:Hull's Victory
ABC 1 C1:035326531177710 C2:uduudduuudddudu M:C| K:F H:"LRZ T:Hull's Victory
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ABC 10561 C1:532653117771031 C2:duudduuuddduduu M:2/4 K:F H:BCLSVZ T:HULL'S VICTORY
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ABC 1 C1:532653117771031 C2:duudduuuddduduu M:C| K:F H:"BLORZ T:Hull's Victory
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ABC 2 C1:035326531177710 C2:uduudduuudddudu M:C| K:F H:"BLORZ T:Hull's Victory
ABC 3 C1:035326531177710 C2:uduudduuudddudu M:C| K:F H:"BLORZ T:Hull's Victory
ABC 3 C1:035326531177710 C2:uduudduuudddudu M:C| K:F H:"BLORZ T:Hull's Victory
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ABC 1 C1:035326531177710 C2:uduudduuudddudu M:C| K:F H:"BLORZ T:Hull's Victory
ABC 1 C1:035326531177710 C2:uduudduuudddudu M:C| K:F H:"BLORZ T:Hull's Victory
ABC 1 C1:035326531177710 C2:uduudduuudddudu M:C| K:F H:"BLORZ T:Hull's Victory
ABC 1 C1:035326531177710 C2:uduudduuudddudu M:C| K:F H:"BLORZ T:Hull's Victory
ABC 1 C1:035326531177710 C2:uduudduuudddudu M:C| K:F H:"BLORZ T:Hull's Victory
ABC 1 C1:035326531177710 C2:uduudduuudddudu M:C| K:F H:"BLORZ T:Hull's Victory
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ABC 5 C1:035326531177710 C2:uduudduuudddudu M:C| K:F H:"LRZ T:Hull's Victory
ABC 5 C1:035326531177710 C2:uduudduuudddudu M:C| K:F H:"LRZ T:Hull's Victory
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ABC 5 C1:532653117771031 C2:duudduuuddduduu M:C| K:F H:"BLORZ T:Hull's Victory
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ABC 4 C1:532653117771031 C2:duudduuuddduduu M:C| K:F H:"BLORZ T:Hull's Victory
ABC 4 C1:532653117771031 C2:duudduuuddduduu M:C| K:F H:"BLORZ T:Hull's Victory
ABC 4 C1:532653117771031 C2:duudduuuddduduu M:C| K:F H:"BLORZ T:Hull's Victory
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ABC 4 C1:532653117771031 C2:duudduuuddduduu M:C| K:F H:"BLORZ T:Hull's Victory
ABC 4 C1:532653117771031 C2:duudduuuddduduu M:C| K:F H:"BLORZ T:Hull's Victory
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ABC 4 C1:035326531177710 C2:uduudduuudddudu M:C| K:F H:"LRZ T:Hull's Victory
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ABC 17 C1:035326531177710 C2:uduudduuudddudu M:C| K:F H:"LRZ T:Hull's Victory
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ABC 17 C1:035326531177710 C2:uduudduuudddudu M:C| K:F H:"LRZ T:Hull's Victory
ABC 18 C1:035326531177710 C2:uduudduuudddudu M:C| K:F H:"BLORZ T:Hull's Victory
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ABC 1 C1:532653117771031 C2:duudduuuddduduu M:C| K:F H:"BLORZ T:Hull's Victory
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ABC 1 C1:532653117771031 C2:duudduuuddduduu M:C| K:F H:"BLORZ T:Hull's Victory
ABC 1 C1:532653117771031 C2:duudduuuddduduu M:C| K:F H:"BLORZ T:Hull's Victory
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ABC 17 C1:000260320006774 C2:duudduuuddduduu M:4/4 K:F H:"FLRS T:Hull's Victory
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ABC 50 C1:777103110017007 C2:ddduduuudddudud M:C| K:F H:"LR T:Hull's Victory
ABC 50 C1:777103110017007 C2:ddduduuudddudud M:C| K:F H:"LR T:Hull's Victory
ABC 50 C1:777103110017007 C2:ddduduuudddudud M:C| K:F H:"LR T:Hull's Victory
ABC 50 C1:777103110017007 C2:ddduduuudddudud M:C| K:F H:"LR T:Hull's Victory
ABC 50 C1:777103110017007 C2:ddduduuudddudud M:C| K:F H:"LR T:Hull's Victory
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ABC 140 C1:532653117771031 C2:duudduuuddduduu M:C| K:F H:"BLORZ T:Hull's Victory
ABC 140 C1:532653117771031 C2:duudduuuddduduu M:C| K:F H:"BLORZ T:Hull's Victory
ABC 140 C1:532653117771031 C2:duudduuuddduduu M:C| K:F H:"BLORZ T:Hull's Victory
ABC 140 C1:532653117771031 C2:duudduuuddduduu M:C| K:F H:"BLORZ T:Hull's Victory
ABC 140 C1:532653117771031 C2:duudduuuddduduu M:C| K:F H:"BLORZ T:Hull's Victory
ABC 140 C1:532653117771031 C2:duudduuuddduduu M:C| K:F H:"BLORZ T:Hull's Victory
ABC 140 C1:532653117771031 C2:duudduuuddduduu M:C| K:F H:"BLORZ T:Hull's Victory
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ABC 492094 C1:532653207771031 C2:duudduuddduduuu M:C| K:D H:BLQRZ T:HULL'S VICTORY
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ABC 140 C1:777103110017007 C2:ddduduuudddudud M:C| K:F H:"CLQRS T:Hull's Victory
ABC 140 C1:777103110017007 C2:ddduduuudddudud M:C| K:F H:"CLQRS T:Hull's Victory
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ABC 205213 C1:532653117771031 C2:duudduuuddduduu M:2/4 K:D H:"FGHLRZ T:Hull's Victory
ABC 7 C1:777103110017007 C2:ddduduuudddudud M:C| K:F H:"CRZ T:Hull's Victory
ABC 1 C1:777103110017007 C2:ddduduuudddudud M:C| K:F H:"RZ T:Hull's Victory
ABC 1 C1:777103110017007 C2:ddduduuudddudud M:C| K:F H:"RZ T:Hull's Victory
ABC 205213 C1: C2: M:2/4 K:D H:FGHLRZ T:Hull's Victory
ABC 1702 C1:532653207771031 C2:duudduuddduduuu M:C| K:D H:BLRZ T:Hull's Victory
ABC 0592 C1:532653207771031 C2:duudduuddduduuu M:2/4 K:F H:BFL T:HULL'S VICTORY
ABC 0592 C1:532653207771031 C2:duudduuddduduuu M:2/4 K:F H:BFL T:HULL'S VICTORY
ABC 7282 C1:000260320077774 C2:duuuddduduuuddd M:4/4 K:F H:"LS T:Hull's Victory
ABC 7283 C1:000260320006774 C2:duudduuuddduduu M:4/4 K:F H:"LS T:Hull's Victory
ABC 7282 C1:000260320077774 C2:duuuddduduuuddd M:4/4 K:F H:"LS T:Hull's Victory
ABC 7283 C1:000260320006774 C2:duudduuuddduduu M:4/4 K:F H:"LS T:Hull's Victory
ABC 10561 C1:532653117771031 C2:duudduuuddduduu M:2/4 K:F H:BCLSVZ T:HULL'S VICTORY
ABC 10561 C1:532653117771031 C2:duudduuuddduduu M:2/4 K:F H:BCLSVZ T:HULL'S VICTORY
ABC 10561 C1:532653117771031 C2:duudduuuddduduu M:2/4 K:F H:BCLSVZ T:HULL'S VICTORY
ABC 10561 C1:532653117771031 C2:duudduuuddduduu M:2/4 K:F H:BCLSVZ T:HULL'S VICTORY
ABC 10561 C1:532653117771031 C2:duudduuuddduduu M:2/4 K:F H:BCLSVZ T:HULL'S VICTORY
ABC 10561 C1:532653117771031 C2:duudduuuddduduu M:2/4 K:F H:BCLSVZ T:HULL'S VICTORY
ABC 10561 C1:532653117771031 C2:duudduuuddduduu M:2/4 K:F H:BCLSVZ T:HULL'S VICTORY
ABC 10561 C1:532653117771031 C2:duudduuuddduduu M:2/4 K:F H:BCLSVZ T:HULL'S VICTORY
ABC 10561 C1:532653117771031 C2:duudduuuddduduu M:2/4 K:F H:BCLSVZ T:HULL'S VICTORY
ABC 2679 C1:000260320077774 C2:duuuddduduuuddd M:4/4 K:F H:"LOS T:Hull's Victory
ABC 2680 C1:035326531177710 C2:uduudduuudddudu M:C| K:G H:"LOR T:Hull's Victory
ABC 2679 C1:000260320077774 C2:duuuddduduuuddd M:4/4 K:F H:"LOS T:Hull's Victory
ABC 2680 C1:035326531177710 C2:uduudduuudddudu M:C| K:G H:"LOR T:Hull's Victory
ABC 5791 C1:030071001177710 C2:uduuuddduduuudd M:2/2 K:F H:L T:Hull's Victory
ABC 5792 C1:000260320077774 C2:duuuddduduuuddd M:4/4 K:F H:"LS T:Hull's Victory
ABC 5793 C1:000260320006774 C2:duudduuuddduduu M:4/4 K:F H:"LS T:Hull's Victory
ABC 5791 C1:030071001177710 C2:uduuuddduduuudd M:2/2 K:F H:L T:Hull's Victory
ABC 5792 C1:000260320077774 C2:duuuddduduuuddd M:4/4 K:F H:"LS T:Hull's Victory
ABC 5793 C1:000260320006774 C2:duudduuuddduduu M:4/4 K:F H:"LS T:Hull's Victory
ABC 5791 C1:030071001177710 C2:uduuuddduduuudd M:2/2 K:F H:L T:Hull's Victory
ABC 5792 C1:000260320077774 C2:duuuddduduuuddd M:4/4 K:F H:"LS T:Hull's Victory
ABC 5793 C1:000260320006774 C2:duudduuuddduduu M:4/4 K:F H:"LS T:Hull's Victory
ABC 1820 C1:532653207771031 C2:duudduuddduduuu M:C| K:D H:BLRZ T:Hull's Victory
ABC 1820 C1:532653207771031 C2:duudduuddduduuu M:C| K:D H:BLRZ T:Hull's Victory
ABC 1 C1:532653117771031 C2:duudduuuddduduu M:C| K:D H:"BLORZ T:Hull's Victory [D]
ABC 1 C1:532653117771031 C2:duudduuuddduduu M:C| K:D H:"BLORZ T:Hull's Victory [D]
ABC 1 C1:532653117771031 C2:duudduuuddduduu M:C| K:D H:"BLORZ T:Hull's Victory [D]
ABC 1 C1:532653117771031 C2:duudduuuddduduu M:C| K:D H:"BLORZ T:Hull's Victory [D]
ABC 1 C1:532653117771031 C2:duudduuuddduduu M:C| K:D H:"BLORZ T:Hull's Victory [D]
ABC 3 C1:532653117771031 C2:duudduuuddduduu M:C| K:D H:"BLORZ T:Hull's Victory [D]
ABC 3 C1:532653117771031 C2:duudduuuddduduu M:C| K:D H:"BLORZ T:Hull's Victory [D]
ABC 3 C1:532653117771031 C2:duudduuuddduduu M:C| K:D H:"BLORZ T:Hull's Victory [D]
ABC 3 C1:532653117771031 C2:duudduuuddduduu M:C| K:D H:"BLORZ T:Hull's Victory [D]
ABC 3 C1:532653117771031 C2:duudduuuddduduu M:C| K:D H:"BLORZ T:Hull's Victory [D]
ABC 3 C1:532653117771031 C2:duudduuuddduduu M:C| K:D H:"BLORZ T:Hull's Victory [D]
ABC 3 C1:532653117771031 C2:duudduuuddduduu M:C| K:D H:"BLORZ T:Hull's Victory [D]
ABC 3 C1:532653117771031 C2:duudduuuddduduu M:C| K:D H:"BLORZ T:Hull's Victory [D]
ABC 3 C1:532653117771031 C2:duudduuuddduduu M:C| K:D H:"BLORZ T:Hull's Victory [D]
ABC 3 C1:532653117771031 C2:duudduuuddduduu M:C| K:D H:"BLORZ T:Hull's Victory [D]
ABC 3 C1:532653117771031 C2:duudduuuddduduu M:C| K:D H:"BLORZ T:Hull's Victory [D]
ABC 3 C1:532653117771031 C2:duudduuuddduduu M:C| K:D H:"BLORZ T:Hull's Victory [D]
ABC 3 C1:532653117771031 C2:duudduuuddduduu M:C| K:D H:"BLORZ T:Hull's Victory [D]
ABC 3 C1:532653117771031 C2:duudduuuddduduu M:C| K:D H:"BLORZ T:Hull's Victory [D]
ABC 3 C1:532653117771031 C2:duudduuuddduduu M:C| K:D H:"BLORZ T:Hull's Victory [D]
ABC 3 C1:532653117771031 C2:duudduuuddduduu M:C| K:D H:"BLORZ T:Hull's Victory [D]
ABC 3 C1:532653117771031 C2:duudduuuddduduu M:C| K:D H:"BLORZ T:Hull's Victory [D]
ABC 3 C1:532653117771031 C2:duudduuuddduduu M:C| K:D H:"BLORZ T:Hull's Victory [D]
ABC 3 C1:532653117771031 C2:duudduuuddduduu M:C| K:D H:"BLORZ T:Hull's Victory [D]
ABC 3 C1:532653117771031 C2:duudduuuddduduu M:C| K:D H:"BLORZ T:Hull's Victory [D]
ABC 3 C1:532653117771031 C2:duudduuuddduduu M:C| K:D H:"BLORZ T:Hull's Victory [D]
ABC 3 C1:532653117771031 C2:duudduuuddduduu M:C| K:D H:"BLORZ T:Hull's Victory [D]
ABC 2 C1:532653117771031 C2:duudduuuddduduu M:C| K:D H:"BLORZ T:Hull's Victory [D]
ABC 2 C1:532653117771031 C2:duudduuuddduduu M:C| K:D H:"BLORZ T:Hull's Victory [D]
ABC 290 C1:532653117771031 C2:duudduuuddduduu M:C| K:D H:"BLORZ T:Hull's Victory [D]
ABC 290 C1:532653117771031 C2:duudduuuddduduu M:C| K:D H:"BLORZ T:Hull's Victory [D]
ABC 1 C1:532653117771031 C2:duudduuuddduduu M:C| K:F H:"BLORZ T:Hull's Victory [F]
ABC 1 C1:532653117771031 C2:duudduuuddduduu M:C| K:F H:"BLORZ T:Hull's Victory [F]
ABC 1 C1:532653117771031 C2:duudduuuddduduu M:C| K:F H:"BLORZ T:Hull's Victory [F]
ABC 1 C1:532653117771031 C2:duudduuuddduduu M:C| K:F H:"BLORZ T:Hull's Victory [F]
ABC 1 C1:532653117771031 C2:duudduuuddduduu M:C| K:F H:"BLORZ T:Hull's Victory [F]
ABC 1 C1:532653117771031 C2:duudduuuddduduu M:C| K:F H:"BLORZ T:Hull's Victory [F]
ABC 1 C1:532653117771031 C2:duudduuuddduduu M:C| K:F H:"BLORZ T:Hull's Victory [F]
ABC 1 C1:532653117771031 C2:duudduuuddduduu M:C| K:F H:"BLORZ T:Hull's Victory [F]
ABC 1 C1:532653117771031 C2:duudduuuddduduu M:C| K:F H:"BLORZ T:Hull's Victory [F]
ABC 1 C1:532653117771031 C2:duudduuuddduduu M:C| K:F H:"BLORZ T:Hull's Victory [F]
ABC 1 C1:532653117771031 C2:duudduuuddduduu M:C| K:F H:"BLORZ T:Hull's Victory [F]
ABC 1 C1:532653117771031 C2:duudduuuddduduu M:C| K:F H:"BLORZ T:Hull's Victory [F]
ABC 1 C1:532653117771031 C2:duudduuuddduduu M:C| K:F H:"BLORZ T:Hull's Victory [F]
ABC 1 C1:532653117771031 C2:duudduuuddduduu M:C| K:F H:"BLORZ T:Hull's Victory [F]
ABC 1 C1:532653117771031 C2:duudduuuddduduu M:C| K:F H:"BLORZ T:Hull's Victory [F]
ABC 1 C1:532653117771031 C2:duudduuuddduduu M:C| K:F H:"BLORZ T:Hull's Victory [F]
ABC 1 C1:532653117771031 C2:duudduuuddduduu M:C| K:F H:"BLORZ T:Hull's Victory [F]
ABC 1 C1:532653117771031 C2:duudduuuddduduu M:C| K:F H:"BLORZ T:Hull's Victory [F]
ABC 1 C1:532653117771031 C2:duudduuuddduduu M:C| K:F H:"BLORZ T:Hull's Victory [F]
ABC 1 C1:532653117771031 C2:duudduuuddduduu M:C| K:F H:"BLORZ T:Hull's Victory [F]
ABC 1 C1:532653117771031 C2:duudduuuddduduu M:C| K:F H:"BLORZ T:Hull's Victory [F]
ABC 1 C1:532653117771031 C2:duudduuuddduduu M:C| K:F H:"BLORZ T:Hull's Victory [F]
ABC 1 C1:532653117771031 C2:duudduuuddduduu M:C| K:F H:"BLORZ T:Hull's Victory [F]
ABC 1 C1:532653117771031 C2:duudduuuddduduu M:C| K:F H:"BLORZ T:Hull's Victory [F]
ABC 37012 C1:532653117771031 C2:duudduuuddduduu M:C| K:F H:"BLORZ T:Hull's Victory [F]
ABC 37012 C1:532653117771031 C2:duudduuuddduduu M:C| K:F H:"BLORZ T:Hull's Victory [F]
ABC 1 C1:532653117771031 C2:duudduuuddduduu M:C| K:F H:"BLORZ T:Hull's Victory [F]
ABC 1 C1:532653117771031 C2:duudduuuddduduu M:C| K:F H:"BLORZ T:Hull's Victory [F]
ABC 1 C1:532653117771031 C2:duudduuuddduduu M:C| K:F H:"BLORZ T:Hull's Victory [F]
ABC 1 C1:532653117771031 C2:duudduuuddduduu M:C| K:F H:"BLORZ T:Hull's Victory [F]
ABC 21 C1:532653117771031 C2:duudduuuddduduu M:C| K:F H:"BLORZ T:Hull's Victory [F]
ABC 21 C1:532653117771031 C2:duudduuuddduduu M:C| K:F H:"BLORZ T:Hull's Victory [F]
ABC 21 C1:532653117771031 C2:duudduuuddduduu M:C| K:F H:"BLORZ T:Hull's Victory [F]
ABC 42 C1:532653117771031 C2:duudduuuddduduu M:C| K:F H:"BLORZ T:Hull's Victory [F]
ABC 42 C1:532653117771031 C2:duudduuuddduduu M:C| K:F H:"BLORZ T:Hull's Victory [F]
ABC 1 C1:532653117771031 C2:duudduuuddduduu M:C| K:G H:"BLORZ T:Hull's Victory [G]
ABC 1 C1:532653117771031 C2:duudduuuddduduu M:C| K:G H:"BLORZ T:Hull's Victory [G]
ABC 1 C1:532653117771031 C2:duudduuuddduduu M:C| K:G H:"BLORZ T:Hull's Victory [G]
ABC 1 C1:532653117771031 C2:duudduuuddduduu M:C| K:G H:"BLORZ T:Hull's Victory [G]
ABC 2 C1:532653117771031 C2:duudduuuddduduu M:C| K:G H:"BLORZ T:Hull's Victory [G]
ABC 2 C1:532653117771031 C2:duudduuuddduduu M:C| K:G H:"BLORZ T:Hull's Victory [G]
ABC 2 C1:532653117771031 C2:duudduuuddduduu M:C| K:G H:"BLORZ T:Hull's Victory [G]
ABC 2 C1:532653117771031 C2:duudduuuddduduu M:C| K:G H:"BLORZ T:Hull's Victory [G]
ABC 2 C1:532653117771031 C2:duudduuuddduduu M:C| K:G H:"BLORZ T:Hull's Victory [G]
ABC 2 C1:532653117771031 C2:duudduuuddduduu M:C| K:G H:"BLORZ T:Hull's Victory [G]
ABC 2 C1:532653117771031 C2:duudduuuddduduu M:C| K:G H:"BLORZ T:Hull's Victory [G]
ABC 2 C1:532653117771031 C2:duudduuuddduduu M:C| K:G H:"BLORZ T:Hull's Victory [G]
ABC 2 C1:532653117771031 C2:duudduuuddduduu M:C| K:G H:"BLORZ T:Hull's Victory [G]
ABC 2 C1:532653117771031 C2:duudduuuddduduu M:C| K:G H:"BLORZ T:Hull's Victory [G]
ABC 2 C1:532653117771031 C2:duudduuuddduduu M:C| K:G H:"BLORZ T:Hull's Victory [G]
ABC 2 C1:532653117771031 C2:duudduuuddduduu M:C| K:G H:"BLORZ T:Hull's Victory [G]
ABC 1702 C1:532653207771031 C2:duudduuddduduuu M:C| K:D H:BCILZ T:"Hull's Victory" (hornpipe) 1702
ABC 1702 C1:532653207771031 C2:duudduuddduduuu M:C| K:D H:BCILZ T:"Hull's Victory" (hornpipe) 1702
ABC 1702 C1:532653207771031 C2:duudduuddduduuu M:C| K:D H:BCILZ T:"Hull's Victory" (hornpipe) 1702
ABC 1 C1:532653117771031 C2:duudduuuddduduu M:2/4 K:F H:BLRZ T:HULL'S VICTORY -- HORNPIPE
ABC 1 C1:532653117771031 C2:duudduuuddduduu M:2/4 K:F H:BLRZ T:HULL'S VICTORY -- HORNPIPE
ABC 1 C1:532653117771031 C2:duudduuuddduduu M:2/4 K:F H:BLRZ T:HULL'S VICTORY -- HORNPIPE
ABC 1 C1:532653117771031 C2:duudduuuddduduu M:2/4 K:F H:BLRZ T:HULL'S VICTORY -- HORNPIPE
ABC 1 C1:532653117771031 C2:duudduuuddduduu M:2/4 K:F H:BLRZ T:HULL'S VICTORY -- HORNPIPE
ABC 1 C1:532653117771031 C2:duudduuuddduduu M:2/4 K:F H:BLRZ T:HULL'S VICTORY -- HORNPIPE
ABC 1 C1:532653117771031 C2:duudduuuddduduu M:2/4 K:F H:BLRZ T:HULL'S VICTORY -- HORNPIPE
ABC 1 C1:532653117771031 C2:duudduuuddduduu M:2/4 K:F H:BLRZ T:HULL'S VICTORY -- HORNPIPE
ABC 1 C1:532653207771031 C2:duudduuddduduuu M:2/4 K:D H:FLOZ T:Hull's Victory v.1
ABC 1 C1:532653207771031 C2:duudduuddduduuu M:2/4 K:D H:FLOZ T:Hull's Victory v.1
ABC 1 C1:532653207771031 C2:duudduuddduduuu M:2/4 K:D H:FLOZ T:Hull's Victory v.1
ABC 1 C1:532653207771031 C2:duudduuddduduuu M:2/4 K:D H:FLOZ T:Hull's Victory v.1
ABC 10 C1:532653207771031 C2:duudduuddduduuu M:2/4 K:D H:FLOZ T:Hull's Victory v.1
ABC 10 C1:532653207771031 C2:duudduuddduduuu M:2/4 K:D H:FLOZ T:Hull's Victory v.1
ABC 10 C1:532653207771031 C2:duudduuddduduuu M:2/4 K:D H:FLOZ T:Hull's Victory v.1
ABC 10 C1:532653207771031 C2:duudduuddduduuu M:2/4 K:D H:FLOZ T:Hull's Victory v.1
ABC 51 C1:532653207771031 C2:duudduuddduduuu M:2/4 K:D H:FLOZ T:Hull's Victory v.1
ABC 51 C1:532653207771031 C2:duudduuddduduuu M:2/4 K:D H:FLOZ T:Hull's Victory v.1
ABC 51 C1:532653207771031 C2:duudduuddduduuu M:2/4 K:D H:FLOZ T:Hull's Victory v.1
ABC 51 C1:532653207771031 C2:duudduuddduduuu M:2/4 K:D H:FLOZ T:Hull's Victory v.1
ABC 1 C1:622662207771061 C2:duudduuddduduud M:2/4 K:D H:FLOZ T:Hull's Victory v.2
ABC 1 C1:622662207771061 C2:duudduuddduduud M:2/4 K:D H:FLOZ T:Hull's Victory v.2
ABC 1 C1:622662207771061 C2:duudduuddduduud M:2/4 K:D H:FLOZ T:Hull's Victory v.2
ABC 1 C1:622662207771061 C2:duudduuddduduud M:2/4 K:D H:FLOZ T:Hull's Victory v.2
ABC 11 C1:622662207771061 C2:duudduuddduduud M:2/4 K:D H:FLOZ T:Hull's Victory v.2
ABC 11 C1:622662207771061 C2:duudduuddduduud M:2/4 K:D H:FLOZ T:Hull's Victory v.2
ABC 11 C1:622662207771061 C2:duudduuddduduud M:2/4 K:D H:FLOZ T:Hull's Victory v.2
ABC 11 C1:622662207771061 C2:duudduuddduduud M:2/4 K:D H:FLOZ T:Hull's Victory v.2
ABC 52 C1:622662207771061 C2:duudduuddduduud M:2/4 K:D H:FLOZ T:Hull's Victory v.2
ABC 52 C1:622662207771061 C2:duudduuddduduud M:2/4 K:D H:FLOZ T:Hull's Victory v.2
ABC 52 C1:622662207771061 C2:duudduuddduduud M:2/4 K:D H:FLOZ T:Hull's Victory v.2
ABC 52 C1:622662207771061 C2:duudduuddduduud M:2/4 K:D H:FLOZ T:Hull's Victory v.2
ABC 1 C1:072066772056070 C2:udduududduuduud M:3/4 K:D H:LORSZ T:Hultens frieripolska
ABC 1 C1:072066772056070 C2:udduududduuduud M:3/4 K:D H:LORSZ T:Hultens frieripolska
ABC 1 C1:072066772056070 C2:udduududduuduud M:3/4 K:D H:LORSZ T:Hultens frieripolska
ABC 368 C1:072066772056070 C2:udduududduuduud M:3/4 K:D H:BLORSZ T:Hultens frieripolska
ABC 368 C1:072066772056070 C2:udduududduuduud M:3/4 K:D H:BLORSZ T:Hultens frieripolska
ABC 1 C1:071100060607071 C2:duududduuduuddu M:3/4 K:D H:"LV T:Hultens frieripolska
ABC 1 C1:072066772056070 C2:udduududduuduud M:3/4 K:D H:LORSZ T:Hultens frieripolska
ABC 368 C1:072066772056070 C2:udduududduuduud M:3/4 K:D H:BLORSZ T:Hultens frieripolska
ABC 1 C1:220707007700220 C2:uudddduuddduuuu M:3/4 K:A H:"LV T:Hultklappens A-dursvals
ABC 1 C1:060002001161777 C2:duuududdduuuuuu M:3/4 K:Am H:"LV T:Hultklappens Am polska
ABC 1 C1:077100040005711 C2:ddududuuudddudd M:3/4 K:Dm H:"L T:Hultklappens Dm polska
ABC 14 C1:007700220777000 C2:dduuddduuuuduud M:3/4 K:B H:CLRZ T:Hultkl\"appens Vals
ABC 14 C1:007700220777000 C2:dduuddduuuuduud M:3/4 K:A bass H:CLRZ T:Hultkl\"appens Vals
ABC 39 C1:006700320776000 C2:dduuddduuuuduud M:3/4 K:A bass H:CLRZ T:Hultkl\"appens Vals
ABC 21 C1:007700220777000 C2:dduuddduuuuduud M:3/4 K:A bass H:CLRZ T:Hultkl\"appens Vals
ABC 21 C1:007700220777000 C2:dduuddduuuuduud M:3/4 K:B H:CLRZ T:Hultkl\"appens Vals
ABC 39 C1:006700320776000 C2:dduuddduuuuduud M:3/4 K:A bass H:CLRZ T:Hultkl\"appens Vals
ABC 39 C1:007700220777000 C2:dduuddduuuuduud M:3/4 K:A bass H:CLRZ T:Hultkl\"appens Vals
ABC 39 C1:007700220777000 C2:dduuddduuuuduud M:3/4 K:B H:CLRZ T:Hultkl\"appens Vals
ABC 39 C1:006700320776000 C2:dduuddduuuuduud M:3/4 K:A bass H:CLRZ T:Hultkl\"appens Vals
ABC 1 C1:770472000422100 C2:dduudddududuuuu M:3/4 K:A H:LORS T:Hultkl�ppens A-dursvals
ABC 1 C1:770472000422100 C2:dduudddududuuuu M:3/4 K:A H:LORS T:Hultkläppens A-dursvals
ABC 1 C1:477770472000422 C2:uudddduudddudud M:3/4 K:A H:LORS T:Hultkl�ppens A-dursvals
ABC 1 C1:770472000422100 C2:dduudddududuuuu M:3/4 K:A H:LORS T:Hultkl�ppens A-dursvals
ABC 1 C1:477770472000422 C2:uudddduudddudud M:3/4 K:A H:LORS T:Hultkl�ppens A-dursvals
ABC 1 C1:477770472000422 C2:uudddduudddudud M:3/4 K:A H:LORS T:Hultkläppens A-dursvals
ABC 1 C1:477770472000422 C2:uudddduudddudud M:3/4 K:A H:LORS T:Hultkläppens A-dursvals
ABC 1 C1:477770472000422 C2:uudddduudddudud M:3/4 K:A H:LORS T:Hultkl�ppens A-dursvals
ABC 1 C1:477770472000422 C2:uudddduudddudud M:3/4 K:A H:LORS T:Hultkläppens A-dursvals
ABC 1 C1:477770472000422 C2:uudddduudddudud M:3/4 K:A H:LORS T:Hultkl�ppens A-dursvals
ABC 1 C1:477770472000422 C2:uudddduudddudud M:3/4 K:A H:LORS T:Hultkl�ppens A-dursvals
ABC 1 C1:770472000422100 C2:dduudddududuuuu M:3/4 K:A H:LORS T:Hultkl�ppens A-dursvals
ABC 1 C1:477770472000422 C2:uudddduudddudud M:3/4 K:A H:LORS T:Hultkl�ppens A-dursvals
ABC 1 C1:477770472000422 C2:uudddduudddudud M:3/4 K:A H:LORS T:Hultkl�ppens A-dursvals
ABC 1 C1:770472000422100 C2:dduudddududuuuu M:3/4 K:A H:LORSZ T:Hultkl�ppens A-dursvals
ABC 1 C1:770472000422100 C2:dduudddududuuuu M:3/4 K:A H:LORS T:Hultkläppens A-dursvals
ABC 1 C1:477770472000422 C2:uudddduudddudud M:3/4 K:A H:LORS T:Hultkläppens A-dursvals
ABC 1 C1:477770472000422 C2:uudddduudddudud M:3/4 K:A H:LORS T:Hultkläppens A-dursvals
ABC 1 C1:477770472000422 C2:uudddduudddudud M:3/4 K:A H:LORS T:Hultkl�ppens A-dursvals
ABC 1 C1:770472000422100 C2:dduudddududuuuu M:3/4 K:A H:LORSZ T:Hultkl�ppens A-dursvals
ABC 1 C1:770472000422100 C2:dduudddududuuuu M:3/4 K:A H:LORSZ T:Hultkl�ppens A-dursvals
ABC 1 C1:770472000422100 C2:dduudddududuuuu M:3/4 K:A H:LORSZ T:Hultkl�ppens A-dursvals
ABC 1 C1:770472000422100 C2:dduudddududuuuu M:3/4 K:A H:LORSZ T:Hultkläppens A-dursvals
ABC 1 C1:770472000422100 C2:dduudddududuuuu M:3/4 K:A H:LORSZ T:Hultkläppens A-dursvals
ABC 1 C1:770472000422100 C2:dduudddududuuuu M:3/4 K:A H:LORSZ T:Hultkläppens A-dursvals
ABC 1 C1:770472000422100 C2:dduudddududuuuu M:3/4 K:A H:LORSZ T:Hultkläppens A-dursvals
ABC 1 C1:770472000422100 C2:dduudddududuuuu M:3/4 K:A H:LORSZ T:Hultkläppens A-dursvals
ABC 1 C1:770472000422100 C2:dduudddududuuuu M:3/4 K:A H:LORSZ T:Hultkläppens A-dursvals
ABC 1 C1:770472000422100 C2:dduudddududuuuu M:3/4 K:A H:LORS T:Hultkl�ppens A-dursvals
ABC 1 C1:477770472000422 C2:uudddduudddudud M:3/4 K:A H:LORS T:Hultkl�ppens A-dursvals
ABC 1 C1:477770472000422 C2:uudddduudddudud M:3/4 K:A H:LORS T:Hultkl�ppens A-dursvals
ABC 1 C1:770472000422100 C2:dduudddududuuuu M:3/4 K:A H:LORSZ T:Hultkl�ppens A-dursvals
ABC 1 C1:770472000422100 C2:dduudddududuuuu M:3/4 K:A H:LORSZ T:Hultkl�ppens A-dursvals
ABC 1 C1:770472000422100 C2:dduudddududuuuu M:3/4 K:A H:LORSZ T:Hultkl�ppens A-dursvals
ABC 1 C1:770472000422100 C2:dduudddududuuuu M:3/4 K:A H:LORSZ T:Hultkl�ppens A-dursvals
ABC 15 C1:602027602212500 C2:duuududdduuuuuu M:3/4 K:Ador H:LORSZ T:Hultkläppens a-moll-polska
ABC 15 C1:602027602212500 C2:duuududdduuuuuu M:3/4 K:Ador H:LORSZ T:Hultkläppens a-moll-polska
ABC 16 C1:700405026161605 C2:ddududuuudddudd M:3/4 K:Ddor H:LORSZ T:Hultkl�ppens d-moll polska (La Folia variant)
ABC 16 C1:700405026161605 C2:ddududuuudddudd M:3/4 K:Ddor H:LORSZ T:Hultkl�ppens d-moll polska (La Folia variant)
ABC 16 C1:700405026161605 C2:ddududuuudddudd M:3/4 K:Ddor H:LORSZ T:Hultkl�ppens d-moll polska (La Folia variant)
ABC 16 C1:700405026161605 C2:ddududuuudddudd M:3/4 K:Ddor H:LORSZ T:Hultkläppens d-moll polska (La Folia variant)
ABC 16 C1:700405026161605 C2:ddududuuudddudd M:3/4 K:Ddor H:LORSZ T:Hultkläppens d-moll polska (La Folia variant)
ABC 16 C1:700405026161605 C2:ddududuuudddudd M:3/4 K:Ddor H:LORSZ T:Hultkläppens d-moll polska (La Folia variant)
ABC 16 C1:700405026161605 C2:ddududuuudddudd M:3/4 K:Ddor H:LORSZ T:Hultkläppens d-moll polska (La Folia variant)
ABC 16 C1:700405026161605 C2:ddududuuudddudd M:3/4 K:Ddor H:LORSZ T:Hultkläppens d-moll polska (La Folia variant)
ABC 16 C1:700405026161605 C2:ddududuuudddudd M:3/4 K:Ddor H:LORSZ T:Hultkl�ppens d-moll polska (La Folia variant)
ABC 16 C1:700405026161605 C2:ddududuuudddudd M:3/4 K:Ddor H:LORSZ T:Hultkl�ppens d-moll polska (La Folia variant)
ABC 16 C1:700405026161605 C2:ddududuuudddudd M:3/4 K:Ddor H:LORSZ T:Hultkl�ppens d-moll polska (La Folia variant)
ABC 1 C1:0720667720560 C2:udduududduuduud M:3/4 K:D H:LORS T:Hultkl�ppens friarpolska
ABC 1 C1:0720667720560 C2:udduududduuduud M:3/4 K:D H:LORS T:Hultkläppens friarpolska
ABC 1 C1:0720667720560 C2:udduududduuduud M:3/4 K:D H:LORS T:Hultkl�ppens friarpolska
ABC 1 C1:072066772056070 C2:udduududduuduud M:3/4 K:D H:LORS T:Hultkl�ppens friarpolska
ABC 1 C1:072066772056070 C2:udduududduuduud M:3/4 K:D H:LORS T:Hultkläppens friarpolska
ABC 1 C1:072066772056070 C2:udduududduuduud M:3/4 K:D H:LORS T:Hultkl�ppens friarpolska
ABC 1 C1:072066772056070 C2:udduududduuduud M:3/4 K:D H:LORS T:Hultkl�ppens friarpolska
ABC 1 C1:072066772056070 C2:udduududduuduud M:3/4 K:D H:LORS T:Hultkl�ppens friarpolska
ABC 1 C1:072066772056070 C2:udduududduuduud M:3/4 K:D H:LORS T:Hultkl�ppens friarpolska
ABC 1 C1:072066772056070 C2:udduududduuduud M:3/4 K:D H:LORS T:Hultkläppens friarpolska
ABC 1 C1:072066772056070 C2:udduududduuduud M:3/4 K:D H:LORS T:Hultkläppens friarpolska
ABC 1 C1:072066772056070 C2:udduududduuduud M:3/4 K:D H:LORS T:Hultkläppens friarpolska
ABC 1 C1:072066772056070 C2:udduududduuduud M:3/4 K:D H:LORS T:Hultkl�ppens friarpolska
ABC 1 C1:072066772056070 C2:udduududduuduud M:3/4 K:D H:LORS T:Hultkl�ppens friarpolska
ABC 1 C1:072066772056070 C2:udduududduuduud M:3/4 K:D H:LORS T:Hultkl�ppens friarpolska
ABC 1 C1:072066772056070 C2:udduududduuduud M:3/4 K:D H:LORSZ T:Hultkl�ppens friarpolska
ABC 1 C1:072066772056070 C2:udduududduuduud M:3/4 K:D H:LORSZ T:Hultkläppens friarpolska
ABC 1 C1:072066772056070 C2:udduududduuduud M:3/4 K:D H:LORSZ T:Hultkl�ppens friarpolska
ABC 1 C1:072066772056070 C2:udduududduuduud M:3/4 K:D H:LORSZ T:Hultkläppens friarpolska
ABC 1 C1:072066772056070 C2:udduududduuduud M:3/4 K:D H:LORSZ T:Hultkl�ppens friarpolska
ABC 1 C1:072066772056070 C2:udduududduuduud M:3/4 K:D H:LORSZ T:Hultkl�ppens friarpolska
ABC 1 C1:060002001161777 C2:duuududdduuuuuu M:3/4 K:Am H:"LV T:Hultklqappens Am polska
ABC 14 C1:000200760017006 C2:udddduddduddudd M:2/4 K:Em H:LOQRZ T:El Humahuaque\~no
ABC 14 C1:000200760017006 C2:udddduddduddudd M:2/4 K:Em H:LOQRZ T:El Humahuaque\~no
ABC 0 C1: C2: M: K: H: T:Humahus
ABC 0 C1: C2: M: K: H: T:Humahus
ABC 0 C1: C2: M: K: H: T:Humahus
ABC 0 C1: C2: M: K: H: T:Humahus
ABC 0 C1: C2: M: K: H: T:Humahus
ABC 0 C1: C2: M: K: H: T:Humahus
ABC 0 C1:012706027701270 C2:uuddudduudduddu M:4/4 K:C H:"LOS T:Humahus
ABC 0 C1:012706027701270 C2:uuddudduudduddu M:4/4 K:C H:"LOS T:Humahus
ABC 0 C1:012706027701270 C2:uuddudduudduddu M:4/4 K:C H:"LOS T:Humahus
ABC 0 C1:012706027701270 C2:uuddudduudduddu M:4/4 K:C H:"LOS T:Humahus
ABC 0 C1:012706027701270 C2:uuddudduudduddu M:4/4 K:C H:"LOS T:Humahus
ABC 0 C1:012706027701270 C2:uuddudduudduddu M:4/4 K:C H:"LOS T:Humahus
ABC 0 C1:012706027701270 C2:uuddudduudduddu M:4/4 K:C H:"LOS T:Humahus
ABC 0 C1:012706027701270 C2:uuddudduudduddu M:4/4 K:C H:"LOS T:Humahus
ABC 0 C1:012706027701270 C2:uuddudduudduddu M:4/4 K:C H:"LOS T:Humahus
ABC 0 C1:012706027701270 C2:uuddudduudduddu M:4/4 K:C H:"LOS T:Humahus
ABC 5 C1:012706027701270 C2:uuddudduudduddu M:4/4 K:C H:"LOS T:Humahus
ABC 5 C1:012706027701270 C2:uuddudduudduddu M:4/4 K:C H:"LOS T:Humahus
ABC 5 C1:012706027701270 C2:uuddudduudduddu M:4/4 K:C H:"LOS T:Humahus
ABC 1 C1:012700770127007 C2:uuddduuddduuddu M:4/4 K:A H:"LOS T:Humahus [A]
ABC 1 C1:012700770127007 C2:uuddduuddduuddu M:4/4 K:A H:"LOS T:Humahus [A]
ABC 1 C1:012700770127007 C2:uuddduuddduuddu M:4/4 K:A H:"LOS T:Humahus [A]
ABC 1 C1:012700770127007 C2:uuddduuddduuddu M:4/4 K:A H:"LOS T:Humahus [A]
ABC 4 C1:012700770127007 C2:uuddduuddduuddu M:4/4 K:A H:"LOS T:Humahus [A]
ABC 4 C1:012700770127007 C2:uuddduuddduuddu M:4/4 K:A H:"LOS T:Humahus [A]
ABC 4 C1:012700770127007 C2:uuddduuddduuddu M:4/4 K:A H:"LOS T:Humahus [A]
ABC 4 C1:012700770127007 C2:uuddduuddduuddu M:4/4 K:A H:"LOS T:Humahus [A]
ABC 4 C1:012700770127007 C2:uuddduuddduuddu M:4/4 K:A H:"LOS T:Humahus [A]
ABC 4 C1:012700770127007 C2:uuddduuddduuddu M:4/4 K:A H:"LOS T:Humahus [A]
ABC 1 C1:012700770127007 C2:uuddduuddduuddu M:4/4 K:A H:"LOS T:Humahus [A]
ABC 1 C1:012700770127007 C2:uuddduuddduuddu M:4/4 K:A H:"LOS T:Humahus [A]
ABC 1 C1:012700770127007 C2:uuddduuddduuddu M:4/4 K:A H:"LOS T:Humahus [A]
ABC 1 C1:012706027701270 C2:uuddudduudduddu M:4/4 K:C H:"LOS T:Humahus [C]
ABC 1 C1:012706027701270 C2:uuddudduudduddu M:4/4 K:C H:"LOS T:Humahus [C]
ABC 1 C1:012706027701270 C2:uuddudduudduddu M:4/4 K:C H:"LOS T:Humahus [C]
ABC 1 C1:012706027701270 C2:uuddudduudduddu M:4/4 K:C H:"LOS T:Humahus [C]
ABC 1 C1:012706027701270 C2:uuddudduudduddu M:4/4 K:C H:"LOS T:Humahus [C]
ABC 1 C1:012706027701270 C2:uuddudduudduddu M:4/4 K:C H:"LOS T:Humahus [C]
ABC 1 C1:012706027701270 C2:uuddudduudduddu M:4/4 K:C H:"LOS T:Humahus [C]
ABC 1 C1:012706027701270 C2:uuddudduudduddu M:4/4 K:C H:"LOS T:Humahus [C]
ABC 1 C1:012706027701270 C2:uuddudduudduddu M:4/4 K:C H:"LOS T:Humahus [C]
ABC 1 C1:012706027701270 C2:uuddudduudduddu M:4/4 K:C H:"LOS T:Humahus [C]
ABC 1 C1:012706027701270 C2:uuddudduudduddu M:4/4 K:C H:"LOS T:Humahus [C]
ABC 1 C1:012706027701270 C2:uuddudduudduddu M:4/4 K:C H:"LOS T:Humahus [C]
ABC 1 C1:012706027701270 C2:uuddudduudduddu M:4/4 K:C H:"LOS T:Humahus [C]
ABC 1 C1:012700770127007 C2:uuddduuddduuddu M:4/4 K:D H:"LOS T:Humahus [D]
ABC 1 C1:012700770127007 C2:uuddduuddduuddu M:4/4 K:D H:"LOS T:Humahus [D]
ABC 1 C1:012700770127007 C2:uuddduuddduuddu M:4/4 K:D H:"LOS T:Humahus [D]
ABC 1 C1:012700770127007 C2:uuddduuddduuddu M:4/4 K:D H:"LOS T:Humahus [D]
ABC 3 C1:012700770127007 C2:uuddduuddduuddu M:4/4 K:D H:"LOS T:Humahus [D]
ABC 3 C1:012700770127007 C2:uuddduuddduuddu M:4/4 K:D H:"LOS T:Humahus [D]
ABC 3 C1:012700770127007 C2:uuddduuddduuddu M:4/4 K:D H:"LOS T:Humahus [D]
ABC 3 C1:012700770127007 C2:uuddduuddduuddu M:4/4 K:D H:"LOS T:Humahus [D]
ABC 3 C1:012700770127007 C2:uuddduuddduuddu M:4/4 K:D H:"LOS T:Humahus [D]
ABC 3 C1:012700770127007 C2:uuddduuddduuddu M:4/4 K:D H:"LOS T:Humahus [D]
ABC 1 C1:012700770127007 C2:uuddduuddduuddu M:4/4 K:D H:"LOS T:Humahus [D]
ABC 1 C1:012700770127007 C2:uuddduuddduuddu M:4/4 K:D H:"LOS T:Humahus [D]
ABC 1 C1:012700770127007 C2:uuddduuddduuddu M:4/4 K:D H:"LOS T:Humahus [D]
ABC 1 C1:012706027701270 C2:uuddudduudduddu M:4/4 K:G H:"LOS T:Humahus [G]
ABC 1 C1:012706027701270 C2:uuddudduudduddu M:4/4 K:G H:"LOS T:Humahus [G]
ABC 1 C1:012706027701270 C2:uuddudduudduddu M:4/4 K:G H:"LOS T:Humahus [G]
ABC 1 C1:012706027701270 C2:uuddudduudduddu M:4/4 K:G H:"LOS T:Humahus [G]
ABC 2 C1:012706027701270 C2:uuddudduudduddu M:4/4 K:G H:"LOS T:Humahus [G]
ABC 2 C1:012706027701270 C2:uuddudduudduddu M:4/4 K:G H:"LOS T:Humahus [G]
ABC 2 C1:012706027701270 C2:uuddudduudduddu M:4/4 K:G H:"LOS T:Humahus [G]
ABC 2 C1:012706027701270 C2:uuddudduudduddu M:4/4 K:G H:"LOS T:Humahus [G]
ABC 2 C1:012706027701270 C2:uuddudduudduddu M:4/4 K:G H:"LOS T:Humahus [G]
ABC 2 C1:012706027701270 C2:uuddudduudduddu M:4/4 K:G H:"LOS T:Humahus [G]
ABC 1 C1:012706027701270 C2:uuddudduudduddu M:4/4 K:G H:"LOS T:Humahus [G]
ABC 1 C1:012706027701270 C2:uuddudduudduddu M:4/4 K:G H:"LOS T:Humahus [G]
ABC 1 C1:012706027701270 C2:uuddudduudduddu M:4/4 K:G H:"LOS T:Humahus [G]
ABC 1 C1: C2: M: K:C H:LQZ T:Human 1, from WarCraft II OST - Bagpipes (2:28)
ABC 1 C1: C2: M: K:C H:LQZ T:Human 1, from WarCraft II OST - Clarinet (2:28)
ABC 1 C1: C2: M: K:C H:LQZ T:Human 1, from WarCraft II OST - Cowbell (0:30)
ABC 1 C1: C2: M: K:C H:LQZ T:Human 1, from WarCraft II OST - Drum (2:27)
ABC 1 C1: C2: M: K:C H:LQZ T:Human 1, from WarCraft II OST - Flute (2:08)
ABC 1 C1: C2: M: K:C H:LQZ T:Human 1, from WarCraft II OST - Harp (2:28)
ABC 1 C1: C2: M: K:C H:LQZ T:Human 1, from WarCraft II OST - Horn (2:28)
ABC 1 C1: C2: M: K:C H:LQZ T:Human 1, from WarCraft II OST - Theorbo (2:28)
ABC 1 C1: C2: M: K:C H:LQZ T:Human Nature (3:47)
ABC 37 C1:000700070000000 C2:dduuduuudduuddu M:C K:C H:CLOQW T:human readers use other version)
ABC 37 C1:000700070000000 C2:dduuduuudduuddu M:C K:C H:CLOQW T:human readers use other version)
ABC 1 C1: C2: M: K:C H:LQZ T:Human Touch (5:04)abceed by Thorsongori
ABC 492 C1:660176300777000 C2:ddududdduuudduu M:6/8 K:D H:BLQSZ T:Humaurs of Graignamanock JBut.489, The
ABC 1 C1:030000000002020 C2:uuudddududuuudu M:6/8 K:G H:CLQR T:Humber Jumber
ABC 1 C1:030000000002020 C2:uuudddududuuudu M:6/8 K:G H:CLQR T:Humber Jumber
ABC 1 C1:000022000007771 C2:uudddududuuuduu M:6/8 K:G H:"LRZ T:the Humber Jumber
ABC 1 C1:000022000007771 C2:uudddududuuuduu M:6/8 K:G H:"LRZ T:the Humber Jumber
ABC 1 C1:000022000007771 C2:uudddududuuuduu M:6/8 K:G H:"LRZ T:the Humber Jumber
ABC 1 C1:000022000007771 C2:uudddududuuuduu M:6/8 K:G H:"LRZ T:the Humber Jumber
ABC 1 C1:000022000007771 C2:uudddududuuuduu M:6/8 K:G H:"LRZ T:the Humber Jumber
ABC 1 C1:000022000007771 C2:uudddududuuuduu M:6/8 K:G H:"LRZ T:the Humber Jumber
ABC 1 C1:000022000007771 C2:uudddududuuuduu M:6/8 K:G H:"LRZ T:the Humber Jumber
ABC 1 C1:000022000007771 C2:uudddududuuuduu M:6/8 K:G H:"LRZ T:the Humber Jumber
ABC 1 C1:000022000007771 C2:uudddududuuuduu M:6/8 K:G H:"LRZ T:the Humber Jumber
ABC 1 C1:000022000007771 C2:uudddududuuuduu M:6/8 K:G H:"LRZ T:the Humber Jumber
ABC 1 C1:000022000007771 C2:uudddududuuuduu M:6/8 K:G H:"LRZ T:the Humber Jumber
ABC 1 C1:000022000007771 C2:uudddududuuuduu M:6/8 K:G H:"LRZ T:the Humber Jumber
ABC 1 C1:000022000007771 C2:uudddududuuuduu M:6/8 K:G H:"LRZ T:The Humber Jumber
ABC 187 C1:300002200000777 C2:uuudddududuuudu M:6/8 K:G H:"LQRS T:Humber Jumber
ABC 1 C1:000022000007771 C2:uudddududuuuduu M:6/8 K:G H:"BCLRSWZ T:Humber Jumber
ABC 1 C1:000022000007771 C2:uudddududuuuduu M:6/8 K:G H:"BCLRSWZ T:Humber Jumber
ABC 1 C1:000022000007771 C2:uudddududuuuduu M:6/8 K:G H:"BCLRSWZ T:Humber Jumber
ABC 1 C1:000022000007771 C2:uudddududuuuduu M:6/8 K:G H:"BCLRSWZ T:Humber Jumber
ABC 1 C1:000022000007771 C2:uudddududuuuduu M:6/8 K:G H:"BCLRSWZ T:Humber Jumber
ABC 1 C1:000022000007771 C2:uudddududuuuduu M:6/8 K:G H:"BCLRSWZ T:Humber Jumber
ABC 1 C1:000022000007771 C2:uudddududuuuduu M:6/8 K:G H:"BCLRSWZ T:Humber Jumber
ABC 1 C1:000022000007771 C2:uudddududuuuduu M:6/8 K:G H:"BCLRSWZ T:Humber Jumber
ABC 1 C1:000022000007771 C2:uudddududuuuduu M:6/8 K:G H:"BCLRSWZ T:Humber Jumber
ABC 1 C1:000022000007771 C2:uudddududuuuduu M:6/8 K:G H:"BCLRSWZ T:Humber Jumber
ABC 1 C1:000022000007771 C2:uudddududuuuduu M:6/8 K:G H:"BCLRSWZ T:Humber Jumber
ABC 1 C1:000022000007771 C2:uudddududuuuduu M:6/8 K:G H:"BCLRSWZ T:Humber Jumber
ABC 1 C1:000022000007771 C2:uudddududuuuduu M:6/8 K:G H:"BCLRSWZ T:Humber Jumber
ABC 1 C1:000022000007771 C2:uudddududuuuduu M:6/8 K:G H:"BCLRSWZ T:Humber Jumber
ABC 1 C1:000022000007771 C2:uudddududuuuduu M:6/8 K:G H:"BCLRSWZ T:Humber Jumber
ABC 1 C1:000022000007771 C2:uudddududuuuduu M:6/8 K:G H:"LRWZ T:the Humber Jumber
ABC 1 C1:000022000007771 C2:uudddududuuuduu M:6/8 K:G H:"LRWZ T:the Humber Jumber
ABC 1 C1:000022000007771 C2:uudddududuuuduu M:6/8 K:G H:"LRWZ T:the Humber Jumber
ABC 1 C1:000022000007771 C2:uudddududuuuduu M:6/8 K:G H:"LRWZ T:the Humber Jumber
ABC 1 C1:000022000007771 C2:uudddududuuuduu M:6/8 K:G H:"LRWZ T:the Humber Jumber
ABC 1 C1:000022000007771 C2:uudddududuuuduu M:6/8 K:G H:"LRWZ T:the Humber Jumber
ABC 1 C1:000022000007771 C2:uudddududuuuduu M:6/8 K:G H:"LRZ T:the Humber Jumber
ABC 2 C1:000022000007771 C2:uudddududuuuduu M:6/8 K:G H:"LRZ T:The Humber Jumber
ABC 1 C1:000022000007771 C2:uudddududuuuduu M:6/8 K:G H:"LRWZ T:The Humber Jumber
ABC 1 C1:000022000007771 C2:uudddududuuuduu M:6/8 K:G H:"LRWZ T:The Humber Jumber
ABC 38 C1:000022000007771 C2:uudddududuuuduu M:6/8 K:G H:"BCLRSWZ T:Humber Jumber
ABC 38 C1:000022000007771 C2:uudddududuuuduu M:6/8 K:G H:"BCLRSWZ T:Humber Jumber
ABC 1 C1:000022000007771 C2:uudddududuuuduu M:6/8 K:G H:"S T:Humber Jumber (The Frisky)
ABC 132 C1:000022000007771 C2:uudddududuuuduu M:6/8 K:G H:"C T:Humber Jumber (The Frisky)
ABC 660 C1:000022000007771 C2:uudddududuuuduu M:6/8 K:G H:"S T:Humber Jumber (The Frisky)
ABC 132 C1:000022000007771 C2:uudddududuuuduu M:6/8 K:G H:"S T:Humber Jumber (The Frisky)
ABC 132 C1:000022000007771 C2:uudddududuuuduu M:6/8 K:G H:"S T:Humber Jumber (The Frisky)
ABC 132 C1:000022000007771 C2:uudddududuuuduu M:6/8 K:G H:"S T:Humber Jumber (The Frisky)
ABC 132 C1:000022000007771 C2:uudddududuuuduu M:6/8 K:G H:"S T:Humber Jumber (The Frisky)
ABC 132 C1:000022000007771 C2:uudddududuuuduu M:6/8 K:G H:"RS T:Humber Jumber (The Frisky)
ABC 132 C1:000022000007771 C2:uudddududuuuduu M:6/8 K:G H:"RS T:Humber Jumber (The Frisky)
ABC 132 C1:000022000007771 C2:uudddududuuuduu M:6/8 K:G H:"RS T:Humber Jumber (The Frisky)
ABC 7287 C1:000022000007771 C2:uudddududuuuduu M:6/8 K:G H:"S T:Humber Jumber (The Frisky)
ABC 7287 C1:000022000007771 C2:uudddududuuuduu M:6/8 K:G H:"S T:Humber Jumber (The Frisky)
ABC 2682 C1:000022000007771 C2:uudddududuuuduu M:6/8 K:G H:"OS T:Humber Jumber (The Frisky)
ABC 2682 C1:000022000007771 C2:uudddududuuuduu M:6/8 K:G H:"OS T:Humber Jumber (The Frisky)
ABC 5797 C1:000022000007771 C2:uudddududuuuduu M:6/8 K:G H:"S T:Humber Jumber (The Frisky)
ABC 5797 C1:000022000007771 C2:uudddududuuuduu M:6/8 K:G H:"S T:Humber Jumber (The Frisky)
ABC 5797 C1:000022000007771 C2:uudddududuuuduu M:6/8 K:G H:"S T:Humber Jumber (The Frisky)
ABC 78 C1:000326053501000 C2:uudduduuudduddd M:3/2 K:F H:BLQWZ T:Humbey House. PFD2.078
ABC 78 C1:000326053501000 C2:uudduduuudduddd M:3/2 K:F H:BLQWZ T:Humbey House. PFD2.078
ABC 1 C1:177210072065102 C2:udduuudduuddddu M:4/4 K:C H:L T:The Humble Heart
ABC 1 C1:177210072065102 C2:udduuudduuddddu M:4/4 K:C H:L T:The Humble Heart
ABC 1 C1:177210072065102 C2:udduuudduuddddu M:4/4 K:C H:L T:The Humble Heart
ABC 89 C1:344352657122006 C2:dududududuuudud M:C| K:D H:"CR T:Humble Pie
ABC 89 C1:344352657122006 C2:dududududuuudud M:C| K:D H:"CR T:Humble Pie
ABC 89 C1:344352657122006 C2:dududududuuudud M:C| K:D H:"CR T:Humble Pie
ABC 89 C1:344352657122006 C2:dududududuuudud M:C| K:D H:"CR T:Humble Pie
ABC 89 C1:344352657122006 C2:dududududuuudud M:C| K:D H:"CR T:Humble Pie
ABC 0 C1:344352657122006 C2:dududududuuudud M:C| K:D H:"CR T:Humble Pie
ABC 57 C1:626700374442005 C2:dududddududddud M:2/4 K:G H:BLQZ T:Hum-bug. JJo6.59
ABC 57 C1:626700374442005 C2:dududddududddud M:2/4 K:G H:BLQZ T:Hum-bug. JJo6.59
ABC 10 C1:117117233776116 C2:uuduuduuudddduu M:2/4 K:D H:BLRZ T:the Hum Drum
ABC 10 C1:117117233776116 C2:uuduuduuudddduu M:2/4 K:D H:BLRZ T:The Hum Drum
ABC 10 C1:117117233776116 C2:uuduuduuudddduu M:2/4 K:D H:BLRZ T:The Hum Drum
ABC 10 C1:117117233776116 C2:uuduuduuudddduu M:2/4 K:D H:BLRZ T:The Hum Drum
ABC 10 C1:117117233776116 C2:uuduuduuudddduu M:2/4 K:D H:BLRZ T:The Hum Drum
ABC 10 C1:117117233776116 C2:uuduuduuudddduu M:2/4 K:D H:BLRZ T:The Hum Drum
ABC 10 C1:117117233776116 C2:uuduuduuudddduu M:2/4 K:D H:BLRZ T:The Hum Drum
ABC 10 C1:117117233776116 C2:uuduuduuudddduu M:2/4 K:D H:BLRZ T:The Hum Drum
ABC 10 C1:117117233776116 C2:uuduuduuudddduu M:2/4 K:D H:BLRZ T:The Hum Drum
ABC 1 C1:621160021253370 C2:duuuduuududdudd M:4/4 K:G H:BHLQRZ T:Hume Caftle
ABC 1 C1:621160021253370 C2:duuuduuududdudd M:4/4 K:G H:BHLQRZ T:Hume Caftle
ABC 389 C1:000115660174170 C2:uuddduduuddddud M:6/8 K:Bm H:BCLQRSZ T:Humers Of Cork. JBut.387, The
ABC 1 C1:627621660264660 C2:dudduuddududdud M:6/8 K:D H:LRS T:Humers of Reken
ABC 344 C1:000076777711060 C2:dddddduududdddu M:2/4 K:A H:"CHLQS T:Hume's Humour
ABC 338 C1:000076777711060 C2:dddddduududdddu M:2/4 K:A H:"CHLQS T:Hume's Humour
ABC 218 C1:000076777711060 C2:dddddduududdddu M:2/4 K:A H:"CHLQS T:Hume's Humour
ABC 344 C1:000076777711060 C2:dddddduududdddu M:2/4 K:A H:"CHLQS T:Hume's Humour
ABC 344 C1:000076777711060 C2:dddddduududdddu M:2/4 K:A H:"CHLQS T:Hume's Humour
ABC 588 C1:000076777711060 C2:dddddduududdddu M:2/4 K:A H:"CHLQRS T:Hume's Humour
ABC 588 C1:000076777711060 C2:dddddduududdddu M:2/4 K:A H:"CHLQRS T:Hume's Humour
ABC 1 C1:020104111111176 C2:uuduuuuuuudduuu M:3/4 K:D H:ACDFLRSWZ T:Humeurs
ABC 6 C1:032206000711060 C2:uuudduuddduuudd M:2/4 K:D H:"ALOQS T:Humfidifixan
ABC 6 C1:032206000711060 C2:uuudduuddduuudd M:2/4 K:D H:"ALOQS T:Humfidifixan
ABC 6 C1:032206000711060 C2:uuudduuddduuudd M:2/4 K:D H:"ALOQS T:Humfidifixan
ABC 0 C1:070074041107031 C2:dduuduuduuudddu M:4/4 K:G H:LQVZ T:Humility, LM
ABC 0 C1:070074041107031 C2:dduuduuduuudddu M:4/4 K:G H:LQVZ T:Humility, LM
ABC 1 C1:000301050000040 C2:udduduuduududuu M:3/4 K:C H:LV T:Hummelstens Polska
ABC 221 C1:532623712777622 C2:duuduuduudddduu M:6/8 K:Bb H:CLRZ T:The Humming Bird Jig
ABC 221 C1:532623712777622 C2:duuduuduudddduu M:6/8 K:Bb H:CLRZ T:The Humming Bird Jig
ABC 92 C1:003777060603007 C2:uddddduduuuuddd M:3/4 K:Dmaj H:CLRZ T:Humming Bird Waltz
ABC 92 C1:003777060603007 C2:uddddduduuuuddd M:3/4 K:Dmaj H:CLRZ T:Humming Bird Waltz
ABC 535341 C1:060027060025000 C2:dudduuudduuddud M:3/4 K:A H:BCLQR T:HUMMING BIRD WALTZ (mm 1-16), The
ABC 53383 C1:060027060025000 C2:dudduuudduuddud M:3/4 K:A H:BCFLQR T:Humming Bird Waltz (mm 1-16), The
ABC 53383 C1:060027060025000 C2:dudduuudduuddud M:3/4 K:A H:BCFLQR T:Humming Bird Waltz (mm 1-16), The
ABC 53383 C1:060027060025000 C2:dudduuudduuddud M:3/4 K:A H:BCFLQR T:Humming Bird Waltz (mm 1-16), The
ABC 53383 C1:060027060025000 C2:dudduuudduuddud M:3/4 K:A H:BCFLQR T:Humming Bird Waltz (mm 1-16), The
ABC 1 C1:007111077727772 C2:duuuddduddduddd M:4/4 K:D H:L T:Humming schottische
ABC 584 C1:010100070106010 C2:uududududuudduu M:C K:C H:BCFLOVW T:(Humming song) Op. 68 no. 3
ABC 584 C1:010100070106010 C2:uududududuudduu M:C K:C H:BCFLOVW T:(Humming song) Op. 68 no. 3
ABC 1 C1:056602671117067 C2:dddudduuudddduu M:C| K:A H:"BCLRZ T:Hummle Doddies
ABC 0203 C1:210566026711170 C2:uuudddudduuuddd M:4/4 K:A H:"BCLRZ T:Hummle Doddies
ABC 0203 C1:210566026711170 C2:uuudddudduuuddd M:4/4 K:A H:"BCLRZ T:Hummle Doddies
ABC 1 C1:056602671117067 C2:dddudduuudddduu M:C| K:A H:"BCLRZ T:Hummle Doddies
ABC 1 C1:056602671117067 C2:dddudduuudddduu M:C| K:A H:"BCLRZ T:Hummle Doddies
ABC 0203 C1:210566026711170 C2:uuudddudduuuddd M:4/4 K:A H:"BCLRZ T:Hummle Doddies
ABC 0203 C1:210566026711170 C2:uuudddudduuuddd M:4/4 K:A H:"BCLRZ T:Hummle Doddies
ABC 1 C1:726275012675000 C2:duddudddududddd M:2/4 K:G H:CLV T:Humoresque
ABC 24 C1:660176730176730 C2:ddduddduuddduud M:6/8 K:G H:CLQ T:The Humor of Ballydehob
ABC 1 C1:060765061114170 C2:ddduduuududuuud M:6/8 K:Edor H:LRSZ T:Humor of Newtown, The
ABC 1 C1:060765061114170 C2:ddduduuududuuud M:6/8 K:Edor H:LRSZ T:Humor of Newtown, The
ABC 1 C1:060765061114170 C2:ddduduuududuuud M:6/8 K:E H:LRSZ T:Humor of Newtown, The
ABC 825 C1:676160305107300 C2:dddududududduuu M:6/8 K:D H:BCRZ T:Humors of Abbeyfeale
ABC 825 C1:676160305107300 C2:dddududududduuu M:6/8 K:D H:BCRZ T:Humors of Abbeyfeale
ABC 825 C1:676160305107300 C2:dddududududduuu M:6/8 K:D H:BCRZ T:Humors of Abbeyfeale
ABC 825 C1:676160305107300 C2:dddududududduuu M:6/8 K:D H:BCRZ T:Humors of Abbeyfeale
ABC 794 C1:676160305107300 C2:dddududududduuu M:6/8 K:D H:BCRZ T:Humors of Abbeyfeale.
ABC 794 C1:300037676160305 C2:uuddddududududd M:6/8 K:D H:BORZbs T:Humors of Abbeyfeale
ABC 794 C1:300037676160305 C2:uuddddududududd M:6/8 K:D H:BORZbs T:Humors of Abbeyfeale
ABC 794 C1:300037676160305 C2:uuddddududududd M:6/8 K:D H:BORZbs T:Humors of Abbeyfeale
ABC 794 C1:300037676160305 C2:uuddddududududd M:6/8 K:D H:BORZbs T:Humors of Abbeyfeale
ABC 794 C1:300037676160305 C2:uuddddududududd M:6/8 K:D H:BORZbs T:Humors of Abbeyfeale
ABC 794 C1:300037676160305 C2:uuddddududududd M:6/8 K:D H:BORZbs T:Humors of Abbeyfeale
ABC 794 C1:300037676160305 C2:uuddddududududd M:6/8 K:D H:BORZbs T:Humors of Abbeyfeale
ABC 794 C1:300037676160305 C2:uuddddududududd M:6/8 K:D H:BORZbs T:Humors of Abbeyfeale
ABC 794 C1:300037676160305 C2:uuddddududududd M:6/8 K:D H:BORZbs T:Humors of Abbeyfeale
ABC 794 C1:300037676160305 C2:uuddddududududd M:6/8 K:D H:BORZbs T:Humors of Abbeyfeale
ABC 794 C1:300037676160305 C2:uuddddududududd M:6/8 K:D H:BORZbs T:Humors of Abbeyfeale
ABC 794 C1:676160305107300 C2:dddududududduuu M:6/8 K:D H:BCRZ T:Humors of Abbeyfeale.
ABC 794 C1:676160305107300 C2:dddududududduuu M:6/8 K:D H:BCRZ T:Humors of Abbeyfeale.
ABC 825 C1:676160305107300 C2:dddududududduuu M:6/8 K:D H:BCRZ T:Humors of Abbeyfeale
ABC 825 C1:676160305107300 C2:dddududududduuu M:6/8 K:D H:BCRZ T:Humors of Abbeyfeale
ABC 261 C1:762706760007761 C2:ddududdddduuudd M:6/8 K:D H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Ayle House #2
ABC 261 C1:762706760007761 C2:ddududdddduuudd M:6/8 K:D H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Ayle House #2
ABC 21073 C1:627067600077611 C2:dududdddduuuddd M:6/8 K:G H:BLRZ T:HUMORS OF AYLE HOUSE, The
ABC 1 C1:627067600077611 C2:dududdddduuuddd M:6/8 K:D H:BCLORZm T:The humors of Ayle House
ABC 261 C1:627067600077611 C2:dududdddduuuddd M:6/8 K:D H:BLORZ T:The Humors Of Ayle House
ABC 261 C1:627067600077611 C2:dududdddduuuddd M:6/8 K:D H:BLORZ T:The Humors Of Ayle House
ABC 261 C1:627067600077611 C2:dududdddduuuddd M:6/8 K:D H:BLORZ T:The Humors Of Ayle House
ABC 1 C1:060207000607060 C2:dududdddduuuddd M:6/8 K:D H:CLQR T:The Humors of Ayle House
ABC 1 C1:060207000607060 C2:dududdddduuuddd M:6/8 K:D H:CLQR T:The Humors of Ayle House
ABC 261 C1:762706760007761 C2:ddududdddduuudd M:6/8 K:D H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Ayle House
ABC 261 C1:762706760007761 C2:ddududdddduuudd M:6/8 K:D H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Ayle House
ABC 261 C1:762706760007761 C2:ddududdddduuudd M:6/8 K:D H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Ayle House
ABC 261 C1:762706760007761 C2:ddududdddduuudd M:6/8 K:D H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Ayle House
ABC 1 C1:627067600077611 C2:dududdddduuuddd M:6/8 K:D H:LRSZ T:Humors of Ayle House, The
ABC 21073 C1:627067600077611 C2:dududdddduuuddd M:6/8 K:G H:BLRZ T:HUMORS OF AYLE HOUSE, The
ABC 21073 C1:627067600077611 C2:dududdddduuuddd M:6/8 K:G H:BLRZ T:HUMORS OF AYLE HOUSE, The
ABC 261 C1:627067600077611 C2:dududdddduuuddd M:6/8 K:D H:BCFLORWZm T:The humors of Ayle House
ABC 261 C1:627067600077611 C2:dududdddduuuddd M:6/8 K:D H:BLORZ T:The Humors Of Ayle House
ABC 261 C1:627067600077611 C2:dududdddduuuddd M:6/8 K:D H:BLORZ T:The Humors Of Ayle House
ABC 13501 C1:627067600077611 C2:dududdddduuuddd M:6/8 K:D H:BCLORZm T:The humors of Ayle House
ABC 13501 C1:627067600077611 C2:dududdddduuuddd M:6/8 K:D H:BCLORZm T:The humors of Ayle House
ABC 13501 C1:627067600077611 C2:dududdddduuuddd M:6/8 K:D H:BCLORZm T:The humors of Ayle House
ABC 2611 C1:627067600077611 C2:dududdddduuuddd M:6/8 K:D H:BCLORZm T:The humors of Ayle House
ABC 1427 C1:407160777427722 C2:dduuddddudduuud M:C| K:Em H:BLRZbs T:the Humors of Ballinacarrig #2
ABC 1427 C1:407160777427722 C2:dduuddddudduuud M:C| K:Em H:BLRZbs T:the Humors of Ballinacarrig #2
ABC 1427 C1:407160777427722 C2:dduuddddudduuud M:C| K:Em H:BLRZbs T:the Humors of Ballinacarrig #2
ABC 1427 C1:407160777427722 C2:dduuddddudduuud M:C| K:Em H:BLRZbs T:the Humors of Ballinacarrig #2
ABC 664 C1:407160777427722 C2:dduuddddudduuud M:C| K:Em H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Ballinacarrig #2
ABC 664 C1:407160777427722 C2:dduuddddudduuud M:C| K:Em H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Ballinacarrig #2
ABC 664 C1:407160777427722 C2:dduuddddudduuud M:C| K:Em H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Ballinacarrig #2
ABC 664 C1:407160777427722 C2:dduuddddudduuud M:C| K:Em H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Ballinacarrig #2
ABC 1 C1:407160777427722 C2:dduuddddudduuud M:4/4 K:Em H:CLQR T:The Humors of Ballinacarrig
ABC 1 C1:407160777427722 C2:dduuddddudduuud M:4/4 K:Em H:CLQR T:The Humors of Ballinacarrig
ABC 495135 C1:400607774262202 C2:dudddduduuudduu M:C K:D H:BLRZ T:HUMORS of BALLINACARRIG, The
ABC 1476 C1:427722027401111 C2:dudduuudduuuuuu M:C| K:Em H:BLZ T:The Humors of Ballinacarrig
ABC 1476 C1:427722027401111 C2:dudduuudduuuuuu M:C| K:Em H:BLZ T:The Humors of Ballinacarrig
ABC 1476 C1:427722027401111 C2:dudduuudduuuuuu M:C| K:Em H:BLZ T:The Humors of Ballinacarrig
ABC 1427 C1:427722027401111 C2:dudduuudduuuuuu M:C| K:Em H:BLZ T:The Humors of Ballinacarrig
ABC 1476 C1:427722027401111 C2:dudduuudduuuuuu M:C| K:Em H:BLZ T:The Humors of Ballinacarrig
ABC 1427 C1:407160777427722 C2:dduuddddudduuud M:C| K:Em H:BLRZbs T:the Humors of Ballinacarrig
ABC 1427 C1:407160777427722 C2:dduuddddudduuud M:C| K:Em H:BLRZbs T:the Humors of Ballinacarrig
ABC 1427 C1:407160777427722 C2:dduuddddudduuud M:C| K:Em H:BLRZbs T:the Humors of Ballinacarrig
ABC 1427 C1:407160777427722 C2:dduuddddudduuud M:C| K:Em H:BLRZbs T:the Humors of Ballinacarrig
ABC 1427 C1:407160777427722 C2:dduuddddudduuud M:C| K:Em H:BLRZbs T:the Humors of Ballinacarrig
ABC 1427 C1:407160777427722 C2:dduuddddudduuud M:C| K:Em H:BLRZbs T:the Humors of Ballinacarrig
ABC 1427 C1:407160777427722 C2:dduuddddudduuud M:C| K:Em H:BLRZbs T:the Humors of Ballinacarrig
ABC 1427 C1:407160777427722 C2:dduuddddudduuud M:C| K:Em H:BLRZbs T:the Humors of Ballinacarrig
ABC 664 C1:427722027401111 C2:dudduuudduuuuuu M:C| K:Em H:BLORZ T:The Humors Of Ballinacarrig
ABC 664 C1:427722027401111 C2:dudduuudduuuuuu M:C| K:Em H:BLORZ T:The Humors Of Ballinacarrig
ABC 664 C1:407160777427722 C2:dduuddddudduuud M:C| K:Em H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Ballinacarrig
ABC 664 C1:407160777427722 C2:dduuddddudduuud M:C| K:Em H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Ballinacarrig
ABC 664 C1:407160777427722 C2:dduuddddudduuud M:C| K:Em H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Ballinacarrig
ABC 664 C1:407160777427722 C2:dduuddddudduuud M:C| K:Em H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Ballinacarrig
ABC 664 C1:407160777427722 C2:dduuddddudduuud M:C| K:Em H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Ballinacarrig
ABC 664 C1:407160777427722 C2:dduuddddudduuud M:C| K:Em H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Ballinacarrig
ABC 664 C1:407160777427722 C2:dduuddddudduuud M:C| K:Em H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Ballinacarrig
ABC 664 C1:407160777427722 C2:dduuddddudduuud M:C| K:Em H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Ballinacarrig
ABC 1 C1:427722027401111 C2:dudduuudduuuuuu M:C| K:Emin H:LRSZ T:Humors of Ballinacarrig, The
ABC 1427 C1:427722027401111 C2:dudduuudduuuuuu M:C| K:Em H:BLZ T:The Humors of Ballinacarrig
ABC 495135 C1:400607774262202 C2:dudddduduuudduu M:C K:D H:BLRZ T:HUMORS of BALLINACARRIG, The
ABC 495135 C1:400607774262202 C2:dudddduduuudduu M:C K:D H:BLRZ T:HUMORS of BALLINACARRIG, The
ABC 1427 C1:427722027401111 C2:dudduuudduuuuuu M:C| K:Em H:BLZ T:The Humors of Ballinacarrig
ABC 664 C1:427722027401111 C2:dudduuudduuuuuu M:C| K:Em H:BCFLORWZ T:The humors of Ballinacarrig
ABC 664 C1:427722027401111 C2:dudduuudduuuuuu M:C| K:Em H:BLORZ T:The Humors Of Ballinacarrig
ABC 664 C1:427722027401111 C2:dudduuudduuuuuu M:C| K:Em H:BLORZ T:The Humors Of Ballinacarrig
ABC 1476 C1:427722027401111 C2:dudduuudduuuuuu M:C| K:Em H:BLZ T:The Humors of Ballinacarrig
ABC 1476 C1:427722027401111 C2:dudduuudduuuuuu M:C| K:Em H:BLZ T:The Humors of Ballinacarrig
ABC 182295 C1:022446214070116 C2:uududuudduuuddd M:C K:Em H:CQRS T:HUMORS OF BALLINACARRIG (reel), The
ABC 182295 C1:022446214070116 C2:uududuudduuuddd M:C K:Em H:CQRS T:HUMORS OF BALLINACARRIG (reel), The
ABC 1 C1:302605302111302 C2:dududuuuududduu M:6/8 K:Ador H:BLR T:Humors of Ballinafad [1]
ABC 1 C1:302605302111302 C2:dududuuuududduu M:6/8 K:Ador H:BLR T:Humors of Ballinafad [1]
ABC 531007 C1:302605302111302 C2:dududuuuududduu M:6/8 K:Am H:BCLR T:Humors of Ballinafad
ABC 531007 C1:302605302111302 C2:dududuuuududduu M:6/8 K:Am H:BCLR T:Humors of Ballinafad
ABC 531007 C1:302605302111302 C2:dududuuuududduu M:6/8 K:Am H:BCLR T:Humors of Ballinafad
ABC 1081 C1:603001106166217 C2:duuududduuddduu M:6/8 K:Am H:BLORZbs T:the Humors of Ballinafauna #2
ABC 1081 C1:603001106166217 C2:duuududduuddduu M:6/8 K:Am H:BLORZbs T:the Humors of Ballinafauna #2
ABC 391 C1:603001106166217 C2:duuududduuddduu M:6/8 K:Am H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Ballinafauna #2
ABC 391 C1:603001106166217 C2:duuududduuddduu M:6/8 K:Am H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Ballinafauna #2
ABC 493166 C1:030011061662176 C2:uuududduuddduuu M:6/8 K:Am H:BLRSZ T:HUMORS OF BALLINAFAUNA, The
ABC 1114 C1:030011061662176 C2:uuududduuddduuu M:6/8 K:Am H:BLRZ T:The Humors of Ballinafauna
ABC 1114 C1:030011061662176 C2:uuududduuddduuu M:6/8 K:Am H:BLRZ T:The Humors of Ballinafauna
ABC 1114 C1:030011061662176 C2:uuududduuddduuu M:6/8 K:Am H:BLRZ T:The Humors of Ballinafauna
ABC 1114 C1:030011061662176 C2:uuududduuddduuu M:6/8 K:Am H:BLRZ T:The Humors of Ballinafauna
ABC 1081 C1:030011061662176 C2:uuududduuddduuu M:6/8 K:Am H:BLRZ T:The Humors of Ballinafauna
ABC 1 C1:030011061662176 C2:uuududduuddduuu M:6/8 K:Am H:BCLORZ T:The humors of Ballinafauna
ABC 1081 C1:603001106166217 C2:duuududduuddduu M:6/8 K:Am H:BLORZbs T:the Humors of Ballinafauna
ABC 1081 C1:603001106166217 C2:duuududduuddduu M:6/8 K:Am H:BLORZbs T:the Humors of Ballinafauna
ABC 1081 C1:603001106166217 C2:duuududduuddduu M:6/8 K:Am H:BLORZbs T:the Humors of Ballinafauna
ABC 1081 C1:603001106166217 C2:duuududduuddduu M:6/8 K:Am H:BLORZbs T:the Humors of Ballinafauna
ABC 1081 C1:603001106166217 C2:duuududduuddduu M:6/8 K:Am H:BLORZbs T:the Humors of Ballinafauna
ABC 1081 C1:603001106166217 C2:duuududduuddduu M:6/8 K:Am H:BLORZbs T:the Humors of Ballinafauna
ABC 391 C1:030011061662176 C2:uuududduuddduuu M:6/8 K:Am H:BLORZ T:The Humors Of Ballinafauna
ABC 391 C1:030011061662176 C2:uuududduuddduuu M:6/8 K:Am H:BLORZ T:The Humors Of Ballinafauna
ABC 1 C1:000300000101000 C2:uuududduuddduuu M:6/8 K:Am H:CLQR T:The Humors of Ballinafauna
ABC 1 C1:000300000101000 C2:uuududduuddduuu M:6/8 K:Am H:CLQR T:The Humors of Ballinafauna
ABC 391 C1:603001106166217 C2:duuududduuddduu M:6/8 K:Am H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Ballinafauna
ABC 391 C1:603001106166217 C2:duuududduuddduu M:6/8 K:Am H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Ballinafauna
ABC 391 C1:603001106166217 C2:duuududduuddduu M:6/8 K:Am H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Ballinafauna
ABC 391 C1:603001106166217 C2:duuududduuddduu M:6/8 K:Am H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Ballinafauna
ABC 391 C1:603001106166217 C2:duuududduuddduu M:6/8 K:Am H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Ballinafauna
ABC 391 C1:603001106166217 C2:duuududduuddduu M:6/8 K:Am H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Ballinafauna
ABC 391 C1:603001106166217 C2:duuududduuddduu M:6/8 K:Am H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Ballinafauna
ABC 391 C1:603001106166217 C2:duuududduuddduu M:6/8 K:Am H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Ballinafauna
ABC 1 C1:030011061662176 C2:uuududduuddduuu M:6/8 K:Amin H:LRSZ T:Humors of Ballinafauna, The
ABC 1081 C1:030011061662176 C2:uuududduuddduuu M:6/8 K:Am H:BLRZ T:The Humors of Ballinafauna
ABC 493166 C1:030011061662176 C2:uuududduuddduuu M:6/8 K:Am H:BLRSZ T:HUMORS OF BALLINAFAUNA, The
ABC 493166 C1:030011061662176 C2:uuududduuddduuu M:6/8 K:Am H:BLRSZ T:HUMORS OF BALLINAFAUNA, The
ABC 1081 C1:030011061662176 C2:uuududduuddduuu M:6/8 K:Am H:BLRZ T:The Humors of Ballinafauna
ABC 391 C1:030011061662176 C2:uuududduuddduuu M:6/8 K:Am H:BCFLORWZ T:The humors of Ballinafauna
ABC 391 C1:030011061662176 C2:uuududduuddduuu M:6/8 K:Am H:BLORZ T:The Humors Of Ballinafauna
ABC 391 C1:030011061662176 C2:uuududduuddduuu M:6/8 K:Am H:BLORZ T:The Humors Of Ballinafauna
ABC 13502 C1:030011061662176 C2:uuududduuddduuu M:6/8 K:Am H:BCLORZ T:The humors of Ballinafauna
ABC 13502 C1:030011061662176 C2:uuududduuddduuu M:6/8 K:Am H:BCLORZ T:The humors of Ballinafauna
ABC 13502 C1:030011061662176 C2:uuududduuddduuu M:6/8 K:Am H:BCLORZ T:The humors of Ballinafauna
ABC 2613 C1:030011061662176 C2:uuududduuddduuu M:6/8 K:Am H:BCLORZ T:The humors of Ballinafauna
ABC 1114 C1:030011061662176 C2:uuududduuddduuu M:6/8 K:Am H:BLRZ T:The Humors of Ballinafauna
ABC 1114 C1:030011061662176 C2:uuududduuddduuu M:6/8 K:Am H:BLRZ T:The Humors of Ballinafauna
ABC 1 C1:716006600071300 C2:dududduuuuddddd M:6/8 K:Edor H:BLRSZ T:Humors of Ballinaraheen, The
ABC 828 C1:160440367711160 C2:udududdduuuduud M:6/8 K:G H:BLRZbs T:the Humors of Ballingarry #2
ABC 828 C1:160440367711160 C2:udududdduuuduud M:6/8 K:G H:BLRZbs T:the Humors of Ballingarry #2
ABC 92 C1:160440367711160 C2:udududdduuuduud M:6/8 K:G H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Ballingarry #2
ABC 92 C1:160440367711160 C2:udududdduuuduud M:6/8 K:G H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Ballingarry #2
ABC 493167 C1:604403677111602 C2:dududdduuuduudu M:6/8 K:G H:BLRZ T:HUMORS OF BALLINGARRY, The
ABC 859 C1:604403677111602 C2:dududdduuuduudu M:6/8 K:G H:BLZ T:The Humors of Ballingarry
ABC 859 C1:604403677111602 C2:dududdduuuduudu M:6/8 K:G H:BLZ T:The Humors of Ballingarry
ABC 859 C1:604403677111602 C2:dududdduuuduudu M:6/8 K:G H:BLZ T:The Humors of Ballingarry
ABC 828 C1:604403677111602 C2:dududdduuuduudu M:6/8 K:G H:BLZ T:The Humors of Ballingarry
ABC 859 C1:604403677111602 C2:dududdduuuduudu M:6/8 K:G H:BLZ T:The Humors of Ballingarry
ABC 1 C1:604403677111602 C2:dududdduuuduudu M:6/8 K:G H:BCLORZ T:The humors of Ballingarry
ABC 828 C1:160440367711160 C2:udududdduuuduud M:6/8 K:G H:BLRZbs T:the Humors of Ballingarry
ABC 828 C1:160440367711160 C2:udududdduuuduud M:6/8 K:G H:BLRZbs T:the Humors of Ballingarry
ABC 828 C1:160440367711160 C2:udududdduuuduud M:6/8 K:G H:BLRZbs T:the Humors of Ballingarry
ABC 828 C1:160440367711160 C2:udududdduuuduud M:6/8 K:G H:BLRZbs T:the Humors of Ballingarry
ABC 828 C1:160440367711160 C2:udududdduuuduud M:6/8 K:G H:BLRZbs T:the Humors of Ballingarry
ABC 828 C1:160440367711160 C2:udududdduuuduud M:6/8 K:G H:BLRZbs T:the Humors of Ballingarry
ABC 828 C1:160440367711160 C2:udududdduuuduud M:6/8 K:G H:BLRZbs T:the Humors of Ballingarry
ABC 92 C1:604403677111602 C2:dududdduuuduudu M:6/8 K:G H:BLORZ T:The Humors Of Ballingarry
ABC 92 C1:604403677111602 C2:dududdduuuduudu M:6/8 K:G H:BLORZ T:The Humors Of Ballingarry
ABC 92 C1:160440367711160 C2:udududdduuuduud M:6/8 K:G H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Ballingarry
ABC 92 C1:160440367711160 C2:udududdduuuduud M:6/8 K:G H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Ballingarry
ABC 92 C1:160440367711160 C2:udududdduuuduud M:6/8 K:G H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Ballingarry
ABC 1 C1:060004040003060 C2:dududdduuuduudu M:6/8 K:G H:CLQR T:The Humors of Ballingarry
ABC 1 C1:060004040003060 C2:dududdduuuduudu M:6/8 K:G H:CLQR T:The Humors of Ballingarry
ABC 92 C1:160440367711160 C2:udududdduuuduud M:6/8 K:G H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Ballingarry
ABC 1 C1:604403677111602 C2:dududdduuuduudu M:6/8 K:G H:LRSZ T:Humors of Ballingarry
ABC 1 C1: C2: M:6/8 K:G H:LRSZ T:Humors of Ballingarry
ABC 828 C1:604403677111602 C2:dududdduuuduudu M:6/8 K:G H:BLZ T:The Humors of Ballingarry
ABC 493167 C1:604403677111602 C2:dududdduuuduudu M:6/8 K:G H:BLRZ T:HUMORS OF BALLINGARRY, The
ABC 493167 C1:604403677111602 C2:dududdduuuduudu M:6/8 K:G H:BLRZ T:HUMORS OF BALLINGARRY, The
ABC 828 C1:604403677111602 C2:dududdduuuduudu M:6/8 K:G H:BLZ T:The Humors of Ballingarry
ABC 92 C1:604403677111602 C2:dududdduuuduudu M:6/8 K:G H:BCFLORWZ T:The humors of Ballingarry
ABC 92 C1:604403677111602 C2:dududdduuuduudu M:6/8 K:G H:BLORZ T:The Humors Of Ballingarry
ABC 92 C1:604403677111602 C2:dududdduuuduudu M:6/8 K:G H:BLORZ T:The Humors Of Ballingarry
ABC 13503 C1:604403677111602 C2:dududdduuuduudu M:6/8 K:G H:BCLORZ T:The humors of Ballingarry
ABC 13503 C1:604403677111602 C2:dududdduuuduudu M:6/8 K:G H:BCLORZ T:The humors of Ballingarry
ABC 13503 C1:604403677111602 C2:dududdduuuduudu M:6/8 K:G H:BCLORZ T:The humors of Ballingarry
ABC 2615 C1:604403677111602 C2:dududdduuuduudu M:6/8 K:G H:BCLORZ T:The humors of Ballingarry
ABC 859 C1:604403677111602 C2:dududdduuuduudu M:6/8 K:G H:BLZ T:The Humors of Ballingarry
ABC 859 C1:604403677111602 C2:dududdduuuduudu M:6/8 K:G H:BLZ T:The Humors of Ballingarry
ABC 1 C1:670111000300617 C2:dduuuududduuduu M:4/4 K:G H:CLQR T:The Humors of Ballinlass
ABC 1 C1:670111000300617 C2:dduuuududduuduu M:4/4 K:G H:CLQR T:The Humors of Ballinlass
ABC 941 C1:006177217111076 C2:dudduuduuuddudd M:C| K:G H:BLORZ T:The Humors Of Ballinlass
ABC 941 C1:006177217111076 C2:dudduuduuuddudd M:C| K:G H:BLORZ T:The Humors Of Ballinlass
ABC 941 C1:006177217111076 C2:dudduuduuuddudd M:C| K:G H:BLORZ T:The Humors Of Ballinlass
ABC 942 C1:011100030061772 C2:uuuududduuduuud M:C| K:G H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Ballinlass
ABC 942 C1:011100030061772 C2:uuuududduuduuud M:C| K:G H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Ballinlass
ABC 942 C1:011100030061772 C2:uuuududduuduuud M:C| K:G H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Ballinlass
ABC 942 C1:011100030061772 C2:uuuududduuduuud M:C| K:G H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Ballinlass
ABC 942 C1:011100030061772 C2:uuuududduuduuud M:C| K:G H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Ballinlass
ABC 942 C1:011100030061772 C2:uuuududduuduuud M:C| K:G H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Ballinlass
ABC 942 C1:011100030061772 C2:uuuududduuduuud M:C| K:G H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Ballinlass
ABC 942 C1:011100030061772 C2:uuuududduuduuud M:C| K:G H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Ballinlass
ABC 1 C1:011100030061772 C2:uuuududduuduuud M:C| K:G H:LRSZ T:Humors of Ballinlass, The
ABC 942 C1:006177217111076 C2:dudduuduuuddudd M:C| K:G H:BCFLORWZm T:The humors of Ballinlass
ABC 941 C1:006177217111076 C2:dudduuduuuddudd M:C| K:G H:BLORZ T:The Humors Of Ballinlass
ABC 941 C1:006177217111076 C2:dudduuduuuddudd M:C| K:G H:BLORZ T:The Humors Of Ballinlass
ABC 221074 C1:011100030061772 C2:uuuududduuduuud M:C| K:G H:BLRZ T:HUMORS OF BALLINLASS (hornpipe), The
ABC 221074 C1:011100030061772 C2:uuuududduuduuud M:C| K:G H:BLRZ T:HUMORS OF BALLINLASS (hornpipe), The
ABC 221074 C1:011100030061772 C2:uuuududduuduuud M:C| K:G H:BLRZ T:HUMORS OF BALLINLASS (hornpipe), The
ABC 18 C1:077605306205302 C2:ddddududuuddudu M:6/8 K:A H:"LRS T:Humors of Ballinthra
ABC 177 C1:077605306205302 C2:ddddududuuddudu M:6/8 K:A H:"LRS T:Humors of Ballinthra
ABC 310 C1:677021677067677 C2:ddduuddddudddud M:6/8 K:F H:LRSZ T:Humors of Ballycarroll
ABC 810 C1:371277526766071 C2:uduudduuddddduu M:6/8 K:A H:BORZbs T:the Humors of Bally Castle #2
ABC 810 C1:371277526766071 C2:uduudduuddddduu M:6/8 K:A H:BORZbs T:the Humors of Bally Castle #2
ABC 81 C1:371277526766071 C2:uduudduuddddduu M:6/8 K:A H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Ballycastle #2
ABC 81 C1:371277526766071 C2:uduudduuddddduu M:6/8 K:A H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Ballycastle #2
ABC 493168 C1:712775267660712 C2:duudduuddddduud M:6/8 K:A H:BLRSZ T:HUMORS OF BALLYCASTLE, The
ABC 841 C1:712775267660712 C2:duudduuddddduud M:6/8 K:A H:BCRZ T:The Humors of Bally Castle
ABC 841 C1:712775267660712 C2:duudduuddddduud M:6/8 K:A H:BCRZ T:The Humors of Bally Castle
ABC 841 C1:712775267660712 C2:duudduuddddduud M:6/8 K:A H:BCRZ T:The Humors of Bally Castle
ABC 810 C1:712775267660712 C2:duudduuddddduud M:6/8 K:A H:BCRZ T:The Humors of Bally Castle.
ABC 810 C1:712775267660712 C2:duudduuddddduud M:6/8 K:A H:BORZ T:the Humors of Bally Castle
ABC 810 C1:712775267660712 C2:duudduuddddduud M:6/8 K:A H:BORZ T:the Humors of Bally Castle
ABC 1 C1:712775267660712 C2:duudduuddddduud M:6/8 K:A H:BCLORZ T:The humors of Ballycastle
ABC 810 C1:371277526766071 C2:uduudduuddddduu M:6/8 K:A H:BORZbs T:the Humors of Bally Castle
ABC 810 C1:371277526766071 C2:uduudduuddddduu M:6/8 K:A H:BORZbs T:the Humors of Bally Castle
ABC 810 C1:371277526766071 C2:uduudduuddddduu M:6/8 K:A H:BORZbs T:the Humors of Bally Castle
ABC 810 C1:371277526766071 C2:uduudduuddddduu M:6/8 K:A H:BORZbs T:the Humors of Bally Castle
ABC 810 C1:371277526766071 C2:uduudduuddddduu M:6/8 K:A H:BORZbs T:the Humors of Bally Castle
ABC 810 C1:371277526766071 C2:uduudduuddddduu M:6/8 K:A H:BORZbs T:the Humors of Bally Castle
ABC 810 C1:371277526766071 C2:uduudduuddddduu M:6/8 K:A H:BORZbs T:the Humors of Bally Castle
ABC 81 C1:712775267660712 C2:duudduuddddduud M:6/8 K:A H:BLORZ T:The Humors Of Ballycastle
ABC 81 C1:712775267660712 C2:duudduuddddduud M:6/8 K:A H:BLORZ T:The Humors Of Ballycastle
ABC 81 C1:712775267660712 C2:duudduuddddduud M:6/8 K:A H:BLORZ T:The Humors Of Ballycastle
ABC 1 C1:070102070705020 C2:duudduuddddduud M:6/8 K:A H:CLQR T:The Humors of Ballycastle
ABC 1 C1:070102070705020 C2:duudduuddddduud M:6/8 K:A H:CLQR T:The Humors of Ballycastle
ABC 81 C1:371277526766071 C2:uduudduuddddduu M:6/8 K:A H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Ballycastle
ABC 81 C1:371277526766071 C2:uduudduuddddduu M:6/8 K:A H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Ballycastle
ABC 81 C1:371277526766071 C2:uduudduuddddduu M:6/8 K:A H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Ballycastle
ABC 81 C1:371277526766071 C2:uduudduuddddduu M:6/8 K:A H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Ballycastle
ABC 1 C1:712775267660712 C2:duudduuddddduud M:6/8 K:A H:LRSZ T:Humors of Ballycastle, The
ABC 810 C1:712775267660712 C2:duudduuddddduud M:6/8 K:A H:BCRZ T:The Humors of Bally Castle.
ABC 493168 C1:712775267660712 C2:duudduuddddduud M:6/8 K:A H:BLRSZ T:HUMORS OF BALLYCASTLE, The
ABC 493168 C1:712775267660712 C2:duudduuddddduud M:6/8 K:A H:BLRSZ T:HUMORS OF BALLYCASTLE, The
ABC 810 C1:712775267660712 C2:duudduuddddduud M:6/8 K:A H:BCRZ T:The Humors of Bally Castle.
ABC 81 C1:712775267660712 C2:duudduuddddduud M:6/8 K:A H:BCFLORWZ T:The humors of Ballycastle
ABC 81 C1:712775267660712 C2:duudduuddddduud M:6/8 K:A H:BLORZ T:The Humors Of Ballycastle
ABC 81 C1:712775267660712 C2:duudduuddddduud M:6/8 K:A H:BLORZ T:The Humors Of Ballycastle
ABC 13504 C1:712775267660712 C2:duudduuddddduud M:6/8 K:A H:BCLORZ T:The humors of Ballycastle
ABC 13504 C1:712775267660712 C2:duudduuddddduud M:6/8 K:A H:BCLORZ T:The humors of Ballycastle
ABC 13504 C1:712775267660712 C2:duudduuddddduud M:6/8 K:A H:BCLORZ T:The humors of Ballycastle
ABC 2617 C1:712775267660712 C2:duudduuddddduud M:6/8 K:A H:BCLORZ T:The humors of Ballycastle
ABC 841 C1:712775267660712 C2:duudduuddddduud M:6/8 K:A H:BCRZ T:The Humors of Bally Castle
ABC 841 C1:712775267660712 C2:duudduuddddduud M:6/8 K:A H:BCRZ T:The Humors of Bally Castle
ABC 1793 C1:711777717611112 C2:duuddddudduuuuu M:4/4 K:A H:BL T:The Humors of Ballyconnell
ABC 1793 C1:711777717611112 C2:duuddddudduuuuu M:4/4 K:A H:BL T:The Humors of Ballyconnell
ABC 1793 C1:711777717611112 C2:duuddddudduuuuu M:4/4 K:A H:BL T:The Humors of Ballyconnell
ABC 1675 C1:711777717611112 C2:duuddddudduuuuu M:4/4 K:A H:BL T:The Humors of Ballyconnell
ABC 492095 C1:711777717611112 C2:duuddddudduuuuu M:C| K:A H:BLQRSZ T:HUMORS OF BALLYCONNELL, The
ABC 1675 C1:711777717611112 C2:duuddddudduuuuu M:4/4 K:A H:BLORbs T:the Humors of Ballyconnell
ABC 1675 C1:711777717611112 C2:duuddddudduuuuu M:4/4 K:A H:BLORbs T:the Humors of Ballyconnell
ABC 1675 C1:711777717611112 C2:duuddddudduuuuu M:4/4 K:A H:BLORbs T:the Humors of Ballyconnell
ABC 1675 C1:711777717611112 C2:duuddddudduuuuu M:4/4 K:A H:BLORbs T:the Humors of Ballyconnell
ABC 1675 C1:711777717611112 C2:duuddddudduuuuu M:4/4 K:A H:BLORbs T:the Humors of Ballyconnell
ABC 1675 C1:711777717611112 C2:duuddddudduuuuu M:4/4 K:A H:BLORbs T:the Humors of Ballyconnell
ABC 1675 C1:711777717611112 C2:duuddddudduuuuu M:4/4 K:A H:BLORbs T:the Humors of Ballyconnell
ABC 1675 C1:711777717611112 C2:duuddddudduuuuu M:4/4 K:A H:BLORbs T:the Humors of Ballyconnell
ABC 1675 C1:711777717611112 C2:duuddddudduuuuu M:4/4 K:A H:BLORbs T:the Humors of Ballyconnell
ABC 1675 C1:711777717611112 C2:duuddddudduuuuu M:4/4 K:A H:BLORbs T:the Humors of Ballyconnell
ABC 1675 C1:711777717611112 C2:duuddddudduuuuu M:4/4 K:A H:BLORbs T:the Humors of Ballyconnell
ABC 1675 C1:711777717611112 C2:duuddddudduuuuu M:4/4 K:A H:BLORbs T:the Humors of Ballyconnell
ABC 882 C1:711777717611112 C2:duuddddudduuuuu M:C| K:Amix H:BLORZ T:The Humors Of Ballyconnell
ABC 882 C1:711777717611112 C2:duuddddudduuuuu M:C| K:Amix H:BLORZ T:The Humors Of Ballyconnell
ABC 882 C1:711777717611112 C2:duuddddudduuuuu M:C| K:Amix H:BLORZ T:The Humors Of Ballyconnell
ABC 883 C1:777117777176111 C2:ddduuddddudduuu M:C| K:Amix H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Ballyconnell
ABC 883 C1:777117777176111 C2:ddduuddddudduuu M:C| K:Amix H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Ballyconnell
ABC 883 C1:777117777176111 C2:ddduuddddudduuu M:C| K:Amix H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Ballyconnell
ABC 883 C1:777117777176111 C2:ddduuddddudduuu M:C| K:Amix H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Ballyconnell
ABC 883 C1:711777717611112 C2:duuddddudduuuuu M:C| K:Amix H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Ballyconnell
ABC 883 C1:711777717611112 C2:duuddddudduuuuu M:C| K:Amix H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Ballyconnell
ABC 883 C1:711777717611112 C2:duuddddudduuuuu M:C| K:Amix H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Ballyconnell
ABC 883 C1:711777717611112 C2:duuddddudduuuuu M:C| K:Amix H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Ballyconnell
ABC 883 C1:711777717611112 C2:duuddddudduuuuu M:C| K:Amix H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Ballyconnell
ABC 883 C1:711777717611112 C2:duuddddudduuuuu M:C| K:Amix H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Ballyconnell
ABC 883 C1:711777717611112 C2:duuddddudduuuuu M:C| K:Amix H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Ballyconnell
ABC 883 C1:711777717611112 C2:duuddddudduuuuu M:C| K:Amix H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Ballyconnell
ABC 1675 C1:711777717611112 C2:duuddddudduuuuu M:4/4 K:A H:BL T:The Humors of Ballyconnell
ABC 250 C1:207760711156700 C2:udddduuuddduuud M:4/4 K:D H:LRSWZ T:Humors of Ballyconnell
ABC 492095 C1:711777717611112 C2:duuddddudduuuuu M:C| K:A H:BLQRSZ T:HUMORS OF BALLYCONNELL, The
ABC 492095 C1:711777717611112 C2:duuddddudduuuuu M:C| K:A H:BLQRSZ T:HUMORS OF BALLYCONNELL, The
ABC 1675 C1:711777717611112 C2:duuddddudduuuuu M:4/4 K:A H:BL T:The Humors of Ballyconnell
ABC 883 C1:711777717611112 C2:duuddddudduuuuu M:C| K:Amix H:BCFLORWZ T:The humors of Ballyconnell
ABC 882 C1:711777717611112 C2:duuddddudduuuuu M:C| K:Amix H:BLORZ T:The Humors Of Ballyconnell
ABC 882 C1:711777717611112 C2:duuddddudduuuuu M:C| K:Amix H:BLORZ T:The Humors Of Ballyconnell
ABC 1793 C1:711777717611112 C2:duuddddudduuuuu M:4/4 K:A H:BL T:The Humors of Ballyconnell
ABC 1793 C1:711777717611112 C2:duuddddudduuuuu M:4/4 K:A H:BL T:The Humors of Ballyconnell
ABC 252033 C1:117767635267005 C2:uudddddududduuu M:C K:D H:BCLQR T:HUMORS OF BALLYCONNELL (reel), The
ABC 13137 C1:207760712567003 C2:udddduuddduuudd M:4/4 K:D H:CLQR T:HUMORS OF BALLYCONNELL (reel), The
ABC 13137 C1:207760712567003 C2:udddduuddduuudd M:4/4 K:D H:CLQR T:HUMORS OF BALLYCONNELL (reel), The
ABC 13137 C1:207760712567003 C2:udddduuddduuudd M:4/4 K:D H:CLQR T:HUMORS OF BALLYCONNELL (reel), The
ABC 252033 C1:117767635267005 C2:uudddddududduuu M:C K:D H:BCLQR T:HUMORS OF BALLYCONNELL (reel), The
ABC 252033 C1:117767635267005 C2:uudddddududduuu M:C K:D H:BCLQR T:HUMORS OF BALLYCONNELL (reel), The
ABC 289 C1:660176730176730 C2:ddduddduuddduud M:6/8 K:G H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Ballydehob #2
ABC 289 C1:660176730176730 C2:ddduddduuddduud M:6/8 K:G H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Ballydehob #2
ABC 493169 C1:601767301767301 C2:duddduuddduuduu M:6/8 K:G H:BLRSZ T:HUMORS OF BALLYDEHOB, The
ABC 1130 C1:601767301767301 C2:duddduuddduuduu M:6/8 K:G H:BLRZ T:The Humors of Ballydehob
ABC 1130 C1:601767301767301 C2:duddduuddduuduu M:6/8 K:G H:BLRZ T:The Humors of Ballydehob
ABC 1130 C1:601767301767301 C2:duddduuddduuduu M:6/8 K:G H:BLRZ T:The Humors of Ballydehob
ABC 1097 C1:601767301767301 C2:duddduuddduuduu M:6/8 K:G H:BLRZ T:The Humors of Ballydehob
ABC 1 C1:601767301767301 C2:duddduuddduuduu M:6/8 K:G H:BCLORZ T:The humors of Ballydehob
ABC 1097 C1:660176730176730 C2:ddduddduuddduud M:6/8 K:G H:BLORZbs T:the Humors of Ballydehob
ABC 1097 C1:660176730176730 C2:ddduddduuddduud M:6/8 K:G H:BLORZbs T:the Humors of Ballydehob
ABC 1097 C1:660176730176730 C2:ddduddduuddduud M:6/8 K:G H:BLORZbs T:the Humors of Ballydehob
ABC 1097 C1:660176730176730 C2:ddduddduuddduud M:6/8 K:G H:BLORZbs T:the Humors of Ballydehob
ABC 1097 C1:660176730176730 C2:ddduddduuddduud M:6/8 K:G H:BLORZbs T:the Humors of Ballydehob
ABC 1097 C1:660176730176730 C2:ddduddduuddduud M:6/8 K:G H:BLORZbs T:the Humors of Ballydehob
ABC 289 C1:601767301767301 C2:duddduuddduuduu M:6/8 K:G H:BLORZ T:The Humors Of Ballydehob
ABC 289 C1:601767301767301 C2:duddduuddduuduu M:6/8 K:G H:BLORZ T:The Humors Of Ballydehob
ABC 289 C1:601767301767301 C2:duddduuddduuduu M:6/8 K:G H:BLORZ T:The Humors Of Ballydehob
ABC 289 C1:660176730176730 C2:ddduddduuddduud M:6/8 K:G H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Ballydehob
ABC 289 C1:660176730176730 C2:ddduddduuddduud M:6/8 K:G H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Ballydehob
ABC 289 C1:660176730176730 C2:ddduddduuddduud M:6/8 K:G H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Ballydehob
ABC 289 C1:660176730176730 C2:ddduddduuddduud M:6/8 K:G H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Ballydehob
ABC 1 C1:060001070607030 C2:duddduuddduuduu M:6/8 K:G H:CLQR T:The Humors of Ballydehob
ABC 1 C1:060001070607030 C2:duddduuddduuduu M:6/8 K:G H:CLQR T:The Humors of Ballydehob
ABC 1 C1:601767301767301 C2:duddduuddduuduu M:6/8 K:G H:LRSZ T:Humors of Ballydehob, The
ABC 1 C1:601767301767301 C2:duddduuddduuduu M:6/8 K:G H:LRSZ T:Humors of Ballydehob, The
ABC 1097 C1:601767301767301 C2:duddduuddduuduu M:6/8 K:G H:BLRZ T:The Humors of Ballydehob
ABC 493169 C1:601767301767301 C2:duddduuddduuduu M:6/8 K:G H:BLRSZ T:HUMORS OF BALLYDEHOB, The
ABC 493169 C1:601767301767301 C2:duddduuddduuduu M:6/8 K:G H:BLRSZ T:HUMORS OF BALLYDEHOB, The
ABC 1097 C1:601767301767301 C2:duddduuddduuduu M:6/8 K:G H:BLRZ T:The Humors of Ballydehob
ABC 290 C1:601767301767301 C2:duddduuddduuduu M:6/8 K:G H:BCFLORWZ T:The humors of Ballydehob
ABC 289 C1:601767301767301 C2:duddduuddduuduu M:6/8 K:G H:BLORZ T:The Humors Of Ballydehob
ABC 289 C1:601767301767301 C2:duddduuddduuduu M:6/8 K:G H:BLORZ T:The Humors Of Ballydehob
ABC 13505 C1:601767301767301 C2:duddduuddduuduu M:6/8 K:G H:BCLORZ T:The humors of Ballydehob
ABC 13505 C1:601767301767301 C2:duddduuddduuduu M:6/8 K:G H:BCLORZ T:The humors of Ballydehob
ABC 13505 C1:601767301767301 C2:duddduuddduuduu M:6/8 K:G H:BCLORZ T:The humors of Ballydehob
ABC 2619 C1:601767301767301 C2:duddduuddduuduu M:6/8 K:G H:BCLORZ T:The humors of Ballydehob
ABC 1130 C1:601767301767301 C2:duddduuddduuduu M:6/8 K:G H:BLRZ T:The Humors of Ballydehob
ABC 1130 C1:601767301767301 C2:duddduuddduuduu M:6/8 K:G H:BLRZ T:The Humors of Ballydehob
ABC 82 C1:031125272561716 C2:uuuudududdududd M:4/4 K:G H:LRS T:Humors of Ballyheige (#278)
ABC 82 C1:031125272561716 C2:uuuudududdududd M:4/4 K:G H:LRS T:Humors of Ballyheige (#278)
ABC 82 C1:031125272561716 C2:uuuudududdududd M:4/4 K:G H:LRS T:Humors of Ballyheige (#278)
ABC 82 C1:031125272561716 C2:uuuudududdududd M:4/4 K:G H:LRS T:Humors of Ballyheige (#278)
ABC 82 C1:031125272561716 C2:uuuudududdududd M:4/4 K:G H:LRS T:Humors of Ballyheige (#278)
ABC 82 C1:031125272561716 C2:uuuudududdududd M:4/4 K:G H:LRS T:Humors of Ballyheige (#278)
ABC 286 C1:031125272561716 C2:uuuudududdududd M:4/4 K:G H:LRS T:Humors of Ballyheige
ABC 286 C1:031125272561716 C2:uuuudududdududd M:4/4 K:G H:LRS T:Humors of Ballyheige
ABC 286 C1:031125272561716 C2:uuuudududdududd M:4/4 K:G H:LRS T:Humors of Ballyheige
ABC 1 C1:031125272561716 C2:uuuudududdududd M:4/4 K:G H:LRSZ T:Humors of Ballyheige
ABC 1 C1:031125272561716 C2:uuuudududdududd M:4/4 K:G H:LRSZ T:Humors of Ballyheige
ABC 286 C1:031125272561716 C2:uuuudududdududd M:4/4 K:G H:LRS T:Humors of Ballyheige
ABC 286 C1:031125272561716 C2:uuuudududdududd M:4/4 K:G H:LRS T:Humors of Ballyheige
ABC 19018 C1:031125272561716 C2:uuuudududdududd M:C K:G H:BCLQRS T:HUMORS OF BALLYHEIGE (reel), The
ABC 19018 C1:031125272561716 C2:uuuudududdududd M:C K:G H:BCLQRS T:HUMORS OF BALLYHEIGE (reel), The
ABC 190241 C1:031125272561716 C2:uuuudududdududd M:C K:G H:BCLQRS T:HUMORS OF BALLYHEIGE (reel), The
ABC 190241 C1:031125272561716 C2:uuuudududdududd M:C K:G H:BCLQRS T:HUMORS OF BALLYHEIGE (reel), The
ABC 13460 C1:000762671715000 C2:ddudduduududddd M:6/8 K:G H:CLQR T:The HUMORS OF BALLYLOUGHLIN
ABC 38116 C1:710762670176063 C2:dudduddududuudd M:6/8 K:G H:BCLQR T:HUMORS OF BALLYLOUGHLIN, The
ABC 181032 C1:071762670006711 C2:duddudduduuuddd M:6/8 K:G H:CLQR T:Humors of Ballyloughlin
ABC 1 C1:670006711177677 C2:dduduuudddddddu M:6/8 K:ADor H:RSZ T:Humors of Ballyloughlin
ABC 1 C1:670006711177677 C2:dduduuudddddddu M:6/8 K:ADor H:RSZ T:Humors of Ballyloughlin
ABC 1 C1:670006711177677 C2:dduduuudddddddu M:6/8 K:ADor H:RSZ T:Humors of Ballyloughlin
ABC 70 C1:670006711177677 C2:dduduuudddddddu M:6/8 K:Dmix H:LRSZ T:Humors of Ballyloughlin
ABC 13460 C1:000762671715000 C2:ddudduduududddd M:6/8 K:G H:CLQR T:The HUMORS OF BALLYLOUGHLIN
ABC 13460 C1:000762671715000 C2:ddudduduududddd M:6/8 K:G H:CLQR T:The HUMORS OF BALLYLOUGHLIN
ABC 190 C1:000762670176063 C2:dduddududuudddd M:6/8 K:Dmix H:LRSZ T:Humors of Ballyloughlin
ABC 360 C1:670006711177677 C2:dduduuudddddddu M:6/8 K:Dmix H:LRSZ T:Humors of Ballyloughlin
ABC 181032 C1:071762670006711 C2:duddudduduuuddd M:6/8 K:G H:CLQR T:Humors of Ballyloughlin
ABC 181032 C1:071762670006711 C2:duddudduduuuddd M:6/8 K:G H:CLQR T:Humors of Ballyloughlin
ABC 38116 C1:710762670176063 C2:dudduddududuudd M:6/8 K:G H:BCLQR T:HUMORS OF BALLYLOUGHLIN, The
ABC 38116 C1:710762670176063 C2:dudduddududuudd M:6/8 K:G H:BCLQR T:HUMORS OF BALLYLOUGHLIN, The
ABC 496023 C1:000773115000772 C2:dduuudddudduduu M:9/8 K:D H:BLQRZ T:HUMORS of BALLYMANUS, The
ABC 1157 C1:000773115000772 C2:dduuudddudduduu M:9/8 K:D H:BLRZ T:Humors of Ballymanus
ABC 1157 C1:000773115000772 C2:dduuudddudduduu M:9/8 K:D H:BLRZ T:Humors of Ballymanus
ABC 1157 C1:000773115000772 C2:dduuudddudduduu M:9/8 K:D H:BLRZ T:Humors of Ballymanus
ABC 1124 C1:000773115000772 C2:dduuudddudduduu M:9/8 K:D H:BLRZ T:Humors of Ballymanus
ABC 1157 C1:000773115000772 C2:dduuudddudduduu M:9/8 K:D H:BLRZ T:Humors of Ballymanus
ABC 532051 C1:170063115170063 C2:udduuududdudddu M:9/8 K:D H:BCHLQR T:HUMORS OF BALLYMANUS, The
ABC 1177 C1:000773115000772 C2:dduuudddudduduu M:9/8 K:D H:BLRZ T:The Humors of Ballymanus
ABC 1177 C1:000773115000772 C2:dduuudddudduduu M:9/8 K:D H:BLRZ T:The Humors of Ballymanus
ABC 1124 C1:000773115000772 C2:dduuudddudduduu M:9/8 K:D H:BLRZ T:The Humors of Ballymanus
ABC 1177 C1:000773115000772 C2:dduuudddudduduu M:9/8 K:D H:BLRZ T:The Humors of Ballymanus
ABC 1124 C1:000772772000773 C2:dduddudduuudddu M:9/8 K:D H:BLRZ T:the Humors of Ballymanus
ABC 1124 C1:000772772000773 C2:dduddudduuudddu M:9/8 K:D H:BLRZ T:the Humors of Ballymanus
ABC 1124 C1:000772772000773 C2:dduddudduuudddu M:9/8 K:D H:BLRZbs T:the Humors of Ballymanus
ABC 1124 C1:000772772000773 C2:dduddudduuudddu M:9/8 K:D H:BLRZbs T:the Humors of Ballymanus
ABC 1 C1:000773115000772 C2:dduuudddudduduu M:9/8 K:D H:BCLORZ T:The humors of Ballymanus
ABC 1124 C1:000772772000773 C2:dduddudduuudddu M:9/8 K:D H:BLRZbs T:the Humors of Ballymanus
ABC 1124 C1:000772772000773 C2:dduddudduuudddu M:9/8 K:D H:BLRZbs T:the Humors of Ballymanus
ABC 1124 C1:000772772000773 C2:dduddudduuudddu M:9/8 K:D H:BLRZbs T:the Humors of Ballymanus
ABC 1124 C1:000772772000773 C2:dduddudduuudddu M:9/8 K:D H:BLRZbs T:the Humors of Ballymanus
ABC 1124 C1:000772772000773 C2:dduddudduuudddu M:9/8 K:D H:BLRZbs T:the Humors of Ballymanus
ABC 1124 C1:000772772000773 C2:dduddudduuudddu M:9/8 K:D H:BLRZbs T:the Humors of Ballymanus
ABC 1124 C1:000772772000773 C2:dduddudduuudddu M:9/8 K:D H:BLRZbs T:the Humors of Ballymanus
ABC 1124 C1:000772772000773 C2:dduddudduuudddu M:9/8 K:D H:BLRZbs T:the Humors of Ballymanus
ABC 1124 C1:000772772000773 C2:dduddudduuudddu M:9/8 K:D H:BLRZbs T:the Humors of Ballymanus
ABC 1124 C1:000772772000773 C2:dduddudduuudddu M:9/8 K:D H:BLRZbs T:the Humors of Ballymanus
ABC 417 C1:000773115000772 C2:dduuudddudduduu M:9/8 K:D H:BLORZ T:The Humors Of Ballymanus
ABC 417 C1:000773115000772 C2:dduuudddudduduu M:9/8 K:D H:BLORZ T:The Humors Of Ballymanus
ABC 417 C1:000772772000773 C2:dduddudduuudddu M:9/8 K:D H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Ballymanus
ABC 417 C1:000772772000773 C2:dduddudduuudddu M:9/8 K:D H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Ballymanus
ABC 417 C1:000772772000773 C2:dduddudduuudddu M:9/8 K:D H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Ballymanus
ABC 417 C1:000772772000773 C2:dduddudduuudddu M:9/8 K:D H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Ballymanus
ABC 417 C1:000772772000773 C2:dduddudduuudddu M:9/8 K:D H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Ballymanus
ABC 417 C1:000772772000773 C2:dduddudduuudddu M:9/8 K:D H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Ballymanus
ABC 417 C1:000772772000773 C2:dduddudduuudddu M:9/8 K:D H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Ballymanus
ABC 417 C1:000772772000773 C2:dduddudduuudddu M:9/8 K:D H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Ballymanus
ABC 1124 C1:000773115000772 C2:dduuudddudduduu M:9/8 K:D H:BLRZ T:Humors of Ballymanus
ABC 1124 C1:000773115000772 C2:dduuudddudduduu M:9/8 K:D H:BLRZ T:The Humors of Ballymanus
ABC 1 C1:000773115000772 C2:dduuudddudduduu M:9/8 K:D H:LRSZ T:Humors of Ballymanus
ABC 2 C1:000773115000772 C2:dduuudddudduduu M:9/8 K:D H:BLZ T:Humors of Ballymanus, The
ABC 1 C1:000772772000773 C2:dduddudduuudddu M:9/8 K:D H:LRSZ T:Humors of Ballymanus
ABC 2 C1:000773115000772 C2:dduuudddudduduu M:9/8 K:D H:BLZ T:Humors of Ballymanus, The
ABC 3 C1:000773115000772 C2:dduuudddudduduu M:9/8 K:D H:LRSZ T:Humors of Ballymanus
ABC 496023 C1:000773115000772 C2:dduuudddudduduu M:9/8 K:D H:BLQRZ T:HUMORS of BALLYMANUS, The
ABC 496023 C1:000773115000772 C2:dduuudddudduduu M:9/8 K:D H:BLQRZ T:HUMORS of BALLYMANUS, The
ABC 532051 C1:170063115170063 C2:udduuududdudddu M:9/8 K:D H:BCHLQR T:HUMORS OF BALLYMANUS, The
ABC 532051 C1:170063115170063 C2:udduuududdudddu M:9/8 K:D H:BCHLQR T:HUMORS OF BALLYMANUS, The
ABC 9 C1:000772772000773 C2:dduddudduuudddu M:9/8 K:Dmaj H:LRS T:Humors of Ballymanus
ABC 1124 C1:000773115000772 C2:dduuudddudduduu M:9/8 K:D H:BLRZ T:Humors of Ballymanus
ABC 1124 C1:000773115000772 C2:dduuudddudduduu M:9/8 K:D H:BLRZ T:The Humors of Ballymanus
ABC 417 C1:000773115000772 C2:dduuudddudduduu M:9/8 K:D H:BCFLORWZ T:The humors of Ballymanus
ABC 417 C1:000773115000772 C2:dduuudddudduduu M:9/8 K:D H:BLORZ T:The Humors Of Ballymanus
ABC 417 C1:000773115000772 C2:dduuudddudduduu M:9/8 K:D H:BLORZ T:The Humors Of Ballymanus
ABC 13506 C1:000773115000772 C2:dduuudddudduduu M:9/8 K:D H:BCLORZ T:The humors of Ballymanus
ABC 13506 C1:000773115000772 C2:dduuudddudduduu M:9/8 K:D H:BCLORZ T:The humors of Ballymanus
ABC 13506 C1:000773115000772 C2:dduuudddudduduu M:9/8 K:D H:BCLORZ T:The humors of Ballymanus
ABC 2621 C1:000773115000772 C2:dduuudddudduduu M:9/8 K:D H:BCLORZ T:The humors of Ballymanus
ABC 1157 C1:000773115000772 C2:dduuudddudduduu M:9/8 K:D H:BLRZ T:Humors of Ballymanus
ABC 1177 C1:000773115000772 C2:dduuudddudduduu M:9/8 K:D H:BLRZ T:The Humors of Ballymanus
ABC 1157 C1:000773115000772 C2:dduuudddudduduu M:9/8 K:D H:BLRZ T:Humors of Ballymanus
ABC 1177 C1:000773115000772 C2:dduuudddudduduu M:9/8 K:D H:BLRZ T:The Humors of Ballymanus
ABC 977 C1:626300711077111 C2:uududuuuddduuud M:6/8 K:G H:BFLORZbs T:the Humors of Bandon #2
ABC 977 C1:626300711077111 C2:uududuuuddduuud M:6/8 K:G H:BFLORZbs T:the Humors of Bandon #2
ABC 977 C1:626300711077111 C2:uududuuuddduuud M:6/8 K:G H:BFLORZbs T:the Humors of Bandon #2
ABC 977 C1:626300711077111 C2:uududuuuddduuud M:6/8 K:G H:BFLORZbs T:the Humors of Bandon #2
ABC 331034 C1:300711077111077 C2:uduudduuudduudd M:6/8 K:G H:BCLRY T:HUMORS OF BANDON, The
ABC 532052 C1:300711167111770 C2:uduuudduuuddduu M:6/8 K:G H:BCLQR T:HUMORS OF BANDON, The
ABC 493170 C1:300712777113040 C2:uduuddduuudduuu M:6/8 K:G H:BLRSZ T:HUMORS OF BANDON, The
ABC 1 C1:060300000701011 C2:duduuuddduuuddu M:6/8 K:G H:CLQR T:The Humors of Bandon
ABC 1 C1:060300000701011 C2:duduuuddduuuddu M:6/8 K:G H:CLQR T:The Humors of Bandon
ABC 817 C1:300712777113407 C2:uduuddduuudduuu M:6/8 K:Em H:BCRZ T:The Humors of Bandon
ABC 817 C1:300712777113407 C2:uduuddduuudduuu M:6/8 K:Em H:BCRZ T:The Humors of Bandon
ABC 817 C1:300712777113407 C2:uduuddduuudduuu M:6/8 K:Em H:BCRZ T:The Humors of Bandon
ABC 786 C1:300712777113407 C2:uduuddduuudduuu M:6/8 K:Em H:BCRZ T:The Humors of Bandon.
ABC 786 C1:300712777113407 C2:uduuddduuudduuu M:6/8 K:G H:BCRZ T:the Humors of Bandon
ABC 786 C1:300712777113407 C2:uduuddduuudduuu M:6/8 K:G H:BCRZ T:the Humors of Bandon
ABC 976 C1:300711077111600 C2:uduuuddduuudduu M:6/8 K:G H:BLORZ T:The Humors Of Bandon
ABC 976 C1:300711077111600 C2:uduuuddduuudduu M:6/8 K:G H:BLORZ T:The Humors Of Bandon
ABC 976 C1:300711077111600 C2:uduuuddduuudduu M:6/8 K:G H:BLORZ T:The Humors Of Bandon
ABC 786 C1:026300712777113 C2:uududuuddduuudd M:6/8 K:G H:BCRZbs T:the Humors of Bandon
ABC 786 C1:026300712777113 C2:uududuuddduuudd M:6/8 K:G H:BCRZbs T:the Humors of Bandon
ABC 786 C1:026300712777113 C2:uududuuddduuudd M:6/8 K:G H:BCRZbs T:the Humors of Bandon
ABC 786 C1:026300712777113 C2:uududuuddduuudd M:6/8 K:G H:BCRZbs T:the Humors of Bandon
ABC 786 C1:026300712777113 C2:uududuuddduuudd M:6/8 K:G H:BCRZbs T:the Humors of Bandon
ABC 786 C1:026300712777113 C2:uududuuddduuudd M:6/8 K:G H:BCRZbs T:the Humors of Bandon
ABC 786 C1:026300712777113 C2:uududuuddduuudd M:6/8 K:G H:BCRZbs T:the Humors of Bandon
ABC 977 C1:630071107711160 C2:duduuuddduuuddu M:6/8 K:G H:BFLORZbs T:The Humors of Bandon
ABC 977 C1:630071107711160 C2:duduuuddduuuddu M:6/8 K:G H:BFLORZbs T:The Humors of Bandon
ABC 977 C1:630071107711160 C2:duduuuddduuuddu M:6/8 K:G H:BFLORZbs T:The Humors of Bandon
ABC 977 C1:630071107711160 C2:duduuuddduuuddu M:6/8 K:G H:BFLORZbs T:The Humors of Bandon
ABC 977 C1:630071107711160 C2:duduuuddduuuddu M:6/8 K:G H:BFLORZbs T:The Humors of Bandon
ABC 977 C1:630071107711160 C2:duduuuddduuuddu M:6/8 K:G H:BFLORZbs T:The Humors of Bandon
ABC 977 C1:630071107711160 C2:duduuuddduuuddu M:6/8 K:G H:BFLORZbs T:The Humors of Bandon
ABC 977 C1:630071107711160 C2:duduuuddduuuddu M:6/8 K:G H:BFLORZbs T:The Humors of Bandon
ABC 1 C1:300711077111600 C2:uduuuddduuudduu M:6/8 K:G H:LRSZ T:Humors of Bandon
ABC 59251 C1:300711077111716 C2:uduuuddduuududu M:6/8 K:G H:BFLQRZ T:HUMORS OF BANDON, The
ABC 59251 C1:300711077111716 C2:uduuuddduuududu M:6/8 K:G H:BFLQRZ T:HUMORS OF BANDON, The
ABC 1 C1: C2: M:6/8 K:G H:LRSZ T:Humors of Bandon
ABC 786 C1:300712777113407 C2:uduuddduuudduuu M:6/8 K:Em H:BCRZ T:The Humors of Bandon.
ABC 331034 C1:300711077111077 C2:uduudduuudduudd M:6/8 K:G H:BCLRY T:HUMORS OF BANDON, The
ABC 331034 C1:300711077111077 C2:uduudduuudduudd M:6/8 K:G H:BCLRY T:HUMORS OF BANDON, The
ABC 130 C1:300711077111006 C2:uduudduuudduuuu M:6/8 K:G H:BCLRZ T:The Humors of Bandon.
ABC 130 C1:300711077111006 C2:uduudduuudduuuu M:6/8 K:G H:BCLRZ T:The Humors of Bandon.
ABC 116 C1:300711077111006 C2:uduudduuudduuuu M:6/8 K:G H:BCQRZ T:Humors of Bandon.
ABC 116 C1:300711077111006 C2:uduudduuudduuuu M:6/8 K:G H:BCQRZ T:Humors of Bandon.
ABC 116 C1:300711077111006 C2:uduudduuudduuuu M:6/8 K:G H:BCQRZ T:Humors of Bandon.
ABC 116 C1:300711077111006 C2:uduudduuudduuuu M:6/8 K:G H:BCQRZ T:Humors of Bandon.
ABC 116 C1:300711077111006 C2:uduudduuudduuuu M:6/8 K:G H:BCQRZ T:Humors of Bandon.
ABC 116 C1:300711077111006 C2:uduudduuudduuuu M:6/8 K:G H:BCQRZ T:Humors of Bandon.
ABC 116 C1:300711077111006 C2:uduudduuudduuuu M:6/8 K:G H:BCQRZ T:Humors of Bandon.
ABC 125 C1:300711077111006 C2:uduudduuudduuuu M:6/8 K:G H:BCQRZ T:Humors of Bandon.
ABC 532052 C1:300711167111770 C2:uduuudduuuddduu M:6/8 K:G H:BCLQR T:HUMORS OF BANDON, The
ABC 532052 C1:300711167111770 C2:uduuudduuuddduu M:6/8 K:G H:BCLQR T:HUMORS OF BANDON, The
ABC 272 C1:030071116711177 C2:uduuudduuuddduu M:6/8 K:Gmaj H:LR T:Humors Of Bandon, The
ABC 4 C1:030071277711304 C2:uduuddduuudduuu M:6/8 K:GMaj H:LRS T:Humors of Bandon, The
ABC 5 C1:300711077111600 C2:uduuuddduuudduu M:6/8 K:GMaj H:LRS T:Humors of Bandon, The
ABC 493170 C1:300712777113040 C2:uduuddduuudduuu M:6/8 K:G H:BLRSZ T:HUMORS OF BANDON, The
ABC 493170 C1:300712777113040 C2:uduuddduuudduuu M:6/8 K:G H:BLRSZ T:HUMORS OF BANDON, The
ABC 786 C1:300712777113407 C2:uduuddduuudduuu M:6/8 K:Em H:BCRZ T:The Humors of Bandon.
ABC 977 C1:300711077111600 C2:uduuuddduuudduu M:6/8 K:G H:BCFLORWZ T:The humors of Bandon
ABC 7289 C1:300711077111006 C2:uduudduuudduuuu M:6/8 K:G H:BCRZ T:Humors of Bandon.
ABC 7289 C1:300711077111006 C2:uduudduuudduuuu M:6/8 K:G H:BCRZ T:Humors of Bandon.
ABC 976 C1:300711077111600 C2:uduuuddduuudduu M:6/8 K:G H:BLORZ T:The Humors Of Bandon
ABC 976 C1:300711077111600 C2:uduuuddduuudduu M:6/8 K:G H:BLORZ T:The Humors Of Bandon
ABC 16862 C1:300711077111006 C2:uduudduuudduuuu M:6/8 K:G H:BCLRZ T:The Humors of Bandon.
ABC 16862 C1:300711077111006 C2:uduudduuudduuuu M:6/8 K:G H:BCLRZ T:The Humors of Bandon.
ABC 16862 C1:300711077111006 C2:uduudduuudduuuu M:6/8 K:G H:BCLRZ T:The Humors of Bandon.
ABC 16862 C1:300711077111006 C2:uduudduuudduuuu M:6/8 K:G H:BCLRZ T:The Humors of Bandon.
ABC 817 C1:300712777113407 C2:uduuddduuudduuu M:6/8 K:Em H:BCRZ T:The Humors of Bandon
ABC 817 C1:300712777113407 C2:uduuddduuudduuu M:6/8 K:Em H:BCRZ T:The Humors of Bandon
ABC 11109 C1:300711167111600 C2:uduuudduuudduuu M:6/8 K:G H:CLQR T:HUMORS OF BANDON (set dance), The
ABC 11109 C1:300711167111600 C2:uduuudduuudduuu M:6/8 K:G H:CLQR T:HUMORS OF BANDON (set dance), The
ABC 11109 C1:300711167111600 C2:uduuudduuudduuu M:6/8 K:G H:CLQR T:HUMORS OF BANDON (set dance), The
ABC 59210 C1:300711077111716 C2:uduuuddduuududu M:6/8\ K:G\ H:CLQRY T:HUMORS OF BANDON, The\
ABC 31097 C1:005267661767301 C2:uudddduddduuduu M:6/8 K:A H:BCQR T:HUMORS OF BANTRY, The
ABC 533035 C1:716115661660301 C2:duduudddudduudu M:6/8 K:G H:BCLR T:Humors of Bantry
ABC 493171 C1:716267661767121 C2:dududddduddduuu M:6/8 K:G H:BLRSZ T:HUMORS OF BANTRY, The
ABC 715 C1:716267661767121 C2:duduudddduddduu M:6/8 K:G H:BLZ T:The Humors Of Bantry
ABC 715 C1:716267661767121 C2:duduudddduddduu M:6/8 K:G H:BLZ T:The Humors Of Bantry
ABC 715 C1:716267661767121 C2:duduudddduddduu M:6/8 K:G H:BLZ T:The Humors Of Bantry
ABC 711 C1:371626766176712 C2:ududuuddddudddu M:6/8 K:G H:BLOZ T:the Humors of Bantry
ABC 711 C1:371626766176712 C2:ududuuddddudddu M:6/8 K:G H:BLOZ T:the Humors of Bantry
ABC 711 C1:371626766176712 C2:ududuuddddudddu M:6/8 K:G H:BLOZ T:the Humors of Bantry
ABC 711 C1:371626766176712 C2:ududuuddddudddu M:6/8 K:G H:BLOZ T:the Humors of Bantry
ABC 711 C1:371626766176712 C2:ududuuddddudddu M:6/8 K:G H:BLOZ T:the Humors of Bantry
ABC 711 C1:371626766176712 C2:ududuuddddudddu M:6/8 K:G H:BLOZ T:the Humors of Bantry
ABC 711 C1:371626766176712 C2:ududuuddddudddu M:6/8 K:G H:BLOZ T:the Humors of Bantry
ABC 711 C1:371626766176712 C2:ududuuddddudddu M:6/8 K:G H:BLOZ T:the Humors of Bantry
ABC 145 C1:716267661767121 C2:duduudddduddduu M:6/8 K:G H:CILRZ T:Humors of Bantry, The
ABC 1 C1:716267661767121 C2:duduudddduddduu M:6/8 K:G H:BCLOQRZ T:The humors of Bantry
ABC 711 C1:371626766176712 C2:ududuuddddudddu M:6/8 K:G H:BLORZbs T:the Humors of Bantry
ABC 711 C1:371626766176712 C2:ududuuddddudddu M:6/8 K:G H:BLORZbs T:the Humors of Bantry
ABC 711 C1:371626766176712 C2:ududuuddddudddu M:6/8 K:G H:BLORZbs T:the Humors of Bantry
ABC 711 C1:371626766176712 C2:ududuuddddudddu M:6/8 K:G H:BLORZbs T:the Humors of Bantry
ABC 711 C1:371626766176712 C2:ududuuddddudddu M:6/8 K:G H:BLORZbs T:the Humors of Bantry
ABC 711 C1:371626766176712 C2:ududuuddddudddu M:6/8 K:G H:BLORZbs T:the Humors of Bantry
ABC 711 C1:371626766176712 C2:ududuuddddudddu M:6/8 K:G H:BLORZbs T:the Humors of Bantry
ABC 711 C1:371626766176712 C2:ududuuddddudddu M:6/8 K:G H:BLORZbs T:the Humors of Bantry
ABC 711 C1:371626766176712 C2:ududuuddddudddu M:6/8 K:G H:BLORZbs T:the Humors of Bantry
ABC 205 C1:371626766176730 C2:udududdddudddud M:6/8 K:A H:DLZ T:the Humors of Bantry
ABC 205 C1:371626766176730 C2:udududdddudddud M:6/8 K:A H:DLZ T:the Humors of Bantry
ABC 205 C1:371626766176730 C2:udududdddudddud M:6/8 K:A H:DLZ T:the Humors of Bantry
ABC 205 C1:371626766176730 C2:udududdddudddud M:6/8 K:A H:DLZ T:the Humors of Bantry
ABC 205 C1:371626766176730 C2:udududdddudddud M:6/8 K:A H:DLZ T:the Humors of Bantry
ABC 205 C1:371626766176730 C2:udududdddudddud M:6/8 K:A H:DLZ T:the Humors of Bantry
ABC 205 C1:371626766176730 C2:udududdddudddud M:6/8 K:A H:DLZ T:the Humors of Bantry
ABC 13 C1:716267661767121 C2:duduudddduddduu M:6/8 K:G H:BLORZ T:The Humors Of Bantry
ABC 13 C1:716267661767121 C2:duduudddduddduu M:6/8 K:G H:BLORZ T:The Humors Of Bantry
ABC 13 C1:716267661767121 C2:duduudddduddduu M:6/8 K:G H:BLORZ T:The Humors Of Bantry
ABC 1 C1:716267661767307 C2:dududdddudddudu M:6/8 K:A H:"LRZ T:the Humors of Bantry
ABC 1 C1:716267661767307 C2:dududdddudddudu M:6/8 K:A H:"LRZ T:the Humors of Bantry
ABC 1 C1:716267661767307 C2:dududdddudddudu M:6/8 K:A H:"LRZ T:the Humors of Bantry
ABC 1 C1:716267661767307 C2:dududdddudddudu M:6/8 K:A H:"LRZ T:the Humors of Bantry
ABC 1 C1:716267661767307 C2:dududdddudddudu M:6/8 K:A H:"LRZ T:the Humors of Bantry
ABC 1 C1:716267661767307 C2:dududdddudddudu M:6/8 K:A H:"LRZ T:the Humors of Bantry
ABC 1 C1:716267661767307 C2:dududdddudddudu M:6/8 K:A H:"LRZ T:the Humors of Bantry
ABC 1 C1:716267661767307 C2:dududdddudddudu M:6/8 K:A H:"LRZ T:the Humors of Bantry
ABC 1 C1:716267661767307 C2:dududdddudddudu M:6/8 K:A H:"LRZ T:the Humors of Bantry
ABC 1 C1:716267661767307 C2:dududdddudddudu M:6/8 K:A H:"LRZ T:the Humors of Bantry
ABC 1 C1:716267661767307 C2:dududdddudddudu M:6/8 K:A H:"LRZ T:the Humors of Bantry
ABC 1 C1:716267661767307 C2:dududdddudddudu M:6/8 K:A H:"LRZ T:the Humors of Bantry
ABC 1 C1:716267661767307 C2:dududdddudddudu M:6/8 K:A H:"LRZ T:the Humors of Bantry
ABC 1 C1:716267661767307 C2:dududdddudddudu M:6/8 K:A H:"LRZ T:the Humors of Bantry
ABC 1 C1:716267661767307 C2:dududdddudddudu M:6/8 K:A H:"LRZ T:the Humors of Bantry
ABC 1 C1:716267661767307 C2:dududdddudddudu M:6/8 K:G H:"BLRZ T:the Humors of Bantry
ABC 1 C1:716267661767307 C2:dududdddudddudu M:6/8 K:G H:"BLRZ T:the Humors of Bantry
ABC 1 C1:070106110607060 C2:duduudddduddduu M:6/8 K:G H:CLQR T:The Humors of Bantry
ABC 1 C1:070106110607060 C2:duduudddduddduu M:6/8 K:G H:CLQR T:The Humors of Bantry
ABC 13 C1:371626766176712 C2:ududuuddddudddu M:6/8 K:G H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Bantry
ABC 13 C1:371626766176712 C2:ududuuddddudddu M:6/8 K:G H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Bantry
ABC 13 C1:371626766176712 C2:ududuuddddudddu M:6/8 K:G H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Bantry
ABC 13 C1:371626766176712 C2:ududuuddddudddu M:6/8 K:G H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Bantry
ABC 13 C1:371626766176712 C2:ududuuddddudddu M:6/8 K:G H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Bantry
ABC 13 C1:371626766176712 C2:ududuuddddudddu M:6/8 K:G H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Bantry
ABC 13 C1:371626766176712 C2:ududuuddddudddu M:6/8 K:G H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Bantry
ABC 13 C1:371626766176712 C2:ududuuddddudddu M:6/8 K:G H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Bantry
ABC 145 C1:716267661767121 C2:duduudddduddduu M:6/8 K:G H:CILRZ T:Humors of Bantry, The
ABC 1 C1:716267661767307 C2:dududdddudddudu M:6/8 K:G H:"BLRZ T:The Humors of Bantry
ABC 1 C1:716267661767307 C2:dududdddudddudu M:6/8 K:G H:"BLRZ T:The Humors of Bantry
ABC 1 C1:716267661767307 C2:dududdddudddudu M:6/8 K:G H:"BLRZ T:The Humors of Bantry
ABC 1 C1:716267661767307 C2:dududdddudddudu M:6/8 K:G H:"BLRZ T:The Humors of Bantry
ABC 711 C1:716267661767121 C2:duduudddduddduu M:6/8 K:G H:BLZ T:THE HUMORS OF BANTRY
ABC 1 C1:716267661767121 C2:duduudddduddduu M:6/8 K:G H:LRSZ T:Humors of Bantry
ABC 1 C1:716267661767121 C2:duduudddduddduu M:6/8 K:G H:LRSZ T:Humors of Bantry
ABC 533035 C1:716115661660301 C2:duduudddudduudu M:6/8 K:G H:BCLR T:Humors of Bantry
ABC 533035 C1:716115661660301 C2:duduudddudduudu M:6/8 K:G H:BCLR T:Humors of Bantry
ABC 2 C1:371626766176712 C2:ududuuddddudddu M:6/8 K:G H:LR T:Humors of Bantry
ABC 31097 C1:005267661767301 C2:uudddduddduuduu M:6/8 K:A H:BCQR T:HUMORS OF BANTRY, The
ABC 31097 C1:005267661767301 C2:uudddduddduuduu M:6/8 K:A H:BCQR T:HUMORS OF BANTRY, The
ABC 145 C1:716267661767121 C2:duduudddduddduu M:6/8 K:G H:CILRZ T:Humors of Bantry, The
ABC 145 C1:716267661767121 C2:duduudddduddduu M:6/8 K:G H:CILRZ T:Humors of Bantry, The
ABC 493171 C1:716267661767121 C2:dududddduddduuu M:6/8 K:G H:BLRSZ T:HUMORS OF BANTRY, The
ABC 493171 C1:716267661767121 C2:dududddduddduuu M:6/8 K:G H:BLRSZ T:HUMORS OF BANTRY, The
ABC 711 C1:716267661767121 C2:duduudddduddduu M:6/8 K:G H:BLZ T:THE HUMORS OF BANTRY
ABC 13 C1:716267661767121 C2:duduudddduddduu M:6/8 K:G H:BCFLOQRWZ T:The humors of Bantry
ABC 13 C1:716267661767121 C2:duduudddduddduu M:6/8 K:G H:BLORZ T:The Humors Of Bantry
ABC 13 C1:716267661767121 C2:duduudddduddduu M:6/8 K:G H:BLORZ T:The Humors Of Bantry
ABC 13507 C1:716267661767121 C2:duduudddduddduu M:6/8 K:G H:BCLOQRZ T:The humors of Bantry
ABC 13507 C1:716267661767121 C2:duduudddduddduu M:6/8 K:G H:BCLOQRZ T:The humors of Bantry
ABC 13507 C1:716267661767121 C2:duduudddduddduu M:6/8 K:G H:BCLOQRZ T:The humors of Bantry
ABC 2623 C1:716267661767121 C2:duduudddduddduu M:6/8 K:G H:BCLOQRZ T:The humors of Bantry
ABC 715 C1:716267661767121 C2:duduudddduddduu M:6/8 K:G H:BLZ T:The Humors Of Bantry
ABC 715 C1:716267661767121 C2:duduudddduddduu M:6/8 K:G H:BLZ T:The Humors Of Bantry
ABC 2 C1:024040777024040 C2:ududddududduudu M:9/8 K:G H:LS T:Humors of Bottle Hill (#182)
ABC 2 C1:024040777024040 C2:ududddududduudu M:9/8 K:G H:LS T:Humors of Bottle Hill (#182)
ABC 2 C1:024040777024040 C2:ududddududduudu M:9/8 K:G H:LS T:Humors of Bottle Hill (#182)
ABC 2 C1:024040777024040 C2:ududddududduudu M:9/8 K:G H:LS T:Humors of Bottle Hill (#182)
ABC 2 C1:024040777024040 C2:ududddududduudu M:9/8 K:G H:LS T:Humors of Bottle Hill (#182)
ABC 2 C1:024040777024040 C2:ududddududduudu M:9/8 K:G H:LS T:Humors of Bottle Hill (#182)
ABC 186 C1:024040777024040 C2:ududddududduudu M:9/8 K:G H:LS T:Humors of Bottle Hill
ABC 186 C1:024040777024040 C2:ududddududduudu M:9/8 K:G H:LS T:Humors of Bottle Hill
ABC 186 C1:024040777024040 C2:ududddududduudu M:9/8 K:G H:LS T:Humors of Bottle Hill
ABC 1 C1:024040777024040 C2:ududddududduudu M:9/8 K:G H:LSZ T:Humors of Bottle Hill
ABC 1 C1:024040777024040 C2:ududddududduudu M:9/8 K:G H:LSZ T:Humors of Bottle Hill
ABC 58073 C1:024040777024040 C2:ududddududduudu M:9/8 K:Edor H:BCLRS T:HUMORS OF BOTTLE HILL, The
ABC 58073 C1:024040777024040 C2:ududddududduudu M:9/8 K:Edor H:BCLRS T:HUMORS OF BOTTLE HILL, The
ABC 1 C1:024040777024040 C2:ududddududduudu M:9/8 K:G H:LSZ T:Humors of Bottle Hill
ABC 186 C1:024040777024040 C2:ududddududduudu M:9/8 K:G H:LS T:Humors of Bottle Hill
ABC 186 C1:024040777024040 C2:ududddududduudu M:9/8 K:G H:LS T:Humors of Bottle Hill
ABC 581073 C1:024040777024040 C2:ududddududduudu M:9/8\ K:Edor\ H:BCLQRS T:HUMORS OF BOTTLE HILL, The \
ABC 16011 C1:172715170117172 C2:ududuuuduududud M:6/8 K:D H:CLQR T:HUMORS OF BURRES, The
ABC 16011 C1:172715170117172 C2:ududuuuduududud M:6/8 K:D H:CLQR T:HUMORS OF BURRES, The
ABC 16011 C1:172715170117172 C2:ududuuuduududud M:6/8 K:D H:CLQR T:HUMORS OF BURRES, The
ABC 1 C1:012011267660017 C2:uuuuuddddudduuu M:6/8 K:Amin H:LORSZ T:Humors of Buttevant
ABC 1 C1:302676712671302 C2:uudddduudduuudd M:6/8 K:Amin H:BL T:Humors of Cappa [1], The
ABC 779 C1:330262330262140 C2:ududuududuududu M:6/8 K:D H:BORZbs T:the Humors of Cappa #2
ABC 779 C1:330262330262140 C2:ududuududuududu M:6/8 K:D H:BORZbs T:the Humors of Cappa #2
ABC 493172 C1:302623302621404 C2:duduududuududuu M:6/8 K:D H:BLRSZ T:HUMORS OF CAPPA, The
ABC 531042 C1:302676712671302 C2:uudddduudduuudd M:6/8 K:Ddor H:BCLR T:HUMORS OF CAPPA, The
ABC 152 C1:302623302621404 C2:duduududuududuu M:6/8 K:D H:CILRZ T:Humors of Cappa, The
ABC 810 C1:302623302621404 C2:duduududuududuu M:6/8 K:D H:BCRZ T:The Humors of Cappa
ABC 810 C1:302623302621404 C2:duduududuududuu M:6/8 K:D H:BCRZ T:The Humors of Cappa
ABC 810 C1:302623302621404 C2:duduududuududuu M:6/8 K:D H:BCRZ T:The Humors of Cappa
ABC 810 C1:302623302621404 C2:duduududuududuu M:6/8 K:D H:BCRZ T:The Humors of Cappa
ABC 779 C1:302623302621404 C2:duduududuududuu M:6/8 K:D H:BCRZ T:The Humors of Cappa.
ABC 7 C1:302623302621404 C2:duduududuududuu M:6/8 K:D H:BCLRZ T:The Humors of Cappa.
ABC 1 C1:302623302621404 C2:duduududuududuu M:6/8 K:D H:BCLORZ T:The humors of Cappa
ABC 779 C1:330262330262140 C2:ududuududuududu M:6/8 K:D H:BORZbs T:the Humors of Cappa
ABC 779 C1:330262330262140 C2:ududuududuududu M:6/8 K:D H:BORZbs T:the Humors of Cappa
ABC 779 C1:330262330262140 C2:ududuududuududu M:6/8 K:D H:BORZbs T:the Humors of Cappa
ABC 779 C1:330262330262140 C2:ududuududuududu M:6/8 K:D H:BORZbs T:the Humors of Cappa
ABC 779 C1:330262330262140 C2:ududuududuududu M:6/8 K:D H:BORZbs T:the Humors of Cappa
ABC 779 C1:330262330262140 C2:ududuududuududu M:6/8 K:D H:BORZbs T:the Humors of Cappa
ABC 779 C1:330262330262140 C2:ududuududuududu M:6/8 K:D H:BORZbs T:the Humors of Cappa
ABC 56 C1:302623302621404 C2:duduududuududuu M:6/8 K:D H:BLORZ T:The Humors Of Cappa
ABC 56 C1:302623302621404 C2:duduududuududuu M:6/8 K:D H:BLORZ T:The Humors Of Cappa
ABC 56 C1:330262330262140 C2:ududuududuududu M:6/8 K:D H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Cappa
ABC 56 C1:330262330262140 C2:ududuududuududu M:6/8 K:D H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Cappa
ABC 56 C1:330262330262140 C2:ududuududuududu M:6/8 K:D H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Cappa
ABC 56 C1:330262330262140 C2:ududuududuududu M:6/8 K:D H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Cappa
ABC 56 C1:330262330262140 C2:ududuududuududu M:6/8 K:D H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Cappa
ABC 56 C1:330262330262140 C2:ududuududuududu M:6/8 K:D H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Cappa
ABC 1 C1:030002060203030 C2:duduududuududuu M:6/8 K:D H:LQR T:The Humors of Cappa
ABC 1 C1:030002060203030 C2:duduududuududuu M:6/8 K:D H:LQR T:The Humors of Cappa
ABC 152 C1:302623302621404 C2:duduududuududuu M:6/8 K:D H:CILRZ T:Humors of Cappa, The
ABC 779 C1:302623302621404 C2:duduududuududuu M:6/8 K:D H:BCRZ T:The Humors of Cappa.
ABC 415 C1:302676712671302 C2:uudddduudduuudd M:6/8 K:Ddor H:LRS T:Humors of Cappa
ABC 531042 C1:302676712671302 C2:uudddduudduuudd M:6/8 K:Ddor H:BCLR T:HUMORS OF CAPPA, The
ABC 531042 C1:302676712671302 C2:uudddduudduuudd M:6/8 K:Ddor H:BCLR T:HUMORS OF CAPPA, The
ABC 111 C1:302623302621404 C2:duduududuududuu M:6/8 K:D H:BCLRZ T:The Humors of Cappa.
ABC 111 C1:302623302621404 C2:duduududuududuu M:6/8 K:D H:BCLRZ T:The Humors of Cappa.
ABC 152 C1:302623302621404 C2:duduududuududuu M:6/8 K:D H:CILRZ T:Humors of Cappa, The
ABC 152 C1:302623302621404 C2:duduududuududuu M:6/8 K:D H:CILRZ T:Humors of Cappa, The
ABC 493172 C1:302623302621404 C2:duduududuududuu M:6/8 K:D H:BLRSZ T:HUMORS OF CAPPA, The
ABC 493172 C1:302623302621404 C2:duduududuududuu M:6/8 K:D H:BLRSZ T:HUMORS OF CAPPA, The
ABC 779 C1:302623302621404 C2:duduududuududuu M:6/8 K:D H:BCRZ T:The Humors of Cappa.
ABC 56 C1:302623302621404 C2:duduududuududuu M:6/8 K:D H:BCFLORWZ T:The humors of Cappa
ABC 56 C1:302623302621404 C2:duduududuududuu M:6/8 K:D H:BLORZ T:The Humors Of Cappa
ABC 56 C1:302623302621404 C2:duduududuududuu M:6/8 K:D H:BLORZ T:The Humors Of Cappa
ABC 13508 C1:302623302621404 C2:duduududuududuu M:6/8 K:D H:BCLORZ T:The humors of Cappa
ABC 13508 C1:302623302621404 C2:duduududuududuu M:6/8 K:D H:BCLORZ T:The humors of Cappa
ABC 13508 C1:302623302621404 C2:duduududuududuu M:6/8 K:D H:BCLORZ T:The humors of Cappa
ABC 2625 C1:302623302621404 C2:duduududuududuu M:6/8 K:D H:BCLORZ T:The humors of Cappa
ABC 810 C1:302623302621404 C2:duduududuududuu M:6/8 K:D H:BCRZ T:The Humors of Cappa
ABC 810 C1:302623302621404 C2:duduududuududuu M:6/8 K:D H:BCRZ T:The Humors of Cappa
ABC 1 C1:302623302621404 C2:duduududuududuu M:6/8 K:D H:LSZ T:Humors of Cappa, The [2]
ABC 491249 C1:011760760777000 C2:uuddddudddduddd M:9/8 K:Dm H:BLSYZ T:HUMORS OF CARRICKMACROSS, , The
ABC 142 C1:011760760777000 C2:uuddddudddduddd M:9/8 K:Dm H:BLZ T:The Humors of Carrickmacross
ABC 142 C1:011760760777000 C2:uuddddudddduddd M:9/8 K:Dm H:BLZ T:The Humors of Carrickmacross
ABC 142 C1:011760760777000 C2:uuddddudddduddd M:9/8 K:Dm H:BLZ T:The Humors of Carrickmacross
ABC 142 C1:011760760777000 C2:uuddddudddduddd M:9/8 K:Dm H:BLZ T:The Humors of Carrickmacross
ABC 142 C1:011760760777000 C2:uuddddudddduddd M:9/8 K:Dm H:BLQRZbs T:the Humors of Carrickmacross
ABC 142 C1:011760760777000 C2:uuddddudddduddd M:9/8 K:Dm H:BLQRZbs T:the Humors of Carrickmacross
ABC 142 C1:011760760777000 C2:uuddddudddduddd M:9/8 K:Dm H:BLQRZbs T:the Humors of Carrickmacross
ABC 142 C1:011760760777000 C2:uuddddudddduddd M:9/8 K:Dm H:BLQRZbs T:the Humors of Carrickmacross
ABC 1 C1:011760760777000 C2:uuddddudddduddd M:9/8 K:Dmin H:LRSZ T:Humors of Carrickmacross
ABC 142 C1:011760760777000 C2:uuddddudddduddd M:9/8 K:Dm H:BLZ T:The Humors of Carrickmacross
ABC 491249 C1:011760760777000 C2:uuddddudddduddd M:9/8 K:Dm H:BLSYZ T:HUMORS OF CARRICKMACROSS, , The
ABC 491249 C1:011760760777000 C2:uuddddudddduddd M:9/8 K:Dm H:BLSYZ T:HUMORS OF CARRICKMACROSS, , The
ABC 142 C1:011760760777000 C2:uuddddudddduddd M:9/8 K:Dm H:BLZ T:The Humors of Carrickmacross
ABC 142 C1:011760760777000 C2:uuddddudddduddd M:9/8 K:Dm H:BLZ T:The Humors of Carrickmacross
ABC 142 C1:011760760777000 C2:uuddddudddduddd M:9/8 K:Dm H:BLZ T:The Humors of Carrickmacross
ABC 1 C1:766127770611111 C2:ddduudddduuuuuu M:4/4 K:D H:LR T:Humors of Carrigaholt, The
ABC 220 C1:766127770611111 C2:ddduudddduuuuuu M:4/4 K:D H:LRSZ T:Humors of Carrigaholt
ABC 183133 C1:061111116061071 C2:duuuuuudduduuuu M:C K:G H:CLQR T:HUMORS OF CARRIGAHOLT (reel), The
ABC 183133 C1:061111116061071 C2:duuuuuudduduuuu M:C K:G H:CLQR T:HUMORS OF CARRIGAHOLT (reel), The
ABC 38117 C1:766127770611111 C2:ddduudddduuuuuu M:4/4 K:D H:BCLQR T:HUMORS OF CARRIGAHOLT (reel), The
ABC 183133 C1:061111116061071 C2:duuuuuudduduuuu M:C K:G H:CLQR T:HUMORS OF CARRIGAHOLT (reel), The
ABC 183133 C1:061111116061071 C2:duuuuuudduduuuu M:C K:G H:CLQR T:HUMORS OF CARRIGAHOLT (reel), The
ABC 38117 C1:766127770611111 C2:ddduudddduuuuuu M:4/4 K:D H:BCLQR T:HUMORS OF CARRIGAHOLT (reel), The
ABC 38117 C1:766127770611111 C2:ddduudddduuuuuu M:4/4 K:D H:BCLQR T:HUMORS OF CARRIGAHOLT (reel), The
ABC 26014 C1:777711133321002 C2:dddduuududuuuud M:C K:D H:BCLQR T:HUMORS OF CASHEL (reel), The
ABC 26014 C1:777711133321002 C2:dddduuududuuuud M:C K:D H:BCLQR T:HUMORS OF CASHEL (reel), The
ABC 26014 C1:777711133321002 C2:dddduuududuuuud M:C K:D H:BCLQR T:HUMORS OF CASHEL (reel), The
ABC 26014 C1:777711133321002 C2:dddduuududuuuud M:C K:D H:BCLR T:HUMORS OF CASHEL (reel), The
ABC 26014 C1:777711133321002 C2:dddduuududuuuud M:C K:D H:BCLR T:HUMORS OF CASHEL (reel), The
ABC 1 C1:000121161011170 C2:uuuuduuuudddddu M:6/8 K:D H:HLR T:Humors of Castelcomer
ABC 12 C1:000121161011170 C2:uuuuduuuudddddu M:6/8 K:D H:HLR T:Humors of Castelcomer
ABC 85 C1:000121161011170 C2:uuuuduuuudddddu M:6/8 K:D H:HLR T:Humors of Castelcomer
ABC 1159 C1:000121161011170 C2:uuuuduuuudddddu M:6/8 K:D H:LR T:Humors of Castelcomer
ABC 1159 C1:000121161011170 C2:uuuuduuuudddddu M:6/8 K:D H:LR T:Humors of Castelcomer
ABC 7290 C1:000121161011170 C2:uuuuduuuudddddu M:6/8 K:D H:HLR T:Humors of Castelcomer
ABC 7290 C1:000121161011170 C2:uuuuduuuudddddu M:6/8 K:D H:HLR T:Humors of Castelcomer
ABC 2683 C1:000121161011170 C2:uuuuduuuudddddu M:6/8 K:D H:HLOR T:Humors of Castelcomer
ABC 2683 C1:000121161011170 C2:uuuuduuuudddddu M:6/8 K:D H:HLOR T:Humors of Castelcomer
ABC 5798 C1:000121161011170 C2:uuuuduuuudddddu M:6/8 K:D H:HLR T:Humors of Castelcomer
ABC 5798 C1:000121161011170 C2:uuuuduuuudddddu M:6/8 K:D H:HLR T:Humors of Castelcomer
ABC 5798 C1:000121161011170 C2:uuuuduuuudddddu M:6/8 K:D H:HLR T:Humors of Castelcomer
ABC 1770 C1:772331223226352 C2:ddududuuuuududu M:C| K:D H:BLRZbs T:the Humors of Castle Bernard #2
ABC 1770 C1:772331223226352 C2:ddududuuuuududu M:C| K:D H:BLRZbs T:the Humors of Castle Bernard #2
ABC 1770 C1:772331223226352 C2:ddududuuuuududu M:C| K:D H:BLRZbs T:the Humors of Castle Bernard #2
ABC 1770 C1:772331223226352 C2:ddududuuuuududu M:C| K:D H:BLRZbs T:the Humors of Castle Bernard #2
ABC 1770 C1:772331223226352 C2:ddududuuuuududu M:C| K:D H:BLRZbs T:the Humors of Castle Bernard #2
ABC 1770 C1:772331223226352 C2:ddududuuuuududu M:C| K:D H:BLRZbs T:the Humors of Castle Bernard #2
ABC 935 C1:772331223226352 C2:ddududuuuuududu M:C| K:D H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Castle Bernard #2
ABC 935 C1:772331223226352 C2:ddududuuuuududu M:C| K:D H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Castle Bernard #2
ABC 935 C1:772331223226352 C2:ddududuuuuududu M:C| K:D H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Castle Bernard #2
ABC 935 C1:772331223226352 C2:ddududuuuuududu M:C| K:D H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Castle Bernard #2
ABC 1770 C1:772331223226352 C2:ddududuuuuududu M:C| K:D H:BLRZbs T:the Humors of Castle Bernard #3
ABC 1770 C1:772331223226352 C2:ddududuuuuududu M:C| K:D H:BLRZbs T:the Humors of Castle Bernard #3
ABC 1770 C1:772331223226352 C2:ddududuuuuududu M:C| K:D H:BLRZbs T:the Humors of Castle Bernard #3
ABC 1770 C1:772331223226352 C2:ddududuuuuududu M:C| K:D H:BLRZbs T:the Humors of Castle Bernard #3
ABC 492096 C1:233143226352777 C2:ududuuuudududdd M:C| K:D H:BLQRSZ T:HUMORS OF CASTLE BERNARD, The
ABC 1 C1:772331223226352 C2:ddududuuuuududu M:4/4 K:D H:CLQR T:The Humors of Castle Bernard
ABC 1 C1:772331223226352 C2:ddududuuuuududu M:4/4 K:D H:CLQR T:The Humors of Castle Bernard
ABC 1888 C1:233122322635277 C2:ududuuuuudududd M:C| K:D H:BLRZ T:The Humors Of Castle Bernard
ABC 1888 C1:233122322635277 C2:ududuuuuudududd M:C| K:D H:BLRZ T:The Humors Of Castle Bernard
ABC 1770 C1:233122322635277 C2:ududuuuuudududd M:C| K:D H:BLRZ T:The Humors Of Castle Bernard
ABC 1888 C1:233122322635277 C2:ududuuuuudududd M:C| K:D H:BLRZ T:The Humors Of Castle Bernard
ABC 1770 C1:772331223226352 C2:ddududuuuuududu M:C| K:D H:BLRZbs T:the Humors of Castle Bernard
ABC 1770 C1:772331223226352 C2:ddududuuuuududu M:C| K:D H:BLRZbs T:the Humors of Castle Bernard
ABC 1770 C1:772331223226352 C2:ddududuuuuududu M:C| K:D H:BLRZbs T:the Humors of Castle Bernard
ABC 1770 C1:772331223226352 C2:ddududuuuuududu M:C| K:D H:BLRZbs T:the Humors of Castle Bernard
ABC 1770 C1:772331223226352 C2:ddududuuuuududu M:C| K:D H:BLRZbs T:the Humors of Castle Bernard
ABC 1770 C1:772331223226352 C2:ddududuuuuududu M:C| K:D H:BLRZbs T:the Humors of Castle Bernard
ABC 1770 C1:772331223226352 C2:ddududuuuuududu M:C| K:D H:BLRZbs T:the Humors of Castle Bernard
ABC 1770 C1:772331223226352 C2:ddududuuuuududu M:C| K:D H:BLRZbs T:the Humors of Castle Bernard
ABC 934 C1:233122322635277 C2:ududuuuuudududd M:C| K:D H:BLORZ T:The Humors Of Castle Bernard
ABC 934 C1:233122322635277 C2:ududuuuuudududd M:C| K:D H:BLORZ T:The Humors Of Castle Bernard
ABC 934 C1:233122322635277 C2:ududuuuuudududd M:C| K:D H:BLORZ T:The Humors Of Castle Bernard
ABC 935 C1:772331223226352 C2:ddududuuuuududu M:C| K:D H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Castle Bernard
ABC 935 C1:772331223226352 C2:ddududuuuuududu M:C| K:D H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Castle Bernard
ABC 935 C1:772331223226352 C2:ddududuuuuududu M:C| K:D H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Castle Bernard
ABC 935 C1:772331223226352 C2:ddududuuuuududu M:C| K:D H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Castle Bernard
ABC 935 C1:772331223226352 C2:ddududuuuuududu M:C| K:D H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Castle Bernard
ABC 935 C1:772331223226352 C2:ddududuuuuududu M:C| K:D H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Castle Bernard
ABC 935 C1:772331223226352 C2:ddududuuuuududu M:C| K:D H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Castle Bernard
ABC 935 C1:772331223226352 C2:ddududuuuuududu M:C| K:D H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Castle Bernard
ABC 1 C1:233122322635277 C2:ududuuuuudududd M:C| K:D H:LRSZ T:Humors of Castle Bernard, The
ABC 1 C1:233122322635277 C2:ududuuuuudududd M:C| K:D H:LRSZ T:Humors of Castle Bernard, The
ABC 1770 C1:233122322635277 C2:ududuuuuudududd M:C| K:D H:BLRZ T:The Humors Of Castle Bernard
ABC 492096 C1:233143226352777 C2:ududuuuudududdd M:C| K:D H:BLQRSZ T:HUMORS OF CASTLE BERNARD, The
ABC 492096 C1:233143226352777 C2:ududuuuudududdd M:C| K:D H:BLQRSZ T:HUMORS OF CASTLE BERNARD, The
ABC 1770 C1:233122322635277 C2:ududuuuuudududd M:C| K:D H:BLRZ T:The Humors Of Castle Bernard
ABC 935 C1:233122322635277 C2:ududuuuuudududd M:C| K:D H:BCFLORWZ T:The humors of Castle Bernard
ABC 934 C1:233122322635277 C2:ududuuuuudududd M:C| K:D H:BLORZ T:The Humors Of Castle Bernard
ABC 934 C1:233122322635277 C2:ududuuuuudududd M:C| K:D H:BLORZ T:The Humors Of Castle Bernard
ABC 1888 C1:233122322635277 C2:ududuuuuudududd M:C| K:D H:BLRZ T:The Humors Of Castle Bernard
ABC 1888 C1:233122322635277 C2:ududuuuuudududd M:C| K:D H:BLRZ T:The Humors Of Castle Bernard
ABC 1 C1:170121161011170 C2:uduuuuduuuudddd M:6/8 K:Edor H:LRSZ T:Humors of Castle Comer [1], The
ABC 301 C1:617012116101117 C2:dduduuuuduuuudd M:6/8 K:Edor H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Castle Comer #2
ABC 301 C1:617012116101117 C2:dduduuuuduuuudd M:6/8 K:Edor H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Castle Comer #2
ABC 913 C1:617012117001117 C2:dduduuuuduuuddd M:6/8 K:Em H:BLRZbs T:the Humors of Castle Comer #2
ABC 913 C1:617012117001117 C2:dduduuuuduuuddd M:6/8 K:Em H:BLRZbs T:the Humors of Castle Comer #2
ABC 913 C1:617012117001117 C2:dduduuuuduuuddd M:6/8 K:Em H:BLRZbs T:the Humors of Castle Comer #2
ABC 913 C1:617012117001117 C2:dduduuuuduuuddd M:6/8 K:Em H:BLRZbs T:the Humors of Castle Comer #2
ABC 1 C1: C2: M:C K:G H:BLQRZ T:Humors of Castlecomer [2]
ABC 493173 C1:170121170011170 C2:uduuuuduuuddddu M:6/8 K:Em H:BLRZ T:HUMORS OF CASTLE COMER, The
ABC 332030 C1:170121170011170 C2:uduuuuduuuddddu M:6/8 K:D H:BCLQR T:HUMORS OF CASTLE COMER, The
ABC 1 C1:170121161011170 C2:uduuuuduuuudddd M:6/8 K:Edor H:BCLORZ T:The humors of Castle Comer
ABC 913 C1:170121170011170 C2:uduuuuduuuddddu M:6/8 K:Em H:BLRZbs T:the Humors of Castle Comer
ABC 913 C1:170121170011170 C2:uduuuuduuuddddu M:6/8 K:Em H:BLRZbs T:the Humors of Castle Comer
ABC 913 C1:170121170011170 C2:uduuuuduuuddddu M:6/8 K:Em H:BLRZbs T:the Humors of Castle Comer
ABC 913 C1:170121170011170 C2:uduuuuduuuddddu M:6/8 K:Em H:BLRZbs T:the Humors of Castle Comer
ABC 913 C1:170121170011170 C2:uduuuuduuuddddu M:6/8 K:Em H:BLRZbs T:the Humors of Castle Comer
ABC 913 C1:170121170011170 C2:uduuuuduuuddddu M:6/8 K:Em H:BLRZbs T:the Humors of Castle Comer
ABC 913 C1:170121170011170 C2:uduuuuduuuddddu M:6/8 K:Em H:BLRZbs T:the Humors of Castle Comer
ABC 913 C1:170121170011170 C2:uduuuuduuuddddu M:6/8 K:Em H:BLRZbs T:the Humors of Castle Comer
ABC 913 C1:170121170011170 C2:uduuuuduuuddddu M:6/8 K:Em H:BLRZbs T:the Humors of Castle Comer
ABC 301 C1:170121161011170 C2:uduuuuduuuudddd M:6/8 K:Edor H:BLORZ T:The Humors Of Castle Comer
ABC 301 C1:170121161011170 C2:uduuuuduuuudddd M:6/8 K:Edor H:BLORZ T:The Humors Of Castle Comer
ABC 301 C1:170121161011170 C2:uduuuuduuuudddd M:6/8 K:Edor H:BLORZ T:The Humors Of Castle Comer
ABC 1 C1:010700010201010 C2:uduuuuduuuudddd M:6/8 K:Em H:CLQR T:The Humors of Castle Comer
ABC 1 C1:010700010201010 C2:uduuuuduuuudddd M:6/8 K:Em H:CLQR T:The Humors of Castle Comer
ABC 301 C1:617012116101117 C2:dduduuuuduuuudd M:6/8 K:Edor H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Castle Comer
ABC 301 C1:617012116101117 C2:dduduuuuduuuudd M:6/8 K:Edor H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Castle Comer
ABC 301 C1:617012116101117 C2:dduduuuuduuuudd M:6/8 K:Edor H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Castle Comer
ABC 301 C1:617012116101117 C2:dduduuuuduuuudd M:6/8 K:Edor H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Castle Comer
ABC 332030 C1:170121170011170 C2:uduuuuduuuddddu M:6/8 K:D H:BCLQR T:HUMORS OF CASTLE COMER, The
ABC 332030 C1:170121170011170 C2:uduuuuduuuddddu M:6/8 K:D H:BCLQR T:HUMORS OF CASTLE COMER, The
ABC 493173 C1:170121170011170 C2:uduuuuduuuddddu M:6/8 K:Em H:BLRZ T:HUMORS OF CASTLE COMER, The
ABC 493173 C1:170121170011170 C2:uduuuuduuuddddu M:6/8 K:Em H:BLRZ T:HUMORS OF CASTLE COMER, The
ABC 301 C1:170121161011170 C2:uduuuuduuuudddd M:6/8 K:Edor H:BCFLORWZ T:The humors of Castle Comer
ABC 301 C1:170121161011170 C2:uduuuuduuuudddd M:6/8 K:Edor H:BLORZ T:The Humors Of Castle Comer
ABC 301 C1:170121161011170 C2:uduuuuduuuudddd M:6/8 K:Edor H:BLORZ T:The Humors Of Castle Comer
ABC 13509 C1:170121161011170 C2:uduuuuduuuudddd M:6/8 K:Edor H:BCLORZ T:The humors of Castle Comer
ABC 13509 C1:170121161011170 C2:uduuuuduuuudddd M:6/8 K:Edor H:BCLORZ T:The humors of Castle Comer
ABC 13509 C1:170121161011170 C2:uduuuuduuuudddd M:6/8 K:Edor H:BCLORZ T:The humors of Castle Comer
ABC 2631 C1:170121161011170 C2:uduuuuduuuudddd M:6/8 K:Edor H:BCLORZ T:The humors of Castle Comer
ABC 19 C1:307726630264606 C2:uddudduududddud M:C K:G H:BLQRZ T:Humors of Castlecomer JBrk.19,aka
ABC 176 C1:400442274000223 C2:duduudduuudddud M:C| K:Edor H:RZ T:Humors of Castlefin
ABC 176 C1:400442274000223 C2:duduudduuudddud M:C| K:Edor H:RZ T:Humors of Castlefin
ABC 880 C1:400442274000223 C2:duduudduuudddud M:C| K:Edor H:RZ T:Humors of Castlefin
ABC 176 C1:400442274000223 C2:duduudduuudddud M:C| K:Edor H:RZ T:Humors of Castlefin
ABC 315 C1:400476374002203 C2:duddudduuuddudd M:4/4 K:Edor H:LRSZ T:Humors of Castlefinn
ABC 375 C1:400476374002203 C2:duddudduuuddudd M:4/4 K:Edor H:LRSZ T:Humors of Castlefinn
ABC 181186 C1:400476374002203 C2:duddudduuuddudd M:4/4 K:Em H:CLQR T:HUMORS OF CASTLEFINN (reel), The
ABC 181186 C1:400476374002203 C2:duddudduuuddudd M:4/4 K:Em H:CLQR T:HUMORS OF CASTLEFINN (reel), The
ABC 181186 C1:400476374002203 C2:duddudduuuddudd M:4/4 K:Em H:CLQR T:HUMORS OF CASTLEFINN (reel), The
ABC 1 C1:042771011011660 C2:dudduuuuuddudud M:6/8 K:G H:BLRZ T:HUMORS OF CASTLE LYON -- JIG
ABC 1 C1:042771011011660 C2:dudduuuuuddudud M:6/8 K:G H:BLRZ T:HUMORS OF CASTLE LYON -- JIG
ABC 1 C1:042771011011660 C2:dudduuuuuddudud M:6/8 K:G H:BLRZ T:HUMORS OF CASTLE LYON -- JIG
ABC 1 C1:042771011011660 C2:dudduuuuuddudud M:6/8 K:G H:BLRZ T:HUMORS OF CASTLE LYON -- JIG
ABC 1 C1:042771011011660 C2:dudduuuuuddudud M:6/8 K:G H:BLRZ T:HUMORS OF CASTLE LYON -- JIG
ABC 1 C1:042771011011660 C2:dudduuuuuddudud M:6/8 K:G H:BLRZ T:HUMORS OF CASTLE LYON -- JIG
ABC 1 C1:042771011011660 C2:dudduuuuuddudud M:6/8 K:G H:BLRZ T:HUMORS OF CASTLE LYON -- JIG
ABC 1 C1:042771011011660 C2:dudduuuuuddudud M:6/8 K:G H:BLRZ T:HUMORS OF CASTLE LYON -- JIG
ABC 182 C1:002774042771011 C2:uddududduuuuuud M:6/8 K:G H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Castlelyons #2
ABC 182 C1:002774042771011 C2:uddududduuuuuud M:6/8 K:G H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Castlelyons #2
ABC 493174 C1:002774042771011 C2:uddududduuuuuud M:6/8 K:Em H:BLRSZ T:HUMORS OF CASTLELYONS, The
ABC 990 C1:042771011011177 C2:dudduuuuuuddddd M:6/8 K:Em H:BLZ T:The Humors of Castlelyons
ABC 990 C1:042771011011177 C2:dudduuuuuuddddd M:6/8 K:Em H:BLZ T:The Humors of Castlelyons
ABC 990 C1:042771011011177 C2:dudduuuuuuddddd M:6/8 K:Em H:BLZ T:The Humors of Castlelyons
ABC 990 C1:042771011011177 C2:dudduuuuuuddddd M:6/8 K:Em H:BLZ T:The Humors of Castlelyons
ABC 959 C1:042771011011177 C2:dudduuuuuuddddd M:6/8 K:Em H:BLZ T:The Humors of Castlelyons
ABC 2259 C1:002774042771011 C2:uddududduuuuudd M:6/8 K:G H:BLQRZ T:HUMORS OF CASTLE LYONS
ABC 2259 C1:002774042771011 C2:uddududduuuuudd M:6/8 K:G H:BLQRZ T:HUMORS OF CASTLE LYONS
ABC 959 C1:002774042771011 C2:uddududduuuuuud M:6/8 K:Em H:BLOZ T:the Humors of Castlelyons
ABC 959 C1:002774042771011 C2:uddududduuuuuud M:6/8 K:Em H:BLOZ T:the Humors of Castlelyons
ABC 959 C1:002774042771011 C2:uddududduuuuuud M:6/8 K:Em H:BLOZ T:the Humors of Castlelyons
ABC 959 C1:002774042771011 C2:uddududduuuuuud M:6/8 K:Em H:BLOZ T:the Humors of Castlelyons
ABC 1 C1:042771011011177 C2:dudduuuuuuddddd M:6/8 K:G H:BCLORZm T:The humors of Castlelyons
ABC 5718 C1:042771011011177 C2:dudduuuuuuddddd M:6/8 K:G H:BCLORZm T:The humors of Castlelyons
ABC 1 C1:000402070701000 C2:dudduuuuuuddddd M:6/8 K:G H:CLQR T:The Humors of Castlelyons
ABC 1 C1:000402070701000 C2:dudduuuuuuddddd M:6/8 K:G H:CLQR T:The Humors of Castlelyons
ABC 182 C1:042771011011177 C2:dudduuuuuuddddd M:6/8 K:G H:BLORZ T:The Humors Of Castlelyons
ABC 182 C1:042771011011177 C2:dudduuuuuuddddd M:6/8 K:G H:BLORZ T:The Humors Of Castlelyons
ABC 182 C1:002774042771011 C2:uddududduuuuuud M:6/8 K:G H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Castlelyons
ABC 182 C1:002774042771011 C2:uddududduuuuuud M:6/8 K:G H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Castlelyons
ABC 182 C1:002774042771011 C2:uddududduuuuuud M:6/8 K:G H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Castlelyons
ABC 182 C1:002774042771011 C2:uddududduuuuuud M:6/8 K:G H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Castlelyons
ABC 2 C1:042771011011177 C2:dudduuuuuuddddd M:6/8 K:G H:LRSZ T:Humors of Castlelyons, The
ABC 959 C1:042771011011177 C2:dudduuuuuuddddd M:6/8 K:Em H:BLZ T:The Humors of Castlelyons
ABC 493174 C1:002774042771011 C2:uddududduuuuuud M:6/8 K:Em H:BLRSZ T:HUMORS OF CASTLELYONS, The
ABC 493174 C1:002774042771011 C2:uddududduuuuuud M:6/8 K:Em H:BLRSZ T:HUMORS OF CASTLELYONS, The
ABC 5718 C1:042771011011177 C2:dudduuuuuuddddd M:6/8 K:G H:BCLORZm T:The humors of Castlelyons
ABC 5718 C1:042771011011177 C2:dudduuuuuuddddd M:6/8 K:G H:BCLORZm T:The humors of Castlelyons
ABC 2259 C1:002774042771011 C2:uddududduuuuudd M:6/8 K:G H:BLQRZ T:HUMORS OF CASTLE LYONS
ABC 2259 C1:002774042771011 C2:uddududduuuuudd M:6/8 K:G H:BLQRZ T:HUMORS OF CASTLE LYONS
ABC 2259 C1:002774042771011 C2:uddududduuuuudd M:6/8 K:G H:BLQRZ T:HUMORS OF CASTLE LYONS
ABC 2259 C1:002774042771011 C2:uddududduuuuudd M:6/8 K:G H:BLQRZ T:HUMORS OF CASTLE LYONS
ABC 2259 C1:002774042771011 C2:uddududduuuuudd M:6/8 K:G H:BLQRZ T:HUMORS OF CASTLE LYONS
ABC 2259 C1:002774042771011 C2:uddududduuuuudd M:6/8 K:G H:BLQRZ T:HUMORS OF CASTLE LYONS
ABC 2259 C1:002774042771011 C2:uddududduuuuudd M:6/8 K:G H:BLQRZ T:HUMORS OF CASTLE LYONS
ABC 2259 C1:002774042771011 C2:uddududduuuuudd M:6/8 K:G H:BLQRZ T:HUMORS OF CASTLE LYONS
ABC 2259 C1:002774042771011 C2:uddududduuuuudd M:6/8 K:G H:BLQRZ T:HUMORS OF CASTLE LYONS
ABC 959 C1:042771011011177 C2:dudduuuuuuddddd M:6/8 K:Em H:BLZ T:The Humors of Castlelyons
ABC 182 C1:042771011011177 C2:dudduuuuuuddddd M:6/8 K:G H:BCFLORWZm T:The humors of Castlelyons
ABC 182 C1:042771011011177 C2:dudduuuuuuddddd M:6/8 K:G H:BLORZ T:The Humors Of Castlelyons
ABC 182 C1:042771011011177 C2:dudduuuuuuddddd M:6/8 K:G H:BLORZ T:The Humors Of Castlelyons
ABC 13510 C1:042771011011177 C2:dudduuuuuuddddd M:6/8 K:G H:BCLORZm T:The humors of Castlelyons
ABC 13510 C1:042771011011177 C2:dudduuuuuuddddd M:6/8 K:G H:BCLORZm T:The humors of Castlelyons
ABC 13510 C1:042771011011177 C2:dudduuuuuuddddd M:6/8 K:G H:BCLORZm T:The humors of Castlelyons
ABC 2627 C1:042771011011177 C2:dudduuuuuuddddd M:6/8 K:G H:BCLORZm T:The humors of Castlelyons
ABC 990 C1:042771011011177 C2:dudduuuuuuddddd M:6/8 K:Em H:BLZ T:The Humors of Castlelyons
ABC 990 C1:042771011011177 C2:dudduuuuuuddddd M:6/8 K:Em H:BLZ T:The Humors of Castlelyons
ABC 913 C1:170121170011170 C2:uduuuuduuuddddu M:6/8 K:Em H:BLRZ T:the Humors of Castle of Comer
ABC 944 C1:170121170011170 C2:uduuuuduuuddddu M:6/8 K:Em H:BLRZ T:The Humors of Castle of Comer
ABC 944 C1:170121170011170 C2:uduuuuduuuddddu M:6/8 K:Em H:BLRZ T:The Humors of Castle of Comer
ABC 913 C1:170121170011170 C2:uduuuuduuuddddu M:6/8 K:Em H:BLRZ T:the Humors of Castle of Comer
ABC 913 C1:170121170011170 C2:uduuuuduuuddddu M:6/8 K:Em H:BLRZ T:the Humors of Castle of Comer
ABC 913 C1:170121170011170 C2:uduuuuduuuddddu M:6/8 K:Em H:BLRZ T:the Humors of Castle of Comer
ABC 944 C1:170121170011170 C2:uduuuuduuuddddu M:6/8 K:Em H:BLRZ T:The Humors of Castle of Comer
ABC 913 C1:170121170011170 C2:uduuuuduuuddddu M:6/8 K:Em H:BLRZ T:The Humors of Castle of Comer.
ABC 913 C1:170121170011170 C2:uduuuuduuuddddu M:6/8 K:Em H:BLRZ T:The Humors of Castle of Comer.
ABC 913 C1:170121170011170 C2:uduuuuduuuddddu M:6/8 K:Em H:BLRZ T:The Humors of Castle of Comer.
ABC 944 C1:170121170011170 C2:uduuuuduuuddddu M:6/8 K:Em H:BLRZ T:The Humors of Castle of Comer
ABC 944 C1:170121170011170 C2:uduuuuduuuddddu M:6/8 K:Em H:BLRZ T:The Humors of Castle of Comer
ABC 21075 C1:771050111011777 C2:dduduuuuudddddd M:6/8 K:field. H:BLRZ T:HUMORS OF CASTLEOLIVER, The
ABC 1 C1:771050111011777 C2:dduduuuuudddddd M:6/8 K:D H:BCLORZ T:The humors of Castleoliver
ABC 401 C1:771050111011777 C2:dduduuuuudddddd M:6/8 K:D H:BLORZ T:The Humors Of Castleoliver
ABC 401 C1:771050111011777 C2:dduduuuuudddddd M:6/8 K:D H:BLORZ T:The Humors Of Castleoliver
ABC 401 C1:771050111011777 C2:dduduuuuudddddd M:6/8 K:D H:BLORZ T:The Humors Of Castleoliver
ABC 1 C1:070701000500010 C2:dduduuuuudddddd M:6/8 K:D H:CLQR T:The Humors of Castleoliver
ABC 1 C1:070701000500010 C2:dduduuuuudddddd M:6/8 K:D H:CLQR T:The Humors of Castleoliver
ABC 401 C1:111001771050111 C2:uuuudduduuuuudd M:6/8 K:D H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Castleoliver
ABC 401 C1:111001771050111 C2:uuuudduduuuuudd M:6/8 K:D H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Castleoliver
ABC 401 C1:111001771050111 C2:uuuudduduuuuudd M:6/8 K:D H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Castleoliver
ABC 401 C1:111001771050111 C2:uuuudduduuuuudd M:6/8 K:D H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Castleoliver
ABC 401 C1:111001771050111 C2:uuuudduduuuuudd M:6/8 K:D H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Castleoliver
ABC 401 C1:111001771050111 C2:uuuudduduuuuudd M:6/8 K:D H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Castleoliver
ABC 401 C1:111001771050111 C2:uuuudduduuuuudd M:6/8 K:D H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Castleoliver
ABC 401 C1:111001771050111 C2:uuuudduduuuuudd M:6/8 K:D H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Castleoliver
ABC 1 C1:771050111011777 C2:dduduuuuudddddd M:6/8 K:D H:LRSZ T:Humors of Castleoliver
ABC 21075 C1:771050111011777 C2:dduduuuuudddddd M:6/8 K:field. H:BLRZ T:HUMORS OF CASTLEOLIVER, The
ABC 21075 C1:771050111011777 C2:dduduuuuudddddd M:6/8 K:field. H:BLRZ T:HUMORS OF CASTLEOLIVER, The
ABC 401 C1:771050111011777 C2:dduduuuuudddddd M:6/8 K:D H:BCFLORWZ T:The humors of Castleoliver
ABC 401 C1:771050111011777 C2:dduduuuuudddddd M:6/8 K:D H:BLORZ T:The Humors Of Castleoliver
ABC 401 C1:771050111011777 C2:dduduuuuudddddd M:6/8 K:D H:BLORZ T:The Humors Of Castleoliver
ABC 13511 C1:771050111011777 C2:dduduuuuudddddd M:6/8 K:D H:BCLORZ T:The humors of Castleoliver
ABC 13511 C1:771050111011777 C2:dduduuuuudddddd M:6/8 K:D H:BCLORZ T:The humors of Castleoliver
ABC 13511 C1:771050111011777 C2:dduduuuuudddddd M:6/8 K:D H:BCLORZ T:The humors of Castleoliver
ABC 2629 C1:771050111011777 C2:dduduuuuudddddd M:6/8 K:D H:BCLORZ T:The humors of Castleoliver
ABC 263 C1:030005766371711 C2:uudddududuuuuud M:6/8 K:A H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Cavan #2
ABC 263 C1:030005766371711 C2:uudddududuuuuud M:6/8 K:A H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Cavan #2
ABC 493175 C1:300057663717110 C2:uudddududuuuuud M:6/8 K:A H:BLRS T:HUMORS OF CAVAN, The
ABC 1089 C1:300057663717110 C2:uudddududuuuuud M:6/8 K:A H:BLRZ T:The Humors of Cavan
ABC 1089 C1:300057663717110 C2:uudddududuuuuud M:6/8 K:A H:BLRZ T:The Humors of Cavan
ABC 1089 C1:300057663717110 C2:uudddududuuuuud M:6/8 K:A H:BLRZ T:The Humors of Cavan
ABC 1089 C1:300057663717110 C2:uudddududuuuuud M:6/8 K:A H:BLRZ T:The Humors of Cavan
ABC 1056 C1:300057663717110 C2:uudddududuuuuud M:6/8 K:A H:BLRZ T:The Humors of Cavan
ABC 331035 C1:417057663711111 C2:uududdduduuuuud M:6/8 K:D H:BCLQRY T:HUMORS OF CAVAN, The
ABC 1056 C1:300057663717110 C2:uudddududuuuuud M:6/8 K:A H:BLORZ T:the Humors of Cavan
ABC 1056 C1:300057663717110 C2:uudddududuuuuud M:6/8 K:A H:BLORZ T:the Humors of Cavan
ABC 1056 C1:300057663717110 C2:uudddududuuuuud M:6/8 K:A H:BLORZ T:the Humors of Cavan
ABC 1056 C1:300057663717110 C2:uudddududuuuuud M:6/8 K:A H:BLORZ T:the Humors of Cavan
ABC 1 C1:300057663717110 C2:uudddududuuuuud M:6/8 K:A H:BCLORZ T:The humors of Cavan
ABC 263 C1:300057663717110 C2:uudddududuuuuud M:6/8 K:A H:BLORZ T:The Humors Of Cavan
ABC 263 C1:300057663717110 C2:uudddududuuuuud M:6/8 K:A H:BLORZ T:The Humors Of Cavan
ABC 1 C1:030000000507060 C2:uudddududuuuuud M:6/8 K:A H:CLQR T:The Humors of Cavan
ABC 1 C1:030000000507060 C2:uudddududuuuuud M:6/8 K:A H:CLQR T:The Humors of Cavan
ABC 263 C1:030005766371711 C2:uudddududuuuuud M:6/8 K:A H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Cavan
ABC 263 C1:030005766371711 C2:uudddududuuuuud M:6/8 K:A H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Cavan
ABC 263 C1:030005766371711 C2:uudddududuuuuud M:6/8 K:A H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Cavan
ABC 263 C1:030005766371711 C2:uudddududuuuuud M:6/8 K:A H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Cavan
ABC 1 C1:300057663717110 C2:uudddududuuuuud M:6/8 K:A H:LRSZ T:Humors of Cavan, The
ABC 1056 C1:300057663717110 C2:uudddududuuuuud M:6/8 K:A H:BLRZ T:The Humors of Cavan
ABC 331035 C1:417057663711111 C2:uududdduduuuuud M:6/8 K:D H:BCLQRY T:HUMORS OF CAVAN, The
ABC 331035 C1:417057663711111 C2:uududdduduuuuud M:6/8 K:D H:BCLQRY T:HUMORS OF CAVAN, The
ABC 493175 C1:300057663717110 C2:uudddududuuuuud M:6/8 K:A H:BLRS T:HUMORS OF CAVAN, The
ABC 493175 C1:300057663717110 C2:uudddududuuuuud M:6/8 K:A H:BLRS T:HUMORS OF CAVAN, The
ABC 1056 C1:300057663717110 C2:uudddududuuuuud M:6/8 K:A H:BLRZ T:The Humors of Cavan
ABC 263 C1:300057663717110 C2:uudddududuuuuud M:6/8 K:A H:BCFLORWZ T:The humors of Cavan
ABC 263 C1:300057663717110 C2:uudddududuuuuud M:6/8 K:A H:BLORZ T:The Humors Of Cavan
ABC 263 C1:300057663717110 C2:uudddududuuuuud M:6/8 K:A H:BLORZ T:The Humors Of Cavan
ABC 13512 C1:300057663717110 C2:uudddududuuuuud M:6/8 K:A H:BCLORZ T:The humors of Cavan
ABC 13512 C1:300057663717110 C2:uudddududuuuuud M:6/8 K:A H:BCLORZ T:The humors of Cavan
ABC 13512 C1:300057663717110 C2:uudddududuuuuud M:6/8 K:A H:BCLORZ T:The humors of Cavan
ABC 2633 C1:300057663717110 C2:uudddududuuuuud M:6/8 K:A H:BCLORZ T:The humors of Cavan
ABC 1089 C1:300057663717110 C2:uudddududuuuuud M:6/8 K:A H:BLRZ T:The Humors of Cavan
ABC 1089 C1:300057663717110 C2:uudddududuuuuud M:6/8 K:A H:BLRZ T:The Humors of Cavan
ABC 1 C1:026442654000471 C2:udududududuuddd M:C K:Amin H:LRSZ T:Humors of Christmas
ABC 21086 C1:622067172011117 C2:duudduduuuuuddd M:6/8 K:G H:BLRZ T:HUMORS OF CLARE, The
ABC 1 C1:622067172011117 C2:duudduduuuuuddd M:6/8 K:G H:BCLORZm T:Humors of Clare
ABC 329 C1:622067172011117 C2:duudduduuuuuddd M:6/8 K:Dmix H:BLORZ T:Humors Of Clare
ABC 329 C1:622067172011117 C2:duudduduuuuuddd M:6/8 K:Dmix H:BLORZ T:Humors Of Clare
ABC 329 C1:622067172011117 C2:duudduduuuuuddd M:6/8 K:Dmix H:BLORZ T:Humors Of Clare
ABC 1 C1:060202000607010 C2:duudduduuuuuddd M:6/8 K:Em H:CLQR T:Humors of Clare
ABC 1 C1:060202000607010 C2:duudduduuuuuddd M:6/8 K:Em H:CLQR T:Humors of Clare
ABC 329 C1:002627622067172 C2:ududduudduduuuu M:6/8 K:Dmix H:BFLRZbs T:Humors of Clare
ABC 329 C1:002627622067172 C2:ududduudduduuuu M:6/8 K:Dmix H:BFLRZbs T:Humors of Clare
ABC 329 C1:002627622067172 C2:ududduudduduuuu M:6/8 K:Dmix H:BFLRZbs T:Humors of Clare
ABC 329 C1:002627622067172 C2:ududduudduduuuu M:6/8 K:Dmix H:BFLRZbs T:Humors of Clare
ABC 1 C1:622067172011117 C2:duudduduuuuuddd M:6/8 K:Dmix H:LRSZ T:Humors of Clare
ABC 1 C1: C2: M:6/8 K:Dmix H:LRSZ T:Humors of Clare
ABC 21086 C1:622067172011117 C2:duudduduuuuuddd M:6/8 K:G H:BLRZ T:HUMORS OF CLARE, The
ABC 21086 C1:622067172011117 C2:duudduduuuuuddd M:6/8 K:G H:BLRZ T:HUMORS OF CLARE, The
ABC 329 C1:622067172011117 C2:duudduduuuuuddd M:6/8 K:Dmix H:BCFLORWZm T:Humors of Clare
ABC 329 C1:622067172011117 C2:duudduduuuuuddd M:6/8 K:Dmix H:BLORZ T:Humors Of Clare
ABC 329 C1:622067172011117 C2:duudduduuuuuddd M:6/8 K:Dmix H:BLORZ T:Humors Of Clare
ABC 5799 C1:622067172011117 C2:duudduduuuuuddd M:6/8 K:G H:BCLORZm T:Humors of Clare
ABC 5799 C1:622067172011117 C2:duudduduuuuuddd M:6/8 K:G H:BCLORZm T:Humors of Clare
ABC 5799 C1:622067172011117 C2:duudduduuuuuddd M:6/8 K:G H:BCLORZm T:Humors of Clare
ABC 1069 C1:622067172011117 C2:duudduduuuuuddd M:6/8 K:G H:BCLORZm T:Humors of Clare
ABC 1047 C1:622067172011117 C2:duudduduuuuuddd M:6/8 K:G H:"BCLORZ T:Humors of Clare (A23)
ABC 1047 C1:622067172011117 C2:duudduduuuuuddd M:6/8 K:G H:"BCLORZ T:Humors of Clare (A23)
ABC 1047 C1:622067172011117 C2:duudduduuuuuddd M:6/8 K:G H:"BCLORZ T:Humors of Clare (A23)
ABC 55 C1:111110577115661 C2:uuuuuudduudddud M:6/8 K:G H:LS T:Humors of Cork (#165), The
ABC 55 C1:111110577115661 C2:uuuuuudduudddud M:6/8 K:G H:LS T:Humors of Cork (#165), The
ABC 55 C1:111110577115661 C2:uuuuuudduudddud M:6/8 K:G H:LS T:Humors of Cork (#165), The
ABC 55 C1:111110577115661 C2:uuuuuudduudddud M:6/8 K:G H:LS T:Humors of Cork (#165), The
ABC 55 C1:111110577115661 C2:uuuuuudduudddud M:6/8 K:G H:LS T:Humors of Cork (#165), The
ABC 55 C1:111110577115661 C2:uuuuuudduudddud M:6/8 K:G H:LS T:Humors of Cork (#165), The
ABC 1 C1:660710711117774 C2:ddduduuuudddudd M:6/8 K:G H:LRSZ T:Humors of Cork [1], The
ABC 1 C1:111110577115661 C2:uuuuuudduudddud M:6/8 K:G H:LSZ T:Humors of Cork [2], The
ABC 169 C1:111110577115661 C2:uuuuuudduudddud M:6/8 K:G H:LS T:The Humors of Cork
ABC 169 C1:111110577115661 C2:uuuuuudduudddud M:6/8 K:G H:LS T:The Humors of Cork
ABC 169 C1:111110577115661 C2:uuuuuudduudddud M:6/8 K:G H:LS T:The Humors of Cork
ABC 331036 C1:677710711117774 C2:dddduduuuudddud M:6/8 K:G H:BCLRY T:HUMORS OF CORK, The
ABC 493176 C1:660710711117774 C2:ddduduuuudddudd M:6/8 K:G H:BFLRS T:HUMORS OF CORK, The
ABC 1090 C1:660710711117774 C2:ddduduuuudddudd M:6/8 K:G H:BLRZ T:The Humors of Cork
ABC 1090 C1:660710711117774 C2:ddduduuuudddudd M:6/8 K:G H:BLRZ T:The Humors of Cork
ABC 1090 C1:660710711117774 C2:ddduduuuudddudd M:6/8 K:G H:BLRZ T:The Humors of Cork
ABC 1057 C1:660710711117774 C2:ddduduuuudddudd M:6/8 K:G H:BLRZ T:The Humors of Cork
ABC 16292 C1:261760712261765 C2:ududdduuududduu M:9/8 K:A H:CLQR T:HUMORS OF CORK, The
ABC 1057 C1:660710711117774 C2:ddduduuuudddudd M:6/8 K:G H:BLORZ T:the Humors of Cork
ABC 1057 C1:660710711117774 C2:ddduduuuudddudd M:6/8 K:G H:BLORZ T:the Humors of Cork
ABC 1057 C1:660710711117774 C2:ddduduuuudddudd M:6/8 K:G H:BLORZ T:the Humors of Cork
ABC 1057 C1:660710711117774 C2:ddduduuuudddudd M:6/8 K:G H:BLORZ T:the Humors of Cork
ABC 16292 C1:261760712261765 C2:ududdduuududduu M:9/8 K:A H:CLQR T:HUMORS OF CORK, The
ABC 16292 C1:261760712261765 C2:ududdduuududduu M:9/8 K:A H:CLQR T:HUMORS OF CORK, The
ABC 1057 C1:660710711117774 C2:ddduduuuudddudd M:6/8 K:G H:BLRZ T:The Humors of Cork
ABC 331036 C1:677710711117774 C2:dddduduuuudddud M:6/8 K:G H:BCLRY T:HUMORS OF CORK, The
ABC 331036 C1:677710711117774 C2:dddduduuuudddud M:6/8 K:G H:BCLRY T:HUMORS OF CORK, The
ABC 58074 C1:111110577115661 C2:uuuuuudduudddud M:6/8 K:G H:BCLRS T:HUMORS OF CORK, The
ABC 58074 C1:111110577115661 C2:uuuuuudduudddud M:6/8 K:G H:BCLRS T:HUMORS OF CORK, The
ABC 493176 C1:660710711117774 C2:ddduduuuudddudd M:6/8 K:G H:BFLRS T:HUMORS OF CORK, The
ABC 493176 C1:660710711117774 C2:ddduduuuudddudd M:6/8 K:G H:BFLRS T:HUMORS OF CORK, The
ABC 169 C1:111110577115661 C2:uuuuuudduudddud M:6/8 K:G H:LS T:The Humors of Cork
ABC 169 C1:111110577115661 C2:uuuuuudduudddud M:6/8 K:G H:LS T:The Humors of Cork
ABC 1057 C1:660710711117774 C2:ddduduuuudddudd M:6/8 K:G H:BLRZ T:The Humors of Cork
ABC 1090 C1:660710711117774 C2:ddduduuuudddudd M:6/8 K:G H:BLRZ T:The Humors of Cork
ABC 1090 C1:660710711117774 C2:ddduduuuudddudd M:6/8 K:G H:BLRZ T:The Humors of Cork
ABC 389 C1:000115660174170 C2:uuddduduuddddud M:6/8 K:Bm H:BCLQRSZ T:Humors Of Cork, aka. JBut.387, The
ABC 581074 C1:111110577115661 C2:uuuuuudduudddud M:6/8\ K:G\ H:BCLQRS T:HUMORS OF CORK, The \
ABC 1 C1:500677100356774 C2:dddduuddddduudu M:4/4 K:Edor H:CLR T:Humors of Croton
ABC 13489 C1:772267117772261 C2:dduudduuddduudu M:9/8 K:G H:CLQR T:The HUMORS OF DERRYCROSSANE
ABC 181064 C1:000161062772267 C2:udududduudduudd M:9/8 K:G H:CQR T:HUMORS OF DERRYCROS(S)ANE, The
ABC 38118 C1:000261016772267 C2:uduuddduudduudd M:9/8 K:G H:BCLQR T:HUMORS OF DERRYCROSSANE, The
ABC 13489 C1:772267117772261 C2:dduudduuddduudu M:9/8 K:G H:CLQR T:The HUMORS OF DERRYCROSSANE
ABC 13489 C1:772267117772261 C2:dduudduuddduudu M:9/8 K:G H:CLQR T:The HUMORS OF DERRYCROSSANE
ABC 215 C1:000261016772267 C2:uduuddduuudduud M:9/8 K:G H:LRSZ T:Humors of Derrycrossane
ABC 181064 C1:000161062772267 C2:udududduudduudd M:9/8 K:G H:CQR T:HUMORS OF DERRYCROS(S)ANE, The
ABC 181064 C1:000161062772267 C2:udududduudduudd M:9/8 K:G H:CQR T:HUMORS OF DERRYCROS(S)ANE, The
ABC 38118 C1:000261016772267 C2:uduuddduudduudd M:9/8 K:G H:BCLQR T:HUMORS OF DERRYCROSSANE, The
ABC 38118 C1:000261016772267 C2:uduuddduudduudd M:9/8 K:G H:BCLQR T:HUMORS OF DERRYCROSSANE, The
ABC 181064 C1:000161062772267 C2:udududduudduudd M:9/8 K:G H:CQR T:Humors of Derrykissane
ABC 22077 C1:000621061772232 C2:duududduuuduudd M:9/8 K:G H:BCLQR T:HUMORS OF DERRYKISSANE, The
ABC 181064 C1:000161062772267 C2:udududduudduudd M:9/8 K:G H:CQR T:Humors of Derrykissane
ABC 181064 C1:000161062772267 C2:udududduudduudd M:9/8 K:G H:CQR T:Humors of Derrykissane
ABC 22077 C1:000621061772232 C2:duududduuuduudd M:9/8 K:G H:BCLQR T:HUMORS OF DERRYKISSANE, The
ABC 22077 C1:000621061772232 C2:duududduuuduudd M:9/8 K:G H:BCLQR T:HUMORS OF DERRYKISSANE, The
ABC 1 C1:560716110712661 C2:ddduduuduuddudu M:6/8 K:D H:LRSZ T:Humors of Dingle [1], The
ABC 493177 C1:560716110712661 C2:ddduduuduuddudu M:6/8 K:D H:BLRSZ T:HUMORS OF DINGLE, The
ABC 1077 C1:560716110712661 C2:ddduduuduuddudu M:6/8 K:Amix H:BLRZ T:The Humors of Dingle
ABC 1077 C1:560716110712661 C2:ddduduuduuddudu M:6/8 K:Amix H:BLRZ T:The Humors of Dingle
ABC 1077 C1:560716110712661 C2:ddduduuduuddudu M:6/8 K:Amix H:BLRZ T:The Humors of Dingle
ABC 1077 C1:560716110712661 C2:ddduduuduuddudu M:6/8 K:Amix H:BLRZ T:The Humors of Dingle
ABC 1044 C1:560716110712661 C2:ddduduuduuddudu M:6/8 K:Amix H:BLRZ T:The Humors of Dingle
ABC 1044 C1:215607161107126 C2:uuuddduduuduudd M:6/8 K:Amix H:BLORZbs T:the Humors of Dingle
ABC 1044 C1:215607161107126 C2:uuuddduduuduudd M:6/8 K:Amix H:BLORZbs T:the Humors of Dingle
ABC 1044 C1:215607161107126 C2:uuuddduduuduudd M:6/8 K:Amix H:BLORZbs T:the Humors of Dingle
ABC 1044 C1:215607161107126 C2:uuuddduduuduudd M:6/8 K:Amix H:BLORZbs T:the Humors of Dingle
ABC 1 C1:560716110712661 C2:ddduduuduuddudu M:6/8 K:Amix H:BCLORZm T:The humors of Dingle
ABC 1044 C1:215607161107126 C2:uuuddduduuduudd M:6/8 K:Amix H:BLORZbs T:the Humors of Dingle
ABC 1044 C1:215607161107126 C2:uuuddduduuduudd M:6/8 K:Amix H:BLORZbs T:the Humors of Dingle
ABC 253 C1:560716110712661 C2:ddduduuduuddudu M:6/8 K:Amix H:BLORZ T:The Humors Of Dingle
ABC 253 C1:560716110712661 C2:ddduduuduuddudu M:6/8 K:Amix H:BLORZ T:The Humors Of Dingle
ABC 1 C1:050600070106010 C2:ddduduuduuddudu M:6/8 K:D H:CLQR T:The Humors of Dingle
ABC 1 C1:050600070106010 C2:ddduduuduuddudu M:6/8 K:D H:CLQR T:The Humors of Dingle
ABC 253 C1:215607161107126 C2:uuuddduduuduudd M:6/8 K:Amix H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of dingle
ABC 253 C1:215607161107126 C2:uuuddduduuduudd M:6/8 K:Amix H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of dingle
ABC 253 C1:215607161107126 C2:uuuddduduuduudd M:6/8 K:Amix H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of dingle
ABC 253 C1:215607161107126 C2:uuuddduduuduudd M:6/8 K:Amix H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of dingle
ABC 1044 C1:560716110712661 C2:ddduduuduuddudu M:6/8 K:Amix H:BLRZ T:The Humors of Dingle
ABC 493177 C1:560716110712661 C2:ddduduuduuddudu M:6/8 K:D H:BLRSZ T:HUMORS OF DINGLE, The
ABC 493177 C1:560716110712661 C2:ddduduuduuddudu M:6/8 K:D H:BLRSZ T:HUMORS OF DINGLE, The
ABC 1044 C1:560716110712661 C2:ddduduuduuddudu M:6/8 K:Amix H:BLRZ T:The Humors of Dingle
ABC 253 C1:560716110712661 C2:ddduduuduuddudu M:6/8 K:Amix H:BCFLORWZm T:The humors of Dingle
ABC 253 C1:560716110712661 C2:ddduduuduuddudu M:6/8 K:Amix H:BLORZ T:The Humors Of Dingle
ABC 253 C1:560716110712661 C2:ddduduuduuddudu M:6/8 K:Amix H:BLORZ T:The Humors Of Dingle
ABC 13513 C1:560716110712661 C2:ddduduuduuddudu M:6/8 K:Amix H:BCLORZm T:The humors of Dingle
ABC 13513 C1:560716110712661 C2:ddduduuduuddudu M:6/8 K:Amix H:BCLORZm T:The humors of Dingle
ABC 13513 C1:560716110712661 C2:ddduduuduuddudu M:6/8 K:Amix H:BCLORZm T:The humors of Dingle
ABC 2635 C1:560716110712661 C2:ddduduuduuddudu M:6/8 K:Amix H:BCLORZm T:The humors of Dingle
ABC 1077 C1:560716110712661 C2:ddduduuduuddudu M:6/8 K:Amix H:BLRZ T:The Humors of Dingle
ABC 1077 C1:560716110712661 C2:ddduduuduuddudu M:6/8 K:Amix H:BLRZ T:The Humors of Dingle
ABC 1 C1:205307010716377 C2:uduuddududdddud M:6/8 K:A H:LRSZ T:Humors of Donnybrook [1]
ABC 1 C1:205307010716377 C2:uduuddududdddud M:6/8 K:A H:LRSZ T:Humors of Donnybrook [1]
ABC 1 C1:205307010716377 C2:uduuddududdddud M:6/8 K:A H:LRSZ T:Humors of Donnybrook [1]
ABC 36027 C1:010716205307010 C2:ddududuuddududd M:6/8 K:G H:BCLQR T:HUMORS OF DONNYBROOK, The
ABC 1 C1:020005030007000 C2:uduuddududdddud M:6/8 K:A H:CLQR T:Humors of Donnybrook
ABC 1 C1:020005030007000 C2:uduuddududdddud M:6/8 K:A H:CLQR T:Humors of Donnybrook
ABC 137016 C1:010716205307010 C2:ddududuuddududd M:6/8 K:A H:BLQRZ T:HUMORS OF DONNYBROOK
ABC 137016 C1:010716205307010 C2:ddududuuddududd M:6/8 K:A H:BLQRZ T:HUMORS OF DONNYBROOK
ABC 36027 C1:010716205307010 C2:ddududuuddududd M:6/8 K:G H:BCLQR T:HUMORS OF DONNYBROOK, The
ABC 36027 C1:010716205307010 C2:ddududuuddududd M:6/8 K:G H:BCLQR T:HUMORS OF DONNYBROOK, The
ABC 137016 C1:010716205307010 C2:ddududuuddududd M:6/8 K:A H:BLQRZ T:HUMORS OF DONNYBROOK
ABC 137016 C1:010716205307010 C2:ddududuuddududd M:6/8 K:A H:BLQRZ T:HUMORS OF DONNYBROOK
ABC 137016 C1:010716205307010 C2:ddududuuddududd M:6/8 K:A H:BLQRZ T:HUMORS OF DONNYBROOK
ABC 137016 C1:010716205307010 C2:ddududuuddududd M:6/8 K:A H:BLQRZ T:HUMORS OF DONNYBROOK
ABC 137016 C1:010716205307010 C2:ddududuuddududd M:6/8 K:A H:BLQRZ T:HUMORS OF DONNYBROOK
ABC 137016 C1:010716205307010 C2:ddududuuddududd M:6/8 K:A H:BLQRZ T:HUMORS OF DONNYBROOK
ABC 137016 C1:010716205307010 C2:ddududuuddududd M:6/8 K:A H:BLQRZ T:HUMORS OF DONNYBROOK
ABC 137016 C1:010716205307010 C2:ddududuuddududd M:6/8 K:A H:BLQRZ T:HUMORS OF DONNYBROOK
ABC 137016 C1:010716205307010 C2:ddududuuddududd M:6/8 K:A H:BLQRZ T:HUMORS OF DONNYBROOK
ABC 137016 C1:010716205307010 C2:ddududuuddududd M:6/8 K:A H:BLQRZ T:HUMORS OF DONNYBROOK
ABC 1 C1:622111261666622 C2:duuuuuududddduu M:6/8 K:D H:LRSZ T:Humors of Drinagh [1], The
ABC 1 C1:622111261666002 C2:duuuuuududdduuu M:6/8 K:Dmix H:L T:Humors of Drinagh [2], The
ABC 182002 C1:622111261666002 C2:duuuuuududdduuu M:6/8 K:D H:CLQR T:HUMORS OF DRINAGH, The
ABC 252034 C1:711666622111561 C2:duudddduuuuuddu M:6/8 K:D H:BCLQR T:HUMORS OF DRINAGH, The
ABC 493178 C1:622111261666622 C2:duuuuuududddduu M:6/8 K:D H:BLRSZ T:HUMORS OF DRINAGH, The
ABC 235 C1:622111261666622 C2:duuuuuududddduu M:6/8 K:D H:BLORZ T:The Humors Of Drinagh
ABC 235 C1:622111261666622 C2:duuuuuududddduu M:6/8 K:D H:BLORZ T:The Humors Of Drinagh
ABC 235 C1:622111261666622 C2:duuuuuududddduu M:6/8 K:D H:BLORZ T:The Humors Of Drinagh
ABC 1 C1:622111261666622 C2:duuuuuududddduu M:6/8 K:D H:BCLORZ T:The humors of Drinagh
ABC 235 C1:662211126166662 C2:ddduuuuuududddd M:6/8 K:D H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Drinagh
ABC 235 C1:662211126166662 C2:ddduuuuuududddd M:6/8 K:D H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Drinagh
ABC 235 C1:662211126166662 C2:ddduuuuuududddd M:6/8 K:D H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Drinagh
ABC 235 C1:662211126166662 C2:ddduuuuuududddd M:6/8 K:D H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Drinagh
ABC 252034 C1:711666622111561 C2:duudddduuuuuddu M:6/8 K:D H:BCLQR T:HUMORS OF DRINAGH, The
ABC 252034 C1:711666622111561 C2:duudddduuuuuddu M:6/8 K:D H:BCLQR T:HUMORS OF DRINAGH, The
ABC 182002 C1:622111261666002 C2:duuuuuududdduuu M:6/8 K:D H:CLQR T:HUMORS OF DRINAGH, The
ABC 182002 C1:622111261666002 C2:duuuuuududdduuu M:6/8 K:D H:CLQR T:HUMORS OF DRINAGH, The
ABC 493178 C1:622111261666622 C2:duuuuuududddduu M:6/8 K:D H:BLRSZ T:HUMORS OF DRINAGH, The
ABC 493178 C1:622111261666622 C2:duuuuuududddduu M:6/8 K:D H:BLRSZ T:HUMORS OF DRINAGH, The
ABC 235 C1:622111261666622 C2:duuuuuududddduu M:6/8 K:D H:BCFLORZ T:The humors of Drinagh
ABC 235 C1:622111261666622 C2:duuuuuududddduu M:6/8 K:D H:BLORZ T:The Humors Of Drinagh
ABC 235 C1:622111261666622 C2:duuuuuududddduu M:6/8 K:D H:BLORZ T:The Humors Of Drinagh
ABC 13514 C1:622111261666622 C2:duuuuuududddduu M:6/8 K:D H:BCLORZ T:The humors of Drinagh
ABC 13514 C1:622111261666622 C2:duuuuuududddduu M:6/8 K:D H:BCLORZ T:The humors of Drinagh
ABC 13514 C1:622111261666622 C2:duuuuuududddduu M:6/8 K:D H:BCLORZ T:The humors of Drinagh
ABC 2637 C1:622111261666622 C2:duuuuuududddduu M:6/8 K:D H:BCLORZ T:The humors of Drinagh
ABC 393 C1:661266577063662 C2:dduududdddudduu M:6/8 K:D H:BCLQRSZ T:Humors Of Dublin. JBut.391, The
ABC 1 C1:026533230223566 C2:uddduuuuuuddduu M:4/4 K:A H:CLRSZ T:Humors of Ederney
ABC 420 C1:026533230223566 C2:uddduuuuuuddduu M:4/4 K:A H:CLRSZ T:Humors of Ederney
ABC 585 C1:026533230223566 C2:uddduuuuuuddduu M:4/4 K:A H:CLRSZ T:Humors of Ederney
ABC 950 C1:026533230223566 C2:uddduuuuuuddduu M:4/4 K:A H:CLRSZ T:Humors of Ederney
ABC 950 C1:026533230223566 C2:uddduuuuuuddduu M:4/4 K:A H:CLRSZ T:Humors of Ederney
ABC 1050 C1:026533230223566 C2:uddduuuuuuddduu M:4/4 K:A H:CLRSZ T:Humors of Ederney
ABC 1165 C1:026533230223566 C2:uddduuuuuuddduu M:4/4 K:A H:CLRSZ T:Humors of Ederney
ABC 184118 C1:026530203302235 C2:uddududuuuuuddd M:4/4 K:G H:CLQRS T:HUMORS OF EDERNEY (reel), The
ABC 184118 C1:026530203302235 C2:uddududuuuuuddd M:4/4 K:G H:CLQRS T:HUMORS OF EDERNEY (reel), The
ABC 184118 C1:026530203302235 C2:uddududuuuuuddd M:4/4 K:G H:CLQRS T:HUMORS OF EDERNEY (reel), The
ABC 1689 C1:712376617117767 C2:duuuddduduudddd M:2/4 K:G H:BLORbs T:the Humors of Enniskean #1
ABC 1689 C1:712376617117767 C2:duuuddduduudddd M:2/4 K:G H:BLORbs T:the Humors of Enniskean #1
ABC 1689 C1:712376617117767 C2:duuuddduduudddd M:2/4 K:G H:BLORbs T:the Humors of Enniskean #1
ABC 1689 C1:712376617117767 C2:duuuddduduudddd M:2/4 K:G H:BLORbs T:the Humors of Enniskean #1
ABC 1689 C1:712376617117767 C2:duuuddduduudddd M:2/4 K:G H:BLORbs T:the Humors of Enniskean #1
ABC 1689 C1:712376617117767 C2:duuuddduduudddd M:2/4 K:G H:BLORbs T:the Humors of Enniskean #1
ABC 1689 C1:712376617117767 C2:duuuddduduudddd M:2/4 K:G H:BLORbs T:the Humors of Enniskean #1
ABC 1689 C1:712376617117767 C2:duuuddduduudddd M:2/4 K:G H:BLORbs T:the Humors of Enniskean #1
ABC 1689 C1:712376617117767 C2:duuuddduduudddd M:2/4 K:G H:BLORbs T:the Humors of Enniskean #2
ABC 1689 C1:712376617117767 C2:duuuddduduudddd M:2/4 K:G H:BLORbs T:the Humors of Enniskean #2
ABC 1689 C1:712376617117767 C2:duuuddduduudddd M:2/4 K:G H:BLORbs T:the Humors of Enniskean #2
ABC 1689 C1:712376617117767 C2:duuuddduduudddd M:2/4 K:G H:BLORbs T:the Humors of Enniskean #2
ABC 1689 C1:712376617117767 C2:duuuddduduudddd M:2/4 K:G H:BLORbs T:the Humors of Enniskean #2
ABC 1689 C1:712376617117767 C2:duuuddduduudddd M:2/4 K:G H:BLORbs T:the Humors of Enniskean #2
ABC 1689 C1:712376617117767 C2:duuuddduduudddd M:2/4 K:G H:BLORbs T:the Humors of Enniskean #2
ABC 1689 C1:712376617117767 C2:duuuddduduudddd M:2/4 K:G H:BLORbs T:the Humors of Enniskean #2
ABC 1807 C1:712376617117767 C2:duuuddduduudddd M:2/4 K:G H:BL T:The Humors of Enniskean
ABC 1807 C1:712376617117767 C2:duuuddduduudddd M:2/4 K:G H:BL T:The Humors of Enniskean
ABC 1807 C1:712376617117767 C2:duuuddduduudddd M:2/4 K:G H:BL T:The Humors of Enniskean
ABC 492097 C1:712376617117767 C2:duuuddduduudddd M:C| K:G H:BLQRSZ T:HUMORS of ENNISKEAN, The
ABC 1689 C1:712376617117767 C2:duuuddduduudddd M:2/4 K:G H:BL T:The Humors of Enniskean
ABC 1 C1:055700520562267 C2:duuuddduduudddd M:2/4 K:G H:LRSZ T:Humors of Enniskean, The
ABC 1689 C1:712376617117767 C2:duuuddduduudddd M:2/4 K:G H:BL T:The Humors of Enniskean
ABC 492097 C1:712376617117767 C2:duuuddduduudddd M:C| K:G H:BLQRSZ T:HUMORS of ENNISKEAN, The
ABC 492097 C1:712376617117767 C2:duuuddduduudddd M:C| K:G H:BLQRSZ T:HUMORS of ENNISKEAN, The
ABC 1689 C1:712376617117767 C2:duuuddduduudddd M:2/4 K:G H:BL T:The Humors of Enniskean
ABC 1807 C1:712376617117767 C2:duuuddduduudddd M:2/4 K:G H:BL T:The Humors of Enniskean
ABC 1807 C1:712376617117767 C2:duuuddduduudddd M:2/4 K:G H:BL T:The Humors of Enniskean
ABC 13349 C1:562623562621660 C2:dduduudduduuddu M:6/8 K:G H:CLQR T:The HUMORS OF ENNISTYMON
ABC 251041 C1:006227716117006 C2:duudduduudduudd M:6/8 K:G H:BCLQR T:HUMORS OF ENNISTYMON, The
ABC 1 C1:00622771611 C2:duudduduu M:6/8 K:Gmaj H:LR T:Humors of Ennistymon
ABC 1 C1:006227716117266 C2:duudduduududduu M:6/8 K:Gmaj H:LR T:Humors of Ennistymon
ABC 13349 C1:562623562621660 C2:dduduudduduuddu M:6/8 K:G H:CLQR T:The HUMORS OF ENNISTYMON
ABC 13349 C1:562623562621660 C2:dduduudduduuddu M:6/8 K:G H:CLQR T:The HUMORS OF ENNISTYMON
ABC 251041 C1:006227716117006 C2:duudduduudduudd M:6/8 K:G H:BCLQR T:HUMORS OF ENNISTYMON, The
ABC 251041 C1:006227716117006 C2:duudduduudduudd M:6/8 K:G H:BCLQR T:HUMORS OF ENNISTYMON, The
ABC 1 C1:00622771611 C2:duudduduu M:6/8 K:Gmaj H:LR T:Humors of Ennistymon
ABC 1 C1:00622771611 C2:duudduduu M:6/8 K:Gmaj H:LR T:Humors of Ennistymon
ABC 1 C1:006227716117266 C2:duudduduuduuddu M:6/8 K:Gmaj H:LR T:Humors of Ennistymon
ABC 1 C1:006227716117266 C2:duudduduuduuddu M:6/8 K:Gmaj H:LR T:Humors of Ennistymon
ABC 1 C1:006227716117266 C2:duudduduuduuddu M:6/8 K:Gmaj H:LR T:Humors of Ennistymon
ABC 1 C1:006227716117266 C2:duudduduuduuddu M:6/8 K:Gmaj H:LR T:Humors of Ennistymon
ABC 1 C1:006227716117266 C2:duudduduuduuddu M:6/8 K:Gmaj H:LR T:Humors of Ennistymon
ABC 80 C1:606170040027602 C2:dduduudduuuddud M:C K:D H:BLQRS T:Humors of Finntown* (r)
ABC 80 C1:606170040027602 C2:dduduudduuuddud M:C K:D H:BLQRS T:Humors of Finntown* (r)
ABC 80 C1:606170040027602 C2:dduduudduuuddud M:C K:D H:BLQRS T:Humors of Finntown* (r)
ABC 44080 C1:606170040027602 C2:dduduudduuuddud M:C K:Dmix H:BCLQRS T:HUMORS OF FINNTOWN* (reel), The
ABC 44080 C1:606170040027602 C2:dduduudduuuddud M:C K:Dmix H:BCLQRS T:HUMORS OF FINNTOWN* (reel), The
ABC 44080 C1:606170040027602 C2:dduduudduuuddud M:C K:Dmix H:BCLQRS T:HUMORS OF FINNTOWN* (reel), The
ABC 3120 C1:606170040027602 C2:dduduudduuuddud M:C K:D H:BLQRZ T:Humors of Finntown* (reel) % nfABC 3120 C1:606170040027602 C2:dduduudduuuddud M:C K:D H:BLQRZ T:Humors of Finntown* (reel) % nfABC 15181 C1:077771115773663 C2:uddduuuddduddud M:6/8 K:G H:CLQR T:HUMORS OF FOXROCK*, The
ABC 15181 C1:077771115773663 C2:uddduuuddduddud M:6/8 K:G H:CLQR T:HUMORS OF FOXROCK*, The
ABC 15181 C1:077771115773663 C2:uddduuuddduddud M:6/8 K:G H:CLQR T:HUMORS OF FOXROCK*, The
ABC 1 C1:233206224223277 C2:duuuduuduuuuddd M:4/4 K:G H:LRS T:Humors of Galway, The
ABC 770 C1:233206224223277 C2:uduuduuduuuuddd M:4/4 K:G H:DLRZ T:Humors of Galway, The
ABC 765 C1:233206224223277 C2:uduuduuduuuuddd M:C| K:G H:DLRZ T:Humors of Galway, The
ABC 153 C1:233206224223277 C2:uduuduuduuuuddd M:C| K:G H:DLRZ T:Humors of Galway, The
ABC 7291 C1:233206224223277 C2:uduuduuduuuuddd M:4/4 K:G H:DLRZ T:Humors of Galway, The
ABC 7291 C1:233206224223277 C2:uduuduuduuuuddd M:4/4 K:G H:DLRZ T:Humors of Galway, The
ABC 2684 C1:233206224223277 C2:duuuduuduuuuddd M:4/4 K:G H:LORS T:Humors of Galway, The
ABC 2684 C1:233206224223277 C2:duuuduuduuuuddd M:4/4 K:G H:LORS T:Humors of Galway, The
ABC 5800 C1:233206224223277 C2:duuuduuduuuuddd M:4/4 K:G H:LRS T:Humors of Galway, The
ABC 5800 C1:233206224223277 C2:duuuduuduuuuddd M:4/4 K:G H:LRS T:Humors of Galway, The
ABC 5800 C1:233206224223277 C2:duuuduuduuuuddd M:4/4 K:G H:LRS T:Humors of Galway, The
ABC 148 C1:762402716221762 C2:ddudududuuuddud M:6/8 K:D H:CILRZ T:Humors of Glendart #1, The
ABC 148 C1:762402716221762 C2:ddudududuuuddud M:6/8 K:D H:CILRZ T:Humors of Glendart #1, The
ABC 148 C1:762402716221762 C2:ddudududuuuddud M:6/8 K:D H:CILRZ T:Humors of Glendart #1, The
ABC 148 C1:762402716221762 C2:ddudududuuuddud M:6/8 K:D H:CILRZ T:Humors of Glendart #1, The
ABC 233 C1:762402716221762 C2:ddudududuuuddud M:6/8 K:A H:"CILRZ T:Humors of Glendart #2, The
ABC 19 C1:176240271622176 C2:uddudududuuuddu M:6/8 K:D H:BFLRZbs T:Humors of Glendart #2
ABC 19 C1:176240271622176 C2:uddudududuuuddu M:6/8 K:D H:BFLRZbs T:Humors of Glendart #2
ABC 233 C1:762402716221762 C2:ddudududuuuddud M:6/8 K:A H:"CILRZ T:Humors of Glendart #2, The
ABC 233 C1:762402716221762 C2:ddudududuuuddud M:6/8 K:A H:"CILRZ T:Humors of Glendart #2, The
ABC 233 C1:762402716221762 C2:ddudududuuuddud M:6/8 K:A H:"CILRZ T:Humors of Glendart #2, The
ABC 236 C1:762402716221762 C2:ddudududuuuddud M:6/8 K:D H:"CILRZ T:Humors of Glendart #3, The
ABC 236 C1:762402716221762 C2:ddudududuuuddud M:6/8 K:D H:"CILRZ T:Humors of Glendart #3, The
ABC 236 C1:762402716221762 C2:ddudududuuuddud M:6/8 K:D H:"CILRZ T:Humors of Glendart #3, The
ABC 44081 C1:762662716221762 C2:dduddududuuuddu M:6/8 K:D H:BCLQRS T:HUMORS OF GLENDART, The
ABC 493098 C1:762402716221762 C2:ddudududuuuddud M:6/8 K:D H:BLRS T:Humors of Glendart
ABC 21087 C1:762402716221762 C2:ddudududuuuddud M:6/8 K:D H:BLRZ T:HUMORS OF GLENDART, The
ABC 251042 C1:762402716221762 C2:ddudududuuuddud M:6/8 K:D H:BCLQR T:HUMORS OF GLENDART, The
ABC 1 C1:762402716221762 C2:ddudududuuuddud M:6/8 K:D H:BCLOQRZ T:Humors of Glendart
ABC 12 C1:604405762402700 C2:dududdududuuudd M:6/8 K:D H:BLRZ T:Humors of Glendart, The
ABC 12 C1:604405762402700 C2:dududdududuuudd M:6/8 K:D H:BLRZ T:Humors of Glendart, The
ABC 12 C1:604405762402700 C2:dududdududuuudd M:6/8 K:D H:BLRZ T:Humors of Glendart, The
ABC 12 C1:604405762402700 C2:dududdududuuudd M:6/8 K:D H:BLRZ T:Humors of Glendart, The
ABC 12 C1:604405762402700 C2:dududdududuuudd M:6/8 K:D H:BLRZ T:Humors of Glendart, The
ABC 12 C1:604405762402700 C2:dududdududuuudd M:6/8 K:D H:BLRZ T:Humors of Glendart, The
ABC 19 C1:762402716221762 C2:ddudududuuuddud M:6/8 K:D H:BLORZ T:Humors Of Glendart
ABC 19 C1:762402716221762 C2:ddudududuuuddud M:6/8 K:D H:BLORZ T:Humors Of Glendart
ABC 19 C1:762402716221762 C2:ddudududuuuddud M:6/8 K:D H:BLORZ T:Humors Of Glendart
ABC 1 C1:010706020400020 C2:uddudududuuuddu M:6/8 K:D H:CLQR T:The Humors of Glendart
ABC 1 C1:010706020400020 C2:uddudududuuuddu M:6/8 K:D H:CLQR T:The Humors of Glendart
ABC 19 C1:176240271622176 C2:uddudududuuuddu M:6/8 K:D H:BFLRZbs T:Humors of Glendart
ABC 19 C1:176240271622176 C2:uddudududuuuddu M:6/8 K:D H:BFLRZbs T:Humors of Glendart
ABC 19 C1:176240271622176 C2:uddudududuuuddu M:6/8 K:D H:BFLRZbs T:Humors of Glendart
ABC 19 C1:176240271622176 C2:uddudududuuuddu M:6/8 K:D H:BFLRZbs T:Humors of Glendart
ABC 1 C1:762402716221762 C2:ddudududuuuddud M:6/8 K:D H:LRSZ T:Humors of Glendart
ABC 251042 C1:762402716221762 C2:ddudududuuuddud M:6/8 K:D H:BCLQR T:HUMORS OF GLENDART, The
ABC 251042 C1:762402716221762 C2:ddudududuuuddud M:6/8 K:D H:BCLQR T:HUMORS OF GLENDART, The
ABC 12 C1:604405762402700 C2:dududdududuuudd M:6/8 K:D H:BLRZ T:Humors of Glendart, The
ABC 12 C1:604405762402700 C2:dududdududuuudd M:6/8 K:D H:BLRZ T:Humors of Glendart, The
ABC 12 C1:604405762402700 C2:dududdududuuudd M:6/8 K:D H:BLRZ T:Humors of Glendart, The
ABC 12 C1:604405762402700 C2:dududdududuuudd M:6/8 K:D H:BLRZ T:Humors of Glendart, The
ABC 21087 C1:762402716221762 C2:ddudududuuuddud M:6/8 K:D H:BLRZ T:HUMORS OF GLENDART, The
ABC 21087 C1:762402716221762 C2:ddudududuuuddud M:6/8 K:D H:BLRZ T:HUMORS OF GLENDART, The
ABC 44081 C1:762662716221762 C2:dduddududuuuddu M:6/8 K:D H:BCLQRS T:HUMORS OF GLENDART, The
ABC 44081 C1:762662716221762 C2:dduddududuuuddu M:6/8 K:D H:BCLQRS T:HUMORS OF GLENDART, The
ABC 19 C1:762402716221762 C2:ddudududuuuddud M:6/8 K:D H:BLORZ T:Humors Of Glendart
ABC 493098 C1:762402716221762 C2:ddudududuuuddud M:6/8 K:D H:BLRS T:Humors of Glendart
ABC 493098 C1:762402716221762 C2:ddudududuuuddud M:6/8 K:D H:BLRS T:Humors of Glendart
ABC 19 C1:762402716221762 C2:ddudududuuuddud M:6/8 K:D H:BCFLOQRWZ T:Humors of Glendart
ABC 12 C1:604405762402700 C2:dududdududuuudd M:6/8 K:D H:BLRZ T:Humors of Glendart, The
ABC 12 C1:604405762402700 C2:dududdududuuudd M:6/8 K:D H:BLRZ T:Humors of Glendart, The
ABC 12 C1:604405762402700 C2:dududdududuuudd M:6/8 K:D H:BLRZ T:Humors of Glendart, The
ABC 19 C1:762402716221762 C2:ddudududuuuddud M:6/8 K:D H:BLORZ T:Humors Of Glendart
ABC 19 C1:762402716221762 C2:ddudududuuuddud M:6/8 K:D H:BLORZ T:Humors Of Glendart
ABC 5801 C1:762402716221762 C2:ddudududuuuddud M:6/8 K:D H:BCLOQRZ T:Humors of Glendart
ABC 5801 C1:762402716221762 C2:ddudududuuuddud M:6/8 K:D H:BCLOQRZ T:Humors of Glendart
ABC 5801 C1:762402716221762 C2:ddudududuuuddud M:6/8 K:D H:BCLOQRZ T:Humors of Glendart
ABC 1071 C1:762402716221762 C2:ddudududuuuddud M:6/8 K:D H:BCLOQRZ T:Humors of Glendart
ABC 81 C1:762662716221762 C2:dduddududuuuddu M:6/8 K:D H:BLQRS T:Humors of Glendart (j)
ABC 81 C1:762662716221762 C2:dduddududuuuddu M:6/8 K:D H:BLQRS T:Humors of Glendart (j)
ABC 81 C1:762662716221762 C2:dduddududuuuddu M:6/8 K:D H:BLQRS T:Humors of Glendart (j)
ABC 3144 C1:762662716221762 C2:dduddududuuuddu M:6/8 K:D H:BLQRZ T:Humors of Glendart (jig) % nfABC 3144 C1:762662716221762 C2:dduddududuuuddu M:6/8 K:D H:BLQRZ T:Humors of Glendart (jig) % nfABC 534027 C1:161523277321251 C2:udduduuuddduuud M:6/8 K:D H:BCLY T:HUMORS OF GLIN, The
ABC 534027 C1:161523277321251 C2:udduduuuddduuud M:6/8 K:D H:BCLY T:HUMORS OF GLIN, The
ABC 534027 C1:161523277321251 C2:udduduuuddduuud M:6/8 K:D H:BCLY T:HUMORS OF GLIN, The
ABC 69 C1:161523277321251 C2:udduduuuddduuud M:6/8 K:D H:BFLQZ T:Humors of Glin, The
ABC 69 C1:161523277321251 C2:udduduuuddduuud M:6/8 K:D H:BFLQZ T:Humors of Glin, The
ABC 1 C1:260523000321260 C2:uddduduuduuuddd M:6/8 K:Bmin H:LRSZ T:Humors of Glynn [1]
ABC 1 C1: C2: M:6/8 K:Bmin H:LQRSZ T:Humors of Glynn [1]
ABC 176 C1:260523000321260 C2:uddduduuduuuddd M:6/8 K:Bm H:BLOQRZbs T:Humors of Glynn #2
ABC 176 C1:260523000321260 C2:uddduduuduuuddd M:6/8 K:Bm H:BLOQRZbs T:Humors of Glynn #2
ABC 176 C1:260523000321260 C2:uddduduuduuuddd M:6/8 K:Bm H:BLOQRZbs T:Humors of Glynn #2
ABC 176 C1:260523000321260 C2:uddduduuduuuddd M:6/8 K:Bm H:BLOQRZbs T:Humors of Glynn #2
ABC 176 C1:126052300032126 C2:uuddduduuduuudd M:6/8 K:Bm H:BLOQRZbs T:Humors of Glynn #2
ABC 176 C1:126052300032126 C2:uuddduduuduuudd M:6/8 K:Bm H:BLOQRZbs T:Humors of Glynn #2
ABC 176 C1:126052300032126 C2:uuddduduuduuudd M:6/8 K:Bm H:BLOQRZbs T:Humors of Glynn #2
ABC 176 C1:126052300032126 C2:uuddduduuduuudd M:6/8 K:Bm H:BLOQRZbs T:Humors of Glynn #2
ABC 1 C1:501777600011620 C2:dudddduuduududu M:6/8 K:G H:LRSZ T:Humors of Glynn [3]
ABC 1 C1: C2: M:6/8 K:G H:LRSZ T:Humors of Glynn [3]
ABC 491250 C1:260523000321260 C2:uddduduuduuuddd M:6/8 K:Bm H:BLSYZ T:HUMORS OF GLYNN, The
ABC 1 C1:501777600011620 C2:dudddduuduududu M:6/8 K:G H:BCLORZ T:The humors of Glynn
ABC 316 C1:501777600011620 C2:dudddduuduududu M:6/8 K:G H:BLORZ T:The Humors Of Glynn
ABC 316 C1:501777600011620 C2:dudddduuduududu M:6/8 K:G H:BLORZ T:The Humors Of Glynn
ABC 316 C1:501777600011620 C2:dudddduuduududu M:6/8 K:G H:BLORZ T:The Humors Of Glynn
ABC 176 C1:260523000321260 C2:uddduduuduuuddd M:6/8 K:Bm H:BLOQRZbs T:Humors of Glynn
ABC 176 C1:260523000321260 C2:uddduduuduuuddd M:6/8 K:Bm H:BLOQRZbs T:Humors of Glynn
ABC 176 C1:260523000321260 C2:uddduduuduuuddd M:6/8 K:Bm H:BLOQRZbs T:Humors of Glynn
ABC 176 C1:260523000321260 C2:uddduduuduuuddd M:6/8 K:Bm H:BLOQRZbs T:Humors of Glynn
ABC 176 C1:260523000321260 C2:uddduduuduuuddd M:6/8 K:Bm H:BLOQRZbs T:Humors of Glynn
ABC 176 C1:260523000321260 C2:uddduduuduuuddd M:6/8 K:Bm H:BLOQRZbs T:Humors of Glynn
ABC 176 C1:260523000321260 C2:uddduduuduuuddd M:6/8 K:Bm H:BLOQRZbs T:Humors of Glynn
ABC 176 C1:260523000321260 C2:uddduduuduuuddd M:6/8 K:Bm H:BLOQRZbs T:Humors of Glynn
ABC 316 C1:350177760001162 C2:ududddduuduudud M:6/8 K:G H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Glynn
ABC 316 C1:350177760001162 C2:ududddduuduudud M:6/8 K:G H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Glynn
ABC 1 C1:050001070707060 C2:dudddduuduududu M:6/8 K:G H:CLQR T:The Humors of Glynn
ABC 1 C1:050001070707060 C2:dudddduuduududu M:6/8 K:G H:CLQR T:The Humors of Glynn
ABC 316 C1:350177760001162 C2:ududddduuduudud M:6/8 K:G H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Glynn
ABC 316 C1:350177760001162 C2:ududddduuduudud M:6/8 K:G H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Glynn
ABC 316 C1:350177760001162 C2:ududddduuduudud M:6/8 K:G H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Glynn
ABC 316 C1:350177760001162 C2:ududddduuduudud M:6/8 K:G H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Glynn
ABC 491250 C1:260523000321260 C2:uddduduuduuuddd M:6/8 K:Bm H:BLSYZ T:HUMORS OF GLYNN, The
ABC 491250 C1:260523000321260 C2:uddduduuduuuddd M:6/8 K:Bm H:BLSYZ T:HUMORS OF GLYNN, The
ABC 316 C1:501777600011620 C2:dudddduuduududu M:6/8 K:G H:BCFLORWZ T:The humors of Glynn
ABC 316 C1:501777600011620 C2:dudddduuduududu M:6/8 K:G H:BLORZ T:The Humors Of Glynn
ABC 316 C1:501777600011620 C2:dudddduuduududu M:6/8 K:G H:BLORZ T:The Humors Of Glynn
ABC 13515 C1:501777600011620 C2:dudddduuduududu M:6/8 K:G H:BCLORZ T:The humors of Glynn
ABC 13515 C1:501777600011620 C2:dudddduuduududu M:6/8 K:G H:BCLORZ T:The humors of Glynn
ABC 13515 C1:501777600011620 C2:dudddduuduududu M:6/8 K:G H:BCLORZ T:The humors of Glynn
ABC 2639 C1:501777600011620 C2:dudddduuduududu M:6/8 K:G H:BCLORZ T:The humors of Glynn
ABC 146 C1:002011664667002 C2:uuudduddduuuddu M:6/8 K:G H:BLQWZ T:Humors of Hillsborough. Ru1.146, The
ABC 146 C1:002011664667002 C2:uuudduddduuuddu M:6/8 K:G H:BLQWZ T:Humors of Hillsborough. Ru1.146, The
ABC 181002 C1:772111071115775 C2:dduuuuduuudddud M:6/8 K:G H:CLQR T:HUMORS OF KESH, The
ABC 10 C1:772111071115775 C2:dduuuuduuudddud M:6/8 K:G H:LRSZ T:Humors of Kesh
ABC 350 C1:772111071115775 C2:dduuuuduuudddud M:6/8 K:G H:LRSZ T:Humors of Kesh
ABC 181002 C1:772111071115775 C2:dduuuuduuudddud M:6/8 K:G H:CLQR T:HUMORS OF KESH, The
ABC 181002 C1:772111071115775 C2:dduuuuduuudddud M:6/8 K:G H:CLQR T:HUMORS OF KESH, The
ABC 181 C1:776206503206717 C2:dddudududduduud M:6/8 K:Ador H:LR T:Humors Of Kilclogher
ABC 181 C1:776206503206717 C2:dddudududduduud M:6/8 K:Ador H:LR T:Humors Of Kilclogher
ABC 181 C1:776206503206717 C2:dddudududduduud M:6/8 K:Ador H:LR T:Humors Of Kilclogher
ABC 181056 C1:060177170012670 C2:dudduduudduuddu M:6/8 K:G H:CLQR T:Humors of Kilclogher
ABC 13364 C1:762065030267170 C2:ddudududduduudd M:6/8 K:Am H:CLQR T:The HUMORS OF KILCLOGHER
ABC 110 C1:060177170012670 C2:dudduduudduuddu M:6/8 K:Ador H:LRSZ T:Humors of Kilclogher
ABC 110 C1:060177170012670 C2:dudduduudduuddu M:6/8 K:Ador H:LRSZ T:Humors of Kilclogher
ABC 13364 C1:762065030267170 C2:ddudududduduudd M:6/8 K:Am H:CLQR T:The HUMORS OF KILCLOGHER
ABC 13364 C1:762065030267170 C2:ddudududduduudd M:6/8 K:Am H:CLQR T:The HUMORS OF KILCLOGHER
ABC 280 C1:762065030267170 C2:ddudududduduudd M:6/8 K:Ador H:LRSZ T:Humors of Kilclogher
ABC 181056 C1:060177170012670 C2:dudduduudduuddu M:6/8 K:G H:CLQR T:Humors of Kilclogher
ABC 181056 C1:060177170012670 C2:dudduduudduuddu M:6/8 K:G H:CLQR T:Humors of Kilclogher
ABC 181 C1:776206503206717 C2:dddudududduduud M:6/8 K:Ador H:LR T:Humors Of Kilclogher
ABC 181 C1:776206503206717 C2:dddudududduduud M:6/8 K:Ador H:LR T:Humors Of Kilclogher
ABC 259 C1:762065030115000 C2:ddududuuduuddud M:6/8 K:Dmix H:"HLRZ T:Humors Of Kilclogher
ABC 2 C1:600022170077600 C2:duuudddduuuuduu M:6/8 K:G H:LRSZ T:Humors of Kilkenny [1]
ABC 2 C1: C2: M:6/8 K:G H:LRSZ T:Humors of Kilkenny [1]
ABC 992 C1:760002217007760 C2:dduuudddduuuudu M:6/8 K:G H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Kilkenny #2
ABC 992 C1:760002217007760 C2:dduuudddduuuudu M:6/8 K:G H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Kilkenny #2
ABC 992 C1:760002217007760 C2:dduuudddduuuudu M:6/8 K:G H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Kilkenny #3
ABC 992 C1:760002217007760 C2:dduuudddduuuudu M:6/8 K:G H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Kilkenny #3
ABC 531043 C1:401716220621115 C2:dududuuduuuudud M:6/8 K:Ador H:BCLR T:HUMORS OF KILKENNY, The
ABC 21088 C1:600022170077600 C2:duuudddduuuuduu M:6/8 K:G H:BLRZ T:HUMORS OF KILKENNY, The
ABC 1 C1:060400010701060 C2:ddududuuduuuudu M:6/8 K:Am H:LQR T:The Humors of Kilkenny
ABC 1 C1:060400010701060 C2:ddududuuduuuudu M:6/8 K:Am H:LQR T:The Humors of Kilkenny
ABC 16353 C1:600022171777600 C2:duuududddduuuud M:6/8 K:D H:CLQR T:HUMORS OF KILKENNY, The
ABC 1 C1:011011667070175 C2:uuuuddduudddduu M:6/8 K:G H:DLRZ T:Humors of Kilkenny
ABC 1 C1:011011667070175 C2:uuuuddduudddduu M:6/8 K:G H:DLRZ T:Humors of Kilkenny
ABC 991 C1:600022170077600 C2:duuudddduuuuduu M:6/8 K:G H:BLOWZ T:The Humors Of Kilkenny
ABC 991 C1:600022170077600 C2:duuudddduuuuduu M:6/8 K:G H:BLOWZ T:The Humors Of Kilkenny
ABC 991 C1:600022170077600 C2:duuudddduuuuduu M:6/8 K:G H:BLOWZ T:The Humors Of Kilkenny
ABC 1 C1:060000000202010 C2:duuudddduuuuduu M:6/8 K:G H:CLQR T:The Humors of Kilkenny
ABC 1 C1:060000000202010 C2:duuudddduuuuduu M:6/8 K:G H:CLQR T:The Humors of Kilkenny
ABC 992 C1:760002217007760 C2:dduuudddduuuudu M:6/8 K:G H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Kilkenny
ABC 992 C1:760002217007760 C2:dduuudddduuuudu M:6/8 K:G H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Kilkenny
ABC 992 C1:760002217007760 C2:dduuudddduuuudu M:6/8 K:G H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Kilkenny
ABC 992 C1:760002217007760 C2:dduuudddduuuudu M:6/8 K:G H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Kilkenny
ABC 992 C1:760002217007760 C2:dduuudddduuuudu M:6/8 K:G H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Kilkenny
ABC 992 C1:760002217007760 C2:dduuudddduuuudu M:6/8 K:G H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Kilkenny
ABC 992 C1:760002217007760 C2:dduuudddduuuudu M:6/8 K:G H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Kilkenny
ABC 992 C1:760002217007760 C2:dduuudddduuuudu M:6/8 K:G H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Kilkenny
ABC 16353 C1:600022171777600 C2:duuududddduuuud M:6/8 K:D H:CLQR T:HUMORS OF KILKENNY, The
ABC 16353 C1:600022171777600 C2:duuududddduuuud M:6/8 K:D H:CLQR T:HUMORS OF KILKENNY, The
ABC 531043 C1:401716220621115 C2:dududuuduuuudud M:6/8 K:Ador H:BCLR T:HUMORS OF KILKENNY, The
ABC 531043 C1:401716220621115 C2:dududuuduuuudud M:6/8 K:Ador H:BCLR T:HUMORS OF KILKENNY, The
ABC 21088 C1:600022170077600 C2:duuudddduuuuduu M:6/8 K:G H:BLRZ T:HUMORS OF KILKENNY, The
ABC 21088 C1:600022170077600 C2:duuudddduuuuduu M:6/8 K:G H:BLRZ T:HUMORS OF KILKENNY, The
ABC 565 C1:011011667070175 C2:uuuuddduudddduu M:6/8 K:G H:DLRZ T:Humors of Kilkenny
ABC 2 C1: C2: M:6/8 K:G H:LRSZ T:Humors of Kilkenny
ABC 560 C1:011011667070175 C2:uuuuddduudddduu M:6/8 K:F H:DLRZ T:Humors of Kilkenny
ABC 112 C1:011011667070175 C2:uuuuddduudddduu M:6/8 K:F H:DLRZ T:Humors of Kilkenny
ABC 992 C1:600022170077600 C2:duuudddduuuuduu M:6/8 K:G H:BCFLOWZ T:The humors of Kilkenny
ABC 7292 C1:011011667070175 C2:uuuuddduudddduu M:6/8 K:G H:DLRZ T:Humors of Kilkenny
ABC 7292 C1:011011667070175 C2:uuuuddduudddduu M:6/8 K:G H:DLRZ T:Humors of Kilkenny
ABC 991 C1:600022170077600 C2:duuudddduuuuduu M:6/8 K:G H:BLOWZ T:The Humors Of Kilkenny
ABC 991 C1:600022170077600 C2:duuudddduuuuduu M:6/8 K:G H:BLOWZ T:The Humors Of Kilkenny
ABC 1 C1:711300711011115 C2:duuuduuuuuudddu M:6/8 K:Dm H:CLQR T:Humors of Lanacane
ABC 1 C1:711300711011115 C2:duuuduuuuuudddu M:6/8 K:Dm H:CLQR T:Humors of Lanacane
ABC 25 C1:711300711011115 C2:duuuduuuuuudddu M:6/8 K:Dm H:"CLQR T:Humors of Lanacane
ABC 350 C1:711300711011115 C2:duuuduuuuuudddu M:6/8 K:Dm H:"CLQR T:Humors of Lanacane
ABC 335 C1:271130071101111 C2:uuduuuduuuuuudd M:6/8 K:Dm H:"CLQRV T:Humors of Lanacane (with piano acc.)
ABC 9066 C1:271130071101111 C2:uuduuuduuuuuudd M:6/8 K:Dm H:"CLQRV T:Humors of Lanacane (with piano acc.)
ABC 9066 C1:271130071101111 C2:uuduuuduuuuuudd M:6/8 K:Dm H:"CLQRV T:Humors of Lanacane (with piano acc.)
ABC 30713 C1:300711716113400 C2:uduududuuudduud M:6/8 K:Am H:BLOSZ T:HUMORS OF LIFTIVAIN
ABC 30713 C1:300711716113400 C2:uduududuuudduud M:6/8 K:Am H:BLOSZ T:HUMORS OF LIFTIVAIN
ABC 1 C1: C2: M:6/8 K:Amin H:BLRZ T:Humors of Liftivain
ABC 305598 C1:300711716113400 C2:uduududuuudduud M:6/8 K:Am H:BLOSZ T:HUMORS OF LIFTIVAIN
ABC 305598 C1:300711716113400 C2:uduududuuudduud M:6/8 K:Am H:BLOSZ T:HUMORS OF LIFTIVAIN
ABC 305598 C1:300711716113400 C2:uduududuuudduud M:6/8 K:Am H:BLOSZ T:HUMORS OF LIFTIVAIN
ABC 305598 C1:300711716113400 C2:uduududuuudduud M:6/8 K:Am H:BLOSZ T:HUMORS OF LIFTIVAIN
ABC 305598 C1:300711716113400 C2:uduududuuudduud M:6/8 K:Am H:BLOSZ T:HUMORS OF LIFTIVAIN
ABC 305598 C1:300711716113400 C2:uduududuuudduud M:6/8 K:Am H:BLOSZ T:HUMORS OF LIFTIVAIN
ABC 305598 C1:300711716113400 C2:uduududuuudduud M:6/8 K:Am H:BLOSZ T:HUMORS OF LIFTIVAIN
ABC 305598 C1:300711716113400 C2:uduududuuudduud M:6/8 K:Am H:BLOSZ T:HUMORS OF LIFTIVAIN
ABC 305598 C1:300711716113400 C2:uduududuuudduud M:6/8 K:Am H:BLOSZ T:HUMORS OF LIFTIVAIN
ABC 1 C1:067066022067261 C2:dddduuddududduu M:6/8 K:G H:LRSZ T:Humors of Limerick [1], The
ABC 378 C1:022065067066022 C2:uududddduuddudu M:6/8 K:G H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Limerick #2
ABC 378 C1:022065067066022 C2:uududddduuddudu M:6/8 K:G H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Limerick #2
ABC 876 C1:022065067067261 C2:uududdddududdud M:6/8 K:G H:BLORZbs T:the Humors of Limerick #3
ABC 876 C1:022065067067261 C2:uududdddududdud M:6/8 K:G H:BLORZbs T:the Humors of Limerick #3
ABC 39099 C1:002007711667111 C2:udduuddduuuuddd M:6/8 K:A H:BLQRY T:HUMORS OF LIMERICK, The
ABC 533046 C1:762066022067171 C2:ddudduuddududdu M:6/8 K:D H:BCLR T:HUMORS OF LIMERICK, The
ABC 493179 C1:067066022067261 C2:dddduuddududduu M:6/8 K:G H:BLRSZ T:HUMORS OF LIMERICK, The
ABC 907 C1:067066022067261 C2:dddduuddududduu M:6/8 K:G H:BLZ T:The Humors of Limerick
ABC 907 C1:067066022067261 C2:dddduuddududduu M:6/8 K:G H:BLZ T:The Humors of Limerick
ABC 907 C1:067066022067261 C2:dddduuddududduu M:6/8 K:G H:BLZ T:The Humors of Limerick
ABC 907 C1:067066022067261 C2:dddduuddududduu M:6/8 K:G H:BLZ T:The Humors of Limerick
ABC 876 C1:067066022067261 C2:dddduuddududduu M:6/8 K:G H:BLZ T:The Humors of Limerick
ABC 876 C1:022065067066022 C2:uududddduuddudu M:6/8 K:G H:BLOZ T:the Humors of Limerick
ABC 876 C1:022065067066022 C2:uududddduuddudu M:6/8 K:G H:BLOZ T:the Humors of Limerick
ABC 1 C1:067066022067261 C2:dddduuddududduu M:6/8 K:G H:BCLORZ T:The humors of Limerick
ABC 876 C1:022065067066022 C2:uududddduuddudu M:6/8 K:G H:BLORZbs T:the Humors of Limerick
ABC 876 C1:022065067066022 C2:uududddduuddudu M:6/8 K:G H:BLORZbs T:the Humors of Limerick
ABC 876 C1:022065067066022 C2:uududddduuddudu M:6/8 K:G H:BLORZbs T:the Humors of Limerick
ABC 876 C1:022065067066022 C2:uududddduuddudu M:6/8 K:G H:BLORZbs T:the Humors of Limerick
ABC 876 C1:022065067066022 C2:uududddduuddudu M:6/8 K:G H:BLORZbs T:the Humors of Limerick
ABC 876 C1:022065067066022 C2:uududddduuddudu M:6/8 K:G H:BLORZbs T:the Humors of Limerick
ABC 876 C1:022065067066022 C2:uududddduuddudu M:6/8 K:G H:BLORZbs T:the Humors of Limerick
ABC 378 C1:067066022067261 C2:dddduuddududduu M:6/8 K:G H:BLORZ T:The Humors Of Limerick
ABC 378 C1:067066022067261 C2:dddduuddududduu M:6/8 K:G H:BLORZ T:The Humors Of Limerick
ABC 1 C1:000607000606000 C2:dddduuddududduu M:6/8 K:G H:CLQR T:The Humors of Limerick
ABC 1 C1:000607000606000 C2:dddduuddududduu M:6/8 K:G H:CLQR T:The Humors of Limerick
ABC 378 C1:022065067066022 C2:uududddduuddudu M:6/8 K:G H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Limerick
ABC 378 C1:022065067066022 C2:uududddduuddudu M:6/8 K:G H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Limerick
ABC 378 C1:022065067066022 C2:uududddduuddudu M:6/8 K:G H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Limerick
ABC 378 C1:022065067066022 C2:uududddduuddudu M:6/8 K:G H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Limerick
ABC 378 C1:022065067066022 C2:uududddduuddudu M:6/8 K:G H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Limerick
ABC 378 C1:022065067066022 C2:uududddduuddudu M:6/8 K:G H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Limerick
ABC 378 C1:022065067066022 C2:uududddduuddudu M:6/8 K:G H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Limerick
ABC 378 C1:022065067066022 C2:uududddduuddudu M:6/8 K:G H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Limerick
ABC 876 C1:067066022067261 C2:dddduuddududduu M:6/8 K:G H:BLZ T:The Humors of Limerick
ABC 470 C1:762066022067171 C2:ddudduuddududdu M:6/8 K:D H:LRS T:Humors of Limerick
ABC 39099 C1:002007711667111 C2:udduuddduuuuddd M:6/8 K:A H:BLQRY T:HUMORS OF LIMERICK, The
ABC 39099 C1:002007711667111 C2:udduuddduuuuddd M:6/8 K:A H:BLQRY T:HUMORS OF LIMERICK, The
ABC 570 C1:762066022067171 C2:ddudduuddududdu M:6/8 K:D H:LRS T:Humors of Limerick
ABC 533046 C1:762066022067171 C2:ddudduuddududdu M:6/8 K:D H:BCLR T:HUMORS OF LIMERICK, The
ABC 533046 C1:762066022067171 C2:ddudduuddududdu M:6/8 K:D H:BCLR T:HUMORS OF LIMERICK, The
ABC 493179 C1:067066022067261 C2:dddduuddududduu M:6/8 K:G H:BLRSZ T:HUMORS OF LIMERICK, The
ABC 493179 C1:067066022067261 C2:dddduuddududduu M:6/8 K:G H:BLRSZ T:HUMORS OF LIMERICK, The
ABC 876 C1:067066022067261 C2:dddduuddududduu M:6/8 K:G H:BLZ T:The Humors of Limerick
ABC 378 C1:067066022067261 C2:dddduuddududduu M:6/8 K:G H:BCFLORWZ T:The humors of Limerick
ABC 378 C1:067066022067261 C2:dddduuddududduu M:6/8 K:G H:BLORZ T:The Humors Of Limerick
ABC 378 C1:067066022067261 C2:dddduuddududduu M:6/8 K:G H:BLORZ T:The Humors Of Limerick
ABC 13516 C1:067066022067261 C2:dddduuddududduu M:6/8 K:G H:BCLORZ T:The humors of Limerick
ABC 13516 C1:067066022067261 C2:dddduuddududduu M:6/8 K:G H:BCLORZ T:The humors of Limerick
ABC 13516 C1:067066022067261 C2:dddduuddududduu M:6/8 K:G H:BCLORZ T:The humors of Limerick
ABC 2641 C1:067066022067261 C2:dddduuddududduu M:6/8 K:G H:BCLORZ T:The humors of Limerick
ABC 907 C1:067066022067261 C2:dddduuddududduu M:6/8 K:G H:BLZ T:The Humors of Limerick
ABC 907 C1:067066022067261 C2:dddduuddududduu M:6/8 K:G H:BLZ T:The Humors of Limerick
ABC 1 C1:500352676007757 C2:dududdddddduudu M:4/4 K:EDor H:LR T:Humors of Lisadel
ABC 1 C1:500352676007757 C2:dududdddddduudu M:4/4 K:EDor H:LR T:Humors of Lisadel
ABC 13 C1:500352676007757 C2:dududdddddduudu M:4/4 K:EDor H:L T:Humors of Lisadel
ABC 13 C1:500352676007757 C2:dududdddddduudu M:4/4 K:EDor H:L T:Humors of Lisadel
ABC 1 C1:500352676007757 C2:dududdddddduudu M:4/4 K:EDor H:LR T:Humors of Lisadel
ABC 13 C1:500352676007757 C2:dududdddddduudu M:4/4 K:EDor H:L T:Humors of Lisadel
ABC 13 C1:500352676007757 C2:dududdddddduudu M:4/4 K:EDor H:L T:Humors of Lisadel
ABC 1 C1:760762670012605 C2:ddddudduududuuu M:6/8 K:Dmin H:BLRZ T:Humors of Liscarrol, The
ABC 1 C1:760762670012605 C2:ddddudduududuuu M:6/8 K:Dmin H:BLRZ T:Humors of Liscarrol, The
ABC 086079 C1:760762670012605 C2:ddddudduududuuu M:6/8 K:Dm H:QRS T:Humors of Liscarrol (jig) % ABC 086079 C1:760762670012605 C2:ddddudduududuuu M:6/8 K:Dm H:QRS T:Humors of Liscarrol (jig) % ABC 086079 C1:760762670012605 C2:ddddudduududuuu M:6/8 K:Dm H:QRS T:Humors of Liscarrol (jig) % ABC 086079 C1:760762670012605 C2:ddddudduududuuu M:6/8 K:Dm H:QRS T:Humors of Liscarrol (jig) % ABC 62058 C1:760762670012605 C2:ddddudduududuuu M:6/8 K:Dmix H:QRZ T:HUMORS OF LISCARROLL, The
ABC 62058 C1:760762670012605 C2:ddddudduududuuu M:6/8 K:Dmix H:CQR T:HUMORS OF LISCARROLL, The
ABC 62058 C1:760762670012605 C2:ddddudduududuuu M:6/8 K:Dmix H:CQR T:HUMORS OF LISCARROLL, The
ABC 31098 C1:116761061662712 C2:uudddududduduuu M:6/8 K:G H:BCLQR T:HUMORS OF LISHEEN, The
ABC 1 C1:771662002260771 C2:ddudduuuddduuuu M:6/8 K:G H:LRZ T:the Humors of Lisheen
ABC 1 C1:771662002260771 C2:ddudduuuddduuuu M:6/8 K:G H:LRZ T:the Humors of Lisheen
ABC 1 C1:771662002260771 C2:ddudduuuddduuuu M:6/8 K:G H:LRZ T:the Humors of Lisheen
ABC 1 C1:771662002260771 C2:ddudduuuddduuuu M:6/8 K:G H:LRZ T:the Humors of Lisheen
ABC 1 C1:771662002260771 C2:ddudduuuddduuuu M:6/8 K:G H:LRZ T:the Humors of Lisheen
ABC 1 C1:771662002260771 C2:ddudduuuddduuuu M:6/8 K:G H:LRZ T:the Humors of Lisheen
ABC 1 C1:771662002260771 C2:ddudduuuddduuuu M:6/8 K:G H:LRZ T:the Humors of Lisheen
ABC 1 C1:771662002260771 C2:ddudduuuddduuuu M:6/8 K:G H:LRZ T:the Humors of Lisheen
ABC 1 C1: C2: M:6/8 K:G H:LRZ T:Humors of Lisheen
ABC 415 C1:061662712260700 C2:dudduduuudduuuu M:6/8 K:G H:LRSZ T:Humors of Lisheen
ABC 415 C1:061662712260700 C2:dudduduuudduuuu M:6/8 K:G H:LRSZ T:Humors of Lisheen
ABC 340 C1:061662712260700 C2:dudduduuudduuuu M:6/8 K:G H:LRSZ T:Humors of Lisheen
ABC 244 C1:116761771662712 C2:uuddduddudduduu M:6/8 K:G H:LR T:Humors of Lisheen
ABC 244 C1:116761771662712 C2:uuddduddudduduu M:6/8 K:G H:LR T:Humors of Lisheen
ABC 31098 C1:116761061662712 C2:uudddududduduuu M:6/8 K:G H:BCLQR T:HUMORS OF LISHEEN, The
ABC 31098 C1:116761061662712 C2:uudddududduduuu M:6/8 K:G H:BCLQR T:HUMORS OF LISHEEN, The
ABC 181191 C1:500352676007757 C2:dududdddddduudd M:C K:Em H:CLQR T:HUMORS OF LISSADELL (reel), The
ABC 181191 C1:500352676007757 C2:dududdddddduudd M:C K:Em H:CLQR T:HUMORS OF LISSADELL (reel), The
ABC 181191 C1:500352676007757 C2:dududdddddduudd M:C K:Em H:CLQR T:HUMORS OF LISSADELL (reel), The
ABC 59059 C1:500352776000777 C2:dududdddddduddu M:C\ K:Edor\ H:CR T:HUMORS OF LISSADEL (reel)\
ABC 59059 C1:500352776000777 C2:dududdddddduddu M:C K:Edor H:CR T:HUMORS OF LISSADEL (reel)
ABC 59059 C1:500352776000777 C2:dududdddddduddu M:C K:Edor H:CR T:HUMORS OF LISSADEL (reel)
ABC 59059 C1:500352776000777 C2:dududdddddduddu M:C K:Edor H:CR T:HUMORS OF LISSADEL (reel)
ABC 9 C1:716113400711715 C2:duduuudduuduudu M:6/8 K:C H:LS T:Humors of Listivain (#85)
ABC 9 C1:716113400711715 C2:duduuudduuduudu M:6/8 K:C H:LS T:Humors of Listivain (#85)
ABC 9 C1:716113400711715 C2:duduuudduuduudu M:6/8 K:C H:LS T:Humors of Listivain (#85)
ABC 9 C1:716113400711715 C2:duduuudduuduudu M:6/8 K:C H:LS T:Humors of Listivain (#85)
ABC 9 C1:716113400711715 C2:duduuudduuduudu M:6/8 K:C H:LS T:Humors of Listivain (#85)
ABC 9 C1:716113400711715 C2:duduuudduuduudu M:6/8 K:C H:LS T:Humors of Listivain (#85)
ABC 3004 C1:716113400711715 C2:duduuudduuduudu M:6/8 K:Am H:BCLQR T:HUMORS OF LISTIVAIN, The
ABC 89 C1:716113400711715 C2:duduuudduuduudu M:6/8 K:C H:LS T:Humors of Listivain
ABC 89 C1:716113400711715 C2:duduuudduuduudu M:6/8 K:C H:LS T:Humors of Listivain
ABC 89 C1:716113400711715 C2:duduuudduuduudu M:6/8 K:C H:LS T:Humors of Listivain
ABC 3004 C1:716113400711715 C2:duduuudduuduudu M:6/8 K:Am H:BCLQR T:HUMORS OF LISTIVAIN, The
ABC 3004 C1:716113400711715 C2:duduuudduuduudu M:6/8 K:Am H:BCLQR T:HUMORS OF LISTIVAIN, The
ABC 58075 C1:716113400711715 C2:duduuudduuduudu M:6/8 K:Ador H:BCLRS T:HUMORS OF LISTIVAIN, The
ABC 58075 C1:716113400711715 C2:duduuudduuduudu M:6/8 K:Ador H:BCLRS T:HUMORS OF LISTIVAIN, The
ABC 1 C1:716113400711715 C2:duduuudduuduudu M:6/8 K:C H:LSZ T:Humors of Listivain
ABC 89 C1:716113400711715 C2:duduuudduuduudu M:6/8 K:C H:LS T:Humors of Listivain
ABC 89 C1:716113400711715 C2:duduuudduuduudu M:6/8 K:C H:LS T:Humors of Listivain
ABC 581075 C1:716113400711715 C2:duduuudduuduudu M:6/8\ K:Ador\ H:BCLQRS T:HUMORS OF LISTIVAIN, The \
ABC 295 C1:110161662500062 C2:uuududdduududdd M:2/4 K:D H:LRSZ T:Humors of Listowel
ABC 38119 C1:062311016166250 C2:uddduuuuududddu M:2/4 K:D H:BCLQR T:HUMORS OF LISTOWEL (polka), The
ABC 38119 C1:062311016166250 C2:uddduuuuududddu M:2/4 K:D H:BCLQR T:HUMORS OF LISTOWEL (polka), The
ABC 38119 C1:062311016166250 C2:uddduuuuududddu M:2/4 K:D H:BCLQR T:HUMORS OF LISTOWEL (polka), The
ABC 1 C1:001170006176256 C2:uudududdudddduu M:C| K:G H:LR T:Humors of Loughrae
ABC 1 C1:001170006176256 C2:uudududdudddduu M:C| K:G H:LR T:Humors of Loughrae
ABC 1 C1:001170006176256 C2:uudududdudddduu M:C| K:G H:LR T:Humors of Loughrae
ABC 1 C1:001170006176256 C2:uudududdudddduu M:C| K:G H:LR T:Humors of Loughrae
ABC 1 C1:001170006176256 C2:uudududdudddduu M:C| K:G H:LR T:Humors of Loughrae
ABC 1 C1:001170006176256 C2:uudududdudddduu M:C| K:G H:LR T:Humors of Loughrae
ABC 2 C1:001170006176256 C2:uudududduddduud M:C| K:G H:LRSZ T:Humors of Loughrae
ABC 140 C1:001170006176256 C2:uudududdudddduu M:C| K:G H:LR T:Humors of Loughrae
ABC 380 C1:001170006176256 C2:uudududdudddduu M:C| K:G H:LR T:Humors of Loughrae
ABC 81 C1:001170006176256 C2:uudududdudddduu M:4/4 K:G H:LZ T:Humors of Loughrae
ABC 82 C1:001170006176256 C2:uudududduddduud M:C| K:G H:LSZ T:Humors of Loughrae
ABC 200 C1:001170006176256 C2:uudududdudddduu M:C| K:G H:LR T:Humors of Loughrae
ABC 2 C1:001170006176256 C2:uudududduddduud M:C| K:G H:LRSZ T:Humors of Loughrae
ABC 157 C1:001170006176256 C2:uudududdudddduu M:C| K:G H:LR T:Humors of Loughrae
ABC 1653 C1:001170006176256 C2:uudududdudddduu M:C| K:G H:LR T:Humors of Loughrae
ABC 1701 C1:001170006176256 C2:uudududdudddduu M:C| K:G H:LR T:Humors of Loughrae
ABC 2320 C1:001170006176256 C2:uudududdudddduu M:C| K:G H:LR T:Humors of Loughrae
ABC 4764 C1:001170006176256 C2:uudududdudddduu M:C| K:G H:LR T:Humors of Loughrae
ABC 157 C1:001170006176256 C2:uudududdudddduu M:C| K:G H:LR T:Humors of Loughrae
ABC 1653 C1:001170006176256 C2:uudududdudddduu M:C| K:G H:LR T:Humors of Loughrae
ABC 1701 C1:001170006176256 C2:uudududdudddduu M:C| K:G H:LR T:Humors of Loughrae
ABC 2320 C1:001170006176256 C2:uudududdudddduu M:C| K:G H:LR T:Humors of Loughrae
ABC 4764 C1:001170006176256 C2:uudududdudddduu M:C| K:G H:LR T:Humors of Loughrae
ABC 28 C1:001170006176256 C2:uudududdudddduu M:C| K:G H:LR T:Humors of Loughrae
ABC 77 C1:001170006176256 C2:uudududdudddduu M:C| K:G H:LR T:Humors of Loughrae
ABC 302 C1:001170006176256 C2:uudududdudddduu M:4/4 K:G H:LZ T:Humors of Loughrae
ABC 303 C1:001170006176256 C2:uudududduddduud M:C| K:G H:LSZ T:Humors of Loughrae
ABC 7293 C1:001170006176256 C2:uudududdudddduu M:C| K:G H:LR T:Humors of Loughrae
ABC 7293 C1:001170006176256 C2:uudududdudddduu M:C| K:G H:LR T:Humors of Loughrae
ABC 2685 C1:001170006176256 C2:uudududdudddduu M:C| K:G H:LOR T:Humors of Loughrae
ABC 7617 C1:001170006176256 C2:uudududdudddduu M:C| K:G H:LOR T:Humors of Loughrae
ABC 2685 C1:001170006176256 C2:uudududdudddduu M:C| K:G H:LOR T:Humors of Loughrae
ABC 7617 C1:001170006176256 C2:uudududdudddduu M:C| K:G H:LOR T:Humors of Loughrae
ABC 5802 C1:001170006176256 C2:uudududdudddduu M:C| K:G H:LR T:Humors of Loughrae
ABC 5803 C1:001170006176256 C2:uudududdudddduu M:C| K:G H:LR T:Humors of Loughrae
ABC 5804 C1:001170006176256 C2:uudududdudddduu M:C| K:G H:LR T:Humors of Loughrae
ABC 5802 C1:001170006176256 C2:uudududdudddduu M:C| K:G H:LR T:Humors of Loughrae
ABC 5803 C1:001170006176256 C2:uudududdudddduu M:C| K:G H:LR T:Humors of Loughrae
ABC 5804 C1:001170006176256 C2:uudududdudddduu M:C| K:G H:LR T:Humors of Loughrae
ABC 14663 C1:001170006176256 C2:uudududdudddduu M:C| K:G H:LR T:Humors of Loughrae
ABC 14664 C1:001170006176256 C2:uudududdudddduu M:C| K:G H:LR T:Humors of Loughrae
ABC 14665 C1:001170006176256 C2:uudududdudddduu M:C| K:G H:LR T:Humors of Loughrae
ABC 5802 C1:001170006176256 C2:uudududdudddduu M:C| K:G H:LR T:Humors of Loughrae
ABC 5803 C1:001170006176256 C2:uudududdudddduu M:C| K:G H:LR T:Humors of Loughrae
ABC 5804 C1:001170006176256 C2:uudududdudddduu M:C| K:G H:LR T:Humors of Loughrae
ABC 14663 C1:001170006176256 C2:uudududdudddduu M:C| K:G H:LR T:Humors of Loughrae
ABC 14664 C1:001170006176256 C2:uudududdudddduu M:C| K:G H:LR T:Humors of Loughrae
ABC 14665 C1:001170006176256 C2:uudududdudddduu M:C| K:G H:LR T:Humors of Loughrae
ABC 17602 C1:001170006176256 C2:uudududdudddduu M:C| K:G H:LR T:Humors of Loughrae
ABC 17604 C1:001170006176256 C2:uudududdudddduu M:C| K:G H:LR T:Humors of Loughrae
ABC 17602 C1:001170006176256 C2:uudududdudddduu M:C| K:G H:LR T:Humors of Loughrae
ABC 17604 C1:001170006176256 C2:uudududdudddduu M:C| K:G H:LR T:Humors of Loughrae
ABC 17602 C1:001170006176256 C2:uudududdudddduu M:C| K:G H:LR T:Humors of Loughrae
ABC 17604 C1:001170006176256 C2:uudududdudddduu M:C| K:G H:LR T:Humors of Loughrae
ABC 17602 C1:001170006176256 C2:uudududdudddduu M:C| K:G H:LR T:Humors of Loughrae
ABC 17604 C1:001170006176256 C2:uudududdudddduu M:C| K:G H:LR T:Humors of Loughrae
ABC 2 C1: C2: M:C| K:G H:LRSZ T:Humors of Loughrea [1]
ABC 2 C1: C2: M:C| K:G H:LRSZ T:Humors of Loughrea [1]
ABC 182197 C1:617625660011776 C2:dudduddduuddduu M:C K:G H:CLQR T:Humors of Loughrea
ABC 13314 C1:617625667111772 C2:duddudddduuuddu M:4/4 K:G H:CLQR T:Humors of Loughrea
ABC 1 C1:001170006176256 C2:uudududdudddduu M:C| K:G H:LR T:Humors of Loughrea
ABC 13314 C1:617625667111772 C2:duddudddduuuddu M:4/4 K:G H:CLQR T:Humors of Loughrea
ABC 13314 C1:617625667111772 C2:duddudddduuuddu M:4/4 K:G H:CLQR T:Humors of Loughrea
ABC 270 C1:617625667111772 C2:duddudddduuuddu M:4/4 K:G H:LRSZ T:Humors of Loughrea
ABC 182197 C1:617625660011776 C2:dudduddduuddduu M:C K:G H:CLQR T:Humors of Loughrea
ABC 182197 C1:617625660011776 C2:dudduddduuddduu M:C K:G H:CLQR T:Humors of Loughrea
ABC 1 C1:001170006176256 C2:uudududdudddduu M:C| K:G H:LR T:Humors of Loughrea
ABC 1 C1:771060170111011 C2:ddududuuuuuuuud M:12/8 K:A H:LRSZ T:Humors of Maam
ABC 1 C1:771060170111011 C2:ddududuuuuuuuud M:12/8 K:A H:LRSZ T:Humors of Maam
ABC 480 C1:001766272761754 C2:udddududduddudu M:4/4 K:D H:CDLRZ T:Humors of Max, The
ABC 475 C1:001766272761754 C2:udddududduddudu M:C| K:D H:CDLRZ T:Humors of Max, The
ABC 95 C1:001766272761754 C2:udddududduddudu M:C| K:D H:CDLRZ T:Humors of Max, The
ABC 7294 C1:001766272761754 C2:udddududduddudu M:4/4 K:D H:CDLRZ T:Humors of Max, The
ABC 7294 C1:001766272761754 C2:udddududduddudu M:4/4 K:D H:CDLRZ T:Humors of Max, The
ABC 1 C1:000777060262064 C2:ddddudududduuuu M:6/8 K:G H:LRSZ T:Humors of Mil(l)town [1]
ABC 1 C1: C2: M:6/8 K:G H:LRSZ T:Humors of Mil(l)town [1]
ABC 141176 C1:011777011777170 C2:uudduuudddudddd M:6/8 K:Dm H:CLQZ T:HUMORS OF MONEYGLASS*
ABC 141176 C1:011777011777170 C2:uudduuudddudddd M:6/8 K:Dm H:CLQZ T:HUMORS OF MONEYGLASS*
ABC 141176 C1:011777011777170 C2:uudduuudddudddd M:6/8 K:Dm H:CLQZ T:HUMORS OF MONEYGLASS*
ABC 1 C1:777671172677060 C2:ddddduududdddud M:6/8 K:D H:LRSZ T:Humors of Mullinafauna [1]
ABC 1 C1:777671037677063 C2:ddddduudddddudd M:6/8 K:D H:BL T:Humors of Mullinafauna [1]
ABC 331037 C1:040011061653175 C2:uuududduudududu M:6/8 K:D H:BCLQR T:HUMORS OF MULLINAFAUNA
ABC 876 C1:777671172677060 C2:ddddduududdddud M:6/8 K:D H:BLZ T:The Humors of Mullinafauna
ABC 876 C1:777671172677060 C2:ddddduududdddud M:6/8 K:D H:BLZ T:The Humors of Mullinafauna
ABC 876 C1:777671172677060 C2:ddddduududdddud M:6/8 K:D H:BLZ T:The Humors of Mullinafauna
ABC 876 C1:777671172677060 C2:ddddduududdddud M:6/8 K:D H:BLZ T:The Humors of Mullinafauna
ABC 845 C1:777671172677060 C2:ddddduududdddud M:6/8 K:D H:BLZ T:The Humors of Mullinafauna
ABC 531053 C1:777671037677063 C2:ddddduudddddudd M:6/8 K:D H:BCLR T:Humors of Mullinafauna
ABC 1 C1:777671172677060 C2:ddddduududdddud M:6/8 K:D H:BCLORZ T:The humors of Mullinafauna
ABC 5642 C1:777671172677060 C2:ddddduududdddud M:6/8 K:D H:BCLORZ T:The humors of Mullinafauna
ABC 845 C1:277767117267706 C2:uuddddduududddd M:6/8 K:D H:BLORZbs T:the Humors of Mullinafauna
ABC 845 C1:277767117267706 C2:uuddddduududddd M:6/8 K:D H:BLORZbs T:the Humors of Mullinafauna
ABC 845 C1:277767117267706 C2:uuddddduududddd M:6/8 K:D H:BLORZbs T:the Humors of Mullinafauna
ABC 845 C1:277767117267706 C2:uuddddduududddd M:6/8 K:D H:BLORZbs T:the Humors of Mullinafauna
ABC 845 C1:277767117267706 C2:uuddddduududddd M:6/8 K:D H:BLORZbs T:the Humors of Mullinafauna
ABC 845 C1:277767117267706 C2:uuddddduududddd M:6/8 K:D H:BLORZbs T:the Humors of Mullinafauna
ABC 845 C1:277767117267706 C2:uuddddduududddd M:6/8 K:D H:BLORZbs T:the Humors of Mullinafauna
ABC 106 C1:777671172677060 C2:ddddduududdddud M:6/8 K:D H:BLORZ T:The Humors Of Mullinafauna
ABC 106 C1:777671172677060 C2:ddddduududdddud M:6/8 K:D H:BLORZ T:The Humors Of Mullinafauna
ABC 493180 C1:777671172677060 C2:ddddduududdddud M:6/8 K:field H:BLRSZ T:HUMORS OF MULLINAFAUNA, The
ABC 1 C1:070707060701010 C2:ddddduududdddud M:6/8 K:D H:LQR T:The Humors of Mullinafauna
ABC 1 C1:070707060701010 C2:ddddduududdddud M:6/8 K:D H:LQR T:The Humors of Mullinafauna
ABC 106 C1:277767117267706 C2:uuddddduududddd M:6/8 K:D H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Mullinafauna
ABC 106 C1:277767117267706 C2:uuddddduududddd M:6/8 K:D H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Mullinafauna
ABC 106 C1:277767117267706 C2:uuddddduududddd M:6/8 K:D H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Mullinafauna
ABC 106 C1:277767117267706 C2:uuddddduududddd M:6/8 K:D H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Mullinafauna
ABC 845 C1:777671172677060 C2:ddddduududdddud M:6/8 K:D H:BLZ T:The Humors of Mullinafauna
ABC 531053 C1:777671037677063 C2:ddddduudddddudd M:6/8 K:D H:BCLR T:Humors of Mullinafauna
ABC 531053 C1:777671037677063 C2:ddddduudddddudd M:6/8 K:D H:BCLR T:Humors of Mullinafauna
ABC 331037 C1:040011061653175 C2:uuududduudududu M:6/8 K:D H:BCLQR T:HUMORS OF MULLINAFAUNA
ABC 331037 C1:040011061653175 C2:uuududduudududu M:6/8 K:D H:BCLQR T:HUMORS OF MULLINAFAUNA
ABC 50 C1:777671037677063 C2:ddddduudddddudd M:6/8 K:D H:LRS T:Humors of Mullinafauna
ABC 415 C1:777671037677063 C2:ddddduudddddudd M:6/8 K:D H:LRS T:Humors of Mullinafauna
ABC 493180 C1:777671172677060 C2:ddddduududdddud M:6/8 K:field H:BLRSZ T:HUMORS OF MULLINAFAUNA, The
ABC 493180 C1:777671172677060 C2:ddddduududdddud M:6/8 K:field H:BLRSZ T:HUMORS OF MULLINAFAUNA, The
ABC 5642 C1:777671172677060 C2:ddddduududdddud M:6/8 K:D H:BCLORZ T:The humors of Mullinafauna
ABC 5642 C1:777671172677060 C2:ddddduududdddud M:6/8 K:D H:BCLORZ T:The humors of Mullinafauna
ABC 845 C1:777671172677060 C2:ddddduududdddud M:6/8 K:D H:BLZ T:The Humors of Mullinafauna
ABC 106 C1:777671172677060 C2:ddddduududdddud M:6/8 K:D H:BCFLORWZ T:The humors of Mullinafauna
ABC 106 C1:777671172677060 C2:ddddduududdddud M:6/8 K:D H:BLORZ T:The Humors Of Mullinafauna
ABC 106 C1:777671172677060 C2:ddddduududdddud M:6/8 K:D H:BLORZ T:The Humors Of Mullinafauna
ABC 13517 C1:777671172677060 C2:ddddduududdddud M:6/8 K:D H:BCLORZ T:The humors of Mullinafauna
ABC 13517 C1:777671172677060 C2:ddddduududdddud M:6/8 K:D H:BCLORZ T:The humors of Mullinafauna
ABC 13517 C1:777671172677060 C2:ddddduududdddud M:6/8 K:D H:BCLORZ T:The humors of Mullinafauna
ABC 2643 C1:777671172677060 C2:ddddduududdddud M:6/8 K:D H:BCLORZ T:The humors of Mullinafauna
ABC 876 C1:777671172677060 C2:ddddduududdddud M:6/8 K:D H:BLZ T:The Humors of Mullinafauna
ABC 876 C1:777671172677060 C2:ddddduududdddud M:6/8 K:D H:BLZ T:The Humors of Mullinafauna
ABC 181043 C1:027767600712600 C2:udddddduudduudd M:6/8 K:D H:CQR T:HUMORS OF MULTYFARNHAM, The
ABC 181043 C1:027767600712600 C2:udddddduudduudd M:6/8 K:D H:CQR T:HUMORS OF MULTYFARNHAM, The
ABC 181043 C1:027767600712600 C2:udddddduudduudd M:6/8 K:D H:CQR T:HUMORS OF MULTYFARNHAM, The
ABC 1524 C1:271607670661300 C2:udududddduduudu M:C| K:D H:BLORZbs T:the Humors of Newcastle #2
ABC 1524 C1:271607670661300 C2:udududddduduudu M:C| K:D H:BLORZbs T:the Humors of Newcastle #2
ABC 743 C1:271607670661300 C2:udududddduduudu M:C| K:D H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Newcastle #2
ABC 743 C1:271607670661300 C2:udududddduduudu M:C| K:D H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Newcastle #2
ABC 743 C1:271607670661300 C2:udududddduduudu M:C| K:D H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Newcastle #2
ABC 743 C1:271607670661300 C2:udududddduduudu M:C| K:D H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Newcastle #2
ABC 743 C1:271607670661300 C2:udududdddududdu M:C| K:D H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Newcastle #2
ABC 743 C1:271607670661300 C2:udududdddududdu M:C| K:D H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Newcastle #2
ABC 1524 C1:271607670661300 C2:udududdddududdu M:C| K:D H:BLORZbs T:the Humors of Newcastle #3
ABC 1524 C1:271607670661300 C2:udududdddududdu M:C| K:D H:BLORZbs T:the Humors of Newcastle #3
ABC 1 C1:271607670661300 C2:udududddduduudu M:4/4 K:D H:CLQR T:The Humors of Newcastle
ABC 1 C1:271607670661300 C2:udududddduduudu M:4/4 K:D H:CLQR T:The Humors of Newcastle
ABC 495136 C1:066130042716076 C2:dduduudududdddu M:C| K:D H:BLRSZ T:HUMORS OF NEWCASTLE, The
ABC 1573 C1:066130042716076 C2:dduduudududdddu M:C| K:D H:BLRZ T:The Humors of Newcastle
ABC 1573 C1:066130042716076 C2:dduduudududdddu M:C| K:D H:BLRZ T:The Humors of Newcastle
ABC 1573 C1:066130042716076 C2:dduduudududdddu M:C| K:D H:BLRZ T:The Humors of Newcastle
ABC 742 C1:066130042716076 C2:dduduudududdddu M:C| K:D H:BLORZ T:The Humors Of Newcastle
ABC 742 C1:066130042716076 C2:dduduudududdddu M:C| K:D H:BLORZ T:The Humors Of Newcastle
ABC 742 C1:066130042716076 C2:dduduudududdddu M:C| K:D H:BLORZ T:The Humors Of Newcastle
ABC 1524 C1:271607670661300 C2:udududddduduudu M:C| K:D H:BLORZbs T:the Humors of Newcastle
ABC 1524 C1:271607670661300 C2:udududddduduudu M:C| K:D H:BLORZbs T:the Humors of Newcastle
ABC 1524 C1:271607670661300 C2:udududddduduudu M:C| K:D H:BLORZbs T:the Humors of Newcastle
ABC 1524 C1:271607670661300 C2:udududddduduudu M:C| K:D H:BLORZbs T:the Humors of Newcastle
ABC 1524 C1:271607670661300 C2:udududddduduudu M:C| K:D H:BLORZbs T:the Humors of Newcastle
ABC 1524 C1:271607670661300 C2:udududddduduudu M:C| K:D H:BLORZbs T:the Humors of Newcastle
ABC 1524 C1:271607670661300 C2:udududddduduudu M:C| K:D H:BLORZbs T:the Humors of Newcastle
ABC 743 C1:271607670661300 C2:udududddduduudu M:C| K:D H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Newcastle
ABC 743 C1:271607670661300 C2:udududddduduudu M:C| K:D H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Newcastle
ABC 743 C1:271607670661300 C2:udududddduduudu M:C| K:D H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Newcastle
ABC 743 C1:271607670661300 C2:udududddduduudu M:C| K:D H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Newcastle
ABC 743 C1:271607670661300 C2:udududddduduudu M:C| K:D H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Newcastle
ABC 743 C1:271607670661300 C2:udududddduduudu M:C| K:D H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Newcastle
ABC 743 C1:271607670661300 C2:udududddduduudu M:C| K:D H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Newcastle
ABC 743 C1:271607670661300 C2:udududddduduudu M:C| K:D H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Newcastle
ABC 1 C1:066130042716076 C2:dduduudududdddu M:C| K:D H:LRSZ T:Humors of Newcastle, The
ABC 1524 C1:066130042716076 C2:dduduudududdddu M:C| K:D H:BLRZ T:Humors of Newcastle, The
ABC 495136 C1:066130042716076 C2:dduduudududdddu M:C| K:D H:BLRSZ T:HUMORS OF NEWCASTLE, The
ABC 495136 C1:066130042716076 C2:dduduudududdddu M:C| K:D H:BLRSZ T:HUMORS OF NEWCASTLE, The
ABC 1524 C1:066130042716076 C2:dduduudududdddu M:C| K:D H:BLRZ T:Humors of Newcastle, The
ABC 743 C1:066130042716076 C2:dduduudududdddu M:C| K:D H:BCFLORWZm T:The humors of Newcastle
ABC 742 C1:066130042716076 C2:dduduudududdddu M:C| K:D H:BLORZ T:The Humors Of Newcastle
ABC 742 C1:066130042716076 C2:dduduudududdddu M:C| K:D H:BLORZ T:The Humors Of Newcastle
ABC 1573 C1:066130042716076 C2:dduduudududdddu M:C| K:D H:BLRZ T:The Humors of Newcastle
ABC 1573 C1:066130042716076 C2:dduduudududdddu M:C| K:D H:BLRZ T:The Humors of Newcastle
ABC 1 C1:021106060243662 C2:uuuddududduuuuu M:4/4 K:Am H:CLQR T:The Humors of Old Knockaney
ABC 1 C1:021106060243662 C2:uuuddududduuuuu M:4/4 K:Am H:CLQR T:The Humors of Old Knockaney
ABC 460 C1:024366210211064 C2:ududduuuuuddudd M:4/4 K:Ador H:LRS T:Humors of Old Knockaney
ABC 440 C1:024366210211064 C2:ududduuuuuddudd M:4/4 K:Ador H:LRS T:Humors of Old Knockaney
ABC 533047 C1:021106770243662 C2:uuudddududduuuu M:4/4 K:Ador H:BCLR T:HUMORS OF OLD KNOCKANEY (reel), The
ABC 533047 C1:021106770243662 C2:uuudddududduuuu M:4/4 K:Ador H:BCLR T:HUMORS OF OLD KNOCKANEY (reel), The
ABC 533047 C1:021106770243662 C2:uuudddududduuuu M:4/4 K:Ador H:BCLR T:HUMORS OF OLD KNOCKANEY (reel), The
ABC 1 C1:000621000711170 C2:duuduuuddduduuu M:6/8 K:Emin H:LRSZ T:Humors of Passage [1], The
ABC 493181 C1:000621000711170 C2:duuduuuddduduuu M:6/8 K:Em H:BLRZ T:HUMORS OF PASSAGE, The
ABC 331038 C1:000621000621170 C2:duuduuuddduduuu M:6/8 K:G H:BCLQRY T:HUMORS OF PASSAGE, The
ABC 940 C1:000621000711170 C2:duuduuuddduduuu M:6/8 K:Em H:BLRZ T:the Humors of Passage
ABC 940 C1:000621000711170 C2:duuduuuddduduuu M:6/8 K:Em H:BLRZ T:the Humors of Passage
ABC 940 C1:000621000711170 C2:duuduuuddduduuu M:6/8 K:Em H:BLRZ T:the Humors of Passage
ABC 940 C1:000621000711170 C2:duuduuuddduduuu M:6/8 K:Em H:BLRZ T:the Humors of Passage
ABC 331038 C1:000621000621170 C2:duuduuuddduduuu M:6/8 K:G H:BCLQRY T:HUMORS OF PASSAGE, The
ABC 331038 C1:000621000621170 C2:duuduuuddduduuu M:6/8 K:G H:BCLQRY T:HUMORS OF PASSAGE, The
ABC 493181 C1:000621000711170 C2:duuduuuddduduuu M:6/8 K:Em H:BLRZ T:HUMORS OF PASSAGE, The
ABC 493181 C1:000621000711170 C2:duuduuuddduduuu M:6/8 K:Em H:BLRZ T:HUMORS OF PASSAGE, The
ABC 1 C1:622771677167323 C2:duuddudddudduud M:6/8 K:G H:CLQR T:Humors of Plumbridge
ABC 55 C1:622771677167323 C2:duuddudddudduud M:6/8 K:G H:"CLQR T:Humors of Plumbridge
ABC 355 C1:622771677167323 C2:duuddudddudduud M:6/8 K:G H:"CLQR T:Humors of Plumbridge
ABC 340 C1:162277167716732 C2:uduuddudddudduu M:6/8 K:G H:"CLQRV T:Humors of Plumbridge (with piano acc.)
ABC 9067 C1:162277167716732 C2:uduuddudddudduu M:6/8 K:G H:"CLQRV T:Humors of Plumbridge (with piano acc.)
ABC 9067 C1:162277167716732 C2:uduuddudddudduu M:6/8 K:G H:"CLQRV T:Humors of Plumbridge (with piano acc.)
ABC 1 C1:066167720563066 C2:ddudddudduddudu M:C| K:G H:LRS T:Humors of Potrat
ABC 1 C1:653160011117653 C2:dududuuuudduduu M:4/4 K:A H:LRSZ T:Humors of Priesthouse
ABC 46028 C1:653160011117653 C2:dududuuuudduduu M:C K:A H:BCLQR T:HUMORS of PRIEST'S HOUSE (reel), The
ABC 46028 C1:653160011117653 C2:dududuuuudduduu M:C K:A H:BCLQR T:HUMORS of PRIEST'S HOUSE (reel), The
ABC 46028 C1:653160011117653 C2:dududuuuudduduu M:C K:A H:BCLQR T:HUMORS of PRIEST'S HOUSE (reel), The
ABC 51047 C1:600076111117775 C2:duddduuuuudddud M:6/8 K:G H:BCLQR T:HUMORS of REHY, The
ABC 51047 C1:600076111117775 C2:duddduuuuudddud M:6/8 K:G H:BCLQR T:HUMORS of REHY, The
ABC 51047 C1:600076111117775 C2:duddduuuuudddud M:6/8 K:G H:BCLQR T:HUMORS of REHY, The
ABC 1 C1:627621660264660 C2:dudduuddududdud M:6/8 K:D H:LRS T:Humors of Reken
ABC 143 C1:067722001401111 C2:ddduuuduuuuuudd M:4/4 K:Em H:LZ T:Humors of Rockstown Reel
ABC 143 C1:067722001401111 C2:ddduuuduuuuuudd M:4/4 K:Em H:LZ T:Humors of Rockstown Reel
ABC 7295 C1:067722001401111 C2:ddduuuduuuuuudd M:4/4 K:Em H:L T:Humors of Rockstown Reel
ABC 7295 C1:067722001401111 C2:ddduuuduuuuuudd M:4/4 K:Em H:L T:Humors of Rockstown Reel
ABC 1 C1:627621620277627 C2:dudduuduudddudd M:6/8 K:G H:LS T:Humors of Ross (#111), The
ABC 1 C1:627621620277627 C2:dudduuduudddudd M:6/8 K:G H:LS T:Humors of Ross (#111), The
ABC 1 C1:627621620277627 C2:dudduuduudddudd M:6/8 K:G H:LS T:Humors of Ross (#111), The
ABC 1 C1:627621620277627 C2:dudduuduudddudd M:6/8 K:G H:LS T:Humors of Ross (#111), The
ABC 1 C1:627621620277627 C2:dudduuduudddudd M:6/8 K:G H:LS T:Humors of Ross (#111), The
ABC 1 C1:627621620277627 C2:dudduuduudddudd M:6/8 K:G H:LS T:Humors of Ross (#111), The
ABC 1 C1:677240712041761 C2:dddudduuuuddudd M:6/8 K:Emin H:BLR T:Humors of Ross [1], The
ABC 1 C1:677240712041761 C2:dddudduuuuddudd M:6/8 K:Emin H:BLR T:Humors of Ross [1], The
ABC 182047 C1:677231712041761 C2:dddududuuuuddud M:6/8 K:G H:CLQR T:HUMORS OF ROSS, The
ABC 115 C1:627621620277627 C2:dudduuduudddudd M:6/8 K:G H:LS T:The Humors of Ross
ABC 115 C1:627621620277627 C2:dudduuduudddudd M:6/8 K:G H:LS T:The Humors of Ross
ABC 115 C1:627621620277627 C2:dudduuduudddudd M:6/8 K:G H:LS T:The Humors of Ross
ABC 297 C1:626262620277620 C2:dudududuudddudu M:6/8 K:G H:LQR T:Humors of Ross
ABC 297 C1:626262620277620 C2:dudududuudddudu M:6/8 K:G H:LQR T:Humors of Ross
ABC 297 C1:626262620277620 C2:dudududuudddudu M:6/8 K:G H:LQR T:Humors of Ross
ABC 297 C1:626262620277620 C2:dudududuudddudu M:6/8 K:G H:LQR T:Humors of Ross
ABC 400 C1:677231712041761 C2:dddududuuuuddud M:6/8 K:Dmix H:LRSZ T:Humors of Ross
ABC 297 C1:626262620277620 C2:dudududuudddudu M:6/8 K:G H:LQR T:Humors of Ross
ABC 297 C1:626262620277620 C2:dudududuudddudu M:6/8 K:G H:LQR T:Humors of Ross
ABC 200 C1:677231712041761 C2:dddududuuuuddud M:6/8 K:Dmix H:LRSZ T:Humors of Ross
ABC 182047 C1:677231712041761 C2:dddududuuuuddud M:6/8 K:G H:CLQR T:HUMORS OF ROSS, The
ABC 182047 C1:677231712041761 C2:dddududuuuuddud M:6/8 K:G H:CLQR T:HUMORS OF ROSS, The
ABC 58076 C1:627621620277627 C2:dudduuduudddudd M:6/8 K:G H:BCLRS T:HUMORS OF ROSS, The
ABC 58076 C1:627621620277627 C2:dudduuduudddudd M:6/8 K:G H:BCLRS T:HUMORS OF ROSS, The
ABC 115 C1:627621620277627 C2:dudduuduudddudd M:6/8 K:G H:LS T:The Humors of Ross
ABC 115 C1:627621620277627 C2:dudduuduudddudd M:6/8 K:G H:LS T:The Humors of Ross
ABC 581076 C1:627621620277627 C2:dudduuduudddudd M:6/8\ K:G\ H:BCLQRS T:HUMORS OF ROSS, The \
ABC 21089 C1:673625363011077 C2:ddudududuuudddd M:C K:Dm H:BLRZ T:HUMORS OF SCARIFF (reel), The
ABC 21089 C1:673625363011077 C2:ddudududuuudddd M:C K:Dm H:BLRZ T:HUMORS OF SCARIFF (reel), The
ABC 21089 C1:673625363011077 C2:ddudududuuudddd M:C K:Dm H:BLRZ T:HUMORS OF SCARIFF (reel), The
ABC 1 C1:301107776736253 C2:uuudddddudududu M:4/4 K:Am H:CLQR T:The Humors of Scarriff
ABC 1 C1:301107776736253 C2:uuudddddudududu M:4/4 K:Am H:CLQR T:The Humors of Scarriff
ABC 775 C1:673625363011077 C2:ddudududuuudddd M:C K:Ddor H:BLORZ T:The Humors Of Scarriff
ABC 775 C1:673625363011077 C2:ddudududuuudddd M:C K:Ddor H:BLORZ T:The Humors Of Scarriff
ABC 775 C1:673625363011077 C2:ddudududuuudddd M:C K:Ddor H:BLORZ T:The Humors Of Scarriff
ABC 776 C1:301107776736253 C2:uuudddddudududu M:C K:Ddor H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Scarriff
ABC 776 C1:301107776736253 C2:uuudddddudududu M:C K:Ddor H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Scarriff
ABC 776 C1:301107776736253 C2:uuudddddudududu M:C K:Ddor H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Scarriff
ABC 776 C1:301107776736253 C2:uuudddddudududu M:C K:Ddor H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Scarriff
ABC 776 C1:301107776736253 C2:uuudddddudududu M:C K:Ddor H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Scarriff
ABC 776 C1:301107776736253 C2:uuudddddudududu M:C K:Ddor H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Scarriff
ABC 776 C1:301107776736253 C2:uuudddddudududu M:C K:Ddor H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Scarriff
ABC 776 C1:301107776736253 C2:uuudddddudududu M:C K:Ddor H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Scarriff
ABC 1 C1:673625363011077 C2:ddudududuuudddd M:C| K:D H:LRSZ T:Humors of Scarriff, The
ABC 45 C1:001107776736115 C2:uuddddduduududu M:4/4 K:C H:LQRSZ T:Humors of Scarriff, The
ABC 45 C1:001107776736115 C2:uuddddduduududu M:C| K:C H:LQRSZ T:Humors of Scarriff, The
ABC 9 C1:001107776736115 C2:uuddddduduududu M:C| K:C H:LQRSZ T:Humors of Scarriff, The
ABC 860 C1:673625363011077 C2:ddudududuuudddd M:C K:Ddor H:BCFLORWZm T:The humors of Scarriff
ABC 7296 C1:001107776736115 C2:uuddddduduududu M:4/4 K:C H:LQRSZ T:Humors of Scarriff, The
ABC 7296 C1:001107776736115 C2:uuddddduduududu M:4/4 K:C H:LQRSZ T:Humors of Scarriff, The
ABC 775 C1:673625363011077 C2:ddudududuuudddd M:C K:Ddor H:BLORZ T:The Humors Of Scarriff
ABC 775 C1:673625363011077 C2:ddudududuuudddd M:C K:Ddor H:BLORZ T:The Humors Of Scarriff
ABC 57116 C1:675111672716076 C2:ddduuuddudududu M:4/4\ K:G\ H:BCLQR T:Humors of Scartaglen\
ABC 275 C1:676011672716076 C2:ddduuddudududud M:4/4 K:D H:LRSZ T:Humors of Scartaglen
ABC 57116 C1:675111672716076 C2:ddduuuddudududu M:4/4 K:G H:BCLQR T:Humors of Scartaglen
ABC 57116 C1:675111672716076 C2:ddduuuddudududu M:4/4 K:G H:BCLQR T:Humors of Scartaglen
ABC 13321 C1:271604376760116 C2:ududuudddduuddu M:4/4 K:G H:CLQR T:The HUMORS OF SCARTAGLEN (reel)
ABC 13321 C1:271604376760116 C2:ududuudddduuddu M:4/4 K:G H:CLQR T:The HUMORS OF SCARTAGLEN (reel)
ABC 13321 C1:271604376760116 C2:ududuudddduuddu M:4/4 K:G H:CLQR T:The HUMORS OF SCARTAGLEN (reel)
ABC 1470 C1:300260016002116 C2:uududuuududddud M:C| K:Am H:BLORZbs T:the Humors of Schull #2
ABC 1470 C1:300260016002116 C2:uududuuududddud M:C| K:Am H:BLORZbs T:the Humors of Schull #2
ABC 1470 C1:300260016002116 C2:uududuuududddud M:C| K:Am H:BLORZbs T:the Humors of Schull #2
ABC 1470 C1:300260016002116 C2:uududuuududddud M:C| K:Am H:BLORZbs T:the Humors of Schull #2
ABC 699 C1:300260016002116 C2:uududuuududddud M:C| K:Ador H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Schull #2
ABC 699 C1:300260016002116 C2:uududuuududddud M:C| K:Ador H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Schull #2
ABC 699 C1:300260016002116 C2:uududuuududddud M:C| K:Ador H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Schull #2
ABC 699 C1:300260016002116 C2:uududuuududddud M:C| K:Ador H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Schull #2
ABC 1 C1:300260016002116 C2:uududuuududddud M:4/4 K:Am H:CLQR T:The Humors of Schull
ABC 1 C1:300260016002116 C2:uududuuududddud M:4/4 K:Am H:CLQR T:The Humors of Schull
ABC 495137 C1:601111637067066 C2:duuuududddudddd M:C| K:G H:BLRSZ T:HUMORS OF SCHULL, The
ABC 1519 C1:600211637067066 C2:duuududdduddddu M:C| K:Am H:BLZ T:The Humors Of Schull
ABC 1519 C1:600211637067066 C2:duuududdduddddu M:C| K:Am H:BLZ T:The Humors Of Schull
ABC 1519 C1:600211637067066 C2:duuududdduddddu M:C| K:Am H:BLZ T:The Humors Of Schull
ABC 1470 C1:600211637067066 C2:duuududdduddddu M:C| K:Am H:BLZ T:The Humors Of Schull
ABC 1470 C1:300260016002116 C2:uududuuududddud M:C| K:Am H:BLORZbs T:the Humors of Schull
ABC 1470 C1:300260016002116 C2:uududuuududddud M:C| K:Am H:BLORZbs T:the Humors of Schull
ABC 1470 C1:300260016002116 C2:uududuuududddud M:C| K:Am H:BLORZbs T:the Humors of Schull
ABC 1470 C1:300260016002116 C2:uududuuududddud M:C| K:Am H:BLORZbs T:the Humors of Schull
ABC 699 C1:600211637067066 C2:duuududdduddddu M:C| K:Am H:BLORZ T:The Humors Of Schull
ABC 699 C1:600211637067066 C2:duuududdduddddu M:C| K:Am H:BLORZ T:The Humors Of Schull
ABC 699 C1:600211637067066 C2:duuududdduddddu M:C| K:Am H:BLORZ T:The Humors Of Schull
ABC 1470 C1:300260016002116 C2:uududuuududddud M:C| K:Am H:BLORZbs T:the Humors of Schull
ABC 1470 C1:300260016002116 C2:uududuuududddud M:C| K:Am H:BLORZbs T:the Humors of Schull
ABC 1470 C1:300260016002116 C2:uududuuududddud M:C| K:Am H:BLORZbs T:the Humors of Schull
ABC 1470 C1:300260016002116 C2:uududuuududddud M:C| K:Am H:BLORZbs T:the Humors of Schull
ABC 699 C1:300260016002116 C2:uududuuududddud M:C| K:Am H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Schull
ABC 699 C1:300260016002116 C2:uududuuududddud M:C| K:Am H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Schull
ABC 699 C1:300260016002116 C2:uududuuududddud M:C| K:Am H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Schull
ABC 699 C1:300260016002116 C2:uududuuududddud M:C| K:Am H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Schull
ABC 699 C1:300260016002116 C2:uududuuududddud M:C| K:Am H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Schull
ABC 699 C1:300260016002116 C2:uududuuududddud M:C| K:Am H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Schull
ABC 699 C1:300260016002116 C2:uududuuududddud M:C| K:Am H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Schull
ABC 699 C1:300260016002116 C2:uududuuududddud M:C| K:Am H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Schull
ABC 1 C1:600211637067066 C2:duuududdduddddu M:C| K:Amin H:LRSZ T:Humors of Schull, The
ABC 1 C1:600211637067066 C2:duuududdduddddu M:C| K:Am H:BLRZ T:The Humors of Schull
ABC 2 C1:600211637067066 C2:duuududdduddddu M:C| K:Amin H:LRSZ T:Humors of Schull, The
ABC 1470 C1:600211637067066 C2:duuududdduddddu M:C| K:Am H:BLZ T:The Humors Of Schull
ABC 495137 C1:601111637067066 C2:duuuududddudddd M:C| K:G H:BLRSZ T:HUMORS OF SCHULL, The
ABC 495137 C1:601111637067066 C2:duuuududddudddd M:C| K:G H:BLRSZ T:HUMORS OF SCHULL, The
ABC 1470 C1:600211637067066 C2:duuududdduddddu M:C| K:Am H:BLZ T:The Humors Of Schull
ABC 699 C1:600211637067066 C2:duuududdduddddu M:C| K:Am H:BCFLORWZm T:The humors of Schull
ABC 699 C1:600211637067066 C2:duuududdduddddu M:C| K:Am H:BLORZ T:The Humors Of Schull
ABC 699 C1:600211637067066 C2:duuududdduddddu M:C| K:Am H:BLORZ T:The Humors Of Schull
ABC 1519 C1:600211637067066 C2:duuududdduddddu M:C| K:Am H:BLZ T:The Humors Of Schull
ABC 1519 C1:600211637067066 C2:duuududdduddddu M:C| K:Am H:BLZ T:The Humors Of Schull
ABC 294 C1:061773027777170 C2:dudduudddduduud M:6/8 K:G H:LQR T:Humors of Shannon
ABC 294 C1:061773027777170 C2:dudduudddduduud M:6/8 K:G H:LQR T:Humors of Shannon
ABC 294 C1:061773027777170 C2:dudduudddduduud M:6/8 K:G H:LQR T:Humors of Shannon
ABC 294 C1:061773027777170 C2:dudduudddduduud M:6/8 K:G H:LQR T:Humors of Shannon
ABC 294 C1:061773027777170 C2:dudduudddduduud M:6/8 K:G H:LQR T:Humors of Shannon
ABC 294 C1:061773027777170 C2:dudduudddduduud M:6/8 K:G H:LQR T:Humors of Shannon
ABC 39096 C1:102607102113102 C2:dududuuuududuuu M:6/8 K:D H:BLQRY T:HUMORS OF SLIGO, The
ABC 39096 C1:102607102113102 C2:dududuuuududuuu M:6/8 K:D H:BLQRY T:HUMORS OF SLIGO, The
ABC 39096 C1:102607102113102 C2:dududuuuududuuu M:6/8 K:D H:BLQRY T:HUMORS OF SLIGO, The
ABC 1 C1: C2: M:6/8 K:D H:BFLRZ T:Humors of Strand Road, The
ABC 33 C1:762266217621762 C2:dduudduudduuddu M:4/4 K:Am H:LRSZ T:Humors of Swanlinbar
ABC 33 C1:762266217621762 C2:dduudduudduuddu M:4/4 K:Am H:LRSZ T:Humors of Swanlinbar
ABC 33 C1:762266217621762 C2:dduudduudduuddu M:4/4 K:Am H:LRSZ T:Humors of Swanlinbar
ABC 33 C1:762266217621762 C2:dduudduudduuddu M:4/4 K:Am H:LRSZ T:Humors of Swanlinbar
ABC 33 C1:762266217621762 C2:dduudduudduuddu M:4/4 K:Am H:LRSZ T:Humors of Swanlinbar
ABC 266 C1:026106630263616 C2:ududduudududuuu M:C| K:G H:BLQSZ T:Humors of the Fair. JBut.265, The
ABC 1 C1:260500571303260 C2:udddudududuuddd M:6/8 K:C H:L T:The Humors Of the Glen
ABC 1 C1:260500571303260 C2:udddudududuuddd M:6/8 K:C H:L T:The Humors Of the Glen
ABC 1 C1:260500571303260 C2:udddudududuuddd M:6/8 K:C H:L T:The Humors Of the Glen
ABC 1 C1:260500571303260 C2:udddudududuuddd M:6/8 K:C H:CLOQSWZ T:Humors Of the Glen, The
ABC 93 C1:260500571303260 C2:udddudududuuddd M:6/8 K:C H:CLOQSWZ T:Humors Of the Glen, The
ABC 83 C1:260500571303260 C2:udddudududuuddd M:6/8 K:C H:CLOQSW T:Humors Of the Glen, The
ABC 93 C1:260500571303260 C2:udddudududuuddd M:6/8 K:C H:CLOQSWZ T:Humors Of the Glen, The
ABC 93 C1:260500571303260 C2:udddudududuuddd M:6/8 K:C H:CLOQSWZ T:Humors Of the Glen, The
ABC 93 C1:260500571303260 C2:udddudududuuddd M:6/8 K:C H:CLOQSWZ T:Humors Of the Glen, The
ABC 7297 C1:260500571303260 C2:udddudududuuddd M:6/8 K:C H:CLOQSWZ T:Humors Of the Glen, The
ABC 7297 C1:260500571303260 C2:udddudududuuddd M:6/8 K:C H:CLOQSWZ T:Humors Of the Glen, The
ABC 93 C1:260500571303260 C2:udddudududuuddd M:6/8 K:C H:CLOQSWZ T:Humors Of the Glen, The
ABC 93 C1:260500571303260 C2:udddudududuuddd M:6/8 K:C H:CLOQSWZ T:Humors Of the Glen, The
ABC 93 C1:260500571303260 C2:udddudududuuddd M:6/8 K:C H:CLOQSWZ T:Humors Of the Glen, The
ABC 93 C1:260500571303260 C2:udddudududuuddd M:6/8 K:C H:CLOQSWZ T:Humors Of the Glen, The
ABC 5805 C1:260500571303260 C2:udddudududuuddd M:6/8 K:C H:CLOQSWZ T:Humors Of the Glen, The
ABC 5805 C1:260500571303260 C2:udddudududuuddd M:6/8 K:C H:CLOQSWZ T:Humors Of the Glen, The
ABC 5805 C1:260500571303260 C2:udddudududuuddd M:6/8 K:C H:CLOQSWZ T:Humors Of the Glen, The
ABC 491251 C1:000025000677000 C2:uuddddduuduuudd M:3/4 K:G H:BLSYZ T:HUMORS OF THE JOYCE COUNTRY, The
ABC 221 C1:000025000677000 C2:uuddddduuduuudd M:3/4 K:G H:BLZ T:The Humors of the Joyce Country
ABC 221 C1:000025000677000 C2:uuddddduuduuudd M:3/4 K:G H:BLZ T:The Humors of the Joyce Country
ABC 221 C1:000025000677000 C2:uuddddduuduuudd M:3/4 K:G H:BLZ T:The Humors of the Joyce Country
ABC 221 C1:000025000677000 C2:uuddddduuduuudd M:3/4 K:G H:BLZ T:The Humors of the Joyce Country
ABC 221 C1:000025000677000 C2:uuddddduuduuudd M:3/4 K:G H:BLZ T:The Humors of the Joyce Country
ABC 221 C1:000025000677000 C2:uuddddduuduuudd M:3/4 K:G H:BLZ T:the Humors of the Joyce Country
ABC 221 C1:000025000677000 C2:uuddddduuduuudd M:3/4 K:G H:BLZ T:the Humors of the Joyce Country
ABC 221 C1:000025000677000 C2:uuddddduuduuudd M:3/4 K:G H:BLZ T:the Humors of the Joyce Country
ABC 221 C1:000025000677000 C2:uuddddduuduuudd M:3/4 K:G H:BLQRZbs T:the Humors of the Joyce Country
ABC 221 C1:000025000677000 C2:uuddddduuduuudd M:3/4 K:G H:BLQRZbs T:the Humors of the Joyce Country
ABC 221 C1:000025000677000 C2:uuddddduuduuudd M:3/4 K:G H:BLQRZbs T:the Humors of the Joyce Country
ABC 221 C1:000025000677000 C2:uuddddduuduuudd M:3/4 K:G H:BLQRZbs T:the Humors of the Joyce Country
ABC 221 C1:000025000677000 C2:uuddddduuduuudd M:3/4 K:G H:BLQRZbs T:the Humors of the Joyce Country
ABC 221 C1:000025000677000 C2:uuddddduuduuudd M:3/4 K:G H:BLQRZbs T:the Humors of the Joyce Country
ABC 221 C1:000025000677000 C2:uuddddduuduuudd M:3/4 K:G H:BLQRZbs T:the Humors of the Joyce Country
ABC 221 C1:000025000677000 C2:uuddddduuduuudd M:3/4 K:G H:BLQRZbs T:the Humors of the Joyce Country
ABC 1 C1:000025000677000 C2:uuddddduuduuudd M:3/4 K:Edor H:LRSZ T:Humors of the Joyce Country, The
ABC 221 C1:000025000677000 C2:uuddddduuduuudd M:3/4 K:G H:BLZ T:The Humors of the Joyce Country
ABC 57 C1:000025000677000 C2:uuddddduuduuudd M:3/4 K:G treble H:CLQ T:The Humors of the Joyce Country
ABC 491251 C1:000025000677000 C2:uuddddduuduuudd M:3/4 K:G H:BLSYZ T:HUMORS OF THE JOYCE COUNTRY, The
ABC 491251 C1:000025000677000 C2:uuddddduuduuudd M:3/4 K:G H:BLSYZ T:HUMORS OF THE JOYCE COUNTRY, The
ABC 221 C1:000025000677000 C2:uuddddduuduuudd M:3/4 K:G H:BLZ T:The Humors of the Joyce Country
ABC 221 C1:000025000677000 C2:uuddddduuduuudd M:3/4 K:G H:BLZ T:The Humors of the Joyce Country
ABC 221 C1:000025000677000 C2:uuddddduuduuudd M:3/4 K:G H:BLZ T:The Humors of the Joyce Country
ABC 344 C1:056306630661677 C2:ddudduddudddudd M:C K:G H:BCLQSZ T:Humors of the Point. JBut.342, The
ABC 46029 C1:175007111111677 C2:ududuuuuuuddddd M:6/8 K:D H:BCLQR T:HUMORS OF TIPPERARY, The
ABC 10462 C1:174660175007111 C2:ududdududuuuuuu M:6/8 K:D H:BCLSZ T:HUMORS OF TIPPERARY
ABC 10462 C1:174660175007111 C2:ududdududuuuuuu M:6/8 K:D H:BCLSZ T:HUMORS OF TIPPERARY
ABC 46029 C1:175007111111677 C2:ududuuuuuuddddd M:6/8 K:D H:BCLQR T:HUMORS OF TIPPERARY, The
ABC 46029 C1:175007111111677 C2:ududuuuuuuddddd M:6/8 K:D H:BCLQR T:HUMORS OF TIPPERARY, The
ABC 10462 C1:174660175007111 C2:ududdududuuuuuu M:6/8 K:D H:BCLSZ T:HUMORS OF TIPPERARY
ABC 10462 C1:174660175007111 C2:ududdududuuuuuu M:6/8 K:D H:BCLSZ T:HUMORS OF TIPPERARY
ABC 10462 C1:174660175007111 C2:ududdududuuuuuu M:6/8 K:D H:BCLSZ T:HUMORS OF TIPPERARY
ABC 10462 C1:174660175007111 C2:ududdududuuuuuu M:6/8 K:D H:BCLSZ T:HUMORS OF TIPPERARY
ABC 10462 C1:174660175007111 C2:ududdududuuuuuu M:6/8 K:D H:BCLSZ T:HUMORS OF TIPPERARY
ABC 10462 C1:174660175007111 C2:ududdududuuuuuu M:6/8 K:D H:BCLSZ T:HUMORS OF TIPPERARY
ABC 10462 C1:174660175007111 C2:ududdududuuuuuu M:6/8 K:D H:BCLSZ T:HUMORS OF TIPPERARY
ABC 10462 C1:174660175007111 C2:ududdududuuuuuu M:6/8 K:D H:BCLSZ T:HUMORS OF TIPPERARY
ABC 10462 C1:174660175007111 C2:ududdududuuuuuu M:6/8 K:D H:BCLSZ T:HUMORS OF TIPPERARY
ABC 185203 C1:371177773761777 C2:uduuddddudduddd M:4/4 K:A H:CQR T:HUMORS OF TIRCONNELL* (reel), The
ABC 185203 C1:371177773761777 C2:uduuddddudduddd M:4/4 K:A H:CQR T:HUMORS OF TIRCONNELL* (reel), The
ABC 185203 C1:371177773761777 C2:uduuddddudduddd M:4/4 K:A H:CQR T:HUMORS OF TIRCONNELL* (reel), The
ABC 50036 C1:003777711277777 C2:udddduuuddddduu M:C| K:D H:BCLR T:HUMORS OF TISBURY* (hornpipe), The
ABC 50036 C1:003777711277777 C2:udddduuuddddduu M:C| K:D H:BCLR T:HUMORS OF TISBURY* (hornpipe), The
ABC 50036 C1:003777711277777 C2:udddduuuddddduu M:C| K:D H:BCLR T:HUMORS OF TISBURY* (hornpipe), The
ABC 4713 C1:716221601077716 C2:duduuududdduduu M:6/8 K:G H:BCLQR T:HUMORS OF TODDY, The
ABC 4713 C1:716221601077716 C2:duduuududdduduu M:6/8 K:G H:BCLQR T:HUMORS OF TODDY, The
ABC 4713 C1:716221601077716 C2:duduuududdduduu M:6/8 K:G H:BCLQR T:HUMORS OF TODDY, The
ABC 380 C1:765200176532005 C2:ddduudduduudddd M:4/4 K:C H:LRSZw T:Humors of Toomagh
ABC 13131 C1:765200176532005 C2:ddduudduduudddd M:4/4 K:C H:CLQR T:HUMORS OF TOOMAGH (reel), The
ABC 13131 C1:765200176532005 C2:ddduudduduudddd M:4/4 K:C H:CLQR T:HUMORS OF TOOMAGH (reel), The
ABC 13131 C1:765200176532005 C2:ddduudduduudddd M:4/4 K:C H:CLQR T:HUMORS OF TOOMAGH (reel), The
ABC 793 C1:666022766022777 C2:dddduuddduudddu M:6/8 K:A H:BORZbs T:Humors of Tralibane #2
ABC 793 C1:666022766022777 C2:dddduuddduudddu M:6/8 K:A H:BORZbs T:Humors of Tralibane #2
ABC 66 C1:666022766022777 C2:dddduuddduudddu M:6/8 K:Amix H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Tralibane #2
ABC 66 C1:666022766022777 C2:dddduuddduudddu M:6/8 K:Amix H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Tralibane #2
ABC 824 C1:660227660227774 C2:dduuddduudddudd M:6/8 K:A H:BCRZ T:The Humors of Tralibane
ABC 824 C1:660227660227774 C2:dduuddduudddudd M:6/8 K:A H:BCRZ T:The Humors of Tralibane
ABC 824 C1:660227660227774 C2:dduuddduudddudd M:6/8 K:A H:BCRZ T:The Humors of Tralibane
ABC 824 C1:660227660227774 C2:dduuddduudddudd M:6/8 K:A H:BCRZ T:The Humors of Tralibane
ABC 793 C1:660227660227774 C2:dduuddduudddudd M:6/8 K:A H:BCRZ T:The Humors of Tralibane.
ABC 1 C1:660227660227774 C2:dduuddduudddudd M:6/8 K:Amix H:BCLORZ T:The humors of Tralibane
ABC 793 C1:666022766022777 C2:dddduuddduudddu M:6/8 K:A H:BORZbs T:Humors of Tralibane
ABC 793 C1:666022766022777 C2:dddduuddduudddu M:6/8 K:A H:BORZbs T:Humors of Tralibane
ABC 793 C1:666022766022777 C2:dddduuddduudddu M:6/8 K:A H:BORZbs T:Humors of Tralibane
ABC 793 C1:666022766022777 C2:dddduuddduudddu M:6/8 K:A H:BORZbs T:Humors of Tralibane
ABC 793 C1:666022766022777 C2:dddduuddduudddu M:6/8 K:A H:BORZbs T:Humors of Tralibane
ABC 66 C1:660227660227774 C2:dduuddduudddudd M:6/8 K:Amix H:BLORZ T:The Humors Of Tralibane
ABC 66 C1:660227660227774 C2:dduuddduudddudd M:6/8 K:Amix H:BLORZ T:The Humors Of Tralibane
ABC 793 C1:666022766022777 C2:dddduuddduudddu M:6/8 K:A H:BORZbs T:Humors of Tralibane
ABC 793 C1:666022766022777 C2:dddduuddduudddu M:6/8 K:A H:BORZbs T:Humors of Tralibane
ABC 493182 C1:660227660227774 C2:dduuddduudddudd M:6/8 K:G H:BLRSZ T:HUMORS OF TRALIBANE, The
ABC 1 C1:060600020207060 C2:dduuddduudddudd M:6/8 K:D H:CLQR T:The Humors of Tralibane
ABC 1 C1:060600020207060 C2:dduuddduudddudd M:6/8 K:D H:CLQR T:The Humors of Tralibane
ABC 66 C1:666022766022777 C2:dddduuddduudddu M:6/8 K:Amix H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Tralibane
ABC 66 C1:666022766022777 C2:dddduuddduudddu M:6/8 K:Amix H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Tralibane
ABC 66 C1:666022766022777 C2:dddduuddduudddu M:6/8 K:Amix H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Tralibane
ABC 66 C1:666022766022777 C2:dddduuddduudddu M:6/8 K:Amix H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Tralibane
ABC 1 C1:660227660227774 C2:dduuddduudddudd M:6/8 K:A H:LRSZ T:Humors of Tralibane, The
ABC 793 C1:660227660227774 C2:dduuddduudddudd M:6/8 K:A H:BCRZ T:The Humors of Tralibane.
ABC 493182 C1:660227660227774 C2:dduuddduudddudd M:6/8 K:G H:BLRSZ T:HUMORS OF TRALIBANE, The
ABC 493182 C1:660227660227774 C2:dduuddduudddudd M:6/8 K:G H:BLRSZ T:HUMORS OF TRALIBANE, The
ABC 793 C1:660227660227774 C2:dduuddduudddudd M:6/8 K:A H:BCRZ T:The Humors of Tralibane.
ABC 66 C1:660227660227774 C2:dduuddduudddudd M:6/8 K:Amix H:BCFLORWZ T:The humors of Tralibane
ABC 66 C1:660227660227774 C2:dduuddduudddudd M:6/8 K:Amix H:BLORZ T:The Humors Of Tralibane
ABC 66 C1:660227660227774 C2:dduuddduudddudd M:6/8 K:Amix H:BLORZ T:The Humors Of Tralibane
ABC 13518 C1:660227660227774 C2:dduuddduudddudd M:6/8 K:Amix H:BCLORZ T:The humors of Tralibane
ABC 13518 C1:660227660227774 C2:dduuddduudddudd M:6/8 K:Amix H:BCLORZ T:The humors of Tralibane
ABC 13518 C1:660227660227774 C2:dduuddduudddudd M:6/8 K:Amix H:BCLORZ T:The humors of Tralibane
ABC 2645 C1:660227660227774 C2:dduuddduudddudd M:6/8 K:Amix H:BCLORZ T:The humors of Tralibane
ABC 824 C1:660227660227774 C2:dduuddduudddudd M:6/8 K:A H:BCRZ T:The Humors of Tralibane
ABC 824 C1:660227660227774 C2:dduuddduudddudd M:6/8 K:A H:BCRZ T:The Humors of Tralibane
ABC 949 C1:716170077677716 C2:dudududddddudud M:6/8 K:D H:BLORZbs T:the Humors of Trim #2
ABC 949 C1:716170077677716 C2:dudududddddudud M:6/8 K:D H:BLORZbs T:the Humors of Trim #2
ABC 949 C1:716170077677716 C2:dudududddddudud M:6/8 K:D H:BLORZbs T:the Humors of Trim #2
ABC 949 C1:716170077677716 C2:dudududddddudud M:6/8 K:D H:BLORZbs T:the Humors of Trim #2
ABC 949 C1:716170077677716 C2:dudududddddudud M:6/8 K:D H:BLORZbs T:the Humors of Trim #2
ABC 949 C1:716170077677716 C2:dudududddddudud M:6/8 K:D H:BLORZbs T:the Humors of Trim #2
ABC 949 C1:716170077677716 C2:dudududddddudud M:6/8 K:D H:BLORZbs T:the Humors of Trim #2
ABC 949 C1:716170077677716 C2:dudududddddudud M:6/8 K:D H:BLORZbs T:the Humors of Trim #2
ABC 174 C1:716170077677716 C2:dudududddddudud M:6/8 K:D H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Trim #2
ABC 174 C1:716170077677716 C2:dudududddddudud M:6/8 K:D H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Trim #2
ABC 1 C1:716170077677710 C2:dudududdddduddu M:6/8 K:D H:LQR T:Humors of Trim
ABC 1 C1:716170077677710 C2:dudududdddduddu M:6/8 K:D H:LQR T:Humors of Trim
ABC 493183 C1:077677716174061 C2:udddddududududd M:6/8 K:D H:BLRSZ T:HUMORS OF TRIM, The
ABC 980 C1:077677716174061 C2:udddddududududd M:6/8 K:D H:BLRZ T:The Humors Of Trim
ABC 980 C1:077677716174061 C2:udddddududududd M:6/8 K:D H:BLRZ T:The Humors Of Trim
ABC 980 C1:077677716174061 C2:udddddududududd M:6/8 K:D H:BLRZ T:The Humors Of Trim
ABC 949 C1:077677716174061 C2:udddddududududd M:6/8 K:D H:BLRZ T:The Humors Of Trim.
ABC 1 C1:077677716174061 C2:udddddududududd M:6/8 K:Edor H:BCLORZ T:The humors of Trim
ABC 5710 C1:077677716174061 C2:udddddududududd M:6/8 K:Edor H:BCLORZ T:The humors of Trim
ABC 949 C1:716170077677716 C2:dudududddddudud M:6/8 K:D H:BLORZbs T:the Humors of Trim
ABC 949 C1:716170077677716 C2:dudududddddudud M:6/8 K:D H:BLORZbs T:the Humors of Trim
ABC 949 C1:716170077677716 C2:dudududddddudud M:6/8 K:D H:BLORZbs T:the Humors of Trim
ABC 949 C1:716170077677716 C2:dudududddddudud M:6/8 K:D H:BLORZbs T:the Humors of Trim
ABC 949 C1:716170077677716 C2:dudududddddudud M:6/8 K:D H:BLORZbs T:the Humors of Trim
ABC 949 C1:716170077677716 C2:dudududddddudud M:6/8 K:D H:BLORZbs T:the Humors of Trim
ABC 949 C1:716170077677716 C2:dudududddddudud M:6/8 K:D H:BLORZbs T:the Humors of Trim
ABC 949 C1:716170077677716 C2:dudududddddudud M:6/8 K:D H:BLORZbs T:the Humors of Trim
ABC 174 C1:077677716174061 C2:udddddududududd M:6/8 K:D H:BLORZ T:The Humors Of Trim
ABC 174 C1:077677716174061 C2:udddddududududd M:6/8 K:D H:BLORZ T:The Humors Of Trim
ABC 174 C1:077677716174061 C2:udddddududududd M:6/8 K:D H:BLORZ T:The Humors Of Trim
ABC 174 C1:716170077677716 C2:dudududddddudud M:6/8 K:D H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Trim
ABC 174 C1:716170077677716 C2:dudududddddudud M:6/8 K:D H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Trim
ABC 1 C1:077677716004061 C2:udddddudududdud M:6/8 K:D H:BDLRZ T:Humors of Trim
ABC 1 C1:077677716004061 C2:udddddudududdud M:6/8 K:D H:BDLRZ T:Humors of Trim
ABC 1 C1:077677716004061 C2:udddddudududdud M:6/8 K:D H:BDLRZ T:Humors of Trim
ABC 1 C1:077677716004061 C2:udddddudududdud M:6/8 K:D H:BDLRZ T:Humors of Trim
ABC 1 C1:077677716004061 C2:udddddudududdud M:6/8 K:D H:BDLRZ T:Humors of Trim
ABC 1 C1:000707060707070 C2:udddddududududd M:6/8 K:D H:CLQR T:The Humors of Trim
ABC 1 C1:000707060707070 C2:udddddududududd M:6/8 K:D H:CLQR T:The Humors of Trim
ABC 174 C1:716170077677716 C2:dudududddddudud M:6/8 K:D H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Trim
ABC 174 C1:716170077677716 C2:dudududddddudud M:6/8 K:D H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Trim
ABC 949 C1:077677716174061 C2:udddddududududd M:6/8 K:D H:BLRZ T:The Humors Of Trim.
ABC 178 C1:716170077677710 C2:dudududdddduddu M:6/8 K:D H:LQR T:Humors of Trim
ABC 493183 C1:077677716174061 C2:udddddududududd M:6/8 K:D H:BLRSZ T:HUMORS OF TRIM, The
ABC 493183 C1:077677716174061 C2:udddddududududd M:6/8 K:D H:BLRSZ T:HUMORS OF TRIM, The
ABC 5710 C1:077677716174061 C2:udddddududududd M:6/8 K:Edor H:BCLORZ T:The humors of Trim
ABC 5710 C1:077677716174061 C2:udddddududududd M:6/8 K:Edor H:BCLORZ T:The humors of Trim
ABC 949 C1:077677716174061 C2:udddddududududd M:6/8 K:D H:BLRZ T:The Humors Of Trim.
ABC 174 C1:077677716174061 C2:udddddududududd M:6/8 K:D H:BCFLORWZ T:The humors of Trim
ABC 174 C1:077677716174061 C2:udddddududududd M:6/8 K:D H:BLORZ T:The Humors Of Trim
ABC 174 C1:077677716174061 C2:udddddududududd M:6/8 K:D H:BLORZ T:The Humors Of Trim
ABC 13519 C1:077677716174061 C2:udddddududududd M:6/8 K:Edor H:BCLORZ T:The humors of Trim
ABC 13519 C1:077677716174061 C2:udddddududududd M:6/8 K:Edor H:BCLORZ T:The humors of Trim
ABC 13519 C1:077677716174061 C2:udddddududududd M:6/8 K:Edor H:BCLORZ T:The humors of Trim
ABC 2647 C1:077677716174061 C2:udddddududududd M:6/8 K:Edor H:BCLORZ T:The humors of Trim
ABC 980 C1:077677716174061 C2:udddddududududd M:6/8 K:D H:BLRZ T:The Humors Of Trim
ABC 980 C1:077677716174061 C2:udddddududududd M:6/8 K:D H:BLRZ T:The Humors Of Trim
ABC 182310 C1:001776217111711 C2:uddduuduuuduuuu M:C K:G H:CLQRS T:HUMORS OF TUAMGRANEY, The
ABC 182310 C1:001776217111711 C2:uddduuduuuduuuu M:C K:G H:CLQRS T:HUMORS OF TUAMGRANEY, The
ABC 182310 C1:001776217111711 C2:uddduuduuuduuuu M:C K:G H:CLQRS T:HUMORS OF TUAMGRANEY, The
ABC 1 C1:774004762111566 C2:dddudduuuuddduu M:4/4 K:D H:CLQR T:The Humors of Tufts Street
ABC 1 C1:774004762111566 C2:dddudduuuuddduu M:4/4 K:D H:CLQR T:The Humors of Tufts Street
ABC 1 C1:400476211156622 C2:dudduuuuddduuud M:2/4 K:Edor H:BLRZ T:Humors of Tufts Street -- Reel
ABC 1 C1:400476211156622 C2:dudduuuuddduuud M:2/4 K:Edor H:BLRZ T:Humors of Tufts Street -- Reel
ABC 1 C1:400476211156622 C2:dudduuuuddduuud M:2/4 K:Edor H:BLRZ T:Humors of Tufts Street -- Reel
ABC 1 C1:400476211156622 C2:dudduuuuddduuud M:2/4 K:Edor H:BLRZ T:Humors of Tufts Street -- Reel
ABC 94 C1:400476301156622 C2:dudduuuddduuudd M:2/4 K:D H:LZ T:Humor's of Tufts Street Reel
ABC 94 C1:400476301156622 C2:dudduuuddduuudd M:2/4 K:D H:LZ T:Humor's of Tufts Street Reel
ABC 7288 C1:400476301156622 C2:dudduuuddduuudd M:2/4 K:D H:L T:Humor's of Tufts Street Reel
ABC 7288 C1:400476301156622 C2:dudduuuddduuudd M:2/4 K:D H:L T:Humor's of Tufts Street Reel
ABC 1 C1:400476211156622 C2:dudduuuuddduuud M:2/4 K:Edor H:BLRZ T:Humors of Tufts Street -- Reel
ABC 1 C1:400476211156622 C2:dudduuuuddduuud M:2/4 K:Edor H:BLRZ T:Humors of Tufts Street -- Reel
ABC 1 C1:400476211156622 C2:dudduuuuddduuud M:2/4 K:Edor H:BLRZ T:Humors of Tufts Street -- Reel
ABC 44 C1:026176110536253 C2:ududduududududu M:C| K:D H:RS T:Humors of Tulla, The
ABC 44 C1:026176110536253 C2:ududduududududu M:C| K:D H:RS T:Humors of Tulla, The
ABC 1 C1:026176110536253 C2:ududduududududu M:C| K:D H:RS T:Humors of Tulla, The
ABC 1 C1:026176110536253 C2:ududduududududu M:C| K:D H:RS T:Humors of Tulla, The
ABC 44 C1:026176110536253 C2:ududduududududu M:C| K:D H:RS T:Humors of Tulla, The
ABC 41 C1:026176110536253 C2:ududduududududu M:4/4 K:D H:R T:The Humors of Tulla
ABC 41 C1:026176110536253 C2:ududduududududu M:4/4 K:D H:R T:The Humors of Tulla
ABC 41 C1:026176110536253 C2:ududduududududu M:4/4 K:D H:R T:The Humors of Tulla
ABC 11 C1:026176200536250 C2:ududdudududuuuu M:4/4 K:D H:CDR T:The Humors of Tulla
ABC 48 C1:071625120261761 C2:dududuuududduud M:C| K:D H:EIR T:Humors of Tulla, The
ABC 48 C1:071625120261761 C2:dududuuududduud M:C| K:D H:EIR T:Humors of Tulla, The
ABC 330 C1:053625120261761 C2:dududuuududduud M:4/4 K:D H:FLORS T:Humors of Tulla
ABC 1 C1:053625120261761 C2:dududuuududduud M:C| K:D H:LRSZ T:the Humors of Tulla
ABC 1 C1:053625120261761 C2:dududuuududduud M:C| K:D H:LRSZ T:the Humors of Tulla
ABC 1 C1:053625120261761 C2:dududuuududduud M:C| K:D H:LRSZ T:the Humors of Tulla
ABC 1 C1:053625120261761 C2:dududuuududduud M:C| K:D H:LRSZ T:the Humors of Tulla
ABC 1 C1:053625120261761 C2:dududuuududduud M:C| K:D H:LRSZ T:the Humors of Tulla
ABC 251112 C1:026176110536253 C2:ududduududududu M:4/4 K:D H:BCLQR T:Humors of Tulla
ABC 61 C1:026176110536253 C2:ududduududududu M:C| K:D H:"RS T:Humors of Tulla, The
ABC 61 C1:026176110536253 C2:ududduududududu M:C| K:D H:"RS T:Humors of Tulla, The
ABC 264 C1:071625120261761 C2:dududuuududduud M:C| K:D H:"EIR T:The Humors of Tulla
ABC 264 C1:071625120261761 C2:dududuuududduud M:C| K:D H:"EIR T:The Humors of Tulla
ABC 11 C1:026176200536250 C2:ududdudududuuuu M:4/4 K:D H:CDR T:The Humors of Tulla
ABC 11 C1:026176200536250 C2:ududdudududuuuu M:4/4 K:D H:CDR T:The Humors of Tulla
ABC 11 C1:026176200536250 C2:ududdudududuuuu M:4/4 K:D H:CDR T:The Humors of Tulla
ABC 55 C1:026176200536250 C2:ududdudududuuuu M:4/4 K:D H:CDR T:The Humors of Tulla
ABC 220 C1:026176110536253 C2:ududduududududu M:C| K:D H:RS T:Humors of Tulla, The
ABC 11 C1:053625120261417 C2:dududuuudududud M:4/4 K:D H:LR T:Humors of Tulla
ABC 11 C1:053625120261417 C2:dududuuudududud M:4/4 K:D H:LR T:Humors of Tulla
ABC 17 C1:053625120261417 C2:dududuuudududud M:4/4 K:D H:LO T:The Humors of Tulla
ABC 16 C1:053625120261417 C2:dududuuudududud M:4/4 K:D H:LQ T:The Humors of Tulla
ABC 240 C1:071625120261761 C2:dududuuududduud M:C| K:D H:EIR T:Humors of Tulla, The
ABC 48 C1:071625120261761 C2:dududuuududduud M:C| K:D H:EIR T:Humors of Tulla, The
ABC 48 C1:071625120261761 C2:dududuuududduud M:C| K:D H:EIR T:Humors of Tulla, The
ABC 48 C1:071625120261761 C2:dududuuududduud M:C| K:D H:EIR T:Humors of Tulla, The
ABC 48 C1:071625120261761 C2:dududuuududduud M:C| K:D H:EIR T:Humors of Tulla, The
ABC 48 C1:071625120261761 C2:dududuuududduud M:C| K:D H:EIR T:Humors of Tulla, The
ABC 48 C1:071625120261761 C2:dududuuududduud M:C| K:D H:EIR T:Humors of Tulla, The
ABC 48 C1:071625120261761 C2:dududuuududduud M:C| K:D H:EIR T:Humors of Tulla, The
ABC 280 C1:026176110536253 C2:ududduududududu M:4/4 K:D H:LR T:Humors of Tulla
ABC 251112 C1:026176110536253 C2:ududduududududu M:4/4 K:D H:BCLQR T:Humors of Tulla
ABC 251112 C1:026176110536253 C2:ududduududududu M:4/4 K:D H:BCLQR T:Humors of Tulla
ABC 264 C1:071625120261761 C2:dududuuududduud M:C| K:D H:"EIR T:The Humors of Tulla
ABC 89 C1:071625120261761 C2:dududuuududduud M:C| K:D H:LR T:Humors of Tulla, The
ABC 61 C1:026176110536253 C2:ududduududududu M:C| K:D H:"RS T:Humors of Tulla, The
ABC 41 C1:026176110536253 C2:ududduududududu M:4/4 K:D H:R T:The Humors of Tulla
ABC 41 C1:026176110536253 C2:ududduududududu M:4/4 K:D H:R T:The Humors of Tulla
ABC 270 C1:026176110536253 C2:ududduududududu M:C| K:D H:DRS T:Humors of Tulla, The
ABC 9671 C1:026176110536253 C2:ududduududududu M:C| K:D H:RS T:Humors of Tulla, The
ABC 9671 C1:026176110536253 C2:ududduududududu M:C| K:D H:RS T:Humors of Tulla, The
ABC 7298 C1:053625120261417 C2:dududuuudududud M:4/4 K:D H:LR T:Humors of Tulla
ABC 7299 C1:071625120261761 C2:dududuuududduud M:C| K:D H:EIR T:Humors of Tulla, The
ABC 7300 C1:026176110536253 C2:ududduududududu M:C| K:D H:RS T:Humors of Tulla, The
ABC 7298 C1:053625120261417 C2:dududuuudududud M:4/4 K:D H:LR T:Humors of Tulla
ABC 7299 C1:071625120261761 C2:dududuuududduud M:C| K:D H:EIR T:Humors of Tulla, The
ABC 7300 C1:026176110536253 C2:ududduududududu M:C| K:D H:RS T:Humors of Tulla, The
ABC 2686 C1:026176110536253 C2:ududduududududu M:C| K:D H:ORS T:Humors of Tulla, The
ABC 2686 C1:026176110536253 C2:ududduududududu M:C| K:D H:ORS T:Humors of Tulla, The
ABC 292 C1:026176110536253 C2:ududduududududu M:C| K:D H:RS T:Humors of Tulla, The
ABC 291 C1:053625120261761 C2:dududuuududduud M:C| K:D H:LRSZ T:the Humors of Tulla
ABC 291 C1:053625120261761 C2:dududuuududduud M:C| K:D H:LRSZ T:the Humors of Tulla
ABC 292 C1:026176110536253 C2:ududduududududu M:C| K:D H:RS T:Humors of Tulla, The
ABC 5806 C1:026176110536253 C2:ududduududududu M:C| K:D H:RS T:Humors of Tulla, The
ABC 5807 C1:026176110536253 C2:ududduududududu M:C| K:D H:RS T:Humors of Tulla, The
ABC 5806 C1:026176110536253 C2:ududduududududu M:C| K:D H:RS T:Humors of Tulla, The
ABC 5807 C1:026176110536253 C2:ududduududududu M:C| K:D H:RS T:Humors of Tulla, The
ABC 5806 C1:026176110536253 C2:ududduududududu M:C| K:D H:RS T:Humors of Tulla, The
ABC 5807 C1:026176110536253 C2:ududduududududu M:C| K:D H:RS T:Humors of Tulla, The
ABC 13304 C1:053625120261417 C2:dududuuudududud M:4/4 K:D H:CLQR T:The HUMORS OF TULLA (reel)
ABC 183135 C1:053625210261761 C2:dududuuududduud M:C K:D H:CLQR T:HUMORS OF TULLA (reel), The
ABC 183135 C1:053625210261761 C2:dududuuududduud M:C K:D H:CLQR T:HUMORS OF TULLA (reel), The
ABC 13304 C1:053625120261417 C2:dududuuudududud M:4/4 K:D H:CLQR T:The HUMORS OF TULLA (reel)
ABC 13304 C1:053625120261417 C2:dududuuudududud M:4/4 K:D H:CLQR T:The HUMORS OF TULLA (reel)
ABC 183135 C1:053625210261761 C2:dududuuududduud M:C K:D H:CLQR T:HUMORS OF TULLA (reel), The
ABC 183135 C1:053625210261761 C2:dududuuududduud M:C K:D H:CLQR T:HUMORS OF TULLA (reel), The
ABC 181205 C1:301171113076166 C2:uuuduuuudduddud M:C| K:G H:CLQR T:Humors of Tullycrine
ABC 195 C1:001171113076115 C2:uuduuuudduudduu M:C| K:Ador H:LRSZ T:Humors of Tullycrine
ABC 181205 C1:301171113076166 C2:uuuduuuudduddud M:C| K:G H:CLQR T:Humors of Tullycrine
ABC 181205 C1:301171113076166 C2:uuuduuuudduddud M:C| K:G H:CLQR T:Humors of Tullycrine
ABC 38120 C1:001171113076256 C2:uuduuuudduddudu M:C| K:G H:BCLQR T:HUMORS OF TULLYCRINE [hornpipe], The
ABC 38120 C1:001171113076256 C2:uuduuuudduddudu M:C| K:G H:BCLQR T:HUMORS OF TULLYCRINE [hornpipe], The
ABC 38120 C1:001171113076256 C2:uuduuuudduddudu M:C| K:G H:BCLQR T:HUMORS OF TULLYCRINE [hornpipe], The
ABC 1 C1:053233220711666 C2:duuduuuduudddud M:C| K:G H:LRS T:Humors of Tullyknockbrine
ABC 1 C1:053233220711666 C2:duuduuuduudddud M:C| K:G H:LRS T:Humors of Tullyknockbrine
ABC 1 C1:053233220711666 C2:duuduuuduudddud M:C| K:G H:LRS T:Humors of Tullyknockbrine
ABC 533048 C1:077777062016062 C2:dddddduudduuddu M:6/8 K:D H:BCLR T:HUMORS OF VENTRY*, The
ABC 533048 C1:077777062016062 C2:dddddduudduuddu M:6/8 K:D H:BCLR T:HUMORS OF VENTRY*, The
ABC 533048 C1:077777062016062 C2:dddddduudduuddu M:6/8 K:D H:BCLR T:HUMORS OF VENTRY*, The
ABC 497045 C1:177111771411777 C2:udduuudduduuddd M:6/8 K:G H:BLQRS T:HUMORS of WEST KERRY, The
ABC 497045 C1:177111771411777 C2:udduuudduduuddd M:6/8 K:G H:BLQRS T:HUMORS of WEST KERRY, The
ABC 497045 C1:177111771411777 C2:udduuudduduuddd M:6/8 K:G H:BLQRS T:HUMORS of WEST KERRY, The
ABC 457 C1:007156230071276 C2:dudduuduudduudd M:C| K:F H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Westport #2
ABC 457 C1:007156230071276 C2:dudduuduudduudd M:C| K:F H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Westport #2
ABC 1 C1:007156230071276 C2:dudduuduudduudd M:4/4 K:F H:CLQR T:The Humors of Westport
ABC 4 C1:007127702761562 C2:duudduddudduddd M:4/4 K:F H:LQR T:-Humors of Westport, The
ABC 1 C1:007156230071276 C2:dudduuduudduudd M:4/4 K:F H:CLR T:The Humors of Westport
ABC 495138 C1:007127702761562 C2:duudduddudduddd M:C| K:D H:BLRSZ T:HUMORS OF WESTPORT, The
ABC 1 C1:007156230071276 C2:dudduuduudduudd M:4/4 K:F H:CLR T:The Humors of Westport
ABC 1 C1:007156230071276 C2:dudduuduudduudd M:4/4 K:F H:CLR T:The Humors of Westport
ABC 1230 C1:007127702761562 C2:duudduddudduddd M:C| K:F H:BLRZ T:The Humors of Westport
ABC 1230 C1:007127702761562 C2:duudduddudduddd M:C| K:F H:BLRZ T:The Humors of Westport
ABC 1230 C1:007127702761562 C2:duudduddudduddd M:C| K:F H:BLRZ T:The Humors of Westport
ABC 1177 C1:007127702761562 C2:duudduddudduddd M:C| K:F H:BLRZ T:The Humors of Westport
ABC 1230 C1:007127702761562 C2:duudduddudduddd M:C| K:F H:BLRZ T:The Humors of Westport
ABC 341 C1:007127702761562 C2:duudduddudduddd M:C| K:F H:"CL T:The Humors of Westport
ABC 341 C1:007127702761562 C2:duudduddudduddd M:C| K:F H:"CL T:The Humors of Westport
ABC 1177 C1:007156230071277 C2:dudduuduudduddu M:C| K:F H:BLORZbs T:the Humors of Westport
ABC 1177 C1:007156230071277 C2:dudduuduudduddu M:C| K:F H:BLORZbs T:the Humors of Westport
ABC 1177 C1:007156230071277 C2:dudduuduudduddu M:C| K:F H:BLORZbs T:the Humors of Westport
ABC 1177 C1:007156230071277 C2:dudduuduudduddu M:C| K:F H:BLORZbs T:the Humors of Westport
ABC 1 C1:007127612761562 C2:duudduudduddudd M:C| K:F H:BCLORZm T:The humors of Westport
ABC 1177 C1:007156230071277 C2:dudduuduudduddu M:C| K:F H:BLORZbs T:the Humors of Westport
ABC 1177 C1:007156230071277 C2:dudduuduudduddu M:C| K:F H:BLORZbs T:the Humors of Westport
ABC 1177 C1:007156230071277 C2:dudduuduudduddu M:C| K:F H:BLORZbs T:the Humors of Westport
ABC 1177 C1:007156230071277 C2:dudduuduudduddu M:C| K:F H:BLORZbs T:the Humors of Westport
ABC 457 C1:007127612761562 C2:duudduudduddudd M:C| K:F H:BLORZ T:The Humors Of Westport
ABC 457 C1:007127612761562 C2:duudduudduddudd M:C| K:F H:BLORZ T:The Humors Of Westport
ABC 341 C1:007127702761562 C2:duudduddudduddd M:C| K:F H:"CL T:The Humors of Westport
ABC 457 C1:007156230071276 C2:dudduuduudduudd M:C| K:F H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Westport
ABC 457 C1:007156230071276 C2:dudduuduudduudd M:C| K:F H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Westport
ABC 457 C1:007156230071276 C2:dudduuduudduudd M:C| K:F H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Westport
ABC 457 C1:007156230071276 C2:dudduuduudduudd M:C| K:F H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Westport
ABC 4 C1:007127702761562 C2:duudduddudduddd M:4/4 K:F H:LQR T:-Humors of Westport, The
ABC 1177 C1:007127702761562 C2:duudduddudduddd M:C| K:F H:BLRZ T:The Humors of Westport
ABC 90 C1:644534426461277 C2:dudududududuudd M:4/4 K:F H:CLRSZ T:Humors of Westport
ABC 341 C1:007127702761562 C2:duudduddudduddd M:C| K:F H:"CL T:The Humors of Westport
ABC 495138 C1:007127702761562 C2:duudduddudduddd M:C| K:D H:BLRSZ T:HUMORS OF WESTPORT, The
ABC 495138 C1:007127702761562 C2:duudduddudduddd M:C| K:D H:BLRSZ T:HUMORS OF WESTPORT, The
ABC 1177 C1:007127702761562 C2:duudduddudduddd M:C| K:F H:BLRZ T:The Humors of Westport
ABC 457 C1:007127612761562 C2:duudduudduddudd M:C| K:F H:BCFLORWZm T:The humors of Westport
ABC 457 C1:007127612761562 C2:duudduudduddudd M:C| K:F H:BLORZ T:The Humors Of Westport
ABC 457 C1:007127612761562 C2:duudduudduddudd M:C| K:F H:BLORZ T:The Humors Of Westport
ABC 13520 C1:007127612761562 C2:duudduudduddudd M:C| K:F H:BCLORZm T:The humors of Westport
ABC 13520 C1:007127612761562 C2:duudduudduddudd M:C| K:F H:BCLORZm T:The humors of Westport
ABC 13520 C1:007127612761562 C2:duudduudduddudd M:C| K:F H:BCLORZm T:The humors of Westport
ABC 2649 C1:007127612761562 C2:duudduudduddudd M:C| K:F H:BCLORZm T:The humors of Westport
ABC 1230 C1:007127702761562 C2:duudduddudduddd M:C| K:F H:BLRZ T:The Humors of Westport
ABC 1230 C1:007127702761562 C2:duudduddudduddd M:C| K:F H:BLRZ T:The Humors of Westport
ABC 1177 C1:007127702761562 C2:duudduddudduddd M:C| K:C H:BCILZ T:"Humors Of Westport" (reel) 1177
ABC 1177 C1:007127702761562 C2:duudduddudduddd M:C| K:C H:BCILZ T:"Humors Of Westport" (reel) 1177
ABC 1 C1:261663777771205 C2:ududduddddduudu M:6/8 K:D H:LRSZ T:Humors of Whiskey [1], The
ABC 784 C1:326166377777120 C2:uududduddddduud M:6/8 K:D H:BCRZbs T:the Humors of Whiskey #2
ABC 784 C1:326166377777120 C2:uududduddddduud M:6/8 K:D H:BCRZbs T:the Humors of Whiskey #2
ABC 61 C1:326166377777120 C2:uududduddddduud M:6/8 K:D H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Whiskey #2
ABC 61 C1:326166377777120 C2:uududduddddduud M:6/8 K:D H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Whiskey #2
ABC 61 C1:326166377777120 C2:uududduddddduud M:6/8 K:D H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Whiskey #2
ABC 61 C1:326166377777120 C2:uududduddddduud M:6/8 K:D H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Whiskey #2
ABC 27 C1:404777111404411 C2:duddduuududuuuu M:9/8 K:G H:EIR T:Humors of Whiskey, The
ABC 27 C1:404777111404411 C2:duddduuududuuuu M:9/8 K:G H:EIR T:Humors of Whiskey, The
ABC 181066 C1:161401775161404 C2:udududduudududu M:9/8 K:G H:CQR T:HUMORS OF WHISKEY, The
ABC 44082 C1:771404117241404 C2:dduduuududududu M:9/8 K:D H:BCLQRS T:HUMORS OF WHISKEY, The
ABC 1 C1:161404117177404 C2:ududuuududddudu M:9/8 K:Bm H:LR T:Humors of Whiskey, The
ABC 493184 C1:261663777771205 C2:ududduddddduudu M:6/8 K:D H:BLRSZ T:HUMORS OF WHISKEY, The
ABC 38121 C1:161401775161404 C2:udududduudududu M:9/8 K:G H:BCLQR T:HUMORS OF WHISKEY, The
ABC 182100 C1:404777111404411 C2:duddduuududuuuu M:9/8 K:G H:CLQR T:HUMORS OF WHISKEY, The
ABC 243 C1:404777111404411 C2:duddduuududuuuu M:9/8 K:Emin H:"EIR T:Humors of Whiskey, The
ABC 243 C1:404777111404411 C2:duddduuududuuuu M:9/8 K:Emin H:"EIR T:Humors of Whiskey, The
ABC 42 C1:261663777771205 C2:ududduddddduudu M:6/8 K:D H:LORZ T:The Humors of Whiskey
ABC 1 C1:261663777771205 C2:ududduddddduudu M:6/8 K:D H:"LR T:Humors Of Whiskey,The
ABC 137 C1:261664677771205 C2:ududduddddduudu M:6/8 K:D H:CILRZ T:Humors of Whiskey, The
ABC 42 C1:261663777771205 C2:ududduddddduudu M:6/8 K:D H:LORZ T:The Humors of Whiskey
ABC 42 C1:261663777771205 C2:ududduddddduudu M:6/8 K:D H:LORZ T:The Humors of Whiskey
ABC 1 C1:566221377773711 C2:ddduuuudddduduu M:6/8 K:C H:L T:The Humors of Whiskey
ABC 1 C1:261663777771205 C2:ududduddddduudu M:6/8 K:D H:"LR T:Humors Of Whiskey,The
ABC 342 C1:261663777771205 C2:ududduddddduudu M:6/8 K:D H:"L T:The Humors of Whiskey
ABC 342 C1:261663777771205 C2:ududduddddduudu M:6/8 K:D H:"L T:The Humors of Whiskey
ABC 815 C1:261663777771205 C2:ududduddddduudu M:6/8 K:D H:BCRZ T:The Humors of Whiskey
ABC 815 C1:261663777771205 C2:ududduddddduudu M:6/8 K:D H:BCRZ T:The Humors of Whiskey
ABC 815 C1:261663777771205 C2:ududduddddduudu M:6/8 K:D H:BCRZ T:The Humors of Whiskey
ABC 815 C1:261663777771205 C2:ududduddddduudu M:6/8 K:D H:BCRZ T:The Humors of Whiskey
ABC 784 C1:261663777771205 C2:ududduddddduudu M:6/8 K:D H:BCRZ T:The Humors of Whiskey.
ABC 1 C1:712627663011305 C2:duududdduuuudud M:9/8 K:EDor H:DLRZ T:Humors of Whiskey, The
ABC 1 C1:712627663011305 C2:duududdduuuudud M:9/8 K:EDor H:DLRZ T:Humors of Whiskey, The
ABC 784 C1:261663777771205 C2:ududduddddduudu M:6/8 K:D H:BCRZ T:the Humors of Whiskey
ABC 784 C1:261663777771205 C2:ududduddddduudu M:6/8 K:D H:BCRZ T:the Humors of Whiskey
ABC 1 C1:261663777771205 C2:ududduddddduudu M:6/8 K:D H:BCLORZ T:The humors of whiskey
ABC 1 C1:566221377773711 C2:ddduuuudddduduu M:6/8 K:C H:L T:The Humors of Whiskey
ABC 1 C1:566221377773711 C2:ddduuuudddduduu M:6/8 K:C H:L T:The Humors of Whiskey
ABC 1 C1:566221377773711 C2:ddduuuudddduduu M:6/8 K:C H:L T:The Humors of Whiskey
ABC 1 C1:566221377773711 C2:ddduuuudddduduu M:6/8 K:C H:L T:The Humors of Whiskey
ABC 784 C1:326166377777120 C2:uududduddddduud M:6/8 K:D H:BCRZbs T:the Humors of Whiskey
ABC 784 C1:326166377777120 C2:uududduddddduud M:6/8 K:D H:BCRZbs T:the Humors of Whiskey
ABC 784 C1:326166377777120 C2:uududduddddduud M:6/8 K:D H:BCRZbs T:the Humors of Whiskey
ABC 784 C1:326166377777120 C2:uududduddddduud M:6/8 K:D H:BCRZbs T:the Humors of Whiskey
ABC 784 C1:326166377777120 C2:uududduddddduud M:6/8 K:D H:BCRZbs T:the Humors of Whiskey
ABC 61 C1:261663777771205 C2:ududduddddduudu M:6/8 K:D H:BLORZ T:The Humors Of Whiskey
ABC 61 C1:261663777771205 C2:ududduddddduudu M:6/8 K:D H:BLORZ T:The Humors Of Whiskey
ABC 784 C1:326166377777120 C2:uududduddddduud M:6/8 K:D H:BCRZbs T:the Humors of Whiskey
ABC 784 C1:261663777771205 C2:ududduddddduudu M:6/8 K:D H:BCFRZ T:The Humors of Whiskey.
ABC 784 C1:261663777771205 C2:ududduddddduudu M:6/8 K:D H:BCFRZ T:The Humors of Whiskey.
ABC 784 C1:261663777771205 C2:ududduddddduudu M:6/8 K:D H:BCFRZ T:The Humors of Whiskey.
ABC 784 C1:261663777771205 C2:ududduddddduudu M:6/8 K:D H:BCFRZ T:The Humors of Whiskey.
ABC 784 C1:326166377777120 C2:uududduddddduud M:6/8 K:D H:BCRZbs T:the Humors of Whiskey
ABC 61 C1:326166377777120 C2:uududduddddduud M:6/8 K:D H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Whiskey
ABC 61 C1:326166377777120 C2:uududduddddduud M:6/8 K:D H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Whiskey
ABC 61 C1:326166377777120 C2:uududduddddduud M:6/8 K:D H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Whiskey
ABC 61 C1:326166377777120 C2:uududduddddduud M:6/8 K:D H:BFLRZbs T:the Humors of Whiskey
ABC 1 C1:020601060603070 C2:ududduddddduudu M:6/8 K:D H:CLQR T:The Humors of Whiskey
ABC 1 C1:020601060603070 C2:ududduddddduudu M:6/8 K:D H:CLQR T:The Humors of Whiskey
ABC 342 C1:261663777771205 C2:ududduddddduudu M:6/8 K:D H:"L T:The Humors of Whiskey
ABC 1 C1:261663777771205 C2:ududduddddduudu M:6/8 K:D H:BCLORVZ T:The humors of whiskey
ABC 137 C1:261664677771205 C2:ududduddddduudu M:6/8 K:D H:CILRZ T:Humors of Whiskey, The
ABC 784 C1:261663777771205 C2:ududduddddduudu M:6/8 K:D H:BCRZ T:The Humors of Whiskey.
ABC 6 C1:440777111440411 C2:duddduuududuuuu M:9/8 K:G H:ILQ T:The Humors of Whiskey
ABC 135 C1:404777111404411 C2:duddduuududuuuu M:9/8 K:G H:EIR T:Humors of Whiskey, The
ABC 27 C1:404777111404411 C2:duddduuududuuuu M:9/8 K:G H:EIR T:Humors of Whiskey, The
ABC 27 C1:404777111404411 C2:duddduuududuuuu M:9/8 K:G H:EIR T:Humors of Whiskey, The
ABC 27 C1:404777111404411 C2:duddduuududuuuu M:9/8 K:G H:EIR T:Humors of Whiskey, The
ABC 27 C1:404777111404411 C2:duddduuududuuuu M:9/8 K:G H:EIR T:Humors of Whiskey, The
ABC 27 C1:404777111404411 C2:duddduuududuuuu M:9/8 K:G H:EIR T:Humors of Whiskey, The
ABC 27 C1:404777111404411 C2:duddduuududuuuu M:9/8 K:G H:EIR T:Humors of Whiskey, The
ABC 27 C1:404777111404411 C2:duddduuududuuuu M:9/8 K:G H:EIR T:Humors of Whiskey, The
ABC 285 C1:161401775161404 C2:udududduudududu M:9/8 K:G H:LRSZ T:Humors of Whiskey
ABC 243 C1:404777111404411 C2:duddduuududuuuu M:9/8 K:Emin H:"EIR T:Humors of Whiskey, The
ABC 181066 C1:161401775161404 C2:udududduudududu M:9/8 K:G H:CQR T:HUMORS OF WHISKEY, The
ABC 181066 C1:161401775161404 C2:udududduudududu M:9/8 K:G H:CQR T:HUMORS OF WHISKEY, The
ABC 342 C1:261663777771205 C2:ududduddddduudu M:6/8 K:D H:"L T:The Humors of Whiskey
ABC 42 C1:261663777771205 C2:ududduddddduudu M:6/8 K:D H:BLORZ T:The Humors of Whiskey
ABC 44082 C1:771404117241404 C2:dduduuududududu M:9/8 K:D H:BCLQRS T:HUMORS OF WHISKEY, The
ABC 44082 C1:771404117241404 C2:dduduuududududu M:9/8 K:D H:BCLQRS T:HUMORS OF WHISKEY, The
ABC 195 C1:712627663011305 C2:duududdduuuudud M:9/8 K:EDor H:DLRZ T:Humors of Whiskey, The
ABC 785 C1:161404117177404 C2:ududuuududddudu M:9/8 K:BMin H:DLRZ T:Humors of Whiskey, The
ABC 42 C1:261663777771205 C2:ududduddddduudu M:6/8 K:D H:LORZ T:The Humors of Whiskey
ABC 182100 C1:404777111404411 C2:duddduuududuuuu M:9/8 K:G H:CLQR T:HUMORS OF WHISKEY, The
ABC 182100 C1:404777111404411 C2:duddduuududuuuu M:9/8 K:G H:CLQR T:HUMORS OF WHISKEY, The
ABC 38121 C1:161401775161404 C2:udududduudududu M:9/8 K:G H:BCLQR T:HUMORS OF WHISKEY, The
ABC 38121 C1:161401775161404 C2:udududduudududu M:9/8 K:G H:BCLQR T:HUMORS OF WHISKEY, The
ABC 137 C1:261664677771205 C2:ududduddddduudu M:6/8 K:D H:CILRZ T:Humors of Whiskey, The
ABC 137 C1:261664677771205 C2:ududduddddduudu M:6/8 K:D H:CILRZ T:Humors of Whiskey, The
ABC 195 C1:712627663011305 C2:duududdduuuudud M:9/8 K:EDor H:DLRZ T:Humors of Whiskey, The
ABC 780 C1:161404117177404 C2:ududuuududddudu M:9/8 K:BMin H:DLRZ T:Humors of Whiskey, The
ABC 39 C1:712627663011305 C2:duududdduuuudud M:9/8 K:EDor H:DLRZ T:Humors of Whiskey, The
ABC 156 C1:161404117177404 C2:ududuuududddudu M:9/8 K:BMin H:DLRZ T:Humors of Whiskey, The
ABC 493184 C1:261663777771205 C2:ududduddddduudu M:6/8 K:D H:BLRSZ T:HUMORS OF WHISKEY, The
ABC 493184 C1:261663777771205 C2:ududduddddduudu M:6/8 K:D H:BLRSZ T:HUMORS OF WHISKEY, The
ABC 784 C1:261663777771205 C2:ududduddddduudu M:6/8 K:D H:BCRZ T:The Humors of Whiskey.
ABC 61 C1:261663777771205 C2:ududduddddduudu M:6/8 K:D H:BCFLORWZ T:The humors of whiskey
ABC 7301 C1:404777111404411 C2:duddduuududuuuu M:9/8 K:G H:EIR T:Humors of Whiskey, The
ABC 7302 C1:712627663011305 C2:duududdduuuudud M:9/8 K:EDor H:DLRZ T:Humors of Whiskey, The
ABC 7303 C1:161404117177404 C2:ududuuududddudu M:9/8 K:BMin H:DLRZ T:Humors of Whiskey, The
ABC 7304 C1:261663777771205 C2:ududduddddduudu M:6/8 K:D H:"LR T:Humors Of Whiskey,The
ABC 7301 C1:404777111404411 C2:duddduuududuuuu M:9/8 K:G H:EIR T:Humors of Whiskey, The
ABC 7302 C1:712627663011305 C2:duududdduuuudud M:9/8 K:EDor H:DLRZ T:Humors of Whiskey, The
ABC 7303 C1:161404117177404 C2:ududuuududddudu M:9/8 K:BMin H:DLRZ T:Humors of Whiskey, The
ABC 7304 C1:261663777771205 C2:ududduddddduudu M:6/8 K:D H:"LR T:Humors Of Whiskey,The
ABC 2687 C1:161404117177404 C2:ududuuududddudu M:9/8 K:Bm H:LOR T:Humors of Whiskey, The
ABC 2688 C1:261663777771205 C2:ududduddddduudu M:6/8 K:D H:"LOR T:Humors Of Whiskey,The
ABC 2687 C1:161404117177404 C2:ududuuududddudu M:9/8 K:Bm H:LOR T:Humors of Whiskey, The
ABC 2688 C1:261663777771205 C2:ududduddddduudu M:6/8 K:D H:"LOR T:Humors Of Whiskey,The
ABC 61 C1:261663777771205 C2:ududduddddduudu M:6/8 K:D H:BLORZ T:The Humors Of Whiskey
ABC 61 C1:261663777771205 C2:ududduddddduudu M:6/8 K:D H:BLORZ T:The Humors Of Whiskey
ABC 5808 C1:161404117177404 C2:ududuuududddudu M:9/8 K:Bm H:LR T:Humors of Whiskey, The
ABC 5809 C1:261663777771205 C2:ududduddddduudu M:6/8 K:D H:"LR T:Humors Of Whiskey,The
ABC 5810 C1:261663777771205 C2:ududduddddduudu M:6/8 K:D H:"LR T:Humors Of Whiskey,The
ABC 13521 C1:261663777771205 C2:ududduddddduudu M:6/8 K:D H:BCLORZ T:The humors of whiskey
ABC 13522 C1:261663777771205 C2:ududduddddduudu M:6/8 K:D H:BCLORVZ T:The humors of whiskey
ABC 5808 C1:161404117177404 C2:ududuuududddudu M:9/8 K:Bm H:LR T:Humors of Whiskey, The
ABC 5809 C1:261663777771205 C2:ududduddddduudu M:6/8 K:D H:"LR T:Humors Of Whiskey,The
ABC 5810 C1:261663777771205 C2:ududduddddduudu M:6/8 K:D H:"LR T:Humors Of Whiskey,The
ABC 13521 C1:261663777771205 C2:ududduddddduudu M:6/8 K:D H:BCLORZ T:The humors of whiskey
ABC 13522 C1:261663777771205 C2:ududduddddduudu M:6/8 K:D H:BCLORVZ T:The humors of whiskey
ABC 5808 C1:161404117177404 C2:ududuuududddudu M:9/8 K:Bm H:LR T:Humors of Whiskey, The
ABC 5809 C1:261663777771205 C2:ududduddddduudu M:6/8 K:D H:"LR T:Humors Of Whiskey,The
ABC 5810 C1:261663777771205 C2:ududduddddduudu M:6/8 K:D H:"LR T:Humors Of Whiskey,The
ABC 13521 C1:261663777771205 C2:ududduddddduudu M:6/8 K:D H:BCLORZ T:The humors of whiskey
ABC 13522 C1:261663777771205 C2:ududduddddduudu M:6/8 K:D H:BCLORVZ T:The humors of whiskey
ABC 2651 C1:261663777771205 C2:ududduddddduudu M:6/8 K:D H:BCLORZ T:The humors of whiskey
ABC 815 C1:261663777771205 C2:ududduddddduudu M:6/8 K:D H:BCRZ T:The Humors of Whiskey
ABC 815 C1:261663777771205 C2:ududduddddduudu M:6/8 K:D H:BCRZ T:The Humors of Whiskey
ABC 82 C1:771404117241404 C2:dduduuududududu M:9/8 K:D H:BLQRS T:Humors of Whiskey (sj)
ABC 82 C1:771404117241404 C2:dduduuududududu M:9/8 K:D H:BLQRS T:Humors of Whiskey (sj)
ABC 82 C1:771404117241404 C2:dduduuududududu M:9/8 K:D H:BLQRS T:Humors of Whiskey (sj)
ABC 3038 C1:771404117241404 C2:dduduuududududu M:9/8 K:D H:BLQRZ T:Humors of Whiskey (slip jig) % nfABC 3038 C1:771404117241404 C2:dduduuududududu M:9/8 K:D H:BLQRZ T:Humors of Whiskey (slip jig) % nfABC 185124 C1:062446270624462 C2:dudududdududuud M:4/4 K:D H:CQR T:HUMORS of WHITEGATE (reel), The
ABC 185124 C1:062446270624462 C2:dudududdududuud M:4/4 K:D H:CQR T:HUMORS of WHITEGATE (reel), The
ABC 185124 C1:062446270624462 C2:dudududdududuud M:4/4 K:D H:CQR T:HUMORS of WHITEGATE (reel), The
ABC 493185 C1:170223777663117 C2:uduuuddddduuudu M:6/8 K:G H:BLRSZ T:HUMORS OF WINTER, The
ABC 922 C1:170223777663117 C2:uduuuddddduuudu M:6/8 K:G H:BLORZ T:the Humors of Winter
ABC 922 C1:170223777663117 C2:uduuuddddduuudu M:6/8 K:G H:BLORZ T:the Humors of Winter
ABC 922 C1:170223777663117 C2:uduuuddddduuudu M:6/8 K:G H:BLORZ T:the Humors of Winter
ABC 922 C1:170223777663117 C2:uduuuddddduuudu M:6/8 K:G H:BLORZ T:the Humors of Winter
ABC 922 C1:170223777663117 C2:uduuuddddduuudu M:6/8 K:G H:BLORZ T:the Humors of Winter
ABC 953 C1:170223777663117 C2:uduuuddddduuudu M:6/8 K:G H:BLRZ T:The Humors of Winter
ABC 953 C1:170223777663117 C2:uduuuddddduuudu M:6/8 K:G H:BLRZ T:The Humors of Winter
ABC 953 C1:170223777663117 C2:uduuuddddduuudu M:6/8 K:G H:BLRZ T:The Humors of Winter
ABC 922 C1:170223777663117 C2:uduuuddddduuudu M:6/8 K:G H:BLRZ T:The Humors of Winter.
ABC 922 C1:170223777663117 C2:uduuuddddduuudu M:6/8 K:G H:BLRZ T:The Humors of Winter.
ABC 493185 C1:170223777663117 C2:uduuuddddduuudu M:6/8 K:G H:BLRSZ T:HUMORS OF WINTER, The
ABC 493185 C1:170223777663117 C2:uduuuddddduuudu M:6/8 K:G H:BLRSZ T:HUMORS OF WINTER, The
ABC 922 C1:170223777663117 C2:uduuuddddduuudu M:6/8 K:G H:BLRZ T:The Humors of Winter.
ABC 953 C1:170223777663117 C2:uduuuddddduuudu M:6/8 K:G H:BLRZ T:The Humors of Winter
ABC 953 C1:170223777663117 C2:uduuuddddduuudu M:6/8 K:G H:BLRZ T:The Humors of Winter
ABC 3 C1:030711077111060 C2:uduudduuudduuuu M:6/8 K:Gmaj H:LR T:Humorus Of Bandon, The
ABC 1 C1:002023000101000 C2:uuuuduuuudddddd M:6/8 K:C H:"LORZ T:the Humour Is On Me Now [C]
ABC 1 C1:002023000101000 C2:uuuuduuuudddddd M:6/8 K:D H:"LORWZ T:the Humour Is On Me Now [D]
ABC 1 C1:002023000101000 C2:uuuuduuuudddddd M:6/8 K:G H:"LORWZ T:the Humour Is On Me Now [G]
ABC 047 C1:004174777775004 C2:dududddddududud M:6/8 K:Edor H:DLQR T:Humour of Ballinamult
ABC 047 C1:004174777775004 C2:dududddddududud M:6/8 K:Edor H:DLQR T:Humour of Ballinamult
ABC 047 C1:004174777775004 C2:dududddddududud M:6/8 K:Edor H:DLQR T:Humour of Ballinamult
ABC 047 C1:004174777775004 C2:dududddddududud M:6/8 K:Edor H:DLQR T:Humour of Ballinamult
ABC 1 C1:004174777775004 C2:dududddddududud M:6/8 K:Edor H:LRSZ T:Humour of Ballinamult, The
ABC 047 C1:004174777775004 C2:dududddddududud M:6/8 K:Edor H:DLQR T:Humour of Ballinamult
ABC 047 C1:004174777775004 C2:dududddddududud M:6/8 K:Edor H:DLQR T:Humour of Ballinamult
ABC 1 C1:004174777775004 C2:dududddddududud M:6/8 K:E H:LRSZ T:Humour of Ballinamult, The
ABC 1 C1:260505161303260 C2:uddduduuddduduu M:6/8 K:Bmin H:LRSZ T:Humour of Glen
ABC 1 C1:027771050005017 C2:uddduduuddduduu M:6/8 K:Bm H:BLRZ T:HUMOUR OF GLEN- JIG
ABC 1 C1:027771050005017 C2:uddduduuddduduu M:6/8 K:Bm H:BLRZ T:HUMOUR OF GLEN- JIG
ABC 1 C1:027771050005017 C2:uddduduuddduduu M:6/8 K:Bm H:BLRZ T:HUMOUR OF GLEN- JIG
ABC 1 C1:027771050005017 C2:uddduduuddduduu M:6/8 K:Bm H:BLRZ T:HUMOUR OF GLEN- JIG
ABC 1 C1:027771050005017 C2:uddduduuddduduu M:6/8 K:Bm H:BLRZ T:HUMOUR OF GLEN- JIG
ABC 1 C1:027771050005017 C2:uddduduuddduduu M:6/8 K:Bm H:BLRZ T:HUMOUR OF GLEN- JIG
ABC 1 C1:027771050005017 C2:uddduduuddduduu M:6/8 K:Bm H:BLRZ T:HUMOUR OF GLEN- JIG
ABC 247 C1:061117060765061 C2:duuudddduduuudu M:6/8 K:Edor H:LQR T:Humour of Newtown
ABC 247 C1:061117060765061 C2:duuudddduduuudu M:6/8 K:Edor H:LQR T:Humour of Newtown
ABC 247 C1:061117060765061 C2:duuudddduduuudu M:6/8 K:Edor H:LQR T:Humour of Newtown
ABC 247 C1:061117060765061 C2:duuudddduduuudu M:6/8 K:Edor H:LQR T:Humour of Newtown
ABC 247 C1:061117060765061 C2:duuudddduduuudu M:6/8 K:Edor H:LQR T:Humour of Newtown
ABC 247 C1:061117060765061 C2:duuudddduduuudu M:6/8 K:Edor H:LQR T:Humour of Newtown
ABC 623 C1:676160305107300 C2:dddududududduuu M:6/8 K:D H:"BLORSZ T:The humours of Abbeyseale
ABC 623 C1:676160305107300 C2:dddududududduuu M:6/8 K:D H:"BLORSZ T:The humours of Abbeyseale
ABC 623 C1:676160305107300 C2:dddududududduuu M:6/8 K:D H:"BLORSZ T:The humours of Abbeyseale
ABC 623 C1:676160305107300 C2:dddududududduuu M:6/8 K:D H:"BLORSZ T:The humours of Abbeyseale
ABC 623 C1:676160305107300 C2:dddududududduuu M:6/8 K:D H:"BLORSZ T:The humours of Abbeyseale
ABC 1 C1:200676770017600 C2:uddddduddduuduu M:C| K:Ador H:CDRZ T:Humours of Allegheny, The
ABC 415 C1:200676770017600 C2:uddddduddduuduu M:C| K:Ador H:CDRZ T:Humours of Allegheny, The
ABC 415 C1:200676770017600 C2:uddddduddduuduu M:C| K:Ador H:CDRZ T:Humours of Allegheny, The
ABC 415 C1:200676770017600 C2:uddddduddduuduu M:C| K:Ador H:CDHRZ T:Humours of Allegheny, The
ABC 415 C1:200676770017600 C2:uddddduddduuduu M:C| K:Ador H:CDHRZ T:Humours of Allegheny, The
ABC 25 C1:007100312006767 C2:duuuudddddudddu M:4/4 K:Ador H:CR T:The Humours of Allegheny
ABC 415 C1:200676770017600 C2:uddddduddduuduu M:C| K:Ador H:CDRZ T:Humours of Allegheny, The
ABC 415 C1:200676770017600 C2:uddddduddduuduu M:C| K:Ador H:CDRZ T:Humours of Allegheny, The
ABC 415 C1:200676770017600 C2:uddddduddduuduu M:C| K:Ador H:CDRZ T:Humours of Allegheny, The
ABC 7307 C1:200676770017600 C2:uddddduddduuduu M:C| K:Ador H:CDRZ T:Humours of Allegheny, The
ABC 7307 C1:200676770017600 C2:uddddduddduuduu M:C| K:Ador H:CDRZ T:Humours of Allegheny, The
ABC 2689 C1:200676770017600 C2:uddddduddduuduu M:C| K:Ador H:CDOR T:Humours of Allegheny, The
ABC 2689 C1:200676770017600 C2:uddddduddduuduu M:C| K:Ador H:CDOR T:Humours of Allegheny, The
ABC 415 C1:200676770017600 C2:uddddduddduuduu M:C| K:Ador H:CDRZ T:Humours of Allegheny, The
ABC 415 C1:200676770017600 C2:uddddduddduuduu M:C| K:Ador H:CDRZ T:Humours of Allegheny, The
ABC 5811 C1:200676770017600 C2:uddddduddduuduu M:C| K:Ador H:CDRZ T:Humours of Allegheny, The
ABC 5811 C1:200676770017600 C2:uddddduddduuduu M:C| K:Ador H:CDRZ T:Humours of Allegheny, The
ABC 5811 C1:200676770017600 C2:uddddduddduuduu M:C| K:Ador H:CDRZ T:Humours of Allegheny, The
ABC 415 C1:200676770017600 C2:uddddduddduuduu M:C| K:Ador H:CDRZ T:Humours of Allegheny, The
ABC 415 C1:200676770017600 C2:uddddduddduuduu M:C| K:Ador H:CDRZ T:Humours of Allegheny, The
ABC 1 C1:166111270007727 C2:udduuuudddududu M: K:Gmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Andytown
ABC 48319 C1:260074760073111 C2:udduddduuuudddd M:6/8 K:G H:BCLQRY T:HUMOURS OF ARDMORE, The
ABC 299 C1:260074760073111 C2:udduddduuuudddd M:6/8 K:G H:LQR T:Humours of Ardmore
ABC 299 C1:260074760073111 C2:udduddduuuudddd M:6/8 K:G H:LQR T:Humours of Ardmore
ABC 299 C1:260074760073111 C2:udduddduuuudddd M:6/8 K:G H:LQR T:Humours of Ardmore
ABC 299 C1:260074760073111 C2:udduddduuuudddd M:6/8 K:G H:LQR T:Humours of Ardmore
ABC 1 C1:260074760073111 C2:udduddduuuudddd M:6/8 K:G H:LRSZ T:Humours of Ardmore, The
ABC 299 C1:260074760073111 C2:udduddduuuudddd M:6/8 K:G H:LQR T:Humours of Ardmore
ABC 299 C1:260074760073111 C2:udduddduuuudddd M:6/8 K:G H:LQR T:Humours of Ardmore
ABC 48319 C1:260074760073111 C2:udduddduuuudddd M:6/8 K:G H:BCLQRY T:HUMOURS OF ARDMORE, The
ABC 48319 C1:260074760073111 C2:udduddduuuudddd M:6/8 K:G H:BCLQRY T:HUMOURS OF ARDMORE, The
ABC 395 C1:601777611057661 C2:dudddduuuddduud M:6/8 K:D H:BDHLRZ T:Humours Of Ayle House, The
ABC 395 C1:601777611057661 C2:dudddduuuddduud M:6/8 K:D H:BDHLRZ T:Humours Of Ayle House, The
ABC 9 C1:776020576017716 C2:ddduudduddudduu M: K:Dmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Ayle House
ABC 1 C1:601777611057661 C2:dudddduuudddudd M:6/8 K:Dmix H:LR T:The Humours Of Ayle House
ABC 1 C1:662706760007761 C2:ddududdddduuudu M: K:Dmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Ayle House
ABC 2 C1:601777611057661 C2:dudddduuudddudd M: K:Dmix H:LR T:The Humours Of Ayle House
ABC 3 C1:661105760177761 C2:ddduuuddudddduu M: K:Gmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Ayle House
ABC 4 C1:601777604361661 C2:dudddduududduud M: K:Dmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Ayle House
ABC 5 C1:604037601777604 C2:duuddudddduudud M: K:Dmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Ayle House
ABC 6 C1:661105760007761 C2:dduuuddddduuudu M: K:Dmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Ayle House
ABC 7 C1:540205760177720 C2:ddduudduddduudd M: K:Dmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Ayle House
ABC 8 C1:763011607603767 C2:dduuudddudddudd M: K:Gmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Ayle House
ABC 1 C1:152356276022706 C2:udduuddudduuuud M: K:Gmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Bahrain
ABC 2 C1:152356276013760 C2:udduuddudduuuud M: K:Amaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Bahrain
ABC 3 C1:215235627602276 C2:uudduuddudduuuu M: K:Gmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Bahrain
ABC 35 C1:062776711111101 C2:dudddduuuuuuudd M:C| K:D H:DRZ T:Humours of Ballinahinch, The
ABC 1 C1:221767174224221 C2:uuudddudduuduuu M:6/8 K:G H:DLRSZ T:Humours of Ballinahulla, The
ABC 1 C1:221767174224221 C2:uuudddudduuduuu M:6/8 K:G H:DRSZ T:The Humours of Ballinahulla
ABC 1 C1:221767174224221 C2:uuudddudduuduuu M:6/8 K:G H:DRSZ T:The Humours of Ballinahulla
ABC 61 C1:221767174224221 C2:uuudddudduuduuu M:6/8 K:G H:DRSZ T:The Humours of Ballinahulla
ABC 61 C1:221767174224221 C2:uuudddudduuduuu M:6/8 K:G H:DRSZ T:The Humours of Ballinahulla
ABC 61 C1:221767174224221 C2:uuudddudduuduuu M:6/8 K:G H:DRSZ T:The Humours of Ballinahulla
ABC 61 C1:221767174224221 C2:uuudddudduuduuu M:6/8 K:G H:DRSZ T:The Humours of Ballinahulla
ABC 61 C1:221767174224221 C2:uuudddudduuduuu M:6/8 K:G H:DRSZ T:The Humours of Ballinahulla
ABC 305 C1:221767174224221 C2:uuudddudduuduuu M:6/8 K:G H:DRSZ T:The Humours of Ballinahulla
ABC 1 C1:221767004224222 C2:uuudddduuduuudd M: K:Gmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Ballinahulla
ABC 2 C1:716053221767714 C2:dudduuuuddddudu M: K:Gmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Ballinahulla
ABC 3 C1:006053221767004 C2:dduuuudddduuduu M: K:Gmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Ballinahulla
ABC 1 C1:221767004224222 C2:uuudddduuduuudd M:6/8 K:Gmaj H:LR T:Humours Of Ballinahulla
ABC 1326 C1:221767174224221 C2:uuudddudduuduuu M:6/8 K:G H:DRSZ T:The Humours of Ballinahulla
ABC 1326 C1:221767174224221 C2:uuudddudduuduuu M:6/8 K:G H:DRSZ T:The Humours of Ballinahulla
ABC 61 C1:221767174224221 C2:uuudddudduuduuu M:6/8 K:G H:DRSZ T:The Humours of Ballinahulla
ABC 2690 C1:221767174224221 C2:uuudddudduuduuu M:6/8 K:G H:DLORS T:Humours of Ballinahulla, The
ABC 6931 C1:221767174224221 C2:uuudddudduuduuu M:6/8 K:G H:DORS T:The Humours of Ballinahulla
ABC 2690 C1:221767174224221 C2:uuudddudduuduuu M:6/8 K:G H:DLORS T:Humours of Ballinahulla, The
ABC 6931 C1:221767174224221 C2:uuudddudduuduuu M:6/8 K:G H:DORS T:The Humours of Ballinahulla
ABC 5812 C1:221767174224221 C2:uuudddudduuduuu M:6/8 K:G H:DLRSZ T:Humours of Ballinahulla, The
ABC 13524 C1:221767174224221 C2:uuudddudduuduuu M:6/8 K:G H:DRSZ T:The Humours of Ballinahulla
ABC 13525 C1:221767174224221 C2:uuudddudduuduuu M:6/8 K:G H:DRSZ T:The Humours of Ballinahulla
ABC 5812 C1:221767174224221 C2:uuudddudduuduuu M:6/8 K:G H:DLRSZ T:Humours of Ballinahulla, The
ABC 13524 C1:221767174224221 C2:uuudddudduuduuu M:6/8 K:G H:DRSZ T:The Humours of Ballinahulla
ABC 13525 C1:221767174224221 C2:uuudddudduuduuu M:6/8 K:G H:DRSZ T:The Humours of Ballinahulla
ABC 5812 C1:221767174224221 C2:uuudddudduuduuu M:6/8 K:G H:DLRSZ T:Humours of Ballinahulla, The
ABC 13524 C1:221767174224221 C2:uuudddudduuduuu M:6/8 K:G H:DRSZ T:The Humours of Ballinahulla
ABC 13525 C1:221767174224221 C2:uuudddudduuduuu M:6/8 K:G H:DRSZ T:The Humours of Ballinahulla
ABC 16863 C1:221767174224221 C2:uuudddudduuduuu M:6/8 K:G H:DRSZ T:The Humours of Ballinahulla
ABC 16863 C1:221767174224221 C2:uuudddudduuduuu M:6/8 K:G H:DRSZ T:The Humours of Ballinahulla
ABC 16863 C1:221767174224221 C2:uuudddudduuduuu M:6/8 K:G H:DRSZ T:The Humours of Ballinahulla
ABC 16863 C1:221767174224221 C2:uuudddudduuduuu M:6/8 K:G H:DRSZ T:The Humours of Ballinahulla
ABC 1 C1:221767004224222 C2:uuudddduuduuudd M:6/8 K:G H:"CDLOQRSZ T:Humours of Ballinahulla (G major / D major)
ABC 48129 C1:004174777775004 C2:dududddddududud M:6/8 K:Edor H:BCDLRY T:HUMOURS OF BALLINAMULT
ABC 48129 C1:004174777775004 C2:dududddddududud M:6/8 K:Edor H:BCDLRY T:HUMOURS OF BALLINAMULT
ABC 48129 C1:004174777775004 C2:dududddddududud M:6/8 K:Edor H:BCDLRY T:HUMOURS OF BALLINAMULT
ABC 268 C1:004000477777500 C2:duddddduduuddud M:6/8 K:Edor H:BHLRZ T:Humours of Ballinamult, The
ABC 56 C1:677111772261661 C2:ddduuudduududdu M:6/8 K:G H:LRZ T:Humours of Ballingarry, The
ABC 680 C1:604403677111602 C2:dududdduuuduudu M:6/8 K:G H:"BLORSZ T:The humours of Ballingarry
ABC 680 C1:604403677111602 C2:dududdduuuduudu M:6/8 K:G H:"BLORSZ T:The humours of Ballingarry
ABC 680 C1:604403677111602 C2:dududdduuuduudu M:6/8 K:G H:"BLORSZ T:The humours of Ballingarry
ABC 680 C1:604403677111602 C2:dududdduuuduudu M:6/8 K:G H:"BLORSZ T:The humours of Ballingarry
ABC 1 C1:160440367711177 C2:udududdduuudduu M: K:Gmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Ballingarry
ABC 2 C1:774663677111774 C2:ddudduddduuuddu M: K:Gmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Ballingarry
ABC 3 C1:160440367711160 C2:udududdduuududu M: K:Gmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Ballingarry
ABC 4 C1:604403677111772 C2:dududdduuudduuu M: K:Gmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Ballingarry
ABC 5 C1:160440367711160 C2:udududdduuududu M: K:Gmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Ballingarry
ABC 6 C1:677114535207666 C2:ddduududuuddddu M: K:Gmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Ballingarry
ABC 3 C1:774663677111774 C2:ddudduddduuuddu M:6/8 K:Gmaj H:CLRSZ T:Humours Of Ballingarry, The
ABC 1 C1:160440367711160 C2:udududdduuududu M:6/8 K:Gmaj H:LR T:Humours Of Ballingarry, The
ABC 279 C1:604403677111772 C2:dududdduuudduud M:6/8 K:Gmaj H:"HLRZ T:Humours Of Ballingarry, The
ABC 680 C1:604403677111602 C2:dududdduuuduudu M:6/8 K:G H:"BLORSZ T:The humours of Ballingarry
ABC 1 C1:604403677111602 C2:dududdduuuduudu M:6/8 K:G H:LR T:Humours Of Ballingarry (The)
ABC 2 C1:002100030061772 C2:uuududduuduuudd M:4/4 K:G H:LRS T:The Humours of Ballinlass
ABC 3 C1:001251111117716 C2:uuduuuuuudduddu M:4/4 K:G H:LRS T:The Humours of Ballinlass
ABC 1 C1:267677172776111 C2:udddddududdduuu M: K:Amaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Ballycastle
ABC 2 C1:712775267660712 C2:duudduuddddduud M: K:Amaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Ballycastle
ABC 95 C1:117767635267003 C2:uudddddududduuu M:C K:D H:L T:Humours of Ballyconell
ABC 7308 C1:117767635267003 C2:uudddddududduuu M:C K:D H:L T:Humours of Ballyconell
ABC 7308 C1:117767635267003 C2:uudddddududduuu M:C K:D H:L T:Humours of Ballyconell
ABC 1 C1:526700601177673 C2:dudduuudddduddu M:C| K:D H:DLRZ T:Humours of Ballyconnell [1], The
ABC 1 C1: C2: M:C| K:D H:DLRZ T:Humours of Ballyconnell [1], The
ABC 1 C1:111766177621111 C2:uuuddduddduuuuu M:4/4 K:AMix H:LR T:Humours of Ballyconnell [2], The
ABC 2 C1:111176617761111 C2:uuuuddduddduuuu M:C| K:Amix H:DRZ T:Humours of Ballyconnell [2], The
ABC 52 C1:526701231177676 C2:dudduuuuudddddu M:C K:D H:L T:The Humours of Ballyconnell
ABC 1 C1:377767126767005 C2:uddddduudddduuu M:4/4 K:D H:CLQR T:Humours of Ballyconnell
ABC 1 C1:377767126767005 C2:uddddduudddduuu M:4/4 K:D H:CLQR T:Humours of Ballyconnell
ABC 1 C1:117767635267003 C2:uudddddududduuu M:4/4 K:Dmaj H:LR T:Humours Of Ballyconnell, The
ABC 1 C1:117767635267003 C2:uudddddududduuu M:4/4 K:Dmaj H:LR T:Humours Of Ballyconnell, The
ABC 35 C1:526700601177673 C2:dudduuudddduddu M:C| K:D H:DLR T:Humours of Ballyconnell
ABC 1 C1:526700601177673 C2:dudduuudddduddu M:C| K:D H:DLR T:Humours of Ballyconnell, The
ABC 1 C1:111176617761111 C2:uuuuddduddduuuu M:C| K:Amix H:DRZ T:Humours of Ballyconnell, The
ABC 4157 C1:377767126767005 C2:uddddduudddduuu M:C| K:D H:BLZ T:HUMOURS OF BALLYCONNELL
ABC 4157 C1:377767126767005 C2:uddddduudddduuu M:C| K:D H:BLZ T:HUMOURS OF BALLYCONNELL
ABC 331 C1:111176617761111 C2:uuuuddduddduuuu M:C| K:D H:"L T:The Humours of Ballyconnell
ABC 331 C1:111176617761111 C2:uuuuddduddduuuu M:C| K:D H:"L T:The Humours of Ballyconnell
ABC 35 C1:117767635267003 C2:uudddddududduuu M:4/4 K:D H:"BLRZ T:the Humours of Ballyconnell
ABC 35 C1:117767635267003 C2:uudddddududduuu M:4/4 K:D H:"BLRZ T:the Humours of Ballyconnell
ABC 35 C1:117767635267003 C2:uudddddududduuu M:4/4 K:D H:"BLRZ T:the Humours of Ballyconnell
ABC 35 C1:117767635267003 C2:uudddddududduuu M:4/4 K:D H:"BLRZ T:the Humours of Ballyconnell
ABC 35 C1:117767635267003 C2:uudddddududduuu M:4/4 K:D H:"BLRZ T:the Humours of Ballyconnell
ABC 253 C1:526700601177673 C2:dudduuudddduddu M:C| K:D H:DRZ T:Humours of Ballyconnell
ABC 1 C1:526700601177673 C2:dudduuudddduddu M:C| K:D H:DRZ T:Humours of Ballyconnell, The
ABC 331 C1:111176617761111 C2:uuuuddduddduuuu M:C| K:D H:"L T:The Humours of Ballyconnell
ABC 15 C1:706700331177676 C2:ddduuuudddddudd M:4/4 K:D H:CL T:The Humours of Ballyconnell
ABC 13 C1:526700331177676 C2:dudduuuudddddud M:C| K:Dmaj H:"LQRS T:Humours of Ballyconnell, The
ABC 13 C1:526700331177676 C2:dudduuuudddddud M:C| K:Dmaj H:"LQRS T:Humours of Ballyconnell, The
ABC 34 C1:711777717611112 C2:duuddddudduuuuu M:C| K:A H:LZ T:Humours of Ballyconnell
ABC 34 C1:711777717611112 C2:duuddddudduuuuu M:C| K:A H:LZ T:Humours of Ballyconnell
ABC 170 C1:711777717611112 C2:duuddddudduuuuu M:C| K:A H:LZ T:Humours of Ballyconnell
ABC 35 C1:027767365267003 C2:udddduddudduuuu M:4/4 K:D H:R T:Humours of Ballyconnell, The
ABC 35 C1:027767365267003 C2:udddduddudduuuu M:4/4 K:D H:R T:Humours of Ballyconnell, The
ABC 10 C1:526700331177676 C2:dudduuuudddddud M:C| K:Dmaj H:"LQR T:Humours of Ballyconnell, The
ABC 10 C1:526700331177676 C2:dudduuuudddddud M:C| K:Dmaj H:"LQR T:Humours of Ballyconnell, The
ABC 10 C1:526700331177676 C2:dudduuuudddddud M:C| K:Dmaj H:"LQR T:Humours of Ballyconnell, The
ABC 40 C1:111176617761111 C2:uuuuddduddduuuu M:C| K:Amix H:DRZ T:Humours of Ballyconnell, The
ABC 40 C1:111176617761111 C2:uuuuddduddduuuu M:C| K:Amix H:DRZ T:Humours of Ballyconnell, The
ABC 555 C1:526700601177673 C2:dudduuudddduddu M:C| K:D H:DRZ T:Humours of Ballyconnell, The
ABC 555 C1:526700601177673 C2:dudduuudddduddu M:C| K:D H:DRZ T:Humours of Ballyconnell, The
ABC 93 C1:117767635267022 C2:uudddddududduuu M:4/4 K:Dmaj H:"LQR T:Humours of Ballyconnell, The
ABC 555 C1:526700601177673 C2:dudduuudddduddu M:C| K:D H:DRZ T:Humours of Ballyconnell, The
ABC 555 C1:526700601177673 C2:dudduuudddduddu M:C| K:D H:DRZ T:Humours of Ballyconnell, The
ABC 40 C1:111176617761111 C2:uuuuddduddduuuu M:C| K:Amix H:DHRZ T:Humours of Ballyconnell, The
ABC 40 C1:111176617761111 C2:uuuuddduddduuuu M:C| K:Amix H:DHRZ T:Humours of Ballyconnell, The
ABC 1 C1:762117661776111 C2:dduuuuddduddduu M: K:Amix H:LR T:The Humours Of Ballyconnell
ABC 2 C1:621177644761111 C2:duuuddduddduuuu M: K:Amix H:LR T:The Humours Of Ballyconnell
ABC 3 C1:711777177611112 C2:duuddduddduuuuu M: K:Amix H:LR T:The Humours Of Ballyconnell
ABC 4 C1:770071777176111 C2:dddudddudduuuuu M: K:Ador H:LR T:The Humours Of Ballyconnell
ABC 5 C1:770017771776111 C2:dduddduddduuuuu M: K:Amix H:LR T:The Humours Of Ballyconnell
ABC 1 C1:117767635267003 C2:uudddddududduuu M: K:Dmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Ballyconnell
ABC 2 C1:117760763767003 C2:uuddddduddduuuu M: K:Dmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Ballyconnell
ABC 3 C1:526700331177676 C2:dudduuuudddddud M: K:Dmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Ballyconnell
ABC 4 C1:526700331177676 C2:dudduuuudddddud M: K:Dmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Ballyconnell
ABC 5 C1:117777777537000 C2:uudddddddudduuu M: K:Dmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Ballyconnell
ABC 6 C1:211177607152670 C2:uuuuddddududduu M: K:Dmaj H:"LR T:The Humours Of Ballyconnell
ABC 7 C1:027767275267111 C2:udddduddudduuuu M: K:Dmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Ballyconnell
ABC 8 C1:311776763526700 C2:uuudddddududduu M: K:Dmaj H:"LR T:The Humours Of Ballyconnell
ABC 9 C1:526711660071676 C2:dudduudududddud M: K:Dmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Ballyconnell
ABC 1 C1:526700331177676 C2:dudduuuudddddud M:4/4 K:D H:L T:Humours Of Ballyconnell, The
ABC 55 C1:117767365267006 C2:uudddduddudduuu M:C| K:D H:"DLR T:Humours of Ballyconnell
ABC 55 C1:117767365267006 C2:uudddduddudduuu M:C| K:D H:"DLR T:Humours of Ballyconnell
ABC 42 C1:117767635267003 C2:uudddddududduuu M:4/4 K:D H:"BLRZ T:the Humours of Ballyconnell
ABC 42 C1:117767635267003 C2:uudddddududduuu M:4/4 K:D H:"BLRZ T:the Humours of Ballyconnell
ABC 42 C1:117767635267003 C2:uudddddududduuu M:4/4 K:D H:"BLRZ T:the Humours of Ballyconnell
ABC 48 C1:117767635267003 C2:uudddddududduuu M:4/4 K:D H:"BLRZ T:the Humours of Ballyconnell
ABC 331 C1:111176617761111 C2:uuuuddduddduuuu M:C| K:D H:"L T:The Humours of Ballyconnell
ABC 52 C1:526701231177676 C2:dudduuuuudddddu M:C K:D H:L T:The Humours of Ballyconnell
ABC 260 C1:526701231177676 C2:dudduuuuudddddu M:C K:D H:L T:The Humours of Ballyconnell
ABC 725 C1:117767635267003 C2:uudddddududduuu M:C K:D H:LZ T:Humours of Ballyconnell
ABC 148 C1:117767635267003 C2:uudddddududduuu M:C K:D H:LZ T:Humours of Ballyconnell
ABC 148 C1:117767635267003 C2:uudddddududduuu M:C K:D H:LZ T:Humours of Ballyconnell
ABC 35 C1:526700601177673 C2:dudduuudddduddu M:C| K:D H:DLR T:Humours of Ballyconnell
ABC 253 C1:526700601177673 C2:dudduuudddduddu M:C| K:D H:DRZ T:Humours of Ballyconnell
ABC 35 C1:526700601177673 C2:dudduuudddduddu M:C| K:D H:DLR T:Humours of Ballyconnell
ABC 253 C1:526700601177673 C2:dudduuudddduddu M:C| K:D H:DRZ T:Humours of Ballyconnell
ABC 102 C1:117767635267107 C2:uudddddududdudu M:4/4 K:Dmaj H:"HLRZ T:Humours Of Ballyconnell, The
ABC 555 C1:526700601177673 C2:dudduuudddduddu M:C| K:D H:DRZ T:Humours of Ballyconnell, The
ABC 555 C1:526700601177673 C2:dudduuudddduddu M:C| K:D H:DRZ T:Humours of Ballyconnell, The
ABC 4157 C1:377767126767005 C2:uddddduudddduuu M:C| K:D H:BLZ T:HUMOURS OF BALLYCONNELL
ABC 4157 C1:377767126767005 C2:uddddduudddduuu M:C| K:D H:BLZ T:HUMOURS OF BALLYCONNELL
ABC 4157 C1:377767126767005 C2:uddddduudddduuu M:C| K:D H:BLZ T:HUMOURS OF BALLYCONNELL
ABC 4157 C1:377767126767005 C2:uddddduudddduuu M:C| K:D H:BLZ T:HUMOURS OF BALLYCONNELL
ABC 4157 C1:377767126767005 C2:uddddduudddduuu M:C| K:D H:BLZ T:HUMOURS OF BALLYCONNELL
ABC 4157 C1:377767126767005 C2:uddddduudddduuu M:C| K:D H:BLZ T:HUMOURS OF BALLYCONNELL
ABC 4157 C1:377767126767005 C2:uddddduudddduuu M:C| K:D H:BLZ T:HUMOURS OF BALLYCONNELL
ABC 4157 C1:377767126767005 C2:uddddduudddduuu M:C| K:D H:BLZ T:HUMOURS OF BALLYCONNELL
ABC 4157 C1:377767126767005 C2:uddddduudddduuu M:C| K:D H:BLZ T:HUMOURS OF BALLYCONNELL
ABC 555 C1:526700601177673 C2:dudduuudddduddu M:C| K:D H:DRZ T:Humours of Ballyconnell, The
ABC 40 C1:111176617761111 C2:uuuuddduddduuuu M:C| K:Amix H:DRZ T:Humours of Ballyconnell, The
ABC 7309 C1:526700601177673 C2:dudduuudddduddu M:C| K:D H:DLQR T:Humours of Ballyconnell
ABC 7310 C1:117767635267003 C2:uudddddududduuu M:C K:D H:LZ T:Humours of Ballyconnell
ABC 7311 C1:711777717611112 C2:duuddddudduuuuu M:C| K:A H:LZ T:Humours of Ballyconnell
ABC 7312 C1:111176617761111 C2:uuuuddduddduuuu M:C| K:Amix H:DRZ T:Humours of Ballyconnell, The
ABC 7313 C1:526700601177673 C2:dudduuudddduddu M:C| K:D H:DLR T:Humours of Ballyconnell, The
ABC 7314 C1:526700601177673 C2:dudduuudddduddu M:C| K:D H:DRZ T:Humours of Ballyconnell, The
ABC 7309 C1:526700601177673 C2:dudduuudddduddu M:C| K:D H:DLQR T:Humours of Ballyconnell
ABC 7310 C1:117767635267003 C2:uudddddududduuu M:C K:D H:LZ T:Humours of Ballyconnell
ABC 7311 C1:711777717611112 C2:duuddddudduuuuu M:C| K:A H:LZ T:Humours of Ballyconnell
ABC 7312 C1:111176617761111 C2:uuuuddduddduuuu M:C| K:Amix H:DRZ T:Humours of Ballyconnell, The
ABC 7313 C1:526700601177673 C2:dudduuudddduddu M:C| K:D H:DLR T:Humours of Ballyconnell, The
ABC 7314 C1:526700601177673 C2:dudduuudddduddu M:C| K:D H:DRZ T:Humours of Ballyconnell, The
ABC 2691 C1:526700601177673 C2:dudduuudddduddu M:C| K:D H:DLOR T:Humours of Ballyconnell, The
ABC 2691 C1:526700601177673 C2:dudduuudddduddu M:C| K:D H:DLOR T:Humours of Ballyconnell, The
ABC 40 C1:111176617761111 C2:uuuuddduddduuuu M:C| K:Amix H:DRZ T:Humours of Ballyconnell, The
ABC 555 C1:526700601177673 C2:dudduuudddduddu M:C| K:D H:DRZ T:Humours of Ballyconnell, The
ABC 555 C1:526700601177673 C2:dudduuudddduddu M:C| K:D H:DRZ T:Humours of Ballyconnell, The
ABC 40 C1:111176617761111 C2:uuuuddduddduuuu M:C| K:Amix H:DRZ T:Humours of Ballyconnell, The
ABC 5813 C1:111176617761111 C2:uuuuddduddduuuu M:C| K:Amix H:DRZ T:Humours of Ballyconnell, The
ABC 5814 C1:526700601177673 C2:dudduuudddduddu M:C| K:D H:DRZ T:Humours of Ballyconnell, The
ABC 5815 C1:526700601177673 C2:dudduuudddduddu M:C| K:D H:DLR T:Humours of Ballyconnell, The
ABC 5813 C1:111176617761111 C2:uuuuddduddduuuu M:C| K:Amix H:DRZ T:Humours of Ballyconnell, The
ABC 5814 C1:526700601177673 C2:dudduuudddduddu M:C| K:D H:DRZ T:Humours of Ballyconnell, The
ABC 5815 C1:526700601177673 C2:dudduuudddduddu M:C| K:D H:DLR T:Humours of Ballyconnell, The
ABC 5813 C1:111176617761111 C2:uuuuddduddduuuu M:C| K:Amix H:DRZ T:Humours of Ballyconnell, The
ABC 5814 C1:526700601177673 C2:dudduuudddduddu M:C| K:D H:DRZ T:Humours of Ballyconnell, The
ABC 5815 C1:526700601177673 C2:dudduuudddduddu M:C| K:D H:DLR T:Humours of Ballyconnell, The
ABC 1073 C1:117767635267003 C2:uudddddududduuu M:C K:D H:LOZ T:Humours of Ballyconnell
ABC 1 C1:111766177621111 C2:uuuddduddduuuuu M:4/4 K:AMix H:LRS T:The Humours of Ballyconnell
ABC 40 C1:111176617761111 C2:uuuuddduddduuuu M:C| K:Amix H:DRZ T:Humours of Ballyconnell, The
ABC 1 C1:111766177621111 C2:uuuddduddduuuuu M:4/4 K:AMix H:LRS T:The Humours of Ballyconnell
ABC 40 C1:111176617761111 C2:uuuuddduddduuuu M:C| K:Amix H:DRZ T:Humours of Ballyconnell, The
ABC 1 C1:117767275267003 C2:uudddduddudduuu M:4/4 K:D H:"CDLOQRSZ T:Humours of Ballyconnell (D major) / Captain Rock / Tom Spillane's Reel
ABC 1 C1:177711177711037 C2:uddduuuddduuudd M:12/8 K:G H:"CDLOQRSZ T:The Humours of Ballydaly (G major) / Hare in the Corn / The Cat in the Corner
ABC 1 C1:601767121767121 C2:duddduuuddduuud M: K:Dmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Ballydehob
ABC 2 C1:106176730176703 C2:ududdduuddduudu M: K:Gmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Ballydehob
ABC 3 C1:660176730176730 C2:ddduddduuddduud M: K:Gmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Ballydehob
ABC 4 C1:106176730176703 C2:ududdduuddduudu M: K:Gmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Ballydehob
ABC 5 C1:601147301767301 C2:duudduuddduuduu M: K:Gmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Ballydehob
ABC 1 C1:077115060711060 C2:dduuddduudduudu M:6/8 K:G H:LR T:Humours of Ballydehob
ABC 1 C1:601147301767301 C2:duudduuddduuduu M:6/8 K:Gmaj H:LR T:Humours Of Ballydehob, The
ABC 2 C1:601767121767121 C2:duddduuuddduuud M:6/8 K:D H:LR T:Humours of Ballydehob
ABC 2 C1:601767121767121 C2:duddduuuddduuud M:6/8 K:D H:LR T:Humours of Ballydehob
ABC 12 C1:201230627016001 C2:uuuuddduududduu M:2/4 K:G H:LR T:Humours of Ballydesmond, The
ABC 12 C1:201230627016001 C2:uuuuddduududduu M:2/4 K:G H:LR T:Humours of Ballydesmond, The
ABC 12 C1:201230627016001 C2:uuuuddduududduu M:2/4 K:G H:LR T:Humours of Ballydesmond, The
ABC 12 C1:201230627016001 C2:uuuuddduududduu M:2/4 K:G H:LR T:Humours of Ballydesmond, The
ABC 12 C1:201230627016001 C2:uuuuddduududduu M:2/4 K:G H:LR T:Humours of Ballydesmond, The
ABC 12 C1:201230627016001 C2:uuuuddduududduu M:2/4 K:G H:LR T:Humours of Ballydesmond, The
ABC 12 C1:201230627016001 C2:uuuuddduududduu M:2/4 K:G H:LR T:Humours of Ballydesmond, The
ABC 12 C1:201230627016001 C2:uuuuddduududduu M:2/4 K:G H:LR T:Humours of Ballydesmond, The
ABC 12 C1:201230627016001 C2:uuuuddduududduu M:2/4 K:G H:LR T:Humours of Ballydesmond, The
ABC 12 C1:201230627016001 C2:uuuuddduududduu M:2/4 K:G H:LR T:Humours of Ballydesmond, The
ABC 12 C1:201230627016001 C2:uuuuddduududduu M:2/4 K:G H:LR T:Humours of Ballydesmond, The
ABC 12 C1:201230627016001 C2:uuuuddduududduu M:2/4 K:G H:LR T:Humours of Ballydesmond, The
ABC 12 C1:201230627016001 C2:uuuuddduududduu M:2/4 K:G H:LR T:Humours of Ballydesmond, The
ABC 12 C1:201230627016001 C2:uuuuddduududduu M:2/4 K:G H:LR T:Humours of Ballydesmond, The
ABC 12 C1:201230627016001 C2:uuuuddduududduu M:2/4 K:G H:LR T:Humours of Ballydesmond, The
ABC 12 C1:201230627016001 C2:uuuuddduududduu M:2/4 K:G H:LR T:Humours of Ballydesmond, The
ABC 12 C1:201230627016001 C2:uuuuddduududduu M:2/4 K:G H:LR T:Humours of Ballydesmond, The
ABC 12 C1:201230627016001 C2:uuuuddduududduu M:2/4 K:G H:LR T:Humours of Ballydesmond, The
ABC 1 C1:201230627016001 C2:uuuuddduududduu M:2/4 K:G H:LQRZ T:The Humours of Ballydesmond
ABC 1 C1:201230627016531 C2:uuuuddduududddu M:2/4 K:G H:DFLRZ T:Humours of Ballydesmond, The
ABC 11 C1:201230627016531 C2:uuuuddduududddu M:2/4 K:G H:DLRZ T:Humours of Ballydesmond, The
ABC 11 C1:201230627016531 C2:uuuuddduududddu M:2/4 K:G H:DLRZ T:Humours of Ballydesmond, The
ABC 11 C1:201230627016531 C2:uuuuddduududddu M:2/4 K:G H:DLRZ T:Humours of Ballydesmond, The
ABC 14914 C1:201230627016531 C2:uuuuddduududddu M:2/4 K:G H:DLRZ T:Humours of Ballydesmond, The
ABC 14914 C1:201230627016531 C2:uuuuddduududddu M:2/4 K:G H:DLRZ T:Humours of Ballydesmond, The
ABC 14914 C1:201230627016531 C2:uuuuddduududddu M:2/4 K:G H:DLRZ T:Humours of Ballydesmond, The
ABC 14914 C1:201230627016531 C2:uuuuddduududddu M:2/4 K:G H:DLRZ T:Humours of Ballydesmond, The
ABC 1075 C1:201230627016531 C2:uuuuddduududddu M:2/4 K:G H:DLORZ T:Humours of Ballydesmond, The
ABC 1 C1:062117605302277 C2:duuuddduuuudddd M:6/8 K:D H:"CDLOQRSZ T:Humours of Ballykeale
ABC 1 C1:000762671715000 C2:ddudduduududddd M:6/8 K:Ador H:"LR T:Humours of Ballyloughlin
ABC 38 C1:000762671715000 C2:ddudduduududddd M:6/8 K:D H:L T:Humours of Ballyloughlin
ABC 21 C1:670051711177677 C2:dduuduuuddddddd M:6/8 K:DMix H:LRS T:Humours of Ballyloughlin
ABC 1 C1:670051711177677 C2:dduuduuuddddddd M:6/8 K:DMix H:LRS T:Humours of Ballyloughlin
ABC 43 C1:000762671715000 C2:ddudduduududddd M:6/8 K:Dmix H:LR T:Humours of Ballyloughlin
ABC 43 C1:000762671715000 C2:ddudduduududddd M:6/8 K:Dmix H:LR T:Humours of Ballyloughlin
ABC 43 C1:000762671715000 C2:ddudduduududddd M:6/8 K:Dmix H:LR T:Humours of Ballyloughlin
ABC 1 C1:670176603177677 C2:ddududuuddddddd M:6/8 K:Dmix H:DLRZ T:Humours of Ballyloughlin, The
ABC 100 C1:670176603177677 C2:ddududuuddddddd M:6/8 K:Dmix H:DRZ T:Humours of Ballyloughlin
ABC 1 C1:671256000630767 C2:dduudududdddduu M:6/8 K:C H:LR T:Humours of Ballyloughlin
ABC 1 C1:670176603177677 C2:ddududuuddddddd M:6/8 K:Dmix H:DRZ T:Humours of Ballyloughlin, The
ABC 1 C1:670176603177677 C2:ddududuuddddddd M:6/8 K:Dmix H:DLR T:Humours of Ballyloughlin, The
ABC 1 C1:000762671715000 C2:ddudduduududddd M:6/8 K:ADor H:"LR T:Humours of Ballyloughlin
ABC 93 C1:670222000630767 C2:dduuududdddduud M:6/8 K:Dmix H:"LR T:Humours of Ballyloughlin, The
ABC 24 C1:671256000630767 C2:dduudududdddduu M:6/8 K:G H:"AR T:The Humours of Ballyloughlin
ABC 24 C1:671256000630767 C2:dduudududdddduu M:6/8 K:G H:"AR T:The Humours of Ballyloughlin
ABC 332 C1:670006711177677 C2:dduduuudddddddu M:6/8 K:G H:"L T:The Humours of Ballyloughlin
ABC 332 C1:670006711177677 C2:dduduuudddddddu M:6/8 K:G H:"L T:The Humours of Ballyloughlin
ABC 1 C1:670006711177677 C2:dduduuudddddddu M:6/8 K:ADor H:LRSZ T:Humours of Ballyloughlin
ABC 1 C1:670006063267677 C2:dduduuddddddduu M:6/8 K:Dmix H:"L T:The Humours Of Ballyloughlin
ABC 1 C1:670006063267677 C2:dduduuddddddduu M:6/8 K:Dmix H:"L T:The Humours Of Ballyloughlin
ABC 1 C1:670006063267677 C2:dduduuddddddduu M:6/8 K:Dmix H:"L T:The Humours Of Ballyloughlin
ABC 1 C1:670006063267677 C2:dduduuddddddduu M:6/8 K:Dmix H:"L T:The Humours Of Ballyloughlin
ABC 681 C1:670176063177677 C2:ddududuuddddddd M:6/8 K:G H:"BDLORSZ T:The humours of Ballyloughlin
ABC 681 C1:670176063177677 C2:ddududuuddddddd M:6/8 K:G H:"BDLORSZ T:The humours of Ballyloughlin
ABC 681 C1:670176063177677 C2:ddududuuddddddd M:6/8 K:G H:"BDLORSZ T:The humours of Ballyloughlin
ABC 681 C1:670176063177677 C2:ddududuuddddddd M:6/8 K:G H:"BDLORSZ T:The humours of Ballyloughlin
ABC 1 C1:670051711177677 C2:dduuduuuddddddd M:6/8 K:D H:"L T:Humours of Ballyloughlin, The
ABC 1 C1:000762670006711 C2:ddudduduudddddu M:6/8 K:HP H:CLQS T:The Humours of Ballyloughlin
ABC 1 C1:000762670006711 C2:ddudduduudddddu M:6/8 K:HP H:CLQS T:The Humours of Ballyloughlin
ABC 1 C1:000762670006711 C2:ddudduduudddddu M:6/8 K:HP H:CLQS T:The Humours of Ballyloughlin
ABC 332 C1:670006711177677 C2:dduduuudddddddu M:6/8 K:G H:"L T:The Humours of Ballyloughlin
ABC 22 C1:000762670006000 C2:dduddududdddudd M:6/8 K:Dmix H:LR T:Humours of Ballyloughlin
ABC 1 C1:17076267005 C2:uddduddu M:6/8 K:Dmix H:LR T:The Humours Of Ballyloughlin
ABC 1 C1:000762670042006 C2:ddudduududddddd M:6/8 K:Dmix H:LR T:The Humours Of Ballyloughlin
ABC 61 C1:670176603177677 C2:ddududuuddddddd M:6/8 K:Dmix H:DRZ T:Humours of Ballyloughlin, The
ABC 61 C1:670176603177677 C2:ddududuuddddddd M:6/8 K:Dmix H:DRZ T:Humours of Ballyloughlin, The
ABC 61 C1:670176603177677 C2:ddududuuddddddd M:6/8 K:Dmix H:DRZ T:Humours of Ballyloughlin, The
ABC 61 C1:670176603177677 C2:ddududuuddddddd M:6/8 K:Dmix H:DRZ T:Humours of Ballyloughlin, The
ABC 54 C1:670051711177677 C2:dduuduuuddddddd M:6/8 K:DMix H:LRSZ T:Humours of Ballyloughlin
ABC 54 C1:670051711177677 C2:dduuduuuddddddd M:6/8 K:DMix H:LRSZ T:Humours of Ballyloughlin
ABC 40 C1:670051001177677 C2:dduuuuddddddduu M:6/8 K:DMix H:"LR T:Humours of Ballyloughlin, The
ABC 40 C1:670051001177677 C2:dduuuuddddddduu M:6/8 K:DMix H:"LR T:Humours of Ballyloughlin, The
ABC 1 C1:000762670042006 C2:ddudduududddddd M:6/8 K:Dmix H:LR T:The Humours Of Ballyloughlin
ABC 1 C1:000762670042006 C2:ddudduududddddd M:6/8 K:Dmix H:LR T:The Humours Of Ballyloughlin
ABC 17 C1:670051711177677 C2:dduuduuuddddddd M:6/8 K:DMix H:LRS T:Humours of Ballyloughlin
ABC 65 C1:670176603177677 C2:ddududuuddddddd M:6/8 K:Dmix H:DRZ T:Humours of Ballyloughlin, The
ABC 65 C1:670176603177677 C2:ddududuuddddddd M:6/8 K:Dmix H:DRZ T:Humours of Ballyloughlin, The
ABC 1 C1:000762670042006 C2:ddudduududddddd M:6/8 K:Dmix H:LR T:The Humours Of Ballyloughlin
ABC 1 C1:000762670042006 C2:ddudduududddddd M:6/8 K:Dmix H:LR T:The Humours Of Ballyloughlin
ABC 1 C1:000762670042006 C2:ddudduududddddd M:6/8 K:Dmix H:LR T:The Humours Of Ballyloughlin
ABC 1 C1:17076267005 C2:uddduddu M:6/8 K:Dmix H:LR T:The Humours Of Ballyloughlin
ABC 93 C1:67022200063 C2:dduuudu M:6/8 K:Dmix H:LR T:Humours of Ballyloughlin, The
ABC 36 C1:670176603177677 C2:ddududuuddddddd M:6/8 K:Dmix H:DRZ T:Humours of Ballyloughlin, The
ABC 36 C1:670176603177677 C2:ddududuuddddddd M:6/8 K:Dmix H:DRZ T:Humours of Ballyloughlin, The
ABC 305 C1:000762671715000 C2:ddudduduududddd M:6/8 K:D H:LZ T:Humours of Ballyloughlin
ABC 63 C1:000762671715000 C2:ddudduduududddd M:6/8 K:D H:LZ T:Humours of Ballyloughlin
ABC 1 C1:17076267005 C2:uddduddu M:6/8 K:Dmix H:LR T:The Humours Of Ballyloughlin
ABC 93 C1:67022200063 C2:dduuudu M:6/8 K:Dmix H:LR T:Humours of Ballyloughlin, The
ABC 65 C1:670176603177677 C2:ddududuuddddddd M:6/8 K:Dmix H:DRZ T:Humours of Ballyloughlin, The
ABC 65 C1:670176603177677 C2:ddududuuddddddd M:6/8 K:Dmix H:DRZ T:Humours of Ballyloughlin, The
ABC 1 C1:170762670051711 C2:udddudduuduuudd M:6/8 K:Dmix H:LR T:The Humours Of Ballyloughlin
ABC 1 C1:170762670051711 C2:udddudduuduuudd M:6/8 K:Dmix H:LR T:The Humours Of Ballyloughlin
ABC 105 C1:670051711177677 C2:dduuduuuddddddd M:6/8 K:DMix H:LQRSZ T:Humours of Ballyloughlin
ABC 105 C1:670051711177677 C2:dduuduuuddddddd M:6/8 K:DMix H:LQRSZ T:Humours of Ballyloughlin
ABC 105 C1:670051711177677 C2:dduuduuuddddddd M:6/8 K:DMix H:LQRSZ T:Humours of Ballyloughlin
ABC 105 C1:670051711177677 C2:dduuduuuddddddd M:6/8 K:DMix H:LQRSZ T:Humours of Ballyloughlin
ABC 105 C1:670051711177677 C2:dduuduuuddddddd M:6/8 K:DMix H:LQRSZ T:Humours of Ballyloughlin
ABC 105 C1:670051711177677 C2:dduuduuuddddddd M:6/8 K:DMix H:LQRSZ T:Humours of Ballyloughlin
ABC 105 C1:670051711177677 C2:dduuduuuddddddd M:6/8 K:DMix H:LQRSZ T:Humours of Ballyloughlin
ABC 630 C1:670042711177677 C2:dduuduuuddddddd M:6/8 K:Dmix H:"DRZ T:The Humours of Ballyloughlin
ABC 630 C1:670042711177677 C2:dduuduuuddddddd M:6/8 K:Dmix H:"DRZ T:The Humours of Ballyloughlin
ABC 113 C1:670051711177677 C2:dduuduuuddddddd M:6/8 K:DMix H:LQRSZ T:Humours of Ballyloughlin
ABC 2 C1:170762670051711 C2:udddudduuduuudd M:6/8 K:Dmix H:L T:The Humours Of Ballyloughlin
ABC 1 C1:170762670051711 C2:udddudduuduuudd M: K:Dmix H:LR T:The Humours Of Ballyloughlin
ABC 2 C1:000762670006063 C2:ddudduduudddddd M: K:Dmix H:LR T:The Humours Of Ballyloughlin
ABC 3 C1:000762670000606 C2:ddudduduudddddu M: K:Dmix H:LR T:The Humours Of Ballyloughlin
ABC 4 C1:000762670006063 C2:udddudduduudddd M: K:Dmix H:LR T:The Humours Of Ballyloughlin
ABC 5 C1:260762670006063 C2:udddudduduudddd M: K:Dmix H:LR T:The Humours Of Ballyloughlin
ABC 6 C1:260762670006000 C2:uddduddududdddu M: K:Dmix H:LR T:The Humours Of Ballyloughlin
ABC 7 C1:170762671256000 C2:udddudduudududd M: K:Dmix H:LR T:The Humours Of Ballyloughlin
ABC 1 C1:170762670051711 C2:udddudduuduuudd M:6/8 K:Dmix H:LR T:The Humours Of Ballyloughlin
ABC 66 C1:170762670051711 C2:udddudduuduuudd M:6/8 K:Dmix H:LR T:Humours Of Ballyloughlin, The
ABC 66 C1:170762670051711 C2:udddudduuduuudd M:6/8 K:Dmix H:LR T:Humours Of Ballyloughlin, The
ABC 332 C1:670006711177677 C2:dduduuudddddddu M:6/8 K:G H:"L T:The Humours of Ballyloughlin
ABC 43 C1:000762671715000 C2:ddudduduududddd M:6/8 K:Dmix H:LR T:Humours of Ballyloughlin
ABC 93 C1:670222000630767 C2:dduuududdddduud M:6/8 K:Dmix H:LR T:Humours of Ballyloughlin, The
ABC 43 C1:000762671715000 C2:ddudduduududddd M:6/8 K:Dmix H:LR T:Humours of Ballyloughlin
ABC 47 C1:000762670006000 C2:dduddududdddudd M:6/8 K:Dmix H:LR T:Humours of Ballyloughlin
ABC 47 C1:000762670006000 C2:dduddududdddudd M:6/8 K:Dmix H:LR T:Humours of Ballyloughlin
ABC 21 C1:670051711177677 C2:dduuduuuddddddd M:6/8 K:DMix H:LRS T:Humours of Ballyloughlin
ABC 100 C1:670176603177677 C2:ddududuuddddddd M:6/8 K:Dmix H:DRZ T:Humours of Ballyloughlin
ABC 21 C1:670051711177677 C2:dduuduuuddddddd M:6/8 K:DMix H:LRS T:Humours of Ballyloughlin
ABC 100 C1:670176603177677 C2:ddududuuddddddd M:6/8 K:Dmix H:DRZ T:Humours of Ballyloughlin
ABC 93 C1:670222000630767 C2:dduuududdddduud M:6/8 K:Dmix H:"LR T:Humours of Ballyloughlin, The
ABC 93 C1:670222000630767 C2:dduuududdddduud M:6/8 K:Dmix H:"LR T:Humours of Ballyloughlin, The
ABC 530 C1:670006711177677 C2:dduduuudddddddu M:6/8 K:ADor H:DRSZ T:Humours of Ballyloughlin
ABC 219 C1:170762670006063 C2:udddudduduudddd M:6/8 K:Dmix H:HLRZ T:Humours Of Ballyloughlin, The
ABC 1 C1:170762670051711 C2:udddudduuduuudd M:6/8 K:Dmix H:LR T:The Humours Of Ballyloughlin
ABC 93 C1:670222000630767 C2:dduuududdddduud M:6/8 K:Dmix H:"LR T:Humours of Ballyloughlin, The
ABC 412 C1:000762670042006 C2:ddudduududddddd M:6/8 K:Dmix H:LR T:The Humours Of Ballyloughlin
ABC 65 C1:670176603177677 C2:ddududuuddddddd M:6/8 K:Dmix H:DRZ T:Humours of Ballyloughlin, The
ABC 65 C1:670176603177677 C2:ddududuuddddddd M:6/8 K:Dmix H:DRZ T:Humours of Ballyloughlin, The
ABC 65 C1:670176603177677 C2:ddududuuddddddd M:6/8 K:Dmix H:DRZ T:Humours of Ballyloughlin, The
ABC 80 C1:670176603177677 C2:ddududuuddddddd M:6/8 K:Dmix H:DRZ T:Humours of Ballyloughlin, The
ABC 81 C1:670000606317777 C2:dduduudddddddud M:6/8 K:Dmix H:RS T:Humours of Ballyloughlin
ABC 7315 C1:670051711177677 C2:dduuduuuddddddd M:6/8 K:DMix H:LRSZ T:Humours of Ballyloughlin
ABC 7316 C1:670051711177677 C2:dduuduuuddddddd M:6/8 K:DMix H:LRSZ T:Humours of Ballyloughlin
ABC 7317 C1:670051711177677 C2:dduuduuuddddddd M:6/8 K:DMix H:LRS T:Humours of Ballyloughlin
ABC 7318 C1:000762671715000 C2:ddudduduududddd M:6/8 K:D H:LZ T:Humours of Ballyloughlin
ABC 7319 C1:000762671715000 C2:ddudduduududddd M:6/8 K:D H:L T:Humours of Ballyloughlin
ABC 7320 C1:670176603177677 C2:ddududuuddddddd M:6/8 K:Dmix H:DRZ T:Humours of Ballyloughlin, The
ABC 7315 C1:670051711177677 C2:dduuduuuddddddd M:6/8 K:DMix H:LRSZ T:Humours of Ballyloughlin
ABC 7316 C1:670051711177677 C2:dduuduuuddddddd M:6/8 K:DMix H:LRSZ T:Humours of Ballyloughlin
ABC 7317 C1:670051711177677 C2:dduuduuuddddddd M:6/8 K:DMix H:LRS T:Humours of Ballyloughlin
ABC 7318 C1:000762671715000 C2:ddudduduududddd M:6/8 K:D H:LZ T:Humours of Ballyloughlin
ABC 7319 C1:000762671715000 C2:ddudduduududddd M:6/8 K:D H:L T:Humours of Ballyloughlin
ABC 7320 C1:670176603177677 C2:ddududuuddddddd M:6/8 K:Dmix H:DRZ T:Humours of Ballyloughlin, The
ABC 2692 C1:670176603177677 C2:ddududuuddddddd M:6/8 K:Dmix H:DLOR T:Humours of Ballyloughlin, The
ABC 2693 C1:670006711177677 C2:dduduuudddddddu M:6/8 K:ADor H:LORS T:Humours of Ballyloughlin
ABC 2692 C1:670176603177677 C2:ddududuuddddddd M:6/8 K:Dmix H:DLOR T:Humours of Ballyloughlin, The
ABC 2693 C1:670006711177677 C2:dduduuudddddddu M:6/8 K:ADor H:LORS T:Humours of Ballyloughlin
ABC 65 C1:670176603177677 C2:ddududuuddddddd M:6/8 K:Dmix H:DRZ T:Humours of Ballyloughlin, The
ABC 65 C1:670176603177677 C2:ddududuuddddddd M:6/8 K:Dmix H:DRZ T:Humours of Ballyloughlin, The
ABC 681 C1:670176063177677 C2:ddududuuddddddd M:6/8 K:G H:"BDLORSZ T:The humours of Ballyloughlin
ABC 5816 C1:670176603177677 C2:ddududuuddddddd M:6/8 K:Dmix H:DRZ T:Humours of Ballyloughlin, The
ABC 5817 C1:670176603177677 C2:ddududuuddddddd M:6/8 K:Dmix H:DLR T:Humours of Ballyloughlin, The
ABC 5818 C1:670006711177677 C2:dduduuudddddddu M:6/8 K:ADor H:LRSZ T:Humours of Ballyloughlin
ABC 5819 C1:671256000630767 C2:dduudududdddduu M:6/8 K:C H:LR T:Humours of Ballyloughlin
ABC 5820 C1:670051711177677 C2:dduuduuuddddddd M:6/8 K:DMix H:LRS T:Humours of Ballyloughlin
ABC 5816 C1:670176603177677 C2:ddududuuddddddd M:6/8 K:Dmix H:DRZ T:Humours of Ballyloughlin, The
ABC 5817 C1:670176603177677 C2:ddududuuddddddd M:6/8 K:Dmix H:DLR T:Humours of Ballyloughlin, The
ABC 5818 C1:670006711177677 C2:dduduuudddddddu M:6/8 K:ADor H:LRSZ T:Humours of Ballyloughlin
ABC 5819 C1:671256000630767 C2:dduudududdddduu M:6/8 K:C H:LR T:Humours of Ballyloughlin
ABC 5820 C1:670051711177677 C2:dduuduuuddddddd M:6/8 K:DMix H:LRS T:Humours of Ballyloughlin
ABC 5816 C1:670176603177677 C2:ddududuuddddddd M:6/8 K:Dmix H:DRZ T:Humours of Ballyloughlin, The
ABC 5817 C1:670176603177677 C2:ddududuuddddddd M:6/8 K:Dmix H:DLR T:Humours of Ballyloughlin, The
ABC 5818 C1:670006711177677 C2:dduduuudddddddu M:6/8 K:ADor H:LRSZ T:Humours of Ballyloughlin
ABC 5819 C1:671256000630767 C2:dduudududdddduu M:6/8 K:C H:LR T:Humours of Ballyloughlin
ABC 5820 C1:670051711177677 C2:dduuduuuddddddd M:6/8 K:DMix H:LRS T:Humours of Ballyloughlin
ABC 16864 C1:671256000630767 C2:dduudududdddduu M:6/8 K:G H:"AR T:The Humours of Ballyloughlin
ABC 16865 C1:671256000630767 C2:dduudududdddduu M:6/8 K:G H:"AR T:The Humours of Ballyloughlin
ABC 16864 C1:671256000630767 C2:dduudududdddduu M:6/8 K:G H:"AR T:The Humours of Ballyloughlin
ABC 16865 C1:671256000630767 C2:dduudududdddduu M:6/8 K:G H:"AR T:The Humours of Ballyloughlin
ABC 16864 C1:671256000630767 C2:dduudududdddduu M:6/8 K:G H:"AR T:The Humours of Ballyloughlin
ABC 16865 C1:671256000630767 C2:dduudududdddduu M:6/8 K:G H:"AR T:The Humours of Ballyloughlin
ABC 16864 C1:671256000630767 C2:dduudududdddduu M:6/8 K:G H:"AR T:The Humours of Ballyloughlin
ABC 16865 C1:671256000630767 C2:dduudududdddduu M:6/8 K:G H:"AR T:The Humours of Ballyloughlin
ABC 1 C1:670006063267677 C2:dduduudddddddud M:6/8 K:D H:O T:Humours of Ballyloughlin
ABC 65 C1:670176603177677 C2:ddududuuddddddd M:6/8 K:Dmix H:DRZ T:Humours of Ballyloughlin, The
ABC 65 C1:670176603177677 C2:ddududuuddddddd M:6/8 K:Dmix H:DRZ T:Humours of Ballyloughlin, The
ABC 1 C1:000762670006063 C2:ddudduduudddddd M:6/8 K:D H:"CDLOQRSZ T:Humours of Ballyloughlin (D mixolydian) / The Hurler's March
ABC 031 C1:000772772000773 C2:dduddudduuudddu M:9/8 K:D H:LQR T:Humours of Ballymanus
ABC 031 C1:000772772000773 C2:dduddudduuudddu M:9/8 K:D H:LQR T:Humours of Ballymanus
ABC 031 C1:000772772000773 C2:dduddudduuudddu M:9/8 K:D H:LQR T:Humours of Ballymanus
ABC 031 C1:000772772000773 C2:dduddudduuudddu M:9/8 K:D H:LQR T:Humours of Ballymanus
ABC 48130 C1:000772772000773 C2:dduddudduuudddu M:9/8 K:D H:BCLR T:HUMOURS OF BALLYMANUS, The
ABC 1 C1:000772772000773 C2:dduddudduuudddu M:9/8 K:D H:LR T:Humours Of Ballymanus
ABC 48130 C1:000772772000773 C2:dduddudduuudddu M:9/8 K:D H:BCLR T:HUMOURS OF BALLYMANUS, The
ABC 48130 C1:000772772000773 C2:dduddudduuudddu M:9/8 K:D H:BCLR T:HUMOURS OF BALLYMANUS, The
ABC 95 C1:000773115000772 C2:dduuudddudduduu M:9/8 K:D H:LRZ T:Humours of Ballymanus, The
ABC 95 C1:000773115000772 C2:dduuudddudduduu M:9/8 K:D H:LRZ T:Humours of Ballymanus, The
ABC 031 C1:000772772000773 C2:dduddudduuudddu M:9/8 K:D H:LQR T:Humours of Ballymanus
ABC 031 C1:000772772000773 C2:dduddudduuudddu M:9/8 K:D H:LQR T:Humours of Ballymanus
ABC 4 C1:170620620170063 C2:udduduudduuudud M: K:Cmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Ballymanus
ABC 5 C1:170062062170063 C2:udduduudduuudud M: K:Dmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Ballymanus
ABC 6 C1:170062062170063 C2:udduduudduuudud M: K:Dmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Ballymanus
ABC 7 C1:000772772000773 C2:dduddudduuudddu M: K:Dmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Ballymanus
ABC 8 C1:170063115170063 C2:udduuududdudddu M: K:Dmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Ballymanus
ABC 9 C1:170772772170773 C2:udddudduuddduuu M: K:Dmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Ballymanus
ABC 8 C1:170062062170063 C2:udduduudduuudud M:9/8 K:Dmaj H:LR T:Humours Of Ballymanus, The
ABC 1 C1:000773115000772 C2:dduuudddudduduu M: K:Dmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Ballymanus
ABC 2 C1:000772772000773 C2:dduddudduuudddu M: K:Amaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Ballymanus
ABC 3 C1:000772772000773 C2:dduddudduuudddu M: K:Dmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Ballymanus
ABC 71 C1:117045771045777 C2:uudduddududdddd M:6/8 K:Dm H:CLRZ T:Humours Of Ballyrakesh,
ABC 71 C1:117045771045777 C2:uudduddududdddd M:6/8 K:Dm H:CLRZ T:Humours Of Ballyrakesh,
ABC 71 C1:117045771045777 C2:uudduddududdddd M:6/8 K:Dm H:CLRZ T:Humours Of Ballyrakesh,
ABC 71 C1:117045771045777 C2:uudduddududdddd M:6/8 K:Dm H:CLRZ T:Humours Of Ballyrakesh,
ABC 1 C1:117045771045777 C2:uudduddududdddd M:6/8 K:Dm H:CDLRSZ T:Humours Of Ballyrakesh
ABC 1 C1:117045771045777 C2:uudduddududdddd M:6/8 K:Dm H:CDLRSZ T:Humours Of Ballyrakesh
ABC 1 C1:117045771045777 C2:uudduddududdddd M:6/8 K:Dm H:CDLRSZ T:Humours Of Ballyrakesh
ABC 1 C1:117045771045777 C2:uudduddududdddd M:6/8 K:Dm H:CDLRSZ T:Humours Of Ballyrakesh
ABC 1 C1:117045771045777 C2:uudduddududdddd M:6/8 K:Dm H:CDLRSZ T:Humours Of Ballyrakesh
ABC 1 C1:117045771045777 C2:uudduddududdddd M:6/8 K:Dm H:CDLRSZ T:Humours Of Ballyrakesh
ABC 1 C1:117045771045777 C2:uudduddududdddd M:6/8 K:Dm H:CDLRSZ T:Humours Of Ballyrakesh
ABC 1 C1:117045771045777 C2:uudduddududdddd M:6/8 K:Dm H:CDLRSZ T:Humours Of Ballyrakesh
ABC 1 C1:300711077111077 C2:uduudduuudduudd M:6/8 K:Am H:"BLRZ T:THE HUMOURS OF BANDON
ABC 1 C1:300711077111077 C2:uduudduuudduudd M:6/8 K:Am H:"BLRZ T:THE HUMOURS OF BANDON
ABC 1 C1:300711077111077 C2:uduudduuudduudd M:6/8 K:Am H:"BLRZ T:THE HUMOURS OF BANDON
ABC 1 C1:300711077111077 C2:uduudduuudduudd M:6/8 K:Am H:"BLRZ T:THE HUMOURS OF BANDON
ABC 1 C1:300711077111077 C2:uduudduuudduudd M:6/8 K:Am H:"BLRZ T:THE HUMOURS OF BANDON
ABC 1 C1:300711077111077 C2:uduudduuudduudd M:6/8 K:Am H:"BLRZ T:THE HUMOURS OF BANDON
ABC 109 C1:300711167111600 C2:uduuudduuudduuu M:6/8 K:G H:ILZ T:The Humours of Bandon
ABC 109 C1:300711167111600 C2:uduuudduuudduuu M:6/8 K:G H:ILZ T:The Humours of Bandon
ABC 109 C1:300711167111600 C2:uduuudduuudduuu M:6/8 K:G H:ILZ T:The Humours of Bandon
ABC 8 C1:300711077111600 C2:uduudduuudduuuu M:6/8 K:G H:LZ T:Humours of Bandon
ABC 8 C1:300711077111600 C2:uduudduuudduuuu M:6/8 K:G H:LZ T:Humours of Bandon
ABC 45 C1:300711077111600 C2:uduudduuudduuuu M:6/8 K:G H:LZ T:Humours of Bandon
ABC 1 C1:400713677111600 C2:uduuddduuudduud M:6/8 K:D H:BLRZ T:Humours of Bandon, The
ABC 1 C1:300711016711177 C2:uduuuddduuudddu M:6/8 K:G H:BLRSZ T:Humours of Bandon, The
ABC 17 C1:300711077111077 C2:uduudduuudduudd M:6/8 K:Am H:"BLRZ T:THE HUMOURS OF BANDON
ABC 6 C1:070003711077021 C2:duduudduudduuuu M: K:Gmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Bandon
ABC 7 C1:040711167111600 C2:uduuuddduuudduu M: K:Dmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Bandon
ABC 1 C1:030711077111060 C2:uduudduuudduuuu M: K:Gmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Bandon
ABC 2 C1:030071116711177 C2:uduuudduuuddduu M: K:Gmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Bandon
ABC 3 C1:030711077111060 C2:uduudduuudduuuu M: K:Gmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Bandon
ABC 4 C1:030071277711304 C2:uduuddduuudduuu M: K:Gmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Bandon
ABC 5 C1:630071107711160 C2:duduuuddduuuddu M: K:Gmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Bandon
ABC 109 C1:300711167111600 C2:uduuudduuudduuu M:6/8 K:G H:ILZ T:The Humours of Bandon
ABC 109 C1:300711167111600 C2:uduuudduuudduuu M:6/8 K:G H:ILZ T:The Humours of Bandon
ABC 7321 C1:300711077111600 C2:uduudduuudduuuu M:6/8 K:G H:LZ T:Humours of Bandon
ABC 7321 C1:300711077111600 C2:uduudduuudduuuu M:6/8 K:G H:LZ T:Humours of Bandon
ABC 1077 C1:300711077111600 C2:uduudduuudduuuu M:6/8 K:G H:LOZ T:Humours of Bandon
ABC 1039 C1:300711167111600 C2:uduuudduuudduuu M:6/8 K:G H:"LRZ T:Humours of Bandon (A20)
ABC 1039 C1:300711167111600 C2:uduuudduuudduuu M:6/8 K:G H:"LRZ T:Humours of Bandon (A20)
ABC 1039 C1:300711167111600 C2:uduuudduuudduuu M:6/8 K:G H:"LRZ T:Humours of Bandon (A20)
ABC 0786 C1:030712777113407 C2:uduuddduuudduuu M:6/8 K:G H:BCILZ T:The Humours of Bandon" (jig) 0786
ABC 0786 C1:030712777113407 C2:uduuddduuudduuu M:6/8 K:G H:BCILZ T:The Humours of Bandon" (jig) 0786
ABC 0786 C1:030712777113407 C2:uduuddduuudduuu M:6/8 K:G H:BCILZ T:The Humours of Bandon" (jig) 0786
ABC 109 C1:300711167111600 C2:uduuudduuudduuu M:6/8 K:G H:BCILZ T:The Humours Of Bandon Set (long) Dance Allan's #109 pp28
ABC 1 C1: C2: M:6/8 K:G H:FLRSZ T:Humours of Bandon, The (1st Setting)
ABC 2 C1:661767307111627 C2:dduddduduuududu M:6/8 K:G H:LR T:Humours of Bantry, The
ABC 2 C1:661767307111627 C2:dduddduduuududu M:6/8 K:G H:LR T:Humours of Bantry, The
ABC 1 C1:661767307111627 C2:dduddduduuududu M:6/8 K:G H:LR T:Humours of Bantry, The
ABC 1 C1:661767307111627 C2:dduddduduuududu M:6/8 K:G H:RZ T:Humours of Bantry, The
ABC 9 C1:716267661767307 C2:dududdddudddudu M:6/8 K:G H:"LR T:Humours of Bantry, The
ABC 39 C1:716267661767307 C2:dududdddudddudu M:6/8 K:G H:"LR T:Humours of Bantry, The
ABC 2 C1:661767307111627 C2:dduddduduuududu M:6/8 K:G H:LR T:Humours of Bantry, The
ABC 9 C1:716267661767307 C2:dududdddudddudu M:6/8 K:G H:"LR T:Humours of Bantry, The
ABC 39 C1:716267661767307 C2:dududdddudddudu M:6/8 K:G H:"LR T:Humours of Bantry, The
ABC 39 C1:716267661767307 C2:dududdddudddudu M:6/8 K:G H:"LR T:Humours of Bantry, The
ABC 20 C1:661767307111627 C2:dduddduduuududu M:6/8 K:G H:RZ T:Humours of Bantry, The
ABC 20 C1:661767307111627 C2:dduddduduuududu M:6/8 K:G H:RZ T:Humours of Bantry, The
ABC 20 C1:661767307111627 C2:dduddduduuududu M:6/8 K:G H:RZ T:Humours of Bantry, The
ABC 20 C1:661767307111627 C2:dduddduduuududu M:6/8 K:G H:RZ T:Humours of Bantry, The
ABC 9 C1:371626766176730 C2:udududdddudddud M:6/8 K:Gmaj H:LR T:Humours Of Bantry, The
ABC 9 C1:371626766176730 C2:udududdddudddud M:6/8 K:Gmaj H:LR T:Humours Of Bantry, The
ABC 2 C1:371626766176712 C2:ududuuddddudddu M:6/8 K:G H:LR T:Humours of Bantry
ABC 20 C1:661767307111627 C2:dduddduduuududu M:6/8 K:G H:RZ T:Humours of Bantry, The
ABC 20 C1:661767307111627 C2:dduddduduuududu M:6/8 K:G H:RZ T:Humours of Bantry, The
ABC 20 C1:661767307111627 C2:dduddduduuududu M:6/8 K:G H:RZ T:Humours of Bantry, The
ABC 20 C1:661767307111627 C2:dduddduduuududu M:6/8 K:G H:RZ T:Humours of Bantry, The
ABC 20 C1:661767307111627 C2:dduddduduuududu M:6/8 K:G H:RZ T:Humours of Bantry, The
ABC 20 C1:661767307111627 C2:dduddduduuududu M:6/8 K:G H:RZ T:Humours of Bantry, The
ABC 20 C1:661767307111627 C2:dduddduduuududu M:6/8 K:G H:RZ T:Humours of Bantry, The
ABC 1166 C1:661767307111627 C2:dduddduduuududu M:6/8 K:G H:LOR T:Humours of Bantry, The
ABC 1166 C1:661767307111627 C2:dduddduduuududu M:6/8 K:G H:LOR T:Humours of Bantry, The
ABC 2529 C1:661767307111627 C2:dduddduduuududu M:6/8 K:G H:RZ T:Humours of Bantry, The
ABC 2530 C1:661767307111627 C2:dduddduduuududu M:6/8 K:G H:LR T:Humours of Bantry, The
ABC 3125 C1:661767307111627 C2:dduddduduuududu M:6/8 K:G H:RZ T:Humours of Bantry, The
ABC 3125 C1:661767307111627 C2:dduddduduuududu M:6/8 K:G H:RZ T:Humours of Bantry, The
ABC 3125 C1:661767307111627 C2:dduddduduuududu M:6/8 K:G H:RZ T:Humours of Bantry, The
ABC 2529 C1:661767307111627 C2:dduddduduuududu M:6/8 K:G H:RZ T:Humours of Bantry, The
ABC 2530 C1:661767307111627 C2:dduddduduuududu M:6/8 K:G H:LR T:Humours of Bantry, The
ABC 2529 C1:661767307111627 C2:dduddduduuududu M:6/8 K:G H:RZ T:Humours of Bantry, The
ABC 2530 C1:661767307111627 C2:dduddduduuududu M:6/8 K:G H:LR T:Humours of Bantry, The
ABC 1079 C1:661767307111627 C2:dduddduduuududu M:6/8 K:G H:ORZ T:Humours of Bantry, The
ABC 20 C1:661767307111627 C2:dduddduduuududu M:6/8 K:G H:RZ T:Humours of Bantry, The
ABC 20 C1:661767307111627 C2:dduddduduuududu M:6/8 K:G H:RZ T:Humours of Bantry, The
ABC 1 C1: C2: M:C K:G H:BLRZ T:Humours of Bantry Bay, The
ABC 1 C1: C2: M:C K:G H:BLRZ T:Humours of Bantry Bay, The
ABC 143 C1:771067771020660 C2:ddudddduudduduu M:6/8 K:D H:BLQZ T:Humours Of Barleginda. Roose.0143
ABC 374 C1:771115606005663 C2:dduuudddudduddd M:4/4 K:D H:BLQSZ T:Humours of Bath,aka. JBut.372, The
ABC 1 C1:407130166766112 C2:uduuuddddduuuuu M: K:Edor H:LR T:The Humours Of Bolton Street
ABC 1 C1:007620674071031 C2:ddudduduuuddddd M:4/4 K:E H:"CDLOQRSZ T:Humours of Bolton Street (E dorian) / Bolton Street
ABC 1 C1:772111000711110 C2:dduuuuduuuududd M:4/4 K:Bb H:CLQR T:The Humours of Boston
ABC 1 C1:772111000711110 C2:dduuuuduuuududd M:4/4 K:Bb H:CLQR T:The Humours of Boston
ABC 1 C1:320722070700660 C2:uuuuduuuududduu M:2/4 K:Bb H:LRSZ T:Humours of Boston
ABC 1 C1:211100071111000 C2:uuuuduuuududduu M:2/4 K:Bb H:BLR T:Humours of Boston -- Hornpipe
ABC 1 C1:211100071111000 C2:uuuuduuuududduu M:2/4 K:Bb H:BLR T:Humours of Boston -- Hornpipe
ABC 1 C1:211100071111000 C2:uuuuduuuududduu M:2/4 K:Bb H:BLR T:Humours of Boston -- Hornpipe
ABC 1 C1:211100071111000 C2:uuuuduuuududduu M:2/4 K:Bb H:BLR T:Humours of Boston -- Hornpipe
ABC 24 C1:211100071111000 C2:uuuuduuuududduu M:2/4 K:Bb H:LZ T:Humour's of Boston Hornpipe
ABC 24 C1:211100071111000 C2:uuuuduuuududduu M:2/4 K:Bb H:LZ T:Humour's of Boston Hornpipe
ABC 240020 C1:212100071111000 C2:uuuuduuuududduu M:2/4 K:G H:"FGLRSZ T:Humours of Boston Hornpipe
ABC 7305 C1:211100071111000 C2:uuuuduuuududduu M:2/4 K:Bb H:L T:Humour's of Boston Hornpipe
ABC 7305 C1:211100071111000 C2:uuuuduuuududduu M:2/4 K:Bb H:L T:Humour's of Boston Hornpipe
ABC 240020 C1: C2: M:C| K:G H:FGLRSZ T:Humours of Boston Hornpipe
ABC 1 C1:211100071111000 C2:uuuuduuuududduu M:2/4 K:Bb H:BLR T:Humours of Boston -- Hornpipe
ABC 1 C1:211100071111000 C2:uuuuduuuududduu M:2/4 K:Bb H:BLR T:Humours of Boston -- Hornpipe
ABC 1 C1:211100071111000 C2:uuuuduuuududduu M:2/4 K:Bb H:BLR T:Humours of Boston -- Hornpipe
ABC 1 C1:777621117762534 C2:dddduuuuddududu M:C K:Dm H:CLRZ T:Humours Of Brooklyn
ABC 1 C1:777621117762534 C2:dddduuuuddududu M:C K:Dm H:CLRZ T:Humours Of Brooklyn
ABC 1 C1:777621117762534 C2:dddduuuuddududu M:C K:Dm H:CLRZ T:Humours Of Brooklyn
ABC 1 C1:777621117762534 C2:dddduuuuddududu M:C K:Dm H:CLRZ T:Humours Of Brooklyn
ABC 1 C1:777621117762534 C2:dddduuuuddududu M:C K:Dm H:CLRZ T:Humours Of Brooklyn
ABC 2 C1:777621117762534 C2:dddduuuuddududu M:C| K:D H:CLRZ T:Humours Of Brooklyn
ABC 2 C1:777621117762534 C2:dddduuuuddududu M:C| K:D H:CLRZ T:Humours Of Brooklyn
ABC 2 C1:777621117762534 C2:dddduuuuddududu M:C| K:D H:CLRZ T:Humours Of Brooklyn
ABC 2 C1:777621117762534 C2:dddduuuuddududu M:C| K:D H:CLRZ T:Humours Of Brooklyn
ABC 1 C1:026442612773616 C2:udududuuddududd M: K:Gmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Buckfast
ABC 40 C1:026442612773616 C2:udududuuddududd M:4/4 K:G H:CLR T:Humours Of Buckfast, The
ABC 65040 C1:277361670264426 C2:uddududdudududu M:4/4 K:G H:CLQR T:HUMOURS OF BUCKFAST (reel), The
ABC 65040 C1:277361670264426 C2:uddududdudududu M:4/4 K:G H:CLQR T:HUMOURS OF BUCKFAST (reel), The
ABC 65040 C1:277361670264426 C2:uddududdudududu M:4/4 K:G H:CLQR T:HUMOURS OF BUCKFAST (reel), The
ABC 1 C1: C2: M:9/8 K:D H:LQV T:The Humours of Caledon
ABC 37074 C1:102611777102622 C2:duduudddduduudd M:9/8 K:D H:BCLQR T:HUMOURS OF CALEDON, The
ABC 37074 C1:102611777102622 C2:duduudddduduudd M:9/8 K:D H:BCLQR T:HUMOURS OF CALEDON, The
ABC 166 C1:102611777102622 C2:duduudddduduudd M:9/8 K:D H:BLQV T:The Humours of Caledon
ABC 1 C1:102611777102622 C2:duduudddduduudd M:9/8 K:D H:LSZ T:Humours of Caledon, The
ABC 1 C1:102611777102622 C2:duduudddduduudd M:9/8 K:D H:LSZ T:Humours of Caledon, The
ABC 220 C1:102611777102622 C2:duduudddduduudd M:9/8 K:D H:LRSZ T:Humours of Caledon
ABC 220 C1:102611777102622 C2:duduudddduduudd M:9/8 K:D H:LRSZ T:Humours of Caledon
ABC 220 C1:102611777102622 C2:duduudddduduudd M:9/8 K:D H:LRSZ T:Humours of Caledon
ABC 220 C1:102611777102622 C2:duduudddduduudd M:9/8 K:D H:LRSZ T:Humours of Caledon
ABC 255 C1:102611777102622 C2:duduudddduduudd M:9/8 K:D H:LRSZ T:Humours of Caledon
ABC 37074 C1:102611777102622 C2:duduudddduduudd M:9/8 K:D H:BCLQR T:HUMOURS OF CALEDON, The
ABC 37074 C1:102611777102622 C2:duduudddduduudd M:9/8 K:D H:BCLQR T:HUMOURS OF CALEDON, The
ABC 1 C1:712776732236071 C2:duudddduuuudduu M:4/4 K:G H:"LRS T:Humours of California
ABC 63 C1:712776732236071 C2:duudddduuuudduu M:4/4 K:D H:"CILRZ T:Humours of California, The
ABC 63 C1:712776732236071 C2:duudddduuuudduu M:4/4 K:D H:"CILRZ T:Humours of California, The
ABC 1 C1:712776732236071 C2:duudddduuuudduu M:4/4 K:G H:"LRS T:Humours of California
ABC 1 C1:712776732236071 C2:duudddduuuudduu M:4/4 K:G H:"LRS T:Humours of California
ABC 1 C1:712776732236072 C2:duudddduuuudduu M:4/4 K:Gmaj H:FLR T:Humours Of California
ABC 1 C1:712776732236072 C2:duudddduuuudduu M:4/4 K:Gmaj H:FLR T:Humours Of California, The
ABC 1 C1:712776732236072 C2:duudddduuuudduu M:4/4 K:Gmaj H:FLR T:Humours Of California
ABC 1 C1:712776732236072 C2:duudddduuuudduu M:4/4 K:Gmaj H:FLR T:Humours Of California, The
ABC 22 C1:712776732236071 C2:duudddduuuudduu M:4/4 K:G H:"LR T:Humours of California
ABC 1 C1:712776732236071 C2:duudddduuuudduu M:4/4 K:G H:LRS T:Humours of California
ABC 95 C1:712776732236071 C2:duudddduuuudduu M:4/4 K:G H:"LRS T:Humours of California
ABC 19 C1:712776732236071 C2:duudddduuuudduu M:4/4 K:G H:"LRS T:Humours of California
ABC 19 C1:712776732236071 C2:duudddduuuudduu M:4/4 K:G H:"LRS T:Humours of California
ABC 19 C1:712776732236071 C2:duudddduuuudduu M:4/4 K:G H:"LRS T:Humours of California
ABC 19 C1:712776732236071 C2:duudddduuuudduu M:4/4 K:G H:"LRS T:Humours of California
ABC 19 C1:712776732236071 C2:duudddduuuudduu M:4/4 K:G H:"FLRS T:Humours of California
ABC 19 C1:712776732236071 C2:duudddduuuudduu M:4/4 K:G H:"FLRS T:Humours of California
ABC 19 C1:712776732236071 C2:duudddduuuudduu M:4/4 K:G H:"FLRS T:Humours of California
ABC 63 C1:712776732236071 C2:duudddduuuudduu M:4/4 K:D H:"CILRZ T:Humours of California, The
ABC 63 C1:712776732236071 C2:duudddduuuudduu M:4/4 K:D H:"CILRZ T:Humours of California, The
ABC 59 C1:712776732236072 C2:duudddduuuudduu M:4/4 K:Gmaj H:LR T:Humours Of California
ABC 59 C1:712776732236072 C2:duudddduuuudduu M:4/4 K:Gmaj H:LR T:Humours Of California, The
ABC 59 C1:712776732236072 C2:duudddduuuudduu M:4/4 K:Gmaj H:LR T:Humours Of California
ABC 59 C1:712776732236072 C2:duudddduuuudduu M:4/4 K:Gmaj H:LR T:Humours Of California, The
ABC 7322 C1:712776732236071 C2:duudddduuuudduu M:4/4 K:G H:"LRS T:Humours of California
ABC 7322 C1:712776732236071 C2:duudddduuuudduu M:4/4 K:G H:"LRS T:Humours of California
ABC 2694 C1:712776732236071 C2:duudddduuuudduu M:4/4 K:G H:"LORS T:Humours of California
ABC 2694 C1:712776732236071 C2:duudddduuuudduu M:4/4 K:G H:"LORS T:Humours of California
ABC 5821 C1:712776732236071 C2:duudddduuuudduu M:4/4 K:G H:"LRS T:Humours of California
ABC 5821 C1:712776732236071 C2:duudddduuuudduu M:4/4 K:G H:"LRS T:Humours of California
ABC 5821 C1:712776732236071 C2:duudddduuuudduu M:4/4 K:G H:"LRS T:Humours of California
ABC 1 C1:000302060706070 C2:uudddduudduuudd M:6/8 K:Am H:CLQR T:The Humours of Cappa
ABC 1 C1:000302060706070 C2:uudddduudduuudd M:6/8 K:Am H:CLQR T:The Humours of Cappa
ABC 1 C1:302623302621404 C2:duduududuududuu M: K:Dmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Cappa
ABC 088 C1:061111110776107 C2:duuuuuuddduduuu M:C| K:D H:BLRUZ T:Humours of Carrigaholt
ABC 1 C1:670311116771071 C2:duduuuuddduduuu M:C| K:D H:LSZ T:The Humours of Carrigaholt
ABC 993 C1:061111117761071 C2:duuuuuuddduduuu M:C| K:Dmix H:LRZ T:Humours Of Carrigaholt, The
ABC 993 C1:061111117761071 C2:duuuuuuddduduuu M:C| K:Dmix H:LRZ T:Humours Of Carrigaholt, The
ABC 1 C1:765201766011211 C2:ddduuddduuuuuud M:C| K:G H:DR T:Humours of Carrigaholt
ABC 1 C1:766127770611111 C2:ddduudddduuuuuu M: K:Dmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Carrigaholt
ABC 2 C1:766101776002111 C2:ddduuddduuuuudd M: K:Dmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Carrigaholt
ABC 3 C1:765201766011211 C2:ddduuddduuuuuud M: K:Gmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Carrigaholt
ABC 4 C1:766101776011111 C2:ddduuddduuuuuud M: K:Dmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Carrigaholt
ABC 5 C1:061111117761071 C2:duuuuuuddduduuu M: K:Dmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Carrigaholt
ABC 6 C1:601111116061071 C2:duuuuuudduduuuu M: K:Dmaj H:"LR T:The Humours Of Carrigaholt
ABC 1 C1:766101776002111 C2:ddduuddduuuuudd M:4/4 K:Dmaj H:LR T:Humours of Carrigaholt, The
ABC 088 C1:061111110776107 C2:duuuuuuddduduuu M:C| K:D H:BLRUZ T:Humours of Carrigaholt
ABC 088 C1:061111110776107 C2:duuuuuuddduduuu M:C| K:D H:BLRUZ T:Humours of Carrigaholt
ABC 624 C1:766101770611111 C2:ddduuddduuuuuud M:4/4 K:Dmaj H:HLRZ T:The Humours Of Carrigaholt
ABC 1 C1:766101776011111 C2:ddduuddduuuuuud M:4/4 K:D H:"CDLOQRSZ T:Humours of Carrigaholt (D mixolydian, D major)
ABC 1 C1:777711133563002 C2:dddduuududduuud M:C K:D H:BLZ T:Humours of Cashel
ABC 1 C1:777711133563002 C2:dddduuududduuud M:C K:D H:BLZ T:Humours of Cashel
ABC 1 C1:233122322635277 C2:ududuuuuudududd M: K:Dmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Castle Bernard
ABC 1 C1:233143220170777 C2:ududuuuuuuddddd M:4/4 K:D H:"CDLOQRSZ T:Humours of Castle Bernard (D major)
ABC 019 C1:307726630264606 C2:uddudduududddud M:4/4 K:G H:DLQR T:Humours of Castlecomber
ABC 019 C1:307726630264606 C2:uddudduududddud M:4/4 K:G H:DLQR T:Humours of Castlecomber
ABC 019 C1:307726630264606 C2:uddudduududddud M:4/4 K:G H:DLQR T:Humours of Castlecomber
ABC 019 C1:307726630264606 C2:uddudduududddud M:4/4 K:G H:DLQR T:Humours of Castlecomber
ABC 019 C1:307726630264606 C2:uddudduududddud M:4/4 K:G H:DLQR T:Humours of Castlecomber
ABC 019 C1:307726630264606 C2:uddudduududddud M:4/4 K:G H:DLQR T:Humours of Castlecomber
ABC 1 C1:307726630264606 C2:uddudduududddud M:4/4 K:G H:LQRSZ T:Humours of Castlecomer [2]
ABC 19 C1:170121170011170 C2:uduuuuduuuddddu M:6/8 K:Em H:"CLVZ T:Humours of Castle Comer, The
ABC 145 C1:307726630264606 C2:uddudduududddud M:4/4 K:G H:LRSZ T:Humours of Castlecomer
ABC 19 C1:17012117001 C2:uduuuudu M:6/8 K:Em H:"CLVZ T:Humours of Castle Comer, The
ABC 499 C1:161011170777176 C2:uduuuuddddudddd M:6/8 K:Edor H:LRZ T:Humours Of Castlecomer, The
ABC 499 C1:161011170777176 C2:uduuuuddddudddd M:6/8 K:Edor H:LRZ T:Humours Of Castlecomer, The
ABC 19 C1:17012117001 C2:uduuuudu M:6/8 K:Em H:"CLVZ T:Humours of Castle Comer, The
ABC 5 C1:400711111011716 C2:uduuuuuuudududd M: K:Ddor H:LR T:The Humours Of Castlecomer
ABC 6 C1:617011217001117 C2:dduduuuuduuuddd M: K:Emin H:LR T:The Humours Of Castlecomer
ABC 1 C1:161011170777176 C2:uduuuuddddudddd M: K:Edor H:LR T:The Humours Of Castlecomer
ABC 2 C1:000121000011170 C2:uuuuuuddddudddd M: K:Edor H:LR T:The Humours Of Castlecomer
ABC 3 C1:400711111011716 C2:uduuuuuuudududd M: K:Ddor H:LR T:The Humours Of Castlecomer
ABC 4 C1:444011011011716 C2:uduuuuuuudududd M: K:Ddor H:LR T:The Humours Of Castlecomer
ABC 19 C1:170121170011170 C2:uduuuuduuuddddu M:6/8 K:Em H:"CLVZ T:The Humours of Castle Comer
ABC 19 C1:170121170011170 C2:uduuuuduuuddddu M:6/8 K:Em H:"CLVZ T:Humours of Castle Comer, The
ABC 19 C1:170121170011170 C2:uduuuuduuuddddu M:6/8 K:Em H:"CLVZ T:Humours of Castle Comer, The
ABC 19 C1:170121170011170 C2:uduuuuduuuddddu M:6/8 K:Em H:"CLVZ T:Humours of Castle Comer, The
ABC 57062 C1:307726630264606 C2:uddudduududddud M:4/4\ K:G\ H:BCLQRS T:HUMOURS OF CASTLECOMER (reel) \
ABC 48131 C1:307726630264606 C2:uddudduududddud M:4/4 K:G H:BCDLR T:HUMOURS OF CASTLECOMER (reel), The
ABC 48131 C1:307726630264606 C2:uddudduududddud M:4/4 K:G H:BCDLR T:HUMOURS OF CASTLECOMER (reel), The
ABC 48131 C1:307726630264606 C2:uddudduududddud M:4/4 K:G H:BCDLR T:HUMOURS OF CASTLECOMER (reel), The
ABC 57062 C1:307726630264606 C2:uddudduududddud M:4/4 K:G H:BCLQRS T:HUMOURS OF CASTLECOMER (reel)
ABC 57062 C1:307726630264606 C2:uddudduududddud M:4/4 K:G H:BCLQRS T:HUMOURS OF CASTLECOMER (reel)
ABC 1 C1: C2: M:C K:G H:BLQRZ T:Humours of Castle Cumber, The
ABC 49 C1:417211016604526 C2:duduuuuddududuu M:4/4 K:Em H:L T:The Humours of Castlefin
ABC 1 C1:400442274002113 C2:duduudduuuuddud M:4/4 K:Gmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Castlefin
ABC 1 C1:400442274002113 C2:duduudduuuuddud M:4/4 K:Gmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Castlefin
ABC 1 C1:400211364004526 C2:duuuuddududuudd M:C| K:Edor H:DHRZ T:Humours of Castlefin, The
ABC 1 C1:417211014004526 C2:duduuuudududuud M:C| K:Em H:"CR T:Humours of Castlefin
ABC 1 C1:400442274002113 C2:duduudduuuuddud M:4/4 K:Edor H:R T:Humours of Castlefin, The
ABC 1 C1:400442274002113 C2:duduudduuuuddud M:4/4 K:Gmaj H:LR T:Humours Of Castlefin, The
ABC 31 C1:427721127400452 C2:dudduuuuddududu M:C| K:EAeo H:CDLQRSZ T:The Humours of Castlefin
ABC 31 C1:427721127400452 C2:dudduuuuddududu M:C| K:EAeo H:CDLQRSZ T:The Humours of Castlefin
ABC 31 C1:427721127400452 C2:dudduuuuddududu M:C| K:EAeo H:CDLQRSZ T:The Humours of Castlefin
ABC 765 C1:400211364004526 C2:duuuuddududuudd M:C| K:Edor H:DHRZ T:Humours of Castlefin, The
ABC 765 C1:400211364004526 C2:duuuuddududuudd M:C| K:Edor H:DHRZ T:Humours of Castlefin, The
ABC 1 C1:400442274002113 C2:duduudduuuuddud M:4/4 K:Gmaj H:LR T:Humours Of Castlefin, The
ABC 765 C1:400211364004526 C2:duuuuddududuudd M:C| K:Edor H:DHRZ T:Humours of Castlefin, The
ABC 765 C1:400211364004526 C2:duuuuddududuudd M:C| K:Edor H:DHRZ T:Humours of Castlefin, The
ABC 1 C1:400442274002113 C2:duduudduuuuddud M: K:Gmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Castlefin
ABC 2 C1:400476374261123 C2:duddudduduuuudd M: K:Emin H:LR T:The Humours Of Castlefin
ABC 3 C1:400211364004436 C2:duuuuddududuudd M: K:Emin H:LR T:The Humours Of Castlefin
ABC 4 C1:400442274002113 C2:duduudduuuuddud M: K:Edor H:LR T:The Humours Of Castlefin
ABC 5 C1:400211364004616 C2:duuuuddududuudd M: K:Gmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Castlefin
ABC 6 C1:400441374001111 C2:duduudduuuuuddu M: K:Gmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Castlefin
ABC 7 C1:417121274004436 C2:duduuuuuddududu M: K:Emin H:LR T:The Humours Of Castlefin
ABC 8 C1:400476374002113 C2:duddudduuuuddud M: K:Emin H:LR T:The Humours Of Castlefin
ABC 1 C1:400441374002113 C2:duduudduuuuddud M:4/4 K:Emin H:LR T:Humours Of Castlefin, The
ABC 49 C1:417211016604526 C2:duduuuuddududuu M:4/4 K:Em H:L T:The Humours of Castlefin
ABC 245 C1:417211016604526 C2:duduuuuddududuu M:4/4 K:Em H:L T:The Humours of Castlefin
ABC 73 C1:400044227040211 C2:duduudduuuuddud M:4/4 K:Edor H:"HLRZ T:Humours Of Castlefin, The
ABC 36 C1:400442274002113 C2:duduudduuuuddud M:4/4 K:Gmaj H:LR T:Humours Of Castlefin, The
ABC 9683 C1:417211014004526 C2:duduuuudududuud M:C| K:Em H:"CR T:Humours of Castlefin
ABC 9683 C1:417211014004526 C2:duduuuudududuud M:C| K:Em H:"CR T:Humours of Castlefin
ABC 765 C1:400211364004526 C2:duuuuddududuudd M:C| K:Edor H:DHRZ T:Humours of Castlefin, The
ABC 765 C1:400211364004526 C2:duuuuddududuudd M:C| K:Edor H:DHRZ T:Humours of Castlefin, The
ABC 1 C1:400442274002113 C2:duduudduuuuddud M:4/4 K:Gmaj H:LR T:Humours Of Castlefin, The
ABC 1 C1:417211014004526 C2:duduuuudududuud M:4/4 K:Emin H:"LR T:Humours Of Castlefin, The
ABC 315 C1:400021101400452 C2:duuuudududuuddd M:4/4 K:Edor H:"LR T:Humours Of Castlefin, The
ABC 765 C1:400211364004526 C2:duuuuddududuudd M:C| K:Edor H:DHRZ T:Humours of Castlefin, The
ABC 7323 C1:400211364004526 C2:duuuuddududuudd M:C| K:Edor H:DHRZ T:Humours of Castlefin, The
ABC 7323 C1:400211364004526 C2:duuuuddududuudd M:C| K:Edor H:DHRZ T:Humours of Castlefin, The
ABC 2695 C1:400211364004526 C2:duuuuddududuudd M:C| K:Edor H:DHOR T:Humours of Castlefin, The
ABC 2696 C1:417211014004526 C2:duduuuudududuud M:C| K:Em H:"COR T:Humours of Castlefin
ABC 2695 C1:400211364004526 C2:duuuuddududuudd M:C| K:Edor H:DHOR T:Humours of Castlefin, The
ABC 2696 C1:417211014004526 C2:duduuuudududuud M:C| K:Em H:"COR T:Humours of Castlefin
ABC 765 C1:400211364004526 C2:duuuuddududuudd M:C| K:Edor H:DHRZ T:Humours of Castlefin, The
ABC 765 C1:400211364004526 C2:duuuuddududuudd M:C| K:Edor H:DHRZ T:Humours of Castlefin, The
ABC 5822 C1:400211364004526 C2:duuuuddududuudd M:C| K:Edor H:DHRZ T:Humours of Castlefin, The
ABC 5823 C1:417211014004526 C2:duduuuudududuud M:C| K:Em H:"CR T:Humours of Castlefin
ABC 5822 C1:400211364004526 C2:duuuuddududuudd M:C| K:Edor H:DHRZ T:Humours of Castlefin, The
ABC 5823 C1:417211014004526 C2:duduuuudududuud M:C| K:Em H:"CR T:Humours of Castlefin
ABC 5822 C1:400211364004526 C2:duuuuddududuudd M:C| K:Edor H:DHRZ T:Humours of Castlefin, The
ABC 5823 C1:417211014004526 C2:duduuuudududuud M:C| K:Em H:"CR T:Humours of Castlefin
ABC 16866 C1:427721127400452 C2:dudduuuuddududu M:C| K:EAeo H:CDLQRS T:The Humours of Castlefin
ABC 16866 C1:427721127400452 C2:dudduuuuddududu M:C| K:EAeo H:CDLQRS T:The Humours of Castlefin
ABC 16866 C1:427721127400452 C2:dudduuuuddududu M:C| K:EAeo H:CDLQRS T:The Humours of Castlefin
ABC 16866 C1:427721127400452 C2:dudduuuuddududu M:C| K:EAeo H:CDLQRS T:The Humours of Castlefin
ABC 765 C1:400211364004526 C2:duuuuddududuudd M:C| K:Edor H:DHRZ T:Humours of Castlefin, The
ABC 765 C1:400211364004526 C2:duuuuddududuudd M:C| K:Edor H:DHRZ T:Humours of Castlefin, The
ABC 1 C1:400442274002113 C2:duduudduuuuddud M:4/4 K:E H:"CDLOQRSZ T:Humours of Castlefin / Egan's Reel (E dorian)
ABC 1 C1:400476374002203 C2:duddudduuuddudd M:4/4 K:Edor H:BLRZ T:The Humours of Castlefinn
ABC 8 C1:427721127400452 C2:dudduuuuddududu M:C| K:Emin H:CDLQRZ T:The Humours of Castle Finn
ABC 8 C1:427721127400452 C2:dudduuuuddududu M:C| K:Emin H:CDLQRZ T:The Humours of Castle Finn
ABC 8 C1:427721127400452 C2:dudduuuuddududu M:C| K:Emin H:CDLQRZ T:The Humours of Castle Finn
ABC 8 C1:427721127400452 C2:dudduuuuddududu M:C| K:Emin H:CDLQRZ T:The Humours of Castle Finn
ABC 7324 C1:400211364004436 C2:duuuuddududuudd M:4/4 K:D H:DHLRSZ T:Humours Of Castlefinn
ABC 7324 C1:400211364004436 C2:duuuuddududuudd M:4/4 K:D H:DHLRSZ T:Humours Of Castlefinn
ABC 1 C1:000002070704000 C2:uddududduuuuudd M:6/8 K:G H:CLQR T:Humours of Castle Lyons
ABC 1 C1:000002070704000 C2:uddududduuuuudd M:6/8 K:G H:CLQR T:Humours of Castle Lyons
ABC 1 C1:042771011011660 C2:dudduuuuuddudud M:6/8 K:G H:BLRSZ T:Humours of Castle Lyons, The
ABC 0959 C1:042771011011177 C2:dudduuuuuuddddd M:6/8 K:G H:BCILZ T:The Humours of Castlelyons" (jig) 0959
ABC 0959 C1:042771011011177 C2:dudduuuuuuddddd M:6/8 K:G H:BCILZ T:The Humours of Castlelyons" (jig) 0959
ABC 0959 C1:042771011011177 C2:dudduuuuuuddddd M:6/8 K:G H:BCILZ T:The Humours of Castlelyons" (jig) 0959
ABC 012 C1:300057663717110 C2:uudddududuuuuud M:6/8 K:A H:BLRZ T:Humours of Cavan
ABC 012 C1:300057663717110 C2:uudddududuuuuud M:6/8 K:A H:BLRZ T:Humours of Cavan
ABC 012 C1:300057663717110 C2:uudddududuuuuud M:6/8 K:A H:BLRZ T:Humours of Cavan
ABC 012 C1:300057663717110 C2:uudddududuuuuud M:6/8 K:A H:BLRZ T:Humours of Cavan
ABC 1 C1:007776000071300 C2:ddddduuuddduddd M: K:Dmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Clonmult
ABC 2 C1:030001100071100 C2:uuuduuddddduuud M: K:Dmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Clonmult
ABC 1 C1:770107000102010 C2:dduduuuuduuuddd M:6/8 K:Em H:CLQR T:The Humours of Comer
ABC 1 C1:770107000102010 C2:dduduuuuduuuddd M:6/8 K:Em H:CLQR T:The Humours of Comer
ABC 140050 C1:170121170011170 C2:uduuuuduuuddddu M:6/8 K:G H:BLQRZ T:the HUMOURS OF COMER
ABC 140050 C1:170121170011170 C2:uduuuuduuuddddu M:6/8 K:G H:BLQRZ T:the HUMOURS OF COMER
ABC 140050 C1:170121170011170 C2:uduuuuduuuddddu M:6/8 K:G H:BLQRZ T:The HUMOURS OF COMER
ABC 140050 C1:170121170011170 C2:uduuuuduuuddddu M:6/8 K:G H:BLQRZ T:The HUMOURS OF COMER
ABC 140050 C1:170121170011170 C2:uduuuuduuuddddu M:6/8 K:G H:BLQRZ T:The HUMOURS OF COMER
ABC 140050 C1:170121170011170 C2:uduuuuduuuddddu M:6/8 K:G H:BLQRZ T:The HUMOURS OF COMER
ABC 140050 C1:170121170011170 C2:uduuuuduuuddddu M:6/8 K:G H:BLQRZ T:The HUMOURS OF COMER
ABC 140050 C1:170121170011170 C2:uduuuuduuuddddu M:6/8 K:G H:BLQRZ T:The HUMOURS OF COMER
ABC 140050 C1:170121170011170 C2:uduuuuduuuddddu M:6/8 K:G H:BLQRZ T:The HUMOURS OF COMER
ABC 140050 C1:170121170011170 C2:uduuuuduuuddddu M:6/8 K:G H:BLQRZ T:The HUMOURS OF COMER
ABC 140050 C1:170121170011170 C2:uduuuuduuuddddu M:6/8 K:G H:BLQRZ T:The HUMOURS OF COMER
ABC 140050 C1:170121170011170 C2:uduuuuduuuddddu M:6/8 K:G H:BLQRZ T:The HUMOURS OF COMER
ABC 1 C1:223567000711307 C2:uuudddduuudddud M:6/8 K:G H:L T:Humours of Cork [3], The
ABC 1 C1:223567000711307 C2:uuudddduuudddud M:6/8 K:G H:L T:Humours of Cork [3], The
ABC 48320 C1:660170711117774 C2:ddudduuuudddudd M:6/8 K:G H:BCLQRY T:HUMOURS OF CORK, The
ABC 199 C1:660170711117774 C2:ddudduuuudddudd M:6/8 K:G H:LQR T:Humours of Cork
ABC 199 C1:660170711117774 C2:ddudduuuudddudd M:6/8 K:G H:LQR T:Humours of Cork
ABC 199 C1:660170711117774 C2:ddudduuuudddudd M:6/8 K:G H:LQR T:Humours of Cork
ABC 199 C1:660170711117774 C2:ddudduuuudddudd M:6/8 K:G H:LQR T:Humours of Cork
ABC 537 C1:660710711117622 C2:ddduduuuudduudd M:6/8 K:G H:BFLRZ T:the Humours of Cork
ABC 1 C1:000716223567000 C2:duduuudddduuudd M:6/8 K:G H:"CDLOQRSZ T:Humours of Cork
ABC 537 C1:660710711117622 C2:ddduduuuudduudd M:6/8 K:G H:BFLRZ T:The Humours of Cork
ABC 537 C1:660710711117622 C2:ddduduuuudduudd M:6/8 K:G H:BFLRZ T:The Humours of Cork
ABC 537 C1:660710711117622 C2:ddduduuuudduudd M:6/8 K:G H:BFLRZ T:The Humours of Cork
ABC 537 C1:660710711117622 C2:ddduduuuudduudd M:6/8 K:G H:BFLRZ T:The Humours of Cork
ABC 537 C1:660710711117622 C2:ddduduuuudduudd M:6/8 K:G H:BFLRZ T:The Humours of Cork
ABC 199 C1:660170711117774 C2:ddudduuuudddudd M:6/8 K:G H:LQR T:Humours of Cork
ABC 199 C1:660170711117774 C2:ddudduuuudddudd M:6/8 K:G H:LQR T:Humours of Cork
ABC 48320 C1:660170711117774 C2:ddudduuuudddudd M:6/8 K:G H:BCLQRY T:HUMOURS OF CORK, The
ABC 48320 C1:660170711117774 C2:ddudduuuudddudd M:6/8 K:G H:BCLQRY T:HUMOURS OF CORK, The
ABC 389 C1:000115660174170 C2:uuddduduuddddud M:6/8 K:Bm H:BCLQRSZ T:Humours Of Cork, aka. JBut.387, The
ABC 186 C1:661127770027002 C2:dduuudddududuuu M:4/4 K:D H:CHL T:The Humours of Corofin _
ABC 22 C1:110176110176111 C2:uuudduuudduuuud M:6/8 K:Dmix H:BFLZ T:the Humours of Covent Garden
ABC 1 C1:110176110176111 C2:uuudduuudduuuud M:6/8 K:G H:BLRZ T:Humours of Covent Garden, The
ABC 1 C1:110176110176111 C2:uuudduuudduuuud M:6/8 K:G H:BLRZ T:Humours of Covent Garden, The
ABC 22 C1:110176110176111 C2:uuudduuudduuuud M:6/8 K:Dmix H:BFLZ T:The Humours of Covent Garden
ABC 22 C1:110176110176111 C2:uuudduuudduuuud M:6/8 K:Dmix H:BFLZ T:The Humours of Covent Garden
ABC 22 C1:110176110176111 C2:uuudduuudduuuud M:6/8 K:Dmix H:BFLZ T:The Humours of Covent Garden
ABC 22 C1:110176110176111 C2:uuudduuudduuuud M:6/8 K:Dmix H:BFLZ T:The Humours of Covent Garden
ABC 22 C1:110176110176111 C2:uuudduuudduuuud M:6/8 K:Dmix H:BFLZ T:The Humours of Covent Garden
ABC 382 C1:040121071115660 C2:uuuuduuuddduuuu M:6/8 K:Em H:BLRSVZ T:the Humours of Cullen. a Jig.
ABC 382 C1:040121071115660 C2:uuuuduuuddduuuu M:6/8 K:Em H:BLRSVZ T:the Humours of Cullen. a Jig.
ABC 382 C1:040121071115660 C2:uuuuduuuddduuuu M:6/8 K:Em H:BLRSVZ T:The Humours of Cullen. a Jig.
ABC 382 C1:040121071115660 C2:uuuuduuuddduuuu M:6/8 K:Em H:BLRSVZ T:The Humours of Cullen. a Jig.
ABC 382 C1:040121071115660 C2:uuuuduuuddduuuu M:6/8 K:Em H:BLRSVZ T:The Humours of Cullen. a Jig.
ABC 382 C1:040121071115660 C2:uuuuduuuddduuuu M:6/8 K:Em H:BLRSVZ T:The Humours of Cullen. a Jig.
ABC 1 C1:301703661075117 C2:uududduuduudddu M:6/8 K:G H:LRSZ T:Humours of Currageen, The
ABC 64 C1:110170051110111 C2:uuudduuuuuududu M:9/8 K:D H:ALQRSZ T:The Humours of Darowen
ABC 64 C1:110170051110111 C2:uuudduuuuuududu M:9/8 K:D H:ALQRSZ T:The Humours of Darowen
ABC 1 C1:772267116100773 C2:dduuudduududduu M:9/8 K:Gmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Derrycrossane
ABC 1 C1:772267116100773 C2:dduuudduududduu M:9/8 K:Gmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Derrycrossane
ABC 1 C1:772267116100773 C2:dduuudduududduu M:9/8 K:Gmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Derrycrossane
ABC 33 C1:772115117772261 C2:dduuuduuddduudu M:9/8 K:D H:HRZ T:Humours of Derrycrossane, The
ABC 34 C1:772267117772261 C2:dduudduuddduudu M:9/8 K:G H:HRZ T:Humours of Derrycrossane, The
ABC 33 C1:772115117772261 C2:dduuuduuddduudu M:9/8 K:D H:HRZ T:Humours of Derrycrossane, The
ABC 34 C1:772267117772261 C2:dduudduuddduudu M:9/8 K:G H:HRZ T:Humours of Derrycrossane, The
ABC 3 C1:170261061772267 C2:ududududduudduu M: K:Dmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Derrycrossane
ABC 4 C1:772267117772261 C2:dduuudduuddduud M: K:Gmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Derrycrossane
ABC 5 C1:500711061772267 C2:uduududduudduud M: K:Gmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Derrycrossane
ABC 2 C1:170261061772267 C2:ududududduudduu M:9/8 K:Gmaj H:LRS T:Humours Of Derrycrossane, The
ABC 3 C1:170261061772267 C2:ududududduudduu M:9/8 K:Dmaj H:LRS T:Humours Of Derrycrossane, The
ABC 1 C1:772267117772261 C2:dduuudduuddduuu M: K:Gmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Derrycrossane
ABC 2 C1:170261061772267 C2:ududududduudduu M: K:Gmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Derrycrossane
ABC 385 C1:000261061772267 C2:udududduudduudd M:9/8 K:Gmaj H:HLRZ T:Humours Of Derrycrossane, The
ABC 372 C1:772267116100773 C2:dduuudduududduu M:9/8 K:Gmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Derrycrossane
ABC 1 C1:170261061772267 C2:ududududduudduu M:9/8 K:G H:"L T:Humours of Derrycrossane (G)
ABC 1 C1:772115117772261 C2:dduuuduuddduudu M:9/8 K:D H:HRZ T:Humours of Derrykissane
ABC 1 C1:772267117772261 C2:dduudduuddduudu M:9/8 K:G H:HRZ T:Humours of Derrykissane
ABC 1 C1:772115117772261 C2:dduuuduuddduudu M:9/8 K:D H:HRZ T:Humours of Derrykissane
ABC 1 C1:772115117772261 C2:dduuuduuddduudu M:9/8 K:D H:HRZ T:Humours of Derrykissane
ABC 33 C1:772115117772261 C2:dduuuduuddduudu M:9/8 K:D H:HRZ T:Humours of Derrykissane
ABC 34 C1:772267117772261 C2:dduudduuddduudu M:9/8 K:G H:HRZ T:Humours of Derrykissane
ABC 33 C1:772115117772261 C2:dduuuduuddduudu M:9/8 K:D H:HRZ T:Humours of Derrykissane
ABC 34 C1:772267117772261 C2:dduudduuddduudu M:9/8 K:G H:HRZ T:Humours of Derrykissane
ABC 33 C1:772115117772261 C2:dduuuduuddduudu M:9/8 K:D H:HRZ T:Humours of Derrykissane, The
ABC 34 C1:772267117772261 C2:dduudduuddduudu M:9/8 K:G H:HRZ T:Humours of Derrykissane, The
ABC 33 C1:772115117772261 C2:dduuuduuddduudu M:9/8 K:D H:HRZ T:Humours of Derrykissane, The
ABC 34 C1:772267117772261 C2:dduudduuddduudu M:9/8 K:G H:HRZ T:Humours of Derrykissane, The
ABC 2 C1:170261061772267 C2:ududududduudduu M:9/8 K:Gmaj H:LRS T:Humours Of Derrykissane, The
ABC 3 C1:170261061772267 C2:ududududduudduu M:9/8 K:Dmaj H:LRS T:Humours Of Derrykissane, The
ABC 33 C1:772115117772261 C2:dduuuduuddduudu M:9/8 K:D H:HRZ T:Humours of Derrykissane
ABC 34 C1:772267117772261 C2:dduudduuddduudu M:9/8 K:G H:HRZ T:Humours of Derrykissane
ABC 34 C1:772267117772261 C2:dduudduuddduudu M:9/8 K:G H:HRZ T:Humours of Derrykissane
ABC 33 C1:772115117772261 C2:dduuuduuddduudu M:9/8 K:D H:HRZ T:Humours of Derrykissane
ABC 33 C1:772115117772261 C2:dduuuduuddduudu M:9/8 K:D H:HRZ T:Humours of Derrykissane
ABC 34 C1:772267117772261 C2:dduudduuddduudu M:9/8 K:G H:HRZ T:Humours of Derrykissane
ABC 7325 C1:772115117772261 C2:dduuuduuddduudu M:9/8 K:D H:HRZ T:Humours of Derrykissane
ABC 7326 C1:772267117772261 C2:dduudduuddduudu M:9/8 K:G H:HRZ T:Humours of Derrykissane
ABC 7325 C1:772115117772261 C2:dduuuduuddduudu M:9/8 K:D H:HRZ T:Humours of Derrykissane
ABC 7326 C1:772267117772261 C2:dduudduuddduudu M:9/8 K:G H:HRZ T:Humours of Derrykissane
ABC 2697 C1:772115117772261 C2:dduuuduuddduudu M:9/8 K:D H:HOR T:Humours of Derrykissane
ABC 2697 C1:772115117772261 C2:dduuuduuddduudu M:9/8 K:D H:HOR T:Humours of Derrykissane
ABC 34 C1:772267117772261 C2:dduudduuddduudu M:9/8 K:G H:HRZ T:Humours of Derrykissane
ABC 33 C1:772115117772261 C2:dduuuduuddduudu M:9/8 K:D H:HRZ T:Humours of Derrykissane
ABC 34 C1:772267117772261 C2:dduudduuddduudu M:9/8 K:G H:HRZ T:Humours of Derrykissane
ABC 33 C1:772115117772261 C2:dduuuduuddduudu M:9/8 K:D H:HRZ T:Humours of Derrykissane
ABC 5824 C1:772115117772261 C2:dduuuduuddduudu M:9/8 K:D H:HRZ T:Humours of Derrykissane
ABC 5825 C1:772267117772261 C2:dduudduuddduudu M:9/8 K:G H:HRZ T:Humours of Derrykissane
ABC 5824 C1:772115117772261 C2:dduuuduuddduudu M:9/8 K:D H:HRZ T:Humours of Derrykissane
ABC 5825 C1:772267117772261 C2:dduudduuddduudu M:9/8 K:G H:HRZ T:Humours of Derrykissane
ABC 5824 C1:772115117772261 C2:dduuuduuddduudu M:9/8 K:D H:HRZ T:Humours of Derrykissane
ABC 5825 C1:772267117772261 C2:dduudduuddduudu M:9/8 K:G H:HRZ T:Humours of Derrykissane
ABC 33 C1:772115117772261 C2:dduuuduuddduudu M:9/8 K:D H:HRZ T:Humours of Derrykissane
ABC 34 C1:772267117772261 C2:dduudduuddduudu M:9/8 K:G H:HRZ T:Humours of Derrykissane
ABC 33 C1:772115117772261 C2:dduuuduuddduudu M:9/8 K:D H:HRZ T:Humours of Derrykissane
ABC 34 C1:772267117772261 C2:dduudduuddduudu M:9/8 K:G H:HRZ T:Humours of Derrykissane
ABC 1 C1:772115117772261 C2:dduuuduuddduudu M:9/8 K:D H:HRZ T:Humours of Derrykosane
ABC 1 C1:772267117772261 C2:dduudduuddduudu M:9/8 K:G H:HRZ T:Humours of Derrykosane
ABC 1 C1:772115117772261 C2:dduuuduuddduudu M:9/8 K:D H:HRZ T:Humours of Derrykosane
ABC 1 C1:772115117772261 C2:dduuuduuddduudu M:9/8 K:D H:HRZ T:Humours of Derrykosane
ABC 33 C1:772115117772261 C2:dduuuduuddduudu M:9/8 K:D H:HRZ T:Humours of Derrykosane
ABC 34 C1:772267117772261 C2:dduudduuddduudu M:9/8 K:G H:HRZ T:Humours of Derrykosane
ABC 33 C1:772115117772261 C2:dduuuduuddduudu M:9/8 K:D H:HRZ T:Humours of Derrykosane
ABC 34 C1:772267117772261 C2:dduudduuddduudu M:9/8 K:G H:HRZ T:Humours of Derrykosane
ABC 33 C1:772115117772261 C2:dduuuduuddduudu M:9/8 K:D H:HRZ T:Humours of Derrykosane, The
ABC 34 C1:772267117772261 C2:dduudduuddduudu M:9/8 K:G H:HRZ T:Humours of Derrykosane, The
ABC 33 C1:772115117772261 C2:dduuuduuddduudu M:9/8 K:D H:HRZ T:Humours of Derrykosane, The
ABC 34 C1:772267117772261 C2:dduudduuddduudu M:9/8 K:G H:HRZ T:Humours of Derrykosane, The
ABC 33 C1:772115117772261 C2:dduuuduuddduudu M:9/8 K:D H:HRZ T:Humours of Derrykosane
ABC 34 C1:772267117772261 C2:dduudduuddduudu M:9/8 K:G H:HRZ T:Humours of Derrykosane
ABC 34 C1:772267117772261 C2:dduudduuddduudu M:9/8 K:G H:HRZ T:Humours of Derrykosane
ABC 33 C1:772115117772261 C2:dduuuduuddduudu M:9/8 K:D H:HRZ T:Humours of Derrykosane
ABC 33 C1:772115117772261 C2:dduuuduuddduudu M:9/8 K:D H:HRZ T:Humours of Derrykosane
ABC 34 C1:772267117772261 C2:dduudduuddduudu M:9/8 K:G H:HRZ T:Humours of Derrykosane
ABC 7325 C1:772115117772261 C2:dduuuduuddduudu M:9/8 K:D H:HRZ T:Humours of Derrykosane
ABC 7326 C1:772267117772261 C2:dduudduuddduudu M:9/8 K:G H:HRZ T:Humours of Derrykosane
ABC 7325 C1:772115117772261 C2:dduuuduuddduudu M:9/8 K:D H:HRZ T:Humours of Derrykosane
ABC 7326 C1:772267117772261 C2:dduudduuddduudu M:9/8 K:G H:HRZ T:Humours of Derrykosane
ABC 2697 C1:772115117772261 C2:dduuuduuddduudu M:9/8 K:D H:HOR T:Humours of Derrykosane
ABC 2698 C1:772267117772261 C2:dduudduuddduudu M:9/8 K:G H:OR T:Humours of Derrykosane
ABC 2697 C1:772115117772261 C2:dduuuduuddduudu M:9/8 K:D H:HOR T:Humours of Derrykosane
ABC 2698 C1:772267117772261 C2:dduudduuddduudu M:9/8 K:G H:OR T:Humours of Derrykosane
ABC 34 C1:772267117772261 C2:dduudduuddduudu M:9/8 K:G H:HRZ T:Humours of Derrykosane
ABC 33 C1:772115117772261 C2:dduuuduuddduudu M:9/8 K:D H:HRZ T:Humours of Derrykosane
ABC 34 C1:772267117772261 C2:dduudduuddduudu M:9/8 K:G H:HRZ T:Humours of Derrykosane
ABC 33 C1:772115117772261 C2:dduuuduuddduudu M:9/8 K:D H:HRZ T:Humours of Derrykosane
ABC 5824 C1:772115117772261 C2:dduuuduuddduudu M:9/8 K:D H:HRZ T:Humours of Derrykosane
ABC 5825 C1:772267117772261 C2:dduudduuddduudu M:9/8 K:G H:HRZ T:Humours of Derrykosane
ABC 5824 C1:772115117772261 C2:dduuuduuddduudu M:9/8 K:D H:HRZ T:Humours of Derrykosane
ABC 5825 C1:772267117772261 C2:dduudduuddduudu M:9/8 K:G H:HRZ T:Humours of Derrykosane
ABC 5824 C1:772115117772261 C2:dduuuduuddduudu M:9/8 K:D H:HRZ T:Humours of Derrykosane
ABC 5825 C1:772267117772261 C2:dduudduuddduudu M:9/8 K:G H:HRZ T:Humours of Derrykosane
ABC 33 C1:772115117772261 C2:dduuuduuddduudu M:9/8 K:D H:HRZ T:Humours of Derrykosane
ABC 34 C1:772267117772261 C2:dduudduuddduudu M:9/8 K:G H:HRZ T:Humours of Derrykosane
ABC 33 C1:772115117772261 C2:dduuuduuddduudu M:9/8 K:D H:HRZ T:Humours of Derrykosane
ABC 34 C1:772267117772261 C2:dduudduuddduudu M:9/8 K:G H:HRZ T:Humours of Derrykosane
ABC 1 C1:670006063267677 C2:dduduuddddddduu M:6/8 K:Dmix H:"L T:The Humours Of Derryloughlin
ABC 1 C1:670006063267677 C2:dduduuddddddduu M:6/8 K:Dmix H:"L T:The Humours Of Derryloughlin
ABC 1 C1:670006063267677 C2:dduduuddddddduu M:6/8 K:Dmix H:"L T:The Humours Of Derryloughlin
ABC 1 C1:670006063267677 C2:dduduuddddddduu M:6/8 K:Dmix H:"L T:The Humours Of Derryloughlin
ABC 1 C1:004004003661444 C2:ududduuduuddddd M:6/8 K:Edor H:LR T:Humours Of Dingle [2], The
ABC 96 C1:560006110774661 C2:ddduuddudduuduu M:6/8 K:D H:RZ T:Humours of Dingle
ABC 96 C1:560006110774661 C2:ddduuddudduuduu M:6/8 K:D H:RZ T:Humours of Dingle
ABC 480 C1:560006110774661 C2:ddduuddudduuduu M:6/8 K:D H:RZ T:Humours of Dingle
ABC 96 C1:560006110774661 C2:ddduuddudduuduu M:6/8 K:D H:RZ T:Humours of Dingle
ABC 1 C1:205307010716377 C2:uduuddududdddud M:6/8 K:G H:LQR T:Humours of Donnybrook
ABC 1 C1:010716205307010 C2:ddududuuddududd M:6/8 K:A H:"S T:Humours of Donnybrook
ABC 1 C1:210107162053070 C2:uuuddududuuddud M:6/8 K:G H:"BRZ T:the Humours of Donnybrook
ABC 1 C1:210107162053070 C2:uuuddududuuddud M:6/8 K:G H:"BRZ T:the Humours of Donnybrook
ABC 1 C1:210107162053070 C2:uuuddududuuddud M:6/8 K:G H:"BRZ T:the Humours of Donnybrook
ABC 1 C1:210107162053070 C2:uuuddududuuddud M:6/8 K:G H:"BRZ T:the Humours of Donnybrook
ABC 1 C1:210107162053070 C2:uuuddududuuddud M:6/8 K:G H:"BRZ T:the Humours of Donnybrook
ABC 1 C1:210107162053070 C2:uuuddududuuddud M:6/8 K:G H:"BRZ T:the Humours of Donnybrook
ABC 1 C1:210107162053070 C2:uuuddududuuddud M:6/8 K:G H:"BRZ T:the Humours of Donnybrook
ABC 1 C1:210107162053070 C2:uuuddududuuddud M:6/8 K:G H:"BRZ T:the Humours of Donnybrook
ABC 1 C1:711711307671716 C2:duuduuudddududu M:6/8 K:G H:"CDLOQRSZ T:Humours of Donnybrook
ABC 133 C1:010716205307010 C2:ddududuuddududd M:6/8 K:A H:"C T:Humours of Donnybrook
ABC 23 C1:711711307671716 C2:duuduuudddududu M:6/8 K:Gmaj H:LR T:Humours Of Donnybrook, The
ABC 23 C1:711711307671716 C2:duuduuudddududu M:6/8 K:Gmaj H:LR T:Humours Of Donnybrook, The
ABC 665 C1:010716205307010 C2:ddududuuddududd M:6/8 K:A H:"S T:Humours of Donnybrook
ABC 133 C1:010716205307010 C2:ddududuuddududd M:6/8 K:A H:"S T:Humours of Donnybrook
ABC 133 C1:010716205307010 C2:ddududuuddududd M:6/8 K:A H:"S T:Humours of Donnybrook
ABC 133 C1:010716205307010 C2:ddududuuddududd M:6/8 K:A H:"S T:Humours of Donnybrook
ABC 133 C1:010716205307010 C2:ddududuuddududd M:6/8 K:A H:"S T:Humours of Donnybrook
ABC 133 C1:010716205307010 C2:ddududuuddududd M:6/8 K:A H:"FRS T:Humours of Donnybrook
ABC 133 C1:010716205307010 C2:ddududuuddududd M:6/8 K:A H:"FRS T:Humours of Donnybrook
ABC 133 C1:010716205307010 C2:ddududuuddududd M:6/8 K:A H:"FRS T:Humours of Donnybrook
ABC 7327 C1:010716205307010 C2:ddududuuddududd M:6/8 K:A H:"S T:Humours of Donnybrook
ABC 7327 C1:010716205307010 C2:ddududuuddududd M:6/8 K:A H:"S T:Humours of Donnybrook
ABC 2699 C1:205307010716377 C2:uduuddududdddud M:6/8 K:G H:LOQR T:Humours of Donnybrook
ABC 2699 C1:205307010716377 C2:uduuddududdddud M:6/8 K:G H:LOQR T:Humours of Donnybrook
ABC 5826 C1:010716205307010 C2:ddududuuddududd M:6/8 K:A H:"S T:Humours of Donnybrook
ABC 5827 C1:205307010716377 C2:uduuddududdddud M:6/8 K:G H:LQR T:Humours of Donnybrook
ABC 5826 C1:010716205307010 C2:ddududuuddududd M:6/8 K:A H:"S T:Humours of Donnybrook
ABC 5827 C1:205307010716377 C2:uduuddududdddud M:6/8 K:G H:LQR T:Humours of Donnybrook
ABC 5826 C1:010716205307010 C2:ddududuuddududd M:6/8 K:A H:"S T:Humours of Donnybrook
ABC 5827 C1:205307010716377 C2:uduuddududdddud M:6/8 K:G H:LQR T:Humours of Donnybrook
ABC 099 C1:205307010305071 C2:uduuddudududddd M:6/8 K:Bb H:BLQZ T:Humours of Donnybrook,aka. BAT8.099
ABC 099 C1:205307010305071 C2:uduuddudududddd M:6/8 K:Bb H:BLQZ T:Humours of Donnybrook,aka. BAT8.099
ABC 1 C1:676623562357041 C2:dddduudduudduuu M: K:Dmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Drimnagh
ABC 2 C1:201767751227012 C2:uuddddduuuduudu M: K:Dmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Drimnagh
ABC 39 C1:620111261660620 C2:duuuuududdduuuu M:6/8 K:D H:L T:Humours of Drinach
ABC 7328 C1:620111261660620 C2:duuuuududdduuuu M:6/8 K:D H:L T:Humours of Drinach
ABC 7328 C1:620111261660620 C2:duuuuududdduuuu M:6/8 K:D H:L T:Humours of Drinach
ABC 1 C1:261666622111561 C2:ududddduuuuuddu M:6/8 K:D H:DLR T:Humours of Drinagh, The
ABC 1 C1:622111261666622 C2:duuuuuududddduu M:6/8 K:D H:LRSZ T:the Humours of Drinagh
ABC 1 C1:622111261666622 C2:duuuuuududddduu M:6/8 K:D H:LRSZ T:the Humours of Drinagh
ABC 1 C1:622111261666622 C2:duuuuuududddduu M:6/8 K:D H:LRSZ T:the Humours of Drinagh
ABC 1 C1:622111261666622 C2:duuuuuududddduu M:6/8 K:D H:LRSZ T:the Humours of Drinagh
ABC 682 C1:622111261666622 C2:duuuuuududddduu M:6/8 K:D H:"BDLRSZ T:The humours of Drinagh
ABC 682 C1:622111261666622 C2:duuuuuududddduu M:6/8 K:D H:"BDLRSZ T:The humours of Drinagh
ABC 682 C1:622111261666622 C2:duuuuuududddduu M:6/8 K:D H:"BDLRSZ T:The humours of Drinagh
ABC 682 C1:622111261666622 C2:duuuuuududddduu M:6/8 K:D H:"BDLRSZ T:The humours of Drinagh
ABC 1 C1:622111261666622 C2:duuuuuududddduu M:6/8 K:D H:LRSZ T:the Humours of Drinagh
ABC 1 C1:622111261666622 C2:duuuuuududddduu M:6/8 K:D H:LRSZ T:the Humours of Drinagh
ABC 1 C1:261666622111561 C2:ududddduuuuuddu M:6/8 K:D H:DHRZ T:Humours of Drinagh, The
ABC 1054 C1:622111261666622 C2:duuuuuududddduu M:6/8 K:D H:BLZ T:The Humours of Drinagh
ABC 1054 C1:622111261666622 C2:duuuuuududddduu M:6/8 K:D H:BLZ T:The Humours of Drinagh
ABC 1054 C1:622111261666622 C2:duuuuuududddduu M:6/8 K:D H:BLZ T:The Humours of Drinagh
ABC 1022 C1:622111261666622 C2:duuuuuududddduu M:6/8 K:D H:BLZ T:The Humours of Drinagh
ABC 1022 C1:662211126166662 C2:ddduuuuuududddd M:6/8 K:D H:BLORZbs T:Humours of Drinagh
ABC 1022 C1:662211126166662 C2:ddduuuuuududddd M:6/8 K:D H:BLORZbs T:Humours of Drinagh
ABC 1022 C1:662211126166662 C2:ddduuuuuududddd M:6/8 K:D H:BLORZbs T:Humours of Drinagh
ABC 1022 C1:662211126166662 C2:ddduuuuuududddd M:6/8 K:D H:BLORZbs T:Humours of Drinagh
ABC 1022 C1:622111261666622 C2:duuuuuududddduu M:6/8 K:D H:"BLORZbs T:Humours of Drinagh
ABC 1022 C1:622111261666622 C2:duuuuuududddduu M:6/8 K:D H:"BLORZbs T:Humours of Drinagh
ABC 36 C1:261666622111561 C2:ududddduuuuuddu M:6/8 K:D H:LQ T:Humours of Drinagh
ABC 1 C1:622111261666622 C2:duuuuuududddduu M:6/8 K:Dmaj H:L T:Humours Of Drinagh, The
ABC 1 C1:622111261666622 C2:duuuuuududddduu M:6/8 K:Dmaj H:L T:Humours Of Drinagh, The
ABC 100 C1:261666622111561 C2:ududddduuuuuddu M:6/8 K:D H:DHRZ T:Humours of Drinagh, The
ABC 11 C1:261666622111561 C2:ududddduuuuuddu M:6/8 K:D H:"DLQRS T:Humours of Drinagh, The
ABC 11 C1:261666622111561 C2:ududddduuuuuddu M:6/8 K:D H:"DLQRS T:Humours of Drinagh, The
ABC 1022 C1:622111261666622 C2:duuuuuududddduu M:6/8 K:D H:BLZ T:The Humours of Drinagh
ABC 67 C1:261666622111561 C2:ududddduuuuuddu M:6/8 K:D H:"DHQRSZ T:Humours of Drinagh, The
ABC 100 C1: C2: M:6/8 K:D H:DHRZ T:Humours of Drinagh, The
ABC 36 C1:261666622111561 C2:ududddduuuuuddu M:6/8 K:D H:LQ T:Humours of Drinagh
ABC 36 C1:261666622111561 C2:ududddduuuuuddu M:6/8 K:D H:"DHQRSZ T:Humours of Drinagh, The
ABC 36 C1:261666622111561 C2:ududddduuuuuddu M:6/8 K:D H:"DHQRSZ T:Humours of Drinagh, The
ABC 36 C1:261666622111561 C2:ududddduuuuuddu M:6/8 K:D H:"DHQRSZ T:Humours of Drinagh, The
ABC 100 C1:261666622111561 C2:ududddduuuuuddu M:6/8 K:D H:DHRZ T:Humours of Drinagh, The
ABC 100 C1:261666622111561 C2:ududddduuuuuddu M:6/8 K:D H:DHRZ T:Humours of Drinagh, The
ABC 310 C1:620111261660620 C2:duuuuududdduuuu M:6/8 K:D H:LZ T:Humours of Drinagh
ABC 64 C1:620111261660620 C2:duuuuududdduuuu M:6/8 K:D H:LZ T:Humours of Drinagh
ABC 100 C1:261666622111561 C2:ududddduuuuuddu M:6/8 K:D H:DHRZ T:Humours of Drinagh, The
ABC 100 C1:261666622111561 C2:ududddduuuuuddu M:6/8 K:D H:DHRZ T:Humours of Drinagh, The
ABC 1 C1:002111261666002 C2:uuuuududdduuuud M: K:Dmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Drinagh
ABC 2 C1:622111261666002 C2:duuuuuududdduuu M: K:Dmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Drinagh
ABC 3 C1:622111261666622 C2:duuuuuududddduu M: K:Dmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Drinagh
ABC 4 C1:002111261666002 C2:uuuuududdduuuud M: K:Dmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Drinagh
ABC 5 C1:762211126166600 C2:dduuuuuududdduu M: K:Dmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Drinagh
ABC 6 C1:622111261666622 C2:duuuuuuududdddu M: K:Dmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Drinagh
ABC 7 C1:622111261666622 C2:duuuuuududddduu M: K:Dmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Drinagh
ABC 8 C1:622111261666622 C2:duuuuuududddduu M: K:Dmaj H:"LR T:The Humours Of Drinagh
ABC 9 C1:002111261666002 C2:uuuuududdduuuud M: K:Dmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Drinagh
ABC 59 C1:261666770223561 C2:ududdddduuudduu M:6/8 K:D H:LRZ T:The Humours of Drinagh
ABC 62 C1:261666622111561 C2:ududddduuuuuddu M:6/8 K:D H:DHRZ T:Humours of Drinagh, The
ABC 100 C1:261666622111561 C2:ududddduuuuuddu M:6/8 K:D H:DHRZ T:Humours of Drinagh, The
ABC 100 C1:261666622111561 C2:ududddduuuuuddu M:6/8 K:D H:DHRZ T:Humours of Drinagh, The
ABC 1022 C1:622111261666622 C2:duuuuuududddduu M:6/8 K:D H:BLZ T:The Humours of Drinagh
ABC 100 C1:261666622111561 C2:ududddduuuuuddu M:6/8 K:D H:DHRZ T:Humours of Drinagh, The
ABC 413 C1:261666770223561 C2:ududdddduuudduu M:6/8 K:D H:LRZ T:The Humours of Drinagh
ABC 416 C1:261666622111561 C2:ududddduuuuuddu M:6/8 K:D H:DHRZ T:Humours of Drinagh, The
ABC 7329 C1:620111261660620 C2:duuuuududdduuuu M:6/8 K:D H:LZ T:Humours of Drinagh
ABC 7330 C1:261666622111561 C2:ududddduuuuuddu M:6/8 K:D H:DHRZ T:Humours of Drinagh, The
ABC 7329 C1:620111261660620 C2:duuuuududdduuuu M:6/8 K:D H:LZ T:Humours of Drinagh
ABC 7330 C1:261666622111561 C2:ududddduuuuuddu M:6/8 K:D H:DHRZ T:Humours of Drinagh, The
ABC 2700 C1:261666622111561 C2:ududddduuuuuddu M:6/8 K:D H:DLOR T:Humours of Drinagh, The
ABC 2700 C1:261666622111561 C2:ududddduuuuuddu M:6/8 K:D H:DLOR T:Humours of Drinagh, The
ABC 100 C1:261666622111561 C2:ududddduuuuuddu M:6/8 K:D H:DHRZ T:Humours of Drinagh, The
ABC 100 C1:261666622111561 C2:ududddduuuuuddu M:6/8 K:D H:DHRZ T:Humours of Drinagh, The
ABC 682 C1:622111261666622 C2:duuuuuududddduu M:6/8 K:D H:"BDLRSZ T:The humours of Drinagh
ABC 5828 C1:261666622111561 C2:ududddduuuuuddu M:6/8 K:D H:DHRZ T:Humours of Drinagh, The
ABC 5829 C1:261666622111561 C2:ududddduuuuuddu M:6/8 K:D H:DLR T:Humours of Drinagh, The
ABC 5828 C1:261666622111561 C2:ududddduuuuuddu M:6/8 K:D H:DHRZ T:Humours of Drinagh, The
ABC 5829 C1:261666622111561 C2:ududddduuuuuddu M:6/8 K:D H:DLR T:Humours of Drinagh, The
ABC 5828 C1:261666622111561 C2:ududddduuuuuddu M:6/8 K:D H:DHRZ T:Humours of Drinagh, The
ABC 5829 C1:261666622111561 C2:ududddduuuuuddu M:6/8 K:D H:DLR T:Humours of Drinagh, The
ABC 1081 C1:620111261660620 C2:duuuuududdduuuu M:6/8 K:D H:LOZ T:Humours of Drinagh
ABC 1054 C1:622111261666622 C2:duuuuuududddduu M:6/8 K:D H:BLZ T:The Humours of Drinagh
ABC 1054 C1:622111261666622 C2:duuuuuududddduu M:6/8 K:D H:BLZ T:The Humours of Drinagh
ABC 100 C1:261666622111561 C2:ududddduuuuuddu M:6/8 K:D H:DHRZ T:Humours of Drinagh, The
ABC 100 C1:261666622111561 C2:ududddduuuuuddu M:6/8 K:D H:DHRZ T:Humours of Drinagh, The
ABC 1 C1:622111261666622 C2:duuuuuududddduu M:6/8 K:D H:"CDLOQRZ T:Humours of Drinagh (D major)
ABC 1 C1:661266577063662 C2:dduuududddduddu M:6/8 K:Dmix H:LRSZ T:Humours of Dublin [2], The
ABC 1 C1: C2: M:6/8 K:Gmix H:BLRZ T:Humours of Dublin [2], The
ABC 1 C1: C2: M:6/8 K:G H:LRSZ T:Humours of Dublin [2]
ABC 1 C1: C2: M:6/8 K:Gmix H:BLRZ T:Humours of Dublin [2], The
ABC 1 C1: C2: M:6/8 K:G H:LRSZ T:Humours of Dublin [2]
ABC 1 C1:011001007077077 C2:uuudddddduduudd M:6/8 K:Dmin H:LRZ T:Humours of Dublin [3]
ABC 1 C1:011001007077077 C2:uuudddddduduudd M:6/8 K:D H:LRZ T:Humours of Dublin [3]
ABC 1 C1: C2: M:6/4 K:Dm H:BFLQWZ T:Humours of Dublin [3]. JJo1.034
ABC 1 C1: C2: M:6/4 K:Dm H:BFLQWZ T:Humours of Dublin [3]. JJo1.034
ABC 15351 C1:011001007077077 C2:uuudddddduduudd M:6/8 K:Em H:CLQR T:HUMOURS OF DUBLIN, The
ABC 1 C1:477064661266577 C2:udddudduuududdd M:6/8 K:G H:CLQR T:The Humours of Dublin
ABC 1 C1:000101070707000 C2:uuddduuuddddddu M:6/8 K:Em H:ACILORS T:The Humours of Dublin
ABC 71 C1:577064661266577 C2:ddddudduuududdd M:6/8 K:Gmix H:BFLZ T:the Humours of Dublin
ABC 71 C1:577064661266577 C2:ddddudduuududdd M:6/8 K:Gmix H:BFLZ T:the Humours of Dublin
ABC 36 C1:011777011001007 C2:uuddduuuddddudu M:6/4 K:Dm H:BLSZ T:the Humours of Dublin
ABC 36 C1:011777011001007 C2:uuddduuuddddudu M:6/4 K:Dm H:BLSZ T:the Humours of Dublin
ABC 15351 C1:011001007077077 C2:uuudddddduduudd M:6/8 K:Em H:CLQR T:HUMOURS OF DUBLIN, The
ABC 15351 C1:011001007077077 C2:uuudddddduduudd M:6/8 K:Em H:CLQR T:HUMOURS OF DUBLIN, The
ABC 71 C1:577064661266577 C2:ddddudduuududdd M:6/8 K:Gmix H:BFLZ T:The Humours of Dublin
ABC 71 C1:577064661266577 C2:ddddudduuududdd M:6/8 K:Gmix H:BFLZ T:The Humours of Dublin
ABC 71 C1:577064661266577 C2:ddddudduuududdd M:6/8 K:Gmix H:BFLZ T:The Humours of Dublin
ABC 71 C1:577064661266577 C2:ddddudduuududdd M:6/8 K:Gmix H:BFLZ T:The Humours of Dublin
ABC 71 C1:577064661266577 C2:ddddudduuududdd M:6/8 K:Gmix H:BFLZ T:The Humours of Dublin
ABC 71 C1:577064661266577 C2:ddddudduuududdd M:6/8 K:Gmix H:BFLZ T:The Humours of Dublin
ABC 1 C1:661266577063662 C2:dduuududddduddu M:6/8 K:D H:LRSZ T:Humours of Dublin, The
ABC 36 C1:011777011001007 C2:uuddduuuddddudu M:6/4 K:Dm H:BLSZ T:the Humours of Dublin
ABC 36 C1:011777011001007 C2:uuddduuuddddudu M:6/4 K:Dm H:BLSZ T:the Humours of Dublin
ABC 36 C1:011777011001007 C2:uuddduuuddddudu M:6/4 K:Dm H:BLSZ T:the Humours of Dublin
ABC 36 C1:011777011001007 C2:uuddduuuddddudu M:6/4 K:Dm H:BLSZ T:the Humours of Dublin
ABC 1363 C1:577064661266560 C2:ddddudduuududdd M:6/8 K:D H:BLVZ T:Humours of Dublin. a Jig.
ABC 1363 C1:577064661266560 C2:ddddudduuududdd M:6/8 K:D H:BLVZ T:Humours of Dublin. a Jig.
ABC 1363 C1:577064661266560 C2:ddddudduuududdd M:6/8 K:D H:BLVZ T:Humours of Dublin. a Jig.
ABC 1363 C1:577064661266560 C2:ddddudduuududdd M:6/8 K:D H:BLVZ T:Humours of Dublin. a Jig.
ABC 1363 C1:577064661266560 C2:ddddudduuududdd M:6/8 K:D H:BLVZ T:Humours of Dublin. a Jig.
ABC 1363 C1:577064661266560 C2:ddddudduuududdd M:6/8 K:D H:BLVZ T:Humours of Dublin. a Jig.
ABC 1363 C1:577064661266560 C2:ddddudduuududdd M:6/8 K:D H:BLVZ T:Humours of Dublin. a Jig.
ABC 1363 C1:577064661266560 C2:ddddudduuududdd M:6/8 K:D H:BLVZ T:Humours of Dublin. a Jig.
ABC 1363 C1:577064661266560 C2:ddddudduuududdd M:6/8 K:D H:BLVZ T:Humours of Dublin. a Jig.
ABC 1363 C1:577064661266560 C2:ddddudduuududdd M:6/8 K:D H:BLVZ T:Humours of Dublin. a Jig.
ABC 1363 C1:577064661266560 C2:ddddudduuududdd M:6/8 K:D H:BLVZ T:Humours of Dublin. a Jig.
ABC 1363 C1:577064661266560 C2:ddddudduuududdd M:6/8 K:D H:BLVZ T:Humours of Dublin. a Jig.
ABC 1363 C1:577064661266560 C2:ddddudduuududdd M:6/8 K:D H:BLVZ T:Humours of Dublin. a Jig.
ABC 1363 C1:577064661266560 C2:ddddudduuududdd M:6/8 K:D H:BLVZ T:Humours of Dublin. a Jig.
ABC 1363 C1:577064661266560 C2:ddddudduuududdd M:6/8 K:D H:BLVZ T:Humours of Dublin. a Jig.
ABC 1363 C1:577064661266560 C2:ddddudduuududdd M:6/8 K:D H:BLVZ T:Humours of Dublin. a Jig.
ABC 1363 C1:577064661266560 C2:ddddudduuududdd M:6/8 K:D H:BLVZ T:Humours of Dublin. a Jig.
ABC 1363 C1:577064661266560 C2:ddddudduuududdd M:6/8 K:D H:BLVZ T:Humours of Dublin. a Jig.
ABC 1363 C1:577064661266560 C2:ddddudduuududdd M:6/8 K:D H:BLVZ T:Humours of Dublin. a Jig.
ABC 1363 C1:577064661266560 C2:ddddudduuududdd M:6/8 K:D H:BLVZ T:Humours of Dublin. a Jig.
ABC 1363 C1:577064661266560 C2:ddddudduuududdd M:6/8 K:D H:BLVZ T:Humours of Dublin. a Jig.
ABC 1363 C1:577064661266560 C2:ddddudduuududdd M:6/8 K:D H:BLVZ T:Humours of Dublin. a Jig.
ABC 1363 C1:577064661266560 C2:ddddudduuududdd M:6/8 K:D H:BLVZ T:Humours of Dublin. a Jig.
ABC 1363 C1:577064661266560 C2:ddddudduuududdd M:6/8 K:D H:BLVZ T:Humours of Dublin. a Jig.
ABC 1363 C1:577064661266560 C2:ddddudduuududdd M:6/8 K:D H:BLVZ T:Humours of Dublin. a Jig.
ABC 1363 C1:577064661266560 C2:ddddudduuududdd M:6/8 K:D H:BLVZ T:Humours of Dublin. a Jig.
ABC 1363 C1:577064661266560 C2:ddddudduuududdd M:6/8 K:D H:BLVZ T:Humours of Dublin. a Jig.
ABC 1363 C1:577064661266560 C2:ddddudduuududdd M:6/8 K:D H:BLVZ T:Humours of Dublin. a Jig.
ABC 34 C1:011777011001007 C2:uuddduuuddddudu M:6/4 K:Dm H:BLQWZ T:Humours of Dublin. JJo1.034
ABC 34 C1:011777011001007 C2:uuddduuuddddudu M:6/4 K:Dm H:BLQWZ T:Humours of Dublin. JJo1.034
ABC 198 C1:170761100172600 C2:udududududuuudu M:6/8 K:F H:BLQWZ T:Humours of Dublin, JJo4.198, The
ABC 198 C1:170761100172600 C2:udududududuuudu M:6/8 K:F H:BLQWZ T:Humours of Dublin, JJo4.198, The
ABC 142 C1:577064663624577 C2:ddddudduduudddd M:6/8 K:Edor H:BLQZ T:Humours Of Dublin. Roose.0142, The
ABC 53 C1:054061010017653 C2:duduududduddddd M:6/8 K:Bb H:LOQSZ T:Humours of Enborne. JW6.053
ABC 53 C1:054061010017653 C2:duduududduddddd M:6/8 K:Bb H:ABLOQZ T:Humours of Enborne. WCD3/6.053
ABC 53 C1:054061010017653 C2:duduududduddddd M:6/8 K:Bb H:ABLOQZ T:Humours of Enborne. WCD3/6.053
ABC 1 C1:060377060111677 C2:duddduuuddduuud M:6/8 K:G H:OR T:the Humours of Enistymon
ABC 1 C1:060377060111677 C2:duddduuuddduuud M:6/8 K:G H:LOR T:Humours of Enistymon, The
ABC 13 C1:060377060111677 C2:duddduuuddduuud M:6/8 K:G H:OR T:the Humours of Enistymon
ABC 13 C1:060377060111677 C2:duddduuuddduuud M:6/8 K:G H:OR T:the Humours of Enistymon
ABC 7248 C1:060377060111677 C2:duddduuuddduuud M:6/8 K:G H:OR T:the Humours of Enistymon
ABC 7248 C1:060377060111677 C2:duddduuuddduuud M:6/8 K:G H:OR T:the Humours of Enistymon
ABC 7331 C1:060377060111677 C2:duddduuuddduuud M:6/8 K:G H:OR T:Humours of Enistymon, The
ABC 7331 C1:060377060111677 C2:duddduuuddduuud M:6/8 K:G H:OR T:Humours of Enistymon, The
ABC 5830 C1:060377060111677 C2:duddduuuddduuud M:6/8 K:G H:LOR T:Humours of Enistymon, The
ABC 13526 C1:060377060111677 C2:duddduuuddduuud M:6/8 K:G H:OR T:the Humours of Enistymon
ABC 3894 C1:060377060111677 C2:duddduuuddduuud M:6/8 K:G H:FORZ T:the Humours of Enistymon
ABC 3895 C1:060377060111677 C2:duddduuuddduuud M:6/8 K:G H:FOR T:the Humours of Enistymon
ABC 3894 C1:060377060111677 C2:duddduuuddduuud M:6/8 K:G H:FORZ T:the Humours of Enistymon
ABC 3895 C1:060377060111677 C2:duddduuuddduuud M:6/8 K:G H:FOR T:the Humours of Enistymon
ABC 5830 C1:060377060111677 C2:duddduuuddduuud M:6/8 K:G H:LOR T:Humours of Enistymon, The
ABC 13526 C1:060377060111677 C2:duddduuuddduuud M:6/8 K:G H:OR T:the Humours of Enistymon
ABC 5830 C1:060377060111677 C2:duddduuuddduuud M:6/8 K:G H:LOR T:Humours of Enistymon, The
ABC 13526 C1:060377060111677 C2:duddduuuddduuud M:6/8 K:G H:OR T:the Humours of Enistymon
ABC 1083 C1:060377060111677 C2:duddduuuddduuud M:6/8 K:G H:OR T:Humours of Enistymon, The
ABC 2653 C1:060377060111677 C2:duddduuuddduuud M:6/8 K:G H:OR T:the Humours of Enistymon
ABC 13 C1:060377060111677 C2:duddduuuddduuud M:6/8 K:G H:BORZ T:the Humours of Enistymon
ABC 30 C1:060377060111677 C2:duddduuuddduuud M:6/8 K:G H:ORZ T:the Humours of Enistymon
ABC 13 C1:060377060111677 C2:duddduuuddduuud M:6/8 K:G H:OR T:the Humours of Enistymon
ABC 1 C1:006227716117006 C2:duudduduudduudd M:6/8 K:G H:HLRZ T:Humours of Ennistymon [1], The
ABC 1 C1: C2: M:6/8 K:G H:HLRZ T:Humours of Ennistymon [1], The
ABC 1 C1:400056166115503 C2:dududduuddududu M:C| K:Emin H:LRSZ T:Humours of Ennistymon [2]
ABC 16 C1:006227716117006 C2:duudduduudduudd M:6/8 K:G H:R T:Humours of Ennistymon, The
ABC 16 C1:006227716117006 C2:duudduduudduudd M:6/8 K:G H:R T:Humours of Ennistymon, The
ABC 1 C1:400056166115503 C2:dududduuddududu M:4/4 K:Em H:CLQR T:Humours of Ennistymon
ABC 1 C1:400056166115503 C2:dududduuddududu M:4/4 K:Em H:CLQR T:Humours of Ennistymon
ABC 1 C1:006377006227676 C2:duddduudddduuuu M:6/8 K:G H:DLQ T:Humours of Ennistymon
ABC 1 C1:006377006227676 C2:duddduudddduuuu M:6/8 K:G H:DLQ T:Humours of Ennistymon
ABC 40 C1:006227716117006 C2:duudduduudduudd M:6/8 K:G H:LRZ T:Humours of Ennistymon
ABC 1 C1:006227716117006 C2:duudduduudduudd M:6/8 K:G H:LRZ T:Humours of Ennistymon, The
ABC 44 C1:716117176227677 C2:duduududduudddd M:6/8 K:G H:LRZ T:Humours of Ennistymon
ABC 44 C1:716117176227677 C2:duduududduudddd M:6/8 K:G H:LRZ T:Humours of Ennistymon
ABC 44 C1:716117176227677 C2:duduududduudddd M:6/8 K:G H:LRZ T:Humours of Ennistymon
ABC 119 C1:006227716117006 C2:duudduduudduudd M:6/8 K:G H:HRZ T:Humours of Ennistymon
ABC 1 C1:006227716117006 C2:duudduduudduudd M:6/8 K:G H:HRZ T:Humours of Ennistymon, The
ABC 76 C1:006227716117006 C2:duudduduudduudd M:6/8 K:G H:HRZ T:The Humours of Ennistymon
ABC 5 C1:006227716117006 C2:duudduduudduudd M:6/8 K:G H:LR T:Humours of Ennistymon, The
ABC 5 C1:006227716117006 C2:duudduduudduudd M:6/8 K:G H:LR T:Humours of Ennistymon, The
ABC 5 C1:006227716117006 C2:duudduduudduudd M:6/8 K:G H:LR T:Humours of Ennistymon, The
ABC 5 C1:006227716117006 C2:duudduduudduudd M:6/8 K:G H:LR T:Humours of Ennistymon, The
ABC 5 C1:006227716117006 C2:duudduduudduudd M:6/8 K:G H:LR T:Humours of Ennistymon, The
ABC 5 C1:006227716117006 C2:duudduduudduudd M:6/8 K:G H:LR T:Humours of Ennistymon, The
ABC 5 C1:006227716117006 C2:duudduduudduudd M:6/8 K:G H:LR T:Humours of Ennistymon, The
ABC 5 C1:006227716117006 C2:duudduduudduudd M:6/8 K:G H:LR T:Humours of Ennistymon, The
ABC 5 C1:006227716117006 C2:duudduduudduudd M:6/8 K:G H:LR T:Humours of Ennistymon, The
ABC 5 C1:006227716117006 C2:duudduduudduudd M:6/8 K:G H:LR T:Humours of Ennistymon, The
ABC 5 C1:006227716117006 C2:duudduduudduudd M:6/8 K:G H:LR T:Humours of Ennistymon, The
ABC 1 C1:006227716117006 C2:duudduduudduudd M:6/8 K:G H:HLRZ T:The Humours of Ennistymon
ABC 4177 C1:400056166115503 C2:dududduuddududu M:C| K:Em H:BLZ T:HUMOURS OF ENNISTYMON
ABC 4177 C1:400056166115503 C2:dududduuddududu M:C| K:Em H:BLZ T:HUMOURS OF ENNISTYMON
ABC 123 C1:006227716117006 C2:duudduduudduudd M:6/8 K:G H:"FLRZ T:Humours of Ennistymon, The
ABC 237 C1:500561661157621 C2:dududduuddduudd M:C| K:G H:"BLORSZ T:The humours of Ennistymon
ABC 237 C1:500561661157621 C2:dududduuddduudd M:C| K:G H:"BLORSZ T:The humours of Ennistymon
ABC 237 C1:500561661157621 C2:dududduuddduudd M:C| K:G H:"BLORSZ T:The humours of Ennistymon
ABC 237 C1:500561661157621 C2:dududduuddduudd M:C| K:G H:"BLORSZ T:The humours of Ennistymon
ABC 1 C1:006227716117266 C2:duudduduuduuddu M:6/8 K:G H:"L T:Humours of Ennistymon
ABC 683 C1:006227716117006 C2:duudduduudduudd M:6/8 K:G H:"BDLORSZ T:The humours of Ennistymon
ABC 683 C1:006227716117006 C2:duudduduudduudd M:6/8 K:G H:"BDLORSZ T:The humours of Ennistymon
ABC 683 C1:006227716117006 C2:duudduduudduudd M:6/8 K:G H:"BDLORSZ T:The humours of Ennistymon
ABC 683 C1:006227716117006 C2:duudduduudduudd M:6/8 K:G H:"BDLORSZ T:The humours of Ennistymon
ABC 16 C1:006227716117006 C2:duudduduudduudd M:6/8 K:G H:R T:Humours of Ennistymon, The
ABC 29 C1:176227716072176 C2:udduuddudduuddu M:6/8 K:GMaj H:ERZ T:Humours of Ennistymon, The
ABC 145 C1:176227716072176 C2:udduuddudduuddu M:6/8 K:GMaj H:ERZ T:Humours of Ennistymon, The
ABC 5 C1:006227716117006 C2:duudduduudduudd M:6/8 K:G H:LR T:Humours of Ennistymon, The
ABC 5 C1:006227716117006 C2:duudduduudduudd M:6/8 K:G H:LR T:Humours of Ennistymon, The
ABC 5 C1:006227716117006 C2:duudduduudduudd M:6/8 K:G H:LR T:Humours of Ennistymon, The
ABC 5 C1:006227716117006 C2:duudduduudduudd M:6/8 K:G H:LR T:Humours of Ennistymon, The
ABC 5 C1:006227716117006 C2:duudduduudduudd M:6/8 K:G H:LR T:Humours of Ennistymon, The
ABC 5 C1:006227716117006 C2:duudduduudduudd M:6/8 K:G H:LR T:Humours of Ennistymon, The
ABC 5 C1:006227716117006 C2:duudduduudduudd M:6/8 K:G H:LR T:Humours of Ennistymon, The
ABC 16 C1:006227716117006 C2:duudduduudduudd M:6/8 K:Gmaj H:LR T:Humours of Ennistymon
ABC 18 C1:006227716117006 C2:duudduduudduudd M:6/8 K:Gmaj H:"LR T:Humours of Ennistymon
ABC 29 C1:176227716072176 C2:udduuddudduuddu M:6/8 K:GMaj H:ERZ T:Humours of Ennistymon, The
ABC 119 C1:006227716117006 C2:duudduduudduudd M:6/8 K:G H:R T:Humours of Ennistymon
ABC 119 C1:006227716117006 C2:duudduduudduudd M:6/8 K:G H:R T:Humours of Ennistymon
ABC 119 C1:006227716117006 C2:duudduduudduudd M:6/8 K:G H:R T:Humours of Ennistymon
ABC 119 C1:006227716117006 C2:duudduduudduudd M:6/8 K:G H:R T:Humours of Ennistymon
ABC 142 C1:006227716117006 C2:duudduduudduudd M:6/8 K:G H:HRZ T:Humours of Ennistymon, The
ABC 142 C1:006227716117006 C2:duudduduudduudd M:6/8 K:G H:HRZ T:Humours of Ennistymon, The
ABC 76 C1:006227716117006 C2:duudduduudduudd M:6/8 K:G H:HRZ T:The Humours of Ennistymon
ABC 380 C1:006227716117006 C2:duudduduudduudd M:6/8 K:G H:HRZ T:The Humours of Ennistymon
ABC 315 C1:006227716117006 C2:duudduduudduudd M:6/8 K:G H:LZ T:Humours of Ennistymon
ABC 65 C1:006227716117006 C2:duudduduudduudd M:6/8 K:G H:LZ T:Humours of Ennistymon
ABC 142 C1:006227716117006 C2:duudduduudduudd M:6/8 K:G H:HRZ T:Humours of Ennistymon, The
ABC 142 C1:006227716117006 C2:duudduduudduudd M:6/8 K:G H:HRZ T:Humours of Ennistymon, The
ABC 3 C1:006377006227676 C2:duddduudddduuuu M:6/8 K:G H:DLQR T:Humours of Ennistymon
ABC 3 C1:006377006227676 C2:duddduudddduuuu M:6/8 K:G H:DLQR T:Humours of Ennistymon
ABC 3 C1:006377006227676 C2:duddduudddduuuu M:6/8 K:G H:DLQR T:Humours of Ennistymon
ABC 3 C1:006377006227676 C2:duddduudddduuuu M:6/8 K:G H:DLQR T:Humours of Ennistymon
ABC 3 C1:006377006227676 C2:duddduudddduuuu M:6/8 K:G H:DLQR T:Humours of Ennistymon
ABC 3 C1:006377006227676 C2:duddduudddduuuu M:6/8 K:G H:DLQR T:Humours of Ennistymon
ABC 3 C1:006377006227676 C2:duddduudddduuuu M:6/8 K:G H:DLQR T:Humours of Ennistymon
ABC 1 C1:006227716117006 C2:duudduduudduudd M:6/8 K:G H:Lw T:Humours of Ennistymon
ABC 4 C1:006377006227676 C2:duddduudddduuuu M:6/8 K:G H:DLQR T:Humours of Ennistymon
ABC 61 C1:006227716117006 C2:duudduduudduudd M:6/8 K:G H:"HRZ T:The Humours of Ennistymon
ABC 61 C1:006227716117006 C2:duudduduudduudd M:6/8 K:G H:"HRZ T:The Humours of Ennistymon
ABC 1 C1:006227716117266 C2:duudduduududduu M: K:Gmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Ennistymon
ABC 2 C1:620627620621007 C2:dududduduududdu M: K:Gmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Ennistymon
ABC 3 C1:006377006227777 C2:duddduuddddduuu M: K:Gmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Ennistymon
ABC 4 C1:006227716117266 C2:duudduduuduuddu M: K:Gmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Ennistymon
ABC 5 C1:006111006377033 C2:duuududdduuuddd M: K:Gmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Ennistymon
ABC 6 C1:620537620621003 C2:duduudduduuuduu M: K:Gmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Ennistymon
ABC 7 C1:006227716117006 C2:duudduduudduudd M: K:Gmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Ennistymon
ABC 8 C1:620537620621003 C2:duduudduduuuduu M: K:Gmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Ennistymon
ABC 9 C1:620621620622111 C2:duduududuuuuudd M: K:Gmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Ennistymon
ABC 10 C1:716227716027716 C2:duduuddududdudu M: K:Gmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Ennistymon
ABC 11 C1:716227716117716 C2:duduudduduuddud M: K:Gmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Ennistymon
ABC 12 C1:620627620621620 C2:dududduduududuu M: K:Gmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Ennistymon
ABC 13 C1:620627624221260 C2:dududduduuuuddu M: K:Gmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Ennistymon
ABC 14 C1:000627620621000 C2:dudduduududuuud M: K:Gmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Ennistymon
ABC 15 C1:060227716117716 C2:duudduduudduduu M: K:Gmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Ennistymon
ABC 16 C1:171622771611771 C2:ududuudduduuddu M: K:Gmaj H:"LR T:The Humours Of Ennistymon
ABC 17 C1:000777677113300 C2:dddddduuuuduudu M: K:Dmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Ennistymon
ABC 18 C1:171622771611771 C2:ududuudduduuddu M: K:Gmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Ennistymon
ABC 19 C1:620627620621627 C2:dududduduududdu M: K:Gmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Ennistymon
ABC 20 C1:006227716377006 C2:duuddududdduudd M: K:Gmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Ennistymon
ABC 21 C1:006227006117006 C2:duudduudduudddd M: K:Gmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Ennistymon
ABC 1 C1:006111006377033 C2:duuududdduuuddd M:6/8 K:Gmaj H:L T:Humours of Ennistymon
ABC 44 C1:716117176227677 C2:duduududduudddd M:6/8 K:G H:LRZ T:Humours of Ennistymon
ABC 44 C1:716117176227677 C2:duduududduudddd M:6/8 K:G H:LRZ T:Humours of Ennistymon
ABC 123 C1:006227716117006 C2:duudduduudduudd M:6/8 K:G H:"LRZ T:Humours of Ennistymon, The
ABC 201 C1:006227716117006 C2:duudduduudduudd M:6/8 K:G H:LR T:The Humours of Ennistymon
ABC 201 C1:006227716117006 C2:duudduduudduudd M:6/8 K:G H:LR T:The Humours of Ennistymon
ABC 40 C1:006227716117006 C2:duudduduudduudd M:6/8 K:G H:LRZ T:Humours of Ennistymon
ABC 119 C1:006227716117006 C2:duudduduudduudd M:6/8 K:G H:HRZ T:Humours of Ennistymon
ABC 40 C1:006227716117006 C2:duudduduudduudd M:6/8 K:G H:LRZ T:Humours of Ennistymon
ABC 119 C1:006227716117006 C2:duudduduudduudd M:6/8 K:G H:HRZ T:Humours of Ennistymon
ABC 123 C1:006227716117006 C2:duudduduudduudd M:6/8 K:G H:"FLRZ T:Humours of Ennistymon, The
ABC 18 C1:006227716117006 C2:duudduduudduudd M:6/8 K:Gmaj H:"LR T:Humours of Ennistymon
ABC 221 C1:006227716117006 C2:duudduduudduudd M:6/8 K:Gmaj H:HLRZ T:Humours Of Ennistymon, The
ABC 451 C1:006227716117006 C2:duudduduudduudd M:6/8 K:G H:R T:Humours of Ennistymon
ABC 142 C1:006227716117006 C2:duudduduudduudd M:6/8 K:G H:HRZ T:Humours of Ennistymon, The
ABC 142 C1:006227716117006 C2:duudduduudduudd M:6/8 K:G H:HRZ T:Humours of Ennistymon, The
ABC 4177 C1:400056166115503 C2:dududduuddududu M:C| K:Em H:BLZ T:HUMOURS OF ENNISTYMON
ABC 4177 C1:400056166115503 C2:dududduuddududu M:C| K:Em H:BLZ T:HUMOURS OF ENNISTYMON
ABC 4177 C1:400056166115503 C2:dududduuddududu M:C| K:Em H:BLZ T:HUMOURS OF ENNISTYMON
ABC 4177 C1:400056166115503 C2:dududduuddududu M:C| K:Em H:BLZ T:HUMOURS OF ENNISTYMON
ABC 4177 C1:400056166115503 C2:dududduuddududu M:C| K:Em H:BLZ T:HUMOURS OF ENNISTYMON
ABC 4177 C1:400056166115503 C2:dududduuddududu M:C| K:Em H:BLZ T:HUMOURS OF ENNISTYMON
ABC 4177 C1:400056166115503 C2:dududduuddududu M:C| K:Em H:BLZ T:HUMOURS OF ENNISTYMON
ABC 4177 C1:400056166115503 C2:dududduuddududu M:C| K:Em H:BLZ T:HUMOURS OF ENNISTYMON
ABC 4177 C1:400056166115503 C2:dududduuddududu M:C| K:Em H:BLZ T:HUMOURS OF ENNISTYMON
ABC 142 C1:006227716117006 C2:duudduduudduudd M:6/8 K:G H:HRZ T:Humours of Ennistymon, The
ABC 7332 C1:006227716117006 C2:duudduduudduudd M:6/8 K:G H:LZ T:Humours of Ennistymon
ABC 7333 C1:006377006227676 C2:duddduudddduuuu M:6/8 K:G H:DLQ T:Humours of Ennistymon
ABC 7334 C1:006227716117006 C2:duudduduudduudd M:6/8 K:G H:HRZ T:Humours of Ennistymon, The
ABC 7335 C1:006227716117006 C2:duudduduudduudd M:6/8 K:G H:LRZ T:Humours of Ennistymon, The
ABC 7332 C1:006227716117006 C2:duudduduudduudd M:6/8 K:G H:LZ T:Humours of Ennistymon
ABC 7333 C1:006377006227676 C2:duddduudddduuuu M:6/8 K:G H:DLQ T:Humours of Ennistymon
ABC 7334 C1:006227716117006 C2:duudduduudduudd M:6/8 K:G H:HRZ T:Humours of Ennistymon, The
ABC 7335 C1:006227716117006 C2:duudduduudduudd M:6/8 K:G H:LRZ T:Humours of Ennistymon, The
ABC 2701 C1:006227716117006 C2:duudduduudduudd M:6/8 K:G H:LOR T:Humours of Ennistymon, The
ABC 2702 C1:006377006227676 C2:duddduudddduuuu M:6/8 K:G H:DLOQ T:Humours of Ennistymon
ABC 2701 C1:006227716117006 C2:duudduduudduudd M:6/8 K:G H:LOR T:Humours of Ennistymon, The
ABC 2702 C1:006377006227676 C2:duddduudddduuuu M:6/8 K:G H:DLOQ T:Humours of Ennistymon
ABC 142 C1:006227716117006 C2:duudduduudduudd M:6/8 K:G H:HRZ T:Humours of Ennistymon, The
ABC 142 C1:006227716117006 C2:duudduduudduudd M:6/8 K:G H:HRZ T:Humours of Ennistymon, The
ABC 237 C1:500561661157621 C2:dududduuddduudd M:C| K:G H:"BLORSZ T:The humours of Ennistymon
ABC 683 C1:006227716117006 C2:duudduduudduudd M:6/8 K:G H:"BDLORSZ T:The humours of Ennistymon
ABC 5831 C1:006227716117006 C2:duudduduudduudd M:6/8 K:G H:HRZ T:Humours of Ennistymon, The
ABC 5832 C1:006227716117006 C2:duudduduudduudd M:6/8 K:G H:LRZ T:Humours of Ennistymon, The
ABC 5833 C1:006377006227676 C2:duddduudddduuuu M:6/8 K:G H:DLQ T:Humours of Ennistymon
ABC 5834 C1:006377006227676 C2:duddduudddduuuu M:6/8 K:G H:DLQ T:Humours of Ennistymon
ABC 5831 C1:006227716117006 C2:duudduduudduudd M:6/8 K:G H:HRZ T:Humours of Ennistymon, The
ABC 5832 C1:006227716117006 C2:duudduduudduudd M:6/8 K:G H:LRZ T:Humours of Ennistymon, The
ABC 5833 C1:006377006227676 C2:duddduudddduuuu M:6/8 K:G H:DLQ T:Humours of Ennistymon
ABC 5834 C1:006377006227676 C2:duddduudddduuuu M:6/8 K:G H:DLQ T:Humours of Ennistymon
ABC 5831 C1:006227716117006 C2:duudduduudduudd M:6/8 K:G H:HRZ T:Humours of Ennistymon, The
ABC 5832 C1:006227716117006 C2:duudduduudduudd M:6/8 K:G H:LRZ T:Humours of Ennistymon, The
ABC 5833 C1:006377006227676 C2:duddduudddduuuu M:6/8 K:G H:DLQ T:Humours of Ennistymon
ABC 5834 C1:006377006227676 C2:duddduudddduuuu M:6/8 K:G H:DLQ T:Humours of Ennistymon
ABC 1 C1:006227006117006 C2:duudduudduudddd M:6/8 K:G H:"CDLOQRZ T:Humours of Ennistymon (G maj)
ABC 230 C1:716117006227677 C2:duduudduudddduu M:6/8 K:Gmaj H:LQR T:Humours of Ennistymon (Gmaj)
ABC 230 C1:716117006222000 C2:duduudduuuddddd M:6/8 K:clef=none H:ILR T:Humours of Ennistymon (Gmaj)
ABC 230 C1:716117006227677 C2:duduudduudddduu M:6/8 K:Gmaj H:LQR T:Humours of Ennistymon (Gmaj) %3
ABC 320 C1:006227716117006 C2:duudduduudduudd M:6/8 K:G H:LR T:Humours of Ennistymon [The]
ABC 1 C1:167777115577277 C2:uddddduuudddudd M: K:Ador H:LR T:The Humours Of Failure
ABC 179 C1:262627262625262 C2:udududududududu M:6/8 K:F H:BLQWZ T:Humours of Finchly. Ru2.179, The
ABC 179 C1:262627262625262 C2:udududududududu M:6/8 K:F H:BLQWZ T:Humours of Finchly. Ru2.179, The
ABC 1 C1:007105676000771 C2:duuddddduuudddu M:C| K:D H:RZ T:Humours of Galteemore, The
ABC 1 C1:007105676000771 C2:duuddddduuudddu M:4/4 K:D H:"CDLORSZ T:The Humours of Galteemore
ABC 2 C1:007105676000771 C2:duuddddduuudddu M:C| K:D H:HRZ T:Humours of Galteemore, The
ABC 2 C1: C2: M:C| K:D H:HRZ T:Humours of Galteemore, The
ABC 46 C1:007105676000771 C2:duuddddduuudddu M:C| K:D H:HRZ T:Humours of Galteemore, The
ABC 46 C1:007105676000771 C2:duuddddduuudddu M:C| K:D H:HRZ T:Humours of Galteemore, The
ABC 46 C1:007105676000771 C2:duuddddduuudddu M:C| K:D H:RZ T:Humours of Galteemore, The
ABC 46 C1:007105676000771 C2:duuddddduuudddu M:C| K:D H:RZ T:Humours of Galteemore, The
ABC 46 C1:007105676000771 C2:duuddddduuudddu M:C| K:D H:HRZ T:Humours of Galteemore, The
ABC 46 C1:007105676000771 C2:duuddddduuudddu M:C| K:D H:HRZ T:Humours of Galteemore, The
ABC 46 C1:007105676000771 C2:duuddddduuudddu M:C| K:D H:RZ T:Humours of Galteemore, The
ABC 46 C1:007105676000771 C2:duuddddduuudddu M:C| K:D H:RZ T:Humours of Galteemore, The
ABC 46 C1:007105676000771 C2:duuddddduuudddu M:C| K:D H:RZ T:Humours of Galteemore, The
ABC 46 C1:007105676000771 C2:duuddddduuudddu M:C| K:D H:RZ T:Humours of Galteemore, The
ABC 224 C1:600077110071056 C2:ddduuduuddddduu M:4/4 K:D H:DLRZ T:The Humours of Galteemore
ABC 224 C1:600077110071056 C2:ddduuduuddddduu M:4/4 K:D H:DLRZ T:The Humours of Galteemore
ABC 46 C1:007105676000771 C2:duuddddduuudddu M:C| K:D H:RZ T:Humours of Galteemore, The
ABC 46 C1:007105676000771 C2:duuddddduuudddu M:C| K:D H:RZ T:Humours of Galteemore, The
ABC 46 C1:007105676000771 C2:duuddddduuudddu M:C| K:D H:RZ T:Humours of Galteemore, The
ABC 46 C1:007105676000771 C2:duuddddduuudddu M:C| K:D H:RZ T:Humours of Galteemore, The
ABC 46 C1:007105676000771 C2:duuddddduuudddu M:C| K:D H:RZ T:Humours of Galteemore, The
ABC 46 C1:007105676000771 C2:duuddddduuudddu M:C| K:D H:RZ T:Humours of Galteemore, The
ABC 46 C1:007105676000771 C2:duuddddduuudddu M:C| K:D H:HRZ T:Humours of Galteemore, The
ABC 2129 C1:007105676000771 C2:duuddddduuudddu M:C| K:D H:OR T:Humours of Galteemore, The
ABC 2129 C1:007105676000771 C2:duuddddduuudddu M:C| K:D H:OR T:Humours of Galteemore, The
ABC 5641 C1:007105676000771 C2:duuddddduuudddu M:C| K:D H:RZ T:Humours of Galteemore, The
ABC 5642 C1:007105676000771 C2:duuddddduuudddu M:C| K:D H:HRZ T:Humours of Galteemore, The
ABC 5641 C1:007105676000771 C2:duuddddduuudddu M:C| K:D H:RZ T:Humours of Galteemore, The
ABC 5642 C1:007105676000771 C2:duuddddduuudddu M:C| K:D H:HRZ T:Humours of Galteemore, The
ABC 5641 C1:007105676000771 C2:duuddddduuudddu M:C| K:D H:RZ T:Humours of Galteemore, The
ABC 5642 C1:007105676000771 C2:duuddddduuudddu M:C| K:D H:HRZ T:Humours of Galteemore, The
ABC 4383 C1:007105676000771 C2:duuddddduuudddu M:C| K:D H:RZ T:Humours of Galteemore, The
ABC 4383 C1:007105676000771 C2:duuddddduuudddu M:C| K:D H:RZ T:Humours of Galteemore, The
ABC 4383 C1:007105676000771 C2:duuddddduuudddu M:C| K:D H:RZ T:Humours of Galteemore, The
ABC 1085 C1:007105676000771 C2:duuddddduuudddu M:C| K:D H:HORZ T:Humours of Galteemore, The
ABC 46 C1:007105676000771 C2:duuddddduuudddu M:C| K:D H:RZ T:Humours of Galteemore, The
ABC 46 C1:007105676000771 C2:duuddddduuudddu M:C| K:D H:RZ T:Humours of Galteemore, The
ABC 1 C1:600077110071056 C2:ddduuduuddddduu M:4/4 K:D H:DLRS T:Humours of Galtymore
ABC 1 C1:600077110071056 C2:ddduuduuddddduu M:4/4 K:D H:DFLORS T:Humours of Galtymore
ABC 910 C1:600077110071056 C2:ddduuduuddddduu M:4/4 K:D H:DLORS T:Humours of Galtymore
ABC 910 C1:600077110071056 C2:ddduuduuddddduu M:4/4 K:D H:DLORS T:Humours of Galtymore
ABC 2012 C1:600077110071056 C2:ddduuduuddddduu M:4/4 K:D H:DLRS T:Humours of Galtymore
ABC 2431 C1:600077110071056 C2:ddduuduuddddduu M:4/4 K:D H:DLRS T:Humours of Galtymore
ABC 2431 C1:600077110071056 C2:ddduuduuddddduu M:4/4 K:D H:DLRS T:Humours of Galtymore
ABC 2431 C1:600077110071056 C2:ddduuduuddddduu M:4/4 K:D H:DLRS T:Humours of Galtymore
ABC 2012 C1:600077110071056 C2:ddduuduuddddduu M:4/4 K:D H:DLRS T:Humours of Galtymore
ABC 2012 C1:600077110071056 C2:ddduuduuddddduu M:4/4 K:D H:DLRS T:Humours of Galtymore
ABC 1 C1:713112176200356 C2:duuuuuudduuddud M: K:Dmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Garlic
ABC 1 C1:111046377166000 C2:uuuududduddduud M: K:Gmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Garrykennedy
ABC 2 C1:111227277166071 C2:uuuuududdudddud M: K:Gmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Garrykennedy
ABC 3 C1:212272771667153 C2:uuuududdudddudu M: K:Gmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Garrykennedy
ABC 4 C1:210463771660053 C2:uuuududduddduud M: K:Gmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Garrykennedy
ABC 5 C1:212272771660053 C2:uuuuududdudddud M: K:Fmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Garrykennedy
ABC 6 C1:111046377166005 C2:uuuududduddduud M: K:Gmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Garrykennedy
ABC 1 C1:260500571303260 C2:udddudududuuddd M:6/8 K:Am H:BLZ T:Humours of Glen [1], The
ABC 2 C1:260500571303260 C2:udddudududuuddd M:6/8 K:Bmin H:LRS T:Humours of Glen [1], The
ABC 1 C1: C2: M:6/8 K:Bmin H:BLZ T:Humours of Glen [1], The
ABC 2 C1: C2: M:6/8 K:Bmin H:LRS T:Humours of Glen [1], The
ABC 1 C1:030277710500000 C2:uudddudududuudd M:6/8 K:Am H:CLQR T:Humours of Glen
ABC 1 C1:030277710500000 C2:uudddudududuudd M:6/8 K:Am H:CLQR T:Humours of Glen
ABC 092 C1:177150321771562 C2:udduduuuddudduu M:4/4 K:Bb H:BLZ T:The Humours of Glen
ABC 092 C1:177150321771562 C2:udduduuuddudduu M:4/4 K:Bb H:BLZ T:The Humours of Glen
ABC 092 C1:177150321771562 C2:udduduuuddudduu M:4/4 K:Bb H:BLZ T:The Humours of Glen
ABC 092 C1:177150321771562 C2:udduduuuddudduu M:4/4 K:Bb H:BLZ T:The Humours of Glen
ABC 092 C1:177150321771562 C2:udduduuuddudduu M:4/4 K:Bb H:BLZ T:The Humours of Glen
ABC 1 C1:177150321771562 C2:udduduuuddudduu M:4/4 K:Bb H:BLZ T:The Humours of Glen
ABC 1 C1:260505161303260 C2:uddduduuddduduu M:6/8 K:Bm H:"CRZ T:Humours of Glen
ABC 1 C1:260505161303260 C2:uddduduuddduduu M:6/8 K:Bm H:"CRZ T:Humours of Glen
ABC 1 C1:260505161303260 C2:uddduduuddduduu M:6/8 K:Bm H:"CRZ T:Humours of Glen
ABC 1 C1:260505161303260 C2:uddduduuddduduu M:6/8 K:Bm H:"CRZ T:Humours of Glen
ABC 1 C1:260505161303260 C2:uddduduuddduduu M:6/8 K:Bm H:"CRZ T:Humours of Glen
ABC 1 C1:260500571303260 C2:udddudududuuddd M:6/8 K:Am H:BLZ T:The Humours of Glen
ABC 095 C1:260500571303260 C2:udddudududuuddd M:6/8 K:Am H:BLZ T:The Humours of Glen
ABC 095 C1:260500571303260 C2:udddudududuuddd M:6/8 K:Am H:BLZ T:The Humours of Glen
ABC 095 C1:260500571303260 C2:udddudududuuddd M:6/8 K:Am H:BLZ T:The Humours of Glen
ABC 095 C1:260500571303260 C2:udddudududuuddd M:6/8 K:Am H:BLZ T:The Humours of Glen
ABC 095 C1:260500571303260 C2:udddudududuuddd M:6/8 K:Am H:BLZ T:The Humours of Glen
ABC 093 C1:177150321771562 C2:udduduuuddudduu M:4/4 K:Bb H:BLZ T:The Humours of Glen
ABC 093 C1:177150321771562 C2:udduduuuddudduu M:4/4 K:Bb H:BLZ T:The Humours of Glen
ABC 093 C1:177150321771562 C2:udduduuuddudduu M:4/4 K:Bb H:BLZ T:The Humours of Glen
ABC 093 C1:177150321771562 C2:udduduuuddudduu M:4/4 K:Bb H:BLZ T:The Humours of Glen
ABC 093 C1:177150321771562 C2:udduduuuddudduu M:4/4 K:Bb H:BLZ T:The Humours of Glen
ABC 1 C1:177150321771562 C2:udduduuuddudduu M:4/4 K:Bb H:BLZ T:The Humours of Glen
ABC 48132 C1:251500572203251 C2:udududduuududdu M:6/8 K:Bm H:BCDLRY T:HUMOURS OF GLEN, The
ABC 001 C1:260500572203260 C2:udddududduuuddd M:6/8 K:Bm H:DLQR T:Humours of Glen
ABC 001 C1:260500572203260 C2:udddududduuuddd M:6/8 K:Bm H:DLQR T:Humours of Glen
ABC 001 C1:260500572203260 C2:udddududduuuddd M:6/8 K:Bm H:DLQR T:Humours of Glen
ABC 001 C1:260500572203260 C2:udddududduuuddd M:6/8 K:Bm H:DLQR T:Humours of Glen
ABC 017 C1:260505161303260 C2:uddduduuddduduu M:6/8 K:BAeo H:BCLRZ T:Humours of Glen
ABC 017 C1:260505161303260 C2:uddduduuddduduu M:6/8 K:BAeo H:BCLRZ T:Humours of Glen
ABC 1 C1:161303260507121 C2:uddduduuddduddu M:6/8 K:D H:FLQSZ T:Humours of Glen
ABC 1 C1:260500571303260 C2:udddudududuuddd M:6/8 K:A H:FLQSZ T:The Humours of Glen
ABC 2122 C1:027771050000050 C2:udddudududuuddd M:6/8 K:Am H:BLOQVZ T:the Humours of Glen
ABC 2122 C1:027771050000050 C2:udddudududuuddd M:6/8 K:Am H:BLOQVZ T:the Humours of Glen
ABC 2122 C1:027771050000050 C2:udddudududuuddd M:6/8 K:Am H:BLOQVZ T:the Humours of Glen
ABC 2122 C1:027771050000050 C2:udddudududuuddd M:6/8 K:Am H:BLOQVZ T:the Humours of Glen
ABC 507 C1:260505161303260 C2:uddduduuddduduu M:6/8 K:B H:LQS T:Humours of Glen
ABC 092 C1:177150321771562 C2:udduduuuddudduu M:4/4 K:Bb H:BLZ T:The Humours of Glen
ABC 093 C1:177150321771562 C2:udduduuuddudduu M:4/4 K:Bb H:BLZ T:The Humours of Glen
ABC 095 C1:260500571303260 C2:udddudududuuddd M:6/8 K:Am H:BLZ T:The Humours of Glen
ABC 092 C1:177150321771562 C2:udduduuuddudduu M:4/4 K:Bb H:BLZ T:The Humours of Glen
ABC 093 C1:177150321771562 C2:udduduuuddudduu M:4/4 K:Bb H:BLZ T:The Humours of Glen
ABC 095 C1:260500571303260 C2:udddudududuuddd M:6/8 K:Am H:BLZ T:The Humours of Glen
ABC 48132 C1:251500572203251 C2:udududduuududdu M:6/8 K:Bm H:BCDLRY T:HUMOURS OF GLEN, The
ABC 48132 C1:251500572203251 C2:udududduuududdu M:6/8 K:Bm H:BCDLRY T:HUMOURS OF GLEN, The
ABC 017 C1:260505161303260 C2:uddduduuddduduu M:6/8 K:BAeo H:BCLRZ T:Humours of Glen
ABC 017 C1:260505161303260 C2:uddduduuddduduu M:6/8 K:BAeo H:BCLRZ T:Humours of Glen
ABC 75 C1:260505161303260 C2:uddduduuddduduu M:6/8 K:Bm H:"CRZ T:Humours of Glen
ABC 001 C1:260500572203260 C2:udddududduuuddd M:6/8 K:Bm H:DLQR T:Humours of Glen
ABC 001 C1:260500572203260 C2:udddududduuuddd M:6/8 K:Bm H:DLQR T:Humours of Glen
ABC 092 C1:177150321771562 C2:udduduuuddudduu M:4/4 K:Bb H:BLZ T:The Humours of Glen
ABC 093 C1:177150321771562 C2:udduduuuddudduu M:4/4 K:Bb H:BLZ T:The Humours of Glen
ABC 095 C1:260500571303260 C2:udddudududuuddd M:6/8 K:Am H:BLZ T:The Humours of Glen
ABC 2122 C1:027771050000050 C2:udddudududuuddd M:6/8 K:Am H:BLOQVZ T:the Humours of Glen
ABC 2122 C1:027771050000050 C2:udddudududuuddd M:6/8 K:Am H:BLOQVZ T:the Humours of Glen
ABC 2122 C1:027771050000050 C2:udddudududuuddd M:6/8 K:Am H:BLOQVZ T:the Humours of Glen
ABC 2122 C1:027771050000050 C2:udddudududuuddd M:6/8 K:Am H:BLOQVZ T:the Humours of Glen
ABC 2122 C1:027771050000050 C2:udddudududuuddd M:6/8 K:Am H:BLOQVZ T:the Humours of Glen
ABC 2122 C1:027771050000050 C2:udddudududuuddd M:6/8 K:Am H:BLOQVZ T:the Humours of Glen
ABC 2122 C1:027771050000050 C2:udddudududuuddd M:6/8 K:Am H:BLOQVZ T:the Humours of Glen
ABC 2122 C1:027771050000050 C2:udddudududuuddd M:6/8 K:Am H:BLOQVZ T:the Humours of Glen
ABC 2122 C1:027771050000050 C2:udddudududuuddd M:6/8 K:Am H:BLOQVZ T:the Humours of Glen
ABC 2122 C1:027771050000050 C2:udddudududuuddd M:6/8 K:Am H:BLOQVZ T:the Humours of Glen
ABC 2122 C1:027771050000050 C2:udddudududuuddd M:6/8 K:Am H:BLOQVZ T:the Humours of Glen
ABC 2122 C1:027771050000050 C2:udddudududuuddd M:6/8 K:Am H:BLOQVZ T:the Humours of Glen
ABC 092 C1:177150321771562 C2:udduduuuddudduu M:4/4 K:Bb H:BLZ T:The Humours of Glen
ABC 093 C1:177150321771562 C2:udduduuuddudduu M:4/4 K:Bb H:BLZ T:The Humours of Glen
ABC 095 C1:260500571303260 C2:udddudududuuddd M:6/8 K:Am H:BLZ T:The Humours of Glen
ABC 092 C1:177150321771562 C2:udduduuuddudduu M:4/4 K:Bb H:BLZ T:The Humours of Glen
ABC 093 C1:177150321771562 C2:udduduuuddudduu M:4/4 K:Bb H:BLZ T:The Humours of Glen
ABC 095 C1:260500571303260 C2:udddudududuuddd M:6/8 K:Am H:BLZ T:The Humours of Glen
ABC 092 C1:177150321771562 C2:udduduuuddudduu M:4/4 K:Bb H:BLZ T:The Humours of Glen
ABC 093 C1:177150321771562 C2:udduduuuddudduu M:4/4 K:Bb H:BLZ T:The Humours of Glen
ABC 095 C1:260500571303260 C2:udddudududuuddd M:6/8 K:Am H:BLZ T:The Humours of Glen
ABC 460 C1:177150321771562 C2:udduduuuddudduu M:4/4 K:Bb H:BLZ T:The Humours of Glen
ABC 465 C1:177150321771562 C2:udduduuuddudduu M:4/4 K:Bb H:BLZ T:The Humours of Glen
ABC 475 C1:260500571303260 C2:udddudududuuddd M:6/8 K:Am H:BLZ T:The Humours of Glen
ABC 6932 C1:177150321771562 C2:udduduuuddudduu M:4/4 K:Bb H:BLO T:The Humours of Glen
ABC 6932 C1:177150321771562 C2:udduduuuddudduu M:4/4 K:Bb H:BLO T:The Humours of Glen
ABC 2122 C1:027771050000050 C2:udddudududuuddd M:6/8 K:Am H:BLOQVZ T:The Humours of Glen
ABC 2122 C1:027771050000050 C2:udddudududuuddd M:6/8 K:Am H:BLOQVZ T:The Humours of Glen
ABC 2122 C1:027771050000050 C2:udddudududuuddd M:6/8 K:Am H:BLOQVZ T:The Humours of Glen
ABC 2122 C1:027771050000050 C2:udddudududuuddd M:6/8 K:Am H:BLOQVZ T:The Humours of Glen
ABC 2122 C1:027771050000050 C2:udddudududuuddd M:6/8 K:Am H:BLOQVZ T:The Humours of Glen
ABC 2122 C1:027771050000050 C2:udddudududuuddd M:6/8 K:Am H:BLOQVZ T:The Humours of Glen
ABC 2122 C1:027771050000050 C2:udddudududuuddd M:6/8 K:Am H:BLOQVZ T:The Humours of Glen
ABC 2122 C1:027771050000050 C2:udddudududuuddd M:6/8 K:Am H:BLOQVZ T:The Humours of Glen
ABC 2122 C1:027771050000050 C2:udddudududuuddd M:6/8 K:Am H:BLOQVZ T:The Humours of Glen
ABC 2122 C1:027771050000050 C2:udddudududuuddd M:6/8 K:Am H:BLOQVZ T:The Humours of Glen
ABC 2122 C1:027771050000050 C2:udddudududuuddd M:6/8 K:Am H:BLOQVZ T:The Humours of Glen
ABC 2122 C1:027771050000050 C2:udddudududuuddd M:6/8 K:Am H:BLOQVZ T:The Humours of Glen
ABC 13527 C1:177150321771562 C2:udduduuuddudduu M:4/4 K:Bb H:BLZ T:The Humours of Glen
ABC 13528 C1:177150321771562 C2:udduduuuddudduu M:4/4 K:Bb H:BLZ T:The Humours of Glen
ABC 13529 C1:260500571303260 C2:udddudududuuddd M:6/8 K:Am H:BLZ T:The Humours of Glen
ABC 13527 C1:177150321771562 C2:udduduuuddudduu M:4/4 K:Bb H:BLZ T:The Humours of Glen
ABC 13528 C1:177150321771562 C2:udduduuuddudduu M:4/4 K:Bb H:BLZ T:The Humours of Glen
ABC 13529 C1:260500571303260 C2:udddudududuuddd M:6/8 K:Am H:BLZ T:The Humours of Glen
ABC 13527 C1:177150321771562 C2:udduduuuddudduu M:4/4 K:Bb H:BLZ T:The Humours of Glen
ABC 13528 C1:177150321771562 C2:udduduuuddudduu M:4/4 K:Bb H:BLZ T:The Humours of Glen
ABC 13529 C1:260500571303260 C2:udddudududuuddd M:6/8 K:Am H:BLZ T:The Humours of Glen
ABC 333 C1:260500571301267 C2:udddudududuuddu M:6/8 K:D H:BLQSZ T:Humours of Glen,aka. JBut.331, The
ABC 11 C1:260500571303260 C2:udddudududuuddd M:6/8 K:Bm H:BLQZ T:Humours of Glen. CJS.43(ii), The
ABC 11 C1:260500571303260 C2:udddudududuuddd M:6/8 K:Bm H:BLQZ T:Humours of Glen. CJS.43(ii), The
ABC 1 C1:762662716221762 C2:dduddududuuuddu M:6/8 K:D H:L T:The Humours of Glendart
ABC 40 C1:762402716221762 C2:ddudududuuuddud M:6/8 K:D H:L T:Humours of Glendart
ABC 48 C1:762662716221762 C2:dduddududuuuddu M:6/8 K:D H:L T:The Humours of Glendart
ABC 3 C1:716221762402700 C2:duduuuddududuuu M:6/8 K:D H:LS T:Humours of Glendart
ABC 1 C1:762402716221762 C2:ddudududuuuddud M:6/8 K:Dmaj H:LR T:Humours Of Glendart, The
ABC 1 C1:762402716221762 C2:ddudududuuuddud M:6/8 K:Dmaj H:LR T:Humours Of Glendart, The
ABC 1 C1:762671771121762 C2:dduddudduuuuddu M:6/8 K:Dmaj H:LR T:Humours Of Glendart, The
ABC 1 C1:762671771121762 C2:dduddudduuuuddu M:6/8 K:Dmaj H:LR T:Humours Of Glendart, The
ABC 1 C1:762671771121762 C2:dduddudduuuuddu M:6/8 K:Dmaj H:LR T:Humours Of Glendart, The
ABC 1 C1:762671771121762 C2:dduddudduuuuddu M:6/8 K:Dmaj H:LR T:Humours Of Glendart, The
ABC 1 C1:762671771121762 C2:dduddudduuuuddu M:6/8 K:Dmaj H:LR T:Humours Of Glendart, The
ABC 1 C1:762671771121762 C2:dduddudduuuuddu M:6/8 K:Dmaj H:LR T:Humours Of Glendart, The
ABC 1 C1:762671771121762 C2:dduddudduuuuddu M:6/8 K:Dmaj H:LR T:Humours Of Glendart, The
ABC 1 C1:716221762402700 C2:duduuuddududuuu M:6/8 K:D H:LS T:Humours of Glendart, The
ABC 1 C1:762671771121762 C2:dduddudduuuuddu M:6/8 K:Dmaj H:LR T:Humours Of Glendart, The
ABC 3 C1:716221762402700 C2:duduuuddududuuu M:6/8 K:D H:LS T:Humours of Glendart, The
ABC 3 C1:716221762402700 C2:duduuuddududuuu M:6/8 K:D H:LS T:Humours of Glendart, The
ABC 1 C1:716221762402700 C2:duduuuddududuuu M:6/8 K:D H:LS T:Humours of Glendart, The
ABC 11 C1:006221762662771 C2:duuudduddudduuu M:6/8 K:D H:R T:Humours of Glendart, The
ABC 11 C1:006221762662771 C2:duuudduddudduuu M:6/8 K:D H:R T:Humours of Glendart, The
ABC 15 C1:762402716221762 C2:ddudududuuuddud M:6/8 K:D H:OR T:Humours of Glendart
ABC 15 C1:762402716221762 C2:ddudududuuuddud M:6/8 K:D H:OR T:Humours of Glendart
ABC 15 C1:762402716221762 C2:ddudududuuuddud M:6/8 K:D H:OR T:Humours of Glendart
ABC 1 C1:762402716221762 C2:ddudududuuuddud M:6/8 K:D H:OR T:Humours of Glendart
ABC 1 C1:762402716221762 C2:ddudududuuuddud M:6/8 K:D H:OR T:Humours of Glendart
ABC 15 C1:762402716221762 C2:ddudududuuuddud M:6/8 K:D H:OR T:Humours of Glendart
ABC 1 C1:762402716221762 C2:ddudududuuuddud M:6/8 K:D H:CLR T:Humours of Glendart
ABC 1 C1:762402716221762 C2:ddudududuuuddud M:6/8 K:D H:"L T:Humours of Glendart
ABC 1 C1:762661717221762 C2:dduddududuuuddu M:6/8 K:D H:"CRZ T:Humours of Glendart, The
ABC 1 C1:762661717221762 C2:dduddududuuuddu M:6/8 K:D H:"CRZ T:Humours of Glendart, The
ABC 1 C1:762661717221762 C2:dduddududuuuddu M:6/8 K:D H:"CRZ T:Humours of Glendart, The
ABC 168 C1:762671771121762 C2:dduddudduuuuddu M:6/8 K:Amix H:"LR T:Humours Of Glendart
ABC 168 C1:762671771121762 C2:dduddudduuuuddu M:6/8 K:Amix H:"LR T:Humours Of Glendart
ABC 1 C1:762661717221762 C2:dduddududuuuddu M:6/8 K:D H:"CRZ T:Humours of Glendart, The
ABC 1 C1:762661717221762 C2:dduddududuuuddu M:6/8 K:D H:"CRZ T:Humours of Glendart, The
ABC 1 C1:762661717221762 C2:dduddududuuuddu M:6/8 K:D H:"CRZ T:Humours of Glendart, The
ABC 1 C1:762661717221762 C2:dduddududuuuddu M:6/8 K:D H:"CRZ T:Humours of Glendart, The
ABC 469 C1:762671771121762 C2:dduddudduuuuddu M:6/8 K:Amix H:"CLR T:Humours Of Glendart
ABC 469 C1:762671771121762 C2:dduddudduuuuddu M:6/8 K:Amix H:"CLR T:Humours Of Glendart
ABC 469 C1:762671771121762 C2:dduddudduuuuddu M:6/8 K:Amix H:"CLR T:Humours Of Glendart
ABC 469 C1:762671771121762 C2:dduddudduuuuddu M:6/8 K:Amix H:"CLR T:Humours Of Glendart
ABC 96 C1:762402716221762 C2:ddudududuuuddud M:6/8 K:D H:CFLOR T:Humours of Glendart
ABC 14 C1:006221762402700 C2:duuuddududuuudd M:6/8 K:D H:"ALRS T:The Humours of Glendart
ABC 14 C1:006221762402700 C2:duuuddududuuudd M:6/8 K:D H:"ALRS T:The Humours of Glendart
ABC 089 C1:762402716221762 C2:ddudududuuuddud M:6/8 K:D H:BLRUZ T:Humours of Glendart
ABC 1 C1:762661717221762 C2:dduddududuuuddu M:6/8 K:D H:"CRZ T:Humours of Glendart, The
ABC 77 C1:762662716221762 C2:dduddududuuuddu M:6/8 K:D H:"BLRZ T:the Humours of Glendart
ABC 77 C1:762662716221762 C2:dduddududuuuddu M:6/8 K:D H:"BLRZ T:the Humours of Glendart
ABC 77 C1:762662716221762 C2:dduddududuuuddu M:6/8 K:D H:"BLRZ T:the Humours of Glendart
ABC 1 C1:006221762662771 C2:duuudduddudduuu M:6/8 K:D H:DLRS T:Humours of Glendart, The
ABC 120 C1:006221762662771 C2:duuudduddudduuu M:6/8 K:D H:DRSZ T:Humours of Glendart
ABC 1 C1:006221762662771 C2:duuudduddudduuu M:6/8 K:D H:DRSZ T:Humours of Glendart, The
ABC 1 C1:762402716221762 C2:ddudududuuuddud M:6/8 K:D H:LR T:Humours Of Glendart, The
ABC 11 C1:006221762662771 C2:duuudduddudduuu M:6/8 K:D H:R T:Humours of Glendart, The
ABC 3 C1:762402716221762 C2:ddudududuuuddud M:6/8 K:D H:CLQR T:Humours of Glendart
ABC 3 C1:762402716221762 C2:ddudududuuuddud M:6/8 K:D H:CLQR T:Humours of Glendart
ABC 75 C1:762402716221762 C2:ddudududuuuddud M:6/8 K:D H:OR T:Humours of Glendart
ABC 38 C1:762402716221762 C2:ddudududuuuddud M:6/8 K:D H:CLR T:Humours of Glendart
ABC 38 C1:762402716221762 C2:ddudududuuuddud M:6/8 K:D H:CLR T:Humours of Glendart
ABC 31 C1:762402716221762 C2:ddudududuuuddud M:6/8 K:D H:CLR T:Humours of Glendart
ABC 55 C1:762402716221762 C2:ddudududuuuddud M:6/8 K:D H:CLR T:Humours of Glendart
ABC 1 C1:762662716221762 C2:dduddududuuuddu M:6/8 K:Dmaj H:LR T:Humours Of Glendart, The
ABC 35 C1:762402716221762 C2:ddudududuuuddud M:6/8 K:D H:LR T:Humours of Glendart
ABC 1 C1:762662716221762 C2:dduddududuuuddu M:6/8 K:Dmaj H:LR T:Humours Of Glendart, The
ABC 1 C1:762662716221762 C2:dduddududuuuddu M:6/8 K:Dmaj H:LR T:Humours Of Glendart, The
ABC 184 C1:006221762662771 C2:duuudduddudduuu M:6/8 K:D H:DRSZ T:Humours of Glendart, The
ABC 184 C1:006221762662771 C2:duuudduddudduuu M:6/8 K:D H:DRSZ T:Humours of Glendart, The
ABC 48 C1:762662716221762 C2:dduddududuuuddu M:6/8 K:D H:L T:The Humours of Glendart
ABC 240 C1:762662716221762 C2:dduddududuuuddu M:6/8 K:D H:L T:The Humours of Glendart
ABC 66 C1:762661717221762 C2:dduddududuuuddu M:6/8 K:D H:"CRZ T:Humours of Glendart, The
ABC 320 C1:762402716221762 C2:ddudududuuuddud M:6/8 K:D H:LZ T:Humours of Glendart
ABC 66 C1:762402716221762 C2:ddudududuuuddud M:6/8 K:D H:LZ T:Humours of Glendart
ABC 167 C1:762662716221762 C2:dduddududuuuddu M:6/8 K:D H:LRZ T:Humours of Glendart
ABC 167 C1:762662716221762 C2:dduddududuuuddu M:6/8 K:D H:LRZ T:Humours of Glendart
ABC 184 C1:006221762662771 C2:duuudduddudduuu M:6/8 K:D H:DRSZ T:Humours of Glendart, The
ABC 184 C1:006221762662771 C2:duuudduddudduuu M:6/8 K:D H:DRSZ T:Humours of Glendart, The
ABC 41 C1:762662716221762 C2:dduddududuuuddu M:6/8 K:D H:LQRZ T:Humours of Glendart
ABC 41 C1:762662716221762 C2:dduddududuuuddu M:6/8 K:D H:LQRZ T:Humours of Glendart
ABC 41 C1:762662716221762 C2:dduddududuuuddu M:6/8 K:D H:LQRZ T:Humours of Glendart
ABC 41 C1:762662716221762 C2:dduddududuuuddu M:6/8 K:D H:LQRZ T:Humours of Glendart
ABC 41 C1:762662716221762 C2:dduddududuuuddu M:6/8 K:D H:LQRZ T:Humours of Glendart
ABC 41 C1:762662716221762 C2:dduddududuuuddu M:6/8 K:D H:LQRZ T:Humours of Glendart
ABC 41 C1:762662716221762 C2:dduddududuuuddu M:6/8 K:D H:LQRZ T:Humours of Glendart
ABC 1 C1:762662716221762 C2:dduddududuuuddu M:6/8 K:Dmaj H:LRw T:Humours Of Glendart, The
ABC 45 C1:762662716221762 C2:dduddududuuuddu M:6/8 K:D H:LQRZ T:Humours of Glendart
ABC 97 C1:762671006221762 C2:ddudduduuuddudd M:6/8 K:D H:RZ T:Humours of Glendart, The
ABC 97 C1:762671006221762 C2:ddudduduuuddudd M:6/8 K:D H:RZ T:Humours of Glendart, The
ABC 43 C1:762662716221762 C2:dduddududuuuddu M:6/8 K:D H:"BLRZ T:the Humours of Glendart
ABC 43 C1:762662716221762 C2:dduddududuuuddu M:6/8 K:D H:"BLRZ T:the Humours of Glendart
ABC 43 C1:762662716221762 C2:dduddududuuuddu M:6/8 K:D H:"BLRZ T:the Humours of Glendart
ABC 485 C1:762671006221762 C2:ddudduduuuddudd M:6/8 K:D H:RZ T:Humours of Glendart, The
ABC 1 C1:762671771121762 C2:dduddudduuuuddu M: K:Dmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Glendart
ABC 2 C1:716221762662700 C2:duduuuddudduduu M: K:Dmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Glendart
ABC 3 C1:762402716221762 C2:ddudududuuuddud M: K:Dmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Glendart
ABC 4 C1:026067620623116 C2:uudddduduuuuddu M: K:Dmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Glendart
ABC 5 C1:604405762402700 C2:dududdududuuudd M: K:Dmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Glendart
ABC 6 C1:502402712665502 C2:dududuuddududud M: K:Dmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Glendart
ABC 7 C1:762402774405762 C2:ddududdududdudu M: K:Dmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Glendart
ABC 8 C1:762402774405762 C2:ddududdududdudu M: K:Dmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Glendart
ABC 9 C1:762402716221762 C2:ddudududuuuddud M: K:Dmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Glendart
ABC 10 C1:762402716221762 C2:ddudududuuuddud M: K:Dmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Glendart
ABC 11 C1:762662006221762 C2:ddudduduuuddudd M: K:Dmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Glendart
ABC 12 C1:762402716221762 C2:ddudududuuuddud M: K:Dmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Glendart
ABC 13 C1:716221762662700 C2:duduuuddudduduu M: K:Dmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Glendart
ABC 14 C1:604405762402700 C2:dududdududuuudd M: K:Dmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Glendart
ABC 15 C1:762402716221762 C2:ddudududuuuddud M: K:Dmaj H:"LR T:The Humours Of Glendart
ABC 16 C1:762402716221762 C2:ddudududuuuddud M: K:Dmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Glendart
ABC 17 C1:762662006221762 C2:ddudduduuuddudd M: K:Dmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Glendart
ABC 18 C1:762662006221762 C2:ddudduduuuddudd M: K:Dmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Glendart
ABC 1 C1:762402716221762 C2:ddudududuuuddud M:6/8 K:Dmaj H:LR T:Humours Of Glendart, The
ABC 2 C1:502402712665502 C2:dududuuddududud M:6/8 K:Dmaj H:LR T:Humours of Glendart, The
ABC 49 C1:762662716221762 C2:dduddududuuuddu M:6/8 K:D H:"BLRZ T:the Humours of Glendart
ABC 3 C1:716221762402700 C2:duduuuddududuuu M:6/8 K:D H:LS T:Humours of Glendart
ABC 120 C1:006221762662771 C2:duuudduddudduuu M:6/8 K:D H:DRSZ T:Humours of Glendart
ABC 3 C1:716221762402700 C2:duduuuddududuuu M:6/8 K:D H:LS T:Humours of Glendart
ABC 120 C1:006221762662771 C2:duuudduddudduuu M:6/8 K:D H:DRSZ T:Humours of Glendart
ABC 168 C1:762671771121762 C2:dduddudduuuuddu M:6/8 K:Amix H:"LR T:Humours Of Glendart
ABC 469 C1:762671771121762 C2:dduddudduuuuddu M:6/8 K:Amix H:"CLR T:Humours Of Glendart
ABC 97 C1:762671006221762 C2:ddudduduuuddudd M:6/8 K:D H:RZ T:Humours of Glendart, The
ABC 089 C1:762402716221762 C2:ddudududuuuddud M:6/8 K:D H:BLRUZ T:Humours of Glendart
ABC 089 C1:762402716221762 C2:ddudududuuuddud M:6/8 K:D H:BLRUZ T:Humours of Glendart
ABC 140 C1:762662716221762 C2:dduddududuuuddu M:6/8 K:Dmaj H:LR T:Humours Of Glendart, The
ABC 4840 C1:716221762402700 C2:duduuuddududuuu M:6/8 K:D H:LS T:Humours of Glendart, The
ABC 6445 C1:762402716221762 C2:ddudududuuuddud M:6/8 K:D H:CLR T:Humours of Glendart
ABC 7249 C1:762402716221762 C2:ddudududuuuddud M:6/8 K:D H:OR T:Humours of Glendart
ABC 4840 C1:716221762402700 C2:duduuuddududuuu M:6/8 K:D H:LS T:Humours of Glendart, The
ABC 6445 C1:762402716221762 C2:ddudududuuuddud M:6/8 K:D H:CLR T:Humours of Glendart
ABC 7249 C1:762402716221762 C2:ddudududuuuddud M:6/8 K:D H:OR T:Humours of Glendart
ABC 184 C1:006221762662771 C2:duuudduddudduuu M:6/8 K:D H:DRSZ T:Humours of Glendart, The
ABC 184 C1:006221762662771 C2:duuudduddudduuu M:6/8 K:D H:DRSZ T:Humours of Glendart, The
ABC 184 C1:006221762662771 C2:duuudduddudduuu M:6/8 K:D H:DRSZ T:Humours of Glendart, The
ABC 82 C1:762402716221762 C2:ddudududuuuddud M:6/8 K:D H:CLR T:Humours of Glendart
ABC 7344 C1:006221762662771 C2:duuudduddudduuu M:6/8 K:D H:DRSZ T:Humours of Glendart, The
ABC 7345 C1:716221762402700 C2:duduuuddududuuu M:6/8 K:D H:LS T:Humours of Glendart, The
ABC 7338 C1:762402716221762 C2:ddudududuuuddud M:6/8 K:D H:CLR T:Humours of Glendart
ABC 7339 C1:762402716221762 C2:ddudududuuuddud M:6/8 K:D H:L T:Humours of Glendart
ABC 7340 C1:762402716221762 C2:ddudududuuuddud M:6/8 K:D H:OR T:Humours of Glendart
ABC 7341 C1:762662716221762 C2:dduddududuuuddu M:6/8 K:D H:LRZ T:Humours of Glendart
ABC 7342 C1:762662716221762 C2:dduddududuuuddu M:6/8 K:D H:LRZ T:Humours of Glendart
ABC 7343 C1:762402716221762 C2:ddudududuuuddud M:6/8 K:D H:LZ T:Humours of Glendart
ABC 7338 C1:762402716221762 C2:ddudududuuuddud M:6/8 K:D H:CLR T:Humours of Glendart
ABC 7339 C1:762402716221762 C2:ddudududuuuddud M:6/8 K:D H:L T:Humours of Glendart
ABC 7340 C1:762402716221762 C2:ddudududuuuddud M:6/8 K:D H:OR T:Humours of Glendart
ABC 7341 C1:762662716221762 C2:dduddududuuuddu M:6/8 K:D H:LRZ T:Humours of Glendart
ABC 7342 C1:762662716221762 C2:dduddududuuuddu M:6/8 K:D H:LRZ T:Humours of Glendart
ABC 7343 C1:762402716221762 C2:ddudududuuuddud M:6/8 K:D H:LZ T:Humours of Glendart
ABC 7344 C1:006221762662771 C2:duuudduddudduuu M:6/8 K:D H:DRSZ T:Humours of Glendart, The
ABC 7345 C1:716221762402700 C2:duduuuddududuuu M:6/8 K:D H:LS T:Humours of Glendart, The
ABC 2704 C1:006221762662771 C2:duuudduddudduuu M:6/8 K:D H:DLORS T:Humours of Glendart, The
ABC 2705 C1:762402716221762 C2:ddudududuuuddud M:6/8 K:D H:CLOR T:Humours of Glendart
ABC 2704 C1:006221762662771 C2:duuudduddudduuu M:6/8 K:D H:DLORS T:Humours of Glendart, The
ABC 2705 C1:762402716221762 C2:ddudududuuuddud M:6/8 K:D H:CLOR T:Humours of Glendart
ABC 8015 C1:762662716221762 C2:dduddududuuuddu M:6/8 K:D H:"CLOQRZ T:Humours of Glendart
ABC 184 C1:006221762662771 C2:duuudduddudduuu M:6/8 K:D H:DRSZ T:Humours of Glendart, The
ABC 184 C1:006221762662771 C2:duuudduddudduuu M:6/8 K:D H:DRSZ T:Humours of Glendart, The
ABC 5836 C1:006221762662771 C2:duuudduddudduuu M:6/8 K:D H:DRSZ T:Humours of Glendart, The
ABC 5837 C1:006221762662771 C2:duuudduddudduuu M:6/8 K:D H:DLRS T:Humours of Glendart, The
ABC 5838 C1:716221762402700 C2:duduuuddududuuu M:6/8 K:D H:LS T:Humours of Glendart, The
ABC 5839 C1:716221762402700 C2:duduuuddududuuu M:6/8 K:D H:LS T:Humours of Glendart, The
ABC 5840 C1:762402716221762 C2:ddudududuuuddud M:6/8 K:D H:OR T:Humours of Glendart
ABC 5841 C1:762402716221762 C2:ddudududuuuddud M:6/8 K:D H:CLR T:Humours of Glendart
ABC 5842 C1:762402716221762 C2:ddudududuuuddud M:6/8 K:D H:OR T:Humours of Glendart
ABC 3896 C1:762402716221762 C2:ddudududuuuddud M:6/8 K:D H:FORZ T:Humours of Glendart
ABC 3896 C1:762402716221762 C2:ddudududuuuddud M:6/8 K:D H:FORZ T:Humours of Glendart
ABC 5836 C1:006221762662771 C2:duuudduddudduuu M:6/8 K:D H:DRSZ T:Humours of Glendart, The
ABC 5837 C1:006221762662771 C2:duuudduddudduuu M:6/8 K:D H:DLRS T:Humours of Glendart, The
ABC 5838 C1:716221762402700 C2:duduuuddududuuu M:6/8 K:D H:LS T:Humours of Glendart, The
ABC 5839 C1:716221762402700 C2:duduuuddududuuu M:6/8 K:D H:LS T:Humours of Glendart, The
ABC 5840 C1:762402716221762 C2:ddudududuuuddud M:6/8 K:D H:OR T:Humours of Glendart
ABC 5841 C1:762402716221762 C2:ddudududuuuddud M:6/8 K:D H:CLR T:Humours of Glendart
ABC 5842 C1:762402716221762 C2:ddudududuuuddud M:6/8 K:D H:OR T:Humours of Glendart
ABC 5836 C1:006221762662771 C2:duuudduddudduuu M:6/8 K:D H:DRSZ T:Humours of Glendart, The
ABC 5837 C1:006221762662771 C2:duuudduddudduuu M:6/8 K:D H:DLRS T:Humours of Glendart, The
ABC 5838 C1:716221762402700 C2:duduuuddududuuu M:6/8 K:D H:LS T:Humours of Glendart, The
ABC 5839 C1:716221762402700 C2:duduuuddududuuu M:6/8 K:D H:LS T:Humours of Glendart, The
ABC 5840 C1:762402716221762 C2:ddudududuuuddud M:6/8 K:D H:OR T:Humours of Glendart
ABC 5841 C1:762402716221762 C2:ddudududuuuddud M:6/8 K:D H:CLR T:Humours of Glendart
ABC 5842 C1:762402716221762 C2:ddudududuuuddud M:6/8 K:D H:OR T:Humours of Glendart
ABC 16867 C1:006221762402700 C2:duuuddududuuudd M:6/8 K:D H:"ALRS T:The Humours of Glendart
ABC 16868 C1:006221762402700 C2:duuuddududuuudd M:6/8 K:D H:"ALRS T:The Humours of Glendart
ABC 16867 C1:006221762402700 C2:duuuddududuuudd M:6/8 K:D H:"ALRS T:The Humours of Glendart
ABC 16868 C1:006221762402700 C2:duuuddududuuudd M:6/8 K:D H:"ALRS T:The Humours of Glendart
ABC 16867 C1:006221762402700 C2:duuuddududuuudd M:6/8 K:D H:"ALRS T:The Humours of Glendart
ABC 16868 C1:006221762402700 C2:duuuddududuuudd M:6/8 K:D H:"ALRS T:The Humours of Glendart
ABC 16867 C1:006221762402700 C2:duuuddududuuudd M:6/8 K:D H:"ALRS T:The Humours of Glendart
ABC 16868 C1:006221762402700 C2:duuuddududuuudd M:6/8 K:D H:"ALRS T:The Humours of Glendart
ABC 496 C1:762402716221762 C2:ddudududuuuddud M:6/8 K:D H:ORZ T:Humours of Glendart
ABC 389 C1:716221762402700 C2:duduuuddududuud M:6/8 K:Dmaj H:LQR T:Humours Of Glendart (Dmaj)
ABC 37 C1:006221762662771 C2:duuudduddudduuu M:6/8 K:D H:DLRSZ T:Humours of Glendart, The***************
ABC 37 C1:006221762662771 C2:duuudduddudduuu M:6/8 K:D H:DLRSZ T:Humours of Glendart, The***************
ABC 1 C1:060002070031115 C2:duduuuudddududu M:6/8 K:G H:BLRZ T:Humours of Glenflesk, The
ABC 18 C1:260500571303260 C2:udddudududuuddd M:6/8 K:Bm H:ABHLQZ T:Humours Of Glen. JMT.018, The
ABC 18 C1:260500571303260 C2:udddudududuuddd M:6/8 K:Bm H:ABHLQZ T:Humours Of Glen. JMT.018, The
ABC 556 C1:170505161303260 C2:udduduuddduduud M:6/8 K:Am H:BLQZ T:Humours of Glen. Roose.0558
ABC 1 C1:260500571303260 C2:udddudududuuddd M:6/8 K:D H:AHLOQRSZ T:Humours Of Glen,The. JMT018
ABC 18 C1:260500571303260 C2:udddudududuuddd M:6/8 K:D H:AHLOQRSZ T:Humours Of Glen,The. JMT.018
ABC 18 C1:260500571303260 C2:udddudududuuddd M:6/8 K:D H:ABHLOQRSZ T:Humours Of Glen,The. JMT.018
ABC 3856 C1:260500571303260 C2:udddudududuuddd M:6/8 K:D H:AHLOQRSZ T:Humours Of Glen,The. JMT018
ABC 3856 C1:260500571303260 C2:udddudududuuddd M:6/8 K:D H:AHLOQRSZ T:Humours Of Glen,The. JMT018
ABC 7336 C1:260500571303260 C2:udddudududuuddd M:6/8 K:D H:AHLOQRSZ T:Humours Of Glen,The. JMT.018
ABC 7337 C1:260500571303260 C2:udddudududuuddd M:6/8 K:D H:AHLOQRSZ T:Humours Of Glen,The. JMT018
ABC 7336 C1:260500571303260 C2:udddudududuuddd M:6/8 K:D H:AHLOQRSZ T:Humours Of Glen,The. JMT.018
ABC 7337 C1:260500571303260 C2:udddudududuuddd M:6/8 K:D H:AHLOQRSZ T:Humours Of Glen,The. JMT018
ABC 2703 C1:260500571303260 C2:udddudududuuddd M:6/8 K:D H:AHLOQRS T:Humours Of Glen,The. JMT018
ABC 2703 C1:260500571303260 C2:udddudududuuddd M:6/8 K:D H:AHLOQRS T:Humours Of Glen,The. JMT018
ABC 5835 C1:260500571303260 C2:udddudududuuddd M:6/8 K:D H:AHLOQRSZ T:Humours Of Glen,The. JMT018
ABC 3897 C1:260500571303260 C2:udddudududuuddd M:6/8 K:D H:AFHLOQRSZ T:Humours Of Glen,The. JMT.018
ABC 3897 C1:260500571303260 C2:udddudududuuddd M:6/8 K:D H:AFHLOQRSZ T:Humours Of Glen,The. JMT.018
ABC 5835 C1:260500571303260 C2:udddudududuuddd M:6/8 K:D H:AHLOQRSZ T:Humours Of Glen,The. JMT018
ABC 5835 C1:260500571303260 C2:udddudududuuddd M:6/8 K:D H:AHLOQRSZ T:Humours Of Glen,The. JMT018
ABC 18 C1:260500571303260 C2:udddudududuuddd M:6/8 K:D H:ABHLOQRSZ T:Humours Of Glen,The. JMT.018
ABC 82 C1:260500571303260 C2:udddudududuuddd M:6/8 K:Bm H:BLQZ T:Humours of Glen. WHL.[082]
ABC 82 C1:260500571303260 C2:udddudududuuddd M:6/8 K:Bm H:BLQZ T:Humours of Glen. WHL.[082]
ABC 147 C1:027771050000050 C2:udddudududuuddd M:3/4 K:Bm H:ABLOQRZ T:Humours of Glen with Variations. RH.147
ABC 147 C1:027771050000050 C2:udddudududuuddd M:3/4 K:Bm H:ABLOQRZ T:Humours of Glen with Variations. RH.147
ABC 147 C1:027771050000050 C2:udddudududuuddd M:3/4 K:Bm H:ALOQRSZ T:Humours of Glen with Variations. RH.147
ABC 147 C1:027771050000050 C2:udddudududuuddd M:3/4 K:Bm H:ABLOQRSZ T:Humours of Glen with Variations. RH.147
ABC 3898 C1:027771050000050 C2:udddudududuuddd M:3/4 K:Bm H:AFLOQRSZ T:Humours of Glen with Variations. RH.147
ABC 3898 C1:027771050000050 C2:udddudududuuddd M:3/4 K:Bm H:AFLOQRSZ T:Humours of Glen with Variations. RH.147
ABC 147 C1:027771050000050 C2:udddudududuuddd M:3/4 K:B H:ABLOQRSZ T:Humours of Glen with Variations. RH.147
ABC 1 C1: C2: M:6/8 K:Bmin H:BLRZ T:Humours of Glin [1], The
ABC 1 C1:715662200667715 C2:duddduuddududdd M:6/8 K:D H:LR T:Humours of Glin [4]
ABC 1 C1: C2: M: K:D H:LRS T:Humours of Glin [4], The
ABC 1 C1:715662200667715 C2:duddduuddududdd M:6/8 K:D H:LR T:Humours of Glin [4]
ABC 1 C1:00462 C2:udu M: K:D H:LR T:Humours of Glin [5], The
ABC 22078 C1:051525077323051 C2:duduuddduududdd M:6/8 K:D H:BCLQR T:HUMOURS OF GLIN, The
ABC 36 C1:371051000762670 C2:udududdudduuuuu M:6/8 K:D H:LRZ T:The Humours of Glin
ABC 36 C1:371051000762670 C2:udududdudduuuuu M:6/8 K:D H:LRZ T:The Humours of Glin
ABC 22078 C1:051525077323051 C2:duduuddduududdd M:6/8 K:D H:BCLQR T:HUMOURS OF GLIN, The
ABC 22078 C1:051525077323051 C2:duduuddduududdd M:6/8 K:D H:BCLQR T:HUMOURS OF GLIN, The
ABC 1 C1:00462 C2:udu M: K:D H:LR T:Humours of Glin, The [5]
ABC 176 C1:260523000321260 C2:uddduduuduuuddd M:6/8 K:Bm H:BLZ T:The Humours of Glyn
ABC 176 C1:260523000321260 C2:uddduduuduuuddd M:6/8 K:Bm H:BLZ T:The Humours of Glyn
ABC 176 C1:260523000321260 C2:uddduduuduuuddd M:6/8 K:Bm H:BLZ T:The Humours of Glyn
ABC 176 C1:260523000321260 C2:uddduduuduuuddd M:6/8 K:Bm H:BLZ T:The Humours of Glyn
ABC 231 C1:000017050005000 C2:udduudduuudddud M:3/4 K:Am H:BFLZ T:the Humours of Glyn
ABC 231 C1:000017050005000 C2:udduudduuudddud M:3/4 K:Am H:BFLZ T:the Humours of Glyn
ABC 176 C1:260523000321260 C2:uddduduuduuuddd M:6/8 K:Bm H:BLZ T:The Humours of Glyn
ABC 231 C1:000017050005000 C2:udduudduuudddud M:3/4 K:Am H:BFLZ T:the Humours of Glyn
ABC 231 C1:000017050005000 C2:udduudduuudddud M:3/4 K:Am H:BFLZ T:the Humours of Glyn
ABC 231 C1:000017050005000 C2:udduudduuudddud M:3/4 K:Am H:BFLZ T:the Humours of Glyn
ABC 231 C1:000017050005000 C2:udduudduuudddud M:3/4 K:Am H:BFLZ T:the Humours of Glyn
ABC 231 C1:000017050005000 C2:udduudduuudddud M:3/4 K:Am H:BFLZ T:the Humours of Glyn
ABC 231 C1:000017050005000 C2:udduudduuudddud M:3/4 K:Am H:BFLZ T:the Humours of Glyn
ABC 231 C1:000017050005000 C2:udduudduuudddud M:3/4 K:Am H:BFLZ T:the Humours of Glyn
ABC 231 C1:000017050005000 C2:udduudduuudddud M:3/4 K:Am H:BFLZ T:the Humours of Glyn
ABC 231 C1:000017050005000 C2:udduudduuudddud M:3/4 K:Am H:BFLZ T:the Humours of Glyn
ABC 176 C1:260523000321260 C2:uddduduuduuuddd M:6/8 K:Bm H:BLZ T:The Humours of Glyn
ABC 176 C1:260523000321260 C2:uddduduuduuuddd M:6/8 K:Bm H:BLZ T:The Humours of Glyn
ABC 176 C1:260523000321260 C2:uddduduuduuuddd M:6/8 K:Bm H:BLZ T:The Humours of Glyn
ABC 1 C1: C2: M:6/8 K:Amin H:FLRSZ T:Humours of Glynn [1]
ABC 1 C1:571303277767121 C2:ududuuddddduuud M: K:Bmin H:LR T:The Humours Of Glynn
ABC 2 C1:571303277767121 C2:ududuuddddduuud M: K:Amin H:LR T:The Humours Of Glynn
ABC 1 C1:311300422062311 C2:uuudduuduuuuddu M: K:Dmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Glynn
ABC 2 C1:311300400462311 C2:uuudduduuuudduu M: K:Dmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Glynn
ABC 3 C1:113004220623113 C2:uudduuduuuudduu M: K:Dmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Glynn
ABC 4 C1:113624174623113 C2:uuddudududuuuud M: K:Dmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Glynn
ABC 1 C1:113004220623113 C2:uudduuduuuudduu M:6/8 K:Dmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Glynn
ABC 1 C1:660176300777000 C2:ddududdduuudduu M:6/8 K:D H:R T:Humours of Graignamanoch
ABC 0389 C1:660176300777000 C2:ddududdduuudduu M:6/8 K:D H:ILQZ T:Humours of Graignamanoch.
ABC 0389 C1:660176300777000 C2:ddududdduuudduu M:6/8 K:D H:ILQZ T:Humours of Graignamanoch.
ABC 0389 C1:660176300777000 C2:ddududdduuudduu M:6/8 K:D H:ILQZ T:Humours of Graignamanoch.
ABC 0389 C1:660176300777000 C2:ddududdduuudduu M:6/8 K:D H:ILQZ T:Humours of Graignamanoch.
ABC 0389 C1:660176300777000 C2:ddududdduuudduu M:6/8 K:D H:ILQZ T:Humours of Graignamanoch.
ABC 0389 C1:660176300777000 C2:ddududdduuudduu M:6/8 K:D H:ILQZ T:Humours of Graignamanoch.
ABC 0389 C1:660176300777000 C2:ddududdduuudduu M:6/8 K:D H:ILQZ T:Humours of Graignamanoch.
ABC 0389 C1:660176300777000 C2:ddududdduuudduu M:6/8 K:D H:ILQZ T:Humours of Graignamanoch.
ABC 0389 C1:660176300777000 C2:ddududdduuudduu M:6/8 K:D H:ILQZ T:Humours of Graignamanoch.
ABC 706 C1:660176300777000 C2:ddududdduuudduu M:6/8 K:D H:R T:Humours of Graignamanoch
ABC 706 C1:660176300777000 C2:ddududdduuudduu M:6/8 K:D H:R T:Humours of Graignamanoch
ABC 7346 C1:660176300777000 C2:ddududdduuudduu M:6/8 K:D H: T:Humours of Graignamanoch
ABC 7346 C1:660176300777000 C2:ddududdduuudduu M:6/8 K:D H: T:Humours of Graignamanoch
ABC 2706 C1:660176300777000 C2:ddududdduuudduu M:6/8 K:D H:OR T:Humours of Graignamanoch
ABC 2706 C1:660176300777000 C2:ddududdduuudduu M:6/8 K:D H:OR T:Humours of Graignamanoch
ABC 5843 C1:660176300777000 C2:ddududdduuudduu M:6/8 K:D H:R T:Humours of Graignamanoch
ABC 3899 C1:660176300777000 C2:ddududdduuudduu M:6/8 K:D H:BFRZ T:Humours of Graignamanoch
ABC 3899 C1:660176300777000 C2:ddududdduuudduu M:6/8 K:D H:BFRZ T:Humours of Graignamanoch
ABC 5843 C1:660176300777000 C2:ddududdduuudduu M:6/8 K:D H:R T:Humours of Graignamanoch
ABC 5843 C1:660176300777000 C2:ddududdduuudduu M:6/8 K:D H:R T:Humours of Graignamanoch
ABC 189 C1:660176300777000 C2:ddududdduuudduu M:6/8 K:D H:BRZ T:Humours of Graignamanoch
ABC 1 C1:660176300777000 C2:ddududdduuudduu M:6/8 K:D H:LSZ T:Humours of Grai Namanoch, The
ABC 9 C1:775777022001277 C2:dddddduuuuddddu M:6/8 K:C H:"BCLQR T:The Humours of Hillingdon
ABC 45 C1:664660711011664 C2:dduddduuuuddudd M:6/8 K:G H:LR T:The Humours of Hillsborough
ABC 45 C1:664660711011664 C2:dduddduuuuddudd M:6/8 K:G H:LR T:The Humours of Hillsborough
ABC 45 C1:664660711011664 C2:dduddduuuuddudd M:6/8 K:G H:LR T:The Humours of Hillsborough
ABC 45 C1:664660711011664 C2:dduddduuuuddudd M:6/8 K:G H:LR T:The Humours of Hillsborough
ABC 45 C1:664660711011664 C2:dduddduuuuddudd M:6/8 K:G H:LR T:The Humours of Hillsborough
ABC 179 C1:664667002011664 C2:dduddduuudduddu M:6/8 K:Em H:BLQZ T:Humours of Hillsborough. JJo4.179, The
ABC 179 C1:664667002011664 C2:dduddduuudduddu M:6/8 K:Em H:BLQZ T:Humours of Hillsborough. JJo4.179, The
ABC 1 C1:262011660262061 C2:uduuuddudududdu M:9/8 K:D H:LSZ T:Humours of Jerpoint, The
ABC 1 C1:262011660262061 C2:uduuuddudududdu M:9/8 K:D H:LSZ T:Humours of Jerpoint, The
ABC 31 C1:262115663262064 C2:uduuuddduududud M:9/4 K:G H:BLQZ T:Humours of Katheonra. JJo4.031, The
ABC 31 C1:262115663262064 C2:uduuuddduududud M:9/4 K:G H:BLQZ T:Humours of Katheonra. JJo4.031, The
ABC 2282 C1:600022170077600 C2:duuudddduuuuduu M:6/8 K:A H:BLOVZ T:the Humours of Kelkenny. a Jig
ABC 2282 C1:600022170077600 C2:duuudddduuuuduu M:6/8 K:A H:BLOVZ T:the Humours of Kelkenny. a Jig
ABC 2282 C1:600022170077600 C2:duuudddduuuuduu M:6/8 K:A H:BLOVZ T:the Humours of Kelkenny. a Jig
ABC 2282 C1:600022170077600 C2:duuudddduuuuduu M:6/8 K:A H:BLOVZ T:the Humours of Kelkenny. a Jig
ABC 2282 C1:600022170077600 C2:duuudddduuuuduu M:6/8 K:A H:BLOVZ T:the Humours of Kelkenny. a Jig
ABC 2282 C1:600022170077600 C2:duuudddduuuuduu M:6/8 K:A H:BLOVZ T:the Humours of Kelkenny. a Jig
ABC 2282 C1:600022170077600 C2:duuudddduuuuduu M:6/8 K:A H:BLOVZ T:the Humours of Kelkenny. a Jig
ABC 2282 C1:600022170077600 C2:duuudddduuuuduu M:6/8 K:A H:BLOVZ T:the Humours of Kelkenny. a Jig
ABC 2282 C1:600022170077600 C2:duuudddduuuuduu M:6/8 K:A H:BLOVZ T:the Humours of Kelkenny. a Jig
ABC 2282 C1:600022170077600 C2:duuudddduuuuduu M:6/8 K:A H:BLOVZ T:the Humours of Kelkenny. a Jig
ABC 2282 C1:600022170077600 C2:duuudddduuuuduu M:6/8 K:A H:BLOVZ T:the Humours of Kelkenny. a Jig
ABC 2282 C1:600022170077600 C2:duuudddduuuuduu M:6/8 K:A H:BLOVZ T:the Humours of Kelkenny. a Jig
ABC 2282 C1:600022170077600 C2:duuudddduuuuduu M:6/8 K:A H:BLOVZ T:the Humours of Kelkenny. a Jig
ABC 2282 C1:600022170077600 C2:duuudddduuuuduu M:6/8 K:A H:BLOVZ T:the Humours of Kelkenny. a Jig
ABC 2282 C1:600022170077600 C2:duuudddduuuuduu M:6/8 K:A H:BLOVZ T:the Humours of Kelkenny. a Jig
ABC 2282 C1:600022170077600 C2:duuudddduuuuduu M:6/8 K:A H:BLOVZ T:the Humours of Kelkenny. a Jig
ABC 2282 C1:600022170077600 C2:duuudddduuuuduu M:6/8 K:A H:BLOVZ T:The Humours of Kelkenny. a Jig
ABC 2282 C1:600022170077600 C2:duuudddduuuuduu M:6/8 K:A H:BLOVZ T:The Humours of Kelkenny. a Jig
ABC 2282 C1:600022170077600 C2:duuudddduuuuduu M:6/8 K:A H:BLOVZ T:The Humours of Kelkenny. a Jig
ABC 2282 C1:600022170077600 C2:duuudddduuuuduu M:6/8 K:A H:BLOVZ T:The Humours of Kelkenny. a Jig
ABC 2282 C1:600022170077600 C2:duuudddduuuuduu M:6/8 K:A H:BLOVZ T:The Humours of Kelkenny. a Jig
ABC 2282 C1:600022170077600 C2:duuudddduuuuduu M:6/8 K:A H:BLOVZ T:The Humours of Kelkenny. a Jig
ABC 2282 C1:600022170077600 C2:duuudddduuuuduu M:6/8 K:A H:BLOVZ T:The Humours of Kelkenny. a Jig
ABC 2282 C1:600022170077600 C2:duuudddduuuuduu M:6/8 K:A H:BLOVZ T:The Humours of Kelkenny. a Jig
ABC 2282 C1:600022170077600 C2:duuudddduuuuduu M:6/8 K:A H:BLOVZ T:The Humours of Kelkenny. a Jig
ABC 2282 C1:600022170077600 C2:duuudddduuuuduu M:6/8 K:A H:BLOVZ T:The Humours of Kelkenny. a Jig
ABC 2282 C1:600022170077600 C2:duuudddduuuuduu M:6/8 K:A H:BLOVZ T:The Humours of Kelkenny. a Jig
ABC 2282 C1:600022170077600 C2:duuudddduuuuduu M:6/8 K:A H:BLOVZ T:The Humours of Kelkenny. a Jig
ABC 1 C1:062773062115623 C2:dudduduuudduudd M:6/8 K:D H:LR T:Humours of Kesh, The
ABC 684 C1:062773062115623 C2:dudduduuudduudd M:6/8 K:D H:"LORSZ T:The humours of Kesh
ABC 684 C1:062773062115623 C2:dudduduuudduudd M:6/8 K:D H:"LORSZ T:The humours of Kesh
ABC 684 C1:062773062115623 C2:dudduduuudduudd M:6/8 K:D H:"LORSZ T:The humours of Kesh
ABC 684 C1:062773062115623 C2:dudduduuudduudd M:6/8 K:D H:"LORSZ T:The humours of Kesh
ABC 1 C1:655115775567000 C2:dduuuddduddduud M:6/8 K:G H:"IR T:Humours of Kesh, The
ABC 1 C1:655115775567000 C2:dduuuddduddduud M:6/8 K:G H:"IR T:Humours of Kesh, The
ABC 1 C1:655115775567000 C2:dduuuddduddduud M:6/8 K:G H:"IR T:Humours of Kesh, The
ABC 1 C1:655115775567000 C2:dduuuddduddduud M:6/8 K:G H:"IR T:Humours of Kesh, The
ABC 1 C1:655115775567000 C2:dduuuddduddduud M:6/8 K:G H:"IR T:Humours of Kesh, The
ABC 3 C1:602111655115775 C2:duuuudduuudddud M:6/8 K:G H:"IR T:Humours of Kesh, The
ABC 5 C1:655115775567000 C2:dduuuddduddduud M:6/8 K:G H:"IR T:Humours of Kesh, The
ABC 5 C1:655115775567000 C2:dduuuddduddduud M:6/8 K:G H:"IR T:Humours of Kesh, The
ABC 3 C1:602111655115775 C2:duuuudduuudddud M:6/8 K:G H:"IR T:Humours of Kesh, The
ABC 5 C1:655115775567000 C2:dduuuddduddduud M:6/8 K:G H:"IR T:Humours of Kesh, The
ABC 1 C1:655115775567000 C2:dduuuddduddduud M:6/8 K:G H:"CRZ T:Humours of Kesh, The
ABC 1 C1:655115775567000 C2:dduuuddduddduud M:6/8 K:G H:CRZ T:Humours of Kesh, The
ABC 123 C1:655115775567000 C2:dduuuddduddduud M:6/8 K:G H:"CRZ T:Humours of Kesh, The
ABC 5 C1:655115775567000 C2:dduuuddduddduud M:6/8 K:G H:"IR T:Humours of Kesh, The
ABC 5 C1:655115775567000 C2:dduuuddduddduud M:6/8 K:G H:"IR T:Humours of Kesh, The
ABC 5 C1:655115775567000 C2:dduuuddduddduud M:6/8 K:G H:"IR T:Humours of Kesh, The
ABC 2707 C1:062773062115623 C2:dudduduuudduudd M:6/8 K:D H:LOR T:Humours of Kesh, The
ABC 2707 C1:062773062115623 C2:dudduduuudduudd M:6/8 K:D H:LOR T:Humours of Kesh, The
ABC 684 C1:062773062115623 C2:dudduduuudduudd M:6/8 K:D H:"LORSZ T:The humours of Kesh
ABC 5844 C1:062773062115623 C2:dudduduuudduudd M:6/8 K:D H:LR T:Humours of Kesh, The
ABC 5844 C1:062773062115623 C2:dudduduuudduudd M:6/8 K:D H:LR T:Humours of Kesh, The
ABC 5844 C1:062773062115623 C2:dudduduuudduudd M:6/8 K:D H:LR T:Humours of Kesh, The
ABC 1 C1:602111602115623 C2:duuuuduuudduuud M:6/8 K:G H:"CDLOQRSZ T:Humours of Kesh (D major) / Jackson's Jig / The Gudgeon of Maurice's Car / Hogan's Jig / Hogan's Favourite
ABC 1 C1:602111602115623 C2:duuuuduuudduuud M:6/8 K:G H:"CDLOQRSZ T:Humours of Kesh (G major) / Jackson's Jig / The Gudgeon of Maurice's Car / Hogan's Jig / Hogan's Favourite
ABC 1 C1:602111602115623 C2:duuuuduuudduuud M:6/8 K:G H:"CDLOQRSZ T:Humours of Kesh / Jackson's Jig (G major)
ABC 685 C1:775032060177170 C2:ddudududduduudd M:6/8 K:G H:"BLORSZ T:The humours of Kilclogher
ABC 685 C1:775032060177170 C2:ddudududduduudd M:6/8 K:G H:"BLORSZ T:The humours of Kilclogher
ABC 685 C1:775032060177170 C2:ddudududduduudd M:6/8 K:G H:"BLORSZ T:The humours of Kilclogher
ABC 685 C1:775032060177170 C2:ddudududduduudd M:6/8 K:G H:"BLORSZ T:The humours of Kilclogher
ABC 1 C1:762065030267170 C2:ddudududduduudd M:6/8 K:Dmix H:LRS T:Humours of Kilclogher
ABC 1 C1:762065030267170 C2:ddudududduduudd M:6/8 K:Dmix H:LRS T:Humours of Kilclogher
ABC 41 C1:762065030115170 C2:ddududuududuudd M:6/8 K:ADor H:"LR T:Humours of Kilclogher, The
ABC 41 C1:762065030115170 C2:ddududuududuudd M:6/8 K:ADor H:"LR T:Humours of Kilclogher, The
ABC 1 C1:436206503026717 C2:dududududdududu M:6/8 K:Ador H:LR T:The Humours Of Kilclogher
ABC 685 C1:775032060177170 C2:ddudududduduudd M:6/8 K:G H:"BLORSZ T:The humours of Kilclogher
ABC 1 C1:762065030115000 C2:ddududuuduuddud M:6/8 K:A H:"CDLOQRSZ T:Humours of Kilclogher (A dor)
ABC 1 C1:170077600221002 C2:udddduuuuduuudd M:6/8 K:A H:LSZ T:Humours of Kilkenny [1]
ABC 1 C1:600022170077006 C2:duuudddduuuuuud M:6/8 K:G H:"CDLOQRSZ T:Humours of Kilkenny #1 (G major)
ABC 1 C1: C2: M:9/8 K:G H:LR T:Humours of Kilkenny [2], The
ABC 1 C1:011011667070175 C2:uuuuddduudddduu M:6/8 K:G H:LR T:Humours of Kilkenny
ABC 1 C1:070600000002020 C2:dduuudddduuuudu M:6/8 K:A H:CLQR T:The Humours of Kilkenny
ABC 1 C1:070600000002020 C2:dduuudddduuuudu M:6/8 K:A H:CLQR T:The Humours of Kilkenny
ABC 7 C1:011011667070175 C2:uuuuddduudddduu M:9/8 K:G H:LR T:Humours of Kilkenny, The
ABC 7 C1:011011667070175 C2:uuuuddduudddduu M:9/8 K:G H:LR T:Humours of Kilkenny, The
ABC 7 C1:011011667070175 C2:uuuuddduudddduu M:9/8 K:G H:LR T:Humours of Kilkenny, The
ABC 7 C1:011011667070175 C2:uuuuddduudddduu M:9/8 K:G H:LR T:Humours of Kilkenny, The
ABC 7 C1:011011667070175 C2:uuuuddduudddduu M:9/8 K:G H:LR T:Humours of Kilkenny, The
ABC 7 C1:011011667070175 C2:uuuuddduudddduu M:9/8 K:G H:LR T:Humours of Kilkenny, The
ABC 7 C1:011011667070175 C2:uuuuddduudddduu M:9/8 K:G H:LR T:Humours of Kilkenny, The
ABC 7 C1:011011667070175 C2:uuuuddduudddduu M:9/8 K:G H:LR T:Humours of Kilkenny, The
ABC 7 C1:011011667070175 C2:uuuuddduudddduu M:9/8 K:G H:LR T:Humours of Kilkenny, The
ABC 7 C1:011011667070175 C2:uuuuddduudddduu M:9/8 K:G H:LR T:Humours of Kilkenny, The
ABC 7 C1:011011667070175 C2:uuuuddduudddduu M:9/8 K:G H:LR T:Humours of Kilkenny, The
ABC 7 C1:011011667070175 C2:uuuuddduudddduu M:9/8 K:G H:LR T:Humours of Kilkenny, The
ABC 7 C1:011011667070175 C2:uuuuddduudddduu M:9/8 K:G H:LR T:Humours of Kilkenny, The
ABC 7 C1:011011667070175 C2:uuuuddduudddduu M:9/8 K:G H:LR T:Humours of Kilkenny, The
ABC 7 C1:011011667070175 C2:uuuuddduudddduu M:9/8 K:G H:LR T:Humours of Kilkenny, The
ABC 7 C1:011011667070175 C2:uuuuddduudddduu M:9/8 K:G H:LR T:Humours of Kilkenny, The
ABC 7 C1:011011667070175 C2:uuuuddduudddduu M:9/8 K:G H:LR T:Humours of Kilkenny, The
ABC 7 C1:011011667070175 C2:uuuuddduudddduu M:9/8 K:G H:LR T:Humours of Kilkenny, The
ABC 80 C1:011011667070175 C2:uuuuddduudddduu M:9/8 K:G H:LRZ T:Humours of Kilkenny, The
ABC 80 C1:011011667070175 C2:uuuuddduudddduu M:9/8 K:G H:LRZ T:Humours of Kilkenny, The
ABC 1 C1:170077600221002 C2:udddduuuuduuudd M:6/8 K:A H:LSZ T:Humours of Kilkenny
ABC 2989 C1:011011667070175 C2:uuuuddduudddduu M:6/8 K:G H:LR T:Humours of Kilkenny
ABC 2989 C1:011011667070175 C2:uuuuddduudddduu M:6/8 K:G H:LR T:Humours of Kilkenny
ABC 2708 C1:011011667070175 C2:uuuuddduudddduu M:6/8 K:G H:LOR T:Humours of Kilkenny
ABC 2708 C1:011011667070175 C2:uuuuddduudddduu M:6/8 K:G H:LOR T:Humours of Kilkenny
ABC 5845 C1:011011667070175 C2:uuuuddduudddduu M:6/8 K:G H:LR T:Humours of Kilkenny
ABC 5845 C1:011011667070175 C2:uuuuddduudddduu M:6/8 K:G H:LR T:Humours of Kilkenny
ABC 5845 C1:011011667070175 C2:uuuuddduudddduu M:6/8 K:G H:LR T:Humours of Kilkenny
ABC 342041 C1:407571767121406 C2:dudduddduuududd M:6/8 K:G H:BCQR T:HUMOURS OF KILKERRIN, The
ABC 342041 C1:407571767121406 C2:dudduddduuududd M:6/8 K:G H:BCQR T:HUMOURS OF KILKERRIN, The
ABC 342041 C1:407571767121406 C2:dudduddduuududd M:6/8 K:G H:BCQR T:HUMOURS OF KILKERRIN, The
ABC 341051 C1:026442601161776 C2:udududuududdduu M:4/4 K:G H:BCLQR T:HUMOURS OF KILLARGUE (reel), The
ABC 341051 C1:026442601161776 C2:udududuududdduu M:4/4 K:G H:BCLQR T:HUMOURS OF KILLARGUE (reel), The
ABC 341051 C1:026442601161776 C2:udududuududdduu M:4/4 K:G H:BCLQR T:HUMOURS OF KILLARGUE (reel), The
ABC 012 C1:762065300115000 C2:ddududuuduuddud M:6/8 K:Dmix H:DLRZ T:Humours of Kiltyclogher
ABC 012 C1:762065300115000 C2:ddududuuduuddud M:6/8 K:Dmix H:DLRZ T:Humours of Kiltyclogher
ABC 012 C1:762065300115000 C2:ddududuuduuddud M:6/8 K:Dmix H:DLRZ T:Humours of Kiltyclogher
ABC 012 C1:762065300115000 C2:ddududuuduuddud M:6/8 K:Dmix H:DLRZ T:Humours of Kiltyclogher
ABC 012 C1:762065300115000 C2:ddududuuduuddud M:6/8 K:Dmix H:DLRZ T:Humours of Kiltyclogher
ABC 1 C1:762065030267170 C2:ddudududduduudd M:6/8 K:Dmix H:LRS T:Humours of Kiltyclogher
ABC 12 C1:762065300115000 C2:ddududuuduuddud M:6/8 K:Dmix H:DLRZ T:Humours of Kiltyclogher
ABC 60 C1:762065300115000 C2:ddududuuduuddud M:6/8 K:Dmix H:DLRZ T:Humours of Kiltyclogher
ABC 012 C1:762065300115000 C2:ddududuuduuddud M:6/8 K:Dmix H:DLRZ T:Humours of Kiltyclogher
ABC 012 C1:762065300115000 C2:ddududuuduuddud M:6/8 K:Dmix H:DLRZ T:Humours of Kiltyclogher
ABC 012 C1:762065300115000 C2:ddududuuduuddud M:6/8 K:Dmix H:DLRZ T:Humours of Kiltyclogher
ABC 012 C1:762065300115000 C2:ddududuuduuddud M:6/8 K:Dmix H:DLRZ T:Humours of Kiltyclogher
ABC 012 C1:762065300115000 C2:ddududuuduuddud M:6/8 K:Dmix H:DLRZ T:Humours of Kiltyclogher
ABC 1 C1:762065030267170 C2:ddudududduduudd M:6/8 K:Dmix H:LRS T:Humours of Kiltyclogher
ABC 368 C1:762065032067170 C2:ddudududduduudd M:6/8 K:Ador H:LRZ T:Humours of Kiltyclogher, The
ABC 368 C1:762065032067170 C2:ddudududduduudd M:6/8 K:Ador H:LRZ T:Humours of Kiltyclogher, The
ABC 23 C1:776206503206717 C2:dddudududduduud M:6/8 K:Ador H:L T:The Humours Of Kiltyclogher
ABC 6 C1:776206556011500 C2:dddududduuduudd M: K:Ador H:LR T:The Humours Of Kiltyclogher
ABC 7 C1:762065030267170 C2:ddudududduduudd M: K:Ador H:LR T:The Humours Of Kiltyclogher
ABC 8 C1:762065030115000 C2:ddududuuduuddud M: K:Ador H:LR T:The Humours Of Kiltyclogher
ABC 9 C1:762065030115000 C2:ddududuududddud M: K:Ador H:LR T:The Humours Of Kiltyclogher
ABC 10 C1:762065032067170 C2:dduudduduudddud M: K:Ador H:LR T:The Humours Of Kiltyclogher
ABC 11 C1:776206530011500 C2:dddududuuduuddu M: K:Ador H:LR T:The Humours Of Kiltyclogher
ABC 12 C1:762006500302140 C2:ddududududuuudd M: K:Gdor H:LR T:The Humours Of Kiltyclogher
ABC 1 C1:776206503206717 C2:dddudududduduud M: K:Ador H:LR T:The Humours Of Kiltyclogher
ABC 2 C1:762065030267170 C2:ddudududduduudd M: K:Cmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Kiltyclogher
ABC 3 C1:436206503026717 C2:dududududdududu M: K:Ador H:LR T:The Humours Of Kiltyclogher
ABC 4 C1:776206556011500 C2:dddududduuduudd M: K:Ador H:LR T:The Humours Of Kiltyclogher
ABC 5 C1:762065030267170 C2:ddudududduduudd M: K:Ador H:LR T:The Humours Of Kiltyclogher
ABC 62 C1:776206503206717 C2:dddudududduduud M:6/8 K:A H:"LR T:Humours Of Kiltyclogher
ABC 62 C1:776206503206717 C2:dddudududduduud M:6/8 K:A H:"LR T:Humours Of Kiltyclogher
ABC 368 C1:762065032067170 C2:ddudududduduudd M:6/8 K:Ador H:LRZ T:Humours of Kiltyclogher, The
ABC 7347 C1:762065032067170 C2:ddudududduduudd M:6/8 K:Ador H:LRZ T:Humours of Kiltyclogher, The
ABC 7347 C1:762065032067170 C2:ddudududduduudd M:6/8 K:Ador H:LRZ T:Humours of Kiltyclogher, The
ABC 1087 C1:762065032067170 C2:ddudududduduudd M:6/8 K:Ador H:LORZ T:Humours of Kiltyclogher, The
ABC 2 C1:400411616002644 C2:duuududududuuud M:C| K:Edor H:QRZ T:Humours Of Kinvara
ABC 1 C1:400044677400041 C2:dududdduuududuu M: K:Edor H:LR T:The Humours Of Kinvara
ABC 2 C1:774000445344000 C2:dddudududuuudud M: K:Dmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Kinvara
ABC 3 C1:400044624400041 C2:dudududuuududuu M: K:Edor H:LR T:The Humours Of Kinvara
ABC 4 C1:400044624400041 C2:dudududuuududuu M: K:Edor H:LR T:The Humours Of Kinvara
ABC 5 C1:400044624400044 C2:dududududududud M: K:Edor H:LR T:The Humours Of Kinvara
ABC 6 C1:400446616002644 C2:dudududududuuud M: K:Gmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Kinvara
ABC 7 C1:400446244004116 C2:dudududuuududud M: K:Edor H:LR T:The Humours Of Kinvara
ABC 8 C1:400041161600026 C2:duuududududuuud M: K:Edor H:LR T:The Humours Of Kinvara
ABC 9 C1:400446244004116 C2:dudududuuududdu M: K:Edor H:LR T:The Humours Of Kinvara
ABC 1 C1:113015061662113 C2:uuduududduuuduu M:6/8 K:G H:LOR T:Humours of last night (4-part version of Merrily kiss the quaker)
ABC 1 C1:113015061662113 C2:uuduududduuuduu M:6/8 K:G H:BOR T:Humours of Last Night (4-part version of Merrily kiss the quaker)
ABC 401 C1:113015061662113 C2:uuduududduuuduu M:6/8 K:G H:BFORZ T:Humours of Last Night (4-part version of Merrily kiss the quaker)
ABC 401 C1:113015061662113 C2:uuduududduuuduu M:6/8 K:G H:BFORZ T:Humours of Last Night (4-part version of Merrily kiss the quaker)
ABC 401 C1: C2: M:6/8 K:G H:BFORZ T:Humours of Last Night (4-part version of Merrily kiss the quaker)
ABC 401 C1: C2: M:6/8 K:G H:BFORZ T:Humours of Last Night (4-part version of Merrily kiss the quaker)
ABC 7250 C1:113015061662113 C2:uuduududduuuduu M:6/8 K:G H:BOR T:Humours of Last Night (4-part version of Merrily kiss the quaker)
ABC 7250 C1:113015061662113 C2:uuduududduuuduu M:6/8 K:G H:BOR T:Humours of Last Night (4-part version of Merrily kiss the quaker)
ABC 7348 C1:113015061662113 C2:uuduududduuuduu M:6/8 K:G H:ORS T:Humours of last night (4-part version of Merrily kiss the quaker)
ABC 7348 C1:113015061662113 C2:uuduududduuuduu M:6/8 K:G H:ORS T:Humours of last night (4-part version of Merrily kiss the quaker)
ABC 5846 C1:113015061662113 C2:uuduududduuuduu M:6/8 K:G H:LOR T:Humours of last night (4-part version of Merrily kiss the quaker)
ABC 5847 C1:113015061662113 C2:uuduududduuuduu M:6/8 K:G H:BOR T:Humours of Last Night (4-part version of Merrily kiss the quaker)
ABC 3900 C1:113015061662113 C2:uuduududduuuduu M:6/8 K:G H:BFORZ T:Humours of Last Night (4-part version of Merrily kiss the quaker)
ABC 3900 C1:113015061662113 C2:uuduududduuuduu M:6/8 K:G H:BFORZ T:Humours of Last Night (4-part version of Merrily kiss the quaker)
ABC 5846 C1:113015061662113 C2:uuduududduuuduu M:6/8 K:G H:LOR T:Humours of last night (4-part version of Merrily kiss the quaker)
ABC 5847 C1:113015061662113 C2:uuduududduuuduu M:6/8 K:G H:BOR T:Humours of Last Night (4-part version of Merrily kiss the quaker)
ABC 5846 C1:113015061662113 C2:uuduududduuuduu M:6/8 K:G H:LOR T:Humours of last night (4-part version of Merrily kiss the quaker)
ABC 5847 C1:113015061662113 C2:uuduududduuuduu M:6/8 K:G H:BOR T:Humours of Last Night (4-part version of Merrily kiss the quaker)
ABC 1089 C1:113015061662113 C2:uuduududduuuduu M:6/8 K:G H:ORS T:Humours of last night (4-part version of Merrily kiss the quaker)
ABC 401 C1:113015061662113 C2:uuduududduuuduu M:6/8 K:G H:BORZ T:Humours of Last Night (4-part version of Merrily kiss the quaker)
ABC 48214 C1:113015061662113 C2:uuduududduuuduu M:6/8 K:G H:BCLQRY T:HUMOURS OF LAST NIGHT, The
ABC 131 C1:113015061662113 C2:uuduududduuuduu M:6/8 K:G H:LQR T:Humours of Last Night
ABC 131 C1:113015061662113 C2:uuduududduuuduu M:6/8 K:G H:LQR T:Humours of Last Night
ABC 131 C1:113015061662113 C2:uuduududduuuduu M:6/8 K:G H:LQR T:Humours of Last Night
ABC 131 C1:113015061662113 C2:uuduududduuuduu M:6/8 K:G H:LQR T:Humours of Last Night
ABC 1 C1:113123061662113 C2:uuduuududduuudu M:6/8 K:G H:ORS T:Humours of Last Night
ABC 1 C1:113123061662113 C2:uuduuududduuudu M:6/8 K:G H:ORS T:Humours of Last Night
ABC 1 C1:113123061662113 C2:uuduuududduuudu M:6/8 K:G H:ORS T:Humours of Last Night
ABC 1 C1:113123061662113 C2:uuduuududduuudu M:6/8 K:G H:ORS T:Humours of Last Night
ABC 1 C1:113015061662113 C2:uuduududduuuduu M:6/8 K:G H:LRSZ T:Humours of Last Night, The
ABC 1 C1:113015061662113 C2:uuduududduuuduu M:6/8 K:G H:LRSZ T:Humours of Last Night, The
ABC 48214 C1:113015061662113 C2:uuduududduuuduu M:6/8 K:G H:BCLQRY T:HUMOURS OF LAST NIGHT, The
ABC 48214 C1:113015061662113 C2:uuduududduuuduu M:6/8 K:G H:BCLQRY T:HUMOURS OF LAST NIGHT, The
ABC 131 C1:113015061662113 C2:uuduududduuuduu M:6/8 K:G H:LQR T:Humours of Last Night
ABC 131 C1:113015061662113 C2:uuduududduuuduu M:6/8 K:G H:LQR T:Humours of Last Night
ABC 131 C1:113015061662113 C2:uuduududduuuduu M:6/8 K:G H:LQR T:Humours of Last Night
ABC 65041 C1:667111116671116 C2:ddduuuuuddduuud M:4/4 K:D H:CLQR T:HUMOURS OF LEWISHAM, The
ABC 5034 C1:116671111166711 C2:uuddduuuuuddduu M:4/4 K:D H:CLQR T:The Humours of Lewisham
ABC 5034 C1:116671111166711 C2:uuddduuuuuddduu M:4/4 K:D H:CLQR T:The Humours of Lewisham
ABC 65041 C1:667111116671116 C2:ddduuuuuddduuud M:4/4 K:D H:CLQR T:HUMOURS OF LEWISHAM, The
ABC 65041 C1:667111116671116 C2:ddduuuuuddduuud M:4/4 K:D H:CLQR T:HUMOURS OF LEWISHAM, The
ABC 1 C1:116671111166711 C2:uuddduuuuuddduu M: K:Dmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Lewisham
ABC 41 C1:116671111166711 C2:uuddduuuuuddduu M:4/4 K:D H:CLR T:Humours Of Lewisham, The
ABC 1 C1:577777577773117 C2:ddddduddddduuud M:6/8 K:G H:BLRZ T:Humours of Limerick [3], The
ABC 1 C1:577777577773117 C2:ddddduddddduuud M:6/8 K:G H:R T:the Humours of Limerick
ABC 3463 C1:577777577773117 C2:ddddduddddduuud M:6/8 K:G H:BLRSZ T:the Humours of Limerick
ABC 482 C1:002007711667120 C2:udduuddduuudddd M:6/8 K:A H:BLQRVZ T:the Humours of Limerick
ABC 482 C1:002007711667120 C2:udduuddduuudddd M:6/8 K:A H:BLQRVZ T:the Humours of Limerick
ABC 482 C1:002007711667120 C2:udduuddduuudddd M:6/8 K:A H:BLQRVZ T:The Humours of Limerick
ABC 482 C1:002007711667120 C2:udduuddduuudddd M:6/8 K:A H:BLQRVZ T:The Humours of Limerick
ABC 482 C1:002007711667120 C2:udduuddduuudddd M:6/8 K:A H:BLQRVZ T:The Humours of Limerick
ABC 482 C1:002007711667120 C2:udduuddduuudddd M:6/8 K:A H:BLQRVZ T:The Humours of Limerick
ABC 0463 C1:577777577773117 C2:ddddduddddduuud M:6/8 K:G H:ILQZ T:The Humours of Limerick.
ABC 0463 C1:577777577773117 C2:ddddduddddduuud M:6/8 K:G H:ILQZ T:The Humours of Limerick.
ABC 0463 C1:577777577773117 C2:ddddduddddduuud M:6/8 K:G H:ILQZ T:The Humours of Limerick.
ABC 0463 C1:577777577773117 C2:ddddduddddduuud M:6/8 K:G H:ILQZ T:The Humours of Limerick.
ABC 0463 C1:577777577773117 C2:ddddduddddduuud M:6/8 K:G H:ILQZ T:The Humours of Limerick.
ABC 0463 C1:577777577773117 C2:ddddduddddduuud M:6/8 K:G H:ILQZ T:The Humours of Limerick.
ABC 0463 C1:577777577773117 C2:ddddduddddduuud M:6/8 K:G H:ILQZ T:The Humours of Limerick.
ABC 0463 C1:577777577773117 C2:ddddduddddduuud M:6/8 K:G H:ILQZ T:The Humours of Limerick.
ABC 0463 C1:577777577773117 C2:ddddduddddduuud M:6/8 K:G H:ILQZ T:The Humours of Limerick.
ABC 3463 C1:577777577773117 C2:ddddduddddduuud M:6/8 K:G H:BLRSZ T:the Humours of Limerick
ABC 3463 C1:577777577773117 C2:ddddduddddduuud M:6/8 K:G H:BLRSZ T:the Humours of Limerick
ABC 780 C1:577777577773117 C2:ddddduddddduuud M:6/8 K:G H:R T:the Humours of Limerick
ABC 780 C1:577777577773117 C2:ddddduddddduuud M:6/8 K:G H:R T:the Humours of Limerick
ABC 7349 C1:577777577773117 C2:ddddduddddduuud M:6/8 K:G H:R T:Humours of Limerick, The
ABC 7349 C1:577777577773117 C2:ddddduddddduuud M:6/8 K:G H:R T:Humours of Limerick, The
ABC 6933 C1:577777577773117 C2:ddddduddddduuud M:6/8 K:G H:OR T:the Humours of Limerick
ABC 6933 C1:577777577773117 C2:ddddduddddduuud M:6/8 K:G H:OR T:the Humours of Limerick
ABC 3463 C1:577777577773117 C2:ddddduddddduuud M:6/8 K:G H:BLRSZ T:The Humours of Limerick
ABC 3463 C1:577777577773117 C2:ddddduddddduuud M:6/8 K:G H:BLRSZ T:The Humours of Limerick
ABC 13530 C1:577777577773117 C2:ddddduddddduuud M:6/8 K:G H:R T:the Humours of Limerick
ABC 3901 C1:577777577773117 C2:ddddduddddduuud M:6/8 K:G H:BFRZ T:the Humours of Limerick
ABC 3901 C1:577777577773117 C2:ddddduddddduuud M:6/8 K:G H:BFRZ T:the Humours of Limerick
ABC 13530 C1:577777577773117 C2:ddddduddddduuud M:6/8 K:G H:R T:the Humours of Limerick
ABC 13530 C1:577777577773117 C2:ddddduddddduuud M:6/8 K:G H:R T:the Humours of Limerick
ABC 63 C1:577777577773117 C2:ddddduddddduuud M:6/8 K:G H:BRZ T:the Humours of Limerick
ABC 96 C1:500352676007757 C2:dududdddddduudu M:C K:E H:L T:Humours of Lisadell
ABC 124 C1:500350076007757 C2:duddddddduuduuu M:4/4 K:Em H:L T:Humours of Lisadell
ABC 124 C1:500350076007757 C2:duddddddduuduuu M:4/4 K:Em H:L T:Humours of Lisadell
ABC 620 C1:500350076007757 C2:duddddddduuduuu M:4/4 K:Em H:L T:Humours of Lisadell
ABC 730 C1:500352676007757 C2:dududdddddduudu M:C K:E H:LZ T:Humours of Lisadell
ABC 149 C1:500352676007757 C2:dududdddddduudu M:C K:E H:LZ T:Humours of Lisadell
ABC 149 C1:500352676007757 C2:dududdddddduudu M:C K:E H:LZ T:Humours of Lisadell
ABC 7350 C1:500352676007757 C2:dududdddddduudu M:C K:E H:LZ T:Humours of Lisadell
ABC 7351 C1:500352676007757 C2:dududdddddduudu M:C K:E H:L T:Humours of Lisadell
ABC 7350 C1:500352676007757 C2:dududdddddduudu M:C K:E H:LZ T:Humours of Lisadell
ABC 7351 C1:500352676007757 C2:dududdddddduudu M:C K:E H:L T:Humours of Lisadell
ABC 1 C1:116761771662712 C2:uuddduddudduduu M:6/8 K:G H:R T:Humours of Lisheen, The
ABC 1 C1:116761771662002 C2:uuddduddudduudu M:6/8 K:G H:LRSZ T:the Humours of Lisheen
ABC 1 C1:116761771662002 C2:uuddduddudduudu M:6/8 K:G H:LRSZ T:the Humours of Lisheen
ABC 1 C1:116761771662002 C2:uuddduddudduudu M:6/8 K:G H:LRSZ T:the Humours of Lisheen
ABC 1 C1:116761771662002 C2:uuddduddudduudu M:6/8 K:G H:LRSZ T:the Humours of Lisheen
ABC 1 C1:116761771662002 C2:uuddduddudduudu M:6/8 K:G H:LRSZ T:the Humours of Lisheen
ABC 1 C1:116761771662002 C2:uuddduddudduudu M:6/8 K:G H:LRSZ T:the Humours of Lisheen
ABC 1 C1:116761771662002 C2:uuddduddudduudu M:6/8 K:G H:LRSZ T:the Humours of Lisheen
ABC 1 C1:116761771662002 C2:uuddduddudduuud M:6/8 K:G H:LR T:Humours of Lisheen, The
ABC 167 C1:771662002260771 C2:ddudduuuddduuuu M:6/8 K:G H:RZ T:Humours of Lisheen, The
ABC 167 C1:771662002260771 C2:ddudduuuddduuuu M:6/8 K:G H:RZ T:Humours of Lisheen, The
ABC 7 C1:116761771662002 C2:uuddduddudduuud M: K:Gmaj H:"LR T:The Humours Of Lisheen
ABC 8 C1:111676177166712 C2:uuudddudduddduu M: K:Gmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Lisheen
ABC 1 C1:116761061662022 C2:uudddududduuuud M:6/8 K:Gmaj H:LR T:Humours of Lisheen
ABC 1 C1:111117776270061 C2:uuuuudddduddudd M:4/4 K:G H:LR T:The Humours of Lisheen
ABC 1 C1:116761061662712 C2:uudddududduduuu M: K:Gmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Lisheen
ABC 2 C1:116761061662712 C2:uudddududduduuu M: K:Gmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Lisheen
ABC 3 C1:061662712260771 C2:dudduduuuddduuu M: K:Gmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Lisheen
ABC 4 C1:116761061662002 C2:uudddududduuuud M: K:Gmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Lisheen
ABC 5 C1:111117776270061 C2:uuuuudddduddudd M: K:Gmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Lisheen
ABC 6 C1:116761771653002 C2:uuddduddudduuud M: K:Gmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Lisheen
ABC 167 C1:771662002260771 C2:ddudduuuddduuuu M:6/8 K:G H:RZ T:Humours of Lisheen, The
ABC 69 C1:116761061662712 C2:uudddududduduuu M:6/8 K:Gmaj H:"LR T:Humours Of Lisheen, The
ABC 83 C1:116761061662712 C2:uudddududduduuu M:6/8 K:Gmaj H:"LR T:Humours Of Lisheen, The
ABC 199 C1:116761061662712 C2:uudddududduduuu M: K:Gmaj H:" T:Humours of Lisheen
ABC 1091 C1:771662002260771 C2:ddudduuuddduuuu M:6/8 K:G H:ORZ T:Humours of Lisheen, The
ABC 17442 C1:771662002260771 C2:ddudduuuddduuuu M:6/8 K:G H:RZ T:Humours of Lisheen, The
ABC 17442 C1:771662002260771 C2:ddudduuuddduuuu M:6/8 K:G H:RZ T:Humours of Lisheen, The
ABC 17442 C1:771662002260771 C2:ddudduuuddduuuu M:6/8 K:G H:RZ T:Humours of Lisheen, The
ABC 17442 C1:771662002260771 C2:ddudduuuddduuuu M:6/8 K:G H:RZ T:Humours of Lisheen, The
ABC 1 C1:116761061662002 C2:uudddududduuuud M:6/8 K:G H:"CDLOQRSZ T:Humours of Lisheen (G major)
ABC 51 C1:500352676007757 C2:dududdddddduudu M:4/4 K:EDor H:LR T:Humours of Lissadel
ABC 1 C1:500352676007757 C2:dududdddddduudu M:4/4 K:EDor H:LR T:Humours of Lissadel
ABC 1 C1:500352676007757 C2:dududdddddduudu M:4/4 K:EDor H:LR T:Humours of Lissadel
ABC 8 C1:500352676007757 C2:dududdddddduudu M:4/4 K:EDor H:LR T:Humours of Lissadel
ABC 8 C1:500352676007757 C2:dududdddddduudu M:4/4 K:EDor H:LR T:Humours of Lissadel
ABC 8 C1:500352676007757 C2:dududdddddduudu M:4/4 K:EDor H:LR T:Humours of Lissadel
ABC 1 C1:500352676007757 C2:dududdddddduudu M:4/4 K:EDor H:DLR T:Humours of Lissadel
ABC 1 C1:500352676007757 C2:dududdddddduudu M:4/4 K:EDor H:DLR T:Humours of Lissadel
ABC 1 C1:500352676007757 C2:dududdddddduudu M:4/4 K:EDor H:DLR T:Humours of Lissadel
ABC 1 C1:500352676007757 C2:dududdddddduudu M:4/4 K:EDor H:DLR T:Humours of Lissadel
ABC 1 C1:500352676007757 C2:dududdddddduudu M:4/4 K:EDor H:DLR T:Humours of Lissadel
ABC 10 C1:500352676006767 C2:dududddudddudud M:4/4 K:D H:LQ T:Humours of Lissadel
ABC 40 C1:500352676007757 C2:dududdddddduudu M:4/4 K:EDor H:LR T:Humours of Lissadel
ABC 10 C1:500352676006767 C2:dududddudddudud M:4/4 K:D H:LQ T:Humours of Lissadel
ABC 25 C1:500352676007757 C2:dududdddddduudu M:C| K:EDor H:RZ T:Humours of Lissadel
ABC 25 C1:500352676007757 C2:dududdddddduudu M:C| K:EDor H:RZ T:Humours of Lissadel
ABC 125 C1:500352676007757 C2:dududdddddduudu M:C| K:EDor H:RZ T:Humours of Lissadel
ABC 17 C1:500352676007757 C2:dududdddddduudu M:4/4 K:EDor H:DLRZ T:Humours of Lissadel
ABC 51 C1:500352676007757 C2:dududdddddduudu M:4/4 K:EDor H:LR T:Humours of Lissadel
ABC 51 C1:500352676007757 C2:dududdddddduudu M:4/4 K:EDor H:LR T:Humours of Lissadel
ABC 25 C1:500352676007757 C2:dududdddddduudu M:C| K:EDor H:RZ T:Humours of Lissadel
ABC 371 C1:500352676007757 C2:dududdddddduudu M:4/4 K:EDor H:DLRZ T:Humours of Lissadel
ABC 7352 C1:500352676007757 C2:dududdddddduudu M:4/4 K:EDor H:LR T:Humours of Lissadel
ABC 7353 C1:500352676007757 C2:dududdddddduudu M:4/4 K:EDor H:LR T:Humours of Lissadel
ABC 7352 C1:500352676007757 C2:dududdddddduudu M:4/4 K:EDor H:LR T:Humours of Lissadel
ABC 7353 C1:500352676007757 C2:dududdddddduudu M:4/4 K:EDor H:LR T:Humours of Lissadel
ABC 2710 C1:500352676007757 C2:dududdddddduudu M:4/4 K:EDor H:LOR T:Humours of Lissadel
ABC 2710 C1:500352676007757 C2:dududdddddduudu M:4/4 K:EDor H:LOR T:Humours of Lissadel
ABC 5848 C1:500352676007757 C2:dududdddddduudu M:4/4 K:EDor H:LR T:Humours of Lissadel
ABC 5849 C1:500352676007757 C2:dududdddddduudu M:4/4 K:EDor H:LR T:Humours of Lissadel
ABC 5848 C1:500352676007757 C2:dududdddddduudu M:4/4 K:EDor H:LR T:Humours of Lissadel
ABC 5849 C1:500352676007757 C2:dududdddddduudu M:4/4 K:EDor H:LR T:Humours of Lissadel
ABC 5848 C1:500352676007757 C2:dududdddddduudu M:4/4 K:EDor H:LR T:Humours of Lissadel
ABC 5849 C1:500352676007757 C2:dududdddddduudu M:4/4 K:EDor H:LR T:Humours of Lissadel
ABC 1 C1:600775714004426 C2:ddddduuduuduudu M:4/4 K:Edor H:LR T:Humours of Lissadell, The
ABC 101 C1:600775714004417 C2:ddddduuduuduudu M:C| K:EDor H:LR T:Humours of Lissadell, The
ABC 101 C1:600775714004417 C2:ddddduuduuduudu M:C| K:EDor H:LR T:Humours of Lissadell, The
ABC 101 C1:600775714004417 C2:ddddduuduuduudu M:C| K:EDor H:LR T:Humours of Lissadell, The
ABC 101 C1:600775714004417 C2:ddddduuduuduudu M:C| K:EDor H:LR T:Humours of Lissadell, The
ABC 101 C1:600775714004417 C2:ddddduuduuduudu M:C| K:EDor H:LR T:Humours of Lissadell, The
ABC 101 C1:600775714004417 C2:ddddduuduuduudu M:C| K:EDor H:LR T:Humours of Lissadell, The
ABC 101 C1:600775714004417 C2:ddddduuduuduudu M:C| K:EDor H:LR T:Humours of Lissadell, The
ABC 101 C1:600775714004417 C2:ddddduuduuduudu M:C| K:EDor H:LR T:Humours of Lissadell, The
ABC 101 C1:600775714004417 C2:ddddduuduuduudu M:C| K:EDor H:LR T:Humours of Lissadell, The
ABC 105 C1:500352676007757 C2:dududdddddduudu M:C| K:EDor H:LR T:Humours of Lissadell, The
ABC 105 C1:500352676007757 C2:dududdddddduudu M:C| K:EDor H:LR T:Humours of Lissadell, The
ABC 254 C1:600775714004426 C2:ddddduuduuduudu M:C| K:Edor H:DRZ T:Humours of Lissadell
ABC 1 C1:600775714004426 C2:ddddduuduuduudu M:C| K:Edor H:DRZ T:Humours of Lissadell, The
ABC 1 C1:500352676007757 C2:dududdddddduudu M:4/4 K:Edor H:LR T:The Humours Of Lissadell
ABC 1 C1:500352676007757 C2:dududdddddduudu M:4/4 K:Edor H:LR T:The Humours Of Lissadell
ABC 1 C1:500352676007757 C2:dududdddddduudu M:C| K:Edor H:"FLR T:the Humours of Lissadell
ABC 1 C1:500352676007757 C2:dududdddddduudu M:C| K:Edor H:"FLR T:the Humours of Lissadell
ABC 1 C1:500352676007757 C2:dududdddddduudu M:C| K:Edor H:"FLR T:the Humours of Lissadell
ABC 1 C1:500352676007757 C2:dududdddddduudu M:C| K:Edor H:"FLR T:the Humours of Lissadell
ABC 1 C1:500352676007757 C2:dududdddddduudu M:C| K:Edor H:"FLR T:the Humours of Lissadell
ABC 1 C1:500352676007757 C2:dududdddddduudu M:C| K:Edor H:"FLR T:the Humours of Lissadell
ABC 1 C1:500352676007757 C2:dududdddddduudu M:C| K:Edor H:"FLR T:the Humours of Lissadell
ABC 1 C1:500352676007757 C2:dududdddddduudu M:C| K:Edor H:"FLR T:the Humours of Lissadell
ABC 1 C1:500352676007757 C2:dududdddddduudu M:C| K:Edor H:"FLR T:the Humours of Lissadell
ABC 1 C1:500352676007757 C2:dududdddddduudu M:C| K:Edor H:"FLR T:the Humours of Lissadell
ABC 1 C1:500352676007757 C2:dududdddddduudu M:C| K:Edor H:"FLR T:the Humours of Lissadell
ABC 1 C1:500352676007757 C2:dududdddddduudu M:C| K:Edor H:"FLR T:the Humours of Lissadell
ABC 1 C1:500352676007757 C2:dududdddddduudu M:C| K:Edor H:"FLR T:the Humours of Lissadell
ABC 11 C1:600775714004426 C2:ddddduuduuduudu M:C| K:Edor H:"LQR T:Humours of Lissadell, The
ABC 11 C1:600775714004426 C2:ddddduuduuduudu M:C| K:Edor H:"LQR T:Humours of Lissadell, The
ABC 11 C1:600775714004426 C2:ddddduuduuduudu M:C| K:Edor H:"LQR T:Humours of Lissadell, The
ABC 105 C1:500352676007757 C2:dududdddddduudu M:C| K:EDor H:LR T:Humours of Lissadell, The
ABC 101 C1:600775714004417 C2:ddddduuduuduudu M:C| K:EDor H:LR T:Humours of Lissadell, The
ABC 101 C1:600775714004417 C2:ddddduuduuduudu M:C| K:EDor H:LR T:Humours of Lissadell, The
ABC 101 C1:600775714004417 C2:ddddduuduuduudu M:C| K:EDor H:LR T:Humours of Lissadell, The
ABC 101 C1:600775714004417 C2:ddddduuduuduudu M:C| K:EDor H:LR T:Humours of Lissadell, The
ABC 101 C1:600775714004417 C2:ddddduuduuduudu M:C| K:EDor H:LR T:Humours of Lissadell, The
ABC 101 C1:600775714004417 C2:ddddduuduuduudu M:C| K:EDor H:LR T:Humours of Lissadell, The
ABC 560 C1:600775714004426 C2:ddddduuduuduudu M:C| K:Edor H:DRZ T:Humours of Lissadell, The
ABC 560 C1:600775714004426 C2:ddddduuduuduudu M:C| K:Edor H:DRZ T:Humours of Lissadell, The
ABC 560 C1:600775714004426 C2:ddddduuduuduudu M:C| K:Edor H:CDHRZ T:Humours of Lissadell, The
ABC 560 C1:600775714004426 C2:ddddduuduuduudu M:C| K:Edor H:CDHRZ T:Humours of Lissadell, The
ABC 1 C1:500352676007757 C2:dududdddddduudu M: K:Edor H:LR T:The Humours Of Lissadell
ABC 2 C1:500352676007757 C2:dududddddududud M: K:Edor H:LR T:The Humours Of Lissadell
ABC 3 C1:500352676006767 C2:dududddudddudud M: K:Edor H:LR T:The Humours Of Lissadell
ABC 4 C1:500334676007757 C2:duudddddddduudu M: K:Edor H:LR T:The Humours Of Lissadell
ABC 5 C1:500352676061757 C2:dududddduddduud M: K:Edor H:LR T:The Humours Of Lissadell
ABC 6 C1:606175714004417 C2:dduddduuduuduud M: K:Edor H:"LR T:The Humours Of Lissadell
ABC 7 C1:500352676007757 C2:dududdddddduudu M: K:Edor H:LR T:The Humours Of Lissadell
ABC 8 C1:500352676007757 C2:dududddddududud M: K:Emin H:"LR T:The Humours Of Lissadell
ABC 9 C1:500352676006112 C2:dududddduuuuddu M: K:Edor H:LR T:The Humours Of Lissadell
ABC 10 C1:500035267600077 C2:dududdddddduudu M: K:Edor H:LR T:The Humours Of Lissadell
ABC 11 C1:500352676007757 C2:dududdddddduudu M: K:Ddor H:LR T:The Humours Of Lissadell
ABC 67 C1:600775714004426 C2:ddddduuduuduudu M:C| K:Edor H:DFRZ T:Humours of Lissadell, The
ABC 67 C1:600775714004426 C2:ddddduuduuduudu M:C| K:Edor H:DFRZ T:Humours of Lissadell, The
ABC 213 C1:500352676007757 C2:dududdddddduudu M:4/4 K:Edor H:DLRZ T:The Humours of Lissadell
ABC 213 C1:500352676007757 C2:dududdddddduudu M:4/4 K:Edor H:DLRZ T:The Humours of Lissadell
ABC 254 C1:600775714004426 C2:ddddduuduuduudu M:C| K:Edor H:DRZ T:Humours of Lissadell
ABC 254 C1:600775714004426 C2:ddddduuduuduudu M:C| K:Edor H:DRZ T:Humours of Lissadell
ABC 649 C1:500352670607757 C2:dududdddddduudu M:4/4 K:Edor H:"HLRZ T:The Humours Of Lissadell
ABC 560 C1:600775714004426 C2:ddddduuduuduudu M:C| K:Edor H:DRZ T:Humours of Lissadell, The
ABC 560 C1:600775714004426 C2:ddddduuduuduudu M:C| K:Edor H:DRZ T:Humours of Lissadell, The
ABC 560 C1:600775714004426 C2:ddddduuduuduudu M:C| K:Edor H:DRZ T:Humours of Lissadell, The
ABC 7354 C1:600775714004426 C2:ddddduuduuduudu M:C| K:Edor H:DRZ T:Humours of Lissadell, The
ABC 7354 C1:600775714004426 C2:ddddduuduuduudu M:C| K:Edor H:DRZ T:Humours of Lissadell, The
ABC 2709 C1:600775714004426 C2:ddddduuduuduudu M:C| K:Edor H:DOR T:Humours of Lissadell, The
ABC 2709 C1:600775714004426 C2:ddddduuduuduudu M:C| K:Edor H:DOR T:Humours of Lissadell, The
ABC 560 C1:600775714004426 C2:ddddduuduuduudu M:C| K:Edor H:DRZ T:Humours of Lissadell, The
ABC 560 C1:600775714004426 C2:ddddduuduuduudu M:C| K:Edor H:DRZ T:Humours of Lissadell, The
ABC 5850 C1:600775714004426 C2:ddddduuduuduudu M:C| K:Edor H:DRZ T:Humours of Lissadell, The
ABC 5850 C1:600775714004426 C2:ddddduuduuduudu M:C| K:Edor H:DRZ T:Humours of Lissadell, The
ABC 5850 C1:600775714004426 C2:ddddduuduuduudu M:C| K:Edor H:DRZ T:Humours of Lissadell, The
ABC 263 C1:600775714071007 C2:ddddduududuuduu M:4/4 K:Edor H:LQR T:Humours Of Lissadell (Edor)
ABC 263 C1:600775714071007 C2:ddddduudududddu M:4/4 K:clef=none H:ILR T:Humours Of Lissadell (Edor)
ABC 263 C1:600775714071007 C2:ddddduududuuduu M:4/4 K:Edor H:LQR T:Humours Of Lissadell (Edor) %X
ABC 1 C1:500352676007757 C2:dududdddddduudu M:4/4 K:E H:"CDLOQRSZ T:Humours of Lissadell (E dorian)
ABC 1 C1:500352676007757 C2:dududdddddduudu M:4/4 K:Edor H:LR T:Humours Of Lissadell (The)
ABC 1 C1:716113400711715 C2:duduuudduuduudu M:6/8 K:Am H:R T:the Humours of Listivain
ABC 3470 C1:300711716113400 C2:uduududuuudduud M:6/8 K:Am H:BLORSZ T:the Humours of Listivain
ABC 1 C1:716113400711715 C2:duduuudduuduudu M:6/8 K:Amin H:BLRZ T:Humours of Listivain, The
ABC 1 C1: C2: M:6/8 K:D H:BFLOQRVZ T:Humours of Listivain, The
ABC 0470 C1:716113400711715 C2:duduuudduuduudu M:6/8 K:A H:CILQZ T:The Humours of Listivain.
ABC 0470 C1:716113400711715 C2:duduuudduuduudu M:6/8 K:A H:CILQZ T:The Humours of Listivain.
ABC 0470 C1:716113400711715 C2:duduuudduuduudu M:6/8 K:A H:CILQZ T:The Humours of Listivain.
ABC 0470 C1:716113400711715 C2:duduuudduuduudu M:6/8 K:A H:CILQZ T:The Humours of Listivain.
ABC 0470 C1:716113400711715 C2:duduuudduuduudu M:6/8 K:A H:CILQZ T:The Humours of Listivain.
ABC 0470 C1:716113400711715 C2:duduuudduuduudu M:6/8 K:A H:CILQZ T:The Humours of Listivain.
ABC 0470 C1:716113400711715 C2:duduuudduuduudu M:6/8 K:A H:CILQZ T:The Humours of Listivain.
ABC 0470 C1:716113400711715 C2:duduuudduuduudu M:6/8 K:A H:CILQZ T:The Humours of Listivain.
ABC 0470 C1:716113400711715 C2:duduuudduuduudu M:6/8 K:A H:CILQZ T:The Humours of Listivain.
ABC 3470 C1:300711716113400 C2:uduududuuudduud M:6/8 K:Am H:BLORSZ T:the Humours of Listivain
ABC 3470 C1:300711716113400 C2:uduududuuudduud M:6/8 K:Am H:BLORSZ T:the Humours of Listivain
ABC 787 C1:716113400711715 C2:duduuudduuduudu M:6/8 K:Am H:R T:the Humours of Listivain
ABC 787 C1:716113400711715 C2:duduuudduuduudu M:6/8 K:Am H:R T:the Humours of Listivain
ABC 7355 C1:716113400711715 C2:duduuudduuduudu M:6/8 K:Am H:R T:Humours of Listivain, The
ABC 7355 C1:716113400711715 C2:duduuudduuduudu M:6/8 K:Am H:R T:Humours of Listivain, The
ABC 6934 C1:716113400711715 C2:duduuudduuduudu M:6/8 K:Am H:OR T:the Humours of Listivain
ABC 6934 C1:716113400711715 C2:duduuudduuduudu M:6/8 K:Am H:OR T:the Humours of Listivain
ABC 3470 C1:300711716113400 C2:uduududuuudduud M:6/8 K:Am H:BLORSZ T:The Humours of Listivain
ABC 3470 C1:300711716113400 C2:uduududuuudduud M:6/8 K:Am H:BLORSZ T:The Humours of Listivain
ABC 13531 C1:716113400711715 C2:duduuudduuduudu M:6/8 K:Am H:R T:the Humours of Listivain
ABC 3902 C1:716113400711715 C2:duduuudduuduudu M:6/8 K:A H:BFRZ T:the Humours of Listivain
ABC 3902 C1:716113400711715 C2:duduuudduuduudu M:6/8 K:A H:BFRZ T:the Humours of Listivain
ABC 13531 C1:716113400711715 C2:duduuudduuduudu M:6/8 K:Am H:R T:the Humours of Listivain
ABC 13531 C1:716113400711715 C2:duduuudduuduudu M:6/8 K:Am H:R T:the Humours of Listivain
ABC 70 C1:716113400711715 C2:duduuudduuduudu M:6/8 K:A H:BRZ T:the Humours of Listivain
ABC 1 C1:062311721677236 C2:uddduuuuduuuddd M:4/4 K:D H:"DFLORS T:Humours of Listowel [1]
ABC 1 C1:302111562671300 C2:duuuuddudduuudu M:6/8 K:Ador H:BLRS T:Humours of Listowel [2]
ABC 547 C1:010100010007070 C2:uuudddududduuuu M:2/4 K:D H:"BLORSZ T:The humours of Listowel
ABC 547 C1:010100010007070 C2:uuudddududduuuu M:2/4 K:D H:"BLORSZ T:The humours of Listowel
ABC 547 C1:010100010007070 C2:uuudddududduuuu M:2/4 K:D H:"BLORSZ T:The humours of Listowel
ABC 547 C1:010100010007070 C2:uuudddududduuuu M:2/4 K:D H:"BLORSZ T:The humours of Listowel
ABC 1 C1:062311721677236 C2:uddduuuuduuuddd M:4/4 K:D H:"DLORS T:Humours of Listowel
ABC 1 C1:062311721677236 C2:uddduuuuduuuddd M:4/4 K:D H:"DLORS T:Humours of Listowel
ABC 1 C1:062311721677236 C2:uddduuuuduuuddd M:4/4 K:D H:"DLORS T:Humours of Listowel
ABC 1 C1:062311721677236 C2:uddduuuuduuuddd M:4/4 K:D H:"DLORS T:Humours of Listowel
ABC 1 C1:062311721677236 C2:uddduuuuduuuddd M:4/4 K:D H:"DLORS T:Humours of Listowel
ABC 1 C1:062311721677236 C2:uddduuuuduuuddd M:4/4 K:D H:"DLORS T:Humours of Listowel
ABC 1 C1:062311721677236 C2:uddduuuuduuuddd M:4/4 K:D H:"DLORS T:Humours of Listowel
ABC 1 C1:062311721677236 C2:uddduuuuduuuddd M:4/4 K:D H:"DLORS T:Humours of Listowel
ABC 1 C1:062311721677236 C2:uddduuuuduuuddd M:4/4 K:D H:"DLORS T:Humours of Listowel
ABC 1 C1:062311721677236 C2:uddduuuuduuuddd M:4/4 K:D H:"DLORS T:Humours of Listowel
ABC 1 C1:062311721677236 C2:uddduuuuduuuddd M:4/4 K:D H:"DFLORS T:Humours of Listowel
ABC 1 C1:062311721677236 C2:uddduuuuduuuddd M:4/4 K:D H:"DFLORS T:Humours of Listowel
ABC 3029 C1:177702030101071 C2:uddduuuuduuuddd M:2/2 K:D H:"CLOQRZ T:Humours of Listowel
ABC 3029 C1:177702030101071 C2:uddduuuuduuuddd M:2/2 K:D H:"CLOQRZ T:Humours of Listowel
ABC 547 C1:010100010007070 C2:uuudddududduuuu M:2/4 K:D H:"BLORSZ T:The humours of Listowel
ABC 818 C1:406607776011116 C2:duddddduuuududu M:C| K:Edor H:BLQSZ T:Humours of Lochrae. JBut.813, The
ABC 1 C1:001177016176766 C2:uuduududdddduud M:C| K:G H:HLQRSZ T:Humours of Loughrea
ABC 1 C1:001177016176766 C2:uuduududdddduud M:C| K:G H:HLQRSZ T:Humours of Loughrea
ABC 1 C1:001177016176766 C2:uuduududdddduud M:C| K:G H:HLQRSZ T:Humours of Loughrea
ABC 1 C1:001177016176766 C2:uuduududdddduud M:C| K:G H:HLQRSZ T:Humours of Loughrea
ABC 1 C1:001177016176766 C2:uuduududdddduud M:C| K:G H:HLQRSZ T:Humours of Loughrea
ABC 1 C1:001177016176766 C2:uuduududdddduud M:C| K:G H:HLQRSZ T:Humours of Loughrea
ABC 1 C1:617067660011707 C2:duddddduudduddu M:C| K:G H:DRSZ T:Humours of Loughrea, The
ABC 5 C1:001150026006256 C2:uuuudduddduuduu M:4/4 K:Gmaj H:LRSZ T:Humours Of Loughrea, The
ABC 5 C1:617067660011707 C2:duddddduudduddu M:C| K:G H:DRSZ T:Humours of Loughrea, The
ABC 5 C1:617067660011707 C2:duddddduudduddu M:C| K:G H:DRSZ T:Humours of Loughrea, The
ABC 94 C1:007767660011707 C2:dddddduudduuddd M:4/4 K:G H:"LR T:Humours Of Loughrea, The
ABC 5 C1:617067660011707 C2:duddddduudduddu M:C| K:G H:DRSZ T:Humours of Loughrea, The
ABC 5 C1:617067660011707 C2:duddddduudduddu M:C| K:G H:DRSZ T:Humours of Loughrea, The
ABC 1 C1:617625660011776 C2:dudduddduuddduu M: K:Gmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Loughrea
ABC 2 C1:617676770011772 C2:dudddddduuddudu M: K:Gmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Loughrea
ABC 3 C1:617625660011776 C2:dudduddduuddduu M: K:Gmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Loughrea
ABC 4 C1:617625660011776 C2:dudduddduuddduu M: K:Gmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Loughrea
ABC 5 C1:617625660011776 C2:dudduddduuddduu M: K:Gmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Loughrea
ABC 6 C1:617625660011776 C2:dudduddduuddduu M: K:Gmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Loughrea
ABC 7 C1:001170015176256 C2:uuduuudduddduud M: K:Gmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Loughrea
ABC 1 C1:617676770011772 C2:dudddddduuddudu M:4/4 K:G H:DL T:Humours Of Loughrea, The
ABC 355 C1:001170006176767 C2:uudududdddddduu M:C| K:G H:DRZ T:Humours of Loughrea
ABC 5 C1:617067660011707 C2:duddddduudduddu M:C| K:G H:DRSZ T:Humours of Loughrea, The
ABC 5 C1:617067660011707 C2:duddddduudduddu M:C| K:G H:DRSZ T:Humours of Loughrea, The
ABC 5 C1:617067660011707 C2:duddddduudduddu M:C| K:G H:DRSZ T:Humours of Loughrea, The
ABC 7356 C1:617067660011707 C2:duddddduudduddu M:C| K:G H:DRSZ T:Humours of Loughrea, The
ABC 7356 C1:617067660011707 C2:duddddduudduddu M:C| K:G H:DRSZ T:Humours of Loughrea, The
ABC 2711 C1:617067660011707 C2:duddddduudduddu M:C| K:G H:DORS T:Humours of Loughrea, The
ABC 2711 C1:617067660011707 C2:duddddduudduddu M:C| K:G H:DORS T:Humours of Loughrea, The
ABC 5 C1:617067660011707 C2:duddddduudduddu M:C| K:G H:DRSZ T:Humours of Loughrea, The
ABC 5 C1:617067660011707 C2:duddddduudduddu M:C| K:G H:DRSZ T:Humours of Loughrea, The
ABC 5851 C1:617067660011707 C2:duddddduudduddu M:C| K:G H:DRSZ T:Humours of Loughrea, The
ABC 5851 C1:617067660011707 C2:duddddduudduddu M:C| K:G H:DRSZ T:Humours of Loughrea, The
ABC 5851 C1:617067660011707 C2:duddddduudduddu M:C| K:G H:DRSZ T:Humours of Loughrea, The
ABC 5 C1:617067660011707 C2:duddddduudduddu M:C| K:G H:DRSZ T:Humours of Loughrea, The
ABC 5 C1:617067660011707 C2:duddddduudduddu M:C| K:G H:DRSZ T:Humours of Loughrea, The
ABC 4296 C1:005115777117111 C2:uuudddduuduuudd M:6/8 K:A H:LVZ T:Humours of Marybon
ABC 1 C1:005115777117111 C2:uuudddduuduuudd M:6/8 K:A H:BLRSVZ T:Humours of Marybon
ABC 1 C1:005115777117111 C2:uuudddduuduuudd M:6/8 K:A H:BLSVZ T:Humours of Marybon
ABC 1 C1:005115777117111 C2:uuudddduuduuudd M:6/8 K:A H:BLSVZ T:Humours of Marybon
ABC 4296 C1:005115777117111 C2:uuudddduuduuudd M:6/8 K:A H:LVZ T:Humours of Marybon
ABC 1 C1:005115777117111 C2:uuudddduuduuudd M:6/8 K:A H:BLSVZ T:Humours of Marybon
ABC 1 C1:005115777117111 C2:uuudddduuduuudd M:6/8 K:A H:BLSVZ T:Humours of Marybon
ABC 53 C1:005115777117111 C2:uuudddduuduuudd M:6/8 K:A H:BLRSVZ T:Humours of Marybon
ABC 76 C1:777117111677077 C2:ddduuduuudddddd M:6/8 K:A H:BLQZ T:Humours of Marybon. JJo5.076
ABC 76 C1:777117111677077 C2:ddduuduuudddddd M:6/8 K:A H:BLQZ T:Humours of Marybon. JJo5.076
ABC 121 C1:111762030711610 C2:uuudduuduuduuuu M:4/4 K:D H:LR T:The Humours Of Maryland
ABC 1 C1:001766272761754 C2:udddududduddudu M:4/4 K:D H:CLR T:Humours of Max, The
ABC 2972 C1:001766272761754 C2:udddududduddudu M:4/4 K:D H:CLR T:Humours of Max, The
ABC 2972 C1:001766272761754 C2:udddududduddudu M:4/4 K:D H:CLR T:Humours of Max, The
ABC 2712 C1:001766272761754 C2:udddududduddudu M:4/4 K:D H:CLOR T:Humours of Max, The
ABC 2712 C1:001766272761754 C2:udddududduddudu M:4/4 K:D H:CLOR T:Humours of Max, The
ABC 5852 C1:001766272761754 C2:udddududduddudu M:4/4 K:D H:CLR T:Humours of Max, The
ABC 5852 C1:001766272761754 C2:udddududduddudu M:4/4 K:D H:CLR T:Humours of Max, The
ABC 5852 C1:001766272761754 C2:udddududduddudu M:4/4 K:D H:CLR T:Humours of Max, The
ABC 413 C1: C2: M:12/8 K:G H:BHLRZ T:The humours of Milltown
ABC 1 C1: C2: M:6/8 K:Ador H:BLRZ T:Humours of Mullin-a-fauna [2], The
ABC 579 C1:307677060172711 C2:udddddududuuduu M:6/8 K:G H:"BLORSZ T:The humours of Mullinafauna
ABC 579 C1:307677060172711 C2:udddddududuuduu M:6/8 K:G H:"BLORSZ T:The humours of Mullinafauna
ABC 579 C1:307677060172711 C2:udddddududuuduu M:6/8 K:G H:"BLORSZ T:The humours of Mullinafauna
ABC 579 C1:307677060172711 C2:udddddududuuduu M:6/8 K:G H:"BLORSZ T:The humours of Mullinafauna
ABC 579 C1:307677060172711 C2:udddddududuuduu M:6/8 K:G H:"BLORSZ T:The humours of Mullinafauna
ABC 57 C1:620377071115620 C2:duuddduuudduddu M:6/8 K:D H:DLSZ T:Humours of Mullingar, The
ABC 1 C1:711006627627627 C2:duudduddudduddd M:6/8 K:D H:BLQZ T:Humours of Newbury. JJo6.1, The
ABC 1 C1:711006627627627 C2:duudduddudduddd M:6/8 K:D H:BLQZ T:Humours of Newbury. JJo6.1, The
ABC 1 C1:711006627627627 C2:duudduddudduddd M:6/8 K:D H:BLQZ T:Humours of Newbury,The. JJo6.1
ABC 1 C1:711006627627627 C2:duudduddudduddd M:6/8 K:D H:BLQZ T:Humours of Newbury,The. JJo6.1
ABC 1 C1:711667300531711 C2:duuddduduuduudd M:6/8 K:G H:BLRS T:Humours of Newtown [1], The
ABC 1 C1: C2: M:6/8 K:D H:FLRS T:Humours of Newtown [1], The
ABC 1 C1:061117060765061 C2:duuudddduduuudu M:6/8 K:B H:L T:Humours of Newtown [2]
ABC 1 C1:061117060765061 C2:duuudddduduuudu M:6/8 K:B H:L T:Humours of Newtown [2]
ABC 48321 C1:061117060765061 C2:duuudddduduuudu M:6/8 K:D H:BCLQRY T:HUMOURS OF NEWTOWN, The
ABC 48321 C1:061117060765061 C2:duuudddduduuudu M:6/8 K:D H:BCLQRY T:HUMOURS OF NEWTOWN, The
ABC 48321 C1:061117060765061 C2:duuudddduduuudu M:6/8 K:D H:BCLQRY T:HUMOURS OF NEWTOWN, The
ABC 341052 C1:073640044123277 C2:dudduduuuuddddu M:4/4 K:D H:BCLQR T:HUMOURS OF NICKEY (reel), The
ABC 341052 C1:073640044123277 C2:dudduduuuuddddu M:4/4 K:D H:BCLQR T:HUMOURS OF NICKEY (reel), The
ABC 341052 C1:073640044123277 C2:dudduduuuuddddu M:4/4 K:D H:BCLQR T:HUMOURS OF NICKEY (reel), The
ABC 100 C1:000105020401070 C2:duudddduuuuddud M:4/4 K:G H:ILZ T:The Humours of (Off To) California
ABC 100 C1:000105020401070 C2:duudddduuuuddud M:4/4 K:G H:ILZ T:The Humours of (Off To) California
ABC 100 C1:000105020401070 C2:duudddduuuuddud M:4/4 K:G H:ILZ T:The Humours of (Off To) California
ABC 100 C1:000105020401070 C2:duudddduuuuddud M:4/4 K:G H:ILZ T:The Humours of (Off To) California
ABC 100 C1:000105020401070 C2:duudddduuuuddud M:4/4 K:G H:ILZ T:The Humours of (Off To) California
ABC 100 C1:000105020401070 C2:duudddduuuuddud M:4/4 K:G H:BCILZ T:The Humours of (Off To) California Hornpipe Allan's #100 pp25
ABC 1 C1:000466440466366 C2:uddududduddudud M: K:Amix H:LR T:The Humours Of Old Knockamee
ABC 1 C1:026166210211066 C2:ududduuuuuddudd M:4/4 K:Ador H:LR T:Humours of Old Knockaney, The
ABC 53 C1:026166210211066 C2:ududduuuuuddudd M:4/4 K:A H:LRZ T:Humours of old Knockaney (The)
ABC 274 C1:026166210211066 C2:ududduuuuuddudd M:4/4 K:A H:LRZ T:Humours of old Knockaney (The)
ABC 2 C1:000711000710040 C2:duudududuuduuud M:6/8 K:Edor H:BLRS T:Humours of Passage [1]
ABC 1 C1:003301012633010 C2:uddudduuuuddddd M:2/4 K:D H:LSZ T:Humours of Passage [2], The
ABC 1 C1:003301012633010 C2:uddudduuuuddddd M:2/4 K:D H:LQSZ T:Humours of Passage [2], The
ABC 48322 C1:071621000621170 C2:duduuduuudddudu M:6/8 K:Em H:BCLQRY T:HUMOURS OF PASSAGE, The
ABC 204 C1:000621000621170 C2:duuduuuddduduuu M:6/8 K:G H:LQR T:Humours of Passage
ABC 204 C1:000621000621170 C2:duuduuuddduduuu M:6/8 K:G H:LQR T:Humours of Passage
ABC 204 C1:000621000621170 C2:duuduuuddduduuu M:6/8 K:G H:LQR T:Humours of Passage
ABC 204 C1:000621000621170 C2:duuduuuddduduuu M:6/8 K:G H:LQR T:Humours of Passage
ABC 971 C1:000621000711170 C2:duuduuuddduduuu M:6/8 K:Em H:BLRZ T:The Humours of Passage
ABC 971 C1:000621000711170 C2:duuduuuddduduuu M:6/8 K:Em H:BLRZ T:The Humours of Passage
ABC 971 C1:000621000711170 C2:duuduuuddduduuu M:6/8 K:Em H:BLRZ T:The Humours of Passage
ABC 940 C1:000621000711170 C2:duuduuuddduduuu M:6/8 K:Em H:BLRZ T:The Humours of Passage.
ABC 940 C1:000621000711170 C2:duuduuuddduduuu M:6/8 K:Em H:BLRZ T:The Humours of Passage.
ABC 204 C1:000621000621170 C2:duuduuuddduduuu M:6/8 K:G H:LQR T:Humours of Passage
ABC 204 C1:000621000621170 C2:duuduuuddduduuu M:6/8 K:G H:LQR T:Humours of Passage
ABC 48322 C1:071621000621170 C2:duduuduuudddudu M:6/8 K:Em H:BCLQRY T:HUMOURS OF PASSAGE, The
ABC 48322 C1:071621000621170 C2:duduuduuudddudu M:6/8 K:Em H:BCLQRY T:HUMOURS OF PASSAGE, The
ABC 940 C1:000621000711170 C2:duuduuuddduduuu M:6/8 K:Em H:BLRZ T:The Humours of Passage.
ABC 971 C1:000621000711170 C2:duuduuuddduduuu M:6/8 K:Em H:BLRZ T:The Humours of Passage
ABC 971 C1:000621000711170 C2:duuduuuddduduuu M:6/8 K:Em H:BLRZ T:The Humours of Passage
ABC 1 C1:111077401777277 C2:uuudddudddudddd M: K:Gmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Quarry Cross
ABC 21 C1:300262211171666 C2:uuduuuuududddud M:6/8 K:G H:"BLRZ T:Humours of Quarrycross
ABC 21 C1:300262211171666 C2:uuduuuuududddud M:6/8 K:G H:"BLRZ T:Humours of Quarrycross
ABC 21 C1:300262211171666 C2:uuduuuuududddud M:6/8 K:G H:"BLRZ T:Humours of Quarrycross
ABC 21 C1:300262211171666 C2:uuduuuuududddud M:6/8 K:G H:"BLRZ T:Humours of Quarrycross
ABC 21 C1:300262211171666 C2:uuduuuuududddud M:6/8 K:G H:"BLRZ T:Humours of Quarrycross
ABC 21 C1:300262211171666 C2:uuduuuuududddud M:6/8 K:G H:"BLRZ T:Humours of Quarrycross
ABC 21 C1:300262211171666 C2:uuduuuuududddud M:6/8 K:G H:"BLRZ T:Humours of Quarrycross
ABC 22 C1:300262211171666 C2:uuduuuuududddud M:6/8 K:G H:"BLRZ T:Humours of Quarrycross
ABC 1 C1:111117775777116 C2:uuuuuddduddduud M: K:Dmix H:LR T:The Humours Of Rahey
ABC 2 C1:600076111117775 C2:duddduuuuudddud M: K:Dmix H:LR T:The Humours Of Rahey
ABC 1 C1:302602236763202 C2:uuduuudddduudud M:6/8 K:Gmaj H:CLR T:The Humours of Ranelagh
ABC 1 C1:405107770677220 C2:duudddddduuuduu M:4/4 K:Em H:CLQR T:The Humours of Rockstown
ABC 1 C1:405107770677220 C2:duudddddduuuduu M:4/4 K:Em H:CLQR T:The Humours of Rockstown
ABC 1 C1:067722001401111 C2:ddduuuduuuuuudd M:C| K:Emin H:LRSZ T:Humours of Rockstown
ABC 1 C1:067722001401111 C2:ddduuuduuuuuudd M:C| K:Emin H:LRSZ T:Humours of Rockstown
ABC 1 C1:067722001401111 C2:ddduuuduuuuuudd M:C| K:Em H:BLRZ T:Humours of Rockstown -- Reel
ABC 1 C1:067722001401111 C2:ddduuuduuuuuudd M:C| K:Em H:BLRZ T:Humours of Rockstown -- Reel
ABC 1 C1:067722001401111 C2:ddduuuduuuuuudd M:C| K:Em H:BLRZ T:Humours of Rockstown -- Reel
ABC 1 C1:067722001401111 C2:ddduuuduuuuuudd M:C| K:Em H:BLRZ T:Humours of Rockstown -- Reel
ABC 1 C1:067722001401111 C2:ddduuuduuuuuudd M:C| K:Em H:BLRZ T:Humours of Rockstown -- Reel
ABC 1 C1:067722001401111 C2:ddduuuduuuuuudd M:C| K:Em H:BLRZ T:Humours of Rockstown -- Reel
ABC 1 C1:067722001401111 C2:ddduuuduuuuuudd M:C| K:Em H:BLRZ T:Humours of Rockstown -- Reel
ABC 48323 C1:626262620277620 C2:dudududuudddudu M:6/8 K:G H:BCLQR T:HUMOURS OF ROSS, The
ABC 1 C1:620620620277620 C2:dududuudddududd M:6/8 K:G H:LRSZ T:Humours of Ross, The
ABC 48323 C1:626262620277620 C2:dudududuudddudu M:6/8 K:G H:BCLQR T:HUMOURS OF ROSS, The
ABC 48323 C1:626262620277620 C2:dudududuudddudu M:6/8 K:G H:BCLQR T:HUMOURS OF ROSS, The
ABC 1 C1:712062244766172 C2:duuduududddudud M: K:Emin H:LR T:The Humours Of Ross
ABC 1 C1:004777042711437 C2:duudddduduuuddu M: K:Dmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Salt Lake
ABC 71 C1:026220020061006 C2:uduuudududdduuu M:4/4 K:Dmix H:CLR T:The Humours of Sarajevo
ABC 97 C1:673625363011077 C2:ddudududuuudddd M:C K:D H:L T:Humours of Scariff
ABC 35 C1:673625363011077 C2:ddudududuuudddd M:C| K:DDor H:LR T:Humours of Scariff, The
ABC 35 C1:673625363011077 C2:ddudududuuudddd M:C| K:DDor H:LR T:Humours of Scariff, The
ABC 35 C1:673625363011077 C2:ddudududuuudddd M:C| K:DDor H:LR T:Humours of Scariff, The
ABC 35 C1:673625363011077 C2:ddudududuuudddd M:C| K:DDor H:LR T:Humours of Scariff, The
ABC 35 C1:673625363011077 C2:ddudududuuudddd M:C| K:DDor H:LR T:Humours of Scariff, The
ABC 35 C1:673625363011077 C2:ddudududuuudddd M:C| K:DDor H:LR T:Humours of Scariff, The
ABC 35 C1:673625363011077 C2:ddudududuuudddd M:C| K:DDor H:LR T:Humours of Scariff, The
ABC 35 C1:673625363011077 C2:ddudududuuudddd M:C| K:DDor H:LR T:Humours of Scariff, The
ABC 35 C1:673625363011077 C2:ddudududuuudddd M:C| K:DDor H:LR T:Humours of Scariff, The
ABC 35 C1:673625363011077 C2:ddudududuuudddd M:C| K:DDor H:LR T:Humours of Scariff, The
ABC 35 C1:673625363011077 C2:ddudududuuudddd M:C| K:DDor H:LR T:Humours of Scariff, The
ABC 35 C1:673625363011077 C2:ddudududuuudddd M:C| K:DDor H:LR T:Humours of Scariff, The
ABC 35 C1:673625363011077 C2:ddudududuuudddd M:C| K:DDor H:LR T:Humours of Scariff, The
ABC 35 C1:673625363011077 C2:ddudududuuudddd M:C| K:DDor H:LR T:Humours of Scariff, The
ABC 35 C1:673625363011077 C2:ddudududuuudddd M:C| K:DDor H:LR T:Humours of Scariff, The
ABC 35 C1:673625363011077 C2:ddudududuuudddd M:C| K:DDor H:LR T:Humours of Scariff, The
ABC 35 C1:673625363011077 C2:ddudududuuudddd M:C| K:DDor H:LR T:Humours of Scariff, The
ABC 35 C1:673625363011077 C2:ddudududuuudddd M:C| K:DDor H:LR T:Humours of Scariff, The
ABC 7357 C1:673625363011077 C2:ddudududuuudddd M:C K:D H:L T:Humours of Scariff
ABC 7357 C1:673625363011077 C2:ddudududuuudddd M:C K:D H:L T:Humours of Scariff
ABC 1 C1:673625362111177 C2:ddudududuuuuudd M:C| K:Ddor H:DRZ T:Humours of Scarrif, The
ABC 162 C1:673625362111177 C2:ddudududuuuuudd M:C| K:Ddor H:DRZ T:Humours of Scarrif, The
ABC 162 C1:673625362111177 C2:ddudududuuuuudd M:C| K:Ddor H:DRZ T:Humours of Scarrif, The
ABC 162 C1:673625362111177 C2:ddudududuuuuudd M:C| K:Ddor H:DRZ T:Humours of Scarrif, The
ABC 162 C1:673625362111177 C2:ddudududuuuuudd M:C| K:Ddor H:DRZ T:Humours of Scarrif, The
ABC 2441 C1:673625362111177 C2:ddudududuuuuudd M:C| K:Ddor H:DRZ T:Humours of Scarrif, The
ABC 2441 C1:673625362111177 C2:ddudududuuuuudd M:C| K:Ddor H:DRZ T:Humours of Scarrif, The
ABC 162 C1:673625362111177 C2:ddudududuuuuudd M:C| K:Ddor H:DRZ T:Humours of Scarrif, The
ABC 162 C1:673625362111177 C2:ddudududuuuuudd M:C| K:Ddor H:DRZ T:Humours of Scarrif, The
ABC 162 C1:673625362111177 C2:ddudududuuuuudd M:C| K:Ddor H:DRZ T:Humours of Scarrif, The
ABC 7358 C1:673625362111177 C2:ddudududuuuuudd M:C| K:Ddor H:DRZ T:Humours of Scarrif, The
ABC 7359 C1:673625362111177 C2:ddudududuuuuudd M:C| K:Ddor H:DRZ T:Humours of Scarrif, The
ABC 7358 C1:673625362111177 C2:ddudududuuuuudd M:C| K:Ddor H:DRZ T:Humours of Scarrif, The
ABC 7359 C1:673625362111177 C2:ddudududuuuuudd M:C| K:Ddor H:DRZ T:Humours of Scarrif, The
ABC 2713 C1:673625362111177 C2:ddudududuuuuudd M:C| K:Ddor H:DOR T:Humours of Scarrif, The
ABC 2713 C1:673625362111177 C2:ddudududuuuuudd M:C| K:Ddor H:DOR T:Humours of Scarrif, The
ABC 162 C1:673625362111177 C2:ddudududuuuuudd M:C| K:Ddor H:DRZ T:Humours of Scarrif, The
ABC 162 C1:673625362111177 C2:ddudududuuuuudd M:C| K:Ddor H:DRZ T:Humours of Scarrif, The
ABC 5853 C1:673625362111177 C2:ddudududuuuuudd M:C| K:Ddor H:DRZ T:Humours of Scarrif, The
ABC 5853 C1:673625362111177 C2:ddudududuuuuudd M:C| K:Ddor H:DRZ T:Humours of Scarrif, The
ABC 5853 C1:673625362111177 C2:ddudududuuuuudd M:C| K:Ddor H:DRZ T:Humours of Scarrif, The
ABC 162 C1:673625362111177 C2:ddudududuuuuudd M:C| K:Ddor H:DRZ T:Humours of Scarrif, The
ABC 162 C1:673625362111177 C2:ddudududuuuuudd M:C| K:Ddor H:DRZ T:Humours of Scarrif, The
ABC 1 C1:673625363110777 C2:ddudududuuudddd M:4/4 K:Ddor H:LR T:The Humours of Scarriff
ABC 1 C1:001107776736115 C2:uuddddduduududu M:4/4 K:C H:LQR T:Humours Of Scarriff, The
ABC 1 C1:673625363011077 C2:ddudududuuudddd M:C K:DDor H:LQR T:HUMOURS OF SCARRIFF
ABC 10 C1:001107776772115 C2:uudddddduuududu M:4/4 K:C H:DRSZ T:The Humours Of Scarriff
ABC 10 C1:001107776772115 C2:uudddddduuududu M:4/4 K:C H:DRSZ T:The Humours Of Scarriff
ABC 10 C1:001107776772115 C2:uudddddduuududu M:4/4 K:C H:DRSZ T:The Humours Of Scarriff
ABC 1 C1:001107776772115 C2:uudddddduuududu M:4/4 K:C H:DRSZ T:The Humours Of Scarriff
ABC 1 C1:001107776772115 C2:uudddddduuududu M:4/4 K:C H:DRSZ T:The Humours Of Scarriff
ABC 67 C1:673625363011077 C2:ddudududuuudddd M:C K:DDor H:LR T:HUMOURS OF SCARRIFF
ABC 10 C1:001107776772115 C2:uudddddduuududu M:4/4 K:C H:DRSZ T:The Humours Of Scarriff
ABC 10 C1:001107776772115 C2:uudddddduuududu M:4/4 K:C H:DRSZ T:The Humours Of Scarriff
ABC 50 C1:001107776772115 C2:uudddddduuududu M:4/4 K:C H:DRSZ T:The Humours Of Scarriff
ABC 10 C1:673625363011617 C2:ddudududuuududd M:4/4 K:Ddor H:L T:The Humours Of Scarriff
ABC 3 C1:231107776736253 C2:uuuudddddududud M: K:Ddor H:LR T:The Humours Of Scarriff
ABC 4 C1:673625363011077 C2:ddudududuuudddd M: K:Bmin H:LR T:The Humours Of Scarriff
ABC 5 C1:600026736301107 C2:dudduduuudddddd M: K:Emin H:LR T:The Humours Of Scarriff
ABC 6 C1:253625363011077 C2:ududududuuudddd M: K:Ddor H:LR T:The Humours Of Scarriff
ABC 7 C1:673625363010711 C2:ddudududuuduudd M: K:Ddor H:LR T:The Humours Of Scarriff
ABC 8 C1:301107752536253 C2:uuudddududududu M: K:Edor H:LR T:The Humours Of Scarriff
ABC 9 C1:301107752536253 C2:uuudddududududu M: K:Edor H:LR T:The Humours Of Scarriff
ABC 1 C1:673625363011617 C2:ddudududuuududd M:4/4 K:Ddor H:LR T:Humours Of Scarriff, The
ABC 1 C1:673625013011077 C2:ddududuuuuddddd M: K:Ddor H:LR T:The Humours Of Scarriff
ABC 2 C1:673625363011617 C2:ddudududuuududd M: K:Ddor H:LR T:The Humours Of Scarriff
ABC 735 C1:673625363011077 C2:ddudududuuudddd M:C K:D H:LZ T:Humours of Scarriff
ABC 150 C1:673625363011077 C2:ddudududuuudddd M:C K:D H:LZ T:Humours of Scarriff
ABC 150 C1:673625363011077 C2:ddudududuuudddd M:C K:D H:LZ T:Humours of Scarriff
ABC 101 C1:673625013011077 C2:ddududuuuuddddu M:4/4 K:Ddor H:"HLRZ T:Humours Of Scarriff, The
ABC 9539 C1:001107776772115 C2:uudddddduuududu M:4/4 K:C H:DRSZ T:The Humours Of Scarriff
ABC 9539 C1:001107776772115 C2:uudddddduuududu M:4/4 K:C H:DRSZ T:The Humours Of Scarriff
ABC 10 C1:001107776772115 C2:uudddddduuududu M:4/4 K:C H:DRSZ T:The Humours Of Scarriff
ABC 7360 C1:673625363011077 C2:ddudududuuudddd M:C K:D H:LZ T:Humours of Scarriff
ABC 7360 C1:673625363011077 C2:ddudududuuudddd M:C K:D H:LZ T:Humours of Scarriff
ABC 2714 C1:001107776736115 C2:uuddddduduududu M:4/4 K:C H:LOQR T:Humours Of Scarriff, The
ABC 6935 C1:001107776772115 C2:uudddddduuududu M:4/4 K:C H:DORS T:The Humours Of Scarriff
ABC 6936 C1:673625363110777 C2:ddudududuuudddd M:4/4 K:Ddor H:LOR T:The Humours of Scarriff
ABC 2714 C1:001107776736115 C2:uuddddduduududu M:4/4 K:C H:LOQR T:Humours Of Scarriff, The
ABC 6935 C1:001107776772115 C2:uudddddduuududu M:4/4 K:C H:DORS T:The Humours Of Scarriff
ABC 6936 C1:673625363110777 C2:ddudududuuudddd M:4/4 K:Ddor H:LOR T:The Humours of Scarriff
ABC 5854 C1:001107776736115 C2:uuddddduduududu M:4/4 K:C H:LQR T:Humours Of Scarriff, The
ABC 13532 C1:001107776772115 C2:uudddddduuududu M:4/4 K:C H:DRSZ T:The Humours Of Scarriff
ABC 13533 C1:673625363110777 C2:ddudududuuudddd M:4/4 K:Ddor H:LR T:The Humours of Scarriff
ABC 13534 C1:001107776772115 C2:uudddddduuududu M:4/4 K:C H:DRSZ T:The Humours Of Scarriff
ABC 5854 C1:001107776736115 C2:uuddddduduududu M:4/4 K:C H:LQR T:Humours Of Scarriff, The
ABC 13532 C1:001107776772115 C2:uudddddduuududu M:4/4 K:C H:DRSZ T:The Humours Of Scarriff
ABC 13533 C1:673625363110777 C2:ddudududuuudddd M:4/4 K:Ddor H:LR T:The Humours of Scarriff
ABC 13534 C1:001107776772115 C2:uudddddduuududu M:4/4 K:C H:DRSZ T:The Humours Of Scarriff
ABC 5854 C1:001107776736115 C2:uuddddduduududu M:4/4 K:C H:LQR T:Humours Of Scarriff, The
ABC 13532 C1:001107776772115 C2:uudddddduuududu M:4/4 K:C H:DRSZ T:The Humours Of Scarriff
ABC 13533 C1:673625363110777 C2:ddudududuuudddd M:4/4 K:Ddor H:LR T:The Humours of Scarriff
ABC 13534 C1:001107776772115 C2:uudddddduuududu M:4/4 K:C H:DRSZ T:The Humours Of Scarriff
ABC 1093 C1:673625363011077 C2:ddudududuuudddd M:C K:D H:LOZ T:Humours of Scarriff
ABC 16869 C1:673625363110777 C2:ddudududuuudddd M:4/4 K:Ddor H:LR T:The Humours of Scarriff
ABC 16870 C1:001107776772115 C2:uudddddduuududu M:4/4 K:C H:DRSZ T:The Humours Of Scarriff
ABC 16869 C1:673625363110777 C2:ddudududuuudddd M:4/4 K:Ddor H:LR T:The Humours of Scarriff
ABC 16870 C1:001107776772115 C2:uudddddduuududu M:4/4 K:C H:DRSZ T:The Humours Of Scarriff
ABC 16869 C1:673625363110777 C2:ddudududuuudddd M:4/4 K:Ddor H:LR T:The Humours of Scarriff
ABC 16870 C1:001107776772115 C2:uudddddduuududu M:4/4 K:C H:DRSZ T:The Humours Of Scarriff
ABC 16869 C1:673625363110777 C2:ddudududuuudddd M:4/4 K:Ddor H:LR T:The Humours of Scarriff
ABC 16870 C1:001107776772115 C2:uudddddduuududu M:4/4 K:C H:DRSZ T:The Humours Of Scarriff
ABC 1 C1:053625363011167 C2:dudududuuuudddd M:4/4 K:D H:"CDLQRZ T:Humours of Scarriff (D dor)
ABC 1 C1:001107776736253 C2:uudddddudududuu M:C| K:Ddor H:"LRSZ T:the Humours of Scarriff (S\'agra Scairb)
ABC 1 C1:001107776736253 C2:uudddddudududuu M:C| K:Ddor H:"LRSZ T:the Humours of Scarriff (S\'agra Scairb)
ABC 1 C1:673625363011077 C2:ddudududuuudddd M:4/4 K:Ddor H:R T:Humours of Scarriff (The)
ABC 119 C1:676011672716076 C2:ddduuddudududud M:C| K:D H:"BLORSZ T:The humours of Scartaglen
ABC 119 C1:676011672716076 C2:ddduuddudududud M:C| K:D H:"BLORSZ T:The humours of Scartaglen
ABC 119 C1:676011672716076 C2:ddduuddudududud M:C| K:D H:"BLORSZ T:The humours of Scartaglen
ABC 119 C1:676011672716076 C2:ddduuddudududud M:C| K:D H:"BLORSZ T:The humours of Scartaglen
ABC 1 C1:271607616076116 C2:ududududdduuddu M:4/4 K:D H:"CDLOQRSZ T:The Humours of Scartaglen
ABC 1 C1:676011672716076 C2:ddduuddudududud M:4/4 K:D H:LR T:Humours of Scartaglen
ABC 1 C1:676011672716076 C2:ddduuddudududud M:4/4 K:D H:LR T:Humours of Scartaglen
ABC 1 C1:676011672716076 C2:ddduuddudududud M:4/4 K:D H:LR T:Humours of Scartaglen
ABC 119 C1:676011672716076 C2:ddduuddudududud M:C| K:D H:"BLORSZ T:The humours of Scartaglen
ABC 42 C1:242706212451111 C2:uddududdduuuddd M:2/4 K:G H:CLR T:Humours Of Shangri-La, The
ABC 65042 C1:242706212451111 C2:uddududdduuuddd M:2/4 K:G H:CLQR T:HUMOURS OF SHANGRI-LA (polka), The
ABC 65042 C1:242706212451111 C2:uddududdduuuddd M:2/4 K:G H:CLQR T:HUMOURS OF SHANGRI-LA (polka), The
ABC 65042 C1:242706212451111 C2:uddududdduuuddd M:2/4 K:G H:CLQR T:HUMOURS OF SHANGRI-LA (polka), The
ABC 48324 C1:061773027777170 C2:dudduudddduduud M:6/8 K:G H:BCLQRY T:HUMOURS OF SHANNON, The
ABC 1 C1:061773027777170 C2:dudduudddduduud M:6/8 K:G H:LRSZ T:Humours of Shannon, The
ABC 48324 C1:061773027777170 C2:dudduudddduduud M:6/8 K:G H:BCLQRY T:HUMOURS OF SHANNON, The
ABC 48324 C1:061773027777170 C2:dudduudddduduud M:6/8 K:G H:BCLQRY T:HUMOURS OF SHANNON, The
ABC 167 C1:623176070623176 C2:duuudddduuudddu M:9/8 K:D H:LR T:The Humours Of Solitude
ABC 1 C1:562667101011116 C2:dduddduuuuuuddd M: K:Gmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Spennymoor
ABC 5855 C1:562667101011116 C2:dduddduuuuuuddd M:6/8 K:Gmaj H:LR T:Humours Of Spennymoor, The
ABC 5855 C1:562667101011116 C2:dduddduuuuuuddd M:6/8 K:Gmaj H:LR T:Humours Of Spennymoor, The
ABC 5855 C1:562667101011116 C2:dduddduuuuuuddd M:6/8 K:Gmaj H:LR T:Humours Of Spennymoor, The
ABC 1 C1:762266307630762 C2:dduuddudduddudd M: K:Cmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Swanlinbar
ABC 2 C1:762266037621762 C2:dduuddudduuddud M: K:Dmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Swanlinbar
ABC 350 C1:300170121017762 C2:uudduuuuudddudd M:6/8 K:Ador H:LQR T:Humours of Tallow
ABC 350 C1:300170121017762 C2:uudduuuuudddudd M:6/8 K:Ador H:LQR T:Humours of Tallow
ABC 350 C1:300170121017762 C2:uudduuuuudddudd M:6/8 K:Ador H:LQR T:Humours of Tallow
ABC 350 C1:300170121017762 C2:uudduuuuudddudd M:6/8 K:Ador H:LQR T:Humours of Tallow
ABC 48418 C1:300161121017762 C2:uuduuuuuddduddd M:6/8 K:Ador H:BCLQRY T:HUMOURS OF TALLOW, The
ABC 1 C1:300170121017762 C2:uudduuuuudddudd M:6/8 K:Amin H:LRSZ T:Humours of Tallow
ABC 350 C1:300170121017762 C2:uudduuuuudddudd M:6/8 K:Ador H:LQR T:Humours of Tallow
ABC 350 C1:300170121017762 C2:uudduuuuudddudd M:6/8 K:Ador H:LQR T:Humours of Tallow
ABC 48418 C1:300161121017762 C2:uuduuuuuddduddd M:6/8 K:Ador H:BCLQRY T:HUMOURS OF TALLOW, The
ABC 48418 C1:300161121017762 C2:uuduuuuuddduddd M:6/8 K:Ador H:BCLQRY T:HUMOURS OF TALLOW, The
ABC 341 C1:772101773677117 C2:dduuuduuddudddu M:3/4 K:Dm H:"CLQS T:Humours of the Age
ABC 341 C1:772101773677117 C2:dduuuduuddudddu M:3/4 K:Dm H:"CLQS T:Humours of the Age
ABC 341 C1:772101773677117 C2:dduuuduuddudddu M:3/4 K:Dm H:"CLQS T:Humours of the Age
ABC 585 C1:772101773677117 C2:dduuuduuddudddu M:3/4 K:Dm H:"CLQRS T:Humours of the Age
ABC 585 C1:772101773677117 C2:dduuuduuddudddu M:3/4 K:Dm H:"CLQRS T:Humours of the Age
ABC 1 C1:077771115773663 C2:uddduuuddduddud M:6/8 K:Eb H:LSZ T:Humours of the Bath, or The Spring's a-Coming
ABC 128 C1:077777177171177 C2:uddddudduduuddu M:6/8 K:G H:BLQWZ T:Humours of the Bath. PFD3.128
ABC 128 C1:077777177171177 C2:uddddudduduuddu M:6/8 K:G H:BLQWZ T:Humours of the Bath. PFD3.128
ABC 1 C1:056306630661677 C2:ddudduddudddudd M:2/4 K:G H: T:the Humour's of the point
ABC 3437 C1:056306630661677 C2:ddudduddudddudd M:2/4 K:G H:BLRSZ T:the Humour's of the point
ABC 1 C1:516167515166070 C2:ddudduddudddudd M:2/4 K:G H:BLRZ T:Humours of the Point, The
ABC 0437 C1:056306630661677 C2:ddudduddudddudd M:2/4 K:G H:ILQZ T:The Humour's of the point.
ABC 0437 C1:056306630661677 C2:ddudduddudddudd M:2/4 K:G H:ILQZ T:The Humour's of the point.
ABC 0437 C1:056306630661677 C2:ddudduddudddudd M:2/4 K:G H:ILQZ T:The Humour's of the point.
ABC 0437 C1:056306630661677 C2:ddudduddudddudd M:2/4 K:G H:ILQZ T:The Humour's of the point.
ABC 0437 C1:056306630661677 C2:ddudduddudddudd M:2/4 K:G H:ILQZ T:The Humour's of the point.
ABC 0437 C1:056306630661677 C2:ddudduddudddudd M:2/4 K:G H:ILQZ T:The Humour's of the point.
ABC 0437 C1:056306630661677 C2:ddudduddudddudd M:2/4 K:G H:ILQZ T:The Humour's of the point.
ABC 0437 C1:056306630661677 C2:ddudduddudddudd M:2/4 K:G H:ILQZ T:The Humour's of the point.
ABC 0437 C1:056306630661677 C2:ddudduddudddudd M:2/4 K:G H:ILQZ T:The Humour's of the point.
ABC 3437 C1:056306630661677 C2:ddudduddudddudd M:2/4 K:G H:BLRSZ T:the Humour's of the point
ABC 3437 C1:056306630661677 C2:ddudduddudddudd M:2/4 K:G H:BLRSZ T:the Humour's of the point
ABC 754 C1:056306630661677 C2:ddudduddudddudd M:2/4 K:G H: T:the Humour's of the point
ABC 754 C1:056306630661677 C2:ddudduddudddudd M:2/4 K:G H: T:the Humour's of the point
ABC 7306 C1:056306630661677 C2:ddudduddudddudd M:2/4 K:G H: T:Humour's of the point, The
ABC 7306 C1:056306630661677 C2:ddudduddudddudd M:2/4 K:G H: T:Humour's of the point, The
ABC 6930 C1:056306630661677 C2:ddudduddudddudd M:2/4 K:G H:O T:the Humour's of the point
ABC 6930 C1:056306630661677 C2:ddudduddudddudd M:2/4 K:G H:O T:the Humour's of the point
ABC 3437 C1:056306630661677 C2:ddudduddudddudd M:2/4 K:G H:BLRSZ T:The Humour's of the point
ABC 3437 C1:056306630661677 C2:ddudduddudddudd M:2/4 K:G H:BLRSZ T:The Humour's of the point
ABC 13523 C1:056306630661677 C2:ddudduddudddudd M:2/4 K:G H: T:the Humour's of the point
ABC 3903 C1:056306630661677 C2:ddudduddudddudd M:2/4 K:G H:BFZ T:the Humour's of the point
ABC 3903 C1:056306630661677 C2:ddudduddudddudd M:2/4 K:G H:BFZ T:the Humour's of the point
ABC 13523 C1:056306630661677 C2:ddudduddudddudd M:2/4 K:G H: T:the Humour's of the point
ABC 13523 C1:056306630661677 C2:ddudduddudddudd M:2/4 K:G H: T:the Humour's of the point
ABC 37 C1:056306630661677 C2:ddudduddudddudd M:2/4 K:G H:BZ T:the Humour's of the point
ABC 1 C1:711171111171176 C2:duuuduuuuuduudd M:4/4 K:Edor H:ACLORS T:Humours of Tollykrine
ABC 2715 C1:711171111171176 C2:duuuduuuuuduudd M:4/4 K:Edor H:ACLORS T:Humours of Tollykrine
ABC 2715 C1:711171111171176 C2:duuuduuuuuduudd M:4/4 K:Edor H:ACLORS T:Humours of Tollykrine
ABC 5856 C1:711171111171176 C2:duuuduuuuuduudd M:4/4 K:Edor H:ACLORS T:Humours of Tollykrine
ABC 5856 C1:711171111171176 C2:duuuduuuuuduudd M:4/4 K:Edor H:ACLORS T:Humours of Tollykrine
ABC 5856 C1:711171111171176 C2:duuuduuuuuduudd M:4/4 K:Edor H:ACLORS T:Humours of Tollykrine
ABC 1 C1:776700427722003 C2:dddddudduuuuddd M:4/4 K:Dmaj H:LR T:Humours Of Toomagh [1], The
ABC 1 C1:676200176532004 C2:ddduudduduudddd M:C| K:C H:DHLRZ T:Humours of Toomagh [2], The
ABC 1 C1:676200176532004 C2:ddduudduduudddd M:C| K:C H:DHRZ T:Humours of Toomagh, The
ABC 1 C1:676200176532004 C2:ddduudduduudddd M:C| K:C H:DHRZ T:Humours of Toomagh, The
ABC 1 C1:676200176532004 C2:ddduudduduudddd M:C| K:C H:DHRZ T:Humours of Toomagh, The
ABC 481 C1:676200176532004 C2:ddduudduduudddd M:C| K:C H:DHRZ T:Humours of Toomagh, The
ABC 481 C1:676200176532004 C2:ddduudduduudddd M:C| K:C H:DHRZ T:Humours of Toomagh, The
ABC 481 C1:676200176532004 C2:ddduudduduudddd M:C| K:C H:DHRZ T:Humours of Toomagh, The
ABC 481 C1:676200176532004 C2:ddduudduduudddd M:C| K:C H:DHRZ T:Humours of Toomagh, The
ABC 1 C1:776700427722003 C2:dddddudduuuuddd M: K:Dmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Toomagh
ABC 2 C1:776700607722003 C2:ddddddduuuudddd M: K:Dmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Toomagh
ABC 18 C1:776700607722003 C2:ddddddduuuudddd M:4/4 K:Dmaj H:"HLRZ T:Humours Of Toomagh, The
ABC 481 C1:676200176532004 C2:ddduudduduudddd M:C| K:C H:DHRZ T:Humours of Toomagh, The
ABC 481 C1:676200176532004 C2:ddduudduduudddd M:C| K:C H:DHRZ T:Humours of Toomagh, The
ABC 481 C1:676200176532004 C2:ddduudduduudddd M:C| K:C H:DHRZ T:Humours of Toomagh, The
ABC 481 C1:676200176532004 C2:ddduudduduudddd M:C| K:C H:DHRZ T:Humours of Toomagh, The
ABC 481 C1:676200176532004 C2:ddduudduduudddd M:C| K:C H:DHRZ T:Humours of Toomagh, The
ABC 481 C1:676200176532004 C2:ddduudduduudddd M:C| K:C H:DHRZ T:Humours of Toomagh, The
ABC 481 C1:676200176532004 C2:ddduudduduudddd M:C| K:C H:DHRZ T:Humours of Toomagh, The
ABC 2519 C1:676200176532004 C2:ddduudduduudddd M:C| K:C H:DHRZ T:Humours of Toomagh, The
ABC 3116 C1:676200176532004 C2:ddduudduduudddd M:C| K:C H:DHRZ T:Humours of Toomagh, The
ABC 3116 C1:676200176532004 C2:ddduudduduudddd M:C| K:C H:DHRZ T:Humours of Toomagh, The
ABC 3116 C1:676200176532004 C2:ddduudduduudddd M:C| K:C H:DHRZ T:Humours of Toomagh, The
ABC 2519 C1:676200176532004 C2:ddduudduduudddd M:C| K:C H:DHRZ T:Humours of Toomagh, The
ABC 2519 C1:676200176532004 C2:ddduudduduudddd M:C| K:C H:DHRZ T:Humours of Toomagh, The
ABC 1095 C1:676200176532004 C2:ddduudduduudddd M:C| K:C H:DHORZ T:Humours of Toomagh, The
ABC 481 C1:676200176532004 C2:ddduudduduudddd M:C| K:C H:DHRZ T:Humours of Toomagh, The
ABC 481 C1:676200176532004 C2:ddduudduduudddd M:C| K:C H:DHRZ T:Humours of Toomagh, The
ABC 2 C1:000762111011267 C2:dduuuuuuudddddd M:6/8 K:Amin H:LRZ T:Humours Of Tralee, The
ABC 2 C1:000762111011267 C2:dduuuuuuudddddd M:6/8 K:Amin H:LRZ T:Humours Of Tralee, The
ABC 237 C1:000762111011267 C2:dduuuuuuudddddd M:6/8 K:Amin H:LRZ T:Humours Of Tralee, The
ABC 686 C1:660227660227774 C2:dduuddduudddudd M:6/8 K:D H:"BLORSZ T:The humours of Tralibane
ABC 686 C1:660227660227774 C2:dduuddduudddudd M:6/8 K:D H:"BLORSZ T:The humours of Tralibane
ABC 686 C1:660227660227774 C2:dduuddduudddudd M:6/8 K:D H:"BLORSZ T:The humours of Tralibane
ABC 686 C1:660227660227774 C2:dduuddduudddudd M:6/8 K:D H:"BLORSZ T:The humours of Tralibane
ABC 1 C1:660227660227774 C2:dduuddduudddudd M: K:Amix H:LR T:The Humours Of Tralibane
ABC 2 C1:660227660227773 C2:dduuddduudddudd M: K:Amix H:LR T:The Humours Of Tralibane
ABC 3 C1:660227660227774 C2:dduuddduudddudd M: K:Amix H:LR T:The Humours Of Tralibane
ABC 686 C1:660227660227774 C2:dduuddduudddudd M:6/8 K:D H:"BLORSZ T:The humours of Tralibane
ABC 142 C1:077677006174061 C2:udddddudududdud M:6/8 K:D H:RZ T:Humours of Trim
ABC 1 C1:077677006174061 C2:udddddudududdud M:6/8 K:D H:LR T:Humours of Trim, The
ABC 1 C1:077677006174061 C2:udddddudududdud M:6/8 K:D H:RZ T:Humours of Trim, The
ABC 1 C1:077677060174177 C2:uddddduduuddddu M:6/8 K:D H:"LR T:Humours of Trim
ABC 1 C1:077677060174177 C2:uddddduduuddddu M:6/8 K:D H:"LR T:Humours of Trim
ABC 1 C1:077677060174177 C2:uddddduduuddddu M:6/8 K:D H:"LR T:Humours of Trim
ABC 1 C1:077677060174177 C2:uddddduduuddddu M:6/8 K:D H:"LR T:Humours of Trim
ABC 1 C1:077677060174177 C2:uddddduduuddddu M:6/8 K:D H:"LR T:Humours of Trim
ABC 1 C1:060170077677060 C2:dududdddduduudd M:6/8 K:D H:"LRZ T:the Humours of Trim
ABC 1 C1:060170077677060 C2:dududdddduduudd M:6/8 K:D H:"LRZ T:the Humours of Trim
ABC 1 C1:060170077677060 C2:dududdddduduudd M:6/8 K:D H:"LRZ T:the Humours of Trim
ABC 1 C1:060170077677060 C2:dududdddduduudd M:6/8 K:D H:"LRZ T:the Humours of Trim
ABC 1 C1:060170077677060 C2:dududdddduduudd M:6/8 K:D H:"LRZ T:the Humours of Trim
ABC 1 C1:060170077677060 C2:dududdddduduudd M:6/8 K:D H:"LRZ T:the Humours of Trim
ABC 1 C1:077677060174177 C2:uddddduduuddddu M:6/8 K:D H:"LR T:Humours of Trim
ABC 1 C1:070711060172070 C2:dduudududuuuuud M:6/8 K:D H:"LOR T:Humours of Trim
ABC 1 C1:070711060172070 C2:dduudududuuuuud M:6/8 K:D H:"LOR T:Humours of Trim
ABC 1 C1:070711060172070 C2:dduudududuuuuud M:6/8 K:D H:"LOR T:Humours of Trim
ABC 1 C1:070711060172070 C2:dduudududuuuuud M:6/8 K:D H:"LOR T:Humours of Trim
ABC 1 C1:060170077677060 C2:dududdddduduudd M:6/8 K:D H:"LR T:Humours of Trim
ABC 1 C1:077677710774061 C2:uddddduddududdu M:6/8 K:D H:"L T:Humours of Trim, The
ABC 687 C1:077677716174061 C2:udddddududududd M:6/8 K:D H:"BDLORSZ T:The humours of Trim
ABC 687 C1:077677716174061 C2:udddddududududd M:6/8 K:D H:"BDLORSZ T:The humours of Trim
ABC 687 C1:077677716174061 C2:udddddududududd M:6/8 K:D H:"BDLORSZ T:The humours of Trim
ABC 687 C1:077677716174061 C2:udddddududududd M:6/8 K:D H:"BDLORSZ T:The humours of Trim
ABC 1 C1:070711060002070 C2:dduududuuuuuddd M:6/8 K:D H:"LRS T:Humours of Trim
ABC 1 C1:070711060002070 C2:dduududuuuuuddd M:6/8 K:D H:"LRS T:Humours of Trim
ABC 1 C1:070711060002070 C2:dduududuuuuuddd M:6/8 K:D H:"LRS T:Humours of Trim
ABC 1 C1:070711060002070 C2:dduududuuuuuddd M:6/8 K:D H:"LRS T:Humours of Trim
ABC 1 C1:070711060002070 C2:dduududuuuuuddd M:6/8 K:D H:"LRS T:Humours of Trim
ABC 1 C1:070711060002070 C2:dduududuuuuuddd M:6/8 K:D H:"LRS T:Humours of Trim
ABC 1 C1:070711060002070 C2:dduududuuuuuddd M:6/8 K:D H:"LRS T:Humours of Trim
ABC 1 C1:070711060002070 C2:dduududuuuuuddd M:6/8 K:D H:"LRS T:Humours of Trim
ABC 1 C1:070711060002070 C2:dduududuuuuuddd M:6/8 K:D H:"LRS T:Humours of Trim
ABC 1 C1:070711060002070 C2:dduududuuuuuddd M:6/8 K:D H:"LRS T:Humours of Trim
ABC 1 C1:070711060002070 C2:dduududuuuuuddd M:6/8 K:D H:"LRS T:Humours of Trim
ABC 1 C1:070711060002070 C2:dduududuuuuuddd M:6/8 K:D H:"LRS T:Humours of Trim
ABC 1 C1:060170077677060 C2:dududdddduduudd M:6/8 K:D H:"LR T:Humours of Trim
ABC 1 C1:070711060172070 C2:dduudududuuuuud M:6/8 K:D H:"LOR T:Humours of Trim
ABC 185 C1:716170077677716 C2:dudududddddudud M:6/8 K:D H:LR T:The Humours of Trim
ABC 1 C1:716170077677716 C2:dudududddddudud M:6/8 K:Dmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Trim
ABC 2080 C1:716170077677716 C2:dudududddddudud M:6/8 K:D H:LR T:The Humours of Trim
ABC 1 C1:716170077677716 C2:dudududddddudud M:6/8 K:Dmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Trim
ABC 42 C1:077677006112061 C2:uddddduuududdud M:6/8 K:DMaj H:"LR T:Humours of Trim, The
ABC 42 C1:077677006112061 C2:uddddduuududdud M:6/8 K:DMaj H:"LR T:Humours of Trim, The
ABC 247 C1:077677006174061 C2:udddddudududdud M:6/8 K:D H:RZ T:Humours of Trim, The
ABC 247 C1:077677006174061 C2:udddddudududdud M:6/8 K:D H:RZ T:Humours of Trim, The
ABC 247 C1:077677006174061 C2:udddddudududdud M:6/8 K:D H:HRZ T:Humours of Trim, The
ABC 247 C1:077677006174061 C2:udddddudududdud M:6/8 K:D H:HRZ T:Humours of Trim, The
ABC 98 C1:006170077677006 C2:dududddddududud M:6/8 K:D H:RZ T:Humours of Trim, The
ABC 98 C1:006170077677006 C2:dududddddududud M:6/8 K:D H:RZ T:Humours of Trim, The
ABC 490 C1:006170077677006 C2:dududddddududud M:6/8 K:D H:RZ T:Humours of Trim, The
ABC 134 C1:716170077677716 C2:dudududddddudud M:6/8 K:D H:LR T:Humours of Trim, The
ABC 134 C1:716170077677716 C2:dudududddddudud M:6/8 K:D H:LR T:Humours of Trim, The
ABC 504 C1:077677060174177 C2:uddddduduuddddu M:6/8 K:D H:"LR T:Humours of Trim
ABC 504 C1:077677060174177 C2:uddddduduuddddu M:6/8 K:D H:"LR T:Humours of Trim
ABC 504 C1:077677060174177 C2:uddddduduuddddu M:6/8 K:D H:"LR T:Humours of Trim
ABC 1 C1:077677006174061 C2:udddddudududdud M:6/8 K:D H:L T:Humours of Trim
ABC 142 C1:077677006174061 C2:udddddudududdud M:6/8 K:D H:RZ T:Humours of Trim
ABC 142 C1:077677006174061 C2:udddddudududdud M:6/8 K:D H:RZ T:Humours of Trim
ABC 98 C1:006170077677006 C2:dududddddududud M:6/8 K:D H:RZ T:Humours of Trim, The
ABC 266 C1:716170077677716 C2:dudududddddudud M:6/8 K:Dmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Trim
ABC 1 C1:077677060174177 C2:uddddduduuddddu M:6/8 K:D H:"LR T:Humours of Trim
ABC 247 C1:077677006174061 C2:udddddudududdud M:6/8 K:D H:RZ T:Humours of Trim, The
ABC 247 C1:077677006174061 C2:udddddudududdud M:6/8 K:D H:RZ T:Humours of Trim, The
ABC 247 C1:077677006174061 C2:udddddudududdud M:6/8 K:D H:RZ T:Humours of Trim, The
ABC 7361 C1:077677006174061 C2:udddddudududdud M:6/8 K:D H:RZ T:Humours of Trim, The
ABC 7361 C1:077677006174061 C2:udddddudududdud M:6/8 K:D H:RZ T:Humours of Trim, The
ABC 1 C1:077677060174177 C2:uddddduduuddddu M:6/8 K:D H:"LR T:Humours of Trim
ABC 2716 C1:077677006174061 C2:udddddudududdud M:6/8 K:D H:LOR T:Humours of Trim, The
ABC 2716 C1:077677006174061 C2:udddddudududdud M:6/8 K:D H:LOR T:Humours of Trim, The
ABC 247 C1:077677006174061 C2:udddddudududdud M:6/8 K:D H:RZ T:Humours of Trim, The
ABC 247 C1:077677006174061 C2:udddddudududdud M:6/8 K:D H:RZ T:Humours of Trim, The
ABC 687 C1:077677716174061 C2:udddddududududd M:6/8 K:D H:"BDLORSZ T:The humours of Trim
ABC 5857 C1:077677006174061 C2:udddddudududdud M:6/8 K:D H:RZ T:Humours of Trim, The
ABC 5858 C1:077677006174061 C2:udddddudududdud M:6/8 K:D H:LR T:Humours of Trim, The
ABC 5857 C1:077677006174061 C2:udddddudududdud M:6/8 K:D H:RZ T:Humours of Trim, The
ABC 5858 C1:077677006174061 C2:udddddudududdud M:6/8 K:D H:LR T:Humours of Trim, The
ABC 5857 C1:077677006174061 C2:udddddudududdud M:6/8 K:D H:RZ T:Humours of Trim, The
ABC 5858 C1:077677006174061 C2:udddddudududdud M:6/8 K:D H:LR T:Humours of Trim, The
ABC 247 C1:077677006174061 C2:udddddudududdud M:6/8 K:D H:RZ T:Humours of Trim, The
ABC 247 C1:077677006174061 C2:udddddudududdud M:6/8 K:D H:RZ T:Humours of Trim, The
ABC 53 C1:077677710774061 C2:uddddduddududdu M:6/8 K:Dmaj H:LQR T:Humours Of Trim (Dmaj)
ABC 1 C1:077677006004061 C2:udddddududdudud M:6/8 K:D H:"CDLOQRSZ T:Humours of Trim / The Rolling Wave (D major)
ABC 1 C1:077677716174061 C2:udddddududududd M:6/8 K:HP H:CLQS T:The Humours of Trim (The Rolling Wave) "see Chieftains 'Sea Image'Bar
ABC 1 C1:077677716174061 C2:udddddududududd M:6/8 K:HP H:CLQS T:The Humours of Trim (The Rolling Wave) "see Chieftains 'Sea Image'Bar
ABC 1 C1:077677716174061 C2:udddddududududd M:6/8 K:HP H:CLQS T:The Humours of Trim (The Rolling Wave) "see Chieftains 'Sea Image'Bar
ABC 37 C1:001776217111711 C2:uddduuduuuduuuu M:4/4 K:Am H:OR T:Humours of Tuaimgreine
ABC 37 C1:001776217111711 C2:uddduuduuuduuuu M:4/4 K:Am H:OR T:Humours of Tuaimgreine
ABC 37 C1:001776217111711 C2:uddduuduuuduuuu M:4/4 K:Am H:OR T:Humours of Tuaimgreine
ABC 37 C1:001776217111711 C2:uddduuduuuduuuu M:4/4 K:Am H:OR T:Humours of Tuaimgreine
ABC 1 C1:001776217111711 C2:uddduuduuuduuuu M:4/4 K:Am H:OR T:Humours of Tuaimgreine
ABC 1 C1:001776217111001 C2:uddduuduuuuuuud M: K:Ador H:"QR T:Humours of Tuaimgr\'eine
ABC 1 C1:001776217111001 C2:uddduuduuuuuuud M: K:Ador H:"QR T:Humours of Tuaimgr\'eine
ABC 83 C1:001776217111711 C2:uddduuduuuduuuu M:4/4 K:Am H:"LR T:Humours of Tuaimgreine
ABC 1 C1:001776217117177 C2:uddduuduududddd M: K:Ador H:"QR T:Humours of Tuaimgr\'eine
ABC 1 C1:001776217117177 C2:uddduuduududddd M: K:Ador H:"QR T:Humours of Tuaimgr\'eine
ABC 389 C1:001776217111711 C2:uddduuduuuduuuu M:C| K:C H:"BLORSZ T:The humours of Tuaimgreine
ABC 389 C1:001776217111711 C2:uddduuduuuduuuu M:C| K:C H:"BLORSZ T:The humours of Tuaimgreine
ABC 389 C1:001776217111711 C2:uddduuduuuduuuu M:C| K:C H:"BLORSZ T:The humours of Tuaimgreine
ABC 389 C1:001776217111711 C2:uddduuduuuduuuu M:C| K:C H:"BLORSZ T:The humours of Tuaimgreine
ABC 37 C1:001776217111711 C2:uddduuduuuduuuu M:4/4 K:Am H:OR T:Humours of Tuaimgreine
ABC 64 C1:001776217111711 C2:uddduuduuuduuuu M:4/4 K:Am H:LOQR T:Humours of Tuaimgreine
ABC 64 C1:001776217111711 C2:uddduuduuuduuuu M:4/4 K:Am H:LOQR T:Humours of Tuaimgreine
ABC 111 C1:001776217111711 C2:uddduuduuuduuuu M:4/4 K:Am H:OR T:Humours of Tuaimgreine
ABC 7376 C1:001776217111711 C2:uddduuduuuduuuu M:4/4 K:Am H:OR T:Humours of Tuaimgreine
ABC 7376 C1:001776217111711 C2:uddduuduuuduuuu M:4/4 K:Am H:OR T:Humours of Tuaimgreine
ABC 389 C1:001776217111711 C2:uddduuduuuduuuu M:C| K:C H:"BLORSZ T:The humours of Tuaimgreine
ABC 9744 C1:001776217111711 C2:uddduuduuuduuuu M:4/4 K:Am H:LOQR T:Humours of Tuaimgreine
ABC 9745 C1:001776217111711 C2:uddduuduuuduuuu M:4/4 K:Am H:OR T:Humours of Tuaimgreine
ABC 9744 C1:001776217111711 C2:uddduuduuuduuuu M:4/4 K:Am H:LOQR T:Humours of Tuaimgreine
ABC 9745 C1:001776217111711 C2:uddduuduuuduuuu M:4/4 K:Am H:OR T:Humours of Tuaimgreine
ABC 9744 C1:001776217111711 C2:uddduuduuuduuuu M:4/4 K:Am H:LOQR T:Humours of Tuaimgreine
ABC 9745 C1:001776217111711 C2:uddduuduuuduuuu M:4/4 K:Am H:OR T:Humours of Tuaimgreine
ABC 7689 C1:001776217111711 C2:uddduuduuuduuuu M:4/4 K:Am H:OR T:Humours of Tuaimgreine
ABC 3904 C1:001776217111711 C2:uddduuduuuduuuu M:4/4 K:A H:FORZ T:Humours of Tuaimgreine
ABC 5247 C1:001776217111711 C2:uddduuduuuduuuu M:4/4 K:A H:FORZ T:Humours of Tuaimgreine
ABC 3904 C1:001776217111711 C2:uddduuduuuduuuu M:4/4 K:A H:FORZ T:Humours of Tuaimgreine
ABC 5247 C1:001776217111711 C2:uddduuduuuduuuu M:4/4 K:A H:FORZ T:Humours of Tuaimgreine
ABC 7689 C1:001776217111711 C2:uddduuduuuduuuu M:4/4 K:Am H:OR T:Humours of Tuaimgreine
ABC 7689 C1:001776217111711 C2:uddduuduuuduuuu M:4/4 K:Am H:OR T:Humours of Tuaimgreine
ABC 1097 C1:001776217111711 C2:uddduuduuuduuuu M:4/4 K:Am H:OR T:Humours of Tuaimgreine
ABC 1437 C1:001776217111711 C2:uddduuduuuduuuu M:4/4 K:Am H:OR T:Humours of Tuaimgreine
ABC 426 C1:001776217111711 C2:uddduuduuuduuuu M:4/4 K:A H:ORZ T:Humours of Tuaimgreine
ABC 97 C1:001776217111001 C2:uddduuduuuuuuud M: K:Ador H:"QR T:Humours of Tuaimgr�ine
ABC 1 C1:071627776217112 C2:dududddduuduuuu M:C K:Am H:BLQRZ T:The Humours of Tuamgraney
ABC 1 C1:071627776217112 C2:dududddduuduuuu M:C K:Am H:BLQRZ T:The Humours of Tuamgraney
ABC 1 C1:071627776217112 C2:dududddduuduuuu M:C K:Am H:BLQRZ T:The Humours of Tuamgraney
ABC 1 C1:071627776217112 C2:dududddduuduuuu M:C K:Am H:BLQRZ T:The Humours of Tuamgraney
ABC 1 C1:071627776217112 C2:dududddduuduuuu M:C K:Am H:BLQRZ T:The Humours of Tuamgraney
ABC 1 C1:071627776217112 C2:dududddduuduuuu M:C K:Am H:BLQRZ T:The Humours of Tuamgraney
ABC 1 C1:071627776217112 C2:dududddduuduuuu M:C K:Am H:BLQRZ T:The Humours of Tuamgraney
ABC 1 C1:071627776217112 C2:dududddduuduuuu M:C K:Am H:BLQRZ T:The Humours of Tuamgraney
ABC 1 C1:071627776217112 C2:dududddduuduuuu M:C K:Am H:BLQRZ T:The Humours of Tuamgraney
ABC 1 C1:071627776217112 C2:dududddduuduuuu M:C K:Am H:BLQRZ T:The Humours of Tuamgraney
ABC 1 C1:071627776217112 C2:dududddduuduuuu M:C K:Am H:BLQRZ T:The Humours of Tuamgraney
ABC 1 C1:071627776217112 C2:dududddduuduuuu M:C K:Am H:BLQRZ T:The Humours of Tuamgraney
ABC 1 C1:071627776217112 C2:dududddduuduuuu M:C K:Am H:BLQRZ T:The Humours of Tuamgraney
ABC 1 C1:071627776217112 C2:dududddduuduuuu M:C K:Am H:BLQRZ T:The Humours of Tuamgraney
ABC 1 C1:001776217111711 C2:uddduuduuuduuuu M:C| K:Ador H:DRZ T:Humours of Tuamgraney, The
ABC 92 C1:001776217111711 C2:uddduuduuuduuuu M:C| K:Ador H:DRZ T:Humours of Tuamgraney, The
ABC 92 C1:001776217111711 C2:uddduuduuuduuuu M:C| K:Ador H:DRZ T:Humours of Tuamgraney, The
ABC 92 C1:001776217111711 C2:uddduuduuuduuuu M:C| K:Ador H:DRZ T:Humours of Tuamgraney, The
ABC 92 C1:001776217111711 C2:uddduuduuuduuuu M:C| K:Ador H:DRZ T:Humours of Tuamgraney, The
ABC 92 C1:001776217111711 C2:uddduuduuuduuuu M:C| K:Ador H:DRZ T:Humours of Tuamgraney, The
ABC 88 C1:001776217111711 C2:uddduuduuuduuuu M:C| K:Ador H:DRZ T:Humours of Tuamgraney, The
ABC 88 C1:001776217111711 C2:uddduuduuuduuuu M:C| K:Ador H:DRZ T:Humours of Tuamgraney, The
ABC 88 C1:001776217111711 C2:uddduuduuuduuuu M:C| K:Ador H:DHRZ T:Humours of Tuamgraney, The
ABC 88 C1:001776217111711 C2:uddduuduuuduuuu M:C| K:Ador H:DHRZ T:Humours of Tuamgraney, The
ABC 88 C1:001776217111711 C2:uddduuduuuduuuu M:C| K:Ador H:DRZ T:Humours of Tuamgraney, The
ABC 7362 C1:001776217111711 C2:uddduuduuuduuuu M:C| K:Ador H:DRZ T:Humours of Tuamgraney, The
ABC 7362 C1:001776217111711 C2:uddduuduuuduuuu M:C| K:Ador H:DRZ T:Humours of Tuamgraney, The
ABC 2717 C1:001776217111711 C2:uddduuduuuduuuu M:C| K:Ador H:DOR T:Humours of Tuamgraney, The
ABC 2718 C1:001776217111711 C2:uddduuduuuduuuu M:C| K:Ador H:DOR T:Humours of Tuamgraney, The
ABC 2717 C1:001776217111711 C2:uddduuduuuduuuu M:C| K:Ador H:DOR T:Humours of Tuamgraney, The
ABC 2718 C1:001776217111711 C2:uddduuduuuduuuu M:C| K:Ador H:DOR T:Humours of Tuamgraney, The
ABC 88 C1:001776217111711 C2:uddduuduuuduuuu M:C| K:Ador H:DRZ T:Humours of Tuamgraney, The
ABC 88 C1:001776217111711 C2:uddduuduuuduuuu M:C| K:Ador H:DRZ T:Humours of Tuamgraney, The
ABC 5859 C1:001776217111711 C2:uddduuduuuduuuu M:C| K:Ador H:DRZ T:Humours of Tuamgraney, The
ABC 5859 C1:001776217111711 C2:uddduuduuuduuuu M:C| K:Ador H:DRZ T:Humours of Tuamgraney, The
ABC 5859 C1:001776217111711 C2:uddduuduuuduuuu M:C| K:Ador H:DRZ T:Humours of Tuamgraney, The
ABC 88 C1:001776217111711 C2:uddduuduuuduuuu M:C| K:Ador H:DRZ T:Humours of Tuamgraney, The
ABC 88 C1:001776217111711 C2:uddduuduuuduuuu M:C| K:Ador H:DRZ T:Humours of Tuamgraney, The
ABC 5 C1:001776217111711 C2:uddduuduuuduuuu M:4/4 K:Ador H:LR T:Humours of Tuamgreine, The
ABC 5 C1:001776217111711 C2:uddduuduuuduuuu M:4/4 K:Ador H:LR T:Humours of Tuamgreine, The
ABC 5 C1:001776217111711 C2:uddduuduuuduuuu M:4/4 K:Ador H:LR T:Humours of Tuamgreine, The
ABC 5 C1:001776217111711 C2:uddduuduuuduuuu M:4/4 K:Ador H:LR T:Humours of Tuamgreine, The
ABC 5 C1:001776217111711 C2:uddduuduuuduuuu M:4/4 K:Ador H:LR T:Humours of Tuamgreine, The
ABC 5 C1:001776217111711 C2:uddduuduuuduuuu M:4/4 K:Ador H:LR T:Humours of Tuamgreine, The
ABC 5 C1:001776217111711 C2:uddduuduuuduuuu M:4/4 K:Ador H:LR T:Humours of Tuamgreine, The
ABC 5 C1:001776217111711 C2:uddduuduuuduuuu M:4/4 K:Ador H:LR T:Humours of Tuamgreine, The
ABC 5 C1:001776217111711 C2:uddduuduuuduuuu M:4/4 K:Ador H:LR T:Humours of Tuamgreine, The
ABC 5 C1:001776217111711 C2:uddduuduuuduuuu M:4/4 K:Ador H:LR T:Humours of Tuamgreine, The
ABC 5 C1:001776217111711 C2:uddduuduuuduuuu M:4/4 K:Ador H:LR T:Humours of Tuamgreine, The
ABC 1 C1:001776217111711 C2:uddduuduuuduuuu M:C| K:Ador H:DRZ T:Humours of Tuamgreine, The
ABC 92 C1:001776217111711 C2:uddduuduuuduuuu M:C| K:Ador H:DRZ T:Humours of Tuamgreine, The
ABC 92 C1:001776217111711 C2:uddduuduuuduuuu M:C| K:Ador H:DRZ T:Humours of Tuamgreine, The
ABC 92 C1:001776217111711 C2:uddduuduuuduuuu M:C| K:Ador H:DRZ T:Humours of Tuamgreine, The
ABC 92 C1:001776217111711 C2:uddduuduuuduuuu M:C| K:Ador H:DRZ T:Humours of Tuamgreine, The
ABC 1 C1:001776217111711 C2:uddduuuduuuduuu M:4/4 K:A H:"CDLORSZ T:Humours of Tuamgreine
ABC 92 C1:001776217111711 C2:uddduuduuuduuuu M:C| K:Ador H:DRZ T:Humours of Tuamgreine, The
ABC 5 C1:001776217111711 C2:uddduuduuuduuuu M:4/4 K:Ador H:LR T:Humours of Tuamgreine, The
ABC 5 C1:001776217111711 C2:uddduuduuuduuuu M:4/4 K:Ador H:LR T:Humours of Tuamgreine, The
ABC 5 C1:001776217111711 C2:uddduuduuuduuuu M:4/4 K:Ador H:LR T:Humours of Tuamgreine, The
ABC 5 C1:001776217111711 C2:uddduuduuuduuuu M:4/4 K:Ador H:LR T:Humours of Tuamgreine, The
ABC 5 C1:001776217111711 C2:uddduuduuuduuuu M:4/4 K:Ador H:LR T:Humours of Tuamgreine, The
ABC 5 C1:001776217111711 C2:uddduuduuuduuuu M:4/4 K:Ador H:LR T:Humours of Tuamgreine, The
ABC 5 C1:001776217111711 C2:uddduuduuuduuuu M:4/4 K:Ador H:LR T:Humours of Tuamgreine, The
ABC 88 C1:001776217111711 C2:uddduuduuuduuuu M:C| K:Ador H:DRZ T:Humours of Tuamgreine, The
ABC 88 C1:001776217111711 C2:uddduuduuuduuuu M:C| K:Ador H:DRZ T:Humours of Tuamgreine, The
ABC 88 C1:001776217111711 C2:uddduuduuuduuuu M:C| K:Ador H:DHRZ T:Humours of Tuamgreine, The
ABC 88 C1:001776217111711 C2:uddduuduuuduuuu M:C| K:Ador H:DHRZ T:Humours of Tuamgreine, The
ABC 88 C1:001776217111711 C2:uddduuduuuduuuu M:C| K:Ador H:DRZ T:Humours of Tuamgreine, The
ABC 7362 C1:001776217111711 C2:uddduuduuuduuuu M:C| K:Ador H:DRZ T:Humours of Tuamgreine, The
ABC 7362 C1:001776217111711 C2:uddduuduuuduuuu M:C| K:Ador H:DRZ T:Humours of Tuamgreine, The
ABC 2718 C1:001776217111711 C2:uddduuduuuduuuu M:C| K:Ador H:DOR T:Humours of Tuamgreine, The
ABC 2718 C1:001776217111711 C2:uddduuduuuduuuu M:C| K:Ador H:DOR T:Humours of Tuamgreine, The
ABC 88 C1:001776217111711 C2:uddduuduuuduuuu M:C| K:Ador H:DRZ T:Humours of Tuamgreine, The
ABC 88 C1:001776217111711 C2:uddduuduuuduuuu M:C| K:Ador H:DRZ T:Humours of Tuamgreine, The
ABC 5859 C1:001776217111711 C2:uddduuduuuduuuu M:C| K:Ador H:DRZ T:Humours of Tuamgreine, The
ABC 5859 C1:001776217111711 C2:uddduuduuuduuuu M:C| K:Ador H:DRZ T:Humours of Tuamgreine, The
ABC 5859 C1:001776217111711 C2:uddduuduuuduuuu M:C| K:Ador H:DRZ T:Humours of Tuamgreine, The
ABC 88 C1:001776217111711 C2:uddduuduuuduuuu M:C| K:Ador H:DRZ T:Humours of Tuamgreine, The
ABC 88 C1:001776217111711 C2:uddduuduuuduuuu M:C| K:Ador H:DRZ T:Humours of Tuamgreine, The
ABC 98 C1:053625120261767 C2:dududuuududddud M:C K:D H:L T:Humours of Tulla
ABC 16 C1:053625120261761 C2:dududuuududduud M:4/4 K:D H:L T:The Humours of Tulla
ABC 1 C1:053625120261761 C2:dududuuududduud M:4/4 K:D H:CL T:The Humours of Tulla
ABC 1 C1:053625120261761 C2:dududuuududduud M:4/4 K:D H:CL T:The Humours of Tulla
ABC 1 C1:770536251202617 C2:dddududuuududdu M:4/4 K:D H:"CLR T:Humours of Tulla
ABC 1 C1:770536251202617 C2:dddududuuududdu M:4/4 K:D H:"CLR T:Humours of Tulla
ABC 18 C1:002617611053625 C2:ududduududududu M:C| K:D H:LR T:Humours of Tulla, The
ABC 18 C1:002617611053625 C2:ududduududududu M:C| K:D H:LR T:Humours of Tulla, The
ABC 18 C1:002617611053625 C2:ududduududududu M:C| K:D H:LR T:Humours of Tulla, The
ABC 18 C1:002617611053625 C2:ududduududududu M:C| K:D H:LR T:Humours of Tulla, The
ABC 18 C1:002617611053625 C2:ududduududududu M:C| K:D H:LR T:Humours of Tulla, The
ABC 18 C1:002617611053625 C2:ududduududududu M:C| K:D H:LR T:Humours of Tulla, The
ABC 18 C1:002617611053625 C2:ududduududududu M:C| K:D H:LR T:Humours of Tulla, The
ABC 18 C1:002617611053625 C2:ududduududududu M:C| K:D H:LR T:Humours of Tulla, The
ABC 18 C1:002617611053625 C2:ududduududududu M:C| K:D H:LR T:Humours of Tulla, The
ABC 18 C1:005125120261761 C2:duuduuududduudu M:C| K:D H:LR T:Humours of Tulla, The
ABC 18 C1:005125120261761 C2:duuduuududduudu M:C| K:D H:LR T:Humours of Tulla, The
ABC 15 C1:026176110536250 C2:ududduudududuuu M:C| K:D H:ERSZ T:Humours of Tulla, The
ABC 1 C1:026176110536250 C2:ududduudududuuu M:C| K:D H:ERSZ T:Humours of Tulla, The
ABC 120 C1:053625120261417 C2:dududuuudududud M:C| K:D H:"BLORSZ T:The humours of Tulla
ABC 120 C1:053625120261417 C2:dududuuudududud M:C| K:D H:"BLORSZ T:The humours of Tulla
ABC 120 C1:053625120261417 C2:dududuuudududud M:C| K:D H:"BLORSZ T:The humours of Tulla
ABC 120 C1:053625120261417 C2:dududuuudududud M:C| K:D H:"BLORSZ T:The humours of Tulla
ABC 51 C1:053625120261761 C2:dududuuududduud M:4/4 K:D H:"BLRZ T:the Humours of Tulla
ABC 51 C1:053625120261761 C2:dududuuududduud M:4/4 K:D H:"BLRZ T:the Humours of Tulla
ABC 51 C1:053625120261761 C2:dududuuududduud M:4/4 K:D H:"BLRZ T:the Humours of Tulla
ABC 51 C1:053625120261761 C2:dududuuududduud M:4/4 K:D H:"BLRZ T:the Humours of Tulla
ABC 51 C1:053625120261761 C2:dududuuududduud M:4/4 K:D H:"BLRZ T:the Humours of Tulla
ABC 1 C1:053625030261761 C2:dududuududduudu M:C K:HP H:CLQS T:The Humours of Tulla
ABC 1 C1:053625030261761 C2:dududuududduudu M:C K:HP H:CLQS T:The Humours of Tulla
ABC 1 C1:053625030261761 C2:dududuududduudu M:C K:HP H:CLQS T:The Humours of Tulla
ABC 1 C1:026176110536253 C2:ududduududududu M:4/4 K:D H:"L T:Humours of Tulla, The
ABC 17 C1:053625301161761 C2:dududuuududduud M:4/4 K:Dmaj H:LR T:Humours Of Tulla, The
ABC 1 C1:053625120261761 C2:dududuuududduud M:4/4 K:D H:CL T:The Humours of Tulla
ABC 15 C1:026176110536250 C2:ududduudududuuu M:C| K:D H:ERSZ T:Humours of Tulla, The
ABC 75 C1:026176110536250 C2:ududduudududuuu M:C| K:D H:ERSZ T:Humours of Tulla, The
ABC 3 C1:053625120261761 C2:dududuuududduud M:4/4 K:Dmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Tulla
ABC 3 C1:053625120261761 C2:dududuuududduud M:4/4 K:Dmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Tulla
ABC 3 C1:053625120261761 C2:dududuuududduud M:4/4 K:Dmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Tulla
ABC 3 C1:053625120261761 C2:dududuuududduud M:4/4 K:Dmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Tulla
ABC 3 C1:053625120261761 C2:dududuuududduud M:4/4 K:Dmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Tulla
ABC 3 C1:053625120261761 C2:dududuuududduud M:4/4 K:Dmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Tulla
ABC 3 C1:053625120261761 C2:dududuuududduud M:4/4 K:Dmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Tulla
ABC 3 C1:053625120261761 C2:dududuuududduud M:4/4 K:Dmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Tulla
ABC 70 C1:026176110536253 C2:ududduududududu M:C| K:Dmaj H:"LQR T:Humours of Tulla
ABC 70 C1:026176110536253 C2:ududduududududu M:C| K:Dmaj H:"LQR T:Humours of Tulla
ABC 70 C1:026176110536253 C2:ududduududududu M:C| K:Dmaj H:"LQR T:Humours of Tulla
ABC 15 C1:026176110536250 C2:ududduudududuuu M:C| K:D H:ERSZ T:Humours of Tulla, The
ABC 3 C1:053625120261761 C2:dududuuududduud M:4/4 K:Dmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Tulla
ABC 3 C1:053625120261761 C2:dududuuududdu M:4/4 K:Dmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Tulla
ABC 18 C1:005125120261761 C2:duuduuududduudu M:C| K:D H:LR T:Humours of Tulla, The
ABC 18 C1:002617611053625 C2:ududduududududu M:C| K:D H:LR T:Humours of Tulla, The
ABC 18 C1:002617611053625 C2:ududduududududu M:C| K:D H:LR T:Humours of Tulla, The
ABC 18 C1:002617611053625 C2:ududduududududu M:C| K:D H:LR T:Humours of Tulla, The
ABC 18 C1:002617611053625 C2:ududduududududu M:C| K:D H:LR T:Humours of Tulla, The
ABC 18 C1:002617611053625 C2:ududduududududu M:C| K:D H:LR T:Humours of Tulla, The
ABC 18 C1:002617611053625 C2:ududduududududu M:C| K:D H:LR T:Humours of Tulla, The
ABC 3 C1:053625120261761 C2:dududuuududdu M:4/4 K:Dmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Tulla
ABC 1 C1:053625120261761 C2:dududuuududduud M:4/4 K:D H:CL T:The Humours of Tulla
ABC 1 C1:053625120261761 C2:dududuuududduud M:4/4 K:D H:CL T:The Humours of Tulla
ABC 48 C1:053625120261761 C2:dududuuududduud M:4/4 K:Gmaj H:L T:The Humours Of Tulla
ABC 44 C1:053625120261761 C2:dududuuududduud M:4/4 K:D H:"BLRZ T:the Humours of Tulla
ABC 44 C1:053625120261761 C2:dududuuududduud M:4/4 K:D H:"BLRZ T:the Humours of Tulla
ABC 44 C1:053625120261761 C2:dududuuududduud M:4/4 K:D H:"BLRZ T:the Humours of Tulla
ABC 1 C1:053625120261761 C2:dududuuududduud M: K:Gmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Tulla
ABC 2 C1:053625120261767 C2:dududuuududddud M: K:Dmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Tulla
ABC 3 C1:053625120261761 C2:dududuuududduud M: K:Dmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Tulla
ABC 4 C1:026176110536253 C2:ududduududududu M: K:Gmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Tulla
ABC 5 C1:026176110536253 C2:ududduududududu M: K:Dmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Tulla
ABC 6 C1:026176210530762 C2:ududduududduuuu M: K:Gmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Tulla
ABC 7 C1:026176110536253 C2:ududduududududu M: K:Amaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Tulla
ABC 8 C1:026176110536253 C2:ududduududududu M: K:Dmaj H:"LR T:The Humours Of Tulla
ABC 9 C1:026176110536253 C2:ududduududududu M: K:Dmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Tulla
ABC 10 C1:172617621053625 C2:udududduudududu M: K:Gmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Tulla
ABC 11 C1:053625120261761 C2:dududuuududduud M: K:Gmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Tulla
ABC 12 C1:261761100512541 C2:ududduuduuduuuu M: K:Dmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Tulla
ABC 13 C1:053625120026127 C2:dududuuuduudddd M: K:Dmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Tulla
ABC 1 C1:053625120261761 C2:dududuuududduud M:4/4 K:Gmaj H:LR T:Humours Of Tulla, The
ABC 50 C1:053625120261761 C2:dududuuududduud M:4/4 K:D H:"BLRZ T:the Humours of Tulla
ABC 16 C1:053625120261761 C2:dududuuududduud M:4/4 K:D H:L T:The Humours of Tulla
ABC 80 C1:053625120261761 C2:dududuuududduud M:4/4 K:D H:L T:The Humours of Tulla
ABC 740 C1:053625120261767 C2:dududuuududddud M:C K:D H:LZ T:Humours of Tulla
ABC 240 C1:026176730536253 C2:ududddududududu M:4/4 K:D H:DLRZ T:The Humours of Tulla
ABC 240 C1:026176730536253 C2:ududddududududu M:4/4 K:D H:DLRZ T:The Humours of Tulla
ABC 151 C1:053625120261767 C2:dududuuududddud M:C K:D H:LZ T:Humours of Tulla
ABC 151 C1:053625120261767 C2:dududuuududddud M:C K:D H:LZ T:Humours of Tulla
ABC 1 C1:053625120261761 C2:dududuuududduud M:4/4 K:D H:CL T:The Humours of Tulla
ABC 155 C1:053625120261767 C2:dududuuududddud M:4/4 K:Dmaj H:"HLRZ T:Humours Of Tulla, The
ABC 3 C1:053625120261761 C2:dududuuududduud M:4/4 K:Dmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Tulla
ABC 464 C1:053625120261761 C2:dududuuududduud M:4/4 K:Dmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Tulla
ABC 7363 C1:053625120261767 C2:dududuuududddud M:C K:D H:L T:Humours of Tulla
ABC 7364 C1:053625120261767 C2:dududuuududddud M:C K:D H:LZ T:Humours of Tulla
ABC 7365 C1:026176110536250 C2:ududduudududuuu M:C| K:D H:ERSZ T:Humours of Tulla, The
ABC 7366 C1:026176110536250 C2:ududduudududuuu M:C| K:D H:ERSZ T:Humours of Tulla, The
ABC 7363 C1:053625120261767 C2:dududuuududddud M:C K:D H:L T:Humours of Tulla
ABC 7364 C1:053625120261767 C2:dududuuududddud M:C K:D H:LZ T:Humours of Tulla
ABC 7365 C1:026176110536250 C2:ududduudududuuu M:C| K:D H:ERSZ T:Humours of Tulla, The
ABC 7366 C1:026176110536250 C2:ududduudududuuu M:C| K:D H:ERSZ T:Humours of Tulla, The
ABC 2719 C1:026176110536250 C2:ududduudududuuu M:C| K:D H:EORS T:Humours of Tulla, The
ABC 2719 C1:026176110536250 C2:ududduudududuuu M:C| K:D H:EORS T:Humours of Tulla, The
ABC 120 C1:053625120261417 C2:dududuuudududud M:C| K:D H:"BLORSZ T:The humours of Tulla
ABC 5860 C1:026176110536250 C2:ududduudududuuu M:C| K:D H:ERSZ T:Humours of Tulla, The
ABC 5860 C1:026176110536250 C2:ududduudududuuu M:C| K:D H:ERSZ T:Humours of Tulla, The
ABC 5860 C1:026176110536250 C2:ududduudududuuu M:C| K:D H:ERSZ T:Humours of Tulla, The
ABC 1099 C1:053625120261767 C2:dududuuududddud M:C K:D H:LOZ T:Humours of Tulla
ABC 1 C1:053625120261761 C2:dududuuududduud M:4/4 K:D H:"CDLOQRZ T:Humours of Tulla (D maj)
ABC 1 C1:026176730536253 C2:ududddududududu M:4/4 K:D H:LR T:Humours of Tullah, The
ABC 178 C1:026176730536253 C2:ududddududududu M:C| K:D H:DRZ T:Humours of Tullah
ABC 1 C1:026176730536253 C2:ududddududududu M:C| K:D H:DRZ T:Humours of Tullah, The
ABC 36 C1:053625120261767 C2:dududuuududddud M:4/4 K:D H:R T:Humours of Tullah, The
ABC 36 C1:053625120261767 C2:dududuuududddud M:4/4 K:D H:R T:Humours of Tullah, The
ABC 8 C1:026176730536253 C2:ududddududududu M:C| K:D H:DRZ T:Humours of Tullah, The
ABC 8 C1:026176730536253 C2:ududddududududu M:C| K:D H:DRZ T:Humours of Tullah, The
ABC 8 C1:026176730536253 C2:ududddududududu M:C| K:D H:DRZ T:Humours of Tullah, The
ABC 8 C1:026176730536253 C2:ududddududududu M:C| K:D H:DRZ T:Humours of Tullah, The
ABC 8 C1:026176730536253 C2:ududddududududu M:C| K:D H:DRZ T:Humours of Tullah, The
ABC 8 C1:026176730536253 C2:ududddududududu M:C| K:D H:DRZ T:Humours of Tullah, The
ABC 9 C1:026176730536253 C2:ududddududududu M:C| K:D H:DRZ T:Humours of Tullah, The
ABC 9 C1:026176730536253 C2:ududddududududu M:C| K:D H:DRZ T:Humours of Tullah, The
ABC 9 C1:026176730536253 C2:ududddududududu M:C| K:D H:DRZ T:Humours of Tullah, The
ABC 9 C1:026176730536253 C2:ududddududududu M:C| K:D H:DRZ T:Humours of Tullah, The
ABC 240 C1:026176730536253 C2:ududddududududu M:4/4 K:D H:DLRZ T:The Humours of Tullah
ABC 240 C1:026176730536253 C2:ududddududududu M:4/4 K:D H:DLRZ T:The Humours of Tullah
ABC 178 C1:026176730536253 C2:ududddududududu M:C| K:D H:DRZ T:Humours of Tullah
ABC 178 C1:026176730536253 C2:ududddududududu M:C| K:D H:DRZ T:Humours of Tullah
ABC 9 C1:026176730536253 C2:ududddududududu M:C| K:D H:DRZ T:Humours of Tullah, The
ABC 9 C1:026176730536253 C2:ududddududududu M:C| K:D H:DRZ T:Humours of Tullah, The
ABC 9 C1:026176730536253 C2:ududddududududu M:C| K:D H:DRZ T:Humours of Tullah, The
ABC 7367 C1:053625120261767 C2:dududuuududddud M:C| K:D H:DLQRZ T:Humours of Tullah
ABC 7368 C1:026176730536253 C2:ududddududududu M:C| K:D H:DRZ T:Humours of Tullah, The
ABC 7367 C1:053625120261767 C2:dududuuududddud M:C| K:D H:DLQRZ T:Humours of Tullah
ABC 7368 C1:026176730536253 C2:ududddududududu M:C| K:D H:DRZ T:Humours of Tullah, The
ABC 2720 C1:026176730536253 C2:ududddududududu M:C| K:D H:DOR T:Humours of Tullah, The
ABC 2720 C1:026176730536253 C2:ududddududududu M:C| K:D H:DOR T:Humours of Tullah, The
ABC 9 C1:026176730536253 C2:ududddududududu M:C| K:D H:DRZ T:Humours of Tullah, The
ABC 9 C1:026176730536253 C2:ududddududududu M:C| K:D H:DRZ T:Humours of Tullah, The
ABC 5861 C1:026176730536253 C2:ududddududududu M:C| K:D H:DRZ T:Humours of Tullah, The
ABC 5861 C1:026176730536253 C2:ududddududududu M:C| K:D H:DRZ T:Humours of Tullah, The
ABC 5861 C1:026176730536253 C2:ududddududududu M:C| K:D H:DRZ T:Humours of Tullah, The
ABC 9 C1:026176730536253 C2:ududddududududu M:C| K:D H:DRZ T:Humours of Tullah, The
ABC 9 C1:026176730536253 C2:ududddududududu M:C| K:D H:DRZ T:Humours of Tullah, The
ABC 193 C1:026176110536253 C2:ududduududududu M:4/4 K:Dmaj H:LQR T:Humours of Tullah (Dmaj)
ABC 193 C1:026176110536253 C2:ududduudududuud M:4/4 K:clef=none H:ILR T:Humours of Tullah (Dmaj)
ABC 193 C1:026176110536253 C2:ududduududududu M:4/4 K:Dmaj H:LQR T:Humours of Tullah (Dmaj) %1
ABC 13 C1:026176730536253 C2:ududddududududu M:C| K:D H:DRZ T:HUMOURS OF TULLAH (THE)
ABC 38 C1:026176730536253 C2:ududddududududu M:C| K:D H:LR T:Humours of Tullough, The
ABC 38 C1:026176730536253 C2:ududddududududu M:C| K:D H:LR T:Humours of Tullough, The
ABC 38 C1:026176730536253 C2:ududddududududu M:C| K:D H:LR T:Humours of Tullough, The
ABC 1 C1:301171113076177 C2:uuuduuuuddudddu M:C| K:Ador H:DHRZ T:Humours of Tullycreen, The
ABC 1 C1:301171113076115 C2:uuuduuuudduuddu M:4/4 K:Ador H:FLZ T:Humours of Tullycreen
ABC 1 C1:301171113076115 C2:uuuduuuudduuddu M:4/4 K:Ador H:FLZ T:Humours of Tullycreen
ABC 1 C1:301171113076115 C2:uuuduuuudduuddu M:4/4 K:Ador H:FLZ T:Humours of Tullycreen
ABC 1 C1:301171113076115 C2:uuuduuuudduuddu M:4/4 K:Ador H:FLZ T:Humours of Tullycreen
ABC 1 C1:301171113076115 C2:uuuduuuudduuddu M:4/4 K:Ador H:FLZ T:Humours of Tullycreen
ABC 1 C1:301171113076115 C2:uuuduuuudduuddu M:4/4 K:Ador H:FLZ T:Humours of Tullycreen
ABC 1 C1:301171113076115 C2:uuuduuuudduuddu M:4/4 K:Ador H:FLZ T:Humours of Tullycreen
ABC 1 C1:301171113076115 C2:uuuduuuudduuddu M:4/4 K:Ador H:FLZ T:Humours of Tullycreen
ABC 1 C1:301171113076115 C2:uuuduuuudduuddu M:4/4 K:Ador H:FLZ T:Humours of Tullycreen
ABC 1 C1:301171113076115 C2:uuuduuuudduuddu M:4/4 K:Ador H:FLZ T:Humours of Tullycreen
ABC 1 C1:301171113076115 C2:uuuduuuudduuddu M:4/4 K:Ador H:FLZ T:Humours of Tullycreen
ABC 1 C1:301171113076115 C2:uuuduuuudduuddu M:4/4 K:Ador H:FLZ T:Humours of Tullycreen
ABC 1 C1:301171113076115 C2:uuuduuuudduuddu M:4/4 K:Ador H:FLZ T:Humours of Tullycreen
ABC 456 C1:301171113076177 C2:uuuduuuuddudddu M:4/4 K:C H:"BDLRSZ T:The humours of Tullycreen
ABC 456 C1:301171113076177 C2:uuuduuuuddudddu M:4/4 K:C H:"BDLRSZ T:The humours of Tullycreen
ABC 456 C1:301171113076177 C2:uuuduuuuddudddu M:4/4 K:C H:"BDLRSZ T:The humours of Tullycreen
ABC 456 C1:301171113076177 C2:uuuduuuuddudddu M:4/4 K:C H:"BDLRSZ T:The humours of Tullycreen
ABC 1 C1:301171113076115 C2:uuuduuuudduuddu M:4/4 K:Ador H:LZ T:Humours of Tullycreen
ABC 86 C1:301171113076177 C2:uuuduuuuddudddu M:C| K:Ador H:DHRZ T:Humours of Tullycreen, The
ABC 86 C1:301171113076177 C2:uuuduuuuddudddu M:C| K:Ador H:DHRZ T:Humours of Tullycreen, The
ABC 86 C1:301171113076177 C2:uuuduuuuddudddu M:C| K:Ador H:DHRZ T:Humours of Tullycreen, The
ABC 86 C1:301171113076177 C2:uuuduuuuddudddu M:C| K:Ador H:DHRZ T:Humours of Tullycreen, The
ABC 1 C1:301171113076177 C2:uuuduuuuddudddu M:C| K:Ador H:DHRZ T:Humours of Tullycreen, The
ABC 86 C1:301171113076177 C2:uuuduuuuddudddu M:C| K:Ador H:DHRZ T:Humours of Tullycreen, The
ABC 7369 C1:301171113076177 C2:uuuduuuuddudddu M:C| K:Ador H:DHRZ T:Humours of Tullycreen, The
ABC 7369 C1:301171113076177 C2:uuuduuuuddudddu M:C| K:Ador H:DHRZ T:Humours of Tullycreen, The
ABC 2721 C1:301171113076177 C2:uuuduuuuddudddu M:C| K:Ador H:DHOR T:Humours of Tullycreen, The
ABC 2722 C1:301171113076177 C2:uuuduuuuddudddu M:C| K:Ador H:DHOR T:Humours of Tullycreen, The
ABC 2721 C1:301171113076177 C2:uuuduuuuddudddu M:C| K:Ador H:DHOR T:Humours of Tullycreen, The
ABC 2722 C1:301171113076177 C2:uuuduuuuddudddu M:C| K:Ador H:DHOR T:Humours of Tullycreen, The
ABC 86 C1:301171113076177 C2:uuuduuuuddudddu M:C| K:Ador H:DHRZ T:Humours of Tullycreen, The
ABC 86 C1:301171113076177 C2:uuuduuuuddudddu M:C| K:Ador H:DHRZ T:Humours of Tullycreen, The
ABC 456 C1:301171113076177 C2:uuuduuuuddudddu M:4/4 K:C H:"BDLRSZ T:The humours of Tullycreen
ABC 5863 C1:301171113076177 C2:uuuduuuuddudddu M:C| K:Ador H:DHRZ T:Humours of Tullycreen, The
ABC 5863 C1:301171113076177 C2:uuuduuuuddudddu M:C| K:Ador H:DHRZ T:Humours of Tullycreen, The
ABC 5863 C1:301171113076177 C2:uuuduuuuddudddu M:C| K:Ador H:DHRZ T:Humours of Tullycreen, The
ABC 86 C1:301171113076177 C2:uuuduuuuddudddu M:C| K:Ador H:DHRZ T:Humours of Tullycreen, The
ABC 86 C1:301171113076177 C2:uuuduuuuddudddu M:C| K:Ador H:DHRZ T:Humours of Tullycreen, The
ABC 1 C1:301171113076076 C2:uuuduuuuddddudu M:4/4 K:Ador H:LR T:Humours Of Tullycrine, The
ABC 1 C1:301171113076177 C2:uuuduuuuddudddu M:C| K:Ador H:L T:Humours of Tullycrine
ABC 1 C1:301171113076177 C2:uuuduuuuddudddu M:C| K:Ador H:DHRZ T:Humours of Tullycrine, The
ABC 3 C1:301171113076177 C2:uuuduuuuddudddu M:C| K:Ador H:DHLRZ T:Humours of Tullycrine, The
ABC 1 C1:307607616001777 C2:uddddududdduuuu M:4/4 K:ADor H:LS T:Humours of Tullycrine, The
ABC 1 C1:307607616001777 C2:uddddududdduuuu M:4/4 K:ADor H:LS T:Humours of Tullycrine, The
ABC 1 C1:307607616001777 C2:uddddududdduuuu M:4/4 K:ADor H:LS T:Humours of Tullycrine, The
ABC 1 C1:307607616001777 C2:uddddududdduuuu M:4/4 K:ADor H:LS T:Humours of Tullycrine, The
ABC 1 C1:307607616001777 C2:uddddududdduuuu M:4/4 K:ADor H:LS T:Humours of Tullycrine, The
ABC 1 C1:307607616001777 C2:uddddududdduuuu M:4/4 K:ADor H:LS T:Humours of Tullycrine, The
ABC 1 C1:301100113076076 C2:uuuuuuddddududd M:4/4 K:Ador H:LR T:Humours Of Tullycrine, The
ABC 1 C1:307607616001777 C2:uddddududdduuuu M:4/4 K:Ador H:LS T:Humours of Tullycrine, The
ABC 42 C1:630117111307607 C2:duuuduuuuddddud M:4/4 K:Ador H:LR T:Humours Of Tullycrine, The
ABC 572 C1:301171113076076 C2:uuuduuuuddddudu M:4/4 K:Ador H:LRZ T:Humours Of Tullycrine
ABC 190 C1:307607616001777 C2:uddddududdduuuu M:4/4 K:ADor H:LS T:Humours of Tullycrine, The
ABC 390 C1:307607616001777 C2:uddddududdduuuu M:4/4 K:ADor H:LS T:Humours of Tullycrine, The
ABC 572 C1:301171113076076 C2:uuuduuuuddddudu M:4/4 K:Ador H:LRZ T:Humours Of Tullycrine
ABC 1 C1:630117111307607 C2:duuuduuuudddd M:4/4 K:Ador H:LR T:The Humours Of Tullycrine
ABC 572 C1:301171113076076 C2:uuuduuuuddddudu M:4/4 K:Ador H:LRZ T:Humours Of Tullycrine
ABC 86 C1:301171113076177 C2:uuuduuuuddudddu M:C| K:Ador H:DHRZ T:Humours of Tullycrine, The
ABC 86 C1:301171113076177 C2:uuuduuuuddudddu M:C| K:Ador H:DHRZ T:Humours of Tullycrine, The
ABC 1 C1:630117111307607 C2:duuuduuuudddd M:4/4 K:Ador H:LR T:The Humours Of Tullycrine
ABC 86 C1:301171113076177 C2:uuuduuuuddudddu M:C| K:Ador H:DHRZ T:Humours of Tullycrine, The
ABC 86 C1:301171113076177 C2:uuuduuuuddudddu M:C| K:Ador H:DHRZ T:Humours of Tullycrine, The
ABC 1 C1:630117111307607 C2:duuuduuuuddddud M:4/4 K:Ador H:LR T:The Humours Of Tullycrine
ABC 1 C1:630117111307607 C2:duuuduuuuddddud M: K:Ador H:LR T:The Humours Of Tullycrine
ABC 2 C1:601100113076177 C2:duuuuuddudddudu M: K:Edor H:LR T:The Humours Of Tullycrine
ABC 3 C1:776011001130760 C2:ddduuuuuddddudu M: K:Ador H:LR T:The Humours Of Tullycrine
ABC 4 C1:371117111307607 C2:uduuuduuuuddddu M: K:Ador H:LR T:The Humours Of Tullycrine
ABC 5 C1:307517610061061 C2:udduddududuuuud M: K:Edor H:LR T:The Humours Of Tullycrine
ABC 6 C1:301171113076076 C2:uuuduuuuddddudu M: K:Ador H:LR T:The Humours Of Tullycrine
ABC 7 C1:601100113076177 C2:duuuuuddudddudu M: K:Ador H:LR T:The Humours Of Tullycrine
ABC 8 C1:061100113076177 C2:duuuuuddudddudu M: K:Ador H:LR T:The Humours Of Tullycrine
ABC 9 C1:776011711130760 C2:ddduuduuuuddddu M: K:Ador H:LR T:The Humours Of Tullycrine
ABC 10 C1:061100113076177 C2:duuuuuddudddudu M: K:Ador H:"LR T:The Humours Of Tullycrine
ABC 11 C1:763011711130762 C2:dduuuduuuuddudd M: K:Ador H:"LR T:The Humours Of Tullycrine
ABC 12 C1:776011001130616 C2:ddduuuuududddud M: K:Emin H:LR T:The Humours Of Tullycrine
ABC 13 C1:111711171113076 C2:uuuduuuduuuuddu M: K:Ador H:LR T:The Humours Of Tullycrine
ABC 14 C1:772411001130760 C2:dduduuuuuddddud M: K:Ador H:LR T:The Humours Of Tullycrine
ABC 15 C1:061100113075176 C2:duuuuudduddudud M: K:Edor H:LR T:The Humours Of Tullycrine
ABC 1 C1:301171113076177 C2:uuuduuuuddudddu M:C| K:Ador H:DHRZ T:Humours of Tullycrine, The
ABC 416 C1:401171113076076 C2:uuuduuuuddddudu M:4/4 K:Ddor H:HLRZ T:Humours Of Tullycrine, The
ABC 1687 C1:307607616001777 C2:uddddududdduuuu M:4/4 K:ADor H:LS T:Humours of Tullycrine, The
ABC 1 C1:630117111307607 C2:duuuduuuuddddud M:4/4 K:Ador H:LR T:The Humours Of Tullycrine
ABC 264 C1:301171113076076 C2:uuuduuuuddddudu M:4/4 K:Ador H:LRZ T:Humours Of Tullycrine
ABC 158 C1:307607616001777 C2:uddddududdduuuu M:4/4 K:ADor H:LS T:Humours of Tullycrine, The
ABC 1105 C1:307607616001777 C2:uddddududdduuuu M:4/4 K:ADor H:LS T:Humours of Tullycrine, The
ABC 1465 C1:307607616001777 C2:uddddududdduuuu M:4/4 K:ADor H:LS T:Humours of Tullycrine, The
ABC 1566 C1:307607616001777 C2:uddddududdduuuu M:4/4 K:ADor H:LS T:Humours of Tullycrine, The
ABC 1606 C1:307607616001777 C2:uddddududdduuuu M:4/4 K:ADor H:LS T:Humours of Tullycrine, The
ABC 2321 C1:307607616001777 C2:uddddududdduuuu M:4/4 K:ADor H:LS T:Humours of Tullycrine, The
ABC 158 C1:307607616001777 C2:uddddududdduuuu M:4/4 K:ADor H:LS T:Humours of Tullycrine, The
ABC 1105 C1:307607616001777 C2:uddddududdduuuu M:4/4 K:ADor H:LS T:Humours of Tullycrine, The
ABC 1465 C1:307607616001777 C2:uddddududdduuuu M:4/4 K:ADor H:LS T:Humours of Tullycrine, The
ABC 1566 C1:307607616001777 C2:uddddududdduuuu M:4/4 K:ADor H:LS T:Humours of Tullycrine, The
ABC 1606 C1:307607616001777 C2:uddddududdduuuu M:4/4 K:ADor H:LS T:Humours of Tullycrine, The
ABC 2321 C1:307607616001777 C2:uddddududdduuuu M:4/4 K:ADor H:LS T:Humours of Tullycrine, The
ABC 86 C1:301171113076177 C2:uuuduuuuddudddu M:C| K:Ador H:DHRZ T:Humours of Tullycrine, The
ABC 41 C1:307607616001777 C2:uddddududdduuuu M:4/4 K:ADor H:LS T:Humours of Tullycrine, The
ABC 83 C1:307607616001777 C2:uddddududdduuuu M:4/4 K:ADor H:LS T:Humours of Tullycrine, The
ABC 7369 C1:301171113076177 C2:uuuduuuuddudddu M:C| K:Ador H:DHRZ T:Humours of Tullycrine, The
ABC 7369 C1:301171113076177 C2:uuuduuuuddudddu M:C| K:Ador H:DHRZ T:Humours of Tullycrine, The
ABC 2722 C1:301171113076177 C2:uuuduuuuddudddu M:C| K:Ador H:DHOR T:Humours of Tullycrine, The
ABC 2722 C1:301171113076177 C2:uuuduuuuddudddu M:C| K:Ador H:DHOR T:Humours of Tullycrine, The
ABC 86 C1:301171113076177 C2:uuuduuuuddudddu M:C| K:Ador H:DHRZ T:Humours of Tullycrine, The
ABC 86 C1:301171113076177 C2:uuuduuuuddudddu M:C| K:Ador H:DHRZ T:Humours of Tullycrine, The
ABC 1687 C1:307607616001777 C2:uddddududdduuuu M:4/4 K:ADor H:LS T:Humours of Tullycrine, The
ABC 1687 C1:307607616001777 C2:uddddududdduuuu M:4/4 K:ADor H:LS T:Humours of Tullycrine, The
ABC 1687 C1:307607616001777 C2:uddddududdduuuu M:4/4 K:ADor H:LS T:Humours of Tullycrine, The
ABC 1376 C1:307607616001777 C2:uddddududdduuuu M:4/4 K:ADor H:LS T:Humours of Tullycrine, The
ABC 1378 C1:307607616001777 C2:uddddududdduuuu M:4/4 K:ADor H:LS T:Humours of Tullycrine, The
ABC 2430 C1:307607616001777 C2:uddddududdduuuu M:4/4 K:ADor H:LS T:Humours of Tullycrine, The
ABC 2431 C1:307607616001777 C2:uddddududdduuuu M:4/4 K:ADor H:LS T:Humours of Tullycrine, The
ABC 5862 C1:307607616001777 C2:uddddududdduuuu M:4/4 K:ADor H:LS T:Humours of Tullycrine, The
ABC 5863 C1:301171113076177 C2:uuuduuuuddudddu M:C| K:Ador H:DHRZ T:Humours of Tullycrine, The
ABC 5864 C1:307607616001777 C2:uddddududdduuuu M:4/4 K:ADor H:LS T:Humours of Tullycrine, The
ABC 3032 C1:307607616001777 C2:uddddududdduuuu M:4/4 K:ADor H:LS T:Humours of Tullycrine, The
ABC 3032 C1:307607616001777 C2:uddddududdduuuu M:4/4 K:ADor H:LS T:Humours of Tullycrine, The
ABC 3032 C1:307607616001777 C2:uddddududdduuuu M:4/4 K:ADor H:LS T:Humours of Tullycrine, The
ABC 1376 C1:307607616001777 C2:uddddududdduuuu M:4/4 K:ADor H:LS T:Humours of Tullycrine, The
ABC 1378 C1:307607616001777 C2:uddddududdduuuu M:4/4 K:ADor H:LS T:Humours of Tullycrine, The
ABC 2430 C1:307607616001777 C2:uddddududdduuuu M:4/4 K:ADor H:LS T:Humours of Tullycrine, The
ABC 2431 C1:307607616001777 C2:uddddududdduuuu M:4/4 K:ADor H:LS T:Humours of Tullycrine, The
ABC 5862 C1:307607616001777 C2:uddddududdduuuu M:4/4 K:ADor H:LS T:Humours of Tullycrine, The
ABC 5863 C1:301171113076177 C2:uuuduuuuddudddu M:C| K:Ador H:DHRZ T:Humours of Tullycrine, The
ABC 5864 C1:307607616001777 C2:uddddududdduuuu M:4/4 K:ADor H:LS T:Humours of Tullycrine, The
ABC 1376 C1:307607616001777 C2:uddddududdduuuu M:4/4 K:ADor H:LS T:Humours of Tullycrine, The
ABC 1378 C1:307607616001777 C2:uddddududdduuuu M:4/4 K:ADor H:LS T:Humours of Tullycrine, The
ABC 2430 C1:307607616001777 C2:uddddududdduuuu M:4/4 K:ADor H:LS T:Humours of Tullycrine, The
ABC 2431 C1:307607616001777 C2:uddddududdduuuu M:4/4 K:ADor H:LS T:Humours of Tullycrine, The
ABC 5862 C1:307607616001777 C2:uddddududdduuuu M:4/4 K:ADor H:LS T:Humours of Tullycrine, The
ABC 5863 C1:301171113076177 C2:uuuduuuuddudddu M:C| K:Ador H:DHRZ T:Humours of Tullycrine, The
ABC 5864 C1:307607616001777 C2:uddddududdduuuu M:4/4 K:ADor H:LS T:Humours of Tullycrine, The
ABC 393 C1:307607616001777 C2:uddddududdduuuu M:4/4 K:ADor H:LOS T:Humours of Tullycrine, The
ABC 86 C1:301171113076177 C2:uuuduuuuddudddu M:C| K:Ador H:DHRZ T:Humours of Tullycrine, The
ABC 86 C1:301171113076177 C2:uuuduuuuddudddu M:C| K:Ador H:DHRZ T:Humours of Tullycrine, The
ABC 1 C1:711171113076076 C2:duuuduuuuddddud M:4/4 K:A H:"CDLORSZ T:Humours of Tullycrine (A dorian)
ABC 1 C1:711171113076076 C2:duuuduuuuddddud M:4/4 K:E H:"CDLORSZ T:Humours of Tullycrine (E dorian)
ABC 1 C1:422166610477111 C2:duuuddduudduuud M: K:Gmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Tullyknockbrine
ABC 2 C1:422727660442111 C2:duududdduduuuud M: K:Gmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Tullyknockbrine
ABC 3 C1:422166520442201 C2:duuuddduuduuudd M: K:Cmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Tullyknockbrine
ABC 4 C1:621666140421117 C2:duuuddduuduuuud M: K:Gmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Tullyknockbrine
ABC 5 C1:422140160477111 C2:duuudududduuudd M: K:Gmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Tullyknockbrine
ABC 6 C1:044224224221666 C2:uduuduuduuudddu M: K:Gmaj H:"LR T:The Humours Of Tullyknockbrine
ABC 1 C1:422166160477111 C2:duuuddududduuud M:4/4 K:G H:"CDLOQRSZ T:Humours of Tullyknockbrine (G major / E minor) / Maid(s) of Tullyknockbrine / James Byrne's / Jimmy Byrne's / Rat in the Thatch
ABC 86 C1:235307711111077 C2:uududduuuuudduu M:C| K:Bb H:BLZ T:Humours of Wapping, The
ABC 86 C1:235307711111077 C2:uududduuuuudduu M:C| K:Bb H:BLZ T:Humours of Wapping, The
ABC 158 C1:235307711111077 C2:uududduuuuudduu M:C| K:Bb H:BLZ T:The Humours of Wapping
ABC 158 C1:235307711111077 C2:uududduuuuudduu M:C| K:Bb H:BLZ T:The Humours of Wapping
ABC 158 C1:235307711111077 C2:uududduuuuudduu M:C| K:Bb H:BLZ T:The Humours of Wapping
ABC 158 C1:235307711111077 C2:uududduuuuudduu M:C| K:Bb H:BLZ T:The Humours of Wapping
ABC 158 C1:235307711111077 C2:uududduuuuudduu M:C| K:Bb H:BLZ T:The Humours of Wapping
ABC 158 C1:235307711111077 C2:uududduuuuudduu M:C| K:Bb H:BLZ T:The Humours of Wapping
ABC 158 C1:235307711111077 C2:uududduuuuudduu M:C| K:Bb H:BLZ T:The Humours of Wapping
ABC 86 C1:235307711111077 C2:uududduuuuudduu M:C| K:Bb H:BLZ T:Humours of Wapping, The
ABC 86 C1:235307711111077 C2:uududduuuuudduu M:C| K:Bb H:BLZ T:Humours of Wapping, The
ABC 1 C1:335307711111077 C2:uududduuuuudduu M:4/4 K:G H:"L T:Humours of Wapping (G)
ABC 161 C1:116507711111077 C2:uududduuuuudduu M:C| K:Bb H:BLZ T:Humours of Wapping. JJo.161
ABC 161 C1:116507711111077 C2:uududduuuuudduu M:C| K:Bb H:BLZ T:Humours of Wapping. JJo.161
ABC 161 C1:116507711111077 C2:uududduuuuudduu M:C| K:Bb H:BLZ T:Humours of Wapping. JJo.161
ABC 161 C1:116507711111077 C2:uududduuuuudduu M:C| K:Bb H:BLZ T:Humours of Wapping. JJo.161
ABC 161 C1:116507711111077 C2:uududduuuuudduu M:C| K:Bb H:BLZ T:Humours of Wapping. JJo.161
ABC 161 C1:116507711111077 C2:uududduuuuudduu M:C| K:Bb H:BLZ T:Humours of Wapping. JJo.161
ABC 161 C1:116507711111077 C2:uududduuuuudduu M:C| K:Bb H:BLZ T:Humours of Wapping. JJo.161
ABC 161 C1:116507711111077 C2:uududduuuuudduu M:C| K:Bb H:BLZ T:Humours of Wapping. JJo.161
ABC 161 C1:116507711111077 C2:uududduuuuudduu M:C| K:Bb H:BLQZ T:Humours of Wapping. JJo8.161
ABC 161 C1:116507711111077 C2:uududduuuuudduu M:C| K:Bb H:BLQZ T:Humours of Wapping. JJo8.161
ABC 161 C1:116507711111077 C2:uududduuuuudduu M:C| K:Bb H:BLQZ T:Humours of Wapping. JJo8.161
ABC 161 C1:116507711111077 C2:uududduuuuudduu M:C| K:Bb H:BLQZ T:Humours of Wapping. JJo8.161
ABC 86 C1:235307711111077 C2:uududduuuuudduu M:C| K:Bb H:BLOQRZ T:Humours of Wapping THO3.086
ABC 86 C1:235307711111077 C2:uududduuuuudduu M:C| K:Bb H:BLOQRZ T:Humours of Wapping THO3.086
ABC 43 C1:170561001111577 C2:uddduuuuudddddu M:9/8 K:DMaj H:"LR T:Humours of Westmeath, The
ABC 43 C1:170561001111577 C2:uddduuuuudddddu M:9/8 K:DMaj H:"LR T:Humours of Westmeath, The
ABC 55 C1:000561773111577 C2:ddudduuuuddduuu M:9/8 K:D H:RZ T:Humours Of Westmeath, The
ABC 55 C1:000561773111577 C2:ddudduuuuddduuu M:9/8 K:D H:RZ T:Humours Of Westmeath, The
ABC 8 C1:102611777102622 C2:duduudddduduudd M: K:Dmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Westmeath
ABC 9 C1:000577777000561 C2:dddddudduuuuudd M: K:Dmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Westmeath
ABC 10 C1:000577770007561 C2:dddddudduduuuud M: K:Dmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Westmeath
ABC 11 C1:161461063121477 C2:ududduduuuudddu M: K:Dmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Westmeath
ABC 12 C1:111570063111577 C2:uuuddduuuuddddu M: K:Dmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Westmeath
ABC 1 C1:161561063111577 C2:ududduduuuudddu M: K:Dmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Westmeath
ABC 2 C1:000577777000561 C2:dddddudduduuuud M: K:Dmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Westmeath
ABC 3 C1:000577777000056 C2:dddddudduduuuud M: K:Dmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Westmeath
ABC 4 C1:000577777161561 C2:ddddduududduduu M: K:Dmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Westmeath
ABC 5 C1:000577777000561 C2:dddddudduduuuud M: K:Dmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Westmeath
ABC 6 C1:000056067000031 C2:dddududuuuudduu M: K:Dmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Westmeath
ABC 7 C1:260561063111577 C2:uuddduduuuudddu M: K:Dmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Westmeath
ABC 1 C1:602266276071071 C2:dduuddudddududu M:4/4 K:Amix H:"CQR T:Humours of West Philadelphia
ABC 35032 C1:602266276071071 C2:duuddudddududuu M:4/4 K:D H:"CQR T:HUMOURS OF WEST PHILADELPHIA (reel), The
ABC 35032 C1:602266276071071 C2:duuddudddududuu M:4/4 K:D H:"CR T:HUMOURS OF WEST PHILADELPHIA (reel), The
ABC 35032 C1:602266276071071 C2:duuddudddududuu M:4/4 K:D H:"CR T:HUMOURS OF WEST PHILADELPHIA (reel), The
ABC 208 C1:006120610071562 C2:duudududduddduu M:C| K:F H:RZ T:The Humours of Westport
ABC 1 C1:006120610071562 C2:duudududduddduu M:C| K:F H:RZ T:Humours of Westport, The
ABC 121 C1:007127612761562 C2:duudduudduddudd M:C| K:F H:"BLORSZ T:The humours of Westport
ABC 121 C1:007127612761562 C2:duudduudduddudd M:C| K:F H:"BLORSZ T:The humours of Westport
ABC 121 C1:007127612761562 C2:duudduudduddudd M:C| K:F H:"BLORSZ T:The humours of Westport
ABC 121 C1:007127612761562 C2:duudduudduddudd M:C| K:F H:"BLORSZ T:The humours of Westport
ABC 2 C1: C2: M:C| K:D H:CLRSZ T:Humours of Westport, The
ABC 498 C1:006120610071562 C2:duudududduddduu M:C| K:F H:RZ T:Humours of Westport, The
ABC 498 C1:006120610071562 C2:duudududduddduu M:C| K:F H:RZ T:Humours of Westport, The
ABC 498 C1:006120610071562 C2:duudududduddduu M:C| K:F H:HRZ T:Humours of Westport, The
ABC 498 C1:006120610071562 C2:duudududduddduu M:C| K:F H:HRZ T:Humours of Westport, The
ABC 41 C1:644327776445344 C2:duduuddddududud M:4/4 K:Gmaj H:L T:The Humours Of Westport
ABC 1 C1:007156230071276 C2:dudduuduuddudud M: K:Fmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Westport
ABC 2 C1:004432766044534 C2:uduudddudududud M: K:Fmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Westport
ABC 3 C1:644534426443277 C2:dudududududuudd M: K:Fmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Westport
ABC 4 C1:644327776445344 C2:duduuddddududud M: K:Gmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Westport
ABC 5 C1:007156230007116 C2:dudduuduudududd M: K:Dmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Westport
ABC 6 C1:644534426461277 C2:dudududududuudd M: K:Dmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Westport
ABC 7 C1:004134400461277 C2:uudududuudddudu M: K:Fmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Westport
ABC 8 C1:206127772001076 C2:uduuddduudduudu M: K:Cmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Westport
ABC 9 C1:206127772001076 C2:uduuddduudduudu M: K:Dmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Westport
ABC 1 C1:007156230007116 C2:dudduuduudududd M: K:D H:LRSZ T:Humours of Westport, The
ABC 208 C1:006120610071562 C2:duudududduddduu M:C| K:F H:RZ T:The Humours of Westport
ABC 1040 C1:006120610071562 C2:duudududduddduu M:C| K:F H:RZ T:The Humours of Westport
ABC 745 C1:644534426461277 C2:dudududududuudd M:C K:F H:LZ T:Humours of Westport
ABC 152 C1:644534426461277 C2:dudududududuudd M:C K:F H:LZ T:Humours of Westport
ABC 152 C1:644534426461277 C2:dudududududuudd M:C K:F H:LZ T:Humours of Westport
ABC 11 C1: C2: M:C| K:F H:DR T:Humours of Westport, The
ABC 498 C1:006120610071562 C2:duudududduddduu M:C| K:F H:RZ T:Humours of Westport, The
ABC 498 C1:006120610071562 C2:duudududduddduu M:C| K:F H:RZ T:Humours of Westport, The
ABC 498 C1:006120610071562 C2:duudududduddduu M:C| K:F H:HRZ T:Humours of Westport, The
ABC 7370 C1:644534426461277 C2:dudududududuudd M:C K:F H:LZ T:Humours of Westport
ABC 7371 C1:006120610071562 C2:duudududduddduu M:C| K:F H:RZ T:Humours of Westport, The
ABC 7370 C1:644534426461277 C2:dudududududuudd M:C K:F H:LZ T:Humours of Westport
ABC 7371 C1:006120610071562 C2:duudududduddduu M:C| K:F H:RZ T:Humours of Westport, The
ABC 2723 C1:006120610071562 C2:duudududduddduu M:C| K:F H:OR T:Humours of Westport, The
ABC 2723 C1:006120610071562 C2:duudududduddduu M:C| K:F H:OR T:Humours of Westport, The
ABC 498 C1:006120610071562 C2:duudududduddduu M:C| K:F H:RZ T:Humours of Westport, The
ABC 498 C1:006120610071562 C2:duudududduddduu M:C| K:F H:RZ T:Humours of Westport, The
ABC 121 C1:007127612761562 C2:duudduudduddudd M:C| K:F H:"BLORSZ T:The humours of Westport
ABC 5865 C1:006120610071562 C2:duudududduddduu M:C| K:F H:RZ T:Humours of Westport, The
ABC 5865 C1:006120610071562 C2:duudududduddduu M:C| K:F H:RZ T:Humours of Westport, The
ABC 5865 C1:006120610071562 C2:duudududduddduu M:C| K:F H:RZ T:Humours of Westport, The
ABC 1101 C1:644534426461277 C2:dudududududuudd M:C K:F H:LOZ T:Humours of Westport
ABC 498 C1:006120610071562 C2:duudududduddduu M:C| K:F H:RZ T:Humours of Westport, The
ABC 498 C1:006120610071562 C2:duudududduddduu M:C| K:F H:RZ T:Humours of Westport, The
ABC 1 C1:771404117771404 C2:dduduuudddududu M:9/8 K:B H:"CDLOQRSZ T:Humours of Whiskey #1 (B minor / D major)
ABC 1 C1:712627663011305 C2:duududdduuuudud M:9/8 K:E H:"CDLOQRSZ T:Humours of Whiskey #2 (E dorian / D major)
ABC 1 C1:712627663011305 C2:duududdduuuudud M:9/8 K:Edor H:DHRZ T:Humours of Whiskey [3], The
ABC 1 C1:161401775161404 C2:udududduudududu M:9/8 K:E H:"CDLOQRSZ T:Humours of Whiskey #3 (E minor / G major)
ABC 1 C1:771404117771404 C2:dduduuudddududu M:9/8 K:Bm H:DHRZ T:Humours of Whiskey, The
ABC 91 C1:771404117771404 C2:dduduuudddududu M:9/8 K:Bm H:DRZ T:The Humours of Whiskey
ABC 70 C1:771404117771404 C2:dduduuudddududu M:9/8 K:Bm H:DLRZ T:Humours of Whiskey
ABC 1 C1:771404117771404 C2:dduduuudddududu M:9/8 K:Bm H:"OR T:the Humours of Whiskey
ABC 1 C1:771404117771404 C2:dduduuudddududu M:9/8 K:Bm H:DLRZ T:Humours of Whiskey, The
ABC 1 C1:712627663011305 C2:duududdduuuudud M:9/8 K:Edor H:LR T:Humours of Whiskey, The
ABC 1 C1:712627663011305 C2:duududdduuuudud M:9/8 K:Edor H:DHRZ T:Humours of Whiskey, The
ABC 1 C1:161401775161404 C2:uddududduuddudu M:9/8 K:Em H:CLRZ T:The Humours of Whiskey
ABC 4010 C1:404777111404411 C2:duddduuududuuuu M:9/8 K:Emin H:"CLOQR T:Humours Of Whiskey, The
ABC 1 C1:161401775161404 C2:udududduudududu M:9/8 K:HP H:CLQS T:The Humours of Whiskey
ABC 1 C1:161401775161404 C2:udududduudududu M:9/8 K:HP H:CLQS T:The Humours of Whiskey
ABC 1 C1:161401775161404 C2:udududduudududu M:9/8 K:HP H:CLQS T:The Humours of Whiskey
ABC 1 C1:404411011404777 C2:duduuuududdduuu M:9/8 K:D H:CLRS T:The Humours of Whiskey
ABC 1 C1:404411011404777 C2:duduuuududdduuu M:9/8 K:D H:CLRS T:The Humours of Whiskey
ABC 1 C1:404411011404777 C2:duduuuududdduuu M:9/8 K:D H:CLRS T:The Humours of Whiskey
ABC 1 C1:404411011404777 C2:duduuuududdduuu M:9/8 K:D H:CLRS T:The Humours of Whiskey
ABC 1 C1:404411011404777 C2:duduuuududdduuu M:9/8 K:D H:CLRS T:The Humours of Whiskey
ABC 1 C1:771404117771404 C2:dduduuuddduduuu M:9/8 K:D H:"L T:Humours of whiskey
ABC 1 C1:404777111404411 C2:duddduuududuuuu M:9/8 K:Edor H:HRZ T:Humours of Whiskey, The
ABC 114 C1:771404117771404 C2:dduduuudddududu M:9/8 K:Bm H:"FORZ T:the Humours of Whiskey
ABC 114 C1:771404117771404 C2:dduduuudddududu M:9/8 K:Bm H:"FORZ T:the Humours of Whiskey
ABC 114 C1:771404117771404 C2:dduduuudddududu M:9/8 K:Bm H:"FORZ T:the Humours of Whiskey
ABC 114 C1:771404117771404 C2:dduduuudddududu M:9/8 K:Bm H:"FORZ T:the Humours of Whiskey
ABC 869 C1:771404117771404 C2:dduduuudddududu M:9/8 K:D H:"BDLORSZ T:The humours of whiskey
ABC 869 C1:771404117771404 C2:dduduuudddududu M:9/8 K:D H:"BDLORSZ T:The humours of whiskey
ABC 869 C1:771404117771404 C2:dduduuudddududu M:9/8 K:D H:"BDLORSZ T:The humours of whiskey
ABC 869 C1:771404117771404 C2:dduduuudddududu M:9/8 K:D H:"BDLORSZ T:The humours of whiskey
ABC 15 C1:771404117771404 C2:dduduuudddududu M:9/8 K:B H:LZ T:Humours of Whiskey
ABC 75 C1:771404117771404 C2:dduduuudddududu M:9/8 K:B H:LZ T:Humours of Whiskey
ABC 1 C1:712627663011305 C2:duududdduuuudud M:9/8 K:Edor H:DLRZ T:Humours of Whiskey, The
ABC 7 C1:404777111404411 C2:duddduuududuuuu M:9/8 K:Edor H:HRZ T:Humours of Whiskey, The
ABC 37 C1:712627663011305 C2:duududdduuuudud M:9/8 K:Edor H:DHRZ T:Humours of Whiskey, The
ABC 40 C1:771404117771404 C2:dduduuudddududu M:9/8 K:Bm H:DHRZ T:Humours of Whiskey, The
ABC 7 C1:404777111404411 C2:duddduuududuuuu M:9/8 K:Edor H:HRZ T:Humours of Whiskey, The
ABC 37 C1:712627663011305 C2:duududdduuuudud M:9/8 K:Edor H:DHRZ T:Humours of Whiskey, The
ABC 40 C1:771404117771404 C2:dduduuudddududu M:9/8 K:Bm H:DHRZ T:Humours of Whiskey, The
ABC 7 C1:404777111404411 C2:duddduuududuuuu M:9/8 K:Edor H:HRZ T:Humours of Whiskey, The
ABC 37 C1:712627663011305 C2:duududdduuuudud M:9/8 K:Edor H:DHRZ T:Humours of Whiskey, The
ABC 40 C1:771404117771404 C2:dduduuudddududu M:9/8 K:Bm H:DHRZ T:Humours of Whiskey, The
ABC 77 C1:161401775161404 C2:udududduudududu M:9/8 K:Em H:BHRZ T:Humours of Whiskey, The
ABC 7 C1:404777111404411 C2:duddduuududuuuu M:9/8 K:Edor H:HRZ T:Humours of Whiskey, The
ABC 37 C1:712627663011305 C2:duududdduuuudud M:9/8 K:Edor H:DHRZ T:Humours of Whiskey, The
ABC 40 C1:771404117771404 C2:dduduuudddududu M:9/8 K:Bm H:DHRZ T:Humours of Whiskey, The
ABC 77 C1:161401775161404 C2:udududduudududu M:9/8 K:Em H:BHRZ T:Humours of Whiskey, The
ABC 91 C1:771404117771404 C2:dduduuudddududu M:9/8 K:Bm H:DRZ T:The Humours of Whiskey
ABC 455 C1:771404117771404 C2:dduduuudddududu M:9/8 K:Bm H:DRZ T:The Humours of Whiskey
ABC 47 C1:771404405771404 C2:ddudududduduuud M:9/8 K:Bmin H:"LR T:Humours Of Whiskey, The
ABC 1 C1:712627663011305 C2:duududdduuuudud M: K:Dmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Whiskey
ABC 2 C1:712627663011305 C2:duududdduuuudud M: K:Dmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Whiskey
ABC 1 C1:771404405771404 C2:ddudududduduuud M:9/8 K:D H:C T:Humours of Whiskey
ABC 1 C1:002627663002627 C2:ududdduududuuud M: K:Gmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Whiskey
ABC 2 C1:071661775071404 C2:dudduddudududdu M: K:Gmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Whiskey
ABC 3 C1:002261777002627 C2:uududddududdduu M: K:Dmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Whiskey
ABC 4 C1:071305305071305 C2:duududduuduuddu M: K:Gmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Whiskey
ABC 5 C1:071404404071661 C2:dududududduddud M: K:Gmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Whiskey
ABC 660 C1:161404404161401 C2:udududuudududdu M:9/8 K:Ador H:CHRZ T:Humours of Whiskey
ABC 660 C1:161404404161401 C2:udududuudududdu M:9/8 K:Ador H:CHRZ T:Humours of Whiskey
ABC 1 C1:071661775071404 C2:dudduddudududdu M: K:Emin H:LR T:The Humours Of Whiskey
ABC 2 C1:161404404161401 C2:udududuudududdu M: K:Emin H:LR T:The Humours Of Whiskey
ABC 3 C1:161404404161661 C2:udududuududdudd M: K:Emin H:LR T:The Humours Of Whiskey
ABC 4 C1:161401775161404 C2:udududduudududu M: K:Emin H:LR T:The Humours Of Whiskey
ABC 5 C1:114000002114003 C2:uuduuududduuudu M: K:Emin H:LR T:The Humours Of Whiskey
ABC 6 C1:161401775161404 C2:udududduudududu M: K:Gmaj H:LRSZ T:The Humours Of Whiskey
ABC 1 C1:161401775161404 C2:udududduudududu M:9/8 K:Em H:RS T:Humours of Whiskey
ABC 1 C1:771404405771404 C2:ddudududduduuud M: K:Bmin H:"LR T:The Humours Of Whiskey
ABC 2 C1:771404405771404 C2:ddudududduduuud M: K:Dmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Whiskey
ABC 3 C1:771404405771404 C2:ddudududduduuud M: K:Dmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Whiskey
ABC 4 C1:771404405771404 C2:ddudududduduuud M: K:Bmin H:LR T:The Humours Of Whiskey
ABC 5 C1:771404405771404 C2:ddudududduduuud M: K:Bmin H:"LR T:The Humours Of Whiskey
ABC 6 C1:071404404071404 C2:dududududuuuddu M: K:Bmin H:"LR T:The Humours Of Whiskey
ABC 7 C1:771404405771404 C2:ddudududduduuud M: K:Dmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Whiskey
ABC 8 C1:771404405771404 C2:ddudududduduuud M: K:Bmin H:LR T:The Humours Of Whiskey
ABC 9 C1:771404405771404 C2:ddudududduduuud M: K:Bmin H:LR T:The Humours Of Whiskey
ABC 10 C1:771404405771404 C2:ddudududduduuud M: K:Bmin H:"LR T:The Humours Of Whiskey
ABC 11 C1:161404117771404 C2:ududuuudddududu M: K:Bmin H:"LR T:The Humours Of Whiskey
ABC 3 C1:771404405771404 C2:ddudududduduuud M:9/8 K:Bm H:BLRS T:Humours of Whiskey, The
ABC 4010 C1:404777111404411 C2:duddduuududuuuu M:9/8 K:Em H:"CLOQRZ T:Humours Of Whiskey, The
ABC 93 C1:404411011404777 C2:duduuuududdduuu M:9/8 K:D H:LRZ T:The Humours of Whiskey
ABC 107 C1:771404117771404 C2:dduduuudddududu M:9/8 K:Bm H:DLR T:The Humours of Whiskey
ABC 142 C1:712627663011305 C2:duududdduuuudud M:9/8 K:Edor H:DLR T:The Humours of Whiskey
ABC 93 C1:404411011404777 C2:duduuuududdduuu M:9/8 K:D H:LRZ T:The Humours of Whiskey
ABC 107 C1:771404117771404 C2:dduduuudddududu M:9/8 K:Bm H:DLR T:The Humours of Whiskey
ABC 142 C1:712627663011305 C2:duududdduuuudud M:9/8 K:Edor H:DLR T:The Humours of Whiskey
ABC 70 C1:771404117771404 C2:dduduuudddududu M:9/8 K:Bm H:DLRZ T:Humours of Whiskey
ABC 70 C1:771404117771404 C2:dduduuudddududu M:9/8 K:Bm H:DLRZ T:Humours of Whiskey
ABC 36 C1: C2: M:9/8 K:Bmin H:DLR T:Humours Of Whiskey, The
ABC 40 C1:771404117771404 C2:dduduuudddududu M:9/8 K:Bm H:DHRZ T:Humours of Whiskey, The
ABC 805 C1:771404117771404 C2:dduduuudddududu M:9/8 K:Bm H:"DR T:Humours of Whiskey, The
ABC 2911 C1:712627663011305 C2:duududdduuuudud M:9/8 K:Edor H:LR T:Humours of Whiskey, The
ABC 7251 C1:771404117771404 C2:dduduuudddududu M:9/8 K:Bm H:"OR T:the Humours of Whiskey
ABC 2911 C1:712627663011305 C2:duududdduuuudud M:9/8 K:Edor H:LR T:Humours of Whiskey, The
ABC 7251 C1:771404117771404 C2:dduduuudddududu M:9/8 K:Bm H:"OR T:the Humours of Whiskey
ABC 7 C1:404777111404411 C2:duddduuududuuuu M:9/8 K:Edor H:HRZ T:Humours of Whiskey, The
ABC 37 C1:712627663011305 C2:duududdduuuudud M:9/8 K:Edor H:DHRZ T:Humours of Whiskey, The
ABC 40 C1:771404117771404 C2:dduduuudddududu M:9/8 K:Bm H:DHRZ T:Humours of Whiskey, The
ABC 7 C1:404777111404411 C2:duddduuududuuuu M:9/8 K:Edor H:HRZ T:Humours of Whiskey, The
ABC 37 C1:712627663011305 C2:duududdduuuudud M:9/8 K:Edor H:DHRZ T:Humours of Whiskey, The
ABC 40 C1:771404117771404 C2:dduduuudddududu M:9/8 K:Bm H:DHRZ T:Humours of Whiskey, The
ABC 7 C1:404777111404411 C2:duddduuududuuuu M:9/8 K:Edor H:HRZ T:Humours of Whiskey, The
ABC 7 C1:404777111404411 C2:duddduuududuuuu M:9/8 K:Edor H:HRZ T:Humours of Whiskey, The
ABC 7 C1:404777111404411 C2:duddduuududuuuu M:9/8 K:Edor H:HRZ T:Humours of Whiskey, The
ABC 7 C1:404777111404411 C2:duddduuududuuuu M:9/8 K:Edor H:HRZ T:Humours of Whiskey, The
ABC 7 C1:404777111404411 C2:duddduuududuuuu M:9/8 K:Edor H:HRZ T:Humours of Whiskey, The
ABC 37 C1:712627663011305 C2:duududdduuuudud M:9/8 K:Edor H:DHRZ T:Humours of Whiskey, The
ABC 40 C1:771404117771404 C2:dduduuudddududu M:9/8 K:Bm H:DHRZ T:Humours of Whiskey, The
ABC 208 C1:071404116071404 C2:duduuuddududuud M:9/8 K:DMin H:FLQSZ T:Humours of Whiskey
ABC 208 C1:071404116071404 C2:duduuuddududuud M:9/8 K:DMin H:FLQSZ T:Humours of Whiskey
ABC 7374 C1:771404117771404 C2:dduduuudddududu M:9/8 K:Bm H:DLRZ T:Humours of Whiskey, The
ABC 7375 C1:771404117771404 C2:dduduuudddududu M:9/8 K:Bm H:DHRZ T:Humours of Whiskey, The
ABC 7376 C1:771404117771404 C2:dduduuudddududu M:9/8 K:Bm H:"ORS T:Humours of Whiskey, The
ABC 7372 C1:771404117771404 C2:dduduuudddududu M:9/8 K:B H:LZ T:Humours of Whiskey
ABC 7373 C1:712627663011305 C2:duududdduuuudud M:9/8 K:Edor H:DHRZ T:Humours of Whiskey, The
ABC 7372 C1:771404117771404 C2:dduduuudddududu M:9/8 K:B H:LZ T:Humours of Whiskey
ABC 7373 C1:712627663011305 C2:duududdduuuudud M:9/8 K:Edor H:DHRZ T:Humours of Whiskey, The
ABC 7374 C1:771404117771404 C2:dduduuudddududu M:9/8 K:Bm H:DLRZ T:Humours of Whiskey, The
ABC 7375 C1:771404117771404 C2:dduduuudddududu M:9/8 K:Bm H:DHRZ T:Humours of Whiskey, The
ABC 7376 C1:771404117771404 C2:dduduuudddududu M:9/8 K:Bm H:"ORS T:Humours of Whiskey, The
ABC 2724 C1:712627663011305 C2:duududdduuuudud M:9/8 K:Edor H:LOR T:Humours of Whiskey, The
ABC 6938 C1:161401775161404 C2:uddududduuddudu M:9/8 K:Em H:CLOR T:The Humours of Whiskey
ABC 2724 C1:712627663011305 C2:duududdduuuudud M:9/8 K:Edor H:LOR T:Humours of Whiskey, The
ABC 6938 C1:161401775161404 C2:uddududduuddudu M:9/8 K:Em H:CLOR T:The Humours of Whiskey
ABC 4010 C1:404777111404411 C2:duddduuududuuuu M:9/8 K:Em H:"CLOQRZ T:Humours Of Whiskey, The
ABC 40 C1:771404117771404 C2:dduduuudddududu M:9/8 K:Bm H:DHRZ T:Humours of Whiskey, The
ABC 37 C1:712627663011305 C2:duududdduuuudud M:9/8 K:Edor H:DHRZ T:Humours of Whiskey, The
ABC 40 C1:771404117771404 C2:dduduuudddududu M:9/8 K:Bm H:DHRZ T:Humours of Whiskey, The
ABC 37 C1:712627663011305 C2:duududdduuuudud M:9/8 K:Edor H:DHRZ T:Humours of Whiskey, The
ABC 4099 C1:404777111404411 C2:duddduuududuuuu M:9/8 K:Edor H:HRZ T:Humours of Whiskey, The
ABC 4099 C1:404777111404411 C2:duddduuududuuuu M:9/8 K:Edor H:HRZ T:Humours of Whiskey, The
ABC 4099 C1:404777111404411 C2:duddduuududuuuu M:9/8 K:Edor H:HRZ T:Humours of Whiskey, The
ABC 869 C1:771404117771404 C2:dduduuudddududu M:9/8 K:D H:"BDLORSZ T:The humours of whiskey
ABC 3191 C1:404777111404411 C2:duddduuududuuuu M:9/8 K:Edor H:HRZ T:Humours of Whiskey, The
ABC 5866 C1:712627663011305 C2:duududdduuuudud M:9/8 K:Edor H:DHRZ T:Humours of Whiskey, The
ABC 5867 C1:771404117771404 C2:dduduuudddududu M:9/8 K:Bm H:DHRZ T:Humours of Whiskey, The
ABC 5868 C1:712627663011305 C2:duududdduuuudud M:9/8 K:Edor H:LR T:Humours of Whiskey, The
ABC 5869 C1:771404117771404 C2:dduduuudddududu M:9/8 K:Bm H:DLRZ T:Humours of Whiskey, The
ABC 13536 C1:771404117771404 C2:dduduuudddududu M:9/8 K:Bm H:"OR T:the Humours of Whiskey
ABC 13537 C1:161401775161404 C2:uddududduuddudu M:9/8 K:Em H:CLRZ T:The Humours of Whiskey
ABC 3905 C1:771404117771404 C2:dduduuudddududu M:9/8 K:B H:"FORZ T:the Humours of Whiskey
ABC 3905 C1:771404117771404 C2:dduduuudddududu M:9/8 K:B H:"FORZ T:the Humours of Whiskey
ABC 3191 C1:404777111404411 C2:duddduuududuuuu M:9/8 K:Edor H:HRZ T:Humours of Whiskey, The
ABC 5866 C1:712627663011305 C2:duududdduuuudud M:9/8 K:Edor H:DHRZ T:Humours of Whiskey, The
ABC 5867 C1:771404117771404 C2:dduduuudddududu M:9/8 K:Bm H:DHRZ T:Humours of Whiskey, The
ABC 5868 C1:712627663011305 C2:duududdduuuudud M:9/8 K:Edor H:LR T:Humours of Whiskey, The
ABC 5869 C1:771404117771404 C2:dduduuudddududu M:9/8 K:Bm H:DLRZ T:Humours of Whiskey, The
ABC 13536 C1:771404117771404 C2:dduduuudddududu M:9/8 K:Bm H:"OR T:the Humours of Whiskey
ABC 13537 C1:161401775161404 C2:uddududduuddudu M:9/8 K:Em H:CLRZ T:The Humours of Whiskey
ABC 3191 C1:404777111404411 C2:duddduuududuuuu M:9/8 K:Edor H:HRZ T:Humours of Whiskey, The
ABC 5866 C1:712627663011305 C2:duududdduuuudud M:9/8 K:Edor H:DHRZ T:Humours of Whiskey, The
ABC 5867 C1:771404117771404 C2:dduduuudddududu M:9/8 K:Bm H:DHRZ T:Humours of Whiskey, The
ABC 5868 C1:712627663011305 C2:duududdduuuudud M:9/8 K:Edor H:LR T:Humours of Whiskey, The
ABC 5869 C1:771404117771404 C2:dduduuudddududu M:9/8 K:Bm H:DLRZ T:Humours of Whiskey, The
ABC 13536 C1:771404117771404 C2:dduduuudddududu M:9/8 K:Bm H:"OR T:the Humours of Whiskey
ABC 13537 C1:161401775161404 C2:uddududduuddudu M:9/8 K:Em H:CLRZ T:The Humours of Whiskey
ABC 1103 C1:771404117771404 C2:dduduuudddududu M:9/8 K:B H:LOZ T:Humours of Whiskey
ABC 2655 C1:771404117771404 C2:dduduuudddududu M:9/8 K:Bm H:"OR T:the Humours of Whiskey
ABC 127 C1:771404117771404 C2:dduduuudddududu M:9/8 K:B H:"ORZ T:the Humours of Whiskey
ABC 123 C1:771404117771404 C2:dduduuudddududu M:9/8 K:Bm H:"ORS T:Humours of Whiskey, The
ABC 7 C1:404777111404411 C2:duddduuududuuuu M:9/8 K:Edor H:HRZ T:Humours of Whiskey, The
ABC 37 C1:712627663011305 C2:duududdduuuudud M:9/8 K:Edor H:DHRZ T:Humours of Whiskey, The
ABC 40 C1:771404117771404 C2:dduduuudddududu M:9/8 K:Bm H:DHRZ T:Humours of Whiskey, The
ABC 123 C1:771404117771404 C2:dduduuudddududu M:9/8 K:Bm H:"ORS T:Humours of Whiskey, The
ABC 7 C1:404777111404411 C2:duddduuududuuuu M:9/8 K:Edor H:HRZ T:Humours of Whiskey, The
ABC 37 C1:712627663011305 C2:duududdduuuudud M:9/8 K:Edor H:DHRZ T:Humours of Whiskey, The
ABC 40 C1:771404117771404 C2:dduduuudddududu M:9/8 K:Bm H:DHRZ T:Humours of Whiskey, The
ABC 1 C1:261663777771205 C2:ududduddddduudu M:6/8 K:D H:"L T:Humours of whiskey (jig)
ABC 378 C1:011305303002627 C2:uuududududdduuu M:9/8 K:Dmaj H:HLRZ T:Humours Of Whiskey No. 1, The
ABC 1 C1:404411011404777 C2:duduuuududdduuu M:9/8 K:EDor H:R T:The Humours of Whiskey no.2
ABC 380 C1:771404405771404 C2:ddudududduduuud M:9/8 K:Bmin H:"HLRZ T:Humours Of Whiskey No. 2, The
ABC 6937 C1:404411011404777 C2:duduuuududdduuu M:9/8 K:EDor H:OR T:The Humours of Whiskey no.2
ABC 6937 C1:404411011404777 C2:duduuuududdduuu M:9/8 K:EDor H:OR T:The Humours of Whiskey no.2
ABC 13535 C1:404411011404777 C2:duduuuududdduuu M:9/8 K:EDor H:R T:The Humours of Whiskey no.2
ABC 13535 C1:404411011404777 C2:duduuuududdduuu M:9/8 K:EDor H:R T:The Humours of Whiskey no.2
ABC 13535 C1:404411011404777 C2:duduuuududdduuu M:9/8 K:EDor H:R T:The Humours of Whiskey no.2
ABC 1 C1:771404117771404 C2:dduduuudddududu M:9/8 K:B H:CLORS T:Humours of Whiskey (Slip Jig)
ABC 1 C1:771404117771404 C2:dduduuudddududu M:9/8 K:B H:CLORS T:Humours of Whiskey (Slip Jig)
ABC 1 C1:011305303712627 C2:uuududduududddu M:9/8 K:Edor H:R T:Humours of Whiskey (The)
ABC 1 C1:601606022607711 C2:dudduuddduudduu M: K:Gmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Winnington
ABC 688 C1:170223777663117 C2:uduuuddddduuudu M:6/8 K:G H:"BLORSZ T:The humours of winter
ABC 688 C1:170223777663117 C2:uduuuddddduuudu M:6/8 K:G H:"BLORSZ T:The humours of winter
ABC 688 C1:170223777663117 C2:uduuuddddduuudu M:6/8 K:G H:"BLORSZ T:The humours of winter
ABC 688 C1:170223777663117 C2:uduuuddddduuudu M:6/8 K:G H:"BLORSZ T:The humours of winter
ABC 1 C1:117022377766311 C2:uuduuuddddduuud M: K:Gmaj H:LR T:The Humours Of Winter
ABC 688 C1:170223777663117 C2:uduuuddddduuudu M:6/8 K:G H:"BLORSZ T:The humours of winter
ABC 48419 C1:670170003670174 C2:ddududduduudddu M:9/8 K:D H:BCLQRY T:HUMOURS OF WOODSTOWN, The
ABC 344 C1:670170003670174 C2:ddududduduudddu M:9/8 K:D H:LQR T:Humours of Woodstown
ABC 344 C1:670170003670174 C2:ddududduduudddu M:9/8 K:D H:LQR T:Humours of Woodstown
ABC 344 C1:670170003670174 C2:ddududduduudddu M:9/8 K:D H:LQR T:Humours of Woodstown
ABC 344 C1:670170003670174 C2:ddududduduudddu M:9/8 K:D H:LQR T:Humours of Woodstown
ABC 1 C1:670170003670174 C2:ddududduduudddu M:9/8 K:Emin H:LRSZ T:Humours of Woodstown, The
ABC 344 C1:670170003670174 C2:ddududduduudddu M:9/8 K:D H:LQR T:Humours of Woodstown
ABC 344 C1:670170003670174 C2:ddududduduudddu M:9/8 K:D H:LQR T:Humours of Woodstown
ABC 48419 C1:670170003670174 C2:ddududduduudddu M:9/8 K:D H:BCLQRY T:HUMOURS OF WOODSTOWN, The
ABC 48419 C1:670170003670174 C2:ddududduduudddu M:9/8 K:D H:BCLQRY T:HUMOURS OF WOODSTOWN, The
ABC 95 C1:053625120261761 C2:dududuuududduud M:4/4 K:D H:"LQR T:Humous of Tulla
ABC 1 C1:030101277070700 C2:uuuuddddduddddu M:2/4 K:Dm H:"CLQR T:Humpa from Oaxaca
ABC 1 C1:030101277070700 C2:uuuuddddduddddu M:2/4 K:Dm H:"CLQR T:Humpa from Oaxaca
ABC 30671 C1:026166272330777 C2:ududduduudddduu M:4/4 K:D H:BCLSZ T:HUMPHREY'S GAVOTT
ABC 30671 C1:026166272330777 C2:ududduduudddduu M:4/4 K:D H:BCLSZ T:HUMPHREY'S GAVOTT
ABC 305581 C1:026166272330777 C2:ududduduudddduu M:4/4 K:D H:BCLSZ T:HUMPHREY'S GAVOTT
ABC 305581 C1:026166272330777 C2:ududduduudddduu M:4/4 K:D H:BCLSZ T:HUMPHREY'S GAVOTT
ABC 305581 C1:026166272330777 C2:ududduduudddduu M:4/4 K:D H:BCLSZ T:HUMPHREY'S GAVOTT
ABC 305581 C1:026166272330777 C2:ududduduudddduu M:4/4 K:D H:BCLSZ T:HUMPHREY'S GAVOTT
ABC 305581 C1:026166272330777 C2:ududduduudddduu M:4/4 K:D H:BCLSZ T:HUMPHREY'S GAVOTT
ABC 305581 C1:026166272330777 C2:ududduduudddduu M:4/4 K:D H:BCLSZ T:HUMPHREY'S GAVOTT
ABC 305581 C1:026166272330777 C2:ududduduudddduu M:4/4 K:D H:BCLSZ T:HUMPHREY'S GAVOTT
ABC 305581 C1:026166272330777 C2:ududduduudddduu M:4/4 K:D H:BCLSZ T:HUMPHREY'S GAVOTT
ABC 305581 C1:026166272330777 C2:ududduduudddduu M:4/4 K:D H:BCLSZ T:HUMPHREY'S GAVOTT
ABC 1727 C1:010705070202010 C2:dududdududududu M:C| K:A H:BCILZ T:"Humphrey's Hornpipe" 1727
ABC 1727 C1:010705070202010 C2:dududdududududu M:C| K:A H:BCILZ T:"Humphrey's Hornpipe" 1727
ABC 1 C1: C2: M:C| K:A H:LRSZ T:Humphrey's Hornpipe [2]
ABC 1 C1:111005176116167 C2:uuududduududddu M:4/4 K:D H:CLQR T:Humphrey's Hornpipe
ABC 1 C1:111005176116167 C2:uuududduududddu M:4/4 K:D H:CLQR T:Humphrey's Hornpipe
ABC 492098 C1:453467160264453 C2:dududdududududu M:C| K:G H:BLQRZ T:HUMPHREY'S HORNPIPE
ABC 1916 C1:453467160264453 C2:dududdududududu M:C| K:A H:BLZ T:Humphrey's Hornpipe
ABC 1916 C1:453467160264453 C2:dududdududududu M:C| K:A H:BLZ T:Humphrey's Hornpipe
ABC 1916 C1:453467160264453 C2:dududdududududu M:C| K:A H:BLZ T:Humphrey's Hornpipe
ABC 1 C1:005176116167004 C2:dudduududdduudu M:2/4 K:D H:BLR T:Humphrey's -- Hornpipe
ABC 1 C1:005176116167004 C2:dudduududdduudu M:2/4 K:D H:BLR T:Humphrey's -- Hornpipe
ABC 1727 C1:026445344534671 C2:ududududududdud M:C| K:A H:BLRZbs T:Humphrey's Hornpipe
ABC 1727 C1:026445344534671 C2:ududududududdud M:C| K:A H:BLRZbs T:Humphrey's Hornpipe
ABC 1727 C1:026445344534671 C2:ududududududdud M:C| K:A H:BLRZbs T:Humphrey's Hornpipe
ABC 1727 C1:026445344534671 C2:ududududududdud M:C| K:A H:BLRZbs T:Humphrey's Hornpipe
ABC 1727 C1:026445344534671 C2:ududududududdud M:C| K:A H:BLRZbs T:Humphrey's Hornpipe
ABC 1845 C1:453467160264453 C2:dududdududududu M:C| K:A H:BLRZ T:Humphrey's Hornpipe
ABC 1845 C1:453467160264453 C2:dududdududududu M:C| K:A H:BLRZ T:Humphrey's Hornpipe
ABC 1727 C1:453467160264453 C2:dududdududududu M:C| K:A H:BLRZ T:Humphrey's Hornpipe
ABC 1845 C1:453467160264453 C2:dududdududududu M:C| K:A H:BLRZ T:Humphrey's Hornpipe
ABC 1727 C1:026445344534671 C2:ududududududdud M:C| K:A H:BLRZbs T:Humphrey's Hornpipe
ABC 1727 C1:026445344534671 C2:ududududududdud M:C| K:A H:BLRZbs T:Humphrey's Hornpipe
ABC 1727 C1:026445344534671 C2:ududududududdud M:C| K:A H:BLRZbs T:Humphrey's Hornpipe
ABC 1727 C1:026445344534671 C2:ududududududdud M:C| K:A H:BLRZbs T:Humphrey's Hornpipe
ABC 1727 C1:026445344534671 C2:ududududududdud M:C| K:A H:BLRZbs T:Humphrey's Hornpipe
ABC 1727 C1:026445344534671 C2:ududududududdud M:C| K:A H:BLRZbs T:Humphrey's Hornpipe
ABC 1727 C1:026445344534671 C2:ududududududdud M:C| K:A H:BLRZbs T:Humphrey's Hornpipe
ABC 1727 C1:026445344534671 C2:ududududududdud M:C| K:A H:BLRZbs T:Humphrey's Hornpipe
ABC 1727 C1:026445344534671 C2:ududududududdud M:C| K:A H:BLRZbs T:Humphrey's Hornpipe
ABC 1727 C1:026445344534671 C2:ududududududdud M:C| K:A H:BLRZbs T:Humphrey's Hornpipe
ABC 1727 C1:453467160264453 C2:dududdududududu M:C| K:A H:BLZ T:HUMPHREY'S HORNPIPE
ABC 1 C1:005176116167004 C2:dudduududdduudu M:2/4 K:D H:BLR T:Humphrey's -- Hornpipe
ABC 1 C1:005176116167004 C2:dudduududdduudu M:2/4 K:D H:BLR T:Humphrey's -- Hornpipe
ABC 1727 C1:453467160264453 C2:dududdududududu M:C| K:A H:BLRZ T:Humphrey's Hornpipe
ABC 492098 C1:453467160264453 C2:dududdududududu M:C| K:G H:BLQRZ T:HUMPHREY'S HORNPIPE
ABC 492098 C1:453467160264453 C2:dududdududududu M:C| K:G H:BLQRZ T:HUMPHREY'S HORNPIPE
ABC 1727 C1:453467160264453 C2:dududdududududu M:C| K:A H:BLRZ T:Humphrey's Hornpipe
ABC 1727 C1:453467160264453 C2:dududdududududu M:C| K:A H:BLZ T:HUMPHREY'S HORNPIPE
ABC 1 C1:005176116167004 C2:dudduududdduudu M:2/4 K:D H:BLR T:Humphrey's -- Hornpipe
ABC 1 C1:005176116167004 C2:dudduududdduudu M:2/4 K:D H:BLR T:Humphrey's -- Hornpipe
ABC 1 C1:005176116167004 C2:dudduududdduudu M:2/4 K:D H:BLR T:Humphrey's -- Hornpipe
ABC 1845 C1:453467160264453 C2:dududdududududu M:C| K:A H:BLRZ T:Humphrey's Hornpipe
ABC 1916 C1:453467160264453 C2:dududdududududu M:C| K:A H:BLZ T:Humphrey's Hornpipe
ABC 1845 C1:453467160264453 C2:dududdududududu M:C| K:A H:BLRZ T:Humphrey's Hornpipe
ABC 1916 C1:453467160264453 C2:dududdududududu M:C| K:A H:BLZ T:Humphrey's Hornpipe
ABC 1 C1: C2: M:C| K:G H:LRS T:Humphrey's Jig
ABC 1 C1:026445344534671 C2:ududududududdud M:C| K:A H:"BDLORZ T:Humphrey's Reel
ABC 1 C1:026445344534671 C2:ududududududdud M:C| K:A H:"BDLORZ T:Humphrey's Reel
ABC 1 C1:026445344534671 C2:ududududududdud M:C| K:A H:"BDLORZ T:Humphrey's Reel
ABC 1 C1:026445344534671 C2:ududududududdud M:C| K:A H:"BDLORZ T:Humphrey's Reel
ABC 1 C1:026445344534671 C2:ududududududdud M:C| K:A H:"BDLORZ T:Humphrey's Reel
ABC 1 C1:026445344534671 C2:ududududududdud M:C| K:A H:"BDLORZ T:Humphrey's Reel
ABC 1 C1:026445344534671 C2:ududududududdud M:C| K:A H:"BDLORZ T:Humphrey's Reel
ABC 1 C1:026445344534671 C2:ududududududdud M:C| K:A H:"BDLORZ T:Humphrey's Reel
ABC 1 C1:026445344534671 C2:ududududududdud M:C| K:A H:"BDLORZ T:Humphrey's Reel
ABC 1 C1:026445344534671 C2:ududududududdud M:C| K:A H:"BDLORZ T:Humphrey's Reel
ABC 1 C1:026445344534671 C2:ududududududdud M:C| K:A H:"BDLORZ T:Humphrey's Reel
ABC 1 C1:026445344534671 C2:ududududududdud M:C| K:A H:"BDLORZ T:Humphrey's Reel
ABC 1 C1:026445344534671 C2:ududududududdud M:C| K:A H:"BDLORZ T:Humphrey's Reel
ABC 1 C1:026445344534671 C2:ududududududdud M:C| K:A H:"BDLORZ T:Humphrey's Reel
ABC 1 C1:026445344534671 C2:ududududududdud M:C| K:A H:"BDLORZ T:Humphrey's Reel
ABC 1 C1:026445344534671 C2:ududududududdud M:C| K:A H:"BDLORZ T:Humphrey's Reel
ABC 1 C1:026445344534671 C2:ududududududdud M:C| K:A H:"BDLORZ T:Humphrey's Reel
ABC 1 C1:026445344534671 C2:ududududududdud M:C| K:A H:"BDLORZ T:Humphrey's Reel
ABC 1 C1:026445344534671 C2:ududududududdud M:C| K:A H:"BDLORZ T:Humphrey's Reel
ABC 1 C1:026445344534671 C2:ududududududdud M:C| K:A H:"BDLORZ T:Humphrey's Reel
ABC 1 C1:026445344534671 C2:ududududududdud M:C| K:A H:"BDLORZ T:Humphrey's Reel
ABC 1 C1:026445344534671 C2:ududududududdud M:C| K:A H:"BDLORZ T:Humphrey's Reel
ABC 1 C1:026445344534671 C2:ududududududdud M:C| K:A H:"BDLORZ T:Humphrey's Reel
ABC 1 C1:026445344534671 C2:ududududududdud M:C| K:A H:"BDLORZ T:Humphrey's Reel
ABC 1 C1:026445344534671 C2:ududududududdud M:C| K:A H:"BDLORZ T:Humphrey's Reel
ABC 1 C1:026445344534671 C2:ududududududdud M:C| K:A H:"BDLORZ T:Humphrey's Reel
ABC 1 C1:026445344534671 C2:ududududududdud M:C| K:A H:"BDLORZ T:Humphrey's Reel
ABC 1 C1:026445344534671 C2:ududududududdud M:C| K:A H:"BDLORZ T:Humphrey's Reel
ABC 1 C1:026445344534671 C2:ududududududdud M:C| K:A H:"BDLORZ T:Humphrey's Reel
ABC 1 C1:026445344534671 C2:ududududududdud M:C| K:A H:"BDLORZ T:Humphrey's Reel
ABC 1 C1:026445344534671 C2:ududududududdud M:C| K:A H:"BDLORZ T:Humphrey's Reel
ABC 1 C1:026445344534671 C2:ududududududdud M:C| K:A H:"BDLORZ T:Humphrey's Reel
ABC 1 C1:026445344534671 C2:ududududududdud M:C| K:A H:"BDLORZ T:Humphrey's Reel
ABC 1 C1:026445344534671 C2:ududududududdud M:C| K:A H:"BDLORZ T:Humphrey's Reel
ABC 1 C1:026445344534671 C2:ududududududdud M:C| K:A H:"BDLORZ T:Humphrey's Reel
ABC 1 C1:026445344534671 C2:ududududududdud M:C| K:A H:"BDLORZ T:Humphrey's Reel
ABC 1 C1:026445344534671 C2:ududududududdud M:C| K:A H:"BDLORZ T:Humphrey's Reel
ABC 1 C1:026445344534671 C2:ududududududdud M:C| K:A H:"BDLORZ T:Humphrey's Reel
ABC 1 C1:026445344534671 C2:ududududududdud M:C| K:A H:"BDLORZ T:Humphrey's Reel
ABC 1 C1:026445344534671 C2:ududududududdud M:C| K:A H:"BDLORZ T:Humphrey's Reel
ABC 1 C1:026445344534671 C2:ududududududdud M:C| K:A H:"BDLORZ T:Humphrey's Reel
ABC 1 C1:026445344534671 C2:ududududududdud M:C| K:A H:"BDLORZ T:Humphrey's Reel
ABC 1 C1:026445344534671 C2:ududududududdud M:C| K:A H:"BDLORZ T:Humphrey's Reel
ABC 1 C1:026445344534671 C2:ududududududdud M:C| K:A H:"BDLORZ T:Humphrey's Reel
ABC 1 C1:026445344534671 C2:ududududududdud M:C| K:A H:"BDLORZ T:Humphrey's Reel
ABC 1 C1:026445344534671 C2:ududududududdud M:C| K:A H:"BDLORZ T:Humphrey's Reel
ABC 1 C1:026445344534671 C2:ududududududdud M:C| K:A H:"BDLORZ T:Humphrey's Reel
ABC 1 C1:026445344534671 C2:ududududududdud M:C| K:A H:"BDLORZ T:Humphrey's Reel
ABC 1 C1:026445344534671 C2:ududududududdud M:C| K:A H:"BDLORZ T:Humphrey's Reel
ABC 1 C1:026445344534671 C2:ududududududdud M:C| K:A H:"BDLORZ T:Humphrey's Reel
ABC 1 C1:026445344534671 C2:ududududududdud M:C| K:A H:"BDLORZ T:Humphrey's Reel
ABC 1 C1:026445344534671 C2:ududududududdud M:C| K:A H:"BDLORZ T:Humphrey's Reel
ABC 1 C1:026445344534671 C2:ududududududdud M:C| K:A H:"BDLORZ T:Humphrey's Reel
ABC 1 C1:026445344534671 C2:ududududududdud M:C| K:A H:"BDLORZ T:Humphrey's Reel
ABC 1 C1:026445344534671 C2:ududududududdud M:C| K:A H:"BDLORZ T:Humphrey's Reel
ABC 1 C1:026445344534671 C2:ududududududdud M:C| K:A H:"BDLORZ T:Humphrey's Reel
ABC 1 C1:026445344534671 C2:ududududududdud M:C| K:A H:"BDLORZ T:Humphrey's Reel
ABC 1 C1:026445344534671 C2:ududududududdud M:C| K:A H:"BDLORZ T:Humphrey's Reel
ABC 1 C1:026445344534671 C2:ududududududdud M:C| K:A H:"BDLORZ T:Humphrey's Reel
ABC 1 C1:026445344534671 C2:ududududududdud M:C| K:A H:"BDLORZ T:Humphrey's Reel
ABC 1 C1:026445344534671 C2:ududududududdud M:C| K:A H:"BDLORZ T:Humphrey's Reel
ABC 1 C1:026445344534671 C2:ududududududdud M:C| K:A H:"BDLORZ T:Humphrey's Reel
ABC 1 C1:026445344534671 C2:ududududududdud M:C| K:A H:"BDLORZ T:Humphrey's Reel
ABC 1 C1:026445344534671 C2:ududududududdud M:C| K:A H:"BDLORZ T:Humphrey's Reel
ABC 1 C1:026445344534671 C2:ududududududdud M:C| K:A H:"BDLORZ T:Humphrey's Reel
ABC 1 C1:026445344534671 C2:ududududududdud M:C| K:A H:"BDLORZ T:Humphrey's Reel
ABC 1 C1:026445344534671 C2:ududududududdud M:C| K:A H:"BDLORZ T:Humphrey's Reel
ABC 1 C1:026445344534671 C2:ududududududdud M:C| K:A H:"BDLORZ T:Humphrey's Reel
ABC 1 C1:026445344534671 C2:ududududududdud M:C| K:A H:"BDLORZ T:Humphrey's Reel
ABC 1 C1:026445344534671 C2:ududududududdud M:C| K:A H:"BDLORZ T:Humphrey's Reel
ABC 1 C1:0264453 C2:ududud M:C| K:A H:"BDLORZ T:Humphrey's Reel
ABC 1 C1:026445344534671 C2:ududududududdud M:C| K:A H:"BDLORZ T:Humphrey's Reel
ABC 49 C1:026445344534671 C2:ududududududdud M:C| K:A H:"BDLORZ T:Humphrey's Reel
ABC 49 C1:026445344534671 C2:ududududududdud M:C| K:A H:"BDLORZ T:Humphrey's Reel
ABC 1 C1:0264453 C2:ududud M:C| K:A H:"BDLORZ T:Humphrey's Reel
ABC 1 C1:0264453 C2:ududud M:C| K:A H:"BDLORZ T:Humphrey's Reel
ABC 1 C1:026445344534671 C2:ududududududdud M:C| K:A H:"BDLORZ T:Humphrey's Reel
ABC 1 C1:026445344534671 C2:ududududududdud M:C| K:A H:"BDLORZ T:Humphrey's Reel
ABC 1 C1:026445344534671 C2:ududududududdud M:C| K:A H:"BDLORZ T:Humphrey's Reel
ABC 153 C1:026445344534671 C2:ududududududdud M:C| K:A H:"BDLORZ T:Humphrey's Reel
ABC 153 C1:026445344534671 C2:ududududududdud M:C| K:A H:"BDLORZ T:Humphrey's Reel
ABC 1 C1:026445344534671 C2:ududududududdud M:C| K:A H:"BDLORZ T:Humphrey's Reel
ABC 1 C1:170266607111111 C2:ududddduuuuuuud M:6/8 K:D H:ALOQRSZ T:Humphrey's Rondo. WM058
ABC 58 C1:170266607111111 C2:ududddduuuuuuud M:6/8 K:D H:ALOQRSZ T:Humphrey's Rondo. WM.058
ABC 58 C1:170266607111111 C2:ududddduuuuuuud M:6/8 K:D H:ABLQZ T:Humphrey's Rondo. WM.058
ABC 58 C1:170266607111111 C2:ududddduuuuuuud M:6/8 K:D H:ABLQZ T:Humphrey's Rondo. WM.058
ABC 58 C1:170266607111111 C2:ududddduuuuuuud M:6/8 K:D H:ABLOQRSZ T:Humphrey's Rondo. WM.058
ABC 2001 C1:170266607111111 C2:ududddduuuuuuud M:6/8 K:D H:ALOQRSZ T:Humphrey's Rondo. WM058
ABC 2001 C1:170266607111111 C2:ududddduuuuuuud M:6/8 K:D H:ALOQRSZ T:Humphrey's Rondo. WM058
ABC 7377 C1:170266607111111 C2:ududddduuuuuuud M:6/8 K:D H:ALOQRSZ T:Humphrey's Rondo. WM.058
ABC 7378 C1:170266607111111 C2:ududddduuuuuuud M:6/8 K:D H:ALOQRSZ T:Humphrey's Rondo. WM058
ABC 7377 C1:170266607111111 C2:ududddduuuuuuud M:6/8 K:D H:ALOQRSZ T:Humphrey's Rondo. WM.058
ABC 7378 C1:170266607111111 C2:ududddduuuuuuud M:6/8 K:D H:ALOQRSZ T:Humphrey's Rondo. WM058
ABC 2725 C1:170266607111111 C2:ududddduuuuuuud M:6/8 K:D H:ALOQRS T:Humphrey's Rondo. WM058
ABC 2725 C1:170266607111111 C2:ududddduuuuuuud M:6/8 K:D H:ALOQRS T:Humphrey's Rondo. WM058
ABC 5870 C1:170266607111111 C2:ududddduuuuuuud M:6/8 K:D H:ALOQRSZ T:Humphrey's Rondo. WM058
ABC 3906 C1:170266607111111 C2:ududddduuuuuuud M:6/8 K:D H:AFLOQRSZ T:Humphrey's Rondo. WM.058
ABC 3906 C1:170266607111111 C2:ududddduuuuuuud M:6/8 K:D H:AFLOQRSZ T:Humphrey's Rondo. WM.058
ABC 5870 C1:170266607111111 C2:ududddduuuuuuud M:6/8 K:D H:ALOQRSZ T:Humphrey's Rondo. WM058
ABC 5870 C1:170266607111111 C2:ududddduuuuuuud M:6/8 K:D H:ALOQRSZ T:Humphrey's Rondo. WM058
ABC 58 C1:170266607111111 C2:ududddduuuuuuud M:6/8 K:D H:ABLOQRSZ T:Humphrey's Rondo. WM.058
ABC 8 C1:001770102001770 C2:udduuudduduuudd M:2/4 K:A H:"C T:Humphrey's Tune (The Hippo Hop)
ABC 1 C1: C2: M:C| K:D H:BFLRZ T:Humphrey’s Hornpipe [1]
ABC 735 C1:072730000000412 C2:dududuuuuddduud M:C| K:G H:BLQSZ T:Humphries Troop. JBut.731
ABC 912 C1:170266607111111 C2:ududddduuuuuuuu M:6/8 K:D H:BLQSZ T:Humphryes Roundo JBut.907
ABC 100 C1:110701110307113 C2:uuduuuuduudddud M:3/4 K:Gm H:BCLQZ T:Humphry's? Minuet. SenH.100
ABC 4714 C1:020602037771060 C2:uduudddudduuuud M:C| K:D H:BCLQR T:HUMPHY CLINKER
ABC 4714 C1:020602037771060 C2:uduudddudduuuud M:C| K:D H:BCLQR T:HUMPHY CLINKER
ABC 4714 C1:020602037771060 C2:uduudddudduuuud M:C| K:D H:BCLQR T:HUMPHY CLINKER
ABC 138 C1:002007002007076 C2:ududdduddududud M:3/4 K:C H:"CLRWw T:Humpin' Old Bluey
ABC 1 C1:026176742210071 C2:ududddduuuduuud M:C| K:D H:CRZ T:Hump in the Bed, The
ABC 1 C1:026176212210071 C2:ududduduuuduuud M:4/4 K:D H:CLR T:The Hump in the Bed
ABC 1 C1:026176212210071 C2:ududduduuuduuud M:4/4 K:D H:CLR T:The Hump in the Bed
ABC 2 C1:026176212210071 C2:ududduduuuduuud M:4/4 K:D H:CLR T:The Hump in the Bed
ABC 1 C1:026176212210071 C2:ududduduuuduuud M:4/4 K:D H:CLR T:The Hump in the Bed
ABC 2 C1:026176212210071 C2:ududduduuuduuud M:4/4 K:D H:CLR T:The Hump in the Bed
ABC 35 C1:026176212210071 C2:ududduduuuduuud M:4/4 K:D H:CLRZ T:The Hump in the Bed
ABC 288 C1:026176742210071 C2:ududddduuuduuud M:C| K:D H:CRZ T:Hump in the Bed, The
ABC 288 C1:026176742210071 C2:ududddduuuduuud M:C| K:D H:CRZ T:Hump in the Bed, The
ABC 288 C1:026176742210071 C2:ududddduuuduuud M:C| K:D H:CRZ T:Hump in the Bed, The
ABC 288 C1:026176742210071 C2:ududddduuuduuud M:C| K:D H:CRZ T:Hump in the Bed, The
ABC 1677 C1:026176742210071 C2:ududddduuuduuud M:C| K:D H:CRZ T:Hump in the Bed, The
ABC 288 C1:026176742210071 C2:ududddduuuduuud M:C| K:D H:CRZ T:Hump in the Bed, The
ABC 1 C1:026176212210071 C2:ududduduuuduuud M:4/4 K:D H:CLR T:The Hump in the Bed
ABC 2 C1:026176212210071 C2:ududduduuuduuud M:4/4 K:D H:CLR T:The Hump in the Bed
ABC 288 C1:026176742210071 C2:ududddduuuduuud M:C| K:D H:CRZ T:Hump in the Bed, The
ABC 1 C1:026176212210071 C2:ududduduuuduuud M:4/4 K:D H:CLR T:The Hump in the Bed
ABC 2 C1:026176212210071 C2:ududduduuuduuud M:4/4 K:D H:CLR T:The Hump in the Bed
ABC 288 C1:026176742210071 C2:ududddduuuduuud M:C| K:D H:CRZ T:Hump in the Bed, The
ABC 288 C1:026176742210071 C2:ududddduuuduuud M:C| K:D H:CRZ T:Hump in the Bed, The
ABC 288 C1:026176742210071 C2:ududddduuuduuud M:C| K:D H:CRZ T:Hump in the Bed, The
ABC 288 C1:026176742210071 C2:ududddduuuduuud M:C| K:D H:CRZ T:Hump in the Bed, The
ABC 288 C1:026176742210071 C2:ududddduuuduuud M:C| K:D H:CRZ T:Hump in the Bed, The
ABC 1677 C1:026176742210071 C2:ududddduuuduuud M:C| K:D H:CRZ T:Hump in the Bed, The
ABC 1677 C1:026176742210071 C2:ududddduuuduuud M:C| K:D H:CRZ T:Hump in the Bed, The
ABC 1677 C1:026176742210071 C2:ududddduuuduuud M:C| K:D H:CRZ T:Hump in the Bed, The
ABC 1383 C1:026176742210071 C2:ududddduuuduuud M:C| K:D H:CRZ T:Hump in the Bed, The
ABC 1383 C1:026176742210071 C2:ududddduuuduuud M:C| K:D H:CRZ T:Hump in the Bed, The
ABC 1383 C1:026176742210071 C2:ududddduuuduuud M:C| K:D H:CRZ T:Hump in the Bed, The
ABC 288 C1:026176742210071 C2:ududddduuuduuud M:C| K:D H:CRZ T:Hump in the Bed, The
ABC 1 C1:026176212210071 C2:ududduduuuduuud M:4/4 K:D H:CLR T:The Hump in the Bed
ABC 2 C1:026176212210071 C2:ududduduuuduuud M:4/4 K:D H:CLR T:The Hump in the Bed
ABC 1 C1:026176212210071 C2:ududduduuuduuud M:4/4 K:D H:CLR T:The Hump in the Bed
ABC 2 C1:026176212210071 C2:ududduduuuduuud M:4/4 K:D H:CLR T:The Hump in the Bed
ABC 288 C1:026176742210071 C2:ududddduuuduuud M:C| K:D H:CRZ T:Hump in the Bed, The
ABC 37 C1:216620012351735 C2:uudddduuuududud M:C| K:G H:ACLOQRSZ T:Hump Landlay. WI.037
ABC 37 C1:216620012351735 C2:uudddduuuududud M:C| K:G H:ABCLQZ T:Hump Landlay. WI.037
ABC 37 C1:216620012351735 C2:uudddduuuududud M:C| K:G H:ABCLQZ T:Hump Landlay. WI.037
ABC 37 C1:216620012351735 C2:uudddduuuududud M:C| K:G H:ABLOQRSZ T:Hump Landlay. WI.037
ABC 3907 C1:216620012351735 C2:uudddduuuududud M:C| K:G H:ACFLOQRSZ T:Hump Landlay. WI.037
ABC 7129 C1:216620012351735 C2:uudddduuuududud M:C| K:G H:ACFLOQRSZ T:Hump Landlay. WI.037
ABC 3907 C1:216620012351735 C2:uudddduuuududud M:C| K:G H:ACFLOQRSZ T:Hump Landlay. WI.037
ABC 7129 C1:216620012351735 C2:uudddduuuududud M:C| K:G H:ACFLOQRSZ T:Hump Landlay. WI.037
ABC 37 C1:216620012351735 C2:uudddduuuududud M:C| K:G H:ABLOQRSZ T:Hump Landlay. WI.037
ABC 1 C1:002700270024070 C2:udududduudududu M:C| K:E H:LSZ T:Hump My Lady
ABC 1 C1:002700270024070 C2:udududduudududu M:C| K:E H:LSZ T:Hump My Lady
ABC 1 C1:002700270024070 C2:udududduudududu M:C| K:E H:LSZ T:Hump My Lady
ABC 1 C1:002700270024070 C2:udududduudududu M:C| K:E H:LSZ T:Hump My Lady
ABC 1 C1:002700270024070 C2:udududduudududu M:C| K:Eb H:BLZ T:HUMP MY LADY
ABC 1 C1:002700270024070 C2:udududduudududu M:C| K:Eb H:BLZ T:HUMP MY LADY
ABC 19 C1:002700270024070 C2:udududduudududu M:C| K:Eb H:BLZ T:HUMP MY LADY
ABC 19 C1:002700270024070 C2:udududduudududu M:C| K:Eb H:BLZ T:HUMP MY LADY
ABC 21 C1:121100060007770 C2:uuuuddddudududu M:2/4 K:D H:"BLORS T:Humpty Dee
ABC 1 C1:026046217012102 C2:ududuudduuuuddd M:6/8 K:G H:BLZ T:Humpty Dumpty [2]
ABC 1 C1:026046217012102 C2:ududuudduuuuddd M:6/8 K:G H:BLZ T:Humpty Dumpty [2]
ABC 84 C1:027027111003027 C2:ududuuudududddu M:6/8 K:D H:CLQR T:Humpty Dumpty
ABC 84 C1:027027111003027 C2:ududuuudududddu M:6/8 K:D H:CLQR T:Humpty Dumpty
ABC 84 C1:027027111003027 C2:ududuuudududddu M:6/8 K:D H:CLQR T:Humpty Dumpty
ABC 84 C1:027027111003027 C2:ududuuudududddu M:6/8 K:D H:CLQR T:Humpty Dumpty
ABC 84 C1:027027111003027 C2:ududuuudududddu M:6/8 K:D H:CLQR T:Humpty Dumpty
ABC 84 C1:027027111003027 C2:ududuuudududddu M:6/8 K:D H:CLQR T:Humpty Dumpty
ABC 84 C1:027027111003027 C2:ududuuudududddu M:6/8 K:D H:CLQR T:Humpty Dumpty
ABC 38122 C1:621067627025025 C2:duudddudududduu M:6/8 K:D H:CQRS T:HUMPTY DUMPTY
ABC 1 C1:022356277111116 C2:uuuddudduuuuudd M:4/4 K:A H:CLQR T:Humpty Dumpty
ABC 1 C1:022356277111116 C2:uuuddudduuuuudd M:4/4 K:A H:CLQR T:Humpty Dumpty
ABC 1 C1:621067627025025 C2:duudddudududduu M:6/8 K:D H:DHLRZ T:Humpty Dumpty
ABC 70 C1:621067627025025 C2:duudddudududduu M:6/8 K:D H:DHRZ T:Humpty Dumpty
ABC 70 C1:621067627025025 C2:duudddudududduu M:6/8 K:D H:DHRZ T:Humpty Dumpty
ABC 70 C1:621067627025025 C2:duudddudududduu M:6/8 K:D H:DHRZ T:Humpty Dumpty
ABC 1 C1:621067627025025 C2:duudddudududduu M:6/8 K:D H:DHRZ T:Humpty Dumpty
ABC 1 C1:621067627025025 C2:duudddudududduu M:6/8 K:D H:DHRZ T:Humpty Dumpty
ABC 1 C1:221621621067627 C2:uuuduuduudddudu M:6/8 K:D H:DHRZ T:Humpty Dumpty
ABC 1 C1:221621621067627 C2:uuuduuduudddudu M:6/8 K:D H:DHRZ T:Humpty Dumpty
ABC 1 C1:221621621067627 C2:uuuduuduudddudu M:6/8 K:D H:DHRZ T:Humpty Dumpty
ABC 1 C1:221621621067627 C2:uuuduuduudddudu M:6/8 K:D H:DHRZ T:Humpty Dumpty
ABC 1 C1:221621621067627 C2:uuuduuduudddudu M:6/8 K:D H:DHRZ T:Humpty Dumpty
ABC 1 C1:221621621067627 C2:uuuduuduudddudu M:6/8 K:D H:DHRZ T:Humpty Dumpty
ABC 1 C1:221621621067627 C2:uuuduuduudddudu M:6/8 K:D H:DHRZ T:Humpty Dumpty
ABC 1 C1:027027111003027 C2:ududuuudududddu M:6/8 K:D H:CI T:Humpty Dumpty
ABC 5 C1:026046217012102 C2:ududuudduuuuddd M:6/8 K:G H:BLZ T:Humpty Dumpty
ABC 5 C1:026046217012102 C2:ududuudduuuuddd M:6/8 K:G H:BLZ T:Humpty Dumpty
ABC 5 C1:026046217012102 C2:ududuudduuuuddd M:6/8 K:G H:BLZ T:Humpty Dumpty
ABC 5 C1:026046217012102 C2:ududuudduuuuddd M:6/8 K:G H:BLZ T:Humpty Dumpty
ABC 5 C1:026046217012102 C2:ududuudduuuuddd M:6/8 K:G H:BLZ T:Humpty Dumpty
ABC 1 C1:711111676567662 C2:duuuuuddduddddu M:4/4 K:Gmaj H:"L T:Humpty Dumpty
ABC 1 C1:711111676567662 C2:duuuuuddduddddu M:4/4 K:A H:"L T:Humpty Dumpty
ABC 43 C1:033024117002024 C2:ududuuduudududd M:6/8 K:E H:BCFLQZw T:Humpty Dumpty
ABC 43 C1:033024117002024 C2:ududuuduudududd M:6/8 K:E H:BCFLQZw T:Humpty Dumpty
ABC 35 C1:027027111056027 C2:ududuuuddududdd M:6/8 K:D H:BCHLORSZ T:Humpty Dumpty
ABC 10 C1:027027111003027 C2:ududuuudududddu M:6/8 K:D H:CI T:Humpty Dumpty
ABC 1 C1:621067627025025 C2:duudddudududduu M:6/8 K:D H:DHRZ T:Humpty Dumpty
ABC 1 C1:621067627025025 C2:duudddudududduu M:6/8 K:D H:DHRZ T:Humpty Dumpty
ABC 10 C1:027027111003027 C2:ududuuudududddu M:6/8 K:D H:CI T:Humpty Dumpty
ABC 10 C1:027027111003027 C2:ududuuudududddu M:6/8 K:D H:CI T:Humpty Dumpty
ABC 10 C1:027027111003027 C2:ududuuudududddu M:6/8 K:D H:CI T:Humpty Dumpty
ABC 175 C1:621067627025025 C2:duudddudududduu M:6/8 K:D H:DRZ T:Humpty Dumpty
ABC 70 C1:621067627025025 C2:duudddudududduu M:6/8 K:D H:DHRZ T:Humpty Dumpty
ABC 70 C1:621067627025025 C2:duudddudududduu M:6/8 K:D H:DHRZ T:Humpty Dumpty
ABC 350 C1:621067627025025 C2:duudddudududduu M:6/8 K:D H:DHRZ T:Humpty Dumpty
ABC 77 C1:027027111003027 C2:ududuuudududddu M:6/8 K:D H:CLQR T:Humpty Dumpty
ABC 77 C1:027027111003027 C2:ududuuudududddu M:6/8 K:D H:CLQR T:Humpty Dumpty
ABC 77 C1:027027111003027 C2:ududuuudududddu M:6/8 K:D H:CLQR T:Humpty Dumpty
ABC 77 C1:027027111003027 C2:ududuuudududddu M:6/8 K:D H:CLQR T:Humpty Dumpty
ABC 77 C1:027027111003027 C2:ududuuudududddu M:6/8 K:D H:CLQR T:Humpty Dumpty
ABC 77 C1:027027111003027 C2:ududuuudududddu M:6/8 K:D H:CLQR T:Humpty Dumpty
ABC 77 C1:027027111003027 C2:ududuuudududddu M:6/8 K:D H:CLQR T:Humpty Dumpty
ABC 84 C1:027027111003027 C2:ududuuudududddu M:6/8 K:D H:CLQR T:Humpty Dumpty
ABC 58 C1:027027111056027 C2:ududuuuddududdd M:6/8 K:Dmaj H:LR T:Humpty Dumpty
ABC 58 C1:027027111056027 C2:ududuuuddududdd M:6/8 K:Dmaj H:LR T:Humpty Dumpty
ABC 15 C1:026046217012102 C2:ududuudduuuuddd M:6/8 K:G H:BLZ T:Humpty Dumpty
ABC 15 C1:026046217012102 C2:ududuudduuuuddd M:6/8 K:G H:BLZ T:Humpty Dumpty
ABC 8 C1:602702711105602 C2:ddududuuudddudu M:6/8 K:DMaj H:LR T:Humpty Dumpty
ABC 38122 C1:621067627025025 C2:duudddudududduu M:6/8 K:D H:CQRS T:HUMPTY DUMPTY
ABC 38122 C1:621067627025025 C2:duudddudududduu M:6/8 K:D H:CQRS T:HUMPTY DUMPTY
ABC 1335 C1:621067627025025 C2:duudddudududduu M:6/8 K:D H:DHRZ T:Humpty Dumpty
ABC 4684 C1:027027111003027 C2:ududuuudududddu M:6/8 K:D H:CI T:Humpty Dumpty
ABC 1335 C1:621067627025025 C2:duudddudududduu M:6/8 K:D H:DHRZ T:Humpty Dumpty
ABC 4684 C1:027027111003027 C2:ududuuudududddu M:6/8 K:D H:CI T:Humpty Dumpty
ABC 70 C1:621067627025025 C2:duudddudududduu M:6/8 K:D H:DHRZ T:Humpty Dumpty
ABC 43 C1:033024117002024 C2:ududuuduudududd M:6/8 K:E H:BCFLQZw T:Humpty Dumpty
ABC 43 C1:033024117002024 C2:ududuuduudududd M:6/8 K:E H:BCFLQZw T:Humpty Dumpty
ABC 43 C1:033024117002024 C2:ududuuduudududd M:6/8 K:E H:BCFLQZw T:Humpty Dumpty
ABC 43 C1:033024117002024 C2:ududuuduudududd M:6/8 K:E H:BCFLQZw T:Humpty Dumpty
ABC 43 C1:033024117002024 C2:ududuuduudududd M:6/8 K:E H:BCFLQZw T:Humpty Dumpty
ABC 43 C1:033024117002024 C2:ududuuduudududd M:6/8 K:E H:BCFLQZw T:Humpty Dumpty
ABC 7379 C1:621067627025025 C2:duudddudududduu M:6/8 K:D H:DHRZ T:Humpty Dumpty
ABC 7379 C1:621067627025025 C2:duudddudududduu M:6/8 K:D H:DHRZ T:Humpty Dumpty
ABC 2726 C1:621067627025025 C2:duudddudududduu M:6/8 K:D H:DHOR T:Humpty Dumpty
ABC 2726 C1:621067627025025 C2:duudddudududduu M:6/8 K:D H:DHOR T:Humpty Dumpty
ABC 15007 C1:027027111056027 C2:ududuuuddududdd M:6/8 K:D H:"CLOQRZ T:Humpty Dumpty
ABC 12239 C1:027027111003027 C2:ududuuudududddu M:6/8 K:D H:CI T:Humpty Dumpty
ABC 12240 C1:027027111003027 C2:ududuuudududddu M:6/8 K:D H:CLR T:Humpty Dumpty
ABC 12239 C1:027027111003027 C2:ududuuudududddu M:6/8 K:D H:CI T:Humpty Dumpty
ABC 12240 C1:027027111003027 C2:ududuuudududddu M:6/8 K:D H:CLR T:Humpty Dumpty
ABC 12239 C1:027027111003027 C2:ududuuudududddu M:6/8 K:D H:CI T:Humpty Dumpty
ABC 12240 C1:027027111003027 C2:ududuuudududddu M:6/8 K:D H:CLR T:Humpty Dumpty
ABC 5871 C1:621067627025025 C2:duudddudududduu M:6/8 K:D H:DHRZ T:Humpty Dumpty
ABC 5872 C1:621067627025025 C2:duudddudududduu M:6/8 K:D H:DHLRZ T:Humpty Dumpty
ABC 5873 C1:621067627025025 C2:duudddudududduu M:6/8 K:D H:DHRZ T:Humpty Dumpty
ABC 9521 C1:027027111003027 C2:ududuuudududddu M:6/8 K:D H:CI T:Humpty Dumpty
ABC 5871 C1:621067627025025 C2:duudddudududduu M:6/8 K:D H:DHRZ T:Humpty Dumpty
ABC 5872 C1:621067627025025 C2:duudddudududduu M:6/8 K:D H:DHLRZ T:Humpty Dumpty
ABC 5873 C1:621067627025025 C2:duudddudududduu M:6/8 K:D H:DHRZ T:Humpty Dumpty
ABC 9521 C1:027027111003027 C2:ududuuudududddu M:6/8 K:D H:CI T:Humpty Dumpty
ABC 5871 C1:621067627025025 C2:duudddudududduu M:6/8 K:D H:DHRZ T:Humpty Dumpty
ABC 5872 C1:621067627025025 C2:duudddudududduu M:6/8 K:D H:DHLRZ T:Humpty Dumpty
ABC 5873 C1:621067627025025 C2:duudddudududduu M:6/8 K:D H:DHRZ T:Humpty Dumpty
ABC 9521 C1:027027111003027 C2:ududuuudududddu M:6/8 K:D H:CI T:Humpty Dumpty
ABC 1081 C1:706000700000030 C2:ddduddddduuuuud M:9/8 K:C H:CFLOQw T:Humârı Yok Bozulmaz
ABC 1081 C1:706000700000030 C2:ddduddddduuuuud M:9/8 K:C H:CFLOQw T:Humârı Yok Bozulmaz
ABC 1081 C1:706000700000030 C2:ddduddddduuuuud M:9/8 K:C H:CFLOQw T:Humârı Yok Bozulmaz
ABC 1081 C1:000001000000000 C2:uuddduddddduuuu M:9/8 K:C H:CFLOQw T:Humârı Yok Bozulmaz
ABC 1 C1:563663667011663 C2:dduddudduuuddud M:6/8 K:D H:BLZ T:Hum the Hummer
ABC 1 C1:563663667011663 C2:dduddudduuuddud M:6/8 K:D H:BLZ T:Hum the Hummer
ABC 82 C1:563663667011663 C2:dduddudduuuddud M:6/8 K:D H:BLZ T:Hum the Hummer
ABC 82 C1:563663667011663 C2:dduddudduuuddud M:6/8 K:D H:BLZ T:Hum the Hummer
ABC 1 C1:563663667011663 C2:dduddudduuuddud M:6/8 K:D H:BLZ T:Hum the Hummer
ABC 1 C1: C2: M:6/8 K:D H:BLZ T:Hum the Hummer
ABC 82 C1:563663667011663 C2:dduddudduuuddud M:6/8 K:D H:BLZ T:Hum the Hummer
ABC 82 C1:563663667011663 C2:dduddudduuuddud M:6/8 K:D H:BLZ T:Hum the Hummer
ABC 117 C1:563663667011663 C2:dduddudduuuddud M:6/8 K:D H:AHLOQRSZ T:Hum the Hummer. GS.117
ABC 117 C1:563663667011663 C2:dduddudduuuddud M:6/8 K:D H:ABHLOQRZ T:Hum the Hummer. GS.117
ABC 117 C1:563663667011663 C2:dduddudduuuddud M:6/8 K:D H:ABHLOQRZ T:Hum the Hummer. GS.117
ABC 117 C1:563663667011663 C2:dduddudduuuddud M:6/8 K:D H:ABHLOQRSZ T:Hum the Hummer. GS.117
ABC 7286 C1:563663667011663 C2:dduddudduuuddud M:6/8 K:D H:AHLOQRSZ T:Hum the Hummer. GS.117
ABC 7286 C1:563663667011663 C2:dduddudduuuddud M:6/8 K:D H:AHLOQRSZ T:Hum the Hummer. GS.117
ABC 3908 C1:563663667011663 C2:dduddudduuuddud M:6/8 K:D H:AFHLOQRSZ T:Hum the Hummer. GS.117
ABC 3908 C1:563663667011663 C2:dduddudduuuddud M:6/8 K:D H:AFHLOQRSZ T:Hum the Hummer. GS.117
ABC 117 C1:563663667011663 C2:dduddudduuuddud M:6/8 K:D H:ABHLOQRSZ T:Hum the Hummer. GS.117
ABC 82 C1:563663667011663 C2:dduddudduuuddud M:6/8 K:D H:BLOQZ T:Hum the Hummer. THO2.082
ABC 82 C1:563663667011663 C2:dduddudduuuddud M:6/8 K:D H:BLOQZ T:Hum the Hummer. THO2.082
ABC 18 C1:006100070052005 C2:dudduduuudddddu M:2/4 K:Am H:"LQRS T:Humu-Pekka (Hobo Peter)
ABC 1 C1:006100070052005 C2:dudduduuudddddu M:2/4 K:Am H:"LQRS T:Humu-Pekka (Hobo Peter)
ABC 18 C1:006100070052005 C2:dudduduuudddddu M:2/4 K:Am H:"LQRS T:Humu-Pekka (Hobo Peter)
ABC 18 C1:006100070052005 C2:dudduduuudddddu M:2/4 K:Am H:"LQRS T:Humu-Pekka (Hobo Peter)
ABC 14 C1:006100070052005 C2:dudduduuudddddu M:2/4 K:AMin H:"LQRSZ T:Humu-Pekka [jenkka]
ABC 1 C1:116140003112176 C2:uududuuuuudduuu M: K:Dmaj H:LR T:The Hunchback
ABC 65 C1:007106010071662 C2:dudududduduuuuu M:2/4 K:Bb H:ALOQRSZ T:Hunchback,The. WI.065
ABC 65 C1:007106010071662 C2:dudududduduuuuu M:2/4 K:Bb H:ABLOQRSZ T:Hunchback,The. WI.065
ABC 3909 C1:007106010071662 C2:dudududduduuuuu M:2/4 K:Bb H:AFLOQRSZ T:Hunchback,The. WI.065
ABC 3909 C1:007106010071662 C2:dudududduduuuuu M:2/4 K:Bb H:AFLOQRSZ T:Hunchback,The. WI.065
ABC 65 C1:007106010071662 C2:dudududduduuuuu M:2/4 K:Bb H:ABLOQRSZ T:Hunchback,The. WI.065
ABC 65 C1:007106010071662 C2:dudududduduuuuu M:2/4 K:Bb H:ABLQZ T:Hunchback. WI.065, The
ABC 65 C1:007106010071662 C2:dudududduduuuuu M:2/4 K:Bb H:ABLQZ T:Hunchback. WI.065, The
ABC 1 C1:777127660001777 C2:ddduuddduddduud M:3/4 K:Dm H:CLSZ T:Hundra�rspolskan
ABC 1 C1:777127660001777 C2:ddduuddduddduud M:3/4 K:Dm H:CLSZ T:Hundraårspolskan
ABC 1 C1:777127660001777 C2:ddduuddduddduud M:3/4 K:Dm H:CLSZ T:Hundraårspolskan
ABC 1 C1:777127660001777 C2:ddduuddduddduud M:3/4 K:Dm H:CLSZ T:Hundra�rspolskan
ABC 1 C1:000000000001006 C2:udududuuu M:3/4 K:G H:"CLOQRZw T:A Hundred Bottles of Beer on the wall
ABC 1490 C1:000000000001006 C2:udududuuu M:3/4 K:G H:"CFLOQRWZw T:A Hundred Bottles of Beer on the wall
ABC 1490 C1:000000000001006 C2:udududuuu M:3/4 K:G H:"CFLOQRWZw T:A Hundred Bottles of Beer on the wall
ABC 1490 C1:000000000001006 C2:udududuuu M:3/4 K:G H:"CFLOQRWZw T:A Hundred Bottles of Beer on the wall
ABC 42 C1:000000000001006 C2:udududuuu M:3/4 K:G H:"CLOQRWw T:A Hundred Bottles of Beer on the wall
ABC 42 C1:000000000001006 C2:udududuuu M:3/4 K:G H:"CLOQRWw T:A Hundred Bottles of Beer on the wall
ABC 136 C1:000000000001006 C2:udududuuu M:3/4 K:G H:"CLOQRWZw T:A Hundred Bottles of Beer on the wall
ABC 136 C1:000000000001006 C2:udududuuu M:3/4 K:G H:"CLOQRWZw T:A Hundred Bottles of Beer on the wall
ABC 136 C1:000000000001006 C2:udududuuu M:3/4 K:G H:"CLOQRWZw T:A Hundred Bottles of Beer on the wall
ABC 1 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:G H:LOR T:Hundred Pipers
ABC 27 C1:020057067711267 C2:uudddduuuddduud M:6/8 K:A H:LR T:Hundred Pipers, A
ABC 27 C1:020057067711267 C2:uudddduuuddduud M:6/8 K:A H:LR T:Hundred Pipers, A
ABC 27 C1:020057067711267 C2:uudddduuuddduud M:6/8 K:A H:LR T:Hundred Pipers, A
ABC 27 C1:020057067711267 C2:uudddduuuddduud M:6/8 K:A H:LR T:Hundred Pipers, A
ABC 27 C1:020057067711267 C2:uudddduuuddduud M:6/8 K:A H:LR T:Hundred Pipers, A
ABC 27 C1:020057067711267 C2:uudddduuuddduud M:6/8 K:A H:LR T:Hundred Pipers, A
ABC 27 C1:020057067711267 C2:uudddduuuddduud M:6/8 K:A H:LR T:Hundred Pipers, A
ABC 27 C1:020057067711267 C2:uudddduuuddduud M:6/8 K:A H:LR T:Hundred Pipers, A
ABC 111 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:G H:R T:The Hundred Pipers
ABC 1 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:G H:"LOR T:Hundred Pipers
ABC 1 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:G H:"LOR T:Hundred Pipers
ABC 1 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:G H:"LOR T:Hundred Pipers
ABC 1 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:G H:"LOR T:The Hundred Pipers
ABC 1 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:A H:"S T:The Hundred Pipers
ABC 1 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:A H:"S T:The Hundred Pipers
ABC 1 C1:011030171020057 C2:uududuuudddduud M:6/8 K:A H:"R T:Hundred Pipers
ABC 1 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuudddduuddu M:6/8 K:A H:"LR T:Hundred Pipers
ABC 1 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuudddduuddu M:6/8 K:A H:"LR T:Hundred Pipers
ABC 1 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuudddduuddu M:6/8 K:A H:"LR T:Hundred Pipers
ABC 6 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:A H:"S T:The Hundred Pipers
ABC 7 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:A H:"S T:The Hundred Pipers
ABC 1 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuudddduduud M:6/8 K:A H:"OR T:Hundred Pipers, The
ABC 1 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuudddduduud M:6/8 K:A H:"OR T:Hundred Pipers, The
ABC 1 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuudddduduud M:6/8 K:A H:"OR T:Hundred Pipers, The
ABC 1 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuudddduduud M:6/8 K:A H:"OR T:Hundred Pipers, The
ABC 1 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuudddduduud M:6/8 K:A H:"OR T:Hundred Pipers, The
ABC 215 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuudddduuddu M:6/8 K:A H:"LOQR T:Hundred Pipers
ABC 1 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuudddduduud M:6/8 K:A H:"R T:the Hundred Pipers
ABC 1 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuudddduduud M:6/8 K:A H:"R T:the Hundred Pipers
ABC 1 C1:103017102005706 C2:ududuuudddduudd M:6/8 K:A H:"CLR T:The Hundred Pipers
ABC 1 C1:103017102005706 C2:ududuuudddduudd M:6/8 K:A H:"CLR T:The Hundred Pipers
ABC 42 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuudddduduud M:6/8 K:A H:"BLRZ T:Hundred Pipers
ABC 42 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuudddduduud M:6/8 K:A H:"BLRZ T:Hundred Pipers
ABC 42 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuudddduduud M:6/8 K:A H:"BLRZ T:Hundred Pipers
ABC 42 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuudddduduud M:6/8 K:A H:"BLRZ T:Hundred Pipers
ABC 1 C1:300621020057600 C2:dduuuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:A H:"LR T:A Hundred Pipers
ABC 1 C1:300621020057600 C2:dduuuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:A H:"LR T:A Hundred Pipers
ABC 18 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuudddduduud M:6/8 K:A H:"IR T:The Hundred Pipers
ABC 18 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuudddduduud M:6/8 K:A H:"IR T:The Hundred Pipers
ABC 131008 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:A H:BLQRZ T:the HUNDRED PIPERS
ABC 131008 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:A H:BLQRZ T:the HUNDRED PIPERS
ABC 27 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:G H:"CLR T:Hundred Pipers, A
ABC 1 C1:030531020057060 C2:dduuuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:G H:LR T:Hundred Pipers
ABC 1 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:G H:"BDLORZ T:Hundred Pipers
ABC 373 C1:103017102005706 C2:ududuuudddduddu M:6/8 K:G H:"CLRZ T:Hundred Pipers
ABC 1 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:G H:"BDLORZ T:Hundred Pipers
ABC 1 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuudddduuddu M:6/8 K:A H:"LORZ T:Hundred Pipers
ABC 1 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuudddduuddu M:6/8 K:A H:"LORZ T:Hundred Pipers
ABC 1 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuudddduuddu M:6/8 K:A H:"LORZ T:Hundred Pipers
ABC 1 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuudddduuddu M:6/8 K:A H:"LORZ T:Hundred Pipers
ABC 1 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:A H:"BDLORZ T:Hundred Pipers
ABC 1 C1:110301710200570 C2:uududuuuddddudd M:6/8 K:A H:"BDLORZ T:Hundred Pipers
ABC 1 C1:203000102003106 C2:uududuuuudddudd M:6/8 K:HP H:CLQS T:A Hundred Pipers
ABC 1 C1:203000102003106 C2:uududuuuudddudd M:6/8 K:HP H:CLQS T:A Hundred Pipers
ABC 22079 C1:047001011057077 C2:dduuuuddddduudd M:6/8 K:G H:BCLQR T:HUNDRED PIPERS, The
ABC 1 C1:203000102003106 C2:uududuuuudddudd M:6/8 K:HP H:CLQS T:A Hundred Pipers
ABC 1 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:A H:"BLORZ T:Hundred Pipers
ABC 1 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:A H:"BLORZ T:Hundred Pipers
ABC 1 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:A H:"BLORZ T:Hundred Pipers
ABC 1 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:A H:"BLORZ T:Hundred Pipers
ABC 1 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:G H:"RW T:The Hundred Pipers
ABC 1 C1:110301710200570 C2:uududuuuddddudd M:6/8 K:G H:"LORZ T:Hundred Pipers
ABC 1 C1:110301710200570 C2:uududuuuddddudd M:6/8 K:G H:"LORZ T:Hundred Pipers
ABC 1 C1:110301710200570 C2:uududuuuddddudd M:6/8 K:G H:"LORZ T:Hundred Pipers
ABC 1 C1:110301710200570 C2:uududuuuddddudd M:6/8 K:G H:"LORZ T:Hundred Pipers
ABC 1 C1:110301710200570 C2:uududuuuddddudd M:6/8 K:G H:"LORZ T:Hundred Pipers
ABC 1 C1:110301710200570 C2:uududuuuddddudd M:6/8 K:G H:"LORZ T:Hundred Pipers
ABC 1 C1:110301710200570 C2:uududuuuddddudd M:6/8 K:G H:"LORZ T:Hundred Pipers
ABC 1 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuudddduduud M:6/8 K:A H:"R T:The Hundred Pipers
ABC 18 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuudddduduud M:6/8 K:A H:"IR T:The Hundred Pipers
ABC 2 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:A H:"BDLORZ T:Hundred Pipers
ABC 2 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:A H:"BDLORZ T:Hundred Pipers
ABC 2 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:A H:"BDLORZ T:Hundred Pipers
ABC 2 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:A H:"BDLORZ T:Hundred Pipers
ABC 2 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:A H:"BDLORZ T:Hundred Pipers
ABC 2 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:A H:"BDLORZ T:Hundred Pipers
ABC 2 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:A H:"BDLORZ T:Hundred Pipers
ABC 2 C1:110301710200570 C2:uududuuuddddudd M:6/8 K:G H:"BDLORZ T:Hundred Pipers
ABC 2 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:G H:"BDLORZ T:Hundred Pipers
ABC 2 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:G H:"BDLORZ T:Hundred Pipers
ABC 2 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:G H:"BDLORZ T:Hundred Pipers
ABC 2 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:G H:"BDLORZ T:Hundred Pipers
ABC 2 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:G H:"BDLORZ T:Hundred Pipers
ABC 2 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:G H:"BDLORZ T:Hundred Pipers
ABC 15 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:G H:"LORZ T:Hundred Pipers
ABC 15 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:G H:"LORZ T:Hundred Pipers
ABC 2 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:A H:"BDLORZ T:Hundred Pipers
ABC 2 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:A H:"BDLORZ T:Hundred Pipers
ABC 2 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:A H:"BDLORZ T:Hundred Pipers
ABC 2 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:A H:"BDLORZ T:Hundred Pipers
ABC 2 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:A H:"BDLORZ T:Hundred Pipers
ABC 2 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:A H:"BDLORZ T:Hundred Pipers
ABC 2 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:A H:"BDLORZ T:Hundred Pipers
ABC 2 C1:110301710200570 C2:uududuuuddddudd M:6/8 K:A H:"BDLORZ T:Hundred Pipers
ABC 2 C1:110301710200570 C2:uududuuuddddudd M:6/8 K:A H:"BDLORZ T:Hundred Pipers
ABC 2 C1:110301710200570 C2:uududuuuddddudd M:6/8 K:A H:"BDLORZ T:Hundred Pipers
ABC 2 C1:110301710200570 C2:uududuuuddddudd M:6/8 K:A H:"BDLORZ T:Hundred Pipers
ABC 2 C1:110301710200570 C2:uududuuuddddudd M:6/8 K:G H:"BDLORZ T:Hundred Pipers
ABC 3 C1:110301710200570 C2:uududuuuddddudd M:6/8 K:G H:"BDLORZ T:Hundred Pipers
ABC 7 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:G H:"R T:The Hundred Pipers
ABC 1 C1: C2: M:6/8 K:A H:L T:Hundred Pipers, A
ABC 1 C1:300621020057600 C2:dduuuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:A H:"LR T:A Hundred Pipers
ABC 15 C1:110301710200570 C2:uududuuuddddudd M:6/8 K:G H:"LORZ T:Hundred Pipers
ABC 15 C1:110301710200570 C2:uududuuuddddudd M:6/8 K:G H:"LORZ T:Hundred Pipers
ABC 19 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:G H:LOR T:Hundred Pipers
ABC 42 C1:020057060771170 C2:uudddduudduudud M:6/8 K:A H:"CLQRS T:Hundred Pipers
ABC 134 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:A H:"C T:The Hundred Pipers
ABC 136 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:A H:"C T:The Hundred Pipers
ABC 18 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:G H:LRZ T:Hundred Pipers
ABC 25 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuudddduuddu M:6/8 K:A H:"LQS T:Hundred Pipers,The
ABC 29 C1:300621020057600 C2:dduuuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:A H:"LR T:A Hundred Pipers
ABC 155 C1:030711020057060 C2:dduuuudddduuddu M:6/8 K:A H:LRSZ T:Hundred Pipers
ABC 63 C1:020057067711267 C2:uudddduuuddduud M:6/8 K:A H:HLRWZ T:Hundred Pipers, A
ABC 63 C1:020057067711267 C2:uudddduuuddduud M:6/8 K:A H:HLRWZ T:Hundred Pipers, A
ABC 72 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuudddduduud M:6/8 K:C H:"LRS T:Hundred Pipers, the
ABC 72 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuudddduduud M:6/8 K:C H:"LRS T:Hundred Pipers, the
ABC 15 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuudddduduud M:6/8 K:A H:"CRZ T:Hundred Pipers, The
ABC 72 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuudddduduud M:6/8 K:C H:"LRS T:Hundred Pipers, the
ABC 51 C1:011030171020057 C2:uududuuudddduud M:6/8 K:A H:"R T:Hundred Pipers
ABC 59060 C1:021711011057051 C2:duduuuuuddudduu M:6/8 K:A H:CLR T:HUNDRED PIPERS, The
ABC 59060 C1:021711011057051 C2:duduuuuuddudduu M:6/8 K:A H:CLR T:HUNDRED PIPERS, The
ABC 1 C1:311030017010011 C2:uuududuuuuddudd M: K:Gmaj H:LR T:The Hundred Pipers
ABC 2 C1:110300017101010 C2:uududuuuuddddud M: K:Gmaj H:LR T:The Hundred Pipers
ABC 3 C1:320000030407017 C2:uudududduduuduu M: K:Gmaj H:LR T:The Hundred Pipers
ABC 72 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuudddduduud M:6/8 K:C H:"LRS T:Hundred Pipers, the
ABC 39 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuudddduuddu M:6/8 K:Amaj H:LR T:Hundred Pipers
ABC 39 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuudddduuddu M:6/8 K:Amaj H:LR T:A Hundred Pipers
ABC 39 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuudddduuddu M:6/8 K:Amaj H:LR T:Hundred Pipers, The
ABC 39 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuudddduuddu M:6/8 K:Amaj H:LR T:Hundred Pipers
ABC 39 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuudddduuddu M:6/8 K:Amaj H:LR T:A Hundred Pipers
ABC 39 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuudddduuddu M:6/8 K:Amaj H:LR T:Hundred Pipers, The
ABC 72 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuudddduduud M:6/8 K:C H:"LRS T:Hundred Pipers, the
ABC 72 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuudddduduud M:6/8 K:C H:"LRS T:Hundred Pipers, the
ABC 72 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuudddduduud M:6/8 K:C H:"LRS T:Hundred Pipers, the
ABC 52 C1:020057060771170 C2:uudddduudduudud M:6/8 K:A H:"LR T:Hundred Pipers
ABC 52 C1:020057060771170 C2:uudddduudduudud M:6/8 K:A H:"LR T:Hundred Pipers
ABC 52 C1:020057060771170 C2:uudddduudduudud M:6/8 K:A H:"LR T:Hundred Pipers
ABC 52 C1:020057060771170 C2:uudddduudduudud M:6/8 K:A H:"LR T:Hundred Pipers
ABC 52 C1:020057060771170 C2:uudddduudduudud M:6/8 K:A H:"LR T:Hundred Pipers
ABC 1 C1:020057060771170 C2:uudddduudduudud M:6/8 K:A H:L T:Hundred Pipers, A
ABC 52 C1:020057060771170 C2:uudddduudduudud M:6/8 K:A H:"LR T:Hundred Pipers
ABC 1 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuudddduuddu M: K:Amaj H:LR T:Hundred Pipers
ABC 2 C1:110307110200570 C2:uudduuuuddddudd M:12/8 K:Amaj H:LR T:Hundred Pipers
ABC 3 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuudddduduud M: K:Amaj H:LR T:Hundred Pipers
ABC 4 C1:110301710200570 C2:uududuuudddduuu M: K:Gmaj H:LR T:Hundred Pipers
ABC 5 C1:103017101105706 C2:ududuuuuddddudd M: K:Dmaj H:LR T:Hundred Pipers
ABC 6 C1:060772070711030 C2:dddudduudduuuud M: K:Amaj H:LR T:Hundred Pipers
ABC 7 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:12/8 K:Amaj H:LR T:Hundred Pipers
ABC 8 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M: K:Fmaj H:LR T:Hundred Pipers
ABC 9 C1:030531020057060 C2:dduuuuddddudduu M: K:Gmaj H:LR T:Hundred Pipers
ABC 2 C1:110307110200570 C2:uudduuuuddddudd M:12/8 K:AMaj H:L T:Hundred Pipers, A
ABC 75 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuudddduuddu M:6/8 K:Gmaj H:LR T:Hundred Pipers
ABC 521 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:A H:"BLORZ T:Hundred Pipers
ABC 521 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:A H:"BLORZ T:Hundred Pipers
ABC 521 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:A H:"BLORZ T:Hundred Pipers
ABC 42 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuudddduduud M:6/8 K:A H:"BLRZ T:Hundred Pipers
ABC 42 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuudddduduud M:6/8 K:A H:"BLRZ T:Hundred Pipers
ABC 42 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuudddduduud M:6/8 K:A H:"BLRZ T:Hundred Pipers
ABC 42 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuudddduduud M:6/8 K:A H:"BLRZ T:Hundred Pipers
ABC 42 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuudddduduud M:6/8 K:A H:"BLRZ T:Hundred Pipers
ABC 42 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuudddduduud M:6/8 K:A H:"BLRZ T:Hundred Pipers
ABC 42 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuudddduduud M:6/8 K:A H:"BLRZ T:Hundred Pipers
ABC 42 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuudddduduud M:6/8 K:A H:"BLRZ T:Hundred Pipers
ABC 22079 C1:047001011057077 C2:dduuuuddddduudd M:6/8 K:G H:BCLQR T:HUNDRED PIPERS, The
ABC 22079 C1:047001011057077 C2:dduuuuddddduudd M:6/8 K:G H:BCLQR T:HUNDRED PIPERS, The
ABC 42 C1:020057060771170 C2:uudddduudduudud M:6/8 K:A H:"CLQRS T:Hundred Pipers
ABC 42 C1:020057060771170 C2:uudddduudduudud M:6/8 K:A H:"CLQRS T:Hundred Pipers
ABC 72 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuudddduduud M:6/8 K:C H:"LRS T:Hundred Pipers, the
ABC 72 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuudddduduud M:6/8 K:C H:"LRS T:Hundred Pipers, the
ABC 72 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuudddduduud M:6/8 K:C H:"LRS T:Hundred Pipers, the
ABC 72 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuudddduduud M:6/8 K:C H:"LRS T:Hundred Pipers, the
ABC 59060 C1:021711011057051 C2:duduuuuuddudduu M:6/8 K:A H:CLR T:HUNDRED PIPERS, The
ABC 63 C1:020057067711267 C2:uudddduuuddduud M:6/8 K:A H:HLRZ T:Hundred Pipers, A
ABC 595 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuudddduuddu M:6/8 K:Amaj H:"HLRZ T:Hundred Pipers
ABC 206080 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:A H:"FGLRZ T:Hundred Pipers
ABC 84 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:G H:LOR T:Hundred Pipers
ABC 670 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:A H:"S T:The Hundred Pipers
ABC 680 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:A H:"S T:The Hundred Pipers
ABC 134 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:A H:"S T:The Hundred Pipers
ABC 136 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:A H:"S T:The Hundred Pipers
ABC 134 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:A H:"S T:The Hundred Pipers
ABC 136 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:A H:"S T:The Hundred Pipers
ABC 134 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:A H:"S T:The Hundred Pipers
ABC 136 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:A H:"S T:The Hundred Pipers
ABC 134 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:A H:"S T:The Hundred Pipers
ABC 136 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:A H:"S T:The Hundred Pipers
ABC 134 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:A H:"FRS T:The Hundred Pipers
ABC 136 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:A H:"RS T:The Hundred Pipers
ABC 134 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:A H:"FRS T:The Hundred Pipers
ABC 136 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:A H:"RS T:The Hundred Pipers
ABC 134 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:A H:"FRS T:The Hundred Pipers
ABC 136 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:A H:"RS T:The Hundred Pipers
ABC 18 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuudddduduud M:6/8 K:A H:"IR T:The Hundred Pipers
ABC 18 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuudddduduud M:6/8 K:A H:"IR T:The Hundred Pipers
ABC 2 C1:110301710200570 C2:uududuuuddddudd M:6/8 K:A H:"BDLORZ T:Hundred Pipers
ABC 2 C1:110301710200570 C2:uududuuuddddudd M:6/8 K:A H:"BDLORZ T:Hundred Pipers
ABC 2 C1:110301710200570 C2:uududuuuddddudd M:6/8 K:A H:"BDLORZ T:Hundred Pipers
ABC 2 C1:110301710200570 C2:uududuuuddddudd M:6/8 K:A H:"BDLORZ T:Hundred Pipers
ABC 131008 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:A H:BLQRZ T:The HUNDRED PIPERS
ABC 131008 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:A H:BLQRZ T:The HUNDRED PIPERS
ABC 131008 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:A H:BLQRZ T:The HUNDRED PIPERS
ABC 131008 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:A H:BLQRZ T:The HUNDRED PIPERS
ABC 131008 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:A H:BLQRZ T:The HUNDRED PIPERS
ABC 131008 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:A H:BLQRZ T:The HUNDRED PIPERS
ABC 206080 C1: C2: M:6/8 K:A H:FGLRZ T:Hundred Pipers
ABC 131008 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:A H:BLQRZ T:The HUNDRED PIPERS
ABC 131008 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:A H:BLQRZ T:The HUNDRED PIPERS
ABC 131008 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:A H:BLQRZ T:The HUNDRED PIPERS
ABC 131008 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:A H:BLQRZ T:The HUNDRED PIPERS
ABC 63 C1:020057067711267 C2:uudddduuuddduud M:6/8 K:A H:HLRWZ T:Hundred Pipers, A
ABC 7380 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:G H:LOR T:Hundred Pipers
ABC 7381 C1:020057067711267 C2:uudddduuuddduud M:6/8 K:A H:HLRWZ T:Hundred Pipers, A
ABC 7380 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:G H:LOR T:Hundred Pipers
ABC 7381 C1:020057067711267 C2:uudddduuuddduud M:6/8 K:A H:HLRWZ T:Hundred Pipers, A
ABC 18 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuudddduduud M:6/8 K:A H:"IR T:The Hundred Pipers
ABC 43 C1:300621020057600 C2:dduuuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:A H:"LOR T:A Hundred Pipers
ABC 6939 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:A H:"OS T:The Hundred Pipers
ABC 43 C1:300621020057600 C2:dduuuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:A H:"LOR T:A Hundred Pipers
ABC 6939 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:A H:"OS T:The Hundred Pipers
ABC 137 C1:300621020057600 C2:dduuuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:A H:"LR T:A Hundred Pipers
ABC 5874 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:G H:LOR T:Hundred Pipers
ABC 13538 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:A H:"S T:The Hundred Pipers
ABC 13539 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:A H:"S T:The Hundred Pipers
ABC 137 C1:300621020057600 C2:dduuuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:A H:"LR T:A Hundred Pipers
ABC 5874 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:G H:LOR T:Hundred Pipers
ABC 13538 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:A H:"S T:The Hundred Pipers
ABC 13539 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:A H:"S T:The Hundred Pipers
ABC 137 C1:300621020057600 C2:dduuuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:A H:"LR T:A Hundred Pipers
ABC 5874 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:G H:LOR T:Hundred Pipers
ABC 13538 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:A H:"S T:The Hundred Pipers
ABC 13539 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:A H:"S T:The Hundred Pipers
ABC 1105 C1:020057067711267 C2:uudddduuuddduud M:6/8 K:A H:HLORWZ T:Hundred Pipers, A
ABC 16871 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:A H:"S T:The Hundred Pipers
ABC 16871 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:A H:"S T:The Hundred Pipers
ABC 16871 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:A H:"S T:The Hundred Pipers
ABC 16871 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:A H:"S T:The Hundred Pipers
ABC 240 C1:203017102005706 C2:uududuuuddddudd M:6/8 K:A H:"CQRS T:Hundred Pipers
ABC 240 C1:203017102005706 C2:uududuuuddddudd M:6/8 K:A H:"CQRS T:Hundred Pipers
ABC 1 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:A H:"LORZ T:Hundred Pipers [A]
ABC 1 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:A H:"LORZ T:Hundred Pipers [A]
ABC 1 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:A H:"LORZ T:Hundred Pipers [A]
ABC 1 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:A H:"LORZ T:Hundred Pipers [A]
ABC 1 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:A H:"LORZ T:Hundred Pipers [A]
ABC 1 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:A H:"LORZ T:Hundred Pipers [A]
ABC 1 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:A H:"LORZ T:Hundred Pipers [A]
ABC 1 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:A H:"LORZ T:Hundred Pipers [A]
ABC 1 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:A H:"LORZ T:Hundred Pipers [A]
ABC 1 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:A H:"LORZ T:Hundred Pipers [A]
ABC 1 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:A H:"LORZ T:Hundred Pipers [A]
ABC 1 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:A H:"LORZ T:Hundred Pipers [A]
ABC 1 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:A H:"LORZ T:Hundred Pipers [A]
ABC 1 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:A H:"LORZ T:Hundred Pipers [A]
ABC 1 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:A H:"LORZ T:Hundred Pipers [A]
ABC 1 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:A H:"LORZ T:Hundred Pipers [A]
ABC 1 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:A H:"LORZ T:Hundred Pipers [A]
ABC 1 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:A H:"LORZ T:Hundred Pipers [A]
ABC 1 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:A H:"LORZ T:Hundred Pipers [A]
ABC 1 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:A H:"LORZ T:Hundred Pipers [A]
ABC 1 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:A H:"LORZ T:Hundred Pipers [A]
ABC 1 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:A H:"LORZ T:Hundred Pipers [A]
ABC 1 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:A H:"LORZ T:Hundred Pipers [A]
ABC 1 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:A H:"LORZ T:Hundred Pipers [A]
ABC 1 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:A H:"LORZ T:Hundred Pipers [A]
ABC 1 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:A H:"LORZ T:Hundred Pipers [A]
ABC 1 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:A H:"LORZ T:Hundred Pipers [A]
ABC 1 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:A H:"LORZ T:Hundred Pipers [A]
ABC 1 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:A H:"LORZ T:Hundred Pipers [A]
ABC 1 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:A H:"LORZ T:Hundred Pipers [A]
ABC 1 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:A H:"LORZ T:Hundred Pipers [A]
ABC 1 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:A H:"LORZ T:Hundred Pipers [A]
ABC 2 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:A H:"LORZ T:Hundred Pipers [A]
ABC 2 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:A H:"LORZ T:Hundred Pipers [A]
ABC 2 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:A H:"LORZ T:Hundred Pipers [A]
ABC 2 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:A H:"LORZ T:Hundred Pipers [A]
ABC 2 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:A H:"LORZ T:Hundred Pipers [A]
ABC 2 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:A H:"LORZ T:Hundred Pipers [A]
ABC 2 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:A H:"LORZ T:Hundred Pipers [A]
ABC 2 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:A H:"LORZ T:Hundred Pipers [A]
ABC 2 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:A H:"LORZ T:Hundred Pipers [A]
ABC 2 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:A H:"LORZ T:Hundred Pipers [A]
ABC 2 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:A H:"LORZ T:Hundred Pipers [A]
ABC 2 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:A H:"LORZ T:Hundred Pipers [A]
ABC 2 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:A H:"LORZ T:Hundred Pipers [A]
ABC 2 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:A H:"LORZ T:Hundred Pipers [A]
ABC 2 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:A H:"LORZ T:Hundred Pipers [A]
ABC 2 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:A H:"LORZ T:Hundred Pipers [A]
ABC 2 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:A H:"LORZ T:Hundred Pipers [A]
ABC 2 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:A H:"LORZ T:Hundred Pipers [A]
ABC 2 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:A H:"LORZ T:Hundred Pipers [A]
ABC 2 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:A H:"LORZ T:Hundred Pipers [A]
ABC 2 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:A H:"LORZ T:Hundred Pipers [A]
ABC 2 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:A H:"LORZ T:Hundred Pipers [A]
ABC 2 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:A H:"LORZ T:Hundred Pipers [A]
ABC 2 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:A H:"LORZ T:Hundred Pipers [A]
ABC 2 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:A H:"LORZ T:Hundred Pipers [A]
ABC 1 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:A H:"LORZ T:Hundred Pipers [A]
ABC 4 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:A H:"LORZ T:Hundred Pipers [A]
ABC 6 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:A H:"LORZ T:Hundred Pipers [A]
ABC 7 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:A H:"LORZ T:Hundred Pipers [A]
ABC 7 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:A H:"LORZ T:Hundred Pipers [A]
ABC 7 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:A H:"LORZ T:Hundred Pipers [A]
ABC 40 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:A H:"LORZ T:Hundred Pipers [A]
ABC 40 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:A H:"LORZ T:Hundred Pipers [A]
ABC 1 C1:770301710200400 C2:ddduduuuddduduu M:6/8 K:D H:"LOR T:Hundred Pipers (bagpipe version)
ABC 1 C1:770301710200400 C2:ddduduuuddduduu M:6/8 K:D H:"LOR T:Hundred Pipers (bagpipe version)
ABC 1 C1:770301710200400 C2:ddduduuuddduduu M:6/8 K:D H:"LOR T:Hundred Pipers (bagpipe version)
ABC 1 C1:770301710200400 C2:ddduduuuddduduu M:6/8 K:D H:"LOR T:Hundred Pipers (bagpipe version)
ABC 1 C1:770301710200400 C2:ddduduuuddduduu M:6/8 K:D H:"LOR T:Hundred Pipers (bagpipe version)
ABC 1 C1:770301710200400 C2:ddduduuuddduduu M:6/8 K:D H:"LOR T:Hundred Pipers (bagpipe version)
ABC 1 C1:770301710200400 C2:ddduduuuddduduu M:6/8 K:D H:"LOR T:Hundred Pipers (bagpipe version)
ABC 1 C1:770301710200400 C2:ddduduuuddduduu M:6/8 K:D H:"LOR T:Hundred Pipers (bagpipe version)
ABC 4 C1:030171020040060 C2:duduuuddduduudu M:6/8 K:D H:"LOR T:Hundred Pipers (bagpipe version)
ABC 4 C1:030171020040060 C2:duduuuddduduudu M:6/8 K:D H:"LOR T:Hundred Pipers (bagpipe version)
ABC 1 C1:030171020040060 C2:duduuuddduduudu M:6/8 K:D H:"LOR T:Hundred Pipers (bagpipe version)
ABC 1 C1:030171020040060 C2:duduuuddduduudu M:6/8 K:D H:"LOR T:Hundred Pipers (bagpipe version)
ABC 7 C1:030171020040060 C2:duduuuddduduudu M:6/8 K:D H:"LOR T:Hundred Pipers (bagpipe version)
ABC 9 C1:030171020040060 C2:duduuuddduduudu M:6/8 K:D H:"LOR T:Hundred Pipers (bagpipe version)
ABC 9 C1:030171020040060 C2:duduuuddduduudu M:6/8 K:D H:"LOR T:Hundred Pipers (bagpipe version)
ABC 9 C1:030171020040060 C2:duduuuddduduudu M:6/8 K:D H:"LOR T:Hundred Pipers (bagpipe version)
ABC 1 C1:030171020040060 C2:duduuuddduduudu M:6/8 K:D H:"LOR T:Hundred Pipers (bagpipe version) [D,A]
ABC 1 C1:030171020040060 C2:duduuuddduduudu M:6/8 K:D H:"LOR T:Hundred Pipers (bagpipe version) [D,A]
ABC 1 C1:030171020040060 C2:duduuuddduduudu M:6/8 K:D H:"LOR T:Hundred Pipers (bagpipe version) [D,A]
ABC 1 C1:030171020040060 C2:duduuuddduduudu M:6/8 K:D H:"LOR T:Hundred Pipers (bagpipe version) [D,A]
ABC 1 C1:030171020040060 C2:duduuuddduduudu M:6/8 K:D H:"LOR T:Hundred Pipers (bagpipe version) [D,A]
ABC 1 C1:030171020040060 C2:duduuuddduduudu M:6/8 K:D H:"LOR T:Hundred Pipers (bagpipe version) [D,A]
ABC 1 C1:030171020040060 C2:duduuuddduduudu M:6/8 K:D H:"LOR T:Hundred Pipers (bagpipe version) [D,A]
ABC 1 C1:030171020040060 C2:duduuuddduduudu M:6/8 K:D H:"LOR T:Hundred Pipers (bagpipe version) [D,A]
ABC 1 C1:030171020040060 C2:duduuuddduduudu M:6/8 K:D H:"LOR T:Hundred Pipers (bagpipe version) [D,A]
ABC 1 C1:030171020040060 C2:duduuuddduduudu M:6/8 K:D H:"LOR T:Hundred Pipers (bagpipe version) [D,A]
ABC 1 C1:030171020040060 C2:duduuuddduduudu M:6/8 K:D H:"LOR T:Hundred Pipers (bagpipe version) [D,A]
ABC 1 C1:030171020040060 C2:duduuuddduduudu M:6/8 K:D H:"LOR T:Hundred Pipers (bagpipe version) [D,A]
ABC 1 C1:030171020040060 C2:duduuuddduduudu M:6/8 K:D H:"LOR T:Hundred Pipers (bagpipe version) [D,A]
ABC 1 C1:030171020040060 C2:duduuuddduduudu M:6/8 K:D H:"LOR T:Hundred Pipers (bagpipe version) [D,A]
ABC 1 C1:030171020040060 C2:duduuuddduduudu M:6/8 K:D H:"LOR T:Hundred Pipers (bagpipe version) [D,A]
ABC 1 C1:030171020040060 C2:duduuuddduduudu M:6/8 K:D H:"LOR T:Hundred Pipers (bagpipe version) [D,A]
ABC 1 C1:030171020040060 C2:duduuuddduduudu M:6/8 K:D H:"LOR T:Hundred Pipers (bagpipe version) [D,A]
ABC 1 C1:030171020040060 C2:duduuuddduduudu M:6/8 K:D H:"LOR T:Hundred Pipers (bagpipe version) [D,A]
ABC 1 C1:030171020040060 C2:duduuuddduduudu M:6/8 K:D H:"LOR T:Hundred Pipers (bagpipe version) [D,A]
ABC 1 C1:030171020040060 C2:duduuuddduduudu M:6/8 K:D H:"LOR T:Hundred Pipers (bagpipe version) [D,A]
ABC 1 C1:030171020040060 C2:duduuuddduduudu M:6/8 K:D H:"LOR T:Hundred Pipers (bagpipe version) [D,A]
ABC 1 C1:030171020040060 C2:duduuuddduduudu M:6/8 K:D H:"LOR T:Hundred Pipers (bagpipe version) [D,A]
ABC 1 C1:030171020040060 C2:duduuuddduduudu M:6/8 K:D H:"LOR T:Hundred Pipers (bagpipe version) [D,A]
ABC 1 C1:030171020040060 C2:duduuuddduduudu M:6/8 K:D H:"LOR T:Hundred Pipers (bagpipe version) [D,A]
ABC 3 C1:030171020040060 C2:duduuuddduduudu M:6/8 K:D H:"LOR T:Hundred Pipers (bagpipe version) [D,A]
ABC 3 C1:030171020040060 C2:duduuuddduduudu M:6/8 K:D H:"LOR T:Hundred Pipers (bagpipe version) [D,A]
ABC 3 C1:030171020040060 C2:duduuuddduduudu M:6/8 K:D H:"LOR T:Hundred Pipers (bagpipe version) [D,A]
ABC 3 C1:030171020040060 C2:duduuuddduduudu M:6/8 K:D H:"LOR T:Hundred Pipers (bagpipe version) [D,A]
ABC 3 C1:030171020040060 C2:duduuuddduduudu M:6/8 K:D H:"LOR T:Hundred Pipers (bagpipe version) [D,A]
ABC 3 C1:030171020040060 C2:duduuuddduduudu M:6/8 K:D H:"LOR T:Hundred Pipers (bagpipe version) [D,A]
ABC 3 C1:030171020040060 C2:duduuuddduduudu M:6/8 K:D H:"LOR T:Hundred Pipers (bagpipe version) [D,A]
ABC 3 C1:030171020040060 C2:duduuuddduduudu M:6/8 K:D H:"LOR T:Hundred Pipers (bagpipe version) [D,A]
ABC 3 C1:030171020040060 C2:duduuuddduduudu M:6/8 K:D H:"LOR T:Hundred Pipers (bagpipe version) [D,A]
ABC 3 C1:030171020040060 C2:duduuuddduduudu M:6/8 K:D H:"LOR T:Hundred Pipers (bagpipe version) [D,A]
ABC 3 C1:030171020040060 C2:duduuuddduduudu M:6/8 K:D H:"LOR T:Hundred Pipers (bagpipe version) [D,A]
ABC 3 C1:030171020040060 C2:duduuuddduduudu M:6/8 K:D H:"LOR T:Hundred Pipers (bagpipe version) [D,A]
ABC 3 C1:030171020040060 C2:duduuuddduduudu M:6/8 K:D H:"LOR T:Hundred Pipers (bagpipe version) [D,A]
ABC 3 C1:030171020040060 C2:duduuuddduduudu M:6/8 K:D H:"LOR T:Hundred Pipers (bagpipe version) [D,A]
ABC 3 C1:030171020040060 C2:duduuuddduduudu M:6/8 K:D H:"LOR T:Hundred Pipers (bagpipe version) [D,A]
ABC 3 C1:030171020040060 C2:duduuuddduduudu M:6/8 K:D H:"LOR T:Hundred Pipers (bagpipe version) [D,A]
ABC 3 C1:030171020040060 C2:duduuuddduduudu M:6/8 K:D H:"LOR T:Hundred Pipers (bagpipe version) [D,A]
ABC 3 C1:030171020040060 C2:duduuuddduduudu M:6/8 K:D H:"LOR T:Hundred Pipers (bagpipe version) [D,A]
ABC 3 C1:030171020040060 C2:duduuuddduduudu M:6/8 K:D H:"LOR T:Hundred Pipers (bagpipe version) [D,A]
ABC 3 C1:030171020040060 C2:duduuuddduduudu M:6/8 K:D H:"LOR T:Hundred Pipers (bagpipe version) [D,A]
ABC 3 C1:030171020040060 C2:duduuuddduduudu M:6/8 K:D H:"LOR T:Hundred Pipers (bagpipe version) [D,A]
ABC 3 C1:030171020040060 C2:duduuuddduduudu M:6/8 K:D H:"LOR T:Hundred Pipers (bagpipe version) [D,A]
ABC 3 C1:030171020040060 C2:duduuuddduduudu M:6/8 K:D H:"LOR T:Hundred Pipers (bagpipe version) [D,A]
ABC 3 C1:030171020040060 C2:duduuuddduduudu M:6/8 K:D H:"LOR T:Hundred Pipers (bagpipe version) [D,A]
ABC 3 C1:030171020040060 C2:duduuuddduduudu M:6/8 K:D H:"LOR T:Hundred Pipers (bagpipe version) [D,A]
ABC 2 C1:030171020040060 C2:duduuuddduduudu M:6/8 K:D H:"LOR T:Hundred Pipers (bagpipe version) [D,A]
ABC 2 C1:030171020040060 C2:duduuuddduduudu M:6/8 K:D H:"LOR T:Hundred Pipers (bagpipe version) [D,A]
ABC 3 C1:030171020040060 C2:duduuuddduduudu M:6/8 K:D H:"LOR T:Hundred Pipers (bagpipe version) [D,A]
ABC 2 C1:030171020040060 C2:duduuuddduduudu M:6/8 K:D H:"LOR T:Hundred Pipers (bagpipe version) [D,A]
ABC 2 C1:030171020040060 C2:duduuuddduduudu M:6/8 K:D H:"LOR T:Hundred Pipers (bagpipe version) [D,A]
ABC 2 C1:030171020040060 C2:duduuuddduduudu M:6/8 K:D H:"LOR T:Hundred Pipers (bagpipe version) [D,A]
ABC 2 C1:030171020040060 C2:duduuuddduduudu M:6/8 K:D H:"LOR T:Hundred Pipers (bagpipe version) [D,A]
ABC 2 C1:030171020040060 C2:duduuuddduduudu M:6/8 K:D H:"LOR T:Hundred Pipers (bagpipe version) [D,A]
ABC 4 C1:030171020040060 C2:duduuuddduduudu M:6/8 K:D H:"LOR T:Hundred Pipers (bagpipe version) [D,A]
ABC 4 C1:030171020040060 C2:duduuuddduduudu M:6/8 K:D H:"LOR T:Hundred Pipers (bagpipe version) [D,A]
ABC 4 C1:030171020040060 C2:duduuuddduduudu M:6/8 K:D H:"LOR T:Hundred Pipers (bagpipe version) [D,A]
ABC 4 C1:030171020040060 C2:duduuuddduduudu M:6/8 K:D H:"LOR T:Hundred Pipers (bagpipe version) [D,A]
ABC 4 C1:030171020040060 C2:duduuuddduduudu M:6/8 K:D H:"LOR T:Hundred Pipers (bagpipe version) [D,A]
ABC 4 C1:030171020040060 C2:duduuuddduduudu M:6/8 K:D H:"LOR T:Hundred Pipers (bagpipe version) [D,A]
ABC 4 C1:030171020040060 C2:duduuuddduduudu M:6/8 K:D H:"LOR T:Hundred Pipers (bagpipe version) [D,A]
ABC 3 C1:030171020040060 C2:duduuuddduduudu M:6/8 K:D H:"LOR T:Hundred Pipers (bagpipe version) [D,A]
ABC 3 C1:030171020040060 C2:duduuuddduduudu M:6/8 K:D H:"LOR T:Hundred Pipers (bagpipe version) [D,A]
ABC 3 C1:030171020040060 C2:duduuuddduduudu M:6/8 K:D H:"LOR T:Hundred Pipers (bagpipe version) [D,A]
ABC 2 C1:030171020040060 C2:duduuuddduduudu M:6/8 K:D H:"LOR T:Hundred Pipers (bagpipe version) [D,A]
ABC 2 C1:030171020040060 C2:duduuuddduduudu M:6/8 K:D H:"LOR T:Hundred Pipers (bagpipe version) [D,A]
ABC 2 C1:030171020040060 C2:duduuuddduduudu M:6/8 K:D H:"LOR T:Hundred Pipers (bagpipe version) [D,A]
ABC 2 C1:030171020040060 C2:duduuuddduduudu M:6/8 K:D H:"LOR T:Hundred Pipers (bagpipe version) [D,A]
ABC 4 C1:030171020040060 C2:duduuuddduduudu M:6/8 K:D H:"LOR T:Hundred Pipers (bagpipe version) [D,A]
ABC 4 C1:030171020040060 C2:duduuuddduduudu M:6/8 K:D H:"LOR T:Hundred Pipers (bagpipe version) [D,A]
ABC 4 C1:030171020040060 C2:duduuuddduduudu M:6/8 K:D H:"LOR T:Hundred Pipers (bagpipe version) [D,A]
ABC 4 C1:030171020040060 C2:duduuuddduduudu M:6/8 K:D H:"LOR T:Hundred Pipers (bagpipe version) [D,A]
ABC 4 C1:030171020040060 C2:duduuuddduduudu M:6/8 K:D H:"LOR T:Hundred Pipers (bagpipe version) [D,A]
ABC 4 C1:030171020040060 C2:duduuuddduduudu M:6/8 K:D H:"LOR T:Hundred Pipers (bagpipe version) [D,A]
ABC 4 C1:030171020040060 C2:duduuuddduduudu M:6/8 K:D H:"LOR T:Hundred Pipers (bagpipe version) [D,A]
ABC 4 C1:030171020040060 C2:duduuuddduduudu M:6/8 K:D H:"LOR T:Hundred Pipers (bagpipe version) [D,A]
ABC 4 C1:030171020040060 C2:duduuuddduduudu M:6/8 K:D H:"LOR T:Hundred Pipers (bagpipe version) [D,A]
ABC 4 C1:030171020040060 C2:duduuuddduduudu M:6/8 K:D H:"LOR T:Hundred Pipers (bagpipe version) [D,A]
ABC 41 C1:030171020040060 C2:duduuuddduduudu M:6/8 K:D H:"LOR T:Hundred Pipers (bagpipe version) [D,A]
ABC 41 C1:030171020040060 C2:duduuuddduduudu M:6/8 K:D H:"LOR T:Hundred Pipers (bagpipe version) [D,A]
ABC 1 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:G H:"LORZ T:Hundred Pipers [G]
ABC 1 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:G H:"LORZ T:Hundred Pipers [G]
ABC 1 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:G H:"LORZ T:Hundred Pipers [G]
ABC 1 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:G H:"LORZ T:Hundred Pipers [G]
ABC 1 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:G H:"LORZ T:Hundred Pipers [G]
ABC 1 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:G H:"LORZ T:Hundred Pipers [G]
ABC 1 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:G H:"LORZ T:Hundred Pipers [G]
ABC 1 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:G H:"LORZ T:Hundred Pipers [G]
ABC 1 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:G H:"LORZ T:Hundred Pipers [G]
ABC 1 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:G H:"LORZ T:Hundred Pipers [G]
ABC 1 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:G H:"LORZ T:Hundred Pipers [G]
ABC 1 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:G H:"LORZ T:Hundred Pipers [G]
ABC 1 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:G H:"LORZ T:Hundred Pipers [G]
ABC 1 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:G H:"LORZ T:Hundred Pipers [G]
ABC 1 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:G H:"LORZ T:Hundred Pipers [G]
ABC 1 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:G H:"LORZ T:Hundred Pipers [G]
ABC 1 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:G H:"LORZ T:Hundred Pipers [G]
ABC 1 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:G H:"LORZ T:Hundred Pipers [G]
ABC 1 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:G H:"LORZ T:Hundred Pipers [G]
ABC 1 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:G H:"LORZ T:Hundred Pipers [G]
ABC 1 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:G H:"LORZ T:Hundred Pipers [G]
ABC 1 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:G H:"LORZ T:Hundred Pipers [G]
ABC 1 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:G H:"LORZ T:Hundred Pipers [G]
ABC 1 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:G H:"LORZ T:Hundred Pipers [G]
ABC 1 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:G H:"LORZ T:Hundred Pipers [G]
ABC 1 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:G H:"LORZ T:Hundred Pipers [G]
ABC 1 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:G H:"LORZ T:Hundred Pipers [G]
ABC 1 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:G H:"LORZ T:Hundred Pipers [G]
ABC 1 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:G H:"LORZ T:Hundred Pipers [G]
ABC 1 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:G H:"LORZ T:Hundred Pipers [G]
ABC 1 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:G H:"LORZ T:Hundred Pipers [G]
ABC 1 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:G H:"LORZ T:Hundred Pipers [G]
ABC 1 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:G H:"LORZ T:Hundred Pipers [G]
ABC 1 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:G H:"LORZ T:Hundred Pipers [G]
ABC 1 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:G H:"LORZ T:Hundred Pipers [G]
ABC 1 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:G H:"LORZ T:Hundred Pipers [G]
ABC 1 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:G H:"LORZ T:Hundred Pipers [G]
ABC 1 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:G H:"LORZ T:Hundred Pipers [G]
ABC 1 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:G H:"LORZ T:Hundred Pipers [G]
ABC 1 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:G H:"LORZ T:Hundred Pipers [G]
ABC 1 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:G H:"LORZ T:Hundred Pipers [G]
ABC 1 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:G H:"LORZ T:Hundred Pipers [G]
ABC 1 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:G H:"LORZ T:Hundred Pipers [G]
ABC 1 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:G H:"LORZ T:Hundred Pipers [G]
ABC 1 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:G H:"LORZ T:Hundred Pipers [G]
ABC 1 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:G H:"LORZ T:Hundred Pipers [G]
ABC 1 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:G H:"LORZ T:Hundred Pipers [G]
ABC 1 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:G H:"LORZ T:Hundred Pipers [G]
ABC 1 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:G H:"LORZ T:Hundred Pipers [G]
ABC 1 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:G H:"LORZ T:Hundred Pipers [G]
ABC 1 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:G H:"LORZ T:Hundred Pipers [G]
ABC 1 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:G H:"LORZ T:Hundred Pipers [G]
ABC 1 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:G H:"LORZ T:Hundred Pipers [G]
ABC 1 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:G H:"LORZ T:Hundred Pipers [G]
ABC 1 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:G H:"LORZ T:Hundred Pipers [G]
ABC 1 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:G H:"LORZ T:Hundred Pipers [G]
ABC 2 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:G H:"LORZ T:Hundred Pipers [G]
ABC 2 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:G H:"LORZ T:Hundred Pipers [G]
ABC 2 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:G H:"LORZ T:Hundred Pipers [G]
ABC 2 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:G H:"LORZ T:Hundred Pipers [G]
ABC 2 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:G H:"LORZ T:Hundred Pipers [G]
ABC 1 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:G H:"LORZ T:Hundred Pipers [G]
ABC 3 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:G H:"LORZ T:Hundred Pipers [G]
ABC 3 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:G H:"LORZ T:Hundred Pipers [G]
ABC 1 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:G H:"LORZ T:Hundred Pipers [G]
ABC 1 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:G H:"LORZ T:Hundred Pipers [G]
ABC 1 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:G H:"LORZ T:Hundred Pipers [G]
ABC 1 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:G H:"LORZ T:Hundred Pipers [G]
ABC 1 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:G H:"LORZ T:Hundred Pipers [G]
ABC 1 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:G H:"LORZ T:Hundred Pipers [G]
ABC 1 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:G H:"LORZ T:Hundred Pipers [G]
ABC 3 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:G H:"LORZ T:Hundred Pipers [G]
ABC 3 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:G H:"LORZ T:Hundred Pipers [G]
ABC 2 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:G H:"LORZ T:Hundred Pipers [G]
ABC 2 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:G H:"LORZ T:Hundred Pipers [G]
ABC 2 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:G H:"LORZ T:Hundred Pipers [G]
ABC 2 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:G H:"LORZ T:Hundred Pipers [G]
ABC 2 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:G H:"LORZ T:Hundred Pipers [G]
ABC 2 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:G H:"LORZ T:Hundred Pipers [G]
ABC 2 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:G H:"LORZ T:Hundred Pipers [G]
ABC 2 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:G H:"LORZ T:Hundred Pipers [G]
ABC 4 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:G H:"LORZ T:Hundred Pipers [G]
ABC 4 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:G H:"LORZ T:Hundred Pipers [G]
ABC 4 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:G H:"LORZ T:Hundred Pipers [G]
ABC 4 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:G H:"LORZ T:Hundred Pipers [G]
ABC 4 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:G H:"LORZ T:Hundred Pipers [G]
ABC 4 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:G H:"LORZ T:Hundred Pipers [G]
ABC 4 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:G H:"LORZ T:Hundred Pipers [G]
ABC 4 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:G H:"LORZ T:Hundred Pipers [G]
ABC 4 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:G H:"LORZ T:Hundred Pipers [G]
ABC 1 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:G H:"LORZ T:Hundred Pipers [G]
ABC 8 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:G H:"LORZ T:Hundred Pipers [G]
ABC 8 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:G H:"LORZ T:Hundred Pipers [G]
ABC 8 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:G H:"LORZ T:Hundred Pipers [G]
ABC 8 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:G H:"LORZ T:Hundred Pipers [G]
ABC 39 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:G H:"LORZ T:Hundred Pipers [G]
ABC 39 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:G H:"LORZ T:Hundred Pipers [G]
ABC 605 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:Gmaj H:"HLRZ T:Hundred Pipers (G)
ABC 1 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuudddduddud M:12/8 K:G H:"CDLOQRSZ T:Hundred Pipers (G major)
ABC 2 C1:110300017101010 C2:uududuuuuddddud M:4/4 K:Gmaj H:LR T:Hundred Pipers March, The
ABC 59060 C1:021711011057051 C2:duduuuuuddudduu M:6/8\ K:A\ H:CLR T:HUNDRED PIPERS, The \
ABC 1 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuuddddudduu M:6/8 K:G H:"RW T:The Hundred Pipers/The Famous Fiery Clockface
ABC 177 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuudddduduud M:6/8 K:A H:LOQRZ T:Hundred Pipers,The. FTB.177
ABC 177 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuudddduduud M:6/8 K:A H:BLOQRZ T:Hundred Pipers,The. FTB.177
ABC 177 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuudddduduud M:6/8 K:A H:BLOQRZ T:Hundred Pipers,The. FTB.177
ABC 177 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuudddduduud M:6/8 K:A H:LOQRZ T:Hundred Pipers,The. FTB.177
ABC 1 C1:111161010404002 C2:uuuuduuduudddud M:4/4 K:Ab H:L T:A Hundred Years Ago
ABC 1 C1:050305040044000 C2:dududuudduddudd M:4/4 K:G H:L T:A Hundred Years Ago
ABC 1 C1:111161010404002 C2:uuuuduuduudddud M:4/4 K:Ab H:L T:A Hundred Years Ago
ABC 1 C1:111161010404002 C2:uuuuduuduudddud M:4/4 K:Ab H:L T:A Hundred Years Ago
ABC 1 C1:050305040044000 C2:dududuudduddudd M:4/4 K:G H:L T:A Hundred Years Ago
ABC 1 C1:050305040044000 C2:dududuudduddudd M:4/4 K:G H:L T:A Hundred Years Ago
ABC 219 C1:000500030005000 C2:dududuudduddudd M:C| K:G H:LQ T:A Hundred Years Ago (a)
ABC 220 C1:010101010601000 C2:uuuuduuduudddud M:C K:Ab H:LQ T:A Hundred Years Ago (b)
ABC 53 C1:622200277117762 C2:duuuudduudddudd M:C| K:Eb H:CLRS T:Hundred Years Since, A
ABC 53 C1:622200277117762 C2:duuuudduudddudd M:C| K:Eb H:CLRS T:Hundred Years Since, A
ABC 53 C1:622200277117762 C2:duuuudduudddudd M:C| K:Eb H:CLRS T:Hundred Years Since, A
ABC 53 C1:622200277117762 C2:duuuudduudddudd M:C| K:Eb H:CLRS T:Hundred Years Since, A
ABC 52 C1:622200277117762 C2:duuuudduudddudd M:C| K:Eb H:CLRS T:Hundred Years Since, A
ABC 52 C1:622200277117762 C2:duuuudduudddudd M:C| K:Eb H:CLRS T:Hundred Years Since, A
ABC 52 C1:622200277117762 C2:duuuudduudddudd M:C| K:Eb H:CLRS T:Hundred Years Since, A
ABC 52 C1:622200277117762 C2:duuuudduudddudd M:C| K:Eb H:CLRS T:Hundred Years Since, A
ABC 52 C1:622200277117762 C2:duuuudduudddudd M:C| K:Eb H:CLRS T:Hundred Years Since, A
ABC 1 C1: C2: M: K:F H:QZ T:Hungarian Dance 5, Bass, 1:50, J. Brahms
ABC 1 C1: C2: M: K:F H:QZ T:Hungarian Dance 5, Bass, 1:50, J. Brahms
ABC 1 C1: C2: M: K:F H:QZ T:Hungarian Dance 5, Clarinet Melody, 1:50, J. Brahms
ABC 1 C1: C2: M: K:F H:QZ T:Hungarian Dance 5, Clarinet Melody, 1:50, J. Brahms
ABC 1 C1:030503050305030 C2:udududududududu M: K:F H:QZ T:Hungarian Dance 5, Drums, 1:50, J. Brahms
ABC 1 C1: C2: M: K:F H:QZ T:Hungarian Dance 5, Harp, 1:50, J. Brahms
ABC 1 C1: C2: M: K:F H:QZ T:Hungarian Dance 5, Harp, 1:50, J. Brahms
ABC 1 C1:000006700000117 C2:dduudduuddddudu M: K:F H:QZ T:Hungarian Dance 5, Lute Melody, 1:50, J. Brahms
ABC 1 C1:000006700000117 C2:dduudduuddddudu M: K:F H:QZ T:Hungarian Dance 5, Lute Melody, 1:50, J. Brahms
ABC 1782 C1:002700270200000 C2:udududddudduduu M:2/4 K:D H:BFL T:HUNGARIAN DANCE
ABC 1782 C1:002700270200000 C2:udududddudduduu M:2/4 K:D H:BFL T:HUNGARIAN DANCE
ABC 1782 C1:002700270200000 C2:udududddudduduu M:2/4 K:D H:BFL T:HUNGARIAN DANCE
ABC 1782 C1:002700270200000 C2:udududddudduduu M:2/4 K:D H:BFL T:HUNGARIAN DANCE
ABC 1 C1: C2: M: K:C H:CLQZ T:Hungarian Dance No.5 (1/4:Flute 1)
ABC 1 C1: C2: M: K:C H:CLQZ T:Hungarian Dance No.5 (1/4:Flute 1)
ABC 1 C1: C2: M: K:C H:CLQZ T:Hungarian Dance No.5 (1/4:Flute 1)
ABC 1 C1: C2: M: K:C H:CLQZ T:Hungarian Dance No.5 (1/4:Flute 1)
ABC 1 C1: C2: M: K:C H:CLQZ T:Hungarian Dance No.5 (1/4:Flute 1)
ABC 2 C1: C2: M: K:C H:CLQZ T:Hungarian Dance No.5 (2/4:Flute 2)
ABC 2 C1: C2: M: K:C H:CLQZ T:Hungarian Dance No.5 (2/4:Flute 2)
ABC 2 C1: C2: M: K:C H:CLQZ T:Hungarian Dance No.5 (2/4:Flute 2)
ABC 2 C1: C2: M: K:C H:CLQZ T:Hungarian Dance No.5 (2/4:Flute 2)
ABC 2 C1: C2: M: K:C H:CLQZ T:Hungarian Dance No.5 (2/4:Flute 2)
ABC 3 C1: C2: M: K:C H:CLQZ T:Hungarian Dance No.5 (3/4:Clarinet)
ABC 3 C1: C2: M: K:C H:CLQZ T:Hungarian Dance No.5 (3/4:Clarinet)
ABC 3 C1: C2: M: K:C H:CLQZ T:Hungarian Dance No.5 (3/4:Clarinet)
ABC 3 C1: C2: M: K:C H:CLQZ T:Hungarian Dance No.5 (3/4:Clarinet)
ABC 3 C1: C2: M: K:C H:CLQZ T:Hungarian Dance No.5 (3/4:Clarinet)
ABC 4 C1: C2: M: K:C H:CLQZ T:Hungarian Dance No.5 (4/4:Horn)
ABC 4 C1: C2: M: K:C H:CLQZ T:Hungarian Dance No.5 (4/4:Horn)
ABC 4 C1:044 C2:du M: K:C H:CLQZ T:Hungarian Dance No.5 (4/4:Horn)
ABC 4 C1: C2: M: K:C H:CLQZ T:Hungarian Dance No.5 (4/4:Horn)
ABC 4 C1: C2: M: K:C H:CLQZ T:Hungarian Dance No.5 (4/4:Horn)
ABC 7837 C1:277027700000700 C2:udduddduduudddu M:2/4 K:Dm H:CFLOWZ T:Hungarian folk dance
ABC 7837 C1:277027700000700 C2:udduddduduudddu M:2/4 K:Dm H:CFLOWZ T:Hungarian folk dance
ABC 1 C1:030007060627772 C2:udddudddudddudd M:4/4 K:Am H:"R T:Hungarian Gypsy Tune
ABC 147 C1:030007060627772 C2:udddudddudddudd M:4/4 K:Am H:"R T:Hungarian Gypsy Tune
ABC 496 C1:772100013011020 C2:dduuduuuudddduu M:C| K:GMin H:FLSZ T:Hungarian Jewish Wedding Dance
ABC 496 C1:772100013011020 C2:dduuduuuudddduu M:C| K:GMin H:FLSZ T:Hungarian Jewish Wedding Dance
ABC 1 C1:010120067170040 C2:udududddudduduu M:2/4 K:D H:BLZ T:Hungarian March, The
ABC 1 C1:010120067170040 C2:udududddudduduu M:2/4 K:D H:BLZ T:Hungarian March, The
ABC 1 C1:010120067170040 C2:udududddudduduu M:2/4 K:D H:BLZ T:Hungarian March, The
ABC 176 C1:010120067170040 C2:udududddudduduu M:2/4 K:D H:BLZ T:Hungarian March, The
ABC 176 C1:010120067170040 C2:udududddudduduu M:2/4 K:D H:BLZ T:Hungarian March, The
ABC 38 C1:301012006717004 C2:uudududdduddudu M:2/4 K:D H:BLQRWZ T:Hungarian March. Ru1.038, The
ABC 38 C1:301012006717004 C2:uudududdduddudu M:2/4 K:D H:BLQRWZ T:Hungarian March. Ru1.038, The
ABC 176 C1:010120067170040 C2:udududddudduduu M:2/4 K:D H:BLQZ T:Hungarian March THO1.176, The
ABC 176 C1:010120067170040 C2:udududddudduduu M:2/4 K:D H:BLQZ T:Hungarian March THO1.176, The
ABC 0 C1:077777770 C2:ddddddd M:10/4 K:CMin H:L T:The Hungarian Minor Scale
ABC 22 C1:065663070701055 C2:udddudduudddudd M:6/8 K:G H:ABLQZ T:Hungarian Minuet. JClw.22, The
ABC 22 C1:065663070701055 C2:udddudduudddudd M:6/8 K:G H:ABLQZ T:Hungarian Minuet. JClw.22, The
ABC 22 C1:065663070701055 C2:udddudduudddudd M:6/8 K:G H:ALQSZ T:Hungarian Minuet,The. JClw.22
ABC 22 C1:065663070701055 C2:udddudduudddudd M:6/8 K:G H:ABLQSZ T:Hungarian Minuet,The. JClw.22
ABC 3910 C1:065663070701055 C2:udddudduudddudd M:6/8 K:G H:AFLQSZ T:Hungarian Minuet,The. JClw.22
ABC 3910 C1:065663070701055 C2:udddudduudddudd M:6/8 K:G H:AFLQSZ T:Hungarian Minuet,The. JClw.22
ABC 22 C1:065663070701055 C2:udddudduudddudd M:6/8 K:G H:ABLQSZ T:Hungarian Minuet,The. JClw.22
ABC 1 C1:030517070700000 C2:ududdduududuuuu M:2/4 K:D H:"CLORZ T:Hungarian Railway
ABC 1 C1:030517070700000 C2:ududdduududuuuu M:2/4 K:D H:"CLORZ T:Hungarian Railway
ABC 1 C1:030517070700000 C2:ududdduududuuuu M:2/4 K:D H:"CLORZ T:Hungarian Railway
ABC 1 C1:030517070700000 C2:ududdduududuuuu M:2/4 K:D H:"CLORZ T:Hungarian Railway
ABC 1 C1:030517070700000 C2:ududdduududuuuu M:2/4 K:D H:"CFLRSZbs T:Hungarian Railway Polkett
ABC 1 C1:030517070700000 C2:ududdduududuuuu M:2/4 K:D H:"CFLRSZbs T:Hungarian Railway Polkett
ABC 1 C1:030517070700000 C2:ududdduududuuuu M:2/4 K:D H:"CFLRSZbs T:Hungarian Railway Polkett
ABC 1 C1:030517070700000 C2:ududdduududuuuu M:2/4 K:D H:"CFLRSZbs T:Hungarian Railway Polkett
ABC 1 C1:030517070700000 C2:ududdduududuuuu M:2/4 K:D H:"CLRZ T:Hungarian Railway Polkett
ABC 1 C1:030517070700000 C2:ududdduududuuuu M:2/4 K:D H:"CLRZ T:Hungarian Railway Polkett
ABC 1 C1:030517070700000 C2:ududdduududuuuu M:2/4 K:D H:"CLRZ T:Hungarian Railway Polkett
ABC 1 C1:030517070700000 C2:ududdduududuuuu M:2/4 K:D H:"CLRZ T:Hungarian Railway Polkett
ABC 1 C1:030517070700000 C2:ududdduududuuuu M:2/4 K:D H:"CLRZ T:Hungarian Railway Polkett
ABC 1 C1:030517070700000 C2:ududdduududuuuu M:2/4 K:D H:"CLRZ T:Hungarian Railway Polkett
ABC 1 C1:030517070700000 C2:ududdduududuuuu M:2/4 K:D H:"CLRZ T:Hungarian Railway Polkett
ABC 1 C1:030517070700000 C2:ududdduududuuuu M:2/4 K:D H:"CLRZ T:Hungarian Railway Polkett
ABC 1 C1:030517070700000 C2:ududdduududuuuu M:2/4 K:D H:"CLRZ T:Hungarian Railway Polkett
ABC 1 C1:030517070700000 C2:ududdduududuuuu M:2/4 K:D H:"CLRZ T:Hungarian Railway Polkett
ABC 1 C1:030517070700000 C2:ududdduududuuuu M:2/4 K:D H:"CLRZ T:Hungarian Railway Polkett
ABC 1 C1:030517070700000 C2:ududdduududuuuu M:2/4 K:D H:"CLRZ T:Hungarian Railway Polkett
ABC 1 C1:030517070700000 C2:ududdduududuuuu M:2/4 K:D H:"CLRZ T:Hungarian Railway Polkett
ABC 1 C1:030517070700000 C2:ududdduududuuuu M:2/4 K:D H:"CLRZ T:Hungarian Railway Polkett
ABC 1 C1:030517070700000 C2:ududdduududuuuu M:2/4 K:D H:"CLRZ T:Hungarian Railway Polkett
ABC 1 C1:030517070700000 C2:ududdduududuuuu M:2/4 K:D H:"CLRZ T:Hungarian Railway Polkett
ABC 1 C1:030517070700000 C2:ududdduududuuuu M:2/4 K:D H:"CLRZ T:Hungarian Railway Polkett
ABC 1 C1:030517070700000 C2:ududdduududuuuu M:2/4 K:D H:"CLRZ T:Hungarian Railway Polkett
ABC 1 C1:030517070700000 C2:ududdduududuuuu M:2/4 K:D H:"CLRZ T:Hungarian Railway Polkett
ABC 1 C1:030517070700000 C2:ududdduududuuuu M:2/4 K:D H:"CLRZ T:Hungarian Railway Polkett
ABC 1 C1:030517070700000 C2:ududdduududuuuu M:2/4 K:D H:"CLRZ T:Hungarian Railway Polkett
ABC 1 C1:030517070700000 C2:ududdduududuuuu M:2/4 K:D H:"CLRZ T:Hungarian Railway Polkett
ABC 1 C1:030517070700000 C2:ududdduududuuuu M:2/4 K:D H:"CLRZ T:Hungarian Railway Polkett
ABC 1 C1:030517070700000 C2:ududdduududuuuu M:2/4 K:D H:"CLRZ T:Hungarian Railway Polkett
ABC 1 C1:030517070700000 C2:ududdduududuuuu M:2/4 K:D H:"CLRZ T:Hungarian Railway Polkett
ABC 1 C1:030517070700000 C2:ududdduududuuuu M:2/4 K:D H:"CLRZ T:Hungarian Railway Polkett
ABC 1 C1:030517070700000 C2:ududdduududuuuu M:2/4 K:D H:"CLRZ T:Hungarian Railway Polkett
ABC 9 C1:051707070000020 C2:duddduududuuuuu M:2/4 K:E H:CLRZ T:Hungarian Railway Polkett
ABC 9 C1:051707070000020 C2:duddduududuuuuu M:2/4 K:D H:CLRZ T:Hungarian Railway Polkett
ABC 9 C1:051707070000020 C2:duddduududuuuuu M:2/4 K:E H:CLRZ T:Hungarian Railway Polkett
ABC 9 C1:041707070000020 C2:duddduududuuuuu M:2/4 K:D bass H:CLRZ T:Hungarian Railway Polkett
ABC 9 C1:051707070000020 C2:duddduududuuuuu M:2/4 K:D H:CLRZ T:Hungarian Railway Polkett
ABC 9 C1:041707070000020 C2:duddduududuuuuu M:2/4 K:D bass H:CLRZ T:Hungarian Railway Polkett
ABC 13 C1:051707070000020 C2:duddduududuuuuu M:2/4 K:D H:CLRZ T:Hungarian Railway Polkett
ABC 13 C1:051707070000020 C2:duddduududuuuuu M:2/4 K:E H:CLRZ T:Hungarian Railway Polkett
ABC 13 C1:041707070000020 C2:duddduududuuuuu M:2/4 K:D bass H:CLRZ T:Hungarian Railway Polkett
ABC 514 C1:001770601060071 C2:udddudduuddduuu M:2/4 K:C H:ABCLOQRVZ T:Hungarian Schottische.2voices RH.514
ABC 514 C1:001770601060071 C2:udddudduuddduuu M:2/4 K:C H:ABCLOQRVZ T:Hungarian Schottische.2voices RH.514
ABC 514 C1:001770601060071 C2:udddudduuddduuu M:2/4 K:C H:ACLOQRSVZ T:Hungarian Schottische.2voices RH.514
ABC 514 C1:001770601060071 C2:udddudduuddduuu M:2/4 K:C H:ABLOQRSVZ T:Hungarian Schottische.2voices RH.514
ABC 3188 C1:001770601060071 C2:udddudduuddduuu M:2/4 K:C H:ACFLOQRSVZ T:Hungarian Schottische.2voices RH.514
ABC 3911 C1:001770601060071 C2:udddudduuddduuu M:2/4 K:C H:ACFLOQRSVZ T:Hungarian Schottische.2voices RH.514
ABC 3188 C1:001770601060071 C2:udddudduuddduuu M:2/4 K:C H:ACFLOQRSVZ T:Hungarian Schottische.2voices RH.514
ABC 3911 C1:001770601060071 C2:udddudduuddduuu M:2/4 K:C H:ACFLOQRSVZ T:Hungarian Schottische.2voices RH.514
ABC 514 C1:001770601060071 C2:udddudduuddduuu M:2/4 K:C H:ABLOQRSVZ T:Hungarian Schottische.2voices RH.514
ABC 159 C1:200766660013001 C2:udddddddddudduu M:C| K:D H:BLQZ T:Hungarians Delight. JJo5.159
ABC 159 C1:200766660013001 C2:udddddddddudduu M:C| K:D H:BLQZ T:Hungarians Delight. JJo5.159
ABC 1 C1:000017000000000 C2:udduuuddduuuudd M:3/4 K:Dm H:OR T:Hungarian waltz
ABC 34 C1:000017000000000 C2:udduuuddduuuudd M:3/4 K:Dm H:ORS T:Hungarian waltz
ABC 34 C1:000017000000000 C2:udduuuddduuuudd M:3/4 K:Dm H:ORS T:Hungarian waltz
ABC 34 C1:000017000000000 C2:udduuuddduuuudd M:3/4 K:Dm H:ORS T:Hungarian waltz
ABC 20881 C1:460067220002660 C2:dddduuudddudduu M:3/8 K:C H:BFLQRZ T:HUNGARIAN WALTZ
ABC 20881 C1:460067220002660 C2:dddduuudddudduu M:3/8 K:C H:BFLQRZ T:HUNGARIAN WALTZ
ABC 10362 C1:070520070620070 C2:dduddudduudduud M:3/8 K:G H:BCLSZ T:HUNGARIAN WALTZ
ABC 10362 C1:070520070620070 C2:dduddudduudduud M:3/8 K:G H:BCLSZ T:HUNGARIAN WALTZ
ABC 34 C1:000017000000000 C2:udduuuddduuuudd M:3/4 K:Dm H:ORS T:Hungarian waltz
ABC 34 C1:000017000000000 C2:udduuuddduuuudd M:3/4 K:Dm H:ORS T:Hungarian waltz
ABC 2140 C1:000017000000000 C2:udduuuddduuuudd M:3/4 K:Dm H:OR T:Hungarian waltz
ABC 2140 C1:000017000000000 C2:udduuuddduuuudd M:3/4 K:Dm H:OR T:Hungarian waltz
ABC 34 C1:000017000000000 C2:udduuuddduuuudd M:3/4 K:Dm H:ORS T:Hungarian waltz
ABC 34 C1:000017000000000 C2:udduuuddduuuudd M:3/4 K:Dm H:ORS T:Hungarian waltz
ABC 20881 C1:460067220002660 C2:dddduuudddudduu M:3/8 K:C H:BFLQRZ T:HUNGARIAN WALTZ
ABC 20881 C1:460067220002660 C2:dddduuudddudduu M:3/8 K:C H:BFLQRZ T:HUNGARIAN WALTZ
ABC 20881 C1:460067220002660 C2:dddduuudddudduu M:3/8 K:C H:BFLQRZ T:HUNGARIAN WALTZ
ABC 20881 C1:460067220002660 C2:dddduuudddudduu M:3/8 K:C H:BFLQRZ T:HUNGARIAN WALTZ
ABC 20881 C1:460067220002660 C2:dddduuudddudduu M:3/8 K:C H:BFLQRZ T:HUNGARIAN WALTZ
ABC 7382 C1:000017000000000 C2:udduuuddduuuudd M:3/4 K:Dm H:ORS T:Hungarian waltz
ABC 7382 C1:000017000000000 C2:udduuuddduuuudd M:3/4 K:Dm H:ORS T:Hungarian waltz
ABC 10362 C1:070520070620070 C2:dduddudduudduud M:3/8 K:G H:BCLSZ T:HUNGARIAN WALTZ
ABC 10362 C1:070520070620070 C2:dduddudduudduud M:3/8 K:G H:BCLSZ T:HUNGARIAN WALTZ
ABC 10362 C1:070520070620070 C2:dduddudduudduud M:3/8 K:G H:BCLSZ T:HUNGARIAN WALTZ
ABC 10362 C1:070520070620070 C2:dduddudduudduud M:3/8 K:G H:BCLSZ T:HUNGARIAN WALTZ
ABC 10362 C1:070520070620070 C2:dduddudduudduud M:3/8 K:G H:BCLSZ T:HUNGARIAN WALTZ
ABC 10362 C1:070520070620070 C2:dduddudduudduud M:3/8 K:G H:BCLSZ T:HUNGARIAN WALTZ
ABC 10362 C1:070520070620070 C2:dduddudduudduud M:3/8 K:G H:BCLSZ T:HUNGARIAN WALTZ
ABC 10362 C1:070520070620070 C2:dduddudduudduud M:3/8 K:G H:BCLSZ T:HUNGARIAN WALTZ
ABC 10362 C1:070520070620070 C2:dduddudduudduud M:3/8 K:G H:BCLSZ T:HUNGARIAN WALTZ
ABC 5875 C1:000017000000000 C2:udduuuddduuuudd M:3/4 K:Dm H:OR T:Hungarian waltz
ABC 3912 C1:517261745717001 C2:dudududdudududd M:3/8 K:G H:ABFLOZ T:Hungarian Waltz
ABC 3913 C1:000017000000000 C2:udduuuddduuuudd M:3/4 K:D H:FORZ T:Hungarian waltz
ABC 3912 C1:517261745717001 C2:dudududdudududd M:3/8 K:G H:ABFLOZ T:Hungarian Waltz
ABC 3913 C1:000017000000000 C2:udduuuddduuuudd M:3/4 K:D H:FORZ T:Hungarian waltz
ABC 5875 C1:000017000000000 C2:udduuuddduuuudd M:3/4 K:Dm H:OR T:Hungarian waltz
ABC 5875 C1:000017000000000 C2:udduuuddduuuudd M:3/4 K:Dm H:OR T:Hungarian waltz
ABC 3 C1:000017000000000 C2:udduuuddduuuudd M:3/4 K:D H:ORSZ T:Hungarian waltz
ABC 121 C1:517261745717001 C2:dudududdudududd M:3/8 K:G H:ABLOZ T:Hungarian Waltz
ABC 64 C1:223073220074220 C2:uuudduudduudduu M:3/4 K:G H:BLQZ T:Hungarian Waltz. Dal.065
ABC 597 C1:070322070664070 C2:dduudddudduuddu M:3/8 K:G H:ABCLOQZ T:Hungarian Waltz. EHo.597
ABC 118 C1:725743675747725 C2:ddudduddudduddu M:3/8 K:G H:ABLOQRZ T:Hungarian Waltz. JaW.118
ABC 118 C1:725743675747725 C2:ddudduddudduddu M:3/8 K:G H:ABLOQRZ T:Hungarian Waltz. JaW.118
ABC 118 C1:725743675747725 C2:ddudduddudduddu M:3/8 K:G H:ALOQRSZ T:Hungarian Waltz. JaW.118
ABC 118 C1:725743675747725 C2:ddudduddudduddu M:3/8 K:G H:AHLOQRSZ T:Hungarian Waltz. JaW.118
ABC 118 C1:725743675747725 C2:ddudduddudduddu M:3/8 K:G H:ABLOQRSZ T:Hungarian Waltz. JaW.118
ABC 3914 C1:725743675747725 C2:ddudduddudduddu M:3/8 K:G H:AFLOQRSZ T:Hungarian Waltz. JaW.118
ABC 3914 C1:725743675747725 C2:ddudduddudduddu M:3/8 K:G H:AFLOQRSZ T:Hungarian Waltz. JaW.118
ABC 118 C1:725743675747725 C2:ddudduddudduddu M:3/8 K:G H:ABLOQRSZ T:Hungarian Waltz. JaW.118
ABC 17 C1:724755747725744 C2:ddudduudduddudd M:3/8 K:G H:BLQZ T:Hungarian Waltz. Le4.017, The
ABC 17 C1:724755747725744 C2:ddudduudduddudd M:3/8 K:G H:BLQZ T:Hungarian Waltz. Le4.017, The
ABC 842 C1:230703220706200 C2:uudduuddudduudd M:3/8 K:G H:BLQRZ T:Hungarian Waltz. Roose.0839
ABC 32 C1:070322070422070 C2:dduudduudduuddu M:3/8 K:G H:BFLQSVWZ T:Hungarian Waltz. WG.32
ABC 32 C1:070322070422070 C2:dduudduudduuddu M:3/8 K:G H:BFLQSVWZ T:Hungarian Waltz. WG.32
ABC 39 C1:725743765747725 C2:ddudduddudduddu M:3/8 K:G H:AHLOQRSZ T:Hungarian Waltz. WHG.038
ABC 39 C1:725743765747725 C2:ddudduddudduddu M:3/8 K:G H:ABHLOQRSZ T:Hungarian Waltz. WHG.038
ABC 3915 C1:725743765747725 C2:ddudduddudduddu M:3/8 K:G H:AFHLOQRSZ T:Hungarian Waltz. WHG.038
ABC 3915 C1:725743765747725 C2:ddudduddudduddu M:3/8 K:G H:AFHLOQRSZ T:Hungarian Waltz. WHG.038
ABC 39 C1:725743765747725 C2:ddudduddudduddu M:3/8 K:G H:ABHLOQRSZ T:Hungarian Waltz. WHG.038
ABC 39 C1:725743765747725 C2:ddudduddudduddu M:3/8 K:G H:ABHLOQRZ T:Hungarian Waltz. WHG.039
ABC 39 C1:725743765747725 C2:ddudduddudduddu M:3/8 K:G H:ABHLOQRZ T:Hungarian Waltz. WHG.039
ABC 18 C1:070340070620070 C2:dduddudduudduud M:3/8 K:G H:ALOQRSZ T:Hungarian Waltz. WI.018
ABC 18 C1:070340070620070 C2:dduddudduudduud M:3/8 K:G H:ABLQZ T:Hungarian Waltz. WI.018
ABC 18 C1:070340070620070 C2:dduddudduudduud M:3/8 K:G H:ABLQZ T:Hungarian Waltz. WI.018
ABC 18 C1:070340070620070 C2:dduddudduudduud M:3/8 K:G H:ABLOQRSZ T:Hungarian Waltz. WI.018
ABC 3916 C1:070340070620070 C2:dduddudduudduud M:3/8 K:G H:AFLOQRSZ T:Hungarian Waltz. WI.018
ABC 10535 C1:070340070620070 C2:dduddudduudduud M:3/8 K:G H:AFLOQRSZ T:Hungarian Waltz. WI.018
ABC 3916 C1:070340070620070 C2:dduddudduudduud M:3/8 K:G H:AFLOQRSZ T:Hungarian Waltz. WI.018
ABC 10535 C1:070340070620070 C2:dduddudduudduud M:3/8 K:G H:AFLOQRSZ T:Hungarian Waltz. WI.018
ABC 18 C1:070340070620070 C2:dduddudduudduud M:3/8 K:G H:ABLOQRSZ T:Hungarian Waltz. WI.018
ABC 75 C1:734744764765734 C2:dduudduudduuddu M:3/8 K:G H:BLQZ T:Hungary Waltz. JGi.075
ABC 75 C1:734744764765734 C2:dduudduudduuddu M:3/8 K:G H:LOQRSZ T:Hungary Waltz. JGi.075
ABC 75 C1:734744764765734 C2:dduudduudduuddu M:3/8 K:G H:ABLOQRSZ T:Hungary Waltz. JGi.075
ABC 3917 C1:734744764765734 C2:dduudduudduuddu M:3/8 K:G H:FLOQRSZ T:Hungary Waltz. JGi.075
ABC 3917 C1:734744764765734 C2:dduudduudduuddu M:3/8 K:G H:FLOQRSZ T:Hungary Waltz. JGi.075
ABC 75 C1:734744764765734 C2:dduudduudduuddu M:3/8 K:G H:ABLOQRSZ T:Hungary Waltz. JGi.075
ABC 76 C1:734744764765743 C2:dduudduudduuddu M:3/8 K:G H:BLQZ T:Hungary Waltz,now as I got it. JGi.076
ABC 76 C1:734744764765743 C2:dduudduudduuddu M:3/8 K:G H:LOQRSZ T:Hungary Waltz,now as I got it. JGi.076
ABC 76 C1:734744764765743 C2:dduudduudduuddu M:3/8 K:G H:ABLOQRSZ T:Hungary Waltz,now as I got it. JGi.076
ABC 3918 C1:734744764765743 C2:dduudduudduuddu M:3/8 K:G H:FLOQRSZ T:Hungary Waltz,now as I got it. JGi.076
ABC 3918 C1:734744764765743 C2:dduudduudduuddu M:3/8 K:G H:FLOQRSZ T:Hungary Waltz,now as I got it. JGi.076
ABC 76 C1:734744764765743 C2:dduudduudduuddu M:3/8 K:G H:ABLOQRSZ T:Hungary Waltz,now as I got it. JGi.076
ABC 1 C1:277777446062267 C2:uuddddddudduudd M:6/8 K:G H:BCLRZ T:the Hung-Over Church Organist
ABC 1 C1:277777446062267 C2:uuddddddudduudd M:6/8 K:G H:BCLRZ T:the Hung-Over Church Organist
ABC 32 C1:700700007707600 C2:dddddduuududdud M:6/8 K:C H:"CLQ T:Hungover Liver - Parody by Marcus Turner
ABC 32 C1:700700007707600 C2:dddddduuududdud M:6/8 K:C H:"CLQ T:Hungover Liver - Parody by Marcus Turner
ABC 1 C1: C2: M: K:C H:LQZ T:hungry freaks daddy (3:25)
ABC 1 C1:077200077062002 C2:dduddduuudduudd M:4/4 K:G H:L T:Hungry Hash House
ABC 1 C1:077200077062002 C2:dduddduuudduudd M:4/4 K:G H:L T:Hungry Hash House
ABC 1 C1:077200077062002 C2:dduddduuudduudd M:4/4 K:G H:L T:Hungry Hash House
ABC 1 C1: C2: M: K:C H:LQZ T:Hungry Like the Wolf - Drums (Arranged by Snosh of Vilya)
ABC 1 C1: C2: M: K:C H:LQZ T:Hungry Like the Wolf - Lute (Arranged by Snosh of Vilya)
ABC 342042 C1:066116116625001 C2:dduuduudduduuud M:4/4 K:G H:BCLQR T:HUNGRY PIGEONS (reel), The
ABC 342042 C1:066116116625001 C2:dduuduudduduuud M:4/4 K:G H:BCLQR T:HUNGRY PIGEONS (reel), The
ABC 342042 C1:066116116625001 C2:dduuduudduduuud M:4/4 K:G H:BCLQR T:HUNGRY PIGEONS (reel), The
ABC 159 C1:105550466441610 C2:uudududdudududu M:6/8 K:Edor H:LR T:The Hungry Rock
ABC 159 C1:105550466441610 C2:uudududdudududu M:6/8 K:Edor H:LR T:The Hungry Rock
ABC 159 C1:105550466441610 C2:uudududdudududu M:6/8 K:Edor H:LR T:The Hungry Rock
ABC 1 C1:646645005552646 C2:duddudududduddu M:6/8 K:Edor H:CRS T:Hungry Rock
ABC 1 C1:646645005552646 C2:duddudududduddu M:6/8 K:Edor H:CRS T:Hungry Rock
ABC 1 C1:646645005552646 C2:duddudududduddu M:6/8 K:Edor H:CRS T:Hungry Rock
ABC 1 C1:646645005552646 C2:duddudududduddu M:6/8 K:Edor H:CRS T:Hungry Rock
ABC 1 C1:646645005552646 C2:duddudududduddu M:6/8 K:Edor H:CRS T:Hungry Rock
ABC 1 C1:646645005552646 C2:duddudududduddu M:6/8 K:Edor H:CRS T:Hungry Rock
ABC 1 C1:646645005552646 C2:duddudududduddu M:6/8 K:Edor H:CRS T:Hungry Rock
ABC 391 C1:116017402773006 C2:uududdudduduuuu M:6/8 K:Dmix H:DHLRSZ T:Hungry Rock, The
ABC 391 C1:116017402773006 C2:uududdudduduuuu M:6/8 K:Dmix H:DHLRSZ T:Hungry Rock, The
ABC 1 C1:105550466441610 C2:uudududdudududu M: K:Edor H:LR T:The Hungry Rock
ABC 2 C1:466441055504664 C2:udduduudududdud M: K:Edor H:"LR T:The Hungry Rock
ABC 159 C1:105550466441610 C2:uudududdudududu M:6/8 K:Edor H:LR T:The Hungry Rock
ABC 159 C1:105550466441610 C2:uudududdudududu M:6/8 K:Edor H:LR T:The Hungry Rock
ABC 734 C1:466441055504664 C2:udduduudududdud M:6/8 K:Edor H:HLRZ T:The Hungry Rock
ABC 5876 C1:105550466441610 C2:uudududdudududu M:6/8 K:Edor H:LQR T:Hungry Rock, The
ABC 5876 C1:105550466441610 C2:uudududdudududu M:6/8 K:Edor H:LQR T:Hungry Rock, The
ABC 5876 C1:105550466441610 C2:uudududdudududu M:6/8 K:Edor H:LQR T:Hungry Rock, The
ABC 19 C1:776753126776771 C2:ddddduuududdddu M:6/8 K:Em H:"CLRS T:The Hungry Rocks
ABC 391 C1:116017402773006 C2:uududdudduduuuu M:6/8 K:Dmix H:DHLRSZ T:Hungry Rocks, The
ABC 391 C1:116017402773006 C2:uududdudduduuuu M:6/8 K:Dmix H:DHLRSZ T:Hungry Rocks, The
ABC 178 C1:776753126776771 C2:ddddduuududdddu M:6/8 K:Em H:"CLRS T:The Hungry Rocks
ABC 1 C1:077060021006777 C2:ddduudddddduuud M:6/8 K:D H:AOR T:?Hungry under't Hill?
ABC 1 C1:077060021006777 C2:ddduudddddduuud M:6/8 K:D H:AOR T:?Hungry under't Hill?
ABC 7252 C1:077060021006777 C2:ddduudddddduuud M:6/8 K:D H:AOR T:?Hungry under't Hill?
ABC 7252 C1:077060021006777 C2:ddduudddddduuud M:6/8 K:D H:AOR T:?Hungry under't Hill?
ABC 2727 C1:077060021006777 C2:ddduudddddduuud M:6/8 K:D H:AOR T:Hungry under't Hill?
ABC 2727 C1:077060021006777 C2:ddduudddddduuud M:6/8 K:D H:AOR T:Hungry under't Hill?
ABC 89 C1:077060021006777 C2:ddduudddddduuud M:6/8 K:D H:AOR T:?Hungry under't Hill?
ABC 3919 C1:077060021006777 C2:ddduudddddduuud M:6/8 K:D H:AFOR T:?Hungry under't Hill?
ABC 3919 C1:077060021006777 C2:ddduudddddduuud M:6/8 K:D H:AFOR T:?Hungry under't Hill?
ABC 89 C1:077060021006777 C2:ddduudddddduuud M:6/8 K:D H:AOR T:?Hungry under't Hill?
ABC 89 C1:077060021006777 C2:ddduudddddduuud M:6/8 K:D H:AOR T:?Hungry under't Hill?
ABC 19 C1:077060021006777 C2:ddduudddddduuud M:6/8 K:D H:AOR T:?Hungry under't Hill?
ABC 55 C1:000726610202066 C2:dudduuuddduuddd M:2/4 K:C H:BLQZ T:Hun Haydn. LIT.055
ABC 1 C1:031106050311060 C2:uuudduuudduuuud M:2/4 K:TG H:BCLRZ T:Hunky Dory Hornpipe
ABC 1 C1:031106050311060 C2:uuudduuudduuuud M:2/4 K:TG H:BCLRZ T:Hunky Dory Hornpipe
ABC 1 C1:031106050311060 C2:uuudduuudduuuud M:2/4 K:TG H:BCLRZ T:Hunky Dory Hornpipe
ABC 1 C1:031106050311060 C2:uuudduuudduuuud M:2/4 K:TG H:BCLRZ T:Hunky Dory Hornpipe
ABC 1 C1:031106050311060 C2:uuudduuudduuuud M:2/4 K:TG H:BCLRZ T:Hunky Dory Hornpipe
ABC 1 C1:031106050311060 C2:uuudduuudduuuud M:2/4 K:TG H:BCLRZ T:Hunky Dory Hornpipe
ABC 1 C1:031106050311060 C2:uuudduuudduuuud M:2/4 K:TG H:BCLRZ T:Hunky Dory Hornpipe
ABC 1 C1:031106050311060 C2:uuudduuudduuuud M:2/4 K:TG H:BCLRZ T:Hunky Dory Hornpipe
ABC 1 C1:031106050311060 C2:uuudduuudduuuud M:2/4 K:TG H:BCLRZ T:Hunky Dory Hornpipe
ABC 69 C1:607077026150070 C2:ddduududddududd M:6/8 K:C H:ALOQS T:Hunsden House
ABC 69 C1:607077026150070 C2:ddduududddududd M:6/8 K:C H:ALOQS T:Hunsden House
ABC 69 C1:607077026150070 C2:ddduududddududd M:6/8 K:C H:ALOQS T:Hunsden House
ABC 69 C1:607077026150070 C2:ddduududddududd M:6/8 K:C H:ALOQS T:Hunsden House
ABC 69 C1:607077026150070 C2:ddduududddududd M:6/8 K:C H:ALOQS T:Hunsden House
ABC 69 C1:607077026150070 C2:ddduududddududd M:6/8 K:C H:ALOQS T:Hunsden House
ABC 69 C1:607077026150070 C2:ddduududddududd M:6/8 K:C H:ALOQS T:Hunsden House
ABC 69 C1:607077026150070 C2:ddduududddududd M:6/8 K:C H:ALOQS T:Hunsden House
ABC 69 C1:607077026150070 C2:ddduududddududd M:6/8 K:C H:ALOQS T:Hunsden House
ABC 69 C1:607077026150070 C2:ddduududddududd M:6/8 K:C H:ALOQS T:Hunsden House
ABC 69 C1:607077026150070 C2:ddduududddududd M:6/8 K:C H:ALOQS T:Hunsden House
ABC 69 C1:607077026150070 C2:ddduududddududd M:6/8 K:C H:ALOQS T:Hunsden House
ABC 69 C1:607077026150070 C2:ddduududddududd M:6/8 K:C H:ALOQS T:Hunsden House
ABC 7383 C1:607077026150070 C2:ddduududddududd M:6/8 K:C H:ALOQS T:Hunsden House
ABC 7383 C1:607077026150070 C2:ddduududddududd M:6/8 K:C H:ALOQS T:Hunsden House
ABC 2728 C1:607077026150070 C2:ddduududddududd M:6/8 K:C H:ALOQS T:Hunsden House
ABC 2728 C1:607077026150070 C2:ddduududddududd M:6/8 K:C H:ALOQS T:Hunsden House
ABC 123 C1:607077027607007 C2:ddduudddduddduu M:6/4 K:D H:HLOQSZ T:Hunsden House. (p)1657.PLFD1.123
ABC 123 C1:607077027607007 C2:ddduudddduddduu M:6/4 K:D H:HLOQSZ T:Hunsden House. (p)1657.PLFD1.123
ABC 123 C1:607077027607007 C2:ddduudddduddduu M:6/4 K:D H:ABHLOQZ T:Hunsden House. (p)1657.PLFD1.123
ABC 123 C1:607077027607007 C2:ddduudddduddduu M:6/4 K:D H:ABHLOQZ T:Hunsden House. (p)1657.PLFD1.123
ABC 122 C1:607077027607007 C2:ddduudddduddduu M:6/4 K:D H:HLOQSZ T:Hunsden House. (p)1657.PLFD.123
ABC 122 C1:607077027607007 C2:ddduudddduddduu M:6/4 K:D H:HLOQSZ T:Hunsden House. (p)1657.PLFD.123
ABC 122 C1:607077027607007 C2:ddduudddduddduu M:6/4 K:D H:HLOQSZ T:Hunsden House. (p)1657.PLFD.123
ABC 8007 C1:607077027607007 C2:ddduuddddudddud M:6/8 K:D H:"CLOQR T:Hunsdon House
ABC 1 C1:607077027607007 C2:ddduuddddudddud M:6/8 K:C H:"BL T:Hunsdon House
ABC 342 C1:046037607077027 C2:ududddduuddddud M:6/8 K:C H:"CLQS T:Hunsdon House
ABC 336 C1:046037607077027 C2:ududddduuddddud M:6/8 K:C H:"CLQS T:Hunsdon House
ABC 1 C1:000707050001000 C2:dddudduuudddddu M:6/8 K:C H:ACILORS T:Hunsdon House
ABC 1 C1:046037607077117 C2:ududddduuuddddu M:6/4 K:D H:BLSZ T:Hunsdon House
ABC 1 C1:046037607077117 C2:ududddduuuddddu M:6/4 K:D H:BLSZ T:Hunsdon House
ABC 26 C1:607077027607007 C2:ddduuddddudddud M:6/8 K:C H:"BL T:Hunsdon House
ABC 26 C1:607077027607007 C2:ddduuddddudddud M:6/8 K:C H:"BL T:Hunsdon House
ABC 26 C1:607077027607007 C2:ddduuddddudddud M:6/8 K:C H:"BL T:Hunsdon House
ABC 26 C1:607077027607007 C2:ddduuddddudddud M:6/8 K:C H:"BL T:Hunsdon House
ABC 26 C1:607077027607007 C2:ddduuddddudddud M:6/8 K:C H:"BL T:Hunsdon House
ABC 26 C1:607077027607007 C2:ddduuddddudddud M:6/8 K:C H:"BL T:Hunsdon House
ABC 1 C1:046037607077117 C2:ududddduuuddddu M:6/4 K:D H:BLSZ T:Hunsdon House
ABC 1 C1:046037607077117 C2:ududddduuuddddu M:6/4 K:D H:BLSZ T:Hunsdon House
ABC 2729 C1:607077027607007 C2:ddduuddddudddud M:6/8 K:C H:"BLO T:Hunsdon House
ABC 2729 C1:607077027607007 C2:ddduuddddudddud M:6/8 K:C H:"BLO T:Hunsdon House
ABC 8007 C1:607077027607007 C2:ddduuddddudddud M:6/8 K:D H:"CLOQRZ T:Hunsdon House
ABC 216 C1:046037607077027 C2:ududddduuddddud M:6/8 K:C H:"CLQS T:Hunsdon House
ABC 342 C1:046037607077027 C2:ududddduuddddud M:6/8 K:C H:"CLQS T:Hunsdon House
ABC 342 C1:046037607077027 C2:ududddduuddddud M:6/8 K:C H:"CLQS T:Hunsdon House
ABC 5877 C1:607077027607007 C2:ddduuddddudddud M:6/8 K:C H:"BL T:Hunsdon House
ABC 5877 C1:607077027607007 C2:ddduuddddudddud M:6/8 K:C H:"BL T:Hunsdon House
ABC 5877 C1:607077027607007 C2:ddduuddddudddud M:6/8 K:C H:"BL T:Hunsdon House
ABC 586 C1:046037607077027 C2:ududddduuddddud M:6/8 K:D H:"CLQRS T:Hunsdon House
ABC 586 C1:046037607077027 C2:ududddduuddddud M:6/8 K:D H:"CLQRS T:Hunsdon House
ABC 61 C1:607077117607007 C2:ddduuuddddudddu M:4/4 K:D H:BLQZ T:Hunsdon House. WCD3/1.061
ABC 61 C1:607077117607007 C2:ddduuuddddudddu M:4/4 K:D H:BLQZ T:Hunsdon House. WCD3/1.061
ABC 1018 C1:046037607077117 C2:ududddduuuddddu M:6/4 K:D H:BFLZ T:Hunsdou House
ABC 1018 C1:046037607077117 C2:ududddduuuddddu M:6/4 K:D H:BFLZ T:Hunsdou House
ABC 1018 C1:046037607077117 C2:ududddduuuddddu M:6/4 K:D H:BFLZ T:Hunsdou House
ABC 1018 C1:046037607077117 C2:ududddduuuddddu M:6/4 K:D H:BFLZ T:Hunsdou House
ABC 1018 C1:046037607077117 C2:ududddduuuddddu M:6/4 K:D H:BFLZ T:Hunsdou House
ABC 1018 C1:046037607077117 C2:ududddduuuddddu M:6/4 K:D H:BFLZ T:Hunsdou House
ABC 1 C1:026111777627622 C2:uduuuddddudduud M:6/8 K:A H:LS T:Hunsess (?) through the Wood
ABC 964 C1:026111777627622 C2:uduuuddddudduud M:6/8 K:A H:LS T:Hunsess (?) through the Wood
ABC 964 C1:026111777627622 C2:uduuuddddudduud M:6/8 K:A H:LS T:Hunsess (?) through the Wood
ABC 7384 C1:026111777627622 C2:uduuuddddudduud M:6/8 K:A H:LS T:Hunsess (?) through the Wood
ABC 7384 C1:026111777627622 C2:uduuuddddudduud M:6/8 K:A H:LS T:Hunsess (?) through the Wood
ABC 2730 C1:026111777627622 C2:uduuuddddudduud M:6/8 K:A H:LOS T:Hunsess (?) through the Wood
ABC 2730 C1:026111777627622 C2:uduuuddddudduud M:6/8 K:A H:LOS T:Hunsess (?) through the Wood
ABC 5878 C1:026111777627622 C2:uduuuddddudduud M:6/8 K:A H:LS T:Hunsess (?) through the Wood
ABC 5878 C1:026111777627622 C2:uduuuddddudduud M:6/8 K:A H:LS T:Hunsess (?) through the Wood
ABC 5878 C1:026111777627622 C2:uduuuddddudduud M:6/8 K:A H:LS T:Hunsess (?) through the Wood
ABC 73 C1:002206073536065 C2:uuuuddudududddd M:2/4 K:D H:BCFLQSZ T:Hunstman's Chorus,aka. WG.73
ABC 73 C1:002206073536065 C2:uuuuddudududddd M:2/4 K:D H:BCFLQSZ T:Hunstman's Chorus,aka. WG.73
ABC 3 C1:046117177177176 C2:uduududdudduddd M:6/4 K:G H:BLS T:Hunsup
ABC 7386 C1:046117177177176 C2:uduududdudduddd M:6/4 K:G H:LQSZ T:Hunsup,A.(Hunt's up). HA11
ABC 7386 C1:046117177177176 C2:uduududdudduddd M:6/4 K:G H:LQSZ T:Hunsup,A.(Hunt's up). HA11
ABC 44 C1:046117177177176 C2:uduududdudduddd M:6/4 K:G H:AHLOQRSZ T:Hunsup. HA.043
ABC 44 C1:046117177177176 C2:uduududdudduddd M:6/4 K:G H:ABHLOQRZ T:Hunsup. HA.043
ABC 44 C1:046117177177176 C2:uduududdudduddd M:6/4 K:G H:ABHLOQRSZ T:Hunsup. HA.043
ABC 3920 C1:046117177177176 C2:uduududdudduddd M:6/4 K:G H:AFHLOQRSZ T:Hunsup. HA.043
ABC 3942 C1:046117177177176 C2:uduududdudduddd M:6/4 K:G H:AFHLOQRSZ T:Hunsup. HA.043
ABC 3920 C1:046117177177176 C2:uduududdudduddd M:6/4 K:G H:AFHLOQRSZ T:Hunsup. HA.043
ABC 3942 C1:046117177177176 C2:uduududdudduddd M:6/4 K:G H:AFHLOQRSZ T:Hunsup. HA.043
ABC 44 C1:046117177177176 C2:uduududdudduddd M:6/4 K:G H:ABHLOQRSZ T:Hunsup. HA.043
ABC 68 C1:266262263777627 C2:udduduududdddud M:6/4 K:Gmix H:BCLQZ T:Hunsup. SenH.068
ABC 7386 C1:046117177177176 C2:uduududdudduddd M:6/4 K:G H:LQSZ T:Hunsup Thro' The Wood. HA11
ABC 7386 C1:046117177177176 C2:uduududdudduddd M:6/4 K:G H:LQSZ T:Hunsup Thro' The Wood. HA11
ABC 25 C1:026111777627622 C2:uduuuddddudduud M:6/8 K:A H:ABLQWZ T:Hunsup Through The Wood. BF13.024
ABC 25 C1:026111777627622 C2:uduuuddddudduud M:6/8 K:A H:ABLQWZ T:Hunsup Through The Wood. BF13.024
ABC 25 C1:026111777627622 C2:uduuuddddudduud M:6/8 K:A H:ALOQRSWZ T:Hunsup Through The Wood. BF13.024
ABC 25 C1:026111777627622 C2:uduuuddddudduud M:6/8 K:A H:ABLOQRSWZ T:Hunsup Through The Wood. BF13.024
ABC 7385 C1:026111777627622 C2:uduuuddddudduud M:6/8 K:A H:ALOQRSWZ T:Hunsup Through The Wood. BF13.024
ABC 7385 C1:026111777627622 C2:uduuuddddudduud M:6/8 K:A H:ALOQRSWZ T:Hunsup Through The Wood. BF13.024
ABC 3921 C1:026111777627622 C2:uduuuddddudduud M:6/8 K:A H:AFLOQRSWZ T:Hunsup Through The Wood. BF13.024
ABC 3921 C1:026111777627622 C2:uduuuddddudduud M:6/8 K:A H:AFLOQRSWZ T:Hunsup Through The Wood. BF13.024
ABC 25 C1:026111777627622 C2:uduuuddddudduud M:6/8 K:A H:ABLOQRSWZ T:Hunsup Through The Wood. BF13.024
ABC 48 C1:046111777771011 C2:uduuuddddduuudd M:6/8 K:G H:ALOQRSZ T:Hunsup Through The Wood. HS.48
ABC 48 C1:046111777771011 C2:uduuuddddduuudd M:6/8 K:G H:ABLOQRZ T:Hunsup Through The Wood. HS.48
ABC 48 C1:046111777771011 C2:uduuuddddduuudd M:6/8 K:G H:ABLOQRZ T:Hunsup Through The Wood. HS.48
ABC 48 C1:046111777771011 C2:uduuuddddduuudd M:6/8 K:G H:BLOQRSZ T:Hunsup Through The Wood. HS.48
ABC 3922 C1:046111777771011 C2:uduuuddddduuudd M:6/8 K:G H:AFLOQRSZ T:Hunsup Through The Wood. HS.48
ABC 3922 C1:046111777771011 C2:uduuuddddduuudd M:6/8 K:G H:AFLOQRSZ T:Hunsup Through The Wood. HS.48
ABC 48 C1:046111777771011 C2:uduuuddddduuudd M:6/8 K:G H:BLOQRSZ T:Hunsup Through The Wood. HS.48
ABC 1 C1: C2: M:C K:G H:BLRSZ T:Hunt [1], The
ABC 49419 C1:116176767127671 C2:uududdduduudddu M:C| K:G H:BLQRSZ T:HUNT (1) (long dance), The
ABC 49419 C1:116176767127671 C2:uududdduduudddu M:C| K:G H:BLQRSZ T:HUNT (1) (long dance), The
ABC 49419 C1:116176767127671 C2:uududdduduudddu M:C| K:G H:BLQRSZ T:HUNT (1) (long dance), The
ABC 1799 C1:026176767127671 C2:uududdduduudddu M:C| K:G H:BLRSZbs T:the Hunt - 1st Setting
ABC 1799 C1:026176767127671 C2:uududdduduudddu M:C| K:G H:BLRSZbs T:the Hunt - 1st Setting
ABC 1799 C1:026176767127671 C2:uududdduduudddu M:C| K:G H:BLRSZbs T:the Hunt - 1st Setting
ABC 1799 C1:026176767127671 C2:uududdduduudddu M:C| K:G H:BLRSZbs T:the Hunt - 1st Setting
ABC 1799 C1:026176767127671 C2:uududdduduudddu M:C| K:G H:BLRSZbs T:the Hunt - 1st Setting
ABC 1799 C1:026176767127671 C2:uududdduduudddu M:C| K:G H:BLRSZbs T:the Hunt - 1st Setting
ABC 1799 C1:026176767127671 C2:uududdduduudddu M:C| K:G H:BLRSZbs T:the Hunt - 1st Setting
ABC 1799 C1:026176767127671 C2:uududdduduudddu M:C| K:G H:BLRSZbs T:the Hunt - 1st Setting
ABC 1799 C1:026176767127671 C2:uududdduduudddu M:C| K:G H:BLRSZbs T:the Hunt - 1st Setting
ABC 1799 C1:026176767127671 C2:uududdduduudddu M:C| K:G H:BLRSZbs T:the Hunt - 1st Setting
ABC 1799 C1:026176767127671 C2:uududdduduudddu M:C| K:G H:BLRSZbs T:the Hunt - 1st Setting
ABC 1799 C1:026176767127671 C2:uududdduduudddu M:C| K:G H:BLRSZbs T:the Hunt - 1st Setting
ABC 1799 C1:026176767127671 C2:uududdduduudddu M:C| K:G H:BLRSZbs T:the Hunt - 1st Setting
ABC 976 C1:116176230027777 C2:uududduuudddddu M:C| K:G H:BFLORZbs T:the Hunt #2
ABC 976 C1:116176230027777 C2:uududduuudddddu M:C| K:G H:BFLORZbs T:the Hunt #2
ABC 976 C1:116176230027777 C2:uududduuudddddu M:C| K:G H:BFLORZbs T:the Hunt #2
ABC 976 C1:116176230027777 C2:uududduuudddddu M:C| K:G H:BFLORZbs T:the Hunt #2
ABC 976 C1:116176230027777 C2:uududduuudddddu M:C| K:G H:BFLORZbs T:the Hunt #2
ABC 976 C1:116176230027777 C2:uududduuudddddu M:C| K:G H:BFLORZbs T:the Hunt #2
ABC 976 C1:116176230027777 C2:uududduuudddddu M:C| K:G H:BFLORZbs T:the Hunt #2
ABC 976 C1:116176230027777 C2:uududduuudddddu M:C| K:G H:BFLORZbs T:the Hunt #2
ABC 49420 C1:116176230027777 C2:uududduuudddddu M:C| K:G H:BLQRSZ T:HUNT (2) (long dance), The
ABC 49420 C1:116176230027777 C2:uududduuudddddu M:C| K:G H:BLQRSZ T:HUNT (2) (long dance), The
ABC 49420 C1:116176230027777 C2:uududduuudddddu M:C| K:G H:BLQRSZ T:HUNT (2) (long dance), The
ABC 1800 C1:116176230027777 C2:uududduuudddddu M:C| K:G H:BLORSZbs T:the Hunt - 2nd Setting
ABC 1800 C1:116176230027777 C2:uududduuudddddu M:C| K:G H:BLORSZbs T:the Hunt - 2nd Setting
ABC 1800 C1:116176230027777 C2:uududduuudddddu M:C| K:G H:BLORSZbs T:the Hunt - 2nd Setting
ABC 1800 C1:116176230027777 C2:uududduuudddddu M:C| K:G H:BLORSZbs T:the Hunt - 2nd Setting
ABC 1800 C1:116176230027777 C2:uududduuudddddu M:C| K:G H:BLORSZbs T:the Hunt - 2nd Setting
ABC 1800 C1:116176230027777 C2:uududduuudddddu M:C| K:G H:BLORSZbs T:the Hunt - 2nd Setting
ABC 1800 C1:116176230027777 C2:uududduuudddddu M:C| K:G H:BLORSZbs T:the Hunt - 2nd Setting
ABC 1800 C1:116176230027777 C2:uududduuudddddu M:C| K:G H:BLORSZbs T:the Hunt - 2nd Setting
ABC 1800 C1:116176230027777 C2:uududduuudddddu M:C| K:G H:BLORSZbs T:the Hunt - 2nd Setting
ABC 1800 C1:116176230027777 C2:uududduuudddddu M:C| K:G H:BLORSZbs T:the Hunt - 2nd Setting
ABC 1800 C1:116176230027777 C2:uududduuudddddu M:C| K:G H:BLORSZbs T:the Hunt - 2nd Setting
ABC 1800 C1:116176230027777 C2:uududduuudddddu M:C| K:G H:BLORSZbs T:the Hunt - 2nd Setting
ABC 1800 C1:116176230027777 C2:uududduuudddddu M:C| K:G H:BLORSZbs T:the Hunt - 2nd Setting
ABC 5879 C1:117717623002777 C2:uuddudduuuddddd M:C| K:G H:BCLQR T:Hunt (2nd setting), The
ABC 5879 C1:117717623002777 C2:uuddudduuuddddd M:C| K:G H:BCLQR T:Hunt (2nd setting), The
ABC 5879 C1:117717623002777 C2:uuddudduuuddddd M:C| K:G H:BCLQR T:Hunt (2nd setting), The
ABC 1 C1:117076005000117 C2:uuddduuuddddd M:3/4 K:G H:HLOQS T:The Hunt
ABC 1 C1:116176760063671 C2:uududddududdudu M:4/4 K:G H:LQV T:The Hunt
ABC 1 C1:031161762300277 C2:uuududduuuddddd M:4/4 K:G H:CLQR T:The Hunt
ABC 1 C1:031161762300277 C2:uuududduuuddddd M:4/4 K:G H:CLQR T:The Hunt
ABC 066 C1:116176760063671 C2:uududddududdudu M:4/4 K:G H:BLQV T:The Hunt
ABC 1 C1:117076230027777 C2:uuddudduuuddddd M:4/4 K:G H:OR T:the Hunt
ABC 7253 C1:117076230027777 C2:uuddudduuuddddd M:4/4 K:G H:OR T:the Hunt
ABC 1959 C1:116176230027777 C2:uududduuudddddu M:C| K:G H:BLSZ T:The Hunt
ABC 1959 C1:116176230027777 C2:uududduuudddddu M:C| K:G H:BLSZ T:The Hunt
ABC 1959 C1:116176230027777 C2:uududduuudddddu M:C| K:G H:BLSZ T:The Hunt
ABC 1800 C1:116176230027777 C2:uududduuudddddu M:C| K:G H:BCLSZ T:Hunt, The
ABC 1958 C1:026176767127671 C2:uududdduduudddu M:C| K:G H:BLSZ T:The Hunt
ABC 1958 C1:026176767127671 C2:uududdduduudddu M:C| K:G H:BLSZ T:The Hunt
ABC 1958 C1:026176767127671 C2:uududdduduudddu M:C| K:G H:BLSZ T:The Hunt
ABC 1799 C1:026176767127671 C2:uududdduduudddu M:C| K:G H:BLSZ T:Hunt, The
ABC 975 C1:116176230027777 C2:uududduuudddddu M:C| K:G H:BLORZ T:The Hunt
ABC 975 C1:116176230027777 C2:uududduuudddddu M:C| K:G H:BLORZ T:The Hunt
ABC 975 C1:116176230027777 C2:uududduuudddddu M:C| K:G H:BLORZ T:The Hunt
ABC 976 C1:031161762300277 C2:uuududduuuddddd M:C| K:G H:BFLORZbs T:the Hunt
ABC 976 C1:031161762300277 C2:uuududduuuddddd M:C| K:G H:BFLORZbs T:the Hunt
ABC 976 C1:031161762300277 C2:uuududduuuddddd M:C| K:G H:BFLORZbs T:the Hunt
ABC 976 C1:031161762300277 C2:uuududduuuddddd M:C| K:G H:BFLORZbs T:the Hunt
ABC 976 C1:031161762300277 C2:uuududduuuddddd M:C| K:G H:BFLORZbs T:the Hunt
ABC 976 C1:031161762300277 C2:uuududduuuddddd M:C| K:G H:BFLORZbs T:the Hunt
ABC 976 C1:031161762300277 C2:uuududduuuddddd M:C| K:G H:BFLORZbs T:the Hunt
ABC 976 C1:031161762300277 C2:uuududduuuddddd M:C| K:G H:BFLORZbs T:the Hunt
ABC 9 C1:116176237127777 C2:uududduuduudddd M:C| K:G H:LZ T:Hunt
ABC 9 C1:116176237127777 C2:uududduuduudddd M:C| K:G H:LZ T:Hunt
ABC 50 C1:116176237127777 C2:uududduuduudddd M:C| K:G H:LZ T:Hunt
ABC 0 C1:117076230027777 C2:uuddudduuuddddd M:C| K:F H:FGLQZ T:The Hunt
ABC 0 C1:117076230027777 C2:uuddudduuuddddd M:C| K:F H:FGLQZ T:The Hunt
ABC 1799 C1:026176767127671 C2:uududdduduudddu M:C| K:G H:BLSZ T:Hunt, The
ABC 1800 C1:116176230027777 C2:uududduuudddddu M:C| K:G H:BCLSZ T:Hunt, The
ABC 0 C1:117076230027777 C2:uuddudduuuddddd M:C| K:F H:FGLQZ T:The Hunt
ABC 0 C1:117076230027777 C2:uuddudduuuddddd M:C| K:F H:FGLQZ T:The Hunt
ABC 0 C1:117076230027777 C2:uuddudduuuddddd M:C| K:F H:FGLQZ T:The Hunt
ABC 715 C1:011771076203011 C2:uuddudduuuuuddd M:6/8 K:G H:"CRZ T:The Hunt
ABC 715 C1:011771076203011 C2:uuddudduuuuuddd M:6/8 K:G H:"CRZ T:The Hunt
ABC 1 C1:117717623711177 C2:uuddudduuduuudd M: K:Gmaj H:LR T:The Hunt
ABC 2 C1:117717623117717 C2:uuddudduuuuddud M: K:Gmaj H:LR T:The Hunt
ABC 3 C1:002777771161767 C2:uddddduududdduu M: K:Gmaj H:LR T:The Hunt
ABC 4 C1:117076230027777 C2:uuddudduuuddddd M: K:Gmaj H:LR T:The Hunt
ABC 5 C1:111002776760061 C2:uuuuddddududddu M: K:Gmaj H:LR T:The Hunt
ABC 1 C1:002777771161767 C2:uddddduududdduu M:4/4 K:G H:LRS T:Hunt, The
ABC 1 C1:117076230027777 C2:uuddudduuuddddd M:4/4 K:G H:LR T:The Hunt
ABC 7253 C1:117076230027777 C2:uuddudduuuddddd M:4/4 K:G H:OR T:the Hunt
ABC 7253 C1:117076230027777 C2:uuddudduuuddddd M:4/4 K:G H:OR T:the Hunt
ABC 1799 C1:026176767127671 C2:uududdduduudddu M:C| K:G H:BLSZ T:Hunt, The
ABC 1800 C1:116176230027777 C2:uududduuudddddu M:C| K:G H:BCLSZ T:Hunt, The
ABC 976 C1:116176230027777 C2:uududduuudddddu M:C| K:G H:BCFLORWZm T:The hunt
ABC 7387 C1:116176237127777 C2:uududduuduudddd M:C| K:G H:LZ T:Hunt
ABC 7392 C1:117076230027777 C2:uuddudduuuddddd M:4/4 K:G H:OR T:Hunt, The
ABC 7387 C1:116176237127777 C2:uududduuduudddd M:C| K:G H:LZ T:Hunt
ABC 7392 C1:117076230027777 C2:uuddudduuuddddd M:4/4 K:G H:OR T:Hunt, The
ABC 975 C1:116176230027777 C2:uududduuudddddu M:C| K:G H:BLORZ T:The Hunt
ABC 975 C1:116176230027777 C2:uududduuudddddu M:C| K:G H:BLORZ T:The Hunt
ABC 13540 C1:117076230027777 C2:uuddudduuuddddd M:4/4 K:G H:OR T:the Hunt
ABC 3923 C1:117076230027777 C2:uuddudduuuddddd M:4/4 K:G H:FORZ T:the Hunt
ABC 3923 C1:117076230027777 C2:uuddudduuuddddd M:4/4 K:G H:FORZ T:the Hunt
ABC 13540 C1:117076230027777 C2:uuddudduuuddddd M:4/4 K:G H:OR T:the Hunt
ABC 13540 C1:117076230027777 C2:uuddudduuuddddd M:4/4 K:G H:OR T:the Hunt
ABC 1107 C1:116176237127777 C2:uududduuduudddd M:C| K:G H:LOZ T:Hunt
ABC 1113 C1:117076230027777 C2:uuddudduuuddddd M:4/4 K:G H:OR T:Hunt, The
ABC 2657 C1:117076230027777 C2:uuddudduuuddddd M:4/4 K:G H:OR T:the Hunt
ABC 563 C1:117076230027777 C2:uuddudduuuddddd M:4/4 K:G H:ORZ T:the Hunt
ABC 1958 C1:026176767127671 C2:uududdduduudddu M:C| K:G H:BLSZ T:The Hunt
ABC 1959 C1:116176230027777 C2:uududduuudddddu M:C| K:G H:BLSZ T:The Hunt
ABC 1958 C1:026176767127671 C2:uududdduduudddu M:C| K:G H:BLSZ T:The Hunt
ABC 1959 C1:116176230027777 C2:uududduuudddddu M:C| K:G H:BLSZ T:The Hunt
ABC 93 C1:007155330071112 C2:dudduuduuuuuuud M:4/4 K:G H:CLRZ T:Hunt Camp Hornpipe
ABC 93 C1:007155330071112 C2:dudduuduuuuuuud M:4/4 K:G H:CLRZ T:Hunt Camp Hornpipe
ABC 7388 C1:007155330071112 C2:dudduuduuuuuuud M:4/4 K:G H:CLR T:Hunt Camp Hornpipe
ABC 7388 C1:007155330071112 C2:dudduuduuuuuuud M:4/4 K:G H:CLR T:Hunt Camp Hornpipe
ABC 21322 C1:176117611761266 C2:udduuudduuudduu M:C| K:C H:BFLRZ T:THE HUNTER
ABC 21322 C1:176117611761266 C2:udduuudduuudduu M:C| K:C H:BFLRZ T:THE HUNTER
ABC 1 C1:176117611761176 C2:udduudduudduudd M: K:Cmaj H:LR T:The Hunter
ABC 21322 C1:176117611761266 C2:udduuudduuudduu M:C| K:C H:BFLRZ T:THE HUNTER
ABC 21322 C1:176117611761266 C2:udduuudduuudduu M:C| K:C H:BFLRZ T:THE HUNTER
ABC 21322 C1:176117611761266 C2:udduuudduuudduu M:C| K:C H:BFLRZ T:THE HUNTER
ABC 21322 C1:176117611761266 C2:udduuudduuudduu M:C| K:C H:BFLRZ T:THE HUNTER
ABC 21322 C1:176117611761266 C2:udduuudduuudduu M:C| K:C H:BFLRZ T:THE HUNTER
ABC 1123 C1:176656665666566 C2:udddudddudddudd M:C| K:C H:BCLQRZ T:Hunter,aka. Roose.1120, The
ABC 94 C1:661767176774176 C2:ddudddudddduudd M:6/8 K:Emaj H:CLRZ T:Hunter Creek Jig
ABC 94 C1:661767176774176 C2:ddudddudddduudd M:6/8 K:Emaj H:CLRZ T:Hunter Creek Jig
ABC 1 C1:070101010001010 C2:duuuuuuduuddudd M:C| K:F H:LSZ T:Hunter in his Career, The
ABC 1 C1:070101010001010 C2:duuuuuuduuddudd M:C| K:F H:LSZ T:Hunter in his Career, The
ABC 043 C1:071200117627002 C2:duuuudduduudddd M:2/4 K:G H:BLRZ T:Hunter's
ABC 043 C1:071200117627002 C2:duuuudduduudddd M:2/4 K:G H:BLRZ T:Hunter's
ABC 043 C1:071200117627002 C2:duuuudduduudddd M:2/4 K:G H:BLRZ T:Hunter's
ABC 043 C1:071200117627002 C2:duuuudduduudddd M:2/4 K:G H:BLRZ T:Hunter's
ABC 56 C1:076000073576771 C2:dduuddddduuuudd M:C| K:Am H:"BCL T:Hunters and Gatherers
ABC 1 C1:076000073576771 C2:dduuddddduuuudd M:C| K:Am H:"BCLR T:Hunters and Gatherers
ABC 90 C1:076000073576771 C2:dduuddddduuuudd M:C| K:Am H:"BCL T:Hunters and Gatherers
ABC 90 C1:076000073576771 C2:dduuddddduuuudd M:C| K:Am H:"BCL T:Hunters and Gatherers
ABC 90 C1:076000073576771 C2:dduuddddduuuudd M:C| K:Am H:"BCL T:Hunters and Gatherers
ABC 90 C1:076000073576771 C2:dduuddddduuuudd M:C| K:Am H:"BCL T:Hunters and Gatherers
ABC 1 C1:001101117727077 C2:uuuuudduddddddu M:C| K:D H:CFLQRSZ T:Hunter's Bog
ABC 1 C1:026160260561601 C2:ududuuddudududu M:C| K:Hp H:BCFLQRSZ T:Hunters Bog
ABC 0 C1:026160260561601 C2:ududuuddudududu M:C| K:Hp H:BCLQRSZ T:Hunters Bog
ABC 7405 C1:026160260561601 C2:ududuuddudududu M:C| K:Hp H:BCLQRSZ T:Hunters Bog
ABC 7405 C1:026160260561601 C2:ududuuddudududu M:C| K:Hp H:BCLQRSZ T:Hunters Bog
ABC 10991 C1:000011110006000 C2:uuuuddudududddd M:2/4 K:C H:BCLSZ T:the HUNTER'S CHORUS
ABC 10991 C1:000011110006000 C2:uuuuddudududddd M:2/4 K:C H:BCLSZ T:the HUNTER'S CHORUS
ABC 10991 C1:000011110006000 C2:uuuuddudududddd M:2/4 K:C H:BCLSZ T:The HUNTER'S CHORUS
ABC 10991 C1:000011110006000 C2:uuuuddudududddd M:2/4 K:C H:BCLSZ T:The HUNTER'S CHORUS
ABC 10991 C1:000011110006000 C2:uuuuddudududddd M:2/4 K:C H:BCLSZ T:The HUNTER'S CHORUS
ABC 10991 C1:000011110006000 C2:uuuuddudududddd M:2/4 K:C H:BCLSZ T:The HUNTER'S CHORUS
ABC 10991 C1:000011110006000 C2:uuuuddudududddd M:2/4 K:C H:BCLSZ T:The HUNTER'S CHORUS
ABC 10991 C1:000011110006000 C2:uuuuddudududddd M:2/4 K:C H:BCLSZ T:The HUNTER'S CHORUS
ABC 10991 C1:000011110006000 C2:uuuuddudududddd M:2/4 K:C H:BCLSZ T:The HUNTER'S CHORUS
ABC 10991 C1:000011110006000 C2:uuuuddudududddd M:2/4 K:C H:BCLSZ T:The HUNTER'S CHORUS
ABC 10991 C1:000011110006000 C2:uuuuddudududddd M:2/4 K:C H:BCLSZ T:The HUNTER'S CHORUS
ABC 5 C1:060735360653002 C2:ddudududddduuuu M:2/4 K:D H:ABCLOQRZ T:Hunters Chorus. HS.05, The
ABC 5 C1:060735360653002 C2:ddudududddduuuu M:2/4 K:D H:ABCLOQRZ T:Hunters Chorus. HS.05, The
ABC 5 C1:060735360653002 C2:ddudududddduuuu M:2/4 K:D H:ACLOQRSZ T:Hunters Chorus,The. HS.05
ABC 5 C1:060735360653002 C2:ddudududddduuuu M:2/4 K:D H:BLOQRSZ T:Hunters Chorus,The. HS.05
ABC 3924 C1:060735360653002 C2:ddudududddduuuu M:2/4 K:D H:ACFLOQRSZ T:Hunters Chorus,The. HS.05
ABC 3924 C1:060735360653002 C2:ddudududddduuuu M:2/4 K:D H:ACFLOQRSZ T:Hunters Chorus,The. HS.05
ABC 5 C1:060735360653002 C2:ddudududddduuuu M:2/4 K:D H:BLOQRSZ T:Hunters Chorus,The. HS.05
ABC 212 C1:002206073536065 C2:uuuuddudududddd M:2/4 K:G H:BCLOQRZ T:Hunters Chorus to Der Friechuzt TS.212
ABC 212 C1:002206073536065 C2:uuuuddudududddd M:2/4 K:G H:BCLOQRZ T:Hunters Chorus to Der Friechuzt TS.212
ABC 212 C1:002206073536065 C2:uuuuddudududddd M:2/4 K:G H:CLOQRSZ T:Hunters Chorus to Der Friechuzt TS.212
ABC 212 C1:002206073536065 C2:uuuuddudududddd M:2/4 K:G H:ABLOQRSZ T:Hunters Chorus to Der Friechuzt TS.212
ABC 3925 C1:002206073536065 C2:uuuuddudududddd M:2/4 K:G H:CFLOQRSZ T:Hunters Chorus to Der Friechuzt TS.212
ABC 3926 C1:002206073536065 C2:uuuuddudududddd M:2/4 K:G H:CFLOQRSZ T:Hunters Chorus to Der Friechuzt TS.212
ABC 3927 C1:002206073536065 C2:uuuuddudududddd M:2/4 K:G H:CFLOQRSZ T:Hunters Chorus to Der Friechuzt TS.212
ABC 3927 C1:002206073536065 C2:uuuuddudududddd M:2/4 K:G H:CFLOQRSZ T:Hunters Chorus to Der Friechuzt TS.212
ABC 3925 C1:002206073536065 C2:uuuuddudududddd M:2/4 K:G H:CFLOQRSZ T:Hunters Chorus to Der Friechuzt TS.212
ABC 3926 C1:002206073536065 C2:uuuuddudududddd M:2/4 K:G H:CFLOQRSZ T:Hunters Chorus to Der Friechuzt TS.212
ABC 212 C1:002206073536065 C2:uuuuddudududddd M:2/4 K:G H:ABLOQRSZ T:Hunters Chorus to Der Friechuzt TS.212
ABC 212 C1:053053053002062 C2:dududuudududuud M:6/8 K:G H:BLQZ T:Hunter's Delight. Roose.0212, The
ABC 532 C1:235201520012071 C2:uduuuudduuuudud M:4/4 K:G H:"CILRZ T:Hunter's Hill
ABC 2 C1:000623520152001 C2:uddduduuuudduuu M:4/4 K:A H:"LQR T:Hunter's Hill
ABC 2 C1:000623520152001 C2:uddduduuuudduuu M:4/4 K:A H:"LQR T:Hunter's Hill
ABC 532 C1:235201520012071 C2:uduuuudduuuudud M:4/4 K:G H:"CILRZ T:Hunter's Hill
ABC 532 C1:235201520012071 C2:uduuuudduuuudud M:4/4 K:G H:"CILRZ T:Hunter's Hill
ABC 2 C1:000623520152001 C2:uddduduuuudduuu M:4/4 K:G H:"LQR T:Hunter's Hill (in G)
ABC 2 C1:000623520152001 C2:uddduduuuudduuu M:4/4 K:G H:"LQR T:Hunter's Hill (in G)
ABC 1 C1:770712001176270 C2:ddduuuudduduudd M:4/4 K:G H:CLQR T:The Hunter's Hornpipe
ABC 1 C1:770712001176270 C2:ddduuuudduduudd M:4/4 K:G H:CLQR T:The Hunter's Hornpipe
ABC 1906 C1:071200117627002 C2:duuuudduduudddd M:2/4 K:G H:BLZ T:The Hunter's Hornpipe
ABC 1906 C1:071200117627002 C2:duuuudduduudddd M:2/4 K:G H:BLZ T:The Hunter's Hornpipe
ABC 1906 C1:071200117627002 C2:duuuudduduudddd M:2/4 K:G H:BLZ T:The Hunter's Hornpipe
ABC 492099 C1:071200117627011 C2:duuuudduduuuddd M:C| K:G H:BLQRSZ T:HUNTER'S HORNPIPE
ABC 1835 C1:071200117627002 C2:duuuudduduudddd M:2/4 K:G H:BLRZ T:The Hunter's Hornpipe
ABC 1835 C1:071200117627002 C2:duuuudduduudddd M:2/4 K:G H:BLRZ T:The Hunter's Hornpipe
ABC 1835 C1:071200117627002 C2:duuuudduduudddd M:2/4 K:G H:BLRZ T:The Hunter's Hornpipe
ABC 1717 C1:071200117627002 C2:duuuudduduudddd M:2/4 K:G H:BLRZ T:The Hunter's Hornpipe
ABC 1717 C1:071200117627002 C2:duuuudduduudddd M:2/4 K:G H:BLORZbs T:the Hunter's Hornpipe
ABC 1717 C1:071200117627002 C2:duuuudduduudddd M:2/4 K:G H:BLORZbs T:the Hunter's Hornpipe
ABC 1717 C1:071200117627002 C2:duuuudduduudddd M:2/4 K:G H:BLORZbs T:the Hunter's Hornpipe
ABC 1717 C1:071200117627002 C2:duuuudduduudddd M:2/4 K:G H:BLORZbs T:the Hunter's Hornpipe
ABC 1717 C1:071200117627002 C2:duuuudduduudddd M:2/4 K:G H:BLORZbs T:the Hunter's Hornpipe
ABC 1717 C1:071200117627002 C2:duuuudduduudddd M:2/4 K:G H:BLORZbs T:the Hunter's Hornpipe
ABC 1717 C1:071200117627002 C2:duuuudduduudddd M:2/4 K:G H:BLORZbs T:the Hunter's Hornpipe
ABC 1717 C1:071200117627002 C2:duuuudduduudddd M:2/4 K:G H:BLORZbs T:the Hunter's Hornpipe
ABC 1717 C1:071200117627002 C2:duuuudduduudddd M:2/4 K:G H:BLORZbs T:the Hunter's Hornpipe
ABC 1717 C1:071200117627002 C2:duuuudduduudddd M:2/4 K:G H:BLORZbs T:the Hunter's Hornpipe
ABC 1717 C1:071200117627002 C2:duuuudduduudddd M:2/4 K:G H:BLORZbs T:the Hunter's Hornpipe
ABC 1717 C1:071200117627002 C2:duuuudduduudddd M:2/4 K:G H:BLORZbs T:the Hunter's Hornpipe
ABC 1717 C1:071200117627002 C2:duuuudduduudddd M:2/4 K:G H:BLORZbs T:the Hunter's Hornpipe
ABC 1717 C1:071200117627002 C2:duuuudduduudddd M:2/4 K:G H:BLORZbs T:the Hunter's Hornpipe
ABC 904 C1:071200117627002 C2:duuuudduduudddd M:2/4 K:G H:BLORZ T:The Hunter's Hornpipe
ABC 904 C1:071200117627002 C2:duuuudduduudddd M:2/4 K:G H:BLORZ T:The Hunter's Hornpipe
ABC 904 C1:071200117627002 C2:duuuudduduudddd M:2/4 K:G H:BLORZ T:The Hunter's Hornpipe
ABC 905 C1:071200117627002 C2:duuuudduduudddd M:2/4 K:G H:BFLRZbs T:the Hunter's Hornpipe
ABC 905 C1:071200117627002 C2:duuuudduduudddd M:2/4 K:G H:BFLRZbs T:the Hunter's Hornpipe
ABC 905 C1:071200117627002 C2:duuuudduduudddd M:2/4 K:G H:BFLRZbs T:the Hunter's Hornpipe
ABC 905 C1:071200117627002 C2:duuuudduduudddd M:2/4 K:G H:BFLRZbs T:the Hunter's Hornpipe
ABC 905 C1:071200117627002 C2:duuuudduduudddd M:2/4 K:G H:BFLRZbs T:the Hunter's Hornpipe
ABC 905 C1:071200117627002 C2:duuuudduduudddd M:2/4 K:G H:BFLRZbs T:the Hunter's Hornpipe
ABC 905 C1:071200117627002 C2:duuuudduduudddd M:2/4 K:G H:BFLRZbs T:the Hunter's Hornpipe
ABC 905 C1:071200117627002 C2:duuuudduduudddd M:2/4 K:G H:BFLRZbs T:the Hunter's Hornpipe
ABC 1717 C1:071200117627002 C2:duuuudduduudddd M:2/4 K:G H:BLZ T:THE HUNTER'S HORNPIPE
ABC 1717 C1:071200117627002 C2:duuuudduduudddd M:2/4 K:G H:BLRZ T:The Hunter's Hornpipe
ABC 492099 C1:071200117627011 C2:duuuudduduuuddd M:C| K:G H:BLQRSZ T:HUNTER'S HORNPIPE
ABC 492099 C1:071200117627011 C2:duuuudduduuuddd M:C| K:G H:BLQRSZ T:HUNTER'S HORNPIPE
ABC 1717 C1:071200117627002 C2:duuuudduduudddd M:2/4 K:G H:BLRZ T:The Hunter's Hornpipe
ABC 1717 C1:071200117627002 C2:duuuudduduudddd M:2/4 K:G H:BLZ T:THE HUNTER'S HORNPIPE
ABC 905 C1:071200117627002 C2:duuuudduduudddd M:2/4 K:G H:BCFLORWZ T:The hunter's hornpipe
ABC 904 C1:071200117627002 C2:duuuudduduudddd M:2/4 K:G H:BLORZ T:The Hunter's Hornpipe
ABC 904 C1:071200117627002 C2:duuuudduduudddd M:2/4 K:G H:BLORZ T:The Hunter's Hornpipe
ABC 1835 C1:071200117627002 C2:duuuudduduudddd M:2/4 K:G H:BLRZ T:The Hunter's Hornpipe
ABC 1906 C1:071200117627002 C2:duuuudduduudddd M:2/4 K:G H:BLZ T:The Hunter's Hornpipe
ABC 1835 C1:071200117627002 C2:duuuudduduudddd M:2/4 K:G H:BLRZ T:The Hunter's Hornpipe
ABC 1906 C1:071200117627002 C2:duuuudduduudddd M:2/4 K:G H:BLZ T:The Hunter's Hornpipe
ABC 99 C1:026176222061662 C2:ududduuududdudu M:C K:G H:L T:Hunter's House
ABC 49 C1:026532622007662 C2:udduuduudddudud M:C| K:G H:CLR T:Hunter's House, The
ABC 49 C1:026532622007662 C2:udduuduudddudud M:C| K:G H:CLR T:Hunter's House, The
ABC 49 C1:026532622061662 C2:udduuduududdudu M:C| K:G H:CLR T:Hunter's House, The
ABC 49 C1:026532622061662 C2:udduuduududdudu M:C| K:G H:CLR T:Hunter's House, The
ABC 49 C1:026532622061662 C2:udduuduududdudu M:C| K:G H:CLR T:Hunter's House, The
ABC 49 C1:026532622061662 C2:udduuduududdudu M:C| K:G H:CLR T:Hunter's House, The
ABC 49 C1:026532622061662 C2:udduuduududdudu M:C| K:G H:CLR T:Hunter's House, The
ABC 49 C1:026532622061662 C2:udduuduududdudu M:C| K:G H:CLR T:Hunter's House, The
ABC 49 C1:026532622061662 C2:udduuduududdudu M:C| K:G H:CLR T:Hunter's House, The
ABC 49 C1:026532622061662 C2:udduuduududdudu M:C| K:G H:CLR T:Hunter's House, The
ABC 49 C1:026532622061662 C2:udduuduududdudu M:C| K:G H:CLR T:Hunter's House, The
ABC 9 C1:026532622007662 C2:udduuduudddudud M:C| K:G H:CLR T:Hunter's House, The
ABC 9 C1:026532622007662 C2:udduuduudddudud M:C| K:G H:CLR T:Hunter's House, The
ABC 200 C1:026532622007662 C2:udduuduudddudud M:C| K:G H:CDRZ T:Hunter's House
ABC 1 C1:026532622007662 C2:udduuduudddudud M:C| K:G H:CDRZ T:Hunter's House, The
ABC 2 C1:206166630265326 C2:ududdduudduuduu M:4/4 K:Gmaj H:LR T:The Hunter's House
ABC 2 C1:206166630265326 C2:ududdduudduuduu M:4/4 K:Gmaj H:LR T:The Hunter's House
ABC 30 C1:200766270265326 C2:udddududduuduud M:C| K:G H:CEIRS T:Hunters House
ABC 1 C1:200766270265326 C2:udddududduuduud M:C| K:G H:CEIRS T:Hunters House
ABC 122 C1:026532622007662 C2:udduuduudddudud M:C| K:G H:"CDLRSZ T:The hunter's house
ABC 122 C1:026532622007662 C2:udduuduudddudud M:C| K:G H:"CDLRSZ T:The hunter's house
ABC 122 C1:026532622007662 C2:udduuduudddudud M:C| K:G H:"CDLRSZ T:The hunter's house
ABC 122 C1:026532622007662 C2:udduuduudddudud M:C| K:G H:"CDLRSZ T:The hunter's house
ABC 1 C1:207176627026442 C2:ududddududududu M:2/2 K:G H:CLRZ T:The Hunter's House
ABC 33 C1:207176627026442 C2:ududddududududu M:2/2 K:G H:CLRZ T:The Hunter's House
ABC 14 C1:026442622061716 C2:udududuudududdu M:C| K:G H:BCDLQRZ T:The Hunter's House
ABC 14 C1:026442622061716 C2:udududuudududdu M:C| K:G H:BCDLQRZ T:The Hunter's House
ABC 14 C1:026442622061716 C2:udududuudududdu M:C| K:G H:BCDLQRZ T:The Hunter's House
ABC 14 C1:026442622061716 C2:udududuudududdu M:C| K:G H:BCDLQRZ T:The Hunter's House
ABC 9 C1:026532622007662 C2:udduuduudddudud M:C| K:G H:CLR T:Hunter's House, The
ABC 2 C1: C2: M:2/2 K:G H:CLRZ T:The Hunter's House
ABC 86 C1:026532622061662 C2:udduuduududdudu M:C| K:G H:"CDLQRSZ T:Hunter's House, The
ABC 30 C1:200766270265326 C2:udddududduuduud M:C| K:G H:CEIRS T:Hunters House
ABC 30 C1:200766270265326 C2:udddududduuduud M:C| K:G H:CEIRS T:Hunters House
ABC 30 C1:200766270265326 C2:udddududduuduud M:C| K:G H:CEIRS T:Hunters House
ABC 150 C1:200766270265326 C2:udddududduuduud M:C| K:G H:CEIRS T:Hunters House
ABC 1 C1:026166270265326 C2:ududdududduuduu M:4/4 K:Gmaj H:LR T:Hunter's House
ABC 30 C1:200766270265326 C2:udddududduuduud M:C| K:G H:CEIRS T:Hunters House
ABC 37 C1:026532622007662 C2:udduuduudddudud M:4/4 K:G H:CL T:Hunter's House, The
ABC 37 C1:026532622007662 C2:udduuduudddudud M:4/4 K:G H:CL T:Hunter's House, The
ABC 18 C1:026166270265326 C2:ududdududduuduu M:4/4 K:Gmaj H:CLR T:The Hunter's House
ABC 44 C1:026532622007662 C2:udduuduudddudud M:C| K:G H:CDRZ T:Hunter's House, The
ABC 44 C1:026532622007662 C2:udduuduudddudud M:C| K:G H:CDRZ T:Hunter's House, The
ABC 127 C1:026532712007662 C2:udduuduudddudud M:C| K:G H:CDRZ T:Hunter's House, The
ABC 127 C1:026532712007662 C2:udduuduudddudud M:C| K:G H:CDRZ T:Hunter's House, The
ABC 1 C1:026166270265326 C2:ududdududduuduu M:4/4 K:Gmaj H:LR T:The Hunter's House
ABC 43 C1:026532622007662 C2:udduuduudddudud M:C| K:G H:CDRZ T:Hunter's House, The
ABC 43 C1:026532622007662 C2:udduuduudddudud M:C| K:G H:CDRZ T:Hunter's House, The
ABC 43 C1:026532622007662 C2:udduuduudddudud M:C| K:G H:CDRZ T:Hunter's House, The
ABC 43 C1:026532622007662 C2:udduuduudddudud M:C| K:G H:CDRZ T:Hunter's House, The
ABC 48 C1:026532622061662 C2:udduuduududdudu M:C| K:G H:"CDLQRSZ T:Hunter's House, The
ABC 48 C1:026532622061662 C2:udduuduududdudu M:C| K:G H:"CDLQRSZ T:Hunter's House, The
ABC 48 C1:026532622061662 C2:udduuduududdudu M:C| K:G H:"CDLQRSZ T:Hunter's House, The
ABC 1 C1:026166270265326 C2:ududdududduuduu M:4/4 K:Gmaj H:LR T:The Hunter's House
ABC 49 C1:026532622007662 C2:udduuduudddudud M:C| K:G H:CLR T:Hunter's House, The
ABC 86 C1:026532622007662 C2:udduuduudddudud M:C| K:G H:"CDLRZ T:Hunter's House, The
ABC 49 C1:026532622061662 C2:udduuduududdudu M:C| K:G H:CLR T:Hunter's House, The
ABC 49 C1:026532622061662 C2:udduuduududdudu M:C| K:G H:CLR T:Hunter's House, The
ABC 49 C1:026532622061662 C2:udduuduududdudu M:C| K:G H:CLR T:Hunter's House, The
ABC 49 C1:026532622061662 C2:udduuduududdudu M:C| K:G H:CLR T:Hunter's House, The
ABC 49 C1:026532622061662 C2:udduuduududdudu M:C| K:G H:CLR T:Hunter's House, The
ABC 49 C1:026532622061662 C2:udduuduududdudu M:C| K:G H:CLR T:Hunter's House, The
ABC 153 C1:026532622007662 C2:udduuduudddudud M:C| K:G H:CDLRZ T:Hunter's House, The
ABC 153 C1:026532622007662 C2:udduuduudddudud M:C| K:G H:CDLRZ T:Hunter's House, The
ABC 127 C1:026532622007662 C2:udduuduudddudud M:C| K:G H:CDRZ T:Hunter's House, The
ABC 127 C1:026532622007662 C2:udduuduudddudud M:C| K:G H:CDRZ T:Hunter's House, The
ABC 35 C1:026532622007662 C2:udduuduudddudud M:C| K:G H:CDRZ T:Hunter's House, The
ABC 35 C1:026532622007662 C2:udduuduudddudud M:C| K:G H:CDRZ T:Hunter's House, The
ABC 127 C1:026532622007662 C2:udduuduudddudud M:C| K:G H:CDRZ T:Hunter's House, The
ABC 127 C1:026532622007662 C2:udduuduudddudud M:C| K:G H:CDRZ T:Hunter's House, The
ABC 17 C1:026166270265326 C2:ududdududduuduu M:4/4 K:Gmaj H:L T:The Hunter's House
ABC 1 C1:026166270265326 C2:ududdududduuduu M: K:Gmaj H:LR T:The Hunter's House
ABC 2 C1:206166630265326 C2:ududdduudduuduu M: K:Gmaj H:LR T:The Hunter's House
ABC 3 C1:026166270265326 C2:ududdududduuduu M: K:Gmaj H:LR T:The Hunter's House
ABC 4 C1:206166270265326 C2:ududdududduuduu M: K:Gmaj H:LR T:The Hunter's House
ABC 5 C1:026166270265326 C2:ududdududduuduu M: K:Gmaj H:LR T:The Hunter's House
ABC 6 C1:206166270265326 C2:ududdududduuduu M: K:Gmaj H:LR T:The Hunter's House
ABC 7 C1:026166270265326 C2:ududdududduuduu M: K:Gmaj H:LR T:The Hunter's House
ABC 1 C1:207176627026442 C2:ududddududududu M:2/2 K:G H:CLR T:Hunter's House, The
ABC 2 C1:207176627026442 C2:ududddududududu M:2/2 K:G H:CLRZ T:The Hunter's House
ABC 165 C1:207176627026442 C2:ududddududududu M:2/2 K:G H:CLRZ T:The Hunter's House
ABC 165 C1:207176627026442 C2:ududddududududu M:2/2 K:G H:CLRZ T:The Hunter's House
ABC 33 C1:207176627026442 C2:ududddududududu M:2/2 K:G H:CLRZ T:The Hunter's House
ABC 33 C1:207176627026442 C2:ududddududududu M:2/2 K:G H:CLRZ T:The Hunter's House
ABC 33 C1:207176627026442 C2:ududddududududu M:2/2 K:G H:CLRZ T:The Hunter's House
ABC 33 C1:207176627026442 C2:ududddududududu M:2/2 K:G H:CLRZ T:The Hunter's House
ABC 750 C1:206166270265326 C2:ududdududduuduu M:C K:G H:LZ T:Hunter's House
ABC 121 C1:206166270261762 C2:ududdudududduuu M:4/4 K:G H:CDLR T:Hunter's House
ABC 121 C1:206166270261762 C2:ududdudududduuu M:4/4 K:G H:CDLR T:Hunter's House
ABC 153 C1:206166270265326 C2:ududdududduuduu M:C K:G H:LZ T:Hunter's House
ABC 153 C1:206166270265326 C2:ududdududduuduu M:C K:G H:LZ T:Hunter's House
ABC 200 C1:026532622007662 C2:udduuduudddudud M:C| K:G H:CDRZ T:Hunter's House
ABC 200 C1:026532622007662 C2:udduuduudddudud M:C| K:G H:CDRZ T:Hunter's House
ABC 176 C1:026166270265326 C2:ududdududduuduu M:4/4 K:Gmaj H:"HLRZ T:Hunter's House, The
ABC 319 C1:026166270265326 C2:ududdududduuduu M:4/4 K:Gmaj H:LR T:The Hunter's House
ABC 269 C1:207176627026442 C2:ududddududududu M:2/2 K:G H:CLRZ T:The Hunter's House
ABC 127 C1:026532622007662 C2:udduuduudddudud M:C| K:G H:CDRZ T:Hunter's House, The
ABC 127 C1:026532622007662 C2:udduuduudddudud M:C| K:G H:CDRZ T:Hunter's House, The
ABC 127 C1:026532622007662 C2:udduuduudddudud M:C| K:G H:CDRZ T:Hunter's House, The
ABC 30 C1:200766270265326 C2:udddududduuduud M:C| K:G H:CEIRS T:Hunters House
ABC 7393 C1:026176222061662 C2:ududduuududdudu M:C K:G H:L T:Hunter's House
ABC 7394 C1:200766270265326 C2:udddududduuduud M:C| K:G H:CDLQRZ T:Hunter's House
ABC 7395 C1:206166270265326 C2:ududdududduuduu M:C K:G H:LZ T:Hunter's House
ABC 7396 C1:026532622007662 C2:udduuduudddudud M:C| K:G H:CDRZ T:Hunter's House, The
ABC 7397 C1:026532622007662 C2:udduuduudddudud M:C| K:G H:CDRZ T:Hunter's House, The
ABC 7406 C1:200766270265326 C2:udddududduuduud M:C| K:G H:CEIRS T:Hunters House
ABC 7393 C1:026176222061662 C2:ududduuududdudu M:C K:G H:L T:Hunter's House
ABC 7394 C1:200766270265326 C2:udddududduuduud M:C| K:G H:CDLQRZ T:Hunter's House
ABC 7395 C1:206166270265326 C2:ududdududduuduu M:C K:G H:LZ T:Hunter's House
ABC 7396 C1:026532622007662 C2:udduuduudddudud M:C| K:G H:CDRZ T:Hunter's House, The
ABC 7397 C1:026532622007662 C2:udduuduudddudud M:C| K:G H:CDRZ T:Hunter's House, The
ABC 7406 C1:200766270265326 C2:udddududduuduud M:C| K:G H:CEIRS T:Hunters House
ABC 2734 C1:026532622007662 C2:udduuduudddudud M:C| K:G H:CDOR T:Hunter's House, The
ABC 2736 C1:200766270265326 C2:udddududduuduud M:C| K:G H:CEIORS T:Hunters House
ABC 6940 C1:207176627026442 C2:ududddududududu M:2/2 K:G H:CLOR T:The Hunter's House
ABC 2734 C1:026532622007662 C2:udduuduudddudud M:C| K:G H:CDOR T:Hunter's House, The
ABC 2736 C1:200766270265326 C2:udddududduuduud M:C| K:G H:CEIORS T:Hunters House
ABC 6940 C1:207176627026442 C2:ududddududududu M:2/2 K:G H:CLOR T:The Hunter's House
ABC 127 C1:026532622007662 C2:udduuduudddudud M:C| K:G H:CDRZ T:Hunter's House, The
ABC 127 C1:026532622007662 C2:udduuduudddudud M:C| K:G H:CDRZ T:Hunter's House, The
ABC 122 C1:026532622007662 C2:udduuduudddudud M:C| K:G H:"CDLRSZ T:The hunter's house
ABC 5883 C1:026532622007662 C2:udduuduudddudud M:C| K:G H:CDRZ T:Hunter's House, The
ABC 5886 C1:200766270265326 C2:udddududduuduud M:C| K:G H:CEIRS T:Hunters House
ABC 13541 C1:207176627026442 C2:ududddududududu M:2/2 K:G H:CLRZ T:The Hunter's House
ABC 5883 C1:026532622007662 C2:udduuduudddudud M:C| K:G H:CDRZ T:Hunter's House, The
ABC 5886 C1:200766270265326 C2:udddududduuduud M:C| K:G H:CEIRS T:Hunters House
ABC 13541 C1:207176627026442 C2:ududddududududu M:2/2 K:G H:CLRZ T:The Hunter's House
ABC 5883 C1:026532622007662 C2:udduuduudddudud M:C| K:G H:CDRZ T:Hunter's House, The
ABC 5886 C1:200766270265326 C2:udddududduuduud M:C| K:G H:CEIRS T:Hunters House
ABC 13541 C1:207176627026442 C2:ududddududududu M:2/2 K:G H:CLRZ T:The Hunter's House
ABC 1109 C1:206166270265326 C2:ududdududduuduu M:C K:G H:LOZ T:Hunter's House
ABC 16872 C1:207176627026442 C2:ududddududududu M:2/2 K:G H:CLRZ T:The Hunter's House
ABC 16872 C1:207176627026442 C2:ududddududududu M:2/2 K:G H:CLRZ T:The Hunter's House
ABC 16872 C1:207176627026442 C2:ududddududududu M:2/2 K:G H:CLRZ T:The Hunter's House
ABC 16872 C1:207176627026442 C2:ududddududududu M:2/2 K:G H:CLRZ T:The Hunter's House
ABC 127 C1:026532622007662 C2:udduuduudddudud M:C| K:G H:CDRZ T:Hunter's House, The
ABC 127 C1:026532622007662 C2:udduuduudddudud M:C| K:G H:CDRZ T:Hunter's House, The
ABC 1154 C1:200766270265326 C2:udddududduuduud M:C| K:G H:"CEIRS T:Hunters House (A66)
ABC 1154 C1:200766270265326 C2:udddududduuduud M:C| K:G H:"CEIRS T:Hunters House (A66)
ABC 1154 C1:200766270265326 C2:udddududduuduud M:C| K:G H:"CEIRS T:Hunters House (A66)
ABC 1019 C1:207176627026442 C2:ududddududududu M:2/2 K:G H:"CLRZ T:The Hunter's House (A8)
ABC 1019 C1:207176627026442 C2:ududddududududu M:2/2 K:G H:"CLRZ T:The Hunter's House (A8)
ABC 1019 C1:207176627026442 C2:ududddududududu M:2/2 K:G H:"CLRZ T:The Hunter's House (A8)
ABC 190 C1:026532620261662 C2:udduuduududdudu M:4/4 K:Gmaj H:LQR T:Hunter's House (Gmaj)
ABC 190 C1:026532620261662 C2:udduuduududduuu M:4/4 K:clef=none H:ILR T:Hunter's House (Gmaj)
ABC 190 C1:026532620261662 C2:udduuduududdudu M:4/4 K:Gmaj H:LQR T:Hunter's House (Gmaj)
ABC 252035 C1:200766270265326 C2:udddududduuduud M:C K:G H:BCLQR T:HUNTER'S HOUSE (reel), The
ABC 52054 C1:200766270264426 C2:udddududududuud M:4/4 K:G H:CLQRYZ T:HUNTER'S HOUSE (reel), The
ABC 252035 C1:200766270265326 C2:udddududduuduud M:C K:G H:BCLQR T:HUNTER'S HOUSE (reel), The
ABC 252035 C1:200766270265326 C2:udddududduuduud M:C K:G H:BCLQR T:HUNTER'S HOUSE (reel), The
ABC 52054 C1:200766270264426 C2:udddududududuud M:4/4 K:G H:CLQRYZ T:HUNTER'S HOUSE (reel), The
ABC 52054 C1:200766270264426 C2:udddududududuud M:4/4 K:G H:CLQRYZ T:HUNTER'S HOUSE (reel), The
ABC 21 C1:001765350017532 C2:uddduuudduududd M:2/4 K:A H:CLRZ T:Hunter's March
ABC 21 C1:001765350017532 C2:uddduuudduududd M:2/4 K:A H:CLRZ T:Hunter's March
ABC 206191 C1:001765350000005 C2:uddduuuddduudud M:2/4 K:A H:"CFGHLRSUZ T:Hunter's March
ABC 206193 C1:001765350000005 C2:uddduuuddduudud M:2/4 K:A H:"CFGHLRSUZ T:Hunter's March
ABC 206193 C1: C2: M:C| K:A H:CFGHLRSUZ T:Hunter's March
ABC 7398 C1:001765350017532 C2:uddduuudduududd M:2/4 K:A H:CLR T:Hunter's March
ABC 7398 C1:001765350017532 C2:uddduuudduududd M:2/4 K:A H:CLR T:Hunter's March
ABC 56025 C1:770506224221117 C2:dddduuduuuuuddd M:6/8 K:G H:BCLR T:HUNTER'S MOON, The
ABC 56025 C1:770506224221117 C2:dddduuduuuuuddd M:6/8 K:G H:BCLR T:HUNTER'S MOON, The
ABC 56025 C1:770506224221117 C2:dddduuduuuuuddd M:6/8\ K:G\ H:BCLQR T:HUNTER'S MOON, The \
ABC 20064 C1:600530277711111 C2:dduuddduuuuuddd M:C K:G H:BCLSZ T:HUNTERS OF KENTUCKY
ABC 20064 C1:600530277711111 C2:dduuddduuuuuddd M:C K:G H:BCLSZ T:HUNTERS OF KENTUCKY
ABC 1 C1: C2: M:4/4 K:G H:LSZ T:Hunters of Kentucky
ABC 20064 C1:600530277711111 C2:dduuddduuuuuddd M:C K:G H:BCLSZ T:HUNTERS OF KENTUCKY
ABC 20064 C1:600530277711111 C2:dduuddduuuuuddd M:C K:G H:BCLSZ T:HUNTERS OF KENTUCKY
ABC 20064 C1:600530277711111 C2:dduuddduuuuuddd M:C K:G H:BCLSZ T:HUNTERS OF KENTUCKY
ABC 20064 C1:600530277711111 C2:dduuddduuuuuddd M:C K:G H:BCLSZ T:HUNTERS OF KENTUCKY
ABC 20064 C1:600530277711111 C2:dduuddduuuuuddd M:C K:G H:BCLSZ T:HUNTERS OF KENTUCKY
ABC 20064 C1:600530277711111 C2:dduuddduuuuuddd M:C K:G H:BCLSZ T:HUNTERS OF KENTUCKY
ABC 20064 C1:600530277711111 C2:dduuddduuuuuddd M:C K:G H:BCLSZ T:HUNTERS OF KENTUCKY
ABC 20064 C1:600530277711111 C2:dduuddduuuuuddd M:C K:G H:BCLSZ T:HUNTERS OF KENTUCKY
ABC 20064 C1:600530277711111 C2:dduuddduuuuuddd M:C K:G H:BCLSZ T:HUNTERS OF KENTUCKY
ABC 185085 C1:566470727666766 C2:ddduddududddudd M:2/4 K:D H:CLQR T:HUNTER'S PRIZE* (polka), The
ABC 185085 C1:566470727666766 C2:ddduddududddudd M:2/4 K:D H:CLQR T:HUNTER'S PRIZE* (polka), The
ABC 185085 C1:566470727666766 C2:ddduddududddudd M:2/4 K:D H:CLQR T:HUNTER'S PRIZE* (polka), The
ABC 100 C1:400076110161670 C2:ddduuududduduuu M:C K:A H:L T:Hunter's Purse
ABC 179 C1:016167067111267 C2:ududduduuuudddu M:C| K:Ador H:RZ T:Hunter's Purse
ABC 1 C1:016167067111267 C2:ududduduuuudddu M:C| K:Ador H:RZ T:Hunter's Purse, The
ABC 1 C1:016167067111267 C2:ududduduuuudddu M:4/4 K:Ador H:LRZ T:Hunter's Purse, The
ABC 38 C1:636167517111267 C2:dududduuduuuudd M:C| K:ADor H:LR T:Hunter's Purse, The
ABC 38 C1:636167517111267 C2:dududduuduuuudd M:C| K:ADor H:LR T:Hunter's Purse, The
ABC 38 C1:016167517111267 C2:ududduuduuuuddd M:C| K:ADor H:LR T:Hunter's Purse, The
ABC 38 C1:016167517111267 C2:ududduuduuuuddd M:C| K:ADor H:LR T:Hunter's Purse, The
ABC 38 C1:016167517111267 C2:ududduuduuuuddd M:C| K:ADor H:LR T:Hunter's Purse, The
ABC 38 C1:016167517111267 C2:ududduuduuuuddd M:C| K:ADor H:LR T:Hunter's Purse, The
ABC 38 C1:016167517111267 C2:ududduuduuuuddd M:C| K:ADor H:LR T:Hunter's Purse, The
ABC 38 C1:016167517111267 C2:ududduuduuuuddd M:C| K:ADor H:LR T:Hunter's Purse, The
ABC 38 C1:016167517111267 C2:ududduuduuuuddd M:C| K:ADor H:LR T:Hunter's Purse, The
ABC 38 C1:016167517111267 C2:ududduuduuuuddd M:C| K:ADor H:LR T:Hunter's Purse, The
ABC 38 C1:016167517111267 C2:ududduuduuuuddd M:C| K:ADor H:LR T:Hunter's Purse, The
ABC 259 C1:401776110161670 C2:duddduuududdudu M:4/4 K:G H:LS T:The Hunter's Purse
ABC 34 C1:636167067111267 C2:dududduduuuuddd M:C| K:ADor H:EIR T:Hunter's Purse, The
ABC 34 C1:636167067111267 C2:dududduduuuuddd M:C| K:ADor H:EIR T:Hunter's Purse, The
ABC 24 C1:401776110161670 C2:duddduuududdudu M:C| K:G H:EIRS T:Hunter's Purse, The
ABC 1 C1:401776110161670 C2:duddduuududdudu M:C| K:G H:EIRS T:Hunter's Purse, The
ABC 250 C1:636167067111267 C2:dududduduuuuddd M:C| K:ADor H:"EIR T:The Hunter's Purse
ABC 250 C1:636167067111267 C2:dududduduuuuddd M:C| K:ADor H:"EIR T:The Hunter's Purse
ABC 13 C1:016167067111267 C2:ududduduuuudddu M:C| K:Ador H:RZ T:Hunter's Purse, The
ABC 090 C1:401776112761670 C2:duddduuudduddud M:C| K:G H:BLRUZ T:The Hunter's Purse
ABC 75 C1:400076112761675 C2:ddduuuddudduudu M:4/4 K:Ador H:"BLRZ T:the Hunter's Purse
ABC 75 C1:400076112761675 C2:ddduuuddudduudu M:4/4 K:Ador H:"BLRZ T:the Hunter's Purse
ABC 75 C1:400076112761675 C2:ddduuuddudduudu M:4/4 K:Ador H:"BLRZ T:the Hunter's Purse
ABC 75 C1:400076112761675 C2:ddduuuddudduudu M:4/4 K:Ador H:"BLRZ T:the Hunter's Purse
ABC 75 C1:400076112761675 C2:ddduuuddudduudu M:4/4 K:Ador H:"BLRZ T:the Hunter's Purse
ABC 75 C1:400076112761675 C2:ddduuuddudduudu M:4/4 K:Ador H:"BLRZ T:the Hunter's Purse
ABC 75 C1:400076112761675 C2:ddduuuddudduudu M:4/4 K:Ador H:"BLRZ T:the Hunter's Purse
ABC 75 C1:400076112761675 C2:ddduuuddudduudu M:4/4 K:Ador H:"BLRZ T:the Hunter's Purse
ABC 75 C1:400076112761675 C2:ddduuuddudduudu M:4/4 K:Ador H:"BLRZ T:the Hunter's Purse
ABC 75 C1:400076112761675 C2:ddduuuddudduudu M:4/4 K:Ador H:"BLRZ T:the Hunter's Purse
ABC 1 C1:407176110161670 C2:ddudduuududdudu M:4/4 K:Ador H:R T:Hunter's Purse, The
ABC 24 C1:401776110161670 C2:duddduuududdudu M:C| K:G H:EIRS T:Hunter's Purse, The
ABC 24 C1:401776110161670 C2:duddduuududdudu M:C| K:G H:EIRS T:Hunter's Purse, The
ABC 24 C1:401776110161670 C2:duddduuududdudu M:C| K:G H:EIRS T:Hunter's Purse, The
ABC 120 C1:401776110161670 C2:duddduuududdudu M:C| K:G H:EIRS T:Hunter's Purse, The
ABC 24 C1:401776110161670 C2:duddduuududdudu M:C| K:G H:EIRS T:Hunter's Purse, The
ABC 1 C1:401776110017670 C2:duddduuuddduduu M:4/4 K:Ador H:RS T:Hunter's purse
ABC 2 C1:401776110017670 C2:duddduuuddduduu M:4/4 K:Ador H:RSZ T:Hunter's purse
ABC 1 C1:401776110017670 C2:duddduuuddduduu M:4/4 K:Ador H:RS T:Hunter's purse
ABC 170 C1:636167067111267 C2:dududduduuuuddd M:C| K:ADor H:EIR T:Hunter's Purse, The
ABC 34 C1:636167067111267 C2:dududduduuuuddd M:C| K:ADor H:EIR T:Hunter's Purse, The
ABC 34 C1:636167067111267 C2:dududduduuuuddd M:C| K:ADor H:EIR T:Hunter's Purse, The
ABC 34 C1:636167067111267 C2:dududduduuuuddd M:C| K:ADor H:EIR T:Hunter's Purse, The
ABC 34 C1:636167067111267 C2:dududduduuuuddd M:C| K:ADor H:EIR T:Hunter's Purse, The
ABC 34 C1:636167067111267 C2:dududduduuuuddd M:C| K:ADor H:EIR T:Hunter's Purse, The
ABC 34 C1:636167067111267 C2:dududduduuuuddd M:C| K:ADor H:EIR T:Hunter's Purse, The
ABC 34 C1:636167067111267 C2:dududduduuuuddd M:C| K:ADor H:EIR T:Hunter's Purse, The
ABC 1 C1:401776110017670 C2:duddduuuddduduu M:4/4 K:Ador H:RS T:Hunter's purse
ABC 1 C1:401776110017670 C2:duddduuuddduduu M:4/4 K:Ador H:RS T:Hunter's purse
ABC 1 C1:401776110017670 C2:duddduuuddduduu M:4/4 K:Ador H:RS T:Hunter's purse
ABC 38 C1:636167517111267 C2:dududduuduuuudd M:C| K:ADor H:LR T:Hunter's Purse, The
ABC 38 C1:016167517111267 C2:ududduuduuuuddd M:C| K:ADor H:LR T:Hunter's Purse, The
ABC 38 C1:016167517111267 C2:ududduuduuuuddd M:C| K:ADor H:LR T:Hunter's Purse, The
ABC 38 C1:016167517111267 C2:ududduuduuuuddd M:C| K:ADor H:LR T:Hunter's Purse, The
ABC 38 C1:016167517111267 C2:ududduuduuuuddd M:C| K:ADor H:LR T:Hunter's Purse, The
ABC 38 C1:016167517111267 C2:ududduuduuuuddd M:C| K:ADor H:LR T:Hunter's Purse, The
ABC 38 C1:016167517111267 C2:ududduuduuuuddd M:C| K:ADor H:LR T:Hunter's Purse, The
ABC 38 C1:400076110161670 C2:ddduuududduduuu M:C K:A H:LZ T:Hunter's Purse
ABC 38 C1:400076110161670 C2:ddduuududduduuu M:C K:A H:LZ T:Hunter's Purse
ABC 13 C1:016167067111267 C2:ududduduuuudddu M:C| K:Ador H:RZ T:Hunter's Purse, The
ABC 13 C1:016167067111267 C2:ududduduuuudddu M:C| K:Ador H:RZ T:Hunter's Purse, The
ABC 250 C1:636167067111267 C2:dududduduuuuddd M:C| K:ADor H:"EIR T:The Hunter's Purse
ABC 13 C1:016167067111267 C2:ududduduuuudddu M:C| K:Ador H:HRZ T:Hunter's Purse, The
ABC 13 C1:016167067111267 C2:ududduduuuudddu M:C| K:Ador H:HRZ T:Hunter's Purse, The
ABC 11 C1:601776116352672 C2:duddduudududdud M:4/4 K:Dmix H:L T:The Hunter's Purse
ABC 1 C1:601776117261777 C2:duddduudududddu M: K:Ador H:LR T:The Hunter's Purse
ABC 2 C1:400076110161675 C2:ddduuududduuduu M: K:Ador H:LR T:The Hunter's Purse
ABC 3 C1:400076110161670 C2:ddduuududduuudd M: K:Ador H:LR T:The Hunter's Purse
ABC 4 C1:400075740172200 C2:ddudduduuduuddu M: K:Edor H:LR T:The Hunter's Purse
ABC 5 C1:601776116352672 C2:duddduudududdud M: K:Dmix H:LR T:The Hunter's Purse
ABC 6 C1:041776110161670 C2:duddduuududduuu M: K:Ador H:LR T:The Hunter's Purse
ABC 7 C1:041776117261670 C2:duddduudududduu M: K:Ador H:LR T:The Hunter's Purse
ABC 8 C1:400166110161670 C2:dudduuududduuuu M: K:Ador H:LR T:The Hunter's Purse
ABC 45 C1:400076112761675 C2:ddduuuddudduudu M:4/4 K:Ador H:"BLRZ T:the Hunter's Purse
ABC 46 C1:400076112761675 C2:ddduuuddudduudu M:4/4 K:Ador H:"BLRZ T:the Hunter's Purse
ABC 45 C1:400076112761675 C2:ddduuuddudduudu M:4/4 K:Ador H:"BLRZ T:the Hunter's Purse
ABC 46 C1:400076112761675 C2:ddduuuddudduudu M:4/4 K:Ador H:"BLRZ T:the Hunter's Purse
ABC 45 C1:400076112761675 C2:ddduuuddudduudu M:4/4 K:Ador H:"BLRZ T:the Hunter's Purse
ABC 46 C1:400076112761675 C2:ddduuuddudduudu M:4/4 K:Ador H:"BLRZ T:the Hunter's Purse
ABC 91 C1:636167067111267 C2:dududduduuuuddd M:C| K:ADor H:LR T:Hunter's Purse, The
ABC 51 C1:400076112761675 C2:ddduuuddudduudu M:4/4 K:Ador H:"BLRZ T:the Hunter's Purse
ABC 52 C1:400076112761675 C2:ddduuuddudduudu M:4/4 K:Ador H:"BLRZ T:the Hunter's Purse
ABC 259 C1:401776110161670 C2:duddduuududdudu M:4/4 K:G H:LS T:The Hunter's Purse
ABC 1295 C1:401776110161670 C2:duddduuududdudu M:4/4 K:G H:LS T:The Hunter's Purse
ABC 755 C1:400076110161670 C2:ddduuududduduuu M:C K:A H:LZ T:Hunter's Purse
ABC 154 C1:400076110161670 C2:ddduuududduduuu M:C K:A H:LZ T:Hunter's Purse
ABC 154 C1:400076110161670 C2:ddduuududduduuu M:C K:A H:LZ T:Hunter's Purse
ABC 179 C1:016167067111267 C2:ududduduuuudddu M:C| K:Ador H:RZ T:Hunter's Purse
ABC 179 C1:016167067111267 C2:ududduduuuudddu M:C| K:Ador H:RZ T:Hunter's Purse
ABC 090 C1:401776112761670 C2:duddduuudduddud M:C| K:G H:BLRUZ T:The Hunter's Purse
ABC 090 C1:401776112761670 C2:duddduuudduddud M:C| K:G H:BLRUZ T:The Hunter's Purse
ABC 24 C1:401776110161670 C2:duddduuududdudu M:C| K:G H:EIRS T:Hunter's Purse, The
ABC 100 C1:016167067111267 C2:ududduduuuudddu M:C| K:Ador H:DRZ T:Hunter's Purse, The
ABC 34 C1:400076110017670 C2:ddduuuddduduuuu M:4/4 K:Ador H:"HLRZ T:Hunter's Purse, The
ABC 224 C1:401776110017670 C2:duddduuuddduduu M:4/4 K:Ador H:RS T:Hunter's purse
ABC 235 C1:401776110017670 C2:duddduuuddduduu M:4/4 K:Ador H:RS T:Hunter's purse
ABC 13 C1:016167067111267 C2:ududduduuuudddu M:C| K:Ador H:RZ T:Hunter's Purse, The
ABC 13 C1:016167067111267 C2:ududduduuuudddu M:C| K:Ador H:RZ T:Hunter's Purse, The
ABC 13 C1:016167067111267 C2:ududduduuuudddu M:C| K:Ador H:RZ T:Hunter's Purse, The
ABC 24 C1:401776110161670 C2:duddduuududdudu M:C| K:G H:EIRS T:Hunter's Purse, The
ABC 7399 C1:400076110161670 C2:ddduuududduduuu M:C K:A H:LZ T:Hunter's Purse
ABC 7400 C1:407176110161670 C2:ddudduuududdudu M:C| K:G H:LQRZ T:Hunter's Purse
ABC 7401 C1:400076110161670 C2:ddduuududduduuu M:C K:A H:L T:Hunter's Purse
ABC 7402 C1:016167067111267 C2:ududduduuuudddu M:C| K:Ador H:RZ T:Hunter's Purse, The
ABC 7403 C1:636167067111267 C2:dududduduuuuddd M:C| K:ADor H:EIR T:Hunter's Purse, The
ABC 7404 C1:401776110161670 C2:duddduuududdudu M:C| K:G H:EIRS T:Hunter's Purse, The
ABC 7399 C1:400076110161670 C2:ddduuududduduuu M:C K:A H:LZ T:Hunter's Purse
ABC 7400 C1:407176110161670 C2:ddudduuududdudu M:C| K:G H:LQRZ T:Hunter's Purse
ABC 7401 C1:400076110161670 C2:ddduuududduduuu M:C K:A H:L T:Hunter's Purse
ABC 7402 C1:016167067111267 C2:ududduduuuudddu M:C| K:Ador H:RZ T:Hunter's Purse, The
ABC 7403 C1:636167067111267 C2:dududduduuuuddd M:C| K:ADor H:EIR T:Hunter's Purse, The
ABC 7404 C1:401776110161670 C2:duddduuududdudu M:C| K:G H:EIRS T:Hunter's Purse, The
ABC 2735 C1:401776110161670 C2:duddduuududdudu M:C| K:G H:EIORS T:Hunter's Purse, The
ABC 2735 C1:401776110161670 C2:duddduuududdudu M:C| K:G H:EIORS T:Hunter's Purse, The
ABC 13 C1:016167067111267 C2:ududduduuuudddu M:C| K:Ador H:RZ T:Hunter's Purse, The
ABC 13 C1:016167067111267 C2:ududduduuuudddu M:C| K:Ador H:RZ T:Hunter's Purse, The
ABC 5884 C1:016167067111267 C2:ududduduuuudddu M:C| K:Ador H:RZ T:Hunter's Purse, The
ABC 5885 C1:401776110161670 C2:duddduuududdudu M:C| K:G H:EIRS T:Hunter's Purse, The
ABC 5884 C1:016167067111267 C2:ududduduuuudddu M:C| K:Ador H:RZ T:Hunter's Purse, The
ABC 5885 C1:401776110161670 C2:duddduuududdudu M:C| K:G H:EIRS T:Hunter's Purse, The
ABC 5884 C1:016167067111267 C2:ududduduuuudddu M:C| K:Ador H:RZ T:Hunter's Purse, The
ABC 5885 C1:401776110161670 C2:duddduuududdudu M:C| K:G H:EIRS T:Hunter's Purse, The
ABC 1111 C1:400076110161670 C2:ddduuududduduuu M:C K:A H:LOZ T:Hunter's Purse
ABC 13 C1:016167067111267 C2:ududduduuuudddu M:C| K:Ador H:RZ T:Hunter's Purse, The
ABC 13 C1:016167067111267 C2:ududduduuuudddu M:C| K:Ador H:RZ T:Hunter's Purse, The
ABC 1104 C1:401776110161670 C2:duddduuududdudu M:4/4 K:Ador H:"LRS T:The Hunter's Purse (A48)
ABC 1104 C1:401776110161670 C2:duddduuududdudu M:4/4 K:Ador H:"LRS T:The Hunter's Purse (A48)
ABC 1104 C1:401776110161670 C2:duddduuududdudu M:4/4 K:Ador H:"LRS T:The Hunter's Purse (A48)
ABC 1 C1:401776110017670 C2:duddduuuddduduu M:4/4 K:A H:"CDLOQRSZ T:Hunter's Purse (A dorian)
ABC 181119 C1:407176110161670 C2:ddudduuududdudu M:C K:G H:CLQR T:HUNTER'S PURSE (reel), The
ABC 181119 C1:407176110161670 C2:ddudduuududdudu M:C K:G H:CLQR T:HUNTER'S PURSE (reel), The
ABC 181119 C1:407176110161670 C2:ddudduuududdudu M:C K:G H:CLQR T:HUNTER'S PURSE (reel), The
ABC 44 C1:772706037711111 C2:dduddudduuuuuuu M:4/4 K:G H:"CLQR T:Hunter's River
ABC 43 C1:772706037773111 C2:ddudduddduuuuuu M:4/4 K:D H:"BORSZw T:Hunter's River Schottische
ABC 41147 C1:277277611056503 C2:udduddduuudduuu M:6/8 K:D H:LQR T:HUNTER'S ROAD, The
ABC 1 C1:277277611056503 C2:udduddduuudduuu M:6/8 K:D H:DLRZ T:Hunter's Road
ABC 1 C1:277277611056503 C2:udduddduuudduuu M:6/8 K:D H:DLRZ T:Hunter's Road
ABC 1 C1:277277611056503 C2:udduddduuudduuu M:6/8 K:D H:DLRZ T:Hunter's Road
ABC 1 C1:277277611056503 C2:udduddduuudduuu M:6/8 K:D H:DLRZ T:Hunter's Road
ABC 1 C1:277277611056503 C2:udduddduuudduuu M:6/8 K:D H:DLRZ T:Hunter's Road
ABC 1 C1:277277611056503 C2:udduddduuudduuu M:6/8 K:D H:DLRZ T:Hunter's Road
ABC 1 C1:277277611056503 C2:udduddduuudduuu M:6/8 K:D H:DLRZ T:Hunter's Road
ABC 125 C1:611056503116712 C2:duuudduuudduudd M:6/8 K:D H:LRSZ T:Hunter's Road
ABC 41147 C1:277277611056503 C2:udduddduuudduuu M:6/8 K:D H:LQR T:HUNTER'S ROAD, The
ABC 41147 C1:277277611056503 C2:udduddduuudduuu M:6/8 K:D H:LQR T:HUNTER'S ROAD, The
ABC 1730 C1:277277611236503 C2:udduddduuuudduu M:6/8 K:D H:CDLRZ T:Hunter's Road
ABC 346 C1:277277611236503 C2:udduddduuuudduu M:6/8 K:D H:CDLRZ T:Hunter's Road
ABC 32691 C1:040017070002010 C2:uudduuuududdddu M:3/4 K:Bb H:BFLRZ T:THE HUNTER'S VALSE
ABC 32691 C1:040017070002010 C2:uudduuuududdddu M:3/4 K:Bb H:BFLRZ T:THE HUNTER'S VALSE
ABC 32691 C1:040017070002010 C2:uudduuuududdddu M:3/4 K:Bb H:BFLRZ T:THE HUNTER'S VALSE
ABC 32691 C1:040017070002010 C2:uudduuuududdddu M:3/4 K:Bb H:BFLRZ T:THE HUNTER'S VALSE
ABC 32691 C1:040017070002010 C2:uudduuuududdddu M:3/4 K:Bb H:BFLRZ T:THE HUNTER'S VALSE
ABC 32691 C1:040017070002010 C2:uudduuuududdddu M:3/4 K:Bb H:BFLRZ T:THE HUNTER'S VALSE
ABC 5 C1:751263761207100 C2:dduuududduuuddu M:3/4 K:C H:LS T:Huntes Upp
ABC 1 C1:776611512517124 C2:uddduuduududuud M: K:Dmaj H:LR T:Hunt For Wild Flora
ABC 2 C1:251712471123727 C2:ududuudduuuudud M: K:Dmaj H:LR T:Hunt For Wild Flora
ABC 3 C1:776611512517124 C2:uddduuduududuud M: K:Dmaj H:LR T:Hunt For Wild Flora
ABC 4 C1:776611512517124 C2:uddduuduududuud M: K:Gmaj H:LR T:Hunt For Wild Flora
ABC 1 C1:776611512517124 C2:uddduuduududuud M:4/4 K:D H:LR T:Hunt For Wild Flora
ABC 1 C1:776611512517124 C2:uddduuduududuud M:4/4 K:Gmaj H:LR T:Hunt For Wild Flora
ABC 532053 C1:116176760063671 C2:uududddududdudu M:C| K:G H:BCLQR T:HUNT (hornpipe), The
ABC 22080 C1:116176767161775 C2:uududddudududdd M:C| K:G H:BCLQR T:HUNT (hornpipe), The
ABC 532053 C1:116176760063671 C2:uududddududdudu M:C| K:G H:BCLQR T:HUNT (hornpipe), The
ABC 532053 C1:116176760063671 C2:uududddududdudu M:C| K:G H:BCLQR T:HUNT (hornpipe), The
ABC 22080 C1:116176767161775 C2:uududddudududdd M:C| K:G H:BCLQR T:HUNT (hornpipe), The
ABC 22080 C1:116176767161775 C2:uududddudududdd M:C| K:G H:BCLQR T:HUNT (hornpipe), The
ABC 1 C1:000716117177060 C2:duduududddududu M:C K:E H:"LSZ T:Huntin� for the Buffalo
ABC 202 C1:002110600055356 C2:uudududdudududd M:2/4 K:D H:CLOQRSZw T:Hunting Chorus, The TS.202
ABC 202 C1:002110600055356 C2:uudududdudududd M:2/4 K:D H:ABLOQRSZw T:Hunting Chorus, The TS.202
ABC 3928 C1:002110600055356 C2:uudududdudududd M:2/4 K:D H:CFLOQRSZw T:Hunting Chorus, The TS.202
ABC 3929 C1:002110600055356 C2:uudududdudududd M:2/4 K:D H:CFLOQRSZw T:Hunting Chorus, The TS.202
ABC 3930 C1:002110600055356 C2:uudududdudududd M:2/4 K:D H:CFLOQRSZw T:Hunting Chorus, The TS.202
ABC 3946 C1:002110600055356 C2:uudududdudududd M:2/4 K:D H:CFLOQRSZw T:Hunting Chorus, The TS.202
ABC 3947 C1:002110600055356 C2:uudududdudududd M:2/4 K:D H:CFLOQRSZw T:Hunting Chorus, The TS.202
ABC 3948 C1:002110600055356 C2:uudududdudududd M:2/4 K:D H:CFLOQRSZw T:Hunting Chorus, The TS.202
ABC 3929 C1:002110600055356 C2:uudududdudududd M:2/4 K:D H:CFLOQRSZw T:Hunting Chorus, The TS.202
ABC 3930 C1:002110600055356 C2:uudududdudududd M:2/4 K:D H:CFLOQRSZw T:Hunting Chorus, The TS.202
ABC 3946 C1:002110600055356 C2:uudududdudududd M:2/4 K:D H:CFLOQRSZw T:Hunting Chorus, The TS.202
ABC 3947 C1:002110600055356 C2:uudududdudududd M:2/4 K:D H:CFLOQRSZw T:Hunting Chorus, The TS.202
ABC 3948 C1:002110600055356 C2:uudududdudududd M:2/4 K:D H:CFLOQRSZw T:Hunting Chorus, The TS.202
ABC 3928 C1:002110600055356 C2:uudududdudududd M:2/4 K:D H:CFLOQRSZw T:Hunting Chorus, The TS.202
ABC 202 C1:002110600055356 C2:uudududdudududd M:2/4 K:D H:ABLOQRSZw T:Hunting Chorus, The TS.202
ABC 202 C1:002110600055356 C2:uudududdudududd M:2/4 K:D H:BCLOQRZw T:Hunting Chorus. TS.202, The
ABC 202 C1:002110600055356 C2:uudududdudududd M:2/4 K:D H:BCLOQRZw T:Hunting Chorus. TS.202, The
ABC 1772 C1:050713531441062 C2:dduuduuduududdu M:6/8 K:C H:BFLV T:HUNTING DUET
ABC 1772 C1:050713531441062 C2:dduuduuduududdu M:6/8 K:C H:BFLV T:HUNTING DUET
ABC 1772 C1:050713531441062 C2:dduuduuduududdu M:6/8 K:C H:BFLV T:HUNTING DUET
ABC 1772 C1:050713531441062 C2:dduuduuduududdu M:6/8 K:C H:BFLV T:HUNTING DUET
ABC 1 C1: C2: M: K:C H:LQZ T:hunting high and low ver3 (4:10)
ABC 1 C1:323323302200100 C2:uuduuduuuuddddu M:6/8 K:C H:"CLR T:The Hunting Horn
ABC 1 C1:323323302200100 C2:uuduuduuuuddddu M:6/8 K:C H:"CLR T:The Hunting Horn
ABC 0 C1: C2: M:6/8 K: H:CLRZ T:Hunting Horn
ABC 0 C1: C2: M:6/8 K: H:CLRZ T:Hunting Horn
ABC 1 C1: C2: M:3/4 K:F H:BLOZ T:Hunting of Arscott of Tetcott, The
ABC 110 C1:171711600054172 C2:ududuudduududuu M:6/8 K:D H:ABLQRZ T:Hunting Piece. RHu.110
ABC 110 C1:171711600054172 C2:ududuudduududuu M:6/8 K:D H:ABLQRZ T:Hunting Piece. RHu.110
ABC 110 C1:171711600054172 C2:ududuudduududuu M:6/8 K:D H:ALQRSZ T:Hunting Piece. RHu.110
ABC 110 C1:171711600054172 C2:ududuudduududuu M:6/8 K:D H:ABLQRSZ T:Hunting Piece. RHu.110
ABC 3931 C1:171711600054172 C2:ududuudduududuu M:6/8 K:D H:AFLQRSZ T:Hunting Piece. RHu.110
ABC 3931 C1:171711600054172 C2:ududuudduududuu M:6/8 K:D H:AFLQRSZ T:Hunting Piece. RHu.110
ABC 110 C1:171711600054172 C2:ududuudduududuu M:6/8 K:D H:ABLQRSZ T:Hunting Piece. RHu.110
ABC 1 C1:030002010707070 C2:uuudddduuuduudd M:2/2 K:G H:BFLSw T:The Hunting Priest
ABC 1 C1:030002010707070 C2:uuudddduuuduudd M:2/2 K:G H:BFLSWw T:The Hunting Priest
ABC 1 C1:030002010707070 C2:uuudddduuuduudd M:2/2 K:G H:BFLSw T:The Hunting Priest
ABC 1 C1:500003705007111 C2:udduduuuuduuddd M:4/4 K:C H:L T:The Hunting Song
ABC 1 C1:500003705007111 C2:udduduuuuduuddd M:4/4 K:C H:L T:The Hunting Song
ABC 1 C1:500003705007111 C2:udduduuuuduuddd M:4/4 K:C H:L T:The Hunting Song
ABC 140 C1:000553000000657 C2:duuddududududuu M:3/8 K:D H:ABLOQZ T:Hunting Song. EHo.140
ABC 55 C1:577111117072777 C2:ddduuuuudduuddd M:9/8 K:D H:BCLQWZ T:Hunting Song. SenH.055, A
ABC 23 C1:640012000062660 C2:duuuuduudddddud M:6/8 K:F H:BFLQZ T:Hunting Song. Ya.23, A
ABC 23 C1:640012000062660 C2:duuuuduudddddud M:6/8 K:F H:BFLQZ T:Hunting Song. Ya.23, A
ABC 57 C1:006006110077110 C2:dduudduudduuddd M:6/8 K:A H:LOQRSZ T:Hunting Squeril (sic). VWMLa.057
ABC 57 C1:006006110077110 C2:dduudduudduuddd M:6/8 K:A H:ABLQRZ T:Hunting Squeril (sic). VWMLa.057
ABC 57 C1:006006110077110 C2:dduudduudduuddd M:6/8 K:A H:ABLQRZ T:Hunting Squeril (sic). VWMLa.057
ABC 57 C1:006006110077110 C2:dduudduudduuddd M:6/8 K:A H:ABLOQRSZ T:Hunting Squeril (sic). VWMLa.057
ABC 57 C1:006006110077110 C2:dduudduudduuddd M:6/8 K:A H:ABLOQRSZ T:Hunting Squeril (sic). VWMLa.057
ABC 17 C1:000077117777070 C2:dduudddddudduud M:2/2 K:A H:"L T:Hunting the Buffalo
ABC 1 C1:000077117777070 C2:dduudddddudduud M:4/4 K:A H:"R T:Hunting the Buffalo
ABC 1 C1:000077117777070 C2:dduudddddudduud M:4/4 K:A H:"R T:Hunting the Buffalo
ABC 1 C1:000077117777070 C2:dduudddddudduud M:4/4 K:A H:"R T:Hunting the Buffalo
ABC 1 C1:000077117777070 C2:dduudddddudduud M:C| K:G H:"LR T:Hunting the Buffalo
ABC 17 C1:000077117777070 C2:dduudddddudduud M:2/2 K:A H:"L T:Hunting the Buffalo
ABC 138 C1:000077117777070 C2:dduudddddudduud M:C| K:G H:"LR T:Hunting the Buffalo
ABC 138 C1:000077117777070 C2:dduudddddudduud M:C| K:G H:"LR T:Hunting the Buffalo
ABC 16 C1:000077117777070 C2:dduudddddudduud M:2/2 K:A H:"L T:Hunting the Buffalo
ABC 17 C1:000077117777070 C2:dduudddddudduud M:2/2 K:A H:"L T:Hunting the Buffalo
ABC 32 C1:000077117777070 C2:dduudddddudduud M:2/2 K:A H:"L T:Hunting the Buffalo
ABC 26 C1:000077117777070 C2:dduudddddudduud M:4/4 K:A H:"R T:Hunting the Buffalo
ABC 27 C1:000077117777070 C2:dduudddddudduud M:4/4 K:G H:"R T:Hunting the Buffalo
ABC 20 C1:000077117777070 C2:dduudddddudduud M:2/2 K:A H:"L T:Hunting the Buffalo
ABC 148 C1:000077117777070 C2:dduudddddudduud M:C| K:G H:"LR T:Hunting the Buffalo
ABC 149 C1:000077117777070 C2:dduudddddudduud M:4/4 K:A H:"R T:Hunting the Buffalo
ABC 374 C1:223676772236762 C2:uuuddddduuudddu M:C| K:A H:"C T:Hunting the Goose
ABC 374 C1:223676772236762 C2:uuuddddduuudddu M:C| K:A H:"C T:Hunting the Goose
ABC 374 C1:223676772236762 C2:uuuddddduuudddu M:C| K:A H:"C T:Hunting the Goose
ABC 374 C1:223676772236762 C2:uuuddddduuudddu M:C| K:A H:"C T:Hunting the Goose
ABC 374 C1:223676772236761 C2:uuuddddduuudddu M:C| K:A H:"C T:Hunting the Goose
ABC 1 C1: C2: M:6/8 K:D H:BLRZ T:Hunting the Hare [1]
ABC 1 C1: C2: M:6/8 K:D H:LRSZ T:Hunting the Hare [1]
ABC 496024 C1:020173051111077 C2:uududuuuudddddu M:9/8 K:D H:BLQRZ T:HUNTING THE HARE
ABC 1 C1:111077776020173 C2:uuuddddduududuu M:9/8 K:D H:RZ T:Hunting the Hare
ABC 8009 C1:020173051111077 C2:uududuuuudddddu M:9/8 K:D H:"CLOQR T:Hunting the Hare
ABC 1 C1:603053305111107 C2:duduuduuuuddddd M:9/8 K:Gmaj H:BCLOQRZ T:Hunting the Hare
ABC 46030 C1:111771012111271 C2:uuudduduuuuudud M:6/8 K:D H:BCLQR T:HUNTING THE HARE
ABC 1 C1:110103777711101 C2:uuuudddduuuduuu M:2/4 K:D H:LOR T:Hunting the Hare
ABC 1206 C1:020173051111077 C2:uududuuuudddddu M:9/8 K:D H:BRZ T:Hunting the Hare
ABC 1206 C1:020173051111077 C2:uududuuuudddddu M:9/8 K:D H:BRZ T:Hunting the Hare
ABC 1206 C1:020173051111077 C2:uududuuuudddddu M:9/8 K:D H:BRZ T:Hunting the Hare
ABC 1206 C1:020173051111077 C2:uududuuuudddddu M:9/8 K:D H:BRZ T:Hunting the Hare
ABC 1153 C1:020173051111077 C2:uududuuuudddddu M:9/8 K:D H:BRZ T:Hunting the Hare.
ABC 1 C1:111000102010101 C2:uuuduuuuuddddud M:6/8 K:D H:CLQR T:Hunting the Hare
ABC 1 C1:111000102010101 C2:uuuduuuuuddddud M:6/8 K:D H:CLQR T:Hunting the Hare
ABC 1153 C1:020173051111077 C2:uududuuuudddddu M:9/8 K:D H:BRZbs T:Hunting the Hare.
ABC 1153 C1:020173051111077 C2:uududuuuudddddu M:9/8 K:D H:BRZbs T:Hunting the Hare.
ABC 1153 C1:020173051111077 C2:uududuuuudddddu M:9/8 K:D H:BRZbs T:Hunting the Hare.
ABC 1153 C1:020173051111077 C2:uududuuuudddddu M:9/8 K:D H:BRZbs T:Hunting the Hare.
ABC 1 C1:010211010377770 C2:duuuuudddduduuu M:4/4 K:D H:LS T:Hunting the Hare
ABC 066 C1:037761110102110 C2:uddduuuduuuuudu M:4/4 K:G H:L T:Hunting the Hare
ABC 1153 C1:020173051111077 C2:uududuuuudddddu M:9/8 K:D H:BRZbs T:Hunting the Hare.
ABC 1153 C1:020173051111077 C2:uududuuuudddddu M:9/8 K:D H:BRZbs T:Hunting the Hare.
ABC 1153 C1:020173051111077 C2:uududuuuudddddu M:9/8 K:D H:BRZbs T:Hunting the Hare.
ABC 1153 C1:020173051111077 C2:uududuuuudddddu M:9/8 K:D H:BRZbs T:Hunting the Hare.
ABC 1 C1:020173051111077 C2:uududuuuudddddu M:9/8 K:D H:BCLORZ T:Hunting the hare
ABC 870 C1:020173051111077 C2:uududuuuudddddu M:9/8 K:D H:"BLORSZ T:Hunting the hare
ABC 870 C1:020173051111077 C2:uududuuuudddddu M:9/8 K:D H:"BLORSZ T:Hunting the hare
ABC 870 C1:020173051111077 C2:uududuuuudddddu M:9/8 K:D H:"BLORSZ T:Hunting the hare
ABC 870 C1:020173051111077 C2:uududuuuudddddu M:9/8 K:D H:"BLORSZ T:Hunting the hare
ABC 1 C1:223761676225000 C2:uuudduddduudduu M:2/4 K:D H:"LRZ T:Hunting the Hare
ABC 1 C1:223761676225000 C2:uuudduddduudduu M:2/4 K:D H:"LRZ T:Hunting the Hare
ABC 1 C1:223761676225000 C2:uuudduddduudduu M:2/4 K:D H:"LRZ T:Hunting the Hare
ABC 1 C1:223761676225000 C2:uuudduddduudduu M:2/4 K:D H:"LRZ T:Hunting the Hare
ABC 1 C1:223761676225000 C2:uuudduddduudduu M:2/4 K:D H:"LRZ T:Hunting the Hare
ABC 1 C1:223761676225000 C2:uuudduddduudduu M:2/4 K:D H:"LRZ T:Hunting the Hare
ABC 1 C1:223761676225000 C2:uuudduddduudduu M:2/4 K:D H:"LRZ T:Hunting the Hare
ABC 1 C1:223761676225000 C2:uuudduddduudduu M:2/4 K:D H:"LRZ T:Hunting the Hare
ABC 1 C1:223761676225000 C2:uuudduddduudduu M:2/4 K:D H:"LRZ T:Hunting the Hare
ABC 1 C1:223761676225000 C2:uuudduddduudduu M:2/4 K:D H:"LRZ T:Hunting the Hare
ABC 1 C1:223761676225000 C2:uuudduddduudduu M:2/4 K:D H:"LRZ T:Hunting the Hare
ABC 16 C1:223761676225000 C2:uuudduddduudduu M:2/4 K:D H:"LRZ T:Hunting the Hare
ABC 433 C1:020173051111077 C2:uududuuuudddddu M:9/8 K:D H:BLORZ T:Hunting The Hare
ABC 433 C1:020173051111077 C2:uududuuuudddddu M:9/8 K:D H:BLORZ T:Hunting The Hare
ABC 3241 C1:012111377773012 C2:duuuuudddduduuu M:6/8 K:D H:BLZ T:HUNTING THE HARE
ABC 3241 C1:012111377773012 C2:duuuuudddduduuu M:6/8 K:D H:BLZ T:HUNTING THE HARE
ABC 112 C1:010211010377770 C2:duuuuudddduduuu M:4/4 K:D H:FLORS T:Hunting the Hare
ABC 433 C1:702017305111107 C2:duududuuuuddddd M:9/8 K:D H:BFLRZbs T:Hunting the Hare
ABC 433 C1:702017305111107 C2:duududuuuuddddd M:9/8 K:D H:BFLRZbs T:Hunting the Hare
ABC 433 C1:702017305111107 C2:duududuuuuddddd M:9/8 K:D H:BFLRZbs T:Hunting the Hare
ABC 433 C1:702017305111107 C2:duududuuuuddddd M:9/8 K:D H:BFLRZbs T:Hunting the Hare
ABC 25 C1:021771012111271 C2:uudduduuuuuduud M:6/8 K:C H:ACHLQRSZ T:Hunting the Hare
ABC 25 C1:021771012111271 C2:uudduduuuuuduud M:6/8 K:C H:ACHLQRSZ T:Hunting the Hare
ABC 25 C1:021771012111271 C2:uudduduuuuuduud M:6/8 K:C H:ACHLQRSZ T:Hunting the Hare
ABC 322 C1:012111036711012 C2:duuuuudduuduuuu M:6/8 K:C H:"CHLQS T:Hunting the Hare
ABC 317 C1:012111036711012 C2:duuuuudduuduuuu M:6/8 K:C H:"CHLQS T:Hunting the Hare
ABC 433 C1:020173051111077 C2:uududuuuudddddu M:9/8 K:D H:BCFLORWZ T:Hunting the hare
ABC 1 C1:111077776020173 C2:uuuddddduududuu M:9/8 K:D H:"L T:Hunting the hare
ABC 332 C1:012771771663012 C2:duddudduddududd M:6/8 K:D H:BFLZ T:Hunting the Hare
ABC 20492 C1:012111111771012 C2:duuuuuuudduduuu M:6/8 K:D H:BLOQSZ T:HUNTING THE HARE
ABC 20492 C1:012111111771012 C2:duuuuuuudduduuu M:6/8 K:D H:BLOQSZ T:HUNTING THE HARE
ABC 10 C1:020173051111077 C2:uududuuuudddddu M:9/8 K:D H:"LORS T:Hunting the Hare
ABC 37 C1:010211010377770 C2:duuuuudddduduuu M:4/4 K:D H:LRS T:Hunting the Hare
ABC 37 C1:010211010377770 C2:duuuuudddduduuu M:4/4 K:D H:LRS T:Hunting the Hare
ABC 1153 C1:020173051111077 C2:uududuuuudddddu M:9/8 K:D H:BRZ T:Hunting the Hare.
ABC 26 C1:010211010377770 C2:duuuuudddduduuu M:4/4 K:D H:LRS T:Hunting the Hare
ABC 1 C1: C2: M:6/8 K:C H:BLOQRZ T:Hunting the Hare
ABC 29 C1:111077776020173 C2:uuuddddduududuu M:9/8 K:D H:RZ T:Hunting the Hare
ABC 29 C1:111077776020173 C2:uuuddddduududuu M:9/8 K:D H:RZ T:Hunting the Hare
ABC 496024 C1:020173051111077 C2:uududuuuudddddu M:9/8 K:D H:BLQRZ T:HUNTING THE HARE
ABC 496024 C1:020173051111077 C2:uududuuuudddddu M:9/8 K:D H:BLQRZ T:HUNTING THE HARE
ABC 332 C1:012771771663012 C2:duddudduddududd M:6/8 K:D H:BFLZ T:Hunting the Hare
ABC 332 C1:012771771663012 C2:duddudduddududd M:6/8 K:D H:BFLZ T:Hunting the Hare
ABC 332 C1:012771771663012 C2:duddudduddududd M:6/8 K:D H:BFLZ T:Hunting the Hare
ABC 332 C1:012771771663012 C2:duddudduddududd M:6/8 K:D H:BFLZ T:Hunting the Hare
ABC 332 C1:012771771663012 C2:duddudduddududd M:6/8 K:D H:BFLZ T:Hunting the Hare
ABC 204 C1:037761110102110 C2:uddduuuduuuuudu M:4/4 K:G H:L T:Hunting the Hare
ABC 204 C1:037761110102110 C2:uddduuuduuuuudu M:4/4 K:G H:L T:Hunting the Hare
ABC 85 C1:010211010377770 C2:duuuuudddduduuu M:4/4 K:D H:LS T:Hunting the Hare
ABC 1 C1:602017305111170 C2:duududuuuuddddd M:9/8 K:Dmaj H:LR T:Hunting The Hare
ABC 25 C1:021771012111271 C2:uudduduuuuuduud M:6/8 K:C H:ACHLQRSZ T:Hunting the Hare
ABC 25 C1:021771012111271 C2:uudduduuuuuduud M:6/8 K:C H:ACHLQRSZ T:Hunting the Hare
ABC 1 C1:602017305111170 C2:duududuuuuddddd M:9/8 K:Dmaj H:LR T:Hunting The Hare
ABC 1 C1:602017305111170 C2:duududuuuuddddd M:9/8 K:Dmaj H:LR T:Hunting The Hare
ABC 1 C1:602017305111170 C2:duududuuuuddddd M:9/8 K:Dmaj H:LR T:Hunting The Hare
ABC 29 C1:111077776020173 C2:uuuddddduududuu M:9/8 K:D H:RZ T:Hunting the Hare
ABC 29 C1:111077776020173 C2:uuuddddduududuu M:9/8 K:D H:RZ T:Hunting the Hare
ABC 1 C1:602017305111170 C2:duududuuuuddddd M:9/8 K:Dmaj H:LR T:Hunting The Hare
ABC 1 C1:602017305111170 C2:duududuuuuddddd M:9/8 K:Dmaj H:LR T:Hunting The Hare
ABC 46030 C1:111771012111271 C2:uuudduduuuuudud M:6/8 K:D H:BCLQR T:HUNTING THE HARE
ABC 46030 C1:111771012111271 C2:uuudduduuuuudud M:6/8 K:D H:BCLQR T:HUNTING THE HARE
ABC 1 C1:036711012111361 C2:udduuduuuuududu M: K:Dmaj H:LR T:Hunting The Hare
ABC 2 C1:012111377773012 C2:duuuuudddduduuu M: K:Dmaj H:LR T:Hunting The Hare
ABC 3 C1:012111036711012 C2:duuuuudduuduuuu M: K:Gmaj H:LR T:Hunting The Hare
ABC 4 C1:012111111771012 C2:duuuuuuudduduuu M: K:Dmaj H:LR T:Hunting The Hare
ABC 5 C1:012111111771012 C2:duuuuuuudduduuu M:6/8 K:DMaj H:LRS T:Hunting the Hare
ABC 1 C1:602017305111107 C2:duududuuuuddddd M: K:Dmaj H:LR T:Hunting The Hare
ABC 2 C1:111077776020623 C2:uuuddddduduuduu M: K:Dmaj H:LR T:Hunting The Hare
ABC 3 C1:111077776020623 C2:uuuddddduduuduu M: K:Dmaj H:LR T:Hunting The Hare
ABC 4 C1:020623051111077 C2:uduuduuuudddddu M: K:Dmaj H:LR T:Hunting The Hare
ABC 52 C1:603053305111107 C2:duduuduuuuddddd M:9/8 K:Gmaj H:BCLOQRZ T:Hunting the Hare
ABC 204 C1:037761110102110 C2:uddduuuduuuuudu M:4/4 K:G H:L T:Hunting the Hare
ABC 204 C1:037761110102110 C2:uddduuuduuuuudu M:4/4 K:G H:L T:Hunting the Hare
ABC 204 C1:037761110102110 C2:uddduuuduuuuudu M:4/4 K:G H:L T:Hunting the Hare
ABC 204 C1:037761110102110 C2:uddduuuduuuuudu M:4/4 K:G H:L T:Hunting the Hare
ABC 066 C1:037761110102110 C2:uddduuuduuuuudu M:4/4 K:G H:L T:Hunting the Hare
ABC 140 C1:603053305111107 C2:duduuduuuuddddd M:9/8 K:Gmaj H:BCLOQRZ T:Hunting the Hare
ABC 399 C1:602017305111170 C2:duududuuuuddddd M:9/8 K:Dmaj H:LR T:Hunting The Hare
ABC 143 C1:603053305111107 C2:duduuduuuuddddd M:9/8 K:Gmaj H:BCLOQRZ T:Hunting the Hare
ABC 143 C1:603053305111107 C2:duduuduuuuddddd M:9/8 K:Gmaj H:BCLOQRZ T:Hunting the Hare
ABC 6474 C1:010211010377770 C2:duuuuudddduduuu M:4/4 K:D H:LS T:Hunting the Hare
ABC 7254 C1:110103777711101 C2:uuuudddduuuduuu M:2/4 K:D H:LOR T:Hunting the Hare
ABC 6474 C1:010211010377770 C2:duuuuudddduduuu M:4/4 K:D H:LS T:Hunting the Hare
ABC 7254 C1:110103777711101 C2:uuuudddduuuduuu M:2/4 K:D H:LOR T:Hunting the Hare
ABC 29 C1:111077776020173 C2:uuuddddduududuu M:9/8 K:D H:RZ T:Hunting the Hare
ABC 29 C1:111077776020173 C2:uuuddddduududuu M:9/8 K:D H:RZ T:Hunting the Hare
ABC 3241 C1:012111377773012 C2:duuuuudddduduuu M:6/8 K:D H:BLZ T:HUNTING THE HARE
ABC 3241 C1:012111377773012 C2:duuuuudddduduuu M:6/8 K:D H:BLZ T:HUNTING THE HARE
ABC 3241 C1:012111377773012 C2:duuuuudddduduuu M:6/8 K:D H:BLZ T:HUNTING THE HARE
ABC 3241 C1:012111377773012 C2:duuuuudddduduuu M:6/8 K:D H:BLZ T:HUNTING THE HARE
ABC 3241 C1:012111377773012 C2:duuuuudddduduuu M:6/8 K:D H:BLZ T:HUNTING THE HARE
ABC 3241 C1:012111377773012 C2:duuuuudddduduuu M:6/8 K:D H:BLZ T:HUNTING THE HARE
ABC 3241 C1:012111377773012 C2:duuuuudddduduuu M:6/8 K:D H:BLZ T:HUNTING THE HARE
ABC 3241 C1:012111377773012 C2:duuuuudddduduuu M:6/8 K:D H:BLZ T:HUNTING THE HARE
ABC 1153 C1:020173051111077 C2:uududuuuudddddu M:9/8 K:D H:BRZ T:Hunting the Hare.
ABC 29 C1:111077776020173 C2:uuuddddduududuu M:9/8 K:D H:RZ T:Hunting the Hare
ABC 433 C1:020173051111077 C2:uududuuuudddddu M:9/8 K:D H:BCFLORWZ T:Hunting the hare
ABC 7407 C1:111077776020173 C2:uuuddddduududuu M:9/8 K:D H:RZ T:Hunting the Hare
ABC 7408 C1:110103777711101 C2:uuuudddduuuduuu M:2/4 K:D H:LOR T:Hunting the hare
ABC 7409 C1:010211010377770 C2:duuuuudddduduuu M:4/4 K:D H:LS T:Hunting the Hare
ABC 7407 C1:111077776020173 C2:uuuddddduududuu M:9/8 K:D H:RZ T:Hunting the Hare
ABC 7408 C1:110103777711101 C2:uuuudddduuuduuu M:2/4 K:D H:LOR T:Hunting the hare
ABC 7409 C1:010211010377770 C2:duuuuudddduduuu M:4/4 K:D H:LS T:Hunting the Hare
ABC 2737 C1:010211010377770 C2:duuuuudddduduuu M:4/4 K:D H:LOS T:Hunting the Hare
ABC 2737 C1:010211010377770 C2:duuuuudddduduuu M:4/4 K:D H:LOS T:Hunting the Hare
ABC 8009 C1:020173051111077 C2:uududuuuudddddu M:9/8 K:D H:"CLOQRZ T:Hunting the Hare
ABC 202 C1:012111036711012 C2:duuuuudduuduuuu M:6/8 K:C H:"CHLQS T:Hunting the Hare
ABC 29 C1:111077776020173 C2:uuuddddduududuu M:9/8 K:D H:RZ T:Hunting the Hare
ABC 29 C1:111077776020173 C2:uuuddddduududuu M:9/8 K:D H:RZ T:Hunting the Hare
ABC 20492 C1:012111111771012 C2:duuuuuuudduduuu M:6/8 K:D H:BLOQSZ T:HUNTING THE HARE
ABC 20492 C1:012111111771012 C2:duuuuuuudduduuu M:6/8 K:D H:BLOQSZ T:HUNTING THE HARE
ABC 20492 C1:012111111771012 C2:duuuuuuudduduuu M:6/8 K:D H:BLOQSZ T:HUNTING THE HARE
ABC 20492 C1:012111111771012 C2:duuuuuuudduduuu M:6/8 K:D H:BLOQSZ T:HUNTING THE HARE
ABC 20492 C1:012111111771012 C2:duuuuuuudduduuu M:6/8 K:D H:BLOQSZ T:HUNTING THE HARE
ABC 20492 C1:012111111771012 C2:duuuuuuudduduuu M:6/8 K:D H:BLOQSZ T:HUNTING THE HARE
ABC 20492 C1:012111111771012 C2:duuuuuuudduduuu M:6/8 K:D H:BLOQSZ T:HUNTING THE HARE
ABC 20492 C1:012111111771012 C2:duuuuuuudduduuu M:6/8 K:D H:BLOQSZ T:HUNTING THE HARE
ABC 20492 C1:012111111771012 C2:duuuuuuudduduuu M:6/8 K:D H:BLOQSZ T:HUNTING THE HARE
ABC 870 C1:020173051111077 C2:uududuuuudddddu M:9/8 K:D H:"BLORSZ T:Hunting the hare
ABC 433 C1:020173051111077 C2:uududuuuudddddu M:9/8 K:D H:BLORZ T:Hunting The Hare
ABC 433 C1:020173051111077 C2:uududuuuudddddu M:9/8 K:D H:BLORZ T:Hunting The Hare
ABC 322 C1:012111036711012 C2:duuuuudduuduuuu M:6/8 K:C H:"CHLQS T:Hunting the Hare
ABC 322 C1:012111036711012 C2:duuuuudduuduuuu M:6/8 K:C H:"CHLQS T:Hunting the Hare
ABC 5888 C1:111077776020173 C2:uuuddddduududuu M:9/8 K:D H:RZ T:Hunting the Hare
ABC 5889 C1:037761110102110 C2:uddduuuduuuuudu M:4/4 K:G H:L T:Hunting the Hare
ABC 5890 C1:020173051111077 C2:uududuuuudddddu M:9/8 K:D H:BCLORZ T:Hunting the hare
ABC 5891 C1:010211010377770 C2:duuuuudddduduuu M:4/4 K:D H:LS T:Hunting the Hare
ABC 5892 C1:110103777711101 C2:uuuudddduuuduuu M:2/4 K:D H:LOR T:Hunting the Hare
ABC 3932 C1:110103777711101 C2:uuuudddduuuduuu M:2/4 K:D H:FLORZ T:Hunting the Hare
ABC 3932 C1:110103777711101 C2:uuuudddduuuduuu M:2/4 K:D H:FLORZ T:Hunting the Hare
ABC 5888 C1:111077776020173 C2:uuuddddduududuu M:9/8 K:D H:RZ T:Hunting the Hare
ABC 5889 C1:037761110102110 C2:uddduuuduuuuudu M:4/4 K:G H:L T:Hunting the Hare
ABC 5890 C1:020173051111077 C2:uududuuuudddddu M:9/8 K:D H:BCLORZ T:Hunting the hare
ABC 5891 C1:010211010377770 C2:duuuuudddduduuu M:4/4 K:D H:LS T:Hunting the Hare
ABC 5892 C1:110103777711101 C2:uuuudddduuuduuu M:2/4 K:D H:LOR T:Hunting the Hare
ABC 5888 C1:111077776020173 C2:uuuddddduududuu M:9/8 K:D H:RZ T:Hunting the Hare
ABC 5889 C1:037761110102110 C2:uddduuuduuuuudu M:4/4 K:G H:L T:Hunting the Hare
ABC 5890 C1:020173051111077 C2:uududuuuudddddu M:9/8 K:D H:BCLORZ T:Hunting the hare
ABC 5891 C1:010211010377770 C2:duuuuudddduduuu M:4/4 K:D H:LS T:Hunting the Hare
ABC 5892 C1:110103777711101 C2:uuuudddduuuduuu M:2/4 K:D H:LOR T:Hunting the Hare
ABC 31 C1:110103777711101 C2:uuuudddduuuduuu M:2/4 K:D H:LORZ T:Hunting the Hare
ABC 1206 C1:020173051111077 C2:uududuuuudddddu M:9/8 K:D H:BRZ T:Hunting the Hare
ABC 1206 C1:020173051111077 C2:uududuuuudddddu M:9/8 K:D H:BRZ T:Hunting the Hare
ABC 29 C1:111077776020173 C2:uuuddddduududuu M:9/8 K:D H:RZ T:Hunting the Hare
ABC 29 C1:111077776020173 C2:uuuddddduududuu M:9/8 K:D H:RZ T:Hunting the Hare
ABC 545 C1:012111036711012 C2:duuuuudduuduuuu M:6/8 K:C H:"CLQRS T:Hunting the Hare
ABC 545 C1:012111036711012 C2:duuuuudduuduuuu M:6/8 K:C H:"CLQRS T:Hunting the Hare
ABC 664 C1:377773012111361 C2:udddduduuuuuduu M:6/8 K:D H:BLQSZ T:Hunting The Hare,aka. JBut.661
ABC 31 C1:050716000701777 C2:ududdudddduduud M:3/4 K:D H:CHLOQRSZ T:Hunting The Hare,aka. TBe.031
ABC 31 C1:050716000701777 C2:ududdudddduduud M:3/4 K:D H:BCHLQRZ T:Hunting The Hare,aka. TBe.031
ABC 31 C1:050716000701777 C2:ududdudddduduud M:3/4 K:D H:BCHLQRZ T:Hunting The Hare,aka. TBe.031
ABC 31 C1:050716000701777 C2:ududdudddduduud M:3/4 K:D H:BHLOQRSZ T:Hunting The Hare,aka. TBe.031
ABC 3933 C1:050716000701777 C2:ududdudddduduud M:3/4 K:D H:CFHLOQRSZ T:Hunting The Hare,aka. TBe.031
ABC 3933 C1:050716000701777 C2:ududdudddduduud M:3/4 K:D H:CFHLOQRSZ T:Hunting The Hare,aka. TBe.031
ABC 31 C1:050716000701777 C2:ududdudddduduud M:3/4 K:D H:BHLOQRSZ T:Hunting The Hare,aka. TBe.031
ABC 201 C1:377773012111361 C2:udddduduuuuuduu M:6/8 K:C H:BCLOQRZ T:Hunting the Hare,aka TS.201
ABC 201 C1:377773012111361 C2:udddduduuuuuduu M:6/8 K:C H:BCLOQRZ T:Hunting the Hare,aka TS.201
ABC 201 C1:377773012111361 C2:udddduduuuuuduu M:6/8 K:C H:CLOQRSZ T:Hunting the Hare,aka TS.201
ABC 201 C1:377773012111361 C2:udddduduuuuuduu M:6/8 K:C H:ABLOQRSZ T:Hunting the Hare,aka TS.201
ABC 1313 C1:377773012111361 C2:udddduduuuuuduu M:6/8 K:C H:CFLOQRSZ T:Hunting the Hare,aka TS.201
ABC 1314 C1:377773012111361 C2:udddduduuuuuduu M:6/8 K:C H:CFLOQRSZ T:Hunting the Hare,aka TS.201
ABC 1315 C1:377773012111361 C2:udddduduuuuuduu M:6/8 K:C H:CFLOQRSZ T:Hunting the Hare,aka TS.201
ABC 3934 C1:377773012111361 C2:udddduduuuuuduu M:6/8 K:C H:CFLOQRSZ T:Hunting the Hare,aka TS.201
ABC 3935 C1:377773012111361 C2:udddduduuuuuduu M:6/8 K:C H:CFLOQRSZ T:Hunting the Hare,aka TS.201
ABC 3936 C1:377773012111361 C2:udddduduuuuuduu M:6/8 K:C H:CFLOQRSZ T:Hunting the Hare,aka TS.201
ABC 1313 C1:377773012111361 C2:udddduduuuuuduu M:6/8 K:C H:CFLOQRSZ T:Hunting the Hare,aka TS.201
ABC 1314 C1:377773012111361 C2:udddduduuuuuduu M:6/8 K:C H:CFLOQRSZ T:Hunting the Hare,aka TS.201
ABC 1315 C1:377773012111361 C2:udddduduuuuuduu M:6/8 K:C H:CFLOQRSZ T:Hunting the Hare,aka TS.201
ABC 3934 C1:377773012111361 C2:udddduduuuuuduu M:6/8 K:C H:CFLOQRSZ T:Hunting the Hare,aka TS.201
ABC 3935 C1:377773012111361 C2:udddduduuuuuduu M:6/8 K:C H:CFLOQRSZ T:Hunting the Hare,aka TS.201
ABC 3936 C1:377773012111361 C2:udddduduuuuuduu M:6/8 K:C H:CFLOQRSZ T:Hunting the Hare,aka TS.201
ABC 201 C1:377773012111361 C2:udddduduuuuuduu M:6/8 K:C H:ABLOQRSZ T:Hunting the Hare,aka TS.201
ABC 32 C1:000101050306000 C2:uududuududuuddd M:3/4 K:D H:HLOQRSZ T:Hunting The Hare,aka,var. TBe.032
ABC 32 C1:000101050306000 C2:uududuududuuddd M:3/4 K:D H:BHLQRZ T:Hunting The Hare,aka,var. TBe.032
ABC 32 C1:000101050306000 C2:uududuududuuddd M:3/4 K:D H:BHLQRZ T:Hunting The Hare,aka,var. TBe.032
ABC 32 C1:000101050306000 C2:uududuududuuddd M:3/4 K:D H:BHLOQRSZ T:Hunting The Hare,aka,var. TBe.032
ABC 3937 C1:000101050306000 C2:uududuududuuddd M:3/4 K:D H:FHLOQRSZ T:Hunting The Hare,aka,var. TBe.032
ABC 8847 C1:000101050306000 C2:uududuududuuddd M:3/4 K:D H:FHLOQRSZ T:Hunting The Hare,aka,var. TBe.032
ABC 3937 C1:000101050306000 C2:uududuududuuddd M:3/4 K:D H:FHLOQRSZ T:Hunting The Hare,aka,var. TBe.032
ABC 8847 C1:000101050306000 C2:uududuududuuddd M:3/4 K:D H:FHLOQRSZ T:Hunting The Hare,aka,var. TBe.032
ABC 32 C1:000101050306000 C2:uududuududuuddd M:3/4 K:D H:BHLOQRSZ T:Hunting The Hare,aka,var. TBe.032
ABC 131 C1:566773012111271 C2:udddduduuuuuduu M:6/8 K:D H:BLQZ T:Hunting The Hare. Dal.135
ABC 1 C1:020623051111077 C2:uduuduuuudddddu M:9/8 K:D H:"CDLOQRSZ T:Hunting the Hare (D maj)
ABC 173 C1:377773012111361 C2:udddduduuuuuduu M:6/8 K:D H:ABLOQZ T:Hunting the Hare. EHo.173
ABC 118 C1:012111377773012 C2:duuuuudddduduuu M:6/8 K:F H:ALQRSZ T:Hunting The Hare. JBs.118
ABC 118 C1:012111377773012 C2:duuuuudddduduuu M:6/8 K:F H:ABLQRZ T:Hunting The Hare. JBs.118
ABC 118 C1:012111377773012 C2:duuuuudddduduuu M:6/8 K:F H:ABLQRZ T:Hunting The Hare. JBs.118
ABC 118 C1:012111377773012 C2:duuuuudddduduuu M:6/8 K:F H:ABLQRSZ T:Hunting The Hare. JBs.118
ABC 3938 C1:012111377773012 C2:duuuuudddduduuu M:6/8 K:F H:AFLQRSZ T:Hunting The Hare. JBs.118
ABC 3938 C1:012111377773012 C2:duuuuudddduduuu M:6/8 K:F H:AFLQRSZ T:Hunting The Hare. JBs.118
ABC 118 C1:012111377773012 C2:duuuuudddduduuu M:6/8 K:F H:ABLQRSZ T:Hunting The Hare. JBs.118
ABC 067 C1:377773012111361 C2:udddduduuuuudud M:6/8 K:G H:L T:Hunting the Hare Jig
ABC 1 C1:111771012111271 C2:uuudduduuuuudud M:6/8 K:D H:BLRZ T:HUNTING THE HARE -- JIG
ABC 1 C1:111771012111271 C2:uuudduduuuuudud M:6/8 K:D H:BLRZ T:HUNTING THE HARE -- JIG
ABC 205 C1:377773012111361 C2:udddduduuuuudud M:6/8 K:G H:L T:Hunting the Hare Jig
ABC 205 C1:377773012111361 C2:udddduduuuuudud M:6/8 K:G H:L T:Hunting the Hare Jig
ABC 1 C1:111771012111271 C2:uuudduduuuuudud M:6/8 K:D H:BLRZ T:HUNTING THE HARE -- JIG
ABC 1 C1:111771012111271 C2:uuudduduuuuudud M:6/8 K:D H:BLRZ T:HUNTING THE HARE -- JIG
ABC 205 C1:377773012111361 C2:udddduduuuuudud M:6/8 K:G H:L T:Hunting the Hare Jig
ABC 205 C1:377773012111361 C2:udddduduuuuudud M:6/8 K:G H:L T:Hunting the Hare Jig
ABC 205 C1:377773012111361 C2:udddduduuuuudud M:6/8 K:G H:L T:Hunting the Hare Jig
ABC 205 C1:377773012111361 C2:udddduduuuuudud M:6/8 K:G H:L T:Hunting the Hare Jig
ABC 067 C1:377773012111361 C2:udddduduuuuudud M:6/8 K:G H:L T:Hunting the Hare Jig
ABC 1 C1:111771012111271 C2:uuudduduuuuudud M:6/8 K:D H:BLRZ T:HUNTING THE HARE -- JIG
ABC 1 C1:111771012111271 C2:uuudduduuuuudud M:6/8 K:D H:BLRZ T:HUNTING THE HARE -- JIG
ABC 1 C1:111771012111271 C2:uuudduduuuuudud M:6/8 K:D H:BLRZ T:HUNTING THE HARE -- JIG
ABC 5887 C1:377773012111361 C2:udddduduuuuudud M:6/8 K:G H:L T:Hunting the Hare Jig
ABC 5887 C1:377773012111361 C2:udddduduuuuudud M:6/8 K:G H:L T:Hunting the Hare Jig
ABC 5887 C1:377773012111361 C2:udddduduuuuudud M:6/8 K:G H:L T:Hunting the Hare Jig
ABC 2 C1:377773012111361 C2:udddduduuuuudud M:6/8 K:G H:LS T:Hunting the Hare. Jubilee dance.
ABC 22 C1:102111377773102 C2:duuuuudddduduuu M:6/8 K:D H:BLQZ T:Hunting the hare. LW.022
ABC 1153 C1:020173051111077 C2:uududuuuudddddu M:9/8 K:D H:BCILZ T:"Hunting The Hare" (slipjig) 1153
ABC 1153 C1:020173051111077 C2:uududuuuudddddu M:9/8 K:D H:BCILZ T:"Hunting The Hare" (slipjig) 1153
ABC 1153 C1:020173051111077 C2:uududuuuudddddu M:9/8 K:D H:BCILZ T:"Hunting The Hare" (slipjig) 1153
ABC 1153 C1:020173051111077 C2:uududuuuudddddu M:9/8 K:D H:CL T:"Hunting The Hare" (slipjig) 1153
ABC 76 C1:620627000002620 C2:dududududududuu M:6/8 K:C H:ALQRSZ T:Hunting The Rabbit. JBs.076
ABC 76 C1:620627000002620 C2:dududududududuu M:6/8 K:C H:ABLQRZ T:Hunting The Rabbit. JBs.076
ABC 76 C1:620627000002620 C2:dududududududuu M:6/8 K:C H:ABLQRZ T:Hunting The Rabbit. JBs.076
ABC 76 C1:620627000002620 C2:dududududududuu M:6/8 K:C H:ABLQRSZ T:Hunting The Rabbit. JBs.076
ABC 3939 C1:620627000002620 C2:dududududududuu M:6/8 K:C H:AFLQRSZ T:Hunting The Rabbit. JBs.076
ABC 3939 C1:620627000002620 C2:dududududududuu M:6/8 K:C H:AFLQRSZ T:Hunting The Rabbit. JBs.076
ABC 76 C1:620627000002620 C2:dududududududuu M:6/8 K:C H:ABLQRSZ T:Hunting The Rabbit. JBs.076
ABC 9 C1:026103066261040 C2:uuduuddududuuud M:2/4 K:D H:BFLZ T:Hunting the Slipper
ABC 9 C1:026103066261040 C2:uuduuddududuuud M:2/4 K:D H:BFLZ T:Hunting the Slipper
ABC 9 C1:026103066261040 C2:uuduuddududuuud M:2/4 K:D H:BFLZ T:Hunting the Slipper
ABC 9 C1:026103066261040 C2:uuduuddududuuud M:2/4 K:D H:BFLZ T:Hunting the Slipper
ABC 9 C1:026103066261040 C2:uuduuddududuuud M:2/4 K:D H:BFLZ T:Hunting the Slipper
ABC 9 C1:026103066261040 C2:uuduuddududuuud M:2/4 K:D H:BFLZ T:Hunting the Slipper
ABC 22 C1:011037077077027 C2:uuuddddduddduud M:6/8 K:G H:ALQRSZ T:Hunting the Squirrel
ABC 22 C1:011037077077027 C2:uuuddddduddduud M:6/8 K:G H:ALQRSZ T:Hunting the Squirrel
ABC 91 C1:011037077077027 C2:uuuddddduddduud M:6/8 K:G H:ALQRSZ T:Hunting the Squirrel
ABC 91 C1:011037077077027 C2:uuuddddduddduud M:6/8 K:G H:ALQRSZ T:Hunting the Squirrel
ABC 2 C1:007006006001004 C2:ddduduuuuddddud M:6/8 K:G H:CHLR T:Hunting the Squirrel
ABC 1 C1:007006006001004 C2:ddduduuuuddddud M:6/8 K:G H:CHLR T:Hunting the Squirrel
ABC 5 C1:007006006001004 C2:ddduduuuuddddud M:6/8 K:G H:CHLR T:Hunting the Squirrel
ABC 12 C1:007006006001004 C2:ddduduuuuddddud M:6/8 K:G H:CHLR T:Hunting the Squirrel
ABC 22 C1:011037077077027 C2:uuuddddduddduud M:6/8 K:G H:ALQRSZ T:Hunting the Squirrel
ABC 1 C1:006006117070117 C2:dduudduudduuddd M: K:Gmaj H:"LR T:Hunting The Squirrel
ABC 2 C1:006006117070117 C2:dduudduudduuddd M: K:Amaj H:LR T:Hunting The Squirrel
ABC 3 C1:040017006077117 C2:uudddduudduuudd M: K:Gmaj H:LR T:Hunting The Squirrel
ABC 4 C1:000017006006117 C2:uddduudduudduud M: K:Cmaj H:LR T:Hunting The Squirrel
ABC 10 C1:111106061111060 C2:uuuudduuuuddduu M:2/2 K:G H:ALQ T:Hunting the Squirrel, Headington 1
ABC 1 C1:111106061111060 C2:uuuudduuuuddduu M:2/2 K:G H:ALQ T:Hunting the Squirrel, Headington 1
ABC 1 C1:111106061111060 C2:uuuudduuuuddduu M:2/2 K:G H:ALQ T:Hunting the Squirrel, Headington 1
ABC 10 C1:111106061111060 C2:uuuudduuuuddduu M:2/2 K:G H:ALQ T:Hunting the Squirrel, Headington 1
ABC 10 C1:111106061111060 C2:uuuudduuuuddduu M:2/2 K:G H:ALQ T:Hunting the Squirrel, Headington 1
ABC 10 C1:111106061111060 C2:uuuudduuuuddduu M:2/2 K:G H:ALQ T:Hunting the Squirrel, Headington 1
ABC 10 C1:111106061111060 C2:uuuudduuuuddduu M:2/2 K:G H:ALQ T:Hunting the Squirrel, Headington 1
ABC 422 C1:111106061111060 C2:uuuudduuuudduuu M:2/2 K:G H:L T:Hunting the Squirrel - Headington
ABC 223 C1: C2: M:2/2 K:G H:L T:Hunting the Squirrel - Headington
ABC 223 C1: C2: M:2/2 K:G H:L T:Hunting the Squirrel - Headington
ABC 422 C1:111106061111060 C2:uuuudduuuudduuu M:2/2 K:G H:L T:Hunting the Squirrel - Headington
ABC 77 C1:000400011116071 C2:uuuuudduudddddd M:C K:G H:BLQZ T:Hunting the Stag. JJo3.077
ABC 77 C1:000400011116071 C2:uuuuudduudddddd M:C K:G H:BLQZ T:Hunting the Stag. JJo3.077
ABC 2 C1: C2: M:none K:none H:SZ T:Hunting the Wren
ABC 1 C1:600500000660003 C2:duddudduddud M:6/8 K:G H:CLQWw T:Hunting the Wren
ABC 2 C1: C2: M:none K:none H:SZ T:Hunting the Wren
ABC 14 C1:600500000660003 C2:duddudduddud M:6/8 K:G H:LQWw T:Hunting the Wren
ABC 79 C1:002727660025000 C2:uduuddddududduu M:2/4 K:D H:CLQ T:Huntington
ABC 79 C1:002727660025000 C2:uduuddddududduu M:2/4 K:D H:CLQ T:Huntington
ABC 79 C1:002727660025000 C2:uduuddddududduu M:2/4 K:D H:CLQ T:Huntington
ABC 1 C1:172011076771172 C2:uduuudddduuduuu M:6/8 K:Em H:OR T:Huntingtone Castle
ABC 127 C1:172011076771172 C2:uduuudddduuduuu M:6/8 K:Em H:"LOQR T:Huntingtone Castle
ABC 127 C1:172011076771172 C2:uduuudddduuduuu M:6/8 K:Em H:"LOQR T:Huntingtone Castle
ABC 88 C1:172011076771172 C2:uduuudddduuduuu M:6/8 K:G H:"ALQRS T:Huntingtone Castle
ABC 88 C1:172011076771172 C2:uduuudddduuduuu M:6/8 K:G H:"ALQRS T:Huntingtone Castle
ABC 1 C1:002011076061002 C2:uduuudddduuduuu M:6/8 K:Em H:"LV T:Huntingtone Castle
ABC 1 C1: C2: M:6/8 K:Edor H:LR T:Huntingtone Castle
ABC 9 C1:172011076771172 C2:uduuudddduuduuu M:6/8 K:Em H:LOQRZ T:Huntingtone Castle
ABC 9 C1:172011076771172 C2:uduuudddduuduuu M:6/8 K:Em H:LOQRZ T:Huntingtone Castle
ABC 26 C1:172011076771172 C2:uduuudddduuduuu M:6/8 K:G H:"ALQRS T:Huntingtone Castle
ABC 26 C1:172011076771172 C2:uduuudddduuduuu M:6/8 K:G H:"ALQRS T:Huntingtone Castle
ABC 26 C1:172011076771172 C2:uduuudddduuduuu M:6/8 K:G H:"ALQRS T:Huntingtone Castle
ABC 85 C1:172011076771172 C2:uduuudddduuduuu M:6/8 K:Em H:OR T:Huntingtone Castle
ABC 7255 C1:172011076771172 C2:uduuudddduuduuu M:6/8 K:Em H:OR T:Huntingtone Castle
ABC 7255 C1:172011076771172 C2:uduuudddduuduuu M:6/8 K:Em H:OR T:Huntingtone Castle
ABC 7410 C1:172011076771172 C2:uduuudddduuduuu M:6/8 K:Em H:OR T:Huntingtone Castle
ABC 7411 C1:172011076771172 C2:uduuudddduuduuu M:6/8 K:G H:"ALQRS T:Huntingtone Castle
ABC 7412 C1:172011076771172 C2:uduuudddduuduuu M:6/8 K:G H:"ALQRS T:Huntingtone Castle
ABC 7412 C1:172011076771172 C2:uduuudddduuduuu M:6/8 K:G H:"ALQRS T:Huntingtone Castle
ABC 7410 C1:172011076771172 C2:uduuudddduuduuu M:6/8 K:Em H:OR T:Huntingtone Castle
ABC 7411 C1:172011076771172 C2:uduuudddduuduuu M:6/8 K:G H:"ALQRS T:Huntingtone Castle
ABC 5893 C1:172011076771172 C2:uduuudddduuduuu M:6/8 K:Em H:OR T:Huntingtone Castle
ABC 3940 C1:172011076771172 C2:uduuudddduuduuu M:6/8 K:E H:FORZ T:Huntingtone Castle
ABC 3940 C1:172011076771172 C2:uduuudddduuduuu M:6/8 K:E H:FORZ T:Huntingtone Castle
ABC 5893 C1:172011076771172 C2:uduuudddduuduuu M:6/8 K:Em H:OR T:Huntingtone Castle
ABC 5893 C1:172011076771172 C2:uduuudddduuduuu M:6/8 K:Em H:OR T:Huntingtone Castle
ABC 141 C1:172011076771172 C2:uduuudddduuduuu M:6/8 K:E H:ORZ T:Huntingtone Castle
ABC 343 C1:000100720004020 C2:uduudududdduduu M:2/2 K:Dm H:"LQS T:Huntington's Maggot
ABC 337 C1:000100720004020 C2:uduudududdduduu M:2/2 K:Dm H:"LQS T:Huntington's Maggot
ABC 1 C1:000000040002000 C2:dududdduduuuduu M:4/4 K:Em H:ACILORS T:Huntington's Maggot
ABC 1 C1:000100720004020 C2:uduudududdduduu M:C| K:Dm H:BLSZ T:Huntington's Maggot
ABC 1 C1:000100720004020 C2:uduudududdduduu M:C| K:Dm H:BLSZ T:Huntington's Maggot
ABC 1 C1:000100720004020 C2:uduudududdduduu M:C| K:Dm H:BLSZ T:Huntington's Maggot
ABC 1 C1:000100720004020 C2:uduudududdduduu M:C| K:Dm H:BLSZ T:Huntington's Maggot
ABC 1 C1:000402070177070 C2:dududdduduuuduu M:C| K:Dmin H:LS T:Huntington's Maggot
ABC 1 C1:000402070177070 C2:dududdduduuuduu M:C| K:Dmin H:LS T:Huntington's Maggot
ABC 118 C1:000100720004020 C2:uduudududdduduu M:C| K:Dm H:"LZ T:Huntington's Maggot
ABC 118 C1:000100720004020 C2:uduudududdduduu M:C| K:Dm H:"LZ T:Huntington's Maggot
ABC 1 C1:000100720004020 C2:uduudududdduduu M:C| K:Dm H:BLSZ T:Huntington's Maggot
ABC 1 C1:000100720004020 C2:uduudududdduduu M:C| K:Dm H:BLSZ T:Huntington's Maggot
ABC 217 C1:000100720004020 C2:uduudududdduduu M:2/2 K:Dm H:"LQS T:Huntington's Maggot
ABC 343 C1:000100720004020 C2:uduudududdduduu M:2/2 K:Dm H:"LQS T:Huntington's Maggot
ABC 343 C1:000100720004020 C2:uduudududdduduu M:2/2 K:Dm H:"LQS T:Huntington's Maggot
ABC 3941 C1:000402070177070 C2:dududdduduuuduu M:C| K:Dmin H:FLS T:Huntington's Maggot
ABC 3941 C1:000402070177070 C2:dududdduduuuduu M:C| K:Dmin H:FLS T:Huntington's Maggot
ABC 1 C1:000402070177070 C2:dududdduduuuduu M:C| K:D H:LS T:Huntington's Maggot
ABC 587 C1:000100720004020 C2:uduudududdduduu M:2/2 K:Dm H:"CLQRS T:Huntington's Maggot
ABC 587 C1:000100720004020 C2:uduudududdduduu M:2/2 K:Dm H:"CLQRS T:Huntington's Maggot
ABC 324 C1:042716710541017 C2:dududdduduuuduu M:4/4 K:F H:HLOQRSZ T:Huntington's Maggot. (p)1695.PLFD1.324
ABC 324 C1:042716710541017 C2:dududdduduuuduu M:4/4 K:F H:HLOQRSZ T:Huntington's Maggot. (p)1695.PLFD1.324
ABC 324 C1:042716710541017 C2:dududdduduuuduu M:4/4 K:Dm H:ABHLOQRZ T:Huntington's Maggot. (p)1695.PLFD1.324
ABC 324 C1:042716710541017 C2:dududdduduuuduu M:4/4 K:Dm H:ABHLOQRZ T:Huntington's Maggot. (p)1695.PLFD1.324
ABC 324 C1:042716710541010 C2:dududdduduuuduu M:4/4 K:F H:HLOQRSZ T:Huntington's Maggot. (p)1695.PLFD.324
ABC 324 C1:042716710541010 C2:dududdduduuuduu M:4/4 K:F H:HLOQRSZ T:Huntington's Maggot. (p)1695.PLFD.324
ABC 324 C1:042716710541010 C2:dududdduduuuduu M:4/4 K:F H:HLOQRSZ T:Huntington's Maggot. (p)1695.PLFD.324
ABC 1 C1:000002071107770 C2:uduuddddududduu M:2/4 K:D H:CLSZ T:Huntington v.1
ABC 1 C1:000002071107770 C2:uduuddddududduu M:2/4 K:D H:CLSZ T:Huntington v.1
ABC 1 C1:000002071107770 C2:uduuddddududduu M:2/4 K:D H:CLSZ T:Huntington v.1
ABC 1 C1:000002071107770 C2:uduuddddududduu M:2/4 K:D H:CLSZ T:Huntington v.1
ABC 2 C1:000002071107770 C2:uduuddddududduu M:2/4 K:D H:CLSZ T:Huntington v.1
ABC 2 C1:000002071107770 C2:uduuddddududduu M:2/4 K:D H:CLSZ T:Huntington v.1
ABC 2 C1:000002071107770 C2:uduuddddududduu M:2/4 K:D H:CLSZ T:Huntington v.1
ABC 2 C1:000002071107770 C2:uduuddddududduu M:2/4 K:D H:CLSZ T:Huntington v.1
ABC 1 C1:020602077702770 C2:dududduddududuu M:2/4 K:D H:CLSZ T:Huntington v.2
ABC 1 C1:020602077702770 C2:dududduddududuu M:2/4 K:D H:CLSZ T:Huntington v.2
ABC 1 C1:020602077702770 C2:dududduddududuu M:2/4 K:D H:CLSZ T:Huntington v.2
ABC 1 C1:020602077702770 C2:dududduddududuu M:2/4 K:D H:CLSZ T:Huntington v.2
ABC 3 C1:020602077702770 C2:dududduddududuu M:2/4 K:D H:CLSZ T:Huntington v.2
ABC 3 C1:020602077702770 C2:dududduddududuu M:2/4 K:D H:CLSZ T:Huntington v.2
ABC 3 C1:020602077702770 C2:dududduddududuu M:2/4 K:D H:CLSZ T:Huntington v.2
ABC 3 C1:020602077702770 C2:dududduddududuu M:2/4 K:D H:CLSZ T:Huntington v.2
ABC 1 C1:000000110007700 C2:uudduuudduuuddd M:4/4 K:A H:CLQR T:Huntingtower
ABC 1 C1:000000110007700 C2:uudduuudduuuddd M:4/4 K:A H:CLQR T:Huntingtower
ABC 4009 C1:001107700223067 C2:uudduuudduuuddd M:C K:A H:BLRZ T:HUNTINGTOWER
ABC 4009 C1:001107700223067 C2:uudduuudduuuddd M:C K:A H:BLRZ T:HUNTINGTOWER
ABC 91 C1:010100600223777 C2:uuduuuddduudddd M:2/4 K:F H:BCLQUZ T:Huntingtower
ABC 91 C1:010100600223777 C2:uuduuuddduudddd M:2/4 K:F H:BCLQUZ T:Huntingtower
ABC 91 C1:010100600223777 C2:uuduuuddduudddd M:2/4 K:F H:BCLQUZ T:Huntingtower
ABC 91 C1:010100600223777 C2:uuduuuddduudddd M:2/4 K:F H:BCLQUZ T:Huntingtower
ABC 91 C1:010100600223777 C2:uuduuuddduudddd M:2/4 K:F H:BCLQUZ T:Huntingtower
ABC 4009 C1:001107700223067 C2:uudduuudduuuddd M:C K:A H:BLRZ T:HUNTINGTOWER
ABC 4009 C1:001107700223067 C2:uudduuudduuuddd M:C K:A H:BLRZ T:HUNTINGTOWER
ABC 4009 C1:001107700223067 C2:uudduuudduuuddd M:C K:A H:BLRZ T:HUNTINGTOWER
ABC 4009 C1:001107700223067 C2:uudduuudduuuddd M:C K:A H:BLRZ T:HUNTINGTOWER
ABC 4009 C1:001107700223067 C2:uudduuudduuuddd M:C K:A H:BLRZ T:HUNTINGTOWER
ABC 4009 C1:001107700223067 C2:uudduuudduuuddd M:C K:A H:BLRZ T:HUNTINGTOWER
ABC 4009 C1:001107700223067 C2:uudduuudduuuddd M:C K:A H:BLRZ T:HUNTINGTOWER
ABC 4009 C1:001107700223067 C2:uudduuudduuuddd M:C K:A H:BLRZ T:HUNTINGTOWER
ABC 4009 C1:001107700223067 C2:uudduuudduuuddd M:C K:A H:BLRZ T:HUNTINGTOWER
ABC 91 C1:010100600223777 C2:uuduuuddduudddd M:2/4 K:F H:BCLQUZ T:Huntingtower
ABC 188 C1:005006716041077 C2:ddduduudddudduu M:6/8 K:C H:BFLOZw T:A Hunting We Will Go
ABC 188 C1:005006716041077 C2:ddduduudddudduu M:6/8 K:C H:BFLOZw T:A Hunting We Will Go
ABC 188 C1:005006716041077 C2:ddduduudddudduu M:6/8 K:C H:BFLOZw T:A Hunting We Will Go
ABC 188 C1:005006716041077 C2:ddduduudddudduu M:6/8 K:C H:BFLOZw T:A Hunting We Will Go
ABC 188 C1:005006716041077 C2:ddduduudddudduu M:6/8 K:C H:BFLOZw T:A Hunting We Will Go
ABC 188 C1:005006716041077 C2:ddduduudddudduu M:6/8 K:C H:BFLOZw T:A Hunting We Will Go
ABC 188 C1:005006716041077 C2:ddduduudddudduu M:6/8 K:C H:BFLOZw T:A Hunting We Will Go
ABC 188 C1:005006716041077 C2:ddduduudddudduu M:6/8 K:C H:BFLOZw T:A Hunting We Will Go
ABC 102 C1:005077716041077 C2:dddduduudddduuu M:6/8 K:F H:BLQZ T:A Hunting We will Go, aka.
ABC 102 C1:005077716041077 C2:dddduduudddduuu M:6/8 K:F H:LOQRSZ T:A Hunting We will Go, aka.
ABC 102 C1:005077716041077 C2:dddduduudddduuu M:6/8 K:F H:ABLOQRSZ T:A Hunting We will Go, aka.
ABC 150 C1:005077716041077 C2:dddduduudddduuu M:6/8 K:F H:FLOQRSZ T:A Hunting We will Go, aka.
ABC 2460 C1:005077716041077 C2:dddduduudddduuu M:6/8 K:F H:FLOQRSZ T:A Hunting We will Go, aka.
ABC 150 C1:005077716041077 C2:dddduduudddduuu M:6/8 K:F H:FLOQRSZ T:A Hunting We will Go, aka.
ABC 2460 C1:005077716041077 C2:dddduduudddduuu M:6/8 K:F H:FLOQRSZ T:A Hunting We will Go, aka.
ABC 102 C1:005077716041077 C2:dddduduudddduuu M:6/8 K:F H:ABLOQRSZ T:A Hunting We will Go, aka.
ABC 171 C1:005077716041077 C2:dddduduudddduuu M:6/8 K:F H:ABCLOQZ T:A Hunting We Will Go,aka.. EHo.171
ABC 2 C1:000000000110000 C2:uuuuddduuddduud M:6/8 K:G H:"BLORSw T:A Hunting We Will Go Medley
ABC 613 C1:005077716004017 C2:dddduduudddduuu M:6/8 K:D H:BCLQSZ T:Hunting We Will Goo. JBut611, A
ABC 1 C1:011023056021077 C2:uuuudduudddduuu M:6/8 K:D H:L T:Hunt is Up
ABC 1 C1:056023056021067 C2:dduuudduuuddddd M:6/8 K:C H:L T:The Hunt is Up
ABC 1 C1:011023056021077 C2:uuuudduudddduuu M:6/8 K:D H:L T:Hunt is Up
ABC 1 C1:011023056021077 C2:uuuudduudddduuu M:6/8 K:D H:L T:Hunt is Up
ABC 1 C1:056023056021067 C2:dduuudduuuddddd M:6/8 K:C H:L T:The Hunt is Up
ABC 1 C1:056023056021067 C2:dduuudduuuddddd M:6/8 K:C H:L T:The Hunt is Up
ABC 205 C1:056721305611177 C2:dduduudduuudddd M:6/8 K:D H:BFLOQZw T:the Hunt Is Up
ABC 205 C1:056721305611177 C2:dduduudduuudddd M:6/8 K:D H:BFLOQZw T:the Hunt Is Up
ABC 205 C1:056721305611177 C2:dduduudduuudddd M:6/8 K:D H:BFLOQUZw T:the Hunt Is Up
ABC 205 C1:056721305611177 C2:dduduudduuudddd M:6/8 K:D H:BFLOQUZw T:the Hunt Is Up
ABC 205 C1:056721305611177 C2:dduduudduuudddd M:6/8 K:D H:BFLOQZw T:The Hunt Is Up
ABC 205 C1:056721305611177 C2:dduduudduuudddd M:6/8 K:D H:BFLOQZw T:The Hunt Is Up
ABC 205 C1:056721305611177 C2:dduduudduuudddd M:6/8 K:D H:BFLOQUZw T:The Hunt Is Up
ABC 205 C1:056721305611177 C2:dduduudduuudddd M:6/8 K:D H:BFLOQUZw T:The Hunt Is Up
ABC 205 C1:056721305611177 C2:dduduudduuudddd M:6/8 K:D H:BFLOQZw T:The Hunt Is Up
ABC 205 C1:056721305611177 C2:dduduudduuudddd M:6/8 K:D H:BFLOQUZw T:The Hunt Is Up
ABC 44 C1:046117177177176 C2:uduududdudduddd M:6/4 K:G H:AHLOQRSZ T:The Hunt Is Up,aka. HA.043
ABC 44 C1:046117177177176 C2:uduududdudduddd M:6/4 K:G H:ABHLOQRZ T:Hunt Is Up,aka. HA.043, The
ABC 44 C1:046117177177176 C2:uduududdudduddd M:6/4 K:G H:ABHLOQRSZ T:The Hunt Is Up,aka. HA.043
ABC 3920 C1:046117177177176 C2:uduududdudduddd M:6/4 K:G H:AFHLOQRSZ T:The Hunt Is Up,aka. HA.043
ABC 3942 C1:046117177177176 C2:uduududdudduddd M:6/4 K:G H:AFHLOQRSZ T:The Hunt Is Up,aka. HA.043
ABC 3920 C1:046117177177176 C2:uduududdudduddd M:6/4 K:G H:AFHLOQRSZ T:The Hunt Is Up,aka. HA.043
ABC 3942 C1:046117177177176 C2:uduududdudduddd M:6/4 K:G H:AFHLOQRSZ T:The Hunt Is Up,aka. HA.043
ABC 44 C1:046117177177176 C2:uduududdudduddd M:6/4 K:G H:ABHLOQRSZ T:The Hunt Is Up,aka. HA.043
ABC 0 C1: C2: M: K: H:BCR T:Huntly Castle
ABC 0 C1: C2: M: K: H:BCR T:Huntly Castle
ABC 0 C1: C2: M: K: H:BCR T:Huntly Castle
ABC 0 C1: C2: M: K: H:BCR T:Huntly Castle
ABC 5 C1:556711274377602 C2:dudduuudduddduu M:C K:F H:CLRSZ T:Huntly Lodge
ABC 5 C1:556711274377602 C2:dudduuudduddduu M:C K:F H:CLRSZ T:Huntly Lodge
ABC 1 C1:062003003120040 C2:duuduududuuuudd M:4/4 K:D H:CLQR T:Huntly Lodge
ABC 1 C1:062003003120040 C2:duuduududuuuudd M:4/4 K:D H:CLQR T:Huntly Lodge
ABC 1 C1:000300000001006 C2:uududuuududuudu M:4/4 K:Bb H:CLQR T:Huntly Lodge
ABC 1 C1:000300000001006 C2:uududuuududuudu M:4/4 K:Bb H:CLQR T:Huntly Lodge
ABC 5 C1:556711274377602 C2:dudduuudduddduu M:C K:F H:CLRSZ T:Huntly Lodge
ABC 5 C1:556711274377602 C2:dudduuudduddduu M:C K:F H:CLRSZ T:Huntly Lodge
ABC 3943 C1:233233231615022 C2:uuduuduuududuud M:C K:Bb H:BCFLORVZ T:Huntly Lodge. a Strathspey
ABC 3943 C1:233233231615022 C2:uuduuduuududuud M:C K:Bb H:BCFLORVZ T:Huntly Lodge. a Strathspey
ABC 7 C1:233233231615022 C2:uuduuduuududuud M:C K:Bb H:BCLORVZ T:Huntly Lodge. a Strathspey
ABC 1 C1:777700420066200 C2:dddddudduddduuu M:4/4 K:A H:CLQR T:Huntly's Wedding Medley
ABC 1 C1:777700420066200 C2:dddddudduddduuu M:4/4 K:A H:CLQR T:Huntly's Wedding Medley
ABC 61 C1:426625772361016 C2:dudduddduuuuudd M:C K:A H:LORS T:Huntly's Wedding Medley
ABC 61 C1:426625772361016 C2:dudduddduuuuudd M:C K:A H:LORS T:Huntly's Wedding Medley
ABC 61 C1:426625772361016 C2:dudduddduuuuudd M:C K:A H:LORS T:Huntly's Wedding Medley
ABC 61 C1:426625772361016 C2:dudduddduuuuudd M:C K:A H:LORS T:Huntly's Wedding Medley
ABC 2052 C1:004200662005007 C2:dudduddduuuuudd M:C K:A H:BCLQRZ T:HUNTLY'S WEDDING MEDLEY
ABC 2052 C1:004200662005007 C2:dudduddduuuuudd M:C K:A H:BCLQRZ T:HUNTLY'S WEDDING MEDLEY
ABC 1 C1:426625772361016 C2:dudduddduuuuudd M:C K:A H:LRSZ T:Huntly's Wedding Medley
ABC 61 C1:426625772361016 C2:dudduddduuuuudd M:C K:A H:LORS T:Huntly's Wedding Medley
ABC 61 C1:426625772361016 C2:dudduddduuuuudd M:C K:A H:LORS T:Huntly's Wedding Medley
ABC 61 C1:426625772361016 C2:dudduddduuuuudd M:C K:A H:LORS T:Huntly's Wedding Medley
ABC 2052 C1:004200662005007 C2:dudduddduuuuudd M:C K:A H:BCLQRZ T:HUNTLY'S WEDDING MEDLEY
ABC 2052 C1:004200662005007 C2:dudduddduuuuudd M:C K:A H:BCLQRZ T:HUNTLY'S WEDDING MEDLEY
ABC 2052 C1:004200662005007 C2:dudduddduuuuudd M:C K:A H:BCLQRZ T:HUNTLY'S WEDDING MEDLEY
ABC 2052 C1:004200662005007 C2:dudduddduuuuudd M:C K:A H:BCLQRZ T:HUNTLY'S WEDDING MEDLEY
ABC 2052 C1:004200662005007 C2:dudduddduuuuudd M:C K:A H:BCLQRZ T:HUNTLY'S WEDDING MEDLEY
ABC 2052 C1:004200662005007 C2:dudduddduuuuudd M:C K:A H:BCLQRZ T:HUNTLY'S WEDDING MEDLEY
ABC 2052 C1:004200662005007 C2:dudduddduuuuudd M:C K:A H:BCLQRZ T:HUNTLY'S WEDDING MEDLEY
ABC 2052 C1:004200662005007 C2:dudduddduuuuudd M:C K:A H:BCLQRZ T:HUNTLY'S WEDDING MEDLEY
ABC 2052 C1:004200662005007 C2:dudduddduuuuudd M:C K:A H:BCLQRZ T:HUNTLY'S WEDDING MEDLEY
ABC 32043 C1:006000662005007 C2:ddduddduuuuuddd M:C| K:A H:BFLRZ T:HUNTLY'S WEDDING MEDLEY -- Strathspey
ABC 32043 C1:006000662005007 C2:ddduddduuuuuddd M:C| K:A H:BFLRZ T:HUNTLY'S WEDDING MEDLEY -- Strathspey
ABC 32043 C1:006000662005007 C2:ddduddduuuuuddd M:C| K:A H:BFLRZ T:HUNTLY'S WEDDING MEDLEY -- Strathspey
ABC 32043 C1:006000662005007 C2:ddduddduuuuuddd M:C| K:A H:BFLRZ T:HUNTLY'S WEDDING MEDLEY -- Strathspey
ABC 32043 C1:006000662005007 C2:ddduddduuuuuddd M:C| K:A H:BFLRZ T:HUNTLY'S WEDDING MEDLEY -- Strathspey
ABC 32043 C1:006000662005007 C2:ddduddduuuuuddd M:C| K:A H:BFLRZ T:HUNTLY'S WEDDING MEDLEY -- Strathspey
ABC 1 C1:660700071166210 C2:dduduudduuuudud M:4/4 K:C H:CLQR T:Huntmans' Hornpipe
ABC 1 C1:660700071166210 C2:dduduudduuuudud M:4/4 K:C H:CLQR T:Huntmans' Hornpipe
ABC 4 C1:055777232773056 C2:duddduuuddudduu M:6/8 K:Bb H:"C T:The Hunt of the Gnomes
ABC 37 C1:116100511137006 C2:uududuudduuuddd M:C K:D H:BLQZ T:Hunt Royal. JJo4.037, The
ABC 37 C1:116100511137006 C2:uududuudduuuddd M:C K:D H:BLQZ T:Hunt Royal. JJo4.037, The
ABC 210 C1:622662170026622 C2:duudduududduudd M:6/8 K:G H:LRSZ T:Hunt's
ABC 38123 C1:622662170026622 C2:duudduududduudd M:6/8 K:G H:BCLQR T:HUNT'S JIG
ABC 38123 C1:622662170026622 C2:duudduududduudd M:6/8 K:G H:BCLQR T:HUNT'S JIG
ABC 38123 C1:622662170026622 C2:duudduududduudd M:6/8 K:G H:BCLQR T:HUNT'S JIG
ABC 42 C1:706027110111167 C2:dduduuuuuudddud M:6/4 K:GDor H:L T:The Huntsman
ABC 108 C1:050007116621001 C2:uduudduuuududud M:2/4 K:D H:L T:Huntsman Hornpipe
ABC 72 C1:050007116621001 C2:uduudduuuududud M:2/4 K:D H:BCLQ T:Huntsman Hornpipe
ABC 72 C1:050007116621001 C2:uduudduuuududud M:2/4 K:D H:BCLQ T:Huntsman Hornpipe
ABC 72 C1:507243020101414 C2:uduudduuuududud M:2/4 K:D H:BCLQ T:Huntsman Hornpipe +
ABC 72 C1:050007116621001 C2:uduudduuuududud M:2/4 K:D H:BCLQ T:Huntsman Hornpipe
ABC 72 C1:050007116621001 C2:uduudduuuududud M:2/4 K:D H:CLQS T:Huntsman Hornpipe
ABC 72 C1:507243020101414 C2:uduudduuuududud M:2/4 K:D H:BCLQ T:Huntsman Hornpipe +
ABC 108 C1:050007116621001 C2:uduudduuuududud M:2/4 K:D H:L T:Huntsman Hornpipe
ABC 108 C1:050007116621001 C2:uduudduuuududud M:2/4 K:D H:L T:Huntsman Hornpipe
ABC 452 C1:000011000011007 C2:uuuudddduuduuuu M:6/8 K:D H:BLQSZ T:Hunts Man in Friars Bacon. JBut.450, The
ABC 31 C1:076001110111077 C2:dduuuuuudddudud M:6/4 K:F H:HLOQSZ T:Huntsman. (p)1651.PLFD1.031, The
ABC 31 C1:076001110111077 C2:dduuuuuudddudud M:6/4 K:F H:HLOQSZ T:Huntsman. (p)1651.PLFD1.031, The
ABC 31 C1:076001110111077 C2:dduuuuuudddudud M:6/4 K:F H:HLOQSZ T:Huntsman. (p)1651.PLFD1.031, The
ABC 31 C1:076001110111077 C2:dduuuuuudddudud M:6/4 K:F H:ABHLOQZ T:Huntsman. (p)1651.PLFD1.031, The
ABC 31 C1:076001110111077 C2:dduuuuuudddudud M:6/4 K:F H:ABHLOQZ T:Huntsman. (p)1651.PLFD1.031, The
ABC 1 C1: C2: M:2/2 K:C H:Q T:HuntsmansChorus (1:03) - Lute
ABC 7415 C1:002206073536065 C2:uuuuddudududddd M:2/4 K:G H:ALOQRSZ T:Huntsman's Chorus,1st part. JNu.13
ABC 7415 C1:002206073536065 C2:uuuuddudududddd M:2/4 K:G H:ALOQRSZ T:Huntsman's Chorus,1st part. JNu.13
ABC 7416 C1:353530370001550 C2:ududuududdududu M:2/4 K:G H:AOQRSZ T:Huntsman's Chorus,2nd part. JNu.13
ABC 7416 C1:353530370001550 C2:ududuududdududu M:2/4 K:G H:AOQRSZ T:Huntsman's Chorus,2nd part. JNu.13
ABC 13 C1:300220607353606 C2:uuuuuddudududdd M:2/4 K:G H:ALOQRSVZ T:Huntsman's Chorus,3parts. JNu.13
ABC 13 C1:300220607353606 C2:uuuuuddudududdd M:2/4 K:G H:ABLOQRSVZ T:Huntsman's Chorus,3parts. JNu.13
ABC 3945 C1:300220607353606 C2:uuuuuddudududdd M:2/4 K:G H:AFLOQRSVZ T:Huntsman's Chorus,3parts. JNu.13
ABC 3945 C1:300220607353606 C2:uuuuuddudududdd M:2/4 K:G H:AFLOQRSVZ T:Huntsman's Chorus,3parts. JNu.13
ABC 13 C1:300220607353606 C2:uuuuuddudududdd M:2/4 K:G H:ABLOQRSVZ T:Huntsman's Chorus,3parts. JNu.13
ABC 13 C1:300220607353606 C2:uuuuuddudududdd M:2/4 K:G H:ABLQVZ T:Huntsman's Chorus,3voices. JNu.13
ABC 13 C1:300220607353606 C2:uuuuuddudududdd M:2/4 K:G H:ABLQVZ T:Huntsman's Chorus,3voices. JNu.13
ABC 097 C1:050311110006000 C2:duuuuuddudududd M:4/4 K:G H:L T:Huntsman's Chorus
ABC 1 C1:050311110006000 C2:duuuuuddudududd M:4/4 K:G H:CL T:Huntsman's Chorus
ABC 13 C1:050311110006000 C2:duuuuuddudududd M:4/4 K:G H:CLZ T:Huntsman's Chorus
ABC 13 C1:050311110006000 C2:duuuuuddudududd M:4/4 K:G H:CLZ T:Huntsman's Chorus
ABC 324 C1:050311110006000 C2:duuuuuddudududd M:4/4 K:G H:FLORS T:Huntsman's Chorus
ABC 1 C1:532206073536065 C2:duuuuuddudududd M:4/4 K:G H:"LS T:Huntsman's Chorus
ABC 8010 C1:050311110006000 C2:duuuuuddudududd M:4/4 K:G H:"CLOQR T:Huntsman's Chorus
ABC 21221 C1:000011110006000 C2:uuuuddudududddd M:2/4 K:D H:BFLRZ T:THE HUNTSMAN'S CHORUS
ABC 21221 C1:000011110006000 C2:uuuuddudududddd M:2/4 K:D H:BFLRZ T:THE HUNTSMAN'S CHORUS
ABC 20221 C1:000011110006000 C2:uuuuddudududddd M:2/4 K:D H:BCLSVZ T:HUNTSMAN'S CHORUS
ABC 20221 C1:000011110006000 C2:uuuuddudududddd M:2/4 K:D H:BCLSVZ T:HUNTSMAN'S CHORUS
ABC 13 C1:050311110006000 C2:duuuuuddudududd M:4/4 K:G H:CLZ T:Huntsman's Chorus
ABC 206 C1:050311110006000 C2:duuuuuddudududd M:4/4 K:G H:L T:Huntsman's Chorus
ABC 206 C1:050311110006000 C2:duuuuuddudududd M:4/4 K:G H:L T:Huntsman's Chorus
ABC 29 C1:532206073536065 C2:duuuuuddudududd M:4/4 K:G H:"LS T:Huntsman's Chorus
ABC 25 C1:030503111100060 C2:uduuuuuddududud M:4/4 K:G H:"LRS T:Huntsman's Chorus
ABC 26 C1:532206073536065 C2:duuuuuddudududd M:4/4 K:G H:"LQS T:Huntsman's Chorus
ABC 14 C1:532206073536065 C2:duuuuuddudududd M:4/4 K:G H:"LQS T:Huntsman's Chorus
ABC 18 C1:532206073536065 C2:duuuuuddudududd M:4/4 K:G H:"LS T:Huntsman's Chorus
ABC 18 C1:532206073536065 C2:duuuuuddudududd M:4/4 K:G H:"LS T:Huntsman's Chorus
ABC 90 C1:532206073536065 C2:duuuuuddudududd M:4/4 K:G H:"LS T:Huntsman's Chorus
ABC 90 C1:532206073536065 C2:duuuuuddudududd M:4/4 K:G H:"LS T:Huntsman's Chorus
ABC 18 C1:532206073536065 C2:duuuuuddudududd M:4/4 K:G H:"LS T:Huntsman's Chorus
ABC 18 C1:532206073536065 C2:duuuuuddudududd M:4/4 K:G H:"LS T:Huntsman's Chorus
ABC 18 C1:532206073536065 C2:duuuuuddudududd M:4/4 K:G H:"FLRS T:Huntsman's Chorus
ABC 18 C1:532206073536065 C2:duuuuuddudududd M:4/4 K:G H:"FLRS T:Huntsman's Chorus
ABC 18 C1:532206073536065 C2:duuuuuddudududd M:4/4 K:G H:"FLRS T:Huntsman's Chorus
ABC 8010 C1:050311110006000 C2:duuuuuddudududd M:4/4 K:G H:"CLOQRZ T:Huntsman's Chorus
ABC 206 C1:050311110006000 C2:duuuuuddudududd M:4/4 K:G H:L T:Huntsman's Chorus
ABC 206 C1:050311110006000 C2:duuuuuddudududd M:4/4 K:G H:L T:Huntsman's Chorus
ABC 206 C1:050311110006000 C2:duuuuuddudududd M:4/4 K:G H:L T:Huntsman's Chorus
ABC 206 C1:050311110006000 C2:duuuuuddudududd M:4/4 K:G H:L T:Huntsman's Chorus
ABC 1 C1:030503111100060 C2:uduuuuuddududud M:4/4 K:G H:"LR T:Huntsman's Chorus
ABC 118 C1:030503111100060 C2:uduuuuuddududud M:4/4 K:G H:"LRS T:Huntsman's Chorus
ABC 206160 C1:532206073536065 C2:duuuuuddudududd M:4/4 K:G H:"FGHLRSZ T:The Huntsman's Chorus
ABC 206 C1:050311110006000 C2:duuuuuddudududd M:4/4 K:G H:L T:Huntsman's Chorus
ABC 206 C1:050311110006000 C2:duuuuuddudududd M:4/4 K:G H:L T:Huntsman's Chorus
ABC 097 C1:050311110006000 C2:duuuuuddudududd M:4/4 K:G H:L T:Huntsman's Chorus
ABC 21221 C1:000011110006000 C2:uuuuddudududddd M:2/4 K:D H:BFLRZ T:THE HUNTSMAN'S CHORUS
ABC 21221 C1:000011110006000 C2:uuuuddudududddd M:2/4 K:D H:BFLRZ T:THE HUNTSMAN'S CHORUS
ABC 21221 C1:000011110006000 C2:uuuuddudududddd M:2/4 K:D H:BFLRZ T:THE HUNTSMAN'S CHORUS
ABC 7413 C1:532206073536065 C2:duuuuuddudududd M:4/4 K:G H:"LS T:Huntsman's Chorus
ABC 7413 C1:532206073536065 C2:duuuuuddudududd M:4/4 K:G H:"LS T:Huntsman's Chorus
ABC 2739 C1:050311110006000 C2:duuuuuddudududd M:4/4 K:G H:CLO T:Huntsman's Chorus
ABC 2739 C1:050311110006000 C2:duuuuuddudududd M:4/4 K:G H:CLO T:Huntsman's Chorus
ABC 8010 C1:050311110006000 C2:duuuuuddudududd M:4/4 K:G H:"CLOQRZ T:Huntsman's Chorus
ABC 20221 C1:000011110006000 C2:uuuuddudududddd M:2/4 K:D H:BCLSVZ T:HUNTSMAN'S CHORUS
ABC 20221 C1:000011110006000 C2:uuuuddudududddd M:2/4 K:D H:BCLSVZ T:HUNTSMAN'S CHORUS
ABC 20221 C1:000011110006000 C2:uuuuddudududddd M:2/4 K:D H:BCLSVZ T:HUNTSMAN'S CHORUS
ABC 20221 C1:000011110006000 C2:uuuuddudududddd M:2/4 K:D H:BCLSVZ T:HUNTSMAN'S CHORUS
ABC 20221 C1:000011110006000 C2:uuuuddudududddd M:2/4 K:D H:BCLSVZ T:HUNTSMAN'S CHORUS
ABC 20221 C1:000011110006000 C2:uuuuddudududddd M:2/4 K:D H:BCLSVZ T:HUNTSMAN'S CHORUS
ABC 20221 C1:000011110006000 C2:uuuuddudududddd M:2/4 K:D H:BCLSVZ T:HUNTSMAN'S CHORUS
ABC 20221 C1:000011110006000 C2:uuuuddudududddd M:2/4 K:D H:BCLSVZ T:HUNTSMAN'S CHORUS
ABC 20221 C1:000011110006000 C2:uuuuddudududddd M:2/4 K:D H:BCLSVZ T:HUNTSMAN'S CHORUS
ABC 21221 C1:000011110006000 C2:uuuuddudududddd M:2/4 K:D H:BFLRZ T:THE HUNTSMAN'S CHORUS
ABC 21221 C1:000011110006000 C2:uuuuddudududddd M:2/4 K:D H:BFLRZ T:THE HUNTSMAN'S CHORUS
ABC 5895 C1:532206073536065 C2:duuuuuddudududd M:4/4 K:G H:"LS T:Huntsman's Chorus
ABC 5896 C1:050311110006000 C2:duuuuuddudududd M:4/4 K:G H:L T:Huntsman's Chorus
ABC 5897 C1:050311110006000 C2:duuuuuddudududd M:4/4 K:G H:CL T:Huntsman's Chorus
ABC 3944 C1:002206073536065 C2:uuuuddudududddd M:2/4 K:C H:ABFLOZ T:the Huntsman's Chorus
ABC 3944 C1:002206073536065 C2:uuuuddudududddd M:2/4 K:C H:ABFLOZ T:the Huntsman's Chorus
ABC 5895 C1:532206073536065 C2:duuuuuddudududd M:4/4 K:G H:"LS T:Huntsman's Chorus
ABC 5896 C1:050311110006000 C2:duuuuuddudududd M:4/4 K:G H:L T:Huntsman's Chorus
ABC 5897 C1:050311110006000 C2:duuuuuddudududd M:4/4 K:G H:CL T:Huntsman's Chorus
ABC 5895 C1:532206073536065 C2:duuuuuddudududd M:4/4 K:G H:"LS T:Huntsman's Chorus
ABC 5896 C1:050311110006000 C2:duuuuuddudududd M:4/4 K:G H:L T:Huntsman's Chorus
ABC 5897 C1:050311110006000 C2:duuuuuddudududd M:4/4 K:G H:CL T:Huntsman's Chorus
ABC 1 C1:002206073536065 C2:uuuuddudududddd M:2/4 K:C H:ABLOZ T:the Huntsman's Chorus
ABC 202 C1:002110600055356 C2:uudududdudududd M:2/4 K:D H:BCLOQRZw T:Huntsman's Chorus,aka TS.202
ABC 202 C1:002110600055356 C2:uudududdudududd M:2/4 K:D H:BCLOQRZw T:Huntsman's Chorus,aka TS.202
ABC 202 C1:002110600055356 C2:uudududdudududd M:2/4 K:D H:CLOQRSZw T:Huntsman's Chorus,aka TS.202
ABC 202 C1:002110600055356 C2:uudududdudududd M:2/4 K:D H:ABLOQRSZw T:Huntsman's Chorus,aka TS.202
ABC 3928 C1:002110600055356 C2:uudududdudududd M:2/4 K:D H:CFLOQRSZw T:Huntsman's Chorus,aka TS.202
ABC 3929 C1:002110600055356 C2:uudududdudududd M:2/4 K:D H:CFLOQRSZw T:Huntsman's Chorus,aka TS.202
ABC 3930 C1:002110600055356 C2:uudududdudududd M:2/4 K:D H:CFLOQRSZw T:Huntsman's Chorus,aka TS.202
ABC 3946 C1:002110600055356 C2:uudududdudududd M:2/4 K:D H:CFLOQRSZw T:Huntsman's Chorus,aka TS.202
ABC 3947 C1:002110600055356 C2:uudududdudududd M:2/4 K:D H:CFLOQRSZw T:Huntsman's Chorus,aka TS.202
ABC 3948 C1:002110600055356 C2:uudududdudududd M:2/4 K:D H:CFLOQRSZw T:Huntsman's Chorus,aka TS.202
ABC 3928 C1:002110600055356 C2:uudududdudududd M:2/4 K:D H:CFLOQRSZw T:Huntsman's Chorus,aka TS.202
ABC 3929 C1:002110600055356 C2:uudududdudududd M:2/4 K:D H:CFLOQRSZw T:Huntsman's Chorus,aka TS.202
ABC 3930 C1:002110600055356 C2:uudududdudududd M:2/4 K:D H:CFLOQRSZw T:Huntsman's Chorus,aka TS.202
ABC 3946 C1:002110600055356 C2:uudududdudududd M:2/4 K:D H:CFLOQRSZw T:Huntsman's Chorus,aka TS.202
ABC 3947 C1:002110600055356 C2:uudududdudududd M:2/4 K:D H:CFLOQRSZw T:Huntsman's Chorus,aka TS.202
ABC 3948 C1:002110600055356 C2:uudududdudududd M:2/4 K:D H:CFLOQRSZw T:Huntsman's Chorus,aka TS.202
ABC 202 C1:002110600055356 C2:uudududdudududd M:2/4 K:D H:ABLOQRSZw T:Huntsman's Chorus,aka TS.202
ABC 207 C1:002206073536064 C2:uuuuddudududddd M:2/4 K:D H:BCLOQRZ T:Huntsman's Chorus,aka TS.207
ABC 207 C1:002206073536064 C2:uuuuddudududddd M:2/4 K:D H:BCLOQRZ T:Huntsman's Chorus,aka TS.207
ABC 207 C1:002206073536064 C2:uuuuddudududddd M:2/4 K:D H:CLOQRSZ T:Huntsman's Chorus,aka TS.207
ABC 207 C1:002206073536064 C2:uuuuddudududddd M:2/4 K:D H:ABLOQRSZ T:Huntsman's Chorus,aka TS.207
ABC 3950 C1:002206073536064 C2:uuuuddudududddd M:2/4 K:D H:CFLOQRSZ T:Huntsman's Chorus,aka TS.207
ABC 3951 C1:002206073536064 C2:uuuuddudududddd M:2/4 K:D H:CFLOQRSZ T:Huntsman's Chorus,aka TS.207
ABC 2923 C1:002206073536064 C2:uuuuddudududddd M:2/4 K:D H:CFLOQRSZ T:Huntsman's Chorus,aka TS.207
ABC 2924 C1:002206073536064 C2:uuuuddudududddd M:2/4 K:D H:CFLOQRSZ T:Huntsman's Chorus,aka TS.207
ABC 2925 C1:002206073536064 C2:uuuuddudududddd M:2/4 K:D H:CFLOQRSZ T:Huntsman's Chorus,aka TS.207
ABC 2926 C1:002206073536064 C2:uuuuddudududddd M:2/4 K:D H:CFLOQRSZ T:Huntsman's Chorus,aka TS.207
ABC 2927 C1:002206073536064 C2:uuuuddudududddd M:2/4 K:D H:CFLOQRSZ T:Huntsman's Chorus,aka TS.207
ABC 2928 C1:002206073536064 C2:uuuuddudududddd M:2/4 K:D H:CFLOQRSZ T:Huntsman's Chorus,aka TS.207
ABC 3949 C1:002206073536064 C2:uuuuddudududddd M:2/4 K:D H:CFLOQRSZ T:Huntsman's Chorus,aka TS.207
ABC 2923 C1:002206073536064 C2:uuuuddudududddd M:2/4 K:D H:CFLOQRSZ T:Huntsman's Chorus,aka TS.207
ABC 2924 C1:002206073536064 C2:uuuuddudududddd M:2/4 K:D H:CFLOQRSZ T:Huntsman's Chorus,aka TS.207
ABC 2925 C1:002206073536064 C2:uuuuddudududddd M:2/4 K:D H:CFLOQRSZ T:Huntsman's Chorus,aka TS.207
ABC 2926 C1:002206073536064 C2:uuuuddudududddd M:2/4 K:D H:CFLOQRSZ T:Huntsman's Chorus,aka TS.207
ABC 2927 C1:002206073536064 C2:uuuuddudududddd M:2/4 K:D H:CFLOQRSZ T:Huntsman's Chorus,aka TS.207
ABC 2928 C1:002206073536064 C2:uuuuddudududddd M:2/4 K:D H:CFLOQRSZ T:Huntsman's Chorus,aka TS.207
ABC 3949 C1:002206073536064 C2:uuuuddudududddd M:2/4 K:D H:CFLOQRSZ T:Huntsman's Chorus,aka TS.207
ABC 3950 C1:002206073536064 C2:uuuuddudududddd M:2/4 K:D H:CFLOQRSZ T:Huntsman's Chorus,aka TS.207
ABC 3951 C1:002206073536064 C2:uuuuddudududddd M:2/4 K:D H:CFLOQRSZ T:Huntsman's Chorus,aka TS.207
ABC 207 C1:002206073536064 C2:uuuuddudududddd M:2/4 K:D H:ABLOQRSZ T:Huntsman's Chorus,aka TS.207
ABC 7417 C1:000701040003540 C2:uduudduduududud M:2/4 K:G H:AOQRSZ T:Huntsman's Chorus,bass part. JNu.13
ABC 7417 C1:000701040003540 C2:uduudduduududud M:2/4 K:G H:AOQRSZ T:Huntsman's Chorus,bass part. JNu.13
ABC 148 C1:002206073536065 C2:uuuuddudududddd M:2/4 K:G H:BLQZ T:Huntsman's Chorus. Dal.152, The
ABC 1 C1:002206073536065 C2:uuuuddudududddd M:2/4 K:G H:ALOQRSZ T:Huntsmans Chorus. GHW.026
ABC 26 C1:300220607353606 C2:uuuuuddudududdd M:2/4 K:G H:ALOQRSZ T:Huntsmans Chorus. GHW.026
ABC 26 C1:300220607353606 C2:uuuuuddudududdd M:2/4 K:G H:ALOQRSZ T:Huntsmans Chorus. GHW.026
ABC 26 C1:300220607353606 C2:uuuuuddudududdd M:2/4 K:G H:ALOQRSZ T:Huntsmans Chorus. GHW.026
ABC 26 C1:300220607353606 C2:uuuuuddudududdd M:2/4 K:G H:ALOQRSZ T:Huntsmans Chorus. GHW.026
ABC 26 C1:300220607353606 C2:uuuuuddudududdd M:2/4 K:G H:ABLQRZ T:Huntsmans Chorus. GHW.026
ABC 26 C1:300220607353606 C2:uuuuuddudududdd M:2/4 K:G H:ABLOQRSZ T:Huntsmans Chorus. GHW.026
ABC 7421 C1:002206073536065 C2:uuuuddudududddd M:2/4 K:G H:ALOQRSZ T:Huntsmans Chorus. GHW.026
ABC 7421 C1:002206073536065 C2:uuuuddudududddd M:2/4 K:G H:ALOQRSZ T:Huntsmans Chorus. GHW.026
ABC 2740 C1:002206073536065 C2:uuuuddudududddd M:2/4 K:G H:ALOQRS T:Huntsmans Chorus. GHW.026
ABC 2740 C1:002206073536065 C2:uuuuddudududddd M:2/4 K:G H:ALOQRS T:Huntsmans Chorus. GHW.026
ABC 5898 C1:002206073536065 C2:uuuuddudududddd M:2/4 K:G H:ALOQRSZ T:Huntsmans Chorus. GHW.026
ABC 3952 C1:300220607353606 C2:uuuuuddudududdd M:2/4 K:G H:AFLOQRSZ T:Huntsmans Chorus. GHW.026
ABC 3952 C1:300220607353606 C2:uuuuuddudududdd M:2/4 K:G H:AFLOQRSZ T:Huntsmans Chorus. GHW.026
ABC 5898 C1:002206073536065 C2:uuuuddudududddd M:2/4 K:G H:ALOQRSZ T:Huntsmans Chorus. GHW.026
ABC 5898 C1:002206073536065 C2:uuuuddudududddd M:2/4 K:G H:ALOQRSZ T:Huntsmans Chorus. GHW.026
ABC 26 C1:300220607353606 C2:uuuuuddudududdd M:2/4 K:G H:ABLOQRSZ T:Huntsmans Chorus. GHW.026
ABC 23 C1:002206073536065 C2:uuuuddudududddd M:2/4 K:D H:BLQZ T:Huntsmans Chorus In Der Freyschutz. Le4.023
ABC 23 C1:002206073536065 C2:uuuuddudududddd M:2/4 K:D H:BLQZ T:Huntsmans Chorus In Der Freyschutz. Le4.023
ABC 88 C1:000011110006000 C2:uuuuddududududu M:2/4 K:D H:ACHLOQRSZ T:Huntsman's Chorus in Dr. Freyschutz. GS.088
ABC 88 C1:000011110006000 C2:uuuuddududududu M:2/4 K:D H:ABCHLOQRZ T:Huntsman's Chorus in Dr. Freyschutz. GS.088
ABC 88 C1:000011110006000 C2:uuuuddududududu M:2/4 K:D H:ABCHLOQRZ T:Huntsman's Chorus in Dr. Freyschutz. GS.088
ABC 88 C1:000011110006000 C2:uuuuddududududu M:2/4 K:D H:ABHLOQRSZ T:Huntsman's Chorus in Dr. Freyschutz. GS.088
ABC 7414 C1:000011110006000 C2:uuuuddududududu M:2/4 K:D H:ACHLOQRSZ T:Huntsman's Chorus in Dr. Freyschutz. GS.088
ABC 7414 C1:000011110006000 C2:uuuuddududududu M:2/4 K:D H:ACHLOQRSZ T:Huntsman's Chorus in Dr. Freyschutz. GS.088
ABC 2102 C1:000011110006000 C2:uuuuddududududu M:2/4 K:D H:ACFHLOQRSZ T:Huntsman's Chorus in Dr. Freyschutz. GS.088
ABC 3953 C1:000011110006000 C2:uuuuddududududu M:2/4 K:D H:ACFHLOQRSZ T:Huntsman's Chorus in Dr. Freyschutz. GS.088
ABC 3953 C1:000011110006000 C2:uuuuddududududu M:2/4 K:D H:ACFHLOQRSZ T:Huntsman's Chorus in Dr. Freyschutz. GS.088
ABC 2102 C1:000011110006000 C2:uuuuddududududu M:2/4 K:D H:ACFHLOQRSZ T:Huntsman's Chorus in Dr. Freyschutz. GS.088
ABC 88 C1:000011110006000 C2:uuuuddududududu M:2/4 K:D H:ABHLOQRSZ T:Huntsman's Chorus in Dr. Freyschutz. GS.088
ABC 240 C1:002206073536065 C2:uuuuddudududddd M:2/4 K:C H:ABLOQZ T:Huntsman's Chorus. JaW.240
ABC 240 C1:002206073536065 C2:uuuuddudududddd M:2/4 K:C H:ABLOQZ T:Huntsman's Chorus. JaW.240
ABC 240 C1:002206073536065 C2:uuuuddudududddd M:2/4 K:C H:ALOQRSZ T:Huntsman's Chorus. JaW.240
ABC 241 C1:002206073536065 C2:uuuuddudududddd M:2/4 K:C H:AHOQRSZ T:Huntsman's Chorus. JaW.240
ABC 240 C1:002206073536065 C2:uuuuddudududddd M:2/4 K:C H:ABLOQRSZ T:Huntsman's Chorus. JaW.240
ABC 3954 C1:002206073536065 C2:uuuuddudududddd M:2/4 K:C H:AFLOQRSZ T:Huntsman's Chorus. JaW.240
ABC 3954 C1:002206073536065 C2:uuuuddudududddd M:2/4 K:C H:AFLOQRSZ T:Huntsman's Chorus. JaW.240
ABC 240 C1:002206073536065 C2:uuuuddudududddd M:2/4 K:C H:ABLOQRSZ T:Huntsman's Chorus. JaW.240
ABC 5 C1:000011110006000 C2:uuuuddudududddd M:2/4 K:C H:ABLQRZ T:Huntsman's Chorus. JBs.005, The
ABC 5 C1:000011110006000 C2:uuuuddudududddd M:2/4 K:C H:ABLQRZ T:Huntsman's Chorus. JBs.005, The
ABC 180 C1:002206073535165 C2:uuuuddudududddd M:2/4 K:C H:BLQZ T:Huntsmans Chorus. JGi.180, The
ABC 1 C1:002206073536065 C2:uuuuddudududddd M:2/4 K:D H:ALOQRSZ T:Huntsman's Chorus. JMT082
ABC 82 C1:002206073536065 C2:uuuuddudududddd M:2/4 K:D H:ALOQRSZ T:Huntsman's Chorus. JMT.082
ABC 82 C1:002206073536065 C2:uuuuddudududddd M:2/4 K:D H:ABLQZ T:Huntsman's Chorus. JMT.082
ABC 82 C1:002206073536065 C2:uuuuddudududddd M:2/4 K:D H:ABLQZ T:Huntsman's Chorus. JMT.082
ABC 82 C1:002206073536065 C2:uuuuddudududddd M:2/4 K:D H:ABLOQRSZ T:Huntsman's Chorus. JMT.082
ABC 3922 C1:002206073536065 C2:uuuuddudududddd M:2/4 K:D H:ALOQRSZ T:Huntsman's Chorus. JMT082
ABC 3922 C1:002206073536065 C2:uuuuddudududddd M:2/4 K:D H:ALOQRSZ T:Huntsman's Chorus. JMT082
ABC 7418 C1:002206073536065 C2:uuuuddudududddd M:2/4 K:D H:ALOQRSZ T:Huntsman's Chorus. JMT.082
ABC 7419 C1:002206073536065 C2:uuuuddudududddd M:2/4 K:D H:ALOQRSZ T:Huntsman's Chorus. JMT082
ABC 7418 C1:002206073536065 C2:uuuuddudududddd M:2/4 K:D H:ALOQRSZ T:Huntsman's Chorus. JMT.082
ABC 7419 C1:002206073536065 C2:uuuuddudududddd M:2/4 K:D H:ALOQRSZ T:Huntsman's Chorus. JMT082
ABC 2738 C1:002206073536065 C2:uuuuddudududddd M:2/4 K:D H:ALOQRS T:Huntsman's Chorus. JMT082
ABC 2738 C1:002206073536065 C2:uuuuddudududddd M:2/4 K:D H:ALOQRS T:Huntsman's Chorus. JMT082
ABC 5894 C1:002206073536065 C2:uuuuddudududddd M:2/4 K:D H:ALOQRSZ T:Huntsman's Chorus. JMT082
ABC 3955 C1:002206073536065 C2:uuuuddudududddd M:2/4 K:D H:AFLOQRSZ T:Huntsman's Chorus. JMT.082
ABC 3955 C1:002206073536065 C2:uuuuddudududddd M:2/4 K:D H:AFLOQRSZ T:Huntsman's Chorus. JMT.082
ABC 5894 C1:002206073536065 C2:uuuuddudududddd M:2/4 K:D H:ALOQRSZ T:Huntsman's Chorus. JMT082
ABC 5894 C1:002206073536065 C2:uuuuddudududddd M:2/4 K:D H:ALOQRSZ T:Huntsman's Chorus. JMT082
ABC 82 C1:002206073536065 C2:uuuuddudududddd M:2/4 K:D H:ABLOQRSZ T:Huntsman's Chorus. JMT.082
ABC 134 C1:000004000602040 C2:uduududdddddudu M:2/4 K:D H:ABLQRZ T:Huntsman's Chorus,Last Part Of . RHu.134
ABC 134 C1:000004000602040 C2:uduududdddddudu M:2/4 K:D H:ABLQRZ T:Huntsman's Chorus,Last Part Of . RHu.134
ABC 134 C1:000004000602040 C2:uduududdddddudu M:2/4 K:D H:ALQRSZ T:Huntsman's Chorus,Last Part Of . RHu.134
ABC 134 C1:000004000602040 C2:uduududdddddudu M:2/4 K:D H:ABLQRSZ T:Huntsman's Chorus,Last Part Of . RHu.134
ABC 3956 C1:000004000602040 C2:uduududdddddudu M:2/4 K:D H:AFLQRSZ T:Huntsman's Chorus,Last Part Of . RHu.134
ABC 3956 C1:000004000602040 C2:uduududdddddudu M:2/4 K:D H:AFLQRSZ T:Huntsman's Chorus,Last Part Of . RHu.134
ABC 134 C1:000004000602040 C2:uduududdddddudu M:2/4 K:D H:ABLQRSZ T:Huntsman's Chorus,Last Part Of . RHu.134
ABC 81 C1:002206073536065 C2:uuuuddudududddd M:2/4 K:D H:ABLQRZ T:Huntsman's Chorus. RHu.081
ABC 81 C1:002206073536065 C2:uuuuddudududddd M:2/4 K:D H:ABLQRZ T:Huntsman's Chorus. RHu.081
ABC 81 C1:002206073536065 C2:uuuuddudududddd M:2/4 K:D H:ALQRSZ T:Huntsman's Chorus. RHu.081
ABC 81 C1:002206073536065 C2:uuuuddudududddd M:2/4 K:D H:ABLQRSZ T:Huntsman's Chorus. RHu.081
ABC 3957 C1:002206073536065 C2:uuuuddudududddd M:2/4 K:D H:AFLQRSZ T:Huntsman's Chorus. RHu.081
ABC 3957 C1:002206073536065 C2:uuuuddudududddd M:2/4 K:D H:AFLQRSZ T:Huntsman's Chorus. RHu.081
ABC 81 C1:002206073536065 C2:uuuuddudududddd M:2/4 K:D H:ABLQRSZ T:Huntsman's Chorus. RHu.081
ABC 5 C1:000011110006000 C2:uuuuddudududddd M:2/4 K:C H:ALQRSZ T:Huntsman's Chorus,The. JBs.005
ABC 5 C1:000011110006000 C2:uuuuddudududddd M:2/4 K:C H:ABLQRSZ T:Huntsman's Chorus,The. JBs.005
ABC 3958 C1:000011110006000 C2:uuuuddudududddd M:2/4 K:C H:AFLQRSZ T:Huntsman's Chorus,The. JBs.005
ABC 3958 C1:000011110006000 C2:uuuuddudududddd M:2/4 K:C H:AFLQRSZ T:Huntsman's Chorus,The. JBs.005
ABC 5 C1:000011110006000 C2:uuuuddudududddd M:2/4 K:C H:ABLQRSZ T:Huntsman's Chorus,The. JBs.005
ABC 180 C1:002206073535165 C2:uuuuddudududddd M:2/4 K:C H:LOQRSZ T:Huntsmans Chorus,The. JGi.180
ABC 180 C1:002206073535165 C2:uuuuddudududddd M:2/4 K:C H:ABLOQRSZ T:Huntsmans Chorus,The. JGi.180
ABC 3959 C1:002206073535165 C2:uuuuddudududddd M:2/4 K:C H:FLOQRSZ T:Huntsmans Chorus,The. JGi.180
ABC 3959 C1:002206073535165 C2:uuuuddudududddd M:2/4 K:C H:FLOQRSZ T:Huntsmans Chorus,The. JGi.180
ABC 180 C1:002206073535165 C2:uuuuddudududddd M:2/4 K:C H:ABLOQRSZ T:Huntsmans Chorus,The. JGi.180
ABC 717 C1:005076021001007 C2:ddduuududdduudd M:6/8 K:G H:"CLQRS T:The Huntsman's Chorus (Yorkshire)
ABC 717 C1:005076021001007 C2:ddduuududdduudd M:6/8 K:G H:"CLQRS T:The Huntsman's Chorus (Yorkshire)
ABC 21162 C1:020605031111040 C2:udduuuuududdudd M:C K:G H:BCLOSZ T:the HUNTSMAN'S FAREWELL.
ABC 21162 C1:020605031111040 C2:udduuuuududdudd M:C K:G H:BCLOSZ T:the HUNTSMAN'S FAREWELL.
ABC 21162 C1:020605031111040 C2:udduuuuududdudd M:C K:G H:BCLOSZ T:The HUNTSMAN'S FAREWELL.
ABC 21162 C1:020605031111040 C2:udduuuuududdudd M:C K:G H:BCLOSZ T:The HUNTSMAN'S FAREWELL.
ABC 21162 C1:020605031111040 C2:udduuuuududdudd M:C K:G H:BCLOSZ T:The HUNTSMAN'S FAREWELL.
ABC 21162 C1:020605031111040 C2:udduuuuududdudd M:C K:G H:BCLOSZ T:The HUNTSMAN'S FAREWELL.
ABC 21162 C1:020605031111040 C2:udduuuuududdudd M:C K:G H:BCLOSZ T:The HUNTSMAN'S FAREWELL.
ABC 21162 C1:020605031111040 C2:udduuuuududdudd M:C K:G H:BCLOSZ T:The HUNTSMAN'S FAREWELL.
ABC 21162 C1:020605031111040 C2:udduuuuududdudd M:C K:G H:BCLOSZ T:The HUNTSMAN'S FAREWELL.
ABC 21162 C1:020605031111040 C2:udduuuuududdudd M:C K:G H:BCLOSZ T:The HUNTSMAN'S FAREWELL.
ABC 21162 C1:020605031111040 C2:udduuuuududdudd M:C K:G H:BCLOSZ T:The HUNTSMAN'S FAREWELL.
ABC 198 C1:070007116621001 C2:uduudduuuududud M:C| K:C H:"BLRZ T:Huntsman's Hornpipe
ABC 198 C1:070007116621001 C2:uduudduuuududud M:C| K:C H:"BLRZ T:Huntsman's Hornpipe
ABC 198 C1:070007116621001 C2:uduudduuuududud M:C| K:C H:"BLRZ T:Huntsman's Hornpipe
ABC 198 C1:070007116621001 C2:uduudduuuududud M:C| K:C H:"BLRZ T:Huntsman's Hornpipe
ABC 198 C1:070007116621001 C2:uduudduuuududud M:C| K:C H:"BLRZ T:Huntsman's Hornpipe
ABC 198 C1:070007116621001 C2:uduudduuuududud M:C| K:C H:"BLRZ T:Huntsman's Hornpipe
ABC 198 C1:070007116621001 C2:uduudduuuududud M:C| K:C H:"BLRZ T:Huntsman's Hornpipe
ABC 198 C1:070007116621001 C2:uduudduuuududud M:C| K:C H:"BLRZ T:Huntsman's Hornpipe
ABC 198 C1:070007116621001 C2:uduudduuuududud M:C| K:C H:"BLRZ T:Huntsman's Hornpipe
ABC 1 C1:660700071166210 C2:dduduudduuuudud M:4/4 K:C H:"CLR T:Huntsmans' Hornpipe
ABC 1 C1:660700071166210 C2:dduduudduuuudud M:4/4 K:C H:"CLR T:Huntsmans' Hornpipe
ABC 1 C1:660700071166210 C2:dduduudduuuudud M:4/4 K:C H:"CLR T:Huntsmans' Hornpipe
ABC 1 C1:660700071166210 C2:dduduudduuuudud M:4/4 K:C H:"CLR T:Huntsmans' Hornpipe
ABC 1 C1:070007116621001 C2:uduudduuuududud M:2/4 K:C H:BLRZ T:HUNTSMANS' -- HORNPIPE
ABC 1 C1:070007116621001 C2:uduudduuuududud M:2/4 K:C H:BLRZ T:HUNTSMANS' -- HORNPIPE
ABC 1 C1:070007116621001 C2:uduudduuuududud M:4/4 K:C H:"BLR T:Huntsmans' Hornpipe
ABC 1 C1:070007116621001 C2:uduudduuuududud M:4/4 K:C H:"BLR T:Huntsmans' Hornpipe
ABC 1 C1:070007116621001 C2:uduudduuuududud M:4/4 K:C H:"BLR T:Huntsmans' Hornpipe
ABC 1 C1:070007116621001 C2:uduudduuuududud M:4/4 K:C H:"BLR T:Huntsmans' Hornpipe
ABC 1 C1:070007116621001 C2:uduudduuuududud M:4/4 K:C H:"BLR T:Huntsmans' Hornpipe
ABC 1 C1:070007116621001 C2:uduudduuuududud M:4/4 K:C H:"BLR T:Huntsmans' Hornpipe
ABC 1 C1:070007116621001 C2:uduudduuuududud M:4/4 K:C H:"BLR T:Huntsmans' Hornpipe
ABC 1 C1:070007116621001 C2:uduudduuuududud M:4/4 K:C H:"BLRZ T:Huntsmans' Hornpipe
ABC 1 C1:070007116621001 C2:uduudduuuududud M:4/4 K:C H:"BLRZ T:Huntsmans' Hornpipe
ABC 1 C1:070007116621001 C2:uduudduuuududud M:4/4 K:C H:"BLRZ T:Huntsmans' Hornpipe
ABC 1 C1:070007116621001 C2:uduudduuuududud M:4/4 K:C H:"BLRZ T:Huntsmans' Hornpipe
ABC 1 C1:070007116621001 C2:uduudduuuududud M:4/4 K:C H:"BLRZ T:Huntsmans' Hornpipe
ABC 1 C1:070007116621001 C2:uduudduuuududud M:4/4 K:C H:"BLRZ T:Huntsmans' Hornpipe
ABC 1 C1:070007116621001 C2:uduudduuuududud M:4/4 K:C H:"BLRZ T:Huntsmans' Hornpipe
ABC 1 C1:707243020101414 C2:uduudduuuududud M:2/4 K:C H:LRSZ T:Huntsman's Hornpipe
ABC 1 C1:070007116621001 C2:uduudduuuududud M:2/4 K:C H:BLRZ T:HUNTSMANS' -- HORNPIPE
ABC 1 C1:070007116621001 C2:uduudduuuududud M:2/4 K:C H:BLRZ T:HUNTSMANS' -- HORNPIPE
ABC 95 C1:070007116621001 C2:uduudduuuududud M:2/4 K:C H:LZ T:Huntsman's Hornpipe
ABC 95 C1:070007116621001 C2:uduudduuuududud M:2/4 K:C H:LZ T:Huntsman's Hornpipe
ABC 7420 C1:070007116621001 C2:uduudduuuududud M:2/4 K:C H:L T:Huntsman's Hornpipe
ABC 7420 C1:070007116621001 C2:uduudduuuududud M:2/4 K:C H:L T:Huntsman's Hornpipe
ABC 1 C1:070007116621001 C2:uduudduuuududud M:2/4 K:C H:BLRZ T:HUNTSMANS' -- HORNPIPE
ABC 1 C1:070007116621001 C2:uduudduuuududud M:2/4 K:C H:BLRZ T:HUNTSMANS' -- HORNPIPE
ABC 1 C1:070007116621001 C2:uduudduuuududud M:2/4 K:C H:BLRZ T:HUNTSMANS' -- HORNPIPE
ABC 31 C1:076001110111077 C2:dduuuuuudddudud M:6/4 K:F H:HLOQSZ T:Huntsman,The. (p)1651.PLFD.031
ABC 31 C1:076001110111077 C2:dduuuuuudddudud M:6/4 K:F H:HLOQSZ T:Huntsman,The. (p)1651.PLFD.031
ABC 31 C1:076001110111077 C2:dduuuuuudddudud M:6/4 K:F H:HLOQSZ T:Huntsman,The. (p)1651.PLFD.031
ABC 803 C1:000011000011007 C2:uuuudddduuduuuu M:6/8 K:D H:BLQZ T:Huntsmen in Friar Bacon. Roose.0804
ABC 1 C1:050311110006000 C2:duuuuuddudududd M:C| K:G H:"CRZ T:The Huntsmen's Chorus
ABC 1 C1:050311110006000 C2:duuuuuddudududd M:C| K:G H:"CRZ T:The Huntsmen's Chorus
ABC 1 C1:050311110006000 C2:duuuuuddudududd M:C| K:G H:"CRZ T:The Huntsmen's Chorus
ABC 1 C1:050311110006000 C2:duuuuuddudududd M:C| K:G H:"CRZ T:The Huntsmen's Chorus
ABC 1 C1:050311110006000 C2:duuuuuddudududd M:C| K:G H:"CRZ T:The Huntsmen's Chorus
ABC 1 C1:353220607353606 C2:uduuuuuddududud M:2/4 K:G H:"LRZ T:The Huntsmen's Chorus
ABC 1 C1:353220607353606 C2:uduuuuuddududud M:2/4 K:A H:"LRZ T:The Huntsmen's Chorus
ABC 1 C1:353220607353606 C2:uduuuuuddududud M:2/4 K:G H:"LRZ T:The Huntsmen's Chorus
ABC 1 C1:532206073536065 C2:duuuuuddudududd M:2/4 K:A H:"LRZ T:the Huntsmen's Chorus
ABC 1 C1:532206073536065 C2:duuuuuddudududd M:2/4 K:G H:"LRZ T:the Huntsmen's Chorus
ABC 1 C1:532206073536065 C2:duuuuuddudududd M:2/4 K:A H:"LRZ T:the Huntsmen's Chorus
ABC 1 C1:532206073536065 C2:duuuuuddudududd M:2/4 K:G H:"LRZ T:the Huntsmen's Chorus
ABC 1 C1:532206073536065 C2:duuuuuddudududd M:2/4 K:A H:"LRZ T:the Huntsmen's Chorus
ABC 1 C1:532206073536065 C2:duuuuuddudududd M:2/4 K:G H:"LRZ T:the Huntsmen's Chorus
ABC 1 C1:532206073536065 C2:duuuuuddudududd M:2/4 K:A H:"LRZ T:the Huntsmen's Chorus
ABC 1 C1:532206073536065 C2:duuuuuddudududd M:2/4 K:G H:"LRZ T:the Huntsmen's Chorus
ABC 1 C1:532206073536065 C2:duuuuuddudududd M:2/4 K:A H:"LRZ T:the Huntsmen's Chorus
ABC 1 C1:532206073536065 C2:duuuuuddudududd M:2/4 K:G H:"LRZ T:the Huntsmen's Chorus
ABC 1 C1:532206073536065 C2:duuuuuddudududd M:2/4 K:A H:"LRZ T:the Huntsmen's Chorus
ABC 1 C1:532206073536065 C2:duuuuuddudududd M:2/4 K:G H:"LRZ T:the Huntsmen's Chorus
ABC 1 C1:532206073536065 C2:duuuuuddudududd M:2/4 K:A H:"LRZ T:the Huntsmen's Chorus
ABC 1 C1:532206073536065 C2:duuuuuddudududd M:2/4 K:G H:"LRZ T:the Huntsmen's Chorus
ABC 1 C1:532206073536065 C2:duuuuuddudududd M:2/4 K:A H:"LRZ T:the Huntsmen's Chorus
ABC 1 C1:532206073536065 C2:duuuuuddudududd M:2/4 K:G H:"LRZ T:the Huntsmen's Chorus
ABC 1 C1:532206073536065 C2:duuuuuddudududd M:2/4 K:A H:"LRZ T:the Huntsmen's Chorus
ABC 1 C1:532206073536065 C2:duuuuuddudududd M:2/4 K:G H:"LRZ T:the Huntsmen's Chorus
ABC 1 C1:532206073536065 C2:duuuuuddudududd M:2/4 K:A H:"LRZ T:the Huntsmen's Chorus
ABC 1 C1:532206073536065 C2:duuuuuddudududd M:2/4 K:G H:"LRZ T:the Huntsmen's Chorus
ABC 1 C1:532206073536065 C2:duuuuuddudududd M:2/4 K:A H:"LRZ T:the Huntsmen's Chorus
ABC 1 C1:532206073536065 C2:duuuuuddudududd M:2/4 K:G H:"LRZ T:the Huntsmen's Chorus
ABC 1 C1:532206073536065 C2:duuuuuddudududd M:2/4 K:A H:"LRZ T:the Huntsmen's Chorus
ABC 1 C1:532206073536065 C2:duuuuuddudududd M:2/4 K:G H:"LRZ T:the Huntsmen's Chorus
ABC 1 C1:532206073536065 C2:duuuuuddudududd M:2/4 K:A H:"LRZ T:the Huntsmen's Chorus
ABC 1 C1:532206073536065 C2:duuuuuddudududd M:2/4 K:G H:"LRZ T:the Huntsmen's Chorus
ABC 1 C1:353220607353606 C2:uduuuuuddududud M:C| K:G H:"LRZ T:The Huntsmen's Chorus
ABC 1 C1:353220607353606 C2:uduuuuuddududud M:C| K:G H:"LRZ T:The Huntsmen's Chorus
ABC 1 C1:353220607353606 C2:uduuuuuddududud M:C| K:G H:"LRZ T:the Huntsmen's Chorus
ABC 1 C1:353220607353606 C2:uduuuuuddududud M:C| K:G H:"LRZ T:the Huntsmen's Chorus
ABC 1 C1:353220607353606 C2:uduuuuuddududud M:C| K:G H:"LRZ T:the Huntsmen's Chorus
ABC 1 C1:353220607353606 C2:uduuuuuddududud M:C| K:G H:"LRZ T:the Huntsmen's Chorus
ABC 1 C1:353220607353606 C2:uduuuuuddududud M:C| K:G H:"LRZ T:the Huntsmen's Chorus
ABC 1 C1:353220607353606 C2:uduuuuuddududud M:C| K:G H:"LRZ T:the Huntsmen's Chorus
ABC 1 C1:353220607353606 C2:uduuuuuddududud M:C| K:G H:"LRZ T:the Huntsmen's Chorus
ABC 1 C1:353220607353606 C2:uduuuuuddududud M:C| K:G H:"LRZ T:the Huntsmen's Chorus
ABC 1 C1:353220607353606 C2:uduuuuuddududud M:C| K:G H:"LRZ T:the Huntsmen's Chorus
ABC 1 C1:030503111100060 C2:uduuuuuddududud M:4/4 K:G H:"LRSZ T:HUNTSMEN'S CHORUS
ABC 1 C1:050311210005000 C2:duuuuuddudududd M:4/4 K:G H:"LRV T:The Huntsmen's Chorus
ABC 1 C1:353220616353606 C2:uduuuuududdudud M:C K:G H:"CLRZ T:The Huntsmen's Chorus
ABC 1 C1:353220616353606 C2:uduuuuududdudud M:C K:G H:"CLRZ T:The Huntsmen's Chorus
ABC 1 C1:353220616353606 C2:uduuuuududdudud M:C K:G H:"CLRZ T:The Huntsmen's Chorus
ABC 1 C1:353220616353606 C2:uduuuuududdudud M:C K:G H:"CLRZ T:The Huntsmen's Chorus
ABC 1 C1:353220607353606 C2:uduuuuuddududud M:2/4 K:G H:"BCLORZ T:the Huntsmen's Chorus
ABC 1 C1:353220607353606 C2:uduuuuuddududud M:2/4 K:G H:"BCLORZ T:the Huntsmen's Chorus
ABC 1 C1:353220607353606 C2:uduuuuuddududud M:2/4 K:G H:"BCLORZ T:the Huntsmen's Chorus
ABC 1 C1:353220607353606 C2:uduuuuuddududud M:2/4 K:G H:"BCLORZ T:the Huntsmen's Chorus
ABC 1 C1:353220607353606 C2:uduuuuuddududud M:2/4 K:G H:"BCLORZ T:the Huntsmen's Chorus
ABC 1 C1:353220607353606 C2:uduuuuuddududud M:2/4 K:G H:"BCLORZ T:the Huntsmen's Chorus
ABC 1 C1:353220607353606 C2:uduuuuuddududud M:2/4 K:G H:"BCLORZ T:the Huntsmen's Chorus
ABC 1 C1:000011110006000 C2:uuuuddudududddd M:2/4 K:C H:BFLZ T:the Huntsmen's Chorus
ABC 2 C1:353220607353606 C2:uduuuuuddududud M:2/4 K:G H:"LRZ T:the Huntsmen's Chorus
ABC 1 C1:353220607353606 C2:uduuuuuddududud M:C| K:G H:"LRZ T:the Huntsmen's Chorus
ABC 1 C1:353220607353606 C2:uduuuuuddududud M:C| K:G H:"LRZ T:the Huntsmen's Chorus
ABC 1 C1:353220607353606 C2:uduuuuuddududud M:C| K:G H:"LRZ T:the Huntsmen's Chorus
ABC 1 C1:353220607353606 C2:uduuuuuddududud M:C| K:G H:"LRZ T:the Huntsmen's Chorus
ABC 1 C1:532206073536065 C2:duuuuuddudududd M:2/4 K:A H:"LRZ T:the Huntsmen's Chorus
ABC 1 C1:532206073536065 C2:duuuuuddudududd M:2/4 K:A H:"LRZ T:the Huntsmen's Chorus
ABC 1 C1:532206073536065 C2:duuuuuddudududd M:2/4 K:A H:"LRZ T:the Huntsmen's Chorus
ABC 2 C1:532206073536065 C2:duuuuuddudududd M:2/4 K:G H:"LRZ T:the Huntsmen's Chorus
ABC 2 C1:532206073536065 C2:duuuuuddudududd M:2/4 K:G H:"LRZ T:the Huntsmen's Chorus
ABC 2 C1:532206073536065 C2:duuuuuddudududd M:2/4 K:G H:"LRZ T:the Huntsmen's Chorus
ABC 2 C1:532206073536065 C2:duuuuuddudududd M:2/4 K:G H:"LRZ T:the Huntsmen's Chorus
ABC 2 C1:532206073536065 C2:duuuuuddudududd M:2/4 K:G H:"LRZ T:the Huntsmen's Chorus
ABC 2 C1:532206073536065 C2:duuuuuddudududd M:2/4 K:G H:"LRZ T:the Huntsmen's Chorus
ABC 2 C1:532206073536065 C2:duuuuuddudududd M:2/4 K:G H:"LRZ T:the Huntsmen's Chorus
ABC 1 C1:050311110006000 C2:duuuuuddudududd M:4/4 K:G H:"LR T:The Huntsmen's Chorus
ABC 1 C1:050311110006000 C2:duuuuuddudududd M:4/4 K:A H:"LR T:The Huntsmen's Chorus
ABC 1 C1:040411110006000 C2:duuuuuddudududd M:4/4 K:D H:"LR T:The Huntsmen's Chorus
ABC 1 C1:050311110006000 C2:duuuuuddudududd M:4/4 K:G H:"LRV T:The Huntsmen's Chorus
ABC 1 C1:050311210005000 C2:duuuuuddudududd M:4/4 K:G H:"LRV T:The Huntsmen's Chorus
ABC 1 C1:050311110006000 C2:duuuuuddudududd M:4/4 K:G H:"LR T:The Huntsmen's Chorus
ABC 1 C1:050311110006000 C2:duuuuuddudududd M:4/4 K:A H:"LR T:The Huntsmen's Chorus
ABC 1 C1:040411110006000 C2:duuuuuddudududd M:4/4 K:D H:"LR T:The Huntsmen's Chorus
ABC 1 C1:050311110006000 C2:duuuuuddudududd M:4/4 K:G H:"LRV T:The Huntsmen's Chorus
ABC 1 C1:050311210005000 C2:duuuuuddudududd M:4/4 K:G H:"LRV T:The Huntsmen's Chorus
ABC 1 C1:532206073536065 C2:duuuuuddudududd M:2/4 K:G H:"LRZ T:the Huntsmen's Chorus
ABC 1 C1:532206073536065 C2:duuuuuddudududd M:2/4 K:G H:"LRZ T:the Huntsmen's Chorus
ABC 1 C1:532206073536065 C2:duuuuuddudududd M:2/4 K:G H:"LRZ T:the Huntsmen's Chorus
ABC 1 C1:532206073536065 C2:duuuuuddudududd M:2/4 K:G H:"LRZ T:the Huntsmen's Chorus
ABC 1 C1:532206073536065 C2:duuuuuddudududd M:2/4 K:G H:"LRZ T:the Huntsmen's Chorus
ABC 1 C1:532206073536065 C2:duuuuuddudududd M:2/4 K:G H:"LRZ T:the Huntsmen's Chorus
ABC 1 C1:532206073536065 C2:duuuuuddudududd M:2/4 K:G H:"LRZ T:the Huntsmen's Chorus
ABC 1 C1:532206073536065 C2:duuuuuddudududd M:2/4 K:G H:"LRZ T:the Huntsmen's Chorus
ABC 1 C1:532206073536065 C2:duuuuuddudududd M:2/4 K:G H:"LRZ T:the Huntsmen's Chorus
ABC 1 C1:532206073536065 C2:duuuuuddudududd M:2/4 K:G H:"LRZ T:the Huntsmen's Chorus
ABC 1 C1:532206073536065 C2:duuuuuddudududd M:2/4 K:G H:"LRZ T:the Huntsmen's Chorus
ABC 1 C1:532206073536065 C2:duuuuuddudududd M:2/4 K:G H:"LRZ T:the Huntsmen's Chorus
ABC 1 C1:532206073536065 C2:duuuuuddudududd M:2/4 K:G H:"LRZ T:the Huntsmen's Chorus
ABC 1 C1:532206073536065 C2:duuuuuddudududd M:2/4 K:G H:"LRZ T:the Huntsmen's Chorus
ABC 1 C1:532206073536065 C2:duuuuuddudududd M:2/4 K:G H:"LRZ T:the Huntsmen's Chorus
ABC 1 C1:000011110006000 C2:uuuuddudududddd M:2/4 K:C H:BFLOZ T:the Huntsmen's Chorus
ABC 10 C1:030503111100060 C2:uduuuuuddududud M:4/4 K:G H:"LRSZ T:HUNTSMEN'S CHORUS
ABC 10 C1:030503111100060 C2:uduuuuuddududud M:4/4 K:G H:"LRSZ T:HUNTSMEN'S CHORUS
ABC 1 C1:000011110006000 C2:uuuuddudududddd M:2/4 K:C H:BFLZ T:the Huntsmen's Chorus
ABC 1 C1:000011110006000 C2:uuuuddudududddd M:2/4 K:C H:BFLZ T:the Huntsmen's Chorus
ABC 1 C1:000011110006000 C2:uuuuddudududddd M:2/4 K:C H:BFLZ T:the Huntsmen's Chorus
ABC 1 C1:000011110006000 C2:uuuuddudududddd M:2/4 K:C H:BFLZ T:the Huntsmen's Chorus
ABC 1 C1:000011110006000 C2:uuuuddudududddd M:2/4 K:C H:BFLZ T:the Huntsmen's Chorus
ABC 19 C1:353220607353606 C2:uduuuuuddududud M:2/4 K:G H:"BCLORZ T:The Huntsmen's Chorus
ABC 19 C1:353220607353606 C2:uduuuuuddududud M:2/4 K:G H:"BCLORZ T:The Huntsmen's Chorus
ABC 19 C1:353220607353606 C2:uduuuuuddududud M:2/4 K:G H:"BCLORZ T:The Huntsmen's Chorus
ABC 22 C1:353220607353606 C2:uduuuuuddududud M:2/4 K:G H:"BCLORZ T:The Huntsmen's Chorus
ABC 22 C1:353220607353606 C2:uduuuuuddududud M:2/4 K:G H:"BCLORZ T:The Huntsmen's Chorus
ABC 22 C1:353220607353606 C2:uduuuuuddududud M:2/4 K:G H:"BCLORZ T:The Huntsmen's Chorus
ABC 36 C1:050311110006000 C2:duuuuuddudududd M:C| K:G H:"CRZ T:The Huntsmen's Chorus
ABC 39 C1:050311110006000 C2:duuuuuddudududd M:C| K:G H:"CRZ T:The Huntsmen's Chorus
ABC 224 C1:353220607353606 C2:uduuuuuddududud M:2/4 K:A H:"LOR T:The Huntsmen's Chorus
ABC 224 C1:353220607353606 C2:uduuuuuddududud M:2/4 K:A H:"LOR T:The Huntsmen's Chorus
ABC 6941 C1:353220607353606 C2:uduuuuuddududud M:2/4 K:A H:"LOR T:the Huntsmen's Chorus
ABC 6941 C1:353220607353606 C2:uduuuuuddududud M:2/4 K:A H:"LOR T:the Huntsmen's Chorus
ABC 3960 C1:000011110006000 C2:uuuuddudududddd M:2/4 K:C H:BFLOZ T:the Huntsmen's Chorus
ABC 3960 C1:000011110006000 C2:uuuuddudududddd M:2/4 K:C H:BFLOZ T:the Huntsmen's Chorus
ABC 1 C1:000011110006000 C2:uuuuddudududddd M:2/4 K:C H:BLOZ T:the Huntsmen's Chorus
ABC 1 C1:002206073536065 C2:uuuuddudududddd M:2/4 K:C H:ABCLQWZ T:Huntsmen's Chorus. G&D_1826.01, The
ABC 1 C1:002206073536065 C2:uuuuddudududddd M:2/4 K:C H:ABCLQWZ T:Huntsmen's Chorus. G&D_1826.01, The
ABC 154 C1:060000070000000 C2:ddududduudduudd M:2/4 K:D H:ABLOQRSZ T:Hunt's Quadrille. CJF.154
ABC 154 C1:060000070000000 C2:ddududduudduudd M:2/4 K:D H:ABLQZ T:Hunt's Quadrille. CJF.154
ABC 154 C1:060000070000000 C2:ddududduudduudd M:2/4 K:D H:ABLQZ T:Hunt's Quadrille. CJF.154
ABC 154 C1:060000070000000 C2:ddududduudduudd M:2/4 K:D H:ABLOQRSZ T:Hunt's Quadrille. CJF.154
ABC 7391 C1:060000070000000 C2:ddududduudduudd M:2/4 K:D H:ABCLOQRSZ T:Hunt's Quadrille. CJF.154
ABC 7391 C1:060000070000000 C2:ddududduudduudd M:2/4 K:D H:ABCLOQRSZ T:Hunt's Quadrille. CJF.154
ABC 2733 C1:060000070000000 C2:ddududduudduudd M:2/4 K:D H:ABCLOQRS T:Hunt's Quadrille. CJF.154
ABC 2733 C1:060000070000000 C2:ddududduudduudd M:2/4 K:D H:ABCLOQRS T:Hunt's Quadrille. CJF.154
ABC 3961 C1:060000070000000 C2:ddududduudduudd M:2/4 K:D H:ABFLOQRSZ T:Hunt's Quadrille. CJF.154
ABC 3961 C1:060000070000000 C2:ddududduudduudd M:2/4 K:D H:ABFLOQRSZ T:Hunt's Quadrille. CJF.154
ABC 154 C1:060000070000000 C2:ddududduudduudd M:2/4 K:D H:ABLOQRSZ T:Hunt's Quadrille. CJF.154
ABC 194 C1:046024046027043 C2:uduududuudududd M:6/4 K:G H:ACHLOQSZ T:Hunt's Up. HA.193
ABC 194 C1:046024046027043 C2:uduududuudududd M:6/4 K:G H:ABCHLOQZ T:Hunt's Up. HA.193
ABC 194 C1:046024046027043 C2:uduududuudududd M:6/4 K:G H:ABHLOQSZ T:Hunt's Up. HA.193
ABC 3759 C1:046024046027043 C2:uduududuudududd M:6/4 K:G H:ACFHLOQSZ T:Hunt's Up. HA.193
ABC 3962 C1:046024046027043 C2:uduududuudududd M:6/4 K:G H:ACFHLOQSZ T:Hunt's Up. HA.193
ABC 3759 C1:046024046027043 C2:uduududuudududd M:6/4 K:G H:ACFHLOQSZ T:Hunt's Up. HA.193
ABC 3962 C1:046024046027043 C2:uduududuudududd M:6/4 K:G H:ACFHLOQSZ T:Hunt's Up. HA.193
ABC 194 C1:046024046027043 C2:uduududuudududd M:6/4 K:G H:ABHLOQSZ T:Hunt's Up. HA.193
ABC 1 C1:000003050000001 C2:dduuduuduuuddud M:4/4 K:Ab H:L T:Hunt the Buffalo
ABC 1 C1:000003050000001 C2:dduuduuduuuddud M:4/4 K:Ab H:L T:Hunt the Buffalo
ABC 1 C1:000003050000001 C2:dduuduuduuuddud M:4/4 K:Ab H:L T:Hunt the Buffalo
ABC 1 C1:010700000400070 C2:ududdudududddud M:6/8 K:Dm H:CLQR T:Hunt the Cat
ABC 1 C1:010700000400070 C2:ududdudududddud M:6/8 K:Dm H:CLQR T:Hunt the Cat
ABC 533049 C1:765002170040760 C2:ddudududddududd M:6/8 K:Dmix H:BCLR T:HUNT THE CAT
ABC 1 C1:765002170040760 C2:ddudududddududd M:6/8 K:Ddor H:BL T:Hunt the Cat
ABC 1 C1: C2: M:6/8 K:D H:BLQRZ T:Hunt the Cat
ABC 475 C1:765002170040760 C2:ddudududddududd M:6/8 K:Ddor H:LRS T:Hunt the Cat
ABC 575 C1:765002170040760 C2:ddudududddududd M:6/8 K:Ddor H:LRS T:Hunt the Cat
ABC 533049 C1:765002170040760 C2:ddudududddududd M:6/8 K:Dmix H:BCLR T:HUNT THE CAT
ABC 533049 C1:765002170040760 C2:ddudududddududd M:6/8 K:Dmix H:BCLR T:HUNT THE CAT
ABC 1 C1:067777060067620 C2:ddddduddduduudd M: K:Dmaj H:LR T:Hunt The Fox
ABC 2 C1:067620623067777 C2:ddduduudddddudd M: K:Dmaj H:LR T:Hunt The Fox
ABC 3 C1:067620623067777 C2:ddduduudddddudd M: K:Emin H:LR T:Hunt The Fox
ABC 1 C1:067777060067620 C2:ddddduddduduudd M:9/8 K:Dmix H:BLRZ T:HUNT THE FOX -- JIG
ABC 1 C1:067777060067620 C2:ddddduddduduudd M:9/8 K:Dmix H:BLRZ T:HUNT THE FOX -- JIG
ABC 1 C1:067777060067620 C2:ddddduddduduudd M:9/8 K:Dmix H:BLRZ T:HUNT THE FOX -- JIG
ABC 1 C1:067777060067620 C2:ddddduddduduudd M:9/8 K:Dmix H:BLRZ T:HUNT THE FOX -- JIG
ABC 1 C1:067777060067620 C2:ddddduddduduudd M:9/8 K:Dmix H:BLRZ T:HUNT THE FOX -- JIG
ABC 1 C1:067777060067620 C2:ddddduddduduudd M:9/8 K:Dmix H:BLRZ T:HUNT THE FOX -- JIG
ABC 1 C1:067777060067620 C2:ddddduddduduudd M:9/8 K:Dmix H:BLRZ T:HUNT THE FOX -- JIG
ABC 1 C1:646771162237616 C2:duddduuduuuddud M:C| K:D H:BLZ T:Hunt the Hare [1]
ABC 1 C1:646771162237616 C2:duddduuduuuddud M:C| K:D H:BLZ T:Hunt the Hare [1]
ABC 1 C1:377773012111271 C2:udddduduuuuuduu M:6/8 K:D H:"L T:Hunt the hare 1
ABC 1 C1:005077011001003 C2:ddduuuuuudddudd M:6/8 K:D H:"L T:Hunt the hare 2
ABC 341 C1:037777111010211 C2:udddduuuduuuuud M:4/4 K:D H:" T:Hunt the Hare (2A, 1B)
ABC 1 C1: C2: M:6/8 K:G H:BFLRZ T:Hunt the Hare [3]
ABC 1 C1: C2: M:6/8 K:D H:BLRZ T:Hunt the Hare [3]
ABC 93 C1:622500072237616 C2:duudduuuddudddu M:C| K:D H:ACLQRSZ T:Hunt the Hare
ABC 93 C1:622500072237616 C2:duudduuuddudddu M:C| K:D H:ACLQRSZ T:Hunt the Hare
ABC 93 C1:622500072237616 C2:duudduuuddudddu M:C| K:D H:ACLQRSZ T:Hunt the Hare
ABC 93 C1:622500072237616 C2:duudduuuddudddu M:C| K:D H:ACLQRSZ T:Hunt the Hare
ABC 93 C1:622500072237616 C2:duudduuuddudddu M:C| K:D H:ACLQRSZ T:Hunt the Hare
ABC 93 C1:622500072237616 C2:duudduuuddudddu M:C| K:D H:ACLQRSZ T:Hunt the Hare
ABC 1 C1:012111377773012 C2:duuuuudddduduuu M:6/8 K:Dmaj H:LR T:Hunt The Hare
ABC 4 C1:012111036711012 C2:duuuuudduuduuuu M:6/8 K:GMaj H:LR T:Hunt The Hare
ABC 100 C1:646771162237616 C2:duddduuduuuddud M:C| K:D H:BLZ T:Hunt the Hare
ABC 100 C1:646771162237616 C2:duddduuduuuddud M:C| K:D H:BLZ T:Hunt the Hare
ABC 57 C1:377773012111271 C2:udddduduuuuuduu M:6/8 K:D H:ABLQRZ T:Hunt the Hare. RHu.057
ABC 57 C1:377773012111271 C2:udddduduuuuuduu M:6/8 K:D H:ABLQRZ T:Hunt the Hare. RHu.057
ABC 57 C1:377773012111271 C2:udddduduuuuuduu M:6/8 K:D H:ALQRSZ T:Hunt the Hare. RHu.057
ABC 57 C1:377773012111271 C2:udddduduuuuuduu M:6/8 K:D H:ABLQRSZ T:Hunt the Hare. RHu.057
ABC 3963 C1:377773012111271 C2:udddduduuuuuduu M:6/8 K:D H:AFLQRSZ T:Hunt the Hare. RHu.057
ABC 3963 C1:377773012111271 C2:udddduduuuuuduu M:6/8 K:D H:AFLQRSZ T:Hunt the Hare. RHu.057
ABC 57 C1:377773012111271 C2:udddduduuuuuduu M:6/8 K:D H:ABLQRSZ T:Hunt the Hare. RHu.057
ABC 100 C1:646771162237616 C2:duddduuduuuddud M:C| K:D H:BLOQZ T:Hunt The Hare THO3.100
ABC 100 C1:646771162237616 C2:duddduuduuuddud M:C| K:D H:BLOQZ T:Hunt The Hare THO3.100
ABC 99 C1:377773012111370 C2:udddduduuuuudud M:6/8 K:D H:BLQZ T:Hunt The Hare THO4.99
ABC 99 C1:377773012111370 C2:udddduduuuuudud M:6/8 K:D H:BLQZ T:Hunt The Hare THO4.99
ABC 99 C1:377773012111271 C2:udddduduuuuuduu M:6/8 K:D H:ALOQZ T:Hunt The Hare. THO4.99
ABC 99 C1:377773012111271 C2:udddduduuuuuduu M:6/8 K:D H:ALOQZ T:Hunt The Hare. THO4.99
ABC 99 C1:377773012111370 C2:udddduduuuuudud M:6/8 K:D H:BLQZ T:Hunt The Hare THO4.99
ABC 99 C1:377773012111370 C2:udddduduuuuudud M:6/8 K:D H:BLQZ T:Hunt The Hare THO4.99
ABC 99 C1:377773012111370 C2:udddduduuuuudud M:6/8 K:D H:BLQZ T:Hunt The Hare THO4.99
ABC 99 C1:377773012111271 C2:udddduduuuuuduu M:6/8 K:D H:ABLOQZ T:Hunt The Hare. THO4.99
ABC 99 C1:377773012111271 C2:udddduduuuuuduu M:6/8 K:D H:ABLOQZ T:Hunt The Hare. THO4.99
ABC 99 C1:377773012111271 C2:udddduduuuuuduu M:6/8 K:D H:ALOQZ T:Hunt The Hare. THO4.99
ABC 1 C1:060060200206005 C2:dduududdddudduu M:4/4 K:G H:"L T:Hunt the hog
ABC 1 C1:500250025056272 C2:udududududddudu M:2/4 K:D H:HLR T:Hunt the Snark
ABC 1 C1:500250025056272 C2:udududududddudu M:2/4 K:D H:HLR T:Hunt the Snark
ABC 11 C1:210076020117760 C2:uudduuudddduddu M:2/4 K:Em H:HLQ T:Hunt the Snark
ABC 11 C1:210076020117760 C2:uudduuudddduddu M:2/4 K:Em H:HLQ T:Hunt the Snark
ABC 11 C1:210076020117760 C2:uudduuudddduddu M:2/4 K:Em H:HLQ T:Hunt the Snark
ABC 1 C1:400017006006117 C2:uuddduudduudduu M:6/4 K:A H:BLSZ T:Hunt the Squiril
ABC 1 C1:400017006006117 C2:uuddduudduudduu M:6/4 K:A H:BLSZ T:Hunt the Squiril
ABC 1 C1:400017006006117 C2:uuddduudduudduu M:6/4 K:A H:BLSZ T:Hunt the Squiril
ABC 1 C1:400017006006117 C2:uuddduudduudduu M:6/4 K:A H:BLSZ T:Hunt the Squiril
ABC 25 C1:006006117070117 C2:dduudduudduuddd M:6/4 K:A H:BLQWZ T:Hunt the Squiril. WCD3/1.025
ABC 25 C1:006006117070117 C2:dduudduudduuddd M:6/4 K:A H:BLQWZ T:Hunt the Squiril. WCD3/1.025
ABC 57 C1:006006110077110 C2:dduudduudduuddd M:6/8 K:A H:LOQRSZ T:Hunt The Squirl,aka. VWMLa.057
ABC 57 C1:006006110077110 C2:dduudduudduuddd M:6/8 K:A H:ABLQRZ T:Hunt The Squirl,aka. VWMLa.057
ABC 57 C1:006006110077110 C2:dduudduudduuddd M:6/8 K:A H:ABLQRZ T:Hunt The Squirl,aka. VWMLa.057
ABC 57 C1:006006110077110 C2:dduudduudduuddd M:6/8 K:A H:ABLOQRSZ T:Hunt The Squirl,aka. VWMLa.057
ABC 57 C1:006006110077110 C2:dduudduudduuddd M:6/8 K:A H:ABLOQRSZ T:Hunt The Squirl,aka. VWMLa.057
ABC 1 C1:020706010005000 C2:udduduuuuddduuu M:4/4 K:G H:ACILORS T:Hunt the Squirrel (1)
ABC 1 C1:040000000107000 C2:uuddduudduudddu M:6/8 K:A H:ACILORS T:Hunt the Squirrel (2)
ABC 292 C1:006006117070117 C2:dduudduudduuddd M:6/8 K:G H:L T:Hunt the Squirrel
ABC 1 C1:000600060117070 C2:dduudduudduuddd M:4/4 K:A H:CL T:Hunt the Squirrel
ABC 8008 C1:006006117070117 C2:dduudduudduuddd M:6/8 K:G H:"CLOQR T:Hunt the Squirrel
ABC 93 C1:622500072237616 C2:duudduuuddudddu M:C| K:D H:ACLQRSZ T:Hunt the Squirrel
ABC 68 C1:276105032217060 C2:udduduuuuddduuu M:4/4 K:G H:ALOQS T:Hunt the Squirrel
ABC 68 C1:276105032217060 C2:udduduuuuddduuu M:4/4 K:G H:ALOQS T:Hunt the Squirrel
ABC 68 C1:276105032217060 C2:udduduuuuddduuu M:4/4 K:G H:ALOQS T:Hunt the Squirrel
ABC 68 C1:276105032217060 C2:udduduuuuddduuu M:4/4 K:G H:ALOQS T:Hunt the Squirrel
ABC 1 C1:400017006006117 C2:uuddduudduudduu M:6/8 K:A H:"S T:Hunt The Squirrel
ABC 50037 C1:040017006006117 C2:uuddduudduudduu M:6/8 K:G H:BCHLR T:HUNT THE SQUIRREL
ABC 1 C1:111106061111060 C2:uuuudduuuudduuu M:4/4 K:G H:"ILQ T:Hunt the Squirrel
ABC 10 C1:000600060117070 C2:dduudduudduuddd M:4/4 K:G H:CLZ T:Hunt the Squirrel
ABC 10 C1:000600060117070 C2:dduudduudduuddd M:4/4 K:G H:CLZ T:Hunt the Squirrel
ABC 1 C1:111276105032217 C2:uuuudduduuuuddd M:C K:G H:"LRSZ T:HUNT THE SQUIRREL
ABC 21152 C1:040017006006117 C2:uuddduudduudduu M:6/8 K:G H:BLZ T:Hunt the squirrel
ABC 21152 C1:040017006006117 C2:uuddduudduudduu M:6/8 K:G H:BLZ T:Hunt the squirrel
ABC 2 C1:006006117070117 C2:dduudduudduuddd M:6/8 K:G H:"CLQZ T:Hunt the Squirrel
ABC 10 C1:000600060117070 C2:dduudduudduuddd M:4/4 K:G H:CLZ T:Hunt the Squirrel
ABC 21 C1:006006117070117 C2:dduudduudduuddd M:6/8 K:G H:"LO T:Hunt the Squirrel
ABC 7 C1:111276105032217 C2:uuuudduduuuuddd M:C K:G H:"LRSZ T:HUNT THE SQUIRREL
ABC 7 C1:111276105032217 C2:uuuudduduuuuddd M:C K:G H:"LRSZ T:HUNT THE SQUIRREL
ABC 22 C1:040017006006111 C2:uuddduuuddduudd M:6/8 K:G H:LR T:Hunt The Squirrel
ABC 212 C1:006006117070117 C2:dduudduudduuddd M:6/8 K:G H:L T:Hunt the Squirrel
ABC 212 C1:006006117070117 C2:dduudduudduuddd M:6/8 K:G H:L T:Hunt the Squirrel
ABC 137 C1:400017006006117 C2:uuddduudduudduu M:6/8 K:A H:"C T:Hunt The Squirrel
ABC 93 C1:622500072237616 C2:duudduuuddudddu M:C| K:D H:ACLQRSZ T:Hunt the Squirrel
ABC 93 C1:622500072237616 C2:duudduuuddudddu M:C| K:D H:ACLQRSZ T:Hunt the Squirrel
ABC 8008 C1:006006117070117 C2:dduudduudduuddd M:6/8 K:G H:"CLOQRZ T:Hunt the Squirrel
ABC 50037 C1:040017006006117 C2:uuddduudduudduu M:6/8 K:G H:BCHLR T:HUNT THE SQUIRREL
ABC 50037 C1:040017006006117 C2:uuddduudduudduu M:6/8 K:G H:BCHLR T:HUNT THE SQUIRREL
ABC 1 C1:040017006006117 C2:uuddduudduudduu M:6/8 K:G H:LZ T:Hunt the Squirrel
ABC 68 C1:276105032217060 C2:udduduuuuddduuu M:4/4 K:G H:ALOQS T:Hunt the Squirrel
ABC 68 C1:276105032217060 C2:udduduuuuddduuu M:4/4 K:G H:ALOQS T:Hunt the Squirrel
ABC 68 C1:276105032217060 C2:udduduuuuddduuu M:4/4 K:G H:ALOQS T:Hunt the Squirrel
ABC 68 C1:276105032217060 C2:udduduuuuddduuu M:4/4 K:G H:ALOQS T:Hunt the Squirrel
ABC 68 C1:276105032217060 C2:udduduuuuddduuu M:4/4 K:G H:ALOQS T:Hunt the Squirrel
ABC 68 C1:276105032217060 C2:udduduuuuddduuu M:4/4 K:G H:ALOQS T:Hunt the Squirrel
ABC 68 C1:276105032217060 C2:udduduuuuddduuu M:4/4 K:G H:ALOQS T:Hunt the Squirrel
ABC 68 C1:276105032217060 C2:udduduuuuddduuu M:4/4 K:G H:ALOQS T:Hunt the Squirrel
ABC 68 C1:276105032217060 C2:udduduuuuddduuu M:4/4 K:G H:ALOQS T:Hunt the Squirrel
ABC 9 C1:276105032217060 C2:udduduuuuddduuu M:4/4 K:G H:"LRZ T:Hunt the Squirrel
ABC 9 C1:276105032217060 C2:udduduuuuddduuu M:4/4 K:G H:"LRZ T:Hunt the Squirrel
ABC 212 C1:006006117070117 C2:dduudduudduuddd M:6/8 K:G H:L T:Hunt the Squirrel
ABC 212 C1:006006117070117 C2:dduudduudduuddd M:6/8 K:G H:L T:Hunt the Squirrel
ABC 212 C1:006006117070117 C2:dduudduudduuddd M:6/8 K:G H:L T:Hunt the Squirrel
ABC 212 C1:006006117070117 C2:dduudduudduuddd M:6/8 K:G H:L T:Hunt the Squirrel
ABC 685 C1:400017006006117 C2:uuddduudduudduu M:6/8 K:A H:"S T:Hunt The Squirrel
ABC 137 C1:400017006006117 C2:uuddduudduudduu M:6/8 K:A H:"S T:Hunt The Squirrel
ABC 137 C1:400017006006117 C2:uuddduudduudduu M:6/8 K:A H:"S T:Hunt The Squirrel
ABC 137 C1:400017006006117 C2:uuddduudduudduu M:6/8 K:A H:"S T:Hunt The Squirrel
ABC 137 C1:400017006006117 C2:uuddduudduudduu M:6/8 K:A H:"S T:Hunt The Squirrel
ABC 292 C1:006006117070117 C2:dduudduudduuddd M:6/8 K:G H:L T:Hunt the Squirrel
ABC 137 C1:400017006006117 C2:uuddduudduudduu M:6/8 K:A H:"FRS T:Hunt The Squirrel
ABC 137 C1:400017006006117 C2:uuddduudduudduu M:6/8 K:A H:"FRS T:Hunt The Squirrel
ABC 137 C1:400017006006117 C2:uuddduudduudduu M:6/8 K:A H:"FRS T:Hunt The Squirrel
ABC 21152 C1:040017006006117 C2:uuddduudduudduu M:6/8 K:G H:BLZ T:Hunt the squirrel
ABC 21152 C1:040017006006117 C2:uuddduudduudduu M:6/8 K:G H:BLZ T:Hunt the squirrel
ABC 21152 C1:040017006006117 C2:uuddduudduudduu M:6/8 K:G H:BLZ T:Hunt the squirrel
ABC 21152 C1:040017006006117 C2:uuddduudduudduu M:6/8 K:G H:BLZ T:Hunt the squirrel
ABC 7389 C1:400017006006117 C2:uuddduudduudduu M:6/8 K:A H:"S T:Hunt The Squirrel
ABC 7390 C1:276105032217060 C2:udduduuuuddduuu M:4/4 K:G H:ALOQS T:Hunt the Squirrel
ABC 7389 C1:400017006006117 C2:uuddduudduudduu M:6/8 K:A H:"S T:Hunt The Squirrel
ABC 7390 C1:276105032217060 C2:udduduuuuddduuu M:4/4 K:G H:ALOQS T:Hunt the Squirrel
ABC 2731 C1:000600060117070 C2:dduudduudduuddd M:4/4 K:A H:CLO T:Hunt the Squirrel
ABC 2732 C1:276105032217060 C2:udduduuuuddduuu M:4/4 K:G H:ALOQS T:Hunt the Squirrel
ABC 2731 C1:000600060117070 C2:dduudduudduuddd M:4/4 K:A H:CLO T:Hunt the Squirrel
ABC 2732 C1:276105032217060 C2:udduduuuuddduuu M:4/4 K:G H:ALOQS T:Hunt the Squirrel
ABC 8008 C1:006006117070117 C2:dduudduudduuddd M:6/8 K:G H:"CLOQRZ T:Hunt the Squirrel
ABC 21152 C1:040017006006117 C2:uuddduudduudduu M:6/8 K:G H:BLZ T:Hunt the squirrel
ABC 21152 C1:040017006006117 C2:uuddduudduudduu M:6/8 K:G H:BLZ T:Hunt the squirrel
ABC 21152 C1:040017006006117 C2:uuddduudduudduu M:6/8 K:G H:BLZ T:Hunt the squirrel
ABC 21152 C1:040017006006117 C2:uuddduudduudduu M:6/8 K:G H:BLZ T:Hunt the squirrel
ABC 21152 C1:040017006006117 C2:uuddduudduudduu M:6/8 K:G H:BLZ T:Hunt the squirrel
ABC 21152 C1:040017006006117 C2:uuddduudduudduu M:6/8 K:G H:BLZ T:Hunt the squirrel
ABC 5880 C1:400017006006117 C2:uuddduudduudduu M:6/8 K:A H:"S T:Hunt The Squirrel
ABC 5881 C1:000600060117070 C2:dduudduudduuddd M:4/4 K:G H:L T:Hunt the Squirrel
ABC 5882 C1:000600060117070 C2:dduudduudduuddd M:4/4 K:A H:CL T:Hunt the Squirrel
ABC 3964 C1:006006117070117 C2:dduudduudduuudd M:6/8 K:A H:BFORZ T:Hunt The Squirrel
ABC 3964 C1:006006117070117 C2:dduudduudduuudd M:6/8 K:A H:BFORZ T:Hunt The Squirrel
ABC 5880 C1:400017006006117 C2:uuddduudduudduu M:6/8 K:A H:"S T:Hunt The Squirrel
ABC 5881 C1:000600060117070 C2:dduudduudduuddd M:4/4 K:G H:L T:Hunt the Squirrel
ABC 5882 C1:000600060117070 C2:dduudduudduuddd M:4/4 K:A H:CL T:Hunt the Squirrel
ABC 5880 C1:400017006006117 C2:uuddduudduudduu M:6/8 K:A H:"S T:Hunt The Squirrel
ABC 5881 C1:000600060117070 C2:dduudduudduuddd M:4/4 K:G H:L T:Hunt the Squirrel
ABC 5882 C1:000600060117070 C2:dduudduudduuddd M:4/4 K:A H:CL T:Hunt the Squirrel
ABC 151 C1:006006117070117 C2:dduudduudduuudd M:6/8 K:A H:BORZ T:Hunt The Squirrel
ABC 467 C1:400017006006117 C2:uuddduudduudduu M:6/8 K:A H:"CLQRSV T:Hunt the Squirrel
ABC 467 C1:400017006006117 C2:uuddduudduudduu M:6/8 K:A H:"CLQRSV T:Hunt the Squirrel
ABC 1 C1:400017006006117 C2:uuddduudduudduu M:6/8 K:A H:"BRSZ T:Hunt The Squirrel [A]
ABC 1 C1:400017006006117 C2:uuddduudduudduu M:6/8 K:A H:"BRSZ T:Hunt The Squirrel [A]
ABC 1 C1:400017006006117 C2:uuddduudduudduu M:6/8 K:A H:"BRSZ T:Hunt The Squirrel [A]
ABC 1 C1:400017006006117 C2:uuddduudduudduu M:6/8 K:A H:"BRSZ T:Hunt The Squirrel [A]
ABC 1 C1:400017006006117 C2:uuddduudduudduu M:6/8 K:A H:"BRSZ T:Hunt The Squirrel [A]
ABC 1 C1:400017006006117 C2:uuddduudduudduu M:6/8 K:A H:"BRSZ T:Hunt The Squirrel [A]
ABC 1 C1:400017006006117 C2:uuddduudduudduu M:6/8 K:A H:"BRSZ T:Hunt The Squirrel [A]
ABC 1 C1:400017006006117 C2:uuddduudduudduu M:6/8 K:A H:"BRSZ T:Hunt The Squirrel [A]
ABC 1 C1:400017006006117 C2:uuddduudduudduu M:6/8 K:A H:"BRSZ T:Hunt The Squirrel [A]
ABC 1 C1:400017006006117 C2:uuddduudduudduu M:6/8 K:A H:"BRSZ T:Hunt The Squirrel [A]
ABC 1 C1:400017006006117 C2:uuddduudduudduu M:6/8 K:A H:"BRSZ T:Hunt The Squirrel [A]
ABC 1 C1:400017006006117 C2:uuddduudduudduu M:6/8 K:A H:"BRSZ T:Hunt The Squirrel [A]
ABC 1 C1:400017006006117 C2:uuddduudduudduu M:6/8 K:A H:"BRSZ T:Hunt The Squirrel [A]
ABC 1 C1:400017006006117 C2:uuddduudduudduu M:6/8 K:A H:"BRSZ T:Hunt The Squirrel [A]
ABC 1 C1:400017006006117 C2:uuddduudduudduu M:6/8 K:A H:"BRSZ T:Hunt The Squirrel [A]
ABC 1 C1:400017006006117 C2:uuddduudduudduu M:6/8 K:A H:"BRSZ T:Hunt The Squirrel [A]
ABC 1 C1:400017006006117 C2:uuddduudduudduu M:6/8 K:A H:"BRSZ T:Hunt The Squirrel [A]
ABC 1 C1:400017006006117 C2:uuddduudduudduu M:6/8 K:A H:"BRSZ T:Hunt The Squirrel [A]
ABC 2 C1:400017006006117 C2:uuddduudduudduu M:6/8 K:A H:"BRSZ T:Hunt The Squirrel [A]
ABC 2 C1:400017006006117 C2:uuddduudduudduu M:6/8 K:A H:"BRSZ T:Hunt The Squirrel [A]
ABC 2 C1:400017006006117 C2:uuddduudduudduu M:6/8 K:A H:"BRSZ T:Hunt The Squirrel [A]
ABC 2 C1:400017006006117 C2:uuddduudduudduu M:6/8 K:A H:"BRSZ T:Hunt The Squirrel [A]
ABC 2 C1:400017006006117 C2:uuddduudduudduu M:6/8 K:A H:"BRSZ T:Hunt The Squirrel [A]
ABC 2 C1:400017006006117 C2:uuddduudduudduu M:6/8 K:A H:"BRSZ T:Hunt The Squirrel [A]
ABC 2 C1:400017006006117 C2:uuddduudduudduu M:6/8 K:A H:"BRSZ T:Hunt The Squirrel [A]
ABC 2 C1:400017006006117 C2:uuddduudduudduu M:6/8 K:A H:"BRSZ T:Hunt The Squirrel [A]
ABC 2 C1:400017006006117 C2:uuddduudduudduu M:6/8 K:A H:"BRSZ T:Hunt The Squirrel [A]
ABC 2 C1:400017006006117 C2:uuddduudduudduu M:6/8 K:A H:"BRSZ T:Hunt The Squirrel [A]
ABC 2 C1:400017006006117 C2:uuddduudduudduu M:6/8 K:A H:"BRSZ T:Hunt The Squirrel [A]
ABC 1 C1:400017006006117 C2:uuddduudduudduu M:6/8 K:A H:"BRSZ T:Hunt The Squirrel [A]
ABC 1 C1:400017006006117 C2:uuddduudduudduu M:6/8 K:G H:"BRSZ T:Hunt The Squirrel (G)
ABC 1 C1:400017006006117 C2:uuddduudduudduu M:6/8 K:G H:"BRSZ T:Hunt The Squirrel (G)
ABC 1 C1:400017006006117 C2:uuddduudduudduu M:6/8 K:G H:"BRSZ T:Hunt The Squirrel (G)
ABC 1 C1:400017006006117 C2:uuddduudduudduu M:6/8 K:G H:"BRSZ T:Hunt The Squirrel (G)
ABC 1 C1:400017006006117 C2:uuddduudduudduu M:6/8 K:G H:"BRSZ T:Hunt The Squirrel (G)
ABC 1 C1:400017006006117 C2:uuddduudduudduu M:6/8 K:G H:"BRSZ T:Hunt The Squirrel (G)
ABC 1 C1:400017006006117 C2:uuddduudduudduu M:6/8 K:G H:"BRSZ T:Hunt The Squirrel (G)
ABC 1 C1:400017006006117 C2:uuddduudduudduu M:6/8 K:G H:"BRSZ T:Hunt The Squirrel (G)
ABC 1 C1:400017006006117 C2:uuddduudduudduu M:6/8 K:G H:"BRSZ T:Hunt The Squirrel (G)
ABC 1 C1:400017006006117 C2:uuddduudduudduu M:6/8 K:G H:"BRSZ T:Hunt The Squirrel (G)
ABC 1 C1:400017006006117 C2:uuddduudduudduu M:6/8 K:G H:"BRSZ T:Hunt The Squirrel (G)
ABC 1 C1:400017006006117 C2:uuddduudduudduu M:6/8 K:G H:"BRSZ T:Hunt The Squirrel (G)
ABC 1 C1:400017006006117 C2:uuddduudduudduu M:6/8 K:G H:"BRSZ T:Hunt The Squirrel (G)
ABC 1 C1:400017006006117 C2:uuddduudduudduu M:6/8 K:G H:"BRSZ T:Hunt The Squirrel (G)
ABC 1 C1:400017006006117 C2:uuddduudduudduu M:6/8 K:G H:"BRSZ T:Hunt The Squirrel (G)
ABC 1 C1:400017006006117 C2:uuddduudduudduu M:6/8 K:G H:"BRSZ T:Hunt The Squirrel (G)
ABC 1 C1:400017006006117 C2:uuddduudduudduu M:6/8 K:G H:"BRSZ T:Hunt The Squirrel (G)
ABC 1 C1:400017006006117 C2:uuddduudduudduu M:6/8 K:G H:"BRSZ T:Hunt The Squirrel (G)
ABC 1 C1:400017006006117 C2:uuddduudduudduu M:6/8 K:G H:"BRSZ T:Hunt The Squirrel (G)
ABC 1 C1:400017006006117 C2:uuddduudduudduu M:6/8 K:G H:"BRSZ T:Hunt The Squirrel (G)
ABC 1 C1:400017006006117 C2:uuddduudduudduu M:6/8 K:G H:"BRSZ T:Hunt The Squirrel (G)
ABC 1 C1:400017006006117 C2:uuddduudduudduu M:6/8 K:G H:"BRSZ T:Hunt The Squirrel (G)
ABC 1 C1:400017006006117 C2:uuddduudduudduu M:6/8 K:G H:"BRSZ T:Hunt The Squirrel (G)
ABC 1 C1:000017006006117 C2:uddduudduudduuu M:6/8 K:G H:"CDLOQRSZ T:Hunt the Squirrel (G major)
ABC 11 C1:171707041717060 C2:ududduududddduu M:4/4 K:G H:ALQ T:Hunt the Squirrel, Headington 2
ABC 11 C1:171707041717060 C2:ududduududddduu M:4/4 K:G H:ALQ T:Hunt the Squirrel, Headington 2
ABC 11 C1:171707041717060 C2:ududduududddduu M:4/4 K:G H:ALQ T:Hunt the Squirrel, Headington 2
ABC 11 C1:171707041717060 C2:ududduududddduu M:4/4 K:G H:ALQ T:Hunt the Squirrel, Headington 2
ABC 11 C1:171707041717060 C2:ududduududddduu M:4/4 K:G H:ALQ T:Hunt the Squirrel, Headington 2
ABC 12 C1:021106060211060 C2:uuudduuuddduudu M:4/4 K:G H:ALQ T:Hunt the Squirrel, Headington 3
ABC 12 C1:021106060211060 C2:uuudduuuddduudu M:4/4 K:G H:ALQ T:Hunt the Squirrel, Headington 3
ABC 12 C1:021106060211060 C2:uuudduuuddduudu M:4/4 K:G H:ALQ T:Hunt the Squirrel, Headington 3
ABC 12 C1:021106060211060 C2:uuudduuuddduudu M:4/4 K:G H:ALQ T:Hunt the Squirrel, Headington 3
ABC 12 C1:021106060211060 C2:uuudduuuddduudu M:4/4 K:G H:ALQ T:Hunt the Squirrel, Headington 3
ABC 195 C1:006006117070117 C2:dduudduudduuddd M:6/4 K:A H:BLQWZ T:Hunt the Squirrel. JJo1.195
ABC 195 C1:006006117070117 C2:dduudduudduuddd M:6/4 K:A H:BLQWZ T:Hunt the Squirrel. JJo1.195
ABC 531 C1:006006117070117 C2:dduudduudduuddd M:6/4 K:A H:LOQSZ T:Hunt the Squirrel. (p)1709.PLFD1.531
ABC 531 C1:006006117070117 C2:dduudduudduuddd M:6/4 K:A H:LOQSZ T:Hunt the Squirrel. (p)1709.PLFD1.531
ABC 531 C1:006006117070117 C2:dduudduudduuddd M:6/4 K:A H:ABLOQZ T:Hunt the Squirrel. (p)1709.PLFD1.531
ABC 531 C1:006006117070117 C2:dduudduudduuddd M:6/4 K:A H:ABLOQZ T:Hunt the Squirrel. (p)1709.PLFD1.531
ABC 531 C1:006006117070117 C2:dduudduudduuddd M:6/4 K:A H:LOQSZ T:Hunt the Squirrel. (p)1709.PLFD.531
ABC 531 C1:006006117070117 C2:dduudduudduuddd M:6/4 K:A H:LOQSZ T:Hunt the Squirrel. (p)1709.PLFD.531
ABC 531 C1:006006117070117 C2:dduudduudduuddd M:6/4 K:A H:LOQSZ T:Hunt the Squirrel. (p)1709.PLFD.531
ABC 24 C1:400017006006117 C2:uuddduudduudduu M:6/8 K:A H:ILQ T:Hunt the Squirrel (The Geud Man of Ballangigh)
ABC 0301 C1:006006117070117 C2:dduudduudduuddd M:6/4 K:A H:CLOQSZ T:Hunt the Squirril
ABC 0301 C1:006006117070117 C2:dduudduudduuddd M:6/4 K:A H:CLOQRSZ T:Hunt the Squirril
ABC 0301 C1:006006117070117 C2:dduudduudduuddd M:6/4 K:A H:CLOQSZ T:Hunt the Squrril
ABC 0301 C1:006006117070117 C2:dduudduudduuddd M:6/4 K:A H:CLOQRSZ T:Hunt the Squrril
ABC 1 C1: C2: M:9/8 K:C H:BLZ T:Hunt the Whistell
ABC 1 C1:060264667060264 C2:dududdddududdud M:9/8 K:C H:BLZ T:Hunt the Whistle
ABC 1 C1:060264667060264 C2:dududdddududdud M:9/8 K:C H:BLZ T:Hunt the Whistle
ABC 1 C1:060264667060264 C2:dududdddududdud M:9/8 K:C H:BLZ T:Hunt the Whistle
ABC 58 C1:060264667060264 C2:dududdddududdud M:9/8 K:C H:BLZ T:Hunt the Whistle
ABC 58 C1:060264667060264 C2:dududdddududdud M:9/8 K:C H:BLZ T:Hunt the Whistle
ABC 58 C1:060264667060264 C2:dududdddududdud M:9/8 K:C H:BLOQZ T:Hunt the Whistle THO3.058
ABC 58 C1:060264667060264 C2:dududdddududdud M:9/8 K:C H:BLOQZ T:Hunt the Whistle THO3.058
ABC 1158 C1:000001775003000 C2:uddduduuuuu M:6/8 K:D H:BCOQSZ T:Hunt the wren
ABC 1402 C1:004002002007060 C2:duuddudduududd M:6/8 K:G H:BCLOQZ T:Hunt the Wren
ABC 193 C1:000005660223001 C2:ddduuuuudddddud M:6/8 K:D H:BCOQSZ T:Hunt the wren
ABC 175 C1:000056600071000 C2:ddduuuddddduddd M:6/8 K:G H:BCLOQ T:Hunt the wren
ABC 192 C1:000001775003000 C2:uddduduuuuu M:6/8 K:D H:CQZ T:Hunt the wren
ABC 193 C1:000005660223001 C2:ddduuuuudddddud M:6/8 K:D H:CQZ T:Hunt the wren
ABC 14 C1:156231103672547 C2:udduuuudududddu M:2/4+3 K:Bb H:CILRW T:Huobli-Juiz Bb
ABC 14 C1:156231103672547 C2:udduuuudududddu M:2/4+3 K:Bb H:CILORW T:Huobli-Juiz Bb
ABC 43 C1:005300040000010 C2:duduududdudduud M:2/4 K:G H:LORS T:Huolang xiangqin
ABC 189 C1:063777377770110 C2:dudddudddduudud M:2+3/4 K:C H:CLRW T:Hupfad Vogl
ABC 62 C1:523233226000000 C2:duuuduuudududud M:2/4 K:C H:"LORSW T:Hupfata - Schottisch CGF (st02216)
ABC 62 C1:523233226000000 C2:duuuduuudududud M:2/4 K:C H:"LORSW T:Hupfata - Schottisch CGF (st02216)
ABC 1 C1:000003070011010 C2:dduuududdduudud M:2/4 K:G H:ACLRSVZ T:Hupfauf-Polka
ABC 1 C1:172111170111057 C2:uduuududuuuuddd M:6/8 K:B_ H:LS T:Hura for the Bonnets of Blue
ABC 1002 C1:172111170111057 C2:uduuududuuuuddd M:6/8 K:B_ H:LS T:Hura for the Bonnets of Blue
ABC 1002 C1:172111170111057 C2:uduuududuuuuddd M:6/8 K:B_ H:LS T:Hura for the Bonnets of Blue
ABC 7422 C1:172111170111057 C2:uduuududuuuuddd M:6/8 K:B_ H:LS T:Hura for the Bonnets of Blue
ABC 7422 C1:172111170111057 C2:uduuududuuuuddd M:6/8 K:B_ H:LS T:Hura for the Bonnets of Blue
ABC 2741 C1:172111170111057 C2:uduuududuuuuddd M:6/8 K:B_ H:LOS T:Hura for the Bonnets of Blue
ABC 2741 C1:172111170111057 C2:uduuududuuuuddd M:6/8 K:B_ H:LOS T:Hura for the Bonnets of Blue
ABC 5899 C1:172111170111057 C2:uduuududuuuuddd M:6/8 K:B_ H:LS T:Hura for the Bonnets of Blue
ABC 5899 C1:172111170111057 C2:uduuududuuuuddd M:6/8 K:B_ H:LS T:Hura for the Bonnets of Blue
ABC 5899 C1:172111170111057 C2:uduuududuuuuddd M:6/8 K:B_ H:LS T:Hura for the Bonnets of Blue
ABC 1 C1:001706020017060 C2:udduuddudududuu M:2/4 K:C H:"L T:Hura hura h\"ait\"a [C]
ABC 1 C1:001706020017060 C2:udduuddudududuu M:2/4 K:C H:"L T:Hura hura h\"ait\"a [C]
ABC 1 C1:001706020017060 C2:udduuddudududuu M:2/4 K:C H:"Lw T:Hura hura h\"ait\"a [C]
ABC 1 C1:001706020017060 C2:udduuddudududuu M:2/4 K:C H:"Lw T:Hura hura h\"ait\"a [C]
ABC 1 C1:001706020017060 C2:udduuddudududuu M:2/4 K:C H:"Lw T:Hura hura h\"ait\"a [C]
ABC 1 C1:001706020017060 C2:udduuddudududuu M:2/4 K:C H:"Lw T:Hura hura h\"ait\"a [C]
ABC 1 C1:001706020017060 C2:udduuddudududuu M:2/4 K:C H:"Lw T:Hura hura h\"ait\"a [C]
ABC 1 C1:001706020017060 C2:udduuddudududuu M:2/4 K:C H:"Lw T:Hura hura h\"ait\"a [C]
ABC 1 C1:001706020017060 C2:udduuddudududuu M:2/4 K:C H:"Lw T:Hura hura h\"ait\"a [C]
ABC 1 C1:001706020017060 C2:udduuddudududuu M:2/4 K:C H:"Lw T:Hura hura h\"ait\"a [C]
ABC 1 C1:001706020017060 C2:udduuddudududuu M:2/4 K:C H:"Lw T:Hura hura h\"ait\"a [C]
ABC 1 C1:001706020017060 C2:udduuddudududuu M:2/4 K:C H:"Lw T:Hura hura h\"ait\"a [C]
ABC 1 C1:001706020017060 C2:udduuddudududuu M:2/4 K:C H:"Lw T:Hura hura h\"ait\"a [C]
ABC 346 C1:600005303232646 C2:dduduuuudududdu M:C| K:A H:BCLR T:Hurdle Race, The
ABC 346 C1:600005303232646 C2:dduduuuudududdu M:C| K:A H:BCLR T:Hurdle Race, The
ABC 346 C1:600005303232646 C2:dduduuuudududdu M:C| K:A H:BCLR T:Hurdle Race, The
ABC 346 C1:600005303232646 C2:dduduuuudududdu M:C| K:A H:BCLR T:Hurdle Race, The
ABC 346 C1:600005303232646 C2:dduduuuudududdu M:C| K:A H:BCLR T:Hurdle Race, The
ABC 1 C1:600005303232646 C2:dduduuuudududdu M:4/4 K:A H:CLQR T:The Hurdle Race
ABC 1 C1:600005303232646 C2:dduduuuudududdu M:4/4 K:A H:CLQR T:The Hurdle Race
ABC 2045 C1:600005303232646 C2:dduduuuudududdu M:C K:A H:BCLQRZ T:the HURDLE RACE
ABC 2045 C1:600005303232646 C2:dduduuuudududdu M:C K:A H:BCLQRZ T:the HURDLE RACE
ABC 16 C1:600005303232646 C2:dduduuuudududdu M:C K:A H:BCLORWZ T:The Hurdle Race
ABC 1 C1:660000530323264 C2:ddduduuuudududd M: K:Amaj H:LR T:The Hurdle Race
ABC 346 C1:600005303232646 C2:dduduuuudududdu M:C| K:A H:BCLR T:Hurdle Race, The
ABC 346 C1:600005303232646 C2:dduduuuudududdu M:C| K:A H:BCLR T:Hurdle Race, The
ABC 2045 C1:600005303232646 C2:dduduuuudududdu M:C K:A H:BCLQRZ T:The HURDLE RACE
ABC 2045 C1:600005303232646 C2:dduduuuudududdu M:C K:A H:BCLQRZ T:The HURDLE RACE
ABC 2045 C1:600005303232646 C2:dduduuuudududdu M:C K:A H:BCLQRZ T:The HURDLE RACE
ABC 2045 C1:600005303232646 C2:dduduuuudududdu M:C K:A H:BCLQRZ T:The HURDLE RACE
ABC 2045 C1:600005303232646 C2:dduduuuudududdu M:C K:A H:BCLQRZ T:The HURDLE RACE
ABC 2045 C1:600005303232646 C2:dduduuuudududdu M:C K:A H:BCLQRZ T:The HURDLE RACE
ABC 2045 C1:600005303232646 C2:dduduuuudududdu M:C K:A H:BCLQRZ T:The HURDLE RACE
ABC 2045 C1:600005303232646 C2:dduduuuudududdu M:C K:A H:BCLQRZ T:The HURDLE RACE
ABC 2045 C1:600005303232646 C2:dduduuuudududdu M:C K:A H:BCLQRZ T:The HURDLE RACE
ABC 69 C1:007102070701007 C2:duuddudduuddudu M:3/4 K:Ddor H:ALRZw T:Hur du v\"ander dig
ABC 69 C1:007102070701007 C2:duuddudduuddudu M:3/4 K:Ddor H:ALRZw T:Hur du v\"ander dig
ABC 69 C1:007102070701007 C2:duuddudduuddudu M:3/4 K:Dm H:HLORZw T:Hur du v\"ander dig
ABC 169 C1:010001000101070 C2:uuuudduddudduuu M:3/4 K:G H:BHLORZw T:Hur du v\"ander dig
ABC 69 C1:007102070701007 C2:duuddudduuddudu M:3/4 K:Dm H:HLORZw T:Hur du v\"ander dig
ABC 169 C1:010001000101070 C2:uuuudduddudduuu M:3/4 K:G H:BHLORZw T:Hur du v\"ander dig
ABC 109 C1:020207060200070 C2:uuddudduddduuud M:3/4 K:G H:ABLRWZ T:Hur du v\"ander och hur du sv\"anger dig
ABC 109 C1:020207060200070 C2:uuddudduddduuud M:3/4 K:G H:ABLRWZ T:Hur du v\"ander och hur du sv\"anger dig
ABC 109 C1:020207060200070 C2:uuddudduddduuud M:3/4 K:G H:BHLORWZ T:Hur du v\"ander och hur du sv\"anger dig
ABC 109 C1:020207060200070 C2:uuddudduddduuud M:3/4 K:G H:BHLORWZ T:Hur du v\"ander och hur du sv\"anger dig
ABC 120 C1:017062017060611 C2:udduuddduuuuudd M:3/8 K:E H:BCFLSZw T:the Hurdy Gurdy Man
ABC 120 C1:017062017060611 C2:udduuddduuuuudd M:3/8 K:E H:BCFLSZw T:the Hurdy Gurdy Man
ABC 120 C1:017062017060611 C2:udduuddduuuuudd M:3/8 K:E H:BCFLSZw T:The Hurdy Gurdy Man
ABC 120 C1:017062017060611 C2:udduuddduuuuudd M:3/8 K:E H:BCFLSZw T:The Hurdy Gurdy Man
ABC 120 C1:017062017060611 C2:udduuddduuuuudd M:3/8 K:E H:BCFLSZw T:The Hurdy Gurdy Man
ABC 120 C1:017062017060611 C2:udduuddduuuuudd M:3/8 K:E H:BCFLSZw T:The Hurdy Gurdy Man
ABC 120 C1:017062017060611 C2:udduuddduuuuudd M:3/8 K:E H:BCFLSZw T:The Hurdy Gurdy Man
ABC 120 C1:017062017060611 C2:udduuddduuuuudd M:3/8 K:E H:BCFLSZw T:The Hurdy Gurdy Man
ABC 41 C1: C2: M: K:C H:CLQRZ T:hurdy-gurdy man - Bagpipe (high hurdygurdy) (4:04) (256)
ABC 71 C1: C2: M: K:C H:CLQRZ T:hurdy-gurdy man - clarinet (drone) (4:04) (174)
ABC 51 C1: C2: M: K:C H:CLQRZ T:hurdy-gurdy man - Flute (vocal) (3:50) (266)
ABC 91 C1: C2: M: K:C H:CLQRZ T:hurdy-gurdy man - pibgorn (replaces bagpipe) (4:04) (256)
ABC 147 C1:350026027404441 C2:dduuudududddudd M:3/8 K:G H:LO T:Hurdy Gurdy Waltz
ABC 147 C1:350026027404441 C2:dduuudududddudd M:3/8 K:G H:LO T:Hurdy Gurdy Waltz
ABC 147 C1:350026027404441 C2:dduuudududddudd M:3/8 K:G H:LO T:Hurdy Gurdy Waltz
ABC 147 C1:350026027404441 C2:dduuudududddudd M:3/8 K:G H:LO T:Hurdy Gurdy Waltz
ABC 147 C1:350026027404441 C2:dduuudududddudd M:3/8 K:G H:LOZ T:Hurdy Gurdy Waltz
ABC 1 C1:670005010007030 C2:dddudududuuudud M:6/8 K:D H:CLQR T:Hurichum Harichim
ABC 1 C1:670005010007030 C2:dddudududuuudud M:6/8 K:D H:CLQR T:Hurichum Harichim
ABC 4249 C1:051073051712027 C2:dudududuuududud M:6/8 K:D H:BLZ T:HURICHUM HARICHIM
ABC 4249 C1:051073051712027 C2:dudududuuududud M:6/8 K:D H:BLZ T:HURICHUM HARICHIM
ABC 4249 C1:051073051712027 C2:dudududuuududud M:6/8 K:D H:BLZ T:HURICHUM HARICHIM
ABC 4249 C1:051073051712027 C2:dudududuuududud M:6/8 K:D H:BLZ T:HURICHUM HARICHIM
ABC 4249 C1:051073051712027 C2:dudududuuududud M:6/8 K:D H:BLZ T:HURICHUM HARICHIM
ABC 4249 C1:051073051712027 C2:dudududuuududud M:6/8 K:D H:BLZ T:HURICHUM HARICHIM
ABC 4249 C1:051073051712027 C2:dudududuuududud M:6/8 K:D H:BLZ T:HURICHUM HARICHIM
ABC 4249 C1:051073051712027 C2:dudududuuududud M:6/8 K:D H:BLZ T:HURICHUM HARICHIM
ABC 4249 C1:051073051712027 C2:dudududuuududud M:6/8 K:D H:BLZ T:HURICHUM HARICHIM
ABC 4249 C1:051073051712027 C2:dudududuuududud M:6/8 K:D H:BLZ T:HURICHUM HARICHIM
ABC 4249 C1:051073051712027 C2:dudududuuududud M:6/8 K:D H:BLZ T:HURICHUM HARICHIM
ABC 37 C1:050607070001070 C2:duddduududdduud M:2/4 K:G H:"CLQW T:Hurihuri
ABC 37 C1:050607070001070 C2:duddduududdduud M:2/4 K:G H:"CLQW T:Hurihuri
ABC 129 C1:010101070200006 C2:uuududduduuduuu M:2/4 K:C H:"ILW T:H\"uritaler Hochzeitstanz
ABC 129 C1:010101070200006 C2:uuududduduuduuu M:2/4 K:C H:"ILOW T:H\"uritaler Hochzeitstanz
ABC 1805 C1:770200176102001 C2:dduudduuuddduuu M:2/4 K:D H:BLORZbs T:the Hurler's March #2
ABC 1805 C1:770200176102001 C2:dduudduuuddduuu M:2/4 K:D H:BLORZbs T:the Hurler's March #2
ABC 1805 C1:770200176102001 C2:dduudduuuddduuu M:2/4 K:D H:BLORZbs T:the Hurler's March #2
ABC 1805 C1:770200176102001 C2:dduudduuuddduuu M:2/4 K:D H:BLORZbs T:the Hurler's March #2
ABC 49421 C1:020017610200176 C2:uudduuuddduuudd M:2/4 K:D H:BLQRSZ T:HURLER'S MARCH, The
ABC 332031 C1:062422062017062 C2:duduuduudduduuu M:6/8 K:D H:BCLQR T:HURLER'S MARCH, The
ABC 1805 C1:020017610200176 C2:uudduuuddduuudd M:2/4 K:D H:BLORZbs T:the Hurler's March
ABC 1805 C1:020017610200176 C2:uudduuuddduuudd M:2/4 K:D H:BLORZbs T:the Hurler's March
ABC 1805 C1:020017610200176 C2:uudduuuddduuudd M:2/4 K:D H:BLORZbs T:the Hurler's March
ABC 1805 C1:020017610200176 C2:uudduuuddduuudd M:2/4 K:D H:BLORZbs T:the Hurler's March
ABC 1964 C1:020017610200176 C2:uudduuuddduuudd M:2/4 K:D H:BLZ T:The Hurler's March
ABC 1964 C1:020017610200176 C2:uudduuuddduuudd M:2/4 K:D H:BLZ T:The Hurler's March
ABC 1964 C1:020017610200176 C2:uudduuuddduuudd M:2/4 K:D H:BLZ T:The Hurler's March
ABC 1805 C1:020017610200176 C2:uudduuuddduuudd M:2/4 K:D H:BLZ T:The Hurler's March
ABC 1805 C1:020017610200176 C2:uudduuuddduuudd M:2/4 K:D H:BLORZbs T:the Hurler's March
ABC 1805 C1:020017610200176 C2:uudduuuddduuudd M:2/4 K:D H:BLORZbs T:the Hurler's March
ABC 1805 C1:020017610200176 C2:uudduuuddduuudd M:2/4 K:D H:BLORZbs T:the Hurler's March
ABC 1805 C1:020017610200176 C2:uudduuuddduuudd M:2/4 K:D H:BLORZbs T:the Hurler's March
ABC 1 C1:272566662721156 C2:uudduuuddduuudd M:2/4 K:D H:LS T:The Hurler's March
ABC 100 C1:670176603177677 C2:ddududuuddddddd M:6/8 K:Dmix H:DRZ T:Hurler's March
ABC 1 C1:670176603177677 C2:ddududuuddddddd M:6/8 K:Dmix H:DRZ T:Hurler's March, The
ABC 1805 C1:020017610200176 C2:uudduuuddduuudd M:2/4 K:D H:BLORZbs T:the Hurler's March
ABC 1805 C1:020017610200176 C2:uudduuuddduuudd M:2/4 K:D H:BLORZbs T:the Hurler's March
ABC 1805 C1:020017610200176 C2:uudduuuddduuudd M:2/4 K:D H:BLORZbs T:the Hurler's March
ABC 1805 C1:020017610200176 C2:uudduuuddduuudd M:2/4 K:D H:BLORZbs T:the Hurler's March
ABC 1 C1:670176603177677 C2:ddududuuddddddd M:6/8 K:Dmix H:DLR T:Hurler's March, The
ABC 181032 C1:071762670006711 C2:duddudduduuuddd M:6/8 K:G H:CLQR T:HURLERS' MARCH, The
ABC 22081 C1:000762670006711 C2:ddudduduuuddddd M:6/8 K:G H:BCLQR T:HURLER'S MARCH, The
ABC 1 C1:670006063267677 C2:dduduuddddddduu M:6/8 K:Dmix H:"L T:The Hurler's March
ABC 1 C1:670006063267677 C2:dduduuddddddduu M:6/8 K:Dmix H:"L T:The Hurler's March
ABC 1 C1:670006063267677 C2:dduduuddddddduu M:6/8 K:Dmix H:"L T:The Hurler's March
ABC 1 C1:670006063267677 C2:dduduuddddddduu M:6/8 K:Dmix H:"L T:The Hurler's March
ABC 681 C1:670176063177677 C2:ddududuuddddddd M:6/8 K:G H:"BDLORSZ T:The Hurler's march
ABC 681 C1:670176063177677 C2:ddududuuddddddd M:6/8 K:G H:"BDLORSZ T:The Hurler's march
ABC 681 C1:670176063177677 C2:ddududuuddddddd M:6/8 K:G H:"BDLORSZ T:The Hurler's march
ABC 681 C1:670176063177677 C2:ddududuuddddddd M:6/8 K:G H:"BDLORSZ T:The Hurler's march
ABC 70 C1:670006711177677 C2:dduduuudddddddu M:6/8 K:Dmix H:LRSZ T:Hurlers' March
ABC 49421 C1:020017610200176 C2:uudduuuddduuudd M:2/4 K:D H:BLQRSZ T:HURLER'S MARCH, The
ABC 49421 C1:020017610200176 C2:uudduuuddduuudd M:2/4 K:D H:BLQRSZ T:HURLER'S MARCH, The
ABC 1805 C1:020017610200176 C2:uudduuuddduuudd M:2/4 K:D H:BLZ T:The Hurler's March
ABC 61 C1:670176603177677 C2:ddududuuddddddd M:6/8 K:Dmix H:DRZ T:Hurler's March, The
ABC 61 C1:670176603177677 C2:ddududuuddddddd M:6/8 K:Dmix H:DRZ T:Hurler's March, The
ABC 61 C1:670176603177677 C2:ddududuuddddddd M:6/8 K:Dmix H:DRZ T:Hurler's March, The
ABC 61 C1:670176603177677 C2:ddududuuddddddd M:6/8 K:Dmix H:DRZ T:Hurler's March, The
ABC 360 C1:670006711177677 C2:dduduuudddddddu M:6/8 K:Dmix H:LRSZ T:Hurlers' March
ABC 332031 C1:062422062017062 C2:duduuduudduduuu M:6/8 K:D H:BCLQR T:HURLER'S MARCH, The
ABC 332031 C1:062422062017062 C2:duduuduudduduuu M:6/8 K:D H:BCLQR T:HURLER'S MARCH, The
ABC 65 C1:670176603177677 C2:ddududuuddddddd M:6/8 K:Dmix H:DRZ T:Hurler's March, The
ABC 65 C1:670176603177677 C2:ddududuuddddddd M:6/8 K:Dmix H:DRZ T:Hurler's March, The
ABC 36 C1:670176603177677 C2:ddududuuddddddd M:6/8 K:Dmix H:DRZ T:Hurler's March, The
ABC 36 C1:670176603177677 C2:ddududuuddddddd M:6/8 K:Dmix H:DRZ T:Hurler's March, The
ABC 65 C1:670176603177677 C2:ddududuuddddddd M:6/8 K:Dmix H:DRZ T:Hurler's March, The
ABC 65 C1:670176603177677 C2:ddududuuddddddd M:6/8 K:Dmix H:DRZ T:Hurler's March, The
ABC 19 C1:272566662721156 C2:uudduuuddduuudd M:2/4 K:D H:LS T:The Hurler's March
ABC 19 C1:272566662721156 C2:uudduuuddduuudd M:2/4 K:D H:LS T:The Hurler's March
ABC 95 C1:272566662721156 C2:uudduuuddduuudd M:2/4 K:D H:LS T:The Hurler's March
ABC 95 C1:272566662721156 C2:uudduuuddduuudd M:2/4 K:D H:LS T:The Hurler's March
ABC 19 C1:272566662721156 C2:uudduuuddduuudd M:2/4 K:D H:LS T:The Hurler's March
ABC 19 C1:272566662721156 C2:uudduuuddduuudd M:2/4 K:D H:LS T:The Hurler's March
ABC 19 C1:272566662721156 C2:uudduuuddduuudd M:2/4 K:D H:LRS T:The Hurler's March
ABC 19 C1:272566662721156 C2:uudduuuddduuudd M:2/4 K:D H:LRS T:The Hurler's March
ABC 19 C1:272566662721156 C2:uudduuuddduuudd M:2/4 K:D H:LRS T:The Hurler's March
ABC 181032 C1:071762670006711 C2:duddudduduuuddd M:6/8 K:G H:CLQR T:HURLERS' MARCH, The
ABC 181032 C1:071762670006711 C2:duddudduduuuddd M:6/8 K:G H:CLQR T:HURLERS' MARCH, The
ABC 22081 C1:000762670006711 C2:ddudduduuuddddd M:6/8 K:G H:BCLQR T:HURLER'S MARCH, The
ABC 22081 C1:000762670006711 C2:ddudduduuuddddd M:6/8 K:G H:BCLQR T:HURLER'S MARCH, The
ABC 100 C1:670176603177677 C2:ddududuuddddddd M:6/8 K:Dmix H:DRZ T:Hurler's March
ABC 100 C1:670176603177677 C2:ddududuuddddddd M:6/8 K:Dmix H:DRZ T:Hurler's March
ABC 65 C1:670176603177677 C2:ddududuuddddddd M:6/8 K:Dmix H:DRZ T:Hurler's March, The
ABC 65 C1:670176603177677 C2:ddududuuddddddd M:6/8 K:Dmix H:DRZ T:Hurler's March, The
ABC 1805 C1:020017610200176 C2:uudduuuddduuudd M:2/4 K:D H:BLZ T:The Hurler's March
ABC 65 C1:670176603177677 C2:ddududuuddddddd M:6/8 K:Dmix H:DRZ T:Hurler's March, The
ABC 80 C1:670176603177677 C2:ddududuuddddddd M:6/8 K:Dmix H:DRZ T:Hurler's March, The
ABC 7320 C1:670176603177677 C2:ddududuuddddddd M:6/8 K:Dmix H:DRZ T:Hurler's March, The
ABC 7320 C1:670176603177677 C2:ddududuuddddddd M:6/8 K:Dmix H:DRZ T:Hurler's March, The
ABC 2692 C1:670176603177677 C2:ddududuuddddddd M:6/8 K:Dmix H:DLOR T:Hurler's March, The
ABC 6942 C1:272566662721156 C2:uudduuuddduuudd M:2/4 K:D H:LOS T:The Hurler's March
ABC 2692 C1:670176603177677 C2:ddududuuddddddd M:6/8 K:Dmix H:DLOR T:Hurler's March, The
ABC 6942 C1:272566662721156 C2:uudduuuddduuudd M:2/4 K:D H:LOS T:The Hurler's March
ABC 65 C1:670176603177677 C2:ddududuuddddddd M:6/8 K:Dmix H:DRZ T:Hurler's March, The
ABC 65 C1:670176603177677 C2:ddududuuddddddd M:6/8 K:Dmix H:DRZ T:Hurler's March, The
ABC 681 C1:670176063177677 C2:ddududuuddddddd M:6/8 K:G H:"BDLORSZ T:The Hurler's march
ABC 5816 C1:670176603177677 C2:ddududuuddddddd M:6/8 K:Dmix H:DRZ T:Hurler's March, The
ABC 5817 C1:670176603177677 C2:ddududuuddddddd M:6/8 K:Dmix H:DLR T:Hurler's March, The
ABC 13542 C1:272566662721156 C2:uudduuuddduuudd M:2/4 K:D H:LS T:The Hurler's March
ABC 5816 C1:670176603177677 C2:ddududuuddddddd M:6/8 K:Dmix H:DRZ T:Hurler's March, The
ABC 5817 C1:670176603177677 C2:ddududuuddddddd M:6/8 K:Dmix H:DLR T:Hurler's March, The
ABC 13542 C1:272566662721156 C2:uudduuuddduuudd M:2/4 K:D H:LS T:The Hurler's March
ABC 5816 C1:670176603177677 C2:ddududuuddddddd M:6/8 K:Dmix H:DRZ T:Hurler's March, The
ABC 5817 C1:670176603177677 C2:ddududuuddddddd M:6/8 K:Dmix H:DLR T:Hurler's March, The
ABC 13542 C1:272566662721156 C2:uudduuuddduuudd M:2/4 K:D H:LS T:The Hurler's March
ABC 1115 C1:670176603177677 C2:ddududuuddddddd M:6/8 K:Dmix H:DORZ T:Hurler's March, The
ABC 16873 C1:272566662721156 C2:uudduuuddduuudd M:2/4 K:D H:LS T:The Hurler's March
ABC 16873 C1:272566662721156 C2:uudduuuddduuudd M:2/4 K:D H:LS T:The Hurler's March
ABC 16873 C1:272566662721156 C2:uudduuuddduuudd M:2/4 K:D H:LS T:The Hurler's March
ABC 16873 C1:272566662721156 C2:uudduuuddduuudd M:2/4 K:D H:LS T:The Hurler's March
ABC 1964 C1:020017610200176 C2:uudduuuddduuudd M:2/4 K:D H:BLZ T:The Hurler's March
ABC 1964 C1:020017610200176 C2:uudduuuddduuudd M:2/4 K:D H:BLZ T:The Hurler's March
ABC 65 C1:670176603177677 C2:ddududuuddddddd M:6/8 K:Dmix H:DRZ T:Hurler's March, The
ABC 65 C1:670176603177677 C2:ddududuuddddddd M:6/8 K:Dmix H:DRZ T:Hurler's March, The
ABC 51048 C1:660075662772300 C2:ddudddudduuuudd M:6/8 K:D H:BCLQR T:HURLER'S TACKLE, The
ABC 51048 C1:660075662772300 C2:ddudddudduuuudd M:6/8 K:D H:BCLQR T:HURLER'S TACKLE, The
ABC 51048 C1:660075662772300 C2:ddudddudduuuudd M:6/8 K:D H:BCLQR T:HURLER'S TACKLE, The
ABC 149 C1:777611117011777 C2:dddduuuuduudddd M:6/8 K:D H:LR T:The Hurler’s Grave
ABC 1 C1:004664655623553 C2:uddududduududud M:4/4 K:Em H:"CQR T:Hurleyburley
ABC 35033 C1:004664655623553 C2:uddududduududud M:4/4 K:Em H:"CQR T:HURLEYBURLEY (reel)
ABC 35033 C1:004664655623553 C2:uddududduududud M:4/4 K:Em H:"CR T:HURLEYBURLEY (reel)
ABC 35033 C1:004664655623553 C2:uddududduududud M:4/4 K:Em H:"CR T:HURLEYBURLEY (reel)
ABC 1 C1:030007010002020 C2:uduuudduudduudd M:6/8 K:G H:CLQR T:The Hurling Boys
ABC 1 C1:030007010002020 C2:uduuudduudduudd M:6/8 K:G H:CLQR T:The Hurling Boys
ABC 21090 C1:071022066021060 C2:duuudduudduuddu M:6/8 K:G H:BLRZ T:HURLING BOYS, The
ABC 962 C1:071022066021060 C2:duuudduudduuddu M:6/8 K:G H:BLORZ T:The Hurling Boys
ABC 962 C1:071022066021060 C2:duuudduudduuddu M:6/8 K:G H:BLORZ T:The Hurling Boys
ABC 962 C1:071022066021060 C2:duuudduudduuddu M:6/8 K:G H:BLORZ T:The Hurling Boys
ABC 963 C1:071022066021060 C2:duuudduudduuddu M:6/8 K:G H:BFLORZbs T:the Hurling Boys
ABC 963 C1:071022066021060 C2:duuudduudduuddu M:6/8 K:G H:BFLORZbs T:the Hurling Boys
ABC 963 C1:071022066021060 C2:duuudduudduuddu M:6/8 K:G H:BFLORZbs T:the Hurling Boys
ABC 963 C1:071022066021060 C2:duuudduudduuddu M:6/8 K:G H:BFLORZbs T:the Hurling Boys
ABC 963 C1:407102206602106 C2:dduuudduudduudd M:6/8 K:G H:BFLORZbs T:the Hurling Boys
ABC 963 C1:407102206602106 C2:dduuudduudduudd M:6/8 K:G H:BFLORZbs T:the Hurling Boys
ABC 963 C1:407102206602106 C2:dduuudduudduudd M:6/8 K:G H:BFLORZbs T:the Hurling Boys
ABC 963 C1:407102206602106 C2:dduuudduudduudd M:6/8 K:G H:BFLORZbs T:the Hurling Boys
ABC 10 C1:071022066111770 C2:duuudduuuddduud M:6/8 K:G H:LZ T:Hurling Boys
ABC 10 C1:071022066111770 C2:duuudduuuddduud M:6/8 K:G H:LZ T:Hurling Boys
ABC 55 C1:071022066111770 C2:duuudduuuddduud M:6/8 K:G H:LZ T:Hurling Boys
ABC 1 C1:071022066021060 C2:duuudduudduuddu M:6/8 K:G H:LRSZ T:Hurling Boys, The
ABC 21090 C1:071022066021060 C2:duuudduudduuddu M:6/8 K:G H:BLRZ T:HURLING BOYS, The
ABC 21090 C1:071022066021060 C2:duuudduudduuddu M:6/8 K:G H:BLRZ T:HURLING BOYS, The
ABC 963 C1:071022066021060 C2:duuudduudduuddu M:6/8 K:G H:BCFLORWZ T:The hurling boys
ABC 7423 C1:071022066111770 C2:duuudduuuddduud M:6/8 K:G H:LZ T:Hurling Boys
ABC 7423 C1:071022066111770 C2:duuudduuuddduud M:6/8 K:G H:LZ T:Hurling Boys
ABC 962 C1:071022066021060 C2:duuudduudduuddu M:6/8 K:G H:BLORZ T:The Hurling Boys
ABC 962 C1:071022066021060 C2:duuudduudduuddu M:6/8 K:G H:BLORZ T:The Hurling Boys
ABC 1117 C1:071022066111770 C2:duuudduuuddduud M:6/8 K:G H:LOZ T:Hurling Boys
ABC 1 C1:117165031171210 C2:uududduuuduuudu M: K:Amaj H:LR T:Hurlock's
ABC 2 C1:117165031171210 C2:uududduuuduuudu M: K:Gmaj H:LR T:Hurlock's
ABC 3 C1:117165031171210 C2:uududduuuduuudu M: K:Amaj H:LR T:Hurlock's
ABC 4 C1:117165031171210 C2:uududduuuduuudu M: K:Gmaj H:LR T:Hurlock's
ABC 645 C1:716503117121071 C2:dudduuuduuuduud M:4/4 K:A H:"CILRSWZ T:Hurlock's Reel
ABC 7 C1:716503117121071 C2:dudduuuduuuduud M:4/4 K:A H:"L T:Hurlocks Reel
ABC 7 C1:716503117121071 C2:dudduuuduuuduud M:4/4 K:A H:"L T:Hurlocks Reel
ABC 7 C1:716503117121071 C2:dudduuuduuuduud M:4/4 K:A H:"L T:Hurlocks Reel
ABC 7 C1:716503117121071 C2:dudduuuduuuduud M:4/4 K:A H:"L T:Hurlocks Reel
ABC 71 C1:716503117121071 C2:dudduuuduuuduud M:4/4 K:A H:"L T:Hurlocks Reel
ABC 7 C1:716503117121071 C2:dudduuuduuuduud M:4/4 K:A H:"L T:Hurlocks Reel
ABC 7 C1:716503117121071 C2:dudduuuduuuduud M:4/4 K:A H:"L T:Hurlocks Reel
ABC 7 C1:716503117121071 C2:dudduuuduuuduud M:4/4 K:A H:"L T:Hurlocks Reel
ABC 7 C1:716503117121071 C2:dudduuuduuuduud M:4/4 K:A H:"L T:Hurlocks Reel
ABC 7 C1:716503117121071 C2:dudduuuduuuduud M:4/4 K:A H:"L T:Hurlocks Reel
ABC 7 C1:716503117121071 C2:dudduuuduuuduud M:4/4 K:A H:"L T:Hurlocks Reel
ABC 7 C1:716503117121071 C2:dudduuuduuuduud M:4/4 K:A H:"L T:Hurlocks Reel
ABC 645 C1:716503117121071 C2:dudduuuduuuduud M:4/4 K:A H:"CILRWZ T:Hurlock's Reel
ABC 645 C1:716503117121071 C2:dudduuuduuuduud M:4/4 K:A H:"CILRWZ T:Hurlock's Reel
ABC 1 C1:000000010306600 C2:uuddudududududd M:2/4 K:G H:BLSZ T:Hurlothrumbo
ABC 1 C1:000000010306600 C2:uuddudududududd M:2/4 K:G H:BLSZ T:Hurlothrumbo
ABC 165 C1:000000010306600 C2:uuddudududududd M:2/4 K:G H:BLSZ T:Hurlothrumbo
ABC 165 C1:000000010306600 C2:uuddudududududd M:2/4 K:G H:BLSZ T:Hurlothrumbo
ABC 1 C1:000103066004636 C2:uuddudududududd M:2/4 K:G H:BLRZ T:Hurlothrumbo
ABC 1 C1:000000010306600 C2:uuddudududududd M:2/4 K:G H:BLSZ T:Hurlothrumbo
ABC 1 C1:000000010306600 C2:uuddudududududd M:2/4 K:G H:BLSZ T:Hurlothrumbo
ABC 165 C1:000000010306600 C2:uuddudududududd M:2/4 K:G H:BLSZ T:Hurlothrumbo
ABC 165 C1:000000010306600 C2:uuddudududududd M:2/4 K:G H:BLSZ T:Hurlothrumbo
ABC 165 C1:000000010306600 C2:uuddudududududd M:2/4 K:G H:BLSZ T:Hurlothrumbo
ABC 165 C1:000000010306600 C2:uuddudududududd M:2/4 K:G H:BLSZ T:Hurlothrumbo
ABC 94 C1:000103066004636 C2:uuddudududududd M:2/4 K:G H:BLQWZ T:Hurlothrumbo. WCD3/2.094
ABC 94 C1:000103066004636 C2:uuddudududududd M:2/4 K:G H:BLQWZ T:Hurlothrumbo. WCD3/2.094
ABC 5900 C1:020077110101000 C2:udduuuududduddu M:4/4 K:Em H:"CLRSZ T:Hurly Burly
ABC 5900 C1:020077110101000 C2:udduuuududduddu M:4/4 K:Em H:"CLRSZ T:Hurly Burly
ABC 5900 C1:020077110101000 C2:udduuuududduddu M:4/4 K:Em H:"CLRSZ T:Hurly Burly
ABC 54 C1:000051110011235 C2:duuuuuuuddduddu M:6/8 K:G H:BLQZ T:Hurly Burly. JJo6.56
ABC 54 C1:000051110011235 C2:duuuuuuuddduddu M:6/8 K:G H:BLQZ T:Hurly Burly. JJo6.56
ABC 1 C1:111777710161005 C2:uuudddduududuuu M:2/4 K:E H:CL T:The Huron Carol
ABC 1 C1:111777710161005 C2:uuudddduududuuu M:2/4 K:E H:CL T:The Huron Carol
ABC 8004 C1:010101070707070 C2:uuudddduududuuu M:4/4 K:C H:"CLOQRWZ T:Huron Carol
ABC 398 C1:111777710161004 C2:uuudddduuduuduu M:C K:GDor H:FLQZ T:The Huron Carol
ABC 398 C1:111777710161004 C2:uuudddduuduuduu M:C K:GDor H:FLQZ T:The Huron Carol
ABC 1 C1:111777710161000 C2:uuudddduuduuduu M:2/4 K:Em H:"CLRZ T:the Huron Carol [Em]
ABC 1 C1:111777710161000 C2:uuudddduuduuduu M:2/4 K:Em H:"CLRZ T:the Huron Carol [Em]
ABC 51 C1: C2: M: K:C H:LQZ T:huron carol flute (3:11)
ABC 21 C1: C2: M: K:C H:LQZ T:huron carol harp 1 (accomp) (3:18)
ABC 22 C1: C2: M: K:C H:LQZ T:huron carol harp 2 (3:18)
ABC 61 C1: C2: M: K:C H:LQZ T:huron carol horn (bassline) (3:18)
ABC 11 C1: C2: M: K:C H:CLQRZ T:huron carol lute (2:24)
ABC 1 C1:010101070707070 C2:uuudddduududuuu M:2/2 K:C H:BCFLw T:The Huron Indian Carol
ABC 1 C1:010101070707070 C2:uuudddduududuuu M:2/2 K:C H:BCFLw T:The Huron Indian Carol
ABC 1 C1:010101070707070 C2:uuudddduududuuu M:2/2 K:Am H:BCFLWw T:The Huron Indian Carol [Am]
ABC 1 C1: C2: M: K:C H:LQZ T:HURRA (3:32)
ABC 56 C1:000002640002210 C2:duduuuudddddduu M:4/4 K:C H:LOR T:HURRA DER ERSTE SIEGESTAG
ABC 2886 C1:026603022667010 C2:udduuuddduudddu M:3/4 K:F H:"CFLORWZw T:Hurra for deg som fyller
ABC 2886 C1:026603022667010 C2:udduuuddduudddu M:3/4 K:F H:"CFLORWZw T:Hurra for deg som fyller
ABC 28 C1:172111170111057 C2:uduuududuuuuddd M:6/8 K:Bb H:ACLOQRSZ T:Hurra For The Bonnets of Blue. BF12.28
ABC 28 C1:172111170111057 C2:uduuududuuuuddd M:6/8 K:Bb H:ABCLQZ T:Hurra For The Bonnets of Blue. BF12.28
ABC 28 C1:172111170111057 C2:uduuududuuuuddd M:6/8 K:Bb H:ABCLQZ T:Hurra For The Bonnets of Blue. BF12.28
ABC 28 C1:172111170111057 C2:uduuududuuuuddd M:6/8 K:Bb H:ABLOQRSZ T:Hurra For The Bonnets of Blue. BF12.28
ABC 7424 C1:172111170111057 C2:uduuududuuuuddd M:6/8 K:B_ H:ACLORSZ T:Hurra For The Bonnets of Blue. BF12.28
ABC 7424 C1:172111170111057 C2:uduuududuuuuddd M:6/8 K:B_ H:ACLORSZ T:Hurra For The Bonnets of Blue. BF12.28
ABC 3965 C1:172111170111057 C2:uduuududuuuuddd M:6/8 K:Bb H:ACFLOQRSZ T:Hurra For The Bonnets of Blue. BF12.28
ABC 3965 C1:172111170111057 C2:uduuududuuuuddd M:6/8 K:Bb H:ACFLOQRSZ T:Hurra For The Bonnets of Blue. BF12.28
ABC 28 C1:172111170111057 C2:uduuududuuuuddd M:6/8 K:Bb H:ABLOQRSZ T:Hurra For The Bonnets of Blue. BF12.28
ABC 413 C1:172111170111057 C2:uduuududuuuuddd M:6/8 K:A H:ABCLOQZ T:Hurra For the Bonnets of Blue. EHo.413
ABC 15 C1: C2: M: K:Eb H:BC T:Hurrah for Captain Kidd
ABC 491252 C1:771117007766711 C2:dduuudddddduuuu M:6/8 K:G H:BLSYZ T:HURRAH! FOR OLD ERIN FOREVER!
ABC 303 C1:771117007766711 C2:dduuudddddduuuu M:6/8 K:G H:BLZ T:Hurrah! For Old Erin For Ever
ABC 303 C1:771117007766711 C2:dduuudddddduuuu M:6/8 K:G H:BLZ T:Hurrah! For Old Erin For Ever
ABC 303 C1:771117007766711 C2:dduuudddddduuuu M:6/8 K:G H:BLZ T:Hurrah! For Old Erin For Ever
ABC 303 C1:771117007766711 C2:dduuudddddduuuu M:6/8 K:G H:BLZ T:HURRAH! FOR OLD ERIN FOR EVER
ABC 303 C1:771117007766711 C2:dduuudddddduuuu M:6/8 K:G H:BLZ T:HURRAH! FOR OLD ERIN FOR EVER
ABC 303 C1:771117007766711 C2:dduuudddddduuuu M:6/8 K:G H:BLOQRZbs T:Hurrah! For Old Erin For Ever
ABC 303 C1:771117007766711 C2:dduuudddddduuuu M:6/8 K:G H:BLOQRZbs T:Hurrah! For Old Erin For Ever
ABC 303 C1:771117007766711 C2:dduuudddddduuuu M:6/8 K:G H:BLOQRZbs T:Hurrah! For Old Erin For Ever
ABC 303 C1:771117007766711 C2:dduuudddddduuuu M:6/8 K:G H:BLOQRZbs T:Hurrah! For Old Erin For Ever
ABC 303 C1:771117007766711 C2:dduuudddddduuuu M:6/8 K:G H:BLOQRZbs T:Hurrah! For Old Erin For Ever
ABC 303 C1:771117007766711 C2:dduuudddddduuuu M:6/8 K:G H:BLOQRZbs T:Hurrah! For Old Erin For Ever
ABC 303 C1:771117007766711 C2:dduuudddddduuuu M:6/8 K:G H:BLOQRZbs T:Hurrah! For Old Erin For Ever
ABC 303 C1:771117007766711 C2:dduuudddddduuuu M:6/8 K:G H:BLOQRZbs T:Hurrah! For Old Erin For Ever
ABC 303 C1:771117007766711 C2:dduuudddddduuuu M:6/8 K:G H:BLZ T:HURRAH! FOR OLD ERIN FOR EVER
ABC 491252 C1:771117007766711 C2:dduuudddddduuuu M:6/8 K:G H:BLSYZ T:HURRAH! FOR OLD ERIN FOREVER!
ABC 491252 C1:771117007766711 C2:dduuudddddduuuu M:6/8 K:G H:BLSYZ T:HURRAH! FOR OLD ERIN FOREVER!
ABC 303 C1:771117007766711 C2:dduuudddddduuuu M:6/8 K:G H:BLZ T:HURRAH! FOR OLD ERIN FOR EVER
ABC 303 C1:771117007766711 C2:dduuudddddduuuu M:6/8 K:G H:BLZ T:Hurrah! For Old Erin For Ever
ABC 303 C1:771117007766711 C2:dduuudddddduuuu M:6/8 K:G H:BLZ T:Hurrah! For Old Erin For Ever
ABC 0303 C1:061027000604711 C2:dduuudddddduuuu M:6/8 K:G H:BCILZ T:"Hurrah! For Old Erin Forever!" (song) 0303
ABC 0303 C1:061027000604711 C2:dduuudddddduuuu M:6/8 K:G H:BCILZ T:"Hurrah! For Old Erin Forever!" (song) 0303
ABC 0303 C1:061027000604711 C2:dduuudddddduuuu M:6/8 K:G H:BCILZ T:"Hurrah! For Old Erin Forever!" (song) 0303
ABC 89 C1:172111170111057 C2:uduuududuuuuddd M:6/8 K:D H:ABLOQRSZ T:Hurrah for the Bonnets O' Blue. CJF.089
ABC 89 C1:172111170111057 C2:uduuududuuuuddd M:6/8 K:D H:ABLQZ T:Hurrah for the Bonnets O' Blue. CJF.089
ABC 89 C1:172111170111057 C2:uduuududuuuuddd M:6/8 K:D H:ABLQZ T:Hurrah for the Bonnets O' Blue. CJF.089
ABC 89 C1:172111170111057 C2:uduuududuuuuddd M:6/8 K:D H:ABLOQRSZ T:Hurrah for the Bonnets O' Blue. CJF.089
ABC 7425 C1:172111170111057 C2:uduuududuuuuddd M:6/8 K:D H:ABLOQRSZ T:Hurrah for the Bonnets O' Blue. CJF.089
ABC 7425 C1:172111170111057 C2:uduuududuuuuddd M:6/8 K:D H:ABLOQRSZ T:Hurrah for the Bonnets O' Blue. CJF.089
ABC 2742 C1:172111170111057 C2:uduuududuuuuddd M:6/8 K:D H:ABLOQRS T:Hurrah for the Bonnets O' Blue. CJF.089
ABC 2742 C1:172111170111057 C2:uduuududuuuuddd M:6/8 K:D H:ABLOQRS T:Hurrah for the Bonnets O' Blue. CJF.089
ABC 3966 C1:172111170111057 C2:uduuududuuuuddd M:6/8 K:D H:ABFLOQRSZ T:Hurrah for the Bonnets O' Blue. CJF.089
ABC 3966 C1:172111170111057 C2:uduuududuuuuddd M:6/8 K:D H:ABFLOQRSZ T:Hurrah for the Bonnets O' Blue. CJF.089
ABC 89 C1:172111170111057 C2:uduuududuuuuddd M:6/8 K:D H:ABLOQRSZ T:Hurrah for the Bonnets O' Blue. CJF.089
ABC 11831 C1:172111170111057 C2:uduuududuuuuddd M:6/8 K:G H:BLQSZ T:HURRAH FOR THE BONNETS OF BLUE
ABC 11831 C1:172111170111057 C2:uduuududuuuuddd M:6/8 K:G H:BLQSZ T:HURRAH FOR THE BONNETS OF BLUE
ABC 1 C1: C2: M:6/8 K:G H:BLQRZ T:Hurrah for the Bonnets of Blue
ABC 2 C1: C2: M:6/8 K:G H:L T:Hurrah for the Bonnets of Blue
ABC 11831 C1:172111170111057 C2:uduuududuuuuddd M:6/8 K:G H:BLQSZ T:HURRAH FOR THE BONNETS OF BLUE
ABC 11831 C1:172111170111057 C2:uduuududuuuuddd M:6/8 K:G H:BLQSZ T:HURRAH FOR THE BONNETS OF BLUE
ABC 11831 C1:172111170111057 C2:uduuududuuuuddd M:6/8 K:G H:BLQSZ T:HURRAH FOR THE BONNETS OF BLUE
ABC 11831 C1:172111170111057 C2:uduuududuuuuddd M:6/8 K:G H:BLQSZ T:HURRAH FOR THE BONNETS OF BLUE
ABC 11831 C1:172111170111057 C2:uduuududuuuuddd M:6/8 K:G H:BLQSZ T:HURRAH FOR THE BONNETS OF BLUE
ABC 11831 C1:172111170111057 C2:uduuududuuuuddd M:6/8 K:G H:BLQSZ T:HURRAH FOR THE BONNETS OF BLUE
ABC 11831 C1:172111170111057 C2:uduuududuuuuddd M:6/8 K:G H:BLQSZ T:HURRAH FOR THE BONNETS OF BLUE
ABC 11831 C1:172111170111057 C2:uduuududuuuuddd M:6/8 K:G H:BLQSZ T:HURRAH FOR THE BONNETS OF BLUE
ABC 11831 C1:172111170111057 C2:uduuududuuuuddd M:6/8 K:G H:BLQSZ T:HURRAH FOR THE BONNETS OF BLUE
ABC 16 C1:172111170111056 C2:uduuududuuuuddd M:6/8 K:D H:ALORSZ T:Hurrah for the Bonnets so Blue. BF12.16
ABC 16 C1:172111170111056 C2:uduuududuuuuddd M:6/8 K:D H:ABLZ T:Hurrah for the Bonnets so Blue. BF12.16
ABC 16 C1:172111170111056 C2:uduuududuuuuddd M:6/8 K:D H:ABLZ T:Hurrah for the Bonnets so Blue. BF12.16
ABC 16 C1:172111170111056 C2:uduuududuuuuddd M:6/8 K:D H:ABLORSZ T:Hurrah for the Bonnets so Blue. BF12.16
ABC 12212 C1:172111170111056 C2:uduuududuuuuddd M:6/8 K:D H:ALORSZ T:Hurrah for the Bonnets so Blue. BF12.16
ABC 12212 C1:172111170111056 C2:uduuududuuuuddd M:6/8 K:D H:ALORSZ T:Hurrah for the Bonnets so Blue. BF12.16
ABC 12212 C1:172111170111056 C2:uduuududuuuuddd M:6/8 K:D H:ALORSZ T:Hurrah for the Bonnets so Blue. BF12.16
ABC 3967 C1:172111170111056 C2:uduuududuuuuddd M:6/8 K:D H:AFLORSZ T:Hurrah for the Bonnets so Blue. BF12.16
ABC 6989 C1:172111170111056 C2:uduuududuuuuddd M:6/8 K:D H:AFLORSZ T:Hurrah for the Bonnets so Blue. BF12.16
ABC 6989 C1:172111170111056 C2:uduuududuuuuddd M:6/8 K:D H:AFLORSZ T:Hurrah for the Bonnets so Blue. BF12.16
ABC 3967 C1:172111170111056 C2:uduuududuuuuddd M:6/8 K:D H:AFLORSZ T:Hurrah for the Bonnets so Blue. BF12.16
ABC 16 C1:172111170111056 C2:uduuududuuuuddd M:6/8 K:D H:ABLORSZ T:Hurrah for the Bonnets so Blue. BF12.16
ABC 139 C1:000000421720377 C2:duuduudduddduud M:3/4 K:A H:"CLRw T:Hurrah for the Diggings
ABC 1 C1:170620300011170 C2:udduuuuudduddud M:6/8 K:C H:FLQSZ T:Hurrah for the Postman, the Great Roland Hill
ABC 1 C1:110126210101615 C2:uuuuduuuudududu M:4/4 K:F H:L T:Hurrah, Lie!
ABC 1 C1:110126210101615 C2:uuuuduuuudududu M:4/4 K:F H:L T:Hurrah, Lie!
ABC 1 C1:110126210101615 C2:uuuuduuuudududu M:4/4 K:F H:L T:Hurrah, Lie!
ABC 38 C1:110126210101615 C2:uuuuduuuudududu M:4/4 K:F H:BLQWZ T:Hurrah, Lie!
ABC 38 C1:110126210101615 C2:uuuuduuuudududu M:4/4 K:F H:BLQWZ T:Hurrah, Lie!
ABC 36 C1:023011716046077 C2:uuuudududdddduu M:6/8 K:EMix H:LQ T:Hurrah, Sing Fare Ye Well
ABC 1 C1:177106040402060 C2:uddudududuuuddu M:2/4 K:D H:"LORZ T:Hurrapolka
ABC 1 C1:177106040402060 C2:uddudududuuuddu M:2/4 K:D H:"LORZ T:Hurrapolka
ABC 1 C1:177106040402060 C2:uddudududuuuddu M:2/4 K:D H:"LORZ T:Hurrapolka
ABC 1 C1:177106040402060 C2:uddudududuuuddu M:2/4 K:D H:"LORZ T:Hurrapolka
ABC 195 C1:011070077077077 C2:uuddddddduudddd M:6/8 K:G H:BCLOQSZ T:Hurr as Thurr / Cradle Song
ABC 195 C1:011070060077077 C2:uududdddduudddd M:6/8 K:G H:CQZ T:Hurr as Thurr -Cradle Song
ABC 93 C1:050305031177010 C2:duduuuddududuuu M:2/4 K:G H:LOR T:HURRE HURRE HURRE SCHNURRE
ABC 123 C1:007702070006000 C2:dduddudduuddddu M:2/4 K:G H:LOR T:HURRE HURRE HURRE SCHNURRE RAEDCHEN SCHNURRE
ABC 1 C1: C2: M: K:C H: T:Hurricane
ABC 1 C1:113721171111665 C2:uuuduuuduuuuddu M:4/4 K:Dm H:CLQR T:Hurricane
ABC 1 C1:113721171111665 C2:uuuduuuduuuuddu M:4/4 K:Dm H:CLQR T:Hurricane
ABC 1 C1:616105772327002 C2:dududdduuuddudd M:4/4 K:AMaj H:LQR T:Hurricane, The
ABC 1 C1:421140044222300 C2:duuududuuuduudd M:4/4 K:Edor H:"CQR T:Hurricane, The
ABC 1 C1:616105772327002 C2:dududdduuuddudd M:C| K:A H:FLQSZ T:The Hurricane
ABC 1 C1:775651017767731 C2:dududdduuuddudd M:2/4 K:A H:CLRZ T:Hurricane, The
ABC 1 C1:616105772327002 C2:dududdduuuddudd M: K:Amaj H:LR T:The Hurricane
ABC 2 C1:153720513265566 C2:ududuuuuudddddu M: K:Amaj H:LR T:The Hurricane
ABC 3 C1:761610577232700 C2:ddududdduuuddud M: K:Amaj H:"LR T:The Hurricane
ABC 4 C1:616104773327002 C2:duduuddduududdu M: K:Amaj H:LR T:The Hurricane
ABC 1 C1:616105772327002 C2:dududdduuuddudd M:4/4 K:Amaj H:LR T:Hurricane, The
ABC 1 C1:616105772327002 C2:dududdduuuddudd M:4/4 K:Amaj H:LR T:Hurricane, The
ABC 1 C1:616105772327002 C2:dududdduuuddudd M:4/4 K:Amaj H:LR T:Hurricane, The
ABC 50 C1:616105772327002 C2:dududdduuuddudd M:4/4 K:A H:DLQRZ T:Hurricane, The
ABC 1 C1:616105772327002 C2:dududdduuuddudd M:4/4 K:Amaj H:LR T:Hurricane, The
ABC 50 C1:616105772327002 C2:dududdduuuddudd M:C| K:A H:DLQRZ T:Hurricane, The
ABC 10 C1:616105772327002 C2:dududdduuuddudd M:C| K:A H:DLQRZ T:Hurricane, The
ABC 7426 C1:616105772327002 C2:dududdduuuddudd M:4/4 K:A H:DLQRZ T:Hurricane, The
ABC 7426 C1:616105772327002 C2:dududdduuuddudd M:4/4 K:A H:DLQRZ T:Hurricane, The
ABC 2743 C1:616105772327002 C2:dududdduuuddudd M:4/4 K:AMaj H:LOQR T:Hurricane, The
ABC 2743 C1:616105772327002 C2:dududdduuuddudd M:4/4 K:AMaj H:LOQR T:Hurricane, The
ABC 5901 C1:616105772327002 C2:dududdduuuddudd M:4/4 K:AMaj H:LQR T:Hurricane, The
ABC 5901 C1:616105772327002 C2:dududdduuuddudd M:4/4 K:AMaj H:LQR T:Hurricane, The
ABC 5901 C1:616105772327002 C2:dududdduuuddudd M:4/4 K:AMaj H:LQR T:Hurricane, The
ABC 35034 C1:421140044222300 C2:duuududuuuduudd M:4/4 K:D H:"CQR T:HURRICANE (reel), The
ABC 35034 C1:421140044222300 C2:duuududuuuduudd M:4/4 K:D H:"CR T:HURRICANE (reel), The
ABC 35034 C1:421140044222300 C2:duuududuuuduudd M:4/4 K:D H:"CR T:HURRICANE (reel), The
ABC 21361 C1:000011650005007 C2:uuddudduuudduud M:2/4 K:D H:BCLSVZ T:HURRICANE SETT (tune 1)
ABC 21361 C1:000011650005007 C2:uuddudduuudduud M:2/4 K:D H:BCLSVZ T:HURRICANE SETT (tune 1)
ABC 21361 C1:000011650005007 C2:uuddudduuudduud M:2/4 K:D H:BCLSVZ T:HURRICANE SETT (tune 1)
ABC 21361 C1:000011650005007 C2:uuddudduuudduud M:2/4 K:D H:BCLSVZ T:HURRICANE SETT (tune 1)
ABC 21361 C1:000011650005007 C2:uuddudduuudduud M:2/4 K:D H:BCLSVZ T:HURRICANE SETT (tune 1)
ABC 21361 C1:000011650005007 C2:uuddudduuudduud M:2/4 K:D H:BCLSVZ T:HURRICANE SETT (tune 1)
ABC 21361 C1:000011650005007 C2:uuddudduuudduud M:2/4 K:D H:BCLSVZ T:HURRICANE SETT (tune 1)
ABC 21361 C1:000011650005007 C2:uuddudduuudduud M:2/4 K:D H:BCLSVZ T:HURRICANE SETT (tune 1)
ABC 21361 C1:000011650005007 C2:uuddudduuudduud M:2/4 K:D H:BCLSVZ T:HURRICANE SETT (tune 1)
ABC 21361 C1:000011650005007 C2:uuddudduuudduud M:2/4 K:D H:BCLSVZ T:HURRICANE SETT (tune 1)
ABC 21361 C1:000011650005007 C2:uuddudduuudduud M:2/4 K:D H:BCLSVZ T:HURRICANE SETT (tune 1)
ABC 21362 C1:161602040300026 C2:udududuudduuudu M:2/4 K:D H:BCLSVZ T:HURRICANE SETT (tune 2)
ABC 21362 C1:161602040300026 C2:udududuudduuudu M:2/4 K:D H:BCLSVZ T:HURRICANE SETT (tune 2)
ABC 21362 C1:161602040300026 C2:udududuudduuudu M:2/4 K:D H:BCLSVZ T:HURRICANE SETT (tune 2)
ABC 21362 C1:161602040300026 C2:udududuudduuudu M:2/4 K:D H:BCLSVZ T:HURRICANE SETT (tune 2)
ABC 21362 C1:161602040300026 C2:udududuudduuudu M:2/4 K:D H:BCLSVZ T:HURRICANE SETT (tune 2)
ABC 21362 C1:161602040300026 C2:udududuudduuudu M:2/4 K:D H:BCLSVZ T:HURRICANE SETT (tune 2)
ABC 21362 C1:161602040300026 C2:udududuudduuudu M:2/4 K:D H:BCLSVZ T:HURRICANE SETT (tune 2)
ABC 21362 C1:161602040300026 C2:udududuudduuudu M:2/4 K:D H:BCLSVZ T:HURRICANE SETT (tune 2)
ABC 21362 C1:161602040300026 C2:udududuudduuudu M:2/4 K:D H:BCLSVZ T:HURRICANE SETT (tune 2)
ABC 21362 C1:161602040300026 C2:udududuudduuudu M:2/4 K:D H:BCLSVZ T:HURRICANE SETT (tune 2)
ABC 21362 C1:161602040300026 C2:udududuudduuudu M:2/4 K:D H:BCLSVZ T:HURRICANE SETT (tune 2)
ABC 21363 C1:466467376377231 C2:uddudduddudduuu M:6/8 K:D H:BCLSVZ T:HURRICANE SETT (tune 3)
ABC 21363 C1:466467376377231 C2:uddudduddudduuu M:6/8 K:D H:BCLSVZ T:HURRICANE SETT (tune 3)
ABC 21363 C1:466467376377231 C2:uddudduddudduuu M:6/8 K:D H:BCLSVZ T:HURRICANE SETT (tune 3)
ABC 21363 C1:466467376377231 C2:uddudduddudduuu M:6/8 K:D H:BCLSVZ T:HURRICANE SETT (tune 3)
ABC 21363 C1:466467376377231 C2:uddudduddudduuu M:6/8 K:D H:BCLSVZ T:HURRICANE SETT (tune 3)
ABC 21363 C1:466467376377231 C2:uddudduddudduuu M:6/8 K:D H:BCLSVZ T:HURRICANE SETT (tune 3)
ABC 21363 C1:466467376377231 C2:uddudduddudduuu M:6/8 K:D H:BCLSVZ T:HURRICANE SETT (tune 3)
ABC 21363 C1:466467376377231 C2:uddudduddudduuu M:6/8 K:D H:BCLSVZ T:HURRICANE SETT (tune 3)
ABC 21363 C1:466467376377231 C2:uddudduddudduuu M:6/8 K:D H:BCLSVZ T:HURRICANE SETT (tune 3)
ABC 21363 C1:466467376377231 C2:uddudduddudduuu M:6/8 K:D H:BCLSVZ T:HURRICANE SETT (tune 3)
ABC 21363 C1:466467376377231 C2:uddudduddudduuu M:6/8 K:D H:BCLSVZ T:HURRICANE SETT (tune 3)
ABC 21371 C1:050602030007110 C2:dduuduuduuuddud M:2/4 K:D H:BCLSVZ T:HURRICANE SETT (tune 4)
ABC 21371 C1:050602030007110 C2:dduuduuduuuddud M:2/4 K:D H:BCLSVZ T:HURRICANE SETT (tune 4)
ABC 21371 C1:050602030007110 C2:dduuduuduuuddud M:2/4 K:D H:BCLSVZ T:HURRICANE SETT (tune 4)
ABC 21371 C1:050602030007110 C2:dduuduuduuuddud M:2/4 K:D H:BCLSVZ T:HURRICANE SETT (tune 4)
ABC 21371 C1:050602030007110 C2:dduuduuduuuddud M:2/4 K:D H:BCLSVZ T:HURRICANE SETT (tune 4)
ABC 21371 C1:050602030007110 C2:dduuduuduuuddud M:2/4 K:D H:BCLSVZ T:HURRICANE SETT (tune 4)
ABC 21371 C1:050602030007110 C2:dduuduuduuuddud M:2/4 K:D H:BCLSVZ T:HURRICANE SETT (tune 4)
ABC 21371 C1:050602030007110 C2:dduuduuduuuddud M:2/4 K:D H:BCLSVZ T:HURRICANE SETT (tune 4)
ABC 21371 C1:050602030007110 C2:dduuduuduuuddud M:2/4 K:D H:BCLSVZ T:HURRICANE SETT (tune 4)
ABC 21371 C1:050602030007110 C2:dduuduuduuuddud M:2/4 K:D H:BCLSVZ T:HURRICANE SETT (tune 4)
ABC 21371 C1:050602030007110 C2:dduuduuduuuddud M:2/4 K:D H:BCLSVZ T:HURRICANE SETT (tune 4)
ABC 21372 C1:020302070771057 C2:uuuddduddduuudd M:2/4 K:D H:BCLSVZ T:HURRICANE SETT (tune 5)
ABC 21372 C1:020302070771057 C2:uuuddduddduuudd M:2/4 K:D H:BCLSVZ T:HURRICANE SETT (tune 5)
ABC 21372 C1:020302070771057 C2:uuuddduddduuudd M:2/4 K:D H:BCLSVZ T:HURRICANE SETT (tune 5)
ABC 21372 C1:020302070771057 C2:uuuddduddduuudd M:2/4 K:D H:BCLSVZ T:HURRICANE SETT (tune 5)
ABC 21372 C1:020302070771057 C2:uuuddduddduuudd M:2/4 K:D H:BCLSVZ T:HURRICANE SETT (tune 5)
ABC 21372 C1:020302070771057 C2:uuuddduddduuudd M:2/4 K:D H:BCLSVZ T:HURRICANE SETT (tune 5)
ABC 21372 C1:020302070771057 C2:uuuddduddduuudd M:2/4 K:D H:BCLSVZ T:HURRICANE SETT (tune 5)
ABC 21372 C1:020302070771057 C2:uuuddduddduuudd M:2/4 K:D H:BCLSVZ T:HURRICANE SETT (tune 5)
ABC 21372 C1:020302070771057 C2:uuuddduddduuudd M:2/4 K:D H:BCLSVZ T:HURRICANE SETT (tune 5)
ABC 21372 C1:020302070771057 C2:uuuddduddduuudd M:2/4 K:D H:BCLSVZ T:HURRICANE SETT (tune 5)
ABC 21372 C1:020302070771057 C2:uuuddduddduuudd M:2/4 K:D H:BCLSVZ T:HURRICANE SETT (tune 5)
ABC 1 C1:235666217621002 C2:uudddduudduuudu M:C| K:G H:DRZ T:Hurricane's Victory, The
ABC 14 C1:235666217621002 C2:uudddduudduuudu M:C| K:G H:DRZ T:Hurricane's Victory, The
ABC 14 C1:235666217621002 C2:uudddduudduuudu M:C| K:G H:DRZ T:Hurricane's Victory, The
ABC 86 C1:235666217621002 C2:uudddduudduuudu M:C| K:G H:DRZ T:Hurricane's Victory, The
ABC 14 C1:235666217621002 C2:uudddduudduuudu M:C| K:G H:DRZ T:Hurricane's Victory, The
ABC 14 C1:235666217621002 C2:uudddduudduuudu M:C| K:G H:DRZ T:Hurricane's Victory, The
ABC 14 C1:235666217621002 C2:uudddduudduuudu M:C| K:G H:DRZ T:Hurricane's Victory, The
ABC 14 C1:235666217621002 C2:uudddduudduuudu M:C| K:G H:DRZ T:Hurricane's Victory, The
ABC 14 C1:235666217621002 C2:uudddduudduuudu M:C| K:G H:DRZ T:Hurricane's Victory, The
ABC 307 C1:235666217621002 C2:uudddduudduuudu M:C| K:G H:DRZ T:Hurricane's Victory, The
ABC 12501 C1:235666217621002 C2:uudddduudduuudu M:C| K:G H:DRZ T:Hurricane's Victory, The
ABC 12501 C1:235666217621002 C2:uudddduudduuudu M:C| K:G H:DRZ T:Hurricane's Victory, The
ABC 12501 C1:235666217621002 C2:uudddduudduuudu M:C| K:G H:DRZ T:Hurricane's Victory, The
ABC 14 C1:235666217621002 C2:uudddduudduuudu M:C| K:G H:DRZ T:Hurricane's Victory, The
ABC 14 C1:235666217621002 C2:uudddduudduuudu M:C| K:G H:DRZ T:Hurricane's Victory, The
ABC 9793 C1:235666217621002 C2:uudddduudduuudu M:C| K:G H:DRZ T:Hurricane's Victory, The
ABC 9793 C1:235666217621002 C2:uudddduudduuudu M:C| K:G H:DRZ T:Hurricane's Victory, The
ABC 9793 C1:235666217621002 C2:uudddduudduuudu M:C| K:G H:DRZ T:Hurricane's Victory, The
ABC 1119 C1:235666217621002 C2:uudddduudduuudu M:C| K:G H:DORZ T:Hurricane's Victory, The
ABC 14 C1:235666217621002 C2:uudddduudduuudu M:C| K:G H:DRZ T:Hurricane's Victory, The
ABC 14 C1:235666217621002 C2:uudddduudduuudu M:C| K:G H:DRZ T:Hurricane's Victory, The
ABC 1 C1: C2: M: K:C H:LQZ T:hurricane ver2 (2:22)
ABC 1 C1:000700070007000 C2:ddduddudduddudd M:C| K:C H:"IRZ T:Hurry, Hurry, Hurry #1
ABC 1 C1:000700070007000 C2:ddduddudduddudd M:C| K:C H:"IRZ T:Hurry, Hurry, Hurry #1
ABC 1 C1:000700070007000 C2:ddduddudduddudd M:C| K:C H:"IRZ T:Hurry, Hurry, Hurry #1
ABC 1 C1:000700070007000 C2:ddduddudduddudd M:C| K:C H:"IRZ T:Hurry, Hurry, Hurry #1
ABC 1 C1:000700070007000 C2:ddduddudduddudd M:C| K:C H:"IRZ T:Hurry, Hurry, Hurry #1
ABC 1 C1:000700070007000 C2:ddduddudduddudd M:C| K:C H:"IRZ T:Hurry, Hurry, Hurry #1
ABC 1 C1:000700070007000 C2:ddduddudduddudd M:C| K:C H:"IRZ T:Hurry, Hurry, Hurry #1
ABC 19 C1:000700070007000 C2:ddduddudduddudd M:C| K:C H:"CIRZ T:Hurry, Hurry, Hurry #1
ABC 21 C1:000700070007000 C2:ddduddudduddudd M:C| K:C H:"CIRZ T:Hurry, Hurry, Hurry #1
ABC 19 C1:000700070007000 C2:ddduddudduddudd M:C| K:C H:"CIRZ T:Hurry, Hurry, Hurry #1
ABC 19 C1:000700070007000 C2:ddduddudduddudd M:C| K:C H:"CIRZ T:Hurry, Hurry, Hurry #1
ABC 19 C1:000700070007000 C2:ddduddudduddudd M:C| K:C H:"CIRZ T:Hurry, Hurry, Hurry #1
ABC 1 C1:000700070007000 C2:dddudduddudduud M:C| K:D H:"IRZ T:Hurry, Hurry, Hurry #2
ABC 1 C1:000700070007000 C2:dddudduddudduud M:C| K:D H:"IRZ T:Hurry, Hurry, Hurry #2
ABC 1 C1:000700070007000 C2:dddudduddudduud M:C| K:D H:"IRZ T:Hurry, Hurry, Hurry #2
ABC 1 C1:000700070007000 C2:dddudduddudduud M:C| K:D H:"IRZ T:Hurry, Hurry, Hurry #2
ABC 1 C1:000700070007000 C2:dddudduddudduud M:C| K:D H:"IRZ T:Hurry, Hurry, Hurry #2
ABC 1 C1:000700070007000 C2:dddudduddudduud M:C| K:D H:"IRZ T:Hurry, Hurry, Hurry #2
ABC 1 C1:000700070007000 C2:dddudduddudduud M:C| K:D H:"IRZ T:Hurry, Hurry, Hurry #2
ABC 20 C1:000700070007000 C2:dddudduddudduud M:C| K:D H:"CIRZ T:Hurry, Hurry, Hurry #2
ABC 22 C1:000700070007000 C2:dddudduddudduud M:C| K:D H:"CIRZ T:Hurry, Hurry, Hurry #2
ABC 20 C1:000700070007000 C2:dddudduddudduud M:C| K:D H:"CIRZ T:Hurry, Hurry, Hurry #2
ABC 20 C1:000700070007000 C2:dddudduddudduud M:C| K:D H:"CIRZ T:Hurry, Hurry, Hurry #2
ABC 20 C1:000700070007000 C2:dddudduddudduud M:C| K:D H:"CIRZ T:Hurry, Hurry, Hurry #2
ABC 97 C1:716117277777277 C2:duduududddddudd M:6/8 K:D H:BLQZ T:Hurry. Roose.0097, The
ABC 52 C1:566756675664000 C2:dddudddudddudud M:C| K:D H:BLRZ T:The Hurry Scurry
ABC 52 C1:566756675664000 C2:dddudddudddudud M:C| K:D H:BLRZ T:The Hurry Scurry
ABC 52 C1:566756675664000 C2:dddudddudddudud M:C| K:D H:BLRZ T:The Hurry Scurry
ABC 52 C1:566756675664000 C2:dddudddudddudud M:C| K:D H:BLRZ T:The Hurry Scurry
ABC 52 C1:566756675664000 C2:dddudddudddudud M:C| K:D H:BLRZ T:The Hurry Scurry
ABC 52 C1:566756675664000 C2:dddudddudddudud M:C| K:D H:BLRZ T:The Hurry Scurry
ABC 58 C1:006400420020001 C2:duduuuuduududuu M:C| K:Am H:BFLZ T:HURRY'S FAVORITE
ABC 58 C1:006400420020001 C2:duduuuuduududuu M:C| K:Am H:BFLZ T:HURRY'S FAVORITE
ABC 58 C1:006400420020001 C2:duduuuuduududuu M:C| K:Am H:BFLZ T:HURRY'S FAVORITE
ABC 58 C1:006400420020001 C2:duduuuuduududuu M:C| K:Am H:BFLZ T:HURRY'S FAVORITE
ABC 58 C1:006400420020001 C2:duduuuuduududuu M:C| K:Am H:BFLZ T:HURRY'S FAVORITE
ABC 58 C1:006400420020001 C2:duduuuuduududuu M:C| K:Am H:BFLZ T:HURRY'S FAVORITE
ABC 58 C1:006400420020001 C2:duduuuuduududuu M:C| K:Am H:BFLZ T:HURRY'S FAVORITE
ABC 1 C1: C2: M:6/8 K:Emin H:LRSZ T:Hurry the Jug [1]
ABC 971 C1:117201166171617 C2:uuduuuddudududu M:6/8 K:Em H:BFLORZbs T:Hurry the Jug #2
ABC 971 C1:117201166171617 C2:uuduuuddudududu M:6/8 K:Em H:BFLORZbs T:Hurry the Jug #2
ABC 533050 C1:172011777716172 C2:uduuuddddududud M:6/8 K:Em H:BCLR T:HURRY THE JUG
ABC 21091 C1:172011661716172 C2:uduuuddudududuu M:6/8 K:Em H:BLRZ T:HURRY THE JUG
ABC 1 C1:777716172712035 C2:ddddudududuuudd M:6/8 K:G H:BLR T:Hurry the Jug
ABC 82 C1:777716172712035 C2:ddddudududuuudd M:6/8 K:G H:BLRZ T:Hurry the Jug
ABC 1 C1:010107020001010 C2:uuduuuddudududu M:6/8 K:Em H:CLQR T:Hurry the Jug
ABC 1 C1:010107020001010 C2:uuduuuddudududu M:6/8 K:Em H:CLQR T:Hurry the Jug
ABC 971 C1:172011661716172 C2:uduuuddudududuu M:6/8 K:Em H:BCLRZ T:Hurry the jug
ABC 971 C1:172011661716172 C2:uduuuddudududuu M:6/8 K:Em H:BCLRZ T:Hurry the jug
ABC 971 C1:172011661716172 C2:uduuuddudududuu M:6/8 K:Em H:BCLRZ T:Hurry the jug
ABC 971 C1:172011661716172 C2:uduuuddudududuu M:6/8 K:Em H:BCLRZ T:Hurry the jug
ABC 970 C1:172011661716172 C2:uduuuddudududuu M:6/8 K:Em H:BLORZ T:Hurry The Jug
ABC 970 C1:172011661716172 C2:uduuuddudududuu M:6/8 K:Em H:BLORZ T:Hurry The Jug
ABC 970 C1:172011661716172 C2:uduuuddudududuu M:6/8 K:Em H:BLORZ T:Hurry The Jug
ABC 971 C1:117201166171617 C2:uuduuuddudududu M:6/8 K:Em H:BFLORZbs T:Hurry the jug
ABC 971 C1:117201166171617 C2:uuduuuddudududu M:6/8 K:Em H:BFLORZbs T:Hurry the jug
ABC 971 C1:117201166171617 C2:uuduuuddudududu M:6/8 K:Em H:BFLORZbs T:Hurry the jug
ABC 971 C1:117201166171617 C2:uuduuuddudududu M:6/8 K:Em H:BFLORZbs T:Hurry the jug
ABC 971 C1:117201166171617 C2:uuduuuddudududu M:6/8 K:Em H:BFLORZbs T:Hurry the Jug
ABC 971 C1:117201166171617 C2:uuduuuddudududu M:6/8 K:Em H:BFLORZbs T:Hurry the Jug
ABC 971 C1:117201166171617 C2:uuduuuddudududu M:6/8 K:Em H:BFLORZbs T:Hurry the Jug
ABC 971 C1:117201166171617 C2:uuduuuddudududu M:6/8 K:Em H:BFLORZbs T:Hurry the Jug
ABC 971 C1:117201166171617 C2:uuduuuddudududu M:6/8 K:Em H:BFLORZbs T:Hurry the Jug
ABC 971 C1:117201166171617 C2:uuduuuddudududu M:6/8 K:Em H:BFLORZbs T:Hurry the Jug
ABC 971 C1:172011661716172 C2:uduuuddudududuu M:6/8 K:Em H:BCLRZ T:Hurry the jug
ABC 11 C1:172011661716172 C2:uduuuddudududuu M:6/8 K:E H:LZ T:Hurry the Jug
ABC 11 C1:172011661716172 C2:uduuuddudududuu M:6/8 K:E H:LZ T:Hurry the Jug
ABC 60 C1:172011661716172 C2:uduuuddudududuu M:6/8 K:E H:LZ T:Hurry the Jug
ABC 533050 C1:172011777716172 C2:uduuuddddududud M:6/8 K:Em H:BCLR T:HURRY THE JUG
ABC 533050 C1:172011777716172 C2:uduuuddddududud M:6/8 K:Em H:BCLR T:HURRY THE JUG
ABC 1 C1:712712777167442 C2:duuduuddduddduu M: K:Edor H:LR T:Hurry The Jug
ABC 2 C1:117201166171617 C2:uuduuuddudududu M: K:Edor H:LR T:Hurry The Jug
ABC 3 C1:100201166026700 C2:uuuuddudduuuudd M: K:Edor H:LR T:Hurry The Jug
ABC 4 C1:026201177711177 C2:uduuuddduuudddd M: K:Emin H:LR T:Hurry The Jug
ABC 5 C1:117201166107717 C2:uuduuuddudduduu M: K:Edor H:LR T:Hurry The Jug
ABC 6 C1:100201176177160 C2:uuuudduddududud M: K:Edor H:LR T:Hurry The Jug
ABC 7 C1:026201177711177 C2:uduuuddduuudddd M: K:Edor H:LR T:Hurry The Jug
ABC 8 C1:444201176177160 C2:uduuuudduddudud M: K:Edor H:LR T:Hurry The Jug
ABC 1 C1:100201166026700 C2:uuuuddudduuuudd M:6/8 K:Edor H:LR T:Hurry The Jug
ABC 1 C1:026201177711177 C2:uduuuddduuudddd M:6/8 K:Emin H:CLQS T:Hurry the Jug
ABC 2 C1:117201166171617 C2:uuduuuddudududu M:6/8 K:Edor H:LR T:Hurry The Jug
ABC 21091 C1:172011661716172 C2:uduuuddudududuu M:6/8 K:Em H:BLRZ T:HURRY THE JUG
ABC 21091 C1:172011661716172 C2:uduuuddudududuu M:6/8 K:Em H:BLRZ T:HURRY THE JUG
ABC 82 C1:777716172712035 C2:ddddudududuuudd M:6/8 K:G H:BLR T:Hurry the Jug
ABC 82 C1:777716172712035 C2:ddddudududuuudd M:6/8 K:G H:BLRZ T:Hurry the Jug
ABC 971 C1:172011661716172 C2:uduuuddudududuu M:6/8 K:Em H:BCFLORWZ T:Hurry the jug
ABC 7427 C1:172011661716172 C2:uduuuddudududuu M:6/8 K:E H:LZ T:Hurry the Jug
ABC 7427 C1:172011661716172 C2:uduuuddudududuu M:6/8 K:E H:LZ T:Hurry the Jug
ABC 2744 C1:777716172712035 C2:ddddudududuuudd M:6/8 K:G H:BLOR T:Hurry the Jug
ABC 2744 C1:777716172712035 C2:ddddudududuuudd M:6/8 K:G H:BLOR T:Hurry the Jug
ABC 970 C1:172011661716172 C2:uduuuddudududuu M:6/8 K:Em H:BLORZ T:Hurry The Jug
ABC 970 C1:172011661716172 C2:uduuuddudududuu M:6/8 K:Em H:BLORZ T:Hurry The Jug
ABC 5902 C1:777716172712035 C2:ddddudududuuudd M:6/8 K:G H:BLR T:Hurry the Jug
ABC 5902 C1:777716172712035 C2:ddddudududuuudd M:6/8 K:G H:BLR T:Hurry the Jug
ABC 5902 C1:777716172712035 C2:ddddudududuuudd M:6/8 K:G H:BLR T:Hurry the Jug
ABC 109 C1:020207060200070 C2:uuddudduddduuud M:3/4 K:G H:ABLRWZ T:Hur skall jag till lilla v\"annen komma
ABC 109 C1:020207060200070 C2:uuddudduddduuud M:3/4 K:G H:ABLRWZ T:Hur skall jag till lilla v\"annen komma
ABC 109 C1:020207060200070 C2:uuddudduddduuud M:3/4 K:G H:BHLORWZ T:Hur skall jag till lilla v\"annen komma
ABC 109 C1:020207060200070 C2:uuddudduddduuud M:3/4 K:G H:BHLORWZ T:Hur skall jag till lilla v\"annen komma
ABC 0 C1:000262351000000 C2:uduudududududuu M:3/4 K:F H:LQVZ T:Hursley
ABC 0 C1:000262351000000 C2:uduudududududuu M:3/4 K:F H:LQVZ T:Hursley
ABC 1 C1: C2: M: K:C H:LQZ T:Hurt (Arranged by Snosh of Vilya)
ABC 1 C1: C2: M: K:C H:LQZ T:Hurt (Arranged by Snosh of Vilya)
ABC 225 C1:117700030203022 C2:uuddduuuuuddudu M:3/4 K:A H:BCLORSZ T:Hurtemor
ABC 225 C1:117700030203022 C2:uuddduuuuuddudu M:3/4 K:A H:BCLORSZ T:Hurtemor
ABC 225 C1:117700030203022 C2:uuddduuuuuddudu M:3/4 K:A H:BCLORSZ T:Hurtemor
ABC 225 C1:117700030203022 C2:uuddduuuuuddudu M:3/4 K:A H:BCLORSZ T:Hurtemor
ABC 225 C1:117700030203022 C2:uuddduuuuuddudu M:3/4 K:A H:BCLORSZ T:Hurtemor
ABC 225 C1:117700030203022 C2:uuddduuuuuddudu M:3/4 K:A H:BCLORSZ T:Hurtemor
ABC 225 C1:117700030203022 C2:uuddduuuuuddudu M:3/4 K:A H:CLORS T:»Hurtemor.»
ABC 225 C1:117700030203022 C2:uuddduuuuuddudu M:3/4 K:A H:CLORS T:»Hurtemor.»
ABC 1 C1:000005006001077 C2:ududddddduuudud M:6/8 K:G H:"LORVZ T:Hurtig Galopade
ABC 1 C1:000005006001077 C2:ududddddduuudud M:6/8 K:G H:"LORVZ T:Hurtig Galopade
ABC 1 C1:000005006001077 C2:ududddddduuudud M:6/8 K:G H:"LORVZ T:Hurtig Galopade
ABC 1 C1: C2: M: K:C H:LQZ T:Hurt (Instrumental) (4:06)
ABC 1 C1: C2: M: K:C H:LQZ T:Hurt (Vocals) (4:04)
ABC 3968 C1:116100040061006 C2:uuduudududdduud M:C K:D H:BDFLOZ T:Hur var du i aftes så sildig (nr 37)
ABC 3968 C1:116100040061006 C2:uuduudududdduud M:C K:D H:BDFLOZ T:Hur var du i aftes så sildig (nr 37)
ABC 43 C1:116100040061006 C2:uuduudududdduud M:C K:D H:BDLOZ T:Hur var du i aftes så sildig (nr 37)
ABC 6 C1:275102000000672 C2:udduudduddudddu M:3/4 K:Ddor H:HORZ T:Hurv efter Bork Julius
ABC 6 C1:275102000000672 C2:udduudduddudddu M:3/4 K:Ddor H:HORZ T:Hurv efter Bork Julius
ABC 1 C1:177010017716261 C2:udduuddudududdu M:3/4 K:D H:ABCLOQR T:Hurven - rundom efter Johan Hollseter, Trysil
ABC 25 C1:177010017716261 C2:udduuddudududdu M:3/4 K:D H:ABLOQRZ T:Hurven - rundom efter Johan Hollseter, Trysil
ABC 7 C1:177010017716261 C2:udduuddudududdu M:3/4 K:D H:ABCLOQR T:Hurven - rundom efter Johan Hollseter, Trysil
ABC 7 C1:177010017716261 C2:udduuddudududdu M:3/4 K:D H:ABCLOQR T:Hurven - rundom efter Johan Hollseter, Trysil
ABC 7428 C1:177010017716261 C2:udduuddudududdu M:3/4 K:D H:ABLOQRZ T:Hurven - rundom efter Johan Hollseter, Trysil
ABC 7428 C1:177010017716261 C2:udduuddudududdu M:3/4 K:D H:ABLOQRZ T:Hurven - rundom efter Johan Hollseter, Trysil
ABC 5903 C1:177010017716261 C2:udduuddudududdu M:3/4 K:D H:ABCLOQR T:Hurven - rundom efter Johan Hollseter, Trysil
ABC 3969 C1:177010017716261 C2:udduuddudududdu M:3/4 K:D H:ABCFLOQRZ T:Hurven - rundom efter Johan Hollseter, Trysil
ABC 3969 C1:177010017716261 C2:udduuddudududdu M:3/4 K:D H:ABCFLOQRZ T:Hurven - rundom efter Johan Hollseter, Trysil
ABC 5903 C1:177010017716261 C2:udduuddudududdu M:3/4 K:D H:ABCLOQR T:Hurven - rundom efter Johan Hollseter, Trysil
ABC 5903 C1:177010017716261 C2:udduuddudududdu M:3/4 K:D H:ABCLOQR T:Hurven - rundom efter Johan Hollseter, Trysil
ABC 25 C1:177010017716261 C2:udduuddudududdu M:3/4 K:D H:ABCFLOQRZ T:Hurven - rundom efter Johan Hollseter, Trysil
ABC 63 C1:637063706370704 C2:duddudduddududu M:2/4 K:F H:"LORS T:Husaren-Marsch FC (mr02040)
ABC 63 C1:637063706370704 C2:duddudduddududu M:2/4 K:F H:"LORS T:Husaren-Marsch FC (mr02040)
ABC 82 C1:007100110006000 C2:duuuduudduddddu M:4/4 K:A H:LOR T:HUSAREN SIND GAR WACKRE TRUPPEN
ABC 1 C1:070707010000010 C2:ddduuudddudduuu M:4/4 K:Ab H:BFLVZw T:The Husbandman
ABC 1 C1:070707010000010 C2:ddduuudddudduuu M:4/4 K:Ab H:BFLVZw T:The Husbandman
ABC 1 C1:070707010000010 C2:ddduuudddudduuu M:4/4 K:Ab H:BFLVZw T:The Husbandman
ABC 0 C1:260010106772200 C2:uddduuudddduuuu M:2/4 K:G H:LQVZw T:Husbandman and Servingman
ABC 0 C1:260010106772200 C2:uddduuudddduuuu M:2/4 K:G H:LQVZw T:Husbandman and Servingman
ABC 1 C1:121 C2:udu M:3/4 K:C H:LRS T:Husby brudmarsch
ABC 1 C1:121 C2:udu M:3/4 K:C H:LORS T:Husby brudmarsch
ABC 1 C1:777 C2:ddd M:2/4 K:G H:LRS T:Husby brudmarsch
ABC 1 C1:777 C2:ddd M:2/4 K:C H:LRS T:Husby brudmarsch
ABC 1 C1:121 C2:udu M:3/4 K:C H:LRS T:Husby brudmarsch
ABC 1 C1:121 C2:udu M:3/4 K:C H:LRS T:Husby brudmarsch
ABC 1 C1:121 C2:udu M:3/4 K:C H:LORS T:Husby brudmarsch
ABC 1 C1:121 C2:udu M:3/4 K:C H:LORS T:Husby brudmarsch
ABC 1 C1:777776411777 C2:dddddduuuuddd M:2/4 K:G H:LRS T:Husby brudmarsch
ABC 1 C1:777 C2:ddd M:2/4 K:G H:LRS T:Husby brudmarsch
ABC 1 C1:777 C2:ddd M:2/4 K:G H:LRS T:Husby brudmarsch
ABC 1 C1:777 C2:ddd M:2/4 K:C H:LRS T:Husby brudmarsch
ABC 1 C1:777 C2:ddd M:2/4 K:C H:LRS T:Husby brudmarsch
ABC 1 C1:777776411777 C2:dddddduuuuddd M:2/4 K:G H:LRS T:Husby brudmarsch
ABC 1 C1:77777642777 C2:dddddduuuuddd M:2/4 K:G H:LRS T:Husby brudmarsch
ABC 1 C1:77777642777 C2:dddddduuuuddd M:2/4 K:G H:LQRS T:Husby brudmarsch
ABC 1 C1:77777642777 C2:dddddduuuuddd M:2/4 K:G H:LQRS T:Husby brudmarsch
ABC 1 C1:77777642777 C2:dddddduuuuddd M:2/4 K:G H:LQRS T:Husby brudmarsch
ABC 1 C1:77777642777 C2:dddddduuuuddd M:2/4 K:G H:LQRS T:Husby brudmarsch
ABC 1 C1:777776411777 C2:dddddduuuuddd M:2/4 K:G H:LRS T:Husby brudmarsch
ABC 1 C1:777776411777 C2:dddddduuuuddd M:2/4 K:G H:LRS T:Husby brudmarsch
ABC 1 C1:777776411777 C2:dddddduuuuddd M:2/4 K:G H:LRS T:Husby brudmarsch
ABC 1 C1:777776411777 C2:dddddduuuuddd M:2/4 K:G H:LRS T:Husby brudmarsch
ABC 1 C1:77777642777 C2:dddddduuuuddd M:2/4 K:G H:LRS T:Husby brudmarsch
ABC 1 C1:77777642777 C2:dddddduuuuddd M:2/4 K:G H:LRS T:Husby brudmarsch
ABC 1 C1:77777642777 C2:dddddduuuuddd M:2/4 K:G H:LQRS T:Husby brudmarsch
ABC 1 C1:77777642777 C2:dddddduuuuddd M:2/4 K:G H:LQRS T:Husby brudmarsch
ABC 1 C1:77777642777 C2:dddddduuuuddd M:2/4 K:G H:LQRS T:Husby brudmarsch
ABC 1 C1:77777642777 C2:dddddduuuuddd M:2/4 K:G H:LQRS T:Husby brudmarsch
ABC 1 C1:77777642777 C2:dddddduuuuddd M:2/4 K:G H:LQRS T:Husby brudmarsch
ABC 1 C1:77777642777 C2:dddddduuuuddd M:2/4 K:G H:LQRS T:Husby brudmarsch
ABC 1 C1:77777642777 C2:dddddduuuuddd M:2/4 K:G H:LQRS T:Husby brudmarsch
ABC 1 C1:77777642777 C2:dddddduuuuddd M:2/4 K:G H:LQRS T:Husby brudmarsch
ABC 1 C1:777776427777630 C2:dddddduuuuddddd M:2/4 K:G H:LQRS T:Husby brudmarsch
ABC 1 C1:777776427777630 C2:dddddduuuuddddd M:2/4 K:G H:LQRSZ T:Husby brudmarsch
ABC 1 C1:777776427777630 C2:dddddduuuuddddd M:2/4 K:G H:LQRSZ T:Husby brudmarsch
ABC 1 C1:777776427777630 C2:dddddduuuuddddd M:2/4 K:G H:LQRSZ T:Husby brudmarsch
ABC 1 C1:777776427777630 C2:dddddduuuuddddd M:2/4 K:G H:LQRS T:Husby brudmarsch
ABC 1 C1:777776427777630 C2:dddddduuuuddddd M:2/4 K:G H:LQRS T:Husby brudmarsch
ABC 1 C1:777776427777637 C2:dddddduuuuddddd M:2/4 K:G H:LQRSZ T:Husby brudmarsch
ABC 1 C1:777776427777630 C2:dddddduuuuddddd M:2/4 K:G H:LQRSZ T:Husby brudmarsch
ABC 1 C1:777776427777630 C2:dddddduuuuddddd M:2/4 K:G H:LQRSZ T:Husby brudmarsch
ABC 1 C1:777776427777630 C2:dddddduuuuddddd M:2/4 K:G H:LQRSZ T:Husby brudmarsch
ABC 1 C1:777776427777630 C2:dddddduuuuddddd M:2/4 K:G H:LQRSZ T:Husby brudmarsch
ABC 1 C1:777776427777630 C2:dddddduuuuddddd M:2/4 K:G H:LQRSZ T:Husby brudmarsch
ABC 1 C1:777776427777630 C2:dddddduuuuddddd M:2/4 K:G H:LQRSZ T:Husby brudmarsch
ABC 1 C1:777776427777637 C2:dddddduuuuddddd M:2/4 K:G H:LQRSZ T:Husby brudmarsch
ABC 1 C1:777776427777637 C2:dddddduuuuddddd M:2/4 K:G H:LQRSZ T:Husby brudmarsch
ABC 1 C1:777776427777006 C2:dddddduuuuddddd M:2/4 K:G H:LQRSZ T:Husby brudmarsch
ABC 1 C1:777776427777006 C2:dddddduuuuddddd M:2/4 K:G H:LQRSZ T:Husby brudmarsch
ABC 1 C1:777776427777006 C2:dddddduuuuddddd M:2/4 K:G H:LRSZ T:Husby brudmarsch
ABC 1 C1:777776427777006 C2:dddddduuuuddddd M:2/4 K:G H:LQRSZ T:Husby brudmarsch
ABC 1 C1:777776427777006 C2:dddddduuuuddddd M:2/4 K:G H:LQRSZ T:Husby brudmarsch
ABC 1 C1:777776427777006 C2:dddddduuuuddddd M:2/4 K:G H:LQRSZ T:Husby brudmarsch
ABC 1 C1:777776427777006 C2:dddddduuuuddddd M:2/4 K:G H:LQRSZ T:Husby brudmarsch
ABC 1 C1:777776427777006 C2:dddddduuuuddddd M:2/4 K:G H:LQRSZ T:Husby brudmarsch
ABC 1 C1:777776427777006 C2:dddddduuuuddddd M:2/4 K:G H:LQRSZ T:Husby brudmarsch
ABC 1 C1:777776427777006 C2:dddddduuuuddddd M:2/4 K:G H:LQRSZ T:Husby brudmarsch
ABC 1 C1:777776427777006 C2:dddddduuuuddddd M:2/4 K:G H:LQRSZ T:Husby brudmarsch
ABC 1 C1:777776427777006 C2:dddddduuuuddddd M:2/4 K:G H:LQRSZ T:Husby brudmarsch
ABC 1 C1:777776427777006 C2:dddddduuuuddddd M:2/4 K:G H:LQRSZ T:Husby brudmarsch
ABC 1 C1:777776427777006 C2:dddddduuuuddddd M:2/4 K:G H:LQRSZ T:Husby brudmarsch
ABC 1 C1:777776427777006 C2:dddddduuuuddddd M:2/4 K:G H:LRSZ T:Husby brudmarsch
ABC 1 C1:777776427777006 C2:dddddduuuuddddd M:2/4 K:G H:LRSZ T:Husby brudmarsch
ABC 1 C1:777776427777006 C2:dddddduuuuddddd M:2/4 K:G H:LQRSZ T:Husby brudmarsch
ABC 1 C1:777776427777006 C2:dddddduuuuddddd M:2/4 K:G H:LQRSZ T:Husby brudmarsch
ABC 1 C1:777776427777006 C2:dddddduuuuddddd M:2/4 K:G H:LQRSZ T:Husby brudmarsch
ABC 1 C1:777776427777006 C2:dddddduuuuddddd M:2/4 K:G H:LQRSZ T:Husby brudmarsch
ABC 1 C1:777776427777006 C2:dddddduuuuddddd M:2/4 K:G H:LQRSZ T:Husby brudmarsch
ABC 1 C1:777776427777006 C2:dddddduuuuddddd M:2/4 K:G H:LQRSZ T:Husby brudmarsch
ABC 1 C1:777776427777006 C2:dddddduuuuddddd M:2/4 K:G H:LQRSZ T:Husby brudmarsch
ABC 1 C1:777776427777006 C2:dddddduuuuddddd M:2/4 K:G H:LQRSZ T:Husby brudmarsch
ABC 1 C1:777776427777006 C2:dddddduuuuddddd M:2/4 K:G H:LQRSZ T:Husby brudmarsch
ABC 1 C1:777776427777006 C2:dddddduuuuddddd M:2/4 K:G H:LQRSZ T:Husby brudmarsch
ABC 1 C1:777776427777006 C2:dddddduuuuddddd M:2/4 K:G H:LQRSZ T:Husby brudmarsch
ABC 1 C1:777776427777006 C2:dddddduuuuddddd M:2/4 K:G H:LQRSZ T:Husby brudmarsch
ABC 1 C1:777776427777006 C2:dddddduuuuddddd M:2/4 K:G H:LQRSZ T:Husby brudmarsch
ABC 1 C1:777776427777006 C2:dddddduuuuddddd M:2/4 K:G H:LQRSZ T:Husby brudmarsch
ABC 1 C1:007707070706221 C2:dddddduuuuddddd M:2/4 K:G H:"LV T:Husby brudmarsch
ABC 1 C1:000607070076221 C2:ddddduuuudddddu M:4/4 K:G H:ACOR T:Husby Brudmarsch
ABC 25 C1:000770505305305 C2:udddduudduuduud M:2/4 K:G H:BLQSZ T:Husfin Tatoo_Secundo to #057. JBut.H48, The
ABC 1 C1:051617051120760 C2:udddudududdduuu M:3/4 K:Dm H:CLQ T:Husf�rh�rs Polska - Ore % name
ABC 1 C1:010702000007020 C2:ududududddduudu M:6/8 K:D H:CLQR T:Hush a Bye Baby
ABC 1 C1:010702000007020 C2:ududududddduudu M:6/8 K:D H:CLQR T:Hush a Bye Baby
ABC 1 C1:172007172007243 C2:ududududududddd M:6/8 K:G H:"BLOZ T:Hush-a-bye Baby
ABC 1 C1:172007172007243 C2:ududududududddd M:6/8 K:G H:"BLOZ T:Hush-a-bye Baby
ABC 1 C1:172007172007243 C2:ududududududddd M:6/8 K:G H:"BLOZ T:Hush-a-bye Baby
ABC 1 C1:172007172007243 C2:ududududududddd M:6/8 K:G H:"BLOZ T:Hush-a-bye Baby
ABC 1 C1:172007172007243 C2:ududududududddd M:6/8 K:G H:"BLOZ T:Hush-a-bye Baby
ABC 1 C1:172007172007243 C2:ududududududddd M:6/8 K:G H:"BLOZ T:Hush-a-bye Baby
ABC 1 C1:116066115036116 C2:uudddduududuudu M:3/4 K:C H:L T:Hush Alee
ABC 1 C1:116066115036116 C2:uudddduududuudu M:3/4 K:C H:L T:Hush Alee
ABC 1 C1:116066115036116 C2:uudddduududuudu M:3/4 K:C H:L T:Hush Alee
ABC 1 C1:010106000677010 C2:uudddduududuudu M:3/4 K:C H:BLQSWZ T:Hush Alee
ABC 94 C1:010106000677010 C2:uudddduududuudu M:3/4 K:C H:BLQSWZ T:Hush Alee
ABC 94 C1:010106000677010 C2:uudddduududuudu M:3/4 K:C H:BLQSWZ T:Hush Alee
ABC 94 C1:010106000677010 C2:uudddduududuudu M:3/4 K:C H:BLQSWZ T:Hush Alee
ABC 94 C1:010106000677010 C2:uudddduududuudu M:3/4 K:C H:BLQSWZ T:Hush Alee
ABC 7429 C1:010106000677010 C2:uudddduududuudu M:3/4 K:C H:BLQSWZ T:Hush Alee
ABC 7429 C1:010106000677010 C2:uudddduududuudu M:3/4 K:C H:BLQSWZ T:Hush Alee
ABC 2745 C1:010106000677010 C2:uudddduududuudu M:3/4 K:C H:BLOQSW T:Hush Alee
ABC 2745 C1:010106000677010 C2:uudddduududuudu M:3/4 K:C H:BLOQSW T:Hush Alee
ABC 94 C1:010106000677010 C2:uudddduududuudu M:3/4 K:C H:BLQSWZ T:Hush Alee
ABC 94 C1:010106000677010 C2:uudddduududuudu M:3/4 K:C H:BLQSWZ T:Hush Alee
ABC 94 C1:010106000677010 C2:uudddduududuudu M:3/4 K:C H:BLQSWZ T:Hush Alee
ABC 94 C1:010106000677010 C2:uudddduududuudu M:3/4 K:C H:BLQSWZ T:Hush Alee
ABC 5904 C1:010106000677010 C2:uudddduududuudu M:3/4 K:C H:BLQSWZ T:Hush Alee
ABC 5904 C1:010106000677010 C2:uudddduududuudu M:3/4 K:C H:BLQSWZ T:Hush Alee
ABC 5904 C1:010106000677010 C2:uudddduududuudu M:3/4 K:C H:BLQSWZ T:Hush Alee
ABC 1 C1: C2: M: K:C H:LQZ T:hushbaby (1:11)
ABC 0 C1:000766000002717 C2:dddududduuuuuud M:6/8 K:BMin H:GLQ T:Hush, Hush
ABC 0 C1:000766000002717 C2:dddududduuuuuud M:6/8 K:BMin H:GLQ T:Hush, Hush
ABC 17024 C1:000766000002717 C2:dddududduuuuuud M:6/8 K:BMin H:GLQ T:Hush, Hush
ABC 17024 C1:000766000002717 C2:dddududduuuuuud M:6/8 K:BMin H:GLQ T:Hush, Hush
ABC 17024 C1:000766000002717 C2:dddududduuuuuud M:6/8 K:BMin H:GLQ T:Hush, Hush
ABC 17024 C1:000766000002717 C2:dddududduuuuuud M:6/8 K:BMin H:GLQ T:Hush, Hush
ABC 1 C1:70044017700 C2:dduudd M:4/4 K:F H:L T:Hush, Li'l Baby
ABC 1 C1:70044017700 C2:dduudd M:4/4 K:F H:L T:Hush, Li'l Baby
ABC 1 C1:70044017700 C2:dduudd M:4/4 K:F H:L T:Hush, Li'l Baby
ABC 1 C1: C2: M: K:C H:LQZ T:hushlittlebaby (1:11)
ABC 1 C1:000200070077000 C2:udddududd M:4/2 K:G H:BFLSZw T:Hush, my Babe
ABC 1 C1:000200070077000 C2:udddududd M:4/2 K:G H:BFLSZw T:Hush, my Babe
ABC 0 C1:200701701707005 C2:ududduudduudduu M:2/4 K:F H:LQVZ T:Hush, My Babe
ABC 0 C1:200701701707005 C2:ududduudduudduu M:2/4 K:F H:LQVZ T:Hush, My Babe
ABC 1 C1:065200651100266 C2:ddduudduuuudddu M:4/4 K:E H:CLWw T:Hush, My Babe
ABC 1 C1:065200651100266 C2:ddduudduuuudddu M:4/4 K:E H:CLWw T:Hush, My Babe
ABC 1 C1:000200070077000 C2:udddududd M:4/2 K:G H:BFLSZw T:Hush, my Babe
ABC 1006 C1:070663110777377 C2:ddduuudddudddud M:2/4 K:D H:BCLOQSZ T:Hush my babe lie still and slumber
ABC 196 C1:070663110777377 C2:ddduuudddudddud M:2/4 K:D H:CQZ T:Hush my babe lie still and slumber
ABC 940 C1:052023173011660 C2:duududuuuddudud M:6/8 K:Gmix H:BLRZ T:Hush the Cat
ABC 940 C1:052023173011660 C2:duududuuuddudud M:6/8 K:Gmix H:BLRZ T:Hush the Cat
ABC 940 C1:052023173011660 C2:duududuuuddudud M:6/8 K:Gmix H:BLRZ T:Hush the Cat
ABC 909 C1:052023173011660 C2:duududuuuddudud M:6/8 K:Gmix H:BLRZ T:Hush the Cat.
ABC 909 C1:173027052020660 C2:uduudduudduuddu M:6/8 K:Gmix H:BLRZbs T:Hush the Cat
ABC 909 C1:173027052020660 C2:uduudduudduuddu M:6/8 K:Gmix H:BLRZbs T:Hush the Cat
ABC 909 C1:173027052020660 C2:uduudduudduuddu M:6/8 K:Gmix H:BLRZbs T:Hush the Cat
ABC 909 C1:173027052020660 C2:uduudduudduuddu M:6/8 K:Gmix H:BLRZbs T:Hush the Cat
ABC 909 C1:173027052023173 C2:uduudduududuuud M:6/8 K:Gmix H:BLRZbs T:Hush the Cat
ABC 909 C1:173027052023173 C2:uduudduududuuud M:6/8 K:Gmix H:BLRZbs T:Hush the Cat
ABC 909 C1:173027052023173 C2:uduudduududuuud M:6/8 K:Gmix H:BLRZbs T:Hush the Cat
ABC 909 C1:173027052023173 C2:uduudduududuuud M:6/8 K:Gmix H:BLRZbs T:Hush the Cat
ABC 909 C1:173027052023173 C2:uduudduududuuud M:6/8 K:Gmix H:BLRZbs T:Hush the Cat
ABC 909 C1:173027052023173 C2:uduudduududuuud M:6/8 K:Gmix H:BLRZbs T:Hush the Cat
ABC 909 C1:173027052023173 C2:uduudduududuuud M:6/8 K:Gmix H:BLRZbs T:Hush the Cat
ABC 909 C1:173027052023173 C2:uduudduududuuud M:6/8 K:Gmix H:BLRZbs T:Hush the Cat
ABC 909 C1:173027052023173 C2:uduudduududuuud M:6/8 K:Gmix H:BLRZbs T:Hush the Cat
ABC 909 C1:173027052023173 C2:uduudduududuuud M:6/8 K:Gmix H:BLRZbs T:Hush the Cat
ABC 909 C1:173027052023173 C2:uduudduududuuud M:6/8 K:Gmix H:BLRZbs T:Hush the Cat
ABC 909 C1:173027052023173 C2:uduudduududuuud M:6/8 K:Gmix H:BLRZbs T:Hush the Cat
ABC 909 C1:173027052023173 C2:uduudduududuuud M:6/8 K:Gmix H:BLRZbs T:Hush the Cat
ABC 909 C1:052023173011660 C2:duududuuuddudud M:6/8 K:Gmix H:BLRZ T:Hush the Cat.
ABC 909 C1:052023173011660 C2:duududuuuddudud M:6/8 K:Gmix H:BLRZ T:Hush the Cat.
ABC 940 C1:052023173011660 C2:duududuuuddudud M:6/8 K:Gmix H:BLRZ T:Hush the Cat
ABC 940 C1:052023173011660 C2:duududuuuddudud M:6/8 K:Gmix H:BLRZ T:Hush the Cat
ABC 1265 C1:001016061702070 C2:uuddduduudduuud M:3/8 K:D H:BCLOQSZ T:Hush thee my babe
ABC 3067 C1:002300030600002 C2:uududuuududuudd M:2/4 K:F H:"CFLORW T:Husmannspolka
ABC 3067 C1:002300030600002 C2:uududuuududuudd M:2/4 K:F H:"CFLORW T:Husmannspolka
ABC 1 C1:000517771777177 C2:duddduddduddudu M:3/4 K:A H:CLRZ T:Hus om Byggnads polska
ABC 1 C1:000517771777177 C2:duddduddduddudu M:3/4 K:A H:CLRZ T:Hus om Byggnads polska
ABC 1 C1:000517771777177 C2:duddduddduddudu M:3/4 K:A H:CLRZ T:Hus om Byggnads polska
ABC 1 C1:000517771777177 C2:duddduddduddudu M:3/4 K:A H:CLRZ T:Hus om Byggnads polska
ABC 1 C1:000517771777177 C2:duddduddduddudu M:3/4 K:A H:CLRZ T:Hus om Byggnads polska
ABC 1 C1:000517771777177 C2:duddduddduddudu M:3/4 K:A H:CLRZ T:Hus om Byggnads polska
ABC 1 C1:000517771777177 C2:duddduddduddudu M:3/4 K:A H:CLRZ T:Hus om Byggnads polska
ABC 1 C1:000517771777177 C2:duddduddduddudu M:3/4 K:A H:CLRZ T:Hus om Byggnads polska
ABC 1 C1:000517771777177 C2:duddduddduddudu M:3/4 K:A H:CLRZ T:Hus om Byggnads polska
ABC 1 C1:000517771777177 C2:duddduddduddudu M:3/4 K:A H:CLRZ T:Hus om Byggnads polska
ABC 1 C1:000517771777177 C2:duddduddduddudu M:3/4 K:A H:CLRZ T:Hus om Byggnads polska
ABC 1 C1:000517771777177 C2:duddduddduddudu M:3/4 K:A H:CLRZ T:Hus om Byggnads polska
ABC 1 C1:000517771777177 C2:duddduddduddudu M:3/4 K:A H:CLZ T:Hus om Byggnads polska
ABC 1 C1:000517771777177 C2:duddduddduddudu M:3/4 K:A H:CLZ T:Hus om Byggnads polska
ABC 1 C1:000517771777177 C2:duddduddduddudu M:3/4 K:A H:CLZ T:Hus om Byggnads polska
ABC 1 C1:000517771777177 C2:duddduddduddudu M:3/4 K:A H:CLZ T:Hus om Byggnads polska
ABC 1 C1:000517771777177 C2:duddduddduddudu M:3/4 K:A H:CLZ T:Hus om Byggnads polska
ABC 1 C1:000517771777177 C2:duddduddduddudu M:3/4 K:A H:CLZ T:Hus om Byggnads polska
ABC 1 C1:000517771777177 C2:duddduddduddudu M:3/4 K:A H:CLZ T:Hus om Byggnads polska
ABC 1 C1:000517771777177 C2:duddduddduddudu M:3/4 K:A H:CLRZ T:Hus om Byggnads polska
ABC 1 C1:000517771777177 C2:duddduddduddudu M:3/4 K:A H:CLRZ T:Hus om Byggnads polska
ABC 1 C1:000517771777177 C2:duddduddduddudu M:3/4 K:A H:CLRZ T:Hus om Byggnads polska
ABC 1 C1:000517771777177 C2:duddduddduddudu M:3/4 K:A H:CLRZ T:Hus om Byggnads polska
ABC 1 C1:000517771777177 C2:duddduddduddudu M:3/4 K:A H:CLRZ T:Hus om Byggnads polska
ABC 1 C1:000517771777177 C2:duddduddduddudu M:3/4 K:A H:CLRZ T:Hus om Byggnads polska
ABC 1 C1:000517771777177 C2:duddduddduddudu M:3/4 K:A H:CLZ T:Hus om Byggnads polska
ABC 1 C1:000517771777177 C2:duddduddduddudu M:3/4 K:A H:CLRZ T:Hus om Byggnads polska
ABC 1 C1:000517771777177 C2:duddduddduddudu M:3/4 K:A H:CLZ T:Hus om Byggnads polska
ABC 1 C1:000517771777177 C2:duddduddduddudu M:3/4 K:A H:CLRZ T:Hus om Byggnads polska
ABC 1 C1:000517771777177 C2:duddduddduddudu M:3/4 K:A H:CLZ T:Hus om Byggnads polska
ABC 1 C1:000517771777177 C2:duddduddduddudu M:3/4 K:A H:CLRZ T:Hus om Byggnads polska
ABC 1 C1:000517771777177 C2:duddduddduddudu M:3/4 K:A H:CLZ T:Hus om Byggnads polska
ABC 1 C1:000517771777177 C2:duddduddduddudu M:3/4 K:A H:CLRZ T:Hus om Byggnads polska
ABC 1 C1:000517771777177 C2:duddduddduddudu M:3/4 K:A H:CLZ T:Hus om Byggnads polska
ABC 48 C1:356617511117756 C2:udddudduuuududd M:6/8 K:G H:BLQSZ T:Huson Camps. JBut.047, The
ABC 1 C1:606235021500006 C2:ddduduududduudu M:6/8 K:G H:BLQSZ T:Huson Camps_Secundo to #047. JBut.H24, The
ABC 6 C1:356617511117756 C2:udddudduuuududd M:6/8 K:G H:BLQSVZ T:Huson Camps (with seconds). JBut.047, The
ABC 58 C1:030407070000070 C2:uudddduudduuduu M:2/4 K:G H:BLQSZ T:Huson Tattoo. JBut.057, The
ABC 13 C1:030407070000070 C2:uudddduudduuduu M:2/4 K:G H:BLQSVZ T:Huson Tattoo (with seconds). JBut.057, The
ABC 11 C1:577327651320577 C2:udddudduuduuddd M:3/8 K:G H:ABHLOQRZ T:Hussar Waltz. TLY.011
ABC 11 C1:577327651320577 C2:udddudduuduuddd M:3/8 K:G H:ABHLOQRZ T:Hussar Waltz. TLY.011
ABC 11 C1:577327651320577 C2:udddudduuduuddd M:3/8 K:G H:AHLOQRSZ T:Hussar Waltz. TLY.011
ABC 11 C1:577327651320577 C2:udddudduuduuddd M:3/8 K:G H:ABHLOQRSZ T:Hussar Waltz. TLY.011
ABC 7430 C1:577327651320577 C2:udddudduuduuddd M:3/8 K:G H:AHLOQRSZ T:Hussar Waltz. TLY.011
ABC 7431 C1:577327651320577 C2:udddudduuduuddd M:3/8 K:G H:AHLOQRSZ T:Hussar Waltz. TLY.011
ABC 7430 C1:577327651320577 C2:udddudduuduuddd M:3/8 K:G H:AHLOQRSZ T:Hussar Waltz. TLY.011
ABC 7431 C1:577327651320577 C2:udddudduuduuddd M:3/8 K:G H:AHLOQRSZ T:Hussar Waltz. TLY.011
ABC 3970 C1:577327651320577 C2:udddudduuduuddd M:3/8 K:G H:AFHLOQRSZ T:Hussar Waltz. TLY.011
ABC 3970 C1:577327651320577 C2:udddudduuduuddd M:3/8 K:G H:AFHLOQRSZ T:Hussar Waltz. TLY.011
ABC 11 C1:577327651320577 C2:udddudduuduuddd M:3/8 K:G H:ABHLOQRSZ T:Hussar Waltz. TLY.011
ABC 28 C1:000707000200070 C2:ddudduududdd M:3/4 K:G H:LOR T:HUSSE BUSSEE DAT ERSTE JAHR TWEE
ABC 1 C1:653230760261112 C2:dduuudduduuuudu M:4/4 K:D H:CLQRS T:Hussey's Penguin
ABC 1 C1:653230760261112 C2:dduuudduduuuudu M:4/4 K:D H:CLQRS T:Hussey's Penguin
ABC 1 C1:653230760261112 C2:dduuudduduuuudu M:4/4 K:D H:CLQRS T:Hussey's Penguin
ABC 1 C1:653230760261112 C2:dduuudduduuuudu M:4/4 K:D H:CLQRS T:Hussey's Penguin
ABC 1 C1:653230760261112 C2:dduuudduduuuudu M:4/4 K:D H:CLQRS T:Hussey's Penguin
ABC 1 C1:653230760261112 C2:dduuudduduuuudu M:4/4 K:D H:CLQRS T:Hussey's Penguin
ABC 1 C1:653230760261112 C2:dduuudduduuuudu M:4/4 K:D H:CLQRS T:Hussey's Penguin
ABC 1 C1:653230760261112 C2:dduuudduduuuudu M:4/4 K:D H:CLQR T:Hussey's Penguin
ABC 185 C1:653230760261112 C2:dduuudduduuuudu M:4/4 K:D H:"CLQR T:Hussey's Penguin
ABC 360 C1:653230760261112 C2:dduuudduduuuudu M:4/4 K:D H:"CLQR T:Hussey's Penguin
ABC 345 C1:037677116532307 C2:udddduudduuuddu M:4/4 K:D H:"CLQRV T:Hussey's Penguin (with piano acc.)
ABC 9068 C1:037677116532307 C2:udddduudduuuddu M:4/4 K:D H:"CLQRV T:Hussey's Penguin (with piano acc.)
ABC 9068 C1:037677116532307 C2:udddduudduuuddu M:4/4 K:D H:"CLQRV T:Hussey's Penguin (with piano acc.)
ABC 72 C1:110611010771170 C2:uuduuudduududdd M:2/4 K:G H:BLQSZ T:Hussian Dragoons. JBut.070, The
ABC 885 C1:177702030207070 C2:uddduuudddudddd M:2/4 K:D H:ACOQRVZ T:Husås Snoa
ABC 31 C1: C2: M: K:C H:LQZ T:The Hustle [bass] (3:23)
ABC 1 C1: C2: M: K:C H:LQZ T:The Hustle [drum] (3:23)
ABC 51 C1: C2: M: K:C H:LQZ T:The Hustle [flute 1] melody (3:23)
ABC 52 C1: C2: M: K:C H:LQZ T:The Hustle [flute 2] string melody (3:23)
ABC 53 C1: C2: M: K:C H:LQZ T:The Hustle [flute 3] strings (3:23)
ABC 54 C1: C2: M: K:C H:LQZ T:The Hustle [flute combo] flute2/flute3 (3:23)
ABC 21 C1: C2: M: K:C H:LQZ T:The Hustle [harp] piano (3:23)
ABC 61 C1: C2: M: K:C H:LQZ T:The Hustle [horn 1] strings (3:23)
ABC 62 C1: C2: M: K:C H:LQZ T:The Hustle [horn 2] trumpet (3:23)
ABC 63 C1: C2: M: K:C H:LQZ T:The Hustle [horn 3] string melody (3:23)
ABC 64 C1: C2: M: K:C H:LQZ T:The Hustle [horn combo] horn1/horn3 (3:23)
ABC 1 C1:320033207042220 C2:uuduudduuuduudu M:3/4 K:G H:LORSZ T:Åhusvalsen efter Jöns Jernberg
ABC 0 C1:000000017007700 C2:udddddudduudddd M:C| K:GMin H:LQ T:Huszargyerek, huszargyerek
ABC 57063 C1:715125670727616 C2:duduuddduuddudu M:4/4 K:D H:BCLQR T:HUT IN THE BOG (1) (reel), The
ABC 57063 C1:715125670727616 C2:duduuddduuddudu M:4/4 K:D H:BCLQR T:HUT IN THE BOG (1) (reel), The
ABC 57063 C1:715125670727616 C2:duduuddduuddudu M:4/4\ K:D\ H:BCLQR T:HUT IN THE BOG (1) (reel), The\
ABC 57064 C1:711107160017761 C2:duuudududdduudd M:4/4 K:G H:BCLQR T:HUT IN THE BOG (2) reel, The
ABC 57064 C1:711107160017761 C2:duuudududdduudd M:4/4 K:G H:BCLQR T:HUT IN THE BOG (2) reel, The
ABC 57064 C1:711107160017761 C2:duuudududdduudd M:4/4\ K:G\ H:BCLQR T:HUT IN THE BOG (2) reel, The\
ABC 1 C1:400421764006176 C2:duuuddduudddudd M:C| K:Em H:DRZ T:Hut in the Bog, The
ABC 49 C1:400421764006176 C2:duuuddduudddudd M:C| K:Em H:DRSZ T:Hut in the Bog, The
ABC 49 C1:400421764006176 C2:duuuddduudddudd M:C| K:Em H:DRSZ T:Hut in the Bog, The
ABC 49 C1:400421764006176 C2:duuuddduudddudd M:C| K:Em H:DRSZ T:Hut in the Bog, The
ABC 49 C1:400421764006176 C2:duuuddduudddudd M:C| K:Em H:DRSZ T:Hut in the Bog, The
ABC 49 C1:400421764006176 C2:duuuddduudddudd M:C| K:Em H:DRSZ T:Hut in the Bog, The
ABC 23 C1:400411176400617 C2:duuuuddduuddddd M:4/4 K:E H:"L T:Hut in the Bog
ABC 23 C1:400411176400617 C2:duuuuddduuddddd M:4/4 K:E H:"L T:Hut in the Bog
ABC 324 C1:400411176400617 C2:duuuuddduuddddd M:4/4 K:Em H:"LR T:Hut in the Bog
ABC 324 C1:400411176400617 C2:duuuuddduuddddd M:4/4 K:Em H:"LR T:Hut in the Bog
ABC 324 C1:400411176400617 C2:duuuuddduuddddd M:4/4 K:Em H:"LR T:Hut in the Bog
ABC 324 C1:400411176400617 C2:duuuuddduuddddd M:4/4 K:Em H:"LR T:Hut in the Bog
ABC 1 C1:711107160017762 C2:duuudududdduudd M:C| K:Ador H:HRSZ T:Hut in the Bog, The
ABC 2 C1:400411176400617 C2:duuuuddduuddddd M:C| K:Em H:CHRZ T:The Hut in the Bog
ABC 428 C1:711107160017762 C2:duuudududdduudd M:C| K:Ador H:HRSZ T:Hut in the Bog, The
ABC 428 C1:711107160017762 C2:duuudududdduudd M:C| K:Ador H:HRSZ T:Hut in the Bog, The
ABC 49 C1:400421764006176 C2:duuuddduudddudd M:C| K:Em H:DRZ T:Hut in the Bog, The
ABC 49 C1:400421764006176 C2:duuuddduudddudd M:C| K:Em H:DRZ T:Hut in the Bog, The
ABC 428 C1:711107160017762 C2:duuudududdduudd M:C| K:Ador H:HRSZ T:Hut in the Bog, The
ABC 428 C1:711107160017762 C2:duuudududdduudd M:C| K:Ador H:HRSZ T:Hut in the Bog, The
ABC 1 C1:400411176400617 C2:duuuuddduuddddd M: K:Emin H:LR T:The Hut In The Bog
ABC 2 C1:400421764006006 C2:duuudddudddduuu M: K:Emin H:LR T:The Hut In The Bog
ABC 3 C1:400200114004235 C2:duuuduuuddduudd M: K:Emin H:LR T:The Hut In The Bog
ABC 4 C1:000076210000011 C2:dduduuuududdudd M: K:Gmin H:LR T:The Hut In The Bog
ABC 1 C1:711161610017760 C2:duuududuudddudd M:4/4 K:Bm H:LR T:The Hut In The Bog
ABC 1 C1:007112042061117 C2:duuududuuuddudd M:12/8 K:Bdor H:LR T:The Hut In the Bog
ABC 49 C1:400421764006176 C2:duuuddduudddudd M:C| K:Em H:DRZ T:Hut in the Bog, The
ABC 49 C1:400421764006176 C2:duuuddduudddudd M:C| K:Em H:DRZ T:Hut in the Bog, The
ABC 1185 C1:001107160017762 C2:uudududdduudddu M:C| K:AMin H:DLRZ T:Hut in the Bog
ABC 23 C1:400411176400617 C2:duuuuddduuddddd M:4/4 K:E H:"L T:Hut in the Bog
ABC 324 C1:400411176400617 C2:duuuuddduuddddd M:4/4 K:Em H:"LR T:Hut in the Bog
ABC 106 C1:400020011400042 C2:duuuduuuddduudd M:4/4 K:Emin H:"HLRZ T:Hut In The Bog, The
ABC 1170 C1:001107160017762 C2:uudududdduudddu M:C| K:AMin H:DLRZ T:Hut in the Bog
ABC 234 C1:001107160017762 C2:uudududdduudddu M:C| K:AMin H:DLRZ T:Hut in the Bog
ABC 49 C1:400421764006176 C2:duuuddduudddudd M:C| K:Em H:DRZ T:Hut in the Bog, The
ABC 428 C1:711107160017762 C2:duuudududdduudd M:C| K:Ador H:HRSZ T:Hut in the Bog, The
ABC 49 C1:400421764006176 C2:duuuddduudddudd M:C| K:Em H:DRZ T:Hut in the Bog, The
ABC 428 C1:711107160017762 C2:duuudududdduudd M:C| K:Ador H:HRSZ T:Hut in the Bog, The
ABC 49 C1:400421764006176 C2:duuuddduudddudd M:C| K:Em H:DRZ T:Hut in the Bog, The
ABC 428 C1:711107160017762 C2:duuudududdduudd M:C| K:Ador H:HRSZ T:Hut in the Bog, The
ABC 7432 C1:001107160017762 C2:uudududdduudddu M:C| K:AMin H:DLRZ T:Hut in the Bog
ABC 7433 C1:400421764006176 C2:duuuddduudddudd M:C| K:Em H:DRZ T:Hut in the Bog, The
ABC 7434 C1:711107160017762 C2:duuudududdduudd M:C| K:Ador H:HRSZ T:Hut in the Bog, The
ABC 7432 C1:001107160017762 C2:uudududdduudddu M:C| K:AMin H:DLRZ T:Hut in the Bog
ABC 7433 C1:400421764006176 C2:duuuddduudddudd M:C| K:Em H:DRZ T:Hut in the Bog, The
ABC 7434 C1:711107160017762 C2:duuudududdduudd M:C| K:Ador H:HRSZ T:Hut in the Bog, The
ABC 2746 C1:400421764006176 C2:duuuddduudddudd M:C| K:Em H:DOR T:Hut in the Bog, The
ABC 2746 C1:400421764006176 C2:duuuddduudddudd M:C| K:Em H:DOR T:Hut in the Bog, The
ABC 428 C1:711107160017762 C2:duuudududdduudd M:C| K:Ador H:HRSZ T:Hut in the Bog, The
ABC 49 C1:400421764006176 C2:duuuddduudddudd M:C| K:Em H:DRZ T:Hut in the Bog, The
ABC 428 C1:711107160017762 C2:duuudududdduudd M:C| K:Ador H:HRSZ T:Hut in the Bog, The
ABC 49 C1:400421764006176 C2:duuuddduudddudd M:C| K:Em H:DRZ T:Hut in the Bog, The
ABC 5905 C1:400421764006176 C2:duuuddduudddudd M:C| K:Em H:DRZ T:Hut in the Bog, The
ABC 5906 C1:711107160017762 C2:duuudududdduudd M:C| K:Ador H:HRSZ T:Hut in the Bog, The
ABC 5905 C1:400421764006176 C2:duuuddduudddudd M:C| K:Em H:DRZ T:Hut in the Bog, The
ABC 5906 C1:711107160017762 C2:duuudududdduudd M:C| K:Ador H:HRSZ T:Hut in the Bog, The
ABC 5905 C1:400421764006176 C2:duuuddduudddudd M:C| K:Em H:DRZ T:Hut in the Bog, The
ABC 5906 C1:711107160017762 C2:duuudududdduudd M:C| K:Ador H:HRSZ T:Hut in the Bog, The
ABC 49 C1:400421764006176 C2:duuuddduudddudd M:C| K:Em H:DRZ T:Hut in the Bog, The
ABC 428 C1:711107160017762 C2:duuudududdduudd M:C| K:Ador H:HRSZ T:Hut in the Bog, The
ABC 49 C1:400421764006176 C2:duuuddduudddudd M:C| K:Em H:DRZ T:Hut in the Bog, The
ABC 428 C1:711107160017762 C2:duuudududdduudd M:C| K:Ador H:HRSZ T:Hut in the Bog, The
ABC 135 C1:715125670727616 C2:duduuddduuddudu M:4/4 K:D H:LRSZ T:Hut in the Bog (A)
ABC 150 C1:711107160017761 C2:duuudududdduudd M:4/4 K:G H:LRSZ T:Hut in the Bog (B)
ABC 181109 C1:711107160017767 C2:duuudududdduudd M:C K:G H:CLQR T:HUT IN THE BOG (reel), The
ABC 181109 C1:711107160017767 C2:duuudududdduudd M:C K:G H:CLQR T:HUT IN THE BOG (reel), The
ABC 181109 C1:711107160017767 C2:duuudududdduudd M:C K:G H:CLQR T:HUT IN THE BOG (reel), The
ABC 3 C1:622307160017766 C2:duuudududddduud M:4/4 K:D H:LR T:The Hut On Staffen Island
ABC 3 C1:622307160017766 C2:duuudududddduud M:4/4 K:D H:LR T:The Hut On Staffen Island
ABC 3 C1:622307160017766 C2:duuudududddduud M:4/4 K:D H:LR T:The Hut On Staffen Island
ABC 3 C1:622307160017766 C2:duuudududddduud M:4/4 K:D H:LR T:The Hut On Staffen Island
ABC 3 C1:622307160017766 C2:duuudududddduud M:4/4 K:D H:LR T:The Hut On Staffen Island
ABC 474 C1:131700116223076 C2:uuuduuduuudduud M:4/4 K:Dmaj H:LQR T:Hut On Staffen Island (Dmaj)
ABC 1 C1:131700117722316 C2:uuuduudduuududu M:C| K:D H:"CLRSZ T:the Hut On Staffin Island #2
ABC 1 C1:131700117722316 C2:uuuduudduuududu M:C| K:D H:"CLRSZ T:the Hut On Staffin Island #2
ABC 1 C1:131700117722316 C2:uuuduudduuududu M:C| K:D H:"CLRSZ T:the Hut On Staffin Island #2
ABC 1 C1:131700117722316 C2:uuuduudduuududu M:C| K:D H:"CLRSZ T:the Hut On Staffin Island #2
ABC 1 C1:131700117722316 C2:uuuduudduuududu M:C| K:D H:"CLRSZ T:the Hut On Staffin Island #2
ABC 1 C1:131700117722316 C2:uuuduudduuududu M:C| K:D H:"CLRSZ T:the Hut On Staffin Island #2
ABC 1 C1:131700117722316 C2:uuuduudduuududu M:C| K:D H:"CLRSZ T:the Hut On Staffin Island #2
ABC 1 C1:131700117722316 C2:uuuduudduuududu M:C| K:D H:"CLRSZ T:the Hut On Staffin Island #2
ABC 1 C1:131700117722316 C2:uuuduudduuududu M:C| K:D H:"CLRSZ T:the Hut On Staffin Island #2
ABC 1 C1:131700117722316 C2:uuuduudduuududu M:C| K:D H:"CLRSZ T:the Hut On Staffin Island #2
ABC 1 C1:131700117722316 C2:uuuduudduuududu M:C| K:D H:"CLRSZ T:the Hut On Staffin Island #2
ABC 73 C1:131700117722316 C2:uuuduudduuududu M:C| K:D H:"CLRSZ T:the Hut On Staffin Island #2
ABC 73 C1:131700117722316 C2:uuuduudduuududu M:C| K:D H:"CLRSZ T:the Hut On Staffin Island #2
ABC 295 C1:131700117722316 C2:uuuduudduuududu M:C| K:D H:"CLRSZ T:the Hut On Staffin Island #2
ABC 295 C1:131700117722316 C2:uuuduudduuududu M:C| K:D H:"CLRSZ T:the Hut On Staffin Island #2
ABC 1 C1:131700117123071 C2:uuuduuduuududdu M:C| K:D H:LRSZ T:Hut on Staffin Island
ABC 1 C1:131700117123071 C2:uuuduuduuududdu M:C| K:D H:LRSZ T:Hut on Staffin Island
ABC 1 C1:131700117123071 C2:uuuduuduuududdu M:C| K:D H:LRSZ T:Hut on Staffin Island
ABC 1 C1:131700117123076 C2:uuuduuduuudduud M:C K:D H:CL T:The Hut on Staffin Island
ABC 1 C1:131700117123076 C2:uuuduuduuudduud M:C K:D H:CL T:The Hut on Staffin Island
ABC 1 C1:131700117123076 C2:uuuduuduuudduud M:C K:D H:CL T:The Hut on Staffin Island
ABC 1 C1:131700117123076 C2:uuuduuduuudduud M:C K:D H:CL T:The Hut on Staffin Island
ABC 1 C1:131700117123076 C2:uuuduuduuudduud M:C K:D H:CL T:The Hut on Staffin Island
ABC 1 C1:131700117123076 C2:uuuduuduuudduud M:C K:D H:CL T:The Hut on Staffin Island
ABC 1 C1:131700117123076 C2:uuuduuduuudduud M:C K:D H:CL T:The Hut on Staffin Island
ABC 1 C1:131700117123076 C2:uuuduuduuudduud M:C K:D H:CL T:The Hut on Staffin Island
ABC 1 C1:131700117123076 C2:uuuduuduuudduud M:C K:D H:CL T:The Hut on Staffin Island
ABC 1 C1:131700117123076 C2:uuuduuduuudduud M:C K:D H:CL T:The Hut on Staffin Island
ABC 1 C1:131700117123076 C2:uuuduuduuudduud M:C K:D H:CL T:The Hut on Staffin Island
ABC 119 C1:002770116223070 C2:udduuduuudduddd M:4/4 K:D H:"LS T:Hut on Staffin Island
ABC 3 C1:131700117123076 C2:uuuduuduuudduud M:C K:D H:CLS T:The Hut on Staffin Island
ABC 1 C1:131700117123076 C2:uuuduuduuudduud M:C K:D H:CFL T:The Hut on Staffin Island
ABC 1 C1:131700116223162 C2:uuuduuduuududuu M:C K:D H:"CQR T:Hut on Staffin Island, The
ABC 1 C1:131700116223162 C2:uuuduuduuududuu M:C K:D H:"CQR T:Hut on Staffin Island, The
ABC 30 C1:121700116223071 C2:uuuduuduuududud M:4/4 K:A H:"CILRZ T:Hut On Staffin Island, The
ABC 82 C1:131700117123076 C2:uuuduuduuudduud M:C K:D H:"CFLV T:Hut on Staffin Island, The
ABC 30 C1:121700116223071 C2:uuuduuduuududud M:4/4 K:A H:"CILRZ T:Hut On Staffin Island, The
ABC 3 C1:131700117123076 C2:uuuduuduuudduud M:C K:D H:CL T:The Hut on Staffin Island
ABC 3 C1:131700117123076 C2:uuuduuduuudduud M:C K:D H:CL T:The Hut on Staffin Island
ABC 3 C1:131700117123076 C2:uuuduuduuudduud M:C K:D H:CLS T:The Hut on Staffin Island
ABC 34 C1:131700117123076 C2:uuuduuduuudduud M:C K:D H:CL T:The Hut on Staffin Island
ABC 34 C1:131700117123076 C2:uuuduuduuudduud M:C K:D H:CL T:The Hut on Staffin Island
ABC 1 C1:131700117123076 C2:uuuduuduuudduud M:C K:D H:CL T:The Hut on Staffin Island
ABC 1 C1:131700117123076 C2:uuuduuduuudduud M:C K:D H:CL T:The Hut on Staffin Island
ABC 1 C1:131700117123076 C2:uuuduuduuudduud M:C K:D H:CL T:The Hut on Staffin Island
ABC 29 C1:622352610017766 C2:duuududuudddduu M:C| K:D H:"CLQRS T:Hut on Staffin Island
ABC 29 C1:622352610017766 C2:duuududuudddduu M:C| K:D H:"CLQRS T:Hut on Staffin Island
ABC 29 C1:622352610017766 C2:duuududuudddduu M:C| K:D H:"CLQRS T:Hut on Staffin Island
ABC 30 C1:121700116223071 C2:uuuduuduuududud M:4/4 K:A H:"CILRZ T:Hut On Staffin Island, The
ABC 30 C1:121700116223071 C2:uuuduuduuududud M:4/4 K:A H:"CILRZ T:Hut On Staffin Island, The
ABC 1028 C1:712307160026766 C2:duuudududddduud M:C| K:D H:CLRZ T:Hut On Staffin Island, The
ABC 1028 C1:712307160026766 C2:duuudududddduud M:C| K:D H:CLRZ T:Hut On Staffin Island, The
ABC 74 C1:622352610017766 C2:duuududuudddduu M:C| K:D H:CLRS T:Hut on Staffin Island
ABC 2 C1:772231615100346 C2:dduuuduudududdu M:4/4 K:Dmaj H:L T:The Hut On Staffin Island
ABC 82 C1:131700117123076 C2:uuuduuduuudd M:C K:D H:"CFLV T:Hut on Staffin Island, The
ABC 1 C1:772231615100346 C2:dduuuduudududdu M: K:Dmaj H:LR T:The Hut On Staffin Island
ABC 2 C1:131700116223076 C2:uuuduuduuudduud M: K:Dmaj H:"LR T:The Hut On Staffin Island
ABC 3 C1:121700116211307 C2:uuuduuduuuudduu M: K:Gmaj H:"LR T:The Hut On Staffin Island
ABC 4 C1:131700117722307 C2:uuuduudduuududu M: K:Dmaj H:LR T:The Hut On Staffin Island
ABC 5 C1:121700116223076 C2:uuuduuduuudduud M: K:Gmaj H:"LR T:The Hut On Staffin Island
ABC 6 C1:121700117722307 C2:uuuduudduuududu M: K:Gmaj H:LR T:The Hut On Staffin Island
ABC 7 C1:600716241000766 C2:dududuuddduddud M: K:Bmin H:LR T:The Hut On Staffin Island
ABC 8 C1:131701177223162 C2:uuuduudduuududu M: K:Dmaj H:LR T:The Hut On Staffin Island
ABC 26 C1:712307610026766 C2:duuudduudddduud M:4/4 K:D H:CILQR T:The Hut On Staffin Island
ABC 82 C1:131700117123076 C2:uuuduuduuudduud M:C K:D H:"CFLV T:The Hut on Staffin Island
ABC 82 C1:131700117123076 C2:uuuduuduuudduud M:C K:D H:"CFLV T:Hut on Staffin Island, The
ABC 82 C1:131700117123076 C2:uuuduuduuudduud M:C K:D H:"CFLV T:Hut on Staffin Island, The
ABC 98 C1:131700116223162 C2:uuuduuduuududuu M:C K:D H:"CQR T:Hut on Staffin Island, The
ABC 82 C1:131700117123076 C2:uuuduuduuudduud M:C K:D H:"CFLV T:Hut on Staffin Island, The
ABC 293 C1:131700117123076 C2:uuuduuduuudduud M:C K:D H:CL T:The Hut on Staffin Island
ABC 294 C1:131700117123076 C2:uuuduuduuudduud M:C K:D H:CL T:The Hut on Staffin Island
ABC 293 C1:131700117123076 C2:uuuduuduuudduud M:C K:D H:CL T:The Hut on Staffin Island
ABC 294 C1:131700117123076 C2:uuuduuduuudduud M:C K:D H:CL T:The Hut on Staffin Island
ABC 140 C1:062400226775005 C2:dduuudddduudddu M:4/4 K:Cmaj H:"CLQWw T:Hut That's Upside Down, The
ABC 17 C1:006033000022067 C2:dduuudddduudddu M:6/8 K:G H:"BLORS T:The Hut That's Upside Down
ABC 223 C1:000760030007600 C2:dduddududdddudd M:2/4 K:G H:LORS T:Huzi diao
ABC 44 C1:111100010700000 C2:uuuuududduddddu M:C| K:Dm H:BLSZ T:Huzza
ABC 44 C1:111100010700000 C2:uuuuududduddddu M:C| K:Dm H:BLSZ T:Huzza
ABC 1029 C1:111100010700000 C2:uuuuududduddddu M:C| K:Dm H:BLRSVZ T:Huzza
ABC 1 C1:111100010700000 C2:uuuuududduddddu M:C| K:Dm H:BLSVZ T:Huzza
ABC 1 C1:111100010700000 C2:uuuuududduddddu M:C| K:Dm H:BLSVZ T:Huzza
ABC 1 C1:111100010700000 C2:uuuuududduddddu M:C| K:Dm H:BLSVZ T:Huzza
ABC 1 C1:111100010700000 C2:uuuuududduddddu M:C| K:Dm H:BLSVZ T:Huzza
ABC 1 C1:111100010700000 C2:uuuuududduddddu M:C| K:Dm H:BLSVZ T:Huzza
ABC 54 C1:111100010700000 C2:uuuuududduddddu M:C| K:Dm H:BLRSVZ T:Huzza
ABC 1029 C1:111100010700000 C2:uuuuududduddddu M:C| K:Dm H:BLRSVZ T:Huzza
ABC 44 C1:111100010700000 C2:uuuuududduddddu M:C| K:Dm H:BLSZ T:Huzza
ABC 44 C1:111100010700000 C2:uuuuududduddddu M:C| K:Dm H:BLSZ T:Huzza
ABC 44 C1:111100010700000 C2:uuuuududduddddu M:C| K:Dm H:BLSZ T:Huzza
ABC 44 C1:111100010700000 C2:uuuuududduddddu M:C| K:Dm H:BLSZ T:Huzza
ABC 1 C1:011774000030071 C2:uudduududdduddu M:6/8 K:D H:L T:Huzza for Liberty
ABC 1 C1:011774000030071 C2:uudduududdduddu M:6/8 K:D H:L T:Huzza for Liberty
ABC 1 C1:011774000030071 C2:uudduududdduddu M:6/8 K:D H:L T:Huzza for Liberty
ABC 37 C1:111100010700000 C2:uuuuududduddddu M:C| K:Dm H:BLQWZ T:Huzza. JJo1.037
ABC 37 C1:111100010700000 C2:uuuuududduddddu M:C| K:Dm H:BLQWZ T:Huzza. JJo1.037
ABC 241 C1:175317517777713 C2:udduuddudddddud M:2/4 K:D H:BFLZ T:Huzza my Boys
ABC 241 C1:175317517777713 C2:udduuddudddddud M:2/4 K:D H:BFLZ T:Huzza my Boys
ABC 241 C1:175317517777713 C2:udduuddudddddud M:2/4 K:D H:BFLZ T:Huzza my Boys
ABC 241 C1:175317517777713 C2:udduuddudddddud M:2/4 K:D H:BFLZ T:Huzza my Boys
ABC 241 C1:175317517777713 C2:udduuddudddddud M:2/4 K:D H:BFLZ T:Huzza my Boys
ABC 241 C1:175317517777713 C2:udduuddudddddud M:2/4 K:D H:BFLZ T:Huzza my Boys
ABC 589 C1:077077004001000 C2:udddduududdduud M:6/8 K:G H:"CFLQRS T:The Huzzar
ABC 589 C1:077077004001000 C2:udddduududdduud M:6/8 K:G H:"CFLQRS T:The Huzzar
ABC 49 C1:004001000017035 C2:duududdduududud M:6/8 K:G H:BLQWZ T:Huzzar. Ru2.049, The
ABC 49 C1:004001000017035 C2:duududdduududud M:6/8 K:G H:BLQWZ T:Huzzar. Ru2.049, The
ABC 12 C1:070000010007070 C2:duddudddduuuddu M:C| K:F H:BLQZ T:Huzza. WCD3/1.012
ABC 12 C1:070000010007070 C2:duddudddduuuddu M:C| K:F H:BLQZ T:Huzza. WCD3/1.012