ABC      X C1:Code 1          C2:Code 2          M:Meter K:Key          H:Headers T:Title
---      - C1:------          C2:------          M:----- K:---          H:------- T:-----
ABC      1 C1:007077001077001 C2:dddudduduuuuduu M:6/8   K:G            H:L      T:BA_06
ABC      1 C1:007077001077001 C2:dddudduduuuuduu M:6/8   K:G            H:L      T:BA_06
ABC      1 C1:007077001077001 C2:dddudduduuuuduu M:6/8   K:G            H:L      T:BA_06
ABC      1 C1:000400011167000 C2:uuuuddddddudddu M:C     K:A            H:BLZ    T:BAA BAA BLACK SHEEP
ABC      1 C1:000400011167000 C2:uuuuddddddudddu M:C     K:A            H:BLZ    T:BAA BAA BLACK SHEEP
ABC      1 C1:000400011167000 C2:uuuuddddddudddu M:C     K:A            H:BLZ    T:BAA BAA BLACK SHEEP
ABC      1 C1:000400011167000 C2:uuuuddddddudddu M:C     K:A            H:BLZ    T:BAA BAA BLACK SHEEP
ABC      1 C1:000400011167000 C2:uuuuddddddudddu M:C     K:A            H:BLZ    T:BAA BAA BLACK SHEEP
ABC      1 C1:000400011167000 C2:uuuuddddddudddu M:C     K:A            H:BLZ    T:BAA BAA BLACK SHEEP
ABC      1 C1:000400011167000 C2:uuuuddddddudddu M:C     K:A            H:BLZ    T:BAA BAA BLACK SHEEP
ABC      1 C1:000400011167000 C2:uuuuddddddudddu M:C     K:A            H:BLZ    T:BAA BAA BLACK SHEEP
ABC     52 C1:116700070007000 C2:uudddddduududdd M:4/4   K:G            H:ABHLOQRZ T:Baa Baa Black Sheep,aka. HSJJ.054
ABC     52 C1:116700070007000 C2:uudddddduududdd M:4/4   K:G            H:AHLOQRSZ T:Baa Baa Black Sheep,aka. HSJJ.054
ABC     52 C1:116700070007000 C2:uudddddduududdd M:4/4   K:G            H:ABHLOQRZ T:Baa Baa Black Sheep,aka. HSJJ.054
ABC     52 C1:116700070007000 C2:uudddddduududdd M:4/4   K:G            H:ABHLOQRZ T:Baa Baa Black Sheep,aka. HSJJ.054
ABC     52 C1:116700070007000 C2:uudddddduududdd M:4/4   K:G            H:ABHLOQRSZ T:Baa Baa Black Sheep,aka. HSJJ.054
ABC    297 C1:116700070007000 C2:uudddddduududdd M:4/4   K:G            H:AHLORSZ T:Baa Baa Black Sheep,aka. HSJJ.054
ABC    297 C1:116700070007000 C2:uudddddduududdd M:4/4   K:G            H:AHLORSZ T:Baa Baa Black Sheep,aka. HSJJ.054
ABC    162 C1:116700070007000 C2:uudddddduududdd M:4/4   K:G            H:AFHLOQRSZ T:Baa Baa Black Sheep,aka. HSJJ.054
ABC    445 C1:116700070007000 C2:uudddddduududdd M:4/4   K:G            H:AFHLOQRSZ T:Baa Baa Black Sheep,aka. HSJJ.054
ABC   9975 C1:116700070007000 C2:uudddddduududdd M:4/4   K:G            H:AFHLOQRSZ T:Baa Baa Black Sheep,aka. HSJJ.054
ABC    162 C1:116700070007000 C2:uudddddduududdd M:4/4   K:G            H:AFHLOQRSZ T:Baa Baa Black Sheep,aka. HSJJ.054
ABC    445 C1:116700070007000 C2:uudddddduududdd M:4/4   K:G            H:AFHLOQRSZ T:Baa Baa Black Sheep,aka. HSJJ.054
ABC   9975 C1:116700070007000 C2:uudddddduududdd M:4/4   K:G            H:AFHLOQRSZ T:Baa Baa Black Sheep,aka. HSJJ.054
ABC     52 C1:116700070007000 C2:uudddddduududdd M:4/4   K:G            H:ABHLOQRSZ T:Baa Baa Black Sheep,aka. HSJJ.054
ABC      1 C1:116700070007000 C2:uudddddduududdd M:4/4   K:G            H:AHLORSZ T:Baa Baa Black Sheep. HSJJ.054
ABC      1 C1:116700070007000 C2:uudddddduududdd M:4/4   K:G            H:AFHLORSZ T:Baa Baa Black Sheep. HSJJ.054
ABC   2606 C1:116700070007000 C2:uudddddduududdd M:4/4   K:G            H:AHLORSZ T:Baa Baa Black Sheep. HSJJ.054
ABC   2606 C1:116700070007000 C2:uudddddduududdd M:4/4   K:G            H:AHLORSZ T:Baa Baa Black Sheep. HSJJ.054
ABC    111 C1:116700070007000 C2:uudddddduududdd M:4/4   K:G            H:AHLORS T:Baa Baa Black Sheep. HSJJ.054
ABC    111 C1:116700070007000 C2:uudddddduududdd M:4/4   K:G            H:AHLORS T:Baa Baa Black Sheep. HSJJ.054
ABC    296 C1:116700070007000 C2:uudddddduududdd M:4/4   K:G            H:AHLORSZ T:Baa Baa Black Sheep. HSJJ.054
ABC    296 C1:116700070007000 C2:uudddddduududdd M:4/4   K:G            H:AHLORSZ T:Baa Baa Black Sheep. HSJJ.054
ABC    277 C1:116700070007000 C2:uudddddduududdd M:4/4   K:G            H:AHLORSZ T:Baa Baa Black Sheep. HSJJ.054
ABC    277 C1:116700070007000 C2:uudddddduududdd M:4/4   K:G            H:AHLORSZ T:Baa Baa Black Sheep. HSJJ.054
ABC    277 C1:116700070007000 C2:uudddddduududdd M:4/4   K:G            H:AHLORSZ T:Baa Baa Black Sheep. HSJJ.054
ABC    277 C1:116700070007000 C2:uudddddduududdd M:4/4   K:G            H:AHLORSZ T:Baa Baa Black Sheep. HSJJ.054
ABC    277 C1:116700070007000 C2:uudddddduududdd M:4/4   K:G            H:AHLORSZ T:Baa Baa Black Sheep. HSJJ.054
ABC    226 C1:060700040004000 C2:ddduuddduuddudd M:9/8   K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Bağa Girdim Ay Çıktı
ABC    226 C1:060700040004000 C2:ddduuddduuddudd M:9/8   K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Bağa Girdim Ay Çıktı
ABC    226 C1:060700040004000 C2:ddduuddduuddudd M:9/8   K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Bağa Girdim Ay Çıktı
ABC    226 C1:000000000000000 C2:uddduuddduuddud M:9/8   K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Bağa Girdim Ay Çıktı
ABC    227 C1:110177061300051 C2:uuuddddduuduuud M:4/4   K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Bağa Girdim Kamışa
ABC    227 C1:110177061300051 C2:uuuddddduuduuud M:4/4   K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Bağa Girdim Kamışa
ABC    227 C1:110177061300051 C2:uuuddddduuduuud M:4/4   K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Bağa Girdim Kamışa
ABC    227 C1:110177061600021 C2:uuuddddduduuuud M:8/8   K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Bağa Girdim Kamışa
ABC  10620 C1:270701162700000 C2:uddudududduuduu M:C     K:Dm           H:CFLOQRVW T:B\aansull
ABC   2846 C1:000011150001270 C2:uuuduuddddddd   M:2/4   K:Dm           H:CFLOQRWZw T:B\aansull
ABC   7946 C1:270701162707276 C2:uddudududdudduu M:C     K:Dm           H:"CFLOQRWw T:B\aansull
ABC  10618 C1:000011150004000 C2:uuuddududuuuddd M:2/4   K:Dm           H:CFLOQRVWZ T:B\aansull
ABC   2847 C1:601603700767120 C2:dududdudddduuud M:2/4   K:Bb           H:"ACFLOQRWZw T:B\aansull
ABC  10619 C1:017077077000000 C2:udddddududududu M:3/4   K:Dmix         H:ACFLOQRVWZ T:B\aansull
ABC   7866 C1:017077077004002 C2:uddddduududddud M:3/4   K:Em           H:ACFLOQRWZw T:B\aansull
ABC   7838 C1:000201010002070 C2:uuuuuddddddduud M:C     K:Dm           H:"ACFLOQRWZ T:B\aansull fra Vefsn
ABC   1266 C1:002000375065662 C2:duuuduuddduuddd M:3/4   K:G            H:BCLOSZ T:Baase Chreest
ABC   1293 C1:300711300061717 C2:uduuudududduddu M:6/4   K:D            H:BCLOSZ T:Baase Illiam Dhone
ABC    228 C1:326532000001777 C2:uudduuudddduudu M:3/4   K:G            H:"L     T:Baatsman Daack Hambo
ABC      1 C1:326532000001777 C2:uudduuudddduudu M:3/4   K:G            H:"LORZ  T:B\aatsman D\"ack
ABC      1 C1:326532000001777 C2:uudduuudddduudu M:3/4   K:G            H:"LORZ  T:B\aatsman D\"ack
ABC      1 C1:326532000001777 C2:uudduuudddduudu M:3/4   K:G            H:"LORZ  T:B\aatsman D\"ack
ABC      1 C1:326532000001777 C2:uudduuudddduudu M:3/4   K:G            H:"LORZ  T:B\aatsman D\"ack
ABC      1 C1:326532000001777 C2:uudduuudddduudu M:3/4   K:G            H:"LORZ  T:B\aatsman D\"ack
ABC      1 C1:326532000001777 C2:uudduuudddduudu M:3/4   K:G            H:"LORZ  T:B\aatsman D\"ack
ABC      1 C1:326532000001777 C2:uudduuudddduudu M:3/4   K:G            H:"LORZ  T:B\aatsman D\"ack
ABC      1 C1:326532000001777 C2:uudduuudddduudu M:3/4   K:G            H:"LORZ  T:B\aatsman D\"ack
ABC      1 C1:326532000001777 C2:uudduuudddduudu M:3/4   K:G            H:"LORZ  T:B\aatsman D\"ack
ABC      1 C1:326532000001777 C2:uudduuudddduudu M:3/4   K:G            H:"LORZ  T:B\aatsman D\"ack
ABC      1 C1:326532000001777 C2:uudduuudddduudu M:3/4   K:G            H:"LORZ  T:B\aatsman D\"ack
ABC      1 C1:326532000001777 C2:uudduuudddduudu M:3/4   K:G            H:"LORZ  T:B\aatsman D\"ack
ABC      1 C1:326532000001777 C2:uudduuudddduudu M:3/4   K:G            H:"LORZ  T:B\aatsman D\"ack
ABC      1 C1:326532000001777 C2:uudduuudddduudu M:3/4   K:G            H:"LORZ  T:B\aatsman D\"ack
ABC      1 C1:326532000001777 C2:uudduuudddduudu M:3/4   K:G            H:"LORZ  T:B\aatsman D\"ack
ABC      1 C1:326532000001777 C2:uudduuudddduudu M:3/4   K:G            H:"LORZ  T:B\aatsman D\"ack
ABC      1 C1:326532000001777 C2:uudduuudddduudu M:3/4   K:G            H:"LORZ  T:B\aatsman D\"ack
ABC      1 C1:326532000001777 C2:uudduuudddduudu M:3/4   K:G            H:"LORZ  T:B\aatsman D\"ack
ABC      1 C1:326532000001777 C2:uudduuudddduudu M:3/4   K:G            H:"LORZ  T:B\aatsman D\"ack
ABC      2 C1:302655003050030 C2:duuddududuudddd M:3/4   K:G            H:"CFLRSZ T:B\aatsman D\"ack
ABC      2 C1:302655003050030 C2:duuddududuudddd M:3/4   K:G            H:"CFLRSZ T:B\aatsman D\"ack
ABC      2 C1:302655003050030 C2:duuddududuudddd M:3/4   K:G            H:"CFLRSZ T:B\aatsman D\"ack
ABC      2 C1:302655003050030 C2:duuddududuudddd M:3/4   K:G            H:"CFLRSZ T:B\aatsman D\"ack
ABC      1 C1:326532000017777 C2:uudduuudddduudu M:3/4   K:G            H:"LORWZ T:B\aatsman D\"ack
ABC      1 C1:326532000017777 C2:uudduuudddduudu M:3/4   K:G            H:"LORWZ T:B\aatsman D\"ack
ABC      1 C1:326532000017777 C2:uudduuudddduudu M:3/4   K:G            H:"LORWZ T:B\aatsman D\"ack
ABC      1 C1:326532000017777 C2:uudduuudddduudu M:3/4   K:G            H:"LORWZ T:B\aatsman D\"ack
ABC      1 C1:302653020000017 C2:duuddduuudddduu M:3/4   K:G            H:"LORSVZ T:B\aatsman D\"ack
ABC      1 C1:302653020000017 C2:duuddduuudddduu M:3/4   K:G            H:"LORSVZ T:B\aatsman D\"ack
ABC      1 C1:302653020000017 C2:duuddduuudddduu M:3/4   K:G            H:"LORSVZ T:B\aatsman D\"ack
ABC      1 C1:302653020000017 C2:duuddduuudddduu M:3/4   K:G            H:"LORSVZ T:B\aatsman D\"ack
ABC      1 C1:302653020000017 C2:duuddduuudddduu M:3/4   K:G            H:"LORSVZ T:B\aatsman D\"ack
ABC      1 C1:302653020000017 C2:duuddduuudddduu M:3/4   K:G            H:"LORSVZ T:B\aatsman D\"ack
ABC      3 C1:326532000001777 C2:uudduuudddduudu M:3/4   K:G            H:"LORZ  T:B\aatsman D\"ack
ABC      3 C1:326532000001777 C2:uudduuudddduudu M:3/4   K:G            H:"LORZ  T:B\aatsman D\"ack
ABC      3 C1:326532000001777 C2:uudduuudddduudu M:3/4   K:G            H:"LORZ  T:B\aatsman D\"ack
ABC      1 C1:326532000001777 C2:uudduuudddduudu M:3/4   K:G            H:"LORZ  T:B\aatsman D\"ack
ABC      1 C1:326532000001777 C2:uudduuudddduudu M:3/4   K:G            H:"LORZ  T:B\aatsman D\"ack
ABC      1 C1:326532000001777 C2:uudduuudddduudu M:3/4   K:G            H:"LORZ  T:B\aatsman D\"ack
ABC      1 C1:326532000001777 C2:uudduuudddduudu M:3/4   K:G            H:"LORZ  T:B\aatsman D\"ack
ABC      1 C1:326532000001777 C2:uudduuudddduudu M:3/4   K:G            H:"LORZ  T:B\aatsman D\"ack
ABC      1 C1:326532000001777 C2:uudduuudddduudu M:3/4   K:G            H:"LORZ  T:B\aatsman D\"ack
ABC      1 C1:326532000001777 C2:uudduuudddduudu M:3/4   K:G            H:"LORZ  T:B\aatsman D\"ack
ABC      1 C1:326532000001777 C2:uudduuudddduudu M:3/4   K:G            H:"LORZ  T:B\aatsman D\"ack
ABC      1 C1:326532000001777 C2:uudduuudddduudu M:3/4   K:G            H:"LORZ  T:B\aatsman D\"ack
ABC      1 C1:326532000001777 C2:uudduuudddduudu M:3/4   K:G            H:"LORZ  T:B\aatsman D\"ack
ABC      1 C1:326532000001777 C2:uudduuudddduudu M:3/4   K:G            H:"LORZ  T:B\aatsman D\"ack
ABC      1 C1:326532000001777 C2:uudduuudddduudu M:3/4   K:G            H:"LORZ  T:B\aatsman D\"ack
ABC      1 C1:326532000001777 C2:uudduuudddduudu M:3/4   K:G            H:"LORZ  T:B\aatsman D\"ack
ABC      1 C1:326532000001777 C2:uudduuudddduudu M:3/4   K:G            H:"LORZ  T:B\aatsman D\"ack
ABC      1 C1:326532000001777 C2:uudduuudddduudu M:3/4   K:G            H:"LORZ  T:B\aatsman D\"ack
ABC      1 C1:326532000001777 C2:uudduuudddduudu M:3/4   K:G            H:"LORZ  T:B\aatsman D\"ack
ABC      1 C1:326532000001777 C2:uudduuudddduudu M:3/4   K:G            H:"LORZ  T:B\aatsman D\"ack
ABC      1 C1:326532000001777 C2:uudduuudddduudu M:3/4   K:G            H:"LORZ  T:B\aatsman D\"ack
ABC      1 C1:326532000001777 C2:uudduuudddduudu M:3/4   K:G            H:"LORZ  T:B\aatsman D\"ack
ABC      1 C1:326532000001777 C2:uudduuudddduudu M:3/4   K:G            H:"LORZ  T:B\aatsman D\"ack
ABC      1 C1:326532000001777 C2:uudduuudddduudu M:3/4   K:G            H:"LORZ  T:B\aatsman D\"ack
ABC      1 C1:326532000001777 C2:uudduuudddduudu M:3/4   K:G            H:"LORZ  T:B\aatsman D\"ack
ABC      1 C1:326532000001777 C2:uudduuudddduudu M:3/4   K:G            H:"LORZ  T:B\aatsman D\"ack
ABC      1 C1:326532000001777 C2:uudduuudddduudu M:3/4   K:G            H:"LORZ  T:B\aatsman D\"ack
ABC      1 C1:326532000001777 C2:uudduuudddduudu M:3/4   K:G            H:"LORZ  T:B\aatsman D\"ack
ABC      1 C1:326532000001777 C2:uudduuudddduudu M:3/4   K:G            H:"LORZ  T:B\aatsman D\"ack
ABC      1 C1:326532000001777 C2:uudduuudddduudu M:3/4   K:G            H:"LORZ  T:B\aatsman D\"ack
ABC      1 C1:326532000001777 C2:uudduuudddduudu M:3/4   K:G            H:"LORZ  T:B\aatsman D\"ack
ABC      1 C1:326532000001777 C2:uudduuudddduudu M:3/4   K:G            H:"LORZ  T:B\aatsman D\"ack
ABC      1 C1:326532000001777 C2:uudduuudddduudu M:3/4   K:G            H:"LORZ  T:B\aatsman D\"ack
ABC      1 C1:326532000001777 C2:uudduuudddduudu M:3/4   K:G            H:"LORZ  T:B\aatsman D\"ack
ABC      2 C1:326532000001777 C2:uudduuudddduudu M:3/4   K:G            H:"LORZ  T:B\aatsman D\"ack
ABC      2 C1:326532000001777 C2:uudduuudddduudu M:3/4   K:G            H:"LORZ  T:B\aatsman D\"ack
ABC      2 C1:326532000001777 C2:uudduuudddduudu M:3/4   K:G            H:"LORZ  T:B\aatsman D\"ack
ABC      1 C1:326532000001777 C2:uudduuudddduudu M:3/4   K:G            H:"LORZ  T:B\aatsman D\"ack
ABC      1 C1:326532000017777 C2:uudduuudddduudu M:3/4   K:G            H:"LORWZ T:B\aatsman D\"ack
ABC      1 C1:326532000001777 C2:uudduuudddduudu M:3/4   K:G            H:"LORZ  T:B\aatsman D\"ack
ABC      1 C1:326532000017777 C2:uudduuudddduudu M:3/4   K:G            H:"LORWZ T:B\aatsman D\"ack
ABC      1 C1:326532000001777 C2:uudduuudddduudu M:3/4   K:G            H:"LORZ  T:B\aatsman D\"ack
ABC      1 C1:326532000017777 C2:uudduuudddduudu M:3/4   K:G            H:"LORWZ T:B\aatsman D\"ack
ABC      4 C1:000001777711000 C2:udddduuduudduuu M:3/4   K:G            H:"CIRZ  T:B\aatsman Deck
ABC     11 C1:077707116605610 C2:dddduuddududddu M:2/4   K:Cm           H:CLOQ   T:Ba'aviv
ABC     11 C1:077707116605610 C2:dddduuddududddu M:2/4   K:Cm           H:CLOQ   T:Ba'aviv
ABC     14 C1:077707116605610 C2:dddduuddududddu M:2/4   K:Cm           H:CLOQ   T:Ba'aviv
ABC     14 C1:077707116605610 C2:dddduuddududddu M:2/4   K:Cm           H:CLOQ   T:Ba'aviv
ABC     15 C1:077707116605610 C2:dddduuddududddu M:2/4   K:Cm           H:CLOQ   T:Ba'aviv
ABC     11 C1:077707116605610 C2:dddduuddududddu M:2/4   K:Cm           H:CLOQ   T:Ba'aviv
ABC     11 C1:077707116605610 C2:dddduuddududddu M:2/4   K:Cm           H:CLOQ   T:Ba'aviv
ABC     14 C1:077707116605610 C2:dddduuddududddu M:2/4   K:Cm           H:CLOQ   T:Ba'aviv
ABC     14 C1:077707116605610 C2:dddduuddududddu M:2/4   K:Cm           H:CLOQ   T:Ba'aviv
ABC     15 C1:077707116605610 C2:dddduuddududddu M:2/4   K:Cm           H:CLOQ   T:Ba'aviv
ABC     17 C1:077707116605610 C2:dddduuddududddu M:2/4   K:Cm           H:CLOQ   T:Ba'aviv
ABC     21 C1:077707116605610 C2:dddduuddududddu M:2/4   K:Cm           H:CLOQ   T:Ba'aviv
ABC     17 C1:077707116605610 C2:dddduuddududddu M:2/4   K:Cm           H:CLOQ   T:Ba'aviv
ABC     21 C1:077707116605610 C2:dddduuddududddu M:2/4   K:Cm           H:CLOQ   T:Ba'aviv
ABC     10 C1:077707116605610 C2:dddduuddududddu M:2/4   K:Cm           H:LOQ    T:Ba'aviv
ABC     21 C1:077707116605610 C2:dddduuddududddu M:2/4   K:Cm           H:CLOQ   T:Ba'aviv
ABC     21 C1:077707116605610 C2:dddduuddududddu M:2/4   K:Cm           H:CLOQ   T:Ba'aviv
ABC     21 C1:077707116605610 C2:dddduuddududddu M:2/4   K:Cm           H:CLOQ   T:Ba'aviv
ABC     21 C1:077707116605610 C2:dddduuddududddu M:2/4   K:Cm           H:CLOQ   T:Ba'aviv
ABC     40 C1:771062001773004 C2:dduduudduduuddd M:3/8   K:G            H:LRZ    T:Ba, Ba, Ba, Comidjiado
ABC      1 C1:000760101006030 C2:ddduudduduuuduu M:7/8   K:Bbm          H:O      T:Baba Georgia
ABC      1 C1:000760101006030 C2:ddduudduduuuduu M:7/8   K:Bbm          H:O      T:Baba Georgia
ABC     11 C1:000760101006030 C2:ddduudduduuuduu M:7/8   K:Bbm          H:ORS    T:Baba Georgia
ABC     11 C1:000760101006030 C2:ddduudduduuuduu M:7/8   K:Bbm          H:ORS    T:Baba Georgia
ABC     11 C1:000760101006030 C2:ddduudduduuuduu M:7/8   K:Bbm          H:ORS    T:Baba Georgia
ABC     11 C1:000760101006030 C2:ddduudduduuuduu M:7/8   K:Bbm          H:ORS    T:Baba Georgia
ABC     11 C1:000760101006030 C2:ddduudduduuuduu M:7/8   K:Bbm          H:ORS    T:Baba Georgia
ABC     11 C1:000760101006030 C2:ddduudduduuuduu M:7/8   K:Bbm          H:ORS    T:Baba Georgia
ABC     11 C1:000760101006030 C2:ddduudduduuuduu M:7/8   K:Bbm          H:ORS    T:Baba Georgia
ABC     11 C1:000760101006030 C2:ddduudduduuuduu M:7/8   K:Bbm          H:ORS    T:Baba Georgia
ABC     11 C1:000760101006030 C2:ddduudduduuuduu M:7/8   K:Bbm          H:ORS    T:Baba Georgia
ABC    968 C1:000760101006030 C2:ddduudduduuuduu M:7/8   K:Bbm          H:ORS    T:Baba Georgia
ABC     11 C1:000760101006030 C2:ddduudduduuuduu M:7/8   K:Bbm          H:ORS    T:Baba Georgia
ABC     11 C1:000760101006030 C2:ddduudduduuuduu M:7/8   K:Bbm          H:ORS    T:Baba Georgia
ABC   2116 C1:000760101006030 C2:ddduudduduuuduu M:7/8   K:Bbm          H:O      T:Baba Georgia
ABC   2116 C1:000760101006030 C2:ddduudduduuuduu M:7/8   K:Bbm          H:O      T:Baba Georgia
ABC     11 C1:000760101006030 C2:ddduudduduuuduu M:7/8   K:Bbm          H:ORS    T:Baba Georgia
ABC     11 C1:000760101006030 C2:ddduudduduuuduu M:7/8   K:Bbm          H:ORS    T:Baba Georgia
ABC    968 C1:000760101006030 C2:ddduudduduuuduu M:7/8   K:Bbm          H:ORS    T:Baba Georgia
ABC    968 C1:000760101006030 C2:ddduudduduuuduu M:7/8   K:Bbm          H:ORS    T:Baba Georgia
ABC    968 C1:000760101006030 C2:ddduudduduuuduu M:7/8   K:Bbm          H:ORS    T:Baba Georgia
ABC    446 C1:000760101006030 C2:ddduudduduuuduu M:7/8   K:Bb           H:FOZ    T:Baba Georgia
ABC    446 C1:000760101006030 C2:ddduudduduuuduu M:7/8   K:Bb           H:FOZ    T:Baba Georgia
ABC    815 C1:000760101006030 C2:ddduudduduuuduu M:7/8   K:Bbm          H:O      T:Baba Georgia
ABC    816 C1:000760101006030 C2:ddduudduduuuduu M:7/8   K:Bbm          H:O      T:Baba Georgia
ABC    815 C1:000760101006030 C2:ddduudduduuuduu M:7/8   K:Bbm          H:O      T:Baba Georgia
ABC    816 C1:000760101006030 C2:ddduudduduuuduu M:7/8   K:Bbm          H:O      T:Baba Georgia
ABC    815 C1:000760101006030 C2:ddduudduduuuduu M:7/8   K:Bbm          H:O      T:Baba Georgia
ABC    816 C1:000760101006030 C2:ddduudduduuuduu M:7/8   K:Bbm          H:O      T:Baba Georgia
ABC    815 C1:000760101006030 C2:ddduudduduuuduu M:7/8   K:Bbm          H:O      T:Baba Georgia
ABC    816 C1:000760101006030 C2:ddduudduduuuduu M:7/8   K:Bbm          H:O      T:Baba Georgia
ABC    815 C1:000760101006030 C2:ddduudduduuuduu M:7/8   K:Bbm          H:O      T:Baba Georgia
ABC    816 C1:000760101006030 C2:ddduudduduuuduu M:7/8   K:Bbm          H:O      T:Baba Georgia
ABC     43 C1:000760101006030 C2:ddduudduduuuduu M:7/8   K:Bb           H:OSZ    T:Baba Georgia
ABC      4 C1:030113077002005 C2:uuuddduuudddduu M:6/8   K:D            H:LOQRS  T:Bab\`a mo leanabh
ABC      4 C1:030113077002005 C2:uuuddduuudddduu M:6/8   K:D            H:LOQRS  T:Bab\`a mo leanabh
ABC      4 C1:030113077002005 C2:uuuddduuudddduu M:6/8   K:D            H:LOQRS  T:Bab\`a mo leanabh
ABC      4 C1:030113077002005 C2:uuuddduuudddduu M:6/8   K:D            H:LOQRS  T:Bab\`a mo leanabh
ABC      4 C1:030113077002005 C2:uuuddduuudddduu M:6/8   K:D            H:LOQRS  T:Bab\`a mo leanabh
ABC      4 C1:030113077002005 C2:uuuddduuudddduu M:6/8   K:D            H:LOQRS  T:Bab\`a mo leanabh
ABC      4 C1:030113077002005 C2:uuuddduuudddduu M:6/8   K:D            H:LOQRS  T:Bab\`a mo leanabh
ABC      4 C1:030113077002005 C2:uuuddduuudddduu M:6/8   K:D            H:LOQRS  T:Ba-ba my Baby
ABC      4 C1:030113077002005 C2:uuuddduuudddduu M:6/8   K:D            H:LOQRS  T:Ba-ba my Baby
ABC      4 C1:030113077002005 C2:uuuddduuudddduu M:6/8   K:D            H:LOQRS  T:Ba-ba my Baby
ABC      4 C1:030113077002005 C2:uuuddduuudddduu M:6/8   K:D            H:LOQRS  T:Ba-ba my Baby
ABC      4 C1:030113077002005 C2:uuuddduuudddduu M:6/8   K:D            H:LOQRS  T:Ba-ba my Baby
ABC      4 C1:030113077002005 C2:uuuddduuudddduu M:6/8   K:D            H:LOQRS  T:Ba-ba my Baby
ABC      4 C1:030113077002005 C2:uuuddduuudddduu M:6/8   K:D            H:LOQRS  T:Ba-ba my Baby
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Baba O'Riley [bagpipes] (5:05)
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Baba O'Riley [bass] (5:05)
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Baba O'Riley [clarinet] (5:05)
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Baba O'Riley [drum] (5:05)
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Baba O'Riley [harp1] (5:05)
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Baba O'Riley [harp2] (5:05)
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Baba O'Riley [horn] (5:05)
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Baba O'Riley [lute] (5:05)
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:CLQ    T:Baba O'Riley (Teenage Wasteland) by Skjald
ABC      1 C1:777140237163616 C2:ddduuuuddududud M:C     K:G            H:"CLRS  T:Babara Magone's Visit
ABC      1 C1:777140237163616 C2:ddduuuuddududud M:C     K:G            H:"CLRS  T:Babara Magone's Visit
ABC      1 C1:777140237163616 C2:ddduuuuddududud M:C     K:G            H:"CLRS  T:Babara Magone's Visit
ABC      1 C1:777140237163616 C2:ddduuuuddududud M:C     K:G            H:"CLRS  T:Babara Magone's Visit
ABC    110 C1:777140237163616 C2:ddduuuuddududud M:C     K:G            H:"CLRS  T:Babara Magone's Visit
ABC    969 C1:777140237163616 C2:ddduuuuddududud M:C     K:G            H:"CLRS  T:Babara Magone's Visit
ABC    109 C1:777140237163616 C2:ddduuuuddududud M:C     K:G            H:"CLRS  T:Babara Magone's Visit
ABC   1086 C1:777140237163616 C2:ddduuuuddududud M:C     K:G            H:"CLRS  T:Babara Magone's Visit
ABC   1550 C1:777140237163616 C2:ddduuuuddududud M:C     K:G            H:"CLRS  T:Babara Magone's Visit
ABC   4868 C1:777140237163616 C2:ddduuuuddududud M:C     K:G            H:"CLRS  T:Babara Magone's Visit
ABC    109 C1:777140237163616 C2:ddduuuuddududud M:C     K:G            H:"CLRS  T:Babara Magone's Visit
ABC   1086 C1:777140237163616 C2:ddduuuuddududud M:C     K:G            H:"CLRS  T:Babara Magone's Visit
ABC   1550 C1:777140237163616 C2:ddduuuuddududud M:C     K:G            H:"CLRS  T:Babara Magone's Visit
ABC   4868 C1:777140237163616 C2:ddduuuuddududud M:C     K:G            H:"CLRS  T:Babara Magone's Visit
ABC     22 C1:777140237163616 C2:ddduuuuddududud M:C     K:G            H:"CLRS  T:Babara Magone's Visit
ABC    352 C1:777140237163616 C2:ddduuuuddududud M:C     K:G            H:"CLORS T:Babara Magone's Visit
ABC    352 C1:777140237163616 C2:ddduuuuddududud M:C     K:G            H:"CLORS T:Babara Magone's Visit
ABC    969 C1:777140237163616 C2:ddduuuuddududud M:C     K:G            H:"CLRS  T:Babara Magone's Visit
ABC    969 C1:777140237163616 C2:ddduuuuddududud M:C     K:G            H:"CLRS  T:Babara Magone's Visit
ABC    969 C1:777140237163616 C2:ddduuuuddududud M:C     K:G            H:"CLRS  T:Babara Magone's Visit
ABC    817 C1:777140237163616 C2:ddduuuuddududud M:C     K:G            H:"CLRS  T:Babara Magone's Visit
ABC    818 C1:777140237163616 C2:ddduuuuddududud M:C     K:G            H:"CLRS  T:Babara Magone's Visit
ABC    819 C1:777140237163616 C2:ddduuuuddududud M:C     K:G            H:"CLRS  T:Babara Magone's Visit
ABC    820 C1:777140237163616 C2:ddduuuuddududud M:C     K:G            H:"CLRS  T:Babara Magone's Visit
ABC    817 C1:777140237163616 C2:ddduuuuddududud M:C     K:G            H:"CLRS  T:Babara Magone's Visit
ABC    818 C1:777140237163616 C2:ddduuuuddududud M:C     K:G            H:"CLRS  T:Babara Magone's Visit
ABC    819 C1:777140237163616 C2:ddduuuuddududud M:C     K:G            H:"CLRS  T:Babara Magone's Visit
ABC    820 C1:777140237163616 C2:ddduuuuddududud M:C     K:G            H:"CLRS  T:Babara Magone's Visit
ABC    817 C1:777140237163616 C2:ddduuuuddududud M:C     K:G            H:"CLRS  T:Babara Magone's Visit
ABC    818 C1:777140237163616 C2:ddduuuuddududud M:C     K:G            H:"CLRS  T:Babara Magone's Visit
ABC    819 C1:777140237163616 C2:ddduuuuddududud M:C     K:G            H:"CLRS  T:Babara Magone's Visit
ABC    820 C1:777140237163616 C2:ddduuuuddududud M:C     K:G            H:"CLRS  T:Babara Magone's Visit
ABC    817 C1:777140237163616 C2:ddduuuuddududud M:C     K:G            H:"CLRS  T:Babara Magone's Visit
ABC    818 C1:777140237163616 C2:ddduuuuddududud M:C     K:G            H:"CLRS  T:Babara Magone's Visit
ABC    819 C1:777140237163616 C2:ddduuuuddududud M:C     K:G            H:"CLRS  T:Babara Magone's Visit
ABC    820 C1:777140237163616 C2:ddduuuuddududud M:C     K:G            H:"CLRS  T:Babara Magone's Visit
ABC    817 C1:777140237163616 C2:ddduuuuddududud M:C     K:G            H:"CLRS  T:Babara Magone's Visit
ABC    818 C1:777140237163616 C2:ddduuuuddududud M:C     K:G            H:"CLRS  T:Babara Magone's Visit
ABC    819 C1:777140237163616 C2:ddduuuuddududud M:C     K:G            H:"CLRS  T:Babara Magone's Visit
ABC    820 C1:777140237163616 C2:ddduuuuddududud M:C     K:G            H:"CLRS  T:Babara Magone's Visit
ABC   0119 C1:007007167063172 C2:dduddduudududud M:6/8   K:G            H:ILQZ   T:Bab at the Bolster.
ABC   0119 C1:007007167063172 C2:dduddduudududud M:6/8   K:G            H:ILQZ   T:Bab at the Bolster.
ABC   0119 C1:007007167063172 C2:dduddduudududud M:6/8   K:G            H:ILQZ   T:Bab at the Bolster.
ABC   0119 C1:007007167063172 C2:dduddduudududud M:6/8   K:G            H:ILQZ   T:Bab at the Bolster.
ABC   0119 C1:007007167063172 C2:dduddduudududud M:6/8   K:G            H:ILQZ   T:Bab at the Bolster.
ABC   0119 C1:007007167063172 C2:dduddduudududud M:6/8   K:G            H:ILQZ   T:Bab at the Bolster.
ABC   0119 C1:007007167063172 C2:dduddduudududud M:6/8   K:G            H:ILQZ   T:Bab at the Bolster.
ABC   0119 C1:007007167063172 C2:dduddduudududud M:6/8   K:G            H:ILQZ   T:Bab at the Bolster.
ABC   0119 C1:007007167063172 C2:dduddduudududud M:6/8   K:G            H:ILQZ   T:Bab at the Bolster.
ABC   0119 C1:007007167063172 C2:dduddduudududud M:6/8   K:G            H:ILQZ   T:Bab at the Bolster.
ABC      1 C1:007007167063172 C2:dduddduudududud M:6/8   K:G            H:L      T:Bab at the Bouster.
ABC    119 C1:007007167063172 C2:dduddduudududud M:6/8   K:G            H:L      T:Bab at the Bouster.
ABC   1119 C1:007007167063172 C2:dduddduudududud M:6/8   K:G            H:BLRSZ  T:Bab at the Bouster
ABC   0119 C1:007007167063172 C2:dduddduudududud M:6/8   K:G            H:BLRSZ  T:Bab at the Bouster
ABC      2 C1:                C2:                M:6/8   K:G            H:BLRZ   T:Bab at the Bouster
ABC   0119 C1:007007167063172 C2:dduddduudududud M:6/8   K:G            H:ILQZ   T:Bab at the Bouster.
ABC   0119 C1:007007167063172 C2:dduddduudududud M:6/8   K:G            H:ILQZ   T:Bab at the Bouster.
ABC   0119 C1:007007167063172 C2:dduddduudududud M:6/8   K:G            H:ILQZ   T:Bab at the Bouster.
ABC   0119 C1:007007167063172 C2:dduddduudududud M:6/8   K:G            H:ILQZ   T:Bab at the Bouster.
ABC   0119 C1:007007167063172 C2:dduddduudududud M:6/8   K:G            H:ILQZ   T:Bab at the Bouster.
ABC   0119 C1:007007167063172 C2:dduddduudududud M:6/8   K:G            H:ILQZ   T:Bab at the Bouster.
ABC   0119 C1:007007167063172 C2:dduddduudududud M:6/8   K:G            H:ILQZ   T:Bab at the Bouster.
ABC   0119 C1:007007167063172 C2:dduddduudududud M:6/8   K:G            H:ILQZ   T:Bab at the Bouster.
ABC   0119 C1:007007167063172 C2:dduddduudududud M:6/8   K:G            H:ILQZ   T:Bab at the Bouster.
ABC   1119 C1:007007167063172 C2:dduddduudududud M:6/8   K:G            H:BLRSZ  T:Bab at the Bouster
ABC   1119 C1:007007167063172 C2:dduddduudududud M:6/8   K:G            H:BLRSZ  T:Bab at the Bouster
ABC    967 C1:007007167063172 C2:dduddduudududud M:6/8   K:G            H:L      T:Bab at the Bouster.
ABC    436 C1:007007167063172 C2:dduddduudududud M:6/8   K:G            H:L      T:Bab at the Bouster.
ABC    436 C1:007007167063172 C2:dduddduudududud M:6/8   K:G            H:L      T:Bab at the Bouster.
ABC    351 C1:007007167063172 C2:dduddduudududud M:6/8   K:G            H:LO     T:Bab at the Bouster.
ABC    351 C1:007007167063172 C2:dduddduudududud M:6/8   K:G            H:LO     T:Bab at the Bouster.
ABC   1119 C1:007007167063172 C2:dduddduudududud M:6/8   K:G            H:BLRSZ  T:Bab at the Bouster
ABC   1119 C1:007007167063172 C2:dduddduudududud M:6/8   K:G            H:BLRSZ  T:Bab at the Bouster
ABC    967 C1:007007167063172 C2:dduddduudududud M:6/8   K:G            H:L      T:Bab at the Bouster.
ABC    967 C1:007007167063172 C2:dduddduudududud M:6/8   K:G            H:L      T:Bab at the Bouster.
ABC    967 C1:007007167063172 C2:dduddduudududud M:6/8   K:G            H:L      T:Bab at the Bouster.
ABC    447 C1:007007167063172 C2:dduddduudududud M:6/8   K:G            H:BFLZ   T:Bab at the Bouster.
ABC    447 C1:007007167063172 C2:dduddduudududud M:6/8   K:G            H:BFLZ   T:Bab at the Bouster.
ABC    814 C1:007007167063172 C2:dduddduudududud M:6/8   K:G            H:L      T:Bab at the Bouster.
ABC    814 C1:007007167063172 C2:dduddduudududud M:6/8   K:G            H:L      T:Bab at the Bouster.
ABC    814 C1:007007167063172 C2:dduddduudududud M:6/8   K:G            H:L      T:Bab at the Bouster.
ABC    814 C1:007007167063172 C2:dduddduudududud M:6/8   K:G            H:L      T:Bab at the Bouster.
ABC    814 C1:007007167063172 C2:dduddduudududud M:6/8   K:G            H:L      T:Bab at the Bouster.
ABC   0119 C1:007007167063172 C2:dduddduudududud M:6/8   K:G            H:ILQZ   T:Bab at the Bouster.
ABC      1 C1:110000070107070 C2:uududdddduududu M:6/8   K:G            H:LQR    T:Bab at the Bowster
ABC      1 C1:110000070107070 C2:uududdddduududu M:6/8   K:G            H:LQR    T:Bab at the Bowster
ABC      1 C1:110000070107070 C2:uududdddduududu M:6/8   K:G            H:LQR    T:Bab at the Bowster
ABC    511 C1:167773020060200 C2:udddduuduuddddd M:6/8   K:G            H:ABLOQRSZ T:Bab At The Bowster,aka. RH.511
ABC    511 C1:167773020060200 C2:udddduuduuddddd M:6/8   K:G            H:ABLOQRZ T:Bab At The Bowster,aka. RH.511
ABC    511 C1:167773020060200 C2:udddduuduuddddd M:6/8   K:G            H:ABLOQRZ T:Bab At The Bowster,aka. RH.511
ABC    511 C1:167773020060200 C2:udddduuduuddddd M:6/8   K:G            H:ALOQRSZ T:Bab At The Bowster,aka. RH.511
ABC    511 C1:167773020060200 C2:udddduuduuddddd M:6/8   K:G            H:ABLOQRSZ T:Bab At The Bowster,aka. RH.511
ABC    448 C1:167773020060200 C2:udddduuduuddddd M:6/8   K:G            H:AFLOQRSZ T:Bab At The Bowster,aka. RH.511
ABC   1873 C1:167773020060200 C2:udddduuduuddddd M:6/8   K:G            H:AFLOQRSZ T:Bab At The Bowster,aka. RH.511
ABC  10526 C1:167773020060200 C2:udddduuduuddddd M:6/8   K:G            H:AFLOQRSZ T:Bab At The Bowster,aka. RH.511
ABC   1873 C1:167773020060200 C2:udddduuduuddddd M:6/8   K:G            H:AFLOQRSZ T:Bab At The Bowster,aka. RH.511
ABC  10526 C1:167773020060200 C2:udddduuduuddddd M:6/8   K:G            H:AFLOQRSZ T:Bab At The Bowster,aka. RH.511
ABC    448 C1:167773020060200 C2:udddduuduuddddd M:6/8   K:G            H:AFLOQRSZ T:Bab At The Bowster,aka. RH.511
ABC    511 C1:167773020060200 C2:udddduuduuddddd M:6/8   K:G            H:ABLOQRSZ T:Bab At The Bowster,aka. RH.511
ABC    205 C1:007007167063172 C2:dduddduudududud M:6/8   K:G            H:ABLOQRZ T:Bab at the Bowster. RH.205
ABC    205 C1:007007167063172 C2:dduddduudududud M:6/8   K:G            H:ABLOQRZ T:Bab at the Bowster. RH.205
ABC    205 C1:007007167063172 C2:dduddduudududud M:6/8   K:G            H:ALOQRSZ T:Bab at the Bowster. RH.205
ABC    205 C1:007007167063172 C2:dduddduudududud M:6/8   K:G            H:ABLOQRSZ T:Bab at the Bowster. RH.205
ABC    449 C1:007007167063172 C2:dduddduudududud M:6/8   K:G            H:AFLOQRSZ T:Bab at the Bowster. RH.205
ABC   1872 C1:007007167063172 C2:dduddduudududud M:6/8   K:G            H:AFLOQRSZ T:Bab at the Bowster. RH.205
ABC  10695 C1:007007167063172 C2:dduddduudududud M:6/8   K:G            H:AFLOQRSZ T:Bab at the Bowster. RH.205
ABC  10695 C1:007007167063172 C2:dduddduudududud M:6/8   K:G            H:AFLOQRSZ T:Bab at the Bowster. RH.205
ABC    449 C1:007007167063172 C2:dduddduudududud M:6/8   K:G            H:AFLOQRSZ T:Bab at the Bowster. RH.205
ABC   1872 C1:007007167063172 C2:dduddduudududud M:6/8   K:G            H:AFLOQRSZ T:Bab at the Bowster. RH.205
ABC    205 C1:007007167063172 C2:dduddduudududud M:6/8   K:G            H:ABLOQRSZ T:Bab at the Bowster. RH.205
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Baba Yetu (3:01)
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Baba Yetu (Vocal High (2:55)
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Baba Yetu (Vocal High (2:58)
ABC      1 C1:030000010100000 C2:uuuuuuuuudddddd M:2/4   K:G            H:"LQR   T:Babba-Lisas hyfs'n
ABC      1 C1:030000010100000 C2:uuuuuuuuudddddd M:2/4   K:G            H:"LQR   T:Babba-Lisas hyfs'n
ABC      1 C1:030000010100000 C2:uuuuuuuuudddddd M:2/4   K:G            H:"LQR   T:Babba-Lisas hyfs'n
ABC      1 C1:000001010000010 C2:uuuuuuuuddddddd M:2/4   K:G            H:LOQR   T:Babba-Lisas Hyfs'n
ABC      1 C1:030000010100000 C2:uuuuuuuuudddddd M:2/4   K:G            H:"CLORZ T:Babba-Lisas hyfs'n
ABC      1 C1:030000010100000 C2:uuuuuuuuudddddd M:2/4   K:G            H:"CLORZ T:Babba-Lisas hyfs'n
ABC      1 C1:030000010100000 C2:uuuuuuuuudddddd M:2/4   K:G            H:"CLORZ T:Babba-Lisas hyfs'n
ABC      1 C1:030000010100000 C2:uuuuuuuuudddddd M:2/4   K:G            H:"CLORZ T:Babba-Lisas hyfs'n
ABC      1 C1:030000010100000 C2:uuuuuuuuudddddd M:2/4   K:G            H:"CLORZ T:Babba-Lisas hyfs'n
ABC      1 C1:030000010100000 C2:uuuuuuuuudddddd M:2/4   K:G            H:"CLORZ T:Babba-Lisas hyfs'n
ABC      1 C1:030000010100000 C2:uuuuuuuuudddddd M:2/4   K:G            H:"CLORZ T:Babba-Lisas hyfs'n
ABC      1 C1:030000010100000 C2:uuuuuuuuudddddd M:2/4   K:G            H:"CLORZ T:Babba-Lisas hyfs'n
ABC      1 C1:030000010100000 C2:uuuuuuuuudddddd M:2/4   K:G            H:"CLORZ T:Babba-Lisas hyfs'n
ABC      1 C1:030000010100000 C2:uuuuuuuuudddddd M:2/4   K:G            H:"CLORZ T:Babba-Lisas hyfs'n
ABC      1 C1:000001010000010 C2:uuuuuuuuddddddd M:4/4   K:G            H:LOQRSZ T:Babba-Lisas Hyfs'n
ABC      1 C1:000001010000010 C2:uuuuuuuuddddddd M:4/4   K:G            H:LOQRSZ T:Babba-Lisas Hyfs'n
ABC      1 C1:000001010000010 C2:uuuuuuuuddddddd M:4/4   K:G            H:LOQRSZ T:Babba-Lisas Hyfs'n
ABC      1 C1:000001010000010 C2:uuuuuuuuddddddd M:4/4   K:G            H:LOQRSZ T:Babba-Lisas Hyfs'n
ABC      1 C1:000001010000010 C2:uuuuuuuuddddddd M:4/4   K:G            H:LOQRSZ T:Babba-Lisas Hyfs'n
ABC      1 C1:000001010000010 C2:uuuuuuuuddddddd M:4/4   K:G            H:LOQRSZ T:Babba-Lisas Hyfs'n
ABC      1 C1:000001010000010 C2:uuuuuuuuddddddd M:4/4   K:G            H:LOQRSZ T:Babba-Lisas Hyfs'n
ABC      1 C1:030000010100000 C2:uuuuuuuuudddddd M:2/4   K:G            H:"CLORZ T:Babba-Lisas hyfs'n
ABC      1 C1:030000010100000 C2:uuuuuuuuudddddd M:2/4   K:G            H:"CLORZ T:Babba-Lisas hyfs'n
ABC      1 C1:030000010100000 C2:uuuuuuuuudddddd M:2/4   K:G            H:"CLORZ T:Babba-Lisas hyfs'n
ABC      1 C1:030000010100000 C2:uuuuuuuuudddddd M:2/4   K:G            H:"CLORZ T:Babba-Lisas hyfs'n
ABC      1 C1:030000010100000 C2:uuuuuuuuudddddd M:2/4   K:G            H:"CLORZ T:Babba-Lisas hyfs'n
ABC      1 C1:030000010100000 C2:uuuuuuuuudddddd M:2/4   K:G            H:"CLORZ T:Babba-Lisas hyfs'n
ABC      1 C1:030000010100000 C2:uuuuuuuuudddddd M:2/4   K:G            H:"CLORZ T:Babba-Lisas hyfs'n
ABC      1 C1:030000010100000 C2:uuuuuuuuudddddd M:2/4   K:G            H:"CLORZ T:Babba-Lisas hyfs'n
ABC      1 C1:030000010100000 C2:uuuuuuuuudddddd M:2/4   K:G            H:"CLORZ T:Babba-Lisas hyfs'n
ABC      1 C1:030000010100000 C2:uuuuuuuuudddddd M:2/4   K:G            H:"CLORZ T:Babba-Lisas hyfs'n
ABC      1 C1:030000010100000 C2:uuuuuuuuudddddd M:2/4   K:G            H:"CLORZ T:Babba-Lisas hyfs'n
ABC      1 C1:030000010100000 C2:uuuuuuuuudddddd M:2/4   K:G            H:"CLORZ T:Babba-Lisas hyfs'n
ABC      1 C1:030000010100000 C2:uuuuuuuuudddddd M:2/4   K:G            H:"CLORZ T:Babba-Lisas hyfs'n
ABC      1 C1:030000010100000 C2:uuuuuuuuudddddd M:2/4   K:G            H:"CLORZ T:Babba-Lisas hyfs'n
ABC      1 C1:030000010100000 C2:uuuuuuuuudddddd M:2/4   K:G            H:"CLORZ T:Babba-Lisas hyfs'n
ABC      1 C1:030000010100000 C2:uuuuuuuuudddddd M:2/4   K:G            H:"CLORZ T:Babba-Lisas hyfs'n
ABC      1 C1:030000010100000 C2:uuuuuuuuudddddd M:2/4   K:G            H:"CLORZ T:Babba-Lisas hyfs'n
ABC      1 C1:030000010100000 C2:uuuuuuuuudddddd M:2/4   K:G            H:"CLORZ T:Babba-Lisas hyfs'n
ABC      1 C1:030000010100000 C2:uuuuuuuuudddddd M:2/4   K:G            H:"CLORZ T:Babba-Lisas hyfs'n
ABC      1 C1:030000010100000 C2:uuuuuuuuudddddd M:2/4   K:G            H:"CLORZ T:Babba-Lisas hyfs'n
ABC      1 C1:030000010100000 C2:uuuuuuuuudddddd M:2/4   K:G            H:"CLORZ T:Babba-Lisas hyfs'n
ABC      1 C1:030000010100000 C2:uuuuuuuuudddddd M:2/4   K:G            H:"CLORZ T:Babba-Lisas hyfs'n
ABC      1 C1:030000010100000 C2:uuuuuuuuudddddd M:2/4   K:G            H:"CLORZ T:Babba-Lisas hyfs'n
ABC      8 C1:000001010000010 C2:uuuuuuuuddddddu M:2/4   K:A            H:"CLRZ  T:Babba-Lisas hyfs'n (Snoa, Polka)
ABC      8 C1:000001010000010 C2:uuuuuuuuddddddu M:2/4   K:G            H:"CLRZ  T:Babba-Lisas hyfs'n (Snoa, Polka)
ABC     12 C1:000001010000020 C2:uuuuuuuuddddddu M:2/4   K:G bass       H:"CLRZ  T:Babba-Lisas hyfs'n (Snoa, Polka)
ABC      7 C1:000001010000010 C2:uuuuuuuuddddddu M:2/4   K:G            H:"CLRZ  T:Babba-Lisas hyfs'n (Snoa, Polka)
ABC      7 C1:000001010000010 C2:uuuuuuuuddddddu M:2/4   K:A            H:"CLRZ  T:Babba-Lisas hyfs'n (Snoa, Polka)
ABC     12 C1:000001010000020 C2:uuuuuuuuddddddu M:2/4   K:G bass       H:"CLRZ  T:Babba-Lisas hyfs'n (Snoa, Polka)
ABC     12 C1:000001010000010 C2:uuuuuuuuddddddu M:2/4   K:G            H:"CLRZ  T:Babba-Lisas hyfs'n (Snoa, Polka)
ABC     12 C1:000001010000010 C2:uuuuuuuuddddddu M:2/4   K:A            H:"CLRZ  T:Babba-Lisas hyfs'n (Snoa, Polka)
ABC     12 C1:000001010000020 C2:uuuuuuuuddddddu M:2/4   K:G bass       H:"CLRZ  T:Babba-Lisas hyfs'n (Snoa, Polka)
ABC      1 C1:070705070707017 C2:ddudddudduddduu M:3/4   K:D            H:"LORSZ T:Babba-Lisas Polska
ABC      1 C1:007705070707017 C2:ddudddudduddduu M:3/4   K:D            H:"LORSZ T:Babba-Lisas Polska
ABC      1 C1:007705070707017 C2:ddudddudduddduu M:3/4   K:D            H:"LORSZ T:Babba-Lisas Polska
ABC      1 C1:007705070707017 C2:ddudddudduddduu M:3/4   K:D            H:"LORSZ T:Babba-Lisas Polska
ABC      1 C1:070705070707017 C2:ddudddudduddduu M:3/4   K:D            H:"LORSZ T:Babba-Lisas Polska
ABC      1 C1:070705070707017 C2:ddudddudduddduu M:3/4   K:D            H:"LORSZ T:Babba-Lisas Polska
ABC      1 C1:007705070707017 C2:ddudddudduddduu M:3/4   K:D            H:"LORSZ T:Babba-Lisas Polska
ABC      1 C1:007705070707017 C2:ddudddudduddduu M:3/4   K:D            H:"LORSZ T:Babba-Lisas Polska
ABC      1 C1:007705070707017 C2:ddudddudduddduu M:3/4   K:D            H:"LORSZ T:Babba-Lisas Polska
ABC      1 C1:007705070707017 C2:ddudddudduddduu M:3/4   K:D            H:"LORSZ T:Babba-Lisas Polska
ABC      1 C1:070705070707017 C2:ddudddudduddduu M:3/4   K:D            H:"LORSZ T:Babba-Lisas Polska
ABC      1 C1:070705070707017 C2:ddudddudduddduu M:3/4   K:D            H:"LORSZ T:Babba-Lisas Polska
ABC      1 C1:070705070707017 C2:ddudddudduddduu M:3/4   K:D            H:"LORSZ T:Babba-Lisas Polska
ABC      1 C1:007705070707017 C2:ddudddudduddduu M:3/4   K:D            H:"LORSZ T:Babba-Lisas Polska
ABC      1 C1:007705070707017 C2:ddudddudduddduu M:3/4   K:D            H:"LORSZ T:Babba-Lisas Polska
ABC      1 C1:007705070707017 C2:ddudddudduddduu M:3/4   K:D            H:"LORSZ T:Babba-Lisas Polska
ABC      1 C1:070705070707017 C2:ddudddudduddduu M:3/4   K:D            H:"LORSZ T:Babba-Lisas Polska
ABC      1 C1:037151112177777 C2:ududuuuuudddddd M:4/4   K:D            H:CILQR  T:Babbit's Hornpipe
ABC      1 C1:037151112177777 C2:ududuuuuudddddd M:4/4   K:D            H:CILQR  T:Babbit's Hornpipe
ABC      1 C1:715111217777777 C2:duduuuuuddddddd M:2/4   K:D            H:BLR    T:Babbit's -- Hornpipe
ABC      1 C1:715111217777777 C2:duduuuuuddddddd M:2/4   K:D            H:BLR    T:Babbit's -- Hornpipe
ABC  30764 C1:715111217777777 C2:duduuuuuddddddd M:2/4   K:D            H:BCLSZ  T:BABBIT'S HORNPIPE
ABC  30764 C1:715111217777777 C2:duduuuuuddddddd M:2/4   K:D            H:BCLSZ  T:BABBIT'S HORNPIPE
ABC      1 C1:715111217777777 C2:duduuuuuddddddd M:2/4   K:D            H:BLR    T:Babbit's -- Hornpipe
ABC      1 C1:715111217777777 C2:duduuuuuddddddd M:2/4   K:D            H:BLR    T:Babbit's -- Hornpipe
ABC 305619 C1:715111217777777 C2:duduuuuuddddddd M:2/4   K:D            H:BCLSZ  T:BABBIT'S HORNPIPE
ABC 305619 C1:715111217777777 C2:duduuuuuddddddd M:2/4   K:D            H:BCLSZ  T:BABBIT'S HORNPIPE
ABC 305619 C1:715111217777777 C2:duduuuuuddddddd M:2/4   K:D            H:BCLSZ  T:BABBIT'S HORNPIPE
ABC 305619 C1:715111217777777 C2:duduuuuuddddddd M:2/4   K:D            H:BCLSZ  T:BABBIT'S HORNPIPE
ABC 305619 C1:715111217777777 C2:duduuuuuddddddd M:2/4   K:D            H:BCLSZ  T:BABBIT'S HORNPIPE
ABC 305619 C1:715111217777777 C2:duduuuuuddddddd M:2/4   K:D            H:BCLSZ  T:BABBIT'S HORNPIPE
ABC 305619 C1:715111217777777 C2:duduuuuuddddddd M:2/4   K:D            H:BCLSZ  T:BABBIT'S HORNPIPE
ABC 305619 C1:715111217777777 C2:duduuuuuddddddd M:2/4   K:D            H:BCLSZ  T:BABBIT'S HORNPIPE
ABC 305619 C1:715111217777777 C2:duduuuuuddddddd M:2/4   K:D            H:BCLSZ  T:BABBIT'S HORNPIPE
ABC      1 C1:715111217777777 C2:duduuuuuddddddd M:2/4   K:D            H:BLR    T:Babbit's -- Hornpipe
ABC      1 C1:715111217777777 C2:duduuuuuddddddd M:2/4   K:D            H:BLR    T:Babbit's -- Hornpipe
ABC      1 C1:715111217777777 C2:duduuuuuddddddd M:2/4   K:D            H:BLR    T:Babbit's -- Hornpipe
ABC     31 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:A Babbling Brook [bass] (2:28) Arthur Lange (c)1928
ABC     71 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:A Babbling Brook [clarinet] (2:28) Arthur Lange (c)1928
ABC      0 C1:                C2:                M:      K:             H:BCR    T:a Babbling Brooke
ABC     21 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:A Babbling Brook [harp] (2:28) Arthur Lange (c)1928
ABC      1 C1:060027770504106 C2:dudddduudududdu M:3/4   K:C            H:"LOw   T:Babbo non Vuole
ABC      1 C1:060027770504106 C2:dudddduudududdu M:3/4   K:C            H:"LOw   T:Babbo non Vuole
ABC      1 C1:060027770603106 C2:dudddduudududdu M:3/4   K:G            H:"LOw   T:Babbo non Vuole
ABC      1 C1:060027770603106 C2:dudddduudududdu M:3/4   K:G            H:"LOw   T:Babbo non Vuole
ABC      1 C1:060027770603106 C2:dudddduudududdu M:3/4   K:G            H:"LOw   T:Babbo non Vuole
ABC      1 C1:060027770603106 C2:dudddduudududdu M:3/4   K:G            H:"LOw   T:Babbo non Vuole
ABC      1 C1:060027770603106 C2:dudddduudududdu M:3/4   K:G            H:"LOw   T:Babbo non Vuole
ABC      1 C1:060027770603106 C2:dudddduudududdu M:3/4   K:A            H:"LOw   T:Babbo non Vuole
ABC      1 C1:060027770504106 C2:dudddduudududdu M:3/4   K:C            H:"LOw   T:Babbo non Vuole
ABC      1 C1:060027770504106 C2:dudddduudududdu M:3/4   K:C            H:"LOw   T:Babbo non Vuole
ABC      1 C1:060027770504106 C2:dudddduudududdu M:3/4   K:C            H:"LOw   T:Babbo non Vuole
ABC      1 C1:060027770504106 C2:dudddduudududdu M:3/4   K:C            H:"LOw   T:Babbo non Vuole
ABC      1 C1:060027770504106 C2:dudddduudududdu M:3/4   K:C            H:"LOw   T:Babbo non Vuole
ABC      1 C1:060027770504106 C2:dudddduudududdu M:3/4   K:C            H:"LOw   T:Babbo non Vuole
ABC      1 C1:060027770603106 C2:dudddduudududdu M:3/4   K:G            H:"LOw   T:Babbo non Vuole
ABC      1 C1:060027770603106 C2:dudddduudududdu M:3/4   K:G            H:"LOw   T:Babbo non Vuole
ABC      1 C1:060027770603106 C2:dudddduudududdu M:3/4   K:G            H:"LOw   T:Babbo non Vuole
ABC      1 C1:060027770603106 C2:dudddduudududdu M:3/4   K:G            H:"LOw   T:Babbo non Vuole
ABC      1 C1:060027770603106 C2:dudddduudududdu M:3/4   K:G            H:"LOw   T:Babbo non Vuole
ABC      1 C1:060027770603106 C2:dudddduudududdu M:3/4   K:G            H:"LOw   T:Babbo non Vuole
ABC      1 C1:060027770603106 C2:dudddduudududdu M:3/4   K:G            H:"LOw   T:Babbo non Vuole
ABC      1 C1:060027770603106 C2:dudddduudududdu M:3/4   K:G            H:"LOw   T:Babbo non Vuole
ABC      1 C1:060027770603106 C2:dudddduudududdu M:3/4   K:G            H:"LOw   T:Babbo non Vuole
ABC      1 C1:060027770603106 C2:dudddduudududdu M:3/4   K:G            H:"LOw   T:Babbo non Vuole
ABC      1 C1:060027770603106 C2:dudddduudududdu M:3/4   K:G            H:"LOw   T:Babbo non Vuole
ABC      1 C1:060027770603106 C2:dudddduudududdu M:3/4   K:G            H:"LOw   T:Babbo non Vuole
ABC      1 C1:060027770603106 C2:dudddduudududdu M:3/4   K:G            H:"LOw   T:Babbo non Vuole
ABC      2 C1:060027770603106 C2:dudddduudududdu M:3/4   K:A            H:"LOw   T:Babbo non Vuole
ABC      2 C1:060027770603106 C2:dudddduudududdu M:3/4   K:A            H:"LOw   T:Babbo non Vuole
ABC      2 C1:060027770603106 C2:dudddduudududdu M:3/4   K:A            H:"LOw   T:Babbo non Vuole
ABC      2 C1:060027770603106 C2:dudddduudududdu M:3/4   K:A            H:"LOw   T:Babbo non Vuole
ABC      1 C1:060027770603106 C2:dudddduudududdu M:3/4   K:G            H:"LOw   T:Babbo non Vuole
ABC      1 C1:060027770603106 C2:dudddduudududdu M:3/4   K:G            H:"LOw   T:Babbo non Vuole
ABC      1 C1:060027770603106 C2:dudddduudududdu M:3/4   K:G            H:"LOw   T:Babbo non Vuole
ABC      1 C1:060027770603106 C2:dudddduudududdu M:3/4   K:G            H:"LOw   T:Babbo non Vuole
ABC      1 C1:060027770603106 C2:dudddduudududdu M:3/4   K:G            H:"LOw   T:Babbo non Vuole
ABC      1 C1:060027770603106 C2:dudddduudududdu M:3/4   K:G            H:"LOw   T:Babbo non Vuole
ABC      1 C1:060027770603106 C2:dudddduudududdu M:3/4   K:G            H:"LOw   T:Babbo non Vuole
ABC      2 C1:060027770603106 C2:dudddduudududdu M:3/4   K:G            H:"LOw   T:Babbo non Vuole
ABC      2 C1:060027770603106 C2:dudddduudududdu M:3/4   K:G            H:"LOw   T:Babbo non Vuole
ABC      2 C1:060027770603106 C2:dudddduudududdu M:3/4   K:G            H:"LOw   T:Babbo non Vuole
ABC      2 C1:060027770603106 C2:dudddduudududdu M:3/4   K:G            H:"LOw   T:Babbo non Vuole
ABC      1 C1:060027770603106 C2:dudddduudududdu M:3/4   K:G            H:"LOw   T:Babbo non Vuole
ABC      1 C1:060027770603106 C2:dudddduudududdu M:3/4   K:G            H:"LOw   T:Babbo non Vuole
ABC      1 C1:060027770603106 C2:dudddduudududdu M:3/4   K:G            H:"LOw   T:Babbo non Vuole
ABC      1 C1:060027770603106 C2:dudddduudududdu M:3/4   K:G            H:"LOw   T:Babbo non Vuole
ABC      2 C1:060027770603106 C2:dudddduudududdu M:3/4   K:G            H:"LOw   T:Babbo non Vuole
ABC      2 C1:060027770603106 C2:dudddduudududdu M:3/4   K:G            H:"LOw   T:Babbo non Vuole
ABC      2 C1:060027770603106 C2:dudddduudududdu M:3/4   K:G            H:"LOw   T:Babbo non Vuole
ABC      2 C1:060027770603106 C2:dudddduudududdu M:3/4   K:G            H:"LOw   T:Babbo non Vuole
ABC      2 C1:060027770603106 C2:dudddduudududdu M:3/4   K:G            H:"LOw   T:Babbo non Vuole
ABC      2 C1:060027770603106 C2:dudddduudududdu M:3/4   K:G            H:"LOw   T:Babbo non Vuole
ABC      2 C1:060027770603106 C2:dudddduudududdu M:3/4   K:G            H:"LOw   T:Babbo non Vuole
ABC      2 C1:060027770603106 C2:dudddduudududdu M:3/4   K:G            H:"LOw   T:Babbo non Vuole
ABC      1 C1:060027770603106 C2:dudddduudududdu M:3/4   K:G            H:"LOw   T:Babbo non Vuole
ABC      1 C1:060027770603106 C2:dudddduudududdu M:3/4   K:G            H:"LOw   T:Babbo non Vuole
ABC      1 C1:060027770603106 C2:dudddduudududdu M:3/4   K:G            H:"LOw   T:Babbo non Vuole
ABC      1 C1:060027770603106 C2:dudddduudududdu M:3/4   K:G            H:"LOw   T:Babbo non Vuole
ABC     47 C1:201767722017121 C2:uudddduuuduuuud M:4/4   K:Dmaj         H:LRW    T:Babe Behind The Bar, The
ABC     47 C1:201767722017121 C2:uudddduuuduuuud M:4/4   K:Dmaj         H:LRW    T:Babe Behind The Bar, The
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Babe I'm Going To Leave You - Led Zeppelin - LUTE
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:CLQ    T:Babe I'm Gonna Leave You by Skjald
ABC      1 C1:000230000003000 C2:uduuduuduududud M:4/4   K:C            H:LQZ    T:Babe I'm Gonna Leave You Drums [6:40]
ABC      2 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQ     T:Babe I'm Gonna Leave You, Drums
ABC      2 C1:000000000020060 C2:udddududdududuu M:4/4   K:C            H:LQV    T:Babe I'm Gonna Leave You Flute
ABC      1 C1:000000000020060 C2:udddududdududuu M:4/4   K:C            H:LQ     T:Babe I'm Gonna Leave You Flute
ABC     51 C1:000000000020060 C2:udddududdududuu M:4/4   K:C            H:LQZ    T:Babe I'm Gonna Leave You Flute [Vocals[6:40]
ABC     11 C1:624462346433642 C2:uuuduuuduuuduuu M:4/4   K:C            H:LQZ    T:Babe I'm Gonna Leave You Lute 1 [6:40]
ABC     12 C1:101070601070760 C2:uuddudduddddudu M:4/4   K:C            H:LQZ    T:Babe I'm Gonna Leave You Lute 2 Guitar nylon [6:40]
ABC      1 C1:624462346433642 C2:uuuduuuduuuduuu M:4/4   K:C            H:LQV    T:Babe I'm Gonna Leave You Solo/Duet
ABC      1 C1:624462346433642 C2:uuuduuuduuuduuu M:4/4   K:C            H:LQV    T:Babe I'm Gonna Leave You Solo/Duet
ABC      1 C1:624462346433642 C2:uuuduuuduuuduuu M:4/4   K:C            H:LQ     T:Babe I'm Gonna Leave You Solo/Lute Duet
ABC     31 C1:000000070000000 C2:dududdduddduddd M:4/4   K:C            H:LQZ    T:Babe I'm Gonna Leave You Theorbo [Bass] [6:40]
ABC      0 C1:327612305062766 C2:uudduudududdduu M:4/4   K:C            H:LQVZw  T:The Babe in Bethlem's Manger Laid
ABC      0 C1:327612305062766 C2:uudduudududdduu M:4/4   K:C            H:LQVZw  T:The Babe in Bethlem's Manger Laid
ABC      0 C1:047160643117776 C2:ududdduuuudddud M:4/4   K:Eb           H:LVZw   T:A Babe Is Born
ABC      0 C1:047160643117776 C2:ududdduuuudddud M:4/4   K:Eb           H:LVZw   T:A Babe Is Born
ABC      0 C1:300710076007702 C2:ududddduuddudud M:4/4   K:E            H:LQVZw  T:A Babe Is Born
ABC      0 C1:300710076007702 C2:ududddduuddudud M:4/4   K:C            H:LQVZw  T:A Babe Is Born
ABC      0 C1:300710076007702 C2:ududddduuddudud M:4/4   K:E            H:LQVZw  T:A Babe Is Born
ABC      0 C1:300710076007702 C2:ududddduuddudud M:4/4   K:C            H:LQVZw  T:A Babe Is Born
ABC      0 C1:000100106700301 C2:uudduuddudddudu M:3/4   K:F            H:LQVZw  T:A Babe Is Born In Bethlehem
ABC      0 C1:000100177700301 C2:uuddduudduddudu M:3/4   K:C            H:LQVZw  T:A Babe Is Born In Bethlehem
ABC      0 C1:000100106700301 C2:uudduuddudddudu M:3/4   K:F            H:LQVZw  T:A Babe Is Born In Bethlehem
ABC      0 C1:000100177700301 C2:uuddduudduddudu M:3/4   K:C            H:LQVZw  T:A Babe Is Born In Bethlehem
ABC      0 C1:353110604070701 C2:uduuuuddduddudd M:4/4   K:G            H:LVZw   T:A Babe Is Born In Bethlehem
ABC      0 C1:353110604070701 C2:uduuuuddduddudd M:4/4   K:G            H:LVZw   T:A Babe Is Born In Bethlehem
ABC      0 C1:201050002010500 C2:uuuduuudduuduuu M:4/4   K:F            H:LVZw   T:Babe Jesu, Hear Our Ditty
ABC      0 C1:201050002010500 C2:uuuduuudduuduuu M:none  K:F            H:LVZw   T:Babe Jesu, Hear Our Ditty
ABC      0 C1:201050002010500 C2:uuuduuudduuduuu M:4/4   K:F            H:LVZw   T:Babe Jesu, Hear Our Ditty
ABC      0 C1:201050002010500 C2:uuuduuudduuduuu M:none  K:F            H:LVZw   T:Babe Jesu, Hear Our Ditty
ABC      1 C1:001771001021026 C2:udduuuuuddddddu M:6/8   K:C            H:L      T:The Babe of Bethlehem
ABC      1 C1:001771001021026 C2:udduuuuuddddddu M:6/8   K:C            H:L      T:The Babe of Bethlehem
ABC      1 C1:001771001021026 C2:udduuuuuddddddu M:6/8   K:C            H:L      T:The Babe of Bethlehem
ABC      1 C1:001771021010277 C2:udduuuuuddddddd M:6/8   K:Dm           H:"CL    T:the Babe of Bethlehem
ABC      1 C1:001771021010277 C2:udduuuuuddddddd M:6/8   K:Dm           H:"CL    T:the Babe of Bethlehem
ABC      1 C1:001771021010026 C2:udduuuuuddddddu M:6/8   K:Dm           H:"CL    T:the Babe of Bethlehem
ABC      1 C1:001771001021026 C2:udduuuuuddddddu M:6/8   K:G            H:Lw     T:Babe of Bethlehem
ABC      1 C1:001771001021026 C2:udduuuuuddddddu M:6/8   K:Gm           H:CLw    T:the Babe of Bethlehem
ABC      1 C1:001771001021026 C2:udduuuuuddddddu M:6/8   K:Gm           H:CLw    T:the Babe of Bethlehem
ABC      1 C1:001771021010026 C2:udduuuuuddddddu M:6/8   K:Dm           H:"CLw   T:the Babe of Bethlehem
ABC      1 C1:001771001021026 C2:udduuuuuddddddu M:6/8   K:G            H:CLSw   T:Babe of Bethlehem
ABC      1 C1:001771001021026 C2:udduuuuuddddddu M:6/8   K:Em           H:CLSw   T:Babe of Bethlehem
ABC      1 C1:001771001021026 C2:udduuuuuddddddu M:6/8   K:G            H:LWw    T:Babe of Bethlehem
ABC      1 C1:001771021010026 C2:udduuuuuddddddu M:6/8   K:Dm           H:"CFLSWw T:the Babe of Bethlehem
ABC      9 C1:001771021010026 C2:udduuuuuddddddu M:6/8   K:Dm           H:"CL    T:The Babe of Bethlehem
ABC      9 C1:001771021010026 C2:udduuuuuddddddu M:6/8   K:Dm           H:"CL    T:The Babe of Bethlehem
ABC    477 C1:002266220307070 C2:uudduuudddduddu M:4/4   K:A            H:"CILRZ T:Babes In The Wood #1
ABC      1 C1:002266220307070 C2:uudduuudddduddu M:2/4   K:A            H:"LRSZ  T:Babes in the Wood #1
ABC      1 C1:002266220307070 C2:uudduuudddduddu M:2/4   K:A            H:"LRSZ  T:Babes in the Wood #1
ABC      1 C1:002266220307070 C2:uudduuudddduddu M:2/4   K:A            H:"LRSZ  T:Babes in the Wood #1
ABC      1 C1:002266220307070 C2:uudduuudddduddu M:2/4   K:A            H:"LRSZ  T:Babes in the Wood #1
ABC      1 C1:002266220307070 C2:uudduuudddduddu M:2/4   K:A            H:"LRSZ  T:Babes in the Wood #1
ABC      1 C1:002266220307070 C2:uudduuudddduddu M:2/4   K:A            H:"LRSZ  T:Babes in the Wood #1
ABC      1 C1:002266220307070 C2:uudduuudddduddu M:2/4   K:A            H:"LRSZ  T:Babes in the Wood #1
ABC      1 C1:002266220307070 C2:uudduuudddduddu M:2/4   K:A            H:"LRSZ  T:Babes in the Wood #1
ABC      1 C1:002266220307070 C2:uudduuudddduddu M:2/4   K:A            H:"LRSZ  T:Babes in the Wood #1
ABC      1 C1:002266220307070 C2:uudduuudddduddu M:2/4   K:A            H:"LRSZ  T:Babes in the Wood #1
ABC      1 C1:002266220307070 C2:uudduuudddduddu M:2/4   K:A            H:"LRSZ  T:Babes in the Wood #1
ABC    477 C1:002266220307070 C2:uudduuudddduddu M:4/4   K:A            H:"CILRZ T:Babes In The Wood #1
ABC    477 C1:002266220307070 C2:uudduuudddduddu M:4/4   K:A            H:"CILRZ T:Babes In The Wood #1
ABC    477 C1:002266220307070 C2:uudduuudddduddu M:4/4   K:A            H:"CILRZ T:Babes In The Wood #1
ABC      2 C1:002266220307070 C2:uudduuudddduddu M:2/4   K:A            H:"LRSZ  T:Babes in the Wood #1
ABC      2 C1:002266220307070 C2:uudduuudddduddu M:2/4   K:A            H:"LRSZ  T:Babes in the Wood #1
ABC      1 C1:177702030101000 C2:uddduuuuuuddddu M:2/4   K:D            H:"FLRZ  T:Babes in the Wood #2
ABC      1 C1:177702030101000 C2:uddduuuuuuddddu M:2/4   K:D            H:"FLRZ  T:Babes in the Wood #2
ABC      1 C1:177702030101000 C2:uddduuuuuuddddu M:2/4   K:D            H:"FLRZ  T:Babes in the Wood #2
ABC      1 C1:177702030101000 C2:uddduuuuuuddddu M:2/4   K:D            H:"FLRZ  T:Babes in the Wood #2
ABC      1 C1:177702030101000 C2:uddduuuuuuddddu M:2/4   K:D            H:"FLRZ  T:Babes in the Wood #2
ABC      1 C1:177702030101000 C2:uddduuuuuuddddu M:2/4   K:D            H:"FLRZ  T:Babes in the Wood #2
ABC      1 C1:177702030101000 C2:uddduuuuuuddddu M:2/4   K:D            H:"FLRZ  T:Babes in the Wood #2
ABC      1 C1:177702030101000 C2:uddduuuuuuddddu M:2/4   K:D            H:"FLRZ  T:Babes in the Wood #2
ABC      1 C1:177702030101000 C2:uddduuuuuuddddu M:2/4   K:D            H:"FLRZ  T:Babes in the Wood #2
ABC    487 C1:224437776241277 C2:uudduuudddduddu M:4/4   K:A            H:"CILRZ T:Babes In The Wood #2
ABC    487 C1:224437776241277 C2:uudduuudddduddu M:4/4   K:A            H:"CILRZ T:Babes In The Wood #2
ABC    487 C1:224437776241277 C2:uudduuudddduddu M:4/4   K:A            H:"CILRZ T:Babes In The Wood #2
ABC    487 C1:224437776241277 C2:uudduuudddduddu M:4/4   K:A            H:"CILRZ T:Babes In The Wood #2
ABC     25 C1:177702030101000 C2:uddduuuuuuddddu M:2/4   K:D            H:"FLRZ  T:Babes in the Wood #2
ABC     26 C1:177702030101000 C2:uddduuuuuuddddu M:2/4   K:D            H:"FLRZ  T:Babes in the Wood #2
ABC      1 C1:176113337070176 C2:udduuududdudduu M:6/8   K:Bb           H:L      T:Babes in the Wood
ABC      1 C1:110116772201062 C2:uuuudddduududdd M:2/4   K:D            H:LRZ    T:Babes in the Wood
ABC      1 C1:176113337070176 C2:udduuududdudduu M:6/8   K:Bb           H:L      T:Babes in the Wood
ABC      1 C1:176113337070176 C2:udduuududdudduu M:6/8   K:Bb           H:L      T:Babes in the Wood
ABC      1 C1:002266220307070 C2:uudduuudddduddu M:4/4   K:A            H:CILQR  T:Babes in the Wood
ABC      1 C1:220004220006077 C2:uuduudddduuduuu M:6/8   K:C            H:L      T:Babes in the Wood
ABC      1 C1:002266220307070 C2:uudduuudddduddu M:4/4   K:A            H:CILQR  T:Babes in the Wood
ABC      1 C1:110116772201062 C2:uuuudddduududdd M:2/4   K:D            H:"L     T:Babes in the Wood
ABC     61 C1:062311017077230 C2:uddduuuuudduddu M:2/4   K:D            H:BLRZ   T:Babes in the Wood
ABC     61 C1:062311017077230 C2:uddduuuuudduddu M:2/4   K:D            H:BLRZ   T:Babes in the Wood
ABC   1026 C1:001577000022001 C2:udddduuudddduuu M:6/4   K:D            H:BCLOSZ T:Babes in the wood
ABC      1 C1:220004220006077 C2:uuduudddduuduuu M:6/8   K:C            H:L      T:Babes in the Wood
ABC      1 C1:220004220006077 C2:uuduudddduuduuu M:6/8   K:C            H:L      T:Babes in the Wood
ABC      1 C1:010100010177070 C2:uuuuddddududddu M:2/4   K:D            H:"L     T:Babes in the wood
ABC 122004 C1:002266220307070 C2:uudduuudddduddu M:2/4   K:A            H:BLZ    T:BABES IN THE WOOD
ABC 122004 C1:002266220307070 C2:uudduuudddduddu M:2/4   K:A            H:BLZ    T:BABES IN THE WOOD
ABC      1 C1:176113337070176 C2:udduuududdudduu M:6/8   K:Bb           H:BFLSZw T:Babes in the Wood
ABC      1 C1:002266220307070 C2:uudduuudddudddu M:4/4   K:G            H:"L     T:Babes in the wood
ABC      1 C1:176113337070176 C2:udduuududdudduu M:6/8   K:Bb           H:BFLSWZw T:Babes in the Wood
ABC    104 C1:110116772201062 C2:uuuudddduududdd M:2/4   K:D            H:LRZ    T:Babes in the Wood
ABC    104 C1:110116772201062 C2:uuuudddduududdd M:2/4   K:D            H:LRZ    T:Babes in the Wood
ABC    104 C1:110116772201062 C2:uuuudddduududdd M:2/4   K:D            H:LRZ    T:Babes in the Wood
ABC    104 C1:110116772201062 C2:uuuudddduududdd M:2/4   K:D            H:LRZ    T:Babes in the Wood
ABC    930 C1:002266220307070 C2:uudduuudddduddu M:4/4   K:A            H:LSZ    T:Babes In the Wood
ABC    930 C1:002266220307070 C2:uudduuudddduddu M:4/4   K:A            H:LSZ    T:Babes In the Wood
ABC    104 C1:110116772201062 C2:uuuudddduududdd M:2/4   K:D            H:HLRZ   T:Babes in the Wood
ABC    104 C1:110116772201062 C2:uuuudddduududdd M:2/4   K:D            H:HLRZ   T:Babes in the Wood
ABC     61 C1:062311017077230 C2:uddduuuuudduddu M:2/4   K:D            H:LR     T:Babes in the Wood
ABC      2 C1:030022662203070 C2:uuudduuuddddudd M:4/4   K:A            H:LR     T:Babes In The Wood
ABC     61 C1:062311017077230 C2:uddduuuuudduddu M:2/4   K:D            H:BLRZ   T:Babes in the Wood
ABC     61 C1:062311017077230 C2:uddduuuuudduddu M:2/4   K:D            H:BLRZ   T:Babes in the Wood
ABC     61 C1:062311017077230 C2:uddduuuuudduddu M:2/4   K:D            H:BLRZ   T:Babes in the Wood
ABC     61 C1:062311017077230 C2:uddduuuuudduddu M:2/4   K:D            H:BLRZ   T:Babes in the Wood
ABC     61 C1:062311017077230 C2:uddduuuuudduddu M:2/4   K:D            H:BLRZ   T:Babes in the Wood
ABC      1 C1:062311010777230 C2:uddduuuuudddudu M:      K:Dmaj         H:LR     T:Babes In The Wood
ABC      2 C1:152311011677236 C2:udduuuuuuddddud M:      K:Dmaj         H:LR     T:Babes In The Wood
ABC      3 C1:152311010777230 C2:udduuuuudddudud M:      K:Dmaj         H:LR     T:Babes In The Wood
ABC      4 C1:111100610777230 C2:uuuududdduduuuu M:      K:Dmaj         H:LR     T:Babes In The Wood
ABC      5 C1:111100610777230 C2:uuuududdduduuuu M:      K:Dmaj         H:LR     T:Babes In The Wood
ABC      6 C1:110623110116772 C2:uuuddduuuuuuddd M:      K:Dmaj         H:LR     T:Babes In The Wood
ABC      7 C1:217311007242767 C2:uuuduuuduududdd M:      K:Dmaj         H:LR     T:Babes In The Wood
ABC      8 C1:217311007242767 C2:uuuduuuduududdd M:      K:Dmaj         H:LR     T:Babes In The Wood
ABC      9 C1:715231101167723 C2:dudduuuuuuddddu M:      K:Dmaj         H:LR     T:Babes In The Wood
ABC     10 C1:062311011677236 C2:duuuuuudddduddu M:      K:Dmaj         H:LR     T:Babes In The Wood
ABC     11 C1:062311011677230 C2:uddduuuuuuddddu M:      K:Dmaj         H:LR     T:Babes In The Wood
ABC     12 C1:062311010777230 C2:uddduuuuudddudu M:      K:Dmaj         H:LR     T:Babes In The Wood
ABC     13 C1:062355010706230 C2:uddduuduuududdd M:      K:Dmaj         H:LR     T:Babes In The Wood
ABC     14 C1:062311721677236 C2:uddduuuuduuuddd M:      K:Dmaj         H:LR     T:Babes In The Wood
ABC     15 C1:062311011677230 C2:uddduuuuuuddddu M:      K:Dmaj         H:LR     T:Babes In The Wood
ABC      5 C1:715231101167723 C2:dudduuuuuuddddu M:2/4   K:Dmaj         H:LR     T:Babes In The Wood
ABC      2 C1:152311011677236 C2:udduuuuuuddddud M:2/4   K:Dmaj         H:LR     T:Babes In The Wood
ABC      5 C1:062311011677230 C2:uddduuuuuuddddu M:2/4   K:Dmaj         H:LRS    T:Babes In The Wood
ABC      7 C1:062311010777230 C2:uddduuuuudddudu M:2/4   K:Dmaj         H:LRS    T:Babes In The Wood
ABC      1 C1:062311010777230 C2:uddduuuuudddudu M:2/4   K:Dmaj         H:LR     T:Babes In The Wood
ABC     22 C1:110116772201062 C2:uuuudddduududdd M:2/4   K:D            H:LRZ    T:Babes in the Wood
ABC    970 C1:110116772201062 C2:uuuudddduududdd M:2/4   K:D            H:LRZ    T:Babes in the Wood
ABC    971 C1:110116772201062 C2:uuuudddduududdd M:2/4   K:D            H:LRZ    T:Babes in the Wood
ABC    104 C1:110116772201062 C2:uuuudddduududdd M:2/4   K:D            H:LRZ    T:Babes in the Wood
ABC    104 C1:110116772201062 C2:uuuudddduududdd M:2/4   K:D            H:LRZ    T:Babes in the Wood
ABC    104 C1:110116772201062 C2:uuuudddduududdd M:2/4   K:D            H:LRZ    T:Babes in the Wood
ABC    104 C1:110116772201062 C2:uuuudddduududdd M:2/4   K:D            H:LRZ    T:Babes in the Wood
ABC    104 C1:110116772201062 C2:uuuudddduududdd M:2/4   K:D            H:LRZ    T:Babes in the Wood
ABC    104 C1:110116772201062 C2:uuuudddduududdd M:2/4   K:D            H:LRZ    T:Babes in the Wood
ABC 122004 C1:002266220307070 C2:uudduuudddduddu M:2/4   K:A            H:BLZ    T:BABES IN THE WOOD
ABC 122004 C1:002266220307070 C2:uudduuudddduddu M:2/4   K:A            H:BLZ    T:BABES IN THE WOOD
ABC 122004 C1:002266220307070 C2:uudduuudddduddu M:2/4   K:A            H:BLZ    T:BABES IN THE WOOD
ABC 122004 C1:002266220307070 C2:uudduuudddduddu M:2/4   K:A            H:BLZ    T:BABES IN THE WOOD
ABC 122004 C1:002266220307070 C2:uudduuudddduddu M:2/4   K:A            H:BLZ    T:BABES IN THE WOOD
ABC 122004 C1:002266220307070 C2:uudduuudddduddu M:2/4   K:A            H:BLZ    T:BABES IN THE WOOD
ABC 122004 C1:002266220307070 C2:uudduuudddduddu M:2/4   K:A            H:BLZ    T:BABES IN THE WOOD
ABC 122004 C1:002266220307070 C2:uudduuudddduddu M:2/4   K:A            H:BLZ    T:BABES IN THE WOOD
ABC 122004 C1:002266220307070 C2:uudduuudddduddu M:2/4   K:A            H:BLZ    T:BABES IN THE WOOD
ABC 122004 C1:002266220307070 C2:uudduuudddduddu M:2/4   K:A            H:BLZ    T:BABES IN THE WOOD
ABC    104 C1:110116772201062 C2:uuuudddduududdd M:2/4   K:D            H:LRZ    T:Babes in the Wood
ABC    353 C1:110116772201062 C2:uuuudddduududdd M:2/4   K:D            H:LOR    T:Babes in the Wood
ABC    353 C1:110116772201062 C2:uuuudddduududdd M:2/4   K:D            H:LOR    T:Babes in the Wood
ABC    970 C1:110116772201062 C2:uuuudddduududdd M:2/4   K:D            H:LRZ    T:Babes in the Wood
ABC    971 C1:110116772201062 C2:uuuudddduududdd M:2/4   K:D            H:LRZ    T:Babes in the Wood
ABC    970 C1:110116772201062 C2:uuuudddduududdd M:2/4   K:D            H:LRZ    T:Babes in the Wood
ABC    971 C1:110116772201062 C2:uuuudddduududdd M:2/4   K:D            H:LRZ    T:Babes in the Wood
ABC    970 C1:110116772201062 C2:uuuudddduududdd M:2/4   K:D            H:LRZ    T:Babes in the Wood
ABC    971 C1:110116772201062 C2:uuuudddduududdd M:2/4   K:D            H:LRZ    T:Babes in the Wood
ABC    821 C1:110116772201062 C2:uuuudddduududdd M:2/4   K:D            H:LRZ    T:Babes in the Wood
ABC    821 C1:110116772201062 C2:uuuudddduududdd M:2/4   K:D            H:LRZ    T:Babes in the Wood
ABC    821 C1:110116772201062 C2:uuuudddduududdd M:2/4   K:D            H:LRZ    T:Babes in the Wood
ABC    821 C1:110116772201062 C2:uuuudddduududdd M:2/4   K:D            H:LRZ    T:Babes in the Wood
ABC    821 C1:110116772201062 C2:uuuudddduududdd M:2/4   K:D            H:LRZ    T:Babes in the Wood
ABC    104 C1:110116772201062 C2:uuuudddduududdd M:2/4   K:D            H:LRZ    T:Babes in the Wood
ABC    104 C1:110116772201062 C2:uuuudddduududdd M:2/4   K:D            H:LRZ    T:Babes in the Wood
ABC      1 C1:110107772300062 C2:uuudddududdduuu M:2/4   K:D            H:"CDLOQRSZ T:Babes in the Woods #1 (D major)
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:2/4   K:D            H:LQRSZ  T:Babes in the Woods [2]
ABC      1 C1:110107772300062 C2:uuudddududdduuu M:2/4   K:D            H:"CDLOQRSZ T:Babes in the Woods #2 (D major)
ABC      1 C1:400677410177000 C2:uddduuudddduuud M:3/2   K:D            H:L      T:Babes in the Woods
ABC      1 C1:400677410177000 C2:uddduuudddduuud M:3/2   K:D            H:L      T:Babes in the Woods
ABC      1 C1:400677410177000 C2:uddduuudddduuud M:3/2   K:D            H:L      T:Babes in the Woods
ABC      1 C1:152311011677230 C2:udduuuuuuddddud M:2/4   K:D            H:"LQR   T:Babes in the Woods
ABC     50 C1:152311011677230 C2:udduuuuuuddddud M:2/4   K:D            H:"LQR   T:Babes in the Woods
ABC      1 C1:152311011677230 C2:udduuuuuuddddud M:2/4   K:D            H:"LQR   T:Babes in the Woods
ABC    547 C1:010100010007070 C2:uuudddududduuuu M:2/4   K:D            H:"BLORSZ T:Babes in the woods
ABC    547 C1:010100010007070 C2:uuudddududduuuu M:2/4   K:D            H:"BLORSZ T:Babes in the woods
ABC    547 C1:010100010007070 C2:uuudddududduuuu M:2/4   K:D            H:"BLORSZ T:Babes in the woods
ABC    547 C1:010100010007070 C2:uuudddududduuuu M:2/4   K:D            H:"BLORSZ T:Babes in the woods
ABC      1 C1:000007070203000 C2:dduuduudddudduu M:2/4   K:D            H:LQRSZ  T:Babes in the Woods
ABC      2 C1:176002030101071 C2:ududuuuuduudddu M:2/4   K:D            H:D      T:Babes in the Woods
ABC      1 C1:176203337007076 C2:udduududdduuduu M:      K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:Babes In The Woods
ABC      5 C1:152311011677230 C2:udduuuuuuddddud M:2/4   K:D            H:"LQR   T:Babes in the Woods
ABC      1 C1:111100610777230 C2:uuuududdduduuuu M:2/4   K:Dmaj         H:LR     T:Babes In The Woods
ABC    705 C1:010100010007070 C2:uuudddududduuuu M:2/4   K:D            H:DRSZ   T:Babes in the Woods
ABC      8 C1:152311011677230 C2:udduuuuuuddddud M:2/4   K:D            H:"LQR   T:Babes in the Woods
ABC      8 C1:152311011677230 C2:udduuuuuuddddud M:2/4   K:D            H:"LQR   T:Babes in the Woods
ABC      8 C1:152311011677230 C2:udduuuuuuddddud M:2/4   K:D            H:"LQR   T:Babes in the Woods
ABC    547 C1:010100010007070 C2:uuudddududduuuu M:2/4   K:D            H:"BLORSZ T:Babes in the woods
ABC  59002 C1:110170772300062 C2:uuudduddududddu M:2/4\  K:D\           H:CLR    T:BABES in the WOODS (polka)\
ABC  59002 C1:110170772300062 C2:uuudduddududddu M:2/4   K:D            H:CLR    T:BABES in the WOODS (polka)
ABC  59002 C1:110170772300062 C2:uuudduddududddu M:2/4   K:D            H:CLR    T:BABES in the WOODS (polka)
ABC  59002 C1:110170772300062 C2:uuudduddududddu M:2/4   K:D            H:CLR    T:BABES in the WOODS (polka)
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Babe (Transcribed by:Bungee)
ABC      1 C1:006772000065000 C2:dddududduudduuu M:3/4   K:D            H:L      T:Babies in the Mill
ABC      1 C1:006772000065000 C2:dddududduudduuu M:3/4   K:D            H:L      T:Babies in the Mill
ABC      1 C1:006772000065000 C2:dddududduudduuu M:3/4   K:D            H:L      T:Babies in the Mill
ABC      1 C1:020000002600060 C2:uududuudduududu M:C     K:HP           H:CLQS   T:Babinskem's Ballad "rpband"
ABC      1 C1:020000002600060 C2:uududuudduududu M:C     K:HP           H:CLQS   T:Babinskem's Ballad "rpband"
ABC      1 C1:020000002600060 C2:uududuudduududu M:C     K:HP           H:CLQS   T:Babinskem's Ballad "rpband"
ABC    189 C1:                C2:                M:6/8   K:D            H:LOZ    T:Bab in Town
ABC    189 C1:606121605301177 C2:dduuudduuudddud M:6/8   K:D            H:LO     T:Bab in Town
ABC    189 C1:606121605301177 C2:dduuudduuudddud M:6/8   K:D            H:LO     T:Bab in Town
ABC    189 C1:606121605301177 C2:dduuudduuudddud M:6/8   K:D            H:LO     T:Bab in Town
ABC    189 C1:606121605301177 C2:dduuudduuudddud M:6/8   K:D            H:LO     T:Bab in Town
ABC    189 C1:606121605301177 C2:dduuudduuudddud M:6/8   K:D            H:LOZ    T:Bab in Town
ABC      1 C1:030777077011000 C2:uddddduuudddddu M:6/8   K:D            H:BFLSWZw T:Ba-b?  mo lean-abh
ABC      3 C1:000610010003010 C2:duuuuuuddduuddd M:4/4   K:C            H:"LORSZ T:Baby Blue
ABC      1 C1:003676002571000 C2:udddudduddduuuu M:3/4   K:A            H:"CLRSZ T:Baby Blue Eyes
ABC      1 C1:003676002571000 C2:udddudduddduuuu M:3/4   K:A            H:"CLRSZ T:Baby Blue Eyes
ABC      1 C1:003676002571000 C2:udddudduddduuuu M:3/4   K:A            H:"CLRSZ T:Baby Blue Eyes
ABC      1 C1:003676002571000 C2:udddudduddduuuu M:3/4   K:A            H:"CLRSZ T:Baby Blue Eyes
ABC      1 C1:000001060601000 C2:udduudduduuuuud M:6/8   K:G            H:ACILORS T:Baby Boomer's Birthday
ABC    111 C1:233557323566332 C2:uuuddduuuddduuu M:6/8   K:G            H:"BCLZ  T:Baby Brat
ABC     30 C1:233557323566332 C2:uuuddduuuddduuu M:6/8   K:G            H:BCLQR  T:Baby Brat
ABC     30 C1:233557323566332 C2:uuuddduuuddduuu M:6/8   K:G            H:BCLQR  T:Baby Brat
ABC     30 C1:233557323566332 C2:uuuddduuuddduuu M:6/8   K:G            H:BCLQR  T:Baby Brat
ABC     30 C1:233557323566332 C2:uuuddduuuddduuu M:6/8   K:G            H:BCLQR  T:Baby Brat
ABC     30 C1:233557323566332 C2:uuuddduuuddduuu M:6/8   K:G            H:BCLQR  T:Baby Brat
ABC     30 C1:233557323566332 C2:uuuddduuuddduuu M:6/8   K:G            H:BCLQR  T:Baby Brat
ABC     33 C1:233557323566332 C2:uuuddduuuddduuu M:6/8   K:G            H:BCLQR  T:Baby Brat
ABC    972 C1:233557323566332 C2:uuuddduuuddduuu M:6/8   K:G            H:BCLR   T:Baby Brat
ABC    973 C1:233557323566332 C2:uuuddduuuddduuu M:6/8   K:G            H:"BCLZ  T:Baby Brat
ABC    972 C1:233557323566332 C2:uuuddduuuddduuu M:6/8   K:G            H:BCLR   T:Baby Brat
ABC    973 C1:233557323566332 C2:uuuddduuuddduuu M:6/8   K:G            H:"BCLZ  T:Baby Brat
ABC    972 C1:233557323566332 C2:uuuddduuuddduuu M:6/8   K:G            H:BCLR   T:Baby Brat
ABC    973 C1:233557323566332 C2:uuuddduuuddduuu M:6/8   K:G            H:"BCLZ  T:Baby Brat
ABC    972 C1:233557323566332 C2:uuuddduuuddduuu M:6/8   K:G            H:BCLR   T:Baby Brat
ABC    973 C1:233557323566332 C2:uuuddduuuddduuu M:6/8   K:G            H:"BCLZ  T:Baby Brat
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Baby Elephant Walk (1:55) Clarinet
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Baby Elephant Walk (1:55) Flute
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Baby Elephant Walk (1:55) Horn
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Baby Elephant Walk (1:55) Lute
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Baby Elephant Walk [Bass] v.1 (By:Bungee)
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Baby Elephant Walk [Clarinet] v.1 (By:Bungee)
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Baby Elephant Walk [Drums] v.1 (By:Bungee)
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQ     T:Baby Elephant Walk - FLUTE (By Snosh of Vilya)
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Baby Elephant Walk [Horn] v.1 (By:Bungee)
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQ     T:Baby Elephant Walk - LUTE (By Snosh of Vilya)
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Baby Elephant Walk [Lute] v.1 (By:Bungee)
ABC     71 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:CLQRZ  T:Baby Elephant Walk v3 - Clarinet (2:38) (191)
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:CLQRZ  T:Baby Elephant Walk v3 - Drum (2:38) (979)
ABC     51 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:CLQRZ  T:Baby Elephant Walk v3 - Flute (2:38) (163)
ABC     21 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:CLQRZ  T:Baby Elephant Walk v3 - Harp (2:38) (607)
ABC     61 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:CLQRZ  T:Baby Elephant Walk v3 - Horn (2:38) (283)
ABC     62 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:CLQRZ  T:Baby Elephant Walk v3 - Horn (2:46) (1777)
ABC     11 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:CLQRZ  T:Baby Elephant Walk v3 - Lute (2:38) (82)
ABC     31 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:CLQRZ  T:Baby Elephant Walk v3 - Theorbo (2:38) (281)
ABC      1 C1:000602000300070 C2:duuddddduuddddu M:C     K:C|           H:"CLw   T:Baby Face
ABC      1 C1:062000030707077 C2:duuddddduuddddu M:4/4   K:C            H:"CLQVw T:Baby Face
ABC      1 C1:000602000300070 C2:duuddddduuddddu M:C     K:C|           H:"CLw   T:Baby Face
ABC      1 C1:062000030707077 C2:duuddddduuddddu M:4/4   K:C            H:"CLVw  T:Baby Face
ABC      1 C1:000602000300070 C2:duuddddduuddddu M:C|    K:C            H:"CL    T:Baby Face [C]
ABC      2 C1:000602000300070 C2:duuddddduuddddu M:C|    K:C            H:"CL    T:Baby Face [C]
ABC      1 C1:000602000300070 C2:duuddddduuddddu M:C|    K:D            H:"CL    T:Baby Face [D]
ABC      3 C1:000602000300070 C2:duuddddduuddddu M:C|    K:D            H:"CL    T:Baby Face [D]
ABC     50 C1:261757131711700 C2:ududdduuuduuduu M:6/8   K:D            H:LR     T:Baby Finger Jig, The
ABC     50 C1:261757131711700 C2:ududdduuuduuduu M:6/8   K:D            H:LR     T:Baby Finger Jig, The
ABC     50 C1:261757131711700 C2:ududdduuuduuduu M:6/8   K:D            H:LR     T:Baby Finger Jig, The
ABC     50 C1:261757131711700 C2:ududdduuuduuduu M:6/8   K:D            H:LR     T:Baby Finger Jig, The
ABC     50 C1:261757131711700 C2:ududdduuuduuduu M:6/8   K:D            H:LR     T:Baby Finger Jig, The
ABC     50 C1:261757131711700 C2:ududdduuuduuduu M:6/8   K:D            H:LR     T:Baby Finger Jig, The
ABC     50 C1:261757131711700 C2:ududdduuuduuduu M:6/8   K:D            H:LR     T:Baby Finger Jig, The
ABC     50 C1:261757131711700 C2:ududdduuuduuduu M:6/8   K:D            H:LR     T:Baby Finger Jig, The
ABC     50 C1:261757131711700 C2:ududdduuuduuduu M:6/8   K:D            H:LR     T:Baby Finger Jig, The
ABC     50 C1:261757131711700 C2:ududdduuuduuduu M:6/8   K:D            H:LR     T:Baby Finger Jig, The
ABC     50 C1:261757131711700 C2:ududdduuuduuduu M:6/8   K:D            H:LR     T:Baby Finger Jig, The
ABC     50 C1:261757131711700 C2:ududdduuuduuduu M:6/8   K:D            H:LR     T:Baby Finger Jig, The
ABC     50 C1:261757131711700 C2:ududdduuuduuduu M:6/8   K:D            H:LR     T:Baby Finger Jig, The
ABC      1 C1:562772322711322 C2:dduddduuududuuu M:6/8   K:D            H:L      T:Baby Gavin
ABC 026103 C1:562775562772322 C2:dduddudduddduuu M:6/8   K:D            H:QRS    T:Baby Gavin % ABC 026103 C1:562775562772322 C2:dduddudduddduuu M:6/8   K:D            H:QRS    T:Baby Gavin % ABC 026103 C1:562775562772322 C2:dduddudduddduuu M:6/8   K:D            H:QRS    T:Baby Gavin (jig) % ABC 026103 C1:562775562772322 C2:dduddudduddduuu M:6/8   K:D            H:QRS    T:Baby Gavin (jig) % ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Baby Girl Window (2:40)
ABC      1 C1:010660020101060 C2:udduuuddudddudd M:4/4   K:G            H:"DLRSZ T:Baby Got the Rickets
ABC      1 C1:010660020101060 C2:udduuuddudddudd M:4/4   K:G            H:"DLRSZ T:Baby Got the Rickets
ABC     71 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:CLQZ   T:Baby I Love Your Way/Freebird Clarinet (4:30) (830)
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:CLQZ   T:Baby I Love Your Way/Freebird Drum (4:30) (830)
ABC     51 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:CLQZ   T:Baby I Love Your Way/Freebird Flute 1 (4:30) (830)
ABC     52 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:CLQZ   T:Baby I Love Your Way/Freebird Flute 2 (4:30) (830)
ABC     21 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:CLQZ   T:Baby I Love Your Way/Freebird Harp (4:30) (830)
ABC     61 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:CLQZ   T:Baby I Love Your Way/Freebird Horn (4:30) (830)
ABC     11 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:CLQZ   T:Baby I Love Your Way/Freebird Lute (4:30) (830)
ABC     31 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:CLQZ   T:Baby I Love Your Way/Freebird Theorbo (4:30) (830)
ABC     71 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:CLQSZ  T:Baby Im A Want You - Clarinet (Clarinet) (2:12) (462)
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:CLQSZ  T:Baby Im A Want You - Drum (2:33) (545)
ABC     51 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:CLQSZ  T:Baby Im A Want You - Flute (String Ensemble 1) (2:33) (182)
ABC     21 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:CLQSZ  T:Baby Im A Want You - Harp (Electric Guitar(muted)) (2:33) (542)
ABC     61 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:CLQSZ  T:Baby Im A Want You - Horn (Electric Guitar(jazz)) (2:33) (534)
ABC     11 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:CLQSZ  T:Baby Im A Want You - Lute 1 (Electric Guitar(clean)) (2:33) (596)
ABC     12 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:CLQSZ  T:Baby Im A Want You - Lute 2 (Acoustic Guitar(steel)) (2:33) (2470)
ABC     31 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:CLQSZ  T:Baby Im A Want You - Theorbo (Electric Bass(finger)) (2:33) (128)
ABC      1 C1:673675312027071 C2:dduddduuuudduuu M:4/4   K:F            H:"CLR   T:The Baby in the Pothole
ABC      1 C1:673675312027071 C2:dduddduuuudduuu M:4/4   K:F            H:"CLR   T:The Baby in the Pothole
ABC     31 C1:                C2:                M:4/4   K:C            H:LQ     T:Baby It's Cold Outside [Bass](2:57) - [6 part] Frank Loesser (1944)
ABC     71 C1:                C2:                M:4/4   K:C            H:LQ     T:Baby It's Cold Outside [Clarinet](2:57) - [6 part] Frank Loesser (1944)
ABC     71 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Baby It's Cold Outside - clarinet (3:04) (265)
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:4/4   K:C            H:LQ     T:Baby It's Cold Outside [Drum](2:57) - [6 part] Frank Loesser (1944)
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Baby It's Cold Outside - drums (3:06) (858)
ABC     51 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Baby It's Cold Outside - flute 1 (3:04) (305)
ABC     51 C1:                C2:                M:4/4   K:C            H:LQ     T:Baby It's Cold Outside [Flute](2:57) - [6 part] Frank Loesser (1944)
ABC     52 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Baby It's Cold Outside - flute 2 (opt) (3:06) (310)
ABC     21 C1:                C2:                M:4/4   K:C            H:LQ     T:Baby It's Cold Outside [Harp](2:57) - [6 part] Frank Loesser (1944)
ABC     21 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Baby It's Cold Outside - harp (3:06) (454)
ABC     11 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Baby It's Cold Outside - lute 1 (3:06) (1130)
ABC     11 C1:                C2:                M:4/4   K:C            H:LQ     T:Baby It's Cold Outside [Lute](2:57) - [6 part] Frank Loesser (1944)
ABC     12 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Baby It's Cold Outside - lute 2 (opt) (3:06) (276)
ABC     31 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Baby It's Cold Outside - theorbo (3:06) (284)
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Babylon5 (0:39)
ABC      1 C1:077701010777010 C2:ddduuddduuddduu M:4/4   K:Am           H:"LO    T:Babylon
ABC      1 C1:077701010777010 C2:ddduuddduuddduu M:4/4   K:Am           H:"LO    T:Babylon
ABC      1 C1:077701010777010 C2:ddduuddduuddduu M:4/4   K:Am           H:"LO    T:Babylon
ABC      1 C1:077701010777010 C2:ddduuddduuddduu M:4/4   K:Bm           H:"LO    T:Babylon
ABC      1 C1:077701010777010 C2:ddduuddduuddduu M:4/4   K:Bm           H:"LO    T:Babylon
ABC      1 C1:077701010777010 C2:ddduuddduuddduu M:4/4   K:Bm           H:"LO    T:Babylon
ABC      1 C1:077701010777010 C2:ddduuddduuddduu M:4/4   K:Bm           H:"LO    T:Babylon
ABC      1 C1:077701010777010 C2:ddduuddduuddduu M:4/4   K:Bm           H:"LO    T:Babylon
ABC      1 C1:000000030000000 C2:uuduududduddduu M:4/4   K:C            H:ACILORS T:Babylon
ABC      1 C1:077701010777010 C2:ddduuddduuddduu M:4/4   K:Am           H:"LOw   T:Babylon
ABC      1 C1:077701010777010 C2:ddduuddduuddduu M:4/4   K:Am           H:"LOw   T:Babylon
ABC      1 C1:077701010777010 C2:ddduuddduuddduu M:4/4   K:Am           H:"LOw   T:Babylon
ABC      2 C1:077701010777010 C2:ddduuddduuddduu M:4/4   K:Bm           H:"LO    T:Babylon
ABC      1 C1:077701010777010 C2:ddduuddduuddduu M:4/4   K:Am           H:"LOw   T:Babylon
ABC      2 C1:077701010777010 C2:ddduuddduuddduu M:4/4   K:Bm           H:"LO    T:Babylon
ABC    112 C1:077400376716021 C2:dduuddduduuuduu M:C     K:C            H:ABCHLOQZ T:Babylon Hornpipe,aka. HA.111, The
ABC    112 C1:077400376716021 C2:dduuddduduuuduu M:C     K:C            H:ACHLOSZ T:Babylon Hornpipe,The,aka. HA.111
ABC    112 C1:077400376716021 C2:dduuddduduuuduu M:C     K:C            H:ACHLOSZ T:Babylon Hornpipe,The,aka. HA.111
ABC    112 C1:077400376716021 C2:dduuddduduuuduu M:C     K:C            H:ACHLOSZ T:Babylon Hornpipe,The,aka. HA.111
ABC    112 C1:077400376716021 C2:dduuddduduuuduu M:C     K:C            H:ACHLOSZ T:Babylon Hornpipe,The,aka. HA.111
ABC    112 C1:077400376716021 C2:dduuddduduuuduu M:C     K:C            H:ACHLOSZ T:Babylon Hornpipe,The,aka. HA.111
ABC    112 C1:077400376716021 C2:dduuddduduuuduu M:C     K:C            H:ACHLOSZ T:Babylon Hornpipe,The,aka. HA.111
ABC    112 C1:077400376716021 C2:dduuddduduuuduu M:C     K:C            H:ACHLOSZ T:Babylon Hornpipe,The,aka. HA.111
ABC    112 C1:077400376716021 C2:dduuddduduuuduu M:C     K:C            H:ACHLOQSZ T:Babylon Hornpipe,The,aka. HA.111
ABC    112 C1:077400376716021 C2:dduuddduduuuduu M:C     K:C            H:ABHLOQSZ T:Babylon Hornpipe,The,aka. HA.111
ABC    450 C1:077400376716021 C2:dduuddduduuuduu M:C     K:C            H:ACFHLOQSZ T:Babylon Hornpipe,The,aka. HA.111
ABC    450 C1:077400376716021 C2:dduuddduduuuduu M:C     K:C            H:ACFHLOQSZ T:Babylon Hornpipe,The,aka. HA.111
ABC    112 C1:077400376716021 C2:dduuddduduuuduu M:C     K:C            H:ABHLOQSZ T:Babylon Hornpipe,The,aka. HA.111
ABC      1 C1:021706070623116 C2:uuuddddduuuuduu M:4/4   K:C            H:L      T:Babylon is Fallen (2)
ABC      1 C1:021706070623116 C2:uuuddddduuuuduu M:4/4   K:C            H:L      T:Babylon is Fallen (2)
ABC      1 C1:021706070623116 C2:uuuddddduuuuduu M:4/4   K:C            H:L      T:Babylon is Fallen (2)
ABC      1 C1:021706070623116 C2:uuuddddduuuuduu M:4/4   K:C            H:L      T:Babylon is Fallen (2)
ABC      1 C1:021706070623116 C2:uuuddddduuuuduu M:4/4   K:C            H:L      T:Babylon is Fallen (2)
ABC      1 C1:040107010077020 C2:uududduddduduuu M:4/4   K:Amin         H:S      T:Babylon is fallen
ABC      1 C1:040107010077020 C2:uududduddduduuu M:4/4   K:Amin         H:S      T:Babylon is fallen
ABC      2 C1:000066030061010 C2:dduduuudddududd M:4/4   K:EMin         H:"LV    T:Babylon is Fallen
ABC      2 C1:000066030061010 C2:dduduuudddududd M:4/4   K:EMin         H:"LV    T:Babylon is Fallen
ABC      1 C1:030007050402070 C2:uuuddduuuudduud M:4/4   K:D            H:L      T:Babylon is Falling
ABC      1 C1:030007050402070 C2:uuuddduuuudduud M:4/4   K:D            H:L      T:Babylon is Falling
ABC      1 C1:030007050402070 C2:uuuddduuuudduud M:4/4   K:D            H:L      T:Babylon is Falling
ABC      0 C1:042670503162314 C2:uuddududuuduudu M:2/4   K:G            H:LQVZ   T:Babylon's Streams
ABC      0 C1:042670503162314 C2:uuddududuuduudu M:2/4   K:G            H:LQVZ   T:Babylon's Streams
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Baby Love (Horn) - Order of the Nameless (2:40)
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Baby Love (Lute) - Order of the Nameless (2:46)
ABC      1 C1:170762001170762 C2:uddduuudddudduu M:      K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:Baby Rory's
ABC      2 C1:000762674000762 C2:ddudduddudduuud M:      K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:Baby Rory's
ABC      3 C1:000762001000762 C2:dduuddudduddudd M:      K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:Baby Rory's
ABC    550 C1:170762001170762 C2:uddduuudddudduu M:9/8   K:Gmaj         H:"HLRZ  T:Baby Rory's
ABC     90 C1:170762674170762 C2:udddudduudddudd M:9/8   K:Ador         H:CLRZ   T:Baby Rory's Slip Jig
ABC     90 C1:170762674170762 C2:udddudduudddudd M:9/8   K:Ador         H:CLRZ   T:Baby Rory's Slip Jig
ABC      1 C1:276160036161600 C2:uddududududuudd M:4/4   K:D            H:CDHLR  T:Baby's First Flute
ABC      1 C1:276160036161600 C2:uddududududuudd M:4/4   K:D            H:CDHLR  T:Baby's First Flute
ABC      1 C1:276160036161600 C2:uddududududuudd M:4/4   K:D            H:CDHLR  T:Baby's First Flute
ABC      1 C1:276160036161600 C2:uddududududuudd M:4/4   K:D            H:CDHLR  T:Baby's First Flute
ABC      1 C1:276160036161600 C2:uddududududuudd M:      K:Dmaj         H:LR     T:Baby's First Flute
ABC      1 C1:006002006002700 C2:dududduddudduud M:6/8   K:A            H:"CLR   T:Baby's in Black
ABC      1 C1:006002006002700 C2:dududduddudduud M:6/8   K:A            H:"CLR   T:Baby's in Black
ABC      1 C1:006002006002700 C2:dududduddudduud M:6/8   K:G            H:"CLR   T:Baby's in Black
ABC      1 C1:006002006002700 C2:dududduddudduud M:6/8   K:G            H:"CLR   T:Baby's in Black
ABC      0 C1:                C2:                M:      K:A            H:       T:Baby's in Black
ABC      1 C1:006002006002700 C2:dududduddudduud M:6/8   K:G            H:"CLR   T:Baby's in Black
ABC      2 C1:006002006002700 C2:dududduddudduud M:6/8   K:A            H:"CLR   T:Baby's in Black
ABC      1 C1:006002006002700 C2:dududduddudduud M:6/8   K:G            H:"CLR   T:Baby's in Black
ABC      5 C1:006002006002700 C2:dududduddudduud M:6/8   K:G            H:"CLR   T:Baby's in Black
ABC      2 C1:006002006002700 C2:dududduddudduud M:6/8   K:G            H:"CLR   T:Baby's in Black
ABC      1 C1:220017770507770 C2:uuudddudddddudu M:6/8   K:C            H:CLQRSW T:Baby sitter's glasses
ABC      1 C1:220017770507770 C2:uuudddudddddudu M:6/8   K:C            H:CLQRSW T:Baby sitter's glasses
ABC      1 C1:220017770507770 C2:uuudddudddddudu M:6/8   K:C            H:CLQRS  T:Baby sitter's glasses
ABC     11 C1:077222422502477 C2:ddduuduuduuuddd M:4/4   K:C            H:CLQV   T:The Babysitter's Here
ABC      0 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:       T:Baby Tunes
ABC      0 C1:040404003104040 C2:ududuuududuuudd M:6/8   K:Em           H:"C     T:Baby with the Bath Water
ABC      9 C1:040404003104040 C2:ududuuududuuudd M:6/8   K:Em           H:"C     T:Baby with the Bath Water
ABC     12 C1:040404003104040 C2:ududuuududuuudd M:6/8   K:Em           H:"C     T:Baby with the Bath Water
ABC     12 C1:040404003104040 C2:ududuuududuuudd M:6/8   K:Em           H:"C     T:Baby with the Bath Water
ABC     12 C1:040404003104040 C2:ududuuududuuudd M:6/8   K:Em           H:"C     T:Baby with the Bath Water
ABC     12 C1:040404003104040 C2:ududuuududuuudd M:6/8   K:Em           H:"C     T:Baby with the Bath Water
ABC      1 C1:777602671730000 C2:ddddudduduuuuud M:C     K:Bb           H:L      T:Bacach Buidhe na L\351ige
ABC      1 C1:777602671730000 C2:ddddudduduuuuud M:C     K:Bb           H:L      T:Bacach Buidhe Na Léige
ABC      1 C1:777602671730000 C2:ddddudduduuuuud M:C     K:Bb           H:L      T:Bacach Buidhe Na Léige
ABC      1 C1:071477676071206 C2:dududdddduudduu M:6/8   K:D            H:BLRZ   T:Bacac na cleite
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:6/8   K:D            H:LQV    T:The Bacagh of the Wattle
ABC    182 C1:071307676071206 C2:duuddddduudduuu M:6/8   K:D            H:BLQV   T:The Bacagh of the Wattle
ABC      1 C1:071477676071206 C2:dududdddduudduu M:6/8   K:D            H:BLRZ   T:Bacagh of the Wattle, The
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:6/8   K:Ddor         H:LS     T:Bacca Pipes [1]
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:6/8   K:Ddor         H:LS     T:Bacca Pipes [1]
ABC      1 C1:100002707702707 C2:uuddduddduddduu M:6/8   K:ADor         H:"LQR   T:Bacca Pipes
ABC      1 C1:000027077001077 C2:uddduddudduuddd M:6/8   K:ADor         H:ABLOQRS T:Bacca Pipes
ABC      1 C1:007011066003176 C2:duudduuddudddud M:6/8   K:ADor         H:ABCOQRS T:Bacca Pipes
ABC      1 C1:007011066003176 C2:duudduuddudddud M:6/8   K:Ador         H:BLOQSZ T:BACCA PIPES
ABC      1 C1:000000270077000 C2:uddduddudduuddd M:C     K:Ador         H:"BLORZ T:Bacca Pipes
ABC      1 C1:000000270077000 C2:uddduddudduuddd M:C     K:Ador         H:"BLORZ T:Bacca Pipes
ABC      1 C1:100002707702707 C2:uuddduddduddduu M:6/8   K:ADor         H:ABLOQRS T:Bacca Pipes
ABC      1 C1:000000270077000 C2:uddduddudduuddd M:C     K:Ador         H:"BLORZ T:Bacca Pipes
ABC      1 C1:000000270077000 C2:uddduddudduuddd M:C     K:Ador         H:"BLORZ T:Bacca Pipes
ABC      1 C1:000027077001077 C2:uddduddudduuddd M:6/8   K:Ador         H:"BLORZ T:Bacca Pipes
ABC      1 C1:000027077001077 C2:uddduddudduuddd M:6/8   K:Ador         H:"BLORZ T:Bacca Pipes
ABC      1 C1:000027077001077 C2:uddduddudduuddd M:6/8   K:Ador         H:"BLORZ T:Bacca Pipes
ABC      1 C1:000027077001077 C2:uddduddudduuddd M:6/8   K:Ador         H:"BLORZ T:Bacca Pipes
ABC      1 C1:000027077001077 C2:uddduddudduuddd M:6/8   K:Ador         H:"BLORZ T:Bacca Pipes
ABC      1 C1:000027077001077 C2:uddduddudduuddd M:6/8   K:Ador         H:"LORZ  T:Bacca Pipes
ABC      1 C1:000000270077000 C2:uddduddudduuddd M:C     K:Ador         H:"BLORZ T:Bacca Pipes
ABC      1 C1:000000270077000 C2:uddduddudduuddd M:C     K:Ador         H:"BLORZ T:Bacca Pipes
ABC      1 C1:000000270077000 C2:uddduddudduuddd M:C     K:Ador         H:"BLORZ T:Bacca Pipes
ABC      1 C1:000000270077000 C2:uddduddudduuddd M:C     K:Ador         H:"BLORZ T:Bacca Pipes
ABC      1 C1:077001077001077 C2:dduddudduudddud M:6/8   K:Ador         H:BLOQSZ T:BACCA PIPES
ABC     81 C1:100002707702707 C2:uuddduddduddduu M:6/8   K:ADor         H:"OR    T:Bacca Pipes
ABC      1 C1:066003176027066 C2:dduudduddduduud M:6/8   K:ADor         H:AOQRS  T:Bacca Pipes
ABC      3 C1:000027077001077 C2:uddduddudduuddd M:6/8   K:Ador         H:"BLORZ T:Bacca Pipes
ABC      3 C1:000027077001077 C2:uddduddudduuddd M:6/8   K:Ador         H:"BLORZ T:Bacca Pipes
ABC      3 C1:000027077001077 C2:uddduddudduuddd M:6/8   K:Ador         H:"BLORZ T:Bacca Pipes
ABC      1 C1:007011066003176 C2:duudduuddudddud M:6/8   K:ADor         H:ACORS  T:Bacca Pipes
ABC      9 C1:100002707702707 C2:uuddduddduddduu M:6/8   K:ADor         H:"LQR   T:Bacca Pipes
ABC      9 C1:100002707702707 C2:uuddduddduddduu M:6/8   K:ADor         H:"LQR   T:Bacca Pipes
ABC      9 C1:100002707702707 C2:uuddduddduddduu M:6/8   K:ADor         H:"LQR   T:Bacca Pipes
ABC    354 C1:007011066003176 C2:duudduuddudddud M:6/8   K:ADor         H:ACOQRS T:Bacca Pipes
ABC    354 C1:007011066003176 C2:duudduuddudddud M:6/8   K:ADor         H:ACOQRS T:Bacca Pipes
ABC    822 C1:007011066003176 C2:duudduuddudddud M:6/8   K:ADor         H:ACOQRS T:Bacca Pipes
ABC    823 C1:100002707702707 C2:uuddduddduddduu M:6/8   K:ADor         H:ALOQRS T:Bacca Pipes
ABC    824 C1:000027077001077 C2:uddduddudduuddd M:6/8   K:ADor         H:ALOQRS T:Bacca Pipes
ABC    825 C1:000027077027077 C2:uddduddduddduuu M:6/8   K:ADor         H:L      T:Bacca Pipes
ABC    822 C1:007011066003176 C2:duudduuddudddud M:6/8   K:ADor         H:ACOQRS T:Bacca Pipes
ABC    823 C1:100002707702707 C2:uuddduddduddduu M:6/8   K:ADor         H:ALOQRS T:Bacca Pipes
ABC    824 C1:000027077001077 C2:uddduddudduuddd M:6/8   K:ADor         H:ALOQRS T:Bacca Pipes
ABC    825 C1:000027077027077 C2:uddduddduddduuu M:6/8   K:ADor         H:L      T:Bacca Pipes
ABC    822 C1:007011066003176 C2:duudduuddudddud M:6/8   K:ADor         H:ACOQRS T:Bacca Pipes
ABC    823 C1:100002707702707 C2:uuddduddduddduu M:6/8   K:ADor         H:ALOQRS T:Bacca Pipes
ABC    824 C1:000027077001077 C2:uddduddudduuddd M:6/8   K:ADor         H:ALOQRS T:Bacca Pipes
ABC    825 C1:000027077027077 C2:uddduddduddduuu M:6/8   K:ADor         H:L      T:Bacca Pipes
ABC    822 C1:007011066003176 C2:duudduuddudddud M:6/8   K:ADor         H:ACOQRS T:Bacca Pipes
ABC    823 C1:100002707702707 C2:uuddduddduddduu M:6/8   K:ADor         H:ALOQRS T:Bacca Pipes
ABC    824 C1:000027077001077 C2:uddduddudduuddd M:6/8   K:ADor         H:ALOQRS T:Bacca Pipes
ABC    825 C1:000027077027077 C2:uddduddduddduuu M:6/8   K:ADor         H:L      T:Bacca Pipes
ABC    822 C1:007011066003176 C2:duudduuddudddud M:6/8   K:ADor         H:ACOQRS T:Bacca Pipes
ABC    823 C1:100002707702707 C2:uuddduddduddduu M:6/8   K:ADor         H:ALOQRS T:Bacca Pipes
ABC    824 C1:000027077001077 C2:uddduddudduuddd M:6/8   K:ADor         H:ALOQRS T:Bacca Pipes
ABC    825 C1:000027077027077 C2:uddduddduddduuu M:6/8   K:ADor         H:L      T:Bacca Pipes
ABC     10 C1:077001017077011 C2:dduuddduuuudddd M:6/8   K:G            H:AL     T:Bacca Pipes, Ascott
ABC     10 C1:077001017077011 C2:dduuddduuuudddd M:6/8   K:G            H:AL     T:Bacca Pipes, Ascott
ABC     10 C1:077001017077011 C2:dduuddduuuudddd M:6/8   K:G            H:AL     T:Bacca Pipes, Ascott
ABC     10 C1:077001017077011 C2:dduuddduuuudddd M:6/8   K:G            H:AL     T:Bacca Pipes, Ascott
ABC     10 C1:077001017077011 C2:dduuddduuuudddd M:6/8   K:G            H:AL     T:Bacca Pipes, Ascott
ABC     10 C1:077001017077011 C2:dduuddduuuudddd M:6/8   K:G            H:AL     T:Bacca Pipes, Ascott
ABC     10 C1:077001017077011 C2:dduuddduuuudddd M:6/8   K:G            H:AL     T:Bacca Pipes, Ascott
ABC     37 C1:007011066003176 C2:duudduuddudddud M:6/8   K:ADor         H:ALQ    T:Bacca Pipes, Bampton
ABC     37 C1:007011066003176 C2:duudduuddudddud M:6/8   K:ADor         H:ALQ    T:Bacca Pipes, Bampton
ABC     37 C1:007011066003176 C2:duudduuddudddud M:6/8   K:ADor         H:ALQ    T:Bacca Pipes, Bampton
ABC     37 C1:007011066003176 C2:duudduuddudddud M:6/8   K:ADor         H:ALQ    T:Bacca Pipes, Bampton
ABC     37 C1:007011066003176 C2:duudduuddudddud M:6/8   K:ADor         H:ALQ    T:Bacca Pipes, Bampton
ABC     37 C1:007011066003176 C2:duudduuddudddud M:6/8   K:ADor         H:ALQ    T:Bacca Pipes, Bampton
ABC     37 C1:007011066003176 C2:duudduuddudddud M:6/8   K:ADor         H:ALQ    T:Bacca Pipes, Bampton
ABC     38 C1:077001077001077 C2:dduddudduudddud M:6/8   K:ADor         H:ALQ    T:Bacca Pipes, Headington
ABC     38 C1:077001077001077 C2:dduddudduudddud M:6/8   K:ADor         H:ALQ    T:Bacca Pipes, Headington
ABC     38 C1:077001077001077 C2:dduddudduudddud M:6/8   K:ADor         H:ALQ    T:Bacca Pipes, Headington
ABC     38 C1:077001077001077 C2:dduddudduudddud M:6/8   K:ADor         H:ALQ    T:Bacca Pipes, Headington
ABC     38 C1:077001077001077 C2:dduddudduudddud M:6/8   K:ADor         H:ALQ    T:Bacca Pipes, Headington
ABC     38 C1:077001077001077 C2:dduddudduudddud M:6/8   K:ADor         H:ALQ    T:Bacca Pipes, Headington
ABC     38 C1:077001077001077 C2:dduddudduudddud M:6/8   K:ADor         H:ALQ    T:Bacca Pipes, Headington
ABC      1 C1:107111706071106 C2:uduuuddduuddudd M:6/8   K:ADOR         H:ALQ    T:Bacca Pipes, Hinton
ABC      1 C1:107111706071106 C2:uduuuddduuddudd M:6/8   K:ADOR         H:ALQ    T:Bacca Pipes, Hinton
ABC      1 C1:107111706071106 C2:uduuuddduuddudd M:6/8   K:ADOR         H:ALQ    T:Bacca Pipes, Hinton
ABC      1 C1:107111706071106 C2:uduuuddduuddudd M:6/8   K:ADOR         H:ALQ    T:Bacca Pipes, Hinton
ABC      1 C1:107111706071106 C2:uduuuddduuddudd M:6/8   K:ADOR         H:ALQ    T:Bacca Pipes, Hinton
ABC      1 C1:107111706071106 C2:uduuuddduuddudd M:6/8   K:ADOR         H:ALQ    T:Bacca Pipes, Hinton
ABC      1 C1:107111706071106 C2:uduuuddduuddudd M:6/8   K:ADOR         H:ALQ    T:Bacca Pipes, Hinton
ABC      1 C1:107111706071106 C2:uduuuddduuddudd M:6/8   K:ADOR         H:ALQ    T:Bacca Pipes, Hinton
ABC      1 C1:077001077001077 C2:dduddudduudddud M:6/8   K:G            H:       T:Bacca Pipes Jig
ABC     44 C1:770177030027770 C2:ddudduudddududu M:      K:G            H:"      T:Baccapipes Jig
ABC     44 C1:770177030027770 C2:ddudduudddududu M:      K:G            H:"      T:Baccapipes Jig
ABC     44 C1:770177030027770 C2:ddudduudddududu M:      K:G            H:"      T:Baccapipes Jig
ABC     44 C1:770177030027770 C2:ddudduudddududu M:      K:G            H:"      T:Baccapipes Jig
ABC     47 C1:050311071627061 C2:duuudududduuuud M:3/4   K:AM           H:BCLQWZ T:Bacchus and Apollo. SenH.047
ABC  11592 C1:000003020302002 C2:duuuuuddduduuud M:C     K:Bb           H:BCLQSZ T:BACCHUS AND MARS
ABC  11592 C1:000003020302002 C2:duuuuuddduduuud M:C     K:Bb           H:BCLQSZ T:BACCHUS AND MARS
ABC  11592 C1:000003020302002 C2:duuuuuddduduuud M:C     K:Bb           H:BCLQSZ T:BACCHUS AND MARS
ABC  11592 C1:000003020302002 C2:duuuuuddduduuud M:C     K:Bb           H:BCLQSZ T:BACCHUS AND MARS
ABC  11592 C1:000003020302002 C2:duuuuuddduduuud M:C     K:Bb           H:BCLQSZ T:BACCHUS AND MARS
ABC  11592 C1:000003020302002 C2:duuuuuddduduuud M:C     K:Bb           H:BCLQSZ T:BACCHUS AND MARS
ABC  11592 C1:000003020302002 C2:duuuuuddduduuud M:C     K:Bb           H:BCLQSZ T:BACCHUS AND MARS
ABC  11592 C1:000003020302002 C2:duuuuuddduduuud M:C     K:Bb           H:BCLQSZ T:BACCHUS AND MARS
ABC  11592 C1:000003020302002 C2:duuuuuddduduuud M:C     K:Bb           H:BCLQSZ T:BACCHUS AND MARS
ABC  11592 C1:000003020302002 C2:duuuuuddduduuud M:C     K:Bb           H:BCLQSZ T:BACCHUS AND MARS
ABC  11592 C1:000003020302002 C2:duuuuuddduduuud M:C     K:Bb           H:BCLQSZ T:BACCHUS AND MARS
ABC    148 C1:070107110403077 C2:duduududddddduu M:3/4   K:F            H:BLSZ   T:Bacchus Defeat
ABC    148 C1:070107110403077 C2:duduududddddduu M:3/4   K:F            H:BLSZ   T:Bacchus Defeat
ABC      1 C1:717243766006223 C2:duduududddddduu M:3/4   K:F            H:BLSZ   T:Bacchus Defeat
ABC      1 C1:717243766006223 C2:duduududddddduu M:3/4   K:F            H:BLSZ   T:Bacchus Defeat
ABC      1 C1:110403077777000 C2:uududddddduuudd M:3/4   K:F            H:BLRZ   T:Bacchus Defeat
ABC      1 C1:110403077777000 C2:uududddddduuudd M:3/4   K:F            H:BLRZ   T:Bacchus Defeat
ABC      1 C1:717243766006223 C2:duduududddddduu M:3/4   K:F            H:BLSZ   T:Bacchus Defeat
ABC      1 C1:717243766006223 C2:duduududddddduu M:3/4   K:F            H:BLSZ   T:Bacchus Defeat
ABC    148 C1:070107110403077 C2:duduududddddduu M:3/4   K:F            H:BLSZ   T:Bacchus Defeat
ABC    148 C1:070107110403077 C2:duduududddddduu M:3/4   K:F            H:BLSZ   T:Bacchus Defeat
ABC    148 C1:070107110403077 C2:duduududddddduu M:3/4   K:F            H:BLSZ   T:Bacchus Defeat
ABC    148 C1:070107110403077 C2:duduududddddduu M:3/4   K:F            H:BLSZ   T:Bacchus Defeat
ABC    148 C1:110403077777000 C2:uududddddduuudd M:3/4   K:F            H:BLQWZ  T:Bacchus Defeat. JJo1.148
ABC    148 C1:110403077777000 C2:uududddddduuudd M:3/4   K:F            H:BLQWZ  T:Bacchus Defeat. JJo1.148
ABC    201 C1:110403077777000 C2:uududddddduuudd M:3/4   K:F            H:BLQWZ  T:Bacchus Defeat. WCD3/2.201
ABC    201 C1:110403077777000 C2:uududddddduuudd M:3/4   K:F            H:BLQWZ  T:Bacchus Defeat. WCD3/2.201
ABC     76 C1:177711175041777 C2:uddduuudduudddu M:6/8   K:F            H:BLQZ   T:Bacchus's Feast. JJo3.076
ABC     76 C1:177711175041777 C2:uddduuudduudddu M:6/8   K:F            H:BLQZ   T:Bacchus's Feast. JJo3.076
ABC      1 C1:032320617032302 C2:duuuududdduuduu M:2/4   K:A            H:LRZ    T:Bacchus’ Favorite Jig
ABC      1 C1:032320617032302 C2:duuuududdduuduu M:2/4   K:A            H:LRZ    T:Bacchus’ Favorite Jig
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Bach - 1031 Tocatta bagpipe1(2:57)
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Bach - 1031 Tocatta bagpipe2(2:57)
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Bach - Air (2:24) 1st[Lute] {No Strings Attached - Laurelin}
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Bach - Air (2:24) 2nd[Lute] {No Strings Attached - Laurelin}
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Bach - Air (2:24) 3rd[Lute] {No Strings Attached - Laurelin}
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQ     T:Bach - Air on G string [Genwen, Meneldor]
ABC      4 C1:011771771763011 C2:uudduddudduuuud M:2/4   K:G            H:LSZ    T:Búachallán Buídhe
ABC     18 C1:000020000063070 C2:ududddudududuud M:2/4   K:Gm           H:CDLOQV T:Bacharzar Harabbi
ABC     22 C1:000020000063070 C2:ududddudududuud M:2/4   K:Gm           H:CDLOQV T:Bacharzar Harabbi
ABC     18 C1:000020000063070 C2:ududddudududuud M:2/4   K:Gm           H:CDLOQV T:Bacharzar Harabbi
ABC     22 C1:000020000063070 C2:ududddudududuud M:2/4   K:Gm           H:CDLOQV T:Bacharzar Harabbi
ABC   1001 C1:000020000063070 C2:ududddudududuud M:2/4   K:Gm           H:CDLOQV T:Bacharzar Harabbi
ABC   1001 C1:000020000063070 C2:ududddudududuud M:2/4   K:Gm           H:CDLOQV T:Bacharzar Harabbi
ABC     22 C1:000020000063070 C2:ududddudududuud M:2/4   K:Gm           H:CDLOQV T:Bacharzar Harabbi
ABC     22 C1:000020000063070 C2:ududddudududuud M:2/4   K:Gm           H:CDLOQV T:Bacharzar Harabbi
ABC     22 C1:000020000063070 C2:ududddudududuud M:2/4   K:Gm           H:CDLOQV T:Bacharzar Harabbi
ABC     22 C1:000020000063070 C2:ududddudududuud M:2/4   K:Gm           H:CDLOQV T:Bacharzar Harabbi
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Bach Bouree (1:30)
ABC     59 C1:047107070304001 C2:dduuddduudduudd M:4/4   K:G            H:CLQW   T:Bach, Bouree
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Bach Cantata Sinfonia (3:30)
ABC      1 C1:047107070716051 C2:dduuddudduudduu M:4/4   K:G            H:L      T:Bach Cello Bourree 1
ABC      1 C1:077701017777777 C2:ddduuddddddduud M:4/4   K:Bb           H:L      T:Bach Cello Bourree 2
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Bach Crab Canon (0:36)
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Bach Crab Canon (0:36)
ABC      1 C1:223666246777652 C2:uuudddududddddu M:4/4   K:Bm           H:LQ     T:Bach double
ABC      2 C1:770201610606117 C2:dduududduududdu M:      K:F            H:LWZw   T:Bache bene venies
ABC     59 C1:770201610606117 C2:dduududduududdu M:      K:F            H:LWZw   T:Bache bene venies
ABC     60 C1:770201610606117 C2:dduududduududdu M:      K:C            H:LWZw   T:Bache bene venies
ABC      3 C1:111777176712671 C2:uuuddduddduuddu M:4/4   K:G            H:LQSW   T:Bachelor, The
ABC    974 C1:111777176712671 C2:uuuddduddduuddu M:4/4   K:G            H:QS     T:Bachelor, The
ABC    974 C1:111777176712671 C2:uuuddduddduuddu M:4/4   K:G            H:QS     T:Bachelor, The
ABC    974 C1:111777176712671 C2:uuuddduddduuddu M:4/4   K:G            H:QS     T:Bachelor, The
ABC    974 C1:111777176712671 C2:uuuddduddduuddu M:4/4   K:G            H:QS     T:Bachelor, The
ABC    230 C1:000002020407020 C2:uudduuuddduudud M:3/4   K:Bb           H:ABLOQZ T:Bachelor's Hall. EHo.230
ABC    578 C1:002247200006000 C2:uudduuduuddduud M:6/8   K:C            H:BLQZ   T:Bachelors Hall. Roose.0580
ABC      1 C1:176011670662237 C2:udddduuuddudddd M:2/4   K:G            H:LRSZ   T:Bachelors of Every Nation
ABC      1 C1:407625434005322 C2:ddduududduuuudd M:      K:Bmin         H:LR     T:Bachelor's Walk
ABC      1 C1:331165522311666 C2:uuuuddduuuuuddd M:4/4   K:G            H:"CDLOQRSZ T:The Bachelor / The Bashful Bachelor
ABC      1 C1:004001111030767 C2:duuuuuddduddduu M:4/4   K:Ador         H:LR     T:Bachelor’s Walk #2
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Bach English Suite No3 Allemande (2:53)
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Bach Fantasia (2:21)
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Bach Fantasia Lute (2:21)
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Bach Fugue Lute (3:30)
ABC      1 C1:020203010107027 C2:uuuuududddddddu M:12/8  K:Dm           H:LQ     T:Bach Giga
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Bach Gute Nacht BWV227 Lute 1 (2:57)
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Bach Gute Nacht BWV227 Lute 2 (2:57)
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Bach Gute Nacht BWV227 Lute 3 (2:57)
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Bach Ich Ruf Zu Dir Herr Jesu Christ (1:22)
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQ     T:Bach - Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring (Bass) [Dalthyn of Landroval]
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQ     T:Bach - Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring (Flute) [Dalthyn of Landroval]
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQ     T:Bach - Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring (Lute) [Dalthyn of Landroval]
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:2/4   K:C            H:Q      T:Bach, J.S. - Partita in C minor, BWV 826 (2:34) - Lute
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Bach Konzert No2 Allegro (4:16)
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Bach Loss Mein Merz (3:07)
ABC      4 C1:071601030707000 C2:duduuddduddddud M:3/4   K:G            H:"CL    T:Bach Minuet 1
ABC      4 C1:000006071601030 C2:dduduuddduddddu M:3/4   K:G            H:"CL    T:Bach Minuet 1
ABC      4 C1:071601030707000 C2:duduuddduddddud M:3/4   K:G            H:"CL    T:Bach Minuet 1
ABC      4 C1:071601030707000 C2:duduuddduddddud M:3/4   K:G            H:"CL    T:Bach Minuet 1
ABC      4 C1:071601030707000 C2:duduuddduddddud M:3/4   K:G            H:"CL    T:Bach Minuet 1
ABC      4 C1:071601030707000 C2:duduuddduddddud M:3/4   K:G            H:"CL    T:Bach Minuet 1
ABC      4 C1:071601030707000 C2:duduuddduddddud M:3/4   K:G            H:"L     T:Bach Minuet 1 (J. S. Bach 1685-1750)
ABC      4 C1:071601030707000 C2:duduuddduddddud M:3/4   K:G            H:"L     T:Bach Minuet 1 (J. S. Bach 1685-1750)
ABC      4 C1:071601030707000 C2:duduuddduddddud M:3/4   K:G            H:"L     T:Bach Minuet 1 (J. S. Bach 1685-1750)
ABC      4 C1:071601030707000 C2:duduuddduddddud M:3/4   K:G            H:"L     T:Bach Minuet 1 (J. S. Bach 1685-1750)
ABC      4 C1:071601030707000 C2:duduuddduddddud M:3/4   K:G            H:"L     T:Bach Minuet 1 (J. S. Bach 1685-1750)
ABC      4 C1:071601030707000 C2:duduuddduddddud M:3/4   K:G            H:"L     T:Bach Minuet 1 (J. S. Bach 1685-1750)
ABC      1 C1:223251010000223 C2:uuuduuduuuduudu M:3/4   K:G            H:"CL    T:Bach Minuet 2
ABC      5 C1:010000223251010 C2:duuuduuduududud M:3/4   K:G            H:"CL    T:Bach Minuet 2
ABC      5 C1:223251010000223 C2:uuuduuduuuduudu M:3/4   K:G            H:"CL    T:Bach Minuet 2
ABC      5 C1:223251010000223 C2:uuuduuduuuduudu M:3/4   K:G            H:"CL    T:Bach Minuet 2
ABC      5 C1:223251010000223 C2:uuuduuduuuduudu M:3/4   K:G            H:"CL    T:Bach Minuet 2
ABC      5 C1:223251010000223 C2:uuuduuduuuduudu M:3/4   K:G            H:"CL    T:Bach Minuet 2
ABC      5 C1:010000223251010 C2:duuuduuduududud M:3/4   K:G            H:"L     T:Bach Minuet 2 (J. S. Bach 1685-1750)
ABC      5 C1:010000223251010 C2:duuuduuduududud M:3/4   K:G            H:"L     T:Bach Minuet 2 (J. S. Bach 1685-1750)
ABC      5 C1:010000223251010 C2:duuuduuduududud M:3/4   K:G            H:"L     T:Bach Minuet 2 (J. S. Bach 1685-1750)
ABC      5 C1:010000223251010 C2:duuuduuduududud M:3/4   K:G            H:"L     T:Bach Minuet 2 (J. S. Bach 1685-1750)
ABC      5 C1:010000223251010 C2:duuuduuduududud M:3/4   K:G            H:"L     T:Bach Minuet 2 (J. S. Bach 1685-1750)
ABC      5 C1:010000223251010 C2:duuuduuduududud M:3/4   K:G            H:"L     T:Bach Minuet 2 (J. S. Bach 1685-1750)
ABC      6 C1:041111040005061 C2:duuuududuuuuduu M:3/4   K:G            H:"CL    T:Bach Minuet 3
ABC      6 C1:041111040005061 C2:duuuududuuuuduu M:3/4   K:G            H:"CL    T:Bach Minuet 3
ABC      6 C1:040005061111010 C2:duduuuuduuddduu M:3/4   K:G            H:"CL    T:Bach Minuet 3
ABC      6 C1:041111040005061 C2:duuuududuuuuduu M:3/4   K:G            H:"CL    T:Bach Minuet 3
ABC      6 C1:041111040005061 C2:duuuududuuuuduu M:3/4   K:G            H:"CL    T:Bach Minuet 3
ABC      6 C1:041111040005061 C2:duuuududuuuuduu M:3/4   K:G            H:"CL    T:Bach Minuet 3
ABC      6 C1:041111040005061 C2:duuuududuuuuduu M:3/4   K:G            H:"CL    T:Bach Minuet 3
ABC      6 C1:040005061111010 C2:duduuuuduuddduu M:3/4   K:G            H:"L     T:Bach Minuet 3 (J. S. Bach 1685-1750) %%X:5 WJ 2015
ABC      6 C1:040005061111010 C2:duduuuuduuddduu M:3/4   K:G            H:"L     T:Bach Minuet 3 (J. S. Bach 1685-1750) %%X:5 WJ 2015
ABC      6 C1:040005061111010 C2:duduuuuduuddduu M:3/4   K:G            H:"L     T:Bach Minuet 3 (J. S. Bach 1685-1750)
ABC      6 C1:040005061111010 C2:duduuuuduuddduu M:3/4   K:G            H:"L     T:Bach Minuet 3 (J. S. Bach 1685-1750)
ABC      6 C1:040005061111010 C2:duduuuuduuddduu M:3/4   K:G            H:"L     T:Bach Minuet 3 (J. S. Bach 1685-1750)
ABC      6 C1:040005061111010 C2:duduuuuduuddduu M:3/4   K:G            H:"L     T:Bach Minuet 3 (J. S. Bach 1685-1750) %%X:5 WJ 2015
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Bach Minuete(1:37)
ABC      1 C1:040005061111010 C2:duduuuuduuddduu M:3/4   K:G            H:"LV    T:Bach Minuet in G (1)
ABC      1 C1:010000223251010 C2:duuuduuduududud M:3/4   K:G            H:"LV    T:Bach minuet in G (2)
ABC      1 C1:040003011111000 C2:duduuuuuuddduud M:3/4   K:Gm           H:"LV    T:Bach Minuet in Gm
ABC      1 C1:000400042332000 C2:ududuuududuuudu M:2/4   K:G            H:CL     T:Bach musette
ABC      1 C1:001171230007070 C2:uuduuudddududdd M:3/4   K:Am           H:"CL    T:Bach-polsen
ABC      1 C1:001171230007070 C2:uuduuudddududdd M:3/4   K:Am           H:"CL    T:Bach-polsen
ABC      1 C1:001171230007070 C2:uuduuudddududdd M:3/4   K:Am           H:"CL    T:Bach-polsen
ABC      1 C1:001171230007070 C2:uuduuudddududdd M:3/4   K:Am           H:"CLV   T:Bach-polsen
ABC      1 C1:001171230007070 C2:uuduuudddududdd M:3/4   K:Am           H:"CLV   T:Bach-polsen
ABC      1 C1:001171230007070 C2:uuduuudddududdd M:3/4   K:Am           H:"CLV   T:Bach-polsen
ABC      1 C1:001171230007070 C2:uuduuudddududdd M:3/4   K:Am           H:"CL    T:Bach-polsen
ABC      2 C1:001171230007070 C2:uuduuudddududdd M:3/4   K:Am           H:"CLV   T:Bach-polsen
ABC      1 C1:001171230007070 C2:uuduuudddududdd M:3/4   K:Am           H:"CL    T:Bach-polsen
ABC      2 C1:001171230007070 C2:uuduuudddududdd M:3/4   K:Am           H:"CLV   T:Bach-polsen
ABC      1 C1:001171230007070 C2:uuduuudddududdd M:3/4   K:Am           H:"CL    T:Bach-polsen
ABC      2 C1:001171230007070 C2:uuduuudddududdd M:3/4   K:Am           H:"CLV   T:Bach-polsen
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Bach - Prelude and Fugue in C Major
ABC      1 C1:265356266265355 C2:udduddudduddudd M:3/8   K:Gdor         H:LQ     T:Bach presto
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Bach Sanctify Us By Thy Goodness (2:33)
ABC      1 C1:030607605060500 C2:ddudddududududu M:2/4   K:C            H:LR     T:Bach's "Badinerie", by Iorianeth of Arkenstone
ABC      1 C1:371566111117777 C2:ududdduuuuudddd M:      K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:Bach's Frolics
ABC   0706 C1:000001777000006 C2:udddduuduuddddd M:C     K:C            H:ILQZ   T:Bach's March.
ABC   0706 C1:000001777000006 C2:udddduuduuddddd M:C     K:C            H:ILQZ   T:Bach's March.
ABC   0706 C1:000001777000006 C2:udddduuduuddddd M:C     K:C            H:ILQZ   T:Bach's March.
ABC   0706 C1:000001777000006 C2:udddduuduuddddd M:C     K:C            H:ILQZ   T:Bach's March.
ABC   0706 C1:000001777000006 C2:udddduuduuddddd M:C     K:C            H:ILQZ   T:Bach's March.
ABC   0706 C1:000001777000006 C2:udddduuduuddddd M:C     K:C            H:ILQZ   T:Bach's March.
ABC   0706 C1:000001777000006 C2:udddduuduuddddd M:C     K:C            H:ILQZ   T:Bach's March.
ABC   0706 C1:000001777000006 C2:udddduuduuddddd M:C     K:C            H:ILQZ   T:Bach's March.
ABC   0706 C1:000001777000006 C2:udddduuduuddddd M:C     K:C            H:ILQZ   T:Bach's March.
ABC   4106 C1:000001777000006 C2:udddduuduuddddd M:C     K:C            H:BCLRSZ T:Bach's March [C]
ABC   4106 C1:000001777000006 C2:udddduuduuddddd M:C     K:C            H:BCLRSZ T:Bach's March [C]
ABC   4106 C1:000001777000006 C2:udddduuduuddddd M:C     K:C            H:BCLRSZ T:Bach's March [C]
ABC   4106 C1:000001777000006 C2:udddduuduuddddd M:C     K:C            H:BCLRSZ T:Bach's March [C]
ABC   4106 C1:000001777000006 C2:udddduuduuddddd M:C     K:C            H:BCLRSZ T:Bach's March [C]
ABC   4106 C1:000001777000006 C2:udddduuduuddddd M:C     K:G            H:BCLRSZ T:Bach's March [G]
ABC   4106 C1:000001777000006 C2:udddduuduuddddd M:C     K:G            H:BCLRSZ T:Bach's March [G]
ABC   4106 C1:000001777000006 C2:udddduuduuddddd M:C     K:G            H:BCLRSZ T:Bach's March [G]
ABC   4106 C1:000001777000006 C2:udddduuduuddddd M:C     K:G            H:BCLRSZ T:Bach's March [G]
ABC   4106 C1:000001777000006 C2:udddduuduuddddd M:C     K:G            H:BCLRSZ T:Bach's March [G]
ABC      1 C1:040005771111030 C2:dudduuuudduuddd M:3/4   K:G            H:"CDLQZ T:Bach's Menuet (G major)
ABC      1 C1:001111126775003 C2:uuuuududdudddud M:4/4   K:F            H:LQ     T:Bach Sonata 4 Violin
ABC    271 C1:344332007072776 C2:dududuuduuddddd M:3/4   K:Bb           H:"LRW   T:Bachstelzen-Walzer BbEb (wz06633)
ABC    271 C1:344332007072776 C2:dududuuduuddddd M:3/4   K:Bb           H:"LORW  T:Bachstelzen-Walzer BbEb (wz06633)
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:4/4   K:C            H:Q      T:Bachs Toccata and Fugue in D Minor (8:26) - Lute
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:4/4   K:C            H:Q      T:Bachs Toccata and Fugue in D Minor (8:26) - Lute
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Bach Suite No2 Polonaise (3:10)
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Bach Suite No2 Polonaise Lute (3:10)
ABC      1 C1:000001777000006 C2:udddduuduuddddd M:C     K:C            H:BLRZ   T:Bach’s March
ABC      1 C1:000001777000006 C2:udddduuduuddddd M:C     K:C            H:BLRZ   T:Bach’s March
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Bach Two Part Invention 2Guitars No10 (1:05)
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Bach Two Part Invention 2Guitars No1 (1:38)
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Bach Two Part Invention No2 (1:26)
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Bach Two Part Invention No3 (1:12)
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Bach Two Part Invention No5 (1:44)
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Bach Two Part Invention No7 (1:22)
ABC      1 C1:000171000070000 C2:udududddduuudud M:2/4   K:G            H:FLORS  T:Bachuan hozi
ABC      1 C1:000171000070000 C2:udududddduuudud M:2/4   K:G            H:FLORS  T:Bachuan hozi
ABC      1 C1:000171000070000 C2:udududddduuudud M:2/4   K:G            H:FLORS  T:Bachuan hozi
ABC     35 C1:007000017000076 C2:dudddduuududddu M:2/4   K:G            H:LORS   T:Bachuan hozi
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Bach Wie Soll Ich (0:49)
ABC    194 C1:665353233261264 C2:dddudduuuuduudd M:6/8   K:G            H:CLRZ   T:The Back-40 Jig
ABC  16442 C1:665353233261264 C2:dddudduuuuduudd M:6/8   K:G            H:CLR    T:The Back-40 Jig
ABC  16442 C1:665353233261264 C2:dddudduuuuduudd M:6/8   K:G            H:CLR    T:The Back-40 Jig
ABC  16442 C1:665353233261264 C2:dddudduuuuduudd M:6/8   K:G            H:CLR    T:The Back-40 Jig
ABC  16442 C1:665353233261264 C2:dddudduuuuduudd M:6/8   K:G            H:CLR    T:The Back-40 Jig
ABC  07008 C1:267053012671267 C2:uddduuudduudduu M:6/8   K:Em           H:BCLZ   T:BACK AGAIN
ABC  07008 C1:267053012671267 C2:uddduuudduudduu M:6/8   K:Em           H:BCLZ   T:BACK AGAIN
ABC  07008 C1:267053012671267 C2:uddduuudduudduu M:6/8   K:Em           H:BCLZ   T:BACK AGAIN
ABC  07008 C1:267053012671267 C2:uddduuudduudduu M:6/8   K:Em           H:BCLZ   T:BACK AGAIN
ABC  07008 C1:267053012671267 C2:uddduuudduudduu M:6/8   K:Em           H:BCLZ   T:BACK AGAIN
ABC  07008 C1:267053012671267 C2:uddduuudduudduu M:6/8   K:Em           H:BCLZ   T:BACK AGAIN
ABC  07008 C1:267053012671267 C2:uddduuudduudduu M:6/8   K:Em           H:BCLZ   T:BACK AGAIN
ABC  07008 C1:267053012671267 C2:uddduuudduudduu M:6/8   K:Em           H:BCLZ   T:BACK AGAIN
ABC     17 C1:022062177077000 C2:uuduudddddduuuu M:6/8   K:G            H:"BLOS  T:Backblock Shearer
ABC    549 C1:000100070006000 C2:udduudduudduudd M:2/4   K:F            H:LOR    T:BACKE BACKE KUCHEN
ABC  65007 C1:660021011071071 C2:dduuuududuuuddd M:6/8   K:D            H:CLQR   T:BACKED INTO A CORNER
ABC  65007 C1:660021011071071 C2:dduuuududuuuddd M:6/8   K:D            H:CLQR   T:BACKED INTO A CORNER
ABC  65007 C1:660021011071071 C2:dduuuududuuuddd M:6/8   K:D            H:CLQR   T:BACKED INTO A CORNER
ABC      7 C1:661111660021011 C2:dduuuudduuuudud M:6/8   K:D            H:CLR    T:Backed Into A Corner
ABC      1 C1:220307270561022 C2:uuuuudududduuuu M:3/4   K:G            H:"L     T:Backen
ABC      4 C1:226622613427602 C2:uudduuuduududdu M:C|    K:G            H:FLSVWZ T:The Back Eyed Milkmaid
ABC      4 C1:226622613427602 C2:uudduuuduududdu M:C|    K:G            H:FLSVWZ T:The Back Eyed Milkmaid
ABC      4 C1:226622613427602 C2:uudduuuduududdu M:C|    K:G            H:FLSVWZ T:The Back Eyed Milkmaid
ABC      4 C1:226622613427602 C2:uudduuuduududdu M:C|    K:G            H:FLSVWZ T:The Back Eyed Milkmaid
ABC    198 C1:237272067206167 C2:uudududdududddu M:2/4   K:F            H:"LRW   T:Backfischen (Schottisch) FCBb (st06446) ABACD
ABC    198 C1:237272067206167 C2:uudududdududddu M:2/4   K:F            H:"LORW  T:Backfischen (Schottisch) FCBb (st06446) ABACD
ABC 185104 C1:173676267722766 C2:ududdduudduuddd M:2/4   K:D            H:CLR    T:BACK GARDEN* (polka), The
ABC 185104 C1:173676267722766 C2:ududdduudduuddd M:2/4   K:D            H:CLR    T:BACK GARDEN* (polka), The
ABC 185104 C1:173676267722766 C2:ududdduudduuddd M:2/4   K:D            H:CLR    T:BACK GARDEN* (polka), The
ABC      0 C1:714174714173624 C2:dududududududud M:6/8   K:Hp           H:BCLQRSZ T:The Back Grace Note Jig
ABC  16441 C1:714174714173624 C2:dududududududud M:6/8   K:Hp           H:BCLQRSZ T:The Back Grace Note Jig
ABC  16441 C1:714174714173624 C2:dududududududud M:6/8   K:Hp           H:BCLQRSZ T:The Back Grace Note Jig
ABC  16441 C1:714174714173624 C2:dududududududud M:6/8   K:Hp           H:BCLQRSZ T:The Back Grace Note Jig
ABC  16441 C1:714174714173624 C2:dududududududud M:6/8   K:Hp           H:BCLQRSZ T:The Back Grace Note Jig
ABC      1 C1:171417471417362 C2:udududududududu M:6/8   K:HP           H:CLQS   T:The Back Gracenote Jig "CYMRU"
ABC      1 C1:171417471417362 C2:udududududududu M:6/8   K:HP           H:CLQS   T:The Back Gracenote Jig "CYMRU"
ABC      1 C1:171417471417362 C2:udududududududu M:6/8   K:HP           H:CLQS   T:The Back Gracenote Jig "CYMRU"
ABC      1 C1:657661002771660 C2:duddduudduddduu M:      K:Amaj         H:LR     T:The Back Hill
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Back Home Again in Indiana (Harp) (1:36)
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Back Home Again in Indiana (Lute) (1:36)
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Back Home Again in Indiana (Lute Solo) (2:59)
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Back Home Again in Indiana (Theorbo) (1:36)
ABC      1 C1:000177600002007 C2:uddduddduduuudd M:3/4   K:C            H:L      T:Back Home in Derry
ABC      1 C1:000177600002007 C2:uddduddduduuudd M:3/4   K:C            H:L      T:Back Home in Derry
ABC      1 C1:000177600002007 C2:uddduddduduuudd M:3/4   K:C            H:L      T:Back Home in Derry
ABC      1 C1:000177600002007 C2:uddduddduduuudd M:3/4   K:G            H:CLW    T:Back Home in Derry
ABC      2 C1:000177600002007 C2:uddduddduduuudd M:3/4   K:F            H:CLW    T:Back Home in Derry
ABC      1 C1:000177600002007 C2:uddduddduduuudd M:3/4   K:G            H:CLW    T:Back Home in Derry
ABC      2 C1:000177600002007 C2:uddduddduduuudd M:3/4   K:F            H:CLW    T:Back Home in Derry
ABC      1 C1:000177600002007 C2:uddduddduduuudd M:3/4   K:G            H:CLW    T:Back Home in Derry
ABC      2 C1:000177600002007 C2:uddduddduduuudd M:3/4   K:F            H:CLW    T:Back Home in Derry
ABC      1 C1:000177600002007 C2:uddduddduduuudd M:3/4   K:G            H:CLW    T:Back Home in Derry
ABC      2 C1:000177600002007 C2:uddduddduduuudd M:3/4   K:F            H:CLW    T:Back Home in Derry
ABC      1 C1:000177600002007 C2:uddduddduduuudd M:3/4   K:C            H:FL     T:Back Home in Derry
ABC     78 C1:000000010707060 C2:uddduddduduuudd M:3/4   K:Ador         H:CLQRWZ T:Back Home in Derry
ABC     78 C1:000000010707060 C2:uddduddduduuudd M:3/4   K:Ador         H:CLQRWZ T:Back Home in Derry
ABC     16 C1:016140410216026 C2:uddduduuudddudd M:2/4   K:Eb           H:CLRZ   T:Back Home Schottische
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:back in black (4:09)
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:back in black (4:10)
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Back In Black - AC/DC - LUTE
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Back In Black - AC/DC - LUTE
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Back In Black - AC/DC - LUTE
ABC     41 C1:100000000000000 C2:duududdududdduu M:16/16 K:C            H:LQZ    T:Back in the High Life, Bagpipes, 4:45 S. Windwood and W. Jennings
ABC     41 C1:100000000000000 C2:duududdududdduu M:      K:C            H:QZ     T:Back in the High Life, Bagpipes, 4:45 S. Windwood and W. Jennings
ABC     71 C1:305030004000500 C2:dududduduududud M:16/16 K:C            H:LQZ    T:Back in the High Life, Clarinet, 4:45 S. Windwood and W. Jennings
ABC     71 C1:305030004000500 C2:dududduduududud M:      K:C            H:QZ     T:Back in the High Life, Clarinet, 4:45 S. Windwood and W. Jennings
ABC      1 C1:000100050000040 C2:uuduududuuuduud M:16/16 K:C            H:LQZ    T:Back in the High Life, Drums, 4:45 S. Windwood and W. Jennings
ABC      1 C1:000100050000040 C2:uuduududuuuduud M:      K:C            H:QZ     T:Back in the High Life, Drums, 4:45 S. Windwood and W. Jennings
ABC     51 C1:535300000500000 C2:dudududududdudu M:16/16 K:C            H:LQZ    T:Back in the High Life, Flute, 4:45 S. Windwood and W. Jennings
ABC     51 C1:535300000500000 C2:dudududududdudu M:      K:C            H:QZ     T:Back in the High Life, Flute, 4:45 S. Windwood and W. Jennings
ABC     21 C1:000007000100000 C2:udduddduudududu M:16/16 K:C            H:LQZ    T:Back in the High Life, Harp, opt, 4:45 S. Windwood and W. Jennings
ABC     21 C1:000007000100000 C2:udduddduudududu M:      K:C            H:QZ     T:Back in the High Life, Harp, opt, 4:45 S. Windwood and W. Jennings
ABC     61 C1:000000000030000 C2:uuduuuduuduuduu M:16/16 K:C            H:LQZ    T:Back in the High Life, Horn, 4:45 S. Windwood and W. Jennings
ABC     61 C1:000000000030000 C2:uuduuuduuduuduu M:      K:C            H:QZ     T:Back in the High Life, Horn, 4:45 S. Windwood and W. Jennings
ABC     11 C1:000000000000000 C2:dududududududud M:16/16 K:C            H:LQZ    T:Back in the High Life, Lute, 4:45 S. Windwood and W. Jennings
ABC     11 C1:000000000000000 C2:dududududududud M:      K:C            H:QZ     T:Back in the High Life, Lute, 4:45 S. Windwood and W. Jennings
ABC     31 C1:700000001000000 C2:dududududududud M:16/16 K:C            H:LQZ    T:Back in the High Life, Theorbo, 4:45 S. Windwood and W. Jennings
ABC     31 C1:700000001000000 C2:dududududududud M:      K:C            H:QZ     T:Back in the High Life, Theorbo, 4:45 S. Windwood and W. Jennings
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Back In The Village - [Cytheria] (4:51)
ABC    325 C1:600071111616161 C2:dduuuududududud M:C|    K:D            H:"CL    T:Back Issues
ABC    325 C1:600071111616161 C2:dduuuududududud M:C|    K:D            H:"CL    T:Back Issues
ABC    325 C1:600071111616161 C2:dduuuududududud M:C|    K:D            H:"CL    T:Back Issues
ABC      1 C1:000203070001000 C2:uudududduduuddd M:4/4   K:D            H:BCLQVZ T:Back Lane
ABC      1 C1:000203070001000 C2:uudududduduuddd M:4/4   K:D            H:BCLQVWZ T:Back Lane
ABC      1 C1:070605070702070 C2:ddududduuududdd M:3/4   K:Gm           H:"L     T:Backmans Lat
ABC    882 C1:001712110000077 C2:uduuuuddudduudd M:4/4   K:D            H:LSZ    T:Back o' Benachie, The
ABC    882 C1:001712110000077 C2:uduuuuddudduudd M:4/4   K:D            H:LSZ    T:Back o' Benachie, The
ABC    491 C1:001200110000077 C2:uuuuddudduudddd M:4/4   K:D            H:"CILRZ T:Back o' Bennachie
ABC    491 C1:001200110000077 C2:uuuuddudduudddd M:4/4   K:D            H:"CILRZ T:Back o' Bennachie
ABC    491 C1:001200110000077 C2:uuuuddudduudddd M:4/4   K:D            H:"CILRZ T:Back o' Bennachie
ABC      1 C1:400320071007001 C2:duduuuuddudduud M:C|    K:HP           H:CLQS   T:The Back of Benachie "CYMRU"
ABC      1 C1:400320071007001 C2:duduuuuddudduud M:C|    K:HP           H:CLQS   T:The Back of Benachie "CYMRU"
ABC      1 C1:400320071007001 C2:duduuuuddudduud M:C|    K:HP           H:CLQS   T:The Back of Benachie "CYMRU"
ABC      0 C1:                C2:                M:C     K:             H:CLRZ   T:Back of Bennachie
ABC     74 C1:625776256212176 C2:duudddudduuuudd M:C     K:D            H:BLQZ   T:Back of Change. House Roose.0074
ABC      5 C1:772712117721653 C2:dduduuuudduuddu M:C|    K:D            H:"BCLR  T:Back Off
ABC     13 C1:772712117721653 C2:dduduuuudduuddu M:C|    K:D            H:"BCLR  T:Back Off
ABC     13 C1:772712117721653 C2:dduduuuudduuddu M:C|    K:D            H:"BCLR  T:Back Off
ABC     13 C1:772712117721653 C2:dduduuuudduuddu M:C|    K:D            H:"BCLR  T:Back Off
ABC     10 C1:772712117721653 C2:dduduuuudduuddu M:C|    K:D            H:"BCLR  T:Back Off
ABC     13 C1:772712117721653 C2:dduduuuudduuddu M:C|    K:D            H:"BCLR  T:Back Off
ABC     13 C1:772712117721653 C2:dduduuuudduuddu M:C|    K:D            H:"BCLR  T:Back Off
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:4/4   K:Ddor         H:LRS    T:Back of the Change [1]
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:4/4   K:Ddor         H:LRS    T:Back of the Change [1]
ABC      1 C1:007650510071307 C2:ddududuuddududd M:C|    K:Ddor         H:BRZ    T:Back of the Change, The
ABC      1 C1:007130760076505 C2:duuddddududuudd M:4/4   K:Am           H:CILQR  T:The Back of the Change
ABC      1 C1:007130760076505 C2:duuddddududuudd M:4/4   K:Am           H:CILQR  T:The Back of the Change
ABC      1 C1:007650510071307 C2:ddududuuddududd M:4/4   K:Ddor         H:LRS    T:Back of the Change
ABC    135 C1:007650510071307 C2:ddududuuddududd M:4/4   K:Dm           H:LRS    T:Back of the Change
ABC    265 C1:007650510071307 C2:ddududuuddududd M:C|    K:Ddor         H:BRZ    T:Back of the Change, The
ABC    265 C1:007650510071307 C2:ddududuuddududd M:C|    K:Ddor         H:BRZ    T:Back of the Change, The
ABC    265 C1:007650510071307 C2:ddududuuddududd M:C|    K:Ddor         H:BHRZ   T:Back of the Change, The
ABC    265 C1:007650510071307 C2:ddududuuddududd M:C|    K:Ddor         H:BHRZ   T:Back of the Change, The
ABC    976 C1:007650510071307 C2:ddududuuddududd M:C|    K:Ddor         H:BRZ    T:Back of the Change, The
ABC    265 C1:007650510071307 C2:ddududuuddududd M:C|    K:Ddor         H:BRZ    T:Back of the Change, The
ABC    265 C1:007650510071307 C2:ddududuuddududd M:C|    K:Ddor         H:BRZ    T:Back of the Change, The
ABC    265 C1:007650510071307 C2:ddududuuddududd M:C|    K:Ddor         H:BRZ    T:Back of the Change, The
ABC    265 C1:007650510071307 C2:ddududuuddududd M:C|    K:Ddor         H:BRZ    T:Back of the Change, The
ABC    265 C1:007650510071307 C2:ddududuuddududd M:C|    K:Ddor         H:BRZ    T:Back of the Change, The
ABC    265 C1:007650510071307 C2:ddududuuddududd M:C|    K:Ddor         H:BRZ    T:Back of the Change, The
ABC    265 C1:007650510071307 C2:ddududuuddududd M:C|    K:Ddor         H:BRZ    T:Back of the Change, The
ABC    355 C1:007650510071307 C2:ddududuuddududd M:C|    K:Ddor         H:BOR    T:Back of the Change, The
ABC    355 C1:007650510071307 C2:ddududuuddududd M:C|    K:Ddor         H:BOR    T:Back of the Change, The
ABC    976 C1:007650510071307 C2:ddududuuddududd M:C|    K:Ddor         H:BRZ    T:Back of the Change, The
ABC    976 C1:007650510071307 C2:ddududuuddududd M:C|    K:Ddor         H:BRZ    T:Back of the Change, The
ABC    976 C1:007650510071307 C2:ddududuuddududd M:C|    K:Ddor         H:BRZ    T:Back of the Change, The
ABC    826 C1:007650510071307 C2:ddududuuddududd M:C|    K:Ddor         H:BRZ    T:Back of the Change, The
ABC    826 C1:007650510071307 C2:ddududuuddududd M:C|    K:Ddor         H:BRZ    T:Back of the Change, The
ABC    826 C1:007650510071307 C2:ddududuuddududd M:C|    K:Ddor         H:BRZ    T:Back of the Change, The
ABC    826 C1:007650510071307 C2:ddududuuddududd M:C|    K:Ddor         H:BRZ    T:Back of the Change, The
ABC    826 C1:007650510071307 C2:ddududuuddududd M:C|    K:Ddor         H:BRZ    T:Back of the Change, The
ABC    265 C1:007650510071307 C2:ddududuuddududd M:C|    K:Ddor         H:BRZ    T:Back of the Change, The
ABC    265 C1:007650510071307 C2:ddududuuddududd M:C|    K:Ddor         H:BRZ    T:Back of the Change, The
ABC     29 C1:625776256212176 C2:duudddudduuuudd M:C|    K:D            H:BLR    T:Back of the Change House, The
ABC     29 C1:625776256212176 C2:duudddudduuuudd M:C|    K:D            H:BLR    T:Back of the Change House, The
ABC     29 C1:625776256212176 C2:duudddudduuuudd M:C|    K:D            H:BLR    T:Back of the Change House, The
ABC     29 C1:625776256212176 C2:duudddudduuuudd M:C|    K:D            H:BLR    T:Back of the Change House, The
ABC     29 C1:625776256212176 C2:duudddudduuuudd M:C|    K:D            H:BLR    T:Back of the Change House, The
ABC      1 C1:625776256212171 C2:duudddudduuuudd M:C     K:D            H:       T:the Back of the Change-house
ABC      1 C1:762577625621217 C2:dduudddudduuuud M:4/4   K:D            H:CILQR  T:The Back of the Change House
ABC      1 C1:762577625621217 C2:dduudddudduuuud M:4/4   K:D            H:CILQR  T:The Back of the Change House
ABC 104204 C1:762577625621217 C2:dduudddudduuuud M:C     K:D            H:BLQRZ  T:the BACK OF THE CHANGE HOUSE
ABC 104204 C1:762577625621217 C2:dduudddudduuuud M:C     K:D            H:BLQRZ  T:the BACK OF THE CHANGE HOUSE
ABC    548 C1:005776250012176 C2:uddduduuudddudd M:4/4   K:D            H:LSZ    T:Back of the Change House
ABC    548 C1:005776250012176 C2:uddduduuudddudd M:4/4   K:D            H:LSZ    T:Back of the Change House
ABC    542 C1:005776250012176 C2:uddduduuudddudd M:4/4   K:D            H:LSZ    T:Back of the Change House
ABC    542 C1:005776250012176 C2:uddduduuudddudd M:4/4   K:D            H:LSZ    T:Back of the Change House
ABC    263 C1:625776256212176 C2:duudddudduuuudd M:4/4   K:D            H:"LRSZ  T:Back of the Change House
ABC      1 C1:762577625621217 C2:dduudddudduuuud M:4/4   K:D            H:"CL    T:Back of the Change House
ABC      1 C1:762577625621217 C2:dduudddudduuuud M:4/4   K:D            H:"CL    T:Back of the Change House
ABC      1 C1:762577625621217 C2:dduudddudduuuud M:4/4   K:D            H:"CL    T:Back of the Change House
ABC      1 C1:762577625621217 C2:dduudddudduuuud M:4/4   K:D            H:"CL    T:Back of the Change House
ABC      1 C1:005776250012176 C2:uddduduuudddudd M:C     K:D            H:BLORZ  T:Back of the Change House
ABC      1 C1:005776250012176 C2:uddduduuudddudd M:C     K:D            H:BLORZ  T:Back of the Change House
ABC      1 C1:005776250012176 C2:uddduduuudddudd M:C     K:D            H:BLORZ  T:Back of the Change House
ABC      1 C1:005776250012176 C2:uddduduuudddudd M:C     K:D            H:BLORZ  T:Back of the Change House
ABC      1 C1:005776250012176 C2:uddduduuudddudd M:C     K:D            H:BLORZ  T:Back of the Change House
ABC      1 C1:625776256212176 C2:duudddudduuuudd M:4/4   K:D            H:"BLO   T:Back of the Change House
ABC      1 C1:625776256212176 C2:duudddudduuuudd M:4/4   K:D            H:"BLO   T:Back of the Change House
ABC      1 C1:625776256212176 C2:duudddudduuuudd M:4/4   K:D            H:"BLO   T:Back of the Change House
ABC      1 C1:625776256212176 C2:duudddudduuuudd M:4/4   K:D            H:"BLO   T:Back of the Change House
ABC      1 C1:625776256212176 C2:duudddudduuuudd M:4/4   K:D            H:"BLO   T:Back of the Change House
ABC      1 C1:625776256212176 C2:duudddudduuuudd M:4/4   K:D            H:"BLO   T:Back of the Change House
ABC      1 C1:625776256212176 C2:duudddudduuuudd M:4/4   K:D            H:"BLO   T:Back of the Change House
ABC      1 C1:625776256212176 C2:duudddudduuuudd M:4/4   K:D            H:"BLO   T:Back of the Change House
ABC      1 C1:625776256212176 C2:duudddudduuuudd M:4/4   K:D            H:"BLO   T:Back of the Change House
ABC      1 C1:625776256212176 C2:duudddudduuuudd M:4/4   K:D            H:"BLO   T:Back of the Change House
ABC      1 C1:625776256212176 C2:duudddudduuuudd M:4/4   K:D            H:"BLO   T:Back of the Change House
ABC      1 C1:625776256212176 C2:duudddudduuuudd M:4/4   K:D            H:"BLO   T:Back of the Change House
ABC      1 C1:625776256212176 C2:duudddudduuuudd M:4/4   K:D            H:"BLO   T:Back of the Change House
ABC      1 C1:625776256212176 C2:duudddudduuuudd M:4/4   K:D            H:"BLO   T:Back of the Change House
ABC      1 C1:625776256212176 C2:duudddudduuuudd M:4/4   K:D            H:"BLO   T:Back of the Change House
ABC      1 C1:625776256212176 C2:duudddudduuuudd M:4/4   K:D            H:"BLO   T:Back of the Change House
ABC      1 C1:625776256212176 C2:duudddudduuuudd M:4/4   K:D            H:"BLO   T:Back of the Change House
ABC      1 C1:625776256212176 C2:duudddudduuuudd M:4/4   K:D            H:"BLOS  T:Back of the Change House
ABC      1 C1:625776256212176 C2:duudddudduuuudd M:4/4   K:D            H:"BLOS  T:Back of the Change House
ABC      1 C1:625776256212176 C2:duudddudduuuudd M:4/4   K:D            H:"BLOS  T:Back of the Change House
ABC      1 C1:625776256212176 C2:duudddudduuuudd M:4/4   K:D            H:"BLOS  T:Back of the Change House
ABC      1 C1:625776256212176 C2:duudddudduuuudd M:4/4   K:D            H:"BLOS  T:Back of the Change House
ABC      1 C1:625776256212176 C2:duudddudduuuudd M:4/4   K:D            H:"BLOS  T:Back of the Change House
ABC      1 C1:625776256212176 C2:duudddudduuuudd M:4/4   K:D            H:"BLOS  T:Back of the Change House
ABC    392 C1:625776256212176 C2:duudddudduuuudd M:C     K:D            H:BFLRZ  T:Back of the Change House
ABC    392 C1:625776256212176 C2:duudddudduuuudd M:C     K:D            H:BFLRZ  T:Back of the Change House
ABC   3589 C1:006205070076020 C2:duudddudduuuudd M:C     K:D            H:BLQRSZ T:the Back of the Change House
ABC    106 C1:625776256212176 C2:duudddudduuuudd M:C|    K:D            H:BCLORUWZ T:The Back of the Change House
ABC  10592 C1:625776256212176 C2:duudddudduuuudd M:C     K:D            H:BLQSZ  T:BACK OF THE CHANGE HOUSE
ABC  10592 C1:625776256212176 C2:duudddudduuuudd M:C     K:D            H:BLQSZ  T:BACK OF THE CHANGE HOUSE
ABC    932 C1:625776256212176 C2:duudddudduuuudd M:C     K:D            H:BLRSVZ T:Back of the Change house
ABC    932 C1:625776256212176 C2:duudddudduuuudd M:C     K:D            H:BLRSVZ T:Back of the Change house
ABC     19 C1:625776256212176 C2:duudddudduuuudd M:C     K:D            H:BFLVZ  T:Back of the Change House
ABC      1 C1:625776256212176 C2:duudddudduuuudd M:4/4   K:D            H:"BLOS  T:Back of the Change House
ABC      1 C1:625776256212176 C2:duudddudduuuudd M:4/4   K:D            H:"BLO   T:Back of the Change House
ABC      1 C1:005776250012176 C2:uddduduuudddudd M:C     K:D            H:BLORZ  T:Back of the Change House
ABC      1 C1:625776256212176 C2:duudddudduuuudd M:4/4   K:D            H:"BLOS  T:Back of the Change House
ABC      1 C1:625776256212176 C2:duudddudduuuudd M:4/4   K:D            H:"BLO   T:Back of the Change House
ABC      1 C1:005776250012176 C2:uddduduuudddudd M:C     K:D            H:BLORZ  T:Back of the Change House
ABC      1 C1:625776256212176 C2:duudddudduuuudd M:4/4   K:D            H:"BLOS  T:Back of the Change House
ABC      1 C1:625776256212176 C2:duudddudduuuudd M:4/4   K:D            H:"BLO   T:Back of the Change House
ABC      1 C1:005776250012176 C2:uddduduuudddudd M:C     K:D            H:BLORZ  T:Back of the Change House
ABC      1 C1:625776256212176 C2:duudddudduuuudd M:4/4   K:D            H:"BLOS  T:Back of the Change House
ABC      1 C1:625776256212176 C2:duudddudduuuudd M:4/4   K:D            H:"BLO   T:Back of the Change House
ABC      1 C1:005776250012176 C2:uddduduuudddudd M:C     K:D            H:BLORZ  T:Back of the Change House
ABC      1 C1:625776256212176 C2:duudddudduuuudd M:4/4   K:D            H:"BLOS  T:Back of the Change House
ABC      1 C1:625776256212176 C2:duudddudduuuudd M:4/4   K:D            H:"BLO   T:Back of the Change House
ABC      1 C1:005776250012176 C2:uddduduuudddudd M:C     K:D            H:BLORZ  T:Back of the Change House
ABC      1 C1:005776250012176 C2:uddduduuudddudd M:C     K:D            H:BLORZ  T:Back of the Change House
ABC      1 C1:625776256212176 C2:duudddudduuuudd M:4/4   K:D            H:"BLOS  T:Back of the Change House
ABC      1 C1:625776256212176 C2:duudddudduuuudd M:4/4   K:D            H:"BLO   T:Back of the Change House
ABC      1 C1:625776256212176 C2:duudddudduuuudd M:4/4   K:D            H:"BLOS  T:Back of the Change House
ABC      1 C1:625776256212176 C2:duudddudduuuudd M:4/4   K:D            H:"BLO   T:Back of the Change House
ABC      1 C1:005776250012176 C2:uddduduuudddudd M:C     K:D            H:BLORZ  T:Back of the Change House
ABC      1 C1:625776256212176 C2:duudddudduuuudd M:4/4   K:D            H:"BLOS  T:Back of the Change House
ABC      1 C1:625776256212176 C2:duudddudduuuudd M:4/4   K:D            H:"BLO   T:Back of the Change House
ABC      1 C1:005776250012176 C2:uddduduuudddudd M:C     K:D            H:BLORZ  T:Back of the Change House
ABC      2 C1:625776256212176 C2:duudddudduuuudd M:4/4   K:D            H:"BLO   T:Back of the Change House
ABC      2 C1:625776256212176 C2:duudddudduuuudd M:4/4   K:D            H:"BLO   T:Back of the Change House
ABC  49034 C1:625776256212176 C2:duudddudduuuudd M:4/4   K:D            H:"BLOS  T:Back of the Change House
ABC  49034 C1:625776256212176 C2:duudddudduuuudd M:4/4   K:D            H:"BLOS  T:Back of the Change House
ABC  49034 C1:625776256212176 C2:duudddudduuuudd M:4/4   K:D            H:"BLOS  T:Back of the Change House
ABC      1 C1:625776256212176 C2:duudddudduuuudd M:C     K:D            H:BLRZ   T:Back of the Change House, The
ABC      1 C1:625776256212171 C2:duudddudduuuudd M:C     K:D            H:BLRZ   T:Back of the Change house, The
ABC      2 C1:625776256212176 C2:duudddudduuuudd M:C|    K:D            H:BLRZ   T:Back of the Change House, The
ABC    542 C1:005776250012176 C2:uddduduuudddudd M:4/4   K:D            H:LSZ    T:Back of the Change House
ABC    548 C1:005776250012176 C2:uddduduuudddudd M:4/4   K:D            H:LSZ    T:Back of the Change House
ABC    542 C1:005776250012176 C2:uddduduuudddudd M:4/4   K:D            H:LSZ    T:Back of the Change House
ABC    548 C1:005776250012176 C2:uddduduuudddudd M:4/4   K:D            H:LSZ    T:Back of the Change House
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:C     K:D            H:BLQRZ  T:Back of the Change house, The
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:C     K:D            H:BLRZ   T:Back of the Change House
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:C|    K:D            H:LRSZ   T:Back of the Change House, The
ABC   0638 C1:                C2:                M:C|    K:D            H:BLQZ   T:Back of the Change House
ABC      2 C1:                C2:                M:C|    K:D            H:BLRZ   T:Back of the Change House, The
ABC     19 C1:625776256212176 C2:duudddudduuuudd M:C     K:D            H:BFLVZ  T:Back of the Change House
ABC     19 C1:625776256212176 C2:duudddudduuuudd M:C     K:D            H:BFLVZ  T:Back of the Change House
ABC    323 C1:625776256212171 C2:duudddudduuuudd M:4/4   K:D            H:LQS    T:The Back of the Change House
ABC     29 C1:625776256212176 C2:duudddudduuuudd M:C|    K:D            H:BLR    T:Back of the Change House, The
ABC     29 C1:625776256212176 C2:duudddudduuuudd M:C|    K:D            H:BLR    T:Back of the Change House, The
ABC    392 C1:625776256212176 C2:duudddudduuuudd M:C     K:D            H:BFLRZ  T:Back of the Change House
ABC    392 C1:625776256212176 C2:duudddudduuuudd M:C     K:D            H:BFLRZ  T:Back of the Change House
ABC   0583 C1:625776256212171 C2:duudddudduuuudd M:C     K:D            H:ILQZ   T:The Back of the Change house.
ABC   0583 C1:625776256212171 C2:duudddudduuuudd M:C     K:D            H:ILQZ   T:The Back of the Change house.
ABC   0583 C1:625776256212171 C2:duudddudduuuudd M:C     K:D            H:ILQZ   T:The Back of the Change house.
ABC   0583 C1:625776256212171 C2:duudddudduuuudd M:C     K:D            H:ILQZ   T:The Back of the Change house.
ABC   0583 C1:625776256212171 C2:duudddudduuuudd M:C     K:D            H:ILQZ   T:The Back of the Change house.
ABC   0583 C1:625776256212171 C2:duudddudduuuudd M:C     K:D            H:ILQZ   T:The Back of the Change house.
ABC   0583 C1:625776256212171 C2:duudddudduuuudd M:C     K:D            H:ILQZ   T:The Back of the Change house.
ABC   0583 C1:625776256212171 C2:duudddudduuuudd M:C     K:D            H:ILQZ   T:The Back of the Change house.
ABC   0583 C1:625776256212171 C2:duudddudduuuudd M:C     K:D            H:ILQZ   T:The Back of the Change house.
ABC    977 C1:625776256212171 C2:duudddudduuuudd M:C     K:D            H:       T:Back of the Change-house, The
ABC   3589 C1:006205070076020 C2:duudddudduuuudd M:C     K:D            H:BLQRSZ T:the Back of the Change House
ABC   3589 C1:006205070076020 C2:duudddudduuuudd M:C     K:D            H:BLQRSZ T:the Back of the Change House
ABC    932 C1:625776256212176 C2:duudddudduuuudd M:C     K:D            H:BLRSVZ T:Back of the Change house
ABC    932 C1:625776256212176 C2:duudddudduuuudd M:C     K:D            H:BLRSVZ T:Back of the Change house
ABC    932 C1:625776256212176 C2:duudddudduuuudd M:C     K:D            H:BLRSVZ T:Back of the Change house
ABC    932 C1:625776256212176 C2:duudddudduuuudd M:C     K:D            H:BLRSVZ T:Back of the Change house
ABC    932 C1:625776256212176 C2:duudddudduuuudd M:C     K:D            H:BLRSVZ T:Back of the Change house
ABC    932 C1:625776256212176 C2:duudddudduuuudd M:C     K:D            H:BLRSVZ T:Back of the Change house
ABC    932 C1:625776256212176 C2:duudddudduuuudd M:C     K:D            H:BLRSVZ T:Back of the Change house
ABC    932 C1:625776256212176 C2:duudddudduuuudd M:C     K:D            H:BLRSVZ T:Back of the Change house
ABC    900 C1:625776256212171 C2:duudddudduuuudd M:C     K:D            H:       T:the Back of the Change-house
ABC    900 C1:625776256212171 C2:duudddudduuuudd M:C     K:D            H:       T:the Back of the Change-house
ABC 104204 C1:762577625621217 C2:dduudddudduuuud M:C     K:D            H:BLQRZ  T:The BACK OF THE CHANGE HOUSE
ABC 104204 C1:762577625621217 C2:dduudddudduuuud M:C     K:D            H:BLQRZ  T:The BACK OF THE CHANGE HOUSE
ABC 104204 C1:762577625621217 C2:dduudddudduuuud M:C     K:D            H:BLQRZ  T:The BACK OF THE CHANGE HOUSE
ABC 104204 C1:762577625621217 C2:dduudddudduuuud M:C     K:D            H:BLQRZ  T:The BACK OF THE CHANGE HOUSE
ABC 104204 C1:762577625621217 C2:dduudddudduuuud M:C     K:D            H:BLQRZ  T:The BACK OF THE CHANGE HOUSE
ABC 104204 C1:762577625621217 C2:dduudddudduuuud M:C     K:D            H:BLQRZ  T:The BACK OF THE CHANGE HOUSE
ABC 104204 C1:762577625621217 C2:dduudddudduuuud M:C     K:D            H:BLQRZ  T:The BACK OF THE CHANGE HOUSE
ABC 104204 C1:762577625621217 C2:dduudddudduuuud M:C     K:D            H:BLQRZ  T:The BACK OF THE CHANGE HOUSE
ABC 104204 C1:762577625621217 C2:dduudddudduuuud M:C     K:D            H:BLQRZ  T:The BACK OF THE CHANGE HOUSE
ABC 104204 C1:762577625621217 C2:dduudddudduuuud M:C     K:D            H:BLQRZ  T:The BACK OF THE CHANGE HOUSE
ABC     28 C1:005776250012176 C2:uddduduuudddudd M:C     K:D            H:BLORZ  T:Back of the Change House
ABC  10592 C1:625776256212176 C2:duudddudduuuudd M:C     K:D            H:BLQSZ  T:BACK OF THE CHANGE HOUSE
ABC  10592 C1:625776256212176 C2:duudddudduuuudd M:C     K:D            H:BLQSZ  T:BACK OF THE CHANGE HOUSE
ABC  10592 C1:625776256212176 C2:duudddudduuuudd M:C     K:D            H:BLQSZ  T:BACK OF THE CHANGE HOUSE
ABC  10592 C1:625776256212176 C2:duudddudduuuudd M:C     K:D            H:BLQSZ  T:BACK OF THE CHANGE HOUSE
ABC  10592 C1:625776256212176 C2:duudddudduuuudd M:C     K:D            H:BLQSZ  T:BACK OF THE CHANGE HOUSE
ABC  10592 C1:625776256212176 C2:duudddudduuuudd M:C     K:D            H:BLQSZ  T:BACK OF THE CHANGE HOUSE
ABC  10592 C1:625776256212176 C2:duudddudduuuudd M:C     K:D            H:BLQSZ  T:BACK OF THE CHANGE HOUSE
ABC  10592 C1:625776256212176 C2:duudddudduuuudd M:C     K:D            H:BLQSZ  T:BACK OF THE CHANGE HOUSE
ABC  10592 C1:625776256212176 C2:duudddudduuuudd M:C     K:D            H:BLQSZ  T:BACK OF THE CHANGE HOUSE
ABC   3589 C1:006205070076020 C2:duudddudduuuudd M:C     K:D            H:BLQRSZ T:The Back of the Change House
ABC   3589 C1:006205070076020 C2:duudddudduuuudd M:C     K:D            H:BLQRSZ T:The Back of the Change House
ABC    977 C1:625776256212171 C2:duudddudduuuudd M:C     K:D            H:       T:Back of the Change-house, The
ABC    977 C1:625776256212171 C2:duudddudduuuudd M:C     K:D            H:       T:Back of the Change-house, The
ABC    977 C1:625776256212171 C2:duudddudduuuudd M:C     K:D            H:       T:Back of the Change-house, The
ABC    451 C1:625776256212171 C2:duudddudduuuudd M:C     K:D            H:BFZ    T:the Back of the Change-house
ABC    451 C1:625776256212171 C2:duudddudduuuudd M:C     K:D            H:BFZ    T:the Back of the Change-house
ABC  12793 C1:625776256212171 C2:duudddudduuuudd M:C     K:D            H:       T:the Back of the Change-house
ABC  12793 C1:625776256212171 C2:duudddudduuuudd M:C     K:D            H:       T:the Back of the Change-house
ABC  12793 C1:625776256212171 C2:duudddudduuuudd M:C     K:D            H:       T:the Back of the Change-house
ABC  12793 C1:625776256212171 C2:duudddudduuuudd M:C     K:D            H:       T:the Back of the Change-house
ABC  12793 C1:625776256212171 C2:duudddudduuuudd M:C     K:D            H:       T:the Back of the Change-house
ABC   2377 C1:625776256212171 C2:duudddudduuuudd M:C     K:D            H:O      T:the Back of the Change-house
ABC    183 C1:625776256212171 C2:duudddudduuuudd M:C     K:D            H:BZ     T:the Back of the Change-house
ABC   1332 C1:625776256212176 C2:duudddudduuuudd M:C     K:D            H:BLVZ   T:Back of the Change House. a Reel.
ABC   1332 C1:625776256212176 C2:duudddudduuuudd M:C     K:D            H:BLVZ   T:Back of the Change House. a Reel.
ABC   1332 C1:625776256212176 C2:duudddudduuuudd M:C     K:D            H:BLVZ   T:Back of the Change House. a Reel.
ABC   1332 C1:625776256212176 C2:duudddudduuuudd M:C     K:D            H:BLVZ   T:Back of the Change House. a Reel.
ABC   1332 C1:625776256212176 C2:duudddudduuuudd M:C     K:D            H:BLVZ   T:Back of the Change House. a Reel.
ABC   1332 C1:625776256212176 C2:duudddudduuuudd M:C     K:D            H:BLVZ   T:Back of the Change House. a Reel.
ABC   1332 C1:625776256212176 C2:duudddudduuuudd M:C     K:D            H:BLVZ   T:Back of the Change House. a Reel.
ABC   1332 C1:625776256212176 C2:duudddudduuuudd M:C     K:D            H:BLVZ   T:Back of the Change House. a Reel.
ABC   1332 C1:625776256212176 C2:duudddudduuuudd M:C     K:D            H:BLVZ   T:Back of the Change House. a Reel.
ABC   1332 C1:625776256212176 C2:duudddudduuuudd M:C     K:D            H:BLVZ   T:Back of the Change House. a Reel.
ABC   1332 C1:625776256212176 C2:duudddudduuuudd M:C     K:D            H:BLVZ   T:Back of the Change House. a Reel.
ABC   1332 C1:625776256212176 C2:duudddudduuuudd M:C     K:D            H:BLVZ   T:Back of the Change House. a Reel.
ABC   1332 C1:625776256212176 C2:duudddudduuuudd M:C     K:D            H:BLVZ   T:Back of the Change House. a Reel.
ABC   1332 C1:625776256212176 C2:duudddudduuuudd M:C     K:D            H:BLVZ   T:Back of the Change House. a Reel.
ABC   1332 C1:625776256212176 C2:duudddudduuuudd M:C     K:D            H:BLVZ   T:Back of the Change House. a Reel.
ABC   1332 C1:625776256212176 C2:duudddudduuuudd M:C     K:D            H:BLVZ   T:Back of the Change House. a Reel.
ABC   1332 C1:625776256212176 C2:duudddudduuuudd M:C     K:D            H:BLVZ   T:Back of the Change House. a Reel.
ABC   1332 C1:625776256212176 C2:duudddudduuuudd M:C     K:D            H:BLVZ   T:Back of the Change House. a Reel.
ABC   1332 C1:625776256212176 C2:duudddudduuuudd M:C     K:D            H:BLVZ   T:Back of the Change House. a Reel.
ABC   1332 C1:625776256212176 C2:duudddudduuuudd M:C     K:D            H:BLVZ   T:Back of the Change House. a Reel.
ABC   1332 C1:625776256212176 C2:duudddudduuuudd M:C     K:D            H:BLVZ   T:Back of the Change House. a Reel.
ABC   1332 C1:625776256212176 C2:duudddudduuuudd M:C     K:D            H:BLVZ   T:Back of the Change House. a Reel.
ABC   1332 C1:625776256212176 C2:duudddudduuuudd M:C     K:D            H:BLVZ   T:Back of the Change House. a Reel.
ABC   1332 C1:625776256212176 C2:duudddudduuuudd M:C     K:D            H:BLVZ   T:Back of the Change House. a Reel.
ABC   1332 C1:625776256212176 C2:duudddudduuuudd M:C     K:D            H:BLVZ   T:Back of the Change House. a Reel.
ABC   1332 C1:625776256212176 C2:duudddudduuuudd M:C     K:D            H:BLVZ   T:Back of the Change House. a Reel.
ABC   1332 C1:625776256212176 C2:duudddudduuuudd M:C     K:D            H:BLVZ   T:Back of the Change House. a Reel.
ABC   1332 C1:625776256212176 C2:duudddudduuuudd M:C     K:D            H:BLVZ   T:Back of the Change House. a Reel.
ABC    165 C1:625776256212176 C2:duudddudduuuudd M:C     K:D            H:LO     T:The Back of the Change House (Dance)
ABC    165 C1:625776256212176 C2:duudddudduuuudd M:C     K:D            H:LO     T:The Back of the Change House (Dance)
ABC    165 C1:625776256212176 C2:duudddudduuuudd M:C     K:D            H:LO     T:The Back of the Change House (Dance)
ABC    165 C1:625776256212176 C2:duudddudduuuudd M:C     K:D            H:LO     T:The Back of the Change House (Dance)
ABC    165 C1:625776256212176 C2:duudddudduuuudd M:C     K:D            H:LOZ    T:The Back of the Change House (Dance)
ABC 531001 C1:007130760076505 C2:duuddddududuudd M:4/4   K:Dmix         H:BCLR   T:BACK OF THE CHANGE (reel), The
ABC 531001 C1:007130760076505 C2:duuddddududuudd M:4/4   K:Dmix         H:BCLR   T:BACK OF THE CHANGE (reel), The
ABC 531001 C1:007130760076505 C2:duuddddududuudd M:4/4   K:Dmix         H:BCLR   T:BACK OF THE CHANGE (reel), The
ABC    386 C1:625776256212176 C2:duudddudduuuudd M:C     K:D            H:ABLOQRZ T:Back of the Change. RH.386
ABC    386 C1:625776256212176 C2:duudddudduuuudd M:C     K:D            H:ABLOQRZ T:Back of the Change. RH.386
ABC    386 C1:625776256212176 C2:duudddudduuuudd M:C     K:D            H:ALOQRSZ T:Back of the Change. RH.386
ABC    386 C1:625776256212176 C2:duudddudduuuudd M:C     K:D            H:ABLOQRSZ T:Back of the Change. RH.386
ABC    452 C1:625776256212176 C2:duudddudduuuudd M:C     K:D            H:AFLOQRSZ T:Back of the Change. RH.386
ABC    452 C1:625776256212176 C2:duudddudduuuudd M:C     K:D            H:AFLOQRSZ T:Back of the Change. RH.386
ABC    386 C1:625776256212176 C2:duudddudduuuudd M:C     K:D            H:ABLOQRSZ T:Back of the Change. RH.386
ABC   0638 C1:                C2:                M:C|    K:D            H:BLQZ   T:Back of the Change. Roose.0638
ABC    637 C1:762577625621217 C2:dduudddudduuuud M:C|    K:D            H:BLQZ   T:Back of the Change. Roose.0638
ABC      1 C1:161355007267020 C2:udduududuuddduu M:C|    K:HP           H:CLQS   T:The Back of the Haggard "137 bmp"
ABC      1 C1:161355007267020 C2:udduududuuddduu M:C|    K:HP           H:CLQS   T:The Back of the Haggard "137 bmp"
ABC      1 C1:161355007267020 C2:udduududuuddduu M:C|    K:HP           H:CLQS   T:The Back of the Haggard "137 bmp"
ABC      1 C1:262766217167662 C2:ududdduududdddu M:C|    K:D            H:LRSZ   T:Back of the Haggard [1]
ABC      1 C1:262766217167662 C2:ududdduududdddu M:C|    K:D            H:LRSZ   T:Back of the Haggard [1]
ABC      1 C1:262766217167662 C2:ududdduududdddu M:C|    K:D            H:LRSZ   T:Back of the Haggard [1]
ABC 492004 C1:262766217167662 C2:ududdduududdddu M:C|    K:D            H:BLQRSZ T:BACK OF THE HAGGARD, The
ABC      1 C1:111262766217167 C2:uuuududdduududd M:4/4   K:D            H:CILQR  T:Back of the Haggard
ABC      1 C1:111262766217167 C2:uuuududdduududd M:4/4   K:D            H:CILQR  T:Back of the Haggard
ABC   1931 C1:262766217167662 C2:ududdduududdddu M:2/4   K:D            H:BLZ    T:Back Of The Haggard
ABC   1931 C1:262766217167662 C2:ududdduududdddu M:2/4   K:D            H:BLZ    T:Back Of The Haggard
ABC   1931 C1:262766217167662 C2:ududdduududdddu M:2/4   K:D            H:BLZ    T:Back Of The Haggard
ABC   1742 C1:262766217167662 C2:ududdduududdddu M:2/4   K:D            H:BLZ    T:BACK OF THE HAGGARD
ABC   1742 C1:262766217167662 C2:ududdduududdddu M:2/4   K:D            H:BLORZbs T:Back of the Haggard
ABC   1742 C1:262766217167662 C2:ududdduududdddu M:2/4   K:D            H:BLORZbs T:Back of the Haggard
ABC   1742 C1:262766217167662 C2:ududdduududdddu M:2/4   K:D            H:BLORZbs T:Back of the Haggard
ABC   1742 C1:262766217167662 C2:ududdduududdddu M:2/4   K:D            H:BLORZbs T:Back of the Haggard
ABC   1742 C1:262766217167662 C2:ududdduududdddu M:2/4   K:D            H:BLORZbs T:Back of the Haggard
ABC   1742 C1:262766217167662 C2:ududdduududdddu M:2/4   K:D            H:BLORZbs T:Back of the Haggard
ABC   1742 C1:262766217167662 C2:ududdduududdddu M:2/4   K:D            H:BLORZbs T:Back of the Haggard
ABC   1742 C1:262766217167662 C2:ududdduududdddu M:2/4   K:D            H:BLORZbs T:Back of the Haggard
ABC   1742 C1:262766217167662 C2:ududdduududdddu M:2/4   K:D            H:BLORZbs T:Back of the Haggard
ABC   1742 C1:262766217167662 C2:ududdduududdddu M:2/4   K:D            H:BLORZbs T:Back of the Haggard
ABC   1742 C1:262766217167662 C2:ududdduududdddu M:2/4   K:D            H:BLORZbs T:Back of the Haggard
ABC   1742 C1:262766217167662 C2:ududdduududdddu M:2/4   K:D            H:BLORZbs T:Back of the Haggard
ABC   1742 C1:262766217167662 C2:ududdduududdddu M:2/4   K:D            H:BLORZbs T:Back of the Haggard
ABC   1860 C1:262766217167662 C2:ududdduududdddu M:2/4   K:D            H:BLRZ   T:Back Of The Haggard
ABC   1860 C1:262766217167662 C2:ududdduududdddu M:2/4   K:D            H:BLRZ   T:Back Of The Haggard
ABC   1860 C1:262766217167662 C2:ududdduududdddu M:2/4   K:D            H:BLRZ   T:Back Of The Haggard
ABC   1742 C1:262766217167662 C2:ududdduududdddu M:2/4   K:D            H:BLRZ   T:Back Of The Haggard
ABC    917 C1:262766217167662 C2:ududdduududdddu M:2/4   K:D            H:BLORZ  T:Back Of The Haggard
ABC    917 C1:262766217167662 C2:ududdduududdddu M:2/4   K:D            H:BLORZ  T:Back Of The Haggard
ABC    917 C1:262766217167662 C2:ududdduududdddu M:2/4   K:D            H:BLORZ  T:Back Of The Haggard
ABC      1 C1:262766211327662 C2:ududdduuduudddu M:C     K:D            H:"L     T:Back of the Haggard
ABC    918 C1:262766217167662 C2:ududdduududdddu M:2/4   K:D            H:BFLRZbs T:Back of the Haggard
ABC    918 C1:262766217167662 C2:ududdduududdddu M:2/4   K:D            H:BFLRZbs T:Back of the Haggard
ABC    918 C1:262766217167662 C2:ududdduududdddu M:2/4   K:D            H:BFLRZbs T:Back of the Haggard
ABC    918 C1:262766217167662 C2:ududdduududdddu M:2/4   K:D            H:BFLRZbs T:Back of the Haggard
ABC    918 C1:111262766217167 C2:uuuududdduududd M:2/4   K:D            H:BFLRZbs T:Back of the Haggard
ABC      1 C1:262766217167662 C2:ududdduududdddu M:2/4   K:DMajor       H:CLQZ   T:Back Of The Haggard
ABC    918 C1:111262766217167 C2:uuuududdduududd M:2/4   K:D            H:BFLRZbs T:Back of the Haggard
ABC    918 C1:111262766217167 C2:uuuududdduududd M:2/4   K:D            H:BFLRZbs T:Back of the Haggard
ABC    918 C1:111262766217167 C2:uuuududdduududd M:2/4   K:D            H:BFLRZbs T:Back of the Haggard
ABC      1 C1:262766217167662 C2:ududdduududdddu M:2/4   K:DMajor       H:LQ     T:Back Of The Haggard
ABC   1742 C1:262766217167662 C2:ududdduududdddu M:2/4   K:D            H:BLZ    T:BACK OF THE HAGGARD
ABC   1742 C1:262766217167662 C2:ududdduududdddu M:2/4   K:D            H:BLRZ   T:Back Of The Haggard
ABC      1 C1:200076603716766 C2:udddududddduuud M:      K:Dmaj         H:LR     T:The Back Of The Haggard
ABC      2 C1:111262766217167 C2:uuuududdduududd M:      K:Dmaj         H:LR     T:The Back Of The Haggard
ABC      1 C1:712766111662766 C2:duuddduuudduddd M:      K:Dmaj         H:LR     T:The Back Of The Haggard
ABC      2 C1:037127662166276 C2:uduuddduudduddd M:      K:Dmaj         H:LR     T:The Back Of The Haggard
ABC      3 C1:111712766111662 C2:uuuduuddduuuddu M:      K:Dmaj         H:LR     T:The Back Of The Haggard
ABC      4 C1:111532766216611 C2:uuuduuddduudduu M:      K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:The Back Of The Haggard
ABC 492004 C1:262766217167662 C2:ududdduududdddu M:C|    K:D            H:BLQRSZ T:BACK OF THE HAGGARD, The
ABC 492004 C1:262766217167662 C2:ududdduududdddu M:C|    K:D            H:BLQRSZ T:BACK OF THE HAGGARD, The
ABC   1742 C1:262766217167662 C2:ududdduududdddu M:2/4   K:D            H:BLRZ   T:Back Of The Haggard
ABC   1742 C1:262766217167662 C2:ududdduududdddu M:2/4   K:D            H:BLZ    T:BACK OF THE HAGGARD
ABC    918 C1:262766217167662 C2:ududdduududdddu M:2/4   K:D            H:BCFLORWZ T:Back of the haggard
ABC    917 C1:262766217167662 C2:ududdduududdddu M:2/4   K:D            H:BLORZ  T:Back Of The Haggard
ABC    917 C1:262766217167662 C2:ududdduududdddu M:2/4   K:D            H:BLORZ  T:Back Of The Haggard
ABC   1860 C1:262766217167662 C2:ududdduududdddu M:2/4   K:D            H:BLRZ   T:Back Of The Haggard
ABC   1931 C1:262766217167662 C2:ududdduududdddu M:2/4   K:D            H:BLZ    T:Back Of The Haggard
ABC   1860 C1:262766217167662 C2:ududdduududdddu M:2/4   K:D            H:BLRZ   T:Back Of The Haggard
ABC   1931 C1:262766217167662 C2:ududdduududdddu M:2/4   K:D            H:BLZ    T:Back Of The Haggard
ABC    924 C1:262766216627662 C2:ududdduuddudddu M:2/4   K:D            H:BLQSZ  T:Back of The Haggard,aka. JBut.919
ABC      1 C1:262766216627662 C2:ududdduuddudddu M:2/4   K:D            H:ACFHLOQRSZ T:Back of the Haggard,aka. JMP.036
ABC      1 C1:262766216627662 C2:ududdduuddudddu M:2/4   K:D            H:ACFHLOQRSZ T:Back of the Haggard,aka. JMP.036
ABC     36 C1:262766216627662 C2:ududdduuddudddu M:2/4   K:D            H:ACHLOQRSZ T:Back of the Haggard,aka. JMP.036
ABC     36 C1:262766216627662 C2:ududdduuddudddu M:2/4   K:D            H:ABCHLQZ T:Back of the Haggard,aka. JMP.036
ABC     36 C1:262766216627662 C2:ududdduuddudddu M:2/4   K:D            H:ABCHLQZ T:Back of the Haggard,aka. JMP.036
ABC     36 C1:262766216627662 C2:ududdduuddudddu M:2/4   K:D            H:ABHLOQRSZ T:Back of the Haggard,aka. JMP.036
ABC    453 C1:262766216627662 C2:ududdduuddudddu M:2/4   K:D            H:ACFHLOQRSZ T:Back of the Haggard,aka. JMP.036
ABC    761 C1:262766216627662 C2:ududdduuddudddu M:2/4   K:D            H:ACFHLOQRSZ T:Back of the Haggard,aka. JMP.036
ABC   4531 C1:262766216627662 C2:ududdduuddudddu M:2/4   K:D            H:ACFHLOQRSZ T:Back of the Haggard,aka. JMP.036
ABC   4795 C1:262766216627662 C2:ududdduuddudddu M:2/4   K:D            H:ACFHLOQRSZ T:Back of the Haggard,aka. JMP.036
ABC    761 C1:262766216627662 C2:ududdduuddudddu M:2/4   K:D            H:ACFHLOQRSZ T:Back of the Haggard,aka. JMP.036
ABC   4531 C1:262766216627662 C2:ududdduuddudddu M:2/4   K:D            H:ACFHLOQRSZ T:Back of the Haggard,aka. JMP.036
ABC   4795 C1:262766216627662 C2:ududdduuddudddu M:2/4   K:D            H:ACFHLOQRSZ T:Back of the Haggard,aka. JMP.036
ABC    453 C1:262766216627662 C2:ududdduuddudddu M:2/4   K:D            H:ACFHLOQRSZ T:Back of the Haggard,aka. JMP.036
ABC     36 C1:262766216627662 C2:ududdduuddudddu M:2/4   K:D            H:ABHLOQRSZ T:Back of the Haggard,aka. JMP.036
ABC   1046 C1:                C2:                M:C|    K:D            H:BLQZ   T:Back of the Haggard,aka. Roose.1046
ABC   1049 C1:712766216627662 C2:duuddduuddudddu M:C|    K:D            H:BLQZ   T:Back of the Haggard,aka. Roose.1046
ABC     28 C1:                C2:                M:C|    K:E            H:ABLOQRZ T:Back Of The Haggard,aka. WI.028
ABC     28 C1:262766216627662 C2:ududdduuddudddu M:C|    K:E            H:ALOQRSZ T:Back Of The Haggard,aka. WI.028
ABC     28 C1:262766216627662 C2:ududdduuddudddu M:C|    K:E            H:ABLQZ  T:Back Of The Haggard,aka. WI.028
ABC     28 C1:262766216627662 C2:ududdduuddudddu M:C|    K:E            H:ABLQZ  T:Back Of The Haggard,aka. WI.028
ABC     28 C1:262766216627662 C2:ududdduuddudddu M:C|    K:E            H:ABLOQRSZ T:Back Of The Haggard,aka. WI.028
ABC    454 C1:262766216627662 C2:ududdduuddudddu M:C|    K:E            H:AFLOQRSZ T:Back Of The Haggard,aka. WI.028
ABC   4530 C1:262766216627662 C2:ududdduuddudddu M:C|    K:E            H:AFLOQRSZ T:Back Of The Haggard,aka. WI.028
ABC   5423 C1:262766216627662 C2:ududdduuddudddu M:C|    K:E            H:AFLOQRSZ T:Back Of The Haggard,aka. WI.028
ABC   4530 C1:262766216627662 C2:ududdduuddudddu M:C|    K:E            H:AFLOQRSZ T:Back Of The Haggard,aka. WI.028
ABC   5423 C1:262766216627662 C2:ududdduuddudddu M:C|    K:E            H:AFLOQRSZ T:Back Of The Haggard,aka. WI.028
ABC    454 C1:262766216627662 C2:ududdduuddudddu M:C|    K:E            H:AFLOQRSZ T:Back Of The Haggard,aka. WI.028
ABC     28 C1:262766216627662 C2:ududdduuddudddu M:C|    K:E            H:ABLOQRSZ T:Back Of The Haggard,aka. WI.028
ABC   1742 C1:262766217167662 C2:ududdduududdddu M:2/4   K:D            H:BCILZ  T:"Back Of The Haggard" (hornpipe) 1742
ABC   1742 C1:262766217167662 C2:ududdduududdddu M:2/4   K:D            H:BCILZ  T:"Back Of The Haggard" (hornpipe) 1742
ABC   1742 C1:262766217167662 C2:ududdduududdddu M:2/4   K:D            H:BCILZ  T:"Back Of The Haggard" (hornpipe) 1742
ABC  31216 C1:217311016233762 C2:uuduuuudduududd M:2/4   K:D            H:BCLQR  T:Back of the Haggard, Maid(s) of Ardagh
ABC  31216 C1:217311016233762 C2:uuduuuudduududd M:2/4   K:D            H:BCLQR  T:Back of the Haggard, Maid(s) of Ardagh
ABC  31216 C1:217311016233762 C2:uuduuuudduududd M:2/4   K:D            H:BCLQR  T:Back of the Haggard, Maid(s) of Ardagh
ABC      2 C1:262766216627662 C2:ududdduuddudddu M:C|    K:D            H:AFLOQRSZ T:Back Of The Haggard,The, aka. JC.254
ABC      2 C1:262766216627662 C2:ududdduuddudddu M:C|    K:D            H:AFLOQRSZ T:Back Of The Haggard,The, aka. JC.254
ABC      2 C1:                C2:                M:C|    K:D            H:AFLOQRSZ T:Back Of The Haggard,The, aka. JC.254
ABC 611201 C1:711111677043716 C2:duuuuuddduududu M:      K:G            H:CLQR   T:BACK OF THE HOUSE, The
ABC 611201 C1:711111677043716 C2:duuuuuddduududu M:      K:G            H:CFLQR  T:BACK OF THE HOUSE, The
ABC 611201 C1:711111677043716 C2:duuuuuddduududu M:      K:G            H:CFLQR  T:BACK OF THE HOUSE, The
ABC    730 C1:007702217621116 C2:dduuudduuuudddd M:4/4   K:A            H:LRSZ   T:Back of the Pipes
ABC    805 C1:007702217621116 C2:dduuudduuuudddd M:4/4   K:A            H:LRSZ   T:Back of the Pipes
ABC   1170 C1:007702217621116 C2:dduuudduuuudddd M:4/4   K:A            H:LRSZ   T:Back of the Pipes
ABC   1170 C1:007702217621116 C2:dduuudduuuudddd M:4/4   K:A            H:LRSZ   T:Back of the Pipes
ABC   1270 C1:007702217621116 C2:dduuudduuuudddd M:4/4   K:A            H:LRSZ   T:Back of the Pipes
ABC   1385 C1:007702217621116 C2:dduuudduuuudddd M:4/4   K:A            H:LRSZ   T:Back of the Pipes
ABC 184161 C1:007702217621116 C2:dduuudduuuudddd M:4/4   K:G            H:CLQRS  T:BACK OF THE PIPES* (reel)
ABC 184161 C1:007702217621116 C2:dduuudduuuudddd M:4/4   K:G            H:CLQRS  T:BACK OF THE PIPES* (reel)
ABC 184161 C1:007702217621116 C2:dduuudduuuudddd M:4/4   K:G            H:CLQRS  T:BACK OF THE PIPES* (reel)
ABC    249 C1:262766216627662 C2:ududdduuddudddu M:C|    K:D            H:ABLQZ  T:Back Of Th Haggard, aka. JC.254, The
ABC    249 C1:262766216627662 C2:ududdduuddudddu M:C|    K:D            H:ABLQZ  T:Back Of Th Haggard, aka. JC.254, The
ABC    249 C1:262766216627662 C2:ududdduuddudddu M:C|    K:D            H:ALOQRSZ T:Back Of Th Haggard,The, aka. JC.254
ABC    249 C1:262766216627662 C2:ududdduuddudddu M:C|    K:D            H:ABLOQRSZ T:Back Of Th Haggard,The, aka. JC.254
ABC   4536 C1:262766216627662 C2:ududdduuddudddu M:C|    K:D            H:ALOQRSZ T:Back Of Th Haggard,The,aka. JC.254
ABC   4536 C1:262766216627662 C2:ududdduuddudddu M:C|    K:D            H:ALOQRSZ T:Back Of Th Haggard,The,aka. JC.254
ABC   4536 C1:262766216627662 C2:ududdduuddudddu M:C|    K:D            H:ALOQRSZ T:Back Of Th Haggard,The,aka. JC.254
ABC    455 C1:262766216627662 C2:ududdduuddudddu M:C|    K:D            H:AFLOQRSZ T:Back Of Th Haggard,The, aka. JC.254
ABC   2422 C1:262766216627662 C2:ududdduuddudddu M:C|    K:D            H:AFLOQRSZ T:Back Of Th Haggard,The, aka. JC.254
ABC   4794 C1:262766216627662 C2:ududdduuddudddu M:C|    K:D            H:AFLOQRSZ T:Back Of Th Haggard,The, aka. JC.254
ABC   4794 C1:262766216627662 C2:ududdduuddudddu M:C|    K:D            H:AFLOQRSZ T:Back Of Th Haggard,The, aka. JC.254
ABC    455 C1:262766216627662 C2:ududdduuddudddu M:C|    K:D            H:AFLOQRSZ T:Back Of Th Haggard,The, aka. JC.254
ABC   2422 C1:262766216627662 C2:ududdduuddudddu M:C|    K:D            H:AFLOQRSZ T:Back Of Th Haggard,The, aka. JC.254
ABC    249 C1:262766216627662 C2:ududdduuddudddu M:C|    K:D            H:ABLOQRSZ T:Back Of Th Haggard,The, aka. JC.254
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:"Back on the Chain Gang" -solo (3:32)
ABC     11 C1:121161110017777 C2:uuuuduuuudddddd M:4/4   K:D            H:LR     T:Back on the Mat
ABC     34 C1:006704210600000 C2:ddduudduuuuddud M:2/4   K:G            H:"CLR   T:Back on the Monaro
ABC      1 C1:040111277010701 C2:duuuuuddduudduu M:4/4   K:G            H:L      T:Back on the Street Again
ABC      1 C1:040111277010701 C2:duuuuuddduudduu M:4/4   K:G            H:L      T:Back on the Street Again
ABC      1 C1:040111277010701 C2:duuuuuddduudduu M:4/4   K:G            H:L      T:Back on the Street Again
ABC      1 C1:011063061061027 C2:uudududuuddddud M:6/8   K:G            H:LRSZ   T:Back o'th Bush ith Garden
ABC      1 C1:000405250003000 C2:uddduduuudddudd M:C     K:HP           H:CLQS   T:Back O' the Change Hoose "trad"
ABC      1 C1:000405250003000 C2:uddduduuudddudd M:C     K:HP           H:CLQS   T:Back O' the Change Hoose "trad"
ABC      1 C1:000405250003000 C2:uddduduuudddudd M:C     K:HP           H:CLQS   T:Back O' the Change Hoose "trad"
ABC     17 C1:716223221766712 C2:duduuuuuudddduu M:6/8   K:D            H:CLRZ   T:Back O' The Lake Jig
ABC    975 C1:221766712265200 C2:uuudddduuudduud M:6/8   K:D            H:CLR    T:Back O' The Lake Jig
ABC    975 C1:221766712265200 C2:uuudddduuudduud M:6/8   K:D            H:CLR    T:Back O' The Lake Jig
ABC    975 C1:221766712265200 C2:uuudddduuudduud M:6/8   K:D            H:CLR    T:Back O' The Lake Jig
ABC    975 C1:221766712265200 C2:uuudddduuudduud M:6/8   K:D            H:CLR    T:Back O' The Lake Jig
ABC      2 C1:003200710070016 C2:uduuuuddudduudd M:2/4   K:D            H:L      T:The Back o’ Benachie
ABC     37 C1:030715030716030 C2:udududududuuuuu M:Jig   K:G            H:CDLRZ  T:Back o' t' World
ABC      1 C1:100007077001000 C2:uddduduuuddduud M:6/8   K:C            H:"FLOQZ T:Ba\vckovsko Horo
ABC      1 C1:100007077001000 C2:uddduduuuddduud M:6/8   K:C            H:"FLOQZ T:Ba\vckovsko Horo
ABC     25 C1:117071077116070 C2:uuddudduudduddu M:6/8   K:Bphr         H:"FLOQ  T:Backovsko Horo
ABC     26 C1:117071077116070 C2:uuddudduudduddu M:6/8   K:Bphr         H:"FLOQ  T:Backovsko Horo
ABC     25 C1:117071077116070 C2:uuddudduudduddu M:6/8   K:Bphr         H:"FLOQ  T:Backovsko Horo
ABC     26 C1:117071077116070 C2:uuddudduudduddu M:6/8   K:Bphr         H:"FLOQ  T:Backovsko Horo
ABC     26 C1:117071077116070 C2:uuddudduudduddu M:6/8   K:Bphr         H:"FLOQ  T:Backovsko Horo
ABC     26 C1:117071077116070 C2:uuddudduudduddu M:6/8   K:Bphr         H:"FLOQ  T:Backovsko Horo
ABC     26 C1:117071077116070 C2:uuddudduudduddu M:6/8   K:Bphr         H:"FLOQ  T:Backovsko Horo
ABC     26 C1:117071077116070 C2:uuddudduudduddu M:6/8   K:Bphr         H:"FLOQ  T:Backovsko Horo
ABC      1 C1:000000040006000 C2:udduuuddduudduu M:4/4   K:A            H:LQ     T:Back Porch [lute/harp] [v.1 Giddily]
ABC    520 C1:712302776627007 C2:duuuudddduddddu M:4/4   K:D            H:CILRZ  T:Back Proddin' Mudguard
ABC    520 C1:712302776627007 C2:duuuudddduddddu M:4/4   K:D            H:CILRZ  T:Back Proddin' Mudguard
ABC    520 C1:712302776627007 C2:duuuudddduddddu M:4/4   K:D            H:CILRZ  T:Back Proddin' Mudguard
ABC      1 C1:010016670002060 C2:uuddduddddduudd M:12/8  K:D            H:CLQR   T:The Back Road
ABC      4 C1:010016670002060 C2:uuddduddddduudd M:12/8  K:D            H:CLQR   T:The Back Road
ABC    195 C1:445552410241050 C2:dduuuuuuddudddu M:2/4   K:Cmaj         H:CLRZ   T:The Backroad's Country Breakdown
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:             H:BCOZ   T:Back Road to Ayer
ABC      3 C1:                C2:                M:      K:             H:BCOZ   T:Back Road to Ayer
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:             H:BCOZ   T:Back Road to Bolton
ABC      3 C1:                C2:                M:      K:             H:BCOZ   T:Back Road to Bolton
ABC      4 C1:111140270264402 C2:uuuudududududdu M:C     K:G            H:"CLQR  T:The Back Road to Enumclaw
ABC      1 C1:662271173777037 C2:dduuduududddudd M:C|    K:D            H:"CLRSZ T:Back Shore Hornpipe
ABC      1 C1:662271173777037 C2:dduuduududddudd M:C|    K:D            H:"CLRSZ T:Back Shore Hornpipe
ABC      1 C1:662271173777037 C2:dduuduududddudd M:C|    K:D            H:"CLRSZ T:Back Shore Hornpipe
ABC      1 C1:662271173777037 C2:dduuduududddudd M:C|    K:D            H:"CLRSZ T:Back Shore Hornpipe
ABC      1 C1:662271173777037 C2:dduuduududddudd M:C|    K:D            H:"CLRSZ T:Back Shore Hornpipe
ABC      1 C1:662271173777037 C2:dduuduududddudd M:C|    K:D            H:"CLRSZ T:Back Shore Hornpipe
ABC      1 C1:662271173777037 C2:dduuduududddudd M:C|    K:D            H:"CLRSZ T:Back Shore Hornpipe
ABC     27 C1:662271173777037 C2:dduuduududddudd M:C|    K:D            H:"CLRSZ T:Back Shore Hornpipe
ABC  20564 C1:040011677777011 C2:uuudddddduuuddu M:2/4   K:Edor         H:BCLSZ  T:BACK SIDE OF ALBANY
ABC  20564 C1:040011677777011 C2:uuudddddduuuddu M:2/4   K:Edor         H:BCLSZ  T:BACK SIDE OF ALBANY
ABC      1 C1:661263670071402 C2:dddduuudduddddu M:2/4   K:Edor         H:BLRZ   T:Back Side of Albany
ABC      2 C1:661273660004025 C2:dddduuudduddddu M:2/4   K:Edor         H:LRSZ   T:Back Side of Albany
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:2/4   K:Edor         H:BLRZ   T:Back Side of Albany
ABC  20564 C1:040011677777011 C2:uuudddddduuuddu M:2/4   K:Edor         H:BCLSZ  T:BACK SIDE OF ALBANY
ABC  20564 C1:040011677777011 C2:uuudddddduuuddu M:2/4   K:Edor         H:BCLSZ  T:BACK SIDE OF ALBANY
ABC  20564 C1:040011677777011 C2:uuudddddduuuddu M:2/4   K:Edor         H:BCLSZ  T:BACK SIDE OF ALBANY
ABC  20564 C1:040011677777011 C2:uuudddddduuuddu M:2/4   K:Edor         H:BCLSZ  T:BACK SIDE OF ALBANY
ABC  20564 C1:040011677777011 C2:uuudddddduuuddu M:2/4   K:Edor         H:BCLSZ  T:BACK SIDE OF ALBANY
ABC  20564 C1:040011677777011 C2:uuudddddduuuddu M:2/4   K:Edor         H:BCLSZ  T:BACK SIDE OF ALBANY
ABC  20564 C1:040011677777011 C2:uuudddddduuuddu M:2/4   K:Edor         H:BCLSZ  T:BACK SIDE OF ALBANY
ABC  20564 C1:040011677777011 C2:uuudddddduuuddu M:2/4   K:Edor         H:BCLSZ  T:BACK SIDE OF ALBANY
ABC  20564 C1:040011677777011 C2:uuudddddduuuddu M:2/4   K:Edor         H:BCLSZ  T:BACK SIDE OF ALBANY
ABC      1 C1:050077107000700 C2:udduddduuddddud M:4/4   K:G            H:"S     T:Backstairs Jig
ABC     11 C1:050762070007000 C2:udduddduuddddud M:4/4   K:G            H:"S     T:Backstairs Jig
ABC     11 C1:050070070007000 C2:udddduudddduddd M:6/8   K:G            H:"C     T:Backstairs Jig
ABC    981 C1:050077107000700 C2:udduddduuddddud M:4/4   K:G            H:"S     T:Backstairs Jig
ABC     55 C1:050077107000700 C2:udduddduuddddud M:4/4   K:G            H:"S     T:Backstairs Jig
ABC     11 C1:050077107000700 C2:udduddduuddddud M:4/4   K:G            H:"S     T:Backstairs Jig
ABC     11 C1:050077107000700 C2:udduddduuddddud M:4/4   K:G            H:"S     T:Backstairs Jig
ABC     11 C1:050077107000700 C2:udduddduuddddud M:4/4   K:G            H:"S     T:Backstairs Jig
ABC     11 C1:050762070007000 C2:udduddduuddddud M:6/8   K:G            H:"RS    T:Backstairs Jig
ABC     11 C1:050762070007000 C2:udduddduuddddud M:6/8   K:G            H:"RS    T:Backstairs Jig
ABC     11 C1:050762070007000 C2:udduddduuddddud M:6/8   K:G            H:"RS    T:Backstairs Jig
ABC    356 C1:050077107000700 C2:udduddduuddddud M:4/4   K:G            H:"OS    T:Backstairs Jig
ABC    356 C1:050077107000700 C2:udduddduuddddud M:4/4   K:G            H:"OS    T:Backstairs Jig
ABC    981 C1:050077107000700 C2:udduddduuddddud M:4/4   K:G            H:"S     T:Backstairs Jig
ABC    981 C1:050077107000700 C2:udduddduuddddud M:4/4   K:G            H:"S     T:Backstairs Jig
ABC    981 C1:050077107000700 C2:udduddduuddddud M:4/4   K:G            H:"S     T:Backstairs Jig
ABC    827 C1:050077107000700 C2:udduddduuddddud M:4/4   K:G            H:"S     T:Backstairs Jig
ABC    827 C1:050077107000700 C2:udduddduuddddud M:4/4   K:G            H:"S     T:Backstairs Jig
ABC    827 C1:050077107000700 C2:udduddduuddddud M:4/4   K:G            H:"S     T:Backstairs Jig
ABC    827 C1:050077107000700 C2:udduddduuddddud M:4/4   K:G            H:"S     T:Backstairs Jig
ABC    827 C1:050077107000700 C2:udduddduuddddud M:4/4   K:G            H:"S     T:Backstairs Jig
ABC      1 C1:771100011020040 C2:dduuduuuudddddd M:C|    K:D            H:LRSZ   T:Backstep Cindy
ABC      1 C1:771100011020040 C2:dduuduuuudddddd M:C|    K:D            H:LRSZ   T:Backstep Cindy
ABC      1 C1:331101707000421 C2:duuuuddduuuduuu M:4/4   K:D            H:L      T:Backstep No. 1
ABC      9 C1:331101707000421 C2:duuuuddduuuduuu M:4/4   K:D            H:L      T:Backstep No. 1
ABC      8 C1:331101707000421 C2:duuuuddduuuduuu M:4/4   K:D            H:LRZ    T:Backstep No. 1
ABC    982 C1:331101707000421 C2:duuuuddduuuduuu M:4/4   K:D            H:L      T:Backstep No. 1
ABC    357 C1:331101707000421 C2:duuuuddduuuduuu M:4/4   K:D            H:LO     T:Backstep No. 1
ABC    357 C1:331101707000421 C2:duuuuddduuuduuu M:4/4   K:D            H:LO     T:Backstep No. 1
ABC    982 C1:331101707000421 C2:duuuuddduuuduuu M:4/4   K:D            H:L      T:Backstep No. 1
ABC    982 C1:331101707000421 C2:duuuuddduuuduuu M:4/4   K:D            H:L      T:Backstep No. 1
ABC    982 C1:331101707000421 C2:duuuuddduuuduuu M:4/4   K:D            H:L      T:Backstep No. 1
ABC    828 C1:331101707000421 C2:duuuuddduuuduuu M:4/4   K:D            H:L      T:Backstep No. 1
ABC    828 C1:331101707000421 C2:duuuuddduuuduuu M:4/4   K:D            H:L      T:Backstep No. 1
ABC    828 C1:331101707000421 C2:duuuuddduuuduuu M:4/4   K:D            H:L      T:Backstep No. 1
ABC    828 C1:331101707000421 C2:duuuuddduuuduuu M:4/4   K:D            H:L      T:Backstep No. 1
ABC    828 C1:331101707000421 C2:duuuuddduuuduuu M:4/4   K:D            H:L      T:Backstep No. 1
ABC      6 C1:117765363071112 C2:uuddddududuuuud M:4/4   K:Gmaj         H:CLR    T:The Back Stitch (reel)
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Backstreet Boys - All I Have To Give (4:12)
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:backstreet boys-incomplete (4:00)
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:backstreet boys-i want it that way Drums (3:24)
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:backstreet boys-i want it that way Flute (3:29)
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:backstreet boys-i want it that way (Lute Backround) (3:24)
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:backstreet boys-i want it that way (Lute no bass) (3:29)
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:backstreet boys I Want It That Way (Made by Ratissia of snowbourne)(3:29)
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Backstreet Boys - I Want It That Way (Made by Ratissia of snowbourne)(3:29)
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:backstreet boys-i want it that way Theorbo (3:24)
ABC      0 C1:                C2:                M:6/8   K:             H:BCR    T:Back to Back
ABC    741 C1:403701507176556 C2:uududdudduddduu M:4/4   K:Ddor         H:HLRZ   T:Back To Belfast
ABC    758 C1:000703020404040 C2:dudududdududddd M:4/4   K:Ddor         H:HLRZ   T:Back To Belfast
ABC      1 C1:717655674046275 C2:duddudddudududd M:4/4   K:Ddor         H:"LR    T:Back To Belfast Reel
ABC      1 C1:717655674046275 C2:duddudddudududd M:4/4   K:Ddor         H:"LR    T:Back To Belfast Reel
ABC      1 C1:000000000000050 C2:dududududududdd M:4/4   K:F            H:CLQ    T:Back to Black (1/6:Horn)
ABC      1 C1:000000000000050 C2:dududududududdd M:4/4   K:F            H:CLQ    T:Back to Black (1/6:Horn)
ABC      1 C1:000000000000050 C2:dududududududdd M:4/4   K:F            H:CLQ    T:Back to Black (1/6:Horn)
ABC      1 C1:000000000000050 C2:dududududududdd M:4/4   K:F            H:CLQ    T:Back to Black (1/6:Horn)
ABC      2 C1:000600050005000 C2:dduddudddudddud M:4/4   K:F            H:CLQ    T:Back to Black (2/6:Flute)
ABC      2 C1:000600050005000 C2:dduddudddudddud M:4/4   K:F            H:CLQ    T:Back to Black (2/6:Flute)
ABC      2 C1:000600050005000 C2:dduddudddudddud M:4/4   K:F            H:CLQ    T:Back to Black (2/6:Flute)
ABC      2 C1:000600050005000 C2:dduddudddudddud M:4/4   K:F            H:CLQ    T:Back to Black (2/6:Flute)
ABC      3 C1:007777400777740 C2:ddddudddduddddu M:4/4   K:F            H:CLQ    T:Back to Black (3/6:Liuto)
ABC      3 C1:007777400777740 C2:ddddudddduddddu M:4/4   K:F            H:CLQ    T:Back to Black (3/6:Liuto)
ABC      3 C1:007777400777740 C2:ddddudddduddddu M:4/4   K:F            H:CLQ    T:Back to Black (3/6:Liuto)
ABC      3 C1:007777400777740 C2:ddddudddduddddu M:4/4   K:F            H:CLQ    T:Back to Black (3/6:Liuto)
ABC      4 C1:431431431432341 C2:ddddduddddduddd M:4/4   K:F            H:CLQ    T:Back to Black (4/6:Harp)
ABC      4 C1:431431431432341 C2:ddddduddddduddd M:4/4   K:F            H:CLQ    T:Back to Black (4/6:Harp)
ABC      4 C1:431431431432341 C2:ddddduddddduddd M:4/4   K:F            H:CLQ    T:Back to Black (4/6:Harp)
ABC      4 C1:431431431432341 C2:ddddduddddduddd M:4/4   K:F            H:CLQ    T:Back to Black (4/6:Harp)
ABC      5 C1:007400000110000 C2:ddduuudduuddduu M:4/4   K:F            H:CLQ    T:Back to Black (5/6:Theorbo)
ABC      5 C1:007400000110000 C2:ddduuudduuddduu M:4/4   K:F            H:CLQ    T:Back to Black (5/6:Theorbo)
ABC      5 C1:007400000110000 C2:ddduuudduuddduu M:4/4   K:F            H:CLQ    T:Back to Black (5/6:Theorbo)
ABC      5 C1:007400000110000 C2:ddduuudduuddduu M:4/4   K:F            H:CLQ    T:Back to Black (5/6:Theorbo)
ABC      6 C1:620500000126205 C2:dudududdudududu M:4/4   K:F            H:CLQ    T:Back to Black (6/6:Drum)
ABC      6 C1:620500000126205 C2:dudududdudududu M:4/4   K:F            H:CLQ    T:Back to Black (6/6:Drum)
ABC      6 C1:620500000126205 C2:dudududdudududu M:4/4   K:F            H:CLQ    T:Back to Black (6/6:Drum)
ABC      6 C1:620500000126205 C2:dudududdudududu M:4/4   K:F            H:CLQ    T:Back to Black (6/6:Drum)
ABC  37008 C1:011776250311332 C2:uuddduduuuduuud M:C|    K:G            H:BCLQR  T:BACK TO CAMP* (march)
ABC  37008 C1:011776250311332 C2:uuddduduuuduuud M:C|    K:G            H:BCLQR  T:BACK TO CAMP* (march)
ABC  37008 C1:011776250311332 C2:uuddduduuuduuud M:C|    K:G            H:BCLQR  T:BACK TO CAMP* (march)
ABC  37008 C1:011776250311332 C2:uuddduduuuduuud M:C|    K:G            H:BCLQR  T:BACK TO CAMP* (march)
ABC    121 C1:224377650032332 C2:uududddduuduudu M:4/4   K:Dmin         H:CLR    T:Back To Chernobyl
ABC    121 C1:224377650032332 C2:uududddduuduudu M:4/4   K:Dmin         H:CLR    T:Back To Chernobyl
ABC    121 C1:224377650032332 C2:uududddduuduudu M:4/4   K:Dmin         H:CLR    T:Back To Chernobyl
ABC    121 C1:224377650032332 C2:uududddduuduudu M:4/4   K:Dmin         H:CLR    T:Back To Chernobyl
ABC    121 C1:224377650032332 C2:uududddduuduudu M:4/4   K:Dmin         H:CLR    T:Back To Chernobyl
ABC  51003 C1:062017067001111 C2:duuddduuuuuuddd M:12/8  K:G            H:BCLQR  T:BACK to CUIL AODHA (slide)
ABC  51003 C1:062017067001111 C2:duuddduuuuuuddd M:12/8  K:G            H:BCLQR  T:BACK to CUIL AODHA (slide)
ABC  51003 C1:062017067001111 C2:duuddduuuuuuddd M:12/8  K:G            H:BCLQR  T:BACK to CUIL AODHA (slide)
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Back to December [Bagpipe](4:39)-T.Swift
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Back to December [Drums](4:39)-T.Swift
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Back to December [Flute #1](4:39)-T.Swift
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Back to December [Flute #2](4:39)-T.Swift
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Back to December [Harp](4:39)-T.Swift
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Back to December [Theorbo](4:39)-T.Swift
ABC      1 C1:000027070041006 C2:uudduuududuuudu M:6/8   K:HP           H:CLQS   T:BACK TO DONEGAL
ABC      1 C1:000027070041006 C2:uudduuududuuudu M:6/8   K:HP           H:CLQS   T:BACK TO DONEGAL
ABC      1 C1:000027070041006 C2:uudduuududuuudu M:6/8   K:HP           H:CLQS   T:BACK TO DONEGAL
ABC     62 C1:000027070041006 C2:uudduuududuuudu M:6/8   K:A            H:"CLQRS T:Back to Donegal
ABC     62 C1:000027070041006 C2:uudduuududuuudu M:6/8   K:A            H:"CLQRS T:Back to Donegal
ABC      1 C1:001177760071301 C2:uuddddduuuuuudu M:4/4   K:Am           H:CLRS   T:Back to Erin
ABC      1 C1:001177760071301 C2:uuddddduuuuuudu M:4/4   K:Am           H:CLRS   T:Back to Erin
ABC      1 C1:001177760071301 C2:uuddddduuuuuudu M:4/4   K:Am           H:CLRS   T:Back to Erin
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Back To Good (accompany) (5:29)
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Back to Good (lead) (5:26)
ABC     40 C1:116611614277777 C2:uudduudududdudd M:4/4   K:G            H:LRSZ   T:Back to Gweedore
ABC  41013 C1:116611614267777 C2:uudduududududdd M:4/4   K:G            H:CLQRS  T:BACK TO GWEEDORE (reel)
ABC  41013 C1:116611614267777 C2:uudduududududdd M:4/4   K:G            H:CLQRS  T:BACK TO GWEEDORE (reel)
ABC  41013 C1:116611614267777 C2:uudduududududdd M:4/4   K:G            H:CLQRS  T:BACK TO GWEEDORE (reel)
ABC     18 C1:020503040401000 C2:ududududuududud M:3/4   K:A            H:CLRZ   T:Back to Kennebec Waltz
ABC    978 C1:071770500001770 C2:dudddudduudduuu M:3/4   K:A            H:CLR    T:Back to Kennebec Waltz
ABC    978 C1:071770500001770 C2:dudddudduudduuu M:3/4   K:A            H:CLR    T:Back to Kennebec Waltz
ABC    978 C1:071770500001770 C2:dudddudduudduuu M:3/4   K:A            H:CLR    T:Back to Kennebec Waltz
ABC    978 C1:071770500001770 C2:dudddudduudduuu M:3/4   K:A            H:CLR    T:Back to Kennebec Waltz
ABC  51004 C1:112071660062112 C2:uuududduduuuddd M:6/8   K:D            H:BCLQR  T:BACK to KILBAHA
ABC  51004 C1:112071660062112 C2:uuududduduuuddd M:6/8   K:D            H:BCLQR  T:BACK to KILBAHA
ABC  51004 C1:112071660062112 C2:uuududduduuuddd M:6/8   K:D            H:BCLQR  T:BACK to KILBAHA
ABC  51005 C1:623077005077177 C2:duuddudduddduuu M:12/8  K:D            H:BCLQR  T:BACK to KILGARVIN (slide)
ABC  51005 C1:623077005077177 C2:duuddudduddduuu M:12/8  K:D            H:BCLQR  T:BACK to KILGARVIN (slide)
ABC  51005 C1:623077005077177 C2:duuddudduddduuu M:12/8  K:D            H:BCLQR  T:BACK to KILGARVIN (slide)
ABC      1 C1:126004121007017 C2:uudduuududdduuu M:      K:Edor         H:LR     T:Back To Skibbereen
ABC   3804 C1:021100360007000 C2:uuuudduuudddudd M:C     K:D            H:"BCLRZ T:Back to the Fireside
ABC   3804 C1:021100360007000 C2:uuuudduuudddudd M:C     K:D            H:"BCLRZ T:Back to the Fireside
ABC   3804 C1:021100360007000 C2:uuuudduuudddudd M:C     K:D            H:"BCLRZ T:Back to the Fireside
ABC   3804 C1:021100360007000 C2:uuuudduuudddudd M:C     K:D            H:"BCLRZ T:Back to the Fireside
ABC   3804 C1:021100360007000 C2:uuuudduuudddudd M:C     K:D            H:"BCLRZ T:Back to the Fireside
ABC      0 C1:                C2:                M:      K:             H:O      T:Back to the Fireside
ABC      1 C1:223607012560736 C2:uuuudduuudddudd M:4/4   K:D            H:"CL    T:Back to the Fireside
ABC      1 C1:223607012560736 C2:uuuudduuudddudd M:4/4   K:D            H:"CL    T:Back to the Fireside
ABC   3804 C1:021100360007000 C2:uuuudduuudddudd M:C     K:D            H:"BCLRZ T:Back to the Fireside
ABC   3804 C1:021100360007000 C2:uuuudduuudddudd M:C     K:D            H:"BCLRZ T:Back to the Fireside
ABC   3804 C1:021100360007000 C2:uuuudduuudddudd M:C     K:D            H:"BCLRZ T:Back to the Fireside
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:CLQZ   T:Back to the Future
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:backto the future by amaysn of arkenstone (3:14)
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:CLQ    T:Back to the Future by Skjald
ABC      2 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQ     T:Back to the Future, Clarinet
ABC      3 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQ     T:Back to the Future, Flute
ABC      4 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQ     T:Back to the Future, Lute/Harp
ABC      1 C1:117211706770076 C2:uudduuudduddddd M:C     K:Am           H:"CLRZ  T:Back to the Hills
ABC      1 C1:117211706770076 C2:uudduuudduddddd M:C     K:Am           H:"CLRZ  T:Back to the Hills
ABC      1 C1:117211706770076 C2:uudduuudduddddd M:C     K:Am           H:"CLRZ  T:Back to the Hills
ABC      1 C1:117211706770076 C2:uudduuudduddddd M:C     K:Am           H:"CLRZ  T:Back to the Hills
ABC      1 C1:117211706770076 C2:uudduuudduddddd M:C     K:Am           H:"CLRZ  T:Back to the Hills
ABC      1 C1:117211706770076 C2:uudduuudduddddd M:C     K:Am           H:"CLRZ  T:Back to the Hills
ABC      1 C1:117211706770076 C2:uudduuudduddddd M:C     K:Am           H:"CLRZ  T:Back to the Hills
ABC      1 C1:117211706770076 C2:uudduuudduddddd M:C     K:Am           H:"CLRZ  T:Back to the Hills
ABC      1 C1:117211706770075 C2:uudduuudduddddd M:C     K:Em           H:"CLRZ  T:Back to the Hills
ABC      1 C1:117211706770075 C2:uudduuudduddddd M:C     K:Em           H:"CLRZ  T:Back to the Hills
ABC      1 C1:117211706770075 C2:uudduuudduddddd M:C     K:Em           H:"CLRZ  T:Back to the Hills
ABC      1 C1:117211706770075 C2:uudduuudduddddd M:C     K:Em           H:"CLRZ  T:Back to the Hills
ABC      1 C1:117211706770075 C2:uudduuudduddddd M:C     K:Em           H:"CLRZ  T:Back to the Hills
ABC      1 C1:117211706770075 C2:uudduuudduddddd M:C     K:Em           H:"CLRZ  T:Back to the Hills
ABC      1 C1:117211706770075 C2:uudduuudduddddd M:C     K:Em           H:"CLRZ  T:Back to the Hills
ABC      1 C1:117211706770075 C2:uudduuudduddddd M:C     K:Em           H:"CLRZ  T:Back to the Hills
ABC      1 C1:117211706770075 C2:uudduuudduddddd M:C|    K:Dm           H:"CLRZ  T:Back to the Hills
ABC      1 C1:117211706770075 C2:uudduuudduddddd M:C|    K:Dm           H:"CLRZ  T:Back to the Hills
ABC      1 C1:117211706770075 C2:uudduuudduddddd M:C|    K:Dm           H:"CLRZ  T:Back to the Hills
ABC      1 C1:117211706770075 C2:uudduuudduddddd M:C|    K:Dm           H:"CLRZ  T:Back to the Hills
ABC      1 C1:117211706770075 C2:uudduuudduddddd M:C|    K:Dm           H:"CLRZ  T:Back to the Hills
ABC      1 C1:117211706770075 C2:uudduuudduddddd M:C|    K:Dm           H:"CLRZ  T:Back to the Hills
ABC      1 C1:117211706770075 C2:uudduuudduddddd M:C|    K:Dm           H:"CLRZ  T:Back to the Hills
ABC      1 C1:117211706770075 C2:uudduuudduddddd M:C|    K:Dm           H:"CLRZ  T:Back to the Hills
ABC      1 C1:117211706770075 C2:uudduuudduddddd M:C|    K:Dm           H:CLRZ   T:Back to the Hills
ABC      1 C1:117211706770075 C2:uudduuudduddddd M:C|    K:Dm           H:CLRZ   T:Back to the Hills
ABC      1 C1:117211706770075 C2:uudduuudduddddd M:C|    K:Dm           H:CLRZ   T:Back to the Hills
ABC      1 C1:117211706770075 C2:uudduuudduddddd M:C|    K:Dm           H:CLRZ   T:Back to the Hills
ABC      3 C1:117211706770076 C2:uudduuudduddddd M:C     K:Am           H:"CLRZ  T:Back to the Hills
ABC      3 C1:117211706770075 C2:uudduuudduddddd M:C|    K:Dm           H:"CLRZ  T:Back to the Hills
ABC      3 C1:117211706770075 C2:uudduuudduddddd M:C|    K:Dm           H:"CLRZ  T:Back to the Hills
ABC      3 C1:117211706770075 C2:uudduuudduddddd M:C|    K:Dm           H:"CLRZ  T:Back to the Hills
ABC      4 C1:117211706770076 C2:uudduuudduddddd M:C     K:Am           H:"CLRZ  T:Back to the Hills
ABC      2 C1:117211706770075 C2:uudduuudduddddd M:C     K:Em           H:"CLRZ  T:Back to the Hills
ABC      3 C1:117211706770076 C2:uudduuudduddddd M:C     K:Am           H:"CLRZ  T:Back to the Hills
ABC      4 C1:117211706770075 C2:uudduuudduddddd M:C     K:Em           H:"CLRZ  T:Back to the Hills
ABC      3 C1:117211706770076 C2:uudduuudduddddd M:C     K:Am           H:"CLRZ  T:Back to the Hills
ABC      3 C1:117211706770075 C2:uudduuudduddddd M:C     K:Em           H:"CLRZ  T:Back to the Hills
ABC      3 C1:117211706770075 C2:uudduuudduddddd M:C|    K:Dm           H:"CLRZ  T:Back to the Hills
ABC      3 C1:117211706770075 C2:uudduuudduddddd M:C|    K:Dm           H:"CLRZ  T:Back to the Hills
ABC      4 C1:117211706770076 C2:uudduuudduddddd M:C     K:Am           H:"CLRZ  T:Back to the Hills
ABC      4 C1:117211706770076 C2:uudduuudduddddd M:C     K:Am           H:"CLRZ  T:Back to the Hills
ABC      4 C1:117211706770076 C2:uudduuudduddddd M:C     K:Am           H:"CLRZ  T:Back to the Hills
ABC      4 C1:117211706770075 C2:uudduuudduddddd M:C     K:Em           H:"CLRZ  T:Back to the Hills
ABC      2 C1:117211706770076 C2:uudduuudduddddd M:C     K:Am           H:"CLRZ  T:Back to the Hills
ABC      3 C1:117211706770075 C2:uudduuudduddddd M:C     K:Em           H:"CLRZ  T:Back to the Hills
ABC      3 C1:117211706770075 C2:uudduuudduddddd M:C     K:Em           H:"CLRZ  T:Back to the Hills
ABC      4 C1:117211706770075 C2:uudduuudduddddd M:C|    K:Dm           H:"CLRZ  T:Back to the Hills
ABC      4 C1:117211706770075 C2:uudduuudduddddd M:C|    K:Dm           H:"CLRZ  T:Back to the Hills
ABC      4 C1:117211706770075 C2:uudduuudduddddd M:C|    K:Dm           H:"CLRZ  T:Back to the Hills
ABC      4 C1:117211706770075 C2:uudduuudduddddd M:C|    K:Dm           H:"CLRZ  T:Back to the Hills
ABC      4 C1:117211706770075 C2:uudduuudduddddd M:C     K:Em           H:"CLRZ  T:Back to the Hills
ABC      4 C1:117211706770075 C2:uudduuudduddddd M:C     K:Em           H:"CLRZ  T:Back to the Hills
ABC      4 C1:117211706770075 C2:uudduuudduddddd M:C     K:Em           H:"CLRZ  T:Back to the Hills
ABC      2 C1:117211706770076 C2:uudduuudduddddd M:C     K:Am           H:"CLRZ  T:Back to the Hills
ABC      4 C1:117211706770075 C2:uudduuudduddddd M:C     K:Em           H:"CLRZ  T:Back to the Hills
ABC      4 C1:117211706770075 C2:uudduuudduddddd M:C     K:Em           H:"CLRZ  T:Back to the Hills
ABC      4 C1:117211706770075 C2:uudduuudduddddd M:C     K:Em           H:"CLRZ  T:Back to the Hills
ABC      4 C1:117211706770075 C2:uudduuudduddddd M:C     K:Em           H:"CLRZ  T:Back to the Hills
ABC      4 C1:117211706770075 C2:uudduuudduddddd M:C     K:Em           H:"CLRZ  T:Back to the Hills
ABC      4 C1:117211706770075 C2:uudduuudduddddd M:C     K:Em           H:"CLRZ  T:Back to the Hills
ABC      4 C1:117211706770075 C2:uudduuudduddddd M:C     K:Em           H:"CLRZ  T:Back to the Hills
ABC      4 C1:117211706770075 C2:uudduuudduddddd M:C     K:Em           H:"CLRZ  T:Back to the Hills
ABC      4 C1:117211706770075 C2:uudduuudduddddd M:C     K:Em           H:"CLRZ  T:Back to the Hills
ABC      4 C1:117211706770075 C2:uudduuudduddddd M:C     K:Em           H:"CLRZ  T:Back to the Hills
ABC      4 C1:117211706770075 C2:uudduuudduddddd M:C     K:Em           H:"CLRZ  T:Back to the Hills
ABC      4 C1:117211706770075 C2:uudduuudduddddd M:C     K:Em           H:"CLRZ  T:Back to the Hills
ABC      3 C1:117211706770076 C2:uudduuudduddddd M:C     K:Am           H:"CLRZ  T:Back to the Hills
ABC      3 C1:117211706770076 C2:uudduuudduddddd M:C     K:Am           H:"CLRZ  T:Back to the Hills
ABC      3 C1:117211706770076 C2:uudduuudduddddd M:C     K:Am           H:"CLRZ  T:Back to the Hills
ABC      3 C1:117211706770076 C2:uudduuudduddddd M:C     K:Am           H:"CLRZ  T:Back to the Hills
ABC      3 C1:117211706770076 C2:uudduuudduddddd M:C     K:Am           H:"CLRZ  T:Back to the Hills
ABC      7 C1:117211706770075 C2:uudduuudduddddd M:C|    K:Dm           H:CLRZ   T:Back to the Hills
ABC      8 C1:117211706770075 C2:uudduuudduddddd M:C|    K:Dm           H:CLRZ   T:Back to the Hills
ABC      9 C1:117211706770076 C2:uudduuudduddddd M:C     K:Am           H:"CLRZ  T:Back to the Hills
ABC     10 C1:117211706770075 C2:uudduuudduddddd M:C|    K:Dm           H:"CLRZ  T:Back to the Hills
ABC     11 C1:117211706770075 C2:uudduuudduddddd M:C     K:Em           H:"CLRZ  T:Back to the Hills
ABC     12 C1:117211706770075 C2:uudduuudduddddd M:C|    K:Dm           H:CLRZ   T:Back to the Hills
ABC     13 C1:117211706770076 C2:uudduuudduddddd M:C     K:Am           H:"CLRZ  T:Back to the Hills
ABC     14 C1:117211706770075 C2:uudduuudduddddd M:C|    K:Dm           H:"CLRZ  T:Back to the Hills
ABC     15 C1:117211706770075 C2:uudduuudduddddd M:C     K:Em           H:"CLRZ  T:Back to the Hills
ABC      7 C1:117211706770075 C2:uudduuudduddddd M:C|    K:Dm           H:CLRZ   T:Back to the Hills
ABC      8 C1:117211706770075 C2:uudduuudduddddd M:C|    K:Dm           H:CLRZ   T:Back to the Hills
ABC      9 C1:117211706770076 C2:uudduuudduddddd M:C     K:Am           H:"CLRZ  T:Back to the Hills
ABC     10 C1:117211706770075 C2:uudduuudduddddd M:C|    K:Dm           H:"CLRZ  T:Back to the Hills
ABC     11 C1:117211706770075 C2:uudduuudduddddd M:C     K:Em           H:"CLRZ  T:Back to the Hills
ABC     12 C1:117211706770075 C2:uudduuudduddddd M:C|    K:Dm           H:CLRZ   T:Back to the Hills
ABC     13 C1:117211706770076 C2:uudduuudduddddd M:C     K:Am           H:"CLRZ  T:Back to the Hills
ABC     14 C1:117211706770075 C2:uudduuudduddddd M:C|    K:Dm           H:"CLRZ  T:Back to the Hills
ABC     15 C1:117211706770075 C2:uudduuudduddddd M:C     K:Em           H:"CLRZ  T:Back to the Hills
ABC      7 C1:117211706770075 C2:uudduuudduddddd M:C|    K:Dm           H:CLRZ   T:Back to the Hills
ABC      8 C1:117211706770075 C2:uudduuudduddddd M:C|    K:Dm           H:CLRZ   T:Back to the Hills
ABC      9 C1:117211706770076 C2:uudduuudduddddd M:C     K:Am           H:"CLRZ  T:Back to the Hills
ABC     10 C1:117211706770075 C2:uudduuudduddddd M:C|    K:Dm           H:"CLRZ  T:Back to the Hills
ABC     11 C1:117211706770075 C2:uudduuudduddddd M:C     K:Em           H:"CLRZ  T:Back to the Hills
ABC     12 C1:117211706770075 C2:uudduuudduddddd M:C|    K:Dm           H:CLRZ   T:Back to the Hills
ABC     13 C1:117211706770076 C2:uudduuudduddddd M:C     K:Am           H:"CLRZ  T:Back to the Hills
ABC     14 C1:117211706770075 C2:uudduuudduddddd M:C|    K:Dm           H:"CLRZ  T:Back to the Hills
ABC     15 C1:117211706770075 C2:uudduuudduddddd M:C     K:Em           H:"CLRZ  T:Back to the Hills
ABC     30 C1:000062320000656 C2:udduuuudddduuud M:2/4   K:D            H:CLZ    T:Back to the Sugar Camp
ABC    979 C1:000062320000656 C2:udduuuudddduuud M:2/4   K:D            H:CL     T:Back to the Sugar Camp
ABC    979 C1:000062320000656 C2:udduuuudddduuud M:2/4   K:D            H:CL     T:Back to the Sugar Camp
ABC    979 C1:000062320000656 C2:udduuuudddduuud M:2/4   K:D            H:CL     T:Back to the Sugar Camp
ABC    979 C1:000062320000656 C2:udduuuudddduuud M:2/4   K:D            H:CL     T:Back to the Sugar Camp
ABC   4804 C1:665322772771665 C2:ddduuuddudduddd M:6/8   K:D            H:"BCLRZ T:Back To Your Roots
ABC   4804 C1:665322772771665 C2:ddduuuddudduddd M:6/8   K:D            H:"BCLRZ T:Back To Your Roots
ABC   4804 C1:665322772771665 C2:ddduuuddudduddd M:6/8   K:D            H:"BCLRZ T:Back To Your Roots
ABC   4804 C1:665322772771665 C2:ddduuuddudduddd M:6/8   K:D            H:"BCLRZ T:Back To Your Roots
ABC      1 C1:000500000407070 C2:duddduuduuddudu M:C|    K:C            H:L      T:Back Up and Push (1)
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:C|    K:C            H:LV     T:Back Up and Push (1)
ABC      1 C1:050030520000511 C2:dudduduuu       M:4/4   K:G            H:HLOQRS T:Back up and push
ABC      1 C1:017602660265041 C2:udduddudduuuudd M:2/4   K:D            H:CLZ    T:Back up and Push
ABC      1 C1:017602660265041 C2:udduddudduuuudd M:2/4   K:D            H:CLZ    T:Back up and Push
ABC      8 C1:217176211161667 C2:uududduuuududdd M:4/4   K:C            H:"CLQ   T:Back Up And Push
ABC      8 C1:217176211161667 C2:uududduuuududdd M:4/4   K:C            H:"CLQ   T:Back Up And Push
ABC      1 C1:017602660265041 C2:udduddudduuuudd M:2/4   K:D            H:CLZ    T:Back up and Push
ABC     11 C1:017602660265041 C2:udduddudduuuudd M:2/4   K:D            H:CLZ    T:Back up and Push
ABC      1 C1:017602660265041 C2:udduddudduuuudd M:2/4   K:D            H:CLZ    T:Back up and Push
ABC      9 C1:217176211161667 C2:uududduuuududdd M:4/4   K:C            H:"CLQ   T:Back Up And Push
ABC      9 C1:217176211161667 C2:uududduuuududdd M:4/4   K:C            H:"CLQ   T:Back Up And Push
ABC    980 C1:017602660265041 C2:udduddudduuuudd M:2/4   K:D            H:CL     T:Back up and Push
ABC    980 C1:017602660265041 C2:udduddudduuuudd M:2/4   K:D            H:CL     T:Back up and Push
ABC    980 C1:017602660265041 C2:udduddudduuuudd M:2/4   K:D            H:CL     T:Back up and Push
ABC    980 C1:017602660265041 C2:udduddudduuuudd M:2/4   K:D            H:CL     T:Back up and Push
ABC      1 C1:026073674062331 C2:udduddduduuudud M:4/4   K:D            H:LQ     T:Backup and Push - Bluegrass-Rag
ABC      1 C1:763675007723126 C2:ddduudddddudddu M:3/4   K:D            H:LQ     T:Back Velvet Melody 2
ABC      1 C1:403666061401502 C2:dduuddddduuudud M:3/4   K:D            H:LQ     T:Back Velvet Melody 3
ABC      1 C1:763675007723126 C2:ddduudddddudddu M:3/4   K:D            H:LQ     T:Back Velvet Melody
ABC      1 C1:040040310050061 C2:duduuuduudduuuu M:3/4   K:D            H:LQ     T:Back Velvet Melody Bass
ABC      1 C1:422423322323323 C2:dududddududddud M:3/4   K:D            H:LQ     T:Back Velvet Melody Begeleiding 1
ABC      1 C1:402060010600302 C2:ududududududdud M:3/4   K:D            H:LQ     T:Back Velvet Melody Begeleiding 2
ABC  51006 C1:600267634002111 C2:dududddududuuuu M:C     K:D            H:BCLQR  T:BACK WALL, The (reel)
ABC  51006 C1:600267634002111 C2:dududddududuuuu M:C     K:D            H:BCLQR  T:BACK WALL, The (reel)
ABC  51006 C1:600267634002111 C2:dududddududuuuu M:C     K:D            H:BCLQR  T:BACK WALL, The (reel)
ABC     90 C1:006257760042231 C2:duuudddduuuuuud M:2/4   K:D            H:CLR    T:The Backwards Polka
ABC      1 C1:764000000000002 C2:ddduduudduduuud M:4/4   K:C            H:L      T:Back Water Blues
ABC      1 C1:764000000000002 C2:ddduduudduduuud M:4/4   K:C            H:L      T:Back Water Blues
ABC      1 C1:764000000000002 C2:ddduduudduduuud M:4/4   K:C            H:L      T:Back Water Blues
ABC      1 C1:005062070040740 C2:ddduudududuudud M:6/8   K:C            H:L      T:Backwoodsman
ABC      1 C1:005062070040740 C2:ddduudududuudud M:6/8   K:C            H:L      T:Backwoodsman
ABC      1 C1:005062070040740 C2:ddduudududuudud M:6/8   K:C            H:L      T:Backwoodsman
ABC 185222 C1:662766215277061 C2:dduddduududdduu M:4/4   K:D            H:CLQR   T:BACON AND BEANS* (hornpipe)
ABC 185222 C1:662766215277061 C2:dduddduududdduu M:4/4   K:D            H:CLQR   T:BACON AND BEANS* (hornpipe)
ABC 185222 C1:662766215277061 C2:dduddduududdduu M:4/4   K:D            H:CLQR   T:BACON AND BEANS* (hornpipe)
ABC      1 C1:060002070400070 C2:dudddduduududdd M:2/4   K:C            H:"L     T:Bacon flitch
ABC      1 C1:060002070400070 C2:dudddduduududdd M:2/4   K:C            H:"L     T:Bacon flitch
ABC    128 C1:660274077525110 C2:dddudddduduudud M:2/4   K:D            H:BLZ    T:Bacon Flitch. JJo.128, The
ABC    128 C1:660274077525110 C2:dddudddduduudud M:2/4   K:D            H:BLZ    T:Bacon Flitch. JJo.128, The
ABC    128 C1:660274077525110 C2:dddudddduduudud M:2/4   K:D            H:BLZ    T:Bacon Flitch. JJo.128, The
ABC    128 C1:660274077525110 C2:dddudddduduudud M:2/4   K:D            H:BLZ    T:Bacon Flitch. JJo.128, The
ABC    128 C1:660274077525110 C2:dddudddduduudud M:2/4   K:D            H:BLZ    T:Bacon Flitch. JJo.128, The
ABC    128 C1:660274077525110 C2:dddudddduduudud M:2/4   K:D            H:BLZ    T:Bacon Flitch. JJo.128, The
ABC    128 C1:660274077525110 C2:dddudddduduudud M:2/4   K:D            H:BLZ    T:Bacon Flitch. JJo.128, The
ABC    128 C1:660274077525110 C2:dddudddduduudud M:2/4   K:D            H:BLZ    T:Bacon Flitch. JJo.128, The
ABC    128 C1:660274077525110 C2:dddudddduduudud M:2/4   K:D            H:BLQZ   T:Bacon Flitch. JJo8.128, The
ABC    128 C1:660274077525110 C2:dddudddduduudud M:2/4   K:D            H:BLQZ   T:Bacon Flitch. JJo8.128, The
ABC    128 C1:660274077525110 C2:dddudddduduudud M:2/4   K:D            H:BLQZ   T:Bacon Flitch. JJo8.128, The
ABC    128 C1:660274077525110 C2:dddudddduduudud M:2/4   K:D            H:BLQZ   T:Bacon Flitch. JJo8.128, The
ABC      8 C1:602740775251103 C2:dudddduduududdd M:2/4   K:C            H:LOQSZ  T:Bacon Flitch. or.. JW6.008, The
ABC      8 C1:602740775251103 C2:dudddduduududdd M:2/4   K:C            H:ABLOQZ T:Bacon Flitch. or.. WCD3/6.008, The
ABC      8 C1:602740775251103 C2:dudddduduududdd M:2/4   K:C            H:ABLOQZ T:Bacon Flitch. or.. WCD3/6.008, The
ABC      1 C1:020001700000407 C2:uuddduuuduuuudd M:6/8   K:Eb           H:L      T:Bacon on the Rind
ABC      1 C1:020001700000407 C2:uuddduuuduuuudd M:6/8   K:Eb           H:L      T:Bacon on the Rind
ABC      1 C1:020001700000407 C2:uuddduuuduuuudd M:6/8   K:Eb           H:L      T:Bacon on the Rind
ABC    111 C1:240002617711111 C2:udududduuuuuduu M:C|    K:D            H:ALOQRSZ T:Bacons Hornpipe. JC.111
ABC    111 C1:240002617711111 C2:udududduuuuuduu M:C|    K:D            H:ABLQZ  T:Bacons Hornpipe. JC.111
ABC    111 C1:240002617711111 C2:udududduuuuuduu M:C|    K:D            H:ABLQZ  T:Bacons Hornpipe. JC.111
ABC    983 C1:240002617711111 C2:udududduuuuuduu M:C|    K:D            H:ALOQRSZ T:Bacons Hornpipe. JC.111
ABC    111 C1:240002617711111 C2:udududduuuuuduu M:C|    K:D            H:ABLOQRSZ T:Bacons Hornpipe. JC.111
ABC    983 C1:240002617711111 C2:udududduuuuuduu M:C|    K:D            H:ALOQRSZ T:Bacons Hornpipe. JC.111
ABC    983 C1:240002617711111 C2:udududduuuuuduu M:C|    K:D            H:ALOQRSZ T:Bacons Hornpipe. JC.111
ABC    983 C1:240002617711111 C2:udududduuuuuduu M:C|    K:D            H:ALOQRSZ T:Bacons Hornpipe. JC.111
ABC    456 C1:240002617711111 C2:udududduuuuuduu M:C|    K:D            H:AFLOQRSZ T:Bacons Hornpipe. JC.111
ABC   6004 C1:240002617711111 C2:udududduuuuuduu M:C|    K:D            H:AFLOQRSZ T:Bacons Hornpipe. JC.111
ABC    456 C1:240002617711111 C2:udududduuuuuduu M:C|    K:D            H:AFLOQRSZ T:Bacons Hornpipe. JC.111
ABC   6004 C1:240002617711111 C2:udududduuuuuduu M:C|    K:D            H:AFLOQRSZ T:Bacons Hornpipe. JC.111
ABC    111 C1:240002617711111 C2:udududduuuuuduu M:C|    K:D            H:ABLOQRSZ T:Bacons Hornpipe. JC.111
ABC    829 C1:000300071105000 C2:uduuduudduududd M:4/4   K:D            H:L      T:Bacup Brittania Coconut Dancer's Garland Dance Number Five
ABC    829 C1:000300071105000 C2:uduuduudduududd M:4/4   K:D            H:L      T:Bacup Brittania Coconut Dancer's Garland Dance Number Five
ABC    829 C1:000300071105000 C2:uduuduudduududd M:4/4   K:D            H:L      T:Bacup Brittania Coconut Dancer's Garland Dance Number Five
ABC    829 C1:000300071105000 C2:uduuduudduududd M:4/4   K:D            H:L      T:Bacup Brittania Coconut Dancer's Garland Dance Number Five
ABC    829 C1:000300071105000 C2:uduuduudduududd M:4/4   K:D            H:L      T:Bacup Brittania Coconut Dancer's Garland Dance Number Five
ABC    830 C1:001115006020070 C2:uuuddudduuuuudu M:6/8   K:G            H:L      T:Bacup Brittania Coconut Dancer's Garland Dance Number Three
ABC    830 C1:001115006020070 C2:uuuddudduuuuudu M:6/8   K:G            H:L      T:Bacup Brittania Coconut Dancer's Garland Dance Number Three
ABC    830 C1:001115006020070 C2:uuuddudduuuuudu M:6/8   K:G            H:L      T:Bacup Brittania Coconut Dancer's Garland Dance Number Three
ABC    830 C1:001115006020070 C2:uuuddudduuuuudu M:6/8   K:G            H:L      T:Bacup Brittania Coconut Dancer's Garland Dance Number Three
ABC    830 C1:001115006020070 C2:uuuddudduuuuudu M:6/8   K:G            H:L      T:Bacup Brittania Coconut Dancer's Garland Dance Number Three
ABC      1 C1:000001050000061 C2:udduuuduuuduudd M:4/4   K:G            H:HLSZ   T:Bacup Coconut Dance (4 parts)
ABC      1 C1:000001050000061 C2:udduuuduuuduudd M:4/4   K:G            H:HLSZ   T:Bacup Coconut Dance (4 parts)
ABC      1 C1:000001050000061 C2:udduuuduuuduudd M:4/4   K:G            H:HLSZ   T:Bacup Coconut Dance (4 parts)
ABC      1 C1:000001050000061 C2:udduuuduuuduudd M:4/4   K:G            H:HLSZ   T:Bacup Coconut Dance (4 parts)
ABC      1 C1:000001050000061 C2:udduuuduuuduudd M:4/4   K:G            H:HLSZ   T:Bacup Coconut Dance (4 parts)
ABC      1 C1:110000177700000 C2:uuudddduuuddduu M:4/4   K:G            H:"FLZ   T:Bacup Coconut Tune
ABC      1 C1:110000177700000 C2:uuudddduuuddduu M:4/4   K:G            H:"FLZ   T:Bacup Coconut Tune
ABC      1 C1:110000177700000 C2:uuudddduuuddduu M:4/4   K:G            H:"FLZ   T:Bacup Coconut Tune
ABC      1 C1:110000177700000 C2:uuudddduuuddduu M:4/4   K:G            H:"FLZ   T:Bacup Coconut Tune
ABC     10 C1:000006110000020 C2:duuuduuuddddduu M:4/4   K:G            H:LZ     T:Bacup Coconut Tune
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:4/4   K:G            H:FLZ    T:Bacup Coconut Tune
ABC    228 C1:001671720010000 C2:udduduududduduu M:2/4   K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Bağda Gülü Budadım
ABC    228 C1:001671720010000 C2:udduduududduduu M:2/4   K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Bağda Gülü Budadım
ABC    228 C1:001671720010000 C2:udduduududduduu M:2/4   K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Bağda Gülü Budadım
ABC    228 C1:001000070016717 C2:ududduduududdud M:2/4   K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Bağda Gülü Budadım
ABC      1 C1:31220202223     C2:duuuuduud       M:2/4   K:C            H:L      T:Bad barcount
ABC      1 C1:026710776071021 C2:uddudddduuuuudd M:      K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:Bad Boy, No Biscuit
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:badboys (3:54)
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:bad-boys (lute solo) (by Cervantes)
ABC      1 C1:407111077711110 C2:dduuuddduuuuudd M:4/4   K:G            H:ACLORS T:Bad Boys of Dunkirk
ABC    358 C1:407111077711110 C2:dduuuddduuuuudd M:4/4   K:G            H:ACLORS T:Bad Boys of Dunkirk
ABC    358 C1:407111077711110 C2:dduuuddduuuuudd M:4/4   K:G            H:ACLORS T:Bad Boys of Dunkirk
ABC    831 C1:407111077711110 C2:dduuuddduuuuudd M:4/4   K:G            H:ACLORS T:Bad Boys of Dunkirk
ABC    831 C1:407111077711110 C2:dduuuddduuuuudd M:4/4   K:G            H:ACLORS T:Bad Boys of Dunkirk
ABC    831 C1:407111077711110 C2:dduuuddduuuuudd M:4/4   K:G            H:ACLORS T:Bad Boys of Dunkirk
ABC    831 C1:407111077711110 C2:dduuuddduuuuudd M:4/4   K:G            H:ACLORS T:Bad Boys of Dunkirk
ABC    831 C1:407111077711110 C2:dduuuddduuuuudd M:4/4   K:G            H:ACLORS T:Bad Boys of Dunkirk
ABC      1 C1:000601400002000 C2:dududduuudududu M:3/4   K:D            H:L      T:Bad Brahma Bull
ABC      1 C1:000601400002000 C2:dududduuudududu M:3/4   K:D            H:L      T:Bad Brahma Bull
ABC      1 C1:000601400002000 C2:dududduuudududu M:3/4   K:D            H:L      T:Bad Brahma Bull
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Bad Company (Bass) v.1 (By:Bungee)
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Bad Company (Horn/Vocals) v.1 (By:Bungee)
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Bad Company (Horn/Vocals) v.1 (By:Bungee)
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Bad Company (Lute) v.1 (By:Bungee)
ABC    541 C1:170600261077060 C2:udduududddddduu M:4/4   K:Gmixolydian  H:LQS    T:BAdd541- Last Christmas 'Twas my Chance [original]
ABC    541 C1:170600261077060 C2:udduududddddduu M:4/4   K:Gmixolydian  H:LQS    T:BAdd541- Last Christmas 'Twas my Chance [original]
ABC    541 C1:170600261077060 C2:udduududddddduu M:4/4   K:Gmixolydian  H:LQS    T:BAdd541- Last Christmas 'Twas my Chance [original]
ABC    541 C1:170600261077060 C2:udduududddddduu M:4/4   K:Gmixolydian  H:LQS    T:BAdd541- Last Christmas 'Twas my Chance [original]
ABC    541 C1:170600261077060 C2:udduududddddduu M:4/4   K:Gmixolydian  H:LQS    T:BAdd541- Last Christmas 'Twas my Chance [original]
ABC    542 C1:030005030005300 C2:udududududuudud M:6/8   K:Ddorian      H:LQS    T:BAdd542- Bragandary
ABC    542 C1:030005030005300 C2:udududududuudud M:6/8   K:Ddorian      H:LQS    T:BAdd542- Bragandary
ABC    542 C1:030005030005300 C2:udududududuudud M:6/8   K:Ddorian      H:LQS    T:BAdd542- Bragandary
ABC    542 C1:030005030005300 C2:udududududuudud M:6/8   K:Ddorian      H:LQS    T:BAdd542- Bragandary
ABC    542 C1:030005030005300 C2:udududududuudud M:6/8   K:Ddorian      H:LQS    T:BAdd542- Bragandary
ABC    543 C1:014301525474675 C2:uuududduuddduud M:C     K:G            H:LQS    T:BAdd543- Robin Cushie/ Cushee (Kind Robin)
ABC    543 C1:014301525474675 C2:uuududduuddduud M:C     K:G            H:LQS    T:BAdd543- Robin Cushie/ Cushee (Kind Robin)
ABC    543 C1:014301525474675 C2:uuududduuddduud M:C     K:G            H:LQS    T:BAdd543- Robin Cushie/ Cushee (Kind Robin)
ABC    543 C1:014301525474675 C2:uuududduuddduud M:C     K:G            H:LQS    T:BAdd543- Robin Cushie/ Cushee (Kind Robin)
ABC    543 C1:014301525474675 C2:uuududduuddduud M:C     K:G            H:LQS    T:BAdd543- Robin Cushie/ Cushee (Kind Robin)
ABC    544 C1:057300010313070 C2:udddduuudduuuud M:C     K:G            H:LQS    T:BAdd544- Robin Cushee/Cushee (Kind Robin)
ABC    544 C1:057300010313070 C2:udddduuudduuuud M:C     K:G            H:LQS    T:BAdd544- Robin Cushee/Cushee (Kind Robin)
ABC    544 C1:057300010313070 C2:udddduuudduuuud M:C     K:G            H:LQS    T:BAdd544- Robin Cushee/Cushee (Kind Robin)
ABC    544 C1:057300010313070 C2:udddduuudduuuud M:C     K:G            H:LQS    T:BAdd544- Robin Cushee/Cushee (Kind Robin)
ABC    544 C1:057300010313070 C2:udddduuudduuuud M:C     K:G            H:LQS    T:BAdd544- Robin Cushee/Cushee (Kind Robin)
ABC    545 C1:060127770605636 C2:duuddddudududdd M:C|    K:D            H:LQS    T:BAdd545- In the Wanton Season
ABC    545 C1:060127770605636 C2:duuddddudududdd M:C|    K:D            H:LQS    T:BAdd545- In the Wanton Season
ABC    545 C1:060127770605636 C2:duuddddudududdd M:C|    K:D            H:LQS    T:BAdd545- In the Wanton Season
ABC    545 C1:060127770605636 C2:duuddddudududdd M:C|    K:D            H:LQS    T:BAdd545- In the Wanton Season
ABC    545 C1:060127770605636 C2:duuddddudududdd M:C|    K:D            H:LQS    T:BAdd545- In the Wanton Season
ABC    546 C1:003777776005614 C2:uddddddududdddd M:C|    K:D            H:LQS    T:BAdd546- Mall Sims
ABC    546 C1:003777776005614 C2:uddddddududdddd M:C|    K:D            H:LQS    T:BAdd546- Mall Sims
ABC    546 C1:003777776005614 C2:uddddddududdddd M:C|    K:D            H:LQS    T:BAdd546- Mall Sims
ABC    546 C1:003777776005614 C2:uddddddududdddd M:C|    K:D            H:LQS    T:BAdd546- Mall Sims
ABC    546 C1:003777776005614 C2:uddddddududdddd M:C|    K:D            H:LQS    T:BAdd546- Mall Sims
ABC    547 C1:770711160705011 C2:ddduuuddduuuuuu M:4/2   K:F            H:LQS    T:BAdd547- Venus and Adonis
ABC    547 C1:770711160705011 C2:ddduuuddduuuuuu M:4/2   K:F            H:LQS    T:BAdd547- Venus and Adonis
ABC    547 C1:770711160705011 C2:ddduuuddduuuuuu M:4/2   K:F            H:LQS    T:BAdd547- Venus and Adonis
ABC    547 C1:770711160705011 C2:ddduuuddduuuuuu M:4/2   K:F            H:LQS    T:BAdd547- Venus and Adonis
ABC    547 C1:770711160705011 C2:ddduuuddduuuuuu M:4/2   K:F            H:LQS    T:BAdd547- Venus and Adonis
ABC    548 C1:011077011001007 C2:uudduuudddddudu M:6/4   K:Dm           H:LQS    T:BAdd548- The Dissappointed Widow (Slow men of London)
ABC    548 C1:011077011001007 C2:uudduuudddddudu M:6/4   K:Dm           H:LQS    T:BAdd548- The Dissappointed Widow (Slow men of London)
ABC    548 C1:011077011001007 C2:uudduuudddddudu M:6/4   K:Dm           H:LQS    T:BAdd548- The Dissappointed Widow (Slow men of London)
ABC    548 C1:011077011001007 C2:uudduuudddddudu M:6/4   K:Dm           H:LQS    T:BAdd548- The Dissappointed Widow (Slow men of London)
ABC    548 C1:011077011001007 C2:uudduuudddddudu M:6/4   K:Dm           H:LQS    T:BAdd548- The Dissappointed Widow (Slow men of London)
ABC    549 C1:002076011001007 C2:udduuuddddduduu M:6/4   K:Dm           H:LQS    T:BAdd549- [Slow Men of London]
ABC    549 C1:002076011001007 C2:udduuuddddduduu M:6/4   K:Dm           H:LQS    T:BAdd549- [Slow Men of London]
ABC    549 C1:002076011001007 C2:udduuuddddduduu M:6/4   K:Dm           H:LQS    T:BAdd549- [Slow Men of London]
ABC    549 C1:002076011001007 C2:udduuuddddduduu M:6/4   K:Dm           H:LQS    T:BAdd549- [Slow Men of London]
ABC    549 C1:002076011001007 C2:udduuuddddduduu M:6/4   K:Dm           H:LQS    T:BAdd549- [Slow Men of London]
ABC    550 C1:011001007077077 C2:uuudddddduduudd M:6/8   K:Dm           H:LQS    T:BAdd550- The Humours of Dublin (Slow men of London)
ABC    550 C1:011001007077077 C2:uuudddddduduudd M:6/8   K:Dm           H:LQS    T:BAdd550- The Humours of Dublin (Slow men of London)
ABC    550 C1:011001007077077 C2:uuudddddduduudd M:6/8   K:Dm           H:LQS    T:BAdd550- The Humours of Dublin (Slow men of London)
ABC    550 C1:011001007077077 C2:uuudddddduduudd M:6/8   K:Dm           H:LQS    T:BAdd550- The Humours of Dublin (Slow men of London)
ABC    550 C1:011001007077077 C2:uuudddddduduudd M:6/8   K:Dm           H:LQS    T:BAdd550- The Humours of Dublin (Slow men of London)
ABC    551 C1:000071023002000 C2:duudududuuduudd M:6/8   K:Am           H:LQS    T:BAdd551- By the border's side as I did pass
ABC    551 C1:000071023002000 C2:duudududuuduudd M:6/8   K:Am           H:LQS    T:BAdd551- By the border's side as I did pass
ABC    551 C1:000071023002000 C2:duudududuuduudd M:6/8   K:Am           H:LQS    T:BAdd551- By the border's side as I did pass
ABC    551 C1:000071023002000 C2:duudududuuduudd M:6/8   K:Am           H:LQS    T:BAdd551- By the border's side as I did pass
ABC    551 C1:000071023002000 C2:duudududuuduudd M:6/8   K:Am           H:LQS    T:BAdd551- By the border's side as I did pass
ABC    552 C1:612703057266030 C2:duuududduuddddu M:C|    K:G            H:LQS    T:BAdd552- Down/Within the North Country
ABC    552 C1:612703057266030 C2:duuududduuddddu M:C|    K:G            H:LQS    T:BAdd552- Down/Within the North Country
ABC    552 C1:612703057266030 C2:duuududduuddddu M:C|    K:G            H:LQS    T:BAdd552- Down/Within the North Country
ABC    552 C1:612703057266030 C2:duuududduuddddu M:C|    K:G            H:LQS    T:BAdd552- Down/Within the North Country
ABC    552 C1:612703057266030 C2:duuududduuddddu M:C|    K:G            H:LQS    T:BAdd552- Down/Within the North Country
ABC    553 C1:000540227405300 C2:udduduuuudddduu M:C     K:Em           H:LQS    T:BAdd553- Woman's work is never done
ABC    553 C1:000540227405300 C2:udduduuuudddduu M:C     K:Em           H:LQS    T:BAdd553- Woman's work is never done
ABC    553 C1:000540227405300 C2:udduduuuudddduu M:C     K:Em           H:LQS    T:BAdd553- Woman's work is never done
ABC    553 C1:000540227405300 C2:udduduuuudddduu M:C     K:Em           H:LQS    T:BAdd553- Woman's work is never done
ABC    553 C1:000540227405300 C2:udduduuuudddduu M:C     K:Em           H:LQS    T:BAdd553- Woman's work is never done
ABC    554 C1:007061005071071 C2:udddduudduuduuu M:6/4   K:G            H:LQS    T:Badd554- There was a Jovial Beggar-Man
ABC    554 C1:007061005071071 C2:udddduudduuduuu M:6/4   K:G            H:LQS    T:Badd554- There was a Jovial Beggar-Man
ABC    554 C1:007061005071071 C2:udddduudduuduuu M:6/4   K:G            H:LQS    T:Badd554- There was a Jovial Beggar-Man
ABC    554 C1:007061005071071 C2:udddduudduuduuu M:6/4   K:G            H:LQS    T:Badd554- There was a Jovial Beggar-Man
ABC    554 C1:007061005071071 C2:udddduudduuduuu M:6/4   K:G            H:LQS    T:Badd554- There was a Jovial Beggar-Man
ABC    555 C1:300007601007077 C2:uudddudddduuudu M:9/8   K:Dm           H:LQS    T:BAdd555- My father has forty good shillings
ABC    555 C1:300007601007077 C2:uudddudddduuudu M:9/8   K:Dm           H:LQS    T:BAdd555- My father has forty good shillings
ABC    555 C1:300007601007077 C2:uudddudddduuudu M:9/8   K:Dm           H:LQS    T:BAdd555- My father has forty good shillings
ABC    555 C1:300007601007077 C2:uudddudddduuudu M:9/8   K:Dm           H:LQS    T:BAdd555- My father has forty good shillings
ABC    555 C1:300007601007077 C2:uudddudddduuudu M:9/8   K:Dm           H:LQS    T:BAdd555- My father has forty good shillings
ABC    556 C1:276241110701620 C2:uudududuuududdu M:C|    K:C            H:LQS    T:BAdd556- The Restoration of King Charles
ABC    556 C1:276241110701620 C2:uudududuuududdu M:C|    K:C            H:LQS    T:BAdd556- The Restoration of King Charles
ABC    556 C1:276241110701620 C2:uudududuuududdu M:C|    K:C            H:LQS    T:BAdd556- The Restoration of King Charles
ABC    556 C1:276241110701620 C2:uudududuuududdu M:C|    K:C            H:LQS    T:BAdd556- The Restoration of King Charles
ABC    556 C1:276241110701620 C2:uudududuuududdu M:C|    K:C            H:LQS    T:BAdd556- The Restoration of King Charles
ABC    557 C1:010776016767666 C2:duddduddudduddd M:C     K:C            H:LQS    T:Badd557- Hallow my fancie mr mclaughlans way, by mr beck
ABC    557 C1:010776016767666 C2:duddduddudduddd M:C     K:C            H:LQS    T:Badd557- Hallow my fancie mr mclaughlans way, by mr beck
ABC    557 C1:010776016767666 C2:duddduddudduddd M:C     K:C            H:LQS    T:Badd557- Hallow my fancie mr mclaughlans way, by mr beck
ABC    557 C1:010776016767666 C2:duddduddudduddd M:C     K:C            H:LQS    T:Badd557- Hallow my fancie mr mclaughlans way, by mr beck
ABC    557 C1:010776016767666 C2:duddduddudduddd M:C     K:C            H:LQS    T:Badd557- Hallow my fancie mr mclaughlans way, by mr beck
ABC    558 C1:007074607076000 C2:uddduddddduduuu M:6/5   K:G            H:LQS    T:Badd558- Never love thee more
ABC    558 C1:007074607076000 C2:uddduddddduduuu M:6/5   K:G            H:LQS    T:Badd558- Never love thee more
ABC    558 C1:007074607076000 C2:uddduddddduduuu M:6/5   K:G            H:LQS    T:Badd558- Never love thee more
ABC    558 C1:007074607076000 C2:uddduddddduduuu M:6/5   K:G            H:LQS    T:Badd558- Never love thee more
ABC    558 C1:007074607076000 C2:uddduddddduduuu M:6/5   K:G            H:LQS    T:Badd558- Never love thee more
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Bad Day by Daniel Powter [Pocco]
ABC     15 C1:172716000044172 C2:udududduududuuu M:6/8   K:D            H:"CLR   T:Baddeck Gathereing, The
ABC     15 C1:172716000044172 C2:udududduududuuu M:6/8   K:D            H:"CLR   T:Baddeck Gathereing, The
ABC      1 C1:172716000044172 C2:udududduududuuu M:6/8   K:D            H:"CL    T:Baddeck Gathering
ABC      1 C1:172716000044172 C2:udududduududuuu M:6/8   K:D            H:"CLR   T:The Baddeck Gathering
ABC      1 C1:172716000044172 C2:udududduududuuu M:6/8   K:D            H:"CLR   T:The Baddeck Gathering
ABC      1 C1:172716000044172 C2:udududduududuuu M:6/8   K:D            H:"CLORS T:the Baddeck Gathering
ABC      1 C1:172716000044172 C2:udududduududuuu M:6/8   K:D            H:"CLORS T:the Baddeck Gathering
ABC      1 C1:172716000044172 C2:udududduududuuu M:6/8   K:D            H:"CLORS T:the Baddeck Gathering
ABC      1 C1:172716000044172 C2:udududduududuuu M:6/8   K:D            H:"CLORS T:the Baddeck Gathering
ABC      1 C1:172716000044172 C2:udududduududuuu M:6/8   K:D            H:"CLORS T:the Baddeck Gathering
ABC      1 C1:172716000044172 C2:udududduududuuu M:6/8   K:D            H:"CLORS T:the Baddeck Gathering
ABC      1 C1:172716000044172 C2:udududduududuuu M:6/8   K:D            H:"CLORS T:the Baddeck Gathering
ABC      1 C1:172716000044172 C2:udududduududuuu M:6/8   K:D            H:"CLORS T:the Baddeck Gathering
ABC      1 C1:172716000044172 C2:udududduududuuu M:6/8   K:D            H:"CLORS T:the Baddeck Gathering
ABC      1 C1:172716000044172 C2:udududduududuuu M:6/8   K:D            H:"CLORS T:the Baddeck Gathering
ABC      1 C1:172716000053172 C2:udududduududuud M:6/8   K:D            H:"BCDLRZ T:the Baddeck Gathering
ABC      1 C1:172716000044172 C2:udududduududuuu M:6/8   K:D            H:"BCLORSZ T:the Baddeck Gathering
ABC      1 C1:172716000044172 C2:udududduududuuu M:6/8   K:D            H:"BCLORSZ T:the Baddeck Gathering
ABC      1 C1:172716000053172 C2:udududduududuud M:6/8   K:D            H:"BCDLRZ T:the Baddeck Gathering
ABC      1 C1:172716000053172 C2:udududduududuud M:6/8   K:D            H:"BCDLRZ T:the Baddeck Gathering
ABC      1 C1:172716000053172 C2:udududduududuud M:6/8   K:D            H:"BCDLRZ T:the Baddeck Gathering
ABC      1 C1:172716000053172 C2:udududduududuud M:6/8   K:D            H:"BCDLRZ T:the Baddeck Gathering
ABC      1 C1:172716000053172 C2:udududduududuud M:6/8   K:D            H:"BCDLRZ T:the Baddeck Gathering
ABC      1 C1:172716000053172 C2:udududduududuud M:6/8   K:D            H:"BCDLRZ T:the Baddeck Gathering
ABC      1 C1:172716000053172 C2:udududduududuud M:6/8   K:D            H:"BCDLRZ T:the Baddeck Gathering
ABC      1 C1:172716000053172 C2:udududduududuud M:6/8   K:D            H:"BCDLRZ T:the Baddeck Gathering
ABC      1 C1:172716000053172 C2:udududduududuud M:6/8   K:D            H:"BCDLRZ T:the Baddeck Gathering
ABC      1 C1:172716000053172 C2:udududduududuud M:6/8   K:D            H:"BCDLRZ T:the Baddeck Gathering
ABC      1 C1:172716000053172 C2:udududduududuud M:6/8   K:D            H:"BCDLRZ T:the Baddeck Gathering
ABC      1 C1:172716000053172 C2:udududduududuud M:6/8   K:D            H:"BCDLRZ T:the Baddeck Gathering
ABC      1 C1:172716000053172 C2:udududduududuud M:6/8   K:D            H:"BCDLRZ T:the Baddeck Gathering
ABC      1 C1:172716000053172 C2:udududduududuud M:6/8   K:D            H:"BCDLRZ T:The Baddeck Gathering
ABC      1 C1:417271600004417 C2:uudududduududuu M:6/8   K:D            H:"BCLORSZ T:the Baddeck Gathering
ABC      1 C1:417271600004417 C2:uudududduududuu M:6/8   K:D            H:"BCLORSZ T:the Baddeck Gathering
ABC      1 C1:417271600004417 C2:uudududduududuu M:6/8   K:D            H:"BCLORSZ T:the Baddeck Gathering
ABC      1 C1:417271600004417 C2:uudududduududuu M:6/8   K:D            H:"BCLORSZ T:the Baddeck Gathering
ABC      1 C1:417271600004417 C2:uudududduududuu M:6/8   K:D            H:"BCLORSZ T:the Baddeck Gathering
ABC      1 C1:417271600004417 C2:uudududduududuu M:6/8   K:D            H:"BCLORSZ T:the Baddeck Gathering
ABC      1 C1:417271600004417 C2:uudududduududuu M:6/8   K:D            H:"BCLORSZ T:the Baddeck Gathering
ABC      1 C1:417271600004417 C2:uudududduududuu M:6/8   K:D            H:"BCLORSZ T:the Baddeck Gathering
ABC      1 C1:417271600004417 C2:uudududduududuu M:6/8   K:D            H:"BCLORSZ T:the Baddeck Gathering
ABC      1 C1:417271600004417 C2:uudududduududuu M:6/8   K:D            H:"BCLORSZ T:the Baddeck Gathering
ABC      1 C1:417271600004417 C2:uudududduududuu M:6/8   K:D            H:"BCLORSZ T:the Baddeck Gathering
ABC      1 C1:417271600004417 C2:uudududduududuu M:6/8   K:D            H:"BCLORSZ T:the Baddeck Gathering
ABC      1 C1:417271600004417 C2:uudududduududuu M:6/8   K:D            H:"BCLORSZ T:the Baddeck Gathering
ABC      1 C1:417271600004417 C2:uudududduududuu M:6/8   K:D            H:"BCLORSZ T:the Baddeck Gathering
ABC      1 C1:417271600004417 C2:uudududduududuu M:6/8   K:D            H:"BCLORSZ T:the Baddeck Gathering
ABC      1 C1:417271600004417 C2:uudududduududuu M:6/8   K:D            H:"BCLORSZ T:the Baddeck Gathering
ABC      1 C1:417271600004417 C2:uudududduududuu M:6/8   K:D            H:"BCLORSZ T:the Baddeck Gathering
ABC      1 C1:417271600004417 C2:uudududduududuu M:6/8   K:D            H:"BCLORSZ T:the Baddeck Gathering
ABC      1 C1:417271600004417 C2:uudududduududuu M:6/8   K:D            H:"BCLORSZ T:the Baddeck Gathering
ABC      1 C1:417271600004417 C2:uudududduududuu M:6/8   K:D            H:"BCLORSZ T:the Baddeck Gathering
ABC      1 C1:172716000053172 C2:udududduududuud M:6/8   K:D            H:"BCDLORZ T:the Baddeck Gathering
ABC      1 C1:172716000044172 C2:udududduududuuu M:6/8   K:D            H:"CLORS T:the Baddeck Gathering
ABC      1 C1:172716000053172 C2:udududduududuud M:6/8   K:D            H:"BCDLORZ T:the Baddeck Gathering
ABC      1 C1:172716000044172 C2:udududduududuuu M:6/8   K:D            H:"CLORS T:the Baddeck Gathering
ABC      1 C1:172716000053172 C2:udududduududuud M:6/8   K:D            H:"BCDLRZ T:the Baddeck Gathering
ABC      1 C1:172716000044172 C2:udududduududuuu M:6/8   K:D            H:"CLORS T:the Baddeck Gathering
ABC      1 C1:172716000053172 C2:udududduududuud M:6/8   K:D            H:"BCDLRZ T:the Baddeck Gathering
ABC      1 C1:172716000044172 C2:udududduududuuu M:6/8   K:D            H:"CLORS T:the Baddeck Gathering
ABC      1 C1:172716000053172 C2:udududduududuud M:6/8   K:D            H:"BCDLRZ T:the Baddeck Gathering
ABC      1 C1:172716000044172 C2:udududduududuuu M:6/8   K:D            H:"CLORS T:the Baddeck Gathering
ABC      1 C1:417271600004417 C2:uudududduududuu M:6/8   K:D            H:"BCLORSZ T:the Baddeck Gathering
ABC      1 C1:417271600004417 C2:uudududduududuu M:6/8   K:D            H:"BCLORSZ T:the Baddeck Gathering
ABC      1 C1:417271600004417 C2:uudududduududuu M:6/8   K:D            H:"BCLORSZ T:the Baddeck Gathering
ABC      1 C1:417271600004417 C2:uudududduududuu M:6/8   K:D            H:"BCLORSZ T:the Baddeck Gathering
ABC      1 C1:417271600004417 C2:uudududduududuu M:6/8   K:D            H:"BCLORSZ T:the Baddeck Gathering
ABC      1 C1:417271600004417 C2:uudududduududuu M:6/8   K:D            H:"BCLORSZ T:the Baddeck Gathering
ABC      1 C1:417271600004417 C2:uudududduududuu M:6/8   K:D            H:"BCLORSZ T:the Baddeck Gathering
ABC      1 C1:417271600004417 C2:uudududduududuu M:6/8   K:D            H:"BCLORSZ T:the Baddeck Gathering
ABC      6 C1:417271600004417 C2:uudududduududuu M:6/8   K:D            H:"BCLORSZ T:the Baddeck Gathering
ABC      6 C1:417271600004417 C2:uudududduududuu M:6/8   K:D            H:"BCLORSZ T:the Baddeck Gathering
ABC    124 C1:777406020003050 C2:ddduduudud      M:4/2   K:F            H:LOR    T:Badeliedlein
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Bad English - When I See You Smile (Made by Ratissia of snowbourne) (4:48)
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Bad English - When I See You Smile (Made by Ratissia of snowbourne) (4:48)
ABC      1 C1:110000000777110 C2:uuddduuddduuduu M:3/4   K:D            H:"LOQRSZ T:Bade palarie noua
ABC    141 C1:226160162201612 C2:uudududuuuddduu M:C|    K:Bb           H:ALOQRSZ T:Bad Fire,A. RH.141
ABC    141 C1:226160162201612 C2:uudududuuuddduu M:C|    K:Bb           H:ABLOQRSZ T:Bad Fire,A. RH.141
ABC    457 C1:226160162201612 C2:uudududuuuddduu M:C|    K:Bb           H:AFLOQRSZ T:Bad Fire,A. RH.141
ABC   1275 C1:226160162201612 C2:uudududuuuddduu M:C|    K:Bb           H:AFLOQRSZ T:Bad Fire,A. RH.141
ABC   9425 C1:226160162201612 C2:uudududuuuddduu M:C|    K:Bb           H:AFLOQRSZ T:Bad Fire,A. RH.141
ABC    457 C1:226160162201612 C2:uudududuuuddduu M:C|    K:Bb           H:AFLOQRSZ T:Bad Fire,A. RH.141
ABC   1275 C1:226160162201612 C2:uudududuuuddduu M:C|    K:Bb           H:AFLOQRSZ T:Bad Fire,A. RH.141
ABC   9425 C1:226160162201612 C2:uudududuuuddduu M:C|    K:Bb           H:AFLOQRSZ T:Bad Fire,A. RH.141
ABC    141 C1:226160162201612 C2:uudududuuuddduu M:C|    K:Bb           H:ABLOQRSZ T:Bad Fire,A. RH.141
ABC    141 C1:226160162201612 C2:uudududuuuddduu M:C|    K:Bb           H:ABLOQRZ T:Bad Fire. RH.141, A
ABC    141 C1:226160162201612 C2:uudududuuuddduu M:C|    K:Bb           H:ABLOQRZ T:Bad Fire. RH.141, A
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:4/4   K:C            H:LQVZ   T:Badfish, translated by Ducksey, http://www.LOTROabc.COM
ABC      1 C1:235605503005305 C2:dduuddduuddduud M:4/4   K:C            H:LQZ    T:Badfish, translated by Ducksey, http://www.LOTROabc.COM
ABC      1 C1:030026006700170 C2:uuuddduduuuddud M:C     K:HP           H:CLQS   T:The Badge Of Scotland "CCPB Sep-1995"
ABC      1 C1:030026006700170 C2:uuuddduduuuddud M:C     K:HP           H:CLQS   T:The Badge Of Scotland "CCPB Sep-1995"
ABC      1 C1:030026006700170 C2:uuuddduduuuddud M:C     K:HP           H:CLQS   T:The Badge Of Scotland "CCPB Sep-1995"
ABC 184218 C1:111130617071047 C2:uuuuududduddduu M:4/4   K:G            H:CLQRS  T:BADGER'S FANCY* (hornpipe), The
ABC 184218 C1:111130617071047 C2:uuuuududduddduu M:4/4   K:G            H:CLQRS  T:BADGER'S FANCY* (hornpipe), The
ABC 184218 C1:111130617071047 C2:uuuuududduddduu M:4/4   K:G            H:CLQRS  T:BADGER'S FANCY* (hornpipe), The
ABC   1080 C1:111130707071047 C2:uuuuuddduddduuu M:4/4   K:G            H:LRSZ   T:Badger's Fancy [The]
ABC      9 C1:026211070600060 C2:uduuuddduuuddud M:4/4   K:G            H:"L     T:Badger's Sett
ABC     21 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:bad girl Lament [Harp] SOLO (2:11)
ABC    645 C1:777111223006660 C2:ddduuduuudddduu M:6/8   K:G            H:LRSZ   T:B\'ad go B\'eal Feirste
ABC     10 C1:777111223006660 C2:ddduuduuudddduu M:6/8   K:G            H:LRSZ   T:B\'ad go B\'eal Feirste
ABC    375 C1:777111223006660 C2:ddduuduuudddduu M:6/8   K:G            H:LRSZ   T:B\'ad go B\'eal Feirste
ABC    375 C1:777111223006660 C2:ddduuduuudddduu M:6/8   K:G            H:LRSZ   T:B\'ad go B\'eal Feirste
ABC    475 C1:777111223006660 C2:ddduuduuudddduu M:6/8   K:G            H:LRSZ   T:B\'ad go B\'eal Feirste
ABC    590 C1:777111223006660 C2:ddduuduuudddduu M:6/8   K:G            H:LRSZ   T:B\'ad go B\'eal Feirste
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:A Bad Goodbye (Transcribed by: Bungee)
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:A Bad Goodbye (Transcribed by:Bungee)
ABC      1 C1:160010125131203 C2:uduuududuuuuuud M:6/8   K:G            H:"CR    T:Bad Hair
ABC      1 C1:160010125131203 C2:uduuududuuuuudd M:6/8   K:G            H:"CLRSZbs T:Bad Hair
ABC      1 C1:160010125131203 C2:uduuududuuuuudd M:6/8   K:G            H:"CLRSZbs T:Bad Hair
ABC      1 C1:160010125131203 C2:uduuududuuuuudd M:6/8   K:G            H:"CLRSZbs T:Bad Hair
ABC      1 C1:160010125131203 C2:uduuududuuuuudd M:6/8   K:G            H:"CLRSZbs T:Bad Hair
ABC      4 C1:160010125131203 C2:uduuududuuuuuud M:6/8   K:G            H:"CR    T:Bad Hair
ABC 497005 C1:116161776166007 C2:uudududdduddddu M:C     K:A            H:BCLQRS T:BAD IDEA (reel), The
ABC 497005 C1:116161776166007 C2:uudududdduddddu M:C     K:A            H:BCLQRS T:BAD IDEA (reel), The
ABC 497005 C1:116161776166007 C2:uudududdduddddu M:C     K:A            H:BCLQRS T:BAD IDEA (reel), The
ABC      6 C1:077407720001000 C2:ddudduuddduddud M:4/4   K:C            H:ALOQVZ T:Badine
ABC      1 C1:077407720001000 C2:ddudduuddduddud M:C|    K:C            H:ALOQVZ T:Badine
ABC  13626 C1:077407720001000 C2:ddudduuddduddud M:C|    K:C            H:ALOQVZ T:Badine
ABC      3 C1:077407720001000 C2:ddudduuddduddud M:C|    K:Bb           H:ALOQVZ T:Badine
ABC      1 C1:077407720001000 C2:ddudduuddduddud M:C|    K:Bb           H:ALOQVZ T:Badine
ABC      1 C1:077407720001000 C2:ddudduuddduddud M:C|    K:Bb           H:ALOQVZ T:Badine
ABC      1 C1:077407720001000 C2:ddudduuddduddud M:C|    K:G            H:ALOQVZ T:Badine
ABC      1 C1:077407720001000 C2:ddudduuddduddud M:C|    K:F            H:ALOQVZ T:Badine
ABC     27 C1:026600053261717 C2:uddduudududduud M:2/4   K:Bm           H:CHLQRZ T:Badinerie
ABC     27 C1:026600053261717 C2:uddduudududduud M:2/4   K:Bm           H:CHLQRZ T:Badinerie
ABC     51 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Badinerie [Flute 1] (1:17) By Bach
ABC     51 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Badinerie [Flute 1] (1:17) By Bach
ABC     51 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Badinerie - flute (1:25) (503)
ABC     52 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Badinerie [Flute 2] (1:17) By Bach
ABC     52 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Badinerie [Flute 2] (1:17) By Bach
ABC     21 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Badinerie [Harp 1] (1:17) By Bach
ABC     21 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Badinerie [Harp 1] (1:17) By Bach
ABC     21 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Badinerie - harp (1:25) (372)
ABC     22 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Badinerie [Harp 2] (1:17) By Bach
ABC     22 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Badinerie [Harp 2] (1:17) By Bach
ABC     11 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Badinerie [Lute 1] (1:17) By Bach
ABC     11 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Badinerie [Lute 1] (1:17) By Bach
ABC     11 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Badinerie - lute 1 (1:25) (790)
ABC     12 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Badinerie [Lute 2] (1:17) By Bach
ABC     12 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Badinerie [Lute 2] (1:17) By Bach
ABC     12 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Badinerie - lute 2 (1:25) (372)
ABC   9368 C1:677702777626302 C2:ddddudddduduudd M:2/4   K:Bb           H:ALOQRSZ T:Le Badin. JB.31
ABC   9368 C1:677702777626302 C2:ddddudddduduudd M:2/4   K:Bb           H:ALOQRSZ T:Le Badin. JB.31
ABC   9368 C1:677702777626302 C2:ddddudddduduudd M:2/4   K:Bb           H:ALOQRSZ T:Le Badin. JB.31
ABC     31 C1:677702777626302 C2:ddddudddduduudd M:2/4   K:Bb           H:ALOQRSZ T:Le Badin. JBi.31
ABC     31 C1:677702777626302 C2:ddddudddduduudd M:2/4   K:Bb           H:ABLQZ  T:Le Badin. JBi.31
ABC     31 C1:677702777626302 C2:ddddudddduduudd M:2/4   K:Bb           H:ABLQZ  T:Le Badin. JBi.31
ABC     31 C1:677702777626302 C2:ddddudddduduudd M:2/4   K:Bb           H:ABLOQRSZ T:Le Badin. JBi.31
ABC   5058 C1:677702777626302 C2:ddddudddduduudd M:2/4   K:Bb           H:AFLOQRSZ T:Le Badin. JBi.31
ABC   5058 C1:677702777626302 C2:ddddudddduduudd M:2/4   K:Bb           H:AFLOQRSZ T:Le Badin. JBi.31
ABC     31 C1:677702777626302 C2:ddddudddduduudd M:2/4   K:Bb           H:ABLOQRSZ T:Le Badin. JBi.31
ABC     96 C1:677702777626302 C2:ddddudddduduudd M:2/4   K:Bb           H:BLQWZ  T:La Badin. Ru2.096
ABC     96 C1:677702777626302 C2:ddddudddduduudd M:2/4   K:Bb           H:BLQWZ  T:Badin. Ru2.096, La
ABC     96 C1:677702777626302 C2:ddddudddduduudd M:2/4   K:Bb           H:BLQWZ  T:La Badin. Ru2.096
ABC     96 C1:677702777626302 C2:ddddudddduduudd M:2/4   K:Bb           H:BLQWZ  T:Badin. Ru2.096, La
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:BadManners myboylollipop (3:03)Zhamz KS
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:BadManners myboylollipop drums (3:04)Zhamz KS
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Bad Medicine (3:40)
ABC      1 C1:010101010101010 C2:uuuuuuuduuuduuu M:4/4   K:C            H:L      T:bad merge
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:badmoon (2:13)
ABC     41 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Bad Moon Rising - bagpipe (2:19) Creedance Clearwater Revival
ABC     41 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Bad Moon Rising - bagpipe (2:19) Creedance Clearwater Revival
ABC     31 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:bad moon rising bass (2:18)
ABC     71 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Bad Moon Rising - clarinet (2:19) Creedance Clearwater Revival
ABC     71 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Bad Moon Rising - clarinet (2:19) Creedance Clearwater Revival
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Bad Moon Rising (Clarinet) - Order of the Nameless (2:13)
ABC     71 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:bad moon rising clarinet (vocal) (2:17)
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:CLQRZ  T:bad moon rising drum (2:17)
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Bad Moon Rising - drums (2:19) Creedance Clearwater Revival
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Bad Moon Rising - drums (2:19) Creedance Clearwater Revival
ABC     21 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:bad moon rising harp (rhythm) (2:17)
ABC     61 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Bad Moon Rising - horn (2:19) Creedance Clearwater Revival
ABC     61 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Bad Moon Rising - horn (2:19) Creedance Clearwater Revival
ABC     11 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:bad moon rising lute 1 (2:18)
ABC     11 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Bad Moon Rising - lute 1 (2:19) Creedance Clearwater Revival
ABC     11 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Bad Moon Rising - lute 1 (2:19) Creedance Clearwater Revival
ABC     12 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Bad Moon Rising - lute 2 (2:19) Creedance Clearwater Revival
ABC     12 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Bad Moon Rising - lute 2 (2:19) Creedance Clearwater Revival
ABC     12 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:bad moon rising lute 2 (solo) (1:34)
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Bad Moon Rising (Lute) - Order of the Nameless (2:14)
ABC     31 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Bad Moon Rising - theorbo (2:19) Creedance Clearwater Revival
ABC     31 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Bad Moon Rising - theorbo (2:19) Creedance Clearwater Revival
ABC     16 C1:111117611761605 C2:uuuuudduudduddu M:2/4   K:F            H:ACLORw T:La Badoise
ABC      1 C1:000011060305040 C2:duududududdudud M:2/2   K:C            H:CLQZ   T:La Badoise, ou "Polka des bbs"
ABC      1 C1:000011060305040 C2:duududududdudud M:2/2   K:C            H:CLQZ   T:La Badoise, ou "Polka des bbs"
ABC      1 C1:000011060305040 C2:duududududdudud M:2/2   K:C            H:CLQZ   T:La Badoise, ou "Polka des bbs"
ABC      1 C1:000011060305040 C2:duududududdudud M:2/2   K:C            H:CLQZ   T:La Badoise, ou "Polka des bbs"
ABC      1 C1:000011060305040 C2:duududududdudud M:2/2   K:C            H:CLQZ   T:La Badoise, ou "Polka des bbs"
ABC      1 C1:000011060305040 C2:duududududdudud M:2/2   K:C            H:CLQZ   T:La Badoise, ou "Polka des bbs"
ABC      1 C1:000011060305040 C2:duududududdudud M:2/2   K:C            H:CLQZ   T:La Badoise, ou "Polka des bbs"
ABC      1 C1:000011060305040 C2:duuudududuuddud M:2/2   K:C            H:CLQW   T:La Badoise, ou "Polka des bbs"
ABC      1 C1:000011060305040 C2:duuudududuuddud M:2/2   K:C            H:CLQW   T:La Badoise, ou "Polka des bbs"
ABC      1 C1:000011060305040 C2:duuudududuuddud M:2/2   K:C            H:CLQW   T:La Badoise, ou "Polka des bbs"
ABC      1 C1:000011060305040 C2:duuudududuuddud M:2/2   K:C            H:CLQW   T:La Badoise, ou "Polka des bbs"
ABC      1 C1:0040000         C2:u               M:4/4   K:C            H:L      T:bad pitchbend when tie + slur
ABC      1 C1:440153005302530 C2:ddududuududuudu M:4/4   K:A            H:LQV    T:bad relegion - youre the government by Thelodin
ABC      1 C1:530533440444530 C2:duduudduddududu M:4/4   K:C            H:LQV    T:bad religion - no control by Thelodin
ABC      1 C1:530530532440440 C2:dududuudduddudd M:4/4   K:C            H:LQV    T:bad religion - the answer by Thelodin
ABC      1 C1:441440004047441 C2:ddudduddudduddu M:4/4   K:C            H:LQV    T:Bad Religion - Walk Away by Thelodin/Alisone
ABC      1 C1:441440004047441 C2:ddudduddudduddu M:4/4   K:C            H:LQ     T:Bad Religion - Walk Away by Thelodin/Alisone
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Bad Romance (by Snosh of Vilya)
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Bad Romance (by Snosh of Vilya)
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:the bad touch (1:33)
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:The Bad Touch (3:58)
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:the bad touch (4:39)
ABC      1 C1:626264426406703 C2:dduddudduuddudd M:      K:Dmaj         H:LR     T:The Bad Turn
ABC      2 C1:770277027722660 C2:dduddudduuddudd M:      K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:The Bad Turn
ABC      1 C1:040040000000000 C2:dduddudududuudd M:4/4   K:Db           H:LQ     T:Bad - U2 (bagpipe) [v.1 by Cranberry]
ABC      1 C1:001000070010000 C2:udududuudududud M:4/4   K:Db           H:LQ     T:Bad - U2 (clarinet) [v.1 by Cranberry]
ABC      1 C1:000000000000000 C2:uududududududud M:4/4   K:A            H:LQ     T:Bad - U2 (drums) [v.1 by Cranberry]
ABC      1 C1:135713300000000 C2:dududududududud M:4/4   K:Db           H:LQ     T:Bad - U2 (harp) [v.1 by Cranberry]
ABC      1 C1:135713300000000 C2:dududududududud M:4/4   K:Db           H:LQ     T:Bad - U2 (lute solo) [v.1 by Cranberry]
ABC      1 C1:134134750565353 C2:ddudduddudduddd M:4/4   K:Ab           H:LQ     T:Bad - U2 (lute) [v.1 by Cranberry]
ABC     47 C1:271171223716420 C2:uduudduuududdud M:3/4   K:D            H:LORS   T:Badxze moja nie badx czyja
ABC     39 C1:000607070000040 C2:ddduddduudduudd M:2/4   K:F            H:LOR    T:BAEH LAEMMEL BAEH
ABC    246 C1:002002000000001 C2:uuuddduuuduuddd M:6/2   K:F            H:LOR    T:Baenkelsaengerlied
ABC    308 C1:002775771001771 C2:uddudduudduuddu M:6/8   K:F            H:LOR    T:BAEURIN DU SOLLST HEIMEGEHN
ABC     33 C1:004017607706107 C2:uudddduudduuddu M:6/8   K:G            H:"CLQRS T:The Baffled Knight
ABC     31 C1:004017607706107 C2:uudddduudduuddu M:6/8   K:G            H:"CLQRS T:The Baffled Knight
ABC      1 C1:000400001706000 C2:uudddduudduuddu M:6/8   K:D            H:ACILORS T:The Baffled Knight
ABC      1 C1:040176077061077 C2:uudddduudduuddu M:6/8   K:Eb           H:LRSZ   T:Baffled Knight, The
ABC     63 C1:004017607706107 C2:uudddduudduuddu M:6/8   K:G            H:"CLQRS T:The Baffled Knight
ABC     63 C1:004017607706107 C2:uudddduudduuddu M:6/8   K:G            H:"CLQRS T:The Baffled Knight
ABC     33 C1:004017607706107 C2:uudddduudduuddu M:6/8   K:G            H:"CLQRS T:The Baffled Knight
ABC     33 C1:004017607706107 C2:uudddduudduuddu M:6/8   K:G            H:"CLQRS T:The Baffled Knight
ABC    465 C1:050001277700016 C2:duudddudduddudd M:2/4   K:DMin         H:BFLQZ  T:Bafta Hindi
ABC    465 C1:050001277700016 C2:duudddudduddudd M:2/4   K:DMin         H:BFLQZ  T:Bafta Hindi
ABC   1763 C1:067511053262626 C2:ddduuddudududud M:3/4   K:G            H:CFLQVWZ T:Bagatelle 1
ABC   2747 C1:711600040000771 C2:duududduuduudud M:4/4   K:Am           H:CFLQVWZ T:Bagatelle 2
ABC   2747 C1:711600040000771 C2:duududduuduudud M:4/4   K:Am           H:CFLQVWZ T:Bagatelle 2
ABC    145 C1:117167167001115 C2:uududdudduuuduu M:6/8   K:D            H:BFLZ   T:la Bagatelle
ABC      3 C1:030302016300011 C2:dduuduuuudddddu M:6/8   K:G            H:BLSVZ  T:la Bagatelle.
ABC      3 C1:030302016300011 C2:dduuduuuudddddu M:6/8   K:G            H:BLSVZ  T:la Bagatelle.
ABC      1 C1:117167167001115 C2:uududdudduuuduu M:6/8   K:D            H:BLRZ   T:Bagatelle, La
ABC    145 C1:117167167001115 C2:uududdudduuuduu M:6/8   K:D            H:BFLZ   T:La Bagatelle
ABC    145 C1:117167167001115 C2:uududdudduuuduu M:6/8   K:D            H:BFLZ   T:La Bagatelle
ABC    145 C1:117167167001115 C2:uududdudduuuduu M:6/8   K:D            H:BFLZ   T:La Bagatelle
ABC    145 C1:117167167001115 C2:uududdudduuuduu M:6/8   K:D            H:BFLZ   T:La Bagatelle
ABC    145 C1:117167167001115 C2:uududdudduuuduu M:6/8   K:D            H:BFLZ   T:La Bagatelle
ABC      3 C1:030302016300011 C2:dduuduuuudddddu M:6/8   K:G            H:BLSVZ  T:La Bagatelle.
ABC      3 C1:030302016300011 C2:dduuduuuudddddu M:6/8   K:G            H:BLSVZ  T:La Bagatelle.
ABC      3 C1:030302016300011 C2:dduuduuuudddddu M:6/8   K:G            H:BLSVZ  T:La Bagatelle.
ABC      3 C1:030302016300011 C2:dduuduuuudddddu M:6/8   K:G            H:BLSVZ  T:La Bagatelle.
ABC      3 C1:030302016300011 C2:dduuduuuudddddu M:6/8   K:G            H:BLSVZ  T:La Bagatelle.
ABC      3 C1:030302016300011 C2:dduuduuuudddddu M:6/8   K:G            H:BLSVZ  T:La Bagatelle.
ABC      3 C1:030302016300011 C2:dduuduuuudddddu M:6/8   K:G            H:BLSVZ  T:La Bagatelle.
ABC      3 C1:030302016300011 C2:dduuduuuudddddu M:6/8   K:G            H:BLSVZ  T:La Bagatelle.
ABC      1 C1:117167167001115 C2:uududdudduuuduu M:6/8   K:Bb           H:"BLORSZ T:la Bagatelle (Bb)
ABC      1 C1:117167167001115 C2:uududdudduuuduu M:6/8   K:Bb           H:"BLORSZ T:la Bagatelle (Bb)
ABC      1 C1:117167167001115 C2:uududdudduuuduu M:6/8   K:Bb           H:"BLORSZ T:la Bagatelle (Bb)
ABC      1 C1:117167167001115 C2:uududdudduuuduu M:6/8   K:Bb           H:"BLORSZ T:la Bagatelle (Bb)
ABC      1 C1:117167167001115 C2:uududdudduuuduu M:6/8   K:Bb           H:"BLORSZ T:La Bagatelle (Bb)
ABC      1 C1:117167167001115 C2:uududdudduuuduu M:6/8   K:Bb           H:"BLORSZ T:La Bagatelle (Bb)
ABC      1 C1:117167167001115 C2:uududdudduuuduu M:6/8   K:Bb           H:"BLORSZ T:La Bagatelle (Bb)
ABC      1 C1:117167167001115 C2:uududdudduuuduu M:6/8   K:Bb           H:"BLORSZ T:La Bagatelle (Bb)
ABC      1 C1:117167167001115 C2:uududdudduuuduu M:6/8   K:Bb           H:"BLORSZ T:La Bagatelle (Bb)
ABC      1 C1:117167167001115 C2:uududdudduuuduu M:6/8   K:C            H:"BLORSZ T:la Bagatelle (C)
ABC      1 C1:117167167001115 C2:uududdudduuuduu M:6/8   K:C            H:"BLORSZ T:la Bagatelle (C)
ABC      1 C1:117167167001115 C2:uududdudduuuduu M:6/8   K:C            H:"BLORSZ T:la Bagatelle (C)
ABC      1 C1:117167167001115 C2:uududdudduuuduu M:6/8   K:C            H:"BLORSZ T:la Bagatelle (C)
ABC      1 C1:117167167001115 C2:uududdudduuuduu M:6/8   K:C            H:"BLORSZ T:la Bagatelle (C)
ABC      1 C1:117167167001115 C2:uududdudduuuduu M:6/8   K:C            H:"BLORSZ T:la Bagatelle (C)
ABC      1 C1:000300030001116 C2:uduuudduudduudu M:2/4   K:C            H:"BFLORSZ T:la Bagatelle (C)
ABC      2 C1:117167167001115 C2:uududdudduuuduu M:6/8   K:C            H:"BLORSZ T:La Bagatelle (C)
ABC      2 C1:117167167001115 C2:uududdudduuuduu M:6/8   K:C            H:"BLORSZ T:La Bagatelle (C)
ABC      2 C1:117167167001115 C2:uududdudduuuduu M:6/8   K:C            H:"BLORSZ T:La Bagatelle (C)
ABC      2 C1:117167167001115 C2:uududdudduuuduu M:6/8   K:C            H:"BLORSZ T:La Bagatelle (C)
ABC      2 C1:117167167001115 C2:uududdudduuuduu M:6/8   K:C            H:"BLORSZ T:La Bagatelle (C)
ABC      2 C1:000300030001116 C2:uduuudduudduudu M:2/4   K:C            H:"BFLORSZ T:la Bagatelle (C)
ABC      2 C1:000300030001116 C2:uduuudduudduudu M:2/4   K:C            H:"BFLORSZ T:la Bagatelle (C)
ABC      2 C1:000300030001116 C2:uduuudduudduudu M:2/4   K:C            H:"BFLORSZ T:la Bagatelle (C)
ABC      2 C1:000300030001116 C2:uduuudduudduudu M:2/4   K:C            H:"BFLORSZ T:la Bagatelle (C)
ABC      2 C1:000300030001116 C2:uduuudduudduudu M:2/4   K:C            H:"BFLORSZ T:la Bagatelle (C)
ABC      2 C1:000300030001116 C2:uduuudduudduudu M:2/4   K:C            H:"BFLORSZ T:la Bagatelle (C)
ABC      2 C1:000300030001116 C2:uduuudduudduudu M:2/4   K:C            H:"BFLORSZ T:la Bagatelle (C)
ABC      2 C1:000300030001116 C2:uduuudduudduudu M:2/4   K:C            H:"BFLORSZ T:la Bagatelle (C)
ABC      2 C1:000300030001116 C2:uduuudduudduudu M:2/4   K:C            H:"BFLORSZ T:la Bagatelle (C)
ABC      2 C1:000300030001116 C2:uduuudduudduudu M:2/4   K:C            H:"BFLORSZ T:la Bagatelle (C)
ABC      4 C1:117167167001115 C2:uududdudduuuduu M:6/8   K:C            H:"BLORSZ T:La Bagatelle (C)
ABC      4 C1:117167167001115 C2:uududdudduuuduu M:6/8   K:C            H:"BLORSZ T:La Bagatelle (C)
ABC      4 C1:117167167001115 C2:uududdudduuuduu M:6/8   K:C            H:"BLORSZ T:La Bagatelle (C)
ABC      1 C1:117167167001115 C2:uududdudduuuduu M:6/8   K:D            H:"BLORSZ T:la Bagatelle [D]
ABC      1 C1:117167167001115 C2:uududdudduuuduu M:6/8   K:D            H:"BLORSZ T:la Bagatelle [D]
ABC      1 C1:117167167001115 C2:uududdudduuuduu M:6/8   K:D            H:"BLORSZ T:la Bagatelle [D]
ABC      1 C1:117167167001115 C2:uududdudduuuduu M:6/8   K:D            H:"BLORSZ T:la Bagatelle [D]
ABC      1 C1:117167167001115 C2:uududdudduuuduu M:6/8   K:D            H:"BLORSZ T:la Bagatelle [D]
ABC      1 C1:117167167001115 C2:uududdudduuuduu M:6/8   K:D            H:"BLORSZ T:la Bagatelle [D]
ABC      1 C1:000300030001116 C2:uduuudduudduudu M:2/4   K:D            H:"BFLORSZ T:la Bagatelle (D)
ABC      3 C1:117167167001115 C2:uududdudduuuduu M:6/8   K:D            H:"BLORSZ T:La Bagatelle [D]
ABC      3 C1:117167167001115 C2:uududdudduuuduu M:6/8   K:D            H:"BLORSZ T:La Bagatelle [D]
ABC      3 C1:117167167001115 C2:uududdudduuuduu M:6/8   K:D            H:"BLORSZ T:La Bagatelle [D]
ABC      3 C1:117167167001115 C2:uududdudduuuduu M:6/8   K:D            H:"BLORSZ T:La Bagatelle [D]
ABC      3 C1:117167167001115 C2:uududdudduuuduu M:6/8   K:D            H:"BLORSZ T:La Bagatelle [D]
ABC      4 C1:000300030001116 C2:uduuudduudduudu M:2/4   K:D            H:"BFLORSZ T:la Bagatelle (D)
ABC      4 C1:000300030001116 C2:uduuudduudduudu M:2/4   K:D            H:"BFLORSZ T:la Bagatelle (D)
ABC      4 C1:000300030001116 C2:uduuudduudduudu M:2/4   K:D            H:"BFLORSZ T:la Bagatelle (D)
ABC      4 C1:000300030001116 C2:uduuudduudduudu M:2/4   K:D            H:"BFLORSZ T:la Bagatelle (D)
ABC      4 C1:000300030001116 C2:uduuudduudduudu M:2/4   K:D            H:"BFLORSZ T:la Bagatelle (D)
ABC      4 C1:000300030001116 C2:uduuudduudduudu M:2/4   K:D            H:"BFLORSZ T:la Bagatelle (D)
ABC      4 C1:000300030001116 C2:uduuudduudduudu M:2/4   K:D            H:"BFLORSZ T:la Bagatelle (D)
ABC      4 C1:000300030001116 C2:uduuudduudduudu M:2/4   K:D            H:"BFLORSZ T:la Bagatelle (D)
ABC      4 C1:000300030001116 C2:uduuudduudduudu M:2/4   K:D            H:"BFLORSZ T:la Bagatelle (D)
ABC      4 C1:000300030001116 C2:uduuudduudduudu M:2/4   K:D            H:"BFLORSZ T:la Bagatelle (D)
ABC      5 C1:117167167001115 C2:uududdudduuuduu M:6/8   K:D            H:"BLORSZ T:La Bagatelle [D]
ABC      5 C1:117167167001115 C2:uududdudduuuduu M:6/8   K:D            H:"BLORSZ T:La Bagatelle [D]
ABC      5 C1:117167167001115 C2:uududdudduuuduu M:6/8   K:D            H:"BLORSZ T:La Bagatelle [D]
ABC   3231 C1:000300030001116 C2:uduuudduudduudu M:2/4   K:F            H:BFLRSVZ T:la Bagatelle [F]
ABC      1 C1:000300030001116 C2:uduuudduudduudu M:2/4   K:F            H:"BFLORSVZ T:la Bagatelle [F]
ABC      1 C1:000300030001116 C2:uduuudduudduudu M:2/4   K:F            H:"BFLORSVZ T:la Bagatelle [F]
ABC      1 C1:000300030001116 C2:uduuudduudduudu M:2/4   K:F            H:"BFLORSVZ T:la Bagatelle [F]
ABC      1 C1:000300030001116 C2:uduuudduudduudu M:2/4   K:F            H:"BFLORSVZ T:la Bagatelle [F]
ABC      1 C1:000300030001116 C2:uduuudduudduudu M:2/4   K:F            H:"BFLORSVZ T:la Bagatelle [F]
ABC      1 C1:000300030001116 C2:uduuudduudduudu M:2/4   K:F            H:"BFLORSVZ T:la Bagatelle [F]
ABC      1 C1:000300030001116 C2:uduuudduudduudu M:2/4   K:F            H:"BFLORSVZ T:la Bagatelle [F]
ABC      1 C1:000300030001116 C2:uduuudduudduudu M:2/4   K:F            H:"BFLORSVZ T:la Bagatelle [F]
ABC      1 C1:000300030001116 C2:uduuudduudduudu M:2/4   K:F            H:"BFLORSVZ T:la Bagatelle [F]
ABC      1 C1:000300030001116 C2:uduuudduudduudu M:2/4   K:F            H:"BFLORSVZ T:la Bagatelle [F]
ABC      1 C1:000300030001116 C2:uduuudduudduudu M:2/4   K:F            H:"BFLORSVZ T:la Bagatelle [F]
ABC      1 C1:000300030001116 C2:uduuudduudduudu M:2/4   K:G            H:"BFLORSZ T:la Bagatelle (G)
ABC      3 C1:000300030001116 C2:uduuudduudduudu M:2/4   K:G            H:"BFLORSZ T:la Bagatelle (G)
ABC      3 C1:000300030001116 C2:uduuudduudduudu M:2/4   K:G            H:"BFLORSZ T:la Bagatelle (G)
ABC      3 C1:000300030001116 C2:uduuudduudduudu M:2/4   K:G            H:"BFLORSZ T:la Bagatelle (G)
ABC      3 C1:000300030001116 C2:uduuudduudduudu M:2/4   K:G            H:"BFLORSZ T:la Bagatelle (G)
ABC      3 C1:000300030001116 C2:uduuudduudduudu M:2/4   K:G            H:"BFLORSZ T:la Bagatelle (G)
ABC      3 C1:000300030001116 C2:uduuudduudduudu M:2/4   K:G            H:"BFLORSZ T:la Bagatelle (G)
ABC      3 C1:000300030001116 C2:uduuudduudduudu M:2/4   K:G            H:"BFLORSZ T:la Bagatelle (G)
ABC      3 C1:000300030001116 C2:uduuudduudduudu M:2/4   K:G            H:"BFLORSZ T:la Bagatelle (G)
ABC      3 C1:000300030001116 C2:uduuudduudduudu M:2/4   K:G            H:"BFLORSZ T:la Bagatelle (G)
ABC      3 C1:000300030001116 C2:uduuudduudduudu M:2/4   K:G            H:"BFLORSZ T:la Bagatelle (G)
ABC     71 C1:177707041111111 C2:uddddduuuuuuudd M:C     K:G            H:LOQSZ  T:Bagatelle. JW6.071, La
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Bagatelle No. 1, Beethoven (Lute) [Piano]
ABC      1 C1:715276032310422 C2:dududdduuuduuud M:3/8   K:Am           H:CLQVZ  T:Bagatelle No.25 in A, WoO.59
ABC   1759 C1:715276032310422 C2:dududdduuuduuud M:3/8   K:Am           H:CFLOQVWZ T:Bagatelle No.25 in A, WoO.59
ABC   1759 C1:715276032310422 C2:dududdduuuduuud M:3/8   K:Am           H:CFLOQVWZ T:Bagatelle No.25 in A, WoO.59
ABC   1838 C1:715276032310422 C2:dududdduuuduuud M:3/8   K:Am           H:CLOQV  T:Bagatelle No.25 in A, WoO.59
ABC   1838 C1:715276032310422 C2:dududdduuuduuud M:3/8   K:Am           H:CLOQV  T:Bagatelle No.25 in A, WoO.59
ABC   4347 C1:715276032310422 C2:dududdduuuduuud M:3/8   K:Am           H:CLQVZ  T:Bagatelle No.25 in A, WoO.59
ABC   4347 C1:715276032310422 C2:dududdduuuduuud M:3/8   K:Am           H:CLQVZ  T:Bagatelle No.25 in A, WoO.59
ABC   4347 C1:715276032310422 C2:dududdduuuduuud M:3/8   K:Am           H:CLQVZ  T:Bagatelle No.25 in A, WoO.59
ABC   4347 C1:715276032310422 C2:dududdduuuduuud M:3/8   K:Am           H:CLQVZ  T:Bagatelle No.25 in A, WoO.59
ABC   4347 C1:715276032310422 C2:dududdduuuduuud M:3/8   K:Am           H:CLQVZ  T:Bagatelle No.25 in A, WoO.59
ABC    692 C1:062777771223777 C2:duuddddduuuuddd M:6/8   K:Bb           H:BLQZ   T:La Bagatelle. Roose.0693
ABC    145 C1:117167167001115 C2:uududdudduuuduu M:6/8   K:D            H:BCFLQWZ T:Bagatelle. THO5.145, La
ABC     71 C1:177707041111111 C2:uddddduuuuuuudd M:C     K:G            H:ABLOQZ T:Bagatelle. WCD3/6.071, La
ABC     71 C1:177707041111111 C2:uddddduuuuuuudd M:C     K:G            H:ABLOQZ T:Bagatelle. WCD3/6.071, La
ABC     17 C1:                C2:                M:6/8   K:D            H:BLQZ   T:Bagattelle [1]. Roose.0160, La
ABC     17 C1:                C2:                M:6/8   K:D            H:BLQZ   T:Bagattelle [1]. Roose.0160, La
ABC    160 C1:117167167001115 C2:uududdudduuuduu M:6/8   K:D            H:BLQZ   T:Bagattelle. Roose.0160, La
ABC    512 C1:030706670062001 C2:dduddduuudduddu M:2/4   K:Bb           H:LORS   T:Ba gen luchai hua
ABC   8261 C1:                C2:                M:6/4   K:D            H:CFLOSVWZ T:The Baggpipe tune
ABC   8261 C1:                C2:                M:6/4   K:D            H:CFLOSVWZ T:The Baggpipe tune
ABC      1 C1:020003030001000 C2:uududdduuduuddu M:6/4   K:D            H:FLQSZ  T:the Baggpipe tune (at sounding pitch)
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:6/4   K:D            H:FLQSVZ T:the Baggpipe tune (original notation)
ABC      1 C1:020003030001077 C2:uududdduuduuddu M:6/4   K:Hp           H:FLQSZ  T:the Baggpipe tune (reconstructed pipe version)
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Baggy Trousers (Clarinet) - Order of the Nameless (2:41)
ABC      1 C1:020000050707100 C2:uddduddduuddddu M:2/4   K:Am           H:"LOQS  T:Bagi Karikazo
ABC     14 C1:020000050707100 C2:uddduddduuddddu M:2/4   K:Am           H:"LOQS  T:Bagi Karikazo
ABC     16 C1:020000050707100 C2:uddduddduuddddu M:2/4   K:Am           H:"LOQS  T:Bagi Karikazo
ABC     24 C1:020000050707100 C2:uddduddduuddddu M:2/4   K:Am           H:"LOQS  T:Bagi Karikazo
ABC     25 C1:020000050707100 C2:uddduddduuddddu M:2/4   K:Am           H:"LOQS  T:Bagi Karikazo
ABC     26 C1:020000050707100 C2:uddduddduuddddu M:2/4   K:Am           H:"LOQS  T:Bagi Karikazo
ABC     27 C1:020000050707100 C2:uddduddduuddddu M:2/4   K:Am           H:"LOQS  T:Bagi Karikazo
ABC     14 C1:020000050707100 C2:uddduddduuddddu M:2/4   K:Am           H:"LOQS  T:Bagi Karikazo
ABC     16 C1:020000050707100 C2:uddduddduuddddu M:2/4   K:Am           H:"LOQS  T:Bagi Karikazo
ABC     24 C1:020000050707100 C2:uddduddduuddddu M:2/4   K:Am           H:"LOQS  T:Bagi Karikazo
ABC     25 C1:020000050707100 C2:uddduddduuddddu M:2/4   K:Am           H:"LOQS  T:Bagi Karikazo
ABC     26 C1:020000050707100 C2:uddduddduuddddu M:2/4   K:Am           H:"LOQS  T:Bagi Karikazo
ABC     27 C1:020000050707100 C2:uddduddduuddddu M:2/4   K:Am           H:"LOQS  T:Bagi Karikazo
ABC     13 C1:020000050707100 C2:uddduddduuddddu M:2/4   K:Am           H:"LOQS  T:Bagi Karikazo
ABC     13 C1:020000050707100 C2:uddduddduuddddu M:2/4   K:Am           H:"LOQS  T:Bagi Karikazo
ABC     11 C1:020000050707100 C2:uddduddduuddddu M:2/4   K:Am           H:"LOQS  T:Bagi Karikazo
ABC     13 C1:020000050707100 C2:uddduddduuddddu M:2/4   K:Am           H:"LOQS  T:Bagi Karikazo
ABC     11 C1:020000050707100 C2:uddduddduuddddu M:2/4   K:Am           H:"LOQS  T:Bagi Karikazo
ABC     11 C1:020000050707100 C2:uddduddduuddddu M:2/4   K:Am           H:"LOQS  T:Bagi Karikazo
ABC     11 C1:020000050707100 C2:uddduddduuddddu M:2/4   K:Am           H:"LOQS  T:Bagi Karikazo
ABC     11 C1:020000050707100 C2:uddduddduuddddu M:2/4   K:Am           H:"LOQS  T:Bagi Karikazo
ABC    992 C1:020000050707100 C2:uddduddduuddddu M:2/4   K:Am           H:"LOQS  T:Bagi Karikazo
ABC     11 C1:020000050707100 C2:uddduddduuddddu M:2/4   K:Am           H:"LOQS  T:Bagi Karikazo
ABC     11 C1:020000050707100 C2:uddduddduuddddu M:2/4   K:Am           H:"LOQS  T:Bagi Karikazo
ABC     11 C1:020000050707100 C2:uddduddduuddddu M:2/4   K:Am           H:"LOQS  T:Bagi Karikazo
ABC     11 C1:020000050707100 C2:uddduddduuddddu M:2/4   K:Am           H:"LOQS  T:Bagi Karikazo
ABC     27 C1:020000050707100 C2:uddduddduuddddu M:2/4   K:Am           H:"LOQS  T:Bagi Karikazo
ABC     27 C1:020000050707100 C2:uddduddduuddddu M:2/4   K:Am           H:"LOQS  T:Bagi Karikazo
ABC     27 C1:020000050707100 C2:uddduddduuddddu M:2/4   K:Am           H:"LOQS  T:Bagi Karikazo
ABC     27 C1:020000050707100 C2:uddduddduuddddu M:2/4   K:Am           H:"LOQS  T:Bagi Karikazo
ABC    992 C1:020000050707100 C2:uddduddduuddddu M:2/4   K:Am           H:"LOQS  T:Bagi Karikazo
ABC    992 C1:020000050707100 C2:uddduddduuddddu M:2/4   K:Am           H:"LOQS  T:Bagi Karikazo
ABC    992 C1:020000050707100 C2:uddduddduuddddu M:2/4   K:Am           H:"LOQS  T:Bagi Karikazo
ABC    841 C1:020000050707100 C2:uddduddduuddddu M:2/4   K:Am           H:"LOQS  T:Bagi Karikazo
ABC    841 C1:020000050707100 C2:uddduddduuddddu M:2/4   K:Am           H:"LOQS  T:Bagi Karikazo
ABC    841 C1:020000050707100 C2:uddduddduuddddu M:2/4   K:Am           H:"LOQS  T:Bagi Karikazo
ABC    841 C1:020000050707100 C2:uddduddduuddddu M:2/4   K:Am           H:"LOQS  T:Bagi Karikazo
ABC    841 C1:020000050707100 C2:uddduddduuddddu M:2/4   K:Am           H:"LOQS  T:Bagi Karikazo
ABC    970 C1:117463361456132 C2:uudddduuuuduuud M:6/8   K:D            H:CDLRZ  T:Baginbun Dance
ABC    965 C1:117463361456132 C2:uudddduuuuduuud M:6/8   K:D            H:CDLRZ  T:Baginbun Dance
ABC    193 C1:117463361456132 C2:uudddduuuuduuud M:6/8   K:D            H:CDLRZ  T:Baginbun Dance
ABC    993 C1:117463361456132 C2:uudddduuuuduuud M:6/8   K:D            H:CDLRZ  T:Baginbun Dance
ABC    993 C1:117463361456132 C2:uudddduuuuduuud M:6/8   K:D            H:CDLRZ  T:Baginbun Dance
ABC    993 C1:117463361456132 C2:uudddduuuuduuud M:6/8   K:D            H:CDLRZ  T:Baginbun Dance
ABC    993 C1:117463361456132 C2:uudddduuuuduuud M:6/8   K:D            H:CDLRZ  T:Baginbun Dance
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:2/4   K:             H:LO     T:Bagl\aens Kontra
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:2/4   K:             H:LO     T:Bagl\aens Kontra
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:2/4   K:             H:LO     T:Bagl\aens Kontra
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:2/4   K:             H:LO     T:Bagl\aens Kontra
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:2/4   K:             H:LO     T:Bagl\aens Kontra
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:2/4   K:             H:LO     T:Bagl\aens Kontra
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:2/4   K:             H:LO     T:Bagl\aens Kontra
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:2/4   K:             H:LO     T:Bagl\aens Kontra
ABC      1 C1:000022670000226 C2:uudduuduuuududd M:2/4   K:D            H:LO     T:Bagl\ae{}ns Kontrasejre
ABC    994 C1:000022670000226 C2:uudduuduuuududd M:2/4   K:D            H:LORS   T:Bagl\ae{}ns Kontrasejre
ABC    994 C1:000022670000226 C2:uudduuduuuududd M:2/4   K:D            H:LORS   T:Bagl\ae{}ns Kontrasejre
ABC    994 C1:000022670000226 C2:uudduuduuuududd M:2/4   K:D            H:LORS   T:Bagl\ae{}ns Kontrasejre
ABC    994 C1:000022670000226 C2:uudduuduuuududd M:2/4   K:D            H:LORS   T:Bagl\ae{}ns Kontrasejre
ABC      1 C1:000000000202060 C2:uudduuduuuuuddu M:2/4   K:D            H:"LO    T:Bagl\aens Kontraseyre #1
ABC      1 C1:000000000202060 C2:uudduuduuuuuddu M:2/4   K:D            H:"LO    T:Bagl\aens Kontraseyre #1
ABC      1 C1:000000000202060 C2:uudduuduuuuuddu M:2/4   K:D            H:"LO    T:Bagl\aens Kontraseyre #1
ABC      1 C1:000000000202060 C2:uudduuduuuuuddu M:2/4   K:D            H:"LO    T:Bagl\aens Kontraseyre #1
ABC      1 C1:000000000202060 C2:uudduuduuuuuddu M:2/4   K:D            H:"LO    T:Bagl\aens Kontraseyre #1
ABC      1 C1:000000000202060 C2:uudduuduuuuuddu M:2/4   K:D            H:"LO    T:Bagl\aens Kontraseyre #1
ABC      1 C1:000000000202060 C2:uudduuduuuuuddu M:2/4   K:D            H:"LO    T:Bagl\aens Kontraseyre #1
ABC      1 C1:000000000202060 C2:uudduuduuuuuddu M:2/4   K:D            H:"LO    T:Bagl\aens Kontraseyre #1
ABC      1 C1:000000000202060 C2:uudduuduuuuuddu M:2/4   K:D            H:"LO    T:Bagl\aens Kontraseyre #1
ABC      1 C1:000000000202060 C2:uudduuduuuuuddu M:2/4   K:D            H:"LO    T:Bagl\aens Kontraseyre #1
ABC      1 C1:000000000202060 C2:uudduuduuuuuddu M:2/4   K:D            H:"LO    T:Bagl\aens Kontraseyre #1
ABC      1 C1:000000000202060 C2:uudduuduuuuuddu M:2/4   K:D            H:"LO    T:Bagl\aens Kontraseyre #1
ABC      1 C1:000000000202060 C2:uudduuduuuuuddu M:2/4   K:D            H:"LO    T:Bagl\aens Kontraseyre #1
ABC      1 C1:000000000202060 C2:uudduuduuuuuddu M:2/4   K:D            H:"LO    T:Bagl\aens Kontraseyre #1
ABC      1 C1:000000000202060 C2:uudduuduuuuuddu M:2/4   K:D            H:"LO    T:Bagl\aens Kontraseyre #1
ABC      1 C1:000000000202060 C2:uudduuduuuuuddu M:2/4   K:D            H:"LO    T:Bagl\aens Kontraseyre #1
ABC      1 C1:000000000202060 C2:uudduuduuuuuddu M:2/4   K:D            H:"LO    T:Bagl\aens Kontraseyre #1
ABC      1 C1:000000000202060 C2:uudduuduuuududd M:2/4   K:D            H:"LO    T:Bagl\aens Kontraseyre #2
ABC      1 C1:000000000202060 C2:uudduuduuuududd M:2/4   K:D            H:"LO    T:Bagl\aens Kontraseyre #2
ABC      1 C1:000000000202060 C2:uudduuduuuududd M:2/4   K:D            H:"LO    T:Bagl\aens Kontraseyre #2
ABC      1 C1:000000000202060 C2:uudduuduuuududd M:2/4   K:D            H:"LO    T:Bagl\aens Kontraseyre #2
ABC      1 C1:000000000202060 C2:uudduuduuuududd M:2/4   K:D            H:"LO    T:Bagl\aens Kontraseyre #2
ABC      1 C1:000000000202060 C2:uudduuduuuududd M:2/4   K:D            H:"LO    T:Bagl\aens Kontraseyre #2
ABC      2 C1:000000000202060 C2:uudduuduuuududd M:2/4   K:D            H:"LO    T:Bagl\aens Kontraseyre #2
ABC      2 C1:000000000202060 C2:uudduuduuuududd M:2/4   K:D            H:"LO    T:Bagl\aens Kontraseyre #2
ABC      2 C1:000000000202060 C2:uudduuduuuududd M:2/4   K:D            H:"LO    T:Bagl\aens Kontraseyre #2
ABC      2 C1:000000000202060 C2:uudduuduuuududd M:2/4   K:D            H:"LO    T:Bagl\aens Kontraseyre #2
ABC      2 C1:000000000202060 C2:uudduuduuuududd M:2/4   K:D            H:"LO    T:Bagl\aens Kontraseyre #2
ABC      2 C1:000000000202060 C2:uudduuduuuududd M:2/4   K:D            H:"LO    T:Bagl\aens Kontraseyre #2
ABC      2 C1:000000000202060 C2:uudduuduuuududd M:2/4   K:D            H:"LO    T:Bagl\aens Kontraseyre #2
ABC      2 C1:000000000202060 C2:uudduuduuuududd M:2/4   K:D            H:"LO    T:Bagl\aens Kontraseyre #2
ABC      1 C1:000000000202060 C2:uudduuduuuududd M:2/4   K:D            H:"LO    T:Bagl\aens Kontraseyre #2
ABC      1 C1:000000000202060 C2:uudduuduuuududd M:2/4   K:D            H:"LO    T:Bagl\aens Kontraseyre #2
ABC      1 C1:000000000202060 C2:uudduuduuuududd M:2/4   K:D            H:"LO    T:Bagl\aens Kontraseyre #2
ABC    458 C1:000022670000226 C2:uudduuduuuududd M:2/4   K:D            H:FLOZ   T:Baglæns Kontrasejre
ABC    458 C1:000022670000226 C2:uudduuduuuududd M:2/4   K:D            H:FLOZ   T:Baglæns Kontrasejre
ABC    842 C1:000022670000226 C2:uudduuduuuududd M:2/4   K:D            H:LO     T:Bagl{}ns Kontrasejre
ABC    842 C1:000022670000226 C2:uudduuduuuududd M:2/4   K:D            H:LO     T:Bagl{}ns Kontrasejre
ABC    842 C1:000022670000226 C2:uudduuduuuududd M:2/4   K:D            H:LO     T:Bagl{}ns Kontrasejre
ABC    842 C1:000022670000226 C2:uudduuduuuududd M:2/4   K:D            H:LO     T:Bagl{}ns Kontrasejre
ABC    842 C1:000022670000226 C2:uudduuduuuududd M:2/4   K:D            H:LO     T:Bagl{}ns Kontrasejre
ABC    389 C1:000022670000226 C2:uudduuduuuududd M:2/4   K:D            H:LOSZ   T:Baglæns Kontrasejre
ABC  16232 C1:660172774660175 C2:ddududdudduduuu M:9/8   K:G            H:CLQR   T:BAGNAL'S FROLICK
ABC  16232 C1:660172774660175 C2:ddududdudduduuu M:9/8   K:G            H:CLQR   T:BAGNAL'S FROLICK
ABC  16232 C1:660172774660175 C2:ddududdudduduuu M:9/8   K:G            H:CLQR   T:BAGNAL'S FROLICK
ABC     27 C1:776011011000170 C2:ddduuuuudddduuu M:6/8   K:G            H:CLR    T:Bag of Halibut
ABC      1 C1:776011011000170 C2:ddduuuuudddduuu M:6/8   K:G            H:CLR    T:Bag of Halibut, The
ABC      1 C1:776011011000170 C2:ddduuuuudddduuu M:6/8   K:G            H:CLR    T:Bag of Halibut, The
ABC      1 C1:776011011000170 C2:ddduuuuudddduuu M:6/8   K:G            H:CLR    T:Bag of Halibut, The
ABC      1 C1:776011011000170 C2:ddduuuuudddduuu M:6/8   K:G            H:CLR    T:Bag of Halibut, The
ABC      1 C1:776011011000170 C2:ddduuuuudddduuu M:6/8   K:G            H:CLR    T:Bag of Halibut, The
ABC    115 C1:776011011000170 C2:ddduuuuudddduuu M:6/8   K:G            H:CLR    T:Bag of Halibut, The
ABC     27 C1:776011011000170 C2:ddduuuuudddduuu M:6/8   K:G            H:CLR    T:Bag of Halibut
ABC     27 C1:776011011000170 C2:ddduuuuudddduuu M:6/8   K:G            H:CLR    T:Bag of Halibut
ABC    984 C1:776011011000170 C2:ddduuuuudddduuu M:6/8   K:G            H:CLR    T:Bag of Halibut, The
ABC    197 C1:776011011000170 C2:ddduuuuudddduuu M:6/8   K:G            H:CLR    T:Bag of Halibut, The
ABC   1087 C1:776011011000170 C2:ddduuuuudddduuu M:6/8   K:G            H:CLR    T:Bag of Halibut, The
ABC   1551 C1:776011011000170 C2:ddduuuuudddduuu M:6/8   K:G            H:CLR    T:Bag of Halibut, The
ABC    197 C1:776011011000170 C2:ddduuuuudddduuu M:6/8   K:G            H:CLR    T:Bag of Halibut, The
ABC   1087 C1:776011011000170 C2:ddduuuuudddduuu M:6/8   K:G            H:CLR    T:Bag of Halibut, The
ABC   1551 C1:776011011000170 C2:ddduuuuudddduuu M:6/8   K:G            H:CLR    T:Bag of Halibut, The
ABC     23 C1:776011011000170 C2:ddduuuuudddduuu M:6/8   K:G            H:CLR    T:Bag of Halibut, The
ABC    359 C1:776011011000170 C2:ddduuuuudddduuu M:6/8   K:G            H:CLOR   T:Bag of Halibut, The
ABC    359 C1:776011011000170 C2:ddduuuuudddduuu M:6/8   K:G            H:CLOR   T:Bag of Halibut, The
ABC    984 C1:776011011000170 C2:ddduuuuudddduuu M:6/8   K:G            H:CLR    T:Bag of Halibut, The
ABC    984 C1:776011011000170 C2:ddduuuuudddduuu M:6/8   K:G            H:CLR    T:Bag of Halibut, The
ABC    984 C1:776011011000170 C2:ddduuuuudddduuu M:6/8   K:G            H:CLR    T:Bag of Halibut, The
ABC    832 C1:776011011000170 C2:ddduuuuudddduuu M:6/8   K:G            H:CLR    T:Bag of Halibut, The
ABC    833 C1:776011011000170 C2:ddduuuuudddduuu M:6/8   K:G            H:CLR    T:Bag of Halibut, The
ABC    834 C1:776011011000170 C2:ddduuuuudddduuu M:6/8   K:G            H:CLR    T:Bag of Halibut, The
ABC    835 C1:776011011000170 C2:ddduuuuudddduuu M:6/8   K:G            H:CLR    T:Bag of Halibut, The
ABC    836 C1:776011011000170 C2:ddduuuuudddduuu M:6/8   K:G            H:CLR    T:Bag of Halibut, The
ABC    832 C1:776011011000170 C2:ddduuuuudddduuu M:6/8   K:G            H:CLR    T:Bag of Halibut, The
ABC    833 C1:776011011000170 C2:ddduuuuudddduuu M:6/8   K:G            H:CLR    T:Bag of Halibut, The
ABC    834 C1:776011011000170 C2:ddduuuuudddduuu M:6/8   K:G            H:CLR    T:Bag of Halibut, The
ABC    835 C1:776011011000170 C2:ddduuuuudddduuu M:6/8   K:G            H:CLR    T:Bag of Halibut, The
ABC    836 C1:776011011000170 C2:ddduuuuudddduuu M:6/8   K:G            H:CLR    T:Bag of Halibut, The
ABC    832 C1:776011011000170 C2:ddduuuuudddduuu M:6/8   K:G            H:CLR    T:Bag of Halibut, The
ABC    833 C1:776011011000170 C2:ddduuuuudddduuu M:6/8   K:G            H:CLR    T:Bag of Halibut, The
ABC    834 C1:776011011000170 C2:ddduuuuudddduuu M:6/8   K:G            H:CLR    T:Bag of Halibut, The
ABC    835 C1:776011011000170 C2:ddduuuuudddduuu M:6/8   K:G            H:CLR    T:Bag of Halibut, The
ABC    836 C1:776011011000170 C2:ddduuuuudddduuu M:6/8   K:G            H:CLR    T:Bag of Halibut, The
ABC    832 C1:776011011000170 C2:ddduuuuudddduuu M:6/8   K:G            H:CLR    T:Bag of Halibut, The
ABC    833 C1:776011011000170 C2:ddduuuuudddduuu M:6/8   K:G            H:CLR    T:Bag of Halibut, The
ABC    834 C1:776011011000170 C2:ddduuuuudddduuu M:6/8   K:G            H:CLR    T:Bag of Halibut, The
ABC    835 C1:776011011000170 C2:ddduuuuudddduuu M:6/8   K:G            H:CLR    T:Bag of Halibut, The
ABC    836 C1:776011011000170 C2:ddduuuuudddduuu M:6/8   K:G            H:CLR    T:Bag of Halibut, The
ABC    832 C1:776011011000170 C2:ddduuuuudddduuu M:6/8   K:G            H:CLR    T:Bag of Halibut, The
ABC    833 C1:776011011000170 C2:ddduuuuudddduuu M:6/8   K:G            H:CLR    T:Bag of Halibut, The
ABC    834 C1:776011011000170 C2:ddduuuuudddduuu M:6/8   K:G            H:CLR    T:Bag of Halibut, The
ABC    835 C1:776011011000170 C2:ddduuuuudddduuu M:6/8   K:G            H:CLR    T:Bag of Halibut, The
ABC    836 C1:776011011000170 C2:ddduuuuudddduuu M:6/8   K:G            H:CLR    T:Bag of Halibut, The
ABC      5 C1:771137670263526 C2:dduuudddudududu M:C|    K:G            H:CLR    T:Bag Of Ice, The
ABC      5 C1:771137670263526 C2:dduuudddudududu M:C|    K:G            H:CLR    T:Bag Of Ice, The
ABC      5 C1:771137670263526 C2:dduuudddudududu M:C|    K:G            H:CLR    T:Bag Of Ice, The
ABC      5 C1:771137670263526 C2:dduuudddudududu M:C|    K:G            H:CLR    T:Bag Of Ice, The
ABC      1 C1:673264426532617 C2:dduudududduudud M:      K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:The Bag Of Ice
ABC      1 C1:110006070607010 C2:uudddduudddddud M:6/8   K:D            H:CLQR   T:The Bag of Meal
ABC      1 C1:110006070607010 C2:uudddduudddddud M:6/8   K:D            H:CLQR   T:The Bag of Meal
ABC      1 C1:110006070607010 C2:uudddduudddddud M:6/8   K:D            H:CLQR   T:The Bag of Meal
ABC     10 C1:067671037677060 C2:dddduuddddduduu M:6/8   K:D            H:BLRZ   T:BAG OF MEAL, THE
ABC     10 C1:067671037677060 C2:dddduuddddduduu M:6/8   K:D            H:BLRZ   T:BAG OF MEAL, THE
ABC     10 C1:067671037677060 C2:dddduuddddduduu M:6/8   K:D            H:BLRZ   T:BAG OF MEAL, THE
ABC     10 C1:067671037677060 C2:dddduuddddduduu M:6/8   K:D            H:BLRZ   T:BAG OF MEAL, THE
ABC     10 C1:067671037677060 C2:dddduuddddduduu M:6/8   K:D            H:BLRZ   T:BAG OF MEAL, THE
ABC     10 C1:067671037677060 C2:dddduuddddduduu M:6/8   K:D            H:BLRZ   T:BAG OF MEAL, THE
ABC      1 C1:037677060172001 C2:uddddduduudduud M:6/8   K:D            H:"LS    T:Bag of Meal
ABC      1 C1:067671037677060 C2:dddduuddddduduu M:6/8   K:D            H:LRSZ   T:Bag of Meal, The
ABC     10 C1:067671037677060 C2:dddduuddddduduu M:6/8   K:D            H:BLRZ   T:BAG OF MEAL, THE
ABC     10 C1:067671037677060 C2:dddduuddddduduu M:6/8   K:D            H:BLRZ   T:BAG OF MEAL, THE
ABC     10 C1:067671037677060 C2:dddduuddddduduu M:6/8   K:D            H:BLRZ   T:BAG OF MEAL, THE
ABC     10 C1:067671037677060 C2:dddduuddddduduu M:6/8   K:D            H:BLRZ   T:BAG OF MEAL, THE
ABC     10 C1:067671037677060 C2:dddduuddddduduu M:6/8   K:D            H:BLRZ   T:BAG OF MEAL, THE
ABC      1 C1:562166270023111 C2:dduudduduuuuuud M:      K:Dmaj         H:LR     T:A Bag Of Money
ABC      2 C1:620053443562166 C2:duudududduuddud M:      K:Dmaj         H:LR     T:A Bag Of Money
ABC      3 C1:200534435621662 C2:uudududduuddudu M:      K:Dmaj         H:"LR    T:A Bag Of Money
ABC      4 C1:217507615621662 C2:uududdudduuddud M:      K:Dmaj         H:LR     T:A Bag Of Money
ABC   3202 C1:417576156216627 C2:uududdudduuddud M:4/4   K:D            H:BCLQR  T:BAG OF MONEY (reel), A
ABC   3202 C1:417576156216627 C2:uududdudduuddud M:4/4   K:D            H:BCLQR  T:BAG OF MONEY (reel), A
ABC   3202 C1:417576156216627 C2:uududdudduuddud M:4/4   K:D            H:BCLQR  T:BAG OF MONEY (reel), A
ABC      1 C1:206707022006307 C2:uddduududuuudud M:C     K:G            H:DLR    T:Bag of Potatoes [1]
ABC      1 C1:111161660261726 C2:uuuududdudududu M:4/4   K:Ador         H:LRSZ   T:The Bag of Potatoes [2]
ABC      1 C1:206716112007207 C2:udduduuududuuud M:C|    K:G            H:RZ     T:Bag of Potatoes, The
ABC      1 C1:206716112007207 C2:udduduuududuuud M:C|    K:G            H:RZ     T:Bag of Potatoes, The
ABC      1 C1:044004401111616 C2:ududuuuududdudu M:4/4   K:G            H:DLRSZ  T:the Bag of Potatoes
ABC      1 C1:044004401111616 C2:ududuuuududdudu M:4/4   K:G            H:DLRSZ  T:the Bag of Potatoes
ABC      1 C1:044004401111616 C2:ududuuuududdudu M:4/4   K:G            H:DLRSZ  T:the Bag of Potatoes
ABC      1 C1:044004401111616 C2:ududuuuududdudu M:4/4   K:G            H:DLRSZ  T:the Bag of Potatoes
ABC      1 C1:044004401111616 C2:ududuuuududdudu M:4/4   K:G            H:DLRSZ  T:the Bag of Potatoes
ABC      1 C1:044004401111616 C2:ududuuuududdudu M:4/4   K:G            H:DLRSZ  T:the Bag of Potatoes
ABC      1 C1:044004401111616 C2:ududuuuududdudu M:4/4   K:G            H:DLRSZ  T:the Bag of Potatoes
ABC      1 C1:206120762067161 C2:uduuddudduduuud M:4/4   K:G            H:"CDLOQRSZ T:Bag of Potatoes
ABC      1 C1:206120762067161 C2:uduuddudduduuud M:4/4   K:D            H:"CDLOQRSZ T:Bag of Potatoes
ABC     51 C1:206707022006307 C2:uddduududuuudud M:C     K:G            H:DLR    T:Bag of Potatoes
ABC     51 C1:206707022006307 C2:uddduududuuudud M:C     K:G            H:DLR    T:Bag of Potatoes
ABC     51 C1:206707022006307 C2:uddduududuuudud M:C     K:G            H:DLR    T:Bag of Potatoes
ABC     51 C1:206707022006307 C2:uddduududuuudud M:C     K:G            H:DLR    T:Bag of Potatoes
ABC    275 C1:206716112007207 C2:udduduuududuuud M:C|    K:G            H:RZ     T:Bag of Potatoes, The
ABC    275 C1:206716112007207 C2:udduduuududuuud M:C|    K:G            H:RZ     T:Bag of Potatoes, The
ABC    584 C1:111176770442644 C2:uuuuddddudududu M:C|    K:Ador         H:RZ     T:Bag of Potatoes, The
ABC    584 C1:111176770442644 C2:uuuuddddudududu M:C|    K:Ador         H:RZ     T:Bag of Potatoes, The
ABC    275 C1:206716112007207 C2:udduduuududuuud M:C|    K:G            H:RZ     T:Bag of Potatoes, The
ABC    275 C1:206716112007207 C2:udduduuududuuud M:C|    K:G            H:RZ     T:Bag of Potatoes, The
ABC    395 C1:044264401111771 C2:udududuuuuddudd M:4/4   K:G            H:LRSZ   T:Bag of Potatoes
ABC      1 C1:200720762067161 C2:ududdudduduuudu M:      K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:The Bag Of Potatoes
ABC      2 C1:200720762067070 C2:ududduddduududu M:      K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:The Bag Of Potatoes
ABC      3 C1:206707112006307 C2:uddduuududuuudu M:      K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:The Bag Of Potatoes
ABC      4 C1:206120052067071 C2:uduududdduuuduu M:      K:Dmaj         H:LR     T:The Bag Of Potatoes
ABC      5 C1:200720762067161 C2:ududdudduduuudu M:      K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:The Bag Of Potatoes
ABC      6 C1:620072005206717 C2:dudududdudduuud M:      K:Dmaj         H:LR     T:The Bag Of Potatoes
ABC      7 C1:200720052007671 C2:udududdduuududu M:      K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:The Bag Of Potatoes
ABC      1 C1:206707112006307 C2:uddduuududuuudu M:4/4   K:G            H:LR     T:The Bag of Potatoes
ABC    584 C1:111176770442644 C2:uuuuddddudududu M:C|    K:Ador         H:RZ     T:Bag of Potatoes, The
ABC    385 C1:206716112007207 C2:udduduuududuuud M:C|    K:G            H:DRZ    T:Bag of Potatoes, The
ABC    985 C1:206716112007207 C2:udduduuududuuud M:C|    K:G            H:RZ     T:Bag of Potatoes, The
ABC    991 C1:111176770442644 C2:uuuuddddudududu M:C|    K:Ador         H:RZ     T:Bag of Potatoes, The
ABC   9703 C1:206716112007207 C2:udduduuududuuud M:C|    K:G            H:RZ     T:Bag of Potatoes, The
ABC   9703 C1:206716112007207 C2:udduduuududuuud M:C|    K:G            H:RZ     T:Bag of Potatoes, The
ABC    275 C1:206716112007207 C2:udduduuududuuud M:C|    K:G            H:RZ     T:Bag of Potatoes, The
ABC    275 C1:206716112007207 C2:udduduuududuuud M:C|    K:G            H:RZ     T:Bag of Potatoes, The
ABC    275 C1:206716112007207 C2:udduduuududuuud M:C|    K:G            H:RZ     T:Bag of Potatoes, The
ABC    275 C1:206716112007207 C2:udduduuududuuud M:C|    K:G            H:RZ     T:Bag of Potatoes, The
ABC    275 C1:206716112007207 C2:udduduuududuuud M:C|    K:G            H:RZ     T:Bag of Potatoes, The
ABC    275 C1:206716112007207 C2:udduduuududuuud M:C|    K:G            H:RZ     T:Bag of Potatoes, The
ABC      1 C1:206707112006307 C2:uddduuududuuudu M:4/4   K:G            H:"LR    T:The Bag of Potatoes
ABC    584 C1:111176770442644 C2:uuuuddddudududu M:C|    K:Ador         H:RZ     T:Bag of Potatoes, The
ABC    275 C1:206716112007207 C2:udduduuududuuud M:C|    K:G            H:RZ     T:Bag of Potatoes, The
ABC    360 C1:206716112007207 C2:udduduuududuuud M:C|    K:G            H:OR     T:Bag of Potatoes, The
ABC    360 C1:206716112007207 C2:udduduuududuuud M:C|    K:G            H:OR     T:Bag of Potatoes, The
ABC    985 C1:206716112007207 C2:udduduuududuuud M:C|    K:G            H:RZ     T:Bag of Potatoes, The
ABC    991 C1:111176770442644 C2:uuuuddddudududu M:C|    K:Ador         H:RZ     T:Bag of Potatoes, The
ABC    985 C1:206716112007207 C2:udduduuududuuud M:C|    K:G            H:RZ     T:Bag of Potatoes, The
ABC    991 C1:111176770442644 C2:uuuuddddudududu M:C|    K:Ador         H:RZ     T:Bag of Potatoes, The
ABC    985 C1:206716112007207 C2:udduduuududuuud M:C|    K:G            H:RZ     T:Bag of Potatoes, The
ABC    991 C1:111176770442644 C2:uuuuddddudududu M:C|    K:Ador         H:RZ     T:Bag of Potatoes, The
ABC    837 C1:206716112007207 C2:udduduuududuuud M:C|    K:G            H:RZ     T:Bag of Potatoes, The
ABC    838 C1:206716112007207 C2:udduduuududuuud M:C|    K:G            H:RZ     T:Bag of Potatoes, The
ABC    837 C1:206716112007207 C2:udduduuududuuud M:C|    K:G            H:RZ     T:Bag of Potatoes, The
ABC    838 C1:206716112007207 C2:udduduuududuuud M:C|    K:G            H:RZ     T:Bag of Potatoes, The
ABC    837 C1:206716112007207 C2:udduduuududuuud M:C|    K:G            H:RZ     T:Bag of Potatoes, The
ABC    838 C1:206716112007207 C2:udduduuududuuud M:C|    K:G            H:RZ     T:Bag of Potatoes, The
ABC    837 C1:206716112007207 C2:udduduuududuuud M:C|    K:G            H:RZ     T:Bag of Potatoes, The
ABC    838 C1:206716112007207 C2:udduduuududuuud M:C|    K:G            H:RZ     T:Bag of Potatoes, The
ABC    837 C1:206716112007207 C2:udduduuududuuud M:C|    K:G            H:RZ     T:Bag of Potatoes, The
ABC    838 C1:206716112007207 C2:udduduuududuuud M:C|    K:G            H:RZ     T:Bag of Potatoes, The
ABC    275 C1:206716112007207 C2:udduduuududuuud M:C|    K:G            H:RZ     T:Bag of Potatoes, The
ABC    275 C1:206716112007207 C2:udduduuududuuud M:C|    K:G            H:RZ     T:Bag of Potatoes, The
ABC  38007 C1:044264401111616 C2:udududuuuududdu M:4/4   K:G            H:BCLQR  T:BAG OF POTATOES (reel), The
ABC  38007 C1:044264401111616 C2:udududuuuududdu M:4/4   K:G            H:BCLQR  T:BAG OF POTATOES (reel), The
ABC  38007 C1:044264401111616 C2:udududuuuududdu M:4/4   K:G            H:BCLQR  T:BAG OF POTATOES (reel), The
ABC    329 C1:200630052067071 C2:udududdduuududu M:4/4   K:G            H:"LR    T:The Bag of Potatoes Source Brian McNeill
ABC      1 C1:000005110007070 C2:duuddudduddudud M:4/4   K:D            H:CILQR  T:The Bag of Praties
ABC      1 C1:000005110007070 C2:duuddudduddudud M:4/4   K:D            H:CILQR  T:The Bag of Praties
ABC 331003 C1:006107030071506 C2:dudududduddudud M:C     K:D            H:BCLQRY T:BAG OF PRATIES, The
ABC 122002 C1:000005110007070 C2:duuddudduddudud M:C     K:D            H:BLZ    T:the BAG OF PRATIES
ABC 122002 C1:000005110007070 C2:duuddudduddudud M:C     K:D            H:BLZ    T:the BAG OF PRATIES
ABC 331003 C1:006107030071506 C2:dudududduddudud M:C     K:D            H:BCLQRY T:BAG OF PRATIES, The
ABC 331003 C1:006107030071506 C2:dudududduddudud M:C     K:D            H:BCLQRY T:BAG OF PRATIES, The
ABC      1 C1:000005110007070 C2:duuddudduddudud M:      K:Dmaj         H:LR     T:The Bag Of Praties
ABC 122002 C1:000005110007070 C2:duuddudduddudud M:C     K:D            H:BLZ    T:The BAG OF PRATIES
ABC 122002 C1:000005110007070 C2:duuddudduddudud M:C     K:D            H:BLZ    T:The BAG OF PRATIES
ABC 122002 C1:000005110007070 C2:duuddudduddudud M:C     K:D            H:BLZ    T:The BAG OF PRATIES
ABC 122002 C1:000005110007070 C2:duuddudduddudud M:C     K:D            H:BLZ    T:The BAG OF PRATIES
ABC 122002 C1:000005110007070 C2:duuddudduddudud M:C     K:D            H:BLZ    T:The BAG OF PRATIES
ABC 122002 C1:000005110007070 C2:duuddudduddudud M:C     K:D            H:BLZ    T:The BAG OF PRATIES
ABC 122002 C1:000005110007070 C2:duuddudduddudud M:C     K:D            H:BLZ    T:The BAG OF PRATIES
ABC 122002 C1:000005110007070 C2:duuddudduddudud M:C     K:D            H:BLZ    T:The BAG OF PRATIES
ABC 122002 C1:000005110007070 C2:duuddudduddudud M:C     K:D            H:BLZ    T:The BAG OF PRATIES
ABC 122002 C1:000005110007070 C2:duuddudduddudud M:C     K:D            H:BLZ    T:The BAG OF PRATIES
ABC    192 C1:000707030000506 C2:ddudduddududdud M:C     K:DMix         H:FLQSZ  T:The Bag of Praties
ABC    192 C1:000707030000506 C2:ddudduddududdud M:C     K:DMix         H:FLQSZ  T:The Bag of Praties
ABC      1 C1:206120762067161 C2:uduuddudduduuud M:4/4   K:D            H:"CDLOQRSZ T:Bag of Spuds #2 (D major)
ABC      1 C1:206120762067161 C2:uduuddudduduuud M:4/4   K:G            H:"CDLOQRSZ T:Bag of Spuds #2 (G major)
ABC      4 C1:111107660442644 C2:uuuudddudududud M:C     K:A            H:L      T:Bag of Spuds
ABC      1 C1:111176770442644 C2:uuuuddddudududu M:4/4   K:Ador         H:LR     T:Bag of Spuds, The
ABC    272 C1:111176770442644 C2:uuuuddddudududu M:C     K:ADor         H:Z      T:The Bag of Spuds
ABC      1 C1:111116661074006 C2:uuuuudddududdud M:4/4   K:A            H:LR     T:Bag Of Spuds, The
ABC      1 C1:111116661074006 C2:uuuuudddududdud M:4/4   K:A            H:LR     T:Bag Of Spuds, The
ABC      2 C1:111125660264427 C2:uuuuudddudududd M:4/4   K:Amin         H:LR     T:Bag of Spuds
ABC      2 C1:111125660264427 C2:uuuuudddudududd M:4/4   K:Amin         H:LR     T:Bag of Spuds
ABC      2 C1:111125660264427 C2:uuuuudddudududd M:4/4   K:Amin         H:LR     T:Bag of Spuds
ABC    162 C1:044022661111526 C2:uduudduuuududud M:4/4   K:D            H:BLRZ   T:The Bag of Spuds
ABC    162 C1:044022661111526 C2:uduudduuuududud M:4/4   K:D            H:BLRZ   T:The Bag of Spuds
ABC      1 C1:111176770442644 C2:uuuuddddudududu M:C|    K:Ador         H:RZ     T:Bag of Spuds, The
ABC      1 C1:111152660442644 C2:uuuududdudududu M:4/4   K:G            H:"L     T:Bag of spuds
ABC      1 C1:044004401111616 C2:ududuuuududdudu M:4/4   K:G            H:DLRSZ  T:the Bag of Spuds
ABC      1 C1:044004401111616 C2:ududuuuududdudu M:4/4   K:G            H:DLRSZ  T:the Bag of Spuds
ABC      1 C1:044004401111616 C2:ududuuuududdudu M:4/4   K:G            H:DLRSZ  T:the Bag of Spuds
ABC      1 C1:044004401111616 C2:ududuuuududdudu M:4/4   K:G            H:DLRSZ  T:the Bag of Spuds
ABC      1 C1:044004401111616 C2:ududuuuududdudu M:4/4   K:G            H:DLRSZ  T:the Bag of Spuds
ABC      1 C1:044004401111616 C2:ududuuuududdudu M:4/4   K:G            H:DLRSZ  T:the Bag of Spuds
ABC      1 C1:044004401111616 C2:ududuuuududdudu M:4/4   K:G            H:DLRSZ  T:the Bag of Spuds
ABC     27 C1:111161660442644 C2:uuuududdudududu M:C|    K:ADor         H:DRSZ   T:Bag of Spuds, The
ABC      1 C1:111161660442644 C2:uuuududdudududu M:C|    K:ADor         H:DRSZ   T:Bag of Spuds, The
ABC      1 C1:044264401111076 C2:udududuuuudddud M:4/4   K:Ador         H:LRS    T:The Bag of Spuds
ABC      1 C1:044264401111076 C2:udududuuuudddud M:4/4   K:Ador         H:LRS    T:The Bag of Spuds
ABC      1 C1:044264401111076 C2:udududuuuudddud M:4/4   K:Ador         H:LRS    T:The Bag of Spuds
ABC      1 C1:044264401111076 C2:udududuuuudddud M:4/4   K:Ador         H:LRS    T:The Bag of Spuds
ABC      1 C1:044264401111526 C2:udududuuuududdu M:4/4   K:Ador         H:R      T:Bag Of Spuds, The
ABC    162 C1:                C2:                M:4/4   K:Amix         H:LR     T:Bag of Spuds, The
ABC     27 C1:111161660442644 C2:uuuududdudududu M:C|    K:ADor         H:DRSZ   T:Bag of Spuds, The
ABC    135 C1:111161660442644 C2:uuuududdudududu M:C|    K:ADor         H:DRSZ   T:Bag of Spuds, The
ABC      3 C1:111176770442644 C2:uuuuddddudududu M:C|    K:Ador         H:"LQRSZ T:Bag of Spuds, The
ABC      3 C1:111176770442644 C2:uuuuddddudududu M:C|    K:Ador         H:"LQRSZ T:Bag of Spuds, The
ABC      3 C1:111176770442644 C2:uuuuddddudududu M:C|    K:Ador         H:"LQRSZ T:Bag of Spuds, The
ABC     27 C1:044277440111161 C2:ududduduuuududd M:C|    K:ADor         H:DRSZ   T:Bag of Spuds, The
ABC     75 C1:044264401111767 C2:udududuuuuddddu M:C|    K:Ador         H:CLRSZ  T:Bag of Spuds, The
ABC    183 C1:111117766044264 C2:uuuuuddddududud M:C|    K:Emin         H:LRS    T:Bag of Spuds
ABC    183 C1:111117766044264 C2:uuuuuddddududud M:C|    K:Emin         H:LRS    T:Bag of Spuds
ABC    584 C1:111176770442644 C2:uuuuddddudududu M:C|    K:Ador         H:RZ     T:Bag of Spuds, The
ABC    584 C1:111176770442644 C2:uuuuddddudududu M:C|    K:Ador         H:RZ     T:Bag of Spuds, The
ABC      2 C1:111176770442644 C2:uuuuddddudududu M:4/4   K:Ador         H:L      T:The Bag Of Spuds
ABC    162 C1:044022661111526 C2:uduudduuuududud M:4/4   K:D            H:LR     T:The Bag of Spuds
ABC     65 C1:044264401111767 C2:udududuuuuddddu M:4/4   K:Ador         H:"LR    T:Bag Of Spuds, The
ABC    584 C1:111176770442644 C2:uuuuddddudududu M:C|    K:Ador         H:RZ     T:Bag of Spuds, The
ABC    584 C1:111176770442644 C2:uuuuddddudududu M:C|    K:Ador         H:RZ     T:Bag of Spuds, The
ABC    110 C1:111176770442644 C2:uuuuddddudududu M:C|    K:Ador         H:RZ     T:Bag of Spuds, The
ABC    110 C1:111176770442644 C2:uuuuddddudududu M:C|    K:Ador         H:RZ     T:Bag of Spuds, The
ABC     17 C1:044264401111177 C2:udududuuuuudddd M:4/4   K:Ador         H:L      T:The Bag Of Spuds
ABC    104 C1:116707021161117 C2:uuddduuuduuuduu M:4/4   K:G            H:LZ     T:Bag of Spuds, The
ABC      5 C1:120072067206717 C2:uududduddudduuu M:4/4   K:DMaj         H:LR     T:Bag Of Spuds, The
ABC      3 C1:206120052067071 C2:uduududdduuuduu M:4/4   K:GMaj         H:LR     T:Bag Of Spuds, The
ABC      4 C1:620072005206717 C2:dudududdudduuud M:4/4   K:DMaj         H:LR     T:Bag Of Spuds, The
ABC    162 C1:044022661111526 C2:uduudduuuududud M:4/4   K:D            H:BLRZ   T:The Bag of Spuds
ABC    162 C1:044022661111526 C2:uduudduuuududud M:4/4   K:D            H:BLRZ   T:The Bag of Spuds
ABC    162 C1:044022661111526 C2:uduudduuuududud M:4/4   K:D            H:BLRZ   T:The Bag of Spuds
ABC    162 C1:044022661111526 C2:uduudduuuududud M:4/4   K:D            H:BLRZ   T:The Bag of Spuds
ABC    162 C1:044022661111526 C2:uduudduuuududud M:4/4   K:D            H:BLRZ   T:The Bag of Spuds
ABC      1 C1:111176770442644 C2:uuuuddddudududu M:      K:Ador         H:LR     T:The Bag Of Spuds
ABC      2 C1:044264401111526 C2:udududuuuududdu M:      K:Ador         H:LR     T:The Bag Of Spuds
ABC      3 C1:044264401111177 C2:udududuuuuudddd M:      K:Ador         H:LR     T:The Bag Of Spuds
ABC      4 C1:111116661074006 C2:uuuuudddududdud M:      K:Amix         H:LR     T:The Bag Of Spuds
ABC      5 C1:111125660264337 C2:uuuuuddduduuddd M:      K:Ador         H:LR     T:The Bag Of Spuds
ABC      6 C1:111152660442646 C2:uuuududdudududd M:      K:Ador         H:LR     T:The Bag Of Spuds
ABC      7 C1:044264401111777 C2:udududuuuuddddu M:      K:Ador         H:LR     T:The Bag Of Spuds
ABC      8 C1:044277440111177 C2:ududduduuuudddd M:      K:Ador         H:LR     T:The Bag Of Spuds
ABC      9 C1:044264401111767 C2:udududuuuuddddu M:      K:Ador         H:LR     T:The Bag Of Spuds
ABC     10 C1:111017660442774 C2:uuuudddududdudd M:      K:Ador         H:LR     T:The Bag Of Spuds
ABC     11 C1:153175301111256 C2:uduudduuuuuuddd M:      K:Ador         H:LR     T:The Bag Of Spuds
ABC     12 C1:044277440111176 C2:ududduduuuudddd M:      K:Ador         H:LR     T:The Bag Of Spuds
ABC     13 C1:111116662644277 C2:uuuuudddudududd M:      K:Ador         H:LR     T:The Bag Of Spuds
ABC     14 C1:044277440111152 C2:ududduduuuududd M:      K:Ador         H:LR     T:The Bag Of Spuds
ABC     15 C1:044174401111436 C2:udududuuuududdu M:      K:Ador         H:LR     T:The Bag Of Spuds
ABC     16 C1:044006200446676 C2:ududududddduuuu M:      K:Ador         H:LR     T:The Bag Of Spuds
ABC     17 C1:044264401111526 C2:udududuuuududdu M:      K:Edor         H:LR     T:The Bag Of Spuds
ABC      1 C1:111116661074006 C2:uuuuudddududdud M:4/4   K:A            H:LR     T:Bag Of Spuds, The
ABC      5 C1:111176770442644 C2:uuuuddddudududu M:4/4   K:Ador         H:LQR    T:Bag Of Spuds, The
ABC    272 C1:111176770442644 C2:uuuuddddudududu M:C     K:ADor         H:Z      T:The Bag of Spuds
ABC   1360 C1:111176770442644 C2:uuuuddddudududu M:C     K:ADor         H:Z      T:The Bag of Spuds
ABC      2 C1:111125660264427 C2:uuuuudddudududd M:4/4   K:Amin         H:LR     T:Bag of Spuds
ABC     25 C1:111107660442644 C2:uuuudddudududud M:C     K:A            H:LZ     T:Bag of Spuds
ABC    198 C1:044264401111076 C2:udududuuuudddud M:4/4   K:Ador         H:DLR    T:The Bag of Spuds
ABC    198 C1:044264401111076 C2:udududuuuudddud M:4/4   K:Ador         H:DLR    T:The Bag of Spuds
ABC      5 C1:111107660442644 C2:uuuudddudududud M:C     K:A            H:LZ     T:Bag of Spuds
ABC      2 C1:111125660264427 C2:uuuuudddudududd M:4/4   K:Amin         H:LR     T:Bag of Spuds
ABC    584 C1:111176770442644 C2:uuuuddddudududu M:C|    K:Ador         H:RZ     T:Bag of Spuds, The
ABC     44 C1:044264401111526 C2:udududuuuududdu M:4/4   K:Ador         H:HLRZ   T:Bag Of Spuds, The
ABC    986 C1:111107660442644 C2:uuuudddudududud M:C     K:A            H:L      T:Bag of Spuds
ABC    987 C1:111107660442644 C2:uuuudddudududud M:C     K:A            H:LZ     T:Bag of Spuds
ABC    988 C1:111161660442644 C2:uuuududdudududu M:C|    K:ADor         H:DRSZ   T:Bag of Spuds, The
ABC    989 C1:111161660442644 C2:uuuududdudududu M:C|    K:ADor         H:DRSZ   T:Bag of Spuds, The
ABC    990 C1:111176770442644 C2:uuuuddddudududu M:C|    K:Ador         H:RZ     T:Bag of Spuds, The
ABC    991 C1:111176770442644 C2:uuuuddddudududu M:C|    K:Ador         H:RZ     T:Bag of Spuds, The
ABC    584 C1:111176770442644 C2:uuuuddddudududu M:C|    K:Ador         H:RZ     T:Bag of Spuds, The
ABC    584 C1:111176770442644 C2:uuuuddddudududu M:C|    K:Ador         H:RZ     T:Bag of Spuds, The
ABC    584 C1:111176770442644 C2:uuuuddddudududu M:C|    K:Ador         H:RZ     T:Bag of Spuds, The
ABC    584 C1:111176770442644 C2:uuuuddddudududu M:C|    K:Ador         H:RZ     T:Bag of Spuds, The
ABC    584 C1:111176770442644 C2:uuuuddddudududu M:C|    K:Ador         H:RZ     T:Bag of Spuds, The
ABC    584 C1:111176770442644 C2:uuuuddddudududu M:C|    K:Ador         H:RZ     T:Bag of Spuds, The
ABC      1 C1:044264401111177 C2:udududuuuuudddd M:4/4   K:Ador         H:"LRS   T:Bag of Spuds
ABC    584 C1:111176770442644 C2:uuuuddddudududu M:C|    K:Ador         H:RZ     T:Bag of Spuds, The
ABC    613 C1:116707021161117 C2:uuddduuuduuuduu M:4/4   K:G            H:LZ     T:Bag of Spuds, The
ABC    361 C1:111176770442644 C2:uuuuddddudududu M:C|    K:Ador         H:OR     T:Bag of Spuds, The
ABC    361 C1:111176770442644 C2:uuuuddddudududu M:C|    K:Ador         H:OR     T:Bag of Spuds, The
ABC    986 C1:111107660442644 C2:uuuudddudududud M:C     K:A            H:L      T:Bag of Spuds
ABC    987 C1:111107660442644 C2:uuuudddudududud M:C     K:A            H:LZ     T:Bag of Spuds
ABC    988 C1:111161660442644 C2:uuuududdudududu M:C|    K:ADor         H:DRSZ   T:Bag of Spuds, The
ABC    989 C1:111161660442644 C2:uuuududdudududu M:C|    K:ADor         H:DRSZ   T:Bag of Spuds, The
ABC    990 C1:111176770442644 C2:uuuuddddudududu M:C|    K:Ador         H:RZ     T:Bag of Spuds, The
ABC    991 C1:111176770442644 C2:uuuuddddudududu M:C|    K:Ador         H:RZ     T:Bag of Spuds, The
ABC    986 C1:111107660442644 C2:uuuudddudududud M:C     K:A            H:L      T:Bag of Spuds
ABC    987 C1:111107660442644 C2:uuuudddudududud M:C     K:A            H:LZ     T:Bag of Spuds
ABC    988 C1:111161660442644 C2:uuuududdudududu M:C|    K:ADor         H:DRSZ   T:Bag of Spuds, The
ABC    989 C1:111161660442644 C2:uuuududdudududu M:C|    K:ADor         H:DRSZ   T:Bag of Spuds, The
ABC    990 C1:111176770442644 C2:uuuuddddudududu M:C|    K:Ador         H:RZ     T:Bag of Spuds, The
ABC    991 C1:111176770442644 C2:uuuuddddudududu M:C|    K:Ador         H:RZ     T:Bag of Spuds, The
ABC    986 C1:111107660442644 C2:uuuudddudududud M:C     K:A            H:L      T:Bag of Spuds
ABC    987 C1:111107660442644 C2:uuuudddudududud M:C     K:A            H:LZ     T:Bag of Spuds
ABC    988 C1:111161660442644 C2:uuuududdudududu M:C|    K:ADor         H:DRSZ   T:Bag of Spuds, The
ABC    989 C1:111161660442644 C2:uuuududdudududu M:C|    K:ADor         H:DRSZ   T:Bag of Spuds, The
ABC    990 C1:111176770442644 C2:uuuuddddudududu M:C|    K:Ador         H:RZ     T:Bag of Spuds, The
ABC    991 C1:111176770442644 C2:uuuuddddudududu M:C|    K:Ador         H:RZ     T:Bag of Spuds, The
ABC    839 C1:111176770442644 C2:uuuuddddudududu M:C|    K:Ador         H:RZ     T:Bag of Spuds, The
ABC    840 C1:111161660442644 C2:uuuududdudududu M:C|    K:ADor         H:DRSZ   T:Bag of Spuds, The
ABC    840 C1:111161660442644 C2:uuuududdudududu M:C|    K:ADor         H:DRSZ   T:Bag of Spuds, The
ABC    839 C1:111176770442644 C2:uuuuddddudududu M:C|    K:Ador         H:RZ     T:Bag of Spuds, The
ABC    839 C1:111176770442644 C2:uuuuddddudududu M:C|    K:Ador         H:RZ     T:Bag of Spuds, The
ABC    840 C1:111161660442644 C2:uuuududdudududu M:C|    K:ADor         H:DRSZ   T:Bag of Spuds, The
ABC    839 C1:111176770442644 C2:uuuuddddudududu M:C|    K:Ador         H:RZ     T:Bag of Spuds, The
ABC    840 C1:111161660442644 C2:uuuududdudududu M:C|    K:ADor         H:DRSZ   T:Bag of Spuds, The
ABC    839 C1:111176770442644 C2:uuuuddddudududu M:C|    K:Ador         H:RZ     T:Bag of Spuds, The
ABC    840 C1:111161660442644 C2:uuuududdudududu M:C|    K:ADor         H:DRSZ   T:Bag of Spuds, The
ABC    115 C1:111107660442644 C2:uuuudddudududud M:C     K:A            H:LOZ    T:Bag of Spuds
ABC      1 C1:044264401111706 C2:udududuuuuddduu M:4/4   K:A            H:"CDLOQRSZ T:Bag of Spuds / Bag of Potatoes (A dorian)
ABC      1 C1:044264401111706 C2:udududuuuuddduu M:4/4   K:E            H:"CDLOQRSZ T:Bag of Spuds / Bag of Potatoes (E dorian)
ABC 181111 C1:111107660442646 C2:uuuudddudududdu M:C     K:G            H:CLQR   T:BAG OF SPUDS (reel), The
ABC 181111 C1:111107660442646 C2:uuuudddudududdu M:C     K:G            H:CLQR   T:BAG OF SPUDS (reel), The
ABC 181111 C1:111107660442646 C2:uuuudddudududdu M:C     K:G            H:CLQR   T:BAG OF SPUDS (reel), The
ABC    260 C1:044174401111616 C2:udududuuuududdu M:4/4   K:Am           H:"R     T:Bag o' Spuds -- Am
ABC    258 C1:044174401111526 C2:udududuuuududdu M:4/4   K:Em           H:"R     T:Bag o' Spuds -- Em
ABC      2 C1:                C2:                M:C     K:Amix         H:BLRZ   T:Bagpipe [2], The
ABC      1 C1:040000577777111 C2:duddddduuuudduu M:      K:Dmix         H:LR     T:Bagpipe
ABC      2 C1:040000577777111 C2:duddddduuuudduu M:      K:Dmix         H:LR     T:Bagpipe
ABC      3 C1:040000577777111 C2:duddddduuuudduu M:      K:Amix         H:LR     T:Bagpipe
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:bagpipebigsolo
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:bagpipe cockofnorth (1:38)
ABC   8293 C1:000206000003050 C2:udududududduudu M:2/4   K:C            H:CFLORW T:A Bagpipe Concerto call'd the Battle of Aghrem
ABC   8293 C1:000206000003050 C2:udududududduudu M:2/4   K:C            H:CFLORW T:A Bagpipe Concerto call'd the Battle of Aghrem
ABC      1 C1:020002061163040 C2:uuduududuuududu M:3/2   K:C            H:L      T:a Bagpipe Hornpipe
ABC      1 C1:020002061163040 C2:uuduududuuududu M:3/2   K:C            H:BL     T:A BAGPIPE HORNPIPE
ABC     45 C1:020002061163040 C2:uuduududuuududu M:3/2   K:C            H:BL     T:A BAGPIPE HORNPIPE
ABC      1 C1:002602007701001 C2:ududduuddududdd M:9/4   K:A            H:L      T:a Bagpipe Hornpipe
ABC      1 C1:020002061163040 C2:uuduududuuududu M:3/2   K:Am           H:"BL    T:Bagpipe hornpipe
ABC      1 C1:002602007701001 C2:ududduuddududdd M:9/4   K:A            H:BL     T:A BAGPIPE HORNPIPE
ABC     35 C1:002602007701001 C2:ududduuddududdd M:9/4   K:A            H:BL     T:A BAGPIPE HORNPIPE
ABC      9 C1:202621412703302 C2:uuduududuuududu M:6/4   K:C            H:LS     T:A Bagpipe Hornpipe
ABC     38 C1:172771177177777 C2:ududduuddududdd M:6/4   K:A            H:LSZ    T:A Bagpipe Hornpipe
ABC      9 C1:202621412703302 C2:uuduududuuududu M:6/4   K:C            H:LS     T:A Bagpipe Hornpipe
ABC     38 C1:172771177177777 C2:ududduuddududdd M:6/4   K:A            H:LSZ    T:A Bagpipe Hornpipe
ABC      9 C1:202621412703302 C2:uuduududuuududu M:3/2   K:C            H:LQSZ   T:Bagpipe Hornpipe, A
ABC     38 C1:172771177177777 C2:ududduuddududdd M:6/4   K:A            H:LQSZ   T:Bagpipe Hornpipe, A
ABC      9 C1:202621412703302 C2:uuduududuuududu M:3/2   K:C            H:LQSZ   T:Bagpipe Hornpipe, A
ABC     38 C1:172771177177777 C2:ududduuddududdd M:6/4   K:A            H:LQSZ   T:Bagpipe Hornpipe, A
ABC      9 C1:202621412703302 C2:uuduududuuududu M:3/2   K:C            H:LQSZ   T:Bagpipe Hornpipe, A
ABC     38 C1:172771177177777 C2:ududduuddududdd M:6/4   K:A            H:LQSZ   T:Bagpipe Hornpipe, A
ABC      9 C1:202621412703302 C2:uuduududuuududu M:3/2   K:C            H:LQSZ   T:Bagpipe Hornpipe, A
ABC     38 C1:172771177177777 C2:ududduuddududdd M:6/4   K:A            H:LQSZ   T:Bagpipe Hornpipe, A
ABC      9 C1:202621412703302 C2:uuduududuuududu M:3/2   K:C            H:LQSZ   T:Bagpipe Hornpipe, A
ABC     38 C1:172771177177777 C2:ududduuddududdd M:6/4   K:A            H:LQSZ   T:Bagpipe Hornpipe, A
ABC    175 C1:002602007701001 C2:ududduuddududdd M:9/4   K:A            H:L      T:a Bagpipe Hornpipe
ABC    225 C1:020002061163040 C2:uuduududuuududu M:3/2   K:C            H:L      T:a Bagpipe Hornpipe
ABC     35 C1:002602007701001 C2:ududduuddududdd M:9/4   K:A            H:BL     T:A BAGPIPE HORNPIPE
ABC     45 C1:020002061163040 C2:uuduududuuududu M:3/2   K:C            H:BL     T:A BAGPIPE HORNPIPE
ABC     35 C1:002602007701001 C2:ududduuddududdd M:9/4   K:A            H:BL     T:A BAGPIPE HORNPIPE
ABC     45 C1:020002061163040 C2:uuduududuuududu M:3/2   K:C            H:BL     T:A BAGPIPE HORNPIPE
ABC     35 C1:002602007701001 C2:ududduuddududdd M:9/4   K:A            H:BL     T:A BAGPIPE HORNPIPE
ABC     45 C1:020002061163040 C2:uuduududuuududu M:3/2   K:C            H:BL     T:A BAGPIPE HORNPIPE
ABC   2270 C1:020002061163040 C2:uuduududuuududu M:3/2   K:C            H:L      T:a Bagpipe Hornpipe
ABC   2270 C1:020002061163040 C2:uuduududuuududu M:3/2   K:C            H:L      T:a Bagpipe Hornpipe
ABC     23 C1:002602007701001 C2:ududduuddududdd M:9/4   K:A            H:LO     T:a Bagpipe Hornpipe
ABC     23 C1:002602007701001 C2:ududduuddududdd M:9/4   K:A            H:LO     T:a Bagpipe Hornpipe
ABC    113 C1:002602007701001 C2:ududduuddududdd M:9/4   K:A            H:BL     T:A BAGPIPE HORNPIPE
ABC    114 C1:020002061163040 C2:uuduududuuududu M:3/2   K:C            H:BL     T:A BAGPIPE HORNPIPE
ABC    113 C1:002602007701001 C2:ududduuddududdd M:9/4   K:A            H:BL     T:A BAGPIPE HORNPIPE
ABC    114 C1:020002061163040 C2:uuduududuuududu M:3/2   K:C            H:BL     T:A BAGPIPE HORNPIPE
ABC    459 C1:002602007701001 C2:ududduuddududdd M:9/4   K:A            H:BFLORZ T:a Bagpipe Hornpipe
ABC    460 C1:020002061163040 C2:uuduududuuududu M:3/2   K:C            H:BFLORZ T:a Bagpipe Hornpipe
ABC    459 C1:002602007701001 C2:ududduuddududdd M:9/4   K:A            H:BFLORZ T:a Bagpipe Hornpipe
ABC    460 C1:020002061163040 C2:uuduududuuududu M:3/2   K:C            H:BFLORZ T:a Bagpipe Hornpipe
ABC    104 C1:020002061163040 C2:uuduududuuududu M:3/2   K:C            H:L      T:a Bagpipe Hornpipe
ABC    101 C1:002602007701001 C2:ududduuddududdd M:9/4   K:A            H:BL     T:A BAGPIPE HORNPIPE
ABC    102 C1:020002061163040 C2:uuduududuuududu M:3/2   K:C            H:BL     T:A BAGPIPE HORNPIPE
ABC    103 C1:002602007701001 C2:ududduuddududdd M:9/4   K:A            H:L      T:a Bagpipe Hornpipe
ABC    101 C1:002602007701001 C2:ududduuddududdd M:9/4   K:A            H:BL     T:A BAGPIPE HORNPIPE
ABC    102 C1:020002061163040 C2:uuduududuuududu M:3/2   K:C            H:BL     T:A BAGPIPE HORNPIPE
ABC    103 C1:002602007701001 C2:ududduuddududdd M:9/4   K:A            H:L      T:a Bagpipe Hornpipe
ABC    104 C1:020002061163040 C2:uuduududuuududu M:3/2   K:C            H:L      T:a Bagpipe Hornpipe
ABC    101 C1:002602007701001 C2:ududduuddududdd M:9/4   K:A            H:BL     T:A BAGPIPE HORNPIPE
ABC    102 C1:020002061163040 C2:uuduududuuududu M:3/2   K:C            H:BL     T:A BAGPIPE HORNPIPE
ABC    103 C1:002602007701001 C2:ududduuddududdd M:9/4   K:A            H:L      T:a Bagpipe Hornpipe
ABC    104 C1:020002061163040 C2:uuduududuuududu M:3/2   K:C            H:L      T:a Bagpipe Hornpipe
ABC    101 C1:002602007701001 C2:ududduuddududdd M:9/4   K:A            H:BL     T:A BAGPIPE HORNPIPE
ABC    102 C1:020002061163040 C2:uuduududuuududu M:3/2   K:C            H:BL     T:A BAGPIPE HORNPIPE
ABC    103 C1:002602007701001 C2:ududduuddududdd M:9/4   K:A            H:L      T:a Bagpipe Hornpipe
ABC    104 C1:020002061163040 C2:uuduududuuududu M:3/2   K:C            H:L      T:a Bagpipe Hornpipe
ABC    101 C1:002602007701001 C2:ududduuddududdd M:9/4   K:A            H:BL     T:A BAGPIPE HORNPIPE
ABC    102 C1:020002061163040 C2:uuduududuuududu M:3/2   K:C            H:BL     T:A BAGPIPE HORNPIPE
ABC    103 C1:002602007701001 C2:ududduuddududdd M:9/4   K:A            H:L      T:a Bagpipe Hornpipe
ABC    104 C1:020002061163040 C2:uuduududuuududu M:3/2   K:C            H:L      T:a Bagpipe Hornpipe
ABC     35 C1:002602007701001 C2:ududduuddududdd M:9/4   K:A            H:BLORZ  T:a Bagpipe Hornpipe
ABC     45 C1:020002061163040 C2:uuduududuuududu M:3/2   K:C            H:BLORZ  T:a Bagpipe Hornpipe
ABC      1 C1:040000577777111 C2:duddddduuuudduu M:4/4   K:Dmix         H:LR     T:Bagpipe March
ABC      1 C1:040000577777111 C2:duddddduuuudduu M:4/4   K:AMix         H:L      T:Bagpipe March
ABC   7956 C1:061177770001001 C2:duudddduuduuddd M:2/4   K:C            H:CFLOW  T:The bagpiper
ABC   7956 C1:061177770001001 C2:duudddduuduuddd M:2/4   K:C            H:CFLOW  T:The bagpiper
ABC   7956 C1:061177770001001 C2:duudddduuduuddd M:2/4   K:C            H:CFLOW  T:The bagpiper
ABC    489 C1:207700717111005 C2:uuddduduuuduudd M:2/4   K:D            H:L      T:Bagpipers
ABC    489 C1:207700717111005 C2:uuddduduuuduudd M:2/4   K:D            H:L      T:Bagpipers
ABC   2057 C1:207700717111005 C2:uuddduduuuduudd M:2/2   K:G            H:"CLOQRZ T:Bagpipers
ABC     32 C1:120770701711100 C2:uuuddduduuuduud M:C|    K:D            H:BLQWZ  T:Bagpipers,aka. Ru1.032
ABC     32 C1:120770701711100 C2:uuuddduduuuduud M:C|    K:D            H:BLQWZ  T:Bagpipers,aka. Ru1.032
ABC      1 C1:077077000002002 C2:dddduudddududuu M:6/8   K:G            H:BFLw   T:The Bagpipers' Carol
ABC      1 C1:077077000002002 C2:dddduudddududuu M:6/8   K:G            H:BFLWw  T:The Bagpipers' Carol
ABC      1 C1:110007070000070 C2:uuddduduuuduudd M:2/4   K:D            H:"L     T:Bagpipes, The
ABC    145 C1:207700717111005 C2:uuddduduuuduudd M:2/4   K:D            H:ALOQRSZ T:Bagpipes,The. WM.145
ABC    145 C1:207700717111005 C2:uuddduduuuduudd M:2/4   K:D            H:ALOQRSZ T:Bagpipes,The. WM.145
ABC    145 C1:207700717111005 C2:uuddduduuuduudd M:2/4   K:D            H:ALOQRSZ T:Bagpipes,The. WM.145
ABC    145 C1:207700717111005 C2:uuddduduuuduudd M:2/4   K:D            H:ABLOQRSZ T:Bagpipes,The. WM.145
ABC    995 C1:207700717111005 C2:uuddduduuuduudd M:2/4   K:D            H:ALOQSZ T:Bagpipes,The. WM.145
ABC    996 C1:207700717111005 C2:uuddduduuuduudd M:2/4   K:D            H:ALOQSZ T:Bagpipes,The. WM145
ABC    995 C1:207700717111005 C2:uuddduduuuduudd M:2/4   K:D            H:ALOQSZ T:Bagpipes,The. WM.145
ABC    996 C1:207700717111005 C2:uuddduduuuduudd M:2/4   K:D            H:ALOQSZ T:Bagpipes,The. WM145
ABC    995 C1:207700717111005 C2:uuddduduuuduudd M:2/4   K:D            H:ALOQSZ T:Bagpipes,The. WM.145
ABC    996 C1:207700717111005 C2:uuddduduuuduudd M:2/4   K:D            H:ALOQSZ T:Bagpipes,The. WM145
ABC    995 C1:207700717111005 C2:uuddduduuuduudd M:2/4   K:D            H:ALOQSZ T:Bagpipes,The. WM.145
ABC    996 C1:207700717111005 C2:uuddduduuuduudd M:2/4   K:D            H:ALOQSZ T:Bagpipes,The. WM145
ABC    461 C1:207700717111005 C2:uuddduduuuduudd M:2/4   K:D            H:AFLOQRSZ T:Bagpipes,The. WM.145
ABC    461 C1:207700717111005 C2:uuddduduuuduudd M:2/4   K:D            H:AFLOQRSZ T:Bagpipes,The. WM.145
ABC    145 C1:207700717111005 C2:uuddduduuuduudd M:2/4   K:D            H:ABLOQRSZ T:Bagpipes,The. WM.145
ABC    145 C1:207700717111005 C2:uuddduduuuduudd M:2/4   K:D            H:ABLQZ  T:Bagpipes. WM.145, The
ABC    145 C1:207700717111005 C2:uuddduduuuduudd M:2/4   K:D            H:ABLQZ  T:Bagpipes. WM.145, The
ABC      1 C1:417220663262500 C2:duduuuudddduuud M:C|    K:HP           H:CLQS   T:Bag Rag "CYMRU"
ABC      1 C1:417220663262500 C2:duduuuudddduuud M:C|    K:HP           H:CLQS   T:Bag Rag "CYMRU"
ABC      1 C1:417220663262500 C2:duduuuudddduuud M:C|    K:HP           H:CLQS   T:Bag Rag "CYMRU"
ABC    868 C1:000667670006676 C2:ddudddduddudddd M:C|    K:G            H:BLQSZ  T:Bagshot? March JBut.863, The
ABC    930 C1:072707271261606 C2:dudduduuudddudd M:2/4   K:D            H:BLQSZ  T:Bagshot Quick Step. JBut.925, The
ABC    198 C1:000000000000000 C2:uduuudududududd M:10/8  K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Bahçada Yeşil Çınar
ABC    198 C1:000000000000000 C2:uduuudududududd M:10/8  K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Bahçada Yeşil Çınar
ABC    198 C1:000000000000000 C2:uduuudududududd M:10/8  K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Bahçada Yeşil Çınar
ABC    198 C1:000000000000000 C2:uduuudududududd M:10/8  K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Bahçada Yeşil Çınar
ABC    187 C1:030011616161670 C2:uduuududududduu M:10/8  K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Bahar - 1
ABC    187 C1:030011616161670 C2:uduuududududduu M:10/8  K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Bahar - 1
ABC    187 C1:030011616161670 C2:uduuududududduu M:10/8  K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Bahar - 1
ABC    187 C1:000500223050610 C2:duuuuuuuddduddd M:10/8  K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Bahar - 1
ABC    192 C1:070701000100030 C2:dduuduuuuudddud M:7/4   K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Bahara İndi Melekler
ABC    192 C1:070701000100030 C2:dduuduuuuudddud M:7/4   K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Bahara İndi Melekler
ABC    192 C1:070701000100030 C2:dduuduuuuudddud M:7/4   K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Bahara İndi Melekler
ABC    192 C1:050101010101000 C2:duuuuudduuduuuu M:7/8   K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Bahara İndi Melekler
ABC    188 C1:000707030702070 C2:ddududuuduudddu M:120/4 K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Bahar Geldi Dahi
ABC    188 C1:000707030702070 C2:ddududuuduudddu M:120/4 K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Bahar Geldi Dahi
ABC    188 C1:000707030702070 C2:ddududuuduudddu M:120/4 K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Bahar Geldi Dahi
ABC    188 C1:000207070007000 C2:uddddddududuudu M:120/4 K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Bahar Geldi Dahi
ABC    189 C1:000000000000000 C2:duduudduudduuud M:10/8  K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Bahar Geldi Gül Açıldı
ABC    189 C1:000000000000000 C2:duduudduudduuud M:10/8  K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Bahar Geldi Gül Açıldı
ABC    189 C1:000000000000000 C2:duduudduudduuud M:10/8  K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Bahar Geldi Gül Açıldı
ABC    189 C1:000004000701010 C2:uduudddduduuddu M:10/8  K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Bahar Geldi Gül Açıldı
ABC    193 C1:000000000100060 C2:udududududududu M:8/4   K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Baharla Hazan Birleşemez
ABC    193 C1:000000000100060 C2:udududududududu M:8/4   K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Baharla Hazan Birleşemez
ABC    193 C1:000000000100060 C2:udududududududu M:8/4   K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Baharla Hazan Birleşemez
ABC    193 C1:000000000100060 C2:udududududududu M:8/8   K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Baharla Hazan Birleşemez
ABC    190 C1:010701010000000 C2:uduudududduuddd M:8/4   K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Bahar Meltemidir Başımda Esen
ABC    190 C1:010701010000000 C2:uduudududduuddd M:8/4   K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Bahar Meltemidir Başımda Esen
ABC    190 C1:010701010000000 C2:uduudududduuddd M:8/4   K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Bahar Meltemidir Başımda Esen
ABC    190 C1:000007770000000 C2:dddduduudududdu M:8/8   K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Bahar Meltemidir Başımda Esen
ABC    194 C1:171770017002171 C2:ududduduududdud M:3/4   K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Baharın Gülşen Çağında
ABC    194 C1:171770017002171 C2:ududduduududdud M:3/4   K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Baharın Gülşen Çağında
ABC    194 C1:171770017002171 C2:ududduduududdud M:3/4   K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Baharın Gülşen Çağında
ABC    194 C1:171770017001171 C2:ududduduududdud M:3/4   K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Baharın Gülşen Çağında
ABC    195 C1:000400070702770 C2:uddudddduuudddd M:9/8   K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Baharın Zamanı Geldi
ABC    195 C1:000400070702770 C2:uddudddduuudddd M:9/8   K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Baharın Zamanı Geldi
ABC    195 C1:000400070702770 C2:uddudddduuudddd M:9/8   K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Baharın Zamanı Geldi
ABC    195 C1:000100002770000 C2:uuddduddudddduu M:9/8   K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Baharın Zamanı Geldi
ABC    191 C1:010107070101010 C2:uudduuuudduuduu M:5/8   K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Bahar Oldu Beyim
ABC    191 C1:010107070101010 C2:uudduuuudduuduu M:5/8   K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Bahar Oldu Beyim
ABC    191 C1:010107070101010 C2:uudduuuudduuduu M:5/8   K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Bahar Oldu Beyim
ABC    191 C1:010107070101010 C2:uudduuudduuuudd M:5/8   K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Bahar Oldu Beyim
ABC      1 C1:077107770711660 C2:ddudddduuddudud M:4/4   K:Dm           H:"LSZ   T:Ba ha viv
ABC      1 C1:010000771072050 C2:udduuddududuudd M:4/4   K:Aphrygian    H:O      T:Bahcevanci
ABC   2117 C1:010000771072050 C2:udduuddududuudd M:4/4   K:Aphrygian    H:O      T:Bahcevanci
ABC     12 C1:010000771072050 C2:udduuddududuudd M:4/4   K:Dm           H:ORS    T:Bahcevanci
ABC     12 C1:010000771072050 C2:udduuddududuudd M:4/4   K:Dm           H:ORS    T:Bahcevanci
ABC     12 C1:010000771072050 C2:udduuddududuudd M:4/4   K:Dm           H:ORS    T:Bahcevanci
ABC     12 C1:010000771072050 C2:udduuddududuudd M:4/4   K:Dm           H:ORS    T:Bahcevanci
ABC     12 C1:010000771072050 C2:udduuddududuudd M:4/4   K:Dm           H:ORS    T:Bahcevanci
ABC     12 C1:010000771072050 C2:udduuddududuudd M:4/4   K:Dm           H:ORS    T:Bahcevanci
ABC     12 C1:010000771072050 C2:udduuddududuudd M:4/4   K:Dm           H:ORS    T:Bahcevanci
ABC     12 C1:010000771072050 C2:udduuddududuudd M:4/4   K:Dm           H:ORS    T:Bahcevanci
ABC     12 C1:010000771072050 C2:udduuddududuudd M:4/4   K:Dm           H:ORS    T:Bahcevanci
ABC     12 C1:010000771072050 C2:udduuddududuudd M:4/4   K:Dm           H:ORS    T:Bahcevanci
ABC     12 C1:010000771072050 C2:udduuddududuudd M:4/4   K:Dm           H:ORS    T:Bahcevanci
ABC    997 C1:010000771072050 C2:udduuddududuudd M:4/4   K:Dm           H:ORS    T:Bahcevanci
ABC     12 C1:010000771072050 C2:udduuddududuudd M:4/4   K:Dm           H:ORS    T:Bahcevanci
ABC     12 C1:010000771072050 C2:udduuddududuudd M:4/4   K:Dm           H:ORS    T:Bahcevanci
ABC   2117 C1:010000771072050 C2:udduuddududuudd M:4/4   K:Aphrygian    H:O      T:Bahcevanci
ABC   2117 C1:010000771072050 C2:udduuddududuudd M:4/4   K:Aphrygian    H:O      T:Bahcevanci
ABC     12 C1:010000771072050 C2:udduuddududuudd M:4/4   K:Dm           H:ORS    T:Bahcevanci
ABC     12 C1:010000771072050 C2:udduuddududuudd M:4/4   K:Dm           H:ORS    T:Bahcevanci
ABC    997 C1:010000771072050 C2:udduuddududuudd M:4/4   K:Dm           H:ORS    T:Bahcevanci
ABC    997 C1:010000771072050 C2:udduuddududuudd M:4/4   K:Dm           H:ORS    T:Bahcevanci
ABC    997 C1:010000771072050 C2:udduuddududuudd M:4/4   K:Dm           H:ORS    T:Bahcevanci
ABC    462 C1:010000771072050 C2:udduuddududuudd M:4/4   K:A            H:FOZ    T:Bahcevanci
ABC    462 C1:010000771072050 C2:udduuddududuudd M:4/4   K:A            H:FOZ    T:Bahcevanci
ABC    843 C1:010000771072050 C2:udduuddududuudd M:4/4   K:Aphrygian    H:O      T:Bahcevanci
ABC    843 C1:010000771072050 C2:udduuddududuudd M:4/4   K:Aphrygian    H:O      T:Bahcevanci
ABC    843 C1:010000771072050 C2:udduuddududuudd M:4/4   K:Aphrygian    H:O      T:Bahcevanci
ABC    843 C1:010000771072050 C2:udduuddududuudd M:4/4   K:Aphrygian    H:O      T:Bahcevanci
ABC    843 C1:010000771072050 C2:udduuddududuudd M:4/4   K:Aphrygian    H:O      T:Bahcevanci
ABC     34 C1:010000771072050 C2:udduuddududuudd M:4/4   K:A            H:OSZ    T:Bahcevanci
ABC    200 C1:007300707070000 C2:duduuddddduuudd M:8/4   K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Bahçede Gördüm
ABC    200 C1:007300707070000 C2:duduuddddduuudd M:8/4   K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Bahçede Gördüm
ABC    200 C1:007300707070000 C2:duduuddddduuudd M:8/4   K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Bahçede Gördüm
ABC    200 C1:000100002706110 C2:uuddduududuuddd M:8/8   K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Bahçede Gördüm
ABC    199 C1:010777010007070 C2:udddudduuudddud M:4/4   K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Bahçe Duvarını Aştım
ABC    199 C1:010777010007070 C2:udddudduuudddud M:4/4   K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Bahçe Duvarını Aştım
ABC    199 C1:010777010007070 C2:udddudduuudddud M:4/4   K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Bahçe Duvarını Aştım
ABC    199 C1:010000000000010 C2:uudddudduuudddu M:4/4   K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Bahçe Duvarını Aştım
ABC    201 C1:000000000001000 C2:uuudddududdudud M:3/4   K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Bahçemde Açılmaz...
ABC    201 C1:000000000001000 C2:uuudddududdudud M:3/4   K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Bahçemde Açılmaz...
ABC    201 C1:000000000001000 C2:uuudddududdudud M:3/4   K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Bahçemde Açılmaz...
ABC    201 C1:000000000000000 C2:uuudddududdudud M:3/4   K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Bahçemde Açılmaz...
ABC    202 C1:006127707071010 C2:duduudddduuuudd M:9/8   K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Bahçeye Bar Diyemem
ABC    202 C1:006127707071010 C2:duduudddduuuudd M:9/8   K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Bahçeye Bar Diyemem
ABC    202 C1:006127707071010 C2:duduudddduuuudd M:9/8   K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Bahçeye Bar Diyemem
ABC    202 C1:061100170627000 C2:dduuudddudduduu M:9/8   K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Bahçeye Bar Diyemem
ABC    203 C1:111777740000000 C2:uuudddduduududd M:8/4   K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Bahçeye İndim ki Gülleri Derem
ABC    203 C1:111777740000000 C2:uuudddduduududd M:8/4   K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Bahçeye İndim ki Gülleri Derem
ABC    203 C1:111777740000000 C2:uuudddduduududd M:8/4   K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Bahçeye İndim ki Gülleri Derem
ABC    203 C1:110073777707701 C2:uududddddduuudd M:8/8   K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Bahçeye İndim ki Gülleri Derem
ABC    197 C1:060007010001000 C2:dduuduuddudduud M:8/4   K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Bahârı Beklerken Ömrüm Kış Oldu
ABC    197 C1:060007010001000 C2:dduuduuddudduud M:8/4   K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Bahârı Beklerken Ömrüm Kış Oldu
ABC    197 C1:060007010001000 C2:dduuduuddudduud M:8/4   K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Bahârı Beklerken Ömrüm Kış Oldu
ABC    197 C1:070101060007020 C2:duuddudduuduudd M:8/8   K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Bahârı Beklerken Ömrüm Kış Oldu
ABC    196 C1:010701070206070 C2:udududduddddduu M:10/8  K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Bahâr Olsa, Çemenzâr Olsa
ABC    196 C1:010701070206070 C2:udududduddddduu M:10/8  K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Bahâr Olsa, Çemenzâr Olsa
ABC    196 C1:010701070206070 C2:udududduddddduu M:10/8  K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Bahâr Olsa, Çemenzâr Olsa
ABC    196 C1:010000000000000 C2:uuudududduddddd M:10/8  K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Bahâr Olsa, Çemenzâr Olsa
ABC    225 C1:000201010007070 C2:uuudduduudduduu M:8/4   K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Bağ-ı Hüsnünde
ABC    225 C1:000201010007070 C2:uuudduduudduduu M:8/4   K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Bağ-ı Hüsnünde
ABC    225 C1:000201010007070 C2:uuudduduudduduu M:8/4   K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Bağ-ı Hüsnünde
ABC    225 C1:000000020007011 C2:uduuddddduuuddu M:8/4   K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Bağ-ı Hüsnünde
ABC    224 C1:171277707071000 C2:uduudddddududud M:9/8   K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Bağ-ı Hüsnün O Güzel Gülleri...
ABC    224 C1:171277707071000 C2:uduudddddududud M:9/8   K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Bağ-ı Hüsnün O Güzel Gülleri...
ABC    224 C1:171277707071000 C2:uduudddddududud M:9/8   K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Bağ-ı Hüsnün O Güzel Gülleri...
ABC    224 C1:707070707111000 C2:ddddduuududuudd M:9/8   K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Bağ-ı Hüsnün O Güzel Gülleri...
ABC    224 C1:070607010201050 C2:ddduuududuududu M:2/4   K:D            H:LORS   T:Ba Huangshan bianchen fu cunzhuang
ABC      1 C1:007704010101000 C2:dduuuuddduddudu M:12/8  K:Dmaj         H:L      T:Baidin Fheilimi
ABC      1 C1:007704010101000 C2:dduuuuddduddudu M:12/8  K:Dmaj         H:L      T:Baidin Fheilimi
ABC      1 C1:114127072116477 C2:uuduudduuududdd M:3/4   K:C            H:L      T:La Baigneuse
ABC    282 C1:114127072116477 C2:uuduudduuududdd M:3/4   K:C            H:LOQR   T:la Baigneuse
ABC      8 C1:114127072116477 C2:uuduudduuududdd M:3/4   K:C            H:LOQR   T:La baigneuse
ABC      8 C1:114127072116477 C2:uuduudduuududdd M:3/4   K:C            H:LOQR   T:La baigneuse
ABC      8 C1:114127072116477 C2:uuduudduuududdd M:3/4   K:C            H:LOQR   T:La baigneuse
ABC      2 C1:114127072116477 C2:uuduudduuududdd M:3/4   K:C            H:LOR    T:La baigneuse
ABC      5 C1:114127072116477 C2:uuduudduuududdd M:3/4   K:C            H:L      T:La Baigneuse
ABC      5 C1:114127072116477 C2:uuduudduuududdd M:3/4   K:C            H:L      T:La Baigneuse
ABC    106 C1:114127072116477 C2:uuduudduuududdd M:3/4   K:C            H:OR     T:La baigneuse
ABC    106 C1:114127072116477 C2:uuduudduuududdd M:3/4   K:C            H:OR     T:La baigneuse
ABC    106 C1:114127072116477 C2:uuduudduuududdd M:3/4   K:C            H:LORW   T:La baigneuse
ABC    106 C1:114127072116477 C2:uuduudduuududdd M:3/4   K:C            H:LORW   T:La baigneuse
ABC    282 C1:114127072116477 C2:uuduudduuududdd M:3/4   K:C            H:LOQR   T:La baigneuse
ABC    282 C1:114127072116477 C2:uuduudduuududdd M:3/4   K:C            H:LOQR   T:la Baigneuse
ABC    282 C1:114127072116477 C2:uuduudduuududdd M:3/4   K:C            H:LOQR   T:La baigneuse
ABC   3366 C1:114127072116477 C2:uuduudduuududdd M:3/4   K:C            H:LO     T:La Baigneuse
ABC   3366 C1:114127072116477 C2:uuduudduuududdd M:3/4   K:C            H:LO     T:La Baigneuse
ABC   8814 C1:114127072116477 C2:uuduudduuududdd M:3/4   K:C            H:L      T:La Baigneuse
ABC   8813 C1:114127072116477 C2:uuduudduuududdd M:3/4   K:C            H:LOQR   T:La baigneuse
ABC   8813 C1:114127072116477 C2:uuduudduuududdd M:3/4   K:C            H:LOQR   T:La baigneuse
ABC   8814 C1:114127072116477 C2:uuduudduuududdd M:3/4   K:C            H:L      T:La Baigneuse
ABC   8813 C1:114127072116477 C2:uuduudduuududdd M:3/4   K:C            H:LOQR   T:La baigneuse
ABC   8814 C1:114127072116477 C2:uuduudduuududdd M:3/4   K:C            H:L      T:La Baigneuse
ABC   7065 C1:114127072116477 C2:uuduudduuududdd M:3/4   K:C            H:L      T:La Baigneuse
ABC   7065 C1:114127072116477 C2:uuduudduuududdd M:3/4   K:C            H:L      T:La Baigneuse
ABC   7065 C1:114127072116477 C2:uuduudduuududdd M:3/4   K:C            H:L      T:La Baigneuse
ABC   7065 C1:114127072116477 C2:uuduudduuududdd M:3/4   K:C            H:L      T:La Baigneuse
ABC   7065 C1:114127072116477 C2:uuduudduuududdd M:3/4   K:C            H:L      T:La Baigneuse
ABC    446 C1:000000000001000 C2:ududduudddududu M:none  K:G            H:LORS   T:Baigu gaidi yicengceng
ABC    132 C1:471071041026650 C2:ududdduuuddduuu M:2/4   K:C            H:L      T:Bai hao qiu The sand dunes of Agt
ABC      1 C1:110077220066210 C2:uudduudduuudddu M:      K:Dmaj         H:LR     T:The Baiji March
ABC      2 C1:110077220066210 C2:uudduudduuudddu M:      K:Dmaj         H:LR     T:The Baiji March
ABC      3 C1:007063060601010 C2:uddduduuddduudd M:2/4   K:G            H:ALOQRS T:Baila los titos, morena
ABC    998 C1:007063060601010 C2:uddduduuddduudd M:2/4   K:G            H:ALOQRS T:Baila los titos, morena
ABC    998 C1:007063060601010 C2:uddduduuddduudd M:2/4   K:G            H:ALOQRS T:Baila los titos, morena
ABC    998 C1:007063060601010 C2:uddduduuddduudd M:2/4   K:G            H:ALOQRS T:Baila los titos, morena
ABC    998 C1:007063060601010 C2:uddduduuddduudd M:2/4   K:G            H:ALOQRS T:Baila los titos, morena
ABC     41 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:BAILA ME [Bagpipe] (3:45) - Gypsy Kings
ABC     71 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:BAILA ME [Clarinet] (3:45) - Gypsy Kings
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:BAILA ME [Drum] (3:45) - Gypsy Kings
ABC     61 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:BAILA ME [Horn] (3:45) - Gypsy Kings
ABC     31 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:BAILA ME [Theorbo] (3:45) - Gypsy Kings
ABC     11 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Bailamos - lute 1 (3:45) Enrique Iglesias
ABC     11 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Bailamos - lute 1 (3:45) Enrique Iglesias
ABC     12 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Bailamos - lute 2 (3:45) Enrique Iglesias
ABC     12 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Bailamos - lute 2 (3:45) Enrique Iglesias
ABC     13 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Bailamos - lute 3 (3:45) Enrique Iglesias
ABC     13 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Bailamos - lute 3 (3:45) Enrique Iglesias
ABC     14 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Bailamos - lute 4 (3:45) Enrique Iglesias
ABC     14 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Bailamos - lute 4 (3:45) Enrique Iglesias
ABC     15 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Bailamos -lute 5 (3:45) Enrique Iglesias
ABC     15 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Bailamos -lute 5 (3:45) Enrique Iglesias
ABC     16 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Bailamos - lute 6 (3:45) Enrique Iglesias
ABC     16 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Bailamos - lute 6 (3:45) Enrique Iglesias
ABC     31 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Bailamos - theorbo (3:45) Enrique Iglesias
ABC     31 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Bailamos - theorbo (3:45) Enrique Iglesias
ABC 182092 C1:175077064076712 C2:uddddduddduuddu M:6/8   K:Em           H:CLQR   T:BAILE an tSAMHRAIDH*
ABC      1 C1:774041774047012 C2:ddududdududuuud M:6/8   K:G            H:"L     T:Baile an tSamhraidh
ABC      1 C1:774041774047012 C2:ddududdududuuud M:6/8   K:G            H:"L     T:Baile an tSamhraidh
ABC    335 C1:712065032066005 C2:duududududdddud M:12/8  K:D            H:LRSZ   T:Baile an tSamhraidh
ABC    405 C1:064076712066022 C2:duddduudduuuudd M:6/8   K:Edor         H:LRSZ   T:Baile an tSamhraidh
ABC 182092 C1:175077064076712 C2:uddddduddduuddu M:6/8   K:Em           H:CLQR   T:BAILE an tSAMHRAIDH*
ABC 182092 C1:175077064076712 C2:uddddduddduuddu M:6/8   K:Em           H:CLQR   T:BAILE an tSAMHRAIDH*
ABC  38008 C1:712065032066005 C2:duududududdddud M:12/8  K:G            H:BCLQR  T:BAILE AN tSAMHRAIDH (slide)
ABC  38008 C1:712065032066005 C2:duududududdddud M:12/8  K:G            H:BCLQR  T:BAILE AN tSAMHRAIDH (slide)
ABC  38008 C1:712065032066005 C2:duududududdddud M:12/8  K:G            H:BCLQR  T:BAILE AN tSAMHRAIDH (slide)
ABC 183039 C1:175076074041712 C2:udddddududuudud M:12/8  K:G            H:CLQR   T:Baile an tSamhraidh, Teahan's, Knocknagree, others
ABC 183039 C1:175076074041712 C2:udddddududuudud M:12/8  K:G            H:CLQR   T:Baile an tSamhraidh, Teahan's, Knocknagree, others
ABC 183039 C1:175076074041712 C2:udddddududuudud M:12/8  K:G            H:CLQR   T:Baile an tSamhraidh, Teahan's, Knocknagree, others
ABC 183039 C1:175076074041712 C2:udddddududuudud M:12/8  K:G            H:CLQR   T:Baile an tSamhraidh, Teahan's, Knocknagree, others
ABC    999 C1:300111072771077 C2:uuuududduddduuu M:3/8   K:G            H:CLQ    T:Baile Chano
ABC    999 C1:300111072771077 C2:uuuududduddduuu M:3/8   K:G            H:CLQ    T:Baile Chano
ABC    999 C1:300111072771077 C2:uuuududduddduuu M:3/8   K:G            H:CLQ    T:Baile Chano
ABC    999 C1:300111072771077 C2:uuuududduddduuu M:3/8   K:G            H:CLQ    T:Baile Chano
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:C     K:             H:BCLRZ  T:Baile Mor
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:6/8   K:G            H:BLRSZ  T:Baile na Cúirte
ABC     30 C1:446244624463401 C2:dududududududuu M:C|    K:D            H:BLQR   T:Baile Nan Granndach
ABC     30 C1:446244624463401 C2:dududududududuu M:C|    K:D            H:BLQR   T:Baile Nan Granndach
ABC     30 C1:446244624463401 C2:dududududududuu M:C|    K:D            H:BLQR   T:Baile Nan Granndach
ABC     30 C1:446244624463401 C2:dududududududuu M:C|    K:D            H:BLQR   T:Baile Nan Granndach
ABC     30 C1:446244624463401 C2:dududududududuu M:C|    K:D            H:BLQR   T:Baile Nan Granndach
ABC     30 C1:446244624463401 C2:dududududududuu M:C|    K:D            H:BLQR   T:Baile Nan Granndach
ABC   3160 C1:077760211161307 C2:dddduuuuduudddd M:C     K:F            H:BLQRZ  T:BAILE NICOL JARVIE
ABC   3160 C1:077760211161307 C2:dddduuuuduudddd M:C     K:F            H:BLQRZ  T:BAILE NICOL JARVIE
ABC   3160 C1:077760211161307 C2:dddduuuuduudddd M:C     K:F            H:BLQRZ  T:BAILE NICOL JARVIE
ABC   3160 C1:077760211161307 C2:dddduuuuduudddd M:C     K:F            H:BLQRZ  T:BAILE NICOL JARVIE
ABC   3160 C1:077760211161307 C2:dddduuuuduudddd M:C     K:F            H:BLQRZ  T:BAILE NICOL JARVIE
ABC   3160 C1:077760211161307 C2:dddduuuuduudddd M:C     K:F            H:BLQRZ  T:BAILE NICOL JARVIE
ABC   3160 C1:077760211161307 C2:dddduuuuduudddd M:C     K:F            H:BLQRZ  T:BAILE NICOL JARVIE
ABC   3160 C1:077760211161307 C2:dddduuuuduudddd M:C     K:F            H:BLQRZ  T:BAILE NICOL JARVIE
ABC   3160 C1:077760211161307 C2:dddduuuuduudddd M:C     K:F            H:BLQRZ  T:BAILE NICOL JARVIE
ABC   3160 C1:077760211161307 C2:dddduuuuduudddd M:C     K:F            H:BLQRZ  T:BAILE NICOL JARVIE
ABC     87 C1:242217612332077 C2:uduuudduuduuddd M:4/4   K:D            H:LR     T:Bailey's Breakdown
ABC      6 C1:242217612332077 C2:uduuudduuduuddd M:4/4   K:D            H:LR     T:Bailey's Breakdown
ABC   1000 C1:242217612332077 C2:uduuudduuduuddd M:4/4   K:D            H:LR     T:Bailey's Breakdown
ABC   1000 C1:242217612332077 C2:uduuudduuduuddd M:4/4   K:D            H:LR     T:Bailey's Breakdown
ABC   1000 C1:242217612332077 C2:uduuudduuduuddd M:4/4   K:D            H:LR     T:Bailey's Breakdown
ABC   1000 C1:242217612332077 C2:uduuudduuduuddd M:4/4   K:D            H:LR     T:Bailey's Breakdown
ABC   1027 C1:242217612332077 C2:uduuudduuduuddd M:4/4   K:D            H:"LR    T:Bailey's Breakdown (A12)
ABC   1027 C1:242217612332077 C2:uduuudduuduuddd M:4/4   K:D            H:"LR    T:Bailey's Breakdown (A12)
ABC   1027 C1:242217612332077 C2:uduuudduuduuddd M:4/4   K:D            H:"LR    T:Bailey's Breakdown (A12)
ABC    438 C1:220771627627627 C2:uuddududdudduud M:6/8   K:C            H:BLQZ   T:Bailey's Delight, Roose.0438
ABC      1 C1:507776021116130 C2:udddduuuuduuddd M:4/4   K:F            H:CILQR  T:Bailie Nicol Jarvie
ABC      1 C1:507776021116130 C2:udddduuuuduuddd M:4/4   K:F            H:CILQR  T:Bailie Nicol Jarvie
ABC      1 C1:060706020000011 C2:ddduuuuuduududd M:2/4   K:A            H:FLQZ   T:Bailie Stott (reconstructed tune)
ABC    255 C1:000077237661170 C2:dduuddduududuud M:6/8   K:C            H:ILO    T:The Bailiffs are Comeing
ABC    255 C1:000077237661170 C2:dduuddduududuud M:6/8   K:C            H:ILO    T:The Bailiffs are Comeing
ABC    255 C1:000077237661170 C2:dduuddduududuud M:6/8   K:C            H:ILO    T:The Bailiffs are Comeing
ABC    255 C1:000077237661170 C2:dduuddduududuud M:6/8   K:C            H:ILO    T:The Bailiffs are Comeing
ABC    255 C1:000077237661170 C2:dduuddduududuud M:6/8   K:C            H:LOZ    T:The Bailiffs are Comeing
ABC      1 C1:020204530211004 C2:uuuudddduuuudud M:4/8   K:G            H:L      T:The Bailiff's Daughter of Islington
ABC      1 C1:020204530211004 C2:uuuudddduuuudud M:4/8   K:G            H:L      T:The Bailiff's Daughter of Islington
ABC      1 C1:020204530211004 C2:uuuudddduuuudud M:4/8   K:G            H:L      T:The Bailiff's Daughter of Islington
ABC      1 C1:660021040054022 C2:dduuddduuudduud M:2/2   K:F            H:L      T:The Bailiff's Daughter of Islington
ABC      1 C1:660021040054022 C2:dduuddduuudduud M:2/2   K:F            H:L      T:The Bailiff's Daughter of Islington
ABC      1 C1:660021040054022 C2:dduuddduuudduud M:2/2   K:F            H:L      T:The Bailiff's Daughter of Islington
ABC      1 C1:077701116161021 C2:ddduuududuuuuuu M:4/4   K:G            H:BFLQSZw T:The Bailiff's Daughter of Waterford Town
ABC      1 C1:077701116161021 C2:ddduuududuuuuuu M:4/4   K:G            H:BFLQSWZw T:The Bailiff's Daughter of Waterford Town
ABC      1 C1:531753630357006 C2:dduuuddduuduuuu M:2/4   K:G            H:LSZ    T:Bailiff's One Daughter, The
ABC      1 C1:531753630357006 C2:dduuuddduuduuuu M:2/4   K:G            H:LSZ    T:Bailiff's One Daughter, The
ABC     78 C1:471677707270501 C2:ududddddudduudu M:2/4   K:C            H:L      T:Bai ling niao
ABC     79 C1:471771670000770 C2:ududduddudddudu M:2/4   K:C            H:L      T:Bai ling niao
ABC     80 C1:000000000777000 C2:ddduuddddududud M:2/4   K:C            H:ACLOQSZ T:Baille a lo menudo
ABC   1001 C1:000000000777000 C2:ddduuddddududud M:2/4   K:C            H:ACLOQSZ T:Baille a lo menudo
ABC     86 C1:000000000777000 C2:ddduuddddududud M:2/4   K:C            H:ACLOQSZ T:Baille a lo menudo
ABC   1001 C1:000000000777000 C2:ddduuddddududud M:2/4   K:C            H:ACLOQSZ T:Baille a lo menudo
ABC   1001 C1:000000000777000 C2:ddduuddddududud M:2/4   K:C            H:ACLOQSZ T:Baille a lo menudo
ABC   1001 C1:000000000777000 C2:ddduuddddududud M:2/4   K:C            H:ACLOQSZ T:Baille a lo menudo
ABC     81 C1:277771760000200 C2:udddduddduuduud M:3/8   K:Gm           H:ACLOQSZ T:Baille a lo pesao
ABC   1002 C1:277771760000200 C2:udddduddduuduud M:3/8   K:Gm           H:ACLOQSZ T:Baille a lo pesao
ABC     87 C1:277771760000200 C2:udddduddduuduud M:3/8   K:Gm           H:ACLOQSZ T:Baille a lo pesao
ABC   1002 C1:277771760000200 C2:udddduddduuduud M:3/8   K:Gm           H:ACLOQSZ T:Baille a lo pesao
ABC   1002 C1:277771760000200 C2:udddduddduuduud M:3/8   K:Gm           H:ACLOQSZ T:Baille a lo pesao
ABC   1002 C1:277771760000200 C2:udddduddduuduud M:3/8   K:Gm           H:ACLOQSZ T:Baille a lo pesao
ABC     82 C1:300111072771077 C2:uuuududduddduuu M:3/8   K:G            H:ACLQSZ T:Baille Chano
ABC   1003 C1:300111072771077 C2:uuuududduddduuu M:3/8   K:G            H:ACLQSZ T:Baille Chano
ABC     88 C1:300111072771077 C2:uuuududduddduuu M:3/8   K:G            H:ACLOQSZ T:Baille Chano
ABC   1003 C1:300111072771077 C2:uuuududduddduuu M:3/8   K:G            H:ACLQSZ T:Baille Chano
ABC   1003 C1:300111072771077 C2:uuuududduddduuu M:3/8   K:G            H:ACLQSZ T:Baille Chano
ABC   1003 C1:300111072771077 C2:uuuududduddduuu M:3/8   K:G            H:ACLQSZ T:Baille Chano
ABC    106 C1:063052063050530 C2:dududududuuddud M:      K:C            H:ACELOQRSZ T:Baille del Centru (MG 48)
ABC   1025 C1:063052063050530 C2:dududududuuddud M:      K:C            H:ACELOQRSZ T:Baille del Centru (MG 48)
ABC    110 C1:063052063050530 C2:dududududuuddud M:      K:C            H:ACELOQRSZ T:Baille del Centru (MG 48)
ABC   1025 C1:063052063050530 C2:dududududuuddud M:      K:C            H:ACELOQRSZ T:Baille del Centru (MG 48)
ABC   1025 C1:063052063050530 C2:dududududuuddud M:      K:C            H:ACELOQRSZ T:Baille del Centru (MG 48)
ABC   1025 C1:063052063050530 C2:dududududuuddud M:      K:C            H:ACELOQRSZ T:Baille del Centru (MG 48)
ABC     83 C1:001107710700001 C2:uudduduudduduud M:2/4   K:C            H:ACEGLOQRSVWZ T:Baille de Los Pollos (CT 019)
ABC   1004 C1:001107710700001 C2:uudduduudduduud M:2/4   K:C            H:ACEGLOQRSVWZ T:Baille de Los Pollos (CT 019)
ABC     89 C1:001107710700001 C2:uudduduudduduud M:2/4   K:C            H:ACEGLOQRSVWZ T:Baille de Los Pollos (CT 019)
ABC   1004 C1:001107710700001 C2:uudduduudduduud M:2/4   K:C            H:ACEGLOQRSVWZ T:Baille de Los Pollos (CT 019)
ABC   1004 C1:001107710700001 C2:uudduduudduduud M:2/4   K:C            H:ACEGLOQRSVWZ T:Baille de Los Pollos (CT 019)
ABC   1004 C1:001107710700001 C2:uudduduudduduud M:2/4   K:C            H:ACEGLOQRSVWZ T:Baille de Los Pollos (CT 019)
ABC     84 C1:010607020106710 C2:udduudduduududu M:2/4   K:C            H:ACLOQRSWZ T:Baille de Los Pollos (CT 036)
ABC   1005 C1:010607020106710 C2:udduudduduududu M:2/4   K:C            H:ACLOQRSWZ T:Baille de Los Pollos (CT 036)
ABC     90 C1:010607020106710 C2:udduudduduududu M:2/4   K:C            H:ACLOQRSWZ T:Baille de Los Pollos (CT 036)
ABC   1005 C1:010607020106710 C2:udduudduduududu M:2/4   K:C            H:ACLOQRSWZ T:Baille de Los Pollos (CT 036)
ABC   1005 C1:010607020106710 C2:udduudduduududu M:2/4   K:C            H:ACLOQRSWZ T:Baille de Los Pollos (CT 036)
ABC   1005 C1:010607020106710 C2:udduudduduududu M:2/4   K:C            H:ACLOQRSWZ T:Baille de Los Pollos (CT 036)
ABC     85 C1:000000010606000 C2:udduudduudduudd M:2/4   K:C            H:ACLOQRSWZ T:Baille de Los Pollos (CT 076)
ABC   1006 C1:000000010606000 C2:udduudduudduudd M:2/4   K:C            H:ACLOQRSWZ T:Baille de Los Pollos (CT 076)
ABC     91 C1:000000010606000 C2:udduudduudduudd M:2/4   K:C            H:ACLOQRSWZ T:Baille de Los Pollos (CT 076)
ABC   1006 C1:000000010606000 C2:udduudduudduudd M:2/4   K:C            H:ACLOQRSWZ T:Baille de Los Pollos (CT 076)
ABC   1006 C1:000000010606000 C2:udduudduudduudd M:2/4   K:C            H:ACLOQRSWZ T:Baille de Los Pollos (CT 076)
ABC   1006 C1:000000010606000 C2:udduudduudduudd M:2/4   K:C            H:ACLOQRSWZ T:Baille de Los Pollos (CT 076)
ABC     86 C1:001707710001117 C2:uddduuuudddudud M:2/4   K:C            H:ACLOQRSWZ T:Baille de Los Pollos (CT 112)
ABC   1007 C1:001707710001117 C2:uddduuuudddudud M:2/4   K:C            H:ACLOQRSWZ T:Baille de Los Pollos (CT 112)
ABC     92 C1:001707710001117 C2:uddduuuudddudud M:2/4   K:C            H:ACLOQRSWZ T:Baille de Los Pollos (CT 112)
ABC   1007 C1:001707710001117 C2:uddduuuudddudud M:2/4   K:C            H:ACLOQRSWZ T:Baille de Los Pollos (CT 112)
ABC   1007 C1:001707710001117 C2:uddduuuudddudud M:2/4   K:C            H:ACLOQRSWZ T:Baille de Los Pollos (CT 112)
ABC   1007 C1:001707710001117 C2:uddduuuudddudud M:2/4   K:C            H:ACLOQRSWZ T:Baille de Los Pollos (CT 112)
ABC     87 C1:000005270703000 C2:duddududduddudd M:2/4   K:G            H:ACLOQRSWZ T:Baille de Los Pollos (CT 363)
ABC     88 C1:111107770300006 C2:uuuudddududddud M:2/4   K:G            H:ACLOQRSWZ T:Baille de Los Pollos (CT 366)
ABC   1008 C1:111107770300006 C2:uuuudddududddud M:2/4   K:G            H:ACLOQRSWZ T:Baille de Los Pollos (CT 366)
ABC     93 C1:111107770300006 C2:uuuudddududddud M:2/4   K:G            H:ACLOQRSWZ T:Baille de Los Pollos (CT 366)
ABC   1008 C1:111107770300006 C2:uuuudddududddud M:2/4   K:G            H:ACLOQRSWZ T:Baille de Los Pollos (CT 366)
ABC   1008 C1:111107770300006 C2:uuuudddududddud M:2/4   K:G            H:ACLOQRSWZ T:Baille de Los Pollos (CT 366)
ABC   1008 C1:111107770300006 C2:uuuudddududddud M:2/4   K:G            H:ACLOQRSWZ T:Baille de Los Pollos (CT 366)
ABC     89 C1:000211000007107 C2:uuudududduududd M:6/8   K:C            H:ACLOQRSWZ T:Baille de Panderu (CT 046)
ABC   1009 C1:000211000007107 C2:uuudududduududd M:6/8   K:C            H:ACLOQRSWZ T:Baille de Panderu (CT 046)
ABC     94 C1:000211000007107 C2:uuudududduududd M:6/8   K:C            H:ACLOQRSWZ T:Baille de Panderu (CT 046)
ABC   1009 C1:000211000007107 C2:uuudududduududd M:6/8   K:C            H:ACLOQRSWZ T:Baille de Panderu (CT 046)
ABC   1009 C1:000211000007107 C2:uuudududduududd M:6/8   K:C            H:ACLOQRSWZ T:Baille de Panderu (CT 046)
ABC   1009 C1:000211000007107 C2:uuudududduududd M:6/8   K:C            H:ACLOQRSWZ T:Baille de Panderu (CT 046)
ABC     90 C1:207167070000300 C2:ududddudududddu M:6/8   K:C            H:ACLOQRSWZ T:Baille de Panderu (CT 047)
ABC   1010 C1:207167070000300 C2:ududddudududddu M:6/8   K:C            H:ACLOQRSWZ T:Baille de Panderu (CT 047)
ABC     95 C1:207167070000300 C2:ududddudududddu M:6/8   K:C            H:ACLOQRSWZ T:Baille de Panderu (CT 047)
ABC   1010 C1:207167070000300 C2:ududddudududddu M:6/8   K:C            H:ACLOQRSWZ T:Baille de Panderu (CT 047)
ABC   1010 C1:207167070000300 C2:ududddudududddu M:6/8   K:C            H:ACLOQRSWZ T:Baille de Panderu (CT 047)
ABC   1010 C1:207167070000300 C2:ududddudududddu M:6/8   K:C            H:ACLOQRSWZ T:Baille de Panderu (CT 047)
ABC     91 C1:007011000011761 C2:duuuuddudduuddu M:6/8   K:G            H:ACLOQRSWZ T:Baille de Panderu (CT 135)
ABC   1011 C1:007011000011761 C2:duuuuddudduuddu M:6/8   K:G            H:ACLOQRSWZ T:Baille de Panderu (CT 135)
ABC     96 C1:007011000011761 C2:duuuuddudduuddu M:6/8   K:G            H:ACLOQRSWZ T:Baille de Panderu (CT 135)
ABC   1011 C1:007011000011761 C2:duuuuddudduuddu M:6/8   K:G            H:ACLOQRSWZ T:Baille de Panderu (CT 135)
ABC   1011 C1:007011000011761 C2:duuuuddudduuddu M:6/8   K:G            H:ACLOQRSWZ T:Baille de Panderu (CT 135)
ABC   1011 C1:007011000011761 C2:duuuuddudduuddu M:6/8   K:G            H:ACLOQRSWZ T:Baille de Panderu (CT 135)
ABC     92 C1:201716700000201 C2:uududduduududdu M:6/8   K:G            H:ACLOQRSWZ T:Baille de Panderu (CT 149)
ABC   1012 C1:201716700000201 C2:uududduduududdu M:6/8   K:G            H:ACLOQRSWZ T:Baille de Panderu (CT 149)
ABC     97 C1:201716700000201 C2:uududduduududdu M:6/8   K:G            H:ACLOQRSWZ T:Baille de Panderu (CT 149)
ABC   1012 C1:201716700000201 C2:uududduduududdu M:6/8   K:G            H:ACLOQRSWZ T:Baille de Panderu (CT 149)
ABC   1012 C1:201716700000201 C2:uududduduududdu M:6/8   K:G            H:ACLOQRSWZ T:Baille de Panderu (CT 149)
ABC   1012 C1:201716700000201 C2:uududduduududdu M:6/8   K:G            H:ACLOQRSWZ T:Baille de Panderu (CT 149)
ABC     93 C1:207117070006307 C2:uduudddududddud M:6/8   K:G            H:ACLOQRSWZ T:Baille de Panderu (CT 154)
ABC   1013 C1:207117070006307 C2:uduudddududddud M:6/8   K:G            H:ACLOQRSWZ T:Baille de Panderu (CT 154)
ABC     98 C1:207117070006307 C2:uduudddududddud M:6/8   K:G            H:ACLOQRSWZ T:Baille de Panderu (CT 154)
ABC   1013 C1:207117070006307 C2:uduudddududddud M:6/8   K:G            H:ACLOQRSWZ T:Baille de Panderu (CT 154)
ABC   1013 C1:207117070006307 C2:uduudddududddud M:6/8   K:G            H:ACLOQRSWZ T:Baille de Panderu (CT 154)
ABC   1013 C1:207117070006307 C2:uduudddududddud M:6/8   K:G            H:ACLOQRSWZ T:Baille de Panderu (CT 154)
ABC     94 C1:061027001010061 C2:dduuduudduddudu M:6/8   K:G            H:ACLOQRSWZ T:Baille de Panderu (CT 155)
ABC   1014 C1:061027001010061 C2:dduuduudduddudu M:6/8   K:G            H:ACLOQRSWZ T:Baille de Panderu (CT 155)
ABC     99 C1:061027001010061 C2:dduuduudduddudu M:6/8   K:G            H:ACLOQRSWZ T:Baille de Panderu (CT 155)
ABC   1014 C1:061027001010061 C2:dduuduudduddudu M:6/8   K:G            H:ACLOQRSWZ T:Baille de Panderu (CT 155)
ABC   1014 C1:061027001010061 C2:dduuduudduddudu M:6/8   K:G            H:ACLOQRSWZ T:Baille de Panderu (CT 155)
ABC   1014 C1:061027001010061 C2:dduuduudduddudu M:6/8   K:G            H:ACLOQRSWZ T:Baille de Panderu (CT 155)
ABC     95 C1:000400000007007 C2:udduudduddduddd M:6/8   K:G            H:ACLOQRSWZ T:Baille de Panderu (CT 181)
ABC   1015 C1:000400000007007 C2:udduudduddduddd M:6/8   K:G            H:ACLOQRSWZ T:Baille de Panderu (CT 181)
ABC    100 C1:000400000007007 C2:udduudduddduddd M:6/8   K:G            H:ACLOQRSWZ T:Baille de Panderu (CT 181)
ABC   1015 C1:000400000007007 C2:udduudduddduddd M:6/8   K:G            H:ACLOQRSWZ T:Baille de Panderu (CT 181)
ABC   1015 C1:000400000007007 C2:udduudduddduddd M:6/8   K:G            H:ACLOQRSWZ T:Baille de Panderu (CT 181)
ABC   1015 C1:000400000007007 C2:udduudduddduddd M:6/8   K:G            H:ACLOQRSWZ T:Baille de Panderu (CT 181)
ABC     96 C1:000111000001007 C2:uuuudduuuddudud M:6/8   K:G            H:ACLOQRSWZ T:Baille de Panderu (CT 261)
ABC   1016 C1:000111000001007 C2:uuuudduuuddudud M:6/8   K:G            H:ACLOQRSWZ T:Baille de Panderu (CT 261)
ABC    101 C1:000111000001007 C2:uuuudduuuddudud M:6/8   K:G            H:ACLOQRSWZ T:Baille de Panderu (CT 261)
ABC   1016 C1:000111000001007 C2:uuuudduuuddudud M:6/8   K:G            H:ACLOQRSWZ T:Baille de Panderu (CT 261)
ABC   1016 C1:000111000001007 C2:uuuudduuuddudud M:6/8   K:G            H:ACLOQRSWZ T:Baille de Panderu (CT 261)
ABC   1016 C1:000111000001007 C2:uuuudduuuddudud M:6/8   K:G            H:ACLOQRSWZ T:Baille de Panderu (CT 261)
ABC     97 C1:200071070000777 C2:ududdddududdudd M:6/8   K:G            H:ACLOQRSWZ T:Baille de Panderu (CT 262)
ABC   1017 C1:200071070000777 C2:ududdddududdudd M:6/8   K:G            H:ACLOQRSWZ T:Baille de Panderu (CT 262)
ABC    102 C1:200071070000777 C2:ududdddududdudd M:6/8   K:G            H:ACLOQRSWZ T:Baille de Panderu (CT 262)
ABC   1017 C1:200071070000777 C2:ududdddududdudd M:6/8   K:G            H:ACLOQRSWZ T:Baille de Panderu (CT 262)
ABC   1017 C1:200071070000777 C2:ududdddududdudd M:6/8   K:G            H:ACLOQRSWZ T:Baille de Panderu (CT 262)
ABC   1017 C1:200071070000777 C2:ududdddududdudd M:6/8   K:G            H:ACLOQRSWZ T:Baille de Panderu (CT 262)
ABC     98 C1:027771106001027 C2:uddduudduuddduu M:6/8   K:Gm           H:ACLOQRSWZ T:Baille de Panderu (CT 263)
ABC   1018 C1:027771106001027 C2:uddduudduuddduu M:6/8   K:Gm           H:ACLOQRSWZ T:Baille de Panderu (CT 263)
ABC    103 C1:027771106001027 C2:uddduudduuddduu M:6/8   K:Gm           H:ACLOQRSWZ T:Baille de Panderu (CT 263)
ABC   1018 C1:027771106001027 C2:uddduudduuddduu M:6/8   K:Gm           H:ACLOQRSWZ T:Baille de Panderu (CT 263)
ABC   1018 C1:027771106001027 C2:uddduudduuddduu M:6/8   K:Gm           H:ACLOQRSWZ T:Baille de Panderu (CT 263)
ABC   1018 C1:027771106001027 C2:uddduudduuddduu M:6/8   K:Gm           H:ACLOQRSWZ T:Baille de Panderu (CT 263)
ABC     99 C1:110711070006110 C2:uuduudduuddddud M:6/8   K:G            H:ACLOQSWZ T:Baille de Panderu (CT 285)
ABC   1019 C1:110711070006110 C2:uuduudduuddddud M:6/8   K:G            H:ACLOQSWZ T:Baille de Panderu (CT 285)
ABC    104 C1:110711070006110 C2:uuduudduuddddud M:6/8   K:G            H:ACLOQSWZ T:Baille de Panderu (CT 285)
ABC   1019 C1:110711070006110 C2:uuduudduuddddud M:6/8   K:G            H:ACLOQSWZ T:Baille de Panderu (CT 285)
ABC   1019 C1:110711070006110 C2:uuduudduuddddud M:6/8   K:G            H:ACLOQSWZ T:Baille de Panderu (CT 285)
ABC   1019 C1:110711070006110 C2:uuduudduuddddud M:6/8   K:G            H:ACLOQSWZ T:Baille de Panderu (CT 285)
ABC    100 C1:000071700003077 C2:dududdduddududd M:6/8   K:G            H:ACLOQRSWZ T:Baille de Panderu (CT 308)
ABC   1020 C1:000071700003077 C2:dududdduddududd M:6/8   K:G            H:ACLOQRSWZ T:Baille de Panderu (CT 308)
ABC    105 C1:000071700003077 C2:dududdduddududd M:6/8   K:G            H:ACLOQRSWZ T:Baille de Panderu (CT 308)
ABC   1020 C1:000071700003077 C2:dududdduddududd M:6/8   K:G            H:ACLOQRSWZ T:Baille de Panderu (CT 308)
ABC   1020 C1:000071700003077 C2:dududdduddududd M:6/8   K:G            H:ACLOQRSWZ T:Baille de Panderu (CT 308)
ABC   1020 C1:000071700003077 C2:dududdduddududd M:6/8   K:G            H:ACLOQRSWZ T:Baille de Panderu (CT 308)
ABC    101 C1:307107000005206 C2:ududdudududdddu M:6/8   K:C            H:ACLOQRSWZ T:Baille de Panderu (CT 457)
ABC    102 C1:307711072077077 C2:udduududdddudud M:3/8   K:C            H:ACLOQRSWZ T:Baille de Panderu (CT 471)
ABC   1021 C1:307711072077077 C2:udduududdddudud M:3/8   K:C            H:ACLOQRSWZ T:Baille de Panderu (CT 471)
ABC    106 C1:307711072077077 C2:udduududdddudud M:3/8   K:C            H:ACLOQRSWZ T:Baille de Panderu (CT 471)
ABC   1021 C1:307711072077077 C2:udduududdddudud M:3/8   K:C            H:ACLOQRSWZ T:Baille de Panderu (CT 471)
ABC   1021 C1:307711072077077 C2:udduududdddudud M:3/8   K:C            H:ACLOQRSWZ T:Baille de Panderu (CT 471)
ABC   1021 C1:307711072077077 C2:udduududdddudud M:3/8   K:C            H:ACLOQRSWZ T:Baille de Panderu (CT 471)
ABC    103 C1:300771060000300 C2:uddududdududdud M:6/8   K:C            H:ACLOQRSWZ T:Baille de Panderu (CT 472)
ABC   1022 C1:300771060000300 C2:uddududdududdud M:6/8   K:C            H:ACLOQRSWZ T:Baille de Panderu (CT 472)
ABC    107 C1:300771060000300 C2:uddududdududdud M:6/8   K:C            H:ACLOQRSWZ T:Baille de Panderu (CT 472)
ABC   1022 C1:300771060000300 C2:uddududdududdud M:6/8   K:C            H:ACLOQRSWZ T:Baille de Panderu (CT 472)
ABC   1022 C1:300771060000300 C2:uddududdududdud M:6/8   K:C            H:ACLOQRSWZ T:Baille de Panderu (CT 472)
ABC   1022 C1:300771060000300 C2:uddududdududdud M:6/8   K:C            H:ACLOQRSWZ T:Baille de Panderu (CT 472)
ABC    104 C1:107107000007717 C2:ududddududududd M:6/8   K:Cm           H:ACLOQRSWZ T:Baille de Panderu (CT 473)
ABC   1023 C1:107107000007717 C2:ududddududududd M:6/8   K:Cm           H:ACLOQRSWZ T:Baille de Panderu (CT 473)
ABC    108 C1:107107000007717 C2:ududddududududd M:6/8   K:Cm           H:ACLOQRSWZ T:Baille de Panderu (CT 473)
ABC   1023 C1:107107000007717 C2:ududddududududd M:6/8   K:Cm           H:ACLOQRSWZ T:Baille de Panderu (CT 473)
ABC   1023 C1:107107000007717 C2:ududddududududd M:6/8   K:Cm           H:ACLOQRSWZ T:Baille de Panderu (CT 473)
ABC   1023 C1:107107000007717 C2:ududddududududd M:6/8   K:Cm           H:ACLOQRSWZ T:Baille de Panderu (CT 473)
ABC    105 C1:061006611172072 C2:dudduuudududdud M:3/8   K:F            H:ACLOQRSWZ T:Baille de Panderu (CT 474)
ABC   1024 C1:061006611172072 C2:dudduuudududdud M:3/8   K:F            H:ACLOQRSWZ T:Baille de Panderu (CT 474)
ABC    109 C1:061006611172072 C2:dudduuudududdud M:3/8   K:F            H:ACLOQRSWZ T:Baille de Panderu (CT 474)
ABC   1024 C1:061006611172072 C2:dudduuudududdud M:3/8   K:F            H:ACLOQRSWZ T:Baille de Panderu (CT 474)
ABC   1024 C1:061006611172072 C2:dudduuudududdud M:3/8   K:F            H:ACLOQRSWZ T:Baille de Panderu (CT 474)
ABC   1024 C1:061006611172072 C2:dudduuudududdud M:3/8   K:F            H:ACLOQRSWZ T:Baille de Panderu (CT 474)
ABC      1 C1:037044060071037 C2:udddudduudddudd M:6/8   K:HP           H:CLQS   T:Baille Ionara
ABC      1 C1:037044060071037 C2:udddudduudddudd M:6/8   K:HP           H:CLQS   T:Baille Ionara
ABC      1 C1:037044060071037 C2:udddudduudddudd M:6/8   K:HP           H:CLQS   T:Baille Ionara
ABC     33 C1:776471277700712 C2:ddduduudddduudd M:2/4   K:G            H:ALOQR  T:Baillez-li
ABC      1 C1:776471277700712 C2:ddduduudddduudd M:2/4   K:G            H:ALOQR  T:Baillez-li
ABC      1 C1:776471277700712 C2:ddduduudddduudd M:2/4   K:G            H:ALOQR  T:Baillez-li
ABC   1131 C1:776471277700712 C2:ddduduudddduudd M:2/4   K:G            H:ALOQR  T:Baillez-li
ABC     15 C1:776471277700712 C2:ddduduudddduudd M:2/4   K:G            H:ALOQR  T:Baillez-li
ABC      1 C1:776471277700712 C2:ddduduudddduudd M:2/4   K:G            H:"L     T:Baillez-li
ABC      6 C1:776471277700712 C2:ddduduudddduudd M:2/4   K:G            H:ALOQR  T:Baillez-li
ABC      5 C1:776471277700712 C2:ddduduudddduudd M:2/4   K:G            H:ALOQR  T:Baillez-li
ABC      5 C1:776471277700712 C2:ddduduudddduudd M:2/4   K:G            H:ALOQR  T:Baillez-li
ABC      5 C1:776471277700712 C2:ddduduudddduudd M:2/4   K:G            H:ALOQR  T:Baillez-li
ABC      5 C1:776471277700712 C2:ddduduudddduudd M:2/4   K:G            H:ALOQR  T:Baillez-li
ABC     15 C1:776471277700712 C2:ddduduudddduudd M:2/4   K:G            H:ALOQR  T:Baillez-li
ABC      5 C1:776471277700712 C2:ddduduudddduudd M:2/4   K:G            H:ALOQR  T:Baillez-li
ABC      5 C1:776471277700712 C2:ddduduudddduudd M:2/4   K:G            H:ALOQR  T:Baillez-li
ABC     17 C1:776471277700712 C2:ddduduudddduudd M:2/4   K:C            H:CLORSZ T:Baillez-li
ABC     17 C1:776471277700712 C2:ddduduudddduudd M:2/4   K:C            H:CLORSZ T:Baillez-li
ABC     15 C1:776471277700712 C2:ddduduudddduudd M:2/4   K:G            H:ALOQR  T:Baillez-li
ABC     44 C1:776471277700712 C2:ddduduudddduudd M:2/4   K:G            H:ALOQRZ T:Baillez-li
ABC      5 C1:776471277700712 C2:ddduduudddduudd M:2/4   K:G            H:ALOQR  T:Baillez-li
ABC      5 C1:776471277700712 C2:ddduduudddduudd M:2/4   K:G            H:ALOQR  T:Baillez-li
ABC     44 C1:776471277700712 C2:ddduduudddduudd M:2/4   K:G            H:ALOQRZ T:Baillez-li
ABC     44 C1:776471277700712 C2:ddduduudddduudd M:2/4   K:G            H:ALOQRZ T:Baillez-li
ABC     17 C1:776400277700002 C2:ddduduudddduudd M:2/4   K:G            H:ABCLORZ T:Baillez-li
ABC     34 C1:776471277700712 C2:ddduduudddduudd M:2/4   K:G            H:ALOQR  T:Baillez-li
ABC      5 C1:776471277700712 C2:ddduduudddduudd M:2/4   K:G            H:ALOQR  T:Baillez-li
ABC      5 C1:776471277700712 C2:ddduduudddduudd M:2/4   K:G            H:ALOQR  T:Baillez-li
ABC      5 C1:776471277700712 C2:ddduduudddduudd M:2/4   K:G            H:ALOQRW T:Baillez-li
ABC      5 C1:776471277700712 C2:ddduduudddduudd M:2/4   K:G            H:ALOQRW T:Baillez-li
ABC     15 C1:776471277700712 C2:ddduduudddduudd M:2/4   K:G            H:ALOQR  T:Baillez-li
ABC     15 C1:776471277700712 C2:ddduduudddduudd M:2/4   K:G            H:ALOQR  T:Baillez-li
ABC     15 C1:776471277700712 C2:ddduduudddduudd M:2/4   K:G            H:ALOQR  T:Baillez-li
ABC   1026 C1:776471277700712 C2:ddduduudddduudd M:2/4   K:G            H:ALOQR  T:Baillez-li
ABC     33 C1:776471277700712 C2:ddduduudddduudd M:2/4   K:G            H:ALOQR  T:Baillez-li
ABC   1131 C1:776471277700712 C2:ddduduudddduudd M:2/4   K:G            H:ALOQR  T:Baillez-li
ABC     33 C1:776471277700712 C2:ddduduudddduudd M:2/4   K:G            H:ALOQR  T:Baillez-li
ABC   1131 C1:776471277700712 C2:ddduduudddduudd M:2/4   K:G            H:ALOQR  T:Baillez-li
ABC   1026 C1:776471277700712 C2:ddduduudddduudd M:2/4   K:G            H:ALOQR  T:Baillez-li
ABC   1026 C1:776471277700712 C2:ddduduudddduudd M:2/4   K:G            H:ALOQR  T:Baillez-li
ABC   1026 C1:776471277700712 C2:ddduduudddduudd M:2/4   K:G            H:ALOQR  T:Baillez-li
ABC    844 C1:776471277700712 C2:ddduduudddduudd M:2/4   K:G            H:ALOQR  T:Baillez-li
ABC    845 C1:776471277700712 C2:ddduduudddduudd M:2/4   K:G            H:ALOQR  T:Baillez-li
ABC    844 C1:776471277700712 C2:ddduduudddduudd M:2/4   K:G            H:ALOQR  T:Baillez-li
ABC    845 C1:776471277700712 C2:ddduduudddduudd M:2/4   K:G            H:ALOQR  T:Baillez-li
ABC    844 C1:776471277700712 C2:ddduduudddduudd M:2/4   K:G            H:ALOQR  T:Baillez-li
ABC    845 C1:776471277700712 C2:ddduduudddduudd M:2/4   K:G            H:ALOQR  T:Baillez-li
ABC    844 C1:776471277700712 C2:ddduduudddduudd M:2/4   K:G            H:ALOQR  T:Baillez-li
ABC    845 C1:776471277700712 C2:ddduduudddduudd M:2/4   K:G            H:ALOQR  T:Baillez-li
ABC    844 C1:776471277700712 C2:ddduduudddduudd M:2/4   K:G            H:ALOQR  T:Baillez-li
ABC    845 C1:776471277700712 C2:ddduduudddduudd M:2/4   K:G            H:ALOQR  T:Baillez-li
ABC     17 C1:776400277700002 C2:ddduduudddduudd M:2/4   K:G            H:ABCLORZ T:Baillez-li
ABC    202 C1:026716022124270 C2:udduduuuududduu M:2/4   K:A            H:BCLRZ  T:The Baillies of Bennachie
ABC    202 C1:026716022124270 C2:udduduuuududduu M:2/4   K:A            H:BCLRZ  T:The Baillies of Bennachie
ABC    202 C1:026716022124270 C2:udduduuuududduu M:2/4   K:A            H:BCLRZ  T:The Baillies of Bennachie
ABC    202 C1:026716022124270 C2:udduduuuududduu M:2/4   K:A            H:BCLRZ  T:The Baillies of Bennachie
ABC    202 C1:026716022124270 C2:udduduuuududduu M:2/4   K:A            H:BCLRZ  T:The Baillies of Bennachie
ABC    202 C1:026716022124270 C2:udduduuuududduu M:2/4   K:A            H:BCLRZ  T:The Baillies of Bennachie
ABC    202 C1:026716022124270 C2:udduduuuududduu M:2/4   K:A            H:BCLRZ  T:The Baillies of Bennachie
ABC   3203 C1:026322270727041 C2:ududuudduduuudu M:C|    K:Bb           H:BCLQR  T:BAILY VIEW (hornpipe)
ABC   3203 C1:026322270727041 C2:ududuudduduuudu M:C|    K:Bb           H:BCLQR  T:BAILY VIEW (hornpipe)
ABC   3203 C1:026322270727041 C2:ududuudduduuudu M:C|    K:Bb           H:BCLQR  T:BAILY VIEW (hornpipe)
ABC  02101 C1:400042613007426 C2:ududuudduduudud M:C     K:A            H:"BLRZ  T:Bainis choinich
ABC  02101 C1:400042613007426 C2:ududuudduduudud M:C     K:A            H:"BLRZ  T:Bainis choinich
ABC  02101 C1:400042613007426 C2:ududuudduduudud M:C     K:A            H:"BLRZ  T:Bainis choinich
ABC  02101 C1:400042613007426 C2:ududuudduduudud M:C     K:A            H:"BLRZ  T:Bainis choinich
ABC      1 C1:400042613007426 C2:ududuudduduudud M:C     K:A            H:"BLRZ  T:Bainis choinich
ABC      1 C1:400042613007426 C2:ududuudduduudud M:C     K:A            H:"BLRZ  T:Bainis choinich
ABC      1 C1:400042613007426 C2:ududuudduduudud M:C     K:A            H:"BLRZ  T:Bainis choinich
ABC      1 C1:400042613007426 C2:ududuudduduudud M:C     K:A            H:"BLRZ  T:Bainis choinich
ABC      1 C1:400042613007426 C2:ududuudduduudud M:C     K:A            H:"BLRZ  T:Bainis choinich
ABC      1 C1:400042613007426 C2:ududuudduduudud M:C     K:A            H:"BLRZ  T:Bainis choinich
ABC      1 C1:400042613007426 C2:ududuudduduudud M:C     K:A            H:"BLRZ  T:Bainis choinich
ABC      1 C1:400042613007426 C2:ududuudduduudud M:C     K:A            H:"BLRZ  T:Bainis choinich
ABC      1 C1:400042613007426 C2:ududuudduduudud M:C     K:A            H:"BLRZ  T:Bainis choinich
ABC      1 C1:400042613007426 C2:ududuudduduudud M:C     K:A            H:"BLRZ  T:Bainis choinich
ABC      1 C1:400042613007426 C2:ududuudduduudud M:C     K:A            H:"BLRZ  T:Bainis choinich
ABC      1 C1:400042613007426 C2:ududuudduduudud M:C     K:A            H:"BLRZ  T:Bainis choinich
ABC      1 C1:400042613007426 C2:ududuudduduudud M:C     K:A            H:"BLRZ  T:Bainis choinich
ABC      1 C1:400042613007426 C2:ududuudduduudud M:C     K:A            H:"BLRZ  T:Bainis choinich
ABC      1 C1:400042613007426 C2:ududuudduduudud M:C     K:A            H:"BLRZ  T:Bainis choinich
ABC      1 C1:400042613007426 C2:ududuudduduudud M:C     K:A            H:"BLRZ  T:Bainis choinich
ABC      1 C1:400042613007426 C2:ududuudduduudud M:C     K:A            H:"BLRZ  T:Bainis choinich
ABC      1 C1:400042613007426 C2:ududuudduduudud M:C     K:A            H:"BLRZ  T:Bainis choinich
ABC      1 C1:400042613007426 C2:ududuudduduudud M:C     K:A            H:"BLRZ  T:Bainis choinich
ABC      1 C1:400042613007426 C2:ududuudduduudud M:C     K:A            H:"BLRZ  T:Bainis choinich
ABC      1 C1:400042613007426 C2:ududuudduduudud M:C     K:A            H:"BLRZ  T:Bainis choinich
ABC      1 C1:400042613007426 C2:ududuudduduudud M:C     K:A            H:"BLRZ  T:Bainis choinich
ABC      1 C1:400042613007426 C2:ududuudduduudud M:C     K:A            H:"BLRZ  T:Bainis choinich
ABC    347 C1:400042613007426 C2:ududuudduduudud M:C     K:A            H:"BFLRZ T:Bainis choinich
ABC  02101 C1:400042613007426 C2:ududuudduduudud M:C     K:A            H:"BLRZ  T:Bainis choinich
ABC      1 C1:400042613007426 C2:ududuudduduudud M:C     K:A            H:"BLRZ  T:Bainis choinich
ABC  02101 C1:400042613007426 C2:ududuudduduudud M:C     K:A            H:"BLRZ  T:Bainis choinich
ABC      1 C1:400042613007426 C2:ududuudduduudud M:C     K:A            H:"BLRZ  T:Bainis choinich
ABC  04006 C1:011776025003011 C2:uuddduduuuudddu M:6/8   K:G            H:BCLZ   T:the BAINS' WELCOME TO DUBLIN
ABC  04006 C1:011776025003011 C2:uuddduduuuudddu M:6/8   K:G            H:BCLZ   T:the BAINS' WELCOME TO DUBLIN
ABC  04006 C1:011776025003011 C2:uuddduduuuudddu M:6/8   K:G            H:BCLZ   T:the BAINS' WELCOME TO DUBLIN
ABC  04006 C1:011776025003011 C2:uuddduduuuudddu M:6/8   K:G            H:BCLZ   T:the BAINS' WELCOME TO DUBLIN
ABC  04006 C1:011776025003011 C2:uuddduduuuudddu M:6/8   K:G            H:BCLZ   T:the BAINS' WELCOME TO DUBLIN
ABC  04006 C1:011776025003011 C2:uuddduduuuudddu M:6/8   K:G            H:BCLZ   T:The BAINS' WELCOME TO DUBLIN
ABC  04006 C1:011776025003011 C2:uuddduduuuudddu M:6/8   K:G            H:BCLZ   T:The BAINS' WELCOME TO DUBLIN
ABC  04006 C1:011776025003011 C2:uuddduduuuudddu M:6/8   K:G            H:BCLZ   T:The BAINS' WELCOME TO DUBLIN
ABC    312 C1:022207256776205 C2:uuududdddduduuu M:2/4   K:G            H:BLOQRZbs T:an baintrea\`ba\`c eirea\`cda\`miul
ABC    312 C1:022207256776205 C2:uuududdddduduuu M:2/4   K:G            H:BLOQRZbs T:an baintrea\`ba\`c eirea\`cda\`miul
ABC    312 C1:022207256776205 C2:uuududdddduduuu M:2/4   K:G            H:BLOQRZbs T:an baintrea\`ba\`c eirea\`cda\`miul
ABC    312 C1:022207256776205 C2:uuududdddduduuu M:2/4   K:G            H:BLOQRZbs T:an baintrea\`ba\`c eirea\`cda\`miul
ABC    312 C1:022207256776205 C2:uuududdddduduuu M:2/4   K:G            H:BLOQRZbs T:an baintrea\`ba\`c eirea\`cda\`miul
ABC    312 C1:022207256776205 C2:uuududdddduduuu M:2/4   K:G            H:BLOQRZbs T:an baintrea\`ba\`c eirea\`cda\`miul
ABC    312 C1:022207256776205 C2:uuududdddduduuu M:2/4   K:G            H:BLOQRZbs T:an baintrea\`ba\`c eirea\`cda\`miul
ABC    312 C1:022207256776205 C2:uuududdddduduuu M:2/4   K:G            H:BLOQRZbs T:an baintrea\`ba\`c eirea\`cda\`miul
ABC    312 C1:302220725677620 C2:uuuududdddduduu M:2/4   K:G            H:BLOQRZbs T:an baintrea\`ba\`c eirea\`cda\`miul
ABC    312 C1:302220725677620 C2:uuuududdddduduu M:2/4   K:G            H:BLOQRZbs T:an baintrea\`ba\`c eirea\`cda\`miul
ABC    312 C1:302220725677620 C2:uuuududdddduduu M:2/4   K:G            H:BLOQRZbs T:an baintrea\`ba\`c eirea\`cda\`miul
ABC    312 C1:302220725677620 C2:uuuududdddduduu M:2/4   K:G            H:BLOQRZbs T:an baintrea\`ba\`c eirea\`cda\`miul
ABC    312 C1:302220725677620 C2:uuuududdddduduu M:2/4   K:G            H:BLOQRZbs T:an baintrea\`ba\`c eirea\`cda\`miul
ABC    312 C1:302220725677620 C2:uuuududdddduduu M:2/4   K:G            H:BLOQRZbs T:an baintrea\`ba\`c eirea\`cda\`miul
ABC    312 C1:302220725677620 C2:uuuududdddduduu M:2/4   K:G            H:BLOQRZbs T:an baintrea\`ba\`c eirea\`cda\`miul
ABC    312 C1:302220725677620 C2:uuuududdddduduu M:2/4   K:G            H:BLOQRZbs T:an baintrea\`ba\`c eirea\`cda\`miul
ABC    312 C1:022207256776205 C2:uuududdddduduuu M:2/4   K:G            H:BLZ    T:An baintreabhach eireachdamhiul
ABC    312 C1:022207256776205 C2:uuududdddduduuu M:2/4   K:G            H:BLZ    T:An baintreabhach eireachdamhiul
ABC    312 C1:022207256776205 C2:uuududdddduduuu M:2/4   K:G            H:BLZ    T:An baintreabhach eireachdamhiul
ABC    312 C1:022207256776205 C2:uuududdddduduuu M:2/4   K:G            H:BLZ    T:An baintreabhach eireachdamhiul
ABC    312 C1:022207256776205 C2:uuududdddduduuu M:2/4   K:G            H:BLZ    T:An baintreabhach eireachdamhiul
ABC    312 C1:022207256776205 C2:uuududdddduduuu M:2/4   K:G            H:BLZ    T:An baintreabhach eireachdamhiul
ABC    312 C1:022207256776205 C2:uuududdddduduuu M:2/4   K:G            H:BLZ    T:An baintreabhach eireachdamhiul
ABC    312 C1:022207256776205 C2:uuududdddduduuu M:2/4   K:G            H:BLZ    T:An baintreabhach eireachdamhiul
ABC    312 C1:022207256776205 C2:uuududdddduduuu M:2/4   K:G            H:BLZ    T:An baintreabhach eireachdamhiul
ABC      1 C1:67661161044     C2:dddduuduud      M:C|    K:Edor         H:BLS    T:Baintreach na Radaireacht
ABC     27 C1:716175046600211 C2:dududdudduuuddd M:12/8  K:Bb treble    H:OQ     T:Bairacheto
ABC     28 C1:716175046600211 C2:dududdudduuuddd M:12/8  K:Bb treble    H:OQ     T:Bairacheto
ABC     27 C1:716175046600211 C2:dududdudduuuddd M:12/8  K:Bb treble    H:OQ     T:Bairacheto
ABC     28 C1:716175046600211 C2:dududdudduuuddd M:12/8  K:Bb treble    H:OQ     T:Bairacheto
ABC   2500 C1:716175046600211 C2:dududdudduuuddd M:12/8  K:Bb treble    H:OQ     T:Bairacheto
ABC   2500 C1:716175046600211 C2:dududdudduuuddd M:12/8  K:Bb treble    H:OQ     T:Bairacheto
ABC     28 C1:716175046600211 C2:dududdudduuuddd M:12/8  K:Bb treble    H:OQ     T:Bairacheto
ABC     28 C1:716175046600211 C2:dududdudduuuddd M:12/8  K:Bb treble    H:OQ     T:Bairacheto
ABC     28 C1:716175046600211 C2:dududdudduuuddd M:12/8  K:Bb treble    H:OQ     T:Bairacheto
ABC     28 C1:716175046600211 C2:dududdudduuuddd M:12/8  K:Bb treble    H:OQ     T:Bairacheto
ABC    176 C1:030000050771030 C2:uudduduuduuduud M:4/4   K:A            H:LOR    T:Bai Raedder
ABC    177 C1:000400010770070 C2:uuddduuuddududd M:none  K:D            H:LOR    T:Bai Raedder
ABC    178 C1:030000020771000 C2:uudduuuduududud M:none  K:A            H:LOR    T:Bai Raedder
ABC    179 C1:000067010154005 C2:dduudududduddud M:4/4   K:G            H:LOR    T:Bai Raedder
ABC    715 C1:602562121161161 C2:dudduuuuuduuduu M:4/4   K:D            H:LRSZ   T:Bairille Braiche
ABC    735 C1:602562121161161 C2:dudduuuuuduuduu M:4/4   K:D            H:LRSZ   T:Bairille Braiche
ABC   1100 C1:602562121161161 C2:dudduuuuuduuduu M:4/4   K:D            H:LRSZ   T:Bairille Braiche
ABC   1100 C1:602562121161161 C2:dudduuuuuduuduu M:4/4   K:D            H:LRSZ   T:Bairille Braiche
ABC   1200 C1:602562121161161 C2:dudduuuuuduuduu M:4/4   K:D            H:LRSZ   T:Bairille Braiche
ABC   1315 C1:602562121161161 C2:dudduuuuuduuduu M:4/4   K:D            H:LRSZ   T:Bairille Braiche
ABC      1 C1:030207770700000 C2:uuddddududduudd M:2/4   K:G            H:ACFLSWZ T:Bairisch
ABC      1 C1:060300700700000 C2:dudduuddduddudu M:2/4   K:D            H:ABCFLSWZ T:Bairisch
ABC      1 C1:070707060000020 C2:dddduudddduuddd M:2/4   K:D            H:ABCFLSWZ T:Bairisch
ABC      1 C1:002400430057000 C2:udududuududdudd M:2/4   K:C            H:ABCFLQRSWZ T:Bairischer
ABC      1 C1:030005170200000 C2:ududuuddddududu M:2/4   K:C            H:ABCFLQRSVWZ T:Bairischer
ABC      1 C1:060057770712000 C2:dudddduudududdd M:2/4   K:G            H:ABFLRWZ T:Bairischer, aus Hippach
ABC      1 C1:053577771262777 C2:ududddduududddd M:2/4   K:Eb           H:ABCFLQRSWZ T:Bairisch Polka
ABC      1 C1:000002070000010 C2:ududududuuddudu M:2/4   K:G            H:ABFLWZ T:Bairisch-Polka "Alleweil a bil drahn"
ABC      1 C1:000002070000010 C2:ududududuuddudu M:2/4   K:G            H:ABLZ   T:Bairisch-Polka "Alleweil a bil drahn" - schottisch/schottische/scottish
ABC      1 C1:000002070000010 C2:ududududuuddudu M:2/4   K:G            H:ABLZ   T:Bairisch-Polka "Alleweil a bil drahn" - schottisch/schottische/scottish
ABC   9183 C1:000002070000010 C2:ududududuuddudu M:2/4   K:G            H:ABLZ   T:Bairisch-Polka "Alleweil a bil drahn" - schottisch/schottische/scottish
ABC   9183 C1:000002070000010 C2:ududududuuddudu M:2/4   K:G            H:ABLZ   T:Bairisch-Polka "Alleweil a bil drahn" - schottisch/schottische/scottish
ABC   1030 C1:000002070000010 C2:ududududuuddudu M:2/4   K:G            H:ABLZ   T:Bairisch-Polka "Alleweil a bil drahn" - schottisch/schottische/scottish
ABC   9183 C1:000002070000010 C2:ududududuuddudu M:2/4   K:G            H:ABLZ   T:Bairisch-Polka "Alleweil a bil drahn" - schottisch/schottische/scottish
ABC   9183 C1:000002070000010 C2:ududududuuddudu M:2/4   K:G            H:ABLZ   T:Bairisch-Polka "Alleweil a bil drahn" - schottisch/schottische/scottish
ABC    364 C1:000002070000010 C2:ududududuuddudu M:2/4   K:G            H:ABLO   T:Bairisch-Polka "Alleweil a bil drahn" - schottisch/schottische/scottish
ABC    364 C1:000002070000010 C2:ududududuuddudu M:2/4   K:G            H:ABLO   T:Bairisch-Polka "Alleweil a bil drahn" - schottisch/schottische/scottish
ABC   1030 C1:000002070000010 C2:ududududuuddudu M:2/4   K:G            H:ABLZ   T:Bairisch-Polka "Alleweil a bil drahn" - schottisch/schottische/scottish
ABC   1030 C1:000002070000010 C2:ududududuuddudu M:2/4   K:G            H:ABLZ   T:Bairisch-Polka "Alleweil a bil drahn" - schottisch/schottische/scottish
ABC   1030 C1:000002070000010 C2:ududududuuddudu M:2/4   K:G            H:ABLZ   T:Bairisch-Polka "Alleweil a bil drahn" - schottisch/schottische/scottish
ABC    850 C1:000002070000010 C2:ududududuuddudu M:2/4   K:G            H:ABLZ   T:Bairisch-Polka "Alleweil a bil drahn" - schottisch/schottische/scottish
ABC    850 C1:000002070000010 C2:ududududuuddudu M:2/4   K:G            H:ABLZ   T:Bairisch-Polka "Alleweil a bil drahn" - schottisch/schottische/scottish
ABC    850 C1:000002070000010 C2:ududududuuddudu M:2/4   K:G            H:ABLZ   T:Bairisch-Polka "Alleweil a bil drahn" - schottisch/schottische/scottish
ABC    850 C1:000002070000010 C2:ududududuuddudu M:2/4   K:G            H:ABLZ   T:Bairisch-Polka "Alleweil a bil drahn" - schottisch/schottische/scottish
ABC    850 C1:000002070000010 C2:ududududuuddudu M:2/4   K:G            H:ABLZ   T:Bairisch-Polka "Alleweil a bil drahn" - schottisch/schottische/scottish
ABC      1 C1:626600030004000 C2:duddudududududd M:2/4   K:C            H:ACLRS  T:Bairisch Polka (Innviertel)
ABC      1 C1:626600030004000 C2:duddudududududd M:2/4   K:C            H:ACLRS  T:Bairisch Polka (Innviertel)
ABC    363 C1:626600030004000 C2:duddudududududd M:2/4   K:C            H:ACLORS T:Bairisch Polka (Innviertel)
ABC    363 C1:626600030004000 C2:duddudududududd M:2/4   K:C            H:ACLORS T:Bairisch Polka (Innviertel)
ABC    849 C1:626600030004000 C2:duddudududududd M:2/4   K:C            H:ACLRS  T:Bairisch Polka (Innviertel)
ABC    849 C1:626600030004000 C2:duddudududududd M:2/4   K:C            H:ACLRS  T:Bairisch Polka (Innviertel)
ABC    849 C1:626600030004000 C2:duddudududududd M:2/4   K:C            H:ACLRS  T:Bairisch Polka (Innviertel)
ABC    849 C1:626600030004000 C2:duddudududududd M:2/4   K:C            H:ACLRS  T:Bairisch Polka (Innviertel)
ABC    849 C1:626600030004000 C2:duddudududududd M:2/4   K:C            H:ACLRS  T:Bairisch Polka (Innviertel)
ABC      1 C1:030207770700000 C2:uuddddududduudd M:2/4   K:G            H:ACLSZ  T:Bairisch - schottisch/schottische/scottish
ABC      1 C1:030207770700000 C2:uuddddududduudd M:2/4   K:G            H:ACLSZ  T:Bairisch - schottisch/schottische/scottish
ABC      1 C1:060300700700000 C2:dudduuddduddudu M:2/4   K:D            H:ABCLSZ T:Bairisch - schottisch/schottische/scottish
ABC      1 C1:060300700700000 C2:dudduuddduddudu M:2/4   K:D            H:ABCLSZ T:Bairisch - schottisch/schottische/scottish
ABC      1 C1:070707060000020 C2:dddduudddduuddd M:2/4   K:D            H:ABCLSZ T:Bairisch - schottisch/schottische/scottish
ABC      1 C1:070707060000020 C2:dddduudddduuddd M:2/4   K:D            H:ABCLSZ T:Bairisch - schottisch/schottische/scottish
ABC   1027 C1:030207770700000 C2:uuddddududduudd M:2/4   K:G            H:ACLSZ  T:Bairisch - schottisch/schottische/scottish
ABC   1028 C1:070707060000020 C2:dddduudddduuddd M:2/4   K:D            H:ABCLSZ T:Bairisch - schottisch/schottische/scottish
ABC   1029 C1:060300700700000 C2:dudduuddduddudu M:2/4   K:D            H:ABCLSZ T:Bairisch - schottisch/schottische/scottish
ABC   9184 C1:060300700700000 C2:dudduuddduddudu M:2/4   K:D            H:ABCLSZ T:Bairisch - schottisch/schottische/scottish
ABC   9185 C1:070707060000020 C2:dddduudddduuddd M:2/4   K:D            H:ABCLSZ T:Bairisch - schottisch/schottische/scottish
ABC   9184 C1:060300700700000 C2:dudduuddduddudu M:2/4   K:D            H:ABCLSZ T:Bairisch - schottisch/schottische/scottish
ABC   9185 C1:070707060000020 C2:dddduudddduuddd M:2/4   K:D            H:ABCLSZ T:Bairisch - schottisch/schottische/scottish
ABC    362 C1:060300700700000 C2:dudduuddduddudu M:2/4   K:D            H:ABCLOS T:Bairisch - schottisch/schottische/scottish
ABC    362 C1:060300700700000 C2:dudduuddduddudu M:2/4   K:D            H:ABCLOS T:Bairisch - schottisch/schottische/scottish
ABC   1027 C1:030207770700000 C2:uuddddududduudd M:2/4   K:G            H:ACLSZ  T:Bairisch - schottisch/schottische/scottish
ABC   1028 C1:070707060000020 C2:dddduudddduuddd M:2/4   K:D            H:ABCLSZ T:Bairisch - schottisch/schottische/scottish
ABC   1029 C1:060300700700000 C2:dudduuddduddudu M:2/4   K:D            H:ABCLSZ T:Bairisch - schottisch/schottische/scottish
ABC   1027 C1:030207770700000 C2:uuddddududduudd M:2/4   K:G            H:ACLSZ  T:Bairisch - schottisch/schottische/scottish
ABC   1028 C1:070707060000020 C2:dddduudddduuddd M:2/4   K:D            H:ABCLSZ T:Bairisch - schottisch/schottische/scottish
ABC   1029 C1:060300700700000 C2:dudduuddduddudu M:2/4   K:D            H:ABCLSZ T:Bairisch - schottisch/schottische/scottish
ABC   1027 C1:030207770700000 C2:uuddddududduudd M:2/4   K:G            H:ACLSZ  T:Bairisch - schottisch/schottische/scottish
ABC   1028 C1:070707060000020 C2:dddduudddduuddd M:2/4   K:D            H:ABCLSZ T:Bairisch - schottisch/schottische/scottish
ABC   1029 C1:060300700700000 C2:dudduuddduddudu M:2/4   K:D            H:ABCLSZ T:Bairisch - schottisch/schottische/scottish
ABC    846 C1:060300700700000 C2:dudduuddduddudu M:2/4   K:D            H:ABCLSZ T:Bairisch - schottisch/schottische/scottish
ABC    847 C1:070707060000020 C2:dddduudddduuddd M:2/4   K:D            H:ABCLSZ T:Bairisch - schottisch/schottische/scottish
ABC    848 C1:030207770700000 C2:uuddddududduudd M:2/4   K:G            H:ACLSZ  T:Bairisch - schottisch/schottische/scottish
ABC    846 C1:060300700700000 C2:dudduuddduddudu M:2/4   K:D            H:ABCLSZ T:Bairisch - schottisch/schottische/scottish
ABC    847 C1:070707060000020 C2:dddduudddduuddd M:2/4   K:D            H:ABCLSZ T:Bairisch - schottisch/schottische/scottish
ABC    848 C1:030207770700000 C2:uuddddududduudd M:2/4   K:G            H:ACLSZ  T:Bairisch - schottisch/schottische/scottish
ABC    846 C1:060300700700000 C2:dudduuddduddudu M:2/4   K:D            H:ABCLSZ T:Bairisch - schottisch/schottische/scottish
ABC    847 C1:070707060000020 C2:dddduudddduuddd M:2/4   K:D            H:ABCLSZ T:Bairisch - schottisch/schottische/scottish
ABC    848 C1:030207770700000 C2:uuddddududduudd M:2/4   K:G            H:ACLSZ  T:Bairisch - schottisch/schottische/scottish
ABC    846 C1:060300700700000 C2:dudduuddduddudu M:2/4   K:D            H:ABCLSZ T:Bairisch - schottisch/schottische/scottish
ABC    847 C1:070707060000020 C2:dddduudddduuddd M:2/4   K:D            H:ABCLSZ T:Bairisch - schottisch/schottische/scottish
ABC    848 C1:030207770700000 C2:uuddddududduudd M:2/4   K:G            H:ACLSZ  T:Bairisch - schottisch/schottische/scottish
ABC    846 C1:060300700700000 C2:dudduuddduddudu M:2/4   K:D            H:ABCLSZ T:Bairisch - schottisch/schottische/scottish
ABC    847 C1:070707060000020 C2:dddduudddduuddd M:2/4   K:D            H:ABCLSZ T:Bairisch - schottisch/schottische/scottish
ABC    848 C1:030207770700000 C2:uuddddududduudd M:2/4   K:G            H:ACLSZ  T:Bairisch - schottisch/schottische/scottish
ABC      1 C1:056771175711056 C2:dddduududuudddu M:6/8   K:D            H:L      T:the Bairns gat out wi an unco shout
ABC     68 C1:056771175711056 C2:dddduududuudddu M:6/8   K:D            H:L      T:The bairns gat out wi an unco shout
ABC   0068 C1:056771175711056 C2:dddduududuudddu M:6/8   K:D            H:ILQZ   T:The bairns gat out wi an unco shout
ABC   0068 C1:056771175711056 C2:dddduududuudddu M:6/8   K:D            H:ILQZ   T:The bairns gat out wi an unco shout
ABC   0068 C1:056771175711056 C2:dddduududuudddu M:6/8   K:D            H:ILQZ   T:The bairns gat out wi an unco shout
ABC   0068 C1:056771175711056 C2:dddduududuudddu M:6/8   K:D            H:ILQZ   T:The bairns gat out wi an unco shout
ABC   0068 C1:056771175711056 C2:dddduududuudddu M:6/8   K:D            H:ILQZ   T:The bairns gat out wi an unco shout
ABC   0068 C1:056771175711056 C2:dddduududuudddu M:6/8   K:D            H:ILQZ   T:The bairns gat out wi an unco shout
ABC   0068 C1:056771175711056 C2:dddduududuudddu M:6/8   K:D            H:ILQZ   T:The bairns gat out wi an unco shout
ABC   0068 C1:056771175711056 C2:dddduududuudddu M:6/8   K:D            H:ILQZ   T:The bairns gat out wi an unco shout
ABC   0068 C1:056771175711056 C2:dddduududuudddu M:6/8   K:D            H:ILQZ   T:The bairns gat out wi an unco shout
ABC    385 C1:056771175711056 C2:dddduududuudddu M:6/8   K:D            H:L      T:the Bairns gat out wi an unco shout
ABC    385 C1:056771175711056 C2:dddduududuudddu M:6/8   K:D            H:L      T:the Bairns gat out wi an unco shout
ABC   6724 C1:056771175711056 C2:dddduududuudddu M:6/8   K:D            H:LO     T:the Bairns gat out wi an unco shout
ABC   6724 C1:056771175711056 C2:dddduududuudddu M:6/8   K:D            H:LO     T:the Bairns gat out wi an unco shout
ABC    463 C1:056771175711056 C2:dddduududuudddu M:6/8   K:D            H:BFLZ   T:the Bairns gat out wi an unco shout
ABC   2111 C1:056771175711056 C2:dddduududuudddu M:6/8   K:D            H:BFLZ   T:the Bairns gat out wi an unco shout
ABC   2344 C1:056771175711056 C2:dddduududuudddu M:6/8   K:D            H:BFLZ   T:the Bairns gat out wi an unco shout
ABC    463 C1:056771175711056 C2:dddduududuudddu M:6/8   K:D            H:BFLZ   T:the Bairns gat out wi an unco shout
ABC   2111 C1:056771175711056 C2:dddduududuudddu M:6/8   K:D            H:BFLZ   T:the Bairns gat out wi an unco shout
ABC   2344 C1:056771175711056 C2:dddduududuudddu M:6/8   K:D            H:BFLZ   T:the Bairns gat out wi an unco shout
ABC  13155 C1:056771175711056 C2:dddduududuudddu M:6/8   K:D            H:L      T:the Bairns gat out wi an unco shout
ABC  13155 C1:056771175711056 C2:dddduududuudddu M:6/8   K:D            H:L      T:the Bairns gat out wi an unco shout
ABC  13155 C1:056771175711056 C2:dddduududuudddu M:6/8   K:D            H:L      T:the Bairns gat out wi an unco shout
ABC  13155 C1:056771175711056 C2:dddduududuudddu M:6/8   K:D            H:L      T:the Bairns gat out wi an unco shout
ABC  13155 C1:056771175711056 C2:dddduududuudddu M:6/8   K:D            H:L      T:the Bairns gat out wi an unco shout
ABC  16655 C1:056771175711056 C2:dddduududuudddu M:6/8   K:D            H:L      T:The bairns gat out wi an unco shout
ABC  16655 C1:056771175711056 C2:dddduududuudddu M:6/8   K:D            H:L      T:The bairns gat out wi an unco shout
ABC  16655 C1:056771175711056 C2:dddduududuudddu M:6/8   K:D            H:L      T:The bairns gat out wi an unco shout
ABC  16655 C1:056771175711056 C2:dddduududuudddu M:6/8   K:D            H:L      T:The bairns gat out wi an unco shout
ABC   0068 C1:056771175711056 C2:dddduududuudddu M:6/8   K:D            H:ILQZ   T:The bairns gat out wi an unco shout
ABC     49 C1:717777470100110 C2:dudddduduuudddd M:2/4   K:F            H:CLORZ  T:Baise moi si m'en irai
ABC     52 C1:717777470100110 C2:dudddduduuudddd M:2/4   K:F            H:CLORZ  T:Baise moi si m'en irai
ABC     53 C1:717777470100110 C2:dudddduduuudddd M:2/4   K:C            H:CLORZ  T:Baise moi si m'en irai
ABC      1 C1:000001000601010 C2:uduuudddu       M:3/4   K:F            H:BFLRZ  T:Baisons nous belle
ABC     12 C1:00106111670710  C2:uduuudddu       M:6/4   K:GDor         H:BLRZ   T:Baisons nous belle
ABC     12 C1:00106111670710  C2:uduuudddu       M:6/4   K:GDor         H:BLRZ   T:Baisons nous belle
ABC      9 C1:000001000601010 C2:uduuudddu       M:3/4   K:F            H:BFLRZ  T:Baisons nous belle
ABC      1 C1:500025000100212 C2:duduuuuuddduddu M:      K:Gmin         H:LR     T:Baiting The Hook
ABC    134 C1:471715743011206 C2:udududduduuuudd M:2/4   K:C            H:L      T:Bai yin didi The rich young brother
ABC     46 C1:471501073607000 C2:ududududdddduud M:2/4   K:Bb           H:L      T:Baiyu
ABC      1 C1:040111000001040 C2:duuuuduuuuududd M:3/4   K:G            H:"LOSZ  T:Baize
ABC      1 C1:040111000001040 C2:duuuuduuuuududd M:3/4   K:G            H:"LOSVZ T:Baize
ABC      1 C1:040111000001040 C2:duuuuduuuuududd M:3/4   K:G            H:"LOSVZ T:Baize
ABC      1 C1:040111000001040 C2:duuuuduuuuududd M:3/4   K:G            H:"LOSZ  T:Baize
ABC      1 C1:040111000001040 C2:duuuuduuuuududd M:3/4   K:G            H:"LOSVZ T:Baize
ABC      1 C1:040111000001040 C2:duuuuduuuuududd M:3/4   K:G            H:"LOSZ  T:Baize
ABC      1 C1:040111000001040 C2:duuuuduuuuududd M:3/4   K:G            H:"LOSZ  T:Baize
ABC      1 C1:040111000001040 C2:duuuuduuuuududd M:3/4   K:G            H:"LOSVZ T:Baize
ABC     28 C1:077432107740032 C2:dududdduuuududu M:7/8   K:Bb           H:"FLOQ  T:Bajrace
ABC     29 C1:077432107740032 C2:dududdduuuududu M:7/8   K:Bb           H:"FLOQ  T:Bajrace
ABC     38 C1:077432107740032 C2:dududdduuuududu M:7/8   K:Bb           H:"FLOQ  T:Bajrace
ABC     28 C1:077432107740032 C2:dududdduuuududu M:7/8   K:Bb           H:"FLOQ  T:Bajrace
ABC     29 C1:077432107740032 C2:dududdduuuududu M:7/8   K:Bb           H:"FLOQ  T:Bajrace
ABC     38 C1:077432107740032 C2:dududdduuuududu M:7/8   K:Bb           H:"FLOQ  T:Bajrace
ABC      1 C1:061707621101061 C2:dududdduuuududu M:7+5/8 K:Bb           H:"FLOZ  T:Bajrace
ABC     29 C1:077432107740032 C2:dududdduuuududu M:7/8   K:Bb           H:"FLOQ  T:Bajrace
ABC     29 C1:077432107740032 C2:dududdduuuududu M:7/8   K:Bb           H:"FLOQ  T:Bajrace
ABC     29 C1:077432107740032 C2:dududdduuuududu M:7/8   K:Bb           H:"FLOQ  T:Bajrace
ABC     29 C1:077432107740032 C2:dududdduuuududu M:7/8   K:Bb           H:"FLOQ  T:Bajrace
ABC     29 C1:404404417716071 C2:ududuuddudduudu M:7/16  K:Dm           H:"FLOQ  T:Bajramsko Oro
ABC     30 C1:404404417716071 C2:ududuuddudduudu M:7/16  K:Dm           H:"FLOQ  T:Bajramsko Oro
ABC     29 C1:404404417716071 C2:ududuuddudduudu M:7/16  K:Dm           H:"FLOQ  T:Bajramsko Oro
ABC     30 C1:404404417716071 C2:ududuuddudduudu M:7/16  K:Dm           H:"FLOQ  T:Bajramsko Oro
ABC   2501 C1:404404417716071 C2:ududuuddudduudu M:7/16  K:Dm           H:"FLOQ  T:Bajramsko Oro
ABC   2501 C1:404404417716071 C2:ududuuddudduudu M:7/16  K:Dm           H:"FLOQ  T:Bajramsko Oro
ABC     30 C1:404404417716071 C2:ududuuddudduudu M:7/16  K:Dm           H:"FLOQ  T:Bajramsko Oro
ABC     30 C1:404404417716071 C2:ududuuddudduudu M:7/16  K:Dm           H:"FLOQ  T:Bajramsko Oro
ABC     30 C1:404404417716071 C2:ududuuddudduudu M:7/16  K:Dm           H:"FLOQ  T:Bajramsko Oro
ABC     30 C1:404404417716071 C2:ududuuddudduudu M:7/16  K:Dm           H:"FLOQ  T:Bajramsko Oro
ABC    232 C1:000000010006000 C2:udduuuduudddduu M:4/4   K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Başka Bir Aşk İstemez
ABC    232 C1:000000010006000 C2:udduuuduudddduu M:4/4   K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Başka Bir Aşk İstemez
ABC    232 C1:000000010006000 C2:udduuuduudddduu M:4/4   K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Başka Bir Aşk İstemez
ABC    232 C1:000200000001000 C2:uudduuuduuddddu M:4/4   K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Başka Bir Aşk İstemez
ABC   1022 C1:600160005000500 C2:dudduududduudud M:2/4   K:Bb           H:LOQ    T:Bakapayim
ABC   1022 C1:600160005000500 C2:dudduududduudud M:2/4   K:Bb           H:LOQ    T:Bakapayim
ABC     19 C1:600160005000500 C2:dudduududduudud M:2/4   K:Bb           H:CLOQ   T:Bakapayim
ABC     23 C1:600160005000500 C2:dudduududduudud M:2/4   K:Bb           H:CLOQ   T:Bakapayim
ABC     19 C1:600160005000500 C2:dudduududduudud M:2/4   K:Bb           H:CLOQ   T:Bakapayim
ABC     23 C1:600160005000500 C2:dudduududduudud M:2/4   K:Bb           H:CLOQ   T:Bakapayim
ABC     23 C1:600160005000500 C2:dudduududduudud M:2/4   K:Bb           H:CLOQ   T:Bakapayim
ABC     23 C1:600160005000500 C2:dudduududduudud M:2/4   K:Bb           H:CLOQ   T:Bakapayim
ABC     23 C1:600160005000500 C2:dudduududduudud M:2/4   K:Bb           H:CLOQ   T:Bakapayim
ABC     23 C1:600160005000500 C2:dudduududduudud M:2/4   K:Bb           H:CLOQ   T:Bakapayim
ABC    204 C1:010101010773000 C2:uuuuddudddduduu M:6/8   K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Bak Araplar Bu Makama...
ABC    204 C1:010101010773000 C2:uuuuddudddduduu M:6/8   K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Bak Araplar Bu Makama...
ABC    204 C1:010101010773000 C2:uuuuddudddduduu M:6/8   K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Bak Araplar Bu Makama...
ABC    204 C1:770101000000010 C2:dduuuuuuddudddd M:6/8   K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Bak Araplar Bu Makama...
ABC    214 C1:060200607000000 C2:duddudddduddddd M:10/8  K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Bakışı Çağırır Beni Uzaktan
ABC    214 C1:060200607000000 C2:duddudddduddddd M:10/8  K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Bakışı Çağırır Beni Uzaktan
ABC    214 C1:060200607000000 C2:duddudddduddddd M:10/8  K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Bakışı Çağırır Beni Uzaktan
ABC    214 C1:010000000000010 C2:uuududduddddudd M:10/8  K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Bakışı Çağırır Beni Uzaktan
ABC    205 C1:000711070707070 C2:duudddduduudddd M:9/8   K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Bak Bahta da İkbale de
ABC    205 C1:000711070707070 C2:duudddduduudddd M:9/8   K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Bak Bahta da İkbale de
ABC    205 C1:000711070707070 C2:duudddduduudddd M:9/8   K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Bak Bahta da İkbale de
ABC    205 C1:000712070707070 C2:duudddduduudddd M:9/8   K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Bak Bahta da İkbale de
ABC     22 C1:235623517777037 C2:uudduududdddudd M:C     K:G            H:BFLZ   T:Baked Leg of Pork and Potatoes
ABC     22 C1:235623517777037 C2:uudduududdddudd M:C     K:G            H:BFLZ   T:Baked Leg of Pork and Potatoes
ABC     22 C1:235623517777037 C2:uudduududdddudd M:C     K:G            H:BFLZ   T:Baked Leg of Pork and Potatoes
ABC     22 C1:235623517777037 C2:uudduududdddudd M:C     K:G            H:BFLZ   T:Baked Leg of Pork and Potatoes
ABC     22 C1:235623517777037 C2:uudduududdddudd M:C     K:G            H:BFLZ   T:Baked Leg of Pork and Potatoes
ABC     22 C1:235623517777037 C2:uudduududdddudd M:C     K:G            H:BFLZ   T:Baked Leg of Pork and Potatoes
ABC    431 C1:657723213377237 C2:dddduuuududduud M:4/4   K:A            H:BCLZ   T:The Baker
ABC    431 C1:657723213377237 C2:dddduuuududduud M:4/4   K:A            H:BCLZ   T:The Baker
ABC      1 C1:657723213377237 C2:dddduuuududduud M:C     K:A            H:"L     T:Baker, The
ABC      2 C1:                C2:                M:4/4   K:A            H:LRSZ   T:The Baker
ABC    431 C1:657723213377237 C2:dddduuuududduud M:4/4   K:A            H:BCLZ   T:The Baker
ABC    431 C1:657723213377237 C2:dddduuuududduud M:4/4   K:A            H:BCLZ   T:The Baker
ABC      1 C1:657723213377237 C2:dddduuuududduud M:      K:Amaj         H:LR     T:The Baker
ABC  16443 C1:337723776577232 C2:dudduudddddduuu M:4/4   K:A            H:DHLRSZ T:The Baker
ABC  16443 C1:337723776577232 C2:dudduudddddduuu M:4/4   K:A            H:DHLRSZ T:The Baker
ABC  16443 C1:337723776577232 C2:dudduudddddduuu M:4/4   K:A            H:DHLRSZ T:The Baker
ABC  16443 C1:337723776577232 C2:dudduudddddduuu M:4/4   K:A            H:DHLRSZ T:The Baker
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQ     T:baker bass (roglas 5:33)
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQ     T:baker harp (roglas 5:33)
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQ     T:baker lute 2 (4:58)
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQ     T:baker lute (roglas 5:28)
ABC      1 C1:577711610716006 C2:dddduudududddud M:      K:Amaj         H:LR     T:The Baker's
ABC      2 C1:337723776577232 C2:dudduudddddduuu M:      K:Amaj         H:LR     T:The Baker's
ABC      3 C1:165763321337723 C2:udddduuuududduu M:      K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:The Baker's
ABC    710 C1:057777017727006 C2:ddddduddudddudu M:4/4   K:G            H:LRSZ   T:Baker's
ABC    685 C1:057777017727006 C2:ddddduddudddudu M:4/4   K:G            H:LRSZ   T:Baker's
ABC   1050 C1:057777017727006 C2:ddddduddudddudu M:4/4   K:G            H:LRSZ   T:Baker's
ABC   1050 C1:057777017727006 C2:ddddduddudddudu M:4/4   K:G            H:LRSZ   T:Baker's
ABC   1150 C1:057777017727006 C2:ddddduddudddudu M:4/4   K:G            H:LRSZ   T:Baker's
ABC   1265 C1:057777017727006 C2:ddddduddudddudu M:4/4   K:G            H:LRSZ   T:Baker's
ABC      1 C1:220763042207676 C2:uuddduduudddddd M:2/4   K:G            H:BLQ    T:Baker's Buck
ABC      1 C1:220763042207676 C2:uuddduduudddddd M:2/4   K:G            H:BLQ    T:Baker's Buck
ABC      1 C1:630422076762220 C2:dduduuddddddduu M:2/4   K:G            H:LQZ    T:Baker's Buck
ABC     44 C1:630422076762220 C2:dduduuddddddduu M:2/4   K:G            H:LQ     T:Baker's Buck
ABC      1 C1:630422076762220 C2:dduduuddddddduu M:2/4   K:G            H:LZ     T:Baker's Buck
ABC      5 C1:630422076762220 C2:dduduuddddddduu M:2/4   K:G            H:LZ     T:Baker's Buck
ABC    105 C1:630422076762220 C2:dduduuddddddduu M:2/4   K:G            H:LQZ    T:Baker's Buck
ABC     44 C1:630422076762220 C2:dduduuddddddduu M:2/4   K:G            H:LQ     T:Baker's Buck
ABC     44 C1:630422076762220 C2:dduduuddddddduu M:2/4   K:G            H:LQ     T:Baker's Buck
ABC   1031 C1:630422076762220 C2:dduduuddddddduu M:2/4   K:G            H:LQZ    T:Baker's Buck
ABC   1032 C1:630422076762220 C2:dduduuddddddduu M:2/4   K:G            H:LZ     T:Baker's Buck
ABC    365 C1:630422076762220 C2:dduduuddddddduu M:2/4   K:G            H:LO     T:Baker's Buck
ABC    365 C1:630422076762220 C2:dduduuddddddduu M:2/4   K:G            H:LO     T:Baker's Buck
ABC   1031 C1:630422076762220 C2:dduduuddddddduu M:2/4   K:G            H:LQZ    T:Baker's Buck
ABC   1032 C1:630422076762220 C2:dduduuddddddduu M:2/4   K:G            H:LZ     T:Baker's Buck
ABC   1031 C1:630422076762220 C2:dduduuddddddduu M:2/4   K:G            H:LQZ    T:Baker's Buck
ABC   1032 C1:630422076762220 C2:dduduuddddddduu M:2/4   K:G            H:LZ     T:Baker's Buck
ABC   1031 C1:630422076762220 C2:dduduuddddddduu M:2/4   K:G            H:LQZ    T:Baker's Buck
ABC   1032 C1:630422076762220 C2:dduduuddddddduu M:2/4   K:G            H:LZ     T:Baker's Buck
ABC    851 C1:630422076762220 C2:dduduuddddddduu M:2/4   K:G            H:LZ     T:Baker's Buck
ABC    852 C1:630422076762220 C2:dduduuddddddduu M:2/4   K:G            H:LQZ    T:Baker's Buck
ABC    851 C1:630422076762220 C2:dduduuddddddduu M:2/4   K:G            H:LZ     T:Baker's Buck
ABC    852 C1:630422076762220 C2:dduduuddddddduu M:2/4   K:G            H:LQZ    T:Baker's Buck
ABC    851 C1:630422076762220 C2:dduduuddddddduu M:2/4   K:G            H:LZ     T:Baker's Buck
ABC    852 C1:630422076762220 C2:dduduuddddddduu M:2/4   K:G            H:LQZ    T:Baker's Buck
ABC    851 C1:630422076762220 C2:dduduuddddddduu M:2/4   K:G            H:LZ     T:Baker's Buck
ABC    852 C1:630422076762220 C2:dduduuddddddduu M:2/4   K:G            H:LQZ    T:Baker's Buck
ABC    851 C1:630422076762220 C2:dduduuddddddduu M:2/4   K:G            H:LZ     T:Baker's Buck
ABC    852 C1:630422076762220 C2:dduduuddddddduu M:2/4   K:G            H:LQZ    T:Baker's Buck
ABC      1 C1:001111161000027 C2:uuuuuduuddduudu M:      K:Cmaj         H:LR     T:Baker's Dozen
ABC    196 C1:556511642641624 C2:uduuduuuudduduu M:2/4   K:Amaj         H:CLRZ   T:The Baker's Dozen Reel
ABC      3 C1:712100117771767 C2:duuuuuddduddduu M:C     K:Em           H:"BCQRZ T:Baker's Favorite
ABC  20502 C1:060027772200077 C2:duddduudduuuuud M:C|    K:F            H:BCLSZ  T:BAKER'S HORNPIPE
ABC  20502 C1:060027772200077 C2:duddduudduuuuud M:C|    K:F            H:BCLSZ  T:BAKER'S HORNPIPE
ABC  20502 C1:060027772200077 C2:duddduudduuuuud M:C|    K:F            H:BCLSZ  T:BAKER'S HORNPIPE
ABC  20502 C1:060027772200077 C2:duddduudduuuuud M:C|    K:F            H:BCLSZ  T:BAKER'S HORNPIPE
ABC  20502 C1:060027772200077 C2:duddduudduuuuud M:C|    K:F            H:BCLSZ  T:BAKER'S HORNPIPE
ABC  20502 C1:060027772200077 C2:duddduudduuuuud M:C|    K:F            H:BCLSZ  T:BAKER'S HORNPIPE
ABC  20502 C1:060027772200077 C2:duddduudduuuuud M:C|    K:F            H:BCLSZ  T:BAKER'S HORNPIPE
ABC  20502 C1:060027772200077 C2:duddduudduuuuud M:C|    K:F            H:BCLSZ  T:BAKER'S HORNPIPE
ABC  20502 C1:060027772200077 C2:duddduudduuuuud M:C|    K:F            H:BCLSZ  T:BAKER'S HORNPIPE
ABC  20502 C1:060027772200077 C2:duddduudduuuuud M:C|    K:F            H:BCLSZ  T:BAKER'S HORNPIPE
ABC  20502 C1:060027772200077 C2:duddduudduuuuud M:C|    K:F            H:BCLSZ  T:BAKER'S HORNPIPE
ABC  38009 C1:712063066063712 C2:duududdduduuuuu M:6/8   K:G            H:BCLQR  T:BAKER'S JIG
ABC    320 C1:712063066063712 C2:duududdduduuuuu M:6/8   K:G            H:LRSZ   T:Baker's Jig
ABC  38009 C1:712063066063712 C2:duududdduduuuuu M:6/8   K:G            H:BCLQR  T:BAKER'S JIG
ABC  38009 C1:712063066063712 C2:duududdduduuuuu M:6/8   K:G            H:BCLQR  T:BAKER'S JIG
ABC      1 C1:007566720075662 C2:udddududddududd M:C|    K:Ador         H:FLQSZ  T:The Baker's Rant
ABC 184137 C1:057777017727006 C2:ddddduddudddudu M:4/4   K:G            H:CLQRS  T:BAKER'S REEL, The
ABC 184137 C1:057777017727006 C2:ddddduddudddudu M:4/4   K:G            H:CLQRS  T:BAKER'S REEL, The
ABC 184137 C1:057777017727006 C2:ddddduddudddudu M:4/4   K:G            H:CLQRS  T:BAKER'S REEL, The
ABC     41 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Baker Street [Bagpipe] (5:30) Gerry Rafferty
ABC      4 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQ     T:Baker Street, Bass
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:CLQ    T:Baker Street by Skjald
ABC      6 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQ     T:Baker Street, Drum
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Baker Street [Drums] (5:30) Gerry Rafferty
ABC     51 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Baker Street [Flute 1] (5:30) Gerry Rafferty
ABC     52 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Baker Street [Flute 2] (5:30) Gerry Rafferty
ABC      3 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQ     T:Baker Street, Flute
ABC     21 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Baker Street [Harp] (5:30) Gerry Rafferty
ABC     61 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Baker Street [Horn] (5:30) Gerry Rafferty
ABC      2 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQ     T:Baker Street, Horn
ABC     11 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Baker Street [Lute] (5:30) Gerry Rafferty
ABC      5 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQ     T:Baker Street, Lute
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Baker Street(Made by Ratissia of snowbourne)(3:03)
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:4/4   K:B            H:CLQZ   T:Baker street (sax version)
ABC      1 C1:000000000377075 C2:uddudddduddddud M:4/4   K:B            H:CLQZ   T:Baker street (sax version)
ABC     31 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Baker Street [Theorbo] (5:30) Gerry Rafferty
ABC      1 C1:606163776012637 C2:ddududdduuududd M:2/4   K:D            H:"CDLOQRSZ T:Bakerswell Polka #2 (D major) / Din Tarrant's Polka
ABC      1 C1:057723224221666 C2:ddduuuuduuudddu M:4/4   K:A            H:RSZ    T:The Baker with the Ten Pound Fiddle
ABC      1 C1:057723224221666 C2:ddduuuuduuudddu M:4/4   K:A            H:RSZ    T:The Baker with the Ten Pound Fiddle
ABC      1 C1:057723224221666 C2:ddduuuuduuudddu M:4/4   K:A            H:RSZ    T:The Baker with the Ten Pound Fiddle
ABC      1 C1:057723224221666 C2:ddduuuuduuudddu M:4/4   K:A            H:RSZ    T:The Baker with the Ten Pound Fiddle
ABC      1 C1:057723224221666 C2:ddduuuuduuudddu M:4/4   K:A            H:RSZ    T:The Baker with the Ten Pound Fiddle
ABC      1 C1:057723224221666 C2:ddduuuuduuudddu M:4/4   K:A            H:RSZ    T:The Baker with the Ten Pound Fiddle
ABC      1 C1:057723224221666 C2:ddduuuuduuudddu M:4/4   K:A            H:RSZ    T:The Baker with the Ten Pound Fiddle
ABC      1 C1:030503050305030 C2:dududududududud M:2/4   K:A            H:"BLRZ  T:Bake Them Hoe-Cakes Brown
ABC      1 C1:030503050305030 C2:dududududududud M:2/4   K:A            H:"BLRZ  T:Bake Them Hoe-Cakes Brown
ABC      1 C1:030503050305030 C2:dududududududud M:2/4   K:A            H:"BLRZ  T:Bake Them Hoe-Cakes Brown
ABC      1 C1:030503050305030 C2:dududududududud M:2/4   K:A            H:"BLRZ  T:Bake Them Hoe-Cakes Brown
ABC      1 C1:030503050305030 C2:dududududududud M:2/4   K:A            H:"BLRZ  T:Bake Them Hoe-Cakes Brown
ABC      1 C1:030503050305030 C2:dududududududud M:2/4   K:A            H:"BLRZ  T:Bake Them Hoe-Cakes Brown
ABC      1 C1:030503050305030 C2:dududududududud M:2/4   K:A            H:"BLRZ  T:Bake Them Hoe-Cakes Brown
ABC      1 C1:030503050305030 C2:dududududududud M:2/4   K:A            H:"BLRZ  T:Bake Them Hoe-Cakes Brown
ABC      1 C1:030503050305030 C2:dududududududud M:2/4   K:A            H:"BLRZ  T:Bake Them Hoe-Cakes Brown
ABC      1 C1:030503050305030 C2:dududududududud M:2/4   K:A            H:"BLRZ  T:Bake Them Hoe-Cakes Brown
ABC    412 C1:030503050305030 C2:dududududududud M:2/4   K:A            H:LRSVZ  T:*Bake Those Hoe Cakes Brown
ABC    412 C1:030503050305030 C2:dududududududud M:2/4   K:A            H:LRSVZ  T:*Bake Those Hoe Cakes Brown
ABC    412 C1:030503050305030 C2:dududududududud M:2/4   K:A            H:LRSVZ  T:*Bake Those Hoe Cakes Brown
ABC    412 C1:030503050305030 C2:dududududududud M:2/4   K:A            H:LRSVZ  T:*Bake Those Hoe Cakes Brown
ABC    412 C1:030503050305030 C2:dududududududud M:2/4   K:A            H:LRSVZ  T:*Bake Those Hoe Cakes Brown
ABC    412 C1:030503050305030 C2:dududududududud M:2/4   K:A            H:LRSVZ  T:*Bake Those Hoe Cakes Brown
ABC      1 C1:676200120172701 C2:ddduuuuuduududd M:2/4   K:A            H:FLQSZ  T:Baking Bessie Bell
ABC    211 C1:077711613777771 C2:ddduuduudddddud M:4/4   K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Bakma Sakın Benden Yana
ABC    211 C1:077711613777771 C2:ddduuduudddddud M:4/4   K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Bakma Sakın Benden Yana
ABC    211 C1:077711613777771 C2:ddduuduudddddud M:4/4   K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Bakma Sakın Benden Yana
ABC    211 C1:002700271161000 C2:ududuuduuddduud M:4/4   K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Bakma Sakın Benden Yana
ABC      1 C1:030202727667006 C2:uuuduuddddudduu M:3/4   K:G            H:CILORVZ T:Bakmes
ABC      1 C1:030202727667006 C2:uuuduuddddudduu M:3/4   K:G            H:CILORVZ T:Bakmes
ABC      1 C1:030202727667006 C2:uuuduuddddudduu M:3/4   K:G            H:CILORVZ T:Bakmes
ABC      1 C1:030202727667006 C2:uuuduuddddudduu M:3/4   K:G            H:CILORVZ T:Bakmes
ABC      1 C1:030202727667006 C2:uuuduuddddudduu M:3/4   K:G            H:CILORVZ T:Bakmes
ABC      1 C1:030202727667006 C2:uuuduuddddudduu M:3/4   K:G            H:CILORVZ T:Bakmes
ABC      1 C1:030202727667006 C2:uuuduuddddudduu M:3/4   K:G            H:CILORVZ T:Bakmes
ABC      1 C1:030202727667006 C2:uuuduuddddudduu M:3/4   K:G            H:CILORVZ T:Bakmes
ABC      1 C1:030202727667006 C2:uuuduuddddudduu M:3/4   K:G            H:CILORVZ T:Bakmes
ABC      1 C1:030202727667006 C2:uuuduuddddudduu M:3/4   K:G            H:CILORVZ T:Bakmes
ABC      1 C1:030202727667006 C2:uuuduuddddudduu M:3/4   K:G            H:CILORVZ T:Bakmes
ABC      1 C1:030202727667006 C2:uuuduuddddudduu M:3/4   K:G            H:CILORVZ T:Bakmes
ABC      1 C1:030202727667006 C2:uuuduuddddudduu M:3/4   K:G            H:CILORVZ T:Bakmes
ABC      1 C1:030202727667006 C2:uuuduuddddudduu M:3/4   K:G            H:CILORVZ T:Bakmes
ABC      1 C1:030202727667006 C2:uuuduuddddudduu M:3/4   K:G            H:CILORVZ T:Bakmes
ABC      1 C1:030202727667006 C2:uuuduuddddudduu M:3/4   K:G            H:CILORVZ T:Bakmes
ABC      1 C1:030202727667006 C2:uuuduuddddudduu M:3/4   K:G            H:CILORVZ T:Bakmes
ABC      1 C1:030202727667006 C2:uuuduuddddudduu M:3/4   K:G            H:CILORVZ T:Bakmes
ABC      1 C1:030101110007060 C2:uuuuudduddduduu M:3/4   K:Gm           H:"L     T:Bakmes av Aker Erland Jonsson
ABC      1 C1:030002370300030 C2:duudduuudddduuu M:2/4   K:A            H:"LOR   T:Bakmes fr\aan Kall
ABC      1 C1:030002370300030 C2:duudduuudddduuu M:2/4   K:A            H:"LOR   T:Bakmes fr\aan Kall
ABC      1 C1:030002370300030 C2:duudduuudddduuu M:2/4   K:A            H:"LOR   T:Bakmes fr\aan Kall
ABC      1 C1:030002370300030 C2:duudduuudddduuu M:2/4   K:A            H:"LOR   T:Bakmes fr\aan Kall
ABC      1 C1:030002370300030 C2:duudduuudddduuu M:2/4   K:A            H:"LOR   T:Bakmes fr\aan Kall
ABC      1 C1:030002370300030 C2:duudduuudddduuu M:2/4   K:A            H:"CLORSVZ T:Bakmes fr\aan Kall
ABC      1 C1:030002370300030 C2:duudduuudddduuu M:2/4   K:A            H:"CLORSVZ T:Bakmes fr\aan Kall
ABC      1 C1:030002370300030 C2:duudduuudddduuu M:2/4   K:A            H:"CLORSVZ T:Bakmes fr\aan Kall
ABC      1 C1:030002370300030 C2:duudduuudddduuu M:2/4   K:A            H:"CLORSVZ T:Bakmes fr\aan Kall
ABC      1 C1:030002370300030 C2:duudduuudddduuu M:2/4   K:A            H:"CLORSVZ T:Bakmes fr\aan Kall
ABC      1 C1:030002370300030 C2:duudduuudddduuu M:2/4   K:A            H:"CLORSVZ T:Bakmes fr\aan Kall
ABC      1 C1:030002370300030 C2:duudduuudddduuu M:2/4   K:A            H:"CLORSVZ T:Bakmes fr\aan Kall
ABC      1 C1:030002370300030 C2:duudduuudddduuu M:2/4   K:A            H:"CLORSVZ T:Bakmes fr\aan Kall
ABC      1 C1:030002370300030 C2:duudduuudddduuu M:2/4   K:A            H:"LOR   T:Bakmes fr\aan Kall
ABC      1 C1:030002370300030 C2:duudduuudddduuu M:2/4   K:A            H:"LOR   T:Bakmes fr\aan Kall
ABC      1 C1:030002370300030 C2:duudduuudddduuu M:2/4   K:A            H:"LOR   T:Bakmes fr\aan Kall
ABC      1 C1:030002370300030 C2:duudduuudddduuu M:2/4   K:A            H:"LOR   T:Bakmes fr\aan Kall
ABC      1 C1:030002370300030 C2:duudduuudddduuu M:2/4   K:A            H:"LOR   T:Bakmes fr\aan Kall
ABC      1 C1:030002370300030 C2:duudduuudddduuu M:2/4   K:A            H:"LOR   T:Bakmes fr\aan Kall
ABC      1 C1:030002370300030 C2:duudduuudddduuu M:2/4   K:A            H:"LOR   T:Bakmes fr\aan Kall
ABC      1 C1:030002370300030 C2:duudduuudddduuu M:2/4   K:A            H:"LOR   T:Bakmes fr\aan Kall
ABC      1 C1:030002370300030 C2:duudduuudddduuu M:2/4   K:A            H:"LOR   T:Bakmes fr\aan Kall
ABC      1 C1:030002370300030 C2:duudduuudddduuu M:2/4   K:A            H:"LOR   T:Bakmes fr\aan Kall
ABC      1 C1:056022371570616 C2:uddduuuududdddu M:3/4   K:Am           H:"LZ    T:Bakmes fr\aan Kall
ABC      1 C1:030002370300030 C2:duudduuudddduuu M:2/4   K:A            H:"LOR   T:Bakmes fr\aan Kall
ABC      1 C1:030002370300030 C2:duudduuudddduuu M:2/4   K:A            H:"LOR   T:Bakmes fr\aan Kall
ABC      1 C1:030002370300030 C2:duudduuudddduuu M:2/4   K:A            H:"LOR   T:Bakmes fr\aan Kall
ABC      1 C1:030002370300030 C2:duudduuudddduuu M:2/4   K:A            H:"LOR   T:Bakmes fr\aan Kall
ABC      1 C1:030002370300030 C2:duudduuudddduuu M:2/4   K:A            H:"LOR   T:Bakmes fr\aan Kall
ABC      8 C1:056022371662775 C2:uddduuuududdddu M:3/4   K:Am           H:"CLQRV T:Bakmes fr\aan Kall
ABC      1 C1:216270422177762 C2:uududduuuddddud M:3/4   K:D            H:CLORZ  T:Bakmes'n
ABC      1 C1:216270422177762 C2:uududduuuddddud M:3/4   K:D            H:CLORZ  T:Bakmes'n
ABC      1 C1:216270422177762 C2:uududduuuddddud M:3/4   K:D            H:CLORZ  T:Bakmes'n
ABC    147 C1:000611716076602 C2:duududddduuuudd M:3/4   K:Gdor         H:LORV   T:Bakmes och Pols frn Idre
ABC    147 C1:000611716076404 C2:duududddduuuudd M:3/4   K:Gdor         H:LRV    T:Bakmes och Pols frn Idre
ABC    147 C1:000611716076602 C2:duududddduuuudd M:3/4   K:Gdor         H:LORV   T:Bakmes och Pols från Idre
ABC    147 C1:000611716076404 C2:duududddduuuudd M:3/4   K:Gdor         H:LORV   T:Bakmes och Pols frn Idre
ABC    147 C1:000611716076404 C2:duududddduuuudd M:3/4   K:Gdor         H:LRV    T:Bakmes och Pols från Idre
ABC    147 C1:000611716076404 C2:duududddduuuudd M:3/4   K:Gdor         H:LORV   T:Bakmes och Pols från Idre
ABC    147 C1:000611716076602 C2:duududddduuuudd M:3/4   K:Gdor         H:LORV   T:Bakmes och Pols frn Idre
ABC    147 C1:000611716076404 C2:duududddduuuudd M:3/4   K:Gdor         H:LRV    T:Bakmes och Pols frn Idre
ABC    147 C1:000611716076404 C2:duududddduuuudd M:3/4   K:Gdor         H:LORV   T:Bakmes och Pols frn Idre
ABC    147 C1:716076602111676 C2:dudddduuuudddud M:3/4   K:Gdor         H:LORV   T:Bakmes och Pols frn Idre
ABC    147 C1:000611716076602 C2:duududddduuuudd M:3/4   K:Gdor         H:LORV   T:Bakmes och Pols frn Idre
ABC    147 C1:000611716076602 C2:duududddduuuudd M:3/4   K:Gdor         H:LORV   T:Bakmes och Pols frn Idre
ABC    147 C1:000611716076602 C2:duududddduuuudd M:3/4   K:Gdor         H:LORV   T:Bakmes och Pols frn Idre
ABC    147 C1:000611716076602 C2:duududddduuuudd M:3/4   K:Gdor         H:LORV   T:Bakmes och Pols frn Idre
ABC    147 C1:000611716076404 C2:duududddduuuudd M:3/4   K:Gdor         H:LRV    T:Bakmes och Pols frn Idre
ABC    147 C1:716076602111676 C2:dudddduuuudddud M:3/4   K:Gdor         H:LORV   T:Bakmes och Pols från Idre
ABC    147 C1:000611716076404 C2:duududddduuuudd M:3/4   K:Gdor         H:LRV    T:Bakmes och Pols frn Idre
ABC    147 C1:000611716076602 C2:duududddduuuudd M:3/4   K:Gdor         H:LORV   T:Bakmes och Pols från Idre
ABC    147 C1:000611716076602 C2:duududddduuuudd M:3/4   K:Gdor         H:LORV   T:Bakmes och Pols från Idre
ABC    147 C1:000611716076602 C2:duududddduuuudd M:3/4   K:Gdor         H:LORV   T:Bakmes och Pols från Idre
ABC    147 C1:000611716076602 C2:duududddduuuudd M:3/4   K:Gdor         H:LORV   T:Bakmes och Pols från Idre
ABC    147 C1:000611716076404 C2:duududddduuuudd M:3/4   K:Gdor         H:LRV    T:Bakmes och Pols från Idre
ABC    147 C1:000611716076404 C2:duududddduuuudd M:3/4   K:Gdor         H:LRV    T:Bakmes och Pols från Idre
ABC    147 C1:716076602111676 C2:dudddduuuudddud M:3/4   K:Gdor         H:DLORVZ T:Bakmes och Pols från Idre
ABC    147 C1:716076602111676 C2:dudddduuuudddud M:3/4   K:Gdor         H:LORV   T:Bakmes och Pols frn Idre
ABC    147 C1:000611716076602 C2:duududddduuuudd M:3/4   K:Gdor         H:LORV   T:Bakmes och Pols frn Idre
ABC    147 C1:000611716076602 C2:duududddduuuudd M:3/4   K:Gdor         H:LORV   T:Bakmes och Pols frn Idre
ABC    147 C1:000611716076602 C2:duududddduuuudd M:3/4   K:Gdor         H:LORV   T:Bakmes och Pols frn Idre
ABC    147 C1:000611716076602 C2:duududddduuuudd M:3/4   K:Gdor         H:LORV   T:Bakmes och Pols frn Idre
ABC    147 C1:000611716076404 C2:duududddduuuudd M:3/4   K:Gdor         H:LRV    T:Bakmes och Pols frn Idre
ABC    147 C1:000611716076404 C2:duududddduuuudd M:3/4   K:Gdor         H:LRV    T:Bakmes och Pols frn Idre
ABC    147 C1:660173000207166 C2:ddududududduddu M:3/4   K:G            H:LV     T:Bakmes och Pols från Idre, avslut
ABC    212 C1:000000701770000 C2:duddudduuuddduu M:9/8   K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Bakmıyor Çeşm-i Siyah Feryade
ABC    212 C1:000000701770000 C2:duddudduuuddduu M:9/8   K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Bakmıyor Çeşm-i Siyah Feryade
ABC    212 C1:000000701770000 C2:duddudduuuddduu M:9/8   K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Bakmıyor Çeşm-i Siyah Feryade
ABC    212 C1:000004000000000 C2:ududdudduuudddu M:9/8   K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Bakmıyor Çeşm-i Siyah Feryade
ABC    206 C1:040007607077770 C2:uddddddduuuuddd M:9/4   K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Bak Ne Hale Koydu...
ABC    206 C1:040007607077770 C2:uddddddduuuuddd M:9/4   K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Bak Ne Hale Koydu...
ABC    206 C1:040007607077770 C2:uddddddduuuuddd M:9/4   K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Bak Ne Hale Koydu...
ABC    206 C1:010007771100077 C2:uddduuddduuuudu M:9/4   K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Bak Ne Hale Koydu...
ABC    207 C1:030600070000070 C2:uddddduuddduddd M:9/4   K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Bak Ne Tâhir Bûselik Yerdir O
ABC    207 C1:030600070000070 C2:uddddduuddduddd M:9/4   K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Bak Ne Tâhir Bûselik Yerdir O
ABC    207 C1:030600070000070 C2:uddddduuddduddd M:9/4   K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Bak Ne Tâhir Bûselik Yerdir O
ABC    207 C1:000100070001000 C2:uduuddududddddu M:9/4   K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Bak Ne Tâhir Bûselik Yerdir O
ABC    215 C1:707701177711000 C2:ddduuddduuduuuu M:9/8   K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Bakışın Âhuya Dönmüş
ABC    215 C1:707701177711000 C2:ddduuddduuduuuu M:9/8   K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Bakışın Âhuya Dönmüş
ABC    215 C1:707701177711000 C2:ddduuddduuduuuu M:9/8   K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Bakışın Âhuya Dönmüş
ABC    215 C1:000011000017177 C2:uuududduddduudd M:9/8   K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Bakışın Âhuya Dönmüş
ABC     15 C1:117071077116070 C2:uuddudduudduddu M:6/8   K:Bphr         H:"LOQ   T:Bakovosko Horo
ABC     17 C1:117071077116070 C2:uuddudduudduddu M:6/8   K:Bphr         H:"LOQ   T:Bakovosko Horo
ABC     15 C1:117071077116070 C2:uuddudduudduddu M:6/8   K:Bphr         H:"LOQ   T:Bakovosko Horo
ABC     17 C1:117071077116070 C2:uuddudduudduddu M:6/8   K:Bphr         H:"LOQ   T:Bakovosko Horo
ABC     17 C1:117071077116070 C2:uuddudduudduddu M:6/8   K:Bphr         H:"FLOQ  T:Bakovsko Horo
ABC     25 C1:117071077116070 C2:uuddudduudduddu M:6/8   K:Bphr         H:"FLOQ  T:Bakovsko Horo
ABC     26 C1:117071077116070 C2:uuddudduudduddu M:6/8   K:Bphr         H:"FLOQ  T:Bakovsko Horo
ABC     17 C1:117071077116070 C2:uuddudduudduddu M:6/8   K:Bphr         H:"FLOQ  T:Bakovsko Horo
ABC     25 C1:117071077116070 C2:uuddudduudduddu M:6/8   K:Bphr         H:"FLOQ  T:Bakovsko Horo
ABC     26 C1:117071077116070 C2:uuddudduudduddu M:6/8   K:Bphr         H:"FLOQ  T:Bakovsko Horo
ABC      1 C1:070671041112070 C2:dddduduuuuudduu M:2/4   K:Am           H:"LOQ   T:Bakramim
ABC   9085 C1:070671041112070 C2:dddduduuuuudduu M:2/4   K:Am           H:"LOQ   T:Bakramim
ABC     10 C1:070671041112070 C2:dddduduuuuudduu M:2/4   K:Am           H:"ILOQ  T:Bakramim
ABC     12 C1:070671041112070 C2:dddduduuuuudduu M:2/4   K:Am           H:"CILOQ T:Bakramim
ABC     12 C1:070671041112070 C2:dddduduuuuudduu M:2/4   K:Am           H:"CILOQ T:Bakramim
ABC     12 C1:070671041112070 C2:dddduduuuuudduu M:2/4   K:Am           H:"CILOQ T:Bakramim
ABC     12 C1:070671041112070 C2:dddduduuuuudduu M:2/4   K:Am           H:"CILOQ T:Bakramim
ABC     15 C1:070671041112070 C2:dddduduuuuudduu M:2/4   K:Am           H:"CFILOQ T:Bakramim
ABC     16 C1:070671041112070 C2:dddduduuuuudduu M:2/4   K:Am           H:"CFILOQ T:Bakramim
ABC     15 C1:070671041112070 C2:dddduduuuuudduu M:2/4   K:Am           H:"CFILOQ T:Bakramim
ABC     16 C1:070671041112070 C2:dddduduuuuudduu M:2/4   K:Am           H:"CFILOQ T:Bakramim
ABC     20 C1:070671041112070 C2:dddduduuuuudduu M:2/4   K:Am           H:"CFILOQ T:Bakramim
ABC     24 C1:070671041112070 C2:dddduduuuuudduu M:2/4   K:Am           H:"CFILOQ T:Bakramim
ABC     20 C1:070671041112070 C2:dddduduuuuudduu M:2/4   K:Am           H:"CFILOQ T:Bakramim
ABC     24 C1:070671041112070 C2:dddduduuuuudduu M:2/4   K:Am           H:"CFILOQ T:Bakramim
ABC      7 C1:070671041112070 C2:dddduduuuuudduu M:2/4   K:Am           H:"LOQ   T:Bakramim
ABC      7 C1:070671041112070 C2:dddduduuuuudduu M:2/4   K:Am           H:"LOQ   T:Bakramim
ABC      7 C1:070671041112070 C2:dddduduuuuudduu M:2/4   K:Am           H:"LOQ   T:Bakramim
ABC      7 C1:070671041112070 C2:dddduduuuuudduu M:2/4   K:Am           H:"LOQ   T:Bakramim
ABC      7 C1:070671041112070 C2:dddduduuuuudduu M:2/4   K:Am           H:"LOQ   T:Bakramim
ABC      7 C1:070671041112070 C2:dddduduuuuudduu M:2/4   K:Am           H:"LOQ   T:Bakramim
ABC      7 C1:070671041112070 C2:dddduduuuuudduu M:2/4   K:Am           H:"LOQW  T:Bakramim
ABC      8 C1:070671041112070 C2:dddduduuuuudduu M:2/4   K:Am           H:"LOQ   T:Bakramim
ABC      8 C1:070671041112070 C2:dddduduuuuudduu M:2/4   K:Am           H:"LOQ   T:Bakramim
ABC      8 C1:070671041112070 C2:dddduduuuuudduu M:2/4   K:Am           H:"LOQ   T:Bakramim
ABC      8 C1:070671041112070 C2:dddduduuuuudduu M:2/4   K:Am           H:"LOQ   T:Bakramim
ABC      7 C1:070671041112070 C2:dddduduuuuudduu M:2/4   K:Am           H:"LOQ   T:Bakramim
ABC      7 C1:070671041112070 C2:dddduduuuuudduu M:2/4   K:Am           H:"LOQ   T:Bakramim
ABC     11 C1:070671041112070 C2:dddduduuuuudduu M:2/4   K:Am           H:"ILOQ  T:Bakramim
ABC     24 C1:070671041112070 C2:dddduduuuuudduu M:2/4   K:Am           H:"CFILOQ T:Bakramim
ABC     24 C1:070671041112070 C2:dddduduuuuudduu M:2/4   K:Am           H:"CFILOQ T:Bakramim
ABC     24 C1:070671041112070 C2:dddduduuuuudduu M:2/4   K:Am           H:"CFILOQ T:Bakramim
ABC     24 C1:070671041112070 C2:dddduduuuuudduu M:2/4   K:Am           H:"CFILOQ T:Bakramim
ABC   1033 C1:070671041112070 C2:dddduduuuuudduu M:2/4   K:Am           H:"LOQ   T:Bakramim
ABC   1034 C1:070671041112070 C2:dddduduuuuudduu M:2/4   K:Am           H:"LOQ   T:Bakramim
ABC      7 C1:070671041112070 C2:dddduduuuuudduu M:2/4   K:Am           H:"LOQ   T:Bakramim
ABC      7 C1:070671041112070 C2:dddduduuuuudduu M:2/4   K:Am           H:"LOQ   T:Bakramim
ABC   9085 C1:070671041112070 C2:dddduduuuuudduu M:2/4   K:Am           H:"LOQ   T:Bakramim
ABC   9085 C1:070671041112070 C2:dddduduuuuudduu M:2/4   K:Am           H:"LOQ   T:Bakramim
ABC      7 C1:070671041112070 C2:dddduduuuuudduu M:2/4   K:Am           H:"LOQ   T:Bakramim
ABC      7 C1:070671041112070 C2:dddduduuuuudduu M:2/4   K:Am           H:"LOQ   T:Bakramim
ABC   1033 C1:070671041112070 C2:dddduduuuuudduu M:2/4   K:Am           H:"LOQ   T:Bakramim
ABC   1034 C1:070671041112070 C2:dddduduuuuudduu M:2/4   K:Am           H:"LOQ   T:Bakramim
ABC   1033 C1:070671041112070 C2:dddduduuuuudduu M:2/4   K:Am           H:"LOQ   T:Bakramim
ABC   1034 C1:070671041112070 C2:dddduduuuuudduu M:2/4   K:Am           H:"LOQ   T:Bakramim
ABC   1033 C1:070671041112070 C2:dddduduuuuudduu M:2/4   K:Am           H:"LOQ   T:Bakramim
ABC   1034 C1:070671041112070 C2:dddduduuuuudduu M:2/4   K:Am           H:"LOQ   T:Bakramim
ABC    853 C1:070671041112070 C2:dddduduuuuudduu M:2/4   K:Am           H:"LOQ   T:Bakramim
ABC    853 C1:070671041112070 C2:dddduduuuuudduu M:2/4   K:Am           H:"LOQ   T:Bakramim
ABC    853 C1:070671041112070 C2:dddduduuuuudduu M:2/4   K:Am           H:"LOQ   T:Bakramim
ABC    853 C1:070671041112070 C2:dddduduuuuudduu M:2/4   K:Am           H:"LOQ   T:Bakramim
ABC    853 C1:070671041112070 C2:dddduduuuuudduu M:2/4   K:Am           H:"LOQ   T:Bakramim
ABC    208 C1:070007010001000 C2:dduuddudduuuddu M:9/4   K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Bak Sabâ`da Bûselik
ABC    208 C1:070007010001000 C2:dduuddudduuuddu M:9/4   K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Bak Sabâ`da Bûselik
ABC    208 C1:070007010001000 C2:dduuddudduuuddu M:9/4   K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Bak Sabâ`da Bûselik
ABC    208 C1:000100060001010 C2:uduuudduudduudd M:9/4   K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Bak Sabâ'da Bûselik
ABC      1 C1:000071240000000 C2:duudduduuduuudu M:2/4   K:C            H:CL     T:Baksjbottningen (Eskil Andersson) - Schottis
ABC     21 C1:000071240000000 C2:duudduduuduuudu M:2/4   K:C            H:CL     T:Baksjbottningen (Eskil Andersson) - Schottis
ABC     21 C1:000071240000000 C2:duudduduuduuudu M:2/4   K:C            H:CL     T:Baksjbottningen (Eskil Andersson) - Schottis
ABC   1035 C1:000071240000000 C2:duudduduuduuudu M:2/4   K:C            H:CL     T:Baksjbottningen (Eskil Andersson) - Schottis
ABC   1036 C1:000071240000000 C2:duudduduuduuudu M:2/4   K:C            H:CL     T:Baksjbottningen (Eskil Andersson) - Schottis
ABC    366 C1:000071240000000 C2:duudduduuduuudu M:2/4   K:C            H:CLO    T:Baksjbottningen (Eskil Andersson) - Schottis
ABC    366 C1:000071240000000 C2:duudduduuduuudu M:2/4   K:C            H:CLO    T:Baksjbottningen (Eskil Andersson) - Schottis
ABC   1035 C1:000071240000000 C2:duudduduuduuudu M:2/4   K:C            H:CL     T:Baksjbottningen (Eskil Andersson) - Schottis
ABC   1036 C1:000071240000000 C2:duudduduuduuudu M:2/4   K:C            H:CL     T:Baksjbottningen (Eskil Andersson) - Schottis
ABC   1035 C1:000071240000000 C2:duudduduuduuudu M:2/4   K:C            H:CL     T:Baksjbottningen (Eskil Andersson) - Schottis
ABC   1036 C1:000071240000000 C2:duudduduuduuudu M:2/4   K:C            H:CL     T:Baksjbottningen (Eskil Andersson) - Schottis
ABC   1035 C1:000071240000000 C2:duudduduuduuudu M:2/4   K:C            H:CL     T:Baksjbottningen (Eskil Andersson) - Schottis
ABC   1036 C1:000071240000000 C2:duudduduuduuudu M:2/4   K:C            H:CL     T:Baksjbottningen (Eskil Andersson) - Schottis
ABC    854 C1:000071240000000 C2:duudduduuduuudu M:2/4   K:C            H:CL     T:Baksjbottningen (Eskil Andersson) - Schottis
ABC    854 C1:000071240000000 C2:duudduduuduuudu M:2/4   K:C            H:CL     T:Baksjbottningen (Eskil Andersson) - Schottis
ABC    854 C1:000071240000000 C2:duudduduuduuudu M:2/4   K:C            H:CL     T:Baksjbottningen (Eskil Andersson) - Schottis
ABC    854 C1:000071240000000 C2:duudduduuduuudu M:2/4   K:C            H:CL     T:Baksjbottningen (Eskil Andersson) - Schottis
ABC    854 C1:000071240000000 C2:duudduduuduuudu M:2/4   K:C            H:CL     T:Baksjbottningen (Eskil Andersson) - Schottis
ABC    213 C1:000100010000010 C2:uuuddduudduudud M:10/4  K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Baktıkça Hüsn ü Ânına
ABC    213 C1:000100010000010 C2:uuuddduudduudud M:10/4  K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Baktıkça Hüsn ü Ânına
ABC    213 C1:000100010000010 C2:uuuddduudduudud M:10/4  K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Baktıkça Hüsn ü Ânına
ABC    213 C1:000100000000000 C2:uudddduuuuddduu M:10/4  K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Baktıkça Hüsn ü Ânına
ABC    210 C1:000700070007000 C2:ddduuuudddudddd M:10/8  K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Bak Şu Güzel Köylüye
ABC    210 C1:000700070007000 C2:ddduuuudddudddd M:10/8  K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Bak Şu Güzel Köylüye
ABC    210 C1:000700070007000 C2:ddduuuudddudddd M:10/8  K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Bak Şu Güzel Köylüye
ABC    210 C1:000001000000000 C2:ududdduuuudddud M:10/8  K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Bak Şu Güzel Köylüye
ABC    209 C1:010107000000070 C2:uuddddududuuddd M:3/4   K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Bak Yine Geçti Bahar
ABC    209 C1:010107000000070 C2:uuddddududuuddd M:3/4   K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Bak Yine Geçti Bahar
ABC    209 C1:010107000000070 C2:uuddddududuuddd M:3/4   K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Bak Yine Geçti Bahar
ABC    209 C1:000500000007010 C2:uduuddddududuud M:3/4   K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Bak Yine Geçti Bahar
ABC      2 C1:000111002006117 C2:uuuuduudddddudu M:12/8  K:C            H:"CGQ   T:Bal
ABC      2 C1:062222000440670 C2:duduududdduuuuu M:      K:G            H:Q      T:Bal
ABC      3 C1:000101000706000 C2:uuddduuudduuddu M:6/8   K:C            H:"L     T:Bal
ABC      2 C1:000111002006117 C2:uuuuduudddddudu M:12/8  K:C            H:"CGQ   T:Bal
ABC      4 C1:010101000006020 C2:uuuduudddduuudd M:6/8   K:G            H:"LQ    T:Bal
ABC      3 C1:217660700017611 C2:uuddddudduuuddu M:6/8   K:Bb           H:Q      T:Bal A
ABC      1 C1:077770435277000 C2:dddduududdududd M:4/4   K:D            H:L      T:Balaclava
ABC      1 C1:077770435277000 C2:dddduududdududd M:4/4   K:D            H:L      T:Balaclava
ABC      1 C1:077770435277000 C2:dddduududdududd M:4/4   K:D            H:L      T:Balaclava
ABC     13 C1:000600520006006 C2:dduddudduuuuddd M:2/4   K:Dm           H:"CILOQ T:Balada le Ma'ayan
ABC     13 C1:000600520006006 C2:dduddudduuuuddd M:2/4   K:Dm           H:"CILOQ T:Balada le Ma'ayan
ABC     16 C1:000600520006006 C2:dduddudduuuuddd M:2/4   K:Dm           H:"CFILOQ T:Balada le Ma'ayan
ABC     17 C1:000600520006006 C2:dduddudduuuuddd M:2/4   K:Dm           H:"CFILOQ T:Balada le Ma'ayan
ABC     16 C1:000600520006006 C2:dduddudduuuuddd M:2/4   K:Dm           H:"CFILOQ T:Balada le Ma'ayan
ABC     17 C1:000600520006006 C2:dduddudduuuuddd M:2/4   K:Dm           H:"CFILOQ T:Balada le Ma'ayan
ABC     21 C1:000600520006006 C2:dduddudduuuuddd M:2/4   K:Dm           H:"CFILOQ T:Balada le Ma'ayan
ABC     25 C1:000600520006006 C2:dduddudduuuuddd M:2/4   K:Dm           H:"CFILOQ T:Balada le Ma'ayan
ABC     21 C1:000600520006006 C2:dduddudduuuuddd M:2/4   K:Dm           H:"CFILOQ T:Balada le Ma'ayan
ABC     25 C1:000600520006006 C2:dduddudduuuuddd M:2/4   K:Dm           H:"CFILOQ T:Balada le Ma'ayan
ABC     25 C1:000600520006006 C2:dduddudduuuuddd M:2/4   K:Dm           H:"CFILOQ T:Balada le Ma'ayan
ABC     25 C1:000600520006006 C2:dduddudduuuuddd M:2/4   K:Dm           H:"CFILOQ T:Balada le Ma'ayan
ABC     25 C1:000600520006006 C2:dduddudduuuuddd M:2/4   K:Dm           H:"CFILOQ T:Balada le Ma'ayan
ABC     25 C1:000600520006006 C2:dduddudduuuuddd M:2/4   K:Dm           H:"CFILOQ T:Balada le Ma'ayan
ABC      1 C1:000600520006006 C2:dduddudduuuuddd M:2/4   K:Dm           H:"ILOQ  T:Balada le Mayan
ABC     11 C1:000600520006006 C2:dduddudduuuuddd M:2/4   K:Dm           H:"ILOQ  T:Balada le Mayan
ABC      6 C1:000600520006006 C2:dduddudduuuuddd M:2/4   K:Dm           H:"ILOQ  T:Balada le Mayan
ABC      6 C1:000600520006006 C2:dduddudduuuuddd M:2/4   K:Dm           H:"ILOQ  T:Balada le Mayan
ABC      6 C1:000600520006006 C2:dduddudduuuuddd M:2/4   K:Dm           H:"ILOQ  T:Balada le Mayan
ABC      6 C1:000600520006006 C2:dduddudduuuuddd M:2/4   K:Dm           H:"ILOQ  T:Balada le Mayan
ABC      6 C1:000600520006006 C2:dduddudduuuuddd M:2/4   K:Dm           H:"ILOQ  T:Balada le Mayan
ABC      6 C1:000600520006006 C2:dduddudduuuuddd M:2/4   K:Dm           H:"ILOQ  T:Balada le Mayan
ABC      6 C1:000600520006006 C2:dduddudduuuuddd M:2/4   K:Dm           H:"LOQW  T:Balada le Mayan
ABC      7 C1:000600520006006 C2:dduddudduuuuddd M:2/4   K:Dm           H:"ILOQ  T:Balada le Mayan
ABC      7 C1:000600520006006 C2:dduddudduuuuddd M:2/4   K:Dm           H:"ILOQ  T:Balada le Mayan
ABC      7 C1:000600520006006 C2:dduddudduuuuddd M:2/4   K:Dm           H:"ILOQ  T:Balada le Mayan
ABC      7 C1:000600520006006 C2:dduddudduuuuddd M:2/4   K:Dm           H:"ILOQ  T:Balada le Mayan
ABC      6 C1:000600520006006 C2:dduddudduuuuddd M:2/4   K:Dm           H:"ILOQ  T:BaladaleMayan
ABC      6 C1:000600520006006 C2:dduddudduuuuddd M:2/4   K:Dm           H:"ILOQ  T:BaladaleMayan
ABC     12 C1:000600520006006 C2:dduddudduuuuddd M:2/4   K:Dm           H:"ILOQ  T:Balada le Mayan
ABC   1048 C1:000600520006006 C2:dduddudduuuuddd M:2/4   K:Dm           H:"ILOQ  T:Balada le Mayan
ABC   1049 C1:000600520006006 C2:dduddudduuuuddd M:2/4   K:Dm           H:"ILOQ  T:Balada le Mayan
ABC      6 C1:                C2:                M:2/4   K:Dm           H:ILOQ   T:Balada le Mayan
ABC      6 C1:000600520006006 C2:dduddudduuuduud M:2/4   K:Dm           H:"ILOQ  T:Balada le Mayan
ABC      6 C1:                C2:                M:2/4   K:Dm           H:ILOQ   T:Balada le Mayan
ABC      6 C1:000600520006006 C2:dduddudduuuduud M:2/4   K:Dm           H:"ILOQ  T:Balada le Mayan
ABC   9084 C1:000600520006006 C2:dduddudduuuuddd M:2/4   K:Dm           H:"ILOQ  T:Balada le Mayan
ABC   9084 C1:000600520006006 C2:dduddudduuuuddd M:2/4   K:Dm           H:"ILOQ  T:Balada le Mayan
ABC      6 C1:000600520006006 C2:dduddudduuuuddd M:2/4   K:Dm           H:"ILOQ  T:Balada le Mayan
ABC      6 C1:000600520006006 C2:dduddudduuuuddd M:2/4   K:Dm           H:"ILOQ  T:Balada le Mayan
ABC   1048 C1:000600520006006 C2:dduddudduuuuddd M:2/4   K:Dm           H:"ILOQ  T:Balada le Mayan
ABC   1049 C1:000600520006006 C2:dduddudduuuuddd M:2/4   K:Dm           H:"ILOQ  T:Balada le Mayan
ABC   1048 C1:000600520006006 C2:dduddudduuuuddd M:2/4   K:Dm           H:"ILOQ  T:Balada le Mayan
ABC   1049 C1:000600520006006 C2:dduddudduuuuddd M:2/4   K:Dm           H:"ILOQ  T:Balada le Mayan
ABC   1048 C1:000600520006006 C2:dduddudduuuuddd M:2/4   K:Dm           H:"ILOQ  T:Balada le Mayan
ABC   1049 C1:000600520006006 C2:dduddudduuuuddd M:2/4   K:Dm           H:"ILOQ  T:Balada le Mayan
ABC    856 C1:000600520006006 C2:dduddudduuuuddd M:2/4   K:Dm           H:"ILOQ  T:Balada le Mayan
ABC    856 C1:000600520006006 C2:dduddudduuuuddd M:2/4   K:Dm           H:"ILOQ  T:Balada le Mayan
ABC    856 C1:000600520006006 C2:dduddudduuuuddd M:2/4   K:Dm           H:"ILOQ  T:Balada le Mayan
ABC    856 C1:000600520006006 C2:dduddudduuuuddd M:2/4   K:Dm           H:"ILOQ  T:Balada le Mayan
ABC    856 C1:000600520006006 C2:dduddudduuuuddd M:2/4   K:Dm           H:"ILOQ  T:Balada le Mayan
ABC    233 C1:000101070001000 C2:uuduuduududuuud M:8/4   K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Başladı Meclisde Mutrıb
ABC    233 C1:000101070001000 C2:uuduuduududuuud M:8/4   K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Başladı Meclisde Mutrıb
ABC    233 C1:000101070001000 C2:uuduuduududuuud M:8/4   K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Başladı Meclisde Mutrıb
ABC    233 C1:000000000002070 C2:uddudduduuduudu M:8/4   K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Başladı Meclisde Mutrıb
ABC     76 C1:007775007002007 C2:dddududddduud   M:6/8   K:Am           H:ALQRSZ T:The Bala Ffestiniog Railway
ABC     76 C1:007775007002007 C2:dddududddduud   M:6/8   K:Am           H:ALQRSZ T:The Bala Ffestiniog Railway
ABC    933 C1:770006076007772 C2:dddduddduuududd M:3/4   K:A            H:"CILRZ T:Balaich An Asgaich
ABC    933 C1:770006076007772 C2:dddduddduuududd M:3/4   K:A            H:"CILRZ T:Balaich An Asgaich
ABC    933 C1:770006076007772 C2:dddduddduuududd M:3/4   K:A            H:"CILRZ T:Balaich An Asgaich
ABC    933 C1:770006076007772 C2:dddduddduuududd M:3/4   K:A            H:"CILRZ T:Balaich An Asgaich
ABC    794 C1:770006076007772 C2:dddduddduuududd M:3/4   K:A            H:"CILRSZ T:Balaich An Iasgaich
ABC    794 C1:770006076007772 C2:dddduddduuududd M:3/4   K:A            H:"CILRSZ T:Balaich An Iasgaich
ABC    794 C1:770006076007772 C2:dddduddduuududd M:3/4   K:A            H:"CILRSZ T:Balaich An Iasgaich
ABC    794 C1:770006076007772 C2:dddduddduuududd M:3/4   K:A            H:"CILRSZ T:Balaich An Iasgaich
ABC      1 C1:000000000400000 C2:ududduudduuduuu M:3/4   K:G            H:ACR    T:BAL \`A MOUS, DUR DUR!
ABC      1 C1:000000000400000 C2:ududduudduuduuu M:3/4   K:G            H:ACR    T:BAL \`A MOUS, DUR DUR!
ABC     30 C1:000000000400000 C2:ududduudduuduuu M:3/4   K:G            H:ACR    T:BAL \`A MOUS, DUR DUR!
ABC     30 C1:000000000400000 C2:ududduudduuduuu M:3/4   K:G            H:ACR    T:BAL \`A MOUS, DUR DUR!
ABC      1 C1:000000000400000 C2:ududduudduuduuu M:3/4   K:G            H:ACR    T:BAL \`A MOUS, DUR DUR!
ABC      1 C1:000000000400000 C2:ududduudduuduuu M:3/4   K:G            H:ACR    T:BAL \`A MOUS, DUR DUR!
ABC      1 C1:000000000400000 C2:ududduudduuduuu M:3/4   K:G            H:ACR    T:BAL \`A MOUS, DUR DUR!
ABC      1 C1:000000000400000 C2:ududduudduuduuu M:3/4   K:G            H:ACR    T:BAL \`A MOUS, DUR DUR!
ABC      1 C1:000000000400000 C2:ududduudduuduuu M:3/4   K:G            H:ACR    T:BAL \`A MOUS, DUR DUR!
ABC      1 C1:000000000400000 C2:ududduudduuduuu M:3/4   K:G            H:ACR    T:BAL \`A MOUS, DUR DUR!
ABC     59 C1:771662170111771 C2:ddudduuduuuddud M:6/8   K:Bm           H:ABLOQRZ T:Balanafag. RH.059
ABC     59 C1:771662170111771 C2:ddudduuduuuddud M:6/8   K:Bm           H:ABLOQRZ T:Balanafag. RH.059
ABC     59 C1:771662170111771 C2:ddudduuduuuddud M:6/8   K:Bm           H:ALOQRSZ T:Balanafag. RH.059
ABC     59 C1:771662170111771 C2:ddudduuduuuddud M:6/8   K:Bm           H:ABLOQRSZ T:Balanafag. RH.059
ABC    464 C1:771662170111771 C2:ddudduuduuuddud M:6/8   K:Bm           H:AFLOQRSZ T:Balanafag. RH.059
ABC    464 C1:771662170111771 C2:ddudduuduuuddud M:6/8   K:Bm           H:AFLOQRSZ T:Balanafag. RH.059
ABC     59 C1:771662170111771 C2:ddudduuduuuddud M:6/8   K:B            H:ABLOQRSZ T:Balanafag. RH.059
ABC     19 C1:000727672706277 C2:duddduudduddudu M:2/4   K:G            H:ALOQ   T:La balance
ABC     19 C1:000727672706277 C2:duddduudduddudu M:2/4   K:G            H:ALOQ   T:La balance
ABC     19 C1:000727672706277 C2:duddduudduddudu M:2/4   K:G            H:ALOQ   T:La balance
ABC     19 C1:000727672706277 C2:duddduudduddudu M:2/4   K:G            H:ALOQ   T:La balance
ABC     19 C1:000727672706277 C2:duddduudduddudu M:2/4   K:G            H:ALOQ   T:La balance
ABC   8816 C1:000727672706277 C2:duddduudduddudu M:2/4   K:G            H:ALOQ   T:La balance
ABC   8816 C1:000727672706277 C2:duddduudduddudu M:2/4   K:G            H:ALOQ   T:La balance
ABC   8816 C1:000727672706277 C2:duddduudduddudu M:2/4   K:G            H:ALOQ   T:La balance
ABC      1 C1:002020202050717 C2:uuuudduddddduuu M:C     K:C            H:"CER   T:Balance and Sing
ABC      1 C1:002020202050717 C2:uuuudduddddduuu M:C     K:C            H:"CER   T:Balance and Sing
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:C     K:G            H:LRSZ   T:Balance a Straw [1]
ABC     54 C1:000207770000011 C2:uddduuuddudddud M:C     K:G            H:ALOQRSZ T:Balance A Straw,aka. BC.54
ABC     54 C1:000207770000011 C2:uddduuuddudddud M:C     K:G            H:ABLQZ  T:Balance A Straw,aka. BC.54
ABC     54 C1:000207770000011 C2:uddduuuddudddud M:C     K:G            H:ABLQZ  T:Balance A Straw,aka. BC.54
ABC     54 C1:000207770000011 C2:uddduuuddudddud M:C     K:G            H:ABLOQRSZ T:Balance A Straw,aka. BC.54
ABC    465 C1:000207770000011 C2:uddduuuddudddud M:C     K:G            H:AFLOQRSZ T:Balance A Straw,aka. BC.54
ABC   4736 C1:000207770000011 C2:uddduuuddudddud M:C     K:G            H:AFLOQRSZ T:Balance A Straw,aka. BC.54
ABC   6975 C1:000207770000011 C2:uddduuuddudddud M:C     K:G            H:AFLOQRSZ T:Balance A Straw,aka. BC.54
ABC   8171 C1:000207770000011 C2:uddduuuddudddud M:C     K:G            H:AFLOQRSZ T:Balance A Straw,aka. BC.54
ABC   4736 C1:000207770000011 C2:uddduuuddudddud M:C     K:G            H:AFLOQRSZ T:Balance A Straw,aka. BC.54
ABC   6975 C1:000207770000011 C2:uddduuuddudddud M:C     K:G            H:AFLOQRSZ T:Balance A Straw,aka. BC.54
ABC   8171 C1:000207770000011 C2:uddduuuddudddud M:C     K:G            H:AFLOQRSZ T:Balance A Straw,aka. BC.54
ABC    465 C1:000207770000011 C2:uddduuuddudddud M:C     K:G            H:AFLOQRSZ T:Balance A Straw,aka. BC.54
ABC     54 C1:000207770000011 C2:uddduuuddudddud M:C     K:G            H:ABLOQRSZ T:Balance A Straw,aka. BC.54
ABC     10 C1:000027716000011 C2:udduduuuddudddu M:C|    K:G            H:BLQSVZ T:Balance A Straw,aka JBut.053
ABC     54 C1:110000277160000 C2:uuudduduuuddudd M:C|    K:G            H:BLQSZ  T:Balance A Straw,aka JBut.053
ABC     21 C1:000002670000011 C2:udduuudduddddud M:C     K:G            H:BFLQSVZ T:Balance a Straw,aka. WG.21
ABC     21 C1:000002670000011 C2:udduuudduddddud M:C     K:G            H:BFLQSVZ T:Balance a Straw,aka. WG.21
ABC    007 C1:000002077700000 C2:uddduuuddudddud M:C     K:G            H:BCLOQRZ T:Balance a Straw TS.007
ABC    007 C1:000002077700000 C2:uddduuuddudddud M:C     K:G            H:BCLOQRZ T:Balance a Straw TS.007
ABC    007 C1:000002077700000 C2:uddduuuddudddud M:C     K:G            H:CLOQRSZ T:Balance a Straw TS.007
ABC    007 C1:000002077700000 C2:uddduuuddudddud M:C     K:G            H:ABLOQRSZ T:Balance a Straw TS.007
ABC    466 C1:000002077700000 C2:uddduuuddudddud M:C     K:G            H:CFLOQRSZ T:Balance a Straw TS.007
ABC   4739 C1:000002077700000 C2:uddduuuddudddud M:C     K:G            H:CFLOQRSZ T:Balance a Straw TS.007
ABC   9927 C1:000002077700000 C2:uddduuuddudddud M:C     K:G            H:CFLOQRSZ T:Balance a Straw TS.007
ABC  10435 C1:000002077700000 C2:uddduuuddudddud M:C     K:G            H:CFLOQRSZ T:Balance a Straw TS.007
ABC   4739 C1:000002077700000 C2:uddduuuddudddud M:C     K:G            H:CFLOQRSZ T:Balance a Straw TS.007
ABC   9927 C1:000002077700000 C2:uddduuuddudddud M:C     K:G            H:CFLOQRSZ T:Balance a Straw TS.007
ABC  10435 C1:000002077700000 C2:uddduuuddudddud M:C     K:G            H:CFLOQRSZ T:Balance a Straw TS.007
ABC    466 C1:000002077700000 C2:uddduuuddudddud M:C     K:G            H:CFLOQRSZ T:Balance a Straw TS.007
ABC    007 C1:000002077700000 C2:uddduuuddudddud M:C     K:G            H:ABLOQRSZ T:Balance a Straw TS.007
ABC     54 C1:011622777043011 C2:duuuduuuddddudu M:3/8   K:C            H:ACLOQRZ T:la Balancelle
ABC     54 C1:011622777043011 C2:duuuduuuddddudu M:3/8   K:C            H:ACLOQRZ T:La balancelle
ABC    217 C1:011622777043011 C2:duuuduuuddddudu M:3/8   K:C            H:ACOQRZ T:La balancelle
ABC    217 C1:011622777043011 C2:duuuduuuddddudu M:3/8   K:C            H:ACOQRZ T:La balancelle
ABC    217 C1:011622777043011 C2:duuuduuuddddudu M:3/8   K:C            H:ACOQRZ T:La balancelle
ABC    217 C1:011622777043011 C2:duuuduuuddddudu M:3/8   K:C            H:ACOQRZ T:La balancelle
ABC    217 C1:011622777043011 C2:duuuduuuddddudu M:3/8   K:C            H:ACLOQRWZ T:La balancelle
ABC    217 C1:011622777043011 C2:duuuduuuddddudu M:3/8   K:C            H:ACLOQRWZ T:La balancelle
ABC     54 C1:011622777043011 C2:duuuduuuddddudu M:3/8   K:C            H:ACLOQRZ T:La balancelle
ABC     54 C1:011622777043011 C2:duuuduuuddddudu M:3/8   K:C            H:ACLOQRZ T:la Balancelle
ABC     54 C1:011622777043011 C2:duuuduuuddddudu M:3/8   K:C            H:ACLOQRZ T:La balancelle
ABC   8815 C1:011622777043011 C2:duuuduuuddddudu M:3/8   K:C            H:ACLOQRZ T:La balancelle
ABC   8815 C1:011622777043011 C2:duuuduuuddddudu M:3/8   K:C            H:ACLOQRZ T:La balancelle
ABC   8815 C1:011622777043011 C2:duuuduuuddddudu M:3/8   K:C            H:ACLOQRZ T:La balancelle
ABC      1 C1:007061115063115 C2:dduuudduuuddduu M:6/8   K:G            H:"CR    T:Balance the Bees
ABC      1 C1:007061115063115 C2:dduuudduuuddduu M:6/8   K:G            H:"CR    T:Balance the Bees
ABC      1 C1:007061115063115 C2:dduuudduuuddduu M:6/8   K:G            H:"CW    T:Balance the Bees
ABC      1 C1:210000277104000 C2:uuudduduuuudddu M:4/4   K:G            H:CLQ    T:Balance the Books
ABC     22 C1:000027770000011 C2:uddduuuddudddud M:4/4   K:G            H:ALOQRSZ T:Balance The Sraw,aka. JWDM.22
ABC     22 C1:000027770000011 C2:uddduuuddudddud M:4/4   K:G            H:ABLOQZ T:Balance The Sraw,aka. JWDM.22
ABC     22 C1:000027770000011 C2:uddduuuddudddud M:4/4   K:G            H:ABLOQZ T:Balance The Sraw,aka. JWDM.22
ABC     22 C1:000027770000011 C2:uddduuuddudddud M:4/4   K:G            H:ABLOQRSZ T:Balance The Sraw,aka. JWDM.22
ABC    467 C1:000027770000011 C2:uddduuuddudddud M:4/4   K:G            H:AFLOQRSZ T:Balance The Sraw,aka. JWDM.22
ABC    470 C1:000027770000011 C2:uddduuuddudddud M:4/4   K:G            H:AFLOQRSZ T:Balance The Sraw,aka. JWDM.22
ABC    467 C1:000027770000011 C2:uddduuuddudddud M:4/4   K:G            H:AFLOQRSZ T:Balance The Sraw,aka. JWDM.22
ABC    470 C1:000027770000011 C2:uddduuuddudddud M:4/4   K:G            H:AFLOQRSZ T:Balance The Sraw,aka. JWDM.22
ABC     22 C1:000027770000011 C2:uddduuuddudddud M:4/4   K:G            H:ABLOQRSZ T:Balance The Sraw,aka. JWDM.22
ABC     23 C1:000027770000011 C2:uddduuuddudddud M:4/4   K:G            H:ALOQRSZ T:Balance The Sraw. JWDM.22
ABC   1061 C1:000027770000011 C2:uddduuuddudddud M:4/4   K:G            H:ALOQRSZ T:Balance The Sraw. JWDM.22
ABC   1061 C1:000027770000011 C2:uddduuuddudddud M:4/4   K:G            H:ALOQRSZ T:Balance The Sraw. JWDM.22
ABC   1061 C1:000027770000011 C2:uddduuuddudddud M:4/4   K:G            H:ALOQRSZ T:Balance The Sraw. JWDM.22
ABC   1061 C1:000027770000011 C2:uddduuuddudddud M:4/4   K:G            H:ALOQRSZ T:Balance The Sraw. JWDM.22
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:4/4   K:G            H:AL     T:Balance the Straw [1]
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:6/8   K:G            H:R      T:Balance the Straw
ABC     10 C1:302071106011162 C2:uuduuduuududdud M:6/8   K:DMix         H:LO     T:Balance the Straw
ABC     11 C1:302071106011117 C2:uuduuduuuuddddu M:6/8   K:G            H:LO     T:Balance the Straw
ABC      1 C1:020711060111177 C2:uduuduuuuddddud M:6/8   K:G            H:CLRS   T:Balance the Straw
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:6/8   K:G            H:R      T:Balance the Straw
ABC      9 C1:020711060111177 C2:uduuduuuuddddud M:6/8   K:G            H:CFLR   T:Balance the Straw
ABC      1 C1:302071106011162 C2:uuduuduuududdud M:6/8   K:DMix         H:ACIORS T:Balance the Straw
ABC      1 C1:302071106011117 C2:uuduuduuuuddddu M:6/8   K:DMix         H:ACIORS T:Balance the Straw
ABC      1 C1:320000277106000 C2:uuudduduuududud M:4/4   K:G            H:ACILORS T:Balance the Straw
ABC      1 C1:432000027710600 C2:duuudduduuududu M:4/4   K:G            H:LSU    T:Balance the Straw
ABC      1 C1:302071106022717 C2:uuduuduududddud M:6/8   K:G            H:"LRZ   T:Balance the Straw
ABC      1 C1:302071106022717 C2:uuduuduududddud M:6/8   K:G            H:"LRZ   T:Balance the Straw
ABC      1 C1:302071106022717 C2:uuduuduududddud M:6/8   K:G            H:"LRZ   T:Balance the Straw
ABC      1 C1:302071106022717 C2:uuduuduududddud M:6/8   K:G            H:"LRZ   T:Balance the Straw
ABC      1 C1:020711060111627 C2:uduuduuududdudd M:6/8   K:G            H:AOQRS  T:Balance the Straw
ABC      1 C1:432000027710600 C2:duuudduduuududu M:4/4   K:G            H:LSU    T:Balance the Straw
ABC     41 C1:020711060111177 C2:uduuduuuuddddud M:6/8   K:G            H:CLRS   T:Balance the Straw
ABC     41 C1:020711060111177 C2:uduuduuuuddddud M:6/8   K:G            H:CLRS   T:Balance the Straw
ABC      2 C1:020711060111177 C2:uduuduuuuddddud M:6/8   K:G            H:CLRS   T:Balance the Straw
ABC      1 C1:020711060227177 C2:uduuduududddudu M:6/8   K:G            H:"LR    T:Balance the Straw
ABC      1 C1:020711060227177 C2:uduuduududddudu M:6/8   K:G            H:"LR    T:Balance the Straw
ABC      1 C1:020711060227177 C2:uduuduududddudu M:6/8   K:G            H:"LR    T:Balance the Straw
ABC      1 C1:020711060227177 C2:uduuduududddudu M:6/8   K:G            H:"LR    T:Balance the Straw
ABC      1 C1:020711060227177 C2:uduuduududddudu M:6/8   K:G            H:"LR    T:Balance the Straw
ABC      1 C1:020711060227177 C2:uduuduududddudu M:6/8   K:G            H:"LR    T:Balance the Straw
ABC     11 C1:302071106011117 C2:uuduuduuuuddddu M:6/8   K:G            H:L      T:Balance the Straw
ABC     11 C1:302071106011117 C2:uuduuduuuuddddu M:6/8   K:G            H:L      T:Balance the Straw
ABC     92 C1:020711060111177 C2:uduuduuuuddddud M:6/8   K:G            H:CLRS   T:Balance the Straw
ABC     11 C1:302071106011117 C2:uuduuduuuuddddu M:6/8   K:G            H:L      T:Balance the Straw
ABC     11 C1:302071106011117 C2:uuduuduuuuddddu M:6/8   K:G            H:L      T:Balance the Straw
ABC     11 C1:302071106011117 C2:uuduuduuuuddddu M:6/8   K:G            H:L      T:Balance the Straw
ABC     11 C1:302071106011117 C2:uuduuduuuuddddu M:6/8   K:G            H:L      T:Balance the Straw
ABC   1050 C1:020711060111177 C2:uduuduuuuddddud M:6/8   K:G            H:CLRS   T:Balance the Straw
ABC   6480 C1:020711060111177 C2:uduuduuuuddddud M:6/8   K:G            H:CLRS   T:Balance the Straw
ABC   6480 C1:020711060111177 C2:uduuduuuuddddud M:6/8   K:G            H:CLRS   T:Balance the Straw
ABC    368 C1:020711060111177 C2:uduuduuuuddddud M:6/8   K:G            H:CLORS  T:Balance the Straw
ABC    368 C1:020711060111177 C2:uduuduuuuddddud M:6/8   K:G            H:CLORS  T:Balance the Straw
ABC   1050 C1:020711060111177 C2:uduuduuuuddddud M:6/8   K:G            H:CLRS   T:Balance the Straw
ABC   1050 C1:020711060111177 C2:uduuduuuuddddud M:6/8   K:G            H:CLRS   T:Balance the Straw
ABC   1050 C1:020711060111177 C2:uduuduuuuddddud M:6/8   K:G            H:CLRS   T:Balance the Straw
ABC    858 C1:320000277106000 C2:uuudduduuududud M:4/4   K:G            H:ACILORS T:Balance the Straw
ABC    859 C1:302071106011117 C2:uuduuduuuuddddu M:6/8   K:DMix         H:ACIORS T:Balance the Straw
ABC    860 C1:302071106011162 C2:uuduuduuududdud M:6/8   K:DMix         H:ACIORS T:Balance the Straw
ABC    861 C1:020711060111177 C2:uduuduuuuddddud M:6/8   K:G            H:CLRS   T:Balance the Straw
ABC    858 C1:320000277106000 C2:uuudduduuududud M:4/4   K:G            H:ACILORS T:Balance the Straw
ABC    859 C1:302071106011117 C2:uuduuduuuuddddu M:6/8   K:DMix         H:ACIORS T:Balance the Straw
ABC    860 C1:302071106011162 C2:uuduuduuududdud M:6/8   K:DMix         H:ACIORS T:Balance the Straw
ABC    861 C1:020711060111177 C2:uduuduuuuddddud M:6/8   K:G            H:CLRS   T:Balance the Straw
ABC    858 C1:320000277106000 C2:uuudduduuududud M:4/4   K:G            H:ACILORS T:Balance the Straw
ABC    859 C1:302071106011117 C2:uuduuduuuuddddu M:6/8   K:DMix         H:ACIORS T:Balance the Straw
ABC    860 C1:302071106011162 C2:uuduuduuududdud M:6/8   K:DMix         H:ACIORS T:Balance the Straw
ABC    861 C1:020711060111177 C2:uduuduuuuddddud M:6/8   K:G            H:CLRS   T:Balance the Straw
ABC    858 C1:320000277106000 C2:uuudduduuududud M:4/4   K:G            H:ACILORS T:Balance the Straw
ABC    859 C1:302071106011117 C2:uuduuduuuuddddu M:6/8   K:DMix         H:ACIORS T:Balance the Straw
ABC    860 C1:302071106011162 C2:uuduuduuududdud M:6/8   K:DMix         H:ACIORS T:Balance the Straw
ABC    861 C1:020711060111177 C2:uduuduuuuddddud M:6/8   K:G            H:CLRS   T:Balance the Straw
ABC    858 C1:320000277106000 C2:uuudduduuududud M:4/4   K:G            H:ACILORS T:Balance the Straw
ABC    859 C1:302071106011117 C2:uuduuduuuuddddu M:6/8   K:DMix         H:ACIORS T:Balance the Straw
ABC    860 C1:302071106011162 C2:uuduuduuududdud M:6/8   K:DMix         H:ACIORS T:Balance the Straw
ABC    861 C1:020711060111177 C2:uduuduuuuddddud M:6/8   K:G            H:CLRS   T:Balance the Straw
ABC     33 C1:320000277106000 C2:uuudduduuududud M:4/4   K:G            H:AL     T:Balance the Straw, Bledington
ABC     33 C1:320000277106000 C2:uuudduduuududud M:4/4   K:G            H:AL     T:Balance the Straw, Bledington
ABC     33 C1:320000277106000 C2:uuudduduuududud M:4/4   K:G            H:AL     T:Balance the Straw, Bledington
ABC     33 C1:320000277106000 C2:uuudduduuududud M:4/4   K:G            H:AL     T:Balance the Straw, Bledington
ABC     33 C1:320000277106000 C2:uuudduduuududud M:4/4   K:G            H:AL     T:Balance the Straw, Bledington
ABC     33 C1:320000277106000 C2:uuudduduuududud M:4/4   K:G            H:AL     T:Balance the Straw, Bledington
ABC     33 C1:320000277106000 C2:uuudduduuududud M:4/4   K:G            H:AL     T:Balance the Straw, Bledington
ABC     10 C1:302071106011162 C2:uuduuduuududdud M:6/8   K:DMix         H:AL     T:Balance the Straw, Fieldtown 1
ABC     10 C1:302071106011162 C2:uuduuduuududdud M:6/8   K:DMix         H:AL     T:Balance the Straw, Fieldtown 1
ABC     10 C1:302071106011162 C2:uuduuduuududdud M:6/8   K:DMix         H:AL     T:Balance the Straw, Fieldtown 1
ABC     10 C1:302071106011162 C2:uuduuduuududdud M:6/8   K:DMix         H:AL     T:Balance the Straw, Fieldtown 1
ABC     10 C1:302071106011162 C2:uuduuduuududdud M:6/8   K:DMix         H:AL     T:Balance the Straw, Fieldtown 1
ABC     10 C1:302071106011162 C2:uuduuduuududdud M:6/8   K:DMix         H:AL     T:Balance the Straw, Fieldtown 1
ABC     10 C1:302071106011162 C2:uuduuduuududdud M:6/8   K:DMix         H:AL     T:Balance the Straw, Fieldtown 1
ABC    054 C1:020711060111627 C2:uduuduuududdudd M:6/8   K:G            H:L      T:Balance the Straw - Field Town
ABC     52 C1:302071106011117 C2:uuduuduuuuddddu M:6/8   K:G            H:ALQ    T:Balance the Straw (Fieldtown)
ABC     27 C1:020711060111627 C2:uduuduuududdudd M:6/8   K:G            H:"LQS   T:Balance the Straw - Field Town
ABC    054 C1:020711060111627 C2:uduuduuududdudd M:6/8   K:G            H:L      T:Balance the Straw - Field Town
ABC    468 C1:302071106011117 C2:uuduuduuuuddddu M:6/8   K:G            H:AFLQ   T:Balance the Straw (Fieldtown)
ABC    468 C1:302071106011117 C2:uuduuduuuuddddu M:6/8   K:G            H:AFLQ   T:Balance the Straw (Fieldtown)
ABC    857 C1:020711060111627 C2:uduuduuududdudd M:6/8   K:G            H:L      T:Balance the Straw - Field Town
ABC    857 C1:020711060111627 C2:uduuduuududdudd M:6/8   K:G            H:L      T:Balance the Straw - Field Town
ABC    857 C1:020711060111627 C2:uduuduuududdudd M:6/8   K:G            H:L      T:Balance the Straw - Field Town
ABC    857 C1:020711060111627 C2:uduuduuududdudd M:6/8   K:G            H:L      T:Balance the Straw - Field Town
ABC    857 C1:020711060111627 C2:uduuduuududdudd M:6/8   K:G            H:L      T:Balance the Straw - Field Town
ABC     52 C1:302071106011117 C2:uuduuduuuuddddu M:6/8   K:G            H:ALOQ   T:Balance the Straw (Fieldtown)
ABC     11 C1:302071106011117 C2:uuduuduuuuddddu M:6/8   K:G            H:AL     T:Balance the Straw, Fieldtown SMM
ABC     11 C1:302071106011117 C2:uuduuduuuuddddu M:6/8   K:G            H:AL     T:Balance the Straw, Fieldtown SMM
ABC     11 C1:302071106011117 C2:uuduuduuuuddddu M:6/8   K:G            H:AL     T:Balance the Straw, Fieldtown SMM
ABC     11 C1:302071106011117 C2:uuduuduuuuddddu M:6/8   K:G            H:AL     T:Balance the Straw, Fieldtown SMM
ABC     11 C1:302071106011117 C2:uuduuduuuuddddu M:6/8   K:G            H:AL     T:Balance the Straw, Fieldtown SMM
ABC     11 C1:302071106011117 C2:uuduuduuuuddddu M:6/8   K:G            H:AL     T:Balance the Straw, Fieldtown SMM
ABC     11 C1:302071106011117 C2:uuduuduuuuddddu M:6/8   K:G            H:AL     T:Balance the Straw, Fieldtown SMM
ABC     17 C1:077277110772707 C2:ddudduudduddudd M:4/4   K:C            H:LQ     T:BALANCIERES DE LANGUEUX
ABC     17 C1:077277110772707 C2:ddudduudduddudd M:4/4   K:C            H:LQZ    T:BALANCIERES DE LANGUEUX
ABC    105 C1:077277110772707 C2:ddudduudduddudd M:4/4   K:C            H:LQZ    T:BALANCIERES DE LANGUEUX
ABC    105 C1:077277110772707 C2:ddudduudduddudd M:4/4   K:C            H:LQZ    T:BALANCIERES DE LANGUEUX
ABC    105 C1:077277110772707 C2:ddudduudduddudd M:4/4   K:C            H:LQZ    T:BALANCIERES DE LANGUEUX
ABC    105 C1:077277110772707 C2:ddudduudduddudd M:4/4   K:C            H:LQZ    T:BALANCIERES DE LANGUEUX
ABC    105 C1:077277110772707 C2:ddudduudduddudd M:4/4   K:C            H:LQZ    T:BALANCIERES DE LANGUEUX
ABC    105 C1:077277110772707 C2:ddudduudduddudd M:4/4   K:C            H:LQWZ   T:BALANCIERES DE LANGUEUX
ABC    105 C1:077277110772707 C2:ddudduudduddudd M:4/4   K:C            H:LQWZ   T:BALANCIERES DE LANGUEUX
ABC   1051 C1:077277110772707 C2:ddudduudduddudd M:4/4   K:C            H:LQZ    T:BALANCIERES DE LANGUEUX
ABC   1051 C1:077277110772707 C2:ddudduudduddudd M:4/4   K:C            H:LQZ    T:BALANCIERES DE LANGUEUX
ABC   1051 C1:077277110772707 C2:ddudduudduddudd M:4/4   K:C            H:LQZ    T:BALANCIERES DE LANGUEUX
ABC   1051 C1:077277110772707 C2:ddudduudduddudd M:4/4   K:C            H:LQZ    T:BALANCIERES DE LANGUEUX
ABC     18 C1:170711002707070 C2:udduuuduudddudd M:4/4   K:G            H:LQ     T:BALANCIERES de PLAINTEL
ABC     18 C1:170711002707070 C2:udduuuduudddudd M:4/4   K:G            H:LQZ    T:BALANCIERES de PLAINTEL
ABC    106 C1:170711002707070 C2:udduuuduudddudd M:4/4   K:G            H:LQZ    T:BALANCIERES de PLAINTEL
ABC    106 C1:170711002707070 C2:udduuuduudddudd M:4/4   K:G            H:LQZ    T:BALANCIERES de PLAINTEL
ABC    106 C1:170711002707070 C2:udduuuduudddudd M:4/4   K:G            H:LQZ    T:BALANCIERES de PLAINTEL
ABC    106 C1:170711002707070 C2:udduuuduudddudd M:4/4   K:G            H:LQZ    T:BALANCIERES de PLAINTEL
ABC    106 C1:170711002707070 C2:udduuuduudddudd M:4/4   K:G            H:LQZ    T:BALANCIERES de PLAINTEL
ABC    106 C1:170711002707070 C2:udduuuduudddudd M:4/4   K:G            H:LQWZ   T:BALANCIERES de PLAINTEL
ABC    106 C1:170711002707070 C2:udduuuduudddudd M:4/4   K:G            H:LQWZ   T:BALANCIERES de PLAINTEL
ABC   1052 C1:170711002707070 C2:udduuuduudddudd M:4/4   K:G            H:LQZ    T:BALANCIERES de PLAINTEL
ABC   1052 C1:170711002707070 C2:udduuuduudddudd M:4/4   K:G            H:LQZ    T:BALANCIERES de PLAINTEL
ABC   1052 C1:170711002707070 C2:udduuuduudddudd M:4/4   K:G            H:LQZ    T:BALANCIERES de PLAINTEL
ABC   1052 C1:170711002707070 C2:udduuuduudddudd M:4/4   K:G            H:LQZ    T:BALANCIERES de PLAINTEL
ABC      1 C1:450027601261617 C2:duuuududuuududu M:4/4   K:G            H:LSU    T:Balancy Straw
ABC      1 C1:450027601261617 C2:duuuududuuududu M:C     K:G            H:LSU    T:Balancy Straw
ABC      2 C1:450027601261617 C2:duuuududuuududu M:C     K:G            H:LSU    T:Balancy Straw
ABC      1 C1:020017711060001 C2:uudduuduuuudddu M:4/4   K:G            H:AL     T:Balancy Straw, Ascott
ABC      1 C1:020017711060001 C2:uudduuduuuudddu M:4/4   K:G            H:AL     T:Balancy Straw, Ascott
ABC      1 C1:020017711060001 C2:uudduuduuuudddu M:4/4   K:G            H:AL     T:Balancy Straw, Ascott
ABC      1 C1:020017711060001 C2:uudduuduuuudddu M:4/4   K:G            H:AL     T:Balancy Straw, Ascott
ABC      1 C1:020017711060001 C2:uudduuduuuudddu M:4/4   K:G            H:AL     T:Balancy Straw, Ascott
ABC      1 C1:020017711060001 C2:uudduuduuuudddu M:4/4   K:G            H:AL     T:Balancy Straw, Ascott
ABC      1 C1:020017711060001 C2:uudduuduuuudddu M:4/4   K:G            H:AL     T:Balancy Straw, Ascott
ABC      8 C1:110000116106000 C2:uuuududuuuddddu M:4/4   K:G            H:AL     T:Balancy Straw, Brackley
ABC      8 C1:110000116106000 C2:uuuududuuuddddu M:4/4   K:G            H:AL     T:Balancy Straw, Brackley
ABC      8 C1:110000116106000 C2:uuuududuuuddddu M:4/4   K:G            H:AL     T:Balancy Straw, Brackley
ABC      8 C1:110000116106000 C2:uuuududuuuddddu M:4/4   K:G            H:AL     T:Balancy Straw, Brackley
ABC      8 C1:110000116106000 C2:uuuududuuuddddu M:4/4   K:G            H:AL     T:Balancy Straw, Brackley
ABC      8 C1:110000116106000 C2:uuuududuuuddddu M:4/4   K:G            H:AL     T:Balancy Straw, Brackley
ABC      8 C1:110000116106000 C2:uuuududuuuddddu M:4/4   K:G            H:AL     T:Balancy Straw, Brackley
ABC    229 C1:070107070077111 C2:dudddduuuuuuudd M:5/8   K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Bağlandı Gönül Zülfüne...
ABC    229 C1:070107070077111 C2:dudddduuuuuuudd M:5/8   K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Bağlandı Gönül Zülfüne...
ABC    229 C1:070107070077111 C2:dudddduuuuuuudd M:5/8   K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Bağlandı Gönül Zülfüne...
ABC    229 C1:070107070107010 C2:duddududddduuuu M:5/8   K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Bağlandı Gönül Zülfüne...
ABC    277 C1:177606004000177 C2:udddududuudddud M:3/8   K:C            H:LOQR   T:les Balanoires
ABC      3 C1:177606004000177 C2:udddududuudddud M:3/8   K:C            H:LOQR   T:les Balanoires
ABC      3 C1:177606004000177 C2:udddududuudddud M:3/8   K:C            H:LOQR   T:les Balanoires
ABC      3 C1:177606004000177 C2:udddududuudddud M:3/8   K:C            H:LOQR   T:les Balanoires
ABC     10 C1:177606004000177 C2:udddududuudddud M:3/8   K:C            H:LOQR   T:les Balanoires
ABC    101 C1:177606004000177 C2:udddududuudddud M:3/8   K:C            H:LOQR   T:les Balanoires
ABC    101 C1:177606004000177 C2:udddududuudddud M:3/8   K:C            H:LOQR   T:les Balanoires
ABC    101 C1:177606004000177 C2:udddududuudddud M:3/8   K:C            H:LOQR   T:les Balanoires
ABC    101 C1:177606004000177 C2:udddududuudddud M:3/8   K:C            H:LOQR   T:les Balanoires
ABC    101 C1:177606004000177 C2:udddududuudddud M:3/8   K:C            H:LOQRW  T:les Balanoires
ABC    101 C1:177606004000177 C2:udddududuudddud M:3/8   K:C            H:LOQRW  T:les Balanoires
ABC    277 C1:177606004000177 C2:udddududuudddud M:3/8   K:C            H:LOQR   T:les Balanoires
ABC    277 C1:177606004000177 C2:udddududuudddud M:3/8   K:C            H:LOQR   T:les Balanoires
ABC    277 C1:177606004000177 C2:udddududuudddud M:3/8   K:C            H:LOQR   T:les Balanoires
ABC   9499 C1:177606004000177 C2:udddududuudddud M:3/8   K:C            H:LOQR   T:les Balanoires
ABC   9499 C1:177606004000177 C2:udddududuudddud M:3/8   K:C            H:LOQR   T:les Balanoires
ABC   9499 C1:177606004000177 C2:udddududuudddud M:3/8   K:C            H:LOQR   T:les Balanoires
ABC    230 C1:110000007006010 C2:uuudddduududddu M:7/4   K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Bağlanıp Zülf ü Hezaran
ABC    230 C1:110000007006010 C2:uuudddduududddu M:7/4   K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Bağlanıp Zülf ü Hezaran
ABC    230 C1:110000007006010 C2:uuudddduududddu M:7/4   K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Bağlanıp Zülf ü Hezaran
ABC    230 C1:010000007771071 C2:uudddduduuudddd M:7/8   K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Bağlanıp Zülf ü Hezaran
ABC    231 C1:000007711000700 C2:dduuddddddduuud M:2/4   K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Bağışla Sevdiğim Hakkı Seversen
ABC    231 C1:000007711000700 C2:dduuddddddduuud M:2/4   K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Bağışla Sevdiğim Hakkı Seversen
ABC    231 C1:000007711000700 C2:dduuddddddduuud M:2/4   K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Bağışla Sevdiğim Hakkı Seversen
ABC    231 C1:110000000007711 C2:uudduuddddddduu M:2/4   K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Bağışla Sevdiğim Hakkı Seversen
ABC      7 C1:062006270607027 C2:dududdduduuuddu M:2/4   K:F            H:ABLOQRSWZ T:La balayeuse
ABC      7 C1:062006270607027 C2:dududdduduuuddu M:2/4   K:F            H:ABLOQRSWZ T:La balayeuse
ABC     30 C1:712100116161166 C2:duuuuududuudddu M:4/4   K:Em           H:"CLQR  T:Bal Bocht (An)
ABC     80 C1:712100116161166 C2:duuuuududuudddu M:4/4   K:Em           H:"CLQR  T:Bal Bocht (An)
ABC     60 C1:004671117121001 C2:udduuuduuuuudud M:4/4   K:Em           H:"CLQRV T:Bal Bocht (An) (with piano acc.)
ABC   9011 C1:004671117121001 C2:udduuuduuuuudud M:4/4   K:Em           H:"CLQRV T:Bal Bocht (An) (with piano acc.)
ABC   9011 C1:004671117121001 C2:udduuuduuuuudud M:4/4   K:Em           H:"CLQRV T:Bal Bocht (An) (with piano acc.)
ABC     21 C1:260077600073600 C2:uddddduduuuuduu M:6/8   K:D            H:ABCHLOQRZ T:Balby a Rieving? JBa.20
ABC     21 C1:260077600073600 C2:uddddduduuuuduu M:6/8   K:D            H:ABCHLOQRZ T:Balby a Rieving? JBa.20
ABC     21 C1:260077600073600 C2:uddddduduuuuduu M:6/8   K:D            H:ACHLOQRSZ T:Balby a Rieving? JBa.20
ABC     21 C1:260077600073600 C2:uddddduduuuuduu M:6/8   K:D            H:ABHLOQRSZ T:Balby a Rieving? JBa.20
ABC    469 C1:260077600073600 C2:uddddduduuuuduu M:6/8   K:D            H:ACFHLOQRSZ T:Balby a Rieving? JBa.20
ABC   1208 C1:260077600073600 C2:uddddduduuuuduu M:6/8   K:D            H:ACFHLOQRSZ T:Balby a Rieving? JBa.20
ABC   2899 C1:260077600073600 C2:uddddduduuuuduu M:6/8   K:D            H:ACFHLOQRSZ T:Balby a Rieving? JBa.20
ABC   2899 C1:260077600073600 C2:uddddduduuuuduu M:6/8   K:D            H:ACFHLOQRSZ T:Balby a Rieving? JBa.20
ABC    469 C1:260077600073600 C2:uddddduduuuuduu M:6/8   K:D            H:ACFHLOQRSZ T:Balby a Rieving? JBa.20
ABC   1208 C1:260077600073600 C2:uddddduduuuuduu M:6/8   K:D            H:ACFHLOQRSZ T:Balby a Rieving? JBa.20
ABC     21 C1:260077600073600 C2:uddddduduuuuduu M:6/8   K:D            H:ABHLOQRSZ T:Balby a Rieving? JBa.20
ABC    146 C1:100623501766100 C2:uduududdduduuud M:6/8   K:F            H:"LQR   T:Balcomie House
ABC      1 C1:110000060203050 C2:uuduududdduduuu M:6/8   K:F            H:CLQR   T:Balcomie House
ABC      1 C1:110000060203050 C2:uuduududdduduuu M:6/8   K:F            H:CLQR   T:Balcomie House
ABC      1 C1:110000060203050 C2:uuduududdduduuu M:6/8   K:F            H:CLQR   T:Balcomie House
ABC      1 C1:006235017661000 C2:duududdduduuudd M:6/8   K:A            H:"BLRZ  T:Balcomie House
ABC      1 C1:006235017661000 C2:duududdduduuudd M:6/8   K:A            H:"BLRZ  T:Balcomie House
ABC      1 C1:006235017661000 C2:duududdduduuudd M:6/8   K:A            H:"BLRZ  T:Balcomie House
ABC      1 C1:006235017661000 C2:duududdduduuudd M:6/8   K:A            H:"BLRZ  T:Balcomie House
ABC      1 C1:006235017661000 C2:duududdduduuudd M:6/8   K:A            H:"BLRZ  T:Balcomie House
ABC      1 C1:006235017661000 C2:duududdduduuudd M:6/8   K:A            H:"BLRZ  T:Balcomie House
ABC      1 C1:006235017661000 C2:duududdduduuudd M:6/8   K:A            H:"BLRZ  T:Balcomie House
ABC      1 C1:006235017661000 C2:duududdduduuudd M:6/8   K:A            H:"BLRZ  T:Balcomie House
ABC      1 C1:006235017661000 C2:duududdduduuudd M:6/8   K:A            H:"BLRZ  T:Balcomie House
ABC      1 C1:006235017661000 C2:duududdduduuudd M:6/8   K:A            H:"BLRZ  T:Balcomie House
ABC      1 C1:006235017661000 C2:duududdduduuudd M:6/8   K:A            H:"BLRZ  T:Balcomie House
ABC      1 C1:006235017661000 C2:duududdduduuudd M:6/8   K:G            H:"BLRZ  T:Balcomie House
ABC      1 C1:006235017661000 C2:duududdduduuudd M:6/8   K:G            H:"BLRZ  T:Balcomie House
ABC      1 C1:006235017661000 C2:duududdduduuudd M:6/8   K:G            H:"BLRZ  T:Balcomie House
ABC      1 C1:006235017661000 C2:duududdduduuudd M:6/8   K:G            H:"BLRZ  T:Balcomie House
ABC      1 C1:006235017661000 C2:duududdduduuudd M:6/8   K:G            H:"BLRZ  T:Balcomie House
ABC      1 C1:006235017661000 C2:duududdduduuudd M:6/8   K:G            H:"BLRZ  T:Balcomie House
ABC      1 C1:006235017661000 C2:duududdduduuudd M:6/8   K:G            H:"BLRZ  T:Balcomie House
ABC      1 C1:006235017661000 C2:duududdduduuudd M:6/8   K:G            H:"BLRZ  T:Balcomie House
ABC      1 C1:006235017661000 C2:duududdduduuudd M:6/8   K:G            H:"BLRZ  T:Balcomie House
ABC      1 C1:006235017661000 C2:duududdduduuudd M:6/8   K:G            H:"BLRZ  T:Balcomie House
ABC      1 C1:006235017661000 C2:duududdduduuudd M:6/8   K:G            H:"BLRZ  T:Balcomie House
ABC      1 C1:006235017661000 C2:duududdduduuudd M:6/8   K:F            H:"BLRZ  T:Balcomie House
ABC      1 C1:006235017661000 C2:duududdduduuudd M:6/8   K:F            H:"BLRZ  T:Balcomie House
ABC      1 C1:006235017661000 C2:duududdduduuudd M:6/8   K:F            H:"BLRZ  T:Balcomie House
ABC      1 C1:006235017661000 C2:duududdduduuudd M:6/8   K:F            H:"BLRZ  T:Balcomie House
ABC      1 C1:006235017661000 C2:duududdduduuudd M:6/8   K:F            H:"BLRZ  T:Balcomie House
ABC      1 C1:006235017661000 C2:duududdduduuudd M:6/8   K:F            H:"BLRZ  T:Balcomie House
ABC      1 C1:006235017661000 C2:duududdduduuudd M:6/8   K:F            H:"BLRZ  T:Balcomie House
ABC      1 C1:006235017661000 C2:duududdduduuudd M:6/8   K:F            H:"BLRZ  T:Balcomie House
ABC      1 C1:006235017661000 C2:duududdduduuudd M:6/8   K:F            H:"BLRZ  T:Balcomie House
ABC      1 C1:006235017661000 C2:duududdduduuudd M:6/8   K:F            H:"BLRZ  T:Balcomie House
ABC      1 C1:006235017661000 C2:duududdduduuudd M:6/8   K:F            H:"BLRZ  T:Balcomie House
ABC  14051 C1:006235017661000 C2:duududdduduuudd M:6/8   K:A            H:"BLRZ  T:Balcomie House
ABC  14051 C1:006235017661000 C2:duududdduduuudd M:6/8   K:A            H:"BLRZ  T:Balcomie House
ABC  14051 C1:006235017661000 C2:duududdduduuudd M:6/8   K:G            H:"BLRZ  T:Balcomie House
ABC  14051 C1:006235017661000 C2:duududdduduuudd M:6/8   K:G            H:"BLRZ  T:Balcomie House
ABC  14051 C1:006235017661000 C2:duududdduduuudd M:6/8   K:F            H:"BLRZ  T:Balcomie House
ABC  14051 C1:006235017661000 C2:duududdduduuudd M:6/8   K:F            H:"BLRZ  T:Balcomie House
ABC      0 C1:                C2:                M:6/8   K:             H:BLO    T:Balcomie House
ABC      1 C1:006235017661000 C2:duududdduduuudd M:6/8   K:F            H:"BLRZ  T:Balcomie House
ABC      2 C1:006235017661000 C2:duududdduduuudd M:6/8   K:G            H:"BLRZ  T:Balcomie House
ABC      3 C1:006235017661000 C2:duududdduduuudd M:6/8   K:A            H:"BLRZ  T:Balcomie House
ABC      4 C1:006235017661000 C2:duududdduduuudd M:6/8   K:G            H:"BLRZ  T:Balcomie House
ABC      4 C1:006235017661000 C2:duududdduduuudd M:6/8   K:G            H:"BLRZ  T:Balcomie House
ABC  14051 C1:006235017661000 C2:duududdduduuudd M:6/8   K:G            H:"BLRZ  T:Balcomie House
ABC  14051 C1:006235017661000 C2:duududdduduuudd M:6/8   K:A            H:"BLRZ  T:Balcomie House
ABC  14051 C1:006235017661000 C2:duududdduduuudd M:6/8   K:F            H:"BLRZ  T:Balcomie House
ABC  14051 C1:006235017661000 C2:duududdduduuudd M:6/8   K:G            H:"BLRZ  T:Balcomie House
ABC  14051 C1:006235017661000 C2:duududdduduuudd M:6/8   K:A            H:"BLRZ  T:Balcomie House
ABC  14051 C1:006235017661000 C2:duududdduduuudd M:6/8   K:F            H:"BLRZ  T:Balcomie House
ABC  22114 C1:006235017661000 C2:duududdduduuudd M:6/8   K:G            H:"BLRZ  T:Balcomie House
ABC  22109 C1:006235017661000 C2:duududdduduuudd M:6/8   K:A            H:"BLRZ  T:Balcomie House
ABC  22110 C1:006235017661000 C2:duududdduduuudd M:6/8   K:A            H:"BLRZ  T:Balcomie House
ABC  22111 C1:006235017661000 C2:duududdduduuudd M:6/8   K:F            H:"BLRZ  T:Balcomie House
ABC  22112 C1:006235017661000 C2:duududdduduuudd M:6/8   K:F            H:"BLRZ  T:Balcomie House
ABC  22113 C1:006235017661000 C2:duududdduduuudd M:6/8   K:G            H:"BLRZ  T:Balcomie House
ABC  22109 C1:006235017661000 C2:duududdduduuudd M:6/8   K:A            H:"BLRZ  T:Balcomie House
ABC  22110 C1:006235017661000 C2:duududdduduuudd M:6/8   K:A            H:"BLRZ  T:Balcomie House
ABC  22111 C1:006235017661000 C2:duududdduduuudd M:6/8   K:F            H:"BLRZ  T:Balcomie House
ABC  22112 C1:006235017661000 C2:duududdduduuudd M:6/8   K:F            H:"BLRZ  T:Balcomie House
ABC  22113 C1:006235017661000 C2:duududdduduuudd M:6/8   K:G            H:"BLRZ  T:Balcomie House
ABC  22114 C1:006235017661000 C2:duududdduduuudd M:6/8   K:G            H:"BLRZ  T:Balcomie House
ABC    197 C1:006235017661000 C2:duududdduduuudd M:6/8   K:Bb           H:"LQ    T:Balcomie House
ABC    197 C1:006235017661000 C2:duududdduduuudd M:6/8   K:Bb           H:"LQ    T:Balcomie House
ABC      1 C1:000600000002060 C2:dududududududud M:2/2   K:C            H:CLQZ   T:Bal d'Abzac
ABC      1 C1:000600000002060 C2:dududududududud M:2/2   K:C            H:CLQZ   T:Bal d'Abzac
ABC      1 C1:000600000002060 C2:dududududududud M:2/2   K:C            H:CLQZ   T:Bal d'Abzac
ABC      1 C1:000600000002060 C2:dududududududud M:2/2   K:C            H:CLQZ   T:Bal d'Abzac
ABC      1 C1:000600000002060 C2:dududududududud M:2/2   K:C            H:CLQZ   T:Bal d'Abzac
ABC      1 C1:000600000002060 C2:dududududududud M:2/2   K:C            H:CLQZ   T:Bal d'Abzac
ABC    825 C1:005176710267757 C2:duddduuddddduud M:C|    K:D            H:"LRS   T:Bald Bishop
ABC  38010 C1:005176710267757 C2:duddduuddddduud M:C|    K:D            H:"CLQRS T:BALD BISHOP (reel), The
ABC  38010 C1:005176710267757 C2:duddduuddddduud M:C|    K:D            H:"CLQRS T:BALD BISHOP (reel), The
ABC  38010 C1:005176710267757 C2:duddduuddddduud M:C|    K:D            H:"CLQRS T:BALD BISHOP (reel), The
ABC      1 C1:300517671026775 C2:ududdduuddddduu M:      K:Dmaj         H:LR     T:The Bald Bishop's
ABC     15 C1:301777120512040 C2:uuddduuuduuuduu M:4/4   K:C            H:LQ     T:BAL DE BROONS
ABC     15 C1:301777120512040 C2:uuddduuuduuuduu M:4/4   K:C            H:LQZ    T:BAL DE BROONS
ABC    103 C1:301777120512040 C2:uuddduuuduuuduu M:4/4   K:C            H:LQZ    T:BAL DE BROONS
ABC    103 C1:301777120512040 C2:uuddduuuduuuduu M:4/4   K:C            H:LQZ    T:BAL DE BROONS
ABC    103 C1:301777120512040 C2:uuddduuuduuuduu M:4/4   K:C            H:LQZ    T:BAL DE BROONS
ABC    103 C1:301777120512040 C2:uuddduuuduuuduu M:4/4   K:C            H:LQZ    T:BAL DE BROONS
ABC    103 C1:301777120512040 C2:uuddduuuduuuduu M:4/4   K:C            H:LQZ    T:BAL DE BROONS
ABC    103 C1:301777120512040 C2:uuddduuuduuuduu M:4/4   K:C            H:LQWZ   T:BAL DE BROONS
ABC    103 C1:301777120512040 C2:uuddduuuduuuduu M:4/4   K:C            H:LQWZ   T:BAL DE BROONS
ABC   1039 C1:301777120512040 C2:uuddduuuduuuduu M:4/4   K:C            H:LQZ    T:BAL DE BROONS
ABC   1039 C1:301777120512040 C2:uuddduuuduuuduu M:4/4   K:C            H:LQZ    T:BAL DE BROONS
ABC   1039 C1:301777120512040 C2:uuddduuuduuuduu M:4/4   K:C            H:LQZ    T:BAL DE BROONS
ABC   1039 C1:301777120512040 C2:uuddduuuduuuduu M:4/4   K:C            H:LQZ    T:BAL DE BROONS
ABC      1 C1:007070002020700 C2:dduuddddduudduu M:2/4   K:D            H:"LO    T:le Bal de Jugon
ABC      1 C1:007070002020700 C2:dduuddddduudduu M:2/4   K:D            H:"LO    T:le Bal de Jugon
ABC      1 C1:007070002020700 C2:dduuddddduudduu M:2/4   K:D            H:"LO    T:le Bal de Jugon
ABC      1 C1:007070002020700 C2:dduuddddduudduu M:2/4   K:D            H:"LO    T:le Bal de Jugon
ABC      1 C1:007070002020700 C2:dduuddddduudduu M:2/4   K:D            H:"LO    T:le Bal de Jugon
ABC      1 C1:007070002020700 C2:dduuddddduudduu M:2/4   K:D            H:"LO    T:le Bal de Jugon
ABC      1 C1:007070002020700 C2:dduuddddduudduu M:2/4   K:D            H:"LO    T:le Bal de Jugon
ABC      1 C1:007070002020700 C2:dduuddddduudduu M:2/4   K:D            H:"LO    T:le Bal de Jugon
ABC      1 C1:007070002020700 C2:dduuddddduudduu M:2/4   K:D            H:"LO    T:le Bal de Jugon
ABC      1 C1:007070002020700 C2:dduuddddduudduu M:2/4   K:D            H:"LO    T:le Bal de Jugon
ABC      1 C1:007070002020700 C2:dduuddddduudduu M:2/4   K:D            H:"LO    T:le Bal de Jugon
ABC      1 C1:007070002020700 C2:dduuddddduudduu M:2/4   K:D            H:"LO    T:le Bal de Jugon
ABC      1 C1:007070002020700 C2:dduuddddduudduu M:2/4   K:D            H:"LO    T:le Bal de Jugon
ABC      1 C1:007070002020700 C2:dduuddddduudduu M:2/4   K:D            H:"LO    T:le Bal de Jugon
ABC      1 C1:007070002020700 C2:dduuddddduudduu M:2/4   K:D            H:"LO    T:le Bal de Jugon
ABC      1 C1:007070002020700 C2:dduuddddduudduu M:2/4   K:D            H:"LO    T:le Bal de Jugon
ABC      1 C1:007070002020700 C2:dduuddddduudduu M:2/4   K:D            H:"LO    T:le Bal de Jugon
ABC      1 C1:007070002020700 C2:dduuddddduudduu M:2/4   K:D            H:"LO    T:le Bal de Jugon
ABC      1 C1:007070002020700 C2:dduuddddduudduu M:2/4   K:D            H:"LO    T:le Bal de Jugon
ABC     10 C1:202070000000770 C2:uududdddduudduu M:4/4   K:C            H:CIL    T:Bal de Jugon
ABC     25 C1:007070002020700 C2:dduuddddduudduu M:2/4   K:D            H:"LO    T:le Bal de Jugon
ABC     25 C1:007070002020700 C2:dduuddddduudduu M:2/4   K:D            H:"LO    T:le Bal de Jugon
ABC   7405 C1:007070002020700 C2:dduuddddduudduu M:2/4   K:D            H:"LO    T:le Bal de Jugon
ABC   7405 C1:007070002020700 C2:dduuddddduudduu M:2/4   K:D            H:"LO    T:le Bal de Jugon
ABC   7405 C1:007070002020700 C2:dduuddddduudduu M:2/4   K:D            H:"LO    T:le Bal de Jugon
ABC   7405 C1:007070002020700 C2:dduuddddduudduu M:2/4   K:D            H:"LO    T:le Bal de Jugon
ABC   7405 C1:007070002020700 C2:dduuddddduudduu M:2/4   K:D            H:"LO    T:le Bal de Jugon
ABC      1 C1:007070002023400 C2:dduuuddddduuddu M:2/4   K:D            H:"LORZ  T:le Bal de Jugon (with harmony)
ABC      2 C1:007070002023400 C2:dduuuddddduuddu M:2/4   K:D            H:"LORZ  T:le Bal de Jugon (with harmony)
ABC      2 C1:007070002023400 C2:dduuuddddduuddu M:2/4   K:D            H:"LORZ  T:le Bal de Jugon (with harmony)
ABC      2 C1:007070002023400 C2:dduuuddddduuddu M:2/4   K:D            H:"LORZ  T:le Bal de Jugon (with harmony)
ABC      2 C1:007070002023400 C2:dduuuddddduuddu M:2/4   K:D            H:"LORZ  T:le Bal de Jugon (with harmony)
ABC      2 C1:007070002023400 C2:dduuuddddduuddu M:2/4   K:D            H:"LORZ  T:le Bal de Jugon (with harmony)
ABC      2 C1:007070002023400 C2:dduuuddddduuddu M:2/4   K:D            H:"LORZ  T:le Bal de Jugon (with harmony)
ABC      2 C1:007070002023400 C2:dduuuddddduuddu M:2/4   K:D            H:"LORZ  T:le Bal de Jugon (with harmony)
ABC      2 C1:007070002023400 C2:dduuuddddduuddu M:2/4   K:D            H:"LORZ  T:le Bal de Jugon (with harmony)
ABC      2 C1:007070002023400 C2:dduuuddddduuddu M:2/4   K:D            H:"LORZ  T:le Bal de Jugon (with harmony)
ABC      2 C1:007070002023400 C2:dduuuddddduuddu M:2/4   K:D            H:"LORZ  T:le Bal de Jugon (with harmony)
ABC      2 C1:007070002023400 C2:dduuuddddduuddu M:2/4   K:D            H:"LORZ  T:le Bal de Jugon (with harmony)
ABC      2 C1:007070002023400 C2:dduuuddddduuddu M:2/4   K:D            H:"LORZ  T:le Bal de Jugon (with harmony)
ABC      2 C1:007070002023400 C2:dduuuddddduuddu M:2/4   K:D            H:"LORZ  T:le Bal de Jugon (with harmony)
ABC      2 C1:007070002023400 C2:dduuuddddduuddu M:2/4   K:D            H:"LORZ  T:le Bal de Jugon (with harmony)
ABC      2 C1:007070002023400 C2:dduuuddddduuddu M:2/4   K:D            H:"LORZ  T:le Bal de Jugon (with harmony)
ABC      2 C1:007070002023400 C2:dduuuddddduuddu M:2/4   K:D            H:"LORZ  T:le Bal de Jugon (with harmony)
ABC      2 C1:007070002023400 C2:dduuuddddduuddu M:2/4   K:D            H:"LORZ  T:le Bal de Jugon (with harmony)
ABC      2 C1:007070002023400 C2:dduuuddddduuddu M:2/4   K:D            H:"LORZ  T:le Bal de Jugon (with harmony)
ABC     26 C1:007070002023400 C2:dduuuddddduuddu M:2/4   K:D            H:"LORZ  T:le Bal de Jugon (with harmony)
ABC     26 C1:007070002023400 C2:dduuuddddduuddu M:2/4   K:D            H:"LORZ  T:le Bal de Jugon (with harmony)
ABC   3578 C1:007070002023400 C2:dduuuddddduuddu M:2/4   K:D            H:"LOR   T:le Bal de Jugon (with harmony)
ABC   3578 C1:007070002023400 C2:dduuuddddduuddu M:2/4   K:D            H:"LOR   T:le Bal de Jugon (with harmony)
ABC   7404 C1:007070002023400 C2:dduuuddddduuddu M:2/4   K:D            H:"LORZ  T:le Bal de Jugon (with harmony)
ABC   7404 C1:007070002023400 C2:dduuuddddduuddu M:2/4   K:D            H:"LORZ  T:le Bal de Jugon (with harmony)
ABC   7404 C1:007070002023400 C2:dduuuddddduuddu M:2/4   K:D            H:"LORZ  T:le Bal de Jugon (with harmony)
ABC   7404 C1:007070002023400 C2:dduuuddddduuddu M:2/4   K:D            H:"LORZ  T:le Bal de Jugon (with harmony)
ABC   7404 C1:007070002023400 C2:dduuuddddduuddu M:2/4   K:D            H:"LORZ  T:le Bal de Jugon (with harmony)
ABC     16 C1:166210166210166 C2:udduuuduudduuuu M:6/8   K:C            H:LQ     T:BAL DE PLESSALA
ABC     16 C1:166210166210166 C2:udduuuduudduuuu M:6/8   K:C            H:LQZ    T:BAL DE PLESSALA
ABC    104 C1:166210166210166 C2:udduuuduudduuuu M:6/8   K:C            H:LQZ    T:BAL DE PLESSALA
ABC    104 C1:166210166210166 C2:udduuuduudduuuu M:6/8   K:C            H:LQZ    T:BAL DE PLESSALA
ABC    104 C1:166210166210166 C2:udduuuduudduuuu M:6/8   K:C            H:LQZ    T:BAL DE PLESSALA
ABC    104 C1:166210166210166 C2:udduuuduudduuuu M:6/8   K:C            H:LQZ    T:BAL DE PLESSALA
ABC    104 C1:166210166210166 C2:udduuuduudduuuu M:6/8   K:C            H:LQZ    T:BAL DE PLESSALA
ABC    104 C1:166210166210166 C2:udduuuduudduuuu M:6/8   K:C            H:LQWZ   T:BAL DE PLESSALA
ABC    104 C1:166210166210166 C2:udduuuduudduuuu M:6/8   K:C            H:LQWZ   T:BAL DE PLESSALA
ABC   1040 C1:166210166210166 C2:udduuuduudduuuu M:6/8   K:C            H:LQZ    T:BAL DE PLESSALA
ABC   1040 C1:166210166210166 C2:udduuuduudduuuu M:6/8   K:C            H:LQZ    T:BAL DE PLESSALA
ABC   1040 C1:166210166210166 C2:udduuuduudduuuu M:6/8   K:C            H:LQZ    T:BAL DE PLESSALA
ABC   1040 C1:166210166210166 C2:udduuuduudduuuu M:6/8   K:C            H:LQZ    T:BAL DE PLESSALA
ABC    190 C1:000604007111110 C2:ddduuuuuuudddud M:C     K:Gm           H:ACLOQRVZ T:Bal de Printemps
ABC    190 C1:000604007111110 C2:ddduuuuuuudddud M:C     K:Em           H:ACLOQRVZ T:Bal de Printemps
ABC    190 C1:000604007111110 C2:ddduuuuuuudddud M:C     K:Dm           H:ACLOQRVZ T:Bal de Printemps
ABC      1 C1:327723010102702 C2:uudduduuduuduud M:4/4   K:G            H:LQ     T:BAL D'ERCEE
ABC     10 C1:327723010102702 C2:uudduduuduuduud M:4/4   K:G            H:LQ     T:BAL D'ERCEE
ABC     10 C1:327723010102702 C2:uudduduuduuduud M:4/4   K:G            H:LQZ    T:BAL D'ERCEE
ABC    171 C1:327723010102702 C2:uudduduuduuduud M:4/4   K:G            H:LQZ    T:BAL D'ERCEE
ABC    171 C1:327723010102702 C2:uudduduuduuduud M:4/4   K:G            H:LQZ    T:BAL D'ERCEE
ABC    171 C1:327723010102702 C2:uudduduuduuduud M:4/4   K:G            H:LQZ    T:BAL D'ERCEE
ABC    171 C1:327723010102702 C2:uudduduuduuduud M:4/4   K:G            H:LQZ    T:BAL D'ERCEE
ABC    171 C1:327723010102702 C2:uudduduuduuduud M:4/4   K:G            H:LQZ    T:BAL D'ERCEE
ABC    171 C1:327723010102702 C2:uudduduuduuduud M:4/4   K:G            H:LQWZ   T:BAL D'ERCEE
ABC    171 C1:327723010102702 C2:uudduduuduuduud M:4/4   K:G            H:LQWZ   T:BAL D'ERCEE
ABC   1038 C1:327723010102702 C2:uudduduuduuduud M:4/4   K:G            H:LQZ    T:BAL D'ERCEE
ABC   1038 C1:327723010102702 C2:uudduduuduuduud M:4/4   K:G            H:LQZ    T:BAL D'ERCEE
ABC   1038 C1:327723010102702 C2:uudduduuduuduud M:4/4   K:G            H:LQZ    T:BAL D'ERCEE
ABC   1038 C1:327723010102702 C2:uudduduuduuduud M:4/4   K:G            H:LQZ    T:BAL D'ERCEE
ABC      1 C1:010107070401070 C2:uudduudduddduud M:6/8   K:C            H:"ACELRSZ T:Bal de Rhuys
ABC      1 C1:040534040260040 C2:dududududududud M:3/8   K:C            H:CLQW   T:Bal de Rhuys
ABC      1 C1:040534040260040 C2:dududududududud M:3/8   K:C            H:CLQW   T:Bal de Rhuys
ABC      1 C1:040534040260040 C2:dududududududud M:3/8   K:C            H:CLQW   T:Bal de Rhuys
ABC      1 C1:040534040260040 C2:dududududududud M:3/8   K:C            H:CLQW   T:Bal de Rhuys
ABC      1 C1:040534040260040 C2:dududududududud M:3/8   K:C            H:CLQW   T:Bal de Rhuys
ABC      1 C1:040534040260040 C2:dududududududud M:3/8   K:C            H:CLQW   T:Bal de Rhuys
ABC     14 C1:017042621612606 C2:udduuduuddduuud M:4/4   K:C            H:LQ     T:BAL D' ERQUY
ABC     14 C1:017042621612606 C2:udduuduuddduuud M:4/4   K:C            H:LQZ    T:BAL D' ERQUY
ABC    102 C1:017042621612606 C2:udduuduuddduuud M:4/4   K:C            H:LQZ    T:BAL D' ERQUY
ABC    102 C1:017042621612606 C2:udduuduuddduuud M:4/4   K:C            H:LQZ    T:BAL D' ERQUY
ABC    102 C1:017042621612606 C2:udduuduuddduuud M:4/4   K:C            H:LQZ    T:BAL D' ERQUY
ABC    102 C1:017042621612606 C2:udduuduuddduuud M:4/4   K:C            H:LQZ    T:BAL D' ERQUY
ABC    102 C1:017042621612606 C2:udduuduuddduuud M:4/4   K:C            H:LQZ    T:BAL D' ERQUY
ABC    102 C1:017042621612606 C2:udduuduuddduuud M:4/4   K:C            H:LQWZ   T:BAL D' ERQUY
ABC    102 C1:017042621612606 C2:udduuduuddduuud M:4/4   K:C            H:LQWZ   T:BAL D' ERQUY
ABC   1037 C1:017042621612606 C2:udduuduuddduuud M:4/4   K:C            H:LQZ    T:BAL D' ERQUY
ABC   1037 C1:017042621612606 C2:udduuduuddduuud M:4/4   K:C            H:LQZ    T:BAL D' ERQUY
ABC   1037 C1:017042621612606 C2:udduuduuddduuud M:4/4   K:C            H:LQZ    T:BAL D' ERQUY
ABC   1037 C1:017042621612606 C2:udduuduuddduuud M:4/4   K:C            H:LQZ    T:BAL D' ERQUY
ABC  10781 C1:000002071777020 C2:ududddududddudd M:2/4   K:Gm           H:BLSZ   T:the BALDERSTON QUADRILLES No. 1.--la Pantalon
ABC  10781 C1:000002071777020 C2:ududddududddudd M:2/4   K:Gm           H:BLSZ   T:the BALDERSTON QUADRILLES No. 1.--la Pantalon
ABC  10781 C1:000002071777020 C2:ududddududddudd M:2/4   K:Gm           H:BLSZ   T:The BALDERSTON QUADRILLES No. 1.--la Pantalon
ABC  10781 C1:000002071777020 C2:ududddududddudd M:2/4   K:Gm           H:BLSZ   T:The BALDERSTON QUADRILLES No. 1.--la Pantalon
ABC  10781 C1:000002071777020 C2:ududddududddudd M:2/4   K:Gm           H:BLSZ   T:The BALDERSTON QUADRILLES No. 1.--la Pantalon
ABC  10781 C1:000002071777020 C2:ududddududddudd M:2/4   K:Gm           H:BLSZ   T:The BALDERSTON QUADRILLES No. 1.--la Pantalon
ABC  10781 C1:000002071777020 C2:ududddududddudd M:2/4   K:Gm           H:BLSZ   T:The BALDERSTON QUADRILLES No. 1.--la Pantalon
ABC  10781 C1:000002071777020 C2:ududddududddudd M:2/4   K:Gm           H:BLSZ   T:The BALDERSTON QUADRILLES No. 1.--la Pantalon
ABC  10781 C1:000002071777020 C2:ududddududddudd M:2/4   K:Gm           H:BLSZ   T:The BALDERSTON QUADRILLES No. 1.--la Pantalon
ABC  10781 C1:000002071777020 C2:ududddududddudd M:2/4   K:Gm           H:BLSZ   T:The BALDERSTON QUADRILLES No. 1.--la Pantalon
ABC  10781 C1:000002071777020 C2:ududddududddudd M:2/4   K:Gm           H:BLSZ   T:The BALDERSTON QUADRILLES No. 1.--la Pantalon
ABC  10782 C1:002777760011060 C2:uddddduudduuudd M:2/4   K:Bb           H:BLSZ   T:the BALDERSTON QUADRILLES No. 2.--la Et\`e.
ABC  10782 C1:002777760011060 C2:uddddduudduuudd M:2/4   K:Bb           H:BLSZ   T:the BALDERSTON QUADRILLES No. 2.--la Et\`e.
ABC  10782 C1:002777760011060 C2:uddddduudduuudd M:2/4   K:Bb           H:BLSZ   T:The BALDERSTON QUADRILLES No. 2.--la Et\`e.
ABC  10782 C1:002777760011060 C2:uddddduudduuudd M:2/4   K:Bb           H:BLSZ   T:The BALDERSTON QUADRILLES No. 2.--la Et\`e.
ABC  10782 C1:002777760011060 C2:uddddduudduuudd M:2/4   K:Bb           H:BLSZ   T:The BALDERSTON QUADRILLES No. 2.--la Et\`e.
ABC  10782 C1:002777760011060 C2:uddddduudduuudd M:2/4   K:Bb           H:BLSZ   T:The BALDERSTON QUADRILLES No. 2.--la Et\`e.
ABC  10782 C1:002777760011060 C2:uddddduudduuudd M:2/4   K:Bb           H:BLSZ   T:The BALDERSTON QUADRILLES No. 2.--la Et\`e.
ABC  10782 C1:002777760011060 C2:uddddduudduuudd M:2/4   K:Bb           H:BLSZ   T:The BALDERSTON QUADRILLES No. 2.--la Et\`e.
ABC  10782 C1:002777760011060 C2:uddddduudduuudd M:2/4   K:Bb           H:BLSZ   T:The BALDERSTON QUADRILLES No. 2.--la Et\`e.
ABC  10782 C1:002777760011060 C2:uddddduudduuudd M:2/4   K:Bb           H:BLSZ   T:The BALDERSTON QUADRILLES No. 2.--la Et\`e.
ABC  10782 C1:002777760011060 C2:uddddduudduuudd M:2/4   K:Bb           H:BLSZ   T:The BALDERSTON QUADRILLES No. 2.--la Et\`e.
ABC  10783 C1:011011011005017 C2:uuuuuududddduud M:6/8   K:Gm           H:BLSZ   T:the BALDERSTON QUADRILLES No. 3.--la Poule.
ABC  10783 C1:011011011005017 C2:uuuuuududddduud M:6/8   K:Gm           H:BLSZ   T:the BALDERSTON QUADRILLES No. 3.--la Poule.
ABC  10783 C1:011011011005017 C2:uuuuuududddduud M:6/8   K:Gm           H:BLSZ   T:The BALDERSTON QUADRILLES No. 3.--la Poule.
ABC  10783 C1:011011011005017 C2:uuuuuududddduud M:6/8   K:Gm           H:BLSZ   T:The BALDERSTON QUADRILLES No. 3.--la Poule.
ABC  10783 C1:011011011005017 C2:uuuuuududddduud M:6/8   K:Gm           H:BLSZ   T:The BALDERSTON QUADRILLES No. 3.--la Poule.
ABC  10783 C1:011011011005017 C2:uuuuuududddduud M:6/8   K:Gm           H:BLSZ   T:The BALDERSTON QUADRILLES No. 3.--la Poule.
ABC  10783 C1:011011011005017 C2:uuuuuududddduud M:6/8   K:Gm           H:BLSZ   T:The BALDERSTON QUADRILLES No. 3.--la Poule.
ABC  10783 C1:011011011005017 C2:uuuuuududddduud M:6/8   K:Gm           H:BLSZ   T:The BALDERSTON QUADRILLES No. 3.--la Poule.
ABC  10783 C1:011011011005017 C2:uuuuuududddduud M:6/8   K:Gm           H:BLSZ   T:The BALDERSTON QUADRILLES No. 3.--la Poule.
ABC  10783 C1:011011011005017 C2:uuuuuududddduud M:6/8   K:Gm           H:BLSZ   T:The BALDERSTON QUADRILLES No. 3.--la Poule.
ABC  10783 C1:011011011005017 C2:uuuuuududddduud M:6/8   K:Gm           H:BLSZ   T:The BALDERSTON QUADRILLES No. 3.--la Poule.
ABC  10791 C1:000300011161071 C2:uuuududuuduuduu M:2/4   K:Bb           H:BLSZ   T:the BALDERSTON QUADRILLES No. 4.--la Trenise.
ABC  10791 C1:000300011161071 C2:uuuududuuduuduu M:2/4   K:Bb           H:BLSZ   T:the BALDERSTON QUADRILLES No. 4.--la Trenise.
ABC  10791 C1:000300011161071 C2:uuuududuuduuduu M:2/4   K:Bb           H:BLSZ   T:The BALDERSTON QUADRILLES No. 4.--la Trenise.
ABC  10791 C1:000300011161071 C2:uuuududuuduuduu M:2/4   K:Bb           H:BLSZ   T:The BALDERSTON QUADRILLES No. 4.--la Trenise.
ABC  10791 C1:000300011161071 C2:uuuududuuduuduu M:2/4   K:Bb           H:BLSZ   T:The BALDERSTON QUADRILLES No. 4.--la Trenise.
ABC  10791 C1:000300011161071 C2:uuuududuuduuduu M:2/4   K:Bb           H:BLSZ   T:The BALDERSTON QUADRILLES No. 4.--la Trenise.
ABC  10791 C1:000300011161071 C2:uuuududuuduuduu M:2/4   K:Bb           H:BLSZ   T:The BALDERSTON QUADRILLES No. 4.--la Trenise.
ABC  10791 C1:000300011161071 C2:uuuududuuduuduu M:2/4   K:Bb           H:BLSZ   T:The BALDERSTON QUADRILLES No. 4.--la Trenise.
ABC  10791 C1:000300011161071 C2:uuuududuuduuduu M:2/4   K:Bb           H:BLSZ   T:The BALDERSTON QUADRILLES No. 4.--la Trenise.
ABC  10791 C1:000300011161071 C2:uuuududuuduuduu M:2/4   K:Bb           H:BLSZ   T:The BALDERSTON QUADRILLES No. 4.--la Trenise.
ABC  10791 C1:000300011161071 C2:uuuududuuduuduu M:2/4   K:Bb           H:BLSZ   T:The BALDERSTON QUADRILLES No. 4.--la Trenise.
ABC  10792 C1:006011176172176 C2:duuudduduuddudu M:6/8   K:G            H:BLSZ   T:the BALDERSTON QUADRILLES No. 5.--la Finale.
ABC  10792 C1:006011176172176 C2:duuudduduuddudu M:6/8   K:G            H:BLSZ   T:the BALDERSTON QUADRILLES No. 5.--la Finale.
ABC  10792 C1:006011176172176 C2:duuudduduuddudu M:6/8   K:G            H:BLSZ   T:The BALDERSTON QUADRILLES No. 5.--la Finale.
ABC  10792 C1:006011176172176 C2:duuudduduuddudu M:6/8   K:G            H:BLSZ   T:The BALDERSTON QUADRILLES No. 5.--la Finale.
ABC  10792 C1:006011176172176 C2:duuudduduuddudu M:6/8   K:G            H:BLSZ   T:The BALDERSTON QUADRILLES No. 5.--la Finale.
ABC  10792 C1:006011176172176 C2:duuudduduuddudu M:6/8   K:G            H:BLSZ   T:The BALDERSTON QUADRILLES No. 5.--la Finale.
ABC  10792 C1:006011176172176 C2:duuudduduuddudu M:6/8   K:G            H:BLSZ   T:The BALDERSTON QUADRILLES No. 5.--la Finale.
ABC  10792 C1:006011176172176 C2:duuudduduuddudu M:6/8   K:G            H:BLSZ   T:The BALDERSTON QUADRILLES No. 5.--la Finale.
ABC  10792 C1:006011176172176 C2:duuudduduuddudu M:6/8   K:G            H:BLSZ   T:The BALDERSTON QUADRILLES No. 5.--la Finale.
ABC  10792 C1:006011176172176 C2:duuudduduuddudu M:6/8   K:G            H:BLSZ   T:The BALDERSTON QUADRILLES No. 5.--la Finale.
ABC  10792 C1:006011176172176 C2:duuudduduuddudu M:6/8   K:G            H:BLSZ   T:The BALDERSTON QUADRILLES No. 5.--la Finale.
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:4/4   K:C            H:ACELRSZ T:Bal des 4 Sauts
ABC      1 C1:000264040443107 C2:dudududududdudu M:3/8   K:C            H:CLQW   T:Bal de Sarzeau
ABC      1 C1:000264040443107 C2:dudududududdudu M:3/8   K:C            H:CLQW   T:Bal de Sarzeau
ABC      1 C1:000264040443107 C2:dudududududdudu M:3/8   K:C            H:CLQW   T:Bal de Sarzeau
ABC      1 C1:000264040443107 C2:dudududududdudu M:3/8   K:C            H:CLQW   T:Bal de Sarzeau
ABC      1 C1:000264040443107 C2:dudududududdudu M:3/8   K:C            H:CLQW   T:Bal de Sarzeau
ABC      1 C1:000264040443107 C2:dudududududdudu M:3/8   K:C            H:CLQW   T:Bal de Sarzeau
ABC      5 C1:000000177771074 C2:duududddduududd M:2     K:Gm           H:CLOQRVZw T:Le bal de Sceaux
ABC      1 C1:111007026027067 C2:uuudududddduduu M:6/8   K:G            H:CLQZ   T:Bal des HOLLANDAIS
ABC     11 C1:036217261677036 C2:uduuudududdddud M:6/8   K:G            H:LQ     T:BAL DES HOLLANDAIS
ABC     11 C1:036217261677036 C2:uduuudududdddud M:6/8   K:G            H:LQZ    T:BAL DES HOLLANDAIS
ABC    172 C1:036217261677036 C2:uduuudududdddud M:6/8   K:G            H:LQZ    T:BAL DES HOLLANDAIS
ABC    172 C1:036217261677036 C2:uduuudududdddud M:6/8   K:G            H:LQZ    T:BAL DES HOLLANDAIS
ABC    172 C1:036217261677036 C2:uduuudududdddud M:6/8   K:G            H:LQZ    T:BAL DES HOLLANDAIS
ABC    172 C1:036217261677036 C2:uduuudududdddud M:6/8   K:G            H:LQZ    T:BAL DES HOLLANDAIS
ABC    172 C1:036217261677036 C2:uduuudududdddud M:6/8   K:G            H:LQZ    T:BAL DES HOLLANDAIS
ABC    172 C1:036217261677036 C2:uduuudududdddud M:6/8   K:G            H:LQWZ   T:BAL DES HOLLANDAIS
ABC    172 C1:036217261677036 C2:uduuudududdddud M:6/8   K:G            H:LQWZ   T:BAL DES HOLLANDAIS
ABC   1041 C1:036217261677036 C2:uduuudududdddud M:6/8   K:G            H:LQZ    T:BAL DES HOLLANDAIS
ABC   1041 C1:036217261677036 C2:uduuudududdddud M:6/8   K:G            H:LQZ    T:BAL DES HOLLANDAIS
ABC   1041 C1:036217261677036 C2:uduuudududdddud M:6/8   K:G            H:LQZ    T:BAL DES HOLLANDAIS
ABC   1041 C1:036217261677036 C2:uduuudududdddud M:6/8   K:G            H:LQZ    T:BAL DES HOLLANDAIS
ABC      1 C1:001703110017004 C2:udduuudududdddd M:4/4   K:F            H:L      T:Bald General Coote
ABC      1 C1:001703110017004 C2:udduuudududdddd M:4/4   K:F            H:L      T:Bald General Coote
ABC      1 C1:001703110017004 C2:udduuudududdddd M:4/4   K:F            H:L      T:Bald General Coote
ABC   7891 C1:070007020002050 C2:dduudududdduudu M:3/4   K:G            H:CFLORVWZ T:Bald gras' icham Neckar
ABC   7891 C1:070007020002050 C2:dduudududdduudu M:3/4   K:G            H:CFLORVWZ T:Bald gras' icham Neckar
ABC     51 C1:000200020607000 C2:dudduuddddduudd M:3/4   K:C            H:LOR    T:BALD GRAS ICH AM NECKAR
ABC 492005 C1:715165771111716 C2:duuudddduuuudud M:C|    K:G            H:BLQRSZ T:BALDHEADED BACHELOR, The
ABC   1776 C1:715165771111716 C2:duuudddduuuudud M:C|    K:G            H:BLRZbs T:the Baldheaded Bachelor
ABC   1776 C1:715165771111716 C2:duuudddduuuudud M:C|    K:G            H:BLRZbs T:the Baldheaded Bachelor
ABC   1776 C1:715165771111716 C2:duuudddduuuudud M:C|    K:G            H:BLRZbs T:the Baldheaded Bachelor
ABC   1776 C1:715165771111716 C2:duuudddduuuudud M:C|    K:G            H:BLRZbs T:the Baldheaded Bachelor
ABC   1776 C1:715165771111716 C2:duuudddduuuudud M:C|    K:G            H:BLRZbs T:the Baldheaded Bachelor
ABC   1776 C1:715165771111716 C2:duuudddduuuudud M:C|    K:G            H:BLRZbs T:the Baldheaded Bachelor
ABC   1776 C1:715165771111716 C2:duuudddduuuudud M:C|    K:G            H:BLRZbs T:the Baldheaded Bachelor
ABC   1776 C1:715165771111716 C2:duuudddduuuudud M:C|    K:G            H:BLRZbs T:the Baldheaded Bachelor
ABC   1776 C1:715165771111716 C2:duuudddduuuudud M:C|    K:G            H:BLRZbs T:the Baldheaded Bachelor
ABC   1776 C1:715165771111716 C2:duuudddduuuudud M:C|    K:G            H:BLRZbs T:the Baldheaded Bachelor
ABC   1776 C1:715165771111716 C2:duuudddduuuudud M:C|    K:G            H:BLRZbs T:the Baldheaded Bachelor
ABC   1776 C1:715165771111716 C2:duuudddduuuudud M:C|    K:G            H:BLRZbs T:the Baldheaded Bachelor
ABC   1894 C1:715165771111716 C2:duuudddduuuudud M:C|    K:G            H:BLRZ   T:The Baldheaded Bachelor
ABC   1894 C1:715165771111716 C2:duuudddduuuudud M:C|    K:G            H:BLRZ   T:The Baldheaded Bachelor
ABC   1776 C1:715165771111716 C2:duuudddduuuudud M:C|    K:G            H:BLRZ   T:The Baldheaded Bachelor
ABC   1894 C1:715165771111716 C2:duuudddduuuudud M:C|    K:G            H:BLRZ   T:The Baldheaded Bachelor
ABC      1 C1:715165771111716 C2:duuudddduuuudud M:C|    K:G            H:LRSZ   T:Baldheaded Bachelor, The
ABC      1 C1:715165771111716 C2:duuudddduuuudud M:C|    K:G            H:LRSZ   T:Baldheaded Bachelor, The
ABC   1776 C1:715165771111716 C2:duuudddduuuudud M:C|    K:G            H:BLRZ   T:The Baldheaded Bachelor
ABC 492005 C1:715165771111716 C2:duuudddduuuudud M:C|    K:G            H:BLQRSZ T:BALDHEADED BACHELOR, The
ABC 492005 C1:715165771111716 C2:duuudddduuuudud M:C|    K:G            H:BLQRSZ T:BALDHEADED BACHELOR, The
ABC   1776 C1:715165771111716 C2:duuudddduuuudud M:C|    K:G            H:BLRZ   T:The Baldheaded Bachelor
ABC   1894 C1:715165771111716 C2:duuudddduuuudud M:C|    K:G            H:BLRZ   T:The Baldheaded Bachelor
ABC   1894 C1:715165771111716 C2:duuudddduuuudud M:C|    K:G            H:BLRZ   T:The Baldheaded Bachelor
ABC      1 C1:010101070707005 C2:uuudddduuuudddu M:4/4   K:G            H:L      T:Bald-Headed End of the Broom
ABC      1 C1:010101070707005 C2:uuudddduuuudddu M:4/4   K:G            H:L      T:Bald-Headed End of the Broom
ABC      1 C1:010101070707005 C2:uuudddduuuudddu M:4/4   K:G            H:L      T:Bald-Headed End of the Broom
ABC      1 C1:010027750700062 C2:duddudduududdud M:C|    K:G            H:"BCLRZ T:the Baldovan Reel
ABC      1 C1:010027750700062 C2:duddudduududdud M:C|    K:G            H:"BCLRZ T:the Baldovan Reel
ABC      1 C1:010027750700062 C2:duddudduududdud M:C|    K:G            H:"BCLRZ T:the Baldovan Reel
ABC      1 C1:010027750700062 C2:duddudduududdud M:C|    K:G            H:"BCLRZ T:the Baldovan Reel
ABC      1 C1:010027750700062 C2:duddudduududdud M:C|    K:G            H:"BCLRZ T:the Baldovan Reel
ABC      1 C1:010027750700062 C2:duddudduududdud M:C|    K:G            H:"BCLRZ T:the Baldovan Reel
ABC      1 C1:010027750700062 C2:duddudduududdud M:C|    K:G            H:"BCLRZ T:the Baldovan Reel
ABC    203 C1:000003010077003 C2:uudduddududdudu M:4/4   K:Eb           H:LOR    T:BALD PRANGT DEN MORGEN ZU VERKUENDEN
ABC     10 C1:000100700001007 C2:ududduuuddddudd M:4/4   K:C            H:LOR    T:BALD SIND WIR AUF EWIG GESCHIEDEN
ABC    198 C1:030000030070070 C2:duddudddduduuud M:3/4   K:Bb           H:LOR    T:BALD SIND WIR AUF EWIG GESCHIEDEN
ABC    430 C1:000100070002000 C2:udududddduududu M:2/4   K:G            H:LOR    T:BALD SINKT NUN DER MITTERNACHT
ABC      1 C1:077110267751074 C2:uddduuuddddddud M:2/4   K:Em           H:"LOQS  T:Balduzka
ABC     19 C1:077110267751074 C2:uddduuuddddddud M:2/4   K:Em           H:"LOQS  T:Balduzka
ABC     19 C1:077110267751074 C2:uddduuuddddddud M:2/4   K:Em           H:"LOQS  T:Balduzka
ABC     21 C1:077110267751074 C2:uddduuuddddddud M:2/4   K:Em           H:"LOQS  T:Balduzka
ABC     21 C1:077110267751074 C2:uddduuuddddddud M:2/4   K:Em           H:"LOQS  T:Balduzka
ABC     26 C1:077110267751074 C2:uddduuuddddddud M:2/4   K:Em           H:"LOQS  T:Balduzka
ABC     27 C1:077110267751074 C2:uddduuuddddddud M:2/4   K:Em           H:"LOQS  T:Balduzka
ABC     30 C1:077110267751074 C2:uddduuuddddddud M:2/4   K:Em           H:"LOQS  T:Balduzka
ABC     31 C1:077110267751074 C2:uddduuuddddddud M:2/4   K:Em           H:"LOQS  T:Balduzka
ABC     19 C1:077110267751074 C2:uddduuuddddddud M:2/4   K:Em           H:"LOQS  T:Balduzka
ABC     19 C1:077110267751074 C2:uddduuuddddddud M:2/4   K:Em           H:"LOQS  T:Balduzka
ABC     21 C1:077110267751074 C2:uddduuuddddddud M:2/4   K:Em           H:"LOQS  T:Balduzka
ABC     21 C1:077110267751074 C2:uddduuuddddddud M:2/4   K:Em           H:"LOQS  T:Balduzka
ABC     26 C1:077110267751074 C2:uddduuuddddddud M:2/4   K:Em           H:"LOQS  T:Balduzka
ABC     27 C1:077110267751074 C2:uddduuuddddddud M:2/4   K:Em           H:"LOQS  T:Balduzka
ABC     30 C1:077110267751074 C2:uddduuuddddddud M:2/4   K:Em           H:"LOQS  T:Balduzka
ABC     31 C1:077110267751074 C2:uddduuuddddddud M:2/4   K:Em           H:"LOQS  T:Balduzka
ABC     15 C1:077110267751074 C2:uddduuuddddddud M:2/4   K:Em           H:"LOQS  T:Balduzka
ABC     15 C1:077110267751074 C2:uddduuuddddddud M:2/4   K:Em           H:"LOQS  T:Balduzka
ABC      6 C1:077110267751074 C2:uddduuuddddddud M:2/4   K:Em           H:"LOQS  T:Balduzka
ABC      6 C1:077110267751074 C2:uddduuuddddddud M:2/4   K:Em           H:"LOQS  T:Balduzka
ABC     13 C1:077110267751074 C2:uddduuuddddddud M:2/4   K:Em           H:"LOQS  T:Balduzka
ABC     15 C1:077110267751074 C2:uddduuuddddddud M:2/4   K:Em           H:"LOQS  T:Balduzka
ABC      6 C1:077110267751074 C2:uddduuuddddddud M:2/4   K:Em           H:"LOQS  T:Balduzka
ABC      6 C1:077110267751074 C2:uddduuuddddddud M:2/4   K:Em           H:"LOQS  T:Balduzka
ABC     13 C1:077110267751074 C2:uddduuuddddddud M:2/4   K:Em           H:"LOQS  T:Balduzka
ABC     13 C1:077110267751074 C2:uddduuuddddddud M:2/4   K:Em           H:"LOQS  T:Balduzka
ABC     13 C1:077110267751074 C2:uddduuuddddddud M:2/4   K:Em           H:"LOQS  T:Balduzka
ABC     13 C1:077110267751074 C2:uddduuuddddddud M:2/4   K:Em           H:"LOQS  T:Balduzka
ABC   1053 C1:077110267751074 C2:uddduuuddddddud M:2/4   K:Em           H:"LOQS  T:Balduzka
ABC      6 C1:077110267751074 C2:uddduuuddddddud M:2/4   K:Em           H:"LOQS  T:Balduzka
ABC      6 C1:077110267751074 C2:uddduuuddddddud M:2/4   K:Em           H:"LOQS  T:Balduzka
ABC     13 C1:077110267751074 C2:uddduuuddddddud M:2/4   K:Em           H:"LOQS  T:Balduzka
ABC      6 C1:077110267751074 C2:uddduuuddddddud M:2/4   K:Em           H:"LOQS  T:Balduzka
ABC     13 C1:077110267751074 C2:uddduuuddddddud M:2/4   K:Em           H:"LOQS  T:Balduzka
ABC      6 C1:077110267751074 C2:uddduuuddddddud M:2/4   K:Em           H:"LOQS  T:Balduzka
ABC     13 C1:077110267751074 C2:uddduuuddddddud M:2/4   K:Em           H:"LOQS  T:Balduzka
ABC     13 C1:077110267751074 C2:uddduuuddddddud M:2/4   K:Em           H:"LOQS  T:Balduzka
ABC      6 C1:077110267751074 C2:uddduuuddddddud M:2/4   K:Em           H:"LOQS  T:Balduzka
ABC     31 C1:077110267751074 C2:uddduuuddddddud M:2/4   K:Em           H:"LOQS  T:Balduzka
ABC     31 C1:077110267751074 C2:uddduuuddddddud M:2/4   K:Em           H:"LOQS  T:Balduzka
ABC     31 C1:077110267751074 C2:uddduuuddddddud M:2/4   K:Em           H:"LOQS  T:Balduzka
ABC     31 C1:077110267751074 C2:uddduuuddddddud M:2/4   K:Em           H:"LOQS  T:Balduzka
ABC   1053 C1:077110267751074 C2:uddduuuddddddud M:2/4   K:Em           H:"LOQS  T:Balduzka
ABC   1053 C1:077110267751074 C2:uddduuuddddddud M:2/4   K:Em           H:"LOQS  T:Balduzka
ABC   1053 C1:077110267751074 C2:uddduuuddddddud M:2/4   K:Em           H:"LOQS  T:Balduzka
ABC    862 C1:077110267751074 C2:uddduuuddddddud M:2/4   K:Em           H:"LOQS  T:Balduzka
ABC    862 C1:077110267751074 C2:uddduuuddddddud M:2/4   K:Em           H:"LOQS  T:Balduzka
ABC    862 C1:077110267751074 C2:uddduuuddddddud M:2/4   K:Em           H:"LOQS  T:Balduzka
ABC    862 C1:077110267751074 C2:uddduuuddddddud M:2/4   K:Em           H:"LOQS  T:Balduzka
ABC    862 C1:077110267751074 C2:uddduuuddddddud M:2/4   K:Em           H:"LOQS  T:Balduzka
ABC      1 C1:206020777072700 C2:udduudddduuduud M:2/4   K:G            H:BL     T:Baldy
ABC      1 C1:606221261003622 C2:dduuuuududduuud M:4/4   K:A            H:CLQR   T:Balendalloch's Dream
ABC      1 C1:606221261003622 C2:dduuuuududduuud M:4/4   K:A            H:CLQR   T:Balendalloch's Dream
ABC    332 C1:062212610036221 C2:duuuuududduuudd M:C     K:Amix         H:BLRSVZ T:Balendaloch's Dream
ABC    332 C1:062212610036221 C2:duuuuududduuudd M:C     K:Amix         H:BLRSVZ T:Balendaloch's Dream
ABC    332 C1:062212610036221 C2:duuuuududduuudd M:C     K:Amix         H:BLRSVZ T:Balendaloch's Dream
ABC    332 C1:062212610036221 C2:duuuuududduuudd M:C     K:Amix         H:BLRSVZ T:Balendaloch's Dream
ABC    332 C1:062212610036221 C2:duuuuududduuudd M:C     K:Amix         H:BLRSVZ T:Balendaloch's Dream
ABC    332 C1:062212610036221 C2:duuuuududduuudd M:C     K:Amix         H:BLRSVZ T:Balendaloch's Dream
ABC    332 C1:062212610036221 C2:duuuuududduuudd M:C     K:Amix         H:BLRSVZ T:Balendaloch's Dream
ABC    332 C1:062212610036221 C2:duuuuududduuudd M:C     K:Amix         H:BLRSVZ T:Balendaloch's Dream
ABC    332 C1:062212610036221 C2:duuuuududduuudd M:C     K:Amix         H:BLRSVZ T:Balendaloch's Dream
ABC    332 C1:062212610036221 C2:duuuuududduuudd M:C     K:Amix         H:BLRSVZ T:Balendaloch's Dream
ABC   2281 C1:062212610036226 C2:duuuuududduuudu M:C     K:A            H:BLVZ   T:Balendalochs Dream. a Reel.
ABC   2281 C1:062212610036226 C2:duuuuududduuudu M:C     K:A            H:BLVZ   T:Balendalochs Dream. a Reel.
ABC   2281 C1:062212610036226 C2:duuuuududduuudu M:C     K:A            H:BLVZ   T:Balendalochs Dream. a Reel.
ABC   2281 C1:062212610036226 C2:duuuuududduuudu M:C     K:A            H:BLVZ   T:Balendalochs Dream. a Reel.
ABC   2281 C1:062212610036226 C2:duuuuududduuudu M:C     K:A            H:BLVZ   T:Balendalochs Dream. a Reel.
ABC   2281 C1:062212610036226 C2:duuuuududduuudu M:C     K:A            H:BLVZ   T:Balendalochs Dream. a Reel.
ABC   2281 C1:062212610036226 C2:duuuuududduuudu M:C     K:A            H:BLVZ   T:Balendalochs Dream. a Reel.
ABC   2281 C1:062212610036226 C2:duuuuududduuudu M:C     K:A            H:BLVZ   T:Balendalochs Dream. a Reel.
ABC   2281 C1:062212610036226 C2:duuuuududduuudu M:C     K:A            H:BLVZ   T:Balendalochs Dream. a Reel.
ABC   2281 C1:062212610036226 C2:duuuuududduuudu M:C     K:A            H:BLVZ   T:Balendalochs Dream. a Reel.
ABC   2281 C1:062212610036226 C2:duuuuududduuudu M:C     K:A            H:BLVZ   T:Balendalochs Dream. a Reel.
ABC   2281 C1:062212610036226 C2:duuuuududduuudu M:C     K:A            H:BLVZ   T:Balendalochs Dream. a Reel.
ABC   2281 C1:062212610036226 C2:duuuuududduuudu M:C     K:A            H:BLVZ   T:Balendalochs Dream. a Reel.
ABC   2281 C1:062212610036226 C2:duuuuududduuudu M:C     K:A            H:BLVZ   T:Balendalochs Dream. a Reel.
ABC   2281 C1:062212610036226 C2:duuuuududduuudu M:C     K:A            H:BLVZ   T:Balendalochs Dream. a Reel.
ABC   2281 C1:062212610036226 C2:duuuuududduuudu M:C     K:A            H:BLVZ   T:Balendalochs Dream. a Reel.
ABC   2281 C1:062212610036226 C2:duuuuududduuudu M:C     K:A            H:BLVZ   T:Balendalochs Dream. a Reel.
ABC   2281 C1:062212610036226 C2:duuuuududduuudu M:C     K:A            H:BLVZ   T:Balendalochs Dream. a Reel.
ABC   2281 C1:062212610036226 C2:duuuuududduuudu M:C     K:A            H:BLVZ   T:Balendalochs Dream. a Reel.
ABC   2281 C1:062212610036226 C2:duuuuududduuudu M:C     K:A            H:BLVZ   T:Balendalochs Dream. a Reel.
ABC   2281 C1:062212610036226 C2:duuuuududduuudu M:C     K:A            H:BLVZ   T:Balendalochs Dream. a Reel.
ABC   2281 C1:062212610036226 C2:duuuuududduuudu M:C     K:A            H:BLVZ   T:Balendalochs Dream. a Reel.
ABC   2281 C1:062212610036226 C2:duuuuududduuudu M:C     K:A            H:BLVZ   T:Balendalochs Dream. a Reel.
ABC   2281 C1:062212610036226 C2:duuuuududduuudu M:C     K:A            H:BLVZ   T:Balendalochs Dream. a Reel.
ABC   2281 C1:062212610036226 C2:duuuuududduuudu M:C     K:A            H:BLVZ   T:Balendalochs Dream. a Reel.
ABC   2281 C1:062212610036226 C2:duuuuududduuudu M:C     K:A            H:BLVZ   T:Balendalochs Dream. a Reel.
ABC   2281 C1:062212610036226 C2:duuuuududduuudu M:C     K:A            H:BLVZ   T:Balendalochs Dream. a Reel.
ABC   2281 C1:062212610036226 C2:duuuuududduuudu M:C     K:A            H:BLVZ   T:Balendalochs Dream. a Reel.
ABC     27 C1:006700617111006 C2:ddduduuududuuuu M:C|    K:D            H:CDLRZ  T:Balen i Karlstad
ABC     27 C1:006700617111006 C2:ddduduuududuuuu M:C|    K:D            H:CDLRZ  T:Balen i Karlstad
ABC    331 C1:771777117710117 C2:ddududuudduuudd M:6/8   K:G            H:BLQSZ  T:Balenty Morenchare O. JBut.329
ABC     13 C1:233235662233236 C2:uuduuddduuuduud M:9/8   K:D            H:BCLQSZ T:Balenty Oharem(?). JBut.013
ABC    635 C1:711100110401011 C2:duuuuuduuuduudu M:C     K:Fmaj         H:B      T:Balet de Greveling
ABC    798 C1:161607040063000 C2:ududduduudududd M:C     K:Gmaj         H:B      T:Balet la la la
ABC    291 C1:000000007701001 C2:dduuddduuuudddu M:3/4   K:EDor         H:BFLQZ  T:(Baletten der vijf sinnen)
ABC    291 C1:000000007701001 C2:dduuddduuuudddu M:3/4   K:EDor         H:BFLQZ  T:(Baletten der vijf sinnen)
ABC    659 C1:111111630711007 C2:uuuuuududuuduud M:C     K:Ddor         H:B      T:(Baletten der vijf sinnen)
ABC    660 C1:077761110001611 C2:dddduuuuduuuuud M:C     K:Gdor         H:B      T:(Baletten der vijf sinnen)
ABC    661 C1:001606030763076 C2:udduddudddudddu M:C     K:Gdor         H:B      T:(Baletten der vijf sinnen)
ABC    662 C1:072777531111177 C2:dudddduuuuuuddd M:C     K:Gdor         H:B      T:(Baletten der vijf sinnen)
ABC    663 C1:000000007701001 C2:dduuddduuuudddu M:3/4   K:Ddor         H:B      T:(Baletten der vijf sinnen)
ABC      1 C1:111777040072074 C2:uuudddududduuud M:4/4   K:G            H:LQ     T:BALEU 1
ABC      1 C1:111777040072074 C2:uuudddududduuud M:4/4   K:G            H:LQZ    T:BALEU 1
ABC      1 C1:111777040072074 C2:uuudddududduuud M:4/4   K:G            H:LQZ    T:BALEU 1
ABC      1 C1:111777040072074 C2:uuudddududduuud M:4/4   K:G            H:LQZ    T:BALEU 1
ABC      1 C1:111777040072074 C2:uuudddududduuud M:4/4   K:G            H:LQZ    T:BALEU 1
ABC      1 C1:111777040072074 C2:uuudddududduuud M:4/4   K:G            H:LQZ    T:BALEU 1
ABC      1 C1:111777040072074 C2:uuudddududduuud M:4/4   K:G            H:LQZ    T:BALEU 1
ABC      1 C1:111777040072074 C2:uuudddududduuud M:4/4   K:G            H:LQWZ   T:BALEU 1
ABC      1 C1:111777040072074 C2:uuudddududduuud M:4/4   K:G            H:LQWZ   T:BALEU 1
ABC   1054 C1:111777040072074 C2:uuudddududduuud M:4/4   K:G            H:LQZ    T:BALEU 1
ABC   1054 C1:111777040072074 C2:uuudddududduuud M:4/4   K:G            H:LQZ    T:BALEU 1
ABC   1054 C1:111777040072074 C2:uuudddududduuud M:4/4   K:G            H:LQZ    T:BALEU 1
ABC   1054 C1:111777040072074 C2:uuudddududduuud M:4/4   K:G            H:LQZ    T:BALEU 1
ABC      2 C1:017716010016770 C2:udduduuddduuddu M:4/4   K:G            H:LQ     T:BALEU 2
ABC      2 C1:017716010016770 C2:udduduuddduuddu M:4/4   K:G            H:LQZ    T:BALEU 2
ABC      2 C1:017716010016770 C2:udduduuddduuddu M:4/4   K:G            H:LQZ    T:BALEU 2
ABC      2 C1:017716010016770 C2:udduduuddduuddu M:4/4   K:G            H:LQZ    T:BALEU 2
ABC      2 C1:017716010016770 C2:udduduuddduuddu M:4/4   K:G            H:LQZ    T:BALEU 2
ABC      2 C1:017716010016770 C2:udduduuddduuddu M:4/4   K:G            H:LQZ    T:BALEU 2
ABC      2 C1:017716010016770 C2:udduduuddduuddu M:4/4   K:G            H:LQZ    T:BALEU 2
ABC      2 C1:017716010016770 C2:udduduuddduuddu M:4/4   K:G            H:LQWZ   T:BALEU 2
ABC      2 C1:017716010016770 C2:udduduuddduuddu M:4/4   K:G            H:LQWZ   T:BALEU 2
ABC   1055 C1:017716010016770 C2:udduduuddduuddu M:4/4   K:G            H:LQZ    T:BALEU 2
ABC   1055 C1:017716010016770 C2:udduduuddduuddu M:4/4   K:G            H:LQZ    T:BALEU 2
ABC   1055 C1:017716010016770 C2:udduduuddduuddu M:4/4   K:G            H:LQZ    T:BALEU 2
ABC   1055 C1:017716010016770 C2:udduduuddduuddu M:4/4   K:G            H:LQZ    T:BALEU 2
ABC      3 C1:060110061760406 C2:dduudduddudduud M:6/8   K:G            H:LQ     T:BALEU 3
ABC      3 C1:060110061760406 C2:dduudduddudduud M:6/8   K:G            H:LQZ    T:BALEU 3
ABC      3 C1:060110061760406 C2:dduudduddudduud M:6/8   K:G            H:LQZ    T:BALEU 3
ABC      3 C1:060110061760406 C2:dduudduddudduud M:6/8   K:G            H:LQZ    T:BALEU 3
ABC      3 C1:060110061760406 C2:dduudduddudduud M:6/8   K:G            H:LQZ    T:BALEU 3
ABC      3 C1:060110061760406 C2:dduudduddudduud M:6/8   K:G            H:LQZ    T:BALEU 3
ABC      3 C1:060110061760406 C2:dduudduddudduud M:6/8   K:G            H:LQZ    T:BALEU 3
ABC      3 C1:060110061760406 C2:dduudduddudduud M:6/8   K:G            H:LQWZ   T:BALEU 3
ABC      3 C1:060110061760406 C2:dduudduddudduud M:6/8   K:G            H:LQWZ   T:BALEU 3
ABC   1056 C1:060110061760406 C2:dduudduddudduud M:6/8   K:G            H:LQZ    T:BALEU 3
ABC   1056 C1:060110061760406 C2:dduudduddudduud M:6/8   K:G            H:LQZ    T:BALEU 3
ABC   1056 C1:060110061760406 C2:dduudduddudduud M:6/8   K:G            H:LQZ    T:BALEU 3
ABC   1056 C1:060110061760406 C2:dduudduddudduud M:6/8   K:G            H:LQZ    T:BALEU 3
ABC     59 C1:270707002702077 C2:udddududddududd M:4/4   K:C            H:L      T:Baleu de Loudac
ABC     59 C1:270707002702077 C2:udddududddududd M:4/4   K:C            H:L      T:Baleu de Loudac
ABC      1 C1:010200500102000 C2:uuduuudddudddud M:4/4   K:Amix         H:"CLRSZ T:Balfa Two-Sep
ABC      1 C1:010200500102000 C2:uuduuudddudddud M:4/4   K:Amix         H:"CLRSZ T:Balfa Two-Sep
ABC      1 C1:010200500102000 C2:uuduuudddudddud M:4/4   K:Amix         H:"CLRSZ T:Balfa Two-Sep
ABC      1 C1:010200500102000 C2:uuduuudddudddud M:4/4   K:Amix         H:"CLRSZ T:Balfa Two-Sep
ABC 492006 C1:161661520635377 C2:ududduduuududdd M:C|    K:G            H:BLQRSZ T:BALFE'S
ABC      1 C1:070777177106353 C2:ududddudduuudud M:      K:Dmaj         H:LR     T:Balfe's
ABC 492006 C1:161661520635377 C2:ududduduuududdd M:C|    K:G            H:BLQRSZ T:BALFE'S
ABC 492006 C1:161661520635377 C2:ududduduuududdd M:C|    K:G            H:BLQRSZ T:BALFE'S
ABC   1736 C1:070777177106353 C2:ududddudduuudud M:C|    K:D            H:BCILZ  T:"Balfe's Hornpipe" 1736
ABC   1736 C1:070777177106353 C2:ududddudduuudud M:C|    K:D            H:BCILZ  T:"Balfe's Hornpipe" 1736
ABC   1736 C1:070777177106353 C2:ududddudduuudud M:C|    K:D            H:BCILZ  T:"Balfe's Hornpipe" 1736
ABC   1736 C1:161677177106353 C2:ududddudduuudud M:C|    K:D            H:BLORZbs T:Balfe's Hornpipe #1
ABC   1736 C1:161677177106353 C2:ududddudduuudud M:C|    K:D            H:BLORZbs T:Balfe's Hornpipe #1
ABC   1736 C1:161677177106353 C2:ududddudduuudud M:C|    K:D            H:BLORZbs T:Balfe's Hornpipe #1
ABC   1736 C1:161677177106353 C2:ududddudduuudud M:C|    K:D            H:BLORZbs T:Balfe's Hornpipe #1
ABC   1736 C1:161677176206353 C2:ududddudduuudud M:C|    K:G            H:BLORZbs T:Balfe's Hornpipe #2
ABC   1736 C1:161677176206353 C2:ududddudduuudud M:C|    K:G            H:BLORZbs T:Balfe's Hornpipe #2
ABC   1736 C1:161677176206353 C2:ududddudduuudud M:C|    K:G            H:BLORZbs T:Balfe's Hornpipe #2
ABC   1736 C1:161677176206353 C2:ududddudduuudud M:C|    K:G            H:BLORZbs T:Balfe's Hornpipe #2
ABC   1736 C1:161677177106353 C2:ududddudduuudud M:C|    K:D            H:BLORZbs T:Balfe's Hornpipe #2
ABC   1736 C1:161677177106353 C2:ududddudduuudud M:C|    K:D            H:BLORZbs T:Balfe's Hornpipe #2
ABC   1736 C1:161677177106353 C2:ududddudduuudud M:C|    K:D            H:BLORZbs T:Balfe's Hornpipe #2
ABC   1736 C1:161677177106353 C2:ududddudduuudud M:C|    K:D            H:BLORZbs T:Balfe's Hornpipe #2
ABC   1854 C1:161677177106353 C2:ududddudduuudud M:C|    K:D            H:BLRZ   T:Balfe's Hornpipe
ABC   1854 C1:161677177106353 C2:ududddudduuudud M:C|    K:D            H:BLRZ   T:Balfe's Hornpipe
ABC   1854 C1:161677177106353 C2:ududddudduuudud M:C|    K:D            H:BLRZ   T:Balfe's Hornpipe
ABC   1736 C1:161677177106353 C2:ududddudduuudud M:C|    K:D            H:BLRZ   T:Balfe's Hornpipe
ABC   1736 C1:161677177106353 C2:ududddudduuudud M:C|    K:D            H:BLORZ  T:Balfe's Hornpipe
ABC   1925 C1:161677177106353 C2:ududddudduuudud M:C|    K:D            H:BLZ    T:Balfe's Hornpipe
ABC   1925 C1:161677177106353 C2:ududddudduuudud M:C|    K:D            H:BLZ    T:Balfe's Hornpipe
ABC   1925 C1:161677177106353 C2:ududddudduuudud M:C|    K:D            H:BLZ    T:Balfe's Hornpipe
ABC   1736 C1:161677177106353 C2:ududddudduuudud M:C|    K:D            H:BLZ    T:BALFE'S HORNPIPE
ABC   1736 C1:161677177106353 C2:ududddudduuudud M:C|    K:D            H:BLRZ   T:Balfe's Hornpipe
ABC   1736 C1:161677177106353 C2:ududddudduuudud M:C|    K:D            H:BLRZ   T:Balfe's Hornpipe
ABC   1736 C1:161677177106353 C2:ududddudduuudud M:C|    K:D            H:BLZ    T:BALFE'S HORNPIPE
ABC   1854 C1:161677177106353 C2:ududddudduuudud M:C|    K:D            H:BLRZ   T:Balfe's Hornpipe
ABC   1925 C1:161677177106353 C2:ududddudduuudud M:C|    K:D            H:BLZ    T:Balfe's Hornpipe
ABC   1854 C1:161677177106353 C2:ududddudduuudud M:C|    K:D            H:BLRZ   T:Balfe's Hornpipe
ABC   1925 C1:161677177106353 C2:ududddudduuudud M:C|    K:D            H:BLZ    T:Balfe's Hornpipe
ABC    368 C1:401777300101707 C2:uuddduuuddddudd M:12/8  K:Eb           H:ACLOQR T:Bal Fisel
ABC      4 C1:017017777002277 C2:ududddduudduddu M:12/8  K:Am           H:"CGQRS T:Bal fisel
ABC      4 C1:017017777002277 C2:ududddduudduddu M:12/8  K:Am           H:"CGQRS T:Bal fisel
ABC     54 C1:401777300101707 C2:uuddduuuddddudd M:12/8  K:Eb           H:ACLOQR T:Bal Fisel
ABC    368 C1:401777300101707 C2:uuddduuuddddudd M:12/8  K:Eb           H:ACLOQR T:Bal Fisel
ABC    368 C1:401777300101707 C2:uuddduuuddddudd M:12/8  K:Eb           H:ACLOQR T:Bal Fisel
ABC    368 C1:401777300101707 C2:uuddduuuddddudd M:12/8  K:Eb           H:ACLOQR T:Bal Fisel
ABC     91 C1:777004177017077 C2:ddduuddudddduud M:6/8   K:C            H:ACLOQ  T:Bal gavotte
ABC      5 C1:111127704120571 C2:uuuuuddduuudddu M:4/4   K:C            H:LQZ    T:BAL GAVOTTE
ABC      6 C1:111127704120571 C2:uuuuuddduuudddu M:4/4   K:C            H:LQ     T:BAL GAVOTTE
ABC     15 C1:777004177017077 C2:ddduuddudddduud M:6/8   K:C            H:ACLOQ  T:Bal gavotte
ABC    174 C1:777004177017077 C2:ddduuddudddduud M:6/8   K:C            H:ACOQ   T:Bal gavotte
ABC    174 C1:777004177017077 C2:ddduuddudddduud M:6/8   K:C            H:ACOQ   T:Bal gavotte
ABC     41 C1:777004177017077 C2:ddduuddudddduud M:6/8   K:C            H:ACLOQR T:Bal gavotte
ABC     42 C1:111127704120571 C2:uuuuuddduuudddu M:4/4   K:C            H:LQRZ   T:BAL GAVOTTE
ABC    186 C1:111127704120571 C2:uuuuuddduuudddu M:4/4   K:C            H:LQZ    T:BAL GAVOTTE
ABC    186 C1:111127704120571 C2:uuuuuddduuudddu M:4/4   K:C            H:LQZ    T:BAL GAVOTTE
ABC    186 C1:111127704120571 C2:uuuuuddduuudddu M:4/4   K:C            H:LQZ    T:BAL GAVOTTE
ABC    186 C1:111127704120571 C2:uuuuuddduuudddu M:4/4   K:C            H:LQZ    T:BAL GAVOTTE
ABC    186 C1:111127704120571 C2:uuuuuddduuudddu M:4/4   K:C            H:LQZ    T:BAL GAVOTTE
ABC    186 C1:111127704120571 C2:uuuuuddduuudddu M:4/4   K:C            H:LQWZ   T:BAL GAVOTTE
ABC    186 C1:111127704120571 C2:uuuuuddduuudddu M:4/4   K:C            H:LQWZ   T:BAL GAVOTTE
ABC    174 C1:777004177017077 C2:ddduuddudddduud M:6/8   K:C            H:ACOQ   T:Bal gavotte
ABC    174 C1:777004177017077 C2:ddduuddudddduud M:6/8   K:C            H:ACOQ   T:Bal gavotte
ABC    174 C1:777004177017077 C2:ddduuddudddduud M:6/8   K:C            H:ACLOQW T:Bal gavotte
ABC    174 C1:777004177017077 C2:ddduuddudddduud M:6/8   K:C            H:ACLOQW T:Bal gavotte
ABC     91 C1:777004177017077 C2:ddduuddudddduud M:6/8   K:C            H:ACLOQ  T:Bal gavotte
ABC     91 C1:777004177017077 C2:ddduuddudddduud M:6/8   K:C            H:ACLOQ  T:Bal gavotte
ABC     91 C1:777004177017077 C2:ddduuddudddduud M:6/8   K:C            H:ACLOQ  T:Bal gavotte
ABC   1043 C1:111127704120571 C2:uuuuuddduuudddu M:4/4   K:C            H:LQZ    T:BAL GAVOTTE
ABC   1042 C1:777004177017077 C2:ddduuddudddduud M:6/8   K:C            H:ACLOQ  T:Bal gavotte
ABC   1042 C1:777004177017077 C2:ddduuddudddduud M:6/8   K:C            H:ACLOQ  T:Bal gavotte
ABC   1043 C1:111127704120571 C2:uuuuuddduuudddu M:4/4   K:C            H:LQZ    T:BAL GAVOTTE
ABC   1042 C1:777004177017077 C2:ddduuddudddduud M:6/8   K:C            H:ACLOQ  T:Bal gavotte
ABC   1043 C1:111127704120571 C2:uuuuuddduuudddu M:4/4   K:C            H:LQZ    T:BAL GAVOTTE
ABC   1042 C1:777004177017077 C2:ddduuddudddduud M:6/8   K:C            H:ACLOQ  T:Bal gavotte
ABC   1043 C1:111127704120571 C2:uuuuuddduuudddu M:4/4   K:C            H:LQZ    T:BAL GAVOTTE
ABC      7 C1:177004377011076 C2:udddudduudduddu M:6/8   K:G            H:LS     T:Bal Gavotte (Suite 1)
ABC      7 C1:177004377011076 C2:udddudduudduddu M:6/8   K:G            H:LSW    T:Bal Gavotte (Suite 1)
ABC      1 C1:050577620101060 C2:duddduuudududdd M:2/4   K:G            H:"CLRZ  T:Balgeddie Mains
ABC      1 C1:050577620101060 C2:duddduuudududdd M:2/4   K:G            H:"CLRZ  T:Balgeddie Mains
ABC      1 C1:050577620101060 C2:duddduuudududdd M:2/4   K:G            H:"CLRZ  T:Balgeddie Mains
ABC      1 C1:040677530101060 C2:duddduuudududdd M:2/4   K:D            H:"CLRZ  T:Balgeddie Mains
ABC      1 C1:040677530101060 C2:duddduuudududdd M:2/4   K:D            H:"CLRZ  T:Balgeddie Mains
ABC      1 C1:040677530101060 C2:duddduuudududdd M:2/4   K:D            H:"CLRZ  T:Balgeddie Mains
ABC      1 C1:050577620101060 C2:duddduuudududdd M:4/4   K:G            H:"CLR   T:Balgeddie Reel
ABC      1 C1:050577620101060 C2:duddduuudududdd M:4/4   K:G            H:"CLR   T:Balgeddie Reel
ABC      1 C1:000000010077005 C2:uddduuududddddu M:4/4   K:D            H:CLQR   T:Balgeddie's Hornpipe
ABC      1 C1:000000010077005 C2:uddduuududddddu M:4/4   K:D            H:CLQR   T:Balgeddie's Hornpipe
ABC      1 C1:000177630202060 C2:uddduuududddddu M:4/4   K:D            H:CLQR   T:Balgeddie's March
ABC      1 C1:000177630202060 C2:uddduuududddddu M:4/4   K:D            H:CLQR   T:Balgeddie's March
ABC    179 C1:176651115777050 C2:udddddduuuudddu M:2/4   K:F            H:BLZ    T:Balgeny. JJo.179
ABC    179 C1:176651115777050 C2:udddddduuuudddu M:2/4   K:F            H:BLZ    T:Balgeny. JJo.179
ABC    179 C1:176651115777050 C2:udddddduuuudddu M:2/4   K:F            H:BLZ    T:Balgeny. JJo.179
ABC    179 C1:176651115777050 C2:udddddduuuudddu M:2/4   K:F            H:BLZ    T:Balgeny. JJo.179
ABC    179 C1:176651115777050 C2:udddddduuuudddu M:2/4   K:F            H:BLZ    T:Balgeny. JJo.179
ABC    179 C1:176651115777050 C2:udddddduuuudddu M:2/4   K:F            H:BLZ    T:Balgeny. JJo.179
ABC    179 C1:176651115777050 C2:udddddduuuudddu M:2/4   K:F            H:BLZ    T:Balgeny. JJo.179
ABC    179 C1:176651115777050 C2:udddddduuuudddu M:2/4   K:F            H:BLZ    T:Balgeny. JJo.179
ABC    179 C1:176651115777050 C2:udddddduuuudddu M:2/4   K:F            H:BLQZ   T:Balgeny. JJo8.179
ABC    179 C1:176651115777050 C2:udddddduuuudddu M:2/4   K:F            H:BLQZ   T:Balgeny. JJo8.179
ABC    179 C1:176651115777050 C2:udddddduuuudddu M:2/4   K:F            H:BLQZ   T:Balgeny. JJo8.179
ABC    179 C1:176651115777050 C2:udddddduuuudddu M:2/4   K:F            H:BLQZ   T:Balgeny. JJo8.179
ABC    392 C1:170065660027170 C2:ududddudududdud M:12/8  K:Ddor         H:BLRSVZ T:Balgeny's Bouling Green
ABC    392 C1:170065660027170 C2:ududddudududdud M:12/8  K:Ddor         H:BLRSVZ T:Balgeny's Bouling Green
ABC    392 C1:170065660027170 C2:ududddudududdud M:12/8  K:Ddor         H:BLRSVZ T:Balgeny's Bouling Green
ABC    392 C1:170065660027170 C2:ududddudududdud M:12/8  K:Ddor         H:BLRSVZ T:Balgeny's Bouling Green
ABC    392 C1:170065660027170 C2:ududddudududdud M:12/8  K:Ddor         H:BLRSVZ T:Balgeny's Bouling Green
ABC    392 C1:170065660027170 C2:ududddudududdud M:12/8  K:Ddor         H:BLRSVZ T:Balgeny's Bouling Green
ABC    392 C1:170065660027170 C2:ududddudududdud M:12/8  K:Ddor         H:BLRSVZ T:Balgeny's Bouling Green
ABC    392 C1:170065660027170 C2:ududddudududdud M:12/8  K:Ddor         H:BLRSVZ T:Balgeny's Bouling Green
ABC    392 C1:170065660027170 C2:ududddudududdud M:12/8  K:Ddor         H:BLRSVZ T:Balgeny's Bouling Green
ABC    392 C1:170065660027170 C2:ududddudududdud M:12/8  K:Ddor         H:BLRSVZ T:Balgeny's Bouling Green
ABC      1 C1:071107730407060 C2:duudduddduuuudd M:C     K:G            H:LSZ    T:Baliff's Daughter, The
ABC      1 C1:071107730407060 C2:duudduddduuuudd M:C     K:G            H:LSZ    T:Baliff's Daughter, The
ABC      1 C1:040206070701010 C2:dududuudduudddd M:6/8   K:D            H:CLQR   T:Balinamona and Ora
ABC      1 C1:040206070701010 C2:dududuudduudddd M:6/8   K:D            H:CLQR   T:Balinamona and Ora
ABC      1 C1:040206070701010 C2:dududuudduudddd M:6/8   K:D            H:CLQR   T:Balinamona and Ora
ABC  21251 C1:177711771027777 C2:ududuudduuddddu M:6/8   K:G            H:BLOQSZ T:BALINAMONA ORA
ABC  21251 C1:177711771027777 C2:ududuudduuddddu M:6/8   K:G            H:BLOQSZ T:BALINAMONA ORA
ABC  21251 C1:177711771027777 C2:ududuudduuddddu M:6/8   K:G            H:BLOQSZ T:BALINAMONA ORA
ABC  21251 C1:177711771027777 C2:ududuudduuddddu M:6/8   K:G            H:BLOQSZ T:BALINAMONA ORA
ABC  21251 C1:177711771027777 C2:ududuudduuddddu M:6/8   K:G            H:BLOQSZ T:BALINAMONA ORA
ABC  21251 C1:177711771027777 C2:ududuudduuddddu M:6/8   K:G            H:BLOQSZ T:BALINAMONA ORA
ABC  21251 C1:177711771027777 C2:ududuudduuddddu M:6/8   K:G            H:BLOQSZ T:BALINAMONA ORA
ABC  21251 C1:177711771027777 C2:ududuudduuddddu M:6/8   K:G            H:BLOQSZ T:BALINAMONA ORA
ABC  21251 C1:177711771027777 C2:ududuudduuddddu M:6/8   K:G            H:BLOQSZ T:BALINAMONA ORA
ABC  21251 C1:177711771027777 C2:ududuudduuddddu M:6/8   K:G            H:BLOQSZ T:BALINAMONA ORA
ABC  21251 C1:177711771027777 C2:ududuudduuddddu M:6/8   K:G            H:BLOQSZ T:BALINAMONA ORA
ABC    529 C1:177711771027777 C2:ududuudduuddddu M:6/8   K:F            H:BLQZ   T:Balina Mona. Roose.0531
ABC      1 C1:663027777115662 C2:dduudddduuddduu M:6/8   K:G            H:BLRZ   T:Balin a mone
ABC      9 C1:407127770701176 C2:uduudddduddddud M:2/2   K:D            H:LOQZ   T:Bal in de straat
ABC      1 C1:004760717763003 C2:uddduddduuddddu M:6/8   K:Bm           H:CLORZ  T:Balindore
ABC      1 C1:004760717763003 C2:uddduddduuddddu M:6/8   K:Bm           H:CLORZ  T:Balindore
ABC      1 C1:004760717763003 C2:uddduddduuddddu M:6/8   K:Bm           H:CLORZ  T:Balindore
ABC      1 C1:004760717763003 C2:uddduddduuddddu M:6/8   K:Bm           H:CLORZ  T:Balindore
ABC      1 C1:717763003770770 C2:duddduudddduudu M:      K:Bmin         H:LR     T:Balindore
ABC    012 C1:050005060002000 C2:dududduddudduud M:C|    K:Gm           H:FLSZ   T:the Balk
ABC    012 C1:050005060002000 C2:dududduddudduud M:C|    K:Gm           H:FLSZ   T:the Balk
ABC     97 C1:050005060002000 C2:dududduddudduud M:C|    K:Gm           H:BLSZ   T:the Balk
ABC     97 C1:050005060002000 C2:dududduddudduud M:C|    K:Gm           H:BLSZ   T:the Balk
ABC    012 C1:050005060002000 C2:dududduddudduud M:C|    K:Gm           H:FLSZ   T:The Balk
ABC    012 C1:050005060002000 C2:dududduddudduud M:C|    K:Gm           H:FLSZ   T:The Balk
ABC     97 C1:050005060002000 C2:dududduddudduud M:C|    K:Gm           H:BLSZ   T:the Balk
ABC     97 C1:050005060002000 C2:dududduddudduud M:C|    K:Gm           H:BLSZ   T:the Balk
ABC     97 C1:050005060002000 C2:dududduddudduud M:C|    K:Gm           H:BLSZ   T:the Balk
ABC     97 C1:050005060002000 C2:dududduddudduud M:C|    K:Gm           H:BLSZ   T:the Balk
ABC    621 C1:357705016467031 C2:dudddududduuudu M:2/4   K:D            H:BLZ    T:Balkan Hills, The
ABC    621 C1:357705016467031 C2:dudddududduuudu M:2/4   K:D            H:BLZ    T:Balkan Hills, The
ABC      1 C1:357705016467031 C2:dudddududduuudu M:C     K:G            H:"LR    T:Balkan Hills
ABC      1 C1:007705016467031 C2:dddududduuuuddd M:2/4   K:D            H:"HLRZ  T:the Balkan Hills
ABC      1 C1:007705016467031 C2:dddududduuuuddd M:2/4   K:D            H:"HLRZ  T:the Balkan Hills
ABC      1 C1:007705016467031 C2:dddududduuuuddd M:2/4   K:D            H:"HLRZ  T:the Balkan Hills
ABC      1 C1:007705016467031 C2:dddududduuuuddd M:2/4   K:D            H:"HLRZ  T:the Balkan Hills
ABC      1 C1:007705016467031 C2:dddududduuuuddd M:2/4   K:D            H:"HLRZ  T:the Balkan Hills
ABC      1 C1:007705016467031 C2:dddududduuuuddd M:2/4   K:D            H:"HLRZ  T:the Balkan Hills
ABC      1 C1:007705016467031 C2:dddududduuuuddd M:2/4   K:D            H:"HLRZ  T:the Balkan Hills
ABC      1 C1:007705016467031 C2:dddududduuuuddd M:2/4   K:D            H:"HLRZ  T:the Balkan Hills
ABC      1 C1:007705016467031 C2:dddududduuuuddd M:2/4   K:D            H:"HLRZ  T:the Balkan Hills
ABC      1 C1:007705016467031 C2:dddududduuuuddd M:2/4   K:D            H:"HLRZ  T:the Balkan Hills
ABC      1 C1:007705016467031 C2:dddududduuuuddd M:2/4   K:D            H:"HLRZ  T:the Balkan Hills
ABC      1 C1:007705016467031 C2:dddududduuuuddd M:2/4   K:D            H:"HLRZ  T:the Balkan Hills
ABC      1 C1:007705016467031 C2:dddududduuuuddd M:2/4   K:D            H:"HLRZ  T:the Balkan Hills
ABC      1 C1:007705016467031 C2:dddududduuuuddd M:2/4   K:D            H:"HLRZ  T:the Balkan Hills
ABC      1 C1:007705016467031 C2:dddududduuuuddd M:2/4   K:D            H:"HLRZ  T:the Balkan Hills
ABC      1 C1:007705016467031 C2:dddududduuuuddd M:C|    K:D            H:"HLRZ  T:the Balkan Hills
ABC      1 C1:007705016467031 C2:dddududduuuuddd M:C|    K:D            H:"HLRZ  T:the Balkan Hills
ABC      1 C1:007705016467031 C2:dddududduuuuddd M:C|    K:D            H:"HLRZ  T:the Balkan Hills
ABC      1 C1:007705016467031 C2:dddududduuuuddd M:2/4   K:D            H:"HLRZ  T:The Balkan Hills
ABC    265 C1:770501070311305 C2:ddduduuudududdd M:2/4   K:D            H:"LRZ   T:Balkan Hills
ABC    738 C1:357705016467031 C2:dudddududduuudu M:2/4   K:D            H:"CILRZ T:Balkan Hills, The
ABC      1 C1:007705016467031 C2:dddududduuuuddd M:2/4   K:D            H:"HLRZ  T:the Balkan Hills
ABC    738 C1:357705016467031 C2:dudddududduuudu M:2/4   K:D            H:"CILRZ T:Balkan Hills, The
ABC      1 C1:007705016467031 C2:dddududduuuuddd M:C|    K:D            H:"HLRZ  T:the Balkan Hills
ABC      1 C1:007705016467031 C2:dddududduuuuddd M:C|    K:D            H:"HLRZ  T:the Balkan Hills
ABC      1 C1:007705016467031 C2:dddududduuuuddd M:C|    K:D            H:"HLRZ  T:the Balkan Hills
ABC      1 C1:007705016467031 C2:dddududduuuuddd M:C|    K:D            H:"HLRZ  T:the Balkan Hills
ABC      1 C1:007705016467031 C2:dddududduuuuddd M:C|    K:D            H:"HLRZ  T:the Balkan Hills
ABC      1 C1:007705016467031 C2:dddududduuuuddd M:C|    K:D            H:"HLRZ  T:the Balkan Hills
ABC      1 C1:007705016467031 C2:dddududduuuuddd M:C|    K:D            H:"HLRZ  T:the Balkan Hills
ABC      1 C1:007705016467031 C2:dddududduuuuddd M:C|    K:D            H:"HLRZ  T:the Balkan Hills
ABC      1 C1:007705016467031 C2:dddududduuuuddd M:C|    K:D            H:"HLRZ  T:the Balkan Hills
ABC      1 C1:007705016467031 C2:dddududduuuuddd M:C|    K:D            H:"HLRZ  T:the Balkan Hills
ABC    738 C1:357705016467031 C2:dudddududduuudu M:2/4   K:D            H:"CILRZ T:Balkan Hills, The
ABC    738 C1:357705016467031 C2:dudddududduuudu M:2/4   K:D            H:"CILRZ T:Balkan Hills, The
ABC    621 C1:357705016467031 C2:dudddududduuudu M:2/4   K:D            H:BLZ    T:Balkan Hills, The
ABC    621 C1:357705016467031 C2:dudddududduuudu M:2/4   K:D            H:BLZ    T:Balkan Hills, The
ABC    265 C1:357705016467031 C2:dudddududduuudu M:2/4   K:D            H:"LRZ   T:Balkan Hills
ABC    140 C1:007705016467031 C2:dddududduuuuddd M:2/4   K:C            H:"HLRZ  T:The Balkan Hills
ABC    100 C1:357705366467031 C2:duddduddudduuud M:4/4   K:Dmaj         H:HLRZ   T:The Balkan Hills
ABC      1 C1:357705016467031 C2:dudddududduuudu M:C|    K:D            H:"CIRZ  T:Balkan Hills Schottische, The
ABC      1 C1:357705016467031 C2:dudddududduuudu M:C|    K:D            H:"CIRZ  T:Balkan Hills Schottische, The
ABC      1 C1:357705016467031 C2:dudddududduuudu M:C|    K:D            H:"CIRZ  T:Balkan Hills Schottische, The
ABC      1 C1:357705016467031 C2:dudddududduuudu M:C|    K:D            H:"CIRZ  T:Balkan Hills Schottische, The
ABC      1 C1:357705016467031 C2:dudddududduuudu M:C|    K:D            H:"CIRZ  T:Balkan Hills Schottische, The
ABC      1 C1:357705016467031 C2:dudddududduuudu M:C|    K:D            H:"CIRZ  T:Balkan Hills Schottische, The
ABC      1 C1:357705016467031 C2:dudddududduuudu M:C|    K:D            H:"CIRZ  T:Balkan Hills Schottische, The
ABC      1 C1:357705016467031 C2:dudddududduuudu M:C|    K:D            H:"CIRZ  T:Balkan Hills Schottische, The
ABC      1 C1:357705016467031 C2:dudddududduuudu M:C|    K:D            H:"CIRZ  T:Balkan Hills Schottische, The
ABC      6 C1:357705016467031 C2:dudddududduuudu M:C|    K:D            H:"L     T:Balkan Hills Schottische
ABC      6 C1:357705016467031 C2:dudddududduuudu M:C|    K:D            H:"L     T:Balkan Hills Schottische
ABC    307 C1:357705016467031 C2:dudddududduuudu M:C|    K:D            H:"LR    T:Balkan Hills Schottische
ABC    307 C1:357705016467031 C2:dudddududduuudu M:C|    K:D            H:"LR    T:Balkan Hills Schottische
ABC    307 C1:357705016467031 C2:dudddududduuudu M:C|    K:D            H:"LR    T:Balkan Hills Schottische
ABC    307 C1:357705016467031 C2:dudddududduuudu M:C|    K:D            H:"LR    T:Balkan Hills Schottische
ABC      1 C1:357705016467031 C2:dudddududduuudu M:C|    K:D            H:"CIRZ  T:Balkan Hills Schottische, The
ABC      7 C1:357705016467031 C2:dudddududduuudu M:C|    K:D            H:"CIRZ  T:Balkan Hills Schottische, The
ABC      1 C1:357705016467031 C2:dudddududduuudu M:2/4   K:D            H:LZ     T:Balkan Hills Schottische
ABC      7 C1:357705016467031 C2:dudddududduuudu M:C|    K:D            H:"CIRZ  T:Balkan Hills Schottische, The
ABC      6 C1:357705016467031 C2:dudddududduuudu M:C|    K:D            H:"L     T:Balkan Hills Schottische
ABC    307 C1:357705016467031 C2:dudddududduuudu M:C|    K:D            H:"LR    T:Balkan Hills Schottische
ABC      7 C1:357705016467031 C2:dudddududduuudu M:C|    K:D            H:"CIRZ  T:Balkan Hills Schottische, The
ABC      1 C1:770077050164670 C2:dddddududduuuud M:4/4   K:D            H:"HLRZ  T:the Balkan Hills Shottishe
ABC      1 C1:770077050164670 C2:dddddududduuuud M:4/4   K:D            H:"HLRZ  T:the Balkan Hills Shottishe
ABC      1 C1:770077050164670 C2:dddddududduuuud M:4/4   K:D            H:"HLRZ  T:the Balkan Hills Shottishe
ABC      1 C1:770077050164670 C2:dddddududduuuud M:4/4   K:D            H:"HLRZ  T:the Balkan Hills Shottishe
ABC      2 C1:770077050164670 C2:dddddududduuuud M:4/4   K:D            H:"HLRZ  T:the Balkan Hills Shottishe
ABC      1 C1:770077050164670 C2:dddddududduuuud M:4/4   K:D            H:"HLRZ  T:The Balkan Hills Shottishe
ABC      1 C1:770077050164670 C2:dddddududduuuud M:4/4   K:D            H:"HLRZ  T:The Balkan Hills Shottishe
ABC      1 C1:770077050164670 C2:dddddududduuuud M:4/4   K:D            H:"HLRZ  T:The Balkan Hills Shottishe
ABC      1 C1:770077050164670 C2:dddddududduuuud M:4/4   K:D            H:"HLRZ  T:the Balkan Hills Shottishe
ABC      1 C1:770077050164670 C2:dddddududduuuud M:4/4   K:D            H:"HLRZ  T:the Balkan Hills Shottishe
ABC      1 C1:030267242155612 C2:uudduduududuudu M:4/4   K:D            H:CLQR   T:Balkan Hornpipe
ABC      1 C1:030267242155612 C2:uudduduududuudu M:4/4   K:D            H:CLQR   T:Balkan Hornpipe
ABC   2359 C1:030267242155612 C2:uudduduududuudu M:C     K:D            H:BLRZ   T:BALKAN HORNPIPE
ABC   2359 C1:030267242155612 C2:uudduduududuudu M:C     K:D            H:BLRZ   T:BALKAN HORNPIPE
ABC      1 C1:026724215561242 C2:udduduududuudud M:2/4   K:D            H:BCLRZ  T:Balkan -- Hornpipe
ABC      1 C1:026724215561242 C2:udduduududuudud M:2/4   K:D            H:BCLRZ  T:Balkan -- Hornpipe
ABC      1 C1:026724215561242 C2:udduduududuudud M:2/4   K:D            H:BCLRZ  T:Balkan -- Hornpipe
ABC      1 C1:026724215561242 C2:udduduududuudud M:2/4   K:D            H:BCLRZ  T:Balkan -- Hornpipe
ABC   2359 C1:030267242155612 C2:uudduduududuudu M:C     K:D            H:BLRZ   T:BALKAN HORNPIPE
ABC   2359 C1:030267242155612 C2:uudduduududuudu M:C     K:D            H:BLRZ   T:BALKAN HORNPIPE
ABC   2359 C1:030267242155612 C2:uudduduududuudu M:C     K:D            H:BLRZ   T:BALKAN HORNPIPE
ABC   2359 C1:030267242155612 C2:uudduduududuudu M:C     K:D            H:BLRZ   T:BALKAN HORNPIPE
ABC   2359 C1:030267242155612 C2:uudduduududuudu M:C     K:D            H:BLRZ   T:BALKAN HORNPIPE
ABC   2359 C1:030267242155612 C2:uudduduududuudu M:C     K:D            H:BLRZ   T:BALKAN HORNPIPE
ABC   2359 C1:030267242155612 C2:uudduduududuudu M:C     K:D            H:BLRZ   T:BALKAN HORNPIPE
ABC   2359 C1:030267242155612 C2:uudduduududuudu M:C     K:D            H:BLRZ   T:BALKAN HORNPIPE
ABC   2359 C1:030267242155612 C2:uudduduududuudu M:C     K:D            H:BLRZ   T:BALKAN HORNPIPE
ABC      1 C1:026724215561242 C2:udduduududuudud M:2/4   K:D            H:BCLRZ  T:Balkan -- Hornpipe
ABC      1 C1:026724215561242 C2:udduduududuudud M:2/4   K:D            H:BCLRZ  T:Balkan -- Hornpipe
ABC      1 C1:026724215561242 C2:udduduududuudud M:2/4   K:D            H:BCLRZ  T:Balkan -- Hornpipe
ABC      3 C1:516711207070771 C2:dudduuuudddduuu M:7/8   K:Dmix         H:CLQZ   T:Balkan Kroszpatzche
ABC      3 C1:516711207070771 C2:dudduuuudddduuu M:7/8   K:Dmix         H:CLQZ   T:Balkan Kroszpatzche
ABC      3 C1:516711207070771 C2:dudduuuudddduuu M:7/8   K:Dmix         H:CLQZ   T:Balkan Kroszpatzche
ABC      3 C1:516711207070771 C2:dudduuuudddduuu M:7/8   K:Dmix         H:CLQ    T:Balkan Kroszpatzche
ABC     14 C1:516711207070771 C2:dudduuuudddduuu M:7/8   K:Dmix         H:CLQ    T:Balkan Kroszpatzche
ABC    571 C1:711171110017000 C2:duuuduuuudduduu M:4/4   K:Gm           H:LO     T:Balkan Lord of The Dance, The
ABC      1 C1:606371120617716 C2:dduuduuududddud M:3/4   K:A            H:"CLRS  T:Balkanpolskan
ABC      1 C1:606371120617716 C2:dduuduuududddud M:3/4   K:A            H:"CLRS  T:Balkanpolskan
ABC      1 C1:606371120617716 C2:dduuduuududddud M:3/4   K:A            H:"CLRS  T:Balkanpolskan
ABC      1 C1:606371120617716 C2:dduuduuududddud M:3/4   K:A            H:"CLRS  T:Balkanpolskan
ABC      1 C1:606371120617716 C2:dduuduuududddud M:3/4   K:A            H:"CLRS  T:Balkanpolskan
ABC      1 C1:122707671227076 C2:uuudddduuuddddu M:4/4   K:Am           H:"CHLQR T:Balkan's Revenge
ABC      1 C1:122707671227076 C2:uuudddduuuddddu M:4/4   K:Am           H:"CHLQR T:Balkan's Revenge
ABC      1 C1:122707671227076 C2:uuudddduuuddddu M:4/4   K:Am           H:"CHLQR T:Balkan's Revenge
ABC      1 C1:122707671227076 C2:uuudddduuuddddu M:4/4   K:Am           H:"CHLQR T:Balkan's Revenge
ABC      1 C1:000000001450404 C2:dududududududud M:6/8   K:G            H:CLQW   T:Bal Keff
ABC      1 C1:000000001450404 C2:dududududududud M:6/8   K:G            H:CLQW   T:Bal Keff
ABC      1 C1:000000001450404 C2:dududududududud M:6/8   K:G            H:CLQW   T:Bal Keff
ABC      1 C1:000000001450404 C2:dududududududud M:6/8   K:G            H:CLQW   T:Bal Keff
ABC      1 C1:000000001450404 C2:dududududududud M:6/8   K:G            H:CLQW   T:Bal Keff
ABC     91 C1:357705016467031 C2:dudddududduuudu M:2/4   K:D            H:L      T:Balkin Hills Schottische
ABC   1057 C1:357705016467031 C2:dudddududduuudu M:2/4   K:D            H:L      T:Balkin Hills Schottische
ABC   1057 C1:357705016467031 C2:dudddududduuudu M:2/4   K:D            H:L      T:Balkin Hills Schottische
ABC   1057 C1:357705016467031 C2:dudddududduuudu M:2/4   K:D            H:L      T:Balkin Hills Schottische
ABC   1057 C1:357705016467031 C2:dudddududduuudu M:2/4   K:D            H:L      T:Balkin Hills Schottische
ABC     45 C1:000200070607050 C2:udduddudduuddud M:C|    K:Gm           H:BLQWZ  T:Balk. JJo1.045, The
ABC     45 C1:000200070607050 C2:udduddudduuddud M:C|    K:Gm           H:BLQWZ  T:Balk. JJo1.045, The
ABC      1 C1:223277777777077 C2:uuuuddddddddudd M:C     K:D            H:BCLRZ  T:Ball [3], The
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:6/8   K:G            H:LQ     T:Ball
ABC      1 C1:061061175001005 C2:duduudduudduddu M:6/8   K:G            H:CILR   T:The Ball
ABC      1 C1:061061265001005 C2:duduudduudddudd M:6/8   K:A            H:BLZ    T:THE BALL
ABC      1 C1:061061265001005 C2:duduudduudddudd M:6/8   K:A            H:BLZ    T:THE BALL
ABC      1 C1:061061265001005 C2:duduudduududdud M:6/8   K:G            H:"ACLOQRS T:The Ball
ABC      1 C1:061061175001005 C2:duduudduudduddu M:6/8   K:G            H:"L     T:Ball, The
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:6/8   K:G            H:LQ     T:Ball
ABC      1 C1:000601000700020 C2:dududduuddduddu M:6/8   K:A            H:ACILORS T:The Ball
ABC      1 C1:061061175001005 C2:duduudduudduddu M:6/8   K:G            H:CILR   T:The Ball
ABC      3 C1:061061265001005 C2:duduudduudddudd M:6/8   K:A            H:BLZ    T:THE BALL
ABC      3 C1:061061265001005 C2:duduudduudddudd M:6/8   K:A            H:BLZ    T:THE BALL
ABC     11 C1:061771265001023 C2:dudduudduuudddu M:6/8   K:G            H:"Z     T:The Ball
ABC     11 C1:061771265001023 C2:dudduudduuudddu M:6/8   K:G            H:"Z     T:The Ball
ABC     11 C1:061771265001023 C2:dudduudduuudddu M:6/8   K:G            H:"Z     T:The Ball
ABC     11 C1:061771265001023 C2:dudduudduuudddu M:6/8   K:G            H:"Z     T:The Ball
ABC      2 C1:230004220005210 C2:uduuduududuudud M:3/4   K:G            H:"BCFLORZ T:Ballaarat Waltz
ABC      1 C1:766226675662177 C2:ddudududdududdd M:C|    K:HP           H:CLQS   T:The Ballachulish Walkabout
ABC      1 C1:766226675662177 C2:ddudududdududdd M:C|    K:HP           H:CLQS   T:The Ballachulish Walkabout
ABC      1 C1:766226675662177 C2:ddudududdududdd M:C|    K:HP           H:CLQS   T:The Ballachulish Walkabout
ABC      1 C1:766226675662177 C2:ddudududdududdd M:C|    K:HP           H:CLQS   T:The Ballachulish Walkabout "CYMRU"
ABC      1 C1:766226675662177 C2:ddudududdududdd M:C|    K:HP           H:CLQS   T:The Ballachulish Walkabout "CYMRU"
ABC      1 C1:766226675662177 C2:ddudududdududdd M:C|    K:HP           H:CLQS   T:The Ballachulish Walkabout "CYMRU"
ABC   3019 C1:724400723500722 C2:duududuududuudu M:3/4   K:F            H:"CFLORWZ T:Ballad
ABC   3019 C1:724400723500722 C2:duududuududuudu M:3/4   K:F            H:"CFLORWZ T:Ballad
ABC   3019 C1:724400723500722 C2:duududuududuudu M:3/4   K:F            H:"CFLORWZ T:Ballad
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Ballada o Borbe (0:59)
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Ballada o Borbe (0:59)
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Ballada o Borbe (1:03)
ABC      1 C1:070000000000000 C2:dudududdudududu M:4/4   K:C            H:CLQZ   T:Ballade Irlandaise
ABC      1 C1:070000000000000 C2:dudududdudududu M:4/4   K:C            H:CLQZ   T:Ballade Irlandaise
ABC      1 C1:070000000000000 C2:dudududdudududu M:4/4   K:C            H:CLQZ   T:Ballade Irlandaise
ABC      1 C1:070000000000000 C2:dudududdudududu M:4/4   K:C            H:CLQZ   T:Ballade Irlandaise
ABC      1 C1:070000000000000 C2:dudududdudududu M:4/4   K:C            H:CLQZ   T:Ballade Irlandaise
ABC      1 C1:070000000000000 C2:dudududdudududu M:4/4   K:C            H:CLQZ   T:Ballade Irlandaise
ABC      1 C1:070000000000000 C2:dudududdudududu M:4/4   K:C            H:CLQZ   T:Ballade Irlandaise
ABC      1 C1:070000000000000 C2:dudududdudududu M:4/4   K:C            H:CLQZ   T:Ballade Irlandaise
ABC      1 C1:070000000000000 C2:dudududdudududu M:4/4   K:C            H:CLQZ   T:Ballade Irlandaise
ABC      1 C1:070000000000000 C2:dudududdudududu M:4/4   K:C            H:CLQZ   T:Ballade Irlandaise
ABC      1 C1:070000000000000 C2:dudududdudududu M:4/4   K:C            H:CLQZ   T:Ballade Irlandaise
ABC      1 C1:070000000000000 C2:dudududdudududu M:4/4   K:C            H:CLQZ   T:Ballade Irlandaise
ABC     28 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuudddduduud M:3/4   K:C            H:"CLOQRVZ T:Ballade irlandaise
ABC     19 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuudddduduud M:3/4   K:D            H:"CLOQRVZ T:Ballade irlandaise
ABC     20 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuudddduduud M:3/4   K:A            H:"CLOQRVZ T:Ballade irlandaise
ABC     16 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuudddduduud M:3/4   K:C            H:"CLOQRVZ T:Ballade irlandaise
ABC     28 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuudddduduud M:3/4   K:C            H:"CLOQRVZ T:Ballade irlandaise
ABC     15 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuudddduduud M:3/4   K:C            H:"CLOQRVZ T:Ballade irlandaise
ABC     40 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuudddduduud M:3/4   K:C            H:"CLOQRVZ T:Ballade irlandaise
ABC     40 C1:030171020066060 C2:duduuudddduduud M:3/4   K:Eb           H:"CLOQRVZ T:Ballade irlandaise
ABC      6 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuudddduduud M:3/4   K:C            H:"CLOQRVZ T:Ballade irlandaise
ABC    119 C1:030171020057060 C2:duduuudddduduud M:3/4   K:C            H:"CLOQRVZ T:Ballade irlandaise
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Ballad for Adeline (2:38)
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Ballad for Adeline (2:38)
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:CLQRZ  T:balladmacktheknife drums (2:60)
ABC     14 C1:007600077114001 C2:dddduuduuduuuud M:4/4   K:Em           H:"CLWw  T:Ballad of 1891, The
ABC      1 C1:000100704004007 C2:uddududddduuddd M:4/4   K:F            H:L      T:The Ballad of Accounting
ABC      1 C1:000100704004007 C2:uddududddduuddd M:4/4   K:F            H:L      T:The Ballad of Accounting
ABC      1 C1:000100704004007 C2:uddududddduuddd M:4/4   K:F            H:L      T:The Ballad of Accounting
ABC     51 C1:                C2:                M:      K:Dminor       H:CLQZ   T:Ballad of Aiglos [flute] (4:30)
ABC     51 C1:                C2:                M:      K:Dminor       H:CLQZ   T:Ballad of Aiglos [flute] (4:30)
ABC     21 C1:                C2:                M:      K:Dminor       H:CLQZ   T:Ballad of Aiglos [harp] (4:30)
ABC     21 C1:                C2:                M:      K:Dminor       H:CLQZ   T:Ballad of Aiglos [harp] (4:30)
ABC     11 C1:                C2:                M:      K:Dminor       H:CLQZ   T:Ballad of Aiglos [lute 1] (4:30)
ABC     11 C1:                C2:                M:      K:Dminor       H:CLQZ   T:Ballad of Aiglos [lute 1] (4:30)
ABC     12 C1:                C2:                M:      K:Dminor       H:CLQZ   T:Ballad of Aiglos [lute 2] (4:30)
ABC     12 C1:                C2:                M:      K:Dminor       H:CLQZ   T:Ballad of Aiglos [lute 2] (4:30)
ABC     31 C1:                C2:                M:      K:Dminor       H:CLQZ   T:Ballad of Aiglos [theorbo] (4:30)
ABC     31 C1:                C2:                M:      K:Dminor       H:CLQZ   T:Ballad of Aiglos [theorbo] (4:30)
ABC      1 C1:000300020002000 C2:uuuuddddduuuudd M:4/4   K:G            H:L      T:The Ballad of Aimee McPherson
ABC      1 C1:000300020002000 C2:uuuuddddduuuudd M:4/4   K:G            H:L      T:The Ballad of Aimee McPherson
ABC      1 C1:000300020002000 C2:uuuuddddduuuudd M:4/4   K:G            H:L      T:The Ballad of Aimee McPherson
ABC      1 C1:000300020002000 C2:uuuuddddduuuudd M:4/4   K:G            H:L      T:The Ballad of Aimee McPherson
ABC      1 C1:000300020002000 C2:uuuuddddduuuudd M:4/4   K:G            H:L      T:The Ballad of Aimee McPherson
ABC     15 C1:065703026771002 C2:dudduuddduuuuuu M:4/4   K:Gmaj         H:"CLWw  T:Ballad of Ben Hall's Gang, The
ABC    102 C1:205117770043711 C2:uduuddduuduuddd M:3/4   K:G            H:"LRZw  T:Ballad of Bray
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:"Ballad of Chasey Lain" by The Bloodhound Gang -solo (2:22)
ABC     16 C1:077400060774000 C2:dddudddudduddud M:4/4   K:Fmaj         H:"CLWw  T:Ballad of Eureka, The
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:The Ballad Of Frakir Eagleheart (2:48)
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:The Ballad Of Frakir Eagleheart (3:17)
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:The Ballad Of Frakir Eagleheart (3:18)
ABC      1 C1:000775000001000 C2:dddudududddudud M:3/4   K:Gmaj         H:LRZ    T:Ballad Of Glencoe
ABC     17 C1:001070004011066 C2:udduudduduuuddd M:6/8   K:Amin         H:"CLWw  T:Ballad of Jack Lefroy, The
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:CLQZ   T:The Ballad of Jed Clampett
ABC      1 C1:040002070000030 C2:uuudduduuuddudu M:4/4   K:D            H:"CLQw  T:Ballad of Jed Clampett (Beverly Hillbillies)
ABC      1 C1:030002070000040 C2:uuudduduuuddudu M:4/4   K:F            H:"CLQw  T:Ballad of Jed Clampett (Beverly Hillbillies)
ABC      1 C1:000471000003070 C2:uduududddddduud M:4/4   K:F            H:L      T:The Ballad of John MacLean
ABC      1 C1:000471000003070 C2:uduududddddduud M:4/4   K:F            H:L      T:The Ballad of John MacLean
ABC      1 C1:000471000003070 C2:uduududddddduud M:4/4   K:F            H:L      T:The Ballad of John MacLean
ABC      1 C1:000471000003070 C2:uduududddddduud M:4/4   K:F            H:L      T:The Ballad of John MacLean
ABC      1 C1:000102000227070 C2:uuuudddddudduuu M:3/4   K:G            H:CLQSZ  T:A Ballad of Lonesome Dove (DT variation)
ABC      1 C1:000102000227070 C2:uuuudddddudduuu M:3/4   K:G            H:CLQSZ  T:A Ballad of Lonesome Dove (DT variation)
ABC     71 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:CLQRZ  T:ballad of mack the knife clarinet (2:59)
ABC     51 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:CLQRZ  T:ballad of mack the knife flute (opt) (2:45)
ABC     21 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:CLQRZ  T:ballad of mack the knife harp (3:00)
ABC     61 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:CLQRZ  T:ballad of mack the knife horn1 (2:45)
ABC     62 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:CLQRZ  T:ballad of mack the knife horn2 (2:45)
ABC     11 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:CLQRZ  T:ballad of mack the knife lute (2:45)
ABC     18 C1:765676066022500 C2:dduddduduuuuddu M:4/4   K:Bm           H:"CLWw  T:Ballad of Norman Brown, The
ABC      1 C1:067347110371000 C2:dddudduuddduuuu M:4/4   K:A            H:L      T:Ballad of Penny Evans
ABC      1 C1:067347110371000 C2:dddudduuddduuuu M:4/4   K:A            H:L      T:Ballad of Penny Evans
ABC      1 C1:067347110371000 C2:dddudduuddduuuu M:4/4   K:A            H:L      T:Ballad of Penny Evans
ABC      1 C1:177071500021000 C2:uddduduudduduuu M:      K:Amaj         H:LR     T:Ballad Of Persse O'Reilly
ABC      2 C1:007071500021000 C2:uddduduudduduuu M:      K:Amaj         H:LR     T:Ballad Of Persse O'Reilly
ABC      1 C1:007071500021000 C2:uddduduudduduuu M:6/8   K:A            H:L      T:Ballad of Persse O’Reilly
ABC      1 C1:111561177503110 C2:uuudduuddduuuud M:6/8   K:B            H:L      T:Ballad of Richard III
ABC      1 C1:111561177503110 C2:uuudduuddduuuud M:6/8   K:B            H:L      T:Ballad of Richard III
ABC      1 C1:111561177503110 C2:uuudduuddduuuud M:6/8   K:B            H:L      T:Ballad of Richard III
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Ballad of Serenity (Firefly Theme), arranged by Bodalgo (0:52)
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:The Ballad of Serenity - Solo
ABC      1 C1:477607272227610 C2:uddddduduuuuddu M:4/4   K:F            H:L      T:Ballad of Springhill
ABC      1 C1:477607272227610 C2:uddddduduuuuddu M:4/4   K:F            H:L      T:Ballad of Springhill
ABC      1 C1:477607272227610 C2:uddddduduuuuddu M:4/4   K:F            H:LZ     T:Ballad of Springhill
ABC      1 C1:477607272227610 C2:uddddduduuuuddu M:4/4   K:F            H:LZ     T:Ballad of Springhill
ABC     32 C1:007705040000110 C2:ddduuuduudduddd M:2/4   K:EMin         H:"LQRSZ T:Ballad of the crofter's hut
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:The Ballad of the Edmund Fitzgerald (4:43) Trystwyr of Landroval
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:The Ballad of the Edmund Fitzgerald (6:39) Trystwyr of Landroval
ABC      1 C1:610700006222000 C2:dudduuuuuuuudud M:C     K:Eb           H:CLQ    T:Ballad of the Green Berets
ABC      1 C1:610700006222000 C2:dudduuuuuuuudud M:C     K:Eb           H:CLQ    T:Ballad of the Green Berets
ABC      1 C1:610700006222000 C2:dudduuuuuuuudud M:C     K:Eb           H:CLQ    T:Ballad of the Green Berets
ABC      1 C1:000617040000170 C2:duduududddudddu M:C|    K:HP           H:CLQS   T:Ballad of the Green Berets
ABC      1 C1:000617040000170 C2:duduududddudddu M:C|    K:HP           H:CLQS   T:Ballad of the Green Berets
ABC      1 C1:000617040000170 C2:duduududddudddu M:C|    K:HP           H:CLQS   T:Ballad of the Green Berets
ABC      1 C1:610700006222000 C2:dudduuuuuuuudud M:C     K:Eb           H:CLQ    T:Ballad of the Green Berets
ABC      1 C1:610700006222000 C2:dudduuuuuuuudud M:C     K:Eb           H:CLQ    T:Ballad of the Green Berets
ABC     19 C1:006220606026040 C2:duudduduududddd M:4/4   K:Amaj         H:"CLRWw T:Ballad of the Kelly Gang, The
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:             H:CLORZ  T:Ballad of the MTA (not transcribed yet)
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:             H:CLORZ  T:Ballad of the MTA (not transcribed yet)
ABC      6 C1:                C2:                M:      K:             H:CLORZ  T:Ballad of the MTA (not transcribed yet)
ABC      6 C1:                C2:                M:      K:             H:CLORZ  T:Ballad of the MTA (not transcribed yet)
ABC      6 C1:                C2:                M:      K:             H:CLORZ  T:Ballad of the MTA (not transcribed yet)
ABC      6 C1:                C2:                M:      K:             H:CLORZ  T:Ballad of the MTA (not transcribed yet)
ABC      1 C1:407760754710004 C2:uddddduduuuuddd M:4/4   K:F            H:L      T:Ballad of the Triangle Fire
ABC      1 C1:407760754710004 C2:uddddduduuuuddd M:4/4   K:F            H:L      T:Ballad of the Triangle Fire
ABC      1 C1:407760754710004 C2:uddddduduuuuddd M:4/4   K:F            H:L      T:Ballad of the Triangle Fire
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Ballad of the Windfish (0:31)
ABC      1 C1:007301741700004 C2:duuuddduduuduud M:4/4   K:D            H:L      T:The Ballad of William Bloat
ABC      1 C1:007301741700004 C2:duuuddduduuduud M:4/4   K:D            H:L      T:The Ballad of William Bloat
ABC      1 C1:007301741700004 C2:duuuddduduuduud M:4/4   K:D            H:L      T:The Ballad of William Bloat
ABC 493009 C1:050621627577050 C2:dduudududddduud M:6/8   K:D            H:BLR    T:BALLAHABOY FAIR
ABC    821 C1:050621627056050 C2:dduudududddduud M:6/8   K:D            H:BRZ    T:Ballahaboy Fair
ABC    821 C1:050621627056050 C2:dduudududddduud M:6/8   K:D            H:BRZ    T:Ballahaboy Fair
ABC    821 C1:050621627056050 C2:dduudududddduud M:6/8   K:D            H:BRZ    T:Ballahaboy Fair
ABC    790 C1:050621627056050 C2:dduudududddduud M:6/8   K:D            H:BRZ    T:Ballahaboy Fair.
ABC    790 C1:050621627056050 C2:dduudududddduud M:6/8   K:D            H:BRZ    T:Ballahaboy Fair
ABC    790 C1:050621627056050 C2:dduudududddduud M:6/8   K:D            H:BRZ    T:Ballahaboy Fair
ABC    790 C1:050621627056050 C2:dduudududddduud M:6/8   K:D            H:BRZ    T:Ballahaboy Fair
ABC    790 C1:050621627056050 C2:dduudududddduud M:6/8   K:D            H:BRZ    T:Ballahaboy Fair
ABC    790 C1:050621627056050 C2:dduudududddduud M:6/8   K:D            H:BRZ    T:Ballahaboy Fair
ABC      1 C1:050621627056050 C2:dduudududddduud M:6/8   K:DMajor       H:CQZ    T:Ballahaboy Fair
ABC    790 C1:050621627056050 C2:dduudududddduud M:6/8   K:D            H:BCFORZ T:Ballahaboy Fair
ABC    791 C1:050621627056050 C2:dduudududddduud M:6/8   K:D            H:BRZ    T:Ballahaboy Fair.
ABC      1 C1:050621627056050 C2:dduudududddduud M:6/8   K:DMajor       H:Q      T:Ballahaboy Fair
ABC    790 C1:050621627056050 C2:dduudududddduud M:6/8   K:D            H:BRZ    T:Ballahaboy Fair.
ABC 493009 C1:050621627577050 C2:dduudududddduud M:6/8   K:D            H:BLR    T:BALLAHABOY FAIR
ABC 493009 C1:050621627577050 C2:dduudududddduud M:6/8   K:D            H:BLR    T:BALLAHABOY FAIR
ABC    790 C1:050621627056050 C2:dduudududddduud M:6/8   K:D            H:BRZ    T:Ballahaboy Fair.
ABC    821 C1:050621627056050 C2:dduudududddduud M:6/8   K:D            H:BRZ    T:Ballahaboy Fair
ABC    821 C1:050621627056050 C2:dduudududddduud M:6/8   K:D            H:BRZ    T:Ballahaboy Fair
ABC   0790 C1:050621627056050 C2:dduudududddduud M:6/8   K:D            H:BCILZ  T:"Ballahaboy Fair" (jig) 0790
ABC   0790 C1:050621627056050 C2:dduudududddduud M:6/8   K:D            H:BCILZ  T:"Ballahaboy Fair" (jig) 0790
ABC    229 C1:061771265001023 C2:dudduudduuudddu M:6/8   K:G            H:ABLQZ  T:Ball,aka. JC.234, The
ABC    229 C1:061771265001023 C2:dudduudduuudddu M:6/8   K:G            H:ABLQZ  T:Ball,aka. JC.234, The
ABC   1060 C1:000027770000011 C2:uddduuuddudddud M:4/4   K:G            H:L      T:Ballance a straw
ABC   1060 C1:000027770000011 C2:uddduuuddudddud M:4/4   K:G            H:L      T:Ballance a straw
ABC   1060 C1:000027770000011 C2:uddduuuddudddud M:4/4   K:G            H:L      T:Ballance a straw
ABC   1060 C1:000027770000011 C2:uddduuuddudddud M:4/4   K:G            H:L      T:Ballance a straw
ABC     23 C1:000027770000011 C2:uddduuuddudddud M:4/4   K:G            H:ALOQRSZ T:Ballance A Straw. JWDM.22
ABC     22 C1:000027770000011 C2:uddduuuddudddud M:4/4   K:G            H:ALOQRSZ T:Ballance A Straw. JWDM.22
ABC     22 C1:000027770000011 C2:uddduuuddudddud M:4/4   K:G            H:ABLOQZ T:Ballance A Straw. JWDM.22
ABC     22 C1:000027770000011 C2:uddduuuddudddud M:4/4   K:G            H:ABLOQZ T:Ballance A Straw. JWDM.22
ABC     22 C1:000027770000011 C2:uddduuuddudddud M:4/4   K:G            H:ABLOQRSZ T:Ballance A Straw. JWDM.22
ABC   1061 C1:000027770000011 C2:uddduuuddudddud M:4/4   K:G            H:ALOQRSZ T:Ballance A Straw. JWDM.22
ABC   1061 C1:000027770000011 C2:uddduuuddudddud M:4/4   K:G            H:ALOQRSZ T:Ballance A Straw. JWDM.22
ABC   1061 C1:000027770000011 C2:uddduuuddudddud M:4/4   K:G            H:ALOQRSZ T:Ballance A Straw. JWDM.22
ABC   1061 C1:000027770000011 C2:uddduuuddudddud M:4/4   K:G            H:ALOQRSZ T:Ballance A Straw. JWDM.22
ABC    467 C1:000027770000011 C2:uddduuuddudddud M:4/4   K:G            H:AFLOQRSZ T:Ballance A Straw. JWDM.22
ABC    470 C1:000027770000011 C2:uddduuuddudddud M:4/4   K:G            H:AFLOQRSZ T:Ballance A Straw. JWDM.22
ABC    467 C1:000027770000011 C2:uddduuuddudddud M:4/4   K:G            H:AFLOQRSZ T:Ballance A Straw. JWDM.22
ABC    470 C1:000027770000011 C2:uddduuuddudddud M:4/4   K:G            H:AFLOQRSZ T:Ballance A Straw. JWDM.22
ABC     22 C1:000027770000011 C2:uddduuuddudddud M:4/4   K:G            H:ABLOQRSZ T:Ballance A Straw. JWDM.22
ABC     27 C1:000207770000011 C2:uddduuuddudddud M:C|    K:G            H:BLQWZ  T:Ballance a Straw. Ru2.027
ABC     27 C1:000207770000011 C2:uddduuuddudddud M:C|    K:G            H:BLQWZ  T:Ballance a Straw. Ru2.027
ABC      1 C1:000011670000011 C2:uudduuuddudddud M:C|    K:G            H:ALOQRSZ T:Ballance a Straw. WCl.18
ABC      1 C1:000011670000011 C2:uudduuuddudddud M:C|    K:G            H:ALOQRSZ T:Ballance a Straw. WCl.18
ABC      1 C1:000011670000011 C2:uudduuuddudddud M:C|    K:G            H:ALOQRSZ T:Ballance a Straw. WCl.18
ABC      1 C1:000011670000011 C2:uudduuuddudddud M:C|    K:G            H:ALOQRSZ T:Ballance a Straw. WCl.18
ABC     18 C1:000011670000011 C2:uudduuuddudddud M:C|    K:G            H:ALOQRSZ T:Ballance a Straw. WCl.18
ABC     18 C1:000011670000011 C2:uudduuuddudddud M:C|    K:G            H:ALOQRSZ T:Ballance a Straw. WCl.18
ABC     18 C1:000011670000011 C2:uudduuuddudddud M:C|    K:G            H:ALOQRSZ T:Ballance a Straw. WCl.18
ABC     18 C1:000011670000011 C2:uudduuuddudddud M:C|    K:G            H:ALOQRSZ T:Ballance a Straw. WCl.18
ABC     18 C1:000011670000011 C2:uudduuuddudddud M:C|    K:G            H:ALOQRSZ T:Ballance a Straw. WCl.18
ABC     18 C1:000011670000011 C2:uudduuuddudddud M:C|    K:G            H:ABLQZ  T:Ballance a Straw. WCl.18
ABC     18 C1:000011670000011 C2:uudduuuddudddud M:C|    K:G            H:ABLQZ  T:Ballance a Straw. WCl.18
ABC     18 C1:000011670000011 C2:uudduuuddudddud M:C|    K:G            H:BLOQRSZ T:Ballance a Straw. WCl.18
ABC    471 C1:000011670000011 C2:uudduuuddudddud M:C|    K:G            H:AFLOQRSZ T:Ballance a Straw. WCl.18
ABC    471 C1:000011670000011 C2:uudduuuddudddud M:C|    K:G            H:AFLOQRSZ T:Ballance a Straw. WCl.18
ABC     18 C1:000011670000011 C2:uudduuuddudddud M:C|    K:G            H:BLOQRSZ T:Ballance a Straw. WCl.18
ABC    472 C1:000027770000011 C2:uddduuuddudddud M:C|    K:G            H:ABFLOZ T:Ballance a strow
ABC    472 C1:000027770000011 C2:uddduuuddudddud M:C|    K:G            H:ABFLOZ T:Ballance a strow
ABC     41 C1:000027770000011 C2:uddduuuddudddud M:C|    K:G            H:ABLOZ  T:Ballance a strow
ABC      9 C1:323201775623116 C2:uuuuudddduuuudu M:4/4   K:A            H:"CLQ   T:Ball and Chain Hornpipe
ABC      9 C1:323201775623116 C2:uuuuudddduuuudu M:4/4   K:A            H:"CLQ   T:Ball and Chain Hornpipe
ABC     10 C1:323201775623116 C2:uuuuudddduuuudu M:4/4   K:A            H:"CLQ   T:Ball and Chain Hornpipe
ABC     10 C1:323201775623116 C2:uuuuudddduuuudu M:4/4   K:A            H:"CLQ   T:Ball and Chain Hornpipe
ABC    128 C1:422207716447566 C2:duuuddudududddu M:4/4   K:A            H:"LR    T:Ball and Pin
ABC      1 C1:647023372562557 C2:duuuddudududddu M:2/4   K:A            H:LRSZ   T:Ball and Pin
ABC      1 C1:647023372562557 C2:duuuddudududddu M:2/4   K:A            H:LRSZ   T:Ball and Pin
ABC    128 C1:422207716447566 C2:duuuddudududddu M:4/4   K:A            H:"LR    T:Ball and Pin
ABC    128 C1:422207716447566 C2:duuuddudududddu M:4/4   K:A            H:"LR    T:Ball and Pin
ABC      1 C1:323207714222077 C2:uuuudduduuuddud M:4/4   K:A            H:CLQR   T:The Ball and Pin Hornpipe
ABC      1 C1:323207714222077 C2:uuuudduduuuddud M:4/4   K:A            H:CLQR   T:The Ball and Pin Hornpipe
ABC      1 C1:422207716447566 C2:duuuddudududddu M:2/4   K:A            H:BLRZ   T:BALL AND PIN -- HORNPIPE
ABC      1 C1:422207716447566 C2:duuuddudududddu M:2/4   K:A            H:BLRZ   T:BALL AND PIN -- HORNPIPE
ABC      1 C1:422207716447566 C2:duuuddudududddu M:2/4   K:A            H:BLRZ   T:BALL AND PIN -- HORNPIPE
ABC      1 C1:422207716447566 C2:duuuddudududddu M:2/4   K:A            H:BLRZ   T:BALL AND PIN -- HORNPIPE
ABC      1 C1:422207716447566 C2:duuuddudududddu M:2/4   K:A            H:BLRZ   T:BALL AND PIN -- HORNPIPE
ABC      1 C1:422207716447566 C2:duuuddudududddu M:2/4   K:A            H:BLRZ   T:BALL AND PIN -- HORNPIPE
ABC      1 C1:422207716447566 C2:duuuddudududddu M:2/4   K:A            H:BLRZ   T:BALL AND PIN -- HORNPIPE
ABC      1 C1:577503152706577 C2:uddduududdudddd M:6/8   K:G            H:"CR    T:Ballantine House
ABC      1 C1:577503152706577 C2:uddduududdudddd M:6/8   K:G            H:"CR    T:Ballantine House
ABC      1 C1:562725203361701 C2:ddududduuuudddu M:4/4   K:D            H:"LS    T:Ballantynes
ABC     16 C1:562725203361701 C2:ddududduuuudddu M:4/4   K:D            H:"LS    T:Ballantynes
ABC     16 C1:562725203361701 C2:ddududduuuudddu M:4/4   K:D            H:"CL    T:Ballantynes
ABC     80 C1:562725203361701 C2:ddududduuuudddu M:4/4   K:D            H:"LS    T:Ballantynes
ABC     80 C1:562725203361701 C2:ddududduuuudddu M:4/4   K:D            H:"LS    T:Ballantynes
ABC     16 C1:562725203361701 C2:ddududduuuudddu M:4/4   K:D            H:"LS    T:Ballantynes
ABC     16 C1:562725203361701 C2:ddududduuuudddu M:4/4   K:D            H:"LS    T:Ballantynes
ABC     16 C1:562725203361701 C2:ddududduuuudddu M:4/4   K:D            H:"LRS   T:Ballantynes
ABC     16 C1:562725203361701 C2:ddududduuuudddu M:4/4   K:D            H:"LRS   T:Ballantynes
ABC     16 C1:562725203361701 C2:ddududduuuudddu M:4/4   K:D            H:"LRS   T:Ballantynes
ABC   1062 C1:562725203361701 C2:ddududduuuudddu M:4/4   K:D            H:"LS    T:Ballantynes
ABC    369 C1:562725203361701 C2:ddududduuuudddu M:4/4   K:D            H:"LOS   T:Ballantynes
ABC    369 C1:562725203361701 C2:ddududduuuudddu M:4/4   K:D            H:"LOS   T:Ballantynes
ABC   1062 C1:562725203361701 C2:ddududduuuudddu M:4/4   K:D            H:"LS    T:Ballantynes
ABC   1062 C1:562725203361701 C2:ddududduuuudddu M:4/4   K:D            H:"LS    T:Ballantynes
ABC   1062 C1:562725203361701 C2:ddududduuuudddu M:4/4   K:D            H:"LS    T:Ballantynes
ABC    863 C1:562725203361701 C2:ddududduuuudddu M:4/4   K:D            H:"LS    T:Ballantynes
ABC    863 C1:562725203361701 C2:ddududduuuudddu M:4/4   K:D            H:"LS    T:Ballantynes
ABC    863 C1:562725203361701 C2:ddududduuuudddu M:4/4   K:D            H:"LS    T:Ballantynes
ABC    863 C1:562725203361701 C2:ddududduuuudddu M:4/4   K:D            H:"LS    T:Ballantynes
ABC    863 C1:562725203361701 C2:ddududduuuudddu M:4/4   K:D            H:"LS    T:Ballantynes
ABC      3 C1:770506020702670 C2:ddddududduduuuu M:4/4   K:D            H:"CLR   T:Ballantyne's Rant
ABC      3 C1:117276007772760 C2:uuduuddddduuddu M:4/4   K:G            H:LQZ    T:Ballantyne's Reel
ABC   2513 C1:117276007772760 C2:uuduuddddduuddu M:4/4   K:G            H:CFLOQRWZ T:Ballantyne's Reel
ABC   2513 C1:117276007772760 C2:uuduuddddduuddu M:4/4   K:G            H:CFLOQRWZ T:Ballantyne's Reel
ABC   2513 C1:117276007772760 C2:uuduuddddduuddu M:4/4   K:G            H:CFLOQRWZ T:Ballantyne's Reel
ABC     16 C1:007107070205000 C2:dudduduuudududu M:4/8   K:Gm treble    H:LOQ    T:Ballaristos
ABC     16 C1:007107070205000 C2:dudduduuudududu M:4/8   K:Gm treble    H:LOQ    T:Ballaristos
ABC     18 C1:007107070205000 C2:dudduduuudududu M:4/8   K:Gm treble    H:LOQ    T:Ballaristos
ABC     18 C1:007107070205000 C2:dudduduuudududu M:4/8   K:Gm treble    H:LOQ    T:Ballaristos
ABC     27 C1:007107070205000 C2:dudduduuudududu M:4/8   K:Gm treble    H:LOQ    T:Ballaristos
ABC     28 C1:007107070205000 C2:dudduduuudududu M:4/8   K:Gm treble    H:LOQ    T:Ballaristos
ABC     31 C1:007107070205000 C2:dudduduuudududu M:4/8   K:Gm treble    H:LOQ    T:Ballaristos
ABC     32 C1:007107070205000 C2:dudduduuudududu M:4/8   K:Gm treble    H:LOQ    T:Ballaristos
ABC     16 C1:007107070205000 C2:dudduduuudududu M:4/8   K:Gm treble    H:LOQ    T:Ballaristos
ABC     16 C1:007107070205000 C2:dudduduuudududu M:4/8   K:Gm treble    H:LOQ    T:Ballaristos
ABC     18 C1:007107070205000 C2:dudduduuudududu M:4/8   K:Gm treble    H:LOQ    T:Ballaristos
ABC     18 C1:007107070205000 C2:dudduduuudududu M:4/8   K:Gm treble    H:LOQ    T:Ballaristos
ABC     27 C1:007107070205000 C2:dudduduuudududu M:4/8   K:Gm treble    H:LOQ    T:Ballaristos
ABC     28 C1:007107070205000 C2:dudduduuudududu M:4/8   K:Gm treble    H:LOQ    T:Ballaristos
ABC     31 C1:007107070205000 C2:dudduduuudududu M:4/8   K:Gm treble    H:LOQ    T:Ballaristos
ABC     32 C1:007107070205000 C2:dudduduuudududu M:4/8   K:Gm treble    H:LOQ    T:Ballaristos
ABC     32 C1:007107070205000 C2:dudduduuudududu M:4/8   K:Gm treble    H:LOQ    T:Ballaristos
ABC     32 C1:007107070205000 C2:dudduduuudududu M:4/8   K:Gm treble    H:LOQ    T:Ballaristos
ABC     32 C1:007107070205000 C2:dudduduuudududu M:4/8   K:Gm treble    H:LOQ    T:Ballaristos
ABC     32 C1:007107070205000 C2:dudduduuudududu M:4/8   K:Gm treble    H:LOQ    T:Ballaristos
ABC      1 C1:176006305301176 C2:udddduduuuddddd M:6/8   K:G            H:BHLR   T:The Ball at the Hop
ABC     29 C1:176006305301176 C2:udddduduuuddddd M:6/8   K:G            H:BHLR   T:The Ball at the Hop
ABC     29 C1:176006305301176 C2:udddduduuuddddd M:6/8   K:G            H:BHLRZ  T:The Ball at the Hop
ABC   6497 C1:176006305301176 C2:udddduduuuddddd M:6/8   K:G            H:BHLOR  T:The Ball at the Hop
ABC   6497 C1:176006305301176 C2:udddduduuuddddd M:6/8   K:G            H:BHLOR  T:The Ball at the Hop
ABC  12794 C1:176006305301176 C2:udddduduuuddddd M:6/8   K:G            H:BHLR   T:The Ball at the Hop
ABC  12794 C1:176006305301176 C2:udddduduuuddddd M:6/8   K:G            H:BHLR   T:The Ball at the Hop
ABC  12794 C1:176006305301176 C2:udddduduuuddddd M:6/8   K:G            H:BHLR   T:The Ball at the Hop
ABC  12794 C1:176006305301176 C2:udddduduuuddddd M:6/8   K:G            H:BHLR   T:The Ball at the Hop
ABC  12794 C1:176006305301176 C2:udddduduuuddddd M:6/8   K:G            H:BHLR   T:The Ball at the Hop
ABC    473 C1:010420770077602 C2:uuudddddudduduu M:4/4   K:B            H:FOR    T:Ballavannoch
ABC    473 C1:010420770077602 C2:uuudddddudduduu M:4/4   K:B            H:FOR    T:Ballavannoch
ABC     11 C1:010420770077602 C2:uuudddddudduduu M:4/4   K:B            H:OR     T:Ballavannoch
ABC  30492 C1:772773007011157 C2:ddudduduuudddud M:6/8   K:G            H:BCLSZ  T:BALL DANCE
ABC  30492 C1:772773007011157 C2:ddudduduuudddud M:6/8   K:G            H:BCLSZ  T:BALL DANCE
ABC  30492 C1:772773007011157 C2:ddudduduuudddud M:6/8   K:G            H:BCLSZ  T:BALL DANCE
ABC  30492 C1:772773007011157 C2:ddudduduuudddud M:6/8   K:G            H:BCLSZ  T:BALL DANCE
ABC  30492 C1:772773007011157 C2:ddudduduuudddud M:6/8   K:G            H:BCLSZ  T:BALL DANCE
ABC  30492 C1:772773007011157 C2:ddudduduuudddud M:6/8   K:G            H:BCLSZ  T:BALL DANCE
ABC  30492 C1:772773007011157 C2:ddudduduuudddud M:6/8   K:G            H:BCLSZ  T:BALL DANCE
ABC  30492 C1:772773007011157 C2:ddudduduuudddud M:6/8   K:G            H:BCLSZ  T:BALL DANCE
ABC  30492 C1:772773007011157 C2:ddudduduuudddud M:6/8   K:G            H:BCLSZ  T:BALL DANCE
ABC  30492 C1:772773007011157 C2:ddudduduuudddud M:6/8   K:G            H:BCLSZ  T:BALL DANCE
ABC  30492 C1:772773007011157 C2:ddudduduuudddud M:6/8   K:G            H:BCLSZ  T:BALL DANCE
ABC     31 C1:062106270622576 C2:duududduuuddudu M:C|    K:D            H:BCLR   T:Ballechin Rant
ABC     31 C1:062106270622576 C2:duududduuuddudu M:C|    K:D            H:BCLR   T:Ballechin Rant
ABC     31 C1:062106270622576 C2:duududduuuddudu M:C|    K:D            H:BCLR   T:Ballechin Rant
ABC     31 C1:062106270622576 C2:duududduuuddudu M:C|    K:D            H:BCLR   T:Ballechin Rant
ABC      1 C1:062106270622576 C2:duududduuuddudu M:C|    K:D            H:BCLRZ  T:Ballechin Rant
ABC      1 C1:062106270622576 C2:duududduuuddudu M:C|    K:D            H:BCLRZ  T:Ballechin Rant
ABC     31 C1:062106270622576 C2:duududduuuddudu M:C|    K:D            H:BCLR   T:Ballechin Rant
ABC     31 C1:062106270622576 C2:duududduuuddudu M:C|    K:D            H:BCLR   T:Ballechin Rant
ABC    124 C1:060000720707000 C2:dduuddududddduu M:2/4   K:E            H:LOQRSZ T:La Ball Elegante. VWMLa.124
ABC    124 C1:060000720707000 C2:dduuddududddduu M:2/4   K:E            H:ABLQRZ T:La Ball Elegante. VWMLa.124
ABC    124 C1:060000720707000 C2:dduuddududddduu M:2/4   K:E            H:ABLQRZ T:La Ball Elegante. VWMLa.124
ABC    124 C1:060000720707000 C2:dduuddududddduu M:2/4   K:E            H:ABLOQRSZ T:La Ball Elegante. VWMLa.124
ABC    124 C1:060000720707000 C2:dduuddududddduu M:2/4   K:E            H:ABLOQRSZ T:La Ball Elegante. VWMLa.124
ABC    229 C1:716500700700710 C2:dududdduddududd M:2/4   K:D            H:BLQZ   T:Ballena Polka. Le4.229
ABC    229 C1:716500700700710 C2:dududdduddududd M:2/4   K:D            H:BLQZ   T:Ballena Polka. Le4.229
ABC      1 C1:770017500560000 C2:dduddududduddud M:4/4   K:Bb           H:CLQR   T:Ballendalloch Castle
ABC      1 C1:770017500560000 C2:dduddududduddud M:4/4   K:Bb           H:CLQR   T:Ballendalloch Castle
ABC    474 C1:175560261755701 C2:uddududduddudud M:C     K:Bb           H:BCFLORVZ T:Ballendalloch Castle
ABC    474 C1:175560261755701 C2:uddududduddudud M:C     K:Bb           H:BCFLORVZ T:Ballendalloch Castle
ABC     21 C1:175560261755701 C2:uddududduddudud M:C     K:Bb           H:BCLOVZ T:Ballendalloch Castle
ABC      1 C1:712100254277004 C2:duuuudduddudduu M:C     K:G            H:BLRZ   T:Ballendalloch's Reell
ABC      1 C1:107270011770706 C2:ududuudddduduuu M:      K:Amaj         H:LR     T:The Ballerina
ABC      2 C1:107360011770742 C2:ududuudddduuduu M:      K:Amaj         H:LR     T:The Ballerina
ABC      1 C1:107360011770742 C2:ududuudddduuduu M:6/8   K:Amaj         H:LR     T:Ballerina, The
ABC     18 C1:116077711160777 C2:uudddduuudddduu M:C     K:Bb           H:BFLZ   T:the Ballest Heavers
ABC      1 C1:116077712727272 C2:uudddduudududud M:C     K:Bb           H:BLRZ   T:Ballest Heavers, The
ABC      1 C1:116077712727272 C2:uudddduudududud M:C     K:Bb           H:BLRZ   T:Ballest Heavers, The
ABC     18 C1:116077711160777 C2:uudddduuudddduu M:C     K:Bb           H:BFLZ   T:The Ballest Heavers
ABC     18 C1:116077711160777 C2:uudddduuudddduu M:C     K:Bb           H:BFLZ   T:The Ballest Heavers
ABC     18 C1:116077711160777 C2:uudddduuudddduu M:C     K:Bb           H:BFLZ   T:The Ballest Heavers
ABC     18 C1:116077711160777 C2:uudddduuudddduu M:C     K:Bb           H:BFLZ   T:The Ballest Heavers
ABC     18 C1:116077711160777 C2:uudddduuudddduu M:C     K:Bb           H:BFLZ   T:The Ballest Heavers
ABC     15 C1:001707070071011 C2:udddduuuuddduuu M:4/4   K:G            H:CL     T:Ballet 268
ABC    475 C1:001707070071011 C2:udddduuuuddduuu M:4/4   K:G            H:CFLOZ  T:Ballet 268
ABC    475 C1:001707070071011 C2:udddduuuuddduuu M:4/4   K:G            H:CFLOZ  T:Ballet 268
ABC     14 C1:001707070071011 C2:udddduuuuddduuu M:4/4   K:G            H:CLOZ   T:Ballet 268
ABC   7959 C1:402762010246010 C2:uuddduudududddd M:3/4   K:F            H:ACFLOQRVWZ T:Ballet
ABC   7959 C1:402762010246010 C2:uuddduudududddd M:3/4   K:F            H:ACFLOQRVWZ T:Ballet
ABC      1 C1:001200770012007 C2:uuudduuuddduduu M:C     K:G            H:BCLQ   T:Ballet
ABC     78 C1:350125033070700 C2:uduuuduuddduudd M:2/4   K:D            H:"LORSW T:La Ballet Anglais (Kontratanz) D (kt02303)
ABC     78 C1:350125033070700 C2:uduuuduuddduudd M:2/4   K:D            H:"LORSW T:La Ballet Anglais (Kontratanz) D (kt02303)
ABC      1 C1:040027001640000 C2:uududduuuduuuud M:4/4   K:Eb           H:CLQR   T:Balletarach Strathspey
ABC      1 C1:040027001640000 C2:uududduuuduuuud M:4/4   K:Eb           H:CLQR   T:Balletarach Strathspey
ABC     25 C1:301075003060300 C2:uududduuuduuuud M:4/4   K:G            H:LQW    T:Balletarach Strathspey
ABC   1063 C1:301075003060300 C2:uududduuuduuuud M:4/4   K:G            H:LQW    T:Balletarach Strathspey
ABC    370 C1:301075003060300 C2:uududduuuduuuud M:4/4   K:G            H:LOQW   T:Balletarach Strathspey
ABC    370 C1:301075003060300 C2:uududduuuduuuud M:4/4   K:G            H:LOQW   T:Balletarach Strathspey
ABC   1063 C1:301075003060300 C2:uududduuuduuuud M:4/4   K:G            H:LQW    T:Balletarach Strathspey
ABC   1063 C1:301075003060300 C2:uududduuuduuuud M:4/4   K:G            H:LQW    T:Balletarach Strathspey
ABC   1063 C1:301075003060300 C2:uududduuuduuuud M:4/4   K:G            H:LQW    T:Balletarach Strathspey
ABC    864 C1:301075003060300 C2:uududduuuduuuud M:4/4   K:G            H:LQW    T:Balletarach Strathspey
ABC    864 C1:301075003060300 C2:uududduuuduuuud M:4/4   K:G            H:LQW    T:Balletarach Strathspey
ABC    864 C1:301075003060300 C2:uududduuuduuuud M:4/4   K:G            H:LQW    T:Balletarach Strathspey
ABC    864 C1:301075003060300 C2:uududduuuduuuud M:4/4   K:G            H:LQW    T:Balletarach Strathspey
ABC    864 C1:301075003060300 C2:uududduuuduuuud M:4/4   K:G            H:LQW    T:Balletarach Strathspey
ABC      1 C1:007150300007001 C2:dudududdduuuddu M:C     K:Gmix         H:BCLQRVZ T:Ballet CCLXVII
ABC      1 C1:007150300007001 C2:dudududdduuuddu M:C     K:Gmix         H:BCLQRVZ T:Ballet CCLXVII
ABC   1335 C1:001200770012007 C2:uuudduuuddduduu M:C     K:G            H:BCFLOQRWZ T:Ballet CCLXVIII
ABC   1136 C1:001200770012007 C2:uuudduuuddduduu M:C     K:G            H:BCFLOQRWZ T:Ballet CCLXVIII
ABC   1335 C1:001200770012007 C2:uuudduuuddduduu M:C     K:G            H:LZ     T:Ballet CCLXVIII
ABC   1335 C1:001200770012007 C2:uuudduuuddduduu M:C     K:G            H:LZ     T:Ballet CCLXVIII
ABC    268 C1:007700120077001 C2:uddduuudduuuddd M:C     K:G            H:"BCFLOQRWZ T:Ballet CCLXVIII
ABC    268 C1:007700120077001 C2:uddduuudduuuddd M:4/4   K:A            H:"BCFLOQRWZ T:Ballet CCLXVIII
ABC    268 C1:007700120077001 C2:uddduuudduuuddd M:4/4   K:D            H:"BCFLOQRWZ T:Ballet CCLXVIII
ABC   1423 C1:007150300007001 C2:dudududdduuuddu M:C     K:Gmix         H:BCLOQRVZ T:Ballet CCLXVIII
ABC   1423 C1:007150300007001 C2:dudududdduuuddu M:C     K:Gmix         H:BCLOQRVZ T:Ballet CCLXVIII
ABC   1423 C1:007150300007001 C2:dudududdduuuddu M:C     K:Gmix         H:BCLOQRVZ T:Ballet CCLXVIII
ABC   1423 C1:007150300007001 C2:dudududdduuuddu M:C     K:Gmix         H:BCLOQRVZ T:Ballet CCLXVIII
ABC   1137 C1:007150300007001 C2:dudududdduuuddu M:C     K:Gmix         H:BCFLOQRVWZ T:Ballet CCLXVIII
ABC   1137 C1:007150300007001 C2:dudududdduuuddu M:C     K:Gmix         H:BCFLOQRVWZ T:Ballet CCLXVIII
ABC     18 C1:626302613101167 C2:duddudduuuuuddd M:      K:G            H:LOZ    T:Ballet de la Val Vermegagno
ABC  14429 C1:626302613101167 C2:duddudduuuuuddd M:      K:G            H:LOZ    T:Ballet de la Val Vermegagno
ABC     18 C1:626302613101167 C2:duddudduuuuuddd M:      K:G            H:LOZ    T:Ballet de la Val Vermegagno
ABC  14429 C1:626303513101167 C2:duddudduuuuuddd M:      K:D            H:LOZ    T:Ballet de la Val Vermegagno
ABC   8327 C1:771117000200776 C2:dduuuduuddduudu M:3/4   K:C            H:CFLQVWZ T:Ballet for rider and horse
ABC   8327 C1:771117000200776 C2:dduuuduuddduudu M:3/4   K:C            H:CFLQVWZ T:Ballet for rider and horse
ABC    467 C1:000177770000060 C2:uddddduuuuududu M:C     K:Ddor         H:B      T:Ballet Gravesand
ABC    043 C1:771177211077771 C2:dduudduuuddddud M:6/8   K:G            H:BLSZ   T:le Ballet Hollandois
ABC    043 C1:771177211077771 C2:dduudduuuddddud M:6/8   K:G            H:BLSZ   T:le Ballet Hollandois
ABC    043 C1:771177211077771 C2:dduudduuuddddud M:6/8   K:G            H:BLSZ   T:le Ballet Hollandois
ABC    043 C1:771177211077771 C2:dduudduuuddddud M:6/8   K:G            H:BLSZ   T:le Ballet Hollandois
ABC      5 C1:771177004077771 C2:dduuddudddduduu M:6/8   K:Gmaj         H:CLOSZ  T:Le ballet hollandois
ABC    043 C1:771177211077771 C2:dduudduuuddddud M:6/8   K:G            H:BLSZ   T:le Ballet Hollandois
ABC    043 C1:771177211077771 C2:dduudduuuddddud M:6/8   K:G            H:BLSZ   T:le Ballet Hollandois
ABC    043 C1:771177211077771 C2:dduudduuuddddud M:6/8   K:G            H:BLSZ   T:le Ballet Hollandois
ABC    043 C1:771177211077771 C2:dduudduuuddddud M:6/8   K:G            H:BLSZ   T:le Ballet Hollandois
ABC      1 C1:771057077771771 C2:ddududdddudduuu M:6/8   K:G            H:BLZ    T:Ballet Hollandoise, La
ABC      1 C1:771057077771771 C2:ddududdddudduuu M:6/8   K:G            H:BLZ    T:Ballet Hollandoise, La
ABC    095 C1:771771057077771 C2:dduddududdddudd M:6/8   K:G            H:BFLZ   T:la Ballet Hollandoise
ABC    095 C1:771771057077771 C2:dduddududdddudd M:6/8   K:G            H:BFLZ   T:la Ballet Hollandoise
ABC    095 C1:077771771057077 C2:dddduddududdddu M:6/8   K:G            H:"BFLZ  T:la Ballet Hollandoise
ABC    095 C1:077771771057077 C2:dddduddududdddu M:6/8   K:G            H:"BFLZ  T:la Ballet Hollandoise
ABC    095 C1:077771771057077 C2:dddduddududdddu M:6/8   K:G            H:"BFLZ  T:la Ballet Hollandoise
ABC    095 C1:077771771057077 C2:dddduddududdddu M:6/8   K:G            H:"BFLZ  T:la Ballet Hollandoise
ABC    095 C1:077771771057077 C2:dddduddududdddu M:6/8   K:G            H:"BFLZ  T:la Ballet Hollandoise
ABC    095 C1:077771771057077 C2:dddduddududdddu M:6/8   K:G            H:"BFLZ  T:la Ballet Hollandoise
ABC    095 C1:077771771057077 C2:dddduddududdddu M:6/8   K:G            H:"BFLZ  T:la Ballet Hollandoise
ABC    095 C1:077771771057077 C2:dddduddududdddu M:6/8   K:G            H:"BFLZ  T:la Ballet Hollandoise
ABC    095 C1:077771771057077 C2:dddduddududdddu M:6/8   K:G            H:"BFLZ  T:la Ballet Hollandoise
ABC    095 C1:077771771057077 C2:dddduddududdddu M:6/8   K:G            H:"BFLZ  T:la Ballet Hollandoise
ABC    095 C1:077771771057077 C2:dddduddududdddu M:6/8   K:G            H:"BFLZ  T:la Ballet Hollandoise
ABC    113 C1:771057077771771 C2:ddududdddudduuu M:6/8   K:G            H:BLZ    T:Ballet Hollandoise, La
ABC    113 C1:771057077771771 C2:ddududdddudduuu M:6/8   K:G            H:BLZ    T:Ballet Hollandoise, La
ABC    095 C1:771771057077771 C2:dduddududdddudd M:6/8   K:G            H:BFLZ   T:la Ballet Hollandoise
ABC    095 C1:771771057077771 C2:dduddududdddudd M:6/8   K:G            H:BFLZ   T:la Ballet Hollandoise
ABC    113 C1:771057077771771 C2:ddududdddudduuu M:6/8   K:G            H:BLOQZ  T:Ballet Hollandoise THO3.113, La
ABC    113 C1:771057077771771 C2:ddududdddudduuu M:6/8   K:G            H:BLOQZ  T:Ballet Hollandoise THO3.113, La
ABC      6 C1:001073777176011 C2:ududddudduududu M:6/8   K:Dmaj         H:CLOSZ  T:Le ballet liegeois
ABC    782 C1:277706030111167 C2:udddduuuuudduud M:C     K:Gdor         H:B      T:Ballet van Baggus
ABC    951 C1:000001071107070 C2:uduuddudduduudu M:3/2   K:Emin         H:B      T:Ballet voor de Slappe Coort langhsaem
ABC      6 C1:107070711217306 C2:uddduuuududduud M:2/4   K:G            H:LR     T:Balleydesmond No. 1
ABC     23 C1:107070711217306 C2:uddduuuududduud M:2/4   K:G            H:LR     T:Balleydesmond No. 1
ABC   1064 C1:107070711217306 C2:uddduuuududduud M:2/4   K:G            H:LR     T:Balleydesmond No. 1
ABC   1064 C1:107070711217306 C2:uddduuuududduud M:2/4   K:G            H:LR     T:Balleydesmond No. 1
ABC   1064 C1:107070711217306 C2:uddduuuududduud M:2/4   K:G            H:LR     T:Balleydesmond No. 1
ABC   1064 C1:107070711217306 C2:uddduuuududduud M:2/4   K:G            H:LR     T:Balleydesmond No. 1
ABC      5 C1:301111037117607 C2:uuuuudduuddduuu M:2/4   K:G            H:LR     T:Balleydesmond No. 2
ABC     24 C1:301111037117607 C2:uuuuudduuddduuu M:2/4   K:G            H:LR     T:Balleydesmond No. 2
ABC   1065 C1:301111037117607 C2:uuuuudduuddduuu M:2/4   K:G            H:LR     T:Balleydesmond No. 2
ABC   1065 C1:301111037117607 C2:uuuuudduuddduuu M:2/4   K:G            H:LR     T:Balleydesmond No. 2
ABC   1065 C1:301111037117607 C2:uuuuudduuddduuu M:2/4   K:G            H:LR     T:Balleydesmond No. 2
ABC   1065 C1:301111037117607 C2:uuuuudduuddduuu M:2/4   K:G            H:LR     T:Balleydesmond No. 2
ABC      1 C1:112100176071301 C2:uuududdduuuuuuu M:2/4   K:G            H:"LOR   T:Balleydesmond Polka #1
ABC      1 C1:112             C2:uuu             M:2/4   K:G            H:LRW    T:Balleydesmond Polka #1
ABC      1 C1:112             C2:uuu             M:2/4   K:G            H:LRW    T:Balleydesmond Polka #1
ABC      2 C1:070707112173007 C2:ddduuuududduddd M:2/4   K:G            H:"LR    T:Balleydesmond Polka #2
ABC      2 C1:0707071         C2:dddu            M:2/4   K:G            H:LRW    T:Balleydesmond Polka #2
ABC      2 C1:0707071         C2:dddu            M:2/4   K:G            H:LRW    T:Balleydesmond Polka #2
ABC      3 C1:116317713005177 C2:uuduudduuudddud M:2/4   K:G            H:"LR    T:Balleydesmond Polka #3
ABC      3 C1:116             C2:uud             M:2/4   K:G            H:LRW    T:Balleydesmond Polka #3
ABC      3 C1:116             C2:uud             M:2/4   K:G            H:LRW    T:Balleydesmond Polka #3
ABC      1 C1:110707071121730 C2:uuddduuuududduu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:LRw    T:Balleydesmond, The #1
ABC      1 C1:301111037117607 C2:uuuuudduuddduuu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:LRw    T:Balleydesmond, The #2
ABC    148 C1:170065660027170 C2:ududddudududdud M:6/8   K:Ddor         H:BLQWZ  T:BallGownies Bowling Green. Ru2.148
ABC    148 C1:170065660027170 C2:ududddudududdud M:6/8   K:Ddor         H:BLQWZ  T:BallGownies Bowling Green. Ru2.148
ABC      1 C1:000000000000502 C2:dududududdududu M:4/4   K:C            H:"CLQW  T:Ballground Stomp
ABC  32513 C1:223277777777077 C2:uuuuddddddddudd M:C     K:D            H:BCFLRZ T:THE BALL HORNPIPE
ABC  32513 C1:223277777777077 C2:uuuuddddddddudd M:C     K:D            H:BCFLRZ T:THE BALL HORNPIPE
ABC  32513 C1:223277777777077 C2:uuuuddddddddudd M:C     K:D            H:BCFLRZ T:THE BALL HORNPIPE
ABC  32513 C1:223277777777077 C2:uuuuddddddddudd M:C     K:D            H:BCFLRZ T:THE BALL HORNPIPE
ABC  32513 C1:223277777777077 C2:uuuuddddddddudd M:C     K:D            H:BCFLRZ T:THE BALL HORNPIPE
ABC  32513 C1:223277777777077 C2:uuuuddddddddudd M:C     K:D            H:BCFLRZ T:THE BALL HORNPIPE
ABC    529 C1:177711771027777 C2:ududuudduuddddu M:6/8   K:F            H:BLQZ   T:Ballimona,aka. Roose.0531
ABC      1 C1:010707070711010 C2:udddduuudduduud M:3/4   K:D            H:ALOQ   T:Bal Limousin
ABC    476 C1:010707070711010 C2:udddduuudduduud M:3/4   K:D            H:AFLOQ  T:Bal Limousin
ABC    476 C1:010707070711010 C2:udddduuudduduud M:3/4   K:D            H:AFLOQ  T:Bal Limousin
ABC      1 C1:010707070711010 C2:udddduuudduduud M:3/4   K:D            H:ALOQ   T:Bal Limousin
ABC      1 C1:040503040403010 C2:dududududududud M:3/4   K:G            H:CLQW   T:Bal Limousine
ABC      1 C1:040503040403010 C2:dududududududud M:3/4   K:G            H:CLQW   T:Bal Limousine
ABC      1 C1:040503040403010 C2:dududududududud M:3/4   K:G            H:CLQW   T:Bal Limousine
ABC      1 C1:040503040403010 C2:dududududududud M:3/4   K:G            H:CLQW   T:Bal Limousine
ABC      1 C1:040503040403010 C2:dududududududud M:3/4   K:G            H:CLQW   T:Bal Limousine
ABC      1 C1:040503040403010 C2:dududududududud M:3/4   K:G            H:CLQW   T:Bal Limousine
ABC     88 C1:010601177711010 C2:uduuddduuuddudu M:3/4   K:C            H:"CLOQS T:Bal Limousine
ABC      1 C1:010707060101010 C2:uddduuudduduudd M:3/4   K:G            H:ACLOQZ T:Bal Limousine
ABC    477 C1:010707060101010 C2:uddduuudduduudd M:3/4   K:G            H:ACFLOQZ T:Bal Limousine
ABC    477 C1:010707060101010 C2:uddduuudduduudd M:3/4   K:G            H:ACFLOQZ T:Bal Limousine
ABC      1 C1:010707060101010 C2:uddduuudduduudd M:3/4   K:G            H:ACLOQZ T:Bal Limousine
ABC      1 C1:010707070711010 C2:udddduuudduduud M:3/4   K:A            H:ALOQ   T:Bal Limousin (in A for Bb clarinet)
ABC    478 C1:010707070711010 C2:udddduuudduduud M:3/4   K:A            H:AFLOQ  T:Bal Limousin (in A for Bb clarinet)
ABC    478 C1:010707070711010 C2:udddduuudduduud M:3/4   K:A            H:AFLOQ  T:Bal Limousin (in A for Bb clarinet)
ABC      1 C1:010707070711010 C2:udddduuudduduud M:3/4   K:Gmaj         H:ALOQ   T:Bal Limousin (in G)
ABC    479 C1:010707070711010 C2:udddduuudduduud M:3/4   K:Gmaj         H:AFLOQ  T:Bal Limousin (in G)
ABC    479 C1:010707070711010 C2:udddduuudduduud M:3/4   K:Gmaj         H:AFLOQ  T:Bal Limousin (in G)
ABC      1 C1:010707070711010 C2:udddduuudduduud M:3/4   K:G            H:ALOQ   T:Bal Limousin (in G)
ABC      1 C1:670003062063765 C2:ddudududdududdd M:      K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:The Ballinacourtey
ABC      1 C1:602777111116000 C2:duddduuuuududdu M:      K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:Ballinafad
ABC      2 C1:602777111161000 C2:duddduuuududuud M:      K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:Ballinafad
ABC    190 C1:276600111111776 C2:uddduuuuuuddduu M:4/4   K:D            H:LRSZ   T:Ballinafad
ABC      1 C1:026532611776253 C2:udduuduuddduduu M:      K:Amix         H:LR     T:The Ballinafad Fancy
ABC 182112 C1:772777111116711 C2:dduddduuuuudduu M:2/4   K:G            H:CLQRS  T:BALLINAFAD FANCY* (polka), The
ABC 182112 C1:772777111116711 C2:dduddduuuuudduu M:2/4   K:G            H:CLQRS  T:BALLINAFAD FANCY* (polka), The
ABC 182112 C1:772777111116711 C2:dduddduuuuudduu M:2/4   K:G            H:CLQRS  T:BALLINAFAD FANCY* (polka), The
ABC  39002 C1:067062170047067 C2:ddduududddduudu M:6/8   K:D            H:BCLQR  T:BALLINAFAD JIG, The
ABC  39002 C1:067062170047067 C2:ddduududddduudu M:6/8   K:D            H:BCLQR  T:BALLINAFAD JIG, The
ABC  39002 C1:067062170047067 C2:ddduududddduudu M:6/8   K:D            H:BCLQR  T:BALLINAFAD JIG, The
ABC    126 C1:602777111161000 C2:duddduuuuduuddu M:2/4   K:G            H:LRZ    T:Ballinafad Polka, The
ABC    126 C1:602777111161000 C2:duddduuuuduuddu M:2/4   K:G            H:LRZ    T:Ballinafad Polka, The
ABC    435 C1:602777111161000 C2:duddduuuuduuddu M:2/4   K:G            H:LRSZ   T:Ballinafad Polka
ABC  57002 C1:602777111161711 C2:duddduuuududuud M:2/4   K:G            H:BCLQR  T:BALLINAFAD POLKA, The
ABC  57002 C1:602777111161711 C2:duddduuuududuud M:2/4   K:G            H:BCLQR  T:BALLINAFAD POLKA, The
ABC  57002 C1:602777111161711 C2:duddduuuududuud M:2/4\  K:G\           H:BCLQR  T:BALLINAFAD POLKA, The \
ABC  57003 C1:276600111111776 C2:uddduuuuuuddduu M:4/4   K:D            H:BCLQR  T:BALLINAFAD REEL, The
ABC  57003 C1:276600111111776 C2:uddduuuuuuddduu M:4/4   K:D            H:BCLQR  T:BALLINAFAD REEL, The
ABC  57003 C1:276600111111776 C2:uddduuuuuuddduu M:4/4\  K:D\           H:BCLQR  T:BALLINAFAD REEL, The \
ABC    290 C1:201171701217677 C2:uuududuuudddddu M:2/4   K:G            H:LRSZ   T:Ballinahulla #1
ABC    295 C1:671100647624172 C2:dduuuddududdudu M:2/4   K:G            H:LRSZ   T:Ballinahulla #2
ABC  38011 C1:707620117727121 C2:duddduuudduduuu M:2/4   K:G            H:BCLQR  T:BALLINAHULLA POLKA #1, The
ABC  38011 C1:707620117727121 C2:duddduuudduduuu M:2/4   K:G            H:BCLQR  T:BALLINAHULLA POLKA #1, The
ABC  38011 C1:707620117727121 C2:duddduuudduduuu M:2/4   K:G            H:BCLQR  T:BALLINAHULLA POLKA #1, The
ABC      1 C1:707620117072217 C2:duddduuududduuu M:2/4   K:A            H:"CDLOQRSZ T:Ballinahulla Polka #1 (A maj)
ABC      1 C1:707620117072217 C2:duddduuududduuu M:2/4   K:G            H:"CDLOQRSZ T:Ballinahulla Polka #1 (G maj)
ABC  38012 C1:172267110064762 C2:uduudduuuddudud M:2/4   K:G            H:BCLQR  T:BALLINAHULLA POLKA #2, The
ABC  38012 C1:172267110064762 C2:uduudduuuddudud M:2/4   K:G            H:BCLQR  T:BALLINAHULLA POLKA #2, The
ABC  38012 C1:172267110064762 C2:uduudduuuddudud M:2/4   K:G            H:BCLQR  T:BALLINAHULLA POLKA #2, The
ABC     78 C1:220000312261770 C2:uuudduuduududdd M:2/4   K:D            H:DLQRSZ T:Ballinakill
ABC     78 C1:220000312261770 C2:uuudduuduududdd M:2/4   K:D            H:DLQRSZ T:Ballinakill
ABC     78 C1:220000312261770 C2:uuudduuduududdd M:2/4   K:D            H:DLQRSZ T:Ballinakill
ABC      1 C1:220000312261770 C2:uuudduuduududdd M:2/4   K:D            H:DLQRSZ T:Ballinakill
ABC      1 C1:220000312261770 C2:uuudduuduududdd M:2/4   K:D            H:DLQRSZ T:Ballinakill
ABC   9607 C1:220000312261770 C2:uuudduuduududdd M:2/4   K:D            H:DLQRSZ T:Ballinakill
ABC    415 C1:026620713772206 C2:uddududdduuduud M:4/4   K:D            H:LRSZ   T:Ballinakill
ABC    415 C1:026620713772206 C2:uddududdduuduud M:4/4   K:D            H:LRSZ   T:Ballinakill
ABC    415 C1:026620713772206 C2:uddududdduuduud M:4/4   K:D            H:LRSZ   T:Ballinakill
ABC    415 C1:026620713772206 C2:uddududdduuduud M:4/4   K:D            H:LRSZ   T:Ballinakill
ABC     78 C1:220000312261770 C2:uuudduuduududdd M:2/4   K:D            H:DLQRSZ T:Ballinakill
ABC     78 C1:220000312261770 C2:uuudduuduududdd M:2/4   K:D            H:DLQRSZ T:Ballinakill
ABC    390 C1:220000312261770 C2:uuudduuduududdd M:2/4   K:D            H:DLQRSZ T:Ballinakill
ABC    355 C1:026620713772206 C2:uddududdduuduud M:4/4   K:D            H:LRSZ   T:Ballinakill
ABC     78 C1:220000312261770 C2:uuudduuduududdd M:2/4   K:D            H:DLQRSZ T:Ballinakill
ABC     25 C1:220000312261770 C2:uuudduuduududdd M:2/4   K:D            H:DLQRSZ T:Ballinakill
ABC   1066 C1:220000312261770 C2:uuudduuduududdd M:2/4   K:D            H:DLQRSZ T:Ballinakill
ABC   9607 C1:220000312261770 C2:uuudduuduududdd M:2/4   K:D            H:DLQRSZ T:Ballinakill
ABC   9607 C1:220000312261770 C2:uuudduuduududdd M:2/4   K:D            H:DLQRSZ T:Ballinakill
ABC     78 C1:220000312261770 C2:uuudduuduududdd M:2/4   K:D            H:DLQRSZ T:Ballinakill
ABC    371 C1:220000312261770 C2:uuudduuduududdd M:2/4   K:D            H:DLOQRS T:Ballinakill
ABC    371 C1:220000312261770 C2:uuudduuduududdd M:2/4   K:D            H:DLOQRS T:Ballinakill
ABC   1066 C1:220000312261770 C2:uuudduuduududdd M:2/4   K:D            H:DLQRSZ T:Ballinakill
ABC   1066 C1:220000312261770 C2:uuudduuduududdd M:2/4   K:D            H:DLQRSZ T:Ballinakill
ABC   1066 C1:220000312261770 C2:uuudduuduududdd M:2/4   K:D            H:DLQRSZ T:Ballinakill
ABC    865 C1:220000312261770 C2:uuudduuduududdd M:2/4   K:D            H:DLQRSZ T:Ballinakill
ABC    866 C1:220000312261770 C2:uuudduuduududdd M:2/4   K:D            H:DLQRSZ T:Ballinakill
ABC    865 C1:220000312261770 C2:uuudduuduududdd M:2/4   K:D            H:DLQRSZ T:Ballinakill
ABC    866 C1:220000312261770 C2:uuudduuduududdd M:2/4   K:D            H:DLQRSZ T:Ballinakill
ABC    865 C1:220000312261770 C2:uuudduuduududdd M:2/4   K:D            H:DLQRSZ T:Ballinakill
ABC    866 C1:220000312261770 C2:uuudduuduududdd M:2/4   K:D            H:DLQRSZ T:Ballinakill
ABC    865 C1:220000312261770 C2:uuudduuduududdd M:2/4   K:D            H:DLQRSZ T:Ballinakill
ABC    866 C1:220000312261770 C2:uuudduuduududdd M:2/4   K:D            H:DLQRSZ T:Ballinakill
ABC    865 C1:220000312261770 C2:uuudduuduududdd M:2/4   K:D            H:DLQRSZ T:Ballinakill
ABC    866 C1:220000312261770 C2:uuudduuduududdd M:2/4   K:D            H:DLQRSZ T:Ballinakill
ABC  37009 C1:772206230266200 C2:dduuduuuddudddu M:4/4   K:D            H:BCLQR  T:BALLINAKILL REEL, The
ABC  37009 C1:772206230266200 C2:dduuduuuddudddu M:4/4   K:D            H:BCLQR  T:BALLINAKILL REEL, The
ABC  37009 C1:772206230266200 C2:dduuduuuddudddu M:4/4   K:D            H:BCLQR  T:BALLINAKILL REEL, The
ABC  37009 C1:772206230266200 C2:dduuduuuddudddu M:4/4   K:D            H:BCLQR  T:BALLINAKILL REEL, The
ABC    200 C1:116442654017400 C2:uududududududdd M:4/4   K:Edor         H:LRSZ   T:Ballinalacken
ABC  57004 C1:116442654004005 C2:uududududududdu M:4/4   K:Em           H:BCLQR  T:BALLINALACKEN (reel), The
ABC  57004 C1:116442654004005 C2:uududududududdu M:4/4   K:Em           H:BCLQR  T:BALLINALACKEN (reel), The
ABC  57004 C1:116442654004005 C2:uududududududdu M:4/4\  K:Em\          H:BCLQR  T:BALLINALACKEN (reel), The \
ABC    720 C1:761171603011711 C2:dduududuuuduuud M:4/4   K:G            H:LRSZ   T:Ballinalarkey Maids
ABC    760 C1:761171603011711 C2:dduududuuuduuud M:4/4   K:G            H:LRSZ   T:Ballinalarkey Maids
ABC   1125 C1:761171603011711 C2:dduududuuuduuud M:4/4   K:G            H:LRSZ   T:Ballinalarkey Maids
ABC   1125 C1:761171603011711 C2:dduududuuuduuud M:4/4   K:G            H:LRSZ   T:Ballinalarkey Maids
ABC   1225 C1:761171603011711 C2:dduududuuuduuud M:4/4   K:G            H:LRSZ   T:Ballinalarkey Maids
ABC   1340 C1:761171603011711 C2:dduududuuuduuud M:4/4   K:G            H:LRSZ   T:Ballinalarkey Maids
ABC 184152 C1:602177707611016 C2:duuddddduuudduu M:4/4   K:G            H:CLQRS  T:BALLINALARKEY MAIDS (reel), The
ABC 184152 C1:602177707611016 C2:duuddddduuudduu M:4/4   K:G            H:CLQRS  T:BALLINALARKEY MAIDS (reel), The
ABC 184152 C1:602177707611016 C2:duuddddduuudduu M:4/4   K:G            H:CLQRS  T:BALLINALARKEY MAIDS (reel), The
ABC   1071 C1:073637677765322 C2:dududdddddduuuu M:C|    K:G            H:DLRZ   T:Ballina Lass, The
ABC   1071 C1:073637677765322 C2:dududdddddduuuu M:C|    K:G            H:DLRZ   T:Ballina Lass, The
ABC      1 C1:253637670665322 C2:udududddddduuuu M:C|    K:G            H:LR     T:Ballina Lass(es)
ABC   1071 C1:073637677765322 C2:dududdddddduuuu M:C|    K:G            H:DLRZ   T:Ballina Lasses, The
ABC   1071 C1:073637677765322 C2:dududdddddduuuu M:C|    K:G            H:DLRZ   T:Ballina Lasses, The
ABC    352 C1:776532210736376 C2:dddduuuudududdd M:C|    K:G            H:RZ     T:Ballina Lasses
ABC 185190 C1:066532212536206 C2:ddduuuuudududdd M:4/4   K:G            H:CQR    T:BALLINA LASS* (reel), The
ABC 185190 C1:066532212536206 C2:ddduuuuudududdd M:4/4   K:G            H:CQR    T:BALLINA LASS* (reel), The
ABC 185190 C1:066532212536206 C2:ddduuuuudududdd M:4/4   K:G            H:CQR    T:BALLINA LASS* (reel), The
ABC      3 C1:177711771011776 C2:ududuudduuudddu M:6/8   K:G            H:LRSZ   T:Ballinamona
ABC     40 C1:771011677115660 C2:dduuuddduuddduu M:6/8   K:G            H:BLQZ   T:Ballina mona. JJo4.040
ABC     40 C1:771011677115660 C2:dduuuddduuddduu M:6/8   K:G            H:BLQZ   T:Ballina mona. JJo4.040
ABC      1 C1:176711177063500 C2:ududuuudddudddu M:6/8   K:G            H:BHLRW  T:Ballinamona Oro
ABC     49 C1:176711177063500 C2:ududuuudddudddu M:6/8   K:G            H:BHLRWZ T:Ballinamona Oro
ABC     18 C1:177711771027777 C2:ududuudduuddddu M:6/8   K:G            H:BFLOVZ T:Ballinamona Oro
ABC     18 C1:177711771027777 C2:ududuudduuddddu M:6/8   K:G            H:BFLOVZ T:Ballinamona Oro
ABC      2 C1:176711177063500 C2:ududuuudddudddu M:6/8   K:G            H:LSZ    T:Ballinamona Oro
ABC      2 C1:                C2:                M:6/8   K:G            H:LSZ    T:Ballinamona Oro
ABC     18 C1:177711771027777 C2:ududuudduuddddu M:6/8   K:G            H:BFLOVZ T:Ballinamona Oro
ABC     18 C1:177711771027777 C2:ududuudduuddddu M:6/8   K:G            H:BFLOVZ T:Ballinamona Oro
ABC     18 C1:177711771027777 C2:ududuudduuddddu M:6/8   K:G            H:BFLOVZ T:Ballinamona Oro
ABC     18 C1:177711771027777 C2:ududuudduuddddu M:6/8   K:G            H:BFLOVZ T:Ballinamona Oro
ABC     18 C1:177711771027777 C2:ududuudduuddddu M:6/8   K:G            H:BFLOVZ T:Ballinamona Oro
ABC     18 C1:177711771027777 C2:ududuudduuddddu M:6/8   K:G            H:BFLOVZ T:Ballinamona Oro
ABC     49 C1:176711177063500 C2:ududuuudddudddu M:6/8   K:G            H:BHLRW  T:Ballinamona Oro
ABC     49 C1:176711177063500 C2:ududuuudddudddu M:6/8   K:G            H:BHLRWZ T:Ballinamona Oro
ABC    372 C1:176711177063500 C2:ududuuudddudddu M:6/8   K:G            H:BHLORW T:Ballinamona Oro
ABC    372 C1:176711177063500 C2:ududuuudddudddu M:6/8   K:G            H:BHLORW T:Ballinamona Oro
ABC    867 C1:176711177063500 C2:ududuuudddudddu M:6/8   K:G            H:BHLRW  T:Ballinamona Oro
ABC    867 C1:176711177063500 C2:ududuuudddudddu M:6/8   K:G            H:BHLRW  T:Ballinamona Oro
ABC    867 C1:176711177063500 C2:ududuuudddudddu M:6/8   K:G            H:BHLRW  T:Ballinamona Oro
ABC    867 C1:176711177063500 C2:ududuuudddudddu M:6/8   K:G            H:BHLRW  T:Ballinamona Oro
ABC    867 C1:176711177063500 C2:ududuuudddudddu M:6/8   K:G            H:BHLRW  T:Ballinamona Oro
ABC    420 C1:026611617722356 C2:udduududduuuddu M:4/4   K:G            H:LRSZ   T:Ballinamore
ABC    420 C1:026611617722356 C2:udduududduuuddu M:4/4   K:G            H:LRSZ   T:Ballinamore
ABC    420 C1:026611617722356 C2:udduududduuuddu M:4/4   K:G            H:LRSZ   T:Ballinamore
ABC    420 C1:026611617722356 C2:udduududduuuddu M:4/4   K:G            H:LRSZ   T:Ballinamore
ABC    360 C1:026620713772206 C2:uddududdduuduud M:4/4   K:D            H:LRSZ   T:Ballinamore
ABC      1 C1:622356270266111 C2:duuuddududduuuu M:      K:Edor         H:LR     T:The Ballinamore
ABC      2 C1:026603776223562 C2:udduddduuuddudu M:      K:Edor         H:LR     T:The Ballinamore
ABC      3 C1:712356630266111 C2:duuuddduudduuuu M:      K:Emin         H:LR     T:The Ballinamore
ABC      4 C1:026603776223562 C2:udduddduuuddudu M:      K:Edor         H:LR     T:The Ballinamore
ABC      5 C1:622356630266032 C2:duuuddduudduudd M:      K:Emin         H:LR     T:The Ballinamore
ABC      6 C1:026611177622356 C2:udduuuddduuuddd M:      K:Edor         H:LR     T:The Ballinamore
ABC      1 C1:026603776223562 C2:udduddduuuddudu M:4/4   K:Edor         H:LR     T:Ballinamore
ABC  37010 C1:026611616223562 C2:udduududuuuddud M:4/4   K:G            H:BCLQR  T:BALLINAMORE REEL, The
ABC  37010 C1:026611616223562 C2:udduududuuuddud M:4/4   K:G            H:BCLQR  T:BALLINAMORE REEL, The
ABC  37010 C1:026611616223562 C2:udduududuuuddud M:4/4   K:G            H:BCLQR  T:BALLINAMORE REEL, The
ABC  37010 C1:026611616223562 C2:udduududuuuddud M:4/4   K:G            H:BCLQR  T:BALLINAMORE REEL, The
ABC      1 C1:007027052027067 C2:uduuuddduuddddu M:      K:Dmaj         H:"LR    T:Ballinara Ora
ABC      2 C1:177711771027777 C2:ududuudduuddddu M:      K:Dmaj         H:LR     T:Ballinara Ora
ABC      3 C1:177711771002776 C2:ududuudduuudddu M:      K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:Ballinara Ora
ABC   5021 C1:170217167170217 C2:uduududduduuduu M:4/4   K:D            H:CLR    T:Ballinary Turn
ABC   5021 C1:170217167170217 C2:uduududduduuduu M:4/4   K:D            H:CLR    T:Ballinary Turn
ABC      1 C1:003326733341347 C2:dududduuuudddud M:2/4   K:B            H:BLRZ   T:Ballinasloe
ABC      1 C1:003326733341347 C2:dududduuuudddud M:2/4   K:B            H:BLRZ   T:Ballinasloe
ABC      1 C1:003326733341347 C2:dududduuuudddud M:2/4   K:B            H:BLRZ   T:Ballinasloe
ABC      1 C1:003326733341347 C2:dududduuuudddud M:2/4   K:B            H:BLRZ   T:Ballinasloe
ABC      1 C1:003326733341347 C2:dududduuuudddud M:2/4   K:B            H:BLRZ   T:Ballinasloe
ABC      1 C1:711767040011715 C2:duuddduuuduuddd M:C|    K:Ador         H:LR     T:Ballinasloe Fair [1]
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:4/4   K:G            H:DORS   T:Ballinasloe Fair [1]
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:4/4   K:G            H:DORS   T:Ballinasloe Fair [1]
ABC      1 C1:711767040011715 C2:duuddduuuduuddd M:C|    K:Ador         H:RZ     T:Ballinasloe Fair
ABC   1338 C1:711171676622712 C2:duuududddduuduu M:C|    K:Am           H:BLRZ   T:Ballinasloe Fair
ABC   1338 C1:711171676622712 C2:duuududddduuduu M:C|    K:Am           H:BLRZ   T:Ballinasloe Fair
ABC   1285 C1:711171676622712 C2:duuududddduuduu M:C|    K:Am           H:BLRZ   T:Ballinasloe Fair
ABC   1338 C1:711171676622712 C2:duuududddduuduu M:C|    K:Am           H:BLRZ   T:Ballinasloe Fair
ABC 495007 C1:711171676622712 C2:duuududddduuduu M:C|    K:C            H:BLRSZ  T:BALLINASLOE FAIR
ABC      1 C1:711171676622712 C2:duuududddduuduu M:4/4   K:Am           H:CLQR   T:Ballinasloe Fair
ABC      1 C1:711171676622712 C2:duuududddduuduu M:4/4   K:Am           H:CLQR   T:Ballinasloe Fair
ABC   1285 C1:711171676622712 C2:duuududddduuduu M:C|    K:Am           H:BLORZbs T:Ballinasloe Fair
ABC   1285 C1:711171676622712 C2:duuududddduuduu M:C|    K:Am           H:BLORZbs T:Ballinasloe Fair
ABC   1285 C1:711171676622712 C2:duuududddduuduu M:C|    K:Am           H:BLORZbs T:Ballinasloe Fair
ABC   1285 C1:711171676622712 C2:duuududddduuduu M:C|    K:Am           H:BLORZbs T:Ballinasloe Fair
ABC   1285 C1:711171676622712 C2:duuududddduuduu M:C|    K:Am           H:BLORZbs T:Ballinasloe Fair
ABC   1285 C1:711171676622712 C2:duuududddduuduu M:C|    K:Am           H:BLORZbs T:Ballinasloe Fair
ABC   1285 C1:711171676622712 C2:duuududddduuduu M:C|    K:Am           H:BLORZbs T:Ballinasloe Fair
ABC   1285 C1:711171676622712 C2:duuududddduuduu M:C|    K:Am           H:BLORZbs T:Ballinasloe Fair
ABC      1 C1:711171676622712 C2:duuududddduuduu M:      K:AMinor       H:CLQZ   T:Ballinasloe Fair
ABC    550 C1:711171676622712 C2:duuududddduuduu M:C|    K:C            H:BLORZ  T:Ballinasloe Fair
ABC    550 C1:711171676622712 C2:duuududddduuduu M:C|    K:C            H:BLORZ  T:Ballinasloe Fair
ABC    550 C1:711171676622712 C2:duuududddduuduu M:C|    K:C            H:BLORZ  T:Ballinasloe Fair
ABC     55 C1:600266417111715 C2:dudduuduuuduudd M:4/4   K:G            H:DRSZ   T:Ballinasloe Fair
ABC     55 C1:600266417111715 C2:dudduuduuuduudd M:4/4   K:G            H:DRSZ   T:Ballinasloe Fair
ABC     55 C1:600266417111715 C2:dudduuduuuduudd M:4/4   K:G            H:DRSZ   T:Ballinasloe Fair
ABC      1 C1:600266417111715 C2:dudduuduuuduudd M:4/4   K:G            H:DRSZ   T:Ballinasloe Fair
ABC      1 C1:600266417111715 C2:dudduuduuuduudd M:4/4   K:G            H:DRSZ   T:Ballinasloe Fair
ABC      1 C1:305301716011300 C2:uduududuuuddudd M:6/8   K:ADor         H:ERSZ   T:Ballinasloe Fair
ABC    005 C1:662266237111715 C2:dduudduuduuuduu M:C|    K:Am           H:BLRSUZ T:Ballinasloe Fair
ABC    550 C1:732271117167662 C2:duudduuududdddu M:C|    K:C            H:BFLRZbs T:Ballinasloe Fair
ABC    550 C1:732271117167662 C2:duudduuududdddu M:C|    K:C            H:BFLRZbs T:Ballinasloe Fair
ABC    550 C1:732271117167662 C2:duudduuududdddu M:C|    K:C            H:BFLRZbs T:Ballinasloe Fair
ABC    550 C1:732271117167662 C2:duudduuududdddu M:C|    K:C            H:BFLRZbs T:Ballinasloe Fair
ABC    550 C1:732271117167662 C2:duudduuududdddu M:C|    K:C            H:BFLRZbs T:Ballinasloe Fair
ABC    550 C1:732271117167662 C2:duudduuududdddu M:C|    K:C            H:BFLRZbs T:Ballinasloe Fair
ABC      1 C1:711171676622712 C2:duuududddduuduu M:      K:AMinor       H:LQ     T:Ballinasloe Fair
ABC    593 C1:711767040011715 C2:duuddduuuduuddd M:C|    K:Ador         H:RZ     T:Ballinasloe Fair
ABC    593 C1:711767040011715 C2:duuddduuuduuddd M:C|    K:Ador         H:RZ     T:Ballinasloe Fair
ABC      1 C1:305301716011300 C2:uduududuuuddudd M:6/8   K:ADor         H:ERSZ   T:Ballinasloe Fair
ABC      5 C1:305301716011300 C2:uduududuuuddudd M:6/8   K:ADor         H:ERSZ   T:Ballinasloe Fair
ABC      1 C1:305301716011300 C2:uduududuuuddudd M:6/8   K:ADor         H:ERSZ   T:Ballinasloe Fair
ABC    593 C1:662266230011715 C2:dduudduuuuduudd M:C|    K:Ador         H:RZ     T:Ballinasloe Fair
ABC    593 C1:662266230011715 C2:dduudduuuuduudd M:C|    K:Ador         H:RZ     T:Ballinasloe Fair
ABC   1285 C1:711171676622712 C2:duuududddduuduu M:C|    K:Am           H:BLRZ   T:Ballinasloe Fair
ABC     55 C1:600266417111715 C2:dudduuduuuduudd M:4/4   K:G            H:DRSZ   T:Ballinasloe Fair
ABC     55 C1:600266417111715 C2:dudduuduuuduudd M:4/4   K:G            H:DRSZ   T:Ballinasloe Fair
ABC    275 C1:600266417111715 C2:dudduuduuuduudd M:4/4   K:G            H:DRSZ   T:Ballinasloe Fair
ABC    593 C1:711767040011715 C2:duuddduuuduuddd M:C|    K:Ador         H:RZ     T:Ballinasloe Fair
ABC    593 C1:711767040011715 C2:duuddduuuduuddd M:C|    K:Ador         H:RZ     T:Ballinasloe Fair
ABC    593 C1:711767040011715 C2:duuddduuuduuddd M:C|    K:Ador         H:RZ     T:Ballinasloe Fair
ABC    593 C1:711767040011715 C2:duuddduuuduuddd M:C|    K:Ador         H:RZ     T:Ballinasloe Fair
ABC      1 C1:711766230011715 C2:duuddduuuuduudd M:      K:Ador         H:LR     T:Ballinasloe Fair
ABC      2 C1:711107161776112 C2:duuudududdduuud M:      K:Ador         H:LR     T:Ballinasloe Fair
ABC      3 C1:711171676622712 C2:duuududddduuduu M:      K:Amin         H:LR     T:Ballinasloe Fair
ABC      4 C1:711766237111715 C2:duuddduuduuuduu M:      K:Ador         H:LR     T:Ballinasloe Fair
ABC      5 C1:001171670017662 C2:uududduddduuuuu M:      K:Ador         H:LR     T:Ballinasloe Fair
ABC      6 C1:001107777117670 C2:uudddduuddduuud M:      K:Ador         H:LR     T:Ballinasloe Fair
ABC    005 C1:662266237111715 C2:dduudduuduuuduu M:C|    K:Am           H:BLRSUZ T:Ballinasloe Fair
ABC    005 C1:662266237111715 C2:dduudduuduuuduu M:C|    K:Am           H:BLRSUZ T:Ballinasloe Fair
ABC    593 C1:711767040011715 C2:duuddduuuduuddd M:C|    K:Ador         H:RZ     T:Ballinasloe Fair
ABC    593 C1:711767040011715 C2:duuddduuuduuddd M:C|    K:Ador         H:RZ     T:Ballinasloe Fair
ABC   1067 C1:600266417111715 C2:dudduuduuuduudd M:4/4   K:G            H:DRSZ   T:Ballinasloe Fair
ABC   1068 C1:711767040011715 C2:duuddduuuduuddd M:C|    K:Ador         H:RZ     T:Ballinasloe Fair
ABC 495007 C1:711171676622712 C2:duuududddduuduu M:C|    K:C            H:BLRSZ  T:BALLINASLOE FAIR
ABC 495007 C1:711171676622712 C2:duuududddduuduu M:C|    K:C            H:BLRSZ  T:BALLINASLOE FAIR
ABC   9584 C1:600266417111715 C2:dudduuduuuduudd M:4/4   K:G            H:DRSZ   T:Ballinasloe Fair
ABC   9584 C1:600266417111715 C2:dudduuduuuduudd M:4/4   K:G            H:DRSZ   T:Ballinasloe Fair
ABC    593 C1:711767040011715 C2:duuddduuuduuddd M:C|    K:Ador         H:RZ     T:Ballinasloe Fair
ABC    593 C1:711767040011715 C2:duuddduuuduuddd M:C|    K:Ador         H:RZ     T:Ballinasloe Fair
ABC    593 C1:711767040011715 C2:duuddduuuduuddd M:C|    K:Ador         H:RZ     T:Ballinasloe Fair
ABC    593 C1:711767040011715 C2:duuddduuuduuddd M:C|    K:Ador         H:RZ     T:Ballinasloe Fair
ABC   1285 C1:711171676622712 C2:duuududddduuduu M:C|    K:Am           H:BLRZ   T:Ballinasloe Fair
ABC    593 C1:711767040011715 C2:duuddduuuduuddd M:C|    K:Ador         H:RZ     T:Ballinasloe Fair
ABC    550 C1:711171676622712 C2:duuududddduuduu M:C|    K:C            H:BCFLORWZm T:Ballinasloe fair
ABC     55 C1:600266417111715 C2:dudduuduuuduudd M:4/4   K:G            H:DRSZ   T:Ballinasloe Fair
ABC    373 C1:600266417111715 C2:dudduuduuuduudd M:4/4   K:G            H:DORS   T:Ballinasloe Fair
ABC    373 C1:600266417111715 C2:dudduuduuuduudd M:4/4   K:G            H:DORS   T:Ballinasloe Fair
ABC    550 C1:711171676622712 C2:duuududddduuduu M:C|    K:C            H:BLORZ  T:Ballinasloe Fair
ABC    550 C1:711171676622712 C2:duuududddduuduu M:C|    K:C            H:BLORZ  T:Ballinasloe Fair
ABC   9614 C1:305301716011300 C2:uduududuuuddudd M:6/8   K:ADor         H:ERSZ   T:Ballinasloe Fair
ABC   9614 C1:305301716011300 C2:uduududuuuddudd M:6/8   K:ADor         H:ERSZ   T:Ballinasloe Fair
ABC   9614 C1:305301716011300 C2:uduududuuuddudd M:6/8   K:ADor         H:ERSZ   T:Ballinasloe Fair
ABC   1067 C1:600266417111715 C2:dudduuduuuduudd M:4/4   K:G            H:DRSZ   T:Ballinasloe Fair
ABC   1068 C1:711767040011715 C2:duuddduuuduuddd M:C|    K:Ador         H:RZ     T:Ballinasloe Fair
ABC   1067 C1:600266417111715 C2:dudduuduuuduudd M:4/4   K:G            H:DRSZ   T:Ballinasloe Fair
ABC   1068 C1:711767040011715 C2:duuddduuuduuddd M:C|    K:Ador         H:RZ     T:Ballinasloe Fair
ABC   1067 C1:600266417111715 C2:dudduuduuuduudd M:4/4   K:G            H:DRSZ   T:Ballinasloe Fair
ABC   1068 C1:711767040011715 C2:duuddduuuduuddd M:C|    K:Ador         H:RZ     T:Ballinasloe Fair
ABC    868 C1:600266417111715 C2:dudduuduuuduudd M:4/4   K:G            H:DRSZ   T:Ballinasloe Fair
ABC    869 C1:711767040011715 C2:duuddduuuduuddd M:C|    K:Ador         H:RZ     T:Ballinasloe Fair
ABC    870 C1:600266417111715 C2:dudduuduuuduudd M:4/4   K:G            H:DRSZ   T:Ballinasloe Fair
ABC   7588 C1:305301716011300 C2:uduududuuuddudd M:6/8   K:ADor         H:ERSZ   T:Ballinasloe Fair
ABC    868 C1:600266417111715 C2:dudduuduuuduudd M:4/4   K:G            H:DRSZ   T:Ballinasloe Fair
ABC    869 C1:711767040011715 C2:duuddduuuduuddd M:C|    K:Ador         H:RZ     T:Ballinasloe Fair
ABC    870 C1:600266417111715 C2:dudduuduuuduudd M:4/4   K:G            H:DRSZ   T:Ballinasloe Fair
ABC   7588 C1:305301716011300 C2:uduududuuuddudd M:6/8   K:ADor         H:ERSZ   T:Ballinasloe Fair
ABC    868 C1:600266417111715 C2:dudduuduuuduudd M:4/4   K:G            H:DRSZ   T:Ballinasloe Fair
ABC    869 C1:711767040011715 C2:duuddduuuduuddd M:C|    K:Ador         H:RZ     T:Ballinasloe Fair
ABC    870 C1:600266417111715 C2:dudduuduuuduudd M:4/4   K:G            H:DRSZ   T:Ballinasloe Fair
ABC   7588 C1:305301716011300 C2:uduududuuuddudd M:6/8   K:ADor         H:ERSZ   T:Ballinasloe Fair
ABC    868 C1:600266417111715 C2:dudduuduuuduudd M:4/4   K:G            H:DRSZ   T:Ballinasloe Fair
ABC    869 C1:711767040011715 C2:duuddduuuduuddd M:C|    K:Ador         H:RZ     T:Ballinasloe Fair
ABC    870 C1:600266417111715 C2:dudduuduuuduudd M:4/4   K:G            H:DRSZ   T:Ballinasloe Fair
ABC   7588 C1:305301716011300 C2:uduududuuuddudd M:6/8   K:ADor         H:ERSZ   T:Ballinasloe Fair
ABC    868 C1:600266417111715 C2:dudduuduuuduudd M:4/4   K:G            H:DRSZ   T:Ballinasloe Fair
ABC    869 C1:711767040011715 C2:duuddduuuduuddd M:C|    K:Ador         H:RZ     T:Ballinasloe Fair
ABC    870 C1:600266417111715 C2:dudduuduuuduudd M:4/4   K:G            H:DRSZ   T:Ballinasloe Fair
ABC   7588 C1:305301716011300 C2:uduududuuuddudd M:6/8   K:ADor         H:ERSZ   T:Ballinasloe Fair
ABC   1338 C1:711171676622712 C2:duuududddduuduu M:C|    K:Am           H:BLRZ   T:Ballinasloe Fair
ABC   1338 C1:711171676622712 C2:duuududddduuduu M:C|    K:Am           H:BLRZ   T:Ballinasloe Fair
ABC      1 C1:711766230011715 C2:duuddduuuuduudd M:4/4   K:A            H:"CDLOQRSZ T:Ballinasloe Fair (A dorian)
ABC   1285 C1:711171676622712 C2:duuududddduuduu M:C|    K:C            H:BCILZ  T:"Ballinasloe Fair" (reel) 1285
ABC   1285 C1:711171676622712 C2:duuududddduuduu M:C|    K:C            H:BCILZ  T:"Ballinasloe Fair" (reel) 1285
ABC   1285 C1:711171676622712 C2:duuududddduuduu M:C|    K:C            H:BCILZ  T:"Ballinasloe Fair" (reel) 1285
ABC 183089 C1:711766230011715 C2:duuddduuuuduudd M:C     K:G            H:CLQR   T:BALLINASLOE FAIR (reel)
ABC 183089 C1:711766230011715 C2:duuddduuuuduudd M:C     K:G            H:CLQR   T:BALLINASLOE FAIR (reel)
ABC 183089 C1:711766230011715 C2:duuddduuuuduudd M:C     K:G            H:CLQR   T:BALLINASLOE FAIR (reel)
ABC 183089 C1:711766230011715 C2:duuddduuuuduudd M:C     K:G            H:CLQR   T:BALLINASLOE FAIR (reel)
ABC      1 C1:305301716011300 C2:uduududuuuddudd M:6/8   K:ADor         H:CLRSZ  T:Ballinasloe Jig
ABC      1 C1:305301716011300 C2:uduududuuuddudd M:6/8   K:ADor         H:CLRSZ  T:Ballinasloe Jig
ABC      1 C1:305301716011300 C2:uduududuuuddudd M:6/8   K:ADor         H:CLRSZ  T:Ballinasloe Jig
ABC      1 C1:716113007626776 C2:duduuuddudddddu M:6/8   K:Em           H:CLRS   T:Ballinasloe Jig
ABC      1 C1:716113007626776 C2:duduuuddudddddu M:6/8   K:Ador         H:CLRS   T:Ballinasloe Jig
ABC      1 C1:716113007626776 C2:duduuuddudddddu M:6/8   K:Em           H:CLRS   T:Ballinasloe Jig
ABC      3 C1:716001130076267 C2:duduuuddudddddu M:6/8   K:ADor         H:"CLQRS T:Ballinasloe Jig
ABC   4801 C1:006376161051776 C2:duddududuuddudd M:6/8   K:F            H:"BCLRZ T:Ballinbreich
ABC   4801 C1:006376161051776 C2:duddududuuddudd M:6/8   K:F            H:"BCLRZ T:Ballinbreich
ABC   4801 C1:006376161051776 C2:duddududuuddudd M:6/8   K:F            H:"BCLRZ T:Ballinbreich
ABC   4801 C1:006376161051776 C2:duddududuuddudd M:6/8   K:F            H:"BCLRZ T:Ballinbreich
ABC   1691 C1:671601117777031 C2:dduduuudddduuud M:2/4   K:G            H:BLORbs T:Ballincollig in the Morning #1
ABC   1691 C1:671601117777031 C2:dduduuudddduuud M:2/4   K:G            H:BLORbs T:Ballincollig in the Morning #1
ABC   1691 C1:671601117777031 C2:dduduuudddduuud M:2/4   K:G            H:BLORbs T:Ballincollig in the Morning #1
ABC   1691 C1:671601117777031 C2:dduduuudddduuud M:2/4   K:G            H:BLORbs T:Ballincollig in the Morning #1
ABC   1691 C1:671601117777031 C2:dduduuudddduuud M:2/4   K:G            H:BLORbs T:Ballincollig in the Morning #1
ABC   1691 C1:671601117777031 C2:dduduuudddduuud M:2/4   K:G            H:BLORbs T:Ballincollig in the Morning #1
ABC   1691 C1:671601117777031 C2:dduduuudddduuud M:2/4   K:G            H:BLORbs T:Ballincollig in the Morning #1
ABC   1691 C1:671601117777031 C2:dduduuudddduuud M:2/4   K:G            H:BLORbs T:Ballincollig in the Morning #1
ABC   1691 C1:671601117777031 C2:dduduuudddduuud M:2/4   K:G            H:BLORbs T:Ballincollig in the Morning #1
ABC   1691 C1:671601117777031 C2:dduduuudddduuud M:2/4   K:G            H:BLORbs T:Ballincollig in the Morning #1
ABC   1691 C1:671601117777031 C2:dduduuudddduuud M:2/4   K:G            H:BLORbs T:Ballincollig in the Morning #1
ABC   1691 C1:671601117777031 C2:dduduuudddduuud M:2/4   K:G            H:BLORbs T:Ballincollig in the Morning #1
ABC   1691 C1:671601117777031 C2:dduduuudddduuud M:2/4   K:G            H:BLORbs T:Ballincollig in the Morning #1
ABC   1691 C1:671601117777031 C2:dduduuudddduuud M:2/4   K:G            H:BLORbs T:Ballincollig in the Morning #1
ABC   1691 C1:671601117777031 C2:dduduuudddduuud M:2/4   K:G            H:BLORbs T:Ballincollig in the Morning #1
ABC   1691 C1:671601117777031 C2:dduduuudddduuud M:2/4   K:G            H:BLORbs T:Ballincollig in the Morning #1
ABC   1691 C1:671601117777031 C2:dduduuudddduuud M:2/4   K:G            H:BLORbs T:Ballincollig in the Morning #2
ABC   1691 C1:671601117777031 C2:dduduuudddduuud M:2/4   K:G            H:BLORbs T:Ballincollig in the Morning #2
ABC   1691 C1:671601117777031 C2:dduduuudddduuud M:2/4   K:G            H:BLORbs T:Ballincollig in the Morning #2
ABC   1691 C1:671601117777031 C2:dduduuudddduuud M:2/4   K:G            H:BLORbs T:Ballincollig in the Morning #2
ABC   1691 C1:671601117777031 C2:dduduuudddduuud M:2/4   K:G            H:BLORbs T:Ballincollig in the Morning #2
ABC   1691 C1:671601117777031 C2:dduduuudddduuud M:2/4   K:G            H:BLORbs T:Ballincollig in the Morning #2
ABC   1691 C1:671601117777031 C2:dduduuudddduuud M:2/4   K:G            H:BLORbs T:Ballincollig in the Morning #2
ABC   1691 C1:671601117777031 C2:dduduuudddduuud M:2/4   K:G            H:BLORbs T:Ballincollig in the Morning #2
ABC   1691 C1:671601117777031 C2:dduduuudddduuud M:2/4   K:G            H:BLORbs T:Ballincollig in the Morning #2
ABC   1691 C1:671601117777031 C2:dduduuudddduuud M:2/4   K:G            H:BLORbs T:Ballincollig in the Morning #2
ABC   1691 C1:671601117777031 C2:dduduuudddduuud M:2/4   K:G            H:BLORbs T:Ballincollig in the Morning #2
ABC   1691 C1:671601117777031 C2:dduduuudddduuud M:2/4   K:G            H:BLORbs T:Ballincollig in the Morning #2
ABC   1691 C1:671601117777031 C2:dduduuudddduuud M:2/4   K:G            H:BLORbs T:Ballincollig in the Morning #2
ABC   1691 C1:671601117777031 C2:dduduuudddduuud M:2/4   K:G            H:BLORbs T:Ballincollig in the Morning #2
ABC   1691 C1:671601117777031 C2:dduduuudddduuud M:2/4   K:G            H:BLORbs T:Ballincollig in the Morning #2
ABC   1691 C1:671601117777031 C2:dduduuudddduuud M:2/4   K:G            H:BLORbs T:Ballincollig in the Morning #2
ABC    890 C1:116716011177770 C2:uudduduuudddduu M:2/4   K:G            H:BFLRZbs T:Ballincollig in the Morning #2
ABC    890 C1:116716011177770 C2:uudduduuudddduu M:2/4   K:G            H:BFLRZbs T:Ballincollig in the Morning #2
ABC    890 C1:116716011177770 C2:uudduduuudddduu M:2/4   K:G            H:BFLRZbs T:Ballincollig in the Morning #2
ABC    890 C1:116716011177770 C2:uudduduuudddduu M:2/4   K:G            H:BFLRZbs T:Ballincollig in the Morning #2
ABC      1 C1:116716011177770 C2:uudduduuudddduu M:4/4   K:G            H:CLQR   T:Ballincollig in the Morning
ABC      1 C1:116716011177770 C2:uudduduuudddduu M:4/4   K:G            H:CLQR   T:Ballincollig in the Morning
ABC 492007 C1:671601117777031 C2:dduduuudddduuud M:C|    K:G            H:BLQRSZ T:BALLINCOLLIG IN THE MORNING
ABC   1809 C1:671601117777031 C2:dduduuudddduuud M:2/4   K:G            H:BL     T:Ballincollig in the Morning
ABC   1809 C1:671601117777031 C2:dduduuudddduuud M:2/4   K:G            H:BL     T:Ballincollig in the Morning
ABC   1809 C1:671601117777031 C2:dduduuudddduuud M:2/4   K:G            H:BL     T:Ballincollig in the Morning
ABC   1691 C1:671601117777031 C2:dduduuudddduuud M:2/4   K:G            H:BL     T:Ballincollig in the Morning
ABC      1 C1:671601117777031 C2:dduduuudddduuud M:2/4   K:GMajor       H:CLQZ   T:Ballincollig In The Morning
ABC    889 C1:671601117777031 C2:dduduuudddduuud M:2/4   K:G            H:BLORWZ T:Ballincollig In The Morning
ABC    889 C1:671601117777031 C2:dduduuudddduuud M:2/4   K:G            H:BLORWZ T:Ballincollig In The Morning
ABC    889 C1:671601117777031 C2:dduduuudddduuud M:2/4   K:G            H:BLORWZ T:Ballincollig In The Morning
ABC    890 C1:671601117777031 C2:dduduuudddduuud M:2/4   K:G            H:BFLRZbs T:Ballincollig in the Morning
ABC    890 C1:671601117777031 C2:dduduuudddduuud M:2/4   K:G            H:BFLRZbs T:Ballincollig in the Morning
ABC    890 C1:671601117777031 C2:dduduuudddduuud M:2/4   K:G            H:BFLRZbs T:Ballincollig in the Morning
ABC    890 C1:671601117777031 C2:dduduuudddduuud M:2/4   K:G            H:BFLRZbs T:Ballincollig in the Morning
ABC    890 C1:116716011177770 C2:uudduduuudddduu M:2/4   K:G            H:BFLRZbs T:Ballincollig in the Morning
ABC    890 C1:116716011177770 C2:uudduduuudddduu M:2/4   K:G            H:BFLRZbs T:Ballincollig in the Morning
ABC    890 C1:116716011177770 C2:uudduduuudddduu M:2/4   K:G            H:BFLRZbs T:Ballincollig in the Morning
ABC    890 C1:116716011177770 C2:uudduduuudddduu M:2/4   K:G            H:BFLRZbs T:Ballincollig in the Morning
ABC      1 C1:671601117777031 C2:dduduuudddduuud M:2/4   K:GMajor       H:LQ     T:Ballincollig In The Morning
ABC      1 C1:671601117777031 C2:dduduuudddduuud M:4/4   K:G            H:BCLRZ  T:Ballincollig in the Morning
ABC      1 C1:671601117777031 C2:dduduuudddduuud M:4/4   K:G            H:BCLRZ  T:Ballincollig in the Morning
ABC   1691 C1:671601117777031 C2:dduduuudddduuud M:2/4   K:G            H:BL     T:Ballincollig in the Morning
ABC 492007 C1:671601117777031 C2:dduduuudddduuud M:C|    K:G            H:BLQRSZ T:BALLINCOLLIG IN THE MORNING
ABC 492007 C1:671601117777031 C2:dduduuudddduuud M:C|    K:G            H:BLQRSZ T:BALLINCOLLIG IN THE MORNING
ABC   1691 C1:671601117777031 C2:dduduuudddduuud M:2/4   K:G            H:BL     T:Ballincollig in the Morning
ABC    890 C1:671601117777031 C2:dduduuudddduuud M:2/4   K:G            H:BCFLORWZ T:Ballincollig in the morning
ABC    889 C1:671601117777031 C2:dduduuudddduuud M:2/4   K:G            H:BLORWZ T:Ballincollig In The Morning
ABC    889 C1:671601117777031 C2:dduduuudddduuud M:2/4   K:G            H:BLORWZ T:Ballincollig In The Morning
ABC   1809 C1:671601117777031 C2:dduduuudddduuud M:2/4   K:G            H:BL     T:Ballincollig in the Morning
ABC   1809 C1:671601117777031 C2:dduduuudddduuud M:2/4   K:G            H:BL     T:Ballincollig in the Morning
ABC   1691 C1:671601117777031 C2:dduduuudddduuud M:2/4   K:G            H:BCILZ  T:"Ballincollig In The Morning" (hornpipe) 1691
ABC   1691 C1:671601117777031 C2:dduduuudddduuud M:2/4   K:G            H:BCILZ  T:"Ballincollig In The Morning" (hornpipe) 1691
ABC     32 C1:062212610036226 C2:duuuuududduuudu M:C|    K:A            H:BLR    T:Ballindalloch's Dream
ABC     32 C1:062212610036226 C2:duuuuududduuudu M:C|    K:A            H:BLR    T:Ballindalloch's Dream
ABC     32 C1:062212610036226 C2:duuuuududduuudu M:C|    K:A            H:BLR    T:Ballindalloch's Dream
ABC     32 C1:062212610036226 C2:duuuuududduuudu M:C|    K:A            H:BLR    T:Ballindalloch's Dream
ABC     32 C1:062212610036226 C2:duuuuududduuudu M:C|    K:A            H:BLR    T:Ballindalloch's Dream
ABC     32 C1:062212610036226 C2:duuuuududduuudu M:C|    K:A            H:BLR    T:Ballindalloch's Dream
ABC      1 C1:002007016602002 C2:ududduudududdud M:3/4   K:C            H:L      T:Ballinderry
ABC      1 C1:002007016602002 C2:ududduudududdud M:3/4   K:C            H:L      T:Ballinderry
ABC      1 C1:002007016602002 C2:ududduudududdud M:3/4   K:C            H:L      T:Ballinderry
ABC      1 C1:026534446716671 C2:ududududduddduu M:      K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:Ballinderry Barn Party
ABC      1 C1:665311267013152 C2:ddduuuudduuuudd M:      K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:The Ballinlea
ABC      1 C1:110000350000350 C2:uudududuudddudd M:      K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:The Ballintore
ABC      2 C1:110000350000350 C2:uudududuudddudd M:      K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:The Ballintore
ABC      8 C1:020006022066020 C2:uduudduduudduud M:12/8  K:G            H:EIRSZ  T:Ballintore Fancy, The
ABC      8 C1:020006022066020 C2:uduudduduudduud M:12/8  K:G            H:EIRSZ  T:Ballintore Fancy, The
ABC      1 C1:020006022066020 C2:uduudduduudduud M:12/8  K:G            H:EIRSZ  T:Ballintore Fancy, The
ABC      1 C1:020006022066020 C2:uduuddudddudduu M:12/8  K:G            H:LRSZ   T:Ballintore Fancy, The
ABC    832 C1:020005022067020 C2:uduudduduududdd M:12/8  K:G            H:"BLORSZ T:The Ballintore fancy
ABC    832 C1:020005022067020 C2:uduudduduududdd M:12/8  K:G            H:"BLORSZ T:The Ballintore fancy
ABC    832 C1:020005022067020 C2:uduudduduududdd M:12/8  K:G            H:"BLORSZ T:The Ballintore fancy
ABC    832 C1:020005022067020 C2:uduudduduududdd M:12/8  K:G            H:"BLORSZ T:The Ballintore fancy
ABC      1 C1:300532653005222 C2:uduudduduuududu M:C     K:HP           H:CLQS   T:The Ballintore Fancy
ABC      1 C1:300532653005222 C2:uduudduduuududu M:C     K:HP           H:CLQS   T:The Ballintore Fancy
ABC      1 C1:300532653005222 C2:uduudduduuududu M:C     K:HP           H:CLQS   T:The Ballintore Fancy
ABC      1 C1:020006022066020 C2:uduudduduudduud M:12/8  K:G            H:EIRSZ  T:Ballintore Fancy, The
ABC      8 C1:020006022066020 C2:uduudduduudduud M:12/8  K:G            H:EIRSZ  T:Ballintore Fancy, The
ABC     40 C1:020006022066020 C2:uduudduduudduud M:12/8  K:G            H:EIRSZ  T:Ballintore Fancy, The
ABC      8 C1:020006022066020 C2:uduudduduudduud M:12/8  K:G            H:EIRSZ  T:Ballintore Fancy, The
ABC      1 C1:200622662067116 C2:uduuddudduuduud M:4/4   K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:The Ballintore Fancy
ABC      1 C1:200622662067116 C2:uduuddudduuduud M:4/4   K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:The Ballintore Fancy
ABC      1 C1:200622662067116 C2:uduuddudduuduud M:4/4   K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:The Ballintore Fancy
ABC      1 C1:200622662067116 C2:uduuddudduuduud M:4/4   K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:The Ballintore Fancy
ABC      1 C1:200622662067116 C2:uduuddudduuduud M:4/4   K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:The Ballintore Fancy
ABC    870 C1:206711612006223 C2:udduuduuduuuddd M:C|    K:G            H:DLRZ   T:Ballintore Fancy, The
ABC    870 C1:206711612006223 C2:udduuduuduuuddd M:C|    K:G            H:DLRZ   T:Ballintore Fancy, The
ABC      1 C1:302071602206602 C2:uududuuddudduuu M:      K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:The Ballintore Fancy
ABC      2 C1:020006022066020 C2:uduudduduuduudu M:6/8   K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:The Ballintore Fancy
ABC      3 C1:040714042011040 C2:dduuduuududuudd M:      K:Emin         H:LR     T:The Ballintore Fancy
ABC      2 C1:020006022066020 C2:uduudduduuduudu M:6/8   K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:Ballintore Fancy, The
ABC      1 C1:200622662067116 C2:uduuddudduuduud M:      K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:The Ballintore Fancy
ABC      2 C1:200622662067116 C2:uduuddudduuduud M:      K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:The Ballintore Fancy
ABC      3 C1:200622662067116 C2:uduuddudduuduud M:      K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:The Ballintore Fancy
ABC    330 C1:206711612000643 C2:udduuduuduudddd M:4/4   K:G            H:LRSZ   T:Ballintore Fancy
ABC      2 C1:020006022066020 C2:uduudduduuduudu M:12/8  K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:Ballintore Fancy, The
ABC   1069 C1:020006022066020 C2:uduudduduudduud M:12/8  K:G            H:EIRSZ  T:Ballintore Fancy, The
ABC    454 C1:200622662067116 C2:uduuddudduuduud M:4/4   K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:The Ballintore Fancy
ABC    374 C1:020006022066020 C2:uduudduduudduud M:12/8  K:G            H:EIORS  T:Ballintore Fancy, The
ABC    374 C1:020006022066020 C2:uduudduduudduud M:12/8  K:G            H:EIORS  T:Ballintore Fancy, The
ABC    832 C1:020005022067020 C2:uduudduduududdd M:12/8  K:G            H:"BLORSZ T:The Ballintore fancy
ABC   1069 C1:020006022066020 C2:uduudduduudduud M:12/8  K:G            H:EIRSZ  T:Ballintore Fancy, The
ABC   1069 C1:020006022066020 C2:uduudduduudduud M:12/8  K:G            H:EIRSZ  T:Ballintore Fancy, The
ABC   1069 C1:020006022066020 C2:uduudduduudduud M:12/8  K:G            H:EIRSZ  T:Ballintore Fancy, The
ABC    871 C1:020006022066020 C2:uduudduduudduud M:12/8  K:G            H:EIRSZ  T:Ballintore Fancy, The
ABC    871 C1:020006022066020 C2:uduudduduudduud M:12/8  K:G            H:EIRSZ  T:Ballintore Fancy, The
ABC    871 C1:020006022066020 C2:uduudduduudduud M:12/8  K:G            H:EIRSZ  T:Ballintore Fancy, The
ABC    871 C1:020006022066020 C2:uduudduduudduud M:12/8  K:G            H:EIRSZ  T:Ballintore Fancy, The
ABC    871 C1:020006022066020 C2:uduudduduudduud M:12/8  K:G            H:EIRSZ  T:Ballintore Fancy, The
ABC      2 C1:636160030027600 C2:dududuuudduuddu M:4/4   K:G            H:DLQS   T:Ballintore Fancy (as slow reel)
ABC      2 C1:636160030027600 C2:dududuuudduuddu M:4/4   K:G            H:DLQS   T:Ballintore Fancy (as slow reel)
ABC      2 C1:636160030027600 C2:dududuuudduuddu M:4/4   K:G            H:DLQS   T:Ballintore Fancy (as slow reel)
ABC      2 C1:636160030027600 C2:dududuuudduuddu M:4/4   K:G            H:DLQS   T:Ballintore Fancy (as slow reel)
ABC      2 C1:636160030027600 C2:dududuuudduuddu M:4/4   K:G            H:DLQS   T:Ballintore Fancy (as slow reel)
ABC      2 C1:636160030027600 C2:dududuuudduuddu M:4/4   K:G            H:DLQS   T:Ballintore Fancy (as slow reel)
ABC  38013 C1:206711612000643 C2:udduuduuduudddd M:4/4   K:Em           H:BCLQR  T:BALLINTORE FANCY (reel), The
ABC  38013 C1:206711612000643 C2:udduuduuduudddd M:4/4   K:Em           H:BCLQR  T:BALLINTORE FANCY (reel), The
ABC  38013 C1:206711612000643 C2:udduuduuduudddd M:4/4   K:Em           H:BCLQR  T:BALLINTORE FANCY (reel), The
ABC      1 C1:206711612006223 C2:udduuduuduuuddd M:4/4   K:G            H:"CDLOQRSZ T:Ballintore Fancy Reel (G major / E minor)
ABC      1 C1:200000061000056 C2:uududududduddud M:C|    K:HP           H:CLQS   T:Ballintore Hornpipe
ABC      1 C1:200000061000056 C2:uududududduddud M:C|    K:HP           H:CLQS   T:Ballintore Hornpipe
ABC      1 C1:110035003571177 C2:uudududuudddudd M:4/4   K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:Ballintore, The ("Kitty O'Neill's/O'Shea's Barndance")
ABC      1 C1:110000350000350 C2:uudududuudddudd M:12/8  K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:Ballintore, The (“Kitty O‘Neill’s/O’Shea’s Barndance”)
ABC      1 C1:110035003571177 C2:uudududuudddudd M:4/4   K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:Ballintore, The (“Kitty O‘Neill’s/O’Shea’s Barndance”)
ABC      1 C1:774041774047012 C2:ddududdududuuud M:6/8   K:G            H:"L     T:Ballintoura
ABC      1 C1:774041774047012 C2:ddududdududuuud M:6/8   K:G            H:"L     T:Ballintoura
ABC    405 C1:064076712066022 C2:duddduudduuuudd M:6/8   K:Edor         H:LRSZ   T:Ballintoura
ABC 183039 C1:175076074041712 C2:udddddududuudud M:12/8  K:G            H:CLQR   T:BALLINTOURA (slide), The
ABC 183039 C1:175076074041712 C2:udddddududuudud M:12/8  K:G            H:CLQR   T:BALLINTOURA (slide), The
ABC 183039 C1:175076074041712 C2:udddddududuudud M:12/8  K:G            H:CLQR   T:BALLINTOURA (slide), The
ABC 183039 C1:175076074041712 C2:udddddududuudud M:12/8  K:G            H:CLQR   T:BALLINTOURA (slide), The
ABC 182092 C1:175077064076712 C2:uddddduddduuddu M:6/8   K:Em           H:CLQR   T:Ballintoura, Teahan's, Knocknagree, more
ABC 182092 C1:175077064076712 C2:uddddduddduuddu M:6/8   K:Em           H:CLQR   T:Ballintoura, Teahan's, Knocknagree, more
ABC 182092 C1:175077064076712 C2:uddddduddduuddu M:6/8   K:Em           H:CLQR   T:Ballintoura, Teahan's, Knocknagree, more
ABC      1 C1:766176730022422 C2:ddduddduuuduuuu M:C|    K:G            H:DRZ    T:Ballintra Lass, The
ABC    443 C1:766176730022422 C2:ddduddduuuduuuu M:C|    K:G            H:DRZ    T:Ballintra Lass, The
ABC    443 C1:766176730022422 C2:ddduddduuuduuuu M:C|    K:G            H:DRZ    T:Ballintra Lass, The
ABC    443 C1:766176730022422 C2:ddduddduuuduuuu M:C|    K:G            H:DRZ    T:Ballintra Lass, The
ABC    443 C1:766176730022422 C2:ddduddduuuduuuu M:C|    K:G            H:DRZ    T:Ballintra Lass, The
ABC    443 C1:766176730022422 C2:ddduddduuuduuuu M:C|    K:G            H:DRZ    T:Ballintra Lass, The
ABC    443 C1:766176730022422 C2:ddduddduuuduuuu M:C|    K:G            H:DRZ    T:Ballintra Lass, The
ABC   1070 C1:766176730022422 C2:ddduddduuuduuuu M:C|    K:G            H:DRZ    T:Ballintra Lass, The
ABC    443 C1:766176730022422 C2:ddduddduuuduuuu M:C|    K:G            H:DRZ    T:Ballintra Lass, The
ABC    443 C1:766176730022422 C2:ddduddduuuduuuu M:C|    K:G            H:DRZ    T:Ballintra Lass, The
ABC    443 C1:766176730022422 C2:ddduddduuuduuuu M:C|    K:G            H:DRZ    T:Ballintra Lass, The
ABC    443 C1:766176730022422 C2:ddduddduuuduuuu M:C|    K:G            H:DRZ    T:Ballintra Lass, The
ABC    443 C1:766176730022422 C2:ddduddduuuduuuu M:C|    K:G            H:DRZ    T:Ballintra Lass, The
ABC    443 C1:766176730022422 C2:ddduddduuuduuuu M:C|    K:G            H:DRZ    T:Ballintra Lass, The
ABC    443 C1:766176730022422 C2:ddduddduuuduuuu M:C|    K:G            H:DRZ    T:Ballintra Lass, The
ABC    375 C1:766176730022422 C2:ddduddduuuduuuu M:C|    K:G            H:DOR    T:Ballintra Lass, The
ABC    375 C1:766176730022422 C2:ddduddduuuduuuu M:C|    K:G            H:DOR    T:Ballintra Lass, The
ABC   1070 C1:766176730022422 C2:ddduddduuuduuuu M:C|    K:G            H:DRZ    T:Ballintra Lass, The
ABC   1070 C1:766176730022422 C2:ddduddduuuduuuu M:C|    K:G            H:DRZ    T:Ballintra Lass, The
ABC   1070 C1:766176730022422 C2:ddduddduuuduuuu M:C|    K:G            H:DRZ    T:Ballintra Lass, The
ABC    872 C1:766176730022422 C2:ddduddduuuduuuu M:C|    K:G            H:DRZ    T:Ballintra Lass, The
ABC    872 C1:766176730022422 C2:ddduddduuuduuuu M:C|    K:G            H:DRZ    T:Ballintra Lass, The
ABC    872 C1:766176730022422 C2:ddduddduuuduuuu M:C|    K:G            H:DRZ    T:Ballintra Lass, The
ABC    872 C1:766176730022422 C2:ddduddduuuduuuu M:C|    K:G            H:DRZ    T:Ballintra Lass, The
ABC    872 C1:766176730022422 C2:ddduddduuuduuuu M:C|    K:G            H:DRZ    T:Ballintra Lass, The
ABC    443 C1:766176730022422 C2:ddduddduuuduuuu M:C|    K:G            H:DRZ    T:Ballintra Lass, The
ABC    443 C1:766176730022422 C2:ddduddduuuduuuu M:C|    K:G            H:DRZ    T:Ballintra Lass, The
ABC     13 C1:233235662233236 C2:uuduuddduuuduud M:9/8   K:D            H:BCLQSZ T:Balliorum,aka. JBut.013
ABC    126 C1:233237066233235 C2:uuduuddduuduudd M:9/8   K:D            H:BLQZ   T:Balliorum. Roose.0126
ABC    100 C1:233236041230777 C2:uuduudduuuddddd M:9/8   K:A            H:ALOQRSWZ T:Balliorum. WM.100
ABC    100 C1:233236041230777 C2:uuduudduuuddddd M:9/8   K:A            H:ABLQWZ T:Balliorum. WM.100
ABC    100 C1:233236041230777 C2:uuduudduuuddddd M:9/8   K:A            H:ABLQWZ T:Balliorum. WM.100
ABC    100 C1:233236041230777 C2:uuduudduuuddddd M:9/8   K:A            H:ABLOQRSWZ T:Balliorum. WM.100
ABC   1071 C1:23323604        C2:uuduudd         M:9/8   K:A            H:ADHLOQRSWZ T:Balliorum. WM.100
ABC   1072 C1:23323604        C2:uuduudd         M:9/8   K:A            H:ACDHLOQRSWZ T:Balliorum. WM100
ABC   1071 C1:23323604        C2:uuduudd         M:9/8   K:A            H:ADHLOQRSWZ T:Balliorum. WM.100
ABC   1072 C1:23323604        C2:uuduudd         M:9/8   K:A            H:ACDHLOQRSWZ T:Balliorum. WM100
ABC   1071 C1:23323604        C2:uuduudd         M:9/8   K:A            H:ADHLOQRSWZ T:Balliorum. WM.100
ABC   1072 C1:23323604        C2:uuduudd         M:9/8   K:A            H:ACDHLOQRSWZ T:Balliorum. WM100
ABC   1071 C1:23323604        C2:uuduudd         M:9/8   K:A            H:ADHLOQRSWZ T:Balliorum. WM.100
ABC   1072 C1:23323604        C2:uuduudd         M:9/8   K:A            H:ACDHLOQRSWZ T:Balliorum. WM100
ABC    480 C1:233236041230777 C2:uuduudduuuddddd M:9/8   K:A            H:AFLOQRSWZ T:Balliorum. WM.100
ABC    480 C1:233236041230777 C2:uuduudduuuddddd M:9/8   K:A            H:AFLOQRSWZ T:Balliorum. WM.100
ABC    100 C1:233236041230777 C2:uuduudduuuddddd M:9/8   K:A            H:ABLOQRSWZ T:Balliorum. WM.100
ABC     11 C1:100420770077602 C2:uuudddddudduduu M:4/4   K:Bm           H:R      T:The Ballivanich Reel
ABC    149 C1:061061265001005 C2:duduudduudduddu M:6/8   K:G            H:BCLQSZ T:Ball. JBut.148, The
ABC      1 C1:053206221673040 C2:duuduuudddduduu M:C|    K:D            H:BCLZ   T:Ball March, The
ABC  21781 C1:053206221677040 C2:duuduuuddddduud M:C|    K:D            H:BCFLRZ T:THE BALL MARCH (New)
ABC  21781 C1:053206221677040 C2:duuduuuddddduud M:C|    K:D            H:BCFLRZ T:THE BALL MARCH (New)
ABC  21781 C1:053206221677040 C2:duuduuuddddduud M:C|    K:D            H:BCFLRZ T:THE BALL MARCH (New)
ABC  21781 C1:053206221677040 C2:duuduuuddddduud M:C|    K:D            H:BCFLRZ T:THE BALL MARCH (New)
ABC  21781 C1:053206221677040 C2:duuduuuddddduud M:C|    K:D            H:BCFLRZ T:THE BALL MARCH (New)
ABC  21781 C1:053206221677040 C2:duuduuuddddduud M:C|    K:D            H:BCFLRZ T:THE BALL MARCH (New)
ABC  21781 C1:053206221677040 C2:duuduuuddddduud M:C|    K:D            H:BCFLRZ T:THE BALL MARCH (New)
ABC      1 C1:707161705156610 C2:ddudduduudduudd M:4/4   K:G            H:LQV    T:Ball.mid
ABC      1 C1:074004006240040 C2:ddududududududu M:4/4   K:G            H:LQR    T:Ball na Grandach
ABC      1 C1:074004006240040 C2:ddududududududu M:4/4   K:G            H:LQR    T:Ball na Grandach
ABC      1 C1:074004006240040 C2:ddududududududu M:4/4   K:G            H:LQR    T:Ball na Grandach
ABC      1 C1:074004006240040 C2:ddududududududu M:4/4   K:G            H:LQR    T:Ball na Grandach
ABC      1 C1:074004006240040 C2:ddududududududu M:4/4   K:G            H:LQR    T:Ball na Grandach
ABC     12 C1:001106010006000 C2:uududuuudddduuu M:C     K:C            H:IS     T:Ballo Anglese
ABC     12 C1:001106010006000 C2:uududuuudddduuu M:C     K:C            H:IS     T:Ballo Anglese
ABC   1073 C1:001106010006000 C2:uududuuudddduuu M:C     K:C            H:IS     T:Ballo Anglese
ABC   1073 C1:001106010006000 C2:uududuuudddduuu M:C     K:C            H:IS     T:Ballo Anglese
ABC   1073 C1:001106010006000 C2:uududuuudddduuu M:C     K:C            H:IS     T:Ballo Anglese
ABC   1073 C1:001106010006000 C2:uududuuudddduuu M:C     K:C            H:IS     T:Ballo Anglese
ABC      1 C1:000000170003000 C2:uduuddddddduddu M:4/4   K:D            H:CLQR   T:Ballochduie
ABC      1 C1:000000170003000 C2:uduuddddddduddu M:4/4   K:D            H:CLQR   T:Ballochduie
ABC      1 C1:777753211176703 C2:ddddduuuuudddud M:4/4   K:A            H:CLQR   T:Ballochmyle Brig
ABC      1 C1:777753211176703 C2:ddddduuuuudddud M:4/4   K:A            H:CLQR   T:Ballochmyle Brig
ABC   3084 C1:777532111767036 C2:dddduuuuudddudu M:C     K:A            H:BCLQRZ T:BALLOCHMYLE BRIG
ABC   3084 C1:777532111767036 C2:dddduuuuudddudu M:C     K:A            H:BCLQRZ T:BALLOCHMYLE BRIG
ABC      1 C1:000000176000200 C2:udduuudddudduud M:4/4   K:A            H:CLQR   T:Ballochmyle Brig
ABC      1 C1:000000176000200 C2:udduuudddudduud M:4/4   K:A            H:CLQR   T:Ballochmyle Brig
ABC   3083 C1:001760232776256 C2:udduuudddudduud M:C     K:A            H:BCLQRZ T:BALLOCHMYLE BRIG
ABC   3083 C1:001760232776256 C2:udduuudddudduud M:C     K:A            H:BCLQRZ T:BALLOCHMYLE BRIG
ABC   3083 C1:001760232776256 C2:udduuudddudduud M:C     K:A            H:BCLQRZ T:BALLOCHMYLE BRIG
ABC   3084 C1:777532111767036 C2:dddduuuuudddudu M:C     K:A            H:BCLQRZ T:BALLOCHMYLE BRIG
ABC   3083 C1:001760232776256 C2:udduuudddudduud M:C     K:A            H:BCLQRZ T:BALLOCHMYLE BRIG
ABC   3084 C1:777532111767036 C2:dddduuuuudddudu M:C     K:A            H:BCLQRZ T:BALLOCHMYLE BRIG
ABC   3084 C1:777532111767036 C2:dddduuuuudddudu M:C     K:A            H:BCLQRZ T:BALLOCHMYLE BRIG
ABC   3083 C1:001760232776256 C2:udduuudddudduud M:C     K:A            H:BCLQRZ T:BALLOCHMYLE BRIG
ABC   3083 C1:001760232776256 C2:udduuudddudduud M:C     K:A            H:BCLQRZ T:BALLOCHMYLE BRIG
ABC   3084 C1:777532111767036 C2:dddduuuuudddudu M:C     K:A            H:BCLQRZ T:BALLOCHMYLE BRIG
ABC   3083 C1:001760232776256 C2:udduuudddudduud M:C     K:A            H:BCLQRZ T:BALLOCHMYLE BRIG
ABC   3084 C1:777532111767036 C2:dddduuuuudddudu M:C     K:A            H:BCLQRZ T:BALLOCHMYLE BRIG
ABC   3083 C1:001760232776256 C2:udduuudddudduud M:C     K:A            H:BCLQRZ T:BALLOCHMYLE BRIG
ABC   3084 C1:777532111767036 C2:dddduuuuudddudu M:C     K:A            H:BCLQRZ T:BALLOCHMYLE BRIG
ABC   3083 C1:001760232776256 C2:udduuudddudduud M:C     K:A            H:BCLQRZ T:BALLOCHMYLE BRIG
ABC   3084 C1:777532111767036 C2:dddduuuuudddudu M:C     K:A            H:BCLQRZ T:BALLOCHMYLE BRIG
ABC   3083 C1:001760232776256 C2:udduuudddudduud M:C     K:A            H:BCLQRZ T:BALLOCHMYLE BRIG
ABC   3084 C1:777532111767036 C2:dddduuuuudddudu M:C     K:A            H:BCLQRZ T:BALLOCHMYLE BRIG
ABC      0 C1:277625630017762 C2:udddudduuddduuu M:C     K:A            H:BCLQ   T:Ballochmyle Brig Strathspey
ABC    337 C1:766002201736766 C2:ddduuududddduud M:6/8   K:A            H:"CILRZ T:Ballochyle
ABC    337 C1:766002201736766 C2:ddduuududddduud M:6/8   K:A            H:"CILRZ T:Ballochyle
ABC    337 C1:766002201736766 C2:ddduuududddduud M:6/8   K:A            H:"CILRZ T:Ballochyle
ABC    337 C1:766002201736766 C2:ddduuududddduud M:6/8   K:A            H:"CILRZ T:Ballochyle
ABC     17 C1:000671110006060 C2:dduuuddudduuudd M:2/4   K:D            H:"LOQ   T:Ballo de Dodici
ABC     19 C1:000671110006060 C2:dduuuddudduuudd M:2/4   K:D            H:"LOQ   T:Ballo de Dodici
ABC     28 C1:000671110006060 C2:dduuuddudduuudd M:2/4   K:D            H:"LOQ   T:Ballo de Dodici
ABC     29 C1:000671110006060 C2:dduuuddudduuudd M:2/4   K:D            H:"LOQ   T:Ballo de Dodici
ABC     32 C1:000671110006060 C2:dduuuddudduuudd M:2/4   K:D            H:"LOQ   T:Ballo de Dodici
ABC     33 C1:000671110006060 C2:dduuuddudduuudd M:2/4   K:D            H:"LOQ   T:Ballo de Dodici
ABC     17 C1:000671110006060 C2:dduuuddudduuudd M:2/4   K:D            H:"LOQ   T:Ballo de Dodici
ABC     19 C1:000671110006060 C2:dduuuddudduuudd M:2/4   K:D            H:"LOQ   T:Ballo de Dodici
ABC     28 C1:000671110006060 C2:dduuuddudduuudd M:2/4   K:D            H:"LOQ   T:Ballo de Dodici
ABC     29 C1:000671110006060 C2:dduuuddudduuudd M:2/4   K:D            H:"LOQ   T:Ballo de Dodici
ABC     32 C1:000671110006060 C2:dduuuddudduuudd M:2/4   K:D            H:"LOQ   T:Ballo de Dodici
ABC     33 C1:000671110006060 C2:dduuuddudduuudd M:2/4   K:D            H:"LOQ   T:Ballo de Dodici
ABC     33 C1:000671110006060 C2:dduuuddudduuudd M:2/4   K:D            H:"LOQ   T:Ballo de Dodici
ABC     33 C1:000671110006060 C2:dduuuddudduuudd M:2/4   K:D            H:"LOQ   T:Ballo de Dodici
ABC     33 C1:000671110006060 C2:dduuuddudduuudd M:2/4   K:D            H:"LOQ   T:Ballo de Dodici
ABC     33 C1:000671110006060 C2:dduuuddudduuudd M:2/4   K:D            H:"LOQ   T:Ballo de Dodici
ABC    125 C1:040070700600100 C2:uddduududdduudu M:6/8   K:C            H:LRWw   T:Ballo della Lavandaia
ABC      1 C1:640457317501371 C2:duddudduudududu M:      K:italian8tab  H:CLSZ   T:Ballo detto il Conte Orlando
ABC      1 C1:640457317501371 C2:duddudduudududu M:      K:italian8tab  H:CLSZ   T:Ballo detto il Conte Orlando
ABC 342004 C1:044711610121111 C2:udduuduuuuuuuud M:4/4   K:C            H:BCLQR  T:BALL OF MALT (reel), The
ABC 342004 C1:044711610121111 C2:udduuduuuuuuuud M:4/4   K:C            H:BCLQR  T:BALL OF MALT (reel), The
ABC 342004 C1:044711610121111 C2:udduuduuuuuuuud M:4/4   K:C            H:BCLQR  T:BALL OF MALT (reel), The
ABC      3 C1:711707770101010 C2:duudddduuuddddu M:C|    K:C            H:LVZ    T:Ballo Francese
ABC      1 C1:000023000003053 C2:ududuuuddududud M:6/8   K:G            H:L      T:The Ball o' Kerrimuir
ABC      1 C1:000023000003053 C2:ududuuuddududud M:6/8   K:G            H:L      T:The Ball o' Kerrimuir
ABC      1 C1:000023000003053 C2:ududuuuddududud M:6/8   K:G            H:L      T:The Ball o' Kerrimuir
ABC      1 C1:716106061111077 C2:dududduuuuddduu M:2/4   K:C            H:CLS    T:Ballo La Vienna Corentina e suo Saltarello
ABC     61 C1:716106061111077 C2:dududduuuuddduu M:2/4   K:C            H:CLS    T:Ballo La Vienna Corentina e suo Saltarello
ABC     61 C1:716106061111077 C2:dududduuuuddduu M:2/4   K:C            H:CLS    T:Ballo La Vienna Corentina e suo Saltarello
ABC    129 C1:111100017161060 C2:uuuuudududduuuu M:4/4   K:C            H:LR     T:Ballo la Vienna Corentina e Suo Saltarello
ABC   1074 C1:716106061111077 C2:dududduuuuddduu M:2/4   K:C            H:CLS    T:Ballo La Vienna Corentina e suo Saltarello
ABC    376 C1:716106061111077 C2:dududduuuuddduu M:2/4   K:C            H:CLOS   T:Ballo La Vienna Corentina e suo Saltarello
ABC    376 C1:716106061111077 C2:dududduuuuddduu M:2/4   K:C            H:CLOS   T:Ballo La Vienna Corentina e suo Saltarello
ABC   1074 C1:716106061111077 C2:dududduuuuddduu M:2/4   K:C            H:CLS    T:Ballo La Vienna Corentina e suo Saltarello
ABC   1074 C1:716106061111077 C2:dududduuuuddduu M:2/4   K:C            H:CLS    T:Ballo La Vienna Corentina e suo Saltarello
ABC   1074 C1:716106061111077 C2:dududduuuuddduu M:2/4   K:C            H:CLS    T:Ballo La Vienna Corentina e suo Saltarello
ABC    873 C1:716106061111077 C2:dududduuuuddduu M:2/4   K:C            H:CLS    T:Ballo La Vienna Corentina e suo Saltarello
ABC    873 C1:716106061111077 C2:dududduuuuddduu M:2/4   K:C            H:CLS    T:Ballo La Vienna Corentina e suo Saltarello
ABC    873 C1:716106061111077 C2:dududduuuuddduu M:2/4   K:C            H:CLS    T:Ballo La Vienna Corentina e suo Saltarello
ABC    873 C1:716106061111077 C2:dududduuuuddduu M:2/4   K:C            H:CLS    T:Ballo La Vienna Corentina e suo Saltarello
ABC    873 C1:716106061111077 C2:dududduuuuddduu M:2/4   K:C            H:CLS    T:Ballo La Vienna Corentina e suo Saltarello
ABC     34 C1:061061061007117 C2:dudududuuduuddd M:6/8   K:G            H:"CHLQS T:The Balloon
ABC     32 C1:061061061007117 C2:dudududuuduuddd M:6/8   K:G            H:"CHLQS T:The Balloon
ABC      1 C1:677176025327711 C2:dddudduduudduuu M:4/4   K:A            H:FLQSZ  T:The Balloon
ABC      1 C1:026715612377666 C2:uddudduuudddudu M:C|    K:F            H:CFLQSZ T:The Balloon
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:C|    K:A            H:BLRZ   T:Balloon, The
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:C|    K:A            H:BLRZ   T:Balloon, The
ABC     64 C1:061061061007117 C2:dudududuuduuddd M:6/8   K:G            H:"CHLQRS T:The Balloon
ABC     64 C1:061061061007117 C2:dudududuuduuddd M:6/8   K:G            H:"CHLQRS T:The Balloon
ABC     16 C1:061061061007117 C2:dudududuuduuddd M:6/8   K:G            H:"CHLQS T:The Balloon
ABC     34 C1:061061061007117 C2:dudududuuduuddd M:6/8   K:G            H:"CHLQS T:The Balloon
ABC     34 C1:061061061007117 C2:dudududuuduuddd M:6/8   K:G            H:"CHLQS T:The Balloon
ABC    305 C1:711776251777232 C2:duudddududdduuu M:C|    K:G            H:ALOQRSZ T:Balloon. RH.305
ABC    305 C1:711776251777232 C2:duudddududdduuu M:C|    K:G            H:ABLOQRZ T:Balloon. RH.305
ABC    305 C1:711776251777232 C2:duudddududdduuu M:C|    K:G            H:ABLOQRZ T:Balloon. RH.305
ABC    305 C1:711776251777232 C2:duudddududdduuu M:C|    K:G            H:ALOQRSZ T:Balloon. RH.305
ABC    305 C1:711776251777232 C2:duudddududdduuu M:C|    K:G            H:ABLOQRSZ T:Balloon. RH.305
ABC    481 C1:711776251777232 C2:duudddududdduuu M:C|    K:G            H:AFLOQRSZ T:Balloon. RH.305
ABC    481 C1:711776251777232 C2:duudddududdduuu M:C|    K:G            H:AFLOQRSZ T:Balloon. RH.305
ABC    305 C1:711776251777232 C2:duudddududdduuu M:C|    K:G            H:ABLOQRSZ T:Balloon. RH.305
ABC      1 C1:134407674570475 C2:ududduuduududuu M:C     K:DM           H:CLQV   T:Ballo Primo
ABC      1 C1:134407674570475 C2:ududduuduududuu M:C     K:DM           H:CLQV   T:Ballo Primo
ABC      1 C1:134407674570475 C2:ududduuduududuu M:C     K:DM           H:CLQV   T:Ballo Primo
ABC      1 C1:000000071177701 C2:duuddduduudddud M:4/4   K:F            H:LOQ    T:Ballos
ABC     14 C1:060200602060271 C2:dudududuuddddud M:4/4   K:F            H:LOQ    T:Ballos
ABC     14 C1:060200602060271 C2:dudududuuddddud M:4/4   K:F            H:LOQ    T:Ballos
ABC     18 C1:060200602060271 C2:dudududuuddddud M:4/4   K:F            H:LOQ    T:Ballos
ABC     18 C1:060200602060271 C2:dudududuuddddud M:4/4   K:F            H:LOQ    T:Ballos
ABC     20 C1:060200602060271 C2:dudududuuddddud M:4/4   K:F            H:LOQ    T:Ballos
ABC     20 C1:060200602060271 C2:dudududuuddddud M:4/4   K:F            H:LOQ    T:Ballos
ABC     29 C1:060200602060271 C2:dudududuuddddud M:4/4   K:F            H:LOQ    T:Ballos
ABC     30 C1:060200602060271 C2:dudududuuddddud M:4/4   K:F            H:LOQ    T:Ballos
ABC     33 C1:060200602060271 C2:dudududuuddddud M:4/4   K:F            H:LOQ    T:Ballos
ABC     34 C1:060200602060271 C2:dudududuuddddud M:4/4   K:F            H:LOQ    T:Ballos
ABC     18 C1:060200602060271 C2:dudududuuddddud M:4/4   K:F            H:LOQ    T:Ballos
ABC     18 C1:060200602060271 C2:dudududuuddddud M:4/4   K:F            H:LOQ    T:Ballos
ABC     20 C1:060200602060271 C2:dudududuuddddud M:4/4   K:F            H:LOQ    T:Ballos
ABC     20 C1:060200602060271 C2:dudududuuddddud M:4/4   K:F            H:LOQ    T:Ballos
ABC     29 C1:060200602060271 C2:dudududuuddddud M:4/4   K:F            H:LOQ    T:Ballos
ABC     30 C1:060200602060271 C2:dudududuuddddud M:4/4   K:F            H:LOQ    T:Ballos
ABC     33 C1:060200602060271 C2:dudududuuddddud M:4/4   K:F            H:LOQ    T:Ballos
ABC     34 C1:060200602060271 C2:dudududuuddddud M:4/4   K:F            H:LOQ    T:Ballos
ABC     12 C1:060200602060271 C2:dudududuuddddud M:4/4   K:F            H:LOQ    T:Ballos
ABC     14 C1:060200602060271 C2:dudududuuddddud M:4/4   K:F            H:LOQ    T:Ballos
ABC     12 C1:000000071177701 C2:duuddduduudddud M:4/4   K:F            H:LOQ    T:Ballos
ABC     12 C1:000000071177701 C2:duuddduduudddud M:4/4   K:F            H:LOQ    T:Ballos
ABC     12 C1:000000071177701 C2:duuddduduudddud M:4/4   K:F            H:LOQ    T:Ballos
ABC     12 C1:060200602060271 C2:dudududuuddddud M:4/4   K:F            H:LOQ    T:Ballos
ABC   1076 C1:060200602060271 C2:dudududuuddddud M:4/4   K:F            H:LOQ    T:Ballos
ABC   1075 C1:000000071177701 C2:duuddduduudddud M:4/4   K:F            H:LOQ    T:Ballos
ABC     12 C1:000000071177701 C2:duuddduduudddud M:4/4   K:F            H:LOQ    T:Ballos
ABC     12 C1:000000071177701 C2:duuddduduudddud M:4/4   K:F            H:LOQ    T:Ballos
ABC     12 C1:000000071177701 C2:duuddduduudddud M:4/4   K:F            H:LOQ    T:Ballos
ABC     12 C1:000000071177701 C2:duuddduduudddud M:4/4   K:F            H:LOQ    T:Ballos
ABC     34 C1:060200602060271 C2:dudududuuddddud M:4/4   K:F            H:LOQ    T:Ballos
ABC     34 C1:060200602060271 C2:dudududuuddddud M:4/4   K:F            H:LOQ    T:Ballos
ABC     34 C1:060200602060271 C2:dudududuuddddud M:4/4   K:F            H:LOQ    T:Ballos
ABC     34 C1:060200602060271 C2:dudududuuddddud M:4/4   K:F            H:LOQ    T:Ballos
ABC   1075 C1:000000071177701 C2:duuddduduudddud M:4/4   K:F            H:LOQ    T:Ballos
ABC   1076 C1:060200602060271 C2:dudududuuddddud M:4/4   K:F            H:LOQ    T:Ballos
ABC   1075 C1:000000071177701 C2:duuddduduudddud M:4/4   K:F            H:LOQ    T:Ballos
ABC   1076 C1:060200602060271 C2:dudududuuddddud M:4/4   K:F            H:LOQ    T:Ballos
ABC   1075 C1:000000071177701 C2:duuddduduudddud M:4/4   K:F            H:LOQ    T:Ballos
ABC   1076 C1:060200602060271 C2:dudududuuddddud M:4/4   K:F            H:LOQ    T:Ballos
ABC    874 C1:000000071177701 C2:duuddduduudddud M:4/4   K:F            H:LOQ    T:Ballos
ABC    874 C1:000000071177701 C2:duuddduduudddud M:4/4   K:F            H:LOQ    T:Ballos
ABC    874 C1:000000071177701 C2:duuddduduudddud M:4/4   K:F            H:LOQ    T:Ballos
ABC    874 C1:000000071177701 C2:duuddduduudddud M:4/4   K:F            H:LOQ    T:Ballos
ABC    874 C1:000000071177701 C2:duuddduduudddud M:4/4   K:F            H:LOQ    T:Ballos
ABC      7 C1:077002026776000 C2:ddududddudduuud M:C     K:Eb           H:LQSVWZ T:Ballou
ABC      1 C1:200766217771777 C2:uddduudddudddud M:      K:Dmaj         H:LR     T:The Ballroom
ABC     41 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Ballroom Blitz [Bagpipes] Feb 17 (4:03)
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Ballroom Blitz (Bass) (4:02)
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Ballroom Blitz (Drums) (3:40)
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Ballroom Blitz [Drums] Feb 17 (4:03)
ABC     51 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Ballroom Blitz [Flute] Feb 17 (4:03)
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Ballroom Blitz (Lute) (4:02)
ABC     11 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Ballroom Blitz [Lute] Feb 17 (4:03)
ABC     31 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Ballroom Blitz [Theorbo] Feb 17 (4:03)
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Ballroom Blitz (Vocals) (3:26)
ABC    230 C1:620162010262056 C2:duuduuduuudduuu M:2/4   K:D            H:LRSZ   T:Ballroom Favorite
ABC  57005 C1:060200010602000 C2:duuduuduuudduud M:4/4   K:D            H:BCLQR  T:BALLROOM FAVORITE (barn dance), The
ABC  57005 C1:060200010602000 C2:duuduuduuudduud M:4/4   K:D            H:BCLQR  T:BALLROOM FAVORITE (barn dance), The
ABC  57005 C1:060200010602000 C2:duuduuduuudduud M:4/4\  K:D\           H:BCLQR  T:BALLROOM FAVORITE (barn dance), The\
ABC     25 C1:235200077750577 C2:uududdddudddudu M:C|    K:D            H:DLRZ   T:Ballroom Favourite #2, The
ABC     25 C1:235200077750577 C2:uududdddudddudu M:C|    K:D            H:DLRZ   T:Ballroom Favourite #2, The
ABC     24 C1:050300010503000 C2:uduududuuudduuu M:C|    K:D            H:DLRZ   T:Ballroom Favourite, The
ABC     24 C1:050300010503000 C2:uduududuuudduuu M:C|    K:D            H:DLRZ   T:Ballroom Favourite, The
ABC      1 C1:110602000106020 C2:uuduuduuduuuddu M:      K:Dmaj         H:LR     T:The Ballroom Favourite
ABC      2 C1:111050371100503 C2:uuuudduuudududu M:      K:Dmaj         H:LR     T:The Ballroom Favourite
ABC      3 C1:110602000106020 C2:uuduuduuduuuddu M:      K:Dmaj         H:LR     T:The Ballroom Favourite
ABC      2 C1:111050371100503 C2:uuuudduuudududu M:4/4   K:Dmaj         H:LR     T:Ballroom Favourite, The
ABC  21612 C1:001700170600071 C2:ududdduuuuuuddd M:2/4   K:G            H:BLQSZ  T:the BALL-ROOM POLKA
ABC  21612 C1:001700170600071 C2:ududdduuuuuuddd M:2/4   K:G            H:BLQSZ  T:the BALL-ROOM POLKA
ABC  21612 C1:001700170600071 C2:ududdduuuuuuddd M:2/4   K:G            H:BLQSZ  T:The BALL-ROOM POLKA
ABC  21612 C1:001700170600071 C2:ududdduuuuuuddd M:2/4   K:G            H:BLQSZ  T:The BALL-ROOM POLKA
ABC  21612 C1:001700170600071 C2:ududdduuuuuuddd M:2/4   K:G            H:BLQSZ  T:The BALL-ROOM POLKA
ABC  21612 C1:001700170600071 C2:ududdduuuuuuddd M:2/4   K:G            H:BLQSZ  T:The BALL-ROOM POLKA
ABC  21612 C1:001700170600071 C2:ududdduuuuuuddd M:2/4   K:G            H:BLQSZ  T:The BALL-ROOM POLKA
ABC  21612 C1:001700170600071 C2:ududdduuuuuuddd M:2/4   K:G            H:BLQSZ  T:The BALL-ROOM POLKA
ABC  21612 C1:001700170600071 C2:ududdduuuuuuddd M:2/4   K:G            H:BLQSZ  T:The BALL-ROOM POLKA
ABC  21612 C1:001700170600071 C2:ududdduuuuuuddd M:2/4   K:G            H:BLQSZ  T:The BALL-ROOM POLKA
ABC  21612 C1:001700170600071 C2:ududdduuuuuuddd M:2/4   K:G            H:BLQSZ  T:The BALL-ROOM POLKA
ABC      1 C1:200766217771777 C2:uddduudddudddud M:C|    K:D            H:DRZ    T:Ballroom Reel, The
ABC      1 C1:200766217771777 C2:uddduudddudddud M:C|    K:D            H:DRZ    T:Ballroom Reel, The
ABC    779 C1:200766217771777 C2:uddduudddudddud M:C|    K:D            H:DRZ    T:Ballroom Reel, The
ABC    779 C1:200766217771777 C2:uddduudddudddud M:C|    K:D            H:DRZ    T:Ballroom Reel, The
ABC    779 C1:200766217771777 C2:uddduudddudddud M:C|    K:D            H:DRZ    T:Ballroom Reel, The
ABC    779 C1:200766217771777 C2:uddduudddudddud M:C|    K:D            H:DRZ    T:Ballroom Reel, The
ABC    779 C1:200766217771777 C2:uddduudddudddud M:C|    K:D            H:DRZ    T:Ballroom Reel, The
ABC   1077 C1:200766217771777 C2:uddduudddudddud M:C|    K:D            H:DRZ    T:Ballroom Reel, The
ABC    779 C1:200766217771777 C2:uddduudddudddud M:C|    K:D            H:DRZ    T:Ballroom Reel, The
ABC    779 C1:200766217771777 C2:uddduudddudddud M:C|    K:D            H:DRZ    T:Ballroom Reel, The
ABC    779 C1:200766217771777 C2:uddduudddudddud M:C|    K:D            H:DRZ    T:Ballroom Reel, The
ABC    779 C1:200766217771777 C2:uddduudddudddud M:C|    K:D            H:DRZ    T:Ballroom Reel, The
ABC    779 C1:200766217771777 C2:uddduudddudddud M:C|    K:D            H:DRZ    T:Ballroom Reel, The
ABC    779 C1:200766217771777 C2:uddduudddudddud M:C|    K:D            H:DRZ    T:Ballroom Reel, The
ABC    779 C1:200766217771777 C2:uddduudddudddud M:C|    K:D            H:DRZ    T:Ballroom Reel, The
ABC    377 C1:200766217771777 C2:uddduudddudddud M:C|    K:D            H:DOR    T:Ballroom Reel, The
ABC    377 C1:200766217771777 C2:uddduudddudddud M:C|    K:D            H:DOR    T:Ballroom Reel, The
ABC   1077 C1:200766217771777 C2:uddduudddudddud M:C|    K:D            H:DRZ    T:Ballroom Reel, The
ABC   1077 C1:200766217771777 C2:uddduudddudddud M:C|    K:D            H:DRZ    T:Ballroom Reel, The
ABC   1077 C1:200766217771777 C2:uddduudddudddud M:C|    K:D            H:DRZ    T:Ballroom Reel, The
ABC    875 C1:200766217771777 C2:uddduudddudddud M:C|    K:D            H:DRZ    T:Ballroom Reel, The
ABC    875 C1:200766217771777 C2:uddduudddudddud M:C|    K:D            H:DRZ    T:Ballroom Reel, The
ABC    875 C1:200766217771777 C2:uddduudddudddud M:C|    K:D            H:DRZ    T:Ballroom Reel, The
ABC    875 C1:200766217771777 C2:uddduudddudddud M:C|    K:D            H:DRZ    T:Ballroom Reel, The
ABC    875 C1:200766217771777 C2:uddduudddudddud M:C|    K:D            H:DRZ    T:Ballroom Reel, The
ABC    779 C1:200766217771777 C2:uddduudddudddud M:C|    K:D            H:DRZ    T:Ballroom Reel, The
ABC    779 C1:200766217771777 C2:uddduudddudddud M:C|    K:D            H:DRZ    T:Ballroom Reel, The
ABC     42 C1:061771113001023 C2:dudduuuduuuddud M:6/8   K:G            H:BLQZ   T:Ball. Roose.0042, The
ABC     84 C1:242125251676300 C2:udduuuddudduddd M:2/4   K:A            H:LOQRSZ T:Ball's Hornpipe, aka EHo.084
ABC     84 C1:242125251676300 C2:udduuuddudduddd M:2/4   K:A            H:LOQRSZ T:Ball's Hornpipe, aka EHo.084
ABC    378 C1:026102610266020 C2:uduuduudduuuddu M:2/4   K:G            H:BCLQRSZ T:Ball's Hornpipe,aka. JBut.376
ABC      1 C1:026102610266020 C2:uduuduudduuuddu M:4/4   K:G            H:AHLORSZ T:Balls Hornpipe(?). GS.035
ABC      1 C1:026102610266020 C2:uduuduudduuuddu M:4/4   K:G            H:AHLORSZ T:Balls Hornpipe(?). GS.035
ABC      1 C1:026102610266020 C2:uduuduudduuuddu M:4/4   K:G            H:AHLORSZ T:Balls Hornpipe(?). GS.035
ABC      1 C1:026102610266020 C2:uduuduudduuuddu M:4/4   K:G            H:AHLORSZ T:Balls Hornpipe(?). GS.035
ABC     10 C1:026102610266020 C2:uduuduudduuuddu M:4/4   K:G            H:AHLORSZ T:Balls Hornpipe(?). GS.035
ABC     35 C1:026102610266020 C2:uduuduudduuuddu M:4/4   K:G            H:AHLOQRSZ T:Balls Hornpipe(?). GS.035
ABC     35 C1:026102610266020 C2:uduuduudduuuddu M:4/4   K:G            H:ABHLOQRZ T:Balls Hornpipe(?). GS.035
ABC     35 C1:026102610266020 C2:uduuduudduuuddu M:4/4   K:G            H:ABHLOQRZ T:Balls Hornpipe(?). GS.035
ABC     35 C1:026102610266020 C2:uduuduudduuuddu M:4/4   K:G            H:ABHLOQRSZ T:Balls Hornpipe(?). GS.035
ABC   1078 C1:026102610266020 C2:uduuduudduuuddu M:4/4   K:G            H:AHLORSZ T:Balls Hornpipe(?). GS.035
ABC   1078 C1:026102610266020 C2:uduuduudduuuddu M:4/4   K:G            H:AHLORSZ T:Balls Hornpipe(?). GS.035
ABC   1078 C1:026102610266020 C2:uduuduudduuuddu M:4/4   K:G            H:AHLORSZ T:Balls Hornpipe(?). GS.035
ABC   1078 C1:026102610266020 C2:uduuduudduuuddu M:4/4   K:G            H:AHLORSZ T:Balls Hornpipe(?). GS.035
ABC    482 C1:026102610266020 C2:uduuduudduuuddu M:4/4   K:G            H:AFHLOQRSZ T:Balls Hornpipe(?). GS.035
ABC    482 C1:026102610266020 C2:uduuduudduuuddu M:4/4   K:G            H:AFHLOQRSZ T:Balls Hornpipe(?). GS.035
ABC     35 C1:026102610266020 C2:uduuduudduuuddu M:4/4   K:G            H:ABHLOQRSZ T:Balls Hornpipe(?). GS.035
ABC    084 C1:242125250776300 C2:udduuuddudduddd M:2/4   K:A            H:ABLOQZ T:Ball's Hp,aka. EHo.084
ABC    136 C1:405771170777231 C2:dudduudddduuduu M:6/8   K:Emin         H:CLRZ   T:Balls to Hall
ABC    136 C1:405771170777231 C2:dudduudddduuduu M:6/8   K:Emin         H:CLRZ   T:Balls to Hall
ABC    136 C1:405771170777231 C2:dudduudddduuduu M:6/8   K:Emin         H:CLRZ   T:Balls to Hall
ABC      1 C1:603504405771000 C2:dudududdudddudd M:      K:Emin         H:LR     T:Balls To Hall
ABC      2 C1:603504405771170 C2:dudududduudddud M:      K:Emin         H:LR     T:Balls To Hall
ABC      3 C1:603504405771170 C2:dudududduudddud M:      K:Emin         H:LR     T:Balls To Hall
ABC      4 C1:603504405771170 C2:dudududduuddddu M:      K:Emin         H:LR     T:Balls To Hall
ABC      5 C1:603504405771170 C2:dudududduudddud M:      K:Emin         H:LR     T:Balls To Hall
ABC      6 C1:603504711771000 C2:dududuuddudddud M:      K:Emin         H:LR     T:Balls To Hall
ABC      7 C1:603504001771000 C2:duduudduddduddu M:      K:Emin         H:LR     T:Balls To Hall
ABC    136 C1:405771170777231 C2:dudduudddduuduu M:6/8   K:Emin         H:CLRZ   T:Balls to Hall
ABC    136 C1:405771170777231 C2:dudduudddduuduu M:6/8   K:Emin         H:CLRZ   T:Balls to Hall
ABC   1430 C1:405771170777231 C2:dudduudddduuduu M:6/8   K:EMin         H:CDLRZ  T:Balls to Hall
ABC    286 C1:405771170777231 C2:dudduudddduuduu M:6/8   K:EMin         H:CDLRZ  T:Balls to Hall
ABC      1 C1:061061265001005 C2:duduudduudddudd M:6/8   K:A            H:LRSZ   T:Ball, The [1]
ABC      1 C1:061061265001005 C2:duduudduudddudd M:6/8   K:A            H:LRSZ   T:Ball, The [1]
ABC      1 C1:061061265001005 C2:duduudduudddudd M:6/8   K:A            H:LRSZ   T:Ball, The [1]
ABC      1 C1:061061265001005 C2:duduudduudddudd M:6/8   K:A            H:LRSZ   T:Ball, The [1]
ABC      1 C1:061061265001005 C2:duduudduududdud M:6/8   K:G            H:"ACLOQRSZ T:Ball,The.
ABC    229 C1:061771265001023 C2:dudduudduuudddu M:6/8   K:G            H:ALOQRSZ T:Ball,The,aka. JC.234
ABC    229 C1:061771265001023 C2:dudduudduuudddu M:6/8   K:G            H:ABLOQRSZ T:Ball,The,aka. JC.234
ABC    483 C1:061771265001023 C2:dudduudduuudddu M:6/8   K:G            H:AFLOQRSZ T:Ball,The,aka. JC.234
ABC    672 C1:061771265001023 C2:dudduudduuudddu M:6/8   K:G            H:AFLOQRSZ T:Ball,The,aka. JC.234
ABC    483 C1:061771265001023 C2:dudduudduuudddu M:6/8   K:G            H:AFLOQRSZ T:Ball,The,aka. JC.234
ABC    672 C1:061771265001023 C2:dudduudduuudddu M:6/8   K:G            H:AFLOQRSZ T:Ball,The,aka. JC.234
ABC    229 C1:061771265001023 C2:dudduudduuudddu M:6/8   K:G            H:ABLOQRSZ T:Ball,The,aka. JC.234
ABC     61 C1:061061265001005 C2:duduudduudddudd M:6/8   K:C            H:ABLQZ  T:Ball,The,aka. JJo.058
ABC     61 C1:061061265001005 C2:duduudduudddudd M:6/8   K:C            H:ABLQZ  T:Ball,The,aka. JJo.058
ABC     58 C1:061061265001005 C2:duduudduudddudd M:6/8   K:C            H:ALQSZ  T:Ball,The,aka. JJo.058
ABC     58 C1:061061265001005 C2:duduudduudddudd M:6/8   K:C            H:ABLQSZ T:Ball,The,aka. JJo.058
ABC    484 C1:061061265001005 C2:duduudduudddudd M:6/8   K:C            H:AFLQSZ T:Ball,The,aka. JJo.058
ABC   1878 C1:061061265001005 C2:duduudduudddudd M:6/8   K:C            H:AFLQSZ T:Ball,The,aka. JJo.058
ABC    484 C1:061061265001005 C2:duduudduudddudd M:6/8   K:C            H:AFLQSZ T:Ball,The,aka. JJo.058
ABC   1878 C1:061061265001005 C2:duduudduudddudd M:6/8   K:C            H:AFLQSZ T:Ball,The,aka. JJo.058
ABC     58 C1:061061265001005 C2:duduudduudddudd M:6/8   K:C            H:ABLQSZ T:Ball,The,aka. JJo.058
ABC      1 C1:770610612650010 C2:ddduduudduududd M:6/8   K:G            H:"ACLOQRSZ T:Ball,The. WM.102
ABC      1 C1:770610612650010 C2:ddduduudduududd M:6/8   K:G            H:"ACLOQRSZ T:Ball,The. WM.102
ABC    102 C1:061061175001005 C2:duduudduudduddu M:6/8   K:G            H:ALOQRSZ T:Ball,The. WM.102
ABC    102 C1:061061175001005 C2:duduudduudduddu M:6/8   K:G            H:ABLOQRSZ T:Ball,The. WM.102
ABC   1058 C1:061061175001005 C2:duduudduuddu    M:6/8   K:G            H:ADHLOQRSWZ T:Ball,The. WM.102
ABC   1059 C1:061061175001005 C2:duduudduuddu    M:6/8   K:G            H:ACDHLORSWZ T:Ball,The. WM102
ABC   1058 C1:061061175001005 C2:duduudduuddu    M:6/8   K:G            H:ADHLOQRSWZ T:Ball,The. WM.102
ABC   1059 C1:061061175001005 C2:duduudduuddu    M:6/8   K:G            H:ACDHLORSWZ T:Ball,The. WM102
ABC   1058 C1:061061175001005 C2:duduudduuddu    M:6/8   K:G            H:ADHLOQRSWZ T:Ball,The. WM.102
ABC   1059 C1:061061175001005 C2:duduudduuddu    M:6/8   K:G            H:ACDHLORSWZ T:Ball,The. WM102
ABC   1058 C1:061061175001005 C2:duduudduuddu    M:6/8   K:G            H:ADHLOQRSWZ T:Ball,The. WM.102
ABC   1059 C1:061061175001005 C2:duduudduuddu    M:6/8   K:G            H:ACDHLORSWZ T:Ball,The. WM102
ABC    485 C1:061061175001005 C2:duduudduudduddu M:6/8   K:G            H:AFLOQRSZ T:Ball,The. WM.102
ABC    485 C1:061061175001005 C2:duduudduudduddu M:6/8   K:G            H:AFLOQRSZ T:Ball,The. WM.102
ABC    102 C1:061061175001005 C2:duduudduudduddu M:6/8   K:G            H:ABLOQRSZ T:Ball,The. WM.102
ABC   1534 C1:711111567002760 C2:duuuuudddudduud M:C|    K:Am           H:BLRZ   T:ball ua dia air do biread-oi d ce
ABC   1534 C1:711111567002760 C2:duuuuudddudduud M:C|    K:Am           H:BLRZ   T:ball ua dia air do biread-oi d ce
ABC   1534 C1:711111567002760 C2:duuuuudddudduud M:C|    K:Am           H:BLRZ   T:ball ua dia air do biread-oi d ce
ABC   1534 C1:711111567002760 C2:duuuuudddudduud M:C|    K:Am           H:BLRZ   T:ball ua dia air do biread-oi d ce
ABC      1 C1:711111567002760 C2:duuuuudddudduud M:      K:AMinor       H:CLQZ   T:Ball Ua dia Air Do biread-oidce
ABC   1485 C1:002760217111115 C2:udduuduuuuudddu M:C|    K:Am           H:BLORZbs T:ball ua \.dia air do \.biread-oi\.d\.ce.
ABC   1485 C1:002760217111115 C2:udduuduuuuudddu M:C|    K:Am           H:BLORZbs T:ball ua \.dia air do \.biread-oi\.d\.ce.
ABC   1485 C1:002760217111115 C2:udduuduuuuudddu M:C|    K:Am           H:BLORZbs T:ball ua \.dia air do \.biread-oi\.d\.ce.
ABC   1485 C1:002760217111115 C2:udduuduuuuudddu M:C|    K:Am           H:BLORZbs T:ball ua \.dia air do \.biread-oi\.d\.ce.
ABC   1485 C1:002760217111115 C2:udduuduuuuudddu M:C|    K:Am           H:BLORZbs T:ball ua \.dia air do \.biread-oi\.d\.ce.
ABC   1485 C1:002760217111115 C2:udduuduuuuudddu M:C|    K:Am           H:BLORZbs T:ball ua \.dia air do \.biread-oi\.d\.ce.
ABC   1485 C1:002760217111115 C2:udduuduuuuudddu M:C|    K:Am           H:BLORZbs T:ball ua \.dia air do \.biread-oi\.d\.ce.
ABC   1485 C1:002760217111115 C2:udduuduuuuudddu M:C|    K:Am           H:BLORZbs T:ball ua \.dia air do \.biread-oi\.d\.ce.
ABC   1485 C1:002760217111115 C2:udduuduuuuudddu M:C|    K:Am           H:BLORZbs T:ball ua \.dia air do \.biread-oi\.d\.ce.
ABC   1485 C1:002760217111115 C2:udduuduuuuudddu M:C|    K:Am           H:BLORZbs T:ball ua \.dia air do \.biread-oi\.d\.ce.
ABC   1485 C1:002760217111115 C2:udduuduuuuudddu M:C|    K:Am           H:BLORZbs T:ball ua \.dia air do \.biread-oi\.d\.ce.
ABC   1485 C1:002760217111115 C2:udduuduuuuudddu M:C|    K:Am           H:BLORZbs T:ball ua \.dia air do \.biread-oi\.d\.ce.
ABC   1485 C1:002760217111115 C2:udduuduuuuudddu M:C|    K:Am           H:BLORZbs T:ball ua \.dia air do \.biread-oi\.d\.ce.
ABC   1485 C1:002760217111115 C2:udduuduuuuudddu M:C|    K:Am           H:BLORZbs T:ball ua \.dia air do \.biread-oi\.d\.ce.
ABC   1485 C1:002760217111115 C2:udduuduuuuudddu M:C|    K:Am           H:BLORZbs T:ball ua \.dia air do \.biread-oi\.d\.ce.
ABC   1485 C1:002760217111115 C2:udduuduuuuudddu M:C|    K:Am           H:BLORZbs T:ball ua \.dia air do \.biread-oi\.d\.ce.
ABC   1485 C1:002760217111115 C2:udduuduuuuudddu M:C|    K:Am           H:BLORZbs T:ball ua \.dia air do \.biread-oi\.d\.ce.
ABC      1 C1:711111567002760 C2:duuuuudddudduud M:      K:AMinor       H:LQ     T:Ball Ua dia Air Do biread-oidce
ABC   1485 C1:711111567002760 C2:duuuuudddudduud M:C|    K:Am           H:BLRZ   T:ball ua .dia air do .biread-oi.d.ce.
ABC   1485 C1:711111567002760 C2:duuuuudddudduud M:C|    K:Am           H:BLRZ   T:ball ua .dia air do .biread-oi.d.ce.
ABC   1534 C1:711111567002760 C2:duuuuudddudduud M:C|    K:Am           H:BLRZ   T:ball ua dia air do biread-oi d ce
ABC   1534 C1:711111567002760 C2:duuuuudddudduud M:C|    K:Am           H:BLRZ   T:ball ua dia air do biread-oi d ce
ABC    102 C1:061061175001005 C2:duduudduudduddu M:6/8   K:G            H:ABLQZ  T:Ball. WM.102, The
ABC    102 C1:061061175001005 C2:duduudduudduddu M:6/8   K:G            H:ABLQZ  T:Ball. WM.102, The
ABC  56004 C1:767311376701376 C2:ddduuuuddduuddd M:2/4   K:G            H:BCLR   T:BALLYARRA POLKA, The
ABC  56004 C1:767311376701376 C2:ddduuuuddduuddd M:2/4   K:G            H:BCLR   T:BALLYARRA POLKA, The
ABC  56004 C1:767311376701376 C2:ddduuuuddduuddd M:2/4\  K:G            H:BCLQR  T:BALLYARRA POLKA, The \
ABC      1 C1:661100116611701 C2:dduuuudduuduudd M:4/4   K:C            H:L      T:Ballybay
ABC      1 C1:607100466007203 C2:dduuddduudduuuu M:4/4   K:D            H:LQ     T:Ballybay
ABC      1 C1:661100116611701 C2:dduuuudduuduudd M:4/4   K:C            H:L      T:Ballybay
ABC      1 C1:661100116611701 C2:dduuuudduuduudd M:4/4   K:C            H:L      T:Ballybay
ABC     39 C1:607100466007203 C2:dduuddduudduuuu M:4/4   K:D            H:LQ     T:Ballybay
ABC    965 C1:327177221011716 C2:uududduuuuududd M:6/8   K:G            H:"CLQR  T:Ballybay Tailor
ABC    970 C1:032717722101171 C2:uududduuuuududd M:6/8   K:G            H:"CLQRV T:Ballybay Tailor (with piano acc.)
ABC    265 C1:377777771166041 C2:uddddddduudduuu M:4/4   K:A            H:LRSZ   T:Ballyboley
ABC  62006 C1:377777771166041 C2:uddddddduudduuu M:C|    K:G            H:QRZ    T:BALLYBOLEY HORNPIPE, The
ABC  62006 C1:377777771166041 C2:uddddddduudduuu M:C|    K:G            H:CQR    T:BALLYBOLEY HORNPIPE, The
ABC  62006 C1:377777771166041 C2:uddddddduudduuu M:C|    K:G            H:CQR    T:BALLYBOLEY HORNPIPE, The
ABC 026120 C1:377777771166041 C2:uddddddduudduuu M:C|    K:A            H:QRS    T:Ballyboley [hp] % ABC 026120 C1:377777771166041 C2:uddddddduudduuu M:C|    K:A            H:QRS    T:Ballyboley [hp] % ABC 026120 C1:377777771166041 C2:uddddddduudduuu M:C|    K:A            H:QRS    T:Ballyboley (The) [hp] % ABC 026120 C1:377777771166041 C2:uddddddduudduuu M:C|    K:A            H:QRS    T:Ballyboley (The) [hp] % ABC      1 C1:007067661663007 C2:uddddudduuddddu M:6/8   K:G            H:"S     T:Ballybunion
ABC     13 C1:007067661663007 C2:uddddudduuddddu M:6/8   K:G            H:"S     T:Ballybunion
ABC     13 C1:007067661663007 C2:uddddudduuddddu M:6/8   K:G            H:"C     T:Ballybunion
ABC      1 C1:007067661762717 C2:uddddudduduuddd M:      K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:The Ballybunion
ABC   1079 C1:007067661663007 C2:uddddudduuddddu M:6/8   K:G            H:"S     T:Ballybunion
ABC     65 C1:007067661663007 C2:uddddudduuddddu M:6/8   K:G            H:"S     T:Ballybunion
ABC     13 C1:007067661663007 C2:uddddudduuddddu M:6/8   K:G            H:"S     T:Ballybunion
ABC     13 C1:007067661663007 C2:uddddudduuddddu M:6/8   K:G            H:"S     T:Ballybunion
ABC     13 C1:007067661663007 C2:uddddudduuddddu M:6/8   K:G            H:"S     T:Ballybunion
ABC     13 C1:007067661663007 C2:uddddudduuddddu M:6/8   K:G            H:"RS    T:Ballybunion
ABC     13 C1:007067661663007 C2:uddddudduuddddu M:6/8   K:G            H:"RS    T:Ballybunion
ABC     13 C1:007067661663007 C2:uddddudduuddddu M:6/8   K:G            H:"RS    T:Ballybunion
ABC    378 C1:007067661663007 C2:uddddudduuddddu M:6/8   K:G            H:"OS    T:Ballybunion
ABC    378 C1:007067661663007 C2:uddddudduuddddu M:6/8   K:G            H:"OS    T:Ballybunion
ABC   1079 C1:007067661663007 C2:uddddudduuddddu M:6/8   K:G            H:"S     T:Ballybunion
ABC   1079 C1:007067661663007 C2:uddddudduuddddu M:6/8   K:G            H:"S     T:Ballybunion
ABC   1079 C1:007067661663007 C2:uddddudduuddddu M:6/8   K:G            H:"S     T:Ballybunion
ABC    876 C1:007067661663007 C2:uddddudduuddddu M:6/8   K:G            H:"S     T:Ballybunion
ABC    876 C1:007067661663007 C2:uddddudduuddddu M:6/8   K:G            H:"S     T:Ballybunion
ABC    876 C1:007067661663007 C2:uddddudduuddddu M:6/8   K:G            H:"S     T:Ballybunion
ABC    876 C1:007067661663007 C2:uddddudduuddddu M:6/8   K:G            H:"S     T:Ballybunion
ABC    876 C1:007067661663007 C2:uddddudduuddddu M:6/8   K:G            H:"S     T:Ballybunion
ABC      3 C1:111137117030200 C2:uuuuuduudduduud M:4/4   K:G            H:LRZ    T:Ballybunion Hop, The
ABC      3 C1:111137117030200 C2:uuuuuduudduduud M:4/4   K:G            H:LRZ    T:Ballybunion Hop, The
ABC      6 C1:031111371170302 C2:uuuuuuduuddudud M:4/4   K:GMaj         H:LR     T:Ballybunion Hop, The
ABC      7 C1:031111372703020 C2:uuuuuududdududu M:4/4   K:GMaj         H:LR     T:Ballybunion Hop, The
ABC      1 C1:712711116151026 C2:duuduuuudduddud M:2/4   K:D            H:LRZ    T:Ballybunnion Polka, The
ABC    533 C1:712771271111255 C2:duudduuduuuuuud M:2/4   K:D            H:"DLRSZ T:The Ballybunnion Polka
ABC    533 C1:712771271111255 C2:duudduuduuuuuud M:2/4   K:D            H:"DLRSZ T:The Ballybunnion Polka
ABC    533 C1:712771271111255 C2:duudduuduuuuuud M:2/4   K:D            H:"DLRSZ T:The Ballybunnion Polka
ABC    533 C1:712771271111255 C2:duudduuduuuuuud M:2/4   K:D            H:"DLRSZ T:The Ballybunnion Polka
ABC      4 C1:712711116151026 C2:duuduuuudduddud M:2/4   K:D            H:LRZ    T:Ballybunnion Polka, The
ABC      4 C1:712711116151026 C2:duuduuuudduddud M:2/4   K:D            H:LRZ    T:Ballybunnion Polka, The
ABC      4 C1:712711116151026 C2:duuduuuudduddud M:2/4   K:D            H:LRZ    T:Ballybunnion Polka, The
ABC      4 C1:712711116151026 C2:duuduuuudduddud M:2/4   K:D            H:LRZ    T:Ballybunnion Polka, The
ABC      4 C1:712711116151026 C2:duuduuuudduddud M:2/4   K:D            H:LRZ    T:Ballybunnion Polka, The
ABC     62 C1:712711116151026 C2:duuduuuudduddud M:2/4   K:D            H:LRZ    T:Ballybunnion Polka, The
ABC   2233 C1:712711116151026 C2:duuduuuudduddud M:2/4   K:D            H:LRZ    T:Ballybunnion Polka, The
ABC      4 C1:712711116151026 C2:duuduuuudduddud M:2/4   K:D            H:LRZ    T:Ballybunnion Polka, The
ABC      4 C1:712711116151026 C2:duuduuuudduddud M:2/4   K:D            H:LRZ    T:Ballybunnion Polka, The
ABC      4 C1:712711116151026 C2:duuduuuudduddud M:2/4   K:D            H:LRZ    T:Ballybunnion Polka, The
ABC      4 C1:712711116151026 C2:duuduuuudduddud M:2/4   K:D            H:LRZ    T:Ballybunnion Polka, The
ABC      4 C1:712711116151026 C2:duuduuuudduddud M:2/4   K:D            H:LRZ    T:Ballybunnion Polka, The
ABC      4 C1:712711116151026 C2:duuduuuudduddud M:2/4   K:D            H:LRZ    T:Ballybunnion Polka, The
ABC      4 C1:712711116151026 C2:duuduuuudduddud M:2/4   K:D            H:LRZ    T:Ballybunnion Polka, The
ABC    379 C1:712711116151026 C2:duuduuuudduddud M:2/4   K:D            H:LOR    T:Ballybunnion Polka, The
ABC    823 C1:712711116151026 C2:duuduuuudduddud M:2/4   K:D            H:LOR    T:Ballybunnion Polka, The
ABC   1993 C1:712711116151026 C2:duuduuuudduddud M:2/4   K:D            H:LOR    T:Ballybunnion Polka, The
ABC    379 C1:712711116151026 C2:duuduuuudduddud M:2/4   K:D            H:LOR    T:Ballybunnion Polka, The
ABC    823 C1:712711116151026 C2:duuduuuudduddud M:2/4   K:D            H:LOR    T:Ballybunnion Polka, The
ABC   1993 C1:712711116151026 C2:duuduuuudduddud M:2/4   K:D            H:LOR    T:Ballybunnion Polka, The
ABC    533 C1:712771271111255 C2:duudduuduuuuuud M:2/4   K:D            H:"DLRSZ T:The Ballybunnion Polka
ABC   2233 C1:712711116151026 C2:duuduuuudduddud M:2/4   K:D            H:LRZ    T:Ballybunnion Polka, The
ABC   2233 C1:712711116151026 C2:duuduuuudduddud M:2/4   K:D            H:LRZ    T:Ballybunnion Polka, The
ABC   2233 C1:712711116151026 C2:duuduuuudduddud M:2/4   K:D            H:LRZ    T:Ballybunnion Polka, The
ABC   1861 C1:712711116151026 C2:duuduuuudduddud M:2/4   K:D            H:LRZ    T:Ballybunnion Polka, The
ABC   1861 C1:712711116151026 C2:duuduuuudduddud M:2/4   K:D            H:LRZ    T:Ballybunnion Polka, The
ABC   1861 C1:712711116151026 C2:duuduuuudduddud M:2/4   K:D            H:LRZ    T:Ballybunnion Polka, The
ABC   1861 C1:712711116151026 C2:duuduuuudduddud M:2/4   K:D            H:LRZ    T:Ballybunnion Polka, The
ABC   1861 C1:712711116151026 C2:duuduuuudduddud M:2/4   K:D            H:LRZ    T:Ballybunnion Polka, The
ABC      4 C1:712711116151026 C2:duuduuuudduddud M:2/4   K:D            H:LRZ    T:Ballybunnion Polka, The
ABC      4 C1:712711116151026 C2:duuduuuudduddud M:2/4   K:D            H:LRZ    T:Ballybunnion Polka, The
ABC      1 C1:217625012176235 C2:uudduduuudduudd M:      K:Dmaj         H:LR     T:The Ballycarbery
ABC      1 C1:677173677246677 C2:dddududddududdd M:      K:Fmaj         H:LR     T:The Ballycarroll
ABC      2 C1:677170367711466 C2:dddududdduududd M:      K:Fmaj         H:LR     T:The Ballycarroll
ABC      1 C1:677170367711466 C2:dddududdduududd M:6/8   K:Fmaj         H:R      T:The Ballycarroll
ABC  41014 C1:677021677067677 C2:ddduuddddudddud M:6/8   K:G            H:CDLQR  T:BALLYCARROLL JIG, The
ABC  41014 C1:677021677067677 C2:ddduuddddudddud M:6/8   K:G            H:CDLQR  T:BALLYCARROLL JIG, The
ABC  41014 C1:677021677067677 C2:ddduuddddudddud M:6/8   K:G            H:CDLQR  T:BALLYCARROLL JIG, The
ABC   1470 C1:677246677243237 C2:dddududdduduuud M:6/8   K:F            H:CDLRZ  T:Ballycarroll Jig, The
ABC    294 C1:677246677243237 C2:dddududdduduuud M:6/8   K:F            H:CDLRZ  T:Ballycarroll Jig, The
ABC  37011 C1:772776713071037 C2:ddudddduuduuddd M:4/4   K:A            H:BCLQR  T:BALLYCASTLE PRIDE* (reel), The
ABC  37011 C1:772776713071037 C2:ddudddduuduuddd M:4/4   K:A            H:BCLQR  T:BALLYCASTLE PRIDE* (reel), The
ABC  37011 C1:772776713071037 C2:ddudddduuduuddd M:4/4   K:A            H:BCLQR  T:BALLYCASTLE PRIDE* (reel), The
ABC  37011 C1:772776713071037 C2:ddudddduuduuddd M:4/4   K:A            H:BCLQR  T:BALLYCASTLE PRIDE* (reel), The
ABC  66001 C1:561670111027624 C2:ddudduuuudduduu M:6/8   K:A            H:CDLQR  T:BALLYCOTTON JIG, The
ABC  66001 C1:561670111027624 C2:ddudduuuudduduu M:6/8   K:A            H:CDLQR  T:BALLYCOTTON JIG, The
ABC  66001 C1:561670111027624 C2:ddudduuuudduduu M:6/8   K:A            H:CDLQR  T:BALLYCOTTON JIG, The
ABC      1 C1:217311007242767 C2:uuuduuuduududdd M:2/4   K:Dmaj         H:LR     T:Ballydehob, The
ABC      1 C1:217311007242767 C2:uuuduuuduududdd M:2/4   K:Dmaj         H:LR     T:Ballydehob, The
ABC    600 C1:070707112173067 C2:ddduuuududduudu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:LQR    T:Ballydesmond #1
ABC    235 C1:116300713076717 C2:uududuudddudduu M:2/4   K:Dmix         H:LQRSZ  T:Ballydesmond #1
ABC    235 C1:116300713076717 C2:uududuudddudduu M:2/4   K:Dmix         H:LQRSZ  T:Ballydesmond #1
ABC    460 C1:116300713076717 C2:uududuudddudduu M:2/4   K:Dmix         H:LQRSZ  T:Ballydesmond #1
ABC      1 C1:301111037117600 C2:uuuuudduudduddu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:LR     T:The Ballydesmond #1
ABC    410 C1:177611631771307 C2:uddduuduudduudd M:2/4   K:Dmix         H:"HLRZ  T:Ballydesmond 1, The
ABC     32 C1:110371176073711 C2:uudduuddduduudd M:2/4   K:clef=none    H:IL     T:Ballydesmond #1 (Ador) - #2 (Ador) - #3 (Gmaj) - #4 (Ador)
ABC    312 C1:110371176071301 C2:uudduuddduuuuuu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:LQR    T:Ballydesmond #1 (Ador)
ABC    321 C1:110371176071301 C2:uudduuddduuuuuu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:LQR    T:Ballydesmond #1 (Ador)
ABC    321 C1:110371176071301 C2:uudduuddduuuuuu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:LQR    T:Ballydesmond #1 (Ador)
ABC    321 C1:110371176073711 C2:uudduuddduduudd M:2/4   K:clef=none    H:ILR    T:Ballydesmond #1 (Ador)
ABC    270 C1:110371176071301 C2:uudduuddduuuuuu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:LQR    T:Ballydesmond #2
ABC    240 C1:022100176071301 C2:uuududdduuduuuu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:LQRSZ  T:Ballydesmond #2
ABC    240 C1:022100176071301 C2:uuududdduuduuuu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:LQRSZ  T:Ballydesmond #2
ABC    465 C1:022100176071301 C2:uuududdduuduuuu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:LQRSZ  T:Ballydesmond #2
ABC      4 C1:110707071121730 C2:uuddduuuududduu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:"LRW   T:Ballydesmond #2
ABC      4 C1:110707071121730 C2:uuddduuuududduu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:"LRW   T:Ballydesmond #2
ABC      1 C1:301111030017607 C2:uuuuududdduuuuu M:2/4   K:Gmaj         H:LQR    T:Ballydesmond #2
ABC      2 C1:110707071121730 C2:uuddduuuududduu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:LR     T:The Ballydesmond #2
ABC    390 C1:301111217117607 C2:uuuuuudduuddduu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:"HLRZ  T:Ballydesmond 2, The
ABC    127 C1:071121730671376 C2:duuuududduudddd M:2/4   K:Ador         H:LQR    T:Ballydesmond #2 (Ador)
ABC    127 C1:071121730671376 C2:duuuududduudddd M:2/4   K:Ador         H:LQR    T:Ballydesmond #2 (Ador)
ABC    127 C1:071121730671307 C2:duuuududduudddu M:2/4   K:clef=none    H:ILR    T:Ballydesmond #2 (Ador)
ABC    405 C1:777140111677112 C2:ddduduuudddduuu M:2/4   K:G            H:LQR    T:Ballydesmond #3
ABC    245 C1:071616112173071 C2:duddudduuuududu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:LQRSZ  T:Ballydesmond #3
ABC    245 C1:071616112173071 C2:duddudduuuududu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:LQRSZ  T:Ballydesmond #3
ABC    470 C1:071616112173071 C2:duddudduuuududu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:LQRSZ  T:Ballydesmond #3
ABC      1 C1:777140111677112 C2:ddduduuudddduuu M:2/4   K:G            H:LQRw   T:Ballydesmond #3
ABC      4 C1:110707071121730 C2:uuddduuuududduu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:"LRW   T:Ballydesmond (3)
ABC      5 C1:777140111677112 C2:ddduduuudddduuu M:2/4   K:Gmaj         H:LRW    T:Ballydesmond 3
ABC      4 C1:110707071121730 C2:uuddduuuududduu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:"LRW   T:Ballydesmond (3)
ABC      5 C1:777140111677112 C2:ddduduuudddduuu M:2/4   K:Gmaj         H:LRW    T:Ballydesmond 3
ABC    391 C1:070716112173005 C2:ddudduuuududuud M:2/4   K:Ador         H:"HLRZ  T:Ballydesmond 3, The
ABC    313 C1:777140111677112 C2:ddduduuudddduuu M:2/4   K:Gmaj         H:LQR    T:Ballydesmond #3 (Gmaj)
ABC    322 C1:777140111677112 C2:ddduduuudddduuu M:2/4   K:Gmaj         H:LQR    T:Ballydesmond #3 (Gmaj)
ABC    322 C1:777140111677112 C2:ddduduuudddduuu M:2/4   K:Gmaj         H:LQR    T:Ballydesmond #3 (Gmaj)
ABC    322 C1:777140111677535 C2:ddduduuudddudud M:2/4   K:clef=none    H:ILR    T:Ballydesmond #3 (Gmaj)
ABC    314 C1:116317713076177 C2:uuduudduudduddd M:2/4   K:Ador         H:LQR    T:Ballydesmond #4 (Ador)
ABC    323 C1:116317713076177 C2:uuduudduudduddd M:2/4   K:Ador         H:LQR    T:Ballydesmond #4 (Ador)
ABC    323 C1:116317713076177 C2:uuduudduudduddd M:2/4   K:Ador         H:LQR    T:Ballydesmond #4 (Ador)
ABC    323 C1:116317713072771 C2:uuduudduududduu M:2/4   K:clef=none    H:ILR    T:Ballydesmond #4 (Ador)
ABC      1 C1:110300176071301 C2:uudduuddduuuuuu M:2/4   K:A            H:L      T:Ballydesmond
ABC   6343 C1:110300176071301 C2:uudduuddduuuuuu M:2/4   K:A            H:L      T:Ballydesmond
ABC      1 C1:160221730051376 C2:udduuuuududuudd M:2/4   K:A            H:L      T:Ballydesmond
ABC   6344 C1:160221730051376 C2:udduuuuududuudd M:2/4   K:A            H:L      T:Ballydesmond
ABC     13 C1:161121730671376 C2:udduuuududduudd M:2/4   K:ADor         H:L      T:The Ballydesmond
ABC      1 C1:070716112173067 C2:ddudduuuududduu M:2/4   K:D            H:LR     T:Ballydesmond
ABC      2 C1:017700111101070 C2:udduuuuududuudd M:2/4   K:A            H:L      T:Ballydesmond
ABC      1 C1:017700110201070 C2:udduuuududduudd M:C|    K:ADor         H:"CRZ   T:Ballydesmond, The
ABC      1 C1:017700110201070 C2:udduuuududduudd M:C|    K:ADor         H:"CRZ   T:Ballydesmond, The
ABC      1 C1:017700110201070 C2:udduuuududduudd M:C|    K:ADor         H:"CRZ   T:Ballydesmond, The
ABC      1 C1:017700110201070 C2:udduuuududduudd M:C|    K:ADor         H:"CRZ   T:Ballydesmond, The
ABC      1 C1:017700110201070 C2:udduuuududduudd M:C|    K:ADor         H:"CRZ   T:Ballydesmond, The
ABC      1 C1:017700110201070 C2:udduuuududduudd M:C|    K:ADor         H:"CRZ   T:Ballydesmond, The
ABC      1 C1:017700110201070 C2:udduuuududduudd M:C|    K:ADor         H:"CRZ   T:Ballydesmond, The
ABC      1 C1:017700110201070 C2:udduuuududduudd M:C|    K:ADor         H:"CRZ   T:Ballydesmond, The
ABC      1 C1:017700110201070 C2:udduuuududduudd M:C|    K:ADor         H:"CRZ   T:Ballydesmond, The
ABC      1 C1:017700110201070 C2:udduuuududduudd M:C|    K:ADor         H:"CRZ   T:Ballydesmond, The
ABC      1 C1:017700110201070 C2:udduuuududduudd M:C|    K:ADor         H:"CRZ   T:Ballydesmond, The
ABC      1 C1:017700110201070 C2:udduuuududduudd M:C|    K:ADor         H:"CRZ   T:Ballydesmond, The
ABC     65 C1:161121730671376 C2:udduuuududduudd M:2/4   K:ADor         H:L      T:The Ballydesmond
ABC     13 C1:161121730671376 C2:udduuuududduudd M:2/4   K:ADor         H:L      T:The Ballydesmond
ABC     10 C1:110371176071301 C2:uudduuddduuuuuu M:2/4   K:A            H:LZ     T:Ballydesmond
ABC     15 C1:161121730051376 C2:udduuuuududuudd M:2/4   K:A            H:LZ     T:Ballydesmond
ABC     20 C1:116317713005177 C2:uuduudduuudddud M:2/4   K:D            H:LZ     T:Ballydesmond
ABC      4 C1:070716112173067 C2:ddudduuuududduu M:2/4   K:D            H:LR     T:Ballydesmond
ABC    222 C1:017700110201070 C2:udduuuududduudd M:C|    K:ADor         H:"CRZ   T:Ballydesmond, The
ABC    222 C1:017700110201070 C2:udduuuududduudd M:C|    K:ADor         H:"CRZ   T:Ballydesmond, The
ABC      2 C1:301111037117777 C2:uuuuudduudddduu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:L      T:The Ballydesmond
ABC      2 C1:177611631771300 C2:uddduuduudduuud M:2/4   K:Ador         H:L      T:The Ballydesmond
ABC      3 C1:110707071121730 C2:uuddduuuududduu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:L      T:The Ballydesmond
ABC      1 C1:320711776171230 C2:uuduuddduduuduu M:      K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:The Ballydesmond
ABC      2 C1:010711776102030 C2:uduuddduuduuuuu M:      K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:The Ballydesmond
ABC      3 C1:320277761020301 C2:uuudddduuduuudu M:      K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:The Ballydesmond
ABC      4 C1:071177610203011 C2:duuddduuduuuuuu M:      K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:The Ballydesmond
ABC      5 C1:002777610203011 C2:udddduuduuuduuu M:      K:Gmaj         H:"LRV   T:The Ballydesmond
ABC      6 C1:320027776102030 C2:uuudddduuduuudu M:      K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:The Ballydesmond
ABC      7 C1:320027776102030 C2:uuudddduuduuudu M:      K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:The Ballydesmond
ABC      8 C1:320027776102030 C2:uuudddduuduuudu M:      K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:The Ballydesmond
ABC      3 C1:301111037117777 C2:uuuuudduudddduu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:"LRW   T:Ballydesmond, The
ABC      4 C1:110707071121730 C2:uuddduuuududduu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:"LRW   T:Ballydesmond, The
ABC      5 C1:777140111677112 C2:ddduduuudddduuu M:2/4   K:Gmaj         H:LRW    T:Ballydesmond, The
ABC      3 C1:301111037117777 C2:uuuuudduudddduu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:"LRW   T:Ballydesmond, The
ABC      4 C1:110707071121730 C2:uuddduuuududduu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:"LRW   T:Ballydesmond, The
ABC      5 C1:777140111677112 C2:ddduduuudddduuu M:2/4   K:Gmaj         H:LRW    T:Ballydesmond, The
ABC      1 C1:177611631771300 C2:uddduuduudduuud M:      K:Ador         H:LR     T:The Ballydesmond
ABC      2 C1:306171561127007 C2:udududduuuudduu M:      K:Dmix         H:LR     T:The Ballydesmond
ABC      3 C1:177130760230117 C2:udduudduuduuduu M:      K:Dmix         H:LR     T:The Ballydesmond
ABC      4 C1:116317713005177 C2:uuduudduuudddud M:      K:Dmix         H:LR     T:The Ballydesmond
ABC      5 C1:177611631771307 C2:uddduuduudduudd M:      K:Ador         H:LR     T:The Ballydesmond
ABC      6 C1:177611631771300 C2:uddduuduudduuud M:      K:Dmix         H:LR     T:The Ballydesmond
ABC      7 C1:177611631771300 C2:uddduuduudduuud M:      K:Dmix         H:LR     T:The Ballydesmond
ABC      8 C1:177611631771300 C2:uddduuduudduuud M:      K:Dmix         H:LR     T:The Ballydesmond
ABC      9 C1:177611631771300 C2:uddduuduudduuud M:      K:Ador         H:"LR    T:The Ballydesmond
ABC     10 C1:177611631771300 C2:uddduuduudduuud M:      K:Ador         H:LR     T:The Ballydesmond
ABC     11 C1:177611631771307 C2:uddduuduudduudd M:      K:Ador         H:LR     T:The Ballydesmond
ABC     12 C1:177611631771300 C2:uddduuduudduuud M:      K:Ador         H:LR     T:The Ballydesmond
ABC      1 C1:177611631771307 C2:uddduuduudduudd M:2/4   K:Ador         H:LR     T:Ballydesmond, The
ABC      1 C1:177611631771300 C2:uddduuduudduuud M:2/4   K:DMix         H:LR     T:Ballydesmond, The
ABC      1 C1:110707071121730 C2:uuddduuuududduu M:      K:Ador         H:LR     T:The Ballydesmond
ABC      2 C1:161121730501376 C2:udduuuududuuddd M:      K:Ador         H:"LR    T:The Ballydesmond
ABC      3 C1:071616112173005 C2:duddudduuuududu M:      K:Ador         H:LR     T:The Ballydesmond
ABC      4 C1:110707071121730 C2:uuddduuuuududdu M:      K:Ador         H:LR     T:The Ballydesmond
ABC      5 C1:116161611211115 C2:uudduddudduuuuu M:      K:Ador         H:LR     T:The Ballydesmond
ABC      6 C1:110707071121730 C2:uuddduuuuududdu M:      K:Edor         H:LR     T:The Ballydesmond
ABC      7 C1:161616112173005 C2:udduddudduuuuud M:      K:Ador         H:LR     T:The Ballydesmond
ABC      8 C1:107070711217306 C2:uddduuuududduud M:      K:Ador         H:LR     T:The Ballydesmond
ABC      9 C1:110707071121730 C2:uuddduuuuududdu M:      K:Ador         H:LR     T:The Ballydesmond
ABC     10 C1:216161611217306 C2:uuudduddudduuuu M:      K:Ador         H:LR     T:The Ballydesmond
ABC     11 C1:071121730051376 C2:duuuududuuddddd M:      K:Ddor         H:LR     T:The Ballydesmond
ABC     12 C1:071121730051376 C2:duuuududuuddddd M:      K:Cmaj         H:"LR    T:The Ballydesmond
ABC     13 C1:111616161121730 C2:uuudduddudduuuu M:      K:Ador         H:"LR    T:The Ballydesmond
ABC     14 C1:110716161121110 C2:uududdudduuuuuu M:      K:Ador         H:LR     T:The Ballydesmond
ABC     15 C1:070707112173007 C2:ddduuuududdudud M:      K:Ador         H:"LR    T:The Ballydesmond
ABC      1 C1:301111037117777 C2:uuuuudduudddduu M:      K:Ador         H:LR     T:The Ballydesmond
ABC      2 C1:301111037117607 C2:uuuuudduuddduuu M:      K:Ador         H:"LR    T:The Ballydesmond
ABC      3 C1:530111103001760 C2:dduuuuududduudd M:      K:Ador         H:LR     T:The Ballydesmond
ABC      4 C1:301111037117607 C2:uuuuudduuddduuu M:      K:Ador         H:LR     T:The Ballydesmond
ABC      5 C1:301111037117607 C2:uuuuudduuddduuu M:      K:Ador         H:LR     T:The Ballydesmond
ABC      6 C1:301111037117607 C2:uuuuudduuddduuu M:      K:Ador         H:LR     T:The Ballydesmond
ABC      7 C1:110300176071301 C2:uudduuddduuuuuu M:      K:Ador         H:LR     T:The Ballydesmond
ABC      8 C1:301111210017616 C2:uuuuuuududduddu M:      K:Ador         H:LR     T:The Ballydesmond
ABC      9 C1:301111217117616 C2:uuuuuuudduuddud M:      K:Ador         H:LR     T:The Ballydesmond
ABC     10 C1:301111217117607 C2:uuuuuudduuddduu M:      K:Ador         H:LR     T:The Ballydesmond
ABC     11 C1:301111210017607 C2:uuuuuudduuddduu M:      K:Ador         H:LR     T:The Ballydesmond
ABC     12 C1:301111030017607 C2:uuuuududdduuuuu M:      K:Ador         H:LR     T:The Ballydesmond
ABC     13 C1:301111037117607 C2:uuuuudduuddduuu M:      K:Ador         H:LR     T:The Ballydesmond
ABC     14 C1:301111037117607 C2:uuuuudduuddduuu M:      K:Ador         H:LR     T:The Ballydesmond
ABC     15 C1:301111037117607 C2:uuuuudduuddduuu M:      K:Ador         H:"LR    T:The Ballydesmond
ABC     16 C1:301111210017607 C2:uuuuuududdduuuu M:      K:Ador         H:"LR    T:The Ballydesmond
ABC      2 C1:203416016172217 C2:uduuddudduduuud M:2/4   K:Ador         H:LR     T:Ballydesmond, The
ABC      1 C1:777140111677022 C2:ddduduuudddduuu M:      K:Dmaj         H:LR     T:The Ballydesmond
ABC      2 C1:777140111677112 C2:ddduduuudddduuu M:      K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:The Ballydesmond
ABC      3 C1:112377714011167 C2:uuuuddduduuuddd M:      K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:The Ballydesmond
ABC      4 C1:112377714011167 C2:uuuuuddduduuudd M:      K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:The Ballydesmond
ABC      5 C1:112377714011167 C2:uuuuddduduuuddd M:      K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:The Ballydesmond
ABC      6 C1:777140111677022 C2:ddduduuudddduuu M:      K:Gmaj         H:"LR    T:The Ballydesmond
ABC      7 C1:116777714011077 C2:uududdduduudddu M:      K:Dmaj         H:LR     T:The Ballydesmond
ABC      8 C1:777140111677022 C2:ddduduuudddduuu M:      K:Dmaj         H:LR     T:The Ballydesmond
ABC      9 C1:112377714011167 C2:uuuuddduduuuddd M:      K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:The Ballydesmond
ABC     10 C1:112377714011167 C2:uuuuddduduuuddd M:      K:Gmaj         H:"LR    T:The Ballydesmond
ABC     11 C1:112377714011077 C2:uuuuddduduudddu M:      K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:The Ballydesmond
ABC     26 C1:070716112173067 C2:ddudduuuududduu M:2/4   K:D            H:LR     T:Ballydesmond
ABC   1080 C1:110300176071301 C2:uudduuddduuuuuu M:2/4   K:A            H:L      T:Ballydesmond
ABC   1081 C1:160221730051376 C2:udduuuuududuudd M:2/4   K:A            H:L      T:Ballydesmond
ABC   1082 C1:070716112173067 C2:ddudduuuududduu M:2/4   K:D            H:LR     T:Ballydesmond
ABC   1083 C1:160221730051376 C2:udduuuuududuudd M:2/4   K:A            H:LZ     T:Ballydesmond
ABC   1084 C1:116300713005007 C2:uuduudduuudddud M:2/4   K:D            H:LZ     T:Ballydesmond
ABC   1085 C1:110300176071301 C2:uudduuddduuuuuu M:2/4   K:A            H:LZ     T:Ballydesmond
ABC    225 C1:017700110201070 C2:udduuuududduudd M:C|    K:ADor         H:"CRZ   T:Ballydesmond, The
ABC   6343 C1:110300176071301 C2:uudduuddduuuuuu M:2/4   K:A            H:L      T:Ballydesmond
ABC   6344 C1:160221730051376 C2:udduuuuududuudd M:2/4   K:A            H:L      T:Ballydesmond
ABC   6343 C1:110300176071301 C2:uudduuddduuuuuu M:2/4   K:A            H:L      T:Ballydesmond
ABC   6344 C1:160221730051376 C2:udduuuuududuudd M:2/4   K:A            H:L      T:Ballydesmond
ABC    384 C1:110300176071301 C2:uudduuddduuuuuu M:2/4   K:A            H:LO     T:Ballydesmond
ABC    384 C1:110300176071301 C2:uudduuddduuuuuu M:2/4   K:A            H:LO     T:Ballydesmond
ABC   1080 C1:110300176071301 C2:uudduuddduuuuuu M:2/4   K:A            H:L      T:Ballydesmond
ABC   1081 C1:160221730051376 C2:udduuuuududuudd M:2/4   K:A            H:L      T:Ballydesmond
ABC   1082 C1:070716112173067 C2:ddudduuuududduu M:2/4   K:D            H:LR     T:Ballydesmond
ABC   1083 C1:160221730051376 C2:udduuuuududuudd M:2/4   K:A            H:LZ     T:Ballydesmond
ABC   1084 C1:116300713005007 C2:uuduudduuudddud M:2/4   K:D            H:LZ     T:Ballydesmond
ABC   1085 C1:110300176071301 C2:uudduuddduuuuuu M:2/4   K:A            H:LZ     T:Ballydesmond
ABC   1080 C1:110300176071301 C2:uudduuddduuuuuu M:2/4   K:A            H:L      T:Ballydesmond
ABC   1081 C1:160221730051376 C2:udduuuuududuudd M:2/4   K:A            H:L      T:Ballydesmond
ABC   1082 C1:070716112173067 C2:ddudduuuududduu M:2/4   K:D            H:LR     T:Ballydesmond
ABC   1083 C1:160221730051376 C2:udduuuuududuudd M:2/4   K:A            H:LZ     T:Ballydesmond
ABC   1084 C1:116300713005007 C2:uuduudduuudddud M:2/4   K:D            H:LZ     T:Ballydesmond
ABC   1085 C1:110300176071301 C2:uudduuddduuuuuu M:2/4   K:A            H:LZ     T:Ballydesmond
ABC   1080 C1:110300176071301 C2:uudduuddduuuuuu M:2/4   K:A            H:L      T:Ballydesmond
ABC   1081 C1:160221730051376 C2:udduuuuududuudd M:2/4   K:A            H:L      T:Ballydesmond
ABC   1082 C1:070716112173067 C2:ddudduuuududduu M:2/4   K:D            H:LR     T:Ballydesmond
ABC   1083 C1:160221730051376 C2:udduuuuududuudd M:2/4   K:A            H:LZ     T:Ballydesmond
ABC   1084 C1:116300713005007 C2:uuduudduuudddud M:2/4   K:D            H:LZ     T:Ballydesmond
ABC   1085 C1:110300176071301 C2:uudduuddduuuuuu M:2/4   K:A            H:LZ     T:Ballydesmond
ABC    885 C1:160221730051376 C2:udduuuuududuudd M:2/4   K:A            H:L      T:Ballydesmond
ABC    883 C1:070716112173067 C2:ddudduuuududduu M:2/4   K:D            H:LR     T:Ballydesmond
ABC    884 C1:110300176071301 C2:uudduuddduuuuuu M:2/4   K:A            H:L      T:Ballydesmond
ABC    883 C1:070716112173067 C2:ddudduuuududduu M:2/4   K:D            H:LR     T:Ballydesmond
ABC    884 C1:110300176071301 C2:uudduuddduuuuuu M:2/4   K:A            H:L      T:Ballydesmond
ABC    885 C1:160221730051376 C2:udduuuuududuudd M:2/4   K:A            H:L      T:Ballydesmond
ABC    883 C1:070716112173067 C2:ddudduuuududduu M:2/4   K:D            H:LR     T:Ballydesmond
ABC    884 C1:110300176071301 C2:uudduuddduuuuuu M:2/4   K:A            H:L      T:Ballydesmond
ABC    885 C1:160221730051376 C2:udduuuuududuudd M:2/4   K:A            H:L      T:Ballydesmond
ABC    883 C1:070716112173067 C2:ddudduuuududduu M:2/4   K:D            H:LR     T:Ballydesmond
ABC    884 C1:110300176071301 C2:uudduuddduuuuuu M:2/4   K:A            H:L      T:Ballydesmond
ABC    885 C1:160221730051376 C2:udduuuuududuudd M:2/4   K:A            H:L      T:Ballydesmond
ABC    883 C1:070716112173067 C2:ddudduuuududduu M:2/4   K:D            H:LR     T:Ballydesmond
ABC    884 C1:110300176071301 C2:uudduuddduuuuuu M:2/4   K:A            H:L      T:Ballydesmond
ABC    885 C1:160221730051376 C2:udduuuuududuudd M:2/4   K:A            H:L      T:Ballydesmond
ABC     26 C1:071121730671307 C2:duuuududduudddu M:2/4   K:clef=none    H:IL     T:Ballydesmond (Ador) - Britches Full Of Stitches (Amix) - Padraig O'Keefe's (Gmaj)
ABC      1 C1:070277610023001 C2:duuddduduuduuuu M:4/4   K:G            H:"L     T:Ballydesmond March
ABC      1 C1:010711776102030 C2:uduuddduuduuuuu M:4/4   K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:Ballydesmond March, The
ABC      2 C1:110371176071301 C2:uudduuddduuuuuu M:2/4   K:A            H:LZ     T:Ballydesmond No. 1
ABC      1 C1:110707071       C2:uudddu          M:2/4   K:Ador         H:"LR    T:The Ballydesmond No. 1
ABC     16 C1:107070711217306 C2:uddduuuududduud M:2/4   K:G            H:"CLQRS T:Ballydesmond No. 1
ABC      1 C1:110707071       C2:uudddu          M:2/4   K:Ador         H:"LR    T:The Ballydesmond No. 1
ABC      1 C1:110707071       C2:uudddu          M:2/4   K:Ador         H:"LR    T:The Ballydesmond No. 1
ABC      1 C1:110707071121730 C2:uuddduuuududduu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:"LR    T:The Ballydesmond No. 1
ABC      1 C1:110707071121730 C2:uuddduuuududduu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:"LR    T:The Ballydesmond No. 1
ABC      4 C1:110707071121730 C2:uuddduuuududduu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:"LRW   T:Ballydesmond No. 1, The
ABC      4 C1:110707071121730 C2:uuddduuuududduu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:"LRW   T:Ballydesmond No. 1, The
ABC      1 C1:110707071121730 C2:uuddduuuududduu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:"LR    T:The Ballydesmond No. 1
ABC      1 C1:110707071121730 C2:uuddduuuududduu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:"LR    T:The Ballydesmond No. 1
ABC      3 C1:161121730051376 C2:udduuuuududuudd M:2/4   K:A            H:LZ     T:Ballydesmond No. 2
ABC      2 C1:3011110         C2:uuuuu           M:2/4   K:Ador         H:"LR    T:The Ballydesmond No. 2
ABC     17 C1:301111037117607 C2:uuuuudduuddduuu M:2/4   K:G            H:CLQRS  T:Ballydesmond No. 2
ABC      2 C1:3011110         C2:uuuuu           M:2/4   K:Ador         H:"LR    T:The Ballydesmond No. 2
ABC      2 C1:3011110         C2:uuuuu           M:2/4   K:Ador         H:"LR    T:The Ballydesmond No. 2
ABC      2 C1:301111037117607 C2:uuuuudduuddduuu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:"LR    T:The Ballydesmond No. 2
ABC      2 C1:301111037117607 C2:uuuuudduuddduuu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:"LR    T:The Ballydesmond No. 2
ABC      3 C1:301111037117777 C2:uuuuudduudddduu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:"LRW   T:Ballydesmond No. 2, The
ABC      3 C1:301111037117777 C2:uuuuudduudddduu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:"LRW   T:Ballydesmond No. 2, The
ABC      2 C1:301111037117607 C2:uuuuudduuddduuu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:"LR    T:The Ballydesmond No. 2
ABC      2 C1:301111037117607 C2:uuuuudduuddduuu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:"LR    T:The Ballydesmond No. 2
ABC      4 C1:116317713005177 C2:uuduudduuudddud M:2/4   K:D            H:LZ     T:Ballydesmond No. 3
ABC      3 C1:0223777         C2:uuuuddd         M:4/4   K:Gmaj         H:"LR    T:The Ballydesmond No. 3
ABC      3 C1:022377714011167 C2:uuuuddduduuuddd M:4/4   K:Gmaj         H:"LR    T:The Ballydesmond No. 3
ABC      3 C1:0223777         C2:uuuuddd         M:4/4   K:Gmaj         H:"LR    T:The Ballydesmond No. 3
ABC      3 C1:0223777         C2:uuuuddd         M:4/4   K:Gmaj         H:"LR    T:The Ballydesmond No. 3
ABC      3 C1:022377714011167 C2:uuuuddduduuuddd M:4/4   K:Gmaj         H:"LR    T:The Ballydesmond No. 3
ABC      3 C1:022377714011167 C2:uuuuddduduuuddd M:4/4   K:Gmaj         H:"LR    T:The Ballydesmond No. 3
ABC      3 C1:022377714011167 C2:uuuuddduduuuddd M:4/4   K:Gmaj         H:"LR    T:The Ballydesmond No. 3
ABC      3 C1:022377714011167 C2:uuuuddduduuuddd M:4/4   K:Gmaj         H:"LR    T:The Ballydesmond No. 3
ABC 251003 C1:070707112173067 C2:ddduuuududduudu M:2/4   K:Am           H:BCLQR  T:BALLYDESMOND POLKA #1
ABC      1 C1:070707112173005 C2:ddduuuududuudud M:2/4   K:ADor         H:CLQR   T:The Ballydesmond Polka #1
ABC    333 C1:301111037117670 C2:uuuuudduuddduuu M:2/4   K:Em           H:FLORS  T:Ballydesmond polka 1
ABC  31005 C1:007611630071307 C2:dduududuudddudd M:2/4   K:D            H:BCLQR  T:BALLYDESMOND POLKA (1)
ABC   2001 C1:010102010000001 C2:uuududdduuuuuuu M:2/2   K:G            H:"CLOQR T:Ballydesmond Polka 1
ABC      2 C1:001707060101060 C2:uddduuduudduuud M:2/4   K:G            H:RZ     T:Ballydesmond Polka \#1, The
ABC     41 C1:007611630071300 C2:uddduuduudduuud M:2/4   K:G            H:L      T:The BallyDesmond Polka #1
ABC     41 C1:007611630071300 C2:uddduuduudduuud M:2/4   K:G            H:L      T:The BallyDesmond Polka #1
ABC    526 C1:112100176071301 C2:uuududdduuuuuuu M:2/4   K:G            H:"BLORSZ T:Ballydesmond polka 1
ABC    526 C1:112100176071301 C2:uuududdduuuuuuu M:2/4   K:G            H:"BLORSZ T:Ballydesmond polka 1
ABC    526 C1:112100176071301 C2:uuududdduuuuuuu M:2/4   K:G            H:"BLORSZ T:Ballydesmond polka 1
ABC    526 C1:112100176071301 C2:uuududdduuuuuuu M:2/4   K:G            H:"BLORSZ T:Ballydesmond polka 1
ABC     56 C1:010106030017070 C2:uuduudduuudddud M:2/4   K:G            H:ERZ    T:Ballydesmond Polka \#1, The
ABC      1 C1:010106030017070 C2:uuduudduuudddud M:2/4   K:G            H:ERZ    T:Ballydesmond Polka \#1, The
ABC     56 C1:010106030017070 C2:uuduudduuudddud M:2/4   K:G            H:ELRZ   T:Ballydesmond Polka \#1, The
ABC    210 C1:010106030017070 C2:uuduudduuudddud M:2/4   K:Dmix         H:"ERZ   T:Ballydesmond Polka \#1, The
ABC    210 C1:010106030017070 C2:uuduudduuudddud M:2/4   K:Dmix         H:"ERZ   T:Ballydesmond Polka \#1, The
ABC     41 C1:007611630071300 C2:uddduuduudduuud M:2/4   K:G            H:L      T:The BallyDesmond Polka #1
ABC     15 C1:116300713005007 C2:uuduudduuudddud M:C|    K:G            H:DLRZ   T:Ballydesmond Polka 1
ABC     14 C1:001707060101060 C2:uddduuduudduuud M:2/4   K:G            H:ERSZ   T:Ballydesmond Polka \#1, The
ABC     56 C1:010106030017070 C2:uuduudduuudddud M:2/4   K:G            H:ERZ    T:Ballydesmond Polka \#1, The
ABC     56 C1:010106030017070 C2:uuduudduuudddud M:2/4   K:G            H:ERZ    T:Ballydesmond Polka \#1, The
ABC     56 C1:010106030017070 C2:uuduudduuudddud M:2/4   K:G            H:ERZ    T:Ballydesmond Polka \#1, The
ABC     56 C1:010106030017070 C2:uuduudduuudddud M:2/4   K:G            H:ERZ    T:Ballydesmond Polka \#1, The
ABC     56 C1:010106030017070 C2:uuduudduuudddud M:2/4   K:G            H:ERZ    T:Ballydesmond Polka \#1, The
ABC     56 C1:010106030017070 C2:uuduudduuudddud M:2/4   K:G            H:ERZ    T:Ballydesmond Polka \#1, The
ABC    280 C1:010106030017070 C2:uuduudduuudddud M:2/4   K:G            H:ERZ    T:Ballydesmond Polka \#1, The
ABC     56 C1:010106030017070 C2:uuduudduuudddud M:2/4   K:G            H:ELRZ   T:Ballydesmond Polka \#1, The
ABC     56 C1:010106030017070 C2:uuduudduuudddud M:2/4   K:G            H:ELRZ   T:Ballydesmond Polka \#1, The
ABC     56 C1:010106030017070 C2:uuduudduuudddud M:2/4   K:G            H:ERZ    T:Ballydesmond Polka \#1, The
ABC     56 C1:010106030017070 C2:uuduudduuudddud M:2/4   K:G            H:ERZ    T:Ballydesmond Polka \#1, The
ABC    210 C1:010106030017070 C2:uuduudduuudddud M:2/4   K:Dmix         H:"ERZ   T:Ballydesmond Polka \#1, The
ABC 251003 C1:070707112173067 C2:ddduuuududduudu M:2/4   K:Am           H:BCLQR  T:BALLYDESMOND POLKA #1
ABC 251003 C1:070707112173067 C2:ddduuuududduudu M:2/4   K:Am           H:BCLQR  T:BALLYDESMOND POLKA #1
ABC     11 C1:070707112173005 C2:ddduuuududuudud M:2/4   K:ADor         H:CLQR   T:Ballydesmond Polka #1
ABC  31005 C1:007611630071307 C2:dduududuudddudd M:2/4   K:D            H:BCLQR  T:BALLYDESMOND POLKA (1)
ABC  31005 C1:007611630071307 C2:dduududuudddudd M:2/4   K:D            H:BCLQR  T:BALLYDESMOND POLKA (1)
ABC     41 C1:007611630071300 C2:uddduuduudduuud M:2/4   K:G            H:L      T:The BallyDesmond Polka #1
ABC    690 C1:001707060101060 C2:uddduuduudduuud M:2/4   K:G            H:RZ     T:Ballydesmond Polka \#1, The
ABC     30 C1:010106030017070 C2:uuduudduuudddud M:2/4   K:G            H:ERZ    T:Ballydesmond Polka \#1, The
ABC     31 C1:001707060101060 C2:uddduuduudduuud M:2/4   K:G            H:ERSZ   T:Ballydesmond Polka \#1, The
ABC   1089 C1:001707060101060 C2:uddduuduudduuud M:2/4   K:G            H:ERSZ   T:Ballydesmond Polka \#1, The
ABC   1090 C1:010106030017070 C2:uuduudduuudddud M:2/4   K:G            H:ERZ    T:Ballydesmond Polka \#1, The
ABC     56 C1:010106030017070 C2:uuduudduuudddud M:2/4   K:G            H:ERZ    T:Ballydesmond Polka \#1, The
ABC     56 C1:010106030017070 C2:uuduudduuudddud M:2/4   K:G            H:ERZ    T:Ballydesmond Polka \#1, The
ABC     56 C1:010106030017070 C2:uuduudduuudddud M:2/4   K:G            H:ERZ    T:Ballydesmond Polka \#1, The
ABC     56 C1:010106030017070 C2:uuduudduuudddud M:2/4   K:G            H:ERZ    T:Ballydesmond Polka \#1, The
ABC     56 C1:010106030017070 C2:uuduudduuudddud M:2/4   K:G            H:ERZ    T:Ballydesmond Polka \#1, The
ABC     56 C1:010106030017070 C2:uuduudduuudddud M:2/4   K:G            H:ERZ    T:Ballydesmond Polka \#1, The
ABC    380 C1:010106030017070 C2:uuduudduuudddud M:2/4   K:G            H:EOR    T:Ballydesmond Polka \#1, The
ABC   6498 C1:070707112173005 C2:ddduuuududuudud M:2/4   K:ADor         H:CLOQR  T:The Ballydesmond Polka #1
ABC    380 C1:010106030017070 C2:uuduudduuudddud M:2/4   K:G            H:EOR    T:Ballydesmond Polka \#1, The
ABC   6498 C1:070707112173005 C2:ddduuuududuudud M:2/4   K:ADor         H:CLOQR  T:The Ballydesmond Polka #1
ABC   2001 C1:010102010000001 C2:uuududdduuuuuuu M:2/2   K:G            H:"CLOQRZ T:Ballydesmond Polka 1
ABC    526 C1:112100176071301 C2:uuududdduuuuuuu M:2/4   K:G            H:"BLORSZ T:Ballydesmond polka 1
ABC   1089 C1:001707060101060 C2:uddduuduudduuud M:2/4   K:G            H:ERSZ   T:Ballydesmond Polka \#1, The
ABC   1090 C1:010106030017070 C2:uuduudduuudddud M:2/4   K:G            H:ERZ    T:Ballydesmond Polka \#1, The
ABC   1089 C1:001707060101060 C2:uddduuduudduuud M:2/4   K:G            H:ERSZ   T:Ballydesmond Polka \#1, The
ABC   1090 C1:010106030017070 C2:uuduudduuudddud M:2/4   K:G            H:ERZ    T:Ballydesmond Polka \#1, The
ABC   1089 C1:001707060101060 C2:uddduuduudduuud M:2/4   K:G            H:ERSZ   T:Ballydesmond Polka \#1, The
ABC   1090 C1:010106030017070 C2:uuduudduuudddud M:2/4   K:G            H:ERZ    T:Ballydesmond Polka \#1, The
ABC    877 C1:010106030017070 C2:uuduudduuudddud M:2/4   K:G            H:ERZ    T:Ballydesmond Polka \#1, The
ABC  12795 C1:070707112173005 C2:ddduuuududuudud M:2/4   K:ADor         H:CLQR   T:The Ballydesmond Polka #1
ABC    877 C1:010106030017070 C2:uuduudduuudddud M:2/4   K:G            H:ERZ    T:Ballydesmond Polka \#1, The
ABC  12795 C1:070707112173005 C2:ddduuuududuudud M:2/4   K:ADor         H:CLQR   T:The Ballydesmond Polka #1
ABC    877 C1:010106030017070 C2:uuduudduuudddud M:2/4   K:G            H:ERZ    T:Ballydesmond Polka \#1, The
ABC  12795 C1:070707112173005 C2:ddduuuududuudud M:2/4   K:ADor         H:CLQR   T:The Ballydesmond Polka #1
ABC    877 C1:010106030017070 C2:uuduudduuudddud M:2/4   K:G            H:ERZ    T:Ballydesmond Polka \#1, The
ABC  12795 C1:070707112173005 C2:ddduuuududuudud M:2/4   K:ADor         H:CLQR   T:The Ballydesmond Polka #1
ABC    877 C1:010106030017070 C2:uuduudduuudddud M:2/4   K:G            H:ERZ    T:Ballydesmond Polka \#1, The
ABC  12795 C1:070707112173005 C2:ddduuuududuudud M:2/4   K:ADor         H:CLQR   T:The Ballydesmond Polka #1
ABC  16444 C1:070707112173005 C2:ddduuuududuudud M:2/4   K:ADor         H:CLQR   T:The Ballydesmond Polka #1
ABC  16444 C1:070707112173005 C2:ddduuuududuudud M:2/4   K:ADor         H:CLQR   T:The Ballydesmond Polka #1
ABC  16444 C1:070707112173005 C2:ddduuuududuudud M:2/4   K:ADor         H:CLQR   T:The Ballydesmond Polka #1
ABC  16444 C1:070707112173005 C2:ddduuuududuudud M:2/4   K:ADor         H:CLQR   T:The Ballydesmond Polka #1
ABC     56 C1:010106030017070 C2:uuduudduuudddud M:2/4   K:G            H:ERZ    T:Ballydesmond Polka \#1, The
ABC     56 C1:010106030017070 C2:uuduudduuudddud M:2/4   K:G            H:ERZ    T:Ballydesmond Polka \#1, The
ABC      1 C1:116317713005177 C2:uuduudduuudddud M:2/4   K:D            H:"CDLOQRSZ T:Ballydesmond Polka #1 (D mixolydian)
ABC      1 C1:110371176071301 C2:uudduuddduuuuuu M:2/4   K:A            H:CLQR   T:The Ballydesmond Polka #2
ABC 251004 C1:110371176071301 C2:uudduuddduuuuuu M:2/4   K:G            H:BCLQR  T:BALLYDESMOND POLKA #2
ABC  31006 C1:301111210017607 C2:uuuuuududdduudu M:2/4   K:G            H:BCLQR  T:BALLYDESMOND POLKA (2)
ABC     57 C1:010102010071010 C2:uuudduuddduuuuu M:2/4   K:G            H:ERZ    T:Ballydesmond Polka \#2, The
ABC      1 C1:010102010071010 C2:uuudduuddduuuuu M:2/4   K:G            H:ERZ    T:Ballydesmond Polka \#2, The
ABC    150 C1:010102010071010 C2:uuudduuddduuuuu M:2/4   K:G            H:ERZ    T:Ballydesmond Polka \#2, The
ABC     57 C1:010102010071010 C2:uuudduuddduuuuu M:2/4   K:G            H:ELRZ   T:Ballydesmond Polka \#2, The
ABC      3 C1:030001010101020 C2:uuuuuudduuddduu M:2/4   K:G            H:RZ     T:Ballydesmond Polka \#2, The
ABC    334 C1:070707112173050 C2:ddduuuududuuddd M:2/4   K:G            H:FLORS  T:Ballydesmond polka 2
ABC   2002 C1:160221730051376 C2:udduuuuududuudd M:2/2   K:G            H:"CLOQR T:Ballydesmond Polka 2
ABC     42 C1:301111210017607 C2:uuuuuudduuddduu M:2/4   K:G            H:"L     T:The BallyDesmond Polka #2
ABC     42 C1:301111210017607 C2:uuuuuudduuddduu M:2/4   K:G            H:"L     T:The BallyDesmond Polka #2
ABC     42 C1:301111210017607 C2:uuuuuudduuddduu M:2/4   K:G            H:"L     T:The BallyDesmond Polka #2
ABC     42 C1:301111210017607 C2:uuuuuudduuddduu M:2/4   K:G            H:"L     T:The BallyDesmond Polka #2
ABC      2 C1:301111210017607 C2:uuuuuudduuddduu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:"L     T:the BallyDesmond Polka #2
ABC      2 C1:301111210017607 C2:uuuuuudduuddduu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:"L     T:the BallyDesmond Polka #2
ABC     42 C1:301111210017607 C2:uuuuuudduuddduu M:2/4   K:G            H:"L     T:The BallyDesmond Polka #2
ABC     42 C1:301111210017607 C2:uuuuuudduuddduu M:2/4   K:G            H:"L     T:The BallyDesmond Polka #2
ABC      2 C1:301111210017607 C2:uuuuuudduuddduu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:"L     T:the BallyDesmond Polka #2
ABC    211 C1:010102010071010 C2:uuudduuddduuuuu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:"ERZ   T:Ballydesmond Polka \#2, The
ABC    211 C1:010102010071010 C2:uuudduuddduuuuu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:"ERZ   T:Ballydesmond Polka \#2, The
ABC    527 C1:070707112173067 C2:ddduuuududduudd M:2/4   K:G            H:"LORSZ T:Ballydesmond polka 2
ABC    527 C1:070707112173067 C2:ddduuuududduudd M:2/4   K:G            H:"LORSZ T:Ballydesmond polka 2
ABC    527 C1:070707112173067 C2:ddduuuududduudd M:2/4   K:G            H:"LORSZ T:Ballydesmond polka 2
ABC    527 C1:070707112173067 C2:ddduuuududduudd M:2/4   K:G            H:"LORSZ T:Ballydesmond polka 2
ABC     42 C1:301111210017607 C2:uuuuuudduuddduu M:2/4   K:G            H:"L     T:The BallyDesmond Polka #2
ABC     15 C1:030001010101020 C2:uuuuuudduuddduu M:2/4   K:G            H:ERSZ   T:Ballydesmond Polka \#2, The
ABC     57 C1:010102010071010 C2:uuudduuddduuuuu M:2/4   K:G            H:ERZ    T:Ballydesmond Polka \#2, The
ABC     57 C1:010102010071010 C2:uuudduuddduuuuu M:2/4   K:G            H:ERZ    T:Ballydesmond Polka \#2, The
ABC     57 C1:010102010071010 C2:uuudduuddduuuuu M:2/4   K:G            H:ERZ    T:Ballydesmond Polka \#2, The
ABC     57 C1:010102010071010 C2:uuudduuddduuuuu M:2/4   K:G            H:ERZ    T:Ballydesmond Polka \#2, The
ABC     57 C1:010102010071010 C2:uuudduuddduuuuu M:2/4   K:G            H:ERZ    T:Ballydesmond Polka \#2, The
ABC     57 C1:010102010071010 C2:uuudduuddduuuuu M:2/4   K:G            H:ERZ    T:Ballydesmond Polka \#2, The
ABC    285 C1:010102010071010 C2:uuudduuddduuuuu M:2/4   K:G            H:ERZ    T:Ballydesmond Polka \#2, The
ABC     57 C1:010102010071010 C2:uuudduuddduuuuu M:2/4   K:G            H:ELRZ   T:Ballydesmond Polka \#2, The
ABC     57 C1:010102010071010 C2:uuudduuddduuuuu M:2/4   K:G            H:ELRZ   T:Ballydesmond Polka \#2, The
ABC     57 C1:010102010071010 C2:uuudduuddduuuuu M:2/4   K:G            H:ERZ    T:Ballydesmond Polka \#2, The
ABC     57 C1:010102010071010 C2:uuudduuddduuuuu M:2/4   K:G            H:ERZ    T:Ballydesmond Polka \#2, The
ABC      1 C1:301111030017607 C2:uuuuududdduuuuu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:"LR    T:Ballydesmond Polka #2
ABC    211 C1:010102010071010 C2:uuudduuddduuuuu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:"ERZ   T:Ballydesmond Polka \#2, The
ABC 251004 C1:110371176071301 C2:uudduuddduuuuuu M:2/4   K:G            H:BCLQR  T:BALLYDESMOND POLKA #2
ABC 251004 C1:110371176071301 C2:uudduuddduuuuuu M:2/4   K:G            H:BCLQR  T:BALLYDESMOND POLKA #2
ABC      1 C1:301111030017607 C2:uuuuududdduuuuu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:"LR    T:Ballydesmond Polka #2
ABC      1 C1:301111030017607 C2:uuuuududdduuuuu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:"LR    T:Ballydesmond Polka #2
ABC      1 C1:301111030017607 C2:uuuuududdduuuuu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:"LR    T:Ballydesmond Polka #2
ABC      1 C1:301111030017607 C2:uuuuududdduuuuu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:"LR    T:Ballydesmond Polka #2
ABC  31006 C1:301111210017607 C2:uuuuuududdduudu M:2/4   K:G            H:BCLQR  T:BALLYDESMOND POLKA (2)
ABC  31006 C1:301111210017607 C2:uuuuuududdduudu M:2/4   K:G            H:BCLQR  T:BALLYDESMOND POLKA (2)
ABC     42 C1:301111210017607 C2:uuuuuudduuddduu M:2/4   K:G            H:"L     T:The BallyDesmond Polka #2
ABC    695 C1:030001010101020 C2:uuuuuudduuddduu M:2/4   K:G            H:RZ     T:Ballydesmond Polka \#2, The
ABC     32 C1:030001010101020 C2:uuuuuudduuddduu M:2/4   K:G            H:ERSZ   T:Ballydesmond Polka \#2, The
ABC     33 C1:010102010071010 C2:uuudduuddduuuuu M:2/4   K:G            H:ERZ    T:Ballydesmond Polka \#2, The
ABC   1091 C1:030001010101020 C2:uuuuuudduuddduu M:2/4   K:G            H:ERSZ   T:Ballydesmond Polka \#2, The
ABC   1092 C1:010102010071010 C2:uuudduuddduuuuu M:2/4   K:G            H:ERZ    T:Ballydesmond Polka \#2, The
ABC    123 C1:301111030017607 C2:uuuuududdduuuuu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:"LR    T:Ballydesmond Polka #2
ABC     57 C1:010102010071010 C2:uuudduuddduuuuu M:2/4   K:G            H:ERZ    T:Ballydesmond Polka \#2, The
ABC     57 C1:010102010071010 C2:uuudduuddduuuuu M:2/4   K:G            H:ERZ    T:Ballydesmond Polka \#2, The
ABC     57 C1:010102010071010 C2:uuudduuddduuuuu M:2/4   K:G            H:ERZ    T:Ballydesmond Polka \#2, The
ABC     57 C1:010102010071010 C2:uuudduuddduuuuu M:2/4   K:G            H:ERZ    T:Ballydesmond Polka \#2, The
ABC     57 C1:010102010071010 C2:uuudduuddduuuuu M:2/4   K:G            H:ERZ    T:Ballydesmond Polka \#2, The
ABC     57 C1:010102010071010 C2:uuudduuddduuuuu M:2/4   K:G            H:ERZ    T:Ballydesmond Polka \#2, The
ABC    381 C1:010102010071010 C2:uuudduuddduuuuu M:2/4   K:G            H:EOR    T:Ballydesmond Polka \#2, The
ABC   6499 C1:110371176071301 C2:uudduuddduuuuuu M:2/4   K:A            H:CLOQR  T:The Ballydesmond Polka #2
ABC    381 C1:010102010071010 C2:uuudduuddduuuuu M:2/4   K:G            H:EOR    T:Ballydesmond Polka \#2, The
ABC   6499 C1:110371176071301 C2:uudduuddduuuuuu M:2/4   K:A            H:CLOQR  T:The Ballydesmond Polka #2
ABC   2002 C1:160221730051376 C2:udduuuuududuudd M:2/2   K:G            H:"CLOQRZ T:Ballydesmond Polka 2
ABC    527 C1:070707112173067 C2:ddduuuududduudd M:2/4   K:G            H:"LORSZ T:Ballydesmond polka 2
ABC   1091 C1:030001010101020 C2:uuuuuudduuddduu M:2/4   K:G            H:ERSZ   T:Ballydesmond Polka \#2, The
ABC   1092 C1:010102010071010 C2:uuudduuddduuuuu M:2/4   K:G            H:ERZ    T:Ballydesmond Polka \#2, The
ABC   1091 C1:030001010101020 C2:uuuuuudduuddduu M:2/4   K:G            H:ERSZ   T:Ballydesmond Polka \#2, The
ABC   1092 C1:010102010071010 C2:uuudduuddduuuuu M:2/4   K:G            H:ERZ    T:Ballydesmond Polka \#2, The
ABC   1091 C1:030001010101020 C2:uuuuuudduuddduu M:2/4   K:G            H:ERSZ   T:Ballydesmond Polka \#2, The
ABC   1092 C1:010102010071010 C2:uuudduuddduuuuu M:2/4   K:G            H:ERZ    T:Ballydesmond Polka \#2, The
ABC    878 C1:010102010071010 C2:uuudduuddduuuuu M:2/4   K:G            H:ERZ    T:Ballydesmond Polka \#2, The
ABC  12796 C1:110371176071301 C2:uudduuddduuuuuu M:2/4   K:A            H:CLQR   T:The Ballydesmond Polka #2
ABC    878 C1:010102010071010 C2:uuudduuddduuuuu M:2/4   K:G            H:ERZ    T:Ballydesmond Polka \#2, The
ABC  12796 C1:110371176071301 C2:uudduuddduuuuuu M:2/4   K:A            H:CLQR   T:The Ballydesmond Polka #2
ABC    878 C1:010102010071010 C2:uuudduuddduuuuu M:2/4   K:G            H:ERZ    T:Ballydesmond Polka \#2, The
ABC  12796 C1:110371176071301 C2:uudduuddduuuuuu M:2/4   K:A            H:CLQR   T:The Ballydesmond Polka #2
ABC    878 C1:010102010071010 C2:uuudduuddduuuuu M:2/4   K:G            H:ERZ    T:Ballydesmond Polka \#2, The
ABC  12796 C1:110371176071301 C2:uudduuddduuuuuu M:2/4   K:A            H:CLQR   T:The Ballydesmond Polka #2
ABC    878 C1:010102010071010 C2:uuudduuddduuuuu M:2/4   K:G            H:ERZ    T:Ballydesmond Polka \#2, The
ABC  12796 C1:110371176071301 C2:uudduuddduuuuuu M:2/4   K:A            H:CLQR   T:The Ballydesmond Polka #2
ABC  16445 C1:110371176071301 C2:uudduuddduuuuuu M:2/4   K:A            H:CLQR   T:The Ballydesmond Polka #2
ABC  16445 C1:110371176071301 C2:uudduuddduuuuuu M:2/4   K:A            H:CLQR   T:The Ballydesmond Polka #2
ABC  16445 C1:110371176071301 C2:uudduuddduuuuuu M:2/4   K:A            H:CLQR   T:The Ballydesmond Polka #2
ABC  16445 C1:110371176071301 C2:uudduuddduuuuuu M:2/4   K:A            H:CLQR   T:The Ballydesmond Polka #2
ABC     57 C1:010102010071010 C2:uuudduuddduuuuu M:2/4   K:G            H:ERZ    T:Ballydesmond Polka \#2, The
ABC     57 C1:010102010071010 C2:uuudduuddduuuuu M:2/4   K:G            H:ERZ    T:Ballydesmond Polka \#2, The
ABC      1 C1:301111272071607 C2:uuuuuududududdu M:2/4   K:A            H:"CDLOQRZ T:Ballydesmond Polka #2 (A dorian)
ABC 251005 C1:777140111677112 C2:ddduduuudddduuu M:2/4   K:G            H:BCLQR  T:BALLYDESMOND POLKA #3
ABC     58 C1:000700070177001 C2:ddudduuuududuud M:2/4   K:G            H:ERZ    T:Ballydesmond Polka \#3, The
ABC      1 C1:000700070177001 C2:ddudduuuududuud M:2/4   K:G            H:ERZ    T:Ballydesmond Polka \#3, The
ABC    151 C1:000700070177001 C2:ddudduuuududuud M:2/4   K:G            H:ERZ    T:Ballydesmond Polka \#3, The
ABC     58 C1:000700070177001 C2:ddudduuuududuud M:2/4   K:G            H:ELRZ   T:Ballydesmond Polka \#3, The
ABC      4 C1:110007000701770 C2:uuddudduuuududu M:2/4   K:G            H:RZ     T:Ballydesmond Polka \#3, The
ABC  31007 C1:071616112173071 C2:duddudduuuududu M:2/4   K:Am           H:BCLQR  T:BALLYDESMOND POLKA (3)
ABC    792 C1:070707112173005 C2:ddduuuududuuddd M:2/4   K:Am           H:LSZ    T:Ballydesmond Polka 3, The
ABC    792 C1:070707112173005 C2:ddduuuududuuddd M:2/4   K:Am           H:LSZ    T:Ballydesmond Polka 3, The
ABC     43 C1:207071602217300 C2:uuddudduuuududu M:2/4   K:G            H:"L     T:The BallyDesmond Polka #3
ABC     43 C1:207071602217300 C2:uuddudduuuududu M:2/4   K:G            H:"L     T:The BallyDesmond Polka #3
ABC    117 C1:110007000701770 C2:uuddudduuuududu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:"LQR   T:Ballydesmond Polka \#3
ABC    117 C1:110007000701770 C2:uuddudduuuududu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:"LQR   T:Ballydesmond Polka \#3
ABC    117 C1:110007000701770 C2:uuddudduuuududu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:"LQR   T:Ballydesmond Polka \#3
ABC    212 C1:110007000701770 C2:uuddudduuuududu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:"LRZ   T:Ballydesmond Polka \#3, The
ABC    212 C1:110007000701770 C2:uuddudduuuududu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:"LRZ   T:Ballydesmond Polka \#3, The
ABC     43 C1:207071602217300 C2:uuddudduuuududu M:2/4   K:G            H:"L     T:The BallyDesmond Polka #3
ABC    528 C1:116317713005177 C2:uuduudduuudddud M:2/4   K:G            H:"LORSZ T:Ballydesmond polka 3
ABC    528 C1:116317713005177 C2:uuduudduuudddud M:2/4   K:G            H:"LORSZ T:Ballydesmond polka 3
ABC    528 C1:116317713005177 C2:uuduudduuudddud M:2/4   K:G            H:"LORSZ T:Ballydesmond polka 3
ABC    528 C1:116317713005177 C2:uuduudduuudddud M:2/4   K:G            H:"LORSZ T:Ballydesmond polka 3
ABC     16 C1:110007000701770 C2:uuddudduuuududu M:2/4   K:G            H:ERSZ   T:Ballydesmond Polka \#3, The
ABC    792 C1:070707112173005 C2:ddduuuududuuddd M:2/4   K:Am           H:LSZ    T:Ballydesmond Polka 3, The
ABC    792 C1:070707112173005 C2:ddduuuududuuddd M:2/4   K:Am           H:LSZ    T:Ballydesmond Polka 3, The
ABC     58 C1:000700070177001 C2:ddudduuuududuud M:2/4   K:G            H:ERZ    T:Ballydesmond Polka \#3, The
ABC     58 C1:000700070177001 C2:ddudduuuududuud M:2/4   K:G            H:ERZ    T:Ballydesmond Polka \#3, The
ABC     58 C1:000700070177001 C2:ddudduuuududuud M:2/4   K:G            H:ERZ    T:Ballydesmond Polka \#3, The
ABC     58 C1:000700070177001 C2:ddudduuuududuud M:2/4   K:G            H:ERZ    T:Ballydesmond Polka \#3, The
ABC     58 C1:000700070177001 C2:ddudduuuududuud M:2/4   K:G            H:ERZ    T:Ballydesmond Polka \#3, The
ABC     58 C1:000700070177001 C2:ddudduuuududuud M:2/4   K:G            H:ERZ    T:Ballydesmond Polka \#3, The
ABC    290 C1:000700070177001 C2:ddudduuuududuud M:2/4   K:G            H:ERZ    T:Ballydesmond Polka \#3, The
ABC     58 C1:000700070177001 C2:ddudduuuududuud M:2/4   K:G            H:ELRZ   T:Ballydesmond Polka \#3, The
ABC     58 C1:000700070177001 C2:ddudduuuududuud M:2/4   K:G            H:ELRZ   T:Ballydesmond Polka \#3, The
ABC     58 C1:000700070177001 C2:ddudduuuududuud M:2/4   K:G            H:ERZ    T:Ballydesmond Polka \#3, The
ABC     58 C1:000700070177001 C2:ddudduuuududuud M:2/4   K:G            H:ERZ    T:Ballydesmond Polka \#3, The
ABC    212 C1:110007000701770 C2:uuddudduuuududu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:"LRZ   T:Ballydesmond Polka \#3, The
ABC 251005 C1:777140111677112 C2:ddduduuudddduuu M:2/4   K:G            H:BCLQR  T:BALLYDESMOND POLKA #3
ABC 251005 C1:777140111677112 C2:ddduduuudddduuu M:2/4   K:G            H:BCLQR  T:BALLYDESMOND POLKA #3
ABC      4 C1:110707071121730 C2:uuddduuuududduu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:"LRW   T:Ballydesmond Polka (3)
ABC      4 C1:110707071121730 C2:uuddduuuududduu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:"LRW   T:Ballydesmond Polka (3), The
ABC      4 C1:110707071121730 C2:uuddduuuududduu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:"LRW   T:Ballydesmond Polka (3)
ABC      4 C1:110707071121730 C2:uuddduuuududduu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:"LRW   T:Ballydesmond Polka (3), The
ABC    117 C1:110007000701770 C2:uuddudduuuududu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:"LQR   T:Ballydesmond Polka \#3
ABC  31007 C1:071616112173071 C2:duddudduuuududu M:2/4   K:Am           H:BCLQR  T:BALLYDESMOND POLKA (3)
ABC  31007 C1:071616112173071 C2:duddudduuuududu M:2/4   K:Am           H:BCLQR  T:BALLYDESMOND POLKA (3)
ABC     43 C1:207071602217300 C2:uuddudduuuududu M:2/4   K:G            H:"L     T:The BallyDesmond Polka #3
ABC    700 C1:110007000701770 C2:uuddudduuuududu M:2/4   K:G            H:RZ     T:Ballydesmond Polka \#3, The
ABC     34 C1:110007000701770 C2:uuddudduuuududu M:2/4   K:G            H:ERSZ   T:Ballydesmond Polka \#3, The
ABC     35 C1:000700070177001 C2:ddudduuuududuud M:2/4   K:G            H:ERZ    T:Ballydesmond Polka \#3, The
ABC   1093 C1:110007000701770 C2:uuddudduuuududu M:2/4   K:G            H:ERSZ   T:Ballydesmond Polka \#3, The
ABC   1094 C1:000700070177001 C2:ddudduuuududuud M:2/4   K:G            H:ERZ    T:Ballydesmond Polka \#3, The
ABC     58 C1:000700070177001 C2:ddudduuuududuud M:2/4   K:G            H:ERZ    T:Ballydesmond Polka \#3, The
ABC     58 C1:000700070177001 C2:ddudduuuududuud M:2/4   K:G            H:ERZ    T:Ballydesmond Polka \#3, The
ABC     58 C1:000700070177001 C2:ddudduuuududuud M:2/4   K:G            H:ERZ    T:Ballydesmond Polka \#3, The
ABC     58 C1:000700070177001 C2:ddudduuuududuud M:2/4   K:G            H:ERZ    T:Ballydesmond Polka \#3, The
ABC     58 C1:000700070177001 C2:ddudduuuududuud M:2/4   K:G            H:ERZ    T:Ballydesmond Polka \#3, The
ABC     58 C1:000700070177001 C2:ddudduuuududuud M:2/4   K:G            H:ERZ    T:Ballydesmond Polka \#3, The
ABC    382 C1:000700070177001 C2:ddudduuuududuud M:2/4   K:G            H:EOR    T:Ballydesmond Polka \#3, The
ABC    382 C1:000700070177001 C2:ddudduuuududuud M:2/4   K:G            H:EOR    T:Ballydesmond Polka \#3, The
ABC    528 C1:116317713005177 C2:uuduudduuudddud M:2/4   K:G            H:"LORSZ T:Ballydesmond polka 3
ABC   1093 C1:110007000701770 C2:uuddudduuuududu M:2/4   K:G            H:ERSZ   T:Ballydesmond Polka \#3, The
ABC   1094 C1:000700070177001 C2:ddudduuuududuud M:2/4   K:G            H:ERZ    T:Ballydesmond Polka \#3, The
ABC   1093 C1:110007000701770 C2:uuddudduuuududu M:2/4   K:G            H:ERSZ   T:Ballydesmond Polka \#3, The
ABC   1094 C1:000700070177001 C2:ddudduuuududuud M:2/4   K:G            H:ERZ    T:Ballydesmond Polka \#3, The
ABC   1093 C1:110007000701770 C2:uuddudduuuududu M:2/4   K:G            H:ERSZ   T:Ballydesmond Polka \#3, The
ABC   1094 C1:000700070177001 C2:ddudduuuududuud M:2/4   K:G            H:ERZ    T:Ballydesmond Polka \#3, The
ABC    486 C1:000700070177001 C2:ddudduuuududuud M:2/4   K:G            H:FOR    T:Ballydesmond Polka #3, The
ABC   9742 C1:000700070177001 C2:ddudduuuududuud M:2/4   K:G            H:FOR    T:Ballydesmond Polka #3, The
ABC    486 C1:000700070177001 C2:ddudduuuududuud M:2/4   K:G            H:FOR    T:Ballydesmond Polka #3, The
ABC   9742 C1:000700070177001 C2:ddudduuuududuud M:2/4   K:G            H:FOR    T:Ballydesmond Polka #3, The
ABC    879 C1:000700070177001 C2:ddudduuuududuud M:2/4   K:G            H:ERZ    T:Ballydesmond Polka \#3, The
ABC    879 C1:000700070177001 C2:ddudduuuududuud M:2/4   K:G            H:ERZ    T:Ballydesmond Polka \#3, The
ABC    879 C1:000700070177001 C2:ddudduuuududuud M:2/4   K:G            H:ERZ    T:Ballydesmond Polka \#3, The
ABC    879 C1:000700070177001 C2:ddudduuuududuud M:2/4   K:G            H:ERZ    T:Ballydesmond Polka \#3, The
ABC    879 C1:000700070177001 C2:ddudduuuududuud M:2/4   K:G            H:ERZ    T:Ballydesmond Polka \#3, The
ABC     58 C1:000700070177001 C2:ddudduuuududuud M:2/4   K:G            H:OR     T:Ballydesmond Polka #3, The
ABC     58 C1:000700070177001 C2:ddudduuuududuud M:2/4   K:G            H:ERZ    T:Ballydesmond Polka \#3, The
ABC     58 C1:000700070177001 C2:ddudduuuududuud M:2/4   K:G            H:ERZ    T:Ballydesmond Polka \#3, The
ABC      1 C1:701607112173067 C2:dududdduuuududd M:2/4   K:A            H:"CDLORZ T:Ballydesmond Polka #3 (A dorian)
ABC      1 C1:161121731571376 C2:udduuuuduuddduu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:LR     T:Ballydesmond Polka
ABC      1 C1:161121731571376 C2:udduuuuduuddduu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:HLRZ   T:Ballydesmond Polka
ABC    148 C1:161121731571376 C2:udduuuuduuddduu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:HLRZ   T:Ballydesmond Polka
ABC      1 C1:112100176071301 C2:uuududdduuuuuuu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:HLRZ   T:Ballydesmond Polka
ABC    144 C1:161121731571376 C2:udduuuuduuddduu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:HLRZ   T:Ballydesmond Polka
ABC    147 C1:112100176071301 C2:uuududdduuuuuuu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:HLRZ   T:Ballydesmond Polka
ABC    143 C1:112100176071301 C2:uuududdduuuuuuu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:HLRZ   T:Ballydesmond Polka
ABC     59 C1:110371176071301 C2:uudduuddduuuuuu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:"LRS   T:Ballydesmond Polka
ABC    117 C1:110007000701770 C2:uuddudduuuududu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:"LQR   T:Ballydesmond Polka, The
ABC    117 C1:110007000701770 C2:uuddudduuuududu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:"LQR   T:Ballydesmond Polka, The
ABC    117 C1:110007000701770 C2:uuddudduuuududu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:"LQR   T:Ballydesmond Polka, The
ABC      1 C1:116317713005177 C2:uuduudduuudddud M:2/4   K:Dmix         H:DLRZ   T:Ballydesmond Polka
ABC    149 C1:116317713005177 C2:uuduudduuudddud M:2/4   K:Dmix         H:DLRZ   T:Ballydesmond Polka
ABC      2 C1:112100176071301 C2:uuududdduuuuuuu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:HLRZ   T:Ballydesmond Polka
ABC      3 C1:161121731571376 C2:udduuuuduuddduu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:HLRZ   T:Ballydesmond Polka
ABC      2 C1:112100176071301 C2:uuududdduuuuuuu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:HLRZ   T:Ballydesmond Polka
ABC      3 C1:161121731571376 C2:udduuuuduuddduu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:HLRZ   T:Ballydesmond Polka
ABC      2 C1:112100176071301 C2:uuududdduuuuuuu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:HLRZ   T:Ballydesmond Polka
ABC      3 C1:161121731571376 C2:udduuuuduuddduu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:HLRZ   T:Ballydesmond Polka
ABC     69 C1:116317713005177 C2:uuduudduuudddud M:2/4   K:Dmix         H:DLRZ   T:Ballydesmond Polka
ABC      2 C1:112100176071301 C2:uuududdduuuuuuu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:HLRZ   T:Ballydesmond Polka
ABC      3 C1:161121731571376 C2:udduuuuduuddduu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:HLRZ   T:Ballydesmond Polka
ABC     69 C1:116317713005177 C2:uuduudduuudddud M:2/4   K:Dmix         H:DLRZ   T:Ballydesmond Polka
ABC      2 C1:112100176071301 C2:uuududdduuuuuuu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:HLRZ   T:Ballydesmond Polka
ABC      3 C1:161121731571376 C2:udduuuuduuddduu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:HLRZ   T:Ballydesmond Polka
ABC     69 C1:116317713005177 C2:uuduudduuudddud M:2/4   K:Dmix         H:DLRZ   T:Ballydesmond Polka
ABC      2 C1:112100176071301 C2:uuududdduuuuuuu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:HLRZ   T:Ballydesmond Polka
ABC      3 C1:161121731571376 C2:udduuuuduuddduu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:HLRZ   T:Ballydesmond Polka
ABC     69 C1:116317713005177 C2:uuduudduuudddud M:2/4   K:Dmix         H:DLRZ   T:Ballydesmond Polka
ABC      1 C1:306171561127007 C2:udududduuuudduu M:2/4   K:Dmix         H:DLRSZ  T:Ballydesmond Polka
ABC      3 C1:177611631771300 C2:uddduuduudduuud M:2/4   K:DMix         H:LR     T:Ballydesmond Polka, The
ABC      4 C1:110707071121730 C2:uuddduuuuududdu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:LR     T:Ballydesmond Polka, The
ABC      5 C1:116161611211115 C2:uudduddudduuuuu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:LR     T:Ballydesmond Polka, The
ABC      6 C1:110707071121730 C2:uuddduuuuududdu M:2/4   K:Edor         H:LR     T:Ballydesmond Polka, The
ABC    117 C1:110007000701770 C2:uuddudduuuududu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:"LQR   T:Ballydesmond Polka, The
ABC    114 C1:070707112173067 C2:ddduuuududduudu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:DLR    T:Ballydesmond Polka
ABC    209 C1:301111111711760 C2:uuuuuuudduudddu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:LR     T:Ballydesmond Polka
ABC    114 C1:070707112173067 C2:ddduuuududduudu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:DLR    T:Ballydesmond Polka
ABC    209 C1:301111111711760 C2:uuuuuuudduudddu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:LR     T:Ballydesmond Polka
ABC    147 C1:112100176071301 C2:uuududdduuuuuuu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:HLRZ   T:Ballydesmond Polka
ABC    148 C1:161121731571376 C2:udduuuuduuddduu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:HLRZ   T:Ballydesmond Polka
ABC    149 C1:116317713005177 C2:uuduudduuudddud M:2/4   K:Dmix         H:DLRZ   T:Ballydesmond Polka
ABC    148 C1:161121731571376 C2:udduuuuduuddduu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:HLRZ   T:Ballydesmond Polka
ABC    149 C1:116317713005177 C2:uuduudduuudddud M:2/4   K:Dmix         H:DLRZ   T:Ballydesmond Polka
ABC    147 C1:112100176071301 C2:uuududdduuuuuuu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:HLRZ   T:Ballydesmond Polka
ABC      2 C1:112100176071301 C2:uuududdduuuuuuu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:HLRZ   T:Ballydesmond Polka
ABC      3 C1:161121731571376 C2:udduuuuduuddduu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:HLRZ   T:Ballydesmond Polka
ABC    690 C1:001707060101060 C2:uddduuduudduuud M:2/4   K:G            H:RZ     T:Ballydesmond Polka, The
ABC    695 C1:030001010101020 C2:uuuuuudduuddduu M:2/4   K:G            H:RZ     T:Ballydesmond Polka, The
ABC    700 C1:110007000701770 C2:uuddudduuuududu M:2/4   K:G            H:RZ     T:Ballydesmond Polka, The
ABC     27 C1:116317713005177 C2:uuduudduuudddud M:2/4   K:Dmix         H:DLRZ   T:Ballydesmond Polka
ABC     28 C1:112100176071301 C2:uuududdduuuuuuu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:HLRZ   T:Ballydesmond Polka
ABC     29 C1:161121731571376 C2:udduuuuduuddduu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:HLRZ   T:Ballydesmond Polka
ABC   1086 C1:161121731571376 C2:udduuuuduuddduu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:HLRZ   T:Ballydesmond Polka
ABC   1087 C1:112100176071301 C2:uuududdduuuuuuu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:HLRZ   T:Ballydesmond Polka
ABC   1088 C1:116317713005177 C2:uuduudduuudddud M:2/4   K:Dmix         H:DLRZ   T:Ballydesmond Polka
ABC      2 C1:112100176071301 C2:uuududdduuuuuuu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:HLRZ   T:Ballydesmond Polka
ABC      3 C1:161121731571376 C2:udduuuuduuddduu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:HLRZ   T:Ballydesmond Polka
ABC     69 C1:116317713005177 C2:uuduudduuudddud M:2/4   K:Dmix         H:DLRZ   T:Ballydesmond Polka
ABC      2 C1:112100176071301 C2:uuududdduuuuuuu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:HLRZ   T:Ballydesmond Polka
ABC      3 C1:161121731571376 C2:udduuuuduuddduu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:HLRZ   T:Ballydesmond Polka
ABC     69 C1:116317713005177 C2:uuduudduuudddud M:2/4   K:Dmix         H:DLRZ   T:Ballydesmond Polka
ABC      3 C1:161121731571376 C2:udduuuuduuddduu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:HLRZ   T:Ballydesmond Polka
ABC     69 C1:116317713005177 C2:uuduudduuudddud M:2/4   K:Dmix         H:DLRZ   T:Ballydesmond Polka
ABC      2 C1:112100176071301 C2:uuududdduuuuuuu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:HLRZ   T:Ballydesmond Polka
ABC      3 C1:161121731571376 C2:udduuuuduuddduu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:HLRZ   T:Ballydesmond Polka
ABC     69 C1:116317713005177 C2:uuduudduuudddud M:2/4   K:Dmix         H:DLRZ   T:Ballydesmond Polka
ABC      2 C1:112100176071301 C2:uuududdduuuuuuu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:HLRZ   T:Ballydesmond Polka
ABC     69 C1:116317713005177 C2:uuduudduuudddud M:2/4   K:Dmix         H:DLRZ   T:Ballydesmond Polka
ABC      3 C1:161121731571376 C2:udduuuuduuddduu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:HLRZ   T:Ballydesmond Polka
ABC      2 C1:112100176071301 C2:uuududdduuuuuuu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:HLRZ   T:Ballydesmond Polka
ABC     69 C1:116317713005177 C2:uuduudduuudddud M:2/4   K:Dmix         H:DLRZ   T:Ballydesmond Polka
ABC      3 C1:161121731571376 C2:udduuuuduuddduu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:HLRZ   T:Ballydesmond Polka
ABC      2 C1:112100176071301 C2:uuududdduuuuuuu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:HLRZ   T:Ballydesmond Polka
ABC      2 C1:112100176071301 C2:uuududdduuuuuuu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:HLRZ   T:Ballydesmond Polka
ABC      3 C1:161121731571376 C2:udduuuuduuddduu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:HLRZ   T:Ballydesmond Polka
ABC     69 C1:116317713005177 C2:uuduudduuudddud M:2/4   K:Dmix         H:DLRZ   T:Ballydesmond Polka
ABC    383 C1:112100176071301 C2:uuududdduuuuuuu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:HLOR   T:Ballydesmond Polka
ABC    383 C1:112100176071301 C2:uuududdduuuuuuu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:HLOR   T:Ballydesmond Polka
ABC   1086 C1:161121731571376 C2:udduuuuduuddduu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:HLRZ   T:Ballydesmond Polka
ABC   1087 C1:112100176071301 C2:uuududdduuuuuuu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:HLRZ   T:Ballydesmond Polka
ABC   1088 C1:116317713005177 C2:uuduudduuudddud M:2/4   K:Dmix         H:DLRZ   T:Ballydesmond Polka
ABC   1086 C1:161121731571376 C2:udduuuuduuddduu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:HLRZ   T:Ballydesmond Polka
ABC   1087 C1:112100176071301 C2:uuududdduuuuuuu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:HLRZ   T:Ballydesmond Polka
ABC   1088 C1:116317713005177 C2:uuduudduuudddud M:2/4   K:Dmix         H:DLRZ   T:Ballydesmond Polka
ABC   1086 C1:161121731571376 C2:udduuuuduuddduu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:HLRZ   T:Ballydesmond Polka
ABC   1087 C1:112100176071301 C2:uuududdduuuuuuu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:HLRZ   T:Ballydesmond Polka
ABC   1088 C1:116317713005177 C2:uuduudduuudddud M:2/4   K:Dmix         H:DLRZ   T:Ballydesmond Polka
ABC    880 C1:112100176071301 C2:uuududdduuuuuuu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:HLRZ   T:Ballydesmond Polka
ABC    881 C1:161121731571376 C2:udduuuuduuddduu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:HLRZ   T:Ballydesmond Polka
ABC    882 C1:116317713005177 C2:uuduudduuudddud M:2/4   K:Dmix         H:DLRZ   T:Ballydesmond Polka
ABC    880 C1:112100176071301 C2:uuududdduuuuuuu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:HLRZ   T:Ballydesmond Polka
ABC    881 C1:161121731571376 C2:udduuuuduuddduu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:HLRZ   T:Ballydesmond Polka
ABC    882 C1:116317713005177 C2:uuduudduuudddud M:2/4   K:Dmix         H:DLRZ   T:Ballydesmond Polka
ABC    880 C1:112100176071301 C2:uuududdduuuuuuu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:HLRZ   T:Ballydesmond Polka
ABC    881 C1:161121731571376 C2:udduuuuduuddduu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:HLRZ   T:Ballydesmond Polka
ABC    882 C1:116317713005177 C2:uuduudduuudddud M:2/4   K:Dmix         H:DLRZ   T:Ballydesmond Polka
ABC    880 C1:112100176071301 C2:uuududdduuuuuuu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:HLRZ   T:Ballydesmond Polka
ABC    881 C1:161121731571376 C2:udduuuuduuddduu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:HLRZ   T:Ballydesmond Polka
ABC    882 C1:116317713005177 C2:uuduudduuudddud M:2/4   K:Dmix         H:DLRZ   T:Ballydesmond Polka
ABC    880 C1:112100176071301 C2:uuududdduuuuuuu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:HLRZ   T:Ballydesmond Polka
ABC    881 C1:161121731571376 C2:udduuuuduuddduu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:HLRZ   T:Ballydesmond Polka
ABC    882 C1:116317713005177 C2:uuduudduuudddud M:2/4   K:Dmix         H:DLRZ   T:Ballydesmond Polka
ABC      2 C1:112100176071301 C2:uuududdduuuuuuu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:HLRZ   T:Ballydesmond Polka
ABC      3 C1:161121731571376 C2:udduuuuduuddduu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:HLRZ   T:Ballydesmond Polka
ABC     69 C1:116317713005177 C2:uuduudduuudddud M:2/4   K:Dmix         H:DLRZ   T:Ballydesmond Polka
ABC      2 C1:112100176071301 C2:uuududdduuuuuuu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:HLRZ   T:Ballydesmond Polka
ABC      3 C1:161121731571376 C2:udduuuuduuddduu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:HLRZ   T:Ballydesmond Polka
ABC     69 C1:116317713005177 C2:uuduudduuudddud M:2/4   K:Dmix         H:DLRZ   T:Ballydesmond Polka
ABC     10 C1:110371176071301 C2:uudduuddduuuuuu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:LR     T:Ballydesmond Polka No 1, The
ABC     10 C1:110371176071301 C2:uudduuddduuuuuu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:LR     T:Ballydesmond Polka No 1, The
ABC     10 C1:110371176071301 C2:uudduuddduuuuuu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:LR     T:Ballydesmond Polka No 1, The
ABC     10 C1:110371176071301 C2:uudduuddduuuuuu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:LR     T:Ballydesmond Polka No 1, The
ABC     10 C1:110371176071301 C2:uudduuddduuuuuu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:LR     T:Ballydesmond Polka No 1, The
ABC     10 C1:110371176071301 C2:uudduuddduuuuuu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:LR     T:Ballydesmond Polka No 1, The
ABC     10 C1:110371176071301 C2:uudduuddduuuuuu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:LR     T:Ballydesmond Polka No 1, The
ABC     10 C1:110371176071301 C2:uudduuddduuuuuu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:LR     T:Ballydesmond Polka No 1, The
ABC      1 C1:301111037117607 C2:uuuuudduuddduuu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:"CLRSZ T:the Ballydesmond Polka No.1
ABC      1 C1:301111037117607 C2:uuuuudduuddduuu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:"CLRSZ T:the Ballydesmond Polka No.1
ABC      1 C1:301111037117607 C2:uuuuudduuddduuu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:"CLRSZ T:the Ballydesmond Polka No.1
ABC      1 C1:301111037117607 C2:uuuuudduuddduuu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:"CLRSZ T:the Ballydesmond Polka No.1
ABC     10 C1:110371176071301 C2:uudduuddduuuuuu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:LR     T:Ballydesmond Polka No 1, The
ABC     10 C1:110371176071301 C2:uudduuddduuuuuu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:LR     T:Ballydesmond Polka No 1, The
ABC     10 C1:110371176071301 C2:uudduuddduuuuuu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:LR     T:Ballydesmond Polka No 1, The
ABC     10 C1:110371176071301 C2:uudduuddduuuuuu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:LR     T:Ballydesmond Polka No 1, The
ABC     10 C1:110371176071301 C2:uudduuddduuuuuu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:LR     T:Ballydesmond Polka No 1, The
ABC      6 C1:301111037117777 C2:uuuuudduudddduu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:HLQR   T:Ballydesmond Polka No. 1, The
ABC     11 C1:070707112173067 C2:ddduuuududduudd M:2/4   K:Ador         H:LR     T:Ballydesmond Polka No. 2, The
ABC     11 C1:070707112173067 C2:ddduuuududduudd M:2/4   K:Ador         H:LR     T:Ballydesmond Polka No. 2, The
ABC     11 C1:070707112173067 C2:ddduuuududduudd M:2/4   K:Ador         H:LR     T:Ballydesmond Polka No. 2, The
ABC     11 C1:070707112173067 C2:ddduuuududduudd M:2/4   K:Ador         H:LR     T:Ballydesmond Polka No. 2, The
ABC     11 C1:070707112173067 C2:ddduuuududduudd M:2/4   K:Ador         H:LR     T:Ballydesmond Polka No. 2, The
ABC     11 C1:070707112173067 C2:ddduuuududduudd M:2/4   K:Ador         H:LR     T:Ballydesmond Polka No. 2, The
ABC     11 C1:070707112173067 C2:ddduuuududduudd M:2/4   K:Ador         H:LR     T:Ballydesmond Polka No. 2, The
ABC     11 C1:070707112173067 C2:ddduuuududduudd M:2/4   K:Ador         H:LR     T:Ballydesmond Polka No. 2, The
ABC      1 C1:723206254315043 C2:udduuuuududuudd M:2/4   K:Ador         H:"L     T:The Ballydesmond Polka No 2
ABC      1 C1:010111010000001 C2:uuuududdudduuuu M:2/4   K:G            H:"CLQV  T:Ballydesmond polka No 2, The
ABC     11 C1:070707112173067 C2:ddduuuududduudd M:2/4   K:Ador         H:LR     T:Ballydesmond Polka No. 2, The
ABC     11 C1:070707112173067 C2:ddduuuududduudd M:2/4   K:Ador         H:LR     T:Ballydesmond Polka No. 2, The
ABC     11 C1:070707112173067 C2:ddduuuududduudd M:2/4   K:Ador         H:LR     T:Ballydesmond Polka No. 2, The
ABC     11 C1:070707112173067 C2:ddduuuududduudd M:2/4   K:Ador         H:LR     T:Ballydesmond Polka No. 2, The
ABC     11 C1:070707112173067 C2:ddduuuududduudd M:2/4   K:Ador         H:LR     T:Ballydesmond Polka No. 2, The
ABC      7 C1:110707071121730 C2:uuddduuuududduu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:HLQR   T:Ballydesmond Polka No. 2, The
ABC      9 C1:723206254315043 C2:udduuuuududuudd M:2/4   K:Ador         H:"L     T:The Ballydesmond Polka No 2
ABC      3 C1:000700070177001 C2:ddudduuuududuud M:2/4   K:Ador         H:"CLRSZ T:the Ballydesmond Polka No.3
ABC      3 C1:000700070177001 C2:ddudduuuududuud M:2/4   K:Ador         H:"CLRSZ T:the Ballydesmond Polka No.3
ABC      9 C1:301111037117607 C2:uuuuudduuddduuu M:2/4   K:G            H:"LRZ   T:Ballydesmond Polkas
ABC   1443 C1:301111037117607 C2:uuuuudduuddduuu M:2/4   K:G            H:"CEGLO T:Ballydesmond Polkas, The
ABC      1 C1:230060322255070 C2:uudduuddduuuuuu M:2/4   K:G            H:"LS    T:The Ballydesmond Polkas No 1
ABC     35 C1:301111210017607 C2:uuuuuududdduuuu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:"LRZ   T:Ballydesmond Polkas - No. 1
ABC     17 C1:230060322255070 C2:uudduuddduuuuuu M:2/4   K:G            H:"LS    T:The Ballydesmond Polkas No 1
ABC     17 C1:230060322255070 C2:uudduuddduuuuuu M:2/4   K:G            H:"CL    T:The Ballydesmond Polkas No 1
ABC     85 C1:230060322255070 C2:uudduuddduuuuuu M:2/4   K:G            H:"LS    T:The Ballydesmond Polkas No 1
ABC     85 C1:230060322255070 C2:uudduuddduuuuuu M:2/4   K:G            H:"LS    T:The Ballydesmond Polkas No 1
ABC     17 C1:230060322255070 C2:uudduuddduuuuuu M:2/4   K:G            H:"LS    T:The Ballydesmond Polkas No 1
ABC     17 C1:230060322255070 C2:uudduuddduuuuuu M:2/4   K:G            H:"LS    T:The Ballydesmond Polkas No 1
ABC     17 C1:230060322255070 C2:uudduuddduuuuuu M:2/4   K:G            H:"FLRS  T:The Ballydesmond Polkas No 1
ABC     17 C1:230060322255070 C2:uudduuddduuuuuu M:2/4   K:G            H:"FLRS  T:The Ballydesmond Polkas No 1
ABC     17 C1:230060322255070 C2:uudduuddduuuuuu M:2/4   K:G            H:"FLRS  T:The Ballydesmond Polkas No 1
ABC     36 C1:301111037117607 C2:uuuuudduuddduuu M:2/4   K:G            H:"CLRS  T:Ballydesmond Polkas No 1
ABC   1095 C1:301111037117607 C2:uuuuudduuddduuu M:2/4   K:G            H:"CLRS  T:Ballydesmond Polkas No 1
ABC   6500 C1:230060322255070 C2:uudduuddduuuuuu M:2/4   K:G            H:"LOS   T:The Ballydesmond Polkas No 1
ABC   6500 C1:230060322255070 C2:uudduuddduuuuuu M:2/4   K:G            H:"LOS   T:The Ballydesmond Polkas No 1
ABC   1095 C1:301111037117607 C2:uuuuudduuddduuu M:2/4   K:G            H:"CLRS  T:Ballydesmond Polkas No 1
ABC   1095 C1:301111037117607 C2:uuuuudduuddduuu M:2/4   K:G            H:"CLRS  T:Ballydesmond Polkas No 1
ABC   1095 C1:301111037117607 C2:uuuuudduuddduuu M:2/4   K:G            H:"CLRS  T:Ballydesmond Polkas No 1
ABC  12797 C1:230060322255070 C2:uudduuddduuuuuu M:2/4   K:G            H:"LS    T:The Ballydesmond Polkas No 1
ABC  12797 C1:230060322255070 C2:uudduuddduuuuuu M:2/4   K:G            H:"LS    T:The Ballydesmond Polkas No 1
ABC  12797 C1:230060322255070 C2:uudduuddduuuuuu M:2/4   K:G            H:"LS    T:The Ballydesmond Polkas No 1
ABC  12797 C1:230060322255070 C2:uudduuddduuuuuu M:2/4   K:G            H:"LS    T:The Ballydesmond Polkas No 1
ABC  12797 C1:230060322255070 C2:uudduuddduuuuuu M:2/4   K:G            H:"LS    T:The Ballydesmond Polkas No 1
ABC  16446 C1:230060322255070 C2:uudduuddduuuuuu M:2/4   K:G            H:"LS    T:The Ballydesmond Polkas No 1
ABC  16446 C1:230060322255070 C2:uudduuddduuuuuu M:2/4   K:G            H:"LS    T:The Ballydesmond Polkas No 1
ABC  16446 C1:230060322255070 C2:uudduuddduuuuuu M:2/4   K:G            H:"LS    T:The Ballydesmond Polkas No 1
ABC  16446 C1:230060322255070 C2:uudduuddduuuuuu M:2/4   K:G            H:"LS    T:The Ballydesmond Polkas No 1
ABC      1 C1:711320625431504 C2:udduuuuududuudd M:2/4   K:G            H:"LS    T:The Ballydesmond Polkas No 2
ABC     18 C1:723206254315043 C2:udduuuuududuudd M:2/4   K:G            H:"LS    T:The Ballydesmond Polkas No 2
ABC     36 C1:070707112173007 C2:ddduuuududdudud M:2/4   K:Ador         H:"LRZ   T:Ballydesmond Polkas - No. 2
ABC     18 C1:711320625431504 C2:udduuuuududuudd M:2/4   K:G            H:"CL    T:The Ballydesmond Polkas No 2
ABC     90 C1:711320625431504 C2:udduuuuududuudd M:2/4   K:G            H:"LS    T:The Ballydesmond Polkas No 2
ABC     90 C1:711320625431504 C2:udduuuuududuudd M:2/4   K:G            H:"LS    T:The Ballydesmond Polkas No 2
ABC     18 C1:711320625431504 C2:udduuuuududuudd M:2/4   K:G            H:"LS    T:The Ballydesmond Polkas No 2
ABC     18 C1:711320625431504 C2:udduuuuududuudd M:2/4   K:G            H:"LS    T:The Ballydesmond Polkas No 2
ABC     18 C1:723206254315043 C2:udduuuuududuudd M:2/4   K:G            H:"FLRS  T:The Ballydesmond Polkas No 2
ABC     18 C1:723206254315043 C2:udduuuuududuudd M:2/4   K:G            H:"FLRS  T:The Ballydesmond Polkas No 2
ABC     18 C1:723206254315043 C2:udduuuuududuudd M:2/4   K:G            H:"FLRS  T:The Ballydesmond Polkas No 2
ABC     37 C1:160112173005137 C2:udduuuuududuudd M:2/4   K:G            H:"CLRS  T:Ballydesmond Polkas No 2
ABC   1096 C1:160112173005137 C2:udduuuuududuudd M:2/4   K:G            H:"CLRS  T:Ballydesmond Polkas No 2
ABC   6501 C1:711320625431504 C2:udduuuuududuudd M:2/4   K:G            H:"LOS   T:The Ballydesmond Polkas No 2
ABC   6501 C1:711320625431504 C2:udduuuuududuudd M:2/4   K:G            H:"LOS   T:The Ballydesmond Polkas No 2
ABC   1096 C1:160112173005137 C2:udduuuuududuudd M:2/4   K:G            H:"CLRS  T:Ballydesmond Polkas No 2
ABC   1096 C1:160112173005137 C2:udduuuuududuudd M:2/4   K:G            H:"CLRS  T:Ballydesmond Polkas No 2
ABC   1096 C1:160112173005137 C2:udduuuuududuudd M:2/4   K:G            H:"CLRS  T:Ballydesmond Polkas No 2
ABC  12798 C1:711320625431504 C2:udduuuuududuudd M:2/4   K:G            H:"LS    T:The Ballydesmond Polkas No 2
ABC  12798 C1:711320625431504 C2:udduuuuududuudd M:2/4   K:G            H:"LS    T:The Ballydesmond Polkas No 2
ABC  12798 C1:711320625431504 C2:udduuuuududuudd M:2/4   K:G            H:"LS    T:The Ballydesmond Polkas No 2
ABC  12798 C1:711320625431504 C2:udduuuuududuudd M:2/4   K:G            H:"LS    T:The Ballydesmond Polkas No 2
ABC  12798 C1:711320625431504 C2:udduuuuududuudd M:2/4   K:G            H:"LS    T:The Ballydesmond Polkas No 2
ABC  16447 C1:711320625431504 C2:udduuuuududuudd M:2/4   K:G            H:"LS    T:The Ballydesmond Polkas No 2
ABC  16447 C1:711320625431504 C2:udduuuuududuudd M:2/4   K:G            H:"LS    T:The Ballydesmond Polkas No 2
ABC  16447 C1:711320625431504 C2:udduuuuududuudd M:2/4   K:G            H:"LS    T:The Ballydesmond Polkas No 2
ABC  16447 C1:711320625431504 C2:udduuuuududuudd M:2/4   K:G            H:"LS    T:The Ballydesmond Polkas No 2
ABC    116 C1:112100176071301 C2:uuudduuddduuuuu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:"LQRS  T:The Ballydesmond Polkas No 2/ Maurice Manley's
ABC    116 C1:112100176071301 C2:uuudduuddduuuuu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:"LQRS  T:The Ballydesmond Polkas No 2/ Maurice Manley's
ABC    116 C1:112100176071301 C2:uuudduuddduuuuu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:"LQRS  T:The Ballydesmond Polkas No 2/ Maurice Manley's
ABC      2 C1:071616112173005 C2:duddudduuuududu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:LR     T:Ballydesmond, The!
ABC      2 C1:071616112173005 C2:duddudduuuududu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:LR     T:Ballydesmond, The!
ABC  64009 C1:007767660027116 C2:dddddduduuddudu M:3/4   K:D            H:BCLQRZ T:BALLYEMON MAZURKA, The
ABC  64009 C1:007767660027116 C2:dddddduduuddudu M:3/4   K:D            H:BCLQRZ T:BALLYEMON MAZURKA, The
ABC    159 C1:716777060043716 C2:duddddduuududud M:3/4   K:F            H:ABLOQRZ T:Ballyfier Waltz. JaW.159
ABC    159 C1:716777060043716 C2:duddddduuududud M:3/4   K:F            H:ABLOQRZ T:Ballyfier Waltz. JaW.159
ABC    159 C1:716777060043716 C2:duddddduuududud M:3/4   K:F            H:ALOQRSZ T:Ballyfier Waltz. JaW.159
ABC    159 C1:716777060043716 C2:duddddduuududud M:3/4   K:F            H:AHLOQRSZ T:Ballyfier Waltz. JaW.159
ABC    159 C1:716777060043716 C2:duddddduuududud M:3/4   K:F            H:ABLOQRSZ T:Ballyfier Waltz. JaW.159
ABC    487 C1:716777060043716 C2:duddddduuududud M:3/4   K:F            H:AFLOQRSZ T:Ballyfier Waltz. JaW.159
ABC    487 C1:716777060043716 C2:duddddduuududud M:3/4   K:F            H:AFLOQRSZ T:Ballyfier Waltz. JaW.159
ABC    159 C1:716777060043716 C2:duddddduuududud M:3/4   K:F            H:ABLOQRSZ T:Ballyfier Waltz. JaW.159
ABC    488 C1:716777060043716 C2:duddddduuududud M:3/4   K:F            H:ABFLOZ T:Ballyfies Waltz
ABC    488 C1:716777060043716 C2:duddddduuududud M:3/4   K:F            H:ABFLOZ T:Ballyfies Waltz
ABC      1 C1:716777060043716 C2:duddddduuududud M:3/4   K:F            H:ABLOZ  T:Ballyfies Waltz
ABC      1 C1:306171301163007 C2:udududuududuudu M:      K:Dmix         H:LR     T:The Ballyfin
ABC      2 C1:007130617156110 C2:duudududduuduud M:      K:Dmix         H:LR     T:The Ballyfin
ABC      3 C1:327167625677206 C2:uududduduuddddd M:2/4   K:Gmaj         H:LRS    T:The Ballyfin Polka #3
ABC      3 C1:327167625677206 C2:uududduduuddddd M:2/4   K:Gmaj         H:LRS    T:The Ballyfin Polka #3
ABC      3 C1:327167625677206 C2:uududduduuddddd M:2/4   K:Gmaj         H:LRS    T:The Ballyfin Polka #3
ABC      3 C1:327167625677206 C2:uududduduuddddd M:2/4   K:Gmaj         H:LRS    T:The Ballyfin Polka #3
ABC      3 C1:327167625677206 C2:uududduduuddddd M:2/4   K:Gmaj         H:LRS    T:The Ballyfin Polka #3
ABC      1 C1:000621000711006 C2:duuduuduuuuuddu M:6/8   K:D            H:"LRZ   T:the Ballyfin Slide
ABC      1 C1:000621000711006 C2:duuduuduuuuuddu M:6/8   K:D            H:"LRZ   T:the Ballyfin Slide
ABC      1 C1:000621000711006 C2:duuduuduuuuuddu M:6/8   K:D            H:"LRZ   T:the Ballyfin Slide
ABC      1 C1:000621000711006 C2:duuduuduuuuuddu M:6/8   K:D            H:"LRZ   T:the Ballyfin Slide
ABC      1 C1:000621000711006 C2:duuduuduuuuuddu M:6/8   K:D            H:"LRZ   T:the Ballyfin Slide
ABC      1 C1:000621000711006 C2:duuduuduuuuuddu M:6/8   K:D            H:"LRZ   T:the Ballyfin Slide
ABC      1 C1:000621000711006 C2:duuduuduuuuuddu M:6/8   K:D            H:"LRZ   T:the Ballyfin Slide
ABC      1 C1:000621000711006 C2:duuduuduuuuuddu M:6/8   K:D            H:"LRZ   T:the Ballyfin Slide
ABC      1 C1:000621000711006 C2:duuduuduuuuuddu M:6/8   K:D            H:"LRZ   T:the Ballyfin Slide
ABC      2 C1:000711000077000 C2:duuddduudduuduu M:12/8  K:Dmaj         H:LR     T:The Ballyfin Slide
ABC      3 C1:100071100007766 C2:uduuddddudduddd M:12/8  K:Dmaj         H:LR     T:The Ballyfin Slide
ABC  41015 C1:777671305302771 C2:ddddduuduudduuu M:6/8   K:Gm           H:CLQR   T:BALLYGAR HERMITAGE
ABC      1 C1:777671305302771 C2:ddddduuduudduuu M:6/8   K:Gdor         H:LQRSZ  T:Ballygar Hermitage
ABC      1 C1:777671305302771 C2:ddddduuduudduuu M:6/8   K:Gdor         H:LQRSZ  T:Ballygar Hermitage
ABC    105 C1:777671305302771 C2:ddddduuduudduuu M:6/8   K:Gdor         H:LRSZ   T:Ballygar Hermitage
ABC  41015 C1:777671305302771 C2:ddddduuduudduuu M:6/8   K:Gm           H:CLQR   T:BALLYGAR HERMITAGE
ABC  41015 C1:777671305302771 C2:ddddduuduudduuu M:6/8   K:Gm           H:CLQR   T:BALLYGAR HERMITAGE
ABC  44003 C1:242241777676242 C2:uduududdddddudu M:6/8   K:D            H:BCLQRS T:BALLYGAWLEY JIG*, The
ABC    003 C1:242241777676242 C2:uduududdddddudu M:6/8   K:D            H:BLQRS  T:Ballygawley Jig*
ABC    003 C1:242241777676242 C2:uduududdddddudu M:6/8   K:D            H:BLQRS  T:Ballygawley Jig*
ABC    003 C1:242241777676242 C2:uduududdddddudu M:6/8   K:D            H:BLQRS  T:Ballygawley Jig*
ABC  44003 C1:242241777676242 C2:uduududdddddudu M:6/8   K:D            H:BCLQRS T:BALLYGAWLEY JIG*, The
ABC  44003 C1:242241777676242 C2:uduududdddddudu M:6/8   K:D            H:BCLQRS T:BALLYGAWLEY JIG*, The
ABC   3109 C1:242241777676242 C2:uduududdddddudu M:6/8   K:D            H:BLQRZ  T:Ballygawley Jig* % nfABC   3109 C1:242241777676242 C2:uduududdddddudu M:6/8   K:D            H:BLQRZ  T:Ballygawley Jig*
ABC    130 C1:711661776311777 C2:duudduudduuuddd M:6/8   K:D            H:LRSZ   T:Ballygoughlin
ABC  41016 C1:711661776311777 C2:duudduudduuuddd M:6/8   K:D            H:CDLQR  T:BALLYGOUGHLIN JIG, The
ABC  41016 C1:711661776311777 C2:duudduudduuuddd M:6/8   K:D            H:CDLQR  T:BALLYGOUGHLIN JIG, The
ABC  41016 C1:711661776311777 C2:duudduudduuuddd M:6/8   K:D            H:CDLQR  T:BALLYGOUGHLIN JIG, The
ABC    272 C1:772776251211001 C2:dduddduduuuuuud M:4/4   K:Amaj         H:CLRSZ  T:The Ballygow
ABC    272 C1:772776251211001 C2:dduddduduuuuuud M:4/4   K:Amaj         H:CLRSZ  T:The Ballygow
ABC    272 C1:772776251211001 C2:dduddduduuuuuud M:4/4   K:Amaj         H:CLRSZ  T:The Ballygow
ABC     44 C1:252776071521767 C2:uuuuddddudduudd M:2/4   K:D            H:DRSZ   T:Ballygow
ABC      1 C1:762533217677252 C2:ddududuudddduuu M:      K:Dmaj         H:LR     T:The Ballygow
ABC      2 C1:252776253321776 C2:uuuudddududuudd M:      K:Cmaj         H:LR     T:The Ballygow
ABC      3 C1:762533557616252 C2:ddudududddduddu M:      K:Dmaj         H:LR     T:The Ballygow
ABC      4 C1:252776251521767 C2:uuuudddududduud M:      K:Dmaj         H:LR     T:The Ballygow
ABC      5 C1:762515217516252 C2:ddududduudduduu M:      K:Dmaj         H:LR     T:The Ballygow
ABC      6 C1:252776073321767 C2:uuuuddddudduudd M:      K:Dmaj         H:LR     T:The Ballygow
ABC      7 C1:762515217624252 C2:ddududduudduduu M:      K:Dmaj         H:LR     T:The Ballygow
ABC      2 C1:425277625152175 C2:uuuuudddududduu M:2/4   K:Dmaj         H:LR     T:Ballygow, The
ABC    272 C1:772776251211001 C2:dduddduduuuuuud M:4/4   K:Amaj         H:CLRSZ  T:The Ballygow
ABC      1 C1:760715217677252 C2:dddudduudddduuu M:2/4   K:D            H:"CDLOQRSZ T:Ballygow Polka (D major)
ABC    326 C1:307630610265326 C2:udduduudduuddud M:4/4   K:D            H:L      T:Ballyhanoun Reel
ABC    326 C1:307630610265326 C2:udduduudduuddud M:4/4   K:Edorian      H:"L     T:Ballyhanoun Reel (C-Instruments)
ABC    330 C1:307630610265326 C2:udduduudduuddud M:      K:Edorian      H:"      T:Ballyhanoun Reel (John Williams)
ABC      1 C1:711777717111177 C2:duudddduduuuudd M:      K:Amin         H:LR     T:Ballyhaunis
ABC    908 C1:172113174623777 C2:uduuudududuuddd M:6/8   K:G            H:BLZ    T:Ballyhooley
ABC    908 C1:172113174623777 C2:uduuudududuuddd M:6/8   K:G            H:BLZ    T:Ballyhooley
ABC    908 C1:172113174623777 C2:uduuudududuuddd M:6/8   K:G            H:BLZ    T:Ballyhooley
ABC    877 C1:172113174623777 C2:uduuudududuuddd M:6/8   K:G            H:BLZ    T:Ballyhooley
ABC     44 C1:172113174623777 C2:uduuudududuuddd M:6/8   K:G            H:"CL    T:Ballyhooley
ABC     44 C1:172113174623777 C2:uduuudududuuddd M:6/8   K:G            H:"CL    T:Ballyhooley
ABC      1 C1:172113174623777 C2:uduuudududuuddd M:6/8   K:G            H:BCLORZ T:Ballyhooley
ABC   5666 C1:172113174623777 C2:uduuudududuuddd M:6/8   K:G            H:BCLORZ T:Ballyhooley
ABC    578 C1:172113174623777 C2:uduuudududuuddd M:6/8   K:G            H:"BLRSZ T:Ballyhooley
ABC    578 C1:172113174623777 C2:uduuudududuuddd M:6/8   K:G            H:"BLRSZ T:Ballyhooley
ABC    578 C1:172113174623777 C2:uduuudududuuddd M:6/8   K:G            H:"BLRSZ T:Ballyhooley
ABC    578 C1:172113174623777 C2:uduuudududuuddd M:6/8   K:G            H:"BLRSZ T:Ballyhooley
ABC    877 C1:172115172113174 C2:uduuududuuududu M:6/8   K:G            H:BLORZbs T:Ballyhooley
ABC    877 C1:172115172113174 C2:uduuududuuududu M:6/8   K:G            H:BLORZbs T:Ballyhooley
ABC    877 C1:172115172113174 C2:uduuududuuududu M:6/8   K:G            H:BLORZbs T:Ballyhooley
ABC    877 C1:172115172113174 C2:uduuududuuududu M:6/8   K:G            H:BLORZbs T:Ballyhooley
ABC    877 C1:172115172113174 C2:uduuududuuududu M:6/8   K:G            H:BLORZbs T:Ballyhooley
ABC    877 C1:172115172113174 C2:uduuududuuududu M:6/8   K:G            H:BLORZbs T:Ballyhooley
ABC    877 C1:172115172113174 C2:uduuududuuududu M:6/8   K:G            H:BLORZbs T:Ballyhooley
ABC      1 C1:172113174623777 C2:uduuudududuuddd M:6/8   K:GMajor       H:CLQZ   T:Ballyhooley
ABC    130 C1:172113174623777 C2:uduuudududuuddd M:6/8   K:G            H:BLORZ  T:Ballyhooley
ABC    130 C1:172113174623777 C2:uduuudududuuddd M:6/8   K:G            H:BLORZ  T:Ballyhooley
ABC    130 C1:172113174623777 C2:uduuudududuuddd M:6/8   K:G            H:BLORZ  T:Ballyhooley
ABC      1 C1:010702010103010 C2:uduuudududuuddd M:6/8   K:G            H:CLQR   T:Ballyhooley
ABC      1 C1:010702010103010 C2:uduuudududuuddd M:6/8   K:G            H:CLQR   T:Ballyhooley
ABC      1 C1:010702010103010 C2:uduuudududuuddd M:6/8   K:G            H:CLQR   T:Ballyhooley
ABC    130 C1:172115172113174 C2:uduuududuuududu M:6/8   K:G            H:BFLRZbs T:Ballyhooley
ABC    130 C1:172115172113174 C2:uduuududuuududu M:6/8   K:G            H:BFLRZbs T:Ballyhooley
ABC    130 C1:172115172113174 C2:uduuududuuududu M:6/8   K:G            H:BFLRZbs T:Ballyhooley
ABC    130 C1:172115172113174 C2:uduuududuuududu M:6/8   K:G            H:BFLRZbs T:Ballyhooley
ABC     44 C1:172113174623777 C2:uduuudududuuddd M:6/8   K:G            H:"CL    T:Ballyhooley
ABC      1 C1:172113174623777 C2:uduuudududuuddd M:6/8   K:GMajor       H:LQ     T:Ballyhooley
ABC      1 C1:172113174623777 C2:uduuudududuuddd M:6/8   K:G            H:LRSZ   T:Ballyhooley
ABC    877 C1:172113174623777 C2:uduuudududuuddd M:6/8   K:G            H:BLZ    T:Ballyhooley
ABC     44 C1:172113174623777 C2:uduuudududuuddd M:6/8   K:G            H:"CL    T:Ballyhooley
ABC   5666 C1:172113174623777 C2:uduuudududuuddd M:6/8   K:G            H:BCLORZ T:Ballyhooley
ABC   5666 C1:172113174623777 C2:uduuudududuuddd M:6/8   K:G            H:BCLORZ T:Ballyhooley
ABC    877 C1:172113174623777 C2:uduuudududuuddd M:6/8   K:G            H:BLZ    T:Ballyhooley
ABC    130 C1:172113174623777 C2:uduuudududuuddd M:6/8   K:G            H:BCFLORWZ T:Ballyhooley
ABC    578 C1:172113174623777 C2:uduuudududuuddd M:6/8   K:G            H:"BLRSZ T:Ballyhooley
ABC    130 C1:172113174623777 C2:uduuudududuuddd M:6/8   K:G            H:BLORZ  T:Ballyhooley
ABC    130 C1:172113174623777 C2:uduuudududuuddd M:6/8   K:G            H:BLORZ  T:Ballyhooley
ABC    886 C1:172113174623777 C2:uduuudududuuddd M:6/8   K:G            H:BCLORZ T:Ballyhooley
ABC    886 C1:172113174623777 C2:uduuudududuuddd M:6/8   K:G            H:BCLORZ T:Ballyhooley
ABC    886 C1:172113174623777 C2:uduuudududuuddd M:6/8   K:G            H:BCLORZ T:Ballyhooley
ABC    886 C1:172113174623777 C2:uduuudududuuddd M:6/8   K:G            H:BCLORZ T:Ballyhooley
ABC    886 C1:172113174623777 C2:uduuudududuuddd M:6/8   K:G            H:BCLORZ T:Ballyhooley
ABC    117 C1:172113174623777 C2:uduuudududuuddd M:6/8   K:G            H:BCLORZ T:Ballyhooley
ABC    908 C1:172113174623777 C2:uduuudududuuddd M:6/8   K:G            H:BLZ    T:Ballyhooley
ABC    908 C1:172113174623777 C2:uduuudududuuddd M:6/8   K:G            H:BLZ    T:Ballyhooley
ABC   0877 C1:172113174623777 C2:uduuudududuuddd M:6/8   K:G            H:BCILZ  T:"Ballyhooley" (jig) 0877
ABC   0877 C1:172113174623777 C2:uduuudududuuddd M:6/8   K:G            H:BCILZ  T:"Ballyhooley" (jig) 0877
ABC 493010 C1:172113174623777 C2:uduuudududuuddd M:6/8   K:G            H:BLRS   T:BALLYHOOLEY JIG, The
ABC 493010 C1:172113174623777 C2:uduuudududuuddd M:6/8   K:G            H:BLRS   T:BALLYHOOLEY JIG, The
ABC 493010 C1:172113174623777 C2:uduuudududuuddd M:6/8   K:G            H:BLRS   T:BALLYHOOLEY JIG, The
ABC      1 C1:227135752225775 C2:uuuuddduuududdd M:2/4   K:G            H:"LS    T:Ballyhoura Mountains
ABC      1 C1:201125722105257 C2:uuuuddduuududdd M:2/4   K:G            H:"L     T:Ballyhoura Mountains
ABC     19 C1:227135752225775 C2:uuuuddduuududdd M:2/4   K:G            H:"LS    T:Ballyhoura Mountains
ABC      1 C1:201116722176167 C2:uuuuddduuuddudd M:2/4   K:G            H:LR     T:Ballyhoura Mountains
ABC     19 C1:227135752225775 C2:uuuuddduuududdd M:2/4   K:G            H:"CL    T:Ballyhoura Mountains
ABC     95 C1:227135752225775 C2:uuuuddduuududdd M:2/4   K:G            H:"LS    T:Ballyhoura Mountains
ABC     95 C1:227135752225775 C2:uuuuddduuududdd M:2/4   K:G            H:"LS    T:Ballyhoura Mountains
ABC     19 C1:227135752225775 C2:uuuuddduuududdd M:2/4   K:G            H:"LS    T:Ballyhoura Mountains
ABC     19 C1:227135752225775 C2:uuuuddduuududdd M:2/4   K:G            H:"LS    T:Ballyhoura Mountains
ABC     19 C1:227135752225775 C2:uuuuddduuududdd M:2/4   K:G            H:"FLRS  T:Ballyhoura Mountains
ABC     19 C1:227135752225775 C2:uuuuddduuududdd M:2/4   K:G            H:"FLRS  T:Ballyhoura Mountains
ABC     19 C1:227135752225775 C2:uuuuddduuududdd M:2/4   K:G            H:"FLRS  T:Ballyhoura Mountains
ABC      8 C1:730270162376257 C2:duududduuuddudd M:      K:Amaj         H:LR     T:The Ballyhoura Mountains
ABC      9 C1:551762012517660 C2:uuududdduuuudud M:      K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:The Ballyhoura Mountains
ABC     10 C1:125762011257131 C2:uudddduuuuddduu M:      K:Amaj         H:LR     T:The Ballyhoura Mountains
ABC     11 C1:167620111672217 C2:udddduuuuddduuu M:      K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:The Ballyhoura Mountains
ABC     12 C1:201125722176257 C2:uuuuddduuuddudd M:      K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:The Ballyhoura Mountains
ABC     13 C1:203625332032704 C2:uuududududuuudu M:      K:Dmaj         H:LR     T:The Ballyhoura Mountains
ABC     14 C1:201116722176167 C2:uuuuddduuuddudd M:      K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:The Ballyhoura Mountains
ABC     15 C1:077620110772217 C2:ddduuudduuudddd M:      K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:The Ballyhoura Mountains
ABC     16 C1:077620110772201 C2:ddduuudduuudddd M:      K:Amaj         H:LR     T:The Ballyhoura Mountains
ABC      2 C1:077625327072210 C2:ddduduududduuud M:2/4   K:GMaj         H:LR     T:Ballyhoura Mountains, The
ABC      3 C1:077625050771210 C2:dddududduuuuddd M:2/4   K:GMaj         H:LR     T:Ballyhoura Mountains, The
ABC      1 C1:201170712117677 C2:uuududduuuuuddd M:      K:Amaj         H:LR     T:The Ballyhoura Mountains
ABC      2 C1:257620112572210 C2:udddduuuuddduuu M:      K:Amaj         H:LR     T:The Ballyhoura Mountains
ABC      3 C1:617620026172200 C2:dudduuududuuudd M:      K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:The Ballyhoura Mountains
ABC      4 C1:077625327072210 C2:ddduduududduuud M:      K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:The Ballyhoura Mountains
ABC      5 C1:077625050771210 C2:dddududduuuuddd M:      K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:The Ballyhoura Mountains
ABC      6 C1:201116722176167 C2:uuuuddduuuddudd M:      K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:The Ballyhoura Mountains
ABC      7 C1:171776201170711 C2:ududddduuududdu M:      K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:The Ballyhoura Mountains
ABC   1097 C1:227135752225775 C2:uuuuddduuududdd M:2/4   K:G            H:"LS    T:Ballyhoura Mountains
ABC   1097 C1:227135752225775 C2:uuuuddduuududdd M:2/4   K:G            H:"LS    T:Ballyhoura Mountains
ABC   1097 C1:227135752225775 C2:uuuuddduuududdd M:2/4   K:G            H:"LS    T:Ballyhoura Mountains
ABC   1097 C1:227135752225775 C2:uuuuddduuududdd M:2/4   K:G            H:"LS    T:Ballyhoura Mountains
ABC    887 C1:227135752225775 C2:uuuuddduuududdd M:2/4   K:G            H:"LS    T:Ballyhoura Mountains
ABC    887 C1:227135752225775 C2:uuuuddduuududdd M:2/4   K:G            H:"LS    T:Ballyhoura Mountains
ABC    887 C1:227135752225775 C2:uuuuddduuududdd M:2/4   K:G            H:"LS    T:Ballyhoura Mountains
ABC    887 C1:227135752225775 C2:uuuuddduuududdd M:2/4   K:G            H:"LS    T:Ballyhoura Mountains
ABC    887 C1:227135752225775 C2:uuuuddduuududdd M:2/4   K:G            H:"LS    T:Ballyhoura Mountains
ABC    119 C1:227135752225775 C2:uuuuddduuududdd M:2/4   K:G            H:"LOS   T:Ballyhoura Mountains
ABC      1 C1:707620117072217 C2:duddduuududduuu M:2/4   K:G            H:"CDLOQRSZ T:Ballyhoura Moutains
ABC      1 C1:707620117072217 C2:duddduuududduuu M:2/4   K:A            H:"CDLOQRSZ T:Ballyhoura Moutains
ABC      1 C1:707620117072217 C2:duddduuududduuu M:2/4   K:A            H:"CDLOQRSZ T:Ballyhoura Moutains / Ballinahulla Polka #1 (A major) / Abbey Scollard / Brendan Scollard / Terry Teahan's Polka
ABC      1 C1:707620117072217 C2:duddduuududduuu M:2/4   K:G            H:"CDLOQRSZ T:Ballyhoura Moutains / Ballinahulla Polka #1 (G major) / Abbey Scollard / Brendan Scollard / Terry Teahan's Polka
ABC      1 C1:620026620377605 C2:duudduudddduudu M:      K:Dmix         H:LR     T:Ballykeale
ABC      2 C1:620376620117604 C2:duuddduuuddudud M:      K:Gmix         H:LR     T:Ballykeale
ABC      3 C1:620116620117605 C2:duuudduuuddduuu M:      K:Gmix         H:LR     T:Ballykeale
ABC      1 C1:000117605302622 C2:uuddduuduudddud M:6/8   K:Ador         H:RSZ    T:Ballykeale Jig, The
ABC    271 C1:000117605302622 C2:uuddduuduudddud M:6/8   K:Ador         H:RSZ    T:Ballykeale Jig, The
ABC    271 C1:000117605302622 C2:uuddduuduudddud M:6/8   K:Ador         H:RSZ    T:Ballykeale Jig, The
ABC   1098 C1:000117605302622 C2:uuddduuduudddud M:6/8   K:Ador         H:RSZ    T:Ballykeale Jig, The
ABC    271 C1:000117605302622 C2:uuddduuduudddud M:6/8   K:Ador         H:RSZ    T:Ballykeale Jig, The
ABC   1098 C1:000117605302622 C2:uuddduuduudddud M:6/8   K:Ador         H:RSZ    T:Ballykeale Jig, The
ABC   1098 C1:000117605302622 C2:uuddduuduudddud M:6/8   K:Ador         H:RSZ    T:Ballykeale Jig, The
ABC   1098 C1:000117605302622 C2:uuddduuduudddud M:6/8   K:Ador         H:RSZ    T:Ballykeale Jig, The
ABC    121 C1:000117605302622 C2:uuddduuduudddud M:6/8   K:Ador         H:ORSZ   T:Ballykeale Jig, The
ABC      1 C1:062117605302277 C2:duuuddduuuudddd M:6/8   K:D            H:"CDLOQRSZ T:Ballykeale Jig / Humours of Ballykeel (D dorian / G major)
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:6/8   K:G            H:LQ     T:Ballykeal Jig
ABC 183006 C1:521026533617605 C2:duuudduududdduu M:6/8   K:G            H:CLQR   T:BALLYKEAL JIG
ABC 183006 C1:521026533617605 C2:duuudduududdduu M:6/8   K:G            H:CLQR   T:BALLYKEAL JIG
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:6/8   K:G            H:LQ     T:Ballykeal Jig
ABC 183006 C1:521026533617605 C2:duuudduududdduu M:6/8   K:G            H:CLQR   T:BALLYKEAL JIG
ABC 183006 C1:521026533617605 C2:duuudduududdduu M:6/8   K:G            H:CLQR   T:BALLYKEAL JIG
ABC      1 C1:037760440262277 C2:udddududuuddddu M:4/4   K:G            H:LQV    T:BallykealJig.mid
ABC      1 C1:062117605302277 C2:duuuddduuuudddd M:6/8   K:D            H:"CDLOQRSZ T:Ballykeel Jig
ABC    264 C1:700660063071166 C2:dddduduuddduduu M:C|    K:G            H:RSZ    T:Ballyket Castle
ABC      1 C1:307111630017677 C2:uduuuduudddddud M:C|    K:G            H:HRSZ   T:Ballyket Courthouse
ABC    718 C1:307111630017677 C2:uduuuduudddddud M:C|    K:G            H:HRSZ   T:Ballyket Courthouse
ABC    718 C1:307111630017677 C2:uduuuduudddddud M:C|    K:G            H:HRSZ   T:Ballyket Courthouse
ABC    718 C1:307111630017677 C2:uduuuduudddddud M:C|    K:G            H:HRSZ   T:Ballyket Courthouse
ABC    718 C1:307111630017677 C2:uduuuduudddddud M:C|    K:G            H:HRSZ   T:Ballyket Courthouse
ABC      1 C1:307117722015267 C2:uduudduuududddd M:4/4   K:G            H:L      T:Ballyket Courthouse
ABC      1 C1:407111633661677 C2:uduuuduuddudddd M:4/4   K:Dmaj         H:LR     T:Ballyket Courthouse
ABC      7 C1:017067763071072 C2:uddddduduudduuu M:4/4   K:Amaj         H:LR     T:Ballyket Courthouse, The
ABC      8 C1:036767763071011 C2:uddddddduduuuud M:4/4   K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:Ballyket Courthouse, The
ABC      9 C1:401706776307100 C2:uuddddduduuuudd M:4/4   K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:Ballyket Courthouse, The
ABC    718 C1:307111630017677 C2:uduuuduudddddud M:C|    K:G            H:HRSZ   T:Ballyket Courthouse
ABC    718 C1:307111630017677 C2:uduuuduudddddud M:C|    K:G            H:HRSZ   T:Ballyket Courthouse
ABC    718 C1:307111630017677 C2:uduuuduudddddud M:C|    K:G            H:HRSZ   T:Ballyket Courthouse
ABC    718 C1:307111630017677 C2:uduuuduudddddud M:C|    K:G            H:HRSZ   T:Ballyket Courthouse
ABC    718 C1:307111630017677 C2:uduuuduudddddud M:C|    K:G            H:HRSZ   T:Ballyket Courthouse
ABC  16155 C1:307111630017677 C2:uduuuduudddddud M:C|    K:G            H:HRSZ   T:Ballyket Courthouse
ABC  16155 C1:307111630017677 C2:uduuuduudddddud M:C|    K:G            H:HRSZ   T:Ballyket Courthouse
ABC  16155 C1:307111630017677 C2:uduuuduudddddud M:C|    K:G            H:HRSZ   T:Ballyket Courthouse
ABC  16155 C1:307111630017677 C2:uduuuduudddddud M:C|    K:G            H:HRSZ   T:Ballyket Courthouse
ABC  12536 C1:307111630017677 C2:uduuuduudddddud M:C|    K:G            H:HRSZ   T:Ballyket Courthouse
ABC  12536 C1:307111630017677 C2:uduuuduudddddud M:C|    K:G            H:HRSZ   T:Ballyket Courthouse
ABC  12536 C1:307111630017677 C2:uduuuduudddddud M:C|    K:G            H:HRSZ   T:Ballyket Courthouse
ABC  12536 C1:307111630017677 C2:uduuuduudddddud M:C|    K:G            H:HRSZ   T:Ballyket Courthouse
ABC  12536 C1:307111630017677 C2:uduuuduudddddud M:C|    K:G            H:HRSZ   T:Ballyket Courthouse
ABC    718 C1:307111630017677 C2:uduuuduudddddud M:C|    K:G            H:HRSZ   T:Ballyket Courthouse
ABC    718 C1:307111630017677 C2:uduuuduudddddud M:C|    K:G            H:HRSZ   T:Ballyket Courthouse
ABC     26 C1:035611220577612 C2:udduuuudddduuuu M:4/4   K:D            H:QRSZ   T:The Ballykett
ABC    130 C1:035611220577612 C2:udduuuudddduuuu M:4/4   K:D            H:QRSZ   T:The Ballykett
ABC    210 C1:767706030176110 C2:ddddduudduuuddd M:4/4   K:D            H:LRSZ   T:Ballykett
ABC      1 C1:307111633661677 C2:uduuuduuddudddd M:      K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:Ballykett Courthouse
ABC      2 C1:407111633661677 C2:uduuuduuddudddd M:      K:Dmaj         H:LR     T:Ballykett Courthouse
ABC      3 C1:001742663017011 C2:uddudduuduuuddd M:      K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:Ballykett Courthouse
ABC      4 C1:001742663071076 C2:udduddududdduud M:      K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:Ballykett Courthouse
ABC      5 C1:307107220170677 C2:uduudduuudddddu M:      K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:Ballykett Courthouse
ABC      6 C1:401706776307100 C2:uuddddduduuuudd M:      K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:Ballykett Courthouse
ABC      7 C1:152677630710111 C2:ududddduduuuuud M:      K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:Ballykett Courthouse
ABC      8 C1:307101110017677 C2:uduuuuudddddudu M:      K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:Ballykett Courthouse
ABC      1 C1:035611220577612 C2:udduuuudddduuuu M:4/4   K:D            H:"L     T:Ballykett reel
ABC  57006 C1:767706030176110 C2:ddddduudduuuddd M:4/4   K:D            H:BCLQR  T:BALLYKETT REEL, The
ABC  57006 C1:767706030176110 C2:ddddduudduuuddd M:4/4   K:D            H:BCLQR  T:BALLYKETT REEL, The
ABC  57006 C1:767706030176110 C2:ddddduudduuuddd M:4/4\  K:D\           H:BCLQR  T:BALLYKETT REEL, The\
ABC    125 C1:044136770445344 C2:uduudddudududdu M:4/4   K:G            H:LRSZ   T:Ballymahon
ABC    905 C1:044136770445344 C2:uduudddudududdu M:4/4   K:G            H:LRSZ   T:Ballymahon
ABC      1 C1:044136770445344 C2:uduudddudududdu M:4/4   K:G            H:LRSZ   T:Ballymahon
ABC 183138 C1:044534400441367 C2:ududududuudddud M:4/4   K:G            H:CLQR   T:Ballymahon Reel
ABC 183138 C1:044534400441367 C2:ududududuudddud M:4/4   K:G            H:CLQR   T:Ballymahon Reel
ABC 183138 C1:044534400441367 C2:ududududuudddud M:4/4   K:G            H:CLQR   T:Ballymahon Reel
ABC 183138 C1:044534400441367 C2:ududududuudddud M:4/4   K:G            H:CLQR   T:Ballymahon Reel
ABC      1 C1:562422326715221 C2:dduduuuudduduuu M:C     K:D            H:L      T:Ballymanus Fair
ABC      1 C1:001177272001766 C2:uudduduuddduuud M:4/4   K:Bmin         H:LR     T:Ballymesh, The
ABC      1 C1:000712671000762 C2:duudduddudduddd M:      K:Edor         H:LR     T:The Ballymun Regatta
ABC      2 C1:000712671000762 C2:duudduddudduddd M:      K:Edor         H:LR     T:The Ballymun Regatta
ABC      3 C1:000753570500712 C2:ddudduduudduuud M:      K:Emin         H:LR     T:The Ballymun Regatta
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:6/8   K:G            H:BLRSZ  T:Bally na Curtie
ABC      1 C1:201107712117677 C2:uuudduuuuuddddd M:2/4   K:A            H:LR     T:The Ballynahula
ABC      1 C1:201107712117677 C2:uuudduuuuuddddd M:2/4   K:A            H:LR     T:The Ballynahula
ABC      1 C1:201107712117677 C2:uuudduuuuuddddd M:2/4   K:A            H:LR     T:The Ballynahula
ABC      1 C1:201107712117677 C2:uuudduuuuuddddd M:2/4   K:A            H:LR     T:The Ballynahula
ABC      1 C1:201107712117677 C2:uuudduuuuuddddd M:2/4   K:A            H:LR     T:The Ballynahula
ABC      1 C1:201107712117677 C2:uuudduuuuuddddd M:2/4   K:A            H:LR     T:The Ballynahula
ABC     24 C1:201107712117677 C2:uuudduuuuuddddd M:2/4   K:A            H:LR     T:The Ballynahula
ABC      1 C1:201107711206077 C2:uuudduuudddduuu M:2/4   K:A            H:"LR    T:Ballynahula Polka
ABC      1 C1:201107711206077 C2:uuudduuudddduuu M:2/4   K:A            H:"LR    T:Ballynahula Polka
ABC      1 C1:201107711206077 C2:uuudduuudddduuu M:2/4   K:A            H:"LR    T:Ballynahula Polka
ABC      1 C1:201107711206077 C2:uuudduuudddduuu M:2/4   K:A            H:"LR    T:Ballynahula Polka
ABC      1 C1:201107711206077 C2:uuudduuudddduuu M:2/4   K:A            H:"LR    T:Ballynahula Polka
ABC    124 C1:201107711206077 C2:uuudduuudddduuu M:2/4   K:A            H:"LR    T:Ballynahula Polka
ABC    277 C1:206764612772263 C2:uddduduudduudud M:4/4   K:G            H:DLRZ   T:The Ballyntore Fancy
ABC    277 C1:206764612772263 C2:uddduduudduudud M:4/4   K:G            H:DLRZ   T:The Ballyntore Fancy
ABC      1 C1:030000000000502 C2:udduuu          M:4/4   K:Eb           H:L      T:Ballynure Ballad
ABC      1 C1:030000000000502 C2:udduuu          M:4/4   K:Eb           H:L      T:Ballynure Ballad
ABC      1 C1:030000000000502 C2:udduuu          M:4/4   K:Eb           H:L      T:Ballynure Ballad
ABC      1 C1:607107126000762 C2:dduduuddduudduu M:      K:Bmin         H:LR     T:Ballyogan
ABC      2 C1:600076236071026 C2:ddduudduudduddu M:      K:Bmin         H:"LR    T:Ballyogan
ABC      1 C1:622600076214000 C2:duuddduuduudduu M:4/4   K:Bmin         H:CDLR   T:Ballyogan
ABC      1 C1:607107126000762 C2:dduduuddduudduu M:4/4   K:Bmin         H:CDLR   T:Ballyogan
ABC      1 C1:653270647606556 C2:duududduddudddd M:2/4   K:Amaj         H:LR     T:Ballyoran
ABC      1 C1:653270647606556 C2:duududduddudddd M:2/4   K:Amaj         H:LR     T:Ballyoran
ABC      5 C1:116177161663071 C2:uududdududduduu M:      K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:The Ballyoran
ABC      1 C1:116161616100711 C2:uudududududuuuu M:      K:Gmaj         H:"LR    T:The Ballyoran
ABC      2 C1:616161663071112 C2:dudududduduuudu M:      K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:The Ballyoran
ABC      3 C1:116161616630711 C2:uududududduduuu M:      K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:The Ballyoran
ABC      4 C1:117717716161017 C2:uudduddududuudd M:      K:Gmaj         H:"LR    T:The Ballyoran
ABC      1 C1:655646532706476 C2:ddduuduuduududd M:      K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:Ballyoran
ABC      2 C1:402646532706476 C2:duduuduududdudd M:      K:Dmaj         H:LR     T:Ballyoran
ABC      3 C1:653270647606556 C2:duududduddudddd M:      K:Amaj         H:LR     T:Ballyoran
ABC      4 C1:655646532706476 C2:ddduuduuduududd M:      K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:Ballyoran
ABC      1 C1:653270647606556 C2:duududduddudddd M:2/4   K:Amaj         H:LR     T:Ballyoran
ABC      1 C1:616161610071111 C2:dududududuuuuuu M:4/4   K:G            H:"CLRZ  T:the Ballyoran Hornpipe
ABC      1 C1:616161610071111 C2:dududududuuuuuu M:4/4   K:G            H:"CLRZ  T:the Ballyoran Hornpipe
ABC      1 C1:616161610071111 C2:dududududuuuuuu M:4/4   K:G            H:"CLRZ  T:the Ballyoran Hornpipe
ABC      1 C1:616161610071111 C2:dududududuuuuuu M:4/4   K:G            H:"CLRZ  T:the Ballyoran Hornpipe
ABC      1 C1:616161610071111 C2:dududududuuuuuu M:4/4   K:G            H:"CLRZ  T:the Ballyoran Hornpipe
ABC      1 C1:616161610071111 C2:dududududuuuuuu M:4/4   K:G            H:"CLRZ  T:the Ballyoran Hornpipe
ABC      1 C1:616161610071111 C2:dududududuuuuuu M:4/4   K:G            H:"CLRZ  T:the Ballyoran Hornpipe
ABC      1 C1:616161610071111 C2:dududududuuuuuu M:4/4   K:G            H:"CLRZ  T:the Ballyoran Hornpipe
ABC      1 C1:616161610071111 C2:dududududuuuuuu M:4/4   K:G            H:"CLRZ  T:the Ballyoran Hornpipe
ABC      1 C1:616161610071111 C2:dududududuuuuuu M:4/4   K:G            H:"CLRZ  T:the Ballyoran Hornpipe
ABC      1 C1:616161610071111 C2:dududududuuuuuu M:4/4   K:G            H:"CLRZ  T:the Ballyoran Hornpipe
ABC      1 C1:616161610071111 C2:dududududuuuuuu M:4/4   K:G            H:"CLRZ  T:the Ballyoran Hornpipe
ABC  54002 C1:616161610062111 C2:dudududuudduuuu M:C|    K:G            H:BCLR   T:BALLYORAN HORNPIPE, The
ABC  54002 C1:616161610062111 C2:dudududuudduuuu M:C|    K:G            H:BCLR   T:BALLYORAN HORNPIPE, The
ABC  54002 C1:616161610062111 C2:dudududuudduuuu M:C|\   K:G\           H:BCLQR  T:BALLYORAN HORNPIPE, The \
ABC    112 C1:030007770600071 C2:uddddduuudddduu M:4/4   K:G            H:"LQR   T:Ballyoran Polka #1
ABC    112 C1:030007770600071 C2:uddddduuudddduu M:4/4   K:G            H:"LQR   T:Ballyoran Polka #1
ABC    112 C1:030007770600071 C2:uddddduuudddduu M:4/4   K:G            H:"LQR   T:Ballyoran Polka #1
ABC    113 C1:770532062206230 C2:ddduuduuduududd M:2/4   K:G            H:"LQR   T:Ballyoran Polka 2
ABC    113 C1:770532062206230 C2:ddduuduuduududd M:2/4   K:G            H:"LQR   T:Ballyoran Polka 2
ABC    113 C1:770532062206230 C2:ddduuduuduududd M:2/4   K:G            H:"LQR   T:Ballyoran Polka 2
ABC      1 C1:053206220623003 C2:duuduuduududduu M:2/4   K:G            H:L      T:Ballyoran polka
ABC      1 C1:053206220623003 C2:duuduuduududduu M:2/4   K:G            H:L      T:Ballyoran polka set
ABC 491021 C1:030000007111000 C2:uduuudduddudduu M:3/4   K:G            H:BLSYZ  T:BALLY PATRICK
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:3/4   K:A            H:LQV    T:Ballypatrick
ABC    111 C1:300712000060003 C2:uduuudduddudduu M:3/4   K:A            H:BLQV   T:Ballypatrick
ABC    235 C1:030000007111000 C2:uduuudduddudduu M:3/4   K:G            H:BLZ    T:Bally Patrick
ABC    235 C1:030000007111000 C2:uduuudduddudduu M:3/4   K:G            H:BLZ    T:Bally Patrick
ABC    235 C1:030000007111000 C2:uduuudduddudduu M:3/4   K:G            H:BLZ    T:Bally Patrick
ABC    235 C1:030000007111000 C2:uduuudduddudduu M:3/4   K:G            H:BLZ    T:Bally Patrick
ABC    235 C1:030000007111000 C2:uduuudduddudduu M:3/4   K:G            H:BLZ    T:Bally Patrick
ABC    235 C1:030000007111000 C2:uduuudduddudduu M:3/4   K:G            H:BLZ    T:Bally Patrick
ABC    235 C1:030000007111000 C2:uduuudduddudduu M:3/4   K:G            H:BLZ    T:Bally Patrick
ABC    235 C1:030000007111000 C2:uduuudduddudduu M:3/4   K:G            H:BLOQRZbs T:Bally Patrick
ABC    235 C1:030000007111000 C2:uduuudduddudduu M:3/4   K:G            H:BLOQRZbs T:Bally Patrick
ABC    235 C1:030000007111000 C2:uduuudduddudduu M:3/4   K:G            H:BLOQRZbs T:Bally Patrick
ABC    235 C1:030000007111000 C2:uduuudduddudduu M:3/4   K:G            H:BLOQRZbs T:Bally Patrick
ABC    235 C1:030000007111000 C2:uduuudduddudduu M:3/4   K:G            H:BLOQRZbs T:Bally Patrick
ABC    235 C1:030000007111000 C2:uduuudduddudduu M:3/4   K:G            H:BLOQRZbs T:Bally Patrick
ABC    235 C1:030000007111000 C2:uduuudduddudduu M:3/4   K:G            H:BLOQRZbs T:Bally Patrick
ABC    235 C1:030000007111000 C2:uduuudduddudduu M:3/4   K:G            H:BLOQRZbs T:Bally Patrick
ABC    235 C1:030000007111000 C2:uduuudduddudduu M:3/4   K:G            H:BLOQRZbs T:Bally Patrick
ABC    235 C1:030000007111000 C2:uduuudduddudduu M:3/4   K:G            H:BLZ    T:Bally Patrick
ABC 491021 C1:030000007111000 C2:uduuudduddudduu M:3/4   K:G            H:BLSYZ  T:BALLY PATRICK
ABC 491021 C1:030000007111000 C2:uduuudduddudduu M:3/4   K:G            H:BLSYZ  T:BALLY PATRICK
ABC    235 C1:030000007111000 C2:uduuudduddudduu M:3/4   K:G            H:BLZ    T:Bally Patrick
ABC    235 C1:030000007111000 C2:uduuudduddudduu M:3/4   K:G            H:BLZ    T:Bally Patrick
ABC    235 C1:030000007111000 C2:uduuudduddudduu M:3/4   K:G            H:BLZ    T:Bally Patrick
ABC   0235 C1:030000007111000 C2:uduuudduddudduu M:3/4   K:G            H:BCILQZ T:Ballypatrick (air) repaired 0235
ABC   0235 C1:030000007111000 C2:uduuudduddudduu M:3/4   K:G            H:BCILQZ T:Ballypatrick (air) repaired 0235
ABC    248 C1:362566210261677 C2:ududdduuududddd M:4/4   K:D            H:L      T:The Ballyshannon
ABC    248 C1:362566210261677 C2:ududdduuududddd M:4/4   K:D            H:L      T:The Ballyshannon
ABC   1240 C1:362566210261677 C2:ududdduuududddd M:4/4   K:D            H:L      T:The Ballyshannon
ABC    040 C1:026722270374211 C2:udduuududduuudd M:2/4   K:G            H:BCLRZ  T:The Ballysloughgutthery Fluter
ABC    040 C1:026722270374211 C2:udduuududduuudd M:2/4   K:G            H:BCLRZ  T:The Ballysloughgutthery Fluter
ABC      1 C1:026722270374211 C2:udduuududduuudd M:2/4   K:G            H:BCLRZ  T:The Ballysloughgutthery Fluter
ABC    040 C1:026722270374211 C2:udduuududduuudd M:2/4   K:G            H:BCLRZ  T:The Ballysloughgutthery Fluter
ABC    040 C1:026722270374211 C2:udduuududduuudd M:2/4   K:G            H:BCLRZ  T:The Ballysloughgutthery Fluter
ABC  48202 C1:776170075777011 C2:dddududddduudud M:9/8   K:D            H:BCLQRY T:BALLYVOILE HOUSE
ABC    170 C1:776170075777011 C2:dddududddduudud M:9/8   K:D            H:LQR    T:Ballyvoile House
ABC    170 C1:776170075777011 C2:dddududddduudud M:9/8   K:D            H:LQR    T:Ballyvoile House
ABC    170 C1:776170075777011 C2:dddududddduudud M:9/8   K:D            H:LQR    T:Ballyvoile House
ABC    170 C1:776170075777011 C2:dddududddduudud M:9/8   K:D            H:LQR    T:Ballyvoile House
ABC  48202 C1:776170075777011 C2:dddududddduudud M:9/8   K:D            H:BCLQRY T:BALLYVOILE HOUSE
ABC  48202 C1:776170075777011 C2:dddududddduudud M:9/8   K:D            H:BCLQRY T:BALLYVOILE HOUSE
ABC    170 C1:776170075777011 C2:dddududddduudud M:9/8   K:D            H:LQR    T:Ballyvoile House
ABC    170 C1:776170075777011 C2:dddududddduudud M:9/8   K:D            H:LQR    T:Ballyvoile House
ABC    170 C1:776170075777011 C2:dddududddduudud M:9/8   K:D            H:LQR    T:Ballyvoile House
ABC      4 C1:060202050117070 C2:duuduudduduuddu M:2/4   K:D            H:CLR    T:Ballyvourney
ABC      1 C1:107162251071002 C2:uudduduuduudduu M:      K:Edor         H:LR     T:The Ballyvourney
ABC      2 C1:107162251071002 C2:uudduduuduudduu M:      K:Edor         H:LR     T:The Ballyvourney
ABC      3 C1:107162251071000 C2:uudduduuduuddud M:      K:Edor         H:LR     T:The Ballyvourney
ABC      4 C1:107112751071244 C2:uudduuudduudduu M:      K:Edor         H:LR     T:The Ballyvourney
ABC 748290 C1:622510710205107 C2:duuuduudduuduud M:2/4   K:Edor         H:"FGLRSZ T:The Ballyvourney
ABC      1 C1:107162251071002 C2:uudduduuduudduu M:2/4   K:Edor         H:LR     T:The Ballyvourney
ABC    529 C1:001166111167071 C2:uudduuuudddduuu M:2/4   K:G            H:"LORSZ T:Ballyvourney polka 1
ABC    529 C1:001166111167071 C2:uudduuuudddduuu M:2/4   K:G            H:"LORSZ T:Ballyvourney polka 1
ABC    529 C1:001166111167071 C2:uudduuuudddduuu M:2/4   K:G            H:"LORSZ T:Ballyvourney polka 1
ABC    529 C1:001166111167071 C2:uudduuuudddduuu M:2/4   K:G            H:"LORSZ T:Ballyvourney polka 1
ABC    529 C1:001166111167071 C2:uudduuuudddduuu M:2/4   K:G            H:"LORSZ T:Ballyvourney polka 1
ABC    530 C1:622510710205107 C2:duuuduudduuduud M:2/4   K:D            H:"LORSZ T:Ballyvourney polka 2
ABC    530 C1:622510710205107 C2:duuuduudduuduud M:2/4   K:D            H:"LORSZ T:Ballyvourney polka 2
ABC    530 C1:622510710205107 C2:duuuduudduuduud M:2/4   K:D            H:"LORSZ T:Ballyvourney polka 2
ABC    530 C1:622510710205107 C2:duuuduudduuduud M:2/4   K:D            H:"LORSZ T:Ballyvourney polka 2
ABC    530 C1:622510710205107 C2:duuuduudduuduud M:2/4   K:D            H:"LORSZ T:Ballyvourney polka 2
ABC      1 C1:622510710205107 C2:duuuduudduuduud M:2/4   K:Edor         H:LRZ    T:Ballyvourney Polka, The
ABC  36003 C1:107162251071020 C2:uudduduuuduuddu M:2/4   K:Em           H:BCLQR  T:BALLYVOURNEY POLKA, The
ABC      7 C1:622510710205107 C2:duuuduudduuduud M:2/4   K:Edor         H:LRZ    T:Ballyvourney Polka, The
ABC  36003 C1:107162251071020 C2:uudduduuuduuddu M:2/4   K:Em           H:BCLQR  T:BALLYVOURNEY POLKA, The
ABC  36003 C1:107162251071020 C2:uudduduuuduuddu M:2/4   K:Em           H:BCLQR  T:BALLYVOURNEY POLKA, The
ABC     38 C1:622510710205107 C2:duuuduudduuduud M:2/4   K:Edor         H:LRZ    T:Ballyvourney Polka, The
ABC     38 C1:622510710205107 C2:duuuduudduuduud M:2/4   K:Edor         H:LRZ    T:Ballyvourney Polka, The
ABC     45 C1:622510710205107 C2:duuuduudduuduud M:2/4   K:Edor         H:LRZ    T:Ballyvourney Polka, The
ABC     38 C1:622510710205107 C2:duuuduudduuduud M:2/4   K:Edor         H:LRZ    T:Ballyvourney Polka, The
ABC     38 C1:622510710205107 C2:duuuduudduuduud M:2/4   K:Edor         H:LRZ    T:Ballyvourney Polka, The
ABC     38 C1:622510710205107 C2:duuuduudduuduud M:2/4   K:Edor         H:LRZ    T:Ballyvourney Polka, The
ABC     39 C1:622510710205107 C2:duuuduudduuduud M:2/4   K:Edor         H:LRZ    T:Ballyvourney Polka, The
ABC   1099 C1:622510710205107 C2:duuuduudduuduud M:2/4   K:Edor         H:LRZ    T:Ballyvourney Polka, The
ABC   1100 C1:622510710205107 C2:duuuduudduuduud M:2/4   K:Edor         H:LRZ    T:Ballyvourney Polka, The
ABC     38 C1:622510710205107 C2:duuuduudduuduud M:2/4   K:Edor         H:LRZ    T:Ballyvourney Polka, The
ABC     38 C1:622510710205107 C2:duuuduudduuduud M:2/4   K:Edor         H:LRZ    T:Ballyvourney Polka, The
ABC     38 C1:622510710205107 C2:duuuduudduuduud M:2/4   K:Edor         H:LRZ    T:Ballyvourney Polka, The
ABC     38 C1:622510710205107 C2:duuuduudduuduud M:2/4   K:Edor         H:LRZ    T:Ballyvourney Polka, The
ABC     38 C1:622510710205107 C2:duuuduudduuduud M:2/4   K:Edor         H:LRZ    T:Ballyvourney Polka, The
ABC     38 C1:622510710205107 C2:duuuduudduuduud M:2/4   K:Edor         H:LRZ    T:Ballyvourney Polka, The
ABC     38 C1:622510710205107 C2:duuuduudduuduud M:2/4   K:Edor         H:LRZ    T:Ballyvourney Polka, The
ABC    385 C1:622510710205107 C2:duuuduudduuduud M:2/4   K:Edor         H:LOR    T:Ballyvourney Polka, The
ABC    385 C1:622510710205107 C2:duuuduudduuduud M:2/4   K:Edor         H:LOR    T:Ballyvourney Polka, The
ABC   1099 C1:622510710205107 C2:duuuduudduuduud M:2/4   K:Edor         H:LRZ    T:Ballyvourney Polka, The
ABC   1100 C1:622510710205107 C2:duuuduudduuduud M:2/4   K:Edor         H:LRZ    T:Ballyvourney Polka, The
ABC   1099 C1:622510710205107 C2:duuuduudduuduud M:2/4   K:Edor         H:LRZ    T:Ballyvourney Polka, The
ABC   1100 C1:622510710205107 C2:duuuduudduuduud M:2/4   K:Edor         H:LRZ    T:Ballyvourney Polka, The
ABC   1099 C1:622510710205107 C2:duuuduudduuduud M:2/4   K:Edor         H:LRZ    T:Ballyvourney Polka, The
ABC   1100 C1:622510710205107 C2:duuuduudduuduud M:2/4   K:Edor         H:LRZ    T:Ballyvourney Polka, The
ABC    888 C1:622510710205107 C2:duuuduudduuduud M:2/4   K:Edor         H:LRZ    T:Ballyvourney Polka, The
ABC    888 C1:622510710205107 C2:duuuduudduuduud M:2/4   K:Edor         H:LRZ    T:Ballyvourney Polka, The
ABC    888 C1:622510710205107 C2:duuuduudduuduud M:2/4   K:Edor         H:LRZ    T:Ballyvourney Polka, The
ABC    888 C1:622510710205107 C2:duuuduudduuduud M:2/4   K:Edor         H:LRZ    T:Ballyvourney Polka, The
ABC    888 C1:622510710205107 C2:duuuduudduuduud M:2/4   K:Edor         H:LRZ    T:Ballyvourney Polka, The
ABC     38 C1:622510710205107 C2:duuuduudduuduud M:2/4   K:Edor         H:LRZ    T:Ballyvourney Polka, The
ABC     38 C1:622510710205107 C2:duuuduudduuduud M:2/4   K:Edor         H:LRZ    T:Ballyvourney Polka, The
ABC      1 C1:107162251071002 C2:uudduduuduudduu M:2/4   K:A            H:"CDLOQRSZ T:Ballyvourney Polka / Cil Aodha Polka / Coolea Polka (A mixolydian / D major)
ABC    338 C1:267003112661622 C2:udduuuudduduudd M:6/8   K:D            H:"CILRZ T:Balmacara
ABC    338 C1:267003112661622 C2:udduuuudduduudd M:6/8   K:D            H:"CILRZ T:Balmacara
ABC    338 C1:267003112661622 C2:udduuuudduduudd M:6/8   K:D            H:"CILRZ T:Balmacara
ABC    338 C1:267003112661622 C2:udduuuudduduudd M:6/8   K:D            H:"CILRZ T:Balmacara
ABC      1 C1:503264431632276 C2:duududuuduuuddu M:4/4   K:Bb           H:"CLR   T:Balmaha
ABC      1 C1:503264431632276 C2:duududuuduuuddu M:4/4   K:Bb           H:"CLR   T:Balmaha
ABC      1 C1:002771160777712 C2:udduududdduudud M:4/4   K:D            H:"BCLRVZ T:the Balmedie Lasses
ABC      1 C1:002771160777712 C2:udduududdduudud M:4/4   K:D            H:"BCLRVZ T:The Balmedie Lasses
ABC      1 C1:002771160777712 C2:udduududdduudud M:4/4   K:D            H:"BCLRVZ T:The Balmedie Lasses
ABC      1 C1:002771160777712 C2:udduududdduudud M:4/4   K:D            H:"BCLRVZ T:The Balmedie Lasses
ABC      1 C1:002771160777712 C2:udduududdduudud M:4/4   K:D            H:"BCLRVZ T:The Balmedie Lasses
ABC      1 C1:002771160777712 C2:udduududdduudud M:4/4   K:D            H:"BCLRVZ T:The Balmedie Lasses
ABC      1 C1:005320620177020 C2:duuuduudduddudd M:4/4   K:G            H:L      T:Balm in Gilead
ABC      1 C1:005320620177020 C2:duuuduudduddudd M:4/4   K:G            H:L      T:Balm in Gilead
ABC      1 C1:005320620177020 C2:duuuduudduddudd M:4/4   K:G            H:L      T:Balm in Gilead
ABC      1 C1:010055003620050 C2:dudududuududduu M:4/4   K:A            H:CLQR   T:Balmoral
ABC      1 C1:010055003620050 C2:dudududuududduu M:4/4   K:A            H:CLQR   T:Balmoral
ABC    068 C1:600530026007057 C2:dduududdddduudd M:C|    K:A            H:BCLORWZ T:(Balmoral)
ABC      1 C1:020411000771000 C2:uduudduudduuduu M:      K:Amix         H:LR     T:Balmoral
ABC    141 C1:553641616731553 C2:ududuududdududu M:C     K:A            H:"LR    T:Balmoral
ABC    141 C1:553641616731553 C2:ududuududdududu M:C     K:A            H:"LR    T:Balmoral
ABC    141 C1:553625516167201 C2:udududuududduud M:C     K:A            H:"LR    T:Balmoral
ABC    141 C1:553625516167201 C2:udududuududduud M:C     K:A            H:"LR    T:Balmoral
ABC    141 C1:553641616731553 C2:ududuududdududu M:C     K:A            H:"LR    T:Balmoral
ABC    141 C1:553625516167201 C2:udududuududduud M:C     K:A            H:"LR    T:Balmoral
ABC    141 C1:553625516167201 C2:udududuududduud M:C     K:A            H:"LR    T:Balmoral
ABC     33 C1:070533556511606 C2:udududduuudddud M:C     K:G            H:BLR    T:Balmoral Castle
ABC     33 C1:070533556511606 C2:udududduuudddud M:C     K:G            H:BLR    T:Balmoral Castle
ABC     33 C1:070533556511606 C2:udududduuudddud M:C     K:G            H:BLR    T:Balmoral Castle
ABC     33 C1:070533556511606 C2:udududduuudddud M:C     K:G            H:BLR    T:Balmoral Castle
ABC      1 C1:402777547561411 C2:uudddduddduuuud M:4/4   K:E            H:CLQR   T:Balmoral Castle
ABC      1 C1:402777547561411 C2:uudddduddduuuud M:4/4   K:E            H:CLQR   T:Balmoral Castle
ABC      1 C1:026533270570601 C2:uddudududddduuu M:2/4   K:A            H:"BCLRZ T:Balmoral Castle
ABC      1 C1:026533270570601 C2:uddudududddduuu M:2/4   K:A            H:"BCLRZ T:Balmoral Castle
ABC      1 C1:026533270570601 C2:uddudududddduuu M:2/4   K:A            H:"BCLRZ T:Balmoral Castle
ABC      1 C1:026533270570601 C2:uddudududddduuu M:2/4   K:A            H:"BCLRZ T:Balmoral Castle
ABC      1 C1:026533270570601 C2:uddudududddduuu M:2/4   K:A            H:"BCLRZ T:Balmoral Castle
ABC      1 C1:026533270570601 C2:uddudududddduuu M:2/4   K:A            H:"BCLRZ T:Balmoral Castle
ABC      1 C1:026533270570601 C2:uddudududddduuu M:2/4   K:A            H:"BCLRZ T:Balmoral Castle
ABC      1 C1:026533270570601 C2:uddudududddduuu M:2/4   K:A            H:"BCLRZ T:Balmoral Castle
ABC      1 C1:026533270570601 C2:uddudududddduuu M:2/4   K:A            H:"BCLRZ T:Balmoral Castle
ABC      1 C1:026533270570601 C2:uddudududddduuu M:2/4   K:A            H:"BCLRZ T:Balmoral Castle
ABC      1 C1:026533270570601 C2:uddudududddduuu M:2/4   K:A            H:"BCLRZ T:Balmoral Castle
ABC      1 C1:026533270570601 C2:uddudududddduuu M:2/4   K:A            H:"BCLRZ T:Balmoral Castle
ABC      1 C1:026533270570601 C2:uddudududddduuu M:2/4   K:A            H:"BCLRZ T:Balmoral Castle
ABC      1 C1:026533270570601 C2:uddudududddduuu M:2/4   K:A            H:"BCLRZ T:Balmoral Castle
ABC      1 C1:026533270570601 C2:uddudududddduuu M:2/4   K:A            H:"BCLRZ T:Balmoral Castle
ABC      1 C1:026533270570601 C2:uddudududddduuu M:2/4   K:A            H:"BCLRZ T:Balmoral Castle
ABC      1 C1:026533270570601 C2:uddudududddduuu M:2/4   K:A            H:"BCLRZ T:Balmoral Castle
ABC      1 C1:026533270570601 C2:uddudududddduuu M:2/4   K:A            H:"BCLRZ T:Balmoral Castle
ABC      1 C1:026533270570601 C2:uddudududddduuu M:2/4   K:A            H:"BCLRZ T:Balmoral Castle
ABC      1 C1:026533270570601 C2:uddudududddduuu M:2/4   K:A            H:"BCLRZ T:Balmoral Castle
ABC      1 C1:026533270570601 C2:uddudududddduuu M:2/4   K:A            H:"BCLRZ T:Balmoral Castle
ABC      1 C1:302653327057060 C2:uuddudududddduu M:2/4   K:A            H:"BCLRZ T:Balmoral Castle
ABC      5 C1:000265332700057 C2:uddudududddduuu M:4/4   K:A            H:"CLOR  T:Balmoral Castle
ABC    804 C1:265332700057066 C2:uddudududdddudu M:4/4   K:A            H:CILRZ  T:Balmoral Castle
ABC      1 C1:302653327057060 C2:uuddudududddduu M:2/4   K:A            H:"BCLQRZ T:Balmoral Castle
ABC    804 C1:265332700057066 C2:uddudududdddudu M:4/4   K:A            H:CILRZ  T:Balmoral Castle
ABC      3 C1:026533270570601 C2:uddudududddduuu M:2/4   K:A            H:"BCLRZ T:Balmoral Castle
ABC      3 C1:026533270570601 C2:uddudududddduuu M:2/4   K:A            H:"BCLRZ T:Balmoral Castle
ABC      3 C1:026533270570601 C2:uddudududddduuu M:2/4   K:A            H:"BCLRZ T:Balmoral Castle
ABC      3 C1:026533270570601 C2:uddudududddduuu M:2/4   K:A            H:"BCLRZ T:Balmoral Castle
ABC      3 C1:026533270570601 C2:uddudududddduuu M:2/4   K:A            H:"BCLRZ T:Balmoral Castle
ABC      3 C1:026533270570601 C2:uddudududddduuu M:2/4   K:A            H:"BCLRZ T:Balmoral Castle
ABC      3 C1:026533270570601 C2:uddudududddduuu M:2/4   K:A            H:"BCLRZ T:Balmoral Castle
ABC      3 C1:026533270570601 C2:uddudududddduuu M:2/4   K:A            H:"BCLRZ T:Balmoral Castle
ABC      3 C1:026533270570601 C2:uddudududddduuu M:2/4   K:A            H:"BCLRZ T:Balmoral Castle
ABC      3 C1:026533270570601 C2:uddudududddduuu M:2/4   K:A            H:"BCLRZ T:Balmoral Castle
ABC      3 C1:026533270570601 C2:uddudududddduuu M:2/4   K:A            H:"BCLRZ T:Balmoral Castle
ABC      3 C1:026533270570601 C2:uddudududddduuu M:2/4   K:A            H:"BCLRZ T:Balmoral Castle
ABC      3 C1:026533270570601 C2:uddudududddduuu M:2/4   K:A            H:"BCLRZ T:Balmoral Castle
ABC      3 C1:026533270570601 C2:uddudududddduuu M:2/4   K:A            H:"BCLRZ T:Balmoral Castle
ABC      3 C1:026533270570601 C2:uddudududddduuu M:2/4   K:A            H:"BCLRZ T:Balmoral Castle
ABC      3 C1:026533270570601 C2:uddudududddduuu M:2/4   K:A            H:"BCLRZ T:Balmoral Castle
ABC      3 C1:026533270570601 C2:uddudududddduuu M:2/4   K:A            H:"BCLRZ T:Balmoral Castle
ABC      3 C1:026533270570601 C2:uddudududddduuu M:2/4   K:A            H:"BCLRZ T:Balmoral Castle
ABC      3 C1:026533270570601 C2:uddudududddduuu M:2/4   K:A            H:"BCLRZ T:Balmoral Castle
ABC      3 C1:026533270570601 C2:uddudududddduuu M:2/4   K:A            H:"BCLRZ T:Balmoral Castle
ABC      3 C1:026533270570601 C2:uddudududddduuu M:2/4   K:A            H:"BCLRZ T:Balmoral Castle
ABC      3 C1:026533270570601 C2:uddudududddduuu M:2/4   K:A            H:"BCLRZ T:Balmoral Castle
ABC      3 C1:026533270570601 C2:uddudududddduuu M:2/4   K:A            H:"BCLRZ T:Balmoral Castle
ABC      3 C1:026533270570601 C2:uddudududddduuu M:2/4   K:A            H:"BCLRZ T:Balmoral Castle
ABC      3 C1:026533270570601 C2:uddudududddduuu M:2/4   K:A            H:"BCLRZ T:Balmoral Castle
ABC      3 C1:026533270570601 C2:uddudududddduuu M:2/4   K:A            H:"BCLRZ T:Balmoral Castle
ABC      3 C1:026533270570601 C2:uddudududddduuu M:2/4   K:A            H:"BCLRZ T:Balmoral Castle
ABC      3 C1:026533270570601 C2:uddudududddduuu M:2/4   K:A            H:"BCLRZ T:Balmoral Castle
ABC      3 C1:026533270570601 C2:uddudududddduuu M:2/4   K:A            H:"BCLRZ T:Balmoral Castle
ABC      3 C1:026533270570601 C2:uddudududddduuu M:2/4   K:A            H:"BCLRZ T:Balmoral Castle
ABC      5 C1:000265332700057 C2:uddudududddduuu M:4/4   K:A            H:"CLOR  T:Balmoral Castle
ABC    804 C1:265332700057066 C2:uddudududdddudu M:4/4   K:A            H:CILRZ  T:Balmoral Castle
ABC    804 C1:265332700057066 C2:uddudududdddudu M:4/4   K:A            H:CILRZ  T:Balmoral Castle
ABC     33 C1:070533556511606 C2:udududduuudddud M:C     K:G            H:BLR    T:Balmoral Castle
ABC     33 C1:070533556511606 C2:udududduuudddud M:C     K:G            H:BLR    T:Balmoral Castle
ABC      9 C1:026533270570601 C2:uddudududddduuu M:2/4   K:A            H:"BCLRZ T:Balmoral Castle
ABC      9 C1:026533270570601 C2:uddudududddduuu M:2/4   K:A            H:"BCLRZ T:Balmoral Castle
ABC      1 C1:070533556511606 C2:udududduuudddud M:C     K:G            H:BLRZ   T:Balmoral Castle
ABC     16 C1:026533270570601 C2:uddudududddduuu M:2/4   K:A            H:"BCLRZ T:Balmoral Castle
ABC     17 C1:026533270570601 C2:uddudududddduuu M:2/4   K:A            H:"BCLRZ T:Balmoral Castle
ABC     16 C1:026533270570601 C2:uddudududddduuu M:2/4   K:A            H:"BCLRZ T:Balmoral Castle
ABC     17 C1:026533270570601 C2:uddudududddduuu M:2/4   K:A            H:"BCLRZ T:Balmoral Castle
ABC     16 C1:026533270570601 C2:uddudududddduuu M:2/4   K:A            H:"BCLRZ T:Balmoral Castle
ABC     17 C1:026533270570601 C2:uddudududddduuu M:2/4   K:A            H:"BCLRZ T:Balmoral Castle
ABC      1 C1:462446204534076 C2:ududududududddu M:2/4   K:Amix         H:OR     T:The Balmoral Highlanders
ABC     12 C1:462446204534076 C2:ududududududddu M:2/4   K:Hp           H:ORS    T:Balmoral Highlanders, the
ABC     12 C1:462446204534076 C2:ududududududddu M:2/4   K:Hp           H:ORS    T:Balmoral Highlanders, the
ABC      1 C1:462446204534076 C2:ududududududddu M:2/4   K:Hp           H:ORS    T:Balmoral Highlanders, the
ABC     12 C1:462446204534076 C2:ududududududddu M:2/4   K:Hp           H:ORS    T:Balmoral Highlanders, the
ABC     12 C1:462446204534076 C2:ududududududddu M:2/4   K:Hp           H:ORS    T:Balmoral Highlanders, the
ABC     60 C1:462446204534076 C2:ududududududddu M:2/4   K:Hp           H:ORS    T:Balmoral Highlanders, the
ABC      4 C1:110261026130777 C2:uuuduuduudddddu M:      K:Amix         H:LR     T:The Balmoral Highlanders
ABC      1 C1:462446204534076 C2:ududududududddu M:2/4   K:Amix         H:CLR    T:Balmoral Highlanders, The
ABC     51 C1:462446204534076 C2:ududududududddu M:2/4   K:A            H:LORZ   T:the Balmoral Highlanders
ABC      1 C1:044624462045340 C2:dududududududdd M:      K:Amix         H:LR     T:The Balmoral Highlanders
ABC      2 C1:462446204534076 C2:ududududududddu M:      K:Amix         H:LR     T:The Balmoral Highlanders
ABC      3 C1:044624462045340 C2:dududududududdd M:      K:Dmaj         H:LR     T:The Balmoral Highlanders
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:2/4   K:A            H:CLQRSZ T:Balmoral Highlanders, The
ABC   1101 C1:462446204534076 C2:ududududududddu M:2/4   K:Hp           H:ORS    T:Balmoral Highlanders, the
ABC   1102 C1:462446204534076 C2:ududududududddu M:2/4   K:Hp           H:ORS    T:Balmoral Highlanders, the
ABC      9 C1:462446204534076 C2:ududududududddu M:2/4   K:Hp           H:ORS    T:Balmoral Highlanders, the
ABC    206 C1:462446204534076 C2:ududududududddu M:2/4   K:Amix         H:OR     T:The Balmoral Highlanders
ABC   7917 C1:462446204534076 C2:ududududududddu M:2/4   K:Amix         H:OR     T:The Balmoral Highlanders
ABC   7917 C1:462446204534076 C2:ududududududddu M:2/4   K:Amix         H:OR     T:The Balmoral Highlanders
ABC   1101 C1:462446204534076 C2:ududududududddu M:2/4   K:Hp           H:ORS    T:Balmoral Highlanders, the
ABC   1102 C1:462446204534076 C2:ududududududddu M:2/4   K:Hp           H:ORS    T:Balmoral Highlanders, the
ABC   1101 C1:462446204534076 C2:ududududududddu M:2/4   K:Hp           H:ORS    T:Balmoral Highlanders, the
ABC   1102 C1:462446204534076 C2:ududududududddu M:2/4   K:Hp           H:ORS    T:Balmoral Highlanders, the
ABC   1101 C1:462446204534076 C2:ududududududddu M:2/4   K:Hp           H:ORS    T:Balmoral Highlanders, the
ABC   1102 C1:462446204534076 C2:ududududududddu M:2/4   K:Hp           H:ORS    T:Balmoral Highlanders, the
ABC    489 C1:462446204534076 C2:ududududududddu M:2/4   K:A            H:FORZ   T:the Balmoral Highlanders
ABC    489 C1:462446204534076 C2:ududududududddu M:2/4   K:A            H:FORZ   T:the Balmoral Highlanders
ABC    889 C1:462446204534076 C2:ududududududddu M:2/4   K:Hp           H:ORS    T:Balmoral Highlanders, the
ABC  12799 C1:462446204534076 C2:ududududududddu M:2/4   K:Amix         H:OR     T:The Balmoral Highlanders
ABC    889 C1:462446204534076 C2:ududududududddu M:2/4   K:Hp           H:ORS    T:Balmoral Highlanders, the
ABC  12799 C1:462446204534076 C2:ududududududddu M:2/4   K:Amix         H:OR     T:The Balmoral Highlanders
ABC    889 C1:462446204534076 C2:ududududududddu M:2/4   K:Hp           H:ORS    T:Balmoral Highlanders, the
ABC  12799 C1:462446204534076 C2:ududududududddu M:2/4   K:Amix         H:OR     T:The Balmoral Highlanders
ABC    889 C1:462446204534076 C2:ududududududddu M:2/4   K:Hp           H:ORS    T:Balmoral Highlanders, the
ABC  12799 C1:462446204534076 C2:ududududududddu M:2/4   K:Amix         H:OR     T:The Balmoral Highlanders
ABC    889 C1:462446204534076 C2:ududududududddu M:2/4   K:Hp           H:ORS    T:Balmoral Highlanders, the
ABC  12799 C1:462446204534076 C2:ududududududddu M:2/4   K:Amix         H:OR     T:The Balmoral Highlanders
ABC    865 C1:462446204534076 C2:ududududududddu M:2/4   K:A            H:ORZ    T:the Balmoral Highlanders
ABC      1 C1:262217742626221 C2:ududududududddu M:C|    K:HP           H:CLQS   T:The Balmoral Highlanders "CYMRU"
ABC      1 C1:262217742626221 C2:ududududududddu M:C|    K:HP           H:CLQS   T:The Balmoral Highlanders "CYMRU"
ABC      1 C1:262217742626221 C2:ududududududddu M:C|    K:HP           H:CLQS   T:The Balmoral Highlanders "CYMRU"
ABC      1 C1:653207711111077 C2:dduudduuuuudddu M:4/4   K:A            H:CLQR   T:Balmoral Hornpipe
ABC      1 C1:653207711111077 C2:dduudduuuuudddu M:4/4   K:A            H:CLQR   T:Balmoral Hornpipe
ABC    605 C1:000500117777001 C2:duudddduuuudddd M:C     K:G            H:LQRS   T:The Balmoral Hornpipe
ABC  09008 C1:001133117727767 C2:uuduuuddudddduu M:C     K:G            H:BCLZ   T:BALMORAL PLACE
ABC  09008 C1:001133117727767 C2:uuduuuddudddduu M:C     K:G            H:BCLZ   T:BALMORAL PLACE
ABC  09008 C1:001133117727767 C2:uuduuuddudddduu M:C     K:G            H:BCLZ   T:BALMORAL PLACE
ABC  09008 C1:001133117727767 C2:uuduuuddudddduu M:C     K:G            H:BCLZ   T:BALMORAL PLACE
ABC  09008 C1:001133117727767 C2:uuduuuddudddduu M:C     K:G            H:BCLZ   T:BALMORAL PLACE
ABC  09008 C1:001133117727767 C2:uuduuuddudddduu M:C     K:G            H:BCLZ   T:BALMORAL PLACE
ABC  09008 C1:001133117727767 C2:uuduuuddudddduu M:C     K:G            H:BCLZ   T:BALMORAL PLACE
ABC  09008 C1:001133117727767 C2:uuduuuddudddduu M:C     K:G            H:BCLZ   T:BALMORAL PLACE
ABC  09008 C1:001133117727767 C2:uuduuuddudddduu M:C     K:G            H:BCLZ   T:BALMORAL PLACE
ABC  09008 C1:001133117727767 C2:uuduuuddudddduu M:C     K:G            H:BCLZ   T:BALMORAL PLACE
ABC  09008 C1:001133117727767 C2:uuduuuddudddduu M:C     K:G            H:BCLZ   T:BALMORAL PLACE
ABC    264 C1:155362551616720 C2:dudududuududduu M:C     K:A            H:"CLR   T:Balmoral Strathspey
ABC      1 C1:155362551616720 C2:dudududuududduu M:4/4   K:A            H:"CL    T:Balmoral Strathspey
ABC      1 C1:155362551616720 C2:dudududuududduu M:4/4   K:A            H:"CL    T:Balmoral Strathspey
ABC      1 C1:655362551616720 C2:dudududuududduu M:4/4   K:A            H:"LRZ   T:the Balmoral Strathspey
ABC      1 C1:655362551616720 C2:dudududuududduu M:4/4   K:A            H:"LRZ   T:the Balmoral Strathspey
ABC      1 C1:655362551616720 C2:dudududuududduu M:4/4   K:A            H:"LRZ   T:the Balmoral Strathspey
ABC      1 C1:655362551616720 C2:dudududuududduu M:4/4   K:A            H:"LRZ   T:the Balmoral Strathspey
ABC      1 C1:655362551616720 C2:dudududuududduu M:4/4   K:A            H:"LRZ   T:the Balmoral Strathspey
ABC      1 C1:655362551616720 C2:dudududuududduu M:4/4   K:A            H:"LRZ   T:the Balmoral Strathspey
ABC      1 C1:655362551616720 C2:dudududuududduu M:4/4   K:A            H:"LRZ   T:the Balmoral Strathspey
ABC      1 C1:655362551616720 C2:dudududuududduu M:4/4   K:A            H:"LRZ   T:the Balmoral Strathspey
ABC      1 C1:655362551616720 C2:dudududuududduu M:4/4   K:A            H:"LRZ   T:the Balmoral Strathspey
ABC   2203 C1:553625516167201 C2:udududuududduud M:C     K:A            H:"BCLRZ T:Balmoral Strathspey
ABC   2203 C1:553625516167201 C2:udududuududduud M:C     K:A            H:"BCLRZ T:Balmoral Strathspey
ABC   2203 C1:553625516167201 C2:udududuududduud M:C     K:A            H:"BCLRZ T:Balmoral Strathspey
ABC   2203 C1:553625516167201 C2:udududuududduud M:C     K:A            H:"BCLRZ T:Balmoral Strathspey
ABC   2203 C1:553625516167201 C2:udududuududduud M:C     K:A            H:"BCLRZ T:Balmoral Strathspey
ABC   2203 C1:553625516167201 C2:udududuududduud M:C     K:A            H:"BCLRZ T:Balmoral Strathspey
ABC   2203 C1:553625516167201 C2:udududuududduud M:C     K:A            H:"BCLRZ T:Balmoral Strathspey
ABC      1 C1:655362551616720 C2:dudududuududduu M:4/4   K:A            H:"LRZ   T:The Balmoral Strathspey
ABC  32192 C1:600000600176000 C2:dduddduddudddud M:C|    K:A            H:BCFLRZ T:"BALMORAL" STRATHSPEY
ABC  32192 C1:600000600176000 C2:dduddduddudddud M:C|    K:A            H:BCFLRZ T:"BALMORAL" STRATHSPEY
ABC      0 C1:                C2:                M:      K:             H:O      T:The Balmoral Strathspey
ABC      1 C1:655362551616720 C2:dudududuududduu M:4/4   K:A            H:"LRZ   T:the Balmoral Strathspey
ABC      1 C1:655362551616720 C2:dudududuududduu M:4/4   K:A            H:"LRZ   T:the Balmoral Strathspey
ABC      0 C1:                C2:                M:      K:             H:O      T:The Balmoral Strathspey
ABC      0 C1:                C2:                M:      K:             H:O      T:The Balmoral Strathspey
ABC      1 C1:655362551616720 C2:dudududuududduu M:4/4   K:A            H:"LRZ   T:the Balmoral Strathspey
ABC      0 C1:                C2:                M:      K:             H:O      T:The Balmoral Strathspey
ABC      1 C1:655362551616720 C2:dudududuududduu M:4/4   K:A            H:"LRZ   T:the Balmoral Strathspey
ABC      0 C1:                C2:                M:      K:             H:O      T:The Balmoral Strathspey
ABC      1 C1:655362551616720 C2:dudududuududduu M:4/4   K:A            H:"LRZ   T:the Balmoral Strathspey
ABC      0 C1:                C2:                M:      K:             H:O      T:The Balmoral Strathspey
ABC      1 C1:655362551616720 C2:dudududuududduu M:4/4   K:A            H:"LRZ   T:the Balmoral Strathspey
ABC   2203 C1:553625516167201 C2:udududuududduud M:C     K:A            H:"BCLRZ T:Balmoral Strathspey
ABC   2203 C1:553625516167201 C2:udududuududduud M:C     K:A            H:"BCLRZ T:Balmoral Strathspey
ABC   2203 C1:553625516167201 C2:udududuududduud M:C     K:A            H:"BCLRZ T:Balmoral Strathspey
ABC  32192 C1:600000600176000 C2:dduddduddudddud M:C|    K:A            H:BCFLRZ T:"BALMORAL" STRATHSPEY
ABC  32192 C1:600000600176000 C2:dduddduddudddud M:C|    K:A            H:BCFLRZ T:"BALMORAL" STRATHSPEY
ABC  32192 C1:600000600176000 C2:dduddduddudddud M:C|    K:A            H:BCFLRZ T:"BALMORAL" STRATHSPEY
ABC  32192 C1:600000600176000 C2:dduddduddudddud M:C|    K:A            H:BCFLRZ T:"BALMORAL" STRATHSPEY
ABC    717 C1:023051622760030 C2:uududuudduddudu M:4/4   K:D            H:"CILRZ T:Balmullo Blacksmith, The
ABC    717 C1:023051622760030 C2:uududuudduddudu M:4/4   K:D            H:"CILRZ T:Balmullo Blacksmith, The
ABC    717 C1:023051622760030 C2:uududuudduddudu M:4/4   K:D            H:"CILRZ T:Balmullo Blacksmith, The
ABC    717 C1:023051622760030 C2:uududuudduddudu M:4/4   K:D            H:"CILRZ T:Balmullo Blacksmith, The
ABC    177 C1:020117666167230 C2:uuuddddudduuduu M:6/8   K:Bb           H:ABLOQRSZ T:Balmy breeze that fans the Seas,Oh!. CJF.177
ABC    177 C1:020117666167230 C2:uuuddddudduuduu M:6/8   K:Bb           H:ABLQZ  T:Balmy breeze that fans the Seas,Oh!. CJF.177
ABC    177 C1:020117666167230 C2:uuuddddudduuduu M:6/8   K:Bb           H:ABLQZ  T:Balmy breeze that fans the Seas,Oh!. CJF.177
ABC    177 C1:020117666167230 C2:uuuddddudduuduu M:6/8   K:Bb           H:ABLOQRSZ T:Balmy breeze that fans the Seas,Oh!. CJF.177
ABC   4773 C1:020117666167230 C2:uuuddddudduuduu M:6/8   K:Bb           H:ABLOQRS T:Balmy breeze that fans the Seas,Oh. CJF.177
ABC   4773 C1:020117666167230 C2:uuuddddudduuduu M:6/8   K:Bb           H:ABLOQRS T:Balmy breeze that fans the Seas,Oh. CJF.177
ABC  12276 C1:020117666167230 C2:uuuddddudduuduu M:6/8   K:Bb           H:ABLOQRSZ T:Balmy breeze that fans the Seas,Oh!. CJF.177
ABC  12276 C1:020117666167230 C2:uuuddddudduuduu M:6/8   K:Bb           H:ABLOQRSZ T:Balmy breeze that fans the Seas,Oh!. CJF.177
ABC  12276 C1:020117666167230 C2:uuuddddudduuduu M:6/8   K:Bb           H:ABLOQRSZ T:Balmy breeze that fans the Seas,Oh!. CJF.177
ABC    490 C1:020117666167230 C2:uuuddddudduuduu M:6/8   K:Bb           H:ABFLOQRSZ T:Balmy breeze that fans the Seas,Oh!. CJF.177
ABC   6974 C1:020117666167230 C2:uuuddddudduuduu M:6/8   K:Bb           H:ABFLOQRSZ T:Balmy breeze that fans the Seas,Oh!. CJF.177
ABC    490 C1:020117666167230 C2:uuuddddudduuduu M:6/8   K:Bb           H:ABFLOQRSZ T:Balmy breeze that fans the Seas,Oh!. CJF.177
ABC   6974 C1:020117666167230 C2:uuuddddudduuduu M:6/8   K:Bb           H:ABFLOQRSZ T:Balmy breeze that fans the Seas,Oh!. CJF.177
ABC    177 C1:020117666167230 C2:uuuddddudduuduu M:6/8   K:Bb           H:ABLOQRSZ T:Balmy breeze that fans the Seas,Oh!. CJF.177
ABC    743 C1:000070070001000 C2:dduudduuuddduud M:3/4   K:D            H:LQSZ   T:Baloo Balilli
ABC    743 C1:000070070001000 C2:dduudduuuddduud M:3/4   K:D            H:LQSZ   T:Baloo Balilli
ABC    743 C1:000070070001000 C2:dduudduuuddduud M:3/4   K:D            H:LQSZ   T:Baloo Balilli
ABC    743 C1:000070070001000 C2:dduudduuuddduud M:3/4   K:D            H:LQSZ   T:Baloo Balilli
ABC    395 C1:010177070001010 C2:uuddduuudduuudd M:3/4   K:D            H:"LR    T:Baloo, Lammy
ABC      1 C1:116701137041125 C2:uuddduuudduuudd M:3/4   K:E            H:CLWw   T:Baloo, Lammy
ABC      1 C1:116701137041125 C2:uuddduuudduuudd M:3/4   K:E            H:CLWw   T:Baloo, Lammy
ABC  11253 C1:077000000206060 C2:ddudddudddudddu M:3/4   K:G            H:BLZ    T:Balow my Boy
ABC  11253 C1:077000000206060 C2:ddudddudddudddu M:3/4   K:G            H:BLZ    T:Balow my Boy
ABC  11253 C1:077000000206060 C2:ddudddudddudddu M:3/4   K:G            H:BLZ    T:Balow my Boy
ABC  11253 C1:077000000206060 C2:ddudddudddudddu M:3/4   K:G            H:BLZ    T:Balow my Boy
ABC  11253 C1:077000000206060 C2:ddudddudddudddu M:3/4   K:G            H:BLZ    T:Balow my Boy
ABC  11253 C1:077000000206060 C2:ddudddudddudddu M:3/4   K:G            H:BLZ    T:Balow my Boy
ABC  11253 C1:077000000206060 C2:ddudddudddudddu M:3/4   K:G            H:BLZ    T:Balow my Boy
ABC  11253 C1:077000000206060 C2:ddudddudddudddu M:3/4   K:G            H:BLZ    T:Balow my Boy
ABC  11253 C1:077000000206060 C2:ddudddudddudddu M:3/4   K:G            H:BLZ    T:Balow my Boy
ABC  11253 C1:077000000206060 C2:ddudddudddudddu M:3/4   K:G            H:BLZ    T:Balow my Boy
ABC  11253 C1:077000000206060 C2:ddudddudddudddu M:3/4   K:G            H:BLZ    T:Balow my Boy
ABC  11253 C1:077000000206060 C2:ddudddudddudddu M:3/4   K:G            H:BLZ    T:Balow my Boy
ABC  11253 C1:077000000206060 C2:ddudddudddudddu M:3/4   K:G            H:BLZ    T:Balow my Boy
ABC  11253 C1:077000000206060 C2:ddudddudddudddu M:3/4   K:G            H:BLZ    T:Balow my Boy
ABC  11253 C1:077000000206060 C2:ddudddudddudddu M:3/4   K:G            H:BLZ    T:Balow my Boy
ABC  11253 C1:077000000206060 C2:ddudddudddudddu M:3/4   K:G            H:BLZ    T:Balow my Boy
ABC  11253 C1:077000000206060 C2:ddudddudddudddu M:3/4   K:G            H:BLZ    T:Balow my Boy
ABC  11253 C1:077000000206060 C2:ddudddudddudddu M:3/4   K:G            H:BLZ    T:Balow my Boy
ABC     47 C1:211161052026020 C2:uuuuuddudduuuuu M:6/8   K:G            H:LQ     T:BAL PALUDIER
ABC     49 C1:030027770630027 C2:uduudddduduuddd M:4/4   K:G            H:LQ     T:BAL PALUDIER
ABC     47 C1:211161052026020 C2:uuuuuddudduuuuu M:6/8   K:G            H:LQZ    T:BAL PALUDIER
ABC     49 C1:030027770630027 C2:uduudddduduuddd M:4/4   K:G            H:LQZ    T:BAL PALUDIER
ABC     71 C1:211161052026020 C2:uuuuuddudduuuuu M:6/8   K:G            H:LQZ    T:BAL PALUDIER
ABC     73 C1:030027770630027 C2:uduudddduduuddd M:4/4   K:G            H:LQZ    T:BAL PALUDIER
ABC     71 C1:211161052026020 C2:uuuuuddudduuuuu M:6/8   K:G            H:LQZ    T:BAL PALUDIER
ABC     73 C1:030027770630027 C2:uduudddduduuddd M:4/4   K:G            H:LQZ    T:BAL PALUDIER
ABC     71 C1:211161052026020 C2:uuuuuddudduuuuu M:6/8   K:G            H:LQZ    T:BAL PALUDIER
ABC     73 C1:030027770630027 C2:uduudddduduuddd M:4/4   K:G            H:LQZ    T:BAL PALUDIER
ABC     71 C1:211161052026020 C2:uuuuuddudduuuuu M:6/8   K:G            H:LQZ    T:BAL PALUDIER
ABC     73 C1:030027770630027 C2:uduudddduduuddd M:4/4   K:G            H:LQZ    T:BAL PALUDIER
ABC     71 C1:211161052026020 C2:uuuuuddudduuuuu M:6/8   K:G            H:LQZ    T:BAL PALUDIER
ABC     73 C1:030027770630027 C2:uduudddduduuddd M:4/4   K:G            H:LQZ    T:BAL PALUDIER
ABC     71 C1:211161052026020 C2:uuuuuddudduuuuu M:6/8   K:G            H:LQWZ   T:BAL PALUDIER
ABC     73 C1:030027770630027 C2:uduudddduduuddd M:4/4   K:G            H:LQWZ   T:BAL PALUDIER
ABC     71 C1:211161052026020 C2:uuuuuddudduuuuu M:6/8   K:G            H:LQWZ   T:BAL PALUDIER
ABC     73 C1:030027770630027 C2:uduudddduduuddd M:4/4   K:G            H:LQWZ   T:BAL PALUDIER
ABC   1044 C1:030027770630027 C2:uduudddduduuddd M:4/4   K:G            H:LQZ    T:BAL PALUDIER
ABC   1045 C1:211161052026020 C2:uuuuuddudduuuuu M:6/8   K:G            H:LQZ    T:BAL PALUDIER
ABC   1044 C1:030027770630027 C2:uduudddduduuddd M:4/4   K:G            H:LQZ    T:BAL PALUDIER
ABC   1045 C1:211161052026020 C2:uuuuuddudduuuuu M:6/8   K:G            H:LQZ    T:BAL PALUDIER
ABC   1045 C1:211161052026020 C2:uuuuuddudduuuuu M:6/8   K:G            H:LQZ    T:BAL PALUDIER
ABC   1044 C1:030027770630027 C2:uduudddduduuddd M:4/4   K:G            H:LQZ    T:BAL PALUDIER
ABC   1044 C1:030027770630027 C2:uduudddduduuddd M:4/4   K:G            H:LQZ    T:BAL PALUDIER
ABC   1045 C1:211161052026020 C2:uuuuuddudduuuuu M:6/8   K:G            H:LQZ    T:BAL PALUDIER
ABC      1 C1:026001671003117 C2:ududduuuudduddd M:12/8  K:Em           H:"CGQRS T:Bal plin
ABC      4 C1:026001671003117 C2:ududduuuudduddd M:12/8  K:Em           H:"CGQRS T:Bal plin
ABC      4 C1:111001671007026 C2:uuuuddudududduu M:12/8  K:Em           H:"CGQRS T:Bal plin
ABC      4 C1:026001671003117 C2:ududduuuudduddd M:12/8  K:Em           H:"CGQRS T:Bal plin
ABC      4 C1:111001671007026 C2:uuuuddudududduu M:12/8  K:Em           H:"CGQRS T:Bal plin
ABC     28 C1:107700001200770 C2:uuddduuudduuddu M:4/4   K:C            H:CL     T:Bal Plin
ABC     28 C1:107700001200770 C2:uuddduuudduuddu M:4/4   K:C            H:CL     T:Bal Plin
ABC   1046 C1:026001671003117 C2:ududduuuudduddd M:12/8  K:Em           H:"CGQRS T:Bal plin
ABC    367 C1:026001671003117 C2:ududduuuudduddd M:12/8  K:Em           H:"CGOQRS T:Bal plin
ABC    367 C1:026001671003117 C2:ududduuuudduddd M:12/8  K:Em           H:"CGOQRS T:Bal plin
ABC   1046 C1:026001671003117 C2:ududduuuudduddd M:12/8  K:Em           H:"CGQRS T:Bal plin
ABC   1046 C1:026001671003117 C2:ududduuuudduddd M:12/8  K:Em           H:"CGQRS T:Bal plin
ABC   1046 C1:026001671003117 C2:ududduuuudduddd M:12/8  K:Em           H:"CGQRS T:Bal plin
ABC    855 C1:026001671003117 C2:ududduuuudduddd M:12/8  K:Em           H:"CGQRS T:Bal plin
ABC    855 C1:026001671003117 C2:ududduuuudduddd M:12/8  K:Em           H:"CGQRS T:Bal plin
ABC    855 C1:026001671003117 C2:ududduuuudduddd M:12/8  K:Em           H:"CGQRS T:Bal plin
ABC    855 C1:026001671003117 C2:ududduuuudduddd M:12/8  K:Em           H:"CGQRS T:Bal plin
ABC    855 C1:026001671003117 C2:ududduuuudduddd M:12/8  K:Em           H:"CGQRS T:Bal plin
ABC     95 C1:301107600006301 C2:uuuddduuudduudd M:4/4   K:C            H:ACLOQ  T:Bal Plinn
ABC     19 C1:301107600006301 C2:uuuddduuudduudd M:4/4   K:C            H:ACLOQ  T:Bal Plinn
ABC    178 C1:301107600006301 C2:uuuddduuudduudd M:4/4   K:C            H:ACOQ   T:Bal Plinn
ABC    178 C1:301107600006301 C2:uuuddduuudduudd M:4/4   K:C            H:ACOQ   T:Bal Plinn
ABC    178 C1:301107600006301 C2:uuuddduuudduudd M:4/4   K:C            H:ACLOQW T:Bal Plinn
ABC    178 C1:301107600006301 C2:uuuddduuudduudd M:4/4   K:C            H:ACLOQW T:Bal Plinn
ABC     95 C1:301107600006301 C2:uuuddduuudduudd M:4/4   K:C            H:ACLOQ  T:Bal Plinn
ABC     95 C1:301107600006301 C2:uuuddduuudduudd M:4/4   K:C            H:ACLOQ  T:Bal Plinn
ABC     95 C1:301107600006301 C2:uuuddduuudduudd M:4/4   K:C            H:ACLOQ  T:Bal Plinn
ABC   1047 C1:301107600006301 C2:uuuddduuudduudd M:4/4   K:C            H:ACLOQ  T:Bal Plinn
ABC   1047 C1:301107600006301 C2:uuuddduuudduudd M:4/4   K:C            H:ACLOQ  T:Bal Plinn
ABC   1047 C1:301107600006301 C2:uuuddduuudduudd M:4/4   K:C            H:ACLOQ  T:Bal Plinn
ABC   1047 C1:301107600006301 C2:uuuddduuudduudd M:4/4   K:C            H:ACLOQ  T:Bal Plinn
ABC    241 C1:077060071000101 C2:dddduuudduududd M:12/8  K:C            H:CL     T:Bal Plin (Set 3/5)
ABC      3 C1:217660700017611 C2:uuddddudduuuddu M:6/8   K:Bb           H:Q      T:Bal Plomeur (C:Daniel Philippe, St Conan)(S:Gildas Moal et Ren Chaplain)(Mars 99)
ABC      5 C1:034600210346703 C2:duduududduududu M:C     K:F            H:LOQRS  T:Balquhidder, As performed by Major Logan
ABC      5 C1:034600210346703 C2:duduududduududu M:C     K:F            H:LOQRS  T:Balquhidder, As performed by Major Logan
ABC      5 C1:034600210346703 C2:duduududduududu M:C     K:F            H:LOQRS  T:Balquhidder, As performed by Major Logan
ABC      5 C1:034600210346703 C2:duduududduududu M:C     K:F            H:LOQRS  T:Balquhidder, As performed by Major Logan
ABC      5 C1:034600210346703 C2:duduududduududu M:C     K:F            H:LOQRS  T:Balquhidder, As performed by Major Logan
ABC      5 C1:034600210346703 C2:duduududduududu M:C     K:F            H:LOQRS  T:Balquhidder, As performed by Major Logan
ABC      5 C1:034600210346703 C2:duduududduududu M:C     K:F            H:LOQRS  T:Balquhidder, As performed by Major Logan
ABC      2 C1:071611110003000 C2:duduuuuuddudddu M:4/4   K:Edor         H:LSZ    T:Balquhidder Lasses - 1st part
ABC      2 C1:071611110003000 C2:duduuuuuddudddu M:4/4   K:Edor         H:LSZ    T:Balquhidder Lasses - 1st part
ABC      3 C1:040400111762000 C2:duuuudduddduuuu M:4/4   K:Edor         H:LSZ    T:Balquhidder Lasses - 2nd Part
ABC      3 C1:040400111762000 C2:duuuudduddduuuu M:4/4   K:Edor         H:LSZ    T:Balquhidder Lasses - 2nd Part
ABC      3 C1:040400111762000 C2:duuuudduddduuuu M:4/4   K:Edor         H:LSZ    T:Balquhidder Lasses - 2nd Part
ABC      1 C1:770716111100030 C2:ddduduuuuuddudd M:C|    K:G            H:CLQ    T:Balquhidder Lasses
ABC      1 C1:770716111100030 C2:ddduduuuuuddudd M:C|    K:G            H:CLQ    T:Balquhidder Lasses
ABC      1 C1:071611110003000 C2:duduuuuuddudddu M:4/4   K:Dmaj         H:"LR    T:Balquhidder Lasses, The
ABC      1 C1:071611110003000 C2:duduuuuuddudddu M:4/4   K:D            H:"L     T:Balquhidder Lasses
ABC      1 C1:772203075004221 C2:duduuuuuddudddu M:4/4   K:Gm           H:"LS    T:Balquhidder Lasses
ABC      1 C1:071611110003000 C2:duduuuuuddudddd M:4/4   K:Em           H:FLOSZ  T:Balquhidder Lasses
ABC      1 C1:071611110003000 C2:duduuuuuddudddd M:4/4   K:Em           H:FLOSZ  T:Balquhidder Lasses
ABC      1 C1:071611110003000 C2:duduuuuuddudddd M:4/4   K:Em           H:FLOSZ  T:Balquhidder Lasses
ABC      1 C1:071611110003000 C2:duduuuuuddudddd M:4/4   K:Em           H:FLOSZ  T:Balquhidder Lasses
ABC     20 C1:677220307500422 C2:ddduduuuuuddudd M:4/4   K:Gm           H:"LS    T:Balquhidder Lasses
ABC      4 C1:071611110003000 C2:duduuuuuddudddd M:4/4   K:Em           H:FLOSZ  T:Balquhidder Lasses
ABC      4 C1:071611110003000 C2:duduuuuuddudddd M:4/4   K:Em           H:FLOSZ  T:Balquhidder Lasses
ABC      4 C1:071611110003000 C2:duduuuuuddudddd M:4/4   K:Em           H:FLOSZ  T:Balquhidder Lasses
ABC      4 C1:071611110003000 C2:duduuuuuddudddd M:4/4   K:Em           H:FLOSZ  T:Balquhidder Lasses
ABC     20 C1:772203075004221 C2:duduuuuuddudddu M:4/4   K:Gm           H:"CL    T:Balquhidder Lasses
ABC    100 C1:772203075004221 C2:duduuuuuddudddu M:4/4   K:Gm           H:"LS    T:Balquhidder Lasses
ABC    100 C1:772203075004221 C2:duduuuuuddudddu M:4/4   K:Gm           H:"LS    T:Balquhidder Lasses
ABC     20 C1:772203075004221 C2:duduuuuuddudddu M:4/4   K:Gm           H:"LS    T:Balquhidder Lasses
ABC     20 C1:772203075004221 C2:duduuuuuddudddu M:4/4   K:Gm           H:"LS    T:Balquhidder Lasses
ABC     20 C1:677220307500422 C2:ddduduuuuuddudd M:4/4   K:Gm           H:"FLRS  T:Balquhidder Lasses
ABC     20 C1:677220307500422 C2:ddduduuuuuddudd M:4/4   K:Gm           H:"FLRS  T:Balquhidder Lasses
ABC     20 C1:677220307500422 C2:ddduduuuuuddudd M:4/4   K:Gm           H:"FLRS  T:Balquhidder Lasses
ABC      1 C1:071611110003000 C2:duduuuuuddudddu M:      K:Dmaj         H:"LR    T:The Balquhidder Lasses
ABC      2 C1:060011110003050 C2:duuuuudududdduu M:      K:Dmaj         H:LR     T:The Balquhidder Lasses
ABC      3 C1:277763223007500 C2:udddduuuuddduud M:      K:Ador         H:LR     T:The Balquhidder Lasses
ABC      8 C1:071611110003000 C2:duduuuuuddudddu M:4/4   K:Dmaj         H:"LR    T:Balquhidder Lasses, The
ABC   1103 C1:772203075004221 C2:duduuuuuddudddu M:4/4   K:Gm           H:"LS    T:Balquhidder Lasses
ABC    386 C1:772203075004221 C2:duduuuuuddudddu M:4/4   K:Gm           H:"LOS   T:Balquhidder Lasses
ABC    386 C1:772203075004221 C2:duduuuuuddudddu M:4/4   K:Gm           H:"LOS   T:Balquhidder Lasses
ABC   1103 C1:772203075004221 C2:duduuuuuddudddu M:4/4   K:Gm           H:"LS    T:Balquhidder Lasses
ABC   1103 C1:772203075004221 C2:duduuuuuddudddu M:4/4   K:Gm           H:"LS    T:Balquhidder Lasses
ABC   1103 C1:772203075004221 C2:duduuuuuddudddu M:4/4   K:Gm           H:"LS    T:Balquhidder Lasses
ABC    890 C1:772203075004221 C2:duduuuuuddudddu M:4/4   K:Gm           H:"LS    T:Balquhidder Lasses
ABC    890 C1:772203075004221 C2:duduuuuuddudddu M:4/4   K:Gm           H:"LS    T:Balquhidder Lasses
ABC    890 C1:772203075004221 C2:duduuuuuddudddu M:4/4   K:Gm           H:"LS    T:Balquhidder Lasses
ABC    890 C1:772203075004221 C2:duduuuuuddudddu M:4/4   K:Gm           H:"LS    T:Balquhidder Lasses
ABC    890 C1:772203075004221 C2:duduuuuuddudddu M:4/4   K:Gm           H:"LS    T:Balquhidder Lasses
ABC      1 C1:071611110003000 C2:duduuuuuddudddd M:2/4   K:Em           H:FLOZ   T:Balquhidder Lasses v.1
ABC      1 C1:071611110003000 C2:duduuuuuddudddd M:2/4   K:Em           H:FLOZ   T:Balquhidder Lasses v.1
ABC      1 C1:071611110003000 C2:duduuuuuddudddd M:2/4   K:Em           H:FLOZ   T:Balquhidder Lasses v.1
ABC      1 C1:071611110003000 C2:duduuuuuddudddd M:2/4   K:Em           H:FLOZ   T:Balquhidder Lasses v.1
ABC      1 C1:071611110003000 C2:duduuuuuddudddd M:2/4   K:Em           H:FLOZ   T:Balquhidder Lasses v.1
ABC      1 C1:071611110003000 C2:duduuuuuddudddd M:2/4   K:Em           H:FLOZ   T:Balquhidder Lasses v.1
ABC      1 C1:071611110003000 C2:duduuuuuddudddd M:2/4   K:Em           H:FLOZ   T:Balquhidder Lasses v.1
ABC      1 C1:071611110003000 C2:duduuuuuddudddd M:2/4   K:Em           H:FLOZ   T:Balquhidder Lasses v.1
ABC      1 C1:071611110003000 C2:duduuuuuddudddd M:2/4   K:Em           H:FLOZ   T:Balquhidder Lasses v.1
ABC      1 C1:071611110003000 C2:duduuuuuddudddd M:2/4   K:Em           H:FLOZ   T:Balquhidder Lasses v.1
ABC      1 C1:071611110003000 C2:duduuuuuddudddd M:2/4   K:Em           H:FLOZ   T:Balquhidder Lasses v.1
ABC      1 C1:071611110003000 C2:duduuuuuddudddd M:2/4   K:Em           H:FLOZ   T:Balquhidder Lasses v.1
ABC      1 C1:040400111762000 C2:duuuudduddduuuu M:2/4   K:Em           H:FLOZ   T:Balquhidder Lasses v.2
ABC      1 C1:040400111762000 C2:duuuudduddduuuu M:2/4   K:Em           H:FLOZ   T:Balquhidder Lasses v.2
ABC      1 C1:040400111762000 C2:duuuudduddduuuu M:2/4   K:Em           H:FLOZ   T:Balquhidder Lasses v.2
ABC      1 C1:040400111762000 C2:duuuudduddduuuu M:2/4   K:Em           H:FLOZ   T:Balquhidder Lasses v.2
ABC      2 C1:040400111762000 C2:duuuudduddduuuu M:2/4   K:Em           H:FLOZ   T:Balquhidder Lasses v.2
ABC      2 C1:040400111762000 C2:duuuudduddduuuu M:2/4   K:Em           H:FLOZ   T:Balquhidder Lasses v.2
ABC      2 C1:040400111762000 C2:duuuudduddduuuu M:2/4   K:Em           H:FLOZ   T:Balquhidder Lasses v.2
ABC      2 C1:040400111762000 C2:duuuudduddduuuu M:2/4   K:Em           H:FLOZ   T:Balquhidder Lasses v.2
ABC      2 C1:040400111762000 C2:duuuudduddduuuu M:2/4   K:Em           H:FLOZ   T:Balquhidder Lasses v.2
ABC      2 C1:040400111762000 C2:duuuudduddduuuu M:2/4   K:Em           H:FLOZ   T:Balquhidder Lasses v.2
ABC      2 C1:040400111762000 C2:duuuudduddduuuu M:2/4   K:Em           H:FLOZ   T:Balquhidder Lasses v.2
ABC      2 C1:040400111762000 C2:duuuudduddduuuu M:2/4   K:Em           H:FLOZ   T:Balquhidder Lasses v.2
ABC      1 C1:060011110003000 C2:duuuuudduddduuu M:4/4   K:Em           H:L      T:Balquidder Lasses
ABC      1 C1:060011110003000 C2:duuuuudduddduuu M:4/4   K:Em           H:L      T:Balquidder Lasses
ABC      1 C1:060011110003000 C2:duuuuudduddduuu M:4/4   K:Em           H:L      T:Balquidder Lasses
ABC    304 C1:071611110003000 C2:duduuuuuddudddu M:C|    K:Em           H:CLQ    T:Balquidder Lasses
ABC    517 C1:071611110003000 C2:duduuuuuddudddu M:4/4   K:Edor         H:LSZ    T:Balquidder Lasses
ABC    517 C1:071611110003000 C2:duduuuuuddudddu M:4/4   K:Edor         H:LSZ    T:Balquidder Lasses
ABC    532 C1:060011110003050 C2:duuuuudududdduu M:4/4   K:Edor         H:DLZ    T:Balquidder Lasses
ABC    532 C1:060011110003050 C2:duuuuudududdduu M:4/4   K:Edor         H:DLZ    T:Balquidder Lasses
ABC    532 C1:060011110003050 C2:duuuuudududdduu M:4/4   K:Edor         H:DLZ    T:Balquidder Lasses
ABC    532 C1:060011110003050 C2:duuuuudududdduu M:4/4   K:Edor         H:DLZ    T:Balquidder Lasses
ABC    532 C1:060011110003050 C2:duuuuudududdduu M:4/4   K:Edor         H:DLZ    T:Balquidder Lasses
ABC    532 C1:060011110003050 C2:duuuuudududdduu M:4/4   K:Edor         H:DLZ    T:Balquidder Lasses
ABC    532 C1:060011110003050 C2:duuuuudududdduu M:4/4   K:Edor         H:DLZ    T:Balquidder Lasses
ABC      1 C1:071611110003000 C2:duduuuuuddudddu M:C|    K:Edor         H:"LRSZ  T:Balquidder Lasses
ABC      1 C1:071611110003000 C2:duduuuuuddudddu M:C|    K:Edor         H:"LRSZ  T:Balquidder Lasses
ABC      1 C1:071611110003000 C2:duduuuuuddudddu M:C|    K:Edor         H:"LRSZ  T:Balquidder Lasses
ABC      1 C1:071611110003000 C2:duduuuuuddudddu M:C|    K:Edor         H:"LRSZ  T:Balquidder Lasses
ABC      1 C1:071611110003000 C2:duduuuuuddudddu M:C|    K:Edor         H:"LRSZ  T:Balquidder Lasses
ABC      1 C1:071611110003000 C2:duduuuuuddudddu M:C|    K:Edor         H:"LRSZ  T:Balquidder Lasses
ABC      1 C1:071611110003000 C2:duduuuuuddudddu M:C|    K:Edor         H:"LRSZ  T:Balquidder Lasses
ABC      1 C1:071611110003000 C2:duduuuuuddudddu M:C|    K:Edor         H:"LRSZ  T:Balquidder Lasses
ABC      1 C1:071611110003000 C2:duduuuuuddudddu M:C|    K:Edor         H:"LRSZ  T:Balquidder Lasses
ABC      1 C1:071611110003000 C2:duduuuuuddudddu M:C|    K:Edor         H:"LRSZ  T:Balquidder Lasses
ABC      1 C1:071611110003000 C2:duduuuuuddudddu M:C|    K:Edor         H:"LRSZ  T:Balquidder Lasses
ABC      1 C1:071611110003000 C2:duduuuuuddudddu M:C|    K:Edor         H:"LRSZ  T:Balquidder Lasses
ABC      1 C1:071611110003000 C2:duduuuuuddudddu M:C|    K:Edor         H:"LRSZ  T:Balquidder Lasses
ABC      1 C1:071611110003000 C2:duduuuuuddudddu M:C|    K:Edor         H:"LRSZ  T:Balquidder Lasses
ABC      1 C1:071611110003000 C2:duduuuuuddudddu M:C|    K:Edor         H:"LRSZ  T:Balquidder Lasses
ABC      1 C1:071611110003000 C2:duduuuuuddudddu M:C|    K:Edor         H:"LRSZ  T:Balquidder Lasses
ABC      1 C1:071611110003000 C2:duduuuuuddudddu M:C|    K:Edor         H:"LRSZ  T:Balquidder Lasses
ABC      1 C1:071611110003000 C2:duduuuuuddudddu M:C|    K:Edor         H:"LRSZ  T:Balquidder Lasses
ABC      1 C1:071611110003000 C2:duduuuuuddudddu M:C|    K:Edor         H:"LRSZ  T:Balquidder Lasses
ABC      1 C1:071611110003000 C2:duduuuuuddudddu M:C|    K:Edor         H:"LRSZ  T:Balquidder Lasses
ABC      1 C1:071611110003000 C2:duduuuuuddudddu M:C|    K:Edor         H:"LRSZ  T:Balquidder Lasses
ABC      1 C1:071611110003000 C2:duduuuuuddudddu M:C|    K:Edor         H:"LRSZ  T:Balquidder Lasses
ABC      1 C1:071611110003000 C2:duduuuuuddudddu M:C|    K:Edor         H:"LRSZ  T:Balquidder Lasses
ABC      1 C1:071611110003000 C2:duduuuuuddudddu M:C|    K:Edor         H:"LRSZ  T:Balquidder Lasses
ABC      1 C1:071611110003000 C2:duduuuuuddudddu M:C|    K:Edor         H:"LRSZ  T:Balquidder Lasses
ABC      1 C1:071611110003000 C2:duduuuuuddudddu M:C|    K:Edor         H:"LRSZ  T:Balquidder Lasses
ABC      1 C1:071611110003000 C2:duduuuuuddudddu M:C|    K:Edor         H:"LRSZ  T:Balquidder Lasses
ABC      1 C1:071611110003000 C2:duduuuuuddudddu M:C|    K:Edor         H:"LRSZ  T:Balquidder Lasses
ABC      1 C1:071611110003000 C2:duduuuuuddudddu M:C|    K:Edor         H:"LRSZ  T:Balquidder Lasses
ABC      1 C1:071611110003000 C2:duduuuuuddudddu M:C|    K:Edor         H:"LRSZ  T:Balquidder Lasses
ABC      3 C1:071611110003000 C2:duduuuuuddudddu M:C|    K:Edor         H:"LRSZ  T:Balquidder Lasses
ABC      3 C1:071611110003000 C2:duduuuuuddudddu M:C|    K:Edor         H:"LRSZ  T:Balquidder Lasses
ABC      3 C1:071611110003000 C2:duduuuuuddudddu M:C|    K:Edor         H:"LRSZ  T:Balquidder Lasses
ABC      3 C1:071611110003000 C2:duduuuuuddudddu M:C|    K:Edor         H:"LRSZ  T:Balquidder Lasses
ABC      2 C1:071611110003000 C2:duduuuuuddudddu M:C|    K:Edor         H:"LRSZ  T:Balquidder Lasses
ABC      2 C1:071611110003000 C2:duduuuuuddudddu M:C|    K:Edor         H:"LRSZ  T:Balquidder Lasses
ABC      4 C1:071611110003000 C2:duduuuuuddudddu M:C|    K:Edor         H:"LRSZ  T:Balquidder Lasses
ABC      4 C1:071611110003000 C2:duduuuuuddudddu M:C|    K:Edor         H:"LRSZ  T:Balquidder Lasses
ABC      4 C1:071611110003000 C2:duduuuuuddudddu M:C|    K:Edor         H:"LRSZ  T:Balquidder Lasses
ABC      4 C1:071611110003000 C2:duduuuuuddudddu M:C|    K:Edor         H:"LRSZ  T:Balquidder Lasses
ABC      4 C1:071611110003000 C2:duduuuuuddudddu M:C|    K:Edor         H:"LRSZ  T:Balquidder Lasses
ABC      4 C1:071611110003000 C2:duduuuuuddudddu M:C|    K:Edor         H:"LRSZ  T:Balquidder Lasses
ABC      4 C1:071611110003000 C2:duduuuuuddudddu M:C|    K:Edor         H:"LRSZ  T:Balquidder Lasses
ABC      4 C1:071611110003000 C2:duduuuuuddudddu M:C|    K:Edor         H:"LRSZ  T:Balquidder Lasses
ABC      4 C1:071611110003000 C2:duduuuuuddudddu M:C|    K:Edor         H:"LRSZ  T:Balquidder Lasses
ABC      4 C1:071611110003000 C2:duduuuuuddudddu M:C|    K:Edor         H:"LRSZ  T:Balquidder Lasses
ABC      4 C1:071611110003000 C2:duduuuuuddudddu M:C|    K:Edor         H:"LRSZ  T:Balquidder Lasses
ABC      4 C1:071611110003000 C2:duduuuuuddudddu M:C|    K:Edor         H:"LRSZ  T:Balquidder Lasses
ABC      4 C1:071611110003000 C2:duduuuuuddudddu M:C|    K:Edor         H:"LRSZ  T:Balquidder Lasses
ABC      5 C1:071611110003000 C2:duduuuuuddudddu M:C|    K:Edor         H:"LRSZ  T:Balquidder Lasses
ABC      4 C1:071611110003000 C2:duduuuuuddudddu M:C|    K:Edor         H:"LRSZ  T:Balquidder Lasses
ABC      4 C1:071611110003000 C2:duduuuuuddudddu M:C|    K:Edor         H:"LRSZ  T:Balquidder Lasses
ABC      2 C1:071611110003000 C2:duduuuuuddudddu M:C|    K:Edor         H:"LRSZ  T:Balquidder Lasses
ABC      2 C1:071611110003000 C2:duduuuuuddudddu M:C|    K:Edor         H:"LRSZ  T:Balquidder Lasses
ABC      1 C1:060011110003050 C2:duuuuudududdduu M:4/4   K:Edor         H:DLZ    T:Balquidder Lasses
ABC    517 C1:071611110003000 C2:duduuuuuddudddu M:4/4   K:Edor         H:LSZ    T:Balquidder Lasses
ABC    532 C1:060011110003050 C2:duuuuudududdduu M:4/4   K:Edor         H:DLZ    T:Balquidder Lasses
ABC    517 C1:071611110003000 C2:duduuuuuddudddu M:4/4   K:Edor         H:LSZ    T:Balquidder Lasses
ABC    532 C1:060011110003050 C2:duuuuudududdduu M:4/4   K:Edor         H:DLZ    T:Balquidder Lasses
ABC     31 C1:060011110003050 C2:duuuuudududdduu M:4/4   K:Edor         H:DLZ    T:Balquidder Lasses
ABC      1 C1:060011110003050 C2:duuuuudududdduu M:4/4   K:Edor         H:DLZ    T:Balquidder Lasses
ABC      7 C1:071611110003000 C2:duduuuuuddudddu M:C|    K:Edor         H:"LRSZ  T:Balquidder Lasses
ABC      7 C1:071611110003000 C2:duduuuuuddudddu M:C|    K:Edor         H:"LRSZ  T:Balquidder Lasses
ABC   1104 C1:060011110003000 C2:duuuuudduddduuu M:4/4   K:Em           H:L      T:Balquidder Lasses
ABC    387 C1:060011110003000 C2:duuuuudduddduuu M:4/4   K:Em           H:LO     T:Balquidder Lasses
ABC    387 C1:060011110003000 C2:duuuuudduddduuu M:4/4   K:Em           H:LO     T:Balquidder Lasses
ABC   1104 C1:060011110003000 C2:duuuuudduddduuu M:4/4   K:Em           H:L      T:Balquidder Lasses
ABC   1104 C1:060011110003000 C2:duuuuudduddduuu M:4/4   K:Em           H:L      T:Balquidder Lasses
ABC   1104 C1:060011110003000 C2:duuuuudduddduuu M:4/4   K:Em           H:L      T:Balquidder Lasses
ABC    891 C1:060011110003000 C2:duuuuudduddduuu M:4/4   K:Em           H:L      T:Balquidder Lasses
ABC    891 C1:060011110003000 C2:duuuuudduddduuu M:4/4   K:Em           H:L      T:Balquidder Lasses
ABC    891 C1:060011110003000 C2:duuuuudduddduuu M:4/4   K:Em           H:L      T:Balquidder Lasses
ABC    891 C1:060011110003000 C2:duuuuudduddduuu M:4/4   K:Em           H:L      T:Balquidder Lasses
ABC    891 C1:060011110003000 C2:duuuuudduddduuu M:4/4   K:Em           H:L      T:Balquidder Lasses
ABC      1 C1:311267155677720 C2:uuuudduuddddduu M:4/4   K:G            H:"CLR   T:Balquidder Strathspey
ABC      1 C1:311267155677720 C2:uuuudduuddddduu M:4/4   K:G            H:"CLR   T:Balquidder Strathspey
ABC      1 C1:311267155677720 C2:uuuudduuddddduu M:4/4   K:G            H:"CLR   T:Balquidder Strathspey
ABC      1 C1:311267155677720 C2:uuuudduuddddduu M:4/4   K:G            H:"CLR   T:Balquidder Strathspey
ABC   2402 C1:112671556777201 C2:uuudduuddddduud M:C     K:G            H:"BCLRZ T:Balquidder Strathspey
ABC   2402 C1:112671556777201 C2:uuudduuddddduud M:C     K:G            H:"BCLRZ T:Balquidder Strathspey
ABC   2402 C1:112671556777201 C2:uuudduuddddduud M:C     K:G            H:"BCLRZ T:Balquidder Strathspey
ABC      1 C1:311267155677720 C2:uuuudduuddddduu M:C     K:G            H:"BLRZ  T:The Balquidder Strathspey
ABC      1 C1:112671556777201 C2:uuudduuddddduud M:C     K:G            H:"BLRZ  T:the Balquidder Strathspey
ABC      1 C1:112671556777201 C2:uuudduuddddduud M:C     K:G            H:"BLRZ  T:the Balquidder Strathspey
ABC  24021 C1:311267155677720 C2:uuuudduuddddduu M:C     K:G            H:"BLRZ  T:The Balquidder Strathspey
ABC  24021 C1:311267155677720 C2:uuuudduuddddduu M:C     K:G            H:"BLRZ  T:The Balquidder Strathspey
ABC      1 C1:112671556777201 C2:uuudduuddddduud M:C     K:G            H:"BCLRZ T:the Balquidder Strathspey
ABC      1 C1:112671556777201 C2:uuudduuddddduud M:C     K:G            H:"BCLRZ T:the Balquidder Strathspey
ABC      1 C1:112671556777201 C2:uuudduuddddduud M:C     K:G            H:"BCLRZ T:the Balquidder Strathspey
ABC      1 C1:112671556777201 C2:uuudduuddddduud M:C     K:G            H:"BCLRZ T:the Balquidder Strathspey
ABC      1 C1:112671556777201 C2:uuudduuddddduud M:C     K:G            H:"BCLRZ T:the Balquidder Strathspey
ABC      1 C1:112671556777201 C2:uuudduuddddduud M:C     K:G            H:"BCLRZ T:the Balquidder Strathspey
ABC      1 C1:112671556777201 C2:uuudduuddddduud M:C     K:G            H:"BCLRZ T:the Balquidder Strathspey
ABC      1 C1:112671556777201 C2:uuudduuddddduud M:C     K:G            H:"BCLRZ T:the Balquidder Strathspey
ABC      1 C1:112671556777201 C2:uuudduuddddduud M:C     K:G            H:"BCLRZ T:the Balquidder Strathspey
ABC      1 C1:112671556777201 C2:uuudduuddddduud M:C     K:G            H:"BCLRZ T:the Balquidder Strathspey
ABC      1 C1:112671556777201 C2:uuudduuddddduud M:C     K:G            H:"BCLRZ T:the Balquidder Strathspey
ABC      1 C1:112671556777201 C2:uuudduuddddduud M:C     K:G            H:"BCLRZ T:the Balquidder Strathspey
ABC      1 C1:112671556777201 C2:uuudduuddddduud M:C     K:G            H:"BCLRZ T:the Balquidder Strathspey
ABC      1 C1:112671556777201 C2:uuudduuddddduud M:C     K:G            H:"BCLRZ T:the Balquidder Strathspey
ABC      1 C1:112671556777201 C2:uuudduuddddduud M:C     K:G            H:"BCLRZ T:the Balquidder Strathspey
ABC      1 C1:112671556777201 C2:uuudduuddddduud M:C     K:G            H:"BCLRZ T:the Balquidder Strathspey
ABC      1 C1:112671556777201 C2:uuudduuddddduud M:C     K:G            H:"BCLRZ T:the Balquidder Strathspey
ABC      1 C1:112671556777201 C2:uuudduuddddduud M:C     K:G            H:"BCLRZ T:the Balquidder Strathspey
ABC      1 C1:112671556777201 C2:uuudduuddddduud M:C     K:G            H:"BCLRZ T:the Balquidder Strathspey
ABC      1 C1:112671556777201 C2:uuudduuddddduud M:C     K:G            H:"BCLRZ T:the Balquidder Strathspey
ABC      0 C1:                C2:                M:      K:             H:OR     T:Balquidder Strathspey
ABC      0 C1:                C2:                M:      K:             H:OR     T:Balquidder Strathspey
ABC   2402 C1:112671556777201 C2:uuudduuddddduud M:C     K:G            H:"BCLRZ T:Balquidder Strathspey
ABC      1 C1:112671556777201 C2:uuudduuddddduud M:C     K:G            H:"BLRZ  T:the Balquidder Strathspey
ABC      1 C1:112671556777201 C2:uuudduuddddduud M:C     K:G            H:"BLRZ  T:the Balquidder Strathspey
ABC      1 C1:112671556777201 C2:uuudduuddddduud M:C     K:G            H:"BLRZ  T:the Balquidder Strathspey
ABC      1 C1:112671556777201 C2:uuudduuddddduud M:C     K:G            H:"BCLRZ T:The Balquidder Strathspey
ABC   2402 C1:112671556777201 C2:uuudduuddddduud M:C     K:G            H:"BCLRZ T:Balquidder Strathspey
ABC  24021 C1:311267155677720 C2:uuuudduuddddduu M:C     K:G            H:"BLRZ  T:The Balquidder Strathspey
ABC   2402 C1:112671556777201 C2:uuudduuddddduud M:C     K:G            H:"BCLRZ T:Balquidder Strathspey
ABC  24021 C1:311267155677720 C2:uuuudduuddddduu M:C     K:G            H:"BLRZ  T:The Balquidder Strathspey
ABC      1 C1:112671556777201 C2:uuudduuddddduud M:C     K:G            H:"BCLRZ T:The Balquidder Strathspey
ABC      1 C1:112671556777201 C2:uuudduuddddduud M:C     K:G            H:"BCLRZ T:The Balquidder Strathspey
ABC      1 C1:112671556777201 C2:uuudduuddddduud M:C     K:G            H:"BCLRZ T:The Balquidder Strathspey
ABC     34 C1:770716111100030 C2:ddduduuuuuddudd M:C|    K:G            H:LQV    T:Balquihidder Lasses
ABC     34 C1:770716111100030 C2:ddduduuuuuddudd M:C|    K:G            H:LQV    T:Balquihidder Lasses
ABC      1 C1:047005047006047 C2:udddudddududddu M:6/8   K:HP           H:CLQS   T:Balscadden Bay
ABC      1 C1:047005047006047 C2:udddudddududddu M:6/8   K:HP           H:CLQS   T:Balscadden Bay
ABC      1 C1:006750070076700 C2:dduddduddddduud M:4/4   K:A            H:CLQR   T:Balsillie
ABC      1 C1:006750070076700 C2:dduddduddddduud M:4/4   K:A            H:CLQR   T:Balsillie
ABC     20 C1:052707030527070 C2:duddududdududdu M:2/4   K:D            H:LOQ    T:Balta Dreapta
ABC     20 C1:052707030527070 C2:duddududdududdu M:2/4   K:D            H:LOQ    T:Balta Dreapta
ABC     22 C1:052707030527070 C2:duddududdududdu M:2/4   K:D            H:FLOQ   T:Balta Dreapta
ABC     30 C1:052707030527070 C2:duddududdududdu M:2/4   K:D            H:FLOQ   T:Balta Dreapta
ABC     31 C1:052707030527070 C2:duddududdududdu M:2/4   K:D            H:FLOQ   T:Balta Dreapta
ABC     34 C1:052707030527070 C2:duddududdududdu M:2/4   K:D            H:FLOQ   T:Balta Dreapta
ABC     35 C1:052707030527070 C2:duddududdududdu M:2/4   K:D            H:FLOQ   T:Balta Dreapta
ABC     22 C1:052707030527070 C2:duddududdududdu M:2/4   K:D            H:FLOQ   T:Balta Dreapta
ABC     30 C1:052707030527070 C2:duddududdududdu M:2/4   K:D            H:FLOQ   T:Balta Dreapta
ABC     31 C1:052707030527070 C2:duddududdududdu M:2/4   K:D            H:FLOQ   T:Balta Dreapta
ABC     34 C1:052707030527070 C2:duddududdududdu M:2/4   K:D            H:FLOQ   T:Balta Dreapta
ABC     35 C1:052707030527070 C2:duddududdududdu M:2/4   K:D            H:FLOQ   T:Balta Dreapta
ABC     14 C1:052707030527070 C2:duddududdududdu M:2/4   K:D            H:LOQ    T:Balta Dreapta
ABC     35 C1:052707030527070 C2:duddududdududdu M:2/4   K:D            H:FLOQ   T:Balta Dreapta
ABC     35 C1:052707030527070 C2:duddududdududdu M:2/4   K:D            H:FLOQ   T:Balta Dreapta
ABC     35 C1:052707030527070 C2:duddududdududdu M:2/4   K:D            H:FLOQ   T:Balta Dreapta
ABC     35 C1:052707030527070 C2:duddududdududdu M:2/4   K:D            H:FLOQ   T:Balta Dreapta
ABC      2 C1:000076001126001 C2:duuuududdududdu M:3/4   K:Dm           H:DLSZ   T:Balter Svens Parapolkett
ABC      2 C1:000076001126001 C2:duuuududdududdu M:3/4   K:Dm           H:DLSZ   T:Balter Svens Parapolkett
ABC      2 C1:000076001126001 C2:duuuududdududdu M:3/4   K:Dm           H:DLSZ   T:Balter Svens Parapolkett
ABC      1 C1:123323566223323 C2:uuuduuddduuuduu M:      K:Dmix         H:LR     T:The Baltighoran
ABC      2 C1:623323566223323 C2:dduuduuddduuudu M:      K:Dmix         H:LR     T:The Baltighoran
ABC      3 C1:605323566205323 C2:duduuddduuduudd M:      K:Dmix         H:LR     T:The Baltighoran
ABC      4 C1:070607010607156 C2:dudduuudddudddd M:      K:Dmix         H:LR     T:The Baltighoran
ABC   3242 C1:006267667006261 C2:duddddududududu M:9/8   K:D            H:BLRZ   T:BALTIGHORAN JIG
ABC   3242 C1:006267667006261 C2:duddddududududu M:9/8   K:D            H:BLRZ   T:BALTIGHORAN JIG
ABC   3242 C1:006267667006261 C2:duddddududududu M:9/8   K:D            H:BLRZ   T:BALTIGHORAN JIG
ABC   3242 C1:006267667006261 C2:duddddududududu M:9/8   K:D            H:BLRZ   T:BALTIGHORAN JIG
ABC   3242 C1:006267667006261 C2:duddddududududu M:9/8   K:D            H:BLRZ   T:BALTIGHORAN JIG
ABC   3242 C1:006267667006261 C2:duddddududududu M:9/8   K:D            H:BLRZ   T:BALTIGHORAN JIG
ABC   3242 C1:006267667006261 C2:duddddududududu M:9/8   K:D            H:BLRZ   T:BALTIGHORAN JIG
ABC   3242 C1:006267667006261 C2:duddddududududu M:9/8   K:D            H:BLRZ   T:BALTIGHORAN JIG
ABC   3242 C1:006267667006261 C2:duddddududududu M:9/8   K:D            H:BLRZ   T:BALTIGHORAN JIG
ABC   3242 C1:006267667006261 C2:duddddududududu M:9/8   K:D            H:BLRZ   T:BALTIGHORAN JIG
ABC     13 C1:233235662233236 C2:uuduuddduuuduud M:9/8   K:D            H:BCLQSZ T:Baltighoran Jig,aka. JBut.013
ABC     10 C1:071077000111071 C2:dudduuududduuud M:6/8   K:G            H:Q      T:Baltimore
ABC    174 C1:000704000202000 C2:dduudddudduuudd M:3/4   K:D            H:LQ     T:Baltimore
ABC      3 C1:000111071077000 C2:uuududduuuudduu M:6/8   K:Bm           H:"LVW   T:Baltimore
ABC     10 C1:071077000111071 C2:dudduuududduuud M:6/8   K:G            H:Q      T:Baltimore
ABC     10 C1:071077000111071 C2:dudduuududduuud M:6/8   K:G            H:Q      T:Baltimore
ABC      1 C1:000111710114000 C2:uuuduuuduududud M:      K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:Baltimore
ABC      1 C1:030712060761002 C2:uduuddduuduuddd M:6/8   K:Bmin         H:LR     T:Baltimore Beginners
ABC      1 C1:067702070502660 C2:dddudududduudud M:4/4   K:E            H:L      T:Baltimore Fire
ABC      1 C1:067702070502660 C2:dddudududduudud M:4/4   K:E            H:L      T:Baltimore Fire
ABC      1 C1:067702070502660 C2:dddudududduudud M:4/4   K:E            H:L      T:Baltimore Fire
ABC     10 C1:001165212261000 C2:uudduuuududuudu M:4/4   K:Gm           H:"CLQ   T:Baltimore Johnny
ABC     10 C1:001165212261000 C2:uudduuuududuudu M:4/4   K:Gm           H:"CLQ   T:Baltimore Johnny
ABC      1 C1:001165212261000 C2:uudduuuududuudu M:4/4   K:Gm           H:"CLQ   T:Baltimore Johnny
ABC     11 C1:001165212261000 C2:uudduuuududuudu M:4/4   K:Gm           H:"CLQ   T:Baltimore Johnny
ABC    261 C1:062776253000112 C2:duddduduuuuuddd M:4/4   K:G            H:LRSZ   T:The Baltimore Salute
ABC    261 C1:062776253000112 C2:duddduduuuuuddd M:4/4   K:G            H:LRSZ   T:The Baltimore Salute
ABC    261 C1:062776253000112 C2:duddduduuuuuddd M:4/4   K:G            H:LRSZ   T:The Baltimore Salute
ABC      4 C1:035267270627762 C2:ududduddudddudu M:4/4   K:G            H:CLRZ   T:The Baltimore salute
ABC      4 C1:035267270627762 C2:ududduddudddudu M:4/4   K:G            H:CLRZ   T:The Baltimore salute
ABC      4 C1:035267270627762 C2:ududduddudddudu M:4/4   K:G            H:CLRZ   T:The Baltimore salute
ABC      4 C1:035267270627762 C2:ududduddudddudu M:4/4   K:G            H:CLRZ   T:The Baltimore salute
ABC      4 C1:035267270627762 C2:ududduddudddudu M:4/4   K:G            H:CLRZ   T:The Baltimore salute
ABC      4 C1:035267270627762 C2:ududduddudddudu M:4/4   K:G            H:CLRZ   T:The Baltimore salute
ABC      1 C1:035266110627166 C2:ududduudududddu M:C|    K:G            H:ACDLQRS T:The Baltimore Salute
ABC      2 C1:035267270627762 C2:ududduddudddudu M:4/4   K:G            H:CRSZ   T:The Baltimore Salute
ABC      2 C1:035267270627762 C2:ududduddudddudu M:4/4   K:G            H:CRSZ   T:The Baltimore Salute
ABC      2 C1:035267270627762 C2:ududduddudddudu M:4/4   K:G            H:CRSZ   T:The Baltimore Salute
ABC      2 C1:035267270627762 C2:ududduddudddudu M:4/4   K:G            H:CRSZ   T:The Baltimore Salute
ABC      2 C1:035267270627762 C2:ududduddudddudu M:4/4   K:G            H:CRSZ   T:The Baltimore Salute
ABC      2 C1:035267270627762 C2:ududduddudddudu M:4/4   K:G            H:CRSZ   T:The Baltimore Salute
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:C|    K:G            H:CR     T:Baltimore Salute, The
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:C|    K:G            H:CR     T:Baltimore Salute, The
ABC    798 C1:056766110627762 C2:udddduududddudu M:C|    K:G            H:CDRZ   T:Baltimore Salute, The
ABC    798 C1:056766110627762 C2:udddduududddudu M:C|    K:G            H:CDRZ   T:Baltimore Salute, The
ABC    180 C1:035267270627762 C2:ududduddudddudu M:4/4   K:G            H:CLRSZ  T:Baltimore Salute
ABC      1 C1:110352672706277 C2:uuududduddudddu M:      K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:The Baltimore Salute
ABC      2 C1:056766110627762 C2:udddduududddudu M:      K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:The Baltimore Salute
ABC      3 C1:056766112661526 C2:udddduuuddududd M:      K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:The Baltimore Salute
ABC      4 C1:056766110061526 C2:udddduudududduu M:      K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:The Baltimore Salute
ABC      5 C1:056766112661762 C2:udddduuudduddud M:      K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:The Baltimore Salute
ABC      6 C1:056766110627762 C2:udddduududddudu M:      K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:The Baltimore Salute
ABC      7 C1:060176253005322 C2:uddudduduudduuu M:      K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:The Baltimore Salute
ABC      8 C1:056766112661762 C2:udddduuudduddud M:      K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:The Baltimore Salute
ABC      9 C1:056766110627762 C2:udddduududddudu M:      K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:The Baltimore Salute
ABC     10 C1:056766112661762 C2:udddduuudduddud M:      K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:The Baltimore Salute
ABC     11 C1:110352672706277 C2:uuududduddudddu M:      K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:The Baltimore Salute
ABC     12 C1:110352672706277 C2:uuududduddudddu M:      K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:The Baltimore Salute
ABC     13 C1:056766110627762 C2:udddduududddudu M:      K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:The Baltimore Salute
ABC     14 C1:432056766110627 C2:dududddduududdd M:      K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:The Baltimore Salute
ABC     15 C1:056766110627762 C2:udddduududddudu M:      K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:The Baltimore Salute
ABC      5 C1:116057661106017 C2:uududdduuuddudd M:4/4   K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:Baltimore Salute, The
ABC     43 C1:035267270627762 C2:ududduddudddudu M:4/4   K:G            H:CLRZ   T:The Baltimore salute
ABC      9 C1:056766110627762 C2:udddduududddudu M:C|    K:G            H:CDRZ   T:Baltimore Salute, The
ABC    261 C1:062776253000112 C2:duddduduuuuuddd M:4/4   K:G            H:LRSZ   T:The Baltimore Salute
ABC    261 C1:062776253000112 C2:duddduduuuuuddd M:4/4   K:G            H:LRSZ   T:The Baltimore Salute
ABC   1105 C1:056766110627762 C2:udddduududddudu M:C|    K:G            H:CDRZ   T:Baltimore Salute, The
ABC      8 C1:                C2:                M:C|    K:G            H:CR     T:Baltimore Salute, The
ABC    798 C1:056766110627762 C2:udddduududddudu M:C|    K:G            H:CDRZ   T:Baltimore Salute, The
ABC    397 C1:035267270627762 C2:ududduddudddudu M:4/4   K:G            H:CLRZ   T:The Baltimore salute
ABC   6502 C1:035266110627166 C2:ududduudududddu M:C|    K:G            H:ACDLOQRS T:The Baltimore Salute
ABC   6502 C1:035266110627166 C2:ududduudududddu M:C|    K:G            H:ACDLOQRS T:The Baltimore Salute
ABC   1105 C1:056766110627762 C2:udddduududddudu M:C|    K:G            H:CDRZ   T:Baltimore Salute, The
ABC   1105 C1:056766110627762 C2:udddduududddudu M:C|    K:G            H:CDRZ   T:Baltimore Salute, The
ABC   1105 C1:056766110627762 C2:udddduududddudu M:C|    K:G            H:CDRZ   T:Baltimore Salute, The
ABC  12800 C1:035266110627166 C2:ududduudududddu M:C|    K:G            H:ACDLQRS T:The Baltimore Salute
ABC  12800 C1:035266110627166 C2:ududduudududddu M:C|    K:G            H:ACDLQRS T:The Baltimore Salute
ABC  12800 C1:035266110627166 C2:ududduudududddu M:C|    K:G            H:ACDLQRS T:The Baltimore Salute
ABC  12800 C1:035266110627166 C2:ududduudududddu M:C|    K:G            H:ACDLQRS T:The Baltimore Salute
ABC  12800 C1:035266110627166 C2:ududduudududddu M:C|    K:G            H:ACDLQRS T:The Baltimore Salute
ABC    123 C1:056766110627762 C2:udddduududddudu M:C|    K:G            H:CDORZ  T:Baltimore Salute, The
ABC  16448 C1:035266110627166 C2:ududduudududddu M:C|    K:G            H:ACDLQRS T:The Baltimore Salute
ABC  16448 C1:035266110627166 C2:ududduudududddu M:C|    K:G            H:ACDLQRS T:The Baltimore Salute
ABC  16448 C1:035266110627166 C2:ududduudududddu M:C|    K:G            H:ACDLQRS T:The Baltimore Salute
ABC  16448 C1:035266110627166 C2:ududduudududddu M:C|    K:G            H:ACDLQRS T:The Baltimore Salute
ABC  57007 C1:035267270627762 C2:ududduddudddudu M:4/4   K:G            H:BCLQR  T:BALTIMORE SALUTE (reel), The
ABC  57007 C1:035267270627762 C2:ududduddudddudu M:4/4   K:G            H:BCLQR  T:BALTIMORE SALUTE (reel), The
ABC  57007 C1:035267270627762 C2:ududduddudddudu M:4/4\  K:G\           H:BCLQR  T:BALTIMORE SALUTE (reel), The \
ABC   1161 C1:006261063006267 C2:dududududddduud M:9/8   K:G            H:BLRZ   T:Baltiorum
ABC   1161 C1:006261063006267 C2:dududududddduud M:9/8   K:G            H:BLRZ   T:Baltiorum
ABC   1128 C1:006261063006267 C2:dududududddduud M:9/8   K:G            H:BLRZ   T:Baltiorum
ABC   1161 C1:006261063006267 C2:dududududddduud M:9/8   K:G            H:BLRZ   T:Baltiorum
ABC   1181 C1:006261063006267 C2:dududududddduud M:9/8   K:G            H:BLRZ   T:Baltiorum
ABC   1181 C1:006261063006267 C2:dududududddduud M:9/8   K:G            H:BLRZ   T:Baltiorum
ABC   1128 C1:006261063006267 C2:dududududddduud M:9/8   K:G            H:BLRZ   T:Baltiorum
ABC   1181 C1:006261063006267 C2:dududududddduud M:9/8   K:G            H:BLRZ   T:Baltiorum
ABC   1128 C1:006267667006261 C2:duddddudududdud M:9/8   K:G            H:BLRZbs T:Baltiorum
ABC   1128 C1:006267667006261 C2:duddddudududdud M:9/8   K:G            H:BLRZbs T:Baltiorum
ABC   1128 C1:006267667006261 C2:duddddudududdud M:9/8   K:G            H:BLRZbs T:Baltiorum
ABC   1128 C1:006267667006261 C2:duddddudududdud M:9/8   K:G            H:BLRZbs T:Baltiorum
ABC   1128 C1:006267667006261 C2:duddddududududu M:9/8   K:G            H:BLRZbs T:Baltiorum
ABC   1128 C1:006267667006261 C2:duddddududududu M:9/8   K:G            H:BLRZbs T:Baltiorum
ABC   1128 C1:006267667006261 C2:duddddududududu M:9/8   K:G            H:BLRZbs T:Baltiorum
ABC   1128 C1:006267667006261 C2:duddddududududu M:9/8   K:G            H:BLRZbs T:Baltiorum
ABC   1128 C1:006267667006261 C2:duddddududududu M:9/8   K:G            H:BLRZbs T:Baltiorum
ABC      1 C1:006261063006267 C2:dududududddduud M:9/8   K:GMajor       H:CLQZ   T:Baltiorum
ABC  48401 C1:233235662242246 C2:uuduuddduuduudu M:9/8   K:Dmix         H:BCLQRY T:BALTIORUM
ABC 496002 C1:006261063006267 C2:dududududddduud M:9/8   K:G            H:BLQRZ  T:BALTIORUM
ABC    352 C1:233235662242246 C2:uuduuddduuduudu M:9/8   K:Dmix         H:LQR    T:Baltiorum
ABC    352 C1:233235662242246 C2:uuduuddduuduudu M:9/8   K:Dmix         H:LQR    T:Baltiorum
ABC    352 C1:233235662242246 C2:uuduuddduuduudu M:9/8   K:Dmix         H:LQR    T:Baltiorum
ABC    352 C1:233235662242246 C2:uuduuddduuduudu M:9/8   K:Dmix         H:LQR    T:Baltiorum
ABC    061 C1:233235662233236 C2:uuduuddduuuduud M:9/8   K:A            H:BLZ    T:Baltiorum
ABC      1 C1:006261063006267 C2:dududududddduud M:9/8   K:GMajor       H:LQ     T:Baltiorum
ABC   1128 C1:006261063006267 C2:dududududddduud M:9/8   K:G            H:BLRZ   T:Baltiorum
ABC   1128 C1:006261063006267 C2:dududududddduud M:9/8   K:G            H:BLRZ   T:Baltiorum
ABC    061 C1:233235662233236 C2:uuduuddduuuduud M:9/8   K:A            H:BLZ    T:Baltiorum
ABC    061 C1:233235662233236 C2:uuduuddduuuduud M:9/8   K:A            H:BLZ    T:Baltiorum
ABC    061 C1:233235662233236 C2:uuduuddduuuduud M:9/8   K:A            H:BLZ    T:Baltiorum
ABC    061 C1:233235662233236 C2:uuduuddduuuduud M:9/8   K:A            H:BLZ    T:Baltiorum
ABC    061 C1:233235662233236 C2:uuduuddduuuduud M:9/8   K:A            H:BLZ    T:Baltiorum
ABC 496002 C1:006261063006267 C2:dududududddduud M:9/8   K:G            H:BLQRZ  T:BALTIORUM
ABC 496002 C1:006261063006267 C2:dududududddduud M:9/8   K:G            H:BLQRZ  T:BALTIORUM
ABC     74 C1:006261063006267 C2:dududududddduud M:9/8   K:G            H:LRZ    T:Baltiorum
ABC     74 C1:006261063006267 C2:dududududddduud M:9/8   K:G            H:LRZ    T:Baltiorum
ABC    352 C1:233235662242246 C2:uuduuddduuduudu M:9/8   K:Dmix         H:LQR    T:Baltiorum
ABC    352 C1:233235662242246 C2:uuduuddduuduudu M:9/8   K:Dmix         H:LQR    T:Baltiorum
ABC  48401 C1:233235662242246 C2:uuduuddduuduudu M:9/8   K:Dmix         H:BCLQRY T:BALTIORUM
ABC  48401 C1:233235662242246 C2:uuduuddduuduudu M:9/8   K:Dmix         H:BCLQRY T:BALTIORUM
ABC      1 C1:407626766007626 C2:dududddduduudud M:      K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:The Baltiorum
ABC      2 C1:300626766700626 C2:ududdddudududud M:      K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:The Baltiorum
ABC      3 C1:407626766007626 C2:dududddduduudud M:      K:Dmaj         H:LR     T:The Baltiorum
ABC      4 C1:006267667006261 C2:duddddududududu M:      K:Dmaj         H:LR     T:The Baltiorum
ABC   1128 C1:006261063006267 C2:dududududddduud M:9/8   K:G            H:BLRZ   T:Baltiorum
ABC   1161 C1:006261063006267 C2:dududududddduud M:9/8   K:G            H:BLRZ   T:Baltiorum
ABC   1181 C1:006261063006267 C2:dududududddduud M:9/8   K:G            H:BLRZ   T:Baltiorum
ABC   1161 C1:006261063006267 C2:dududududddduud M:9/8   K:G            H:BLRZ   T:Baltiorum
ABC   1181 C1:006261063006267 C2:dududududddduud M:9/8   K:G            H:BLRZ   T:Baltiorum
ABC    126 C1:233237066233235 C2:uuduuddduuduudd M:9/8   K:D            H:BLQZ   T:Baltiorum? Roose.0126
ABC   1128 C1:006261063006267 C2:dududududddduud M:9/8   K:G            H:BCILZ  T:"Baltiorum" (slipjig) 1128
ABC   1128 C1:006261063006267 C2:dududududddduud M:9/8   K:G            H:BCILZ  T:"Baltiorum" (slipjig) 1128
ABC   1128 C1:006261063006267 C2:dududududddduud M:9/8   K:G            H:L      T:"Baltiorum" (slipjig) 1128
ABC   2802 C1:233235662233237 C2:uuduuddduuuduud M:9/8   K:G            H:BCLQR  T:BALTIOURA
ABC   5087 C1:233235662233237 C2:uuduuddduuuduud M:6/8   K:G            H:BLORSZ T:Baltioura
ABC   2802 C1:233235662233237 C2:uuduuddduuuduud M:9/8   K:G            H:BCLQR  T:BALTIOURA
ABC   2802 C1:233235662233237 C2:uuduuddduuuduud M:9/8   K:G            H:BCLQR  T:BALTIOURA
ABC   0887 C1:662233237031233 C2:dduuuduudduuudu M:6/8   K:G            H:CILQZ  T:Baltioura,
ABC   0887 C1:662233237031233 C2:dduuuduudduuudu M:6/8   K:G            H:CILQZ  T:Baltioura,
ABC   0887 C1:662233237031233 C2:dduuuduudduuudu M:6/8   K:G            H:CILQZ  T:Baltioura,
ABC   0887 C1:662233237031233 C2:dduuuduudduuudu M:6/8   K:G            H:CILQZ  T:Baltioura,
ABC   0887 C1:662233237031233 C2:dduuuduudduuudu M:6/8   K:G            H:CILQZ  T:Baltioura,
ABC   0887 C1:662233237031233 C2:dduuuduudduuudu M:6/8   K:G            H:CILQZ  T:Baltioura,
ABC   0887 C1:662233237031233 C2:dduuuduudduuudu M:6/8   K:G            H:CILQZ  T:Baltioura,
ABC   0887 C1:662233237031233 C2:dduuuduudduuudu M:6/8   K:G            H:CILQZ  T:Baltioura,
ABC   0887 C1:662233237031233 C2:dduuuduudduuudu M:6/8   K:G            H:CILQZ  T:Baltioura,
ABC   5087 C1:233235662233237 C2:uuduuddduuuduud M:6/8   K:G            H:BLORSZ T:Baltioura
ABC   5087 C1:233235662233237 C2:uuduuddduuuduud M:6/8   K:G            H:BLORSZ T:Baltioura
ABC   5087 C1:233235662233237 C2:uuduuddduuuduud M:6/8   K:G            H:BLORSZ T:Baltioura
ABC   5087 C1:233235662233237 C2:uuduuddduuuduud M:6/8   K:G            H:BLORSZ T:Baltioura
ABC    830 C1:600740074221767 C2:dddduuuuddduddd M:4/4   K:D            H:"CLQR  T:BALTRASNA REEL
ABC    950 C1:600740074221767 C2:dddduuuuddduddd M:4/4   K:D            H:"CLQR  T:Baltrasna Reel
ABC    945 C1:676007400742217 C2:dddddduuuudddud M:4/4   K:D            H:"CLQRV T:Baltrasna Reel (with piano acc)
ABC      1 C1:060003712777062 C2:duduudddduuuudd M:3/4   K:D            H:"CDLORZ T:Baltzerjungfrun
ABC     21 C1:000200070701070 C2:uddududdduuddud M:2/4   K:G            H:"LOQ   T:Baluca Vlaski Tanc
ABC     21 C1:000200070701070 C2:uddududdduuddud M:2/4   K:G            H:"LOQ   T:Baluca Vlaski Tanc
ABC     23 C1:000200070701070 C2:uddududdduuddud M:2/4   K:G            H:"FLOQ  T:Baluca Vlaski Tanc
ABC     31 C1:000200070701070 C2:uddududdduuddud M:2/4   K:G            H:"FLOQ  T:Baluca Vlaski Tanc
ABC     32 C1:000200070701070 C2:uddududdduuddud M:2/4   K:G            H:"FLOQ  T:Baluca Vlaski Tanc
ABC     35 C1:000200070701070 C2:uddududdduuddud M:2/4   K:G            H:"FLOQ  T:Baluca Vlaski Tanc
ABC     36 C1:000200070701070 C2:uddududdduuddud M:2/4   K:G            H:"FLOQ  T:Baluca Vlaski Tanc
ABC     23 C1:000200070701070 C2:uddududdduuddud M:2/4   K:G            H:"FLOQ  T:Baluca Vlaski Tanc
ABC     31 C1:000200070701070 C2:uddududdduuddud M:2/4   K:G            H:"FLOQ  T:Baluca Vlaski Tanc
ABC     32 C1:000200070701070 C2:uddududdduuddud M:2/4   K:G            H:"FLOQ  T:Baluca Vlaski Tanc
ABC     35 C1:000200070701070 C2:uddududdduuddud M:2/4   K:G            H:"FLOQ  T:Baluca Vlaski Tanc
ABC     36 C1:000200070701070 C2:uddududdduuddud M:2/4   K:G            H:"FLOQ  T:Baluca Vlaski Tanc
ABC    187 C1:277107020716601 C2:uddudududdduddd M:2/4   K:G treble     H:"FLOQ  T:Baluca Vlaski Tanc
ABC    215 C1:277107020716601 C2:uddudududdduddd M:2/4   K:G treble     H:"FLOQ  T:Baluca Vlaski Tanc
ABC    226 C1:277107020716601 C2:uddudududdduddd M:2/4   K:G treble     H:"FLOQ  T:Baluca Vlaski Tanc
ABC    235 C1:277107020716601 C2:uddudududdduddd M:2/4   K:G treble     H:"FLOQ  T:Baluca Vlaski Tanc
ABC    251 C1:277107020716601 C2:uddudududdduddd M:2/4   K:G treble     H:"FLOQ  T:Baluca Vlaski Tanc
ABC    275 C1:277107020716601 C2:uddudududdduddd M:2/4   K:G treble     H:"FLOQ  T:Baluca Vlaski Tanc
ABC    187 C1:277107020716601 C2:uddudududdduddd M:2/4   K:G treble     H:"FLOQ  T:Baluca Vlaski Tanc
ABC    215 C1:277107020716601 C2:uddudududdduddd M:2/4   K:G treble     H:"FLOQ  T:Baluca Vlaski Tanc
ABC    226 C1:277107020716601 C2:uddudududdduddd M:2/4   K:G treble     H:"FLOQ  T:Baluca Vlaski Tanc
ABC    235 C1:277107020716601 C2:uddudududdduddd M:2/4   K:G treble     H:"FLOQ  T:Baluca Vlaski Tanc
ABC    251 C1:277107020716601 C2:uddudududdduddd M:2/4   K:G treble     H:"FLOQ  T:Baluca Vlaski Tanc
ABC    275 C1:277107020716601 C2:uddudududdduddd M:2/4   K:G treble     H:"FLOQ  T:Baluca Vlaski Tanc
ABC     36 C1:000200070701070 C2:uddududdduuddud M:2/4   K:G            H:"FLOQ  T:Baluca Vlaski Tanc
ABC    275 C1:277107020716601 C2:uddudududdduddd M:2/4   K:G treble     H:"FLOQ  T:Baluca Vlaski Tanc
ABC     36 C1:000200070701070 C2:uddududdduuddud M:2/4   K:G            H:"FLOQ  T:Baluca Vlaski Tanc
ABC    275 C1:277107020716601 C2:uddudududdduddd M:2/4   K:G treble     H:"FLOQ  T:Baluca Vlaski Tanc
ABC     36 C1:000200070701070 C2:uddududdduuddud M:2/4   K:G            H:"FLOQ  T:Baluca Vlaski Tanc
ABC    275 C1:277107020716601 C2:uddudududdduddd M:2/4   K:G treble     H:"FLOQ  T:Baluca Vlaski Tanc
ABC     36 C1:000200070701070 C2:uddududdduuddud M:2/4   K:G            H:"FLOQ  T:Baluca Vlaski Tanc
ABC    275 C1:277107020716601 C2:uddudududdduddd M:2/4   K:G treble     H:"FLOQ  T:Baluca Vlaski Tanc
ABC    340 C1:000000000700060 C2:ddduduuuddduddd M:2/4   K:A            H:LORS   T:Balujun shi renmin de zidibing
ABC    531 C1:007706070711070 C2:ddduduudduduudu M:2/4   K:Eb           H:LORS   T:Balujun shi zijiren
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Balulalow [Bagpipe] (1:17)
ABC     41 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Balulalow [Bagpipes] (1:17) Britten
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Balulalow [Clarinet] (1:17)
ABC     71 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Balulalow [Clarinet] (1:17) Britten
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Balulalow [Flute] (1:17)
ABC     51 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Balulalow [Flute] (1:17) Britten
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Balulalow [Harp] (1:17)
ABC     21 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Balulalow [Harp] (1:17) Britten
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Balulalow [Horn] (1:17)
ABC     61 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Balulalow [Horn] (1:17) Britten
ABC     35 C1:660174660667660 C2:ddududduddddudu M:6/8   K:G            H:LRSZ   T:Bal\'un M\'or Chonch\'uir Mhic Cruit\'in
ABC    635 C1:660174660667660 C2:ddududduddddudu M:6/8   K:G            H:LRSZ   T:Bal\'un M\'or Chonch\'uir Mhic Cruit\'in
ABC      1 C1:006700770076002 C2:dddddduududdddd M:4/4   K:Bb           H:CLQR   T:Balvenie Castle
ABC      1 C1:006700770076002 C2:dddddduududdddd M:4/4   K:Bb           H:CLQR   T:Balvenie Castle
ABC      5 C1:636700006066762 C2:duddddduddddddu M:C     K:Bb           H:CHLQRSZ T:Balvenie Castle
ABC      5 C1:636700006066762 C2:duddddduddddddu M:C     K:Bb           H:CHLQRSZ T:Balvenie Castle
ABC      5 C1:636700006066762 C2:duddddduddddddu M:C     K:Bb           H:CHLQRSZ T:Balvenie Castle
ABC      5 C1:636700006066762 C2:duddddduddddddu M:C     K:Bb           H:CHLQRSZ T:Balvenie Castle
ABC      5 C1:636700006066762 C2:duddddduddddddu M:C     K:Bb           H:CHLQRSZ T:Balvenie Castle
ABC      5 C1:636700006066762 C2:duddddduddddddu M:C     K:Bb           H:CHLQRSZ T:Balvenie Castle
ABC      5 C1:636700006066762 C2:duddddduddddddu M:C     K:Bb           H:CHLQRSZ T:Balvenie Castle
ABC      5 C1:636700006066762 C2:duddddduddddddu M:C     K:Bb           H:CHLQRSZ T:Balvenie Castle
ABC      5 C1:636700006066762 C2:duddddduddddddu M:C     K:Bb           H:CHLQRSZ T:Balvenie Castle
ABC    491 C1:636700006066762 C2:duddddduddddddu M:C     K:Bb           H:BCFLORVZ T:Balvenie Castle
ABC    491 C1:636700006066762 C2:duddddduddddddu M:C     K:Bb           H:BCFLORVZ T:Balvenie Castle
ABC     27 C1:636700006066762 C2:duddddduddddddu M:C     K:Bb           H:BCLORVZ T:Balvenie Castle
ABC      1 C1:116100672066221 C2:uududdudduuuudd M:4/4   K:D            H:       T:An Bal Whennie
ABC      7 C1:116100672066221 C2:uududdudduuuudd M:4/4   K:D            H:       T:An Bal Whennie
ABC   7458 C1:116100672066221 C2:uududdudduuuudd M:4/4   K:D            H:O      T:An Bal Whennie
ABC   7458 C1:116100672066221 C2:uududdudduuuudd M:4/4   K:D            H:O      T:An Bal Whennie
ABC  14378 C1:116100672066221 C2:uududdudduuuudd M:4/4   K:D            H:       T:An Bal Whennie
ABC  14378 C1:116100672066221 C2:uududdudduuuudd M:4/4   K:D            H:       T:An Bal Whennie
ABC  14378 C1:116100672066221 C2:uududdudduuuudd M:4/4   K:D            H:       T:An Bal Whennie
ABC  14378 C1:116100672066221 C2:uududdudduuuudd M:4/4   K:D            H:       T:An Bal Whennie
ABC  14378 C1:116100672066221 C2:uududdudduuuudd M:4/4   K:D            H:       T:An Bal Whennie
ABC  17336 C1:116100672066221 C2:uududdudduuuudd M:4/4   K:D            H:       T:An Bal Whennie
ABC  17336 C1:116100672066221 C2:uududdudduuuudd M:4/4   K:D            H:       T:An Bal Whennie
ABC  17336 C1:116100672066221 C2:uududdudduuuudd M:4/4   K:D            H:       T:An Bal Whennie
ABC  17336 C1:116100672066221 C2:uududdudduuuudd M:4/4   K:D            H:       T:An Bal Whennie
ABC      1 C1:060003712777062 C2:duduudddduuuudd M:3/4   K:D            H:OR     T:Balzer Jungfrau
ABC     42 C1:060003712777062 C2:duduudddduuuudd M:3/4   K:D            H:OR     T:Balzer Jungfrau
ABC     42 C1:060003712777062 C2:duduudddduuuudd M:3/4   K:D            H:OR     T:Balzer Jungfrau
ABC    492 C1:060003712777062 C2:duduudddduuuudd M:3/4   K:D            H:FORZ   T:Balzer Jungfrau
ABC    492 C1:060003712777062 C2:duduudddduuuudd M:3/4   K:D            H:FORZ   T:Balzer Jungfrau
ABC    892 C1:060003712777062 C2:duduudddduuuudd M:3/4   K:D            H:OR     T:Balzer Jungfrau
ABC    892 C1:060003712777062 C2:duduudddduuuudd M:3/4   K:D            H:OR     T:Balzer Jungfrau
ABC    892 C1:060003712777062 C2:duduudddduuuudd M:3/4   K:D            H:OR     T:Balzer Jungfrau
ABC    892 C1:060003712777062 C2:duduudddduuuudd M:3/4   K:D            H:OR     T:Balzer Jungfrau
ABC    892 C1:060003712777062 C2:duduudddduuuudd M:3/4   K:D            H:OR     T:Balzer Jungfrau
ABC     61 C1:060003712777062 C2:duduudddduuuudd M:3/4   K:D            H:ORSZ   T:Balzer Jungfrau
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:La Bamba (2:16)
ABC      1 C1:232077702272616 C2:uuuddduududuudd M:4/4   K:C            H:LQZ    T:La Bamba
ABC    269 C1:600300000760000 C2:dudduduuddududd M:4/4   K:G            H:FGLQZ  T:La Bamba
ABC    269 C1:600300000760000 C2:dudduduuddududd M:4/4   K:G            H:FGLQZ  T:La Bamba
ABC     71 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:La Bamba [Clarinet] Feb 4 (2:16)
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:La Bamba [Drums] Feb 4 (2:16)
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:La Bamba (Horn) - Order of the Nameless (2:12)
ABC     11 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:La Bamba [Lute 1] Feb 4 (2:16)
ABC     12 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:La Bamba [Lute 2] Feb 4 (2:16)
ABC     13 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:La Bamba [Lute 3] Feb 4 (2:16)
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:La Bamba (Lute) - Order of the Nameless (2:16)
ABC     31 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:La Bamba [Theorbo] Feb 4 (2:16)
ABC      1 C1:711133274111221 C2:duuuduudduuuuud M:2/4   K:C            H:ABCFLRWZ T:Bamberger Dreher
ABC      1 C1:710017017001700 C2:dududududududud M:4/4   K:C            H:CLQ    T:Bamboleo (1/4:Horn)
ABC      1 C1:710017017001700 C2:dududududududud M:4/4   K:C            H:CLQ    T:Bamboleo (1/4:Horn)
ABC      1 C1:710017017001700 C2:dududududududud M:4/4   K:C            H:CLQ    T:Bamboleo (1/4:Horn)
ABC      1 C1:710017017001700 C2:dududududududud M:4/4   K:C            H:CLQ    T:Bamboleo (1/4:Horn)
ABC      2 C1:056661564444444 C2:ddddudddddudddu M:4/4   K:C            H:CLQ    T:Bamboleo (2/4:Liuto)
ABC      2 C1:056661564444444 C2:ddddudddddudddu M:4/4   K:C            H:CLQ    T:Bamboleo (2/4:Liuto)
ABC      2 C1:056661564444444 C2:ddddudddddudddu M:4/4   K:C            H:CLQ    T:Bamboleo (2/4:Liuto)
ABC      2 C1:056661564444444 C2:ddddudddddudddu M:4/4   K:C            H:CLQ    T:Bamboleo (2/4:Liuto)
ABC      3 C1:000000000000000 C2:uddduddddudddud M:4/4   K:C            H:CLQ    T:Bamboleo (3/4:Theorbo)
ABC      3 C1:000000000000000 C2:uddduddddudddud M:4/4   K:C            H:CLQ    T:Bamboleo (3/4:Theorbo)
ABC      3 C1:000000000000000 C2:uddduddddudddud M:4/4   K:C            H:CLQ    T:Bamboleo (3/4:Theorbo)
ABC      3 C1:000000000000000 C2:uddduddddudddud M:4/4   K:C            H:CLQ    T:Bamboleo (3/4:Theorbo)
ABC      4 C1:000000003005546 C2:udddddduddududd M:4/4   K:C            H:CLQ    T:Bamboleo (4/4:Drum)
ABC      4 C1:000000003005546 C2:udddddduddududd M:4/4   K:C            H:CLQ    T:Bamboleo (4/4:Drum)
ABC      4 C1:000000003005546 C2:udddddduddududd M:4/4   K:C            H:CLQ    T:Bamboleo (4/4:Drum)
ABC      4 C1:000000003005546 C2:udddddduddududd M:4/4   K:C            H:CLQ    T:Bamboleo (4/4:Drum)
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Bamboleo [Drums] (3:22) - Gypsy Kings
ABC     11 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Bamboleo [Lute 1] (3:22) - Gypsy Kings
ABC     12 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Bamboleo [Lute 2] (3:22) - Gypsy Kings
ABC     13 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Bamboleo [Lute 3] (3:22) - Gypsy Kings
ABC     31 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Bamboleo [Theorbo] (3:22) - Gypsy Kings
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Bamboo Beat (1:28)
ABC      1 C1:113327777724000 C2:uuududddddudddu M:      K:Gmin         H:LR     T:Bamford
ABC      1 C1:113327777724000 C2:uuududddddudddu M:4/4   K:A            H:CLQR   T:The Bamford Hornpipe
ABC      1 C1:113327777724000 C2:uuududddddudddu M:4/4   K:A            H:CLQR   T:The Bamford Hornpipe
ABC      1 C1:332777772400007 C2:ududdddduddduuu M:C|    K:Bb           H:BLORZ  T:BAMFORD HORNPIPE
ABC      1 C1:332777772400007 C2:ududdddduddduuu M:C|    K:Bb           H:BLORZ  T:BAMFORD HORNPIPE
ABC      1 C1:332777772400007 C2:ududdddduddduuu M:C|    K:Bb           H:BLORZ  T:BAMFORD HORNPIPE
ABC      1 C1:332777772400007 C2:ududdddduddduuu M:C|    K:Bb           H:BLORZ  T:BAMFORD HORNPIPE
ABC      1 C1:332777772400007 C2:ududdddduddduuu M:C|    K:Bb           H:BLORZ  T:BAMFORD HORNPIPE
ABC      1 C1:332777772400007 C2:ududdddduddduuu M:C|    K:Bb           H:BLORZ  T:BAMFORD HORNPIPE
ABC      1 C1:332777772400007 C2:ududdddduddduuu M:C|    K:Bb           H:BLORZ  T:BAMFORD HORNPIPE
ABC   2385 C1:332777772400007 C2:ududdddduddduuu M:C     K:Bb           H:BLZ    T:BAMFORD HORNPIPE
ABC   2385 C1:332777772400007 C2:ududdddduddduuu M:C     K:Bb           H:BLZ    T:BAMFORD HORNPIPE
ABC      1 C1:332777772400007 C2:ududdddduddduuu M:2/4   K:Bb           H:BLRZ   T:Bamford -- Hornpipe
ABC      1 C1:332777772400007 C2:ududdddduddduuu M:2/4   K:Bb           H:BLRZ   T:Bamford -- Hornpipe
ABC      1 C1:332777772400007 C2:ududdddduddduuu M:2/4   K:Bb           H:BLRZ   T:Bamford -- Hornpipe
ABC      1 C1:332777772400007 C2:ududdddduddduuu M:2/4   K:Bb           H:BLRZ   T:Bamford -- Hornpipe
ABC      1 C1:332777772400007 C2:ududdddduddduuu M:2/4   K:Bb           H:BLRZ   T:Bamford -- Hornpipe
ABC   2385 C1:332777772400007 C2:ududdddduddduuu M:C     K:Bb           H:BLZ    T:BAMFORD HORNPIPE
ABC   2385 C1:332777772400007 C2:ududdddduddduuu M:C     K:Bb           H:BLZ    T:BAMFORD HORNPIPE
ABC   2385 C1:332777772400007 C2:ududdddduddduuu M:C     K:Bb           H:BLZ    T:BAMFORD HORNPIPE
ABC   2385 C1:332777772400007 C2:ududdddduddduuu M:C     K:Bb           H:BLZ    T:BAMFORD HORNPIPE
ABC   2385 C1:332777772400007 C2:ududdddduddduuu M:C     K:Bb           H:BLZ    T:BAMFORD HORNPIPE
ABC   2385 C1:332777772400007 C2:ududdddduddduuu M:C     K:Bb           H:BLZ    T:BAMFORD HORNPIPE
ABC   2385 C1:332777772400007 C2:ududdddduddduuu M:C     K:Bb           H:BLZ    T:BAMFORD HORNPIPE
ABC   2385 C1:332777772400007 C2:ududdddduddduuu M:C     K:Bb           H:BLZ    T:BAMFORD HORNPIPE
ABC   2385 C1:332777772400007 C2:ududdddduddduuu M:C     K:Bb           H:BLZ    T:BAMFORD HORNPIPE
ABC      1 C1:332777772400007 C2:ududdddduddduuu M:2/4   K:Bb           H:BLRZ   T:Bamford -- Hornpipe
ABC      1 C1:332777772400007 C2:ududdddduddduuu M:2/4   K:Bb           H:BLRZ   T:Bamford -- Hornpipe
ABC      1 C1:332777772400007 C2:ududdddduddduuu M:2/4   K:Bb           H:BLRZ   T:Bamford -- Hornpipe
ABC     34 C1:332777772400007 C2:ududdddduddduuu M:C     K:Bb           H:BHLQRZ T:Bamford's Hornpipe (Craig 34)
ABC     34 C1:332777772400007 C2:ududdddduddduuu M:C     K:Bb           H:BHLQRZ T:Bamford's Hornpipe (Craig 34)
ABC     34 C1:332777772400007 C2:ududdddduddduuu M:C     K:Bb           H:BHLQRZ T:Bamford's Hornpipe (Craig 34)
ABC     34 C1:332777772400007 C2:ududdddduddduuu M:C     K:Bb           H:BHLQRZ T:Bamford's Hornpipe (Craig 34)
ABC     34 C1:332777772400007 C2:ududdddduddduuu M:C     K:Bb           H:BHLQRZ T:Bamford's Hornpipe (Craig 34)
ABC     34 C1:332777772400007 C2:ududdddduddduuu M:C     K:Bb           H:BHLQRZ T:Bamford's Hornpipe (Craig 34)
ABC     34 C1:332777772400007 C2:ududdddduddduuu M:C     K:Bb           H:BHLQRZ T:Bamford's Hornpipe (Craig 34)
ABC     34 C1:332777772400007 C2:ududdddduddduuu M:C     K:Bb           H:BHLQRZ T:Bamford's Hornpipe (Craig 34)
ABC     34 C1:332777772400007 C2:ududdddduddduuu M:C     K:Bb           H:BHLQRZ T:Bamford's Hornpipe (Craig 34)
ABC     34 C1:332777772400007 C2:ududdddduddduuu M:C     K:Bb           H:BHLQRZ T:Bamford's Hornpipe (Craig 34)
ABC     34 C1:332777772400007 C2:ududdddduddduuu M:C     K:Bb           H:BHLQRZ T:Bamford's Hornpipe (Craig 34)
ABC     34 C1:332777772400007 C2:ududdddduddduuu M:C     K:Bb           H:BLQRZ  T:Bamford's Hornpipe. (p)Craig.34
ABC     34 C1:332777772400007 C2:ududdddduddduuu M:C     K:Bb           H:BLQRZ  T:Bamford's Hornpipe. (p)Craig.34
ABC     41 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Ba moin en tibo [bagpipe] (4:49) La Compagnie Creole
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Ba moin en tibo [drums] (4:49) La Compagnie Creole
ABC     11 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Ba moin en tibo [lute 1] (4:49) La Compagnie Creole
ABC     12 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Ba moin en tibo [lute 2] (4:49) La Compagnie Creole
ABC     13 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Ba moin en tibo [lute 3] (4:49) La Compagnie Creole
ABC     31 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Ba moin en tibo [theorbo] (4:49) La Compagnie Creole
ABC  11069 C1:777105011167000 C2:ddduduuudduuudd M:4/4   K:G            H:CLO    T:Bampton Style
ABC  11069 C1:777105011167000 C2:ddduduuudduuudd M:4/4   K:G            H:CLO    T:Bampton Style
ABC  11069 C1:777105011167000 C2:ddduduuudduuudd M:4/4   K:G            H:CLO    T:Bampton Style
ABC  11069 C1:777105011167000 C2:ddduduuudduuudd M:4/4   K:G            H:CLO    T:Bampton Style
ABC  11069 C1:777105011167000 C2:ddduduuudduuudd M:4/4   K:G            H:CLO    T:Bampton Style
ABC    216 C1:007707010101010 C2:ddduuuuuudduddd M:9/8   K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Bana Bir Kerre Yan Baktı
ABC    216 C1:007707010101010 C2:ddduuuuuudduddd M:9/8   K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Bana Bir Kerre Yan Baktı
ABC    216 C1:007707010101010 C2:ddduuuuuudduddd M:9/8   K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Bana Bir Kerre Yan Baktı
ABC    216 C1:007702070707000 C2:ddudddduddduuuu M:9/8   K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Bana Bir Kerre Yan Baktı
ABC    217 C1:001101011117777 C2:uuuuuuudddddudd M:9/4   K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Bana Hem-dem Eyleyen
ABC    217 C1:001101011117777 C2:uuuuuuudddddudd M:9/4   K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Bana Hem-dem Eyleyen
ABC    217 C1:001101011117777 C2:uuuuuuudddddudd M:9/4   K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Bana Hem-dem Eyleyen
ABC    217 C1:010002070016001 C2:uududududududuu M:9/4   K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Bana Hem-dem Eyleyen
ABC      1 C1:054200160022044 C2:dduuduuduuudddd M:4/4   K:Ador         H:LR     T:Banais Mairead
ABC      1 C1:426625772361016 C2:dudduddduuuuudd M:C     K:A            H:LRSZ   T:Banais Marcus Hùnndfhuinn
ABC     61 C1:426625772361016 C2:dudduddduuuuudd M:C     K:A            H:LORS   T:Banais Marcus H\`unndfhuinn
ABC     61 C1:426625772361016 C2:dudduddduuuuudd M:C     K:A            H:LORS   T:Banais Marcus H\`unndfhuinn
ABC     61 C1:426625772361016 C2:dudduddduuuuudd M:C     K:A            H:LORS   T:Banais Marcus H\`unndfhuinn
ABC     61 C1:426625772361016 C2:dudduddduuuuudd M:C     K:A            H:LORS   T:Banais Marcus H\`unndfhuinn
ABC     61 C1:426625772361016 C2:dudduddduuuuudd M:C     K:A            H:LORS   T:Banais Marcus H\`unndfhuinn
ABC     61 C1:426625772361016 C2:dudduddduuuuudd M:C     K:A            H:LORS   T:Banais Marcus H\`unndfhuinn
ABC     61 C1:426625772361016 C2:dudduddduuuuudd M:C     K:A            H:LORS   T:Banais Marcus H\`unndfhuinn
ABC   1528 C1:301161776011001 C2:uuududdduuuuudd M:C|    K:D            H:BLRZ   T:banais sineidin
ABC   1528 C1:301161776011001 C2:uuududdduuuuudd M:C|    K:D            H:BLRZ   T:banais sineidin
ABC   1528 C1:301161776011001 C2:uuududdduuuuudd M:C|    K:D            H:BLRZ   T:banais sineidin
ABC      1 C1:301161776011001 C2:uuududdduuuuudd M:      K:DMajor       H:CLQZ   T:Banais Sineidin
ABC   1479 C1:002644264301161 C2:udududuuuududdd M:C|    K:D            H:BLORZbs T:banais sineidin.
ABC   1479 C1:002644264301161 C2:udududuuuududdd M:C|    K:D            H:BLORZbs T:banais sineidin.
ABC   1479 C1:002644264301161 C2:udududuuuududdd M:C|    K:D            H:BLORZbs T:banais sineidin.
ABC   1479 C1:002644264301161 C2:udududuuuududdd M:C|    K:D            H:BLORZbs T:banais sineidin.
ABC   1479 C1:002644264301161 C2:udududuuuududdd M:C|    K:D            H:BLORZbs T:banais sineidin.
ABC   1479 C1:002644264301161 C2:udududuuuududdd M:C|    K:D            H:BLORZbs T:banais sineidin.
ABC   1479 C1:002644264301161 C2:udududuuuududdd M:C|    K:D            H:BLORZbs T:banais sineidin.
ABC   1479 C1:002644264301161 C2:udududuuuududdd M:C|    K:D            H:BLORZbs T:banais sineidin.
ABC   1479 C1:002644264301161 C2:udududuuuududdd M:C|    K:D            H:BLORZbs T:banais sineidin.
ABC      1 C1:301161776011001 C2:uuududdduuuuudd M:      K:DMajor       H:LQ     T:Banais Sineidin
ABC   1479 C1:301161776011001 C2:uuududdduuuuudd M:C|    K:D            H:BLRZ   T:banais sineidin.
ABC   1479 C1:301161776011001 C2:uuududdduuuuudd M:C|    K:D            H:BLRZ   T:banais sineidin.
ABC   1528 C1:301161776011001 C2:uuududdduuuuudd M:C|    K:D            H:BLRZ   T:banais sineidin
ABC   1528 C1:301161776011001 C2:uuududdduuuuudd M:C|    K:D            H:BLRZ   T:banais sineidin
ABC      1 C1:700600050000005 C2:dduduuuudududdu M:4/4   K:A            H:BFLw   T:Banana Boat Song
ABC      1 C1:000700070007000 C2:dddddduddddddud M:4/4   K:D            H:"CLw   T:Banana Boat Song
ABC      1 C1:700600050000005 C2:dduduuuudududdu M:4/4   K:A            H:BFLWw  T:Banana Boat Song
ABC      1 C1:001766274006113 C2:udddudduuuudddu M:      K:Dmix         H:LR     T:Banana Feet
ABC    219 C1:717717707711027 C2:duddudddduuudud M:8/4   K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Bana Nasıl Vazgeç Dersin
ABC    219 C1:717717707711027 C2:duddudddduuudud M:8/4   K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Bana Nasıl Vazgeç Dersin
ABC    219 C1:717717707711027 C2:duddudddduuudud M:8/4   K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Bana Nasıl Vazgeç Dersin
ABC    219 C1:030001020677060 C2:uuuddddddududdu M:8/8   K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Bana Nasıl Vazgeç Dersin
ABC    218 C1:070707070707000 C2:dddddduuudddudd M:9/8   K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Bana N`oldu
ABC    218 C1:070707070707000 C2:dddddduuudddudd M:9/8   K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Bana N`oldu
ABC    218 C1:070707070707000 C2:dddddduuudddudd M:9/8   K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Bana N`oldu
ABC    218 C1:060707070707000 C2:dddddduuuuddddd M:9/8   K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Bana N'oldu
ABC 185042 C1:623467751267623 C2:duuudddduuddduu M:6/8   K:D            H:CQR    T:BANARD JIG, The
ABC 185042 C1:623467751267623 C2:duuudddduuddduu M:6/8   K:D            H:CQR    T:BANARD JIG, The
ABC 185042 C1:623467751267623 C2:duuudddduuddduu M:6/8   K:D            H:CQR    T:BANARD JIG, The
ABC    220 C1:060006070707070 C2:dudddduudddddud M:9/8   K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Bana Tavr-ı
ABC    220 C1:060006070707070 C2:dudddduudddddud M:9/8   K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Bana Tavr-ı
ABC    220 C1:060006070707070 C2:dudddduudddddud M:9/8   K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Bana Tavr-ı
ABC    220 C1:000107070707070 C2:udddddududddduu M:9/8   K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Bana Tavr-ı
ABC      1 C1:010106010000000 C2:uududuududuudud M:2/4   K:G            H:"LSVZ  T:Banatsko nadigravanje (Numero)
ABC      1 C1:010106010000000 C2:uududuududuudud M:2/4   K:G            H:"LSVZ  T:Banatsko nadigravanje (Numero)
ABC      1 C1:010106010000000 C2:uududuududuudud M:2/4   K:G            H:"LSVZ  T:Banatsko nadigravanje (Numero)
ABC    205 C1:010700070000036 C2:uddudddduuddduu M:2/4   K:G            H:LORS   T:Banbian hanrui banbian kai
ABC      1 C1:000000000002001 C2:uuududuudddddud M:      K:Amin         H:"LR    T:Banbridge Town
ABC      2 C1:000000000002001 C2:uuududuudddddud M:      K:Emin         H:LR     T:Banbridge Town
ABC     21 C1:110411161100422 C2:uuduuudduuduuuu M:4/4   K:D            H:LO     T:Banbury Bill
ABC     22 C1:110411161100422 C2:uuduuudduuduuuu M:4/4   K:D            H:LO     T:Banbury Bill
ABC    358 C1:010100040101017 C2:uuduuudduuduuuu M:4/4   K:G            H:L      T:Banbury Bill
ABC    527 C1:110411161100422 C2:uuduuudduuduuuu M:2/4   K:D            H:DLZ    T:Banbury Bill
ABC    527 C1:110411161100422 C2:uuduuudduuduuuu M:2/4   K:D            H:DLZ    T:Banbury Bill
ABC    527 C1:110411161100422 C2:uuduuudduuduuuu M:2/4   K:D            H:DLZ    T:Banbury Bill
ABC    527 C1:110411161100422 C2:uuduuudduuduuuu M:2/4   K:D            H:DLZ    T:Banbury Bill
ABC    527 C1:110411161100422 C2:uuduuudduuduuuu M:2/4   K:D            H:DLZ    T:Banbury Bill
ABC    527 C1:110411161100422 C2:uuduuudduuduuuu M:2/4   K:D            H:DLZ    T:Banbury Bill
ABC    527 C1:110411161100422 C2:uuduuudduuduuuu M:2/4   K:D            H:DLZ    T:Banbury Bill
ABC    527 C1:110411161100422 C2:uuduuudduuduuuu M:2/4   K:D            H:DLZ    T:Banbury Bill
ABC    527 C1:110411161100422 C2:uuduuudduuduuuu M:2/4   K:D            H:DLZ    T:Banbury Bill
ABC    527 C1:110411161100422 C2:uuduuudduuduuuu M:2/4   K:D            H:DLZ    T:Banbury Bill
ABC    527 C1:110411161100422 C2:uuduuudduuduuuu M:2/4   K:D            H:DLZ    T:Banbury Bill
ABC    527 C1:110411161100422 C2:uuduuudduuduuuu M:2/4   K:D            H:DLZ    T:Banbury Bill
ABC    527 C1:110411161100422 C2:uuduuudduuduuuu M:2/4   K:D            H:DLZ    T:Banbury Bill
ABC    527 C1:110411161100422 C2:uuduuudduuduuuu M:2/4   K:D            H:DLZ    T:Banbury Bill
ABC    527 C1:110411161100422 C2:uuduuudduuduuuu M:2/4   K:D            H:DLZ    T:Banbury Bill
ABC    527 C1:110411161100422 C2:uuduuudduuduuuu M:2/4   K:D            H:DLZ    T:Banbury Bill
ABC      1 C1:010100040101017 C2:uuduuudduuduuuu M:4/4   K:D            H:ACIORS T:Banbury Bill
ABC      1 C1:010100040101017 C2:uuduuudduuduuuu M:4/4   K:D            H:ACIORS T:Banbury Bill
ABC      1 C1:010100040101017 C2:uuduuudduuduuuu M:4/4   K:D            H:BLOSZ  T:BANBURY BILL
ABC     29 C1:110411161100422 C2:uuduuudduuduuuu M:2/4   K:D            H:DLZ    T:Banbury Bill
ABC      2 C1:010100040101017 C2:uuduuudduuduuuu M:4/4   K:D            H:AORS   T:Banbury Bill
ABC    527 C1:110411161100422 C2:uuduuudduuduuuu M:2/4   K:D            H:DLZ    T:Banbury Bill
ABC    527 C1:110411161100422 C2:uuduuudduuduuuu M:2/4   K:D            H:DLZ    T:Banbury Bill
ABC     35 C1:010100040101017 C2:uuduuudduuduuuu M:4/4   K:G            H:L      T:Banbury Bill
ABC     26 C1:110411161100422 C2:uuduuudduuduuuu M:2/4   K:D            H:DLZ    T:Banbury Bill
ABC     35 C1:010100040101017 C2:uuduuudduuduuuu M:4/4   K:G            H:L      T:Banbury Bill
ABC     35 C1:010100040101017 C2:uuduuudduuduuuu M:4/4   K:G            H:L      T:Banbury Bill
ABC     35 C1:010100040101017 C2:uuduuudduuduuuu M:4/4   K:G            H:L      T:Banbury Bill
ABC     35 C1:010100040101017 C2:uuduuudduuduuuu M:4/4   K:G            H:L      T:Banbury Bill
ABC     35 C1:010100040101017 C2:uuduuudduuduuuu M:4/4   K:G            H:L      T:Banbury Bill
ABC     35 C1:010100040101017 C2:uuduuudduuduuuu M:4/4   K:G            H:L      T:Banbury Bill
ABC     35 C1:010100040101017 C2:uuduuudduuduuuu M:4/4   K:G            H:L      T:Banbury Bill
ABC    358 C1:010100040101017 C2:uuduuudduuduuuu M:4/4   K:G            H:L      T:Banbury Bill
ABC    388 C1:010100040101017 C2:uuduuudduuduuuu M:4/4   K:D            H:ACIORS T:Banbury Bill
ABC    388 C1:010100040101017 C2:uuduuudduuduuuu M:4/4   K:D            H:ACIORS T:Banbury Bill
ABC     29 C1:110411161100422 C2:uuduuudduuduuuu M:2/4   K:D            H:DLZ    T:Banbury Bill
ABC     30 C1:110411161100422 C2:uuduuudduuduuuu M:2/4   K:D            H:DLZ    T:Banbury Bill
ABC    893 C1:010100040101017 C2:uuduuudduuduuuu M:4/4   K:D            H:ACIORS T:Banbury Bill
ABC    894 C1:010100040101017 C2:uuduuudduuduuuu M:4/4   K:D            H:ACIORS T:Banbury Bill
ABC    893 C1:010100040101017 C2:uuduuudduuduuuu M:4/4   K:D            H:ACIORS T:Banbury Bill
ABC    894 C1:010100040101017 C2:uuduuudduuduuuu M:4/4   K:D            H:ACIORS T:Banbury Bill
ABC    893 C1:010100040101017 C2:uuduuudduuduuuu M:4/4   K:D            H:ACIORS T:Banbury Bill
ABC    894 C1:010100040101017 C2:uuduuudduuduuuu M:4/4   K:D            H:ACIORS T:Banbury Bill
ABC    893 C1:010100040101017 C2:uuduuudduuduuuu M:4/4   K:D            H:ACIORS T:Banbury Bill
ABC    894 C1:010100040101017 C2:uuduuudduuduuuu M:4/4   K:D            H:ACIORS T:Banbury Bill
ABC    893 C1:010100040101017 C2:uuduuudduuduuuu M:4/4   K:D            H:ACIORS T:Banbury Bill
ABC    894 C1:010100040101017 C2:uuduuudduuduuuu M:4/4   K:D            H:ACIORS T:Banbury Bill
ABC     22 C1:110411161100422 C2:uuduuudduuduuuu M:4/4   K:D            H:LO     T:Banbury Bill (alt)
ABC     34 C1:762766216007223 C2:ddduudddduuuddu M:4/4   K:D            H:CLQ    T:Banbury Bill Alternate
ABC     21 C1:110411161100422 C2:uuduuudduuduuuu M:4/4   K:D            H:AL     T:Banbury Bill, Bampton 1
ABC     21 C1:110411161100422 C2:uuduuudduuduuuu M:4/4   K:D            H:AL     T:Banbury Bill, Bampton 1
ABC     21 C1:110411161100422 C2:uuduuudduuduuuu M:4/4   K:D            H:AL     T:Banbury Bill, Bampton 1
ABC     21 C1:110411161100422 C2:uuduuudduuduuuu M:4/4   K:D            H:AL     T:Banbury Bill, Bampton 1
ABC     21 C1:110411161100422 C2:uuduuudduuduuuu M:4/4   K:D            H:AL     T:Banbury Bill, Bampton 1
ABC     21 C1:110411161100422 C2:uuduuudduuduuuu M:4/4   K:D            H:AL     T:Banbury Bill, Bampton 1
ABC     21 C1:110411161100422 C2:uuduuudduuduuuu M:4/4   K:D            H:AL     T:Banbury Bill, Bampton 1
ABC     42 C1:110411161112566 C2:uuduuudduuuuudd M:4/4   K:Gmaj         H:ALQ    T:Banbury Bill (Bampton)
ABC    493 C1:110411161112566 C2:uuduuudduuuuudd M:4/4   K:Gmaj         H:AFLQ   T:Banbury Bill (Bampton)
ABC    493 C1:110411161112566 C2:uuduuudduuuuudd M:4/4   K:Gmaj         H:AFLQ   T:Banbury Bill (Bampton)
ABC     42 C1:110411161112566 C2:uuduuudduuuuudd M:4/4   K:G            H:ALOQ   T:Banbury Bill (Bampton)
ABC     22 C1:110411161100422 C2:uuduuudduuduuuu M:4/4   K:D            H:AL     T:Banbury Bill, Bampton (alt)
ABC     22 C1:110411161100422 C2:uuduuudduuduuuu M:4/4   K:D            H:AL     T:Banbury Bill, Bampton (alt)
ABC     22 C1:110411161100422 C2:uuduuudduuduuuu M:4/4   K:D            H:AL     T:Banbury Bill, Bampton (alt)
ABC     22 C1:110411161100422 C2:uuduuudduuduuuu M:4/4   K:D            H:AL     T:Banbury Bill, Bampton (alt)
ABC     22 C1:110411161100422 C2:uuduuudduuduuuu M:4/4   K:D            H:AL     T:Banbury Bill, Bampton (alt)
ABC     22 C1:110411161100422 C2:uuduuudduuduuuu M:4/4   K:D            H:AL     T:Banbury Bill, Bampton (alt)
ABC     22 C1:110411161100422 C2:uuduuudduuduuuu M:4/4   K:D            H:AL     T:Banbury Bill, Bampton (alt)
ABC      4 C1:000001070707070 C2:udddduuuudddddd M:2/4   K:D            H:LORS   T:Ban - chnoic éireann ó, S. 37
ABC    342 C1:001000060025003 C2:dduduudduduuuuu M:C     K:A            H:BCLRZ  T:(Banchory)
ABC    342 C1:001000060025003 C2:dduduudduduuuuu M:C     K:A            H:BCLRZ  T:(Banchory)
ABC    342 C1:001000060025003 C2:dduduudduduuuuu M:C     K:A            H:BCLRZ  T:(Banchory)
ABC    342 C1:001000060025003 C2:dduduudduduuuuu M:C     K:A            H:BCLRZ  T:(Banchory)
ABC    342 C1:001000060025003 C2:dduduudduduuuuu M:C     K:A            H:BCLRZ  T:(Banchory)
ABC    342 C1:001000060025003 C2:dduduudduduuuuu M:C     K:A            H:BCLRZ  T:(Banchory)
ABC    342 C1:001000060025003 C2:dduduudduduuuuu M:C     K:A            H:BCLRZ  T:(Banchory)
ABC    371 C1:000000000011006 C2:duuuduuuuuddudu M:C     K:A            H:BCLRZ  T:Banchory Fiddlers
ABC    371 C1:000000000011006 C2:duuuduuuuuddudu M:C     K:A            H:BCLRZ  T:Banchory Fiddlers
ABC    371 C1:000000000011006 C2:duuuduuuuuddudu M:C     K:A            H:BCLRZ  T:Banchory Fiddlers
ABC    371 C1:000000000011006 C2:duuuduuuuuddudu M:C     K:A            H:BCLRZ  T:Banchory Fiddlers
ABC    371 C1:000000000011006 C2:duuuduuuuuddudu M:C     K:A            H:BCLRZ  T:Banchory Fiddlers
ABC    371 C1:000000000011006 C2:duuuduuuuuddudu M:C     K:A            H:BCLRZ  T:Banchory Fiddlers
ABC    371 C1:000000000011006 C2:duuuduuuuuddudu M:C     K:A            H:BCLRZ  T:Banchory Fiddlers
ABC      1 C1:012077071747000 C2:uudddudddduduuu M:6/8   K:Bb           H:L      T:Banchory's Lands
ABC      1 C1:000623012077040 C2:duuuudddduduudu M:6/8   K:Bb           H:L      T:Banchory's Lands
ABC      1 C1:012077071747000 C2:uudddudddduduuu M:6/8   K:Bb           H:L      T:Banchory's Lands
ABC      1 C1:012077071747000 C2:uudddudddduduuu M:6/8   K:Bb           H:L      T:Banchory's Lands
ABC      1 C1:000623012077040 C2:duuuudddduduudu M:6/8   K:Bb           H:L      T:Banchory's Lands
ABC      1 C1:000623012077040 C2:duuuudddduduudu M:6/8   K:Bb           H:L      T:Banchory's Lands
ABC      1 C1:040460604202057 C2:dudduududduduud M:9/8   K:C            H:CLQZ   T:Les bancs publics
ABC      1 C1:040460604202057 C2:dudduududduduud M:9/8   K:C            H:CLQZ   T:Les bancs publics
ABC      1 C1:040460604202057 C2:dudduududduduud M:9/8   K:C            H:CLQZ   T:Les bancs publics
ABC    235 C1:006100017070027 C2:duuddudduddudud M:4/4   K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Başında Altın Para
ABC    235 C1:006100017070027 C2:duuddudduddudud M:4/4   K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Başında Altın Para
ABC    235 C1:006100017070027 C2:duuddudduddudud M:4/4   K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Başında Altın Para
ABC    235 C1:707002700061000 C2:ddudduudduddudd M:2/4   K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Başında Altın Para
ABC     29 C1:614040160261602 C2:duduudududuudud M:C|    K:C            H:BLQZ   T:Bandbox. JJo4.029, The
ABC     29 C1:614040160261602 C2:duduudududuudud M:C|    K:C            H:BLQZ   T:Bandbox. JJo4.029, The
ABC      2 C1:020305061106377 C2:ududuududdududd M:C|    K:D            H:DLQRZ  T:Bandelena March
ABC      2 C1:020305061111067 C2:ududuuuuddduudd M:C|    K:D            H:DLQRZ  T:Bandelena March
ABC      2 C1:020305061111067 C2:ududuuuuddduudd M:C|    K:D            H:DLQRZ  T:Bandelena March
ABC      2 C1:020305061111067 C2:ududuuuuddduudd M:C|    K:D            H:DLQRZ  T:Bandelena March
ABC      2 C1:020305061111067 C2:ududuuuuddduudd M:C|    K:D            H:DLQRZ  T:Bandelena March
ABC      1 C1:242766056467030 C2:ududddududduudd M:4/4   K:G            H:"LS    T:Bandersnatch
ABC     21 C1:624276605646703 C2:ddududddududduu M:4/4   K:G            H:"LS    T:Bandersnatch
ABC     21 C1:242766056467030 C2:ududddududduudd M:4/4   K:G            H:"CL    T:Bandersnatch
ABC    105 C1:242766056467030 C2:ududddududduudd M:4/4   K:G            H:"LS    T:Bandersnatch
ABC    105 C1:242766056467030 C2:ududddududduudd M:4/4   K:G            H:"LS    T:Bandersnatch
ABC     21 C1:242766056467030 C2:ududddududduudd M:4/4   K:G            H:"LS    T:Bandersnatch
ABC     21 C1:242766056467030 C2:ududddududduudd M:4/4   K:G            H:"LS    T:Bandersnatch
ABC     21 C1:624276605646703 C2:ddududddududduu M:4/4   K:G            H:"LRS   T:Bandersnatch
ABC     21 C1:624276605646703 C2:ddududddududduu M:4/4   K:G            H:"LRS   T:Bandersnatch
ABC     21 C1:624276605646703 C2:ddududddududduu M:4/4   K:G            H:"LRS   T:Bandersnatch
ABC   1106 C1:242766056467030 C2:ududddududduudd M:4/4   K:G            H:"LS    T:Bandersnatch
ABC    389 C1:242766056467030 C2:ududddududduudd M:4/4   K:G            H:"LOS   T:Bandersnatch
ABC    389 C1:242766056467030 C2:ududddududduudd M:4/4   K:G            H:"LOS   T:Bandersnatch
ABC   1106 C1:242766056467030 C2:ududddududduudd M:4/4   K:G            H:"LS    T:Bandersnatch
ABC   1106 C1:242766056467030 C2:ududddududduudd M:4/4   K:G            H:"LS    T:Bandersnatch
ABC   1106 C1:242766056467030 C2:ududddududduudd M:4/4   K:G            H:"LS    T:Bandersnatch
ABC    895 C1:242766056467030 C2:ududddududduudd M:4/4   K:G            H:"LS    T:Bandersnatch
ABC    895 C1:242766056467030 C2:ududddududduudd M:4/4   K:G            H:"LS    T:Bandersnatch
ABC    895 C1:242766056467030 C2:ududddududduudd M:4/4   K:G            H:"LS    T:Bandersnatch
ABC    895 C1:242766056467030 C2:ududddududduudd M:4/4   K:G            H:"LS    T:Bandersnatch
ABC    895 C1:242766056467030 C2:ududddududduudd M:4/4   K:G            H:"LS    T:Bandersnatch
ABC    396 C1:000077110000017 C2:dduuudduddduuud M:C     K:C            H:FLQZ   T:Bandiera Rossa
ABC    396 C1:000077110000017 C2:dduuudduddduuud M:C     K:C            H:FLQZ   T:Bandiera Rossa
ABC   3010 C1:060007070002000 C2:ddduuduuuuuuddd M:C|    K:Bb           H:BFLZ   T:the Banditti; a Round O.
ABC   3010 C1:060007070002000 C2:ddduuduuuuuuddd M:C|    K:Bb           H:BFLZ   T:the Banditti; a Round O.
ABC   3010 C1:060007070002000 C2:ddduuduuuuuuddd M:C|    K:Bb           H:BFLZ   T:The Banditti; a Round O.
ABC   3010 C1:060007070002000 C2:ddduuduuuuuuddd M:C|    K:Bb           H:BFLZ   T:The Banditti; a Round O.
ABC   3010 C1:060007070002000 C2:ddduuduuuuuuddd M:C|    K:Bb           H:BFLZ   T:The Banditti; a Round O.
ABC   3010 C1:060007070002000 C2:ddduuduuuuuuddd M:C|    K:Bb           H:BFLZ   T:The Banditti; a Round O.
ABC   1134 C1:266073266002266 C2:uddduudduuddduu M:2/4   K:A            H:LR     T:Bandjaxed Window, The
ABC  08009 C1:577321677067110 C2:uddduuddduduudd M:3/4   K:D            H:"BCLZ  T:B and L WALTZ
ABC  08009 C1:577321677067110 C2:uddduuddduduudd M:3/4   K:D            H:"BCLZ  T:B and L WALTZ
ABC  08009 C1:577321677067110 C2:uddduuddduduudd M:3/4   K:D            H:"BCLZ  T:B and L WALTZ
ABC  08009 C1:577321677067110 C2:uddduuddduduudd M:3/4   K:D            H:"BCLZ  T:B and L WALTZ
ABC  08009 C1:577321677067110 C2:uddduuddduduudd M:3/4   K:D            H:"BCLZ  T:B and L WALTZ
ABC  08009 C1:577321677067110 C2:uddduuddduduudd M:3/4   K:D            H:"BCLZ  T:B and L WALTZ
ABC  08009 C1:577321677067110 C2:uddduuddduduudd M:3/4   K:D            H:"BCLZ  T:B and L WALTZ
ABC  08009 C1:577321677067110 C2:uddduuddduduudd M:3/4   K:D            H:"BCLZ  T:B and L WALTZ
ABC     41 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Band of Gold [bagpipe] May 6 (2:54)
ABC     71 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Band of Gold [clarinet 1] May 6 (2:54)
ABC     72 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Band of Gold [clarinet 2] May 6 (2:54)
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Band of Gold [drums] May 6 (2:54)
ABC     51 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Band of Gold [flute] May 6 (2:54)
ABC     61 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Band of Gold [horn] May 6 (2:54)
ABC     11 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Band of Gold [lute] May 6 (2:54)
ABC     31 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Band of Gold [theorbo] May 6 (2:54)
ABC 491022 C1:003767650027071 C2:udddduudduuuddd M:2/4   K:Am           H:BLQSYZ T:BANDON BRIDGE (1st Setting)
ABC    580 C1:003767650027071 C2:udddduudduuuddd M:2/4   K:Am           H:BLOQRZbs T:Bandon Bridge - 1st Setting
ABC    580 C1:003767650027071 C2:udddduudduuuddd M:2/4   K:Am           H:BLOQRZbs T:Bandon Bridge - 1st Setting
ABC    580 C1:003767650027071 C2:udddduudduuuddd M:2/4   K:Am           H:BLOQRZbs T:Bandon Bridge - 1st Setting
ABC    580 C1:003767650027071 C2:udddduudduuuddd M:2/4   K:Am           H:BLOQRZbs T:Bandon Bridge - 1st Setting
ABC    580 C1:003767650027071 C2:udddduudduuuddd M:2/4   K:Am           H:BLOQRZbs T:Bandon Bridge - 1st Setting
ABC    580 C1:003767650027071 C2:udddduudduuuddd M:2/4   K:Am           H:BLOQRZbs T:Bandon Bridge - 1st Setting
ABC    580 C1:003767650027071 C2:udddduudduuuddd M:2/4   K:Am           H:BLOQRZbs T:Bandon Bridge - 1st Setting
ABC    580 C1:003767650027071 C2:udddduudduuuddd M:2/4   K:Am           H:BLOQRZbs T:Bandon Bridge - 1st Setting
ABC    580 C1:003767650027071 C2:udddduudduuuddd M:2/4   K:Am           H:BLOQRZbs T:Bandon Bridge - 1st Setting
ABC 491022 C1:003767650027071 C2:udddduudduuuddd M:2/4   K:Am           H:BLQSYZ T:BANDON BRIDGE (1st Setting)
ABC 491022 C1:003767650027071 C2:udddduudduuuddd M:2/4   K:Am           H:BLQSYZ T:BANDON BRIDGE (1st Setting)
ABC   0580 C1:003767650027071 C2:udddduudduuuddd M:2/4   K:C            H:BCILQZ T:"Bandon Bridge" (1st Setting) (air) 0580
ABC   0580 C1:003767650027071 C2:udddduudduuuddd M:2/4   K:C            H:BCILQZ T:"Bandon Bridge" (1st Setting) (air) 0580
ABC   0580 C1:003767650027071 C2:udddduudduuuddd M:2/4   K:C            H:BCILQZ T:"Bandon Bridge" (1st Setting) (air) 0580
ABC 491023 C1:002777650027076 C2:udddduudddddduu M:2/4   K:D            H:BLSYZ  T:BANDON BRIDGE (2nd Setting)
ABC    581 C1:002777650027076 C2:udddduudddddduu M:2/4   K:D            H:BLOQRZbs T:Bandon Bridge - 2nd Setting
ABC    581 C1:002777650027076 C2:udddduudddddduu M:2/4   K:D            H:BLOQRZbs T:Bandon Bridge - 2nd Setting
ABC    581 C1:002777650027076 C2:udddduudddddduu M:2/4   K:D            H:BLOQRZbs T:Bandon Bridge - 2nd Setting
ABC    581 C1:002777650027076 C2:udddduudddddduu M:2/4   K:D            H:BLOQRZbs T:Bandon Bridge - 2nd Setting
ABC    581 C1:002777650027076 C2:udddduudddddduu M:2/4   K:D            H:BLOQRZbs T:Bandon Bridge - 2nd Setting
ABC    581 C1:002777650027076 C2:udddduudddddduu M:2/4   K:D            H:BLOQRZbs T:Bandon Bridge - 2nd Setting
ABC    581 C1:002777650027076 C2:udddduudddddduu M:2/4   K:D            H:BLOQRZbs T:Bandon Bridge - 2nd Setting
ABC    581 C1:002777650027076 C2:udddduudddddduu M:2/4   K:D            H:BLOQRZbs T:Bandon Bridge - 2nd Setting
ABC    581 C1:002777650027076 C2:udddduudddddduu M:2/4   K:D            H:BLOQRZbs T:Bandon Bridge - 2nd Setting
ABC 491023 C1:002777650027076 C2:udddduudddddduu M:2/4   K:D            H:BLSYZ  T:BANDON BRIDGE (2nd Setting)
ABC 491023 C1:002777650027076 C2:udddduudddddduu M:2/4   K:D            H:BLSYZ  T:BANDON BRIDGE (2nd Setting)
ABC   0581 C1:002777650027076 C2:udddduudddddduu M:2/4   K:D            H:BCILQZ T:"Bandon Bridge" (2nd Setting) (air) 0581
ABC   0581 C1:002777650027076 C2:udddduudddddduu M:2/4   K:D            H:BCILQZ T:"Bandon Bridge" (2nd Setting) (air) 0581
ABC   0581 C1:002777650027076 C2:udddduudddddduu M:2/4   K:D            H:BCILQZ T:"Bandon Bridge" (2nd Setting) (air) 0581
ABC 535310 C1:375327727755001 C2:udddduudduudddd M:2/4   K:Dm           H:BCLY   T:BANDON BRIDGE, The
ABC    581 C1:002777650027076 C2:udddduudddddduu M:2/4   K:D            H:BLZ    T:Bandon Bridge
ABC    581 C1:002777650027076 C2:udddduudddddduu M:2/4   K:D            H:BLZ    T:Bandon Bridge
ABC    581 C1:002777650027076 C2:udddduudddddduu M:2/4   K:D            H:BLZ    T:Bandon Bridge
ABC    581 C1:002777650027076 C2:udddduudddddduu M:2/4   K:D            H:BLZ    T:Bandon Bridge.
ABC    580 C1:003767650027071 C2:udddduudduuuddd M:2/4   K:Am           H:BLZ    T:Bandon Bridge
ABC    580 C1:003767650027071 C2:udddduudduuuddd M:2/4   K:Am           H:BLZ    T:Bandon Bridge
ABC    580 C1:003767650027071 C2:udddduudduuuddd M:2/4   K:Am           H:BLZ    T:Bandon Bridge
ABC    580 C1:003767650027071 C2:udddduudduuuddd M:2/4   K:Am           H:BLZ    T:Bandon Bridge.
ABC    580 C1:003767650027071 C2:udddduudduuuddd M:2/4   K:Am           H:BLZ    T:Bandon Bridge.
ABC    581 C1:002777650027076 C2:udddduudddddduu M:2/4   K:D            H:BLZ    T:Bandon Bridge.
ABC  53312 C1:375327727755001 C2:udddduudduudddd M:2/4   K:Dm           H:BCFLQ  T:Bandon Bridge, The
ABC  53312 C1:375327727755001 C2:udddduudduudddd M:2/4   K:Dm           H:BCFLQ  T:Bandon Bridge, The
ABC  53312 C1:375327727755001 C2:udddduudduudddd M:2/4   K:Dm           H:BCFLQ  T:Bandon Bridge, The
ABC  53312 C1:375327727755001 C2:udddduudduudddd M:2/4   K:Dm           H:BCFLQ  T:Bandon Bridge, The
ABC    580 C1:003767650027071 C2:udddduudduuuddd M:2/4   K:Am           H:BLZ    T:Bandon Bridge.
ABC    581 C1:002777650027076 C2:udddduudddddduu M:2/4   K:D            H:BLZ    T:Bandon Bridge.
ABC    580 C1:003767650027071 C2:udddduudduuuddd M:2/4   K:Am           H:BLZ    T:Bandon Bridge
ABC    581 C1:002777650027076 C2:udddduudddddduu M:2/4   K:D            H:BLZ    T:Bandon Bridge
ABC    580 C1:003767650027071 C2:udddduudduuuddd M:2/4   K:Am           H:BLZ    T:Bandon Bridge
ABC    581 C1:002777650027076 C2:udddduudddddduu M:2/4   K:D            H:BLZ    T:Bandon Bridge
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:bandontherun (5:12)
ABC     41 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Band on the Run [Bagpipes] (5:12) - Wings
ABC     71 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Band on the Run [Clarinet] (5:12) - Wings
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Band on the Run [Drum] (5:12) - Wings
ABC     61 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Band on the Run [Horn] (5:12) - Wings
ABC     11 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Band on the Run [Lute 1] (5:12) - Wings
ABC     12 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Band on the Run [Lute 2] (5:12) - Wings
ABC     31 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Band on the Run [Theorbo] (5:12) - Wings
ABC      1 C1:000400047111060 C2:duduuuddduduuud M:4/4   K:C            H:L      T:The Band O' Shearers
ABC      1 C1:000400047111060 C2:duduuuddduduuud M:4/4   K:C            H:L      T:The Band O' Shearers
ABC      1 C1:000400047111060 C2:duduuuddduduuud M:4/4   K:C            H:L      T:The Band O' Shearers
ABC    565 C1:000400047111006 C2:duduuuddduduuud M:4/4   K:Ddor         H:FLQZ   T:The Band o' Shearers
ABC    565 C1:000400047111006 C2:duduuuddduduuud M:4/4   K:Ddor         H:FLQZ   T:The Band o' Shearers
ABC      1 C1:267357267011004 C2:udduddudduududu M:3/4   K:G            H:"CLRZ  T:The Band Played On
ABC      1 C1:267357267011004 C2:udduddudduududu M:3/4   K:G            H:"CLRZ  T:The Band Played On
ABC      1 C1:267357267011004 C2:udduddudduududu M:3/4   K:G            H:"CLRZ  T:The Band Played On
ABC      1 C1:727277047065000 C2:dududduuddduduu M:3/4   K:A            H:L      T:The Band Played On
ABC      1 C1:727277047065000 C2:dududduuddduduu M:3/4   K:A            H:L      T:The Band Played On
ABC      1 C1:727277047065000 C2:dududduuddduduu M:3/4   K:A            H:L      T:The Band Played On
ABC      1 C1:727277047065000 C2:dududduuddduduu M:3/4   K:A            H:FL     T:The Band Played On
ABC      1 C1:267357267011004 C2:udduddudduududu M:3/4   K:G            H:"CLRZ  T:The Band Played On
ABC      1 C1:267357267011004 C2:udduddudduududu M:3/4   K:G            H:"CLRZ  T:The Band Played On
ABC      1 C1:003067006002061 C2:udduduududdduuu M:6/8   K:D            H:L      T:The Band Played Waltzing Mathilda
ABC      1 C1:003067006002061 C2:udduduududdduuu M:6/8   K:D            H:L      T:The Band Played Waltzing Mathilda
ABC      1 C1:003067006002061 C2:udduduududdduuu M:6/8   K:D            H:L      T:The Band Played Waltzing Mathilda
ABC      1 C1:003067006002061 C2:udduduududdduuu M:6/8   K:D            H:L      T:The Band Played Waltzing Mathilda
ABC      1 C1:003067006002061 C2:udduduududdduuu M:6/8   K:D            H:L      T:The Band Played Waltzing Mathilda
ABC      1 C1:003067006002061 C2:udduduududdduuu M:6/8   K:D            H:L      T:The Band Played Waltzing Mathilda
ABC      1 C1:003067006002061 C2:udduduududdduuu M:6/8   K:D            H:L      T:The Band Played Waltzing Mathilda
ABC    221 C1:006100617116610 C2:dududuudduududu M:9/8   K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Bandırma Dörtlemesi
ABC    221 C1:006100617116610 C2:dududuudduududu M:9/8   K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Bandırma Dörtlemesi
ABC    221 C1:006100617116610 C2:dududuudduududu M:9/8   K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Bandırma Dörtlemesi
ABC    221 C1:006100617111000 C2:dududuuudududuu M:9/8   K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Bandırma Dörtlemesi
ABC      1 C1:000400020106000 C2:duuduuuddududuu M:4/4   K:Am           H:"CLRSZ T:A Bandro
ABC      1 C1:000400020106000 C2:duuduuuddududuu M:4/4   K:Am           H:"CLRSZ T:A Bandro
ABC      1 C1:000400020106000 C2:duuduuuddududuu M:4/4   K:Am           H:"CLRSZ T:A Bandro
ABC      1 C1:000400020106000 C2:duuduuuddududuu M:4/4   K:Am           H:"CLRSZ T:A Bandro
ABC      1 C1:000400020106000 C2:duuduuuddududuu M:4/4   K:Am           H:"CLRSZ T:A Bandro
ABC      1 C1:000400020106000 C2:duuduuuddududuu M:4/4   K:Am           H:"CLRSZ T:A Bandro
ABC      1 C1:000400020106000 C2:duuduuuddududuu M:4/4   K:Am           H:"CLRSZ T:A Bandro
ABC      1 C1:000400020106000 C2:duuduuudduddduu M:4/4   K:Am           H:"CLRSZ T:A Bandro
ABC      1 C1:000400020106000 C2:duuduuudduddduu M:4/4   K:Am           H:"CLRSZ T:A Bandro
ABC      1 C1:000400020106000 C2:duuduuudduddduu M:4/4   K:Am           H:"CLRSZ T:A Bandro
ABC      1 C1:000400020106000 C2:duuduuudduddduu M:4/4   K:Am           H:"CLRSZ T:A Bandro
ABC      1 C1:000400020106000 C2:duuduuudduddduu M:4/4   K:Am           H:"CLRSZ T:A Bandro
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:BANDS - Creeddrums - ratissia of snowbourne(2:35)
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:BANDS - Creedlute - ratissia of snowbourne (2:39)
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Bandstand Boogie [Bagpipe] (1:59) by Charles Albertine
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Bandstand Boogie [Clarinet] (1:59) by Charles Albertine
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Bandstand Boogie [Drums] (1:59) by Charles Albertine
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Bandstand Boogie [Flute] (1:59) by Charles Albertine
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Bandstand Boogie [Horn] (1:59) by Charles Albertine
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Bandstand Boogie [Lute] (1:59) by Charles Albertine
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Bandstand Boogie [Theorbo] (1:59) by Charles Albertine
ABC      1 C1:677710277025735 C2:dddduduuudduudu M:2/4   K:Bb           H:CILRW  T:Bandtössli-Juiz. 2004 Bb ABAC
ABC      1 C1:677710277025735 C2:dddduduuudduudu M:2/4   K:Bb           H:CILORW T:Bandtössli-Juiz. 2004 Bb ABAC
ABC      1 C1:224227002007110 C2:uuduududuuddddd M:3/4   K:Dm           H:"CLRSZ T:Bandura Waltz
ABC      1 C1:224227002007110 C2:uuduududuuddddd M:3/4   K:Dm           H:"CLRSZ T:Bandura Waltz
ABC      1 C1:224227002007110 C2:uuduududuuddddd M:3/4   K:Dm           H:"CLRSZ T:Bandura Waltz
ABC     20 C1:026703570447000 C2:uddudduddddduuu M:C|    K:C            H:"BCLQR T:The Band Wagon
ABC     51 C1:206774327705327 C2:uddduuuddduduud M:6/8   K:G            H:BLQWZ  T:Bandy Leg Walk. JJo3.051
ABC     51 C1:206774327705327 C2:uddduuuddduduud M:6/8   K:G            H:BLQWZ  T:Bandy Leg Walk. JJo3.051
ABC     26 C1:660111001660111 C2:dduuuudduuuddud M:9/8   K:D            H:BLQZ   T:Bandy Leg Walk. Roose.0026
ABC      1 C1:111711002530276 C2:uuuduuuduuddudu M:C|    K:F            H:LRSZ   T:Banff Castle
ABC   4231 C1:116532611111002 C2:uudduuduuuuuudu M:C|    K:F            H:BLVZ   T:Banff Castle. a Reel.
ABC   4231 C1:116532611111002 C2:uudduuduuuuuudu M:C|    K:F            H:BLVZ   T:Banff Castle. a Reel.
ABC   4231 C1:116532611111002 C2:uudduuduuuuuudu M:C|    K:F            H:BLVZ   T:Banff Castle. a Reel.
ABC   4231 C1:116532611111002 C2:uudduuduuuuuudu M:C|    K:F            H:BLVZ   T:Banff Castle. a Reel.
ABC   4231 C1:116532611111002 C2:uudduuduuuuuudu M:C|    K:F            H:BLVZ   T:Banff Castle. a Reel.
ABC   4231 C1:116532611111002 C2:uudduuduuuuuudu M:C|    K:F            H:BLVZ   T:Banff Castle. a Reel.
ABC   4231 C1:116532611111002 C2:uudduuduuuuuudu M:C|    K:F            H:BLVZ   T:Banff Castle. a Reel.
ABC   4231 C1:116532611111002 C2:uudduuduuuuuudu M:C|    K:F            H:BLVZ   T:Banff Castle. a Reel.
ABC   4231 C1:116532611111002 C2:uudduuduuuuuudu M:C|    K:F            H:BLVZ   T:Banff Castle. a Reel.
ABC   4231 C1:116532611111002 C2:uudduuduuuuuudu M:C|    K:F            H:BLVZ   T:Banff Castle. a Reel.
ABC   4231 C1:116532611111002 C2:uudduuduuuuuudu M:C|    K:F            H:BLVZ   T:Banff Castle. a Reel.
ABC   4231 C1:116532611111002 C2:uudduuduuuuuudu M:C|    K:F            H:BLVZ   T:Banff Castle. a Reel.
ABC   4231 C1:116532611111002 C2:uudduuduuuuuudu M:C|    K:F            H:BLVZ   T:Banff Castle. a Reel.
ABC   4231 C1:116532611111002 C2:uudduuduuuuuudu M:C|    K:F            H:BLVZ   T:Banff Castle. a Reel.
ABC   4231 C1:116532611111002 C2:uudduuduuuuuudu M:C|    K:F            H:BLVZ   T:Banff Castle. a Reel.
ABC   4231 C1:116532611111002 C2:uudduuduuuuuudu M:C|    K:F            H:BLVZ   T:Banff Castle. a Reel.
ABC   4231 C1:116532611111002 C2:uudduuduuuuuudu M:C|    K:F            H:BLVZ   T:Banff Castle. a Reel.
ABC   4231 C1:116532611111002 C2:uudduuduuuuuudu M:C|    K:F            H:BLVZ   T:Banff Castle. a Reel.
ABC   4231 C1:116532611111002 C2:uudduuduuuuuudu M:C|    K:F            H:BLVZ   T:Banff Castle. a Reel.
ABC   4231 C1:116532611111002 C2:uudduuduuuuuudu M:C|    K:F            H:BLVZ   T:Banff Castle. a Reel.
ABC   4231 C1:116532611111002 C2:uudduuduuuuuudu M:C|    K:F            H:BLVZ   T:Banff Castle. a Reel.
ABC   4231 C1:116532611111002 C2:uudduuduuuuuudu M:C|    K:F            H:BLVZ   T:Banff Castle. a Reel.
ABC   4231 C1:116532611111002 C2:uudduuduuuuuudu M:C|    K:F            H:BLVZ   T:Banff Castle. a Reel.
ABC   4231 C1:116532611111002 C2:uudduuduuuuuudu M:C|    K:F            H:BLVZ   T:Banff Castle. a Reel.
ABC   4231 C1:116532611111002 C2:uudduuduuuuuudu M:C|    K:F            H:BLVZ   T:Banff Castle. a Reel.
ABC   4231 C1:116532611111002 C2:uudduuduuuuuudu M:C|    K:F            H:BLVZ   T:Banff Castle. a Reel.
ABC   4231 C1:116532611111002 C2:uudduuduuuuuudu M:C|    K:F            H:BLVZ   T:Banff Castle. a Reel.
ABC   4231 C1:116532611111002 C2:uudduuduuuuuudu M:C|    K:F            H:BLVZ   T:Banff Castle. a Reel.
ABC    116 C1:112170670000012 C2:uuuuddduududdud M:2/4   K:G            H:LORS   T:Bangchui da zai shitou shang
ABC    425 C1:401700031714000 C2:duduududuudduuu M:2/4   K:A            H:LORS   T:Ban genzi cao
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Bangles-EternalFlame (2:42)
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Bangles-HazyShadeOfWinter (2:26)
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQ     T:Bangles - Hazy Shade of Winter (drum) [Demilune of Landroval]
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQ     T:Bangles - Hazy Shade of Winter (flute) [Demilune of Landroval]
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQ     T:Bangles - Hazy Shade of Winter (harp) [Demilune of Landroval]
ABC   1113 C1:206200405302206 C2:udududuuuduuudd M:6/8   K:D            H:CLR    T:Bango Fancy
ABC   1113 C1:206200405302206 C2:udududuuuduuudd M:6/8   K:D            H:CLR    T:Bango Fancy
ABC   1113 C1:206200405302206 C2:udududuuuduuudd M:6/8   K:D            H:CLR    T:Bango Fancy
ABC   1113 C1:206200405302206 C2:udududuuuduuudd M:6/8   K:D            H:CLR    T:Bango Fancy
ABC     41 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Bang On The Drum [Bagpipes] (3:15) - Todd Rundgren
ABC     71 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Bang On The Drum [Clarinet / Vocals] (3:15) - Todd Rundgren
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Bang On The Drum [Drum] (3:15) - Todd Rundgren
ABC     61 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Bang On The Drum [Horn] (3:15) - Todd Rundgren
ABC     11 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Bang On The Drum [Lute] (3:15) - Todd Rundgren
ABC     31 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Bang On The Drum [Theorbo] (3:15) - Todd Rundgren
ABC      0 C1:050606621333422 C2:uuduuduuduuuduu M:4/4   K:Eb           H:LQVZ   T:Bangor
ABC      0 C1:050606621333422 C2:uuduuduuduuuduu M:4/4   K:Eb           H:LQVZ   T:Bangor
ABC      1 C1:050302031111705 C2:uuuduuuuduuudud M:6/8   K:A            H:BCLZ   T:Bangor March
ABC  30352 C1:265623265623532 C2:uddduuuddduuduu M:6/8   K:Bb           H:BCLSZ  T:BANGOR QUICKSTEP
ABC  30352 C1:265623265623532 C2:uddduuuddduuduu M:6/8   K:Bb           H:BCLSZ  T:BANGOR QUICKSTEP
ABC  30352 C1:265623265623532 C2:uddduuuddduuduu M:6/8   K:Bb           H:BCLSZ  T:BANGOR QUICKSTEP
ABC  30352 C1:265623265623532 C2:uddduuuddduuduu M:6/8   K:Bb           H:BCLSZ  T:BANGOR QUICKSTEP
ABC  30352 C1:265623265623532 C2:uddduuuddduuduu M:6/8   K:Bb           H:BCLSZ  T:BANGOR QUICKSTEP
ABC  30352 C1:265623265623532 C2:uddduuuddduuduu M:6/8   K:Bb           H:BCLSZ  T:BANGOR QUICKSTEP
ABC  30352 C1:265623265623532 C2:uddduuuddduuduu M:6/8   K:Bb           H:BCLSZ  T:BANGOR QUICKSTEP
ABC  30352 C1:265623265623532 C2:uddduuuddduuduu M:6/8   K:Bb           H:BCLSZ  T:BANGOR QUICKSTEP
ABC  30352 C1:265623265623532 C2:uddduuuddduuduu M:6/8   K:Bb           H:BCLSZ  T:BANGOR QUICKSTEP
ABC  30352 C1:265623265623532 C2:uddduuuddduuduu M:6/8   K:Bb           H:BCLSZ  T:BANGOR QUICKSTEP
ABC  30352 C1:265623265623532 C2:uddduuuddduuduu M:6/8   K:Bb           H:BCLSZ  T:BANGOR QUICKSTEP
ABC      9 C1:621137670711301 C2:duuuudddduuuuud M:C     K:D            H:CDLRSZ T:A Bangor Reel (Davy Muir)
ABC      9 C1:621137670711301 C2:duuuudddduuuuud M:C     K:D            H:CDLRSZ T:A Bangor Reel (Davy Muir)
ABC      1 C1:030202000107060 C2:uuuuddduddddduu M:6/8   K:A            H:CLQR   T:Bangor Regatta
ABC      1 C1:030202000107060 C2:uuuuddduddddduu M:6/8   K:A            H:CLQR   T:Bangor Regatta
ABC      1 C1:030202000107060 C2:uuuuddduddddduu M:6/8   K:A            H:CLQR   T:Bangor Regatta
ABC   3221 C1:322017667067665 C2:uuuuddduddddduu M:6/8   K:A            H:BLZ    T:BANGOR REGATTA
ABC   3221 C1:322017667067665 C2:uuuuddduddddduu M:6/8   K:A            H:BLZ    T:BANGOR REGATTA
ABC      1 C1:000100070106020 C2:ddududuuddududd M:6/8   K:Bb           H:LQR    T:The Bangor Regatta
ABC      1 C1:000100070106020 C2:ddududuuddududd M:6/8   K:Bb           H:LQR    T:The Bangor Regatta
ABC      1 C1:000100070106020 C2:ddududuuddududd M:6/8   K:Bb           H:LQR    T:The Bangor Regatta
ABC      1 C1:000100070106020 C2:ddududuuddududd M:6/8   K:Bb           H:LQR    T:The Bangor Regatta
ABC      1 C1:000100070106020 C2:ddududuuddududd M:6/8   K:G            H:LQR    T:The Bangor Regatta
ABC      1 C1:000100070106020 C2:ddududuuddududd M:6/8   K:G            H:LQR    T:The Bangor Regatta
ABC      1 C1:030202000107060 C2:uuuuddduddddduu M:6/8   K:A            H:ACILORS T:Bangor Regatta
ABC      1 C1:322017667067665 C2:uuuuddduddddduu M:6/8   K:A            H:"BLRZ  T:Bangor Regatta
ABC      1 C1:322017667067665 C2:uuuuddduddddduu M:6/8   K:A            H:"BLRZ  T:Bangor Regatta
ABC      1 C1:322017667067665 C2:uuuuddduddddduu M:6/8   K:A            H:"BLRZ  T:Bangor Regatta
ABC      1 C1:322017667067665 C2:uuuuddduddddduu M:6/8   K:A            H:"BLRZ  T:Bangor Regatta
ABC    147 C1:532201766706766 C2:duuuudddudddddu M:6/8   K:A            H:"BLRSZ T:Bangor Regatta
ABC      2 C1:322017667067665 C2:uuuuddduddddduu M:6/8   K:A            H:"BLRZ  T:Bangor Regatta
ABC      2 C1:322017667067665 C2:uuuuddduddddduu M:6/8   K:A            H:"BLRZ  T:Bangor Regatta
ABC   3221 C1:322017667067665 C2:uuuuddduddddduu M:6/8   K:A            H:BLZ    T:BANGOR REGATTA
ABC   3221 C1:322017667067665 C2:uuuuddduddddduu M:6/8   K:A            H:BLZ    T:BANGOR REGATTA
ABC   3221 C1:322017667067665 C2:uuuuddduddddduu M:6/8   K:A            H:BLZ    T:BANGOR REGATTA
ABC   3221 C1:322017667067665 C2:uuuuddduddddduu M:6/8   K:A            H:BLZ    T:BANGOR REGATTA
ABC   3221 C1:322017667067665 C2:uuuuddduddddduu M:6/8   K:A            H:BLZ    T:BANGOR REGATTA
ABC   3221 C1:322017667067665 C2:uuuuddduddddduu M:6/8   K:A            H:BLZ    T:BANGOR REGATTA
ABC   3221 C1:322017667067665 C2:uuuuddduddddduu M:6/8   K:A            H:BLZ    T:BANGOR REGATTA
ABC   3221 C1:322017667067665 C2:uuuuddduddddduu M:6/8   K:A            H:BLZ    T:BANGOR REGATTA
ABC      1 C1:000100070106020 C2:ddududuuddududd M:6/8   K:G            H:LQR    T:The Bangor Regatta (O'Neills version)
ABC      1 C1:000100070106020 C2:ddududuuddududd M:6/8   K:G            H:LQR    T:The Bangor Regatta (O'Neills version)
ABC      1 C1:000100070106020 C2:ddududuuddududd M:6/8   K:G            H:LQR    T:The Bangor Regatta (O'Neills version)
ABC      1 C1:762230762261077 C2:dduuudduuduuddd M:3/4   K:G            H:"CL    T:Bangpolskan
ABC     41 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Bang The Drum - bagpipe (3:16) (2592)
ABC     71 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Bang The Drum - clarinet (3:13) (1819)
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Bang The Drum - drums (3:16) (2236)
ABC     61 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Bang The Drum - flute (3:16) (2598)
ABC     21 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Bang The Drum - harp (opt) (3:16) (1434)
ABC     11 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Bang The Drum - lute (3:14) (1056)
ABC     31 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Bang The Drum - therobo (3:16) (1724)
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:C|    K:D            H:LRSZ   T:Bang the Rattle
ABC     23 C1:622655617777112 C2:duududdudddduuu M:C|    K:G            H:BLQZ   T:Bang the Rattle. JHa.23
ABC     23 C1:622655617777112 C2:duududdudddduuu M:C|    K:G            H:BLQZ   T:Bang the Rattle. JHa.23
ABC      1 C1:216120171762671 C2:uuduuududduddud M:      K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:The Bangum
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:6/8   K:D            H:BLRZ   T:Bang Up [1]
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:2/4   K:F            H:BLRZ   T:Bang Up [4]
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:6/8   K:D            H:LQ     T:Bang Up
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:6/8   K:D            H:LQ     T:Bang Up
ABC   2044 C1:002002006063061 C2:uuddududduuduuu M:6/8   K:D            H:"CLOQRZ T:Bang Up
ABC    707 C1:006063061067277 C2:ddududdudddduuu M:6/8   K:D            H:BLQZ   T:Bang Up
ABC    494 C1:002002006063061 C2:uuddududduuduuu M:6/8   K:D            H:BFLOZ  T:Bang up
ABC    494 C1:002002006063061 C2:uuddududduuduuu M:6/8   K:D            H:BFLOZ  T:Bang up
ABC      1 C1:002002006063061 C2:uuddududduuduuu M:6/8   K:D            H:BLOZ   T:Bang up
ABC    115 C1:002002006063061 C2:uuddududduuduuu M:6/8   K:D            H:BLQZ   T:Bang Up. Dal.119
ABC      1 C1:002002006063061 C2:uuddududduuduuu M:6/8   K:D            H:ABCLQWZ T:Bang Up. G&D_1811.01
ABC      1 C1:002002006063061 C2:uuddududduuduuu M:6/8   K:D            H:ABCLOQWZ T:Bang Up. G&D_1811.01
ABC      1 C1:002002006063061 C2:uuddududduuduuu M:6/8   K:D            H:ABCLOQWZ T:Bang Up. G&D_1811.01
ABC      1 C1:002002006063061 C2:uuddududduuduuu M:6/8   K:D            H:ABCLOQWZ T:Bang Up. G&D_1811.01
ABC      1 C1:002002006063061 C2:uuddududduuduuu M:6/8   K:D            H:ABCLOQWZ T:Bang Up. G&D_1811.01
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:2/4   K:F            H:BLRZ   T:Bang Up Hornpipe
ABC     76 C1:562422326533232 C2:dduduuuudduduuu M:C     K:D            H:ABCLQRZ T:Bang Up Hornpipe,aka. Mbe.76
ABC     76 C1:562422326533232 C2:dduduuuudduduuu M:C     K:D            H:ABCLQRZ T:Bang Up Hornpipe,aka. Mbe.76
ABC     76 C1:562422326533232 C2:dduduuuudduduuu M:C     K:D            H:CLOQRSZ T:Bang Up Hornpipe, aka. Mbe.76
ABC     20 C1:622356272377777 C2:duuudduduuddddd M:2/4   K:F            H:BLQRZ  T:Bang Up Hornpipe. BHp.20
ABC      1 C1:010001610100071 C2:dududuuudddduuu M:2/4   K:D            H:ALOQRSZ T:Bang Up Hornpipe. GHW.066
ABC     66 C1:010001610100071 C2:dududuuudddduuu M:2/4   K:D            H:ALOQRSZ T:Bang Up Hornpipe. GHW.066
ABC     66 C1:010001610100071 C2:dududuuudddduuu M:2/4   K:D            H:ALOQRSZ T:Bang Up Hornpipe. GHW.066
ABC     66 C1:010001610100071 C2:dududuuudddduuu M:2/4   K:D            H:ALOQRSZ T:Bang Up Hornpipe. GHW.066
ABC     66 C1:010001610100071 C2:dududuuudddduuu M:2/4   K:D            H:ALOQRSZ T:Bang Up Hornpipe. GHW.066
ABC     66 C1:010001610100071 C2:dududuuudddduuu M:2/4   K:D            H:ABLQRZ T:Bang Up Hornpipe. GHW.066
ABC     66 C1:010001610100071 C2:dududuuudddduuu M:2/4   K:D            H:ABLOQRSZ T:Bang Up Hornpipe. GHW.066
ABC   1107 C1:010001610100071 C2:dududuuudddduuu M:2/4   K:D            H:ALOQRSZ T:Bang Up Hornpipe. GHW.066
ABC    390 C1:010001610100071 C2:dududuuudddduuu M:2/4   K:D            H:ALOQRS T:Bang Up Hornpipe. GHW.066
ABC    390 C1:010001610100071 C2:dududuuudddduuu M:2/4   K:D            H:ALOQRS T:Bang Up Hornpipe. GHW.066
ABC   1107 C1:010001610100071 C2:dududuuudddduuu M:2/4   K:D            H:ALOQRSZ T:Bang Up Hornpipe. GHW.066
ABC   1107 C1:010001610100071 C2:dududuuudddduuu M:2/4   K:D            H:ALOQRSZ T:Bang Up Hornpipe. GHW.066
ABC   1107 C1:010001610100071 C2:dududuuudddduuu M:2/4   K:D            H:ALOQRSZ T:Bang Up Hornpipe. GHW.066
ABC    495 C1:010001610100071 C2:dududuuudddduuu M:2/4   K:D            H:AFLOQRSZ T:Bang Up Hornpipe. GHW.066
ABC    495 C1:010001610100071 C2:dududuuudddduuu M:2/4   K:D            H:AFLOQRSZ T:Bang Up Hornpipe. GHW.066
ABC    896 C1:010001610100071 C2:dududuuudddduuu M:2/4   K:D            H:ALOQRSZ T:Bang Up Hornpipe. GHW.066
ABC    896 C1:010001610100071 C2:dududuuudddduuu M:2/4   K:D            H:ALOQRSZ T:Bang Up Hornpipe. GHW.066
ABC    896 C1:010001610100071 C2:dududuuudddduuu M:2/4   K:D            H:ALOQRSZ T:Bang Up Hornpipe. GHW.066
ABC    896 C1:010001610100071 C2:dududuuudddduuu M:2/4   K:D            H:ALOQRSZ T:Bang Up Hornpipe. GHW.066
ABC    896 C1:010001610100071 C2:dududuuudddduuu M:2/4   K:D            H:ALOQRSZ T:Bang Up Hornpipe. GHW.066
ABC     66 C1:010001610100071 C2:dududuuudddduuu M:2/4   K:D            H:ABLOQRSZ T:Bang Up Hornpipe. GHW.066
ABC   1100 C1:326522636661001 C2:uuduuududdduuud M:4/4   K:Bb           H:BLQZ   T:Bang up Hornpipe. Roose.1097
ABC      1 C1:622356272377777 C2:duuudduduuddddd M:C     K:F            H:AHLOQRSZ T:Bang Up Hornpipe. TLY.082
ABC     82 C1:622356272377777 C2:duuudduduuddddd M:C     K:F            H:ABHLOQRZ T:Bang Up Hornpipe. TLY.082
ABC     82 C1:622356272377777 C2:duuudduduuddddd M:C     K:F            H:ABHLOQRZ T:Bang Up Hornpipe. TLY.082
ABC     82 C1:622356272377777 C2:duuudduduuddddd M:C     K:F            H:AHLOQRSZ T:Bang Up Hornpipe. TLY.082
ABC     82 C1:622356272377777 C2:duuudduduuddddd M:C     K:F            H:ABHLOQRSZ T:Bang Up Hornpipe. TLY.082
ABC     10 C1:622356272377777 C2:duuudduduuddddd M:C     K:F            H:AHLOQRSZ T:Bang Up Hornpipe. TLY.082
ABC     10 C1:622356272377777 C2:duuudduduuddddd M:C     K:F            H:AHLOQRSZ T:Bang Up Hornpipe. TLY.082
ABC     10 C1:622356272377777 C2:duuudduduuddddd M:C     K:F            H:AHLOQRSZ T:Bang Up Hornpipe. TLY.082
ABC    496 C1:622356272377777 C2:duuudduduuddddd M:C     K:F            H:AFHLOQRSZ T:Bang Up Hornpipe. TLY.082
ABC    496 C1:622356272377777 C2:duuudduduuddddd M:C     K:F            H:AFHLOQRSZ T:Bang Up Hornpipe. TLY.082
ABC     82 C1:622356272377777 C2:duuudduduuddddd M:C     K:F            H:ABHLOQRSZ T:Bang Up Hornpipe. TLY.082
ABC   1108 C1:622356272377777 C2:duuudduduuddddd M:C     K:F            H:AHLORSZ T:Bang Up Hornpipe. TLY.083
ABC   1109 C1:622356272377777 C2:duuudduduuddddd M:C     K:F            H:AHLORSZ T:Bang Up Hornpipe. TLY.083
ABC   1108 C1:622356272377777 C2:duuudduduuddddd M:C     K:F            H:AHLORSZ T:Bang Up Hornpipe. TLY.083
ABC   1109 C1:622356272377777 C2:duuudduduuddddd M:C     K:F            H:AHLORSZ T:Bang Up Hornpipe. TLY.083
ABC   1108 C1:622356272377777 C2:duuudduduuddddd M:C     K:F            H:AHLORSZ T:Bang Up Hornpipe. TLY.083
ABC   1109 C1:622356272377777 C2:duuudduduuddddd M:C     K:F            H:AHLORSZ T:Bang Up Hornpipe. TLY.083
ABC   1108 C1:622356272377777 C2:duuudduduuddddd M:C     K:F            H:AHLORSZ T:Bang Up Hornpipe. TLY.083
ABC   1109 C1:622356272377777 C2:duuudduduuddddd M:C     K:F            H:AHLORSZ T:Bang Up Hornpipe. TLY.083
ABC     92 C1:002002006063061 C2:uuddududduuduuu M:6/8   K:D            H:ALOQRSZ T:Bang Up. JC.092
ABC     92 C1:002002006063061 C2:uuddududduuduuu M:6/8   K:D            H:ABLQZ  T:Bang Up. JC.092
ABC     92 C1:002002006063061 C2:uuddududduuduuu M:6/8   K:D            H:ABLQZ  T:Bang Up. JC.092
ABC   1110 C1:002002006063061 C2:uuddududduuduuu M:6/8   K:D            H:ALOQRSWZ T:Bang Up. JC.092
ABC     92 C1:002002006063061 C2:uuddududduuduuu M:6/8   K:D            H:ABLOQRSZ T:Bang Up. JC.092
ABC   1110 C1:002002006063061 C2:uuddududduuduuu M:6/8   K:D            H:ALOQRSWZ T:Bang Up. JC.092
ABC   1110 C1:002002006063061 C2:uuddududduuduuu M:6/8   K:D            H:ALOQRSWZ T:Bang Up. JC.092
ABC   1110 C1:002002006063061 C2:uuddududduuduuu M:6/8   K:D            H:ALOQRSWZ T:Bang Up. JC.092
ABC    497 C1:002002006063061 C2:uuddududduuduuu M:6/8   K:D            H:AFLOQRSZ T:Bang Up. JC.092
ABC    497 C1:002002006063061 C2:uuddududduuduuu M:6/8   K:D            H:AFLOQRSZ T:Bang Up. JC.092
ABC     92 C1:002002006063061 C2:uuddududduuduuu M:6/8   K:D            H:ABLOQRSZ T:Bang Up. JC.092
ABC      1 C1:002002006773061 C2:uudddududduuduu M:6/8   K:D            H:ALORSZ T:Bang Up. JMT090
ABC     90 C1:002002006773061 C2:uudddududduuduu M:6/8   K:D            H:ALOQRSZ T:Bang Up. JMT.090
ABC     90 C1:002002006773061 C2:uudddududduuduu M:6/8   K:D            H:ABLQZ  T:Bang Up. JMT.090
ABC     90 C1:002002006773061 C2:uudddududduuduu M:6/8   K:D            H:ABLQZ  T:Bang Up. JMT.090
ABC     90 C1:002002006773061 C2:uudddududduuduu M:6/8   K:D            H:ABLOQRSZ T:Bang Up. JMT.090
ABC   1111 C1:002002006773061 C2:uudddududduuduu M:6/8   K:D            H:ALORSZ T:Bang Up. JMT.090
ABC   1112 C1:002002006773061 C2:uudddududduuduu M:6/8   K:D            H:ALORSZ T:Bang Up. JMT090
ABC   3931 C1:002002006773061 C2:uudddududduuduu M:6/8   K:D            H:ALORSZ T:Bang Up. JMT090
ABC   3931 C1:002002006773061 C2:uudddududduuduu M:6/8   K:D            H:ALORSZ T:Bang Up. JMT090
ABC    391 C1:002002006773061 C2:uudddududduuduu M:6/8   K:D            H:ALORS  T:Bang Up. JMT090
ABC    391 C1:002002006773061 C2:uudddududduuduu M:6/8   K:D            H:ALORS  T:Bang Up. JMT090
ABC   1111 C1:002002006773061 C2:uudddududduuduu M:6/8   K:D            H:ALORSZ T:Bang Up. JMT.090
ABC   1112 C1:002002006773061 C2:uudddududduuduu M:6/8   K:D            H:ALORSZ T:Bang Up. JMT090
ABC   1111 C1:002002006773061 C2:uudddududduuduu M:6/8   K:D            H:ALORSZ T:Bang Up. JMT.090
ABC   1112 C1:002002006773061 C2:uudddududduuduu M:6/8   K:D            H:ALORSZ T:Bang Up. JMT090
ABC   1111 C1:002002006773061 C2:uudddududduuduu M:6/8   K:D            H:ALORSZ T:Bang Up. JMT.090
ABC   1112 C1:002002006773061 C2:uudddududduuduu M:6/8   K:D            H:ALORSZ T:Bang Up. JMT090
ABC    498 C1:002002006773061 C2:uudddududduuduu M:6/8   K:D            H:AFLOQRSZ T:Bang Up. JMT.090
ABC    498 C1:002002006773061 C2:uudddududduuduu M:6/8   K:D            H:AFLOQRSZ T:Bang Up. JMT.090
ABC    897 C1:002002006773061 C2:uudddududduuduu M:6/8   K:D            H:ALORSZ T:Bang Up. JMT090
ABC    897 C1:002002006773061 C2:uudddududduuduu M:6/8   K:D            H:ALORSZ T:Bang Up. JMT090
ABC    897 C1:002002006773061 C2:uudddududduuduu M:6/8   K:D            H:ALORSZ T:Bang Up. JMT090
ABC    897 C1:002002006773061 C2:uudddududduuduu M:6/8   K:D            H:ALORSZ T:Bang Up. JMT090
ABC    897 C1:002002006773061 C2:uudddududduuduu M:6/8   K:D            H:ALORSZ T:Bang Up. JMT090
ABC     90 C1:002002006773061 C2:uudddududduuduu M:6/8   K:D            H:ABLOQRSZ T:Bang Up. JMT.090
ABC      1 C1:525202206161563 C2:dduuduuuuuddudu M:4/4   K:D            H:LQV    T:BangUp.mid
ABC      1 C1:002002006063061 C2:uuddududduuduuu M:6/8   K:D            H:ACLOQRSWZ T:Bang Up. (p)1801.PN.01
ABC      1 C1:002002006063061 C2:uuddududduuduuu M:6/8   K:D            H:CL     T:Bang Upp
ABC      1 C1:002002006063061 C2:uuddududduuduuu M:6/8   K:D            H:CLZ    T:Bang Upp
ABC      1 C1:002002006063061 C2:uuddududduuduuu M:6/8   K:D            H:CLZ    T:Bang Upp
ABC      1 C1:300200200606306 C2:uuuddududduuduu M:6/8   K:D            H:BCLOQRSWZ T:Bang Upp
ABC      1 C1:300200200606306 C2:uuuddududduuduu M:6/8   K:D            H:BCLOQRSWZ T:Bang Upp
ABC      1 C1:300200200606306 C2:uuuddududduuduu M:6/8   K:D            H:BCLOQRSWZ T:Bang Upp
ABC      1 C1:300200200606306 C2:uuuddududduuduu M:6/8   K:D            H:BCLOQRSWZ T:Bang Upp
ABC      1 C1:300200200606306 C2:uuuddududduuduu M:6/8   K:D            H:BCLOQRSWZ T:Bang Upp
ABC      1 C1:006063061067114 C2:ddududduuduuuuu M:6/8   K:D            H:"L     T:Bang Upp
ABC      1 C1:002002006063061 C2:uuddududduuduuu M:6/8   K:D            H:CLZ    T:Bang Upp
ABC      6 C1:300200200606306 C2:uuuddududduuduu M:6/8   K:D            H:BCLOQRSWZ T:Bang Upp
ABC     11 C1:300200200606306 C2:uuuddududduuduu M:6/8   K:D            H:BCLOQRSWZ T:Bang Upp
ABC     11 C1:300200200606306 C2:uuuddududduuduu M:6/8   K:D            H:BCLOQRSWZ T:Bang Upp
ABC     11 C1:300200200606306 C2:uuuddududduuduu M:6/8   K:D            H:BCLOQRSWZ T:Bang Upp
ABC    392 C1:002002006063061 C2:uuddududduuduuu M:6/8   K:D            H:CLO    T:Bang Upp
ABC    392 C1:002002006063061 C2:uuddududduuduuu M:6/8   K:D            H:CLO    T:Bang Upp
ABC   2044 C1:002002006063061 C2:uuddududduuduuu M:6/8   K:D            H:"CLOQRZ T:Bang Upp
ABC    898 C1:002002006063061 C2:uuddududduuduuu M:6/8   K:D            H:CL     T:Bang Upp
ABC    898 C1:002002006063061 C2:uuddududduuduuu M:6/8   K:D            H:CL     T:Bang Upp
ABC    898 C1:002002006063061 C2:uuddududduuduuu M:6/8   K:D            H:CL     T:Bang Upp
ABC    898 C1:002002006063061 C2:uuddududduuduuu M:6/8   K:D            H:CL     T:Bang Upp
ABC    898 C1:002002006063061 C2:uuddududduuduuu M:6/8   K:D            H:CL     T:Bang Upp
ABC     76 C1:562422326533232 C2:dduduuuudduduuu M:C     K:D            H:ABCLQRZ T:Bang-Upp Hornpipe. MBe.76
ABC     76 C1:562422326533232 C2:dduduuuudduduuu M:C     K:D            H:ABCLQRZ T:Bang-Upp Hornpipe. MBe.76
ABC     76 C1:562422326533232 C2:dduduuuudduduuu M:C     K:D            H:CLOQRSZ T:Bang-Upp Hornpipe. MBe.76
ABC     96 C1:002002006063061 C2:uuddududduuduuu M:6/8   K:D            H:ABCLQRZ T:Bang Upp. MBe.96
ABC     96 C1:002002006063061 C2:uuddududduuduuu M:6/8   K:D            H:ABCLQRZ T:Bang Upp. MBe.96
ABC     96 C1:002002006063061 C2:uuddududduuduuu M:6/8   K:D            H:CLOQRSZ T:Bang Upp. MBe.96
ABC    707 C1:006063061067277 C2:ddududdudddduuu M:6/8   K:D            H:BLQZ   T:Bang up Sir. Roose.0708
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:6/8   K:D            H:BLRZ   T:Bang Up to the Mask
ABC    132 C1:223705276621662 C2:uuudduddduuddud M:4/4   K:Dmin         H:CLR    T:Bang Your Frog On The Sofa
ABC    132 C1:223705276621662 C2:uuudduddduuddud M:4/4   K:Dmin         H:CLR    T:Bang Your Frog On The Sofa
ABC    132 C1:223705276621662 C2:uuudduddduuddud M:4/4   K:Dmin         H:CLR    T:Bang Your Frog On The Sofa
ABC      1 C1:223705276621662 C2:uuudduddduuddud M:4/4   K:Dm           H:"L     T:Bang your frog on the sofa
ABC      1 C1:223705276621662 C2:uuudduddduuddud M:      K:Dmin         H:LR     T:Bang Your Frog On The Sofa
ABC      2 C1:223610776621006 C2:uuududddduudduu M:      K:Ddor         H:LR     T:Bang Your Frog On The Sofa
ABC    132 C1:223705276621662 C2:uuudduddduuddud M:4/4   K:Dmin         H:CLR    T:Bang Your Frog On The Sofa
ABC    132 C1:223705276621662 C2:uuudduddduuddud M:4/4   K:Dmin         H:CLR    T:Bang Your Frog On The Sofa
ABC      3 C1:000502000603000 C2:dududuuuddududu M:3/4   K:G            H:LRSZ   T:Banirioginn na siothbhraca
ABC      4 C1:                C2:                M:3/4   K:G            H:LRSVZ  T:Banirioginn na siothbhraca
ABC      6 C1:037677060172711 C2:udddddududuuduu M:6/8   K:Dmix         H:LRW    T:Banished Misfortune
ABC      6 C1:037677060172711 C2:udddddududuuduu M:6/8   K:Dmix         H:LRW    T:Banished Misfortune
ABC     49 C1:001776610071277 C2:udddduduudddudd M:4/4   K:D            H:LRS    T:Banished to America
ABC     49 C1:001776610071277 C2:udddduduudddudd M:4/4   K:D            H:LRS    T:Banished to America
ABC     49 C1:001776610071277 C2:udddduduudddudd M:4/4   K:D            H:LRS    T:Banished to America
ABC     49 C1:001776610071277 C2:udddduduudddudd M:4/4   K:D            H:LRS    T:Banished to America
ABC     49 C1:001776610071277 C2:udddduduudddudd M:4/4   K:D            H:LRS    T:Banished to America
ABC     49 C1:001776610071277 C2:udddduduudddudd M:4/4   K:D            H:LRS    T:Banished to America
ABC     49 C1:001776610071277 C2:udddduduudddudd M:4/4   K:D            H:LRS    T:Banished to America
ABC     49 C1:001776610071277 C2:udddduduudddudd M:4/4   K:D            H:LRS    T:Banished to America
ABC     49 C1:001776610071277 C2:udddduduudddudd M:4/4   K:D            H:LRS    T:Banished to America
ABC     49 C1:001776610071277 C2:udddduduudddudd M:4/4   K:D            H:LRS    T:Banished to America
ABC     49 C1:001776610071277 C2:udddduduudddudd M:4/4   K:D            H:LRS    T:Banished to America
ABC 582002 C1:001776610071277 C2:udddduduudddudd M:4/4\  K:D\           H:BLSYZ  T:BANISHED TO AMERICA (air)\
ABC      4 C1:001776610071277 C2:udddduduudddudd M:4/4   K:D            H:BFLSZ  T:Banished to America (air)
ABC      4 C1:001776610071277 C2:udddduduudddudd M:4/4   K:D            H:BFLSZ  T:Banished to America (air)
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:6/8   K:Dmix         H:DFRZ   T:Banish Misfortune [1]
ABC  22003 C1:777671307677060 C2:ddddduuddddduuu M:6/8   K:G            H:BCLQR  T:BANISH MISFORTUNE [1st setting]
ABC  22003 C1:777671307677060 C2:ddddduuddddduuu M:6/8   K:G            H:BCLQR  T:BANISH MISFORTUNE [1st setting]
ABC  22003 C1:777671307677060 C2:ddddduuddddduuu M:6/8   K:G            H:BCLQR  T:BANISH MISFORTUNE [1st setting]
ABC  22004 C1:001061067677006 C2:ududddddduduuud M:6/8   K:G            H:BCLQR  T:BANISH MISFORTUNE (2)
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:6/8   K:F            H:L      T:Banish Misfortune (2)
ABC  22004 C1:001061067677006 C2:ududddddduduuud M:6/8   K:G            H:BCLQR  T:BANISH MISFORTUNE (2)
ABC  22004 C1:001061067677006 C2:ududddddduduuud M:6/8   K:G            H:BCLQR  T:BANISH MISFORTUNE (2)
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:6/8.  K:G            H:LOR    T:Banish Misfortune.
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:6/8.  K:G            H:LOR    T:Banish Misfortune.
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:6/8.  K:G            H:LOR    T:Banish Misfortune.
ABC      2 C1:067671307677060 C2:dddduudddddudud M:6/8   K:D            H:L      T:Banish Misfortune
ABC      1 C1:747677006172001 C2:duddddduduuduuu M:6/8   K:Dmix         H:LR     T:Banish Misfortune
ABC      1 C1:037677060172711 C2:udddddududuuduu M:6/8   K:DMix         H:OR     T:Banish Misfortune
ABC      1 C1:777671037677060 C2:ddddduudddddudu M:6/8   K:G            H:LR     T:Banish Misfortune
ABC      1 C1:037677060172711 C2:udddddududuuduu M:6/8   K:Dmix         H:LR     T:Banish Misfortune
ABC      1 C1:037677060172711 C2:udddddududuuduu M:6/8   K:Dmix         H:LR     T:Banish Misfortune
ABC      1 C1:037677060172711 C2:udddddududuuduu M:6/8   K:Dmix         H:LR     T:Banish Misfortune
ABC     51 C1:307677060172711 C2:udddddududuuduu M:6/8   K:DMix         H:L      T:Banish Misfortune
ABC     36 C1:777671037677006 C2:ddddduudddddudu M:6/8   K:DMix         H:LR     T:Banish Misfortune
ABC     10 C1:067671037677060 C2:dddduuddddduduu M:6/8   K:D            H:BLRZ   T:Banish Misfortune
ABC     10 C1:067671037677060 C2:dddduuddddduduu M:6/8   K:D            H:BLRZ   T:Banish Misfortune
ABC     10 C1:067671037677060 C2:dddduuddddduduu M:6/8   K:D            H:BLRZ   T:Banish Misfortune
ABC     10 C1:067671037677060 C2:dddduuddddduduu M:6/8   K:D            H:BLRZ   T:Banish Misfortune
ABC     10 C1:067671037677060 C2:dddduuddddduduu M:6/8   K:D            H:BLRZ   T:Banish Misfortune
ABC     10 C1:067671037677060 C2:dddduuddddduduu M:6/8   K:D            H:BLRZ   T:Banish Misfortune
ABC 181038 C1:067671307677060 C2:dddduuddddduduu M:6/8   K:G            H:CQR    T:BANISH MISFORTUNE
ABC      1 C1:177767103767706 C2:uddddduudddddud M:6/8   K:D            H:CLS    T:Banish Misfortune
ABC      1 C1:037677006172001 C2:uddddduduuduuud M:6/8   K:Dmix         H:LR     T:Banish Misfortune
ABC      1 C1:037677006172001 C2:uddddduduuduuud M:6/8   K:Dmix         H:LR     T:Banish Misfortune
ABC      1 C1:037677006172001 C2:uddddduduuduuud M:6/8   K:Dmix         H:LR     T:Banish Misfortune
ABC     65 C1:777671307677060 C2:ddddduudddddudu M:6/8   K:G            H:CLQRZ  T:Banish Misfortune
ABC     65 C1:777671307677060 C2:ddddduudddddudu M:6/8   K:G            H:CLQRZ  T:Banish Misfortune
ABC     65 C1:777671307677060 C2:ddddduudddddudu M:6/8   K:G            H:CLQRZ  T:Banish Misfortune
ABC     65 C1:777671307677060 C2:ddddduudddddudu M:6/8   K:G            H:CLQRZ  T:Banish Misfortune
ABC     65 C1:777671307677060 C2:ddddduudddddudu M:6/8   K:G            H:CLQRZ  T:Banish Misfortune
ABC     65 C1:777671307677060 C2:ddddduudddddudu M:6/8   K:G            H:CLQRZ  T:Banish Misfortune
ABC      1 C1:777671037677060 C2:ddddduudddddudu M:6/8   K:D            H:CLQR   T:Banish Misfortune
ABC     65 C1:777671307677060 C2:ddddduudddddudu M:6/8   K:G            H:CLQRZ  T:Banish Misfortune
ABC     76 C1:177767103767706 C2:uddddduudddddud M:6/8   K:D            H:CS     T:Banish Misfortune
ABC      1 C1:177767103767706 C2:uddddduudddddud M:6/8   K:D            H:CIS    T:Banish Misfortune
ABC    272 C1:777671037677060 C2:ddddduudddddudu M:6/8   K:G            H:FLOR   T:Banish Misfortune
ABC      1 C1:777671037677060 C2:ddddduudddddudu M:6/8   K:DMixolydian  H:CQZ    T:Banish Misfortune
ABC      1 C1:747677006172001 C2:duddddduduuduuu M:6/8   K:Dmix         H:DLR    T:Banish Misfortune
ABC      3 C1:747677006172001 C2:duddddduduuduuu M:6/8   K:Dmix         H:DRZ    T:Banish Misfortune
ABC      1 C1:747677006172001 C2:duddddduduuduuu M:6/8   K:Dmix         H:DRZ    T:Banish Misfortune
ABC      1 C1:037677060172001 C2:uddddduduuduuud M:6/8   K:D            H:"L     T:Banish Misfortune
ABC     91 C1:747677006172001 C2:duddddduduuduuu M:6/8   K:Dmix         H:DRZ    T:Banish Misfortune
ABC      1 C1:747677006172001 C2:duddddduduuduuu M:6/8   K:Dmix         H:DRZ    T:Banish Misfortune
ABC      1 C1:777671037677060 C2:ddddduudddddudu M:6/8   K:DMix         H:"LR    T:Banish Misfortune
ABC      4 C1:777671307677060 C2:ddddduudddddudu M:6/8   K:Dmix         H:"GLOQR T:Banish Misfortune
ABC      1 C1:777671307677600 C2:ddddduudddddudu M:6/8   K:D            H:"QR    T:Banish Misfortune
ABC      1 C1:777671307677600 C2:ddddduudddddudu M:6/8   K:D            H:"QR    T:Banish Misfortune
ABC      1 C1:777671037677060 C2:ddddduudddddudu M:6/8   K:D            H:BCLZ   T:Banish Misfortune
ABC      1 C1:777671037677060 C2:ddddduudddddudu M:6/8   K:D            H:BCLZ   T:Banish Misfortune
ABC      1 C1:777671037677060 C2:ddddduudddddudu M:6/8   K:D            H:BCLZ   T:Banish Misfortune
ABC      1 C1:777671037677060 C2:ddddduudddddudu M:6/8   K:D            H:BCLZ   T:Banish Misfortune
ABC      1 C1:777671037677060 C2:ddddduudddddudu M:6/8   K:D            H:BCLZ   T:Banish Misfortune
ABC      1 C1:777671037677060 C2:ddddduudddddudu M:6/8   K:D            H:BCLZ   T:Banish Misfortune
ABC      1 C1:777671037677060 C2:ddddduudddddudu M:6/8   K:D            H:BCLZ   T:Banish Misfortune
ABC      1 C1:777671037677060 C2:ddddduudddddudu M:6/8   K:D            H:BCLZ   T:Banish Misfortune
ABC      1 C1:777671037677060 C2:ddddduudddddudu M:6/8   K:D            H:BCLZ   T:Banish Misfortune
ABC      1 C1:777671037677060 C2:ddddduudddddudu M:6/8   K:D            H:BCLZ   T:Banish Misfortune
ABC      1 C1:777671037677060 C2:ddddduudddddudu M:6/8   K:D            H:BCLZ   T:Banish Misfortune
ABC      1 C1:777671037677060 C2:ddddduudddddudu M:6/8   K:D            H:BCLZ   T:Banish Misfortune
ABC      1 C1:777671037677060 C2:ddddduudddddudu M:6/8   K:D            H:BCLZ   T:Banish Misfortune
ABC      1 C1:777671037677060 C2:ddddduudddddudu M:6/8   K:D            H:BCLZ   T:Banish Misfortune
ABC      1 C1:777671037677060 C2:ddddduudddddudu M:6/8   K:D            H:BCLZ   T:Banish Misfortune
ABC     13 C1:037677060172711 C2:udddddududuuduu M:6/8   K:Dmix         H:"DR    T:Banish Misfortune
ABC     13 C1:037677060172711 C2:udddddududuuduu M:6/8   K:Dmix         H:"DR    T:Banish Misfortune
ABC    807 C1:060170111711002 C2:duduuuduuudduuu M:6/8   K:D            H:BCRZ   T:Banish Misfortune
ABC    807 C1:060170111711002 C2:duduuuduuudduuu M:6/8   K:D            H:BCRZ   T:Banish Misfortune
ABC    807 C1:060170111711002 C2:duduuuduuudduuu M:6/8   K:D            H:BCRZ   T:Banish Misfortune
ABC    776 C1:060170111711002 C2:duduuuduuudduuu M:6/8   K:D            H:BCRZ   T:Banish Misfortune.
ABC      1 C1:307673060172711 C2:udddudududuuddu M:6/8   K:HP           H:CLQS   T:Banish Misfortune
ABC      1 C1:307673060172711 C2:udddudududuuddu M:6/8   K:HP           H:CLQS   T:Banish Misfortune
ABC      1 C1:060170111711002 C2:duduuuduuudduuu M:6/8   K:D            H:BCLORZ T:Banish misfortune
ABC    136 C1:060170111711002 C2:duduuuduuudduuu M:6/8   K:D            H:CILRZ  T:Banish Misfortune
ABC 493011 C1:060170111711002 C2:duduuuduuudduuu M:6/8   K:D            H:BLRS   T:BANISH MISFORTUNE
ABC      1 C1:307673060172711 C2:udddudududuuddu M:6/8   K:HP           H:CLQS   T:Banish Misfortune
ABC     99 C1:777671037677060 C2:ddddduudddddudu M:5/8   K:D            H:"BLRZ  T:Banish Misfortune
ABC     99 C1:777671037677060 C2:ddddduudddddudu M:5/8   K:D            H:"BLRZ  T:Banish Misfortune
ABC     99 C1:777671037677060 C2:ddddduudddddudu M:5/8   K:D            H:"BLRZ  T:Banish Misfortune
ABC     99 C1:777671037677060 C2:ddddduudddddudu M:5/8   K:D            H:"BLRZ  T:Banish Misfortune
ABC      1 C1:060170111711002 C2:duduuuduuudduuu M:6/8   K:DMajor       H:CQZ    T:Banish Misfortune
ABC    579 C1:307677060172711 C2:udddddududuuduu M:6/8   K:G            H:"BLORSZ T:Banish misfortune
ABC    579 C1:307677060172711 C2:udddddududuuduu M:6/8   K:G            H:"BLORSZ T:Banish misfortune
ABC    579 C1:307677060172711 C2:udddddududuuduu M:6/8   K:G            H:"BLORSZ T:Banish misfortune
ABC    579 C1:307677060172711 C2:udddddududuuduu M:6/8   K:G            H:"BLORSZ T:Banish misfortune
ABC      1 C1:777671037677060 C2:ddddduudddddudu M:6/8   K:Dmaj         H:"L     T:Banish misfortune
ABC     53 C1:060170111711002 C2:duduuuduuudduuu M:6/8   K:D            H:BLORZ  T:Banish Misfortune
ABC     53 C1:060170111711002 C2:duduuuduuudduuu M:6/8   K:D            H:BLORZ  T:Banish Misfortune
ABC     53 C1:060170111711002 C2:duduuuduuudduuu M:6/8   K:D            H:BLORZ  T:Banish Misfortune
ABC      1 C1:777671037676060 C2:ddddduudddddudu M:6/8   K:Gmaj         H:"L     T:Banish misfortune
ABC    776 C1:606017011171100 C2:ddduduuuduuuddu M:6/8   K:D            H:BORZbs T:Banish Misfortune
ABC    776 C1:606017011171100 C2:ddduduuuduuuddu M:6/8   K:D            H:BORZbs T:Banish Misfortune
ABC    776 C1:606017011171100 C2:ddduduuuduuuddu M:6/8   K:D            H:BORZbs T:Banish Misfortune
ABC    776 C1:606017011171100 C2:ddduduuuduuuddu M:6/8   K:D            H:BORZbs T:Banish Misfortune
ABC    776 C1:606017011171100 C2:ddduduuuduuuddu M:6/8   K:D            H:BORZbs T:Banish Misfortune
ABC    776 C1:606017011171100 C2:ddduduuuduuuddu M:6/8   K:D            H:BORZbs T:Banish Misfortune
ABC    776 C1:606017011171100 C2:ddduduuuduuuddu M:6/8   K:D            H:BORZbs T:Banish Misfortune
ABC     53 C1:606017011171100 C2:ddduduuuduuuddu M:6/8   K:D            H:BFLRZbs T:Banish Misfortune
ABC     53 C1:606017011171100 C2:ddduduuuduuuddu M:6/8   K:D            H:BFLRZbs T:Banish Misfortune
ABC      1 C1:000600010700010 C2:duduuuduuudduuu M:6/8   K:D            H:CLQR   T:Banish Misfortune
ABC      1 C1:000600010700010 C2:duduuuduuudduuu M:6/8   K:D            H:CLQR   T:Banish Misfortune
ABC      1 C1:000600010700010 C2:duduuuduuudduuu M:6/8   K:D            H:CLQR   T:Banish Misfortune
ABC     53 C1:606017011171100 C2:ddduduuuduuuddu M:6/8   K:D            H:BFLRZbs T:Banish Misfortune
ABC     53 C1:606017011171100 C2:ddduduuuduuuddu M:6/8   K:D            H:BFLRZbs T:Banish Misfortune
ABC    411 C1:177767103767700 C2:uddddduudddddud M:6/8   K:D            H:"R     T:Banish Misfortune
ABC    136 C1:060170111711002 C2:duduuuduuudduuu M:6/8   K:D            H:CILRZ  T:Banish Misfortune
ABC      1 C1:037677060172711 C2:udddddududuuduu M:6/8   K:Dmix         H:LR     T:Banish Misfortune
ABC      1 C1:037677060172711 C2:udddddududuuduu M:6/8   K:Dmix         H:LR     T:Banish Misfortune
ABC      1 C1:037677060172711 C2:udddddududuuduu M:6/8   K:Dmix         H:LR     T:Banish Misfortune
ABC      1 C1:037677060172711 C2:udddddududuuduu M:6/8   K:Dmix         H:LR     T:Banish Misfortune
ABC      1 C1:777671037677060 C2:ddddduudddddudu M:6/8   K:D            H:BCLZ   T:Banish Misfortune
ABC      1 C1:777671037677060 C2:ddddduudddddudu M:6/8   K:D            H:BCLZ   T:Banish Misfortune
ABC      1 C1:777671037677060 C2:ddddduudddddudu M:6/8   K:D            H:BCLZ   T:Banish Misfortune
ABC      1 C1:777671037677060 C2:ddddduudddddudu M:6/8   K:D            H:BCLZ   T:Banish Misfortune
ABC      1 C1:777671037677060 C2:ddddduudddddudu M:6/8   K:D            H:BCLZ   T:Banish Misfortune
ABC      1 C1:777671037677060 C2:ddddduudddddudu M:6/8   K:D            H:BCLZ   T:Banish Misfortune
ABC      1 C1:777671037677060 C2:ddddduudddddudu M:6/8   K:D            H:BCLZ   T:Banish Misfortune
ABC      1 C1:000102000101000 C2:uuuuuddududdduu M:6/8   K:G            H:ACILORS T:Banish Misfortune
ABC      1 C1:037677060172711 C2:udddddududuuduu M:6/8   K:Dmix         H:LRw    T:Banish Misfortune
ABC      3 C1:657677006172001 C2:udddddduduuduuu M:6/8   K:Dmix         H:DRZ    T:Banish Misfortune
ABC      1 C1:060170111711002 C2:duduuuduuudduuu M:6/8   K:DMajor       H:Q      T:Banish Misfortune
ABC      1 C1:777671037677060 C2:ddddduudddddudu M:6/8   K:DMixolydian  H:Q      T:Banish Misfortune
ABC      3 C1:747677006172001 C2:duddddduduuduuu M:6/8   K:Dmix         H:DRZ    T:Banish Misfortune
ABC    009 C1:777671037677060 C2:ddddduudddddudu M:6/8   K:Dmix         H:LR     T:Banish Misfortune
ABC      3 C1:747677006172001 C2:duddddduduuduuu M:6/8   K:Dmix         H:DRZ    T:Banish Misfortune
ABC    953 C1:777671361677060 C2:ddddduududdddud M:6/8   K:D            H:"CEGLO T:Banish Misfortune
ABC     19 C1:777671037677060 C2:ddddduudddddudu M:6/8   K:Dmix         H:LR     T:Banish Misfortune
ABC   1016 C1:077760713052607 C2:ddddduuudddddud M:4/4   K:D            H:LSZ    T:Banish Misfortune
ABC   1016 C1:077760713052607 C2:ddddduuudddddud M:4/4   K:D            H:LSZ    T:Banish Misfortune
ABC      3 C1:777671037677060 C2:ddddduudddddudu M:6/8   K:G            H:LR     T:Banish Misfortune
ABC     31 C1:060170111711002 C2:duduuuduuudduuu M:6/8   K:D            H:BCLORZ T:Banish misfortune
ABC      4 C1:777671037677060 C2:ddddduudddddudu M:6/8   K:G            H:R      T:Banish Misfortune
ABC      1 C1:77767130767     C2:ddddduuddd      M:6/8   K:Dmix         H:"LR    T:Banish Misfortune
ABC      1 C1:777671747677006 C2:dddddududddddud M:6/8   K:Dmix         H:R      T:Banish Misfortune
ABC      1 C1:777671747677006 C2:dddddududddddud M:6/8   K:Dmix         H:R      T:Banish Misfortune
ABC      4 C1:777671037677060 C2:ddddduudddddudu M:6/8   K:G            H:R      T:Banish Misfortune
ABC      1 C1:307677060172711 C2:udddddududuuduu M:6/8   K:G            H:"LOR   T:Banish Misfortune
ABC    776 C1:060170111711002 C2:duduuuduuudduuu M:6/8   K:D            H:BCRZ   T:Banish Misfortune.
ABC      1 C1:307677060172711 C2:udddddududuuduu M:6/8   K:G            H:"LOR   T:Banish Misfortune
ABC     11 C1:177767103767706 C2:uddddduudddddud M:6/8   K:D            H:CIS    T:Banish Misfortune
ABC      3 C1:177767103767700 C2:uddddduudddddud M:6/8   K:G            H:"CLRS  T:Banish Misfortune
ABC     33 C1:177767103767700 C2:uddddduudddddud M:6/8   K:G            H:LR     T:Banish Misfortune
ABC     11 C1:177767103767706 C2:uddddduudddddud M:6/8   K:D            H:CIS    T:Banish Misfortune
ABC     11 C1:177767103767706 C2:uddddduudddddud M:6/8   K:D            H:CIS    T:Banish Misfortune
ABC     11 C1:177767103767706 C2:uddddduudddddud M:6/8   K:D            H:CIS    T:Banish Misfortune
ABC     51 C1:037677060172711 C2:udddddududuuduu M:6/8   K:DMix         H:ORS    T:Banish Misfortune
ABC     51 C1:037677060172711 C2:udddddududuuduu M:6/8   K:DMix         H:ORS    T:Banish Misfortune
ABC      1 C1:777671307677060 C2:ddddduudddddudu M:6/8   K:Dmix         H:"LR    T:Banish Misfortune
ABC      1 C1:037677716011711 C2:uddddduduuduudu M:6/8   K:Dmix         H:LR     T:Banish Misfortune
ABC     25 C1:037677060172711 C2:udddddududuuduu M:6/8   K:DMix         H:ORS    T:Banish Misfortune
ABC     25 C1:037677060172711 C2:udddddududuuduu M:6/8   K:DMix         H:ORS    T:Banish Misfortune
ABC     50 C1:037677060172711 C2:udddddududuuduu M:6/8   K:DMix         H:ORS    T:Banish Misfortune
ABC     50 C1:037677060172711 C2:udddddududuuduu M:6/8   K:DMix         H:ORS    T:Banish Misfortune
ABC     50 C1:037677060172711 C2:udddddududuuduu M:6/8   K:DMix         H:ORS    T:Banish Misfortune
ABC     50 C1:037677060172711 C2:udddddududuuduu M:6/8   K:DMix         H:ORS    T:Banish Misfortune
ABC     95 C1:777662307677060 C2:ddddduudddddudu M:6/8   K:G            H:CLRZ   T:Banish Misfortune
ABC      1 C1:037677716011711 C2:uddddduduuduudu M:6/8   K:Dmix         H:LR     T:Banish Misfortune
ABC      1 C1:037677716011711 C2:uddddduduuduudu M:6/8   K:Dmix         H:LR     T:Banish Misfortune
ABC      3 C1:747677006172001 C2:duddddduduuduuu M:6/8   K:Dmix         H:DRZ    T:Banish Misfortune
ABC      3 C1:747677006172001 C2:duddddduduuduuu M:6/8   K:Dmix         H:DRZ    T:Banish Misfortune
ABC      1 C1:77767130767     C2:ddddduuddd      M:6/8   K:Dmix         H:"LR    T:Banish Misfortune
ABC     51 C1:307677060172711 C2:udddddududuuduu M:6/8   K:DMix         H:L      T:Banish Misfortune
ABC    255 C1:307677060172711 C2:udddddududuuduu M:6/8   K:DMix         H:L      T:Banish Misfortune
ABC      1 C1:747677006172001 C2:duddddduduuduuu M:6/8   K:Dmix         H:DRZ    T:Banish Misfortune
ABC      1 C1:747677006172001 C2:duddddduduuduuu M:6/8   K:Dmix         H:DRZ    T:Banish Misfortune
ABC     10 C1:067671307677060 C2:dddduudddddudud M:6/8   K:D            H:LZ     T:Banish Misfortune
ABC     20 C1:177767103767700 C2:uddddduudddddud M:6/8   K:D            H:CLQR   T:Banish Misfortune
ABC      3 C1:777671037677060 C2:ddddduudddddudu M:6/8   K:Dmix         H:L      T:Banish Misfortune
ABC      1 C1:77767130767     C2:ddddduuddd      M:6/8   K:Dmix         H:"LR    T:Banish Misfortune
ABC      3 C1:747677006172001 C2:duddddduduuduuu M:6/8   K:Dmix         H:DRZ    T:Banish Misfortune
ABC      3 C1:747677006172001 C2:duddddduduuduuu M:6/8   K:Dmix         H:DRZ    T:Banish Misfortune
ABC     11 C1:777671037677060 C2:ddddduudddddudu M:6/8   K:Dmix         H:LR     T:Banish Misfortune
ABC     12 C1:777671307677060 C2:ddddduudddddudu M:6/8   K:G            H:"LQR   T:Banish Misfortune
ABC      1 C1:777671307677060 C2:ddddduudddddudu M:6/8   K:Dmix         H:"LR    T:Banish Misfortune
ABC      1 C1:777671307677060 C2:ddddduudddddudu M:6/8   K:Dmix         H:"LR    T:Banish Misfortune
ABC     58 C1:777671307677060 C2:ddddduudddddudu M:6/8   K:G            H:CLQRZ  T:Banish Misfortune
ABC     58 C1:777671307677060 C2:ddddduudddddudu M:6/8   K:G            H:CLQRZ  T:Banish Misfortune
ABC     58 C1:777671307677060 C2:ddddduudddddudu M:6/8   K:G            H:CLQRZ  T:Banish Misfortune
ABC     58 C1:777671307677060 C2:ddddduudddddudu M:6/8   K:G            H:CLQRZ  T:Banish Misfortune
ABC     58 C1:777671307677060 C2:ddddduudddddudu M:6/8   K:G            H:CLQRZ  T:Banish Misfortune
ABC     58 C1:777671307677060 C2:ddddduudddddudu M:6/8   K:G            H:CLQRZ  T:Banish Misfortune
ABC    420 C1:777671307677060 C2:ddddduudddddudu M:6/8   K:Dmix         H:DRZ    T:Banish Misfortune
ABC    420 C1:777671307677060 C2:ddddduudddddudu M:6/8   K:Dmix         H:DRZ    T:Banish Misfortune
ABC      7 C1:777671037677600 C2:ddddduudddddudu M:6/8   K:D            H:"CLR   T:Banish Misfortune
ABC     65 C1:777671307677060 C2:ddddduudddddudu M:6/8   K:G            H:CLQRZ  T:Banish Misfortune
ABC      7 C1:777671037677600 C2:ddddduudddddudu M:6/8   K:D            H:"CLR   T:Banish Misfortune
ABC      7 C1:777671037677600 C2:ddddduudddddudu M:6/8   K:D            H:"CLR   T:Banish Misfortune
ABC     10 C1:067671037677060 C2:dddduuddddduduu M:6/8   K:D            H:BLRZ   T:Banish Misfortune
ABC     10 C1:067671037677060 C2:dddduuddddduduu M:6/8   K:D            H:BLRZ   T:Banish Misfortune
ABC      6 C1:037677060172711 C2:udddddududuuduu M:6/8   K:Dmix         H:LRW    T:Banish Misfortune
ABC      6 C1:037677060172711 C2:udddddududuuduu M:6/8   K:Dmix         H:LRW    T:Banish Misfortune
ABC     12 C1:777671037677060 C2:ddddduudddddudu M:6/8   K:Dmix         H:LR     T:Banish Misfortune
ABC      2 C1:777671037677060 C2:ddddduudddddudu M:5/8   K:D            H:"BLRZ  T:Banish Misfortune
ABC      2 C1:777671037677060 C2:ddddduudddddudu M:5/8   K:D            H:"BLRZ  T:Banish Misfortune
ABC      2 C1:777671037677060 C2:ddddduudddddudu M:5/8   K:D            H:"BLRZ  T:Banish Misfortune
ABC      1 C1:777671307677060 C2:ddddduudddddudu M:6/8   K:Dmix         H:"LR    T:Banish Misfortune
ABC    133 C1:747677006172001 C2:duddddduduuduuu M:6/8   K:Dmix         H:DRZ    T:Banish Misfortune
ABC     49 C1:177767103767700 C2:uddddduudddddud M:6/8   K:G            H:"LR    T:Banish Misfortune
ABC     49 C1:177767103767700 C2:uddddduudddddud M:6/8   K:G            H:"LR    T:Banish Misfortune
ABC 181038 C1:067671307677060 C2:dddduuddddduduu M:6/8   K:G            H:CQR    T:BANISH MISFORTUNE
ABC 181038 C1:067671307677060 C2:dddduuddddduduu M:6/8   K:G            H:CQR    T:BANISH MISFORTUNE
ABC     13 C1:037677060172711 C2:udddddududuuduu M:6/8   K:Dmix         H:"DR    T:Banish Misfortune
ABC      2 C1:777671037677060 C2:ddddduudddddudu M:5/8   K:D            H:"BLRZ  T:Banish Misfortune
ABC      3 C1:777671037677060 C2:ddddduudddddudu M:6/8   K:D            H:BCLZ   T:Banish Misfortune
ABC     10 C1:037677060172711 C2:udddddududuuduu M:6/8   K:Dmix         H:LR     T:Banish Misfortune
ABC      6 C1:777671037677060 C2:ddddduudddddudu M:      K:Dmix         H:LR     T:Banish Misfortune
ABC      7 C1:177767136167706 C2:uddddduududdddu M:      K:Dmix         H:LR     T:Banish Misfortune
ABC      8 C1:777671037677006 C2:ddddduuddddduuu M:      K:Dmix         H:LR     T:Banish Misfortune
ABC      9 C1:777671037677006 C2:ddddduudddddudu M:      K:Dmix         H:LR     T:Banish Misfortune
ABC     10 C1:777671747677006 C2:dddddududddddud M:      K:Dmix         H:"LR    T:Banish Misfortune
ABC     11 C1:777671037677060 C2:ddddduudddddudu M:      K:Dmix         H:"LR    T:Banish Misfortune
ABC     12 C1:177767103767706 C2:uddddduudddddud M:      K:Dmix         H:"LR    T:Banish Misfortune
ABC     13 C1:777671037677060 C2:ddddduudddddudu M:      K:Dmix         H:LR     T:Banish Misfortune
ABC     14 C1:777671037677266 C2:ddddduudddduddu M:      K:Dmix         H:LR     T:Banish Misfortune
ABC     15 C1:777671037676060 C2:ddddduudddududu M:      K:Dmix         H:LR     T:Banish Misfortune
ABC   1016 C1:077760713061607 C2:ddddduududdddud M:4/4   K:D            H:LSZ    T:Banish Misfortune
ABC      1 C1:777671037677060 C2:ddddduudddddudu M:      K:Dmix         H:LR     T:Banish Misfortune
ABC      2 C1:037677060172711 C2:udddddududuuduu M:      K:Emix         H:LR     T:Banish Misfortune
ABC      3 C1:777671037676160 C2:ddddduuddddudud M:      K:Dmaj         H:LR     T:Banish Misfortune
ABC      4 C1:677671037677060 C2:dddddduuddddduu M:      K:Dmix         H:LR     T:Banish Misfortune
ABC      5 C1:117776713076770 C2:uuddddduudddddu M:      K:Dmix         H:"LR    T:Banish Misfortune
ABC      1 C1:037677006172001 C2:uddddduduuduuud M:6/8   K:Dmix         H:LR     T:Banish Misfortune
ABC      1 C1:037677006172001 C2:uddddduduuduuud M:6/8   K:Dmix         H:LR     T:Banish Misfortune
ABC     38 C1:777671037677060 C2:ddddduudddddudu M:6/8   K:G            H:LR     T:Banish Misfortune
ABC     38 C1:777671037677060 C2:ddddduudddddudu M:6/8   K:G            H:LR     T:Banish Misfortune
ABC     91 C1:747677006172001 C2:duddddduduuduuu M:6/8   K:Dmix         H:DRZ    T:Banish Misfortune
ABC     91 C1:747677006172001 C2:duddddduduuduuu M:6/8   K:Dmix         H:DRZ    T:Banish Misfortune
ABC     65 C1:777671037677060 C2:ddddduudddddudu M:6/8   K:Dmix         H:"CLQRS T:Banish Misfortune
ABC     65 C1:777671037677060 C2:ddddduudddddudu M:6/8   K:Dmix         H:"CLQRS T:Banish Misfortune
ABC    136 C1:060170111711002 C2:duduuuduuudduuu M:6/8   K:D            H:CILRZ  T:Banish Misfortune
ABC    136 C1:060170111711002 C2:duduuuduuudduuu M:6/8   K:D            H:CILRZ  T:Banish Misfortune
ABC      3 C1:747677006172001 C2:duddddduduuduuu M:6/8   K:Dmix         H:DRZ    T:Banish Misfortune
ABC    545 C1:177767103767706 C2:uddddduudddddud M:6/8   K:D            H:CDS    T:Banish Misfortune
ABC    311 C1:777671037677060 C2:ddddduudddddudu M:6/8   K:Dmix         H:"HLRZ  T:Banish Misfortune
ABC   1114 C1:747677006172001 C2:duddddduduuduuu M:6/8   K:Dmix         H:DRZ    T:Banish Misfortune
ABC   1115 C1:067671307677060 C2:dddduudddddudud M:6/8   K:D            H:LZ     T:Banish Misfortune
ABC   1116 C1:037677060172711 C2:udddddududuuduu M:6/8   K:DMix         H:ORS    T:Banish Misfortune
ABC   1117 C1:777662307677060 C2:ddddduudddddudu M:6/8   K:G            H:CLRZ   T:Banish Misfortune
ABC   1118 C1:777671037677060 C2:ddddduudddddudu M:6/8   K:D            H:CLQR   T:Banish Misfortune
ABC   1119 C1:177767103767706 C2:uddddduudddddud M:6/8   K:D            H:CIS    T:Banish Misfortune
ABC   1120 C1:777671307677060 C2:ddddduudddddudu M:6/8   K:G            H:CLRZ   T:Banish Misfortune
ABC   1121 C1:067671307677060 C2:dddduudddddudud M:6/8   K:D            H:L      T:Banish Misfortune
ABC   1122 C1:177767103767700 C2:uddddduudddddud M:6/8   K:G            H:LR     T:Banish Misfortune
ABC      1 C1:777671307677060 C2:ddddduudddddudu M:6/8   K:Dmix         H:"LR    T:Banish Misfortune
ABC 493011 C1:060170111711002 C2:duduuuduuudduuu M:6/8   K:D            H:BLRS   T:BANISH MISFORTUNE
ABC 493011 C1:060170111711002 C2:duduuuduuudduuu M:6/8   K:D            H:BLRS   T:BANISH MISFORTUNE
ABC    321 C1:037677716011711 C2:uddddduduuduudu M:6/8   K:Dmix         H:LR     T:Banish Misfortune
ABC   4685 C1:177767103767706 C2:uddddduudddddud M:6/8   K:D            H:CIS    T:Banish Misfortune
ABC   9735 C1:747677006172001 C2:duddddduduuduuu M:6/8   K:Dmix         H:DRZ    T:Banish Misfortune
ABC   4685 C1:177767103767706 C2:uddddduudddddud M:6/8   K:D            H:CIS    T:Banish Misfortune
ABC   9735 C1:747677006172001 C2:duddddduduuduuu M:6/8   K:Dmix         H:DRZ    T:Banish Misfortune
ABC      3 C1:747677006172001 C2:duddddduduuduuu M:6/8   K:Dmix         H:DRZ    T:Banish Misfortune
ABC      3 C1:747677006172001 C2:duddddduduuduuu M:6/8   K:Dmix         H:DRZ    T:Banish Misfortune
ABC      3 C1:747677006172001 C2:duddddduduuduuu M:6/8   K:Dmix         H:DRZ    T:Banish Misfortune
ABC      3 C1:747677006172001 C2:duddddduduuduuu M:6/8   K:Dmix         H:DRZ    T:Banish Misfortune
ABC      3 C1:747677006172001 C2:duddddduduuduuu M:6/8   K:Dmix         H:DRZ    T:Banish Misfortune
ABC      3 C1:747677006172001 C2:duddddduduuduuu M:6/8   K:Dmix         H:DRZ    T:Banish Misfortune
ABC    776 C1:060170111711002 C2:duduuuduuudduuu M:6/8   K:D            H:BCRZ   T:Banish Misfortune.
ABC      3 C1:747677006172001 C2:duddddduduuduuu M:6/8   K:Dmix         H:DRZ    T:Banish Misfortune
ABC     53 C1:060170111711002 C2:duduuuduuudduuu M:6/8   K:D            H:BCFLORWZ T:Banish misfortune
ABC    393 C1:777671037677060 C2:ddddduudddddudu M:6/8   K:D            H:CLOQR  T:Banish Misfortune
ABC    393 C1:777671037677060 C2:ddddduudddddudu M:6/8   K:D            H:CLOQR  T:Banish Misfortune
ABC   2027 C1:777671037677600 C2:ddddduudddddudu M:6/8   K:Dmix         H:"CLOQRZ T:Banish Misfortune
ABC     10 C1:067671037677060 C2:dddduuddddduduu M:6/8   K:D            H:BLRZ   T:Banish Misfortune
ABC     10 C1:067671037677060 C2:dddduuddddduduu M:6/8   K:D            H:BLRZ   T:Banish Misfortune
ABC     10 C1:067671037677060 C2:dddduuddddduduu M:6/8   K:D            H:BLRZ   T:Banish Misfortune
ABC    579 C1:307677060172711 C2:udddddududuuduu M:6/8   K:G            H:"BLORSZ T:Banish misfortune
ABC     53 C1:060170111711002 C2:duduuuduuudduuu M:6/8   K:D            H:BLORZ  T:Banish Misfortune
ABC     53 C1:060170111711002 C2:duduuuduuudduuu M:6/8   K:D            H:BLORZ  T:Banish Misfortune
ABC   1114 C1:747677006172001 C2:duddddduduuduuu M:6/8   K:Dmix         H:DRZ    T:Banish Misfortune
ABC   1115 C1:067671307677060 C2:dddduudddddudud M:6/8   K:D            H:LZ     T:Banish Misfortune
ABC   1116 C1:037677060172711 C2:udddddududuuduu M:6/8   K:DMix         H:ORS    T:Banish Misfortune
ABC   1117 C1:777662307677060 C2:ddddduudddddudu M:6/8   K:G            H:CLRZ   T:Banish Misfortune
ABC   1118 C1:777671037677060 C2:ddddduudddddudu M:6/8   K:D            H:CLQR   T:Banish Misfortune
ABC   1119 C1:177767103767706 C2:uddddduudddddud M:6/8   K:D            H:CIS    T:Banish Misfortune
ABC   1120 C1:777671307677060 C2:ddddduudddddudu M:6/8   K:G            H:CLRZ   T:Banish Misfortune
ABC   1121 C1:067671307677060 C2:dddduudddddudud M:6/8   K:D            H:L      T:Banish Misfortune
ABC   1122 C1:177767103767700 C2:uddddduudddddud M:6/8   K:G            H:LR     T:Banish Misfortune
ABC   1114 C1:747677006172001 C2:duddddduduuduuu M:6/8   K:Dmix         H:DRZ    T:Banish Misfortune
ABC   1115 C1:067671307677060 C2:dddduudddddudud M:6/8   K:D            H:LZ     T:Banish Misfortune
ABC   1116 C1:037677060172711 C2:udddddududuuduu M:6/8   K:DMix         H:ORS    T:Banish Misfortune
ABC   1117 C1:777662307677060 C2:ddddduudddddudu M:6/8   K:G            H:CLRZ   T:Banish Misfortune
ABC   1118 C1:777671037677060 C2:ddddduudddddudu M:6/8   K:D            H:CLQR   T:Banish Misfortune
ABC   1119 C1:177767103767706 C2:uddddduudddddud M:6/8   K:D            H:CIS    T:Banish Misfortune
ABC   1120 C1:777671307677060 C2:ddddduudddddudu M:6/8   K:G            H:CLRZ   T:Banish Misfortune
ABC   1121 C1:067671307677060 C2:dddduudddddudud M:6/8   K:D            H:L      T:Banish Misfortune
ABC   1122 C1:177767103767700 C2:uddddduudddddud M:6/8   K:G            H:LR     T:Banish Misfortune
ABC   1114 C1:747677006172001 C2:duddddduduuduuu M:6/8   K:Dmix         H:DRZ    T:Banish Misfortune
ABC   1115 C1:067671307677060 C2:dddduudddddudud M:6/8   K:D            H:LZ     T:Banish Misfortune
ABC   1116 C1:037677060172711 C2:udddddududuuduu M:6/8   K:DMix         H:ORS    T:Banish Misfortune
ABC   1117 C1:777662307677060 C2:ddddduudddddudu M:6/8   K:G            H:CLRZ   T:Banish Misfortune
ABC   1118 C1:777671037677060 C2:ddddduudddddudu M:6/8   K:D            H:CLQR   T:Banish Misfortune
ABC   1119 C1:177767103767706 C2:uddddduudddddud M:6/8   K:D            H:CIS    T:Banish Misfortune
ABC   1120 C1:777671307677060 C2:ddddduudddddudu M:6/8   K:G            H:CLRZ   T:Banish Misfortune
ABC   1121 C1:067671307677060 C2:dddduudddddudud M:6/8   K:D            H:L      T:Banish Misfortune
ABC   1122 C1:177767103767700 C2:uddddduudddddud M:6/8   K:G            H:LR     T:Banish Misfortune
ABC    499 C1:037677060172711 C2:udddddududuuduu M:6/8   K:D            H:FORZ   T:Banish Misfortune
ABC    500 C1:777671037677060 C2:ddddduudddddudu M:6/8   K:G            H:FR     T:Banish Misfortune
ABC    499 C1:037677060172711 C2:udddddududuuduu M:6/8   K:D            H:FORZ   T:Banish Misfortune
ABC    500 C1:777671037677060 C2:ddddduudddddudu M:6/8   K:G            H:FR     T:Banish Misfortune
ABC    899 C1:747677006172001 C2:duddddduduuduuu M:6/8   K:Dmix         H:DRZ    T:Banish Misfortune
ABC    900 C1:747677006172001 C2:duddddduduuduuu M:6/8   K:Dmix         H:DRZ    T:Banish Misfortune
ABC    901 C1:777671037677060 C2:ddddduudddddudu M:6/8   K:D            H:CLQR   T:Banish Misfortune
ABC    902 C1:747677006172001 C2:duddddduduuduuu M:6/8   K:Dmix         H:DLR    T:Banish Misfortune
ABC    903 C1:177767103767706 C2:uddddduudddddud M:6/8   K:D            H:CLS    T:Banish Misfortune
ABC    904 C1:777671037677060 C2:ddddduudddddudu M:6/8   K:G            H:LR     T:Banish Misfortune
ABC    905 C1:177767103767706 C2:uddddduudddddud M:6/8   K:D            H:CIS    T:Banish Misfortune
ABC    906 C1:060170111711002 C2:duduuuduuudduuu M:6/8   K:D            H:BCLORZ T:Banish misfortune
ABC    907 C1:037677060172711 C2:udddddududuuduu M:6/8   K:DMix         H:OR     T:Banish Misfortune
ABC    899 C1:747677006172001 C2:duddddduduuduuu M:6/8   K:Dmix         H:DRZ    T:Banish Misfortune
ABC    900 C1:747677006172001 C2:duddddduduuduuu M:6/8   K:Dmix         H:DRZ    T:Banish Misfortune
ABC    901 C1:777671037677060 C2:ddddduudddddudu M:6/8   K:D            H:CLQR   T:Banish Misfortune
ABC    902 C1:747677006172001 C2:duddddduduuduuu M:6/8   K:Dmix         H:DLR    T:Banish Misfortune
ABC    903 C1:177767103767706 C2:uddddduudddddud M:6/8   K:D            H:CLS    T:Banish Misfortune
ABC    904 C1:777671037677060 C2:ddddduudddddudu M:6/8   K:G            H:LR     T:Banish Misfortune
ABC    905 C1:177767103767706 C2:uddddduudddddud M:6/8   K:D            H:CIS    T:Banish Misfortune
ABC    906 C1:060170111711002 C2:duduuuduuudduuu M:6/8   K:D            H:BCLORZ T:Banish misfortune
ABC    907 C1:037677060172711 C2:udddddududuuduu M:6/8   K:DMix         H:OR     T:Banish Misfortune
ABC    899 C1:747677006172001 C2:duddddduduuduuu M:6/8   K:Dmix         H:DRZ    T:Banish Misfortune
ABC    900 C1:747677006172001 C2:duddddduduuduuu M:6/8   K:Dmix         H:DRZ    T:Banish Misfortune
ABC    901 C1:777671037677060 C2:ddddduudddddudu M:6/8   K:D            H:CLQR   T:Banish Misfortune
ABC    902 C1:747677006172001 C2:duddddduduuduuu M:6/8   K:Dmix         H:DLR    T:Banish Misfortune
ABC    903 C1:177767103767706 C2:uddddduudddddud M:6/8   K:D            H:CLS    T:Banish Misfortune
ABC    904 C1:777671037677060 C2:ddddduudddddudu M:6/8   K:G            H:LR     T:Banish Misfortune
ABC    905 C1:177767103767706 C2:uddddduudddddud M:6/8   K:D            H:CIS    T:Banish Misfortune
ABC    906 C1:060170111711002 C2:duduuuduuudduuu M:6/8   K:D            H:BCLORZ T:Banish misfortune
ABC    907 C1:037677060172711 C2:udddddududuuduu M:6/8   K:DMix         H:OR     T:Banish Misfortune
ABC    899 C1:747677006172001 C2:duddddduduuduuu M:6/8   K:Dmix         H:DRZ    T:Banish Misfortune
ABC    900 C1:747677006172001 C2:duddddduduuduuu M:6/8   K:Dmix         H:DRZ    T:Banish Misfortune
ABC    901 C1:777671037677060 C2:ddddduudddddudu M:6/8   K:D            H:CLQR   T:Banish Misfortune
ABC    902 C1:747677006172001 C2:duddddduduuduuu M:6/8   K:Dmix         H:DLR    T:Banish Misfortune
ABC    903 C1:177767103767706 C2:uddddduudddddud M:6/8   K:D            H:CLS    T:Banish Misfortune
ABC    904 C1:777671037677060 C2:ddddduudddddudu M:6/8   K:G            H:LR     T:Banish Misfortune
ABC    905 C1:177767103767706 C2:uddddduudddddud M:6/8   K:D            H:CIS    T:Banish Misfortune
ABC    906 C1:060170111711002 C2:duduuuduuudduuu M:6/8   K:D            H:BCLORZ T:Banish misfortune
ABC    907 C1:037677060172711 C2:udddddududuuduu M:6/8   K:DMix         H:OR     T:Banish Misfortune
ABC    899 C1:747677006172001 C2:duddddduduuduuu M:6/8   K:Dmix         H:DRZ    T:Banish Misfortune
ABC    900 C1:747677006172001 C2:duddddduduuduuu M:6/8   K:Dmix         H:DRZ    T:Banish Misfortune
ABC    901 C1:777671037677060 C2:ddddduudddddudu M:6/8   K:D            H:CLQR   T:Banish Misfortune
ABC    902 C1:747677006172001 C2:duddddduduuduuu M:6/8   K:Dmix         H:DLR    T:Banish Misfortune
ABC    903 C1:177767103767706 C2:uddddduudddddud M:6/8   K:D            H:CLS    T:Banish Misfortune
ABC    904 C1:777671037677060 C2:ddddduudddddudu M:6/8   K:G            H:LR     T:Banish Misfortune
ABC    905 C1:177767103767706 C2:uddddduudddddud M:6/8   K:D            H:CIS    T:Banish Misfortune
ABC    906 C1:060170111711002 C2:duduuuduuudduuu M:6/8   K:D            H:BCLORZ T:Banish misfortune
ABC    907 C1:037677060172711 C2:udddddududuuduu M:6/8   K:DMix         H:OR     T:Banish Misfortune
ABC    104 C1:037677060172711 C2:udddddududuuduu M:6/8   K:D            H:ORZ    T:Banish Misfortune
ABC      4 C1:777671037677060 C2:ddddduudddddudu M:6/8   K:G            H:R      T:Banish Misfortune
ABC    807 C1:060170111711002 C2:duduuuduuudduuu M:6/8   K:D            H:BCRZ   T:Banish Misfortune
ABC    807 C1:060170111711002 C2:duduuuduuudduuu M:6/8   K:D            H:BCRZ   T:Banish Misfortune
ABC      3 C1:747677006172001 C2:duddddduduuduuu M:6/8   K:Dmix         H:DRZ    T:Banish Misfortune
ABC      3 C1:747677006172001 C2:duddddduduuduuu M:6/8   K:Dmix         H:DRZ    T:Banish Misfortune
ABC     17 C1:777671037677266 C2:ddddduudddduddu M:6/8   K:Dmix         H:LQR    T:Banish Misfortune (Dmix) %3
ABC     17 C1:777671037677266 C2:ddddduudddduddu M:6/8   K:Dmix         H:LQR    T:Banish Misfortune (Dmix)
ABC     17 C1:777671037677266 C2:ddddduudddduddu M:6/8   K:clef=none    H:ILR    T:Banish Misfortune (Dmix)
ABC      1 C1:777671037677006 C2:ddddduuddddduuu M:6/8   K:D            H:"CDLOQRZ T:Banish Misfortune (D mixolydian)
ABC    148 C1:777671037677060 C2:ddddduudddddudu M:6/8   K:D            H:"LRV   T:Banish Misfortune (Harmonized)
ABC   0776 C1:060170111711002 C2:duduuuduuudduuu M:6/8   K:D            H:BCILZ  T:"Banish Misfortune" (jig) 0776
ABC   0776 C1:060170111711002 C2:duduuuduuudduuu M:6/8   K:D            H:BCILZ  T:"Banish Misfortune" (jig) 0776
ABC   0776 C1:060170111711002 C2:duduuuduuudduuu M:6/8   K:D            H:BCILZ  T:"Banish Misfortune" (jig) 0776
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:6/8   K:C            H:LQV    T:Banish Misfortune, or Mary of Inistuirk
ABC    181 C1:772011713766772 C2:dduuuduuddddddu M:6/8   K:C            H:BLQV   T:Banish Misfortune, or Mary of Inistuirk
ABC     77 C1:777671307677240 C2:ddddduuddddudud M:6/8   K:G            H:RS     T:Banish Misfortune (variation)
ABC      1 C1:715611611166017 C2:dudduuduuuddudd M:4/4   K:Bb           H:AOR    T:Banister Hornpipe
ABC    394 C1:715611611166017 C2:dudduuduuuddudd M:4/4   K:Bb           H:AOR    T:Banister Hornpipe
ABC    394 C1:715611611166017 C2:dudduuduuuddudd M:4/4   K:Bb           H:AOR    T:Banister Hornpipe
ABC    501 C1:715611611166017 C2:dudduuduuuddudd M:4/4   K:Bb           H:AFORZ  T:Banister Hornpipe
ABC    501 C1:715611611166017 C2:dudduuduuuddudd M:4/4   K:Bb           H:AFORZ  T:Banister Hornpipe
ABC    908 C1:715611611166017 C2:dudduuduuuddudd M:4/4   K:Bb           H:AOR    T:Banister Hornpipe
ABC    908 C1:715611611166017 C2:dudduuduuuddudd M:4/4   K:Bb           H:AOR    T:Banister Hornpipe
ABC    908 C1:715611611166017 C2:dudduuduuuddudd M:4/4   K:Bb           H:AOR    T:Banister Hornpipe
ABC    908 C1:715611611166017 C2:dudduuduuuddudd M:4/4   K:Bb           H:AOR    T:Banister Hornpipe
ABC    908 C1:715611611166017 C2:dudduuduuuddudd M:4/4   K:Bb           H:AOR    T:Banister Hornpipe
ABC     51 C1:715611611166017 C2:dudduuduuuddudd M:4/4   K:Bb           H:AORZ   T:Banister Hornpipe
ABC    105 C1:715611611175017 C2:dudduuduuuddudd M:C     K:Bb           H:ALOQRSZ T:Banister Hornpipe. WI.105
ABC    105 C1:715611611175017 C2:dudduuduuuddudd M:C     K:Bb           H:ABLQZ  T:Banister Hornpipe. WI.105
ABC    105 C1:715611611175017 C2:dudduuduuuddudd M:C     K:Bb           H:ABLQZ  T:Banister Hornpipe. WI.105
ABC    105 C1:715611611175017 C2:dudduuduuuddudd M:C     K:Bb           H:ABLOQRSZ T:Banister Hornpipe. WI.105
ABC    502 C1:715611611175017 C2:dudduuduuuddudd M:C     K:Bb           H:AFLOQRSZ T:Banister Hornpipe. WI.105
ABC    502 C1:715611611175017 C2:dudduuduuuddudd M:C     K:Bb           H:AFLOQRSZ T:Banister Hornpipe. WI.105
ABC    105 C1:715611611175017 C2:dudduuduuuddudd M:C     K:Bb           H:ABLOQRSZ T:Banister Hornpipe. WI.105
ABC      1 C1:346003346001716 C2:uudduudududuudd M:      K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:Banjaxed
ABC      1 C1:000067620000005 C2:ddduuuddduudddu M:4/4   K:A            H:CLQW   T:Banjer-Pickin' Girl
ABC    241 C1:000700000001760 C2:duddduuddudduud M:2/4   K:A            H:LORS   T:Banjin youmian tui wowo
ABC    522 C1:007100020067137 C2:duudduuddduuuud M:2/4   K:D            H:LORS   T:Banjiu Xiaodiao
ABC      1 C1:000710001116161 C2:duuduuudududuud M:4/4   K:G            H:CLQR   T:Banjo
ABC      1 C1:000710001116161 C2:duuduuudududuud M:4/4   K:G            H:CLQR   T:Banjo
ABC      1 C1:103560776275476 C2:uududdududududu M:4/4   K:C            H:BLV    T:Banjo
ABC     13 C1:110611031106670 C2:uuduuuuuddduudd M:4/4   K:D            H:"LSZ   T:Banjo Boy
ABC    657 C1:032356230224462 C2:uudududuudududu M:4/4   K:G            H:BLZ    T:Banjo Breakdown
ABC    657 C1:032356230224462 C2:uudududuudududu M:4/4   K:G            H:BLZ    T:Banjo Breakdown
ABC      1 C1:056024003022066 C2:dduduuudduduuud M:6/8   K:A            H:OR     T:Banjo breakdown
ABC      1 C1:056024003022066 C2:dduduuudduduuud M:6/8   K:A            H:LORS   T:Banjo breakdown
ABC    276 C1:056024003022066 C2:dduduuudduduuud M:6/8   K:A            H:"CILRZ T:Banjo Breakdown
ABC    276 C1:056024003022066 C2:dduduuudduduuud M:6/8   K:A            H:"CILRZ T:Banjo Breakdown
ABC     43 C1:056024003022066 C2:dduduuudduduuud M:6/8   K:A            H:ORS    T:Banjo breakdown
ABC    657 C1:032356230224462 C2:uudududuudududu M:4/4   K:G            H:BLZ    T:Banjo Breakdown
ABC    657 C1:032356230224462 C2:uudududuudududu M:4/4   K:G            H:BLZ    T:Banjo Breakdown
ABC      4 C1:400202305602400 C2:duuudduduuuddud M:      K:Dmaj         H:LR     T:Banjo Breakdown
ABC      5 C1:002023056024003 C2:uuudduduuuddudu M:      K:Amix         H:LR     T:Banjo Breakdown
ABC      6 C1:022356240322662 C2:uuudduduuuddudu M:4/4   K:Amix         H:LR     T:Banjo Breakdown
ABC      1 C1:056024003022066 C2:dduduuudduduuud M:      K:Amaj         H:LR     T:Banjo Breakdown
ABC      2 C1:400202305602400 C2:duuudduduuuddud M:      K:Amaj         H:LR     T:Banjo Breakdown
ABC      3 C1:344525362536344 C2:uuudduduuuddudu M:      K:Amaj         H:LR     T:Banjo Breakdown
ABC    276 C1:056024003022066 C2:dduduuudduduuud M:6/8   K:A            H:"CILRZ T:Banjo Breakdown
ABC    276 C1:056024003022066 C2:dduduuudduduuud M:6/8   K:A            H:"CILRZ T:Banjo Breakdown
ABC   1123 C1:056024003022066 C2:dduduuudduduuud M:6/8   K:A            H:ORS    T:Banjo breakdown
ABC     10 C1:056024003022066 C2:dduduuudduduuud M:6/8   K:A            H:LORS   T:Banjo breakdown
ABC   1123 C1:056024003022066 C2:dduduuudduduuud M:6/8   K:A            H:ORS    T:Banjo breakdown
ABC   1123 C1:056024003022066 C2:dduduuudduduuud M:6/8   K:A            H:ORS    T:Banjo breakdown
ABC   1123 C1:056024003022066 C2:dduduuudduduuud M:6/8   K:A            H:ORS    T:Banjo breakdown
ABC    503 C1:056024003022066 C2:dduduuudduduuud M:6/8   K:A            H:FORZ   T:Banjo breakdown
ABC    503 C1:056024003022066 C2:dduduuudduduuud M:6/8   K:A            H:FORZ   T:Banjo breakdown
ABC    909 C1:056024003022066 C2:dduduuudduduuud M:6/8   K:A            H:LORS   T:Banjo breakdown
ABC    910 C1:056024003022066 C2:dduduuudduduuud M:6/8   K:A            H:OR     T:Banjo breakdown
ABC    909 C1:056024003022066 C2:dduduuudduduuud M:6/8   K:A            H:LORS   T:Banjo breakdown
ABC    910 C1:056024003022066 C2:dduduuudduduuud M:6/8   K:A            H:OR     T:Banjo breakdown
ABC    909 C1:056024003022066 C2:dduduuudduduuud M:6/8   K:A            H:LORS   T:Banjo breakdown
ABC    910 C1:056024003022066 C2:dduduuudduduuud M:6/8   K:A            H:OR     T:Banjo breakdown
ABC    909 C1:056024003022066 C2:dduduuudduduuud M:6/8   K:A            H:LORS   T:Banjo breakdown
ABC    910 C1:056024003022066 C2:dduduuudduduuud M:6/8   K:A            H:OR     T:Banjo breakdown
ABC    909 C1:056024003022066 C2:dduduuudduduuud M:6/8   K:A            H:LORS   T:Banjo breakdown
ABC    910 C1:056024003022066 C2:dduduuudduduuud M:6/8   K:A            H:OR     T:Banjo breakdown
ABC    626 C1:056024003022066 C2:dduduuudduduuud M:6/8   K:A            H:ORZ    T:Banjo breakdown
ABC      1 C1:400202305602400 C2:duuudduduuuddud M:6/8   K:HP           H:CLQS   T:The Banjo Breakdown "CYMRU"
ABC      1 C1:400202305602400 C2:duuudduduuuddud M:6/8   K:HP           H:CLQS   T:The Banjo Breakdown "CYMRU"
ABC      1 C1:400202305602400 C2:duuudduduuuddud M:6/8   K:HP           H:CLQS   T:The Banjo Breakdown "CYMRU"
ABC      1 C1:020003060017767 C2:uududdddduuddud M:C     K:G            H:CLQR   T:Banjo Envy
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:4/4   K:C            H:LQ     T:Banjo In The Hollow [Lute1](1:51) - [3 Part] Doug F. Dillard (The Dillards)
ABC    500 C1:035611676627761 C2:udduudddduddduu M:4/4   K:A            H:CDLRZ  T:Banjo Man
ABC  41017 C1:026611676627761 C2:udduudddduddduu M:4/4   K:G            H:CDLQR  T:BANJO MAN (reel), The
ABC  41017 C1:026611676627761 C2:udduudddduddduu M:4/4   K:G            H:CDLQR  T:BANJO MAN (reel), The
ABC  41017 C1:026611676627761 C2:udduudddduddduu M:4/4   K:G            H:CDLQR  T:BANJO MAN (reel), The
ABC     71 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Banjo Pickers Ball [Clarinet 1] Feb 14 (2:13)
ABC     72 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Banjo Pickers Ball [Clarinet 2] Feb 14 (2:13)
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Banjo Pickers Ball [Drums] Feb 14 (2:13)
ABC     51 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Banjo Pickers Ball [Flute] Feb 14 (2:13)
ABC     61 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Banjo Pickers Ball [Horn] Feb 14 (2:13)
ABC     11 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Banjo Pickers Ball [Lute 1] Feb 14 (2:13)
ABC     12 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Banjo Pickers Ball [Lute 2] Feb 14 (2:13)
ABC     31 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Banjo Pickers Ball [Theorbo] Feb 14 (2:13)
ABC      1 C1:000001116161611 C2:uduuudududuuudu M:C|    K:G            H:BLRZ   T:BANJO -- REEL
ABC      1 C1:000001116161611 C2:uduuudududuuudu M:C|    K:G            H:BLRZ   T:BANJO -- REEL
ABC      1 C1:000001116161611 C2:uduuudududuuudu M:C|    K:G            H:BLRZ   T:BANJO -- REEL
ABC      1 C1:000001116161611 C2:uduuudududuuudu M:C|    K:G            H:BLRZ   T:BANJO -- REEL
ABC      1 C1:000001116161611 C2:uduuudududuuudu M:C|    K:G            H:BLRZ   T:BANJO -- REEL
ABC      1 C1:000001116161611 C2:uduuudududuuudu M:C|    K:G            H:BLRZ   T:BANJO -- REEL
ABC      1 C1:000001116161611 C2:uduuudududuuudu M:C|    K:G            H:BLRZ   T:BANJO -- REEL
ABC     23 C1:001777277117772 C2:udddudduudddudu M:4/4   K:A            H:"CLQ   T:Banjo Signal
ABC     23 C1:001777277117772 C2:udddudduudddudu M:4/4   K:A            H:"CLQ   T:Banjo Signal
ABC     12 C1:001777277117772 C2:udddudduudddudu M:4/4   K:A            H:"CLQ   T:Banjo Signal
ABC     12 C1:001777277117772 C2:udddudduudddudu M:4/4   K:A            H:"CLQ   T:Banjo Signal
ABC    378 C1:711704010006000 C2:duuduuddduuduud M:C|    K:D            H:"CW    T:Banjo Therapy
ABC    378 C1:711704010006000 C2:duuduuddduuduud M:C|    K:D            H:"CW    T:Banjo Therapy
ABC    378 C1:711704010006000 C2:duuduuddduuduud M:C|    K:D            H:"CW    T:Banjo Therapy
ABC    378 C1:711704010006000 C2:duuduuddduuduud M:C|    K:D            H:"CW    T:Banjo Therapy
ABC      5 C1:050303020000017 C2:duuuudddddududd M:4/4   K:F            H:"LRS   T:Banjo Tramp
ABC   1010 C1:050303020000017 C2:duuuudddddududd M:4/4   K:F            H:"LS    T:Banjo Tramp
ABC     32 C1:071770771110160 C2:dudddduuuuddudd M:7/8   K:Cm           H:"FLO   T:Banjsko Oro
ABC     33 C1:071770771110160 C2:dudddduuuuddudd M:7/8   K:Cm           H:"FLO   T:Banjsko Oro
ABC     36 C1:071770771110160 C2:dudddduuuuddudd M:7/8   K:Cm           H:"FLO   T:Banjsko Oro
ABC     37 C1:071770771110160 C2:dudddduuuuddudd M:7/8   K:Cm           H:"FLO   T:Banjsko Oro
ABC     32 C1:071770771110160 C2:dudddduuuuddudd M:7/8   K:Cm           H:"FLO   T:Banjsko Oro
ABC     33 C1:071770771110160 C2:dudddduuuuddudd M:7/8   K:Cm           H:"FLO   T:Banjsko Oro
ABC     36 C1:071770771110160 C2:dudddduuuuddudd M:7/8   K:Cm           H:"FLO   T:Banjsko Oro
ABC     37 C1:071770771110160 C2:dudddduuuuddudd M:7/8   K:Cm           H:"FLO   T:Banjsko Oro
ABC     37 C1:071770771110160 C2:dudddduuuuddudd M:7/8   K:Cm           H:"FLO   T:Banjsko Oro
ABC     37 C1:071770771110160 C2:dudddduuuuddudd M:7/8   K:Cm           H:"FLO   T:Banjsko Oro
ABC     37 C1:071770771110160 C2:dudddduuuuddudd M:7/8   K:Cm           H:"FLO   T:Banjsko Oro
ABC     37 C1:071770771110160 C2:dudddduuuuddudd M:7/8   K:Cm           H:"FLO   T:Banjsko Oro
ABC    173 C1:000001110000000 C2:uuuduuuuudduuuu M:C|    K:G            H:BLSZ   T:the Bank
ABC    173 C1:000001110000000 C2:uuuduuuuudduuuu M:C|    K:G            H:BLSZ   T:the Bank
ABC    041 C1:030001010107060 C2:uuuudduuddduudd M:C|    K:D            H:BFLZ   T:the Bank
ABC    041 C1:030001010107060 C2:uuuudduuddduudd M:C|    K:D            H:BFLZ   T:the Bank
ABC    173 C1:000001110000000 C2:uuuduuuuudduuuu M:C|    K:G            H:BLSZ   T:The Bank
ABC    173 C1:000001110000000 C2:uuuduuuuudduuuu M:C|    K:G            H:BLSZ   T:The Bank
ABC    041 C1:030001010107060 C2:uuuudduuddduudd M:C|    K:D            H:BFLZ   T:the Bank
ABC    041 C1:030001010107060 C2:uuuudduuddduudd M:C|    K:D            H:BFLZ   T:the Bank
ABC    137 C1:660301010703660 C2:dduuududdudduud M:2/4   K:D            H:ALOQRSZ T:Bank Corps,The. WM.137
ABC    137 C1:660301010703660 C2:dduuududdudduud M:2/4   K:D            H:ABLOQRSZ T:Bank Corps,The. WM.137
ABC   1124 C1:660301010703660 C2:dduuududdudduud M:2/4   K:D            H:ADHLOQRSWZ T:Bank Corps,The. WM.137
ABC   1125 C1:660301010703660 C2:dduuududdudduud M:2/4   K:D            H:ACDHLOQRSWZ T:Bank Corps,The. WM137
ABC   1124 C1:660301010703660 C2:dduuududdudduud M:2/4   K:D            H:ADHLOQRSWZ T:Bank Corps,The. WM.137
ABC   1125 C1:660301010703660 C2:dduuududdudduud M:2/4   K:D            H:ACDHLOQRSWZ T:Bank Corps,The. WM137
ABC   1124 C1:660301010703660 C2:dduuududdudduud M:2/4   K:D            H:ADHLOQRSWZ T:Bank Corps,The. WM.137
ABC   1125 C1:660301010703660 C2:dduuududdudduud M:2/4   K:D            H:ACDHLOQRSWZ T:Bank Corps,The. WM137
ABC   1124 C1:660301010703660 C2:dduuududdudduud M:2/4   K:D            H:ADHLOQRSWZ T:Bank Corps,The. WM.137
ABC   1125 C1:660301010703660 C2:dduuududdudduud M:2/4   K:D            H:ACDHLOQRSWZ T:Bank Corps,The. WM137
ABC    504 C1:660301010703660 C2:dduuududdudduud M:2/4   K:D            H:AFLOQRSZ T:Bank Corps,The. WM.137
ABC    504 C1:660301010703660 C2:dduuududdudduud M:2/4   K:D            H:AFLOQRSZ T:Bank Corps,The. WM.137
ABC    137 C1:660301010703660 C2:dduuududdudduud M:2/4   K:D            H:ABLOQRSZ T:Bank Corps,The. WM.137
ABC    137 C1:660301010703660 C2:dduuududdudduud M:2/4   K:D            H:ABLQZ  T:Bank Corps. WM.137, The
ABC    137 C1:660301010703660 C2:dduuududdudduud M:2/4   K:D            H:ABLQZ  T:Bank Corps. WM.137, The
ABC      1 C1:006622617711071 C2:dduududduuduudu M:4/4   K:G            H:L      T:Bank Holiday Reel
ABC      1 C1:006622617711071 C2:dduududduuduudu M:4/4   K:G            H:L      T:Bank Holiday Reel
ABC    222 C1:020071110600040 C2:uduuuduuddudddu M:2/4   K:G            H:BFLZ   T:Bank of Flowers
ABC    222 C1:020071110600040 C2:uduuuduuddudddu M:2/4   K:G            H:BFLZ   T:Bank of Flowers
ABC    222 C1:020071110600040 C2:uduuuduuddudddu M:2/4   K:G            H:BFLZ   T:Bank of Flowers
ABC    222 C1:020071110600040 C2:uduuuduuddudddu M:2/4   K:G            H:BFLZ   T:Bank of Flowers
ABC    222 C1:020071110600040 C2:uduuuduuddudddu M:2/4   K:G            H:BFLZ   T:Bank of Flowers
ABC    222 C1:020071110600040 C2:uduuuduuddudddu M:2/4   K:G            H:BFLZ   T:Bank of Flowers
ABC    222 C1:020071110600040 C2:uduuuduuddudddu M:2/4   K:G            H:BFLZ   T:Bank of Flowers
ABC    222 C1:020071110600040 C2:uduuuduuddudddu M:2/4   K:G            H:BFLZ   T:Bank of Flowers
ABC    222 C1:020071110600040 C2:uduuuduuddudddu M:2/4   K:G            H:BFLZ   T:Bank of Flowers
ABC    222 C1:020071110600040 C2:uduuuduuddudddu M:2/4   K:G            H:BFLZ   T:Bank of Flowers
ABC    222 C1:020071110600040 C2:uduuuduuddudddu M:2/4   K:G            H:BFLZ   T:Bank of Flowers
ABC      5 C1:061177762536211 C2:duuddddududuuuu M:C     K:D            H:L      T:Bank of Ireland
ABC     34 C1:061106762536255 C2:duudddudududuud M:4/4   K:D            H:L      T:The Bank of Ireland
ABC    163 C1:253621110611777 C2:ududuuuuduudddu M:C|    K:Dmix         H:RZ     T:Bank of Ireland
ABC      1 C1:061177762536211 C2:duuddddududuuuu M:4/4   K:DMix         H:OR     T:the Bank of Ireland
ABC      1 C1:253621110611777 C2:ududuuuuduudddu M:C|    K:Dmix         H:RZ     T:Bank of Ireland, The
ABC     42 C1:061177762536211 C2:duuddddududuuuu M:C|    K:DMix         H:ERZ    T:Bank of Ireland, The
ABC      1 C1:061177762536211 C2:duuddddududuuuu M:C|    K:DMix         H:ERZ    T:Bank of Ireland, The
ABC     42 C1:061177762536211 C2:duuddddududuuuu M:C|    K:DMix         H:ELRZ   T:Bank of Ireland, The
ABC 495008 C1:601161662536255 C2:duududdudududuu M:C|    K:G            H:BLRSZ  T:BANK OF IRELAND, The
ABC    114 C1:601161662536255 C2:duududdudududuu M:4/4   K:D            H:BLRZ   T:The Bank of Ireland
ABC    114 C1:601161662536255 C2:duududdudududuu M:4/4   K:D            H:BLRZ   T:The Bank of Ireland
ABC    114 C1:601161662536255 C2:duududdudududuu M:4/4   K:D            H:BLRZ   T:The Bank of Ireland
ABC   1239 C1:601161662536255 C2:duududdudududuu M:C|    K:D            H:BLRZ   T:The Bank of Ireland
ABC   1239 C1:601161662536255 C2:duududdudududuu M:C|    K:D            H:BLRZ   T:The Bank of Ireland
ABC   1239 C1:601161662536255 C2:duududdudududuu M:C|    K:D            H:BLRZ   T:The Bank of Ireland
ABC   1186 C1:601161662536255 C2:duududdudududuu M:C|    K:D            H:BLRZ   T:The Bank of Ireland
ABC   1239 C1:601161662536255 C2:duududdudududuu M:C|    K:D            H:BLRZ   T:The Bank of Ireland
ABC      1 C1:601161662536255 C2:duududdudududuu M:4/4   K:D            H:CLQR   T:The Bank of Ireland
ABC      1 C1:601161662536255 C2:duududdudududuu M:4/4   K:D            H:CLQR   T:The Bank of Ireland
ABC      1 C1:601161662536255 C2:duududdudududuu M:4/4   K:D            H:CLQR   T:The Bank of Ireland
ABC    196 C1:061177762536211 C2:duuddddududuuuu M:C|    K:DMix         H:"ERZ   T:Bank of Ireland, The
ABC    196 C1:061177762536211 C2:duuddddududuuuu M:C|    K:DMix         H:"ERZ   T:Bank of Ireland, The
ABC    006 C1:061161662536255 C2:duududdudududuu M:C|    K:D            H:BLRUZ  T:The Bank of Ireland
ABC      3 C1:601161662536255 C2:duududdudududuu M:C|    K:D            H:"BLORSZ T:The Bank of Ireland
ABC      3 C1:601161662536255 C2:duududdudududuu M:C|    K:D            H:"BLORSZ T:The Bank of Ireland
ABC      3 C1:601161662536255 C2:duududdudududuu M:C|    K:D            H:"BLORSZ T:The Bank of Ireland
ABC      3 C1:601161662536255 C2:duududdudududuu M:C|    K:D            H:"BLORSZ T:The Bank of Ireland
ABC   1186 C1:712460116166253 C2:duudduududdudud M:C|    K:D            H:BLRZbs T:the Bank of Ireland
ABC   1186 C1:712460116166253 C2:duudduududdudud M:C|    K:D            H:BLRZbs T:the Bank of Ireland
ABC   1186 C1:712460116166253 C2:duudduududdudud M:C|    K:D            H:BLRZbs T:the Bank of Ireland
ABC   1186 C1:712460116166253 C2:duudduududdudud M:C|    K:D            H:BLRZbs T:the Bank of Ireland
ABC   1186 C1:712460116166253 C2:duudduududdudud M:C|    K:D            H:BLRZbs T:the Bank of Ireland
ABC   1186 C1:712460116166253 C2:duudduududdudud M:C|    K:D            H:BLRZbs T:the Bank of Ireland
ABC      1 C1:601161662536255 C2:duududdudududuu M:C|    K:D            H:BCLORZm T:The bank of Ireland
ABC     60 C1:061106762536255 C2:duudddudududuud M:4/4   K:D            H:"BLRZ  T:the Bank of Ireland
ABC     60 C1:061106762536255 C2:duudddudududuud M:4/4   K:D            H:"BLRZ  T:the Bank of Ireland
ABC     60 C1:061106762536255 C2:duudddudududuud M:4/4   K:D            H:"BLRZ  T:the Bank of Ireland
ABC     60 C1:061106762536255 C2:duudddudududuud M:4/4   K:D            H:"BLRZ  T:the Bank of Ireland
ABC     60 C1:061106762536255 C2:duudddudududuud M:4/4   K:D            H:"BLRZ  T:the Bank of Ireland
ABC    465 C1:601161662536255 C2:duududdudududuu M:C|    K:D            H:BLORZ  T:The Bank Of Ireland
ABC    465 C1:601161662536255 C2:duududdudududuu M:C|    K:D            H:BLORZ  T:The Bank Of Ireland
ABC    465 C1:712460116166253 C2:duudduududdudud M:C|    K:D            H:BFLRZbs T:the Bank of ireland
ABC    465 C1:712460116166253 C2:duudduududdudud M:C|    K:D            H:BFLRZbs T:the Bank of ireland
ABC    465 C1:712460116166253 C2:duudduududdudud M:C|    K:D            H:BFLRZbs T:the Bank of ireland
ABC    465 C1:712460116166253 C2:duudduududdudud M:C|    K:D            H:BFLRZbs T:the Bank of ireland
ABC      4 C1:061177762536211 C2:duuddddududuuuu M:4/4   K:Dmix         H:LRS    T:Bank of Ireland
ABC      4 C1:061177762536211 C2:duuddddududuuuu M:4/4   K:Dmix         H:LRS    T:Bank of Ireland
ABC      4 C1:061177762536211 C2:duuddddududuuuu M:4/4   K:Dmix         H:LRS    T:Bank of Ireland
ABC      4 C1:061177762536211 C2:duuddddududuuuu M:4/4   K:Dmix         H:LRS    T:Bank of Ireland
ABC     42 C1:061177762536211 C2:duuddddududuuuu M:C|    K:DMix         H:ERZ    T:Bank of Ireland, The
ABC     42 C1:061177762536211 C2:duuddddududuuuu M:C|    K:DMix         H:ERZ    T:Bank of Ireland, The
ABC      1 C1:253621110611777 C2:ududuuuuduudddu M:C|    K:Dmix         H:"LRS   T:Bank of Ireland, The
ABC      1 C1:253621110611777 C2:ududuuuuduudddu M:C|    K:Dmix         H:"LRS   T:Bank of Ireland, The
ABC     26 C1:2536211         C2:ududuuu         M:C|    K:Dmix         H:RZ     T:Bank of Ireland, The
ABC     42 C1:061177762536211 C2:duuddddududuuuu M:C|    K:DMix         H:ERZ    T:Bank of Ireland, The
ABC     42 C1:061177762536211 C2:duuddddududuuuu M:C|    K:DMix         H:ERZ    T:Bank of Ireland, The
ABC     42 C1:061177762536211 C2:duuddddududuuuu M:C|    K:DMix         H:ERZ    T:Bank of Ireland, The
ABC     40 C1:110611777625362 C2:uuduuddddududuu M:C|    K:DMix         H:ERSZ   T:Bank of Ireland, The
ABC     42 C1:061177762536211 C2:duuddddududuuuu M:C|    K:DMix         H:ERZ    T:Bank of Ireland, The
ABC     42 C1:061177762536211 C2:duuddddududuuuu M:C|    K:DMix         H:ERZ    T:Bank of Ireland, The
ABC     42 C1:061177762536211 C2:duuddddududuuuu M:C|    K:DMix         H:ERZ    T:Bank of Ireland, The
ABC    210 C1:061177762536211 C2:duuddddududuuuu M:C|    K:DMix         H:ERZ    T:Bank of Ireland, The
ABC     42 C1:061177762536211 C2:duuddddududuuuu M:C|    K:DMix         H:ELRZ   T:Bank of Ireland, The
ABC     42 C1:061177762536211 C2:duuddddududuuuu M:C|    K:DMix         H:ELRZ   T:Bank of Ireland, The
ABC     42 C1:061177762536211 C2:duuddddududuuuu M:C|    K:DMix         H:ERZ    T:Bank of Ireland, The
ABC     42 C1:061177762536211 C2:duuddddududuuuu M:C|    K:DMix         H:ERZ    T:Bank of Ireland, The
ABC      1 C1:061177762536211 C2:duuddddududuuuu M:4/4   K:G            H:R      T:The Bank of Ireland
ABC      1 C1:061177762536211 C2:duuddddududuuuu M:4/4   K:G            H:R      T:The Bank of Ireland
ABC     42 C1:061177762536211 C2:duuddddududuuuu M:C|    K:DMix         H:ERZ    T:Bank of Ireland, The
ABC      4 C1:061177762536211 C2:duuddddududuuuu M:4/4   K:DMix         H:ORSZ   T:Bank of Ireland, The
ABC     42 C1:061177762536211 C2:duuddddududuuuu M:C|    K:DMix         H:ERZ    T:Bank of Ireland, The
ABC      4 C1:061177762536211 C2:duuddddududuuuu M:4/4   K:DMix         H:ORSZ   T:Bank of Ireland, The
ABC      5 C1:061161662536211 C2:duududdududuuuu M:4/4   K:DMix         H:LR     T:Bank of Ireland
ABC    196 C1:061177762536211 C2:duuddddududuuuu M:C|    K:DMix         H:"ERZ   T:Bank of Ireland, The
ABC   1186 C1:601161662536255 C2:duududdudududuu M:C|    K:D            H:BLRZ   T:The Bank of Ireland
ABC    100 C1:253621110611777 C2:ududuuuuduudddu M:C|    K:Dmix         H:"LR    T:Bank of Ireland, The
ABC    100 C1:253621110611777 C2:ududuuuuduudddu M:C|    K:Dmix         H:"LR    T:Bank of Ireland, The
ABC    100 C1:253621110611777 C2:ududuuuuduudddu M:C|    K:Dmix         H:"LR    T:Bank of Ireland, The
ABC     26 C1:253621110611777 C2:ududuuuuduudddu M:C|    K:Dmix         H:RZ     T:Bank of Ireland, The
ABC     26 C1:253621110611777 C2:ududuuuuduudddu M:C|    K:Dmix         H:RZ     T:Bank of Ireland, The
ABC     26 C1:253621110611777 C2:ududuuuuduudddu M:C|    K:Dmix         H:RZ     T:Bank of Ireland, The
ABC     26 C1:253621110611777 C2:ududuuuuduudddu M:C|    K:Dmix         H:RZ     T:Bank of Ireland, The
ABC     26 C1:253621110611777 C2:ududuuuuduudddu M:C|    K:Dmix         H:RZ     T:Bank of Ireland, The
ABC     26 C1:253621110611777 C2:ududuuuuduudddu M:C|    K:Dmix         H:RZ     T:Bank of Ireland, The
ABC      1 C1:061161662536211 C2:duududdududuuuu M:4/4   K:Dmix         H:LRw    T:Bank Of Ireland, The
ABC      2 C1:160260760211160 C2:ududdduuuudduuu M:6/8   K:Amin         H:LR     T:Bank Of Ireland
ABC      1 C1:061161662536211 C2:duududdududuuuu M:      K:Dmix         H:LR     T:The Bank Of Ireland
ABC      2 C1:600260762536250 C2:dudddududududud M:      K:Dmix         H:LR     T:The Bank Of Ireland
ABC      3 C1:601160762536255 C2:duudddudududuud M:      K:Dmix         H:LR     T:The Bank Of Ireland
ABC      4 C1:061161662536211 C2:duududdududuuuu M:      K:Dmix         H:LR     T:The Bank Of Ireland
ABC      5 C1:061106142536211 C2:duududududuuuud M:      K:Dmix         H:LR     T:The Bank Of Ireland
ABC      6 C1:061177762536211 C2:duuddddududuuuu M:      K:Dmix         H:"LR    T:The Bank Of Ireland
ABC      7 C1:253621110611777 C2:ududuuuuduudddu M:      K:Dmix         H:LR     T:The Bank Of Ireland
ABC      8 C1:110611616625362 C2:uuduududdududuu M:      K:Dmix         H:LR     T:The Bank Of Ireland
ABC      7 C1:061177762536211 C2:duuddddududuuuu M:4/4   K:G            H:"LRZ   T:Bank of Ireland
ABC      3 C1:061106762536255 C2:duudddudududuud M:4/4   K:D            H:"BLRZ  T:the Bank of Ireland
ABC      3 C1:061106762536255 C2:duudddudududuud M:4/4   K:D            H:"BLRZ  T:the Bank of Ireland
ABC      3 C1:061106762536255 C2:duudddudududuud M:4/4   K:D            H:"BLRZ  T:the Bank of Ireland
ABC     64 C1:253621110611777 C2:ududuuuuduudddu M:C|    K:Dmix         H:RZ     T:Bank of Ireland, The
ABC     66 C1:061177762536211 C2:duuddddududuuuu M:C|    K:DMix         H:ERZ    T:Bank of Ireland, The
ABC      4 C1:061106762536255 C2:duudddudududuud M:4/4   K:D            H:"L     T:The Bank of Ireland
ABC      4 C1:061106762536255 C2:duudddudududuud M:4/4   K:D            H:"L     T:The Bank of Ireland
ABC      4 C1:061177762536211 C2:duuddddududuuuu M:C|    K:DMix         H:LR     T:Bank of Ireland, The
ABC      4 C1:061106762536255 C2:duudddudududuud M:4/4   K:D            H:"BLRZ  T:the Bank of Ireland
ABC     34 C1:061106762536255 C2:duudddudududuud M:4/4   K:D            H:L      T:The Bank of Ireland
ABC    170 C1:061106762536255 C2:duudddudududuud M:4/4   K:D            H:L      T:The Bank of Ireland
ABC    114 C1:601161662536255 C2:duududdudududuu M:4/4   K:D            H:BLRZ   T:The Bank of Ireland
ABC     30 C1:061177762536211 C2:duuddddududuuuu M:C     K:D            H:LZ     T:Bank of Ireland
ABC    204 C1:061177762536211 C2:duuddddududuuuu M:4/4   K:Dmix         H:DLR    T:Bank of Ireland
ABC    204 C1:061177762536211 C2:duuddddududuuuu M:4/4   K:Dmix         H:DLR    T:Bank of Ireland
ABC      6 C1:061177762536211 C2:duuddddududuuuu M:C     K:D            H:LZ     T:Bank of Ireland
ABC    114 C1:601161662536255 C2:duududdudududuu M:4/4   K:D            H:BLRZ   T:The Bank of Ireland
ABC    163 C1:253621110611777 C2:ududuuuuduudddu M:C|    K:Dmix         H:RZ     T:Bank of Ireland
ABC    163 C1:253621110611777 C2:ududuuuuduudddu M:C|    K:Dmix         H:RZ     T:Bank of Ireland
ABC    006 C1:061161662536255 C2:duududdudududuu M:C|    K:D            H:BLRUZ  T:The Bank of Ireland
ABC    006 C1:061161662536255 C2:duududdudududuu M:C|    K:D            H:BLRUZ  T:The Bank of Ireland
ABC   1126 C1:061177762536211 C2:duuddddududuuuu M:C     K:D            H:LZ     T:Bank of Ireland
ABC   1127 C1:061177762536211 C2:duuddddududuuuu M:C|    K:Dmix         H:LQRZ   T:Bank of Ireland
ABC   1128 C1:061177762536211 C2:duuddddududuuuu M:C     K:D            H:L      T:Bank of Ireland
ABC   1129 C1:253621110611777 C2:ududuuuuduudddu M:C|    K:Dmix         H:RZ     T:Bank of Ireland, The
ABC   1130 C1:061177762536211 C2:duuddddududuuuu M:4/4   K:DMix         H:ORS    T:Bank of Ireland, The
ABC   1131 C1:061177762536211 C2:duuddddududuuuu M:C|    K:DMix         H:ERZ    T:Bank of Ireland, The
ABC   1132 C1:110611777625362 C2:uuduuddddududuu M:C|    K:DMix         H:ERSZ   T:Bank of Ireland, The
ABC 495008 C1:601161662536255 C2:duududdudududuu M:C|    K:G            H:BLRSZ  T:BANK OF IRELAND, The
ABC 495008 C1:601161662536255 C2:duududdudududuu M:C|    K:G            H:BLRSZ  T:BANK OF IRELAND, The
ABC     42 C1:061177762536211 C2:duuddddududuuuu M:C|    K:DMix         H:ERZ    T:Bank of Ireland, The
ABC     26 C1:253621110611777 C2:ududuuuuduudddu M:C|    K:Dmix         H:RZ     T:Bank of Ireland, The
ABC     42 C1:061177762536211 C2:duuddddududuuuu M:C|    K:DMix         H:ERZ    T:Bank of Ireland, The
ABC     26 C1:253621110611777 C2:ududuuuuduudddu M:C|    K:Dmix         H:RZ     T:Bank of Ireland, The
ABC     26 C1:253621110611777 C2:ududuuuuduudddu M:C|    K:Dmix         H:RZ     T:Bank of Ireland, The
ABC     42 C1:061177762536211 C2:duuddddududuuuu M:C|    K:DMix         H:ERZ    T:Bank of Ireland, The
ABC     26 C1:253621110611777 C2:ududuuuuduudddu M:C|    K:Dmix         H:RZ     T:Bank of Ireland, The
ABC     42 C1:061177762536211 C2:duuddddududuuuu M:C|    K:DMix         H:ERZ    T:Bank of Ireland, The
ABC     26 C1:253621110611777 C2:ududuuuuduudddu M:C|    K:Dmix         H:RZ     T:Bank of Ireland, The
ABC     42 C1:061177762536211 C2:duuddddududuuuu M:C|    K:DMix         H:ERZ    T:Bank of Ireland, The
ABC     26 C1:253621110611777 C2:ududuuuuduudddu M:C|    K:Dmix         H:RZ     T:Bank of Ireland, The
ABC     42 C1:061177762536211 C2:duuddddududuuuu M:C|    K:DMix         H:ERZ    T:Bank of Ireland, The
ABC   1186 C1:601161662536255 C2:duududdudududuu M:C|    K:D            H:BLRZ   T:The Bank of Ireland
ABC     26 C1:253621110611777 C2:ududuuuuduudddu M:C|    K:Dmix         H:RZ     T:Bank of Ireland, The
ABC    465 C1:601161662536255 C2:duududdudududuu M:C|    K:D            H:BCFLORWZm T:The bank of Ireland
ABC    395 C1:061177762536211 C2:duuddddududuuuu M:C|    K:DMix         H:EOR    T:Bank of Ireland, The
ABC    395 C1:061177762536211 C2:duuddddududuuuu M:C|    K:DMix         H:EOR    T:Bank of Ireland, The
ABC      3 C1:601161662536255 C2:duududdudududuu M:C|    K:D            H:"BLORSZ T:The Bank of Ireland
ABC    465 C1:601161662536255 C2:duududdudududuu M:C|    K:D            H:BLORZ  T:The Bank Of Ireland
ABC    465 C1:601161662536255 C2:duududdudududuu M:C|    K:D            H:BLORZ  T:The Bank Of Ireland
ABC   1129 C1:253621110611777 C2:ududuuuuduudddu M:C|    K:Dmix         H:RZ     T:Bank of Ireland, The
ABC   1130 C1:061177762536211 C2:duuddddududuuuu M:4/4   K:DMix         H:ORS    T:Bank of Ireland, The
ABC   1131 C1:061177762536211 C2:duuddddududuuuu M:C|    K:DMix         H:ERZ    T:Bank of Ireland, The
ABC   1132 C1:110611777625362 C2:uuduuddddududuu M:C|    K:DMix         H:ERSZ   T:Bank of Ireland, The
ABC   1126 C1:061177762536211 C2:duuddddududuuuu M:C     K:D            H:LZ     T:Bank of Ireland
ABC   1127 C1:061177762536211 C2:duuddddududuuuu M:C|    K:Dmix         H:LQRZ   T:Bank of Ireland
ABC   1128 C1:061177762536211 C2:duuddddududuuuu M:C     K:D            H:L      T:Bank of Ireland
ABC   1126 C1:061177762536211 C2:duuddddududuuuu M:C     K:D            H:LZ     T:Bank of Ireland
ABC   1127 C1:061177762536211 C2:duuddddududuuuu M:C|    K:Dmix         H:LQRZ   T:Bank of Ireland
ABC   1128 C1:061177762536211 C2:duuddddududuuuu M:C     K:D            H:L      T:Bank of Ireland
ABC   1129 C1:253621110611777 C2:ududuuuuduudddu M:C|    K:Dmix         H:RZ     T:Bank of Ireland, The
ABC   1130 C1:061177762536211 C2:duuddddududuuuu M:4/4   K:DMix         H:ORS    T:Bank of Ireland, The
ABC   1131 C1:061177762536211 C2:duuddddududuuuu M:C|    K:DMix         H:ERZ    T:Bank of Ireland, The
ABC   1132 C1:110611777625362 C2:uuduuddddududuu M:C|    K:DMix         H:ERSZ   T:Bank of Ireland, The
ABC   1126 C1:061177762536211 C2:duuddddududuuuu M:C     K:D            H:LZ     T:Bank of Ireland
ABC   1127 C1:061177762536211 C2:duuddddududuuuu M:C|    K:Dmix         H:LQRZ   T:Bank of Ireland
ABC   1128 C1:061177762536211 C2:duuddddududuuuu M:C     K:D            H:L      T:Bank of Ireland
ABC   1129 C1:253621110611777 C2:ududuuuuduudddu M:C|    K:Dmix         H:RZ     T:Bank of Ireland, The
ABC   1130 C1:061177762536211 C2:duuddddududuuuu M:4/4   K:DMix         H:ORS    T:Bank of Ireland, The
ABC   1131 C1:061177762536211 C2:duuddddududuuuu M:C|    K:DMix         H:ERZ    T:Bank of Ireland, The
ABC   1132 C1:110611777625362 C2:uuduuddddududuu M:C|    K:DMix         H:ERSZ   T:Bank of Ireland, The
ABC    505 C1:061177762536211 C2:duuddddududuuuu M:4/4   K:D            H:FORZ   T:the Bank of Ireland
ABC    505 C1:061177762536211 C2:duuddddududuuuu M:4/4   K:D            H:FORZ   T:the Bank of Ireland
ABC    911 C1:253621110611777 C2:ududuuuuduudddu M:C|    K:Dmix         H:RZ     T:Bank of Ireland, The
ABC    912 C1:061177762536211 C2:duuddddududuuuu M:C|    K:DMix         H:ERZ    T:Bank of Ireland, The
ABC  12801 C1:601161662536255 C2:duududdudududuu M:Tn= ( K:D            H:BCLORZm T:The bank of Ireland
ABC  12802 C1:061177762536211 C2:duuddddududuuuu M:4/4   K:DMix         H:OR     T:the Bank of Ireland
ABC    911 C1:253621110611777 C2:ududuuuuduudddu M:C|    K:Dmix         H:RZ     T:Bank of Ireland, The
ABC    912 C1:061177762536211 C2:duuddddududuuuu M:C|    K:DMix         H:ERZ    T:Bank of Ireland, The
ABC  12801 C1:601161662536255 C2:duududdudududuu M:Tn= ( K:D            H:BCLORZm T:The bank of Ireland
ABC  12802 C1:061177762536211 C2:duuddddududuuuu M:4/4   K:DMix         H:OR     T:the Bank of Ireland
ABC    911 C1:253621110611777 C2:ududuuuuduudddu M:C|    K:Dmix         H:RZ     T:Bank of Ireland, The
ABC    912 C1:061177762536211 C2:duuddddududuuuu M:C|    K:DMix         H:ERZ    T:Bank of Ireland, The
ABC  12801 C1:601161662536255 C2:duududdudududuu M:Tn= ( K:D            H:BCLORZm T:The bank of Ireland
ABC  12802 C1:061177762536211 C2:duuddddududuuuu M:4/4   K:DMix         H:OR     T:the Bank of Ireland
ABC    911 C1:253621110611777 C2:ududuuuuduudddu M:C|    K:Dmix         H:RZ     T:Bank of Ireland, The
ABC    912 C1:061177762536211 C2:duuddddududuuuu M:C|    K:DMix         H:ERZ    T:Bank of Ireland, The
ABC  12801 C1:601161662536255 C2:duududdudududuu M:Tn= ( K:D            H:BCLORZm T:The bank of Ireland
ABC  12802 C1:061177762536211 C2:duuddddududuuuu M:4/4   K:DMix         H:OR     T:the Bank of Ireland
ABC    911 C1:253621110611777 C2:ududuuuuduudddu M:C|    K:Dmix         H:RZ     T:Bank of Ireland, The
ABC    912 C1:061177762536211 C2:duuddddududuuuu M:C|    K:DMix         H:ERZ    T:Bank of Ireland, The
ABC  12801 C1:601161662536255 C2:duududdudududuu M:Tn= ( K:D            H:BCLORZm T:The bank of Ireland
ABC  12802 C1:061177762536211 C2:duuddddududuuuu M:4/4   K:DMix         H:OR     T:the Bank of Ireland
ABC    129 C1:061177762536211 C2:duuddddududuuuu M:C     K:D            H:LOZ    T:Bank of Ireland
ABC   2381 C1:601161662536255 C2:duududdudududuu M:C|    K:D            H:BCLORZm T:The bank of Ireland
ABC   2383 C1:061177762536211 C2:duuddddududuuuu M:4/4   K:DMix         H:OR     T:the Bank of Ireland
ABC    832 C1:061177762536211 C2:duuddddududuuuu M:4/4   K:D            H:ORZ    T:the Bank of Ireland
ABC   1239 C1:601161662536255 C2:duududdudududuu M:C|    K:D            H:BLRZ   T:The Bank of Ireland
ABC   1239 C1:601161662536255 C2:duududdudududuu M:C|    K:D            H:BLRZ   T:The Bank of Ireland
ABC     42 C1:061177762536211 C2:duuddddududuuuu M:C|    K:DMix         H:ERZ    T:Bank of Ireland, The
ABC     26 C1:253621110611777 C2:ududuuuuduudddu M:C|    K:Dmix         H:RZ     T:Bank of Ireland, The
ABC     42 C1:061177762536211 C2:duuddddududuuuu M:C|    K:DMix         H:ERZ    T:Bank of Ireland, The
ABC     26 C1:253621110611777 C2:ududuuuuduudddu M:C|    K:Dmix         H:RZ     T:Bank of Ireland, The
ABC    441 C1:061161662536211 C2:duududdududuuuu M:4/4   K:Dmix         H:LQR    T:Bank Of Ireland (Dmix/Dmaj)
ABC    452 C1:061161662536211 C2:duududdududuuuu M:4/4   K:Dmix         H:LQR    T:Bank Of Ireland (Dmix/Dmaj)
ABC      1 C1:061177762536211 C2:duuddddududuuuu M:4/4   K:D            H:"CDLOQRSZ T:Bank of Ireland (D mixolydian / D major) / Banks of Ireland
ABC 251006 C1:061161662536211 C2:duududdududuuuu M:4/4   K:G            H:BCLQR  T:BANK OF IRELAND (reel),The
ABC 251006 C1:061161662536211 C2:duududdududuuuu M:4/4   K:G            H:BCLQR  T:BANK OF IRELAND (reel),The
ABC 251006 C1:061161662536211 C2:duududdududuuuu M:4/4   K:G            H:BCLQR  T:BANK OF IRELAND (reel),The
ABC      1 C1:601161662536255 C2:duududdudududuu M:C|    K:D            H:LRSZ   T:Bank of Ireland, The [1]
ABC      1 C1:601161662536255 C2:duududdudududuu M:C|    K:D            H:LRSZ   T:Bank of Ireland, The [1]
ABC   5168 C1:023056625016111 C2:uuddddududduuuu M:3/8   K:G            H:BLRSZ  T:Bank of the Yarrow
ABC   5168 C1:023056625016111 C2:uuddddududduuuu M:3/8   K:G            H:BLRSZ  T:Bank of the Yarrow
ABC   5168 C1:023056625016111 C2:uuddddududduuuu M:3/8   K:G            H:BLRSZ  T:Bank of the Yarrow
ABC   5168 C1:023056625016111 C2:uuddddududduuuu M:3/8   K:G            H:BLRSZ  T:Bank of the Yarrow
ABC   5168 C1:023056625016111 C2:uuddddududduuuu M:3/8   K:G            H:BLRSZ  T:Bank of the Yarrow
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:6/8   K:D            H:ER     T:Bank of Turf [1], The
ABC      1 C1:766007711711006 C2:ddduduuduuduuuu M:6/8   K:D            H:L      T:Bank of Turf
ABC      1 C1:766007711711006 C2:ddduduuduuduuuu M:6/8   K:D            H:L      T:Bank of Turf
ABC  13448 C1:766223711711716 C2:ddduuuduuduudud M:6/8   K:D            H:CLQR   T:The BANK OF TURF
ABC      1 C1:174221766223711 C2:udduuuddduuuduu M:6/8   K:D            H:LR     T:Bank of Turf, The
ABC      1 C1:174221766223711 C2:udduuuddduuuduu M:6/8   K:D            H:LR     T:Bank of Turf, The
ABC      1 C1:174221766223711 C2:udduuuddduuuduu M:6/8   K:D            H:LR     T:Bank of Turf, The
ABC     23 C1:174221766223711 C2:udduuuddduuuduu M:6/8   K:D            H:EIR    T:Bank of Turf, The
ABC     23 C1:174221766223711 C2:udduuuddduuuduu M:6/8   K:D            H:EIR    T:Bank of Turf, The
ABC    239 C1:174221766223711 C2:udduuuddduuuduu M:6/8   K:D            H:"R     T:Bank of Turf, The
ABC    239 C1:174221766223711 C2:udduuuddduuuduu M:6/8   K:D            H:"R     T:Bank of Turf, The
ABC  31070 C1:027711204111071 C2:udduuuduuuduudd M:12/8  K:D            H:BCLQR  T:The Bank of Turf
ABC    846 C1:001711716111000 C2:uduududuuuuuddd M:12/8  K:D            H:"BLORSZ T:The bank of turf
ABC    846 C1:001711716111000 C2:uduududuuuuuddd M:12/8  K:D            H:"BLORSZ T:The bank of turf
ABC    846 C1:001711716111000 C2:uduududuuuuuddd M:12/8  K:D            H:"BLORSZ T:The bank of turf
ABC    846 C1:001711716111000 C2:uduududuuuuuddd M:12/8  K:D            H:"BLORSZ T:The bank of turf
ABC      1 C1:766223504405303 C2:ddduuudududuuuu M:6/8   K:D            H:"L     T:Bank of turf
ABC     17 C1:001100116167277 C2:uuuududdudddduu M:4/4   K:G            H:"DLQRZ T:Bank of Turf
ABC     10 C1:766007711711006 C2:ddduduuduuduuuu M:6/8   K:D            H:LZ     T:Bank of Turf
ABC  13448 C1:766223711711716 C2:ddduuuduuduudud M:6/8   K:D            H:CLQR   T:The BANK OF TURF
ABC  13448 C1:766223711711716 C2:ddduuuduuduudud M:6/8   K:D            H:CLQR   T:The BANK OF TURF
ABC    115 C1:004221766223711 C2:duuuddduuuduudu M:6/8   K:D            H:R      T:Bank of Turf, The
ABC   2004 C1:004221766223711 C2:duuuddduuuduudu M:6/8   K:D            H:R      T:Bank of Turf, The
ABC    115 C1:174221766223711 C2:udduuuddduuuduu M:6/8   K:D            H:EIR    T:Bank of Turf, The
ABC     23 C1:174221766223711 C2:udduuuddduuuduu M:6/8   K:D            H:EIR    T:Bank of Turf, The
ABC     23 C1:174221766223711 C2:udduuuddduuuduu M:6/8   K:D            H:EIR    T:Bank of Turf, The
ABC     23 C1:174221766223711 C2:udduuuddduuuduu M:6/8   K:D            H:EIR    T:Bank of Turf, The
ABC     23 C1:174221766223711 C2:udduuuddduuuduu M:6/8   K:D            H:EIR    T:Bank of Turf, The
ABC     23 C1:174221766223711 C2:udduuuddduuuduu M:6/8   K:D            H:EIR    T:Bank of Turf, The
ABC     23 C1:174221766223711 C2:udduuuddduuuduu M:6/8   K:D            H:EIR    T:Bank of Turf, The
ABC     23 C1:174221766223711 C2:udduuuddduuuduu M:6/8   K:D            H:EIR    T:Bank of Turf, The
ABC      4 C1:766223711711006 C2:ddduuuduuduuduu M:6/8   K:DMaj         H:"LR    T:Bank of Turf, The
ABC      4 C1:766223711711006 C2:ddduuuduuduuduu M:6/8   K:DMaj         H:"LR    T:Bank of Turf, The
ABC     66 C1:766223001711716 C2:ddduuuuduududuu M:6/8   K:D            H:HRZ    T:Bank of Turf, The
ABC     66 C1:766223001711716 C2:ddduuuuduududuu M:6/8   K:D            H:HRZ    T:Bank of Turf, The
ABC     93 C1:766223001711716 C2:ddduuuuduududuu M:6/8   K:D            H:HRZ    T:Bank of Turf, The
ABC     93 C1:766223001711716 C2:ddduuuuduududuu M:6/8   K:D            H:HRZ    T:Bank of Turf, The
ABC    239 C1:174221766223711 C2:udduuuddduuuduu M:6/8   K:D            H:"R     T:Bank of Turf, The
ABC    220 C1:001711006111071 C2:uduuduuuduuuddd M:12/8  K:D            H:LRSZ   T:Bank of Turf
ABC      1 C1:170011001161672 C2:uduuuududdudddd M:      K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:The Bank Of Turf
ABC      2 C1:770011001161672 C2:dduuuududdudddd M:      K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:The Bank Of Turf
ABC      3 C1:111711171117717 C2:uuuduuuduuuddud M:      K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:The Bank Of Turf
ABC      4 C1:007111117716727 C2:duuuuuddudduddd M:      K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:The Bank Of Turf
ABC      1 C1:770011001161672 C2:dduuuududdudddd M:4/4   K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:Bank Of Turf, The
ABC      3 C1:111711171117717 C2:uuuduuuduuuddud M:4/4   K:Gmaj         H:LRS    T:Bank of Turf, The
ABC      1 C1:174221766223711 C2:udduuuddduuuduu M:      K:Dmaj         H:LR     T:The Bank Of Turf
ABC      2 C1:174221766223711 C2:udduuuddduuuduu M:      K:Dmaj         H:LR     T:The Bank Of Turf
ABC      3 C1:004221766223001 C2:duuuddduuuuduud M:      K:Dmaj         H:LR     T:The Bank Of Turf
ABC      4 C1:174221766223504 C2:udduuuddduuudud M:      K:Dmaj         H:LR     T:The Bank Of Turf
ABC      5 C1:174041766223504 C2:udduuddduuududu M:      K:Dmaj         H:LR     T:The Bank Of Turf
ABC      6 C1:766221766223001 C2:ddduuuddduuuudu M:      K:Dmaj         H:LR     T:The Bank Of Turf
ABC      7 C1:174221766223711 C2:udduuuddduuuduu M:      K:Dmaj         H:"LR    T:The Bank Of Turf
ABC      8 C1:174221766223711 C2:udduuuddduuuduu M:      K:Gmaj         H:"LR    T:The Bank Of Turf
ABC      9 C1:174221766223711 C2:udduuuddduuuduu M:      K:Dmaj         H:"LR    T:The Bank Of Turf
ABC  31070 C1:027711204111071 C2:udduuuduuuduudd M:12/8  K:D            H:BCLQR  T:The Bank of Turf
ABC  31070 C1:027711204111071 C2:udduuuduuuduudd M:12/8  K:D            H:BCLQR  T:The Bank of Turf
ABC    199 C1:174221766223711 C2:udduuuddduuuduu M:6/8   K:D            H:LR     T:The Bank of Turf
ABC    199 C1:174221766223711 C2:udduuuddduuuduu M:6/8   K:D            H:LR     T:The Bank of Turf
ABC   1133 C1:766007711711006 C2:ddduduuduuduuuu M:6/8   K:D            H:L      T:Bank of Turf
ABC   1134 C1:766007711711006 C2:ddduduuduuduuuu M:6/8   K:D            H:LZ     T:Bank of Turf
ABC   1135 C1:174221766223711 C2:udduuuddduuuduu M:6/8   K:D            H:EIR    T:Bank of Turf, The
ABC     13 C1:174221766223711 C2:udduuuddduuuduu M:6/8   K:D            H:ER     T:Bank of Turf, The
ABC    396 C1:174221766223711 C2:udduuuddduuuduu M:6/8   K:D            H:LOR    T:Bank of Turf, The
ABC    397 C1:766007711711006 C2:ddduduuduuduuuu M:6/8   K:D            H:LO     T:Bank of Turf
ABC    396 C1:174221766223711 C2:udduuuddduuuduu M:6/8   K:D            H:LOR    T:Bank of Turf, The
ABC    397 C1:766007711711006 C2:ddduduuduuduuuu M:6/8   K:D            H:LO     T:Bank of Turf
ABC    846 C1:001711716111000 C2:uduududuuuuuddd M:12/8  K:D            H:"BLORSZ T:The bank of turf
ABC   1133 C1:766007711711006 C2:ddduduuduuduuuu M:6/8   K:D            H:L      T:Bank of Turf
ABC   1134 C1:766007711711006 C2:ddduduuduuduuuu M:6/8   K:D            H:LZ     T:Bank of Turf
ABC   1135 C1:174221766223711 C2:udduuuddduuuduu M:6/8   K:D            H:EIR    T:Bank of Turf, The
ABC   1133 C1:766007711711006 C2:ddduduuduuduuuu M:6/8   K:D            H:L      T:Bank of Turf
ABC   1134 C1:766007711711006 C2:ddduduuduuduuuu M:6/8   K:D            H:LZ     T:Bank of Turf
ABC   1135 C1:174221766223711 C2:udduuuddduuuduu M:6/8   K:D            H:EIR    T:Bank of Turf, The
ABC   1133 C1:766007711711006 C2:ddduduuduuduuuu M:6/8   K:D            H:L      T:Bank of Turf
ABC   1134 C1:766007711711006 C2:ddduduuduuduuuu M:6/8   K:D            H:LZ     T:Bank of Turf
ABC   1135 C1:174221766223711 C2:udduuuddduuuduu M:6/8   K:D            H:EIR    T:Bank of Turf, The
ABC    913 C1:174221766223711 C2:udduuuddduuuduu M:6/8   K:D            H:LR     T:Bank of Turf, The
ABC    914 C1:766007711711006 C2:ddduduuduuduuuu M:6/8   K:D            H:L      T:Bank of Turf
ABC    913 C1:174221766223711 C2:udduuuddduuuduu M:6/8   K:D            H:LR     T:Bank of Turf, The
ABC    914 C1:766007711711006 C2:ddduduuduuduuuu M:6/8   K:D            H:L      T:Bank of Turf
ABC    913 C1:174221766223711 C2:udduuuddduuuduu M:6/8   K:D            H:LR     T:Bank of Turf, The
ABC    914 C1:766007711711006 C2:ddduduuduuduuuu M:6/8   K:D            H:L      T:Bank of Turf
ABC    913 C1:174221766223711 C2:udduuuddduuuduu M:6/8   K:D            H:LR     T:Bank of Turf, The
ABC    914 C1:766007711711006 C2:ddduduuduuduuuu M:6/8   K:D            H:L      T:Bank of Turf
ABC    913 C1:174221766223711 C2:udduuuddduuuduu M:6/8   K:D            H:LR     T:Bank of Turf, The
ABC    914 C1:766007711711006 C2:ddduduuduuduuuu M:6/8   K:D            H:L      T:Bank of Turf
ABC 183209 C1:007111116167277 C2:duuuuududdudddu M:4/4   K:G            H:CLQR   T:BANK OF TURF (hornpipe), The
ABC 183209 C1:007111116167277 C2:duuuuududdudddu M:4/4   K:G            H:CLQR   T:BANK OF TURF (hornpipe), The
ABC 183209 C1:007111116167277 C2:duuuuududdudddu M:4/4   K:G            H:CLQR   T:BANK OF TURF (hornpipe), The
ABC 183209 C1:007111116167277 C2:duuuuududdudddu M:4/4   K:G            H:CLQR   T:BANK OF TURF (hornpipe), The
ABC    155 C1:007111117716727 C2:duuuuuddudduddd M:4/4   K:G            H:LRSZ   T:Bank of Turf [HP]
ABC    640 C1:007111117716727 C2:duuuuuddudduddd M:4/4   K:G            H:LRSZ   T:Bank of Turf [HP]
ABC      1 C1:174221766223504 C2:udduuuddduuudud M:6/8   K:D            H:"CDLORZ T:Bank of Turf Jig (D major) / Pdraig O'Keeffe's Slide
ABC      2 C1:174221766223711 C2:udduuuddduuuduu M:6/8   K:Dmaj         H:LR     T:Bank Of Turf Kirbo-charged, The
ABC     18 C1:001100116167277 C2:uuuududdudddduu M:4/4   K:G            H:"DLQRZ T:Bank of Turf [liam]
ABC  57008 C1:004221766223001 C2:duuuddduuuuduud M:12/8  K:D            H:BCLQR  T:BANK OF TURF (slide), The
ABC  57008 C1:004221766223001 C2:duuuddduuuuduud M:12/8  K:D            H:BCLQR  T:BANK OF TURF (slide), The
ABC  57008 C1:004221766223001 C2:duuuddduuuuduud M:12/8\ K:D\           H:BCLQR  T:BANK OF TURF (slide), The\
ABC      2 C1:020002667020002 C2:uuddduuddduuudu M:4/4   K:G            H:CLRS   T:Banks
ABC      2 C1:020002667020002 C2:uuddduuddduuudu M:4/4   K:G            H:CLRS   T:Banks
ABC      2 C1:020002667020002 C2:uuddduuddduuudu M:4/4   K:G            H:CLRS   T:Banks
ABC      2 C1:020002667020002 C2:uuddduuddduuudu M:4/4   K:G            H:CLRS   T:Banks
ABC      2 C1:020002667020002 C2:uuddduuddduuudu M:4/4   K:G            H:CLRS   T:Banks
ABC      2 C1:020002667020002 C2:uuddduuddduuudu M:4/4   K:G            H:CLRS   T:Banks
ABC      2 C1:020002667020002 C2:uuddduuddduuudu M:4/4   K:G            H:CLRS   T:Banks
ABC      2 C1:020002667020002 C2:uuddduuddduuudu M:4/4   K:G            H:CLRS   T:Banks
ABC      2 C1:020002667020002 C2:uuddduuddduuudu M:4/4   K:G            H:CLRS   T:Banks
ABC      2 C1:020002667020002 C2:uuddduuddduuudu M:4/4   K:G            H:CLRS   T:Banks
ABC      2 C1:020002667020002 C2:uuddduuddduuudu M:4/4   K:G            H:CLRS   T:Banks
ABC      2 C1:020002667020002 C2:uuddduuddduuudu M:4/4   K:G            H:CLRS   T:Banks
ABC      2 C1:020002667020002 C2:uuddduuddduuudu M:4/4   K:G            H:CLRS   T:Banks
ABC      2 C1:020002667020002 C2:uuddduuddduuudu M:4/4   K:G            H:CLRS   T:Banks
ABC      2 C1:020002667020002 C2:uuddduuddduuudu M:4/4   K:G            H:CLRS   T:Banks
ABC      2 C1:020002667020002 C2:uuddduuddduuudu M:4/4   K:G            H:CLRS   T:Banks
ABC      2 C1:020002667020002 C2:uuddduuddduuudu M:4/4   K:G            H:CLRS   T:Banks
ABC      2 C1:020002667020002 C2:uuddduuddduuudu M:4/4   K:G            H:CLRS   T:Banks
ABC      2 C1:020002667020002 C2:uuddduuddduuudu M:4/4   K:G            H:CLRS   T:Banks
ABC      2 C1:020002667020002 C2:uuddduuddduuudu M:4/4   K:G            H:CLRS   T:Banks
ABC      2 C1:020002667020002 C2:uuddduuddduuudu M:4/4   K:G            H:CLRS   T:Banks
ABC      2 C1:020002667020002 C2:uuddduuddduuudu M:4/4   K:G            H:CLRS   T:Banks
ABC      2 C1:020002667020002 C2:uuddduuddduuudu M:4/4   K:G            H:CLRS   T:Banks
ABC      2 C1:020002667020002 C2:uuddduuddduuudu M:4/4   K:G            H:CLRS   T:Banks
ABC      2 C1:020002667020002 C2:uuddduuddduuudu M:4/4   K:G            H:CLRS   T:Banks
ABC      2 C1:020002667020002 C2:uuddduuddduuudu M:4/4   K:G            H:CLRS   T:Banks
ABC      1 C1:020002667020002 C2:uuddduuddduuudu M:4/4   K:Eb           H:BCLRS  T:Banks
ABC      1 C1:020002667020002 C2:uuddduuddduuudu M:4/4   K:Eb           H:BCLRS  T:Banks
ABC      1 C1:020002667020002 C2:uuddduuddduuudu M:4/4   K:Eb           H:BCLRS  T:Banks
ABC      1 C1:020002667020002 C2:uuddduuddduuudu M:4/4   K:Eb           H:BCLRS  T:Banks
ABC      1 C1:020002667020002 C2:uuddduuddduuudu M:4/4   K:Eb           H:BCLRS  T:Banks
ABC      1 C1:020002667020002 C2:uuddduuddduuudu M:4/4   K:Eb           H:BCLRS  T:Banks
ABC      1 C1:020002667020002 C2:uuddduuddduuudu M:4/4   K:Eb           H:BCLRS  T:Banks
ABC      1 C1:020002667020002 C2:uuddduuddduuudu M:4/4   K:Eb           H:BCLRS  T:Banks
ABC      1 C1:020002667020002 C2:uuddduuddduuudu M:4/4   K:Eb           H:BCLRS  T:Banks
ABC      1 C1:020002667020002 C2:uuddduuddduuudu M:4/4   K:Eb           H:BCLRS  T:Banks
ABC      1 C1:020002667020002 C2:uuddduuddduuudu M:4/4   K:Eb           H:BCLRS  T:Banks
ABC      1 C1:020002667020002 C2:uuddduuddduuudu M:4/4   K:Eb           H:BCLRS  T:Banks
ABC      1 C1:020002667020002 C2:uuddduuddduuudu M:4/4   K:Eb           H:BCLRS  T:Banks
ABC      1 C1:020002667020002 C2:uuddduuddduuudu M:4/4   K:Eb           H:BCLRS  T:Banks
ABC      1 C1:020002667020002 C2:uuddduuddduuudu M:4/4   K:Eb           H:BCLRS  T:Banks
ABC      1 C1:020002667020002 C2:uuddduuddduuudu M:4/4   K:Eb           H:BCLRS  T:Banks
ABC      1 C1:020002667020002 C2:uuddduuddduuudu M:4/4   K:Eb           H:BCLRS  T:Banks
ABC      1 C1:020002667020002 C2:uuddduuddduuudu M:4/4   K:Eb           H:BCLRS  T:Banks
ABC      1 C1:020002667020002 C2:uuddduuddduuudu M:4/4   K:Eb           H:BCLRS  T:Banks
ABC      1 C1:020002667020002 C2:uuddduuddduuudu M:4/4   K:Eb           H:BCLRS  T:Banks
ABC      1 C1:020002667020002 C2:uuddduuddduuudu M:4/4   K:Eb           H:BCLRS  T:Banks
ABC      1 C1:020002667020002 C2:uuddduuddduuudu M:4/4   K:Eb           H:BCLRS  T:Banks
ABC      1 C1:020002667020002 C2:uuddduuddduuudu M:4/4   K:Eb           H:BCLRS  T:Banks
ABC      1 C1:020002667020002 C2:uuddduuddduuudu M:4/4   K:Eb           H:BCLRS  T:Banks
ABC      3 C1:020002667020002 C2:uuddduuddduuudu M:4/4   K:G            H:LRS    T:The Banks
ABC      3 C1:020002667020002 C2:uuddduuddduuudu M:4/4   K:G            H:LRS    T:The Banks
ABC      3 C1:020002667020002 C2:uuddduuddduuudu M:4/4   K:G            H:LRS    T:The Banks
ABC      3 C1:020002667020002 C2:uuddduuddduuudu M:4/4   K:G            H:LRS    T:The Banks
ABC      3 C1:020002667020002 C2:uuddduuddduuudu M:4/4   K:G            H:LRS    T:The Banks
ABC      3 C1:020002667020002 C2:uuddduuddduuudu M:4/4   K:G            H:LRS    T:The Banks
ABC      3 C1:020002667020002 C2:uuddduuddduuudu M:4/4   K:G            H:LRS    T:The Banks
ABC      3 C1:020002667020002 C2:uuddduuddduuudu M:4/4   K:G            H:LRS    T:The Banks
ABC      6 C1:020007770200077 C2:uddduddduuuuduu M:4/4   K:Eb           H:"CDHQRZ T:The Banks
ABC      6 C1:020007770200077 C2:uddduddduuuuduu M:4/4   K:Eb           H:"CDHQRZ T:The Banks
ABC      6 C1:020007770200077 C2:uddduddduuuuduu M:4/4   K:Eb           H:"CDHQRZ T:The Banks
ABC      2 C1:                C2:                M:4/4   K:G            H:LRSV   T:The Banks
ABC      4 C1:                C2:                M:4/4   K:G            H:CLRV   T:Banks
ABC      2 C1:                C2:                M:4/4   K:G            H:LRSV   T:The Banks
ABC      4 C1:                C2:                M:4/4   K:G            H:CLRV   T:Banks
ABC      1 C1:211020007770200 C2:uuuudddudduuuud M:      K:Fdor         H:LR     T:The Banks
ABC      2 C1:020000670200006 C2:uddudduuuuduudd M:      K:Fdor         H:LR     T:The Banks
ABC      3 C1:111020002667020 C2:uuuuuddduuddduu M:      K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:The Banks
ABC      4 C1:211020002667020 C2:uuuuuddduuddduu M:      K:Fdor         H:LR     T:The Banks
ABC      5 C1:111020002667020 C2:uuuuuddduuddduu M:      K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:The Banks
ABC      1 C1:020000670200006 C2:uddudduuuuduudd M:4/4   K:Eb           H:CDLR   T:Banks, The
ABC      4 C1:211020002667020 C2:uuuuuddduuddduu M:4/4   K:EbMaj        H:CLRS   T:Banks
ABC      5 C1:111020002667020 C2:uuuuuddduuddduu M:      K:GMaj         H:C      T:Banks
ABC      2 C1:020002667020002 C2:uuddduuddduuudu M:4/4   K:G            H:CLR    T:Banks
ABC      3 C1:020002667020002 C2:uuddduuddduuudu M:4/4   K:G            H:LQRS   T:The Banks
ABC      1 C1:001711267072060 C2:uduuuddduuddddu M:6/8   K:HP           H:CLQS   T:Banks and Braes
ABC      1 C1:001711267072060 C2:uduuuddduuddddu M:6/8   K:HP           H:CLQS   T:Banks and Braes
ABC      1 C1:001711267072060 C2:uduuuddduuddddu M:6/8   K:HP           H:CLQS   T:Banks and Braes
ABC      1 C1:26707           C2:udddu           M:6/8   K:HP           H:LS     T:Banks and Braes
ABC    506 C1:001711267711770 C2:uduuuddduuddddu M:6/8   K:C            H:ABFLOZ T:the Banks and Braes
ABC    507 C1:001711267711770 C2:uduuuddduuddddu M:6/8   K:C            H:ABFLOZ T:the Banks and Braes
ABC    507 C1:001711267711770 C2:uduuuddduuddddu M:6/8   K:C            H:ABFLOZ T:the Banks and Braes
ABC    506 C1:001711267711770 C2:uduuuddduuddddu M:6/8   K:C            H:ABFLOZ T:the Banks and Braes
ABC    126 C1:001711267711770 C2:uduuuddduuddddu M:6/8   K:C            H:ABLOZ  T:the Banks and Braes
ABC      1 C1:001711267711770 C2:uduuuddduuddddu M:6/8   K:C            H:ABLOZ  T:the Banks and Braes
ABC    402 C1:001710367711770 C2:uduuddduudddduu M:6/8   K:D            H:ABCLOQZ T:Banks and Braes. EHo.402
ABC    123 C1:001711267711770 C2:uduuuddduuddddu M:6/8   K:C            H:ABLOQZ T:Banks And Braes. JaW.123, The
ABC    123 C1:001711267711770 C2:uduuuddduuddddu M:6/8   K:C            H:ABLOQZ T:Banks And Braes. JaW.123, The
ABC  31242 C1:001001267711770 C2:uuuddduudddduud M:6/8   K:C            H:BLSZ   T:the Banks (and Braes) o' (Bonnie) Doon
ABC  31242 C1:001001267711770 C2:uuuddduudddduud M:6/8   K:C            H:BLSZ   T:the Banks (and Braes) o' (Bonnie) Doon
ABC 305757 C1:001001267711770 C2:uuuddduudddduud M:6/8   K:C            H:BLSZ   T:The Banks (and Braes) o' (Bonnie) Doon
ABC 305757 C1:001001267711770 C2:uuuddduudddduud M:6/8   K:C            H:BLSZ   T:The Banks (and Braes) o' (Bonnie) Doon
ABC 305757 C1:001001267711770 C2:uuuddduudddduud M:6/8   K:C            H:BLSZ   T:The Banks (and Braes) o' (Bonnie) Doon
ABC 305757 C1:001001267711770 C2:uuuddduudddduud M:6/8   K:C            H:BLSZ   T:The Banks (and Braes) o' (Bonnie) Doon
ABC 305757 C1:001001267711770 C2:uuuddduudddduud M:6/8   K:C            H:BLSZ   T:The Banks (and Braes) o' (Bonnie) Doon
ABC 305758 C1:001001267711770 C2:uuuddduudddduud M:6/8   K:C            H:BLSZ   T:The Banks (and Braes) o' (Bonnie) Doon
ABC 305758 C1:001001267711770 C2:uuuddduudddduud M:6/8   K:C            H:BLSZ   T:The Banks (and Braes) o' (Bonnie) Doon
ABC 305758 C1:001001267711770 C2:uuuddduudddduud M:6/8   K:C            H:BLSZ   T:The Banks (and Braes) o' (Bonnie) Doon
ABC 305758 C1:001001267711770 C2:uuuddduudddduud M:6/8   K:C            H:BLSZ   T:The Banks (and Braes) o' (Bonnie) Doon
ABC     43 C1:001711177711770 C2:uduuuddduuddddu M:6/8   K:D            H:ABCLQWZw T:Banks and Braes o' Bonnie Doon Dix.43
ABC     43 C1:001711177711770 C2:uduuuddduuddddu M:6/8   K:D            H:ABCLQWZw T:Banks and Braes o' Bonnie Doon Dix.43
ABC   2056 C1:001711267711770 C2:uduuuddduuddddu M:3/4   K:G            H:"CLOQRZ T:Banks and Braes O Bonnie Doon, Ye
ABC      1 C1:001711177711770 C2:uduuuddduuddddu M:6/8   K:D            H:BFLOWZw T:BANKS AND BRAES O' BONNY DOON
ABC      1 C1:001711177711770 C2:uduuuddduuddddu M:6/8   K:D            H:BFLOWZw T:BANKS AND BRAES O' BONNY DOON
ABC      1 C1:001711177711770 C2:uduuuddduuddddu M:6/8   K:D            H:BFLOWZw T:BANKS AND BRAES O' BONNY DOON
ABC      1 C1:001711177711770 C2:uduuuddduuddddu M:6/8   K:D            H:BFLOWZw T:BANKS AND BRAES O' BONNY DOON
ABC      1 C1:001711177711770 C2:uduuuddduuddddu M:6/8   K:D            H:BFLOWZw T:BANKS AND BRAES O' BONNY DOON
ABC      1 C1:001711177711770 C2:uduuuddduuddddu M:6/8   K:D            H:BFLOWZw T:BANKS AND BRAES O' BONNY DOON
ABC      1 C1:001711177711770 C2:uduuuddduuddddu M:6/8   K:D            H:BFLOWZw T:BANKS AND BRAES O' BONNY DOON
ABC      1 C1:001711177711770 C2:uduuuddduuddddu M:6/8   K:D            H:BFLOWZw T:BANKS AND BRAES O' BONNY DOON
ABC      6 C1:001711177711770 C2:uduuuddduuddddu M:6/8   K:D            H:BFLOWZw T:BANKS AND BRAES O' BONNY DOON
ABC      6 C1:001711177711770 C2:uduuuddduuddddu M:6/8   K:D            H:BFLOWZw T:BANKS AND BRAES O' BONNY DOON
ABC      6 C1:001711177711770 C2:uduuuddduuddddu M:6/8   K:D            H:BFLOWZw T:BANKS AND BRAES O' BONNY DOON
ABC      6 C1:001711177711770 C2:uduuuddduuddddu M:6/8   K:D            H:BFLOWZw T:BANKS AND BRAES O' BONNY DOON
ABC      2 C1:001711177711770 C2:uduuuddduuddddu M:6/8   K:D            H:BFLOWZw T:BANKS AND BRAES O' BONNY DOON
ABC      2 C1:001711177711770 C2:uduuuddduuddddu M:6/8   K:D            H:BFLOWZw T:BANKS AND BRAES O' BONNY DOON
ABC      2 C1:001711177711770 C2:uduuuddduuddddu M:6/8   K:D            H:BFLOWZw T:BANKS AND BRAES O' BONNY DOON
ABC      2 C1:001711177711770 C2:uduuuddduuddddu M:6/8   K:D            H:BFLOWZw T:BANKS AND BRAES O' BONNY DOON
ABC      7 C1:001711177711770 C2:uduuuddduuddddu M:6/8   K:D            H:BFLOWZw T:BANKS AND BRAES O' BONNY DOON
ABC      8 C1:001711177711770 C2:uduuuddduuddddu M:6/8   K:D            H:BFLOWZw T:BANKS AND BRAES O' BONNY DOON
ABC      7 C1:001711177711770 C2:uduuuddduuddddu M:6/8   K:D            H:BFLOWZw T:BANKS AND BRAES O' BONNY DOON
ABC      8 C1:001711177711770 C2:uduuuddduuddddu M:6/8   K:D            H:BFLOWZw T:BANKS AND BRAES O' BONNY DOON
ABC    145 C1:001711267711770 C2:uduuuddduuddddu M:6/8   K:D            H:BLQZ   T:Banks and Braes o' Bonny Doon,aka. LW.145, Ye
ABC    171 C1:267711770670327 C2:uddduudddduuddu M:6/8   K:Bb           H:ABLQRZ T:Banks and Braes of Bonnie Doon,aka. RHu.167
ABC    171 C1:267711770670327 C2:uddduudddduuddu M:6/8   K:Bb           H:ABLQRZ T:Banks and Braes of Bonnie Doon,aka. RHu.167
ABC    171 C1:267711770670327 C2:uddduudddduuddu M:6/8   K:Bb           H:ALQRSZ T:Banks and Braes of Bonnie Doon,aka. RHu.167
ABC    171 C1:267711770670327 C2:uddduudddduuddu M:6/8   K:Bb           H:ABLQRSZ T:Banks and Braes of Bonnie Doon,aka. RHu.167
ABC    508 C1:267711770670327 C2:uddduudddduuddu M:6/8   K:Bb           H:AFLQRSZ T:Banks and Braes of Bonnie Doon,aka. RHu.167
ABC   5381 C1:267711770670327 C2:uddduudddduuddu M:6/8   K:Bb           H:AFLQRSZ T:Banks and Braes of Bonnie Doon,aka. RHu.167
ABC    508 C1:267711770670327 C2:uddduudddduuddu M:6/8   K:Bb           H:AFLQRSZ T:Banks and Braes of Bonnie Doon,aka. RHu.167
ABC   5381 C1:267711770670327 C2:uddduudddduuddu M:6/8   K:Bb           H:AFLQRSZ T:Banks and Braes of Bonnie Doon,aka. RHu.167
ABC    171 C1:267711770670327 C2:uddduudddduuddu M:6/8   K:Bb           H:ABLQRSZ T:Banks and Braes of Bonnie Doon,aka. RHu.167
ABC    086 C1:001001267711770 C2:uuuddduudddduuu M:6/8   K:A            H:LQ     T:Banks and Braes of Bonny Doon
ABC    086 C1:001001267711770 C2:uuuddduudddduuu M:6/8   K:A            H:LQ     T:Banks and Braes of Bonny Doon
ABC    086 C1:001001267711770 C2:uuuddduudddduuu M:6/8   K:A            H:LQ     T:Banks and Braes of Bonny Doon
ABC    086 C1:001001267711770 C2:uuuddduudddduuu M:6/8   K:A            H:LQ     T:Banks and Braes of Bonny Doon
ABC    086 C1:001001267711770 C2:uuuddduudddduuu M:6/8   K:A            H:LQ     T:Banks and Braes of Bonny Doon
ABC    086 C1:001001267711770 C2:uuuddduudddduuu M:6/8   K:A            H:LQ     T:Banks and Braes of Bonny Doon
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:6/8   K:A            H:LRSZ   T:Banks and Braes of Bonny Doon
ABC    647 C1:001711267711770 C2:uduuuddduuddddu M:6/8   K:C            H:BLQUZ  T:Banks and Braes. Roose.0648, Ye
ABC    123 C1:001711267711770 C2:uduuuddduuddddu M:6/8   K:C            H:ALOQRSZ T:Banks And Braes,The. JaW.123
ABC    123 C1:001711267711770 C2:uduuuddduuddddu M:6/8   K:C            H:AHOQRSZ T:Banks And Braes,The. JaW.123
ABC    123 C1:001711267711770 C2:uduuuddduuddddu M:6/8   K:C            H:ABLOQRSZ T:Banks And Braes,The. JaW.123
ABC    509 C1:001711267711770 C2:uduuuddduuddddu M:6/8   K:C            H:AFLOQRSZ T:Banks And Braes,The. JaW.123
ABC    509 C1:001711267711770 C2:uduuuddduuddddu M:6/8   K:C            H:AFLOQRSZ T:Banks And Braes,The. JaW.123
ABC    123 C1:001711267711770 C2:uduuuddduuddddu M:6/8   K:C            H:ABLOQRSZ T:Banks And Braes,The. JaW.123
ABC 341004 C1:611017671762621 C2:duuudddudduduud M:6/8   K:G            H:BCLQR  T:BANKS' BRAE
ABC 341004 C1:611017671762621 C2:duuudddudduduud M:6/8   K:G            H:BCLQR  T:BANKS' BRAE
ABC 341004 C1:611017671762621 C2:duuudddudduduud M:6/8   K:G            H:BCLQR  T:BANKS' BRAE
ABC    196 C1:001711267711770 C2:uduuuddduuddddu M:6/8   K:C            H:ABLOQZ T:Banks & Braes. JaW.196, The
ABC    196 C1:001711267711770 C2:uduuuddduuddddu M:6/8   K:C            H:ABLOQZ T:Banks & Braes. JaW.196, The
ABC     21 C1:001711177711770 C2:uduuuddduuddddu M:6/8   K:D            H:ALOQRSZ T:Banks & Braes of Bonny Doon,The. WCa.21
ABC     21 C1:001711177711770 C2:uduuuddduuddddu M:6/8   K:D            H:ABLOQRSZ T:Banks & Braes of Bonny Doon,The. WCa.21
ABC    510 C1:001711177711770 C2:uduuuddduuddddu M:6/8   K:D            H:AFLOQRSZ T:Banks & Braes of Bonny Doon,The. WCa.21
ABC    510 C1:001711177711770 C2:uduuuddduuddddu M:6/8   K:D            H:AFLOQRSZ T:Banks & Braes of Bonny Doon,The. WCa.21
ABC     21 C1:001711177711770 C2:uduuuddduuddddu M:6/8   K:D            H:ABLOQRSZ T:Banks & Braes of Bonny Doon,The. WCa.21
ABC     21 C1:001711177711770 C2:uduuuddduuddddu M:6/8   K:D            H:ABLQZ  T:Banks & Braes of Bonny Doon. WCa.21, The
ABC     21 C1:001711177711770 C2:uduuuddduuddddu M:6/8   K:D            H:ABLQZ  T:Banks & Braes of Bonny Doon. WCa.21, The
ABC    196 C1:001711267711770 C2:uduuuddduuddddu M:6/8   K:C            H:ALOQRSZ T:Banks & Braes,The. JaW.196
ABC    197 C1:001711267711770 C2:uduuuddduuddddu M:6/8   K:C            H:AHOQRSZ T:Banks & Braes,The. JaW.196
ABC    196 C1:001711267711770 C2:uduuuddduuddddu M:6/8   K:C            H:ABLOQRSZ T:Banks & Braes,The. JaW.196
ABC    511 C1:001711267711770 C2:uduuuddduuddddu M:6/8   K:C            H:AFLOQRSZ T:Banks & Braes,The. JaW.196
ABC    511 C1:001711267711770 C2:uduuuddduuddddu M:6/8   K:C            H:AFLOQRSZ T:Banks & Braes,The. JaW.196
ABC    196 C1:001711267711770 C2:uduuuddduuddddu M:6/8   K:C            H:ABLOQRSZ T:Banks & Braes,The. JaW.196
ABC      1 C1:660076070070261 C2:ddudddduududddu M:6/8   K:G            H:H      T:Bank's Dance for "As you like it"
ABC   3560 C1:660076070070261 C2:ddudddduududddu M:6/8   K:G            H:BLRSZ  T:Bank's Dance. for "As you like it"
ABC   0560 C1:660076070070261 C2:ddudddduududddu M:6/8   K:G            H:ILQZ   T:Bank's Dance. for "As you like it"
ABC   0560 C1:660076070070261 C2:ddudddduududddu M:6/8   K:G            H:ILQZ   T:Bank's Dance. for "As you like it"
ABC   0560 C1:660076070070261 C2:ddudddduududddu M:6/8   K:G            H:ILQZ   T:Bank's Dance. for "As you like it"
ABC   0560 C1:660076070070261 C2:ddudddduududddu M:6/8   K:G            H:ILQZ   T:Bank's Dance. for "As you like it"
ABC   0560 C1:660076070070261 C2:ddudddduududddu M:6/8   K:G            H:ILQZ   T:Bank's Dance. for "As you like it"
ABC   0560 C1:660076070070261 C2:ddudddduududddu M:6/8   K:G            H:ILQZ   T:Bank's Dance. for "As you like it"
ABC   0560 C1:660076070070261 C2:ddudddduududddu M:6/8   K:G            H:ILQZ   T:Bank's Dance. for "As you like it"
ABC   0560 C1:660076070070261 C2:ddudddduududddu M:6/8   K:G            H:ILQZ   T:Bank's Dance. for "As you like it"
ABC   0560 C1:660076070070261 C2:ddudddduududddu M:6/8   K:G            H:ILQZ   T:Bank's Dance. for "As you like it"
ABC   1136 C1:660076070070261 C2:ddudddduududddu M:6/8   K:G            H:Z      T:Bank's Dance for "As you like it"
ABC   3560 C1:660076070070261 C2:ddudddduududddu M:6/8   K:G            H:BLRSZ  T:Bank's Dance. for "As you like it"
ABC   3560 C1:660076070070261 C2:ddudddduududddu M:6/8   K:G            H:BLRSZ  T:Bank's Dance. for "As you like it"
ABC    877 C1:660076070070261 C2:ddudddduududddu M:6/8   K:G            H:       T:Bank's Dance for "As you like it"
ABC    877 C1:660076070070261 C2:ddudddduududddu M:6/8   K:G            H:       T:Bank's Dance for "As you like it"
ABC   3560 C1:660076070070261 C2:ddudddduududddu M:6/8   K:G            H:BLRSZ  T:Bank's Dance. for "As you like it"
ABC   3560 C1:660076070070261 C2:ddudddduududddu M:6/8   K:G            H:BLRSZ  T:Bank's Dance. for "As you like it"
ABC   1136 C1:660076070070261 C2:ddudddduududddu M:6/8   K:G            H:Z      T:Bank's Dance for "As you like it"
ABC   1136 C1:660076070070261 C2:ddudddduududddu M:6/8   K:G            H:Z      T:Bank's Dance for "As you like it"
ABC   1136 C1:660076070070261 C2:ddudddduududddu M:6/8   K:G            H:Z      T:Bank's Dance for "As you like it"
ABC    512 C1:660076070070261 C2:ddudddduududddu M:6/8   K:G            H:BFZ    T:Bank's Dance for "As you like it"
ABC    512 C1:660076070070261 C2:ddudddduududddu M:6/8   K:G            H:BFZ    T:Bank's Dance for "As you like it"
ABC    915 C1:660076070070261 C2:ddudddduududddu M:6/8   K:G            H:H      T:Bank's Dance for "As you like it"
ABC    915 C1:660076070070261 C2:ddudddduududddu M:6/8   K:G            H:H      T:Bank's Dance for "As you like it"
ABC    915 C1:660076070070261 C2:ddudddduududddu M:6/8   K:G            H:H      T:Bank's Dance for "As you like it"
ABC    915 C1:660076070070261 C2:ddudddduududddu M:6/8   K:G            H:H      T:Bank's Dance for "As you like it"
ABC    915 C1:660076070070261 C2:ddudddduududddu M:6/8   K:G            H:H      T:Bank's Dance for "As you like it"
ABC    131 C1:660076070070261 C2:ddudddduududddu M:6/8   K:G            H:HO     T:Bank's Dance for "As you like it"
ABC    160 C1:660076070070261 C2:ddudddduududddu M:6/8   K:G            H:BZ     T:Bank's Dance for "As you like it"
ABC      1 C1:020002667020002 C2:uuddduuddduuudu M:4/4   K:Ebmaj        H:"L     T:Banks (Eb)
ABC      1 C1:020002667020002 C2:uuddduuddduuudu M:C     K:G            H:"L     T:Banks (G)
ABC      2 C1:                C2:                M:4/4   K:G            H:LRSV   T:Banks Hornpipe [1]
ABC      4 C1:                C2:                M:4/4   K:G            H:CLRV   T:Banks Hornpipe [1]
ABC      2 C1:                C2:                M:4/4   K:G            H:LRSV   T:Banks Hornpipe [1]
ABC      4 C1:                C2:                M:4/4   K:G            H:CLRV   T:Banks Hornpipe [1]
ABC  62007 C1:020002470200024 C2:uudduudduuuduud M:C|    K:G            H:QRZ    T:BANKS (hornpipe), The
ABC  62007 C1:020002470200024 C2:uudduudduuuduud M:C|    K:G            H:QRZ    T:BANKS (hornpipe), The
ABC      1 C1:211020002667020 C2:uuuuuddduuddduu M:4/4   K:Eb           H:CLQR   T:Banks Hornpipe
ABC      1 C1:211020002667020 C2:uuuuuddduuddduu M:4/4   K:Eb           H:CLQR   T:Banks Hornpipe
ABC      1 C1:020002667020002 C2:uuddduuddduuudu M:C|    K:Eb           H:"CLRZ  T:Banks Hornpipe
ABC      1 C1:020002667020002 C2:uuddduuddduuudu M:C|    K:Eb           H:"CLRZ  T:Banks Hornpipe
ABC      1 C1:020002667020002 C2:uuddduuddduuudu M:C|    K:Eb           H:"CLRZ  T:Banks Hornpipe
ABC      1 C1:020002667020002 C2:uuddduuddduuudu M:C|    K:Eb           H:"CLRZ  T:Banks Hornpipe
ABC      1 C1:020002667020002 C2:uuddduuddduuudu M:C|    K:Eb           H:"CLRZ  T:Banks Hornpipe
ABC      1 C1:020002667020002 C2:uuddduuddduuudu M:C|    K:Eb           H:"CLRZ  T:Banks Hornpipe
ABC     50 C1:312247200220152 C2:uuuuuddduuddduu M:4/4   K:Fdor         H:CILRZ  T:Banks Hornpipe
ABC     50 C1:312247200220152 C2:uuuuuddduuddduu M:4/4   K:Fdor         H:CILRZ  T:Banks Hornpipe
ABC     50 C1:312247200220152 C2:uuuuuddduuddduu M:4/4   K:Fdor         H:CILRZ  T:Banks Hornpipe
ABC     50 C1:312247200220152 C2:uuuuuddduuddduu M:4/4   K:Fdor         H:CILRZ  T:Banks Hornpipe
ABC  62007 C1:020002470200024 C2:uudduudduuuduud M:C|    K:G            H:CQR    T:BANKS (hornpipe), The
ABC  62007 C1:020002470200024 C2:uudduudduuuduud M:C|    K:G            H:CQR    T:BANKS (hornpipe), The
ABC  41018 C1:020002470200006 C2:uuddudduuuduudd M:C|    K:G            H:CLQR   T:BANKS HORNPIPE, The
ABC  41018 C1:020002470200006 C2:uuddudduuuduudd M:C|    K:G            H:CLQR   T:BANKS HORNPIPE, The
ABC     36 C1:020002667020002 C2:uuddduuddduuudu M:2/4   K:Eb           H:BHLQRZ T:Bank's Hornpipe (Craig 36)
ABC     36 C1:020002667020002 C2:uuddduuddduuudu M:2/4   K:Eb           H:BHLQRZ T:Bank's Hornpipe (Craig 36)
ABC     36 C1:020002667020002 C2:uuddduuddduuudu M:2/4   K:Eb           H:BHLQRZ T:Bank's Hornpipe (Craig 36)
ABC     36 C1:020002667020002 C2:uuddduuddduuudu M:2/4   K:Eb           H:BHLQRZ T:Bank's Hornpipe (Craig 36)
ABC     36 C1:020002667020002 C2:uuddduuddduuudu M:2/4   K:Eb           H:BHLQRZ T:Bank's Hornpipe (Craig 36)
ABC     36 C1:020002667020002 C2:uuddduuddduuudu M:2/4   K:Eb           H:BHLQRZ T:Bank's Hornpipe (Craig 36)
ABC     36 C1:020002667020002 C2:uuddduuddduuudu M:2/4   K:Eb           H:BHLQRZ T:Bank's Hornpipe (Craig 36)
ABC     36 C1:020002667020002 C2:uuddduuddduuudu M:2/4   K:Eb           H:BHLQRZ T:Bank's Hornpipe (Craig 36)
ABC     36 C1:020002667020002 C2:uuddduuddduuudu M:2/4   K:Eb           H:BHLQRZ T:Bank's Hornpipe (Craig 36)
ABC     36 C1:020002667020002 C2:uuddduuddduuudu M:2/4   K:Eb           H:BHLQRZ T:Bank's Hornpipe (Craig 36)
ABC     29 C1:060027770600077 C2:dudddddduuudddd M:C|    K:D            H:BLQZ   T:Bank's Hornpipe. JHa.29
ABC     29 C1:060027770600077 C2:dudddddduuudddd M:C|    K:D            H:BLQZ   T:Bank's Hornpipe. JHa.29
ABC     36 C1:020002667020002 C2:uuddduuddduuudu M:2/4   K:Eb           H:BLQRZ  T:Bank's Hornpipe. (p)Craig.36
ABC     36 C1:020002667020002 C2:uuddduuddduuudu M:2/4   K:Eb           H:BLQRZ  T:Bank's Hornpipe. (p)Craig.36
ABC      1 C1:060027770600177 C2:dudddduddduuddd M:C|    K:G            H:AORSZ  T:Bank's Hornpipe. WI.030
ABC      1 C1:060027770600177 C2:dudddduddduuddd M:C|    K:G            H:AORSZ  T:Bank's Hornpipe. WI.030
ABC      1 C1:060027770600177 C2:dudddduddduuddd M:C|    K:G            H:AORSZ  T:Bank's Hornpipe. WI.030
ABC      1 C1:060027770600177 C2:dudddduddduuddd M:C|    K:G            H:AORSZ  T:Bank's Hornpipe. WI.030
ABC      1 C1:060027770600177 C2:dudddduddduuddd M:C|    K:G            H:AORSZ  T:Bank's Hornpipe. WI.030
ABC      1 C1:060027770600177 C2:dudddduddduuddd M:C|    K:Bb           H:AORSZ  T:Bank's Hornpipe. WI.030
ABC      1 C1:060027770600177 C2:dudddduddduuddd M:C|    K:Bb           H:AORSZ  T:Bank's Hornpipe. WI.030
ABC      1 C1:060027770600177 C2:dudddduddduuddd M:C|    K:Bb           H:AORSZ  T:Bank's Hornpipe. WI.030
ABC      1 C1:060027770600177 C2:dudddduddduuddd M:C|    K:Bb           H:AORSZ  T:Bank's Hornpipe. WI.030
ABC      1 C1:060027770600177 C2:dudddduddduuddd M:C|    K:Bb           H:AORSZ  T:Bank's Hornpipe. WI.030
ABC      1 C1:060027770600177 C2:dudddduddduuddd M:C|    K:G            H:AORSZ  T:Bank's Hornpipe. WI.030
ABC      1 C1:060027770600177 C2:dudddduddduuddd M:C|    K:Bb           H:AORSZ  T:Bank's Hornpipe. WI.030
ABC      1 C1:060027770600177 C2:dudddduddduuddd M:C|    K:G            H:AORSZ  T:Bank's Hornpipe. WI.030
ABC      1 C1:060027770600177 C2:dudddduddduuddd M:C|    K:Bb           H:AORSZ  T:Bank's Hornpipe. WI.030
ABC      1 C1:060027770600177 C2:dudddduddduuddd M:C|    K:G            H:AORSZ  T:Bank's Hornpipe. WI.030
ABC      1 C1:060027770600177 C2:dudddduddduuddd M:C|    K:Bb           H:AORSZ  T:Bank's Hornpipe. WI.030
ABC      1 C1:060027770600177 C2:dudddduddduuddd M:C|    K:Bb           H:AORSZ  T:Bank's Hornpipe. WI.030
ABC      1 C1:060027770600177 C2:dudddduddduuddd M:C|    K:G            H:AORSZ  T:Bank's Hornpipe. WI.030
ABC      1 C1:060027770600177 C2:dudddduddduuddd M:C|    K:G            H:AORSZ  T:Bank's Hornpipe. WI.030
ABC      1 C1:060027770600177 C2:dudddduddduuddd M:C|    K:Bb           H:AORSZ  T:Bank's Hornpipe. WI.030
ABC      1 C1:060027770600177 C2:dudddduddduuddd M:C|    K:G            H:AORSZ  T:Bank's Hornpipe. WI.030
ABC      1 C1:060027770600177 C2:dudddduddduuddd M:C|    K:Bb           H:AORSZ  T:Bank's Hornpipe. WI.030
ABC     30 C1:060027770600177 C2:dudddduddduuddd M:C|    K:Bb           H:ALOQRSZ T:Bank's Hornpipe. WI.030
ABC     30 C1:060027770600177 C2:dudddduddduuddd M:C|    K:Bb           H:ABLQZ  T:Bank's Hornpipe. WI.030
ABC     30 C1:060027770600177 C2:dudddduddduuddd M:C|    K:Bb           H:ABLQZ  T:Bank's Hornpipe. WI.030
ABC     30 C1:060027770600177 C2:dudddduddduuddd M:C|    K:Bb           H:ABLOQRSZ T:Bank's Hornpipe. WI.030
ABC    513 C1:060027770600177 C2:dudddduddduuddd M:C|    K:Bb           H:AFLOQRSZ T:Bank's Hornpipe. WI.030
ABC   9392 C1:060027770600177 C2:dudddduddduuddd M:C|    K:Bb           H:AFLOQRSZ T:Bank's Hornpipe. WI.030
ABC    513 C1:060027770600177 C2:dudddduddduuddd M:C|    K:Bb           H:AFLOQRSZ T:Bank's Hornpipe. WI.030
ABC   9392 C1:060027770600177 C2:dudddduddduuddd M:C|    K:Bb           H:AFLOQRSZ T:Bank's Hornpipe. WI.030
ABC     30 C1:060027770600177 C2:dudddduddduuddd M:C|    K:Bb           H:ABLOQRSZ T:Bank's Hornpipe. WI.030
ABC 026123 C1:020002667020002 C2:uuddduuddduuudu M:C|    K:Eb           H:QRSw   T:Banks [hp] % ABC 026123 C1:020002667020002 C2:uuddduuddduuudu M:C|    K:Eb           H:QRSw   T:Banks [hp] % ABC     50 C1:020003020200011 C2:uuduuuudddddddd M:C     K:Eb           H:BLQRWZ T:Bank's Hp,aka JBrk.50
ABC    374 C1:001001267711770 C2:uuuddduudddduuu M:3/4   K:G            H:"LORSZ T:the Banks o' (Bonnie) Doon
ABC    374 C1:001001267711770 C2:uuuddduudddduuu M:3/4   K:G            H:"LORSZ T:the Banks o' (Bonnie) Doon
ABC    374 C1:001001267711770 C2:uuuddduudddduuu M:3/4   K:G            H:"LORSZ T:the Banks o' (Bonnie) Doon
ABC    374 C1:001001267711770 C2:uuuddduudddduuu M:3/4   K:G            H:"LORSZ T:the Banks o' (Bonnie) Doon
ABC    374 C1:001001267711770 C2:uuuddduudddduuu M:3/4   K:G            H:"LORSZ T:the Banks o' (Bonnie) Doon
ABC    374 C1:001001267711770 C2:uuuddduudddduuu M:3/4   K:G            H:"LORSZ T:the Banks o' (Bonnie) Doon
ABC    374 C1:001001267711770 C2:uuuddduudddduuu M:3/4   K:G            H:"LORSZ T:the Banks o' (Bonnie) Doon
ABC    374 C1:001001267711770 C2:uuuddduudddduuu M:3/4   K:G            H:"LORSZ T:the Banks o' (Bonnie) Doon
ABC    374 C1:001001267711770 C2:uuuddduudddduuu M:3/4   K:G            H:"LORSZ T:the Banks o' (Bonnie) Doon
ABC    374 C1:001001267711770 C2:uuuddduudddduuu M:3/4   K:G            H:"LORSZ T:the Banks o' (Bonnie) Doon
ABC    374 C1:001001267711770 C2:uuuddduudddduuu M:3/4   K:G            H:"LORSZ T:the Banks o' (Bonnie) Doon
ABC    374 C1:001001267711770 C2:uuuddduudddduuu M:3/4   K:G            H:"LORSZ T:the Banks o' (Bonnie) Doon
ABC    374 C1:001001267711770 C2:uuuddduudddduuu M:3/4   K:G            H:"LORSZ T:the Banks o' (Bonnie) Doon
ABC      6 C1:001001267711770 C2:uuuddduudddduuu M:3/4   K:G            H:"LORSZ T:the Banks o' (Bonnie) Doon
ABC      6 C1:001001267711770 C2:uuuddduudddduuu M:3/4   K:G            H:"LORSZ T:the Banks o' (Bonnie) Doon
ABC      1 C1:000500070703070 C2:ddduddddduddduu M:6/8   K:G            H:CLQR   T:Banks o Cart
ABC      1 C1:000500070703070 C2:ddduddddduddduu M:6/8   K:G            H:CLQR   T:Banks o Cart
ABC      1 C1:000500070703070 C2:ddduddddduddduu M:6/8   K:G            H:CLQR   T:Banks o Cart
ABC   3273 C1:050773777777050 C2:ddduddddduddduu M:6/8   K:G            H:BLZ    T:BANKS O CART
ABC   3273 C1:050773777777050 C2:ddduddddduddduu M:6/8   K:G            H:BLZ    T:BANKS O CART
ABC   3273 C1:050773777777050 C2:ddduddddduddduu M:6/8   K:G            H:BLZ    T:BANKS O CART
ABC   3273 C1:050773777777050 C2:ddduddddduddduu M:6/8   K:G            H:BLZ    T:BANKS O CART
ABC   3273 C1:050773777777050 C2:ddduddddduddduu M:6/8   K:G            H:BLZ    T:BANKS O CART
ABC   3273 C1:050773777777050 C2:ddduddddduddduu M:6/8   K:G            H:BLZ    T:BANKS O CART
ABC   3273 C1:050773777777050 C2:ddduddddduddduu M:6/8   K:G            H:BLZ    T:BANKS O CART
ABC   3273 C1:050773777777050 C2:ddduddddduddduu M:6/8   K:G            H:BLZ    T:BANKS O CART
ABC   3273 C1:050773777777050 C2:ddduddddduddduu M:6/8   K:G            H:BLZ    T:BANKS O CART
ABC   3273 C1:050773777777050 C2:ddduddddduddduu M:6/8   K:G            H:BLZ    T:BANKS O CART
ABC    128 C1:223607012727676 C2:uuudduududddddu M:4/4   K:G            H:"LR    T:The Banks O' Clyde
ABC    128 C1:223607012727676 C2:uuudduududddddu M:4/4   K:G            H:"LR    T:The Banks O' Clyde
ABC 120019 C1:223607012727676 C2:uuudduududddddu M:C     K:G            H:BLQRZ  T:the BANKS O' CLYDE
ABC 120019 C1:223607012727676 C2:uuudduududddddu M:C     K:G            H:BLQRZ  T:the BANKS O' CLYDE
ABC 120019 C1:223607012727676 C2:uuudduududddddu M:C     K:G            H:BLQRZ  T:The BANKS O' CLYDE
ABC 120019 C1:223607012727676 C2:uuudduududddddu M:C     K:G            H:BLQRZ  T:The BANKS O' CLYDE
ABC 120019 C1:223607012727676 C2:uuudduududddddu M:C     K:G            H:BLQRZ  T:The BANKS O' CLYDE
ABC 120019 C1:223607012727676 C2:uuudduududddddu M:C     K:G            H:BLQRZ  T:The BANKS O' CLYDE
ABC 120019 C1:223607012727676 C2:uuudduududddddu M:C     K:G            H:BLQRZ  T:The BANKS O' CLYDE
ABC 120019 C1:223607012727676 C2:uuudduududddddu M:C     K:G            H:BLQRZ  T:The BANKS O' CLYDE
ABC 120019 C1:223607012727676 C2:uuudduududddddu M:C     K:G            H:BLQRZ  T:The BANKS O' CLYDE
ABC 120019 C1:223607012727676 C2:uuudduududddddu M:C     K:G            H:BLQRZ  T:The BANKS O' CLYDE
ABC 120019 C1:223607012727676 C2:uuudduududddddu M:C     K:G            H:BLQRZ  T:The BANKS O' CLYDE
ABC 120019 C1:223607012727676 C2:uuudduududddddu M:C     K:G            H:BLQRZ  T:The BANKS O' CLYDE
ABC      1 C1:002100254277004 C2:duuuudduddudduu M:4/4   K:G            H:L      T:The Banks O'Doon
ABC      1 C1:002100254277004 C2:duuuudduddudduu M:4/4   K:G            H:L      T:The Banks O'Doon
ABC      1 C1:002100254277004 C2:duuuudduddudduu M:4/4   K:G            H:L      T:The Banks O'Doon
ABC     43 C1:001711267711770 C2:uduuuddduuddddu M:6/8   K:D            H:ABLQZ  T:Banks o' Doon. JClw.43, The
ABC     43 C1:001711267711770 C2:uduuuddduuddddu M:6/8   K:D            H:ABLQZ  T:Banks o' Doon. JClw.43, The
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:6/8   K:D            H:ALQSVZ T:Banks o' Doon,The. JClw.43
ABC     43 C1:001711267711770 C2:uduuuddduuddddu M:6/8   K:D            H:ALQSZ  T:Banks o' Doon,The. JClw.43
ABC     43 C1:001711267711770 C2:uduuuddduuddddu M:6/8   K:D            H:ABLQSZ T:Banks o' Doon,The. JClw.43
ABC    514 C1:001711267711770 C2:uduuuddduuddddu M:6/8   K:D            H:AFLQSZ T:Banks o' Doon,The. JClw.43
ABC  10760 C1:001711267711770 C2:uduuuddduuddddu M:6/8   K:D            H:AFLQSZ T:Banks o' Doon,The. JClw.43
ABC    514 C1:001711267711770 C2:uduuuddduuddddu M:6/8   K:D            H:AFLQSZ T:Banks o' Doon,The. JClw.43
ABC  10760 C1:001711267711770 C2:uduuuddduuddddu M:6/8   K:D            H:AFLQSZ T:Banks o' Doon,The. JClw.43
ABC     43 C1:001711267711770 C2:uduuuddduuddddu M:6/8   K:D            H:ABLQSZ T:Banks o' Doon,The. JClw.43
ABC      2 C1:170772200060562 C2:uddduududududud M:6/8   K:D            H:BLZ    T:Banks of Alan
ABC      8 C1:170772200036205 C2:uddduuududududu M:6/8   K:D            H:ACLOQ  T:The Banks of Allan
ABC      8 C1:170772200036205 C2:uddduuududududu M:6/8   K:D            H:ACLOQ  T:The Banks of Allan
ABC      8 C1:170772200036205 C2:uddduuududududu M:6/8   K:D            H:ACLOQ  T:The Banks of Allan
ABC      8 C1:170772200036205 C2:uddduuududududu M:6/8   K:D            H:ACLOQ  T:The Banks of Allan
ABC      1 C1:170772200036205 C2:uddduuududududu M:6/8   K:D            H:"L     T:Banks of Allan
ABC      1 C1:010700070702020 C2:uddduuududududu M:6/8   K:A            H:ACILORS T:The Banks of Allan
ABC     60 C1:000772200036025 C2:dduuududududddd M:6/8   K:D            H:CILQ   T:The Banks of Allan
ABC    494 C1:200036205306205 C2:uududududdduddu M:6/8   K:D            H:LORZ   T:Banks of Allan, The
ABC    494 C1:200036205306205 C2:uududududdduddu M:6/8   K:D            H:LORZ   T:Banks of Allan, The
ABC      8 C1:170772200036205 C2:uddduuududududu M:6/8   K:D            H:ACLOQ  T:The Banks of Allan
ABC      8 C1:170772200036205 C2:uddduuududududu M:6/8   K:D            H:ACLOQ  T:The Banks of Allan
ABC      8 C1:170772200036205 C2:uddduuududududu M:6/8   K:D            H:ACLOQ  T:The Banks of Allan
ABC      8 C1:170772200036205 C2:uddduuududududu M:6/8   K:D            H:ACLOQ  T:The Banks of Allan
ABC      8 C1:170772200036205 C2:uddduuududududu M:6/8   K:D            H:ACLOQ  T:The Banks of Allan
ABC      8 C1:170772200036205 C2:uddduuududududu M:6/8   K:D            H:ACLOQ  T:The Banks of Allan
ABC      8 C1:170772200036205 C2:uddduuududududu M:6/8   K:D            H:ACLOQ  T:The Banks of Allan
ABC      8 C1:170772200036205 C2:uddduuududududu M:6/8   K:D            H:ACLOQ  T:The Banks of Allan
ABC      8 C1:170772200036205 C2:uddduuududududu M:6/8   K:D            H:ACLOQ  T:The Banks of Allan
ABC      4 C1:170772200036205 C2:uddduuududududu M:      K:Dmaj         H:LR     T:The Banks Of Allan
ABC      5 C1:101216025662177 C2:uuuududdduudddu M:      K:Dmaj         H:LR     T:The Banks Of Allan
ABC      1 C1:170772200036205 C2:uddduuududududu M:6/8   K:D            H:L      T:Banks of Allan, The
ABC      1 C1:170772200036205 C2:uddduuududududu M:      K:Dmaj         H:LR     T:The Banks Of Allan
ABC      2 C1:000772002621375 C2:dduuduuuddudduu M:      K:Dmaj         H:LR     T:The Banks Of Allan
ABC      3 C1:200772200036205 C2:udduuuddudududd M:      K:Dmaj         H:LR     T:The Banks Of Allan
ABC  16449 C1:170772200036205 C2:uddduuududududu M:6/8   K:D            H:ACLOQ  T:The Banks of Allan
ABC  16449 C1:170772200036205 C2:uddduuududududu M:6/8   K:D            H:ACLOQ  T:The Banks of Allan
ABC  16449 C1:170772200036205 C2:uddduuududududu M:6/8   K:D            H:ACLOQ  T:The Banks of Allan
ABC  16449 C1:170772200036205 C2:uddduuududududu M:6/8   K:D            H:ACLOQ  T:The Banks of Allan
ABC   2382 C1:170772200036205 C2:uddduuududududu M:6/8   K:D            H:BLVZ   T:the Banks of Allan. a Jig.
ABC   2382 C1:170772200036205 C2:uddduuududududu M:6/8   K:D            H:BLVZ   T:the Banks of Allan. a Jig.
ABC   2382 C1:170772200036205 C2:uddduuududududu M:6/8   K:D            H:BLVZ   T:the Banks of Allan. a Jig.
ABC   2382 C1:170772200036205 C2:uddduuududududu M:6/8   K:D            H:BLVZ   T:the Banks of Allan. a Jig.
ABC   2382 C1:170772200036205 C2:uddduuududududu M:6/8   K:D            H:BLVZ   T:the Banks of Allan. a Jig.
ABC   2382 C1:170772200036205 C2:uddduuududududu M:6/8   K:D            H:BLVZ   T:the Banks of Allan. a Jig.
ABC   2382 C1:170772200036205 C2:uddduuududududu M:6/8   K:D            H:BLVZ   T:the Banks of Allan. a Jig.
ABC   2382 C1:170772200036205 C2:uddduuududududu M:6/8   K:D            H:BLVZ   T:the Banks of Allan. a Jig.
ABC   2382 C1:170772200036205 C2:uddduuududududu M:6/8   K:D            H:BLVZ   T:the Banks of Allan. a Jig.
ABC   2382 C1:170772200036205 C2:uddduuududududu M:6/8   K:D            H:BLVZ   T:the Banks of Allan. a Jig.
ABC   2382 C1:170772200036205 C2:uddduuududududu M:6/8   K:D            H:BLVZ   T:the Banks of Allan. a Jig.
ABC   2382 C1:170772200036205 C2:uddduuududududu M:6/8   K:D            H:BLVZ   T:the Banks of Allan. a Jig.
ABC   2382 C1:170772200036205 C2:uddduuududududu M:6/8   K:D            H:BLVZ   T:the Banks of Allan. a Jig.
ABC   2382 C1:170772200036205 C2:uddduuududududu M:6/8   K:D            H:BLVZ   T:the Banks of Allan. a Jig.
ABC   2382 C1:170772200036205 C2:uddduuududududu M:6/8   K:D            H:BLVZ   T:the Banks of Allan. a Jig.
ABC   2382 C1:170772200036205 C2:uddduuududududu M:6/8   K:D            H:BLVZ   T:the Banks of Allan. a Jig.
ABC   2382 C1:170772200036205 C2:uddduuududududu M:6/8   K:D            H:BLVZ   T:The Banks of Allan. a Jig.
ABC   2382 C1:170772200036205 C2:uddduuududududu M:6/8   K:D            H:BLVZ   T:The Banks of Allan. a Jig.
ABC   2382 C1:170772200036205 C2:uddduuududududu M:6/8   K:D            H:BLVZ   T:The Banks of Allan. a Jig.
ABC   2382 C1:170772200036205 C2:uddduuududududu M:6/8   K:D            H:BLVZ   T:The Banks of Allan. a Jig.
ABC   2382 C1:170772200036205 C2:uddduuududududu M:6/8   K:D            H:BLVZ   T:The Banks of Allan. a Jig.
ABC   2382 C1:170772200036205 C2:uddduuududududu M:6/8   K:D            H:BLVZ   T:The Banks of Allan. a Jig.
ABC   2382 C1:170772200036205 C2:uddduuududududu M:6/8   K:D            H:BLVZ   T:The Banks of Allan. a Jig.
ABC   2382 C1:170772200036205 C2:uddduuududududu M:6/8   K:D            H:BLVZ   T:The Banks of Allan. a Jig.
ABC   2382 C1:170772200036205 C2:uddduuududududu M:6/8   K:D            H:BLVZ   T:The Banks of Allan. a Jig.
ABC   2382 C1:170772200036205 C2:uddduuududududu M:6/8   K:D            H:BLVZ   T:The Banks of Allan. a Jig.
ABC   2382 C1:170772200036205 C2:uddduuududududu M:6/8   K:D            H:BLVZ   T:The Banks of Allan. a Jig.
ABC   2382 C1:170772200036205 C2:uddduuududududu M:6/8   K:D            H:BLVZ   T:The Banks of Allan. a Jig.
ABC      1 C1:002761050001001 C2:udduduuuudddduu M:3/4   K:G            H:L      T:Banks of Allan Water
ABC      1 C1:002761050001001 C2:udduduuuudddduu M:3/4   K:G            H:L      T:Banks of Allan Water
ABC      1 C1:002761050001001 C2:udduduuuudddduu M:3/4   K:G            H:L      T:Banks of Allan Water
ABC  10062 C1:170772200036025 C2:uddduuududududu M:6/8   K:D            H:BFLRZ  T:THE BANKS OF ALLAN WATER
ABC  10062 C1:170772200036025 C2:uddduuududududu M:6/8   K:D            H:BFLRZ  T:THE BANKS OF ALLAN WATER
ABC      1 C1:002707050001001 C2:udduduuuuddduud M:3/4   K:G            H:"L     T:Banks of Allan Water
ABC  21512 C1:002761050001001 C2:udduduuuuddduud M:3/4   K:D            H:BLSZ   T:the BANKS OF ALLAN WATER
ABC  21512 C1:002761050001001 C2:udduduuuuddduud M:3/4   K:D            H:BLSZ   T:the BANKS OF ALLAN WATER
ABC      2 C1:                C2:                M:6/8   K:D            H:BLQZ   T:Banks of Allan Water, The
ABC   0062 C1:170772200036025 C2:uddduuududududu M:6/8   K:D            H:BFLRZ  T:THE BANKS OF ALLAN WATER
ABC   0062 C1:170772200036025 C2:uddduuududududu M:6/8   K:D            H:BFLRZ  T:THE BANKS OF ALLAN WATER
ABC  10062 C1:170772200036025 C2:uddduuududududu M:6/8   K:D            H:BFLRZ  T:THE BANKS OF ALLAN WATER
ABC  10062 C1:170772200036025 C2:uddduuududududu M:6/8   K:D            H:BFLRZ  T:THE BANKS OF ALLAN WATER
ABC  10062 C1:170772200036025 C2:uddduuududududu M:6/8   K:D            H:BFLRZ  T:THE BANKS OF ALLAN WATER
ABC  21512 C1:002761050001001 C2:udduduuuuddduud M:3/4   K:D            H:BLSZ   T:The BANKS OF ALLAN WATER
ABC  21512 C1:002761050001001 C2:udduduuuuddduud M:3/4   K:D            H:BLSZ   T:The BANKS OF ALLAN WATER
ABC  21512 C1:002761050001001 C2:udduduuuuddduud M:3/4   K:D            H:BLSZ   T:The BANKS OF ALLAN WATER
ABC  21512 C1:002761050001001 C2:udduduuuuddduud M:3/4   K:D            H:BLSZ   T:The BANKS OF ALLAN WATER
ABC  21512 C1:002761050001001 C2:udduduuuuddduud M:3/4   K:D            H:BLSZ   T:The BANKS OF ALLAN WATER
ABC  21512 C1:002761050001001 C2:udduduuuuddduud M:3/4   K:D            H:BLSZ   T:The BANKS OF ALLAN WATER
ABC  21512 C1:002761050001001 C2:udduduuuuddduud M:3/4   K:D            H:BLSZ   T:The BANKS OF ALLAN WATER
ABC  21512 C1:002761050001001 C2:udduduuuuddduud M:3/4   K:D            H:BLSZ   T:The BANKS OF ALLAN WATER
ABC  21512 C1:002761050001001 C2:udduduuuuddduud M:3/4   K:D            H:BLSZ   T:The BANKS OF ALLAN WATER
ABC  10062 C1:170772200036025 C2:uddduuududududu M:6/8   K:D            H:BFLRZ  T:THE BANKS OF ALLAN WATER
ABC  10062 C1:170772200036025 C2:uddduuududududu M:6/8   K:D            H:BFLRZ  T:THE BANKS OF ALLAN WATER
ABC   0103 C1:170772200036205 C2:uddduuududududu M:6/8   K:D            H:"BLORZ T:the Banks of Allen - 8x32J
ABC   0103 C1:170772200036205 C2:uddduuududududu M:6/8   K:D            H:"BLORZ T:the Banks of Allen - 8x32J
ABC   0103 C1:170772200036205 C2:uddduuududududu M:6/8   K:D            H:"BLORZ T:The Banks of Allen - 8x32J
ABC   0103 C1:170772200036205 C2:uddduuududududu M:6/8   K:D            H:"BLORZ T:The Banks of Allen - 8x32J
ABC      3 C1:170772200036205 C2:uddduuududududd M:6/8   K:D            H:"LR    T:Banks of Allen, The
ABC      1 C1:170772200036205 C2:uddduuududududd M:6/8   K:D            H:"LR    T:Banks of Allen, The
ABC      1 C1:110107000707020 C2:uuuddduuudududu M:6/8   K:D            H:CLQR   T:The Banks of Allen
ABC      1 C1:110107000707020 C2:uuuddduuudududu M:6/8   K:D            H:CLQR   T:The Banks of Allen
ABC      1 C1:110107000707020 C2:uuuddduuudududu M:6/8   K:D            H:CLQR   T:The Banks of Allen
ABC      3 C1:170772200036205 C2:uddduuududududd M:6/8   K:D            H:"LR    T:Banks of Allen, The
ABC      3 C1:170772200036205 C2:uddduuududududd M:6/8   K:D            H:"LR    T:Banks of Allen, The
ABC      1 C1:111707722000362 C2:uuuddduuudududu M:6/8   K:D            H:"LRZ   T:the Banks of Allen
ABC      1 C1:111707722000362 C2:uuuddduuudududu M:6/8   K:D            H:"LRZ   T:the Banks of Allen
ABC      1 C1:111707722000362 C2:uuuddduuudududu M:6/8   K:D            H:"LRZ   T:the Banks of Allen
ABC      1 C1:111707722000362 C2:uuuddduuudududu M:6/8   K:D            H:"LRZ   T:the Banks of Allen
ABC      1 C1:111707722000362 C2:uuuddduuudududu M:6/8   K:D            H:"LRZ   T:the Banks of Allen
ABC      1 C1:111707722000362 C2:uuuddduuudududu M:6/8   K:D            H:"LRZ   T:the Banks of Allen
ABC      1 C1:111707722000362 C2:uuuddduuudududu M:6/8   K:D            H:"LRZ   T:the Banks of Allen
ABC      1 C1:111707722000362 C2:uuuddduuudududu M:6/8   K:D            H:"LRZ   T:the Banks of Allen
ABC      1 C1:111707722000362 C2:uuuddduuudududu M:6/8   K:D            H:"LRZ   T:the Banks of Allen
ABC      1 C1:111707722000362 C2:uuuddduuudududu M:6/8   K:D            H:"LRZ   T:the Banks of Allen
ABC      1 C1:111707722000362 C2:uuuddduuudududu M:6/8   K:D            H:"LRZ   T:the Banks of Allen
ABC      1 C1:111707722000362 C2:uuuddduuudududu M:6/8   K:D            H:"LRZ   T:the Banks of Allen
ABC      1 C1:111707722000362 C2:uuuddduuudududu M:6/8   K:D            H:"LRZ   T:the Banks of Allen
ABC      1 C1:111707722000362 C2:uuuddduuudududu M:6/8   K:D            H:"LRZ   T:the Banks of Allen
ABC      1 C1:111707722000362 C2:uuuddduuudududu M:6/8   K:D            H:"LRZ   T:the Banks of Allen
ABC      1 C1:111707722000362 C2:uuuddduuudududu M:6/8   K:D            H:"LRZ   T:the Banks of Allen
ABC      1 C1:111707722000362 C2:uuuddduuudududu M:6/8   K:D            H:"LRZ   T:the Banks of Allen
ABC      1 C1:111707722000362 C2:uuuddduuudududu M:6/8   K:D            H:"LRZ   T:the Banks of Allen
ABC      1 C1:111707722000362 C2:uuuddduuudududu M:6/8   K:D            H:"LRZ   T:the Banks of Allen
ABC      1 C1:111707722000362 C2:uuuddduuudududu M:6/8   K:D            H:"LRZ   T:The Banks of Allen
ABC   0103 C1:170772200036205 C2:uddduuududududu M:6/8   K:D            H:"BLORZ T:the Banks of Allen
ABC   0103 C1:170772200036205 C2:uddduuududududu M:6/8   K:D            H:"BLORZ T:the Banks of Allen
ABC   0103 C1:170772200036205 C2:uddduuududududu M:6/8   K:D            H:"BLORZ T:the Banks of Allen
ABC   0103 C1:170772200036205 C2:uddduuududududu M:6/8   K:D            H:"BLORZ T:the Banks of Allen
ABC      4 C1:111707722000362 C2:uuuddduuudududu M:6/8   K:D            H:"LRZ   T:the Banks of Allen
ABC      4 C1:111707722000362 C2:uuuddduuudududu M:6/8   K:D            H:"LRZ   T:the Banks of Allen
ABC      4 C1:111707722000362 C2:uuuddduuudududu M:6/8   K:D            H:"LRZ   T:the Banks of Allen
ABC      4 C1:111707722000362 C2:uuuddduuudududu M:6/8   K:D            H:"LRZ   T:the Banks of Allen
ABC      3 C1:111707722000362 C2:uuuddduuudududu M:6/8   K:D            H:"LRZ   T:the Banks of Allen
ABC      4 C1:111707722000362 C2:uuuddduuudududu M:6/8   K:D            H:"LRZ   T:The Banks of Allen
ABC      4 C1:111707722000362 C2:uuuddduuudududu M:6/8   K:D            H:"LRZ   T:The Banks of Allen
ABC      4 C1:111707722000362 C2:uuuddduuudududu M:6/8   K:D            H:"LRZ   T:the Banks of Allen
ABC      4 C1:111707722000362 C2:uuuddduuudududu M:6/8   K:D            H:"LRZ   T:the Banks of Allen
ABC      4 C1:111707722000362 C2:uuuddduuudududu M:6/8   K:D            H:"LRZ   T:the Banks of Allen
ABC      4 C1:111707722000362 C2:uuuddduuudududu M:6/8   K:D            H:"LRZ   T:the Banks of Allen
ABC      4 C1:111707722000362 C2:uuuddduuudududu M:6/8   K:D            H:"LRZ   T:the Banks of Allen
ABC      4 C1:111707722000362 C2:uuuddduuudududu M:6/8   K:D            H:"LRZ   T:the Banks of Allen
ABC      4 C1:111707722000362 C2:uuuddduuudududu M:6/8   K:D            H:"LRZ   T:the Banks of Allen
ABC      4 C1:111707722000362 C2:uuuddduuudududu M:6/8   K:D            H:"LRZ   T:the Banks of Allen
ABC      3 C1:170772200036205 C2:uddduuududududd M:6/8   K:D            H:"LR    T:Banks of Allen, The
ABC   0103 C1:170772200036205 C2:uddduuududududu M:6/8   K:D            H:"BLORZ T:The Banks of Allen
ABC   0103 C1:170772200036205 C2:uddduuududududu M:6/8   K:D            H:"BLORZ T:The Banks of Allen
ABC     44 C1:170772200036205 C2:uddduuududududd M:6/8   K:D            H:"LR    T:Banks of Allen, The
ABC    198 C1:170772200036205 C2:uddduuududududd M:6/8   K:D            H:"LQ    T:Banks of Allen, the
ABC    198 C1:170772200036205 C2:uddduuududududd M:6/8   K:D            H:"LQ    T:Banks of Allen, the
ABC      4 C1:111707722000362 C2:uuuddduuudududu M:6/8   K:D            H:"LRZ   T:The Banks of Allen
ABC      4 C1:111707722000362 C2:uuuddduuudududu M:6/8   K:D            H:"LRZ   T:The Banks of Allen
ABC      4 C1:111707722000362 C2:uuuddduuudududu M:6/8   K:D            H:"LRZ   T:The Banks of Allen
ABC      4 C1:111707722000362 C2:uuuddduuudududu M:6/8   K:D            H:"LRZ   T:The Banks of Allen
ABC    398 C1:170772200036205 C2:uddduuududududd M:6/8   K:D            H:"LOR   T:Banks of Allen, The
ABC    398 C1:170772200036205 C2:uddduuududududd M:6/8   K:D            H:"LOR   T:Banks of Allen, The
ABC    916 C1:170772200036205 C2:uddduuududududd M:6/8   K:D            H:"LR    T:Banks of Allen, The
ABC    916 C1:170772200036205 C2:uddduuududududd M:6/8   K:D            H:"LR    T:Banks of Allen, The
ABC    916 C1:170772200036205 C2:uddduuududududd M:6/8   K:D            H:"LR    T:Banks of Allen, The
ABC    916 C1:170772200036205 C2:uddduuududududd M:6/8   K:D            H:"LR    T:Banks of Allen, The
ABC    916 C1:170772200036205 C2:uddduuududududd M:6/8   K:D            H:"LR    T:Banks of Allen, The
ABC    330 C1:170772200036205 C2:uddduuududududu M:6/8   K:D            H:ABLOQZ T:Banks of Allen,aka. JaW.330, The
ABC    330 C1:170772200036205 C2:uddduuududududu M:6/8   K:D            H:ABLOQZ T:Banks of Allen,aka. JaW.330, The
ABC     87 C1:170772200036736 C2:uddduuudduddudd M:6/8   K:Em           H:BLQZ   T:Banks of Allen,aka. LW.087
ABC    510 C1:170772200036205 C2:uddduuududududu M:6/8   K:D            H:LQS    T:The Banks of Allen, a Reel
ABC     98 C1:617077220003610 C2:duddduuudududud M:6/8   K:D            H:ABLOQRZ T:Banks of Allen. RH.098, The
ABC     98 C1:617077220003610 C2:duddduuudududud M:6/8   K:D            H:ABLOQRZ T:Banks of Allen. RH.098, The
ABC     98 C1:617077220003610 C2:duddduuudududud M:6/8   K:D            H:ALOQRSZ T:Banks of Allen,The. RH.098
ABC     98 C1:617077220003610 C2:duddduuudududud M:6/8   K:D            H:ABLOQRSZ T:Banks of Allen,The. RH.098
ABC    515 C1:617077220003610 C2:duddduuudududud M:6/8   K:D            H:AFLOQRSZ T:Banks of Allen,The. RH.098
ABC    515 C1:617077220003610 C2:duddduuudududud M:6/8   K:D            H:AFLOQRSZ T:Banks of Allen,The. RH.098
ABC     98 C1:617077220003610 C2:duddduuudududud M:6/8   K:D            H:ABLOQRSZ T:Banks of Allen,The. RH.098
ABC     60 C1:006107050027000 C2:dudududuuuddddu M:3/4   K:D            H:"CZ    T:Banks of Allen Water, The
ABC     60 C1:00610705002     C2:dududu          M:3/4   K:D            H:"CLZ   T:Banks of Allen Water, The
ABC     60 C1:006107050027000 C2:dudududuuuddddu M:3/4   K:D            H:"CZ    T:Banks of Allen Water, The
ABC     60 C1:006107050027000 C2:dudududuuuddddu M:3/4   K:D            H:"CZ    T:Banks of Allen Water, The
ABC     60 C1:006107050027000 C2:dudududuuuddddu M:3/4   K:D            H:"CZ    T:Banks of Allen Water, The
ABC     60 C1:006107050027000 C2:dudududuuuddddu M:3/4   K:D            H:"CLZ   T:Banks of Allen Water, The
ABC      1 C1:600000376011235 C2:dudduuuuddduddd M:4/4   K:G            H:CLQR   T:The Banks of Avonmore
ABC      1 C1:600000376011235 C2:dudduuuuddduddd M:4/4   K:G            H:CLQR   T:The Banks of Avonmore
ABC      1 C1:600000376011235 C2:dudduuuuddduddd M:4/4   K:G            H:CLR    T:the Banks of Avonmore
ABC      1 C1:600000376011235 C2:dudduuuuddduddd M:4/4   K:G            H:CLR    T:the Banks of Avonmore
ABC      1 C1:600000376011235 C2:dudduuuuddduddd M:4/4   K:G            H:CLR    T:the Banks of Avonmore
ABC      1 C1:600000376011235 C2:dudduuuuddduddd M:4/4   K:G            H:CLR    T:the Banks of Avonmore
ABC      1 C1:600000376011235 C2:dudduuuuddduddd M:4/4   K:G            H:CLR    T:the Banks of Avonmore
ABC      1 C1:600000376011235 C2:dudduuuuddduddd M:4/4   K:G            H:CLR    T:the Banks of Avonmore
ABC      1 C1:600000376011235 C2:dudduuuuddduddd M:4/4   K:G            H:CLR    T:the Banks of Avonmore
ABC      1 C1:600000376011235 C2:dudduuuuddduddd M:4/4   K:G            H:CLR    T:the Banks of Avonmore
ABC      1 C1:600000376011235 C2:dudduuuuddduddd M:4/4   K:G            H:CLR    T:the Banks of Avonmore
ABC      1 C1:600000376011235 C2:dudduuuuddduddd M:4/4   K:G            H:CLR    T:the Banks of Avonmore
ABC      1 C1:600000376011235 C2:dudduuuuddduddd M:4/4   K:G            H:CLR    T:the Banks of Avonmore
ABC      1 C1:600000376011235 C2:dudduuuuddduddd M:4/4   K:G            H:CLR    T:the Banks of Avonmore
ABC      1 C1:600000376011235 C2:dudduuuuddduddd M:4/4   K:G            H:CLR    T:the Banks of Avonmore
ABC      1 C1:600000376011235 C2:dudduuuuddduddd M:4/4   K:G            H:CLR    T:the Banks of Avonmore
ABC      1 C1:600000376011235 C2:dudduuuuddduddd M:4/4   K:G            H:CLR    T:the Banks of Avonmore
ABC      1 C1:600000376011235 C2:dudduuuuddduddd M:4/4   K:G            H:CLR    T:the Banks of Avonmore
ABC 135016 C1:600000376011235 C2:dudduuuuddduddd M:2/4   K:G            H:BLQRZ  T:the BANKS OF AVONMORE
ABC 135016 C1:600000376011235 C2:dudduuuuddduddd M:2/4   K:G            H:BLQRZ  T:the BANKS OF AVONMORE
ABC     28 C1:000701000103000 C2:duuuudddduddddu M:3/4   K:Bmix         H:HLQRWZ T:Banks of Avonmore, The
ABC     28 C1:000701000103000 C2:duuuudddduddddu M:3/4   K:Bmix         H:HLQRWZ T:Banks of Avonmore, The
ABC 135016 C1:600000376011235 C2:dudduuuuddduddd M:2/4   K:G            H:BLQRZ  T:The BANKS OF AVONMORE
ABC 135016 C1:600000376011235 C2:dudduuuuddduddd M:2/4   K:G            H:BLQRZ  T:The BANKS OF AVONMORE
ABC 135016 C1:600000376011235 C2:dudduuuuddduddd M:2/4   K:G            H:BLQRZ  T:The BANKS OF AVONMORE
ABC 135016 C1:600000376011235 C2:dudduuuuddduddd M:2/4   K:G            H:BLQRZ  T:The BANKS OF AVONMORE
ABC 135016 C1:600000376011235 C2:dudduuuuddduddd M:2/4   K:G            H:BLQRZ  T:The BANKS OF AVONMORE
ABC 135016 C1:600000376011235 C2:dudduuuuddduddd M:2/4   K:G            H:BLQRZ  T:The BANKS OF AVONMORE
ABC 135016 C1:600000376011235 C2:dudduuuuddduddd M:2/4   K:G            H:BLQRZ  T:The BANKS OF AVONMORE
ABC 135016 C1:600000376011235 C2:dudduuuuddduddd M:2/4   K:G            H:BLQRZ  T:The BANKS OF AVONMORE
ABC 135016 C1:600000376011235 C2:dudduuuuddduddd M:2/4   K:G            H:BLQRZ  T:The BANKS OF AVONMORE
ABC 135016 C1:600000376011235 C2:dudduuuuddduddd M:2/4   K:G            H:BLQRZ  T:The BANKS OF AVONMORE
ABC 332002 C1:067100376011235 C2:dduudduuuuddddu M:C     K:G            H:BCLQRY T:BANKS OF AVONMORE (reel), The
ABC 332002 C1:067100376011235 C2:dduudduuuuddddu M:C     K:G            H:BCLQRY T:BANKS OF AVONMORE (reel), The
ABC 332002 C1:067100376011235 C2:dduudduuuuddddu M:C     K:G            H:BCLQRY T:BANKS OF AVONMORE (reel), The
ABC 491024 C1:050000010703071 C2:dudududdduuudud M:C     K:C            H:BLSYZ  T:BANKS OF BANNA, The
ABC  29001 C1:050000010703072 C2:dudududddduuudu M:C     K:C            H:BCLQ   T:BANKS OF BANNA, The
ABC    128 C1:050000010703071 C2:dudududdduuudud M:C     K:C            H:BLZ    T:The Banks of Banna
ABC    128 C1:050000010703071 C2:dudududdduuudud M:C     K:C            H:BLZ    T:The Banks of Banna
ABC    128 C1:050000010703071 C2:dudududdduuudud M:C     K:C            H:BLZ    T:The Banks of Banna
ABC    128 C1:050000010703071 C2:dudududdduuudud M:C     K:C            H:BLZ    T:The Banks of Banna
ABC    128 C1:001100770500000 C2:uudddudududdduu M:C     K:C            H:BLQRZbs T:the Banks of Banna
ABC    128 C1:001100770500000 C2:uudddudududdduu M:C     K:C            H:BLQRZbs T:the Banks of Banna
ABC    128 C1:001100770500000 C2:uudddudududdduu M:C     K:C            H:BLQRZbs T:the Banks of Banna
ABC    128 C1:001100770500000 C2:uudddudududdduu M:C     K:C            H:BLQRZbs T:the Banks of Banna
ABC    128 C1:001100770500000 C2:uudddudududdduu M:C     K:C            H:BLQRZbs T:the Banks of Banna
ABC    128 C1:001100770500000 C2:uudddudududdduu M:C     K:C            H:BLQRZbs T:the Banks of Banna
ABC    128 C1:001100770500000 C2:uudddudududdduu M:C     K:C            H:BLQRZbs T:the Banks of Banna
ABC    128 C1:001100770500000 C2:uudddudududdduu M:C     K:C            H:BLQRZbs T:the Banks of Banna
ABC  11172 C1:001100707050000 C2:uudddudududdddu M:C     K:F            H:BFLQZ  T:the BANKS OF BANNA
ABC  11172 C1:001100707050000 C2:uudddudududdddu M:C     K:F            H:BFLQZ  T:the BANKS OF BANNA
ABC  21082 C1:001100707050000 C2:uudddudududduuu M:C     K:Eb           H:BLQSZ  T:BANKS OF BANNA
ABC  21082 C1:001100707050000 C2:uudddudududduuu M:C     K:Eb           H:BLQSZ  T:BANKS OF BANNA
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:C     K:D            H:BLQRZ  T:Banks of Banna, The
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:C     K:C            H:LQSZ   T:Banks of Banna, The
ABC    128 C1:050000010703071 C2:dudududdduuudud M:C     K:C            H:BLZ    T:The Banks of Banna
ABC  29001 C1:050000010703072 C2:dudududddduuudu M:C     K:C            H:BCLQ   T:BANKS OF BANNA, The
ABC  29001 C1:050000010703072 C2:dudududddduuudu M:C     K:C            H:BCLQ   T:BANKS OF BANNA, The
ABC 491024 C1:050000010703071 C2:dudududdduuudud M:C     K:C            H:BLSYZ  T:BANKS OF BANNA, The
ABC 491024 C1:050000010703071 C2:dudududdduuudud M:C     K:C            H:BLSYZ  T:BANKS OF BANNA, The
ABC    128 C1:050000010703071 C2:dudududdduuudud M:C     K:C            H:BLZ    T:The Banks of Banna
ABC  11172 C1:001100707050000 C2:uudddudududdddu M:C     K:F            H:BFLQZ  T:The BANKS OF BANNA
ABC  11172 C1:001100707050000 C2:uudddudududdddu M:C     K:F            H:BFLQZ  T:The BANKS OF BANNA
ABC  11172 C1:001100707050000 C2:uudddudududdddu M:C     K:F            H:BFLQZ  T:The BANKS OF BANNA
ABC  11172 C1:001100707050000 C2:uudddudududdddu M:C     K:F            H:BFLQZ  T:The BANKS OF BANNA
ABC  11172 C1:001100707050000 C2:uudddudududdddu M:C     K:F            H:BFLQZ  T:The BANKS OF BANNA
ABC  21082 C1:001100707050000 C2:uudddudududduuu M:C     K:Eb           H:BLQSZ  T:BANKS OF BANNA
ABC  21082 C1:001100707050000 C2:uudddudududduuu M:C     K:Eb           H:BLQSZ  T:BANKS OF BANNA
ABC  21082 C1:001100707050000 C2:uudddudududduuu M:C     K:Eb           H:BLQSZ  T:BANKS OF BANNA
ABC  21082 C1:001100707050000 C2:uudddudududduuu M:C     K:Eb           H:BLQSZ  T:BANKS OF BANNA
ABC  21082 C1:001100707050000 C2:uudddudududduuu M:C     K:Eb           H:BLQSZ  T:BANKS OF BANNA
ABC  21082 C1:001100707050000 C2:uudddudududduuu M:C     K:Eb           H:BLQSZ  T:BANKS OF BANNA
ABC  21082 C1:001100707050000 C2:uudddudududduuu M:C     K:Eb           H:BLQSZ  T:BANKS OF BANNA
ABC  21082 C1:001100707050000 C2:uudddudududduuu M:C     K:Eb           H:BLQSZ  T:BANKS OF BANNA
ABC  21082 C1:001100707050000 C2:uudddudududduuu M:C     K:Eb           H:BLQSZ  T:BANKS OF BANNA
ABC    128 C1:050000010703071 C2:dudududdduuudud M:C     K:C            H:BLZ    T:The Banks of Banna
ABC    128 C1:050000010703071 C2:dudududdduuudud M:C     K:C            H:BLZ    T:The Banks of Banna
ABC      1 C1:440020621616133 C2:duuduududududuu M:4/4   K:D            H:CLQR   T:The Banks of Boggie
ABC      1 C1:440020621616133 C2:duuduududududuu M:4/4   K:D            H:CLQR   T:The Banks of Boggie
ABC     58 C1:026535660000011 C2:udduddduuuduuud M:C     K:G            H:ALOQRSZ T:Banks Of Burdisel(?),The. WI.058
ABC     58 C1:026535660000011 C2:udduddduuuduuud M:C     K:G            H:ABLOQRSZ T:Banks Of Burdisel(?),The. WI.058
ABC    516 C1:026535660000011 C2:udduddduuuduuud M:C     K:G            H:AFLOQRSZ T:Banks Of Burdisel(?),The. WI.058
ABC    516 C1:026535660000011 C2:udduddduuuduuud M:C     K:G            H:AFLOQRSZ T:Banks Of Burdisel(?),The. WI.058
ABC     58 C1:026535660000011 C2:udduddduuuduuud M:C     K:G            H:ABLOQRSZ T:Banks Of Burdisel(?),The. WI.058
ABC     58 C1:026535660000011 C2:udduddduuuduuud M:C     K:G            H:ABLQZ  T:Banks Of Burdisel(?). WI.058, The
ABC     58 C1:026535660000011 C2:udduddduuuduuud M:C     K:G            H:ABLQZ  T:Banks Of Burdisel(?). WI.058, The
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:C     K:Dm           H:LQRSZ  T:Banks of Claudy [1], The
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:C     K:Dm           H:LQRSZ  T:Banks of Claudy [1], The
ABC    430 C1:770071011100220 C2:ddduduuuuuddddd M:C     K:Dm           H:BLOQRZbs T:the Banks of Claudy #2
ABC    430 C1:770071011100220 C2:ddduduuuuuddddd M:C     K:Dm           H:BLOQRZbs T:the Banks of Claudy #2
ABC    430 C1:770071011100220 C2:ddduduuuuuddddd M:C     K:Dm           H:BLOQRZbs T:the Banks of Claudy #2
ABC    430 C1:770071011100220 C2:ddduduuuuuddddd M:C     K:Dm           H:BLOQRZbs T:the Banks of Claudy #2
ABC 491025 C1:007101110022017 C2:duduuuuuddddddu M:C     K:Dm           H:BLSYZ  T:BANKS OF CLAUDY, The
ABC    430 C1:007101110022017 C2:duduuuuuddddddu M:C     K:Dm           H:BLZ    T:The Banks of Claudy
ABC    430 C1:007101110022017 C2:duduuuuuddddddu M:C     K:Dm           H:BLZ    T:The Banks of Claudy
ABC    430 C1:007101110022017 C2:duduuuuuddddddu M:C     K:Dm           H:BLZ    T:The Banks of Claudy
ABC    430 C1:007101110022017 C2:duduuuuuddddddu M:C     K:Dm           H:BLZ    T:The Banks of Claudy
ABC    430 C1:007101110022017 C2:duduuuuuddddddu M:C     K:Dm           H:BLOQRZbs T:the Banks of Claudy
ABC    430 C1:007101110022017 C2:duduuuuuddddddu M:C     K:Dm           H:BLOQRZbs T:the Banks of Claudy
ABC    430 C1:007101110022017 C2:duduuuuuddddddu M:C     K:Dm           H:BLOQRZbs T:the Banks of Claudy
ABC    430 C1:007101110022017 C2:duduuuuuddddddu M:C     K:Dm           H:BLOQRZbs T:the Banks of Claudy
ABC    430 C1:007101110022017 C2:duduuuuuddddddu M:C     K:Dm           H:BLOQRZbs T:the Banks of Claudy
ABC    430 C1:007101110022017 C2:duduuuuuddddddu M:C     K:Dm           H:BLOQRZbs T:the Banks of Claudy
ABC    430 C1:007101110022017 C2:duduuuuuddddddu M:C     K:Dm           H:BLOQRZbs T:the Banks of Claudy
ABC    430 C1:007101110022017 C2:duduuuuuddddddu M:C     K:Dm           H:BLOQRZbs T:the Banks of Claudy
ABC      1 C1:040402060000020 C2:duududduuuddduu M:4/4   K:D            H:"LV    T:Banks of Claudy
ABC    430 C1:007101110022017 C2:duduuuuuddddddu M:C     K:Dm           H:BLZ    T:The Banks of Claudy
ABC    430 C1:007101110022017 C2:duduuuuuddddddu M:C     K:Dm           H:BLZ    T:The Banks of Claudy
ABC 491025 C1:007101110022017 C2:duduuuuuddddddu M:C     K:Dm           H:BLSYZ  T:BANKS OF CLAUDY, The
ABC 491025 C1:007101110022017 C2:duduuuuuddddddu M:C     K:Dm           H:BLSYZ  T:BANKS OF CLAUDY, The
ABC    430 C1:007101110022017 C2:duduuuuuddddddu M:C     K:Dm           H:BLZ    T:The Banks of Claudy
ABC    430 C1:007101110022017 C2:duduuuuuddddddu M:C     K:Dm           H:BLZ    T:The Banks of Claudy
ABC    430 C1:007101110022017 C2:duduuuuuddddddu M:C     K:Dm           H:BLZ    T:The Banks of Claudy
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:C     K:Amix         H:LRSZ   T:The Banks of Clyde [1]
ABC      1 C1:223607012727676 C2:uuudduududddddu M:4/4   K:G            H:L      T:The Banks of Clyde (3)
ABC   0104 C1:223607012727676 C2:uuudduududddddu M:4/4   K:G            H:"BLORZ T:the Banks of Clyde - 8x32S
ABC   0104 C1:223607012727676 C2:uuudduududddddu M:4/4   K:G            H:"BLORZ T:the Banks of Clyde - 8x32S
ABC   0104 C1:223607012727676 C2:uuudduududddddu M:4/4   K:G            H:"BLORZ T:The Banks of Clyde - 8x32S
ABC   0104 C1:223607012727676 C2:uuudduududddddu M:4/4   K:G            H:"BLORZ T:The Banks of Clyde - 8x32S
ABC      1 C1:060022300600070 C2:duuudduududdddd M:4/4   K:G            H:CLQR   T:The Banks of Clyde
ABC      1 C1:060022300600070 C2:duuudduududdddd M:4/4   K:G            H:CLQR   T:The Banks of Clyde
ABC      4 C1:602600376043677 C2:dududduudddddud M:C     K:A            H:LRS    T:Banks of Clyde, The
ABC      4 C1:602600376043677 C2:dududduudddddud M:C     K:A            H:LRS    T:Banks of Clyde, The
ABC      1 C1:223607012727676 C2:uuudduududddddu M:4/4   K:G            H:"CL    T:Banks of Clyde
ABC      1 C1:223607012727676 C2:uuudduududddddu M:4/4   K:G            H:"CL    T:Banks of Clyde
ABC      1 C1:223607012727676 C2:uuudduududddddu M:4/4   K:G            H:"CL    T:Banks of Clyde
ABC      1 C1:223607012727676 C2:uuudduududddddu M:4/4   K:G            H:"CL    T:Banks of Clyde
ABC     74 C1:776702677771077 C2:ddduudddddudduu M:2/4   K:G            H:BFLZ   T:the Banks of Clyde
ABC   4076 C1:776702677771077 C2:ddduudddddudduu M:2/4   K:G            H:BLRSZ  T:the Banks of Clyde
ABC     29 C1:602600376043677 C2:dududduudddddud M:C     K:A            H:BCLORWZ T:The Banks of Clyde
ABC   0104 C1:223607012727676 C2:uuudduududddddu M:4/4   K:G            H:"BLORZ T:the Banks of Clyde
ABC   0104 C1:223607012727676 C2:uuudduududddddu M:4/4   K:G            H:"BLORZ T:the Banks of Clyde
ABC   0104 C1:223607012727676 C2:uuudduududddddu M:4/4   K:G            H:"BLORZ T:The Banks of Clyde
ABC   0104 C1:223607012727676 C2:uuudduududddddu M:4/4   K:G            H:"BLORZ T:The Banks of Clyde
ABC      4 C1:602600376043677 C2:dududduudddddud M:C     K:A            H:LRS    T:Banks of Clyde, The
ABC      4 C1:602600376043677 C2:dududduudddddud M:C     K:A            H:LRS    T:Banks of Clyde, The
ABC      4 C1:602600376043677 C2:dududduudddddud M:C     K:A            H:LRS    T:Banks of Clyde, The
ABC      4 C1:602600376043677 C2:dududduudddddud M:C     K:A            H:LRS    T:Banks of Clyde, The
ABC      4 C1:602600376043677 C2:dududduudddddud M:C     K:A            H:LRS    T:Banks of Clyde, The
ABC      4 C1:602600376043677 C2:dududduudddddud M:C     K:A            H:LRS    T:Banks of Clyde, The
ABC      4 C1:602600376043677 C2:dududduudddddud M:C     K:A            H:LRS    T:Banks of Clyde, The
ABC     74 C1:776702677771077 C2:ddduudddddudduu M:2/4   K:G            H:BFLZ   T:The Banks of Clyde
ABC     74 C1:776702677771077 C2:ddduudddddudduu M:2/4   K:G            H:BFLZ   T:The Banks of Clyde
ABC   0676 C1:776702677771077 C2:ddduudddddudduu M:2/4   K:G            H:ILQZ   T:The Banks of Clyde.
ABC   0676 C1:776702677771077 C2:ddduudddddudduu M:2/4   K:G            H:ILQZ   T:The Banks of Clyde.
ABC   0676 C1:776702677771077 C2:ddduudddddudduu M:2/4   K:G            H:ILQZ   T:The Banks of Clyde.
ABC   0676 C1:776702677771077 C2:ddduudddddudduu M:2/4   K:G            H:ILQZ   T:The Banks of Clyde.
ABC   0676 C1:776702677771077 C2:ddduudddddudduu M:2/4   K:G            H:ILQZ   T:The Banks of Clyde.
ABC   0676 C1:776702677771077 C2:ddduudddddudduu M:2/4   K:G            H:ILQZ   T:The Banks of Clyde.
ABC   0676 C1:776702677771077 C2:ddduudddddudduu M:2/4   K:G            H:ILQZ   T:The Banks of Clyde.
ABC   0676 C1:776702677771077 C2:ddduudddddudduu M:2/4   K:G            H:ILQZ   T:The Banks of Clyde.
ABC   0676 C1:776702677771077 C2:ddduudddddudduu M:2/4   K:G            H:ILQZ   T:The Banks of Clyde.
ABC   4076 C1:776702677771077 C2:ddduudddddudduu M:2/4   K:G            H:BLRSZ  T:the Banks of Clyde
ABC   4076 C1:776702677771077 C2:ddduudddddudduu M:2/4   K:G            H:BLRSZ  T:the Banks of Clyde
ABC   4076 C1:776702677771077 C2:ddduudddddudduu M:2/4   K:G            H:BLRSZ  T:The Banks of Clyde
ABC   4076 C1:776702677771077 C2:ddduudddddudduu M:2/4   K:G            H:BLRSZ  T:The Banks of Clyde
ABC      1 C1:002277716000000 C2:uuddduduuuddddd M:2/4   K:D            H:LS     T:The Banks of Coquet
ABC      1 C1:030017006200120 C2:uudduuuuddudddu M:4/4   K:E            H:CLQR   T:The Banks of Don
ABC      1 C1:030017006200120 C2:uudduuuuddudddu M:4/4   K:E            H:CLQR   T:The Banks of Don
ABC  10321 C1:001711177711777 C2:uduuuddduuddddd M:6/8   K:G            H:BFLQZ  T:the BANKS OF DOON
ABC  10321 C1:001711177711777 C2:uduuuddduuddddd M:6/8   K:G            H:BFLQZ  T:the BANKS OF DOON
ABC  10321 C1:001711177711777 C2:uduuuddduuddddd M:6/8   K:G            H:BFLQZ  T:The BANKS OF DOON
ABC  10321 C1:001711177711777 C2:uduuuddduuddddd M:6/8   K:G            H:BFLQZ  T:The BANKS OF DOON
ABC  10321 C1:001711177711777 C2:uduuuddduuddddd M:6/8   K:G            H:BFLQZ  T:The BANKS OF DOON
ABC  10321 C1:001711177711777 C2:uduuuddduuddddd M:6/8   K:G            H:BFLQZ  T:The BANKS OF DOON
ABC  10321 C1:001711177711777 C2:uduuuddduuddddd M:6/8   K:G            H:BFLQZ  T:The BANKS OF DOON
ABC    145 C1:001711267711770 C2:uduuuddduuddddu M:6/8   K:D            H:BLQZ   T:Banks of Doon. LW.145
ABC    542 C1:571561570003576 C2:uududddudddduuu M:6/8   K:G            H:BLQRZbs T:the Banks of Dunmore #2
ABC    542 C1:571561570003576 C2:uududddudddduuu M:6/8   K:G            H:BLQRZbs T:the Banks of Dunmore #2
ABC    542 C1:571561570003576 C2:uududddudddduuu M:6/8   K:G            H:BLQRZbs T:the Banks of Dunmore #2
ABC    542 C1:571561570003576 C2:uududddudddduuu M:6/8   K:G            H:BLQRZbs T:the Banks of Dunmore #2
ABC 491026 C1:715615700035760 C2:dudddudddduuudd M:6/8   K:G            H:BLSYZ  T:BANKS OF DUNMORE, The
ABC    542 C1:715615700035760 C2:dudddudddduuudd M:6/8   K:G            H:BLQZ   T:The Banks of Dunmore
ABC    542 C1:715615700035760 C2:dudddudddduuudd M:6/8   K:G            H:BLQZ   T:The Banks of Dunmore
ABC    542 C1:715615700035760 C2:dudddudddduuudd M:6/8   K:G            H:BLQZ   T:The Banks of Dunmore
ABC    542 C1:715615700035760 C2:dudddudddduuudd M:6/8   K:G            H:BLQZ   T:The Banks of Dunmore
ABC    542 C1:715615700035760 C2:dudddudddduuudd M:6/8   K:G            H:BLQRZbs T:the Banks of Dunmore
ABC    542 C1:715615700035760 C2:dudddudddduuudd M:6/8   K:G            H:BLQRZbs T:the Banks of Dunmore
ABC    542 C1:715615700035760 C2:dudddudddduuudd M:6/8   K:G            H:BLQRZbs T:the Banks of Dunmore
ABC    542 C1:715615700035760 C2:dudddudddduuudd M:6/8   K:G            H:BLQRZbs T:the Banks of Dunmore
ABC    542 C1:715615700035760 C2:dudddudddduuudd M:6/8   K:G            H:BLQRZbs T:the Banks of Dunmore
ABC    542 C1:715615700035760 C2:dudddudddduuudd M:6/8   K:G            H:BLQRZbs T:the Banks of Dunmore
ABC    542 C1:715615700035760 C2:dudddudddduuudd M:6/8   K:G            H:BLQRZbs T:the Banks of Dunmore
ABC    542 C1:715615700035760 C2:dudddudddduuudd M:6/8   K:G            H:BLQRZbs T:the Banks of Dunmore
ABC    542 C1:715615700035760 C2:dudddudddduuudd M:6/8   K:G            H:BLQRZbs T:the Banks of Dunmore
ABC    542 C1:715615700035760 C2:dudddudddduuudd M:6/8   K:G            H:BLQRZbs T:the Banks of Dunmore
ABC    542 C1:715615700035760 C2:dudddudddduuudd M:6/8   K:G            H:BLQRZbs T:the Banks of Dunmore
ABC    542 C1:715615700035760 C2:dudddudddduuudd M:6/8   K:G            H:BLQRZbs T:the Banks of Dunmore
ABC    542 C1:715615700035760 C2:dudddudddduuudd M:6/8   K:G            H:BLQZ   T:The Banks of Dunmore
ABC 491026 C1:715615700035760 C2:dudddudddduuudd M:6/8   K:G            H:BLSYZ  T:BANKS OF DUNMORE, The
ABC 491026 C1:715615700035760 C2:dudddudddduuudd M:6/8   K:G            H:BLSYZ  T:BANKS OF DUNMORE, The
ABC    542 C1:715615700035760 C2:dudddudddduuudd M:6/8   K:G            H:BLQZ   T:The Banks of Dunmore
ABC    542 C1:715615700035760 C2:dudddudddduuudd M:6/8   K:G            H:BLQZ   T:The Banks of Dunmore
ABC    542 C1:715615700035760 C2:dudddudddduuudd M:6/8   K:G            H:BLQZ   T:The Banks of Dunmore
ABC      1 C1:102644252644532 C2:dududuuddududud M:4/4   K:Em           H:CLQR   T:The Banks of Earn
ABC      1 C1:102644252644532 C2:dududuuddududud M:4/4   K:Em           H:CLQR   T:The Banks of Earn
ABC      1 C1:251660251762121 C2:ududdududduuuuu M:C|    K:D            H:BLRZ   T:The Banks of Enverness -- Reel
ABC      1 C1:251660251762121 C2:ududdududduuuuu M:C|    K:D            H:BLRZ   T:The Banks of Enverness -- Reel
ABC      1 C1:251660251762121 C2:ududdududduuuuu M:C|    K:D            H:BLRZ   T:The Banks of Enverness -- Reel
ABC      1 C1:251660251762121 C2:ududdududduuuuu M:C|    K:D            H:BLRZ   T:The Banks of Enverness -- Reel
ABC      1 C1:251660251762121 C2:ududdududduuuuu M:C|    K:D            H:BLRZ   T:The Banks of Enverness -- Reel
ABC      1 C1:251660251762121 C2:ududdududduuuuu M:C|    K:D            H:BLRZ   T:The Banks of Enverness -- Reel
ABC      1 C1:251660251762121 C2:ududdududduuuuu M:C|    K:D            H:BLRZ   T:The Banks of Enverness -- Reel
ABC    390 C1:037671037677711 C2:uddduuddddduudd M:6/8   K:D            H:LRSZ   T:Banks of Erne
ABC      1 C1:307270426766015 C2:uduuduuuddddudd M:2/4   K:A            H:CFLQSZ T:Banks of Esk
ABC   0851 C1:307270426766015 C2:uduuduuuddddudd M:2/4   K:A            H:CILQZ  T:Banks of Esk,
ABC   0851 C1:307270426766015 C2:uduuduuuddddudd M:2/4   K:A            H:CILQZ  T:Banks of Esk,
ABC   0851 C1:307270426766015 C2:uduuduuuddddudd M:2/4   K:A            H:CILQZ  T:Banks of Esk,
ABC   0851 C1:307270426766015 C2:uduuduuuddddudd M:2/4   K:A            H:CILQZ  T:Banks of Esk,
ABC   0851 C1:307270426766015 C2:uduuduuuddddudd M:2/4   K:A            H:CILQZ  T:Banks of Esk,
ABC   0851 C1:307270426766015 C2:uduuduuuddddudd M:2/4   K:A            H:CILQZ  T:Banks of Esk,
ABC   0851 C1:307270426766015 C2:uduuduuuddddudd M:2/4   K:A            H:CILQZ  T:Banks of Esk,
ABC   0851 C1:307270426766015 C2:uduuduuuddddudd M:2/4   K:A            H:CILQZ  T:Banks of Esk,
ABC   0851 C1:307270426766015 C2:uduuduuuddddudd M:2/4   K:A            H:CILQZ  T:Banks of Esk,
ABC     79 C1:001767717114002 C2:udddduduudududd M:4/4   K:C            H:ABLQZ  T:Banks of Eyderinay. JJo.077, The
ABC     79 C1:001767717114002 C2:udddduduudududd M:4/4   K:C            H:ABLQZ  T:Banks of Eyderinay. JJo.077, The
ABC     77 C1:001767717114002 C2:udddduduudududd M:4/4   K:C            H:ALQSZ  T:Banks of Eyderinay,The. JJo.077
ABC     77 C1:001767717114002 C2:udddduduudududd M:4/4   K:C            H:ABLQSZ T:Banks of Eyderinay,The. JJo.077
ABC    517 C1:001767717114002 C2:udddduduudududd M:4/4   K:C            H:AFLQSZ T:Banks of Eyderinay,The. JJo.077
ABC    517 C1:001767717114002 C2:udddduduudududd M:4/4   K:C            H:AFLQSZ T:Banks of Eyderinay,The. JJo.077
ABC     77 C1:001767717114002 C2:udddduduudududd M:4/4   K:C            H:ABLQSZ T:Banks of Eyderinay,The. JJo.077
ABC      1 C1:027071717057660 C2:uddudududdduduu M:6/8   K:C            H:L      T:The Banks of Fordie
ABC      1 C1:027071717057660 C2:uddudududdduduu M:6/8   K:C            H:L      T:The Banks of Fordie
ABC      1 C1:027071717057660 C2:uddudududdduduu M:6/8   K:C            H:L      T:The Banks of Fordie
ABC  20103 C1:000201010003001 C2:uuuuuuudddddudu M:C     K:E            H:BCLQSZ T:the BANKS OF FORTH
ABC  20103 C1:000201010003001 C2:uuuuuuudddddudu M:C     K:E            H:BCLQSZ T:the BANKS OF FORTH
ABC  20103 C1:000201010003001 C2:uuuuuuudddddudu M:C     K:E            H:BCLQSZ T:The BANKS OF FORTH
ABC  20103 C1:000201010003001 C2:uuuuuuudddddudu M:C     K:E            H:BCLQSZ T:The BANKS OF FORTH
ABC  20103 C1:000201010003001 C2:uuuuuuudddddudu M:C     K:E            H:BCLQSZ T:The BANKS OF FORTH
ABC  20103 C1:000201010003001 C2:uuuuuuudddddudu M:C     K:E            H:BCLQSZ T:The BANKS OF FORTH
ABC  20103 C1:000201010003001 C2:uuuuuuudddddudu M:C     K:E            H:BCLQSZ T:The BANKS OF FORTH
ABC  20103 C1:000201010003001 C2:uuuuuuudddddudu M:C     K:E            H:BCLQSZ T:The BANKS OF FORTH
ABC  20103 C1:000201010003001 C2:uuuuuuudddddudu M:C     K:E            H:BCLQSZ T:The BANKS OF FORTH
ABC  20103 C1:000201010003001 C2:uuuuuuudddddudu M:C     K:E            H:BCLQSZ T:The BANKS OF FORTH
ABC  20103 C1:000201010003001 C2:uuuuuuudddddudu M:C     K:E            H:BCLQSZ T:The BANKS OF FORTH
ABC  11261 C1:000200110003001 C2:uuuuuuudddddudu M:C     K:D            H:BCLZ   T:the Banks of Forth by Mr Oswald
ABC  11261 C1:000200110003001 C2:uuuuuuudddddudu M:C     K:D            H:BCLZ   T:the Banks of Forth by Mr Oswald
ABC  11261 C1:000200110003001 C2:uuuuuuudddddudu M:C     K:D            H:BCLZ   T:The Banks of Forth by Mr Oswald
ABC  11261 C1:000200110003001 C2:uuuuuuudddddudu M:C     K:D            H:BCLZ   T:The Banks of Forth by Mr Oswald
ABC  11261 C1:000200110003001 C2:uuuuuuudddddudu M:C     K:D            H:BCLZ   T:The Banks of Forth by Mr Oswald
ABC  11261 C1:000200110003001 C2:uuuuuuudddddudu M:C     K:D            H:BCLZ   T:The Banks of Forth by Mr Oswald
ABC  11261 C1:000200110003001 C2:uuuuuuudddddudu M:C     K:D            H:BCLZ   T:The Banks of Forth by Mr Oswald
ABC  11261 C1:000200110003001 C2:uuuuuuudddddudu M:C     K:D            H:BCLZ   T:The Banks of Forth by Mr Oswald
ABC  11261 C1:000200110003001 C2:uuuuuuudddddudu M:C     K:D            H:BCLZ   T:The Banks of Forth by Mr Oswald
ABC  11261 C1:000200110003001 C2:uuuuuuudddddudu M:C     K:D            H:BCLZ   T:The Banks of Forth by Mr Oswald
ABC  11261 C1:000200110003001 C2:uuuuuuudddddudu M:C     K:D            H:BCLZ   T:The Banks of Forth by Mr Oswald
ABC  11261 C1:000200110003001 C2:uuuuuuudddddudu M:C     K:D            H:BCLZ   T:The Banks of Forth by Mr Oswald
ABC  11261 C1:000200110003001 C2:uuuuuuudddddudu M:C     K:D            H:BCLZ   T:The Banks of Forth by Mr Oswald
ABC  11261 C1:000200110003001 C2:uuuuuuudddddudu M:C     K:D            H:BCLZ   T:The Banks of Forth by Mr Oswald
ABC  11261 C1:000200110003001 C2:uuuuuuudddddudu M:C     K:D            H:BCLZ   T:The Banks of Forth by Mr Oswald
ABC  11261 C1:000200110003001 C2:uuuuuuudddddudu M:C     K:D            H:BCLZ   T:The Banks of Forth by Mr Oswald
ABC  11261 C1:000200110003001 C2:uuuuuuudddddudu M:C     K:D            H:BCLZ   T:The Banks of Forth by Mr Oswald
ABC  11261 C1:000200110003001 C2:uuuuuuudddddudu M:C     K:D            H:BCLZ   T:The Banks of Forth by Mr Oswald
ABC     99 C1:021103111766002 C2:uuuuuuudddddudu M:C     K:D            H:BLQWZ  T:Banks of Forth. JJo3.099, The
ABC     99 C1:021103111766002 C2:uuuuuuudddddudu M:C     K:D            H:BLQWZ  T:Banks of Forth. JJo3.099, The
ABC     34 C1:176212231767001 C2:udduuuududdduuu M:C     K:D            H:BCLR   T:Banks of Garry, The
ABC     34 C1:176212231767001 C2:udduuuududdduuu M:C     K:D            H:BCLR   T:Banks of Garry, The
ABC     34 C1:176212231767001 C2:udduuuududdduuu M:C     K:D            H:BCLR   T:Banks of Garry, The
ABC     34 C1:176212231767001 C2:udduuuududdduuu M:C     K:D            H:BCLR   T:Banks of Garry, The
ABC     34 C1:176212231767001 C2:udduuuududdduuu M:C     K:D            H:BCLR   T:Banks of Garry, The
ABC      1 C1:001700620012002 C2:udduuuududdduuu M:4/4   K:D            H:CLQR   T:The Banks of Garry
ABC      1 C1:001700620012002 C2:udduuuududdduuu M:4/4   K:D            H:CLQR   T:The Banks of Garry
ABC      1 C1:001700620012002 C2:udduuuududdduuu M:C     K:D            H:"BLORSZ T:The Banks of Garry
ABC      1 C1:001700620012002 C2:udduuuududdduuu M:C     K:D            H:"BLORSZ T:The Banks of Garry
ABC      1 C1:001700620012002 C2:udduuuududdduuu M:C     K:D            H:"BLORSZ T:The Banks of Garry
ABC      1 C1:001700620012002 C2:udduuuududdduuu M:C     K:D            H:"BLORSZ T:The Banks of Garry
ABC      1 C1:001700620012002 C2:udduuuududdduuu M:C     K:D            H:"BLORSZ T:The Banks of Garry
ABC     34 C1:176212231767001 C2:udduuuududdduuu M:C     K:D            H:BCLR   T:Banks of Garry, The
ABC     34 C1:176212231767001 C2:udduuuududdduuu M:C     K:D            H:BCLR   T:Banks of Garry, The
ABC      1 C1:605302602017605 C2:dududuuddududud M:6/8   K:C            H:BHLR   T:The Banks of Glenoe
ABC     78 C1:605302602017605 C2:dududuuddududud M:6/8   K:C            H:BHLRZ  T:The Banks of Glenoe
ABC     78 C1:605302602017605 C2:dududuuddududud M:6/8   K:C            H:BHLR   T:The Banks of Glenoe
ABC     78 C1:605302602017605 C2:dududuuddududud M:6/8   K:C            H:BHLRZ  T:The Banks of Glenoe
ABC   6503 C1:605302602017605 C2:dududuuddududud M:6/8   K:C            H:BHLOR  T:The Banks of Glenoe
ABC   6503 C1:605302602017605 C2:dududuuddududud M:6/8   K:C            H:BHLOR  T:The Banks of Glenoe
ABC  12803 C1:605302602017605 C2:dududuuddududud M:6/8   K:C            H:BHLR   T:The Banks of Glenoe
ABC  12803 C1:605302602017605 C2:dududuuddududud M:6/8   K:C            H:BHLR   T:The Banks of Glenoe
ABC  12803 C1:605302602017605 C2:dududuuddududud M:6/8   K:C            H:BHLR   T:The Banks of Glenoe
ABC  12803 C1:605302602017605 C2:dududuuddududud M:6/8   K:C            H:BHLR   T:The Banks of Glenoe
ABC  12803 C1:605302602017605 C2:dududuuddududud M:6/8   K:C            H:BHLR   T:The Banks of Glenoe
ABC     43 C1:176212231767000 C2:udduuuududdduud M:2/2   K:D            H:BLQZ   T:Banks of Gray. LIT.043, The
ABC      1 C1:001177050001011 C2:uuddduuuddduuud M:3/4   K:G            H:L      T:Banks of Green Willow
ABC      1 C1:001177050001011 C2:uuddduuuddduuud M:3/4   K:G            H:L      T:Banks of Green Willow
ABC      1 C1:001177050001011 C2:uuddduuuddduuud M:3/4   K:G            H:L      T:Banks of Green Willow
ABC      1 C1:020707760200000 C2:udddduuddduuuud M:3/4   K:Em           H:BFLSZw T:The Banks of Green Willow
ABC      1 C1:020707760200000 C2:udddduuddduuuud M:3/4   K:Em           H:BFLSWZw T:The Banks of Green Willow
ABC     11 C1:622302600261667 C2:duuuudududddddu M:4/4   K:C            H:LQ     T:Banks Of Ilen/The Scartaglen Reels
ABC      1 C1:040071011011007 C2:dduuuuudddduudu M:6/8   K:F            H:L      T:Banks of Inverary
ABC      1 C1:040071011011007 C2:dduuuuudddduudu M:6/8   K:F            H:L      T:Banks of Inverary
ABC      1 C1:040071011011007 C2:dduuuuudddduudu M:6/8   K:F            H:L      T:Banks of Inverary
ABC      7 C1:040071011011007 C2:dduuuuudddduudu M:6/8   K:F            H:"CLQSWZ T:Banks of Inverary
ABC      1 C1:040071011011007 C2:dduuuuudddduudu M:6/8   K:F            H:"CLQSWZ T:Banks of Inverary
ABC      1 C1:023307760100006 C2:uududddduuddduu M:4/4   K:G            H:FLSWZrw T:Banks of Inverary
ABC      1 C1:023307760100006 C2:uududddduuddduu M:4/4   K:G            H:LSWZrw T:Banks of Inverary
ABC   1137 C1:040071011011007 C2:dduuuuudddduudu M:6/8   K:F            H:"CLQSWZ T:Banks of Inverary
ABC      7 C1:040071011011007 C2:dduuuuudddduudu M:6/8   K:F            H:"CLQSWZ T:Banks of Inverary
ABC      7 C1:040071011011007 C2:dduuuuudddduudu M:6/8   K:F            H:"CLQSWZ T:Banks of Inverary
ABC    399 C1:040071011011007 C2:dduuuuudddduudu M:6/8   K:F            H:"CLOQSW T:Banks of Inverary
ABC    399 C1:040071011011007 C2:dduuuuudddduudu M:6/8   K:F            H:"CLOQSW T:Banks of Inverary
ABC      7 C1:040071011011007 C2:dduuuuudddduudu M:6/8   K:F            H:"CLQSWZ T:Banks of Inverary
ABC      7 C1:040071011011007 C2:dduuuuudddduudu M:6/8   K:F            H:"CLQSWZ T:Banks of Inverary
ABC      7 C1:040071011011007 C2:dduuuuudddduudu M:6/8   K:F            H:"CLQSWZ T:Banks of Inverary
ABC      7 C1:040071011011007 C2:dduuuuudddduudu M:6/8   K:F            H:"CLQSWZ T:Banks of Inverary
ABC   1137 C1:040071011011007 C2:dduuuuudddduudu M:6/8   K:F            H:"CLQSWZ T:Banks of Inverary
ABC   1137 C1:040071011011007 C2:dduuuuudddduudu M:6/8   K:F            H:"CLQSWZ T:Banks of Inverary
ABC   1137 C1:040071011011007 C2:dduuuuudddduudu M:6/8   K:F            H:"CLQSWZ T:Banks of Inverary
ABC    917 C1:040071011011007 C2:dduuuuudddduudu M:6/8   K:F            H:"CLQSWZ T:Banks of Inverary
ABC    917 C1:040071011011007 C2:dduuuuudddduudu M:6/8   K:F            H:"CLQSWZ T:Banks of Inverary
ABC    917 C1:040071011011007 C2:dduuuuudddduudu M:6/8   K:F            H:"CLQSWZ T:Banks of Inverary
ABC    917 C1:040071011011007 C2:dduuuuudddduudu M:6/8   K:F            H:"CLQSWZ T:Banks of Inverary
ABC    917 C1:040071011011007 C2:dduuuuudddduudu M:6/8   K:F            H:"CLQSWZ T:Banks of Inverary
ABC    167 C1:251660251762121 C2:ududdududduuuuu M:C     K:C            H:LQR    T:Banks of Inverness
ABC    167 C1:251660251762121 C2:ududdududduuuuu M:C     K:C            H:LQR    T:Banks of Inverness
ABC    167 C1:251660251762121 C2:ududdududduuuuu M:C     K:C            H:LQR    T:Banks of Inverness
ABC    167 C1:251660251762121 C2:ududdududduuuuu M:C     K:C            H:LQR    T:Banks of Inverness
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:       T:Banks of Inverness
ABC    769 C1:671200112516671 C2:dduuuuududddduu M:2/4   K:G            H:LSZ    T:The Banks of Inverness
ABC    769 C1:671200112516671 C2:dduuuuududddduu M:2/4   K:G            H:LSZ    T:The Banks of Inverness
ABC      5 C1:121125166537175 C2:uuuuududdduddud M:2/4   K:G            H:HLRZ   T:Banks of Inverness, The
ABC      1 C1:175312112516600 C2:udduuuuuududddd M:2/4   K:G            H:"LZ    T:the Banks of Inverness
ABC      1 C1:175312112516600 C2:udduuuuuududddd M:2/4   K:G            H:"LZ    T:the Banks of Inverness
ABC      1 C1:175312112516600 C2:udduuuuuududddd M:2/4   K:G            H:"LZ    T:the Banks of Inverness
ABC      1 C1:175312112516600 C2:udduuuuuududddd M:2/4   K:G            H:"LZ    T:the Banks of Inverness
ABC  36056 C1:175312112516602 C2:udduuuuuududddu M:2/4   K:G            H:BCLQR  T:Banks of Inverness
ABC    860 C1:121125166007175 C2:uuuuududddddudd M:C|    K:G            H:"CFLORWZ T:The Banks of Inverness
ABC    860 C1:121125166007175 C2:uuuuududddddudd M:C|    K:G            H:"CFLORWZ T:The Banks of Inverness
ABC    860 C1:121125166007175 C2:uuuuududddddudd M:C|    K:G            H:"CFLORWZ T:The Banks of Inverness
ABC     75 C1:331125166025177 C2:uuuuuddudddudud M:2/4   K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:Banks Of Inverness, The
ABC      3 C1:175312112516600 C2:udduuuuuududddd M:2/4   K:G            H:"LZ    T:the Banks of Inverness
ABC      3 C1:175312112516600 C2:udduuuuuududddd M:2/4   K:G            H:"LZ    T:the Banks of Inverness
ABC      3 C1:175312112516600 C2:udduuuuuududddd M:2/4   K:G            H:"LZ    T:the Banks of Inverness
ABC      2 C1:671200112516671 C2:dduuuuududddduu M:2/4   K:Gmaj         H:CLR    T:The Banks of Inverness
ABC      2 C1:                C2:                M:2/4   K:G            H:L      T:Banks of Inverness, The
ABC    769 C1:671200112516671 C2:dduuuuududddduu M:2/4   K:G            H:LSZ    T:The Banks of Inverness
ABC    769 C1:671200112516671 C2:dduuuuududddduu M:2/4   K:G            H:LSZ    T:The Banks of Inverness
ABC  36056 C1:175312112516602 C2:udduuuuuududddu M:2/4   K:G            H:BCLQR  T:Banks of Inverness
ABC  36056 C1:175312112516602 C2:udduuuuuududddu M:2/4   K:G            H:BCLQR  T:Banks of Inverness
ABC    106 C1:121125166537175 C2:uuuuududdduddud M:2/4   K:G            H:HLRZ   T:Banks of Inverness, The
ABC    106 C1:121125166537175 C2:uuuuududdduddud M:2/4   K:G            H:HLRZ   T:Banks of Inverness, The
ABC     40 C1:121125166007175 C2:uuuuududddddudd M:C|    K:G            H:LRZ    T:the Banks of Inverness
ABC     40 C1:121125166007175 C2:uuuuududddddudd M:C|    K:G            H:LRZ    T:the Banks of Inverness
ABC     40 C1:121125166007175 C2:uuuuududddddudd M:C|    K:G            H:LRZ    T:the Banks of Inverness
ABC    167 C1:251660251762121 C2:ududdududduuuuu M:C     K:C            H:LQR    T:Banks of Inverness
ABC    167 C1:251660251762121 C2:ududdududduuuuu M:C     K:C            H:LQR    T:Banks of Inverness
ABC    167 C1:251660251762121 C2:ududdududduuuuu M:C     K:C            H:LQR    T:Banks of Inverness
ABC    143 C1:175312022516653 C2:udduuuuududddud M:2/4   K:G            H:LRZ    T:Banks of Inverness, The
ABC    143 C1:175312022516653 C2:udduuuuududddud M:2/4   K:G            H:LRZ    T:Banks of Inverness, The
ABC     75 C1:331125166025177 C2:uuuuuddudddudud M:2/4   K:Gmaj         H:LRW    T:Banks Of Inverness, The
ABC     75 C1:331125166025177 C2:uuuuuddudddudud M:2/4   K:Gmaj         H:LRW    T:Banks Of Inverness, The
ABC    715 C1:175312022516653 C2:udduuuuududddud M:2/4   K:G            H:LRZ    T:Banks of Inverness, The
ABC      1 C1:121125166537176 C2:uuuuududdduddud M:      K:Amaj         H:LR     T:The Banks Of Inverness
ABC      2 C1:006212112517760 C2:duuuuuududddudd M:      K:Amaj         H:LR     T:The Banks Of Inverness
ABC      3 C1:176212112516653 C2:udduuuuuududddu M:      K:Amaj         H:LR     T:The Banks Of Inverness
ABC      4 C1:671753121125166 C2:ddudduuuuuududd M:      K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:The Banks Of Inverness
ABC      5 C1:535312112516602 C2:duduuuuuudduddd M:      K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:The Banks Of Inverness
ABC      6 C1:626212112516602 C2:duduuuuuudduddd M:      K:Amaj         H:LR     T:The Banks Of Inverness
ABC      7 C1:176212112516602 C2:udduuuuuududdud M:      K:Amaj         H:LR     T:The Banks Of Inverness
ABC      8 C1:176212112516653 C2:udduuuuuududddu M:      K:Amaj         H:LR     T:The Banks Of Inverness
ABC      9 C1:005312022516600 C2:udduuuuuududddd M:      K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:The Banks Of Inverness
ABC     10 C1:121125166537175 C2:uuuuududdduddud M:      K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:The Banks Of Inverness
ABC     11 C1:176212112516602 C2:udduuuuuududddu M:      K:Amaj         H:LR     T:The Banks Of Inverness
ABC     12 C1:176212112516653 C2:udduuuuuududddu M:      K:Dmaj         H:LR     T:The Banks Of Inverness
ABC     13 C1:176212112516653 C2:udduuuuuududddu M:      K:Amaj         H:LR     T:The Banks Of Inverness
ABC     14 C1:671200112516670 C2:dduuuuududdddud M:      K:Gmaj         H:"LR    T:The Banks Of Inverness
ABC 749290 C1:121125166025175 C2:uuuuududdddudud M:2/4   K:G            H:"FGHLRSZ T:Banks of Inverness
ABC    143 C1:175312022516653 C2:udduuuuududddud M:2/4   K:G            H:LRZ    T:Banks of Inverness, The
ABC     40 C1:121125166537175 C2:uuuuududdduddud M:2/4   K:G            H:HLRZ   T:Banks of Inverness, The
ABC   1138 C1:121125166537175 C2:uuuuududdduddud M:2/4   K:G            H:HLRZ   T:Banks of Inverness, The
ABC 749290 C1:                C2:                M:2/4   K:G            H:FGHLRSZ T:Banks of Inverness
ABC    106 C1:121125166537175 C2:uuuuududdduddud M:2/4   K:G            H:HLRZ   T:Banks of Inverness, The
ABC   1138 C1:121125166537175 C2:uuuuududdduddud M:2/4   K:G            H:HLRZ   T:Banks of Inverness, The
ABC   1138 C1:121125166537175 C2:uuuuududdduddud M:2/4   K:G            H:HLRZ   T:Banks of Inverness, The
ABC   1138 C1:121125166537175 C2:uuuuududdduddud M:2/4   K:G            H:HLRZ   T:Banks of Inverness, The
ABC    125 C1:121125166537175 C2:uuuuududdduddud M:2/4   K:G            H:HLORZ  T:Banks of Inverness, The
ABC   1184 C1:010201010205277 C2:uuuuududdddudud M:4/4   K:G            H:"LR    T:Banks of Inverness (A77)
ABC   1184 C1:010201010205277 C2:uuuuududdddudud M:4/4   K:G            H:"LR    T:Banks of Inverness (A77)
ABC   1184 C1:010201010205277 C2:uuuuududdddudud M:4/4   K:G            H:"LR    T:Banks of Inverness (A77)
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:C|    K:C            H:ABFLOQZ T:Banks of Inverness,aka. JaW.309, The
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:C|    K:C            H:ABFLOQZ T:Banks of Inverness,aka. JaW.309, The
ABC    309 C1:623000021616600 C2:duuuududddduuuu M:C|    K:C            H:ABLOQZ T:Banks of Inverness,aka. JaW.309, The
ABC    309 C1:623000021616600 C2:duuuududddduuuu M:C|    K:C            H:ABLOQZ T:Banks of Inverness,aka. JaW.309, The
ABC  48203 C1:251660251753121 C2:ududdududduuuuu M:4/4   K:G            H:BCLQRY T:BANKS OF INVERNESS (polka), The
ABC  48203 C1:251660251753121 C2:ududdududduuuuu M:4/4   K:G            H:BCLQRY T:BANKS OF INVERNESS (polka), The
ABC  48203 C1:251660251753121 C2:ududdududduuuuu M:4/4   K:G            H:BCLQRY T:BANKS OF INVERNESS (polka), The
ABC  59003 C1:121125166025175 C2:uuuuududddududd M:C|    K:G            H:CLR    T:BANKS OF INVERNESS (polka), The
ABC  59003 C1:121125166025175 C2:uuuuududddududd M:C|    K:G            H:CLR    T:BANKS OF INVERNESS (polka), The
ABC  59003 C1:121125166025175 C2:uuuuududddududd M:C|    K:G            H:CLR    T:BANKS OF INVERNESS (polka), The
ABC  59003 C1:121125166025175 C2:uuuuududddududd M:C|\   K:G\           H:CLR    T:BANKS OF INVERNESS (polka), The\
ABC      9 C1:175312112516653 C2:udduuuuuududddu M:4/4   K:G            H:LQR    T:Banks of Inverness Reel % Key of D
ABC      4 C1:175312112516653 C2:udduuuuuududddu M:4/4   K:G            H:"LQR   T:Banks of Inverness Reel % Key of D
ABC      3 C1:175312112516653 C2:udduuuuuududddu M:4/4   K:G            H:"LQRV  T:Banks of Inverness Reel % Key of D
ABC    309 C1:623000021616600 C2:duuuududddduuuu M:C|    K:C            H:ALOQRSZ T:Banks of Inverness,The,aka. JaW.309
ABC    309 C1:623000021616600 C2:duuuududddduuuu M:C|    K:C            H:ABLOQRSZ T:Banks of Inverness,The,aka. JaW.309
ABC    518 C1:623000021616600 C2:duuuududddduuuu M:C|    K:C            H:AFLOQRSZ T:Banks of Inverness,The,aka. JaW.309
ABC   2988 C1:623000021616600 C2:duuuududddduuuu M:C|    K:C            H:AFLOQRSZ T:Banks of Inverness,The,aka. JaW.309
ABC   8534 C1:623000021616600 C2:duuuududddduuuu M:C|    K:C            H:AFLOQRSZ T:Banks of Inverness,The,aka. JaW.309
ABC   8538 C1:623000021616600 C2:duuuududddduuuu M:C|    K:C            H:AFLOQRSZ T:Banks of Inverness,The,aka. JaW.309
ABC   9817 C1:623000021616600 C2:duuuududddduuuu M:C|    K:C            H:AFLOQRSZ T:Banks of Inverness,The,aka. JaW.309
ABC   8534 C1:623000021616600 C2:duuuududddduuuu M:C|    K:C            H:AFLOQRSZ T:Banks of Inverness,The,aka. JaW.309
ABC   8538 C1:623000021616600 C2:duuuududddduuuu M:C|    K:C            H:AFLOQRSZ T:Banks of Inverness,The,aka. JaW.309
ABC   9817 C1:623000021616600 C2:duuuududddduuuu M:C|    K:C            H:AFLOQRSZ T:Banks of Inverness,The,aka. JaW.309
ABC    518 C1:623000021616600 C2:duuuududddduuuu M:C|    K:C            H:AFLOQRSZ T:Banks of Inverness,The,aka. JaW.309
ABC   2988 C1:623000021616600 C2:duuuududddduuuu M:C|    K:C            H:AFLOQRSZ T:Banks of Inverness,The,aka. JaW.309
ABC    309 C1:623000021616600 C2:duuuududddduuuu M:C|    K:C            H:ABLOQRSZ T:Banks of Inverness,The,aka. JaW.309
ABC     33 C1:253621110611777 C2:ududuuuuduudddu M:C|    K:D            H:L      T:Banks of Ireland
ABC     33 C1:253621110611777 C2:ududuuuuduudddu M:C|    K:D            H:L      T:Banks of Ireland
ABC      1 C1:026702670267662 C2:udduddudddduuud M:      K:Dmaj         H:LR     T:Banks Of Kale Water
ABC      2 C1:054602671167662 C2:dududduudddduuu M:      K:Dmaj         H:LR     T:Banks Of Kale Water
ABC      1 C1:620262037707620 C2:duuduudddduuddu M:      K:Dmaj         H:LR     T:The Banks Of Kellswater
ABC     12 C1:727007767121277 C2:dududdduududduu M:6/8   K:Amin         H:DLQRZ  T:The Banks of Locheil
ABC     12 C1:727007767121277 C2:dududdduududduu M:6/8   K:Amin         H:DLQRZ  T:The Banks of Locheil
ABC     12 C1:727007767121277 C2:dududdduududduu M:6/8   K:Amin         H:DLQRZ  T:The Banks of Locheil
ABC     12 C1:727007767121277 C2:dududdduududduu M:6/8   K:Amin         H:DLQRZ  T:The Banks of Locheil
ABC     35 C1:301111030062002 C2:uuuuudduuduuuuu M:C     K:G            H:BLQR   T:Banks of Loch Ness, The
ABC     35 C1:301111030062002 C2:uuuuudduuduuuuu M:C     K:G            H:BLQR   T:Banks of Loch Ness, The
ABC     35 C1:301111030062002 C2:uuuuudduuduuuuu M:C     K:G            H:BLQR   T:Banks of Loch Ness, The
ABC     35 C1:301111030062002 C2:uuuuudduuduuuuu M:C     K:G            H:BLQR   T:Banks of Loch Ness, The
ABC     35 C1:301111030062002 C2:uuuuudduuduuuuu M:C     K:G            H:BLQR   T:Banks of Loch Ness, The
ABC      1 C1:063000001100110 C2:duuuuudduuduuuu M:4/4   K:Gm           H:LQR    T:The Banks of Loch Ness
ABC      1 C1:063000001100110 C2:duuuuudduuduuuu M:4/4   K:Gm           H:LQR    T:The Banks of Loch Ness
ABC      1 C1:063000001100110 C2:duuuuudduuduuuu M:4/4   K:Gm           H:LQR    T:The Banks of Loch Ness
ABC      1 C1:063000001100110 C2:duuuuudduuduuuu M:4/4   K:Gm           H:LQR    T:The Banks of Loch Ness
ABC      1 C1:301111210062003 C2:uuuuuudduuduuuu M:4/4   K:Gm           H:"LZ    T:Banks of Loch Ness
ABC      1 C1:301111210062003 C2:uuuuuudduuduuuu M:4/4   K:Gm           H:"LZ    T:Banks of Loch Ness
ABC      1 C1:301111210062003 C2:uuuuuudduuduuuu M:4/4   K:Gm           H:"LZ    T:Banks of Loch Ness
ABC      1 C1:301111210062003 C2:uuuuuudduuduuuu M:4/4   K:Gm           H:"LZ    T:Banks of Loch Ness
ABC      2 C1:301111210062003 C2:uuuuuudduuduuuu M:4/4   K:Gm           H:"LZ    T:Banks of Loch Ness
ABC      3 C1:301111210062003 C2:uuuuuudduuduuuu M:4/4   K:Gm           H:"LZ    T:Banks of Loch Ness
ABC      3 C1:301111210062003 C2:uuuuuudduuduuuu M:4/4   K:Gm           H:"LZ    T:Banks of Loch Ness
ABC    159 C1:620021111230602 C2:duuuuududududdu M:C     K:Bb           H:"L     T:Banks of Loch Ness
ABC    159 C1:006200360011112 C2:duuduuuuuddddud M:C     K:Bb           H:"L     T:Banks of Loch Ness
ABC    159 C1:006200360011112 C2:duuduuuuuddddud M:C     K:Bb           H:"L     T:Banks of Loch Ness
ABC    159 C1:620021111230602 C2:duuuuududududdu M:C     K:Bb           H:"L     T:Banks of Loch Ness
ABC     35 C1:301111030062002 C2:uuuuudduuduuuuu M:C     K:G            H:BLQR   T:Banks of Loch Ness, The
ABC     35 C1:301111030062002 C2:uuuuudduuduuuuu M:C     K:G            H:BLQR   T:Banks of Loch Ness, The
ABC    159 C1:006200360011112 C2:duuduuuuuddddud M:C     K:Bb           H:"L     T:Banks of Loch Ness
ABC    159 C1:006200360011112 C2:duuduuuuuddddud M:C     K:Bb           H:"L     T:Banks of Loch Ness
ABC  31961 C1:301111210062003 C2:uuuuuudduuduuuu M:C|    K:Gm           H:BFLRZ  T:THE BANKS OF LOCH NESS -- Strathspey
ABC  31961 C1:301111210062003 C2:uuuuuudduuduuuu M:C|    K:Gm           H:BFLRZ  T:THE BANKS OF LOCH NESS -- Strathspey
ABC  31961 C1:301111210062003 C2:uuuuuudduuduuuu M:C|    K:Gm           H:BFLRZ  T:THE BANKS OF LOCH NESS -- Strathspey
ABC  31961 C1:301111210062003 C2:uuuuuudduuduuuu M:C|    K:Gm           H:BFLRZ  T:THE BANKS OF LOCH NESS -- Strathspey
ABC  31961 C1:301111210062003 C2:uuuuuudduuduuuu M:C|    K:Gm           H:BFLRZ  T:THE BANKS OF LOCH NESS -- Strathspey
ABC  31961 C1:301111210062003 C2:uuuuuudduuduuuu M:C|    K:Gm           H:BFLRZ  T:THE BANKS OF LOCH NESS -- Strathspey
ABC 341003 C1:066176756176255 C2:ddudddududduddu M:4/4   K:G            H:BCLQR  T:BANKS OF LOUGH ALLEN (reel), The
ABC 341003 C1:066176756176255 C2:ddudddududduddu M:4/4   K:G            H:BCLQR  T:BANKS OF LOUGH ALLEN (reel), The
ABC 341003 C1:066176756176255 C2:ddudddududduddu M:4/4   K:G            H:BCLQR  T:BANKS OF LOUGH ALLEN (reel), The
ABC    311 C1:001711267711770 C2:uduuuddduuddddu M:6/8   K:C            H:BLOQRZbs T:the Banks of Lough Foyle #2
ABC    311 C1:001711267711770 C2:uduuuddduuddddu M:6/8   K:C            H:BLOQRZbs T:the Banks of Lough Foyle #2
ABC    311 C1:001711267711770 C2:uduuuddduuddddu M:6/8   K:C            H:BLOQRZbs T:the Banks of Lough Foyle #2
ABC    311 C1:001711267711770 C2:uduuuddduuddddu M:6/8   K:C            H:BLOQRZbs T:the Banks of Lough Foyle #2
ABC 491027 C1:001711267711770 C2:uduuuddduuddddu M:6/8   K:C            H:BLSYZ  T:BANKS OF LOUGH FOYLE, The
ABC    311 C1:001711267711770 C2:uduuuddduuddddu M:6/8   K:C            H:BLZ    T:The Banks Of Lough Foyle
ABC    311 C1:001711267711770 C2:uduuuddduuddddu M:6/8   K:C            H:BLZ    T:The Banks Of Lough Foyle
ABC    311 C1:001711267711770 C2:uduuuddduuddddu M:6/8   K:C            H:BLZ    T:The Banks Of Lough Foyle
ABC    311 C1:001711267711770 C2:uduuuddduuddddu M:6/8   K:C            H:BLZ    T:THE BANKS OF LOUGH FOYLE
ABC    311 C1:001711267711770 C2:uduuuddduuddddu M:6/8   K:C            H:BLZ    T:THE BANKS OF LOUGH FOYLE
ABC    311 C1:001711267711770 C2:uduuuddduuddddu M:6/8   K:C            H:BLOQRZbs T:the Banks of Lough Foyle
ABC    311 C1:001711267711770 C2:uduuuddduuddddu M:6/8   K:C            H:BLOQRZbs T:the Banks of Lough Foyle
ABC    311 C1:001711267711770 C2:uduuuddduuddddu M:6/8   K:C            H:BLOQRZbs T:the Banks of Lough Foyle
ABC    311 C1:001711267711770 C2:uduuuddduuddddu M:6/8   K:C            H:BLOQRZbs T:the Banks of Lough Foyle
ABC    311 C1:001711267711770 C2:uduuuddduuddddu M:6/8   K:C            H:BLOQRZbs T:the Banks of Lough Foyle
ABC    311 C1:001711267711770 C2:uduuuddduuddddu M:6/8   K:C            H:BLOQRZbs T:the Banks of Lough Foyle
ABC    311 C1:001711267711770 C2:uduuuddduuddddu M:6/8   K:C            H:BLOQRZbs T:the Banks of Lough Foyle
ABC    311 C1:001711267711770 C2:uduuuddduuddddu M:6/8   K:C            H:BLOQRZbs T:the Banks of Lough Foyle
ABC    311 C1:001711267711770 C2:uduuuddduuddddu M:6/8   K:C            H:BLZ    T:THE BANKS OF LOUGH FOYLE
ABC 491027 C1:001711267711770 C2:uduuuddduuddddu M:6/8   K:C            H:BLSYZ  T:BANKS OF LOUGH FOYLE, The
ABC 491027 C1:001711267711770 C2:uduuuddduuddddu M:6/8   K:C            H:BLSYZ  T:BANKS OF LOUGH FOYLE, The
ABC    311 C1:001711267711770 C2:uduuuddduuddddu M:6/8   K:C            H:BLZ    T:THE BANKS OF LOUGH FOYLE
ABC    311 C1:001711267711770 C2:uduuuddduuddddu M:6/8   K:C            H:BLZ    T:The Banks Of Lough Foyle
ABC    311 C1:001711267711770 C2:uduuuddduuddddu M:6/8   K:C            H:BLZ    T:The Banks Of Lough Foyle
ABC   0311 C1:001711205001060 C2:uduuuddduuddddu M:6/8   K:C            H:BCILZ  T:The Banks Of Lough Foyle (air) 0311
ABC   0311 C1:001711205001060 C2:uduuuddduuddddu M:6/8   K:C            H:BCILZ  T:The Banks Of Lough Foyle (air) 0311
ABC   0311 C1:001711205001060 C2:uduuuddduuddddu M:6/8   K:C            H:BCILZ  T:The Banks Of Lough Foyle (air) 0311
ABC    134 C1:712001000765110 C2:duuudduuudddddd M:6/8   K:Ador         H:DHRZ   T:Banks of Lough Gamhna
ABC      1 C1:712001000765110 C2:duuudduuudddddd M:6/8   K:Ador         H:DHRZ   T:Banks of Lough Gamhna, The
ABC    285 C1:712001000765110 C2:duuudduuudddddd M:6/8   K:Ador         H:DHRZ   T:Banks of Lough Gamhna, The
ABC    285 C1:712001000765110 C2:duuudduuudddddd M:6/8   K:Ador         H:DHRZ   T:Banks of Lough Gamhna, The
ABC    216 C1:712001000765110 C2:duuudduuudddddd M:6/8   K:Ador         H:DHRZ   T:Banks of Lough Gamhna, The
ABC    216 C1:712001000765110 C2:duuudduuudddddd M:6/8   K:Ador         H:DHRZ   T:Banks of Lough Gamhna, The
ABC    216 C1:712001000765110 C2:duuudduuudddddd M:6/8   K:Ador         H:DHRZ   T:Banks of Lough Gamhna, The
ABC    216 C1:712001000765110 C2:duuudduuudddddd M:6/8   K:Ador         H:DHRZ   T:Banks of Lough Gamhna, The
ABC    285 C1:712001000765110 C2:duuudduuudddddd M:6/8   K:Ador         H:DHRZ   T:Banks of Lough Gamhna, The
ABC    285 C1:712001000765110 C2:duuudduuudddddd M:6/8   K:Ador         H:DHRZ   T:Banks of Lough Gamhna, The
ABC    134 C1:712001000765110 C2:duuudduuudddddd M:6/8   K:Ador         H:DHRZ   T:Banks of Lough Gamhna
ABC    134 C1:712001000765110 C2:duuudduuudddddd M:6/8   K:Ador         H:DHRZ   T:Banks of Lough Gamhna
ABC   1139 C1:712001000765110 C2:duuudduuudddddd M:6/8   K:Ador         H:DHRZ   T:Banks of Lough Gamhna, The
ABC    216 C1:712001000765110 C2:duuudduuudddddd M:6/8   K:Ador         H:DHRZ   T:Banks of Lough Gamhna, The
ABC    216 C1:712001000765110 C2:duuudduuudddddd M:6/8   K:Ador         H:DHRZ   T:Banks of Lough Gamhna, The
ABC    216 C1:712001000765110 C2:duuudduuudddddd M:6/8   K:Ador         H:DHRZ   T:Banks of Lough Gamhna, The
ABC    216 C1:712001000765110 C2:duuudduuudddddd M:6/8   K:Ador         H:DHRZ   T:Banks of Lough Gamhna, The
ABC    216 C1:712001000765110 C2:duuudduuudddddd M:6/8   K:Ador         H:DHRZ   T:Banks of Lough Gamhna, The
ABC    216 C1:712001000765110 C2:duuudduuudddddd M:6/8   K:Ador         H:DHRZ   T:Banks of Lough Gamhna, The
ABC    216 C1:712001000765110 C2:duuudduuudddddd M:6/8   K:Ador         H:DHRZ   T:Banks of Lough Gamhna, The
ABC    400 C1:712001000765110 C2:duuudduuudddddd M:6/8   K:Ador         H:DHOR   T:Banks of Lough Gamhna, The
ABC    400 C1:712001000765110 C2:duuudduuudddddd M:6/8   K:Ador         H:DHOR   T:Banks of Lough Gamhna, The
ABC   1139 C1:712001000765110 C2:duuudduuudddddd M:6/8   K:Ador         H:DHRZ   T:Banks of Lough Gamhna, The
ABC   1139 C1:712001000765110 C2:duuudduuudddddd M:6/8   K:Ador         H:DHRZ   T:Banks of Lough Gamhna, The
ABC   1139 C1:712001000765110 C2:duuudduuudddddd M:6/8   K:Ador         H:DHRZ   T:Banks of Lough Gamhna, The
ABC    918 C1:712001000765110 C2:duuudduuudddddd M:6/8   K:Ador         H:DHRZ   T:Banks of Lough Gamhna, The
ABC    918 C1:712001000765110 C2:duuudduuudddddd M:6/8   K:Ador         H:DHRZ   T:Banks of Lough Gamhna, The
ABC    918 C1:712001000765110 C2:duuudduuudddddd M:6/8   K:Ador         H:DHRZ   T:Banks of Lough Gamhna, The
ABC    918 C1:712001000765110 C2:duuudduuudddddd M:6/8   K:Ador         H:DHRZ   T:Banks of Lough Gamhna, The
ABC    918 C1:712001000765110 C2:duuudduuudddddd M:6/8   K:Ador         H:DHRZ   T:Banks of Lough Gamhna, The
ABC    216 C1:712001000765110 C2:duuudduuudddddd M:6/8   K:Ador         H:DHRZ   T:Banks of Lough Gamhna, The
ABC    216 C1:712001000765110 C2:duuudduuudddddd M:6/8   K:Ador         H:DHRZ   T:Banks of Lough Gamhna, The
ABC      2 C1:716221000765011 C2:duduuudduuudddd M:6/8   K:D            H:"LR    T:The Banks of Lough Gowna $1(Trad Irish)
ABC    264 C1:170760712001170 C2:udddduuuuddduuu M:6/8   K:Am           H:BFLRZbs T:the Banks of Lough Gowna #2
ABC    264 C1:170760712001170 C2:udddduuuuddduuu M:6/8   K:Am           H:BFLRZbs T:the Banks of Lough Gowna #2
ABC    264 C1:170760712003011 C2:udddduuuuudduuu M:6/8   K:Am           H:BFLRZbs T:the Banks of Lough Gowna #3
ABC    264 C1:170760712003011 C2:udddduuuuudduuu M:6/8   K:Am           H:BFLRZbs T:the Banks of Lough Gowna #3
ABC     10 C1:716221170765011 C2:duduuuuddduuudd M:6/8   K:Bm           H:R      T:Banks of Lough Gowna, The
ABC     10 C1:716221170765011 C2:duduuuuddduuudd M:6/8   K:Bm           H:R      T:Banks of Lough Gowna, The
ABC 253003 C1:716221170765011 C2:duduuuuddduuudd M:6/8   K:Am           H:BCLQR  T:BANKS OF LOUGH GOWNA, The
ABC    273 C1:716221170765011 C2:duduuuuddduuudd M:6/8   K:Bmin         H:LR     T:The Banks Of Lough Gowna
ABC    273 C1:716221170765011 C2:duduuuuddduuudd M:6/8   K:Bmin         H:LR     T:The Banks Of Lough Gowna
ABC    273 C1:716221170765011 C2:duduuuuddduuudd M:6/8   K:Bmin         H:LR     T:The Banks Of Lough Gowna
ABC    273 C1:716221170765011 C2:duduuuuddduuudd M:6/8   K:Bmin         H:LR     T:The Banks Of Lough Gowna
ABC      1 C1:716221170765011 C2:duduuuuddduuudd M:6/8   K:Bm           H:DLR    T:Banks of Lough Gowna, The
ABC     25 C1:170760716221170 C2:udddduduuuudddu M:6/8   K:BMin         H:LR     T:Banks of Lough Gowna, The
ABC     25 C1:170760716221170 C2:udddduduuuudddu M:6/8   K:BMin         H:LR     T:Banks of Lough Gowna, The
ABC     25 C1:170760716221170 C2:udddduduuuudddu M:6/8   K:BMin         H:LR     T:Banks of Lough Gowna, The
ABC     25 C1:170760716221170 C2:udddduduuuudddu M:6/8   K:BMin         H:LR     T:Banks of Lough Gowna, The
ABC     25 C1:170760716221170 C2:udddduduuuudddu M:6/8   K:BMin         H:LR     T:Banks of Lough Gowna, The
ABC     25 C1:170760716221170 C2:udddduduuuudddu M:6/8   K:BMin         H:LR     T:Banks of Lough Gowna, The
ABC     25 C1:170760716221170 C2:udddduduuuudddu M:6/8   K:BMin         H:LR     T:Banks of Lough Gowna, The
ABC     25 C1:170760716221170 C2:udddduduuuudddu M:6/8   K:BMin         H:LR     T:Banks of Lough Gowna, The
ABC  22005 C1:000751712001000 C2:dduduuudduuuddd M:6/8   K:G            H:BCLQR  T:BANKS OF LOUGH GOWNA, The
ABC   1093 C1:712001170765011 C2:duuuuddduuuddud M:6/8   K:Am           H:BLRZ   T:The Banks of Lough Gowna
ABC   1093 C1:712001170765011 C2:duuuuddduuuddud M:6/8   K:Am           H:BLRZ   T:The Banks of Lough Gowna
ABC      1 C1:000760716113000 C2:ddduduuudduuudd M:6/8   K:D            H:"LQS   T:The Banks Of Lough Gowna
ABC     92 C1:716221170765011 C2:duduuuuddduuudd M:6/8   K:Bm           H:DHRZ   T:Banks of Lough Gowna
ABC      1 C1:716221170765011 C2:duduuuuddduuudd M:6/8   K:Bm           H:DHRZ   T:Banks of Lough Gowna, The
ABC   1060 C1:170760712001170 C2:udddduuuuddduuu M:6/8   K:Am           H:BLORZ  T:the Banks of Lough Gowna
ABC   1060 C1:712001170765011 C2:duuuuddduuuddud M:6/8   K:Am           H:BLRZ   T:The Banks of Lough Gowna
ABC   1060 C1:170760712001170 C2:udddduuuuddduuu M:6/8   K:Am           H:BLORZ  T:the Banks of Lough Gowna
ABC   1060 C1:170760712001170 C2:udddduuuuddduuu M:6/8   K:Am           H:BLORZ  T:the Banks of Lough Gowna
ABC   1060 C1:170760712001170 C2:udddduuuuddduuu M:6/8   K:Am           H:BLORZ  T:the Banks of Lough Gowna
ABC      1 C1:712001170765011 C2:duuuuddduuuddud M:6/8   K:Am           H:BCLORZ T:The banks of Lough Gowna
ABC      1 C1:712001170765011 C2:duuuuddduuuddud M:6/8   K:Am           H:BCLORZ T:The banks of Lough Gowna
ABC    166 C1:716221170765011 C2:duduuuuddduuudd M:6/8   K:BMin         H:"LR    T:Banks Of Lough Gowna, The
ABC    580 C1:712001170765011 C2:duuuuddduuuddud M:6/8   K:C            H:"BLORSZ T:The banks of Lough Gowna
ABC    580 C1:712001170765011 C2:duuuuddduuuddud M:6/8   K:C            H:"BLORSZ T:The banks of Lough Gowna
ABC    580 C1:712001170765011 C2:duuuuddduuuddud M:6/8   K:C            H:"BLORSZ T:The banks of Lough Gowna
ABC    580 C1:712001170765011 C2:duuuuddduuuddud M:6/8   K:C            H:"BLORSZ T:The banks of Lough Gowna
ABC      2 C1:000760716221000 C2:ddduduuudduuudd M:6/8   K:Bm           H:"LOR   T:the Banks of Lough Gowna
ABC      2 C1:000760716221000 C2:ddduduuudduuudd M:6/8   K:Bm           H:"LOR   T:the Banks of Lough Gowna
ABC      1 C1:716221170765011 C2:duduuuuddduuudd M:6/8   K:Bm           H:DHRZ   T:Banks of Lough Gowna, The
ABC    264 C1:712001170765011 C2:duuuuddduuuddud M:6/8   K:Am           H:BLORZ  T:The Banks Of Lough Gowna
ABC    264 C1:712001170765011 C2:duuuuddduuuddud M:6/8   K:Am           H:BLORZ  T:The Banks Of Lough Gowna
ABC    264 C1:712001170765011 C2:duuuuddduuuddud M:6/8   K:Am           H:BLORZ  T:The Banks Of Lough Gowna
ABC      1 C1:070102000001010 C2:duuuuddduuuddud M:6/8   K:Am           H:CLQR   T:The Banks of Lough Gowna
ABC      1 C1:070102000001010 C2:duuuuddduuuddud M:6/8   K:Am           H:CLQR   T:The Banks of Lough Gowna
ABC      1 C1:070102000001010 C2:duuuuddduuuddud M:6/8   K:Am           H:CLQR   T:The Banks of Lough Gowna
ABC    264 C1:170760712001170 C2:udddduuuuddduuu M:6/8   K:Am           H:BFLRZbs T:the Banks of Lough Gowna
ABC    264 C1:170760712001170 C2:udddduuuuddduuu M:6/8   K:Am           H:BFLRZbs T:the Banks of Lough Gowna
ABC    264 C1:170760712001170 C2:udddduuuuddduuu M:6/8   K:Am           H:BFLRZbs T:the Banks of Lough Gowna
ABC    264 C1:170760712001170 C2:udddduuuuddduuu M:6/8   K:Am           H:BFLRZbs T:the Banks of Lough Gowna
ABC      1 C1:170760712001170 C2:udddduuuuddduuu M:6/8   K:Am           H:BLRZ   T:the Banks of Lough Gowna
ABC      1 C1:170760712001170 C2:udddduuuuddduuu M:6/8   K:Am           H:BLRZ   T:the Banks of Lough Gowna
ABC      1 C1:170760712001170 C2:udddduuuuddduuu M:6/8   K:Am           H:BLRZ   T:the Banks of Lough Gowna
ABC      1 C1:170760712001170 C2:udddduuuuddduuu M:6/8   K:Am           H:BLRZ   T:the Banks of Lough Gowna
ABC      1 C1:170760712001170 C2:udddduuuuddduuu M:6/8   K:Am           H:BLRZ   T:the Banks of Lough Gowna
ABC      1 C1:170760712001170 C2:udddduuuuddduuu M:6/8   K:Am           H:BLRZ   T:the Banks of Lough Gowna
ABC      1 C1:170760712001170 C2:udddduuuuddduuu M:6/8   K:Am           H:BLRZ   T:the Banks of Lough Gowna
ABC      1 C1:170760712001170 C2:udddduuuuddduuu M:6/8   K:Am           H:BLRZ   T:the Banks of Lough Gowna
ABC      1 C1:170760712001170 C2:udddduuuuddduuu M:6/8   K:Am           H:BLRZ   T:the Banks of Lough Gowna
ABC      1 C1:170760712001170 C2:udddduuuuddduuu M:6/8   K:Am           H:BLRZ   T:the Banks of Lough Gowna
ABC      1 C1:170760712001170 C2:udddduuuuddduuu M:6/8   K:Am           H:BLRZ   T:the Banks of Lough Gowna
ABC      1 C1:170760712001170 C2:udddduuuuddduuu M:6/8   K:Am           H:BLRZ   T:the Banks of Lough Gowna
ABC      1 C1:170760712001170 C2:udddduuuuddduuu M:6/8   K:Am           H:BLRZ   T:the Banks of Lough Gowna
ABC      1 C1:000760716221000 C2:ddduduuudduuudd M:6/8   K:Bm           H:"BLR   T:the Banks Of Lough Gowna
ABC      1 C1:000760716221000 C2:ddduduuudduuudd M:6/8   K:Bm           H:"BLR   T:the Banks Of Lough Gowna
ABC      1 C1:000760716221000 C2:ddduduuudduuudd M:6/8   K:Bm           H:"BLR   T:the Banks Of Lough Gowna
ABC      1 C1:000760716221000 C2:ddduduuudduuudd M:6/8   K:Bm           H:"BLR   T:the Banks Of Lough Gowna
ABC      1 C1:000760716221000 C2:ddduduuudduuudd M:6/8   K:Bm           H:"BLR   T:the Banks Of Lough Gowna
ABC      1 C1:000760716221000 C2:ddduduuudduuudd M:6/8   K:Bm           H:"BLR   T:the Banks Of Lough Gowna
ABC      1 C1:000760716221000 C2:ddduduuudduuudd M:6/8   K:Bm           H:"BLR   T:the Banks Of Lough Gowna
ABC      1 C1:000760716221000 C2:ddduduuudduuudd M:6/8   K:Bm           H:"BLR   T:the Banks Of Lough Gowna
ABC      1 C1:000760716221000 C2:ddduduuudduuudd M:6/8   K:Bm           H:"BLR   T:the Banks Of Lough Gowna
ABC      1 C1:000760716221000 C2:ddduduuudduuudd M:6/8   K:Bm           H:"BLR   T:the Banks Of Lough Gowna
ABC      1 C1:000760716221000 C2:ddduduuudduuudd M:6/8   K:Bm           H:"BLR   T:the Banks Of Lough Gowna
ABC      1 C1:000760716221000 C2:ddduduuudduuudd M:6/8   K:Bm           H:"BLR   T:the Banks Of Lough Gowna
ABC      1 C1:000760716221000 C2:ddduduuudduuudd M:6/8   K:Bm           H:"BLR   T:the Banks Of Lough Gowna
ABC      1 C1:000760716221000 C2:ddduduuudduuudd M:6/8   K:Bm           H:"BLR   T:the Banks Of Lough Gowna
ABC      1 C1:000760716221000 C2:ddduduuudduuudd M:6/8   K:Bm           H:"BLR   T:the Banks Of Lough Gowna
ABC      1 C1:000760716221000 C2:ddduduuudduuudd M:6/8   K:Bm           H:"BLR   T:the Banks Of Lough Gowna
ABC    286 C1:716221170765011 C2:duduuuuddduuudd M:6/8   K:Bm           H:DHRZ   T:Banks of Lough Gowna, The
ABC    286 C1:716221170765011 C2:duduuuuddduuudd M:6/8   K:Bm           H:DHRZ   T:Banks of Lough Gowna, The
ABC 493012 C1:712001170765011 C2:duuuuddduuuddud M:6/8   K:Am           H:BFLRS  T:BANKS OF LOUGH GOWNA, The
ABC      2 C1:000760716221000 C2:ddduduuudduuudd M:6/8   K:Bm           H:"LOR   T:The Banks of Lough Gowna
ABC      4 C1:170760716221170 C2:udddduduuuudddu M:6/8   K:Bm           H:"BLR   T:The Banks Of Lough Gowna
ABC      4 C1:170760716221170 C2:udddduduuuudddu M:6/8   K:Bm           H:"BLR   T:The Banks Of Lough Gowna
ABC      4 C1:170760716221170 C2:udddduduuuudddu M:6/8   K:Bm           H:"BLR   T:The Banks Of Lough Gowna
ABC      4 C1:170760716221170 C2:udddduduuuudddu M:6/8   K:Bm           H:"BLR   T:The Banks Of Lough Gowna
ABC      4 C1:170760716221170 C2:udddduduuuudddu M:6/8   K:Bm           H:"BLR   T:The Banks Of Lough Gowna
ABC      4 C1:170760716221170 C2:udddduduuuudddu M:6/8   K:Bm           H:"BLR   T:The Banks Of Lough Gowna
ABC     10 C1:716221170765011 C2:duduuuuddduuudd M:6/8   K:Bm           H:R      T:Banks of Lough Gowna, The
ABC     10 C1:716221170765011 C2:duduuuuddduuudd M:6/8   K:Bm           H:DHRZ   T:Banks of Lough Gowna, The
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:6/8   K:Ador         H:LR     T:The Banks Of Lough Gowna
ABC     25 C1:170760716221170 C2:udddduduuuudddu M:6/8   K:BMin         H:LR     T:Banks of Lough Gowna, The
ABC     25 C1:170760716221170 C2:udddduduuuudddu M:6/8   K:BMin         H:LR     T:Banks of Lough Gowna, The
ABC     25 C1:170760716221170 C2:udddduduuuudddu M:6/8   K:BMin         H:LR     T:Banks of Lough Gowna, The
ABC     25 C1:170760716221170 C2:udddduduuuudddu M:6/8   K:BMin         H:LR     T:Banks of Lough Gowna, The
ABC     25 C1:170760716221170 C2:udddduduuuudddu M:6/8   K:BMin         H:LR     T:Banks of Lough Gowna, The
ABC     41 C1:170760716221170 C2:udddduduuuudddu M:6/8   K:D            H:"CLRS  T:Banks of Lough Gowna
ABC    195 C1:000760716221000 C2:ddduduuudduuudd M:6/8   K:D            H:LR     T:Banks of Lough Gowna, The
ABC   2100 C1:000760716221000 C2:ddduduuudduuudd M:6/8   K:D            H:LR     T:Banks of Lough Gowna, The
ABC   1060 C1:712001170765011 C2:duuuuddduuuddud M:6/8   K:Am           H:BLRZ   T:The Banks of Lough Gowna
ABC 253003 C1:716221170765011 C2:duduuuuddduuudd M:6/8   K:Am           H:BCLQR  T:BANKS OF LOUGH GOWNA, The
ABC 253003 C1:716221170765011 C2:duduuuuddduuudd M:6/8   K:Am           H:BCLQR  T:BANKS OF LOUGH GOWNA, The
ABC     10 C1:716221170765011 C2:duduuuuddduuudd M:6/8   K:Bm           H:DHRZ   T:Banks of Lough Gowna, The
ABC     10 C1:716221170765011 C2:duduuuuddduuudd M:6/8   K:Bm           H:DHRZ   T:Banks of Lough Gowna, The
ABC     10 C1:716221170765011 C2:duduuuuddduuudd M:6/8   K:Bm           H:DHRZ   T:Banks of Lough Gowna, The
ABC     10 C1:716221170765011 C2:duduuuuddduuudd M:6/8   K:Bm           H:DHRZ   T:Banks of Lough Gowna, The
ABC    290 C1:716221170765011 C2:duduuuuddduuudd M:6/8   K:Bm           H:DHRZ   T:Banks of Lough Gowna, The
ABC    290 C1:716221170765011 C2:duduuuuddduuudd M:6/8   K:Bm           H:DHRZ   T:Banks of Lough Gowna, The
ABC      7 C1:000760716221000 C2:ddduduuudduuudd M:6/8   K:Bm           H:DHRZ   T:Banks of Lough Gowna, The
ABC      7 C1:000760716221000 C2:ddduduuudduuudd M:6/8   K:Bm           H:DHRZ   T:Banks of Lough Gowna, The
ABC      1 C1:716221170765011 C2:duduuuuddduuudd M:      K:Bmin         H:LR     T:The Banks Of Lough Gowna
ABC      2 C1:000760712001000 C2:ddduuudduuudddd M:      K:Amin         H:LR     T:The Banks Of Lough Gowna
ABC      3 C1:716221260765011 C2:duduuuuddduuudd M:      K:Bmin         H:LR     T:The Banks Of Lough Gowna
ABC      4 C1:000760716221000 C2:ddduduuuduuuudd M:      K:Bmin         H:LR     T:The Banks Of Lough Gowna
ABC      5 C1:611711711714002 C2:duuduuduududuuu M:      K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:The Banks Of Lough Gowna
ABC      6 C1:712001161765011 C2:duuuududduuuddd M:      K:Ador         H:LR     T:The Banks Of Lough Gowna
ABC      7 C1:712001161765011 C2:duuuududduuuddd M:      K:Amin         H:LR     T:The Banks Of Lough Gowna
ABC      8 C1:712001000765011 C2:duuudduuudddddd M:      K:Amin         H:LR     T:The Banks Of Lough Gowna
ABC      9 C1:000760712001000 C2:ddduuudduuudddu M:      K:Amin         H:LR     T:The Banks Of Lough Gowna
ABC     10 C1:000760712001000 C2:ddduuudduuudddu M:      K:Bmin         H:LR     T:The Banks Of Lough Gowna
ABC     11 C1:000762000621000 C2:dduduuduuuududd M:      K:Bmin         H:LR     T:The Banks Of Lough Gowna
ABC     12 C1:000760712001000 C2:ddduuudduuudddu M:      K:Dmin         H:LR     T:The Banks Of Lough Gowna
ABC     13 C1:000750713001000 C2:ddduuudduuudddu M:      K:Dmin         H:LR     T:The Banks Of Lough Gowna
ABC     14 C1:000760716221000 C2:ddduduuudduuudd M:      K:Amin         H:LR     T:The Banks Of Lough Gowna
ABC     15 C1:260760716221260 C2:udddduduuuuuddd M:      K:Bmin         H:LR     T:The Banks Of Lough Gowna
ABC     16 C1:716220100764137 C2:duduuudduuudddd M:      K:Bmin         H:LR     T:The Banks Of Lough Gowna
ABC     17 C1:170760716221260 C2:udddduduuuudddu M:      K:Amin         H:LR     T:The Banks Of Lough Gowna
ABC     18 C1:000760716221000 C2:ddduduuudduuuud M:      K:Bmin         H:LR     T:The Banks Of Lough Gowna
ABC     19 C1:716221170765011 C2:duduuuuddduuudd M:      K:Bmin         H:"LR    T:The Banks Of Lough Gowna
ABC     20 C1:000760716221000 C2:ddduduuuduuuudd M:      K:Bmin         H:LR     T:The Banks Of Lough Gowna
ABC     21 C1:170760712001170 C2:udddduuuuddduuu M:      K:Amin         H:LR     T:The Banks Of Lough Gowna
ABC     22 C1:000050716221000 C2:dduduuudduuuddd M:      K:Bmin         H:LR     T:The Banks Of Lough Gowna
ABC     23 C1:000760716221000 C2:ddduduuudduuuuu M:      K:Bmin         H:LR     T:The Banks Of Lough Gowna
ABC     24 C1:716221170765011 C2:duduuuuddduuudd M:      K:Bmin         H:"LR    T:The Banks Of Lough Gowna
ABC     25 C1:716220100765127 C2:duduuudduuudddd M:      K:Dmaj         H:LR     T:The Banks Of Lough Gowna
ABC     26 C1:000621000714000 C2:duuduuddddduuuu M:      K:Bmin         H:LR     T:The Banks Of Lough Gowna
ABC     27 C1:000760712621000 C2:ddduuduuduuuudd M:      K:Bmin         H:LR     T:The Banks Of Lough Gowna
ABC     28 C1:000760716221000 C2:ddduduuudduuudd M:      K:Bmin         H:LR     T:The Banks Of Lough Gowna
ABC     29 C1:170760716221170 C2:udddduduuuudddu M:      K:Bmin         H:"LR    T:The Banks Of Lough Gowna
ABC      2 C1:000760716221000 C2:ddduduuuduuuudd M:6/8   K:Bmin         H:LQR    T:Banks Of Lough Gowna
ABC    533 C1:170760716221170 C2:udddduduuuudddu M:6/8   K:Bm           H:"BLR   T:the Banks Of Lough Gowna
ABC    533 C1:170760716221170 C2:udddduduuuudddu M:6/8   K:Bm           H:"BLR   T:the Banks Of Lough Gowna
ABC    533 C1:170760716221170 C2:udddduduuuudddu M:6/8   K:Bm           H:"BLR   T:the Banks Of Lough Gowna
ABC  22005 C1:000751712001000 C2:dduduuudduuuddd M:6/8   K:G            H:BCLQR  T:BANKS OF LOUGH GOWNA, The
ABC  22005 C1:000751712001000 C2:dduduuudduuuddd M:6/8   K:G            H:BCLQR  T:BANKS OF LOUGH GOWNA, The
ABC    273 C1:716221170765011 C2:duduuuuddduuudd M:6/8   K:Bmin         H:LR     T:The Banks Of Lough Gowna
ABC     92 C1:716221170765011 C2:duduuuuddduuudd M:6/8   K:Bm           H:DHRZ   T:Banks of Lough Gowna
ABC     92 C1:716221170765011 C2:duduuuuddduuudd M:6/8   K:Bm           H:DHRZ   T:Banks of Lough Gowna
ABC      1 C1:716221170765011 C2:duduuuuddduuudd M:6/8   K:Bmin         H:LR     T:Banks Of Lough Gowna, The
ABC    233 C1:716221000712011 C2:duduuuduuuudddd M:6/8   K:Bmin         H:HLRZ   T:Banks Of Lough Gowna, The
ABC   1140 C1:716221170765011 C2:duduuuuddduuudd M:6/8   K:Bm           H:DHRZ   T:Banks of Lough Gowna, The
ABC   1141 C1:716221170765011 C2:duduuuuddduuudd M:6/8   K:Bm           H:DHRZ   T:Banks of Lough Gowna, The
ABC 493012 C1:712001170765011 C2:duuuuddduuuddud M:6/8   K:Am           H:BFLRS  T:BANKS OF LOUGH GOWNA, The
ABC 493012 C1:712001170765011 C2:duuuuddduuuddud M:6/8   K:Am           H:BFLRS  T:BANKS OF LOUGH GOWNA, The
ABC     10 C1:716221170765011 C2:duduuuuddduuudd M:6/8   K:Bm           H:DHRZ   T:Banks of Lough Gowna, The
ABC     10 C1:716221170765011 C2:duduuuuddduuudd M:6/8   K:Bm           H:DHRZ   T:Banks of Lough Gowna, The
ABC     10 C1:716221170765011 C2:duduuuuddduuudd M:6/8   K:Bm           H:DHRZ   T:Banks of Lough Gowna, The
ABC     10 C1:716221170765011 C2:duduuuuddduuudd M:6/8   K:Bm           H:DHRZ   T:Banks of Lough Gowna, The
ABC     10 C1:716221170765011 C2:duduuuuddduuudd M:6/8   K:Bm           H:DHRZ   T:Banks of Lough Gowna, The
ABC     10 C1:716221170765011 C2:duduuuuddduuudd M:6/8   K:Bm           H:DHRZ   T:Banks of Lough Gowna, The
ABC   1060 C1:712001170765011 C2:duuuuddduuuddud M:6/8   K:Am           H:BLRZ   T:The Banks of Lough Gowna
ABC     10 C1:716221170765011 C2:duduuuuddduuudd M:6/8   K:Bm           H:DHRZ   T:Banks of Lough Gowna, The
ABC    264 C1:712001170765011 C2:duuuuddduuuddud M:6/8   K:Am           H:BCFLORWZ T:The banks of Lough Gowna
ABC    401 C1:716221170765011 C2:duduuuuddduuudd M:6/8   K:Bm           H:DLOR   T:Banks of Lough Gowna, The
ABC    401 C1:716221170765011 C2:duduuuuddduuudd M:6/8   K:Bm           H:DLOR   T:Banks of Lough Gowna, The
ABC    580 C1:712001170765011 C2:duuuuddduuuddud M:6/8   K:C            H:"BLORSZ T:The banks of Lough Gowna
ABC    264 C1:712001170765011 C2:duuuuddduuuddud M:6/8   K:Am           H:BLORZ  T:The Banks Of Lough Gowna
ABC    264 C1:712001170765011 C2:duuuuddduuuddud M:6/8   K:Am           H:BLORZ  T:The Banks Of Lough Gowna
ABC   1140 C1:716221170765011 C2:duduuuuddduuudd M:6/8   K:Bm           H:DHRZ   T:Banks of Lough Gowna, The
ABC   1141 C1:716221170765011 C2:duduuuuddduuudd M:6/8   K:Bm           H:DHRZ   T:Banks of Lough Gowna, The
ABC   1140 C1:716221170765011 C2:duduuuuddduuudd M:6/8   K:Bm           H:DHRZ   T:Banks of Lough Gowna, The
ABC   1141 C1:716221170765011 C2:duduuuuddduuudd M:6/8   K:Bm           H:DHRZ   T:Banks of Lough Gowna, The
ABC   1140 C1:716221170765011 C2:duduuuuddduuudd M:6/8   K:Bm           H:DHRZ   T:Banks of Lough Gowna, The
ABC   1141 C1:716221170765011 C2:duduuuuddduuudd M:6/8   K:Bm           H:DHRZ   T:Banks of Lough Gowna, The
ABC    919 C1:716221170765011 C2:duduuuuddduuudd M:6/8   K:Bm           H:DHRZ   T:Banks of Lough Gowna, The
ABC    920 C1:716221170765011 C2:duduuuuddduuudd M:6/8   K:Bm           H:DLR    T:Banks of Lough Gowna, The
ABC  12804 C1:712001170765011 C2:duuuuddduuuddud M:6/8   K:Am           H:BCLORZ T:The banks of Lough Gowna
ABC    919 C1:716221170765011 C2:duduuuuddduuudd M:6/8   K:Bm           H:DHRZ   T:Banks of Lough Gowna, The
ABC    920 C1:716221170765011 C2:duduuuuddduuudd M:6/8   K:Bm           H:DLR    T:Banks of Lough Gowna, The
ABC  12804 C1:712001170765011 C2:duuuuddduuuddud M:6/8   K:Am           H:BCLORZ T:The banks of Lough Gowna
ABC    919 C1:716221170765011 C2:duduuuuddduuudd M:6/8   K:Bm           H:DHRZ   T:Banks of Lough Gowna, The
ABC    920 C1:716221170765011 C2:duduuuuddduuudd M:6/8   K:Bm           H:DLR    T:Banks of Lough Gowna, The
ABC  12804 C1:712001170765011 C2:duuuuddduuuddud M:6/8   K:Am           H:BCLORZ T:The banks of Lough Gowna
ABC    919 C1:716221170765011 C2:duduuuuddduuudd M:6/8   K:Bm           H:DHRZ   T:Banks of Lough Gowna, The
ABC    920 C1:716221170765011 C2:duduuuuddduuudd M:6/8   K:Bm           H:DLR    T:Banks of Lough Gowna, The
ABC  12804 C1:712001170765011 C2:duuuuddduuuddud M:6/8   K:Am           H:BCLORZ T:The banks of Lough Gowna
ABC    919 C1:716221170765011 C2:duduuuuddduuudd M:6/8   K:Bm           H:DHRZ   T:Banks of Lough Gowna, The
ABC    920 C1:716221170765011 C2:duduuuuddduuudd M:6/8   K:Bm           H:DLR    T:Banks of Lough Gowna, The
ABC  12804 C1:712001170765011 C2:duuuuddduuuddud M:6/8   K:Am           H:BCLORZ T:The banks of Lough Gowna
ABC   2379 C1:712001170765011 C2:duuuuddduuuddud M:6/8   K:Am           H:BCLORZ T:The banks of Lough Gowna
ABC   1093 C1:712001170765011 C2:duuuuddduuuddud M:6/8   K:Am           H:BLRZ   T:The Banks of Lough Gowna
ABC   1093 C1:712001170765011 C2:duuuuddduuuddud M:6/8   K:Am           H:BLRZ   T:The Banks of Lough Gowna
ABC     10 C1:716221170765011 C2:duduuuuddduuudd M:6/8   K:Bm           H:DHRZ   T:Banks of Lough Gowna, The
ABC     10 C1:716221170765011 C2:duduuuuddduuudd M:6/8   K:Bm           H:DHRZ   T:Banks of Lough Gowna, The
ABC    196 C1:716221000765011 C2:duduuudduuudddd M:6/8   K:Bmin         H:LQR    T:Banks Of Lough Gowna (Bmin)
ABC    199 C1:716221000765011 C2:duduuudduuudddd M:6/8   K:Bmin         H:LQR    T:Banks Of Lough Gowna (Bmin)
ABC    199 C1:716221000765011 C2:duduuudduuudddd M:6/8   K:Bmin         H:LQR    T:Banks Of Lough Gowna (Bmin)
ABC    199 C1:716221000765011 C2:duduuudduuudduu M:6/8   K:clef=none    H:ILR    T:Banks Of Lough Gowna (Bmin)
ABC      1 C1:000760716221000 C2:ddduduuudduuudd M:6/8   K:B            H:"CDLOQRSZ T:Banks of Lough Gowna / The Shores of Lough Gowna (B minor / D major)
ABC      1 C1:000007070000050 C2:ddudddduudduddu M:2/4   K:C            H:L      T:Banks of Marble
ABC      1 C1:000007070000050 C2:ddudddduudduddu M:2/4   K:C            H:L      T:Banks of Marble
ABC      1 C1:000007070000050 C2:ddudddduudduddu M:2/4   K:C            H:L      T:Banks of Marble
ABC      1 C1:001001577007003 C2:duuduuudddduduu M:6/8   K:C            H:L      T:The Banks of my Own Lovely Lee
ABC      1 C1:001001577007003 C2:duuduuudddduduu M:6/8   K:C            H:L      T:The Banks of my Own Lovely Lee
ABC      1 C1:001001577007003 C2:duuduuudddduduu M:6/8   K:C            H:L      T:The Banks of my Own Lovely Lee
ABC  59258 C1:711711577007713 C2:duuduuudddduduu M:3/4   K:D            H:BFLQRZ T:BANKS OF MY OWN LOVELY LEE, The
ABC  59258 C1:711711577007713 C2:duuduuudddduduu M:3/4   K:D            H:BFLQRZ T:BANKS OF MY OWN LOVELY LEE, The
ABC  59201 C1:711711577007713 C2:duuduuudddduduu M:3/4\  K:D\           H:CLQR   T:BANKS OF MY OWN LOVELY LEE, The\
ABC      1 C1:071653223005176 C2:dudduuuududdduu M:6/8   K:G            H:LRSZ   T:Banks of Newfoundland [2]
ABC  38014 C1:061762223005176 C2:dudduuuududdduu M:6/8   K:G            H:BCLQR  T:BANKS OF NEWFOUNDLAND, The
ABC 181008 C1:771771223715176 C2:ddudduuuudududd M:6/8   K:G            H:CQR    T:BANKS OF NEWFOUNDLAND, The
ABC      1 C1:061102150400002 C2:duuuduudddduuuu M:4/4   K:G            H:L      T:Banks of Newfoundland
ABC      1 C1:071653223005176 C2:dudduuuududdduu M:6/8   K:G            H:LRSZ   T:Banks of Newfoundland
ABC      1 C1:071653223005176 C2:dudduuuududdduu M:6/8   K:G            H:LRSZ   T:Banks of Newfoundland
ABC      1 C1:071653223005176 C2:dudduuuududdduu M:6/8   K:G            H:LRSZ   T:Banks of Newfoundland
ABC      1 C1:071653223005176 C2:dudduuuududdduu M:6/8   K:G            H:LRSZ   T:Banks of Newfoundland
ABC      1 C1:071653223005176 C2:dudduuuududdduu M:6/8   K:G            H:LRSZ   T:Banks of Newfoundland
ABC      1 C1:071653223005176 C2:dudduuuududdduu M:6/8   K:G            H:LRSZ   T:Banks of Newfoundland
ABC      1 C1:071653223005176 C2:dudduuuududdduu M:6/8   K:G            H:LRSZ   T:Banks of Newfoundland
ABC      1 C1:061102150400002 C2:duuuduudddduuuu M:4/4   K:G            H:L      T:Banks of Newfoundland
ABC      1 C1:061102150400002 C2:duuuduudddduuuu M:4/4   K:G            H:L      T:Banks of Newfoundland
ABC      1 C1:020007070707010 C2:uddddudddduuuuu M:6/8   K:D            H:LQR    T:The Banks of Newfoundland
ABC      1 C1:020007070707010 C2:uddddudddduuuuu M:6/8   K:D            H:LQR    T:The Banks of Newfoundland
ABC      1 C1:020007070707010 C2:uddddudddduuuuu M:6/8   K:D            H:LQR    T:The Banks of Newfoundland
ABC      1 C1:020007070707010 C2:uddddudddduuuuu M:6/8   K:D            H:LQR    T:The Banks of Newfoundland
ABC      1 C1:020007070707010 C2:uddddudddduuuuu M:6/8   K:D            H:LQR    T:The Banks of Newfoundland
ABC      1 C1:000000070102000 C2:duuuduudddduddd M:3/4   K:G            H:"L     T:Banks of Newfoundland
ABC      1 C1:071653223005176 C2:dudduuuududdduu M:6/8   K:G            H:"LRSZ  T:Banks of Newfoundland
ABC      1 C1:071653223005176 C2:dudduuuududdduu M:6/8   K:G            H:"LRSZ  T:Banks of Newfoundland
ABC      1 C1:071653223005176 C2:dudduuuududdduu M:6/8   K:G            H:"LRSZ  T:Banks of Newfoundland
ABC      1 C1:071653223005176 C2:dudduuuududdduu M:6/8   K:G            H:"LRSZ  T:Banks of Newfoundland
ABC      1 C1:071653223005176 C2:dudduuuududdduu M:6/8   K:G            H:"LRSZ  T:Banks of Newfoundland
ABC      1 C1:071653223005176 C2:dudduuuududdduu M:6/8   K:G            H:"LRSZ  T:Banks of Newfoundland
ABC      1 C1:071653223005176 C2:dudduuuududdduu M:6/8   K:G            H:"LRSZ  T:Banks of Newfoundland
ABC      1 C1:071653223005176 C2:dudduuuududdduu M:6/8   K:G            H:"LRSZ  T:Banks of Newfoundland
ABC      1 C1:071653223005176 C2:dudduuuududdduu M:6/8   K:G            H:"LRSZ  T:Banks of Newfoundland
ABC      1 C1:071653223005176 C2:dudduuuududdduu M:6/8   K:G            H:"LRSZ  T:Banks of Newfoundland
ABC      1 C1:071653223005176 C2:dudduuuududdduu M:6/8   K:G            H:"LRSZ  T:Banks of Newfoundland
ABC      1 C1:071653223005176 C2:dudduuuududdduu M:6/8   K:G            H:"LRSZ  T:Banks of Newfoundland
ABC      1 C1:071653223005176 C2:dudduuuududdduu M:6/8   K:G            H:"BDLORSZ T:Banks of Newfoundland
ABC      1 C1:071653223005176 C2:dudduuuududdduu M:6/8   K:G            H:"BDLORSZ T:Banks of Newfoundland
ABC      1 C1:071653223005176 C2:dudduuuududdduu M:6/8   K:G            H:"BDLORSZ T:Banks of Newfoundland
ABC      1 C1:071653223005176 C2:dudduuuududdduu M:6/8   K:G            H:"BDLORSZ T:Banks of Newfoundland
ABC      1 C1:071653223005176 C2:dudduuuududdduu M:6/8   K:G            H:"BDLORSZ T:Banks of Newfoundland
ABC      1 C1:207777107777111 C2:uddddudddduuuuu M:6/8   K:D            H:"CLRSZ T:the Banks of Newfoundland
ABC      1 C1:207777107777111 C2:uddddudddduuuuu M:6/8   K:D            H:"CLRSZ T:the Banks of Newfoundland
ABC      1 C1:207777107777111 C2:uddddudddduuuuu M:6/8   K:D            H:"CLRSZ T:the Banks of Newfoundland
ABC      2 C1:207777107777111 C2:uddddudddduuuuu M:6/8   K:D            H:"CLRSZ T:the Banks of Newfoundland
ABC  59004 C1:601753223715176 C2:dudduuuudududdd M:6/8   K:G            H:CR     T:BANKS OF NEWFOUNDLAND, The
ABC  59004 C1:601753223715176 C2:dudduuuudududdd M:6/8   K:G            H:CR     T:BANKS OF NEWFOUNDLAND, The
ABC    430 C1:061762223005176 C2:dudduuuududdduu M:6/8   K:G            H:LRSZ   T:Banks of Newfoundland
ABC      1 C1:107165322377717 C2:ududduuuudddudd M:      K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:The Banks Of Newfoundland
ABC      2 C1:007762223067176 C2:ddduuuuddudddud M:      K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:The Banks Of Newfoundland
ABC      3 C1:677176222377717 C2:ddddudduuuudddu M:      K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:The Banks Of Newfoundland
ABC      4 C1:223067176071660 C2:uuuddudddudduuu M:      K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:The Banks Of Newfoundland
ABC      5 C1:600776222377726 C2:ddddduuuuuddduu M:      K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:The Banks Of Newfoundland
ABC      6 C1:771753223005176 C2:ddudduuuududddu M:      K:Dmaj         H:LR     T:The Banks Of Newfoundland
ABC      7 C1:771762223005176 C2:ddudduuuududddu M:      K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:The Banks Of Newfoundland
ABC      8 C1:771762223005176 C2:ddudduuuududddu M:      K:Amaj         H:LR     T:The Banks Of Newfoundland
ABC      9 C1:061762223067176 C2:dudduuuuddudddu M:      K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:The Banks Of Newfoundland
ABC 181008 C1:771771223715176 C2:ddudduuuudududd M:6/8   K:G            H:CQR    T:BANKS OF NEWFOUNDLAND, The
ABC 181008 C1:771771223715176 C2:ddudduuuudududd M:6/8   K:G            H:CQR    T:BANKS OF NEWFOUNDLAND, The
ABC  38014 C1:061762223005176 C2:dudduuuududdduu M:6/8   K:G            H:BCLQR  T:BANKS OF NEWFOUNDLAND, The
ABC  38014 C1:061762223005176 C2:dudduuuududdduu M:6/8   K:G            H:BCLQR  T:BANKS OF NEWFOUNDLAND, The
ABC  59004 C1:601753223715176 C2:dudduuuudududdd M:6/8   K:G            H:CR     T:BANKS OF NEWFOUNDLAND, The
ABC      1 C1:771762223715176 C2:ddudduuuudududd M:6/8   K:G            H:"CDLOQRSZ T:Banks of Newfoundland (G major)
ABC  59004 C1:601753223715176 C2:dudduuuudududdd M:6/8\  K:G\           H:CR     T:BANKS OF NEWFOUNDLAND, The\
ABC      1 C1:061762223067176 C2:dudduuuuddudddu M:6/8   K:G            H:LR     T:Banks Of Newfoundland (The)
ABC      1 C1:071653223005176 C2:dudduuuududdduu M:6/8   K:G            H:"BDLORSZ T:Banks of Newfoundland  (Woods of Old Limerick, the)  (Bruacha Thalamh an \'Eisc)
ABC      1 C1:071653223005176 C2:dudduuuududdduu M:6/8   K:G            H:"BDLORSZ T:Banks of Newfoundland  (Woods of Old Limerick, the)  (Bruacha Thalamh an \'Eisc)
ABC      1 C1:071653223005176 C2:dudduuuududdduu M:6/8   K:G            H:"BDLORSZ T:Banks of Newfoundland  (Woods of Old Limerick, the)  (Bruacha Thalamh an \'Eisc)
ABC   5051 C1:030007110700041 C2:uduuduuuddddudd M:2/4   K:Am           H:BCLRSZ T:Banks of North Esk
ABC   5051 C1:030007110700041 C2:uduuduuuddddudd M:2/4   K:Am           H:BCLRSZ T:Banks of North Esk
ABC   5051 C1:030007110700041 C2:uduuduuuddddudd M:2/4   K:Am           H:BCLRSZ T:Banks of North Esk
ABC   5051 C1:030007110700041 C2:uduuduuuddddudd M:2/4   K:Am           H:BCLRSZ T:Banks of North Esk
ABC   5051 C1:030007110700041 C2:uduuduuuddddudd M:2/4   K:Am           H:BCLRSZ T:Banks of North Esk
ABC    301 C1:620727042676600 C2:dduduuduuuddddu M:2/4   K:G            H:BLQSZ  T:Banks of North Esk JBut.300, The
ABC      1 C1:000001050707000 C2:uddduuuduuudddu M:4/4   K:C            H:BFLSZw T:The Banks of Red Roses
ABC      1 C1:000001050707000 C2:uddduuuduuudddu M:4/4   K:C            H:BFLSWZw T:The Banks of Red Roses
ABC      1 C1:000007070011060 C2:dduuddudduddduu M:4/4   K:D            H:BFLw   T:The Banks of Sacramento
ABC      1 C1:000007070011060 C2:dduuddudduddduu M:4/4   K:D            H:BFLWw  T:The Banks of Sacramento
ABC      1 C1:760070170003152 C2:ddduduudduudddu M:2/4   K:A            H:LR     T:The Banks of Sacramento /Campdown Races /Tacoma
ABC  15291 C1:646500106167000 C2:duduuuddudduuud M:C     K:F            H:BCLSZ  T:the Banks of Severn
ABC  15291 C1:646500106167000 C2:duduuuddudduuud M:C     K:F            H:BCLSZ  T:the Banks of Severn
ABC  15291 C1:646500106167000 C2:duduuuddudduuud M:C     K:F            H:BCLSZ  T:The Banks of Severn
ABC  15291 C1:646500106167000 C2:duduuuddudduuud M:C     K:F            H:BCLSZ  T:The Banks of Severn
ABC  15291 C1:646500106167000 C2:duduuuddudduuud M:C     K:F            H:BCLSZ  T:The Banks of Severn
ABC  15291 C1:646500106167000 C2:duduuuddudduuud M:C     K:F            H:BCLSZ  T:The Banks of Severn
ABC  15291 C1:646500106167000 C2:duduuuddudduuud M:C     K:F            H:BCLSZ  T:The Banks of Severn
ABC  15291 C1:646500106167000 C2:duduuuddudduuud M:C     K:F            H:BCLSZ  T:The Banks of Severn
ABC  15291 C1:646500106167000 C2:duduuuddudduuud M:C     K:F            H:BCLSZ  T:The Banks of Severn
ABC  15291 C1:646500106167000 C2:duduuuddudduuud M:C     K:F            H:BCLSZ  T:The Banks of Severn
ABC  15291 C1:646500106167000 C2:duduuuddudduuud M:C     K:F            H:BCLSZ  T:The Banks of Severn
ABC  15291 C1:646500106167000 C2:duduuuddudduuud M:C     K:F            H:BCLSZ  T:The Banks of Severn
ABC  15291 C1:646500106167000 C2:duduuuddudduuud M:C     K:F            H:BCLSZ  T:The Banks of Severn
ABC  15291 C1:646500106167000 C2:duduuuddudduuud M:C     K:F            H:BCLSZ  T:The Banks of Severn
ABC  15291 C1:646500106167000 C2:duduuuddudduuud M:C     K:F            H:BCLSZ  T:The Banks of Severn
ABC  15291 C1:646500106167000 C2:duduuuddudduuud M:C     K:F            H:BCLSZ  T:The Banks of Severn
ABC  15291 C1:646500106167000 C2:duduuuddudduuud M:C     K:F            H:BCLSZ  T:The Banks of Severn
ABC  15291 C1:646500106167000 C2:duduuuddudduuud M:C     K:F            H:BCLSZ  T:The Banks of Severn
ABC      1 C1:060001027077024 C2:dduuuuddduuduud M:6/8   K:C            H:L      T:Banks Of Sicily
ABC      1 C1:060001027077024 C2:dduuuuddduuduud M:6/8   K:C            H:L      T:Banks Of Sicily
ABC      1 C1:060001027077024 C2:dduuuuddduuduud M:6/8   K:C            H:L      T:Banks Of Sicily
ABC  12082 C1:011111000305077 C2:duuuuuddddduuud M:3/4   K:D            H:BCLZ   T:the Banks of Sligoe
ABC  12082 C1:011111000305077 C2:duuuuuddddduuud M:3/4   K:D            H:BCLZ   T:the Banks of Sligoe
ABC  12082 C1:011111000305077 C2:duuuuuddddduuud M:3/4   K:D            H:BCLZ   T:The Banks of Sligoe
ABC  12082 C1:011111000305077 C2:duuuuuddddduuud M:3/4   K:D            H:BCLZ   T:The Banks of Sligoe
ABC  12082 C1:011111000305077 C2:duuuuuddddduuud M:3/4   K:D            H:BCLZ   T:The Banks of Sligoe
ABC  12082 C1:011111000305077 C2:duuuuuddddduuud M:3/4   K:D            H:BCLZ   T:The Banks of Sligoe
ABC  12082 C1:011111000305077 C2:duuuuuddddduuud M:3/4   K:D            H:BCLZ   T:The Banks of Sligoe
ABC  12082 C1:011111000305077 C2:duuuuuddddduuud M:3/4   K:D            H:BCLZ   T:The Banks of Sligoe
ABC  12082 C1:011111000305077 C2:duuuuuddddduuud M:3/4   K:D            H:BCLZ   T:The Banks of Sligoe
ABC  12082 C1:011111000305077 C2:duuuuuddddduuud M:3/4   K:D            H:BCLZ   T:The Banks of Sligoe
ABC  12082 C1:011111000305077 C2:duuuuuddddduuud M:3/4   K:D            H:BCLZ   T:The Banks of Sligoe
ABC  12082 C1:011111000305077 C2:duuuuuddddduuud M:3/4   K:D            H:BCLZ   T:The Banks of Sligoe
ABC  12082 C1:011111000305077 C2:duuuuuddddduuud M:3/4   K:D            H:BCLZ   T:The Banks of Sligoe
ABC  12082 C1:011111000305077 C2:duuuuuddddduuud M:3/4   K:D            H:BCLZ   T:The Banks of Sligoe
ABC  12082 C1:011111000305077 C2:duuuuuddddduuud M:3/4   K:D            H:BCLZ   T:The Banks of Sligoe
ABC  12082 C1:011111000305077 C2:duuuuuddddduuud M:3/4   K:D            H:BCLZ   T:The Banks of Sligoe
ABC  12082 C1:011111000305077 C2:duuuuuddddduuud M:3/4   K:D            H:BCLZ   T:The Banks of Sligoe
ABC  12082 C1:011111000305077 C2:duuuuuddddduuud M:3/4   K:D            H:BCLZ   T:The Banks of Sligoe
ABC      0 C1:                C2:                M:      K:             H:       T:BanksOfSpey0
ABC      1 C1:002775470022176 C2:uddduduuudduudu M:C     K:D            H:"LRSZ  T:the Banks of Spey
ABC      1 C1:002775470022176 C2:uddduduuudduudu M:C     K:D            H:"LRSZ  T:the Banks of Spey
ABC      1 C1:002775470022176 C2:uddduduuudduudu M:C     K:D            H:"LRSZ  T:the Banks of Spey
ABC      1 C1:002775470022176 C2:uddduduuudduudu M:C     K:D            H:"LRSZ  T:the Banks of Spey
ABC      1 C1:000000170011002 C2:uduuuddddduuduu M:4/4   K:Am           H:CLQR   T:The Banks of Spey
ABC      1 C1:000000170011002 C2:uduuuddddduuduu M:4/4   K:Am           H:CLQR   T:The Banks of Spey
ABC     99 C1:777700100017111 C2:dddduuduuuuduuu M:4/4   K:C            H:"LR    T:Banks of Spey, The
ABC    265 C1:001711277777006 C2:uduuudddddduudu M:4/4   K:Am           H:"CLQR  T:Banks of Spey, The
ABC      1 C1:020300276773006 C2:uuudddduddduddd M:C     K:D            H:"LRSZ  T:Banks of Spey
ABC      1 C1:020300276773006 C2:uuudddduddduddd M:C     K:D            H:"LRSZ  T:Banks of Spey
ABC      1 C1:020300276773006 C2:uuudddduddduddd M:C     K:D            H:"LRSZ  T:Banks of Spey
ABC      1 C1:020300276773006 C2:uuudddduddduddd M:C     K:D            H:"LRSZ  T:Banks of Spey
ABC      1 C1:001711277777006 C2:uduuudddddduudu M:4/4   K:Am           H:"CL    T:Banks of Spey
ABC      1 C1:001711277777006 C2:uduuudddddduudu M:C|    K:ADor         H:"CL    T:The Banks of Spey
ABC      1 C1:001711277777006 C2:uduuudddddduudu M:C|    K:ADor         H:"CL    T:The Banks of Spey
ABC      1 C1:001711277777006 C2:uduuudddddduudu M:C|    K:ADor         H:"CL    T:The Banks of Spey
ABC      1 C1:001711277777006 C2:uduuudddddduudu M:C|    K:ADor         H:"CL    T:The Banks of Spey
ABC   5039 C1:001711277777000 C2:uduuuddddduuduu M:C     K:Am           H:BLRSZ  T:the Banks of Spey
ABC      1 C1:050300171127777 C2:dduuduuudddddud M:C     K:ADor         H:"CLSZ  T:the Banks of Spey
ABC      1 C1:050300171127777 C2:dduuduuudddddud M:C     K:ADor         H:"CLSZ  T:the Banks of Spey
ABC      1 C1:050300171127777 C2:dduuduuudddddud M:C     K:ADor         H:"CLSZ  T:the Banks of Spey
ABC      1 C1:050300171127777 C2:dduuduuudddddud M:C     K:ADor         H:"CLSZ  T:the Banks of Spey
ABC      1 C1:050300171127777 C2:dduuduuudddddud M:C     K:ADor         H:"CLSZ  T:the Banks of Spey
ABC      1 C1:050300171127777 C2:dduuduuudddddud M:C     K:ADor         H:"CLSZ  T:the Banks of Spey
ABC      1 C1:000017112777770 C2:uduuudddddduudu M:C     K:ADor         H:"CLZ   T:the Banks of Spey
ABC      1 C1:000017112777770 C2:uduuudddddduudu M:C     K:ADor         H:"CLZ   T:the Banks of Spey
ABC      1 C1:000017112777770 C2:uduuudddddduudu M:C     K:ADor         H:"CLZ   T:the Banks of Spey
ABC      1 C1:000017112777770 C2:uduuudddddduudu M:C     K:ADor         H:"CLZ   T:the Banks of Spey
ABC      1 C1:000017112777770 C2:uduuudddddduudu M:C     K:ADor         H:"CLZ   T:the Banks of Spey
ABC      1 C1:000017112777770 C2:uduuudddddduudu M:C     K:ADor         H:"CLZ   T:the Banks of Spey
ABC      1 C1:000017112777770 C2:uduuudddddduudu M:C     K:ADor         H:"CLZ   T:the Banks of Spey
ABC      1 C1:000017112777770 C2:uduuudddddduudu M:C     K:ADor         H:"CLZ   T:the Banks of Spey
ABC      1 C1:000017112777770 C2:uduuudddddduudu M:C     K:ADor         H:"CLZ   T:the Banks of Spey
ABC      1 C1:000017112777770 C2:uduuudddddduudu M:C     K:ADor         H:"CLZ   T:the Banks of Spey
ABC      1 C1:000017112777770 C2:uduuudddddduudu M:C     K:ADor         H:"CLZ   T:the Banks of Spey
ABC      1 C1:000017112777770 C2:uduuudddddduudu M:C     K:ADor         H:"CLZ   T:the Banks of Spey
ABC      1 C1:000017112777770 C2:uduuudddddduudu M:C     K:ADor         H:"CLZ   T:the Banks of Spey
ABC      1 C1:000017112777770 C2:uduuudddddduudu M:C     K:ADor         H:"CLZ   T:the Banks of Spey
ABC  11132 C1:001711277777000 C2:uduuuddddduuduu M:C     K:A            H:BLSZ   T:the BANKS OF SPEY
ABC  11132 C1:001711277777000 C2:uduuuddddduuduu M:C     K:A            H:BLSZ   T:the BANKS OF SPEY
ABC      1 C1:000017112777770 C2:uduuudddddduudu M:C     K:ADor         H:"CLZ   T:the Banks of Spey
ABC      1 C1:001711277777006 C2:uduuudddddduudu M:C|    K:ADor         H:"CLZ   T:The Banks of Spey
ABC  21211 C1:000200030000020 C2:uuudddduddduddd M:C     K:D            H:BLZ    T:the Banks of spey
ABC  21211 C1:000200030000020 C2:uuudddduddduddd M:C     K:D            H:BLZ    T:the Banks of spey
ABC   8310 C1:001711277777006 C2:uduuudddddduudu M:C|    K:ADor         H:"CFLOWZ T:The Banks of Spey
ABC   8310 C1:001711277777006 C2:uduuudddddduudu M:C|    K:ADor         H:"CFLOWZ T:The Banks of Spey
ABC      1 C1:050300171127777 C2:dduuduuudddddud M:C     K:ADor         H:"CLSZ  T:the Banks of Spey
ABC      1 C1:050300171127777 C2:dduuduuudddddud M:C     K:ADor         H:"CLSZ  T:the Banks of Spey
ABC      1 C1:050300171127777 C2:dduuduuudddddud M:C     K:ADor         H:"CLSZ  T:the Banks of Spey
ABC      1 C1:050300171127777 C2:dduuduuudddddud M:C     K:ADor         H:"CLSZ  T:the Banks of Spey
ABC      1 C1:050300171127777 C2:dduuduuudddddud M:C     K:ADor         H:"CLSZ  T:the Banks of Spey
ABC      3 C1:001711277777006 C2:uduuudddddduudu M:C     K:ADor         H:"CLZ   T:The Banks of Spey
ABC      3 C1:001711277777006 C2:uduuudddddduudu M:C     K:ADor         H:"CLZ   T:The Banks of Spey
ABC      3 C1:001711277777006 C2:uduuudddddduudu M:C     K:ADor         H:"CLZ   T:The Banks of Spey
ABC      3 C1:000017112777770 C2:uduuudddddduudu M:C     K:ADor         H:"CLZ   T:the Banks of Spey
ABC      3 C1:000017112777770 C2:uduuudddddduudu M:C     K:ADor         H:"CLZ   T:the Banks of Spey
ABC      3 C1:001711277777006 C2:uduuudddddduudu M:C     K:ADor         H:"CLZ   T:the Banks of Spey
ABC      3 C1:001711277777006 C2:uduuudddddduudu M:C     K:ADor         H:"CLZ   T:the Banks of Spey
ABC      2 C1:000017112777770 C2:uduuudddddduudu M:C     K:ADor         H:"CLZ   T:the Banks of Spey
ABC      2 C1:000017112777770 C2:uduuudddddduudu M:C     K:ADor         H:"CLZ   T:the Banks of Spey
ABC      2 C1:000017112777770 C2:uduuudddddduudu M:C     K:ADor         H:"CLZ   T:the Banks of Spey
ABC      2 C1:000017112777770 C2:uduuudddddduudu M:C     K:ADor         H:"CLZ   T:the Banks of Spey
ABC      2 C1:000017112777770 C2:uduuudddddduudu M:C     K:ADor         H:"CLZ   T:the Banks of Spey
ABC      2 C1:000017112777770 C2:uduuudddddduudu M:C     K:ADor         H:"CLZ   T:the Banks of Spey
ABC      2 C1:000017112777770 C2:uduuudddddduudu M:C     K:ADor         H:"CLZ   T:the Banks of Spey
ABC      2 C1:000017112777770 C2:uduuudddddduudu M:C     K:ADor         H:"CLZ   T:the Banks of Spey
ABC      2 C1:000017112777770 C2:uduuudddddduudu M:C     K:ADor         H:"CLZ   T:the Banks of Spey
ABC      2 C1:000017112777770 C2:uduuudddddduudu M:C     K:ADor         H:"CLZ   T:the Banks of Spey
ABC      2 C1:000017112777770 C2:uduuudddddduudu M:C     K:ADor         H:"CLZ   T:the Banks of Spey
ABC      3 C1:000017112777770 C2:uduuudddddduudu M:C     K:ADor         H:"CLZ   T:the Banks of Spey
ABC      2 C1:000017112777770 C2:uduuudddddduudu M:C     K:ADor         H:"CLZ   T:the Banks of Spey
ABC      2 C1:000017112777770 C2:uduuudddddduudu M:C     K:ADor         H:"CLZ   T:the Banks of Spey
ABC      3 C1:000017112777770 C2:uduuudddddduudu M:C     K:ADor         H:"CLZ   T:the Banks of Spey
ABC      1 C1:000017112777770 C2:uduuudddddduudu M:C     K:ADor         H:"CLZ   T:the Banks of Spey
ABC      2 C1:000017112777770 C2:uduuudddddduudu M:C     K:ADor         H:"CLZ   T:the Banks of Spey
ABC      2 C1:000017112777770 C2:uduuudddddduudu M:C     K:ADor         H:"CLZ   T:the Banks of Spey
ABC      2 C1:000017112777770 C2:uduuudddddduudu M:C     K:ADor         H:"CLZ   T:the Banks of Spey
ABC      2 C1:000017112777770 C2:uduuudddddduudu M:C     K:ADor         H:"CLZ   T:the Banks of Spey
ABC      2 C1:000017112777770 C2:uduuudddddduudu M:C     K:ADor         H:"CLZ   T:the Banks of Spey
ABC      2 C1:000017112777770 C2:uduuudddddduudu M:C     K:ADor         H:"CLZ   T:the Banks of Spey
ABC      3 C1:000017112777770 C2:uduuudddddduudu M:C     K:ADor         H:"CLZ   T:the Banks of Spey
ABC     13 C1:000017112777770 C2:uduuudddddduudu M:C     K:ADor         H:"CLZ   T:the Banks of Spey
ABC      2 C1:000017112777770 C2:uduuudddddduudu M:C     K:ADor         H:"CLZ   T:the Banks of Spey
ABC      3 C1:000017112777770 C2:uduuudddddduudu M:C     K:ADor         H:"CLZ   T:the Banks of Spey
ABC      3 C1:000017112777770 C2:uduuudddddduudu M:C     K:ADor         H:"CLZ   T:The Banks of Spey
ABC      4 C1:000017112777770 C2:uduuudddddduudu M:C     K:ADor         H:"CLZ   T:the Banks of Spey
ABC      3 C1:000017112777770 C2:uduuudddddduudu M:C     K:ADor         H:"CLZ   T:the Banks of Spey
ABC      3 C1:000017112777770 C2:uduuudddddduudu M:C     K:ADor         H:"CLZ   T:the Banks of Spey
ABC      4 C1:000017112777770 C2:uduuudddddduudu M:C     K:ADor         H:"CLZ   T:the Banks of Spey
ABC      4 C1:000017112777770 C2:uduuudddddduudu M:C     K:ADor         H:"CLZ   T:the Banks of Spey
ABC      2 C1:000017112777770 C2:uduuudddddduudu M:C     K:ADor         H:"CLZ   T:the Banks of Spey
ABC      2 C1:000017112777770 C2:uduuudddddduudu M:C     K:ADor         H:"CLZ   T:the Banks of Spey
ABC      3 C1:000017112777770 C2:uduuudddddduudu M:C     K:ADor         H:"CLZ   T:the Banks of Spey
ABC      3 C1:000017112777770 C2:uduuudddddduudu M:C     K:ADor         H:"CLZ   T:the Banks of Spey
ABC      3 C1:000017112777770 C2:uduuudddddduudu M:C     K:ADor         H:"CLZ   T:the Banks of Spey
ABC      3 C1:000017112777770 C2:uduuudddddduudu M:C     K:ADor         H:"CLZ   T:the Banks of Spey
ABC      3 C1:000017112777770 C2:uduuudddddduudu M:C     K:ADor         H:"CLZ   T:the Banks of Spey
ABC      3 C1:000017112777770 C2:uduuudddddduudu M:C     K:ADor         H:"CLZ   T:the Banks of Spey
ABC      3 C1:000017112777770 C2:uduuudddddduudu M:C     K:ADor         H:"CLZ   T:the Banks of Spey
ABC      4 C1:000017112777770 C2:uduuudddddduudu M:C     K:ADor         H:"CLZ   T:The Banks of Spey
ABC      3 C1:000017112777770 C2:uduuudddddduudu M:C     K:ADor         H:"CLZ   T:the Banks of Spey
ABC      3 C1:000017112777770 C2:uduuudddddduudu M:C     K:ADor         H:"CLZ   T:the Banks of Spey
ABC      1 C1:000017112777770 C2:uduuudddddduudu M:C     K:ADor         H:"CLZ   T:the Banks of Spey
ABC      4 C1:000017112777770 C2:uduuudddddduudu M:C     K:ADor         H:"CLZ   T:the Banks of Spey
ABC      4 C1:000017112777770 C2:uduuudddddduudu M:C     K:ADor         H:"CLZ   T:the Banks of Spey
ABC      3 C1:000017112777770 C2:uduuudddddduudu M:C     K:ADor         H:"CLZ   T:the Banks of Spey
ABC      2 C1:000017112777770 C2:uduuudddddduudu M:C     K:ADor         H:"CLZ   T:the Banks of Spey
ABC   1810 C1:000017112777770 C2:uduuudddddduudu M:C     K:ADor         H:"CLZ   T:the Banks of Spey
ABC      2 C1:000017112777770 C2:uduuudddddduudu M:C     K:ADor         H:"CLZ   T:the Banks of Spey
ABC      5 C1:001711277777006 C2:uduuudddddduudu M:C     K:ADor         H:"CLZ   T:the Banks of Spey
ABC      5 C1:001711277777006 C2:uduuudddddduudu M:C     K:ADor         H:"CLZ   T:the Banks of Spey
ABC  98206 C1:000017112777770 C2:uduuudddddduudu M:C     K:ADor         H:"CLZ   T:the Banks of Spey
ABC      2 C1:001711277777006 C2:uduuudddddduudu M:C     K:ADor         H:"CLZ   T:the Banks of Spey
ABC      2 C1:001711277777006 C2:uduuudddddduudu M:C     K:ADor         H:"CLZ   T:the Banks of Spey
ABC      5 C1:001711277777006 C2:uduuudddddduudu M:C     K:ADor         H:"CLZ   T:the Banks of Spey
ABC      5 C1:001711277777006 C2:uduuudddddduudu M:C     K:ADor         H:"CLZ   T:the Banks of Spey
ABC      2 C1:000017112777770 C2:uduuudddddduudu M:C     K:ADor         H:"CLZ   T:the Banks of Spey
ABC      2 C1:000017112777770 C2:uduuudddddduudu M:C     K:ADor         H:"CLZ   T:the Banks of Spey
ABC      2 C1:000017112777770 C2:uduuudddddduudu M:C     K:ADor         H:"CLZ   T:the Banks of Spey
ABC      2 C1:000017112777770 C2:uduuudddddduudu M:C     K:ADor         H:"CLZ   T:the Banks of Spey
ABC      2 C1:000017112777770 C2:uduuudddddduudu M:C     K:ADor         H:"CLZ   T:the Banks of Spey
ABC      2 C1:000017112777770 C2:uduuudddddduudu M:C     K:ADor         H:"CLZ   T:the Banks of Spey
ABC      2 C1:000017112777770 C2:uduuudddddduudu M:C     K:ADor         H:"CLZ   T:the Banks of Spey
ABC      2 C1:000017112777770 C2:uduuudddddduudu M:C     K:ADor         H:"CLZ   T:the Banks of Spey
ABC      5 C1:000017112777770 C2:uduuudddddduudu M:C     K:ADor         H:"CLZ   T:the Banks of Spey
ABC      5 C1:000017112777770 C2:uduuudddddduudu M:C     K:ADor         H:"CLZ   T:the Banks of Spey
ABC      5 C1:000017112777770 C2:uduuudddddduudu M:C     K:ADor         H:"CLZ   T:the Banks of Spey
ABC      5 C1:000017112777770 C2:uduuudddddduudu M:C     K:ADor         H:"CLZ   T:the Banks of Spey
ABC      5 C1:000017112777770 C2:uduuudddddduudu M:C     K:ADor         H:"CLZ   T:the Banks of Spey
ABC      5 C1:000017112777770 C2:uduuudddddduudu M:C     K:ADor         H:"CLZ   T:the Banks of Spey
ABC      2 C1:000017112777770 C2:uduuudddddduudu M:C     K:ADor         H:"CLZ   T:the Banks of Spey
ABC      4 C1:000017112777770 C2:uduuudddddduudu M:C     K:ADor         H:"CLZ   T:the Banks of Spey
ABC      3 C1:000017112777770 C2:uduuudddddduudu M:C     K:ADor         H:"CLZ   T:the Banks of Spey
ABC  98206 C1:000017112777770 C2:uduuudddddduudu M:C     K:ADor         H:"CLZ   T:the Banks of Spey
ABC      4 C1:000017112777770 C2:uduuudddddduudu M:C     K:ADor         H:"CLZ   T:the Banks of Spey
ABC      4 C1:000017112777770 C2:uduuudddddduudu M:C     K:ADor         H:"CLZ   T:the Banks of Spey
ABC      4 C1:001711277777006 C2:uduuudddddduudu M:C     K:ADor         H:"CLZ   T:the Banks of Spey
ABC      4 C1:000017112777770 C2:uduuudddddduudu M:C     K:ADor         H:"CLZ   T:the Banks of Spey
ABC      3 C1:000017112777770 C2:uduuudddddduudu M:C     K:ADor         H:"CLZ   T:the Banks of Spey
ABC      3 C1:000017112777770 C2:uduuudddddduudu M:C     K:ADor         H:"CLZ   T:the Banks of Spey
ABC     14 C1:000017112777770 C2:uduuudddddduudu M:C     K:ADor         H:"CLZ   T:the Banks of Spey
ABC     14 C1:000017112777770 C2:uduuudddddduudu M:C     K:ADor         H:"CLZ   T:the Banks of Spey
ABC      3 C1:000017112777770 C2:uduuudddddduudu M:C     K:ADor         H:"CLZ   T:the Banks of Spey
ABC      3 C1:000017112777770 C2:uduuudddddduudu M:C     K:ADor         H:"CLZ   T:the Banks of Spey
ABC      2 C1:000017112777770 C2:uduuudddddduudu M:C     K:ADor         H:"CLZ   T:the Banks of Spey
ABC      0 C1:777700010017111 C2:dddduuduuuuduuu M:4/4   K:ADor         H:CGLQ   T:The Banks of Spey
ABC     22 C1:001711277777006 C2:uduuudddddduudu M:C|    K:ADor         H:"BCDLRZ T:The Banks of Spey
ABC     22 C1:001711277777006 C2:uduuudddddduudu M:C|    K:ADor         H:"BCDLRZ T:The Banks of Spey
ABC     22 C1:001711277777006 C2:uduuudddddduudu M:C|    K:ADor         H:"BCDLRZ T:The Banks of Spey
ABC     99 C1:777700100017111 C2:dddduuduuu      M:4/4   K:C            H:"LR    T:Banks of Spey, The
ABC      1 C1:001711277777006 C2:uduuudddddduudu M:C     K:ADor         H:"CLZ   T:the Banks of Spey
ABC      1 C1:001711277777006 C2:uduuudddddduudu M:C     K:ADor         H:"CLZ   T:the Banks of Spey
ABC   0839 C1:777700010017111 C2:dddduuduuuuduuu M:C     K:A            H:ILQZ   T:The Banks of Spey.
ABC   0839 C1:777700010017111 C2:dddduuduuuuduuu M:C     K:A            H:ILQZ   T:The Banks of Spey.
ABC   0839 C1:777700010017111 C2:dddduuduuuuduuu M:C     K:A            H:ILQZ   T:The Banks of Spey.
ABC   0839 C1:777700010017111 C2:dddduuduuuuduuu M:C     K:A            H:ILQZ   T:The Banks of Spey.
ABC   0839 C1:777700010017111 C2:dddduuduuuuduuu M:C     K:A            H:ILQZ   T:The Banks of Spey.
ABC   0839 C1:777700010017111 C2:dddduuduuuuduuu M:C     K:A            H:ILQZ   T:The Banks of Spey.
ABC   0839 C1:777700010017111 C2:dddduuduuuuduuu M:C     K:A            H:ILQZ   T:The Banks of Spey.
ABC   0839 C1:777700010017111 C2:dddduuduuuuduuu M:C     K:A            H:ILQZ   T:The Banks of Spey.
ABC   0839 C1:777700010017111 C2:dddduuduuuuduuu M:C     K:A            H:ILQZ   T:The Banks of Spey.
ABC     99 C1:777700100017111 C2:dddduuduuuuduuu M:4/4   K:C            H:"LR    T:Banks of Spey, The
ABC     99 C1:777700100017111 C2:dddduuduuuuduuu M:4/4   K:C            H:"LR    T:Banks of Spey, The
ABC     99 C1:777700100017111 C2:dddduuduuuuduuu M:4/4   K:C            H:"LR    T:Banks of Spey, The
ABC   5039 C1:001711277777000 C2:uduuuddddduuduu M:C     K:Am           H:BLRSZ  T:the Banks of Spey
ABC   5039 C1:001711277777000 C2:uduuuddddduuduu M:C     K:Am           H:BLRSZ  T:the Banks of Spey
ABC     99 C1:777700100017111 C2:dddduuduuuuduuu M:4/4   K:C            H:"LR    T:Banks of Spey, The
ABC      0 C1:777700010017111 C2:dddduuduuuuduuu M:4/4   K:ADor         H:CGLQ   T:The Banks of Spey
ABC  21211 C1:000200030000020 C2:uuudddduddduddd M:C     K:D            H:BLZ    T:The Banks of spey
ABC  21211 C1:000200030000020 C2:uuudddduddduddd M:C     K:D            H:BLZ    T:The Banks of spey
ABC  21211 C1:000200030000020 C2:uuudddduddduddd M:C     K:D            H:BLZ    T:The Banks of spey
ABC  21211 C1:000200030000020 C2:uuudddduddduddd M:C     K:D            H:BLZ    T:The Banks of spey
ABC     31 C1:002775470022176 C2:uddduduuudduudu M:C     K:D            H:"LRSZ  T:the Banks of Spey
ABC  11132 C1:001711277777000 C2:uduuuddddduuduu M:C     K:A            H:BLSZ   T:The BANKS OF SPEY
ABC  11132 C1:001711277777000 C2:uduuuddddduuduu M:C     K:A            H:BLSZ   T:The BANKS OF SPEY
ABC  11132 C1:001711277777000 C2:uduuuddddduuduu M:C     K:A            H:BLSZ   T:The BANKS OF SPEY
ABC  11132 C1:001711277777000 C2:uduuuddddduuduu M:C     K:A            H:BLSZ   T:The BANKS OF SPEY
ABC  11132 C1:001711277777000 C2:uduuuddddduuduu M:C     K:A            H:BLSZ   T:The BANKS OF SPEY
ABC  11132 C1:001711277777000 C2:uduuuddddduuduu M:C     K:A            H:BLSZ   T:The BANKS OF SPEY
ABC  11132 C1:001711277777000 C2:uduuuddddduuduu M:C     K:A            H:BLSZ   T:The BANKS OF SPEY
ABC  11132 C1:001711277777000 C2:uduuuddddduuduu M:C     K:A            H:BLSZ   T:The BANKS OF SPEY
ABC  11132 C1:001711277777000 C2:uduuuddddduuduu M:C     K:A            H:BLSZ   T:The BANKS OF SPEY
ABC  21211 C1:000200030000020 C2:uuudddduddduddd M:C     K:D            H:BLZ    T:The Banks of spey
ABC  21211 C1:000200030000020 C2:uuudddduddduddd M:C     K:D            H:BLZ    T:The Banks of spey
ABC  21211 C1:000200030000020 C2:uuudddduddduddd M:C     K:D            H:BLZ    T:The Banks of spey
ABC  21211 C1:000200030000020 C2:uuudddduddduddd M:C     K:D            H:BLZ    T:The Banks of spey
ABC  21211 C1:000200030000020 C2:uuudddduddduddd M:C     K:D            H:BLZ    T:The Banks of spey
ABC  21211 C1:000200030000020 C2:uuudddduddduddd M:C     K:D            H:BLZ    T:The Banks of spey
ABC   5039 C1:001711277777000 C2:uduuuddddduuduu M:C     K:Am           H:BLRSZ  T:The Banks of Spey
ABC   5039 C1:001711277777000 C2:uduuuddddduuduu M:C     K:Am           H:BLRSZ  T:The Banks of Spey
ABC   4272 C1:005302070071010 C2:duudduuuddduddu M:C     K:A            H:BCLVZ  T:the Banks of Spey. a Strathspey
ABC   4272 C1:005302070071010 C2:duudduuuddduddu M:C     K:A            H:BCLVZ  T:the Banks of Spey. a Strathspey
ABC   4272 C1:005302070071010 C2:duudduuuddduddu M:C     K:A            H:BCLVZ  T:the Banks of Spey. a Strathspey
ABC   4272 C1:005302070071010 C2:duudduuuddduddu M:C     K:A            H:BCLVZ  T:the Banks of Spey. a Strathspey
ABC   4272 C1:005302070071010 C2:duudduuuddduddu M:C     K:A            H:BCLVZ  T:the Banks of Spey. a Strathspey
ABC   4272 C1:005302070071010 C2:duudduuuddduddu M:C     K:A            H:BCLVZ  T:the Banks of Spey. a Strathspey
ABC   4272 C1:005302070071010 C2:duudduuuddduddu M:C     K:A            H:BCLVZ  T:the Banks of Spey. a Strathspey
ABC   4272 C1:005302070071010 C2:duudduuuddduddu M:C     K:A            H:BCLVZ  T:the Banks of Spey. a Strathspey
ABC   4272 C1:005302070071010 C2:duudduuuddduddu M:C     K:A            H:BCLVZ  T:the Banks of Spey. a Strathspey
ABC   4272 C1:005302070071010 C2:duudduuuddduddu M:C     K:A            H:BCLVZ  T:the Banks of Spey. a Strathspey
ABC   4272 C1:005302070071010 C2:duudduuuddduddu M:C     K:A            H:BCLVZ  T:the Banks of Spey. a Strathspey
ABC   4272 C1:005302070071010 C2:duudduuuddduddu M:C     K:A            H:BCLVZ  T:the Banks of Spey. a Strathspey
ABC   4272 C1:005302070071010 C2:duudduuuddduddu M:C     K:A            H:BCLVZ  T:the Banks of Spey. a Strathspey
ABC   4272 C1:005302070071010 C2:duudduuuddduddu M:C     K:A            H:BCLVZ  T:the Banks of Spey. a Strathspey
ABC   4272 C1:005302070071010 C2:duudduuuddduddu M:C     K:A            H:BCLVZ  T:the Banks of Spey. a Strathspey
ABC   4272 C1:005302070071010 C2:duudduuuddduddu M:C     K:A            H:BCLVZ  T:the Banks of Spey. a Strathspey
ABC   4272 C1:005302070071010 C2:duudduuuddduddu M:C     K:A            H:BCLVZ  T:The Banks of Spey. a Strathspey
ABC   4272 C1:005302070071010 C2:duudduuuddduddu M:C     K:A            H:BCLVZ  T:The Banks of Spey. a Strathspey
ABC   4272 C1:005302070071010 C2:duudduuuddduddu M:C     K:A            H:BCLVZ  T:The Banks of Spey. a Strathspey
ABC   4272 C1:005302070071010 C2:duudduuuddduddu M:C     K:A            H:BCLVZ  T:The Banks of Spey. a Strathspey
ABC   4272 C1:005302070071010 C2:duudduuuddduddu M:C     K:A            H:BCLVZ  T:The Banks of Spey. a Strathspey
ABC   4272 C1:005302070071010 C2:duudduuuddduddu M:C     K:A            H:BCLVZ  T:The Banks of Spey. a Strathspey
ABC   4272 C1:005302070071010 C2:duudduuuddduddu M:C     K:A            H:BCLVZ  T:The Banks of Spey. a Strathspey
ABC   4272 C1:005302070071010 C2:duudduuuddduddu M:C     K:A            H:BCLVZ  T:The Banks of Spey. a Strathspey
ABC   4272 C1:005302070071010 C2:duudduuuddduddu M:C     K:A            H:BCLVZ  T:The Banks of Spey. a Strathspey
ABC   4272 C1:005302070071010 C2:duudduuuddduddu M:C     K:A            H:BCLVZ  T:The Banks of Spey. a Strathspey
ABC   4272 C1:005302070071010 C2:duudduuuddduddu M:C     K:A            H:BCLVZ  T:The Banks of Spey. a Strathspey
ABC   4272 C1:005302070071010 C2:duudduuuddduddu M:C     K:A            H:BCLVZ  T:The Banks of Spey. a Strathspey
ABC    519 C1:777700015301711 C2:ddddduuuduuuudu M:C     K:A            H:BCFLORVZ T:the Banks of Spey, a Strathspey
ABC    519 C1:777700015301711 C2:ddddduuuduuuudu M:C     K:A            H:BCFLORVZ T:the Banks of Spey, a Strathspey
ABC    137 C1:777700015301711 C2:ddddduuuduuuudu M:C     K:A            H:BCLORVZ T:the Banks of Spey, a Strathspey
ABC    828 C1:777700010017111 C2:dddduuduuuuduuu M:C|    K:Ador         H:BLQSZ  T:Banks of Spey. JBut.823, The
ABC      1 C1:040003070017160 C2:uddududduuddduu M:3/4   K:C            H:L      T:The Banks of Sullane
ABC      1 C1:040003070017160 C2:uddududduuddduu M:3/4   K:C            H:L      T:The Banks of Sullane
ABC      1 C1:040003070017160 C2:uddududduuddduu M:3/4   K:C            H:L      T:The Banks of Sullane
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:3/4   K:Ddor         H:BLR    T:Banks of Sullane, The
ABC      1 C1:040713007017070 C2:ududdudduuddduu M:3/4   K:Ddor         H:BLR    T:Banks of Sullane, THe
ABC     93 C1:040201070107070 C2:udududduudduudu M:3/4   K:Ddor         H:DHLQRWZ T:Banks of Sullane, The
ABC     93 C1:040201070107070 C2:udududduudduudu M:3/4   K:Ddor         H:DHLQRWZ T:Banks of Sullane, The
ABC      1 C1:021100617671004 C2:uuududddduuuudd M:2/2   K:G            H:L      T:The Banks of Sweet Dundee
ABC      1 C1:021100617671004 C2:uuududddduuuudd M:2/2   K:G            H:L      T:The Banks of Sweet Dundee
ABC      1 C1:021100617671004 C2:uuududddduuuudd M:2/2   K:G            H:L      T:The Banks of Sweet Dundee
ABC      1 C1:000714200006075 C2:duuudddduudduuu M:6/8   K:G            H:L      T:The Banks of Sweet Dundee
ABC      1 C1:000714200006075 C2:duuudddduudduuu M:6/8   K:G            H:L      T:The Banks of Sweet Dundee
ABC      1 C1:000714200006075 C2:duuudddduudduuu M:6/8   K:G            H:L      T:The Banks of Sweet Dundee
ABC      7 C1:302640066760007 C2:uududdddddududd M:2/4   K:G            H:AHLOQRSZ T:Banks of Sweet Dundee,The. WHG.007
ABC      7 C1:302640066760007 C2:uududdddddududd M:2/4   K:G            H:ABHLOQRZ T:Banks of Sweet Dundee,The. WHG.007
ABC      7 C1:302640066760007 C2:uududdddddududd M:2/4   K:G            H:ABHLOQRZ T:Banks of Sweet Dundee,The. WHG.007
ABC      7 C1:302640066760007 C2:uududdddddududd M:2/4   K:G            H:ABHLOQRSZ T:Banks of Sweet Dundee,The. WHG.007
ABC    520 C1:302640066760007 C2:uududdddddududd M:2/4   K:G            H:AFHLOQRSZ T:Banks of Sweet Dundee,The. WHG.007
ABC    520 C1:302640066760007 C2:uududdddddududd M:2/4   K:G            H:AFHLOQRSZ T:Banks of Sweet Dundee,The. WHG.007
ABC      7 C1:302640066760007 C2:uududdddddududd M:2/4   K:G            H:ABHLOQRSZ T:Banks of Sweet Dundee,The. WHG.007
ABC      1 C1:002077060061070 C2:uddddudduuuudud M:6/8   K:D            H:L      T:The Banks of Sweet Loch Ray
ABC      1 C1:002077060061070 C2:uddddudduuuudud M:6/8   K:D            H:L      T:The Banks of Sweet Loch Ray
ABC      1 C1:002077060061070 C2:uddddudduuuudud M:6/8   K:D            H:L      T:The Banks of Sweet Loch Ray
ABC      1 C1:177760607770611 C2:uddddudddduuuuu M:3/4   K:G            H:L      T:Banks of Sweet Primroses
ABC      1 C1:177760607770611 C2:uddddudddduuuuu M:3/4   K:G            H:L      T:Banks of Sweet Primroses
ABC      1 C1:177760607770611 C2:uddddudddduuuuu M:3/4   K:G            H:L      T:Banks of Sweet Primroses
ABC  12051 C1:010200001727071 C2:uuuduuddudduddu M:3/4   K:G            H:BCLZ   T:the Banks of Tay
ABC  12051 C1:010200001727071 C2:uuuduuddudduddu M:3/4   K:G            H:BCLZ   T:the Banks of Tay
ABC  12051 C1:010200001727071 C2:uuuduuddudduddu M:3/4   K:G            H:BCLZ   T:The Banks of Tay
ABC  12051 C1:010200001727071 C2:uuuduuddudduddu M:3/4   K:G            H:BCLZ   T:The Banks of Tay
ABC  12051 C1:010200001727071 C2:uuuduuddudduddu M:3/4   K:G            H:BCLZ   T:The Banks of Tay
ABC  12051 C1:010200001727071 C2:uuuduuddudduddu M:3/4   K:G            H:BCLZ   T:The Banks of Tay
ABC  12051 C1:010200001727071 C2:uuuduuddudduddu M:3/4   K:G            H:BCLZ   T:The Banks of Tay
ABC  12051 C1:010200001727071 C2:uuuduuddudduddu M:3/4   K:G            H:BCLZ   T:The Banks of Tay
ABC  12051 C1:010200001727071 C2:uuuduuddudduddu M:3/4   K:G            H:BCLZ   T:The Banks of Tay
ABC  12051 C1:010200001727071 C2:uuuduuddudduddu M:3/4   K:G            H:BCLZ   T:The Banks of Tay
ABC  12051 C1:010200001727071 C2:uuuduuddudduddu M:3/4   K:G            H:BCLZ   T:The Banks of Tay
ABC  12051 C1:010200001727071 C2:uuuduuddudduddu M:3/4   K:G            H:BCLZ   T:The Banks of Tay
ABC  12051 C1:010200001727071 C2:uuuduuddudduddu M:3/4   K:G            H:BCLZ   T:The Banks of Tay
ABC  12051 C1:010200001727071 C2:uuuduuddudduddu M:3/4   K:G            H:BCLZ   T:The Banks of Tay
ABC  12051 C1:010200001727071 C2:uuuduuddudduddu M:3/4   K:G            H:BCLZ   T:The Banks of Tay
ABC  12051 C1:010200001727071 C2:uuuduuddudduddu M:3/4   K:G            H:BCLZ   T:The Banks of Tay
ABC  12051 C1:010200001727071 C2:uuuduuddudduddu M:3/4   K:G            H:BCLZ   T:The Banks of Tay
ABC  12051 C1:010200001727071 C2:uuuduuddudduddu M:3/4   K:G            H:BCLZ   T:The Banks of Tay
ABC     63 C1:200030110777200 C2:uuuuuddduuduuuu M:C     K:D            H:BLZ    T:Banks of Tay. JJo.063
ABC     63 C1:200030110777200 C2:uuuuuddduuduuuu M:C     K:D            H:BLZ    T:Banks of Tay. JJo.063
ABC     63 C1:200030110777200 C2:uuuuuddduuduuuu M:C     K:D            H:BLZ    T:Banks of Tay. JJo.063
ABC     63 C1:200030110777200 C2:uuuuuddduuduuuu M:C     K:D            H:BLZ    T:Banks of Tay. JJo.063
ABC     63 C1:200030110777200 C2:uuuuuddduuduuuu M:C     K:D            H:BLZ    T:Banks of Tay. JJo.063
ABC     63 C1:200030110777200 C2:uuuuuddduuduuuu M:C     K:D            H:BLZ    T:Banks of Tay. JJo.063
ABC     63 C1:200030110777200 C2:uuuuuddduuduuuu M:C     K:D            H:BLZ    T:Banks of Tay. JJo.063
ABC     63 C1:200030110777200 C2:uuuuuddduuduuuu M:C     K:D            H:BLZ    T:Banks of Tay. JJo.063
ABC     63 C1:301107772002200 C2:uuuddduuduuuuud M:C     K:D            H:BLQZ   T:Banks of Tay. JJo8.063
ABC     63 C1:301107772002200 C2:uuuddduuduuuuud M:C     K:D            H:BLQZ   T:Banks of Tay. JJo8.063
ABC     63 C1:301107772002200 C2:uuuddduuduuuuud M:C     K:D            H:BLQZ   T:Banks of Tay. JJo8.063
ABC     63 C1:301107772002200 C2:uuuddduuduuuuud M:C     K:D            H:BLQZ   T:Banks of Tay. JJo8.063
ABC    187 C1:170772200036205 C2:uddduuududududu M:6/8   K:D            H:CILRZ  T:Banks of The Allan #1, The
ABC    187 C1:170772200036205 C2:uddduuududududu M:6/8   K:D            H:CILRZ  T:Banks of The Allan #1, The
ABC    187 C1:170772200036205 C2:uddduuududududu M:6/8   K:D            H:CILRZ  T:Banks of The Allan #1, The
ABC    187 C1:170772200036205 C2:uddduuududududu M:6/8   K:D            H:CILRZ  T:Banks of The Allan #1, The
ABC    214 C1:170772200036205 C2:uddduuududududu M:6/8   K:D            H:CILRZ  T:Banks of The Allan #2, The
ABC    214 C1:170772200036205 C2:uddduuududududu M:6/8   K:D            H:CILRZ  T:Banks of The Allan #2, The
ABC    214 C1:170772200036205 C2:uddduuududududu M:6/8   K:D            H:CILRZ  T:Banks of The Allan #2, The
ABC    214 C1:170772200036205 C2:uddduuududududu M:6/8   K:D            H:CILRZ  T:Banks of The Allan #2, The
ABC      5 C1:170772200036205 C2:uddduuududududu M:6/8   K:D            H:       T:The Banks of the Allan
ABC    556 C1:170772200036205 C2:uddduuududududu M:6/8   K:D            H:BLZ    T:Banks of the Allan, The
ABC    556 C1:170772200036205 C2:uddduuududududu M:6/8   K:D            H:BLZ    T:Banks of the Allan, The
ABC      1 C1:200036205306205 C2:uudududududdduu M:6/8   K:D            H:"S     T:Banks of the Allan
ABC    337 C1:200036205306205 C2:uudududududdduu M:6/8   K:D            H:"S     T:Banks of the Allan
ABC 131007 C1:170772200036205 C2:uddduuududududu M:6/8   K:D            H:BLQRZ  T:the BANKS OF THE ALLAN
ABC 131007 C1:170772200036205 C2:uddduuududududu M:6/8   K:D            H:BLQRZ  T:the BANKS OF THE ALLAN
ABC    337 C1:200036205306205 C2:uudududududdduu M:6/8   K:D            H:"C     T:Banks of the Allan
ABC    556 C1:170772200036205 C2:uddduuududududu M:6/8   K:D            H:BLZ    T:Banks of the Allan, The
ABC    556 C1:170772200036205 C2:uddduuududududu M:6/8   K:D            H:BLZ    T:Banks of the Allan, The
ABC      5 C1:170772200036205 C2:uddduuududududu M:6/8   K:D            H:       T:The Banks of the Allan
ABC     25 C1:170772200036205 C2:uddduuududududu M:6/8   K:D            H:       T:The Banks of the Allan
ABC      1 C1:200036205306205 C2:uudududududdduu M:      K:Amaj         H:LR     T:The Banks Of The Allan
ABC      2 C1:200036205306205 C2:uududududududdd M:      K:Dmaj         H:LR     T:The Banks Of The Allan
ABC     13 C1:170772200036205 C2:uddduuududududu M:6/8   K:D            H:BLZ    T:Banks of the Allan, The
ABC   1142 C1:200036205306205 C2:uudududududdduu M:6/8   K:D            H:"S     T:Banks of the Allan
ABC   1685 C1:200036205306205 C2:uudududududdduu M:6/8   K:D            H:"S     T:Banks of the Allan
ABC    337 C1:200036205306205 C2:uudududududdduu M:6/8   K:D            H:"S     T:Banks of the Allan
ABC    337 C1:200036205306205 C2:uudududududdduu M:6/8   K:D            H:"S     T:Banks of the Allan
ABC    337 C1:200036205306205 C2:uudududududdduu M:6/8   K:D            H:"S     T:Banks of the Allan
ABC    337 C1:200036205306205 C2:uudududududdduu M:6/8   K:D            H:"FRS   T:Banks of the Allan
ABC    337 C1:200036205306205 C2:uudududududdduu M:6/8   K:D            H:"FRS   T:Banks of the Allan
ABC    337 C1:200036205306205 C2:uudududududdduu M:6/8   K:D            H:"FRS   T:Banks of the Allan
ABC 131007 C1:170772200036205 C2:uddduuududududu M:6/8   K:D            H:BLQRZ  T:The BANKS OF THE ALLAN
ABC 131007 C1:170772200036205 C2:uddduuududududu M:6/8   K:D            H:BLQRZ  T:The BANKS OF THE ALLAN
ABC 131007 C1:170772200036205 C2:uddduuududududu M:6/8   K:D            H:BLQRZ  T:The BANKS OF THE ALLAN
ABC 131007 C1:170772200036205 C2:uddduuududududu M:6/8   K:D            H:BLQRZ  T:The BANKS OF THE ALLAN
ABC 131007 C1:170772200036205 C2:uddduuududududu M:6/8   K:D            H:BLQRZ  T:The BANKS OF THE ALLAN
ABC 131007 C1:170772200036205 C2:uddduuududududu M:6/8   K:D            H:BLQRZ  T:The BANKS OF THE ALLAN
ABC 131007 C1:170772200036205 C2:uddduuududududu M:6/8   K:D            H:BLQRZ  T:The BANKS OF THE ALLAN
ABC 131007 C1:170772200036205 C2:uddduuududududu M:6/8   K:D            H:BLQRZ  T:The BANKS OF THE ALLAN
ABC 131007 C1:170772200036205 C2:uddduuududududu M:6/8   K:D            H:BLQRZ  T:The BANKS OF THE ALLAN
ABC 131007 C1:170772200036205 C2:uddduuududududu M:6/8   K:D            H:BLQRZ  T:The BANKS OF THE ALLAN
ABC    402 C1:200036205306205 C2:uudududududdduu M:6/8   K:D            H:"OS    T:Banks of the Allan
ABC    402 C1:200036205306205 C2:uudududududdduu M:6/8   K:D            H:"OS    T:Banks of the Allan
ABC   1142 C1:200036205306205 C2:uudududududdduu M:6/8   K:D            H:"S     T:Banks of the Allan
ABC   1142 C1:200036205306205 C2:uudududududdduu M:6/8   K:D            H:"S     T:Banks of the Allan
ABC   1142 C1:200036205306205 C2:uudududududdduu M:6/8   K:D            H:"S     T:Banks of the Allan
ABC    921 C1:200036205306205 C2:uudududududdduu M:6/8   K:D            H:"S     T:Banks of the Allan
ABC    921 C1:200036205306205 C2:uudududududdduu M:6/8   K:D            H:"S     T:Banks of the Allan
ABC    921 C1:200036205306205 C2:uudududududdduu M:6/8   K:D            H:"S     T:Banks of the Allan
ABC    921 C1:200036205306205 C2:uudududududdduu M:6/8   K:D            H:"S     T:Banks of the Allan
ABC    921 C1:200036205306205 C2:uudududududdduu M:6/8   K:D            H:"S     T:Banks of the Allan
ABC      1 C1:002775000713000 C2:udddduuuuuddduu M:3/4   K:D            H:L      T:The Banks of the Bann (2)
ABC      1 C1:002775000713000 C2:udddduuuuuddduu M:3/4   K:D            H:L      T:The Banks of the Bann (2)
ABC      1 C1:002775000713000 C2:udddduuuuuddduu M:3/4   K:D            H:L      T:The Banks of the Bann (2)
ABC    457 C1:002776000712000 C2:udddduuuuuddduu M:3/4   K:G            H:L      T:the Banks of the Bann
ABC    457 C1:002776000712000 C2:udddduuuuuddduu M:3/4   K:G            H:L      T:The Banks of the Bann
ABC    457 C1:002776000712000 C2:udddduuuuuddduu M:3/4   K:G            H:L      T:The Banks of the Bann
ABC    457 C1:002776000712000 C2:udddduuuuuddduu M:3/4   K:G            H:L      T:The Banks of the Bann
ABC    457 C1:002776000712000 C2:udddduuuuuddduu M:3/4   K:G            H:L      T:The Banks of the Bann
ABC    457 C1:002776000712000 C2:udddduuuuuddduu M:3/4   K:G            H:L      T:The Banks of the Bann
ABC    457 C1:002776000712000 C2:udddduuuuuddduu M:3/4   K:G            H:L      T:The Banks of the Bann
ABC    457 C1:002776000712000 C2:udddduuuuuddduu M:3/4   K:G            H:L      T:The Banks of the Bann
ABC    457 C1:002776000712000 C2:udddduuuuuddduu M:3/4   K:G            H:L      T:The Banks of the Bann
ABC    457 C1:002776000712000 C2:udddduuuuuddduu M:3/4   K:G            H:L      T:the Banks of the Bann
ABC      8 C1:020001110000067 C2:uuuuddddduuuddu M:4/4   K:D            H:LORS   T:The banks of the bann, S. 46
ABC      1 C1:070013000101000 C2:duuuuudduuudduu M:3/4   K:D            H:"L     T:Banks of the Bann (Slane)
ABC 491028 C1:711100110077007 C2:duuuuudddddduuu M:6/4   K:Dm           H:BLSYZ  T:BANKS OF THE BARROW, The
ABC 535311 C1:711111007700767 C2:duuuuudddddduuu M:5/4   K:C            H:BCHLY  T:BANKS OF THE BARROW, The
ABC    425 C1:711100110077007 C2:duuuuudddddduuu M:6/4   K:Dm           H:BLZ    T:The Banks of the Barrow
ABC    425 C1:711100110077007 C2:duuuuudddddduuu M:6/4   K:Dm           H:BLZ    T:The Banks of the Barrow
ABC    425 C1:711100110077007 C2:duuuuudddddduuu M:6/4   K:Dm           H:BLZ    T:The Banks of the Barrow
ABC    425 C1:711100110077007 C2:duuuuudddddduuu M:6/4   K:Dm           H:BLZ    T:The Banks of the Barrow
ABC    425 C1:711100110077007 C2:duuuuudddddduuu M:6/4   K:Dm           H:BLQRZbs T:the Banks of the Barrow
ABC    425 C1:711100110077007 C2:duuuuudddddduuu M:6/4   K:Dm           H:BLQRZbs T:the Banks of the Barrow
ABC    425 C1:711100110077007 C2:duuuuudddddduuu M:6/4   K:Dm           H:BLQRZbs T:the Banks of the Barrow
ABC    425 C1:711100110077007 C2:duuuuudddddduuu M:6/4   K:Dm           H:BLQRZbs T:the Banks of the Barrow
ABC    425 C1:711100110077007 C2:duuuuudddddduuu M:6/4   K:Dm           H:BLQRZbs T:the Banks of the Barrow
ABC    425 C1:711100110077007 C2:duuuuudddddduuu M:6/4   K:Dm           H:BLQRZbs T:the Banks of the Barrow
ABC    425 C1:711100110077007 C2:duuuuudddddduuu M:6/4   K:Dm           H:BLQRZbs T:the Banks of the Barrow
ABC    425 C1:711100110077007 C2:duuuuudddddduuu M:6/4   K:Dm           H:BLQRZbs T:the Banks of the Barrow
ABC    425 C1:711100110077007 C2:duuuuudddddduuu M:6/4   K:Dm           H:BLZ    T:The Banks of the Barrow
ABC  53313 C1:711111007700767 C2:duuuuudddddduuu M:5/4   K:C            H:BCFHLQ T:Banks of the Barrow, The
ABC  53313 C1:711111007700767 C2:duuuuudddddduuu M:5/4   K:C            H:BCFHLQ T:Banks of the Barrow, The
ABC  53313 C1:711111007700767 C2:duuuuudddddduuu M:5/4   K:C            H:BCFHLQ T:Banks of the Barrow, The
ABC  53313 C1:711111007700767 C2:duuuuudddddduuu M:5/4   K:C            H:BCFHLQ T:Banks of the Barrow, The
ABC 491028 C1:711100110077007 C2:duuuuudddddduuu M:6/4   K:Dm           H:BLSYZ  T:BANKS OF THE BARROW, The
ABC 491028 C1:711100110077007 C2:duuuuudddddduuu M:6/4   K:Dm           H:BLSYZ  T:BANKS OF THE BARROW, The
ABC    425 C1:711100110077007 C2:duuuuudddddduuu M:6/4   K:Dm           H:BLZ    T:The Banks of the Barrow
ABC    425 C1:711100110077007 C2:duuuuudddddduuu M:6/4   K:Dm           H:BLZ    T:The Banks of the Barrow
ABC    425 C1:711100110077007 C2:duuuuudddddduuu M:6/4   K:Dm           H:BLZ    T:The Banks of the Barrow
ABC 491029 C1:020367060023677 C2:uuddduuddddddud M:3/4   K:G            H:BLSYZ  T:BANKS OF THE BLACK WATER, The
ABC     50 C1:020367060023677 C2:uuddduuddddddud M:3/4   K:G            H:BLOQRZbs T:the Banks of The Black Water
ABC     50 C1:020367060023677 C2:uuddduuddddddud M:3/4   K:G            H:BLOQRZbs T:the Banks of The Black Water
ABC     50 C1:020367060023677 C2:uuddduuddddddud M:3/4   K:G            H:BLOQRZbs T:the Banks of The Black Water
ABC     50 C1:020367060023677 C2:uuddduuddddddud M:3/4   K:G            H:BLOQRZbs T:the Banks of The Black Water
ABC     50 C1:020367060023677 C2:uuddduuddddddud M:3/4   K:G            H:BLOQRZbs T:the Banks of The Black Water
ABC     50 C1:020367060023677 C2:uuddduuddddddud M:3/4   K:G            H:BLOQRZbs T:the Banks of The Black Water
ABC     50 C1:020367060023677 C2:uuddduuddddddud M:3/4   K:G            H:BLOQRZbs T:the Banks of The Black Water
ABC     50 C1:020367060023677 C2:uuddduuddddddud M:3/4   K:G            H:BLOQRZbs T:the Banks of The Black Water
ABC     50 C1:020367060023677 C2:uuddduuddddddud M:3/4   K:G            H:BLOQRZbs T:the Banks of The Black Water
ABC     50 C1:235605666142220 C2:uuddduuddddddud M:3/4   K:G            H:BLZ    T:The Banks of The Black Water
ABC     50 C1:235605666142220 C2:uuddduuddddddud M:3/4   K:G            H:BLZ    T:The Banks of The Black Water
ABC     50 C1:235605666142220 C2:uuddduuddddddud M:3/4   K:G            H:BLZ    T:The Banks of The Black Water
ABC     50 C1:235605666142220 C2:uuddduuddddddud M:3/4   K:G            H:BLZ    T:The Banks of The Black Water
ABC     50 C1:235605666142220 C2:uuddduuddddddud M:3/4   K:G            H:BLZ    T:The Banks of The Black Water
ABC 491029 C1:020367060023677 C2:uuddduuddddddud M:3/4   K:G            H:BLSYZ  T:BANKS OF THE BLACK WATER, The
ABC 491029 C1:020367060023677 C2:uuddduuddddddud M:3/4   K:G            H:BLSYZ  T:BANKS OF THE BLACK WATER, The
ABC     50 C1:235605666142220 C2:uuddduuddddddud M:3/4   K:G            H:BLZ    T:The Banks of The Black Water
ABC     50 C1:235605666142220 C2:uuddduuddddddud M:3/4   K:G            H:BLZ    T:The Banks of The Black Water
ABC     50 C1:235605666142220 C2:uuddduuddddddud M:3/4   K:G            H:BLZ    T:The Banks of The Black Water
ABC      1 C1:017607130706771 C2:uddduudddduuddd M:4/4   K:Edor         H:CLQ    T:Banks of the Boulzane
ABC      1 C1:017607130706771 C2:uddduudddduuddd M:4/4   K:Edor         H:CLQ    T:Banks of the Boulzane
ABC      1 C1:007003001022067 C2:duduuddduuuduuu M:3/4   K:C            H:L      T:Banks of the Condamine
ABC      1 C1:007003001022067 C2:duduuddduuuduuu M:3/4   K:C            H:L      T:Banks of the Condamine
ABC      1 C1:007003001022067 C2:duduuddduuuduuu M:3/4   K:C            H:L      T:Banks of the Condamine
ABC     20 C1:442376717717002 C2:duuudddudduduuu M:4/4   K:Cmaj         H:"CLWw  T:Banks of the Condamine, The
ABC      8 C1:007003001022067 C2:duduuddduuuduuu M:3/4   K:C            H:"BCDLQSWZ T:Banks of the Condamine
ABC      1 C1:007003001022067 C2:duduuddduuuduuu M:3/4   K:C            H:"BCDLQSWZ T:Banks of the Condamine
ABC   1143 C1:007003001022067 C2:duduuddduuuduuu M:3/4   K:C            H:"BCDLQSWZ T:Banks of the Condamine
ABC      8 C1:007003001022067 C2:duduuddduuuduuu M:3/4   K:C            H:"BCDLQSWZ T:Banks of the Condamine
ABC      8 C1:007003001022067 C2:duduuddduuuduuu M:3/4   K:C            H:"BCDLQSWZ T:Banks of the Condamine
ABC    403 C1:007003001022067 C2:duduuddduuuduuu M:3/4   K:C            H:"BCDLOQSW T:Banks of the Condamine
ABC    403 C1:007003001022067 C2:duduuddduuuduuu M:3/4   K:C            H:"BCDLOQSW T:Banks of the Condamine
ABC      8 C1:007003001022067 C2:duduuddduuuduuu M:3/4   K:C            H:"BCDLQSWZ T:Banks of the Condamine
ABC      8 C1:007003001022067 C2:duduuddduuuduuu M:3/4   K:C            H:"BCDLQSWZ T:Banks of the Condamine
ABC      8 C1:007003001022067 C2:duduuddduuuduuu M:3/4   K:C            H:"BCDLQSWZ T:Banks of the Condamine
ABC      8 C1:007003001022067 C2:duduuddduuuduuu M:3/4   K:C            H:"BCDLQSWZ T:Banks of the Condamine
ABC   1143 C1:007003001022067 C2:duduuddduuuduuu M:3/4   K:C            H:"BCDLQSWZ T:Banks of the Condamine
ABC   1143 C1:007003001022067 C2:duduuddduuuduuu M:3/4   K:C            H:"BCDLQSWZ T:Banks of the Condamine
ABC   1143 C1:007003001022067 C2:duduuddduuuduuu M:3/4   K:C            H:"BCDLQSWZ T:Banks of the Condamine
ABC    922 C1:007003001022067 C2:duduuddduuuduuu M:3/4   K:C            H:"BCDLQSWZ T:Banks of the Condamine
ABC    922 C1:007003001022067 C2:duduuddduuuduuu M:3/4   K:C            H:"BCDLQSWZ T:Banks of the Condamine
ABC    922 C1:007003001022067 C2:duduuddduuuduuu M:3/4   K:C            H:"BCDLQSWZ T:Banks of the Condamine
ABC    922 C1:007003001022067 C2:duduuddduuuduuu M:3/4   K:C            H:"BCDLQSWZ T:Banks of the Condamine
ABC    922 C1:007003001022067 C2:duduuddduuuduuu M:3/4   K:C            H:"BCDLQSWZ T:Banks of the Condamine
ABC      4 C1:                C2:                M:6/8   K:C            H:ALSZ   T:Banks of the Dee [1]
ABC      1 C1:511111127777166 C2:duuuuuuuddddudd M:6/8   K:G            H:LOR    T:Banks of the Dee
ABC     12 C1:511111127777166 C2:duuuuuuuddddudd M:6/8   K:G            H:LO     T:Banks of the Dee
ABC      1 C1:511111127777166 C2:duuuuuuuddddudd M:6/8   K:G            H:ACIORS T:The Banks of the Dee
ABC      1 C1:277771667777167 C2:udddduddduddudd M:6/8   K:G            H:"L     T:Banks of the Dee
ABC      2 C1:111111277771667 C2:uuuuuuudddduddd M:6/8   K:G            H:ALOQRS T:Banks of the Dee
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:6/8   K:G            H:ALORSZ T:Banks of the Dee
ABC     10 C1:111111277771667 C2:uuuuuuudddduddd M:6/8   K:G            H:ACIORS T:Banks of the Dee, The
ABC     14 C1:111111277771667 C2:uuuuuuudddduddd M:6/8   K:G            H:ACIORS T:Banks of the Dee, The
ABC   6504 C1:511111127777166 C2:duuuuuuuddddudd M:6/8   K:G            H:ACIORS T:The Banks of the Dee
ABC   6504 C1:511111127777166 C2:duuuuuuuddddudd M:6/8   K:G            H:ACIORS T:The Banks of the Dee
ABC  12805 C1:511111127777166 C2:duuuuuuuddddudd M:6/8   K:G            H:ACIORS T:The Banks of the Dee
ABC  12805 C1:511111127777166 C2:duuuuuuuddddudd M:6/8   K:G            H:ACIORS T:The Banks of the Dee
ABC  12805 C1:511111127777166 C2:duuuuuuuddddudd M:6/8   K:G            H:ACIORS T:The Banks of the Dee
ABC  12805 C1:511111127777166 C2:duuuuuuuddddudd M:6/8   K:G            H:ACIORS T:The Banks of the Dee
ABC  12805 C1:511111127777166 C2:duuuuuuuddddudd M:6/8   K:G            H:ACIORS T:The Banks of the Dee
ABC    507 C1:111111277771667 C2:uuuuuuudddduddd M:6/8   K:D            H:ABCLOQZ T:Banks of the Dee,aka. EHo.507
ABC    447 C1:111111277771667 C2:uuuuuuudddduddd M:6/8   K:G            H:BLQSZ  T:Banks of the Dee,aka. JBut.445
ABC     29 C1:111111277771667 C2:uuuuuuudddduddd M:6/8   K:C            H:ABLQZ  T:Banks of the Dee,aka. JJo.026
ABC     29 C1:111111277771667 C2:uuuuuuudddduddd M:6/8   K:C            H:ABLQZ  T:Banks of the Dee,aka. JJo.026
ABC     26 C1:111111277771667 C2:uuuuuuudddduddd M:6/8   K:C            H:ALQSZ  T:Banks of the Dee,aka. JJo.026
ABC     26 C1:111111277771667 C2:uuuuuuudddduddd M:6/8   K:C            H:ABLQSZ T:Banks of the Dee,aka. JJo.026
ABC    521 C1:111111277771667 C2:uuuuuuudddduddd M:6/8   K:C            H:AFLQSZ T:Banks of the Dee,aka. JJo.026
ABC   4941 C1:111111277771667 C2:uuuuuuudddduddd M:6/8   K:C            H:AFLQSZ T:Banks of the Dee,aka. JJo.026
ABC    521 C1:111111277771667 C2:uuuuuuudddduddd M:6/8   K:C            H:AFLQSZ T:Banks of the Dee,aka. JJo.026
ABC   4941 C1:111111277771667 C2:uuuuuuudddduddd M:6/8   K:C            H:AFLQSZ T:Banks of the Dee,aka. JJo.026
ABC     26 C1:111111277771667 C2:uuuuuuudddduddd M:6/8   K:C            H:ABLQSZ T:Banks of the Dee,aka. JJo.026
ABC    510 C1:111111277771667 C2:uuuuuuudddduddd M:6/8   K:G            H:BLQZ   T:Banks of the Dee,aka. Roose.0510
ABC     51 C1:337073771271400 C2:udddudduududuuu M:6/8   K:D            H:BLQWZ  T:Banks of the Dee,aka. Ru1.051, The
ABC     51 C1:337073771271400 C2:udddudduududuuu M:6/8   K:D            H:BLQWZ  T:Banks of the Dee,aka. Ru1.051, The
ABC     32 C1:111111277771667 C2:uuuuuuudddduddd M:6/8   K:G            H:ABLOQRZ T:Banks of the Dee,aka. ST.32
ABC     32 C1:111111277771667 C2:uuuuuuudddduddd M:6/8   K:G            H:ABLOQRZ T:Banks of the Dee,aka. ST.32
ABC     32 C1:111111277771667 C2:uuuuuuudddduddd M:6/8   K:G            H:ALOQRSZ T:Banks of the Dee,aka. ST.32
ABC     32 C1:111111277771667 C2:uuuuuuudddduddd M:6/8   K:G            H:ABLOQRSZ T:Banks of the Dee,aka. ST.32
ABC    522 C1:111111277771667 C2:uuuuuuudddduddd M:6/8   K:G            H:AFLOQRSZ T:Banks of the Dee,aka. ST.32
ABC   4940 C1:111111277771667 C2:uuuuuuudddduddd M:6/8   K:G            H:AFLOQRSZ T:Banks of the Dee,aka. ST.32
ABC   6751 C1:111111277771667 C2:uuuuuuudddduddd M:6/8   K:G            H:AFLOQRSZ T:Banks of the Dee,aka. ST.32
ABC   6751 C1:111111277771667 C2:uuuuuuudddduddd M:6/8   K:G            H:AFLOQRSZ T:Banks of the Dee,aka. ST.32
ABC    522 C1:111111277771667 C2:uuuuuuudddduddd M:6/8   K:G            H:AFLOQRSZ T:Banks of the Dee,aka. ST.32
ABC   4940 C1:111111277771667 C2:uuuuuuudddduddd M:6/8   K:G            H:AFLOQRSZ T:Banks of the Dee,aka. ST.32
ABC     32 C1:111111277771667 C2:uuuuuuudddduddd M:6/8   K:G            H:ABLOQRSZ T:Banks of the Dee,aka. ST.32
ABC     49 C1:111111277771667 C2:uuuuuuudddduddd M:6/8   K:G            H:ABCLQRZ T:Banks of the Dee,aka. TJD.49
ABC     49 C1:111111277771667 C2:uuuuuuudddduddd M:6/8   K:G            H:ABCLQRZ T:Banks of the Dee,aka. TJD.49
ABC     49 C1:111111277771667 C2:uuuuuuudddduddd M:6/8   K:G            H:ACLQRSZ T:Banks of the Dee,aka. TJD.49
ABC     49 C1:111111277771667 C2:uuuuuuudddduddd M:6/8   K:G            H:ABLQRSZ T:Banks of the Dee,aka. TJD.49
ABC    523 C1:111111277771667 C2:uuuuuuudddduddd M:6/8   K:G            H:ACFLQRSZ T:Banks of the Dee,aka. TJD.49
ABC   4945 C1:111111277771667 C2:uuuuuuudddduddd M:6/8   K:G            H:ACFLQRSZ T:Banks of the Dee,aka. TJD.49
ABC    523 C1:111111277771667 C2:uuuuuuudddduddd M:6/8   K:G            H:ACFLQRSZ T:Banks of the Dee,aka. TJD.49
ABC   4945 C1:111111277771667 C2:uuuuuuudddduddd M:6/8   K:G            H:ACFLQRSZ T:Banks of the Dee,aka. TJD.49
ABC     49 C1:111111277771667 C2:uuuuuuudddduddd M:6/8   K:G            H:ABLQRSZ T:Banks of the Dee,aka. TJD.49
ABC     55 C1:277771667122167 C2:udddduddduuuudd M:6/8   K:G            H:ABCLQRZ T:Banks of the Dee,aka. TJD.55
ABC     55 C1:277771667122167 C2:udddduddduuuudd M:6/8   K:G            H:ABCLQRZ T:Banks of the Dee,aka. TJD.55
ABC     55 C1:277771667122167 C2:udddduddduuuudd M:6/8   K:G            H:ACLQRSZ T:Banks of the Dee,aka. TJD.55
ABC     55 C1:277771667122167 C2:udddduddduuuudd M:6/8   K:G            H:ABLQRSZ T:Banks of the Dee,aka. TJD.55
ABC    524 C1:277771667122167 C2:udddduddduuuudd M:6/8   K:G            H:ACFLQRSZ T:Banks of the Dee,aka. TJD.55
ABC   6752 C1:277771667122167 C2:udddduddduuuudd M:6/8   K:G            H:ACFLQRSZ T:Banks of the Dee,aka. TJD.55
ABC    524 C1:277771667122167 C2:udddduddduuuudd M:6/8   K:G            H:ACFLQRSZ T:Banks of the Dee,aka. TJD.55
ABC   6752 C1:277771667122167 C2:udddduddduuuudd M:6/8   K:G            H:ACFLQRSZ T:Banks of the Dee,aka. TJD.55
ABC     55 C1:277771667122167 C2:udddduddduuuudd M:6/8   K:G            H:ABLQRSZ T:Banks of the Dee,aka. TJD.55
ABC     67 C1:111111277771667 C2:uuuuuuudddduddd M:6/8   K:A            H:LOQRSZ T:Banks of the Dee,aka. VWMLa.067
ABC     67 C1:111111277771667 C2:uuuuuuudddduddd M:6/8   K:A            H:ABLQRZ T:Banks of the Dee,aka. VWMLa.067
ABC     67 C1:111111277771667 C2:uuuuuuudddduddd M:6/8   K:A            H:ABLQRZ T:Banks of the Dee,aka. VWMLa.067
ABC     67 C1:111111277771667 C2:uuuuuuudddduddd M:6/8   K:A            H:ABLOQRSZ T:Banks of the Dee,aka. VWMLa.067
ABC     67 C1:111111277771667 C2:uuuuuuudddduddd M:6/8   K:A            H:ABLOQRSZ T:Banks of the Dee,aka. VWMLa.067
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:6/8   K:C            H:BLQRZ  T:Banks of the Dee,aka WES.087
ABC    087 C1:300711170771220 C2:uduuuddduuudddu M:6/8   K:C            H:BLQRZ  T:Banks of the Dee,aka WES.087
ABC    087 C1:300711170771220 C2:uduuuddduuudddu M:6/8   K:C            H:BLQRZ  T:Banks of the Dee,aka WES.087
ABC    087 C1:300711170771220 C2:uduuuddduuudddu M:6/8   K:C            H:BLQRZ  T:Banks of the Dee,aka WES.087
ABC      3 C1:511111127777366 C2:duuuuuuuddddudd M:6/8   K:G            H:ALQ    T:Banks of the Dee, Ascott
ABC      3 C1:511111127777366 C2:duuuuuuuddddudd M:6/8   K:G            H:ALQ    T:Banks of the Dee, Ascott
ABC      3 C1:511111127777366 C2:duuuuuuuddddudd M:6/8   K:G            H:ALQ    T:Banks of the Dee, Ascott
ABC      3 C1:511111127777366 C2:duuuuuuuddddudd M:6/8   K:G            H:ALQ    T:Banks of the Dee, Ascott
ABC      3 C1:511111127777366 C2:duuuuuuuddddudd M:6/8   K:G            H:ALQ    T:Banks of the Dee, Ascott
ABC      3 C1:511111127777366 C2:duuuuuuuddddudd M:6/8   K:G            H:ALQ    T:Banks of the Dee, Ascott
ABC      3 C1:511111127777366 C2:duuuuuuuddddudd M:6/8   K:G            H:ALQ    T:Banks of the Dee, Ascott
ABC    226 C1:111111277771667 C2:uuuuuuudddduddd M:6/8   K:G            H:L      T:Banks of the Dee - Field Town
ABC      1 C1:511111127777166 C2:duuuuuuuddddudd M:6/8   K:G            H:ALQ    T:Banks of the Dee, Field Town
ABC      1 C1:511111127777166 C2:duuuuuuuddddudd M:6/8   K:G            H:ALQ    T:Banks of the Dee, Field Town
ABC     12 C1:511111127777166 C2:duuuuuuuddddudd M:6/8   K:G            H:AL     T:Banks of the Dee, Fieldtown
ABC      1 C1:277771667777167 C2:udddduddduddudd M:6/8   K:G            H:L      T:Banks of the Dee (Fieldtown)
ABC     12 C1:511111127777166 C2:duuuuuuuddddudd M:6/8   K:G            H:AL     T:Banks of the Dee, Fieldtown
ABC     12 C1:511111127777166 C2:duuuuuuuddddudd M:6/8   K:G            H:AL     T:Banks of the Dee, Fieldtown
ABC     12 C1:511111127777166 C2:duuuuuuuddddudd M:6/8   K:G            H:AL     T:Banks of the Dee, Fieldtown
ABC     12 C1:511111127777166 C2:duuuuuuuddddudd M:6/8   K:G            H:AL     T:Banks of the Dee, Fieldtown
ABC      2 C1:277771667777167 C2:udddduddduddudd M:6/8   K:G            H:"L     T:Banks of the Dee (Field Town)
ABC      6 C1:111111277771667 C2:uuuuuuudddduddd M:6/8   K:G            H:AL     T:Banks of the Dee (Fieldtown)
ABC     28 C1:111111277771667 C2:uuuuuuudddduddd M:6/8   K:G            H:"LQS   T:Banks of the Dee - Field Town
ABC     33 C1:111111277771667 C2:uuuuuuudddduddd M:6/8   K:G            H:L      T:Banks of the Dee - Field Town
ABC     33 C1:111111277771667 C2:uuuuuuudddduddd M:6/8   K:G            H:L      T:Banks of the Dee - Field Town
ABC     33 C1:111111277771667 C2:uuuuuuudddduddd M:6/8   K:G            H:L      T:Banks of the Dee - Field Town
ABC     33 C1:111111277771667 C2:uuuuuuudddduddd M:6/8   K:G            H:L      T:Banks of the Dee - Field Town
ABC     33 C1:111111277771667 C2:uuuuuuudddduddd M:6/8   K:G            H:L      T:Banks of the Dee - Field Town
ABC     33 C1:111111277771667 C2:uuuuuuudddduddd M:6/8   K:G            H:L      T:Banks of the Dee - Field Town
ABC     12 C1:511111127777166 C2:duuuuuuuddddudd M:6/8   K:G            H:AL     T:Banks of the Dee, Fieldtown
ABC     12 C1:511111127777166 C2:duuuuuuuddddudd M:6/8   K:G            H:AL     T:Banks of the Dee, Fieldtown
ABC    226 C1:111111277771667 C2:uuuuuuudddduddd M:6/8   K:G            H:L      T:Banks of the Dee - Field Town
ABC    525 C1:111111277771667 C2:uuuuuuudddduddd M:6/8   K:G            H:AFL    T:Banks of the Dee (Fieldtown)
ABC    525 C1:111111277771667 C2:uuuuuuudddduddd M:6/8   K:G            H:AFL    T:Banks of the Dee (Fieldtown)
ABC    923 C1:111111277771667 C2:uuuuuuudddduddd M:6/8   K:G            H:L      T:Banks of the Dee - Field Town
ABC   8234 C1:111111277771667 C2:uuuuuuudddduddd M:6/8   K:G            H:AL     T:Banks of the Dee (Fieldtown)
ABC    923 C1:111111277771667 C2:uuuuuuudddduddd M:6/8   K:G            H:L      T:Banks of the Dee - Field Town
ABC   8234 C1:111111277771667 C2:uuuuuuudddduddd M:6/8   K:G            H:AL     T:Banks of the Dee (Fieldtown)
ABC    923 C1:111111277771667 C2:uuuuuuudddduddd M:6/8   K:G            H:L      T:Banks of the Dee - Field Town
ABC   8234 C1:111111277771667 C2:uuuuuuudddduddd M:6/8   K:G            H:AL     T:Banks of the Dee (Fieldtown)
ABC    923 C1:111111277771667 C2:uuuuuuudddduddd M:6/8   K:G            H:L      T:Banks of the Dee - Field Town
ABC   8234 C1:111111277771667 C2:uuuuuuudddduddd M:6/8   K:G            H:AL     T:Banks of the Dee (Fieldtown)
ABC    923 C1:111111277771667 C2:uuuuuuudddduddd M:6/8   K:G            H:L      T:Banks of the Dee - Field Town
ABC   8234 C1:111111277771667 C2:uuuuuuudddduddd M:6/8   K:G            H:AL     T:Banks of the Dee (Fieldtown)
ABC      6 C1:111111277771667 C2:uuuuuuudddduddd M:6/8   K:G            H:ALO    T:Banks of the Dee (Fieldtown)
ABC    182 C1:111111277771667 C2:uuuuuuudddduddd M:6/8   K:A            H:BCLQZ  T:Banks of the Dee. Le4.182
ABC    182 C1:111111277771667 C2:uuuuuuudddduddd M:6/8   K:A            H:BCLQZ  T:Banks of the Dee. Le4.182
ABC     12 C1:511111127777166 C2:duuuuuuuddddudd M:6/8   K:G            H:AL     T:Banks of the Dee, Longborough
ABC     12 C1:511111127777166 C2:duuuuuuuddddudd M:6/8   K:G            H:AL     T:Banks of the Dee, Longborough
ABC     12 C1:511111127777166 C2:duuuuuuuddddudd M:6/8   K:G            H:AL     T:Banks of the Dee, Longborough
ABC     12 C1:511111127777166 C2:duuuuuuuddddudd M:6/8   K:G            H:AL     T:Banks of the Dee, Longborough
ABC     12 C1:511111127777166 C2:duuuuuuuddddudd M:6/8   K:G            H:AL     T:Banks of the Dee, Longborough
ABC     12 C1:511111127777166 C2:duuuuuuuddddudd M:6/8   K:G            H:AL     T:Banks of the Dee, Longborough
ABC     12 C1:511111127777166 C2:duuuuuuuddddudd M:6/8   K:G            H:AL     T:Banks of the Dee, Longborough
ABC      1 C1:021021017771667 C2:uuuuuuudddduddd M:6/8   K:F            H:L      T:Banks of the Dee (Parody)
ABC      1 C1:021021017771667 C2:uuuuuuudddduddd M:6/8   K:F            H:L      T:Banks of the Dee (Parody)
ABC      1 C1:021021017771667 C2:uuuuuuudddduddd M:6/8   K:F            H:L      T:Banks of the Dee (Parody)
ABC    101 C1:111111277771667 C2:uuuuuuudddduddd M:6/8   K:C            H:ABLOQRZ T:Banks of the Dee. RH.101
ABC    101 C1:111111277771667 C2:uuuuuuudddduddd M:6/8   K:C            H:ABLOQRZ T:Banks of the Dee. RH.101
ABC    101 C1:111111277771667 C2:uuuuuuudddduddd M:6/8   K:C            H:ALOQRSZ T:Banks of the Dee. RH.101
ABC    101 C1:111111277771667 C2:uuuuuuudddduddd M:6/8   K:C            H:ABLOQRSZ T:Banks of the Dee. RH.101
ABC    526 C1:111111277771667 C2:uuuuuuudddduddd M:6/8   K:C            H:AFLOQRSZ T:Banks of the Dee. RH.101
ABC    526 C1:111111277771667 C2:uuuuuuudddduddd M:6/8   K:C            H:AFLOQRSZ T:Banks of the Dee. RH.101
ABC    101 C1:111111277771667 C2:uuuuuuudddduddd M:6/8   K:C            H:ABLOQRSZ T:Banks of the Dee. RH.101
ABC    190 C1:111111277771667 C2:uuuuuuudddduddd M:6/8   K:G            H:ABLOQRZ T:Banks of the Dee. RH.190, The
ABC    190 C1:111111277771667 C2:uuuuuuudddduddd M:6/8   K:G            H:ABLOQRZ T:Banks of the Dee. RH.190, The
ABC     29 C1:111111277771667 C2:uuuuuuudddduddd M:6/8   K:A            H:ACOQRSZ T:Banks of the Dee,The. BF12.29
ABC     29 C1:111111277771667 C2:uuuuuuudddduddd M:6/8   K:A            H:ABCQZ  T:Banks of the Dee,The. BF12.29
ABC     29 C1:111111277771667 C2:uuuuuuudddduddd M:6/8   K:A            H:ABCQZ  T:Banks of the Dee,The. BF12.29
ABC     29 C1:111111277771667 C2:uuuuuuudddduddd M:6/8   K:A            H:ABOQRSZ T:Banks of the Dee,The. BF12.29
ABC   1144 C1:111111277771667 C2:uuuuuuudddduddd M:6/8   K:A            H:ACOQRSZ T:Banks of the Dee,The. BF12.29
ABC   1144 C1:111111277771667 C2:uuuuuuudddduddd M:6/8   K:A            H:ACOQRSZ T:Banks of the Dee,The. BF12.29
ABC   1144 C1:111111277771667 C2:uuuuuuudddduddd M:6/8   K:A            H:ACOQRSZ T:Banks of the Dee,The. BF12.29
ABC   1144 C1:111111277771667 C2:uuuuuuudddduddd M:6/8   K:A            H:ACOQRSZ T:Banks of the Dee,The. BF12.29
ABC    527 C1:111111277771667 C2:uuuuuuudddduddd M:6/8   K:A            H:ACFOQRSZ T:Banks of the Dee,The. BF12.29
ABC    527 C1:111111277771667 C2:uuuuuuudddduddd M:6/8   K:A            H:ACFOQRSZ T:Banks of the Dee,The. BF12.29
ABC     29 C1:111111277771667 C2:uuuuuuudddduddd M:6/8   K:A            H:ABOQRSZ T:Banks of the Dee,The. BF12.29
ABC    190 C1:111111277771667 C2:uuuuuuudddduddd M:6/8   K:G            H:ALOQRSZ T:Banks of the Dee,The. RH.190
ABC    190 C1:111111277771667 C2:uuuuuuudddduddd M:6/8   K:G            H:ABLOQRSZ T:Banks of the Dee,The. RH.190
ABC    528 C1:111111277771667 C2:uuuuuuudddduddd M:6/8   K:G            H:AFLOQRSZ T:Banks of the Dee,The. RH.190
ABC   4944 C1:111111277771667 C2:uuuuuuudddduddd M:6/8   K:G            H:AFLOQRSZ T:Banks of the Dee,The. RH.190
ABC    528 C1:111111277771667 C2:uuuuuuudddduddd M:6/8   K:G            H:AFLOQRSZ T:Banks of the Dee,The. RH.190
ABC   4944 C1:111111277771667 C2:uuuuuuudddduddd M:6/8   K:G            H:AFLOQRSZ T:Banks of the Dee,The. RH.190
ABC    190 C1:111111277771667 C2:uuuuuuudddduddd M:6/8   K:G            H:ABLOQRSZ T:Banks of the Dee,The. RH.190
ABC    111 C1:762677112513762 C2:dduddduuuduuddu M:6/8   K:Am           H:BCLQRSVZ T:the Banks of the Deveron
ABC    111 C1:762677112513762 C2:dduddduuuduuddu M:6/8   K:Am           H:BCLQRSVZ T:the Banks of the Deveron
ABC    111 C1:762677112513762 C2:dduddduuuduuddu M:6/8   K:Am           H:BCLQRSUVZ T:the Banks of the Deveron
ABC    111 C1:762677112513762 C2:dduddduuuduuddu M:6/8   K:Am           H:BCLQRSUVZ T:the Banks of the Deveron
ABC    111 C1:762677112513762 C2:dduddduuuduuddu M:6/8   K:Am           H:BCLQRSVZ T:The Banks of the Deveron
ABC    111 C1:762677112513762 C2:dduddduuuduuddu M:6/8   K:Am           H:BCLQRSVZ T:The Banks of the Deveron
ABC    111 C1:762677112513762 C2:dduddduuuduuddu M:6/8   K:Am           H:BCLQRSUVZ T:The Banks of the Deveron
ABC    111 C1:762677112513762 C2:dduddduuuduuddu M:6/8   K:Am           H:BCLQRSUVZ T:The Banks of the Deveron
ABC    353 C1:121735437771121 C2:uuududduddduuuu M:6/8   K:Em           H:LQR    T:Banks of the Devon
ABC    353 C1:121735437771121 C2:uuududduddduuuu M:6/8   K:Em           H:LQR    T:Banks of the Devon
ABC    353 C1:121735437771121 C2:uuududduddduuuu M:6/8   K:Em           H:LQR    T:Banks of the Devon
ABC    353 C1:121735437771121 C2:uuududduddduuuu M:6/8   K:Em           H:LQR    T:Banks of the Devon
ABC    503 C1:121735437771121 C2:uuududduddduuuu M:3/4   K:Em           H:BLZ    T:Banks of the Devon
ABC    503 C1:121735437771121 C2:uuududduddduuuu M:3/4   K:Em           H:BLZ    T:Banks of the Devon
ABC      1 C1:121735437771121 C2:uuududduddduuuu M:6/8   K:A            H:LSZ    T:The Banks of the Devon
ABC      1 C1:121735437771121 C2:uuududduddduuuu M:6/8   K:A            H:LSZ    T:The Banks of the Devon
ABC      1 C1:121735437771121 C2:uuududduddduuuu M:6/8   K:A            H:LSZ    T:The Banks of the Devon
ABC      1 C1:121735437771121 C2:uuududduddduuuu M:6/8   K:A            H:LSZ    T:The Banks of the Devon
ABC      1 C1:121735437771121 C2:uuududduddduuuu M:6/8   K:A            H:LSZ    T:The Banks of the Devon
ABC      1 C1:121735437771121 C2:uuududduddduuuu M:6/8   K:A            H:LSZ    T:The Banks of the Devon
ABC      1 C1:121735437771121 C2:uuududduddduuuu M:6/8   K:E            H:FLQSZ  T:The Banks of the Devon
ABC  19029 C1:000771010077070 C2:dduudddddduduuu M:3/4   K:G            H:"CLOQR T:Banks of the Devon
ABC    503 C1:121735437771121 C2:uuududduddduuuu M:3/4   K:Em           H:BLZ    T:Banks of the Devon
ABC    503 C1:121735437771121 C2:uuududduddduuuu M:3/4   K:Em           H:BLZ    T:Banks of the Devon
ABC    353 C1:121735437771121 C2:uuududduddduuuu M:6/8   K:Em           H:LQR    T:Banks of the Devon
ABC    353 C1:121735437771121 C2:uuududduddduuuu M:6/8   K:Em           H:LQR    T:Banks of the Devon
ABC      1 C1:121735437771121 C2:uuududduddduuuu M:6/8   K:Em           H:BFLQY  T:Banks of the Devon, The
ABC      1 C1:121735437771121 C2:uuududduddduuuu M:6/8   K:Em           H:BFLQY  T:Banks of the Devon, The
ABC      1 C1:007102006706007 C2:duuddddduuuuuud M:      K:Dmin         H:LR     T:Banks Of The Devon
ABC      2 C1:727007767121277 C2:dududdduududduu M:      K:Amin         H:LR     T:Banks Of The Devon
ABC     12 C1:121735437771121 C2:uuududduddduuuu M:6/8   K:Em           H:LR     T:Banks of the Devon, The
ABC     12 C1:121735437771121 C2:uuududduddduuuu M:6/8   K:Em           H:LR     T:Banks of the Devon, The
ABC     12 C1:121735437771121 C2:uuududduddduuuu M:6/8   K:Em           H:LR     T:Banks of the Devon, The
ABC  19029 C1:000771010077070 C2:dduudddddduduuu M:3/4   K:G            H:"CLOQRZ T:Banks of the Devon
ABC      1 C1:300117700000220 C2:uuudduuduuddduu M:3/4   K:F            H:L      T:The Banks of the Don
ABC      1 C1:300117700000220 C2:uuudduuduuddduu M:3/4   K:F            H:L      T:The Banks of the Don
ABC      1 C1:300117700000220 C2:uuudduuduuddduu M:3/4   K:F            H:L      T:The Banks of the Don
ABC  38015 C1:037671037677711 C2:uddduuddddduudd M:6/8   K:D            H:BCLQR  T:BANKS OF THE ERNE, The
ABC  38015 C1:037671037677711 C2:uddduuddddduudd M:6/8   K:D            H:BCLQR  T:BANKS OF THE ERNE, The
ABC  38015 C1:037671037677711 C2:uddduuddddduudd M:6/8   K:D            H:BCLQR  T:BANKS OF THE ERNE, The
ABC      1 C1:030070060774112 C2:uddddduuuuuduuu M:6/8   K:C            H:L      T:The Banks of the Gasperaux
ABC      1 C1:030070060774112 C2:uddddduuuuuduuu M:6/8   K:C            H:L      T:The Banks of the Gasperaux
ABC      1 C1:030070060774112 C2:uddddduuuuuduuu M:6/8   K:C            H:L      T:The Banks of the Gasperaux
ABC 185202 C1:277607776445344 C2:udddddddudududu M:4/4   K:G            H:CQR    T:BANKS OF THE HUDSON* (reel), The
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:4/4   K:G            H:BFQR   T:Banks of the Hudson* (reel), The
ABC 185202 C1:277607776445344 C2:udddddddudududu M:4/4   K:G            H:CQR    T:BANKS OF THE HUDSON* (reel), The
ABC 185202 C1:277607776445344 C2:udddddddudududu M:4/4   K:G            H:CQR    T:BANKS OF THE HUDSON* (reel), The
ABC   1592 C1:622302770261667 C2:duuuuddududdddd M:C|    K:D            H:BLORZbs T:the Banks of the Ilen #2
ABC   1592 C1:622302770261667 C2:duuuuddududdddd M:C|    K:D            H:BLORZbs T:the Banks of the Ilen #2
ABC   1592 C1:622302770261667 C2:duuuuddududdddd M:C|    K:D            H:BLORZbs T:the Banks of the Ilen #2
ABC   1592 C1:622302770261667 C2:duuuuddududdddd M:C|    K:D            H:BLORZbs T:the Banks of the Ilen #2
ABC    837 C1:776223027702616 C2:ddduuuuddududdd M:C|    K:D            H:BFLRZbs T:the Banks of the Ilen #2
ABC    837 C1:776223027702616 C2:ddduuuuddududdd M:C|    K:D            H:BFLRZbs T:the Banks of the Ilen #2
ABC    837 C1:776223027702616 C2:ddduuuuddududdd M:C|    K:D            H:BFLRZbs T:the Banks of the Ilen #2
ABC    837 C1:776223027702616 C2:ddduuuuddududdd M:C|    K:D            H:BFLRZbs T:the Banks of the Ilen #2
ABC      1 C1:776223027702616 C2:ddduuuuddududdd M:4/4   K:D            H:CLQR   T:The Banks of the Ilen
ABC      1 C1:776223027702616 C2:ddduuuuddududdd M:4/4   K:D            H:CLQR   T:The Banks of the Ilen
ABC 332084 C1:622302770261667 C2:duuuuddududdddd M:C     K:D            H:BCLQRY T:Banks of the Ilen
ABC 492008 C1:622302770261667 C2:duuuuddududdddd M:C|    K:D            H:BLQRSZ T:BANKS OF THE ILEN, The
ABC   1710 C1:622302770261667 C2:duuuuddududdddd M:C|    K:D            H:BLRZ   T:The Banks of the Ilen
ABC   1710 C1:622302770261667 C2:duuuuddududdddd M:C|    K:D            H:BLRZ   T:The Banks of the Ilen
ABC   1710 C1:622302770261667 C2:duuuuddududdddd M:C|    K:D            H:BLRZ   T:The Banks of the Ilen
ABC   1592 C1:622302770261667 C2:duuuuddududdddd M:C|    K:D            H:BLRZ   T:The Banks of the Ilen
ABC   1662 C1:622302770261667 C2:duuuuddududdddd M:C|    K:D            H:BLRZ   T:Banks of the Ilen
ABC   1662 C1:622302770261667 C2:duuuuddududdddd M:C|    K:D            H:BLRZ   T:Banks of the Ilen
ABC   1662 C1:622302770261667 C2:duuuuddududdddd M:C|    K:D            H:BLRZ   T:Banks of the Ilen
ABC   1592 C1:622302770261667 C2:duuuuddududdddd M:C|    K:D            H:BLRZ   T:Banks of the Ilen
ABC      1 C1:026166776223277 C2:ududdddduuuuddd M:C|    K:D            H:HRSZ   T:Banks of the Ilen
ABC   1592 C1:776223027702616 C2:ddduuuuddududdd M:C|    K:D            H:BLORZbs T:the Banks of the Ilen
ABC   1592 C1:776223027702616 C2:ddduuuuddududdd M:C|    K:D            H:BLORZbs T:the Banks of the Ilen
ABC   1592 C1:776223027702616 C2:ddduuuuddududdd M:C|    K:D            H:BLORZbs T:the Banks of the Ilen
ABC   1592 C1:776223027702616 C2:ddduuuuddududdd M:C|    K:D            H:BLORZbs T:the Banks of the Ilen
ABC      1 C1:622302510261667 C2:duuuuduududdddd M:4/4   K:D            H:"LQS   T:Banks Of The Ilen
ABC    836 C1:622302770261667 C2:duuuuddududdddd M:C|    K:D            H:BLORZ  T:The Banks Of The Ilen
ABC    836 C1:622302770261667 C2:duuuuddududdddd M:C|    K:D            H:BLORZ  T:The Banks Of The Ilen
ABC    836 C1:622302770261667 C2:duuuuddududdddd M:C|    K:D            H:BLORZ  T:The Banks Of The Ilen
ABC   1592 C1:776223027702616 C2:ddduuuuddududdd M:C|    K:D            H:BLORZbs T:the Banks of the Ilen
ABC   1592 C1:776223027702616 C2:ddduuuuddududdd M:C|    K:D            H:BLORZbs T:the Banks of the Ilen
ABC   1592 C1:776223027702616 C2:ddduuuuddududdd M:C|    K:D            H:BLORZbs T:the Banks of the Ilen
ABC   1592 C1:776223027702616 C2:ddduuuuddududdd M:C|    K:D            H:BLORZbs T:the Banks of the Ilen
ABC   1592 C1:776223027702616 C2:ddduuuuddududdd M:C|    K:D            H:BLORZbs T:the Banks of the Ilen
ABC      1 C1:622302600261667 C2:duuuudududddddu M:4/4   K:D            H:"LRSZ  T:the Banks of the Ilen
ABC      1 C1:622302600261667 C2:duuuudududddddu M:4/4   K:D            H:"LRSZ  T:the Banks of the Ilen
ABC      1 C1:622302600261667 C2:duuuudududddddu M:4/4   K:D            H:"LRSZ  T:the Banks of the Ilen
ABC      1 C1:622302600261667 C2:duuuudududddddu M:4/4   K:D            H:"LRSZ  T:the Banks of the Ilen
ABC    837 C1:622302770261667 C2:duuuuddududdddd M:C|    K:D            H:BFLRZbs T:the Banks of the Ilen
ABC      1 C1:622302600261667 C2:duuuudududddddu M:4/4   K:D            H:"LRSZ  T:the Banks of the Ilen
ABC    837 C1:622302770261667 C2:duuuuddududdddd M:C|    K:D            H:BFLRZbs T:the Banks of the Ilen
ABC    837 C1:622302770261667 C2:duuuuddududdddd M:C|    K:D            H:BFLRZbs T:the Banks of the Ilen
ABC    837 C1:622302770261667 C2:duuuuddududdddd M:C|    K:D            H:BFLRZbs T:the Banks of the Ilen
ABC      1 C1:622302600261667 C2:duuuudududddddu M:4/4   K:D            H:"LRSZ  T:the Banks of the Ilen
ABC    837 C1:776223027702616 C2:ddduuuuddududdd M:C|    K:D            H:BFLRZbs T:the Banks of the Ilen
ABC    837 C1:776223027702616 C2:ddduuuuddududdd M:C|    K:D            H:BFLRZbs T:the Banks of the Ilen
ABC    837 C1:776223027702616 C2:ddduuuuddududdd M:C|    K:D            H:BFLRZbs T:the Banks of the Ilen
ABC    837 C1:776223027702616 C2:ddduuuuddududdd M:C|    K:D            H:BFLRZbs T:the Banks of the Ilen
ABC      2 C1:026166776223276 C2:ududdddduuuuddu M:C|    K:Dmaj         H:"LRS   T:Banks of the Ilen
ABC      2 C1:026166776223276 C2:ududdddduuuuddu M:C|    K:Dmaj         H:"LRS   T:Banks of the Ilen
ABC   1592 C1:622302770261667 C2:duuuuddududdddd M:C|    K:D            H:BLRZ   T:The Banks of the Ilen
ABC   1592 C1:622302770261667 C2:duuuuddududdddd M:C|    K:D            H:BLRZ   T:Banks of the Ilen
ABC 332084 C1:622302770261667 C2:duuuuddududdddd M:C     K:D            H:BCLQRY T:Banks of the Ilen
ABC 332084 C1:622302770261667 C2:duuuuddududdddd M:C     K:D            H:BCLQRY T:Banks of the Ilen
ABC      3 C1:026166776223276 C2:ududdddduuuuddu M:C|    K:Dmaj         H:"LR    T:Banks of the Ilen
ABC      3 C1:026166776223276 C2:ududdddduuuuddu M:C|    K:Dmaj         H:"LR    T:Banks of the Ilen
ABC      3 C1:026166776223276 C2:ududdddduuuuddu M:C|    K:Dmaj         H:"LR    T:Banks of the Ilen
ABC    697 C1:026166776223277 C2:ududdddduuuuddd M:C|    K:D            H:HRSZ   T:Banks of the Ilen
ABC    697 C1:026166776223277 C2:ududdddduuuuddd M:C|    K:D            H:HRSZ   T:Banks of the Ilen
ABC    697 C1:026166776223277 C2:ududdddduuuuddd M:C|    K:D            H:HRSZ   T:Banks of the Ilen
ABC    697 C1:026166776223277 C2:ududdddduuuuddd M:C|    K:D            H:HRSZ   T:Banks of the Ilen
ABC      1 C1:622320062716764 C2:duuuudududdddud M:      K:Dmaj         H:LR     T:The Banks Of The Ilen
ABC      2 C1:622302600261667 C2:duuuudududddddu M:      K:Dmaj         H:LR     T:The Banks Of The Ilen
ABC      3 C1:777722326071261 C2:dddduuuudduudud M:      K:Dmaj         H:LR     T:The Banks Of The Ilen
ABC      4 C1:776223026073616 C2:ddduuuudduududd M:      K:Dmaj         H:LR     T:The Banks Of The Ilen
ABC      5 C1:772230260026166 C2:dduuuudududdddd M:      K:Dmaj         H:LR     T:The Banks Of The Ilen
ABC      6 C1:622320062716766 C2:duuuudududddddd M:      K:Dmaj         H:LR     T:The Banks Of The Ilen
ABC      7 C1:622302600261667 C2:duuuudududddddu M:      K:Dmaj         H:LR     T:The Banks Of The Ilen
ABC      1 C1:026166776223116 C2:ududdddduuuuudu M:C|    K:D            H:RZ     T:Banks of the Ilen
ABC 492008 C1:622302770261667 C2:duuuuddududdddd M:C|    K:D            H:BLQRSZ T:BANKS OF THE ILEN, The
ABC 492008 C1:622302770261667 C2:duuuuddududdddd M:C|    K:D            H:BLQRSZ T:BANKS OF THE ILEN, The
ABC   1145 C1:026166776223277 C2:ududdddduuuuddd M:C|    K:D            H:HRSZ   T:Banks of the Ilen
ABC    697 C1:026166776223277 C2:ududdddduuuuddd M:C|    K:D            H:HRSZ   T:Banks of the Ilen
ABC    697 C1:026166776223277 C2:ududdddduuuuddd M:C|    K:D            H:HRSZ   T:Banks of the Ilen
ABC    697 C1:026166776223277 C2:ududdddduuuuddd M:C|    K:D            H:HRSZ   T:Banks of the Ilen
ABC    697 C1:026166776223277 C2:ududdddduuuuddd M:C|    K:D            H:HRSZ   T:Banks of the Ilen
ABC    697 C1:026166776223277 C2:ududdddduuuuddd M:C|    K:D            H:HRSZ   T:Banks of the Ilen
ABC    697 C1:026166776223277 C2:ududdddduuuuddd M:C|    K:D            H:HRSZ   T:Banks of the Ilen
ABC   1592 C1:622302770261667 C2:duuuuddududdddd M:C|    K:D            H:BLRZ   T:Banks of the Ilen
ABC   1592 C1:622302770261667 C2:duuuuddududdddd M:C|    K:D            H:BLRZ   T:The Banks of the Ilen
ABC    697 C1:026166776223277 C2:ududdddduuuuddd M:C|    K:D            H:HRSZ   T:Banks of the Ilen
ABC    837 C1:622302770261667 C2:duuuuddududdddd M:C|    K:D            H:BCFLORZ T:The banks of the Ilen
ABC    404 C1:026166776223277 C2:ududdddduuuuddd M:C|    K:D            H:HORS   T:Banks of the Ilen
ABC    404 C1:026166776223277 C2:ududdddduuuuddd M:C|    K:D            H:HORS   T:Banks of the Ilen
ABC    836 C1:622302770261667 C2:duuuuddududdddd M:C|    K:D            H:BLORZ  T:The Banks Of The Ilen
ABC    836 C1:622302770261667 C2:duuuuddududdddd M:C|    K:D            H:BLORZ  T:The Banks Of The Ilen
ABC   1145 C1:026166776223277 C2:ududdddduuuuddd M:C|    K:D            H:HRSZ   T:Banks of the Ilen
ABC   1145 C1:026166776223277 C2:ududdddduuuuddd M:C|    K:D            H:HRSZ   T:Banks of the Ilen
ABC   1145 C1:026166776223277 C2:ududdddduuuuddd M:C|    K:D            H:HRSZ   T:Banks of the Ilen
ABC    924 C1:026166776223277 C2:ududdddduuuuddd M:C|    K:D            H:HRSZ   T:Banks of the Ilen
ABC    924 C1:026166776223277 C2:ududdddduuuuddd M:C|    K:D            H:HRSZ   T:Banks of the Ilen
ABC    924 C1:026166776223277 C2:ududdddduuuuddd M:C|    K:D            H:HRSZ   T:Banks of the Ilen
ABC    924 C1:026166776223277 C2:ududdddduuuuddd M:C|    K:D            H:HRSZ   T:Banks of the Ilen
ABC    924 C1:026166776223277 C2:ududdddduuuuddd M:C|    K:D            H:HRSZ   T:Banks of the Ilen
ABC   1662 C1:622302770261667 C2:duuuuddududdddd M:C|    K:D            H:BLRZ   T:Banks of the Ilen
ABC   1710 C1:622302770261667 C2:duuuuddududdddd M:C|    K:D            H:BLRZ   T:The Banks of the Ilen
ABC   1662 C1:622302770261667 C2:duuuuddududdddd M:C|    K:D            H:BLRZ   T:Banks of the Ilen
ABC   1710 C1:622302770261667 C2:duuuuddududdddd M:C|    K:D            H:BLRZ   T:The Banks of the Ilen
ABC    697 C1:026166776223277 C2:ududdddduuuuddd M:C|    K:D            H:HRSZ   T:Banks of the Ilen
ABC    697 C1:026166776223277 C2:ududdddduuuuddd M:C|    K:D            H:HRSZ   T:Banks of the Ilen
ABC   1592 C1:622302770261667 C2:duuuuddududdddd M:C|    K:D            H:BCILZ  T:"Banks Of The Ilen" (hornpipe) 1592
ABC   1592 C1:622302770261667 C2:duuuuddududdddd M:C|    K:D            H:BCILZ  T:"Banks Of The Ilen" (hornpipe) 1592
ABC   1592 C1:622302770261667 C2:duuuuddududdddd M:C|    K:D            H:BCILZ  T:"Banks Of The Ilen" (hornpipe) 1592
ABC      2 C1:026166776223116 C2:ududdddduuuuudu M:4/4   K:Dmaj         H:LR     T:The Banks Of The Illen
ABC      2 C1:026166776223116 C2:ududdddduuuuudu M:4/4   K:Dmaj         H:LR     T:The Banks Of The Illen
ABC     12 C1:026166776223116 C2:ududdddduuuuudu M:4/4   K:Dmaj         H:LQR    T:Banks Of The Illen, The
ABC     92 C1:007140121767705 C2:duduuuudddduuuu M:2/4   K:Ddor         H:DLQRWZ T:Banks of the Lee, The
ABC     92 C1:007140121767705 C2:duduuuudddduuuu M:2/4   K:Ddor         H:DLQRWZ T:Banks of the Lee, The
ABC      1 C1:210017714000121 C2:uuudduduuuddddu M:3/4   K:HP           H:CLQS   T:The Banks of the Lee "Arranged by Dave Rickard"
ABC      1 C1:210017714000121 C2:uuudduduuuddddu M:3/4   K:HP           H:CLQS   T:The Banks of the Lee "Arranged by Dave Rickard"
ABC      1 C1:210017714000121 C2:uuudduduuuddddu M:3/4   K:HP           H:CLQS   T:The Banks of the Lee "Arranged by Dave Rickard"
ABC      1 C1:711367770627166 C2:duuudddddududdd M:C|    K:G            H:DRZ    T:Banks of the Liffey, The
ABC      1 C1:002205772662752 C2:uuddduddudduddu M:4/4   K:G            H:"L     T:Banks of the Liffey
ABC    200 C1:711367770627166 C2:duuudddddududdd M:C|    K:G            H:DRZ    T:Banks of the Liffey, The
ABC    200 C1:711367770627166 C2:duuudddddududdd M:C|    K:G            H:DRZ    T:Banks of the Liffey, The
ABC    200 C1:711367770627166 C2:duuudddddududdd M:C|    K:G            H:DHRZ   T:Banks of the Liffey, The
ABC    200 C1:711367770627166 C2:duuudddddududdd M:C|    K:G            H:DHRZ   T:Banks of the Liffey, The
ABC   1146 C1:711367770627166 C2:duuudddddududdd M:C|    K:G            H:DRZ    T:Banks of the Liffey, The
ABC   2479 C1:711367770627166 C2:duuudddddududdd M:C|    K:G            H:DRZ    T:Banks of the Liffey, The
ABC   2479 C1:711367770627166 C2:duuudddddududdd M:C|    K:G            H:DRZ    T:Banks of the Liffey, The
ABC    200 C1:711367770627166 C2:duuudddddududdd M:C|    K:G            H:DRZ    T:Banks of the Liffey, The
ABC    200 C1:711367770627166 C2:duuudddddududdd M:C|    K:G            H:DRZ    T:Banks of the Liffey, The
ABC    200 C1:711367770627166 C2:duuudddddududdd M:C|    K:G            H:DRZ    T:Banks of the Liffey, The
ABC    200 C1:711367770627166 C2:duuudddddududdd M:C|    K:G            H:DRZ    T:Banks of the Liffey, The
ABC    200 C1:711367770627166 C2:duuudddddududdd M:C|    K:G            H:DRZ    T:Banks of the Liffey, The
ABC    200 C1:711367770627166 C2:duuudddddududdd M:C|    K:G            H:DRZ    T:Banks of the Liffey, The
ABC    200 C1:711367770627166 C2:duuudddddududdd M:C|    K:G            H:DRZ    T:Banks of the Liffey, The
ABC    405 C1:711367770627166 C2:duuudddddududdd M:C|    K:G            H:DOR    T:Banks of the Liffey, The
ABC    405 C1:711367770627166 C2:duuudddddududdd M:C|    K:G            H:DOR    T:Banks of the Liffey, The
ABC   1146 C1:711367770627166 C2:duuudddddududdd M:C|    K:G            H:DRZ    T:Banks of the Liffey, The
ABC   1146 C1:711367770627166 C2:duuudddddududdd M:C|    K:G            H:DRZ    T:Banks of the Liffey, The
ABC   1146 C1:711367770627166 C2:duuudddddududdd M:C|    K:G            H:DRZ    T:Banks of the Liffey, The
ABC    925 C1:711367770627166 C2:duuudddddududdd M:C|    K:G            H:DRZ    T:Banks of the Liffey, The
ABC    925 C1:711367770627166 C2:duuudddddududdd M:C|    K:G            H:DRZ    T:Banks of the Liffey, The
ABC    925 C1:711367770627166 C2:duuudddddududdd M:C|    K:G            H:DRZ    T:Banks of the Liffey, The
ABC    925 C1:711367770627166 C2:duuudddddududdd M:C|    K:G            H:DRZ    T:Banks of the Liffey, The
ABC    925 C1:711367770627166 C2:duuudddddududdd M:C|    K:G            H:DRZ    T:Banks of the Liffey, The
ABC    200 C1:711367770627166 C2:duuudddddududdd M:C|    K:G            H:DRZ    T:Banks of the Liffey, The
ABC    200 C1:711367770627166 C2:duuudddddududdd M:C|    K:G            H:DRZ    T:Banks of the Liffey, The
ABC      1 C1:000176600040175 C2:uddduuudduduuud M:3/4   K:C            H:L      T:Banks of the Little Eau Pleine
ABC      1 C1:000176600040175 C2:uddduuudduduuud M:3/4   K:C            H:L      T:Banks of the Little Eau Pleine
ABC      1 C1:000176600040175 C2:uddduuudduduuud M:3/4   K:C            H:L      T:Banks of the Little Eau Pleine
ABC     75 C1:000760006221000 C2:ddduuudduuudddd M:6/8   K:Bminor       H:RZ     T:Banks of the Lough Gowna
ABC     75 C1:000760006221000 C2:ddduuudduuudddd M:6/8   K:Bminor       H:RZ     T:Banks of the Lough Gowna
ABC    375 C1:000760006221000 C2:ddduuudduuudddd M:6/8   K:Bminor       H:RZ     T:Banks of the Lough Gowna
ABC     75 C1:000760006221000 C2:ddduuudduuudddd M:6/8   K:Bminor       H:RZ     T:Banks of the Lough Gowna
ABC      1 C1:711376617600000 C2:duuudddudduuuuu M:4/4   K:Eb           H:L      T:Banks of the Nile
ABC      1 C1:300277060707007 C2:uuddddduduudddd M:3/4   K:A            H:L      T:The Banks of the Nile
ABC      1 C1:711376617600000 C2:duuudddudduuuuu M:4/4   K:Eb           H:L      T:Banks of the Nile
ABC      1 C1:711376617600000 C2:duuudddudduuuuu M:4/4   K:Eb           H:L      T:Banks of the Nile
ABC      1 C1:007012001002267 C2:duuduuuddduduuu M:3/4   K:C            H:L      T:The Banks of the Nile
ABC      1 C1:300277060707007 C2:uuddddduduudddd M:3/4   K:A            H:L      T:The Banks of the Nile
ABC      1 C1:300277060707007 C2:uuddddduduudddd M:3/4   K:A            H:L      T:The Banks of the Nile
ABC 492009 C1:226212513017076 C2:uuduuuduuuddduu M:C|    K:D            H:BLQRSZ T:BANKS OF THE NILE, The
ABC      1 C1:007012001002267 C2:duuduuuddduduuu M:3/4   K:C            H:L      T:The Banks of the Nile
ABC      1 C1:007012001002267 C2:duuduuuddduduuu M:3/4   K:C            H:L      T:The Banks of the Nile
ABC   1743 C1:226212513017076 C2:uuduuuduuuddduu M:2/4   K:D            H:BLZ    T:The Banks of the Nile
ABC   1743 C1:226212513017076 C2:uuduuuduuuddduu M:2/4   K:D            H:BLZ    T:The Banks of the Nile
ABC   1743 C1:226212513017076 C2:uuduuuduuuddduu M:2/4   K:D            H:BLZ    T:The Banks of the Nile
ABC   1625 C1:226212513017076 C2:uuduuuduuuddduu M:2/4   K:D            H:BLZ    T:The Banks of the Nile
ABC   1625 C1:226212513017076 C2:uuduuuduuuddduu M:2/4   K:D            H:BLORZbs T:the Banks of the Nile
ABC   1625 C1:226212513017076 C2:uuduuuduuuddduu M:2/4   K:D            H:BLORZbs T:the Banks of the Nile
ABC   1625 C1:226212513017076 C2:uuduuuduuuddduu M:2/4   K:D            H:BLORZbs T:the Banks of the Nile
ABC   1625 C1:226212513017076 C2:uuduuuduuuddduu M:2/4   K:D            H:BLORZbs T:the Banks of the Nile
ABC   1625 C1:226212513017076 C2:uuduuuduuuddduu M:2/4   K:D            H:BLORZbs T:the Banks of the Nile
ABC      1 C1:463713070476120 C2:uuduuuduuuddduu M:2/4   K:D            H:LRSZ   T:Banks of the Nile
ABC   1625 C1:226212513017076 C2:uuduuuduuuddduu M:2/4   K:D            H:BLZ    T:The Banks of the Nile
ABC      1 C1:040003060300076 C2:uuduuuduuuddduu M:      K:Dmaj         H:LR     T:The Banks Of The Nile
ABC 492009 C1:226212513017076 C2:uuduuuduuuddduu M:C|    K:D            H:BLQRSZ T:BANKS OF THE NILE, The
ABC 492009 C1:226212513017076 C2:uuduuuduuuddduu M:C|    K:D            H:BLQRSZ T:BANKS OF THE NILE, The
ABC   1625 C1:226212513017076 C2:uuduuuduuuddduu M:2/4   K:D            H:BLZ    T:The Banks of the Nile
ABC    356 C1:711376617600000 C2:duuuddduddudduu M:4/4   K:Eb           H:L      T:Banks of the Nile
ABC   1743 C1:226212513017076 C2:uuduuuduuuddduu M:2/4   K:D            H:BLZ    T:The Banks of the Nile
ABC   1743 C1:226212513017076 C2:uuduuuduuuddduu M:2/4   K:D            H:BLZ    T:The Banks of the Nile
ABC     35 C1:057707770076030 C2:uddddddduuudddd M:4/4   K:G            H:"CILRZ T:Banks of The Nith, The
ABC     35 C1:057707770076030 C2:uddddddduuudddd M:4/4   K:G            H:"CILRZ T:Banks of The Nith, The
ABC     35 C1:057707770076030 C2:uddddddduuudddd M:4/4   K:G            H:"CILRZ T:Banks of The Nith, The
ABC     35 C1:057707770076030 C2:uddddddduuudddd M:4/4   K:G            H:"CILRZ T:Banks of The Nith, The
ABC      1 C1:020000067110000 C2:udduuuuuduudddd M:4/4   K:D            H:"CLw   T:Banks of the Ohio - #105
ABC      1 C1:020000067110000 C2:udduuuuuduudddd M:4/4   K:D            H:"CLw   T:Banks of the Ohio - #105
ABC      1 C1:020000067110000 C2:udduuuuuduudddd M:4/4   K:D            H:"CLw   T:Banks of the Ohio - #105
ABC      1 C1:000066210000011 C2:dduuuuuddduuduu M:4/4   K:C            H:L      T:Banks of the Ohio
ABC      1 C1:000066210000011 C2:dduuuuuddduuduu M:4/4   K:C            H:L      T:Banks of the Ohio
ABC      1 C1:000066210000011 C2:dduuuuuddduuduu M:4/4   K:C            H:L      T:Banks of the Ohio
ABC      1 C1:000503000002002 C2:duuduududuuddud M:6/8   K:G            H:L      T:The Banks of the Ohio
ABC      1 C1:000503000002002 C2:duuduududuuddud M:6/8   K:G            H:L      T:The Banks of the Ohio
ABC      1 C1:000503000002002 C2:duuduududuuddud M:6/8   K:G            H:L      T:The Banks of the Ohio
ABC     11 C1:000000000600070 C2:dddudududududud M:4/4   K:A            H:"CLQ   T:Banks of the Ohio
ABC     11 C1:000000000600070 C2:dddudududududud M:4/4   K:A            H:"CLQ   T:Banks of the Ohio
ABC   3003 C1:000601000000110 C2:duuududduuduudd M:C     K:C            H:"CFLOWZw T:Banks of the Ohio
ABC   3003 C1:000601000000110 C2:duuududduuduudd M:C     K:C            H:"CFLOWZw T:Banks of the Ohio
ABC      1 C1:026000200060717 C2:ududdududuududu M:4/4   K:D            H:"CLQWZ T:Banks of the Ohio
ABC      1 C1:026000200060717 C2:ududdududuududu M:4/4   K:D            H:"CLQWZ T:Banks of the Ohio
ABC      1 C1:000101000000000 C2:uudduuuuudduddd M:4/4   K:D            H:"CLRSZw T:Banks of the Ohio
ABC      1 C1:000101000000000 C2:uudduuuuudduddd M:4/4   K:D            H:"CLRSZw T:Banks of the Ohio
ABC     13 C1:000000000600070 C2:dddudududududud M:4/4   K:A            H:"CLQ   T:Banks of the Ohio
ABC     13 C1:000000000600070 C2:dddudududududud M:4/4   K:A            H:"CLQ   T:Banks of the Ohio
ABC     21 C1:320161007611777 C2:uuududdduuddddu M:4/4   K:G            H:LR     T:Banks of the Quay
ABC     29 C1:610076117777320 C2:duddduudddduuud M:2/4   K:G            H:DLQRZ  T:Banks of the Quay, The
ABC     29 C1:610076117777320 C2:duddduudddduuud M:2/4   K:G            H:DLQRZ  T:Banks of the Quay, The
ABC    103 C1:320161007611777 C2:uuududdduuddddu M:4/4   K:G            H:LR     T:Banks of the Quay
ABC      1 C1:610076117777320 C2:duddduudddduuud M:      K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:The Banks Of The Quay
ABC      2 C1:610076117777320 C2:duddduudddduuud M:      K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:The Banks Of The Quay
ABC     41 C1:320161007611777 C2:uuududdduuddddu M:4/4   K:G            H:LR     T:Banks of the Quay
ABC     42 C1:320161007611777 C2:uuududdduuddddu M:4/4   K:G            H:LR     T:Banks of the Quay
ABC   1147 C1:320161007611777 C2:uuududdduuddddu M:4/4   K:G            H:LR     T:Banks of the Quay
ABC   1148 C1:320161007611777 C2:uuududdduuddddu M:4/4   K:G            H:LR     T:Banks of the Quay
ABC   1147 C1:320161007611777 C2:uuududdduuddddu M:4/4   K:G            H:LR     T:Banks of the Quay
ABC   1148 C1:320161007611777 C2:uuududdduuddddu M:4/4   K:G            H:LR     T:Banks of the Quay
ABC   1147 C1:320161007611777 C2:uuududdduuddddu M:4/4   K:G            H:LR     T:Banks of the Quay
ABC   1148 C1:320161007611777 C2:uuududdduuddddu M:4/4   K:G            H:LR     T:Banks of the Quay
ABC   1147 C1:320161007611777 C2:uuududdduuddddu M:4/4   K:G            H:LR     T:Banks of the Quay
ABC   1148 C1:320161007611777 C2:uuududdduuddddu M:4/4   K:G            H:LR     T:Banks of the Quay
ABC      2 C1:020002667020002 C2:uuddduuddduuudu M:4/4   K:G            H:CLRS   T:Banks of the River
ABC      2 C1:020002667020002 C2:uuddduuddduuudu M:4/4   K:G            H:CLRS   T:Banks of the River
ABC      2 C1:020002667020002 C2:uuddduuddduuudu M:4/4   K:G            H:CLRS   T:Banks of the River
ABC      2 C1:020002667020002 C2:uuddduuddduuudu M:4/4   K:G            H:CLRS   T:Banks of the River
ABC      2 C1:020002667020002 C2:uuddduuddduuudu M:4/4   K:G            H:CLRS   T:Banks of the River
ABC      2 C1:020002667020002 C2:uuddduuddduuudu M:4/4   K:G            H:CLRS   T:Banks of the River
ABC      2 C1:020002667020002 C2:uuddduuddduuudu M:4/4   K:G            H:CLRS   T:Banks of the River
ABC      2 C1:020002667020002 C2:uuddduuddduuudu M:4/4   K:G            H:CLRS   T:Banks of the River
ABC      2 C1:020002667020002 C2:uuddduuddduuudu M:4/4   K:G            H:CLRS   T:Banks of the River
ABC      2 C1:020002667020002 C2:uuddduuddduuudu M:4/4   K:G            H:CLRS   T:Banks of the River
ABC      2 C1:020002667020002 C2:uuddduuddduuudu M:4/4   K:G            H:CLRS   T:Banks of the River
ABC      2 C1:020002667020002 C2:uuddduuddduuudu M:4/4   K:G            H:CLRS   T:Banks of the River
ABC      2 C1:020002667020002 C2:uuddduuddduuudu M:4/4   K:G            H:CLRS   T:Banks of the River
ABC      2 C1:020002667020002 C2:uuddduuddduuudu M:4/4   K:G            H:CLRS   T:Banks of the River
ABC      2 C1:020002667020002 C2:uuddduuddduuudu M:4/4   K:G            H:CLRS   T:Banks of the River
ABC      2 C1:020002667020002 C2:uuddduuddduuudu M:4/4   K:G            H:CLRS   T:Banks of the River
ABC      2 C1:020002667020002 C2:uuddduuddduuudu M:4/4   K:G            H:CLRS   T:Banks of the River
ABC      2 C1:020002667020002 C2:uuddduuddduuudu M:4/4   K:G            H:CLRS   T:Banks of the River
ABC      2 C1:020002667020002 C2:uuddduuddduuudu M:4/4   K:G            H:CLRS   T:Banks of the River
ABC      2 C1:020002667020002 C2:uuddduuddduuudu M:4/4   K:G            H:CLRS   T:Banks of the River
ABC      2 C1:020002667020002 C2:uuddduuddduuudu M:4/4   K:G            H:CLRS   T:Banks of the River
ABC      2 C1:020002667020002 C2:uuddduuddduuudu M:4/4   K:G            H:CLRS   T:Banks of the River
ABC      2 C1:020002667020002 C2:uuddduuddduuudu M:4/4   K:G            H:CLRS   T:Banks of the River
ABC      2 C1:020002667020002 C2:uuddduuddduuudu M:4/4   K:G            H:CLRS   T:Banks of the River
ABC      2 C1:020002667020002 C2:uuddduuddduuudu M:4/4   K:G            H:CLRS   T:Banks of the River
ABC      2 C1:020002667020002 C2:uuddduuddduuudu M:4/4   K:G            H:CLRS   T:Banks of the River
ABC      1 C1:020002667020002 C2:uuddduuddduuudu M:4/4   K:Eb           H:BCLRS  T:Banks of the River
ABC      1 C1:020002667020002 C2:uuddduuddduuudu M:4/4   K:Eb           H:BCLRS  T:Banks of the River
ABC      1 C1:020002667020002 C2:uuddduuddduuudu M:4/4   K:Eb           H:BCLRS  T:Banks of the River
ABC      1 C1:020002667020002 C2:uuddduuddduuudu M:4/4   K:Eb           H:BCLRS  T:Banks of the River
ABC      1 C1:020002667020002 C2:uuddduuddduuudu M:4/4   K:Eb           H:BCLRS  T:Banks of the River
ABC      1 C1:020002667020002 C2:uuddduuddduuudu M:4/4   K:Eb           H:BCLRS  T:Banks of the River
ABC      1 C1:020002667020002 C2:uuddduuddduuudu M:4/4   K:Eb           H:BCLRS  T:Banks of the River
ABC      1 C1:020002667020002 C2:uuddduuddduuudu M:4/4   K:Eb           H:BCLRS  T:Banks of the River
ABC      1 C1:020002667020002 C2:uuddduuddduuudu M:4/4   K:Eb           H:BCLRS  T:Banks of the River
ABC      1 C1:020002667020002 C2:uuddduuddduuudu M:4/4   K:Eb           H:BCLRS  T:Banks of the River
ABC      1 C1:020002667020002 C2:uuddduuddduuudu M:4/4   K:Eb           H:BCLRS  T:Banks of the River
ABC      1 C1:020002667020002 C2:uuddduuddduuudu M:4/4   K:Eb           H:BCLRS  T:Banks of the River
ABC      1 C1:020002667020002 C2:uuddduuddduuudu M:4/4   K:Eb           H:BCLRS  T:Banks of the River
ABC      1 C1:020002667020002 C2:uuddduuddduuudu M:4/4   K:Eb           H:BCLRS  T:Banks of the River
ABC      1 C1:020002667020002 C2:uuddduuddduuudu M:4/4   K:Eb           H:BCLRS  T:Banks of the River
ABC      1 C1:020002667020002 C2:uuddduuddduuudu M:4/4   K:Eb           H:BCLRS  T:Banks of the River
ABC      1 C1:020002667020002 C2:uuddduuddduuudu M:4/4   K:Eb           H:BCLRS  T:Banks of the River
ABC      1 C1:020002667020002 C2:uuddduuddduuudu M:4/4   K:Eb           H:BCLRS  T:Banks of the River
ABC      1 C1:020002667020002 C2:uuddduuddduuudu M:4/4   K:Eb           H:BCLRS  T:Banks of the River
ABC      1 C1:020002667020002 C2:uuddduuddduuudu M:4/4   K:Eb           H:BCLRS  T:Banks of the River
ABC      1 C1:020002667020002 C2:uuddduuddduuudu M:4/4   K:Eb           H:BCLRS  T:Banks of the River
ABC      1 C1:020002667020002 C2:uuddduuddduuudu M:4/4   K:Eb           H:BCLRS  T:Banks of the River
ABC      1 C1:020002667020002 C2:uuddduuddduuudu M:4/4   K:Eb           H:BCLRS  T:Banks of the River
ABC      1 C1:020002667020002 C2:uuddduuddduuudu M:4/4   K:Eb           H:BCLRS  T:Banks of the River
ABC      1 C1:211020002667020 C2:uuuuuddduuddduu M:C     K:Eb           H:BCDLRZ T:Banks (of the River)
ABC      1 C1:211020002667020 C2:uuuuuddduuddduu M:C     K:Eb           H:BCDLRZ T:Banks (of the River)
ABC      4 C1:                C2:                M:4/4   K:G            H:CLRV   T:Banks of the River
ABC      4 C1:                C2:                M:4/4   K:G            H:CLRV   T:Banks of the River
ABC      2 C1:020002667020002 C2:uuddduuddduuudu M:4/4   K:G            H:CLR    T:Banks of the River
ABC     16 C1:020002667020002 C2:uuddduuddduuudd M:C|    K:Eb           H:BCLQZ  T:Banks (of the River). JBAT8.044, The
ABC     16 C1:020002667020002 C2:uuddduuddduuudd M:C|    K:Eb           H:BCLQZ  T:Banks (of the River). JBAT8.044, The
ABC    134 C1:001507770113031 C2:uddduuuduuudddd M:4/4   K:C            H:DLQRWZ T:Banks of the Roses
ABC    134 C1:001507770113031 C2:uddduuuduuudddd M:4/4   K:C            H:DLQRWZ T:Banks of the Roses
ABC      1 C1:001577070113057 C2:uddduuududddudd M:4/4   K:C            H:L      T:The Banks of the Roses (x)
ABC      1 C1:001577070113057 C2:uddduuududddudd M:4/4   K:C            H:L      T:The Banks of the Roses (x)
ABC      1 C1:001577070113057 C2:uddduuududddudd M:4/4   K:C            H:L      T:The Banks of the Roses (x)
ABC      1 C1:000003060000020 C2:ududdduuddudddd M:6/4   K:E            H:L      T:The Banks of the Roses (y)
ABC      1 C1:000003060000020 C2:ududdduuddudddd M:6/4   K:E            H:L      T:The Banks of the Roses (y)
ABC      1 C1:000003060000020 C2:ududdduuddudddd M:6/4   K:E            H:L      T:The Banks of the Roses (y)
ABC    123 C1:001771660411006 C2:uddudduuuduuddd M:3/4   K:D            H:CLR    T:The Banks of the Scantic
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:3/8   K:G            H:LQRSZ  T:The Banks of the Shannon [1]
ABC 491030 C1:122075201760211 C2:uuuuddduuuddduu M:3/8   K:G            H:BLSYZ  T:BANKS OF THE SHANNON, The
ABC  29002 C1:122066201751211 C2:uuuuddduuuddduu M:3/8   K:A            H:BCLQ   T:BANKS OF THE SHANNON, The
ABC   4201 C1:117761151767000 C2:uuddduududdduuu M:C|    K:D            H:BCLQR  T:BANKS OF THE SHANNON, The
ABC    310 C1:122075201760211 C2:uuuuddduuuddduu M:3/8   K:G            H:BLZ    T:The Banks Of The Shannon
ABC    310 C1:122075201760211 C2:uuuuddduuuddduu M:3/8   K:G            H:BLZ    T:The Banks Of The Shannon
ABC    310 C1:122075201760211 C2:uuuuddduuuddduu M:3/8   K:G            H:BLZ    T:The Banks Of The Shannon
ABC    310 C1:122075201760211 C2:uuuuddduuuddduu M:3/8   K:G            H:BLZ    T:THE BANKS OF THE SHANNON
ABC    310 C1:122075201760211 C2:uuuuddduuuddduu M:3/8   K:G            H:BLZ    T:THE BANKS OF THE SHANNON
ABC    310 C1:122075201760211 C2:uuuuddduuuddduu M:3/8   K:G            H:BLOQRZbs T:The Banks of the Shannon
ABC    310 C1:122075201760211 C2:uuuuddduuuddduu M:3/8   K:G            H:BLOQRZbs T:The Banks of the Shannon
ABC    310 C1:122075201760211 C2:uuuuddduuuddduu M:3/8   K:G            H:BLOQRZbs T:The Banks of the Shannon
ABC    310 C1:122075201760211 C2:uuuuddduuuddduu M:3/8   K:G            H:BLOQRZbs T:The Banks of the Shannon
ABC    310 C1:122075201760211 C2:uuuuddduuuddduu M:3/8   K:G            H:BLOQRZbs T:The Banks of the Shannon
ABC    310 C1:122075201760211 C2:uuuuddduuuddduu M:3/8   K:G            H:BLOQRZbs T:The Banks of the Shannon
ABC    310 C1:122075201760211 C2:uuuuddduuuddduu M:3/8   K:G            H:BLOQRZbs T:The Banks of the Shannon
ABC    310 C1:122075201760211 C2:uuuuddduuuddduu M:3/8   K:G            H:BLOQRZbs T:The Banks of the Shannon
ABC     11 C1:170666170042170 C2:udddduduuuudddd M:6/8   K:G            H:BFLZ   T:the Banks of the Shannon
ABC   4201 C1:117761151767000 C2:uuddduududdduuu M:C|    K:D            H:BCLQR  T:BANKS OF THE SHANNON, The
ABC   4201 C1:117761151767000 C2:uuddduududdduuu M:C|    K:D            H:BCLQR  T:BANKS OF THE SHANNON, The
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:3/8   K:Eb           H:BLQRZ  T:Banks of the Shannon, The
ABC     11 C1:170666170042170 C2:udddduduuuudddd M:6/8   K:G            H:BFLZ   T:The Banks of the Shannon
ABC     11 C1:170666170042170 C2:udddduduuuudddd M:6/8   K:G            H:BFLZ   T:The Banks of the Shannon
ABC     11 C1:170666170042170 C2:udddduduuuudddd M:6/8   K:G            H:BFLZ   T:The Banks of the Shannon
ABC     11 C1:170666170042170 C2:udddduduuuudddd M:6/8   K:G            H:BFLZ   T:The Banks of the Shannon
ABC     11 C1:170666170042170 C2:udddduduuuudddd M:6/8   K:G            H:BFLZ   T:The Banks of the Shannon
ABC    310 C1:122075201760211 C2:uuuuddduuuddduu M:3/8   K:G            H:BLZ    T:THE BANKS OF THE SHANNON
ABC    374 C1:005117001677676 C2:duududddddduuuu M:6/8   K:Dmix         H:DLRZ   T:Banks of the Shannon, The
ABC    374 C1:005117001677676 C2:duududddddduuuu M:6/8   K:Dmix         H:DLRZ   T:Banks of the Shannon, The
ABC      1 C1:712272776624116 C2:duuududddduduud M:      K:Fmaj         H:LR     T:The Banks Of The Shannon
ABC      2 C1:111712272776624 C2:uuuduuududdddud M:      K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:The Banks Of The Shannon
ABC    580 C1:716001175117006 C2:duuuudduudduddd M:6/8   K:D            H:LRSZ   T:Banks of the Shannon
ABC    188 C1:006001005117001 C2:uuduududddddduu M:6/8   K:D            H:DRZ    T:Banks of the Shannon, The
ABC    188 C1:006001005117001 C2:uuduududddddduu M:6/8   K:D            H:DRZ    T:Banks of the Shannon, The
ABC    940 C1:006001005117001 C2:uuduududddddduu M:6/8   K:D            H:DRZ    T:Banks of the Shannon, The
ABC  29002 C1:122066201751211 C2:uuuuddduuuddduu M:3/8   K:A            H:BCLQ   T:BANKS OF THE SHANNON, The
ABC  29002 C1:122066201751211 C2:uuuuddduuuddduu M:3/8   K:A            H:BCLQ   T:BANKS OF THE SHANNON, The
ABC     20 C1:716001175117006 C2:duuuudduudduddd M:6/8   K:D            H:LRSZ   T:Banks of the Shannon
ABC    188 C1:006001005117001 C2:uuduududddddduu M:6/8   K:D            H:DRZ    T:Banks of the Shannon, The
ABC   1149 C1:005117001677676 C2:duududddddduuuu M:6/8   K:Dmix         H:DLRZ   T:Banks of the Shannon, The
ABC 491030 C1:122075201760211 C2:uuuuddduuuddduu M:3/8   K:G            H:BLSYZ  T:BANKS OF THE SHANNON, The
ABC 491030 C1:122075201760211 C2:uuuuddduuuddduu M:3/8   K:G            H:BLSYZ  T:BANKS OF THE SHANNON, The
ABC    310 C1:122075201760211 C2:uuuuddduuuddduu M:3/8   K:G            H:BLZ    T:THE BANKS OF THE SHANNON
ABC    374 C1:005117001677676 C2:duududddddduuuu M:6/8   K:Dmix         H:DLRZ   T:Banks of the Shannon, The
ABC   1149 C1:005117001677676 C2:duududddddduuuu M:6/8   K:Dmix         H:DLRZ   T:Banks of the Shannon, The
ABC   1149 C1:005117001677676 C2:duududddddduuuu M:6/8   K:Dmix         H:DLRZ   T:Banks of the Shannon, The
ABC   1149 C1:005117001677676 C2:duududddddduuuu M:6/8   K:Dmix         H:DLRZ   T:Banks of the Shannon, The
ABC    127 C1:005117001677676 C2:duududddddduuuu M:6/8   K:Dmix         H:DLORZ  T:Banks of the Shannon, The
ABC    310 C1:122075201760211 C2:uuuuddduuuddduu M:3/8   K:G            H:BLZ    T:The Banks Of The Shannon
ABC    310 C1:122075201760211 C2:uuuuddduuuddduu M:3/8   K:G            H:BLZ    T:The Banks Of The Shannon
ABC      1 C1:006711005117001 C2:uduuduududddddd M:6/8   K:D            H:CLR    T:Banks of the Shannon (The)
ABC 209080 C1:051025000663025 C2:duuddduududdduu M:6/8   K:D            H:"FGLRZ T:Banks of the Sicily
ABC 209080 C1:                C2:                M:6/8   K:D            H:FGLRZ  T:Banks of the Sicily
ABC    836 C1:301711277777002 C2:uuduuuddddduduu M:4/4   K:C            H:"CILRWZ T:Banks of The Spey, The
ABC    836 C1:301711277777002 C2:uuduuuddddduduu M:4/4   K:C            H:"CILRWZ T:Banks of The Spey, The
ABC    836 C1:301711277777002 C2:uuduuuddddduduu M:4/4   K:C            H:"CILRWZ T:Banks of The Spey, The
ABC    836 C1:301711277777002 C2:uuduuuddddduduu M:4/4   K:C            H:"CILRWZ T:Banks of The Spey, The
ABC 534002 C1:030007067760071 C2:udddddduuuuuddu M:3/4   K:A            H:BCLY   T:BANKS OF THE SUIR (1), The
ABC 534002 C1:030007067760071 C2:udddddduuuuuddu M:3/4   K:A            H:BCLY   T:BANKS OF THE SUIR (1), The
ABC 534002 C1:030007067760071 C2:udddddduuuuuddu M:3/4   K:A            H:BCLY   T:BANKS OF THE SUIR (1), The
ABC      3 C1:030007067760071 C2:udddddduuuuuddu M:3/4   K:A            H:BFLZ   T:Banks of the Suir 1, The
ABC      3 C1:030007067760071 C2:udddddduuuuuddu M:3/4   K:A            H:BFLZ   T:Banks of the Suir 1, The
ABC 534003 C1:030701030105070 C2:udududduuuudddd M:3/4   K:G            H:BCLY   T:BANKS OF THE SUIR (2), The
ABC    517 C1:110300710706770 C2:uuududdddduuuud M:3/4   K:G            H:BLOQRZbs T:the Banks of the Suir #2
ABC    517 C1:110300710706770 C2:uuududdddduuuud M:3/4   K:G            H:BLOQRZbs T:the Banks of the Suir #2
ABC    517 C1:110300710706770 C2:uuududdddduuuud M:3/4   K:G            H:BLOQRZbs T:the Banks of the Suir #2
ABC    517 C1:110300710706770 C2:uuududdddduuuud M:3/4   K:G            H:BLOQRZbs T:the Banks of the Suir #2
ABC 534003 C1:030701030105070 C2:udududduuuudddd M:3/4   K:G            H:BCLY   T:BANKS OF THE SUIR (2), The
ABC 534003 C1:030701030105070 C2:udududduuuudddd M:3/4   K:G            H:BCLY   T:BANKS OF THE SUIR (2), The
ABC      4 C1:030701030105070 C2:udududduuuudddd M:3/4   K:G            H:BFLQZ  T:Banks of the Suir 2, The
ABC      4 C1:030701030105070 C2:udududduuuudddd M:3/4   K:G            H:BFLQZ  T:Banks of the Suir 2, The
ABC 491031 C1:030071070677060 C2:ududdddduuuuddu M:3/4   K:G            H:BLSYZ  T:BANKS OF THE SUIR, The
ABC    517 C1:030071070677060 C2:ududdddduuuuddu M:3/4   K:G            H:BLZ    T:The Banks of the Suir
ABC    517 C1:030071070677060 C2:ududdddduuuuddu M:3/4   K:G            H:BLZ    T:The Banks of the Suir
ABC    517 C1:030071070677060 C2:ududdddduuuuddu M:3/4   K:G            H:BLZ    T:The Banks of the Suir
ABC    517 C1:030071070677060 C2:ududdddduuuuddu M:3/4   K:G            H:BLZ    T:The Banks of the Suir
ABC    517 C1:030071070677060 C2:ududdddduuuuddu M:3/4   K:G            H:BLOQRZbs T:the Banks of the Suir
ABC    517 C1:030071070677060 C2:ududdddduuuuddu M:3/4   K:G            H:BLOQRZbs T:the Banks of the Suir
ABC    517 C1:030071070677060 C2:ududdddduuuuddu M:3/4   K:G            H:BLOQRZbs T:the Banks of the Suir
ABC    517 C1:030071070677060 C2:ududdddduuuuddu M:3/4   K:G            H:BLOQRZbs T:the Banks of the Suir
ABC    517 C1:030071070677060 C2:ududdddduuuuddu M:3/4   K:G            H:BLOQRZbs T:the Banks of the Suir
ABC    517 C1:030071070677060 C2:ududdddduuuuddu M:3/4   K:G            H:BLOQRZbs T:the Banks of the Suir
ABC    517 C1:030071070677060 C2:ududdddduuuuddu M:3/4   K:G            H:BLOQRZbs T:the Banks of the Suir
ABC    517 C1:030071070677060 C2:ududdddduuuuddu M:3/4   K:G            H:BLOQRZbs T:the Banks of the Suir
ABC      1 C1:300717400107670 C2:ududduudddduuuu M:3/4   K:G            H:"L     T:Banks of the Suir
ABC    517 C1:030071070677060 C2:ududdddduuuuddu M:3/4   K:G            H:BLOQRZbs T:the Banks of the Suir
ABC    517 C1:030071070677060 C2:ududdddduuuuddu M:3/4   K:G            H:BLOQRZbs T:the Banks of the Suir
ABC    517 C1:030071070677060 C2:ududdddduuuuddu M:3/4   K:G            H:BLOQRZbs T:the Banks of the Suir
ABC    517 C1:030071070677060 C2:ududdddduuuuddu M:3/4   K:G            H:BLOQRZbs T:the Banks of the Suir
ABC     28 C1:307174000176070 C2:ududdudduduuuud M:3/4   K:G            H:DLQRZ  T:Banks Of The Suir, The
ABC     28 C1:307174000176070 C2:ududdudduduuuud M:3/4   K:G            H:DLQRZ  T:Banks Of The Suir, The
ABC    517 C1:030071070677060 C2:ududdddduuuuddu M:3/4   K:G            H:BLZ    T:The Banks of the Suir
ABC      2 C1:030007067760071 C2:udddddduuuuuddu M:      K:Fmaj         H:LR     T:The Banks Of The Suir
ABC      3 C1:011200067710700 C2:uuudddudduuuuud M:      K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:The Banks Of The Suir
ABC      4 C1:110307770601760 C2:uuudddduddduuuu M:      K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:The Banks Of The Suir
ABC      1 C1:030071070677060 C2:ududdddduuuuddu M:      K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:The Banks Of The Suir
ABC 491031 C1:030071070677060 C2:ududdddduuuuddu M:3/4   K:G            H:BLSYZ  T:BANKS OF THE SUIR, The
ABC 491031 C1:030071070677060 C2:ududdddduuuuddu M:3/4   K:G            H:BLSYZ  T:BANKS OF THE SUIR, The
ABC    517 C1:030071070677060 C2:ududdddduuuuddu M:3/4   K:G            H:BLZ    T:The Banks of the Suir
ABC    517 C1:030071070677060 C2:ududdddduuuuddu M:3/4   K:G            H:BLZ    T:The Banks of the Suir
ABC    517 C1:030071070677060 C2:ududdddduuuuddu M:3/4   K:G            H:BLZ    T:The Banks of the Suir
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:3/4   K:G            H:BLQRZ  T:Banks of the Sur [1]
ABC      1 C1:020000070601777 C2:udduddddududuuu M:4/4   K:G            H:"L     T:Banks of the Swale
ABC      1 C1:050300001206060 C2:duuuuddduuuuddd M:5/4   K:F            H:BFLSVZw T:The Banks of the Sweet Primroses
ABC      1 C1:050300001206060 C2:duuuuddduuuuddd M:5/4   K:F            H:BFLSVWZw T:The Banks of the Sweet Primroses
ABC      1 C1:511111127777166 C2:duuuuuuuddddudd M:6/8   K:G            H:LOR    T:Banks of the Swere
ABC      1 C1:715660223717006 C2:duddduuududdddd M:      K:Dmaj         H:LR     T:The Banks Of The Tar
ABC     32 C1:002240566022403 C2:uuuududdduuuudu M:2/4   K:G            H:ALQRSZ T:The Banks of the Usk
ABC     32 C1:002240566022403 C2:uuuududdduuuudu M:2/4   K:G            H:ALQRSZ T:The Banks of the Usk
ABC     32 C1:002240566022403 C2:uuuududdduuuudu M:2/4   K:G            H:ALQRSZ T:The Banks of the Usk
ABC   0968 C1:023056625016111 C2:uuddddududduuuu M:3/8   K:G            H:ILQZ   T:Banks of the Yarrow.
ABC   0968 C1:023056625016111 C2:uuddddududduuuu M:3/8   K:G            H:ILQZ   T:Banks of the Yarrow.
ABC   0968 C1:023056625016111 C2:uuddddududduuuu M:3/8   K:G            H:ILQZ   T:Banks of the Yarrow.
ABC   0968 C1:023056625016111 C2:uuddddududduuuu M:3/8   K:G            H:ILQZ   T:Banks of the Yarrow.
ABC   0968 C1:023056625016111 C2:uuddddududduuuu M:3/8   K:G            H:ILQZ   T:Banks of the Yarrow.
ABC   0968 C1:023056625016111 C2:uuddddududduuuu M:3/8   K:G            H:ILQZ   T:Banks of the Yarrow.
ABC   0968 C1:023056625016111 C2:uuddddududduuuu M:3/8   K:G            H:ILQZ   T:Banks of the Yarrow.
ABC   0968 C1:023056625016111 C2:uuddddududduuuu M:3/8   K:G            H:ILQZ   T:Banks of the Yarrow.
ABC   0968 C1:023056625016111 C2:uuddddududduuuu M:3/8   K:G            H:ILQZ   T:Banks of the Yarrow.
ABC      1 C1:000000030007001 C2:ddudduddddduuud M:3/4   K:D            H:DLRSZ  T:The Banks of tSulán
ABC    015 C1:507760112661173 C2:dddduuudduuduud M:2/4   K:A            H:BFLZ   T:Banks of Tweed
ABC    015 C1:507760112661173 C2:dddduuudduuduud M:2/4   K:A            H:BFLZ   T:Banks of Tweed
ABC  21501 C1:020203007707170 C2:uuuddduddduuudd M:3/4   K:D            H:BCLSZ  T:the BANKS OF TWEED
ABC  21501 C1:020203007707170 C2:uuuddduddduuudd M:3/4   K:D            H:BCLSZ  T:the BANKS OF TWEED
ABC    015 C1:507760112661173 C2:dddduuudduuduud M:2/4   K:A            H:BFLZ   T:Banks of Tweed
ABC    015 C1:507760112661173 C2:dddduuudduuduud M:2/4   K:A            H:BFLZ   T:Banks of Tweed
ABC  21501 C1:020203007707170 C2:uuuddduddduuudd M:3/4   K:D            H:BCLSZ  T:The BANKS OF TWEED
ABC  21501 C1:020203007707170 C2:uuuddduddduuudd M:3/4   K:D            H:BCLSZ  T:The BANKS OF TWEED
ABC  21501 C1:020203007707170 C2:uuuddduddduuudd M:3/4   K:D            H:BCLSZ  T:The BANKS OF TWEED
ABC  21501 C1:020203007707170 C2:uuuddduddduuudd M:3/4   K:D            H:BCLSZ  T:The BANKS OF TWEED
ABC  21501 C1:020203007707170 C2:uuuddduddduuudd M:3/4   K:D            H:BCLSZ  T:The BANKS OF TWEED
ABC  21501 C1:020203007707170 C2:uuuddduddduuudd M:3/4   K:D            H:BCLSZ  T:The BANKS OF TWEED
ABC  21501 C1:020203007707170 C2:uuuddduddduuudd M:3/4   K:D            H:BCLSZ  T:The BANKS OF TWEED
ABC  21501 C1:020203007707170 C2:uuuddduddduuudd M:3/4   K:D            H:BCLSZ  T:The BANKS OF TWEED
ABC  21501 C1:020203007707170 C2:uuuddduddduuudd M:3/4   K:D            H:BCLSZ  T:The BANKS OF TWEED
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:2/4   K:F            H:LS     T:The Banks of Tyne
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:2/4   K:F            H:LS     T:The Banks of Tyne
ABC      1 C1:110621040216000 C2:uuduuuduuduuuuu M:2/4   K:F            H:LS     T:The Banks of Tyne
ABC    170 C1:000201010703010 C2:uuuduuddddddduu M:C|    K:Fm           H:L      T:The Banks O' Newf'n'land
ABC    171 C1:060202300061010 C2:duuuduuuddduddd M:C     K:GMix         H:LQ     T:The Banks O' Newfoundland (Doerflinger)
ABC  20623 C1:030500770616051 C2:duddduduuuududd M:C     K:G            H:BLOSZ  T:the BANKS O' NITH
ABC  20623 C1:030500770616051 C2:duddduduuuududd M:C     K:G            H:BLOSZ  T:the BANKS O' NITH
ABC  20623 C1:030500770616051 C2:duddduduuuududd M:C     K:G            H:BLOSZ  T:The BANKS O' NITH
ABC  20623 C1:030500770616051 C2:duddduduuuududd M:C     K:G            H:BLOSZ  T:The BANKS O' NITH
ABC  20623 C1:030500770616051 C2:duddduduuuududd M:C     K:G            H:BLOSZ  T:The BANKS O' NITH
ABC  20623 C1:030500770616051 C2:duddduduuuududd M:C     K:G            H:BLOSZ  T:The BANKS O' NITH
ABC  20623 C1:030500770616051 C2:duddduduuuududd M:C     K:G            H:BLOSZ  T:The BANKS O' NITH
ABC  20623 C1:030500770616051 C2:duddduduuuududd M:C     K:G            H:BLOSZ  T:The BANKS O' NITH
ABC  20623 C1:030500770616051 C2:duddduduuuududd M:C     K:G            H:BLOSZ  T:The BANKS O' NITH
ABC  20623 C1:030500770616051 C2:duddduduuuududd M:C     K:G            H:BLOSZ  T:The BANKS O' NITH
ABC  20623 C1:030500770616051 C2:duddduduuuududd M:C     K:G            H:BLOSZ  T:The BANKS O' NITH
ABC      1 C1:001605750026713 C2:duudddduduudddu M:2/4   K:F            H:L      T:The Banks o' Skene
ABC      1 C1:712505317126700 C2:duuddduuduudddd M:4/4   K:D            H:L      T:The Banks o' Skene
ABC      1 C1:001605750026713 C2:duudddduduudddu M:2/4   K:F            H:L      T:The Banks o' Skene
ABC      1 C1:001605750026713 C2:duudddduduudddu M:2/4   K:F            H:L      T:The Banks o' Skene
ABC      1 C1:712505317126700 C2:duuddduuduudddd M:4/4   K:D            H:L      T:The Banks o' Skene
ABC      1 C1:712505317126700 C2:duuddduuduudddd M:4/4   K:D            H:L      T:The Banks o' Skene
ABC     45 C1:020002667020002 C2:uuddduuddduuudu M:4/4   K:Eb           H:LRSw   T:Banks (The)
ABC 026123 C1:020002667020002 C2:uuddduuddduuudu M:C|    K:Eb           H:QRSw   T:Banks (The) [hp] % ABC 026123 C1:020002667020002 C2:uuddduuddduuudu M:C|    K:Eb           H:QRSw   T:Banks (The) [hp] % ABC     38 C1:001200005001210 C2:uuuduuuuudduuuu M:C|    K:G            H:BLQSZ  T:Bank ThFife.38, The
ABC   1195 C1:000266226671000 C2:duuudduuudddduu M:4/4   K:G            H:BCLOQZ T:Bannaght lhiat, Kirree beg, my ghraih
ABC     45 C1:000266226671000 C2:duuudduuudddduu M:4/4   K:G            H:CQZ    T:Bannaght lhiat, Kirree beg, my ghraih
ABC    234 C1:047001770177017 C2:ududdudduddudud M:4/4   K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Başın Öne Eğilmesin
ABC    234 C1:047001770177017 C2:ududdudduddudud M:4/4   K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Başın Öne Eğilmesin
ABC    234 C1:047001770177017 C2:ududdudduddudud M:4/4   K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Başın Öne Eğilmesin
ABC    234 C1:047001770177017 C2:ududdudduddudud M:4/4   K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Başın Öne Eğilmesin
ABC    260 C1:011774712671260 C2:uudduduudduuddd M:6/8   K:Edor         H:LRSZ   T:Banner
ABC  62008 C1:011774712671260 C2:uudduduudduuddd M:6/8   K:Em           H:QRZ    T:BANNER JIG, The
ABC  62008 C1:011774712671260 C2:uudduduudduuddd M:6/8   K:Em           H:CQR    T:BANNER JIG, The
ABC  62008 C1:011774712671260 C2:uudduduudduuddd M:6/8   K:Em           H:CQR    T:BANNER JIG, The
ABC 026094 C1:011774712671260 C2:uudduduudduuddd M:6/8   K:Em           H:QRS    T:Banner (jig) % ABC 026094 C1:011774712671260 C2:uudduduudduuddd M:6/8   K:Em           H:QRS    T:Banner (jig) % ABC      1 C1:177723511167003 C2:uddduuduuuddudd M:C|    K:D            H:"BCLQR T:Bannerman's Quadrille
ABC      1 C1:177723511167003 C2:uddduuduuuddudd M:C|    K:D            H:"BCLQR T:Bannerman's Quadrille
ABC      1 C1:177723511167003 C2:uddduuduuuddudd M:C|    K:D            H:BCLRZ  T:Bannerman's Quadrille
ABC      1 C1:177723511167003 C2:uddduuduuuddudd M:C|    K:D            H:BCLRZ  T:Bannerman's Quadrille
ABC      1 C1:177723511167003 C2:uddduuduuuddudd M:C|    K:D            H:BCLRZ  T:Bannerman's Quadrille
ABC      1 C1:177723511167003 C2:uddduuduuuddudd M:C|    K:D            H:BCLRZ  T:Bannerman's Quadrille
ABC      1 C1:177723511167003 C2:uddduuduuuddudd M:C|    K:D            H:BCLRZ  T:Bannerman's Quadrille
ABC     25 C1:177723511167003 C2:uddduuduuuddudd M:C|    K:D            H:BCLRZ  T:Bannerman's Quadrille
ABC      1 C1:177723511167003 C2:uddduuduuuddudd M:C|    K:D            H:BCLRZ  T:Bannerman's Quadrille
ABC  09009 C1:177723511167003 C2:uddduuduuuddudd M:C|    K:D            H:BCLRZ  T:BANNERMAN'S QUADRILLE
ABC  09009 C1:177723511167003 C2:uddduuduuuddudd M:C|    K:D            H:BCLRZ  T:BANNERMAN'S QUADRILLE
ABC  09009 C1:177723511167003 C2:uddduuduuuddudd M:C|    K:D            H:BCLRZ  T:BANNERMAN'S QUADRILLE
ABC  09009 C1:177723511167003 C2:uddduuduuuddudd M:C|    K:D            H:BCLRZ  T:BANNERMAN'S QUADRILLE
ABC  09009 C1:177723511167003 C2:uddduuduuuddudd M:C|    K:D            H:BCLRZ  T:BANNERMAN'S QUADRILLE
ABC  09009 C1:177723511167003 C2:uddduuduuuddudd M:C|    K:D            H:BCLRZ  T:BANNERMAN'S QUADRILLE
ABC  09009 C1:177723511167003 C2:uddduuduuuddudd M:C|    K:D            H:BCLRZ  T:BANNERMAN'S QUADRILLE
ABC  09009 C1:177723511167003 C2:uddduuduuuddudd M:C|    K:D            H:BCLRZ  T:BANNERMAN'S QUADRILLE
ABC  09009 C1:177723511167003 C2:uddduuduuuddudd M:C|    K:D            H:BCLRZ  T:BANNERMAN'S QUADRILLE
ABC  09009 C1:177723511167003 C2:uddduuduuuddudd M:C|    K:D            H:BCLRZ  T:BANNERMAN'S QUADRILLE
ABC  09009 C1:177723511167003 C2:uddduuduuuddudd M:C|    K:D            H:BCLRZ  T:BANNERMAN'S QUADRILLE
ABC  09009 C1:177723511167003 C2:uddduuduuuddudd M:C|    K:D            H:BCLRZ  T:BANNERMAN'S QUADRILLE
ABC    092 C1:711661111007711 C2:duudduuuudduudd M:6/8   K:D            H:BFLZ   T:Banners Cross
ABC    092 C1:711661111007711 C2:duudduuuudduudd M:6/8   K:D            H:BFLZ   T:Banners Cross
ABC    092 C1:711661111007711 C2:duudduuuudduudd M:6/8   K:D            H:BFLZ   T:Banners Cross
ABC    092 C1:711661111007711 C2:duudduuuudduudd M:6/8   K:D            H:BFLZ   T:Banners Cross
ABC 026094 C1:011774712671260 C2:uudduduudduuddd M:6/8   K:Em           H:QRS    T:Banner (The) % ABC 026094 C1:011774712671260 C2:uudduduudduuddd M:6/8   K:Em           H:QRS    T:Banner (The) % ABC     04 C1:170772000026177 C2:uddduududduuuud M:6/8   K:C            H:"BCLRZ T:the Bannet Stane
ABC     04 C1:170772000026177 C2:uddduududduuuud M:6/8   K:C            H:"BCLRZ T:the Bannet Stane
ABC     04 C1:170772000026177 C2:uddduududduuuud M:6/8   K:C            H:"BCLRZ T:the Bannet Stane
ABC     04 C1:170772000026177 C2:uddduududduuuud M:6/8   K:C            H:"BCLRZ T:the Bannet Stane
ABC     04 C1:170772000026177 C2:uddduududduuuud M:6/8   K:C            H:"BCLRZ T:the Bannet Stane
ABC     04 C1:170772000026177 C2:uddduududduuuud M:6/8   K:C            H:"BCLRZ T:the Bannet Stane
ABC    041 C1:170772000026177 C2:uddduududduuuud M:6/8   K:C            H:"BCLRZ T:the Bannet Stane
ABC    041 C1:170772000026177 C2:uddduududduuuud M:6/8   K:C            H:"BCLRZ T:the Bannet Stane
ABC      1 C1:170772000026177 C2:uddduududduuuud M:6/8   K:C            H:"BCLRZ T:the Bannet Stane
ABC      1 C1:170772000026177 C2:uddduududduuuud M:6/8   K:C            H:"BCLRZ T:the Bannet Stane
ABC    041 C1:170772000026177 C2:uddduududduuuud M:6/8   K:C            H:"BCLRZ T:The Bannet Stane
ABC    041 C1:170772000026177 C2:uddduududduuuud M:6/8   K:C            H:"BCLRZ T:The Bannet Stane
ABC     04 C1:170772000026177 C2:uddduududduuuud M:6/8   K:C            H:"BCLRZ T:The Bannet Stane
ABC      1 C1:170772000026177 C2:uddduududduuuud M:6/8   K:C            H:"BCLRZ T:The Bannet Stane
ABC    041 C1:170772000026177 C2:uddduududduuuud M:6/8   K:C            H:"BCLRZ T:The Bannet Stane
ABC     04 C1:170772000026177 C2:uddduududduuuud M:6/8   K:C            H:"BCLRZ T:The Bannet Stane
ABC      1 C1:170772000026177 C2:uddduududduuuud M:6/8   K:C            H:"BCLRZ T:The Bannet Stane
ABC    041 C1:170772000026177 C2:uddduududduuuud M:6/8   K:C            H:"BCLRZ T:The Bannet Stane
ABC    198 C1:170712711661170 C2:udduuduudduuddu M:6/8   K:D            H:LR     T:The Bannfoot Ferry
ABC      1 C1:000003050305000 C2:udududududddduu M:2/4   K:F            H:"LOQZ  T:Bannielou Lambaol
ABC     22 C1:000003050305000 C2:udududududddduu M:2/4   K:F            H:"LOQZ  T:Bannielou Lambaol
ABC     24 C1:000003050305000 C2:udududududddduu M:2/4   K:F            H:"LOQZ  T:Bannielou Lambaol
ABC     33 C1:000003050305000 C2:udududududddduu M:2/4   K:F            H:"LOQZ  T:Bannielou Lambaol
ABC     34 C1:000003050305000 C2:udududududddduu M:2/4   K:F            H:"LOQZ  T:Bannielou Lambaol
ABC     37 C1:000003050305000 C2:udududududddduu M:2/4   K:F            H:"LOQZ  T:Bannielou Lambaol
ABC     38 C1:000003050305000 C2:udududududddduu M:2/4   K:F            H:"LOQZ  T:Bannielou Lambaol
ABC     22 C1:000003050305000 C2:udududududddduu M:2/4   K:F            H:"LOQZ  T:Bannielou Lambaol
ABC     24 C1:000003050305000 C2:udududududddduu M:2/4   K:F            H:"LOQZ  T:Bannielou Lambaol
ABC     33 C1:000003050305000 C2:udududududddduu M:2/4   K:F            H:"LOQZ  T:Bannielou Lambaol
ABC     34 C1:000003050305000 C2:udududududddduu M:2/4   K:F            H:"LOQZ  T:Bannielou Lambaol
ABC     37 C1:000003050305000 C2:udududududddduu M:2/4   K:F            H:"LOQZ  T:Bannielou Lambaol
ABC     38 C1:000003050305000 C2:udududududddduu M:2/4   K:F            H:"LOQZ  T:Bannielou Lambaol
ABC     16 C1:000003050305000 C2:udududududddduu M:2/4   K:F            H:"LOQZ  T:Bannielou Lambaol
ABC     16 C1:000003050305000 C2:udududududddduu M:2/4   K:F            H:"LOQZ  T:Bannielou Lambaol
ABC      7 C1:000003050305000 C2:udududududddduu M:2/4   K:F            H:"LOQZ  T:Bannielou Lambaol
ABC      7 C1:000003050305000 C2:udududududddduu M:2/4   K:F            H:"LOQZ  T:Bannielou Lambaol
ABC     14 C1:000003050305000 C2:udududududddduu M:2/4   K:F            H:"LOQZ  T:Bannielou Lambaol
ABC     16 C1:000003050305000 C2:udududududddduu M:2/4   K:F            H:"LOQZ  T:Bannielou Lambaol
ABC      7 C1:000003050305000 C2:udududududddduu M:2/4   K:F            H:"LOQZ  T:Bannielou Lambaol
ABC      7 C1:000003050305000 C2:udududududddduu M:2/4   K:F            H:"LOQZ  T:Bannielou Lambaol
ABC     34 C1:000003050305000 C2:udududududddduu M:2/4   K:G            H:"ALOQRZ T:Bannielou Lambaol
ABC     14 C1:000003050305000 C2:udududududddduu M:2/4   K:F            H:"LOQZ  T:Bannielou Lambaol
ABC     14 C1:000003050305000 C2:udududududddduu M:2/4   K:F            H:"LOQZ  T:Bannielou Lambaol
ABC     14 C1:000003050305000 C2:udududududddduu M:2/4   K:F            H:"LOQZ  T:Bannielou Lambaol
ABC     15 C1:000003050305000 C2:udududududddduu M:2/4   K:F            H:"LOQZ  T:Bannielou Lambaol
ABC   1150 C1:000003050305000 C2:udududududddduu M:2/4   K:F            H:"LOQZ  T:Bannielou Lambaol
ABC      7 C1:000003050305000 C2:udududududddduu M:2/4   K:F            H:"LOQZ  T:Bannielou Lambaol
ABC      7 C1:000003050305000 C2:udududududddduu M:2/4   K:F            H:"LOQZ  T:Bannielou Lambaol
ABC     14 C1:000003050305000 C2:udududududddduu M:2/4   K:F            H:"LOQZ  T:Bannielou Lambaol
ABC      7 C1:000003050305000 C2:udududududddduu M:2/4   K:F            H:"LOQZ  T:Bannielou Lambaol
ABC     14 C1:000003050305000 C2:udududududddduu M:2/4   K:F            H:"LOQZ  T:Bannielou Lambaol
ABC      7 C1:000003050305000 C2:udududududddduu M:2/4   K:F            H:"LOQZ  T:Bannielou Lambaol
ABC     14 C1:000003050305000 C2:udududududddduu M:2/4   K:F            H:"LOQZ  T:Bannielou Lambaol
ABC     14 C1:000003050305000 C2:udududududddduu M:2/4   K:F            H:"LOQZ  T:Bannielou Lambaol
ABC      7 C1:000003050305000 C2:udududududddduu M:2/4   K:F            H:"LOQZ  T:Bannielou Lambaol
ABC     38 C1:000003050305000 C2:udududududddduu M:2/4   K:F            H:"LOQZ  T:Bannielou Lambaol
ABC     38 C1:000003050305000 C2:udududududddduu M:2/4   K:F            H:"LOQZ  T:Bannielou Lambaol
ABC     38 C1:000003050305000 C2:udududududddduu M:2/4   K:F            H:"LOQZ  T:Bannielou Lambaol
ABC     38 C1:000003050305000 C2:udududududddduu M:2/4   K:F            H:"LOQZ  T:Bannielou Lambaol
ABC    406 C1:000003050305000 C2:udududududddduu M:2/4   K:F            H:"LOQ   T:Bannielou Lambaol
ABC   5551 C1:011100050111000 C2:uuuduuuududdddu M:2/4   K:F            H:"BDLOR T:Bannielou Lambaol
ABC    406 C1:000003050305000 C2:udududududddduu M:2/4   K:F            H:"LOQ   T:Bannielou Lambaol
ABC   5551 C1:011100050111000 C2:uuuduuuududdddu M:2/4   K:F            H:"BDLOR T:Bannielou Lambaol
ABC   1150 C1:000003050305000 C2:udududududddduu M:2/4   K:F            H:"LOQZ  T:Bannielou Lambaol
ABC   1150 C1:000003050305000 C2:udududududddduu M:2/4   K:F            H:"LOQZ  T:Bannielou Lambaol
ABC   1150 C1:000003050305000 C2:udududududddduu M:2/4   K:F            H:"LOQZ  T:Bannielou Lambaol
ABC    926 C1:000003050305000 C2:udududududddduu M:2/4   K:F            H:"LOQZ  T:Bannielou Lambaol
ABC    926 C1:000003050305000 C2:udududududddduu M:2/4   K:F            H:"LOQZ  T:Bannielou Lambaol
ABC    926 C1:000003050305000 C2:udududududddduu M:2/4   K:F            H:"LOQZ  T:Bannielou Lambaol
ABC    926 C1:000003050305000 C2:udududududddduu M:2/4   K:F            H:"LOQZ  T:Bannielou Lambaol
ABC    926 C1:000003050305000 C2:udududududddduu M:2/4   K:F            H:"LOQZ  T:Bannielou Lambaol
ABC      1 C1:011100050111000 C2:uuuduuuududdddu M:2/4   K:A            H:"LOZ   T:Bannielou Lambaol (A)
ABC      3 C1:011100050111000 C2:uuuduuuududdddu M:2/4   K:A            H:"LOZ   T:Bannielou Lambaol (A)
ABC      3 C1:011100050111000 C2:uuuduuuududdddu M:2/4   K:A            H:"LOZ   T:Bannielou Lambaol (A)
ABC      3 C1:011100050111000 C2:uuuduuuududdddu M:2/4   K:A            H:"LOZ   T:Bannielou Lambaol (A)
ABC      3 C1:011100050111000 C2:uuuduuuududdddu M:2/4   K:A            H:"LOZ   T:Bannielou Lambaol (A)
ABC      3 C1:011100050111000 C2:uuuduuuududdddu M:2/4   K:A            H:"LOZ   T:Bannielou Lambaol (A)
ABC      3 C1:011100050111000 C2:uuuduuuududdddu M:2/4   K:A            H:"LOZ   T:Bannielou Lambaol (A)
ABC      3 C1:011100050111000 C2:uuuduuuududdddu M:2/4   K:A            H:"LOZ   T:Bannielou Lambaol (A)
ABC      3 C1:011100050111000 C2:uuuduuuududdddu M:2/4   K:A            H:"LOZ   T:Bannielou Lambaol (A)
ABC      3 C1:011100050111000 C2:uuuduuuududdddu M:2/4   K:A            H:"LOZ   T:Bannielou Lambaol (A)
ABC      3 C1:011100050111000 C2:uuuduuuududdddu M:2/4   K:A            H:"LOZ   T:Bannielou Lambaol (A)
ABC      3 C1:011100050111000 C2:uuuduuuududdddu M:2/4   K:A            H:"LOZ   T:Bannielou Lambaol (A)
ABC      3 C1:011100050111000 C2:uuuduuuududdddu M:2/4   K:A            H:"LOZ   T:Bannielou Lambaol (A)
ABC      3 C1:011100050111000 C2:uuuduuuududdddu M:2/4   K:A            H:"LOZ   T:Bannielou Lambaol (A)
ABC      3 C1:011100050111000 C2:uuuduuuududdddu M:2/4   K:A            H:"LOZ   T:Bannielou Lambaol (A)
ABC      3 C1:011100050111000 C2:uuuduuuududdddu M:2/4   K:A            H:"LOZ   T:Bannielou Lambaol (A)
ABC      3 C1:011100050111000 C2:uuuduuuududdddu M:2/4   K:A            H:"LOZ   T:Bannielou Lambaol (A)
ABC      3 C1:011100050111000 C2:uuuduuuududdddu M:2/4   K:A            H:"LOZ   T:Bannielou Lambaol (A)
ABC      3 C1:011100050111000 C2:uuuduuuududdddu M:2/4   K:A            H:"LOZ   T:Bannielou Lambaol (A)
ABC      3 C1:011100050111000 C2:uuuduuuududdddu M:2/4   K:A            H:"LOZ   T:Bannielou Lambaol (A)
ABC      3 C1:011100050111000 C2:uuuduuuududdddu M:2/4   K:A            H:"LOZ   T:Bannielou Lambaol (A)
ABC      3 C1:011100050111000 C2:uuuduuuududdddu M:2/4   K:A            H:"LOZ   T:Bannielou Lambaol (A)
ABC      3 C1:011100050111000 C2:uuuduuuududdddu M:2/4   K:A            H:"LOZ   T:Bannielou Lambaol (A)
ABC      3 C1:011100050111000 C2:uuuduuuududdddu M:2/4   K:A            H:"LOZ   T:Bannielou Lambaol (A)
ABC      3 C1:011100050111000 C2:uuuduuuududdddu M:2/4   K:A            H:"LOZ   T:Bannielou Lambaol (A)
ABC      3 C1:011100050111000 C2:uuuduuuududdddu M:2/4   K:A            H:"LOZ   T:Bannielou Lambaol (A)
ABC      3 C1:011100050111000 C2:uuuduuuududdddu M:2/4   K:A            H:"LOZ   T:Bannielou Lambaol (A)
ABC      3 C1:011100050111000 C2:uuuduuuududdddu M:2/4   K:A            H:"LOZ   T:Bannielou Lambaol (A)
ABC      3 C1:011100050111000 C2:uuuduuuududdddu M:2/4   K:A            H:"LOZ   T:Bannielou Lambaol (A)
ABC      3 C1:011100050111000 C2:uuuduuuududdddu M:2/4   K:A            H:"LOZ   T:Bannielou Lambaol (A)
ABC      3 C1:011100050111000 C2:uuuduuuududdddu M:2/4   K:A            H:"LOZ   T:Bannielou Lambaol (A)
ABC      3 C1:011100050111000 C2:uuuduuuududdddu M:2/4   K:A            H:"LOZ   T:Bannielou Lambaol (A)
ABC      3 C1:011100050111000 C2:uuuduuuududdddu M:2/4   K:A            H:"LOZ   T:Bannielou Lambaol (A)
ABC      1 C1:011100050111000 C2:uuuduuuududdddu M:2/4   K:F            H:"LOZ   T:Bannielou Lambaol (F)
ABC      1 C1:011100050111000 C2:uuuduuuududdddu M:2/4   K:F            H:"LOZ   T:Bannielou Lambaol (F)
ABC      1 C1:011100050111000 C2:uuuduuuududdddu M:2/4   K:F            H:"LOZ   T:Bannielou Lambaol (F)
ABC      1 C1:011100050111000 C2:uuuduuuududdddu M:2/4   K:F            H:"LOZ   T:Bannielou Lambaol (F)
ABC      1 C1:011100050111000 C2:uuuduuuududdddu M:2/4   K:F            H:"LOZ   T:Bannielou Lambaol (F)
ABC      1 C1:011100050111000 C2:uuuduuuududdddu M:2/4   K:F            H:"LOZ   T:Bannielou Lambaol (F)
ABC      1 C1:011100050111000 C2:uuuduuuududdddu M:2/4   K:F            H:"LOZ   T:Bannielou Lambaol (F)
ABC      1 C1:011100050111000 C2:uuuduuuududdddu M:2/4   K:F            H:"LOZ   T:Bannielou Lambaol (F)
ABC      1 C1:011100050111000 C2:uuuduuuududdddu M:2/4   K:F            H:"LOZ   T:Bannielou Lambaol (F)
ABC      1 C1:011100050111000 C2:uuuduuuududdddu M:2/4   K:F            H:"LOZ   T:Bannielou Lambaol (F)
ABC      1 C1:011100050111000 C2:uuuduuuududdddu M:2/4   K:F            H:"LOZ   T:Bannielou Lambaol (F)
ABC      1 C1:011100050111000 C2:uuuduuuududdddu M:2/4   K:F            H:"LOZ   T:Bannielou Lambaol (F)
ABC      1 C1:011100050111000 C2:uuuduuuududdddu M:2/4   K:F            H:"LOZ   T:Bannielou Lambaol (F)
ABC      1 C1:011100050111000 C2:uuuduuuududdddu M:2/4   K:F            H:"LOZ   T:Bannielou Lambaol (F)
ABC      1 C1:011100050111000 C2:uuuduuuududdddu M:2/4   K:F            H:"LOZ   T:Bannielou Lambaol (F)
ABC      1 C1:011100050111000 C2:uuuduuuududdddu M:2/4   K:F            H:"LOZ   T:Bannielou Lambaol (F)
ABC      1 C1:011100050111000 C2:uuuduuuududdddu M:2/4   K:F            H:"LOZ   T:Bannielou Lambaol (F)
ABC      1 C1:011100050111000 C2:uuuduuuududdddu M:2/4   K:F            H:"LOZ   T:Bannielou Lambaol (F)
ABC      1 C1:011100050111000 C2:uuuduuuududdddu M:2/4   K:F            H:"LOZ   T:Bannielou Lambaol (F)
ABC      1 C1:011100050111000 C2:uuuduuuududdddu M:2/4   K:F            H:"LOZ   T:Bannielou Lambaol (F)
ABC      1 C1:011100050111000 C2:uuuduuuududdddu M:2/4   K:F            H:"LOZ   T:Bannielou Lambaol (F)
ABC      1 C1:011100050111000 C2:uuuduuuududdddu M:2/4   K:F            H:"LOZ   T:Bannielou Lambaol (F)
ABC      1 C1:011100050111000 C2:uuuduuuududdddu M:2/4   K:F            H:"LOZ   T:Bannielou Lambaol (F)
ABC      1 C1:011100050111000 C2:uuuduuuududdddu M:2/4   K:F            H:"LOZ   T:Bannielou Lambaol (F)
ABC      1 C1:011100050111000 C2:uuuduuuududdddu M:2/4   K:F            H:"LOZ   T:Bannielou Lambaol (F)
ABC      1 C1:011100050111000 C2:uuuduuuududdddu M:2/4   K:F            H:"LOZ   T:Bannielou Lambaol (F)
ABC      1 C1:011100050111000 C2:uuuduuuududdddu M:2/4   K:F            H:"LOZ   T:Bannielou Lambaol (F)
ABC      1 C1:011100050111000 C2:uuuduuuududdddu M:2/4   K:F            H:"LOZ   T:Bannielou Lambaol (F)
ABC      1 C1:011100050111000 C2:uuuduuuududdddu M:2/4   K:F            H:"LOZ   T:Bannielou Lambaol (F)
ABC      1 C1:011100050111000 C2:uuuduuuududdddu M:2/4   K:F            H:"LOZ   T:Bannielou Lambaol (F)
ABC      1 C1:011100050111000 C2:uuuduuuududdddu M:2/4   K:F            H:"LOZ   T:Bannielou Lambaol (F)
ABC      1 C1:011100050111000 C2:uuuduuuududdddu M:2/4   K:F            H:"LOZ   T:Bannielou Lambaol (F)
ABC      1 C1:011100050111000 C2:uuuduuuududdddu M:2/4   K:F            H:"LOZ   T:Bannielou Lambaol (F)
ABC      1 C1:011100050111000 C2:uuuduuuududdddu M:2/4   K:G            H:"LOZ   T:Bannielou Lambaol (G)
ABC      2 C1:011100050111000 C2:uuuduuuududdddu M:2/4   K:G            H:"LOZ   T:Bannielou Lambaol (G)
ABC      2 C1:011100050111000 C2:uuuduuuududdddu M:2/4   K:G            H:"LOZ   T:Bannielou Lambaol (G)
ABC      2 C1:011100050111000 C2:uuuduuuududdddu M:2/4   K:G            H:"LOZ   T:Bannielou Lambaol (G)
ABC      2 C1:011100050111000 C2:uuuduuuududdddu M:2/4   K:G            H:"LOZ   T:Bannielou Lambaol (G)
ABC      2 C1:011100050111000 C2:uuuduuuududdddu M:2/4   K:G            H:"LOZ   T:Bannielou Lambaol (G)
ABC      2 C1:011100050111000 C2:uuuduuuududdddu M:2/4   K:G            H:"LOZ   T:Bannielou Lambaol (G)
ABC      2 C1:011100050111000 C2:uuuduuuududdddu M:2/4   K:G            H:"LOZ   T:Bannielou Lambaol (G)
ABC      2 C1:011100050111000 C2:uuuduuuududdddu M:2/4   K:G            H:"LOZ   T:Bannielou Lambaol (G)
ABC      2 C1:011100050111000 C2:uuuduuuududdddu M:2/4   K:G            H:"LOZ   T:Bannielou Lambaol (G)
ABC      2 C1:011100050111000 C2:uuuduuuududdddu M:2/4   K:G            H:"LOZ   T:Bannielou Lambaol (G)
ABC      2 C1:011100050111000 C2:uuuduuuududdddu M:2/4   K:G            H:"LOZ   T:Bannielou Lambaol (G)
ABC      2 C1:011100050111000 C2:uuuduuuududdddu M:2/4   K:G            H:"LOZ   T:Bannielou Lambaol (G)
ABC      2 C1:011100050111000 C2:uuuduuuududdddu M:2/4   K:G            H:"LOZ   T:Bannielou Lambaol (G)
ABC      2 C1:011100050111000 C2:uuuduuuududdddu M:2/4   K:G            H:"LOZ   T:Bannielou Lambaol (G)
ABC      2 C1:011100050111000 C2:uuuduuuududdddu M:2/4   K:G            H:"LOZ   T:Bannielou Lambaol (G)
ABC      2 C1:011100050111000 C2:uuuduuuududdddu M:2/4   K:G            H:"LOZ   T:Bannielou Lambaol (G)
ABC      2 C1:011100050111000 C2:uuuduuuududdddu M:2/4   K:G            H:"LOZ   T:Bannielou Lambaol (G)
ABC      2 C1:011100050111000 C2:uuuduuuududdddu M:2/4   K:G            H:"LOZ   T:Bannielou Lambaol (G)
ABC      2 C1:011100050111000 C2:uuuduuuududdddu M:2/4   K:G            H:"LOZ   T:Bannielou Lambaol (G)
ABC      2 C1:011100050111000 C2:uuuduuuududdddu M:2/4   K:G            H:"LOZ   T:Bannielou Lambaol (G)
ABC      2 C1:011100050111000 C2:uuuduuuududdddu M:2/4   K:G            H:"LOZ   T:Bannielou Lambaol (G)
ABC      2 C1:011100050111000 C2:uuuduuuududdddu M:2/4   K:G            H:"LOZ   T:Bannielou Lambaol (G)
ABC      2 C1:011100050111000 C2:uuuduuuududdddu M:2/4   K:G            H:"LOZ   T:Bannielou Lambaol (G)
ABC      2 C1:011100050111000 C2:uuuduuuududdddu M:2/4   K:G            H:"LOZ   T:Bannielou Lambaol (G)
ABC      2 C1:011100050111000 C2:uuuduuuududdddu M:2/4   K:G            H:"LOZ   T:Bannielou Lambaol (G)
ABC      2 C1:011100050111000 C2:uuuduuuududdddu M:2/4   K:G            H:"LOZ   T:Bannielou Lambaol (G)
ABC      2 C1:011100050111000 C2:uuuduuuududdddu M:2/4   K:G            H:"LOZ   T:Bannielou Lambaol (G)
ABC      2 C1:011100050111000 C2:uuuduuuududdddu M:2/4   K:G            H:"LOZ   T:Bannielou Lambaol (G)
ABC      2 C1:011100050111000 C2:uuuduuuududdddu M:2/4   K:G            H:"LOZ   T:Bannielou Lambaol (G)
ABC      2 C1:011100050111000 C2:uuuduuuududdddu M:2/4   K:G            H:"LOZ   T:Bannielou Lambaol (G)
ABC      2 C1:011100050111000 C2:uuuduuuududdddu M:2/4   K:G            H:"LOZ   T:Bannielou Lambaol (G)
ABC      2 C1:011100050111000 C2:uuuduuuududdddu M:2/4   K:G            H:"LOZ   T:Bannielou Lambaol (G)
ABC     18 C1:600260063267777 C2:dudududduuudddd M:2/4   K:F            H:BFLZ   T:Bannister's Budget
ABC     18 C1:600260063267777 C2:dudududduuudddd M:2/4   K:F            H:BLZ    T:Bannister's Budget
ABC     18 C1:600260063267777 C2:dudududduuudddd M:2/4   K:F            H:BLZ    T:Bannister's Budget
ABC     18 C1:600260063267777 C2:dudududduuudddd M:2/4   K:F            H:BLZ    T:Bannister's Budget
ABC     18 C1:600260063267777 C2:dudududduuudddd M:2/4   K:F            H:BLZ    T:Bannister's Budget
ABC     18 C1:600260063267777 C2:dudududduuudddd M:2/4   K:F            H:BLZ    T:Bannister's Budget
ABC     18 C1:600260063267777 C2:dudududduuudddd M:2/4   K:F            H:BLZ    T:Bannister's Budget
ABC     18 C1:600260063267777 C2:dudududduuudddd M:2/4   K:F            H:BLZ    T:Bannister's Budget
ABC     18 C1:600260063267777 C2:dudududduuudddd M:2/4   K:F            H:BFLZ   T:Bannister's Budget
ABC     18 C1:600260063267777 C2:dudududduuudddd M:2/4   K:F            H:BFLZ   T:Bannister's Budget
ABC     18 C1:600260063267777 C2:dudududduuudddd M:2/4   K:F            H:BFLZ   T:Bannister's Budget
ABC     18 C1:600260063267777 C2:dudududduuudddd M:2/4   K:F            H:BFLZ   T:Bannister's Budget
ABC     18 C1:600260063267777 C2:dudududduuudddd M:2/4   K:F            H:BFLZ   T:Bannister's Budget
ABC     18 C1:600260063267777 C2:dudududduuudddd M:2/4   K:F            H:ABLQZ  T:Bannister's Budget. (p)G1808.18
ABC     18 C1:600260063267777 C2:dudududduuudddd M:2/4   K:F            H:ABLQZ  T:Bannister's Budget. (p)G1808.18
ABC      0 C1:                C2:                M:      K:             H:BCRS   T:Bannock and Brose
ABC      0 C1:                C2:                M:      K:             H:BCRS   T:Bannock and Brose
ABC      0 C1:                C2:                M:      K:             H:BCRS   T:Bannock and Brose
ABC      1 C1:010100000071000 C2:uuduuddddduduud M:4/4   K:G            H:CLQR   T:Bannockburn
ABC      1 C1:010100000071000 C2:uuduuddddduduud M:4/4   K:G            H:CLQR   T:Bannockburn
ABC      1 C1:037027022003071 C2:ududuuududdudud M:6/8   K:D            H:"BCDLRZ T:Bannocks and Brose
ABC      1 C1:037027022003071 C2:ududuuududdudud M:6/8   K:D            H:"BCDLRZ T:Bannocks and Brose
ABC      1 C1:037027022003071 C2:ududuuududdudud M:6/8   K:D            H:"BCDLRZ T:Bannocks and Brose
ABC      1 C1:027027022003071 C2:ududuuududdudud M:6/8   K:G            H:"BCDLRSZ T:Bannocks and Brose
ABC      1 C1:027027022003071 C2:ududuuududdudud M:6/8   K:G            H:"BCDLRSZ T:Bannocks and Brose
ABC      1 C1:027027022003071 C2:ududuuududdudud M:6/8   K:G            H:"BCDLRSZ T:Bannocks and Brose
ABC      1 C1:027027022003071 C2:ududuuududdudud M:6/8   K:G            H:"BCDLRSZ T:Bannocks and Brose
ABC      1 C1:027027022003071 C2:ududuuududdudud M:6/8   K:G            H:"BCDLRSZ T:Bannocks and Brose
ABC      1 C1:027027022003071 C2:ududuuududdudud M:6/8   K:G            H:"BCDLRSZ T:Bannocks and Brose
ABC      1 C1:027027022003071 C2:ududuuududdudud M:6/8   K:G            H:"BCDLRSZ T:Bannocks and Brose
ABC      1 C1:027027022003071 C2:ududuuududdudud M:6/8   K:G            H:"BCDLRSZ T:Bannocks and Brose
ABC      2 C1:037027022003071 C2:ududuuududdudud M:6/8   K:D            H:"BCDLRZ T:Bannocks and Brose
ABC      1 C1:037027022003071 C2:ududuuududdudud M:6/8   K:D            H:"BCDLRZ T:Bannocks and Brose
ABC      6 C1:037027022003071 C2:ududuuududdudud M:6/8   K:D            H:"BCDLRZ T:Bannocks and Brose
ABC      7 C1:027027022003071 C2:ududuuududdudud M:6/8   K:G            H:"BCDLRSZ T:Bannocks and Brose
ABC      6 C1:037027022003071 C2:ududuuududdudud M:6/8   K:D            H:"BCDLRZ T:Bannocks and Brose
ABC      7 C1:027027022003071 C2:ududuuududdudud M:6/8   K:G            H:"BCDLRSZ T:Bannocks and Brose
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:6/8   K:D            H:LRSZ   T:Bannocks O' Barley Meal [1]
ABC      1 C1:000300000701020 C2:uduududdduuduuu M:6/8   K:D            H:CLQR   T:Bannock's o' Barley Meal
ABC      1 C1:000300000701020 C2:uduududdduuduuu M:6/8   K:D            H:CLQR   T:Bannock's o' Barley Meal
ABC      1 C1:000300000701020 C2:uduududdduuduuu M:6/8   K:D            H:CLQR   T:Bannock's o' Barley Meal
ABC  20852 C1:300712700027772 C2:uduududdduuduuu M:6/8   K:C            H:BLOSZ  T:BANNOCKS O' BARLEY MEAL
ABC  20852 C1:300712700027772 C2:uduududdduuduuu M:6/8   K:C            H:BLOSZ  T:BANNOCKS O' BARLEY MEAL
ABC    902 C1:030071270002777 C2:uduududdduuduuu M:6/8   K:C            H:LQS    T:Bannocks o' Barley Meal
ABC  20852 C1:300712700027772 C2:uduududdduuduuu M:6/8   K:C            H:BLOSZ  T:BANNOCKS O' BARLEY MEAL
ABC  20852 C1:300712700027772 C2:uduududdduuduuu M:6/8   K:C            H:BLOSZ  T:BANNOCKS O' BARLEY MEAL
ABC  20852 C1:300712700027772 C2:uduududdduuduuu M:6/8   K:C            H:BLOSZ  T:BANNOCKS O' BARLEY MEAL
ABC  20852 C1:300712700027772 C2:uduududdduuduuu M:6/8   K:C            H:BLOSZ  T:BANNOCKS O' BARLEY MEAL
ABC  20852 C1:300712700027772 C2:uduududdduuduuu M:6/8   K:C            H:BLOSZ  T:BANNOCKS O' BARLEY MEAL
ABC  20852 C1:300712700027772 C2:uduududdduuduuu M:6/8   K:C            H:BLOSZ  T:BANNOCKS O' BARLEY MEAL
ABC  20852 C1:300712700027772 C2:uduududdduuduuu M:6/8   K:C            H:BLOSZ  T:BANNOCKS O' BARLEY MEAL
ABC  20852 C1:300712700027772 C2:uduududdduuduuu M:6/8   K:C            H:BLOSZ  T:BANNOCKS O' BARLEY MEAL
ABC  20852 C1:300712700027772 C2:uduududdduuduuu M:6/8   K:C            H:BLOSZ  T:BANNOCKS O' BARLEY MEAL
ABC      1 C1:060000410000210 C2:dduddduuduuuudd M:12/8  K:HP           H:CLQS   T:Bannocks O' Barley Meal "CYMRU"
ABC      1 C1:060000410000210 C2:dduddduuduuuudd M:12/8  K:HP           H:CLQS   T:Bannocks O' Barley Meal "CYMRU"
ABC      1 C1:060000410000210 C2:dduddduuduuuudd M:12/8  K:HP           H:CLQS   T:Bannocks O' Barley Meal "CYMRU"
ABC      1 C1:300004100002100 C2:uuuddduuduuuudd M:6/8   K:HP           H:CLQS   T:Bannocks O' Barley Meal "CYMRU"
ABC      1 C1:300004100002100 C2:uuuddduuduuuudd M:6/8   K:HP           H:CLQS   T:Bannocks O' Barley Meal "CYMRU"
ABC      1 C1:300004100002100 C2:uuuddduuduuuudd M:6/8   K:HP           H:CLQS   T:Bannocks O' Barley Meal "CYMRU"
ABC      1 C1:300712700027772 C2:uduududdduuduuu M:6/8   K:D            H:BLRZ   T:BANNOCKS' O' BARLEY MEAL- JIG
ABC      1 C1:300712700027772 C2:uduududdduuduuu M:6/8   K:D            H:BLRZ   T:BANNOCKS' O' BARLEY MEAL- JIG
ABC      2 C1:300712700027062 C2:uduududdduuduuu M:6/8   K:D            H:LZ     T:Bannocks O' Barley Meal Jig
ABC      1 C1:300712700027772 C2:uduududdduuduuu M:6/8   K:D            H:BLRZ   T:BANNOCKS' O' BARLEY MEAL- JIG
ABC      1 C1:300712700027772 C2:uduududdduuduuu M:6/8   K:D            H:BLRZ   T:BANNOCKS' O' BARLEY MEAL- JIG
ABC   1151 C1:300712700027062 C2:uduududdduuduuu M:6/8   K:D            H:L      T:Bannocks O' Barley Meal Jig
ABC      1 C1:300712700027772 C2:uduududdduuduuu M:6/8   K:D            H:BLRZ   T:BANNOCKS' O' BARLEY MEAL- JIG
ABC      1 C1:300712700027772 C2:uduududdduuduuu M:6/8   K:D            H:BLRZ   T:BANNOCKS' O' BARLEY MEAL- JIG
ABC      1 C1:300712700027772 C2:uduududdduuduuu M:6/8   K:D            H:BLRZ   T:BANNOCKS' O' BARLEY MEAL- JIG
ABC   1151 C1:300712700027062 C2:uduududdduuduuu M:6/8   K:D            H:L      T:Bannocks O' Barley Meal Jig
ABC   1151 C1:300712700027062 C2:uduududdduuduuu M:6/8   K:D            H:L      T:Bannocks O' Barley Meal Jig
ABC   1151 C1:300712700027062 C2:uduududdduuduuu M:6/8   K:D            H:L      T:Bannocks O' Barley Meal Jig
ABC    007 C1:016022210567527 C2:uddduuuuuuddduu M:3/4   K:G            H:LQR    T:Bannocks of Barley Meal
ABC    007 C1:016022210567527 C2:uddduuuuuuddduu M:3/4   K:G            H:LQR    T:Bannocks of Barley Meal
ABC    007 C1:016022210567527 C2:uddduuuuuuddduu M:3/4   K:G            H:LQR    T:Bannocks of Barley Meal
ABC    007 C1:016022210567527 C2:uddduuuuuuddduu M:3/4   K:G            H:LQR    T:Bannocks of Barley Meal
ABC   5162 C1:000207002777001 C2:ududdduuuuuuddd M:3/4   K:G            H:BLRSZ  T:Bannocks of Barley Meal
ABC    708 C1:170562170111170 C2:uddduuduuuudddd M:6/8   K:D            H:"BLORSZ T:Bannocks of barley meal
ABC    708 C1:170562170111170 C2:uddduuduuuudddd M:6/8   K:D            H:"BLORSZ T:Bannocks of barley meal
ABC    708 C1:170562170111170 C2:uddduuduuuudddd M:6/8   K:D            H:"BLORSZ T:Bannocks of barley meal
ABC    708 C1:170562170111170 C2:uddduuduuuudddd M:6/8   K:D            H:"BLORSZ T:Bannocks of barley meal
ABC    932 C1:170562170111170 C2:uddduuduuuudddd M:6/8   K:D            H:BLRZ   T:Bannocks of Barley Meal
ABC    932 C1:170562170111170 C2:uddduuduuuudddd M:6/8   K:D            H:BLRZ   T:Bannocks of Barley Meal
ABC    932 C1:170562170111170 C2:uddduuduuuudddd M:6/8   K:D            H:BLRZ   T:Bannocks of Barley Meal
ABC    901 C1:170562170111170 C2:uddduuduuuudddd M:6/8   K:D            H:BLRZ   T:Bannocks of Barley Meal
ABC    901 C1:317056217011117 C2:uuddduuduuuuddd M:6/8   K:D            H:BLORZbs T:Bannocks of Barley Meal
ABC    901 C1:317056217011117 C2:uuddduuduuuuddd M:6/8   K:D            H:BLORZbs T:Bannocks of Barley Meal
ABC    901 C1:317056217011117 C2:uuddduuduuuuddd M:6/8   K:D            H:BLORZbs T:Bannocks of Barley Meal
ABC    901 C1:317056217011117 C2:uuddduuduuuuddd M:6/8   K:D            H:BLORZbs T:Bannocks of Barley Meal
ABC    901 C1:317056217011117 C2:uuddduuduuuuddd M:6/8   K:D            H:BLORZbs T:Bannocks of Barley Meal
ABC    901 C1:317056217011117 C2:uuddduuduuuuddd M:6/8   K:D            H:BLORZbs T:Bannocks of Barley Meal
ABC    901 C1:317056217011117 C2:uuddduuduuuuddd M:6/8   K:D            H:BLORZbs T:Bannocks of Barley Meal
ABC    901 C1:317056217011117 C2:uuddduuduuuuddd M:6/8   K:D            H:BLORZbs T:Bannocks of Barley Meal
ABC    901 C1:317056217011117 C2:uuddduuduuuuddd M:6/8   K:D            H:BLORZbs T:Bannocks of Barley Meal
ABC    901 C1:317056217011370 C2:uuddduuduuduudu M:6/8   K:D            H:BLORZbs T:Bannocks of Barley Meal
ABC    901 C1:317056217011370 C2:uuddduuduuduudu M:6/8   K:D            H:BLORZbs T:Bannocks of Barley Meal
ABC    901 C1:317056217011370 C2:uuddduuduuduudu M:6/8   K:D            H:BLORZbs T:Bannocks of Barley Meal
ABC    901 C1:317056217011370 C2:uuddduuduuduudu M:6/8   K:D            H:BLORZbs T:Bannocks of Barley Meal
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:3/4   K:G            H:BLRZ   T:Bannocks of barley meal
ABC    901 C1:170562170111170 C2:uddduuduuuudddd M:6/8   K:D            H:BLRZ   T:Bannocks of Barley Meal
ABC    007 C1:016022210567527 C2:uddduuuuuuddduu M:3/4   K:G            H:LQR    T:Bannocks of Barley Meal
ABC    007 C1:016022210567527 C2:uddduuuuuuddduu M:3/4   K:G            H:LQR    T:Bannocks of Barley Meal
ABC   0962 C1:002777001111020 C2:uddduuuuuuddduu M:3/4   K:G            H:ILQZ   T:Bannocks of barley meal.
ABC   0962 C1:002777001111020 C2:uddduuuuuuddduu M:3/4   K:G            H:ILQZ   T:Bannocks of barley meal.
ABC   0962 C1:002777001111020 C2:uddduuuuuuddduu M:3/4   K:G            H:ILQZ   T:Bannocks of barley meal.
ABC   0962 C1:002777001111020 C2:uddduuuuuuddduu M:3/4   K:G            H:ILQZ   T:Bannocks of barley meal.
ABC   0962 C1:002777001111020 C2:uddduuuuuuddduu M:3/4   K:G            H:ILQZ   T:Bannocks of barley meal.
ABC   0962 C1:002777001111020 C2:uddduuuuuuddduu M:3/4   K:G            H:ILQZ   T:Bannocks of barley meal.
ABC   0962 C1:002777001111020 C2:uddduuuuuuddduu M:3/4   K:G            H:ILQZ   T:Bannocks of barley meal.
ABC   0962 C1:002777001111020 C2:uddduuuuuuddduu M:3/4   K:G            H:ILQZ   T:Bannocks of barley meal.
ABC   0962 C1:002777001111020 C2:uddduuuuuuddduu M:3/4   K:G            H:ILQZ   T:Bannocks of barley meal.
ABC   5162 C1:000207002777001 C2:ududdduuuuuuddd M:3/4   K:G            H:BLRSZ  T:Bannocks of Barley Meal
ABC   5162 C1:000207002777001 C2:ududdduuuuuuddd M:3/4   K:G            H:BLRSZ  T:Bannocks of Barley Meal
ABC    901 C1:170562170111170 C2:uddduuduuuudddd M:6/8   K:D            H:BLRZ   T:Bannocks of Barley Meal
ABC    708 C1:170562170111170 C2:uddduuduuuudddd M:6/8   K:D            H:"BLORSZ T:Bannocks of barley meal
ABC   5162 C1:000207002777001 C2:ududdduuuuuuddd M:3/4   K:G            H:BLRSZ  T:Bannocks of Barley Meal
ABC   5162 C1:000207002777001 C2:ududdduuuuuuddd M:3/4   K:G            H:BLRSZ  T:Bannocks of Barley Meal
ABC    932 C1:170562170111170 C2:uddduuduuuudddd M:6/8   K:D            H:BLRZ   T:Bannocks of Barley Meal
ABC    932 C1:170562170111170 C2:uddduuduuuudddd M:6/8   K:D            H:BLRZ   T:Bannocks of Barley Meal
ABC    708 C1:000403001111000 C2:uduuuuuddddddud M:3/4   K:G            H:LQS    T:Bannoks of Bear Meal
ABC  13061 C1:000207000403001 C2:ududuuuuudddddd M:3/4   K:G            H:BLSZ   T:Banoks of Bear Meal
ABC  13061 C1:000207000403001 C2:ududuuuuudddddd M:3/4   K:G            H:BLSZ   T:Banoks of Bear Meal
ABC  13061 C1:000207000403001 C2:ududuuuuudddddd M:3/4   K:G            H:BLSZ   T:Banoks of Bear Meal
ABC  13061 C1:000207000403001 C2:ududuuuuudddddd M:3/4   K:G            H:BLSZ   T:Banoks of Bear Meal
ABC  13061 C1:000207000403001 C2:ududuuuuudddddd M:3/4   K:G            H:BLSZ   T:Banoks of Bear Meal
ABC  13061 C1:000207000403001 C2:ududuuuuudddddd M:3/4   K:G            H:BLSZ   T:Banoks of Bear Meal
ABC 491032 C1:050707007701030 C2:ddddduudddduuuu M:3/4   K:G            H:BLSYZ  T:BANQUET, The
ABC    548 C1:050707007701030 C2:ddddduudddduuuu M:3/4   K:G            H:BLQZ   T:The Banquet
ABC    548 C1:050707007701030 C2:ddddduudddduuuu M:3/4   K:G            H:BLQZ   T:The Banquet
ABC    548 C1:050707007701030 C2:ddddduudddduuuu M:3/4   K:G            H:BLQZ   T:The Banquet
ABC    548 C1:050707007701030 C2:ddddduudddduuuu M:3/4   K:G            H:BLQZ   T:The Banquet
ABC    548 C1:050707007701030 C2:ddddduudddduuuu M:3/4   K:G            H:BLQRZbs T:the Banquet
ABC    548 C1:050707007701030 C2:ddddduudddduuuu M:3/4   K:G            H:BLQRZbs T:the Banquet
ABC    548 C1:050707007701030 C2:ddddduudddduuuu M:3/4   K:G            H:BLQRZbs T:the Banquet
ABC    548 C1:050707007701030 C2:ddddduudddduuuu M:3/4   K:G            H:BLQRZbs T:the Banquet
ABC    548 C1:050707007701030 C2:ddddduudddduuuu M:3/4   K:G            H:BLQRZbs T:the Banquet
ABC    548 C1:050707007701030 C2:ddddduudddduuuu M:3/4   K:G            H:BLQRZbs T:the Banquet
ABC    548 C1:050707007701030 C2:ddddduudddduuuu M:3/4   K:G            H:BLQRZbs T:the Banquet
ABC    548 C1:050707007701030 C2:ddddduudddduuuu M:3/4   K:G            H:BLQRZbs T:the Banquet
ABC    548 C1:050707007701030 C2:ddddduudddduuuu M:3/4   K:G            H:BLQZ   T:The Banquet
ABC 491032 C1:050707007701030 C2:ddddduudddduuuu M:3/4   K:G            H:BLSYZ  T:BANQUET, The
ABC 491032 C1:050707007701030 C2:ddddduudddduuuu M:3/4   K:G            H:BLSYZ  T:BANQUET, The
ABC    548 C1:050707007701030 C2:ddddduudddduuuu M:3/4   K:G            H:BLQZ   T:The Banquet
ABC    548 C1:050707007701030 C2:ddddduudddduuuu M:3/4   K:G            H:BLQZ   T:The Banquet
ABC    548 C1:050707007701030 C2:ddddduudddduuuu M:3/4   K:G            H:BLQZ   T:The Banquet
ABC     22 C1:761650111112766 C2:ddudduuuuuudddd M:6/8   K:Bb           H:BLZ    T:Banquet of Fancy, The
ABC     22 C1:066220761650111 C2:dduuddudduuuuuu M:6/8   K:Bb           H:BFLZ   T:the Banquet of Fancy
ABC     22 C1:761650111112766 C2:ddudduuuuuudddd M:6/8   K:Bb           H:BLZ    T:Banquet of Fancy, The
ABC     22 C1:761650111112766 C2:ddudduuuuuudddd M:6/8   K:Bb           H:BLZ    T:Banquet of Fancy, The
ABC     22 C1:761650111112766 C2:ddudduuuuuudddd M:6/8   K:Bb           H:BLZ    T:Banquet of Fancy, The
ABC     22 C1:761650111112766 C2:ddudduuuuuudddd M:6/8   K:Bb           H:BLZ    T:Banquet of Fancy, The
ABC     22 C1:761650111112766 C2:ddudduuuuuudddd M:6/8   K:Bb           H:BLZ    T:Banquet of Fancy, The
ABC     22 C1:761650111112766 C2:ddudduuuuuudddd M:6/8   K:Bb           H:BLZ    T:Banquet of Fancy, The
ABC     22 C1:761650111112766 C2:ddudduuuuuudddd M:6/8   K:Bb           H:BLZ    T:Banquet of Fancy, The
ABC     22 C1:761650111112766 C2:ddudduuuuuudddd M:6/8   K:Bb           H:BLZ    T:Banquet of Fancy, The
ABC     22 C1:761650111112766 C2:ddudduuuuuudddd M:6/8   K:Bb           H:BLZ    T:Banquet of Fancy, The
ABC     22 C1:761650111112766 C2:ddudduuuuuudddd M:6/8   K:Bb           H:BLZ    T:Banquet of Fancy, The
ABC     22 C1:761650111112766 C2:ddudduuuuuudddd M:6/8   K:Bb           H:BLZ    T:Banquet of Fancy, The
ABC     22 C1:761650111112766 C2:ddudduuuuuudddd M:6/8   K:Bb           H:BLZ    T:Banquet of Fancy, The
ABC     22 C1:761650111112766 C2:ddudduuuuuudddd M:6/8   K:Bb           H:BLZ    T:Banquet of Fancy, The
ABC     22 C1:761650111112766 C2:ddudduuuuuudddd M:6/8   K:Bb           H:BLZ    T:Banquet of Fancy, The
ABC     22 C1:066220761650111 C2:dduuddudduuuuuu M:6/8   K:Bb           H:BFLZ   T:The Banquet of Fancy
ABC     22 C1:066220761650111 C2:dduuddudduuuuuu M:6/8   K:Bb           H:BFLZ   T:The Banquet of Fancy
ABC     22 C1:066220761650111 C2:dduuddudduuuuuu M:6/8   K:Bb           H:BFLZ   T:The Banquet of Fancy
ABC     22 C1:066220761650111 C2:dduuddudduuuuuu M:6/8   K:Bb           H:BFLZ   T:The Banquet of Fancy
ABC     22 C1:066220761650111 C2:dduuddudduuuuuu M:6/8   K:Bb           H:BFLZ   T:The Banquet of Fancy
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:6/8   K:Bb           H:BLZ    T:Banquet of Fancy, The
ABC     22 C1:761650111112766 C2:ddudduuuuuudddd M:6/8   K:Bb           H:ABLQZ  T:Banquet of Fancy. Ca1809.22, The
ABC     22 C1:761650111112766 C2:ddudduuuuuudddd M:6/8   K:Bb           H:ABLQZ  T:Banquet of Fancy. Ca1809.22, The
ABC     90 C1:170667177777664 C2:uddduudddduddud M:6/8   K:D            H:ABLQRZ T:Banquet. RHu. 090
ABC     90 C1:170667177777664 C2:uddduudddduddud M:6/8   K:D            H:ABLQRZ T:Banquet. RHu. 090
ABC     90 C1:170667177777664 C2:uddduudddduddud M:6/8   K:D            H:ALQRSZ T:Banquet. RHu. 090
ABC     90 C1:170667177777664 C2:uddduudddduddud M:6/8   K:D            H:ABLQRSZ T:Banquet. RHu. 090
ABC    529 C1:170667177777664 C2:uddduudddduddud M:6/8   K:D            H:AFLQRSZ T:Banquet. RHu. 090
ABC    529 C1:170667177777664 C2:uddduudddduddud M:6/8   K:D            H:AFLQRSZ T:Banquet. RHu. 090
ABC     90 C1:170667177777664 C2:uddduudddduddud M:6/8   K:D            H:ABLQRSZ T:Banquet. RHu. 090
ABC    238 C1:664661000002664 C2:ddudduuddudduuu M:6/8   K:Bb           H:LOQRSZ T:Banquet. VWMLa.238, The
ABC    238 C1:664661000002664 C2:ddudduuddudduuu M:6/8   K:Bb           H:ABLQRZ T:Banquet. VWMLa.238, The
ABC    238 C1:664661000002664 C2:ddudduuddudduuu M:6/8   K:Bb           H:ABLQRZ T:Banquet. VWMLa.238, The
ABC    238 C1:664661000002664 C2:ddudduuddudduuu M:6/8   K:Bb           H:ABLOQRSZ T:Banquet. VWMLa.238, The
ABC    238 C1:664661000002664 C2:ddudduuddudduuu M:6/8   K:Bb           H:ABLOQRSZ T:Banquet. VWMLa.238, The
ABC  12061 C1:011102030221007 C2:duuuuuuuddddddd M:C     K:D            H:BLZ    T:Banquo's Ghost
ABC  12061 C1:011102030221007 C2:duuuuuuuddddddd M:C     K:D            H:BLZ    T:Banquo's Ghost
ABC  12061 C1:011102030221007 C2:duuuuuuuddddddd M:C     K:D            H:BLZ    T:Banquo's Ghost
ABC  12061 C1:011102030221007 C2:duuuuuuuddddddd M:C     K:D            H:BLZ    T:Banquo's Ghost
ABC  12061 C1:011102030221007 C2:duuuuuuuddddddd M:C     K:D            H:BLZ    T:Banquo's Ghost
ABC  12061 C1:011102030221007 C2:duuuuuuuddddddd M:C     K:D            H:BLZ    T:Banquo's Ghost
ABC  12061 C1:011102030221007 C2:duuuuuuuddddddd M:C     K:D            H:BLZ    T:Banquo's Ghost
ABC  12061 C1:011102030221007 C2:duuuuuuuddddddd M:C     K:D            H:BLZ    T:Banquo's Ghost
ABC  12061 C1:011102030221007 C2:duuuuuuuddddddd M:C     K:D            H:BLZ    T:Banquo's Ghost
ABC  12061 C1:011102030221007 C2:duuuuuuuddddddd M:C     K:D            H:BLZ    T:Banquo's Ghost
ABC  12061 C1:011102030221007 C2:duuuuuuuddddddd M:C     K:D            H:BLZ    T:Banquo's Ghost
ABC  12061 C1:011102030221007 C2:duuuuuuuddddddd M:C     K:D            H:BLZ    T:Banquo's Ghost
ABC  12061 C1:011102030221007 C2:duuuuuuuddddddd M:C     K:D            H:BLZ    T:Banquo's Ghost
ABC  12061 C1:011102030221007 C2:duuuuuuuddddddd M:C     K:D            H:BLZ    T:Banquo's Ghost
ABC  12061 C1:011102030221007 C2:duuuuuuuddddddd M:C     K:D            H:BLZ    T:Banquo's Ghost
ABC  12061 C1:011102030221007 C2:duuuuuuuddddddd M:C     K:D            H:BLZ    T:Banquo's Ghost
ABC  12061 C1:011102030221007 C2:duuuuuuuddddddd M:C     K:D            H:BLZ    T:Banquo's Ghost
ABC  12061 C1:011102030221007 C2:duuuuuuuddddddd M:C     K:D            H:BLZ    T:Banquo's Ghost
ABC     11 C1:005171217112062 C2:duduuuduuuduuud M:4/4   K:Gmaj         H:LRW    T:Bansee
ABC     11 C1:005171217112062 C2:duduuuduuuduuud M:4/4   K:Gmaj         H:LRW    T:Bansee, The
ABC      7 C1:005171217112062 C2:duduuuduuuduuud M:4/4   K:Gmaj         H:LRW    T:Bansee
ABC      7 C1:005171217112062 C2:duduuuduuuduuud M:4/4   K:Gmaj         H:LRW    T:Bansee, The
ABC      7 C1:005171217112062 C2:duduuuduuuduuud M:4/4   K:Gmaj         H:LRW    T:Bansee
ABC      7 C1:005171217112062 C2:duduuuduuuduuud M:4/4   K:Gmaj         H:LRW    T:Bansee, The
ABC      1 C1:005171217112062 C2:duduuuduuuduuud M:C|    K:G            H:"CLRZ  T:the Banshee 1
ABC      1 C1:005171217112062 C2:duduuuduuuduuud M:C|    K:G            H:"CLRZ  T:the Banshee 1
ABC      1 C1:005171217112062 C2:duduuuduuuduuud M:C|    K:G            H:"CLRZ  T:the Banshee 1
ABC      1 C1:005171217112062 C2:duduuuduuuduuud M:C|    K:G            H:"CLRZ  T:the Banshee 1
ABC      1 C1:005171217112062 C2:duduuuduuuduuud M:C|    K:G            H:"CLRZ  T:the Banshee 1
ABC      1 C1:005171217112062 C2:duduuuduuuduuud M:C|    K:G            H:"CLRZ  T:the Banshee 1
ABC      1 C1:005171217112062 C2:duduuuduuuduuud M:C|    K:G            H:"CLRZ  T:the Banshee 1
ABC      1 C1:005171217112062 C2:duduuuduuuduuud M:C|    K:G            H:"CLRZ  T:the Banshee 1
ABC      1 C1:005171217112062 C2:duduuuduuuduuud M:C|    K:G            H:"CLRZ  T:the Banshee 1
ABC      1 C1:005171217112062 C2:duduuuduuuduuud M:C|    K:G            H:"CLRZ  T:the Banshee 1
ABC      1 C1:005171217112062 C2:duduuuduuuduuud M:C|    K:G            H:"CLRZ  T:the Banshee 1
ABC      1 C1:005171217112062 C2:duduuuduuuduuud M:C|    K:G            H:"CLRZ  T:the Banshee 1
ABC      1 C1:005171217112062 C2:duduuuduuuduuud M:C|    K:G            H:"CLRZ  T:the Banshee 1
ABC      1 C1:005171217112062 C2:duduuuduuuduuud M:C|    K:G            H:"CLRZ  T:the Banshee 1
ABC      1 C1:005171217112062 C2:duduuuduuuduuud M:C|    K:G            H:"CLRZ  T:the Banshee 1
ABC      1 C1:005171217112062 C2:duduuuduuuduuud M:C|    K:G            H:"CLRZ  T:the Banshee 1
ABC      1 C1:005171217112062 C2:duduuuduuuduuud M:C|    K:G            H:"CLRZ  T:the Banshee 1
ABC      1 C1:005171217112062 C2:duduuuduuuduuud M:C|    K:G            H:"CLRZ  T:the Banshee 1
ABC      1 C1:005171217112062 C2:duduuuduuuduuud M:C|    K:G            H:"CLRZ  T:the Banshee 1
ABC      1 C1:005171217112062 C2:duduuuduuuduuud M:C|    K:G            H:"CLRZ  T:the Banshee 1
ABC      1 C1:005171217112062 C2:duduuuduuuduuud M:C|    K:G            H:"CLRZ  T:the Banshee 1
ABC      1 C1:005171217112062 C2:duduuuduuuduuud M:C|    K:G            H:"CLRZ  T:the Banshee 1
ABC      1 C1:005171217112062 C2:duduuuduuuduuud M:C|    K:G            H:"CLRZ  T:the Banshee 1
ABC      1 C1:005171217112062 C2:duduuuduuuduuud M:C|    K:G            H:"CLRZ  T:the Banshee 1
ABC      1 C1:005171217112062 C2:duduuuduuuduuud M:C|    K:G            H:"CLRZ  T:the Banshee 1
ABC      2 C1:005171217112062 C2:duduuuduuuduuud M:C|    K:G            H:"CLRZ  T:The Banshee 1
ABC      2 C1:005171217112062 C2:duduuuduuuduuud M:C|    K:G            H:"CLRZ  T:The Banshee 1
ABC      2 C1:005171217112062 C2:duduuuduuuduuud M:C|    K:G            H:"CLRZ  T:The Banshee 1
ABC      2 C1:005171217112062 C2:duduuuduuuduuud M:C|    K:G            H:"CLRZ  T:The Banshee 1
ABC      2 C1:005171217112062 C2:duduuuduuuduuud M:C|    K:G            H:"CLRZ  T:The Banshee 1
ABC      2 C1:005171217112062 C2:duduuuduuuduuud M:C|    K:G            H:"CLRZ  T:The Banshee 1
ABC      2 C1:005171217112062 C2:duduuuduuuduuud M:C|    K:G            H:"CLRZ  T:The Banshee 1
ABC      2 C1:005171217112062 C2:duduuuduuuduuud M:C|    K:G            H:"CLRZ  T:The Banshee 1
ABC      2 C1:005171217112062 C2:duduuuduuuduuud M:C|    K:G            H:"CLRZ  T:The Banshee 1
ABC      2 C1:005171217112062 C2:duduuuduuuduuud M:C|    K:G            H:"CLRZ  T:The Banshee 1
ABC      1 C1:005171217112062 C2:duduuuduuuduudd M:C|    K:G            H:"CLRZ  T:the Banshee 2
ABC      1 C1:005171217112062 C2:duduuuduuuduudd M:C|    K:G            H:"CLRZ  T:the Banshee 2
ABC      1 C1:005171217112062 C2:duduuuduuuduudd M:C|    K:G            H:"CLRZ  T:the Banshee 2
ABC      1 C1:005171217112062 C2:duduuuduuuduudd M:C|    K:G            H:"CLRZ  T:the Banshee 2
ABC      1 C1:005171217112062 C2:duduuuduuuduudd M:C|    K:G            H:"CLRZ  T:the Banshee 2
ABC      1 C1:005171217112062 C2:duduuuduuuduudd M:C|    K:G            H:"CLRZ  T:the Banshee 2
ABC      3 C1:005171461711206 C2:dududuuduuuduuu M:C|    K:G            H:"CLRZ  T:the Banshee 3
ABC      3 C1:005171461711206 C2:dududuuduuuduuu M:C|    K:G            H:"CLRZ  T:the Banshee 3
ABC      3 C1:005171461711206 C2:dududuuduuuduuu M:C|    K:G            H:"CLRZ  T:the Banshee 3
ABC      3 C1:005171461711206 C2:dududuuduuuduuu M:C|    K:G            H:"CLRZ  T:the Banshee 3
ABC      3 C1:005171461711206 C2:dududuuduuuduuu M:C|    K:G            H:"CLRZ  T:the Banshee 3
ABC      3 C1:005171461711206 C2:dududuuduuuduuu M:C|    K:G            H:"CLRZ  T:the Banshee 3
ABC      3 C1:005171461711206 C2:dududuuduuuduuu M:C|    K:G            H:"CLRZ  T:the Banshee 3
ABC      3 C1:005171461711206 C2:dududuuduuuduuu M:C|    K:G            H:"CLRZ  T:the Banshee 3
ABC      3 C1:005171461711206 C2:dududuuduuuduuu M:C|    K:G            H:"CLRZ  T:the Banshee 3
ABC      3 C1:005171461711206 C2:dududuuduuuduuu M:C|    K:G            H:"CLRZ  T:the Banshee 3
ABC      3 C1:005171461711206 C2:dududuuduuuduuu M:C|    K:G            H:"CLRZ  T:the Banshee 3
ABC      3 C1:005171461711206 C2:dududuuduuuduuu M:C|    K:G            H:"CLRZ  T:the Banshee 3
ABC      3 C1:005171461711206 C2:dududuuduuuduuu M:C|    K:G            H:"CLRZ  T:the Banshee 3
ABC      3 C1:005171461711206 C2:dududuuduuuduuu M:C|    K:G            H:"CLRZ  T:the Banshee 3
ABC      3 C1:005171461711206 C2:dududuuduuuduuu M:C|    K:G            H:"CLRZ  T:the Banshee 3
ABC      3 C1:005171461711206 C2:dududuuduuuduuu M:C|    K:G            H:"CLRZ  T:the Banshee 3
ABC      3 C1:005171461711206 C2:dududuuduuuduuu M:C|    K:G            H:"CLRZ  T:the Banshee 3
ABC      3 C1:005171461711206 C2:dududuuduuuduuu M:C|    K:G            H:"CLRZ  T:the Banshee 3
ABC      3 C1:005171461711206 C2:dududuuduuuduuu M:C|    K:G            H:"CLRZ  T:the Banshee 3
ABC      3 C1:005171461711206 C2:dududuuduuuduuu M:C|    K:G            H:"CLRZ  T:the Banshee 3
ABC      3 C1:005171461711206 C2:dududuuduuuduuu M:C|    K:G            H:"CLRZ  T:the Banshee 3
ABC      3 C1:005171461711206 C2:dududuuduuuduuu M:C|    K:G            H:"CLRZ  T:the Banshee 3
ABC      3 C1:005171217112062 C2:duduuuduuuduuud M:C|    K:G            H:"CLRZ  T:the Banshee 3
ABC      3 C1:005171217112062 C2:duduuuduuuduuud M:C|    K:G            H:"CLRZ  T:the Banshee 3
ABC      3 C1:005171217112062 C2:duduuuduuuduuud M:C|    K:G            H:"CLRZ  T:the Banshee 3
ABC      8 C1:005171461711206 C2:dududuuduuuduuu M:C|    K:G            H:"CLRZ  T:the Banshee 3
ABC      8 C1:005171461711206 C2:dududuuduuuduuu M:C|    K:G            H:"CLRZ  T:the Banshee 3
ABC     42 C1:712206212676771 C2:duuuduuuddddduu M:4/4   K:G            H:L      T:The Banshee
ABC      1 C1:002206210076771 C2:uuduudddduudddd M:C|    K:G            H:RZ     T:Banshee, The
ABC     78 C1:002206210076771 C2:uuduudddduudddd M:C|    K:G            H:RZ     T:Banshee, The
ABC   9617 C1:002206210076771 C2:uuduudddduudddd M:C|    K:G            H:RZ     T:Banshee, The
ABC      6 C1:711206212676771 C2:duuuduuuddddduu M:C     K:G            H:L      T:Banshee
ABC      1 C1:005171217112062 C2:duduuuduuuduuud M:4/4   K:D            H:RZ     T:The Banshee
ABC      1 C1:005171217112062 C2:duduuuduuuduuud M:4/4   K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:The Banshee
ABC      1 C1:005171217112062 C2:duduuuduuuduuud M:4/4   K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:The Banshee
ABC      1 C1:005171217112062 C2:duduuuduuuduuuu M:C|    K:G            H:EIR    T:Banshee, The
ABC     45 C1:005171217112062 C2:duduuuduuuduuuu M:C|    K:G            H:EIR    T:Banshee, The
ABC     45 C1:005171217112062 C2:duduuuduuuduuuu M:C|    K:G            H:EIR    T:Banshee, The
ABC      1 C1:005171217112062 C2:duduuuduuuduuud M:4/4   K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:Banshee, The
ABC     30 C1:002206212676771 C2:uuduuuddddduudd M:C|    K:G            H:CLR    T:Banshee, The
ABC     30 C1:002206212676771 C2:uuduuuddddduudd M:C|    K:G            H:CLR    T:Banshee, The
ABC      3 C1:712206212676771 C2:duuuduuuddddduu M:4/4   K:G            H:LR     T:The Banshee
ABC      3 C1:712206212676771 C2:duuuduuuddddduu M:4/4   K:G            H:LR     T:The Banshee
ABC      3 C1:712206212676771 C2:duuuduuuddddduu M:4/4   K:G            H:LR     T:The Banshee
ABC      1 C1:712206212676771 C2:duuuduuuddddduu M:4/4   K:G            H:LRZ    T:Banshee, The
ABC   9878 C1:712206212676771 C2:duuuduuuddddduu M:4/4   K:G            H:LRZ    T:Banshee, The
ABC      1 C1:005175330022062 C2:dudduuuuduudddd M:C     K:G            H:CLRZ   T:The Banshee
ABC      9 C1:005171217112062 C2:duduuuduuuduudd M:C|    K:G            H:CLR    T:Banshee, The
ABC      9 C1:005171217112062 C2:duduuuduuuduudd M:C|    K:G            H:CLR    T:Banshee, The
ABC    164 C1:712206212676771 C2:duuuduuuddddduu M:C|    K:G            H:CRZ    T:Banshee
ABC      1 C1:712206212676771 C2:duuuduuuddddduu M:C|    K:G            H:CRZ    T:Banshee, The
ABC      1 C1:712206212676771 C2:duuuduuuddddduu M:4/4   K:G            H:CLRZ   T:Banshee, The
ABC      1 C1:005171217112062 C2:duduuuduuuduuud M:C|    K:G            H:"CLR   T:the Banshee
ABC      1 C1:005171217112062 C2:duduuuduuuduuud M:C|    K:G            H:"CLR   T:the Banshee
ABC      1 C1:712206212676771 C2:duuuduuuddddduu M:C|    K:G            H:LRSZ   T:Banshee, The
ABC      1 C1:712206212676771 C2:duuuduuuddddduu M:C|    K:G            H:LRSZ   T:Banshee, The
ABC      1 C1:712206212676771 C2:duuuduuuddddduu M:C|    K:G            H:LRSZ   T:Banshee, The
ABC    110 C1:712206212676771 C2:duuuduuuddddduu M:C|    K:G            H:LRSZ   T:Banshee, The
ABC      1 C1:711306210076771 C2:duuuduudddduudd M:C|    K:G            H:"QR    T:Banshee, The
ABC      1 C1:711306210076771 C2:duuuduudddduudd M:C|    K:G            H:"QR    T:Banshee, The
ABC   1552 C1:712206212676771 C2:duuuduuuddddduu M:C|    K:G            H:LRSZ   T:Banshee, The
ABC   1088 C1:712206212676771 C2:duuuduuuddddduu M:C|    K:G            H:LRSZ   T:Banshee, The
ABC    261 C1:005171217112062 C2:duduuuduuuduuuu M:C|    K:G            H:"R     T:Banshee, The
ABC    261 C1:005171217112062 C2:duduuuduuuduuuu M:C|    K:G            H:"R     T:Banshee, The
ABC      1 C1:005171217112062 C2:duduuuduuuduuud M:C|    K:G            H:"CLRZ  T:The Banshee
ABC      1 C1:005171217112062 C2:duduuuduuuduuud M:C|    K:G            H:"CLRZ  T:the Banshee
ABC  13104 C1:005171217112062 C2:duduuuduuuduuuu M:4/4   K:G            H:CLQR   T:The Banshee
ABC  13104 C1:005171217112062 C2:duduuuduuuduuuu M:4/4   K:G            H:CLQR   T:The Banshee
ABC     97 C1:005175777122062 C2:dududdduuuduuud M:C|    K:G            H:"LRS   T:Banshee
ABC      9 C1:712206210076771 C2:duuuduudddduudd M:C|    K:G            H:CLR    T:Banshee, The
ABC      9 C1:712206210076771 C2:duuuduudddduudd M:C|    K:G            H:CLR    T:Banshee, The
ABC      9 C1:712206210076771 C2:duuuduudddduudd M:C|    K:G            H:CLR    T:Banshee, The
ABC      9 C1:712206210076771 C2:duuuduudddduudd M:C|    K:G            H:CLR    T:Banshee, The
ABC      9 C1:712206210076771 C2:duuuduudddduudd M:C|    K:G            H:CLR    T:Banshee, The
ABC      9 C1:712206210076771 C2:duuuduudddduudd M:C|    K:G            H:CLR    T:Banshee, The
ABC      9 C1:715175337122062 C2:dududududuuuduu M:4/4   K:G            H:"CGLOQR T:Banshee, The
ABC     79 C1:005171217112062 C2:duduuuduuuduuuu M:4/4   K:G            H:"ABCDLR T:The Banshee
ABC     79 C1:005171217112062 C2:duduuuduuuduuuu M:4/4   K:G            H:"ABCDLR T:The Banshee
ABC      4 C1:711206212676771 C2:duuuduuuddddduu M:C|    K:G            H:"CLRSZ T:The Banshee
ABC      4 C1:711206212676771 C2:duuuduuuddddduu M:C|    K:G            H:"CLRSZ T:The Banshee
ABC      4 C1:711206212676771 C2:duuuduuuddddduu M:C|    K:G            H:"CLRSZ T:The Banshee
ABC      4 C1:711206212676771 C2:duuuduuuddddduu M:C|    K:G            H:"CLRSZ T:The Banshee
ABC      1 C1:005175330022062 C2:dudduuuuduuuddd M:C|    K:G            H:CLRSZ  T:the Banshee
ABC      1 C1:005175330022062 C2:dudduuuuduuuddd M:C|    K:G            H:CLRSZ  T:the Banshee
ABC      1 C1:005175330022062 C2:dudduuuuduuuddd M:C|    K:G            H:CLRSZ  T:the Banshee
ABC      1 C1:005175330022062 C2:dudduuuuduuuddd M:C|    K:G            H:CLRSZ  T:the Banshee
ABC      1 C1:005175330022062 C2:dudduuuuduuuddd M:C|    K:G            H:CLRSZ  T:the Banshee
ABC      1 C1:005175330022062 C2:dudduuuuduuuddd M:C|    K:G            H:CLRSZ  T:the Banshee
ABC      1 C1:005175330022062 C2:dudduuuuduuuddd M:C|    K:G            H:CLRSZ  T:the Banshee
ABC      1 C1:005175330022062 C2:dudduuuuduuuddd M:C|    K:G            H:CLRSZ  T:the Banshee
ABC      1 C1:711206212676771 C2:duuuduuuddddduu M:4/4   K:G            H:"RW    T:The Banshee
ABC      1 C1:305301716011300 C2:uduududuuuddudd M:6/8   K:ADor         H:ERSZ   T:Banshee, The
ABC      1 C1:200517713001106 C2:ududduuuuduuddu M:C     K:HP           H:CLQS   T:The Banshee
ABC      1 C1:200517713001106 C2:ududduuuuduuddu M:C     K:HP           H:CLQS   T:The Banshee
ABC      1 C1:005171217112062 C2:duduuuduuuduudd M:4/4   K:G            H:"L     T:The banshee
ABC      1 C1:005171217112062 C2:duduuuduuuduudd M:4/4   K:G            H:"L     T:The banshee
ABC      1 C1:200517713001106 C2:ududduuuuduuddu M:C     K:HP           H:CLQS   T:The Banshee
ABC      3 C1:711206212676771 C2:duuuduuuddddduu M:4/4   K:G            H:"CLOR  T:The Banshee
ABC     11 C1:005171217112062 C2:duduuuduuuduuud M:4/4   K:Gmaj         H:LRW    T:Banshee, The
ABC     11 C1:005171217112062 C2:duduuuduuuduuud M:4/4   K:Gmaj         H:LRW    T:Banshee
ABC      1 C1:712206212676771 C2:duuuduuuddddduu M:C|    K:G            H:"DR    T:Banshee, The
ABC      1 C1:712206212676771 C2:duuuduuuddddduu M:C|    K:G            H:"DR    T:Banshee, The
ABC      1 C1:712206212676771 C2:duuuduuuddddduu M:C|    K:G            H:"DR    T:Banshee, The
ABC      1 C1:712206212676771 C2:duuuduuuddddduu M:C|    K:G            H:"DR    T:Banshee, The
ABC     45 C1:005171217112062 C2:duduuuduuuduuuu M:C|    K:G            H:EIR    T:Banshee, The
ABC     45 C1:005171217112062 C2:duduuuduuuduuuu M:C|    K:Amaj         H:EIR    T:Banshee, The
ABC      1 C1:046305626646064 C2:duuuduuuddddduu M:4/4   K:G            H:"LQR   T:Banshee, The
ABC      1 C1:046305626646064 C2:duuuduuuddddduu M:4/4   K:G            H:"LQR   T:Banshee, The
ABC      2 C1:307611676071001 C2:udduudddduuudud M:C K:G            H:R      T:Banshee, The
ABC      1 C1:046305626646064 C2:duuuduuuddddduu M:4/4   K:G            H:"LQR   T:Banshee, The
ABC      1 C1:046305626646064 C2:duuuduuuddddduu M:4/4   K:G            H:"LQR   T:Banshee, The
ABC    007 C1:005175337122062 C2:dudduuduuuduuud M:4/4   K:G            H:RSZ    T:Banshee
ABC      2 C1:005175337122062 C2:dudduuduuuduuud M:4/4   K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:The Banshee
ABC    276 C1:711206212676771 C2:duuuduuuddddduu M:4/4   K:G            H:"CEGO  T:Banshee, The
ABC     15 C1:005171217112062 C2:duduuuduuuduuud M:4/4   K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:Banshee, The
ABC     14 C1:712206212676771 C2:duuuduuuddddduu M:C     K:G            H:LR     T:The Banshee
ABC      2 C1:712206212676771 C2:duuuduuuddddduu M:4/4   K:Gmaj         H:CLR    T:The Banshee
ABC     15 C1:005171217112062 C2:duduuuduuuduuud M:4/4   K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:Banshee, The
ABC      1 C1:712206212676771 C2:duuuduuuddddduu M:C|    K:G            H:CLRZ   T:Banshee, The
ABC      1 C1:716011300762677 C2:duduuuddudddddu M:6/8   K:Ador         H:L      T:The Banshee
ABC     62 C1:005171217112062 C2:duduuuduuuduuuu M:4/4   K:G            H:LR     T:The Banshee
ABC     62 C1:005171217112062 C2:duduuuduuuduuuu M:4/4   K:G            H:LR     T:The Banshee
ABC      1 C1:305301716011300 C2:uduududuuuddudd M:6/8   K:ADor         H:ERSZ   T:Banshee, The
ABC      5 C1:305301716011300 C2:uduududuuuddudd M:6/8   K:ADor         H:ERSZ   T:Banshee, The
ABC     53 C1:005171217112062 C2:duduuuduuuduuuu M:4/4   K:G            H:LR     T:The Banshee
ABC     15 C1:005171217112062 C2:duduuuduuuduuud M:4/4   K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:Banshee, The
ABC     30 C1:002206212676771 C2:uuduuuddddduudd M:C|    K:G            H:CLR    T:Banshee, The
ABC     15 C1:005171217112062 C2:duduuuduuuduuud M:4/4   K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:Banshee, The
ABC     15 C1:005171217112062 C2:duduuuduuuduuud M:4/4   K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:Banshee, The
ABC    886 C1:712206210076771 C2:duuuduudddduudd M:4/4   K:G            H:LSZ    T:The Banshee
ABC    886 C1:712206210076771 C2:duuuduudddduudd M:4/4   K:G            H:LSZ    T:The Banshee
ABC      1 C1:005171217112062 C2:duduuuduuudu    M:4/4   K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:The Banshee
ABC      1 C1:712206212676771 C2:duuuduuuddddduu M:C|    K:G            H:LRSZ   T:Banshee, The
ABC     15 C1:005171217112062 C2:duduuuduuuduuud M:4/4   K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:Banshee, The
ABC     15 C1:005171217112062 C2:duduuuduuuduuud M:4/4   K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:Banshee, The
ABC     15 C1:005171217112062 C2:duduuuduuuduuud M:4/4   K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:Banshee, The
ABC     10 C1:711206212676771 C2:duuuduuuddddduu M:4/4   K:G            H:"RW    T:The Banshee
ABC     10 C1:711206212676771 C2:duuuduuuddddduu M:4/4   K:G            H:"RW    T:The Banshee
ABC     15 C1:005171217112062 C2:duduuuduuuduuud M:4/4   K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:Banshee, The
ABC     15 C1:005171217112062 C2:duduuuduuuduuud M:4/4   K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:Banshee, The
ABC     15 C1:005171217112062 C2:duduuuduuuduuud M:4/4   K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:Banshee, The
ABC     15 C1:005171217112062 C2:duduuuduuuduuud M:4/4   K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:Banshee, The
ABC     55 C1:005171217112062 C2:duduuuduuuduudu M:4/4   K:G            H:LR     T:Banshee
ABC     15 C1:005171217112062 C2:duduuuduuuduuud M:4/4   K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:Banshee, The
ABC      2 C1:712206212676771 C2:duuuduuuddddduu M:4/4   K:G            H:CR     T:Banshee, The
ABC      2 C1:712206212676771 C2:duuuduuuddddduu M:4/4   K:G            H:CR     T:Banshee, The
ABC      3 C1:711206212676771 C2:duuuduuuddddduu M:4/4   K:G            H:"CLOR  T:The Banshee
ABC      2 C1:005100217112062 C2:duuuduuuduuuudd M:4/4   K:G            H:"LRS   T:The Banshee
ABC      3 C1:711206212676771 C2:duuuduuuddddduu M:4/4   K:G            H:"CLR   T:The Banshee
ABC     10 C1:712206212676771 C2:duuuduuuddddduu M:C|    K:G            H:CRZ    T:Banshee, The
ABC     10 C1:712206212676771 C2:duuuduuuddddduu M:C|    K:G            H:CRZ    T:Banshee, The
ABC      1 C1:305301716011300 C2:uduududuuuddudd M:6/8   K:ADor         H:ERSZ   T:Banshee, The
ABC      1 C1:005171217112062 C2:duduuuduuuduuud M:4/4   K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:The Banshee
ABC  13104 C1:005171217112062 C2:duduuuduuuduuuu M:4/4   K:G            H:CLQR   T:The Banshee
ABC  13104 C1:005171217112062 C2:duduuuduuuduuuu M:4/4   K:G            H:CLQR   T:The Banshee
ABC      2 C1:712206212676771 C2:duuuduuuddddduu M:4/4   K:Gmaj         H:CLR    T:The Banshee
ABC     10 C1:712206212676771 C2:duuuduuuddddduu M:C|    K:G            H:CRZ    T:Banshee, The
ABC     10 C1:712206212676771 C2:duuuduuuddddduu M:C|    K:G            H:CRZ    T:Banshee, The
ABC     10 C1:712206212676771 C2:duuuduuuddddduu M:C|    K:G            H:CRZ    T:Banshee, The
ABC     10 C1:712206212676771 C2:duuuduuuddddduu M:C|    K:G            H:CRZ    T:Banshee, The
ABC    225 C1:005171217112062 C2:duduuuduuuduuuu M:C|    K:G            H:EIR    T:Banshee, The
ABC     45 C1:005171217112062 C2:duduuuduuuduuuu M:C|    K:G            H:EIR    T:Banshee, The
ABC     45 C1:005171217112062 C2:duduuuduuuduuuu M:C|    K:G            H:EIR    T:Banshee, The
ABC     45 C1:005171217112062 C2:duduuuduuuduuuu M:C|    K:G            H:EIR    T:Banshee, The
ABC     45 C1:005171217112062 C2:duduuuduuuduuuu M:C|    K:G            H:EIR    T:Banshee, The
ABC     45 C1:005171217112062 C2:duduuuduuuduuuu M:C|    K:G            H:EIR    T:Banshee, The
ABC     45 C1:005171217112062 C2:duduuuduuuduuuu M:C|    K:G            H:EIR    T:Banshee, The
ABC     45 C1:005171217112062 C2:duduuuduuuduuuu M:C|    K:G            H:EIR    T:Banshee, The
ABC      2 C1:712206212676771 C2:duuuduuuddddduu M:4/4   K:Gmaj         H:CLR    T:The Banshee
ABC    120 C1:712206212676771 C2:duuuduuuddddduu M:C|    K:G            H:LRSZ   T:Banshee, The
ABC      4 C1:712206212676771 C2:duuuduuuddddduu M:C|    K:G            H:"CLQRSZ T:Banshee, The
ABC      4 C1:712206212676771 C2:duuuduuuddddduu M:C|    K:G            H:"CLQRSZ T:Banshee, The
ABC      4 C1:712206212676771 C2:duuuduuuddddduu M:C|    K:G            H:"CLQRSZ T:Banshee, The
ABC      1 C1:005171217112062 C2:duduuuduuudu    M:4/4   K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:The Banshee
ABC      9 C1:005171217112062 C2:duduuuduuuduudd M:C|    K:G            H:CLR    T:Banshee, The
ABC    104 C1:712206212676771 C2:duuuduuuddddduu M:C|    K:G            H:CLRZ   T:Banshee, The
ABC      9 C1:712206210076771 C2:duuuduudddduudd M:C|    K:G            H:CLR    T:Banshee, The
ABC      9 C1:712206210076771 C2:duuuduudddduudd M:C|    K:G            H:CLR    T:Banshee, The
ABC      9 C1:712206210076771 C2:duuuduudddduudd M:C|    K:G            H:CLR    T:Banshee, The
ABC      9 C1:712206210076771 C2:duuuduudddduudd M:C|    K:G            H:CLR    T:Banshee, The
ABC      2 C1:712206212676771 C2:duuuduuuddddduu M:C|    K:G            H:CRZ    T:Banshee, The
ABC      2 C1:712206212676771 C2:duuuduuuddddduu M:C|    K:G            H:CRZ    T:Banshee, The
ABC     22 C1:712206212676771 C2:duuuduuuddddduu M:C|    K:G            H:CRZ    T:Banshee, The
ABC     22 C1:712206212676771 C2:duuuduuuddddduu M:C|    K:G            H:CRZ    T:Banshee, The
ABC      1 C1:005171217112062 C2:duduuuduuudu    M:4/4   K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:The Banshee
ABC    261 C1:005171217112062 C2:duduuuduuuduuuu M:C|    K:G            H:"R     T:Banshee, The
ABC     66 C1:005171217112062 C2:duduuuduuuduuud M:4/4   K:Gmaj         H:"LQR   T:Banshee, The
ABC      1 C1:005171217112062 C2:duduuuduuuduuud M:4/4   K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:The Banshee
ABC      1 C1:005171217112062 C2:duduuuduuuduuud M:4/4   K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:The Banshee
ABC     22 C1:712206212676771 C2:duuuduuuddddduu M:C|    K:G            H:CRZ    T:Banshee, The
ABC     22 C1:712206212676771 C2:duuuduuuddddduu M:C|    K:G            H:CRZ    T:Banshee, The
ABC      1 C1:005171217112062 C2:duduuuduuuduuud M:4/4   K:Gmaj         H:LRw    T:Banshee, The
ABC      8 C1:005171217112062 C2:duduuuduuuduuuu M:C|    K:G            H:"LR    T:Banshee, The
ABC      8 C1:005171217112062 C2:duduuuduuuduuuu M:C|    K:G            H:"LR    T:Banshee, The
ABC      8 C1:005171217112062 C2:duduuuduuuduuuu M:C|    K:G            H:"LR    T:Banshee, The
ABC      8 C1:005175337122062 C2:dudduuduuuduuud M:C|    K:G            H:LQR    T:Banshee
ABC      7 C1:005171217112062 C2:duduuuduuuduuud M:4/4   K:Gmaj         H:LRW    T:Banshee, The
ABC      7 C1:005171217112062 C2:duduuuduuuduuud M:4/4   K:Gmaj         H:LRW    T:Banshee
ABC      7 C1:005171217112062 C2:duduuuduuuduuud M:4/4   K:Gmaj         H:LRW    T:Banshee, The
ABC      7 C1:005171217112062 C2:duduuuduuuduuud M:4/4   K:Gmaj         H:LRW    T:Banshee
ABC      1 C1:005171217112062 C2:duduuuduuuduuud M:4/4   K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:The Banshee
ABC      3 C1:005171217112062 C2:duduuuduuuduuuu M:4/4   K:G            H:"CLR   T:The Banshee
ABC      3 C1:005171217112062 C2:duduuuduuuduuuu M:4/4   K:G            H:"CLR   T:The Banshee
ABC      5 C1:005171217112062 C2:duduuuduuuduuuu M:C|    K:G            H:LR     T:Banshee, The
ABC      8 C1:712206212676771 C2:duuuduuuddddduu M:4/4   K:G            H:FL     T:Banshee, The
ABC      8 C1:712206212676771 C2:duuuduuuddddduu M:4/4   K:G            H:FL     T:Banshee, The
ABC     13 C1:005171217112006 C2:duduuuduuuduuuu M:4/4   K:Gmaj         H:LRS    T:Banshee, The
ABC     42 C1:712206212676771 C2:duuuduuuddddduu M:4/4   K:G            H:L      T:The Banshee
ABC    210 C1:712206212676771 C2:duuuduuuddddduu M:4/4   K:G            H:L      T:The Banshee
ABC      1 C1:005171217112062 C2:duduuuduuuduuud M:      K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:The Banshee
ABC      2 C1:712206212676771 C2:duuuduuuddddduu M:      K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:The Banshee
ABC      3 C1:120051712171120 C2:uududuuuduuuduu M:      K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:The Banshee
ABC      4 C1:005171217112062 C2:duduuuduuuduuud M:      K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:The Banshee
ABC      5 C1:006071217112062 C2:dduuuduuuduuudd M:      K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:The Banshee
ABC      6 C1:712206212676771 C2:duuuduuuddddduu M:      K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:The Banshee
ABC      7 C1:005171217112061 C2:duduuuduuuduuuu M:      K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:The Banshee
ABC      8 C1:715175337122062 C2:dududduuduuuduu M:      K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:The Banshee
ABC      9 C1:532206212676771 C2:duuuduuuddddduu M:      K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:The Banshee
ABC     10 C1:712206111267677 C2:duuuduuuudddddu M:      K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:The Banshee
ABC     11 C1:005171217112062 C2:duduuuduuuduuud M:      K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:The Banshee
ABC     12 C1:711206212676771 C2:duuuduuuddddduu M:      K:Gmaj         H:"LR    T:The Banshee
ABC     13 C1:712206212676771 C2:duuuduuuddddduu M:      K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:The Banshee
ABC     14 C1:005175335322062 C2:dudududuuuduuud M:      K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:The Banshee
ABC     15 C1:005175337122062 C2:dudduuduuuduuud M:      K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:The Banshee
ABC     16 C1:005170037122062 C2:dududuuuduuuudd M:      K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:The Banshee
ABC     17 C1:711206212676771 C2:duuuduuuddddduu M:      K:Gmaj         H:"LR    T:The Banshee
ABC     18 C1:005175337122062 C2:dudduuduuuduuud M:      K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:The Banshee
ABC     19 C1:005171217112062 C2:duduuuduuuduuud M:      K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:The Banshee
ABC     20 C1:005171210102062 C2:duduuuuuduudddd M:      K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:The Banshee
ABC      3 C1:120051712171120 C2:uududuuuduuuduu M:4/4   K:Gmaj         H:CLR    T:Banshee, The
ABC     95 C1:005100217112062 C2:duuuduuuduuuudd M:4/4   K:G            H:"LRS   T:The Banshee
ABC      3 C1:712206212676771 C2:duuuduuuddddduu M:4/4   K:G            H:LR     T:The Banshee
ABC     35 C1:711206212676771 C2:duuuduuuddddduu M:C     K:G            H:LZ     T:Banshee
ABC     26 C1:005171217112062 C2:duduuuduuuduuud M:4/4   K:D            H:LR     T:The Banshee
ABC     26 C1:005171217112062 C2:duduuuduuuduuud M:4/4   K:D            H:LR     T:The Banshee
ABC      7 C1:711206212676771 C2:duuuduuuddddduu M:C     K:G            H:LZ     T:Banshee
ABC      3 C1:712206212676771 C2:duuuduuuddddduu M:4/4   K:G            H:LR     T:The Banshee
ABC 182273 C1:022206212567071 C2:uuuduuudddduudd M:C     K:G            H:CLQR   T:The Banshee
ABC 182273 C1:022206212567071 C2:uuuduuudddduudd M:C     K:G            H:CLQR   T:The Banshee
ABC    164 C1:712206212676771 C2:duuuduuuddddduu M:C|    K:G            H:CRZ    T:Banshee
ABC    164 C1:712206212676771 C2:duuuduuuddddduu M:C|    K:G            H:CRZ    T:Banshee
ABC     10 C1:002206210076771 C2:uuduudddduudddd M:C|    K:G            H:DRZ    T:Banshee, The
ABC    171 C1:005175337122062 C2:dudduuduuuduuud M:4/4   K:Gmaj         H:"HLRZ  T:Banshee, The
ABC   1152 C1:711206212676771 C2:duuuduuuddddduu M:C     K:G            H:L      T:Banshee
ABC   1153 C1:005175337122062 C2:dudduuduuuduuud M:C|    K:G            H:LQR    T:Banshee
ABC   1154 C1:711206212676771 C2:duuuduuuddddduu M:C     K:G            H:LZ     T:Banshee
ABC   1155 C1:005171217112062 C2:duduuuduuuduudu M:4/4   K:G            H:LR     T:Banshee
ABC   1158 C1:005171217112062 C2:duduuuduuuduuuu M:C|    K:G            H:EIR    T:Banshee, The
ABC   1159 C1:712206212676771 C2:duuuduuuddddduu M:C|    K:G            H:CRZ    T:Banshee, The
ABC   1160 C1:712206212676771 C2:duuuduuuddddduu M:4/4   K:G            H:LRZ    T:Banshee, The
ABC   1161 C1:712206212676771 C2:duuuduuuddddduu M:C|    K:G            H:LRSZ   T:Banshee, The
ABC      1 C1:005171217112062 C2:duduuuduuuduuud M:4/4   K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:The Banshee
ABC    194 C1:711206212676771 C2:duuuduuuddddduu M:4/4   K:G            H:"RW    T:The Banshee
ABC    287 C1:712206212676771 C2:duuuduuuddddduu M:4/4   K:Gmaj         H:CLR    T:The Banshee
ABC    110 C1:712206212676771 C2:duuuduuuddddduu M:C|    K:G            H:LRSZ   T:Banshee, The
ABC   1088 C1:712206212676771 C2:duuuduuuddddduu M:C|    K:G            H:LRSZ   T:Banshee, The
ABC   1552 C1:712206212676771 C2:duuuduuuddddduu M:C|    K:G            H:LRSZ   T:Banshee, The
ABC   9617 C1:002206210076771 C2:uuduudddduudddd M:C|    K:G            H:RZ     T:Banshee, The
ABC   9878 C1:712206212676771 C2:duuuduuuddddduu M:4/4   K:G            H:LRZ    T:Banshee, The
ABC    110 C1:712206212676771 C2:duuuduuuddddduu M:C|    K:G            H:LRSZ   T:Banshee, The
ABC   1088 C1:712206212676771 C2:duuuduuuddddduu M:C|    K:G            H:LRSZ   T:Banshee, The
ABC   1552 C1:712206212676771 C2:duuuduuuddddduu M:C|    K:G            H:LRSZ   T:Banshee, The
ABC   9617 C1:002206210076771 C2:uuduudddduudddd M:C|    K:G            H:RZ     T:Banshee, The
ABC   9878 C1:712206212676771 C2:duuuduuuddddduu M:4/4   K:G            H:LRZ    T:Banshee, The
ABC     22 C1:712206212676771 C2:duuuduuuddddduu M:C|    K:G            H:CRZ    T:Banshee, The
ABC     22 C1:712206212676771 C2:duuuduuuddddduu M:C|    K:G            H:CRZ    T:Banshee, The
ABC     22 C1:712206212676771 C2:duuuduuuddddduu M:C|    K:G            H:CRZ    T:Banshee, The
ABC     22 C1:712206212676771 C2:duuuduuuddddduu M:C|    K:G            H:CRZ    T:Banshee, The
ABC     22 C1:712206212676771 C2:duuuduuuddddduu M:C|    K:G            H:CRZ    T:Banshee, The
ABC     22 C1:712206212676771 C2:duuuduuuddddduu M:C|    K:G            H:CRZ    T:Banshee, The
ABC     22 C1:712206212676771 C2:duuuduuuddddduu M:C|    K:G            H:CRZ    T:Banshee, The
ABC     24 C1:712206212676771 C2:duuuduuuddddduu M:C|    K:G            H:LRSZ   T:Banshee, The
ABC     10 C1:712206212676771 C2:duuuduuuddddduu M:4/4   K:G            H:LRZ    T:Banshee, The
ABC    165 C1:005171217112062 C2:duduuuduuuduuud M:4/4   K:D            H:RZ     T:The Banshee
ABC    408 C1:712206212676771 C2:duuuduuuddddduu M:C|    K:G            H:LORS   T:Banshee, The
ABC   6505 C1:005175330022062 C2:dudduuuuduudddd M:C     K:G            H:CLOR   T:The Banshee
ABC    408 C1:712206212676771 C2:duuuduuuddddduu M:C|    K:G            H:LORS   T:Banshee, The
ABC   6505 C1:005175330022062 C2:dudduuuuduudddd M:C     K:G            H:CLOR   T:The Banshee
ABC      4 C1:711206212676771 C2:duuuduuuddddduu M:C|    K:G            H:"CLRSZ T:The Banshee
ABC   9614 C1:305301716011300 C2:uduududuuuddudd M:6/8   K:ADor         H:ERSZ   T:Banshee, The
ABC   9614 C1:305301716011300 C2:uduududuuuddudd M:6/8   K:ADor         H:ERSZ   T:Banshee, The
ABC   9614 C1:305301716011300 C2:uduududuuuddudd M:6/8   K:ADor         H:ERSZ   T:Banshee, The
ABC   1152 C1:711206212676771 C2:duuuduuuddddduu M:C     K:G            H:L      T:Banshee
ABC   1153 C1:005175337122062 C2:dudduuduuuduuud M:C|    K:G            H:LQR    T:Banshee
ABC   1154 C1:711206212676771 C2:duuuduuuddddduu M:C     K:G            H:LZ     T:Banshee
ABC   1155 C1:005171217112062 C2:duduuuduuuduudu M:4/4   K:G            H:LR     T:Banshee
ABC   1158 C1:005171217112062 C2:duduuuduuuduuuu M:C|    K:G            H:EIR    T:Banshee, The
ABC   1159 C1:712206212676771 C2:duuuduuuddddduu M:C|    K:G            H:CRZ    T:Banshee, The
ABC   1160 C1:712206212676771 C2:duuuduuuddddduu M:4/4   K:G            H:LRZ    T:Banshee, The
ABC   1161 C1:712206212676771 C2:duuuduuuddddduu M:C|    K:G            H:LRSZ   T:Banshee, The
ABC   1152 C1:711206212676771 C2:duuuduuuddddduu M:C     K:G            H:L      T:Banshee
ABC   1153 C1:005175337122062 C2:dudduuduuuduuud M:C|    K:G            H:LQR    T:Banshee
ABC   1154 C1:711206212676771 C2:duuuduuuddddduu M:C     K:G            H:LZ     T:Banshee
ABC   1155 C1:005171217112062 C2:duduuuduuuduudu M:4/4   K:G            H:LR     T:Banshee
ABC   1158 C1:005171217112062 C2:duduuuduuuduuuu M:C|    K:G            H:EIR    T:Banshee, The
ABC   1159 C1:712206212676771 C2:duuuduuuddddduu M:C|    K:G            H:CRZ    T:Banshee, The
ABC   1160 C1:712206212676771 C2:duuuduuuddddduu M:4/4   K:G            H:LRZ    T:Banshee, The
ABC   1161 C1:712206212676771 C2:duuuduuuddddduu M:C|    K:G            H:LRSZ   T:Banshee, The
ABC   1152 C1:711206212676771 C2:duuuduuuddddduu M:C     K:G            H:L      T:Banshee
ABC   1153 C1:005175337122062 C2:dudduuduuuduuud M:C|    K:G            H:LQR    T:Banshee
ABC   1154 C1:711206212676771 C2:duuuduuuddddduu M:C     K:G            H:LZ     T:Banshee
ABC   1155 C1:005171217112062 C2:duduuuduuuduudu M:4/4   K:G            H:LR     T:Banshee
ABC   1158 C1:005171217112062 C2:duduuuduuuduuuu M:C|    K:G            H:EIR    T:Banshee, The
ABC   1159 C1:712206212676771 C2:duuuduuuddddduu M:C|    K:G            H:CRZ    T:Banshee, The
ABC   1160 C1:712206212676771 C2:duuuduuuddddduu M:4/4   K:G            H:LRZ    T:Banshee, The
ABC   1161 C1:712206212676771 C2:duuuduuuddddduu M:C|    K:G            H:LRSZ   T:Banshee, The
ABC    530 C1:005171217112062 C2:duduuuduuuduuuu M:C|    K:G            H:EFIR   T:Banshee, The
ABC   5817 C1:005171217112062 C2:duduuuduuuduuuu M:C|    K:G            H:EFIR   T:Banshee, The
ABC    530 C1:005171217112062 C2:duduuuduuuduuuu M:C|    K:G            H:EFIR   T:Banshee, The
ABC   5817 C1:005171217112062 C2:duduuuduuuduuuu M:C|    K:G            H:EFIR   T:Banshee, The
ABC    933 C1:002206210076771 C2:uuduudddduudddd M:C|    K:G            H:RZ     T:Banshee, The
ABC    934 C1:712206212676771 C2:duuuduuuddddduu M:4/4   K:G            H:LRZ    T:Banshee, The
ABC    935 C1:712206212676771 C2:duuuduuuddddduu M:C|    K:G            H:CRZ    T:Banshee, The
ABC    936 C1:712206212676771 C2:duuuduuuddddduu M:C|    K:G            H:LRSZ   T:Banshee, The
ABC    937 C1:712206212676771 C2:duuuduuuddddduu M:C|    K:G            H:LRSZ   T:Banshee, The
ABC    938 C1:712206212676771 C2:duuuduuuddddduu M:C|    K:G            H:LRSZ   T:Banshee, The
ABC   7588 C1:305301716011300 C2:uduududuuuddudd M:6/8   K:ADor         H:ERSZ   T:Banshee, The
ABC  12806 C1:005171217112062 C2:duduuuduuuduuud M:4/4   K:D            H:RZ     T:The Banshee
ABC  12807 C1:005175330022062 C2:dudduuuuduudddd M:C     K:G            H:CLRZ   T:The Banshee
ABC    933 C1:002206210076771 C2:uuduudddduudddd M:C|    K:G            H:RZ     T:Banshee, The
ABC    934 C1:712206212676771 C2:duuuduuuddddduu M:4/4   K:G            H:LRZ    T:Banshee, The
ABC    935 C1:712206212676771 C2:duuuduuuddddduu M:C|    K:G            H:CRZ    T:Banshee, The
ABC    936 C1:712206212676771 C2:duuuduuuddddduu M:C|    K:G            H:LRSZ   T:Banshee, The
ABC    937 C1:712206212676771 C2:duuuduuuddddduu M:C|    K:G            H:LRSZ   T:Banshee, The
ABC    938 C1:712206212676771 C2:duuuduuuddddduu M:C|    K:G            H:LRSZ   T:Banshee, The
ABC   7588 C1:305301716011300 C2:uduududuuuddudd M:6/8   K:ADor         H:ERSZ   T:Banshee, The
ABC  12806 C1:005171217112062 C2:duduuuduuuduuud M:4/4   K:D            H:RZ     T:The Banshee
ABC  12807 C1:005175330022062 C2:dudduuuuduudddd M:C     K:G            H:CLRZ   T:The Banshee
ABC    933 C1:002206210076771 C2:uuduudddduudddd M:C|    K:G            H:RZ     T:Banshee, The
ABC    934 C1:712206212676771 C2:duuuduuuddddduu M:4/4   K:G            H:LRZ    T:Banshee, The
ABC    935 C1:712206212676771 C2:duuuduuuddddduu M:C|    K:G            H:CRZ    T:Banshee, The
ABC    936 C1:712206212676771 C2:duuuduuuddddduu M:C|    K:G            H:LRSZ   T:Banshee, The
ABC    937 C1:712206212676771 C2:duuuduuuddddduu M:C|    K:G            H:LRSZ   T:Banshee, The
ABC    938 C1:712206212676771 C2:duuuduuuddddduu M:C|    K:G            H:LRSZ   T:Banshee, The
ABC   7588 C1:305301716011300 C2:uduududuuuddudd M:6/8   K:ADor         H:ERSZ   T:Banshee, The
ABC  12806 C1:005171217112062 C2:duduuuduuuduuud M:4/4   K:D            H:RZ     T:The Banshee
ABC  12807 C1:005175330022062 C2:dudduuuuduudddd M:C     K:G            H:CLRZ   T:The Banshee
ABC    933 C1:002206210076771 C2:uuduudddduudddd M:C|    K:G            H:RZ     T:Banshee, The
ABC    934 C1:712206212676771 C2:duuuduuuddddduu M:4/4   K:G            H:LRZ    T:Banshee, The
ABC    935 C1:712206212676771 C2:duuuduuuddddduu M:C|    K:G            H:CRZ    T:Banshee, The
ABC    936 C1:712206212676771 C2:duuuduuuddddduu M:C|    K:G            H:LRSZ   T:Banshee, The
ABC    937 C1:712206212676771 C2:duuuduuuddddduu M:C|    K:G            H:LRSZ   T:Banshee, The
ABC    938 C1:712206212676771 C2:duuuduuuddddduu M:C|    K:G            H:LRSZ   T:Banshee, The
ABC   7588 C1:305301716011300 C2:uduududuuuddudd M:6/8   K:ADor         H:ERSZ   T:Banshee, The
ABC  12806 C1:005171217112062 C2:duduuuduuuduuud M:4/4   K:D            H:RZ     T:The Banshee
ABC  12807 C1:005175330022062 C2:dudduuuuduudddd M:C     K:G            H:CLRZ   T:The Banshee
ABC    933 C1:002206210076771 C2:uuduudddduudddd M:C|    K:G            H:RZ     T:Banshee, The
ABC    934 C1:712206212676771 C2:duuuduuuddddduu M:4/4   K:G            H:LRZ    T:Banshee, The
ABC    935 C1:712206212676771 C2:duuuduuuddddduu M:C|    K:G            H:CRZ    T:Banshee, The
ABC    936 C1:712206212676771 C2:duuuduuuddddduu M:C|    K:G            H:LRSZ   T:Banshee, The
ABC    937 C1:712206212676771 C2:duuuduuuddddduu M:C|    K:G            H:LRSZ   T:Banshee, The
ABC    938 C1:712206212676771 C2:duuuduuuddddduu M:C|    K:G            H:LRSZ   T:Banshee, The
ABC   7588 C1:305301716011300 C2:uduududuuuddudd M:6/8   K:ADor         H:ERSZ   T:Banshee, The
ABC  12806 C1:005171217112062 C2:duduuuduuuduuud M:4/4   K:D            H:RZ     T:The Banshee
ABC  12807 C1:005175330022062 C2:dudduuuuduudddd M:C     K:G            H:CLRZ   T:The Banshee
ABC    133 C1:711206212676771 C2:duuuduuuddddduu M:C     K:G            H:LOZ    T:Banshee
ABC  16450 C1:005171217112062 C2:duduuuduuuduuuu M:4/4   K:G            H:"ABCDLR T:The Banshee
ABC  16451 C1:005171217112062 C2:duduuuduuuduuud M:4/4   K:D            H:RZ     T:The Banshee
ABC  16452 C1:005171217112062 C2:duduuuduuuduuuu M:4/4   K:G            H:"ABCDLR T:The Banshee
ABC  16450 C1:005171217112062 C2:duduuuduuuduuuu M:4/4   K:G            H:"ABCDLR T:The Banshee
ABC  16451 C1:005171217112062 C2:duduuuduuuduuud M:4/4   K:D            H:RZ     T:The Banshee
ABC  16452 C1:005171217112062 C2:duduuuduuuduuuu M:4/4   K:G            H:"ABCDLR T:The Banshee
ABC  16450 C1:005171217112062 C2:duduuuduuuduuuu M:4/4   K:G            H:"ABCDLR T:The Banshee
ABC  16451 C1:005171217112062 C2:duduuuduuuduuud M:4/4   K:D            H:RZ     T:The Banshee
ABC  16452 C1:005171217112062 C2:duduuuduuuduuuu M:4/4   K:G            H:"ABCDLR T:The Banshee
ABC  16450 C1:005171217112062 C2:duduuuduuuduuuu M:4/4   K:G            H:"ABCDLR T:The Banshee
ABC  16451 C1:005171217112062 C2:duduuuduuuduuud M:4/4   K:D            H:RZ     T:The Banshee
ABC  16452 C1:005171217112062 C2:duduuuduuuduuuu M:4/4   K:G            H:"ABCDLR T:The Banshee
ABC     10 C1:712206212676771 C2:duuuduuuddddduu M:C|    K:G            H:LORZ   T:the Banshee
ABC     45 C1:005171217112062 C2:duduuuduuuduuuu M:C|    K:G            H:EIR    T:Banshee, The
ABC     22 C1:712206212676771 C2:duuuduuuddddduu M:C|    K:G            H:CRZ    T:Banshee, The
ABC     22 C1:712206212676771 C2:duuuduuuddddduu M:C|    K:G            H:CRZ    T:Banshee, The
ABC     51 C1:711206212676771 C2:duuuduuuddddduu M:C|    K:G            H:"L     T:The Banshee ( AKA McMahon's )
ABC     51 C1:711206212676771 C2:duuuduuuddddduu M:C|    K:G            H:"L     T:The Banshee ( AKA McMahon's )
ABC     51 C1:711206212676771 C2:duuuduuuddddduu M:C|    K:G            H:"L     T:The Banshee ( AKA McMahon's )
ABC     51 C1:711206212676771 C2:duuuduuuddddduu M:C|    K:G            H:"L     T:The Banshee ( AKA McMahon's )
ABC     42 C1:712206212676771 C2:duuuduuuddddduu M:4/4   K:Gmaj         H:LQR    T:Banshee (Gmaj)
ABC     42 C1:712206212676771 C2:duuuduuuddddduu M:4/4   K:Gmaj         H:LQR    T:Banshee (Gmaj)
ABC     42 C1:712206212676771 C2:duuuduuuddddduu M:4/4   K:clef=none    H:ILR    T:Banshee (Gmaj)
ABC   1119 C1:711206212676771 C2:duuuduuuddddduu M:4/4   K:Dmix         H:"LR    T:The Banshee / McMahon's Reel (A54)
ABC   1119 C1:711206212676771 C2:duuuduuuddddduu M:4/4   K:Dmix         H:"LR    T:The Banshee / McMahon's Reel (A54)
ABC   1119 C1:711206212676771 C2:duuuduuuddddduu M:4/4   K:Dmix         H:"LR    T:The Banshee / McMahon's Reel (A54)
ABC     76 C1:711206212676771 C2:duuuduuuddddduu M:C|    K:D            H:"ABLRZ T:The Banshee / Monahan's Reel
ABC     76 C1:711206212676771 C2:duuuduuuddddduu M:C|    K:D            H:"ABLRZ T:The Banshee / Monahan's Reel
ABC     76 C1:711206212676771 C2:duuuduuuddddduu M:C|    K:D            H:"ABLRZ T:The Banshee / Monahan's Reel
ABC   1147 C1:711206212676771 C2:duuuduuuddddduu M:C|    K:D            H:"ABLRZ T:The Banshee / Monahan's Reel (A64)
ABC   1147 C1:711206212676771 C2:duuuduuuddddduu M:C|    K:D            H:"ABLRZ T:The Banshee / Monahan's Reel (A64)
ABC   1147 C1:711206212676771 C2:duuuduuuddddduu M:C|    K:D            H:"ABLRZ T:The Banshee / Monahan's Reel (A64)
ABC 251007 C1:712206211776771 C2:duuuduuuddddduu M:4/4   K:G            H:BCLQR  T:BANSHEE REEL, The
ABC      1 C1:005171737122062 C2:dudududuuuduuud M:C|    K:G            H:CLRSZ  T:Banshee reel
ABC      1 C1:005171737122062 C2:dudududuuuduuud M:C|    K:G            H:CLRSZ  T:Banshee reel
ABC      1 C1:005171737122062 C2:dudududuuuduuud M:C|    K:G            H:CLRSZ  T:Banshee reel
ABC      1 C1:005171737122062 C2:dudududuuuduuud M:C|    K:G            H:CLRSZ  T:Banshee reel
ABC      1 C1:005171737122062 C2:dudududuuuduuud M:C|    K:G            H:CLRSZ  T:Banshee reel
ABC      1 C1:005171737122062 C2:dudududuuuduuud M:C|    K:G            H:CLRSZ  T:Banshee reel
ABC      1 C1:005171737122062 C2:dudududuuuduuud M:C|    K:G            H:CLRSZ  T:Banshee reel
ABC      1 C1:005171737122062 C2:dudududuuuduuud M:C|    K:G            H:CLRSZ  T:Banshee reel
ABC      1 C1:005171737122062 C2:dudududuuuduuud M:C|    K:G            H:CLRSZ  T:Banshee reel
ABC      1 C1:005171737122062 C2:dudududuuuduuud M:C|    K:G            H:CLRSZ  T:Banshee reel
ABC      1 C1:005171737122062 C2:dudududuuuduuud M:C|    K:G            H:CLRSZ  T:Banshee reel
ABC      1 C1:005171737122062 C2:dudududuuuduuud M:C|    K:G            H:CLRSZ  T:Banshee reel
ABC    125 C1:005171737122062 C2:dudududuuuduuud M:C|    K:G            H:CLRSZ  T:Banshee reel
ABC 251007 C1:712206211776771 C2:duuuduuuddddduu M:4/4   K:G            H:BCLQR  T:BANSHEE REEL, The
ABC 251007 C1:712206211776771 C2:duuuduuuddddduu M:4/4   K:G            H:BCLQR  T:BANSHEE REEL, The
ABC    210 C1:005171737122062 C2:dudududuuuduuud M:C|    K:G            H:CLRSZ  T:Banshee reel
ABC   1156 C1:005171737122062 C2:dudududuuuduuud M:C|    K:G            H:CLRSZ  T:Banshee reel
ABC  10637 C1:005171737122062 C2:dudududuuuduuud M:C|    K:G            H:CLRSZ  T:Banshee reel
ABC    111 C1:005171737122062 C2:dudududuuuduuud M:C|    K:G            H:CLRSZ  T:Banshee reel
ABC    172 C1:005171737122062 C2:dudududuuuduuud M:C|    K:G            H:CLRSZ  T:Banshee reel
ABC   1089 C1:005171737122062 C2:dudududuuuduuud M:C|    K:G            H:CLRSZ  T:Banshee reel
ABC   1553 C1:005171737122062 C2:dudududuuuduuud M:C|    K:G            H:CLRSZ  T:Banshee reel
ABC   1667 C1:005171737122062 C2:dudududuuuduuud M:C|    K:G            H:CLRSZ  T:Banshee reel
ABC   4620 C1:005171737122062 C2:dudududuuuduuud M:C|    K:G            H:CLRSZ  T:Banshee reel
ABC    111 C1:005171737122062 C2:dudududuuuduuud M:C|    K:G            H:CLRSZ  T:Banshee reel
ABC    172 C1:005171737122062 C2:dudududuuuduuud M:C|    K:G            H:CLRSZ  T:Banshee reel
ABC   1089 C1:005171737122062 C2:dudududuuuduuud M:C|    K:G            H:CLRSZ  T:Banshee reel
ABC   1553 C1:005171737122062 C2:dudududuuuduuud M:C|    K:G            H:CLRSZ  T:Banshee reel
ABC   1667 C1:005171737122062 C2:dudududuuuduuud M:C|    K:G            H:CLRSZ  T:Banshee reel
ABC   4620 C1:005171737122062 C2:dudududuuuduuud M:C|    K:G            H:CLRSZ  T:Banshee reel
ABC     25 C1:005171737122062 C2:dudududuuuduuud M:C|    K:G            H:CLRSZ  T:Banshee reel
ABC     42 C1:005171737122062 C2:dudududuuuduuud M:C|    K:G            H:CLRSZ  T:Banshee reel
ABC    407 C1:005171737122062 C2:dudududuuuduuud M:C|    K:G            H:CLORS  T:Banshee reel
ABC   4140 C1:005171737122062 C2:dudududuuuduuud M:C|    K:G            H:CLORS  T:Banshee reel
ABC    407 C1:005171737122062 C2:dudududuuuduuud M:C|    K:G            H:CLORS  T:Banshee reel
ABC   4140 C1:005171737122062 C2:dudududuuuduuud M:C|    K:G            H:CLORS  T:Banshee reel
ABC   1156 C1:005171737122062 C2:dudududuuuduuud M:C|    K:G            H:CLRSZ  T:Banshee reel
ABC   1156 C1:005171737122062 C2:dudududuuuduuud M:C|    K:G            H:CLRSZ  T:Banshee reel
ABC   1156 C1:005171737122062 C2:dudududuuuduuud M:C|    K:G            H:CLRSZ  T:Banshee reel
ABC    927 C1:005171737122062 C2:dudududuuuduuud M:C|    K:G            H:CLRSZ  T:Banshee reel
ABC    928 C1:005171737122062 C2:dudududuuuduuud M:C|    K:G            H:CLRSZ  T:Banshee reel
ABC    929 C1:005171737122062 C2:dudududuuuduuud M:C|    K:G            H:CLRSZ  T:Banshee reel
ABC   8358 C1:005171737122062 C2:dudududuuuduuud M:C|    K:G            H:CLRSZ  T:Banshee reel
ABC   8359 C1:005171737122062 C2:dudududuuuduuud M:C|    K:G            H:CLRSZ  T:Banshee reel
ABC   8360 C1:005171737122062 C2:dudududuuuduuud M:C|    K:G            H:CLRSZ  T:Banshee reel
ABC    927 C1:005171737122062 C2:dudududuuuduuud M:C|    K:G            H:CLRSZ  T:Banshee reel
ABC    928 C1:005171737122062 C2:dudududuuuduuud M:C|    K:G            H:CLRSZ  T:Banshee reel
ABC    929 C1:005171737122062 C2:dudududuuuduuud M:C|    K:G            H:CLRSZ  T:Banshee reel
ABC   8358 C1:005171737122062 C2:dudududuuuduuud M:C|    K:G            H:CLRSZ  T:Banshee reel
ABC   8359 C1:005171737122062 C2:dudududuuuduuud M:C|    K:G            H:CLRSZ  T:Banshee reel
ABC   8360 C1:005171737122062 C2:dudududuuuduuud M:C|    K:G            H:CLRSZ  T:Banshee reel
ABC    927 C1:005171737122062 C2:dudududuuuduuud M:C|    K:G            H:CLRSZ  T:Banshee reel
ABC    928 C1:005171737122062 C2:dudududuuuduuud M:C|    K:G            H:CLRSZ  T:Banshee reel
ABC    929 C1:005171737122062 C2:dudududuuuduuud M:C|    K:G            H:CLRSZ  T:Banshee reel
ABC   8358 C1:005171737122062 C2:dudududuuuduuud M:C|    K:G            H:CLRSZ  T:Banshee reel
ABC   8359 C1:005171737122062 C2:dudududuuuduuud M:C|    K:G            H:CLRSZ  T:Banshee reel
ABC   8360 C1:005171737122062 C2:dudududuuuduuud M:C|    K:G            H:CLRSZ  T:Banshee reel
ABC    927 C1:005171737122062 C2:dudududuuuduuud M:C|    K:G            H:CLRSZ  T:Banshee reel
ABC    928 C1:005171737122062 C2:dudududuuuduuud M:C|    K:G            H:CLRSZ  T:Banshee reel
ABC    929 C1:005171737122062 C2:dudududuuuduuud M:C|    K:G            H:CLRSZ  T:Banshee reel
ABC   8358 C1:005171737122062 C2:dudududuuuduuud M:C|    K:G            H:CLRSZ  T:Banshee reel
ABC   8359 C1:005171737122062 C2:dudududuuuduuud M:C|    K:G            H:CLRSZ  T:Banshee reel
ABC   8360 C1:005171737122062 C2:dudududuuuduuud M:C|    K:G            H:CLRSZ  T:Banshee reel
ABC    927 C1:005171737122062 C2:dudududuuuduuud M:C|    K:G            H:CLRSZ  T:Banshee reel
ABC    928 C1:005171737122062 C2:dudududuuuduuud M:C|    K:G            H:CLRSZ  T:Banshee reel
ABC    929 C1:005171737122062 C2:dudududuuuduuud M:C|    K:G            H:CLRSZ  T:Banshee reel
ABC   8358 C1:005171737122062 C2:dudududuuuduuud M:C|    K:G            H:CLRSZ  T:Banshee reel
ABC   8359 C1:005171737122062 C2:dudududuuuduuud M:C|    K:G            H:CLRSZ  T:Banshee reel
ABC   8360 C1:005171737122062 C2:dudududuuuduuud M:C|    K:G            H:CLRSZ  T:Banshee reel
ABC  10637 C1:005171737122062 C2:dudududuuuduuud M:C|    K:G            H:CLRSZ  T:Banshee reel
ABC  10637 C1:005171737122062 C2:dudududuuuduuud M:C|    K:G            H:CLRSZ  T:Banshee reel
ABC 491033 C1:020017006602020 C2:uuddduududduudd M:3/4   K:C            H:BLQSYZ T:BANSHEE'S CRY, The
ABC    129 C1:020017006602020 C2:uuddduududduudd M:3/4   K:C            H:BLZ    T:The Banshee's Cry
ABC    129 C1:020017006602020 C2:uuddduududduudd M:3/4   K:C            H:BLZ    T:The Banshee's Cry
ABC    129 C1:020017006602020 C2:uuddduududduudd M:3/4   K:C            H:BLZ    T:The Banshee's Cry
ABC    129 C1:020017006602020 C2:uuddduududduudd M:3/4   K:C            H:BLZ    T:The Banshee's Cry
ABC    129 C1:020017006602020 C2:uuddduuuuddduud M:3/4   K:C            H:BLOQRZbs T:the Banshee's Cry
ABC    129 C1:020017006602020 C2:uuddduuuuddduud M:3/4   K:C            H:BLOQRZbs T:the Banshee's Cry
ABC    129 C1:020017006602020 C2:uuddduuuuddduud M:3/4   K:C            H:BLOQRZbs T:the Banshee's Cry
ABC    129 C1:020017006602020 C2:uuddduuuuddduud M:3/4   K:C            H:BLOQRZbs T:the Banshee's Cry
ABC    129 C1:020017006602020 C2:uuddduuuuddduud M:3/4   K:C            H:BLOQRZbs T:the Banshee's Cry
ABC    129 C1:020017006602020 C2:uuddduuuuddduud M:3/4   K:C            H:BLOQRZbs T:the Banshee's Cry
ABC    129 C1:020017006602020 C2:uuddduuuuddduud M:3/4   K:C            H:BLOQRZbs T:the Banshee's Cry
ABC    129 C1:020017006602020 C2:uuddduuuuddduud M:3/4   K:C            H:BLOQRZbs T:the Banshee's Cry
ABC    129 C1:020017006602020 C2:uuddduududduudd M:3/4   K:C            H:BLZ    T:The Banshee's Cry
ABC      1 C1:020017006602020 C2:uuddduududduudd M:      K:Cmaj         H:LR     T:The Banshee's Cry
ABC 491033 C1:020017006602020 C2:uuddduududduudd M:3/4   K:C            H:BLQSYZ T:BANSHEE'S CRY, The
ABC 491033 C1:020017006602020 C2:uuddduududduudd M:3/4   K:C            H:BLQSYZ T:BANSHEE'S CRY, The
ABC    129 C1:020017006602020 C2:uuddduududduudd M:3/4   K:C            H:BLZ    T:The Banshee's Cry
ABC    129 C1:020017006602020 C2:uuddduududduudd M:3/4   K:C            H:BLZ    T:The Banshee's Cry
ABC    129 C1:020017006602020 C2:uuddduududduudd M:3/4   K:C            H:BLZ    T:The Banshee's Cry
ABC     31 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:CLQR   T:Banshee's Lament bass (1:06)
ABC     71 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:CLQR   T:Banshee's Lament clarinet1 (1:06)
ABC     72 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:CLQR   T:Banshee's Lament clarinet2 (1:06)
ABC     61 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:CLQR   T:Banshee's Lament horn1 (1:06)
ABC     62 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:CLQR   T:Banshee's Lament horn2 (1:06)
ABC     11 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:CLQR   T:Banshee's Lament lute (opt) (1:06)
ABC      2 C1:221267670711660 C2:uuuuddddduuddud M:6/8   K:G            H:CLR    T:Banshee's Wail
ABC      2 C1:221267670711660 C2:uuuuddddduuddud M:6/8   K:G            H:CLR    T:Banshee's Wail
ABC      2 C1:221267670711660 C2:uuuuddddduuddud M:6/8   K:G            H:CLR    T:Banshee's Wail
ABC  56005 C1:670173221267670 C2:dduduuuuudddddu M:6/8   K:G            H:BCLR   T:BANSHEE'S WAIL, The
ABC  56005 C1:670173221267670 C2:dduduuuuudddddu M:6/8   K:G            H:BCLR   T:BANSHEE'S WAIL, The
ABC      1 C1:667000322126767 C2:dddduuuuuuddddd M:      K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:The Banshee's Wail
ABC      2 C1:767000322102567 C2:ddduuuuudddduud M:      K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:The Banshee's Wail
ABC      3 C1:670173221267670 C2:dduduuuuudddddu M:      K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:The Banshee's Wail
ABC      2 C1:221267670711660 C2:uuuuddddduuddud M:6/8   K:G            H:CLR    T:Banshee's Wail
ABC      2 C1:221267670711660 C2:uuuuddddduuddud M:6/8   K:G            H:CLR    T:Banshee's Wail
ABC      1 C1:007177753111007 C2:dudddduuuududdd M:6/8   K:D            H:LR     T:Banshee's Wail over the Mangle Pit, The
ABC      1 C1:007177753111007 C2:dudddduuuududdd M:6/8   K:D            H:LRSZ   T:Banshee's Wail over the Mangle Pit, The
ABC      1 C1:007177753111007 C2:dudddduuuududdd M:6/8   K:D            H:LRSZ   T:Banshee's Wail over the Mangle Pit, The
ABC      1 C1:007177753111007 C2:dudddduuuududdd M:6/8   K:D            H:LRSZ   T:Banshee's Wail over the Mangle Pit, The
ABC      1 C1:007177753111007 C2:dudddduuuududdd M:6/8   K:D            H:LRSZ   T:Banshee's Wail over the Mangle Pit, The
ABC      1 C1:007177753111007 C2:dudddduuuududdd M:6/8   K:D            H:LRSZ   T:Banshee's Wail over the Mangle Pit, The
ABC      1 C1:007177753111007 C2:dudddduuuududdd M:6/8   K:D            H:LRSZ   T:Banshee's Wail over the Mangle Pit, The
ABC      1 C1:007177753111007 C2:dudddduuuududdd M:6/8   K:D            H:LRSZ   T:Banshee's Wail over the Mangle Pit, The
ABC      1 C1:007177753111007 C2:dudddduuuududdd M:6/8   K:D            H:LRSZ   T:Banshee's Wail over the Mangle Pit, The
ABC    831 C1:771177762111771 C2:dduudddduuuuddu M:6/8   K:G            H:"BLORSZ T:The banshee's wail over the mangle pit
ABC    831 C1:771177762111771 C2:dduudddduuuuddu M:6/8   K:G            H:"BLORSZ T:The banshee's wail over the mangle pit
ABC    831 C1:771177762111771 C2:dduudddduuuuddu M:6/8   K:G            H:"BLORSZ T:The banshee's wail over the mangle pit
ABC    831 C1:771177762111771 C2:dduudddduuuuddu M:6/8   K:G            H:"BLORSZ T:The banshee's wail over the mangle pit
ABC      1 C1:061177762111771 C2:duudddduuuudduu M:6/8   K:ADor         H:CEHRSZ T:Banshee's Wail over the Mangle Pit, The
ABC      1 C1:061177762111771 C2:duudddduuuudduu M:6/8   K:A            H:"CDLOQRSZ T:The Banshee's Wail over the Mangle Pit
ABC      6 C1:061177762111771 C2:duudddduuuudduu M:6/8   K:ADor         H:CEHRSZ T:Banshee's Wail over the Mangle Pit, The
ABC     30 C1:061177762111771 C2:duudddduuuudduu M:6/8   K:ADor         H:CEHRSZ T:Banshee's Wail over the Mangle Pit, The
ABC      1 C1:007177753111007 C2:dudddduuuududdd M:6/8   K:Edor         H:LRZ    T:The Banshee's Wail over the Mangle Pit
ABC      6 C1:061177762111771 C2:duudddduuuudduu M:6/8   K:ADor         H:CEHRSZ T:Banshee's Wail over the Mangle Pit, The
ABC     25 C1:007177753111007 C2:dudddduuuududdd M:6/8   K:D            H:LRZ    T:Banshee's Wail over the Mangle Pit, The
ABC    375 C1:762111771376700 C2:dduuuudduuddduu M:6/8   K:Ador         H:LRZ    T:Banshee's Wail over the Mangle Pit, The
ABC    375 C1:762111771376700 C2:dduuuudduuddduu M:6/8   K:Ador         H:LRZ    T:Banshee's Wail over the Mangle Pit, The
ABC     36 C1:007177753111007 C2:dudddduuuududdd M:6/8   K:D            H:LRZ    T:Banshee's Wail over the Mangle Pit, The
ABC   1157 C1:061177762111771 C2:duudddduuuudduu M:6/8   K:ADor         H:CEHRSZ T:Banshee's Wail over the Mangle Pit, The
ABC    390 C1:007177753111007 C2:dudddduuuududdd M:6/8   K:D            H:LRZ    T:Banshee's Wail over the Mangle Pit, The
ABC    410 C1:007177753111007 C2:dudddduuuududdd M:6/8   K:D            H:LOR    T:Banshee's Wail over the Mangle Pit, The
ABC    410 C1:007177753111007 C2:dudddduuuududdd M:6/8   K:D            H:LOR    T:Banshee's Wail over the Mangle Pit, The
ABC    831 C1:771177762111771 C2:dduudddduuuuddu M:6/8   K:G            H:"BLORSZ T:The banshee's wail over the mangle pit
ABC   1157 C1:061177762111771 C2:duudddduuuudduu M:6/8   K:ADor         H:CEHRSZ T:Banshee's Wail over the Mangle Pit, The
ABC   1157 C1:061177762111771 C2:duudddduuuudduu M:6/8   K:ADor         H:CEHRSZ T:Banshee's Wail over the Mangle Pit, The
ABC   1157 C1:061177762111771 C2:duudddduuuudduu M:6/8   K:ADor         H:CEHRSZ T:Banshee's Wail over the Mangle Pit, The
ABC    931 C1:061177762111771 C2:duudddduuuudduu M:6/8   K:ADor         H:CEHRSZ T:Banshee's Wail over the Mangle Pit, The
ABC    932 C1:007177753111007 C2:dudddduuuududdd M:6/8   K:D            H:LR     T:Banshee's Wail over the Mangle Pit, The
ABC    931 C1:061177762111771 C2:duudddduuuudduu M:6/8   K:ADor         H:CEHRSZ T:Banshee's Wail over the Mangle Pit, The
ABC    932 C1:007177753111007 C2:dudddduuuududdd M:6/8   K:D            H:LR     T:Banshee's Wail over the Mangle Pit, The
ABC    931 C1:061177762111771 C2:duudddduuuudduu M:6/8   K:ADor         H:CEHRSZ T:Banshee's Wail over the Mangle Pit, The
ABC    932 C1:007177753111007 C2:dudddduuuududdd M:6/8   K:D            H:LR     T:Banshee's Wail over the Mangle Pit, The
ABC    931 C1:061177762111771 C2:duudddduuuudduu M:6/8   K:ADor         H:CEHRSZ T:Banshee's Wail over the Mangle Pit, The
ABC    932 C1:007177753111007 C2:dudddduuuududdd M:6/8   K:D            H:LR     T:Banshee's Wail over the Mangle Pit, The
ABC    931 C1:061177762111771 C2:duudddduuuudduu M:6/8   K:ADor         H:CEHRSZ T:Banshee's Wail over the Mangle Pit, The
ABC    932 C1:007177753111007 C2:dudddduuuududdd M:6/8   K:D            H:LR     T:Banshee's Wail over the Mangle Pit, The
ABC     67 C1:070602010101000 C2:dduuuududdduudu M:6/8   K:A            H:"LR    T:Banshee's Wail Over the Mangle Pit -- Basic
ABC      1 C1:007177762111007 C2:dudddduuuududdd M:6/8   K:F            H:L      T:Banshee's Wail over the Mangle Pit, The (in F)
ABC      2 C1:007177762111007 C2:dudddduuuududdd M:6/8   K:F            H:LR     T:Banshee's Wail over the Mangle Pit, The (in F)
ABC     37 C1:007177762111007 C2:dudddduuuududdd M:6/8   K:F            H:LZ     T:Banshee's Wail over the Mangle Pit, The (in F)
ABC    391 C1:007177762111007 C2:dudddduuuududdd M:6/8   K:F            H:LZ     T:Banshee's Wail over the Mangle Pit, The (in F)
ABC    409 C1:007177762111007 C2:dudddduuuududdd M:6/8   K:F            H:LO     T:Banshee's Wail over the Mangle Pit, The (in F)
ABC    409 C1:007177762111007 C2:dudddduuuududdd M:6/8   K:F            H:LO     T:Banshee's Wail over the Mangle Pit, The (in F)
ABC    930 C1:007177762111007 C2:dudddduuuududdd M:6/8   K:F            H:L      T:Banshee's Wail over the Mangle Pit, The (in F)
ABC    930 C1:007177762111007 C2:dudddduuuududdd M:6/8   K:F            H:L      T:Banshee's Wail over the Mangle Pit, The (in F)
ABC    930 C1:007177762111007 C2:dudddduuuududdd M:6/8   K:F            H:L      T:Banshee's Wail over the Mangle Pit, The (in F)
ABC    930 C1:007177762111007 C2:dudddduuuududdd M:6/8   K:F            H:L      T:Banshee's Wail over the Mangle Pit, The (in F)
ABC    930 C1:007177762111007 C2:dudddduuuududdd M:6/8   K:F            H:L      T:Banshee's Wail over the Mangle Pit, The (in F)
ABC  56005 C1:670173221267670 C2:dduduuuuudddddu M:6/8\  K:G\           H:BCLQR  T:BANSHEE'S WAIL, The \
ABC      1 C1:005175337122062 C2:dudduuduuuduuud M:C|    K:G            H:LQR    T:BANSHEE (THE)
ABC      1 C1:005175337122062 C2:dudduuduuuduuud M:C|    K:G            H:LQR    T:BANSHEE (THE)
ABC      1 C1:005175337122062 C2:dudduuduuuduuud M:C|    K:G            H:LQR    T:BANSHEE (THE)
ABC      1 C1:005175337122062 C2:dudduuduuuduuud M:C|    K:G            H:LQR    T:BANSHEE (THE)
ABC      1 C1:005175337122062 C2:dudduuduuuduuud M:C|    K:G            H:LQR    T:BANSHEE (THE)
ABC      1 C1:005175337122062 C2:dudduuduuuduuud M:C|    K:G            H:LQR    T:BANSHEE (THE)
ABC      1 C1:005175337122062 C2:dudduuduuuduuud M:C|    K:G            H:LQR    T:BANSHEE (THE)
ABC      1 C1:005175337122062 C2:dudduuduuuduuud M:C|    K:G            H:LQR    T:BANSHEE (THE)
ABC      1 C1:005175337122062 C2:dudduuduuuduuud M:C|    K:G            H:LQR    T:BANSHEE (THE)
ABC      1 C1:005175337122062 C2:dudduuduuuduuud M:C|    K:G            H:LQR    T:BANSHEE (THE)
ABC      1 C1:005175337122062 C2:dudduuduuuduuud M:C|    K:G            H:LQR    T:BANSHEE (THE)
ABC      1 C1:005175337122062 C2:dudduuduuuduuud M:C|    K:G            H:LQR    T:BANSHEE (THE)
ABC      1 C1:005175337122062 C2:dudduuduuuduuud M:C|    K:G            H:LQR    T:BANSHEE (THE)
ABC      1 C1:005175337122062 C2:dudduuduuuduuud M:C|    K:G            H:LQR    T:BANSHEE (THE)
ABC    370 C1:712206211776771 C2:duuuduuuddddduu M:4/4   K:G            H:LR     T:Banshee [The]
ABC      2 C1:767000322102567 C2:ddduuuuudddduud M:6/8   K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:Banshee’s Wail, The
ABC    537 C1:210025632676000 C2:uuudduuddduddud M:3/4   K:F            H:LORS   T:Bansheng ldou
ABC   4353 C1:002707220077777 C2:udduuuuddddduud M:2/4   K:A            H:LVZ    T:Bantering Billy
ABC      1 C1:002707220077777 C2:udduuuuddddduud M:2/4   K:A            H:LSVZ   T:Bantering Billy
ABC      1 C1:002707220077777 C2:udduuuuddddduud M:2/4   K:A            H:LSVZ   T:Bantering Billy
ABC   4353 C1:002707220077777 C2:udduuuuddddduud M:2/4   K:A            H:LVZ    T:Bantering Billy
ABC      1 C1:002707220077777 C2:udduuuuddddduud M:2/4   K:A            H:LSVZ   T:Bantering Billy
ABC      1 C1:002707220077777 C2:udduuuuddddduud M:2/4   K:A            H:LSVZ   T:Bantering Billy
ABC     95 C1:072200777771002 C2:duuuuddddduudud M:2/4   K:A            H:BLQZ   T:Bantering Billy. JJo5.095
ABC     95 C1:072200777771002 C2:duuuuddddduudud M:2/4   K:A            H:BLQZ   T:Bantering Billy. JJo5.095
ABC    176 C1:600500330076003 C2:dududduddududdd M:C     K:D            H:BLQRVZ T:Ban Tighearna Mhic s'himi
ABC    176 C1:600500330076003 C2:dududduddududdd M:C     K:D            H:BLQRVZ T:Ban Tighearna Mhic s'himi
ABC    176 C1:600500330076003 C2:dududduddududdd M:C     K:D            H:BLQRUVZ T:Ban Tighearna Mhic s'himi
ABC    176 C1:600500330076003 C2:dududduddududdd M:C     K:D            H:BLQRUVZ T:Ban Tighearna Mhic s'himi
ABC    176 C1:600500330076003 C2:dududduddududdd M:C     K:D            H:BLQRVZ T:Ban Tighearna Mhic s'himi
ABC    176 C1:600500330076003 C2:dududduddududdd M:C     K:D            H:BLQRVZ T:Ban Tighearna Mhic s'himi
ABC    176 C1:600500330076003 C2:dududduddududdd M:C     K:D            H:BLQRUVZ T:Ban Tighearna Mhic s'himi
ABC    176 C1:600500330076003 C2:dududduddududdd M:C     K:D            H:BLQRUVZ T:Ban Tighearna Mhic s'himi
ABC    176 C1:600500330076003 C2:dududduddududdd M:C     K:D            H:BLQRVZ T:Ban Tighearna Mhic s'himi
ABC    176 C1:600500330076003 C2:dududduddududdd M:C     K:D            H:BLQRVZ T:Ban Tighearna Mhic s'himi
ABC    176 C1:600500330076003 C2:dududduddududdd M:C     K:D            H:BLQRVZ T:Ban Tighearna Mhic s'himi
ABC    176 C1:600500330076003 C2:dududduddududdd M:C     K:D            H:BLQRUVZ T:Ban Tighearna Mhic s'himi
ABC    176 C1:600500330076003 C2:dududduddududdd M:C     K:D            H:BLQRVZ T:Ban Tighearna Mhic s'himi
ABC    176 C1:600500330076003 C2:dududduddududdd M:C     K:D            H:BLQRUVZ T:Ban Tighearna Mhic s'himi
ABC 510461 C1:000005010607070 C2:duddduddduduuuu M:2/4   K:G            H:CFLOSZ T:Bantisulbr\"ode
ABC 510461 C1:000005010607070 C2:duddduddduduuuu M:2/4   K:G            H:CFLOSZ T:Bantisulbr\"ode
ABC    100 C1:                C2:                M:C     K:Cmin         H:LR     T:Bantree Girl's Lament
ABC    633 C1:772660255300175 C2:dduddudduudduuu M:6/8   K:G            H:BLQSZ  T:Bantrey Bay Boy. JBut.631, The
ABC      1 C1:776176251200000 C2:dddudduduuudduu M:4/4   K:G            H:CLQR   T:Bantry Bay
ABC      1 C1:776176251200000 C2:dddudduduuudduu M:4/4   K:G            H:CLQR   T:Bantry Bay
ABC   1622 C1:617625120000002 C2:dudduduuudduuud M:C|    K:G            H:       T:Bantry Bay
ABC   1622 C1:617625120000002 C2:dudduduuudduuud M:C|    K:G            H:       T:Bantry Bay
ABC   1573 C1:617625120000002 C2:dudduduuudduuud M:C|    K:G            H:C      T:Bantry Bay
ABC   1622 C1:617625120000002 C2:dudduduuudduuud M:C|    K:G            H:       T:Bantry Bay
ABC     19 C1:617625120071277 C2:dudduduuduudddu M:C|    K:G            H:DRZ    T:Bantry Bay
ABC      1 C1:617625120071277 C2:dudduduuduudddu M:C|    K:A            H:HRZ    T:Bantry Bay
ABC   1643 C1:617625120000002 C2:dudduduuudduuud M:C|    K:G            H:BLRZ   T:Bantry Bay
ABC   1643 C1:617625120000002 C2:dudduduuudduuud M:C|    K:G            H:BLRZ   T:Bantry Bay
ABC   1643 C1:617625120000002 C2:dudduduuudduuud M:C|    K:G            H:BLRZ   T:Bantry Bay
ABC   1573 C1:617625120000002 C2:dudduduuudduuud M:C|    K:G            H:BLRZ   T:Bantry Bay
ABC   1573 C1:617625120000002 C2:dudduduuudduuud M:C|    K:G            H:BLRZbs T:Bantry Bay
ABC   1573 C1:617625120000002 C2:dudduduuudduuud M:C|    K:G            H:BLRZbs T:Bantry Bay
ABC   1573 C1:617625120000002 C2:dudduduuudduuud M:C|    K:G            H:BLRZbs T:Bantry Bay
ABC   1573 C1:617625120000002 C2:dudduduuudduuud M:C|    K:G            H:BLRZbs T:Bantry Bay
ABC   1573 C1:617625120000002 C2:dudduduuudduuud M:C|    K:G            H:BLRZbs T:Bantry Bay
ABC   1573 C1:617625120000002 C2:dudduduuudduuud M:C|    K:G            H:BLRZbs T:Bantry Bay
ABC   1573 C1:617625120000002 C2:dudduduuudduuud M:C|    K:G            H:BLRZbs T:Bantry Bay
ABC   1573 C1:617625120000002 C2:dudduduuudduuud M:C|    K:G            H:BLRZbs T:Bantry Bay
ABC   1573 C1:617625120000002 C2:dudduduuudduuud M:C|    K:G            H:BLRZbs T:Bantry Bay
ABC    822 C1:617625120000002 C2:dudduduuudduuud M:C|    K:G            H:BLORZ  T:Bantry Bay
ABC    822 C1:617625120000002 C2:dudduduuudduuud M:C|    K:G            H:BLORZ  T:Bantry Bay
ABC    822 C1:617625120000002 C2:dudduduuudduuud M:C|    K:G            H:BLORZ  T:Bantry Bay
ABC    823 C1:776176251200000 C2:dddudduduuudduu M:C|    K:G            H:BFLRZbs T:Bantry Bay
ABC    823 C1:776176251200000 C2:dddudduduuudduu M:C|    K:G            H:BFLRZbs T:Bantry Bay
ABC    823 C1:776176251200000 C2:dddudduduuudduu M:C|    K:G            H:BFLRZbs T:Bantry Bay
ABC    823 C1:776176251200000 C2:dddudduduuudduu M:C|    K:G            H:BFLRZbs T:Bantry Bay
ABC      1 C1:617625120071277 C2:dudduduuduudddu M:C|    K:G            H:HRZ    T:Bantry Bay
ABC    823 C1:776176251200000 C2:dddudduduuudduu M:C|    K:G            H:BFLRZbs T:Bantry Bay
ABC    823 C1:776176251200000 C2:dddudduduuudduu M:C|    K:G            H:BFLRZbs T:Bantry Bay
ABC    823 C1:776176251200000 C2:dddudduduuudduu M:C|    K:G            H:BFLRZbs T:Bantry Bay
ABC    823 C1:776176251200000 C2:dddudduduuudduu M:C|    K:G            H:BFLRZbs T:Bantry Bay
ABC      1 C1:006607111007101 C2:ddduuuduudduuud M:4/4   K:G            H:"L     T:Bantry Bay
ABC     24 C1:617625120071277 C2:dudduduuduudddu M:2/2   K:G            H:"LQ    T:Bantry Bay
ABC     24 C1:617625120071277 C2:dudduduuduudddu M:2/2   K:G            H:"LQ    T:Bantry Bay
ABC    452 C1:617625120071277 C2:dudduduuduudddu M:4/4   K:G            H:"BLORSZ T:Bantry Bay
ABC    452 C1:617625120071277 C2:dudduduuduudddu M:4/4   K:G            H:"BLORSZ T:Bantry Bay
ABC    452 C1:617625120071277 C2:dudduduuduudddu M:4/4   K:G            H:"BLORSZ T:Bantry Bay
ABC    452 C1:617625120071277 C2:dudduduuduudddu M:4/4   K:G            H:"BLORSZ T:Bantry Bay
ABC    335 C1:066263630663602 C2:ddudududduduudd M:C|    K:G            H:BFLZ   T:Bantry Bay
ABC    108 C1:000704111000001 C2:dududduuuduuddu M:4/4   K:G            H:ILZ    T:Bantry Bay
ABC    108 C1:000704111000001 C2:dududduuuduuddu M:4/4   K:G            H:ILZ    T:Bantry Bay
ABC    108 C1:000704111000001 C2:dududduuuduuddu M:4/4   K:G            H:ILZ    T:Bantry Bay
ABC      8 C1:110061767102712 C2:uududdduuduuddd M:4/4   K:G            H:LQRS   T:Bantry Bay
ABC   1573 C1:617625120000002 C2:dudduduuudduuud M:C|    K:G            H:C      T:Bantry Bay
ABC    335 C1:066263630663602 C2:ddudududduduudd M:C|    K:G            H:BFLZ   T:Bantry Bay
ABC    335 C1:066263630663602 C2:ddudududduduudd M:C|    K:G            H:BFLZ   T:Bantry Bay
ABC    335 C1:066263630663602 C2:ddudududduduudd M:C|    K:G            H:BFLZ   T:Bantry Bay
ABC    335 C1:066263630663602 C2:ddudududduduudd M:C|    K:G            H:BFLZ   T:Bantry Bay
ABC    335 C1:066263630663602 C2:ddudududduduudd M:C|    K:G            H:BFLZ   T:Bantry Bay
ABC    573 C1:617625120071277 C2:dudduduuduudddu M:4/4   K:G            H:LRZ    T:Bantry Bay
ABC   1573 C1:617625120000002 C2:dudduduuudduuud M:C|    K:G            H:BLRZ   T:Bantry Bay
ABC    573 C1:617625120071277 C2:dudduduuduudddu M:4/4   K:G            H:LRZ    T:Bantry Bay
ABC    573 C1:617625120071277 C2:dudduduuduudddu M:4/4   K:G            H:LRZ    T:Bantry Bay
ABC     13 C1:617625120071277 C2:dudduduuduudddu M:C|    K:G            H:HRZ    T:Bantry Bay
ABC     97 C1:617625120071277 C2:dudduduuduudddu M:C|    K:A            H:HRZ    T:Bantry Bay
ABC     13 C1:617625120071277 C2:dudduduuduudddu M:C|    K:G            H:HRZ    T:Bantry Bay
ABC     97 C1:617625120071277 C2:dudduduuduudddu M:C|    K:A            H:HRZ    T:Bantry Bay
ABC     13 C1:617625120071277 C2:dudduduuduudddu M:C|    K:G            H:HRZ    T:Bantry Bay
ABC     97 C1:617625120071277 C2:dudduduuduudddu M:C|    K:A            H:HRZ    T:Bantry Bay
ABC     13 C1:617625120071277 C2:dudduduuduudddu M:C|    K:G            H:HRZ    T:Bantry Bay
ABC     97 C1:617625120071277 C2:dudduduuduudddu M:C|    K:A            H:HRZ    T:Bantry Bay
ABC     14 C1:617625120071277 C2:dudduduuduudddu M:2/2   K:G            H:"LQ    T:Bantry Bay
ABC     14 C1:617625120071277 C2:dudduduuduudddu M:2/2   K:G            H:"LQ    T:Bantry Bay
ABC      1 C1:617625111017712 C2:dudduduuuudduud M:      K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:Bantry Bay
ABC      2 C1:617625120071277 C2:dudduduuduudddu M:      K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:Bantry Bay
ABC      3 C1:776176251200000 C2:dddudduduuudduu M:      K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:Bantry Bay
ABC      4 C1:116171661110071 C2:uudududduuuduud M:      K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:Bantry Bay
ABC      5 C1:617625120071277 C2:dudduduuduudddu M:      K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:Bantry Bay
ABC      6 C1:617625120071277 C2:dudduduuduudddu M:      K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:Bantry Bay
ABC      7 C1:617625120071027 C2:dudduduuduudddu M:      K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:Bantry Bay
ABC      8 C1:716607210071017 C2:duddduuuduudduu M:      K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:Bantry Bay
ABC      9 C1:617625120071277 C2:dudduduuduudddu M:      K:Gmaj         H:"LR    T:Bantry Bay
ABC      2 C1:776176251200000 C2:dddudduduuudduu M:4/4   K:Gmaj         H:BLR    T:Bantry Bay
ABC      3 C1:116171661110071 C2:uudududduuuduud M:4/4   K:Gmaj         H:BLR    T:Bantry Bay
ABC    108 C1:000704111000001 C2:dududduuuduuddu M:4/4   K:G            H:ILZ    T:Bantry Bay
ABC    108 C1:000704111000001 C2:dududduuuduuddu M:4/4   K:G            H:ILZ    T:Bantry Bay
ABC      2 C1:617625120071277 C2:dudduduuduudddu M:4/4   K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:Bantry Bay
ABC   1690 C1:617625300071277 C2:duddududuuddudu M:C|    K:G            H:DLRZ   T:Bantry Bay
ABC    338 C1:617625300071277 C2:duddududuuddudu M:C|    K:G            H:DLRZ   T:Bantry Bay
ABC   1162 C1:617625120071277 C2:dudduduuduudddu M:C|    K:A            H:HRZ    T:Bantry Bay
ABC   1163 C1:617625120071277 C2:dudduduuduudddu M:C|    K:G            H:HRZ    T:Bantry Bay
ABC    265 C1:617625120071277 C2:dudduduuduudddu M:4/4   K:G            H:LRZ    T:Bantry Bay
ABC     97 C1:617625120071277 C2:dudduduuduudddu M:C|    K:A            H:HRZ    T:Bantry Bay
ABC     13 C1:617625120071277 C2:dudduduuduudddu M:C|    K:G            H:HRZ    T:Bantry Bay
ABC     97 C1:617625120071277 C2:dudduduuduudddu M:C|    K:A            H:HRZ    T:Bantry Bay
ABC     13 C1:617625120071277 C2:dudduduuduudddu M:C|    K:G            H:HRZ    T:Bantry Bay
ABC     97 C1:617625120071277 C2:dudduduuduudddu M:C|    K:A            H:HRZ    T:Bantry Bay
ABC     13 C1:617625120071277 C2:dudduduuduudddu M:C|    K:G            H:HRZ    T:Bantry Bay
ABC     97 C1:617625120071277 C2:dudduduuduudddu M:C|    K:A            H:HRZ    T:Bantry Bay
ABC     13 C1:617625120071277 C2:dudduduuduudddu M:C|    K:G            H:HRZ    T:Bantry Bay
ABC   1573 C1:617625120000002 C2:dudduduuudduuud M:C|    K:G            H:C      T:Bantry Bay
ABC   1573 C1:617625120000002 C2:dudduduuudduuud M:C|    K:G            H:BLRZ   T:Bantry Bay
ABC     13 C1:617625120071277 C2:dudduduuduudddu M:C|    K:G            H:HRZ    T:Bantry Bay
ABC     97 C1:617625120071277 C2:dudduduuduudddu M:C|    K:A            H:HRZ    T:Bantry Bay
ABC    823 C1:617625120000002 C2:dudduduuudduuud M:C|    K:G            H:BCFLORWZ T:Bantry Bay
ABC    411 C1:617625120071277 C2:dudduduuduudddu M:C|    K:G            H:HOR    T:Bantry Bay
ABC    411 C1:617625120071277 C2:dudduduuduudddu M:C|    K:G            H:HOR    T:Bantry Bay
ABC    452 C1:617625120071277 C2:dudduduuduudddu M:4/4   K:G            H:"BLORSZ T:Bantry Bay
ABC    822 C1:617625120000002 C2:dudduduuudduuud M:C|    K:G            H:BLORZ  T:Bantry Bay
ABC    822 C1:617625120000002 C2:dudduduuudduuud M:C|    K:G            H:BLORZ  T:Bantry Bay
ABC   1162 C1:617625120071277 C2:dudduduuduudddu M:C|    K:A            H:HRZ    T:Bantry Bay
ABC   1163 C1:617625120071277 C2:dudduduuduudddu M:C|    K:G            H:HRZ    T:Bantry Bay
ABC   1162 C1:617625120071277 C2:dudduduuduudddu M:C|    K:A            H:HRZ    T:Bantry Bay
ABC   1163 C1:617625120071277 C2:dudduduuduudddu M:C|    K:G            H:HRZ    T:Bantry Bay
ABC   1162 C1:617625120071277 C2:dudduduuduudddu M:C|    K:A            H:HRZ    T:Bantry Bay
ABC   1163 C1:617625120071277 C2:dudduduuduudddu M:C|    K:G            H:HRZ    T:Bantry Bay
ABC    939 C1:617625120071277 C2:dudduduuduudddu M:C|    K:G            H:HRZ    T:Bantry Bay
ABC    940 C1:617625120071277 C2:dudduduuduudddu M:C|    K:A            H:HRZ    T:Bantry Bay
ABC    939 C1:617625120071277 C2:dudduduuduudddu M:C|    K:G            H:HRZ    T:Bantry Bay
ABC    940 C1:617625120071277 C2:dudduduuduudddu M:C|    K:A            H:HRZ    T:Bantry Bay
ABC    939 C1:617625120071277 C2:dudduduuduudddu M:C|    K:G            H:HRZ    T:Bantry Bay
ABC    940 C1:617625120071277 C2:dudduduuduudddu M:C|    K:A            H:HRZ    T:Bantry Bay
ABC    939 C1:617625120071277 C2:dudduduuduudddu M:C|    K:G            H:HRZ    T:Bantry Bay
ABC    940 C1:617625120071277 C2:dudduduuduudddu M:C|    K:A            H:HRZ    T:Bantry Bay
ABC    939 C1:617625120071277 C2:dudduduuduudddu M:C|    K:G            H:HRZ    T:Bantry Bay
ABC    940 C1:617625120071277 C2:dudduduuduudddu M:C|    K:A            H:HRZ    T:Bantry Bay
ABC      1 C1:116176251200712 C2:uududduduuduudd M:C|    K:A            H:R      T:Bantry Bay
ABC      1 C1:116176251200712 C2:uududduduuduudd M:C|    K:G            H:R      T:Bantry Bay
ABC   1622 C1:617625120000002 C2:dudduduuudduuud M:C|    K:G            H:       T:Bantry Bay
ABC   1643 C1:617625120000002 C2:dudduduuudduuud M:C|    K:G            H:BLRZ   T:Bantry Bay
ABC   1622 C1:617625120000002 C2:dudduduuudduuud M:C|    K:G            H:       T:Bantry Bay
ABC   1643 C1:617625120000002 C2:dudduduuudduuud M:C|    K:G            H:BLRZ   T:Bantry Bay
ABC     13 C1:617625120071277 C2:dudduduuduudddu M:C|    K:G            H:HRZ    T:Bantry Bay
ABC     97 C1:617625120071277 C2:dudduduuduudddu M:C|    K:A            H:HRZ    T:Bantry Bay
ABC     97 C1:617625120071277 C2:dudduduuduudddu M:C|    K:A            H:HRZ    T:Bantry Bay
ABC     13 C1:617625120071277 C2:dudduduuduudddu M:C|    K:G            H:HRZ    T:Bantry Bay
ABC      4 C1:617625120000002 C2:dudduduuudduuud M:2/4   K:G            H:ALOQRSZ T:Bantry Bay,aka. WI.004
ABC      4 C1:617625120000002 C2:dudduduuudduuud M:2/4   K:G            H:ABLQZ  T:Bantry Bay,aka. WI.004
ABC      4 C1:617625120000002 C2:dudduduuudduuud M:2/4   K:G            H:ABLQZ  T:Bantry Bay,aka. WI.004
ABC      4 C1:617625120000002 C2:dudduduuudduuud M:2/4   K:G            H:ABLOQRSZ T:Bantry Bay,aka. WI.004
ABC    531 C1:617625120000002 C2:dudduduuudduuud M:2/4   K:G            H:AFLOQRSZ T:Bantry Bay,aka. WI.004
ABC   4243 C1:617625120000002 C2:dudduduuudduuud M:2/4   K:G            H:AFLOQRSZ T:Bantry Bay,aka. WI.004
ABC    531 C1:617625120000002 C2:dudduduuudduuud M:2/4   K:G            H:AFLOQRSZ T:Bantry Bay,aka. WI.004
ABC   4243 C1:617625120000002 C2:dudduduuudduuud M:2/4   K:G            H:AFLOQRSZ T:Bantry Bay,aka. WI.004
ABC      4 C1:617625120000002 C2:dudduduuudduuud M:2/4   K:G            H:ABLOQRSZ T:Bantry Bay,aka. WI.004
ABC      5 C1:660264660056660 C2:ddududdudddudud M:6/8   K:C            H:LS     T:Bantry Bay Boys (#115)
ABC      5 C1:660264660056660 C2:ddududdudddudud M:6/8   K:C            H:LS     T:Bantry Bay Boys (#115)
ABC      5 C1:660264660056660 C2:ddududdudddudud M:6/8   K:C            H:LS     T:Bantry Bay Boys (#115)
ABC      5 C1:660264660056660 C2:ddududdudddudud M:6/8   K:C            H:LS     T:Bantry Bay Boys (#115)
ABC      5 C1:660264660056660 C2:ddududdudddudud M:6/8   K:C            H:LS     T:Bantry Bay Boys (#115)
ABC      5 C1:660264660056660 C2:ddududdudddudud M:6/8   K:C            H:LS     T:Bantry Bay Boys (#115)
ABC    119 C1:660264660056660 C2:ddududdudddudud M:6/8   K:C            H:LS     T:Bantry Bay Boys
ABC    119 C1:660264660056660 C2:ddududdudddudud M:6/8   K:C            H:LS     T:Bantry Bay Boys
ABC    119 C1:660264660056660 C2:ddududdudddudud M:6/8   K:C            H:LS     T:Bantry Bay Boys
ABC    130 C1:660264660056660 C2:ddududdudddudud M:6/8   K:C            H:LRSVbs T:Bantry Bay Boys % (#115 ed.1?)
ABC    130 C1:660264660056660 C2:ddududdudddudud M:6/8   K:C            H:LRSVbs T:Bantry Bay Boys % (#115 ed.1?)
ABC    130 C1:660264660056660 C2:ddududdudddudud M:6/8   K:C            H:LRSVbs T:Bantry Bay Boys % (#115 ed.1?)
ABC    130 C1:660264660056660 C2:ddududdudddudud M:6/8   K:C            H:LRSVbs T:Bantry Bay Boys % (#115 ed.1?)
ABC    130 C1:660264660056660 C2:ddududdudddudud M:6/8   K:C            H:LRSVbs T:Bantry Bay Boys % (#115 ed.1?)
ABC    130 C1:660264660056660 C2:ddududdudddudud M:6/8   K:C            H:LRSVbs T:Bantry Bay Boys % (#115 ed.1?)
ABC    130 C1:660264660056660 C2:ddududdudddudud M:6/8   K:C            H:LRSVbs T:Bantry Bay Boys % (#115 ed.1?)
ABC    130 C1:660264660056660 C2:ddududdudddudud M:6/8   K:C            H:LRSVbs T:Bantry Bay Boys % (#115 ed.1?)
ABC      1 C1:660264660056660 C2:ddududdudddudud M:6/8   K:A            H:LRSZ   T:Bantry Bay Boys
ABC  58003 C1:660264660056660 C2:ddududdudddudud M:6/8   K:Ador         H:BCLR   T:BANTRY BAY BOYS, The
ABC  58003 C1:660264660056660 C2:ddududdudddudud M:6/8   K:Ador         H:BCLR   T:BANTRY BAY BOYS, The
ABC    119 C1:660264660056660 C2:ddududdudddudud M:6/8   K:C            H:LS     T:Bantry Bay Boys
ABC    119 C1:660264660056660 C2:ddududdudddudud M:6/8   K:C            H:LS     T:Bantry Bay Boys
ABC 581003 C1:660264660056660 C2:ddududdudddudud M:6/8\  K:Ador\        H:BCLQR  T:BANTRY BAY BOYS, The \
ABC   1573 C1:617625120000002 C2:dudduduuudduuud M:C|    K:G            H:BCILZ  T:"Bantry Bay" (hornpipe) 1573
ABC   1573 C1:617625120000002 C2:dudduduuudduuud M:C|    K:G            H:BCILZ  T:"Bantry Bay" (hornpipe) 1573
ABC   1573 C1:617625120000002 C2:dudduduuudduuud M:C|    K:G            H:BCILZ  T:"Bantry Bay" (hornpipe) 1573
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:C|    K:G            H:HRZ    T:Bantry Bay (Hornpipe) [1]
ABC      1 C1:066360210662642 C2:dduduudduduuudd M:C|    K:G            H:BLRZ   T:Bantry Bay (Hornpipe [2])
ABC 492010 C1:617625120000002 C2:dudduduuudduuud M:C|    K:G            H:BLQRSZ T:BANTRY BAY HORNPIPE
ABC  11108 C1:716166210071017 C2:dududduuduudduu M:C|    K:G            H:CLQR   T:BANTRY BAY HORNPIPE, The
ABC    007 C1:617625111017712 C2:dudduduuuudduud M:C|    K:G            H:BLRSUZ T:Bantry Bay Hornpipe
ABC      3 C1:117166251110000 C2:uududduduuuuudd M:4/4   K:G            H:"LRS   T:Bantry Bay Hornpipe
ABC  11108 C1:716166210071017 C2:dududduuduudduu M:C|    K:G            H:CLQR   T:BANTRY BAY HORNPIPE, The
ABC  11108 C1:716166210071017 C2:dududduuduudduu M:C|    K:G            H:CLQR   T:BANTRY BAY HORNPIPE, The
ABC 492010 C1:617625120000002 C2:dudduduuudduuud M:C|    K:G            H:BLQRSZ T:BANTRY BAY HORNPIPE
ABC 492010 C1:617625120000002 C2:dudduduuudduuud M:C|    K:G            H:BLQRSZ T:BANTRY BAY HORNPIPE
ABC     96 C1:117166251110000 C2:uududduduuuuudd M:4/4   K:G            H:"LRS   T:Bantry Bay Hornpipe
ABC    007 C1:617625111017712 C2:dudduduuuudduud M:C|    K:G            H:BLRSUZ T:Bantry Bay Hornpipe
ABC    007 C1:617625111017712 C2:dudduduuuudduud M:C|    K:G            H:BLRSUZ T:Bantry Bay Hornpipe
ABC    108 C1:000704111000001 C2:dududduuuduuddu M:4/4   K:G            H:BCILZ  T:Bantry Bay Hornpipe Allan's #108 pp27
ABC      1 C1:617625120071277 C2:dudduduuduudddu M:4/4   K:G            H:"CDLOQRZ T:Bantry Bay Hornpipe / Little Stack of Wheat (G major)
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:C     K:G            H:BLRZ   T:Bantry Bay Reel
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:C     K:G            H:BLRZ   T:Bantry Bay Reel
ABC      1 C1:007300170067007 C2:dduduuddduduudd M:4/4   K:D            H:L      T:the Bantry Girl's Lament
ABC      1 C1:007300170067007 C2:dduduuddduduudd M:4/4   K:D            H:L      T:the Bantry Girl's Lament
ABC      1 C1:007300170067007 C2:dduduuddduduudd M:4/4   K:D            H:L      T:the Bantry Girl's Lament
ABC      1 C1:007120176061007 C2:duuudddduduuduu M:4/4   K:G            H:CDLRSW T:The Bantry Girls' Lament
ABC      1 C1:007120176061007 C2:duuudddduduuduu M:4/4   K:G            H:CDLRSW T:The Bantry Girls' Lament
ABC      1 C1:007120176061007 C2:duuudddduduuduu M:4/4   K:G            H:CDLRSW T:The Bantry Girls' Lament
ABC      1 C1:007120176061007 C2:duuudddduduuduu M:4/4   K:G            H:CDLRSW T:The Bantry Girls' Lament
ABC      8 C1:000007722000001 C2:dduuudddduduudd M:2/4   K:D            H:DLQRWZ T:Bantry Girl's Lament
ABC      8 C1:000007722000001 C2:dduuudddduduudd M:2/4   K:D            H:DLQRWZ T:Bantry Girl's Lament
ABC  49211 C1:772171635667176 C2:dduududuudddudd M:C|    K:G            H:BLQRSZ T:BANTRY HORNPIPE, The
ABC  21007 C1:772171635667176 C2:dduududuudddudd M:C|    K:G            H:BLRZ   T:BANTRY HORNPIPE, The
ABC      1 C1:777721716356671 C2:dddduududuudddu M:4/4   K:G            H:CLQR   T:The Bantry Hornpipe
ABC      1 C1:777721716356671 C2:dddduududuudddu M:4/4   K:G            H:CLQR   T:The Bantry Hornpipe
ABC    936 C1:772171635667176 C2:dduududuudddudd M:C|    K:G            H:BLORZ  T:The Bantry Hornpipe
ABC    936 C1:772171635667176 C2:dduududuudddudd M:C|    K:G            H:BLORZ  T:The Bantry Hornpipe
ABC    936 C1:772171635667176 C2:dduududuudddudd M:C|    K:G            H:BLORZ  T:The Bantry Hornpipe
ABC   1779 C1:772171635667176 C2:dduududuudddudd M:C|    K:G            H:BLORZbs T:the Bantry Hornpipe
ABC   1779 C1:772171635667176 C2:dduududuudddudd M:C|    K:G            H:BLORZbs T:the Bantry Hornpipe
ABC   1779 C1:772171635667176 C2:dduududuudddudd M:C|    K:G            H:BLORZbs T:the Bantry Hornpipe
ABC   1779 C1:772171635667176 C2:dduududuudddudd M:C|    K:G            H:BLORZbs T:the Bantry Hornpipe
ABC   1897 C1:772171635667176 C2:dduududuudddudd M:C|    K:G            H:BLRZ   T:The Bantry Hornpipe
ABC   1897 C1:772171635667176 C2:dduududuudddudd M:C|    K:G            H:BLRZ   T:The Bantry Hornpipe
ABC   1897 C1:772171635667176 C2:dduududuudddudd M:C|    K:G            H:BLRZ   T:The Bantry Hornpipe
ABC   1779 C1:772171635667176 C2:dduududuudddudd M:C|    K:G            H:BLRZ   T:The Bantry Hornpipe
ABC   1779 C1:772171635667176 C2:dduududuudddudd M:C|    K:G            H:BLORZbs T:the Bantry Hornpipe
ABC   1779 C1:772171635667176 C2:dduududuudddudd M:C|    K:G            H:BLORZbs T:the Bantry Hornpipe
ABC   1779 C1:772171635667176 C2:dduududuudddudd M:C|    K:G            H:BLORZbs T:the Bantry Hornpipe
ABC   1779 C1:772171635667176 C2:dduududuudddudd M:C|    K:G            H:BLORZbs T:the Bantry Hornpipe
ABC    937 C1:772171635667176 C2:dduududuudddudd M:C|    K:G            H:BFLRZbs T:The Bantry hornpipe
ABC    937 C1:772171635667176 C2:dduududuudddudd M:C|    K:G            H:BFLRZbs T:The Bantry hornpipe
ABC    937 C1:772171635667176 C2:dduududuudddudd M:C|    K:G            H:BFLRZbs T:The Bantry hornpipe
ABC    937 C1:772171635667176 C2:dduududuudddudd M:C|    K:G            H:BFLRZbs T:The Bantry hornpipe
ABC    937 C1:772171635667176 C2:dduududuudddudd M:C|    K:G            H:BFLRZbs T:The Bantry hornpipe
ABC    937 C1:772171635667176 C2:dduududuudddudd M:C|    K:G            H:BFLRZbs T:The Bantry hornpipe
ABC    937 C1:772171635667176 C2:dduududuudddudd M:C|    K:G            H:BFLRZbs T:The Bantry hornpipe
ABC    937 C1:772171635667176 C2:dduududuudddudd M:C|    K:G            H:BFLRZbs T:The Bantry hornpipe
ABC   1779 C1:772171635667176 C2:dduududuudddudd M:C|    K:G            H:BLRZ   T:The Bantry Hornpipe
ABC  21007 C1:772171635667176 C2:dduududuudddudd M:C|    K:G            H:BLRZ   T:BANTRY HORNPIPE, The
ABC  21007 C1:772171635667176 C2:dduududuudddudd M:C|    K:G            H:BLRZ   T:BANTRY HORNPIPE, The
ABC  49211 C1:772171635667176 C2:dduududuudddudd M:C|    K:G            H:BLQRSZ T:BANTRY HORNPIPE, The
ABC  49211 C1:772171635667176 C2:dduududuudddudd M:C|    K:G            H:BLQRSZ T:BANTRY HORNPIPE, The
ABC   1779 C1:772171635667176 C2:dduududuudddudd M:C|    K:G            H:BLRZ   T:The Bantry Hornpipe
ABC    937 C1:772171635667176 C2:dduududuudddudd M:C|    K:G            H:BCFLORWZ T:The Bantry hornpipe
ABC    936 C1:772171635667176 C2:dduududuudddudd M:C|    K:G            H:BLORZ  T:The Bantry Hornpipe
ABC    936 C1:772171635667176 C2:dduududuudddudd M:C|    K:G            H:BLORZ  T:The Bantry Hornpipe
ABC   1897 C1:772171635667176 C2:dduududuudddudd M:C|    K:G            H:BLRZ   T:The Bantry Hornpipe
ABC   1897 C1:772171635667176 C2:dduududuudddudd M:C|    K:G            H:BLRZ   T:The Bantry Hornpipe
ABC    469 C1:206602261071611 C2:udduudududuuduu M:C|    K:D            H:BFLRZbs T:the Bantry Lasses #2
ABC    469 C1:206602261071611 C2:udduudududuuduu M:C|    K:D            H:BFLRZbs T:the Bantry Lasses #2
ABC      1 C1:206602261071611 C2:udduudududuuduu M:4/4   K:D            H:CLQR   T:The Bantry Lasses
ABC      1 C1:206602261071611 C2:udduudududuuduu M:4/4   K:D            H:CLQR   T:The Bantry Lasses
ABC 495009 C1:071611611777223 C2:duduuduuddduuud M:C|    K:D            H:BLRSZ  T:BANTRY LASSES, The
ABC   1243 C1:071611611777223 C2:duduuduuddduuud M:C|    K:G            H:BLRZ   T:The Bantry Lasses
ABC   1243 C1:071611611777223 C2:duduuduuddduuud M:C|    K:G            H:BLRZ   T:The Bantry Lasses
ABC   1190 C1:071611611777223 C2:duduuduuddduuud M:C|    K:G            H:BLRZ   T:The Bantry Lasses
ABC   1243 C1:071611611777223 C2:duduuduuddduuud M:C|    K:G            H:BLRZ   T:The Bantry Lasses
ABC 491034 C1:020204020207060 C2:uuduudduddduudu M:3/4   K:G            H:BLSYZ  T:BANTRY LASSES, The
ABC      1 C1:066022610716116 C2:dduudududuuduud M:C|    K:D            H:BCLORZ T:The Bantry lasses
ABC    469 C1:066022610716116 C2:dduudududuuduud M:C|    K:D            H:BLORZ  T:The Bantry Lasses
ABC    469 C1:066022610716116 C2:dduudududuuduud M:C|    K:D            H:BLORZ  T:The Bantry Lasses
ABC    469 C1:066022610716116 C2:dduudududuuduud M:C|    K:D            H:BLORZ  T:The Bantry Lasses
ABC    469 C1:206602261071611 C2:udduudududuuduu M:C|    K:D            H:BFLRZbs T:the Bantry Lasses
ABC    469 C1:206602261071611 C2:udduudududuuduu M:C|    K:D            H:BFLRZbs T:the Bantry Lasses
ABC    469 C1:206602261071611 C2:udduudududuuduu M:C|    K:D            H:BFLRZbs T:the Bantry Lasses
ABC    469 C1:206602261071611 C2:udduudududuuduu M:C|    K:D            H:BFLRZbs T:the Bantry Lasses
ABC    404 C1:020204020207060 C2:uuduudduddduudu M:3/4   K:G            H:BLZ    T:Bantry Lasses
ABC    404 C1:020204020207060 C2:uuduudduddduudu M:3/4   K:G            H:BLZ    T:Bantry Lasses
ABC    404 C1:020204020207060 C2:uuduudduddduudu M:3/4   K:G            H:BLZ    T:Bantry Lasses
ABC    404 C1:020204020207060 C2:uuduudduddduudu M:3/4   K:G            H:BLZ    T:Bantry Lasses
ABC      5 C1:071611610077223 C2:duduududduuuddd M:C|    K:DMaj         H:"LR    T:Bantry Lasses, The
ABC      5 C1:071611610077223 C2:duduududduuuddd M:C|    K:DMaj         H:"LR    T:Bantry Lasses, The
ABC   1190 C1:071611611777223 C2:duduuduuddduuud M:C|    K:G            H:BLRZ   T:The Bantry Lasses
ABC    404 C1:020204020207060 C2:uuduudduddduudu M:3/4   K:G            H:BLZ    T:Bantry Lasses
ABC      1 C1:002662261071611 C2:udduudududuudud M:      K:Dmaj         H:LR     T:The Bantry Lasses
ABC      2 C1:007720010716217 C2:dduududuudddduu M:      K:Dmaj         H:LR     T:The Bantry Lasses
ABC      3 C1:007722610716116 C2:dduudududuududd M:      K:Dmaj         H:LR     T:The Bantry Lasses
ABC      4 C1:007722610716116 C2:dduudududuududd M:      K:Dmaj         H:LR     T:The Bantry Lasses
ABC      5 C1:071611610077221 C2:duduududduuuudd M:      K:Dmaj         H:LR     T:The Bantry Lasses
ABC    185 C1:007720010716116 C2:dduududuududduu M:C|    K:D            H:RZ     T:Bantry Lasses, The
ABC    185 C1:007720010716116 C2:dduududuududduu M:C|    K:D            H:RZ     T:Bantry Lasses, The
ABC    925 C1:007720010716116 C2:dduududuududduu M:C|    K:D            H:RZ     T:Bantry Lasses, The
ABC    185 C1:007720010716116 C2:dduududuududduu M:C|    K:D            H:RZ     T:Bantry Lasses, The
ABC 495009 C1:071611611777223 C2:duduuduuddduuud M:C|    K:D            H:BLRSZ  T:BANTRY LASSES, The
ABC 495009 C1:071611611777223 C2:duduuduuddduuud M:C|    K:D            H:BLRSZ  T:BANTRY LASSES, The
ABC 491034 C1:020204020207060 C2:uuduudduddduudu M:3/4   K:G            H:BLSYZ  T:BANTRY LASSES, The
ABC 491034 C1:020204020207060 C2:uuduudduddduudu M:3/4   K:G            H:BLSYZ  T:BANTRY LASSES, The
ABC    404 C1:020204020207060 C2:uuduudduddduudu M:3/4   K:G            H:BLZ    T:Bantry Lasses
ABC   1190 C1:071611611777223 C2:duduuduuddduuud M:C|    K:G            H:BLRZ   T:The Bantry Lasses
ABC    469 C1:066022610716116 C2:dduudududuuduud M:C|    K:D            H:BCFLORWZ T:The Bantry lasses
ABC    469 C1:066022610716116 C2:dduudududuuduud M:C|    K:D            H:BLORZ  T:The Bantry Lasses
ABC    469 C1:066022610716116 C2:dduudududuuduud M:C|    K:D            H:BLORZ  T:The Bantry Lasses
ABC  12808 C1:066022610716116 C2:dduudududuuduud M:C|    K:D            H:BCLORZ T:The Bantry lasses
ABC  12808 C1:066022610716116 C2:dduudududuuduud M:C|    K:D            H:BCLORZ T:The Bantry lasses
ABC  12808 C1:066022610716116 C2:dduudududuuduud M:C|    K:D            H:BCLORZ T:The Bantry lasses
ABC  12808 C1:066022610716116 C2:dduudududuuduud M:C|    K:D            H:BCLORZ T:The Bantry lasses
ABC  12808 C1:066022610716116 C2:dduudududuuduud M:C|    K:D            H:BCLORZ T:The Bantry lasses
ABC   2385 C1:066022610716116 C2:dduudududuuduud M:C|    K:D            H:BCLORZ T:The Bantry lasses
ABC    404 C1:020204020207060 C2:uuduudduddduudu M:3/4   K:G            H:BLZ    T:Bantry Lasses
ABC   1243 C1:071611611777223 C2:duduuduuddduuud M:C|    K:G            H:BLRZ   T:The Bantry Lasses
ABC    404 C1:020204020207060 C2:uuduudduddduudu M:3/4   K:G            H:BLZ    T:Bantry Lasses
ABC   1243 C1:071611611777223 C2:duduuduuddduuud M:C|    K:G            H:BLRZ   T:The Bantry Lasses
ABC   0404 C1:020204020207060 C2:uuduudduddduudu M:3/4   K:G            H:BCILQZ T:"Bantry Lasses" (air) 0404
ABC   0404 C1:020204020207060 C2:uuduudduddduudu M:3/4   K:G            H:BCILQZ T:"Bantry Lasses" (air) 0404
ABC   0404 C1:020204020207060 C2:uuduudduddduudu M:3/4   K:G            H:BCILQZ T:"Bantry Lasses" (air) 0404
ABC   1190 C1:066022610716116 C2:dduudududuuduud M:C|    K:D            H:BLORZ  T:the Bantry Lasses (D)
ABC   1190 C1:066022610716116 C2:dduudududuuduud M:C|    K:D            H:BLORZ  T:the Bantry Lasses (D)
ABC   1190 C1:066022610716116 C2:dduudududuuduud M:C|    K:D            H:BLORZ  T:the Bantry Lasses (D)
ABC   1190 C1:066022610716116 C2:dduudududuuduud M:C|    K:D            H:BLORZ  T:the Bantry Lasses (D)
ABC   1190 C1:066022610716116 C2:dduudududuuduud M:C|    K:D            H:BLORZ  T:the Bantry Lasses (D)
ABC   1190 C1:071611611777223 C2:duduuduuddduuud M:C|    K:D            H:BLRZ   T:the Bantry Lasses (D)
ABC   1190 C1:071611611777223 C2:duduuduuddduuud M:C|    K:D            H:BLRZ   T:the Bantry Lasses (D)
ABC   1190 C1:071611611777223 C2:duduuduuddduuud M:C|    K:D            H:BLRZ   T:the Bantry Lasses (D)
ABC   1190 C1:071611611777223 C2:duduuduuddduuud M:C|    K:D            H:BLRZ   T:the Bantry Lasses (D)
ABC   1190 C1:071611611777223 C2:duduuduuddduuud M:C|    K:D            H:BLRZ   T:the Bantry Lasses (D)
ABC    404 C1:020204020207060 C2:uuduudduddduudu M:3/4   K:D            H:BLOQRZbs T:Bantry Lasses (D)
ABC    404 C1:020204020207060 C2:uuduudduddduudu M:3/4   K:D            H:BLOQRZbs T:Bantry Lasses (D)
ABC    404 C1:020204020207060 C2:uuduudduddduudu M:3/4   K:D            H:BLOQRZbs T:Bantry Lasses (D)
ABC    404 C1:020204020207060 C2:uuduudduddduudu M:3/4   K:D            H:BLOQRZbs T:Bantry Lasses (D)
ABC    404 C1:020204020207060 C2:uuduudduddduudu M:3/4   K:D            H:BLOQRZbs T:Bantry Lasses (D)
ABC    404 C1:020204020207060 C2:uuduudduddduudu M:3/4   K:D            H:BLOQRZbs T:Bantry Lasses (D)
ABC    404 C1:020204020207060 C2:uuduudduddduudu M:3/4   K:D            H:BLOQRZbs T:Bantry Lasses (D)
ABC    404 C1:020204020207060 C2:uuduudduddduudu M:3/4   K:D            H:BLOQRZbs T:Bantry Lasses (D)
ABC   1190 C1:066022610716116 C2:dduudududuuduud M:C|    K:G            H:BLORZ  T:the Bantry Lasses [G]
ABC   1190 C1:066022610716116 C2:dduudududuuduud M:C|    K:G            H:BLORZ  T:the Bantry Lasses [G]
ABC   1190 C1:066022610716116 C2:dduudududuuduud M:C|    K:G            H:BLORZ  T:the Bantry Lasses [G]
ABC   1190 C1:066022610716116 C2:dduudududuuduud M:C|    K:G            H:BLORZ  T:the Bantry Lasses [G]
ABC   1190 C1:066022610716116 C2:dduudududuuduud M:C|    K:G            H:BLORZ  T:the Bantry Lasses [G]
ABC   1190 C1:071611611777223 C2:duduuduuddduuud M:C|    K:G            H:BLRZ   T:The Bantry Lasses [G]
ABC    404 C1:020204020207060 C2:uuduudduddduudu M:3/4   K:G            H:BLOQRZbs T:Bantry Lasses [G]
ABC    404 C1:020204020207060 C2:uuduudduddduudu M:3/4   K:G            H:BLOQRZbs T:Bantry Lasses [G]
ABC    404 C1:020204020207060 C2:uuduudduddduudu M:3/4   K:G            H:BLOQRZbs T:Bantry Lasses [G]
ABC    404 C1:020204020207060 C2:uuduudduddduudu M:3/4   K:G            H:BLOQRZbs T:Bantry Lasses [G]
ABC    404 C1:020204020207060 C2:uuduudduddduudu M:3/4   K:G            H:BLOQRZbs T:Bantry Lasses [G]
ABC    404 C1:020204020207060 C2:uuduudduddduudu M:3/4   K:G            H:BLOQRZbs T:Bantry Lasses [G]
ABC    404 C1:020204020207060 C2:uuduudduddduudu M:3/4   K:G            H:BLOQRZbs T:Bantry Lasses [G]
ABC    404 C1:020204020207060 C2:uuduudduddduudu M:3/4   K:G            H:BLOQRZbs T:Bantry Lasses [G]
ABC 532005 C1:406611674262203 C2:dudduuddduduuuu M:2/4   K:Edor         H:BCLQR  T:BANTRY WAVES* (polka), The
ABC 532005 C1:406611674262203 C2:dudduuddduduuuu M:2/4   K:Edor         H:BCLQR  T:BANTRY WAVES* (polka), The
ABC 532005 C1:406611674262203 C2:dudduuddduduuuu M:2/4   K:Edor         H:BCLQR  T:BANTRY WAVES* (polka), The
ABC    202 C1:000000000005071 C2:dduududuudduddd M:2/4   K:G            H:LORS   T:Baobao yao shuijiao
ABC    380 C1:050705040003000 C2:ddduudduudddudu M:4/4   K:Ab           H:LORS   T:Baogumiao xiangbadao
ABC    102 C1:471022037600077 C2:ududuuuuddddudd M:      K:C            H:L      T:Bao hua ma (?) The small horse with spots on the back
ABC    124 C1:471701750102130 C2:udududududuuuud M:      K:C            H:L      T:Bao la gan tao hai The bend of the source
ABC    160 C1:471700140007054 C2:ududuudduuduudu M:      K:C            H:L      T:Bao shan (Schatzberg)
ABC     14 C1:000000004111000 C2:duuuduudududuud M:4/4   K:Bm           H:"CLOQ  T:Bapardes Leyad
ABC     14 C1:000000004111000 C2:duuuduudududuud M:4/4   K:Bm           H:"CLOQ  T:Bapardes Leyad
ABC     17 C1:000000004111000 C2:duuuduudududuud M:4/4   K:Bm           H:"CFLOQ T:Bapardes Leyad
ABC     18 C1:000000004111000 C2:duuuduudududuud M:4/4   K:Bm           H:"CFLOQ T:Bapardes Leyad
ABC     17 C1:000000004111000 C2:duuuduudududuud M:4/4   K:Bm           H:"CFLOQ T:Bapardes Leyad
ABC     18 C1:000000004111000 C2:duuuduudududuud M:4/4   K:Bm           H:"CFLOQ T:Bapardes Leyad
ABC     22 C1:000000004111000 C2:duuuduudududuud M:4/4   K:Bm           H:"CFLOQ T:Bapardes Leyad
ABC     26 C1:000000004111000 C2:duuuduudududuud M:4/4   K:Bm           H:"CFLOQ T:Bapardes Leyad
ABC     22 C1:000000004111000 C2:duuuduudududuud M:4/4   K:Bm           H:"CFLOQ T:Bapardes Leyad
ABC     26 C1:000000004111000 C2:duuuduudududuud M:4/4   K:Bm           H:"CFLOQ T:Bapardes Leyad
ABC     26 C1:000000004111000 C2:duuuduudududuud M:4/4   K:Bm           H:"CFLOQ T:Bapardes Leyad
ABC     26 C1:000000004111000 C2:duuuduudududuud M:4/4   K:Bm           H:"CFLOQ T:Bapardes Leyad
ABC     26 C1:000000004111000 C2:duuuduudududuud M:4/4   K:Bm           H:"CFLOQ T:Bapardes Leyad
ABC     26 C1:000000004111000 C2:duuuduudududuud M:4/4   K:Bm           H:"CFLOQ T:Bapardes Leyad
ABC      1 C1:000000004111000 C2:duuuduudududuud M:4/4   K:Bm           H:"LOQ   T:Ba Pardess
ABC     14 C1:000000004111000 C2:duuuduudududuud M:4/4   K:Bm           H:"LOQ   T:Ba Pardess
ABC     14 C1:000000004111000 C2:duuuduudududuud M:4/4   K:Bm           H:"LOQ   T:Ba Pardess
ABC     12 C1:000000004111000 C2:duuuduudududuud M:4/4   K:Bm           H:"LOQ   T:Ba Pardess
ABC      8 C1:000000004111000 C2:duuuduudududuud M:4/4   K:Bm           H:"LOQ   T:Ba Pardess
ABC      8 C1:000000004111000 C2:duuuduudududuud M:4/4   K:Bm           H:"LOQ   T:Ba Pardess
ABC      8 C1:000000004111000 C2:duuuduudududuud M:4/4   K:Bm           H:"LOQ   T:Ba Pardess
ABC      8 C1:000000004111000 C2:duuuduudududuud M:4/4   K:Bm           H:"LOQ   T:Ba Pardess
ABC      8 C1:000000004111000 C2:duuuduudududuud M:4/4   K:Bm           H:"LOQ   T:Ba Pardess
ABC      8 C1:000000004111000 C2:duuuduudududuud M:4/4   K:Bm           H:"LOQ   T:Ba Pardess
ABC      8 C1:000000004111000 C2:duuuduudududuud M:4/4   K:Bm           H:"LOQW  T:Ba Pardess
ABC      9 C1:000000004111000 C2:duuuduudududuud M:4/4   K:Bm           H:"LOQ   T:Ba Pardess
ABC      9 C1:000000004111000 C2:duuuduudududuud M:4/4   K:Bm           H:"LOQ   T:Ba Pardess
ABC      9 C1:000000004111000 C2:duuuduudududuud M:4/4   K:Bm           H:"LOQ   T:Ba Pardess
ABC      9 C1:000000004111000 C2:duuuduudududuud M:4/4   K:Bm           H:"LOQ   T:Ba Pardess
ABC      8 C1:000000004111000 C2:duuuduudududuud M:4/4   K:Bm           H:"LOQ   T:BaPardess
ABC      8 C1:000000004111000 C2:duuuduudududuud M:4/4   K:Bm           H:"LOQ   T:BaPardess
ABC     13 C1:000000004111000 C2:duuuduudududuud M:4/4   K:Bm           H:"LOQ   T:Ba Pardess
ABC    965 C1:000000004111000 C2:duuuduudududuud M:4/4   K:Bm           H:"LOQ   T:Ba Pardess
ABC    966 C1:000000004111000 C2:duuuduudududuud M:4/4   K:Bm           H:"LOQ   T:Ba Pardess
ABC      8 C1:                C2:                M:4/4   K:Bm           H:LOQ    T:Ba Pardess
ABC      8 C1:                C2:                M:4/4   K:Bm           H:LOQ    T:Ba Pardess
ABC   9086 C1:000000004111000 C2:duuuduudududuud M:4/4   K:Bm           H:"LOQ   T:Ba Pardess
ABC   9086 C1:000000004111000 C2:duuuduudududuud M:4/4   K:Bm           H:"LOQ   T:Ba Pardess
ABC      8 C1:000000004111000 C2:duuuduudududuud M:4/4   K:Bm           H:"LOQ   T:Ba Pardess
ABC      8 C1:000000004111000 C2:duuuduudududuud M:4/4   K:Bm           H:"LOQ   T:Ba Pardess
ABC    965 C1:000000004111000 C2:duuuduudududuud M:4/4   K:Bm           H:"LOQ   T:Ba Pardess
ABC    966 C1:000000004111000 C2:duuuduudududuud M:4/4   K:Bm           H:"LOQ   T:Ba Pardess
ABC    965 C1:000000004111000 C2:duuuduudududuud M:4/4   K:Bm           H:"LOQ   T:Ba Pardess
ABC    966 C1:000000004111000 C2:duuuduudududuud M:4/4   K:Bm           H:"LOQ   T:Ba Pardess
ABC    965 C1:000000004111000 C2:duuuduudududuud M:4/4   K:Bm           H:"LOQ   T:Ba Pardess
ABC    966 C1:000000004111000 C2:duuuduudududuud M:4/4   K:Bm           H:"LOQ   T:Ba Pardess
ABC    813 C1:000000004111000 C2:duuuduudududuud M:4/4   K:Bm           H:"LOQ   T:Ba Pardess
ABC    813 C1:000000004111000 C2:duuuduudududuud M:4/4   K:Bm           H:"LOQ   T:Ba Pardess
ABC    813 C1:000000004111000 C2:duuuduudududuud M:4/4   K:Bm           H:"LOQ   T:Ba Pardess
ABC    813 C1:000000004111000 C2:duuuduudududuud M:4/4   K:Bm           H:"LOQ   T:Ba Pardess
ABC    813 C1:000000004111000 C2:duuuduudududuud M:4/4   K:Bm           H:"LOQ   T:Ba Pardess
ABC      1 C1:000507000610000 C2:uddudduuuddddud M:      K:Cmaj         H:LR     T:Baptism
ABC      2 C1:000507000610000 C2:uddudduuuddddud M:      K:Cmaj         H:LR     T:Baptism
ABC 141062 C1:007077077025034 C2:dddddudududddud M:6/8   K:C            H:CLQRZ  T:BAPTIST JOHNSTON
ABC    969 C1:007077077025034 C2:dddddudududddud M:6/8   K:C            H:"BCLORSZ T:Baptist Johnston
ABC    969 C1:007077077025034 C2:dddddudududddud M:6/8   K:C            H:"BCLORSZ T:Baptist Johnston
ABC    969 C1:007077077025034 C2:dddddudududddud M:6/8   K:C            H:"BCLORSZ T:Baptist Johnston
ABC    969 C1:007077077025034 C2:dddddudududddud M:6/8   K:C            H:"BCLORSZ T:Baptist Johnston
ABC 141062 C1:007077077025034 C2:dddddudududddud M:6/8   K:C            H:CLQRZ  T:BAPTIST JOHNSTON
ABC 141062 C1:007077077025034 C2:dddddudududddud M:6/8   K:C            H:CLQRZ  T:BAPTIST JOHNSTON
ABC    969 C1:007077077025034 C2:dddddudududddud M:6/8   K:C            H:"BCLORSZ T:Baptist Johnston
ABC      1 C1:261037077701001 C2:uduudddduuuduud M:3/4   K:F            H:CLSVw  T:Baptized Into Thy Name Most Holy
ABC    136 C1:261037077701001 C2:uduudddduuuduud M:3/4   K:F            H:CLSVw  T:Baptized Into Thy Name Most Holy
ABC    136 C1:261037077701001 C2:uduudddduuuduud M:3/4   K:F            H:CLSVw  T:Baptized Into Thy Name Most Holy
ABC    136 C1:261037077701001 C2:uduudddduuuduud M:3/4   K:F            H:CLSVw  T:Baptized Into Thy Name Most Holy
ABC    136 C1:261037077701001 C2:uduudddduuuduud M:3/4   K:F            H:CLSVw  T:Baptized Into Thy Name Most Holy
ABC    404 C1:000707110070711 C2:dduudduuddudddu M:4/4   K:Bm           H:LOQ    T:Bar
ABC    404 C1:000707110070711 C2:dduudduuddudddu M:4/4   K:Bm           H:LOQ    T:Bar
ABC     34 C1:000707110070711 C2:dduudduuddudddu M:4/4   K:Bm           H:LOQ    T:Bar
ABC     35 C1:000707110070711 C2:dduudduuddudddu M:4/4   K:Bm           H:LOQ    T:Bar
ABC     38 C1:000707110070711 C2:dduudduuddudddu M:4/4   K:Bm           H:LOQ    T:Bar
ABC     39 C1:000707110070711 C2:dduudduuddudddu M:4/4   K:Bm           H:LOQ    T:Bar
ABC     34 C1:000707110070711 C2:dduudduuddudddu M:4/4   K:Bm           H:LOQ    T:Bar
ABC     35 C1:000707110070711 C2:dduudduuddudddu M:4/4   K:Bm           H:LOQ    T:Bar
ABC     38 C1:000707110070711 C2:dduudduuddudddu M:4/4   K:Bm           H:LOQ    T:Bar
ABC     39 C1:000707110070711 C2:dduudduuddudddu M:4/4   K:Bm           H:LOQ    T:Bar
ABC     39 C1:000707110070711 C2:dduudduuddudddu M:4/4   K:Bm           H:LOQ    T:Bar
ABC     39 C1:000707110070711 C2:dduudduuddudddu M:4/4   K:Bm           H:LOQ    T:Bar
ABC     39 C1:000707110070711 C2:dduudduuddudddu M:4/4   K:Bm           H:LOQ    T:Bar
ABC     39 C1:000707110070711 C2:dduudduuddudddu M:4/4   K:Bm           H:LOQ    T:Bar
ABC      1 C1:020707070000070 C2:udddddududududu M:4/4   K:Dm           H:ACILORS T:Bar a Bar
ABC    123 C1:055700432777007 C2:dudduudddddudud M:4/4   K:Dm           H:"L     T:Bar a Bar
ABC     66 C1:055700432777007 C2:dudduudddddudud M:2/2   K:Dm           H:"CLQRS T:Bar a Bar
ABC     66 C1:055700432777007 C2:dudduudddddudud M:2/2   K:Dm           H:"CLQRS T:Bar a Bar
ABC      1 C1:040171021040171 C2:duduuudududdudu M:      K:Amin         H:LR     T:Barabel Phadruig
ABC      2 C1:040171021040171 C2:duduuudududdudu M:      K:Ador         H:LR     T:Barabel Phadruig
ABC      2 C1:040171021040171 C2:duduuudududdudu M:9/8   K:BDor         H:LR     T:Barabel Phadruig
ABC      3 C1:040171021040171 C2:duduuudududdudu M:9/8   K:ADor         H:LR     T:Barabel Phadruig
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:12/8  K:Edor         H:LR     T:Barack Hill [1]
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:C|    K:Ador         H:BLRSZ  T:Barack [sic] Hill [5]
ABC      1 C1:007010101017706 C2:duuuudddudd     M:3/4   K:Dm           H:LORS   T:Bara fr ros skull
ABC      1 C1:007010101017706 C2:duuuudddudd     M:3/4   K:Dm           H:LORS   T:Bara för ros skull
ABC      1 C1:007101010177060 C2:duuuudddudduddd M:3/4   K:Dm           H:LORS   T:Bara fr ros skull
ABC      1 C1:007010101017706 C2:duuuudddudduddd M:3/4   K:Dm           H:LORS   T:Bara fr ros skull
ABC      1 C1:007101010177060 C2:duuuudddudduddd M:3/4   K:Dm           H:LORS   T:Bara fr ros skull
ABC      1 C1:007101010177060 C2:duuuudddudduddd M:3/4   K:Dm           H:LORS   T:Bara för ros skull
ABC      1 C1:007010101017706 C2:duuuudddudd     M:3/4   K:Dm           H:LORS   T:Bara fr ros skull
ABC      1 C1:007010101017706 C2:duuuudddudduddd M:3/4   K:Dm           H:LORS   T:Bara för ros skull
ABC      1 C1:007101010177060 C2:duuuudddudduddd M:3/4   K:Dm           H:LORS   T:Bara för ros skull
ABC      1 C1:007101010177060 C2:duuuudddudduddd M:3/4   K:Dm           H:LORS   T:Bara fr ros skull
ABC      1 C1:007010101017706 C2:duuuudddudduddd M:3/4   K:Dm           H:LORS   T:Bara fr ros skull
ABC      1 C1:206020602067206 C2:udududdudududdu M:3/4   K:Dm           H:LORS   T:Bara fr ros skull
ABC      1 C1:020602060206720 C2:udududdudududdu M:3/4   K:Dm           H:LORS   T:Bara fr ros skull
ABC      1 C1:206020602067206 C2:udududdudududdu M:3/4   K:Dm           H:LORS   T:Bara för ros skull
ABC      1 C1:020602060206720 C2:udududdudududdu M:3/4   K:Dm           H:LORS   T:Bara för ros skull
ABC      1 C1:206020602067206 C2:udududdudududdu M:3/4   K:Dm           H:LORS   T:Bara fr ros skull
ABC      1 C1:020602060206720 C2:udududdudududdu M:3/4   K:Dm           H:LORS   T:Bara fr ros skull
ABC      1 C1:007101010177060 C2:duuuudddudduddd M:3/4   K:Dm           H:LORS   T:Bara fr ros skull
ABC      1 C1:007101010177060 C2:duuuudddudduddd M:3/4   K:Dm           H:LORS   T:Bara för ros skull
ABC      1 C1:007101010177060 C2:duuuudddudduddd M:3/4   K:Dm           H:LORS   T:Bara fr ros skull
ABC      1 C1:007101010177060 C2:duuuudddudduddd M:3/4   K:Dm           H:LORS   T:Bara fr ros skull
ABC      1 C1:007101010177060 C2:duuuudddudduddd M:3/4   K:Dm           H:LORS   T:Bara för ros skull
ABC      1 C1:007101010177060 C2:duuuudddudduddd M:3/4   K:Dm           H:LORSZ  T:Bara fr ros skull
ABC      1 C1:007101010177060 C2:duuuudddudduddd M:3/4   K:Dm           H:LORS   T:Bara för ros skull
ABC      1 C1:007101010177060 C2:duuuudddudduddd M:3/4   K:Dm           H:LORSZ  T:Bara för ros skull
ABC      1 C1:007101010177060 C2:duuuudddudduddd M:3/4   K:Dm           H:LORSZ  T:Bara för ros skull
ABC      1 C1:007101010177060 C2:duuuudddudduddd M:3/4   K:Dm           H:LORSZ  T:Bara för ros skull
ABC      1 C1:007101010177060 C2:duuuudddudduddd M:3/4   K:Dm           H:LORS   T:Bara fr ros skull
ABC      1 C1:007101010177060 C2:duuuudddudduddd M:3/4   K:Dm           H:LORS   T:Bara fr ros skull
ABC      1 C1:007101010177060 C2:duuuudddudduddd M:3/4   K:Dm           H:LORSZ  T:Bara fr ros skull
ABC      1 C1:771177537711402 C2:dduuududdduudud M:C     K:E_           H:LOQRS  T:Barain Chill-reathaig
ABC      1 C1:771177537711402 C2:dduuududdduudud M:C     K:E_           H:LOQRS  T:Barain Chill-reathaig
ABC      1 C1:771177537711402 C2:dduuududdduudud M:C     K:E_           H:LOQRS  T:Barain Chill-reathaig
ABC      1 C1:771177537711402 C2:dduuududdduudud M:C     K:E_           H:LOQRS  T:Barain Chill-reathaig
ABC      1 C1:771177537711402 C2:dduuududdduudud M:C     K:E_           H:LOQRS  T:Barain Chill-reathaig
ABC      1 C1:667711775377114 C2:ddddduuududdduu M:C     K:Eb           H:LSV    T:Barain Chill-reathaig
ABC      1 C1:677621675377114 C2:ddddduuududdduu M:4/4   K:Gmaj         H:LSV    T:Barain Chill-reathaig
ABC      1 C1:676712675377114 C2:ddddduuududdduu M:4/4   K:Fmaj         H:LSV    T:Barain Chill-reathaig
ABC      1 C1:577711775377113 C2:ddddduuududdduu M:4/4   K:Dmaj         H:LSV    T:Barain Chill-reathaig
ABC      1 C1:771177537711402 C2:dduuududdduudud M:C     K:E_           H:LOQRS  T:Barain Chill-reathaig
ABC      1 C1:771177537711402 C2:dduuududdduudud M:C     K:E_           H:LOQRS  T:Barain Chill-reathaig
ABC      1 C1:771177537711402 C2:dduuududdduudud M:C     K:E_           H:LOQRS  T:Barain Chill-reathaig
ABC    183 C1:007700110707050 C2:dduuududdduudud M:C     K:Eb           H:BLQRVZ T:Barain Chulrabhaig.
ABC    183 C1:007700110707050 C2:dduuududdduudud M:C     K:Eb           H:BLQRVZ T:Barain Chulrabhaig.
ABC    183 C1:007700110707050 C2:dduuududdduudud M:C     K:Eb           H:BLQRUVZ T:Barain Chulrabhaig.
ABC    183 C1:007700110707050 C2:dduuududdduudud M:C     K:Eb           H:BLQRUVZ T:Barain Chulrabhaig.
ABC    183 C1:007700110707050 C2:dduuududdduudud M:C     K:Eb           H:BLQRVZ T:Barain Chulrabhaig.
ABC    183 C1:007700110707050 C2:dduuududdduudud M:C     K:Eb           H:BLQRVZ T:Barain Chulrabhaig.
ABC    183 C1:007700110707050 C2:dduuududdduudud M:C     K:Eb           H:BLQRUVZ T:Barain Chulrabhaig.
ABC    183 C1:007700110707050 C2:dduuududdduudud M:C     K:Eb           H:BLQRUVZ T:Barain Chulrabhaig.
ABC    183 C1:007700110707050 C2:dduuududdduudud M:C     K:Eb           H:BLQRVZ T:Barain Chulrabhaig.
ABC    183 C1:007700110707050 C2:dduuududdduudud M:C     K:Eb           H:BLQRVZ T:Barain Chulrabhaig.
ABC    183 C1:007700110707050 C2:dduuududdduudud M:C     K:Eb           H:BLQRVZ T:Barain Chulrabhaig.
ABC    183 C1:007700110707050 C2:dduuududdduudud M:C     K:Eb           H:BLQRUVZ T:Barain Chulrabhaig.
ABC    183 C1:007700110707050 C2:dduuududdduudud M:C     K:Eb           H:BLQRVZ T:Barain Chulrabhaig.
ABC    183 C1:007700110707050 C2:dduuududdduudud M:C     K:Eb           H:BLQRUVZ T:Barain Chulrabhaig.
ABC     18 C1:207072602071600 C2:uuddudduududdud M:2/4   K:Cm           H:CFLOQ  T:Baraka
ABC     19 C1:207072602071600 C2:uuddudduududdud M:2/4   K:Cm           H:CFLOQ  T:Baraka
ABC     18 C1:207072602071600 C2:uuddudduududdud M:2/4   K:Cm           H:CFLOQ  T:Baraka
ABC     19 C1:207072602071600 C2:uuddudduududdud M:2/4   K:Cm           H:CFLOQ  T:Baraka
ABC     23 C1:207072602071600 C2:uuddudduududdud M:2/4   K:Cm           H:CFLOQ  T:Baraka
ABC     27 C1:207072602071600 C2:uuddudduududdud M:2/4   K:Cm           H:CFLOQ  T:Baraka
ABC     23 C1:207072602071600 C2:uuddudduududdud M:2/4   K:Cm           H:CFLOQ  T:Baraka
ABC     27 C1:207072602071600 C2:uuddudduududdud M:2/4   K:Cm           H:CFLOQ  T:Baraka
ABC     20 C1:207072602071600 C2:uuddudduududdud M:2/4   K:Cm           H:CFLOQV T:Baraka
ABC     20 C1:207072602071600 C2:uuddudduududdud M:2/4   K:Cm           H:CFLOQV T:Baraka
ABC   1801 C1:207072602071600 C2:uuddudduududdud M:2/4   K:Cm           H:CFLOQV T:Baraka
ABC   1801 C1:207072602071600 C2:uuddudduududdud M:2/4   K:Cm           H:CFLOQV T:Baraka
ABC     24 C1:207072602071600 C2:uuddudduududdud M:2/4   K:Cm           H:CFLOQV T:Baraka
ABC     28 C1:207072602071600 C2:uuddudduududdud M:2/4   K:Cm           H:CFLOQV T:Baraka
ABC     24 C1:207072602071600 C2:uuddudduududdud M:2/4   K:Cm           H:CFLOQV T:Baraka
ABC     28 C1:207072602071600 C2:uuddudduududdud M:2/4   K:Cm           H:CFLOQV T:Baraka
ABC     27 C1:207072602071600 C2:uuddudduududdud M:2/4   K:Cm           H:CFLOQ  T:Baraka
ABC     28 C1:207072602071600 C2:uuddudduududdud M:2/4   K:Cm           H:CFLOQV T:Baraka
ABC     27 C1:207072602071600 C2:uuddudduududdud M:2/4   K:Cm           H:CFLOQ  T:Baraka
ABC     28 C1:207072602071600 C2:uuddudduududdud M:2/4   K:Cm           H:CFLOQV T:Baraka
ABC     27 C1:207072602071600 C2:uuddudduududdud M:2/4   K:Cm           H:CFLOQ  T:Baraka
ABC     28 C1:207072602071600 C2:uuddudduududdud M:2/4   K:Cm           H:CFLOQV T:Baraka
ABC     27 C1:207072602071600 C2:uuddudduududdud M:2/4   K:Cm           H:CFLOQ  T:Baraka
ABC     28 C1:207072602071600 C2:uuddudduududdud M:2/4   K:Cm           H:CFLOQV T:Baraka
ABC      1 C1:000262536253625 C2:udududududududu M:C     K:G            H:LS     T:Bar Alasdruim
ABC      1 C1:157051077077772 C2:udduudddddduuuu M:3/4   K:G            H:"CLQRS T:The Barbadav Waltz
ABC     10 C1:157051077077772 C2:udduudddddduuuu M:3/4   K:G            H:"CLQRS T:The Barbadav Waltz
ABC      1 C1:002700270067006 C2:ududddduudududu M:C     K:D            H:BLSZ   T:the Barbadoes
ABC      1 C1:002700270067006 C2:ududddduudududu M:C     K:D            H:BLSZ   T:the Barbadoes
ABC      1 C1:002700270067006 C2:ududddduudududu M:C     K:D            H:BLSZ   T:The Barbadoes
ABC      1 C1:002700270067006 C2:ududddduudududu M:C     K:D            H:BLSZ   T:The Barbadoes
ABC      8 C1:272767632727201 C2:ududddduudududu M:C     K:D            H:BLQZ   T:Barbadoes. JJo3.008, The
ABC      8 C1:272767632727201 C2:ududddduudududu M:C     K:D            H:BLQZ   T:Barbadoes. JJo3.008, The
ABC     17 C1:002700270067006 C2:ududddduudududu M:C     K:D            H:BLQZ   T:Barbadoes. WCD3/2.017, The
ABC     17 C1:002700270067006 C2:ududddduudududu M:C     K:D            H:BLQZ   T:Barbadoes. WCD3/2.017, The
ABC      1 C1:110077770011230 C2:uudddduuuudduud M:3/4   K:D            H:L      T:Barbara Allan
ABC      1 C1:110077770011230 C2:uudddduuuudduud M:3/4   K:D            H:L      T:Barbara Allan
ABC      1 C1:110077770011230 C2:uudddduuuudduud M:3/4   K:D            H:L      T:Barbara Allan
ABC  12271 C1:001107771111077 C2:uuddduuuuddduud M:C     K:Em           H:BLZ    T:Barbara Allan
ABC  12271 C1:001107771111077 C2:uuddduuuuddduud M:C     K:Em           H:BLZ    T:Barbara Allan
ABC     87 C1:030511075647030 C2:duuudddudduuudu M:C     K:Dm           H:BCLQZ  T:Barbara Allan
ABC     87 C1:030511075647030 C2:duuudddudduuudu M:C     K:Dm           H:BCLQZ  T:Barbara Allan
ABC  12271 C1:001107771111077 C2:uuddduuuuddduud M:C     K:Em           H:BLZ    T:Barbara Allan
ABC  12271 C1:001107771111077 C2:uuddduuuuddduud M:C     K:Em           H:BLZ    T:Barbara Allan
ABC  12271 C1:001107771111077 C2:uuddduuuuddduud M:C     K:Em           H:BLZ    T:Barbara Allan
ABC  12271 C1:001107771111077 C2:uuddduuuuddduud M:C     K:Em           H:BLZ    T:Barbara Allan
ABC     87 C1:030511075647030 C2:duuudddudduuudu M:C     K:Dm           H:BCLQZ  T:Barbara Allan
ABC     87 C1:030511075647030 C2:duuudddudduuudu M:C     K:Dm           H:BCLQZ  T:Barbara Allan
ABC     87 C1:030511075647030 C2:duuudddudduuudu M:C     K:Dm           H:BCLQZ  T:Barbara Allan
ABC  12271 C1:001107771111077 C2:uuddduuuuddduud M:C     K:Em           H:BLZ    T:Barbara Allan
ABC  12271 C1:001107771111077 C2:uuddduuuuddduud M:C     K:Em           H:BLZ    T:Barbara Allan
ABC  12271 C1:001107771111077 C2:uuddduuuuddduud M:C     K:Em           H:BLZ    T:Barbara Allan
ABC  12271 C1:001107771111077 C2:uuddduuuuddduud M:C     K:Em           H:BLZ    T:Barbara Allan
ABC  12271 C1:001107771111077 C2:uuddduuuuddduud M:C     K:Em           H:BLZ    T:Barbara Allan
ABC  12271 C1:001107771111077 C2:uuddduuuuddduud M:C     K:Em           H:BLZ    T:Barbara Allan
ABC  12271 C1:001107771111077 C2:uuddduuuuddduud M:C     K:Em           H:BLZ    T:Barbara Allan
ABC  12271 C1:001107771111077 C2:uuddduuuuddduud M:C     K:Em           H:BLZ    T:Barbara Allan
ABC  12271 C1:001107771111077 C2:uuddduuuuddduud M:C     K:Em           H:BLZ    T:Barbara Allan
ABC  12271 C1:001107771111077 C2:uuddduuuuddduud M:C     K:Em           H:BLZ    T:Barbara Allan
ABC  12271 C1:001107771111077 C2:uuddduuuuddduud M:C     K:Em           H:BLZ    T:Barbara Allan
ABC  12271 C1:001107771111077 C2:uuddduuuuddduud M:C     K:Em           H:BLZ    T:Barbara Allan
ABC     87 C1:030511075647030 C2:duuudddudduuudu M:C     K:D            H:BCLQZ  T:Barbara Allan
ABC      1 C1:066040170502000 C2:dduuddududduudd M:2/4   K:F            H:L      T:Barbara Allen
ABC      1 C1:400015600041026 C2:uuudduuuddduudd M:6/8   K:Eb           H:L      T:Barbara Allen
ABC      1 C1:110077770011230 C2:uudddduuuudduud M:3/4   K:G            H:FLQZ   T:Barbara Allen
ABC      1 C1:066040170502000 C2:dduuddududduudd M:2/4   K:F            H:L      T:Barbara Allen
ABC      1 C1:066040170502000 C2:dduuddududduudd M:2/4   K:F            H:L      T:Barbara Allen
ABC      1 C1:400015600041026 C2:uuudduuuddduudd M:6/8   K:Eb           H:L      T:Barbara Allen
ABC      1 C1:400015600041026 C2:uuudduuuddduudd M:6/8   K:Eb           H:L      T:Barbara Allen
ABC   1009 C1:002276700371001 C2:uuddduduuudduuu M:6/4   K:G            H:BCLOSZ T:Barbara Allen
ABC   1003 C1:005300002177004 C2:duuuddduuuudduu M:6/4   K:G            H:BCLOQSZ T:Barbara Allen
ABC      1 C1:116111630007662 C2:uuduuududdduudu M:4/4   K:Gmin         H:LR     T:Barbara Allen
ABC      1 C1:116111630007662 C2:uuduuududdduudu M:4/4   K:Gmin         H:LR     T:Barbara Allen
ABC      1 C1:116111630007662 C2:uuduuududdduudu M:4/4   K:Gmin         H:LQR    T:Barbara Allen
ABC      1 C1:020067220023020 C2:udduuduudduduud M:3/4   K:F            H:BFLSZw T:Barbara Allen
ABC      1 C1:110077220004110 C2:uudduduuuduuudd M:3/4   K:E            H:BFLSZw T:Barbara Allen
ABC      1 C1:116111630007662 C2:uuduuududdduudu M:2/2   K:Em           H:"L     T:Barbara Allen
ABC      1 C1:116111630007662 C2:uuduuududdduudu M:2/2   K:Gm           H:"L     T:Barbara Allen
ABC      1 C1:020067220023020 C2:udduuduudduduud M:3/4   K:F            H:BFLSWZw T:Barbara Allen
ABC      1 C1:020061160053220 C2:uduudduuudduduu M:3/4   K:G            H:BFLSZw T:Barbara Allen
ABC      1 C1:110077220004110 C2:uudduduuuduuudd M:3/4  K:E            H:BFLSWZw T:Barbara Allen
ABC      1 C1:110077220004110 C2:uudduduuuduuudd M:3/4   K:E            H:BFLSWZw T:Barbara Allen
ABC      1 C1:021100777700112 C2:uuudddduuuudduu M:3/4   K:D            H:"CLVw  T:Barbara Allen
ABC      1 C1:110077770011230 C2:uudddduuuudduud M:3/4   K:D            H:LOW    T:Barbara Allen
ABC      1 C1:110077770011230 C2:uudddduuuudduud M:3/4   K:D            H:LOW    T:Barbara Allen
ABC      1 C1:110077770011230 C2:uudddduuuudduud M:3/4   K:D            H:LOW    T:Barbara Allen
ABC      1 C1:110077770011230 C2:uudddduuuudduud M:3/4   K:D            H:LOW    T:Barbara Allen
ABC      1 C1:020061160053220 C2:uduudduuudduduu M:3/4   K:G            H:BFLSWZw T:Barbara Allen
ABC      1 C1:110077220004110 C2:uudduduuuduuudd M:3/4  K:E            H:BFLSWZw T:Barbara Allen
ABC      1 C1:110077220004110 C2:uudduduuuduuudd M:3/4   K:E            H:BFLSWZw T:Barbara Allen
ABC      1 C1:110077220004110 C2:uudduduuuduuudd M:3/4  K:E            H:BFLSWZw T:Barbara Allen
ABC     11 C1:000000110007070 C2:uuddduuuddduudd M:4/4   K:Dm           H:LO     T:Barbara Allen
ABC      1 C1:110077220004110 C2:uudduduuuduuudd M:3/4  K:E            H:BFLSWZw T:Barbara Allen
ABC      7 C1:116111630007662 C2:uuduuududdduudu M:4/4   K:Gmin         H:LQR    T:Barbara Allen
ABC     13 C1:116111630007662 C2:uuduuududdduudu M:4/4   K:Gmin         H:LR     T:Barbara Allen
ABC     13 C1:116111630007662 C2:uuduuududdduudu M:4/4   K:Gmin         H:LR     T:Barbara Allen
ABC     13 C1:116111630007662 C2:uuduuududdduudu M:4/4   K:Gmin         H:LR     T:Barbara Allen
ABC    135 C1:000000000716100 C2:dududduududduud M:3/4   K:Edor         H:DLQRWZ T:Barbara Allen
ABC    135 C1:000000000716100 C2:dududduududduud M:3/4   K:Edor         H:DLQRWZ T:Barbara Allen
ABC   2058 C1:110077770011230 C2:uudddduuuudduud M:3/4   K:D            H:"CLOQRZ T:Barbara Allen
ABC     21 C1:026111630357662 C2:uduuuduudddduuu M:C|    K:Gm           H:BLQZ   T:Barbara Allen,aka(Offord). WTG.[046]
ABC     21 C1:026111630357662 C2:uduuuduudddduuu M:C|    K:Gm           H:BLQZ   T:Barbara Allen,aka(Offord). WTG.[046]
ABC     33 C1:                C2:                M:4/4   K:None         H:BCLZ   T:Barbara Allen, song, not transcribed
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Barbara Ann (2:06)abceed by Thorsongori
ABC      6 C1:160051740017767 C2:udduduuddddudud M:4/4   K:D            H:"BCLR  T:Barbara Brown's Favorite
ABC     14 C1:160051740017767 C2:udduduuddddudud M:4/4   K:D            H:"BCLR  T:Barbara Brown's Favorite
ABC     11 C1:160051740017767 C2:udduduuddddudud M:4/4   K:D            H:"BCLR  T:Barbara Brown's Favorite
ABC     14 C1:160051740017767 C2:udduduuddddudud M:4/4   K:D            H:"BCLR  T:Barbara Brown's Favorite
ABC      1 C1:310017670071210 C2:uuudddduuuudddu M:3/4   K:C            H:L      T:Barbara Ellen
ABC      1 C1:007722404102060 C2:dduuduuuudduuud M:5/4   K:E            H:L      T:Barbara Ellen
ABC      1 C1:310017670071210 C2:uuudddduuuudddu M:3/4   K:C            H:L      T:Barbara Ellen
ABC      1 C1:310017670071210 C2:uuudddduuuudddu M:3/4   K:C            H:L      T:Barbara Ellen
ABC      1 C1:007722404102060 C2:dduuduuuudduuud M:5/4   K:E            H:L      T:Barbara Ellen
ABC      1 C1:007722404102060 C2:dduuduuuudduuud M:5/4   K:E            H:L      T:Barbara Ellen
ABC    239 C1:771762676772217 C2:ddudduddddduuud M:6/8   K:D            H:CILRZ  T:Barbara Emslie
ABC    239 C1:771762676772217 C2:ddudduddddduuud M:6/8   K:D            H:CILRZ  T:Barbara Emslie
ABC    239 C1:771762676772217 C2:ddudduddddduuud M:6/8   K:D            H:CILRZ  T:Barbara Emslie
ABC    239 C1:771762676772217 C2:ddudduddddduuud M:6/8   K:D            H:CILRZ  T:Barbara Emslie
ABC     21 C1:207661577111205 C2:uddduddduuuuduu M:6/8   K:Bb           H:BCDHLOQRSZ T:Barbara Frost
ABC     21 C1:207661577111205 C2:uddduddduuuuduu M:6/8   K:Bb           H:BCDHLOQRSZ T:Barbara Frost
ABC     21 C1:207661577111205 C2:uddduddduuuuduu M:6/8   K:Bb           H:BCDHLOQRSZ T:Barbara Frost
ABC     21 C1:207661577111205 C2:uddduddduuuuduu M:6/8   K:Bb           H:BCDHLOQRSZ T:Barbara Frost
ABC     21 C1:207661577111205 C2:uddduddduuuuduu M:6/8   K:Bb           H:BCDHLOQRZ T:Barbara Frost
ABC   1164 C1:207661577111205 C2:uddduddduuuuduu M:6/8   K:Bb           H:BCDHLOQR T:Barbara Frost
ABC   1165 C1:207661577111205 C2:uddduddduuuuduu M:6/8   K:Bb           H:BCDHLOQRZ T:Barbara Frost
ABC   1164 C1:207661577111205 C2:uddduddduuuuduu M:6/8   K:Bb           H:BCDHLOQR T:Barbara Frost
ABC   1165 C1:207661577111205 C2:uddduddduuuuduu M:6/8   K:Bb           H:BCDHLOQRZ T:Barbara Frost
ABC   1164 C1:207661577111205 C2:uddduddduuuuduu M:6/8   K:Bb           H:BCDHLOQR T:Barbara Frost
ABC   1165 C1:207661577111205 C2:uddduddduuuuduu M:6/8   K:Bb           H:BCDHLOQRZ T:Barbara Frost
ABC   1164 C1:207661577111205 C2:uddduddduuuuduu M:6/8   K:Bb           H:BCDHLOQR T:Barbara Frost
ABC   1165 C1:207661577111205 C2:uddduddduuuuduu M:6/8   K:Bb           H:BCDHLOQRZ T:Barbara Frost
ABC  51007 C1:076767754017752 C2:udddddduuddduuu M:C     K:D            H:BCLQR  T:BARBARA MAGONE'S FANCY (reel)
ABC  51007 C1:076767754017752 C2:udddddduuddduuu M:C     K:D            H:BCLQR  T:BARBARA MAGONE'S FANCY (reel)
ABC  51007 C1:076767754017752 C2:udddddduuddduuu M:C     K:D            H:BCLQR  T:BARBARA MAGONE'S FANCY (reel)
ABC      1 C1:007770010040110 C2:ddduuuuddududud M:C     K:Am           H:"CLRSZ T:Barbara Magone's Visit
ABC      1 C1:007770010040110 C2:ddduuuuddududud M:C     K:Am           H:"CLRSZ T:Barbara Magone's Visit
ABC      1 C1:007770010040110 C2:ddduuuuddududud M:C     K:Am           H:"CLRSZ T:Barbara Magone's Visit
ABC      1 C1:007770010040110 C2:ddduuuuddududud M:C     K:Am           H:"CLRSZ T:Barbara Magone's Visit
ABC      1 C1:007770010040110 C2:ddduuuuddududud M:C     K:Am           H:"CLRSZ T:Barbara Magone's Visit
ABC      1 C1:007770010040110 C2:ddduuuuddududud M:C     K:Am           H:"CLRSZ T:Barbara Magone's Visit
ABC      1 C1:007770010040110 C2:ddduuuuddududud M:C     K:Am           H:"CLRSZ T:Barbara Magone's Visit
ABC      1 C1:007770010040110 C2:ddduuuuddududud M:C     K:Am           H:"CLRSZ T:Barbara Magone's Visit
ABC      0 C1:                C2:                M:      K:             H:BCR    T:Barbara McOwen's Ceilidh
ABC      1 C1:100777771777724 C2:udddddudddduduu M:C     K:Bb           H:"CLR   T:Barbara McOwen's Fiddle
ABC      1 C1:100777771777724 C2:udddddudddduduu M:C     K:Bb           H:"CLR   T:Barbara McOwen's Fiddle
ABC      1 C1:100777771777724 C2:udddddudddduduu M:4/4   K:A            H:"CLR   T:Barbara McOwen's Fiddle
ABC      1 C1:100777771777724 C2:udddddudddduduu M:4/4   K:A            H:"CLR   T:Barbara McOwen's Fiddle
ABC      1 C1:300000010077200 C2:uudduduuuuuuddd M:4/4   K:Am           H:CLQR   T:Barbara McOwen's Strathspey
ABC      1 C1:300000010077200 C2:uudduduuuuuuddd M:4/4   K:Am           H:CLQR   T:Barbara McOwen's Strathspey
ABC      1 C1:300000010077200 C2:uudduduuuuuuddd M:4/4   K:Am           H:CLR    T:Barbara McOwen's Strathspey
ABC      1 C1:300000010077200 C2:uudduduuuuuuddd M:4/4   K:Am           H:CLR    T:Barbara McOwen's Strathspey
ABC      1 C1:300000010077200 C2:uudduduuuuuuddd M:4/4   K:Am           H:CLR    T:Barbara McOwen's Strathspey
ABC      1 C1:300000010077200 C2:uudduduuuuuuddd M:4/4   K:Am           H:CLR    T:Barbara McOwen's Strathspey
ABC      1 C1:300000010077200 C2:uudduduuuuuuddd M:4/4   K:Am           H:CLR    T:Barbara McOwen's Strathspey
ABC      1 C1:300000010077200 C2:uudduduuuuuuddd M:4/4   K:Am           H:CLR    T:Barbara McOwen's Strathspey
ABC      1 C1:300000010077200 C2:uudduduuuuuuddd M:4/4   K:Am           H:CLR    T:Barbara McOwen's Strathspey
ABC      1 C1:300000010077200 C2:uudduduuuuuuddd M:4/4   K:Am           H:CLR    T:Barbara McOwen's Strathspey
ABC      1 C1:300000010077200 C2:uudduduuuuuuddd M:4/4   K:Am           H:CLR    T:Barbara McOwen's Strathspey
ABC      1 C1:300000010077200 C2:uudduduuuuuuddd M:4/4   K:Am           H:CLR    T:Barbara McOwen's Strathspey
ABC      1 C1:300000010077200 C2:uudduduuuuuuddd M:4/4   K:Am           H:CLR    T:Barbara McOwen's Strathspey
ABC      1 C1:300000010077200 C2:uudduduuuuuuddd M:4/4   K:Am           H:CLR    T:Barbara McOwen's Strathspey
ABC      1 C1:300000010077200 C2:uudduduuuuuuddd M:4/4   K:Am           H:CLR    T:Barbara McOwen's Strathspey
ABC      1 C1:300000010077200 C2:uudduduuuuuuddd M:4/4   K:Am           H:CLR    T:Barbara McOwen's Strathspey
ABC      1 C1:300000010077200 C2:uudduduuuuuuddd M:4/4   K:Am           H:CLR    T:Barbara McOwen's Strathspey
ABC      1 C1:300000010077200 C2:uudduduuuuuuddd M:4/4   K:Am           H:CLR    T:Barbara McOwen's Strathspey
ABC      1 C1:300000010077200 C2:uudduduuuuuuddd M:4/4   K:Am           H:CLR    T:Barbara McOwen's Strathspey
ABC      1 C1:300000010077200 C2:uudduduuuuuuddd M:4/4   K:Am           H:CLR    T:Barbara McOwen's Strathspey
ABC      1 C1:300000010077200 C2:uudduduuuuuuddd M:4/4   K:Am           H:CLR    T:Barbara McOwen's Strathspey
ABC      1 C1:300000010077200 C2:uudduduuuuuuddd M:4/4   K:Am           H:CLR    T:Barbara McOwen's Strathspey
ABC      1 C1:300000010077200 C2:uudduduuuuuuddd M:4/4   K:Am           H:CLR    T:Barbara McOwen's Strathspey
ABC      1 C1:300000010077200 C2:uudduduuuuuuddd M:4/4   K:Am           H:"CLR   T:Barbara McOwen's Strathspey
ABC      1 C1:300000010077200 C2:uudduduuuuuuddd M:4/4   K:Am           H:"CLR   T:Barbara McOwen's Strathspey
ABC      1 C1:300000010077200 C2:uudduduuuuuuddd M:4/4   K:Am           H:"CLR   T:Barbara McOwen's Strathspey
ABC      1 C1:300000010077200 C2:uudduduuuuuuddd M:4/4   K:Am           H:"CLR   T:Barbara McOwen's Strathspey
ABC      1 C1:300000010077200 C2:uudduduuuuuuddd M:4/4   K:Am           H:"CLR   T:Barbara McOwen's Strathspey
ABC      3 C1:300000010077200 C2:uudduduuuuuuddd M:4/4   K:Am           H:"CLR   T:Barbara McOwen's Strathspey
ABC      3 C1:300000010077200 C2:uudduduuuuuuddd M:4/4   K:Am           H:"CLR   T:Barbara McOwen's Strathspey
ABC      1 C1:300000010077200 C2:uudduduuuuuuddd M:4/4   K:Am           H:"CLR   T:Barbara McOwen's Strathspey
ABC    411 C1:621071037607661 C2:duuduuddddduuuu M:6/8   K:Dmix         H:DHLRZ  T:Barbara Needham's
ABC    411 C1:621071037607661 C2:duuduuddddduuuu M:6/8   K:Dmix         H:DHLRZ  T:Barbara Needham's
ABC     10 C1:521112777016521 C2:duuuuuddduddduu M:6/8   K:F            H:LOQRS  T:Barbara Nic a' Phearsain
ABC     10 C1:521112777016521 C2:duuuuuddduddduu M:6/8   K:F            H:LOQRS  T:Barbara Nic a' Phearsain
ABC     10 C1:521112777016521 C2:duuuuuddduddduu M:6/8   K:F            H:LOQRS  T:Barbara Nic a' Phearsain
ABC     10 C1:521112777016521 C2:duuuuuddduddduu M:6/8   K:F            H:LOQRS  T:Barbara Nic a' Phearsain
ABC      1 C1:521112777016521 C2:duuuuuddduddduu M:6/8   K:Fmin         H:LRSZ   T:Barbara Nic a' Phearsain
ABC     10 C1:521112777016521 C2:duuuuuddduddduu M:6/8   K:F            H:LOQRS  T:Barbara Nic a' Phearsain
ABC     10 C1:521112777016521 C2:duuuuuddduddduu M:6/8   K:F            H:LOQRS  T:Barbara Nic a' Phearsain
ABC     10 C1:521112777016521 C2:duuuuuddduddduu M:6/8   K:F            H:LOQRS  T:Barbara Nic a' Phearsain
ABC      1 C1:060000070120050 C2:uduuddududddddu M:4/4   K:D            H:CLQR   T:Barbara Rae
ABC      1 C1:060000070120050 C2:uduuddududddddu M:4/4   K:D            H:CLQR   T:Barbara Rae
ABC      1 C1:007125777157777 C2:duuddududdddduu M:4/4   K:D            H:"CL    T:Barbara Rae
ABC      1 C1:007125777157777 C2:duuddududdddduu M:4/4   K:D            H:"CL    T:Barbara Rae
ABC      1 C1:007125777157777 C2:duuddududdddduu M:4/4   K:D            H:"CL    T:Barbara Rae
ABC      1 C1:007125777157777 C2:duuddududdddduu M:4/4   K:D            H:"CL    T:Barbara Rae
ABC      1 C1:007125777157777 C2:duuddududdddduu M:C     K:D            H:"CLZ   T:Barbara Rae
ABC      1 C1:007125777157777 C2:duuddududdddduu M:C     K:D            H:"CLZ   T:Barbara Rae
ABC      1 C1:007125777157777 C2:duuddududdddduu M:C     K:D            H:"CLZ   T:Barbara Rae
ABC      1 C1:007125777157777 C2:duuddududdddduu M:C     K:D            H:"CLZ   T:Barbara Rae
ABC      1 C1:007125777157777 C2:duuddududdddduu M:C     K:D            H:"CLZ   T:Barbara Rae
ABC      1 C1:007125777157777 C2:duuddududdddduu M:C     K:D            H:"CLZ   T:Barbara Rae
ABC      1 C1:007125777157777 C2:duuddududdddduu M:C     K:D            H:"CLZ   T:Barbara Rae
ABC      1 C1:007125777157777 C2:duuddududdddduu M:C     K:D            H:"CLZ   T:Barbara Rae
ABC      1 C1:007125777157777 C2:duuddududdddduu M:C     K:D            H:"CLZ   T:Barbara Rae
ABC      1 C1:007125777157777 C2:duuddududdddduu M:C     K:D            H:"CLZ   T:Barbara Rae
ABC      1 C1:007125777157777 C2:duuddududdddduu M:C     K:D            H:"CLZ   T:Barbara Rae
ABC      1 C1:007125777157777 C2:duuddududdddduu M:C|    K:D            H:"CLZ   T:Barbara Rae
ABC      1 C1:007125777157777 C2:duuddududdddduu M:C     K:D            H:"CLZ   T:Barbara Rae
ABC      1 C1:007125777157777 C2:duuddududdddduu M:C     K:D            H:"CLZ   T:Barbara Rae
ABC      3 C1:007125777157777 C2:duuddududdddduu M:C     K:D            H:"CLZ   T:Barbara Rae
ABC      3 C1:007125777157777 C2:duuddududdddduu M:C     K:D            H:"CLZ   T:Barbara Rae
ABC      3 C1:007125777157777 C2:duuddududdddduu M:C     K:D            H:"CLZ   T:Barbara Rae
ABC      3 C1:007125777157777 C2:duuddududdddduu M:C     K:D            H:"CLZ   T:Barbara Rae
ABC      3 C1:007125777157777 C2:duuddududdddduu M:C     K:D            H:"CLZ   T:Barbara Rae
ABC      3 C1:007125777157777 C2:duuddududdddduu M:C     K:D            H:"CLZ   T:Barbara Rae
ABC      3 C1:007125777157777 C2:duuddududdddduu M:C     K:D            H:"CLZ   T:Barbara Rae
ABC      3 C1:007125777157777 C2:duuddududdddduu M:C     K:D            H:"CLZ   T:Barbara Rae
ABC      3 C1:007125777157777 C2:duuddududdddduu M:C     K:D            H:"CLZ   T:Barbara Rae
ABC      1 C1:030000020707010 C2:uuddududduudddd M:6/8   K:A            H:CLQR   T:Barbara R.T. McOwen's Hello
ABC      1 C1:030000020707010 C2:uuddududduudddd M:6/8   K:A            H:CLQR   T:Barbara R.T. McOwen's Hello
ABC      1 C1:030000020707010 C2:uuddududduudddd M:6/8   K:A            H:CLQR   T:Barbara R.T. McOwen's Hello
ABC      1 C1:002771407077235 C2:duddududduudddd M:6/8   K:A            H:"CLRZ  T:Barbara R.T.McOwen's Hello
ABC      1 C1:002771407077235 C2:duddududduudddd M:6/8   K:A            H:"CLRZ  T:Barbara R.T.McOwen's Hello
ABC      1 C1:002771407077235 C2:duddududduudddd M:6/8   K:A            H:"CLRZ  T:Barbara R.T.McOwen's Hello
ABC      1 C1:002771407077235 C2:duddududduudddd M:6/8   K:A            H:"CLRZ  T:Barbara R.T.McOwen's Hello
ABC      1 C1:002771407077235 C2:duddududduudddd M:6/8   K:A            H:"CLRZ  T:Barbara R.T.McOwen's Hello
ABC      1 C1:002771407077235 C2:duddududduudddd M:6/8   K:A            H:"CLRZ  T:Barbara R.T.McOwen's Hello
ABC      1 C1:002771407077235 C2:duddududduudddd M:6/8   K:A            H:"CLRZ  T:Barbara R.T.McOwen's Hello
ABC      1 C1:002771407077235 C2:duddududduudddd M:6/8   K:A            H:"CLRZ  T:Barbara R.T.McOwen's Hello
ABC      4 C1:002771407077235 C2:duddududduudddd M:6/8   K:A            H:"CLRZ  T:Barbara R.T.McOwen's Hello
ABC     17 C1:711711711712773 C2:duuduuduuduuddu M:6/8   K:D            H:"BCLRZ T:BARBARA SAUNDERS OF DOLLAR
ABC     17 C1:711711711712773 C2:duuduuduuduuddu M:6/8   K:D            H:"BCLRZ T:BARBARA SAUNDERS OF DOLLAR
ABC     17 C1:711711711712773 C2:duuduuduuduuddu M:6/8   K:D            H:"BCLRZ T:BARBARA SAUNDERS OF DOLLAR
ABC     17 C1:711711711712773 C2:duuduuduuduuddu M:6/8   K:D            H:"BCLRZ T:BARBARA SAUNDERS OF DOLLAR
ABC  13006 C1:121100270761767 C2:uuuuuddduddduuu M:C     K:D            H:BCLRZ  T:BARBARA'S HORNPIPE
ABC  13006 C1:121100270761767 C2:uuuuuddduddduuu M:C     K:D            H:BCLRZ  T:BARBARA'S HORNPIPE
ABC  13006 C1:121100270761767 C2:uuuuuddduddduuu M:C     K:D            H:BCLRZ  T:BARBARA'S HORNPIPE
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Barbara's Jig (0:60)
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:barbarasjig (0:60)
ABC      3 C1:054045771776300 C2:dududduddduuudd M:6/8   K:Am           H:"CLS   T:Barbara's Jig
ABC      3 C1:054045771776300 C2:dududduddduuudd M:6/8   K:Am           H:"CLS   T:Barbara's Jig
ABC      1 C1:000200030302060 C2:duududuududuudd M:3/4   K:G            H:"CLQRSZ T:Barbara's Maggot
ABC      1 C1:000200030302060 C2:duududuududuudd M:3/4   K:G            H:"CLQRSZ T:Barbara's Maggot
ABC      1 C1:000200030302060 C2:duududuududuudd M:3/4   K:G            H:"CLQRSZ T:Barbara's Maggot
ABC      1 C1:000200030302060 C2:duududuududuudd M:3/4   K:G            H:"CLQRSVZ T:Barbara's Maggot
ABC      1 C1:000200030302060 C2:duududuududuudd M:3/4   K:G            H:"CLQRSVZ T:Barbara's Maggot
ABC      1 C1:000200030302060 C2:duududuududuudd M:3/4   K:G            H:"CLQRSVZ T:Barbara's Maggot
ABC      1 C1:000200030302060 C2:duududuududuudd M:3/4   K:G            H:"CLQRSVZ T:Barbara's Maggot
ABC      1 C1:000200030302060 C2:duududuududuudd M:3/4   K:G            H:"CLQRSVZ T:Barbara's Maggot
ABC      1 C1:000200030302060 C2:duududuududuudd M:3/4   K:G            H:"CLQRSVZ T:Barbara's Maggot
ABC      1 C1:000200030302060 C2:duududuududuudd M:3/4   K:G            H:"CLQRSVZ T:Barbara's Maggot
ABC    145 C1:110170003005655 C2:uuududduddduduu M:6/8   K:D            H:BLQRZ  T:Barbara's Maggot. JJo5.145
ABC    145 C1:110170003005655 C2:uuududduddduduu M:6/8   K:D            H:BLQRZ  T:Barbara's Maggot. JJo5.145
ABC  11009 C1:026532662177237 C2:udduudduudduudd M:C     K:G            H:BCLRZ  T:BARBARA'S REEL
ABC  11009 C1:026532662177237 C2:udduudduudduudd M:C     K:G            H:BCLRZ  T:BARBARA'S REEL
ABC  11009 C1:026532662177237 C2:udduudduudduudd M:C     K:G            H:BCLRZ  T:BARBARA'S REEL
ABC  11009 C1:026532662177237 C2:udduudduudduudd M:C     K:G            H:BCLRZ  T:BARBARA'S REEL
ABC  11009 C1:026532662177237 C2:udduudduudduudd M:C     K:G            H:BCLRZ  T:BARBARA'S REEL
ABC  11009 C1:026532662177237 C2:udduudduudduudd M:C     K:G            H:BCLRZ  T:BARBARA'S REEL
ABC  11009 C1:026532662177237 C2:udduudduudduudd M:C     K:G            H:BCLRZ  T:BARBARA'S REEL
ABC  11009 C1:026532662177237 C2:udduudduudduudd M:C     K:G            H:BCLRZ  T:BARBARA'S REEL
ABC   5501 C1:001171113727277 C2:uuduuuudududddd M:C|\   K:G\           H:BCQR   T:BARBARA'S RETURN (hornpipe)\
ABC   5501 C1:001171113727277 C2:uuduuuudududddd M:C|    K:G            H:BCQR   T:BARBARA'S RETURN (hornpipe)
ABC   5501 C1:001171113727277 C2:uuduuuudududddd M:C|    K:G            H:BCQR   T:BARBARA'S RETURN (hornpipe)
ABC      1 C1:715766276622017 C2:duuddduddduuudd M:4/4   K:F            H:"CL    T:Barbara's Strathspey
ABC      1 C1:715766276622017 C2:duuddduddduuudd M:4/4   K:F            H:"CL    T:Barbara's Strathspey
ABC      1 C1:007100570066002 C2:duuddduddduuudd M:C     K:G            H:"BCLRZ T:Barbara's Strathspey
ABC      1 C1:007100570066002 C2:duuddduddduuudd M:C     K:G            H:"BCLRZ T:Barbara's Strathspey
ABC      1 C1:007100570066002 C2:duuddduddduuudd M:C     K:G            H:"BCLRZ T:Barbara's Strathspey
ABC      1 C1:007100570066002 C2:duuddduddduuudd M:C     K:G            H:"BCLRZ T:Barbara's Strathspey
ABC      1 C1:007100570066002 C2:duuddduddduuudd M:C     K:G            H:"BCLRZ T:Barbara's Strathspey
ABC      1 C1:007100570066002 C2:duuddduddduuudd M:C     K:G            H:"BCLRZ T:Barbara's Strathspey
ABC      1 C1:007100570066002 C2:duuddduddduuudd M:C     K:G            H:"BCLRZ T:Barbara's Strathspey
ABC      1 C1:007100570066002 C2:duuddduddduuudd M:C     K:F            H:"BCLRZ T:Barbara's Strathspey
ABC      1 C1:007100570066002 C2:duuddduddduuudd M:C     K:F            H:"BCLRZ T:Barbara's Strathspey
ABC      1 C1:007100570066002 C2:duuddduddduuudd M:C     K:F            H:"BCLRZ T:Barbara's Strathspey
ABC      1 C1:007100570066002 C2:duuddduddduuudd M:C     K:F            H:"BCLRZ T:Barbara's Strathspey
ABC      1 C1:007100570066002 C2:duuddduddduuudd M:C     K:F            H:"BCLRZ T:Barbara's Strathspey
ABC      1 C1:007100570066002 C2:duuddduddduuudd M:C     K:F            H:"BCLRZ T:Barbara's Strathspey
ABC      1 C1:007100570066002 C2:duuddduddduuudd M:C     K:F            H:"BCLRZ T:Barbara's Strathspey
ABC      1 C1:007100570066002 C2:duuddduddduuudd M:C     K:F            H:"BCLRZ T:Barbara's Strathspey
ABC  46041 C1:007100570066002 C2:duuddduddduuudd M:C     K:G            H:"BCLRZ T:Barbara's Strathspey
ABC  46041 C1:007100570066002 C2:duuddduddduuudd M:C     K:G            H:"BCLRZ T:Barbara's Strathspey
ABC  46041 C1:007100570066002 C2:duuddduddduuudd M:C     K:F            H:"BCLRZ T:Barbara's Strathspey
ABC  46041 C1:007100570066002 C2:duuddduddduuudd M:C     K:F            H:"BCLRZ T:Barbara's Strathspey
ABC  46041 C1:007100570066002 C2:duuddduddduuudd M:C     K:F            H:"BCLRZ T:Barbara's Strathspey
ABC  46041 C1:007100570066002 C2:duuddduddduuudd M:C     K:F            H:"BCLRZ T:Barbara's Strathspey
ABC  46041 C1:007100570066002 C2:duuddduddduuudd M:C     K:F            H:"BCLRZ T:Barbara's Strathspey
ABC  46041 C1:007100570066002 C2:duuddduddduuudd M:C     K:F            H:"BCLRZ T:Barbara's Strathspey
ABC      1 C1:007100570066002 C2:duuddduddduuudd M:C     K:F            H:"BCLRZ T:Barbara's Strathspey
ABC      1 C1:007100570066002 C2:duuddduddduuudd M:C     K:F            H:"BCLRZ T:Barbara's Strathspey
ABC      1 C1:007100570066002 C2:duuddduddduuudd M:C     K:F            H:"BCLRZ T:Barbara's Strathspey
ABC      1 C1:007100570066002 C2:duuddduddduuudd M:C     K:F            H:"BCLRZ T:Barbara's Strathspey
ABC      1 C1:007100570066002 C2:duuddduddduuudd M:C     K:F            H:"BCLRZ T:Barbara's Strathspey
ABC      1 C1:007100570066002 C2:duuddduddduuudd M:C     K:F            H:"BCLRZ T:Barbara's Strathspey
ABC      1 C1:007100570066002 C2:duuddduddduuudd M:C     K:F            H:"BCLRZ T:Barbara's Strathspey
ABC  46041 C1:007100570066002 C2:duuddduddduuudd M:C     K:F            H:"BCLRZ T:Barbara's Strathspey
ABC  46041 C1:007100570066002 C2:duuddduddduuudd M:C     K:F            H:"BCLRZ T:Barbara's Strathspey
ABC      3 C1:007100570066002 C2:duuddduddduuudd M:C     K:G            H:"BCLRZ T:Barbara's Strathspey
ABC      0 C1:                C2:                M:      K:             H:BOR    T:Barbara's Strathspey
ABC      1 C1:007100570066002 C2:duuddduddduuudd M:C     K:F            H:"BCLRZ T:Barbara's Strathspey
ABC      0 C1:                C2:                M:      K:             H:BCORZ  T:Barbara's Strathspey
ABC      1 C1:007100570066002 C2:duuddduddduuudd M:C     K:F            H:"BCLRZ T:Barbara's Strathspey
ABC      1 C1:007100570066002 C2:duuddduddduuudd M:C     K:F            H:"BCLRZ T:Barbara's Strathspey
ABC      1 C1:007100570066002 C2:duuddduddduuudd M:C     K:G            H:"BCLRZ T:Barbara's Strathspey
ABC      1 C1:007100570066002 C2:duuddduddduuudd M:C     K:F            H:"BCLRZ T:Barbara's Strathspey
ABC      1 C1:007100570066002 C2:duuddduddduuudd M:C     K:G            H:"BCLRZ T:Barbara's Strathspey
ABC      1 C1:006024223001223 C2:duduuuduuudddud M:6/8   K:Amaj         H:"CLV   T:Barbara Stevenson
ABC      1 C1:006024223001223 C2:duduuuduuudddud M:6/8   K:G            H:"CLV   T:Barbara Stevenson
ABC      1 C1:005305000017067 C2:dududdduuududdu M:4/4   K:Bb           H:L      T:Barbaree
ABC      1 C1:005305000017067 C2:dududdduuududdu M:4/4   K:Bb           H:L      T:Barbaree
ABC      1 C1:005305000017067 C2:dududdduuududdu M:4/4   K:Bb           H:L      T:Barbaree
ABC      1 C1:062766456607664 C2:dudddudddudduud M:2/4   K:G            H:LSZ    T:Barbarine, La
ABC      1 C1:400010107260405 C2:duuduuddduduuud M:2/4   K:D            H:"LQS   T:Barbarini's Tambourine
ABC     35 C1:240001010726040 C2:uuduuduuddduduu M:2/4   K:D            H:"CLQS  T:Barbarini's Tambourine
ABC     33 C1:240001010726040 C2:uuduuduuddduduu M:2/4   K:D            H:"CLQS  T:Barbarini's Tambourine
ABC      1 C1:040000000100010 C2:duuduuddduduuud M:2/4   K:D            H:ACILORS T:Barbarini's Tambourine
ABC      0 C1:                C2:                M:      K:             H:BZ     T:Barbarini's Tambourine
ABC      0 C1:                C2:                M:      K:             H:BZ     T:Barbarini's Tambourine
ABC      0 C1:                C2:                M:      K:             H:BZ     T:Barbarini's Tambourine
ABC      0 C1:                C2:                M:      K:             H:BZ     T:Barbarini's Tambourine
ABC      0 C1:                C2:                M:      K:             H:BZ     T:Barbarini's Tambourine
ABC     17 C1:240001010726040 C2:uuduuduuddduduu M:2/4   K:D            H:"LZ    T:Barbarini's Tambourine
ABC     67 C1:240001010726040 C2:uuduuduuddduduu M:2/4   K:D            H:"CLQRS T:Barbarini's Tambourine
ABC     67 C1:240001010726040 C2:uuduuduuddduduu M:2/4   K:D            H:"CLQRS T:Barbarini's Tambourine
ABC     15 C1:240001010726040 C2:uuduuduuddduduu M:2/4   K:D            H:"CLQS  T:Barbarini's Tambourine
ABC     35 C1:240001010726040 C2:uuduuduuddduduu M:2/4   K:D            H:"CLQS  T:Barbarini's Tambourine
ABC     35 C1:240001010726040 C2:uuduuduuddduduu M:2/4   K:D            H:"CLQS  T:Barbarini's Tambourine
ABC      1 C1:040000000100010 C2:duuduuddduduuud M:2/4   K:C            H:"BLRZ  T:Barbarini's Tambourine [C]
ABC      1 C1:040000000100010 C2:duuduuddduduuud M:2/4   K:C            H:"BLRZ  T:Barbarini's Tambourine [C]
ABC      1 C1:040000000100010 C2:duuduuddduduuud M:2/4   K:C            H:"BLRZ  T:Barbarini's Tambourine [C]
ABC      1 C1:040000000100010 C2:duuduuddduduuud M:2/4   K:C            H:"BLRZ  T:Barbarini's Tambourine [C]
ABC      1 C1:040000000100010 C2:duuduuddduduuud M:2/4   K:C            H:"BLRZ  T:Barbarini's Tambourine [C]
ABC      1 C1:040000000100010 C2:duuduuddduduuud M:2/4   K:C            H:"BLRZ  T:Barbarini's Tambourine [C]
ABC      1 C1:040000000100010 C2:duuduuddduduuud M:2/4   K:D            H:"BLRZ  T:Barbarini's Tambourine [D]
ABC      2 C1:040000000100010 C2:duuduuddduduuud M:2/4   K:D            H:"BLRZ  T:Barbarini's Tambourine [D]
ABC      2 C1:040000000100010 C2:duuduuddduduuud M:2/4   K:D            H:"BLRZ  T:Barbarini's Tambourine [D]
ABC      2 C1:040000000100010 C2:duuduuddduduuud M:2/4   K:D            H:"BLRZ  T:Barbarini's Tambourine [D]
ABC      2 C1:040000000100010 C2:duuduuddduduuud M:2/4   K:D            H:"BLRZ  T:Barbarini's Tambourine [D]
ABC      2 C1:040000000100010 C2:duuduuddduduuud M:2/4   K:D            H:"BLRZ  T:Barbarini's Tambourine [D]
ABC      1 C1:121776003017761 C2:uuudddduuuddduu M:4/4   K:Ab           H:L      T:Barbary Allen
ABC      1 C1:121776003017761 C2:uuudddduuuddduu M:4/4   K:Ab           H:L      T:Barbary Allen
ABC      1 C1:121776003017761 C2:uuudddduuuddduu M:4/4   K:Ab           H:L      T:Barbary Allen
ABC      1 C1:170211170661117 C2:uduuuuddduuuddd M:6/8   K:G            H:"S     T:Barbary Bell
ABC     14 C1:170211170661117 C2:uduuuuddduuuddd M:6/8   K:G            H:"S     T:Barbary Bell
ABC      1 C1:170211170661117 C2:uduuuuddduuuddd M:6/8   K:G            H:"LQR   T:Barbary Bell
ABC     98 C1:170211170661711 C2:uduuuuddduduudd M:6/8   K:G            H:BFLZ   T:BARBARY BELL
ABC     98 C1:170211170661711 C2:uduuuuddduduudd M:6/8   K:G            H:BFLZ   T:BARBARY BELL
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:6/8   K:G            H:LR     T:Barbary Bell
ABC     14 C1:170211170661117 C2:uduuuuddduuuddd M:6/8   K:G            H:"C     T:Barbary Bell
ABC     98 C1:170211170661711 C2:uduuuuddduduudd M:6/8   K:G            H:BFLZ   T:BARBARY BELL
ABC     98 C1:170211170661711 C2:uduuuuddduduudd M:6/8   K:G            H:BFLZ   T:BARBARY BELL
ABC     98 C1:170211170661711 C2:uduuuuddduduudd M:6/8   K:G            H:BFLZ   T:BARBARY BELL
ABC     98 C1:170211170661711 C2:uduuuuddduduudd M:6/8   K:G            H:BFLZ   T:BARBARY BELL
ABC     98 C1:170211170661711 C2:uduuuuddduduudd M:6/8   K:G            H:BFLZ   T:BARBARY BELL
ABC   1166 C1:170211170661117 C2:uduuuuddduuuddd M:6/8   K:G            H:"S     T:Barbary Bell
ABC     70 C1:170211170661117 C2:uduuuuddduuuddd M:6/8   K:G            H:"S     T:Barbary Bell
ABC     14 C1:170211170661117 C2:uduuuuddduuuddd M:6/8   K:G            H:"S     T:Barbary Bell
ABC     14 C1:170211170661117 C2:uduuuuddduuuddd M:6/8   K:G            H:"S     T:Barbary Bell
ABC     14 C1:170211170661117 C2:uduuuuddduuuddd M:6/8   K:G            H:"S     T:Barbary Bell
ABC     14 C1:170211170661117 C2:uduuuuddduuuddd M:6/8   K:G            H:"FRS   T:Barbary Bell
ABC     14 C1:170211170661117 C2:uduuuuddduuuddd M:6/8   K:G            H:"FRS   T:Barbary Bell
ABC     14 C1:170211170661117 C2:uduuuuddduuuddd M:6/8   K:G            H:"FRS   T:Barbary Bell
ABC    412 C1:170211170661117 C2:uduuuuddduuuddd M:6/8   K:G            H:"OS    T:Barbary Bell
ABC    412 C1:170211170661117 C2:uduuuuddduuuddd M:6/8   K:G            H:"OS    T:Barbary Bell
ABC   1166 C1:170211170661117 C2:uduuuuddduuuddd M:6/8   K:G            H:"S     T:Barbary Bell
ABC   1166 C1:170211170661117 C2:uduuuuddduuuddd M:6/8   K:G            H:"S     T:Barbary Bell
ABC   1166 C1:170211170661117 C2:uduuuuddduuuddd M:6/8   K:G            H:"S     T:Barbary Bell
ABC    941 C1:170211170661117 C2:uduuuuddduuuddd M:6/8   K:G            H:"S     T:Barbary Bell
ABC    941 C1:170211170661117 C2:uduuuuddduuuddd M:6/8   K:G            H:"S     T:Barbary Bell
ABC    941 C1:170211170661117 C2:uduuuuddduuuddd M:6/8   K:G            H:"S     T:Barbary Bell
ABC    941 C1:170211170661117 C2:uduuuuddduuuddd M:6/8   K:G            H:"S     T:Barbary Bell
ABC    941 C1:170211170661117 C2:uduuuuddduuuddd M:6/8   K:G            H:"S     T:Barbary Bell
ABC      1 C1:170112170661711 C2:uduuuuddduduudd M:6/8   K:Gmaj         H:FLR    T:Barbary Bel(le)
ABC      1 C1:170112170661711 C2:uduuuuddduduudd M:6/8   K:Gmaj         H:FLR    T:Barbary Bel(le)
ABC      5 C1:170112170661711 C2:uduuuuddduduudd M:6/8   K:Gmaj         H:FLR    T:Barbary Bel(le)
ABC      5 C1:170112170661711 C2:uduuuuddduduudd M:6/8   K:Gmaj         H:FLR    T:Barbary Bel(le)
ABC    110 C1:170662710660170 C2:udddududdudduud M:6/8   K:G            H:ABLOQZ T:Barbary Belles. JaW.110
ABC    110 C1:170662710660170 C2:udddududdudduud M:6/8   K:G            H:ABLOQZ T:Barbary Belles. JaW.110
ABC    110 C1:170662710660170 C2:udddududdudduud M:6/8   K:C            H:ALOQRSZ T:Barbary Belles. JaW.110
ABC    110 C1:170662710660170 C2:udddududdudduud M:6/8   K:C            H:ACHLOQRSZ T:Barbary Belles. JaW.110
ABC    110 C1:170662710660170 C2:udddududdudduud M:6/8   K:C            H:ABLOQRSZ T:Barbary Belles. JaW.110
ABC    532 C1:170662710660170 C2:udddududdudduud M:6/8   K:C            H:AFLOQRSZ T:Barbary Belles. JaW.110
ABC   7297 C1:170662710660170 C2:udddududdudduud M:6/8   K:C            H:AFLOQRSZ T:Barbary Belles. JaW.110
ABC   9394 C1:170662710660170 C2:udddududdudduud M:6/8   K:C            H:AFLOQRSZ T:Barbary Belles. JaW.110
ABC   7297 C1:170662710660170 C2:udddududdudduud M:6/8   K:C            H:AFLOQRSZ T:Barbary Belles. JaW.110
ABC   9394 C1:170662710660170 C2:udddududdudduud M:6/8   K:C            H:AFLOQRSZ T:Barbary Belles. JaW.110
ABC    532 C1:170662710660170 C2:udddududdudduud M:6/8   K:C            H:AFLOQRSZ T:Barbary Belles. JaW.110
ABC    110 C1:170662710660170 C2:udddududdudduud M:6/8   K:C            H:ABLOQRSZ T:Barbary Belles. JaW.110
ABC     80 C1:170211170661117 C2:uduuuuddduuuddd M:6/8   K:G            H:OQRZ   T:Barbary Bell. FTB.080
ABC     80 C1:170211170661117 C2:uduuuuddduuuddd M:6/8   K:G            H:BOQRZ  T:Barbary Bell. FTB.080
ABC     80 C1:170211170661117 C2:uduuuuddduuuddd M:6/8   K:G            H:BOQRZ  T:Barbary Bell. FTB.080
ABC     80 C1:170211170661117 C2:uduuuuddduuuddd M:6/8   K:G            H:OQRZ   T:Barbary Bell. FTB.080
ABC    102 C1:170112170662170 C2:uduuuuddduudddu M:6/8   K:C            H:ABCLOQZ T:Barbary Bells,aka. JaW.102
ABC    102 C1:170112170662170 C2:uduuuuddduudddu M:6/8   K:C            H:ABCLOQZ T:Barbary Bells,aka. JaW.102
ABC    102 C1:170112170662170 C2:uduuuuddduudddu M:6/8   K:C            H:ACLOQRSZ T:Barbary Bells,aka. JaW.102
ABC    102 C1:170112170662170 C2:uduuuuddduudddu M:6/8   K:C            H:ABLOQRSZ T:Barbary Bells,aka. JaW.102
ABC    535 C1:170112170662170 C2:uduuuuddduudddu M:6/8   K:C            H:ACFLOQRSZ T:Barbary Bells,aka. JaW.102
ABC   9401 C1:170112170662170 C2:uduuuuddduudddu M:6/8   K:C            H:ACFLOQRSZ T:Barbary Bells,aka. JaW.102
ABC    535 C1:170112170662170 C2:uduuuuddduudddu M:6/8   K:C            H:ACFLOQRSZ T:Barbary Bells,aka. JaW.102
ABC   9401 C1:170112170662170 C2:uduuuuddduudddu M:6/8   K:C            H:ACFLOQRSZ T:Barbary Bells,aka. JaW.102
ABC    102 C1:170112170662170 C2:uduuuuddduudddu M:6/8   K:C            H:ABLOQRSZ T:Barbary Bells,aka. JaW.102
ABC    102 C1:170112170662170 C2:uduuuuddduudddu M:6/8   K:C            H:ACHOQRSZ T:Barbary Bells. JaW.102
ABC     46 C1:061707050005770 C2:ddudddudddudddu M:4/4   K:C            H:LOQV   T:Barbatesc din jeud
ABC     46 C1:061707050005770 C2:ddudddudddudddu M:4/4   K:C            H:LOQV   T:Barbatesc din jeud
ABC      8 C1:066067000211031 C2:dddduuuuudduudd M:6/8   K:Bb           H:ACLORZ T:La Barbentanaise
ABC     61 C1:066067000211031 C2:dddduuuuudduudd M:6/8   K:Bb           H:ACLORZ T:La Barbentanaise
ABC  13159 C1:066067000211031 C2:dddduuuuudduudd M:6/8   K:C            H:ACLORZ T:La Barbentanaise
ABC     82 C1:066067000211031 C2:dddduuuuudduudd M:6/8   K:Bb           H:ACLORZ T:La Barbentanaise
ABC    108 C1:066067000211031 C2:dddduuuuudduudd M:6/8   K:Bb           H:ACLORZ T:La Barbentanaise
ABC    112 C1:066067000211031 C2:dddduuuuudduudd M:6/8   K:Bb           H:ACLORZ T:La Barbentanaise
ABC    112 C1:066067000211031 C2:dddduuuuudduudd M:6/8   K:G            H:ACLORZ T:La Barbentanaise
ABC    112 C1:066067000211031 C2:dddduuuuudduudd M:6/8   K:F            H:ACLORZ T:La Barbentanaise
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Barber of Seville (7:13)
ABC      1 C1:000600410606000 C2:ddududduduuuddu M:C     K:E            H:"CLSU  T:Barber of Seville
ABC    113 C1:612766127774003 C2:duuddddduuudddu M:2/4   K:G            H:ABLQRZ T:Barber Of Seville,aka. JBs.113, The
ABC    113 C1:612766127774003 C2:duuddddduuudddu M:2/4   K:G            H:ABLQRZ T:Barber Of Seville,aka. JBs.113, The
ABC    116 C1:060102077777011 C2:duuddddduuudduu M:2/4   K:C            H:ABLQRZ T:Barber Of Seville,aka. JBs.116, The
ABC    116 C1:060102077777011 C2:duuddddduuudduu M:2/4   K:C            H:ABLQRZ T:Barber Of Seville,aka. JBs.116, The
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:CLQ    T:Barber of Seville by Skjald
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:CLQ    T:Barber of Seville by Skjald, Clarinet
ABC      4 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQ     T:Barber of Seville by Skjald, Drums
ABC      2 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQ     T:Barber of Seville by Skjald, Flute
ABC      3 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQ     T:Barber of Seville by Skjald, Harp
ABC      5 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQ     T:Barber of Seville by Skjald, Lute
ABC     71 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Barber Of Seville - Clarinet 1 (7:13) (1986)
ABC     72 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Barber of Seville - clarinet 2 (7:13) (1055)
ABC     72 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Barber Of Seville - Clarinet 2 (7:13) (2378)
ABC     73 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Barber Of Seville - Clarinet 3 (7:13) (2110)
ABC     71 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Barber of Seville - clarinet (7:13) (2182)
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Barber Of Seville - Drum 1 (7:13) (596)
ABC      2 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Barber Of Seville - Drum 2 (7:13) (496)
ABC      3 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Barber Of Seville - Drum 3 (7:13) (92)
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Barber of Seville - drums (7:13) (592)
ABC     51 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Barber of Seville - flute (7:13) (1401)
ABC     51 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Barber Of Seville - Flute (7:13) (2802)
ABC     21 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Barber Of Seville - Harp 1 (7:13) (4164)
ABC     22 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Barber Of Seville - Harp 2 (7:13) (2680)
ABC     21 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Barber of Seville - harp (7:13) (1340)
ABC     61 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Barber Of Seville - Horn 1 (7:13) (1326)
ABC     62 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Barber Of Seville - Horn 2 (7:13) (798)
ABC     61 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Barber of Seville - horn (7:13) (1062)
ABC     11 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Barber Of Seville - Lute 1 (7:13) (3286)
ABC     12 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Barber Of Seville - Lute 2 (7:13) (4530)
ABC     11 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Barber of Seville - lute (7:13) (5990)
ABC    113 C1:612766127774003 C2:duuddddduuudddu M:2/4   K:G            H:ALQRSZ T:Barber Of Seville,The,aka. JBs.113
ABC    113 C1:612766127774003 C2:duuddddduuudddu M:2/4   K:G            H:ABLQRSZ T:Barber Of Seville,The,aka. JBs.113
ABC    536 C1:612766127774003 C2:duuddddduuudddu M:2/4   K:G            H:AFLQRSZ T:Barber Of Seville,The,aka. JBs.113
ABC   8015 C1:612766127774003 C2:duuddddduuudddu M:2/4   K:G            H:AFLQRSZ T:Barber Of Seville,The,aka. JBs.113
ABC    536 C1:612766127774003 C2:duuddddduuudddu M:2/4   K:G            H:AFLQRSZ T:Barber Of Seville,The,aka. JBs.113
ABC   8015 C1:612766127774003 C2:duuddddduuudddu M:2/4   K:G            H:AFLQRSZ T:Barber Of Seville,The,aka. JBs.113
ABC    113 C1:612766127774003 C2:duuddddduuudddu M:2/4   K:G            H:ABLQRSZ T:Barber Of Seville,The,aka. JBs.113
ABC    116 C1:060102077777011 C2:duuddddduuudduu M:2/4   K:C            H:ALQRSZ T:Barber Of Seville,The,aka. JBs.116
ABC    116 C1:060102077777011 C2:duuddddduuudduu M:2/4   K:C            H:ABLQRSZ T:Barber Of Seville,The,aka. JBs.116
ABC    537 C1:060102077777011 C2:duuddddduuudduu M:2/4   K:C            H:AFLQRSZ T:Barber Of Seville,The,aka. JBs.116
ABC   8016 C1:060102077777011 C2:duuddddduuudduu M:2/4   K:C            H:AFLQRSZ T:Barber Of Seville,The,aka. JBs.116
ABC    537 C1:060102077777011 C2:duuddddduuudduu M:2/4   K:C            H:AFLQRSZ T:Barber Of Seville,The,aka. JBs.116
ABC   8016 C1:060102077777011 C2:duuddddduuudduu M:2/4   K:C            H:AFLQRSZ T:Barber Of Seville,The,aka. JBs.116
ABC    116 C1:060102077777011 C2:duuddddduuudduu M:2/4   K:C            H:ABLQRSZ T:Barber Of Seville,The,aka. JBs.116
ABC     31 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Barber Of Seville - Theorbo (7:13) (2340)
ABC     31 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Barber of Seville - therobo (7:13) (1170)
ABC      1 C1:110772110771241 C2:uudduuudduuduud M:6/8   K:G            H:ALOQRSZ T:Barber's Hornpipe,The. WM004
ABC      4 C1:110772110771241 C2:uudduuudduuduud M:6/8   K:G            H:ALOQRSZ T:Barber's Hornpipe,The. WM.004
ABC      4 C1:110772110771241 C2:uudduuudduuduud M:6/8   K:G            H:ABLOQRSZ T:Barber's Hornpipe,The. WM.004
ABC   1167 C1:110772110771241 C2:uudduuudduuduud M:6/8   K:G            H:ALOQRSZ T:Barber's Hornpipe,The. WM.004
ABC   1168 C1:110772110771241 C2:uudduuudduuduud M:6/8   K:G            H:ALOQRSZ T:Barber's Hornpipe,The. WM004
ABC   1947 C1:110772110771241 C2:uudduuudduuduud M:6/8   K:G            H:ALOQRSZ T:Barber's Hornpipe,The. WM004
ABC   1947 C1:110772110771241 C2:uudduuudduuduud M:6/8   K:G            H:ALOQRSZ T:Barber's Hornpipe,The. WM004
ABC    413 C1:110772110771241 C2:uudduuudduuduud M:6/8   K:G            H:ALOQRS T:Barber's Hornpipe,The. WM004
ABC    413 C1:110772110771241 C2:uudduuudduuduud M:6/8   K:G            H:ALOQRS T:Barber's Hornpipe,The. WM004
ABC   1167 C1:110772110771241 C2:uudduuudduuduud M:6/8   K:G            H:ALOQRSZ T:Barber's Hornpipe,The. WM.004
ABC   1168 C1:110772110771241 C2:uudduuudduuduud M:6/8   K:G            H:ALOQRSZ T:Barber's Hornpipe,The. WM004
ABC   1167 C1:110772110771241 C2:uudduuudduuduud M:6/8   K:G            H:ALOQRSZ T:Barber's Hornpipe,The. WM.004
ABC   1168 C1:110772110771241 C2:uudduuudduuduud M:6/8   K:G            H:ALOQRSZ T:Barber's Hornpipe,The. WM004
ABC   1167 C1:110772110771241 C2:uudduuudduuduud M:6/8   K:G            H:ALOQRSZ T:Barber's Hornpipe,The. WM.004
ABC   1168 C1:110772110771241 C2:uudduuudduuduud M:6/8   K:G            H:ALOQRSZ T:Barber's Hornpipe,The. WM004
ABC    538 C1:110772110771241 C2:uudduuudduuduud M:6/8   K:G            H:AFLOQRSZ T:Barber's Hornpipe,The. WM.004
ABC    538 C1:110772110771241 C2:uudduuudduuduud M:6/8   K:G            H:AFLOQRSZ T:Barber's Hornpipe,The. WM.004
ABC    942 C1:110772110771241 C2:uudduuudduuduud M:6/8   K:G            H:ALOQRSZ T:Barber's Hornpipe,The. WM004
ABC    942 C1:110772110771241 C2:uudduuudduuduud M:6/8   K:G            H:ALOQRSZ T:Barber's Hornpipe,The. WM004
ABC    942 C1:110772110771241 C2:uudduuudduuduud M:6/8   K:G            H:ALOQRSZ T:Barber's Hornpipe,The. WM004
ABC    942 C1:110772110771241 C2:uudduuudduuduud M:6/8   K:G            H:ALOQRSZ T:Barber's Hornpipe,The. WM004
ABC    942 C1:110772110771241 C2:uudduuudduuduud M:6/8   K:G            H:ALOQRSZ T:Barber's Hornpipe,The. WM004
ABC      4 C1:110772110771241 C2:uudduuudduuduud M:6/8   K:G            H:ABLOQRSZ T:Barber's Hornpipe,The. WM.004
ABC      4 C1:110772110771241 C2:uudduuudduuduud M:6/8   K:G            H:ABLQZ  T:Barber's Hornpipe. WM.004, The
ABC      4 C1:110772110771241 C2:uudduuudduuduud M:6/8   K:G            H:ABLQZ  T:Barber's Hornpipe. WM.004, The
ABC      1 C1:111101115577052 C2:uuuuuuududdduud M:      K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:The Barber's Pole
ABC      2 C1:111101115577052 C2:uuuuuuududdduud M:      K:Gmaj         H:"LR    T:The Barber's Pole
ABC   2049 C1:111101115577052 C2:uuuuuuududdduud M:4/4   K:G            H:"CLOQRZ T:Barber's Pole, The
ABC    321 C1:117677775000117 C2:uudddddduuudddu M:6/8   K:D            H:ABLOQZ T:Barbers Reel. EHo.321
ABC    107 C1:110772110771241 C2:uudduuudduuduud M:6/8   K:G            H:BLOQZ  T:Barber's. ThoH.107, The
ABC    107 C1:110772110771241 C2:uudduuudduuduud M:6/8   K:G            H:BLOQZ  T:Barber's. ThoH.107, The
ABC     24 C1:170022170661117 C2:uduuuddduuudddu M:6/8   K:G            H:AHLOQRSZ T:Barbery Bell. GS.024
ABC     24 C1:170022170661117 C2:uduuuddduuudddu M:6/8   K:G            H:ABHLOQRZ T:Barbery Bell. GS.024
ABC     24 C1:170022170661117 C2:uduuuddduuudddu M:6/8   K:G            H:ABHLOQRZ T:Barbery Bell. GS.024
ABC     24 C1:170022170661117 C2:uduuuddduuudddu M:6/8   K:G            H:ABHLOQRSZ T:Barbery Bell. GS.024
ABC   1169 C1:170022170661117 C2:uduuuddduuudddu M:6/8   K:G            H:AHLOQRSZ T:Barbery Bell. GS.024
ABC   1169 C1:170022170661117 C2:uduuuddduuudddu M:6/8   K:G            H:AHLOQRSZ T:Barbery Bell. GS.024
ABC   1169 C1:170022170661117 C2:uduuuddduuudddu M:6/8   K:G            H:AHLOQRSZ T:Barbery Bell. GS.024
ABC   1169 C1:170022170661117 C2:uduuuddduuudddu M:6/8   K:G            H:AHLOQRSZ T:Barbery Bell. GS.024
ABC    539 C1:170022170661117 C2:uduuuddduuudddu M:6/8   K:G            H:AFHLOQRSZ T:Barbery Bell. GS.024
ABC   9399 C1:170022170661117 C2:uduuuddduuudddu M:6/8   K:G            H:AFHLOQRSZ T:Barbery Bell. GS.024
ABC    539 C1:170022170661117 C2:uduuuddduuudddu M:6/8   K:G            H:AFHLOQRSZ T:Barbery Bell. GS.024
ABC   9399 C1:170022170661117 C2:uduuuddduuudddu M:6/8   K:G            H:AFHLOQRSZ T:Barbery Bell. GS.024
ABC     24 C1:170022170661117 C2:uduuuddduuudddu M:6/8   K:G            H:ABHLOQRSZ T:Barbery Bell. GS.024
ABC      4 C1:000100010004000 C2:ududuuduududuud M:4/4   K:E            H:LQ     T:Barbie Girl - Accompany
ABC      3 C1:003000030040022 C2:uuduuduududuudu M:4/4   K:E            H:LQ     T:Barbie Girl - Bass
ABC      2 C1:                C2:                M:4/4   K:E            H:LQ     T:Barbie Girl - Lead 2 (Ken)
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:4/4   K:E            H:LQ     T:Barbie Girl - Lead (Barbie)
ABC     45 C1:000770360707000 C2:dduddduddudddud M:4/4   K:F            H:ALOQRSZ T:Le Barbier qui la barbe oste
ABC     45 C1:000770360707000 C2:dduddduddudddud M:4/4   K:F            H:ALOQRSZ T:Le Barbier qui la barbe oste
ABC     45 C1:000770360707000 C2:dduddduddudddud M:4/4   K:F            H:ALOQRSZ T:Le Barbier qui la barbe oste
ABC     45 C1:000770360707000 C2:dduddduddudddud M:4/4   K:F            H:ALOQRSZ T:Le Barbier qui la barbe oste
ABC     45 C1:000770360707000 C2:dduddduddudddud M:4/4   K:F            H:ALOQRSZ T:Le Barbier qui la barbe oste
ABC   9369 C1:000770360707000 C2:dduddduddudddud M:4/4   K:F            H:ALOQR  T:Le Barbier qui la barbe oste
ABC   9370 C1:000770360707000 C2:dduddduddudddud M:4/4   K:F            H:ALOQRSZ T:Le Barbier qui la barbe oste
ABC   9369 C1:000770360707000 C2:dduddduddudddud M:4/4   K:F            H:ALOQR  T:Le Barbier qui la barbe oste
ABC   9370 C1:000770360707000 C2:dduddduddudddud M:4/4   K:F            H:ALOQRSZ T:Le Barbier qui la barbe oste
ABC   9370 C1:000770360707000 C2:dduddduddudddud M:4/4   K:F            H:ALOQRSZ T:Le Barbier qui la barbe oste
ABC   9369 C1:000770360707000 C2:dduddduddudddud M:4/4   K:F            H:ALOQR  T:Le Barbier qui la barbe oste
ABC      1 C1:044111777223000 C2:duuuuddduuuddud M:6/8   K:Dm           H:"CLRZ  T:Barbour's Cordial
ABC      1 C1:044111777223000 C2:duuuuddduuuddud M:6/8   K:Dm           H:"CLRZ  T:Barbour's Cordial
ABC      1 C1:044111777223000 C2:duuuuddduuuddud M:6/8   K:Dm           H:"CLRZ  T:Barbour's Cordial
ABC      1 C1:044111777223000 C2:duuuuddduuuddud M:6/8   K:Dm           H:"CLRZ  T:Barbour's Cordial
ABC      1 C1:044111777223000 C2:duuuuddduuuddud M:6/8   K:Dm           H:"CLRZ  T:Barbour's Cordial
ABC      1 C1:044111777223000 C2:duuuuddduuuddud M:6/8   K:Dm           H:"CLRZ  T:Barbour's Cordial
ABC      1 C1:044111777223000 C2:duuuuddduuuddud M:6/8   K:Dm           H:"CLRZ  T:Barbour's Cordial
ABC      1 C1:044111777223000 C2:duuuuddduuuddud M:6/8   K:Dm           H:"CLRZ  T:Barbour's Cordial
ABC      1 C1:044111777223000 C2:duuuuddduuuddud M:6/8   K:Dm           H:"CLRZ  T:Barbour's Cordial
ABC      1 C1:044111777223000 C2:duuuuddduuuddud M:6/8   K:Dm           H:"CLRZ  T:Barbour's Cordial
ABC      2 C1:044111777223000 C2:duuuuddduuuddud M:6/8   K:Dm           H:"CLRZ  T:Barbour's Cordial
ABC      2 C1:044111777223000 C2:duuuuddduuuddud M:6/8   K:Dm           H:"CLRZ  T:Barbour's Cordial
ABC      1 C1:044111777223000 C2:duuuuddduuuddud M:6/8   K:Dm           H:"CLRZ  T:Barbour's Cordial
ABC      1 C1:044111777223000 C2:duuuuddduuuddud M:6/8   K:Dm           H:"CLRZ  T:Barbour's Cordial
ABC      1 C1:044111777223000 C2:duuuuddduuuddud M:6/8   K:Dm           H:"CLRZ  T:Barbour's Cordial
ABC      1 C1:044111777223000 C2:duuuuddduuuddud M:6/8   K:Dm           H:"CLRZ  T:Barbour's Cordial
ABC      1 C1:044111777223000 C2:duuuuddduuuddud M:6/8   K:Dm           H:"CLRZ  T:Barbour's Cordial
ABC      1 C1:044111777223000 C2:duuuuddduuuddud M:6/8   K:Dm           H:"CLRZ  T:Barbour's Cordial
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:             H:       T:Barbour's Cordial + F\'ee de Dents + Gigue de Salon
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:             H:       T:Barbour's Cordial + F\'ee de Dents + Gigue de Salon
ABC      1 C1:004006071776030 C2:uddudddududduud M:      K:Dmaj         H:LR     T:Barbra's
ABC      2 C1:004006071776030 C2:uddudddududduud M:      K:Dmaj         H:LR     T:Barbra's
ABC      1 C1:004006071776030 C2:uddudddududduud M:6/8   K:Dmaj         H:LR     T:Barbra’s
ABC      1 C1:003200070000000 C2:uuddudduduudddd M:3/4   K:F            H:LORSZ  T:Barbro Pers brudpolska
ABC      1 C1:003200070000000 C2:uuddudduduudddd M:3/4   K:F            H:LORSZ  T:Barbro Pers brudpolska
ABC      1 C1:003200070000000 C2:uuddudduduudddd M:3/4   K:F            H:LORSVZ T:Barbro Pers brudpolska
ABC      1 C1:003200070000000 C2:uuddudduduudddd M:3/4   K:F            H:LORSVZ T:Barbro Pers brudpolska
ABC      1 C1:003200070000000 C2:uuddudduduudddd M:3/4   K:F            H:LORSVZ T:Barbro Pers brudpolska
ABC      1 C1:003200070000000 C2:uuddudduduudddd M:3/4   K:F            H:LORSVZ T:Barbro Pers brudpolska
ABC      1 C1:003200070000000 C2:uuddudduduudddd M:3/4   K:F            H:LORSVZ T:Barbro Pers brudpolska
ABC      3 C1:003200070000000 C2:uuddudduduudddd M:3/4   K:F            H:LORSZ  T:Barbro Pers brudpolska
ABC      3 C1:003200070000000 C2:uuddudduduudddd M:3/4   K:F            H:LORSZ  T:Barbro Pers brudpolska
ABC      3 C1:003200070000000 C2:uuddudduduudddd M:3/4   K:F            H:LORSZ  T:Barbro Pers brudpolska
ABC      3 C1:003200070000000 C2:uuddudduduudddd M:3/4   K:F            H:LORSZ  T:Barbro Pers brudpolska
ABC      3 C1:003200070000000 C2:uuddudduduudddd M:3/4   K:F            H:LORSZ  T:Barbro Pers brudpolska
ABC      3 C1:003200070000000 C2:uuddudduduudddd M:3/4   K:F            H:LORSZ  T:Barbro Pers brudpolska
ABC      3 C1:003200070000000 C2:uuddudduduudddd M:3/4   K:F            H:LORSZ  T:Barbro Pers brudpolska
ABC      3 C1:003200070000000 C2:uuddudduduudddd M:3/4   K:F            H:LORSZ  T:Barbro Pers brudpolska
ABC      3 C1:003200070000000 C2:uuddudduduudddd M:3/4   K:F            H:LORSZ  T:Barbro Pers brudpolska
ABC      3 C1:003200070000000 C2:uuddudduduudddd M:3/4   K:F            H:LORSZ  T:Barbro Pers brudpolska
ABC      3 C1:003200070000000 C2:uuddudduduudddd M:3/4   K:F            H:LORSZ  T:Barbro Pers brudpolska
ABC      3 C1:003200070000000 C2:uuddudduduudddd M:3/4   K:F            H:LORSZ  T:Barbro Pers brudpolska
ABC      3 C1:003200070000000 C2:uuddudduduudddd M:3/4   K:F            H:LORSZ  T:Barbro Pers brudpolska
ABC      3 C1:003200070000000 C2:uuddudduduudddd M:3/4   K:F            H:LORSZ  T:Barbro Pers brudpolska
ABC      3 C1:003200070000000 C2:uuddudduduudddd M:3/4   K:F            H:LORSZ  T:Barbro Pers brudpolska
ABC      0 C1:302700060700602 C2:uuddudduduudddd M:3/4   K:F            H:LORSZ  T:Barbro Pers Polska
ABC      0 C1:302700060700602 C2:uuddudduduudddd M:3/4   K:F            H:LORSZ  T:Barbro Pers Polska
ABC      0 C1:302700060700602 C2:uuddudduduudddd M:3/4   K:F            H:LORSZ  T:Barbro Pers Polska
ABC    593 C1:302700060700602 C2:uuddudduduudddd M:3/4   K:F            H:BLORZ  T:Barbro Pers Polska
ABC      0 C1:302700060700602 C2:uuddudduduudddd M:3/4   K:F            H:LORSZ  T:Barbro Pers Polska
ABC      1 C1:614330327000607 C2:uududuudduddudu M:3/4   K:F            H:LORSVZ T:Barbro Pers Polska
ABC    593 C1:614330327000607 C2:uududuudduddudu M:3/4   K:F            H:LORSVZ T:Barbro Pers Polska
ABC    593 C1:032700060700062 C2:uuddudduduudddd M:3/4   K:F            H:BLORSVZ T:Barbro Pers Polska
ABC    593 C1:614330327000607 C2:uududuudduddudu M:3/4   K:F            H:BLORSVZ T:Barbro Pers Polska
ABC   1051 C1:060700062260770 C2:dudduduudddduud M:3/4   K:F            H:LORSVZ T:Barbro Pers Polska efter Anders Södersten
ABC   1051 C1:060700062260770 C2:dudduduudddduud M:3/4   K:F            H:LORSVZ T:Barbro Pers Polska efter Anders Södersten
ABC   1051 C1:060700062260770 C2:dudduduudddduud M:3/4   K:F            H:LORSVZ T:Barbro Pers Polska efter Anders Sdersten
ABC   1051 C1:060700062260770 C2:dudduduudddduud M:3/4   K:F            H:LORSVZ T:Barbro Pers Polska efter Anders Sdersten
ABC      1 C1:077101050006071 C2:dduudududududuu M:3/4   K:G            H:CILOQR T:Barbros 60-rs polska
ABC      1 C1:077101050006071 C2:dduudududududuu M:3/4   K:G            H:CILOQR T:Barbros 60-års polska
ABC      1 C1:077101050006071 C2:dduudududududuu M:3/4   K:G            H:CILOQR T:Barbros 60-års polska
ABC     60 C1:077101050006071 C2:dduudududududuu M:3/4   K:G            H:CILOQ  T:Barbros 60-rs polska
ABC     60 C1:077101050006071 C2:dduudududududuu M:3/4   K:G            H:CILOQ  T:Barbros 60-rs polska
ABC     60 C1:077101050006071 C2:dduudududududuu M:3/4   K:G            H:CILOQR T:Barbros 60-rs polska
ABC     60 C1:077101050006071 C2:dduudududududuu M:3/4   K:G            H:CILOQR T:Barbros 60-rs polska
ABC     60 C1:077101050006071 C2:dduudududududuu M:3/4   K:G            H:CILOQ  T:Barbros 60-års polska
ABC     60 C1:077101050006071 C2:dduudududududuu M:3/4   K:G            H:CILOQ  T:Barbros 60-års polska
ABC     60 C1:077101050006071 C2:dduudududududuu M:3/4   K:G            H:CILOQR T:Barbros 60-års polska
ABC     60 C1:077101050006071 C2:dduudududududuu M:3/4   K:G            H:CILOQR T:Barbros 60-års polska
ABC      1 C1:077101050006071 C2:dduudududududuu M:3/4   K:G            H:CILOQR T:Barbros 60-rs polska
ABC     60 C1:077101050006071 C2:dduudududududuu M:3/4   K:G            H:CILOQ  T:Barbros 60-rs polska
ABC     60 C1:077101050006071 C2:dduudududududuu M:3/4   K:G            H:CILOQ  T:Barbros 60-rs polska
ABC     60 C1:077101050006071 C2:dduudududududuu M:3/4   K:G            H:CILOQR T:Barbros 60-rs polska
ABC     60 C1:077101050006071 C2:dduudududududuu M:3/4   K:G            H:CILOQR T:Barbros 60-rs polska
ABC  14006 C1:212532260627762 C2:uuuduuuddudddud M:C     K:D            H:"BCLZ  T:BARB'S HORNPIPE
ABC  14006 C1:212532260627762 C2:uuuduuuddudddud M:C     K:D            H:"BCLZ  T:BARB'S HORNPIPE
ABC  14006 C1:212532260627762 C2:uuuduuuddudddud M:C     K:D            H:"BCLZ  T:BARB'S HORNPIPE
ABC  14006 C1:212532260627762 C2:uuuduuuddudddud M:C     K:D            H:"BCLZ  T:BARB'S HORNPIPE
ABC  14006 C1:212532260627762 C2:uuuduuuddudddud M:C     K:D            H:"BCLZ  T:BARB'S HORNPIPE
ABC  14006 C1:212532260627762 C2:uuuduuuddudddud M:C     K:D            H:"BCLZ  T:BARB'S HORNPIPE
ABC  14006 C1:212532260627762 C2:uuuduuuddudddud M:C     K:D            H:"BCLZ  T:BARB'S HORNPIPE
ABC  14006 C1:212532260627762 C2:uuuduuuddudddud M:C     K:D            H:"BCLZ  T:BARB'S HORNPIPE
ABC      1 C1:300171120007777 C2:uuduuuddddududu M:6/8   K:G            H:"CLR   T:Barb's Piano
ABC      1 C1:300171120007777 C2:uuduuuddddududu M:6/8   K:G            H:"CLR   T:Barb's Piano
ABC      1 C1:300171120007777 C2:uuduuuddddududu M:6/8   K:G            H:"CLR   T:Barb's Piano
ABC      1 C1:300171120007777 C2:uuduuuddddududu M:6/8   K:G            H:"CLR   T:Barb's Piano
ABC      1 C1:300171120007777 C2:uuduuuddddududu M:6/8   K:G            H:"CLR   T:Barb's Piano
ABC      1 C1:300171120007777 C2:uuduuuddddududu M:6/8   K:G            H:"CLR   T:Barb's Piano
ABC      1 C1:300171120007777 C2:uuduuuddddududu M:6/8   K:G            H:"CLR   T:Barb's Piano
ABC      1 C1:300054717220007 C2:udududuudddddud M:6/8   K:Gmaj         H:CLR    T:Barb’s Piano
ABC    429 C1:001100070077110 C2:uuddduuduuddduu M:2/4   K:C            H:ACLQSZ T:La Barca Marinera
ABC   8817 C1:001100070077110 C2:uuddduuduuddduu M:2/4   K:C            H:ACLQSZ T:La Barca Marinera
ABC   8817 C1:001100070077110 C2:uuddduuduuddduu M:2/4   K:C            H:ACLQSZ T:La Barca Marinera
ABC   8817 C1:001100070077110 C2:uuddduuduuddduu M:2/4   K:C            H:ACLQSZ T:La Barca Marinera
ABC     48 C1:003077034716577 C2:udduddududdddud M:6/8   K:D            H:BLSVZ  T:la Barcariuole
ABC     48 C1:003077034716577 C2:udduddududdddud M:6/8   K:D            H:BLSVZ  T:la Barcariuole
ABC     48 C1:003077034716577 C2:udduddududdddud M:6/8   K:D            H:BLSVZ  T:la Barcariuole
ABC     48 C1:003077034716577 C2:udduddududdddud M:6/8   K:D            H:BLSVZ  T:la Barcariuole
ABC     48 C1:003077034716577 C2:udduddududdddud M:6/8   K:D            H:BLSVZ  T:La Barcariuole
ABC     48 C1:003077034716577 C2:udduddududdddud M:6/8   K:D            H:BLSVZ  T:La Barcariuole
ABC     48 C1:003077034716577 C2:udduddududdddud M:6/8   K:D            H:BLSVZ  T:La Barcariuole
ABC     48 C1:003077034716577 C2:udduddududdddud M:6/8   K:D            H:BLSVZ  T:La Barcariuole
ABC     48 C1:003077034716577 C2:udduddududdddud M:6/8   K:D            H:BLSVZ  T:La Barcariuole
ABC     48 C1:003077034716577 C2:udduddududdddud M:6/8   K:D            H:BLSVZ  T:La Barcariuole
ABC     48 C1:003077034716577 C2:udduddududdddud M:6/8   K:D            H:BLSVZ  T:La Barcariuole
ABC     48 C1:003077034716577 C2:udduddududdddud M:6/8   K:D            H:BLSVZ  T:La Barcariuole
ABC   3009 C1:070720070720070 C2:dduddud         M:3/4   K:C            H:"CLWZ  T:Barcarole
ABC   3009 C1:070720070720070 C2:dduddud         M:3/4   K:C            H:"CLWZ  T:Barcarole
ABC    383 C1:000711066054000 C2:duuddduduuuuudu M:6/8   K:D            H:"CFLQWZw T:(Barcarole)
ABC    383 C1:000711066054000 C2:duuddduduuuuudu M:6/8   K:D            H:"CFLQWZw T:(Barcarole)
ABC  21421 C1:000000011100700 C2:uuudduddudddudd M:6/8   K:G            H:BCFLZ  T:BARCAROLE from MASANIELLO
ABC  21421 C1:000000011100700 C2:uuudduddudddudd M:6/8   K:G            H:BCFLZ  T:BARCAROLE from MASANIELLO
ABC  21421 C1:000000011100700 C2:uuudduddudddudd M:6/8   K:G            H:BCFLZ  T:BARCAROLE from MASANIELLO
ABC  21421 C1:000000011100700 C2:uuudduddudddudd M:6/8   K:G            H:BCFLZ  T:BARCAROLE from MASANIELLO
ABC  21421 C1:000000011100700 C2:uuudduddudddudd M:6/8   K:G            H:BCFLZ  T:BARCAROLE from MASANIELLO
ABC  21421 C1:000000011100700 C2:uuudduddudddudd M:6/8   K:G            H:BCFLZ  T:BARCAROLE from MASANIELLO
ABC  21421 C1:000000011100700 C2:uuudduddudddudd M:6/8   K:G            H:BCFLZ  T:BARCAROLE from MASANIELLO
ABC  21421 C1:000000011100700 C2:uuudduddudddudd M:6/8   K:G            H:BCFLZ  T:BARCAROLE from MASANIELLO
ABC  21421 C1:000000011100700 C2:uuudduddudddudd M:6/8   K:G            H:BCFLZ  T:BARCAROLE from MASANIELLO
ABC  21161 C1:005100671616021 C2:duddududuuududd M:2/4   K:G            H:BCLSVZ T:BARCAROLE SETT (tune 1)
ABC  21161 C1:005100671616021 C2:duddududuuududd M:2/4   K:G            H:BCLSVZ T:BARCAROLE SETT (tune 1)
ABC  21161 C1:005100671616021 C2:duddududuuududd M:2/4   K:G            H:BCLSVZ T:BARCAROLE SETT (tune 1)
ABC  21161 C1:005100671616021 C2:duddududuuududd M:2/4   K:G            H:BCLSVZ T:BARCAROLE SETT (tune 1)
ABC  21161 C1:005100671616021 C2:duddududuuududd M:2/4   K:G            H:BCLSVZ T:BARCAROLE SETT (tune 1)
ABC  21161 C1:005100671616021 C2:duddududuuududd M:2/4   K:G            H:BCLSVZ T:BARCAROLE SETT (tune 1)
ABC  21161 C1:005100671616021 C2:duddududuuududd M:2/4   K:G            H:BCLSVZ T:BARCAROLE SETT (tune 1)
ABC  21161 C1:005100671616021 C2:duddududuuududd M:2/4   K:G            H:BCLSVZ T:BARCAROLE SETT (tune 1)
ABC  21161 C1:005100671616021 C2:duddududuuududd M:2/4   K:G            H:BCLSVZ T:BARCAROLE SETT (tune 1)
ABC  21161 C1:005100671616021 C2:duddududuuududd M:2/4   K:G            H:BCLSVZ T:BARCAROLE SETT (tune 1)
ABC  21161 C1:005100671616021 C2:duddududuuududd M:2/4   K:G            H:BCLSVZ T:BARCAROLE SETT (tune 1)
ABC  21162 C1:000002077116000 C2:udduuduudduuduu M:2/4   K:Dmix         H:BCLSVZ T:BARCAROLE SETT (tune 2)
ABC  21162 C1:000002077116000 C2:udduuduudduuduu M:2/4   K:Dmix         H:BCLSVZ T:BARCAROLE SETT (tune 2)
ABC  21162 C1:000002077116000 C2:udduuduudduuduu M:2/4   K:Dmix         H:BCLSVZ T:BARCAROLE SETT (tune 2)
ABC  21162 C1:000002077116000 C2:udduuduudduuduu M:2/4   K:Dmix         H:BCLSVZ T:BARCAROLE SETT (tune 2)
ABC  21162 C1:000002077116000 C2:udduuduudduuduu M:2/4   K:Dmix         H:BCLSVZ T:BARCAROLE SETT (tune 2)
ABC  21162 C1:000002077116000 C2:udduuduudduuduu M:2/4   K:Dmix         H:BCLSVZ T:BARCAROLE SETT (tune 2)
ABC  21162 C1:000002077116000 C2:udduuduudduuduu M:2/4   K:Dmix         H:BCLSVZ T:BARCAROLE SETT (tune 2)
ABC  21162 C1:000002077116000 C2:udduuduudduuduu M:2/4   K:Dmix         H:BCLSVZ T:BARCAROLE SETT (tune 2)
ABC  21162 C1:000002077116000 C2:udduuduudduuduu M:2/4   K:Dmix         H:BCLSVZ T:BARCAROLE SETT (tune 2)
ABC  21162 C1:000002077116000 C2:udduuduudduuduu M:2/4   K:Dmix         H:BCLSVZ T:BARCAROLE SETT (tune 2)
ABC  21162 C1:000002077116000 C2:udduuduudduuduu M:2/4   K:Dmix         H:BCLSVZ T:BARCAROLE SETT (tune 2)
ABC  21163 C1:032000276000276 C2:uuudduddududuuu M:6/8   K:G            H:BCLSVZ T:BARCAROLE SETT (tune 3)
ABC  21163 C1:032000276000276 C2:uuudduddududuuu M:6/8   K:G            H:BCLSVZ T:BARCAROLE SETT (tune 3)
ABC  21163 C1:032000276000276 C2:uuudduddududuuu M:6/8   K:G            H:BCLSVZ T:BARCAROLE SETT (tune 3)
ABC  21163 C1:032000276000276 C2:uuudduddududuuu M:6/8   K:G            H:BCLSVZ T:BARCAROLE SETT (tune 3)
ABC  21163 C1:032000276000276 C2:uuudduddududuuu M:6/8   K:G            H:BCLSVZ T:BARCAROLE SETT (tune 3)
ABC  21163 C1:032000276000276 C2:uuudduddududuuu M:6/8   K:G            H:BCLSVZ T:BARCAROLE SETT (tune 3)
ABC  21163 C1:032000276000276 C2:uuudduddududuuu M:6/8   K:G            H:BCLSVZ T:BARCAROLE SETT (tune 3)
ABC  21163 C1:032000276000276 C2:uuudduddududuuu M:6/8   K:G            H:BCLSVZ T:BARCAROLE SETT (tune 3)
ABC  21163 C1:032000276000276 C2:uuudduddududuuu M:6/8   K:G            H:BCLSVZ T:BARCAROLE SETT (tune 3)
ABC  21163 C1:032000276000276 C2:uuudduddududuuu M:6/8   K:G            H:BCLSVZ T:BARCAROLE SETT (tune 3)
ABC  21163 C1:032000276000276 C2:uuudduddududuuu M:6/8   K:G            H:BCLSVZ T:BARCAROLE SETT (tune 3)
ABC  21171 C1:030717020007114 C2:udududuuduudduu M:6/8   K:D            H:BCLSVZ T:BARCAROLE SETT (tune 4)
ABC  21171 C1:030717020007114 C2:udududuuduudduu M:6/8   K:D            H:BCLSVZ T:BARCAROLE SETT (tune 4)
ABC  21171 C1:030717020007114 C2:udududuuduudduu M:6/8   K:D            H:BCLSVZ T:BARCAROLE SETT (tune 4)
ABC  21171 C1:030717020007114 C2:udududuuduudduu M:6/8   K:D            H:BCLSVZ T:BARCAROLE SETT (tune 4)
ABC  21171 C1:030717020007114 C2:udududuuduudduu M:6/8   K:D            H:BCLSVZ T:BARCAROLE SETT (tune 4)
ABC  21171 C1:030717020007114 C2:udududuuduudduu M:6/8   K:D            H:BCLSVZ T:BARCAROLE SETT (tune 4)
ABC  21171 C1:030717020007114 C2:udududuuduudduu M:6/8   K:D            H:BCLSVZ T:BARCAROLE SETT (tune 4)
ABC  21171 C1:030717020007114 C2:udududuuduudduu M:6/8   K:D            H:BCLSVZ T:BARCAROLE SETT (tune 4)
ABC  21171 C1:030717020007114 C2:udududuuduudduu M:6/8   K:D            H:BCLSVZ T:BARCAROLE SETT (tune 4)
ABC  21171 C1:030717020007114 C2:udududuuduudduu M:6/8   K:D            H:BCLSVZ T:BARCAROLE SETT (tune 4)
ABC  21171 C1:030717020007114 C2:udududuuduudduu M:6/8   K:D            H:BCLSVZ T:BARCAROLE SETT (tune 4)
ABC  21172 C1:000200020176000 C2:uuudduduuuduuuu M:2/4   K:C            H:BCLSVZ T:BARCAROLE SETT (tune 5)
ABC  21172 C1:000200020176000 C2:uuudduduuuduuuu M:2/4   K:C            H:BCLSVZ T:BARCAROLE SETT (tune 5)
ABC  21172 C1:000200020176000 C2:uuudduduuuduuuu M:2/4   K:C            H:BCLSVZ T:BARCAROLE SETT (tune 5)
ABC  21172 C1:000200020176000 C2:uuudduduuuduuuu M:2/4   K:C            H:BCLSVZ T:BARCAROLE SETT (tune 5)
ABC  21172 C1:000200020176000 C2:uuudduduuuduuuu M:2/4   K:C            H:BCLSVZ T:BARCAROLE SETT (tune 5)
ABC  21172 C1:000200020176000 C2:uuudduduuuduuuu M:2/4   K:C            H:BCLSVZ T:BARCAROLE SETT (tune 5)
ABC  21172 C1:000200020176000 C2:uuudduduuuduuuu M:2/4   K:C            H:BCLSVZ T:BARCAROLE SETT (tune 5)
ABC  21172 C1:000200020176000 C2:uuudduduuuduuuu M:2/4   K:C            H:BCLSVZ T:BARCAROLE SETT (tune 5)
ABC  21172 C1:000200020176000 C2:uuudduduuuduuuu M:2/4   K:C            H:BCLSVZ T:BARCAROLE SETT (tune 5)
ABC  21172 C1:000200020176000 C2:uuudduduuuduuuu M:2/4   K:C            H:BCLSVZ T:BARCAROLE SETT (tune 5)
ABC  21172 C1:000200020176000 C2:uuudduduuuduuuu M:2/4   K:C            H:BCLSVZ T:BARCAROLE SETT (tune 5)
ABC  21173 C1:777377700077020 C2:ddduddddduddddd M:2/4   K:G            H:BCLSVZ T:BARCAROLE SETT (tune 6)
ABC  21173 C1:777377700077020 C2:ddduddddduddddd M:2/4   K:G            H:BCLSVZ T:BARCAROLE SETT (tune 6)
ABC  21173 C1:777377700077020 C2:ddduddddduddddd M:2/4   K:G            H:BCLSVZ T:BARCAROLE SETT (tune 6)
ABC  21173 C1:777377700077020 C2:ddduddddduddddd M:2/4   K:G            H:BCLSVZ T:BARCAROLE SETT (tune 6)
ABC  21173 C1:777377700077020 C2:ddduddddduddddd M:2/4   K:G            H:BCLSVZ T:BARCAROLE SETT (tune 6)
ABC  21173 C1:777377700077020 C2:ddduddddduddddd M:2/4   K:G            H:BCLSVZ T:BARCAROLE SETT (tune 6)
ABC  21173 C1:777377700077020 C2:ddduddddduddddd M:2/4   K:G            H:BCLSVZ T:BARCAROLE SETT (tune 6)
ABC  21173 C1:777377700077020 C2:ddduddddduddddd M:2/4   K:G            H:BCLSVZ T:BARCAROLE SETT (tune 6)
ABC  21173 C1:777377700077020 C2:ddduddddduddddd M:2/4   K:G            H:BCLSVZ T:BARCAROLE SETT (tune 6)
ABC  21173 C1:777377700077020 C2:ddduddddduddddd M:2/4   K:G            H:BCLSVZ T:BARCAROLE SETT (tune 6)
ABC  21173 C1:777377700077020 C2:ddduddddduddddd M:2/4   K:G            H:BCLSVZ T:BARCAROLE SETT (tune 6)
ABC      1 C1:107107002101107 C2:dudduduuuuddduu M:6/8   K:G            H:LQ     T:Barcarolle
ABC      1 C1:107107002101107 C2:dudduduuuuddduu M:6/8   K:G            H:LQ     T:Barcarolle
ABC      1 C1:077077267011771 C2:uddduudduuddudd M:9/8   K:Gm           H:BLSZ   T:Barcelona
ABC      1 C1:077077267011771 C2:uddduudduuddudd M:9/8   K:Gm           H:BLSZ   T:Barcelona
ABC      1 C1:077077267011771 C2:uddduudduuddudd M:9/8   K:Gm           H:BLSZ   T:Barcelona
ABC      1 C1:077077267011771 C2:uddduudduuddudd M:9/8   K:Gm           H:BLSZ   T:Barcelona
ABC    242 C1:007700110300020 C2:dduuduuuuduuddd M:C|    K:Ddor         H:B      T:Barcelona
ABC     56 C1:011771777002771 C2:uuddudddudduddd M:9/8   K:Gm           H:BLQWZ  T:Barcelona. PFD2.056
ABC     56 C1:011771777002771 C2:uuddudddudduddd M:9/8   K:Gm           H:BLQWZ  T:Barcelona. PFD2.056
ABC    171 C1:011771777011771 C2:uudduddduuddudd M:9/8   K:Gm           H:BLQZ   T:Barcelona. WCD3/2.171
ABC    171 C1:011771777011771 C2:uudduddduuddudd M:9/8   K:Gm           H:BLQZ   T:Barcelona. WCD3/2.171
ABC      1 C1:771115370000007 C2:dduuududdduuuuu M:4/4   K:Em           H:"CLQ   T:Bar'chu
ABC      1 C1:771115370000007 C2:dduuududdduuuuu M:4/4   K:Dm           H:"CLQw  T:Bar'chu
ABC      1 C1:771115370000007 C2:dduuududdduuuuu M:4/4   K:Dm           H:"CLQw  T:Bar'chu
ABC      1 C1:771115370000007 C2:dduuududdduuuuu M:4/4   K:Dm           H:"CLQw  T:Bar'chu
ABC      1 C1:771115370000007 C2:dduuududdduuuuu M:4/4   K:Dm           H:"CLQw  T:Bar'chu
ABC      2 C1:771115370000007 C2:dduuududdduuuuu M:4/4   K:Em           H:"CLQ   T:Bar'chu
ABC      1 C1:771115370000007 C2:dduuududdduuuuu M:4/4   K:Dm           H:"CLQw  T:Bar'chu
ABC      2 C1:771115370000007 C2:dduuududdduuuuu M:4/4   K:Em           H:"CLQ   T:Bar'chu
ABC      1 C1:771115370000007 C2:dduuududdduuuuu M:4/4   K:Dm           H:"CLQw  T:Bar'chu
ABC      2 C1:771115370000007 C2:dduuududdduuuuu M:4/4   K:Em           H:"CLQ   T:Bar'chu
ABC      1 C1:070707070077000 C2:ddddddududduddu M:4/4   K:Em           H:ACILORS T:The Bard
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:barddnce (1:18)
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:barddnce (1:22)
ABC      1 C1:000771010077070 C2:dduudddddduduuu M:3/4   K:G            H:BLZ    T:Bard of Armagh
ABC 491035 C1:020601030077070 C2:uduudddddduuduu M:3/8   K:D            H:BLSYZ  T:BARD OF ARMAGH, The
ABC      1 C1:000771010077070 C2:dduudddddduduuu M:3/4   K:G            H:BLZ    T:Bard of Armagh
ABC      1 C1:000771010077070 C2:dduudddddduduuu M:3/4   K:G            H:BLZ    T:Bard of Armagh
ABC      1 C1:000771010077070 C2:dduudddddduduuu M:3/4   K:G            H:BLZ    T:Bard of Armagh
ABC      1 C1:000771010077070 C2:dduudddddduduuu M:3/4   K:G            H:BLZ    T:Bard of Armagh
ABC      1 C1:000771010077070 C2:dduudddddduduuu M:3/4   K:G            H:BLZ    T:Bard of Armagh
ABC    363 C1:261377777603261 C2:uduudddddduuduu M:3/8   K:D            H:BLZ    T:The Bard of Armagh
ABC    363 C1:261377777603261 C2:uduudddddduuduu M:3/8   K:D            H:BLZ    T:The Bard of Armagh
ABC    363 C1:261377777603261 C2:uduudddddduuduu M:3/8   K:D            H:BLZ    T:The Bard of Armagh
ABC    363 C1:261377777603261 C2:uduudddddduuduu M:3/8   K:D            H:BLZ    T:The Bard of Armagh
ABC    363 C1:261377777603261 C2:uduudddddduuduu M:3/8   K:D            H:BLZ    T:the Bard of Armagh
ABC    363 C1:261377777603261 C2:uduudddddduuduu M:3/8   K:D            H:BLOQRZbs T:the Bard of Armagh
ABC    363 C1:261377777603261 C2:uduudddddduuduu M:3/8   K:D            H:BLOQRZbs T:the Bard of Armagh
ABC    363 C1:261377777603261 C2:uduudddddduuduu M:3/8   K:D            H:BLOQRZbs T:the Bard of Armagh
ABC    363 C1:261377777603261 C2:uduudddddduuduu M:3/8   K:D            H:BLOQRZbs T:the Bard of Armagh
ABC    363 C1:261377777603261 C2:uduudddddduuduu M:3/8   K:D            H:BLOQRZbs T:the Bard of Armagh
ABC    363 C1:261377777603261 C2:uduudddddduuduu M:3/8   K:D            H:BLOQRZbs T:the Bard of Armagh
ABC    363 C1:261377777603261 C2:uduudddddduuduu M:3/8   K:D            H:BLOQRZbs T:the Bard of Armagh
ABC    363 C1:261377777603261 C2:uduudddddduuduu M:3/8   K:D            H:BLOQRZbs T:the Bard of Armagh
ABC  19029 C1:000771010077070 C2:dduudddddduduuu M:3/4   K:G            H:"CLOQR T:Bard of Armagh
ABC    363 C1:261377777603261 C2:uduudddddduuduu M:3/8   K:D            H:BLZ    T:The Bard of Armagh
ABC    363 C1:261377777603261 C2:uduudddddduuduu M:3/8   K:D            H:BCLZ   T:Bard of Armagh
ABC 491035 C1:020601030077070 C2:uduudddddduuduu M:3/8   K:D            H:BLSYZ  T:BARD OF ARMAGH, The
ABC 491035 C1:020601030077070 C2:uduudddddduuduu M:3/8   K:D            H:BLSYZ  T:BARD OF ARMAGH, The
ABC    363 C1:261377777603261 C2:uduudddddduuduu M:3/8   K:D            H:BLZ    T:The Bard of Armagh
ABC  19029 C1:000771010077070 C2:dduudddddduduuu M:3/4   K:G            H:"CLOQRZ T:Bard of Armagh
ABC    363 C1:261377777603261 C2:uduudddddduuduu M:3/8   K:D            H:BLZ    T:The Bard of Armagh
ABC    363 C1:261377777603261 C2:uduudddddduuduu M:3/8   K:D            H:BLZ    T:The Bard of Armagh
ABC      1 C1:307203661606307 C2:uduuudddudddudu M:6/8   K:HP           H:CLQS   T:The Bard of Armagh "Arranged by Terry Tully"
ABC      1 C1:307203661606307 C2:uduuudddudddudu M:6/8   K:HP           H:CLQS   T:The Bard of Armagh "Arranged by Terry Tully"
ABC      1 C1:307203661606307 C2:uduuudddudddudu M:6/8   K:HP           H:CLQS   T:The Bard of Armagh "Arranged by Terry Tully"
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Bard of Armagh - Flute (Beverly)
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Bard of Armagh - Lute (Beverly)
ABC  51008 C1:600211616002644 C2:dduuuududduudud M:C     K:C            H:BCLQR  T:BARD of CASTLEBARNAGH (reel)
ABC  51008 C1:600211616002644 C2:dduuuududduudud M:C     K:C            H:BCLQR  T:BARD of CASTLEBARNAGH (reel)
ABC  51008 C1:600211616002644 C2:dduuuududduudud M:C     K:C            H:BCLQR  T:BARD of CASTLEBARNAGH (reel)
ABC      1 C1:000700010077711 C2:duudddduuuuddud M:4/4   K:F            H:BFLw   T:Bard of Eve
ABC      1 C1:000700010077711 C2:duudddduuuuddud M:4/4   K:F            H:BFLWw  T:Bard of Eve
ABC  48301 C1:017660011714011 C2:uddduududuuuddu M:6/8   K:G            H:BCLQRY T:BARD'S LEGACY, The
ABC  10042 C1:000552000677011 C2:dduddduududuudd M:6/8   K:G            H:BCLSZ  T:BARD'S LEGACY
ABC  10042 C1:000552000677011 C2:dduddduududuudd M:6/8   K:G            H:BCLSZ  T:BARD'S LEGACY
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:6/8   K:G            H:BLRZ   T:Bard's Legacy, The
ABC  48301 C1:017660011714011 C2:uddduududuuuddu M:6/8   K:G            H:BCLQRY T:BARD'S LEGACY, The
ABC  48301 C1:017660011714011 C2:uddduududuuuddu M:6/8   K:G            H:BCLQRY T:BARD'S LEGACY, The
ABC  10042 C1:000552000677011 C2:dduddduududuudd M:6/8   K:G            H:BCLSZ  T:BARD'S LEGACY
ABC  10042 C1:000552000677011 C2:dduddduududuudd M:6/8   K:G            H:BCLSZ  T:BARD'S LEGACY
ABC  10042 C1:000552000677011 C2:dduddduududuudd M:6/8   K:G            H:BCLSZ  T:BARD'S LEGACY
ABC  10042 C1:000552000677011 C2:dduddduududuudd M:6/8   K:G            H:BCLSZ  T:BARD'S LEGACY
ABC  10042 C1:000552000677011 C2:dduddduududuudd M:6/8   K:G            H:BCLSZ  T:BARD'S LEGACY
ABC  10042 C1:000552000677011 C2:dduddduududuudd M:6/8   K:G            H:BCLSZ  T:BARD'S LEGACY
ABC  10042 C1:000552000677011 C2:dduddduududuudd M:6/8   K:G            H:BCLSZ  T:BARD'S LEGACY
ABC  10042 C1:000552000677011 C2:dduddduududuudd M:6/8   K:G            H:BCLSZ  T:BARD'S LEGACY
ABC  10042 C1:000552000677011 C2:dduddduududuudd M:6/8   K:G            H:BCLSZ  T:BARD'S LEGACY
ABC    207 C1:000660011714011 C2:dduududuudduddu M:6/8   K:C            H:ABLQZ  T:Bards Legacy. JC.211, The
ABC    207 C1:000660011714011 C2:dduududuudduddu M:6/8   K:C            H:ABLQZ  T:Bards Legacy. JC.211, The
ABC    238 C1:017660011714011 C2:uddduududuuuuud M:6/8   K:G            H:LQR    T:Bards Legacy (The)
ABC    238 C1:017660011714011 C2:uddduududuuuuud M:6/8   K:G            H:LQR    T:Bards Legacy (The)
ABC    238 C1:017660011714011 C2:uddduududuuuuud M:6/8   K:G            H:LQR    T:Bards Legacy (The)
ABC    238 C1:017660011714011 C2:uddduududuuuuud M:6/8   K:G            H:LQR    T:Bards Legacy (The)
ABC    238 C1:017660011714011 C2:uddduududuuuuud M:6/8   K:G            H:LQR    T:Bards Legacy (The)
ABC    238 C1:017660011714011 C2:uddduududuuuuud M:6/8   K:G            H:LQR    T:Bards Legacy (The)
ABC    207 C1:000660011714011 C2:dduududuudduddu M:6/8   K:C            H:ALOQRSZ T:Bards Legacy,The. JC.211
ABC   1170 C1:000660011714011 C2:dduududuudduddu M:6/8   K:C            H:ALOQRSWZ T:Bards Legacy.The. JC.211
ABC    207 C1:000660011714011 C2:dduududuudduddu M:6/8   K:C            H:ABLOQRSZ T:Bards Legacy,The. JC.211
ABC   1170 C1:000660011714011 C2:dduududuudduddu M:6/8   K:C            H:ALOQRSWZ T:Bards Legacy.The. JC.211
ABC   1170 C1:000660011714011 C2:dduududuudduddu M:6/8   K:C            H:ALOQRSWZ T:Bards Legacy.The. JC.211
ABC   1170 C1:000660011714011 C2:dduududuudduddu M:6/8   K:C            H:ALOQRSWZ T:Bards Legacy.The. JC.211
ABC    540 C1:000660011714011 C2:dduududuudduddu M:6/8   K:C            H:AFLOQRSZ T:Bards Legacy,The. JC.211
ABC   5073 C1:000660011714011 C2:dduududuudduddu M:6/8   K:C            H:AFLOQRSZ T:Bards Legacy,The. JC.211
ABC    540 C1:000660011714011 C2:dduududuudduddu M:6/8   K:C            H:AFLOQRSZ T:Bards Legacy,The. JC.211
ABC   5073 C1:000660011714011 C2:dduududuudduddu M:6/8   K:C            H:AFLOQRSZ T:Bards Legacy,The. JC.211
ABC    207 C1:000660011714011 C2:dduududuudduddu M:6/8   K:C            H:ABLOQRSZ T:Bards Legacy,The. JC.211
ABC      1 C1:363630004000366 C2:ududduududddudd M:4/4   K:C            H:CLQV   T:The Bard's song
ABC      3 C1:776000267005707 C2:dddudduddddduud M:4/4   K:C            H:CLQV   T:The Bard's song, Blind Guardian [Flute][v.1 Achazia]
ABC      3 C1:776000267005707 C2:dddudduddddduud M:      K:C            H:CLQ    T:The Bard's song, Blind Guardian [Flute][v.1 Achazia]
ABC      2 C1:160770127117160 C2:udddduuuduududd M:4/4   K:C            H:CLQV   T:The Bard's song, Blind Guardian [Harp][v.1 Achazia]
ABC      2 C1:160770127117160 C2:udddduuuduududd M:4/4   K:C            H:CLQ    T:The Bard's song, Blind Guardian [Harp][v.1 Achazia]
ABC      1 C1:363630004000366 C2:ududduududddudd M:4/4   K:C            H:CLQ    T:The Bard's song, Blind Guardian [Lute][v.1 Achazia]
ABC      1 C1:363630004000366 C2:ududduududddudd M:4/4   K:C            H:CLQV   T:The Bard's song, Blind Guardian [Lute][v.1 Achazia]
ABC      1 C1:363630004000366 C2:ududduududddudd M:4/4   K:C            H:CLQ    T:The Bard's song, Blind Guardian [Lute][v.1 Achazia]
ABC      1 C1:776000267005707 C2:dddudduddddduud M:4/4   K:C            H:CLQV   T:The Bard's song/ Flute
ABC      1 C1:776000267005707 C2:dddudduddddduud M:4/4   K:C            H:CLQV   T:The Bard's song/ Flute
ABC  48402 C1:077011020167077 C2:dduuuudddduuudd M:6/8   K:Em           H:BCLQR  T:BARD'S WHIM, The
ABC    363 C1:077011020167077 C2:dduuuudddduuudd M:6/8   K:Em           H:LQR    T:Bard's Whim
ABC    363 C1:077011020167077 C2:dduuuudddduuudd M:6/8   K:Em           H:LQR    T:Bard's Whim
ABC    363 C1:077011020167077 C2:dduuuudddduuudd M:6/8   K:Em           H:LQR    T:Bard's Whim
ABC    363 C1:077011020167077 C2:dduuuudddduuudd M:6/8   K:Em           H:LQR    T:Bard's Whim
ABC    363 C1:077011020167077 C2:dduuuudddduuudd M:6/8   K:Em           H:LQR    T:Bard's Whim
ABC    363 C1:077011020167077 C2:dduuuudddduuudd M:6/8   K:Em           H:LQR    T:Bard's Whim
ABC      1 C1:607701120016707 C2:dddduuuudddduuu M:      K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:The Bard's Whim
ABC      2 C1:607701102016707 C2:ddduuuudddduuud M:      K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:The Bard's Whim
ABC  48402 C1:077011020167077 C2:dduuuudddduuudd M:6/8   K:Em           H:BCLQR  T:BARD'S WHIM, The
ABC  48402 C1:077011020167077 C2:dduuuudddduuudd M:6/8   K:Em           H:BCLQR  T:BARD'S WHIM, The
ABC      2 C1:607701102016707 C2:ddduuuudddduuud M:6/8   K:G            H:LRS    T:Bard’s Whim
ABC      1 C1:000706000106000 C2:dduduuuudduuudu M:3/4   K:C            H:"ILOQRSVZ T:Bardudalens vackre klang
ABC      1 C1:000706000106000 C2:dduduuuudduuudu M:3/4   K:C            H:"ILOQRSVZ T:Bardudalens vackre klang
ABC      1 C1:000706000106000 C2:dduduuuudduuudu M:3/4   K:C            H:"ILOQRSVZ T:Bardudalens vackre klang
ABC      1 C1:000706000106000 C2:dduduuuudduuudu M:3/4   K:C            H:"ILOQRSVZ T:Bardudalens vackre klang
ABC    276 C1:730107760271230 C2:duuddduduuudddd M:6/8   K:G            H:BFLRZbs T:the Barefoot Boy #2
ABC    276 C1:730107760271230 C2:duuddduduuudddd M:6/8   K:G            H:BFLRZbs T:the Barefoot Boy #2
ABC      1 C1:022300017031007 C2:uuuuddudduuuudd M:2/4   K:C            H:L      T:The Barefoot Boy
ABC 493013 C1:301077602716301 C2:uudddududuuduud M:6/8   K:G            H:BLRS   T:BAREFOOT BOY, The
ABC      1 C1:022300017031007 C2:uuuuddudduuuudd M:2/4   K:C            H:L      T:The Barefoot Boy
ABC      1 C1:022300017031007 C2:uuuuddudduuuudd M:2/4   K:C            H:L      T:The Barefoot Boy
ABC   1107 C1:301077602716301 C2:uudddududuuduud M:6/8   K:G            H:BLRZ   T:The Barefoot Boy
ABC   1107 C1:301077602716301 C2:uudddududuuduud M:6/8   K:G            H:BLRZ   T:The Barefoot Boy
ABC   1107 C1:301077602716301 C2:uudddududuuduud M:6/8   K:G            H:BLRZ   T:The Barefoot Boy
ABC   1074 C1:301077602716301 C2:uudddududuuduud M:6/8   K:G            H:BLRZ   T:The Barefoot Boy
ABC      1 C1:301077602716301 C2:uudddududuuduud M:6/8   K:G            H:BCLORZm T:The barefoot boy
ABC   1074 C1:730107760271630 C2:duudddududuuduu M:6/8   K:G            H:BLORZbs T:the Barefoot Boy
ABC   1074 C1:730107760271630 C2:duudddududuuduu M:6/8   K:G            H:BLORZbs T:the Barefoot Boy
ABC   1074 C1:730107760271630 C2:duudddududuuduu M:6/8   K:G            H:BLORZbs T:the Barefoot Boy
ABC   1074 C1:730107760271630 C2:duudddududuuduu M:6/8   K:G            H:BLORZbs T:the Barefoot Boy
ABC   1074 C1:301077602716301 C2:uudddududuuduud M:6/8   K:G            H:BLORZbs T:the Barefoot Boy
ABC   1074 C1:301077602716301 C2:uudddududuuduud M:6/8   K:G            H:BLORZbs T:the Barefoot Boy
ABC    276 C1:301077602716301 C2:uudddududuuduud M:6/8   K:G            H:BLORZ  T:The Barefoot Boy
ABC    276 C1:301077602716301 C2:uudddududuuduud M:6/8   K:G            H:BLORZ  T:The Barefoot Boy
ABC    276 C1:301077602716301 C2:uudddududuuduud M:6/8   K:G            H:BLORZ  T:The Barefoot Boy
ABC      1 C1:030001000707060 C2:uudddududuuduud M:6/8   K:G            H:CLQR   T:The Barefoot Boy
ABC      1 C1:030001000707060 C2:uudddududuuduud M:6/8   K:G            H:CLQR   T:The Barefoot Boy
ABC      1 C1:030001000707060 C2:uudddududuuduud M:6/8   K:G            H:CLQR   T:The Barefoot Boy
ABC    276 C1:730107760271630 C2:duudddududuuduu M:6/8   K:G            H:BFLRZbs T:the Barefoot Boy
ABC    276 C1:730107760271630 C2:duudddududuuduu M:6/8   K:G            H:BFLRZbs T:the Barefoot Boy
ABC    276 C1:730107760271630 C2:duudddududuuduu M:6/8   K:G            H:BFLRZbs T:the Barefoot Boy
ABC    276 C1:730107760271630 C2:duudddududuuduu M:6/8   K:G            H:BFLRZbs T:the Barefoot Boy
ABC   1074 C1:301077602716301 C2:uudddududuuduud M:6/8   K:G            H:BLRZ   T:The Barefoot Boy
ABC 493013 C1:301077602716301 C2:uudddududuuduud M:6/8   K:G            H:BLRS   T:BAREFOOT BOY, The
ABC 493013 C1:301077602716301 C2:uudddududuuduud M:6/8   K:G            H:BLRS   T:BAREFOOT BOY, The
ABC   1074 C1:301077602716301 C2:uudddududuuduud M:6/8   K:G            H:BLRZ   T:The Barefoot Boy
ABC    276 C1:301077602716301 C2:uudddududuuduud M:6/8   K:G            H:BCFLORWZm T:The barefoot boy
ABC    276 C1:301077602716301 C2:uudddududuuduud M:6/8   K:G            H:BLORZ  T:The Barefoot Boy
ABC    276 C1:301077602716301 C2:uudddududuuduud M:6/8   K:G            H:BLORZ  T:The Barefoot Boy
ABC  12809 C1:301077602716301 C2:uudddududuuduud M:6/8   K:G            H:BCLORZm T:The barefoot boy
ABC  12809 C1:301077602716301 C2:uudddududuuduud M:6/8   K:G            H:BCLORZm T:The barefoot boy
ABC  12809 C1:301077602716301 C2:uudddududuuduud M:6/8   K:G            H:BCLORZm T:The barefoot boy
ABC  12809 C1:301077602716301 C2:uudddududuuduud M:6/8   K:G            H:BCLORZm T:The barefoot boy
ABC  12809 C1:301077602716301 C2:uudddududuuduud M:6/8   K:G            H:BCLORZm T:The barefoot boy
ABC   2387 C1:301077602716301 C2:uudddududuuduud M:6/8   K:G            H:BCLORZm T:The barefoot boy
ABC   1107 C1:301077602716301 C2:uudddududuuduud M:6/8   K:G            H:BLRZ   T:The Barefoot Boy
ABC   1107 C1:301077602716301 C2:uudddududuuduud M:6/8   K:G            H:BLRZ   T:The Barefoot Boy
ABC      8 C1:170771112777277 C2:uddduuuuddduddd M:6/8   K:G            H:AL     T:Bare-Footed Quaker, Lichfield
ABC      8 C1:170771112777277 C2:uddduuuuddduddd M:6/8   K:G            H:AL     T:Bare-Footed Quaker, Lichfield
ABC      8 C1:170771112777277 C2:uddduuuuddduddd M:6/8   K:G            H:AL     T:Bare-Footed Quaker, Lichfield
ABC      8 C1:170771112777277 C2:uddduuuuddduddd M:6/8   K:G            H:AL     T:Bare-Footed Quaker, Lichfield
ABC      8 C1:170771112777277 C2:uddduuuuddduddd M:6/8   K:G            H:AL     T:Bare-Footed Quaker, Lichfield
ABC      8 C1:170771112777277 C2:uddduuuuddduddd M:6/8   K:G            H:AL     T:Bare-Footed Quaker, Lichfield
ABC      8 C1:170771112777277 C2:uddduuuuddduddd M:6/8   K:G            H:AL     T:Bare-Footed Quaker, Lichfield
ABC     21 C1:021106770307070 C2:uuuddduddddduuu M:2/4   K:Cmaj         H:"CLWw  T:Bare Legged Kate
ABC     31 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Bare Necesseties [Bass] (2:50) by Terry Gilkyson
ABC     31 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Bare Necesseties [Bass] (2:50) by Terry Gilkyson
ABC     71 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Bare Necesseties [Clarinet]1 (2:50) by Terry Gilkyson
ABC     71 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Bare Necesseties [Clarinet]1 (2:50) by Terry Gilkyson
ABC     72 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Bare Necesseties [Clarinet]2 (2:50) by Terry Gilkyson
ABC     72 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Bare Necesseties [Clarinet]2 (2:50) by Terry Gilkyson
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Bare Necesseties [drum] (2:50) by Terry Gilkyson
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Bare Necesseties [drum] (2:50) by Terry Gilkyson
ABC     21 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Bare Necesseties [Harp]1 (2:50) by Terry Gilkyson
ABC     21 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Bare Necesseties [Harp]1 (2:50) by Terry Gilkyson
ABC     22 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Bare Necesseties [Harp]2 (2:50) by Terry Gilkyson
ABC     22 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Bare Necesseties [Harp]2 (2:50) by Terry Gilkyson
ABC     11 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Bare Necesseties [lute] (2:50) by Terry Gilkyson
ABC     11 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Bare Necesseties [lute] (2:50) by Terry Gilkyson
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:3/4   K:DDor         H:CLR    T:Bare Necessities
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:3/4   K:EDor         H:CLR    T:Bare Necessities
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:3/4   K:DDor         H:CLR    T:Bare Necessities
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:3/4   K:EDor         H:CLR    T:Bare Necessities
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:3/4   K:DDor         H:CLR    T:Bare Necessities
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:3/4   K:EDor         H:CLR    T:Bare Necessities
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:3/4   K:DDor         H:CLR    T:Bare Necessities
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:3/4   K:DDor         H:CLR    T:Bare Necessities
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:3/4   K:EDor         H:CLR    T:Bare Necessities
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:3/4   K:DDor         H:CLR    T:Bare Necessities
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:3/4   K:EDor         H:CLR    T:Bare Necessities
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:3/4   K:DDor         H:CLR    T:Bare Necessities
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:3/4   K:EDor         H:CLR    T:Bare Necessities
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:3/4   K:DDor         H:CLR    T:Bare Necessities
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:3/4   K:DDor         H:CLR    T:Bare Necessities
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:3/4   K:DDor         H:CLR    T:Bare Necessities
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:3/4   K:EDor         H:CLR    T:Bare Necessities
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:3/4   K:DDor         H:CLR    T:Bare Necessities
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:3/4   K:EDor         H:CLR    T:Bare Necessities
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:3/4   K:DDor         H:CLR    T:Bare Necessities
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:3/4   K:EDor         H:CLR    T:Bare Necessities
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:3/4   K:DDor         H:CLR    T:Bare Necessities
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:3/4   K:EDor         H:CLR    T:Bare Necessities
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:3/4   K:DDor         H:CLR    T:Bare Necessities
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:3/4   K:EDor         H:CLR    T:Bare Necessities
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:3/4   K:DDor         H:CLR    T:Bare Necessities
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:3/4   K:EDor         H:CLR    T:Bare Necessities
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:3/4   K:DDor         H:CLR    T:Bare Necessities
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:3/4   K:EDor         H:CLR    T:Bare Necessities
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:3/4   K:DDor         H:CLR    T:Bare Necessities
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:3/4   K:EDor         H:CLR    T:Bare Necessities
ABC      0 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:       T:Bare Necessities
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:3/4   K:DDor         H:CLR    T:Bare Necessities
ABC      2 C1:                C2:                M:3/4   K:EDor         H:CLR    T:Bare Necessities
ABC      0 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:       T:Bare Necessities
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:3/4   K:DDor         H:CLR    T:Bare Necessities
ABC      2 C1:                C2:                M:3/4   K:EDor         H:CLR    T:Bare Necessities
ABC      0 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:       T:Bare Necessities
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:3/4   K:DDor         H:CLR    T:Bare Necessities
ABC      2 C1:                C2:                M:3/4   K:EDor         H:CLR    T:Bare Necessities
ABC      0 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:       T:Bare Necessities
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:3/4   K:DDor         H:CLR    T:Bare Necessities
ABC      2 C1:                C2:                M:3/4   K:EDor         H:CLR    T:Bare Necessities
ABC      0 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:       T:Bare Necessities
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:3/4   K:DDor         H:CLR    T:Bare Necessities
ABC      2 C1:                C2:                M:3/4   K:EDor         H:CLR    T:Bare Necessities
ABC      0 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:       T:Bare Necessities
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:3/4   K:DDor         H:CLR    T:Bare Necessities
ABC      2 C1:                C2:                M:3/4   K:EDor         H:CLR    T:Bare Necessities
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:3/4   K:DDor         H:CLR    T:Bare Necessities
ABC      2 C1:                C2:                M:3/4   K:EDor         H:CLR    T:Bare Necessities
ABC      0 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:       T:Bare Necessities
ABC      0 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:       T:Bare Necessities
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:3/4   K:DDor         H:CLR    T:Bare Necessities
ABC      2 C1:                C2:                M:3/4   K:EDor         H:CLR    T:Bare Necessities
ABC      1 C1:000707770007000 C2:ddddudddduddddu M:3/4   K:DDor         H:"BCDLRZ T:Bare Necessities
ABC      1 C1:000707770007000 C2:ddddudddduddddu M:3/4   K:DDor         H:"BCDLRZ T:Bare Necessities
ABC     55 C1:000707770007000 C2:ddddudddduddddu M:3/4   K:DDor         H:"CFLRZ T:Bare Necessities
ABC      1 C1:070700000007000 C2:ddudddduddddudd M:3/4   K:C            H:ACILORS T:Bare Necessities
ABC      0 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:       T:Bare Necessities
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:3/4   K:DDor         H:CLR    T:Bare Necessities
ABC      2 C1:                C2:                M:3/4   K:EDor         H:CLR    T:Bare Necessities
ABC      0 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:       T:Bare Necessities
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:3/4   K:DDor         H:CLR    T:Bare Necessities
ABC      2 C1:                C2:                M:3/4   K:EDor         H:CLR    T:Bare Necessities
ABC      0 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:       T:Bare Necessities
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:3/4   K:DDor         H:CLR    T:Bare Necessities
ABC      2 C1:                C2:                M:3/4   K:EDor         H:CLR    T:Bare Necessities
ABC      5 C1:000707770007000 C2:ddddudddduddddu M:3/4   K:DDor         H:"BCDLRZ T:Bare Necessities
ABC      1 C1:000707770007000 C2:ddddudddduddddu M:3/4   K:DDor         H:"CDLRWZ T:Bare Necessities
ABC      4 C1:000707770007000 C2:ddddudddduddddu M:3/4   K:C            H:L      T:Bare Necessities
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:3/4   K:DDor         H:CLR    T:Bare Necessities
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:3/4   K:EDor         H:CLR    T:Bare Necessities
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:3/4   K:DDor         H:CLR    T:Bare Necessities
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:3/4   K:EDor         H:CLR    T:Bare Necessities
ABC   1171 C1:000707770007000 C2:ddddudddduddddu M:3/4   K:DDor         H:"BCDLRZ T:Bare Necessities
ABC 751400 C1:770007000707770 C2:ddudddduddddudd M:3/4   K:DDor         H:"CFGLRSZ T:Bare Necessities
ABC     60 C1:000707770007000 C2:ddddudddduddddu M:3/4   K:DDor         H:"BCDLRZ T:Bare Necessities
ABC   1091 C1:000707770007000 C2:ddddudddduddddu M:3/4   K:DDor         H:"BCDLRZ T:Bare Necessities
ABC     60 C1:000707770007000 C2:ddddudddduddddu M:3/4   K:DDor         H:"BCDLRZ T:Bare Necessities
ABC   1091 C1:000707770007000 C2:ddddudddduddddu M:3/4   K:DDor         H:"BCDLRZ T:Bare Necessities
ABC    414 C1:000707770007000 C2:ddddudddduddddu M:3/4   K:DDor         H:"BCDLOR T:Bare Necessities
ABC    414 C1:000707770007000 C2:ddddudddduddddu M:3/4   K:DDor         H:"BCDLOR T:Bare Necessities
ABC   1171 C1:000707770007000 C2:ddddudddduddddu M:3/4   K:DDor         H:"BCDLRZ T:Bare Necessities
ABC   1171 C1:000707770007000 C2:ddddudddduddddu M:3/4   K:DDor         H:"BCDLRZ T:Bare Necessities
ABC   1171 C1:000707770007000 C2:ddddudddduddddu M:3/4   K:DDor         H:"BCDLRZ T:Bare Necessities
ABC    943 C1:000707770007000 C2:ddddudddduddddu M:3/4   K:DDor         H:"BCDLRZ T:Bare Necessities
ABC    944 C1:000707770007000 C2:ddddudddduddddu M:3/4   K:DDor         H:"BCDLRZ T:Bare Necessities
ABC    943 C1:000707770007000 C2:ddddudddduddddu M:3/4   K:DDor         H:"BCDLRZ T:Bare Necessities
ABC    944 C1:000707770007000 C2:ddddudddduddddu M:3/4   K:DDor         H:"BCDLRZ T:Bare Necessities
ABC    943 C1:000707770007000 C2:ddddudddduddddu M:3/4   K:DDor         H:"BCDLRZ T:Bare Necessities
ABC    944 C1:000707770007000 C2:ddddudddduddddu M:3/4   K:DDor         H:"BCDLRZ T:Bare Necessities
ABC    943 C1:000707770007000 C2:ddddudddduddddu M:3/4   K:DDor         H:"BCDLRZ T:Bare Necessities
ABC    944 C1:000707770007000 C2:ddddudddduddddu M:3/4   K:DDor         H:"BCDLRZ T:Bare Necessities
ABC    943 C1:000707770007000 C2:ddddudddduddddu M:3/4   K:DDor         H:"BCDLRZ T:Bare Necessities
ABC    944 C1:000707770007000 C2:ddddudddduddddu M:3/4   K:DDor         H:"BCDLRZ T:Bare Necessities
ABC      1 C1:060000011106110 C2:duuuduuuduuddud M:4/4   K:Em           H:LQSZ   T:B\"arentanz
ABC      1 C1:060000011106110 C2:duuuduuuduuddud M:4/4   K:Em           H:LQSZ   T:B\"arentanz
ABC      1 C1:060000011106110 C2:duuuduuuduuddud M:4/4   K:Em           H:LQSZ   T:B\"arentanz
ABC      1 C1:060000011106110 C2:duuuduuuduuddud M:4/4   K:Em           H:LQSZ   T:B\"arentanz
ABC      1 C1:060000011106110 C2:duuuduuuduuddud M:4/4   K:Em           H:LQSZ   T:B\"arentanz
ABC      1 C1:060000011106110 C2:duuuduuuduuddud M:4/4   K:Em           H:LQSZ   T:B\"arentanz
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:BARETT2.MID (3:12)
ABC    227 C1:022000170017620 C2:uuudduudduuuudu M:3/4   K:G            H:LQR    T:Bar Fast the Door O!
ABC    227 C1:022000170017620 C2:uuudduudduuuudu M:3/4   K:G            H:LQR    T:Bar Fast the Door O!
ABC    227 C1:022000170017620 C2:uuudduudduuuudu M:3/4   K:G            H:LQR    T:Bar Fast the Door O!
ABC    227 C1:022000170017620 C2:uuudduudduuuudu M:3/4   K:G            H:LQR    T:Bar Fast the Door O!
ABC    227 C1:022000170017620 C2:uuudduudduuuudu M:3/4   K:G            H:LQR    T:Bar Fast the Door O!
ABC    227 C1:022000170017620 C2:uuudduudduuuudu M:3/4   K:G            H:LQR    T:Bar Fast the Door O!
ABC      1 C1:000202000000001 C2:uuudduudduuuudu M:3/4   K:G            H:LRSZ   T:Bar Fast the Door O
ABC     68 C1:711664677763116 C2:duudduddudduuud M:C|    K:Edor         H:BCDHLOQRSZ T:BarFly
ABC     68 C1:711664677763116 C2:duudduddudduuud M:C|    K:Edor         H:BCDHLOQRSZ T:BarFly
ABC     68 C1:711664677763116 C2:duudduddudduuud M:C|    K:Edor         H:BCDHLOQRSZ T:BarFly
ABC     68 C1:711664677763116 C2:duudduddudduuud M:C|    K:Edor         H:BCDHLOQRSZ T:BarFly
ABC     70 C1:711664677763116 C2:duudduddudduuud M:C|    K:Edor         H:BCDHLOQRSZ T:BarFly
ABC     70 C1:711664677763116 C2:duudduddudduuud M:C|    K:Edor         H:BCDHLOQRSZ T:BarFly
ABC     70 C1:711664677763116 C2:duudduddudduuud M:C|    K:Edor         H:BCDHLOQRSZ T:BarFly
ABC     70 C1:711664677763116 C2:duudduddudduuud M:C|    K:Edor         H:BCDHLOQRSZ T:BarFly
ABC      1 C1:00700777122     C2:dddduuu         M:6/8   K:G            H:"LR    T:Barfly implementation bug
ABC  44004 C1:060765060767771 C2:dddudddudduddud M:6/8   K:Am           H:BCLQRS T:BARGAIN IS OVER, The
ABC  44004 C1:060765060767771 C2:dddudddudduddud M:6/8   K:Am           H:BCLQRS T:BARGAIN IS OVER, The
ABC  44004 C1:060765060767771 C2:dddudddudduddud M:6/8   K:Am           H:BCLQRS T:BARGAIN IS OVER, The
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:6/8   K:Am           H:BFLQZ  T:Bargain is Over,aka. WHL.[030], The
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:6/8   K:Am           H:BFLQZ  T:Bargain is Over,aka. WHL.[030], The
ABC     30 C1:071011017077071 C2:duuuudddduuuduu M:6/8   K:Am           H:BLQZ   T:Bargain is Over,aka. WHL.[030], The
ABC     30 C1:071011017077071 C2:duuuudddduuuduu M:6/8   K:Am           H:BLQZ   T:Bargain is Over,aka. WHL.[030], The
ABC    004 C1:060765060767771 C2:dddudddudduddud M:6/8   K:Am           H:BLQRS  T:Bargain Is Over (j)
ABC    004 C1:060765060767771 C2:dddudddudduddud M:6/8   K:Am           H:BLQRS  T:Bargain Is Over (j)
ABC    004 C1:060765060767771 C2:dddudddudduddud M:6/8   K:Am           H:BLQRS  T:Bargain Is Over (j)
ABC   3078 C1:060765060767771 C2:dddudddudduddud M:6/8   K:Am           H:BILQRZ T:Bargain Is Over (jig) % nfABC   3078 C1:060765060767771 C2:dddudddudduddud M:6/8   K:A            H:BILQRZ T:Bargain Is Over (jig) % nfABC     34 C1:677104031111677 C2:ddduduuuuuddddu M:C|    K:Dm           H:BLQZ   T:Bargain. JJo6.36, The
ABC     34 C1:677104031111677 C2:ddduduuuuuddddu M:C|    K:Dm           H:BLQZ   T:Bargain. JJo6.36, The
ABC      5 C1:767552616712117 C2:dddduududduuuud M:C|    K:Ddor         H:BCDLOQRSZ T:The Barge Inn
ABC      5 C1:767552616712117 C2:dddduududduuuud M:C|    K:Ddor         H:BCDLOQRSZ T:The Barge Inn
ABC      5 C1:767552616712117 C2:dddduududduuuud M:C|    K:Ddor         H:BCDLOQRSZ T:The Barge Inn
ABC     15 C1:762102777676714 C2:dduuuddddddduuu M:C|    K:Dmix         H:BCDLQRSZ T:Barge Inn
ABC     15 C1:762102777676714 C2:dduuuddddddduuu M:C|    K:Dmix         H:BCDLQRSZ T:Barge Inn
ABC     15 C1:762102777676714 C2:dduuuddddddduuu M:C|    K:Dmix         H:BCDLQRSZ T:Barge Inn
ABC     15 C1:762102777676714 C2:dduuuddddddduuu M:C|    K:Dmix         H:BCDLQRSZ T:Barge Inn
ABC      1 C1:762172617675526 C2:dduudududddduud M:      K:Gdor         H:LR     T:The Barge Inn
ABC      2 C1:767600236712027 C2:dddduudduuudduu M:      K:Dmix         H:LR     T:The Barge Inn
ABC      3 C1:762111777676002 C2:dduuuudddddduud M:      K:Dmix         H:LR     T:The Barge Inn
ABC      1 C1:767600236712027 C2:dddduudduuudduu M:4/4   K:Dmix         H:LR     T:Barge Inn, The
ABC      1 C1:417006566002717 C2:dududddududuudu M:6/8   K:D            H:"CDLRZ T:Bargenny
ABC      1 C1:417006566002717 C2:dududddududuudu M:6/8   K:D            H:"CDLRZ T:Bargenny
ABC      1 C1:417006566002717 C2:dududddududuudu M:6/8   K:D            H:"CDLRZ T:Bargenny
ABC      1 C1:417006566002717 C2:dududddududuudu M:6/8   K:D            H:"CDLRZ T:Bargenny
ABC      1 C1:417006566002717 C2:dududddududuudu M:6/8   K:D            H:"CDLRZ T:Bargenny
ABC      1 C1:417006566002717 C2:dududddududuudu M:6/8   K:D            H:"CDLRZ T:Bargenny
ABC      1 C1:010700000605060 C2:ududddududuudud M:6/8   K:Em           H:CLQR   T:Bargenny Bowling Green
ABC      1 C1:010700000605060 C2:ududddududuudud M:6/8   K:Em           H:CLQR   T:Bargenny Bowling Green
ABC      1 C1:010700000605060 C2:ududddududuudud M:6/8   K:Em           H:CLQR   T:Bargenny Bowling Green
ABC      1 C1:170065660027170 C2:ududddududuudud M:      K:Ddor         H:LR     T:Bargenny Bowling Green
ABC   2332 C1:170065660027170 C2:ududddududuudud M:6/8   K:Dm           H:BCLVZ  T:Bargenny Bowling Green. a Jig.
ABC   2332 C1:170065660027170 C2:ududddududuudud M:6/8   K:Dm           H:BCLVZ  T:Bargenny Bowling Green. a Jig.
ABC   2332 C1:170065660027170 C2:ududddududuudud M:6/8   K:Dm           H:BCLVZ  T:Bargenny Bowling Green. a Jig.
ABC   2332 C1:170065660027170 C2:ududddududuudud M:6/8   K:Dm           H:BCLVZ  T:Bargenny Bowling Green. a Jig.
ABC   2332 C1:170065660027170 C2:ududddududuudud M:6/8   K:Dm           H:BCLVZ  T:Bargenny Bowling Green. a Jig.
ABC   2332 C1:170065660027170 C2:ududddududuudud M:6/8   K:Dm           H:BCLVZ  T:Bargenny Bowling Green. a Jig.
ABC   2332 C1:170065660027170 C2:ududddududuudud M:6/8   K:Dm           H:BCLVZ  T:Bargenny Bowling Green. a Jig.
ABC   2332 C1:170065660027170 C2:ududddududuudud M:6/8   K:Dm           H:BCLVZ  T:Bargenny Bowling Green. a Jig.
ABC   2332 C1:170065660027170 C2:ududddududuudud M:6/8   K:Dm           H:BCLVZ  T:Bargenny Bowling Green. a Jig.
ABC   2332 C1:170065660027170 C2:ududddududuudud M:6/8   K:Dm           H:BCLVZ  T:Bargenny Bowling Green. a Jig.
ABC   2332 C1:170065660027170 C2:ududddududuudud M:6/8   K:Dm           H:BCLVZ  T:Bargenny Bowling Green. a Jig.
ABC   2332 C1:170065660027170 C2:ududddududuudud M:6/8   K:Dm           H:BCLVZ  T:Bargenny Bowling Green. a Jig.
ABC   2332 C1:170065660027170 C2:ududddududuudud M:6/8   K:Dm           H:BCLVZ  T:Bargenny Bowling Green. a Jig.
ABC   2332 C1:170065660027170 C2:ududddududuudud M:6/8   K:Dm           H:BCLVZ  T:Bargenny Bowling Green. a Jig.
ABC   2332 C1:170065660027170 C2:ududddududuudud M:6/8   K:Dm           H:BCLVZ  T:Bargenny Bowling Green. a Jig.
ABC   2332 C1:170065660027170 C2:ududddududuudud M:6/8   K:Dm           H:BCLVZ  T:Bargenny Bowling Green. a Jig.
ABC   2332 C1:170065660027170 C2:ududddududuudud M:6/8   K:Dm           H:BCLVZ  T:Bargenny Bowling Green. a Jig.
ABC   2332 C1:170065660027170 C2:ududddududuudud M:6/8   K:Dm           H:BCLVZ  T:Bargenny Bowling Green. a Jig.
ABC   2332 C1:170065660027170 C2:ududddududuudud M:6/8   K:Dm           H:BCLVZ  T:Bargenny Bowling Green. a Jig.
ABC   2332 C1:170065660027170 C2:ududddududuudud M:6/8   K:Dm           H:BCLVZ  T:Bargenny Bowling Green. a Jig.
ABC   2332 C1:170065660027170 C2:ududddududuudud M:6/8   K:Dm           H:BCLVZ  T:Bargenny Bowling Green. a Jig.
ABC   2332 C1:170065660027170 C2:ududddududuudud M:6/8   K:Dm           H:BCLVZ  T:Bargenny Bowling Green. a Jig.
ABC   2332 C1:170065660027170 C2:ududddududuudud M:6/8   K:Dm           H:BCLVZ  T:Bargenny Bowling Green. a Jig.
ABC   2332 C1:170065660027170 C2:ududddududuudud M:6/8   K:Dm           H:BCLVZ  T:Bargenny Bowling Green. a Jig.
ABC   2332 C1:170065660027170 C2:ududddududuudud M:6/8   K:Dm           H:BCLVZ  T:Bargenny Bowling Green. a Jig.
ABC   2332 C1:170065660027170 C2:ududddududuudud M:6/8   K:Dm           H:BCLVZ  T:Bargenny Bowling Green. a Jig.
ABC   2332 C1:170065660027170 C2:ududddududuudud M:6/8   K:Dm           H:BCLVZ  T:Bargenny Bowling Green. a Jig.
ABC   2332 C1:170065660027170 C2:ududddududuudud M:6/8   K:Dm           H:BCLVZ  T:Bargenny Bowling Green. a Jig.
ABC      1 C1:170065660027170 C2:ududddududuudud M:6/8   K:D            H:"CLORS T:Bargenny's Bowling Green
ABC      1 C1:170065660027170 C2:ududddududuudud M:6/8   K:D            H:"CLORS T:Bargenny's Bowling Green
ABC      1 C1:170065660027170 C2:ududddududuudud M:6/8   K:D            H:"CLORS T:Bargenny's Bowling Green
ABC      1 C1:170065660027170 C2:ududddududuudud M:6/8   K:D            H:"CLORS T:Bargenny's Bowling Green
ABC      0 C1:                C2:                M:      K:             H:CR     T:Bargenny Twasome
ABC     24 C1:716161602770000 C2:dududududduuduu M:4/4   K:C            H:LOQV   T:Bargeren Yeghanag
ABC     26 C1:716161602770000 C2:dududududduuduu M:4/4   K:C            H:LOQV   T:Bargeren Yeghanag
ABC     35 C1:716161602770000 C2:dududududduuduu M:4/4   K:C            H:LOQV   T:Bargeren Yeghanag
ABC     36 C1:716161602770000 C2:dududududduuduu M:4/4   K:C            H:LOQV   T:Bargeren Yeghanag
ABC     39 C1:716161602770000 C2:dududududduuduu M:4/4   K:C            H:LOQV   T:Bargeren Yeghanag
ABC     40 C1:716161602770000 C2:dududududduuduu M:4/4   K:C            H:LOQV   T:Bargeren Yeghanag
ABC     24 C1:716161602770000 C2:dududududduuduu M:4/4   K:C            H:LOQV   T:Bargeren Yeghanag
ABC     26 C1:716161602770000 C2:dududududduuduu M:4/4   K:C            H:LOQV   T:Bargeren Yeghanag
ABC     35 C1:716161602770000 C2:dududududduuduu M:4/4   K:C            H:LOQV   T:Bargeren Yeghanag
ABC     36 C1:716161602770000 C2:dududududduuduu M:4/4   K:C            H:LOQV   T:Bargeren Yeghanag
ABC     39 C1:716161602770000 C2:dududududduuduu M:4/4   K:C            H:LOQV   T:Bargeren Yeghanag
ABC     40 C1:716161602770000 C2:dududududduuduu M:4/4   K:C            H:LOQV   T:Bargeren Yeghanag
ABC     40 C1:716161602770000 C2:dududududduuduu M:4/4   K:C            H:LOQV   T:Bargeren Yeghanag
ABC     40 C1:716161602770000 C2:dududududduuduu M:4/4   K:C            H:LOQV   T:Bargeren Yeghanag
ABC     40 C1:716161602770000 C2:dududududduuduu M:4/4   K:C            H:LOQV   T:Bargeren Yeghanag
ABC     40 C1:716161602770000 C2:dududududduuduu M:4/4   K:C            H:LOQV   T:Bargeren Yeghanag
ABC      1 C1:077101050003077 C2:dduududddduuuuu M:3/2   K:D            H:BLRZ   T:Barham Down [1]
ABC     36 C1:767435701503767 C2:dddduuddduududd M:3/2   K:D            H:"CLQS  T:Barham Down
ABC     34 C1:767435701503767 C2:dddduuddduududd M:3/2   K:D            H:"CLQS  T:Barham Down
ABC      1 C1:070007000400030 C2:dduuddduududddd M:3/2   K:D            H:ACILORS T:Barham Down
ABC      1 C1:077101050003077 C2:dduududddduuuuu M:3/2   K:D            H:"LV    T:Barham Down
ABC     23 C1:077707040305077 C2:dddduuddduududd M:3/2   K:D            H:L      T:Barham Down
ABC     68 C1:767435701503767 C2:dddduuddduududd M:3/2   K:D            H:"CLQRSV T:Barham Down
ABC     68 C1:767435701503767 C2:dddduuddduududd M:3/2   K:D            H:"CLQRSV T:Barham Down
ABC     36 C1:767435701503767 C2:dddduuddduududd M:3/2   K:D            H:"CLQS  T:Barham Down
ABC     36 C1:767435701503767 C2:dddduuddduududd M:3/2   K:D            H:"CLQS  T:Barham Down
ABC    413 C1:077101050003077 C2:dduududddduuuuu M:3/2   K:D            H:LOQSZ  T:Barham Down. (p).1701.PLFD1.413
ABC    413 C1:077101050003077 C2:dduududddduuuuu M:3/2   K:D            H:LOQSZ  T:Barham Down. (p).1701.PLFD1.413
ABC    413 C1:077101050003077 C2:dduududddduuuuu M:3/2   K:D            H:ABLOQZ T:Barham Down. (p).1701.PLFD1.413
ABC    413 C1:077101050003077 C2:dduududddduuuuu M:3/2   K:D            H:ABLOQZ T:Barham Down. (p).1701.PLFD1.413
ABC    413 C1:077101050003077 C2:dduududddduuuuu M:3/2   K:D            H:LOQSZ  T:Barham Down. (p).1701.PLFD.413
ABC    413 C1:077101050003077 C2:dduududddduuuuu M:3/2   K:D            H:LOQSZ  T:Barham Down. (p).1701.PLFD.413
ABC    413 C1:077101050003077 C2:dduududddduuuuu M:3/2   K:D            H:LOQSZ  T:Barham Down. (p).1701.PLFD.413
ABC      1 C1:646164676223057 C2:dudududdduuuddd M:C|    K:A            H:BLRZ   T:Barham Downs [2]
ABC      1 C1:066001066000111 C2:ddudduuuuuuddud M:6/8   K:D            H:ALOQRSZ T:Barham Downs [3]. WM.132
ABC    390 C1:646164676223057 C2:dudududdduuuddd M:C|    K:A            H:BFLZ   T:Barham Downs
ABC    390 C1:646164676223057 C2:dudududdduuuddd M:C|    K:A            H:BFLZ   T:Barham Downs
ABC    390 C1:646164676223057 C2:dudududdduuuddd M:C|    K:A            H:BFLZ   T:Barham Downs
ABC    390 C1:646164676223057 C2:dudududdduuuddd M:C|    K:A            H:BFLZ   T:Barham Downs
ABC    132 C1:066001066000111 C2:ddudduuuuuuddud M:6/8   K:D            H:ALOQRSZ T:Barham Downs. WM.132
ABC    132 C1:066001066000111 C2:ddudduuuuuuddud M:6/8   K:D            H:ABLQZ  T:Barham Downs. WM.132
ABC    132 C1:066001066000111 C2:ddudduuuuuuddud M:6/8   K:D            H:ABLQZ  T:Barham Downs. WM.132
ABC    132 C1:066001066000111 C2:ddudduuuuuuddud M:6/8   K:D            H:ABLOQRSZ T:Barham Downs. WM.132
ABC   1172 C1:066001066000111 C2:ddudduuuuuuddu  M:6/8   K:D            H:ADHLOQRSWZ T:Barham Downs. WM.132
ABC   1173 C1:066001066000111 C2:ddudduuuuuuddu  M:6/8   K:D            H:ACDHLORSWZ T:Barham Downs. WM132
ABC   1172 C1:066001066000111 C2:ddudduuuuuuddu  M:6/8   K:D            H:ADHLOQRSWZ T:Barham Downs. WM.132
ABC   1173 C1:066001066000111 C2:ddudduuuuuuddu  M:6/8   K:D            H:ACDHLORSWZ T:Barham Downs. WM132
ABC   1172 C1:066001066000111 C2:ddudduuuuuuddu  M:6/8   K:D            H:ADHLOQRSWZ T:Barham Downs. WM.132
ABC   1173 C1:066001066000111 C2:ddudduuuuuuddu  M:6/8   K:D            H:ACDHLORSWZ T:Barham Downs. WM132
ABC   1172 C1:066001066000111 C2:ddudduuuuuuddu  M:6/8   K:D            H:ADHLOQRSWZ T:Barham Downs. WM.132
ABC   1173 C1:066001066000111 C2:ddudduuuuuuddu  M:6/8   K:D            H:ACDHLORSWZ T:Barham Downs. WM132
ABC    541 C1:066001066000111 C2:ddudduuuuuuddud M:6/8   K:D            H:AFLOQRSZ T:Barham Downs. WM.132
ABC    541 C1:066001066000111 C2:ddudduuuuuuddud M:6/8   K:D            H:AFLOQRSZ T:Barham Downs. WM.132
ABC    132 C1:066001066000111 C2:ddudduuuuuuddud M:6/8   K:D            H:ABLOQRSZ T:Barham Downs. WM.132
ABC    222 C1:000000020007000 C2:udddduddududddd M:6/8   K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Bari Felek Ben Yüzüne Söyleyim
ABC    222 C1:000000020007000 C2:udddduddududddd M:6/8   K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Bari Felek Ben Yüzüne Söyleyim
ABC    222 C1:000000020007000 C2:udddduddududddd M:6/8   K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Bari Felek Ben Yüzüne Söyleyim
ABC    222 C1:000000000000000 C2:udddduddududddd M:6/4   K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Bari Felek Ben Yüzüne Söyleyim
ABC   2751 C1:670477016707070 C2:dddudduddddddud M:2/4   K:ADor         H:AHLOQS T:Barinya
ABC     37 C1:670477016707070 C2:dddudduddddddud M:2/4   K:ADor         H:ALOQS  T:Barinya
ABC      3 C1:670477016707070 C2:dddudduddddddud M:2/4   K:ADor         H:ALOQSZ T:Barinya
ABC      1 C1:670477016707070 C2:dddudduddddddud M:2/4   K:ADor         H:AHLOQS T:Barinya
ABC      2 C1:060177771777000 C2:duddddudddududd M:2/4   K:D            H:ALOQS  T:Barinya
ABC      1 C1:060177771777000 C2:duddddudddududd M:2/4   K:D            H:ALOQS  T:Barinya
ABC   2750 C1:060177771777000 C2:duddddudddududd M:2/4   K:D            H:ALOQS  T:Barinya
ABC      6 C1:060177771777000 C2:duddddudddududd M:2/4   K:D            H:ALOQ   T:Barinya
ABC      2 C1:670477016707070 C2:dddudduddddddud M:2/4   K:ADor         H:ALOQSZ T:Barinya
ABC    108 C1:670477016707070 C2:dddudduddddddud M:2/4   K:ADor         H:ALOQSZ T:Barinya
ABC    109 C1:670477016707070 C2:dddudduddddddud M:2/4   K:ADor         H:ALOQSZ T:Barinya
ABC    108 C1:670477016707070 C2:dddudduddddddud M:2/4   K:ADor         H:ALOQSZ T:Barinya
ABC    109 C1:670477016707070 C2:dddudduddddddud M:2/4   K:ADor         H:ALOQSZ T:Barinya
ABC      5 C1:670477016707070 C2:dddudduddddddud M:2/4   K:ADor         H:ALOQS  T:Barinya
ABC      6 C1:060177771777000 C2:duddddudddududd M:2/4   K:D            H:ALOQ   T:Barinya
ABC     36 C1:670477016707070 C2:dddudduddddddud M:2/4   K:A            H:AHLOQ  T:Barinya
ABC     37 C1:670477016707070 C2:dddudduddddddud M:2/4   K:ADor         H:ALOQS  T:Barinya
ABC   1174 C1:060177771777000 C2:duddddudddududd M:2/4   K:D            H:ALOQS  T:Barinya
ABC   8372 C1:670477016707070 C2:dddudduddddddud M:2/4   K:ADor         H:ALOQSZ T:Barinya
ABC   8372 C1:670477016707070 C2:dddudduddddddud M:2/4   K:ADor         H:ALOQSZ T:Barinya
ABC   8372 C1:670477016707070 C2:dddudduddddddud M:2/4   K:ADor         H:ALOQSZ T:Barinya
ABC   2750 C1:060177771777000 C2:duddddudddududd M:2/4   K:D            H:ALOQS  T:Barinya
ABC   2751 C1:670477016707070 C2:dddudduddddddud M:2/4   K:ADor         H:AHLOQS T:Barinya
ABC   2750 C1:060177771777000 C2:duddddudddududd M:2/4   K:D            H:ALOQS  T:Barinya
ABC   2751 C1:670477016707070 C2:dddudduddddddud M:2/4   K:ADor         H:AHLOQS T:Barinya
ABC   1174 C1:060177771777000 C2:duddddudddududd M:2/4   K:D            H:ALOQS  T:Barinya
ABC   1174 C1:060177771777000 C2:duddddudddududd M:2/4   K:D            H:ALOQS  T:Barinya
ABC   1174 C1:060177771777000 C2:duddddudddududd M:2/4   K:D            H:ALOQS  T:Barinya
ABC    542 C1:060177771777000 C2:duddddudddududd M:2/4   K:D            H:AFLOQZ T:Barinya
ABC    543 C1:670477016707070 C2:dddudduddddddud M:2/4   K:A            H:AFHLOQZ T:Barinya
ABC   4487 C1:670477016707070 C2:dddudduddddddud M:2/4   K:A            H:AFHLOQZ T:Barinya
ABC    542 C1:060177771777000 C2:duddddudddududd M:2/4   K:D            H:AFLOQZ T:Barinya
ABC    543 C1:670477016707070 C2:dddudduddddddud M:2/4   K:A            H:AFHLOQZ T:Barinya
ABC   4487 C1:670477016707070 C2:dddudduddddddud M:2/4   K:A            H:AFHLOQZ T:Barinya
ABC    945 C1:060177771777000 C2:duddddudddududd M:2/4   K:D            H:ALOQS  T:Barinya
ABC   6713 C1:670477016707070 C2:dddudduddddddud M:2/4   K:ADor         H:AHLOQS T:Barinya
ABC    945 C1:060177771777000 C2:duddddudddududd M:2/4   K:D            H:ALOQS  T:Barinya
ABC   6713 C1:670477016707070 C2:dddudduddddddud M:2/4   K:ADor         H:AHLOQS T:Barinya
ABC    945 C1:060177771777000 C2:duddddudddududd M:2/4   K:D            H:ALOQS  T:Barinya
ABC   6713 C1:670477016707070 C2:dddudduddddddud M:2/4   K:ADor         H:AHLOQS T:Barinya
ABC    945 C1:060177771777000 C2:duddddudddududd M:2/4   K:D            H:ALOQS  T:Barinya
ABC   6713 C1:670477016707070 C2:dddudduddddddud M:2/4   K:ADor         H:AHLOQS T:Barinya
ABC    945 C1:060177771777000 C2:duddddudddududd M:2/4   K:D            H:ALOQS  T:Barinya
ABC   6713 C1:670477016707070 C2:dddudduddddddud M:2/4   K:ADor         H:AHLOQS T:Barinya
ABC      2 C1:060177771777000 C2:duddddudddududd M:2/4   K:D            H:ALOQZ  T:Barinya
ABC      3 C1:670477016707070 C2:dddudduddddddud M:2/4   K:A            H:AHLOQZ T:Barinya
ABC    548 C1:777111716317770 C2:ddduuududuudddu M:C     K:A            H:BLQRSZ T:Barisett's Hornpipe. JBut.546
ABC    405 C1:007171071007171 C2:dududududududud M:9/8   K:Gdor         H:FLOQ   T:Baris Halayi
ABC    405 C1:007171071007171 C2:dududududududud M:9/8   K:Gdor         H:FLOQ   T:Baris Halayi
ABC     36 C1:007171071007171 C2:dududududududud M:9/8   K:Gdor         H:FLOQ   T:Baris Halayi
ABC     37 C1:007171071007171 C2:dududududududud M:9/8   K:Gdor         H:FLOQ   T:Baris Halayi
ABC     40 C1:007171071007171 C2:dududududududud M:9/8   K:Gdor         H:FLOQ   T:Baris Halayi
ABC     41 C1:007171071007171 C2:dududududududud M:9/8   K:Gdor         H:FLOQ   T:Baris Halayi
ABC     36 C1:007171071007171 C2:dududududududud M:9/8   K:Gdor         H:FLOQ   T:Baris Halayi
ABC     37 C1:007171071007171 C2:dududududududud M:9/8   K:Gdor         H:FLOQ   T:Baris Halayi
ABC     40 C1:007171071007171 C2:dududududududud M:9/8   K:Gdor         H:FLOQ   T:Baris Halayi
ABC     41 C1:007171071007171 C2:dududududududud M:9/8   K:Gdor         H:FLOQ   T:Baris Halayi
ABC     41 C1:007171071007171 C2:dududududududud M:9/8   K:Gdor         H:FLOQ   T:Baris Halayi
ABC     41 C1:007171071007171 C2:dududududududud M:9/8   K:Gdor         H:FLOQ   T:Baris Halayi
ABC     41 C1:007171071007171 C2:dududududududud M:9/8   K:Gdor         H:FLOQ   T:Baris Halayi
ABC     41 C1:007171071007171 C2:dududududududud M:9/8   K:Gdor         H:FLOQ   T:Baris Halayi
ABC      1 C1:111111110077167 C2:uuuuuuuuddudddu M:2/4   K:_B_e^F       H:"LSZ   T:Barish Katz Bulgar [D]
ABC      1 C1:111111110077167 C2:uuuuuuuuddudddu M:2/4   K:_B_e^F       H:"LSZ   T:Barish Katz Bulgar [D]
ABC      1 C1:111111110077167 C2:uuuuuuuuddudddu M:2/4   K:_B_e^F       H:"LSZ   T:Barish Katz Bulgar [D]
ABC      1 C1:111111110077167 C2:uuuuuuuuddudddu M:2/4   K:_B_e^F       H:"LSZ   T:Barish Katz Bulgar [D]
ABC      1 C1:111111110077167 C2:uuuuuuuuddudddu M:2/4   K:_B_e^F       H:"LSZ   T:Barish Katz Bulgar [D]
ABC      1 C1:111111110077167 C2:uuuuuuuuddudddu M:2/4   K:_B_e^F       H:"LSZ   T:Barish Katz Bulgar [D]
ABC      1 C1:111111110077167 C2:uuuuuuuuddudddu M:2/4   K:_B_e^F       H:"LSZ   T:Barish Katz Bulgar [D]
ABC      1 C1:111111110077167 C2:uuuuuuuuddudddu M:2/4   K:_B_e^F       H:"LSZ   T:Barish Katz Bulgar [D]
ABC      1 C1:111111110077167 C2:uuuuuuuuddudddu M:2/4   K:_B_e^F       H:"LSZ   T:Barish Katz Bulgar [D]
ABC      1 C1:111111110077167 C2:uuuuuuuuddudddu M:2/4   K:_B_e^F       H:"LSZ   T:Barish Katz Bulgar [D]
ABC      2 C1:111111110077167 C2:uuuuuuuuddudddu M:2/4   K:_B_e^F       H:"LSZ   T:Barish Katz Bulgar [D]
ABC      1 C1:111111110077167 C2:uuuuuuuuddudddu M:2/4   K:_B_e^F       H:"LSZ   T:Barish Katz Bulgar [D]
ABC      2 C1:111111110077167 C2:uuuuuuuuddudddu M:2/4   K:_B_e^F       H:"LSZ   T:Barish Katz Bulgar [D]
ABC      1 C1:111111110077167 C2:uuuuuuuuddudddu M:2/4   K:_B_e^F       H:"LSZ   T:Barish Katz Bulgar [D]
ABC      2 C1:111111110077167 C2:uuuuuuuuddudddu M:2/4   K:_B_e^F       H:"LSZ   T:Barish Katz Bulgar [D]
ABC      1 C1:111111110077167 C2:uuuuuuuuddudddu M:2/4   K:_B_e^F       H:"LSZ   T:Barish Katz Bulgar [D]
ABC      1 C1:111111110077167 C2:uuuuuuuuddudddu M:2/4   K:_B_e^F       H:"LSZ   T:Barish Katz Bulgar [D]
ABC      1 C1:111111110077167 C2:uuuuuuuuddudddu M:2/4   K:_B_e^F       H:"LSZ   T:Barish Katz Bulgar [D]
ABC      1 C1:111111110077167 C2:uuuuuuuuddudddu M:2/4   K:_B_e^F       H:"LSZ   T:Barish Katz Bulgar [D]
ABC      1 C1:111111110077167 C2:uuuuuuuuddudddu M:2/4   K:_B_e^F       H:"LSZ   T:Barish Katz Bulgar [D]
ABC      1 C1:111111110077167 C2:uuuuuuuuddudddu M:2/4   K:_B_e^F       H:"LSZ   T:Barish Katz Bulgar [D]
ABC      1 C1:111111110077167 C2:uuuuuuuuddudddu M:2/4   K:_B_e^F       H:"LSZ   T:Barish Katz Bulgar [D]
ABC      1 C1:111111110077167 C2:uuuuuuuuddudddu M:2/4   K:=F^G         H:"LSZ   T:Barish Katz Bulgar [E]
ABC      1 C1:111111110077167 C2:uuuuuuuuddudddu M:2/4   K:=F^G         H:"LSZ   T:Barish Katz Bulgar [E]
ABC      1 C1:111111110077167 C2:uuuuuuuuddudddu M:2/4   K:=F^G         H:"LSZ   T:Barish Katz Bulgar [E]
ABC      1 C1:111111110077167 C2:uuuuuuuuddudddu M:2/4   K:=F^G         H:"LSZ   T:Barish Katz Bulgar [E]
ABC      1 C1:111111110077167 C2:uuuuuuuuddudddu M:2/4   K:=F^G         H:"LSZ   T:Barish Katz Bulgar [E]
ABC      1 C1:111111110077167 C2:uuuuuuuuddudddu M:2/4   K:=F^G         H:"LSZ   T:Barish Katz Bulgar [E]
ABC      1 C1:111111110077167 C2:uuuuuuuuddudddu M:2/4   K:=F^G         H:"LSZ   T:Barish Katz Bulgar [E]
ABC      1 C1:111111110077167 C2:uuuuuuuuddudddu M:2/4   K:=F^G         H:"LSZ   T:Barish Katz Bulgar [E]
ABC      1 C1:111111110077167 C2:uuuuuuuuddudddu M:2/4   K:=F^G         H:"LSZ   T:Barish Katz Bulgar [E]
ABC      1 C1:111111110077167 C2:uuuuuuuuddudddu M:2/4   K:=F^G         H:"LSZ   T:Barish Katz Bulgar [E]
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Baris Manca - Arkadasim essek [Lute] by Thalirin Ironballad, Laurelin
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQ     T:Baris Manco - Domates Biber Patlican(bass)- By Thalirin Ironballad, Laurelin
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQ     T:Baris Manco - Domates Biber Patlican(main) - By Thalirin Ironballad, Laurelin
ABC      1 C1:202307700400266 C2:uuuuddduududddd M:3/4   K:C            H:"CLQRS T:Bari's Waltz
ABC      0 C1:077776770777767 C2:dddddddddddddd  M:none  K:G            H:LQ     T:Baritone Voice Range
ABC      1 C1:407743210774003 C2:ddududdduuuudud M:7/8   K:Bb           H:"LOQ   T:Barjace
ABC     23 C1:077432107740032 C2:dududdduuuududu M:7/8   K:Bb           H:"LOQ   T:Barjace
ABC     23 C1:077432107740032 C2:dududdduuuududu M:7/8   K:Bb           H:"LOQ   T:Barjace
ABC     25 C1:077432107740032 C2:dududdduuuududu M:7/8   K:Bb           H:"LOQ   T:Barjace
ABC     25 C1:077432107740032 C2:dududdduuuududu M:7/8   K:Bb           H:"LOQ   T:Barjace
ABC     37 C1:077432107740032 C2:dududdduuuududu M:7/8   K:Bb           H:"LOQ   T:Barjace
ABC     38 C1:077432107740032 C2:dududdduuuududu M:7/8   K:Bb           H:"LOQ   T:Barjace
ABC     23 C1:077432107740032 C2:dududdduuuududu M:7/8   K:Bb           H:"LOQ   T:Barjace
ABC     23 C1:077432107740032 C2:dududdduuuududu M:7/8   K:Bb           H:"LOQ   T:Barjace
ABC     25 C1:077432107740032 C2:dududdduuuududu M:7/8   K:Bb           H:"LOQ   T:Barjace
ABC     25 C1:077432107740032 C2:dududdduuuududu M:7/8   K:Bb           H:"LOQ   T:Barjace
ABC     37 C1:077432107740032 C2:dududdduuuududu M:7/8   K:Bb           H:"LOQ   T:Barjace
ABC     38 C1:077432107740032 C2:dududdduuuududu M:7/8   K:Bb           H:"LOQ   T:Barjace
ABC     17 C1:407743210774003 C2:ddududdduuuudud M:7/8   K:Bb           H:"LOQ   T:Barjace
ABC     17 C1:407743210774003 C2:ddududdduuuudud M:7/8   K:Bb           H:"LOQ   T:Barjace
ABC     15 C1:407743210774003 C2:ddududdduuuudud M:7/8   K:Bb           H:"LOQ   T:Barjace
ABC     17 C1:407743210774003 C2:ddududdduuuudud M:7/8   K:Bb           H:"LOQ   T:Barjace
ABC     15 C1:407743210774003 C2:ddududdduuuudud M:7/8   K:Bb           H:"LOQ   T:Barjace
ABC     15 C1:077432107740032 C2:dududdduuuududu M:7/8   K:Bb           H:LOQ    T:Barjace
ABC     15 C1:077432107740032 C2:dududdduuuududu M:7/8   K:Bb           H:LOQ    T:Barjace
ABC     16 C1:077432107740032 C2:dududdduuuududu M:7/8   K:Bb           H:"LOQ   T:Barjace
ABC   1175 C1:077432107740032 C2:dududdduuuududu M:7/8   K:Bb           H:LOQ    T:Barjace
ABC   1176 C1:407743210774003 C2:ddududdduuuudud M:7/8   K:Bb           H:"LOQ   T:Barjace
ABC     15 C1:077432107740032 C2:dududdduuuududu M:7/8   K:Bb           H:LOQ    T:Barjace
ABC     15 C1:077432107740032 C2:dududdduuuududu M:7/8   K:Bb           H:LOQ    T:Barjace
ABC     15 C1:077432107740032 C2:dududdduuuududu M:7/8   K:Bb           H:LOQ    T:Barjace
ABC     15 C1:077432107740032 C2:dududdduuuududu M:7/8   K:Bb           H:LOQ    T:Barjace
ABC   1175 C1:077432107740032 C2:dududdduuuududu M:7/8   K:Bb           H:LOQ    T:Barjace
ABC   1176 C1:407743210774003 C2:ddududdduuuudud M:7/8   K:Bb           H:"LOQ   T:Barjace
ABC   1175 C1:077432107740032 C2:dududdduuuududu M:7/8   K:Bb           H:LOQ    T:Barjace
ABC   1176 C1:407743210774003 C2:ddududdduuuudud M:7/8   K:Bb           H:"LOQ   T:Barjace
ABC   1175 C1:077432107740032 C2:dududdduuuududu M:7/8   K:Bb           H:LOQ    T:Barjace
ABC   1176 C1:407743210774003 C2:ddududdduuuudud M:7/8   K:Bb           H:"LOQ   T:Barjace
ABC    946 C1:407743210774003 C2:ddududdduuuudud M:7/8   K:Bb           H:"LOQ   T:Barjace
ABC    946 C1:407743210774003 C2:ddududdduuuudud M:7/8   K:Bb           H:"LOQ   T:Barjace
ABC    946 C1:407743210774003 C2:ddududdduuuudud M:7/8   K:Bb           H:"LOQ   T:Barjace
ABC    946 C1:407743210774003 C2:ddududdduuuudud M:7/8   K:Bb           H:"LOQ   T:Barjace
ABC    946 C1:407743210774003 C2:ddududdduuuudud M:7/8   K:Bb           H:"LOQ   T:Barjace
ABC     15 C1:000101060001010 C2:uuduuduudduuuud M:12/8  K:Bb           H:"CLOQV T:barjace elzo %titel
ABC     15 C1:000101060001010 C2:uuduuduudduuuud M:12/8  K:Bb           H:"CLOQV T:barjace elzo %titel
ABC    415 C1:006361010777000 C2:duduuddduuuuddd M:3/4   K:Am           H:"LOQV  T:Barkagan's Dobriden
ABC    415 C1:006361010777000 C2:duduuddduuuuddd M:3/4   K:Am           H:"LOQV  T:Barkagan's Dobriden
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Bark At The Moon Lute (2:50)
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:The Bar-Kays - SOUL FINGER - Wesvernon-Gladden (2:27)
ABC      1 C1:056602230177060 C2:ddduuuudddudddu M:2/4   K:Dm           H:LORZ   T:Barkbrödslåten
ABC      1 C1:056602230177060 C2:ddduuuudddudddu M:2/4   K:Dm           H:LORZ   T:Barkbrödslåten
ABC      1 C1:056602230177060 C2:ddduuuudddudddu M:2/4   K:Dm           H:LORZ   T:Barkbrödslåten
ABC      1 C1:017706077771070 C2:uddduddduddduud M:2/4   K:Dm           H:"L     T:Barkbrodslaten fran Leksand, Dalarna
ABC      1 C1:160503727272720 C2:uddduduuduuddud M:3/4   K:Gm           H:LV     T:Barkbrodslaten Polska fran Dalarna efter H O Andersson
ABC      1 C1:070777020005660 C2:uddduddduuuuddu M:3/2   K:Ddor         H:BLSZ   T:Barker's Maggot
ABC      1 C1:070777020005660 C2:uddduddduuuuddu M:3/2   K:Ddor         H:BLSZ   T:Barker's Maggot
ABC      1 C1:070777020005660 C2:uddduddduuuuddu M:3/2   K:Ddor         H:BLSZ   T:Barker's Maggot
ABC      1 C1:070777020005660 C2:uddduddduuuuddu M:3/2   K:Ddor         H:BLSZ   T:Barker's Maggot
ABC    520 C1:660001011167070 C2:dduuuuddudddudd M:3/2   K:C            H:LOQSZ  T:Barker's Maggot. (p)1709.PLFD1.520
ABC    520 C1:660001011167070 C2:dduuuuddudddudd M:3/2   K:C            H:LOQSZ  T:Barker's Maggot. (p)1709.PLFD1.520
ABC    520 C1:660001011167070 C2:dduuuuddudddudd M:3/2   K:Ddor         H:ABLOQZ T:Barker's Maggot. (p)1709.PLFD1.520
ABC    520 C1:660001011167070 C2:dduuuuddudddudd M:3/2   K:Ddor         H:ABLOQZ T:Barker's Maggot. (p)1709.PLFD1.520
ABC    520 C1:660001011167070 C2:dduuuuddudddudd M:3/2   K:C            H:LOQSZ  T:Barker's Maggot. (p)1709.PLFD.520
ABC    520 C1:660001011167070 C2:dduuuuddudddudd M:3/2   K:C            H:LOQSZ  T:Barker's Maggot. (p)1709.PLFD.520
ABC    520 C1:660001011167070 C2:dduuuuddudddudd M:3/2   K:C            H:LOQSZ  T:Barker's Maggot. (p)1709.PLFD.520
ABC    947 C1:711171113727050 C2:duuuduuuududduu M:4/4   K:Amin         H:CLRS   T:Barkers Yarka
ABC    947 C1:711171113727050 C2:duuuduuuududduu M:4/4   K:Amin         H:CLRS   T:Barkers Yarka
ABC    947 C1:711171113727050 C2:duuuduuuududduu M:4/4   K:Amin         H:CLRS   T:Barkers Yarka
ABC    947 C1:711171113727050 C2:duuuduuuududduu M:4/4   K:Amin         H:CLRS   T:Barkers Yarka
ABC    947 C1:711171113727050 C2:duuuduuuududduu M:4/4   K:Amin         H:CLRS   T:Barkers Yarka
ABC   1144 C1:662422112111712 C2:dduduuuuuuuuduu M:2/4   K:E            H:"L     T:The Barkerville Connection (A63)
ABC   1144 C1:662422112111712 C2:dduduuuuuuuuduu M:2/4   K:E            H:"L     T:The Barkerville Connection (A63)
ABC   1144 C1:662422112111712 C2:dduduuuuuuuuduu M:2/4   K:E            H:"L     T:The Barkerville Connection (A63)
ABC      1 C1:020262006366000 C2:uudududduuuudud M:2/4   K:C            H:L      T:The Bark Gay Head
ABC      1 C1:020262006366000 C2:uudududduuuudud M:2/4   K:C            H:L      T:The Bark Gay Head
ABC      1 C1:020262006366000 C2:uudududduuuudud M:2/4   K:C            H:L      T:The Bark Gay Head
ABC      1 C1:020402030000037 C2:udududduuuddudd M:2/4   K:G            H:FLOQZ  T:Barking at the Tree
ABC      1 C1:020402030000037 C2:udududduuuddudd M:2/4   K:G            H:FLOQZ  T:Barking at the Tree
ABC      1 C1:020402030000037 C2:udududduuuddudd M:2/4   K:G            H:FLOQZ  T:Barking at the Tree
ABC      1 C1:020402030000037 C2:udududduuuddudd M:2/4   K:G            H:FLOQZ  T:Barking at the Tree
ABC    154 C1:175005175007170 C2:udududududdddud M:6/8   K:D            H:BLQZ   T:Barking Hall. JJo5.154
ABC    154 C1:175005175007170 C2:udududududdddud M:6/8   K:D            H:BLQZ   T:Barking Hall. JJo5.154
ABC    810 C1:327727727767327 C2:uudduddudddduud M:6/8   K:G            H:"CLQR  T:Barking Seal (The)
ABC     30 C1:327727727767327 C2:uudduddudddduud M:6/8   K:G            H:"CLQR  T:Barking Seal (The)
ABC     15 C1:032772772776732 C2:uudduddudddduud M:6/8   K:G            H:"CLQRV T:Barking Seal (The) (with piano acc.)
ABC   9002 C1:032772772776732 C2:uudduddudddduud M:6/8   K:G            H:"CLQRV T:Barking Seal (The) (with piano acc.)
ABC   9002 C1:032772772776732 C2:uudduddudddduud M:6/8   K:G            H:"CLQRV T:Barking Seal (The) (with piano acc.)
ABC      5 C1:001767362071176 C2:udddududuuddduu M:4/4   K:G            H:CLR    T:Barking Up the Wrong Tree
ABC     46 C1:177001777771270 C2:udduddddduuddud M:6/8   K:G            H:BLQWZ  T:Barkin's Whim. JJo3.046
ABC     46 C1:177001777771270 C2:udduddddduuddud M:6/8   K:G            H:BLQWZ  T:Barkin's Whim. JJo3.046
ABC      1 C1:411774376032006 C2:duudduudduudddd M:      K:Edor         H:LR     T:The Bark In The Morning
ABC      2 C1:411774376032006 C2:duudduudduudddd M:      K:Edor         H:LR     T:The Bark In The Morning
ABC    136 C1:230011777700017 C2:uuuuuuudddduddd M:C     K:F            H:BLQRZbs T:the Bark is on the Swelling
ABC    136 C1:230011777700017 C2:uuuuuuudddduddd M:C     K:F            H:BLQRZbs T:the Bark is on the Swelling
ABC    136 C1:230011777700017 C2:uuuuuuudddduddd M:C     K:F            H:BLQRZbs T:the Bark is on the Swelling
ABC    136 C1:230011777700017 C2:uuuuuuudddduddd M:C     K:F            H:BLQRZbs T:the Bark is on the Swelling
ABC    136 C1:001177770001776 C2:uudddduddduuddd M:C     K:F            H:BLQRZbs T:the Bark is on the Swelling
ABC    136 C1:001177770001776 C2:uudddduddduuddd M:C     K:F            H:BLQRZbs T:the Bark is on the Swelling
ABC    136 C1:001177770001776 C2:uudddduddduuddd M:C     K:F            H:BLQRZbs T:the Bark is on the Swelling
ABC    136 C1:001177770001776 C2:uudddduddduuddd M:C     K:F            H:BLQRZbs T:the Bark is on the Swelling
ABC    136 C1:001177770001776 C2:uudddduddduuddd M:C     K:F            H:BLQRZbs T:the Bark is on the Swelling
ABC    136 C1:001177770001776 C2:uudddduddduuddd M:C     K:F            H:BLQRZbs T:the Bark is on the Swelling
ABC    136 C1:001177770001776 C2:uudddduddduuddd M:C     K:F            H:BLQRZbs T:the Bark is on the Swelling
ABC    136 C1:001177770001776 C2:uudddduddduuddd M:C     K:F            H:BLQRZbs T:the Bark is on the Swelling
ABC      1 C1:121123777061000 C2:uuuuuuddddudddu M:6/8   K:G            H:CR     T:Barkley’s Jig
ABC     64 C1:006037663264263 C2:duddduuduuduudu M:9/4   K:G            H:BLQWZ  T:Barksheir
ABC     64 C1:006037663264263 C2:duddduuduuduudu M:9/4   K:G            H:BLQWZ  T:Barksheir
ABC      1 C1:076111066001004 C2:dduuuddududuudu M:6/8   K:G            H:L      T:The Barkshire Tragedy
ABC      1 C1:076111066001004 C2:dduuuddududuudu M:6/8   K:G            H:L      T:The Barkshire Tragedy
ABC      1 C1:076111066001004 C2:dduuuddududuudu M:6/8   K:G            H:L      T:The Barkshire Tragedy
ABC      1 C1:076021067071003 C2:dduudddududuudd M:6/8   K:D            H:BFLSZw T:The Barkshire Tragedy
ABC      1 C1:076021067071003 C2:dduudddududuudd M:6/8   K:D            H:BFLSWZw T:The Barkshire Tragedy
ABC      1 C1:223767670027776 C2:uuudddddudddduu M:      K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:Barley And Chicory
ABC      1 C1:007600060060001 C2:ddduuuddddddudu M:3/4   K:F            H:L      T:The Barley and the Rye
ABC      1 C1:007600060060001 C2:ddduuuddddddudu M:3/4   K:F            H:L      T:The Barley and the Rye
ABC      1 C1:007600060060001 C2:ddduuuddddddudu M:3/4   K:F            H:L      T:The Barley and the Rye
ABC    366 C1:036700630377077 C2:uddduuddddudddd M:C     K:D            H:LQR    T:Barley Brae
ABC    366 C1:036700630377077 C2:uddduuddddudddd M:C     K:D            H:LQR    T:Barley Brae
ABC    366 C1:036700630377077 C2:uddduuddddudddd M:C     K:D            H:LQR    T:Barley Brae
ABC    366 C1:036700630377077 C2:uddduuddddudddd M:C     K:D            H:LQR    T:Barley Brae
ABC    366 C1:036700630377077 C2:uddduuddddudddd M:C     K:D            H:LQR    T:Barley Brae
ABC    366 C1:036700630377077 C2:uddduuddddudddd M:C     K:D            H:LQR    T:Barley Brae
ABC      1 C1:036700630377077 C2:uddduuddddudddd M:C     K:D            H:LRSZ   T:Barley Brae
ABC  48403 C1:036700630377077 C2:uddduuddddudddd M:C|    K:D            H:BCLQR  T:BARLEY BRAE (hornpipe)
ABC  48403 C1:036700630377077 C2:uddduuddddudddd M:C|    K:D            H:BCLQR  T:BARLEY BRAE (hornpipe)
ABC  48403 C1:036700630377077 C2:uddduuddddudddd M:C|    K:D            H:BCLQR  T:BARLEY BRAE (hornpipe)
ABC     65 C1:104664670473112 C2:duddudduduuuudd M:C|    K:Edor         H:BLQZ   T:Barley Braes. WHL.[065]
ABC     65 C1:104664670473112 C2:duddudduduuuudd M:C|    K:Edor         H:BLQZ   T:Barley Braes. WHL.[065]
ABC   1304 C1:706226706226106 C2:dduuuddduuududu M:6/8   K:G            H:"BCLRZ T:Barley Bree
ABC   1304 C1:706226706226106 C2:dduuuddduuududu M:6/8   K:G            H:"BCLRZ T:Barley Bree
ABC   1304 C1:706226706226106 C2:dduuuddduuududu M:6/8   K:G            H:"BCLRZ T:Barley Bree
ABC   1304 C1:706226706226106 C2:dduuuddduuududu M:6/8   K:G            H:"BCLRZ T:Barley Bree
ABC   1304 C1:706226706226106 C2:dduuuddduuududu M:6/8   K:G            H:"BCLRZ T:Barley Bree
ABC      0 C1:                C2:                M:6/8   K:             H:BR     T:Barley Bree
ABC   1304 C1:706226706226106 C2:dduuuddduuududu M:6/8   K:G            H:"BCLRZ T:Barley Bree
ABC   1304 C1:706226706226106 C2:dduuuddduuududu M:6/8   K:G            H:"BCLRZ T:Barley Bree
ABC   1304 C1:706226706226106 C2:dduuuddduuududu M:6/8   K:G            H:"BCLRZ T:Barley Bree
ABC    151 C1:174667362110267 C2:ududdudduuuuudd M:6/8   K:Em           H:BCLRSZ T:Barley Broth, a Jig
ABC    151 C1:174667362110267 C2:ududdudduuuuudd M:6/8   K:Em           H:BCLRSZ T:Barley Broth, a Jig
ABC    153 C1:174667362110267 C2:ududdudduuuuudd M:6/8   K:Em           H:BCLRSZ T:Barley Broth, a Jig
ABC    153 C1:174667362110267 C2:ududdudduuuuudd M:6/8   K:Em           H:BCLRSZ T:Barley Broth, a Jig
ABC      1 C1:027711066025030 C2:udduuddududuudd M:6/8   K:D            H:ALOQRSZ T:Barley Butt. WM024
ABC     24 C1:027711066025030 C2:udduuddududuudd M:6/8   K:D            H:ALOQRSZ T:Barley Butt. WM.024
ABC     24 C1:027711066025030 C2:udduuddududuudd M:6/8   K:D            H:ABLQZ  T:Barley Butt. WM.024
ABC     24 C1:027711066025030 C2:udduuddududuudd M:6/8   K:D            H:ABLQZ  T:Barley Butt. WM.024
ABC     24 C1:027711066025030 C2:udduuddududuudd M:6/8   K:D            H:ABLOQRSZ T:Barley Butt. WM.024
ABC   1177 C1:027711066025030 C2:udduuddududuudd M:6/8   K:D            H:ALOQRSZ T:Barley Butt. WM.024
ABC   1178 C1:027711066025030 C2:udduuddududuudd M:6/8   K:D            H:ALOQRSZ T:Barley Butt. WM024
ABC   1967 C1:027711066025030 C2:udduuddududuudd M:6/8   K:D            H:ALOQRSZ T:Barley Butt. WM024
ABC   1967 C1:027711066025030 C2:udduuddududuudd M:6/8   K:D            H:ALOQRSZ T:Barley Butt. WM024
ABC    416 C1:027711066025030 C2:udduuddududuudd M:6/8   K:D            H:ALOQRS T:Barley Butt. WM024
ABC    416 C1:027711066025030 C2:udduuddududuudd M:6/8   K:D            H:ALOQRS T:Barley Butt. WM024
ABC   1177 C1:027711066025030 C2:udduuddududuudd M:6/8   K:D            H:ALOQRSZ T:Barley Butt. WM.024
ABC   1178 C1:027711066025030 C2:udduuddududuudd M:6/8   K:D            H:ALOQRSZ T:Barley Butt. WM024
ABC   1177 C1:027711066025030 C2:udduuddududuudd M:6/8   K:D            H:ALOQRSZ T:Barley Butt. WM.024
ABC   1178 C1:027711066025030 C2:udduuddududuudd M:6/8   K:D            H:ALOQRSZ T:Barley Butt. WM024
ABC   1177 C1:027711066025030 C2:udduuddududuudd M:6/8   K:D            H:ALOQRSZ T:Barley Butt. WM.024
ABC   1178 C1:027711066025030 C2:udduuddududuudd M:6/8   K:D            H:ALOQRSZ T:Barley Butt. WM024
ABC    544 C1:027711066025030 C2:udduuddududuudd M:6/8   K:D            H:AFLOQRSZ T:Barley Butt. WM.024
ABC    544 C1:027711066025030 C2:udduuddududuudd M:6/8   K:D            H:AFLOQRSZ T:Barley Butt. WM.024
ABC    948 C1:027711066025030 C2:udduuddududuudd M:6/8   K:D            H:ALOQRSZ T:Barley Butt. WM024
ABC    948 C1:027711066025030 C2:udduuddududuudd M:6/8   K:D            H:ALOQRSZ T:Barley Butt. WM024
ABC    948 C1:027711066025030 C2:udduuddududuudd M:6/8   K:D            H:ALOQRSZ T:Barley Butt. WM024
ABC    948 C1:027711066025030 C2:udduuddududuudd M:6/8   K:D            H:ALOQRSZ T:Barley Butt. WM024
ABC    948 C1:027711066025030 C2:udduuddududuudd M:6/8   K:D            H:ALOQRSZ T:Barley Butt. WM024
ABC     24 C1:027711066025030 C2:udduuddududuudd M:6/8   K:D            H:ABLOQRSZ T:Barley Butt. WM.024
ABC      1 C1:010120356771677 C2:uuuudddduddduuu M:C     K:G            H:BLSZ   T:Barley Cake
ABC      1 C1:010120356771677 C2:uuuudddduddduuu M:C     K:G            H:BLSZ   T:Barley Cake
ABC      1 C1:010120356771677 C2:uuuudddduddduuu M:C     K:G            H:BLSZ   T:Barley Cake
ABC      1 C1:010120356771677 C2:uuuudddduddduuu M:C     K:G            H:BLSZ   T:Barley Cake
ABC     22 C1:677167730101203 C2:ddduddduuuuuddd M:C|    K:G            H:BLQZ   T:Barley Cake. JJo3.022
ABC     22 C1:677167730101203 C2:ddduddduuuuuddd M:C|    K:G            H:BLQZ   T:Barley Cake. JJo3.022
ABC      7 C1:053007062001053 C2:dudduuduudduddu M:6/8   K:G            H:CLR    T:Barley Cakes - 2nd Part
ABC      7 C1:053007062001053 C2:dudduuduudduddu M:6/8   K:G            H:CLR    T:Barley Cakes - 2nd Part
ABC      7 C1:053007062001053 C2:dudduuduudduddu M:6/8   K:G            H:CLR    T:Barley Cakes - 2nd Part
ABC      1 C1:062267062261062 C2:duuddduududuudu M:6/8   K:G            H:"BLRZ  T:Barley Cakes
ABC      1 C1:706226706226106 C2:dduuuddduuududu M:6/8   K:G            H:CLQRS  T:Barley Cakes
ABC      1 C1:062267062261062 C2:duuddduududuudu M:6/8   K:G            H:"BLRZ  T:Barley Cakes
ABC      1 C1:062267062261062 C2:duuddduududuudu M:6/8   K:G            H:"BLRZ  T:Barley Cakes
ABC      1 C1:062267062261062 C2:duuddduududuudu M:6/8   K:G            H:"BLRZ  T:Barley Cakes
ABC      1 C1:000602110607000 C2:duuuddduuududuu M:6/8   K:G            H:CLQR   T:Barley Cakes
ABC      1 C1:000602110607000 C2:duuuddduuududuu M:6/8   K:G            H:CLQR   T:Barley Cakes
ABC      1 C1:706226706226106 C2:dduuuddduuududu M:6/8   K:G            H:CLQRS  T:Barley Cakes
ABC      1 C1:000602110607000 C2:duuuddduuududuu M:6/8   K:G            H:CLQR   T:Barley Cakes
ABC      1 C1:062267062261062 C2:duuddduududuudu M:6/8   K:G            H:"BLRZ  T:Barley Cakes
ABC      1 C1:706226706226106 C2:dduuuddduuududu M:6/8   K:G            H:"CLQRS T:Barley Cakes
ABC      1 C1:706226706226106 C2:dduuuddduuududu M:6/8   K:G            H:"CLQRS T:Barley Cakes
ABC      1 C1:062267062261062 C2:duuuddduuududuu M:6/8   K:G            H:"BCLRZ T:Barley Cakes
ABC      1 C1:062267062261062 C2:duuuddduuududuu M:6/8   K:G            H:"BCLRZ T:Barley Cakes
ABC      1 C1:062267062261062 C2:duuuddduuududuu M:6/8   K:G            H:"BCLRZ T:Barley Cakes
ABC      1 C1:062267062261062 C2:duuuddduuududuu M:6/8   K:G            H:"BCLRZ T:Barley Cakes
ABC      1 C1:062267062261062 C2:duuuddduuududuu M:6/8   K:G            H:"BCLRZ T:Barley Cakes
ABC      1 C1:062267062261062 C2:duuuddduuududuu M:6/8   K:G            H:"BCLRZ T:Barley Cakes
ABC      1 C1:062267062261062 C2:duuuddduuududuu M:6/8   K:G            H:"BCLRZ T:Barley Cakes
ABC      1 C1:062267062261062 C2:duuuddduuududuu M:6/8   K:G            H:"BCLRZ T:Barley Cakes
ABC  20881 C1:062267062261062 C2:duuuddduuududuu M:6/8   K:G            H:BLZ    T:Barley Cakes
ABC  20881 C1:062267062261062 C2:duuuddduuududuu M:6/8   K:G            H:BLZ    T:Barley Cakes
ABC    681 C1:062267062261062 C2:duuuddduuududuu M:6/8   K:G            H:BLRSVZ T:Barley Cakes
ABC    681 C1:062267062261062 C2:duuuddduuududuu M:6/8   K:G            H:BLRSVZ T:Barley Cakes
ABC      1 C1:062267062261062 C2:duuddduududuudu M:6/8   K:G            H:"BLRZ  T:Barley Cakes
ABC      4 C1:706226706226106 C2:dduuuddduuududu M:6/8   K:G            H:CLQRS  T:Barley Cakes
ABC      4 C1:706226706226106 C2:dduuuddduuududu M:6/8   K:G            H:CLQRS  T:Barley Cakes
ABC      4 C1:706226706226106 C2:dduuuddduuududu M:6/8   K:G            H:CLQRS  T:Barley Cakes
ABC     40 C1:706226706226106 C2:dduuuddduuududu M:6/8   K:G            H:CLQR   T:Barley Cakes
ABC     40 C1:706226706226106 C2:dduuuddduuududu M:6/8   K:G            H:CLQR   T:Barley Cakes
ABC     69 C1:706226706226106 C2:dduuuddduuududu M:6/8   K:G            H:"CLQRS T:Barley Cakes
ABC     69 C1:706226706226106 C2:dduuuddduuududu M:6/8   K:G            H:"CLQRS T:Barley Cakes
ABC     69 C1:706226706226106 C2:dduuuddduuududu M:6/8   K:G            H:"CLQRS T:Barley Cakes
ABC     69 C1:706226706226106 C2:dduuuddduuududu M:6/8   K:G            H:"CLQRS T:Barley Cakes
ABC     69 C1:706226706226106 C2:dduuuddduuududu M:6/8   K:G            H:"CLQRS T:Barley Cakes
ABC     69 C1:706226706226106 C2:dduuuddduuududu M:6/8   K:G            H:"CLQRS T:Barley Cakes
ABC     69 C1:706226706226106 C2:dduuuddduuududu M:6/8   K:G            H:"CLQRS T:Barley Cakes
ABC     69 C1:706226706226106 C2:dduuuddduuududu M:6/8   K:G            H:"CLQRS T:Barley Cakes
ABC     69 C1:706226706226106 C2:dduuuddduuududu M:6/8   K:G            H:"CLQRS T:Barley Cakes
ABC    681 C1:062267062261062 C2:duuuddduuududuu M:6/8   K:G            H:BLRSVZ T:Barley Cakes
ABC    681 C1:062267062261062 C2:duuuddduuududuu M:6/8   K:G            H:BLRSVZ T:Barley Cakes
ABC    681 C1:062267062261062 C2:duuuddduuududuu M:6/8   K:G            H:BLRSVZ T:Barley Cakes
ABC    681 C1:062267062261062 C2:duuuddduuududuu M:6/8   K:G            H:BLRSVZ T:Barley Cakes
ABC    681 C1:062267062261062 C2:duuuddduuududuu M:6/8   K:G            H:BLRSVZ T:Barley Cakes
ABC    681 C1:062267062261062 C2:duuuddduuududuu M:6/8   K:G            H:BLRSVZ T:Barley Cakes
ABC    681 C1:062267062261062 C2:duuuddduuududuu M:6/8   K:G            H:BLRSVZ T:Barley Cakes
ABC    681 C1:062267062261062 C2:duuuddduuududuu M:6/8   K:G            H:BLRSVZ T:Barley Cakes
ABC  20881 C1:062267062261062 C2:duuuddduuududuu M:6/8   K:G            H:BLZ    T:Barley Cakes
ABC  20881 C1:062267062261062 C2:duuuddduuududuu M:6/8   K:G            H:BLZ    T:Barley Cakes
ABC  20881 C1:062267062261062 C2:duuuddduuududuu M:6/8   K:G            H:BLZ    T:Barley Cakes
ABC  20881 C1:062267062261062 C2:duuuddduuududuu M:6/8   K:G            H:BLZ    T:Barley Cakes
ABC  20881 C1:062267062261062 C2:duuuddduuududuu M:6/8   K:G            H:BLZ    T:Barley Cakes
ABC  20881 C1:062267062261062 C2:duuuddduuududuu M:6/8   K:G            H:BLZ    T:Barley Cakes
ABC  20881 C1:062267062261062 C2:duuuddduuududuu M:6/8   K:G            H:BLZ    T:Barley Cakes
ABC  20881 C1:062267062261062 C2:duuuddduuududuu M:6/8   K:G            H:BLZ    T:Barley Cakes
ABC  20881 C1:062267062261062 C2:duuuddduuududuu M:6/8   K:G            H:BLZ    T:Barley Cakes
ABC  20881 C1:062267062261062 C2:duuuddduuududuu M:6/8   K:G            H:BLZ    T:Barley Cakes
ABC   3173 C1:062267062261062 C2:duuuddduuududuu M:6/8   K:G            H:BLVZ   T:Barley Cakes. a Jig.
ABC   3173 C1:062267062261062 C2:duuuddduuududuu M:6/8   K:G            H:BLVZ   T:Barley Cakes. a Jig.
ABC   3173 C1:062267062261062 C2:duuuddduuududuu M:6/8   K:G            H:BLVZ   T:Barley Cakes. a Jig.
ABC   3173 C1:062267062261062 C2:duuuddduuududuu M:6/8   K:G            H:BLVZ   T:Barley Cakes. a Jig.
ABC   3173 C1:062267062261062 C2:duuuddduuududuu M:6/8   K:G            H:BLVZ   T:Barley Cakes. a Jig.
ABC   3173 C1:062267062261062 C2:duuuddduuududuu M:6/8   K:G            H:BLVZ   T:Barley Cakes. a Jig.
ABC   3173 C1:062267062261062 C2:duuuddduuududuu M:6/8   K:G            H:BLVZ   T:Barley Cakes. a Jig.
ABC   3173 C1:062267062261062 C2:duuuddduuududuu M:6/8   K:G            H:BLVZ   T:Barley Cakes. a Jig.
ABC   3173 C1:062267062261062 C2:duuuddduuududuu M:6/8   K:G            H:BLVZ   T:Barley Cakes. a Jig.
ABC   3173 C1:062267062261062 C2:duuuddduuududuu M:6/8   K:G            H:BLVZ   T:Barley Cakes. a Jig.
ABC   3173 C1:062267062261062 C2:duuuddduuududuu M:6/8   K:G            H:BLVZ   T:Barley Cakes. a Jig.
ABC   3173 C1:062267062261062 C2:duuuddduuududuu M:6/8   K:G            H:BLVZ   T:Barley Cakes. a Jig.
ABC   3173 C1:062267062261062 C2:duuuddduuududuu M:6/8   K:G            H:BLVZ   T:Barley Cakes. a Jig.
ABC   3173 C1:062267062261062 C2:duuuddduuududuu M:6/8   K:G            H:BLVZ   T:Barley Cakes. a Jig.
ABC   3173 C1:062267062261062 C2:duuuddduuududuu M:6/8   K:G            H:BLVZ   T:Barley Cakes. a Jig.
ABC   3173 C1:062267062261062 C2:duuuddduuududuu M:6/8   K:G            H:BLVZ   T:Barley Cakes. a Jig.
ABC   3173 C1:062267062261062 C2:duuuddduuududuu M:6/8   K:G            H:BLVZ   T:Barley Cakes. a Jig.
ABC   3173 C1:062267062261062 C2:duuuddduuududuu M:6/8   K:G            H:BLVZ   T:Barley Cakes. a Jig.
ABC   3173 C1:062267062261062 C2:duuuddduuududuu M:6/8   K:G            H:BLVZ   T:Barley Cakes. a Jig.
ABC   3173 C1:062267062261062 C2:duuuddduuududuu M:6/8   K:G            H:BLVZ   T:Barley Cakes. a Jig.
ABC   3173 C1:062267062261062 C2:duuuddduuududuu M:6/8   K:G            H:BLVZ   T:Barley Cakes. a Jig.
ABC   3173 C1:062267062261062 C2:duuuddduuududuu M:6/8   K:G            H:BLVZ   T:Barley Cakes. a Jig.
ABC   3173 C1:062267062261062 C2:duuuddduuududuu M:6/8   K:G            H:BLVZ   T:Barley Cakes. a Jig.
ABC   3173 C1:062267062261062 C2:duuuddduuududuu M:6/8   K:G            H:BLVZ   T:Barley Cakes. a Jig.
ABC   3173 C1:062267062261062 C2:duuuddduuududuu M:6/8   K:G            H:BLVZ   T:Barley Cakes. a Jig.
ABC   3173 C1:062267062261062 C2:duuuddduuududuu M:6/8   K:G            H:BLVZ   T:Barley Cakes. a Jig.
ABC   3173 C1:062267062261062 C2:duuuddduuududuu M:6/8   K:G            H:BLVZ   T:Barley Cakes. a Jig.
ABC   3173 C1:062267062261062 C2:duuuddduuududuu M:6/8   K:G            H:BLVZ   T:Barley Cakes. a Jig.
ABC   3173 C1:062267062261062 C2:duuuddduuududuu M:6/8   K:G            H:BLVZ   T:Barley Cakes. a Jig.
ABC   3173 C1:062267062261062 C2:duuuddduuududuu M:6/8   K:G            H:BLVZ   T:Barley Cakes. a Jig.
ABC   3173 C1:062267062261062 C2:duuuddduuududuu M:6/8   K:G            H:BLVZ   T:Barley Cakes. a Jig.
ABC   3173 C1:062267062261062 C2:duuuddduuududuu M:6/8   K:G            H:BLVZ   T:Barley Cakes. a Jig.
ABC     37 C1:677167730101203 C2:ddduddduuuuuddd M:C     K:G            H:BLQZ   T:Barley Cake. WCD3/2.037
ABC     37 C1:677167730101203 C2:ddduddduuuuuddd M:C     K:G            H:BLQZ   T:Barley Cake. WCD3/2.037
ABC      5 C1:070602051767116 C2:udududdduuddudu M:C     K:A            H:"BCLRZ T:the Barley Crop
ABC      5 C1:070602051767116 C2:udududdduuddudu M:C     K:A            H:"BCLRZ T:the Barley Crop
ABC      5 C1:070602051767116 C2:udududdduuddudu M:C     K:A            H:"BCLRZ T:The Barley Crop
ABC      5 C1:070602051767116 C2:udududdduuddudu M:C     K:A            H:"BCLRZ T:The Barley Crop
ABC      5 C1:070602051767116 C2:udududdduuddudu M:C     K:A            H:"BCLRZ T:The Barley Crop
ABC      5 C1:070602051767116 C2:udududdduuddudu M:C     K:A            H:"BCLRZ T:The Barley Crop
ABC      5 C1:070602051767116 C2:udududdduuddudu M:C     K:A            H:"BCLRZ T:The Barley Crop
ABC    100 C1:002015077011002 C2:uuddduuududuuud M:3/4   K:G            H:BLOQRZbs T:the Barley Grain #1
ABC    100 C1:002015077011002 C2:uuddduuududuuud M:3/4   K:G            H:BLOQRZbs T:the Barley Grain #1
ABC    100 C1:002015077011002 C2:uuddduuududuuud M:3/4   K:G            H:BLOQRZbs T:the Barley Grain #1
ABC    100 C1:002015077011002 C2:uuddduuududuuud M:3/4   K:G            H:BLOQRZbs T:the Barley Grain #1
ABC    100 C1:002015077011002 C2:uuddduuududuuud M:3/4   K:G            H:BLOQRZbs T:the Barley Grain #1
ABC    100 C1:002015077011002 C2:uuddduuududuuud M:3/4   K:G            H:BLOQRZbs T:the Barley Grain #1
ABC    100 C1:002015077011002 C2:uuddduuududuuud M:3/4   K:G            H:BLOQRZbs T:the Barley Grain #1
ABC    100 C1:002015077011002 C2:uuddduuududuuud M:3/4   K:G            H:BLOQRZbs T:the Barley Grain #1
ABC    100 C1:002015077011002 C2:uuddduuududuuud M:3/4   K:G            H:BLOQRZbs T:the Barley Grain #1
ABC    100 C1:200201507701100 C2:uuuuddduuududuu M:3/4   K:G            H:BLOQRZbs T:the Barley Grain #2
ABC    100 C1:200201507701100 C2:uuuuddduuududuu M:3/4   K:G            H:BLOQRZbs T:the Barley Grain #2
ABC    100 C1:200201507701100 C2:uuuuddduuududuu M:3/4   K:G            H:BLOQRZbs T:the Barley Grain #2
ABC    100 C1:200201507701100 C2:uuuuddduuududuu M:3/4   K:G            H:BLOQRZbs T:the Barley Grain #2
ABC    100 C1:200201507701100 C2:uuuuddduuududuu M:3/4   K:G            H:BLOQRZbs T:the Barley Grain #2
ABC    100 C1:200201507701100 C2:uuuuddduuududuu M:3/4   K:G            H:BLOQRZbs T:the Barley Grain #2
ABC    100 C1:200201507701100 C2:uuuuddduuududuu M:3/4   K:G            H:BLOQRZbs T:the Barley Grain #2
ABC    100 C1:200201507701100 C2:uuuuddduuududuu M:3/4   K:G            H:BLOQRZbs T:the Barley Grain #2
ABC 491036 C1:000002000105000 C2:uuddduuududuuud M:3/4   K:G            H:BLSYZ  T:BARLEY GRAIN, The
ABC  39003 C1:716053170110716 C2:dudduuduududduu M:6/8   K:G            H:BCLQRY T:BARLEY GRAIN, The
ABC  50002 C1:716053170110716 C2:dudduuduududduu M:6/8   K:G            H:BCHRY  T:BARLEY GRAIN, The
ABC    100 C1:002015077011002 C2:uuddduuududuuud M:3/4   K:G            H:BLZ    T:The Barley Grain
ABC    100 C1:002015077011002 C2:uuddduuududuuud M:3/4   K:G            H:BLZ    T:The Barley Grain
ABC    100 C1:002015077011002 C2:uuddduuududuuud M:3/4   K:G            H:BLZ    T:The Barley Grain
ABC    100 C1:002015077011002 C2:uuddduuududuuud M:3/4   K:G            H:BLZ    T:THE BARLEY GRAIN
ABC    100 C1:002015077011002 C2:uuddduuududuuud M:3/4   K:G            H:BLZ    T:THE BARLEY GRAIN
ABC  39003 C1:716053170110716 C2:dudduuduududduu M:6/8   K:G            H:BCLQRY T:BARLEY GRAIN, The
ABC  39003 C1:716053170110716 C2:dudduuduududduu M:6/8   K:G            H:BCLQRY T:BARLEY GRAIN, The
ABC  50002 C1:716053170110716 C2:dudduuduududduu M:6/8   K:G            H:BCHRY  T:BARLEY GRAIN, The
ABC  50002 C1:716053170110716 C2:dudduuduududduu M:6/8   K:G            H:BCHRY  T:BARLEY GRAIN, The
ABC     36 C1:000002000105000 C2:uuddduuududuuud M:3/4   K:G            H:CLQ    T:The Barley Grain
ABC     85 C1:001061006011001 C2:ududuuuduuddudu M:6/8   K:Em           H:DLQRWZ T:Barley Grain, The
ABC     85 C1:001061006011001 C2:ududuuuduuddudu M:6/8   K:Em           H:DLQRWZ T:Barley Grain, The
ABC 491036 C1:000002000105000 C2:uuddduuududuuud M:3/4   K:G            H:BLSYZ  T:BARLEY GRAIN, The
ABC 491036 C1:000002000105000 C2:uuddduuududuuud M:3/4   K:G            H:BLSYZ  T:BARLEY GRAIN, The
ABC    100 C1:002015077011002 C2:uuddduuududuuud M:3/4   K:G            H:BLZ    T:THE BARLEY GRAIN
ABC    100 C1:002015077011002 C2:uuddduuududuuud M:3/4   K:G            H:BLZ    T:The Barley Grain
ABC    100 C1:002015077011002 C2:uuddduuududuuud M:3/4   K:G            H:BLZ    T:The Barley Grain
ABC    100 C1:000002000105000 C2:uuddduuududuuud M:3/4   K:G            H:BCILQZ T:The Barley Grain (air) 0100
ABC    100 C1:000002000105000 C2:uuddduuududuuud M:3/4   K:G            H:BCILQZ T:The Barley Grain (air) 0100
ABC    100 C1:000002000105000 C2:uuddduuududuuud M:3/4   K:G            H:BCILQZ T:The Barley Grain (air) 0100
ABC     41 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:CLQRZ  T:The Barleygrain for Me - Bagpipe (1:20) (180)
ABC     71 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:CLQRZ  T:The Barleygrain for Me - Clarinet (1:36) (180)
ABC     51 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:CLQRZ  T:The Barleygrain for Me - Flute (1:36) (180)
ABC     21 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:CLQRZ  T:The Barleygrain for Me - Harp (1:36) (809)
ABC     62 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:CLQRZ  T:The Barleygrain for Me - Horn (1:35) (505)
ABC     61 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:CLQRZ  T:The Barleygrain for Me - Horn (1:36) (203)
ABC     11 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:CLQRZ  T:The Barleygrain for Me - Lute (1:20) (180)
ABC     12 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:CLQRZ  T:The Barleygrain for Me - Lute (1:36) (397)
ABC     31 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:CLQRZ  T:The Barleygrain for Me - Theorbo (1:36) (135)
ABC      1 C1:071171111727600 C2:duuduuuududdddu M:4/4   K:A            H:CLQR   T:Barley Hill
ABC      1 C1:071171111727600 C2:duuduuuududdddu M:4/4   K:A            H:CLQR   T:Barley Hill
ABC      1 C1:170562170111170 C2:uddduuduuuudddd M:6/8   K:D            H:"LR    T:Barley Meal
ABC      1 C1:170562170111170 C2:uddduuduuuudddd M:6/8   K:D            H:"LR    T:Barley Meal
ABC      1 C1:170562170111170 C2:uddduuduuuudddd M:6/8   K:D            H:"LR    T:Barley Meal
ABC      1 C1:170562170111170 C2:uddduuduuuudddd M:6/8   K:D            H:"LR    T:Barley Meal
ABC     88 C1:170562170111170 C2:uddduuduuuudddd M:6/8   K:D            H:LOQRZ  T:Barley Meal. FTB.088
ABC     88 C1:170562170111170 C2:uddduuduuuudddd M:6/8   K:D            H:BLOQRZ T:Barley Meal. FTB.088
ABC     88 C1:170562170111170 C2:uddduuduuuudddd M:6/8   K:D            H:BLOQRZ T:Barley Meal. FTB.088
ABC     88 C1:170562170111170 C2:uddduuduuuudddd M:6/8   K:D            H:LOQRZ  T:Barley Meal. FTB.088
ABC      1 C1:011666005077167 C2:uuddduddudddduu M:6/8   K:G            H:"S     T:The Barley Mow
ABC     15 C1:011666005077167 C2:uuddduddudddduu M:6/8   K:G            H:"S     T:The Barley Mow
ABC   2003 C1:011666005077167 C2:uuddduddudddduu M:6/8   K:G            H:"CLOQR T:Barley Mow, The
ABC      1 C1:000111637655637 C2:uuududduddudddu M:6/8   K:D            H:"CLQ   T:Barley Mow, The
ABC      1 C1:011666005077167 C2:uuddduddudddduu M:6/8   K:G            H:LS     T:The Barley Mow
ABC      1 C1:011666005077167 C2:uuddduddudddduu M:6/8   K:G            H:LS     T:The Barley Mow
ABC     33 C1:712726617126607 C2:duududduduudddu M:C|    K:Bb           H:BFLZ   T:the BARLEY MOW
ABC     33 C1:712726617126607 C2:duududduduudddu M:C|    K:Bb           H:BFLZ   T:the BARLEY MOW
ABC      1 C1:000001000001000 C2:uuuuddduddudddd M:6/8   K:C            H:ACILORS T:The Barley Mow
ABC    147 C1:017652000111637 C2:udduduuududdudd M:6/8   K:D            H:BFLZ   T:the Barley Mow
ABC      1 C1:053011000011662 C2:duuuuudduddudud M:6/4   K:Bb           H:BLSZ   T:Barley Mow
ABC      1 C1:053011000011662 C2:duuuuudduddudud M:6/4   K:Bb           H:BLSZ   T:Barley Mow
ABC     19 C1:011666005077167 C2:uuddduddudddduu M:6/8   K:G            H:LS     T:The Barley Mow
ABC    147 C1:017652000111637 C2:udduduuududdudd M:6/8   K:D            H:BFLZ   T:The Barley Mow
ABC    147 C1:017652000111637 C2:udduduuududdudd M:6/8   K:D            H:BFLZ   T:The Barley Mow
ABC    147 C1:017652000111637 C2:udduduuududdudd M:6/8   K:D            H:BFLZ   T:The Barley Mow
ABC    147 C1:017652000111637 C2:udduduuududdudd M:6/8   K:D            H:BFLZ   T:The Barley Mow
ABC    147 C1:017652000111637 C2:udduduuududdudd M:6/8   K:D            H:BFLZ   T:The Barley Mow
ABC     15 C1:011666005077167 C2:uuddduddudddduu M:6/8   K:G            H:"C     T:The Barley Mow
ABC     33 C1:712726617126607 C2:duududduduudddu M:C|    K:Bb           H:BFLZ   T:The BARLEY MOW
ABC     33 C1:712726617126607 C2:duududduduudddu M:C|    K:Bb           H:BFLZ   T:The BARLEY MOW
ABC     33 C1:712726617126607 C2:duududduduudddu M:C|    K:Bb           H:BFLZ   T:The BARLEY MOW
ABC     33 C1:712726617126607 C2:duududduduudddu M:C|    K:Bb           H:BFLZ   T:The BARLEY MOW
ABC     33 C1:712726617126607 C2:duududduduudddu M:C|    K:Bb           H:BFLZ   T:The BARLEY MOW
ABC      1 C1:053011000011662 C2:duuuuudduddudud M:6/4   K:Bb           H:BLSZ   T:Barley Mow
ABC      1 C1:053011000011662 C2:duuuuudduddudud M:6/4   K:Bb           H:BLSZ   T:Barley Mow
ABC     75 C1:011666005077167 C2:uuddduddudddduu M:6/8   K:G            H:"S     T:The Barley Mow
ABC     15 C1:011666005077167 C2:uuddduddudddduu M:6/8   K:G            H:"S     T:The Barley Mow
ABC     15 C1:011666005077167 C2:uuddduddudddduu M:6/8   K:G            H:"S     T:The Barley Mow
ABC     15 C1:011666005077167 C2:uuddduddudddduu M:6/8   K:G            H:"S     T:The Barley Mow
ABC     15 C1:011666005077167 C2:uuddduddudddduu M:6/8   K:G            H:"FRS   T:The Barley Mow
ABC     15 C1:011666005077167 C2:uuddduddudddduu M:6/8   K:G            H:"FRS   T:The Barley Mow
ABC     15 C1:011666005077167 C2:uuddduddudddduu M:6/8   K:G            H:"FRS   T:The Barley Mow
ABC   6506 C1:011666005077167 C2:uuddduddudddduu M:6/8   K:G            H:"OS    T:The Barley Mow
ABC   6506 C1:011666005077167 C2:uuddduddudddduu M:6/8   K:G            H:"OS    T:The Barley Mow
ABC  12010 C1:011666005077167 C2:uuddduddudddduu M:6/8   K:G            H:"CLOQRZ T:Barley Mow, The
ABC  12810 C1:011666005077167 C2:uuddduddudddduu M:6/8   K:G            H:"S     T:The Barley Mow
ABC  12811 C1:532035360774017 C2:udduududduduudd M:6/8   K:C            H:LS     T:The Barley Mow
ABC  12810 C1:011666005077167 C2:uuddduddudddduu M:6/8   K:G            H:"S     T:The Barley Mow
ABC  12811 C1:532035360774017 C2:udduududduduudd M:6/8   K:C            H:LS     T:The Barley Mow
ABC  12810 C1:011666005077167 C2:uuddduddudddduu M:6/8   K:G            H:"S     T:The Barley Mow
ABC  12811 C1:532035360774017 C2:udduududduduudd M:6/8   K:C            H:LS     T:The Barley Mow
ABC  12810 C1:011666005077167 C2:uuddduddudddduu M:6/8   K:G            H:"S     T:The Barley Mow
ABC  12811 C1:532035360774017 C2:udduududduduudd M:6/8   K:C            H:LS     T:The Barley Mow
ABC  12810 C1:011666005077167 C2:uuddduddudddduu M:6/8   K:G            H:"S     T:The Barley Mow
ABC  12811 C1:532035360774017 C2:udduududduduudd M:6/8   K:C            H:LS     T:The Barley Mow
ABC  16453 C1:011666005077167 C2:uuddduddudddduu M:6/8   K:G            H:"S     T:The Barley Mow
ABC  16453 C1:011666005077167 C2:uuddduddudddduu M:6/8   K:G            H:"S     T:The Barley Mow
ABC  16453 C1:011666005077167 C2:uuddduddudddduu M:6/8   K:G            H:"S     T:The Barley Mow
ABC  16453 C1:011666005077167 C2:uuddduddudddduu M:6/8   K:G            H:"S     T:The Barley Mow
ABC    382 C1:053011000011662 C2:duuuuudduddudud M:6/4   K:Bb           H:HLOQSZ T:Barley Mow. (p)1698.PLFD1.382, The
ABC    382 C1:053011000011662 C2:duuuuudduddudud M:6/4   K:Bb           H:HLOQSZ T:Barley Mow. (p)1698.PLFD1.382, The
ABC    382 C1:053011000011662 C2:duuuuudduddudud M:6/4   K:Bb           H:ABHLOQZ T:Barley Mow. (p)1698.PLFD1.382, The
ABC    382 C1:053011000011662 C2:duuuuudduddudud M:6/4   K:Bb           H:ABHLOQZ T:Barley Mow. (p)1698.PLFD1.382, The
ABC    382 C1:053011000011662 C2:duuuuudduddudud M:6/4   K:Bb           H:HLOQSZ T:Barley Mow,The. (p)1698.PLFD.382
ABC    382 C1:053011000011662 C2:duuuuudduddudud M:6/4   K:Bb           H:HLOQSZ T:Barley Mow,The. (p)1698.PLFD.382
ABC    382 C1:053011000011662 C2:duuuuudduddudud M:6/4   K:Bb           H:HLOQSZ T:Barley Mow,The. (p)1698.PLFD.382
ABC    149 C1:017652000111637 C2:udduduuududdudd M:6/8   K:D            H:BLQZ   T:Barley Mow THO4.149, The
ABC    149 C1:017652000111637 C2:udduduuududdudd M:6/8   K:D            H:BLQZ   T:Barley Mow THO4.149, The
ABC    149 C1:017652000111637 C2:udduduuududdudd M:6/8   K:D            H:ALOQZ  T:Barley Mow. THO4.149, The
ABC    149 C1:017652000111637 C2:udduduuududdudd M:6/8   K:D            H:ALOQZ  T:Barley Mow. THO4.149, The
ABC    149 C1:017652000111637 C2:udduduuududdudd M:6/8   K:D            H:BLQZ   T:Barley Mow THO4.149, The
ABC    149 C1:017652000111637 C2:udduduuududdudd M:6/8   K:D            H:BLQZ   T:Barley Mow THO4.149, The
ABC    149 C1:017652000111637 C2:udduduuududdudd M:6/8   K:D            H:BLQZ   T:Barley Mow THO4.149, The
ABC    149 C1:017652000111637 C2:udduduuududdudd M:6/8   K:D            H:ABLOQZ T:Barley Mow. THO4.149, The
ABC    149 C1:017652000111637 C2:udduduuududdudd M:6/8   K:D            H:ABLOQZ T:Barley Mow. THO4.149, The
ABC    149 C1:017652000111637 C2:udduduuududdudd M:6/8   K:D            H:ALOQZ  T:Barley Mow. THO4.149, The
ABC    146 C1:053011000011662 C2:duuuuudduddudud M:6/4   K:Bb           H:BLQWZ  T:Barley Mow. WCD3/1.146
ABC    146 C1:053011000011662 C2:duuuuudduddudud M:6/4   K:Bb           H:BLQWZ  T:Barley Mow. WCD3/1.146
ABC      1 C1:030001007051077 C2:duduudddduuuddd M:6/8   K:G            H:L      T:The Barley Raking
ABC      1 C1:030001007051077 C2:duduudddduuuddd M:6/8   K:G            H:L      T:The Barley Raking
ABC      1 C1:030001007051077 C2:duduudddduuuddd M:6/8   K:G            H:L      T:The Barley Raking
ABC      1 C1:050117777021070 C2:duudddduuduuduu M:6/8   K:C            H:BFLSw  T:The Barley raking.
ABC      1 C1:050117777021070 C2:duudddduuduuduu M:6/8   K:C            H:BFLSWw T:The Barley raking.
ABC    545 C1:077016067071011 C2:ddududduuuuduud M:6/8   K:D            H:ABFLOZ T:Barley Raking
ABC    545 C1:077016067071011 C2:ddududduuuuduud M:6/8   K:D            H:ABFLOZ T:Barley Raking
ABC     72 C1:077016067071011 C2:ddududduuuuduud M:6/8   K:D            H:ABLOZ  T:Barley Raking
ABC   1179 C1:022177077016067 C2:uuuddddududduuu M:6/8   K:G            H:L      T:Barley Raking - for a Jigg or Reel
ABC   1179 C1:022177077016067 C2:uuuddddududduuu M:6/8   K:G            H:L      T:Barley Raking - for a Jigg or Reel
ABC   1179 C1:022177077016067 C2:uuuddddududduuu M:6/8   K:G            H:L      T:Barley Raking - for a Jigg or Reel
ABC   1179 C1:022177077016067 C2:uuuddddududduuu M:6/8   K:G            H:L      T:Barley Raking - for a Jigg or Reel
ABC     14 C1:022177077016067 C2:uuuddddududduuu M:6/8   K:G            H:ALORSZ T:Barley Raking-for a Jigg or Reel. JWDM.14
ABC     14 C1:022177077016067 C2:uuuddddududduuu M:6/8   K:D            H:ALOQRSZ T:Barley Raking-for a Jigg or Reel. JWDM.14
ABC     14 C1:022177077016067 C2:uuuddddududduuu M:6/8   K:D            H:ABLOQZ T:Barley Raking-for a Jigg or Reel. JWDM.14
ABC     14 C1:022177077016067 C2:uuuddddududduuu M:6/8   K:D            H:ABLOQZ T:Barley Raking-for a Jigg or Reel. JWDM.14
ABC     14 C1:022177077016067 C2:uuuddddududduuu M:6/8   K:D            H:ABLOQRSZ T:Barley Raking-for a Jigg or Reel. JWDM.14
ABC   1180 C1:022177077016067 C2:uuuddddududduuu M:6/8   K:G            H:ALORSZ T:Barley Raking-for a Jigg or Reel. JWDM.14
ABC   1180 C1:022177077016067 C2:uuuddddududduuu M:6/8   K:G            H:ALORSZ T:Barley Raking-for a Jigg or Reel. JWDM.14
ABC   1180 C1:022177077016067 C2:uuuddddududduuu M:6/8   K:G            H:ALORSZ T:Barley Raking-for a Jigg or Reel. JWDM.14
ABC   1180 C1:022177077016067 C2:uuuddddududduuu M:6/8   K:G            H:ALORSZ T:Barley Raking-for a Jigg or Reel. JWDM.14
ABC    546 C1:022177077016067 C2:uuuddddududduuu M:6/8   K:D            H:AFLOQRSZ T:Barley Raking-for a Jigg or Reel. JWDM.14
ABC    546 C1:022177077016067 C2:uuuddddududduuu M:6/8   K:D            H:AFLOQRSZ T:Barley Raking-for a Jigg or Reel. JWDM.14
ABC     14 C1:022177077016067 C2:uuuddddududduuu M:6/8   K:D            H:ABLOQRSZ T:Barley Raking-for a Jigg or Reel. JWDM.14
ABC     72 C1:077016067071011 C2:ddududduuuuduud M:6/8   K:D            H:ABCLOQZ T:Barley Raking. JaW.072
ABC     72 C1:077016067071011 C2:ddududduuuuduud M:6/8   K:D            H:ABCLOQZ T:Barley Raking. JaW.072
ABC     72 C1:077016067071011 C2:ddududduuuuduud M:6/8   K:D            H:ACLOQRSZ T:Barley Raking. JaW.072
ABC     72 C1:077016067071011 C2:ddududduuuuduud M:6/8   K:D            H:ACHLOQRSZ T:Barley Raking. JaW.072
ABC     72 C1:077016067071011 C2:ddududduuuuduud M:6/8   K:D            H:ABLOQRSZ T:Barley Raking. JaW.072
ABC    547 C1:077016067071011 C2:ddududduuuuduud M:6/8   K:D            H:ACFLOQRSZ T:Barley Raking. JaW.072
ABC    547 C1:077016067071011 C2:ddududduuuuduud M:6/8   K:D            H:ACFLOQRSZ T:Barley Raking. JaW.072
ABC     72 C1:077016067071011 C2:ddududduuuuduud M:6/8   K:D            H:ABLOQRSZ T:Barley Raking. JaW.072
ABC      1 C1:010101270677005 C2:uuuudddddduuuuu M:2/4   K:Ab           H:BFLSw  T:The Barley Straw.
ABC     91 C1:116111630707070 C2:uuduuududdddduu M:C|    K:Gm           H:BLSZ   T:Barley Straw
ABC     91 C1:116111630707070 C2:uuduuududdddduu M:C|    K:Gm           H:BLSZ   T:Barley Straw
ABC      1 C1:010101270677005 C2:uuuudddddduuuuu M:2/4   K:Ab           H:BFLSWw T:The Barley Straw.
ABC      1 C1:116111630707070 C2:uuduuududdddduu M:C|    K:Bb           H:BLRZ   T:Barley Straw
ABC     91 C1:116111630707070 C2:uuduuududdddduu M:C|    K:Gm           H:BLSZ   T:Barley Straw
ABC     91 C1:116111630707070 C2:uuduuududdddduu M:C|    K:Gm           H:BLSZ   T:Barley Straw
ABC     91 C1:116111630707070 C2:uuduuududdddduu M:C|    K:Gm           H:BLSZ   T:Barley Straw
ABC     91 C1:116111630707070 C2:uuduuududdddduu M:C|    K:Gm           H:BLSZ   T:Barley Straw
ABC     99 C1:116111630707070 C2:uuduuududdddduu M:C|    K:Gm           H:BLQWZ  T:Barley Straw. JJo1.099
ABC     99 C1:116111630707070 C2:uuduuududdddduu M:C|    K:Gm           H:BLQWZ  T:Barley Straw. JJo1.099
ABC    229 C1:607301720006604 C2:dduuuduuudddduu M:C     K:G            H:BCLQSZ T:Barley Strow. JBut.228, The
ABC     98 C1:062267062261062 C2:duuuddduuududuu M:6/8   K:G            H:BLQWZ  T:Barley Sugar. JJo3.098
ABC     98 C1:062267062261062 C2:duuuddduuududuu M:6/8   K:G            H:BLQWZ  T:Barley Sugar. JJo3.098
ABC    266 C1:062227364106221 C2:duuuududduduuuu M:6/8   K:G treble     H:BLQZ   T:Barley Sugar. Roose.0266.
ABC    266 C1:062227364106221 C2:duuuududduduuuu M:6/8   K:G treble     H:BLQZ   T:Barley Sugur. Roose.0266.
ABC      1 C1:000000000000000 C2:u               M:C     K:C            H:       T:Bar lines
ABC      1 C1:000000000000000 C2:u               M:C     K:C            H:       T:Bar lines
ABC      1 C1:000000000000000 C2:u               M:C     K:C            H:       T:Bar lines
ABC    715 C1:326432600266326 C2:uudddduuddduuud M:4/4   K:D            H:CILRZ  T:Barlinnie Highlander, The
ABC    715 C1:326432600266326 C2:uudddduuddduuud M:4/4   K:D            H:CILRZ  T:Barlinnie Highlander, The
ABC    715 C1:326432600266326 C2:uudddduuddduuud M:4/4   K:D            H:CILRZ  T:Barlinnie Highlander, The
ABC    715 C1:326432600266326 C2:uudddduuddduuud M:4/4   K:D            H:CILRZ  T:Barlinnie Highlander, The
ABC    102 C1:070107770011060 C2:duddduududduduu M:C     K:Ddor         H:B      T:Barloo
ABC      1 C1:000711610005030 C2:duududuuddudduu M:C|    K:G            H:LS     T:Barlow Knife [1]
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:C|    K:Amix         H:LRZ    T:Barlow Knife [1]
ABC      1 C1:000711610005030 C2:duududuuddudduu M:C|    K:G            H:LS     T:Barlow Knife[1]
ABC      1 C1:000711610005030 C2:duududuuddudduu M:C|    K:G            H:LS     T:Barlow Knife [1]
ABC      1 C1:000500030007716 C2:duddudududdddud M:2/4   K:D            H:"LRZ   T:Barlow Knife
ABC      1 C1:000711070005000 C2:duuddudddudduud M:C|    K:D            H:"LRSZ  T:Barlow Knife
ABC      1 C1:000711070005000 C2:duuddudddudduud M:C|    K:D            H:"LRSZ  T:Barlow Knife
ABC      1 C1:000711070005000 C2:duuddudddudduud M:C|    K:D            H:"LRSZ  T:Barlow Knife
ABC      1 C1:000711070005000 C2:duuddudddudduud M:C|    K:D            H:"LRSZ  T:Barlow Knife
ABC      1 C1:000711070005000 C2:duuddudddudduud M:C|    K:D            H:"LRSZ  T:Barlow Knife
ABC      1 C1:000711070005000 C2:duuddudddudduud M:C|    K:D            H:"LRSZ  T:Barlow Knife
ABC      1 C1:000711070005000 C2:duuddudddudduud M:C|    K:D            H:"LRSZ  T:Barlow Knife
ABC      1 C1:000711070005000 C2:duuddudddudduud M:C|    K:D            H:"LRSZ  T:Barlow Knife
ABC      1 C1:000711070005000 C2:duuddudddudduud M:C|    K:D            H:"LRSZ  T:Barlow Knife
ABC      1 C1:000711070005000 C2:duuddudddudduud M:C|    K:D            H:"LRSZ  T:Barlow Knife
ABC      1 C1:000711070005000 C2:duuddudddudduud M:C|    K:D            H:"LRSZ  T:Barlow Knife
ABC      1 C1:000711070005000 C2:duuddudddudduud M:C|    K:D            H:"LRSZ  T:Barlow Knife
ABC      1 C1:000500030007716 C2:duddudududdddud M:2/4   K:D            H:"LRZ   T:Barlow Knife
ABC      1 C1:000711610005011 C2:duududuuuuddudd M:C|    K:G            H:"CLRSZ T:Barlow Knife
ABC      1 C1:000711610005011 C2:duududuuuuddudd M:C|    K:G            H:"CLRSZ T:Barlow Knife
ABC      4 C1:000711070005000 C2:duuddudddudduud M:C|    K:D            H:"LRSZ  T:Barlow Knife
ABC      4 C1:000711070005000 C2:duuddudddudduud M:C|    K:D            H:"LRSZ  T:Barlow Knife
ABC      4 C1:000711070005000 C2:duuddudddudduud M:C|    K:D            H:"LRSZ  T:Barlow Knife
ABC      4 C1:000711070005000 C2:duuddudddudduud M:C|    K:D            H:"LRSZ  T:Barlow Knife
ABC      1 C1:000711610005057 C2:duudududduddddu M:      K:Dmaj         H:LR     T:Barlow Knife
ABC      2 C1:000711610005000 C2:duudududdududud M:      K:Gmaj         H:"LR    T:Barlow Knife
ABC      3 C1:032361617012072 C2:duududduddduuuu M:2/4   K:Dmaj         H:LR     T:Barlow Knife
ABC   1181 C1:000500030007716 C2:duddudududdddud M:2/4   K:D            H:"LRZ   T:Barlow Knife
ABC  10433 C1:000500030007716 C2:duddudududdddud M:2/4   K:D            H:"LRZ   T:Barlow Knife
ABC  10433 C1:000500030007716 C2:duddudududdddud M:2/4   K:D            H:"LRZ   T:Barlow Knife
ABC    417 C1:000500030007716 C2:duddudududdddud M:2/4   K:D            H:"LOR   T:Barlow Knife
ABC    417 C1:000500030007716 C2:duddudududdddud M:2/4   K:D            H:"LOR   T:Barlow Knife
ABC   1181 C1:000500030007716 C2:duddudududdddud M:2/4   K:D            H:"LRZ   T:Barlow Knife
ABC   1181 C1:000500030007716 C2:duddudududdddud M:2/4   K:D            H:"LRZ   T:Barlow Knife
ABC   1181 C1:000500030007716 C2:duddudududdddud M:2/4   K:D            H:"LRZ   T:Barlow Knife
ABC    949 C1:000500030007716 C2:duddudududdddud M:2/4   K:D            H:"LRZ   T:Barlow Knife
ABC    949 C1:000500030007716 C2:duddudududdddud M:2/4   K:D            H:"LRZ   T:Barlow Knife
ABC    949 C1:000500030007716 C2:duddudududdddud M:2/4   K:D            H:"LRZ   T:Barlow Knife
ABC    949 C1:000500030007716 C2:duddudududdddud M:2/4   K:D            H:"LRZ   T:Barlow Knife
ABC    949 C1:000500030007716 C2:duddudududdddud M:2/4   K:D            H:"LRZ   T:Barlow Knife
ABC    548 C1:022177077016067 C2:uuuddddududduuu M:6/8   K:G            H:ABFLOZ T:Barly Raking
ABC    548 C1:022177077016067 C2:uuuddddududduuu M:6/8   K:G            H:ABFLOZ T:Barly Raking
ABC     48 C1:022177077016067 C2:uuuddddududduuu M:6/8   K:G            H:ABLOZ  T:Barly Raking
ABC     69 C1:062267062261062 C2:duuuddduuududuu M:6/8   K:G            H:BLQWZ  T:Barly Sugar. Ru1.069
ABC     69 C1:062267062261062 C2:duuuddduuududuu M:6/8   K:G            H:BLQWZ  T:Barly Sugar. Ru1.069
ABC      7 C1:201767722017031 C2:uudddduuuduuudd M:C     K:D            H:L      T:Barmaid
ABC    120 C1:201767722017121 C2:uudddduuuduuuud M:C|    K:D            H:DLQRZ  T:Barmaid
ABC    120 C1:201767722017121 C2:uudddduuuduuuud M:C|    K:D            H:DLQRZ  T:Barmaid
ABC    120 C1:201767722017121 C2:uudddduuuduuuud M:C|    K:D            H:DLQRZ  T:Barmaid
ABC    120 C1:201767722017121 C2:uudddduuuduuuud M:C|    K:D            H:DLQRZ  T:Barmaid
ABC    120 C1:201767722017121 C2:uudddduuuduuuud M:C|    K:D            H:DLQRZ  T:Barmaid
ABC    120 C1:201767722017121 C2:uudddduuuduuuud M:C|    K:D            H:DLQRZ  T:Barmaid
ABC    120 C1:201767722017121 C2:uudddduuuduuuud M:C|    K:D            H:DLQRZ  T:Barmaid
ABC     62 C1:201767722017031 C2:uudddduuuduuudd M:2/2   K:D            H:ILZ    T:The Barmaid
ABC     62 C1:201767722017031 C2:uudddduuuduuudd M:2/2   K:D            H:ILZ    T:The Barmaid
ABC     62 C1:201767722017031 C2:uudddduuuduuudd M:2/2   K:D            H:ILZ    T:The Barmaid
ABC      1 C1:201703116671111 C2:uuduuuddduuuuud M:4/4   K:D            H:"L     T:Barmaid, The
ABC    181 C1:201712114071111 C2:uuduuuudduuuuuu M:C|    K:D            H:DRZ    T:Barmaid
ABC      1 C1:201712114071111 C2:uuduuuudduuuuuu M:C|    K:D            H:DRZ    T:Barmaid, The
ABC     09 C1:620176772201703 C2:duudddduuuduuud M:4/4   K:D            H:"BCLRZ T:the Barmaid
ABC     09 C1:620176772201703 C2:duudddduuuduuud M:4/4   K:D            H:"BCLRZ T:the Barmaid
ABC     09 C1:620176772201703 C2:duudddduuuduuud M:4/4   K:D            H:"BCLRZ T:the Barmaid
ABC     09 C1:620176772201703 C2:duudddduuuduuud M:4/4   K:D            H:"BCLRZ T:the Barmaid
ABC     09 C1:620176772201703 C2:duudddduuuduuud M:4/4   K:D            H:"BCLRZ T:the Barmaid
ABC     09 C1:620176772201703 C2:duudddduuuduuud M:4/4   K:D            H:"BCLRZ T:the Barmaid
ABC     09 C1:620176772201703 C2:duudddduuuduuud M:4/4   K:D            H:"BCLRZ T:the Barmaid
ABC     09 C1:620176772201703 C2:duudddduuuduuud M:4/4   K:D            H:"BCLRZ T:the Barmaid
ABC    091 C1:620176772201703 C2:duudddduuuduuud M:4/4   K:D            H:"BCLRZ T:the Barmaid
ABC    091 C1:620176772201703 C2:duudddduuuduuud M:4/4   K:D            H:"BCLRZ T:the Barmaid
ABC      0 C1:056604676025676 C2:ddduddduudddudd M:C|    K:AMix         H:GLQS   T:The Barmaid
ABC    091 C1:620176772201703 C2:duudddduuuduuud M:4/4   K:D            H:"BCLRZ T:The Barmaid
ABC    091 C1:620176772201703 C2:duudddduuuduuud M:4/4   K:D            H:"BCLRZ T:The Barmaid
ABC     96 C1:201712114071111 C2:uuduuuudduuuuuu M:C|    K:D            H:DRZ    T:Barmaid, The
ABC     96 C1:201712114071111 C2:uuduuuudduuuuuu M:C|    K:D            H:DRZ    T:Barmaid, The
ABC     96 C1:201712114071111 C2:uuduuuudduuuuuu M:C|    K:D            H:DRZ    T:Barmaid, The
ABC     96 C1:201712114071111 C2:uuduuuudduuuuuu M:C|    K:D            H:DRZ    T:Barmaid, The
ABC     55 C1:201712114071111 C2:uuduuuudduuuuuu M:4/4   K:D            H:"DLRZ  T:Barmaid, The
ABC     55 C1:201712114071111 C2:uuduuuudduuuuuu M:4/4   K:D            H:"DLRZ  T:Barmaid, The
ABC     55 C1:201712114071111 C2:uuduuuudduuuuuu M:4/4   K:D            H:"DLRZ  T:Barmaid, The
ABC     47 C1:201767722017121 C2:uudddduuuduuuud M:4/4   K:Dmaj         H:LRW    T:Barmaid, The
ABC     47 C1:201767722017121 C2:uudddduuuduuuud M:4/4   K:Dmaj         H:LRW    T:Barmaid, The
ABC     09 C1:620176772201703 C2:duudddduuuduuud M:4/4   K:D            H:"BCLRZ T:The Barmaid
ABC    091 C1:620176772201703 C2:duudddduuuduuud M:4/4   K:D            H:"BCLRZ T:The Barmaid
ABC     09 C1:620176772201703 C2:duudddduuuduuud M:4/4   K:D            H:"BCLRZ T:The Barmaid
ABC    091 C1:620176772201703 C2:duudddduuuduuud M:4/4   K:D            H:"BCLRZ T:The Barmaid
ABC     53 C1:201712114071111 C2:uuduuuudduuuuuu M:C|    K:D            H:DRZ    T:Barmaid, The
ABC     90 C1:201767722017031 C2:uudddduuuduuudd M:C|    K:D            H:DFLQRZ T:Barmaid
ABC     90 C1:201767722017031 C2:uudddduuuduuudd M:C|    K:D            H:DFLQRZ T:Barmaid
ABC     62 C1:201767722017031 C2:uudddduuuduuudd M:2/2   K:D            H:ILZ    T:The Barmaid
ABC     62 C1:201767722017031 C2:uudddduuuduuudd M:2/2   K:D            H:ILZ    T:The Barmaid
ABC     40 C1:201767722017031 C2:uudddduuuduuudd M:C     K:D            H:LZ     T:Barmaid
ABC      8 C1:201767722017031 C2:uudddduuuduuudd M:C     K:D            H:LZ     T:Barmaid
ABC    181 C1:201712114071111 C2:uuduuuudduuuuuu M:C|    K:D            H:DRZ    T:Barmaid
ABC    181 C1:201712114071111 C2:uuduuuudduuuuuu M:C|    K:D            H:DRZ    T:Barmaid
ABC     96 C1:201712114071111 C2:uuduuuudduuuuuu M:C|    K:D            H:DRZ    T:Barmaid, The
ABC   1182 C1:201767722017031 C2:uudddduuuduuudd M:C     K:D            H:LZ     T:Barmaid
ABC   1183 C1:201767722017031 C2:uudddduuuduuudd M:C     K:D            H:L      T:Barmaid
ABC  10091 C1:201767722017121 C2:uudddduuuduuuud M:C|    K:D            H:DLQRZ  T:Barmaid
ABC  10098 C1:201712114071111 C2:uuduuuudduuuuuu M:C|    K:D            H:DRZ    T:Barmaid, The
ABC      0 C1:056604676025676 C2:ddduddduudddudd M:C|    K:AMix         H:GLQS   T:The Barmaid
ABC     96 C1:201712114071111 C2:uuduuuudduuuuuu M:C|    K:D            H:DRZ    T:Barmaid, The
ABC     96 C1:201712114071111 C2:uuduuuudduuuuuu M:C|    K:D            H:DRZ    T:Barmaid, The
ABC     96 C1:201712114071111 C2:uuduuuudduuuuuu M:C|    K:D            H:DRZ    T:Barmaid, The
ABC     96 C1:201712114071111 C2:uuduuuudduuuuuu M:C|    K:D            H:DRZ    T:Barmaid, The
ABC     96 C1:201712114071111 C2:uuduuuudduuuuuu M:C|    K:D            H:DRZ    T:Barmaid, The
ABC   1182 C1:201767722017031 C2:uudddduuuduuudd M:C     K:D            H:LZ     T:Barmaid
ABC   1183 C1:201767722017031 C2:uudddduuuduuudd M:C     K:D            H:L      T:Barmaid
ABC   1182 C1:201767722017031 C2:uudddduuuduuudd M:C     K:D            H:LZ     T:Barmaid
ABC   1183 C1:201767722017031 C2:uudddduuuduuudd M:C     K:D            H:L      T:Barmaid
ABC   1182 C1:201767722017031 C2:uudddduuuduuudd M:C     K:D            H:LZ     T:Barmaid
ABC   1183 C1:201767722017031 C2:uudddduuuduuudd M:C     K:D            H:L      T:Barmaid
ABC   7958 C1:201712114071111 C2:uuduuuudduuuuuu M:C|    K:D            H:DRZ    T:Barmaid, The
ABC   7958 C1:201712114071111 C2:uuduuuudduuuuuu M:C|    K:D            H:DRZ    T:Barmaid, The
ABC   7958 C1:201712114071111 C2:uuduuuudduuuuuu M:C|    K:D            H:DRZ    T:Barmaid, The
ABC   7958 C1:201712114071111 C2:uuduuuudduuuuuu M:C|    K:D            H:DRZ    T:Barmaid, The
ABC   7958 C1:201712114071111 C2:uuduuuudduuuuuu M:C|    K:D            H:DRZ    T:Barmaid, The
ABC  10091 C1:201767722017121 C2:uudddduuuduuuud M:C|    K:D            H:DLQRZ  T:Barmaid
ABC  10098 C1:201712114071111 C2:uuduuuudduuuuuu M:C|    K:D            H:DRZ    T:Barmaid, The
ABC  10091 C1:201767722017121 C2:uudddduuuduuuud M:C|    K:D            H:DLQRZ  T:Barmaid
ABC  10098 C1:201712114071111 C2:uuduuuudduuuuuu M:C|    K:D            H:DRZ    T:Barmaid, The
ABC    135 C1:201767722017031 C2:uudddduuuduuudd M:C     K:D            H:LOZ    T:Barmaid
ABC    137 C1:201712114071111 C2:uuduuuudduuuuuu M:C|    K:D            H:DORZ   T:Barmaid, The
ABC  16454 C1:056604676025676 C2:ddduddduudddudd M:C|    K:AMix         H:LS     T:The Barmaid
ABC  16454 C1:056604676025676 C2:ddduddduudddudd M:C|    K:AMix         H:LS     T:The Barmaid
ABC  16454 C1:056604676025676 C2:ddduddduudddudd M:C|    K:AMix         H:LS     T:The Barmaid
ABC  16454 C1:056604676025676 C2:ddduddduudddudd M:C|    K:AMix         H:LS     T:The Barmaid
ABC     96 C1:201712114071111 C2:uuduuuudduuuuuu M:C|    K:D            H:DRZ    T:Barmaid, The
ABC     96 C1:201712114071111 C2:uuduuuudduuuuuu M:C|    K:D            H:DRZ    T:Barmaid, The
ABC 251064 C1:201767722017031 C2:uudddduuuduuudd M:4/4   K:D            H:BCLQR  T:The Barmaid, Little Judy
ABC 251064 C1:201767722017031 C2:uudddduuuduuudd M:4/4   K:D            H:BCLQR  T:The Barmaid, Little Judy
ABC 251064 C1:201767722017031 C2:uudddduuuduuudd M:4/4   K:D            H:BCLQR  T:The Barmaid, Little Judy
ABC  11062 C1:201767722017031 C2:uudddduuuduuudd M:C     K:D            H:CLQR   T:BARMAID (reel), The
ABC  62009 C1:200212114071111 C2:uuuuuudduuuuuud M:C     K:D            H:QRZ    T:BARMAID (reel), The
ABC 183201 C1:001767162002121 C2:uddduduuuuuuddd M:C     K:D            H:CLQR   T:BARMAID (reel), The
ABC 183201 C1:001767162002121 C2:uddduduuuuuuddd M:C     K:D            H:CLQR   T:BARMAID (reel), The
ABC 026070 C1:200212114071111 C2:uuuuuudduuuuuud M:C     K:D            H:QRS    T:Barmaid (reel) % ABC 026070 C1:200212114071111 C2:uuuuuudduuuuuud M:C     K:D            H:QRS    T:Barmaid (reel) % ABC  11062 C1:201767722017031 C2:uudddduuuduuudd M:C     K:D            H:CLQR   T:BARMAID (reel), The
ABC  11062 C1:201767722017031 C2:uudddduuuduuudd M:C     K:D            H:CLQR   T:BARMAID (reel), The
ABC  62009 C1:200212114071111 C2:uuuuuudduuuuuud M:C     K:D            H:CQR    T:BARMAID (reel), The
ABC  62009 C1:200212114071111 C2:uuuuuudduuuuuud M:C     K:D            H:CQR    T:BARMAID (reel), The
ABC 183201 C1:001767162002121 C2:uddduduuuuuuddd M:C     K:D            H:CLQR   T:BARMAID (reel), The
ABC 183201 C1:001767162002121 C2:uddduduuuuuuddd M:C     K:D            H:CLQR   T:BARMAID (reel), The
ABC 026070 C1:200212114071111 C2:uuuuuudduuuuuud M:C     K:D            H:QRS    T:Barmaid (reel) % ABC 026070 C1:200212114071111 C2:uuuuuudduuuuuud M:C     K:D            H:QRS    T:Barmaid (reel) % ABC     62 C1:201767722017031 C2:uudddduuuduuudd M:2/2   K:D            H:BCILZ  T:The Barmaid Reel Allan's #62 pp16
ABC  27004 C1:771111117167662 C2:dduuuuuududdddu M:C     K:G            H:BCLQRY T:BARMAN'S DELIGHT* (reel), The
ABC  27004 C1:771111117167662 C2:dduuuuuududdddu M:C     K:G            H:BCLQRY T:BARMAN'S DELIGHT* (reel), The
ABC  27004 C1:771111117167662 C2:dduuuuuududdddu M:C     K:G            H:BCLQRY T:BARMAN'S DELIGHT* (reel), The
ABC      1 C1:000200020002000 C2:uuudu           M:C     K:C            H:       T:Bar missing before the first alternative
ABC      1 C1:660072036600220 C2:dddduuddduuuddd M:2/4   K:F            H:"CLR   T:The Barmkin 1st tune: AABB, 2nd tune: AAB; 1st tune: ABB
ABC      1 C1:660072036600220 C2:dddduuddduuuddd M:2/4   K:F            H:"CLR   T:The Barmkin 1st tune: AABB, 2nd tune: AAB; 1st tune: ABB
ABC     06 C1:060001770200037 C2:dudduuddduduudd M:2/4   K:F            H:"BCLRZ T:The Barmkin
ABC     06 C1:060001770200037 C2:dudduuddduduudd M:2/4   K:F            H:"BCLRZ T:The Barmkin
ABC      0 C1:                C2:                M:      K:             H:       T:The Barmkin
ABC     06 C1:060001770200037 C2:dudduuddduduudd M:2/4   K:F            H:"BCLRZ T:The Barmkin
ABC     06 C1:060001770200037 C2:dudduuddduduudd M:2/4   K:F            H:"BCLRZ T:The Barmkin
ABC     06 C1:060001770200037 C2:dudduuddduduudd M:2/4   K:F            H:"BCLRZ T:The Barmkin
ABC     06 C1:060001770200037 C2:dudduuddduduudd M:2/4   K:F            H:"BCLRZ T:The Barmkin
ABC     40 C1:077011000712076 C2:dduuduudduudduu M:6/8   K:G            H:RZ     T:Barna, The
ABC     40 C1:077011000712076 C2:dduuduudduudduu M:6/8   K:G            H:RZ     T:Barna, The
ABC      1 C1:010100040101017 C2:uuduuudduuduuuu M:4/4   K:D            H:"LV    T:Barnaby Bill
ABC      4 C1:006212006227007 C2:duuuduudduuuddu M:3/4   K:D            H:HRZ    T:Barnacle, The
ABC      4 C1:006212006227007 C2:duuuduudduuuddu M:3/4   K:D            H:HRZ    T:Barnacle, The
ABC      9 C1:670062120000270 C2:ddduuuudduuuddd M:      K:Dmaj         H:"LR    T:The Barnacle
ABC      1 C1:220077230071270 C2:uudduuduudduuuu M:      K:Dmaj         H:LR     T:The Barnacle
ABC      2 C1:670062120000270 C2:ddduuuudduuuddu M:      K:Dmaj         H:LR     T:The Barnacle
ABC      3 C1:670062120000270 C2:ddduuuudduuuddu M:      K:Dmaj         H:LR     T:The Barnacle
ABC      4 C1:670062120000270 C2:ddduuuudduuuddu M:      K:Dmaj         H:LR     T:The Barnacle
ABC      5 C1:220062120053270 C2:uuduuuduudduuud M:      K:Dmaj         H:LR     T:The Barnacle
ABC      6 C1:670062120000270 C2:ddduuuudduuuddd M:      K:Dmaj         H:LR     T:The Barnacle
ABC      7 C1:005312000027000 C2:duuuuduuddudddd M:      K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:The Barnacle
ABC      8 C1:006212001161000 C2:duuuuuduuuudddu M:      K:Dmaj         H:LR     T:The Barnacle
ABC     57 C1:000477237127710 C2:udduuduuddudddu M:2/2   K:G            H:CLOQV  T:Barnacle Bill % title
ABC     57 C1:000477237127710 C2:udduuduuddudddu M:2/2   K:G            H:CLOQV  T:Barnacle Bill % title
ABC     57 C1:000477237127710 C2:udduuduuddudddu M:2/2   K:G            H:CLOQV  T:Barnacle Bill % title
ABC     57 C1:000477237127710 C2:udduuduuddudddu M:2/2   K:G            H:CLOQV  T:Barnacle Bill % title
ABC     57 C1:000477237127710 C2:udduuduuddudddu M:2/2   K:G            H:CLOQV  T:Barnacle Bill % title
ABC     57 C1:000477237127710 C2:udduuduuddudddu M:2/2   K:G            H:CLOQV  T:Barnacle Bill % title
ABC      1 C1:000011110000011 C2:uuuuuuuuddduddd M:4/4   K:G            H:CLRZ   T:Barnacle Bill
ABC     26 C1:000011110000011 C2:uuuuuuuuddduddd M:4/4   K:G            H:CLRZ   T:Barnacle Bill
ABC     57 C1:000477237127710 C2:udduuduuddudddu M:2/2   K:G            H:CLOQV  T:Barnacle Bill % title
ABC     57 C1:000477237127710 C2:udduuduuddudddu M:2/2   K:G            H:CLOQV  T:Barnacle Bill % title
ABC    549 C1:000011110000011 C2:uuuuuuuuddduddd M:4/4   K:G            H:CFLRZ  T:Barnacle Bill
ABC    814 C1:000011110000011 C2:uuuuuuuuddduddd M:4/4   K:G            H:CFLRZ  T:Barnacle Bill
ABC    549 C1:000011110000011 C2:uuuuuuuuddduddd M:4/4   K:G            H:CFLRZ  T:Barnacle Bill
ABC    814 C1:000011110000011 C2:uuuuuuuuddduddd M:4/4   K:G            H:CFLRZ  T:Barnacle Bill
ABC      1 C1:000011110000011 C2:uuuuuuuuddduddd M:4/4   K:G            H:CLRZ   T:Barnacle Bill
ABC      1 C1:007116000422007 C2:duudduuduududdd M:3/4   K:D            H:"LRZ   T:Barnacle Bill the Sailor [D]
ABC      1 C1:007116000422007 C2:duudduuduududdd M:3/4   K:D            H:"LRZ   T:Barnacle Bill the Sailor [D]
ABC      1 C1:007116000422007 C2:duudduuduududdd M:3/4   K:D            H:"LRZ   T:Barnacle Bill the Sailor [D]
ABC      1 C1:007116000422007 C2:duudduuduududdd M:3/4   K:D            H:"LRZ   T:Barnacle Bill the Sailor [D]
ABC      1 C1:007116000422007 C2:duudduuduududdd M:3/4   K:G            H:"LRZ   T:Barnacle Bill the Sailor [G]
ABC      2 C1:007116000422007 C2:duudduuduududdd M:3/4   K:G            H:"LRZ   T:Barnacle Bill the Sailor [G]
ABC      2 C1:007116000422007 C2:duudduuduududdd M:3/4   K:G            H:"LRZ   T:Barnacle Bill the Sailor [G]
ABC      2 C1:007116000422007 C2:duudduuduududdd M:3/4   K:G            H:"LRZ   T:Barnacle Bill the Sailor [G]
ABC      2 C1:670062120000270 C2:ddduuuudduuuddu M:3/4   K:Dmaj         H:LR     T:Barnacle Redowa, The
ABC      3 C1:220062120053270 C2:uuduuuduudduuud M:3/4   K:Dmaj         H:LR     T:Barnacle Redowa, The
ABC 535312 C1:006212005327007 C2:duuuduudduuuddu M:3/4   K:D            H:BCLR   T:BARNACLE REDOWA, The (measures 1-8)
ABC  53314 C1:006212005327007 C2:duuuduudduuuddu M:3/4   K:D            H:BCFLQR T:Barnacle Redowa, The (measures 1-8)
ABC  53314 C1:006212005327007 C2:duuuduudduuuddu M:3/4   K:D            H:BCFLQR T:Barnacle Redowa, The (measures 1-8)
ABC  53314 C1:006212005327007 C2:duuuduudduuuddu M:3/4   K:D            H:BCFLQR T:Barnacle Redowa, The (measures 1-8)
ABC  53314 C1:006212005327007 C2:duuuduudduuuddu M:3/4   K:D            H:BCFLQR T:Barnacle Redowa, The (measures 1-8)
ABC    171 C1:006212000027006 C2:duuuudduuuddddd M:3/4   K:D            H:"OQRZ  T:Barnacle Waltz,The. FTB.171
ABC    171 C1:006212000027006 C2:duuuudduuuddddd M:3/4   K:D            H:"BOQRZ T:Barnacle Waltz,The. FTB.171
ABC    171 C1:006212000027006 C2:duuuudduuuddddd M:3/4   K:D            H:"BOQRZ T:Barnacle Waltz,The. FTB.171
ABC    171 C1:006212000027006 C2:duuuudduuuddddd M:3/4   K:D            H:"OQRZ  T:Barnacle Waltz,The. FTB.171
ABC      1 C1:030715300714040 C2:udududuududddud M:12/8  K:D            H:"CDLOQRSZ T:Barna Slide / Eibhlin Ní Riordáin (A mixolydian)
ABC      0 C1:304350540300571 C2:ddududdudduuduu M:4/4   K:A            H:LQVZ   T:Barnby
ABC      0 C1:304350540300571 C2:ddududdudduuduu M:4/4   K:A            H:LQVZ   T:Barnby
ABC      1 C1:000600065711070 C2:dddduududddduud M:4/4   K:D            H:"LRS   T:Barn Dance 1
ABC      2 C1:000600065711070 C2:dddduududddduud M:4/4   K:D            H:"LRS   T:Barn Dance 1
ABC     10 C1:000600065711070 C2:dddduududddduud M:4/4   K:D            H:"LRS   T:Barn Dance 1
ABC      2 C1:000600065711070 C2:dddduududddduud M:4/4   K:D            H:"LRS   T:Barn Dance 1
ABC      2 C1:000600065711070 C2:dddduududddduud M:4/4   K:D            H:"LRS   T:Barn Dance 1
ABC      2 C1:000600065711070 C2:dddduududddduud M:4/4   K:D            H:"LRS   T:Barn Dance 1
ABC      2 C1:000600065711070 C2:dddduududddduud M:4/4   K:D            H:"LRS   T:Barn Dance 1
ABC      2 C1:000600065711070 C2:dddduududddduud M:4/4   K:D            H:"LRS   T:Barn Dance 1
ABC      2 C1:000600065711070 C2:dddduududddduud M:4/4   K:D            H:"LRS   T:Barn Dance 1
ABC   1184 C1:000600065711070 C2:dddduududddduud M:4/4   K:D            H:"LRS   T:Barn Dance 1
ABC    418 C1:000600065711070 C2:dddduududddduud M:4/4   K:D            H:"LORS  T:Barn Dance 1
ABC    418 C1:000600065711070 C2:dddduududddduud M:4/4   K:D            H:"LORS  T:Barn Dance 1
ABC   1184 C1:000600065711070 C2:dddduududddduud M:4/4   K:D            H:"LRS   T:Barn Dance 1
ABC   1184 C1:000600065711070 C2:dddduududddduud M:4/4   K:D            H:"LRS   T:Barn Dance 1
ABC   1184 C1:000600065711070 C2:dddduududddduud M:4/4   K:D            H:"LRS   T:Barn Dance 1
ABC    950 C1:000600065711070 C2:dddduududddduud M:4/4   K:D            H:"LRS   T:Barn Dance 1
ABC    950 C1:000600065711070 C2:dddduududddduud M:4/4   K:D            H:"LRS   T:Barn Dance 1
ABC    950 C1:000600065711070 C2:dddduududddduud M:4/4   K:D            H:"LRS   T:Barn Dance 1
ABC    950 C1:000600065711070 C2:dddduududddduud M:4/4   K:D            H:"LRS   T:Barn Dance 1
ABC    950 C1:000600065711070 C2:dddduududddduud M:4/4   K:D            H:"LRS   T:Barn Dance 1
ABC      1 C1:011102071771120 C2:uuuududduuuuddd M:4/4   K:G            H:"LRS   T:Barn Dance 2
ABC      3 C1:011102071771120 C2:uuuududduuuuddd M:4/4   K:G            H:"LRS   T:Barn Dance 2
ABC     15 C1:011102071771120 C2:uuuududduuuuddd M:4/4   K:G            H:"LRS   T:Barn Dance 2
ABC      3 C1:011102071771120 C2:uuuududduuuuddd M:4/4   K:G            H:"LRS   T:Barn Dance 2
ABC      3 C1:011102071771120 C2:uuuududduuuuddd M:4/4   K:G            H:"LRS   T:Barn Dance 2
ABC      3 C1:011102071771120 C2:uuuududduuuuddd M:4/4   K:G            H:"LRS   T:Barn Dance 2
ABC      3 C1:011102071771120 C2:uuuududduuuuddd M:4/4   K:G            H:"LRS   T:Barn Dance 2
ABC      3 C1:011102071771120 C2:uuuududduuuuddd M:4/4   K:G            H:"LRS   T:Barn Dance 2
ABC      3 C1:011102071771120 C2:uuuududduuuuddd M:4/4   K:G            H:"LRS   T:Barn Dance 2
ABC   1185 C1:011102071771120 C2:uuuududduuuuddd M:4/4   K:G            H:"LRS   T:Barn Dance 2
ABC    419 C1:011102071771120 C2:uuuududduuuuddd M:4/4   K:G            H:"LORS  T:Barn Dance 2
ABC    419 C1:011102071771120 C2:uuuududduuuuddd M:4/4   K:G            H:"LORS  T:Barn Dance 2
ABC   1185 C1:011102071771120 C2:uuuududduuuuddd M:4/4   K:G            H:"LRS   T:Barn Dance 2
ABC   1185 C1:011102071771120 C2:uuuududduuuuddd M:4/4   K:G            H:"LRS   T:Barn Dance 2
ABC   1185 C1:011102071771120 C2:uuuududduuuuddd M:4/4   K:G            H:"LRS   T:Barn Dance 2
ABC    951 C1:011102071771120 C2:uuuududduuuuddd M:4/4   K:G            H:"LRS   T:Barn Dance 2
ABC    951 C1:011102071771120 C2:uuuududduuuuddd M:4/4   K:G            H:"LRS   T:Barn Dance 2
ABC    951 C1:011102071771120 C2:uuuududduuuuddd M:4/4   K:G            H:"LRS   T:Barn Dance 2
ABC    951 C1:011102071771120 C2:uuuududduuuuddd M:4/4   K:G            H:"LRS   T:Barn Dance 2
ABC    951 C1:011102071771120 C2:uuuududduuuuddd M:4/4   K:G            H:"LRS   T:Barn Dance 2
ABC      1 C1:111001100110037 C2:uuuuuuuududdudu M:Cl    K:G            H:CI     T:Barn Dance
ABC      3 C1:111001100110037 C2:uuuuuuuududdudu M:Cl    K:G            H:CI     T:Barn Dance
ABC      3 C1:111001100110037 C2:uuuuuuuududdudu M:Cl    K:G            H:CI     T:Barn Dance
ABC      3 C1:111001100110037 C2:uuuuuuuududdudu M:Cl    K:G            H:CI     T:Barn Dance
ABC      3 C1:111001100110037 C2:uuuuuuuududdudu M:Cl    K:G            H:CI     T:Barn Dance
ABC   4674 C1:111001100110037 C2:uuuuuuuududdudu M:Cl    K:G            H:CI     T:Barn Dance
ABC   4674 C1:111001100110037 C2:uuuuuuuududdudu M:Cl    K:G            H:CI     T:Barn Dance
ABC   2266 C1:111001100110037 C2:uuuuuuuududdudu M:Cl    K:G            H:CIO    T:Barn Dance
ABC   2266 C1:111001100110037 C2:uuuuuuuududdudu M:Cl    K:G            H:CIO    T:Barn Dance
ABC   6339 C1:111111137270302 C2:uuuuuuuududdudu M:4/4   K:G            H:CLR    T:Barn Dance
ABC   6340 C1:111001100110037 C2:uuuuuuuududdudu M:Cl    K:G            H:CI     T:Barn Dance
ABC   6339 C1:111111137270302 C2:uuuuuuuududdudu M:4/4   K:G            H:CLR    T:Barn Dance
ABC   6340 C1:111001100110037 C2:uuuuuuuududdudu M:Cl    K:G            H:CI     T:Barn Dance
ABC   6339 C1:111111137270302 C2:uuuuuuuududdudu M:4/4   K:G            H:CLR    T:Barn Dance
ABC   6340 C1:111001100110037 C2:uuuuuuuududdudu M:Cl    K:G            H:CI     T:Barn Dance
ABC   4979 C1:111001100110037 C2:uuuuuuuududdudu M:Cl    K:G            H:CI     T:Barn Dance
ABC   4979 C1:111001100110037 C2:uuuuuuuududdudu M:Cl    K:G            H:CI     T:Barn Dance
ABC   4979 C1:111001100110037 C2:uuuuuuuududdudu M:Cl    K:G            H:CI     T:Barn Dance
ABC   4979 C1:111001100110037 C2:uuuuuuuududdudu M:Cl    K:G            H:CI     T:Barn Dance
ABC   4979 C1:111001100110037 C2:uuuuuuuududdudu M:Cl    K:G            H:CI     T:Barn Dance
ABC   4397 C1:020200606404311 C2:uudduduuuddudud M:12/8  K:G            H:BLZ    T:BARN DANCE. (Carl Volti.)
ABC   4397 C1:020200606404311 C2:uudduduuuddudud M:12/8  K:G            H:BLZ    T:BARN DANCE. (Carl Volti.)
ABC   4397 C1:020200606404311 C2:uudduduuuddudud M:12/8  K:G            H:BLZ    T:BARN DANCE. (Carl Volti.)
ABC   4397 C1:020200606404311 C2:uudduduuuddudud M:12/8  K:G            H:BLZ    T:BARN DANCE. (Carl Volti.)
ABC   4397 C1:020200606404311 C2:uudduduuuddudud M:12/8  K:G            H:BLZ    T:BARN DANCE. (Carl Volti.)
ABC   4397 C1:020200606404311 C2:uudduduuuddudud M:12/8  K:G            H:BLZ    T:BARN DANCE. (Carl Volti.)
ABC   4397 C1:020200606404311 C2:uudduduuuddudud M:12/8  K:G            H:BLZ    T:BARN DANCE. (Carl Volti.)
ABC   4397 C1:020200606404311 C2:uudduduuuddudud M:12/8  K:G            H:BLZ    T:BARN DANCE. (Carl Volti.)
ABC   4397 C1:020200606404311 C2:uudduduuuddudud M:12/8  K:G            H:BLZ    T:BARN DANCE. (Carl Volti.)
ABC   4397 C1:020200606404311 C2:uudduduuuddudud M:12/8  K:G            H:BLZ    T:BARN DANCE. (Carl Volti.)
ABC   4397 C1:020200606404311 C2:uudduduuuddudud M:12/8  K:G            H:BLZ    T:BARN DANCE. (Carl Volti.)
ABC      0 C1:                C2:                M:1/1   K:C            H:I      T:_Barn Dances_
ABC      0 C1:                C2:                M:1/1   K:C            H:I      T:_Barn Dances_
ABC    500 C1:                C2:                M:1/1   K:C            H:       T:Barndances
ABC    500 C1:                C2:                M:1/1   K:C            H:       T:Barndances
ABC    232 C1:                C2:                M:1/1   K:C            H:       T:Barndances
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:1/1   K:C            H:       T:_Barndances_
ABC    500 C1:                C2:                M:1/1   K:C            H:       T:Barndances
ABC      1 C1:060053110700001 C2:dduuuduudduuudu M:4/4   K:C            H:LRSZ   T:Barn Dance Schottische
ABC    324 C1:110600531107000 C2:uudduuuduudduuu M:4/4   K:C            H:LRSVZ  T:Barn Dance Schottische
ABC    324 C1:110600531107000 C2:uudduuuduudduuu M:4/4   K:C            H:LRSVZ  T:Barn Dance Schottische
ABC     42 C1:060053110700001 C2:dduuuduudduuudu M:4/4   K:C            H:LRSZ   T:Barn Dance Schottische
ABC     42 C1:060053110700001 C2:dduuuduudduuudu M:4/4   K:C            H:LRSZ   T:Barn Dance Schottische
ABC     42 C1:060053110700001 C2:dduuuduudduuudu M:4/4   K:C            H:LRSZ   T:Barn Dance Schottische
ABC     42 C1:060053110700001 C2:dduuuduudduuudu M:4/4   K:C            H:LRSZ   T:Barn Dance Schottische
ABC      3 C1:060053110700001 C2:dduuuduudduuudu M:      K:Cmaj         H:LR     T:The Barn Dance Schottische
ABC      1 C1:110600531107710 C2:uudduuuddudddud M:      K:Dmaj         H:LR     T:The Barn Dance Schottische
ABC      2 C1:110400531117771 C2:uudduuuuddduuud M:      K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:The Barn Dance Schottische
ABC      1 C1:060053110700001 C2:dduuuduudduuudu M:4/4   K:C            H:LRSZ   T:Barn Dance Schottische
ABC    324 C1:110600531107000 C2:uudduuuduudduuu M:4/4   K:C            H:LRSVZ  T:Barn Dance Schottische
ABC    324 C1:110600531107000 C2:uudduuuduudduuu M:4/4   K:C            H:LRSVZ  T:Barn Dance Schottische
ABC    324 C1:110600531107000 C2:uudduuuduudduuu M:4/4   K:C            H:LRSVZ  T:Barn Dance Schottische
ABC    324 C1:110600531107000 C2:uudduuuduudduuu M:4/4   K:C            H:LRSVZ  T:Barn Dance Schottische
ABC 493014 C1:111011716267677 C2:uuuuudududddddu M:6/8   K:Amix         H:BLRSZ  T:BARNDOOR JIG, The
ABC    939 C1:300711111011716 C2:uduuuuuuudududd M:6/8   K:A            H:BLORZ  T:the Barndoor Jig
ABC    939 C1:300711111011716 C2:uduuuuuuudududd M:6/8   K:A            H:BLORZ  T:the Barndoor Jig
ABC    939 C1:300711111011716 C2:uduuuuuuudududd M:6/8   K:A            H:BLORZ  T:the Barndoor Jig
ABC    939 C1:300711111011716 C2:uduuuuuuudududd M:6/8   K:A            H:BLORZ  T:the Barndoor Jig
ABC    970 C1:111011716267677 C2:uuuuudududddddu M:6/8   K:A            H:BLRZ   T:The Barndoor Jig
ABC    970 C1:111011716267677 C2:uuuuudududddddu M:6/8   K:A            H:BLRZ   T:The Barndoor Jig
ABC    970 C1:111011716267677 C2:uuuuudududddddu M:6/8   K:A            H:BLRZ   T:The Barndoor Jig
ABC    939 C1:111011716267677 C2:uuuuudududddddu M:6/8   K:A            H:BLRZ   T:The Barndoor Jig.
ABC    939 C1:111011716267677 C2:uuuuudududddddu M:6/8   K:A            H:BLRZ   T:The Barndoor Jig.
ABC     10 C1:300711111011716 C2:uduuuuuuudududd M:6/8   K:AMaj         H:LRS    T:Barndoor Jig, The
ABC 493014 C1:111011716267677 C2:uuuuudududddddu M:6/8   K:Amix         H:BLRSZ  T:BARNDOOR JIG, The
ABC 493014 C1:111011716267677 C2:uuuuudududddddu M:6/8   K:Amix         H:BLRSZ  T:BARNDOOR JIG, The
ABC    939 C1:111011716267677 C2:uuuuudududddddu M:6/8   K:A            H:BLRZ   T:The Barndoor Jig.
ABC    970 C1:111011716267677 C2:uuuuudududddddu M:6/8   K:A            H:BLRZ   T:The Barndoor Jig
ABC    970 C1:111011716267677 C2:uuuuudududddddu M:6/8   K:A            H:BLRZ   T:The Barndoor Jig
ABC     37 C1:301176247771622 C2:uuuddduuddddudu M:3/2   K:Bb           H:"CLQS  T:Barn Elms
ABC     35 C1:301176247771622 C2:uuuddduuddddudu M:3/2   K:Bb           H:"CLQS  T:Barn Elms
ABC      1 C1:000100010007070 C2:uuddduudddduduu M:3/2   K:Em           H:ACILORS T:Barn Elms
ABC     69 C1:301176247771622 C2:uuuddduuddddudu M:3/2   K:Bb           H:"CLQRS T:Barn Elms
ABC     69 C1:301176247771622 C2:uuuddduuddddudu M:3/2   K:Bb           H:"CLQRS T:Barn Elms
ABC     17 C1:301176247771622 C2:uuuddduuddddudu M:3/2   K:Bb           H:"CLQS  T:Barn Elms
ABC     37 C1:301176247771622 C2:uuuddduuddddudu M:3/2   K:Bb           H:"CLQS  T:Barn Elms
ABC     37 C1:301176247771622 C2:uuuddduuddddudu M:3/2   K:Bb           H:"CLQS  T:Barn Elms
ABC    157 C1:247771622170160 C2:uudddduduuuudud M:3/2   K:Gm           H:BLQWZ  T:Barn Elms. PFD2.157
ABC    157 C1:247771622170160 C2:uudddduduuuudud M:3/2   K:Gm           H:BLQWZ  T:Barn Elms. PFD2.157
ABC      0 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:       T:Barner Reinlander
ABC      0 C1:                C2:                M:      K:             H:O      T:Barner Reinlender
ABC      0 C1:                C2:                M:      K:             H:O      T:Barner Reinlender
ABC      0 C1:                C2:                M:      K:             H:O      T:Barner Reinlender
ABC      0 C1:                C2:                M:      K:             H:O      T:Barner Reinlender
ABC      0 C1:                C2:                M:      K:             H:O      T:Barner Reinlender
ABC      0 C1:                C2:                M:      K:             H:O      T:Barner Reinlender
ABC      0 C1:                C2:                M:      K:             H:O      T:Barner Reinlender
ABC      0 C1:                C2:                M:      K:             H:O      T:Barner Reinlender
ABC      0 C1:                C2:                M:      K:             H:O      T:Barner Reinlender
ABC      0 C1:                C2:                M:      K:             H:O      T:Barner Reinlender
ABC      0 C1:                C2:                M:      K:             H:O      T:Barner Reinlender
ABC      0 C1:                C2:                M:      K:             H:O      T:Barner Reinlender
ABC      0 C1:                C2:                M:      K:             H:O      T:Barner Reinlender
ABC      0 C1:                C2:                M:      K:             H:O      T:Barner Reinlender
ABC      1 C1:453625771771625 C2:dudududduddudud M:      K:Amaj         H:LR     T:The Barnes Mor
ABC      2 C1:071625574536257 C2:uddudududdududu M:      K:Amaj         H:LR     T:The Barnes Mor
ABC      1 C1:002716223567666 C2:ududuuudddddudd M:6/8   K:G            H:"L     T:Barness Gap
ABC     12 C1:660711117774666 C2:ddduuuudddudddu M:6/8   K:Bb           H:BCLSVZ T:Barnet Fair
ABC     12 C1:660711117774666 C2:ddduuuudddudddu M:6/8   K:Bb           H:BCLSVZ T:Barnet Fair
ABC     12 C1:660711117774666 C2:ddduuuudddudddu M:6/8   K:Bb           H:BCLSVZ T:Barnet Fair
ABC     12 C1:660711117774666 C2:ddduuuudddudddu M:6/8   K:Bb           H:BCLSVZ T:Barnet Fair
ABC     12 C1:660711117774666 C2:ddduuuudddudddu M:6/8   K:Bb           H:BCLSVZ T:Barnet Fair
ABC     12 C1:660711117774666 C2:ddduuuudddudddu M:6/8   K:Bb           H:BCLSVZ T:Barnet Fair
ABC     12 C1:660711117774666 C2:ddduuuudddudddu M:6/8   K:Bb           H:BCLSVZ T:Barnet Fair
ABC     12 C1:660711117774666 C2:ddduuuudddudddu M:6/8   K:Bb           H:BCLSVZ T:Barnet Fair
ABC     12 C1:660711117774666 C2:ddduuuudddudddu M:6/8   K:Bb           H:BCLSVZ T:Barnet Fair
ABC     12 C1:660711117774666 C2:ddduuuudddudddu M:6/8   K:Bb           H:BCLSVZ T:Barnet Fair
ABC    234 C1:172024172027024 C2:uduududuudududd M:6/8   K:G            H:BLQZ   T:Barnet Races. Roose.0234
ABC      1 C1:070102040700000 C2:duudduuduudduud M:3/4   K:G            H:LOQRS  T:Barnets Dröm - Wals
ABC      1 C1:070102040700000 C2:duudduuduudduud M:3/4   K:G            H:LOQRS  T:Barnets Dröm - Wals
ABC      1 C1:070102040700000 C2:duudduuduudduud M:3/4   K:G            H:LOQRS  T:Barnets Drm - Wals
ABC      1 C1:077460231077700 C2:dduduuuddduddud M:4/4   K:C            H:L      T:Barney and Katie
ABC      1 C1:077460231077700 C2:dduduuuddduddud M:4/4   K:C            H:L      T:Barney and Katie
ABC      1 C1:077460231077700 C2:dduduuuddduddud M:4/4   K:C            H:L      T:Barney and Katie
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:9/8   K:D            H:LRS    T:Barney Bralagan
ABC      1 C1:020170176020111 C2:uududduuuuuuduu M:9/8   K:D            H:"BDLORZ T:Barney Brallagan's Jig
ABC      1 C1:020170176020111 C2:uududduuuuuuduu M:9/8   K:D            H:"BDLORZ T:Barney Brallagan's Jig
ABC      1 C1:020170176020111 C2:uududduuuuuuduu M:9/8   K:D            H:"BDLORZ T:Barney Brallagan's Jig
ABC      1 C1:020170176020111 C2:uududduuuuuuduu M:9/8   K:D            H:"BDLORZ T:Barney Brallagan's Jig
ABC      1 C1:020111111020170 C2:uuuuuuduududuuu M:9/8   K:D            H:BLRZ   T:Barney Brallagan's -- Jig
ABC      1 C1:020111111020170 C2:uuuuuuduududuuu M:9/8   K:D            H:BLRZ   T:Barney Brallagan's -- Jig
ABC      1 C1:020170176020171 C2:uududduuduuuduu M:9/8   K:D            H:"BDLORZ T:Barney Brallagan's Jig
ABC      1 C1:020111111020170 C2:uuuuuuduududuuu M:9/8   K:D            H:BLRZ   T:Barney Brallagan's -- Jig
ABC      1 C1:020111111020170 C2:uuuuuuduududuuu M:9/8   K:D            H:BLRZ   T:Barney Brallagan's -- Jig
ABC      1 C1:020111111020170 C2:uuuuuuduududuuu M:9/8   K:D            H:BLRZ   T:Barney Brallagan's -- Jig
ABC      1 C1:020111111020170 C2:uuuuuuduududuuu M:9/8   K:D            H:BLRZ   T:Barney Brallagan's -- Jig
ABC      1 C1:020111111020170 C2:uuuuuuduududuuu M:9/8   K:D            H:BLRZ   T:Barney Brallagan's -- Jig
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:9/8   K:D            H:BLR    T:Barney Brallagan’s Jig
ABC   1145 C1:020170176020173 C2:uududduuduududd M:9/8   K:D            H:BRZbs  T:Barney Brallaghan #2
ABC   1145 C1:020170176020173 C2:uududduuduududd M:9/8   K:D            H:BRZbs  T:Barney Brallaghan #2
ABC   1145 C1:020170176020173 C2:uududduuduududd M:9/8   K:D            H:BRZbs  T:Barney Brallaghan #2
ABC   1145 C1:020170176020173 C2:uududduuduududd M:9/8   K:D            H:BRZbs  T:Barney Brallaghan #2
ABC    429 C1:020170176020173 C2:uududduuduududd M:9/8   K:D            H:BFLRZbs T:Barney Brallaghan #2
ABC    429 C1:020170176020173 C2:uududduuduududd M:9/8   K:D            H:BFLRZbs T:Barney Brallaghan #2
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:9/8   K:D            H:LQ     T:Barney Brallaghan
ABC      1 C1:020623021020170 C2:uduuuduududuuuu M:9/8   K:D            H:RZ     T:Barney Brallaghan
ABC 331007 C1:020173021020170 C2:uuduuduududuudd M:9/8   K:D            H:BCLQRY T:Barney Brallaghan
ABC 532006 C1:020173021020170 C2:uuduuduududuudd M:9/8   K:D            H:BCLQR  T:BARNEY BRALLAGHAN
ABC 496003 C1:020173021020170 C2:uuduuduududuudd M:9/8   K:D            H:BLQRZ  T:BARNEY BRALLAGHAN
ABC    149 C1:020173021020170 C2:uuduuduududuudd M:9/8   K:D            H:"QR    T:Barney Brallaghan
ABC      1 C1:002173021020170 C2:uuduuduududuudd M:9/8   K:D            H:"CRZ   T:Barney Brallaghan
ABC      1 C1:002173021020170 C2:uuduuduududuudd M:9/8   K:D            H:"CRZ   T:Barney Brallaghan
ABC      1 C1:002173021020170 C2:uuduuduududuudd M:9/8   K:D            H:"CRZ   T:Barney Brallaghan
ABC      1 C1:002173021020170 C2:uuduuduududuudd M:9/8   K:D            H:"CRZ   T:Barney Brallaghan
ABC      1 C1:002173021020170 C2:uuduuduududuudd M:9/8   K:D            H:"CRZ   T:Barney Brallaghan
ABC      1 C1:020173021020170 C2:uuduuduududuudd M:9/8   K:D            H:BCLORZ T:Barney Brallaghan
ABC   1198 C1:020173021020170 C2:uuduuduududuudd M:9/8   K:D            H:BRZ    T:Barney Brallaghan
ABC   1198 C1:020173021020170 C2:uuduuduududuudd M:9/8   K:D            H:BRZ    T:Barney Brallaghan
ABC   1198 C1:020173021020170 C2:uuduuduududuudd M:9/8   K:D            H:BRZ    T:Barney Brallaghan
ABC   1145 C1:020173021020170 C2:uuduuduududuudd M:9/8   K:D            H:BRZ    T:Barney Brallaghan.
ABC    429 C1:020173021020170 C2:uuduuduududuudd M:9/8   K:D            H:BLORZ  T:Barney Brallaghan
ABC    429 C1:020173021020170 C2:uuduuduududuudd M:9/8   K:D            H:BLORZ  T:Barney Brallaghan
ABC    429 C1:020173021020170 C2:uuduuduududuudd M:9/8   K:D            H:BLORZ  T:Barney Brallaghan
ABC    851 C1:020173021020170 C2:uuduuduududuudd M:9/8   K:D            H:"BLORSZ T:Barney Brallaghan
ABC    851 C1:020173021020170 C2:uuduuduududuudd M:9/8   K:D            H:"BLORSZ T:Barney Brallaghan
ABC    851 C1:020173021020170 C2:uuduuduududuudd M:9/8   K:D            H:"BLORSZ T:Barney Brallaghan
ABC    851 C1:020173021020170 C2:uuduuduududuudd M:9/8   K:D            H:"BLORSZ T:Barney Brallaghan
ABC      1 C1:020173021020170 C2:uuduuduududuudd M:9/8   K:DMajor       H:CQZ    T:Barney Brallaghan
ABC   1145 C1:020170176020173 C2:uududduuduuduud M:9/8   K:D            H:BRZbs  T:Barney Brallaghan
ABC   1145 C1:020170176020173 C2:uududduuduuduud M:9/8   K:D            H:BRZbs  T:Barney Brallaghan
ABC   1145 C1:020170176020173 C2:uududduuduuduud M:9/8   K:D            H:BRZbs  T:Barney Brallaghan
ABC   1145 C1:020170176020173 C2:uududduuduuduud M:9/8   K:D            H:BRZbs  T:Barney Brallaghan
ABC   1145 C1:020170176020173 C2:uududduuduuduud M:9/8   K:D            H:BLRZbs T:Barney Brallaghan
ABC   1145 C1:020170176020173 C2:uududduuduuduud M:9/8   K:D            H:BLRZbs T:Barney Brallaghan
ABC   1145 C1:020170176020173 C2:uududduuduuduud M:9/8   K:D            H:BLRZbs T:Barney Brallaghan
ABC   1145 C1:020170176020173 C2:uududduuduuduud M:9/8   K:D            H:BLRZbs T:Barney Brallaghan
ABC     90 C1:020170176020173 C2:uududduuduuduud M:9/8   K:D            H:BFLZ   T:BARNEY BRALLAGHAN
ABC     90 C1:020170176020173 C2:uududduuduuduud M:9/8   K:D            H:BFLZ   T:BARNEY BRALLAGHAN
ABC    429 C1:020170176020173 C2:uududduuduuduud M:9/8   K:D            H:BFLRZbs T:Barney Brallaghan
ABC    429 C1:020170176020173 C2:uududduuduuduud M:9/8   K:D            H:BFLRZbs T:Barney Brallaghan
ABC    429 C1:020170176020173 C2:uududduuduuduud M:9/8   K:D            H:BFLRZbs T:Barney Brallaghan
ABC    429 C1:020170176020173 C2:uududduuduuduud M:9/8   K:D            H:BFLRZbs T:Barney Brallaghan
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:9/8   K:D            H:LQ     T:Barney Brallaghan
ABC      1 C1:020173021020170 C2:uuduuduududuudd M:9/8   K:DMajor       H:Q      T:Barney Brallaghan
ABC     10 C1:020173021020170 C2:uuduuduududuudd M:9/8   K:D            H:LZ     T:Barney Brallaghan
ABC      1 C1:020173021020170 C2:uuduuduududuudd M:9/8   K:C            H:BLS    T:Barney Brallaghan
ABC     25 C1:020173021020170 C2:uuduuduududuudd M:9/8   K:D            H:LR     T:Barney Brallaghan
ABC   1145 C1:020173021020170 C2:uuduuduududuudd M:9/8   K:D            H:BRZ    T:Barney Brallaghan.
ABC     28 C1:020623021020170 C2:uduuuduududuuuu M:9/8   K:D            H:RZ     T:Barney Brallaghan
ABC     28 C1:020623021020170 C2:uduuuduududuuuu M:9/8   K:D            H:RZ     T:Barney Brallaghan
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:9/8   K:D            H:BLRZ   T:Barney Brallaghan
ABC      2 C1:                C2:                M:9/8   K:D            H:LR     T:Barney Brallaghan
ABC 496003 C1:020173021020170 C2:uuduuduududuudd M:9/8   K:D            H:BLQRZ  T:BARNEY BRALLAGHAN
ABC 496003 C1:020173021020170 C2:uuduuduududuudd M:9/8   K:D            H:BLQRZ  T:BARNEY BRALLAGHAN
ABC     28 C1:020623021020170 C2:uduuuduududuuuu M:9/8   K:D            H:RZ     T:Barney Brallaghan
ABC     28 C1:020623021020170 C2:uduuuduududuuuu M:9/8   K:D            H:RZ     T:Barney Brallaghan
ABC 331007 C1:020173021020170 C2:uuduuduududuudd M:9/8   K:D            H:BCLQRY T:Barney Brallaghan
ABC 331007 C1:020173021020170 C2:uuduuduududuudd M:9/8   K:D            H:BCLQRY T:Barney Brallaghan
ABC     83 C1:020623021020170 C2:uduuuduududuuuu M:9/8   K:D            H:"CLRZ  T:Barney Brallaghan
ABC     57 C1:002173021020170 C2:uuduuduududuudd M:9/8   K:D            H:"CRZ   T:Barney Brallaghan
ABC      1 C1:020173021020170 C2:uuduuduududuudd M:9/8   K:D            H:BLOR   T:Barney Brallaghan
ABC      2 C1:020170176020173 C2:uududduuduuduud M:9/8   K:Dmaj         H:LR     T:Barney Brallaghan
ABC      3 C1:020170176020111 C2:uududduuuuuuduu M:9/8   K:Dmaj         H:LRS    T:Barney Brallaghan
ABC 532006 C1:020173021020170 C2:uuduuduududuudd M:9/8   K:D            H:BCLQR  T:BARNEY BRALLAGHAN
ABC 532006 C1:020173021020170 C2:uuduuduududuudd M:9/8   K:D            H:BCLQR  T:BARNEY BRALLAGHAN
ABC     15 C1:002173021020170 C2:uuduuduududuudd M:9/8   K:D            H:"BQRZ  T:Barney Brallaghan
ABC     90 C1:020170176020173 C2:uududduuduuduud M:9/8   K:D            H:BFLZ   T:BARNEY BRALLAGHAN
ABC     90 C1:020170176020173 C2:uududduuduuduud M:9/8   K:D            H:BFLZ   T:BARNEY BRALLAGHAN
ABC     90 C1:020170176020173 C2:uududduuduuduud M:9/8   K:D            H:BFLZ   T:BARNEY BRALLAGHAN
ABC     90 C1:020170176020173 C2:uududduuduuduud M:9/8   K:D            H:BFLZ   T:BARNEY BRALLAGHAN
ABC     90 C1:020170176020173 C2:uududduuduuduud M:9/8   K:D            H:BFLZ   T:BARNEY BRALLAGHAN
ABC     70 C1:020170176020173 C2:uududduuduuduud M:9/8   K:D            H:"CQRS  T:Barney Brallaghan
ABC     70 C1:020170176020173 C2:uududduuduuduud M:9/8   K:D            H:"CQRS  T:Barney Brallaghan
ABC   1186 C1:020623021020170 C2:uduuuduududuuuu M:9/8   K:D            H:RZ     T:Barney Brallaghan
ABC   1187 C1:020173021020170 C2:uuduuduududuudd M:9/8   K:D            H:LZ     T:Barney Brallaghan
ABC     28 C1:020623021020170 C2:uduuuduududuuuu M:9/8   K:D            H:RZ     T:Barney Brallaghan
ABC     28 C1:020623021020170 C2:uduuuduududuuuu M:9/8   K:D            H:RZ     T:Barney Brallaghan
ABC     28 C1:020623021020170 C2:uduuuduududuuuu M:9/8   K:D            H:RZ     T:Barney Brallaghan
ABC     28 C1:020623021020170 C2:uduuuduududuuuu M:9/8   K:D            H:RZ     T:Barney Brallaghan
ABC     28 C1:020623021020170 C2:uduuuduududuuuu M:9/8   K:D            H:RZ     T:Barney Brallaghan
ABC     28 C1:020623021020170 C2:uduuuduududuuuu M:9/8   K:D            H:RZ     T:Barney Brallaghan
ABC   1145 C1:020173021020170 C2:uuduuduududuudd M:9/8   K:D            H:BRZ    T:Barney Brallaghan.
ABC     28 C1:020623021020170 C2:uduuuduududuuuu M:9/8   K:D            H:RZ     T:Barney Brallaghan
ABC    429 C1:020173021020170 C2:uuduuduududuudd M:9/8   K:D            H:BCFLORWZ T:Barney Brallaghan
ABC    420 C1:020623021020170 C2:uduuuduududuuuu M:9/8   K:D            H:OR     T:Barney Brallaghan
ABC    420 C1:020623021020170 C2:uduuuduududuuuu M:9/8   K:D            H:OR     T:Barney Brallaghan
ABC    851 C1:020173021020170 C2:uuduuduududuudd M:9/8   K:D            H:"BLORSZ T:Barney Brallaghan
ABC    429 C1:020173021020170 C2:uuduuduududuudd M:9/8   K:D            H:BLORZ  T:Barney Brallaghan
ABC    429 C1:020173021020170 C2:uuduuduududuudd M:9/8   K:D            H:BLORZ  T:Barney Brallaghan
ABC   1186 C1:020623021020170 C2:uduuuduududuuuu M:9/8   K:D            H:RZ     T:Barney Brallaghan
ABC   1187 C1:020173021020170 C2:uuduuduududuudd M:9/8   K:D            H:LZ     T:Barney Brallaghan
ABC   1186 C1:020623021020170 C2:uduuuduududuuuu M:9/8   K:D            H:RZ     T:Barney Brallaghan
ABC   1187 C1:020173021020170 C2:uuduuduududuudd M:9/8   K:D            H:LZ     T:Barney Brallaghan
ABC   1186 C1:020623021020170 C2:uduuuduududuuuu M:9/8   K:D            H:RZ     T:Barney Brallaghan
ABC   1187 C1:020173021020170 C2:uuduuduududuudd M:9/8   K:D            H:LZ     T:Barney Brallaghan
ABC    952 C1:020623021020170 C2:uduuuduududuuuu M:9/8   K:D            H:RZ     T:Barney Brallaghan
ABC    953 C1:020173021020170 C2:uuduuduududuudd M:9/8   K:D            H:BCLORZ T:Barney Brallaghan
ABC    952 C1:020623021020170 C2:uduuuduududuuuu M:9/8   K:D            H:RZ     T:Barney Brallaghan
ABC    953 C1:020173021020170 C2:uuduuduududuudd M:9/8   K:D            H:BCLORZ T:Barney Brallaghan
ABC    952 C1:020623021020170 C2:uduuuduududuuuu M:9/8   K:D            H:RZ     T:Barney Brallaghan
ABC    953 C1:020173021020170 C2:uuduuduududuudd M:9/8   K:D            H:BCLORZ T:Barney Brallaghan
ABC    952 C1:020623021020170 C2:uduuuduududuuuu M:9/8   K:D            H:RZ     T:Barney Brallaghan
ABC    953 C1:020173021020170 C2:uuduuduududuudd M:9/8   K:D            H:BCLORZ T:Barney Brallaghan
ABC    952 C1:020623021020170 C2:uduuuduududuuuu M:9/8   K:D            H:RZ     T:Barney Brallaghan
ABC    953 C1:020173021020170 C2:uuduuduududuudd M:9/8   K:D            H:BCLORZ T:Barney Brallaghan
ABC   1198 C1:020173021020170 C2:uuduuduududuudd M:9/8   K:D            H:BRZ    T:Barney Brallaghan
ABC   1198 C1:020173021020170 C2:uuduuduududuudd M:9/8   K:D            H:BRZ    T:Barney Brallaghan
ABC     28 C1:020623021020170 C2:uduuuduududuuuu M:9/8   K:D            H:RZ     T:Barney Brallaghan
ABC     28 C1:020623021020170 C2:uduuuduududuuuu M:9/8   K:D            H:RZ     T:Barney Brallaghan
ABC     35 C1:020173021020170 C2:uuduuduuddddudd M:9/8   K:D            H:BLQZ   T:Barney Brallaghan,aka. WHL.[035]
ABC     35 C1:020173021020170 C2:uuduuduuddddudd M:9/8   K:D            H:BLQZ   T:Barney Brallaghan,aka. WHL.[035]
ABC      1 C1:321702276521706 C2:uduududuuuudddd M:4/4   K:D            H:LQV    T:BarneyBrallaghan.mid
ABC    489 C1:020173003020170 C2:uududuudududddd M:9/8   K:D            H:ABCLOQZ T:Barney Brallaghan's Courtship,aka. EHo.489
ABC   1145 C1:020173021020170 C2:uuduuduududuudd M:9/8   K:D            H:BCILZ  T:"Barney Brallaghan" (slipjig) 1145
ABC   1145 C1:020173021020170 C2:uuduuduududuudd M:9/8   K:D            H:BCILZ  T:"Barney Brallaghan" (slipjig) 1145
ABC   1145 C1:020173021020170 C2:uuduuduududuudd M:9/8   K:D            H:BCILZ  T:"Barney Brallaghan" (slipjig) 1145
ABC     44 C1:020170077020173 C2:uuddduuduuduudu M:9/8   K:D            H:"LQR   T:Barney Brallaghan (Slip Jig)
ABC      2 C1:020173021020170 C2:uuduuduududuudd M:9/8   K:D            H:LR     T:Barney Brallaghan's Slip Jig
ABC      2 C1:020173021020170 C2:uuduuduududuudd M:9/8   K:D            H:LR     T:Barney Brallaghan's Slip Jig
ABC      2 C1:020173021020170 C2:uuduuduududuudd M:9/8   K:D            H:LR     T:Barney Brallaghan's Slip Jig
ABC      2 C1:020173021020170 C2:uuduuduududuudd M:9/8   K:D            H:LR     T:Barney Brallaghan's Slip Jig
ABC      2 C1:020173021020170 C2:uuduuduududuudd M:9/8   K:D            H:LR     T:Barney Brallaghan's Slip Jig
ABC      2 C1:020173021020170 C2:uuduuduududuudd M:9/8   K:D            H:LR     T:Barney Brallaghan's Slip Jig
ABC      2 C1:020173021020170 C2:uuduuduududuudd M:9/8   K:D            H:LR     T:Barney Brallaghan's Slip Jig
ABC      2 C1:020173021020170 C2:uuduuduududuudd M:9/8   K:D            H:LR     T:Barney Brallaghan's Slip Jig
ABC      2 C1:020173021020170 C2:uuduuduududuudd M:9/8   K:D            H:LR     T:Barney Brallaghan's Slip Jig
ABC      2 C1:020173021020170 C2:uuduuduududuudd M:9/8   K:D            H:LR     T:Barney Brallaghan's Slip Jig
ABC      2 C1:020173021020170 C2:uuduuduududuudd M:9/8   K:D            H:LR     T:Barney Brallaghan's Slip Jig
ABC      2 C1:020173021020170 C2:uuduuduududuudd M:9/8   K:D            H:LR     T:Barney Brallaghan's Slip Jig
ABC      2 C1:020173021020170 C2:uuduuduududuudd M:9/8   K:D            H:LR     T:Barney Brallaghan's Slip Jig
ABC    003 C1:                C2:                M:9/8   K:D            H:BLQRZ  T:Barney Brallaghan. WES.003
ABC    003 C1:020173021020170 C2:uuduuduududuudd M:9/8   K:D            H:BLQRZ  T:Barney Brallaghan WES.003
ABC    003 C1:020173021020170 C2:uuduuduududuudd M:9/8   K:D            H:BLQRZ  T:Barney Brallaghan WES.003
ABC    003 C1:020173021020170 C2:uuduuduududuudd M:9/8   K:D            H:BLQRZ  T:Barney Brallaghan WES.003
ABC      1 C1:020173021020170 C2:uuduuduudududuu M:9/8   K:D            H:LR     T:Barney Bralligan
ABC      1 C1:020173021020170 C2:uuduuduudududuu M:9/8   K:D            H:LR     T:Barney Bralligan
ABC      1 C1:020173021020170 C2:uuduuduudududuu M:9/8   K:D            H:LR     T:Barney Bralligan
ABC      1 C1:020173021020170 C2:uuduuduudududuu M:9/8   K:D            H:LR     T:Barney Bralligan
ABC    130 C1:020173021020170 C2:uuduuduudududuu M:9/8   K:D            H:LR     T:Barney Bralligan
ABC     31 C1:020001113020017 C2:uuuuduuduuddddu M:9/8   K:D            H:DRZ    T:Barney Bralligan
ABC     32 C1:020173021020170 C2:uuduuduudududuu M:9/8   K:D            H:LR     T:Barney Bralligan
ABC   1188 C1:020173021020170 C2:uuduuduudududuu M:9/8   K:D            H:LR     T:Barney Bralligan
ABC   1189 C1:020173021020170 C2:uuduuduudududuu M:9/8   K:D            H:LR     T:Barney Bralligan
ABC    261 C1:020173021020170 C2:uuduuduudududuu M:9/8   K:D            H:LR     T:Barney Bralligan
ABC   1090 C1:020173021020170 C2:uuduuduudududuu M:9/8   K:D            H:LR     T:Barney Bralligan
ABC   1554 C1:020173021020170 C2:uuduuduudududuu M:9/8   K:D            H:LR     T:Barney Bralligan
ABC   4814 C1:020173021020170 C2:uuduuduudududuu M:9/8   K:D            H:LR     T:Barney Bralligan
ABC    261 C1:020173021020170 C2:uuduuduudududuu M:9/8   K:D            H:LR     T:Barney Bralligan
ABC   1090 C1:020173021020170 C2:uuduuduudududuu M:9/8   K:D            H:LR     T:Barney Bralligan
ABC   1554 C1:020173021020170 C2:uuduuduudududuu M:9/8   K:D            H:LR     T:Barney Bralligan
ABC   4814 C1:020173021020170 C2:uuduuduudududuu M:9/8   K:D            H:LR     T:Barney Bralligan
ABC     26 C1:020173021020170 C2:uuduuduudududuu M:9/8   K:D            H:LR     T:Barney Bralligan
ABC    540 C1:020001113020017 C2:uuuuduuduuddddu M:9/8   K:D            H:DRZ    T:Barney Bralligan
ABC    541 C1:020173021020170 C2:uuduuduudududuu M:9/8   K:D            H:LR     T:Barney Bralligan
ABC    421 C1:020173021020170 C2:uuduuduudududuu M:9/8   K:D            H:LOR    T:Barney Bralligan
ABC    421 C1:020173021020170 C2:uuduuduudududuu M:9/8   K:D            H:LOR    T:Barney Bralligan
ABC   1188 C1:020173021020170 C2:uuduuduudududuu M:9/8   K:D            H:LR     T:Barney Bralligan
ABC   1189 C1:020173021020170 C2:uuduuduudududuu M:9/8   K:D            H:LR     T:Barney Bralligan
ABC   1188 C1:020173021020170 C2:uuduuduudududuu M:9/8   K:D            H:LR     T:Barney Bralligan
ABC   1189 C1:020173021020170 C2:uuduuduudududuu M:9/8   K:D            H:LR     T:Barney Bralligan
ABC   1188 C1:020173021020170 C2:uuduuduudududuu M:9/8   K:D            H:LR     T:Barney Bralligan
ABC   1189 C1:020173021020170 C2:uuduuduudududuu M:9/8   K:D            H:LR     T:Barney Bralligan
ABC    954 C1:020173021020170 C2:uuduuduudududuu M:9/8   K:D            H:LR     T:Barney Bralligan
ABC    955 C1:020173021020170 C2:uuduuduudududuu M:9/8   K:D            H:LR     T:Barney Bralligan
ABC    956 C1:020173021020170 C2:uuduuduudududuu M:9/8   K:D            H:LR     T:Barney Bralligan
ABC    957 C1:020173021020170 C2:uuduuduudududuu M:9/8   K:D            H:LR     T:Barney Bralligan
ABC    954 C1:020173021020170 C2:uuduuduudududuu M:9/8   K:D            H:LR     T:Barney Bralligan
ABC    955 C1:020173021020170 C2:uuduuduudududuu M:9/8   K:D            H:LR     T:Barney Bralligan
ABC    956 C1:020173021020170 C2:uuduuduudududuu M:9/8   K:D            H:LR     T:Barney Bralligan
ABC    957 C1:020173021020170 C2:uuduuduudududuu M:9/8   K:D            H:LR     T:Barney Bralligan
ABC    954 C1:020173021020170 C2:uuduuduudududuu M:9/8   K:D            H:LR     T:Barney Bralligan
ABC    955 C1:020173021020170 C2:uuduuduudududuu M:9/8   K:D            H:LR     T:Barney Bralligan
ABC    956 C1:020173021020170 C2:uuduuduudududuu M:9/8   K:D            H:LR     T:Barney Bralligan
ABC    957 C1:020173021020170 C2:uuduuduudududuu M:9/8   K:D            H:LR     T:Barney Bralligan
ABC    954 C1:020173021020170 C2:uuduuduudududuu M:9/8   K:D            H:LR     T:Barney Bralligan
ABC    955 C1:020173021020170 C2:uuduuduudududuu M:9/8   K:D            H:LR     T:Barney Bralligan
ABC    956 C1:020173021020170 C2:uuduuduudududuu M:9/8   K:D            H:LR     T:Barney Bralligan
ABC    957 C1:020173021020170 C2:uuduuduudududuu M:9/8   K:D            H:LR     T:Barney Bralligan
ABC    954 C1:020173021020170 C2:uuduuduudududuu M:9/8   K:D            H:LR     T:Barney Bralligan
ABC    955 C1:020173021020170 C2:uuduuduudududuu M:9/8   K:D            H:LR     T:Barney Bralligan
ABC    956 C1:020173021020170 C2:uuduuduudududuu M:9/8   K:D            H:LR     T:Barney Bralligan
ABC    957 C1:020173021020170 C2:uuduuduudududuu M:9/8   K:D            H:LR     T:Barney Bralligan
ABC      1 C1:020623021020170 C2:uduuuduududuuuu M:9/8   K:D            H:RZ     T:Barney Brannigan
ABC      1 C1:020171113020170 C2:uuduuuduudududu M:9/8   K:D            H:"L     T:Barney Brannigan
ABC     28 C1:020623021020170 C2:uduuuduududuuuu M:9/8   K:D            H:RZ     T:Barney Brannigan
ABC     28 C1:020623021020170 C2:uduuuduududuuuu M:9/8   K:D            H:RZ     T:Barney Brannigan
ABC      1 C1:020111056020170 C2:uuuudduudduuuuu M:9/8   K:D            H:CILQ   T:Barney Brannigan
ABC     28 C1:020623021020170 C2:uduuuduududuuuu M:9/8   K:D            H:RZ     T:Barney Brannigan
ABC     28 C1:020623021020170 C2:uduuuduududuuuu M:9/8   K:D            H:RZ     T:Barney Brannigan
ABC      1 C1:020171113020170 C2:uuduuuduudududu M:      K:Dmaj         H:LR     T:Barney Brannigan
ABC      2 C1:020170176020173 C2:uududduuduuduud M:      K:Dmaj         H:LR     T:Barney Brannigan
ABC      3 C1:020170176020111 C2:uududduuuuuuduu M:      K:Dmaj         H:LR     T:Barney Brannigan
ABC      4 C1:020170176020173 C2:uududduuduuduud M:      K:Fmaj         H:LR     T:Barney Brannigan
ABC      5 C1:020000006020001 C2:uduuuuduuddddud M:      K:Dmaj         H:LR     T:Barney Brannigan
ABC      6 C1:020171113020170 C2:uuduuuduudududu M:      K:Dmaj         H:LR     T:Barney Brannigan
ABC      7 C1:020170176020173 C2:uududduuduuduud M:      K:Dmaj         H:LR     T:Barney Brannigan
ABC      8 C1:020001113020017 C2:uuuuduuduuddddu M:      K:Dmaj         H:LR     T:Barney Brannigan
ABC      9 C1:020171113020170 C2:uuduuuduudududu M:      K:Dmaj         H:LR     T:Barney Brannigan
ABC      1 C1:020171113020170 C2:uuduuuduudududu M:9/8   K:Dmaj         H:LR     T:Barney Brannigan
ABC   1186 C1:020623021020170 C2:uduuuduududuuuu M:9/8   K:D            H:RZ     T:Barney Brannigan
ABC     28 C1:020623021020170 C2:uduuuduududuuuu M:9/8   K:D            H:RZ     T:Barney Brannigan
ABC     28 C1:020623021020170 C2:uduuuduududuuuu M:9/8   K:D            H:RZ     T:Barney Brannigan
ABC     28 C1:020623021020170 C2:uduuuduududuuuu M:9/8   K:D            H:RZ     T:Barney Brannigan
ABC     28 C1:020623021020170 C2:uduuuduududuuuu M:9/8   K:D            H:RZ     T:Barney Brannigan
ABC     28 C1:020623021020170 C2:uduuuduududuuuu M:9/8   K:D            H:RZ     T:Barney Brannigan
ABC     28 C1:020623021020170 C2:uduuuduududuuuu M:9/8   K:D            H:RZ     T:Barney Brannigan
ABC     28 C1:020623021020170 C2:uduuuduududuuuu M:9/8   K:D            H:RZ     T:Barney Brannigan
ABC    420 C1:020623021020170 C2:uduuuduududuuuu M:9/8   K:D            H:OR     T:Barney Brannigan
ABC    420 C1:020623021020170 C2:uduuuduududuuuu M:9/8   K:D            H:OR     T:Barney Brannigan
ABC   1186 C1:020623021020170 C2:uduuuduududuuuu M:9/8   K:D            H:RZ     T:Barney Brannigan
ABC   1186 C1:020623021020170 C2:uduuuduududuuuu M:9/8   K:D            H:RZ     T:Barney Brannigan
ABC   1186 C1:020623021020170 C2:uduuuduududuuuu M:9/8   K:D            H:RZ     T:Barney Brannigan
ABC    952 C1:020623021020170 C2:uduuuduududuuuu M:9/8   K:D            H:RZ     T:Barney Brannigan
ABC    952 C1:020623021020170 C2:uduuuduududuuuu M:9/8   K:D            H:RZ     T:Barney Brannigan
ABC    952 C1:020623021020170 C2:uduuuduududuuuu M:9/8   K:D            H:RZ     T:Barney Brannigan
ABC    952 C1:020623021020170 C2:uduuuduududuuuu M:9/8   K:D            H:RZ     T:Barney Brannigan
ABC    952 C1:020623021020170 C2:uduuuduududuuuu M:9/8   K:D            H:RZ     T:Barney Brannigan
ABC     28 C1:020623021020170 C2:uduuuduududuuuu M:9/8   K:D            H:RZ     T:Barney Brannigan
ABC     28 C1:020623021020170 C2:uduuuduududuuuu M:9/8   K:D            H:RZ     T:Barney Brannigan
ABC      1 C1:020170176020171 C2:uududduuduuuduu M:9/8   K:D            H:"CLR   T:Barney Brannigan's Jig
ABC      1 C1:020170176020171 C2:uududduuduuuduu M:9/8   K:D            H:"CLR   T:Barney Brannigan's Jig
ABC     19 C1:053113076111076 C2:duuuudduuudddud M:6/8   K:A            H:"LORSZ T:Barney Buy Me A Milking Cow
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:2/4   K:C            H:LRSZ   T:Barney Leave the Girls Alone
ABC      1 C1:600630776007177 C2:dduddduuddddduu M:2/4   K:B_           H:LSZ    T:Barney Leave the Girls Alone
ABC    550 C1:600630776007177 C2:dduddduuddddduu M:2/4   K:D            H:ABFLOZ T:Barney, Let the Girl alone
ABC    550 C1:600630776007177 C2:dduddduuddddduu M:2/4   K:D            H:ABFLOZ T:Barney, Let the Girl alone
ABC      1 C1:600630776007177 C2:dduddduuddddduu M:2/4   K:D            H:ABLOZ  T:Barney, Let the Girl alone
ABC    306 C1:600630776007177 C2:dduddduuddddduu M:2/4   K:D            H:ABLOQZ T:Barney Let The Girl Alone. JaW.306
ABC    306 C1:600630776007177 C2:dduddduuddddduu M:2/4   K:D            H:ABLOQZ T:Barney Let The Girl Alone. JaW.306
ABC    306 C1:600630776007177 C2:dduddduuddddduu M:2/4   K:D            H:ALOQRSZ T:Barney Let The Girl Alone. JaW.306
ABC    307 C1:600630776007177 C2:dduddduuddddduu M:2/4   K:D            H:ACHOQRSZ T:Barney Let The Girl Alone. JaW.306
ABC    306 C1:600630776007177 C2:dduddduuddddduu M:2/4   K:D            H:ABLOQRSZ T:Barney Let The Girl Alone. JaW.306
ABC    551 C1:600630776007177 C2:dduddduuddddduu M:2/4   K:D            H:AFLOQRSZ T:Barney Let The Girl Alone. JaW.306
ABC   7531 C1:600630776007177 C2:dduddduuddddduu M:2/4   K:D            H:AFLOQRSZ T:Barney Let The Girl Alone. JaW.306
ABC    551 C1:600630776007177 C2:dduddduuddddduu M:2/4   K:D            H:AFLOQRSZ T:Barney Let The Girl Alone. JaW.306
ABC   7531 C1:600630776007177 C2:dduddduuddddduu M:2/4   K:D            H:AFLOQRSZ T:Barney Let The Girl Alone. JaW.306
ABC    306 C1:600630776007177 C2:dduddduuddddduu M:2/4   K:D            H:ABLOQRSZ T:Barney Let The Girl Alone. JaW.306
ABC      8 C1:002203070704001 C2:uuuddduuduuuddd M:4/4   K:G            H:"BCHLORS T:Barney McCoy
ABC 491037 C1:277775000067277 C2:udddddududddduu M:6/8   K:G            H:BLSYZ  T:BARNEY O'FINNEGAN
ABC     46 C1:277775000067277 C2:udddddududddduu M:6/8   K:Dmix         H:BLZ    T:Barney O'Finnegan
ABC     46 C1:277775000067277 C2:udddddududddduu M:6/8   K:Dmix         H:BLZ    T:Barney O'Finnegan
ABC     46 C1:277775000067277 C2:udddddududddduu M:6/8   K:Dmix         H:BLZ    T:Barney O'Finnegan
ABC     46 C1:277775000067277 C2:udddddududddduu M:6/8   K:Dmix         H:BLZ    T:Barney O'Finnegan
ABC     46 C1:277775000067277 C2:udddddududddduu M:6/8   K:Dmix         H:BLOQRZbs T:Barney O'Finnegan
ABC     46 C1:277775000067277 C2:udddddududddduu M:6/8   K:Dmix         H:BLOQRZbs T:Barney O'Finnegan
ABC     46 C1:277775000067277 C2:udddddududddduu M:6/8   K:Dmix         H:BLOQRZbs T:Barney O'Finnegan
ABC     46 C1:277775000067277 C2:udddddududddduu M:6/8   K:Dmix         H:BLOQRZbs T:Barney O'Finnegan
ABC     46 C1:277775000067277 C2:udddddududddduu M:6/8   K:Dmix         H:BLOQRZbs T:Barney O'Finnegan
ABC     46 C1:277775000067277 C2:udddddududddduu M:6/8   K:Dmix         H:BLOQRZbs T:Barney O'Finnegan
ABC     46 C1:277775000067277 C2:udddddududddduu M:6/8   K:Dmix         H:BLOQRZbs T:Barney O'Finnegan
ABC     46 C1:277775000067277 C2:udddddududddduu M:6/8   K:Dmix         H:BLOQRZbs T:Barney O'Finnegan
ABC     46 C1:277775000067277 C2:udddddududddduu M:6/8   K:Dmix         H:BLOQRZbs T:Barney O'Finnegan
ABC     46 C1:277775000067277 C2:udddddududddduu M:6/8   K:Dmix         H:BLZ    T:Barney O'Finnegan
ABC 491037 C1:277775000067277 C2:udddddududddduu M:6/8   K:G            H:BLSYZ  T:BARNEY O'FINNEGAN
ABC 491037 C1:277775000067277 C2:udddddududddduu M:6/8   K:G            H:BLSYZ  T:BARNEY O'FINNEGAN
ABC     46 C1:277775000067277 C2:udddddududddduu M:6/8   K:Dmix         H:BLZ    T:Barney O'Finnegan
ABC     46 C1:277775000067277 C2:udddddududddduu M:6/8   K:Dmix         H:BLZ    T:Barney O'Finnegan
ABC     46 C1:277775000067277 C2:udddddududddduu M:6/8   K:Dmix         H:BLZ    T:Barney O'Finnegan
ABC   0046 C1:277775000067277 C2:udddddududddduu M:6/8   K:G            H:BCILQZ T:Barney O'Finnegan air 0046
ABC   0046 C1:277775000067277 C2:udddddududddduu M:6/8   K:G            H:BCILQZ T:Barney O'Finnegan air 0046
ABC   0046 C1:277775000067277 C2:udddddududddduu M:6/8   K:G            H:BCILQZ T:Barney O'Finnegan air 0046
ABC    296 C1:566022102302066 C2:dddduuuududduuu M:6/8   K:D            H:BFLRZbs T:Barney O'Neill #2
ABC    296 C1:566022102302066 C2:dddduuuududduuu M:6/8   K:D            H:BFLRZbs T:Barney O'Neill #2
ABC 493015 C1:660221023020660 C2:dduuuududduuudu M:6/8   K:D            H:BLRS   T:BARNEY O'NEILL
ABC   1139 C1:660221023020660 C2:dduuuududduuudu M:6/8   K:D            H:BLRZ   T:Barney O'Neill
ABC   1139 C1:660221023020660 C2:dduuuududduuudu M:6/8   K:D            H:BLRZ   T:Barney O'Neill
ABC   1139 C1:660221023020660 C2:dduuuududduuudu M:6/8   K:D            H:BLRZ   T:Barney O'Neill
ABC   1106 C1:660221023020660 C2:dduuuududduuudu M:6/8   K:D            H:BLRZ   T:Barney O'Neill
ABC   1106 C1:660221023020660 C2:dduuuududduuudu M:6/8   K:D            H:BLORZ  T:Barney O'Neill
ABC   1106 C1:660221023020660 C2:dduuuududduuudu M:6/8   K:D            H:BLORZ  T:Barney O'Neill
ABC   1106 C1:660221023020660 C2:dduuuududduuudu M:6/8   K:D            H:BLORZ  T:Barney O'Neill
ABC   1106 C1:660221023020660 C2:dduuuududduuudu M:6/8   K:D            H:BLORZ  T:Barney O'Neill
ABC      1 C1:660221023020660 C2:dduuuududduuudu M:6/8   K:D            H:BCLORZ T:Barney O'Neill
ABC    296 C1:660221023020660 C2:dduuuududduuudu M:6/8   K:D            H:BLORZ  T:Barney O'neill
ABC    296 C1:660221023020660 C2:dduuuududduuudu M:6/8   K:D            H:BLORZ  T:Barney O'neill
ABC    296 C1:660221023020660 C2:dduuuududduuudu M:6/8   K:D            H:BLORZ  T:Barney O'neill
ABC      1 C1:060600020201000 C2:dduuuududduuudu M:6/8   K:D            H:CLQR   T:Barney O'Neill
ABC      1 C1:060600020201000 C2:dduuuududduuudu M:6/8   K:D            H:CLQR   T:Barney O'Neill
ABC      1 C1:060600020201000 C2:dduuuududduuudu M:6/8   K:D            H:CLQR   T:Barney O'Neill
ABC    296 C1:566022102302066 C2:dddduuuududduuu M:6/8   K:D            H:BFLRZbs T:Barney O'Neill
ABC    296 C1:566022102302066 C2:dddduuuududduuu M:6/8   K:D            H:BFLRZbs T:Barney O'Neill
ABC    296 C1:566022102302066 C2:dddduuuududduuu M:6/8   K:D            H:BFLRZbs T:Barney O'Neill
ABC    296 C1:566022102302066 C2:dddduuuududduuu M:6/8   K:D            H:BFLRZbs T:Barney O'Neill
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:6/8   K:D            H:LRSZ   T:Barney O'Neill
ABC   1106 C1:660221023020660 C2:dduuuududduuudu M:6/8   K:D            H:BLRZ   T:Barney O'Neill
ABC 493015 C1:660221023020660 C2:dduuuududduuudu M:6/8   K:D            H:BLRS   T:BARNEY O'NEILL
ABC 493015 C1:660221023020660 C2:dduuuududduuudu M:6/8   K:D            H:BLRS   T:BARNEY O'NEILL
ABC   1106 C1:660221023020660 C2:dduuuududduuudu M:6/8   K:D            H:BLRZ   T:Barney O'Neill
ABC    297 C1:660221023020660 C2:dduuuududduuudu M:6/8   K:D            H:BCFLORWZ T:Barney O'Neill
ABC    296 C1:660221023020660 C2:dduuuududduuudu M:6/8   K:D            H:BLORZ  T:Barney O'neill
ABC    296 C1:660221023020660 C2:dduuuududduuudu M:6/8   K:D            H:BLORZ  T:Barney O'neill
ABC    960 C1:660221023020660 C2:dduuuududduuudu M:6/8   K:D            H:BCLORZ T:Barney O'Neill
ABC    960 C1:660221023020660 C2:dduuuududduuudu M:6/8   K:D            H:BCLORZ T:Barney O'Neill
ABC    960 C1:660221023020660 C2:dduuuududduuudu M:6/8   K:D            H:BCLORZ T:Barney O'Neill
ABC    960 C1:660221023020660 C2:dduuuududduuudu M:6/8   K:D            H:BCLORZ T:Barney O'Neill
ABC    960 C1:660221023020660 C2:dduuuududduuudu M:6/8   K:D            H:BCLORZ T:Barney O'Neill
ABC    139 C1:660221023020660 C2:dduuuududduuudu M:6/8   K:D            H:BCLORZ T:Barney O'Neill
ABC   1139 C1:660221023020660 C2:dduuuududduuudu M:6/8   K:D            H:BLRZ   T:Barney O'Neill
ABC   1139 C1:660221023020660 C2:dduuuududduuudu M:6/8   K:D            H:BLRZ   T:Barney O'Neill
ABC   1106 C1:660221023020660 C2:dduuuududduuudu M:6/8   K:D            H:BCILZ  T:"Barney O'Neill" (jig) 1106
ABC   1106 C1:660221023020660 C2:dduuuududduuudu M:6/8   K:D            H:BCILZ  T:"Barney O'Neill" (jig) 1106
ABC   1106 C1:660221023020660 C2:dduuuududduuudu M:6/8   K:D            H:BCILZ  T:"Barney O'Neill" (jig) 1106
ABC      1 C1:660221023020660 C2:dduuuududduuudu M:6/8   K:D            H:CLRZ   T:Barney O'Neill's
ABC      1 C1:660221023020660 C2:dduuuududduuudu M:6/8   K:D            H:CLRZ   T:Barney O'Neill's
ABC    422 C1:660221023020660 C2:dduuuududduuudu M:6/8   K:D            H:CLOR   T:Barney O'Neill's
ABC    422 C1:660221023020660 C2:dduuuududduuudu M:6/8   K:D            H:CLOR   T:Barney O'Neill's
ABC    958 C1:660221023020660 C2:dduuuududduuudu M:6/8   K:D            H:CLRZ   T:Barney O'Neill's
ABC    959 C1:660221023020660 C2:dduuuududduuudu M:6/8   K:D            H:CLRZ   T:Barney O'Neill's
ABC    958 C1:660221023020660 C2:dduuuududduuudu M:6/8   K:D            H:CLRZ   T:Barney O'Neill's
ABC    959 C1:660221023020660 C2:dduuuududduuudu M:6/8   K:D            H:CLRZ   T:Barney O'Neill's
ABC    958 C1:660221023020660 C2:dduuuududduuudu M:6/8   K:D            H:CLRZ   T:Barney O'Neill's
ABC    959 C1:660221023020660 C2:dduuuududduuudu M:6/8   K:D            H:CLRZ   T:Barney O'Neill's
ABC    958 C1:660221023020660 C2:dduuuududduuudu M:6/8   K:D            H:CLRZ   T:Barney O'Neill's
ABC    959 C1:660221023020660 C2:dduuuududduuudu M:6/8   K:D            H:CLRZ   T:Barney O'Neill's
ABC    958 C1:660221023020660 C2:dduuuududduuudu M:6/8   K:D            H:CLRZ   T:Barney O'Neill's
ABC    959 C1:660221023020660 C2:dduuuududduuudu M:6/8   K:D            H:CLRZ   T:Barney O'Neill's
ABC      1 C1:003171201131712 C2:duduuuududuuudu M:4/4   K:D            H:CLRSZ  T:Barney's Balmoral
ABC      1 C1:003171201131712 C2:duduuuududuuudu M:4/4   K:D            H:CLRSZ  T:Barney's Balmoral
ABC      1 C1:003171201131712 C2:duduuuududuuudu M:4/4   K:D            H:CLRSZ  T:Barney's Balmoral
ABC      1 C1:003171201131712 C2:duduuuududuuudu M:4/4   K:D            H:CLRSZ  T:Barney's Balmoral
ABC     25 C1:071071076007175 C2:dududddudduuddu M:6/8   K:C            H:BLORS  T:Barney Sell Your Fiddle and Buy Your Wife a Dress
ABC      1 C1:020017662030011 C2:uuddduuuuuudddd M:9/8   K:Em           H:BLRZ   T:BARNEY'S GOAT -- JIG
ABC      1 C1:020017662030011 C2:uuddduuuuuudddd M:9/8   K:Em           H:BLRZ   T:BARNEY'S GOAT -- JIG
ABC      1 C1:020017662030011 C2:uuddduuuuuudddd M:9/8   K:Em           H:BLRZ   T:BARNEY'S GOAT -- JIG
ABC      1 C1:020017662030011 C2:uuddduuuuuudddd M:9/8   K:Em           H:BLRZ   T:BARNEY'S GOAT -- JIG
ABC      1 C1:020017662030011 C2:uuddduuuuuudddd M:9/8   K:Em           H:BLRZ   T:BARNEY'S GOAT -- JIG
ABC      1 C1:020017662030011 C2:uuddduuuuuudddd M:9/8   K:Em           H:BLRZ   T:BARNEY'S GOAT -- JIG
ABC      1 C1:020017662030011 C2:uuddduuuuuudddd M:9/8   K:Em           H:BLRZ   T:BARNEY'S GOAT -- JIG
ABC 751405 C1:220077230071270 C2:uudduuduudduuuu M:3/4   K:D            H:"FGLRZ T:Barnicle Redowa
ABC 751405 C1:                C2:                M:3/4   K:D            H:FGLRZ  T:Barnicle Redowa %%MIDI ratio 2 1
ABC    154 C1:277760520006000 C2:uuudududduuuudd M:C|    K:Dm           H:BLQWZ  T:Barnicles,aka. PFD3.154
ABC    154 C1:277760520006000 C2:uuudududduuuudd M:C|    K:Dm           H:BLQWZ  T:Barnicles,aka. PFD3.154
ABC    266 C1:111616160600051 C2:uuudududduuuudd M:C|    K:Dm           H:BLQWZ  T:Barnicles. PFD2.266
ABC    266 C1:111616160600051 C2:uuudududduuuudd M:C|    K:Dm           H:BLQWZ  T:Barnicles. PFD2.266
ABC  41019 C1:223277767711666 C2:uuuudddddduuddu M:6/8   K:D            H:CDLQR  T:BARN OWL, The
ABC      1 C1:223277767711666 C2:uuuudddddduuddu M:6/8   K:D            H:CLRZ   T:Barn Owl
ABC    150 C1:223277767711666 C2:uuuudddddduuddu M:6/8   K:D            H:CLRSZ  T:Barn Owl
ABC  41019 C1:223277767711666 C2:uuuudddddduuddu M:6/8   K:D            H:CDLQR  T:BARN OWL, The
ABC  41019 C1:223277767711666 C2:uuuudddddduuddu M:6/8   K:D            H:CDLQR  T:BARN OWL, The
ABC      1 C1:077601306604007 C2:ddddudududddudu M:3/4   K:E            H:LOw    T:Barnsley Anthem
ABC     96 C1:110111000021077 C2:uuuuuuudddduddd M:6/8   K:D            H:BLQZ   T:Barnsley New Theatre. Roose.0096
ABC      1 C1:030004020200017 C2:uuududdududdduu M:4/4   K:A            H:L      T:The Barns O' Beneuches
ABC      1 C1:030004020200017 C2:uuududdududdduu M:4/4   K:A            H:L      T:The Barns O' Beneuches
ABC      1 C1:030004020200017 C2:uuududdududdduu M:4/4   K:A            H:L      T:The Barns O' Beneuches
ABC      9 C1:030004020200017 C2:uuududdududdduu M:4/4   K:A            H:"BLQSWZ T:Barns O' Beneuches, The
ABC      1 C1:030004020200017 C2:uuududdududdduu M:4/4   K:A            H:"BLQSWZ T:Barns O' Beneuches, The
ABC      9 C1:030004020200017 C2:uuududdududdduu M:4/4   K:A            H:"BLQSWZ T:Barns O' Beneuches, The
ABC   1190 C1:030004020200017 C2:uuududdududdduu M:4/4   K:A            H:"BLQSWZ T:Barns O' Beneuches, The
ABC      9 C1:030004020200017 C2:uuududdududdduu M:4/4   K:A            H:"BLQSWZ T:Barns O' Beneuches, The
ABC      9 C1:030004020200017 C2:uuududdududdduu M:4/4   K:A            H:"BLQSWZ T:Barns O' Beneuches, The
ABC    423 C1:030004020200017 C2:uuududdududdduu M:4/4   K:A            H:"BLOQSW T:Barns O' Beneuches, The
ABC    423 C1:030004020200017 C2:uuududdududdduu M:4/4   K:A            H:"BLOQSW T:Barns O' Beneuches, The
ABC      9 C1:030004020200017 C2:uuududdududdduu M:4/4   K:A            H:"BLQSWZ T:Barns O' Beneuches, The
ABC      9 C1:030004020200017 C2:uuududdududdduu M:4/4   K:A            H:"BLQSWZ T:Barns O' Beneuches, The
ABC      9 C1:030004020200017 C2:uuududdududdduu M:4/4   K:A            H:"BLQSWZ T:Barns O' Beneuches, The
ABC      9 C1:030004020200017 C2:uuududdududdduu M:4/4   K:A            H:"BLQSWZ T:Barns O' Beneuches, The
ABC   1190 C1:030004020200017 C2:uuududdududdduu M:4/4   K:A            H:"BLQSWZ T:Barns O' Beneuches, The
ABC   1190 C1:030004020200017 C2:uuududdududdduu M:4/4   K:A            H:"BLQSWZ T:Barns O' Beneuches, The
ABC   1190 C1:030004020200017 C2:uuududdududdduu M:4/4   K:A            H:"BLQSWZ T:Barns O' Beneuches, The
ABC    961 C1:030004020200017 C2:uuududdududdduu M:4/4   K:A            H:"BLQSWZ T:Barns O' Beneuches, The
ABC    961 C1:030004020200017 C2:uuududdududdduu M:4/4   K:A            H:"BLQSWZ T:Barns O' Beneuches, The
ABC    961 C1:030004020200017 C2:uuududdududdduu M:4/4   K:A            H:"BLQSWZ T:Barns O' Beneuches, The
ABC    961 C1:030004020200017 C2:uuududdududdduu M:4/4   K:A            H:"BLQSWZ T:Barns O' Beneuches, The
ABC    961 C1:030004020200017 C2:uuududdududdduu M:4/4   K:A            H:"BLQSWZ T:Barns O' Beneuches, The
ABC      1 C1:010001010101010 C2:uduuuuuuuddddud M:4/4   K:Dm           H:CLQR   T:The Barns of Clyde
ABC      1 C1:010001010101010 C2:uduuuuuuuddddud M:4/4   K:Dm           H:CLQR   T:The Barns of Clyde
ABC      1 C1:017771050017001 C2:uddduuududduudd M:3/4   K:D            H:"CL    T:Barnstaple bells
ABC      1 C1:413576064131010 C2:duudduddduuuudd M:2/4   K:C            H:L      T:Barnyards O' Delgaty
ABC    438 C1:267577512101775 C2:udduddduuuudddu M:2/4   K:D            H:LSZ    T:Barnyards o' Delgaty, The
ABC    438 C1:267577512101775 C2:udduddduuuudddu M:2/4   K:D            H:LSZ    T:Barnyards o' Delgaty, The
ABC      1 C1:413576064131010 C2:duudduddduuuudd M:2/4   K:C            H:L      T:Barnyards O' Delgaty
ABC      1 C1:413576064131010 C2:duudduddduuuudd M:2/4   K:C            H:L      T:Barnyards O' Delgaty
ABC   1071 C1:775126757751210 C2:ddduudduddduuuu M:2/4   K:D            H:"CILRZ T:Barnyards O'Delgaty, The
ABC    438 C1:267577512101775 C2:udduddduuuudddu M:2/4   K:D            H:LSZ    T:Barnyards o' Delgaty, The
ABC    438 C1:267577512101775 C2:udduddduuuudddu M:2/4   K:D            H:LSZ    T:Barnyards o' Delgaty, The
ABC   1071 C1:775126757751210 C2:ddduudduddduuuu M:2/4   K:D            H:"CILRZ T:Barnyards O'Delgaty, The
ABC   1071 C1:775126757751210 C2:ddduudduddduuuu M:2/4   K:D            H:"CILRZ T:Barnyards O'Delgaty, The
ABC      1 C1:065126750651210 C2:ddduudduddduuuu M:C|    K:HP           H:CLQS   T:Barnyard's O' Delgaty (Turra Market)
ABC      1 C1:065126750651210 C2:ddduudduddduuuu M:C|    K:HP           H:CLQS   T:Barnyard's O' Delgaty (Turra Market)
ABC      1 C1:065126750651210 C2:ddduudduddduuuu M:C|    K:HP           H:CLQS   T:Barnyard's O' Delgaty (Turra Market)
ABC      1 C1:050077050102060 C2:uddduudduddduuu M:4/4   K:D            H:CLQR   T:Barnyards of Dalgaty
ABC      1 C1:050077050102060 C2:uddduudduddduuu M:4/4   K:D            H:CLQR   T:Barnyards of Dalgaty
ABC      1 C1:775126757751210 C2:ddduudduddduuuu M:C|    K:A            H:"LZ    T:Barnyards of Delgaty
ABC      1 C1:775126757751210 C2:ddduudduddduuuu M:C|    K:A            H:"LZ    T:Barnyards of Delgaty
ABC      1 C1:775126757751210 C2:ddduudduddduuuu M:C|    K:A            H:"LZ    T:Barnyards of Delgaty
ABC      1 C1:775126757751210 C2:ddduudduddduuuu M:C|    K:A            H:"LZ    T:Barnyards of Delgaty
ABC      1 C1:775126757751210 C2:ddduudduddduuuu M:C|    K:A            H:"LZ    T:Barnyards of Delgaty
ABC      1 C1:775126757751210 C2:ddduudduddduuuu M:C|    K:A            H:"LZ    T:Barnyards of Delgaty
ABC      1 C1:775126757751210 C2:ddduudduddduuuu M:C|    K:A            H:"LZ    T:Barnyards of Delgaty
ABC      1 C1:775126757751210 C2:ddduudduddduuuu M:C|    K:A            H:"LZ    T:Barnyards of Delgaty
ABC      1 C1:775126757751210 C2:ddduudduddduuuu M:C|    K:A            H:"LZ    T:Barnyards of Delgaty
ABC      1 C1:775126757751210 C2:ddduudduddduuuu M:C|    K:A            H:"LZ    T:Barnyards of Delgaty
ABC      1 C1:775126757751210 C2:ddduudduddduuuu M:C|    K:A            H:"LZ    T:Barnyards of Delgaty
ABC      1 C1:775126757751210 C2:ddduudduddduuuu M:C|    K:A            H:"LZ    T:Barnyards of Delgaty
ABC      1 C1:775126757751210 C2:ddduudduddduuuu M:C|    K:A            H:"LZ    T:Barnyards of Delgaty
ABC      1 C1:775126757751210 C2:ddduudduddduuuu M:C|    K:A            H:"LZ    T:Barnyards of Delgaty
ABC      1 C1:775126757751210 C2:ddduudduddduuuu M:C|    K:A            H:"LZ    T:Barnyards of Delgaty
ABC      1 C1:277512675775121 C2:uuddduudduddduu M:C|    K:A            H:"LZ    T:Barnyards of Delgaty
ABC      2 C1:775126757751210 C2:ddduudduddduuuu M:C|    K:A            H:"LZ    T:Barnyards of Delgaty
ABC      2 C1:775126757751210 C2:ddduudduddduuuu M:C|    K:A            H:"LZ    T:Barnyards of Delgaty
ABC      2 C1:775126757751210 C2:ddduudduddduuuu M:C|    K:A            H:"LZ    T:Barnyards of Delgaty
ABC      2 C1:775126757751210 C2:ddduudduddduuuu M:C|    K:A            H:"LZ    T:Barnyards of Delgaty
ABC      3 C1:775126757751210 C2:ddduudduddduuuu M:C|    K:A            H:"LZ    T:Barnyards of Delgaty
ABC      3 C1:775126757751210 C2:ddduudduddduuuu M:C|    K:A            H:"LZ    T:Barnyards of Delgaty
ABC      3 C1:775126757751210 C2:ddduudduddduuuu M:C|    K:A            H:"LZ    T:Barnyards of Delgaty
ABC      3 C1:775126757751210 C2:ddduudduddduuuu M:C|    K:A            H:"LZ    T:Barnyards of Delgaty
ABC      3 C1:775126757751210 C2:ddduudduddduuuu M:C|    K:A            H:"LZ    T:Barnyards of Delgaty
ABC      1 C1:775126757751210 C2:ddduudduddduuuu M:C|    K:A            H:"LZ    T:Barnyards of Delgaty
ABC      1 C1:065121010651267 C2:ddduuuuddduuddu M:4/4   K:G            H:LQV    T:BarnyardsOfDelgaty.mid
ABC      1 C1:772767110000012 C2:dduddduuuuudddu M:2/4   K:G            H:LSZ    T:Baroc, La
ABC      1 C1:016103027771715 C2:uduuudddududddd M:3/4   K:Bb           H:CLQ    T:Barockinspirerad lt
ABC      1 C1:016103027771715 C2:uduuudddududddd M:3/4   K:Bb           H:CLQ    T:Barockinspirerad lt
ABC      1 C1:016103027771715 C2:uduuudddududddd M:3/4   K:Bb           H:CLQ    T:Barockinspirerad låt
ABC      1 C1:016103027771715 C2:uduuudddududddd M:3/4   K:Bb           H:CLQ    T:Barockinspirerad låt
ABC      1 C1:016103027771715 C2:uduuudddududddd M:3/4   K:Bb           H:CLQ    T:Barockinspirerad låt
ABC      1 C1:016103027771715 C2:uduuudddududddd M:3/4   K:Bb           H:CLQ    T:Barockinspirerad låt
ABC      1 C1:016103027771715 C2:uduuudddududddd M:3/4   K:Bb           H:CLQ    T:Barockinspirerad lt
ABC      1 C1:016103027771715 C2:uduuudddududddd M:3/4   K:Bb           H:CLQ    T:Barockinspirerad lt
ABC      5 C1:060200030001027 C2:uuuuudduddududd M:3/4   K:Dm           H:CLR    T:Barock´n Roll
ABC      1 C1:177717771163007 C2:uddduddduududuu M:3/4   K:Dm           H:BDLORSZ T:Barockpolskan
ABC      1 C1:177717771163007 C2:uddduddduududuu M:3/4   K:Dm           H:BDLORSZ T:Barockpolskan
ABC      1 C1:177717771163007 C2:uddduddduududuu M:3/4   K:Dm           H:BDLORSZ T:Barockpolskan
ABC      1 C1:177717771163007 C2:uddduddduududuu M:3/4   K:Dm           H:BDLORSZ T:Barockpolskan
ABC      1 C1:177717771163007 C2:uddduddduududuu M:3/4   K:Dm           H:BDLORSZ T:Barockpolskan
ABC      1 C1:177717771163007 C2:uddduddduududuu M:3/4   K:Dm           H:BDLORSZ T:Barockpolskan
ABC      1 C1:177717771163007 C2:uddduddduududuu M:3/4   K:Dm           H:BDLORSZ T:Barockpolskan
ABC      1 C1:177717771163007 C2:uddduddduududuu M:3/4   K:Dm           H:BDLORSZ T:Barockpolskan
ABC      1 C1:177717771163007 C2:uddduddduududuu M:3/4   K:Dm           H:BDLORSZ T:Barockpolskan
ABC      1 C1:177717771163007 C2:uddduddduududuu M:3/4   K:Dm           H:BDLORSZ T:Barockpolskan
ABC      1 C1:177717771163007 C2:uddduddduududuu M:3/4   K:Dm           H:BDLORSZ T:Barockpolskan
ABC     24 C1:177717771163007 C2:uddduddduududuu M:3/4   K:Dm           H:ALRSZ  T:Barockpolskan
ABC      1 C1:177717771163007 C2:uddduddduududuu M:3/4   K:Dm           H:BDLORSZ T:Barockpolskan
ABC      1 C1:177717771163007 C2:uddduddduududuu M:3/4   K:Dm           H:BDLORSZ T:Barockpolskan
ABC      1 C1:177717771163007 C2:uddduddduududuu M:3/4   K:Dm           H:BDLORSZ T:Barockpolskan
ABC      1 C1:177717771163007 C2:uddduddduududuu M:3/4   K:Dm           H:BDLORSZ T:Barockpolskan
ABC      1 C1:177717771163007 C2:uddduddduududuu M:3/4   K:Dm           H:BDLORSZ T:Barockpolskan
ABC      1 C1:177717771163007 C2:uddduddduududuu M:3/4   K:Dm           H:BDLORSZ T:Barockpolskan
ABC     24 C1:177717771163007 C2:uddduddduududuu M:3/4   K:Dm           H:ALRSZ  T:Barockpolskan
ABC     24 C1:177717771163007 C2:uddduddduududuu M:3/4   K:Dm           H:HLORZ  T:Barockpolskan
ABC     24 C1:177717771163007 C2:uddduddduududuu M:3/4   K:Dm           H:HLORZ  T:Barockpolskan
ABC    206 C1:000476771710000 C2:uddddudududdudu M:2/4   K:F            H:BLQZ   T:Baron Manchausen's Quadrilles No.1. Le4.206
ABC    206 C1:000476771710000 C2:uddddudududdudu M:2/4   K:F            H:BLQZ   T:Baron Manchausen's Quadrilles No.1. Le4.206
ABC    207 C1:535362625350673 C2:dudududududddud M:2/4   K:A            H:BLQZ   T:Baron Manchausen's Quadrilles No.2. Le4.207
ABC    207 C1:535362625350673 C2:dudududududddud M:2/4   K:A            H:BLQZ   T:Baron Manchausen's Quadrilles No.2. Le4.207
ABC    208 C1:000001760470766 C2:uddudddddduuuud M:6/8   K:A            H:BLQZ   T:Baron Manchausen's Quadrilles No.3. Le4.208
ABC    208 C1:000001760470766 C2:uddudddddduuuud M:6/8   K:A            H:BLQZ   T:Baron Manchausen's Quadrilles No.3. Le4.208
ABC    209 C1:002626210140413 C2:uuduuduuudduuuu M:2/4   K:G            H:BLQZ   T:Baron Manchausen's Quadrilles No.4. Le4.209
ABC    209 C1:002626210140413 C2:uuduuduuudduuuu M:2/4   K:G            H:BLQZ   T:Baron Manchausen's Quadrilles No.4. Le4.209
ABC    210 C1:004400440036106 C2:udududuudddduud M:2/4   K:F            H:BLQZ   T:Baron Manchausen's Quadrilles No.5. Le4.210
ABC    210 C1:004400440036106 C2:udududuudddduud M:2/4   K:F            H:BLQZ   T:Baron Manchausen's Quadrilles No.5. Le4.210
ABC     42 C1:060050010566722 C2:ddduduuddduuuuu M:2/4   K:D            H:ALQRSZ T:Baron Merthyr's Quadrille
ABC     42 C1:060050010566722 C2:ddduduuddduuuuu M:2/4   K:D            H:ALQRSZ T:Baron Merthyr's Quadrille
ABC     42 C1:060050010566722 C2:ddduduuddduuuuu M:2/4   K:D            H:ALQRSZ T:Baron Merthyr's Quadrille
ABC      1 C1:206002117001037 C2:uddduuuuduudddd M:3/4   K:C            H:L      T:The Baron O' Brackley
ABC      1 C1:206002117001037 C2:uddduuuuduudddd M:3/4   K:C            H:L      T:The Baron O' Brackley
ABC      1 C1:206002117001037 C2:uddduuuuduudddd M:3/4   K:C            H:L      T:The Baron O' Brackley
ABC      1 C1:020077007102010 C2:uddduuuuduudddd M:3/4   K:C            H:"BLQSWZ T:Baron O' Brackley, The
ABC     10 C1:020077007102010 C2:uddduuuuduudddd M:3/4   K:C            H:"BLQSWZ T:Baron O' Brackley, The
ABC      0 C1:010177110077050 C2:uudduudddududuu M:3/4   K:DMix         H:LQS    T:The Baron o' Brackley
ABC   1191 C1:020077007102010 C2:uddduuuuduudddd M:3/4   K:C            H:"BLQSWZ T:Baron O' Brackley, The
ABC     10 C1:020077007102010 C2:uddduuuuduudddd M:3/4   K:C            H:"BLQSWZ T:Baron O' Brackley, The
ABC     10 C1:020077007102010 C2:uddduuuuduudddd M:3/4   K:C            H:"BLQSWZ T:Baron O' Brackley, The
ABC    424 C1:020077007102010 C2:uddduuuuduudddd M:3/4   K:C            H:"BLOQSW T:Baron O' Brackley, The
ABC    424 C1:020077007102010 C2:uddduuuuduudddd M:3/4   K:C            H:"BLOQSW T:Baron O' Brackley, The
ABC     10 C1:020077007102010 C2:uddduuuuduudddd M:3/4   K:C            H:"BLQSWZ T:Baron O' Brackley, The
ABC     10 C1:020077007102010 C2:uddduuuuduudddd M:3/4   K:C            H:"BLQSWZ T:Baron O' Brackley, The
ABC     10 C1:020077007102010 C2:uddduuuuduudddd M:3/4   K:C            H:"BLQSWZ T:Baron O' Brackley, The
ABC     10 C1:020077007102010 C2:uddduuuuduudddd M:3/4   K:C            H:"BLQSWZ T:Baron O' Brackley, The
ABC   1191 C1:020077007102010 C2:uddduuuuduudddd M:3/4   K:C            H:"BLQSWZ T:Baron O' Brackley, The
ABC   1191 C1:020077007102010 C2:uddduuuuduudddd M:3/4   K:C            H:"BLQSWZ T:Baron O' Brackley, The
ABC   1191 C1:020077007102010 C2:uddduuuuduudddd M:3/4   K:C            H:"BLQSWZ T:Baron O' Brackley, The
ABC    962 C1:020077007102010 C2:uddduuuuduudddd M:3/4   K:C            H:"BLQSWZ T:Baron O' Brackley, The
ABC    962 C1:020077007102010 C2:uddduuuuduudddd M:3/4   K:C            H:"BLQSWZ T:Baron O' Brackley, The
ABC    962 C1:020077007102010 C2:uddduuuuduudddd M:3/4   K:C            H:"BLQSWZ T:Baron O' Brackley, The
ABC    962 C1:020077007102010 C2:uddduuuuduudddd M:3/4   K:C            H:"BLQSWZ T:Baron O' Brackley, The
ABC    962 C1:020077007102010 C2:uddduuuuduudddd M:3/4   K:C            H:"BLQSWZ T:Baron O' Brackley, The
ABC     45 C1:677167701111677 C2:ddduddduuuudddd M:2/4   K:Am           H:ALQRSZ T:The Baron's Barn
ABC     45 C1:677167701111677 C2:ddduddduuuudddd M:2/4   K:Am           H:ALQRSZ T:The Baron's Barn
ABC     45 C1:677167701111677 C2:ddduddduuuudddd M:2/4   K:Am           H:ALQRSZ T:The Baron's Barn
ABC      1 C1:010101016070070 C2:uuuuddduddduddd M:2/4   K:Am           H:"CLRSZ T:Baron's Barn
ABC      1 C1:010101016070070 C2:uuuuddduddduddd M:2/4   K:Am           H:"CLRSZ T:Baron's Barn
ABC      1 C1:010101016070070 C2:uuuuddduddduddd M:2/4   K:Am           H:"CLRSZ T:Baron's Barn
ABC      1 C1:010101016070070 C2:uuuuddduddduddd M:2/4   K:Am           H:"CLRSZ T:Baron's Barn
ABC      1 C1:010101016070070 C2:uuuuddduddduddd M:2/4   K:Am           H:"CLRSZ T:Baron's Barn
ABC      1 C1:010101016070070 C2:uuuuddduddduddd M:2/4   K:Am           H:"CLRSZ T:Baron's Barn
ABC      1 C1:010101016070070 C2:uuuuddduddduddd M:2/4   K:Am           H:"CLRSZ T:Baron's Barn
ABC      1 C1:010101016070070 C2:uuuuddduddduddd M:2/4   K:Am           H:"CLRSZ T:Baron's Barn
ABC      1 C1:010101016070070 C2:uuuuddduddduddd M:2/4   K:Am           H:"CLRSZ T:Baron's Barn
ABC      1 C1:010101016070070 C2:uuuuddduddduddd M:2/4   K:Am           H:"CLRSZ T:Baron's Barn
ABC      1 C1:010101016070070 C2:uuuuddduddduddd M:2/4   K:Am           H:"CLRSZ T:Baron's Barn
ABC      1 C1:010101016070070 C2:uuuuddduddduddd M:2/4   K:Am           H:"CLRSZ T:Baron's Barn
ABC     45 C1:677167701111677 C2:ddduddduuuudddd M:2/4   K:Am           H:ALQRSZ T:The Baron's Barn
ABC    511 C1:000000110700036 C2:uududdduudddddd M:4/4   K:D            H:BFLVZ  T:Baron Stuben's March
ABC    511 C1:000000110700036 C2:uududdduudddddd M:4/4   K:D            H:BFLVZ  T:Baron Stuben's March
ABC    511 C1:000000110700036 C2:uududdduudddddd M:4/4   K:D            H:BFLVZ  T:Baron Stuben's March
ABC    511 C1:000000110700036 C2:uududdduudddddd M:4/4   K:D            H:BFLVZ  T:Baron Stuben's March
ABC    511 C1:000000110700036 C2:uududdduudddddd M:4/4   K:D            H:BFLVZ  T:Baron Stuben's March
ABC    511 C1:000000110700036 C2:uududdduudddddd M:4/4   K:D            H:BFLVZ  T:Baron Stuben's March
ABC    511 C1:000000110700036 C2:uududdduudddddd M:4/4   K:D            H:BFLVZ  T:Baron Stuben's March
ABC    511 C1:000000110700036 C2:uududdduudddddd M:4/4   K:D            H:BFLVZ  T:Baron Stuben's March
ABC    511 C1:000000110700036 C2:uududdduudddddd M:4/4   K:D            H:BFLVZ  T:Baron Stuben's March
ABC    511 C1:000000110700036 C2:uududdduudddddd M:4/4   K:D            H:BFLVZ  T:Baron Stuben's March
ABC    511 C1:000000110700036 C2:uududdduudddddd M:4/4   K:D            H:BFLVZ  T:Baron Stuben's March
ABC      1 C1:206206602206201 C2:ududduuduuddudu M:      K:Ador         H:LR     T:The Barony
ABC    970 C1:106206076506012 C2:ududdduduuudddu M:9/8   K:Am           H:BFLORZbs T:the Barony Jig #2
ABC    970 C1:106206076506012 C2:ududdduduuudddu M:9/8   K:Am           H:BFLORZbs T:the Barony Jig #2
ABC    970 C1:106206076506012 C2:ududdduduuudddd M:9/8   K:Am           H:BFLORZbs T:the Barony Jig #3
ABC    970 C1:106206076506012 C2:ududdduduuudddd M:9/8   K:Am           H:BFLORZbs T:the Barony Jig #3
ABC 532007 C1:206201076206206 C2:uduuddududduddd M:9/8   K:D            H:BCLQR  T:BARONY JIG, The
ABC  21008 C1:062060765060121 C2:duddduduuudddud M:9/8   K:Am           H:BLRZ   T:BARONY JIG, The
ABC    969 C1:062060765060121 C2:duddduduuudddud M:9/8   K:Am           H:BLORZ  T:The Barony Jig
ABC    969 C1:062060765060121 C2:duddduduuudddud M:9/8   K:Am           H:BLORZ  T:The Barony Jig
ABC    969 C1:062060765060121 C2:duddduduuudddud M:9/8   K:Am           H:BLORZ  T:The Barony Jig
ABC    970 C1:106206076506012 C2:ududdduduuudddu M:9/8   K:Am           H:BFLORZbs T:the Barony Jig
ABC    970 C1:106206076506012 C2:ududdduduuudddu M:9/8   K:Am           H:BFLORZbs T:the Barony Jig
ABC    970 C1:106206076506012 C2:ududdduduuudddu M:9/8   K:Am           H:BFLORZbs T:the Barony Jig
ABC    970 C1:106206076506012 C2:ududdduduuudddu M:9/8   K:Am           H:BFLORZbs T:the Barony Jig
ABC    970 C1:106206076506012 C2:ududdduduuudddu M:9/8   K:Am           H:BFLORZbs T:the Barony Jig
ABC    970 C1:106206076506012 C2:ududdduduuudddu M:9/8   K:Am           H:BFLORZbs T:the Barony Jig
ABC    970 C1:106206076506012 C2:ududdduduuudddu M:9/8   K:Am           H:BFLORZbs T:the Barony Jig
ABC    970 C1:106206076506012 C2:ududdduduuudddu M:9/8   K:Am           H:BFLORZbs T:the Barony Jig
ABC      1 C1:206235662206236 C2:uduuddduuduuddd M:9/8   K:D            H:DLRSZ  T:The Barony Jig
ABC      1 C1:206235662206236 C2:uduuddduuduuddd M:9/8   K:D            H:DLRSZ  T:The Barony Jig
ABC      1 C1:206235662206236 C2:uduuddduuduuddd M:9/8   K:D            H:DLRSZ  T:The Barony Jig
ABC      1 C1:206235662206236 C2:uduuddduuduuddd M:9/8   K:D            H:DLRSZ  T:The Barony Jig
ABC      1 C1:206235662206236 C2:uduuddduuduuddd M:9/8   K:D            H:DLRSZ  T:The Barony Jig
ABC      1 C1:206235662206236 C2:uduuddduuduuddd M:9/8   K:D            H:DLRSZ  T:The Barony Jig
ABC      1 C1:206235662206236 C2:uduuddduuduuddd M:9/8   K:D            H:DLRSZ  T:The Barony Jig
ABC      1 C1:206235662206236 C2:uduuddduuduuddd M:9/8   K:D            H:DLRSZ  T:The Barony Jig
ABC      1 C1:206235662206236 C2:uduuddduuduuddd M:9/8   K:D            H:DLRSZ  T:The Barony Jig
ABC      1 C1:206235662206236 C2:uduuddduuduuddd M:9/8   K:D            H:DLRSZ  T:The Barony Jig
ABC      1 C1:206235662206236 C2:uduuddduuduuddd M:9/8   K:D            H:DLRSZ  T:The Barony Jig
ABC      1 C1:206235662206236 C2:uduuddduuduuddd M:9/8   K:D            H:DLRSZ  T:The Barony Jig
ABC      1 C1:206235662206236 C2:uduuddduuduuddd M:9/8   K:D            H:DLRSZ  T:The Barony Jig
ABC      1 C1:206235662206236 C2:uduuddduuduuddd M:9/8   K:D            H:DLRSZ  T:The Barony Jig
ABC      1 C1:206235662206236 C2:uduuddduuduuddd M:9/8   K:D            H:DLRSZ  T:The Barony Jig
ABC      1 C1:206235662206236 C2:uduuddduuduuddd M:9/8   K:D            H:DLRSZ  T:The Barony Jig
ABC      1 C1:206235662206236 C2:uduuddduuduuddd M:9/8   K:D            H:DLRSZ  T:The Barony Jig
ABC      1 C1:206235662206236 C2:uduuddduuduuddd M:9/8   K:D            H:DLRSZ  T:The Barony Jig
ABC      1 C1:206235662206236 C2:uduuddduuduuddd M:9/8   K:D            H:DLRSZ  T:The Barony Jig
ABC      1 C1:206235662206236 C2:uduuddduuduuddd M:9/8   K:D            H:DLRSZ  T:The Barony Jig
ABC      1 C1:206235662206236 C2:uduuddduuduuddd M:9/8   K:D            H:DLRSZ  T:The Barony Jig
ABC      1 C1:206235662206236 C2:uduuddduuduuddd M:9/8   K:D            H:DLRSZ  T:The Barony Jig
ABC      1 C1:206235662206236 C2:uduuddduuduuddd M:9/8   K:D            H:DLRSZ  T:The Barony Jig
ABC      1 C1:206235662206236 C2:uduuddduuduuddd M:9/8   K:D            H:DLRSZ  T:The Barony Jig
ABC      1 C1:206235662206236 C2:uduuddduuduuddd M:9/8   K:D            H:DLRSZ  T:The Barony Jig
ABC      2 C1:206206602206201 C2:ududduuduuddudu M:9/8   K:DMaj         H:LR     T:Barony Jig, The
ABC 532007 C1:206201076206206 C2:uduuddududduddd M:9/8   K:D            H:BCLQR  T:BARONY JIG, The
ABC 532007 C1:206201076206206 C2:uduuddududduddd M:9/8   K:D            H:BCLQR  T:BARONY JIG, The
ABC  21008 C1:062060765060121 C2:duddduduuudddud M:9/8   K:Am           H:BLRZ   T:BARONY JIG, The
ABC  21008 C1:062060765060121 C2:duddduduuudddud M:9/8   K:Am           H:BLRZ   T:BARONY JIG, The
ABC    970 C1:062060765060121 C2:duddduduuudddud M:9/8   K:Am           H:BCFLORWZ T:The Barony jig
ABC    969 C1:062060765060121 C2:duddduduuudddud M:9/8   K:Am           H:BLORZ  T:The Barony Jig
ABC    969 C1:062060765060121 C2:duddduduuudddud M:9/8   K:Am           H:BLORZ  T:The Barony Jig
ABC      1 C1:771030707040710 C2:ududdddududdduu M:3/4   K:Gm           H:"L     T:Baroque favourite
ABC      1 C1:772777770772020 C2:dduddddddduuudu M:      K:Dmaj         H:LR     T:The Baroque Fiddle
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Baroque-Les Papillon (2:47)
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Baroque-March in Dmaj(piano)-Corelli (1:11)
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Baroque-solo Sonata in F (duo flute,harp) 1st Mov't (2:37)
ABC    232 C1:344307277777071 C2:dudududdddddudu M:3/4   K:A            H:L      T:Baroque Sound
ABC    309 C1:711711177043711 C2:duuuduuuddduduu M:3/8   K:Cm           H:ABCLOQRSWZ T:El Barquero
ABC   4730 C1:711711177043711 C2:duuuduuuddduduu M:3/8   K:Cm           H:ABCLOQRSWZ T:El Barquero
ABC   4730 C1:711711177043711 C2:duuuduuuddduduu M:3/8   K:Cm           H:ABCLOQRSWZ T:El Barquero
ABC    326 C1:711711177043711 C2:duuuduuuddduduu M:3/8   K:Cm           H:ABCLOQRSWZ T:El Barqueru
ABC    444 C1:711702177004371 C2:duuuduuuddduduu M:3/8   K:AMin         H:BFGLQZ T:El Barqueru
ABC    444 C1:711702177004371 C2:duuuduuuddduduu M:3/8   K:AMin         H:BFGLQZ T:El Barqueru
ABC    327 C1:711711177043711 C2:duuuduuuddduduu M:3/8   K:Cm           H:ACLOQRSWZ T:El Barqueru (CT 409)
ABC      1 C1:055700432777007 C2:dudduudddddudud M:C|    K:Dm           H:FLORZ  T:Barr a Barr
ABC    410 C1:040057076111040 C2:duddduuududuuuu M:6/8   K:Ador         H:BFLRZbs T:Barrack Hill #2
ABC    410 C1:040057076111040 C2:duddduuududuuuu M:6/8   K:Ador         H:BFLRZbs T:Barrack Hill #2
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:2/4   K:Ador         H:LR     T:Barrack Hill [2]
ABC 532008 C1:076003040007011 C2:ddudduuududdudu M:6/8   K:Ador         H:BCLQR  T:BARRACK HILL
ABC      1 C1:076111040016011 C2:dduuududuuuuudu M:6/8   K:G            H:LR     T:Barrack Hill
ABC      1 C1:000400000004000 C2:duddudduuududdu M:6/8   K:Am           H:LQR    T:Barrack Hill
ABC      1 C1:000400000004000 C2:duddudduuududdu M:6/8   K:Am           H:LQR    T:Barrack Hill
ABC      1 C1:000400000004000 C2:duddudduuududdu M:6/8   K:Am           H:LQR    T:Barrack Hill
ABC      9 C1:076021040016011 C2:dduududuuuuduud M:6/8   K:G            H:ACLOQS T:Barrack Hill
ABC      9 C1:076021040016011 C2:dduududuuuuduud M:6/8   K:G            H:ACLOQS T:Barrack Hill
ABC      9 C1:076021040016011 C2:dduududuuuuduud M:6/8   K:G            H:ACLOQS T:Barrack Hill
ABC      9 C1:076021040016011 C2:dduududuuuuduud M:6/8   K:G            H:ACLOQS T:Barrack Hill
ABC      1 C1:040057076111040 C2:duddduuududuuuu M:6/8   K:G            H:CLQRZ  T:Barrack Hill
ABC  21009 C1:076111040016011 C2:dduuududuuuuudu M:6/8   K:G            H:BLRZ   T:BARRACK HILL
ABC      1 C1:040004076003040 C2:duddudduuududdu M:6/8   K:Ador         H:FLOZ   T:Barrack Hill
ABC      1 C1:040004076003040 C2:duddudduuududdu M:6/8   K:Ador         H:FLOZ   T:Barrack Hill
ABC      1 C1:040004076003040 C2:duddudduuududdu M:6/8   K:Ador         H:FLOZ   T:Barrack Hill
ABC      1 C1:040004076003040 C2:duddudduuududdu M:6/8   K:Ador         H:FLOZ   T:Barrack Hill
ABC      4 C1:040004076003040 C2:duddudduuududdu M:6/8   K:Ador         H:"LRZ   T:Barrack Hill
ABC      4 C1:040004076003040 C2:duddudduuududdu M:6/8   K:Ador         H:"LRZ   T:Barrack Hill
ABC      4 C1:040004076003040 C2:duddudduuududdu M:6/8   K:Ador         H:"LRZ   T:Barrack Hill
ABC      4 C1:040004076003040 C2:duddudduuududdu M:6/8   K:Ador         H:"LRZ   T:Barrack Hill
ABC      4 C1:040004076003040 C2:duddudduuududdu M:6/8   K:Ador         H:"LRZ   T:Barrack Hill
ABC      4 C1:040004076003040 C2:duddudduuududdu M:6/8   K:Ador         H:"LRZ   T:Barrack Hill
ABC      4 C1:040004076003040 C2:duddudduuududdu M:6/8   K:Ador         H:"LRZ   T:Barrack Hill
ABC      4 C1:040004076003040 C2:duddudduuududdu M:6/8   K:Ador         H:"LRZ   T:Barrack Hill
ABC      4 C1:040004076003040 C2:duddudduuududdu M:6/8   K:Ador         H:"LRZ   T:Barrack Hill
ABC      4 C1:040004076003040 C2:duddudduuududdu M:6/8   K:Ador         H:"LRZ   T:Barrack Hill
ABC      4 C1:040004076003040 C2:duddudduuududdu M:6/8   K:Ador         H:"LRZ   T:Barrack Hill
ABC      1 C1:076111040016011 C2:dduuududuuuuudu M:6/8   K:Ador         H:BCLORWZ T:Barrack hill
ABC      1 C1:000407000607000 C2:dudddduuududuuu M:6/8   K:Am           H:CLQR   T:Barrack Hill
ABC      1 C1:000407000607000 C2:dudddduuududuuu M:6/8   K:Am           H:CLQR   T:Barrack Hill
ABC      1 C1:000407000607000 C2:dudddduuududuuu M:6/8   K:Am           H:CLQR   T:Barrack Hill
ABC    410 C1:076111040016011 C2:dduuududuuuuudu M:6/8   K:Ador         H:BLORWZ T:Barrack Hill
ABC    410 C1:076111040016011 C2:dduuududuuuuudu M:6/8   K:Ador         H:BLORWZ T:Barrack Hill
ABC    410 C1:076111040016011 C2:dduuududuuuuudu M:6/8   K:Ador         H:BLORWZ T:Barrack Hill
ABC    410 C1:040057076111040 C2:duddduuududuuuu M:6/8   K:Ador         H:BFLRZbs T:Barrack Hill
ABC    410 C1:040057076111040 C2:duddduuududuuuu M:6/8   K:Ador         H:BFLRZbs T:Barrack Hill
ABC    410 C1:040057076111040 C2:duddduuududuuuu M:6/8   K:Ador         H:BFLRZbs T:Barrack Hill
ABC    410 C1:040057076111040 C2:duddduuududuuuu M:6/8   K:Ador         H:BFLRZbs T:Barrack Hill
ABC    410 C1:040057076111040 C2:duddduuududuuuu M:6/8   K:Ador         H:BFLRZbs T:Barrack Hill
ABC    410 C1:040057076111040 C2:duddduuududuuuu M:6/8   K:Ador         H:BFLRZbs T:Barrack Hill
ABC    410 C1:040057076111040 C2:duddduuududuuuu M:6/8   K:Ador         H:BFLRZbs T:Barrack Hill
ABC    410 C1:040057076111040 C2:duddduuududuuuu M:6/8   K:Ador         H:BFLRZbs T:Barrack Hill
ABC      1 C1:000400000103000 C2:duudduududduduu M:6/8   K:Am           H:ACILORS T:Barrack Hill
ABC      6 C1:040004076003040 C2:duddudduuududdu M:6/8   K:Ador         H:FLOZ   T:Barrack Hill
ABC      6 C1:040004076003040 C2:duddudduuududdu M:6/8   K:Ador         H:FLOZ   T:Barrack Hill
ABC      6 C1:040004076003040 C2:duddudduuududdu M:6/8   K:Ador         H:FLOZ   T:Barrack Hill
ABC      6 C1:040004076003040 C2:duddudduuududdu M:6/8   K:Ador         H:FLOZ   T:Barrack Hill
ABC      4 C1:076021040016011 C2:dduududuuuuduud M:6/8   K:G            H:CILQ   T:Barrack Hill
ABC     62 C1:076111043677011 C2:dduuududdduuuuu M:6/8   K:Ador         H:HLRWZ  T:Barrack Hill
ABC     62 C1:076111043677011 C2:dduuududdduuuuu M:6/8   K:Ador         H:HLRWZ  T:Barrack Hill
ABC     11 C1:076003040007011 C2:ddudduuududdudu M:6/8   K:ADor         H:"CRZ   T:Barrack Hill
ABC      9 C1:076021040016011 C2:dduududuuuuduud M:6/8   K:G            H:ACLOQS T:Barrack Hill
ABC      9 C1:076021040016011 C2:dduududuuuuduud M:6/8   K:G            H:ACLOQS T:Barrack Hill
ABC      9 C1:076021040016011 C2:dduududuuuuduud M:6/8   K:G            H:ACLOQS T:Barrack Hill
ABC      9 C1:076021040016011 C2:dduududuuuuduud M:6/8   K:G            H:ACLOQS T:Barrack Hill
ABC      9 C1:076021040016011 C2:dduududuuuuduud M:6/8   K:G            H:ACLOQS T:Barrack Hill
ABC      9 C1:076021040016011 C2:dduududuuuuduud M:6/8   K:G            H:ACLOQS T:Barrack Hill
ABC      9 C1:076021040016011 C2:dduududuuuuduud M:6/8   K:G            H:ACLOQS T:Barrack Hill
ABC      9 C1:076021040016011 C2:dduududuuuuduud M:6/8   K:G            H:ACLOQS T:Barrack Hill
ABC      9 C1:076021040016011 C2:dduududuuuuduud M:6/8   K:G            H:ACLOQS T:Barrack Hill
ABC 532008 C1:076003040007011 C2:ddudduuududdudu M:6/8   K:Ador         H:BCLQR  T:BARRACK HILL
ABC 532008 C1:076003040007011 C2:ddudduuududdudu M:6/8   K:Ador         H:BCLQR  T:BARRACK HILL
ABC  21009 C1:076111040016011 C2:dduuududuuuuudu M:6/8   K:G            H:BLRZ   T:BARRACK HILL
ABC  21009 C1:076111040016011 C2:dduuududuuuuudu M:6/8   K:G            H:BLRZ   T:BARRACK HILL
ABC      1 C1:040174076021041 C2:dududduududduuu M:      K:Ador         H:LR     T:Barrack Hill
ABC      2 C1:040177011021040 C2:dudduuuuduudduu M:      K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:Barrack Hill
ABC      3 C1:762140161121401 C2:dduududduuuuduu M:      K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:Barrack Hill
ABC      4 C1:040013076021040 C2:duudduududuuuud M:      K:Ador         H:LR     T:Barrack Hill
ABC      5 C1:540137621401611 C2:dduudduududuuuu M:4/4   K:Emin         H:LR     T:Barrack Hill
ABC      6 C1:077040121076021 C2:ddduuudduududdu M:      K:Ador         H:LR     T:Barrack Hill
ABC      7 C1:040121076021040 C2:duuudduududduuu M:      K:Ador         H:LR     T:Barrack Hill
ABC      8 C1:076111043677011 C2:dduuududdduuuuu M:      K:Ador         H:LR     T:Barrack Hill
ABC      9 C1:041077011021040 C2:dudduuuuduuuddu M:      K:Ador         H:LR     T:Barrack Hill
ABC     10 C1:040121076021041 C2:duuudduududduuu M:      K:Ador         H:LR     T:Barrack Hill
ABC     11 C1:040714076021040 C2:dduudduudduduuu M:      K:Edor         H:LR     T:Barrack Hill
ABC      1 C1:040121076021040 C2:duuudduududduuu M:12/8  K:Ador         H:LR     T:Barrack Hill
ABC   1192 C1:076021040016011 C2:dduududuuuuduud M:6/8   K:G            H:ACLOQS T:Barrack Hill
ABC   1193 C1:076111043677011 C2:dduuududdduuuuu M:6/8   K:Ador         H:LRWZ   T:Barrack Hill
ABC     14 C1:040057076111040 C2:duddduuududuuuu M:6/8   K:G            H:CLQRZ  T:Barrack Hill
ABC     14 C1:040057076111040 C2:duddduuududuuuu M:6/8   K:G            H:CLQRZ  T:Barrack Hill
ABC     14 C1:040057076111040 C2:duddduuududuuuu M:6/8   K:G            H:CLQRZ  T:Barrack Hill
ABC     62 C1:076111043677011 C2:dduuududdduuuuu M:6/8   K:Ador         H:LRWZ   T:Barrack Hill
ABC    410 C1:076111040016011 C2:dduuududuuuuudu M:6/8   K:Ador         H:BCFLORWZ T:Barrack hill
ABC    425 C1:076111040016011 C2:dduuududuuuuudu M:6/8   K:G            H:LOR    T:Barrack Hill
ABC    425 C1:076111040016011 C2:dduuududuuuuudu M:6/8   K:G            H:LOR    T:Barrack Hill
ABC    410 C1:076111040016011 C2:dduuududuuuuudu M:6/8   K:Ador         H:BLORWZ T:Barrack Hill
ABC    410 C1:076111040016011 C2:dduuududuuuuudu M:6/8   K:Ador         H:BLORWZ T:Barrack Hill
ABC   1192 C1:076021040016011 C2:dduududuuuuduud M:6/8   K:G            H:ACLOQS T:Barrack Hill
ABC   1193 C1:076111043677011 C2:dduuududdduuuuu M:6/8   K:Ador         H:LRWZ   T:Barrack Hill
ABC   1192 C1:076021040016011 C2:dduududuuuuduud M:6/8   K:G            H:ACLOQS T:Barrack Hill
ABC   1193 C1:076111043677011 C2:dduuududdduuuuu M:6/8   K:Ador         H:LRWZ   T:Barrack Hill
ABC   1192 C1:076021040016011 C2:dduududuuuuduud M:6/8   K:G            H:ACLOQS T:Barrack Hill
ABC   1193 C1:076111043677011 C2:dduuududdduuuuu M:6/8   K:Ador         H:LRWZ   T:Barrack Hill
ABC    963 C1:076111040016011 C2:dduuududuuuuudu M:6/8   K:G            H:LR     T:Barrack Hill
ABC    964 C1:076111040016011 C2:dduuududuuuuudu M:6/8   K:Ador         H:BCLORWZ T:Barrack hill
ABC    963 C1:076111040016011 C2:dduuududuuuuudu M:6/8   K:G            H:LR     T:Barrack Hill
ABC    964 C1:076111040016011 C2:dduuududuuuuudu M:6/8   K:Ador         H:BCLORWZ T:Barrack hill
ABC    963 C1:076111040016011 C2:dduuududuuuuudu M:6/8   K:G            H:LR     T:Barrack Hill
ABC    964 C1:076111040016011 C2:dduuududuuuuudu M:6/8   K:Ador         H:BCLORWZ T:Barrack hill
ABC    963 C1:076111040016011 C2:dduuududuuuuudu M:6/8   K:G            H:LR     T:Barrack Hill
ABC    964 C1:076111040016011 C2:dduuududuuuuudu M:6/8   K:Ador         H:BCLORWZ T:Barrack hill
ABC    963 C1:076111040016011 C2:dduuududuuuuudu M:6/8   K:G            H:LR     T:Barrack Hill
ABC    964 C1:076111040016011 C2:dduuududuuuuudu M:6/8   K:Ador         H:BCLORWZ T:Barrack hill
ABC     35 C1:176611211771116 C2:uddduuuuudduuud M:4/4   K:G            H:OQRZ   T:Barrack Hill. FTB.035
ABC     35 C1:176611211771116 C2:uddduuuuudduuud M:4/4   K:G            H:BOQRZ  T:Barrack Hill. FTB.035
ABC     35 C1:176611211771116 C2:uddduuuuudduuud M:4/4   K:G            H:BOQRZ  T:Barrack Hill. FTB.035
ABC     35 C1:176611211771116 C2:uddduuuuudduuud M:4/4   K:G            H:OQRZ   T:Barrack Hill. FTB.035
ABC  31008 C1:004121076111043 C2:duuudduuududddu M:12/8  K:G            H:BCLQR  T:BARRACK HILL (slide)
ABC  31008 C1:004121076111043 C2:duuudduuududddu M:12/8  K:G            H:BCLQR  T:BARRACK HILL (slide)
ABC  31008 C1:004121076111043 C2:duuudduuududddu M:12/8  K:G            H:BCLQR  T:BARRACK HILL (slide)
ABC     14 C1:531130076717367 C2:duuuudddududdud M:12/8  K:D            H:LQR    T:Barrack Hill (SW FL)
ABC      1 C1:040121076021041 C2:duuudduududduuu M:12/8  K:A            H:"CDLOQRSZ T:Barrack Hill / Tanglony / The Cat jumped into the Mouse's Hole (A dorian)
ABC      1 C1:411777006205306 C2:duuddddududuuuu M:6/8   K:ADor         H:CLOR   T:Barracks, The
ABC      1 C1:411777006205306 C2:duuddddududuuuu M:6/8   K:ADor         H:COR    T:the Barracks
ABC    577 C1:411777716205306 C2:duuddddudududuu M:6/8   K:G            H:"BCLORSZ T:The barracks
ABC    577 C1:411777716205306 C2:duuddddudududuu M:6/8   K:G            H:"BCLORSZ T:The barracks
ABC    577 C1:411777716205306 C2:duuddddudududuu M:6/8   K:G            H:"BCLORSZ T:The barracks
ABC    577 C1:411777716205306 C2:duuddddudududuu M:6/8   K:G            H:"BCLORSZ T:The barracks
ABC      1 C1:011774411777006 C2:uudduduuddddudu M:6/8   K:Ador         H:CFLORZ T:the Barracks
ABC      1 C1:011774411777006 C2:uudduduuddddudu M:6/8   K:Ador         H:CFLORZ T:the Barracks
ABC      1 C1:011774411777006 C2:uudduduuddddudu M:6/8   K:Ador         H:CFLORZ T:the Barracks
ABC      1 C1:011774411777006 C2:uudduduuddddudu M:6/8   K:Ador         H:CFLORZ T:the Barracks
ABC      1 C1:011774411777006 C2:uudduduuddddudu M:6/8   K:Ador         H:CFLORZ T:the Barracks
ABC    881 C1:411777006205306 C2:duuddddududuuuu M:6/8   K:ADor         H:COR    T:Barracks, The
ABC    881 C1:411777006205306 C2:duuddddududuuuu M:6/8   K:ADor         H:COR    T:Barracks, The
ABC    577 C1:411777716205306 C2:duuddddudududuu M:6/8   K:G            H:"BCLORSZ T:The barracks
ABC    552 C1:411777006205306 C2:duuddddududuuuu M:6/8   K:A            H:CFORZ  T:the Barracks
ABC   2462 C1:411777006205306 C2:duuddddududuuuu M:6/8   K:A            H:CFORZ  T:the Barracks
ABC   2479 C1:411777006205306 C2:duuddddududuuuu M:6/8   K:A            H:CFORZ  T:the Barracks
ABC   6538 C1:411777006205306 C2:duuddddududuuuu M:6/8   K:A            H:CFORZ  T:the Barracks
ABC   9870 C1:411777006205306 C2:duuddddududuuuu M:6/8   K:A            H:CFORZ  T:the Barracks
ABC    432 C1:411777006205306 C2:duuddddududuuuu M:6/8   K:A            H:CFORZ  T:the Barracks
ABC    432 C1:411777006205306 C2:duuddddududuuuu M:6/8   K:A            H:CFORZ  T:the Barracks
ABC    552 C1:411777006205306 C2:duuddddududuuuu M:6/8   K:A            H:CFORZ  T:the Barracks
ABC   2462 C1:411777006205306 C2:duuddddududuuuu M:6/8   K:A            H:CFORZ  T:the Barracks
ABC   2479 C1:411777006205306 C2:duuddddududuuuu M:6/8   K:A            H:CFORZ  T:the Barracks
ABC   6538 C1:411777006205306 C2:duuddddududuuuu M:6/8   K:A            H:CFORZ  T:the Barracks
ABC   9870 C1:411777006205306 C2:duuddddududuuuu M:6/8   K:A            H:CFORZ  T:the Barracks
ABC    785 C1:411777006205306 C2:duuddddududuuuu M:6/8   K:ADor         H:CLOR   T:Barracks, The
ABC    786 C1:411777006205306 C2:duuddddududuuuu M:6/8   K:ADor         H:COR    T:the Barracks
ABC    785 C1:411777006205306 C2:duuddddududuuuu M:6/8   K:ADor         H:CLOR   T:Barracks, The
ABC    786 C1:411777006205306 C2:duuddddududuuuu M:6/8   K:ADor         H:COR    T:the Barracks
ABC    785 C1:411777006205306 C2:duuddddududuuuu M:6/8   K:ADor         H:CLOR   T:Barracks, The
ABC    786 C1:411777006205306 C2:duuddddududuuuu M:6/8   K:ADor         H:COR    T:the Barracks
ABC    785 C1:411777006205306 C2:duuddddududuuuu M:6/8   K:ADor         H:CLOR   T:Barracks, The
ABC    786 C1:411777006205306 C2:duuddddududuuuu M:6/8   K:ADor         H:COR    T:the Barracks
ABC    785 C1:411777006205306 C2:duuddddududuuuu M:6/8   K:ADor         H:CLOR   T:Barracks, The
ABC    786 C1:411777006205306 C2:duuddddududuuuu M:6/8   K:ADor         H:COR    T:the Barracks
ABC     75 C1:411777006205306 C2:duuddddududuuuu M:6/8   K:ADor         H:COR    T:Barracks, The
ABC    141 C1:411777006205306 C2:duuddddududuuuu M:6/8   K:ADor         H:COR    T:Barracks, The
ABC   1723 C1:411777006205306 C2:duuddddududuuuu M:6/8   K:ADor         H:COR    T:Barracks, The
ABC     43 C1:411777006205306 C2:duuddddududuuuu M:6/8   K:A            H:CORZ   T:the Barracks
ABC      1 C1:114002014004400 C2:uuduududuuddudu M:      K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:Barrack Street
ABC      2 C1:774002014004400 C2:ddduududuudduuu M:      K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:Barrack Street
ABC      3 C1:401100616442644 C2:duududududududu M:      K:Dmaj         H:LR     T:Barrack Street
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Barracuda (4:03)
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Barracuda (4:18)
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Barracuda (4:18)
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Barracuda (4:18)
ABC      1 C1:042110421100000 C2:duuuduuududdudu M:4/4   K:F            H:CLQV   T:Barracuda
ABC      1 C1:004211420110000 C2:duuuduuududdudu M:4/4   K:F            H:CLQV   T:Barracuda
ABC     41 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Barracuda [bagpipe 1] Sep 24 (4:20)
ABC     42 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Barracuda [bagpipe 2] Sep 24 (4:20)
ABC      3 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Barracuda - BASS (By Snosh of Vilya)
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Barracuda - BASS (By Snosh of Vilya)
ABC     31 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Barracuda [bass] Sep 24 (4:20)
ABC     71 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:CLQRZ  T:Barracuda [clarinet 1 (vocal1)] Sep 24 (4:20)
ABC     72 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Barracuda [clarinet 2 (vocal backup)] Sep 24 (4:20)
ABC     73 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Barracuda [clarinet combo] Sep 24 (4:20)
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Barracuda [drums] Sep 24 (4:20)
ABC     21 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Barracuda [harp ] Sep 24 (4:20)
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Barracuda - LUTE (By Snosh of Vilya)
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Barracuda - LUTE (By Snosh of Vilya)
ABC      2 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Barracuda - VOCAL (By Snosh of Vilya)
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Barracuda - VOCAL (By Snosh of Vilya)
ABC    130 C1:715231104715231 C2:duduuuudduduuuu M:4/4   K:D            H:LRSZ   T:Barraduff
ABC    130 C1:715231104715231 C2:duduuuudduduuuu M:4/4   K:D            H:LRSZ   T:Barraduff
ABC    445 C1:715231104715231 C2:duduuuudduduuuu M:4/4   K:D            H:LRSZ   T:Barraduff
ABC      9 C1:052311040523116 C2:duuuudduuuududd M:C|    K:D            H:BCFLQR T:Barraduff Hornpipe*, The
ABC      9 C1:052311040523116 C2:duuuudduuuududd M:C|    K:D            H:BCFLQR T:Barraduff Hornpipe*, The
ABC      9 C1:052311040523116 C2:duuuudduuuududd M:C|    K:D            H:BCFLQR T:Barraduff Hornpipe*, The
ABC      1 C1:022173566176253 C2:uuuududdduddudu M:4/4   K:G            H:"CDLORZ T:Barr an tSlibhe
ABC     81 C1:020200000107060 C2:uuudddduuuuuddd M:4/4   K:A            H:"LQRZ  T:Barras, The
ABC     03 C1:601160036011602 C2:duududuududuuud M:C     K:A            H:"BCLRZ T:BARRAS BRIDGE
ABC     03 C1:601160036011602 C2:duududuududuuud M:C     K:A            H:"BCLRZ T:BARRAS BRIDGE
ABC     03 C1:601160036011602 C2:duududuududuuud M:C     K:A            H:"BCLRZ T:BARRAS BRIDGE
ABC     03 C1:601160036011602 C2:duududuududuuud M:C     K:A            H:"BCLRZ T:BARRAS BRIDGE
ABC      5 C1:277671176004277 C2:udddduudududddd M:6/8   K:DMix         H:CLR    T:Barrel of Knives
ABC      1 C1:277671176004277 C2:udddduudududddd M:6/8   K:DMix         H:CLR    T:Barrel of Knives
ABC      5 C1:277671176004277 C2:udddduudududddd M:6/8   K:DMix         H:CLR    T:Barrel of Knives
ABC      5 C1:277671176004277 C2:udddduudududddd M:6/8   K:DMix         H:CLR    T:Barrel of Knives
ABC    426 C1:277671176004277 C2:udddduudududddd M:6/8   K:DMix         H:CLOR   T:Barrel of Knives
ABC    426 C1:277671176004277 C2:udddduudududddd M:6/8   K:DMix         H:CLOR   T:Barrel of Knives
ABC    965 C1:277671176004277 C2:udddduudududddd M:6/8   K:DMix         H:CLR    T:Barrel of Knives
ABC    965 C1:277671176004277 C2:udddduudududddd M:6/8   K:DMix         H:CLR    T:Barrel of Knives
ABC    965 C1:277671176004277 C2:udddduudududddd M:6/8   K:DMix         H:CLR    T:Barrel of Knives
ABC    965 C1:277671176004277 C2:udddduudududddd M:6/8   K:DMix         H:CLR    T:Barrel of Knives
ABC    965 C1:277671176004277 C2:udddduudududddd M:6/8   K:DMix         H:CLR    T:Barrel of Knives
ABC      1 C1:000004007021000 C2:dduuuddduudduuu M:6/8   K:C            H:LSWZw  T:Barrel of Pork, The
ABC    715 C1:602562121161161 C2:dudduuuuuduuduu M:4/4   K:D            H:LRSZ   T:Barrel of Wash
ABC    735 C1:602562121161161 C2:dudduuuuuduuduu M:4/4   K:D            H:LRSZ   T:Barrel of Wash
ABC   1100 C1:602562121161161 C2:dudduuuuuduuduu M:4/4   K:D            H:LRSZ   T:Barrel of Wash
ABC   1100 C1:602562121161161 C2:dudduuuuuduuduu M:4/4   K:D            H:LRSZ   T:Barrel of Wash
ABC   1200 C1:602562121161161 C2:dudduuuuuduuduu M:4/4   K:D            H:LRSZ   T:Barrel of Wash
ABC   1315 C1:602562121161161 C2:dudduuuuuduuduu M:4/4   K:D            H:LRSZ   T:Barrel of Wash
ABC 184147 C1:602562121161161 C2:dudduuuuuduuduu M:4/4   K:D            H:CLQRS  T:BARREL OF WASH (reel), The
ABC 184147 C1:602562121161161 C2:dudduuuuuduuduu M:4/4   K:D            H:CLQRS  T:BARREL OF WASH (reel), The
ABC 184147 C1:602562121161161 C2:dudduuuuuduuduu M:4/4   K:D            H:CLQRS  T:BARREL OF WASH (reel), The
ABC     27 C1:237667070001114 C2:uuddddduuuduuud M:12/8  K:G            H:BLRZ   T:The Barrel Organ Slide
ABC     27 C1:237667070001114 C2:uuddddduuuduuud M:12/8  K:G            H:BLRZ   T:The Barrel Organ Slide
ABC     27 C1:237667070001114 C2:uuddddduuuduuud M:12/8  K:G            H:LR     T:The Barrel Organ Slide
ABC     27 C1:237667070001114 C2:uuddddduuuduuud M:12/8  K:G            H:BLRZ   T:The Barrel Organ Slide
ABC     27 C1:237667070001114 C2:uuddddduuuduuud M:12/8  K:G            H:BLRZ   T:The Barrel Organ Slide
ABC     27 C1:237667070001114 C2:uuddddduuuduuud M:12/8  K:G            H:BLRZ   T:The Barrel Organ Slide
ABC     27 C1:237667070001114 C2:uuddddduuuduuud M:12/8  K:G            H:BLRZ   T:The Barrel Organ Slide
ABC     27 C1:237667070001114 C2:uuddddduuuduuud M:12/8  K:G            H:BLRZ   T:The Barrel Organ Slide
ABC      1 C1:027760076005326 C2:udddddududududd M:C|    K:D            H:CDRZ   T:Barrel Rafferty
ABC      1 C1:027760076005326 C2:udddddududududd M:C|    K:D            H:CDRZ   T:Barrel Rafferty
ABC      1 C1:027760076005326 C2:udddddududududd M:C|    K:D            H:CDRZ   T:Barrel Rafferty
ABC      5 C1:200611232077600 C2:uduuuuudddddudu M:C|    K:D            H:"CDLRSZ T:Barrel Rafferty
ABC      5 C1:200611232077600 C2:uduuuuudddddudu M:C|    K:D            H:"CDLRSZ T:Barrel Rafferty
ABC      5 C1:200611232077600 C2:uduuuuudddddudu M:C|    K:D            H:"CDLRSZ T:Barrel Rafferty
ABC      5 C1:200611232077600 C2:uduuuuudddddudu M:C|    K:D            H:"CDLRSZ T:Barrel Rafferty
ABC    563 C1:027760076005326 C2:udddddududududd M:C|    K:D            H:CDRZ   T:Barrel Rafferty
ABC    563 C1:027760076005326 C2:udddddududududd M:C|    K:D            H:CDRZ   T:Barrel Rafferty
ABC    563 C1:027760076005326 C2:udddddududududd M:C|    K:D            H:CDRZ   T:Barrel Rafferty
ABC    563 C1:027760076005326 C2:udddddududududd M:C|    K:D            H:CDRZ   T:Barrel Rafferty
ABC  10455 C1:027760076005326 C2:udddddududududd M:C|    K:D            H:CDRZ   T:Barrel Rafferty
ABC  10457 C1:027760076005326 C2:udddddududududd M:C|    K:D            H:CDRZ   T:Barrel Rafferty
ABC    563 C1:027760076005326 C2:udddddududududd M:C|    K:D            H:CDRZ   T:Barrel Rafferty
ABC    563 C1:027760076005326 C2:udddddududududd M:C|    K:D            H:CDRZ   T:Barrel Rafferty
ABC    563 C1:027760076005326 C2:udddddududududd M:C|    K:D            H:CDRZ   T:Barrel Rafferty
ABC   4062 C1:027760076005326 C2:udddddududududd M:C|    K:D            H:CDOR   T:Barrel Rafferty
ABC   4062 C1:027760076005326 C2:udddddududududd M:C|    K:D            H:CDOR   T:Barrel Rafferty
ABC    563 C1:027760076005326 C2:udddddududududd M:C|    K:D            H:CDRZ   T:Barrel Rafferty
ABC    563 C1:027760076005326 C2:udddddududududd M:C|    K:D            H:CDRZ   T:Barrel Rafferty
ABC      5 C1:200611232077600 C2:uduuuuudddddudu M:C|    K:D            H:"CDLRSZ T:Barrel Rafferty
ABC   8202 C1:027760076005326 C2:udddddududududd M:C|    K:D            H:CDRZ   T:Barrel Rafferty
ABC   8202 C1:027760076005326 C2:udddddududududd M:C|    K:D            H:CDRZ   T:Barrel Rafferty
ABC   8202 C1:027760076005326 C2:udddddududududd M:C|    K:D            H:CDRZ   T:Barrel Rafferty
ABC   8202 C1:027760076005326 C2:udddddududududd M:C|    K:D            H:CDRZ   T:Barrel Rafferty
ABC   8202 C1:027760076005326 C2:udddddududududd M:C|    K:D            H:CDRZ   T:Barrel Rafferty
ABC  10455 C1:027760076005326 C2:udddddududududd M:C|    K:D            H:CDRZ   T:Barrel Rafferty
ABC  10457 C1:027760076005326 C2:udddddududududd M:C|    K:D            H:CDRZ   T:Barrel Rafferty
ABC  10455 C1:027760076005326 C2:udddddududududd M:C|    K:D            H:CDRZ   T:Barrel Rafferty
ABC  10457 C1:027760076005326 C2:udddddududududd M:C|    K:D            H:CDRZ   T:Barrel Rafferty
ABC    143 C1:027760076005326 C2:udddddududududd M:C|    K:D            H:CDORZ  T:Barrel Rafferty
ABC   1569 C1:027760076005326 C2:udddddududududd M:C|    K:D            H:CDORZ  T:Barrel Rafferty
ABC      1 C1:200611232077600 C2:uduuuuudddddudu M:4/4   K:D            H:CDLQRS T:Barrel Rafferty (Master McDermott)
ABC      1 C1:200611232077600 C2:uduuuuudddddudu M:4/4   K:D            H:CDLQRS T:Barrel Rafferty (Master McDermott)
ABC      1 C1:200611232077600 C2:uduuuuudddddudu M:4/4   K:D            H:CDLQRS T:Barrel Rafferty (Master McDermott)
ABC      1 C1:200611232077600 C2:uduuuuudddddudu M:4/4   K:D            H:CDLQRS T:Barrel Rafferty (Master McDermott)
ABC      1 C1:200611232077600 C2:uduuuuudddddudu M:4/4   K:D            H:CDLQRS T:Barrel Rafferty (Master McDermott)
ABC      1 C1:200611232077600 C2:uduuuuudddddudu M:4/4   K:D            H:CDLQRS T:Barrel Rafferty (Master McDermott)
ABC      1 C1:200611232077600 C2:uduuuuudddddudu M:4/4   K:D            H:CDLQRS T:Barrel Rafferty (Master McDermott)
ABC      1 C1:200611232077600 C2:uduuuuudddddudu M:4/4   K:D            H:CDLQRS T:Barrel Rafferty (Master McDermott)
ABC      1 C1:200611232077600 C2:uduuuuudddddudu M:4/4   K:D            H:CDLQRS T:Barrel Rafferty (Master McDermott)
ABC    135 C1:200611232077600 C2:uduuuuudddddudu M:4/4   K:D            H:CDLQRS T:Barrel Rafferty (Master McDermott)
ABC   1194 C1:200611232077600 C2:uduuuuudddddudu M:4/4   K:D            H:CDLQRS T:Barrel Rafferty (Master McDermott)
ABC    112 C1:200611232077600 C2:uduuuuudddddudu M:4/4   K:D            H:CDLQRS T:Barrel Rafferty (Master McDermott)
ABC   1092 C1:200611232077600 C2:uduuuuudddddudu M:4/4   K:D            H:CDLQRS T:Barrel Rafferty (Master McDermott)
ABC   1555 C1:200611232077600 C2:uduuuuudddddudu M:4/4   K:D            H:CDLQRS T:Barrel Rafferty (Master McDermott)
ABC    112 C1:200611232077600 C2:uduuuuudddddudu M:4/4   K:D            H:CDLQRS T:Barrel Rafferty (Master McDermott)
ABC   1092 C1:200611232077600 C2:uduuuuudddddudu M:4/4   K:D            H:CDLQRS T:Barrel Rafferty (Master McDermott)
ABC   1555 C1:200611232077600 C2:uduuuuudddddudu M:4/4   K:D            H:CDLQRS T:Barrel Rafferty (Master McDermott)
ABC     27 C1:200611232077600 C2:uduuuuudddddudu M:4/4   K:D            H:CDLQRS T:Barrel Rafferty (Master McDermott)
ABC   1194 C1:200611232077600 C2:uduuuuudddddudu M:4/4   K:D            H:CDLQRS T:Barrel Rafferty (Master McDermott)
ABC   1194 C1:200611232077600 C2:uduuuuudddddudu M:4/4   K:D            H:CDLQRS T:Barrel Rafferty (Master McDermott)
ABC   1194 C1:200611232077600 C2:uduuuuudddddudu M:4/4   K:D            H:CDLQRS T:Barrel Rafferty (Master McDermott)
ABC    966 C1:200611232077600 C2:uduuuuudddddudu M:4/4   K:D            H:CDLQRS T:Barrel Rafferty (Master McDermott)
ABC    967 C1:200611232077600 C2:uduuuuudddddudu M:4/4   K:D            H:CDLQRS T:Barrel Rafferty (Master McDermott)
ABC    968 C1:200611232077600 C2:uduuuuudddddudu M:4/4   K:D            H:CDLQRS T:Barrel Rafferty (Master McDermott)
ABC    966 C1:200611232077600 C2:uduuuuudddddudu M:4/4   K:D            H:CDLQRS T:Barrel Rafferty (Master McDermott)
ABC    967 C1:200611232077600 C2:uduuuuudddddudu M:4/4   K:D            H:CDLQRS T:Barrel Rafferty (Master McDermott)
ABC    968 C1:200611232077600 C2:uduuuuudddddudu M:4/4   K:D            H:CDLQRS T:Barrel Rafferty (Master McDermott)
ABC    966 C1:200611232077600 C2:uduuuuudddddudu M:4/4   K:D            H:CDLQRS T:Barrel Rafferty (Master McDermott)
ABC    967 C1:200611232077600 C2:uduuuuudddddudu M:4/4   K:D            H:CDLQRS T:Barrel Rafferty (Master McDermott)
ABC    968 C1:200611232077600 C2:uduuuuudddddudu M:4/4   K:D            H:CDLQRS T:Barrel Rafferty (Master McDermott)
ABC    966 C1:200611232077600 C2:uduuuuudddddudu M:4/4   K:D            H:CDLQRS T:Barrel Rafferty (Master McDermott)
ABC    967 C1:200611232077600 C2:uduuuuudddddudu M:4/4   K:D            H:CDLQRS T:Barrel Rafferty (Master McDermott)
ABC    968 C1:200611232077600 C2:uduuuuudddddudu M:4/4   K:D            H:CDLQRS T:Barrel Rafferty (Master McDermott)
ABC    966 C1:200611232077600 C2:uduuuuudddddudu M:4/4   K:D            H:CDLQRS T:Barrel Rafferty (Master McDermott)
ABC    967 C1:200611232077600 C2:uduuuuudddddudu M:4/4   K:D            H:CDLQRS T:Barrel Rafferty (Master McDermott)
ABC    968 C1:200611232077600 C2:uduuuuudddddudu M:4/4   K:D            H:CDLQRS T:Barrel Rafferty (Master McDermott)
ABC    145 C1:200611232077600 C2:uduuuuudddddudu M:4/4   K:D            H:CDLOQRS T:Barrel Rafferty (Master McDermott)
ABC 182082 C1:021763011056712 C2:uudduuuddduudud M:12/8  K:G            H:CLQRS  T:BARREL RAFFERTY'S*
ABC      1 C1:030763011030712 C2:udduuudduududdd M:6/8   K:Ador         H:R      T:Barrel Rafferty's
ABC      1 C1:030763011030712 C2:udduuudduududdd M:6/8   K:Ador         H:R      T:Barrel Rafferty's
ABC      1 C1:030763011030712 C2:udduuudduuduudd M:6/8   K:Ador         H:LRS    T:Barrel Rafferty's
ABC      1 C1:653070042761066 C2:dudduudduudddud M:      K:Dmix         H:LR     T:Barrel Rafferty's
ABC      2 C1:017220120277600 C2:uduuuuudddddduu M:      K:Dmaj         H:LR     T:Barrel Rafferty's
ABC      3 C1:401722012027760 C2:duduuuuudddddud M:      K:Dmaj         H:LR     T:Barrel Rafferty's
ABC      1 C1:367607767301130 C2:uddddddduuuuddd M:      K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:Barrel Rafferty's
ABC      2 C1:676716673011030 C2:dddduddduuuuddu M:      K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:Barrel Rafferty's
ABC      3 C1:676176673011307 C2:dddudddduuuuddd M:      K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:Barrel Rafferty's
ABC    115 C1:030763011030712 C2:udduuudduuduudd M:6/8   K:Ador         H:LRSZ   T:Barrel Rafferty's
ABC    170 C1:017220120277600 C2:uduuuuudddddduu M:4/4   K:D            H:DLR    T:Barrel Rafferty's
ABC 182082 C1:021763011056712 C2:uudduuuddduudud M:12/8  K:G            H:CLQRS  T:BARREL RAFFERTY'S*
ABC 182082 C1:021763011056712 C2:uudduuuddduudud M:12/8  K:G            H:CLQRS  T:BARREL RAFFERTY'S*
ABC    495 C1:030763011030712 C2:udduuudduududdd M:6/8   K:Ador         H:"HRZ   T:Barrel Rafferty's
ABC  41021 C1:030763011030712 C2:udduuudduuduudd M:6/8   K:Am           H:CLQR   T:BARREL RAFFERTY'S JIG
ABC  41021 C1:030763011030712 C2:udduuudduuduudd M:6/8   K:Am           H:CLQR   T:BARREL RAFFERTY'S JIG
ABC  41021 C1:030763011030712 C2:udduuudduuduudd M:6/8   K:Am           H:CLQR   T:BARREL RAFFERTY'S JIG
ABC  41022 C1:017220120277600 C2:uduuuuudddddduu M:4/4   K:D            H:CDLQR  T:BARREL RAFFERTY'S REEL
ABC  41022 C1:017220120277600 C2:uduuuuudddddduu M:4/4   K:D            H:CDLQR  T:BARREL RAFFERTY'S REEL
ABC  41022 C1:017220120277600 C2:uduuuuudddddduu M:4/4   K:D            H:CDLQR  T:BARREL RAFFERTY'S REEL
ABC    170 C1:017220120277600 C2:uduuuuudddddduu M:4/4   K:D            H:DLR    T:Barrel Rafferty’s
ABC     33 C1:017303200602017 C2:ududuuduuududuu M:3/2   K:D            H:BCLQWZ T:Barrel's Jigg. SenH.033
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:C     K:D            H:BLRZ   T:Barren Rocks o' Aden, The
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Barren Rocks of Aden (0:43)
ABC      1 C1:007723372412116 C2:ddudududuuuuudu M:2/4   K:Dmaj         H:LR     T:Barren Rocks Of Aden, The
ABC      1 C1:007723372412116 C2:ddudududuuuuudu M:2/4   K:Dmaj         H:LR     T:Barren Rocks Of Aden, The
ABC      1 C1:007723372412116 C2:ddudududuuuuudu M:2/4   K:Dmaj         H:LR     T:Barren Rocks Of Aden, The
ABC      1 C1:007723372412116 C2:ddudududuuuuudu M:2/4   K:Dmaj         H:LR     T:Barren Rocks Of Aden, The
ABC      1 C1:007723372412116 C2:ddudududuuuuudu M:2/4   K:Dmaj         H:LR     T:Barren Rocks Of Aden, The
ABC      1 C1:007723372412116 C2:ddudududuuuuudu M:2/4   K:Dmaj         H:LR     T:Barren Rocks Of Aden, The
ABC      1 C1:007723372412116 C2:ddudududuuuuudu M:2/4   K:Dmaj         H:LR     T:Barren Rocks Of Aden, The
ABC      1 C1:007723372412116 C2:ddudududuuuuudu M:2/4   K:Dmaj         H:LR     T:Barren Rocks Of Aden, The
ABC      1 C1:233724125311007 C2:udududuuuduuudd M:2/4   K:D            H:CLRSZ  T:Barren Rocks of Aden, The
ABC  13475 C1:233725753311267 C2:udududdduduuuud M:2/4   K:G            H:CLQR   T:The Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC      2 C1:010017070702030 C2:uudddudududuuud M:4/4   K:D            H:CILQ   T:The Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC      2 C1:010017070702030 C2:uudddudududuuud M:4/4   K:D            H:CILQ   T:The Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC    767 C1:177723372432331 C2:udddudududuuudu M:2/4   K:D            H:LSZ    T:Barren Rocks of Aden, The
ABC    767 C1:177723372432331 C2:udddudududuuudu M:2/4   K:D            H:LSZ    T:Barren Rocks of Aden, The
ABC    050 C1:177723372441331 C2:udddudududuuduu M:2/4   K:G            H:L      T:Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC      1 C1:100170077020303 C2:uudddudududuudu M:4/4   K:D            H:CLQR   T:The Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC      1 C1:100170077020303 C2:uudddudududuudu M:4/4   K:D            H:CLQR   T:The Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC      1 C1:020303070204011 C2:udududuuuuududd M:2/4   K:D            H:DLQRS  T:Barren Rocks of Aden, The
ABC      1 C1:020303070204011 C2:udududuuuuududd M:2/4   K:D            H:DLQRS  T:Barren Rocks of Aden, The
ABC      1 C1:007723372412531 C2:ddudududuuuduuu M:2/4   K:Dmaj         H:"LR    T:Barren Rocks Of Aden, The
ABC      1 C1:177723372441331 C2:udddudududuuduu M:2/4   K:D            H:"LRZ   T:Barren Rocks of Aden, The
ABC    258 C1:177723372441331 C2:udddudududuuduu M:4/4   K:D            H:FLOR   T:Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC     13 C1:177723372441331 C2:udddudududuuduu M:4/4   K:D            H:"LQR   T:Barren Rocks of Aden, The
ABC  31044 C1:007723372446243 C2:ddududududduduu M:2/4   K:D            H:BCFLQR T:Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC      1 C1:177723372432331 C2:udddudududuuudu M:C|    K:D            H:"BCLRZ T:the Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC      1 C1:177723372432331 C2:udddudududuuudu M:C|    K:D            H:"BCLRZ T:the Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC      1 C1:177723372432331 C2:udddudududuuudu M:C|    K:D            H:"BCLRZ T:the Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC      1 C1:177723372432331 C2:udddudududuuudu M:C|    K:D            H:"BCLRZ T:the Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC      1 C1:177723372432331 C2:udddudududuuudu M:C|    K:D            H:"BCLRZ T:the Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC      1 C1:177723372432331 C2:udddudududuuudu M:C|    K:D            H:"BCLRZ T:the Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC      1 C1:177723372432331 C2:udddudududuuudu M:C|    K:D            H:"BCLRZ T:the Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC      1 C1:177723372432331 C2:udddudududuuudu M:C|    K:D            H:"BCLRZ T:the Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC      1 C1:177723372432331 C2:udddudududuuudu M:C|    K:D            H:"BCLRZ T:the Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC      1 C1:177723372432331 C2:udddudududuuudu M:C|    K:D            H:"BCLRZ T:the Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC      1 C1:177723372432331 C2:udddudududuuudu M:C|    K:D            H:"BCLRZ T:the Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC      1 C1:177723372432331 C2:udddudududuuudu M:C|    K:D            H:"BCLRZ T:the Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC      1 C1:177723372432331 C2:udddudududuuudu M:C|    K:D            H:"BCLRZ T:the Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC      1 C1:177723372432331 C2:udddudududuuudu M:C|    K:D            H:"BCLRZ T:the Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC      1 C1:177723372432331 C2:udddudududuuudu M:C|    K:D            H:"BCLRZ T:the Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC      1 C1:177723372432331 C2:udddudududuuudu M:C|    K:D            H:"BCLRZ T:the Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC      1 C1:177723372432331 C2:udddudududuuudu M:C|    K:D            H:"BCLRZ T:the Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC      1 C1:177723372432331 C2:udddudududuuudu M:C|    K:D            H:"BCLRZ T:the Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC      1 C1:177723372432331 C2:udddudududuuudu M:C|    K:D            H:"BCLRZ T:the Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC      1 C1:177723372432331 C2:udddudududuuudu M:C|    K:D            H:"BCLRZ T:the Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC      1 C1:177723372432331 C2:udddudududuuudu M:C|    K:D            H:"BCLRZ T:the Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC      1 C1:177723372432331 C2:udddudududuuudu M:C|    K:D            H:"BCLRZ T:the Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC      1 C1:177723372432331 C2:udddudududuuudu M:2/4   K:D            H:"BCLRZ T:the Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC      1 C1:177723372432331 C2:udddudududuuudu M:2/4   K:D            H:"BCLRZ T:the Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC      1 C1:177723372432331 C2:udddudududuuudu M:2/4   K:D            H:"BCLRZ T:the Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC      1 C1:177723372432331 C2:udddudududuuudu M:2/4   K:D            H:"BCLRZ T:the Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC    008 C1:001707070203030 C2:udddudududuuuud M:C     K:D            H:BLRZ   T:Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC      1 C1:177723372432331 C2:udddudududuuudu M:2/4   K:D            H:"BCLRZ T:the Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC    008 C1:001707070203030 C2:udddudududuuuud M:C     K:D            H:BLRZ   T:Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC    008 C1:001707070203030 C2:udddudududuuuud M:C     K:D            H:BLRZ   T:Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC    008 C1:001707070203030 C2:udddudududuuuud M:C     K:D            H:BLRZ   T:Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC    008 C1:001707070203030 C2:udddudududuuuud M:C     K:D            H:BLRZ   T:Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC    008 C1:001707070203030 C2:udddudududuuuud M:C     K:D            H:BLRZ   T:Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC    008 C1:001707070203030 C2:udddudududuuuud M:C     K:D            H:BLRZ   T:Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC    008 C1:001707070203030 C2:udddudududuuuud M:C     K:D            H:BLRZ   T:Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC    008 C1:001707070203030 C2:udddudududuuuud M:C     K:D            H:BLRZ   T:Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC    008 C1:001707070203030 C2:udddudududuuuud M:C     K:D            H:BLRZ   T:Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC      1 C1:177723372432331 C2:udddudududuuudu M:2/4   K:D            H:"BCLRZ T:the Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC      1 C1:177723372432331 C2:udddudududuuudu M:C|    K:D            H:"BCLRZ T:the Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC      1 C1:177723372432331 C2:udddudududuuudu M:C|    K:D            H:"BCLRZ T:the Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC     12 C1:177723372441331 C2:udddudududuuduu M:2/4   K:D            H:"LRZ   T:Barren Rocks of Aden, The
ABC      1 C1:177723372432331 C2:udddudududuuudu M:C|    K:D            H:"BCLRZ T:the Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC      1 C1:177723372432331 C2:udddudududuuudu M:C|    K:D            H:"BCLRZ T:the Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC      1 C1:177723372432331 C2:udddudududuuudu M:C|    K:D            H:"BCLRZ T:the Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC      1 C1:177723372432331 C2:udddudududuuudu M:C|    K:D            H:"BCLRZ T:the Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC      1 C1:233724121162007 C2:udududuuuuududd M:2/4   K:D            H:"CL    T:Barren rocks of Aden
ABC     37 C1:177723372432331 C2:udddudududuuudu M:2/4   K:D            H:"LR    T:The Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC     37 C1:177723372432331 C2:udddudududuuudu M:2/4   K:D            H:"LR    T:The Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC     37 C1:177723372432331 C2:udddudududuuudu M:2/4   K:D            H:"LR    T:The Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC     37 C1:177723372432331 C2:udddudududuuudu M:2/4   K:D            H:"LR    T:The Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC     37 C1:177723372432331 C2:udddudududuuudu M:2/4   K:D            H:"LR    T:The Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC      1 C1:177723372441331 C2:udddudududuuduu M:2/4   K:D            H:"LRZ   T:Barren Rocks of Aden, The
ABC      1 C1:177723372432331 C2:udddudududuuudu M:2/4   K:D            H:"LR    T:The Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC     84 C1:177723372441331 C2:udddudududuuduu M:2/4   K:D            H:"L     T:The Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC     84 C1:177723372441331 C2:udddudududuuduu M:2/4   K:D            H:"L     T:The Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC      1 C1:100062337240533 C2:uudddudududuudu M:C|    K:HP           H:CLQS   T:The Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC      1 C1:100062337240533 C2:uudddudududuudu M:C|    K:HP           H:CLQS   T:The Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC    364 C1:200772337243233 C2:uuudddudududuuu M:4/4   K:D            H:"LRS   T:Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC      1 C1:100062337240533 C2:uudddudududuudu M:C|    K:HP           H:CLQS   T:The Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC      1 C1:100062337240533 C2:uudddudududuudu M:C|    K:HP           H:CLQS   T:The Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC     92 C1:233724323311177 C2:udududuuuduuuud M:2/4   K:D            H:LQ     T:Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC     95 C1:233724323311177 C2:udududuuuduuuud M:2/4   K:D            H:LQ     T:Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC      1 C1:100062337240533 C2:uudddudududuudu M:C|    K:HP           H:CLQS   T:The Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC      1 C1:100062337240533 C2:uudddudududuudu M:C|    K:HP           H:CLQS   T:The Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC      4 C1:007723372432331 C2:udddudududuuudu M:4/4   K:D            H:"LS    T:Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC    385 C1:177723372441331 C2:udddudududuuduu M:2/4   K:D            H:"LR    T:The Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC    385 C1:177723372441331 C2:udddudududuuduu M:2/4   K:D            H:"LR    T:The Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC    385 C1:177723372441331 C2:udddudududuuduu M:2/4   K:D            H:"LR    T:The Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC    385 C1:177723372441331 C2:udddudududuuduu M:2/4   K:D            H:"LR    T:The Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC      1 C1:007723372432331 C2:udddudududuuudu M:4/4   K:D            H:"LS    T:Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC      1 C1:001707070203030 C2:udddudududuuudu M:2/4   K:D            H:FLOZ   T:Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC      1 C1:001707070203030 C2:udddudududuuudu M:2/4   K:D            H:FLOZ   T:Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC      1 C1:001707070203030 C2:udddudududuuudu M:2/4   K:D            H:FLOZ   T:Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC      1 C1:001707070203030 C2:udddudududuuudu M:2/4   K:D            H:FLOZ   T:Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC      1 C1:217772337243233 C2:uuudddudududuuu M:C|    K:D            H:"ABLRZ T:The Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC    446 C1:177723372432331 C2:udddudududuuudu M:2/2   K:D            H:"LQS   T:The Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC    440 C1:177723372432331 C2:udddudududuuudu M:2/2   K:D            H:"LQS   T:The Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC      4 C1:177723372432331 C2:udddudududuuudu M:C|    K:D            H:"BCLRZ T:the Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC      4 C1:177723372432331 C2:udddudududuuudu M:C|    K:D            H:"BCLRZ T:the Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC      2 C1:177723372432331 C2:udddudududuuudu M:C|    K:D            H:"ABLRZ T:The Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC      1 C1:177723372432331 C2:udddudududuuudu M:2/4   K:Eb           H:"CLR   T:The Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC      1 C1:177723372432331 C2:udddudududuuudu M:2/4   K:Eb           H:"CLR   T:The Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC      2 C1:177723372432331 C2:udddudududuuudu M:2/4   K:D            H:"ABLRZ T:The Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC      4 C1:177723372432331 C2:udddudududuuudu M:C|    K:D            H:"BCLRZ T:the Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC      2 C1:177723372432331 C2:udddudududuuudu M:2/4   K:D            H:"BCLRZ T:the Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC      2 C1:177723372432331 C2:udddudududuuudu M:2/4   K:D            H:"BCLRZ T:the Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC      2 C1:177723372432331 C2:udddudududuuudu M:2/4   K:D            H:"BCLRZ T:the Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC      2 C1:177723372432331 C2:udddudududuuudu M:2/4   K:D            H:"BCLRZ T:the Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC      2 C1:177723372432331 C2:udddudududuuudu M:C|    K:D            H:"BCLRZ T:the Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC      2 C1:177723372432331 C2:udddudududuuudu M:C|    K:D            H:"BCLRZ T:the Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC      3 C1:177723372432331 C2:udddudududuuudu M:C|    K:D            H:"BCLRZ T:the Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC      3 C1:177723372432331 C2:udddudududuuudu M:C|    K:D            H:"BCLRZ T:the Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC      3 C1:177723372432331 C2:udddudududuuudu M:2/4   K:D            H:"BCLRZ T:the Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC      3 C1:177723372432331 C2:udddudududuuudu M:2/4   K:D            H:"BCLRZ T:the Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC      3 C1:177723372432331 C2:udddudududuuudu M:2/4   K:D            H:"BCLRZ T:the Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC      1 C1:001707070203030 C2:udddudududuuudu M:2/4   K:D            H:FLOZ   T:Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC      1 C1:001707070203030 C2:udddudududuuudu M:2/4   K:D            H:FLOZ   T:Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC      1 C1:001707070203030 C2:udddudududuuudu M:2/4   K:D            H:FLOZ   T:Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC      1 C1:001707070203030 C2:udddudududuuudu M:2/4   K:D            H:FLOZ   T:Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC      2 C1:177723372432331 C2:udddudududuuudu M:C|    K:D            H:"BCLRZ T:the Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC      2 C1:177723372432331 C2:udddudududuuudu M:C|    K:D            H:"BCLRZ T:the Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC      2 C1:177723372432331 C2:udddudududuuudu M:C|    K:D            H:"BCLRZ T:the Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC      2 C1:177723372432331 C2:udddudududuuudu M:C|    K:D            H:"BCLRZ T:the Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC      2 C1:177723372432331 C2:udddudududuuudu M:C|    K:D            H:"BCLRZ T:the Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC      2 C1:177723372432331 C2:udddudududuuudu M:C|    K:D            H:"BCLRZ T:the Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC      2 C1:177723372432331 C2:udddudududuuudu M:C|    K:D            H:"BCLRZ T:the Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC      2 C1:177723372432331 C2:udddudududuuudu M:C|    K:D            H:"BCLRZ T:the Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC      2 C1:177723372432331 C2:udddudududuuudu M:C|    K:D            H:"BCLRZ T:the Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC      2 C1:177723372432331 C2:udddudududuuudu M:C|    K:D            H:"BCLRZ T:the Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC      2 C1:177723372432331 C2:udddudududuuudu M:C|    K:D            H:"BCLRZ T:the Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC      2 C1:177723372432331 C2:udddudududuuudu M:C|    K:D            H:"BCLRZ T:the Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC      3 C1:177723372432331 C2:udddudududuuudu M:2/4   K:D            H:"BCLRZ T:the Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC      3 C1:177723372432331 C2:udddudududuuudu M:2/4   K:D            H:"BCLRZ T:the Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC      3 C1:177723372432331 C2:udddudududuuudu M:2/4   K:D            H:"BCLRZ T:the Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC      3 C1:177723372432331 C2:udddudududuuudu M:2/4   K:D            H:"BCLRZ T:the Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC      3 C1:177723372432331 C2:udddudududuuudu M:2/4   K:D            H:"BCLRZ T:the Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC      3 C1:177723372432331 C2:udddudududuuudu M:2/4   K:D            H:"BCLRZ T:the Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC      3 C1:177723372432331 C2:udddudududuuudu M:2/4   K:D            H:"BCLRZ T:the Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC      1 C1:001707070203030 C2:udddudududuuudu M:2/4   K:D            H:FLOZ   T:Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC      1 C1:001707070203030 C2:udddudududuuudu M:2/4   K:D            H:FLOZ   T:Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC      1 C1:001707070203030 C2:udddudududuuudu M:2/4   K:D            H:FLOZ   T:Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC      1 C1:001707070203030 C2:udddudududuuudu M:2/4   K:D            H:FLOZ   T:Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC      2 C1:177723372432331 C2:udddudududuuudu M:C|    K:D            H:"BCLRZ T:the Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC      2 C1:177723372432331 C2:udddudududuuudu M:C|    K:D            H:"BCLRZ T:the Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC      2 C1:177723372432331 C2:udddudududuuudu M:C|    K:D            H:"BCLRZ T:the Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC      2 C1:177723372432331 C2:udddudududuuudu M:C|    K:D            H:"BCLRZ T:the Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC      2 C1:177723372432331 C2:udddudududuuudu M:C|    K:D            H:"BCLRZ T:the Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC      2 C1:177723372432331 C2:udddudududuuudu M:C|    K:D            H:"BCLRZ T:the Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC      2 C1:177723372432331 C2:udddudududuuudu M:C|    K:D            H:"BCLRZ T:the Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC      2 C1:177723372432331 C2:udddudududuuudu M:C|    K:D            H:"BCLRZ T:the Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC      2 C1:177723372432331 C2:udddudududuuudu M:C|    K:D            H:"BCLRZ T:the Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC      2 C1:177723372432331 C2:udddudududuuudu M:C|    K:D            H:"BCLRZ T:the Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC      2 C1:177723372432331 C2:udddudududuuudu M:C|    K:D            H:"BCLRZ T:the Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC   2060 C1:177723372441331 C2:udddudududuuduu M:2/2   K:D            H:"CLOQRZ T:Barren Rocks of Aden, The
ABC      2 C1:010017070702030 C2:uudddudududuuud M:4/4   K:D            H:CILQ   T:The Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC     37 C1:177723372432331 C2:udddudududuuudu M:2/4   K:D            H:"LR    T:The Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC      9 C1:177723372441331 C2:udddudududuuduu M:2/4   K:D            H:"LRZ   T:Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC      2 C1:                C2:                M:2/4   K:D            H:LRSZ   T:Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC    767 C1:177723372432331 C2:udddudududuuudu M:2/4   K:D            H:LSZ    T:Barren Rocks of Aden, The
ABC    767 C1:177723372432331 C2:udddudududuuudu M:2/4   K:D            H:LSZ    T:Barren Rocks of Aden, The
ABC     13 C1:177723372441331 C2:udddudududuuduu M:4/4   K:D            H:"LQR   T:Barren Rocks of Aden, The
ABC      2 C1:177723372441331 C2:udddudududuuduu M:2/4   K:G            H:L      T:The Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC      2 C1:177723372441331 C2:udddudududuuduu M:2/4   K:G            H:L      T:The Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC  13475 C1:233725753311267 C2:udududdduduuuud M:2/4   K:G            H:CLQR   T:The Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC  13475 C1:233725753311267 C2:udududdduduuuud M:2/4   K:G            H:CLQR   T:The Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC     13 C1:177723372441331 C2:udddudududuuduu M:2/4   K:C            H:"LRZ   T:Barren Rocks of Aden, The
ABC     22 C1:233724125311007 C2:udududuuuduuudd M:2/4   K:D            H:CLRSZ  T:Barren Rocks of Aden, The
ABC     22 C1:233724125311007 C2:udududuuuduuudd M:2/4   K:D            H:CLRSZ  T:Barren Rocks of Aden, The
ABC      4 C1:000772337241253 C2:ddudududuuuduuu M:2/4   K:D            H:"LQRZ  T:Barren Rocks of Aden, The
ABC     27 C1:177723372432331 C2:udddudududuuudu M:2/4   K:D            H:"LR    T:The Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC    300 C1:000623372446333 C2:udddududududdud M:2/4   K:D            H:LQRSZ  T:Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC     22 C1:233724125311007 C2:udududuuuduuudd M:2/4   K:D            H:HLRSZ  T:Barren Rocks of Aden, The
ABC     22 C1:233724125311007 C2:udududuuuduuudd M:2/4   K:D            H:HLRSZ  T:Barren Rocks of Aden, The
ABC    190 C1:000623372446333 C2:udddududududdud M:2/4   K:D            H:LQRSZ  T:Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC    190 C1:000623372446333 C2:udddududududdud M:2/4   K:D            H:LQRSZ  T:Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC     92 C1:233724323311177 C2:udududuuuduuuud M:2/4   K:D            H:LQ     T:Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC     92 C1:233724323311177 C2:udududuuuduuuud M:2/4   K:D            H:LQ     T:Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC      4 C1:007723372432331 C2:udddudududuuudu M:4/4   K:D            H:"CL    T:Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC     20 C1:007723372432331 C2:udddudududuuudu M:4/4   K:D            H:"LS    T:Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC     20 C1:007723372432331 C2:udddudududuuudu M:4/4   K:D            H:"LS    T:Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC      4 C1:007723372432331 C2:udddudududuuudu M:4/4   K:D            H:"LS    T:Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC      4 C1:007723372432331 C2:udddudududuuudu M:4/4   K:D            H:"LS    T:Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC    105 C1:177723372441331 C2:udddudududuuduu M:2/4   K:D            H:"LRZ   T:Barren Rocks of Aden, The
ABC      4 C1:007723372432331 C2:udddudududuuudu M:4/4   K:D            H:"FLRS  T:Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC      4 C1:007723372432331 C2:udddudududuuudu M:4/4   K:D            H:"FLRS  T:Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC      4 C1:007723372432331 C2:udddudududuuudu M:4/4   K:D            H:"FLRS  T:Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC    135 C1:177723372441331 C2:udddudududuuduu M:4/4   K:D            H:"LR    T:The Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC    100 C1:020303070204011 C2:udududuuuuududd M:2/4   K:D            H:DLQRS  T:Barren Rocks of Aden, The
ABC    100 C1:020303070204011 C2:udududuuuuududd M:2/4   K:D            H:DLQRS  T:Barren Rocks of Aden, The
ABC  59005 C1:267723372432331 C2:udddudududuuudu M:2/4   K:D            H:CLR    T:BARREN ROCKS OF ADEN, The
ABC  59005 C1:267723372432331 C2:udddudududuuudu M:2/4   K:D            H:CLR    T:BARREN ROCKS OF ADEN, The
ABC    135 C1:177723372441331 C2:udddudududuuduu M:4/4   K:D            H:"LR    T:The Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC     16 C1:177723372441331 C2:udddudududuuduu M:2/4   K:Dmaj         H:ABLQR  T:Barren Rocks Of Aden, The
ABC    135 C1:177723372441331 C2:udddudududuuduu M:4/4   K:D            H:"LR    T:The Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC    135 C1:177723372441331 C2:udddudududuuduu M:4/4   K:D            H:"LR    T:The Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC    135 C1:177723372441331 C2:udddudududuuduu M:4/4   K:D            H:"LR    T:The Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC      1 C1:007723372412116 C2:ddudududuuuuudu M:      K:Dmaj         H:LR     T:The Barren Rocks Of Aden
ABC      2 C1:117772337244133 C2:uudddudududuudu M:      K:Dmaj         H:LR     T:The Barren Rocks Of Aden
ABC      3 C1:245344534453445 C2:uuddduduudddudu M:      K:Dmaj         H:LR     T:The Barren Rocks Of Aden
ABC      4 C1:217772337244133 C2:uuudddudududuud M:      K:Dmaj         H:LR     T:The Barren Rocks Of Aden
ABC      5 C1:267723372575331 C2:udddudududddudu M:      K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:The Barren Rocks Of Aden
ABC      6 C1:233725115311177 C2:udududuuduuuudd M:      K:Dmaj         H:LR     T:The Barren Rocks Of Aden
ABC      7 C1:117772337243233 C2:uudddudududuuud M:      K:Dmaj         H:LR     T:The Barren Rocks Of Aden
ABC      8 C1:117772337243233 C2:uudddudududuuud M:      K:Dmaj         H:LR     T:The Barren Rocks Of Aden
ABC      2 C1:177723372441331 C2:udddudududuuduu M:2/4   K:G            H:L      T:The Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC      2 C1:177723372441331 C2:udddudududuuduu M:2/4   K:G            H:L      T:The Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC  31044 C1:007723372446243 C2:ddududududduduu M:2/4   K:D            H:BCFLQR T:Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC  31044 C1:007723372446243 C2:ddududududduduu M:2/4   K:D            H:BCFLQR T:Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC      2 C1:177723372441331 C2:udddudududuuduu M:2/4   K:G            H:L      T:The Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC      2 C1:177723372441331 C2:udddudududuuduu M:2/4   K:G            H:L      T:The Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC     95 C1:233724323311177 C2:udududuuuduuuud M:2/4   K:D            H:LQ     T:Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC     95 C1:233724323311177 C2:udududuuuduuuud M:2/4   K:D            H:LQ     T:Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC    135 C1:177723372441331 C2:udddudududuuduu M:4/4   K:D            H:"LR    T:The Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC    135 C1:177723372441331 C2:udddudududuuduu M:4/4   K:D            H:"LR    T:The Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC    764 C1:177723372432331 C2:udddudududuuudu M:2/2   K:D            H:"CLQRS T:The Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC   1137 C1:217772337243233 C2:uuudddudududuuu M:2/2   K:D            H:"CLQR  T:The Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC    764 C1:177723372432331 C2:udddudududuuudu M:2/2   K:D            H:"CLQRS T:The Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC   1137 C1:217772337243233 C2:uuudddudududuuu M:2/2   K:D            H:"CLQR  T:The Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC     84 C1:177723372441331 C2:udddudududuuduu M:2/4   K:D            H:"L     T:The Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC  59005 C1:267723372432331 C2:udddudududuuudu M:2/4   K:D            H:CLR    T:BARREN ROCKS OF ADEN, The
ABC    385 C1:177723372441331 C2:udddudududuuduu M:2/4   K:D            H:"LR    T:The Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC    008 C1:001707070203030 C2:udddudududuuuud M:C     K:D            H:BLRUZ  T:Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC    008 C1:001707070203030 C2:udddudududuuuud M:C     K:D            H:BLRUZ  T:Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC     43 C1:233724125311007 C2:udududuuuduuudd M:2/4   K:D            H:CLRSZ  T:Barren Rocks of Aden, The
ABC     44 C1:020303070204011 C2:udududuuuuududd M:2/4   K:D            H:DLQRS  T:Barren Rocks of Aden, The
ABC   1195 C1:007723372432331 C2:udddudududuuudu M:4/4   K:D            H:"LS    T:Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC   1196 C1:177723372441331 C2:udddudududuuduu M:2/4   K:D            H:"LRZ   T:Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC   1197 C1:233724125311007 C2:udududuuuduuudd M:2/4   K:D            H:CLRSZ  T:Barren Rocks of Aden, The
ABC   1198 C1:020303070204011 C2:udududuuuuududd M:2/4   K:D            H:DLQRS  T:Barren Rocks of Aden, The
ABC   1199 C1:177723372441331 C2:udddudududuuduu M:2/4   K:D            H:"LRZ   T:Barren Rocks of Aden, The
ABC   1200 C1:177723372441331 C2:udddudududuuduu M:2/4   K:D            H:"LRZ   T:Barren Rocks of Aden, The
ABC    050 C1:177723372441331 C2:udddudududuuduu M:2/4   K:G            H:L      T:Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC     21 C1:020303070204011 C2:udududuuuuududd M:2/4   K:D            H:DLQRS  T:Barren Rocks of Aden, The
ABC   1744 C1:020303070204011 C2:udududuuuuududd M:2/4   K:D            H:DLQRS  T:Barren Rocks of Aden, The
ABC   9757 C1:177723372441331 C2:udddudududuuduu M:2/4   K:D            H:"LRZ   T:Barren Rocks of Aden, The
ABC   9802 C1:177723372441331 C2:udddudududuuduu M:2/4   K:D            H:"LRZ   T:Barren Rocks of Aden, The
ABC     21 C1:020303070204011 C2:udududuuuuududd M:2/4   K:D            H:DLQRS  T:Barren Rocks of Aden, The
ABC   1744 C1:020303070204011 C2:udududuuuuududd M:2/4   K:D            H:DLQRS  T:Barren Rocks of Aden, The
ABC   9757 C1:177723372441331 C2:udddudududuuduu M:2/4   K:D            H:"LRZ   T:Barren Rocks of Aden, The
ABC   9802 C1:177723372441331 C2:udddudududuuduu M:2/4   K:D            H:"LRZ   T:Barren Rocks of Aden, The
ABC     22 C1:233724125311007 C2:udududuuuduuudd M:2/4   K:D            H:CLRSZ  T:Barren Rocks of Aden, The
ABC     22 C1:233724125311007 C2:udududuuuduuudd M:2/4   K:D            H:CLRSZ  T:Barren Rocks of Aden, The
ABC     22 C1:233724125311007 C2:udududuuuduuudd M:2/4   K:D            H:CLRSZ  T:Barren Rocks of Aden, The
ABC     22 C1:233724125311007 C2:udududuuuduuudd M:2/4   K:D            H:CLRSZ  T:Barren Rocks of Aden, The
ABC     22 C1:233724125311007 C2:udududuuuduuudd M:2/4   K:D            H:CLRSZ  T:Barren Rocks of Aden, The
ABC     22 C1:233724125311007 C2:udududuuuduuudd M:2/4   K:D            H:CLRSZ  T:Barren Rocks of Aden, The
ABC     67 C1:177723372441331 C2:udddudududuuduu M:2/4   K:C            H:"LRZ   T:Barren Rocks of Aden, The
ABC     22 C1:233724125311007 C2:udududuuuduuudd M:2/4   K:D            H:CLRSZ  T:Barren Rocks of Aden, The
ABC     19 C1:020303070204011 C2:udududuuuuududd M:2/4   K:D            H:DLQRS  T:Barren Rocks of Aden, The
ABC    427 C1:177723372441331 C2:udddudududuuduu M:2/4   K:D            H:"LOR   T:Barren Rocks of Aden, The
ABC    428 C1:007723372432331 C2:udddudududuuudu M:4/4   K:D            H:"LOS   T:Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC   6507 C1:177723372432331 C2:udddudududuuudu M:2/4   K:D            H:"LOR   T:The Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC    427 C1:177723372441331 C2:udddudududuuduu M:2/4   K:D            H:"LOR   T:Barren Rocks of Aden, The
ABC    428 C1:007723372432331 C2:udddudududuuudu M:4/4   K:D            H:"LOS   T:Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC   6507 C1:177723372432331 C2:udddudududuuudu M:2/4   K:D            H:"LOR   T:The Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC   2060 C1:177723372441331 C2:udddudududuuduu M:2/2   K:D            H:"CLOQRZ T:Barren Rocks of Aden, The
ABC    289 C1:177723372432331 C2:udddudududuuudu M:2/2   K:D            H:"LQS   T:The Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC   1195 C1:007723372432331 C2:udddudududuuudu M:4/4   K:D            H:"LS    T:Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC   1196 C1:177723372441331 C2:udddudududuuduu M:2/4   K:D            H:"LRZ   T:Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC   1197 C1:233724125311007 C2:udududuuuduuudd M:2/4   K:D            H:CLRSZ  T:Barren Rocks of Aden, The
ABC   1198 C1:020303070204011 C2:udududuuuuududd M:2/4   K:D            H:DLQRS  T:Barren Rocks of Aden, The
ABC   1199 C1:177723372441331 C2:udddudududuuduu M:2/4   K:D            H:"LRZ   T:Barren Rocks of Aden, The
ABC   1200 C1:177723372441331 C2:udddudududuuduu M:2/4   K:D            H:"LRZ   T:Barren Rocks of Aden, The
ABC   1195 C1:007723372432331 C2:udddudududuuudu M:4/4   K:D            H:"LS    T:Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC   1196 C1:177723372441331 C2:udddudududuuduu M:2/4   K:D            H:"LRZ   T:Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC   1197 C1:233724125311007 C2:udududuuuduuudd M:2/4   K:D            H:CLRSZ  T:Barren Rocks of Aden, The
ABC   1198 C1:020303070204011 C2:udududuuuuududd M:2/4   K:D            H:DLQRS  T:Barren Rocks of Aden, The
ABC   1199 C1:177723372441331 C2:udddudududuuduu M:2/4   K:D            H:"LRZ   T:Barren Rocks of Aden, The
ABC   1200 C1:177723372441331 C2:udddudududuuduu M:2/4   K:D            H:"LRZ   T:Barren Rocks of Aden, The
ABC   1195 C1:007723372432331 C2:udddudududuuudu M:4/4   K:D            H:"LS    T:Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC   1196 C1:177723372441331 C2:udddudududuuduu M:2/4   K:D            H:"LRZ   T:Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC   1197 C1:233724125311007 C2:udududuuuduuudd M:2/4   K:D            H:CLRSZ  T:Barren Rocks of Aden, The
ABC   1198 C1:020303070204011 C2:udududuuuuududd M:2/4   K:D            H:DLQRS  T:Barren Rocks of Aden, The
ABC   1199 C1:177723372441331 C2:udddudududuuduu M:2/4   K:D            H:"LRZ   T:Barren Rocks of Aden, The
ABC   1200 C1:177723372441331 C2:udddudududuuduu M:2/4   K:D            H:"LRZ   T:Barren Rocks of Aden, The
ABC    446 C1:177723372432331 C2:udddudududuuudu M:2/2   K:D            H:"LQS   T:The Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC    446 C1:177723372432331 C2:udddudududuuudu M:2/2   K:D            H:"LQS   T:The Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC    969 C1:177723372441331 C2:udddudududuuduu M:2/4   K:D            H:"LRZ   T:Barren Rocks of Aden, The
ABC    970 C1:177723372441331 C2:udddudududuuduu M:2/4   K:D            H:"LRZ   T:Barren Rocks of Aden, The
ABC    971 C1:233724125311007 C2:udududuuuduuudd M:2/4   K:D            H:CLRSZ  T:Barren Rocks of Aden, The
ABC    972 C1:020303070204011 C2:udududuuuuududd M:2/4   K:D            H:DLQRS  T:Barren Rocks of Aden, The
ABC    973 C1:020303070204011 C2:udududuuuuududd M:2/4   K:D            H:DLQRS  T:Barren Rocks of Aden, The
ABC    974 C1:007723372432331 C2:udddudududuuudu M:4/4   K:D            H:"LS    T:Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC  12812 C1:177723372432331 C2:udddudududuuudu M:2/4   K:D            H:"LR    T:The Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC    969 C1:177723372441331 C2:udddudududuuduu M:2/4   K:D            H:"LRZ   T:Barren Rocks of Aden, The
ABC    970 C1:177723372441331 C2:udddudududuuduu M:2/4   K:D            H:"LRZ   T:Barren Rocks of Aden, The
ABC    971 C1:233724125311007 C2:udududuuuduuudd M:2/4   K:D            H:CLRSZ  T:Barren Rocks of Aden, The
ABC    972 C1:020303070204011 C2:udududuuuuududd M:2/4   K:D            H:DLQRS  T:Barren Rocks of Aden, The
ABC    973 C1:020303070204011 C2:udududuuuuududd M:2/4   K:D            H:DLQRS  T:Barren Rocks of Aden, The
ABC    974 C1:007723372432331 C2:udddudududuuudu M:4/4   K:D            H:"LS    T:Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC  12812 C1:177723372432331 C2:udddudududuuudu M:2/4   K:D            H:"LR    T:The Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC    969 C1:177723372441331 C2:udddudududuuduu M:2/4   K:D            H:"LRZ   T:Barren Rocks of Aden, The
ABC    970 C1:177723372441331 C2:udddudududuuduu M:2/4   K:D            H:"LRZ   T:Barren Rocks of Aden, The
ABC    971 C1:233724125311007 C2:udududuuuduuudd M:2/4   K:D            H:CLRSZ  T:Barren Rocks of Aden, The
ABC    972 C1:020303070204011 C2:udududuuuuududd M:2/4   K:D            H:DLQRS  T:Barren Rocks of Aden, The
ABC    973 C1:020303070204011 C2:udududuuuuududd M:2/4   K:D            H:DLQRS  T:Barren Rocks of Aden, The
ABC    974 C1:007723372432331 C2:udddudududuuudu M:4/4   K:D            H:"LS    T:Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC  12812 C1:177723372432331 C2:udddudududuuudu M:2/4   K:D            H:"LR    T:The Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC    969 C1:177723372441331 C2:udddudududuuduu M:2/4   K:D            H:"LRZ   T:Barren Rocks of Aden, The
ABC    970 C1:177723372441331 C2:udddudududuuduu M:2/4   K:D            H:"LRZ   T:Barren Rocks of Aden, The
ABC    971 C1:233724125311007 C2:udududuuuduuudd M:2/4   K:D            H:CLRSZ  T:Barren Rocks of Aden, The
ABC    972 C1:020303070204011 C2:udududuuuuududd M:2/4   K:D            H:DLQRS  T:Barren Rocks of Aden, The
ABC    973 C1:020303070204011 C2:udududuuuuududd M:2/4   K:D            H:DLQRS  T:Barren Rocks of Aden, The
ABC    974 C1:007723372432331 C2:udddudududuuudu M:4/4   K:D            H:"LS    T:Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC  12812 C1:177723372432331 C2:udddudududuuudu M:2/4   K:D            H:"LR    T:The Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC    969 C1:177723372441331 C2:udddudududuuduu M:2/4   K:D            H:"LRZ   T:Barren Rocks of Aden, The
ABC    970 C1:177723372441331 C2:udddudududuuduu M:2/4   K:D            H:"LRZ   T:Barren Rocks of Aden, The
ABC    971 C1:233724125311007 C2:udududuuuduuudd M:2/4   K:D            H:CLRSZ  T:Barren Rocks of Aden, The
ABC    972 C1:020303070204011 C2:udududuuuuududd M:2/4   K:D            H:DLQRS  T:Barren Rocks of Aden, The
ABC    973 C1:020303070204011 C2:udududuuuuududd M:2/4   K:D            H:DLQRS  T:Barren Rocks of Aden, The
ABC    974 C1:007723372432331 C2:udddudududuuudu M:4/4   K:D            H:"LS    T:Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC  12812 C1:177723372432331 C2:udddudududuuudu M:2/4   K:D            H:"LR    T:The Barren Rocks of Aden
ABC     22 C1:233724125311007 C2:udududuuuduuudd M:2/4   K:D            H:CLRSZ  T:Barren Rocks of Aden, The
ABC     22 C1:233724125311007 C2:udududuuuduuudd M:2/4   K:D            H:CLRSZ  T:Barren Rocks of Aden, The
ABC    174 C1:233725115311177 C2:udududuuduuuudd M:2/4   K:Dmaj         H:LQR    T:Barren Rocks Of Aden (Dmaj)
ABC    176 C1:233725115311177 C2:udududuuduuuudd M:2/4   K:Dmaj         H:LQR    T:Barren Rocks Of Aden (Dmaj)
ABC    176 C1:233725115311177 C2:udududuuduuuudd M:2/4   K:Dmaj         H:LQR    T:Barren Rocks Of Aden (Dmaj)
ABC    176 C1:233725115313662 C2:udududuuduuuddu M:2/4   K:clef=none    H:ILR    T:Barren Rocks Of Aden (Dmaj)
ABC  59005 C1:267723372432331 C2:udddudududuuudu M:2/4\  K:D\           H:CLR    T:BARREN ROCKS OF ADEN, The\
ABC      2 C1:007115110773232 C2:duuduuddduuuduu M:3/4   K:D            H:LOS    T:Barres de la Prison
ABC      2 C1:007115110773232 C2:duuduuddduuuduu M:3/4   K:D            H:LOS    T:Barres de la Prison
ABC      2 C1:007115110773232 C2:duuduuddduuuduu M:3/4   K:D            H:LOS    T:Barres de la Prison
ABC      2 C1:007115110773232 C2:duuduuddduuuduu M:3/4   K:D            H:LOS    T:Barres de la Prison
ABC     34 C1:111001765063763 C2:uuuuddududduuud M:6/8   K:Gmaj         H:LRW    T:Barret Garry's
ABC     34 C1:111001765063763 C2:uuuuddududduuud M:6/8   K:Gmaj         H:LRW    T:Barret Garry's
ABC      1 C1:077707400107050 C2:dddduudduuddddd M:2/2   K:C            H:L      T:Barrett's Privateers
ABC      1 C1:077707400107050 C2:dddduudduuddddd M:2/2   K:C            H:L      T:Barrett's Privateers
ABC      1 C1:077707400107050 C2:dddduudduuddddd M:2/2   K:C            H:L      T:Barrett's Privateers
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Les Barricades Mysterieuses (F. Couperin) (2:19)
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Les Barricades Mysterieuses (F. Couperin) Harp (2:19)
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Les Barricades Mysterieuses (F. Couperin) Lute (2:19)
ABC     22 C1:027700770505000 C2:uddddduuddddudd M:4/4   K:F            H:LQ     T:Barriera della Nobilta di Dame
ABC     22 C1:027700770505000 C2:uddddduuddddudd M:4/4   K:F            H:LQ     T:Barriera della Nobilta di Dame
ABC      1 C1:600016000111117 C2:duduuuuuddduduu M:4/4   K:C            H:"CLOQRVW T:Barrie's Balls
ABC      1 C1:600016000111117 C2:duduuuuuddduduu M:4/4   K:C            H:"CLOQRVW T:Barrie's Balls
ABC      1 C1:323070677550777 C2:uuuddddduddddud M:      K:Dmaj         H:LR     T:Barring Controversy
ABC      1 C1:000000170000070 C2:ududdduuudddddd M:6/8   K:G            H:R      T:the Barring of the Door
ABC      1 C1:000000170000070 C2:ududdduuudddddd M:6/8   K:G            H:LSZ    T:Barring of the Door, The
ABC   0208 C1:000000170000070 C2:ududdduuudddddd M:6/8   K:G            H:ILQZ   T:The Barring of the Door.
ABC   0208 C1:000000170000070 C2:ududdduuudddddd M:6/8   K:G            H:ILQZ   T:The Barring of the Door.
ABC   0208 C1:000000170000070 C2:ududdduuudddddd M:6/8   K:G            H:ILQZ   T:The Barring of the Door.
ABC   0208 C1:000000170000070 C2:ududdduuudddddd M:6/8   K:G            H:ILQZ   T:The Barring of the Door.
ABC   0208 C1:000000170000070 C2:ududdduuudddddd M:6/8   K:G            H:ILQZ   T:The Barring of the Door.
ABC   0208 C1:000000170000070 C2:ududdduuudddddd M:6/8   K:G            H:ILQZ   T:The Barring of the Door.
ABC   0208 C1:000000170000070 C2:ududdduuudddddd M:6/8   K:G            H:ILQZ   T:The Barring of the Door.
ABC   0208 C1:000000170000070 C2:ududdduuudddddd M:6/8   K:G            H:ILQZ   T:The Barring of the Door.
ABC   0208 C1:000000170000070 C2:ududdduuudddddd M:6/8   K:G            H:ILQZ   T:The Barring of the Door.
ABC      1 C1:000000170000070 C2:ududdduuudddddd M:6/8   K:G            H:LSZ    T:Barring of the Door, The
ABC   1201 C1:000000170000070 C2:ududdduuudddddd M:6/8   K:G            H:       T:Barring of the Door, The
ABC    525 C1:000000170000070 C2:ududdduuudddddd M:6/8   K:G            H:R      T:the Barring of the Door
ABC    525 C1:000000170000070 C2:ududdduuudddddd M:6/8   K:G            H:R      T:the Barring of the Door
ABC   6508 C1:000000170000070 C2:ududdduuudddddd M:6/8   K:G            H:OR     T:the Barring of the Door
ABC   6508 C1:000000170000070 C2:ududdduuudddddd M:6/8   K:G            H:OR     T:the Barring of the Door
ABC   1201 C1:000000170000070 C2:ududdduuudddddd M:6/8   K:G            H:       T:Barring of the Door, The
ABC   1201 C1:000000170000070 C2:ududdduuudddddd M:6/8   K:G            H:       T:Barring of the Door, The
ABC   1201 C1:000000170000070 C2:ududdduuudddddd M:6/8   K:G            H:       T:Barring of the Door, The
ABC    553 C1:000000170000070 C2:ududdduuudddddd M:6/8   K:G            H:ABFLOZ T:the Barring of the Door
ABC    554 C1:000000170000070 C2:ududdduuudddddd M:6/8   K:G            H:BFRZ   T:the Barring of the Door
ABC    553 C1:000000170000070 C2:ududdduuudddddd M:6/8   K:G            H:ABFLOZ T:the Barring of the Door
ABC    554 C1:000000170000070 C2:ududdduuudddddd M:6/8   K:G            H:BFRZ   T:the Barring of the Door
ABC  12813 C1:000000170000070 C2:ududdduuudddddd M:6/8   K:G            H:R      T:the Barring of the Door
ABC  12813 C1:000000170000070 C2:ududdduuudddddd M:6/8   K:G            H:R      T:the Barring of the Door
ABC  12813 C1:000000170000070 C2:ududdduuudddddd M:6/8   K:G            H:R      T:the Barring of the Door
ABC  12813 C1:000000170000070 C2:ududdduuudddddd M:6/8   K:G            H:R      T:the Barring of the Door
ABC  12813 C1:000000170000070 C2:ududdduuudddddd M:6/8   K:G            H:R      T:the Barring of the Door
ABC      8 C1:000000170000070 C2:ududdduuudddddd M:6/8   K:G            H:BRZ    T:the Barring of the Door
ABC     27 C1:000000170000070 C2:ududdduuudddddd M:6/8   K:G            H:ABLOZ  T:the Barring of the Door
ABC    166 C1:000000170000070 C2:ududdduuudddddd M:6/8   K:G            H:ABHLOQRZ T:Barring Of The Door. HSJJ.168, The
ABC    166 C1:000000170000070 C2:ududdduuudddddd M:6/8   K:G            H:ABHLOQRZ T:Barring Of The Door. HSJJ.168, The
ABC      1 C1:000000170000070 C2:ududdduuudddddd M:6/8   K:G            H:AHLOQRSZ T:Barring Of The Door,The. HSJJ.168
ABC    166 C1:000000170000070 C2:ududdduuudddddd M:6/8   K:G            H:ABHLOQRZ T:Barring Of The Door,The. HSJJ.168
ABC    167 C1:000000170000070 C2:ududdduuudddddd M:6/8   K:G            H:AHLOQRSZ T:Barring Of The Door,The. HSJJ.168
ABC    166 C1:000000170000070 C2:ududdduuudddddd M:6/8   K:G            H:AHLOQRSZ T:Barring Of The Door,The. HSJJ.168
ABC    166 C1:000000170000070 C2:ududdduuudddddd M:6/8   K:G            H:ABHLOQRSZ T:Barring Of The Door,The. HSJJ.168
ABC   1202 C1:000000170000070 C2:ududdduuudddddd M:6/8   K:G            H:AHLOQRSZ T:Barring Of The Door,The. HSJJ.168
ABC   1203 C1:000000170000070 C2:ududdduuudddddd M:6/8   K:G            H:AHLOQRSZ T:Barring Of The Door,The. HSJJ.168
ABC   2721 C1:000000170000070 C2:ududdduuudddddd M:6/8   K:G            H:AHLOQRSZ T:Barring Of The Door,The. HSJJ.168
ABC   2721 C1:000000170000070 C2:ududdduuudddddd M:6/8   K:G            H:AHLOQRSZ T:Barring Of The Door,The. HSJJ.168
ABC    429 C1:000000170000070 C2:ududdduuudddddd M:6/8   K:G            H:AHLOQRS T:Barring Of The Door,The. HSJJ.168
ABC    429 C1:000000170000070 C2:ududdduuudddddd M:6/8   K:G            H:AHLOQRS T:Barring Of The Door,The. HSJJ.168
ABC   1202 C1:000000170000070 C2:ududdduuudddddd M:6/8   K:G            H:AHLOQRSZ T:Barring Of The Door,The. HSJJ.168
ABC   1203 C1:000000170000070 C2:ududdduuudddddd M:6/8   K:G            H:AHLOQRSZ T:Barring Of The Door,The. HSJJ.168
ABC   1202 C1:000000170000070 C2:ududdduuudddddd M:6/8   K:G            H:AHLOQRSZ T:Barring Of The Door,The. HSJJ.168
ABC   1203 C1:000000170000070 C2:ududdduuudddddd M:6/8   K:G            H:AHLOQRSZ T:Barring Of The Door,The. HSJJ.168
ABC   1202 C1:000000170000070 C2:ududdduuudddddd M:6/8   K:G            H:AHLOQRSZ T:Barring Of The Door,The. HSJJ.168
ABC   1203 C1:000000170000070 C2:ududdduuudddddd M:6/8   K:G            H:AHLOQRSZ T:Barring Of The Door,The. HSJJ.168
ABC    555 C1:000000170000070 C2:ududdduuudddddd M:6/8   K:G            H:AFHLOQRSZ T:Barring Of The Door,The. HSJJ.168
ABC    555 C1:000000170000070 C2:ududdduuudddddd M:6/8   K:G            H:AFHLOQRSZ T:Barring Of The Door,The. HSJJ.168
ABC    975 C1:000000170000070 C2:ududdduuudddddd M:6/8   K:G            H:AHLOQRSZ T:Barring Of The Door,The. HSJJ.168
ABC    975 C1:000000170000070 C2:ududdduuudddddd M:6/8   K:G            H:AHLOQRSZ T:Barring Of The Door,The. HSJJ.168
ABC    975 C1:000000170000070 C2:ududdduuudddddd M:6/8   K:G            H:AHLOQRSZ T:Barring Of The Door,The. HSJJ.168
ABC    975 C1:000000170000070 C2:ududdduuudddddd M:6/8   K:G            H:AHLOQRSZ T:Barring Of The Door,The. HSJJ.168
ABC    975 C1:000000170000070 C2:ududdduuudddddd M:6/8   K:G            H:AHLOQRSZ T:Barring Of The Door,The. HSJJ.168
ABC    166 C1:000000170000070 C2:ududdduuudddddd M:6/8   K:G            H:ABHLOQRSZ T:Barring Of The Door,The. HSJJ.168
ABC      1 C1:000000000711003 C2:duuudduuddduuud M:9/8   K:G            H:L      T:The Barring O' the Door
ABC      1 C1:000000000711003 C2:duuudduuddduuud M:9/8   K:G            H:L      T:The Barring O' the Door
ABC      1 C1:000000000711003 C2:duuudduuddduuud M:9/8   K:G            H:L      T:The Barring O' the Door
ABC      1 C1:226556661111111 C2:uududddduuuuuuu M:      K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:Barr Na Ceibhe
ABC    505 C1:200120110627160 C2:uuuuudududduduu M:4/4   K:E            H:CDLRSZ T:Barr na Cuile
ABC  41020 C1:200120110627160 C2:uuuuudududduduu M:4/4   K:D            H:CDLQR  T:BARR NA CUILE (reel)
ABC  41020 C1:200120110627160 C2:uuuuudududduduu M:4/4   K:D            H:CDLQR  T:BARR NA CUILE (reel)
ABC  41020 C1:200120110627160 C2:uuuuudududduduu M:4/4   K:D            H:CDLQR  T:BARR NA CUILE (reel)
ABC      1 C1:201712037332716 C2:uuduuudduududdd M:      K:Dmaj         H:LR     T:Barr Na Cuille
ABC      2 C1:062761542261223 C2:duddudduuduuuud M:      K:Dmaj         H:LR     T:Barr Na Cuille
ABC      3 C1:062761542261223 C2:duddudduuduuuud M:      K:Dmaj         H:LR     T:Barr Na Cuille
ABC      1 C1:062761542261223 C2:duddudduuduuuud M:4/4   K:Dmaj         H:CLR    T:Barr Na Cuille
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:6/8   K:A            H:BLRZ   T:Barrochan Jean
ABC     27 C1:077073077071714 C2:dddudddududuuud M:6/8   K:D            H:BLQZ   T:Barr O. JJo5.027
ABC     27 C1:077073077071714 C2:dddudddududuuud M:6/8   K:D            H:BLQZ   T:Barr O. JJo5.027
ABC 493016 C1:300712637766271 C2:uduududdddududu M:6/8   K:G            H:BLRS   T:BARRONSTOWN RACES, The
ABC   1071 C1:300712637766271 C2:uduududdddududu M:6/8   K:G            H:BLRZ   T:The Barronstown Races
ABC   1071 C1:300712637766271 C2:uduududdddududu M:6/8   K:G            H:BLRZ   T:The Barronstown Races
ABC   1071 C1:300712637766271 C2:uduududdddududu M:6/8   K:G            H:BLRZ   T:The Barronstown Races
ABC   1038 C1:300712637766271 C2:uduududdddududu M:6/8   K:G            H:BLRZ   T:The Barronstown Races
ABC      1 C1:030000070102060 C2:uduududdddududu M:6/8   K:G            H:CLQR   T:The Barronstown Races
ABC      1 C1:030000070102060 C2:uduududdddududu M:6/8   K:G            H:CLQR   T:The Barronstown Races
ABC      1 C1:030000070102060 C2:uduududdddududu M:6/8   K:G            H:CLQR   T:The Barronstown Races
ABC   1038 C1:300712637766271 C2:uduududdddududu M:6/8   K:G            H:BLORZ  T:the Barronstown Races
ABC   1038 C1:300712637766271 C2:uduududdddududu M:6/8   K:G            H:BLORZ  T:the Barronstown Races
ABC   1038 C1:300712637766271 C2:uduududdddududu M:6/8   K:G            H:BLORZ  T:the Barronstown Races
ABC   1038 C1:300712637766271 C2:uduududdddududu M:6/8   K:G            H:BLORZ  T:the Barronstown Races
ABC   1038 C1:300712637766271 C2:uduududdddududu M:6/8   K:G            H:BLRZ   T:The Barronstown Races
ABC 493016 C1:300712637766271 C2:uduududdddududu M:6/8   K:G            H:BLRS   T:BARRONSTOWN RACES, The
ABC 493016 C1:300712637766271 C2:uduududdddududu M:6/8   K:G            H:BLRS   T:BARRONSTOWN RACES, The
ABC   1038 C1:300712637766271 C2:uduududdddududu M:6/8   K:G            H:BLRZ   T:The Barronstown Races
ABC   1071 C1:300712637766271 C2:uduududdddududu M:6/8   K:G            H:BLRZ   T:The Barronstown Races
ABC   1071 C1:300712637766271 C2:uduududdddududu M:6/8   K:G            H:BLRZ   T:The Barronstown Races
ABC  54003 C1:332171276572771 C2:duuuduuddududdu M:C     K:G            H:BCLR   T:BARROW BANKS (hornpipe), The
ABC  54003 C1:332171276572771 C2:duuuduuddududdu M:C     K:G            H:BCLR   T:BARROW BANKS (hornpipe), The
ABC  54003 C1:332171276572771 C2:duuuduuddududdu M:C\    K:G\           H:BCLQR  T:BARROW BANKS (hornpipe), The \
ABC      1 C1:060707040761010 C2:uddddduuuuddudd M:6/8   K:G            H:ABHLO  T:Barrow Boatman's Song
ABC    286 C1:060707040761010 C2:uddddduuuuddudd M:6/8   K:G            H:ABHLOZ T:Barrow Boatman's Song
ABC    286 C1:060707040761010 C2:uddddduuuuddudd M:6/8   K:G            H:ABHLO  T:Barrow Boatman's Song
ABC    286 C1:060707040761010 C2:uddddduuuuddudd M:6/8   K:G            H:ABHLOZ T:Barrow Boatman's Song
ABC    976 C1:060707040761010 C2:uddddduuuuddudd M:6/8   K:G            H:ABHLO  T:Barrow Boatman's Song
ABC    976 C1:060707040761010 C2:uddddduuuuddudd M:6/8   K:G            H:ABHLO  T:Barrow Boatman's Song
ABC    976 C1:060707040761010 C2:uddddduuuuddudd M:6/8   K:G            H:ABHLO  T:Barrow Boatman's Song
ABC    976 C1:060707040761010 C2:uddddduuuuddudd M:6/8   K:G            H:ABHLO  T:Barrow Boatman's Song
ABC    976 C1:060707040761010 C2:uddddduuuuddudd M:6/8   K:G            H:ABHLO  T:Barrow Boatman's Song
ABC    149 C1:060707040761010 C2:uddddduuuuddudd M:6/8   K:G            H:ABHLO  T:Barrow Boatman's Song
ABC      1 C1:007111760062121 C2:duuuddduuuuuddd M:4/4   K:D            H:L      T:The Barrowburn
ABC    193 C1:007111760062121 C2:duuuddduuuuuddd M:4/4   K:D            H:L      T:The Barrowburn
ABC      1 C1:001120360071116 C2:uuuudduuudduuuu M:C|    K:Dmaj         H:"LR    T:Barrowburn
ABC      1 C1:001120360071116 C2:uuuudduuudduuuu M:C|    K:Dmaj         H:"LR    T:Barrowburn
ABC      1 C1:001120360071116 C2:uuuudduuudduuuu M:C|    K:Dmaj         H:"LR    T:Barrowburn
ABC      1 C1:001120360071116 C2:uuuudduuudduuuu M:C|    K:Dmaj         H:"LR    T:Barrowburn
ABC      1 C1:001120360071116 C2:uuuudduuudduuuu M:C|    K:Dmaj         H:"LR    T:Barrowburn
ABC      2 C1:001120360071116 C2:uuuudduuudduuuu M:C|    K:Dmaj         H:"LR    T:Barrowburn
ABC      2 C1:001120360071116 C2:uuuudduuudduuuu M:C|    K:D            H:"LR    T:Barrowburn
ABC      2 C1:001120360071116 C2:uuuudduuudduuuu M:C|    K:Dmaj         H:"LR    T:Barrowburn
ABC      1 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:4/4   K:D            H:"L     T:Barrowburn
ABC      2 C1:001120360071116 C2:uuuudduuudduuuu M:C|    K:D            H:"LR    T:Barrowburn
ABC      5 C1:001120360071116 C2:uuuudduuudduuuu M:4/4   K:D            H:LORS   T:The Barrowburn
ABC      5 C1:001120360071116 C2:uuuudduuudduuuu M:4/4   K:D            H:LORS   T:The Barrowburn
ABC      6 C1:007111670012711 C2:duuudduuduuuddd M:C|    K:D            H:"CLQRSZ T:Barrow Burn
ABC      5 C1:007111670012711 C2:duuudduuduuuddd M:C|    K:D            H:"CLQRSZ T:Barrow Burn
ABC      5 C1:007111670012711 C2:duuudduuduuuddd M:C|    K:D            H:"CLQRSZ T:Barrow Burn
ABC      5 C1:007111670012711 C2:duuudduuduuuddd M:C|    K:D            H:"CLQRSZ T:Barrow Burn
ABC     50 C1:007111670012001 C2:duuudduuuuddddd M:4/4   K:D            H:LORS   T:Barrowburn, the
ABC     50 C1:007111670012001 C2:duuudduuuuddddd M:4/4   K:D            H:LORS   T:Barrowburn, the
ABC     43 C1:007111670012711 C2:duuudduuduuuddd M:2/4   K:D            H:"CLQRSZ T:Barrow Burn
ABC     50 C1:007111670012001 C2:duuudduuuuddddd M:4/4   K:D            H:LORS   T:Barrowburn, the
ABC      6 C1:000000022310050 C2:uuuduuuddduuudu M:      K:Dmaj         H:LR     T:Barrowburn
ABC      1 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:      K:Dmaj         H:LR     T:Barrowburn
ABC      2 C1:017220001071116 C2:uduuuduuuddduuu M:      K:Dmaj         H:LR     T:Barrowburn
ABC      3 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:      K:Dmaj         H:LR     T:Barrowburn
ABC      4 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:      K:Dmaj         H:LR     T:Barrowburn
ABC      5 C1:030011204600712 C2:uuuuddduudduudu M:      K:Dmaj         H:LR     T:Barrowburn
ABC     50 C1:007111670012001 C2:duuudduuuuddddd M:4/4   K:D            H:LORS   T:Barrowburn, the
ABC     50 C1:007111670012001 C2:duuudduuuuddddd M:4/4   K:D            H:LORS   T:Barrowburn, the
ABC     50 C1:007111670012001 C2:duuudduuuuddddd M:4/4   K:D            H:LORS   T:Barrowburn, the
ABC     50 C1:007111670012001 C2:duuudduuuuddddd M:4/4   K:D            H:LORS   T:Barrowburn, the
ABC    193 C1:007111760062121 C2:duuuddduuuuuddd M:4/4   K:D            H:L      T:The Barrowburn
ABC    965 C1:007111760062121 C2:duuuddduuuuuddd M:4/4   K:D            H:L      T:The Barrowburn
ABC     50 C1:007111670012001 C2:duuudduuuuddddd M:4/4   K:D            H:LORS   T:Barrowburn, the
ABC     50 C1:007111670012001 C2:duuudduuuuddddd M:4/4   K:D            H:LORS   T:Barrowburn, the
ABC      2 C1:001120360071116 C2:uuuudduuudduuuu M:C|    K:Dmaj         H:"LR    T:Barrowburn
ABC      2 C1:001120360071116 C2:uuuudduuudduuuu M:C|    K:Dmaj         H:"LR    T:Barrowburn
ABC      1 C1:007120670012001 C2:duudduuuudddddd M:4/4   K:D            H:CLORZ  T:the Barrow burn
ABC      1 C1:007120670012001 C2:duudduuuudddddd M:C|    K:D            H:"CL    T:Barrowburn Reel
ABC      1 C1:001120360071116 C2:uuuudduuudduuuu M:4/4   K:D            H:"CLOR  T:Barrowburn Reel
ABC      4 C1:001120360071116 C2:uuuudduuudduuuu M:4/4   K:D            H:"CLOR  T:Barrowburn Reel
ABC      1 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:C|    K:D            H:"CQR   T:Barrowburn Reel, The
ABC      1 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:C|    K:D            H:"CQR   T:Barrowburn Reel, The
ABC      1 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:      K:D            H:"CL    T:the Barrowburn Reel
ABC      1 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:      K:D            H:"CL    T:the Barrowburn Reel
ABC      6 C1:007120670012001 C2:duudduuuudddddd M:C|    K:D            H:"LRSZ  T:The Barrowburn reel
ABC      6 C1:007120670012001 C2:duudduuuudddddd M:C|    K:D            H:"LRSZ  T:The Barrowburn reel
ABC      6 C1:007120670012001 C2:duudduuuudddddd M:C|    K:D            H:"LRSZ  T:The Barrowburn reel
ABC      6 C1:007120670012001 C2:duudduuuudddddd M:C|    K:D            H:"LRSZ  T:The Barrowburn reel
ABC      1 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:      K:D            H:"CLZ   T:the Barrowburn Reel
ABC      1 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:      K:D            H:"CLZ   T:the Barrowburn Reel
ABC      1 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:      K:D            H:"CLZ   T:the Barrowburn Reel
ABC      1 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:      K:D            H:"CLZ   T:the Barrowburn Reel
ABC      1 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:      K:D            H:"CLZ   T:the Barrowburn Reel
ABC      1 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:      K:D            H:"CLZ   T:the Barrowburn Reel
ABC      1 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:      K:D            H:"CLZ   T:the Barrowburn Reel
ABC      1 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:      K:D            H:"CLZ   T:the Barrowburn Reel
ABC      1 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:      K:D            H:"CLZ   T:the Barrowburn Reel
ABC      1 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:      K:D            H:"CLZ   T:the Barrowburn Reel
ABC      1 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:      K:D            H:"CLZ   T:the Barrowburn Reel
ABC      1 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:      K:D            H:"CLZ   T:the Barrowburn Reel
ABC      1 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:      K:D            H:"CLZ   T:the Barrowburn Reel
ABC      1 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:      K:D            H:"CLZ   T:the Barrowburn Reel
ABC      1 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:      K:D            H:"CLZ   T:the Barrowburn Reel
ABC      1 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:      K:D            H:"CLZ   T:the Barrowburn Reel
ABC      1 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:      K:D            H:"CLZ   T:the Barrowburn Reel
ABC      1 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:      K:D            H:"CLZ   T:the Barrowburn Reel
ABC      1 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:      K:D            H:"CLZ   T:the Barrowburn Reel
ABC      1 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:      K:D            H:"CLZ   T:the Barrowburn Reel
ABC      1 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:      K:D            H:"CLZ   T:the Barrowburn Reel
ABC      1 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:      K:D            H:"CLZ   T:the Barrowburn Reel
ABC      1 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:      K:D            H:"CLZ   T:the Barrowburn Reel
ABC      1 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:      K:D            H:"CLZ   T:the Barrowburn Reel
ABC      1 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:      K:D            H:"CLZ   T:the Barrowburn Reel
ABC      1 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:      K:D            H:"CLZ   T:the Barrowburn Reel
ABC      1 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:      K:D            H:"CLZ   T:the Barrowburn Reel
ABC      1 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:      K:D            H:"CLZ   T:the Barrowburn Reel
ABC      1 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:      K:D            H:"CLZ   T:the Barrowburn Reel
ABC      1 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:      K:D            H:"CLZ   T:the Barrowburn Reel
ABC      1 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:      K:D            H:"CLZ   T:the Barrowburn Reel
ABC      1 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:      K:D            H:"CLZ   T:the Barrowburn Reel
ABC      1 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:      K:D            H:"CLZ   T:the Barrowburn Reel
ABC      1 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:      K:D            H:"CLZ   T:the Barrowburn Reel
ABC      1 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:      K:D            H:"CLZ   T:the Barrowburn Reel
ABC    576 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuudd M:4/4   K:D            H:"CILRZ T:Barrowburn Reel, The
ABC      1 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:      K:D            H:"CLZ   T:the Barrowburn Reel
ABC      1 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:      K:D            H:"CLZ   T:the Barrowburn Reel
ABC      1 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:      K:D            H:"CLZ   T:the Barrowburn Reel
ABC      1 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:      K:D            H:"CLZ   T:the Barrowburn Reel
ABC      1 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:      K:D            H:"CLZ   T:the Barrowburn Reel
ABC      1 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:      K:D            H:"CLZ   T:the Barrowburn Reel
ABC      1 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:      K:D            H:"CLZ   T:the Barrowburn Reel
ABC      1 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:      K:D            H:"CLZ   T:the Barrowburn Reel
ABC      1 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:      K:D            H:"CLZ   T:the Barrowburn Reel
ABC      1 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:      K:D            H:"CLZ   T:the Barrowburn Reel
ABC      1 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:      K:D            H:"CLZ   T:the Barrowburn Reel
ABC      1 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:      K:D            H:"CLZ   T:the Barrowburn Reel
ABC      1 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:      K:D            H:"CLZ   T:the Barrowburn Reel
ABC      1 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:      K:D            H:"CLZ   T:the Barrowburn Reel
ABC      1 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:      K:D            H:"CLZ   T:the Barrowburn Reel
ABC      1 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:      K:D            H:"CLZ   T:the Barrowburn Reel
ABC      1 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:      K:D            H:"CLZ   T:the Barrowburn Reel
ABC      1 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:      K:D            H:"CLZ   T:the Barrowburn Reel
ABC      1 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:      K:D            H:"CLZ   T:the Barrowburn Reel
ABC      1 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:      K:D            H:"CLZ   T:the Barrowburn Reel
ABC      1 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:      K:D            H:"CLZ   T:the Barrowburn Reel
ABC      1 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:      K:D            H:"CLZ   T:the Barrowburn Reel
ABC      1 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:      K:D            H:"CLZ   T:the Barrowburn Reel
ABC      1 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:      K:D            H:"CLZ   T:the Barrowburn Reel
ABC      1 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:      K:D            H:"CLZ   T:the Barrowburn Reel
ABC      1 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:      K:D            H:"CLZ   T:the Barrowburn Reel
ABC      1 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:      K:D            H:"CLZ   T:the Barrowburn Reel
ABC      1 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:      K:D            H:"CLZ   T:the Barrowburn Reel
ABC      1 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:      K:D            H:"CLZ   T:the Barrowburn Reel
ABC      1 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:      K:D            H:"CLZ   T:the Barrowburn Reel
ABC      1 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:      K:D            H:"CLZ   T:the Barrowburn Reel
ABC      1 C1:026220360071206 C2:udduuudduudduuu M:C|    K:D            H:"CLRSZ T:the Barrowburn Reel
ABC      1 C1:026220360071206 C2:udduuudduudduuu M:C|    K:D            H:"CLRSZ T:the Barrowburn Reel
ABC      1 C1:040011203600712 C2:duuuudduudduuuu M:      K:D            H:"CLZ   T:The Barrowburn Reel
ABC      1 C1:027722036007111 C2:udduuudduuudduu M:4/4   K:D            H:"CLR   T:Barrowburn Reel
ABC      2 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:      K:D            H:"LZ    T:The Barrowburn Reel
ABC      2 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:      K:D            H:"LZ    T:The Barrowburn Reel
ABC      2 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:      K:D            H:"LZ    T:The Barrowburn Reel
ABC    576 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuudd M:4/4   K:D            H:"CILRZ T:Barrowburn Reel, The
ABC      1 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:      K:D            H:"CLZ   T:the Barrowburn Reel
ABC      2 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:      K:D            H:"CLZ   T:the Barrowburn Reel
ABC      1 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:      K:D            H:"CLZ   T:the Barrowburn Reel
ABC      2 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:      K:D            H:"CLZ   T:the Barrowburn Reel
ABC      1 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:      K:D            H:"CLZ   T:the Barrowburn Reel
ABC      2 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:      K:D            H:"CLZ   T:the Barrowburn Reel
ABC      1 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:      K:D            H:"CLZ   T:the Barrowburn Reel
ABC      2 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:      K:D            H:"CLZ   T:the Barrowburn Reel
ABC      1 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:      K:D            H:"CLZ   T:the Barrowburn Reel
ABC      2 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:      K:D            H:"CLZ   T:the Barrowburn Reel
ABC      1 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:      K:D            H:"CLZ   T:the Barrowburn Reel
ABC      2 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:      K:D            H:"CLZ   T:the Barrowburn Reel
ABC      1 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:      K:D            H:"CLZ   T:the Barrowburn Reel
ABC      2 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:      K:D            H:"CLZ   T:the Barrowburn Reel
ABC      1 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:      K:D            H:"CLZ   T:the Barrowburn Reel
ABC      2 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:      K:D            H:"CLZ   T:the Barrowburn Reel
ABC      1 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:      K:D            H:"CLZ   T:the Barrowburn Reel
ABC      2 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:      K:D            H:"CLZ   T:the Barrowburn Reel
ABC      1 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:      K:D            H:"CLZ   T:the Barrowburn Reel
ABC      2 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:      K:D            H:"CLZ   T:the Barrowburn Reel
ABC      1 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:      K:D            H:"CLZ   T:the Barrowburn Reel
ABC      2 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:      K:D            H:"CLZ   T:the Barrowburn Reel
ABC      1 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:      K:D            H:"CLZ   T:the Barrowburn Reel
ABC      2 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:      K:D            H:"CLZ   T:the Barrowburn Reel
ABC      1 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:      K:D            H:"CLZ   T:the Barrowburn Reel
ABC      2 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:      K:D            H:"CLZ   T:the Barrowburn Reel
ABC      2 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:      K:D            H:"CLZ   T:the Barrowburn Reel
ABC      1 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:      K:D            H:"CLZ   T:the Barrowburn Reel
ABC      1 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:      K:D            H:"CLZ   T:the Barrowburn Reel
ABC      2 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:      K:D            H:"CLZ   T:the Barrowburn Reel
ABC      2 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:      K:D            H:"CLZ   T:the Barrowburn Reel
ABC      1 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:      K:D            H:"CLZ   T:The Barrowburn Reel
ABC      1 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:      K:D            H:"CLZ   T:The Barrowburn Reel
ABC      1 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:      K:D            H:"CLZ   T:The Barrowburn Reel
ABC      1 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:      K:D            H:"CLZ   T:The Barrowburn Reel
ABC      1 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:      K:D            H:"CLZ   T:The Barrowburn Reel
ABC      1 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:      K:D            H:"CLZ   T:The Barrowburn Reel
ABC      1 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:      K:D            H:"CLZ   T:The Barrowburn Reel
ABC      1 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:      K:D            H:"CLZ   T:The Barrowburn Reel
ABC      1 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:      K:D            H:"CLZ   T:The Barrowburn Reel
ABC      1 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:      K:D            H:"CLZ   T:The Barrowburn Reel
ABC      1 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:      K:D            H:"CLZ   T:the Barrowburn Reel
ABC      1 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:      K:D            H:"CLZ   T:the Barrowburn Reel
ABC      1 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:      K:D            H:"CLZ   T:the Barrowburn Reel
ABC      1 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:      K:D            H:"CLZ   T:the Barrowburn Reel
ABC      2 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:      K:D            H:"CLZ   T:the Barrowburn Reel
ABC      2 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:      K:D            H:"CLZ   T:the Barrowburn Reel
ABC      1 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:      K:D            H:"CLZ   T:the Barrowburn Reel
ABC      1 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:      K:D            H:"CLZ   T:the Barrowburn Reel
ABC      1 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:      K:D            H:"CLZ   T:the Barrowburn Reel
ABC      1 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:      K:D            H:"CLZ   T:the Barrowburn Reel
ABC      1 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:      K:D            H:"CLZ   T:the Barrowburn Reel
ABC      1 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:      K:D            H:"CLZ   T:the Barrowburn Reel
ABC      1 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:      K:D            H:"CLZ   T:the Barrowburn Reel
ABC      1 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:      K:D            H:"CLZ   T:the Barrowburn Reel
ABC      2 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:      K:D            H:"CLZ   T:the Barrowburn Reel
ABC      2 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:      K:D            H:"CLZ   T:the Barrowburn Reel
ABC      2 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:      K:D            H:"CLZ   T:the Barrowburn Reel
ABC      3 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:      K:D            H:"CLZ   T:the Barrowburn Reel
ABC      3 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:      K:D            H:"CLZ   T:the Barrowburn Reel
ABC      2 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:      K:D            H:"CLZ   T:the Barrowburn Reel
ABC      2 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:      K:D            H:"CLZ   T:the Barrowburn Reel
ABC      2 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:      K:D            H:"CLZ   T:the Barrowburn Reel
ABC      2 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:      K:D            H:"CLZ   T:the Barrowburn Reel
ABC      3 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:      K:D            H:"CLZ   T:The Barrowburn Reel
ABC      3 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:      K:D            H:"CLZ   T:The Barrowburn Reel
ABC      3 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:      K:D            H:"CLZ   T:The Barrowburn Reel
ABC      2 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:      K:D            H:"CLZ   T:the Barrowburn Reel
ABC      2 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:      K:D            H:"CLZ   T:the Barrowburn Reel
ABC      3 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:      K:D            H:"CLZ   T:The Barrowburn Reel
ABC      3 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:      K:D            H:"CLZ   T:The Barrowburn Reel
ABC      3 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:      K:D            H:"CLZ   T:the Barrowburn Reel
ABC      4 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:      K:D            H:"CLZ   T:The Barrowburn Reel
ABC      4 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:      K:D            H:"CLZ   T:The Barrowburn Reel
ABC      2 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:      K:D            H:"CLZ   T:the Barrowburn Reel
ABC      2 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:      K:D            H:"CLZ   T:the Barrowburn Reel
ABC      2 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:      K:D            H:"CLZ   T:the Barrowburn Reel
ABC      3 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:      K:D            H:"CLZ   T:the Barrowburn Reel
ABC      3 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:      K:D            H:"CLZ   T:the Barrowburn Reel
ABC      1 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:      K:D            H:"CLZ   T:the Barrowburn Reel
ABC      2 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:      K:D            H:"CLZ   T:the Barrowburn Reel
ABC      2 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:      K:D            H:"CLZ   T:the Barrowburn Reel
ABC      2 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:      K:D            H:"CLZ   T:the Barrowburn Reel
ABC      2 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:      K:D            H:"CLZ   T:the Barrowburn Reel
ABC      2 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:      K:D            H:"CLZ   T:the Barrowburn Reel
ABC      2 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:      K:D            H:"CLZ   T:the Barrowburn Reel
ABC      2 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:      K:D            H:"CLZ   T:the Barrowburn Reel
ABC      2 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:      K:D            H:"CLZ   T:the Barrowburn Reel
ABC      2 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:      K:D            H:"CLZ   T:the Barrowburn Reel
ABC      2 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:      K:D            H:"CLZ   T:the Barrowburn Reel
ABC      2 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:      K:D            H:"CLZ   T:the Barrowburn Reel
ABC      2 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:      K:D            H:"CLZ   T:the Barrowburn Reel
ABC      2 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:      K:D            H:"CLZ   T:the Barrowburn Reel
ABC      2 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:      K:D            H:"CLZ   T:the Barrowburn Reel
ABC      2 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:      K:D            H:"CLZ   T:the Barrowburn Reel
ABC      2 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:      K:D            H:"CLZ   T:the Barrowburn Reel
ABC      2 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:      K:D            H:"CLZ   T:the Barrowburn Reel
ABC      3 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:      K:D            H:"CLZ   T:The Barrowburn Reel
ABC      4 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:      K:D            H:"CLZ   T:the Barrowburn Reel
ABC      4 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:      K:D            H:"CLZ   T:the Barrowburn Reel
ABC      4 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:      K:D            H:"CLZ   T:the Barrowburn Reel
ABC      4 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:      K:D            H:"CLZ   T:the Barrowburn Reel
ABC      4 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:      K:D            H:"CLZ   T:the Barrowburn Reel
ABC      1 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:      K:D            H:"CLZ   T:the Barrowburn Reel
ABC      3 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:4/4   K:D            H:CIQ    T:The Barrowburn reel
ABC      3 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:4/4   K:D            H:CIQ    T:The Barrowburn reel
ABC      3 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:4/4   K:D            H:CIQ    T:The Barrowburn reel
ABC      3 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:4/4   K:D            H:CIQ    T:The Barrowburn reel
ABC      3 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:4/4   K:D            H:CIQ    T:The Barrowburn reel
ABC      3 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:4/4   K:D            H:CIQ    T:The Barrowburn reel
ABC    317 C1:040011203600712 C2:duuuudduudduuuu M:C|    K:D            H:"CLR   T:Barrowburn Reel, The
ABC    317 C1:040011203600712 C2:duuuudduudduuuu M:C|    K:D            H:"CLR   T:Barrowburn Reel, The
ABC      4 C1:001120360071116 C2:uuuudduuudduuuu M:4/4   K:D            H:"CLOR  T:Barrowburn Reel
ABC     12 C1:027722036007111 C2:udduuudduuudduu M:4/4   K:D            H:"CLRZ  T:Barrowburn Reel
ABC     12 C1:027722036007111 C2:udduuudduuudduu M:4/4   K:D            H:"CLRZ  T:Barrowburn Reel
ABC     38 C1:040011203600712 C2:duuuudduudduuuu M:C|    K:D            H:"CLQR  T:The Barrowburn Reel
ABC     38 C1:040011203600712 C2:duuuudduudduuuu M:C|    K:D            H:"CLQR  T:The Barrowburn Reel
ABC      3 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:4/4   K:D            H:CIQ    T:The Barrowburn reel
ABC     48 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:4/4   K:D            H:CIQ    T:The Barrowburn reel
ABC      3 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:4/4   K:D            H:CIQ    T:The Barrowburn reel
ABC     48 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:4/4   K:D            H:CIQ    T:The Barrowburn reel
ABC     11 C1:001120360071116 C2:uuuudduuudduuuu M:4/4   K:D            H:"CLOR  T:Barrowburn Reel
ABC      1 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:      K:D            H:"CLZ   T:the Barrowburn Reel
ABC      1 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:      K:D            H:"CLZ   T:the Barrowburn Reel
ABC    797 C1:007111670012001 C2:duuudduuuuddddd M:C|    K:D            H:CRZ    T:Barrowburn Reel
ABC    797 C1:007111670012001 C2:duuudduuuuddddd M:C|    K:D            H:CRZ    T:Barrowburn Reel
ABC     18 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:4/4   K:D            H:CIQR   T:The Barrowburn reel
ABC     76 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:4/4   K:D            H:CIQR   T:The Barrowburn reel
ABC      1 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:4/4   K:D            H:CLQRZ  T:The Barrowburn reel
ABC      2 C1:040011203600712 C2:duuuudduudduuuu M:C|    K:D            H:"CLR   T:Barrowburn Reel, The
ABC      9 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:      K:D            H:"CLZ   T:the Barrowburn Reel
ABC     10 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:      K:D            H:"CLZ   T:the Barrowburn Reel
ABC      9 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:      K:D            H:"CLZ   T:the Barrowburn Reel
ABC     10 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:      K:D            H:"CLZ   T:the Barrowburn Reel
ABC    576 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuudd M:4/4   K:D            H:"CILRZ T:Barrowburn Reel, The
ABC    576 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuudd M:4/4   K:D            H:"CILRZ T:Barrowburn Reel, The
ABC   1204 C1:007111670012001 C2:duuudduuuuddddd M:C|    K:D            H:CHRZ   T:Barrowburn Reel
ABC     10 C1:027722036007111 C2:udduuudduuudduu M:4/4   K:D            H:"CLRW  T:Barrowburn Reel
ABC    317 C1:040011203600712 C2:duuuudduudduuuu M:C|    K:D            H:"CLR   T:Barrowburn Reel, The
ABC      3 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:4/4   K:D            H:CIQ    T:The Barrowburn reel
ABC      3 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:4/4   K:D            H:CIQ    T:The Barrowburn reel
ABC    797 C1:007111670012001 C2:duuudduuuuddddd M:C|    K:D            H:CHRZ   T:Barrowburn Reel
ABC     32 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:      K:D            H:"CLZ   T:the Barrowburn Reel
ABC     33 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:      K:D            H:"CLZ   T:the Barrowburn Reel
ABC     34 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:      K:D            H:"CLZ   T:the Barrowburn Reel
ABC     35 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:      K:D            H:"CLZ   T:the Barrowburn Reel
ABC     36 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:      K:D            H:"CLZ   T:the Barrowburn Reel
ABC     37 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:      K:D            H:"CLZ   T:the Barrowburn Reel
ABC     38 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:      K:D            H:"CLZ   T:the Barrowburn Reel
ABC     39 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:      K:D            H:"CLZ   T:the Barrowburn Reel
ABC      6 C1:007120670012001 C2:duudduuuudddddd M:C|    K:D            H:"LRSZ  T:The Barrowburn reel
ABC   1204 C1:007111670012001 C2:duuudduuuuddddd M:C|    K:D            H:CHRZ   T:Barrowburn Reel
ABC   1204 C1:007111670012001 C2:duuudduuuuddddd M:C|    K:D            H:CHRZ   T:Barrowburn Reel
ABC   1204 C1:007111670012001 C2:duuudduuuuddddd M:C|    K:D            H:CHRZ   T:Barrowburn Reel
ABC    977 C1:001120360071116 C2:uuuudduuudduuuu M:4/4   K:D            H:"CLOR  T:Barrowburn Reel
ABC    977 C1:001120360071116 C2:uuuudduuudduuuu M:4/4   K:D            H:"CLOR  T:Barrowburn Reel
ABC    977 C1:001120360071116 C2:uuuudduuudduuuu M:4/4   K:D            H:"CLOR  T:Barrowburn Reel
ABC    977 C1:001120360071116 C2:uuuudduuudduuuu M:4/4   K:D            H:"CLOR  T:Barrowburn Reel
ABC    977 C1:001120360071116 C2:uuuudduuudduuuu M:4/4   K:D            H:"CLOR  T:Barrowburn Reel
ABC    147 C1:007111670012001 C2:duuudduuuuddddd M:C|    K:D            H:CHORZ  T:Barrowburn Reel
ABC      5 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:4/4   K:D            H:CIQ    T:The Barrowburn reel
ABC      5 C1:001120360071206 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:4/4   K:D            H:CIQ    T:The Barrowburn reel
ABC      1 C1:300712637766271 C2:uduududdddududu M:6/8   K:G            H:BCLORZm T:The Barrowstown races
ABC    248 C1:300712637766271 C2:uduududdddududu M:6/8   K:G            H:BLORZ  T:The Barrowstown Races
ABC    248 C1:300712637766271 C2:uduududdddududu M:6/8   K:G            H:BLORZ  T:The Barrowstown Races
ABC    248 C1:300712637766271 C2:uduududdddududu M:6/8   K:G            H:BLORZ  T:The Barrowstown Races
ABC    248 C1:630071263776627 C2:duduududdddudud M:6/8   K:G            H:BFLRZbs T:the Barrowstown Races
ABC    248 C1:630071263776627 C2:duduududdddudud M:6/8   K:G            H:BFLRZbs T:the Barrowstown Races
ABC    248 C1:630071263776627 C2:duduududdddudud M:6/8   K:G            H:BFLRZbs T:the Barrowstown Races
ABC    248 C1:630071263776627 C2:duduududdddudud M:6/8   K:G            H:BFLRZbs T:the Barrowstown Races
ABC    248 C1:300712637766271 C2:uduududdddududu M:6/8   K:G            H:BCFLORWZm T:The Barrowstown races
ABC    248 C1:300712637766271 C2:uduududdddududu M:6/8   K:G            H:BLORZ  T:The Barrowstown Races
ABC    248 C1:300712637766271 C2:uduududdddududu M:6/8   K:G            H:BLORZ  T:The Barrowstown Races
ABC  12814 C1:300712637766271 C2:uduududdddududu M:6/8   K:G            H:BCLORZm T:The Barrowstown races
ABC  12814 C1:300712637766271 C2:uduududdddududu M:6/8   K:G            H:BCLORZm T:The Barrowstown races
ABC  12814 C1:300712637766271 C2:uduududdddududu M:6/8   K:G            H:BCLORZm T:The Barrowstown races
ABC  12814 C1:300712637766271 C2:uduududdddududu M:6/8   K:G            H:BCLORZm T:The Barrowstown races
ABC  12814 C1:300712637766271 C2:uduududdddududu M:6/8   K:G            H:BCLORZm T:The Barrowstown races
ABC   2389 C1:300712637766271 C2:uduududdddududu M:6/8   K:G            H:BCLORZm T:The Barrowstown races
ABC      1 C1:626515666246162 C2:ddudduuuddddddu M:C|    K:HP           H:CLQS   T:Barry Ewen
ABC      1 C1:626515666246162 C2:ddudduuuddddddu M:C|    K:HP           H:CLQS   T:Barry Ewen
ABC      1 C1:626515666246162 C2:ddudduuuddddddu M:C|    K:HP           H:CLQS   T:Barry Ewen
ABC      3 C1:111001002117763 C2:uuuuuuuddduuudd M:6/8   K:D            H:L      T:Barry, Garrett
ABC   1206 C1:111001002117763 C2:uuuuuuuddduuudd M:6/8   K:D            H:L      T:Barry, Garrett
ABC   1206 C1:111001002117763 C2:uuuuuuuddduuudd M:6/8   K:D            H:L      T:Barry, Garrett
ABC   1206 C1:111001002117763 C2:uuuuuuuddduuudd M:6/8   K:D            H:L      T:Barry, Garrett
ABC   1206 C1:111001002117763 C2:uuuuuuuddduuudd M:6/8   K:D            H:L      T:Barry, Garrett
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Barry Manilow - Copacabana by Glangrim (3:58)
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Barry Manilow - Mandy (Made by Ratissia of snowbourne (3:55)
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:4/4   K:C            H:QZ     T:BarryMannilow-IWriteTheSongs (3:14) - Lute
ABC     11 C1:                C2:                M:4/4   K:C            H:QZ     T:BarryMannilow-IWriteTheSongs (3:14) - Lute
ABC      1 C1:030117660002602 C2:uuududduuduuudd M:3/4   K:C            H:L      T:The Barrymore Tithe Victory
ABC      1 C1:030117660002602 C2:uuududduuduuudd M:3/4   K:C            H:L      T:The Barrymore Tithe Victory
ABC      1 C1:030117660002602 C2:uuududduuduuudd M:3/4   K:C            H:L      T:The Barrymore Tithe Victory
ABC     14 C1:177706106706602 C2:uddududddduuddu M:12/8  K:Ador         H:CLQRV  T:Barry & Pat’s
ABC      1 C1:071566217127007 C2:duddduuduuddduu M:4/4   K:D            H:"BCLRZ T:Barry Priddey
ABC      1 C1:071566217127007 C2:duddduuduuddduu M:4/4   K:D            H:"BCLRZ T:Barry Priddey
ABC      1 C1:071566217127007 C2:duddduuduuddduu M:4/4   K:D            H:"BCLRZ T:Barry Priddey
ABC      1 C1:071566217127007 C2:duddduuduuddduu M:4/4   K:D            H:"BCLRZ T:Barry Priddey
ABC      5 C1:071566217127007 C2:duddduuduuddduu M:4/4   K:D            H:"BCLRZ T:Barry Priddey
ABC      5 C1:071566217127007 C2:duddduuduuddduu M:4/4   K:D            H:"BCLRZ T:Barry Priddey
ABC      5 C1:071566217127007 C2:duddduuduuddduu M:4/4   K:D            H:"BCLRZ T:Barry Priddey
ABC      1 C1:071566217127007 C2:duddduuduuddduu M:4/4   K:D            H:"BCLRZ T:Barry Priddey
ABC      1 C1:071566217127007 C2:duddduuduuddduu M:4/4   K:D            H:"BCLRZ T:Barry Priddey
ABC      1 C1:071566217127007 C2:duddduuduuddduu M:4/4   K:D            H:"BCLRZ T:Barry Priddey
ABC      1 C1:071566217127007 C2:duddduuduuddduu M:4/4   K:D            H:"BCLRZ T:Barry Priddey
ABC  03006 C1:401161771117003 C2:uuududduuudduuu M:C     K:D            H:BCLZ   T:BARRY'S BREAKDOWN
ABC  03006 C1:401161771117003 C2:uuududduuudduuu M:C     K:D            H:BCLZ   T:BARRY'S BREAKDOWN
ABC  03006 C1:401161771117003 C2:uuududduuudduuu M:C     K:D            H:BCLZ   T:BARRY'S BREAKDOWN
ABC  03006 C1:401161771117003 C2:uuududduuudduuu M:C     K:D            H:BCLZ   T:BARRY'S BREAKDOWN
ABC  03006 C1:401161771117003 C2:uuududduuudduuu M:C     K:D            H:BCLZ   T:BARRY'S BREAKDOWN
ABC  03006 C1:401161771117003 C2:uuududduuudduuu M:C     K:D            H:BCLZ   T:BARRY'S BREAKDOWN
ABC  03006 C1:401161771117003 C2:uuududduuudduuu M:C     K:D            H:BCLZ   T:BARRY'S BREAKDOWN
ABC  03006 C1:401161771117003 C2:uuududduuudduuu M:C     K:D            H:BCLZ   T:BARRY'S BREAKDOWN
ABC      1 C1:616602111666102 C2:dudduuuudduduuu M:2/4   K:D            H:BLZ    T:Barry's Delight
ABC      1 C1:616602111666102 C2:dudduuuudduduuu M:2/4   K:D            H:BLZ    T:Barry's Delight
ABC    158 C1:616602111666102 C2:dudduuuudduduuu M:2/4   K:D            H:BLZ    T:Barry's Delight
ABC    158 C1:616602111666102 C2:dudduuuudduduuu M:2/4   K:D            H:BLZ    T:Barry's Delight
ABC      1 C1:616602111666102 C2:dudduuuudduduuu M:2/4   K:D            H:BLZ    T:Barry's Delight
ABC    186 C1:021116166021116 C2:uuuududduuuuddu M:2/4   K:D            H:BLZ    T:Barry's Delight. JJo.186
ABC    186 C1:021116166021116 C2:uuuududduuuuddu M:2/4   K:D            H:BLZ    T:Barry's Delight. JJo.186
ABC    186 C1:021116166021116 C2:uuuududduuuuddu M:2/4   K:D            H:BLZ    T:Barry's Delight. JJo.186
ABC    186 C1:021116166021116 C2:uuuududduuuuddu M:2/4   K:D            H:BLZ    T:Barry's Delight. JJo.186
ABC    186 C1:021116166021116 C2:uuuududduuuuddu M:2/4   K:D            H:BLZ    T:Barry's Delight. JJo.186
ABC    186 C1:021116166021116 C2:uuuududduuuuddu M:2/4   K:D            H:BLZ    T:Barry's Delight. JJo.186
ABC    186 C1:021116166021116 C2:uuuududduuuuddu M:2/4   K:D            H:BLZ    T:Barry's Delight. JJo.186
ABC    186 C1:021116166021116 C2:uuuududduuuuddu M:2/4   K:D            H:BLZ    T:Barry's Delight. JJo.186
ABC    186 C1:021116166021116 C2:uuuududduuuuddu M:2/4   K:D            H:BLQZ   T:Barry's Delight. JJo8.186
ABC    186 C1:021116166021116 C2:uuuududduuuuddu M:2/4   K:D            H:BLQZ   T:Barry's Delight. JJo8.186
ABC    186 C1:021116166021116 C2:uuuududduuuuddu M:2/4   K:D            H:BLQZ   T:Barry's Delight. JJo8.186
ABC    186 C1:021116166021116 C2:uuuududduuuuddu M:2/4   K:D            H:BLQZ   T:Barry's Delight. JJo8.186
ABC    158 C1:616602111666102 C2:dudduuuudduduuu M:2/4   K:D            H:BLQZ   T:Barry's Delight THO1.158
ABC    158 C1:616602111666102 C2:dudduuuudduduuu M:2/4   K:D            H:BLQZ   T:Barry's Delight THO1.158
ABC    310 C1:307107673264426 C2:ududdduudududuu M:4/4   K:G            H:LRSZ   T:Barry's Fancy
ABC  38016 C1:307107673264426 C2:ududdduudududud M:4/4   K:G            H:BCLQR  T:BARRY'S FANCY (reel)
ABC  38016 C1:307107673264426 C2:ududdduudududud M:4/4   K:G            H:BCLQR  T:BARRY'S FANCY (reel)
ABC  38016 C1:307107673264426 C2:ududdduudududud M:4/4   K:G            H:BCLQR  T:BARRY'S FANCY (reel)
ABC      1 C1:000606111000604 C2:udddduuuudddduu M:2/2   K:D            H:"S     T:Barry's Favourite
ABC      2 C1:000606111000604 C2:udddduuuudddduu M:2/2   K:D            H:"S     T:Barry's Favourite
ABC     10 C1:000606111000604 C2:udddduuuudddduu M:2/2   K:D            H:"S     T:Barry's Favourite
ABC      2 C1:000606111000604 C2:udddduuuudddduu M:2/2   K:D            H:"S     T:Barry's Favourite
ABC      2 C1:000606111000604 C2:udddduuuudddduu M:2/2   K:D            H:"S     T:Barry's Favourite
ABC      2 C1:000606111000604 C2:udddduuuudddduu M:2/2   K:D            H:"S     T:Barry's Favourite
ABC      2 C1:000606111000604 C2:udddduuuudddduu M:2/2   K:D            H:"S     T:Barry's Favourite
ABC      2 C1:000606111000604 C2:udddduuuudddduu M:2/2   K:D            H:"S     T:Barry's Favourite
ABC   1205 C1:000606111000604 C2:udddduuuudddduu M:2/2   K:D            H:"S     T:Barry's Favourite
ABC    430 C1:000606111000604 C2:udddduuuudddduu M:2/2   K:D            H:"OS    T:Barry's Favourite
ABC    430 C1:000606111000604 C2:udddduuuudddduu M:2/2   K:D            H:"OS    T:Barry's Favourite
ABC   1205 C1:000606111000604 C2:udddduuuudddduu M:2/2   K:D            H:"S     T:Barry's Favourite
ABC   1205 C1:000606111000604 C2:udddduuuudddduu M:2/2   K:D            H:"S     T:Barry's Favourite
ABC   1205 C1:000606111000604 C2:udddduuuudddduu M:2/2   K:D            H:"S     T:Barry's Favourite
ABC    978 C1:000606111000604 C2:udddduuuudddduu M:2/2   K:D            H:"S     T:Barry's Favourite
ABC    978 C1:000606111000604 C2:udddduuuudddduu M:2/2   K:D            H:"S     T:Barry's Favourite
ABC    978 C1:000606111000604 C2:udddduuuudddduu M:2/2   K:D            H:"S     T:Barry's Favourite
ABC    978 C1:000606111000604 C2:udddduuuudddduu M:2/2   K:D            H:"S     T:Barry's Favourite
ABC    978 C1:000606111000604 C2:udddduuuudddduu M:2/2   K:D            H:"S     T:Barry's Favourite
ABC    137 C1:532605050000060 C2:duuddududuuddud M:C|    K:C            H:ABCLOQRZ T:Barry's March. JaW.137
ABC    137 C1:532605050000060 C2:duuddududuuddud M:C|    K:C            H:ABCLOQRZ T:Barry's March. JaW.137
ABC    137 C1:532605050000060 C2:duuddududuuddud M:C|    K:F            H:ACLOQRSZ T:Barry's March. JaW.137
ABC    137 C1:532605050000060 C2:duuddududuuddud M:C|    K:F            H:ACHOQRSZ T:Barry's March. JaW.137
ABC    137 C1:532605050000060 C2:duuddududuuddud M:C|    K:F            H:ABLOQRSZ T:Barry's March. JaW.137
ABC    556 C1:532605050000060 C2:duuddududuuddud M:C|    K:F            H:ACFLOQRSZ T:Barry's March. JaW.137
ABC   5603 C1:532605050000060 C2:duuddududuuddud M:C|    K:F            H:ACFLOQRSZ T:Barry's March. JaW.137
ABC    556 C1:532605050000060 C2:duuddududuuddud M:C|    K:F            H:ACFLOQRSZ T:Barry's March. JaW.137
ABC   5603 C1:532605050000060 C2:duuddududuuddud M:C|    K:F            H:ACFLOQRSZ T:Barry's March. JaW.137
ABC    137 C1:532605050000060 C2:duuddududuuddud M:C|    K:F            H:ABLOQRSZ T:Barry's March. JaW.137
ABC     71 C1:020702070211777 C2:ududuuudddduddd M:2/4   K:C            H:"CLQRS T:The Barry Special
ABC     71 C1:020702070211777 C2:ududuuudddduddd M:2/4   K:C            H:"CLQRS T:The Barry Special
ABC  04007 C1:116176732217031 C2:uududdduuuuduuu M:C|    K:G            H:BCLZ   T:BARRY'S REEL
ABC  04007 C1:116176732217031 C2:uududdduuuuduuu M:C|    K:G            H:BCLZ   T:BARRY'S REEL
ABC  04007 C1:116176732217031 C2:uududdduuuuduuu M:C|    K:G            H:BCLZ   T:BARRY'S REEL
ABC  04007 C1:116176732217031 C2:uududdduuuuduuu M:C|    K:G            H:BCLZ   T:BARRY'S REEL
ABC  04007 C1:116176732217031 C2:uududdduuuuduuu M:C|    K:G            H:BCLZ   T:BARRY'S REEL
ABC  04007 C1:116176732217031 C2:uududdduuuuduuu M:C|    K:G            H:BCLZ   T:BARRY'S REEL
ABC  04007 C1:116176732217031 C2:uududdduuuuduuu M:C|    K:G            H:BCLZ   T:BARRY'S REEL
ABC  04007 C1:116176732217031 C2:uududdduuuuduuu M:C|    K:G            H:BCLZ   T:BARRY'S REEL
ABC      1 C1:171400314311167 C2:ududuuduuuuddud M:      K:Amix         H:LR     T:Barry's Trip To Paris
ABC      2 C1:111111201111112 C2:uuuuuuuuuuuuuuu M:      K:C bass       H:       T:Bars 1 & 2 should be on staff, 3 above
ABC      2 C1:111111201111112 C2:uuuuuuuuuuuuuuu M:      K:C bass       H:       T:Bars 1 & 2 should be on staff, 3 above
ABC      2 C1:111111201111112 C2:uuuuuuuuuuuuuuu M:      K:C bass       H:       T:Bars 1 & 2 should be on staff, 3 above
ABC      2 C1:111111201111112 C2:uuuuuuuuuuuuuuu M:      K:C bass       H:       T:Bars 1 & 2 should be on staff, 3 above
ABC      2 C1:111111201111112 C2:uuuuuuuuuuuuuuu M:      K:C bass       H:       T:Bars 1 & 2 should be on staff, 3 above
ABC      2 C1:111111201111112 C2:uuuuuuuuuuuuuuu M:      K:C bass       H:       T:Bars 1 & 2 should be on staff, 3 above
ABC      2 C1:111111201111112 C2:uuuuuuuuuuuuuuu M:      K:C bass       H:       T:Bars 1 & 2 should be on staff, 3 above
ABC      1 C1:107711000610616 C2:udduududududdud M:4/4   K:GDor         H:"LOQZ  T:Bars
ABC      1 C1:107711000610616 C2:udduududududdud M:4/4   K:GDor         H:"LOQZ  T:Bars
ABC      5 C1:1               C2:u               M:6/8   K:D            H:L      T:Bars and Rests
ABC      5 C1:1               C2:u               M:6/8   K:D            H:L      T:Bars and Rests
ABC      5 C1:1               C2:u               M:6/8   K:D            H:L      T:Bars and Rests
ABC      5 C1:1               C2:u               M:6/8   K:D            H:L      T:Bars and Rests
ABC      5 C1:1               C2:u               M:6/8   K:D            H:L      T:Bars and Rests
ABC      5 C1:1               C2:u               M:6/8   K:D            H:L      T:Bars and Rests
ABC      5 C1:1               C2:u               M:6/8   K:D            H:L      T:Bars and Rests
ABC      5 C1:1               C2:u               M:6/8   K:D            H:L      T:Bars and Rests
ABC      5 C1:1               C2:u               M:6/8   K:D            H:L      T:Bars and Rests
ABC      5 C1:1               C2:u               M:6/8   K:D            H:L      T:Bars and Rests
ABC      5 C1:1               C2:u               M:6/8   K:D            H:L      T:Bars and Rests
ABC      5 C1:1               C2:u               M:6/8   K:D            H:L      T:Bars and Rests
ABC      5 C1:1               C2:u               M:6/8   K:D            H:L      T:Bars and Rests
ABC      5 C1:1               C2:u               M:6/8   K:D            H:L      T:Bars and Rests
ABC      5 C1:1               C2:u               M:6/8   K:D            H:L      T:Bars and Rests
ABC      5 C1:1               C2:u               M:6/8   K:D            H:L      T:Bars and Rests
ABC      5 C1:1               C2:u               M:6/8   K:D            H:L      T:Bars and Rests
ABC      5 C1:1               C2:u               M:6/8   K:D            H:L      T:Bars and Rests
ABC      5 C1:1               C2:u               M:6/8   K:D            H:L      T:Bars and Rests
ABC      5 C1:1               C2:u               M:6/8   K:D            H:L      T:Bars and Rests
ABC      5 C1:1               C2:u               M:6/8   K:D            H:L      T:Bars and Rests
ABC      5 C1:1               C2:u               M:6/8   K:D            H:L      T:Bars and Rests
ABC      5 C1:1               C2:u               M:6/8   K:D            H:L      T:Bars and Rests
ABC      5 C1:1               C2:u               M:6/8   K:D            H:L      T:Bars and Rests
ABC      5 C1:1               C2:u               M:6/8   K:D            H:L      T:Bars and Rests
ABC      5 C1:1               C2:u               M:6/8   K:D            H:L      T:Bars and Rests
ABC      5 C1:1               C2:u               M:6/8   K:D            H:L      T:Bars and Rests
ABC    111 C1:026361653660600 C2:udududduddddudu M:C     K:Bb           H:BCLRSZ T:Barskemming Bridge
ABC    111 C1:026361653660600 C2:udududduddddudu M:C     K:Bb           H:BCLRSZ T:Barskemming Bridge
ABC    111 C1:026361653660600 C2:udududduddddudu M:C     K:Bb           H:BCLRSZ T:Barskemming Bridge
ABC    111 C1:026361653660600 C2:udududduddddudu M:C     K:Bb           H:BCLRSZ T:Barskemming Bridge
ABC     36 C1:027771027771011 C2:uddduuddduuuuud M:6/8   K:Ador         H:CLOR   T:The Bartellas Peak
ABC      1 C1:640270611637711 C2:dddududdduududd M:      K:Emin         H:LR     T:Bar The Door At Midnight
ABC      1 C1:600111077077200 C2:duuudddduuuuudd M:6/4   K:G            H:BLSZ   T:Bartholemew Fair
ABC      1 C1:600111077077200 C2:duuudddduuuuudd M:6/4   K:G            H:BLSZ   T:Bartholemew Fair
ABC      1 C1:600111077077200 C2:duuudddduuuuudd M:6/4   K:G            H:BLSZ   T:Bartholemew Fair
ABC      1 C1:600111077077200 C2:duuudddduuuuudd M:6/4   K:G            H:BLSZ   T:Bartholemew Fair
ABC    108 C1:600111077077200 C2:duuudddduuuuudd M:6/4   K:G            H:BLQWZ  T:Bartholemew Fair,aka. JJo2.108
ABC    108 C1:600111077077200 C2:duuudddduuuuudd M:6/4   K:G            H:BLQWZ  T:Bartholemew Fair,aka. JJo2.108
ABC      1 C1:030503020007070 C2:uduudddddududud M:6/8   K:D            H:CLQR   T:Barthol Moor
ABC      1 C1:030503020007070 C2:uduudddddududud M:6/8   K:D            H:CLQR   T:Barthol Moor
ABC      1 C1:030503020007070 C2:uduudddddududud M:6/8   K:D            H:CLQR   T:Barthol Moor
ABC  15091 C1:007700001101000 C2:dduuudddduuuuud M:6/4   K:G            H:CLQR   T:BARTHOLOMEW FAIR
ABC      7 C1:226632616777611 C2:uudduududdddduu M:2/4   K:C            H:BLSZ   T:Bartholomew Fair
ABC      1 C1:070700010101000 C2:dduuudddduuuuud M:6/8   K:G            H:ACILORS T:Bartholomew Fair
ABC      7 C1:226632616777611 C2:uudduududdddduu M:2/4   K:C            H:BLSZ   T:Bartholomew Fair
ABC      7 C1:226632616777611 C2:uudduududdddduu M:2/4   K:C            H:BLSZ   T:Bartholomew Fair
ABC      7 C1:226632616777611 C2:uudduududdddduu M:2/4   K:C            H:BLSZ   T:Bartholomew Fair
ABC      7 C1:226632616777611 C2:uudduududdddduu M:2/4   K:C            H:BLSZ   T:Bartholomew Fair
ABC      7 C1:226632616777611 C2:uudduududdddduu M:2/4   K:C            H:BLSZ   T:Bartholomew Fair
ABC  15091 C1:007700001101000 C2:dduuudddduuuuud M:6/4   K:G            H:CLQR   T:BARTHOLOMEW FAIR
ABC  15091 C1:007700001101000 C2:dduuudddduuuuud M:6/4   K:G            H:CLQR   T:BARTHOLOMEW FAIR
ABC    347 C1:600111077077200 C2:duuudddduuuuudd M:6/4   K:G            H:HLOQSZ T:Bartholomew Fair. (p)1695.PLFD1.347
ABC    347 C1:600111077077200 C2:duuudddduuuuudd M:6/4   K:G            H:HLOQSZ T:Bartholomew Fair. (p)1695.PLFD1.347
ABC    347 C1:600111077077200 C2:duuudddduuuuudd M:6/4   K:G            H:ABHLOQZ T:Bartholomew Fair. (p)1695.PLFD1.347
ABC    347 C1:600111077077200 C2:duuudddduuuuudd M:6/4   K:G            H:ABHLOQZ T:Bartholomew Fair. (p)1695.PLFD1.347
ABC    347 C1:600111077077200 C2:duuudddduuuuudd M:6/4   K:G            H:HLOQSZ T:Bartholomew Fair. (p)1695.PLFD.347
ABC    347 C1:600111077077200 C2:duuudddduuuuudd M:6/4   K:G            H:HLOQSZ T:Bartholomew Fair. (p)1695.PLFD.347
ABC    347 C1:600111077077200 C2:duuudddduuuuudd M:6/4   K:G            H:HLOQSZ T:Bartholomew Fair. (p)1695.PLFD.347
ABC     52 C1:001115007007007 C2:uuuddddudduduud M:6/8   K:Gmaj         H:CLOSZ  T:La Bartiene (?)
ABC     38 C1:777177717777060 C2:ddduddduddddduu M:2/2   K:Bb           H:"CLQS  T:Bartlett House
ABC     36 C1:777177717777060 C2:ddduddduddddduu M:2/2   K:Bb           H:"CLQS  T:Bartlett House
ABC      1 C1:070707070006000 C2:ddddduuudduuuuu M:4/4   K:A            H:ACILORS T:Bartlett House
ABC     14 C1:777177717777060 C2:ddduddduddddduu M:C|    K:Bb           H:"BLQVZ T:BARTLETT HOUSE
ABC     14 C1:777177717777060 C2:ddduddduddddduu M:C|    K:Bb           H:"BLQVZ T:BARTLETT HOUSE
ABC     14 C1:777177717777060 C2:ddduddduddddduu M:C|    K:Bb           H:"BLQVZ T:BARTLETT HOUSE
ABC     14 C1:777177717777060 C2:ddduddduddddduu M:C|    K:Bb           H:"BLQVZ T:BARTLETT HOUSE
ABC     72 C1:777177717777060 C2:ddduddduddddduu M:2/2   K:Bb           H:"CLQRS T:Bartlett House
ABC     72 C1:777177717777060 C2:ddduddduddddduu M:2/2   K:Bb           H:"CLQRS T:Bartlett House
ABC     38 C1:777177717777060 C2:ddduddduddddduu M:2/2   K:Bb           H:"CLQS  T:Bartlett House
ABC     38 C1:777177717777060 C2:ddduddduddddduu M:2/2   K:Bb           H:"CLQS  T:Bartlett House
ABC     14 C1:777177717777060 C2:ddduddduddddduu M:C|    K:Bb           H:BLQVZ  T:BARTLETT HOUSE. TBr.14
ABC    119 C1:000000000002771 C2:uddudduuddudddd M:6/8   K:G            H:BLQ    T:Bartlett's 2.S.
ABC    119 C1:000000000002771 C2:uddudduuddudddd M:6/8   K:G            H:BLQ    T:Bartlett's 2.S.
ABC    119 C1:000000000002771 C2:uddudduuddudddd M:6/8   K:G            H:BCLQ   T:Bartlett's 2.S. *? +
ABC    119 C1:000000000002771 C2:uddudduuddudddd M:6/8   K:G            H:LQS    T:Bartlett's 2.S.
ABC    119 C1:000000000002771 C2:uddudduuddudddd M:6/8   K:G            H:BCLQ   T:Bartlett's 2.S. *? +
ABC   1011 C1:000000000002061 C2:ududduududddduu M:6/8   K:F            H:BCFL   T:BARTLETT'S QUICK-STEP
ABC   1011 C1:000000000002061 C2:ududduududddduu M:6/8   K:F            H:BCFL   T:BARTLETT'S QUICK-STEP
ABC      1 C1:000000000000000 C2:uuddudduuudddud M:2/4   K:D            H:"FLOZ  T:Bartlett's Quickstep
ABC      1 C1:000000000000000 C2:uuddudduuudddud M:2/4   K:D            H:"FLOZ  T:Bartlett's Quickstep
ABC      1 C1:000000000000000 C2:uuddudduuudddud M:2/4   K:D            H:"FLOZ  T:Bartlett's Quickstep
ABC      1 C1:000000000000000 C2:uuddudduuudddud M:2/4   K:D            H:"FLOZ  T:Bartlett's Quickstep
ABC  20721 C1:000000000002771 C2:uddudduudddddud M:6/8   K:F            H:BCLSVZ T:BARTLETT'S QUICKSTEP
ABC  20721 C1:000000000002771 C2:uddudduudddddud M:6/8   K:F            H:BCLSVZ T:BARTLETT'S QUICKSTEP
ABC      3 C1:000000000000000 C2:uuddudduuudddud M:2/4   K:D            H:"FLOZ  T:Bartlett's Quickstep
ABC      3 C1:000000000000000 C2:uuddudduuudddud M:2/4   K:D            H:"FLOZ  T:Bartlett's Quickstep
ABC      3 C1:000000000000000 C2:uuddudduuudddud M:2/4   K:D            H:"FLOZ  T:Bartlett's Quickstep
ABC      3 C1:000000000000000 C2:uuddudduuudddud M:2/4   K:D            H:"FLOZ  T:Bartlett's Quickstep
ABC   1011 C1:000000000002061 C2:ududduududddduu M:6/8   K:F            H:BCFL   T:BARTLETT'S QUICK-STEP
ABC   1011 C1:000000000002061 C2:ududduududddduu M:6/8   K:F            H:BCFL   T:BARTLETT'S QUICK-STEP
ABC  20721 C1:000000000002771 C2:uddudduudddddud M:6/8   K:F            H:BCLSVZ T:BARTLETT'S QUICKSTEP
ABC  20721 C1:000000000002771 C2:uddudduudddddud M:6/8   K:F            H:BCLSVZ T:BARTLETT'S QUICKSTEP
ABC  20721 C1:000000000002771 C2:uddudduudddddud M:6/8   K:F            H:BCLSVZ T:BARTLETT'S QUICKSTEP
ABC  20721 C1:000000000002771 C2:uddudduudddddud M:6/8   K:F            H:BCLSVZ T:BARTLETT'S QUICKSTEP
ABC  20721 C1:000000000002771 C2:uddudduudddddud M:6/8   K:F            H:BCLSVZ T:BARTLETT'S QUICKSTEP
ABC  20721 C1:000000000002771 C2:uddudduudddddud M:6/8   K:F            H:BCLSVZ T:BARTLETT'S QUICKSTEP
ABC  20721 C1:000000000002771 C2:uddudduudddddud M:6/8   K:F            H:BCLSVZ T:BARTLETT'S QUICKSTEP
ABC  20721 C1:000000000002771 C2:uddudduudddddud M:6/8   K:F            H:BCLSVZ T:BARTLETT'S QUICKSTEP
ABC  20721 C1:000000000002771 C2:uddudduudddddud M:6/8   K:F            H:BCLSVZ T:BARTLETT'S QUICKSTEP
ABC   1292 C1:006111716603006 C2:duuududduduuuud M:3/4   K:D            H:BFL    T:BARTLETT'S WALTZ
ABC   1292 C1:006111716603006 C2:duuududduduuuud M:3/4   K:D            H:BFL    T:BARTLETT'S WALTZ
ABC   1292 C1:006111716603006 C2:duuududduduuuud M:3/4   K:D            H:BFL    T:BARTLETT'S WALTZ
ABC   1292 C1:006111716603006 C2:duuududduduuuud M:3/4   K:D            H:BFL    T:BARTLETT'S WALTZ
ABC     31 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:bartnderpolka bass (2:52)
ABC     72 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:bartnderpolka clarinet 2 (bridge) (2:52)
ABC     71 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:bartnderpolka clarinet (harmony) (2:52)
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:CLQRZ  T:bartnderpolka drums (2:52)
ABC     21 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:bartnderpolka harp (2:52)
ABC     61 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:bartnderpolka horn 1 (melody) (2:52)
ABC     62 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:bartnderpolka horn 2 (2:52)
ABC      1 C1:012707270727616 C2:uudduddudduduuu M:4/4   K:G            H:CLS    T:Barton Island
ABC      1 C1:012707270727616 C2:uudduddudduduuu M:4/4   K:G            H:CLS    T:Barton Island
ABC      1 C1:012707270727616 C2:uudduddudduduuu M:4/4   K:G            H:CLS    T:Barton Island
ABC      1 C1:012707270727616 C2:uudduddudduduuu M:4/4   K:G            H:CLS    T:Barton Island
ABC      1 C1:012707270727616 C2:uudduddudduduuu M:4/4   K:G            H:CLS    T:Barton Island
ABC   4292 C1:223261616735670 C2:uuuudududdudddd M:C|    K:G            H:LVZ    T:Barton's Maggot
ABC      1 C1:223261616735670 C2:uuuudududdudddd M:C|    K:G            H:BLSVZp T:Barton's Maggot
ABC      1 C1:223261616735670 C2:uuuudududdudddd M:C|    K:G            H:BLSVZp T:Barton's Maggot
ABC      1 C1:223261616735670 C2:uuuudududdudddd M:C|    K:G            H:BLSVZp T:Barton's Maggot
ABC   4292 C1:223261616735670 C2:uuuudududdudddd M:C|    K:G            H:LVZ    T:Barton's Maggot
ABC      1 C1:223261616735670 C2:uuuudududdudddd M:C|    K:G            H:BLSVZp T:Barton's Maggot
ABC      1 C1:223261616735670 C2:uuuudududdudddd M:C|    K:G            H:BLSVZp T:Barton's Maggot
ABC      8 C1:223261616735670 C2:uuuudududdudddd M:C|    K:G            H:BLSVZp T:Barton's Maggot
ABC     74 C1:673567072232616 C2:ddudddduuuududu M:C     K:G            H:BLQRZ  T:Barton's Maggot. JJo5.074
ABC     74 C1:673567072232616 C2:ddudddduuuududu M:C     K:G            H:BLQRZ  T:Barton's Maggot. JJo5.074
ABC    111 C1:301107607771070 C2:uuuddddduddduuu M:3/2   K:Eb           H:BLOQZ  T:Barton's Maggott. ThoH.111
ABC    111 C1:301107607771070 C2:uuuddddduddduuu M:3/2   K:Eb           H:BLOQZ  T:Barton's Maggott. ThoH.111
ABC      1 C1:111771653111771 C2:uuuddudduuuuddu M:9/8   K:Am           H:"CQR   T:Bartram's Garden
ABC  35004 C1:111771653111771 C2:uuuddudduuuuddu M:9/8   K:Am           H:"CQR   T:BARTRAM'S GARDEN
ABC  35004 C1:111771653111771 C2:uuuddudduuuuddu M:9/8   K:Am           H:"CR    T:BARTRAM'S GARDEN
ABC  35004 C1:111771653111771 C2:uuuddudduuuuddu M:9/8   K:Am           H:"CR    T:BARTRAM'S GARDEN
ABC      1 C1:740416140463740 C2:dduudddudududdu M:3/2   K:F            H:L      T:Barwick Billy
ABC    103 C1:066004065077007 C2:ddududddduddddu M:6/8   K:G            H:L      T:Barwick Green
ABC     32 C1:066004065077007 C2:ddududddduddddu M:6/8   K:G            H:CL     T:Barwick Green
ABC     32 C1:066004065077007 C2:ddududddduddddu M:6/8   K:G            H:CL     T:Barwick Green
ABC     32 C1:066004065077007 C2:ddududddduddddu M:6/8   K:G            H:CL     T:Barwick Green
ABC     32 C1:066004065077007 C2:ddududddduddddu M:6/8   K:G            H:CL     T:Barwick Green
ABC     32 C1:066004065077007 C2:ddududddduddddu M:6/8   K:G            H:CL     T:Barwick Green
ABC     32 C1:066004065077007 C2:ddududddduddddu M:6/8   K:G            H:CL     T:Barwick Green
ABC     32 C1:066004065077007 C2:ddududddduddddu M:6/8   K:G            H:CL     T:Barwick Green
ABC     32 C1:066004065077007 C2:ddududddduddddu M:6/8   K:G            H:CL     T:Barwick Green
ABC    103 C1:066004065077007 C2:ddududddduddddu M:6/8   K:G            H:L      T:Barwick Green
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQ     T:Bary Manilow - Copacabana [Genwen, Meneldor]
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQ     T:Bary Manilow - Copacabana [Genwen, Meneldor]
ABC   1091 C1:000777711775111 C2:dddduuddduuuuuu M:12/8  K:D            H:"FLRSZ T:B\'asaitear na Lachain L\'a Nollag
ABC   1091 C1:000777711775111 C2:dddduuddduuuuuu M:12/8  K:D            H:"FLRSZ T:B\'asaitear na Lachain L\'a Nollag
ABC      1 C1:000777711775111 C2:dddduuddduuuuuu M:12/8  K:D            H:FLQRSZ T:B\'asaitear na Lachain L\'a Nollag
ABC    335 C1:000777711775111 C2:dddduuddduuuuuu M:12/8  K:D            H:LQRSZ  T:B\'asaitear na Lachain L\'a Nollag
ABC    700 C1:000777711775111 C2:dddduuddduuuuuu M:12/8  K:D            H:LQRSZ  T:B\'asaitear na Lachain L\'a Nollag
ABC    700 C1:000777711775111 C2:dddduuddduuuuuu M:12/8  K:D            H:LQRSZ  T:B\'asaitear na Lachain L\'a Nollag
ABC    800 C1:000777711775111 C2:dddduuddduuuuuu M:12/8  K:D            H:LQRSZ  T:B\'asaitear na Lachain L\'a Nollag
ABC   1091 C1:000777711775111 C2:dddduuddduuuuuu M:12/8  K:D            H:"FLRSZ T:B\'asaitear na Lachain L\'a Nollag
ABC    915 C1:000777711775111 C2:dddduuddduuuuuu M:12/8  K:D            H:LQRSZ  T:B\'asaitear na Lachain L\'a Nollag
ABC     38 C1:444011171144432 C2:duduuuduududuud M:2/4   K:G            H:"LOQW  T:Basara
ABC     39 C1:444011171144432 C2:duduuuduududuud M:2/4   K:G            H:"LOQW  T:Basara
ABC     41 C1:444011171144432 C2:duduuuduududuud M:2/4   K:G            H:"LOQW  T:Basara
ABC     42 C1:444011171144432 C2:duduuuduududuud M:2/4   K:G            H:"LOQW  T:Basara
ABC     38 C1:444011171144432 C2:duduuuduududuud M:2/4   K:G            H:"LOQW  T:Basara
ABC     39 C1:444011171144432 C2:duduuuduududuud M:2/4   K:G            H:"LOQW  T:Basara
ABC     41 C1:444011171144432 C2:duduuuduududuud M:2/4   K:G            H:"LOQW  T:Basara
ABC     42 C1:444011171144432 C2:duduuuduududuud M:2/4   K:G            H:"LOQW  T:Basara
ABC   1005 C1:444011171144432 C2:duduuuduududuud M:2/4   K:G            H:"LOQW  T:Basara
ABC   1005 C1:444011171144432 C2:duduuuduududuud M:2/4   K:G            H:"LOQW  T:Basara
ABC     42 C1:444011171144432 C2:duduuuduududuud M:2/4   K:G            H:"LOQW  T:Basara
ABC     42 C1:444011171144432 C2:duduuuduududuud M:2/4   K:G            H:"LOQW  T:Basara
ABC     42 C1:444011171144432 C2:duduuuduududuud M:2/4   K:G            H:"LOQW  T:Basara
ABC     42 C1:444011171144432 C2:duduuuduududuud M:2/4   K:G            H:"LOQW  T:Basara
ABC     15 C1:000000110707110 C2:uudduudduuuuduu M:3/4   K:Am           H:"CLOQ  T:Baschuna
ABC     15 C1:000000110707110 C2:uudduudduuuuduu M:3/4   K:Am           H:"CLOQ  T:Baschuna
ABC     19 C1:000000110707110 C2:uudduudduuuuduu M:3/4   K:Am           H:"CLOQ  T:Baschuna
ABC     19 C1:000000110707110 C2:uudduudduuuuduu M:3/4   K:Am           H:"CLOQ  T:Baschuna
ABC     21 C1:000000110707110 C2:uudduudduuuuduu M:3/4   K:Am           H:"CLOQ  T:Baschuna
ABC     15 C1:000000110707110 C2:uudduudduuuuduu M:3/4   K:Am           H:"CLOQ  T:Baschuna
ABC     15 C1:000000110707110 C2:uudduudduuuuduu M:3/4   K:Am           H:"CLOQ  T:Baschuna
ABC     19 C1:000000110707110 C2:uudduudduuuuduu M:3/4   K:Am           H:"CLOQ  T:Baschuna
ABC     19 C1:000000110707110 C2:uudduudduuuuduu M:3/4   K:Am           H:"CLOQ  T:Baschuna
ABC     21 C1:000000110707110 C2:uudduudduuuuduu M:3/4   K:Am           H:"CLOQ  T:Baschuna
ABC     25 C1:000000110707110 C2:uudduudduuuuduu M:3/4   K:Am           H:"CLOQ  T:Baschuna
ABC     29 C1:000000110707110 C2:uudduudduuuuduu M:3/4   K:Am           H:"CLOQ  T:Baschuna
ABC     25 C1:000000110707110 C2:uudduudduuuuduu M:3/4   K:Am           H:"CLOQ  T:Baschuna
ABC     29 C1:000000110707110 C2:uudduudduuuuduu M:3/4   K:Am           H:"CLOQ  T:Baschuna
ABC     29 C1:000000110707110 C2:uudduudduuuuduu M:3/4   K:Am           H:"CLOQ  T:Baschuna
ABC     29 C1:000000110707110 C2:uudduudduuuuduu M:3/4   K:Am           H:"CLOQ  T:Baschuna
ABC     29 C1:000000110707110 C2:uudduudduuuuduu M:3/4   K:Am           H:"CLOQ  T:Baschuna
ABC     29 C1:000000110707110 C2:uudduudduuuuduu M:3/4   K:Am           H:"CLOQ  T:Baschuna
ABC      8 C1:000100030066026 C2:uuddudduddduudd M:4/4   K:G            H:CLQSVw T:(Based on the Official French Version)
ABC      8 C1:000100030066026 C2:uuddudduddduudd M:4/4   K:G            H:CLQSVw T:(Based on the Official French Version)
ABC      8 C1:000100030066026 C2:uuddudduddduudd M:4/4   K:G            H:CLQSVw T:(Based on the Official French Version)
ABC      8 C1:000100030066026 C2:uuddudduddduudd M:4/4   K:G            H:CLQSVw T:(Based on the Official French Version)
ABC      1 C1:701732006061276 C2:duduuddduudddud M:3/4   K:C            H:"LRSW  T:Basel II. Aus dem Repertoire der "Sissacher Musig". S.134-145.
ABC      1 C1:600702700032205 C2:dduduuudduudddd M:3/4   K:Bb           H:"LRSW  T:Basel II. Aus dem Repertoire der "Sissacher Musig". S.134-145.
ABC      1 C1:022001705605200 C2:udududdududdduu M:3/4   K:C            H:"LRSW  T:Basel II. Aus dem Repertoire der "Sissacher Musig". S.134-145.
ABC      1 C1:300024027075040 C2:uududdduududddu M:3/4   K:Bb           H:"LRSW  T:Basel II. Aus dem Repertoire der "Sissacher Musig". S.134-145.
ABC      1 C1:520003230003217 C2:duuuuduuudddddd M:3/4   K:C            H:"LRSW  T:Basel II. Aus dem Repertoire der "Sissacher Musig". S.134-145.
ABC      1 C1:700000407760000 C2:duddduddudddddd M:3/4   K:C            H:"LRSW  T:Basel II. Aus dem Repertoire der "Sissacher Musig". S.134-145.
ABC      1 C1:300024027075040 C2:uududdduududddu M:3/4   K:Bb           H:"LORSW T:Basel II. Aus dem Repertoire der "Sissacher Musig". S.134-145.
ABC      1 C1:520003230003217 C2:duuuuduuudddddd M:3/4   K:C            H:"LORSW T:Basel II. Aus dem Repertoire der "Sissacher Musig". S.134-145.
ABC      1 C1:700000407760000 C2:duddduddudddddd M:3/4   K:C            H:"LORSW T:Basel II. Aus dem Repertoire der "Sissacher Musig". S.134-145.
ABC      1 C1:701732006061276 C2:duduuddduudddud M:3/4   K:C            H:"LORSW T:Basel II. Aus dem Repertoire der "Sissacher Musig". S.134-145.
ABC      1 C1:600702700032205 C2:dduduuudduudddd M:3/4   K:Bb           H:"LORSW T:Basel II. Aus dem Repertoire der "Sissacher Musig". S.134-145.
ABC      1 C1:022001705605200 C2:udududdududdduu M:3/4   K:C            H:"LORSW T:Basel II. Aus dem Repertoire der "Sissacher Musig". S.134-145.
ABC      1 C1:257656770046736 C2:uuddduddduddudd M:3/4   K:C            H:"LRSW  T:Basel II. "Mundwilermusig", Tenniken. S.183-219.
ABC      1 C1:700107500000077 C2:dududdddududddd M:3/4   K:C            H:"LRSW  T:Basel II. "Mundwilermusig", Tenniken. S.183-219.
ABC      1 C1:400602271000060 C2:uduududuududuud M:3/4   K:C            H:"LRSW  T:Basel II. "Mundwilermusig", Tenniken. S.183-219.
ABC      1 C1:042037032023777 C2:duudduuuddddudu M:3/4   K:C            H:"LRSW  T:Basel II. "Mundwilermusig", Tenniken. S.183-219.
ABC      1 C1:300063700065700 C2:ududdudduuddddu M:3/4   K:G            H:"LRSW  T:Basel II. "Mundwilermusig", Tenniken. S.183-219.
ABC      1 C1:120720770750027 C2:uududdduududddd M:3/4   K:G            H:"LRSW  T:Basel II. "Mundwilermusig", Tenniken. S.183-219.
ABC      1 C1:205007061003201 C2:uudduduuduuuduu M:3/4   K:F            H:"LRSW  T:Basel II. "Mundwilermusig", Tenniken. S.183-219.
ABC      1 C1:211100530600070 C2:uuuuduudddudduu M:3/4   K:F            H:"LRSW  T:Basel II. "Mundwilermusig", Tenniken. S.183-219.
ABC      1 C1:011000035000077 C2:uududddddudduuu M:3/4   K:F            H:"LRSW  T:Basel II. "Mundwilermusig", Tenniken. S.183-219.
ABC      1 C1:730011002045750 C2:duuuududduudddd M:3/4   K:C            H:"LRSW  T:Basel II. "Mundwilermusig", Tenniken. S.183-219.
ABC      1 C1:240660166727777 C2:udddudduudddddu M:3/4   K:C            H:"LRSW  T:Basel II. "Mundwilermusig", Tenniken. S.183-219.
ABC      1 C1:257656770046736 C2:uuddduddduddudd M:3/4   K:C            H:"LORSW T:Basel II. "Mundwilermusig", Tenniken. S.183-219.
ABC      1 C1:730011002045750 C2:duuuududduudddd M:3/4   K:C            H:"LORSW T:Basel II. "Mundwilermusig", Tenniken. S.183-219.
ABC      1 C1:240660166727777 C2:udddudduudddddu M:3/4   K:C            H:"LORSW T:Basel II. "Mundwilermusig", Tenniken. S.183-219.
ABC      1 C1:200406300663000 C2:uddudduuudduudu M:3/4   K:C            H:"LORSW T:Basel II. "Mundwilermusig", Tenniken. S.183-219.
ABC      1 C1:700107500000077 C2:dududdddududddd M:3/4   K:C            H:"LORSW T:Basel II. "Mundwilermusig", Tenniken. S.183-219.
ABC      1 C1:400602271000060 C2:uduududuududuud M:3/4   K:C            H:"LORSW T:Basel II. "Mundwilermusig", Tenniken. S.183-219.
ABC      1 C1:042037032023777 C2:duudduuuddddudu M:3/4   K:C            H:"LORSW T:Basel II. "Mundwilermusig", Tenniken. S.183-219.
ABC      1 C1:300063700065700 C2:ududdudduuddddu M:3/4   K:G            H:"LORSW T:Basel II. "Mundwilermusig", Tenniken. S.183-219.
ABC      1 C1:120720770750027 C2:uududdduududddd M:3/4   K:G            H:"LORSW T:Basel II. "Mundwilermusig", Tenniken. S.183-219.
ABC      1 C1:205007061003201 C2:uudduduuduuuduu M:3/4   K:F            H:"LORSW T:Basel II. "Mundwilermusig", Tenniken. S.183-219.
ABC      1 C1:211100530600070 C2:uuuuduudddudduu M:3/4   K:F            H:"LORSW T:Basel II. "Mundwilermusig", Tenniken. S.183-219.
ABC      1 C1:011000035000077 C2:uududddddudduuu M:3/4   K:F            H:"LORSW T:Basel II. "Mundwilermusig", Tenniken. S.183-219.
ABC      1 C1:007005020067040 C2:ddududdudddduuu M:3/4   K:C            H:"LRSW  T:Basel II. Tänze aus Arisdorf. S.54-84.
ABC      1 C1:007032030540520 C2:duududududduudu M:3/4   K:C            H:"LRS   T:Basel II. Tänze aus Arisdorf. S.54-84.
ABC      1 C1:300077500600500 C2:udddduudddududd M:3/4   K:Bb           H:"LRSW  T:Basel II. Tänze aus Arisdorf. S.54-84.
ABC      1 C1:076000020002245 C2:ddduuududdduudd M:3/4   K:C            H:"LRS   T:Basel II. Tänze aus Arisdorf. S.54-84.
ABC      1 C1:233233027242025 C2:uduuduududuudud M:3/4   K:C            H:"LRSW  T:Basel II. Tänze aus Arisdorf. S.54-84.
ABC      1 C1:507165067000407 C2:uududddddduudud M:3/4   K:F            H:"LRS   T:Basel II. Tänze aus Arisdorf. S.54-84.
ABC      1 C1:500000301100620 C2:uduududduuduudu M:3/4   K:F            H:"LRS   T:Basel II. Tänze aus Arisdorf. S.54-84.
ABC      1 C1:700122300322400 C2:duuuduuududdduu M:3/4   K:C            H:"LRS   T:Basel II. Tänze aus Arisdorf. S.54-84.
ABC      1 C1:041134657610400 C2:uuudududduduuuu M:3/4   K:C            H:"LRSW  T:Basel II. Tänze aus Arisdorf. S.54-84.
ABC      1 C1:006000020002245 C2:dduuududddudddu M:3/4   K:G%%MIDI      H:"LRSW  T:Basel II. Tänze aus Arisdorf. S.54-84.
ABC      1 C1:115770274237101 C2:uuuddudduudduuu M:3/4   K:Bb           H:"LRS   T:Basel II. Tänze aus Arisdorf. S.54-84.
ABC      1 C1:005270021700527 C2:duduudduduududu M:3/4   K:F            H:"LRS   T:Basel II. Tänze aus Arisdorf. S.54-84.
ABC      1 C1:007005020067040 C2:ddududdudddduuu M:3/4   K:C            H:"LORSW T:Basel II. Tänze aus Arisdorf. S.54-84.
ABC      1 C1:006000020002245 C2:dduuududddudddu M:3/4   K:G            H:"LORSW T:Basel II. Tänze aus Arisdorf. S.54-84.
ABC      1 C1:115770274237101 C2:uuuddudduudduuu M:3/4   K:Bb           H:"LORS  T:Basel II. Tänze aus Arisdorf. S.54-84.
ABC      1 C1:005270021700527 C2:duduudduduududu M:3/4   K:F            H:"LORS  T:Basel II. Tänze aus Arisdorf. S.54-84.
ABC      1 C1:007032030540520 C2:duududududduudu M:3/4   K:C            H:"LORS  T:Basel II. Tänze aus Arisdorf. S.54-84.
ABC      1 C1:300077500600500 C2:udddduudddududd M:3/4   K:Bb           H:"LORSW T:Basel II. Tänze aus Arisdorf. S.54-84.
ABC      1 C1:076000020002245 C2:ddduuududdduudd M:3/4   K:C            H:"LORS  T:Basel II. Tänze aus Arisdorf. S.54-84.
ABC      1 C1:233233027242025 C2:uduuduududuudud M:3/4   K:C            H:"LORSW T:Basel II. Tänze aus Arisdorf. S.54-84.
ABC      1 C1:507165067000407 C2:uududddddduudud M:3/4   K:F            H:"LORS  T:Basel II. Tänze aus Arisdorf. S.54-84.
ABC      1 C1:500000301100620 C2:uduududduuduudu M:3/4   K:F            H:"LORS  T:Basel II. Tänze aus Arisdorf. S.54-84.
ABC      1 C1:700122300322400 C2:duuuduuududdduu M:3/4   K:C            H:"LORS  T:Basel II. Tänze aus Arisdorf. S.54-84.
ABC      1 C1:041134657610400 C2:uuudududduduuuu M:3/4   K:C            H:"LORSW T:Basel II. Tänze aus Arisdorf. S.54-84.
ABC      1 C1:055064000150610 C2:dududududuuuudd M:3/4   K:C            H:"LRS   T:Basel II. Tänze aus Augst. S.6-42.
ABC      1 C1:011147070112400 C2:uuududuuududduu M:3/4   K:C            H:"LRSW  T:Basel II. Tänze aus Augst. S.6-42.
ABC      1 C1:000777257006000 C2:ddduudduddduudd M:3/4   K:F            H:"LRSW  T:Basel II. Tänze aus Augst. S.6-42.
ABC      1 C1:073000020777000 C2:duudddduduudddd M:3/4   K:C            H:"LRSW  T:Basel II. Tänze aus Augst. S.6-42.
ABC      1 C1:064001110171700 C2:duduuuududddudd M:3/4   K:Bb           H:"LRS   T:Basel II. Tänze aus Augst. S.6-42.
ABC      1 C1:071017001322071 C2:duudduuudududuu M:3/4   K:C            H:"LRSW  T:Basel II. Tänze aus Augst. S.6-42.
ABC      1 C1:012076002076073 C2:uudduddduuddudu M:3/4   K:C            H:"LRS   T:Basel II. Tänze aus Augst. S.6-42.
ABC      1 C1:111000770072064 C2:uuudddudududddu M:3/4   K:G            H:"LRSW  T:Basel II. Tänze aus Augst. S.6-42.
ABC      1 C1:042037052043076 C2:duuddududdudduu M:3/4   K:C            H:"LRSW  T:Basel II. Tänze aus Augst. S.6-42.
ABC      1 C1:750770530770050 C2:dudddudduddduud M:3/4   K:C            H:"LRS   T:Basel II. Tänze aus Augst. S.6-42.
ABC      1 C1:117006007772775 C2:uuddddduddduduu M:3/4   K:C            H:"LRSW  T:Basel II. Tänze aus Augst. S.6-42.
ABC      1 C1:065700665700623 C2:dudddudduudduud M:3/4   K:F            H:"LRSW  T:Basel II. Tänze aus Augst. S.6-42.
ABC      1 C1:175600707070066 C2:udududddddduuuu M:3/4   K:G            H:"LRSW  T:Basel II. Tänze aus Augst. S.6-42.
ABC      1 C1:057066570076057 C2:udddudddudddduu M:3/4   K:C            H:"LRSW  T:Basel II. Tänze aus Augst. S.6-42.
ABC      1 C1:022665072372071 C2:duuuuudduduuddd M:3/4   K:C            H:"LRS   T:Basel II. Tänze aus Augst. S.6-42.
ABC      1 C1:111112000677072 C2:uuuuuudddduuddd M:3/4   K:Bb           H:"LRSW  T:Basel II. Tänze aus Augst. S.6-42.
ABC      1 C1:711711565000276 C2:duuduuudduddudd M:3/4   K:G            H:"LRSW  T:Basel II. Tänze aus Augst. S.6-42.
ABC      1 C1:007355000742002 C2:dududduudduudud M:3/4   K:G            H:"LRS   T:Basel II. Tänze aus Augst. S.6-42.
ABC      1 C1:777400000277777 C2:ddduuddddduuddd M:3/4   K:Bb           H:"LRS   T:Basel II. Tänze aus Augst. S.6-42.
ABC      1 C1:070007067120700 C2:dddduudduduuudd M:3/4   K:Bb           H:"LRS   T:Basel II. Tänze aus Augst. S.6-42.
ABC      1 C1:657647000777712 C2:dudduddddduuddd M:3/4   K:F            H:"LRS   T:Basel II. Tänze aus Augst. S.6-42.
ABC      1 C1:055064000150610 C2:dududududuuuudd M:3/4   K:C            H:"LORS  T:Basel II. Tänze aus Augst. S.6-42.
ABC      1 C1:750770530770050 C2:dudddudduddduud M:3/4   K:C            H:"LORS  T:Basel II. Tänze aus Augst. S.6-42.
ABC      1 C1:117006007772775 C2:uuddddduddduduu M:3/4   K:C            H:"LORSW T:Basel II. Tänze aus Augst. S.6-42.
ABC      1 C1:065700665700623 C2:dudddudduudduud M:3/4   K:F            H:"LORSW T:Basel II. Tänze aus Augst. S.6-42.
ABC      1 C1:175600707070066 C2:udududddddduuuu M:3/4   K:G            H:"LORSW T:Basel II. Tänze aus Augst. S.6-42.
ABC      1 C1:057066570076057 C2:udddudddudddduu M:3/4   K:C            H:"LORSW T:Basel II. Tänze aus Augst. S.6-42.
ABC      1 C1:022665072372071 C2:duuuuudduduuddd M:3/4   K:C            H:"LORS  T:Basel II. Tänze aus Augst. S.6-42.
ABC      1 C1:111112000677072 C2:uuuuuudddduuddd M:3/4   K:Bb           H:"LORSW T:Basel II. Tänze aus Augst. S.6-42.
ABC      1 C1:711711565000276 C2:duuduuudduddudd M:3/4   K:G            H:"LORSW T:Basel II. Tänze aus Augst. S.6-42.
ABC      1 C1:007355000742002 C2:dududduudduudud M:3/4   K:G            H:"LORS  T:Basel II. Tänze aus Augst. S.6-42.
ABC      1 C1:777400000277777 C2:ddduuddddduuddd M:3/4   K:Bb           H:"LORS  T:Basel II. Tänze aus Augst. S.6-42.
ABC      1 C1:011147070112400 C2:uuududuuududduu M:3/4   K:C            H:"LORSW T:Basel II. Tänze aus Augst. S.6-42.
ABC      1 C1:070007067120700 C2:dddduudduduuudd M:3/4   K:Bb           H:"LORS  T:Basel II. Tänze aus Augst. S.6-42.
ABC      1 C1:657647000777712 C2:dudduddddduuddd M:3/4   K:F            H:"LORS  T:Basel II. Tänze aus Augst. S.6-42.
ABC      1 C1:000777257006000 C2:ddduudduddduudd M:3/4   K:F            H:"LORSW T:Basel II. Tänze aus Augst. S.6-42.
ABC      1 C1:073000020777000 C2:duudddduduudddd M:3/4   K:C            H:"LORSW T:Basel II. Tänze aus Augst. S.6-42.
ABC      1 C1:064001110171700 C2:duduuuududddudd M:3/4   K:Bb           H:"LORS  T:Basel II. Tänze aus Augst. S.6-42.
ABC      1 C1:071017001322071 C2:duudduuudududuu M:3/4   K:C            H:"LORSW T:Basel II. Tänze aus Augst. S.6-42.
ABC      1 C1:012076002076073 C2:uudduddduuddudu M:3/4   K:C            H:"LORS  T:Basel II. Tänze aus Augst. S.6-42.
ABC      1 C1:111000770072064 C2:uuudddudududddu M:3/4   K:G            H:"LORSW T:Basel II. Tänze aus Augst. S.6-42.
ABC      1 C1:042037052043076 C2:duuddududdudduu M:3/4   K:C            H:"LORSW T:Basel II. Tänze aus Augst. S.6-42.
ABC      1 C1:006413217566751 C2:udduduududdduud M:3/4   K:F            H:"LRSW  T:Basel II. Tänze aus Böckten. S.146-181.
ABC      1 C1:200700111470070 C2:uduuududuuuddud M:3/4   K:C            H:"LRSW  T:Basel II. Tänze aus Böckten. S.146-181.
ABC      1 C1:006024664534620 C2:dudduududduddud M:3/4   K:C            H:"LRSW  T:Basel II. Tänze aus Böckten. S.146-181.
ABC      1 C1:700047503501770 C2:ddduduudddududu M:3/4   K:C            H:"LRSW  T:Basel II. Tänze aus Böckten. S.146-181.
ABC      1 C1:005276514515700 C2:duddduuduuddudd M:3/4   K:C            H:"LRSW  T:Basel II. Tänze aus Böckten. S.146-181.
ABC      1 C1:063007000712023 C2:dudduuuudududud M:3/4   K:C            H:"LRS   T:Basel II. Tänze aus Böckten. S.146-181.
ABC      1 C1:407602302201207 C2:udduduuuudduduu M:3/4   K:G            H:"LRSW  T:Basel II. Tänze aus Böckten. S.146-181.
ABC      1 C1:315200031100376 C2:uuduuuududddudd M:3/4   K:G            H:"LRSW  T:Basel II. Tänze aus Böckten. S.146-181.
ABC      1 C1:403706703700206 C2:uuddduddudddddu M:3/4   K:C            H:"LRSW  T:Basel II. Tänze aus Böckten. S.146-181.
ABC      1 C1:224646570066570 C2:uuddududddudduu M:3/4   K:C            H:"LRSW  T:Basel II. Tänze aus Böckten. S.146-181.
ABC      1 C1:117707403000417 C2:uuddduduudddudd M:3/4   K:G            H:"LRSW  T:Basel II. Tänze aus Böckten. S.146-181.
ABC      1 C1:306505206407707 C2:ududududddudddu M:3/4   K:G            H:"LRSW  T:Basel II. Tänze aus Böckten. S.146-181.
ABC      1 C1:300300700200500 C2:uudududdudddudd M:3/4   K:G            H:"LRSW  T:Basel II. Tänze aus Böckten. S.146-181.
ABC      1 C1:616706600077100 C2:ududdududdduddu M:3/4   K:G            H:"LRSW  T:Basel II. Tänze aus Böckten. S.146-181.
ABC      1 C1:211707500300011 C2:uuuddduuuddduuu M:3/4   K:C            H:"LRSW  T:Basel II. Tänze aus Böckten. S.146-181.
ABC      1 C1:210760230220120 C2:uudduduuuuddudu M:3/4   K:F            H:"LRSW  T:Basel II. Tänze aus Böckten. S.146-181.
ABC      1 C1:066143233022066 C2:dduduuduuuuuddu M:3/4   K:G            H:"LRSW  T:Basel II. Tänze aus Böckten. S.146-181.
ABC      1 C1:271670046137007 C2:ududdduuudddudu M:3/4   K:Bb           H:"LRSW  T:Basel II. Tänze aus Böckten. S.146-181.
ABC      1 C1:206657007404066 C2:udduddddudduddd M:3/4   K:F            H:"LRSW  T:Basel II. Tänze aus Böckten. S.146-181.
ABC      1 C1:700000777002000 C2:dddduddduuuuudd M:3/4   K:C            H:"LRSW  T:Basel II. Tänze aus Böckten. S.146-181.
ABC      1 C1:006413217566751 C2:udduduududdduud M:3/4   K:F            H:"LORSW T:Basel II. Tänze aus Böckten. S.146-181.
ABC      1 C1:224646570066570 C2:uuddududddudduu M:3/4   K:C            H:"LORSW T:Basel II. Tänze aus Böckten. S.146-181.
ABC      1 C1:117707403000417 C2:uuddduduudddudd M:3/4   K:G            H:"LORSW T:Basel II. Tänze aus Böckten. S.146-181.
ABC      1 C1:306505206407707 C2:ududududddudddu M:3/4   K:G            H:"LORSW T:Basel II. Tänze aus Böckten. S.146-181.
ABC      1 C1:300300700200500 C2:uudududdudddudd M:3/4   K:G            H:"LORSW T:Basel II. Tänze aus Böckten. S.146-181.
ABC      1 C1:616706600077100 C2:ududdududdduddu M:3/4   K:G            H:"LORSW T:Basel II. Tänze aus Böckten. S.146-181.
ABC      1 C1:211707500300011 C2:uuuddduuuddduuu M:3/4   K:C            H:"LORSW T:Basel II. Tänze aus Böckten. S.146-181.
ABC      1 C1:210760230220120 C2:uudduduuuuddudu M:3/4   K:F            H:"LORSW T:Basel II. Tänze aus Böckten. S.146-181.
ABC      1 C1:066143233022066 C2:dduduuduuuuuddu M:3/4   K:G            H:"LORSW T:Basel II. Tänze aus Böckten. S.146-181.
ABC      1 C1:271670046137007 C2:ududdduuudddudu M:3/4   K:Bb           H:"LORSW T:Basel II. Tänze aus Böckten. S.146-181.
ABC      1 C1:206657007404066 C2:udduddddudduddd M:3/4   K:F            H:"LORSW T:Basel II. Tänze aus Böckten. S.146-181.
ABC      1 C1:200700111470070 C2:uduuududuuuddud M:3/4   K:C            H:"LORSW T:Basel II. Tänze aus Böckten. S.146-181.
ABC      1 C1:700000777002000 C2:dddduddduuuuudd M:3/4   K:C            H:"LORSW T:Basel II. Tänze aus Böckten. S.146-181.
ABC      1 C1:006024664534620 C2:dudduududduddud M:3/4   K:C            H:"LORSW T:Basel II. Tänze aus Böckten. S.146-181.
ABC      1 C1:700047503501770 C2:ddduduudddududu M:3/4   K:C            H:"LORSW T:Basel II. Tänze aus Böckten. S.146-181.
ABC      1 C1:005276514515700 C2:duddduuduuddudd M:3/4   K:C            H:"LORSW T:Basel II. Tänze aus Böckten. S.146-181.
ABC      1 C1:063007000712023 C2:dudduuuudududud M:3/4   K:C            H:"LORS  T:Basel II. Tänze aus Böckten. S.146-181.
ABC      1 C1:407602302201207 C2:udduduuuudduduu M:3/4   K:G            H:"LORSW T:Basel II. Tänze aus Böckten. S.146-181.
ABC      1 C1:315200031100376 C2:uuduuuududddudd M:3/4   K:G            H:"LORSW T:Basel II. Tänze aus Böckten. S.146-181.
ABC      1 C1:403706703700206 C2:uuddduddudddddu M:3/4   K:C            H:"LORSW T:Basel II. Tänze aus Böckten. S.146-181.
ABC      1 C1:071017000622071 C2:duudduuduuddddd M:3/4   K:Bb           H:"LRS   T:Basel II. Tänze aus Bubebdorf. S.113-121.
ABC      1 C1:007027000713007 C2:dudduudduddudud M:3/4   K:C            H:"LRS   T:Basel II. Tänze aus Bubebdorf. S.113-121.
ABC      1 C1:372011506577650 C2:dduuuudduddduud M:3/4   K:Bb           H:"LRSW  T:Basel II. Tänze aus Bubebdorf. S.113-121.
ABC      1 C1:077400015200077 C2:dduududduuddudd M:3/4   K:F            H:"LRS   T:Basel II. Tänze aus Bubebdorf. S.113-121.
ABC      1 C1:101000111000177 C2:uuuuuudddduuddd M:3/4   K:C            H:"LRS   T:Basel II. Tänze aus Bubebdorf. S.113-121.
ABC      1 C1:007027000713007 C2:dudduudduddudud M:3/4   K:C            H:"LORS  T:Basel II. Tänze aus Bubebdorf. S.113-121.
ABC      1 C1:372011506577650 C2:dduuuudduddduud M:3/4   K:Bb           H:"LORSW T:Basel II. Tänze aus Bubebdorf. S.113-121.
ABC      1 C1:077400015200077 C2:dduududduuddudd M:3/4   K:F            H:"LORS  T:Basel II. Tänze aus Bubebdorf. S.113-121.
ABC      1 C1:101000111000177 C2:uuuuuudddduuddd M:3/4   K:C            H:"LORS  T:Basel II. Tänze aus Bubebdorf. S.113-121.
ABC      1 C1:071017000622071 C2:duudduuduuddddd M:3/4   K:Bb           H:"LORS  T:Basel II. Tänze aus Bubebdorf. S.113-121.
ABC      1 C1:000566000030110 C2:ddduuuuddduduuu M:3/4   K:F            H:"LRS   T:Basel II. Tänze aus Frenkendorf. S.43-53.
ABC      1 C1:002000627107150 C2:udududuudddduud M:3/4   K:C            H:"LRS   T:Basel II. Tänze aus Frenkendorf. S.43-53.
ABC      1 C1:002031500301707 C2:ududuudduduuddu M:3/4   K:F            H:"LRS   T:Basel II. Tänze aus Frenkendorf. S.43-53.
ABC      1 C1:062360005206237 C2:duudduduudddudu M:3/4   K:F            H:"LRS   T:Basel II. Tänze aus Frenkendorf. S.43-53.
ABC      1 C1:006020006027006 C2:dududduudududdu M:3/4   K:F            H:"LRS   T:Basel II. Tänze aus Frenkendorf. S.43-53.
ABC      1 C1:001001000665002 C2:uudduuddudduddu M:3/4   K:F            H:"LRS   T:Basel II. Tänze aus Frenkendorf. S.43-53.
ABC      1 C1:062360005206237 C2:duudduduudddudu M:3/4   K:F            H:"LORS  T:Basel II. Tänze aus Frenkendorf. S.43-53.
ABC      1 C1:006020006027006 C2:dududduudududdu M:3/4   K:F            H:"LORS  T:Basel II. Tänze aus Frenkendorf. S.43-53.
ABC      1 C1:001001000665002 C2:uudduuddudduddu M:3/4   K:F            H:"LORS  T:Basel II. Tänze aus Frenkendorf. S.43-53.
ABC      1 C1:000566000030110 C2:ddduuuuddduduuu M:3/4   K:F            H:"LORS  T:Basel II. Tänze aus Frenkendorf. S.43-53.
ABC      1 C1:002000627107150 C2:udududuudddduud M:3/4   K:C            H:"LORS  T:Basel II. Tänze aus Frenkendorf. S.43-53.
ABC      1 C1:002031500301707 C2:ududuudduduuddu M:3/4   K:F            H:"LORS  T:Basel II. Tänze aus Frenkendorf. S.43-53.
ABC      1 C1:232176020777040 C2:uuuuddudddudddd M:3/4   K:F            H:"LRS   T:Basel II. Tänze aus Liestal. S.95-112.
ABC      1 C1:074004077006000 C2:ddudddudddduddu M:3/4   K:C            H:"LRS   T:Basel II. Tänze aus Liestal. S.95-112.
ABC      1 C1:072077075002736 C2:duddduududddudu M:3/4   K:G            H:"LRSW  T:Basel II. Tänze aus Liestal. S.95-112.
ABC      1 C1:732104123700132 C2:duuuduuudduuudu M:3/4   K:C            H:"LRSW  T:Basel II. Tänze aus Liestal. S.95-112.
ABC      1 C1:637000657000711 C2:duddudduuddddud M:3/4   K:G            H:"LRSW  T:Basel II. Tänze aus Liestal. S.95-112.
ABC      1 C1:502307700400106 C2:duudddudddduddu M:3/4   K:C            H:"LRS   T:Basel II. Tänze aus Liestal. S.95-112.
ABC      1 C1:003301700004007 C2:duududddududddu M:3/4   K:C            H:"LRS   T:Basel II. Tänze aus Liestal. S.95-112.
ABC      1 C1:666000667000257 C2:ddudddudduudddu M:3/4   K:C            H:"LRS   T:Basel II. Tänze aus Liestal. S.95-112.
ABC      1 C1:000701200502001 C2:duuduuduudududd M:3/4   K:F            H:"LRS   T:Basel II. Tänze aus Liestal. S.95-112.
ABC      1 C1:232176020777040 C2:uuuuddudddudddd M:3/4   K:F            H:"LORS  T:Basel II. Tänze aus Liestal. S.95-112.
ABC      1 C1:074004077006000 C2:ddudddudddduddu M:3/4   K:C            H:"LORS  T:Basel II. Tänze aus Liestal. S.95-112.
ABC      1 C1:072077075002736 C2:duddduududddudu M:3/4   K:G            H:"LORSW T:Basel II. Tänze aus Liestal. S.95-112.
ABC      1 C1:732104123700132 C2:duuuduuudduuudu M:3/4   K:C            H:"LORSW T:Basel II. Tänze aus Liestal. S.95-112.
ABC      1 C1:637000657000711 C2:duddudduuddddud M:3/4   K:G            H:"LORSW T:Basel II. Tänze aus Liestal. S.95-112.
ABC      1 C1:502307700400106 C2:duudddudddduddu M:3/4   K:C            H:"LORS  T:Basel II. Tänze aus Liestal. S.95-112.
ABC      1 C1:003301700004007 C2:duududddududddu M:3/4   K:C            H:"LORS  T:Basel II. Tänze aus Liestal. S.95-112.
ABC      1 C1:666000667000257 C2:ddudddudduudddu M:3/4   K:C            H:"LORS  T:Basel II. Tänze aus Liestal. S.95-112.
ABC      1 C1:000701200502001 C2:duuduuduudududd M:3/4   K:F            H:"LORS  T:Basel II. Tänze aus Liestal. S.95-112.
ABC      1 C1:077777062370244 C2:dddddduuduududu M:3/4   K:C            H:"LRS   T:Basel II. Tänze aus Olsberg. S.85-94.
ABC      1 C1:703303707603207 C2:dududdduudddduu M:3/4   K:C            H:"LRS   T:Basel II. Tänze aus Olsberg. S.85-94.
ABC      1 C1:070000000117071 C2:duudduduudduddu M:3/4   K:F            H:"LRS   T:Basel II. Tänze aus Olsberg. S.85-94.
ABC      1 C1:031240240212620 C2:uuududuuuduudud M:3/4   K:C            H:"LRSW  T:Basel II. Tänze aus Olsberg. S.85-94.
ABC      1 C1:622300221200301 C2:duuuduuuduuuddd M:3/4   K:F            H:"LRSW  T:Basel II. Tänze aus Olsberg. S.85-94.
ABC      1 C1:001006001001112 C2:uduuuuuudduduud M:3/4   K:C            H:"LRS   T:Basel II. Tänze aus Olsberg. S.85-94.
ABC      1 C1:320701007532076 C2:dududududdududd M:3/4   K:C            H:"LRS   T:Basel II. Tänze aus Olsberg. S.85-94.
ABC      1 C1:001006001001112 C2:uduuuuuudduduud M:3/4   K:C            H:"LORS  T:Basel II. Tänze aus Olsberg. S.85-94.
ABC      1 C1:320701007532076 C2:dududududdududd M:3/4   K:C            H:"LORS  T:Basel II. Tänze aus Olsberg. S.85-94.
ABC      1 C1:077777062370244 C2:dddddduuduududu M:3/4   K:C            H:"LORS  T:Basel II. Tänze aus Olsberg. S.85-94.
ABC      1 C1:703303707603207 C2:dududdduudddduu M:3/4   K:C            H:"LORS  T:Basel II. Tänze aus Olsberg. S.85-94.
ABC      1 C1:070000000117071 C2:duudduduudduddu M:3/4   K:F            H:"LORS  T:Basel II. Tänze aus Olsberg. S.85-94.
ABC      1 C1:031240240212620 C2:uuududuuuduudud M:3/4   K:C            H:"LORSW T:Basel II. Tänze aus Olsberg. S.85-94.
ABC      1 C1:622300221200301 C2:duuuduuuduuuddd M:3/4   K:F            H:"LORSW T:Basel II. Tänze aus Olsberg. S.85-94.
ABC      1 C1:700071300000500 C2:dduuddduduudddu M:3/4   K:C            H:"LRSW  T:Basel II. Tänze aus Wintersingen und Ormalingen. S.122-133.
ABC      1 C1:601732000401112 C2:duduuduuuuddudu M:3/4   K:Bb           H:"LRSW  T:Basel II. Tänze aus Wintersingen und Ormalingen. S.122-133.
ABC      1 C1:000201700060230 C2:uudduuuddududdd M:3/4   K:F            H:"LRSW  T:Basel II. Tänze aus Wintersingen und Ormalingen. S.122-133.
ABC      1 C1:400700700700706 C2:uddddduududdddu M:3/4   K:C            H:"LRSW  T:Basel II. Tänze aus Wintersingen und Ormalingen. S.122-133.
ABC      1 C1:216705700077100 C2:ududdududdduddu M:3/4   K:C            H:"LRSW  T:Basel II. Tänze aus Wintersingen und Ormalingen. S.122-133.
ABC      1 C1:601732000401112 C2:duduuduuuuddudu M:3/4   K:Bb           H:"LORSW T:Basel II. Tänze aus Wintersingen und Ormalingen. S.122-133.
ABC      1 C1:000201700060230 C2:uudduuuddududdd M:3/4   K:F            H:"LORSW T:Basel II. Tänze aus Wintersingen und Ormalingen. S.122-133.
ABC      1 C1:400700700700706 C2:uddddduududdddu M:3/4   K:C            H:"LORSW T:Basel II. Tänze aus Wintersingen und Ormalingen. S.122-133.
ABC      1 C1:216705700077100 C2:ududdududdduddu M:3/4   K:C            H:"LORSW T:Basel II. Tänze aus Wintersingen und Ormalingen. S.122-133.
ABC      1 C1:700071300000500 C2:dduuddduduudddu M:3/4   K:C            H:"LORSW T:Basel II. Tänze aus Wintersingen und Ormalingen. S.122-133.
ABC    120 C1:000003770000041 C2:uddduuuuddduduu M:2/4   K:G            H:"LRW   T:Basel - Repertoire der 'Dorfmusik Binningen. S.118-139
ABC    161 C1:271030200070200 C2:uduuududduuudud M:4/4   K:F            H:"LRW   T:Basel - Repertoire der 'Dorfmusik Binningen. S.118-139
ABC    120 C1:000003770000041 C2:uddduuuuddduduu M:2/4   K:G            H:"LORW  T:Basel - Repertoire der 'Dorfmusik Binningen. S.118-139
ABC    161 C1:271030200070200 C2:uduuududduuudud M:4/4   K:F            H:"LORW  T:Basel - Repertoire der 'Dorfmusik Binningen. S.118-139
ABC    151 C1:604570601002400 C2:ududduuduuudduu M:2/4   K:C            H:"LRW   T:Basel - Repertoire der 'Dorfmusik Binningen'. S.140-201
ABC    152 C1:205000477060000 C2:ududdduuuuuuudd M:4/4   K:C            H:"LR    T:Basel - Repertoire der 'Dorfmusik Binningen'. S.140-201
ABC    153 C1:663526351040071 C2:udududududduudu M:2/4   K:C            H:"LRW   T:Basel - Repertoire der 'Dorfmusik Binningen'. S.140-201
ABC    154 C1:012557707000002 C2:uududddudududud M:2/4   K:C            H:"LR    T:Basel - Repertoire der 'Dorfmusik Binningen'. S.140-201
ABC    162 C1:070161616162026 C2:dudduddudduduuu M:2/4   K:F            H:"LR    T:Basel - Repertoire der 'Dorfmusik Binningen'. S.140-201
ABC    167 C1:000612703020007 C2:duuduudddudduuu M:4/4   K:F            H:"LR    T:Basel - Repertoire der 'Dorfmusik Binningen'. S.140-201
ABC    168 C1:703021170700040 C2:uduuudduduudduu M:2/4   K:F            H:"LR    T:Basel - Repertoire der 'Dorfmusik Binningen'. S.140-201
ABC    169 C1:404030604227422 C2:dududuuudduuudu M:2/4   K:F            H:"LR    T:Basel - Repertoire der 'Dorfmusik Binningen'. S.140-201
ABC    175 C1:007050102070310 C2:udduudduuudduuu M:4/4   K:G            H:"LR    T:Basel - Repertoire der 'Dorfmusik Binningen'. S.140-201
ABC    196 C1:362377042623770 C2:uduuuddduuduuud M:2/4   K:G            H:"LRW   T:Basel - Repertoire der 'Dorfmusik Binningen. S.140-201
ABC    198 C1:237272067206167 C2:uudududdududddu M:2/4   K:F            H:"LRW   T:Basel - Repertoire der 'Dorfmusik Binningen. S.140-201
ABC    204 C1:226272626176266 C2:uudududududdudd M:2/4   K:C            H:"LR    T:Basel - Repertoire der 'Dorfmusik Binningen'. S.140-201
ABC    210 C1:100607004006070 C2:uddduddduududdu M:2/4   K:G            H:"LR    T:Basel - Repertoire der 'Dorfmusik Binningen'. S.140-201
ABC    224 C1:327707077447070 C2:uduuddddduuddud M:2/4   K:Bb           H:"LR    T:Basel - Repertoire der 'Dorfmusik Binningen'. S.140-201
ABC    227 C1:000000072000007 C2:duduududdududdu M:2/4   K:C            H:"LR    T:Basel - Repertoire der 'Dorfmusik Binningen. S.140-201
ABC    228 C1:704400070530267 C2:dduuddduuddduuu M:2/4   K:C            H:"LR    T:Basel - Repertoire der 'Dorfmusik Binningen'. S.140-201
ABC    229 C1:732626237526777 C2:duuuduuduuudduu M:2/4   K:C            H:"LR    T:Basel - Repertoire der 'Dorfmusik Binningen'. S.140-201
ABC    230 C1:211657005113370 C2:uuududduduuuudd M:2/4   K:C            H:"LR    T:Basel - Repertoire der 'Dorfmusik Binningen'. S.140-201
ABC    234 C1:711177770020000 C2:duuuddddudududu M:2/4   K:D            H:"LR    T:Basel - Repertoire der 'Dorfmusik Binningen'. S.140-201
ABC    235 C1:350342023201231 C2:duuduududuuuudu M:2/4   K:F            H:"LR    T:Basel - Repertoire der 'Dorfmusik Binningen'. S.140-201
ABC    236 C1:002170601200000 C2:uudduuudddduudd M:2/4   K:F            H:"LR    T:Basel - Repertoire der 'Dorfmusik Binningen'. S.140-201
ABC    238 C1:060000050000710 C2:ddduududduddddu M:2/4   K:G            H:"LR    T:Basel - Repertoire der 'Dorfmusik Binningen'. S.140-201
ABC    270 C1:011012077625016 C2:uuuudddudududuu M:3/4   K:F            H:"LRW   T:Basel - Repertoire der 'Dorfmusik Binningen. S.140-201
ABC    276 C1:200077700011200 C2:uddduuuddduuudd M:3/4   K:F            H:"LRW   T:Basel - Repertoire der 'Dorfmusik Binningen'. S.140-201
ABC    282 C1:015011000011010 C2:uduuuuududdudud M:3/4   K:C            H:"LR    T:Basel - Repertoire der 'Dorfmusik Binningen'. S.140-201
ABC    316 C1:060702020000020 C2:dduuduuuduuudud M:3/4   K:C            H:"LR    T:Basel - Repertoire der 'Dorfmusik Binningen. S.140-201
ABC    317 C1:714271270770450 C2:duudduudddduddu M:3/4   K:C            H:"LR    T:Basel - Repertoire der 'Dorfmusik Binningen'. S.140-201
ABC    318 C1:074272070277070 C2:dduduudduddddud M:3/4   K:C            H:"LR    T:Basel - Repertoire der 'Dorfmusik Binningen'. S.140-201
ABC    319 C1:014170063011021 C2:uuudduduuuudddu M:3/4   K:C            H:"LR    T:Basel - Repertoire der 'Dorfmusik Binningen'. S.140-201
ABC    320 C1:064013205276700 C2:duuduududdddudu M:3/4   K:C            H:"LRW   T:Basel - Repertoire der 'Dorfmusik Binningen'. S.140-201
ABC    328 C1:400010001011375 C2:uuuuuudddduuuuu M:3/4   K:C            H:"LRW   T:Basel - Repertoire der 'Dorfmusik Binningen. S.140-201
ABC    329 C1:777022020067770 C2:ddduududdduuddu M:3/4   K:C            H:"LR    T:Basel - Repertoire der 'Dorfmusik Binningen'. S.140-201
ABC    330 C1:400024100022370 C2:uuuduuddudddudd M:3/4   K:C            H:"LR    T:Basel - Repertoire der 'Dorfmusik Binningen'. S.140-201
ABC    341 C1:005005005006023 C2:ududuududdduudu M:3/4   K:G            H:"LR    T:Basel - Repertoire der 'Dorfmusik Binningen. S.140-201
ABC    342 C1:000111025074000 C2:uuuudddduuddduu M:3/4   K:G            H:"LR    T:Basel - Repertoire der 'Dorfmusik Binningen. S.140-201
ABC    343 C1:306100105100203 C2:uduuduuuddduddu M:3/4   K:G            H:"LR    T:Basel - Repertoire der 'Dorfmusik Binningen. S.140-201
ABC    350 C1:004037000745077 C2:dudddudduuddudd M:3/4   K:G            H:"LRW   T:Basel - Repertoire der 'Dorfmusik Binningen'. S.140-201
ABC     19 C1:000000000051753 C2:dudduuuuddddddu M:2/4   K:G            H:"LR    T:Basel - Repertoire der 'Dorfmusik Binningen. S.140-201
ABC     20 C1:707700562323005 C2:udddduuuuduudud M:2/4   K:F            H:"LR    T:Basel - Repertoire der 'Dorfmusik Binningen'. S.140-201
ABC     29 C1:470234516705473 C2:uduuddduudduddd M:2/4   K:F            H:"LRW   T:Basel - Repertoire der 'Dorfmusik Binningen. S.140-201
ABC     30 C1:465571100655737 C2:uudddduuuddddud M:2/4   K:C            H:"LRW   T:Basel - Repertoire der 'Dorfmusik Binningen. S.140-201
ABC     31 C1:464074046503706 C2:uduuddduduududd M:2/4   K:C            H:"LR    T:Basel - Repertoire der 'Dorfmusik Binningen. S.140-201
ABC     54 C1:424000724000057 C2:uuddududduduudd M:3/4   K:C            H:"LR    T:Basel - Repertoire der 'Dorfmusik Binningen'. S.140-201
ABC     55 C1:621101070700061 C2:duuuuddduuudduu M:3/4   K:C            H:"LR    T:Basel - Repertoire der 'Dorfmusik Binningen'. S.140-201
ABC     57 C1:600000000046700 C2:uuddduuuddudddd M:3/4   K:C            H:"LR    T:Basel - Repertoire der 'Dorfmusik Binningen. S.140-201
ABC     60 C1:070000000707000 C2:dddduduududduud M:3/4   K:C            H:"LR    T:Basel - Repertoire der 'Dorfmusik Binningen'. S.140-201
ABC     68 C1:506077706076230 C2:uddddddduuddduu M:3/4   K:Bb           H:"LR    T:Basel - Repertoire der 'Dorfmusik Binningen'. S.140-201
ABC     70 C1:502030700070402 C2:duuddduuddduudd M:3/4   K:C            H:"LR    T:Basel - Repertoire der 'Dorfmusik Binningen'. S.140-201
ABC     71 C1:700007774000676 C2:duddddudddduuud M:3/4   K:C            H:"LR    T:Basel - Repertoire der 'Dorfmusik Binningen. S.140-201
ABC     72 C1:070003111702070 C2:dduuududuuududu M:3/4   K:C            H:"LR    T:Basel - Repertoire der 'Dorfmusik Binningen'. S.140-201
ABC     78 C1:220000730006740 C2:uuddudduuduuudd M:3/4   K:C            H:"LRW   T:Basel - Repertoire der 'Dorfmusik Binningen. S.140-201
ABC     79 C1:757007777007614 C2:duddduddduduudd M:3/4   K:C            H:"LR    T:Basel - Repertoire der 'Dorfmusik Binningen'. S.140-201
ABC     80 C1:427117624000227 C2:uuduudduududuud M:3/4   K:C            H:"LR    T:Basel - Repertoire der 'Dorfmusik Binningen'. S.140-201
ABC     81 C1:756001707060064 C2:dududdduduudddu M:3/4   K:C            H:"LR    T:Basel - Repertoire der 'Dorfmusik Binningen'. S.140-201
ABC     87 C1:003220106660602 C2:uuuudddduuuuddd M:3/4   K:D            H:"LR    T:Basel - Repertoire der 'Dorfmusik Binningen. S.140-201
ABC     91 C1:025353507000314 C2:uudududduuduudu M:3/4   K:F            H:"LR    T:Basel - Repertoire der 'Dorfmusik Binningen'. S.140-201
ABC     92 C1:400004300007110 C2:ududuududududuu M:3/4   K:G            H:"LRW   T:Basel - Repertoire der 'Dorfmusik Binningen. S.140-201
ABC     93 C1:320002320007630 C2:duududduuduuudd M:3/4   K:G            H:"LR    T:Basel - Repertoire der 'Dorfmusik Binningen. S.140-201
ABC     94 C1:030002070700727 C2:uudddudddduuudu M:3/4   K:G            H:"LR    T:Basel - Repertoire der 'Dorfmusik Binningen'. S.140-201
ABC     97 C1:773711775657631 C2:dduduududdduddu M:3/4   K:G            H:"LR    T:Basel - Repertoire der 'Dorfmusik Binningen. S.140-201
ABC    116 C1:300450377070762 C2:dudduddddduuduu M:2/4   K:C            H:"LRW   T:Basel - Repertoire der 'Dorfmusik Binningen'. S.140-201
ABC    117 C1:200170017030300 C2:uududududdduuuu M:2/4   K:F            H:"LRW   T:Basel - Repertoire der 'Dorfmusik Binningen'. S.140-201
ABC    118 C1:020370627062703 C2:duuuduuudduddud M:2/4   K:D            H:"LRW   T:Basel - Repertoire der 'Dorfmusik Binningen. S.140-201
ABC    127 C1:735074370700760 C2:dududduuddddudd M:2/4   K:F            H:"LRW   T:Basel - Repertoire der 'Dorfmusik Binningen'. S.140-201
ABC    136 C1:240322010067032 C2:uduudududduuudu M:2/4   K:C            H:"LR    T:Basel - Repertoire der 'Dorfmusik Binningen. S.140-201
ABC    137 C1:437043707711102 C2:uudduddduuuuddu M:4/4   K:C            H:"LR    T:Basel - Repertoire der 'Dorfmusik Binningen'. S.140-201
ABC    138 C1:071606060311770 C2:dududduudduduud M:2/4   K:C            H:"LR    T:Basel - Repertoire der 'Dorfmusik Binningen'. S.140-201
ABC    139 C1:002074047406002 C2:uududduduuduudu M:2/4   K:C            H:"LR    T:Basel - Repertoire der 'Dorfmusik Binningen'. S.140-201
ABC     19 C1:000000000051753 C2:dudduuuuddddddu M:2/4   K:G            H:"LOR   T:Basel - Repertoire der 'Dorfmusik Binningen. S.140-201
ABC     68 C1:506077706076230 C2:uddddddduuddduu M:3/4   K:Bb           H:"LOR   T:Basel - Repertoire der 'Dorfmusik Binningen'. S.140-201
ABC     70 C1:502030700070402 C2:duuddduuddduudd M:3/4   K:C            H:"LOR   T:Basel - Repertoire der 'Dorfmusik Binningen'. S.140-201
ABC     71 C1:700007774000676 C2:duddddudddduuud M:3/4   K:C            H:"LOR   T:Basel - Repertoire der 'Dorfmusik Binningen. S.140-201
ABC     72 C1:070003111702070 C2:dduuududuuududu M:3/4   K:C            H:"LOR   T:Basel - Repertoire der 'Dorfmusik Binningen'. S.140-201
ABC     78 C1:220000730006740 C2:uuddudduuduuudd M:3/4   K:C            H:"LORW  T:Basel - Repertoire der 'Dorfmusik Binningen. S.140-201
ABC     79 C1:757007777007614 C2:duddduddduduudd M:3/4   K:C            H:"LOR   T:Basel - Repertoire der 'Dorfmusik Binningen'. S.140-201
ABC     80 C1:427117624000227 C2:uuduudduududuud M:3/4   K:C            H:"LOR   T:Basel - Repertoire der 'Dorfmusik Binningen'. S.140-201
ABC     81 C1:756001707060064 C2:dududdduduudddu M:3/4   K:C            H:"LOR   T:Basel - Repertoire der 'Dorfmusik Binningen'. S.140-201
ABC     87 C1:003220106660602 C2:uuuudddduuuuddd M:3/4   K:D            H:"LOR   T:Basel - Repertoire der 'Dorfmusik Binningen. S.140-201
ABC     91 C1:025353507000314 C2:uudududduuduudu M:3/4   K:F            H:"LOR   T:Basel - Repertoire der 'Dorfmusik Binningen'. S.140-201
ABC     20 C1:707700562323005 C2:udddduuuuduudud M:2/4   K:F            H:"LOR   T:Basel - Repertoire der 'Dorfmusik Binningen'. S.140-201
ABC     92 C1:400004300007110 C2:ududuududududuu M:3/4   K:G            H:"LORW  T:Basel - Repertoire der 'Dorfmusik Binningen. S.140-201
ABC     93 C1:320002320007630 C2:duududduuduuudd M:3/4   K:G            H:"LOR   T:Basel - Repertoire der 'Dorfmusik Binningen. S.140-201
ABC     94 C1:030002070700727 C2:uudddudddduuudu M:3/4   K:G            H:"LOR   T:Basel - Repertoire der 'Dorfmusik Binningen'. S.140-201
ABC     97 C1:773711775657631 C2:dduduududdduddu M:3/4   K:G            H:"LOR   T:Basel - Repertoire der 'Dorfmusik Binningen. S.140-201
ABC    116 C1:300450377070762 C2:dudduddddduuduu M:2/4   K:C            H:"LORW  T:Basel - Repertoire der 'Dorfmusik Binningen'. S.140-201
ABC    117 C1:200170017030300 C2:uududududdduuuu M:2/4   K:F            H:"LORW  T:Basel - Repertoire der 'Dorfmusik Binningen'. S.140-201
ABC    118 C1:020370627062703 C2:duuuduuudduddud M:2/4   K:D            H:"LORW  T:Basel - Repertoire der 'Dorfmusik Binningen. S.140-201
ABC    127 C1:735074370700760 C2:dududduuddddudd M:2/4   K:F            H:"LORW  T:Basel - Repertoire der 'Dorfmusik Binningen'. S.140-201
ABC    136 C1:240322010067032 C2:uduudududduuudu M:2/4   K:C            H:"LOR   T:Basel - Repertoire der 'Dorfmusik Binningen. S.140-201
ABC    137 C1:437043707711102 C2:uudduddduuuuddu M:4/4   K:C            H:"LOR   T:Basel - Repertoire der 'Dorfmusik Binningen'. S.140-201
ABC     29 C1:470234516705473 C2:uduuddduudduddd M:2/4   K:F            H:"LORW  T:Basel - Repertoire der 'Dorfmusik Binningen. S.140-201
ABC    138 C1:071606060311770 C2:dududduudduduud M:2/4   K:C            H:"LOR   T:Basel - Repertoire der 'Dorfmusik Binningen'. S.140-201
ABC    139 C1:002074047406002 C2:uududduduuduudu M:2/4   K:C            H:"LOR   T:Basel - Repertoire der 'Dorfmusik Binningen'. S.140-201
ABC    151 C1:604570601002400 C2:ududduuduuudduu M:2/4   K:C            H:"LORW  T:Basel - Repertoire der 'Dorfmusik Binningen'. S.140-201
ABC    152 C1:205000477060000 C2:ududdduuuuuuudd M:4/4   K:C            H:"LOR   T:Basel - Repertoire der 'Dorfmusik Binningen'. S.140-201
ABC    153 C1:663526351040071 C2:udududududduudu M:2/4   K:C            H:"LORW  T:Basel - Repertoire der 'Dorfmusik Binningen'. S.140-201
ABC    154 C1:012557707000002 C2:uududddudududud M:2/4   K:C            H:"LOR   T:Basel - Repertoire der 'Dorfmusik Binningen'. S.140-201
ABC    162 C1:070161616162026 C2:dudduddudduduuu M:2/4   K:F            H:"LOR   T:Basel - Repertoire der 'Dorfmusik Binningen'. S.140-201
ABC    167 C1:000612703020007 C2:duuduudddudduuu M:4/4   K:F            H:"LOR   T:Basel - Repertoire der 'Dorfmusik Binningen'. S.140-201
ABC    168 C1:703021170700040 C2:uduuudduduudduu M:2/4   K:F            H:"LOR   T:Basel - Repertoire der 'Dorfmusik Binningen'. S.140-201
ABC    169 C1:404030604227422 C2:dududuuudduuudu M:2/4   K:F            H:"LOR   T:Basel - Repertoire der 'Dorfmusik Binningen'. S.140-201
ABC     30 C1:465571100655737 C2:uudddduuuddddud M:2/4   K:C            H:"LORW  T:Basel - Repertoire der 'Dorfmusik Binningen. S.140-201
ABC    175 C1:007050102070310 C2:udduudduuudduuu M:4/4   K:G            H:"LOR   T:Basel - Repertoire der 'Dorfmusik Binningen'. S.140-201
ABC    196 C1:362377042623770 C2:uduuuddduuduuud M:2/4   K:G            H:"LORW  T:Basel - Repertoire der 'Dorfmusik Binningen. S.140-201
ABC    198 C1:237272067206167 C2:uudududdududddu M:2/4   K:F            H:"LORW  T:Basel - Repertoire der 'Dorfmusik Binningen. S.140-201
ABC    204 C1:226272626176266 C2:uudududududdudd M:2/4   K:C            H:"LOR   T:Basel - Repertoire der 'Dorfmusik Binningen'. S.140-201
ABC    210 C1:100607004006070 C2:uddduddduududdu M:2/4   K:G            H:"LOR   T:Basel - Repertoire der 'Dorfmusik Binningen'. S.140-201
ABC    224 C1:327707077447070 C2:uduuddddduuddud M:2/4   K:Bb           H:"LOR   T:Basel - Repertoire der 'Dorfmusik Binningen'. S.140-201
ABC    227 C1:000000072000007 C2:duduududdududdu M:2/4   K:C            H:"LOR   T:Basel - Repertoire der 'Dorfmusik Binningen. S.140-201
ABC    228 C1:704400070530267 C2:dduuddduuddduuu M:2/4   K:C            H:"LOR   T:Basel - Repertoire der 'Dorfmusik Binningen'. S.140-201
ABC    229 C1:732626237526777 C2:duuuduuduuudduu M:2/4   K:C            H:"LOR   T:Basel - Repertoire der 'Dorfmusik Binningen'. S.140-201
ABC    230 C1:211657005113370 C2:uuududduduuuudd M:2/4   K:C            H:"LOR   T:Basel - Repertoire der 'Dorfmusik Binningen'. S.140-201
ABC     31 C1:464074046503706 C2:uduuddduduududd M:2/4   K:C            H:"LOR   T:Basel - Repertoire der 'Dorfmusik Binningen. S.140-201
ABC    234 C1:711177770020000 C2:duuuddddudududu M:2/4   K:D            H:"LOR   T:Basel - Repertoire der 'Dorfmusik Binningen'. S.140-201
ABC    235 C1:350342023201231 C2:duuduududuuuudu M:2/4   K:F            H:"LOR   T:Basel - Repertoire der 'Dorfmusik Binningen'. S.140-201
ABC    236 C1:002170601200000 C2:uudduuudddduudd M:2/4   K:F            H:"LOR   T:Basel - Repertoire der 'Dorfmusik Binningen'. S.140-201
ABC    238 C1:060000050000710 C2:ddduududduddddu M:2/4   K:G            H:"LOR   T:Basel - Repertoire der 'Dorfmusik Binningen'. S.140-201
ABC    270 C1:011012077625016 C2:uuuudddudududuu M:3/4   K:F            H:"LORW  T:Basel - Repertoire der 'Dorfmusik Binningen. S.140-201
ABC    276 C1:200077700011200 C2:uddduuuddduuudd M:3/4   K:F            H:"LORW  T:Basel - Repertoire der 'Dorfmusik Binningen'. S.140-201
ABC    282 C1:015011000011010 C2:uduuuuududdudud M:3/4   K:C            H:"LOR   T:Basel - Repertoire der 'Dorfmusik Binningen'. S.140-201
ABC    316 C1:060702020000020 C2:dduuduuuduuudud M:3/4   K:C            H:"LOR   T:Basel - Repertoire der 'Dorfmusik Binningen. S.140-201
ABC    317 C1:714271270770450 C2:duudduudddduddu M:3/4   K:C            H:"LOR   T:Basel - Repertoire der 'Dorfmusik Binningen'. S.140-201
ABC    318 C1:074272070277070 C2:dduduudduddddud M:3/4   K:C            H:"LOR   T:Basel - Repertoire der 'Dorfmusik Binningen'. S.140-201
ABC     54 C1:424000724000057 C2:uuddududduduudd M:3/4   K:C            H:"LOR   T:Basel - Repertoire der 'Dorfmusik Binningen'. S.140-201
ABC    319 C1:014170063011021 C2:uuudduduuuudddu M:3/4   K:C            H:"LOR   T:Basel - Repertoire der 'Dorfmusik Binningen'. S.140-201
ABC    320 C1:064013205276700 C2:duuduududdddudu M:3/4   K:C            H:"LORW  T:Basel - Repertoire der 'Dorfmusik Binningen'. S.140-201
ABC    328 C1:400010001011375 C2:uuuuuudddduuuuu M:3/4   K:C            H:"LORW  T:Basel - Repertoire der 'Dorfmusik Binningen. S.140-201
ABC    329 C1:777022020067770 C2:ddduududdduuddu M:3/4   K:C            H:"LOR   T:Basel - Repertoire der 'Dorfmusik Binningen'. S.140-201
ABC    330 C1:400024100022370 C2:uuuduuddudddudd M:3/4   K:C            H:"LOR   T:Basel - Repertoire der 'Dorfmusik Binningen'. S.140-201
ABC    341 C1:005005005006023 C2:ududuududdduudu M:3/4   K:G            H:"LOR   T:Basel - Repertoire der 'Dorfmusik Binningen. S.140-201
ABC    342 C1:000111025074000 C2:uuuudddduuddduu M:3/4   K:G            H:"LOR   T:Basel - Repertoire der 'Dorfmusik Binningen. S.140-201
ABC    343 C1:306100105100203 C2:uduuduuuddduddu M:3/4   K:G            H:"LOR   T:Basel - Repertoire der 'Dorfmusik Binningen. S.140-201
ABC    350 C1:004037000745077 C2:dudddudduuddudd M:3/4   K:G            H:"LORW  T:Basel - Repertoire der 'Dorfmusik Binningen'. S.140-201
ABC     55 C1:621101070700061 C2:duuuuddduuudduu M:3/4   K:C            H:"LOR   T:Basel - Repertoire der 'Dorfmusik Binningen'. S.140-201
ABC     57 C1:600000000046700 C2:uuddduuuddudddd M:3/4   K:C            H:"LOR   T:Basel - Repertoire der 'Dorfmusik Binningen. S.140-201
ABC     60 C1:070000000707000 C2:dddduduududduud M:3/4   K:C            H:"LOR   T:Basel - Repertoire der 'Dorfmusik Binningen'. S.140-201
ABC     27 C1:002200353535006 C2:uuudududddudddu M:2/4   K:G            H:"LR    T:Basel - Repertoire der 'Holzmusig Allschwil'. S.118-139
ABC     45 C1:041100000777600 C2:duuddduddduduud M:4/4   K:G            H:"LR    T:Basel - Repertoire der 'Holzmusig Allschwil'. S.118-139
ABC     52 C1:052070500677722 C2:ududddddduuuduu M:3/4   K:G            H:"LR    T:Basel - Repertoire der 'Holzmusig Allschwil'. S.118-139
ABC     58 C1:720500720507370 C2:dudduddudduuudu M:3/4   K:G            H:"LR    T:Basel - Repertoire der 'Holzmusig Allschwil'. S.118-139
ABC     59 C1:621050004000511 C2:duududduududduu M:3/4   K:D            H:"LRW   T:Basel - Repertoire der 'Holzmusig Allschwil'. S.118-139
ABC    104 C1:302020771110202 C2:uuudduuuduudduu M:3/4   K:D            H:"LRW   T:Basel - Repertoire der 'Holzmusig Allschwil'. S.118-139
ABC    121 C1:070323700707117 C2:dduuddduudddudd M:2/4   K:G            H:"LR    T:Basel - Repertoire der 'Holzmusig Allschwil'. S.118-139
ABC    124 C1:772720006727300 C2:dduududduududdd M:2/4   K:C            H:"LR    T:Basel - Repertoire der 'Holzmusig Allschwil'. S.118-139
ABC    182 C1:133113310500007 C2:uuduuuduuddduud M:2/4   K:G            H:"LR    T:Basel - Repertoire der 'Holzmusig Allschwil'. S.118-139
ABC    202 C1:111103503602211 C2:uuuudududuuuuud M:2/4   K:C            H:"LRW   T:Basel - Repertoire der 'Holzmusig Allschwil'. S.118-139
ABC    205 C1:705030202030000 C2:dduuudududduudu M:2/4   K:G            H:"LR    T:Basel - Repertoire der 'Holzmusig Allschwil'. S.118-139
ABC    207 C1:516320133526352 C2:duduuududududud M:4/4   K:G            H:"LR    T:Basel - Repertoire der 'Holzmusig Allschwil'. S.118-139
ABC    212 C1:040004010200021 C2:duuduuuuudddddu M:4/4   K:C            H:"LR    T:Basel - Repertoire der 'Holzmusig Allschwil'. S.118-139
ABC    257 C1:360607006606070 C2:udddudddduuuudd M:2/4   K:G            H:"LR    T:Basel - Repertoire der 'Holzmusig Allschwil'. S.118-139
ABC    269 C1:025077000660160 C2:udddduudddduudd M:3/4   K:G            H:"LR    T:Basel - Repertoire der 'Holzmusig Allschwil'. S.118-139
ABC    273 C1:712000100062200 C2:duuuduudduudddd M:3/4   K:G            H:"LRW   T:Basel - Repertoire der 'Holzmusig Allschwil'. S.118-139
ABC    278 C1:002712001716225 C2:uduuududuududud M:3/4   K:G            H:"LR    T:Basel - Repertoire der 'Holzmusig Allschwil'. S.118-139
ABC    279 C1:057700020620677 C2:udddududduddudd M:3/4   K:G            H:"LR    T:Basel - Repertoire der 'Holzmusig Allschwil'. S.118-139
ABC    352 C1:103700403700073 C2:uuddudduddduudd M:3/4   K:G            H:"LRW   T:Basel - Repertoire der 'Holzmusig Allschwil'. S.118-139
ABC     27 C1:002200353535006 C2:uuudududddudddu M:2/4   K:G            H:"LOR   T:Basel - Repertoire der 'Holzmusig Allschwil'. S.118-139
ABC    202 C1:111103503602211 C2:uuuudududuuuuud M:2/4   K:C            H:"LORW  T:Basel - Repertoire der 'Holzmusig Allschwil'. S.118-139
ABC    205 C1:705030202030000 C2:dduuudududduudu M:2/4   K:G            H:"LOR   T:Basel - Repertoire der 'Holzmusig Allschwil'. S.118-139
ABC    207 C1:516320133526352 C2:duduuududududud M:4/4   K:G            H:"LOR   T:Basel - Repertoire der 'Holzmusig Allschwil'. S.118-139
ABC    212 C1:040004010200021 C2:duuduuuuudddddu M:4/4   K:C            H:"LOR   T:Basel - Repertoire der 'Holzmusig Allschwil'. S.118-139
ABC    257 C1:360607006606070 C2:udddudddduuuudd M:2/4   K:G            H:"LOR   T:Basel - Repertoire der 'Holzmusig Allschwil'. S.118-139
ABC    269 C1:025077000660160 C2:udddduudddduudd M:3/4   K:G            H:"LOR   T:Basel - Repertoire der 'Holzmusig Allschwil'. S.118-139
ABC    273 C1:712000100062200 C2:duuuduudduudddd M:3/4   K:G            H:"LORW  T:Basel - Repertoire der 'Holzmusig Allschwil'. S.118-139
ABC    278 C1:002712001716225 C2:uduuududuududud M:3/4   K:G            H:"LOR   T:Basel - Repertoire der 'Holzmusig Allschwil'. S.118-139
ABC    279 C1:057700020620677 C2:udddududduddudd M:3/4   K:G            H:"LOR   T:Basel - Repertoire der 'Holzmusig Allschwil'. S.118-139
ABC    352 C1:103700403700073 C2:uuddudduddduudd M:3/4   K:G            H:"LORW  T:Basel - Repertoire der 'Holzmusig Allschwil'. S.118-139
ABC     45 C1:041100000777600 C2:duuddduddduduud M:4/4   K:G            H:"LOR   T:Basel - Repertoire der 'Holzmusig Allschwil'. S.118-139
ABC     52 C1:052070500677722 C2:ududddddduuuduu M:3/4   K:G            H:"LOR   T:Basel - Repertoire der 'Holzmusig Allschwil'. S.118-139
ABC     58 C1:720500720507370 C2:dudduddudduuudu M:3/4   K:G            H:"LOR   T:Basel - Repertoire der 'Holzmusig Allschwil'. S.118-139
ABC     59 C1:621050004000511 C2:duududduududduu M:3/4   K:D            H:"LORW  T:Basel - Repertoire der 'Holzmusig Allschwil'. S.118-139
ABC    104 C1:302020771110202 C2:uuudduuuduudduu M:3/4   K:D            H:"LORW  T:Basel - Repertoire der 'Holzmusig Allschwil'. S.118-139
ABC    121 C1:070323700707117 C2:dduuddduudddudd M:2/4   K:G            H:"LOR   T:Basel - Repertoire der 'Holzmusig Allschwil'. S.118-139
ABC    124 C1:772720006727300 C2:dduududduududdd M:2/4   K:C            H:"LOR   T:Basel - Repertoire der 'Holzmusig Allschwil'. S.118-139
ABC    182 C1:133113310500007 C2:uuduuuduuddduud M:2/4   K:G            H:"LOR   T:Basel - Repertoire der 'Holzmusig Allschwil'. S.118-139
ABC      1 C1:055600217777602 C2:duduudddddududu M:4/4   K:Dm           H:"LOZ   T:Ba-shana ha-ba'a
ABC      2 C1:055600217777602 C2:duduudddddududu M:4/4   K:Em           H:"LOZ   T:Ba-shana ha-ba'a
ABC      1 C1:055600217777602 C2:duduudddddududu M:4/4   K:Dm           H:"LOZ   T:Ba-shana ha-ba'a
ABC      2 C1:055600217777602 C2:duduudddddududu M:4/4   K:Em           H:"LOZ   T:Ba-shana ha-ba'a
ABC      1 C1:055600217777602 C2:duduudddddududu M:4/4   K:Dm           H:"LOZ   T:Ba-shana ha-ba'a
ABC      2 C1:055600217777602 C2:duduudddddududu M:4/4   K:Em           H:"LOZ   T:Ba-shana ha-ba'a
ABC      1 C1:055600217777602 C2:duduudddddududu M:4/4   K:Dm           H:"LOZ   T:Ba-shana ha-ba'a
ABC      2 C1:055600217777602 C2:duduudddddududu M:4/4   K:Em           H:"LOZ   T:Ba-shana ha-ba'a
ABC      1 C1:055600217777602 C2:duduudddddududu M:4/4   K:Dm           H:"LOZ   T:Ba-shana ha-ba'a
ABC      2 C1:055600217777602 C2:duduudddddududu M:4/4   K:Em           H:"LOZ   T:Ba-shana ha-ba'a
ABC      2 C1:055600217777602 C2:duduudddddududu M:4/4   K:Em           H:"LOZ   T:Ba-shana ha-ba'a
ABC      1 C1:055600217777602 C2:duduudddddududu M:4/4   K:Dm           H:"LOZ   T:Ba-shana ha-ba'a
ABC     67 C1:055600217777602 C2:duduudddddududu M:4/4   K:Dm           H:"LOZ   T:Ba-shana ha-ba'a [Dm]
ABC     67 C1:055600217777602 C2:duduudddddududu M:4/4   K:Dm           H:"LOZ   T:Ba-shana ha-ba'a [Dm]
ABC      1 C1:055600217777602 C2:duduudddddududu M:4/4   K:Dm           H:"LOZ   T:Ba-shana ha-ba'a [Dm]
ABC      1 C1:055600217777602 C2:duduudddddududu M:4/4   K:Dm           H:"LOZ   T:Ba-shana ha-ba'a [Dm]
ABC      1 C1:055600217777602 C2:duduudddddududu M:4/4   K:Dm           H:"LOZ   T:Ba-shana ha-ba'a [Dm]
ABC      1 C1:055600217777602 C2:duduudddddududu M:4/4   K:Dm           H:"LOZ   T:Ba-shana ha-ba'a [Dm]
ABC      1 C1:055600217777602 C2:duduudddddududu M:4/4   K:Dm           H:"LOZ   T:Ba-shana ha-ba'a [Dm]
ABC      1 C1:055600217777602 C2:duduudddddududu M:4/4   K:Dm           H:"LOZ   T:Ba-shana ha-ba'a [Dm]
ABC      1 C1:055600217777602 C2:duduudddddududu M:4/4   K:Dm           H:"LOZ   T:Ba-shana ha-ba'a [Dm]
ABC      1 C1:055600217777602 C2:duduudddddududu M:4/4   K:Dm           H:"LOZ   T:Ba-shana ha-ba'a [Dm]
ABC      1 C1:055600217777602 C2:duduudddddududu M:4/4   K:Dm           H:"LOZ   T:Ba-shana ha-ba'a [Dm]
ABC     61 C1:055600217777602 C2:duduudddddududu M:4/4   K:Dm           H:"LOZ   T:Ba-shana ha-ba'a [Dm]
ABC     61 C1:055600217777602 C2:duduudddddududu M:4/4   K:Dm           H:"LOZ   T:Ba-shana ha-ba'a [Dm]
ABC      1 C1:055600217777602 C2:duduudddddududu M:4/4   K:Dm           H:"LOZ   T:Ba-shana ha-ba'a [Dm]
ABC      1 C1:055600217777602 C2:duduudddddududu M:4/4   K:Dm           H:"LOZ   T:Ba-shana ha-ba'a [Dm]
ABC      1 C1:055600217777602 C2:duduudddddududu M:4/4   K:Dm           H:"LOZ   T:Ba-shana ha-ba'a [Dm]
ABC      1 C1:055600217777602 C2:duduudddddududu M:4/4   K:Dm           H:"LOZ   T:Ba-shana ha-ba'a [Dm]
ABC      1 C1:055600217777602 C2:duduudddddududu M:4/4   K:Dm           H:"LOZ   T:Ba-shana ha-ba'a [Dm]
ABC      1 C1:055600217777602 C2:duduudddddududu M:4/4   K:Dm           H:"LOZ   T:Ba-shana ha-ba'a [Dm]
ABC      1 C1:055600217777602 C2:duduudddddududu M:4/4   K:Dm           H:"LOZ   T:Ba-shana ha-ba'a [Dm]
ABC      1 C1:055600217777602 C2:duduudddddududu M:4/4   K:Dm           H:"LOZ   T:Ba-shana ha-ba'a [Dm]
ABC      1 C1:055600217777602 C2:duduudddddududu M:4/4   K:Dm           H:"LOZ   T:Ba-shana ha-ba'a [Dm]
ABC      1 C1:055600217777602 C2:duduudddddududu M:4/4   K:Dm           H:"LOZ   T:Ba-shana ha-ba'a [Dm]
ABC      1 C1:055600217777602 C2:duduudddddududu M:4/4   K:Dm           H:"LOZ   T:Ba-shana ha-ba'a [Dm]
ABC     67 C1:055600217777602 C2:duduudddddududu M:4/4   K:Dm           H:"LOZ   T:Ba-shana ha-ba'a [Dm]
ABC     67 C1:055600217777602 C2:duduudddddududu M:4/4   K:Dm           H:"LOZ   T:Ba-shana ha-ba'a [Dm]
ABC     67 C1:055600217777602 C2:duduudddddududu M:4/4   K:Dm           H:"LOZ   T:Ba-shana ha-ba'a [Dm]
ABC     67 C1:055600217777602 C2:duduudddddududu M:4/4   K:Dm           H:"LOZ   T:Ba-shana ha-ba'a [Dm]
ABC     68 C1:055600217777602 C2:duduudddddududu M:4/4   K:Em           H:"LOZ   T:Ba-shana ha-ba'a [Em]
ABC     68 C1:055600217777602 C2:duduudddddududu M:4/4   K:Em           H:"LOZ   T:Ba-shana ha-ba'a [Em]
ABC      1 C1:055600217777602 C2:duduudddddududu M:4/4   K:Em           H:"LOZ   T:Ba-shana ha-ba'a [Em]
ABC      1 C1:055600217777602 C2:duduudddddududu M:4/4   K:Em           H:"LOZ   T:Ba-shana ha-ba'a [Em]
ABC      1 C1:055600217777602 C2:duduudddddududu M:4/4   K:Em           H:"LOZ   T:Ba-shana ha-ba'a [Em]
ABC      1 C1:055600217777602 C2:duduudddddududu M:4/4   K:Em           H:"LOZ   T:Ba-shana ha-ba'a [Em]
ABC      1 C1:055600217777602 C2:duduudddddududu M:4/4   K:Em           H:"LOZ   T:Ba-shana ha-ba'a [Em]
ABC      1 C1:055600217777602 C2:duduudddddududu M:4/4   K:Em           H:"LOZ   T:Ba-shana ha-ba'a [Em]
ABC      1 C1:055600217777602 C2:duduudddddududu M:4/4   K:Em           H:"LOZ   T:Ba-shana ha-ba'a [Em]
ABC      1 C1:055600217777602 C2:duduudddddududu M:4/4   K:Em           H:"LOZ   T:Ba-shana ha-ba'a [Em]
ABC      1 C1:055600217777602 C2:duduudddddududu M:4/4   K:Em           H:"LOZ   T:Ba-shana ha-ba'a [Em]
ABC      1 C1:055600217777602 C2:duduudddddududu M:4/4   K:Em           H:"LOZ   T:Ba-shana ha-ba'a [Em]
ABC      1 C1:055600217777602 C2:duduudddddududu M:4/4   K:Em           H:"LOZ   T:Ba-shana ha-ba'a [Em]
ABC     62 C1:055600217777602 C2:duduudddddududu M:4/4   K:Em           H:"LOZ   T:Ba-shana ha-ba'a [Em]
ABC     62 C1:055600217777602 C2:duduudddddududu M:4/4   K:Em           H:"LOZ   T:Ba-shana ha-ba'a [Em]
ABC      2 C1:055600217777602 C2:duduudddddududu M:4/4   K:Em           H:"LOZ   T:Ba-shana ha-ba'a [Em]
ABC      2 C1:055600217777602 C2:duduudddddududu M:4/4   K:Em           H:"LOZ   T:Ba-shana ha-ba'a [Em]
ABC      2 C1:055600217777602 C2:duduudddddududu M:4/4   K:Em           H:"LOZ   T:Ba-shana ha-ba'a [Em]
ABC      2 C1:055600217777602 C2:duduudddddududu M:4/4   K:Em           H:"LOZ   T:Ba-shana ha-ba'a [Em]
ABC      2 C1:055600217777602 C2:duduudddddududu M:4/4   K:Em           H:"LOZ   T:Ba-shana ha-ba'a [Em]
ABC      2 C1:055600217777602 C2:duduudddddududu M:4/4   K:Em           H:"LOZ   T:Ba-shana ha-ba'a [Em]
ABC      2 C1:055600217777602 C2:duduudddddududu M:4/4   K:Em           H:"LOZ   T:Ba-shana ha-ba'a [Em]
ABC      2 C1:055600217777602 C2:duduudddddududu M:4/4   K:Em           H:"LOZ   T:Ba-shana ha-ba'a [Em]
ABC      2 C1:055600217777602 C2:duduudddddududu M:4/4   K:Em           H:"LOZ   T:Ba-shana ha-ba'a [Em]
ABC      2 C1:055600217777602 C2:duduudddddududu M:4/4   K:Em           H:"LOZ   T:Ba-shana ha-ba'a [Em]
ABC      2 C1:055600217777602 C2:duduudddddududu M:4/4   K:Em           H:"LOZ   T:Ba-shana ha-ba'a [Em]
ABC     68 C1:055600217777602 C2:duduudddddududu M:4/4   K:Em           H:"LOZ   T:Ba-shana ha-ba'a [Em]
ABC     68 C1:055600217777602 C2:duduudddddududu M:4/4   K:Em           H:"LOZ   T:Ba-shana ha-ba'a [Em]
ABC     68 C1:055600217777602 C2:duduudddddududu M:4/4   K:Em           H:"LOZ   T:Ba-shana ha-ba'a [Em]
ABC     68 C1:055600217777602 C2:duduudddddududu M:4/4   K:Em           H:"LOZ   T:Ba-shana ha-ba'a [Em]
ABC     69 C1:111177670444173 C2:uuuudddduduudud M:4/4   K:G            H:CLRZ   T:Bashaw of Bedford
ABC    578 C1:111177670444173 C2:uuuudddduduudud M:4/4   K:G            H:CLRZ   T:Bashaw of Bedford
ABC     13 C1:000000110707110 C2:uudduudduuuuduu M:3/4   K:Am           H:"LOQ   T:Bashchuna
ABC     15 C1:000000110707110 C2:uudduudduuuuduu M:3/4   K:Am           H:"LOQ   T:Bashchuna
ABC     15 C1:000000110707110 C2:uudduudduuuuduu M:3/4   K:Am           H:"LOQ   T:Bashchuna
ABC     15 C1:000000110707110 C2:uudduudduuuuduu M:3/4   K:Am           H:"LOQ   T:Bashchuna
ABC     15 C1:000000110707110 C2:uudduudduuuuduu M:3/4   K:Am           H:"LOQ   T:Bashchuna
ABC     14 C1:000000110707110 C2:uudduudduuuuduu M:3/4   K:Am           H:"LOQ   T:Bashchuna
ABC      1 C1:030711117060716 C2:uduuuuddduduudu M:9/8   K:D            H:ACORW  T:Bashful Alley
ABC      7 C1:030711117060716 C2:uduuuuddduduudu M:9/8   K:D            H:ACORSW T:Bashful Alley
ABC      1 C1:030711117060716 C2:uduuuuddduduudu M:9/8   K:D            H:CILQ   T:Bashful Alley
ABC      2 C1:030711117060716 C2:uduuuuddduduudu M:9/8   K:D            H:CILQ   T:Bashful Alley
ABC   1207 C1:030711117060716 C2:uduuuuddduduudu M:9/8   K:D            H:ACORSW T:Bashful Alley
ABC    431 C1:030711117060716 C2:uduuuuddduduudu M:9/8   K:D            H:ACORW  T:Bashful Alley
ABC    431 C1:030711117060716 C2:uduuuuddduduudu M:9/8   K:D            H:ACORW  T:Bashful Alley
ABC   1207 C1:030711117060716 C2:uduuuuddduduudu M:9/8   K:D            H:ACORSW T:Bashful Alley
ABC   1207 C1:030711117060716 C2:uduuuuddduduudu M:9/8   K:D            H:ACORSW T:Bashful Alley
ABC   1207 C1:030711117060716 C2:uduuuuddduduudu M:9/8   K:D            H:ACORSW T:Bashful Alley
ABC    557 C1:030711117060716 C2:uduuuuddduduudu M:9/8   K:D            H:ACFORZ T:Bashful Alley
ABC    557 C1:030711117060716 C2:uduuuuddduduudu M:9/8   K:D            H:ACFORZ T:Bashful Alley
ABC    980 C1:030711117060716 C2:uduuuuddduduudu M:9/8   K:D            H:ACORW  T:Bashful Alley
ABC    980 C1:030711117060716 C2:uduuuuddduduudu M:9/8   K:D            H:ACORW  T:Bashful Alley
ABC    980 C1:030711117060716 C2:uduuuuddduduudu M:9/8   K:D            H:ACORW  T:Bashful Alley
ABC    980 C1:030711117060716 C2:uduuuuddduduudu M:9/8   K:D            H:ACORW  T:Bashful Alley
ABC    980 C1:030711117060716 C2:uduuuuddduduudu M:9/8   K:D            H:ACORW  T:Bashful Alley
ABC     33 C1:030711117060716 C2:uduuuuddduduudu M:9/8   K:D            H:ACORZ  T:Bashful Alley
ABC      1 C1:026166210536777 C2:ududduududddddu M:C|    K:D            H:LRSZ   T:The Bashful Bachelor [1]
ABC 183214 C1:331165520232666 C2:uuuuddduuuudddd M:C     K:G            H:CLQR   T:BASHFUL BACHELOR 1 (hornpipe)
ABC 183214 C1:331165520232666 C2:uuuuddduuuudddd M:C     K:G            H:CLQR   T:BASHFUL BACHELOR 1 (hornpipe)
ABC 183214 C1:331165520232666 C2:uuuuddduuuudddd M:C     K:G            H:CLQR   T:BASHFUL BACHELOR 1 (hornpipe)
ABC 183214 C1:331165520232666 C2:uuuuddduuuudddd M:C     K:G            H:CLQR   T:BASHFUL BACHELOR 1 (hornpipe)
ABC 183215 C1:241164612214566 C2:uduududuuuudddd M:4/4   K:G            H:CLQR   T:BASHFUL BACHELOR 2 (hornpipe), The
ABC 183215 C1:241164612214566 C2:uduududuuuudddd M:4/4   K:G            H:CLQR   T:BASHFUL BACHELOR 2 (hornpipe), The
ABC 183215 C1:241164612214566 C2:uduududuuuudddd M:4/4   K:G            H:CLQR   T:BASHFUL BACHELOR 2 (hornpipe), The
ABC 183215 C1:241164612214566 C2:uduududuuuudddd M:4/4   K:G            H:CLQR   T:BASHFUL BACHELOR 2 (hornpipe), The
ABC 495010 C1:026166210536777 C2:ududduududddddu M:C|    K:D            H:BLRSZ  T:BASHFUL BACHELOR, The
ABC   1443 C1:022305650261662 C2:uuudduududduudu M:C|    K:D            H:BLORZ  T:the Bashful Bachelor
ABC   1443 C1:022305650261662 C2:uuudduududduudu M:C|    K:D            H:BLORZ  T:the Bashful Bachelor
ABC   1443 C1:022305650261662 C2:uuudduududduudu M:C|    K:D            H:BLORZ  T:the Bashful Bachelor
ABC   1443 C1:022305650261662 C2:uuudduududduudu M:C|    K:D            H:BLORZ  T:the Bashful Bachelor
ABC   1492 C1:026166210536777 C2:ududduududddddu M:C|    K:D            H:BLZ    T:The Bashful Bachelor
ABC   1492 C1:026166210536777 C2:ududduududddddu M:C|    K:D            H:BLZ    T:The Bashful Bachelor
ABC   1492 C1:026166210536777 C2:ududduududddddu M:C|    K:D            H:BLZ    T:The Bashful Bachelor
ABC   1443 C1:026166210536777 C2:ududduududddddu M:C|    K:D            H:BLZ    T:The Bashful Bachelor
ABC      1 C1:026166210536777 C2:ududduududddddu M:4/4   K:D            H:"L     T:Bashful bachelor
ABC   1443 C1:026166210536777 C2:ududduududddddu M:C|    K:D            H:BLZ    T:The Bashful Bachelor
ABC      1 C1:022305650261662 C2:uuudduududduudu M:      K:Dmaj         H:LR     T:The Bashful Bachelor
ABC    142 C1:026166210536777 C2:ududduududddddu M:C|    K:D            H:LRZ    T:The Bashful Bachelor
ABC 495010 C1:026166210536777 C2:ududduududddddu M:C|    K:D            H:BLRSZ  T:BASHFUL BACHELOR, The
ABC 495010 C1:026166210536777 C2:ududduududddddu M:C|    K:D            H:BLRSZ  T:BASHFUL BACHELOR, The
ABC   1443 C1:026166210536777 C2:ududduududddddu M:C|    K:D            H:BLZ    T:The Bashful Bachelor
ABC    496 C1:026166210536777 C2:ududduududddddu M:C|    K:D            H:LRZ    T:The Bashful Bachelor
ABC   1492 C1:026166210536777 C2:ududduududddddu M:C|    K:D            H:BLZ    T:The Bashful Bachelor
ABC   1492 C1:026166210536777 C2:ududduududddddu M:C|    K:D            H:BLZ    T:The Bashful Bachelor
ABC  11083 C1:331165522311666 C2:uuuuddduuuuuddd M:C|    K:G            H:CLQR   T:BASHFUL BATCHELOR, The
ABC     83 C1:060203070502040 C2:uuuuddduuuuuddd M:4/4   K:G            H:ILZ    T:The Bashful Batchelor
ABC     83 C1:060203070502040 C2:uuuuddduuuuuddd M:4/4   K:G            H:ILZ    T:The Bashful Batchelor
ABC     83 C1:060203070502040 C2:uuuuddduuuuuddd M:4/4   K:G            H:ILZ    T:The Bashful Batchelor
ABC  11083 C1:331165522311666 C2:uuuuddduuuuuddd M:C|    K:G            H:CLQR   T:BASHFUL BATCHELOR, The
ABC  11083 C1:331165522311666 C2:uuuuddduuuuuddd M:C|    K:G            H:CLQR   T:BASHFUL BATCHELOR, The
ABC     83 C1:060203070502040 C2:uuuuddduuuuuddd M:4/4   K:G            H:ILZ    T:The Bashful Batchelor
ABC     83 C1:060203070502040 C2:uuuuddduuuuuddd M:4/4   K:G            H:ILZ    T:The Bashful Batchelor
ABC     83 C1:060203070502040 C2:uuuuddduuuuuddd M:4/4   K:G            H:BCILZ  T:The Bashful Batchelor Hornpipe Allan's # 83 pg 21
ABC     24 C1:427722377401111 C2:dudduuuddduuuuu M:4/4   K:G            H:LRS    T:Bashful Beau (#224), The
ABC     24 C1:427722377401111 C2:dudduuuddduuuuu M:4/4   K:G            H:LRS    T:Bashful Beau (#224), The
ABC     24 C1:427722377401111 C2:dudduuuddduuuuu M:4/4   K:G            H:LRS    T:Bashful Beau (#224), The
ABC     24 C1:427722377401111 C2:dudduuuddduuuuu M:4/4   K:G            H:LRS    T:Bashful Beau (#224), The
ABC     24 C1:427722377401111 C2:dudduuuddduuuuu M:4/4   K:G            H:LRS    T:Bashful Beau (#224), The
ABC     24 C1:427722377401111 C2:dudduuuddduuuuu M:4/4   K:G            H:LRS    T:Bashful Beau (#224), The
ABC    228 C1:427722377401111 C2:dudduuuddduuuuu M:4/4   K:G            H:LRS    T:The Bashful Beau
ABC    228 C1:427722377401111 C2:dudduuuddduuuuu M:4/4   K:G            H:LRS    T:The Bashful Beau
ABC    228 C1:427722377401111 C2:dudduuuddduuuuu M:4/4   K:G            H:LRS    T:The Bashful Beau
ABC      1 C1:427722377401111 C2:dudduuuddduuuuu M:4/4   K:G            H:LRSZ   T:Bashful Beau, The
ABC    228 C1:427722377401111 C2:dudduuuddduuuuu M:4/4   K:G            H:LRS    T:The Bashful Beau
ABC    228 C1:427722377401111 C2:dudduuuddduuuuu M:4/4   K:G            H:LRS    T:The Bashful Beau
ABC  58004 C1:426223774011111 C2:duduuuddduuuuuu M:4/4   K:Edor         H:BCLRS  T:BASHFUL BEAU (reel), The
ABC  58004 C1:426223774011111 C2:duduuuddduuuuuu M:4/4   K:Edor         H:BCLRS  T:BASHFUL BEAU (reel), The
ABC 581004 C1:426223774011111 C2:duduuuddduuuuuu M:4/4\  K:Edor\        H:BCLQRS T:BASHFUL BEAU (reel), The\
ABC     78 C1:223711407105304 C2:uuuduudduduuddu M:6/8   K:A            H:LRZ    T:The Bashful Bride
ABC    299 C1:223711407105304 C2:uuuduudduduuddu M:6/8   K:A            H:LRZ    T:The Bashful Bride
ABC      1 C1:177716717066177 C2:udududdudddudud M:6/8   K:G            H:"LRSZ  T:Bashful Fifteen
ABC      1 C1:177716717066177 C2:udududdudddudud M:6/8   K:G            H:"LRSZ  T:Bashful Fifteen
ABC      1 C1:177716717066177 C2:udududdudddudud M:6/8   K:G            H:"LRSZ  T:Bashful Fifteen
ABC      1 C1:177716717066177 C2:udududdudddudud M:6/8   K:G            H:"LRSZ  T:Bashful Fifteen
ABC      1 C1:177716717066177 C2:udududdudddudud M:6/8   K:G            H:"LRSZ  T:Bashful Fifteen
ABC      1 C1:177716717066177 C2:udududdudddudud M:6/8   K:G            H:"LRSZ  T:Bashful Fifteen
ABC      1 C1:177716717066177 C2:udududdudddudud M:6/8   K:G            H:"LRSZ  T:Bashful Fifteen
ABC 491038 C1:000770050311000 C2:ddduuuudduddddd M:3/4   K:G            H:BLSYZ  T:BASHFUL LOVER, The
ABC    550 C1:000770050311000 C2:ddduuuudduddddd M:3/4   K:G            H:BLQZ   T:The Bashful Lover
ABC    550 C1:000770050311000 C2:ddduuuudduddddd M:3/4   K:G            H:BLQZ   T:The Bashful Lover
ABC    550 C1:000770050311000 C2:ddduuuudduddddd M:3/4   K:G            H:BLQZ   T:The Bashful Lover
ABC    550 C1:000770050311000 C2:ddduuuudduddddd M:3/4   K:G            H:BLQZ   T:The Bashful Lover
ABC    551 C1:000770050311000 C2:ddduuuudduddddd M:3/4   K:G            H:BLQZ   T:The Bashful Lover
ABC    551 C1:000770050311000 C2:ddduuuudduddddd M:3/4   K:G            H:BLQZ   T:The Bashful Lover
ABC    551 C1:000770050311000 C2:ddduuuudduddddd M:3/4   K:G            H:BLQZ   T:The Bashful Lover
ABC    550 C1:000770050311000 C2:ddduuuudduddddd M:3/4   K:G            H:BLQZ   T:Bashful Lover., The
ABC    550 C1:000770050311000 C2:ddduuuudduddddd M:3/4   K:G            H:BLQRZbs T:the Bashful Lover
ABC    550 C1:000770050311000 C2:ddduuuudduddddd M:3/4   K:G            H:BLQRZbs T:the Bashful Lover
ABC    550 C1:000770050311000 C2:ddduuuudduddddd M:3/4   K:G            H:BLQRZbs T:the Bashful Lover
ABC    550 C1:000770050311000 C2:ddduuuudduddddd M:3/4   K:G            H:BLQRZbs T:the Bashful Lover
ABC    550 C1:000770050311000 C2:ddduuuudduddddd M:3/4   K:G            H:BLQRZbs T:the Bashful Lover
ABC    550 C1:000770050311000 C2:ddduuuudduddddd M:3/4   K:G            H:BLQRZbs T:the Bashful Lover
ABC    550 C1:000770050311000 C2:ddduuuudduddddd M:3/4   K:G            H:BLQRZbs T:the Bashful Lover
ABC    550 C1:000770050311000 C2:ddduuuudduddddd M:3/4   K:G            H:BLQRZbs T:the Bashful Lover
ABC    550 C1:000770050311000 C2:ddduuuudduddddd M:3/4   K:G            H:BLQRZbs T:the Bashful Lover
ABC    550 C1:000770050311000 C2:ddduuuudduddddd M:3/4   K:G            H:BLQZ   T:The Bashful Lover
ABC    550 C1:000770050311000 C2:ddduuuudduddddd M:3/4   K:G            H:BLQZ   T:Bashful Lover., The
ABC 491038 C1:000770050311000 C2:ddduuuudduddddd M:3/4   K:G            H:BLSYZ  T:BASHFUL LOVER, The
ABC 491038 C1:000770050311000 C2:ddduuuudduddddd M:3/4   K:G            H:BLSYZ  T:BASHFUL LOVER, The
ABC    550 C1:000770050311000 C2:ddduuuudduddddd M:3/4   K:G            H:BLQZ   T:The Bashful Lover
ABC    550 C1:000770050311000 C2:ddduuuudduddddd M:3/4   K:G            H:BLQZ   T:Bashful Lover., The
ABC    550 C1:000770050311000 C2:ddduuuudduddddd M:3/4   K:G            H:BLQZ   T:The Bashful Lover
ABC    551 C1:000770050311000 C2:ddduuuudduddddd M:3/4   K:G            H:BLQZ   T:The Bashful Lover
ABC    550 C1:000770050311000 C2:ddduuuudduddddd M:3/4   K:G            H:BLQZ   T:The Bashful Lover
ABC    551 C1:000770050311000 C2:ddduuuudduddddd M:3/4   K:G            H:BLQZ   T:The Bashful Lover
ABC   1037 C1:620062062306620 C2:dududuuddududud M:6/8   K:D            H:BLORZbs T:the Bashful Maid #2
ABC   1037 C1:620062062306620 C2:dududuuddududud M:6/8   K:D            H:BLORZbs T:the Bashful Maid #2
ABC    247 C1:620062062306620 C2:dududuuddududud M:6/8   K:D            H:BFLRZbs T:the Bashful Maid #2
ABC    247 C1:620062062306620 C2:dududuuddududud M:6/8   K:D            H:BFLRZbs T:the Bashful Maid #2
ABC 493017 C1:200620623066205 C2:ududuuddudududu M:6/8   K:D            H:BLRS   T:BASHFUL MAID, The
ABC   1070 C1:200620623066205 C2:ududuuddudududu M:6/8   K:D            H:BLRZ   T:The Bashful Maid
ABC   1070 C1:200620623066205 C2:ududuuddudududu M:6/8   K:D            H:BLRZ   T:The Bashful Maid
ABC   1070 C1:200620623066205 C2:ududuuddudududu M:6/8   K:D            H:BLRZ   T:The Bashful Maid
ABC   1037 C1:200620623066205 C2:ududuuddudududu M:6/8   K:D            H:BLRZ   T:The Bashful Maid
ABC      1 C1:200620623066205 C2:ududuuddudududu M:6/8   K:D            H:BCLORZ T:The bashful maid
ABC   1037 C1:620062062306620 C2:dududuuddududud M:6/8   K:D            H:BLORZbs T:the Bashful Maid
ABC   1037 C1:620062062306620 C2:dududuuddududud M:6/8   K:D            H:BLORZbs T:the Bashful Maid
ABC   1037 C1:620062062306620 C2:dududuuddududud M:6/8   K:D            H:BLORZbs T:the Bashful Maid
ABC   1037 C1:620062062306620 C2:dududuuddududud M:6/8   K:D            H:BLORZbs T:the Bashful Maid
ABC   1037 C1:620062062306620 C2:dududuuddududud M:6/8   K:D            H:BLORZbs T:the Bashful Maid
ABC   1037 C1:620062062306620 C2:dududuuddududud M:6/8   K:D            H:BLORZbs T:the Bashful Maid
ABC    247 C1:200620623066205 C2:ududuuddudududu M:6/8   K:D            H:BLORZ  T:The Bashful Maid
ABC    247 C1:200620623066205 C2:ududuuddudududu M:6/8   K:D            H:BLORZ  T:The Bashful Maid
ABC    247 C1:200620623066205 C2:ududuuddudududu M:6/8   K:D            H:BLORZ  T:The Bashful Maid
ABC      1 C1:040000060200060 C2:ududuuddudududu M:6/8   K:D            H:CLQR   T:The Bashful Maid
ABC      1 C1:040000060200060 C2:ududuuddudududu M:6/8   K:D            H:CLQR   T:The Bashful Maid
ABC      1 C1:040000060200060 C2:ududuuddudududu M:6/8   K:D            H:CLQR   T:The Bashful Maid
ABC    247 C1:620062062306620 C2:dududuuddududud M:6/8   K:D            H:BFLRZbs T:the Bashful Maid
ABC    247 C1:620062062306620 C2:dududuuddududud M:6/8   K:D            H:BFLRZbs T:the Bashful Maid
ABC    247 C1:620062062306620 C2:dududuuddududud M:6/8   K:D            H:BFLRZbs T:the Bashful Maid
ABC    247 C1:620062062306620 C2:dududuuddududud M:6/8   K:D            H:BFLRZbs T:the Bashful Maid
ABC      1 C1:200620623066205 C2:ududuuddudududu M:6/8   K:D            H:LRSZ   T:Bashful Maid, The
ABC   1037 C1:200620623066205 C2:ududuuddudududu M:6/8   K:D            H:BLRZ   T:The Bashful Maid
ABC 493017 C1:200620623066205 C2:ududuuddudududu M:6/8   K:D            H:BLRS   T:BASHFUL MAID, The
ABC 493017 C1:200620623066205 C2:ududuuddudududu M:6/8   K:D            H:BLRS   T:BASHFUL MAID, The
ABC   1037 C1:200620623066205 C2:ududuuddudududu M:6/8   K:D            H:BLRZ   T:The Bashful Maid
ABC    247 C1:200620623066205 C2:ududuuddudududu M:6/8   K:D            H:BCFLORWZ T:The bashful maid
ABC    247 C1:200620623066205 C2:ududuuddudududu M:6/8   K:D            H:BLORZ  T:The Bashful Maid
ABC    247 C1:200620623066205 C2:ududuuddudududu M:6/8   K:D            H:BLORZ  T:The Bashful Maid
ABC  12815 C1:200620623066205 C2:ududuuddudududu M:6/8   K:D            H:BCLORZ T:The bashful maid
ABC  12815 C1:200620623066205 C2:ududuuddudududu M:6/8   K:D            H:BCLORZ T:The bashful maid
ABC  12815 C1:200620623066205 C2:ududuuddudududu M:6/8   K:D            H:BCLORZ T:The bashful maid
ABC  12815 C1:200620623066205 C2:ududuuddudududu M:6/8   K:D            H:BCLORZ T:The bashful maid
ABC  12815 C1:200620623066205 C2:ududuuddudududu M:6/8   K:D            H:BCLORZ T:The bashful maid
ABC   2391 C1:200620623066205 C2:ududuuddudududu M:6/8   K:D            H:BCLORZ T:The bashful maid
ABC   1070 C1:200620623066205 C2:ududuuddudududu M:6/8   K:D            H:BLRZ   T:The Bashful Maid
ABC   1070 C1:200620623066205 C2:ududuuddudududu M:6/8   K:D            H:BLRZ   T:The Bashful Maid
ABC      1 C1:020001110500050 C2:uuuududdudduuuu M:C|    K:Dm           H:BLZ    T:THE BASHFUL SWAIN
ABC      1 C1:020001110500050 C2:uuuududdudduuuu M:C|    K:Dm           H:BLZ    T:THE BASHFUL SWAIN
ABC      1 C1:000200000001010 C2:uuuududdudduduu M:4/4   K:Em           H:ACILORS T:The Bashful Swain
ABC      4 C1:020001110500050 C2:uuuududdudduuuu M:C|    K:Dm           H:BLZ    T:THE BASHFUL SWAIN
ABC      4 C1:020001110500050 C2:uuuududdudduuuu M:C|    K:Dm           H:BLZ    T:THE BASHFUL SWAIN
ABC     73 C1:220125057717000 C2:uuuuuududdudduu M:2/2   K:Dm           H:"BCLQRS T:The Bashful Swain
ABC     73 C1:220125057717000 C2:uuuuuududdudduu M:2/2   K:Dm           H:"BCLQRS T:The Bashful Swain
ABC     90 C1:201250577170002 C2:uuuududdudduuuu M:C|    K:Dm           H:BLQWZ  T:Bashful Swain. PFD3.090, The
ABC     90 C1:201250577170002 C2:uuuududdudduuuu M:C|    K:Dm           H:BLQWZ  T:Bashful Swain. PFD3.090, The
ABC      1 C1:001600161771011 C2:udududduuuuduuu M:4/4   K:G            H:ACIORS T:Bash the Carp
ABC    979 C1:001600161771011 C2:udududduuuuduuu M:4/4   K:G            H:ACIORS T:Bash the Carp
ABC    979 C1:001600161771011 C2:udududduuuuduuu M:4/4   K:G            H:ACIORS T:Bash the Carp
ABC    979 C1:001600161771011 C2:udududduuuuduuu M:4/4   K:G            H:ACIORS T:Bash the Carp
ABC    979 C1:001600161771011 C2:udududduuuuduuu M:4/4   K:G            H:ACIORS T:Bash the Carp
ABC    979 C1:001600161771011 C2:udududduuuuduuu M:4/4   K:G            H:ACIORS T:Bash the Carp
ABC    148 C1:323323325000775 C2:uuduuduuudduddu M:6/8   K:A            H:"CLZ   T:Basic Melody
ABC      1 C1:007100277111007 C2:duudduuuduuudud M:4/4   K:G            H:ALRSZ  T:Basil Cosgrove's Pine Tree Flat Barn Dance
ABC      1 C1:007100277111007 C2:duudduuuduuudud M:4/4   K:G            H:ALRSZ  T:Basil Cosgrove's Pine Tree Flat Barn Dance
ABC      1 C1:007100277111007 C2:duudduuuduuudud M:4/4   K:G            H:ALRSZ  T:Basil Cosgrove's Pine Tree Flat Barn Dance
ABC     42 C1:007100277111007 C2:duudduuuduuudud M:4/4   K:G            H:"LORS  T:Basil Cosgrove's Pine Tree Flat Barn Dance
ABC     25 C1:007100277111007 C2:duudduuuduuudud M:4/4   K:G            H:ALRSZ  T:Basil Cosgrove's Pine Tree Flat Barn Dance
ABC     25 C1:007100277111007 C2:duudduuuduuudud M:4/4   K:G            H:ALRSZ  T:Basil Cosgrove's Pine Tree Flat Barn Dance
ABC     25 C1:007100277111007 C2:duudduuuduuudud M:4/4   K:G            H:ALRSZ  T:Basil Cosgrove's Pine Tree Flat Barn Dance
ABC     29 C1:007100277111007 C2:duudduuuduuudud M:4/4   K:G            H:ALRSWZ T:Basil Cosgrove's Pine Tree Flat Barn Dance
ABC   1069 C1:007100277111007 C2:duudduuuduuudud M:4/4   K:G            H:ALRSZ  T:Basil Cosgrove's Pine Tree Flat Barn Dance
ABC   1133 C1:007100277111007 C2:duudduuuduuudud M:4/4   K:G            H:ALRSZ  T:Basil Cosgrove's Pine Tree Flat Barn Dance
ABC   2337 C1:007100277111007 C2:duudduuuduuudud M:4/4   K:G            H:ALRSZ  T:Basil Cosgrove's Pine Tree Flat Barn Dance
ABC   1069 C1:007100277111007 C2:duudduuuduuudud M:4/4   K:G            H:ALRSZ  T:Basil Cosgrove's Pine Tree Flat Barn Dance
ABC   1133 C1:007100277111007 C2:duudduuuduuudud M:4/4   K:G            H:ALRSZ  T:Basil Cosgrove's Pine Tree Flat Barn Dance
ABC   2337 C1:007100277111007 C2:duudduuuduuudud M:4/4   K:G            H:ALRSZ  T:Basil Cosgrove's Pine Tree Flat Barn Dance
ABC     79 C1:007100277111007 C2:duudduuuduuudud M:4/4   K:G            H:ALRSZ  T:Basil Cosgrove's Pine Tree Flat Barn Dance
ABC   6659 C1:007100277111007 C2:duudduuuduuudud M:4/4   K:G            H:ALRSZ  T:Basil Cosgrove's Pine Tree Flat Barn Dance
ABC   6659 C1:007100277111007 C2:duudduuuduuudud M:4/4   K:G            H:ALRSZ  T:Basil Cosgrove's Pine Tree Flat Barn Dance
ABC    432 C1:007100277111007 C2:duudduuuduuudud M:4/4   K:G            H:ALORS  T:Basil Cosgrove's Pine Tree Flat Barn Dance
ABC   2423 C1:007100277111007 C2:duudduuuduuudud M:4/4   K:G            H:ALORS  T:Basil Cosgrove's Pine Tree Flat Barn Dance
ABC    432 C1:007100277111007 C2:duudduuuduuudud M:4/4   K:G            H:ALORS  T:Basil Cosgrove's Pine Tree Flat Barn Dance
ABC   2423 C1:007100277111007 C2:duudduuuduuudud M:4/4   K:G            H:ALORS  T:Basil Cosgrove's Pine Tree Flat Barn Dance
ABC    981 C1:007100277111007 C2:duudduuuduuudud M:4/4   K:G            H:ALRSZ  T:Basil Cosgrove's Pine Tree Flat Barn Dance
ABC   5252 C1:007100277111007 C2:duudduuuduuudud M:4/4   K:G            H:ALRSZ  T:Basil Cosgrove's Pine Tree Flat Barn Dance
ABC   5253 C1:007100277111007 C2:duudduuuduuudud M:4/4   K:G            H:ALRSZ  T:Basil Cosgrove's Pine Tree Flat Barn Dance
ABC    981 C1:007100277111007 C2:duudduuuduuudud M:4/4   K:G            H:ALRSZ  T:Basil Cosgrove's Pine Tree Flat Barn Dance
ABC   5252 C1:007100277111007 C2:duudduuuduuudud M:4/4   K:G            H:ALRSZ  T:Basil Cosgrove's Pine Tree Flat Barn Dance
ABC   5253 C1:007100277111007 C2:duudduuuduuudud M:4/4   K:G            H:ALRSZ  T:Basil Cosgrove's Pine Tree Flat Barn Dance
ABC    981 C1:007100277111007 C2:duudduuuduuudud M:4/4   K:G            H:ALRSZ  T:Basil Cosgrove's Pine Tree Flat Barn Dance
ABC   5252 C1:007100277111007 C2:duudduuuduuudud M:4/4   K:G            H:ALRSZ  T:Basil Cosgrove's Pine Tree Flat Barn Dance
ABC   5253 C1:007100277111007 C2:duudduuuduuudud M:4/4   K:G            H:ALRSZ  T:Basil Cosgrove's Pine Tree Flat Barn Dance
ABC    981 C1:007100277111007 C2:duudduuuduuudud M:4/4   K:G            H:ALRSZ  T:Basil Cosgrove's Pine Tree Flat Barn Dance
ABC   5252 C1:007100277111007 C2:duudduuuduuudud M:4/4   K:G            H:ALRSZ  T:Basil Cosgrove's Pine Tree Flat Barn Dance
ABC   5253 C1:007100277111007 C2:duudduuuduuudud M:4/4   K:G            H:ALRSZ  T:Basil Cosgrove's Pine Tree Flat Barn Dance
ABC    981 C1:007100277111007 C2:duudduuuduuudud M:4/4   K:G            H:ALRSZ  T:Basil Cosgrove's Pine Tree Flat Barn Dance
ABC   5252 C1:007100277111007 C2:duudduuuduuudud M:4/4   K:G            H:ALRSZ  T:Basil Cosgrove's Pine Tree Flat Barn Dance
ABC   5253 C1:007100277111007 C2:duudduuuduuudud M:4/4   K:G            H:ALRSZ  T:Basil Cosgrove's Pine Tree Flat Barn Dance
ABC      1 C1:000017700006111 C2:uddduudduuudddd M:6/8   K:Dm           H:"ACDGLOQRSZ T:A Basilisa (Arrg.)
ABC     23 C1:000017700006111 C2:uddduudduuudddd M:6/8   K:Dm           H:"ACDGLOQRSZ T:A Basilisa (Arrg.)
ABC    116 C1:000017700006111 C2:uddduudduuudddd M:6/8   K:Dm           H:"ACDGLOQRSZ T:A Basilisa (Arrg.)
ABC    116 C1:000017700006111 C2:uddduudduuudddd M:6/8   K:Dm           H:"ACDGLOQRSZ T:A Basilisa (Arrg.)
ABC    115 C1:000017700006111 C2:uddduudduuudddd M:6/8   K:Dm           H:"CDLOQ T:A Basilisa (Arrg. D)
ABC    115 C1:000017700006111 C2:uddduudduuudddd M:6/8   K:Dm           H:"CDLOQ T:A Basilisa (Arrg. D)
ABC     71 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:CLQRZ  T:Basin Street Blues - Clarinet (3:46) (1225)
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:CLQRZ  T:Basin Street Blues - Drum (3:45) (1735)
ABC     21 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:CLQRZ  T:Basin Street Blues - Harp (3:46) (966)
ABC     61 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:CLQRZ  T:Basin Street Blues - Horn (3:46) (1113)
ABC     11 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:CLQRZ  T:Basin Street Blues - Lute (3:45) (1295)
ABC     31 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:CLQRZ  T:Basin Street Blues - Theorbo (3:45) (522)
ABC      1 C1:717500041400052 C2:dududdududuuuud M:4/4   K:C            H:LQ     T:Basket Case Solo (made by Bramnl)
ABC   1132 C1:007101020706000 C2:duuuddudduddudu M:2/4   K:D            H:BFL    T:BASKET COTILLON
ABC   1132 C1:007101020706000 C2:duuuddudduddudu M:2/4   K:D            H:BFL    T:BASKET COTILLON
ABC   1132 C1:007101020706000 C2:duuuddudduddudu M:2/4   K:D            H:BFL    T:BASKET COTILLON
ABC   1132 C1:007101020706000 C2:duuuddudduddudu M:2/4   K:D            H:BFL    T:BASKET COTILLON
ABC      1 C1:070707070101010 C2:dddduuuduuuuuuu M:2/4   K:G            H:CL     T:Basket Hornpipe
ABC      1 C1:777711611111011 C2:dddduuduuuuuuuu M:4/4   K:G            H:"L     T:Basket hornpipe
ABC    433 C1:070707070101010 C2:dddduuuduuuuuuu M:2/4   K:G            H:CLO    T:Basket Hornpipe
ABC    433 C1:070707070101010 C2:dddduuuduuuuuuu M:2/4   K:G            H:CLO    T:Basket Hornpipe
ABC    982 C1:070707070101010 C2:dddduuuduuuuuuu M:2/4   K:G            H:CL     T:Basket Hornpipe
ABC    982 C1:070707070101010 C2:dddduuuduuuuuuu M:2/4   K:G            H:CL     T:Basket Hornpipe
ABC    982 C1:070707070101010 C2:dddduuuduuuuuuu M:2/4   K:G            H:CL     T:Basket Hornpipe
ABC    982 C1:070707070101010 C2:dddduuuduuuuuuu M:2/4   K:G            H:CL     T:Basket Hornpipe
ABC    982 C1:070707070101010 C2:dddduuuduuuuuuu M:2/4   K:G            H:CL     T:Basket Hornpipe
ABC     23 C1:777711161111011 C2:dddduuuduuuuuuu M:C     K:G            H:BFLZ   T:the Basket Hornpipe Down
ABC     23 C1:777711161111011 C2:dddduuuduuuuuuu M:C     K:G            H:BFLZ   T:The Basket Hornpipe Down
ABC     23 C1:777711161111011 C2:dddduuuduuuuuuu M:C     K:G            H:BFLZ   T:The Basket Hornpipe Down
ABC     23 C1:777711161111011 C2:dddduuuduuuuuuu M:C     K:G            H:BFLZ   T:The Basket Hornpipe Down
ABC     23 C1:777711161111011 C2:dddduuuduuuuuuu M:C     K:G            H:BFLZ   T:The Basket Hornpipe Down
ABC     23 C1:777711161111011 C2:dddduuuduuuuuuu M:C     K:G            H:BFLZ   T:The Basket Hornpipe Down
ABC      1 C1:110111115665177 C2:uuuuuuuddduuddd M:6/8   K:G            H:"CLV   T:Basket of apples
ABC 182318 C1:057121767762261 C2:uduuuddddduuduu M:6/8   K:G            H:CLQR   T:BASKET OF EGGS 1
ABC 182318 C1:057121767762261 C2:uduuuddddduuduu M:6/8   K:G            H:CLQR   T:BASKET OF EGGS 1
ABC 182318 C1:057121767762261 C2:uduuuddddduuduu M:6/8   K:G            H:CLQR   T:BASKET OF EGGS 1
ABC 182319 C1:157070200071600 C2:uddduududuuudud M:6/4   K:G            H:CLQR   T:BASKET OF EGGS 2
ABC 182319 C1:157070200071600 C2:uddduududuuudud M:6/4   K:G            H:CLQR   T:BASKET OF EGGS 2
ABC 182319 C1:157070200071600 C2:uddduududuuudud M:6/4   K:G            H:CLQR   T:BASKET OF EGGS 2
ABC      1 C1:176706020001767 C2:udddduuddduuduu M:4/4   K:Bb           H:L      T:Basket of Eggs
ABC      1 C1:570121767762270 C2:uduuuddddduudud M:6/8   K:G            H:BLR    T:the Basket of Eggs
ABC      1 C1:570121767762270 C2:uduuuddddduudud M:6/8   K:G            H:BLR    T:the Basket of Eggs
ABC      1 C1:570121767762270 C2:uduuuddddduudud M:6/8   K:G            H:BLR    T:the Basket of Eggs
ABC      1 C1:570121767762270 C2:uduuuddddduudud M:6/8   K:G            H:BLR    T:the Basket of Eggs
ABC      1 C1:570121767762270 C2:uduuuddddduudud M:6/8   K:G            H:BLR    T:the Basket of Eggs
ABC      1 C1:570121767762270 C2:uduuuddddduudud M:6/8   K:G            H:BLR    T:the Basket of Eggs
ABC      1 C1:570121767762270 C2:uduuuddddduudud M:6/8   K:G            H:BLR    T:the Basket of Eggs
ABC      1 C1:570121767762270 C2:uduuuddddduudud M:6/8   K:G            H:BLR    T:the Basket of Eggs
ABC      1 C1:570121767762270 C2:uduuuddddduudud M:6/8   K:G            H:BLR    T:the Basket of Eggs
ABC      1 C1:570121767762270 C2:uduuuddddduudud M:6/8   K:G            H:BLR    T:the Basket of Eggs
ABC      1 C1:176706020001767 C2:udddduuddduuduu M:4/4   K:Bb           H:L      T:Basket of Eggs
ABC      1 C1:176706020001767 C2:udddduuddduuduu M:4/4   K:Bb           H:L      T:Basket of Eggs
ABC      1 C1:570121767762270 C2:uduuuddddduudud M:6/8   K:G            H:BLRS   T:the Basket of Eggs
ABC      1 C1:570121767762270 C2:uduuuddddduudud M:6/8   K:G            H:BLRS   T:the Basket of Eggs
ABC      1 C1:570121767762270 C2:uduuuddddduudud M:6/8   K:G            H:BLRS   T:the Basket of Eggs
ABC      1 C1:570121767762270 C2:uduuuddddduudud M:6/8   K:G            H:BLRS   T:the Basket of Eggs
ABC      1 C1:570121767762270 C2:uduuuddddduudud M:6/8   K:G            H:BLRS   T:the Basket of Eggs
ABC      1 C1:570121767762270 C2:uduuuddddduudud M:6/8   K:G            H:BLRS   T:the Basket of Eggs
ABC      1 C1:570121767762270 C2:uduuuddddduudud M:6/8   K:G            H:BLRS   T:the Basket of Eggs
ABC      1 C1:570121767762270 C2:uduuuddddduudud M:6/8   K:G            H:BLRS   T:the Basket of Eggs
ABC      1 C1:570121767762270 C2:uduuuddddduudud M:6/8   K:G            H:BLRS   T:the Basket of Eggs
ABC      1 C1:570121767762270 C2:uduuuddddduudud M:6/8   K:G            H:BLRS   T:the Basket of Eggs
ABC      1 C1:570121767762270 C2:uduuuddddduudud M:6/8   K:G            H:BLRS   T:the Basket of Eggs
ABC      1 C1:570121767762270 C2:uduuuddddduudud M:6/8   K:G            H:BLRS   T:the Basket of Eggs
ABC      1 C1:570121767762270 C2:uduuuddddduudud M:6/8   K:G            H:BLRS   T:the Basket of Eggs
ABC     35 C1:570121767762270 C2:uduuuddddduudud M:6/8   K:G            H:BLR    T:the Basket of Eggs
ABC    585 C1:570121767762270 C2:uduuuddddduudud M:6/8   K:G            H:LRSZ   T:Basket of Eggs
ABC     40 C1:570121767762270 C2:uduuuddddduudud M:6/8   K:G            H:LRSZ   T:Basket of Eggs
ABC    145 C1:362717162534435 C2:dududdududududu M:4/4   K:Bb           H:ALOQRSZ T:Basket of Eggs, aka. JC.144
ABC    145 C1:362717162534435 C2:dududdududududu M:4/4   K:Bb           H:ABLQZ  T:Basket of Eggs, aka. JC.144
ABC    145 C1:362717162534435 C2:dududdududududu M:4/4   K:Bb           H:ABLQZ  T:Basket of Eggs, aka. JC.144
ABC    145 C1:362717162534435 C2:dududdududududu M:4/4   K:Bb           H:ABLOQRSZ T:Basket of Eggs, aka. JC.144
ABC    558 C1:362717162534435 C2:dududdududududu M:4/4   K:Bb           H:AFLOQRSZ T:Basket of Eggs, aka. JC.144
ABC   2015 C1:362717162534435 C2:dududdududududu M:4/4   K:Bb           H:AFLOQRSZ T:Basket of Eggs, aka. JC.144
ABC  10411 C1:362717162534435 C2:dududdududududu M:4/4   K:Bb           H:AFLOQRSZ T:Basket of Eggs, aka. JC.144
ABC  10411 C1:362717162534435 C2:dududdududududu M:4/4   K:Bb           H:AFLOQRSZ T:Basket of Eggs, aka. JC.144
ABC    558 C1:362717162534435 C2:dududdududududu M:4/4   K:Bb           H:AFLOQRSZ T:Basket of Eggs, aka. JC.144
ABC   2015 C1:362717162534435 C2:dududdududududu M:4/4   K:Bb           H:AFLOQRSZ T:Basket of Eggs, aka. JC.144
ABC    145 C1:362717162534435 C2:dududdududududu M:4/4   K:Bb           H:ABLOQRSZ T:Basket of Eggs, aka. JC.144
ABC     17 C1:470111702111773 C2:dduuudduuuuuudd M:3/4   K:G            H:Lw     T:The Basket of Eggs, Version 1 of 2
ABC     17 C1:470111702111773 C2:dduuudduuuuuudd M:3/4   K:G            H:Lw     T:The Basket of Eggs, Version 1 of 2
ABC     17 C1:470111702111773 C2:dduuudduuuuuudd M:3/4   K:G            H:Lw     T:The Basket of Eggs, Version 1 of 2
ABC     17 C1:470111702111773 C2:dduuudduuuuuudd M:3/4   K:G            H:Lw     T:The Basket of Eggs, Version 1 of 2
ABC     17 C1:470111702111773 C2:dduuudduuuuuudd M:3/4   K:G            H:Lw     T:The Basket of Eggs, Version 1 of 2
ABC     17 C1:470111702111773 C2:dduuudduuuuuudd M:3/4   K:G            H:Lw     T:The Basket of Eggs, Version 1 of 2
ABC     17 C1:470111702111773 C2:dduuudduuuuuudd M:3/4   K:G            H:Lw     T:The Basket of Eggs, Version 1 of 2
ABC     17 C1:470111702111773 C2:dduuudduuuuuudd M:3/4   K:G            H:Lw     T:The Basket of Eggs, Version 1 of 2
ABC     17 C1:470111702111773 C2:dduuudduuuuuudd M:3/4   K:G            H:Lw     T:The Basket of Eggs, Version 1 of 2
ABC     42 C1:170117167117716 C2:uduududduuddudu M:6/8   K:G            H:LS     T:Basket of Oysters (#152), The
ABC     42 C1:170117167117716 C2:uduududduuddudu M:6/8   K:G            H:LS     T:Basket of Oysters (#152), The
ABC     42 C1:170117167117716 C2:uduududduuddudu M:6/8   K:G            H:LS     T:Basket of Oysters (#152), The
ABC     42 C1:170117167117716 C2:uduududduuddudu M:6/8   K:G            H:LS     T:Basket of Oysters (#152), The
ABC     42 C1:170117167117716 C2:uduududduuddudu M:6/8   K:G            H:LS     T:Basket of Oysters (#152), The
ABC     42 C1:170117167117716 C2:uduududduuddudu M:6/8   K:G            H:LS     T:Basket of Oysters (#152), The
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:6/8   K:Em           H:R      T:Basket of Oysters [1], A; or Paddy the Weaver
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:6/8   K:D            H:BLRZ   T:Basket of Oysters [2], The
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:6/8   K:D            H:LRSZ   T:The Basket of Oysters [2]
ABC      1 C1:060106035077000 C2:dududddduuuudud M:2/4   K:G            H:L      T:The Basket of Oysters
ABC      1 C1:060106035077000 C2:dududddduuuudud M:2/4   K:G            H:L      T:The Basket of Oysters
ABC      1 C1:060106035077000 C2:dududddduuuudud M:2/4   K:G            H:L      T:The Basket of Oysters
ABC 332003 C1:710117077001077 C2:duuudddudduuddd M:6/8   K:Bm           H:BCLQR  T:BASKET OF OYSTERS, The
ABC    156 C1:170117167117716 C2:uduududduuddudu M:6/8   K:G            H:LS     T:The Basket of Oysters
ABC    156 C1:170117167117716 C2:uduududduuddudu M:6/8   K:G            H:LS     T:The Basket of Oysters
ABC    156 C1:170117167117716 C2:uduududduuddudu M:6/8   K:G            H:LS     T:The Basket of Oysters
ABC    370 C1:170117167117716 C2:uduududduuddudu M:6/8   K:Em           H:LQR    T:Basket of Oysters
ABC    370 C1:170117167117716 C2:uduududduuddudu M:6/8   K:Em           H:LQR    T:Basket of Oysters
ABC    370 C1:170117167117716 C2:uduududduuddudu M:6/8   K:Em           H:LQR    T:Basket of Oysters
ABC    370 C1:170117167117716 C2:uduududduuddudu M:6/8   K:Em           H:LQR    T:Basket of Oysters
ABC   5090 C1:000117077117777 C2:uuddduuddddudud M:6/8   K:D            H:BLORSZ T:the Basket of Oysters
ABC  48404 C1:170117167117716 C2:uduududduuddudu M:6/8   K:Em           H:BCLQRY T:BASKET OF OYSTERS, The
ABC 332003 C1:710117077001077 C2:duuudddudduuddd M:6/8   K:Bm           H:BCLQR  T:BASKET OF OYSTERS, The
ABC 332003 C1:710117077001077 C2:duuudddudduuddd M:6/8   K:Bm           H:BCLQR  T:BASKET OF OYSTERS, The
ABC    370 C1:170117167117716 C2:uduududduuddudu M:6/8   K:Em           H:LQR    T:Basket of Oysters
ABC    370 C1:170117167117716 C2:uduududduuddudu M:6/8   K:Em           H:LQR    T:Basket of Oysters
ABC  48404 C1:170117167117716 C2:uduududduuddudu M:6/8   K:Em           H:BCLQRY T:BASKET OF OYSTERS, The
ABC  48404 C1:170117167117716 C2:uduududduuddudu M:6/8   K:Em           H:BCLQRY T:BASKET OF OYSTERS, The
ABC   0890 C1:000117077117770 C2:uuddduudddduudd M:6/8   K:B            H:CILQZ  T:The Basket of Oysters,
ABC   0890 C1:000117077117770 C2:uuddduudddduudd M:6/8   K:B            H:CILQZ  T:The Basket of Oysters,
ABC   0890 C1:000117077117770 C2:uuddduudddduudd M:6/8   K:B            H:CILQZ  T:The Basket of Oysters,
ABC   0890 C1:000117077117770 C2:uuddduudddduudd M:6/8   K:B            H:CILQZ  T:The Basket of Oysters,
ABC   0890 C1:000117077117770 C2:uuddduudddduudd M:6/8   K:B            H:CILQZ  T:The Basket of Oysters,
ABC   0890 C1:000117077117770 C2:uuddduudddduudd M:6/8   K:B            H:CILQZ  T:The Basket of Oysters,
ABC   0890 C1:000117077117770 C2:uuddduudddduudd M:6/8   K:B            H:CILQZ  T:The Basket of Oysters,
ABC   0890 C1:000117077117770 C2:uuddduudddduudd M:6/8   K:B            H:CILQZ  T:The Basket of Oysters,
ABC   0890 C1:000117077117770 C2:uuddduudddduudd M:6/8   K:B            H:CILQZ  T:The Basket of Oysters,
ABC   5090 C1:000117077117777 C2:uuddduuddddudud M:6/8   K:D            H:BLORSZ T:the Basket of Oysters
ABC   5090 C1:000117077117777 C2:uuddduuddddudud M:6/8   K:D            H:BLORSZ T:the Basket of Oysters
ABC    156 C1:170117167117716 C2:uduududduuddudu M:6/8   K:G            H:LS     T:The Basket of Oysters
ABC    156 C1:170117167117716 C2:uduududduuddudu M:6/8   K:G            H:LS     T:The Basket of Oysters
ABC   5090 C1:000117077117777 C2:uuddduuddddudud M:6/8   K:D            H:BLORSZ T:The Basket of Oysters
ABC   5090 C1:000117077117777 C2:uuddduuddddudud M:6/8   K:D            H:BLORSZ T:The Basket of Oysters
ABC      2 C1:000117660210601 C2:uuddduudududuuu M:6/8   K:F            H:LRSZ   T:Basket of Oysters or Green Sleeves
ABC    514 C1:060172060037060 C2:dudududdduddudd M:6/8   K:E            H:LQS    T:A Basket of Oysters, or Paddy the Weaver
ABC      1 C1:060172060037060 C2:dudududdduddudd M:6/8   K:Em           H:R      T:a Basket of Oysters, or Pady the Weaver
ABC   3488 C1:060172060037060 C2:dudududdduddudd M:6/8   K:G            H:BLRSZ  T:a Basket of Oysters, or Pady the Weaver.
ABC   0488 C1:060172060037060 C2:dudududdduddudd M:6/8   K:E            H:ILQZ   T:A Basket of Oysters, or Pady the Weaver
ABC   0488 C1:060172060037060 C2:dudududdduddudd M:6/8   K:E            H:ILQZ   T:A Basket of Oysters, or Pady the Weaver
ABC   0488 C1:060172060037060 C2:dudududdduddudd M:6/8   K:E            H:ILQZ   T:A Basket of Oysters, or Pady the Weaver
ABC   0488 C1:060172060037060 C2:dudududdduddudd M:6/8   K:E            H:ILQZ   T:A Basket of Oysters, or Pady the Weaver
ABC   0488 C1:060172060037060 C2:dudududdduddudd M:6/8   K:E            H:ILQZ   T:A Basket of Oysters, or Pady the Weaver
ABC   0488 C1:060172060037060 C2:dudududdduddudd M:6/8   K:E            H:ILQZ   T:A Basket of Oysters, or Pady the Weaver
ABC   0488 C1:060172060037060 C2:dudududdduddudd M:6/8   K:E            H:ILQZ   T:A Basket of Oysters, or Pady the Weaver
ABC   0488 C1:060172060037060 C2:dudududdduddudd M:6/8   K:E            H:ILQZ   T:A Basket of Oysters, or Pady the Weaver
ABC   0488 C1:060172060037060 C2:dudududdduddudd M:6/8   K:E            H:ILQZ   T:A Basket of Oysters, or Pady the Weaver
ABC   3488 C1:060172060037060 C2:dudududdduddudd M:6/8   K:G            H:BLRSZ  T:a Basket of Oysters, or Pady the Weaver.
ABC   3488 C1:060172060037060 C2:dudududdduddudd M:6/8   K:G            H:BLRSZ  T:a Basket of Oysters, or Pady the Weaver.
ABC    805 C1:060172060037060 C2:dudududdduddudd M:6/8   K:Em           H:R      T:a Basket of Oysters, or Pady the Weaver
ABC    805 C1:060172060037060 C2:dudududdduddudd M:6/8   K:Em           H:R      T:a Basket of Oysters, or Pady the Weaver
ABC     24 C1:060172060037060 C2:dudududdduddudd M:6/8   K:Em           H:OR     T:a Basket of Oysters, or Pady the Weaver
ABC     24 C1:060172060037060 C2:dudududdduddudd M:6/8   K:Em           H:OR     T:a Basket of Oysters, or Pady the Weaver
ABC    117 C1:060172060037060 C2:dudududdduddudd M:6/8   K:Em           H:R      T:A Basket of Oysters, or Pady the Weaver
ABC    117 C1:060172060037060 C2:dudududdduddudd M:6/8   K:Em           H:R      T:A Basket of Oysters, or Pady the Weaver
ABC   3488 C1:060172060037060 C2:dudududdduddudd M:6/8   K:G            H:BLRSZ  T:A Basket of Oysters, or Pady the Weaver.
ABC   3488 C1:060172060037060 C2:dudududdduddudd M:6/8   K:G            H:BLRSZ  T:A Basket of Oysters, or Pady the Weaver.
ABC    559 C1:060172060037060 C2:dudududdduddudd M:6/8   K:E            H:BFRZ   T:a Basket of Oysters, or Pady the Weaver
ABC    559 C1:060172060037060 C2:dudududdduddudd M:6/8   K:E            H:BFRZ   T:a Basket of Oysters, or Pady the Weaver
ABC    105 C1:060172060037060 C2:dudududdduddudd M:6/8   K:Em           H:R      T:a Basket of Oysters, or Pady the Weaver
ABC    105 C1:060172060037060 C2:dudududdduddudd M:6/8   K:Em           H:R      T:a Basket of Oysters, or Pady the Weaver
ABC    105 C1:060172060037060 C2:dudududdduddudd M:6/8   K:Em           H:R      T:a Basket of Oysters, or Pady the Weaver
ABC    105 C1:060172060037060 C2:dudududdduddudd M:6/8   K:Em           H:R      T:a Basket of Oysters, or Pady the Weaver
ABC    105 C1:060172060037060 C2:dudududdduddudd M:6/8   K:Em           H:R      T:a Basket of Oysters, or Pady the Weaver
ABC     88 C1:060172060037060 C2:dudududdduddudd M:6/8   K:E            H:BRZ    T:a Basket of Oysters, or Pady the Weaver
ABC  57009 C1:601111776077607 C2:duuuudddddduddu M:C     K:G            H:CQR    T:BASKET OF OYSTERS (reel), The
ABC  57009 C1:601111776077607 C2:duuuudddddduddu M:C     K:G            H:CQR    T:BASKET OF OYSTERS (reel), The
ABC  57009 C1:601111776077607 C2:duuuudddddduddu M:C\    K:G\           H:CQR    T:BASKET OF OYSTERS (reel), The\
ABC    735 C1:040077762277740 C2:udddduuddduuudd M:6/8   K:Em           H:BLORZbs T:the Basket of Turf #2
ABC    735 C1:040077762277740 C2:udddduuddduuudd M:6/8   K:Em           H:BLORZbs T:the Basket of Turf #2
ABC     32 C1:040077762277740 C2:udddduuddduuudd M:6/8   K:Em           H:BFLRZbs T:the Basket of Turf #2
ABC     32 C1:040077762277740 C2:udddduuddduuudd M:6/8   K:Em           H:BFLRZbs T:the Basket of Turf #2
ABC 182052 C1:712661400717661 C2:duudduududdduud M:6/8   K:Em           H:CLQR   T:BASKET OF TURF, The
ABC  62128 C1:400777200661400 C2:udddudduuuddddu M:6/8   K:D            H:QRZ    T:Basket of Turf
ABC 493018 C1:400777622777400 C2:udddduuddduuudd M:6/8   K:Em           H:BLRS   T:BASKET OF TURF, The
ABC    766 C1:400777622777400 C2:udddduuddduuudd M:6/8   K:Em           H:BLRZ   T:Basket of Turf
ABC    766 C1:400777622777400 C2:udddduuddduuudd M:6/8   K:Em           H:BLRZ   T:Basket of Turf
ABC    766 C1:400777622777400 C2:udddduuddduuudd M:6/8   K:Em           H:BLRZ   T:Basket of Turf
ABC    735 C1:400777622777400 C2:udddduuddduuudd M:6/8   K:Em           H:BLRZ   T:Basket of Turf
ABC    140 C1:400777712777400 C2:udddduuddduuudd M:6/8   K:G            H:CILRZ  T:Basket of Turf, The
ABC    739 C1:400777622777400 C2:udddduuddduuudd M:6/8   K:Em           H:BLRZ   T:The Basket of Turf
ABC    739 C1:400777622777400 C2:udddduuddduuudd M:6/8   K:Em           H:BLRZ   T:The Basket of Turf
ABC    739 C1:400777622777400 C2:udddduuddduuudd M:6/8   K:Em           H:BLRZ   T:The Basket of Turf
ABC    739 C1:400777622777400 C2:udddduuddduuudd M:6/8   K:Em           H:BLRZ   T:The Basket of Turf
ABC    735 C1:400777622777400 C2:udddduuddduuudd M:6/8   K:Em           H:BLRZ   T:The Basket of Turf
ABC 185018 C1:471777622777471 C2:ududddduudddudu M:6/8   K:D            H:CQR    T:BASKET OF TURF, The
ABC      1 C1:400777622777400 C2:udddduuddduuudd M:6/8   K:Em           H:BCLOQRZ T:The basket of Turf
ABC    735 C1:400777622777400 C2:udddduuddduuudd M:6/8   K:Em           H:BLORZbs T:the Basket of Turf
ABC    735 C1:400777622777400 C2:udddduuddduuudd M:6/8   K:Em           H:BLORZbs T:the Basket of Turf
ABC    735 C1:400777622777400 C2:udddduuddduuudd M:6/8   K:Em           H:BLORZbs T:the Basket of Turf
ABC    735 C1:400777622777400 C2:udddduuddduuudd M:6/8   K:Em           H:BLORZbs T:the Basket of Turf
ABC    735 C1:400777622777400 C2:udddduuddduuudd M:6/8   K:Em           H:BLORZbs T:the Basket of Turf
ABC    735 C1:040077762277740 C2:udddduuddduuudd M:6/8   K:Em           H:BLORZbs T:the Basket of Turf
ABC    735 C1:040077762277740 C2:udddduuddduuudd M:6/8   K:Em           H:BLORZbs T:the Basket of Turf
ABC     32 C1:400777622777400 C2:udddduuddduuudd M:6/8   K:Em           H:BLORZ  T:The Basket Of Turf
ABC     32 C1:400777622777400 C2:udddduuddduuudd M:6/8   K:Em           H:BLORZ  T:The Basket Of Turf
ABC     32 C1:040077762277740 C2:udddduuddduuudd M:6/8   K:Em           H:BFLRZbs T:the Basket of Turf
ABC     32 C1:040077762277740 C2:udddduuddduuudd M:6/8   K:Em           H:BFLRZbs T:the Basket of Turf
ABC      1 C1:040000070707060 C2:udddduuddduuudd M:6/8   K:Em           H:CLQR   T:The Basket of Turf
ABC      1 C1:040000070707060 C2:udddduuddduuudd M:6/8   K:Em           H:CLQR   T:The Basket of Turf
ABC      1 C1:040000070707060 C2:udddduuddduuudd M:6/8   K:Em           H:CLQR   T:The Basket of Turf
ABC     32 C1:040077762277740 C2:udddduuddduuudd M:6/8   K:Em           H:BFLRZbs T:the Basket of Turf
ABC     32 C1:040077762277740 C2:udddduuddduuudd M:6/8   K:Em           H:BFLRZbs T:the Basket of Turf
ABC    581 C1:400777622777400 C2:udddduuddduuudd M:6/8   K:G            H:"BDLORSZ T:The basket of turf
ABC    581 C1:400777622777400 C2:udddduuddduuudd M:6/8   K:G            H:"BDLORSZ T:The basket of turf
ABC    581 C1:400777622777400 C2:udddduuddduuudd M:6/8   K:G            H:"BDLORSZ T:The basket of turf
ABC    581 C1:400777622777400 C2:udddduuddduuudd M:6/8   K:G            H:"BDLORSZ T:The basket of turf
ABC    140 C1:400777712777400 C2:udddduuddduuudd M:6/8   K:G            H:CILRZ  T:Basket of Turf, The
ABC      1 C1:400777200777404 C2:udddudddududddd M:6/8   K:E            H:"CDLOQRSZ T:Basket of Turf
ABC    735 C1:400777622777400 C2:udddduuddduuudd M:6/8   K:Em           H:BLRZ   T:Basket of Turf
ABC    735 C1:400777622777400 C2:udddduuddduuudd M:6/8   K:Em           H:BLRZ   T:The Basket of Turf
ABC      4 C1:200661400115777 C2:udduuuuddddduud M:6/8   K:Em           H:LRZ    T:The Basket of Turf
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:6/8   K:Emin         H:LRSZ   T:Basket of Turf, The
ABC    109 C1:200661400115777 C2:udduuuuddddduud M:6/8   K:Em           H:LRZ    T:The Basket of Turf
ABC    175 C1:200777200663200 C2:udddudduuuudddd M:6/8   K:Edor         H:LRSZ   T:Basket of Turf
ABC  62128 C1:400777200661400 C2:udddudduuuddddu M:6/8   K:Edor         H:CQR    T:Basket of Turf
ABC  62128 C1:400777200661400 C2:udddudduuuddddu M:6/8   K:Edor         H:CQR    T:Basket of Turf
ABC  57010 C1:200777200663200 C2:udddudduuuudddd M:6/8   K:D            H:BCLQR  T:BASKET OF TURF, The
ABC  57010 C1:200777200663200 C2:udddudduuuudddd M:6/8   K:D            H:BCLQR  T:BASKET OF TURF, The
ABC    220 C1:712661400717661 C2:duudduududdduud M:6/8   K:Edor         H:LRSZ   T:Basket of Turf
ABC 185018 C1:471777622777471 C2:ududddduudddudu M:6/8   K:D            H:CQR    T:BASKET OF TURF, The
ABC 185018 C1:471777622777471 C2:ududddduudddudu M:6/8   K:D            H:CQR    T:BASKET OF TURF, The
ABC      1 C1:400777622777400 C2:udddduuddduuudd M:6/8   K:Emin         H:LR     T:Basket of Turf
ABC 182052 C1:712661400717661 C2:duudduududdduud M:6/8   K:Em           H:CLQR   T:BASKET OF TURF, The
ABC 182052 C1:712661400717661 C2:duudduududdduud M:6/8   K:Em           H:CLQR   T:BASKET OF TURF, The
ABC    140 C1:400777712777400 C2:udddduuddduuudd M:6/8   K:G            H:CILRZ  T:Basket of Turf, The
ABC    140 C1:400777712777400 C2:udddduuddduuudd M:6/8   K:G            H:CILRZ  T:Basket of Turf, The
ABC 493018 C1:400777622777400 C2:udddduuddduuudd M:6/8   K:Em           H:BLRS   T:BASKET OF TURF, The
ABC 493018 C1:400777622777400 C2:udddduuddduuudd M:6/8   K:Em           H:BLRS   T:BASKET OF TURF, The
ABC    735 C1:400777622777400 C2:udddduuddduuudd M:6/8   K:Em           H:BLRZ   T:The Basket of Turf
ABC    735 C1:400777622777400 C2:udddduuddduuudd M:6/8   K:Em           H:BLRZ   T:Basket of Turf
ABC     32 C1:400777622777400 C2:udddduuddduuudd M:6/8   K:Em           H:BCFLOQRWZ T:The basket of Turf
ABC    330 C1:200661400115777 C2:udduuuuddddduud M:6/8   K:Em           H:LRZ    T:The Basket of Turf
ABC    581 C1:400777622777400 C2:udddduuddduuudd M:6/8   K:G            H:"BDLORSZ T:The basket of turf
ABC     32 C1:400777622777400 C2:udddduuddduuudd M:6/8   K:Em           H:BLORZ  T:The Basket Of Turf
ABC     32 C1:400777622777400 C2:udddduuddduuudd M:6/8   K:Em           H:BLORZ  T:The Basket Of Turf
ABC  12816 C1:400777622777400 C2:udddduuddduuudd M:6/8   K:Em           H:BCLOQRZ T:The basket of Turf
ABC  12816 C1:400777622777400 C2:udddduuddduuudd M:6/8   K:Em           H:BCLOQRZ T:The basket of Turf
ABC  12816 C1:400777622777400 C2:udddduuddduuudd M:6/8   K:Em           H:BCLOQRZ T:The basket of Turf
ABC  12816 C1:400777622777400 C2:udddduuddduuudd M:6/8   K:Em           H:BCLOQRZ T:The basket of Turf
ABC  12816 C1:400777622777400 C2:udddduuddduuudd M:6/8   K:Em           H:BCLOQRZ T:The basket of Turf
ABC   2393 C1:400777622777400 C2:udddduuddduuudd M:6/8   K:Em           H:BCLOQRZ T:The basket of Turf
ABC    739 C1:400777622777400 C2:udddduuddduuudd M:6/8   K:Em           H:BLRZ   T:The Basket of Turf
ABC    766 C1:400777622777400 C2:udddduuddduuudd M:6/8   K:Em           H:BLRZ   T:Basket of Turf
ABC    766 C1:400777622777400 C2:udddduuddduuudd M:6/8   K:Em           H:BLRZ   T:Basket of Turf
ABC    739 C1:400777622777400 C2:udddduuddduuudd M:6/8   K:Em           H:BLRZ   T:The Basket of Turf
ABC   0735 C1:400777622777400 C2:udddduuddduuudd M:6/8   K:G            H:BCILZ  T:"Basket of Turf" (jig) 0735
ABC   0735 C1:400777622777400 C2:udddduuddduuudd M:6/8   K:G            H:BCILZ  T:"Basket of Turf" (jig) 0735
ABC   0735 C1:400777622777400 C2:udddduuddduuudd M:6/8   K:G            H:BCILZ  T:"Basket of Turf" (jig) 0735
ABC 332096 C1:400777712777400 C2:udddduudddudddu M:6/8   K:Em           H:BCLQRY T:Basket of Turf, Sligo Lasses
ABC 332096 C1:400777712777400 C2:udddduudddudddu M:6/8   K:Em           H:BCLQRY T:Basket of Turf, Sligo Lasses
ABC 332096 C1:400777712777400 C2:udddduudddudddu M:6/8   K:Em           H:BCLQRY T:Basket of Turf, Sligo Lasses
ABC  57010 C1:200777200663200 C2:udddudduuuudddd M:6/8\  K:D\           H:BCLQR  T:BASKET OF TURF, The \
ABC      1 C1:006166251227767 C2:dudduduuuddddud M:C|    K:G            H:BCHLRZ T:The Basket of Yarn
ABC      1 C1:122776760006166 C2:uuuddddududdudu M:C|    K:G            H:"BCL   T:Basket of Yarn
ABC      1 C1:006166251227767 C2:dudduduuuddddud M:      K:Gmaj         H:"LR    T:The Basket Of Yarn
ABC      2 C1:122776760061662 C2:uuuddddududdudu M:      K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:The Basket Of Yarn
ABC    197 C1:                C2:                M:2/4   K:G            H:LOZ    T:Bason in the Suds
ABC    197 C1:                C2:                M:2/4   K:G            H:LOZ    T:Bason in the Suds
ABC    197 C1:057707771111605 C2:dddddduuuuduudd M:2/4   K:G            H:LO     T:Bason in the Suds
ABC    197 C1:057707771111605 C2:dddddduuuuduudd M:2/4   K:G            H:LO     T:Bason in the Suds
ABC    197 C1:057707771111605 C2:dddddduuuuduudd M:2/4   K:G            H:LO     T:Bason in the Suds
ABC    197 C1:057707771111605 C2:dddddduuuuduudd M:2/4   K:G            H:LO     T:Bason in the Suds
ABC    197 C1:057707771111605 C2:dddddduuuuduudd M:2/4   K:G            H:LOZ    T:Bason in the Suds
ABC     39 C1:051616161616107 C2:dudududududuudu M:2/2   K:G            H:"CLQS  T:Le Basque
ABC     37 C1:051616161616107 C2:dudududududuudu M:2/2   K:G            H:"CLQS  T:Le Basque
ABC     74 C1:051616161616107 C2:dudududududuudu M:2/2   K:G            H:"CLQRS T:Le Basque
ABC     74 C1:051616161616107 C2:dudududududuudu M:2/2   K:G            H:"CLQRS T:Le Basque
ABC     39 C1:051616161616107 C2:dudududududuudu M:2/2   K:G            H:"CLQS  T:Le Basque
ABC     39 C1:051616161616107 C2:dudududududuudu M:2/2   K:G            H:"CLQS  T:Le Basque
ABC    143 C1:001177040000070 C2:uuddudddduuuddu M:3/4   K:F            H:CL     T:Basque Fandango
ABC      1 C1:053056114001111 C2:dudduuduuuuuuud M:6/8   K:G            H:"CDLQ  T:The Basque Jig
ABC     27 C1:053056114001111 C2:dudduuduuuuuuud M:6/8   K:G            H:"CDLQ  T:The Basque Jig
ABC     27 C1:053056114001111 C2:dudduuduuuuuuud M:6/8   K:G            H:"CDLQ  T:The Basque Jig
ABC      1 C1:053056114001111 C2:dudduuduuuuuuud M:6/8   K:G            H:"L     T:Basque jig
ABC     27 C1:053056114001111 C2:dudduuduuuuuuud M:6/8   K:G            H:"CDLQ  T:The Basque Jig
ABC   1853 C1:053056114001111 C2:dudduuduuuuuuud M:6/8   K:G            H:"CDLQ  T:The Basque Jig
ABC   1853 C1:053056114001111 C2:dudduuduuuuuuud M:6/8   K:G            H:"CDLQ  T:The Basque Jig
ABC   6509 C1:053056114001111 C2:dudduuduuuuuuud M:6/8   K:G            H:"CDLOQ T:The Basque Jig
ABC   6509 C1:053056114001111 C2:dudduuduuuuuuud M:6/8   K:G            H:"CDLOQ T:The Basque Jig
ABC  12817 C1:053056114001111 C2:dudduuduuuuuuud M:6/8   K:G            H:"CDLQ  T:The Basque Jig
ABC  12817 C1:053056114001111 C2:dudduuduuuuuuud M:6/8   K:G            H:"CDLQ  T:The Basque Jig
ABC  12817 C1:053056114001111 C2:dudduuduuuuuuud M:6/8   K:G            H:"CDLQ  T:The Basque Jig
ABC  12817 C1:053056114001111 C2:dudduuduuuuuuud M:6/8   K:G            H:"CDLQ  T:The Basque Jig
ABC  12817 C1:053056114001111 C2:dudduuduuuuuuud M:6/8   K:G            H:"CDLQ  T:The Basque Jig
ABC  16455 C1:053056114001111 C2:dudduuduuuuuuud M:6/8   K:G            H:"CDLQ  T:The Basque Jig
ABC  16456 C1:053056114001111 C2:dudduuduuuuuuud M:6/8   K:G            H:"CDLQ  T:The Basque Jig
ABC  16455 C1:053056114001111 C2:dudduuduuuuuuud M:6/8   K:G            H:"CDLQ  T:The Basque Jig
ABC  16456 C1:053056114001111 C2:dudduuduuuuuuud M:6/8   K:G            H:"CDLQ  T:The Basque Jig
ABC  16455 C1:053056114001111 C2:dudduuduuuuuuud M:6/8   K:G            H:"CDLQ  T:The Basque Jig
ABC  16456 C1:053056114001111 C2:dudduuduuuuuuud M:6/8   K:G            H:"CDLQ  T:The Basque Jig
ABC  16455 C1:053056114001111 C2:dudduuduuuuuuud M:6/8   K:G            H:"CDLQ  T:The Basque Jig
ABC  16456 C1:053056114001111 C2:dudduuduuuuuuud M:6/8   K:G            H:"CDLQ  T:The Basque Jig
ABC    168 C1:711107710771077 C2:duuuddudduddudd M:C     K:Gmaj         H:B      T:Basques Dans
ABC      0 C1:                C2:                M:      K:G            H:RSW    T:Basquette Garland Dance
ABC      0 C1:                C2:                M:      K:G            H:RSW    T:Basquette Garland Dance
ABC      0 C1:                C2:                M:      K:G            H:RSW    T:Basquette Garland Dance
ABC      0 C1:                C2:                M:      K:G            H:RSW    T:Basquette Garland Dance
ABC      0 C1:                C2:                M:4/4   K:G            H:LQRSW  T:Basquette Garland Dance
ABC      0 C1:                C2:                M:4/4   K:G            H:LQRSW  T:Basquette Garland Dance
ABC      0 C1:                C2:                M:4/4   K:G            H:LQRSW  T:Basquette Garland Dance
ABC      0 C1:                C2:                M:4/4   K:G            H:LQRSW  T:Basquette Garland Dance
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Bass (3:03)
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:bass (3:56)
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:bass (4:29)
ABC     19 C1:026532376352662 C2:udduuuddududdud M:4/4   K:Amaj         H:CLRZ   T:Bass Catcher's Hornpipe
ABC      6 C1:300027776024370 C2:uduudddudududud M:6/8   K:Bm           H:ACLORVWw T:Basse-Bretagne (Vannetais)
ABC      1 C1:763172000622061 C2:ddduuduuudduuuu M:3/4   K:Gmaj         H:ABCLOQRSZ T:Basse-dance appelle : Iouyssance vous donneray :
ABC      4 C1:763172000622061 C2:ddduuduuudduuuu M:6/2   K:C            H:ABCLOQSZ T:Basse-dance appelle : Iouyssance vous donneray :
ABC      4 C1:763172000622061 C2:ddduuduuudduuuu M:6/2   K:C            H:ABCLOQSZ T:Basse-dance appelle : Iouyssance vous donneray :
ABC      1 C1:763172000622061 C2:ddduuduuudduuuu M:3/4   K:Gmaj         H:ABCLOQRSZ T:Basse-dance appelle : Iouyssance vous donneray :
ABC      1 C1:763172000622061 C2:ddduuduuudduuuu M:3/4   K:G            H:ABCLOQRSZ T:Basse-dance appelle : Iouyssance vous donneray :
ABC   1208 C1:763172000622061 C2:ddduuduuudduuuu M:6/2   K:C            H:ABCLOQSZ T:Basse-dance appelle : Iouyssance vous donneray :
ABC   1208 C1:763172000622061 C2:ddduuduuudduuuu M:6/2   K:C            H:ABCLOQSZ T:Basse-dance appelle : Iouyssance vous donneray :
ABC   1208 C1:763172000622061 C2:ddduuduuudduuuu M:6/2   K:C            H:ABCLOQSZ T:Basse-dance appelle : Iouyssance vous donneray :
ABC   1208 C1:763172000622061 C2:ddduuduuudduuuu M:6/2   K:C            H:ABCLOQSZ T:Basse-dance appelle : Iouyssance vous donneray :
ABC      1 C1:031417003017544 C2:duuuudduudududu M:3     K:CM           H:CL     T:Basse dance "Le corps s'en va" P.B.
ABC      1 C1:031417003017544 C2:duuuudduudududu M:3     K:CM           H:CL     T:Basse dance "Le corps s'en va" P.B.
ABC      1 C1:031417003017544 C2:duuuudduudududu M:3     K:CM           H:CL     T:Basse dance "Le corps s'en va" P.B.
ABC  13020 C1:007760167705201 C2:ddduddduuuudddd M:4/4   K:G            H:"CLOQR T:Basse danse 5
ABC  13020 C1:007760167705201 C2:ddduddduuuudddd M:4/4   K:G            H:"CLOQRZ T:Basse Danse 5
ABC  13020 C1:007760167705201 C2:ddduddduuuudddd M:4/4   K:G            H:"CLOQRZ T:Basse Danse 5
ABC      1 C1:116177711161000 C2:uududdduuududdu M:C     K:G            H:LZ     T:Basse danse 8
ABC      1 C1:116177711161000 C2:uududdduuududdu M:C     K:G            H:LVZ    T:Basse danse 8 V1+2
ABC      1 C1:000402070003000 C2:dududududuuddud M:C     K:G            H:LZ     T:Basse danse 8 V2
ABC     25 C1:777700000722000 C2:ddddduuuuuudddd M:C|    K:F            H:ABCHLOQRZ T:Basse danse - Danse du Roy
ABC     24 C1:777700000722000 C2:ddddduuuuuudddd M:C|    K:F            H:ABCHLOQRZ T:Basse danse - Danse du Roy
ABC     24 C1:777700000722000 C2:ddddduuuuuudddd M:C|    K:F            H:ABCHLOQRZ T:Basse danse - Danse du Roy
ABC     24 C1:711700010111777 C2:duuduuuuddduduu M:C     K:F            H:ABCHLOQRZ T:Basse danse - Entre du Fol
ABC     23 C1:711700010111777 C2:duuduuuuddduduu M:C     K:F            H:ABCHLOQRZ T:Basse danse - Entre du Fol
ABC     23 C1:711700010111777 C2:duuduuuuddduduu M:C     K:F            H:ABCHLOQRZ T:Basse danse - Entre du Fol
ABC     10 C1:060004070077116 C2:duddduududduudu M:4/2   K:C            H:BCFLRVWZ T:(Basse dansse 10)
ABC     10 C1:060004070077116 C2:duddduududduudu M:4/2   K:C            H:BCFLRVWZ T:(Basse dansse 10)
ABC     10 C1:060004070077116 C2:duddduududduudu M:4/2   K:C            H:BCFLRVWZ T:(Basse dansse 10)
ABC     11 C1:027640007017070 C2:uddudduuddduuud M:3/2   K:Gmix         H:BCFLRVWZ T:(Basse dansse 11)
ABC     11 C1:027640007017070 C2:uddudduuddduuud M:3/2   K:Gmix         H:BCFLRVWZ T:(Basse dansse 11)
ABC     11 C1:027640007017070 C2:uddudduuddduuud M:3/2   K:Gmix         H:BCFLRVWZ T:(Basse dansse 11)
ABC     12 C1:403710000021666 C2:duddududuuuuddd M:3/2   K:Gmix         H:BCFLRVWZ T:(Basse dansse 12)
ABC     12 C1:403710000021666 C2:duddududuuuuddd M:3/2   K:Gmix         H:BCFLRVWZ T:(Basse dansse 12)
ABC     12 C1:403710000021666 C2:duddududuuuuddd M:3/2   K:Gmix         H:BCFLRVWZ T:(Basse dansse 12)
ABC      1 C1:116007000111170 C2:uuddduduuuuddud M:3/2   K:Ddor         H:BCFLQRVWZ T:(Basse dansse 1)
ABC      1 C1:116007000111170 C2:uuddduduuuuddud M:3/2   K:Ddor         H:BCFLQRVWZ T:(Basse dansse 1)
ABC      1 C1:600272602610711 C2:duuduuudududdud M:3/2   K:C            H:CFLQRSVWZ T:(Basse dansse 2)
ABC      1 C1:600272602610711 C2:duuduuudududdud M:3/2   K:C            H:CFLQRSVWZ T:(Basse dansse 2)
ABC      3 C1:277071050021700 C2:udddudduuuuddud M:3/2   K:Gmix         H:BCFLQRVWZ T:(Basse dansse 3)
ABC      3 C1:277071050021700 C2:udddudduuuuddud M:3/2   K:Gmix         H:BCFLQRVWZ T:(Basse dansse 3)
ABC      3 C1:277071050021700 C2:udddudduuuuddud M:3/2   K:Gmix         H:BCFLQRVWZ T:(Basse dansse 3)
ABC      4 C1:170606000407007 C2:udddudduuddduuu M:4/2   K:Ddor         H:BCFLQRVWZ T:(Basse dansse 4)
ABC      4 C1:170606000407007 C2:udddudduuddduuu M:4/2   K:Ddor         H:BCFLQRVWZ T:(Basse dansse 4)
ABC      4 C1:170606000407007 C2:udddudduuddduuu M:4/2   K:Ddor         H:BCFLQRVWZ T:(Basse dansse 4)
ABC      5 C1:007760150606200 C2:dddudduuudddudu M:4/2   K:C            H:BCFLQRVWZ T:(Basse dansse 5)
ABC      5 C1:007760150606200 C2:dddudduuudddudu M:4/2   K:C            H:BCFLQRVWZ T:(Basse dansse 5)
ABC      5 C1:007760150606200 C2:dddudduuudddudu M:4/2   K:C            H:BCFLQRVWZ T:(Basse dansse 5)
ABC      5 C1:                C2:                M:4/2   K:C            H:CLQRSVWZ T:(Basse dansse 5)
ABC      5 C1:                C2:                M:4/2   K:C            H:CLQRSVWZ T:(Basse dansse 5)
ABC      5 C1:                C2:                M:4/2   K:C            H:CLQRSVWZ T:(Basse dansse 5)
ABC      5 C1:                C2:                M:4/2   K:C            H:CLQRSVWZ T:(Basse dansse 5)
ABC      5 C1:                C2:                M:4/2   K:C            H:CLQRSVWZ T:(Basse dansse 5)
ABC      5 C1:                C2:                M:4/2   K:C            H:CLQRSVWZ T:(Basse dansse 5)
ABC      5 C1:                C2:                M:4/2   K:C            H:CLQRSVWZ T:(Basse dansse 5)
ABC      5 C1:                C2:                M:4/2   K:C            H:CLQRSVWZ T:(Basse dansse 5)
ABC      5 C1:                C2:                M:4/2   K:C            H:CLQRSVWZ T:(Basse dansse 5)
ABC      5 C1:                C2:                M:4/2   K:C            H:CLQRSVWZ T:(Basse dansse 5)
ABC      5 C1:                C2:                M:4/2   K:C            H:CLQRSVWZ T:(Basse dansse 5)
ABC      5 C1:                C2:                M:4/2   K:C            H:CLQRSVWZ T:(Basse dansse 5)
ABC      5 C1:                C2:                M:4/2   K:C            H:CLQRSVWZ T:(Basse dansse 5)
ABC      5 C1:                C2:                M:4/2   K:C            H:CLQRSVWZ T:(Basse dansse 5)
ABC      5 C1:                C2:                M:4/2   K:C            H:CLQRSVWZ T:(Basse dansse 5)
ABC      5 C1:                C2:                M:4/2   K:C            H:CLQRSVWZ T:(Basse dansse 5)
ABC      5 C1:                C2:                M:4/2   K:C            H:CLQRSVWZ T:(Basse dansse 5)
ABC      5 C1:                C2:                M:4/2   K:C            H:CLQRSVWZ T:(Basse dansse 5)
ABC      5 C1:                C2:                M:4/2   K:C            H:CLQRSVWZ T:(Basse dansse 5)
ABC      5 C1:                C2:                M:4/2   K:C            H:CLQRSVWZ T:(Basse dansse 5)
ABC      6 C1:021770073770170 C2:duuuudddududddu M:3/2   K:Ddor         H:BCFLRVWZ T:(Basse dansse 6)
ABC      6 C1:021770073770170 C2:duuuudddududddu M:3/2   K:Ddor         H:BCFLRVWZ T:(Basse dansse 6)
ABC      6 C1:021770073770170 C2:duuuudddududddu M:3/2   K:Ddor         H:BCFLRVWZ T:(Basse dansse 6)
ABC      7 C1:711700010111777 C2:duuduuuuddduduu M:4/2   K:Gdor         H:BCFLRVWZ T:(Basse dansse 7)
ABC      7 C1:711700010111777 C2:duuduuuuddduduu M:2/2   K:Gdor         H:BCFLRVWZ T:(Basse dansse 7)
ABC      7 C1:711700010111777 C2:duuduuuuddduduu M:2/2   K:Gdor         H:BCFLRVWZ T:(Basse dansse 7)
ABC      8 C1:777700000722000 C2:ddddduuuuuudddd M:4/2   K:Bblyd        H:BCFLQRVWZ T:(Basse dansse 8)
ABC      8 C1:777700000722000 C2:ddddduuuuuudddd M:4/2   K:Bblyd        H:BCFLQRVWZ T:(Basse dansse 8)
ABC      8 C1:777700000722000 C2:ddddduuuuuudddd M:4/2   K:Bblyd        H:BCFLQRVWZ T:(Basse dansse 8)
ABC      9 C1:503610502000021 C2:dudddududuuudud M:3/2   K:Am           H:BCFLRVWZ T:(Basse dansse 9)
ABC      9 C1:503610502000021 C2:dudddududuuudud M:3/2   K:Am           H:BCFLRVWZ T:(Basse dansse 9)
ABC      9 C1:503610502000021 C2:dudddududuuudud M:3/2   K:Am           H:BCFLRVWZ T:(Basse dansse 9)
ABC    184 C1:007760160605200 C2:dddudduuudddudu M:4/4   K:C            H:CLRV   T:Basse dansse La mourisque
ABC      1 C1:070101010001010 C2:duuuuuuduuddudd M:C|    K:F            H:LSZ    T:Basse's Career
ABC      1 C1:070101010001010 C2:duuuuuuduuddudd M:C|    K:F            H:LSZ    T:Basse's Career
ABC      1 C1:062771120621762 C2:dudduuuduudduud M:C     K:HP           H:CLQS   T:Bass Face "CYMRU"
ABC      1 C1:062771120621762 C2:dudduuuduudduud M:C     K:HP           H:CLQS   T:Bass Face "CYMRU"
ABC      1 C1:062771120621762 C2:dudduuuduudduud M:C     K:HP           H:CLQS   T:Bass Face "CYMRU"
ABC     20 C1:020602060206020 C2:dududududddudud M:None  K:D            H:BCLQRZ T:Bass Hornpipe. TCo.20, A
ABC     20 C1:020602060206020 C2:dududududddudud M:None  K:D            H:BCLQRZ T:Bass Hornpipe. TCo.20, A
ABC      2 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:[Bass] Jun 15 (2:12)
ABC     45 C1:000300010404000 C2:uuduududuuududu M:C|    K:F bass       H:"L     T:Bass line from chords for Le Pistolet
ABC     17 C1:005301117307403 C2:duudduuuudududd M:3/4   K:F            H:HLOQRSZ T:Bass Minuet. TBe.017
ABC     17 C1:005301117307403 C2:duudduuuudududd M:3/4   K:F            H:BHLQRZ T:Bass Minuet. TBe.017
ABC     17 C1:005301117307403 C2:duudduuuudududd M:3/4   K:F            H:BHLQRZ T:Bass Minuet. TBe.017
ABC     17 C1:005301117307403 C2:duudduuuudududd M:3/4   K:F            H:BHLOQRSZ T:Bass Minuet. TBe.017
ABC    560 C1:005301117307403 C2:duudduuuudududd M:3/4   K:F            H:FHLOQRSZ T:Bass Minuet. TBe.017
ABC    560 C1:005301117307403 C2:duudduuuudududd M:3/4   K:F            H:FHLOQRSZ T:Bass Minuet. TBe.017
ABC     17 C1:005301117307403 C2:duudduuuudududd M:3/4   K:F            H:BHLOQRSZ T:Bass Minuet. TBe.017
ABC    605 C1:000503000007070 C2:duddududdududdu M:2/4   K:Bm           H:"LO    T:The Basso
ABC    605 C1:000503000007070 C2:duddududdududdu M:2/4   K:Bm           H:"LO    T:The Basso
ABC    604 C1:000503000007070 C2:duddududdududdu M:2/4   K:Am           H:"LO    T:The Basso
ABC    604 C1:000503000007070 C2:duddududdududdu M:2/4   K:Am           H:"LO    T:The Basso
ABC    605 C1:000503000007070 C2:duddududdududdu M:2/4   K:Bm           H:"LO    T:The Basso
ABC    605 C1:000503000007070 C2:duddududdududdu M:2/4   K:Bm           H:"LO    T:The Basso
ABC    604 C1:000503000007070 C2:duddududdududdu M:2/4   K:Am           H:"LO    T:The Basso
ABC    604 C1:000503000007070 C2:duddududdududdu M:2/4   K:Am           H:"LO    T:The Basso
ABC    605 C1:000503000007070 C2:duddududdududdu M:2/4   K:Bm           H:"LO    T:The Basso
ABC    605 C1:000503000007070 C2:duddududdududdu M:2/4   K:Bm           H:"LO    T:The Basso
ABC      1 C1:000503000007070 C2:duddududdududdu M:2/4   K:Bm           H:"LO    T:The Basso
ABC    543 C1:000503000007070 C2:duddududdududdu M:2/4   K:Bm           H:"LO    T:The Basso
ABC    543 C1:000503000007070 C2:duddududdududdu M:2/4   K:Bm           H:"LO    T:The Basso
ABC    543 C1:000503000007070 C2:duddududdududdu M:2/4   K:Bm           H:"LO    T:The Basso
ABC    543 C1:000503000007070 C2:duddududdududdu M:2/4   K:Bm           H:"LO    T:The Basso
ABC    542 C1:000503000007070 C2:duddududdududdu M:2/4   K:Am           H:"LO    T:The Basso
ABC    542 C1:000503000007070 C2:duddududdududdu M:2/4   K:Am           H:"LO    T:The Basso
ABC    542 C1:000503000007070 C2:duddududdududdu M:2/4   K:Am           H:"LO    T:The Basso
ABC    542 C1:000503000007070 C2:duddududdududdu M:2/4   K:Am           H:"LO    T:The Basso
ABC      1 C1:000503000007070 C2:duddududdududdu M:2/4   K:Am           H:"LO    T:The Basso
ABC      1 C1:000503000007070 C2:duddududdududdu M:2/4   K:Am           H:"LOV   T:The Basso
ABC      1 C1:000503000007070 C2:duddududdududdu M:2/4   K:Am           H:"LOV   T:The Basso
ABC      1 C1:000503000007070 C2:duddududdududdu M:2/4   K:Am           H:"LOV   T:The Basso
ABC      1 C1:000503000007070 C2:duddududdududdu M:2/4   K:Am           H:"LOV   T:The Basso
ABC      1 C1:000503000007070 C2:duddududdududdu M:2/4   K:Am           H:"LO    T:The Basso
ABC      2 C1:000503000007070 C2:duddududdududdu M:2/4   K:Bm           H:"LO    T:The Basso
ABC      1 C1:000503000007070 C2:duddududdududdu M:2/4   K:Am           H:"LO    T:The Basso
ABC      2 C1:000503000007070 C2:duddududdududdu M:2/4   K:Bm           H:"LO    T:The Basso
ABC      1 C1:000503000007070 C2:duddududdududdu M:2/4   K:Am           H:"LO    T:The Basso
ABC      2 C1:000503000007070 C2:duddududdududdu M:2/4   K:Bm           H:"LO    T:The Basso
ABC      1 C1:000503000007070 C2:duddududdududdu M:2/4   K:Am           H:"LO    T:The Basso
ABC      2 C1:000503000007070 C2:duddududdududdu M:2/4   K:Bm           H:"LO    T:The Basso
ABC      1 C1:000503000007070 C2:duddududdududdu M:2/4   K:Am           H:"LO    T:The Basso
ABC      2 C1:000503000007070 C2:duddududdududdu M:2/4   K:Bm           H:"LO    T:The Basso
ABC      1 C1:000503000007070 C2:duddududdududdu M:2/4   K:Am           H:"LO    T:The Basso
ABC      2 C1:000503000007070 C2:duddududdududdu M:2/4   K:Bm           H:"LO    T:The Basso
ABC      2 C1:                C2:                M:C     K:A bass       H:"CHLOw T:Basso.
ABC      2 C1:                C2:                M:C     K:A bass       H:"CHLOw T:Basso.
ABC      2 C1:                C2:                M:C     K:A bass       H:"CHLOw T:Basso.
ABC      2 C1:000000050007000 C2:udduuuddudduddu M:C     K:A bass       H:CLw    T:Basso.
ABC      2 C1:000000050007000 C2:udduuuddudduddu M:C     K:A bass       H:CLw    T:Basso.
ABC    604 C1:000503000007070 C2:duddududdududdu M:2/4   K:Am           H:"LO    T:The Basso
ABC    605 C1:000503000007070 C2:duddududdududdu M:2/4   K:Bm           H:"LO    T:The Basso
ABC    604 C1:000503000007070 C2:duddududdududdu M:2/4   K:Am           H:"LO    T:The Basso
ABC    605 C1:000503000007070 C2:duddududdududdu M:2/4   K:Bm           H:"LO    T:The Basso
ABC    604 C1:000503000007070 C2:duddududdududdu M:2/4   K:Am           H:"LO    T:The Basso
ABC    605 C1:000503000007070 C2:duddududdududdu M:2/4   K:Bm           H:"LO    T:The Basso
ABC    604 C1:000503000007070 C2:duddududdududdu M:2/4   K:Am           H:"LO    T:The Basso
ABC    605 C1:000503000007070 C2:duddududdududdu M:2/4   K:Bm           H:"LO    T:The Basso
ABC      4 C1:572443040302440 C2:dduduuduududdud M:4/2   K:C bass       H:CL     T:Basso, Primo Coro, Canzon septimi toni a 8, from Sacrae Symphoniae (1597)
ABC      4 C1:572443040302440 C2:dduduuduududdud M:4/2   K:C bass       H:CL     T:Basso, Primo Coro, Canzon septimi toni a 8, from Sacrae Symphoniae (1597)
ABC      4 C1:572443040302440 C2:dduduuduududdud M:4/2   K:C bass       H:CL     T:Basso, Primo Coro, Canzon septimi toni a 8, from Sacrae Symphoniae (1597)
ABC      8 C1:047240303671500 C2:dduduuduudduduu M:4/2   K:C bass       H:CL     T:Basso, Secondo Coro, Canzon septimi toni a 8, from Sacrae Symphoniae (1597)
ABC      8 C1:047240303671500 C2:dduduuduudduduu M:4/2   K:C bass       H:CL     T:Basso, Secondo Coro, Canzon septimi toni a 8, from Sacrae Symphoniae (1597)
ABC      8 C1:047240303671500 C2:dduduuduudduduu M:4/2   K:C bass       H:CL     T:Basso, Secondo Coro, Canzon septimi toni a 8, from Sacrae Symphoniae (1597)
ABC     18 C1:711001010010711 C2:duududududuuduu M:6/8   K:F            H:HLOQRSZ T:Bass Rigadoon. TBe.018
ABC     18 C1:711001010010711 C2:duududududuuduu M:6/8   K:F            H:BHLQRZ T:Bass Rigadoon. TBe.018
ABC     18 C1:711001010010711 C2:duududududuuduu M:6/8   K:F            H:BHLQRZ T:Bass Rigadoon. TBe.018
ABC     18 C1:711001010010711 C2:duududududuuduu M:6/8   K:F            H:BHLOQRSZ T:Bass Rigadoon. TBe.018
ABC    561 C1:711001010010711 C2:duududududuuduu M:6/8   K:F            H:FHLOQRSZ T:Bass Rigadoon. TBe.018
ABC    561 C1:711001010010711 C2:duududududuuduu M:6/8   K:F            H:FHLOQRSZ T:Bass Rigadoon. TBe.018
ABC     18 C1:711001010010711 C2:duududududuuduu M:6/8   K:F            H:BHLOQRSZ T:Bass Rigadoon. TBe.018
ABC     25 C1:715111561712766 C2:duduuudduduuddd M:4/4   K:D            H:"CLQR  T:Bass River
ABC     75 C1:715111561712766 C2:duduuudduduuddd M:4/4   K:D            H:"CLQR  T:Bass River
ABC     55 C1:371511156171276 C2:ududuuudduduudd M:4/4   K:D            H:"CLQRV T:Bass River (with piano acc.)
ABC   9010 C1:371511156171276 C2:ududuuudduduudd M:4/4   K:D            H:"CLQRV T:Bass River (with piano acc.)
ABC   9010 C1:371511156171276 C2:ududuuudduduudd M:4/4   K:D            H:"CLQRV T:Bass River (with piano acc.)
ABC      1 C1:600063767036766 C2:ududddudddduudu M:      K:Amaj         H:LR     T:The Bass Rock
ABC      2 C1:600063767036766 C2:ududddudddduudu M:      K:Amaj         H:LR     T:The Bass Rock
ABC      3 C1:004134676006376 C2:uududdududddudd M:      K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:The Bass Rock
ABC      4 C1:600637670367661 C2:ududddudddduudu M:      K:Amaj         H:LR     T:The Bass Rock
ABC      5 C1:600637670367661 C2:ududddudddduudd M:      K:Amaj         H:LR     T:The Bass Rock
ABC      6 C1:004107676006376 C2:uudddududdduddd M:      K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:The Bass Rock
ABC      1 C1:600063767036766 C2:ududddudddduudu M:4/4   K:Amaj         H:LR     T:Bass Rock, The
ABC  11531 C1:000207070076060 C2:udddddduduudddd M:C     K:Bb           H:BCLQSZ T:Bass song from the Opera of "Two to One."
ABC  11531 C1:000207070076060 C2:udddddduduudddd M:C     K:Bb           H:BCLQSZ T:Bass song from the Opera of "Two to One."
ABC  11531 C1:000207070076060 C2:udddddduduudddd M:C     K:Bb           H:BCLQSZ T:Bass song from the Opera of "Two to One."
ABC  11531 C1:000207070076060 C2:udddddduduudddd M:C     K:Bb           H:BCLQSZ T:Bass song from the Opera of "Two to One."
ABC  11531 C1:000207070076060 C2:udddddduduudddd M:C     K:Bb           H:BCLQSZ T:Bass song from the Opera of "Two to One."
ABC  11531 C1:000207070076060 C2:udddddduduudddd M:C     K:Bb           H:BCLQSZ T:Bass song from the Opera of "Two to One."
ABC  11531 C1:000207070076060 C2:udddddduduudddd M:C     K:Bb           H:BCLQSZ T:Bass song from the Opera of "Two to One."
ABC  11531 C1:000207070076060 C2:udddddduduudddd M:C     K:Bb           H:BCLQSZ T:Bass song from the Opera of "Two to One."
ABC  11531 C1:000207070076060 C2:udddddduduudddd M:C     K:Bb           H:BCLQSZ T:Bass song from the Opera of "Two to One."
ABC  11531 C1:000207070076060 C2:udddddduduudddd M:C     K:Bb           H:BCLQSZ T:Bass song from the Opera of "Two to One."
ABC  11531 C1:000207070076060 C2:udddddduduudddd M:C     K:Bb           H:BCLQSZ T:Bass song from the Opera of "Two to One."
ABC    240 C1:222227700706323 C2:duuuudddduuuuuu M:3/4   K:A            H:CLORS  T:Basstr\"angen f\"orst\"amd till a.
ABC    235 C1:030002126472727 C2:uduudududududud M:3/4   K:D            H:CLORSU T:Basstr\"angen st\"ammes i a.
ABC    240 C1:222227700706323 C2:duuuudddduuuuuu M:3/4   K:A            H:CLORS  T:Bassträngen förstämd till a.
ABC    235 C1:030002126472727 C2:uduudududududud M:3/4   K:D            H:CLORSU T:Bassträngen stämmes i a.
ABC      4 C1:016001440503000 C2:ududududuuduuuu M:4/2   K:C bass       H:CLRS   T:Bassus
ABC      4 C1:016001440503000 C2:ududududuuduuuu M:4/2   K:C bass       H:CLRS   T:Bassus
ABC      4 C1:016001440503000 C2:ududududuuduuuu M:4/2   K:C bass       H:CLRS   T:Bassus
ABC      4 C1:041503030005056 C2:uudududddduuudu M:4/2   K:C bass       H:CLRS   T:Bassus
ABC      4 C1:041503030005056 C2:uudududddduuudu M:4/2   K:C bass       H:CLRS   T:Bassus
ABC      4 C1:041503030005056 C2:uudududddduuudu M:4/2   K:C bass       H:CLRS   T:Bassus
ABC      4 C1:041327051100040 C2:duuudduuduuuudd M:4/2   K:F bass       H:CLRS   T:Bassus
ABC      4 C1:041327051100040 C2:duuudduuduuuudd M:4/2   K:F bass       H:CLRS   T:Bassus
ABC      4 C1:041327051100040 C2:duuudduuduuuudd M:4/2   K:F bass       H:CLRS   T:Bassus
ABC      4 C1:530403150300020 C2:duduuduuddduudu M:4/2   K:C bass       H:CLRS   T:Bassus
ABC      4 C1:530403150300020 C2:duduuduuddduudu M:4/2   K:C bass       H:CLRS   T:Bassus
ABC      4 C1:530403150300020 C2:duduuduuddduudu M:4/2   K:C bass       H:CLRS   T:Bassus
ABC      5 C1:007607070007060 C2:dddddddduduuuud M:C|    K:D bass       H:CL     T:Bassus
ABC      5 C1:000306030601060 C2:udududududduudd M:3/2   K:C bass       H:CL     T:Bassus
ABC      5 C1:000306030601060 C2:udududududduudd M:3/2   K:C bass       H:CL     T:Bassus
ABC      5 C1:000306030601060 C2:udududududduudd M:3/2   K:C bass       H:CL     T:Bassus
ABC      3 C1:077731011175404 C2:ddduuuuuddud    M:C|    K:F            H:CILOw  T:Bassus
ABC      3 C1:077731011175404 C2:ddduuuuuddud    M:C|    K:F            H:CILOw  T:Bassus
ABC      3 C1:077731011175404 C2:ddduuuuuddud    M:C|    K:F            H:CILOw  T:Bassus
ABC      5 C1:000707000300010 C2:dduuddududdddud M:3/2   K:Gdor bass    H:CLO    T:Bassus
ABC      5 C1:000707000300010 C2:dduuddududdddud M:3/2   K:Gdor bass    H:CLO    T:Bassus
ABC      5 C1:000707000300010 C2:dduuddududdddud M:3/2   K:Gdor bass    H:CLO    T:Bassus
ABC      5 C1:010104000020726 C2:uududdududududu M:3/2   K:A bass       H:CLO    T:Bassus
ABC      5 C1:010104000020726 C2:uududdududududu M:3/2   K:A bass       H:CLO    T:Bassus
ABC      5 C1:010104000020726 C2:uududdududududu M:3/2   K:A bass       H:CLO    T:Bassus
ABC      4 C1:                C2:                M:C     K:Gdor bass    H:CLw    T:Bassus
ABC      4 C1:                C2:                M:C     K:Gdor bass    H:CLw    T:Bassus
ABC      5 C1:000171117707004 C2:uduuuddddududuu M:C     K:F bass       H:CLO    T:Bassus
ABC      5 C1:000171117707004 C2:uduuuddddududuu M:C     K:F bass       H:CLO    T:Bassus
ABC      5 C1:000171117707004 C2:uduuuddddududuu M:C     K:F bass       H:CLO    T:Bassus
ABC      5 C1:000000040001000 C2:duuuuududdduddd M:C     K:Amin bass    H:CLO    T:Bassus
ABC      5 C1:000000040001000 C2:duuuuududdduddd M:C     K:Amin bass    H:CLO    T:Bassus
ABC      5 C1:000000040001000 C2:duuuuududdduddd M:C     K:Amin bass    H:CLO    T:Bassus
ABC      5 C1:000300770007000 C2:udddudduuddduuu M:C     K:Amin bass    H:CLO    T:Bassus
ABC      5 C1:000300770007000 C2:udddudduuddduuu M:C     K:Amin bass    H:CLO    T:Bassus
ABC      5 C1:000300770007000 C2:udddudduuddduuu M:C     K:Amin bass    H:CLO    T:Bassus
ABC      4 C1:                C2:                M:C|    K:G bass       H:BCLw   T:Bassus
ABC      4 C1:                C2:                M:C|    K:G bass       H:BCLw   T:Bassus
ABC      4 C1:                C2:                M:C|    K:G bass       H:BCLw   T:Bassus
ABC      4 C1:                C2:                M:C|    K:G bass       H:BCLw   T:Bassus
ABC      4 C1:                C2:                M:C|    K:G bass       H:BCLw   T:Bassus
ABC      4 C1:                C2:                M:C|    K:G bass       H:BCLw   T:Bassus
ABC      5 C1:000000030077017 C2:uddudddduduuudu M:C     K:Amin bass    H:CLO    T:Bassus
ABC      5 C1:000000030077017 C2:uddudddduduuudu M:C     K:Amin bass    H:CLO    T:Bassus
ABC      5 C1:000000030077017 C2:uddudddduduuudu M:C     K:Amin bass    H:CLO    T:Bassus
ABC      3 C1:                C2:                M:C|    K:G            H:"CILOw T:Bassus
ABC      3 C1:                C2:                M:C|    K:G            H:"CILOw T:Bassus
ABC      3 C1:                C2:                M:C|    K:G            H:"CILOw T:Bassus
ABC      3 C1:006002116020162 C2:duuuduududuuuud M:C|    K:F            H:"CILOw T:Bassus
ABC      3 C1:006002116020162 C2:duuuduududuuuud M:C|    K:F            H:"CILOw T:Bassus
ABC      3 C1:006002116020162 C2:duuuduududuuuud M:C|    K:F            H:"CILOw T:Bassus
ABC      5 C1:005207070007005 C2:dudddduudduuduu M:C     K:Amin bass    H:CLO    T:Bassus
ABC      5 C1:005207070007005 C2:dudddduudduuduu M:C     K:Amin bass    H:CLO    T:Bassus
ABC      5 C1:005207070007005 C2:dudddduudduuduu M:C     K:Amin bass    H:CLO    T:Bassus
ABC      4 C1:                C2:                M:C|    K:C            H:CLw    T:Bassus
ABC      4 C1:                C2:                M:C|    K:C            H:CLw    T:Bassus
ABC      4 C1:                C2:                M:C|    K:C            H:CLw    T:Bassus
ABC      3 C1:                C2:                M:C|    K:F            H:"CILOw T:Bassus
ABC      3 C1:                C2:                M:C|    K:F            H:"CILOw T:Bassus
ABC      3 C1:                C2:                M:C|    K:F            H:"CILOw T:Bassus
ABC      3 C1:                C2:                M:C|    K:G bass       H:CILOw  T:Bassus
ABC      3 C1:                C2:                M:C|    K:G bass       H:CILOw  T:Bassus
ABC      3 C1:                C2:                M:C|    K:G bass       H:CILOw  T:Bassus
ABC     30 C1:000300037017620 C2:dududdududuuuud M:2/4   K:D            H:"CILR  T:Bastard Buskin, That
ABC     23 C1:117701770177217 C2:uudddudddduuddu M:2/4   K:F            H:LOQSZ  T:Bastay Jiyan
ABC      1 C1:000000070000000 C2:udududuuduududu M:4/4   K:C            H:CLQ    T:Bastians Happy Flight - Clarinet [3:44]
ABC     71 C1:000000070000000 C2:udududuuduududu M:4/4   K:C            H:CLQ    T:Bastians Happy Flight - Clarinet [3:44]
ABC      1 C1:520153530503005 C2:uduudududududud M:4/4   K:C            H:CLQ    T:Bastians Happy Flight - Drums [3:44]
ABC      1 C1:520153530503005 C2:uduudududududud M:4/4   K:C            H:CLQ    T:Bastians Happy Flight - Drums [3:44]
ABC      1 C1:600000000000000 C2:dududduddududud M:4/4   K:C            H:CLQ    T:Bastians Happy Flight - Flute1 [3:44]
ABC     51 C1:600000000000000 C2:dududduddududud M:4/4   K:C            H:CLQ    T:Bastians Happy Flight - Flute1 [3:44]
ABC      1 C1:252070001070103 C2:uuuuuuudududduu M:4/4   K:C            H:CLQ    T:Bastians Happy Flight - Flute2 [3:44]
ABC     52 C1:252070001070103 C2:uuuuuuudududduu M:4/4   K:C            H:CLQ    T:Bastians Happy Flight - Flute2 [3:44]
ABC      1 C1:712512512422422 C2:duuduuddududdud M:4/4   K:C            H:CLQ    T:Bastians Happy Flight - Harp [3:44]
ABC     21 C1:712512512422422 C2:duuduuddududdud M:4/4   K:C            H:CLQ    T:Bastians Happy Flight - Harp [3:44]
ABC      1 C1:000000000000000 C2:dudduuddududduu M:4/4   K:C            H:CLQ    T:Bastians Happy Flight - Horn [3:44]
ABC     61 C1:000000000000000 C2:dudduuddududduu M:4/4   K:C            H:CLQ    T:Bastians Happy Flight - Horn [3:44]
ABC      1 C1:773673067173673 C2:ddudduddududdud M:4/4   K:C            H:CLQ    T:Bastians Happy Flight - Lute [3:44]
ABC     11 C1:773673067173673 C2:ddudduddududdud M:4/4   K:C            H:CLQ    T:Bastians Happy Flight - Lute [3:44]
ABC      1 C1:060000000000000 C2:dududdududdudud M:4/4   K:C            H:CLQ    T:Bastians Happy Flight - Therobo [3:44]
ABC     31 C1:060000000000000 C2:dududdududdudud M:4/4   K:C            H:CLQ    T:Bastians Happy Flight - Therobo [3:44]
ABC      3 C1:001627007007007 C2:ududddduduuudud M:6/8   K:C            H:BLQ    T:Bastienne
ABC      3 C1:001627007007007 C2:ududddduduuudud M:6/8   K:C            H:BLQ    T:Bastienne
ABC      1 C1:000001770007000 C2:udddduuudduuudd M:4/4   K:D            H:"L     T:Bastingue
ABC      1 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:C|    K:D            H:"LORZ  T:la Bastrange
ABC     51 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:C|    K:D            H:"LORZ  T:la Bastrange
ABC     53 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:C|    K:D            H:"LORZ  T:la Bastrange
ABC     53 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:C|    K:D            H:"LORZ  T:la Bastrange
ABC     40 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:C|    K:D            H:"LOQRZ T:la Bastrange
ABC     40 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:C|    K:D            H:"LOQRZ T:la Bastrange
ABC     40 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:C|    K:D            H:"LOQRZ T:la Bastrange
ABC     37 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:C|    K:D            H:"LOQRZ T:La Bastrange
ABC     51 C1:                C2:                M:C|    K:D            H:LORZ   T:la Bastrange
ABC     53 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:C|    K:D            H:"LORZ  T:la Bastrange
ABC     53 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:C|    K:D            H:"LORZ  T:la Bastrange
ABC     53 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:C|    K:D            H:"LORZ  T:la Bastrange
ABC     53 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:C|    K:D            H:"LORZ  T:la Bastrange
ABC     53 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:C|    K:D            H:"LORZ  T:la Bastrange
ABC     53 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:C|    K:D            H:"LORZ  T:la Bastrange
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ABC     41 C1:007707070011020 C2:dddduuudduduudd M:4/4   K:G            H:L      T:La Bastrangue
ABC     41 C1:007707070011020 C2:dddduuudduduudd M:4/4   K:G            H:L      T:La Bastrangue
ABC     41 C1:007707070011020 C2:dddduuudduduudd M:4/4   K:G            H:L      T:La Bastrangue
ABC    125 C1:007707070011020 C2:dddduuudduduudd M:4/4   K:G            H:L      T:La Bastrangue
ABC    625 C1:007707070011020 C2:dddduuudduduudd M:4/4   K:G            H:L      T:La Bastrangue
ABC      1 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:C|    K:D            H:"LORZ  T:la Bastringe #1
ABC      1 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:C|    K:D            H:"LORZ  T:la Bastringe #1
ABC      1 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:C|    K:D            H:"LORZ  T:la Bastringe #1
ABC      1 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:C|    K:D            H:"LORZ  T:la Bastringe #1
ABC      1 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:C|    K:D            H:"LORZ  T:la Bastringe #1
ABC      1 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:C|    K:D            H:"LORZ  T:la Bastringe #1
ABC      1 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:C|    K:D            H:"LORZ  T:la Bastringe #1
ABC      1 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:C|    K:D            H:"LORZ  T:la Bastringe #1
ABC      1 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:C|    K:D            H:"LORZ  T:la Bastringe #1
ABC      1 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:C|    K:D            H:"LORZ  T:la Bastringe #1
ABC      1 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:C|    K:D            H:"LORZ  T:la Bastringe #1
ABC      1 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:C|    K:D            H:"LORZ  T:la Bastringe #1
ABC      1 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:C|    K:D            H:"LORZ  T:la Bastringe #1
ABC      1 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:C|    K:D            H:"LORZ  T:la Bastringe #1
ABC      1 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:C|    K:D            H:"LORZ  T:la Bastringe #1
ABC      1 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:C|    K:D            H:"LORZ  T:la Bastringe #1
ABC      1 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:C|    K:D            H:"LORZ  T:la Bastringe #1
ABC      1 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:C|    K:D            H:"LORZ  T:la Bastringe #1
ABC      1 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:C|    K:D            H:"LORZ  T:la Bastringe #1
ABC      1 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:C|    K:D            H:"LORZ  T:la Bastringe #1
ABC      1 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:C|    K:D            H:"LORZ  T:la Bastringe #1
ABC      1 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:C|    K:D            H:"LORZ  T:la Bastringe #1
ABC      1 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:C|    K:D            H:"LORZ  T:la Bastringe #1
ABC      1 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:C|    K:D            H:"LORZ  T:la Bastringe #1
ABC      1 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:C|    K:D            H:"LORZ  T:la Bastringe #1
ABC      1 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:C|    K:D            H:"LORZ  T:la Bastringe #1
ABC      1 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:C|    K:D            H:"LORZ  T:la Bastringe #1
ABC      1 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:C|    K:D            H:"LORZ  T:la Bastringe #1
ABC      1 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:C|    K:D            H:"LORZ  T:la Bastringe #1
ABC      1 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:C|    K:D            H:"LORZ  T:la Bastringe #1
ABC      1 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:C|    K:D            H:"LORZ  T:la Bastringe #1
ABC      1 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:C|    K:D            H:"LORZ  T:la Bastringe #1
ABC      1 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:C|    K:D            H:"LORZ  T:la Bastringe #1
ABC      1 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:C|    K:D            H:"LORZ  T:la Bastringe #1
ABC      1 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:C|    K:D            H:"LORZ  T:la Bastringe #1
ABC      1 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:C|    K:D            H:"LORZ  T:la Bastringe #1
ABC      1 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:C|    K:D            H:"LORZ  T:la Bastringe #1
ABC      1 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:C|    K:D            H:"LORZ  T:la Bastringe #1
ABC      1 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:C|    K:D            H:"LORZ  T:la Bastringe #1
ABC      1 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:C|    K:D            H:"LORZ  T:la Bastringe #1
ABC      1 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:C|    K:D            H:"LORZ  T:la Bastringe #1
ABC      1 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:C|    K:D            H:"LORZ  T:la Bastringe #1
ABC      1 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:C|    K:D            H:"LORZ  T:la Bastringe #1
ABC      1 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:C|    K:D            H:"LORZ  T:la Bastringe #1
ABC      1 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:C|    K:D            H:"LORZ  T:la Bastringe #1
ABC      1 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:C|    K:D            H:"LORZ  T:la Bastringe #1
ABC      1 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:C|    K:D            H:"LORZ  T:la Bastringe #1
ABC      1 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:C|    K:D            H:"LORZ  T:la Bastringe #1
ABC      1 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:C|    K:D            H:"LORZ  T:la Bastringe #1
ABC      1 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:C|    K:D            H:"LORZ  T:la Bastringe #1
ABC      1 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:C|    K:D            H:"LORZ  T:la Bastringe #1
ABC      1 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:C|    K:D            H:"LORZ  T:la Bastringe #1
ABC      1 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:C|    K:D            H:"LORZ  T:la Bastringe #1
ABC      1 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:C|    K:D            H:"LORZ  T:la Bastringe #1
ABC      1 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:C|    K:D            H:"LORZ  T:la Bastringe #1
ABC      1 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:C|    K:D            H:"LORZ  T:la Bastringe #1
ABC      1 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:C|    K:D            H:"LORZ  T:la Bastringe #1
ABC      1 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:C|    K:D            H:"LORZ  T:la Bastringe #1
ABC      1 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:C|    K:D            H:"LORZ  T:la Bastringe #1
ABC      1 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:C|    K:D            H:"LORZ  T:la Bastringe #1
ABC      1 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:C|    K:D            H:"LORZ  T:la Bastringe #1
ABC      1 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:C|    K:D            H:"LORZ  T:la Bastringe #1
ABC      1 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:C|    K:D            H:"LORZ  T:la Bastringe #1
ABC      1 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:C|    K:D            H:"LORZ  T:la Bastringe #1
ABC      1 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:C|    K:D            H:"LORZ  T:la Bastringe #1
ABC      1 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:C|    K:D            H:"LORZ  T:la Bastringe #1
ABC      1 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:C|    K:D            H:"LORZ  T:la Bastringe #1
ABC      1 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:C|    K:D            H:"LORZ  T:la Bastringe #1
ABC      1 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:C|    K:D            H:"LORZ  T:la Bastringe #1
ABC      1 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:C|    K:D            H:"LORZ  T:la Bastringe #1
ABC      1 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:C|    K:D            H:"LORZ  T:la Bastringe #1
ABC      1 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:C|    K:D            H:"LORZ  T:la Bastringe #1
ABC      1 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:C|    K:D            H:"LORZ  T:la Bastringe #1
ABC      1 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:C|    K:D            H:"LORZ  T:la Bastringe #1
ABC      1 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:C|    K:D            H:"LORZ  T:la Bastringe #1
ABC      1 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:C|    K:D            H:"LORZ  T:la Bastringe #1
ABC      1 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:C|    K:D            H:"LORZ  T:la Bastringe #1
ABC      1 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:C|    K:D            H:"LORZ  T:la Bastringe #1
ABC      1 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:C|    K:D            H:"LORZ  T:la Bastringe #1
ABC      1 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:C|    K:D            H:"LORZ  T:la Bastringe #1
ABC      1 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:C|    K:D            H:"LORZ  T:la Bastringe #1
ABC      1 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:C|    K:D            H:"LORZ  T:la Bastringe #1
ABC      1 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:C|    K:D            H:"LORZ  T:la Bastringe #1
ABC      1 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:C|    K:D            H:"LORZ  T:la Bastringe #1
ABC      1 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:C|    K:D            H:"LORZ  T:la Bastringe #1
ABC      1 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:C|    K:D            H:"LORZ  T:la Bastringe #1
ABC      1 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:C|    K:D            H:"LORZ  T:la Bastringe #1
ABC     25 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:C|    K:D            H:"LORZ  T:la Bastringe #1
ABC     25 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:C|    K:D            H:"LORZ  T:la Bastringe #1
ABC     25 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:C|    K:D            H:"LORZ  T:la Bastringe #1
ABC      4 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:C|    K:D            H:"LORZ  T:la Bastringe #1
ABC     40 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:C|    K:D            H:"LORZ  T:la Bastringe #1
ABC     44 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:C|    K:D            H:"LORZ  T:la Bastringe #1
ABC     48 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:C|    K:D            H:"LORZ  T:la Bastringe #1
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ABC      1 C1:006201770601000 C2:duuddduduuudduu M:C|    K:D            H:"LORZ  T:la Bastringe #2
ABC      1 C1:006201770601000 C2:duuddduduuudduu M:C|    K:D            H:"LORZ  T:la Bastringe #2
ABC      1 C1:006201770601000 C2:duuddduduuudduu M:C|    K:D            H:"LORZ  T:la Bastringe #2
ABC      1 C1:006201770601000 C2:duuddduduuudduu M:C|    K:D            H:"LORZ  T:la Bastringe #2
ABC      1 C1:006201770601000 C2:duuddduduuudduu M:C|    K:D            H:"LORZ  T:la Bastringe #2
ABC      1 C1:006201770601000 C2:duuddduduuudduu M:C|    K:D            H:"LORZ  T:la Bastringe #2
ABC      1 C1:006201770601000 C2:duuddduduuudduu M:C|    K:D            H:"LORZ  T:la Bastringe #2
ABC      1 C1:006201770601000 C2:duuddduduuudduu M:C|    K:D            H:"LORZ  T:la Bastringe #2
ABC      1 C1:006201770601000 C2:duuddduduuudduu M:C|    K:D            H:"LORZ  T:la Bastringe #2
ABC      1 C1:006201770601000 C2:duuddduduuudduu M:C|    K:D            H:"LORZ  T:la Bastringe #2
ABC      1 C1:006201770601000 C2:duuddduduuudduu M:C|    K:D            H:"LORZ  T:la Bastringe #2
ABC      1 C1:006201770601000 C2:duuddduduuudduu M:C|    K:D            H:"LORZ  T:la Bastringe #2
ABC      1 C1:006201770601000 C2:duuddduduuudduu M:C|    K:D            H:"LORZ  T:la Bastringe #2
ABC      1 C1:006201770601000 C2:duuddduduuudduu M:C|    K:D            H:"LORZ  T:la Bastringe #2
ABC      1 C1:006201770601000 C2:duuddduduuudduu M:C|    K:D            H:"LORZ  T:la Bastringe #2
ABC      1 C1:006201770601000 C2:duuddduduuudduu M:C|    K:D            H:"LORZ  T:la Bastringe #2
ABC      1 C1:006201770601000 C2:duuddduduuudduu M:C|    K:D            H:"LORZ  T:la Bastringe #2
ABC      1 C1:006201770601000 C2:duuddduduuudduu M:C|    K:D            H:"LORZ  T:la Bastringe #2
ABC      1 C1:006201770601000 C2:duuddduduuudduu M:C|    K:D            H:"LORZ  T:la Bastringe #2
ABC      1 C1:006201770601000 C2:duuddduduuudduu M:C|    K:D            H:"LORZ  T:la Bastringe #2
ABC      1 C1:006201770601000 C2:duuddduduuudduu M:C|    K:D            H:"LORZ  T:la Bastringe #2
ABC      1 C1:006201770601000 C2:duuddduduuudduu M:C|    K:D            H:"LORZ  T:la Bastringe #2
ABC      1 C1:006201770601000 C2:duuddduduuudduu M:C|    K:D            H:"LORZ  T:la Bastringe #2
ABC      1 C1:006201770601000 C2:duuddduduuudduu M:C|    K:D            H:"LORZ  T:la Bastringe #2
ABC      2 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:C|    K:D            H:"LORZ  T:la Bastringe #2
ABC      2 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:C|    K:D            H:"LORZ  T:la Bastringe #2
ABC      2 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:C|    K:D            H:"LORZ  T:la Bastringe #2
ABC      2 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:C|    K:D            H:"LORZ  T:la Bastringe #2
ABC      2 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:C|    K:D            H:"LORZ  T:la Bastringe #2
ABC      2 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:C|    K:D            H:"LORZ  T:la Bastringe #2
ABC      2 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:C|    K:D            H:"LORZ  T:la Bastringe #2
ABC      2 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:C|    K:D            H:"LORZ  T:la Bastringe #2
ABC      2 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:C|    K:D            H:"LORZ  T:la Bastringe #2
ABC      2 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:C|    K:D            H:"LORZ  T:la Bastringe #2
ABC      2 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:C|    K:D            H:"LORZ  T:la Bastringe #2
ABC      2 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:C|    K:D            H:"LORZ  T:la Bastringe #2
ABC      2 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:C|    K:D            H:"LORZ  T:la Bastringe #2
ABC      2 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:C|    K:D            H:"LORZ  T:la Bastringe #2
ABC      2 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:C|    K:D            H:"LORZ  T:la Bastringe #2
ABC      2 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:C|    K:D            H:"LORZ  T:la Bastringe #2
ABC      2 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:C|    K:D            H:"LORZ  T:la Bastringe #2
ABC      2 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:C|    K:D            H:"LORZ  T:la Bastringe #2
ABC      2 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:C|    K:D            H:"LORZ  T:la Bastringe #2
ABC      2 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:C|    K:D            H:"LORZ  T:la Bastringe #2
ABC      2 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:C|    K:D            H:"LORZ  T:la Bastringe #2
ABC      2 C1:006201770601000 C2:duuddduduuudduu M:C|    K:D            H:"LORZ  T:la Bastringe #2
ABC      2 C1:006201770601000 C2:duuddduduuudduu M:C|    K:D            H:"LORZ  T:la Bastringe #2
ABC      2 C1:006201770601000 C2:duuddduduuudduu M:C|    K:D            H:"LORZ  T:la Bastringe #2
ABC      2 C1:006201770601000 C2:duuddduduuudduu M:C|    K:D            H:"LORZ  T:la Bastringe #2
ABC      2 C1:006201770601000 C2:duuddduduuudduu M:C|    K:D            H:"LORZ  T:la Bastringe #2
ABC      2 C1:006201770601000 C2:duuddduduuudduu M:C|    K:D            H:"LORZ  T:la Bastringe #2
ABC      2 C1:006201770601000 C2:duuddduduuudduu M:C|    K:D            H:"LORZ  T:la Bastringe #2
ABC      2 C1:006201770601000 C2:duuddduduuudduu M:C|    K:D            H:"LORZ  T:la Bastringe #2
ABC      2 C1:006201770601000 C2:duuddduduuudduu M:C|    K:D            H:"LORZ  T:la Bastringe #2
ABC      2 C1:006201770601000 C2:duuddduduuudduu M:C|    K:D            H:"LORZ  T:la Bastringe #2
ABC      2 C1:006201770601000 C2:duuddduduuudduu M:C|    K:D            H:"LORZ  T:la Bastringe #2
ABC      2 C1:006201770601000 C2:duuddduduuudduu M:C|    K:D            H:"LORZ  T:la Bastringe #2
ABC      2 C1:006201770601000 C2:duuddduduuudduu M:C|    K:D            H:"LORZ  T:la Bastringe #2
ABC      2 C1:006201770601000 C2:duuddduduuudduu M:C|    K:D            H:"LORZ  T:la Bastringe #2
ABC      2 C1:006201770601000 C2:duuddduduuudduu M:C|    K:D            H:"LORZ  T:la Bastringe #2
ABC      2 C1:006201770601000 C2:duuddduduuudduu M:C|    K:D            H:"LORZ  T:la Bastringe #2
ABC      2 C1:006201770601000 C2:duuddduduuudduu M:C|    K:D            H:"LORZ  T:la Bastringe #2
ABC      2 C1:006201770601000 C2:duuddduduuudduu M:C|    K:D            H:"LORZ  T:la Bastringe #2
ABC      2 C1:006201770601000 C2:duuddduduuudduu M:C|    K:D            H:"LORZ  T:la Bastringe #2
ABC      2 C1:006201770601000 C2:duuddduduuudduu M:C|    K:D            H:"LORZ  T:la Bastringe #2
ABC      2 C1:006201770601000 C2:duuddduduuudduu M:C|    K:D            H:"LORZ  T:la Bastringe #2
ABC      2 C1:006201770601000 C2:duuddduduuudduu M:C|    K:D            H:"LORZ  T:la Bastringe #2
ABC      2 C1:006201770601000 C2:duuddduduuudduu M:C|    K:D            H:"LORZ  T:la Bastringe #2
ABC      2 C1:006201770601000 C2:duuddduduuudduu M:C|    K:D            H:"LORZ  T:la Bastringe #2
ABC      2 C1:006201770601000 C2:duuddduduuudduu M:C|    K:D            H:"LORZ  T:la Bastringe #2
ABC      2 C1:006201770601000 C2:duuddduduuudduu M:C|    K:D            H:"LORZ  T:la Bastringe #2
ABC      2 C1:006201770601000 C2:duuddduduuudduu M:C|    K:D            H:"LORZ  T:la Bastringe #2
ABC      2 C1:006201770601000 C2:duuddduduuudduu M:C|    K:D            H:"LORZ  T:la Bastringe #2
ABC      2 C1:006201770601000 C2:duuddduduuudduu M:C|    K:D            H:"LORZ  T:la Bastringe #2
ABC     26 C1:006201770601000 C2:duuddduduuudduu M:C|    K:D            H:"LORZ  T:la Bastringe #2
ABC     26 C1:006201770601000 C2:duuddduduuudduu M:C|    K:D            H:"LORZ  T:la Bastringe #2
ABC     26 C1:006201770601000 C2:duuddduduuudduu M:C|    K:D            H:"LORZ  T:la Bastringe #2
ABC      5 C1:006201770601000 C2:duuddduduuudduu M:C|    K:D            H:"LORZ  T:la Bastringe #2
ABC     41 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:C|    K:D            H:"LORZ  T:la Bastringe #2
ABC     45 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:C|    K:D            H:"LORZ  T:la Bastringe #2
ABC     49 C1:006201770601000 C2:duuddduduuudduu M:C|    K:D            H:"LORZ  T:la Bastringe #2
ABC    141 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduudu M:C|    K:D            H:"BLORZ T:la Bastringe
ABC    141 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduudu M:C|    K:D            H:"BLORZ T:la Bastringe
ABC    141 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduudu M:C|    K:D            H:"BLORZ T:la Bastringe
ABC    141 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduudu M:C|    K:D            H:"BLORZ T:la Bastringe
ABC    141 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduudu M:C|    K:D            H:"BLORZ T:la Bastringe
ABC    141 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduudu M:C|    K:D            H:"BLORZ T:la Bastringe
ABC      1 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:C|    K:D            H:"LORZ  T:la Bastringe
ABC      2 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:C|    K:D            H:"LORZ  T:la Bastringe
ABC      1 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:C|    K:D            H:"LORWZ T:la Bastringe
ABC      1 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:C|    K:D            H:"LORWZ T:la Bastringe
ABC      1 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:C|    K:D            H:"LORWZ T:la Bastringe
ABC      1 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:C|    K:D            H:"LORZ  T:la Bastringe
ABC      2 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:C|    K:D            H:"LORZ  T:la Bastringe
ABC      1 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:C|    K:D            H:"LORZ  T:la Bastringe
ABC      2 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:C|    K:D            H:"LORZ  T:la Bastringe
ABC      1 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:C|    K:D            H:"LORZ  T:la Bastringe
ABC      2 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:C|    K:D            H:"LORZ  T:la Bastringe
ABC      1 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:C|    K:D            H:"LORZ  T:la Bastringe
ABC      2 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:C|    K:D            H:"LORZ  T:la Bastringe
ABC    141 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduudu M:C|    K:D            H:"BLORZ T:la Bastringe
ABC    141 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduudu M:C|    K:D            H:"BLORZ T:la Bastringe
ABC    141 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduudu M:C|    K:D            H:"BLORZ T:la Bastringe
ABC    141 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduudu M:C|    K:D            H:"BLORZ T:la Bastringe
ABC    141 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduudu M:C|    K:D            H:"BLORZ T:la Bastringe
ABC    141 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduudu M:C|    K:D            H:"BLORZ T:la Bastringe
ABC    141 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduudu M:C|    K:D            H:"BLORZ T:la Bastringe
ABC    141 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduudu M:C|    K:D            H:"BLORZ T:la Bastringe
ABC      1 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:C|    K:E            H:"LORZ  T:la Bastringe (E)
ABC      1 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:C|    K:E            H:"LORZ  T:la Bastringe (E)
ABC      1 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:C|    K:E            H:"LORZ  T:la Bastringe (E)
ABC      1 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:C|    K:E            H:"LORZ  T:la Bastringe (E)
ABC      1 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:C|    K:E            H:"LORZ  T:la Bastringe (E)
ABC      1 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:4/4   K:D            H:CLQR   T:La Bastringue
ABC     22 C1:000001770007000 C2:udddduuduuuudud M:4/4   K:D            H:       T:la Bastringue
ABC     22 C1:000001770007000 C2:udddduuduuuudud M:4/4   K:D            H:       T:la Bastringue
ABC     22 C1:000001770007000 C2:udddduuduuuudud M:4/4   K:D            H:       T:la Bastringue
ABC    629 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:4/4   K:D            H:LOSZ   T:Bastringue, La
ABC    629 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:4/4   K:D            H:LOSZ   T:Bastringue, La
ABC      1 C1:060100070101176 C2:duduuudduuuduud M:C|    K:D            H:"CRZ   T:La Bastringue
ABC      1 C1:060100070101176 C2:duduuudduuuduud M:C|    K:D            H:"CRZ   T:La Bastringue
ABC      1 C1:060100070101176 C2:duduuudduuuduud M:C|    K:D            H:"CRZ   T:La Bastringue
ABC      1 C1:060100070101176 C2:duduuudduuuduud M:C|    K:D            H:"CRZ   T:La Bastringue
ABC      1 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:4/4   K:D            H:"LORZ  T:Bastringue, La
ABC      1 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:4/4   K:D            H:"LORZ  T:Bastringue, La
ABC      1 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:4/4   K:D            H:"LORZ  T:Bastringue, La
ABC    113 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:4/4   K:D            H:"LORZ  T:Bastringue, La
ABC   1093 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:4/4   K:D            H:"LORZ  T:Bastringue, La
ABC   1556 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:4/4   K:D            H:"LORZ  T:Bastringue, La
ABC     57 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduudu M:C|    K:D            H:"LOR   T:La Bastringue
ABC      1 C1:001661071107116 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:4/4   K:D            H:"LS    T:La Bastringue
ABC     23 C1:001661071107116 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:4/4   K:D            H:"LS    T:La Bastringue
ABC      1 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:C|    K:D            H:"CLRSZ T:la Bastringue
ABC      1 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:C|    K:D            H:"CLRSZ T:la Bastringue
ABC      1 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:C|    K:D            H:"CLRSZ T:la Bastringue
ABC      1 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:C|    K:D            H:"CLRSZ T:la Bastringue
ABC      0 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:       T:La Bastringue
ABC      0 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:       T:La Bastringue
ABC      0 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:       T:La Bastringue
ABC      0 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:       T:La Bastringue
ABC      0 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:       T:La Bastringue
ABC      0 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:       T:La Bastringue
ABC      0 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:       T:La Bastringue
ABC      0 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:       T:La Bastringue
ABC      0 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:       T:La Bastringue
ABC      0 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:       T:La Bastringue
ABC      0 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:       T:La Bastringue
ABC      0 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:       T:La Bastringue
ABC      0 C1:                C2:                M:      K:D            H:       T:La Bastringue
ABC      0 C1:                C2:                M:      K:D            H:       T:La Bastringue
ABC      0 C1:                C2:                M:      K:D            H:       T:La Bastringue
ABC      0 C1:                C2:                M:      K:D            H:       T:La Bastringue
ABC      0 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:       T:Bastringue
ABC      0 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:       T:Bastringue
ABC      0 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:       T:Bastringue
ABC      0 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:       T:Bastringue
ABC      0 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:       T:Bastringue
ABC      0 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:       T:Bastringue
ABC      0 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:       T:Bastringue
ABC      0 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:       T:Bastringue
ABC      0 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:       T:Bastringue
ABC      0 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:       T:Bastringue
ABC      0 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:       T:Bastringue
ABC      0 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:       T:Bastringue
ABC      0 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:       T:Bastringue
ABC      0 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:       T:Bastringue
ABC      0 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:       T:Bastringue
ABC      0 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:       T:Bastringue
ABC      0 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:       T:Bastringue
ABC      0 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:       T:Bastringue
ABC      3 C1:000700070011060 C2:dduuduuuududddd M:4/4   K:D            H:L      T:La Bastringue
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:C|    K:D            H:L      T:La Bastringue
ABC     38 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:C|    K:D            H:"LORZ  T:La Bastringue
ABC     21 C1:001661071107116 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:4/4   K:D            H:"FLS   T:La Bastringue
ABC     21 C1:001661071107116 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:4/4   K:D            H:"FLS   T:La Bastringue
ABC    629 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:4/4   K:D            H:LOSZ   T:Bastringue, La
ABC    629 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:4/4   K:D            H:LOSZ   T:Bastringue, La
ABC      6 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:4/4   K:D            H:"CLQRS T:La Bastringue
ABC     48 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:4/4   K:D            H:"CLQRS T:La Bastringue
ABC    140 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:4/4   K:D            H:"LORZ  T:Bastringue, La
ABC     23 C1:001661071107116 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:4/4   K:D            H:"CL    T:La Bastringue
ABC    115 C1:001661071107116 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:4/4   K:D            H:"LS    T:La Bastringue
ABC    115 C1:001661071107116 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:4/4   K:D            H:"LS    T:La Bastringue
ABC     23 C1:001661071107116 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:4/4   K:D            H:"LS    T:La Bastringue
ABC     23 C1:001661071107116 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:4/4   K:D            H:"LS    T:La Bastringue
ABC     23 C1:001661071107116 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:4/4   K:D            H:"LRS   T:La Bastringue
ABC     23 C1:001661071107116 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:4/4   K:D            H:"LRS   T:La Bastringue
ABC     23 C1:001661071107116 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:4/4   K:D            H:"LRS   T:La Bastringue
ABC     44 C1:060100070101176 C2:duduuudduuuduud M:C|    K:D            H:"CRZ   T:La Bastringue
ABC      1 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:      K:Dmaj         H:LR     T:La Bastringue
ABC      2 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduududuuud M:      K:Dmaj         H:LR     T:La Bastringue
ABC      3 C1:000003050077070 C2:uddddduuudduddu M:      K:Gmaj         H:"LR    T:La Bastringue
ABC    120 C1:060207000701011 C2:dduduuuddduudud M:4/4   K:D            H:"CLQRS T:La Bastringue
ABC    120 C1:060207000701011 C2:dduduuuddduudud M:4/4   K:D            H:"CLQRS T:La Bastringue
ABC    120 C1:060207000701011 C2:dduduuuddduudud M:4/4   K:D            H:"CLQRS T:La Bastringue
ABC     62 C1:000001770601000 C2:udddudduuududuu M:4/4   K:D            H:CLQ    T:La Bastringue
ABC     62 C1:000001770601000 C2:udddudduuududuu M:4/4   K:D            H:CLQ    T:La Bastringue
ABC      3 C1:060100070101017 C2:duduuudduuduudd M:C|    K:D            H:"LR    T:La Bastringue
ABC      3 C1:060100070101017 C2:duduuudduuduudd M:C|    K:D            H:"LR    T:La Bastringue
ABC      3 C1:060100070101017 C2:duduuudduuduudd M:C|    K:D            H:"LR    T:La Bastringue
ABC      3 C1:060100070101017 C2:duduuudduuduudd M:C|    K:D            H:"LR    T:La Bastringue
ABC      3 C1:060100070101017 C2:duduuudduuduudd M:C|    K:D            H:"LR    T:La Bastringue
ABC      3 C1:060100070101017 C2:duduuudduuduudd M:C|    K:D            H:"LR    T:La Bastringue
ABC      2 C1:000700070011060 C2:dduuduuuududddd M:4/4   K:D            H:L      T:La Bastringue
ABC    141 C1:060100070101017 C2:duduuudduuduudd M:C|    K:D            H:"CLQRS T:La Bastringue
ABC    141 C1:060100070101017 C2:duduuudduuduudd M:C|    K:D            H:"CLQRS T:La Bastringue
ABC     92 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuduudduu M:4/4   K:D            H:LRZ    T:La Bastringue
ABC     92 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuduudduu M:4/4   K:D            H:LRZ    T:La Bastringue
ABC 752270 C1:060100070101176 C2:duduuudduuuduud M:C|    K:D            H:"FGHLORZ T:La Bastringue
ABC     75 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:2/2   K:D            H:"CLQRS T:La Bastringue
ABC     75 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:2/2   K:D            H:"CLQRS T:La Bastringue
ABC    100 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:4/4   K:Dmaj         H:HLRZ   T:La Bastringue
ABC   1212 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:4/4   K:D            H:"LORZ  T:Bastringue, La
ABC     11 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduudu M:C|    K:D            H:"LOR   T:La Bastringue
ABC     44 C1:060100070101176 C2:duduuudduuuduud M:C|    K:D            H:"CRZ   T:La Bastringue
ABC 752270 C1:                C2:                M:C|    K:D            H:FGHLORZ T:La Bastringue
ABC    113 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:4/4   K:D            H:"LORZ  T:Bastringue, La
ABC   1093 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:4/4   K:D            H:"LORZ  T:Bastringue, La
ABC   1556 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:4/4   K:D            H:"LORZ  T:Bastringue, La
ABC    113 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:4/4   K:D            H:"LORZ  T:Bastringue, La
ABC   1093 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:4/4   K:D            H:"LORZ  T:Bastringue, La
ABC   1556 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:4/4   K:D            H:"LORZ  T:Bastringue, La
ABC     28 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:4/4   K:D            H:"LORZ  T:Bastringue, La
ABC    248 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:C|    K:F            H:FGLQZ  T:La Bastringue
ABC    248 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:C|    K:F            H:FGLQZ  T:La Bastringue
ABC   3367 C1:001661071107116 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:4/4   K:D            H:"LOS   T:La Bastringue
ABC   3367 C1:001661071107116 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:4/4   K:D            H:"LOS   T:La Bastringue
ABC   8818 C1:001661071107116 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:4/4   K:D            H:"LS    T:La Bastringue
ABC   8819 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:4/4   K:D            H:"CLQRS T:La Bastringue
ABC   8818 C1:001661071107116 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:4/4   K:D            H:"LS    T:La Bastringue
ABC   8819 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:4/4   K:D            H:"CLQRS T:La Bastringue
ABC   8818 C1:001661071107116 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:4/4   K:D            H:"LS    T:La Bastringue
ABC   8819 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:4/4   K:D            H:"CLQRS T:La Bastringue
ABC   1212 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:4/4   K:D            H:"LORZ  T:Bastringue, La
ABC   1212 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:4/4   K:D            H:"LORZ  T:Bastringue, La
ABC   1212 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:4/4   K:D            H:"LORZ  T:Bastringue, La
ABC    983 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:4/4   K:D            H:"LORZ  T:Bastringue, La
ABC    984 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:4/4   K:D            H:"LORZ  T:Bastringue, La
ABC    985 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:4/4   K:D            H:"LORZ  T:Bastringue, La
ABC   7066 C1:001661071107116 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:4/4   K:D            H:"LS    T:La Bastringue
ABC    983 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:4/4   K:D            H:"LORZ  T:Bastringue, La
ABC    984 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:4/4   K:D            H:"LORZ  T:Bastringue, La
ABC    985 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:4/4   K:D            H:"LORZ  T:Bastringue, La
ABC   7066 C1:001661071107116 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:4/4   K:D            H:"LS    T:La Bastringue
ABC    983 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:4/4   K:D            H:"LORZ  T:Bastringue, La
ABC    984 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:4/4   K:D            H:"LORZ  T:Bastringue, La
ABC    985 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:4/4   K:D            H:"LORZ  T:Bastringue, La
ABC   7066 C1:001661071107116 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:4/4   K:D            H:"LS    T:La Bastringue
ABC    984 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:4/4   K:D            H:"LORZ  T:Bastringue, La
ABC    985 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:4/4   K:D            H:"LORZ  T:Bastringue, La
ABC   7066 C1:001661071107116 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:4/4   K:D            H:"LS    T:La Bastringue
ABC    983 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:4/4   K:D            H:"LORZ  T:Bastringue, La
ABC    983 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:4/4   K:D            H:"LORZ  T:Bastringue, La
ABC    984 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:4/4   K:D            H:"LORZ  T:Bastringue, La
ABC    985 C1:000001770601000 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:4/4   K:D            H:"LORZ  T:Bastringue, La
ABC   7066 C1:001661071107116 C2:uddduduuudduuud M:4/4   K:D            H:"LS    T:La Bastringue
ABC      2 C1:060100070101176 C2:duduuudduuuduud M:C|    K:D            H:"CRZ   T:La Bastringue (also R-20; French Canadian)
ABC      2 C1:060100070101176 C2:duduuudduuuduud M:C|    K:D            H:"CRZ   T:La Bastringue (also R-20; French Canadian)
ABC      1 C1:010022370700211 C2:duuudduuuuduuud M:C|    K:D            H:LRSZ   T:La Bastringue des m\'en\'etriers
ABC      1 C1:010022370700211 C2:duuudduuuuduuud M:C|    K:D            H:LRSZ   T:La Bastringue des m\'en\'etriers
ABC      1 C1:010022370700211 C2:duuudduuuuduuud M:C|    K:D            H:LRSZ   T:La Bastringue des m\'en\'etriers
ABC      1 C1:010022370700211 C2:duuudduuuuduuud M:C|    K:D            H:LRSZ   T:La Bastringue des m\'en\'etriers
ABC      1 C1:010022370700211 C2:duuudduuuuduuud M:C|    K:D            H:LRSZ   T:La Bastringue des m\'en\'etriers
ABC      1 C1:010022370700211 C2:duuudduuuuduuud M:C|    K:D            H:LRSZ   T:La Bastringue des m\'en\'etriers
ABC      1 C1:010022370700211 C2:duuudduuuuduuud M:C|    K:D            H:LRSZ   T:La Bastringue des m\'en\'etriers
ABC      1 C1:010022370700211 C2:duuudduuuuduuud M:C|    K:D            H:LRSZ   T:La Bastringue des m\'en\'etriers
ABC      1 C1:010022370700211 C2:duuudduuuuduuud M:C|    K:D            H:LRSZ   T:La Bastringue des m\'en\'etriers
ABC      1 C1:010022370700211 C2:duuudduuuuduuud M:C|    K:D            H:LRSZ   T:La Bastringue des m\'en\'etriers
ABC      1 C1:010022370700211 C2:duuudduuuuduuud M:C|    K:D            H:LRSZ   T:La Bastringue des m\'en\'etriers
ABC      1 C1:010022370700211 C2:duuudduuuuduuud M:C|    K:D            H:LRSZ   T:La Bastringue des m\'en\'etriers
ABC      1 C1:010022370700211 C2:duuudduuuuduuud M:C|    K:D            H:LRSZ   T:La Bastringue des m\'en\'etriers
ABC      1 C1:010022370700211 C2:duuudduuuuduuud M:C|    K:D            H:LRSZ   T:La Bastringue des m\'en\'etriers
ABC      1 C1:010022370700211 C2:duuudduuuuduuud M:1/4   K:D            H:LRSZ   T:La bastringue des m\'en\'etriers
ABC      1 C1:010022370700211 C2:duuudduuuuduuud M:1/4   K:D            H:LRSZ   T:La bastringue des m\'en\'etriers
ABC      1 C1:010022370700211 C2:duuudduuuuduuud M:1/4   K:D            H:LRSZ   T:La bastringue des m\'en\'etriers
ABC      1 C1:010022370700211 C2:duuudduuuuduuud M:1/4   K:D            H:LRSZ   T:La bastringue des m\'en\'etriers
ABC      1 C1:010022370700211 C2:duuudduuuuduuud M:C|    K:D            H:FLRSZ  T:Bastringue des m\'en\'etriers, La
ABC    141 C1:060100070101017 C2:duduuudduuduudd M:C|    K:D            H:"CLQRS T:Bastringue ## La Bastringue
ABC      1 C1:770530532770535 C2:ddduduuddduuuud M:9/8   K:A            H:BLSZ   T:Bata Bharra
ABC     15 C1:770530532770535 C2:ddduduuddduuuud M:9/8   K:A            H:BLSZ   T:Bata Bharra
ABC     75 C1:770530532770535 C2:ddduduuddduuuud M:9/8   K:A            H:BLSZ   T:Bata Bharra
ABC     75 C1:770530532770535 C2:ddduduuddduuuud M:9/8   K:A            H:BLSZ   T:Bata Bharra
ABC     75 C1:770530532770535 C2:ddduduuddduuuud M:9/8   K:A            H:BLSZ   T:Bata Bharra
ABC    434 C1:770530532770535 C2:ddduduuddduuuud M:9/8   K:A            H:BLOS   T:Bata Bharra
ABC    434 C1:770530532770535 C2:ddduduuddduuuud M:9/8   K:A            H:BLOS   T:Bata Bharra
ABC    986 C1:770530532770535 C2:ddduduuddduuuud M:9/8   K:A            H:BLSZ   T:Bata Bharra
ABC    986 C1:770530532770535 C2:ddduduuddduuuud M:9/8   K:A            H:BLSZ   T:Bata Bharra
ABC    986 C1:770530532770535 C2:ddduduuddduuuud M:9/8   K:A            H:BLSZ   T:Bata Bharra
ABC    986 C1:770530532770535 C2:ddduduuddduuuud M:9/8   K:A            H:BLSZ   T:Bata Bharra
ABC    986 C1:770530532770535 C2:ddduduuddduuuud M:9/8   K:A            H:BLSZ   T:Bata Bharra
ABC     42 C1:001000060003000 C2:udududddddduudd M:4/2   K:C            H:BCFLRVWZ T:La bataille
ABC     42 C1:001000060003000 C2:udududddddduudd M:4/2   K:C            H:BCFLRVWZ T:La bataille
ABC     42 C1:001000060003000 C2:udududddddduudd M:4/2   K:C            H:BCFLRVWZ T:La bataille
ABC      0 C1:420110005070610 C2:duuuudduuuddudu M:3/4   K:DMin         H:GLQS   T:Bat' an Aisig
ABC   1214 C1:420110005070610 C2:duuuudduuuddudu M:3/4   K:APhr         H:LQRS   T:Bat' an Aisig
ABC      0 C1:420110005070610 C2:duuuudduuuddudu M:3/4   K:APhr         H:GLQS   T:Bat' an Aisig
ABC   1214 C1:420110005070610 C2:duuuudduuuddudu M:3/4   K:APhr         H:LQRS   T:Bat' an Aisig
ABC   1214 C1:420110005070610 C2:duuuudduuuddudu M:3/4   K:APhr         H:LQRS   T:Bat' an Aisig
ABC   1214 C1:420110005070610 C2:duuuudduuuddudu M:3/4   K:APhr         H:LQRS   T:Bat' an Aisig
ABC    223 C1:000000000000000 C2:uuuddddduuudddd M:10/8  K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Batan Gün Kana Benziyor
ABC    223 C1:000000000000000 C2:uuuddddduuudddd M:10/8  K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Batan Gün Kana Benziyor
ABC    223 C1:000000000000000 C2:uuuddddduuudddd M:10/8  K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Batan Gün Kana Benziyor
ABC    223 C1:000000000000070 C2:dddduuuddddduuu M:10/8  K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Batan Gün Kana Benziyor
ABC      1 C1:026177010206020 C2:ududduuduududud M:4/4   K:Amix         H:CLORSZbs T:Bat' an Tailleir
ABC      1 C1:026177010206020 C2:ududduuduududud M:4/4   K:Amix         H:CLORSZbs T:Bat' an Tailleir
ABC      1 C1:026177010206020 C2:ududduuduududud M:4/4   K:Amix         H:CLORSZbs T:Bat' an Tailleir
ABC      1 C1:026177010206020 C2:ududduuduududud M:4/4   K:Amix         H:CLORSZbs T:Bat' an Tailleir
ABC     26 C1:500162025077050 C2:uudduududdudddu M:2/4   K:Am           H:"CDLOQ T:Bat Arad
ABC     30 C1:500162025077050 C2:uudduududdudddu M:2/4   K:Am           H:"CDLOQ T:Bat Arad
ABC     26 C1:500162025077050 C2:uudduududdudddu M:2/4   K:Am           H:"CDLOQ T:Bat Arad
ABC     30 C1:500162025077050 C2:uudduududdudddu M:2/4   K:Am           H:"CDLOQ T:Bat Arad
ABC   1002 C1:500162025077050 C2:uudduududdudddu M:2/4   K:Am           H:"CDLOQ T:Bat Arad
ABC   1002 C1:500162025077050 C2:uudduududdudddu M:2/4   K:Am           H:"CDLOQ T:Bat Arad
ABC     30 C1:500162025077050 C2:uudduududdudddu M:2/4   K:Am           H:"CDLOQ T:Bat Arad
ABC     30 C1:500162025077050 C2:uudduududdudddu M:2/4   K:Am           H:"CDLOQ T:Bat Arad
ABC     30 C1:500162025077050 C2:uudduududdudddu M:2/4   K:Am           H:"CDLOQ T:Bat Arad
ABC     30 C1:500162025077050 C2:uudduududdudddu M:2/4   K:Am           H:"CDLOQ T:Bat Arad
ABC    266 C1:111616160600051 C2:uuudududduuuudd M:C|    K:Dm           H:BLQWZ  T:Batavia,aka. PFD2.266
ABC    266 C1:111616160600051 C2:uuudududduuuudd M:C|    K:Dm           H:BLQWZ  T:Batavia,aka. PFD2.266
ABC    154 C1:277760520006000 C2:uuudududduuuudd M:C|    K:Dm           H:BLQWZ  T:Batavia(missing image). PFD3.154
ABC    154 C1:277760520006000 C2:uuudududduuuudd M:C|    K:Dm           H:BLQWZ  T:Batavia(missing image). PFD3.154
ABC      1 C1:001102671753077 C2:uuudduddudduduu M:4/4   K:Gm           H:"LOZ   T:Bat Carmel
ABC      1 C1:001102671753077 C2:uuudduddudduduu M:4/4   K:Gm           H:"LOZ   T:Bat Carmel
ABC      1 C1:001102671753077 C2:uuudduddudduduu M:4/4   K:Gm           H:"LOZ   T:Bat Carmel
ABC      1 C1:001102671753077 C2:uuudduddudduduu M:4/4   K:Gm           H:"LOZ   T:Bat Carmel
ABC      1 C1:001102671753077 C2:uuudduddudduduu M:4/4   K:Gm           H:"LOZ   T:Bat Carmel
ABC      1 C1:001102671753077 C2:uuudduddudduduu M:4/4   K:Gm           H:"LOZ   T:Bat Carmel
ABC      1 C1:001102671753077 C2:uuudduddudduduu M:4/4   K:Am           H:"LOZ   T:Bat Carmel [Am]
ABC      1 C1:001102671753077 C2:uuudduddudduduu M:4/4   K:Am           H:"LOZ   T:Bat Carmel [Am]
ABC      1 C1:001102671753077 C2:uuudduddudduduu M:4/4   K:Am           H:"LOZ   T:Bat Carmel [Am]
ABC      1 C1:001102671753077 C2:uuudduddudduduu M:4/4   K:Am           H:"LOZ   T:Bat Carmel [Am]
ABC      1 C1:001102671753077 C2:uuudduddudduduu M:4/4   K:Am           H:"LOZ   T:Bat Carmel [Am]
ABC      1 C1:001102671753077 C2:uuudduddudduduu M:4/4   K:Am           H:"LOZ   T:Bat Carmel [Am]
ABC      1 C1:001102671753077 C2:uuudduddudduduu M:4/4   K:Am           H:"LOZ   T:Bat Carmel [Am]
ABC      1 C1:001102671753077 C2:uuudduddudduduu M:4/4   K:Gm           H:"LOZ   T:Bat Carmel [Gm]
ABC      1 C1:001102671753077 C2:uuudduddudduduu M:4/4   K:Gm           H:"LOZ   T:Bat Carmel [Gm]
ABC      1 C1:001102671753077 C2:uuudduddudduduu M:4/4   K:Gm           H:"LOZ   T:Bat Carmel [Gm]
ABC      1 C1:001102671753077 C2:uuudduddudduduu M:4/4   K:Gm           H:"LOZ   T:Bat Carmel [Gm]
ABC      1 C1:001102671753077 C2:uuudduddudduduu M:4/4   K:Gm           H:"LOZ   T:Bat Carmel [Gm]
ABC      1 C1:001102671753077 C2:uuudduddudduduu M:4/4   K:Gm           H:"LOZ   T:Bat Carmel [Gm]
ABC      1 C1:001102671753077 C2:uuudduddudduduu M:4/4   K:Gm           H:"LOZ   T:Bat Carmel [Gm]
ABC      5 C1:026711610500071 C2:udduududduudddu M:C|    K:F            H:"IR    T:Batchelder's $1(R-54)
ABC    123 C1:026711610500071 C2:udduududduudddu M:4/4   K:F            H:RZ     T:Batchelder's
ABC    123 C1:026711610500071 C2:udduududduudddu M:4/4   K:F            H:RZ     T:Batchelder's
ABC    123 C1:026711610500071 C2:udduududduudddu M:4/4   K:F            H:RZ     T:Batchelder's
ABC      1 C1:026711610500071 C2:udduududduudddu M:C|    K:F            H:"IR    T:Batchelder's
ABC      1 C1:026711610500071 C2:udduududduudddu M:C|    K:F            H:"IR    T:Batchelder's
ABC      1 C1:026711610500071 C2:udduududduudddu M:C|    K:F            H:"IR    T:Batchelder's
ABC      1 C1:026711610500071 C2:udduududduudddu M:C|    K:F            H:"IR    T:Batchelder's
ABC      1 C1:026711610500071 C2:udduududduudddu M:C|    K:F            H:"IR    T:Batchelder's
ABC      3 C1:026711610500071 C2:udduududduudddu M:2/2   K:F            H:"BLS   T:Batchelder's
ABC      1 C1:026711610500071 C2:udduududduudddu M:C|    K:F            H:"CR    T:Batchelder's
ABC      2 C1:026711610500071 C2:udduududduudddu M:C|    K:F            H:"ORZ   T:Batchelder's
ABC    022 C1:026711610500071 C2:udduududduudddu M:2/4   K:F            H:BLRZ   T:Batchelder's
ABC    022 C1:026711610500071 C2:udduududduudddu M:2/4   K:F            H:BLRZ   T:Batchelder's
ABC      2 C1:026711610500071 C2:udduududduudddu M:C|    K:F            H:"ORZ   T:Batchelder's
ABC      2 C1:026711610500071 C2:udduududduudddu M:C|    K:F            H:"ORZ   T:Batchelder's
ABC      5 C1:026711610500071 C2:udduududduudddu M:C|    K:F            H:"IR    T:Batchelder's
ABC      2 C1:026711610500071 C2:udduududduudddu M:C|    K:F            H:"ORZ   T:Batchelder's
ABC      5 C1:026711610500071 C2:udduududduudddu M:C|    K:F            H:"IR    T:Batchelder's
ABC    022 C1:026711610500071 C2:udduududduudddu M:2/4   K:F            H:BLRZ   T:Batchelder's
ABC    022 C1:026711610500071 C2:udduududduudddu M:2/4   K:F            H:BLRZ   T:Batchelder's
ABC    114 C1:026711610500071 C2:udduududduudddu M:C|    K:F            H:"CRZ   T:Batchelder's
ABC      1 C1:050007117771777 C2:dduudddudddduuu M:      K:Fmaj         H:LR     T:Batchelder's
ABC      2 C1:026711610500071 C2:udduududduudddu M:      K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:Batchelder's
ABC    123 C1:026711610500071 C2:udduududduudddu M:4/4   K:F            H:RZ     T:Batchelder's
ABC    123 C1:026711610500071 C2:udduududduudddu M:4/4   K:F            H:RZ     T:Batchelder's
ABC     12 C1:026711610500071 C2:udduududduudddu M:C|    K:F            H:"CR    T:Batchelder's
ABC    115 C1:026711610500071 C2:udduududduudddu M:C|    K:F            H:"CRZ   T:Batchelder's
ABC      5 C1:026711610500071 C2:udduududduudddu M:C|    K:F            H:"IR    T:Batchelder's
ABC      5 C1:026711610500071 C2:udduududduudddu M:C|    K:F            H:"IR    T:Batchelder's
ABC      1 C1:026711610500071 C2:udduududduudddu M:C|    K:F            H:"RZ    T:Batchelder's (R-54; New England)
ABC      1 C1:026711610500071 C2:udduududduudddu M:C|    K:F            H:"RZ    T:Batchelder's (R-54; New England)
ABC      1 C1:026711610500071 C2:udduududduudddu M:C|    K:F            H:"RZ    T:Batchelder's (R-54; New England)
ABC      1 C1:026711610500071 C2:udduududduudddu M:C|    K:F            H:"RZ    T:Batchelder's (R-54; New England)
ABC      1 C1:026711610500071 C2:udduududduudddu M:C|    K:F            H:"RZ    T:Batchelder's (R-54; New England)
ABC      1 C1:026711610500071 C2:udduududduudddu M:C|    K:F            H:"RZ    T:Batchelder's (R-54; New England)
ABC      1 C1:026711610500071 C2:udduududduudddu M:C|    K:F            H:"RZ    T:Batchelder's (R-54; New England)
ABC      1 C1:026711610500071 C2:udduududduudddu M:C|    K:F            H:"RZ    T:Batchelder's (R-54; New England)
ABC      1 C1:026711610500071 C2:udduududduudddu M:C|    K:F            H:"RZ    T:Batchelder's (R-54; New England)
ABC      1 C1:026711610500071 C2:udduududduudddu M:C|    K:F            H:"RZ    T:Batchelder's (R-54; New England)
ABC      2 C1:026711610500071 C2:udduududduudddu M:C|    K:F            H:"RZ    T:Batchelder's (R-54; New England)
ABC      2 C1:026711610500071 C2:udduududduudddu M:C|    K:F            H:"RZ    T:Batchelder's (R-54; New England)
ABC      2 C1:026711610500071 C2:udduududduudddu M:C|    K:F            H:"RZ    T:Batchelder's (R-54; New England)
ABC      2 C1:026711610500071 C2:udduududduudddu M:C|    K:F            H:"RZ    T:Batchelder's (R-54; New England)
ABC      2 C1:026711610500071 C2:udduududduudddu M:C|    K:F            H:"RZ    T:Batchelder's (R-54; New England)
ABC    116 C1:026711610500071 C2:udduududduudddu M:C|    K:F            H:"RZ    T:Batchelder's (R-54; New England)
ABC    117 C1:026711610500071 C2:udduududduudddu M:C|    K:F            H:"RZ    T:Batchelder's (R-54; New England)
ABC      2 C1:026711610500071 C2:udduududduudddu M:C|    K:F            H:"RZ    T:Batchelder's (R-54; New England)
ABC      2 C1:026711610500071 C2:udduududduudddu M:C|    K:F            H:"RZ    T:Batchelder's (R-54; New England)
ABC      2 C1:026711610500071 C2:udduududduudddu M:C|    K:F            H:"RZ    T:Batchelder's (R-54; New England)
ABC      1 C1:026711610500071 C2:udduududduudddu M:2/4   K:G            H:"LRZ   T:Batchelder's Reel
ABC      1 C1:026711610500071 C2:udduududduudddu M:2/4   K:G            H:"LRZ   T:Batchelder's Reel
ABC      1 C1:026711610500071 C2:udduududduudddu M:2/4   K:G            H:"LRZ   T:Batchelder's Reel
ABC      1 C1:026711610500071 C2:udduududduudddu M:2/4   K:G            H:"LRZ   T:Batchelder's Reel
ABC      1 C1:026711610500071 C2:udduududduudddu M:2/4   K:G            H:"LRZ   T:Batchelder's Reel
ABC      1 C1:026711610500071 C2:udduududduudddu M:C|    K:F            H:"R     T:Batchelder's Reel
ABC      1 C1:026711610500071 C2:udduududduudddu M:C|    K:F            H:"R     T:Batchelder's Reel
ABC      1 C1:026711610500071 C2:udduududduudddu M:C|    K:F            H:"R     T:Batchelder's Reel
ABC      2 C1:026711610500071 C2:udduududduudddu M:C|    K:F            H:"IORZ  T:Batchelder's Reel
ABC      4 C1:026711610500071 C2:udduududduudddu M:C|    K:F            H:"IR    T:Batchelder's Reel
ABC    130 C1:026711610500071 C2:udduududduudddu M:C|    K:F            H:"RZ    T:Batchelder's Reel
ABC    130 C1:026711610500071 C2:udduududduudddu M:C|    K:F            H:"RZ    T:Batchelder's Reel
ABC    130 C1:026711610500071 C2:udduududduudddu M:C|    K:F            H:"RZ    T:Batchelder's Reel
ABC    130 C1:026711610500071 C2:udduududduudddu M:C|    K:F            H:"RZ    T:Batchelder's Reel
ABC    130 C1:026711610500071 C2:udduududduudddu M:C|    K:F            H:"RZ    T:Batchelder's Reel
ABC    130 C1:026711610500071 C2:udduududduudddu M:C|    K:F            H:"RZ    T:Batchelder's Reel
ABC      1 C1:026711610500071 C2:udduududduudddu M:2/4   K:F            H:"BLORZ T:Batchelder's Reel
ABC      1 C1:026711610500071 C2:udduududduudddu M:2/4   K:F            H:"BLORZ T:Batchelder's Reel
ABC      1 C1:026711610500071 C2:udduududduudddu M:2/4   K:F            H:"BLORZ T:Batchelder's Reel
ABC      1 C1:026711610500071 C2:udduududduudddu M:2/4   K:F            H:"BLORZ T:Batchelder's Reel
ABC      1 C1:026711610500071 C2:udduududduudddu M:2/4   K:F            H:"BLORZ T:Batchelder's Reel
ABC      1 C1:026711610500071 C2:udduududduudddu M:2/4   K:F            H:"BLORZ T:Batchelder's Reel
ABC      1 C1:026711610500071 C2:udduududduudddu M:2/4   K:F            H:"BLORZ T:Batchelder's Reel
ABC      1 C1:026711610500071 C2:udduududduudddu M:2/4   K:F            H:"BLORZ T:Batchelder's Reel
ABC      1 C1:026711610500071 C2:udduududduudddu M:2/4   K:F            H:"BLORZ T:Batchelder's Reel
ABC      1 C1:026711610500071 C2:udduududduudddu M:2/4   K:F            H:"BLORZ T:Batchelder's Reel
ABC      1 C1:026711610500071 C2:udduududduudddu M:2/4   K:F            H:"BLORZ T:Batchelder's Reel
ABC      1 C1:026711610500071 C2:udduududduudddu M:2/4   K:F            H:"BLORZ T:Batchelder's Reel
ABC      1 C1:026711610500071 C2:udduududduudddu M:2/4   K:F            H:"BLORZ T:Batchelder's Reel
ABC      1 C1:026711610500071 C2:udduududduudddu M:2/4   K:F            H:"BLORZ T:Batchelder's Reel
ABC      1 C1:026711610500071 C2:udduududduudddu M:2/4   K:F            H:"BLORZ T:Batchelder's Reel
ABC      1 C1:026711610500071 C2:udduududduudddu M:2/4   K:F            H:"BLORZ T:Batchelder's Reel
ABC      1 C1:026711610500071 C2:udduududduudddu M:2/4   K:F            H:"BLORZ T:Batchelder's Reel
ABC      1 C1:026711610500071 C2:udduududduudddu M:2/4   K:F            H:"BLORZ T:Batchelder's Reel
ABC      1 C1:026711610500071 C2:udduududduudddu M:2/4   K:F            H:"BLORZ T:Batchelder's Reel
ABC      1 C1:026711610500071 C2:udduududduudddu M:2/4   K:F            H:"BLORZ T:Batchelder's Reel
ABC      1 C1:026711610500071 C2:udduududduudddu M:2/4   K:F            H:"BLORZ T:Batchelder's Reel
ABC      1 C1:026711610500071 C2:udduududduudddu M:2/4   K:F            H:"BLORZ T:Batchelder's Reel
ABC      1 C1:026711610500071 C2:udduududduudddu M:2/4   K:F            H:"BLORZ T:Batchelder's Reel
ABC      1 C1:026711610500071 C2:udduududduudddu M:2/4   K:F            H:"BLORZ T:Batchelder's Reel
ABC      1 C1:026711610500071 C2:udduududduudddu M:2/4   K:F            H:"BLORZ T:Batchelder's Reel
ABC      1 C1:026711610500071 C2:udduududduudddu M:2/4   K:F            H:"BLORZ T:Batchelder's Reel
ABC      1 C1:026711610500071 C2:udduududduudddu M:2/4   K:F            H:"BLORZ T:Batchelder's Reel
ABC      1 C1:026711610500071 C2:udduududduudddu M:2/4   K:F            H:"BLORZ T:Batchelder's Reel
ABC      1 C1:026711610500071 C2:udduududduudddu M:2/4   K:F            H:"BLORZ T:Batchelder's Reel
ABC      1 C1:026711610500071 C2:udduududduudddu M:2/4   K:F            H:"BLORZ T:Batchelder's Reel
ABC      1 C1:026711610500071 C2:udduududduudddu M:2/4   K:F            H:"BLORZ T:Batchelder's Reel
ABC      1 C1:026711610500071 C2:udduududduudddu M:2/4   K:F            H:"BLORZ T:Batchelder's Reel
ABC      1 C1:026711610500071 C2:udduududduudddu M:2/4   K:F            H:"BLORZ T:Batchelder's Reel
ABC      1 C1:030267116105000 C2:uudduududduuddd M:C|    K:F            H:"CIRZ  T:Batchelder's Reel
ABC      1 C1:030267116105000 C2:uudduududduuddd M:C|    K:F            H:"CIRZ  T:Batchelder's Reel
ABC      1 C1:030267116105000 C2:uudduududduuddd M:C|    K:F            H:"CIRZ  T:Batchelder's Reel
ABC      1 C1:030267116105000 C2:uudduududduuddd M:C|    K:F            H:"CIRZ  T:Batchelder's Reel
ABC      1 C1:026711610500071 C2:udduududduudddu M:C|    K:F            H:"LRSZ  T:Batchelder's Reel
ABC      1 C1:026711610500071 C2:udduududduudddu M:C|    K:F            H:"LRSZ  T:Batchelder's Reel
ABC      1 C1:026711610500071 C2:udduududduudddu M:C|    K:F            H:"LRSZ  T:Batchelder's Reel
ABC      1 C1:026711610500071 C2:udduududduudddu M:C|    K:F            H:"LRSZ  T:Batchelder's Reel
ABC      1 C1:026711610500071 C2:udduududduudddu M:2/4   K:F            H:"BLORZ T:Batchelder's Reel
ABC      2 C1:026711610500071 C2:udduududduudddu M:2/4   K:G            H:"LRZ   T:Batchelder's Reel
ABC      1 C1:026711610500071 C2:udduududduudddu M:2/4   K:F            H:"LRZ   T:Batchelder's Reel
ABC      2 C1:026711610500071 C2:udduududduudddu M:2/4   K:G            H:"LRZ   T:Batchelder's Reel
ABC      1 C1:026711610500071 C2:udduududduudddu M:2/4   K:F            H:"LRZ   T:Batchelder's Reel
ABC      2 C1:026711610500071 C2:udduududduudddu M:2/4   K:G            H:"LRZ   T:Batchelder's Reel
ABC      3 C1:026711610500071 C2:udduududduudddu M:C|    K:F            H:"IORZ  T:Batchelder's Reel
ABC      1 C1:030267116105000 C2:uudduududduuddd M:C|    K:F            H:"CIRZ  T:Batchelder's Reel
ABC      1 C1:030267116105000 C2:uudduududduuddd M:C|    K:F            H:"CIRZ  T:Batchelder's Reel
ABC      1 C1:030267116105000 C2:uudduududduuddd M:C|    K:F            H:"CIRZ  T:Batchelder's Reel
ABC      1 C1:030267116105000 C2:uudduududduuddd M:C|    K:F            H:"CIRZ  T:Batchelder's Reel
ABC      2 C1:026711610500071 C2:udduududduudddu M:C|    K:F            H:"R     T:Batchelder's Reel
ABC      2 C1:026711610500071 C2:udduududduudddu M:C|    K:F            H:"R     T:Batchelder's Reel
ABC      2 C1:026711610500071 C2:udduududduudddu M:C|    K:F            H:"R     T:Batchelder's Reel
ABC      2 C1:026711610500071 C2:udduududduudddu M:C|    K:F            H:"R     T:Batchelder's Reel
ABC      2 C1:026711610500071 C2:udduududduudddu M:C|    K:F            H:"R     T:Batchelder's Reel
ABC      1 C1:026711610500071 C2:udduududduudddu M:C|    K:F            H:"R     T:Batchelder's Reel
ABC      1 C1:026711610500071 C2:udduududduudddu M:C|    K:F            H:"R     T:Batchelder's Reel
ABC      1 C1:026711610500071 C2:udduududduudddu M:C|    K:F            H:"R     T:Batchelder's Reel
ABC      1 C1:026711610500071 C2:udduududduudddu M:C|    K:F            H:"R     T:Batchelder's Reel
ABC      3 C1:026711610500071 C2:udduududduudddu M:2/4   K:F            H:"BLORZ T:Batchelder's Reel
ABC      3 C1:026711610500071 C2:udduududduudddu M:2/4   K:F            H:"BLORZ T:Batchelder's Reel
ABC      3 C1:026711610500071 C2:udduududduudddu M:2/4   K:F            H:"BLORZ T:Batchelder's Reel
ABC      3 C1:026711610500071 C2:udduududduudddu M:2/4   K:F            H:"BLORZ T:Batchelder's Reel
ABC      3 C1:026711610500071 C2:udduududduudddu M:2/4   K:F            H:"BLORZ T:Batchelder's Reel
ABC      3 C1:026711610500071 C2:udduududduudddu M:2/4   K:F            H:"BLORZ T:Batchelder's Reel
ABC      3 C1:026711610500071 C2:udduududduudddu M:2/4   K:F            H:"BLORZ T:Batchelder's Reel
ABC      3 C1:026711610500071 C2:udduududduudddu M:2/4   K:G            H:"LRZ   T:Batchelder's Reel
ABC      3 C1:026711610500071 C2:udduududduudddu M:2/4   K:G            H:"LRZ   T:Batchelder's Reel
ABC      3 C1:026711610500071 C2:udduududduudddu M:2/4   K:G            H:"LRZ   T:Batchelder's Reel
ABC      3 C1:026711610500071 C2:udduududduudddu M:2/4   K:F            H:"BLORZ T:Batchelder's Reel
ABC      3 C1:026711610500071 C2:udduududduudddu M:2/4   K:F            H:"BLORZ T:Batchelder's Reel
ABC      3 C1:026711610500071 C2:udduududduudddu M:2/4   K:F            H:"BLORZ T:Batchelder's Reel
ABC      3 C1:026711610500071 C2:udduududduudddu M:2/4   K:F            H:"BLORZ T:Batchelder's Reel
ABC      3 C1:026711610500071 C2:udduududduudddu M:2/4   K:F            H:"BLORZ T:Batchelder's Reel
ABC      2 C1:026711610500071 C2:udduududduudddu M:2/4   K:G            H:"LRZ   T:Batchelder's Reel
ABC      1 C1:026711610500071 C2:udduududduudddu M:2/4   K:F            H:"LRZ   T:Batchelder's Reel
ABC      2 C1:026711610500071 C2:udduududduudddu M:2/4   K:G            H:"LRZ   T:Batchelder's Reel
ABC      1 C1:026711610500071 C2:udduududduudddu M:2/4   K:F            H:"LRZ   T:Batchelder's Reel
ABC      3 C1:026711610500071 C2:udduududduudddu M:2/4   K:F            H:"BLORZ T:Batchelder's Reel
ABC      3 C1:026711610500071 C2:udduududduudddu M:2/4   K:F            H:"BLORZ T:Batchelder's Reel
ABC      3 C1:026711610500071 C2:udduududduudddu M:2/4   K:F            H:"BLORZ T:Batchelder's Reel
ABC      3 C1:026711610500071 C2:udduududduudddu M:2/4   K:F            H:"BLORZ T:Batchelder's Reel
ABC      3 C1:026711610500071 C2:udduududduudddu M:2/4   K:F            H:"BLORZ T:Batchelder's Reel
ABC      3 C1:026711610500071 C2:udduududduudddu M:2/4   K:F            H:"BLORZ T:Batchelder's Reel
ABC      5 C1:302671161050007 C2:uudduududduuddd M:4/4   K:F            H:"LRS   T:Batchelder's Reel
ABC    130 C1:050007117771777 C2:dduudddudddduuu M:C|    K:F            H:"CLQRS T:Batchelder's Reel
ABC      4 C1:050007117771777 C2:dduudddudddduuu M:C|    K:F            H:"LR    T:Batchelder's Reel
ABC      4 C1:030267116105000 C2:uudduududduuddd M:C|    K:F            H:"LR    T:Batchelder's Reel
ABC      4 C1:050007117771777 C2:dduudddudddduuu M:C|    K:F            H:"LR    T:Batchelder's Reel
ABC      4 C1:050007117771777 C2:dduudddudddduuu M:C|    K:F            H:"LR    T:Batchelder's Reel
ABC      4 C1:050007117771777 C2:dduudddudddduuu M:C|    K:F            H:"LR    T:Batchelder's Reel
ABC      4 C1:050007117771777 C2:dduudddudddduuu M:C|    K:F            H:"LR    T:Batchelder's Reel
ABC    130 C1:026711610500071 C2:udduududduudddu M:C|    K:F            H:"RZ    T:Batchelder's Reel
ABC    130 C1:026711610500071 C2:udduududduudddu M:C|    K:F            H:"RZ    T:Batchelder's Reel
ABC    130 C1:026711610500071 C2:udduududduudddu M:C|    K:F            H:"RZ    T:Batchelder's Reel
ABC    130 C1:026711610500071 C2:udduududduudddu M:C|    K:F            H:"RZ    T:Batchelder's Reel
ABC    130 C1:026711610500071 C2:udduududduudddu M:C|    K:F            H:"RZ    T:Batchelder's Reel
ABC    130 C1:026711610500071 C2:udduududduudddu M:C|    K:F            H:"RZ    T:Batchelder's Reel
ABC    130 C1:026711610500071 C2:udduududduudddu M:C|    K:F            H:"RZ    T:Batchelder's Reel
ABC    130 C1:026711610500071 C2:udduududduudddu M:C|    K:F            H:"RZ    T:Batchelder's Reel
ABC      5 C1:302671161050007 C2:uudduududduuddd M:4/4   K:F            H:"LRS   T:Batchelder's Reel
ABC    130 C1:050007117771777 C2:dduudddudddduuu M:C|    K:F            H:"CLQRS T:Batchelder's Reel
ABC    130 C1:050007117771777 C2:dduudddudddduuu M:C|    K:F            H:"CLQRS T:Batchelder's Reel
ABC      1 C1:026711610500071 C2:udduududduudddu M:2/4   K:F            H:"LRZ   T:Batchelder's Reel
ABC      2 C1:026711610500071 C2:udduududduudddu M:2/4   K:G            H:"LRZ   T:Batchelder's Reel
ABC      2 C1:026711610500071 C2:udduududduudddu M:2/4   K:G            H:"LRZ   T:Batchelder's Reel
ABC      1 C1:026711610500071 C2:udduududduudddu M:2/4   K:F            H:"LRZ   T:Batchelder's Reel
ABC      1 C1:026711610500071 C2:udduududduudddu M:2/4   K:F            H:"LRZ   T:Batchelder's Reel
ABC      2 C1:026711610500071 C2:udduududduudddu M:2/4   K:G            H:"LRZ   T:Batchelder's Reel
ABC      1 C1:026711610500071 C2:udduududduudddu M:2/4   K:F            H:"LRZ   T:Batchelder's Reel
ABC      2 C1:026711610500071 C2:udduududduudddu M:2/4   K:G            H:"LRZ   T:Batchelder's Reel
ABC 752020 C1:026711610500071 C2:udduududduudddu M:2/4   K:F            H:"FGHLRZ T:Batchelder's Reel
ABC    435 C1:026711610500071 C2:udduududduudddu M:2/4   K:F            H:"LOR   T:Batchelder's Reel
ABC    435 C1:026711610500071 C2:udduududduudddu M:2/4   K:F            H:"LOR   T:Batchelder's Reel
ABC    166 C1:300711640764000 C2:uduududdududuud M:2/4   K:D            H:BFLZ   T:Batchelors Button
ABC    166 C1:300711640764000 C2:uduududdududuud M:2/4   K:D            H:BFLZ   T:Batchelors Button
ABC    166 C1:300711640764000 C2:uduududdududuud M:2/4   K:D            H:BFLZ   T:Batchelors Button
ABC    166 C1:300711640764000 C2:uduududdududuud M:2/4   K:D            H:BFLZ   T:Batchelors Button
ABC   0816 C1:002247200002606 C2:uudduuuddduuduu M:6/8   K:D            H:ILQZ   T:Batchelor's Hall.
ABC   0816 C1:002247200002606 C2:uudduuuddduuduu M:6/8   K:D            H:ILQZ   T:Batchelor's Hall.
ABC   0816 C1:002247200002606 C2:uudduuuddduuduu M:6/8   K:D            H:ILQZ   T:Batchelor's Hall.
ABC   0816 C1:002247200002606 C2:uudduuuddduuduu M:6/8   K:D            H:ILQZ   T:Batchelor's Hall.
ABC   0816 C1:002247200002606 C2:uudduuuddduuduu M:6/8   K:D            H:ILQZ   T:Batchelor's Hall.
ABC   0816 C1:002247200002606 C2:uudduuuddduuduu M:6/8   K:D            H:ILQZ   T:Batchelor's Hall.
ABC   0816 C1:002247200002606 C2:uudduuuddduuduu M:6/8   K:D            H:ILQZ   T:Batchelor's Hall.
ABC   0816 C1:002247200002606 C2:uudduuuddduuduu M:6/8   K:D            H:ILQZ   T:Batchelor's Hall.
ABC   0816 C1:002247200002606 C2:uudduuuddduuduu M:6/8   K:D            H:ILQZ   T:Batchelor's Hall.
ABC     49 C1:002247200002606 C2:uudduuuddduuduu M:6/8   K:C            H:ABLQZ  T:Batchelor's Hall. WCa.49
ABC     49 C1:002247200002606 C2:uudduuuddduuduu M:6/8   K:C            H:ABLQZ  T:Batchelor's Hall. WCa.49
ABC     49 C1:002247200002606 C2:uudduuuddduuduu M:6/8   K:C            H:ALOQRSZ T:Batchelor's Hall. WCa.49
ABC     49 C1:002247200002606 C2:uudduuuddduuduu M:6/8   K:C            H:ABLOQRSZ T:Batchelor's Hall. WCa.49
ABC    562 C1:002247200002606 C2:uudduuuddduuduu M:6/8   K:C            H:AFLOQRSZ T:Batchelor's Hall. WCa.49
ABC    562 C1:002247200002606 C2:uudduuuddduuduu M:6/8   K:C            H:AFLOQRSZ T:Batchelor's Hall. WCa.49
ABC     49 C1:002247200002606 C2:uudduuuddduuduu M:6/8   K:C            H:ABLOQRSZ T:Batchelor's Hall. WCa.49
ABC     30 C1:002247200002606 C2:uudduuuddduuduu M:6/8   K:D            H:BFLZ   T:Ba(tchelor's) Hall. Ya.30
ABC     30 C1:002247200002606 C2:uudduuuddduuduu M:6/8   K:D            H:BFLZ   T:Ba(tchelor's) Hall. Ya.30
ABC      1 C1:001777710011060 C2:udddduuuddudddd M:2/4   K:G            H:L      T:Batchelors of Every Nation
ABC     56 C1:001777710011060 C2:udddduuuddudddd M:2/4   K:G            H:ABOR   T:Batchelors of Every Nation
ABC     75 C1:001777710011060 C2:udddduuuddudddd M:2/4   K:G            H:L      T:Batchelors of Every Nation
ABC   1215 C1:001777710011060 C2:udddduuuddudddd M:2/4   K:G            H:ABOR   T:Batchelors of Every Nation
ABC    437 C1:001777710011060 C2:udddduuuddudddd M:2/4   K:G            H:LO     T:Batchelors of Every Nation
ABC    437 C1:001777710011060 C2:udddduuuddudddd M:2/4   K:G            H:LO     T:Batchelors of Every Nation
ABC   1215 C1:001777710011060 C2:udddduuuddudddd M:2/4   K:G            H:ABOR   T:Batchelors of Every Nation
ABC   1215 C1:001777710011060 C2:udddduuuddudddd M:2/4   K:G            H:ABOR   T:Batchelors of Every Nation
ABC   1215 C1:001777710011060 C2:udddduuuddudddd M:2/4   K:G            H:ABOR   T:Batchelors of Every Nation
ABC    563 C1:176011670662237 C2:udddduuuddudddd M:2/4   K:G            H:ABFLOZ T:Batchelors of Every Nation
ABC    563 C1:176011670662237 C2:udddduuuddudddd M:2/4   K:G            H:ABFLOZ T:Batchelors of Every Nation
ABC    988 C1:001777710011060 C2:udddduuuddudddd M:2/4   K:G            H:L      T:Batchelors of Every Nation
ABC    988 C1:001777710011060 C2:udddduuuddudddd M:2/4   K:G            H:L      T:Batchelors of Every Nation
ABC    988 C1:001777710011060 C2:udddduuuddudddd M:2/4   K:G            H:L      T:Batchelors of Every Nation
ABC    988 C1:001777710011060 C2:udddduuuddudddd M:2/4   K:G            H:L      T:Batchelors of Every Nation
ABC    988 C1:001777710011060 C2:udddduuuddudddd M:2/4   K:G            H:L      T:Batchelors of Every Nation
ABC     35 C1:176011670662237 C2:udddduuuddudddd M:2/4   K:G            H:ABLOZ  T:Batchelors of Every Nation
ABC      1 C1:001777710011006 C2:udddduuuddudddd M:2/4   K:G            H:AHLOQRSZ T:Batchelors Of Every Nation. HSJJ.161
ABC    159 C1:001777710011006 C2:udddduuuddudddd M:2/4   K:G            H:ABHLOQRZ T:Batchelors Of Every Nation. HSJJ.161
ABC    160 C1:001777710011006 C2:udddduuuddudddd M:2/4   K:G            H:AHLOQRSZ T:Batchelors Of Every Nation. HSJJ.161
ABC    159 C1:001777710011006 C2:udddduuuddudddd M:2/4   K:G            H:AHLOQRSZ T:Batchelors Of Every Nation. HSJJ.161
ABC    159 C1:001777710011006 C2:udddduuuddudddd M:2/4   K:G            H:ABHLOQRZ T:Batchelors Of Every Nation. HSJJ.161
ABC    159 C1:001777710011006 C2:udddduuuddudddd M:2/4   K:G            H:ABHLOQRZ T:Batchelors Of Every Nation. HSJJ.161
ABC    159 C1:001777710011006 C2:udddduuuddudddd M:2/4   K:G            H:ABHLOQRSZ T:Batchelors Of Every Nation. HSJJ.161
ABC   1216 C1:001777710011006 C2:udddduuuddudddd M:2/4   K:G            H:AHLOQRSZ T:Batchelors Of Every Nation. HSJJ.161
ABC   1217 C1:001777710011006 C2:udddduuuddudddd M:2/4   K:G            H:AHLOQRSZ T:Batchelors Of Every Nation. HSJJ.161
ABC   2714 C1:001777710011006 C2:udddduuuddudddd M:2/4   K:G            H:AHLOQRSZ T:Batchelors Of Every Nation. HSJJ.161
ABC   2714 C1:001777710011006 C2:udddduuuddudddd M:2/4   K:G            H:AHLOQRSZ T:Batchelors Of Every Nation. HSJJ.161
ABC    436 C1:001777710011006 C2:udddduuuddudddd M:2/4   K:G            H:AHLOQRS T:Batchelors Of Every Nation. HSJJ.161
ABC    436 C1:001777710011006 C2:udddduuuddudddd M:2/4   K:G            H:AHLOQRS T:Batchelors Of Every Nation. HSJJ.161
ABC   1216 C1:001777710011006 C2:udddduuuddudddd M:2/4   K:G            H:AHLOQRSZ T:Batchelors Of Every Nation. HSJJ.161
ABC   1217 C1:001777710011006 C2:udddduuuddudddd M:2/4   K:G            H:AHLOQRSZ T:Batchelors Of Every Nation. HSJJ.161
ABC   1216 C1:001777710011006 C2:udddduuuddudddd M:2/4   K:G            H:AHLOQRSZ T:Batchelors Of Every Nation. HSJJ.161
ABC   1217 C1:001777710011006 C2:udddduuuddudddd M:2/4   K:G            H:AHLOQRSZ T:Batchelors Of Every Nation. HSJJ.161
ABC   1216 C1:001777710011006 C2:udddduuuddudddd M:2/4   K:G            H:AHLOQRSZ T:Batchelors Of Every Nation. HSJJ.161
ABC   1217 C1:001777710011006 C2:udddduuuddudddd M:2/4   K:G            H:AHLOQRSZ T:Batchelors Of Every Nation. HSJJ.161
ABC    564 C1:001777710011006 C2:udddduuuddudddd M:2/4   K:G            H:AFHLOQRSZ T:Batchelors Of Every Nation. HSJJ.161
ABC    564 C1:001777710011006 C2:udddduuuddudddd M:2/4   K:G            H:AFHLOQRSZ T:Batchelors Of Every Nation. HSJJ.161
ABC    987 C1:001777710011006 C2:udddduuuddudddd M:2/4   K:G            H:AHLOQRSZ T:Batchelors Of Every Nation. HSJJ.161
ABC    987 C1:001777710011006 C2:udddduuuddudddd M:2/4   K:G            H:AHLOQRSZ T:Batchelors Of Every Nation. HSJJ.161
ABC    987 C1:001777710011006 C2:udddduuuddudddd M:2/4   K:G            H:AHLOQRSZ T:Batchelors Of Every Nation. HSJJ.161
ABC    987 C1:001777710011006 C2:udddduuuddudddd M:2/4   K:G            H:AHLOQRSZ T:Batchelors Of Every Nation. HSJJ.161
ABC    987 C1:001777710011006 C2:udddduuuddudddd M:2/4   K:G            H:AHLOQRSZ T:Batchelors Of Every Nation. HSJJ.161
ABC    159 C1:001777710011006 C2:udddduuuddudddd M:2/4   K:G            H:ABHLOQRSZ T:Batchelors Of Every Nation. HSJJ.161
ABC      1 C1:001777710011060 C2:udddduuuddudddd M:2/4   K:G            H:       T:Batchelors of every Station
ABC   0378 C1:001777710011060 C2:udddduuuddudddd M:2/4   K:G            H:ILQZ   T:Batchelors of every Station.
ABC   0378 C1:001777710011060 C2:udddduuuddudddd M:2/4   K:G            H:ILQZ   T:Batchelors of every Station.
ABC   0378 C1:001777710011060 C2:udddduuuddudddd M:2/4   K:G            H:ILQZ   T:Batchelors of every Station.
ABC   0378 C1:001777710011060 C2:udddduuuddudddd M:2/4   K:G            H:ILQZ   T:Batchelors of every Station.
ABC   0378 C1:001777710011060 C2:udddduuuddudddd M:2/4   K:G            H:ILQZ   T:Batchelors of every Station.
ABC   0378 C1:001777710011060 C2:udddduuuddudddd M:2/4   K:G            H:ILQZ   T:Batchelors of every Station.
ABC   0378 C1:001777710011060 C2:udddduuuddudddd M:2/4   K:G            H:ILQZ   T:Batchelors of every Station.
ABC   0378 C1:001777710011060 C2:udddduuuddudddd M:2/4   K:G            H:ILQZ   T:Batchelors of every Station.
ABC   0378 C1:001777710011060 C2:udddduuuddudddd M:2/4   K:G            H:ILQZ   T:Batchelors of every Station.
ABC   1218 C1:001777710011060 C2:udddduuuddudddd M:2/4   K:G            H:       T:Batchelors of every Station
ABC    695 C1:001777710011060 C2:udddduuuddudddd M:2/4   K:G            H:       T:Batchelors of every Station
ABC    695 C1:001777710011060 C2:udddduuuddudddd M:2/4   K:G            H:       T:Batchelors of every Station
ABC    438 C1:001777710011060 C2:udddduuuddudddd M:2/4   K:G            H:O      T:Batchelors of every Station
ABC    438 C1:001777710011060 C2:udddduuuddudddd M:2/4   K:G            H:O      T:Batchelors of every Station
ABC   1218 C1:001777710011060 C2:udddduuuddudddd M:2/4   K:G            H:       T:Batchelors of every Station
ABC   1218 C1:001777710011060 C2:udddduuuddudddd M:2/4   K:G            H:       T:Batchelors of every Station
ABC   1218 C1:001777710011060 C2:udddduuuddudddd M:2/4   K:G            H:       T:Batchelors of every Station
ABC    565 C1:001777710011060 C2:udddduuuddudddd M:2/4   K:G            H:BFZ    T:Batchelors of every Station
ABC    565 C1:001777710011060 C2:udddduuuddudddd M:2/4   K:G            H:BFZ    T:Batchelors of every Station
ABC    989 C1:001777710011060 C2:udddduuuddudddd M:2/4   K:G            H:       T:Batchelors of every Station
ABC    989 C1:001777710011060 C2:udddduuuddudddd M:2/4   K:G            H:       T:Batchelors of every Station
ABC    989 C1:001777710011060 C2:udddduuuddudddd M:2/4   K:G            H:       T:Batchelors of every Station
ABC    989 C1:001777710011060 C2:udddduuuddudddd M:2/4   K:G            H:       T:Batchelors of every Station
ABC    989 C1:001777710011060 C2:udddduuuddudddd M:2/4   K:G            H:       T:Batchelors of every Station
ABC    178 C1:001777710011060 C2:udddduuuddudddd M:2/4   K:G            H:BZ     T:Batchelors of every Station
ABC    568 C1:020001110107777 C2:uuuuudddduuuddu M:2/4   K:G            H:BLQSZ  T:Batchelors of Every Station. JBut566
ABC    298 C1:176011670662237 C2:udddduuuddudddd M:2/4   K:G            H:ABLOQRZ T:Batchelors of Ev'ry Station. RH.298
ABC    298 C1:176011670662237 C2:udddduuuddudddd M:2/4   K:G            H:ABLOQRZ T:Batchelors of Ev'ry Station. RH.298
ABC    298 C1:176011670662237 C2:udddduuuddudddd M:2/4   K:G            H:ALOQRSZ T:Batchelors of Ev'ry Station. RH.298
ABC    298 C1:176011670662237 C2:udddduuuddudddd M:2/4   K:G            H:ABLOQRSZ T:Batchelors of Ev'ry Station. RH.298
ABC    566 C1:176011670662237 C2:udddduuuddudddd M:2/4   K:G            H:AFLOQRSZ T:Batchelors of Ev'ry Station. RH.298
ABC    566 C1:176011670662237 C2:udddduuuddudddd M:2/4   K:G            H:AFLOQRSZ T:Batchelors of Ev'ry Station. RH.298
ABC    298 C1:176011670662237 C2:udddduuuddudddd M:2/4   K:G            H:ABLOQRSZ T:Batchelors of Ev'ry Station. RH.298
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Batdance - bagpipe (3:51) (361)
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Batdance - drums (3:51) (2390)
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Batdance - flute (2:41) (500)
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Batdance - harp (3:07) (832)
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Batdance - lute (3:51) (1127)
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Batdance - theorbo (3:51) (438)
ABC     76 C1:262707002627001 C2:ududdududuuuddu M:2/4   K:G            H:BLOQRWZ T:Le bateau charg de bl
ABC     76 C1:262707002627001 C2:ududdududuuuddu M:2/4   K:G            H:BLOQRWZ T:Le bateau charg de bl
ABC     76 C1:262707002627001 C2:ududdududuuuddu M:2/4   K:G            H:BLOQRWZ T:Le bateau charg de bl
ABC   9371 C1:262707002627001 C2:ududdududuuuddu M:2/4   K:G            H:BLOQRWZ T:Le bateau charg de bl
ABC   9371 C1:262707002627001 C2:ududdududuuuddu M:2/4   K:G            H:BLOQRWZ T:Le bateau charg de bl
ABC   9371 C1:262707002627001 C2:ududdududuuuddu M:2/4   K:G            H:BLOQRWZ T:Le bateau charg de bl
ABC    420 C1:711707110714011 C2:duudduududuuudd M:2/4   K:G            H:CFGLQZ T:Bateau dore
ABC    420 C1:711707110714011 C2:duudduududuuudd M:2/4   K:G            H:CFGLQZ T:Bateau dore
ABC      1 C1:711707110714011 C2:duudduududuuudd M:2/4   K:C            H:CL     T:Bateau dor (trad./F. Paris)
ABC     21 C1:711707110714011 C2:duudduududuuudd M:2/4   K:C            H:CL     T:Bateau dor (trad./F. Paris)
ABC     21 C1:711707110714011 C2:duudduududuuudd M:2/4   K:C            H:CL     T:Bateau dor (trad./F. Paris)
ABC   1219 C1:711707110714011 C2:duudduududuuudd M:2/4   K:C            H:CL     T:Bateau dor (Trad/F. Paris)
ABC    439 C1:711707110714011 C2:duudduududuuudd M:2/4   K:C            H:CLO    T:Bateau dor (trad./F. Paris)
ABC    439 C1:711707110714011 C2:duudduududuuudd M:2/4   K:C            H:CLO    T:Bateau dor (trad./F. Paris)
ABC   1219 C1:711707110714011 C2:duudduududuuudd M:2/4   K:C            H:CL     T:Bateau dor (trad./F. Paris)
ABC   1219 C1:711707110714011 C2:duudduududuuudd M:2/4   K:C            H:CL     T:Bateau dor (trad./F. Paris)
ABC   1219 C1:711707110714011 C2:duudduududuuudd M:2/4   K:C            H:CL     T:Bateau dor (trad./F. Paris)
ABC    990 C1:711707110714011 C2:duudduududuuudd M:2/4   K:C            H:CL     T:Bateau dor (trad./F. Paris)
ABC    990 C1:711707110714011 C2:duudduududuuudd M:2/4   K:C            H:CL     T:Bateau dor (trad./F. Paris)
ABC    990 C1:711707110714011 C2:duudduududuuudd M:2/4   K:C            H:CL     T:Bateau dor (trad./F. Paris)
ABC    990 C1:711707110714011 C2:duudduududuuudd M:2/4   K:C            H:CL     T:Bateau dor (trad./F. Paris)
ABC    990 C1:711707110714011 C2:duudduududuuudd M:2/4   K:C            H:CL     T:Bateau dor (trad./F. Paris)
ABC    236 C1:000000030506020 C2:udduuuuduudduud M:C|    K:D            H:BCLQSZ T:Batel. JBut.235, The
ABC  08009 C1:044262217367662 C2:duuduuududddduu M:C     K:D            H:BCLZ   T:BATEMAN'S REEL
ABC  08009 C1:044262217367662 C2:duuduuududddduu M:C     K:D            H:BCLZ   T:BATEMAN'S REEL
ABC  08009 C1:044262217367662 C2:duuduuududddduu M:C     K:D            H:BCLZ   T:BATEMAN'S REEL
ABC  08009 C1:044262217367662 C2:duuduuududddduu M:C     K:D            H:BCLZ   T:BATEMAN'S REEL
ABC  08009 C1:044262217367662 C2:duuduuududddduu M:C     K:D            H:BCLZ   T:BATEMAN'S REEL
ABC  08009 C1:044262217367662 C2:duuduuududddduu M:C     K:D            H:BCLZ   T:BATEMAN'S REEL
ABC  08009 C1:044262217367662 C2:duuduuududddduu M:C     K:D            H:BCLZ   T:BATEMAN'S REEL
ABC  08009 C1:044262217367662 C2:duuduuududddduu M:C     K:D            H:BCLZ   T:BATEMAN'S REEL
ABC  20303 C1:062063627061062 C2:dudududdududdud M:3/8   K:C            H:BCLSZ  T:BATES' WALTZ
ABC  20303 C1:062063627061062 C2:dudududdududdud M:3/8   K:C            H:BCLSZ  T:BATES' WALTZ
ABC  20303 C1:062063627061062 C2:dudududdududdud M:3/8   K:C            H:BCLSZ  T:BATES' WALTZ
ABC  20303 C1:062063627061062 C2:dudududdududdud M:3/8   K:C            H:BCLSZ  T:BATES' WALTZ
ABC  20303 C1:062063627061062 C2:dudududdududdud M:3/8   K:C            H:BCLSZ  T:BATES' WALTZ
ABC  20303 C1:062063627061062 C2:dudududdududdud M:3/8   K:C            H:BCLSZ  T:BATES' WALTZ
ABC  20303 C1:062063627061062 C2:dudududdududdud M:3/8   K:C            H:BCLSZ  T:BATES' WALTZ
ABC  20303 C1:062063627061062 C2:dudududdududdud M:3/8   K:C            H:BCLSZ  T:BATES' WALTZ
ABC  20303 C1:062063627061062 C2:dudududdududdud M:3/8   K:C            H:BCLSZ  T:BATES' WALTZ
ABC  20303 C1:062063627061062 C2:dudududdududdud M:3/8   K:C            H:BCLSZ  T:BATES' WALTZ
ABC  20303 C1:062063627061062 C2:dudududdududdud M:3/8   K:C            H:BCLSZ  T:BATES' WALTZ
ABC  65008 C1:112001771004112 C2:uuuudduduuuuddd M:6/8   K:D            H:CLQR   T:BAT FOWLING
ABC   5017 C1:112001771004112 C2:uuuudduduuuuddd M:6/8   K:D            H:CLQR   T:Bat Fowling
ABC   5017 C1:112001771004112 C2:uuuudduduuuuddd M:6/8   K:D            H:CLQR   T:Bat Fowling
ABC  65008 C1:112001771004112 C2:uuuudduduuuuddd M:6/8   K:D            H:CLQR   T:BAT FOWLING
ABC  65008 C1:112001771004112 C2:uuuudduduuuuddd M:6/8   K:D            H:CLQR   T:BAT FOWLING
ABC      8 C1:112001771004112 C2:uuuudduduuuuddd M:6/8   K:D            H:CLR    T:Bat Fowling
ABC     51 C1:777303010603000 C2:dddudududduuuuu M:C|    K:GMix         H:LQ     T:The Bath
ABC     51 C1:777303010603000 C2:dddudududduuuuu M:C|    K:GMix         H:LQ     T:The Bath
ABC     51 C1:777303010603000 C2:dddudududduuuuu M:C|    K:GMix         H:LQ     T:The Bath
ABC     51 C1:777303010603000 C2:dddudududduuuuu M:C|    K:GMix         H:LQ     T:The Bath
ABC     51 C1:777303010603000 C2:dddudududduuuuu M:C|    K:GMix         H:LQ     T:The Bath
ABC      1 C1:777303010603000 C2:dddudududduuuuu M:C|    K:GMix         H:LQ     T:The Bath
ABC     51 C1:777303010603000 C2:dddudududduuuuu M:C|    K:GMix         H:LQ     T:The Bath
ABC     51 C1:777303010603000 C2:dddudududduuuuu M:C|    K:GMix         H:LQ     T:The Bath
ABC     51 C1:777303010603000 C2:dddudududduuuuu M:C|    K:GMix         H:LQ     T:The Bath
ABC     51 C1:777303010603000 C2:dddudududduuuuu M:C|    K:GMix         H:LQ     T:the Bath
ABC   6312 C1:777303010603000 C2:dddudududduuuuu M:C|    K:GMix         H:LQ     T:The Bath
ABC     52 C1:005300537711030 C2:dududduudududdu M:C|    K:Gmix         H:BLSZ   T:the Bath
ABC     52 C1:005300537711030 C2:dududduudududdu M:C|    K:Gmix         H:BLSZ   T:the Bath
ABC     52 C1:005300537711030 C2:dududduudududdu M:C|    K:Gmix         H:BLSZ   T:the Bath
ABC     51 C1:777303010603000 C2:dddudududduuuuu M:C|    K:GMix         H:LQ     T:The Bath
ABC    255 C1:777303010603000 C2:dddudududduuuuu M:C|    K:GMix         H:LQ     T:The Bath
ABC     51 C1:777303010603000 C2:dddudududduuuuu M:C|    K:GMix         H:LQ     T:The Bath
ABC     51 C1:777303010603000 C2:dddudududduuuuu M:C|    K:GMix         H:LQ     T:The Bath
ABC     51 C1:777303010603000 C2:dddudududduuuuu M:C|    K:GMix         H:LQ     T:The Bath
ABC     51 C1:777303010603000 C2:dddudududduuuuu M:C|    K:GMix         H:LQ     T:The Bath
ABC     51 C1:777303010603000 C2:dddudududduuuuu M:C|    K:GMix         H:LQ     T:The Bath
ABC     51 C1:777303010603000 C2:dddudududduuuuu M:C|    K:GMix         H:LQ     T:The Bath
ABC     51 C1:777303010603000 C2:dddudududduuuuu M:C|    K:GMix         H:LQ     T:The Bath
ABC     51 C1:777303010603000 C2:dddudududduuuuu M:C|    K:GMix         H:LQ     T:The Bath
ABC     51 C1:777303010603000 C2:dddudududduuuuu M:C|    K:GMix         H:LQ     T:The Bath
ABC     51 C1:777303010603000 C2:dddudududduuuuu M:C|    K:GMix         H:LQ     T:The Bath
ABC     51 C1:777303010603000 C2:dddudududduuuuu M:C|    K:GMix         H:LQ     T:The Bath
ABC     51 C1:777303010603000 C2:dddudududduuuuu M:C|    K:GMix         H:LQ     T:The Bath
ABC     51 C1:777303010603000 C2:dddudududduuuuu M:C|    K:GMix         H:LQ     T:The Bath
ABC     51 C1:777303010603000 C2:dddudududduuuuu M:C|    K:GMix         H:LQ     T:The Bath
ABC     51 C1:777303010603000 C2:dddudududduuuuu M:C|    K:GMix         H:LQ     T:The Bath
ABC     51 C1:777303010603000 C2:dddudududduuuuu M:C|    K:GMix         H:LQ     T:The Bath
ABC      7 C1:005300537711030 C2:dududduudududdu M:C|    K:GMix         H:L      T:The Bath
ABC   6312 C1:777303010603000 C2:dddudududduuuuu M:C|    K:GMix         H:LQ     T:The Bath
ABC   6312 C1:777303010603000 C2:dddudududduuuuu M:C|    K:GMix         H:LQ     T:The Bath
ABC   6512 C1:777303010603000 C2:dddudududduuuuu M:C|    K:GMix         H:LOQ    T:The Bath
ABC   6512 C1:777303010603000 C2:dddudududduuuuu M:C|    K:GMix         H:LOQ    T:The Bath
ABC    567 C1:777303010603000 C2:dddudududduuuuu M:C|    K:GMix         H:FLQ    T:The Bath
ABC    567 C1:777303010603000 C2:dddudududduuuuu M:C|    K:GMix         H:FLQ    T:The Bath
ABC  12820 C1:777303010603000 C2:dddudududduuuuu M:C|    K:GMix         H:LQ     T:The Bath
ABC  12820 C1:777303010603000 C2:dddudududduuuuu M:C|    K:GMix         H:LQ     T:The Bath
ABC  12820 C1:777303010603000 C2:dddudududduuuuu M:C|    K:GMix         H:LQ     T:The Bath
ABC  12820 C1:777303010603000 C2:dddudududduuuuu M:C|    K:GMix         H:LQ     T:The Bath
ABC  12820 C1:777303010603000 C2:dddudududduuuuu M:C|    K:GMix         H:LQ     T:The Bath
ABC  16457 C1:777303010603000 C2:dddudududduuuuu M:C|    K:GMix         H:LQ     T:The Bath
ABC  16457 C1:777303010603000 C2:dddudududduuuuu M:C|    K:GMix         H:LQ     T:The Bath
ABC  16457 C1:777303010603000 C2:dddudududduuuuu M:C|    K:GMix         H:LQ     T:The Bath
ABC  16457 C1:777303010603000 C2:dddudududduuuuu M:C|    K:GMix         H:LQ     T:The Bath
ABC     51 C1:777303010603000 C2:dddudududduuuuu M:C|    K:G            H:LQ     T:The Bath
ABC   1003 C1:021110617700000 C2:uuuududduududud M:2/4   K:Cm           H:"CLOQ  T:Bat Hareem
ABC   1003 C1:021110617700000 C2:uuuududduududud M:2/4   K:Cm           H:"CLOQ  T:Bat Hareem
ABC     27 C1:021110617700000 C2:uuuududduududud M:2/4   K:Cm           H:"CLOQ  T:Bat Hareem
ABC     31 C1:021110617700000 C2:uuuududduududud M:2/4   K:Cm           H:"CLOQ  T:Bat Hareem
ABC     27 C1:021110617700000 C2:uuuududduududud M:2/4   K:Cm           H:"CLOQ  T:Bat Hareem
ABC     31 C1:021110617700000 C2:uuuududduududud M:2/4   K:Cm           H:"CLOQ  T:Bat Hareem
ABC     31 C1:021110617700000 C2:uuuududduududud M:2/4   K:Cm           H:"CLOQ  T:Bat Hareem
ABC     31 C1:021110617700000 C2:uuuududduududud M:2/4   K:Cm           H:"CLOQ  T:Bat Hareem
ABC     31 C1:021110617700000 C2:uuuududduududud M:2/4   K:Cm           H:"CLOQ  T:Bat Hareem
ABC     31 C1:021110617700000 C2:uuuududduududud M:2/4   K:Cm           H:"CLOQ  T:Bat Hareem
ABC      1 C1:000706225366000 C2:duddduuuududddd M:C|    K:Dm           H:"LO    T:Bat Harim
ABC      1 C1:000706225366000 C2:duddduuuududddd M:C|    K:Em           H:"LO    T:Bat Harim
ABC      1 C1:000706225366000 C2:duddduuuududddd M:C|    K:Dm           H:"LO    T:Bat Harim
ABC      1 C1:000706225366000 C2:duddduuuududddd M:C|    K:Em           H:"LO    T:Bat Harim
ABC      1 C1:000706225366000 C2:duddduuuududddd M:C|    K:Dm           H:"LO    T:Bat Harim
ABC      1 C1:000706225366000 C2:duddduuuududddd M:C|    K:Em           H:"LO    T:Bat Harim
ABC      1 C1:000706225366000 C2:duddduuuududddd M:C|    K:Dm           H:"LO    T:Bat Harim
ABC      1 C1:000706225366000 C2:duddduuuududddd M:C|    K:Em           H:"LO    T:Bat Harim
ABC      1 C1:000706225366000 C2:duddduuuududddd M:C|    K:Dm           H:"LO    T:Bat Harim
ABC      1 C1:000706225366000 C2:duddduuuududddd M:C|    K:Em           H:"LO    T:Bat Harim
ABC      1 C1:000706225366000 C2:duddduuuududddd M:C|    K:Dm           H:"LO    T:Bat Harim
ABC      1 C1:000706225366000 C2:duddduuuududddd M:C|    K:Em           H:"LO    T:Bat Harim
ABC      1 C1:000706225366000 C2:duddduuuududddd M:C|    K:Dm           H:"LO    T:Bat Harim
ABC      1 C1:000706225366000 C2:duddduuuududddd M:C|    K:Em           H:"LO    T:Bat Harim
ABC      1 C1:000706225366000 C2:duddduuuududddd M:C|    K:Dm           H:"LO    T:Bat Harim
ABC      1 C1:000706225366000 C2:duddduuuududddd M:C|    K:Em           H:"LO    T:Bat Harim
ABC      1 C1:000706225366000 C2:duddduuuududddd M:C|    K:Dm           H:"LO    T:Bat Harim
ABC      1 C1:000706225366000 C2:duddduuuududddd M:C|    K:Em           H:"LO    T:Bat Harim
ABC      1 C1:000706225366000 C2:duddduuuududddd M:C|    K:Dm           H:"LO    T:Bat Harim
ABC      1 C1:000706225366000 C2:duddduuuududddd M:C|    K:Em           H:"LO    T:Bat Harim
ABC      1 C1:000706225366000 C2:duddduuuududddd M:C|    K:Dm           H:"LO    T:Bat Harim
ABC      1 C1:000706225366000 C2:duddduuuududddd M:C|    K:Em           H:"LO    T:Bat Harim
ABC      1 C1:000706225366000 C2:duddduuuududddd M:4/4   K:Dm           H:"LO    T:Bat Harim
ABC      2 C1:000706225366000 C2:duddduuuududddd M:4/4   K:Em           H:"LO    T:Bat Harim
ABC      1 C1:000706225366000 C2:duddduuuududddd M:4/4   K:Dm           H:"LO    T:Bat Harim
ABC      2 C1:000706225366000 C2:duddduuuududddd M:4/4   K:Em           H:"LO    T:Bat Harim
ABC      1 C1:000706225366000 C2:duddduuuududddd M:4/4   K:Dm           H:"LO    T:Bat Harim
ABC      2 C1:000706225366000 C2:duddduuuududddd M:4/4   K:Em           H:"LO    T:Bat Harim
ABC      1 C1:000706225366000 C2:duddduuuududddd M:4/4   K:Dm           H:"LO    T:Bat Harim
ABC      2 C1:000706225366000 C2:duddduuuududddd M:4/4   K:Em           H:"LO    T:Bat Harim
ABC      1 C1:000706225366000 C2:duddduuuududddd M:4/4   K:Dm           H:"LO    T:Bat Harim
ABC      2 C1:000706225366000 C2:duddduuuududddd M:4/4   K:Em           H:"LO    T:Bat Harim
ABC      2 C1:000706225366000 C2:duddduuuududddd M:4/4   K:Em           H:"LO    T:Bat Harim
ABC      1 C1:000706225366000 C2:duddduuuududddd M:4/4   K:Dm           H:"LO    T:Bat Harim
ABC     40 C1:026342610264423 C2:udududuududuuuu M:C|    K:C            H:"CLQS  T:Bath Assembly
ABC     38 C1:026342610264423 C2:udududuududuuuu M:C|    K:C            H:"CLQS  T:Bath Assembly
ABC     76 C1:026342610264423 C2:udududuududuuuu M:2/2   K:C            H:"CLQRS T:Bath Assembly
ABC     76 C1:026342610264423 C2:udududuududuuuu M:2/2   K:C            H:"CLQRS T:Bath Assembly
ABC     40 C1:026342610264423 C2:udududuududuuuu M:C|    K:C            H:"CLQS  T:Bath Assembly
ABC     40 C1:026342610264423 C2:udududuududuuuu M:C|    K:C            H:"CLQS  T:Bath Assembly
ABC    138 C1:026342610264423 C2:udududuududuuuu M:C|    K:C            H:BLQZ   T:Bath Assembly. JJo5.138
ABC    138 C1:026342610264423 C2:udududuududuuuu M:C|    K:C            H:BLQZ   T:Bath Assembly. JJo5.138
ABC    126 C1:026342610264423 C2:udududuududuuuu M:C|    K:Gmix         H:BLQWZ  T:Bath Assembly. Ru2.126
ABC    126 C1:026342610264423 C2:udududuududuuuu M:C|    K:Gmix         H:BLQWZ  T:Bath Assembly. Ru2.126
ABC     41 C1:350000350000500 C2:ududuuddddduudu M:6/8   K:D            H:"LQS   T:Bath Carnival
ABC     39 C1:350000350000500 C2:ududuuddddduudu M:6/8   K:D            H:"LQS   T:Bath Carnival
ABC      1 C1:000101070703010 C2:uudduuuduuddddu M:6/8   K:A            H:ACILORS T:Bath Carnival
ABC     30 C1:116116777777277 C2:uuduudddddddudd M:6/8   K:G            H:"      T:Bath Carnival
ABC      1 C1:116116777777277 C2:uuduudddddddudd M:      K:Gmaj         H:"LRV   T:Bath Carnival
ABC     77 C1:350000350000500 C2:ududuuddddduudu M:6/8   K:D            H:"CLQRS T:Bath Carnival
ABC     77 C1:350000350000500 C2:ududuuddddduudu M:6/8   K:D            H:"CLQRS T:Bath Carnival
ABC     41 C1:350000350000500 C2:ududuuddddduudu M:6/8   K:D            H:"LQS   T:Bath Carnival
ABC     41 C1:350000350000500 C2:ududuuddddduudu M:6/8   K:D            H:"LQS   T:Bath Carnival
ABC    102 C1:500003500005000 C2:duduuddddduudud M:6/8   K:D            H:BLQZ   T:Bath Carnival THO4.102
ABC    102 C1:500003500005000 C2:duduuddddduudud M:6/8   K:D            H:BLQZ   T:Bath Carnival THO4.102
ABC    102 C1:500003500005000 C2:duduuddddduudud M:6/8   K:D            H:ALOQZ  T:Bath Carnival. THO4.102
ABC    102 C1:500003500005000 C2:duduuddddduudud M:6/8   K:D            H:ALOQZ  T:Bath Carnival. THO4.102
ABC    102 C1:500003500005000 C2:duduuddddduudud M:6/8   K:D            H:BLQZ   T:Bath Carnival THO4.102
ABC    102 C1:500003500005000 C2:duduuddddduudud M:6/8   K:D            H:BLQZ   T:Bath Carnival THO4.102
ABC    102 C1:500003500005000 C2:duduuddddduudud M:6/8   K:D            H:BLQZ   T:Bath Carnival THO4.102
ABC    102 C1:500003500005000 C2:duduuddddduudud M:6/8   K:D            H:ABLOQZ T:Bath Carnival. THO4.102
ABC    102 C1:500003500005000 C2:duduuddddduudud M:6/8   K:D            H:ABLOQZ T:Bath Carnival. THO4.102
ABC    102 C1:500003500005000 C2:duduuddddduudud M:6/8   K:D            H:ALOQZ  T:Bath Carnival. THO4.102
ABC      1 C1:646646640036646 C2:duddudduudduddu M:6/8   K:G            H:BLZ    T:Batheing Machine
ABC      1 C1:646646640036646 C2:duddudduudduddu M:6/8   K:G            H:BLZ    T:Batheing Machine
ABC     63 C1:646646640036646 C2:duddudduudduddu M:6/8   K:G            H:BFLZ   T:Batheing Machine
ABC     63 C1:646646640036646 C2:duddudduudduddu M:6/8   K:G            H:BFLZ   T:Batheing Machine
ABC     63 C1:646646640036646 C2:duddudduudduddu M:6/8   K:G            H:BFLZ   T:Batheing Machine
ABC     63 C1:646646640036646 C2:duddudduudduddu M:6/8   K:G            H:BFLZ   T:Batheing Machine
ABC     63 C1:646646640036646 C2:duddudduudduddu M:6/8   K:G            H:BFLZ   T:Batheing Machine
ABC     63 C1:646646640036646 C2:duddudduudduddu M:6/8   K:G            H:BFLZ   T:Batheing Machine
ABC      1 C1:646646640036646 C2:duddudduudduddu M:6/8   K:G            H:BLZ    T:Batheing Machine
ABC     65 C1:646646640036646 C2:duddudduudduddu M:6/8   K:G            H:BLZ    T:Batheing Machine
ABC     65 C1:646646640036646 C2:duddudduudduddu M:6/8   K:G            H:BLZ    T:Batheing Machine
ABC     65 C1:646646640036646 C2:duddudduudduddu M:6/8   K:G            H:BLOQZ  T:Batheing Machine THO3.065
ABC     65 C1:646646640036646 C2:duddudduudduddu M:6/8   K:G            H:BLOQZ  T:Batheing Machine THO3.065
ABC    176 C1:622300007771777 C2:duuuddduddduddd M:C     K:G            H:BLOQZ  T:Bath Frolic THO3.176
ABC    176 C1:622300007771777 C2:duuuddduddduddd M:C     K:G            H:BLOQZ  T:Bath Frolic THO3.176
ABC    934 C1:060004776223566 C2:duddduuudddudud M:C     K:G            H:BLQZ   T:Bath Hornpipe,aka. Roose.0931
ABC     20 C1:060004776223566 C2:duddduuudddudud M:C     K:G            H:ACLOQRSWZ T:Bath Hornpipe. FK.20
ABC     20 C1:060004776223566 C2:duddduuudddudud M:C     K:G            H:ABCLQWZ T:Bath Hornpipe. FK.20
ABC     20 C1:060004776223566 C2:duddduuudddudud M:C     K:G            H:ABCLQWZ T:Bath Hornpipe. FK.20
ABC     20 C1:060004776223566 C2:duddduuudddudud M:C     K:G            H:ABLOQRSWZ T:Bath Hornpipe. FK.20
ABC   1220 C1:060004776223566 C2:duddduuudddudud M:C     K:G            H:ACLOQRSZ T:Bath Hornpipe. FK.20
ABC   1220 C1:060004776223566 C2:duddduuudddudud M:C     K:G            H:ACLOQRSZ T:Bath Hornpipe. FK.20
ABC   1220 C1:060004776223566 C2:duddduuudddudud M:C     K:G            H:ACLOQRSZ T:Bath Hornpipe. FK.20
ABC   1220 C1:060004776223566 C2:duddduuudddudud M:C     K:G            H:ACLOQRSZ T:Bath Hornpipe. FK.20
ABC    568 C1:060004776223566 C2:duddduuudddudud M:C     K:G            H:ACFLOQRSWZ T:Bath Hornpipe. FK.20
ABC    568 C1:060004776223566 C2:duddduuudddudud M:C     K:G            H:ACFLOQRSWZ T:Bath Hornpipe. FK.20
ABC     20 C1:060004776223566 C2:duddduuudddudud M:C     K:G            H:ABLOQRSWZ T:Bath Hornpipe. FK.20
ABC     72 C1:115773663667011 C2:uudddudduddduud M:12/8  K:G            H:LQS    T:Bath Medley, 83
ABC      1 C1:077771115665663 C2:uddduuuddduddud M:6/8   K:G            H:L      T:the Bath Medley
ABC     29 C1:077771115665663 C2:uddduuuddduddud M:6/8   K:G            H:L      T:The Bath Medley
ABC 185022 C1:077663645666237 C2:udddududddduudd M:6/8   K:G            H:CQR    T:BATH MEDLEY, The
ABC  48204 C1:077771115665663 C2:uddduuuddduddud M:6/8   K:G            H:BCDLQRY T:BATH MEDLEY, The
ABC    145 C1:077771115665663 C2:uddduuuddduddud M:6/8   K:G            H:LQR    T:Bath Medley
ABC    145 C1:077771115665663 C2:uddduuuddduddud M:6/8   K:G            H:LQR    T:Bath Medley
ABC    145 C1:077771115665663 C2:uddduuuddduddud M:6/8   K:G            H:LQR    T:Bath Medley
ABC    145 C1:077771115665663 C2:uddduuuddduddud M:6/8   K:G            H:LQR    T:Bath Medley
ABC      1 C1:115665663667011 C2:uudddudduddduud M:6/8   K:G            H:"L     T:Bath Medley
ABC   1029 C1:077771115665663 C2:uddduuuddduddud M:6/8   K:G            H:BLRSZ  T:the Bath Medley
ABC   0029 C1:077771115665663 C2:uddduuuddduddud M:6/8   K:G            H:BLRSZ  T:the Bath Medley
ABC      1 C1:000707007701010 C2:uddduuuddduddud M:6/8   K:G            H:ACILORS T:Bath Medley
ABC      1 C1:077771115773663 C2:uddduuuddduddud M:6/4   K:G            H:BLSZ   T:Bath Medley
ABC      1 C1:077771115773663 C2:uddduuuddduddud M:6/4   K:G            H:BLSZ   T:Bath Medley
ABC     58 C1:077771115773663 C2:uddduuuddduddud M:6/4   K:G            H:BLSZ   T:Bath Medley
ABC     58 C1:077771115773663 C2:uddduuuddduddud M:6/4   K:G            H:BLSZ   T:Bath Medley
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:6/8   K:G            H:BFL    T:Bath Medley
ABC      3 C1:                C2:                M:6/8   K:G            H:ALORSZ T:Bath Medley, The
ABC  48204 C1:077771115665663 C2:uddduuuddduddud M:6/8   K:G            H:BCDLQRY T:BATH MEDLEY, The
ABC  48204 C1:077771115665663 C2:uddduuuddduddud M:6/8   K:G            H:BCDLQRY T:BATH MEDLEY, The
ABC    145 C1:077771115665663 C2:uddduuuddduddud M:6/8   K:G            H:LQR    T:Bath Medley
ABC    145 C1:077771115665663 C2:uddduuuddduddud M:6/8   K:G            H:LQR    T:Bath Medley
ABC    145 C1:077771115665663 C2:uddduuuddduddud M:6/8   K:G            H:LQR    T:Bath Medley
ABC   0029 C1:077771115665663 C2:uddduuuddduddud M:6/8   K:G            H:ILQZ   T:The Bath Medley
ABC 185022 C1:077663645666237 C2:udddududddduudd M:6/8   K:G            H:CQR    T:BATH MEDLEY, The
ABC 185022 C1:077663645666237 C2:udddududddduudd M:6/8   K:G            H:CQR    T:BATH MEDLEY, The
ABC   0029 C1:077771115665663 C2:uddduuuddduddud M:6/8   K:G            H:ILQZ   T:The Bath Medley
ABC   0029 C1:077771115665663 C2:uddduuuddduddud M:6/8   K:G            H:ILQZ   T:The Bath Medley
ABC   0029 C1:077771115665663 C2:uddduuuddduddud M:6/8   K:G            H:ILQZ   T:The Bath Medley
ABC   0029 C1:077771115665663 C2:uddduuuddduddud M:6/8   K:G            H:ILQZ   T:The Bath Medley
ABC   0029 C1:077771115665663 C2:uddduuuddduddud M:6/8   K:G            H:ILQZ   T:The Bath Medley
ABC   0029 C1:077771115665663 C2:uddduuuddduddud M:6/8   K:G            H:ILQZ   T:The Bath Medley
ABC   0029 C1:077771115665663 C2:uddduuuddduddud M:6/8   K:G            H:ILQZ   T:The Bath Medley
ABC   0029 C1:077771115665663 C2:uddduuuddduddud M:6/8   K:G            H:ILQZ   T:The Bath Medley
ABC   1029 C1:077771115665663 C2:uddduuuddduddud M:6/8   K:G            H:BLRSZ  T:the Bath Medley
ABC   1029 C1:077771115665663 C2:uddduuuddduddud M:6/8   K:G            H:BLRSZ  T:the Bath Medley
ABC      1 C1:077771115773663 C2:uddduuuddduddud M:6/4   K:G            H:BLSZ   T:Bath Medley
ABC      1 C1:077771115773663 C2:uddduuuddduddud M:6/4   K:G            H:BLSZ   T:Bath Medley
ABC    346 C1:077771115665663 C2:uddduuuddduddud M:6/8   K:G            H:L      T:the Bath Medley
ABC    346 C1:077771115665663 C2:uddduuuddduddud M:6/8   K:G            H:L      T:the Bath Medley
ABC     58 C1:077771115773663 C2:uddduuuddduddud M:6/4   K:G            H:BLSZ   T:Bath Medley
ABC     58 C1:077771115773663 C2:uddduuuddduddud M:6/4   K:G            H:BLSZ   T:Bath Medley
ABC     58 C1:077771115773663 C2:uddduuuddduddud M:6/4   K:G            H:BLSZ   T:Bath Medley
ABC     58 C1:077771115773663 C2:uddduuuddduddud M:6/4   K:G            H:BLSZ   T:Bath Medley
ABC   6510 C1:077771115665663 C2:uddduuuddduddud M:6/8   K:G            H:LO     T:the Bath Medley
ABC   6510 C1:077771115665663 C2:uddduuuddduddud M:6/8   K:G            H:LO     T:the Bath Medley
ABC   1029 C1:077771115665663 C2:uddduuuddduddud M:6/8   K:G            H:BLRSZ  T:The Bath Medley
ABC   1029 C1:077771115665663 C2:uddduuuddduddud M:6/8   K:G            H:BLRSZ  T:The Bath Medley
ABC    569 C1:077771115665663 C2:uddduuuddduddud M:6/8   K:G            H:BFLZ   T:the Bath Medley
ABC    569 C1:077771115665663 C2:uddduuuddduddud M:6/8   K:G            H:BFLZ   T:the Bath Medley
ABC  12818 C1:077771115665663 C2:uddduuuddduddud M:6/8   K:G            H:L      T:the Bath Medley
ABC  12818 C1:077771115665663 C2:uddduuuddduddud M:6/8   K:G            H:L      T:the Bath Medley
ABC  12818 C1:077771115665663 C2:uddduuuddduddud M:6/8   K:G            H:L      T:the Bath Medley
ABC  12818 C1:077771115665663 C2:uddduuuddduddud M:6/8   K:G            H:L      T:the Bath Medley
ABC  12818 C1:077771115665663 C2:uddduuuddduddud M:6/8   K:G            H:L      T:the Bath Medley
ABC  16458 C1:077771115665663 C2:uddduuuddduddud M:6/8   K:G            H:L      T:The Bath Medley
ABC  16458 C1:077771115665663 C2:uddduuuddduddud M:6/8   K:G            H:L      T:The Bath Medley
ABC  16458 C1:077771115665663 C2:uddduuuddduddud M:6/8   K:G            H:L      T:The Bath Medley
ABC  16458 C1:077771115665663 C2:uddduuuddduddud M:6/8   K:G            H:L      T:The Bath Medley
ABC   0029 C1:077771115665663 C2:uddduuuddduddud M:6/8   K:G            H:ILQZ   T:The Bath Medley
ABC    374 C1:771115606005663 C2:dduuudddudduddd M:4/4   K:D            H:BLQSZ  T:Bath Medley,aka. JBut.372
ABC    270 C1:115773663667011 C2:uudddudduddduud M:6/8   K:G treble     H:BLQZ   T:Bath Medley,aka. Roose.0270.
ABC     58 C1:115773663667011 C2:uudddudduddduud M:6/4   K:G            H:BLQWZ  T:Bath Medley. JJo1.058
ABC     58 C1:115773663667011 C2:uudddudduddduud M:6/4   K:G            H:BLQWZ  T:Bath Medley. JJo1.058
ABC     48 C1:077771115665663 C2:uddduuuddduddud M:6/8   K:G            H:ABLOQRZ T:Bath Medley. RH.048, The
ABC     48 C1:077771115665663 C2:uddduuuddduddud M:6/8   K:G            H:ABLOQRZ T:Bath Medley. RH.048, The
ABC     48 C1:077771115665663 C2:uddduuuddduddud M:6/8   K:G            H:ALOQRSZ T:Bath Medley,The. RH.048
ABC     48 C1:077771115665663 C2:uddduuuddduddud M:6/8   K:G            H:ABLOQRSZ T:Bath Medley,The. RH.048
ABC    570 C1:077771115665663 C2:uddduuuddduddud M:6/8   K:G            H:AFLOQRSZ T:Bath Medley,The. RH.048
ABC  10456 C1:077771115665663 C2:uddduuuddduddud M:6/8   K:G            H:AFLOQRSZ T:Bath Medley,The. RH.048
ABC    570 C1:077771115665663 C2:uddduuuddduddud M:6/8   K:G            H:AFLOQRSZ T:Bath Medley,The. RH.048
ABC  10456 C1:077771115665663 C2:uddduuuddduddud M:6/8   K:G            H:AFLOQRSZ T:Bath Medley,The. RH.048
ABC     48 C1:077771115665663 C2:uddduuuddduddud M:6/8   K:G            H:ABLOQRSZ T:Bath Medley,The. RH.048
ABC     22 C1:115773663667011 C2:uudddudduddduud M:6/4   K:G            H:BLQZ   T:Bath Medley. WCD3/1.022
ABC     22 C1:115773663667011 C2:uudddudduddduud M:6/4   K:G            H:BLQZ   T:Bath Medley. WCD3/1.022
ABC      1 C1:077771115665663 C2:uddduuuddduddud M:6/8   K:G            H:ALORSZ T:Bath Medley. WM059
ABC     59 C1:077771115665663 C2:uddduuuddduddud M:6/8   K:G            H:ALOQRSZ T:Bath Medley. WM.059
ABC     59 C1:077771115665663 C2:uddduuuddduddud M:6/8   K:G            H:ABLQZ  T:Bath Medley. WM.059
ABC     59 C1:077771115665663 C2:uddduuuddduddud M:6/8   K:G            H:ABLQZ  T:Bath Medley. WM.059
ABC     59 C1:077771115665663 C2:uddduuuddduddud M:6/8   K:G            H:ABLOQRSZ T:Bath Medley. WM.059
ABC   1221 C1:077771115665663 C2:uddduuuddduddud M:6/8   K:G            H:ALOQRSZ T:Bath Medley. WM.059
ABC   1222 C1:077771115665663 C2:uddduuuddduddud M:6/8   K:G            H:ALORSZ T:Bath Medley. WM059
ABC   2002 C1:077771115665663 C2:uddduuuddduddud M:6/8   K:G            H:ALORSZ T:Bath Medley. WM059
ABC   2002 C1:077771115665663 C2:uddduuuddduddud M:6/8   K:G            H:ALORSZ T:Bath Medley. WM059
ABC    440 C1:077771115665663 C2:uddduuuddduddud M:6/8   K:G            H:ALORS  T:Bath Medley. WM059
ABC    440 C1:077771115665663 C2:uddduuuddduddud M:6/8   K:G            H:ALORS  T:Bath Medley. WM059
ABC   1221 C1:077771115665663 C2:uddduuuddduddud M:6/8   K:G            H:ALOQRSZ T:Bath Medley. WM.059
ABC   1222 C1:077771115665663 C2:uddduuuddduddud M:6/8   K:G            H:ALORSZ T:Bath Medley. WM059
ABC   1221 C1:077771115665663 C2:uddduuuddduddud M:6/8   K:G            H:ALOQRSZ T:Bath Medley. WM.059
ABC   1222 C1:077771115665663 C2:uddduuuddduddud M:6/8   K:G            H:ALORSZ T:Bath Medley. WM059
ABC   1221 C1:077771115665663 C2:uddduuuddduddud M:6/8   K:G            H:ALOQRSZ T:Bath Medley. WM.059
ABC   1222 C1:077771115665663 C2:uddduuuddduddud M:6/8   K:G            H:ALORSZ T:Bath Medley. WM059
ABC  10457 C1:077771115665663 C2:uddduuuddduddud M:6/8   K:G            H:AFLOQRSZ T:Bath Medley. WM.059
ABC    571 C1:077771115665663 C2:uddduuuddduddud M:6/8   K:G            H:AFLOQRSZ T:Bath Medley. WM.059
ABC    571 C1:077771115665663 C2:uddduuuddduddud M:6/8   K:G            H:AFLOQRSZ T:Bath Medley. WM.059
ABC  10457 C1:077771115665663 C2:uddduuuddduddud M:6/8   K:G            H:AFLOQRSZ T:Bath Medley. WM.059
ABC    991 C1:077771115665663 C2:uddduuuddduddud M:6/8   K:G            H:ALORSZ T:Bath Medley. WM059
ABC    991 C1:077771115665663 C2:uddduuuddduddud M:6/8   K:G            H:ALORSZ T:Bath Medley. WM059
ABC    991 C1:077771115665663 C2:uddduuuddduddud M:6/8   K:G            H:ALORSZ T:Bath Medley. WM059
ABC    991 C1:077771115665663 C2:uddduuuddduddud M:6/8   K:G            H:ALORSZ T:Bath Medley. WM059
ABC    991 C1:077771115665663 C2:uddduuuddduddud M:6/8   K:G            H:ALORSZ T:Bath Medley. WM059
ABC     59 C1:077771115665663 C2:uddduuuddduddud M:6/8   K:G            H:ABLOQRSZ T:Bath Medley. WM.059
ABC     64 C1:020207007777020 C2:uuddddduuduuuuu M:3/4   K:G            H:BLQRVZ T:Bath Minuet (2 voices) JBrk.64
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:3/4   K:D            H:BLRZ   T:Bath Minuet [4]
ABC    263 C1:000007711777771 C2:dduuddddduuuuud M:3/4   K:D            H:BLQZ   T:Bath Minuet. TWC.263
ABC    263 C1:000007711777771 C2:dduuddddduuuuud M:3/4   K:D            H:BLQZ   T:Bath Minuet. TWC.263
ABC      6 C1:623163050007012 C2:dddudududduuuuu M:4/4   K:C            H:HLOQSZ T:Bath. (p)1651.PLFD1.006, The
ABC      6 C1:623163050007012 C2:dddudududduuuuu M:4/4   K:C            H:HLOQSZ T:Bath. (p)1651.PLFD1.006, The
ABC      6 C1:623163050007012 C2:dddudududduuuuu M:4/4   K:Gmix         H:ABHLOQZ T:Bath. (p)1651.PLFD1.006, The
ABC      6 C1:623163050007012 C2:dddudududduuuuu M:4/4   K:Gmix         H:ABHLOQZ T:Bath. (p)1651.PLFD1.006, The
ABC      7 C1:000000040605000 C2:udududdduududud M:C|    K:F            H:BLSZ   T:Bath Pump House
ABC      7 C1:000000040605000 C2:udududdduududud M:C|    K:F            H:BLSZ   T:Bath Pump House
ABC      7 C1:000000040605000 C2:udududdduududud M:C|    K:F            H:BLSZ   T:Bath Pump House
ABC      7 C1:000000040605000 C2:udududdduududud M:C|    K:F            H:BLSZ   T:Bath Pump House
ABC      7 C1:000000040605000 C2:udududdduududud M:C|    K:F            H:BLSZ   T:Bath Pump House
ABC      7 C1:000000040605000 C2:udududdduududud M:C|    K:F            H:BLSZ   T:Bath Pump House
ABC      7 C1:000000040605000 C2:udududdduududud M:4/4   K:F            H:BLQWZ  T:Bath Pump House. JJo1.007
ABC      7 C1:000000040605000 C2:udududdduududud M:4/4   K:F            H:BLQWZ  T:Bath Pump House. JJo1.007
ABC 492012 C1:057706071111277 C2:ddddduuuuuddddd M:C|    K:G            H:BLQRSZ T:BATH ROAD, The
ABC      1 C1:111101110577266 C2:uuuuuuudddudddu M:      K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:Bath Road
ABC 492012 C1:057706071111277 C2:ddddduuuuuddddd M:C|    K:G            H:BLQRSZ T:BATH ROAD, The
ABC 492012 C1:057706071111277 C2:ddddduuuuuddddd M:C|    K:G            H:BLQRSZ T:BATH ROAD, The
ABC     15 C1:111101110577266 C2:uuuuuuudddudddu M:4/4   K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:Bath Road
ABC     15 C1:111101110577266 C2:uuuuuuudddudddu M:4/4   K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:Bath Road
ABC   1682 C1:057726607111127 C2:ddduddduuuuuddd M:2/4   K:G            H:BCILZ  T:"Bath Road Hornpipe" 1682
ABC   1682 C1:057726607111127 C2:ddduddduuuuuddd M:2/4   K:G            H:BCILZ  T:"Bath Road Hornpipe" 1682
ABC   1682 C1:057726607111127 C2:ddduddduuuuuddd M:2/4   K:G            H:BCILZ  T:"Bath Road Hornpipe" 1682
ABC   1682 C1:111101110577266 C2:uuuuuuudddudddu M:2/4   K:G            H:BLORZbs T:Bath Road Hornpipe #1
ABC   1682 C1:111101110577266 C2:uuuuuuudddudddu M:2/4   K:G            H:BLORZbs T:Bath Road Hornpipe #1
ABC   1682 C1:111101110577266 C2:uuuuuuudddudddu M:2/4   K:G            H:BLORZbs T:Bath Road Hornpipe #1
ABC   1682 C1:111101110577266 C2:uuuuuuudddudddu M:2/4   K:G            H:BLORZbs T:Bath Road Hornpipe #1
ABC   1682 C1:111101110577266 C2:uuuuuuudddudddu M:2/4   K:G            H:BLORZbs T:Bath Road Hornpipe #1
ABC   1682 C1:111101110577266 C2:uuuuuuudddudddu M:2/4   K:G            H:BLORZbs T:Bath Road Hornpipe #1
ABC   1682 C1:111101110577266 C2:uuuuuuudddudddu M:2/4   K:G            H:BLORZbs T:Bath Road Hornpipe #1
ABC   1682 C1:111101110577266 C2:uuuuuuudddudddu M:2/4   K:G            H:BLORZbs T:Bath Road Hornpipe #1
ABC   1682 C1:111101110577266 C2:uuuuuuudddudddu M:2/4   K:G            H:BLORZbs T:Bath Road Hornpipe #2
ABC   1682 C1:111101110577266 C2:uuuuuuudddudddu M:2/4   K:G            H:BLORZbs T:Bath Road Hornpipe #2
ABC   1682 C1:111101110577266 C2:uuuuuuudddudddu M:2/4   K:G            H:BLORZbs T:Bath Road Hornpipe #2
ABC   1682 C1:111101110577266 C2:uuuuuuudddudddu M:2/4   K:G            H:BLORZbs T:Bath Road Hornpipe #2
ABC   1800 C1:057726607111127 C2:ddduddduuuuuddd M:2/4   K:G            H:BLZ    T:Bath Road Hornpipe
ABC   1800 C1:057726607111127 C2:ddduddduuuuuddd M:2/4   K:G            H:BLZ    T:Bath Road Hornpipe
ABC   1800 C1:057726607111127 C2:ddduddduuuuuddd M:2/4   K:G            H:BLZ    T:Bath Road Hornpipe
ABC      8 C1:031111011105771 C2:uuuuuuuuddduddd M:4/4   K:G            H:LRZ    T:Bath Road Hornpipe
ABC      8 C1:031111011105771 C2:uuuuuuuuddduddd M:4/4   K:G            H:LRZ    T:Bath Road Hornpipe
ABC      8 C1:031111011105771 C2:uuuuuuuuddduddd M:4/4   K:G            H:LRZ    T:Bath Road Hornpipe
ABC   1682 C1:057726607111127 C2:ddduddduuuuuddd M:2/4   K:G            H:BLZ    T:Bath Road Hornpipe
ABC      1 C1:560672216760632 C2:ddduddduuuuuddd M:2/4   K:G            H:LRSZ   T:Bath Road Hornpipe
ABC      8 C1:031111011105771 C2:uuuuuuuuddduddd M:4/4   K:G            H:LRZ    T:Bath Road Hornpipe
ABC      8 C1:031111011105771 C2:uuuuuuuuddduddd M:4/4   K:G            H:LRZ    T:Bath Road Hornpipe
ABC   1682 C1:057726607111127 C2:ddduddduuuuuddd M:2/4   K:G            H:BLZ    T:Bath Road Hornpipe
ABC   1682 C1:057726607111127 C2:ddduddduuuuuddd M:2/4   K:G            H:BLZ    T:Bath Road Hornpipe
ABC   1800 C1:057726607111127 C2:ddduddduuuuuddd M:2/4   K:G            H:BLZ    T:Bath Road Hornpipe
ABC   1800 C1:057726607111127 C2:ddduddduuuuuddd M:2/4   K:G            H:BLZ    T:Bath Road Hornpipe
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Bath Song (tr. Arasilion of Silverlode) (1:03)
ABC      1 C1:161002176773231 C2:uduuuddddduuudd M:      K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:The Bath Star
ABC      6 C1:623163050007012 C2:dddudududduuuuu M:4/4   K:C            H:HLOQSZ T:Bath,The. (p)1651.PLFD.006
ABC      6 C1:623163050007012 C2:dddudududduuuuu M:4/4   K:C            H:HLOQSZ T:Bath,The. (p)1651.PLFD.006
ABC      6 C1:623163050007012 C2:dddudududduuuuu M:4/4   K:C            H:HLOQSZ T:Bath,The. (p)1651.PLFD.006
ABC     71 C1:531162110777007 C2:duuuduuudddduud M:C|    K:D            H:BLQWZ  T:Bath Trumpet Tune. JJo3.071
ABC     71 C1:531162110777007 C2:duuuduuudddduud M:C|    K:D            H:BLQWZ  T:Bath Trumpet Tune. JJo3.071
ABC      1 C1:000000000532000 C2:duuduudduddduud M:3/4   K:G            H:LR     T:the Bath Waltz
ABC    128 C1:000000000532000 C2:duuduudduddduud M:3/4   K:G            H:ABOR   T:Bath Waltz, The
ABC     42 C1:111000000000532 C2:uuuduuduudduddd M:3/4   K:G            H:"CLQS  T:The Bath Waltz
ABC     40 C1:111000000000532 C2:uuuduuduudduddd M:3/4   K:G            H:"CLQS  T:The Bath Waltz
ABC  10393 C1:000000000505000 C2:duduudduddduudu M:3/8   K:G            H:BCLRSZ T:the BATH WALTZ
ABC  10393 C1:000000000505000 C2:duduudduddduudu M:3/8   K:G            H:BCLRSZ T:the BATH WALTZ
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:3/4   K:G            H:LR     T:Bath Waltz
ABC    362 C1:050605050603000 C2:uddududdduddudd M:3/8   K:F            H:BFLZ   T:The Bath Waltz
ABC    362 C1:050605050603000 C2:uddududdduddudd M:3/8   K:F            H:BFLZ   T:The Bath Waltz
ABC    362 C1:050605050603000 C2:uddududdduddudd M:3/8   K:F            H:BFLZ   T:The Bath Waltz
ABC    362 C1:050605050603000 C2:uddududdduddudd M:3/8   K:F            H:BFLZ   T:The Bath Waltz
ABC    129 C1:000000000532000 C2:duuduudduddduud M:3/4   K:G            H:LR     T:the Bath Waltz
ABC     78 C1:111000000000532 C2:uuuduuduudduddd M:3/4   K:G            H:"CLQRSV T:The Bath Waltz
ABC     78 C1:111000000000532 C2:uuuduuduudduddd M:3/4   K:G            H:"CLQRSV T:The Bath Waltz
ABC   1223 C1:000000000532000 C2:duuduudduddduud M:3/4   K:G            H:ABOR   T:Bath Waltz, The
ABC   6511 C1:000000000532000 C2:duuduudduddduud M:3/4   K:G            H:LOR    T:the Bath Waltz
ABC   6511 C1:000000000532000 C2:duuduudduddduud M:3/4   K:G            H:LOR    T:the Bath Waltz
ABC     18 C1:111000000000532 C2:uuuduuduudduddd M:3/4   K:G            H:"CLQS  T:The Bath Waltz
ABC  10393 C1:000000000505000 C2:duduudduddduudu M:3/8   K:G            H:BCLRSZ T:The BATH WALTZ
ABC  10393 C1:000000000505000 C2:duduudduddduudu M:3/8   K:G            H:BCLRSZ T:The BATH WALTZ
ABC  10393 C1:000000000505000 C2:duduudduddduudu M:3/8   K:G            H:BCLRSZ T:The BATH WALTZ
ABC  10393 C1:000000000505000 C2:duduudduddduudu M:3/8   K:G            H:BCLRSZ T:The BATH WALTZ
ABC  10393 C1:000000000505000 C2:duduudduddduudu M:3/8   K:G            H:BCLRSZ T:The BATH WALTZ
ABC  10393 C1:000000000505000 C2:duduudduddduudu M:3/8   K:G            H:BCLRSZ T:The BATH WALTZ
ABC  10393 C1:000000000505000 C2:duduudduddduudu M:3/8   K:G            H:BCLRSZ T:The BATH WALTZ
ABC  10393 C1:000000000505000 C2:duduudduddduudu M:3/8   K:G            H:BCLRSZ T:The BATH WALTZ
ABC  10393 C1:000000000505000 C2:duduudduddduudu M:3/8   K:G            H:BCLRSZ T:The BATH WALTZ
ABC   1223 C1:000000000532000 C2:duuduudduddduud M:3/4   K:G            H:ABOR   T:Bath Waltz, The
ABC   1223 C1:000000000532000 C2:duuduudduddduud M:3/4   K:G            H:ABOR   T:Bath Waltz, The
ABC   1223 C1:000000000532000 C2:duuduudduddduud M:3/4   K:G            H:ABOR   T:Bath Waltz, The
ABC     42 C1:111000000000532 C2:uuuduuduudduddd M:3/4   K:G            H:"CLQS  T:The Bath Waltz
ABC     42 C1:111000000000532 C2:uuuduuduudduddd M:3/4   K:G            H:"CLQS  T:The Bath Waltz
ABC    572 C1:000000000712000 C2:duuduudduddduud M:3/8   K:C            H:ABFLOZ T:Bath Waltz
ABC    572 C1:000000000712000 C2:duuduudduddduud M:3/8   K:C            H:ABFLOZ T:Bath Waltz
ABC  12819 C1:000000000532000 C2:duuduudduddduud M:3/4   K:G            H:LR     T:the Bath Waltz
ABC  12819 C1:000000000532000 C2:duuduudduddduud M:3/4   K:G            H:LR     T:the Bath Waltz
ABC  12819 C1:000000000532000 C2:duuduudduddduud M:3/4   K:G            H:LR     T:the Bath Waltz
ABC  12819 C1:000000000532000 C2:duuduudduddduud M:3/4   K:G            H:LR     T:the Bath Waltz
ABC  12819 C1:000000000532000 C2:duuduudduddduud M:3/4   K:G            H:LR     T:the Bath Waltz
ABC     52 C1:000000000712000 C2:duuduudduddduud M:3/8   K:C            H:ABLOZ  T:Bath Waltz
ABC   1224 C1:050603000661116 C2:ududduuudduddud M:3/8   K:G            H:ABLOQRSZ T:Bath Waltz,aka. CJF.230
ABC    230 C1:050603000661116 C2:ududduuudduddud M:3/8   K:G            H:ABLOQRSZ T:Bath Waltz, aka. CJF.230
ABC    230 C1:050603000661116 C2:ududduuudduddud M:3/8   K:G            H:ABLQZ  T:Bath Waltz, aka. CJF.230
ABC    230 C1:050603000661116 C2:ududduuudduddud M:3/8   K:G            H:ABLQZ  T:Bath Waltz, aka. CJF.230
ABC    230 C1:050603000661116 C2:ududduuudduddud M:3/8   K:G            H:ABLOQRSZ T:Bath Waltz, aka. CJF.230
ABC    441 C1:050603000661116 C2:ududduuudduddud M:3/8   K:G            H:ABLOQRS T:Bath Waltz,aka. CJF.230
ABC    441 C1:050603000661116 C2:ududduuudduddud M:3/8   K:G            H:ABLOQRS T:Bath Waltz,aka. CJF.230
ABC   1224 C1:050603000661116 C2:ududduuudduddud M:3/8   K:G            H:ABLOQRSZ T:Bath Waltz,aka. CJF.230
ABC   1224 C1:050603000661116 C2:ududduuudduddud M:3/8   K:G            H:ABLOQRSZ T:Bath Waltz,aka. CJF.230
ABC   1224 C1:050603000661116 C2:ududduuudduddud M:3/8   K:G            H:ABLOQRSZ T:Bath Waltz,aka. CJF.230
ABC    573 C1:050603000661116 C2:ududduuudduddud M:3/8   K:G            H:ABFLOQRSZ T:Bath Waltz, aka. CJF.230
ABC    573 C1:050603000661116 C2:ududduuudduddud M:3/8   K:G            H:ABFLOQRSZ T:Bath Waltz, aka. CJF.230
ABC    230 C1:050603000661116 C2:ududduuudduddud M:3/8   K:G            H:ABLOQRSZ T:Bath Waltz, aka. CJF.230
ABC     82 C1:000055000064072 C2:duuduudduddduuu M:3/8   K:C            H:BLQZ   T:Bath Waltz. Dal.085
ABC    543 C1:000055000064063 C2:duuduudduddduud M:3/8   K:A            H:ABCLOQZ T:Bath Waltz. EHo.543
ABC      1 C1:000000000712000 C2:duuduudduddduud M:3/8   K:C            H:AHLOQRSZ T:Bath Waltz. HSJJ.144
ABC    142 C1:000000000712000 C2:duuduudduddduud M:3/8   K:C            H:ABHLOQRZ T:Bath Waltz. HSJJ.144
ABC    143 C1:000000000712000 C2:duuduudduddduud M:3/8   K:C            H:AHLOQRSZ T:Bath Waltz. HSJJ.144
ABC    142 C1:000000000712000 C2:duuduudduddduud M:3/8   K:C            H:AHLOQRSZ T:Bath Waltz. HSJJ.144
ABC    142 C1:000000000712000 C2:duuduudduddduud M:3/8   K:C            H:ABHLOQRZ T:Bath Waltz. HSJJ.144
ABC    142 C1:000000000712000 C2:duuduudduddduud M:3/8   K:C            H:ABHLOQRZ T:Bath Waltz. HSJJ.144
ABC    142 C1:000000000712000 C2:duuduudduddduud M:3/8   K:C            H:ABHLOQRSZ T:Bath Waltz. HSJJ.144
ABC   1225 C1:000000000712000 C2:duuduudduddduud M:3/8   K:C            H:AHLOQRSZ T:Bath Waltz. HSJJ.144
ABC   1226 C1:000000000712000 C2:duuduudduddduud M:3/8   K:C            H:AHLOQRSZ T:Bath Waltz. HSJJ.144
ABC   2697 C1:000000000712000 C2:duuduudduddduud M:3/8   K:C            H:AHLOQRSZ T:Bath Waltz. HSJJ.144
ABC   2697 C1:000000000712000 C2:duuduudduddduud M:3/8   K:C            H:AHLOQRSZ T:Bath Waltz. HSJJ.144
ABC    442 C1:000000000712000 C2:duuduudduddduud M:3/8   K:C            H:AHLOQRS T:Bath Waltz. HSJJ.144
ABC    442 C1:000000000712000 C2:duuduudduddduud M:3/8   K:C            H:AHLOQRS T:Bath Waltz. HSJJ.144
ABC   1225 C1:000000000712000 C2:duuduudduddduud M:3/8   K:C            H:AHLOQRSZ T:Bath Waltz. HSJJ.144
ABC   1226 C1:000000000712000 C2:duuduudduddduud M:3/8   K:C            H:AHLOQRSZ T:Bath Waltz. HSJJ.144
ABC   1225 C1:000000000712000 C2:duuduudduddduud M:3/8   K:C            H:AHLOQRSZ T:Bath Waltz. HSJJ.144
ABC   1226 C1:000000000712000 C2:duuduudduddduud M:3/8   K:C            H:AHLOQRSZ T:Bath Waltz. HSJJ.144
ABC   1225 C1:000000000712000 C2:duuduudduddduud M:3/8   K:C            H:AHLOQRSZ T:Bath Waltz. HSJJ.144
ABC   1226 C1:000000000712000 C2:duuduudduddduud M:3/8   K:C            H:AHLOQRSZ T:Bath Waltz. HSJJ.144
ABC    574 C1:000000000712000 C2:duuduudduddduud M:3/8   K:C            H:AFHLOQRSZ T:Bath Waltz. HSJJ.144
ABC    574 C1:000000000712000 C2:duuduudduddduud M:3/8   K:C            H:AFHLOQRSZ T:Bath Waltz. HSJJ.144
ABC    992 C1:000000000712000 C2:duuduudduddduud M:3/8   K:C            H:AHLOQRSZ T:Bath Waltz. HSJJ.144
ABC    992 C1:000000000712000 C2:duuduudduddduud M:3/8   K:C            H:AHLOQRSZ T:Bath Waltz. HSJJ.144
ABC    992 C1:000000000712000 C2:duuduudduddduud M:3/8   K:C            H:AHLOQRSZ T:Bath Waltz. HSJJ.144
ABC    992 C1:000000000712000 C2:duuduudduddduud M:3/8   K:C            H:AHLOQRSZ T:Bath Waltz. HSJJ.144
ABC    992 C1:000000000712000 C2:duuduudduddduud M:3/8   K:C            H:AHLOQRSZ T:Bath Waltz. HSJJ.144
ABC    142 C1:000000000712000 C2:duuduudduddduud M:3/8   K:C            H:ABHLOQRSZ T:Bath Waltz. HSJJ.144
ABC     99 C1:563066240565563 C2:ududddudduddudu M:3/8   K:Bb           H:ALOQRSZ T:Bath Waltz. JC.099
ABC     99 C1:563066240565563 C2:ududddudduddudu M:3/8   K:Bb           H:ABLQZ  T:Bath Waltz. JC.099
ABC     99 C1:563066240565563 C2:ududddudduddudu M:3/8   K:Bb           H:ABLQZ  T:Bath Waltz. JC.099
ABC   1227 C1:563066240565563 C2:ududddudduddudu M:3/8   K:Bb           H:ALOQRSWZ T:Bath Waltz. JC.099
ABC     99 C1:563066240565563 C2:ududddudduddudu M:3/8   K:Bb           H:ABLOQRSZ T:Bath Waltz. JC.099
ABC   1227 C1:563066240565563 C2:ududddudduddudu M:3/8   K:Bb           H:ALOQRSWZ T:Bath Waltz. JC.099
ABC   1227 C1:563066240565563 C2:ududddudduddudu M:3/8   K:Bb           H:ALOQRSWZ T:Bath Waltz. JC.099
ABC   1227 C1:563066240565563 C2:ududddudduddudu M:3/8   K:Bb           H:ALOQRSWZ T:Bath Waltz. JC.099
ABC    575 C1:563066240565563 C2:ududddudduddudu M:3/8   K:Bb           H:AFLOQRSZ T:Bath Waltz. JC.099
ABC    575 C1:563066240565563 C2:ududddudduddudu M:3/8   K:Bb           H:AFLOQRSZ T:Bath Waltz. JC.099
ABC     99 C1:563066240565563 C2:ududddudduddudu M:3/8   K:Bb           H:ABLOQRSZ T:Bath Waltz. JC.099
ABC    101 C1:000055000064063 C2:duuduudduddduud M:3/8   K:Bb           H:ALOQRSZ T:Bath Waltz. JC.101
ABC    101 C1:000055000064063 C2:duuduudduddduud M:3/8   K:Bb           H:ABLQZ  T:Bath Waltz. JC.101
ABC    101 C1:000055000064063 C2:duuduudduddduud M:3/8   K:Bb           H:ABLQZ  T:Bath Waltz. JC.101
ABC   1228 C1:000055000064063 C2:duuduudduddduud M:3/8   K:Bb           H:ALOQRSZ T:Bath Waltz. JC.101
ABC    101 C1:000055000064063 C2:duuduudduddduud M:3/8   K:Bb           H:ABLOQRSZ T:Bath Waltz. JC.101
ABC   1228 C1:000055000064063 C2:duuduudduddduud M:3/8   K:Bb           H:ALOQRSZ T:Bath Waltz. JC.101
ABC   1228 C1:000055000064063 C2:duuduudduddduud M:3/8   K:Bb           H:ALOQRSZ T:Bath Waltz. JC.101
ABC   1228 C1:000055000064063 C2:duuduudduddduud M:3/8   K:Bb           H:ALOQRSZ T:Bath Waltz. JC.101
ABC    576 C1:000055000064063 C2:duuduudduddduud M:3/8   K:Bb           H:AFLOQRSZ T:Bath Waltz. JC.101
ABC    576 C1:000055000064063 C2:duuduudduddduud M:3/8   K:Bb           H:AFLOQRSZ T:Bath Waltz. JC.101
ABC    101 C1:000055000064063 C2:duuduudduddduud M:3/8   K:Bb           H:ABLOQRSZ T:Bath Waltz. JC.101
ABC    169 C1:563066240565563 C2:ududddudduddudu M:3/8   K:G            H:ALOQRSZ T:Bath Waltz. JC.168
ABC    169 C1:563066240565563 C2:ududddudduddudu M:3/8   K:G            H:ABLQZ  T:Bath Waltz. JC.168
ABC    169 C1:563066240565563 C2:ududddudduddudu M:3/8   K:G            H:ABLQZ  T:Bath Waltz. JC.168
ABC   1229 C1:563066240565563 C2:ududddudduddudu M:3/8   K:G            H:ALOQRSZ T:Bath Waltz. JC.168
ABC    169 C1:563066240565563 C2:ududddudduddudu M:3/8   K:G            H:ABLOQRSZ T:Bath Waltz. JC.168
ABC   1229 C1:563066240565563 C2:ududddudduddudu M:3/8   K:G            H:ALOQRSZ T:Bath Waltz. JC.168
ABC   1229 C1:563066240565563 C2:ududddudduddudu M:3/8   K:G            H:ALOQRSZ T:Bath Waltz. JC.168
ABC   1229 C1:563066240565563 C2:ududddudduddudu M:3/8   K:G            H:ALOQRSZ T:Bath Waltz. JC.168
ABC    577 C1:563066240565563 C2:ududddudduddudu M:3/8   K:G            H:AFLOQRSZ T:Bath Waltz. JC.168
ABC    577 C1:563066240565563 C2:ududddudduddudu M:3/8   K:G            H:AFLOQRSZ T:Bath Waltz. JC.168
ABC    169 C1:563066240565563 C2:ududddudduddudu M:3/8   K:G            H:ABLOQRSZ T:Bath Waltz. JC.168
ABC    134 C1:000064000064063 C2:duuduudduddduuu M:3/8   K:C            H:BCLQZ  T:Bath Waltz. JGi.134
ABC    134 C1:000064000064063 C2:duuduudduddduuu M:3/8   K:C            H:CLOQRSZ T:Bath Waltz. JGi.134
ABC    134 C1:000064000064063 C2:duuduudduddduuu M:3/8   K:C            H:ABLOQRSZ T:Bath Waltz. JGi.134
ABC    578 C1:000064000064063 C2:duuduudduddduuu M:3/8   K:C            H:CFLOQRSZ T:Bath Waltz. JGi.134
ABC    578 C1:000064000064063 C2:duuduudduddduuu M:3/8   K:C            H:CFLOQRSZ T:Bath Waltz. JGi.134
ABC    134 C1:000064000064063 C2:duuduudduddduuu M:3/8   K:C            H:ABLOQRSZ T:Bath Waltz. JGi.134
ABC     40 C1:000000000532000 C2:duuduuddudddduu M:3/8   K:D            H:BLQZ   T:Bath Waltz. JHa.40
ABC     40 C1:000000000532000 C2:duuduuddudddduu M:3/8   K:D            H:BLQZ   T:Bath Waltz. JHa.40
ABC      5 C1:000055000064063 C2:duuduudduddduud M:3/8   K:C            H:BLQRZ  T:Bath Waltz. JSa.10
ABC      5 C1:000055000064063 C2:duuduudduddduud M:3/8   K:C            H:BLQRZ  T:Bath Waltz. JSa.10
ABC    143 C1:                C2:                M:3/8   K:D            H:BLQZ   T:Bath Waltz. Le4.143
ABC    143 C1:000055000064063 C2:duuduuddudddudu M:3/8   K:D            H:BLQZ   T:Bath Waltz. Le4.143
ABC    143 C1:000055000064063 C2:duuduuddudddudu M:3/8   K:D            H:BLQZ   T:Bath Waltz. Le4.143
ABC    232 C1:000055000064063 C2:duuduudduddduuu M:3/8   K:Bb           H:BLQZ   T:Bath Waltz. TWC.232
ABC    232 C1:000055000064063 C2:duuduudduddduuu M:3/8   K:Bb           H:BLQZ   T:Bath Waltz. TWC.232
ABC     34 C1:117007117000071 C2:uudduudduududdu M:2/4   K:Am treble    H:"CLOQ  T:Bati Elecha
ABC     34 C1:117007117000071 C2:uudduudduududdu M:2/4   K:Am treble    H:"CLOQ  T:Bati Elecha
ABC   1001 C1:117007117000071 C2:uudduudduududdu M:2/4   K:Am treble    H:"CLOQ  T:Bati Elecha
ABC   1001 C1:117007117000071 C2:uudduudduududdu M:2/4   K:Am treble    H:"CLOQ  T:Bati Elecha
ABC     34 C1:117007117000071 C2:uudduudduududdu M:2/4   K:Am treble    H:"CLOQ  T:Bati Elecha
ABC     34 C1:117007117000071 C2:uudduudduududdu M:2/4   K:Am treble    H:"CLOQ  T:Bati Elecha
ABC     34 C1:117007117000071 C2:uudduudduududdu M:2/4   K:Am treble    H:"CLOQ  T:Bati Elecha
ABC     34 C1:117007117000071 C2:uudduudduududdu M:2/4   K:Am treble    H:"CLOQ  T:Bati Elecha
ABC      1 C1:277611277611001 C2:uddduuuddduuudd M:3/4   K:G            H:"L     T:Batignolles Clichy, musette waltz
ABC  01005 C1:111117777771111 C2:uuuuudddddduuuu M:6/8   K:D            H:BCLZ   T:BAT IN D' BAT'ROOM
ABC  01005 C1:111117777771111 C2:uuuuudddddduuuu M:6/8   K:D            H:BCLZ   T:BAT IN D' BAT'ROOM
ABC  01005 C1:111117777771111 C2:uuuuudddddduuuu M:6/8   K:D            H:BCLZ   T:BAT IN D' BAT'ROOM
ABC  01005 C1:111117777771111 C2:uuuuudddddduuuu M:6/8   K:D            H:BCLZ   T:BAT IN D' BAT'ROOM
ABC  01005 C1:111117777771111 C2:uuuuudddddduuuu M:6/8   K:D            H:BCLZ   T:BAT IN D' BAT'ROOM
ABC  01005 C1:111117777771111 C2:uuuuudddddduuuu M:6/8   K:D            H:BCLZ   T:BAT IN D' BAT'ROOM
ABC  01005 C1:111117777771111 C2:uuuuudddddduuuu M:6/8   K:D            H:BCLZ   T:BAT IN D' BAT'ROOM
ABC  01005 C1:111117777771111 C2:uuuuudddddduuuu M:6/8   K:D            H:BCLZ   T:BAT IN D' BAT'ROOM
ABC 182005 C1:716001175117716 C2:duuuudduuddudud M:6/8   K:D            H:CLQR   T:BAT IN THE BELFRY*, The
ABC 182005 C1:716001175117716 C2:duuuudduuddudud M:6/8   K:D            H:CLQR   T:BAT IN THE BELFRY*, The
ABC 182005 C1:716001175117716 C2:duuuudduuddudud M:6/8   K:D            H:CLQR   T:BAT IN THE BELFRY*, The
ABC      1 C1:040002110077010 C2:duuudduududduuu M:4/4   K:Em           H:"LQR   T:Batle of Yellow Ford Part 1
ABC      1 C1:040002110077010 C2:duuudduududduuu M:4/4   K:Em           H:"LQR   T:Batle of Yellow Ford Part 1
ABC      1 C1:000701000007010 C2:dududuududdudud M:4/4   K:A            H:LQZ    T:Batman
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:CLQ    T:Batman by Skjald
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:CLQ    T:Batman by Skjald
ABC  10007 C1:032776377117050 C2:uudddudduuddduu M:6/8   K:D            H:BCLZ   T:B.A.T.-MAN'S JIG
ABC  10007 C1:032776377117050 C2:uudddudduuddduu M:6/8   K:D            H:BCLZ   T:B.A.T.-MAN'S JIG
ABC  10007 C1:032776377117050 C2:uudddudduuddduu M:6/8   K:D            H:BCLZ   T:B.A.T.-MAN'S JIG
ABC  10007 C1:032776377117050 C2:uudddudduuddduu M:6/8   K:D            H:BCLZ   T:B.A.T.-MAN'S JIG
ABC  10007 C1:032776377117050 C2:uudddudduuddduu M:6/8   K:D            H:BCLZ   T:B.A.T.-MAN'S JIG
ABC  10007 C1:032776377117050 C2:uudddudduuddduu M:6/8   K:D            H:BCLZ   T:B.A.T.-MAN'S JIG
ABC  10007 C1:032776377117050 C2:uudddudduuddduu M:6/8   K:D            H:BCLZ   T:B.A.T.-MAN'S JIG
ABC  10007 C1:032776377117050 C2:uudddudduuddduu M:6/8   K:D            H:BCLZ   T:B.A.T.-MAN'S JIG
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Batman - st1 (2:10)
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Bat Out of Hell (Horn) - Order of the Nameless (7:16)
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Bat Out of Hell (Lute) - Order of the Nameless (7:16)
ABC      1 C1:754207077504750 C2:ddduuddddudddud M:4/4   K:D            H:CLS    T:Bats
ABC      5 C1:754207077504750 C2:ddduuddddudddud M:4/4   K:D            H:CLS    T:Bats
ABC      5 C1:754207077504750 C2:ddduuddddudddud M:4/4   K:D            H:CLS    T:Bats
ABC      5 C1:754207077504750 C2:ddduuddddudddud M:4/4   K:D            H:CLS    T:Bats
ABC   1230 C1:754207077504750 C2:ddduuddddudddud M:4/4   K:D            H:CLS    T:Bats
ABC      5 C1:754207077504750 C2:ddduuddddudddud M:4/4   K:D            H:CLS    T:Bats
ABC      5 C1:754207077504750 C2:ddduuddddudddud M:4/4   K:D            H:CLS    T:Bats
ABC    443 C1:754207077504750 C2:ddduuddddudddud M:4/4   K:D            H:CLOS   T:Bats
ABC    443 C1:754207077504750 C2:ddduuddddudddud M:4/4   K:D            H:CLOS   T:Bats
ABC   1230 C1:754207077504750 C2:ddduuddddudddud M:4/4   K:D            H:CLS    T:Bats
ABC   1230 C1:754207077504750 C2:ddduuddddudddud M:4/4   K:D            H:CLS    T:Bats
ABC   1230 C1:754207077504750 C2:ddduuddddudddud M:4/4   K:D            H:CLS    T:Bats
ABC    993 C1:754207077504750 C2:ddduuddddudddud M:4/4   K:D            H:CLS    T:Bats
ABC    993 C1:754207077504750 C2:ddduuddddudddud M:4/4   K:D            H:CLS    T:Bats
ABC    993 C1:754207077504750 C2:ddduuddddudddud M:4/4   K:D            H:CLS    T:Bats
ABC    993 C1:754207077504750 C2:ddduuddddudddud M:4/4   K:D            H:CLS    T:Bats
ABC    993 C1:754207077504750 C2:ddduuddddudddud M:4/4   K:D            H:CLS    T:Bats
ABC      0 C1:                C2:                M:      K:             H:BCR    T:Bats in the Belfry
ABC      1 C1:000001777711000 C2:udddduuduudduuu M:3/4   K:G            H:"CIRZ  T:Batsman Deck
ABC      1 C1:000001777711000 C2:udddduuduudduuu M:3/4   K:G            H:"CIRZ  T:Batsman Deck
ABC      4 C1:000001777711000 C2:udddduuduudduuu M:3/4   K:G            H:"CIRZ  T:Batsman Deck
ABC      1 C1:000000000700100 C2:dududduuudududd M:2/2   K:Eb           H:L      T:Batson
ABC      1 C1:000000000700100 C2:dududduuudududd M:2/2   K:Eb           H:L      T:Batson
ABC      1 C1:000000000700100 C2:dududduuudududd M:2/2   K:Eb           H:L      T:Batson
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Battaglia 1 (2:10)
ABC    434 C1:077701110177710 C2:ddduuuuddduuddd M:4/4   K:Em           H:"CFLOQ T:Bat Teiman
ABC    434 C1:077701110177710 C2:ddduuuuddduuddd M:4/4   K:Em           H:"CFLOQ T:Bat Teiman
ABC    130 C1:077701110177710 C2:ddduuuuddduuddd M:4/4   K:Em           H:"CFLOQ T:Bat Teiman
ABC    152 C1:077701110177710 C2:ddduuuuddduuddd M:4/4   K:Em           H:"CFLOQ T:Bat Teiman
ABC    170 C1:077701110177710 C2:ddduuuuddduuddd M:4/4   K:Em           H:"CFLOQ T:Bat Teiman
ABC    173 C1:077701110177710 C2:ddduuuuddduuddd M:4/4   K:Em           H:"CFLOQ T:Bat Teiman
ABC    130 C1:077701110177710 C2:ddduuuuddduuddd M:4/4   K:Em           H:"CFLOQ T:Bat Teiman
ABC    152 C1:077701110177710 C2:ddduuuuddduuddd M:4/4   K:Em           H:"CFLOQ T:Bat Teiman
ABC    170 C1:077701110177710 C2:ddduuuuddduuddd M:4/4   K:Em           H:"CFLOQ T:Bat Teiman
ABC    173 C1:077701110177710 C2:ddduuuuddduuddd M:4/4   K:Em           H:"CFLOQ T:Bat Teiman
ABC    173 C1:077701110177710 C2:ddduuuuddduuddd M:4/4   K:Em           H:"CFLOQ T:Bat Teiman
ABC    173 C1:077701110177710 C2:ddduuuuddduuddd M:4/4   K:Em           H:"CFLOQ T:Bat Teiman
ABC    173 C1:077701110177710 C2:ddduuuuddduuddd M:4/4   K:Em           H:"CFLOQ T:Bat Teiman
ABC    173 C1:077701110177710 C2:ddduuuuddduuddd M:4/4   K:Em           H:"CFLOQ T:Bat Teiman
ABC      1 C1:777707070206040 C2:ddddddududududu M:2/4   K:D            H:ABCFLRSWZ T:Battenshagen Polka
ABC      2 C1:060700010006110 C2:dduduudddduudud M:C     K:D            H:C      T:Battered Hake
ABC      2 C1:                C2:                M:6/8   K:G            H:L      T:Battering Ram [1], The
ABC      2 C1:662774660022661 C2:dduddudduuddudd M:6/8   K:D            H:LQR    T:Battering Ram, The
ABC      1 C1:661074660022661 C2:ddududduudduddu M:6/8   K:D            H:LR     T:Battering Ram, The
ABC      1 C1:662774660022661 C2:dduddudduuddudd M:6/8   K:G            H:LR     T:Battering Ram, The
ABC     14 C1:661074660022661 C2:ddududduudduddu M:6/8   K:D            H:EIR    T:Battering Ram, The
ABC     14 C1:661074660022661 C2:ddududduudduddu M:6/8   K:D            H:EIR    T:Battering Ram, The
ABC      7 C1:660022661762670 C2:dduudduddudduud M:6/8   K:G            H:R      T:Battering Ram, The
ABC      7 C1:660022661762670 C2:dduudduddudduud M:6/8   K:G            H:R      T:Battering Ram, The
ABC      1 C1:660022661762670 C2:dduudduddudduud M:6/8   K:G            H:LR     T:Battering Ram, The
ABC      1 C1:662774660022661 C2:dduddudduuddudd M:6/8   K:DMix         H:OR     T:the Battering Ram
ABC  62010 C1:662774660057661 C2:ddudduddudddudd M:6/8   K:G            H:QRZ    T:BATTERING RAM, The
ABC      3 C1:662774660022661 C2:dduddudduuddudd M:6/8   K:G            H:LR     T:The Battering Ram
ABC      3 C1:662774660022661 C2:dduddudduuddudd M:6/8   K:G            H:LR     T:The Battering Ram
ABC      3 C1:662774660022661 C2:dduddudduuddudd M:6/8   K:G            H:LR     T:The Battering Ram
ABC  12154 C1:662774660022661 C2:dduddudduuddudd M:6/8   K:G            H:CLQR   T:BATTERING RAM, The
ABC 252001 C1:662774660022661 C2:dduddudduuddudd M:6/8   K:G            H:BCLQR  T:BATTERING RAM, The
ABC      5 C1:660022661762670 C2:dduudduddudduud M:6/8   K:G            H:DRZ    T:Battering Ram, The
ABC      1 C1:660022661762670 C2:dduudduddudduud M:6/8   K:G            H:DRZ    T:Battering Ram, The
ABC    230 C1:661074660022661 C2:ddududduudduddu M:6/8   K:D            H:"EIR   T:Battering Ram, The
ABC    230 C1:661074660022661 C2:ddududduudduddu M:6/8   K:D            H:"EIR   T:Battering Ram, The
ABC    009 C1:061072030076771 C2:dudududdduddudu M:6/8   K:G            H:BLRUZ  T:Battering Ram
ABC    582 C1:662774660022661 C2:dduddudduuddudd M:6/8   K:G            H:"BDORSZ T:The battering ram
ABC    582 C1:662774660022661 C2:dduddudduuddudd M:6/8   K:G            H:"BDORSZ T:The battering ram
ABC    582 C1:662774660022661 C2:dduddudduuddudd M:6/8   K:G            H:"BDORSZ T:The battering ram
ABC    582 C1:662774660022661 C2:dduddudduuddudd M:6/8   K:G            H:"BDORSZ T:The battering ram
ABC     95 C1:662774660022661 C2:dduddudduuddudd M:6/8   K:G            H:"BLRZ  T:the Battering Ram
ABC     95 C1:662774660022661 C2:dduddudduuddudd M:6/8   K:G            H:"BLRZ  T:the Battering Ram
ABC     95 C1:662774660022661 C2:dduddudduuddudd M:6/8   K:G            H:"BLRZ  T:the Battering Ram
ABC     95 C1:662774660022661 C2:dduddudduuddudd M:6/8   K:G            H:"BLRZ  T:the Battering Ram
ABC     95 C1:662774660022661 C2:dduddudduuddudd M:6/8   K:G            H:"BLRZ  T:the Battering Ram
ABC     95 C1:662774660022661 C2:dduddudduuddudd M:6/8   K:G            H:"BLRZ  T:the Battering Ram
ABC     95 C1:662774660022661 C2:dduddudduuddudd M:6/8   K:G            H:"BLRZ  T:the Battering Ram
ABC      1 C1:266277466002266 C2:udduddudduuddud M:6/8   K:G            H:LRw    T:Battering Ram, The
ABC      7 C1:660022661762670 C2:dduudduddudduud M:6/8   K:G            H:R      T:Battering Ram, The
ABC    514 C1:661074660022661 C2:ddududduudduddu M:6/8   K:D            H:EIR    T:Battering Ram, The
ABC      7 C1:660022661762760 C2:dduudduddudduud M:6/8   K:Dmix         H:"LQRS  T:Battering Ram, The
ABC 026097 C1:662774660057661 C2:ddudduddudddudd M:6/8   K:G            H:QRS    T:Battering Ram % ABC 026097 C1:662774660057661 C2:ddudduddudddudd M:6/8   K:G            H:QRS    T:Battering Ram % ABC  12154 C1:662774660022661 C2:dduddudduuddudd M:6/8   K:G            H:CLQR   T:BATTERING RAM, The
ABC  12154 C1:662774660022661 C2:dduddudduuddudd M:6/8   K:G            H:CLQR   T:BATTERING RAM, The
ABC      1 C1:662002677022661 C2:dduuddduudduddu M:6/8   K:Dmaj         H:LR     T:The Battering Ram
ABC     70 C1:661074660022661 C2:ddududduudduddu M:6/8   K:D            H:EIR    T:Battering Ram, The
ABC     14 C1:661074660022661 C2:ddududduudduddu M:6/8   K:D            H:EIR    T:Battering Ram, The
ABC     14 C1:661074660022661 C2:ddududduudduddu M:6/8   K:D            H:EIR    T:Battering Ram, The
ABC     14 C1:661074660022661 C2:ddududduudduddu M:6/8   K:D            H:EIR    T:Battering Ram, The
ABC     14 C1:661074660022661 C2:ddududduudduddu M:6/8   K:D            H:EIR    T:Battering Ram, The
ABC     14 C1:661074660022661 C2:ddududduudduddu M:6/8   K:D            H:EIR    T:Battering Ram, The
ABC     14 C1:661074660022661 C2:ddududduudduddu M:6/8   K:D            H:EIR    T:Battering Ram, The
ABC     14 C1:661074660022661 C2:ddududduudduddu M:6/8   K:D            H:EIR    T:Battering Ram, The
ABC      1 C1:662002677022661 C2:dduuddduudduddu M:6/8   K:Dmaj         H:LR     T:The Battering Ram
ABC 252001 C1:662774660022661 C2:dduddudduuddudd M:6/8   K:G            H:BCLQR  T:BATTERING RAM, The
ABC 252001 C1:662774660022661 C2:dduddudduuddudd M:6/8   K:G            H:BCLQR  T:BATTERING RAM, The
ABC      2 C1:660022661762760 C2:dduudduddudduud M:6/8   K:Dmix         H:"LQRS  T:Battering Ram, The
ABC      2 C1:660022661762760 C2:dduudduddudduud M:6/8   K:Dmix         H:"LQRS  T:Battering Ram, The
ABC      2 C1:660022661762760 C2:dduudduddudduud M:6/8   K:Dmix         H:"LQRS  T:Battering Ram, The
ABC      1 C1:662002677022661 C2:dduuddduudduddu M:6/8   K:Dmaj         H:LR     T:The Battering Ram
ABC      1 C1:662002677022661 C2:dduuddduudduddu M:6/8   K:Dmaj         H:LR     T:The Battering Ram
ABC      1 C1:662002677022661 C2:dduuddduudduddu M:6/8   K:Dmaj         H:LR     T:The Battering Ram
ABC      1 C1:662002677022661 C2:dduuddduudduddu M:6/8   K:Dmaj         H:LR     T:The Battering Ram
ABC      1 C1:662002677022661 C2:dduuddduudduddu M:6/8   K:Dmaj         H:LR     T:The Battering Ram
ABC    108 C1:660022661762670 C2:dduudduddudduud M:6/8   K:G            H:DRZ    T:Battering Ram, The
ABC    108 C1:660022661762670 C2:dduudduddudduud M:6/8   K:G            H:DRZ    T:Battering Ram, The
ABC     15 C1:662774660022661 C2:dduddudduuddudd M:6/8   K:G            H:LZ     T:Battering Ram
ABC    230 C1:661074660022661 C2:ddududduudduddu M:6/8   K:D            H:"EIR   T:Battering Ram, The
ABC    108 C1:660022661762670 C2:dduudduddudduud M:6/8   K:G            H:DRZ    T:Battering Ram, The
ABC    108 C1:660022661762670 C2:dduudduddudduud M:6/8   K:G            H:DRZ    T:Battering Ram, The
ABC     68 C1:662774660022661 C2:dduddudduuddudd M:6/8   K:G            H:LQR    T:Battering Ram
ABC     68 C1:662774660022661 C2:dduddudduuddudd M:6/8   K:G            H:LQR    T:Battering Ram
ABC     68 C1:662774660022661 C2:dduddudduuddudd M:6/8   K:G            H:LQR    T:Battering Ram
ABC     68 C1:662774660022661 C2:dduddudduuddudd M:6/8   K:G            H:LQR    T:Battering Ram
ABC     68 C1:662774660022661 C2:dduddudduuddudd M:6/8   K:G            H:LQR    T:Battering Ram
ABC     68 C1:662774660022661 C2:dduddudduuddudd M:6/8   K:G            H:LQR    T:Battering Ram
ABC     75 C1:662774660022661 C2:dduddudduuddudd M:6/8   K:G            H:LQR    T:Battering Ram
ABC  62010 C1:662774660057661 C2:ddudduddudddudd M:6/8   K:G            H:CQR    T:BATTERING RAM, The
ABC  62010 C1:662774660057661 C2:ddudduddudddudd M:6/8   K:G            H:CQR    T:BATTERING RAM, The
ABC      1 C1:662774660022661 C2:dduddudduuddudd M:      K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:The Battering Ram
ABC      2 C1:061072030076771 C2:dudududdduddudu M:      K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:The Battering Ram
ABC      3 C1:266277467702266 C2:uddudduddduuddu M:      K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:The Battering Ram
ABC      4 C1:671257000022671 C2:dduudduudduuddu M:      K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:The Battering Ram
ABC      5 C1:662774660075661 C2:ddudduddudddudd M:      K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:The Battering Ram
ABC      6 C1:266107466002266 C2:uddududduuddudd M:      K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:The Battering Ram
ABC      7 C1:266271266007566 C2:udduduuddudddud M:      K:Dmaj         H:LR     T:The Battering Ram
ABC      8 C1:266277466002266 C2:udduddudduuddud M:      K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:The Battering Ram
ABC      9 C1:662774660022661 C2:dduddudduuddudd M:      K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:The Battering Ram
ABC     10 C1:266277466002266 C2:udduddudduuddud M:      K:Gmaj         H:"LR    T:The Battering Ram
ABC      1 C1:662774677022661 C2:ddudduddduuddud M:6/8   K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:Battering Ram, The
ABC      1 C1:671257000022671 C2:dduudduudduuddu M:6/8   K:Gmaj         H:LRSZ   T:Battering Ram, The
ABC      4 C1:662774660022661 C2:dduddudduuddudd M:6/8   K:G            H:"BLRZ  T:the Battering Ram
ABC      4 C1:662774660022661 C2:dduddudduuddudd M:6/8   K:G            H:"BLRZ  T:the Battering Ram
ABC      4 C1:662774660022661 C2:dduddudduuddudd M:6/8   K:G            H:"BLRZ  T:the Battering Ram
ABC      5 C1:662774660022661 C2:dduddudduuddudd M:6/8   K:G            H:"BLRZ  T:the Battering Ram
ABC     15 C1:661766660767661 C2:dduddudduddddud M:6/8   K:Dmaj         H:LR     T:Battering Ram, The
ABC      2 C1:662774660022661 C2:dduddudduuddudd M:6/8   K:D            H:LRZ    T:Battering Ram, The
ABC      3 C1:662774660022661 C2:dduddudduuddudd M:6/8   K:G            H:LR     T:The Battering Ram
ABC      3 C1:662774660022661 C2:dduddudduuddudd M:6/8   K:G            H:LR     T:The Battering Ram
ABC    009 C1:061072030076771 C2:dudududdduddudu M:6/8   K:G            H:BLRUZ  T:Battering Ram
ABC    009 C1:061072030076771 C2:dudududdduddudu M:6/8   K:G            H:BLRUZ  T:Battering Ram
ABC    108 C1:660022661762670 C2:dduudduddudduud M:6/8   K:G            H:DRZ    T:Battering Ram, The
ABC    595 C1:661074660022661 C2:ddududduudduddu M:6/8   K:D            H:D      T:Battering Ram, The
ABC    276 C1:662774660022661 C2:dduddudduuddudd M:6/8   K:Dmaj         H:HLRZ   T:Battering Ram, The
ABC   1300 C1:673022671077221 C2:dduuuddudduuuuu M:6/8   K:G            H:DLRZ   T:Battering Ram, The
ABC    260 C1:673022671077221 C2:dduuuddudduuuuu M:6/8   K:G            H:DLRZ   T:Battering Ram, The
ABC   1231 C1:662774660022661 C2:dduddudduuddudd M:6/8   K:G            H:LR     T:Battering Ram
ABC   1232 C1:662774660022661 C2:dduddudduuddudd M:6/8   K:G            H:LZ     T:Battering Ram
ABC   1233 C1:660022661762670 C2:dduudduddudduud M:6/8   K:G            H:DRZ    T:Battering Ram, The
ABC   1234 C1:662774660022661 C2:dduddudduuddudd M:6/8   K:DMix         H:ORS    T:Battering Ram, The
ABC   1235 C1:661074660022661 C2:ddududduudduddu M:6/8   K:D            H:EIR    T:Battering Ram, The
ABC    470 C1:662002677022661 C2:dduuddduudduddu M:6/8   K:Dmaj         H:LR     T:The Battering Ram
ABC    108 C1:660022661762670 C2:dduudduddudduud M:6/8   K:G            H:DRZ    T:Battering Ram, The
ABC    108 C1:660022661762670 C2:dduudduddudduud M:6/8   K:G            H:DRZ    T:Battering Ram, The
ABC    108 C1:660022661762670 C2:dduudduddudduud M:6/8   K:G            H:DRZ    T:Battering Ram, The
ABC    108 C1:660022661762670 C2:dduudduddudduud M:6/8   K:G            H:DRZ    T:Battering Ram, The
ABC    108 C1:660022661762670 C2:dduudduddudduud M:6/8   K:G            H:DRZ    T:Battering Ram, The
ABC    108 C1:660022661762670 C2:dduudduddudduud M:6/8   K:G            H:DRZ    T:Battering Ram, The
ABC    108 C1:660022661762670 C2:dduudduddudduud M:6/8   K:G            H:DRZ    T:Battering Ram, The
ABC    444 C1:661074660022661 C2:ddududduudduddu M:6/8   K:D            H:LOR    T:Battering Ram, The
ABC    444 C1:661074660022661 C2:ddududduudduddu M:6/8   K:D            H:LOR    T:Battering Ram, The
ABC    582 C1:662774660022661 C2:dduddudduuddudd M:6/8   K:G            H:"BDORSZ T:The battering ram
ABC   1231 C1:662774660022661 C2:dduddudduuddudd M:6/8   K:G            H:LR     T:Battering Ram
ABC   1232 C1:662774660022661 C2:dduddudduuddudd M:6/8   K:G            H:LZ     T:Battering Ram
ABC   1233 C1:660022661762670 C2:dduudduddudduud M:6/8   K:G            H:DRZ    T:Battering Ram, The
ABC   1234 C1:662774660022661 C2:dduddudduuddudd M:6/8   K:DMix         H:ORS    T:Battering Ram, The
ABC   1235 C1:661074660022661 C2:ddududduudduddu M:6/8   K:D            H:EIR    T:Battering Ram, The
ABC   1231 C1:662774660022661 C2:dduddudduuddudd M:6/8   K:G            H:LR     T:Battering Ram
ABC   1232 C1:662774660022661 C2:dduddudduuddudd M:6/8   K:G            H:LZ     T:Battering Ram
ABC   1233 C1:660022661762670 C2:dduudduddudduud M:6/8   K:G            H:DRZ    T:Battering Ram, The
ABC   1234 C1:662774660022661 C2:dduddudduuddudd M:6/8   K:DMix         H:ORS    T:Battering Ram, The
ABC   1235 C1:661074660022661 C2:ddududduudduddu M:6/8   K:D            H:EIR    T:Battering Ram, The
ABC   1231 C1:662774660022661 C2:dduddudduuddudd M:6/8   K:G            H:LR     T:Battering Ram
ABC   1232 C1:662774660022661 C2:dduddudduuddudd M:6/8   K:G            H:LZ     T:Battering Ram
ABC   1233 C1:660022661762670 C2:dduudduddudduud M:6/8   K:G            H:DRZ    T:Battering Ram, The
ABC   1234 C1:662774660022661 C2:dduddudduuddudd M:6/8   K:DMix         H:ORS    T:Battering Ram, The
ABC   1235 C1:661074660022661 C2:ddududduudduddu M:6/8   K:D            H:EIR    T:Battering Ram, The
ABC    579 C1:662774660022661 C2:dduddudduuddudd M:6/8   K:D            H:FORZ   T:the Battering Ram
ABC    579 C1:662774660022661 C2:dduddudduuddudd M:6/8   K:D            H:FORZ   T:the Battering Ram
ABC    994 C1:660022661762670 C2:dduudduddudduud M:6/8   K:G            H:DRZ    T:Battering Ram, The
ABC    995 C1:661074660022661 C2:ddududduudduddu M:6/8   K:D            H:LR     T:Battering Ram, The
ABC  12821 C1:662774660022661 C2:dduddudduuddudd M:6/8   K:DMix         H:OR     T:the Battering Ram
ABC    994 C1:660022661762670 C2:dduudduddudduud M:6/8   K:G            H:DRZ    T:Battering Ram, The
ABC    995 C1:661074660022661 C2:ddududduudduddu M:6/8   K:D            H:LR     T:Battering Ram, The
ABC  12821 C1:662774660022661 C2:dduddudduuddudd M:6/8   K:DMix         H:OR     T:the Battering Ram
ABC    994 C1:660022661762670 C2:dduudduddudduud M:6/8   K:G            H:DRZ    T:Battering Ram, The
ABC    995 C1:661074660022661 C2:ddududduudduddu M:6/8   K:D            H:LR     T:Battering Ram, The
ABC  12821 C1:662774660022661 C2:dduddudduuddudd M:6/8   K:DMix         H:OR     T:the Battering Ram
ABC    994 C1:660022661762670 C2:dduudduddudduud M:6/8   K:G            H:DRZ    T:Battering Ram, The
ABC    995 C1:661074660022661 C2:ddududduudduddu M:6/8   K:D            H:LR     T:Battering Ram, The
ABC  12821 C1:662774660022661 C2:dduddudduuddudd M:6/8   K:DMix         H:OR     T:the Battering Ram
ABC    994 C1:660022661762670 C2:dduudduddudduud M:6/8   K:G            H:DRZ    T:Battering Ram, The
ABC    995 C1:661074660022661 C2:ddududduudduddu M:6/8   K:D            H:LR     T:Battering Ram, The
ABC  12821 C1:662774660022661 C2:dduddudduuddudd M:6/8   K:DMix         H:OR     T:the Battering Ram
ABC    151 C1:662774660022661 C2:dduddudduuddudd M:6/8   K:G            H:LOZ    T:Battering Ram
ABC   2395 C1:662774660022661 C2:dduddudduuddudd M:6/8   K:DMix         H:OR     T:the Battering Ram
ABC    748 C1:662774660022661 C2:dduddudduuddudd M:6/8   K:D            H:ORSZ   T:the Battering Ram
ABC      1 C1:662774660022661 C2:dduddudduuddudd M:6/8   K:D            H:"CDLOQRSZ T:Battering Ram (D mixolydian)
ABC      1 C1:662774660022661 C2:dduddudduuddudd M:6/8   K:G            H:CDLORS T:The Battering Ram (Double Jig)
ABC      1 C1:662774660022661 C2:dduddudduuddudd M:6/8   K:G            H:CDLORS T:The Battering Ram (Double Jig)
ABC     52 C1:662774660022661 C2:dduddudduuddudd M:6/8   K:Gmaj         H:LQR    T:Battering Ram (Gmaj) %3
ABC     52 C1:662774660022661 C2:dduddudduuddudd M:6/8   K:Gmaj         H:LQR    T:Battering Ram (Gmaj)
ABC     52 C1:662774660022661 C2:dduddudduuddudd M:6/8   K:clef=none    H:ILR    T:Battering Ram (Gmaj)
ABC 026097 C1:662774660057661 C2:ddudduddudddudd M:6/8   K:G            H:QRS    T:Battering Ram (jig) % ABC 026097 C1:662774660057661 C2:ddudduddudddudd M:6/8   K:G            H:QRS    T:Battering Ram (jig) % ABC      1 C1:662774660022661 C2:dduddudduuddudd M:6/8   K:G            H:L      T:Battering Ram, The [1]
ABC      1 C1:662774660022661 C2:dduddudduuddudd M:6/8   K:G            H:L      T:Battering Ram, The [1]
ABC    596 C1:662774660022661 C2:dduddudduuddudd M:6/8   K:G            H:DRZ    T:BATTERING RAM (THE)
ABC    596 C1:662774660022661 C2:dduddudduuddudd M:6/8   K:G            H:DRZ    T:BATTERING RAM (THE)
ABC      1 C1:662774660022661 C2:dduddudduuddudd M:6/8   K:G            H:R      T:Battering Ram (The)
ABC    165 C1:662774660022661 C2:dduddudduuddudd M:6/8   K:G            H:LR     T:Battering Ram [The]
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Battery (5:11)
ABC      1 C1:567727715071006 C2:ddddudduududuud M:4/4   K:Edor         H:"L     T:Battery
ABC      1 C1:653265330242553 C2:dudududuuduuduu M:4/4   K:G            H:CLQR   T:Battery Park Road
ABC      9 C1:653265330242553 C2:dudududuuduuduu M:4/4   K:G            H:CLQR   T:Battery Park Road
ABC      1 C1:030204020357772 C2:dudududdduudddd M:      K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:Batt Henry's
ABC      0 C1:070700170704070 C2:ddudduduudduddu M:2/4   K:F            H:CGLQS  T:Batti, batti o bel Masetto
ABC     40 C1:026104030264050 C2:uduududuuuddddu M:2/4   K:D            H:BFLQZ  T:the Battle
ABC   4021 C1:026104030264050 C2:uduududuuuddddu M:2/4   K:D            H:BLQRSZ T:the Battle
ABC      1 C1:040302640502663 C2:ududuuudddduudd M:2/4   K:D            H:BLRZ   T:Battle, The
ABC      1 C1:040302640502663 C2:ududuuudddduudd M:2/4   K:D            H:BLRZ   T:Battle, The
ABC     40 C1:026104030264050 C2:uduududuuuddddu M:2/4   K:D            H:BFLQZ  T:The Battle
ABC     40 C1:026104030264050 C2:uduududuuuddddu M:2/4   K:D            H:BFLQZ  T:The Battle
ABC   0642 C1:040302640502663 C2:ududuuudddduudd M:2/4   K:D            H:ILQZ   T:The Battle.
ABC   0642 C1:040302640502663 C2:ududuuudddduudd M:2/4   K:D            H:ILQZ   T:The Battle.
ABC   0642 C1:040302640502663 C2:ududuuudddduudd M:2/4   K:D            H:ILQZ   T:The Battle.
ABC   0642 C1:040302640502663 C2:ududuuudddduudd M:2/4   K:D            H:ILQZ   T:The Battle.
ABC   0642 C1:040302640502663 C2:ududuuudddduudd M:2/4   K:D            H:ILQZ   T:The Battle.
ABC   0642 C1:040302640502663 C2:ududuuudddduudd M:2/4   K:D            H:ILQZ   T:The Battle.
ABC   0642 C1:040302640502663 C2:ududuuudddduudd M:2/4   K:D            H:ILQZ   T:The Battle.
ABC   0642 C1:040302640502663 C2:ududuuudddduudd M:2/4   K:D            H:ILQZ   T:The Battle.
ABC   0642 C1:040302640502663 C2:ududuuudddduudd M:2/4   K:D            H:ILQZ   T:The Battle.
ABC   4021 C1:026104030264050 C2:uduududuuuddddu M:2/4   K:D            H:BLQRSZ T:the Battle
ABC   4021 C1:026104030264050 C2:uduududuuuddddu M:2/4   K:D            H:BLQRSZ T:the Battle
ABC   4021 C1:026104030264050 C2:uduududuuuddddu M:2/4   K:D            H:BLQRSZ T:The Battle
ABC   4021 C1:026104030264050 C2:uduududuuuddddu M:2/4   K:D            H:BLQRSZ T:The Battle
ABC     49 C1:261677066011170 C2:uududdddduuuddd M:6/8   K:G            H:BLQZ   T:Battle at Trafalgar. JGi.049, The
ABC     49 C1:261677066011170 C2:uududdddduuuddd M:6/8   K:G            H:LOQRSZ T:Battle at Trafalgar,The. JGi.049
ABC     49 C1:261677066011170 C2:uududdddduuuddd M:6/8   K:G            H:ABLOQRSZ T:Battle at Trafalgar,The. JGi.049
ABC    580 C1:261677066011170 C2:uududdddduuuddd M:6/8   K:G            H:FLOQRSZ T:Battle at Trafalgar,The. JGi.049
ABC    580 C1:261677066011170 C2:uududdddduuuddd M:6/8   K:G            H:FLOQRSZ T:Battle at Trafalgar,The. JGi.049
ABC     49 C1:261677066011170 C2:uududdddduuuddd M:6/8   K:G            H:ABLOQRSZ T:Battle at Trafalgar,The. JGi.049
ABC  20683 C1:000000020006000 C2:ududududddudddu M:3/4   K:Dmix         H:BLZ    T:the Battle begins
ABC  20683 C1:000000020006000 C2:ududududddudddu M:3/4   K:Dmix         H:BLZ    T:the Battle begins
ABC      4 C1:000000020006000 C2:ududududddudddu M:3/4   K:Dmix         H:BLZ    T:The Battle begins
ABC  20683 C1:000000020006000 C2:ududududddudddu M:3/4   K:Dmix         H:BLZ    T:The Battle begins
ABC  20683 C1:000000020006000 C2:ududududddudddu M:3/4   K:Dmix         H:BLZ    T:The Battle begins
ABC  20683 C1:000000020006000 C2:ududududddudddu M:3/4   K:Dmix         H:BLZ    T:The Battle begins
ABC  20683 C1:000000020006000 C2:ududududddudddu M:3/4   K:Dmix         H:BLZ    T:The Battle begins
ABC  20683 C1:000000020006000 C2:ududududddudddu M:3/4   K:Dmix         H:BLZ    T:The Battle begins
ABC  20683 C1:000000020006000 C2:ududududddudddu M:3/4   K:Dmix         H:BLZ    T:The Battle begins
ABC  20683 C1:000000020006000 C2:ududududddudddu M:3/4   K:Dmix         H:BLZ    T:The Battle begins
ABC  20683 C1:000000020006000 C2:ududududddudddu M:3/4   K:Dmix         H:BLZ    T:The Battle begins
ABC  20683 C1:000000020006000 C2:ududududddudddu M:3/4   K:Dmix         H:BLZ    T:The Battle begins
ABC  20683 C1:000000020006000 C2:ududududddudddu M:3/4   K:Dmix         H:BLZ    T:The Battle begins
ABC      1 C1:000606020006000 C2:ddduuddddduuuud M:4/4   K:G            H:L      T:Battle Cry of Freedom
ABC      1 C1:000606020006000 C2:ddduuddddduuuud M:4/4   K:G            H:L      T:Battle Cry of Freedom
ABC      1 C1:000606020006000 C2:ddduuddddduuuud M:4/4   K:G            H:L      T:Battle Cry of Freedom
ABC      1 C1:110662060706520 C2:uuddduuddddduuu M:4/4   K:D            H:"CLw   T:Battle Cry of Freedom
ABC      1 C1:110662060706520 C2:uuddduuddddduuu M:4/4   K:D            H:"CLw   T:Battle Cry of Freedom
ABC      1 C1:110653050706620 C2:uuddduuddddduuu M:4/4   K:D            H:"CLQw  T:Battle Cry of Freedom
ABC      1 C1:110653050706620 C2:uuddduuddddduuu M:4/4   K:D            H:"CLQw  T:Battle Cry of Freedom
ABC      1 C1:110653050706620 C2:uuddduuddddduuu M:4/4   K:D            H:"CLw   T:Battle Cry of Freedom
ABC      1 C1:110653050706620 C2:uuddduuddddduuu M:4/4   K:D            H:"CLw   T:Battle Cry of Freedom
ABC      1 C1:046646240553563 C2:ddudduddudduddu M:4/4   K:D            H:"CLQw  T:Battle Cry of Freedom
ABC     17 C1:711100677777011 C2:duuudddddduuuud M:2/4   K:Ador         H:LQRZ   T:Battle Cry Of Munster, The
ABC     17 C1:711100677777011 C2:duuudddddduuuud M:2/4   K:Ador         H:LQRZ   T:Battle Cry Of Munster, The
ABC 491039 C1:007101070002000 C2:duududdduuudddu M:C     K:Gm           H:BLSYZ  T:BATTLE EVE, The
ABC    253 C1:007101070002000 C2:duududdduuudddu M:C     K:Gm           H:BLZ    T:The Battle Eve
ABC    253 C1:007101070002000 C2:duududdduuudddu M:C     K:Gm           H:BLZ    T:The Battle Eve
ABC    253 C1:007101070002000 C2:duududdduuudddu M:C     K:Gm           H:BLZ    T:The Battle Eve
ABC    253 C1:007101070002000 C2:duududdduuudddu M:C     K:Gm           H:BLZ    T:The Battle Eve
ABC    253 C1:007101070002000 C2:duududdduuudddu M:C     K:Gm           H:BLZ    T:The Battle Eve
ABC 535321 C1:676772267767311 C2:ddddduuddddduuu M:6/8   K:A            H:BCLRY  T:The Battle Eve
ABC    253 C1:007101070002000 C2:duududdduuudddu M:C     K:Gm           H:BLOQRZbs T:the Battle Eve
ABC    253 C1:007101070002000 C2:duududdduuudddu M:C     K:Gm           H:BLOQRZbs T:the Battle Eve
ABC    253 C1:007101070002000 C2:duududdduuudddu M:C     K:Gm           H:BLOQRZbs T:the Battle Eve
ABC    253 C1:007101070002000 C2:duududdduuudddu M:C     K:Gm           H:BLOQRZbs T:the Battle Eve
ABC    253 C1:007101070002000 C2:duududdduuudddu M:C     K:Gm           H:BLZ    T:The Battle Eve
ABC 491039 C1:007101070002000 C2:duududdduuudddu M:C     K:Gm           H:BLSYZ  T:BATTLE EVE, The
ABC 491039 C1:007101070002000 C2:duududdduuudddu M:C     K:Gm           H:BLSYZ  T:BATTLE EVE, The
ABC    253 C1:007101070002000 C2:duududdduuudddu M:C     K:Gm           H:BLZ    T:The Battle Eve
ABC    253 C1:007101070002000 C2:duududdduuudddu M:C     K:Gm           H:BLZ    T:The Battle Eve
ABC    253 C1:007101070002000 C2:duududdduuudddu M:C     K:Gm           H:BLZ    T:The Battle Eve
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:6/8   K:G            H:LRS    T:Battle Eve of the Brigade, The
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Battlefield 1942 theme-Drum (4:03)
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Battlefield 1942 theme-Horn (4:04)
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Battlefield 1942 theme-Lute (4:04)
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:battle for the future (2:06)
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:battle for the future (2:09)
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:battle for the future (2:10)
ABC      1 C1:000007702301100 C2:dduuuudddduudud M:6/8   K:D            H:BLQ    T:Battle Hymn
ABC      1 C1:000007702301100 C2:dduuuudddduudud M:6/8   K:D            H:BLQ    T:Battle Hymn
ABC      1 C1:000065002000060 C2:dduuuuddudududd M:4/4   K:Eb           H:CLQ    T:The Battle Hymn of the Republic (1/2:Clarinet)
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Battle Hymn of the Republic (1:53)
ABC      2 C1:000000000100000 C2:dududududududud M:4/4   K:Eb           H:CLQ    T:The Battle Hymn of the Republic (2/2:Horn)
ABC      5 C1:065206060205000 C2:dduuuudddduudud M:C     K:F            H:LQ     T:Battle Hymn of the Republic
ABC    645 C1:007723110077007 C2:dduuuudddduudud M:4/4   K:D            H:LSZ    T:Battle Hymn of the Republic, The
ABC    645 C1:007723110077007 C2:dduuuudddduudud M:4/4   K:D            H:LSZ    T:Battle Hymn of the Republic, The
ABC      1 C1:005332006006002 C2:dduuuudddduudud M:6/8   K:F            H:LO     T:Battle Hymn of the Republic
ABC      1 C1:005332006006002 C2:dduuuudddduudud M:6/8   K:F            H:LO     T:Battle Hymn of the Republic
ABC      1 C1:005332006006002 C2:dduuuudddduudud M:6/8   K:F            H:LO     T:Battle Hymn of the Republic
ABC      1 C1:005332006006002 C2:dduuuudddduudud M:6/8   K:F            H:LO     T:Battle Hymn of the Republic
ABC      1 C1:000077023011000 C2:dduuuudddduudud M:6/8   K:D            H:LVZ    T:The Battle Hymn of the Republic
ABC      1 C1:020600205702000 C2:ududduuduududdu M:6/8   K:D            H:"LQZ   T:The Battle Hymn of the Republic
ABC     43 C1:000007702301100 C2:dduuuudddduudud M:6/8   K:D            H:CQV    T:Battle Hymn of the Republic
ABC      5 C1:065206060205000 C2:dduuuudddduudud M:C     K:F            H:LQ     T:Battle Hymn of the Republic
ABC      1 C1:007723110077007 C2:dduuuudddduudud M:4/4   K:D            H:"CLVw  T:Battle Hymn of the Republic
ABC      1 C1:007723110077007 C2:dduuuudddduudud M:4/4   K:D            H:"CLVw  T:Battle Hymn of the Republic
ABC      1 C1:007723110077007 C2:dduuuudddduudud M:4/4   K:C            H:"CLVw  T:Battle Hymn of the Republic
ABC      1 C1:007723110077007 C2:dduuuudddduudud M:4/4   K:D            H:"CLQVw T:Battle Hymn of the Republic
ABC      1 C1:007723110077007 C2:dduuuudddduudud M:4/4   K:D            H:"CLQVw T:Battle Hymn of the Republic
ABC      1 C1:000077023011000 C2:dduuuuddududdud M:3/4   K:E            H:CL     T:Battle Hymn of the Republic
ABC      1 C1:000077023011000 C2:dduuuuddududdud M:3/4   K:E            H:CL     T:Battle Hymn of the Republic
ABC    196 C1:007723110077007 C2:dduuuudddduudud M:4/4   K:Bb           H:BCFLQZw T:Battle Hymn of the Republic
ABC    196 C1:007723110077007 C2:dduuuudddduudud M:4/4   K:Bb           H:BCFLQZw T:Battle Hymn of the Republic
ABC    645 C1:007723110077007 C2:dduuuudddduudud M:4/4   K:D            H:LSZ    T:Battle Hymn of the Republic, The
ABC    645 C1:007723110077007 C2:dduuuudddduudud M:4/4   K:D            H:LSZ    T:Battle Hymn of the Republic, The
ABC     19 C1:000077023011000 C2:dduuuudddduudud M:6/8   K:D            H:LVZ    T:The Battle Hymn of the Republic
ABC    119 C1:020600205702000 C2:ududduuduududdu M:6/8   K:D            H:"LQZ   T:The Battle Hymn of the Republic
ABC      1 C1:000007702301100 C2:dduuuudddduudud M:6/8   K:D            H:CQV    T:Battle Hymn of the Republic
ABC      1 C1:000007702301100 C2:dduuuudddduudud M:6/8   K:D            H:CQV    T:Battle Hymn of the Republic
ABC      7 C1:007723110077007 C2:dduuuudddddduud M:4/4   K:Bb           H:CLQSVw T:Battle Hymn of the Republic
ABC      7 C1:007723110077007 C2:dduuuudddddduud M:4/4   K:Bb           H:CLQSVw T:Battle Hymn of the Republic
ABC      7 C1:007723110077007 C2:dduuuudddddduud M:4/4   K:Bb           H:CLQSVw T:Battle Hymn of the Republic
ABC     43 C1:000007702301100 C2:dduuuudddduudud M:6/8   K:D            H:CQV    T:Battle Hymn of the Republic
ABC     43 C1:000007702301100 C2:dduuuudddduudud M:6/8   K:D            H:CQV    T:Battle Hymn of the Republic
ABC    639 C1:023011000077000 C2:uuuudddududdudd M:6/8   K:D            H:"CQRS  T:Battle Hymn of the Republic
ABC    639 C1:023011000077000 C2:uuuudddududdudd M:6/8   K:D            H:"CQRS  T:Battle Hymn of the Republic
ABC    196 C1:007723110077007 C2:dduuuudddduudud M:4/4   K:Bb           H:BCFLQZw T:Battle Hymn of the Republic
ABC    196 C1:007723110077007 C2:dduuuudddduudud M:4/4   K:Bb           H:BCFLQZw T:Battle Hymn of the Republic
ABC    196 C1:007723110077007 C2:dduuuudddduudud M:4/4   K:Bb           H:BCFLQZw T:Battle Hymn of the Republic
ABC    196 C1:007723110077007 C2:dduuuudddduudud M:4/4   K:Bb           H:BCFLQZw T:Battle Hymn of the Republic
ABC    196 C1:007723110077007 C2:dduuuudddduudud M:4/4   K:Bb           H:BCFLQZw T:Battle Hymn of the Republic
ABC    196 C1:007723110077007 C2:dduuuudddduudud M:4/4   K:Bb           H:BCFLQZw T:Battle Hymn of the Republic
ABC   6513 C1:000077023011000 C2:dduuuudddduudud M:6/8   K:D            H:LOV    T:The Battle Hymn of the Republic
ABC   6513 C1:000077023011000 C2:dduuuudddduudud M:6/8   K:D            H:LOV    T:The Battle Hymn of the Republic
ABC      7 C1:007723110077007 C2:dduuuudddddduud M:4/4   K:Bb           H:CLQSVw T:Battle Hymn of the Republic
ABC  12822 C1:000077023011000 C2:dduuuudddduudud M:6/8   K:D            H:LVZ    T:The Battle Hymn of the Republic
ABC  12823 C1:020600205702000 C2:ududduuduududdu M:6/8   K:D            H:"LQZ   T:The Battle Hymn of the Republic
ABC  12822 C1:000077023011000 C2:dduuuudddduudud M:6/8   K:D            H:LVZ    T:The Battle Hymn of the Republic
ABC  12823 C1:020600205702000 C2:ududduuduududdu M:6/8   K:D            H:"LQZ   T:The Battle Hymn of the Republic
ABC  12822 C1:000077023011000 C2:dduuuudddduudud M:6/8   K:D            H:LVZ    T:The Battle Hymn of the Republic
ABC  12823 C1:020600205702000 C2:ududduuduududdu M:6/8   K:D            H:"LQZ   T:The Battle Hymn of the Republic
ABC  12822 C1:000077023011000 C2:dduuuudddduudud M:6/8   K:D            H:LVZ    T:The Battle Hymn of the Republic
ABC  12823 C1:020600205702000 C2:ududduuduududdu M:6/8   K:D            H:"LQZ   T:The Battle Hymn of the Republic
ABC  12822 C1:000077023011000 C2:dduuuudddduudud M:6/8   K:D            H:LVZ    T:The Battle Hymn of the Republic
ABC  12823 C1:020600205702000 C2:ududduuduududdu M:6/8   K:D            H:"LQZ   T:The Battle Hymn of the Republic
ABC  16459 C1:000077023011000 C2:dduuuudddduudud M:6/8   K:D            H:LVZ    T:The Battle Hymn of the Republic
ABC  16460 C1:020600205702000 C2:ududduuduududdu M:6/8   K:D            H:"LQZ   T:The Battle Hymn of the Republic
ABC  16459 C1:000077023011000 C2:dduuuudddduudud M:6/8   K:D            H:LVZ    T:The Battle Hymn of the Republic
ABC  16460 C1:020600205702000 C2:ududduuduududdu M:6/8   K:D            H:"LQZ   T:The Battle Hymn of the Republic
ABC  16459 C1:000077023011000 C2:dduuuudddduudud M:6/8   K:D            H:LVZ    T:The Battle Hymn of the Republic
ABC  16460 C1:020600205702000 C2:ududduuduududdu M:6/8   K:D            H:"LQZ   T:The Battle Hymn of the Republic
ABC  16459 C1:000077023011000 C2:dduuuudddduudud M:6/8   K:D            H:LVZ    T:The Battle Hymn of the Republic
ABC  16460 C1:020600205702000 C2:ududduuduududdu M:6/8   K:D            H:"LQZ   T:The Battle Hymn of the Republic
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:4/4   K:C            H:LQ     T:Battle Hymn Of The Republic [Lute1/Banjo](1:30) - William Steffe[music 1855]/Julia Ward Howe [Lyrics 1861]
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:4/4   K:C            H:LQ     T:Battle Hymn Of The Republic [Lute2/GuitarHi](1:30) - William Steffe[music 1855]/Julia Ward Howe [Lyrics 1861]
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:4/4   K:C            H:LQ     T:Battle Hymn Of The Republic [Lute3/GuitarLo](1:30) - William Steffe[music 1855]/Julia Ward Howe [Lyrics 1861]
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:4/4   K:C            H:LQ     T:Battle Hymn Of The Republic [Lute4/GuitarRythmn](1:30) - William Steffe[music 1855]/Julia Ward Howe [Lyrics 1861]
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:4/4   K:C            H:LQ     T:Battle Hymn Of The Republic [Theorbo/Bass](1:30) - William Steffe[music 1855]/Julia Ward Howe [Lyrics 1861]
ABC      1 C1:000077023011000 C2:dduuuudddduudud M:6/8   K:D            H:FLOZ   T:Battle Hymn of the Republic v.1
ABC      1 C1:000077023011000 C2:dduuuudddduudud M:6/8   K:D            H:FLOZ   T:Battle Hymn of the Republic v.1
ABC      1 C1:000077023011000 C2:dduuuudddduudud M:6/8   K:D            H:FLOZ   T:Battle Hymn of the Republic v.1
ABC      1 C1:000077023011000 C2:dduuuudddduudud M:6/8   K:D            H:FLOZ   T:Battle Hymn of the Republic v.1
ABC      1 C1:000077023011000 C2:dduuuudddduudud M:6/8   K:D            H:FLOZ   T:Battle Hymn of the Republic v.1
ABC      1 C1:000077023011000 C2:dduuuudddduudud M:6/8   K:D            H:FLOZ   T:Battle Hymn of the Republic v.1
ABC      1 C1:000077023011000 C2:dduuuudddduudud M:6/8   K:D            H:FLOZ   T:Battle Hymn of the Republic v.1
ABC      1 C1:000077023011000 C2:dduuuudddduudud M:6/8   K:D            H:FLOZ   T:Battle Hymn of the Republic v.1
ABC      1 C1:000077023011000 C2:dduuuudddduudud M:6/8   K:D            H:FLOZ   T:Battle Hymn of the Republic v.1
ABC      1 C1:000077023011000 C2:dduuuudddduudud M:6/8   K:D            H:FLOZ   T:Battle Hymn of the Republic v.1
ABC      1 C1:000077023011000 C2:dduuuudddduudud M:6/8   K:D            H:FLOZ   T:Battle Hymn of the Republic v.1
ABC      1 C1:000077023011000 C2:dduuuudddduudud M:6/8   K:D            H:FLOZ   T:Battle Hymn of the Republic v.1
ABC      4 C1:000077023011000 C2:dduuuudddduudud M:6/8   K:D            H:FLOZ   T:Battle Hymn of the Republic v.1
ABC      4 C1:000077023011000 C2:dduuuudddduudud M:6/8   K:D            H:FLOZ   T:Battle Hymn of the Republic v.1
ABC      4 C1:000077023011000 C2:dduuuudddduudud M:6/8   K:D            H:FLOZ   T:Battle Hymn of the Republic v.1
ABC      4 C1:000077023011000 C2:dduuuudddduudud M:6/8   K:D            H:FLOZ   T:Battle Hymn of the Republic v.1
ABC      8 C1:000077023011000 C2:dduuuudddduudud M:6/8   K:D            H:FLOZ   T:Battle Hymn of the Republic v.1
ABC      8 C1:000077023011000 C2:dduuuudddduudud M:6/8   K:D            H:FLOZ   T:Battle Hymn of the Republic v.1
ABC      8 C1:000077023011000 C2:dduuuudddduudud M:6/8   K:D            H:FLOZ   T:Battle Hymn of the Republic v.1
ABC      8 C1:000077023011000 C2:dduuuudddduudud M:6/8   K:D            H:FLOZ   T:Battle Hymn of the Republic v.1
ABC      2 C1:000077011011000 C2:dduuuudduuududd M:6/8   K:D            H:FLOZ   T:Battle Hymn of the Republic v.2
ABC      2 C1:000077011011000 C2:dduuuudduuududd M:6/8   K:D            H:FLOZ   T:Battle Hymn of the Republic v.2
ABC      2 C1:000077011011000 C2:dduuuudduuududd M:6/8   K:D            H:FLOZ   T:Battle Hymn of the Republic v.2
ABC      2 C1:000077011011000 C2:dduuuudduuududd M:6/8   K:D            H:FLOZ   T:Battle Hymn of the Republic v.2
ABC      1 C1:000077011011000 C2:dduuuudduuududd M:6/8   K:D            H:FLOZ   T:Battle Hymn of the Republic v.2
ABC      1 C1:000077011011000 C2:dduuuudduuududd M:6/8   K:D            H:FLOZ   T:Battle Hymn of the Republic v.2
ABC      1 C1:000077011011000 C2:dduuuudduuududd M:6/8   K:D            H:FLOZ   T:Battle Hymn of the Republic v.2
ABC      1 C1:000077011011000 C2:dduuuudduuududd M:6/8   K:D            H:FLOZ   T:Battle Hymn of the Republic v.2
ABC      1 C1:000077011011000 C2:dduuuudduuududd M:6/8   K:D            H:FLOZ   T:Battle Hymn of the Republic v.2
ABC      1 C1:000077011011000 C2:dduuuudduuududd M:6/8   K:D            H:FLOZ   T:Battle Hymn of the Republic v.2
ABC      1 C1:000077011011000 C2:dduuuudduuududd M:6/8   K:D            H:FLOZ   T:Battle Hymn of the Republic v.2
ABC      1 C1:000077011011000 C2:dduuuudduuududd M:6/8   K:D            H:FLOZ   T:Battle Hymn of the Republic v.2
ABC      5 C1:000077011011000 C2:dduuuudduuududd M:6/8   K:D            H:FLOZ   T:Battle Hymn of the Republic v.2
ABC      5 C1:000077011011000 C2:dduuuudduuududd M:6/8   K:D            H:FLOZ   T:Battle Hymn of the Republic v.2
ABC      5 C1:000077011011000 C2:dduuuudduuududd M:6/8   K:D            H:FLOZ   T:Battle Hymn of the Republic v.2
ABC      5 C1:000077011011000 C2:dduuuudduuududd M:6/8   K:D            H:FLOZ   T:Battle Hymn of the Republic v.2
ABC      9 C1:000077011011000 C2:dduuuudduuududd M:6/8   K:D            H:FLOZ   T:Battle Hymn of the Republic v.2
ABC      9 C1:000077011011000 C2:dduuuudduuududd M:6/8   K:D            H:FLOZ   T:Battle Hymn of the Republic v.2
ABC      9 C1:000077011011000 C2:dduuuudduuududd M:6/8   K:D            H:FLOZ   T:Battle Hymn of the Republic v.2
ABC      9 C1:000077011011000 C2:dduuuudduuududd M:6/8   K:D            H:FLOZ   T:Battle Hymn of the Republic v.2
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Battle Hymns-Bass by Nyke of Brandywine (7:05)
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Battle Hymns-Drums by Nyke of Brandywine (7:05)
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Battle Hymns-Lute by Nyke of Brandywine (7:04)
ABC     31 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Battle in the Mutara Nebula [bass] (5:52) by James Horner
ABC     31 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Battle in the Mutara Nebula [bass] (5:52) by James Horner
ABC     71 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Battle in the Mutara Nebula [clarinet] (5:52) by James Horner
ABC     71 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Battle in the Mutara Nebula [clarinet] (5:52) by James Horner
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Battle in the Mutara Nebula [drum] (5:52) by James Horner
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Battle in the Mutara Nebula [drum] (5:52) by James Horner
ABC     51 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Battle in the Mutara Nebula [flute] (5:52) by James Horner
ABC     51 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Battle in the Mutara Nebula [flute] (5:52) by James Horner
ABC     61 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Battle in the Mutara Nebula [horn 1] (5:52) by James Horner
ABC     61 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Battle in the Mutara Nebula [horn 1] (5:52) by James Horner
ABC     62 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Battle in the Mutara Nebula [horn 2] (5:52) by James Horner
ABC     62 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Battle in the Mutara Nebula [horn 2] (5:52) by James Horner
ABC      1 C1:033011071067011 C2:uuuududduuddddd M:6/8   K:G            H:L      T:Battle of Alma (2)
ABC      1 C1:033011071067011 C2:uuuududduuddddd M:6/8   K:G            H:L      T:Battle of Alma (2)
ABC      1 C1:033011071067011 C2:uuuududduuddddd M:6/8   K:G            H:L      T:Battle of Alma (2)
ABC      1 C1:030001210707060 C2:uuuudddudduuudu M:4/4   K:Ador         H:L      T:The Battle of Aughrim [1]
ABC      1 C1:177117531771175 C2:udduudduudduudd M:2/4   K:Ador         H:LRSZ   T:The Battle of Aughrim [2]
ABC      1 C1:776160027571301 C2:dddudduuududddu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:LR     T:Battle of Aughrim, The
ABC      1 C1:030001210761006 C2:uuuuddududuuddd M:4/4   K:Ador         H:"LR    T:Battle of Aughrim, The
ABC      1 C1:030001210761006 C2:uuuuddududuuddd M:2/4   K:G            H:LRSZ   T:Battle of Aughrim, The
ABC      2 C1:030001210761006 C2:uuuuddududuuddd M:4/4   K:Ador         H:"CLR   T:Battle of Aughrim, The
ABC     78 C1:030001210761006 C2:uuuuddududuuddd M:2/4   K:G            H:EIRSZ  T:Battle of Aughrim, The
ABC     78 C1:030001210761006 C2:uuuuddududuuddd M:2/4   K:G            H:EIRSZ  T:Battle of Aughrim, The
ABC    206 C1:030001210761006 C2:uuuuddududuuddd M:2/4   K:G            H:EIRSZ  T:BATTLE OF AUGHRIM, THE
ABC    294 C1:030001210761006 C2:uuuuddududuuddd M:2/4   K:Ador         H:"EIQRSZ T:Battle of Aughrim, The
ABC    294 C1:030001210761006 C2:uuuuddududuuddd M:2/4   K:Ador         H:"EIQRSZ T:Battle of Aughrim, The
ABC    010 C1:030001210761006 C2:uuuuddududuuddd M:C|    K:G            H:BLRSUZ T:Battle of Aughrim
ABC      1 C1:030011110501006 C2:uuuuudududduuud M:C|    K:A            H:"BLRZ  T:the Battle of Aughrim
ABC      1 C1:030011110501006 C2:uuuuudududduuud M:C|    K:A            H:"BLRZ  T:the Battle of Aughrim
ABC      1 C1:030011110501006 C2:uuuuudududduuud M:C|    K:A            H:"BLRZ  T:the Battle of Aughrim
ABC      1 C1:030011110707060 C2:uuuuudddudduuud M:C|    K:Ador         H:"CLORSZbs T:the Battle of Aughrim
ABC      1 C1:030011110707060 C2:uuuuudddudduuud M:C|    K:Ador         H:"CLORSZbs T:the Battle of Aughrim
ABC      1 C1:030011110707060 C2:uuuuudddudduuud M:C|    K:Ador         H:"CLORSZbs T:the Battle of Aughrim
ABC      1 C1:030011110707060 C2:uuuuudddudduuud M:C|    K:Ador         H:"CLORSZbs T:the Battle of Aughrim
ABC   2004 C1:177117531771175 C2:udduudduudduudd M:2/4   K:G            H:BLZ    T:The Battle Of Aughrim
ABC   2004 C1:177117531771175 C2:udduudduudduudd M:2/4   K:G            H:BLZ    T:The Battle Of Aughrim
ABC   2004 C1:177117531771175 C2:udduudduudduudd M:2/4   K:G            H:BLZ    T:The Battle Of Aughrim
ABC   1845 C1:177117531771175 C2:udduudduudduudd M:2/4   K:G            H:BLZ    T:The Battle Of Aughrim
ABC   2004 C1:177117531771175 C2:udduudduudduudd M:2/4   K:G            H:BLZ    T:The Battle Of Aughrim
ABC   1845 C1:177117531771175 C2:udduudduudduudd M:2/4   K:G            H:BLRZbs T:the Battle of Aughrim
ABC   1845 C1:177117531771175 C2:udduudduudduudd M:2/4   K:G            H:BLRZbs T:the Battle of Aughrim
ABC   1845 C1:177117531771175 C2:udduudduudduudd M:2/4   K:G            H:BLRZbs T:the Battle of Aughrim
ABC   1845 C1:177117531771175 C2:udduudduudduudd M:2/4   K:G            H:BLRZbs T:the Battle of Aughrim
ABC      1 C1:301377616002757 C2:uuuudddudduuudu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:LR     T:Battle of Aughrim, The
ABC   1845 C1:177117531771175 C2:udduudduudduudd M:2/4   K:G            H:BLRZbs T:the Battle of Aughrim
ABC   1845 C1:177117531771175 C2:udduudduudduudd M:2/4   K:G            H:BLRZbs T:the Battle of Aughrim
ABC   1845 C1:177117531771175 C2:udduudduudduudd M:2/4   K:G            H:BLRZbs T:the Battle of Aughrim
ABC   1845 C1:177117531771175 C2:udduudduudduudd M:2/4   K:G            H:BLRZbs T:the Battle of Aughrim
ABC      1 C1:301377616002757 C2:uuuudddudduuudu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:LRZ    T:Battle of Aughrim, The
ABC   1845 C1:177117531771175 C2:udduudduudduudd M:2/4   K:G            H:BLSZ   T:The Battle Of Aughrim
ABC   1845 C1:177117531771175 C2:udduudduudduudd M:2/4   K:G            H:BLSZ   T:The Battle Of Aughrim
ABC   1845 C1:177117531771175 C2:udduudduudduudd M:2/4   K:G            H:BLSZ   T:The Battle Of Aughrim
ABC   1845 C1:177117531771175 C2:udduudduudduudd M:2/4   K:G            H:BLSZ   T:The Battle Of Aughrim
ABC   1845 C1:177117531771175 C2:udduudduudduudd M:2/4   K:G            H:BLSZ   T:The Battle Of Aughrim
ABC   1845 C1:177117531771175 C2:udduudduudduudd M:2/4   K:G            H:BLSZ   T:The Battle Of Aughrim
ABC      7 C1:301377616002757 C2:uuuudddudduuudu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:LRSZ   T:Battle of Aughrim, The
ABC      7 C1:301377616002757 C2:uuuudddudduuudu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:LRSZ   T:Battle of Aughrim, The
ABC      7 C1:301377616002757 C2:uuuudddudduuudu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:LRSZ   T:Battle of Aughrim, The
ABC      7 C1:301377616002757 C2:uuuudddudduuudu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:LRSZ   T:Battle of Aughrim, The
ABC      7 C1:301377616002757 C2:uuuudddudduuudu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:LRSZ   T:Battle of Aughrim, The
ABC      7 C1:301377616002757 C2:uuuudddudduuudu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:LRSZ   T:Battle of Aughrim, The
ABC     29 C1:177117531771175 C2:udduudduudduudd M:2/4   K:G            H:LRS    T:The Battle of Aughrim
ABC     29 C1:177117531771175 C2:udduudduudduudd M:2/4   K:G            H:LRS    T:The Battle of Aughrim
ABC     29 C1:177117531771175 C2:udduudduudduudd M:2/4   K:G            H:LRS    T:Battle of Aughrim, The
ABC     29 C1:177117531771175 C2:udduudduudduudd M:2/4   K:G            H:LRS    T:Battle of Aughrim, The
ABC     29 C1:177117531771175 C2:udduudduudduudd M:2/4   K:G            H:LRS    T:Battle of Aughrim, The
ABC     29 C1:177117531771175 C2:udduudduudduudd M:2/4   K:G            H:LRS    T:Battle of Aughrim, The
ABC     29 C1:177117531771175 C2:udduudduudduudd M:2/4   K:G            H:LRS    T:Battle of Aughrim, The
ABC     29 C1:177117531771175 C2:udduudduudduudd M:2/4   K:G            H:LRS    T:Battle of Aughrim, The
ABC   8291 C1:301377616002757 C2:uuuudddudduuudu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:CFLORWZ T:The Battle of Aughrim
ABC   8291 C1:301377616002757 C2:uuuudddudduuudu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:CFLORWZ T:The Battle of Aughrim
ABC      1 C1:030011110400001 C2:uuuuuduuduuuudu M:4/4   K:Ador         H:LRS    T:Battle Of Aughrim, The
ABC      7 C1:301377616002757 C2:uuuudddudduuudu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:LRZ    T:Battle of Aughrim, The
ABC      7 C1:301377616002757 C2:uuuudddudduuudu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:LRZ    T:Battle of Aughrim, The
ABC      2 C1:076100610600001 C2:ddududuududdudu M:C     K:Ador         H:CLQRZ  T:The Battle of Aughrim
ABC      2 C1:076100610600001 C2:ddududuududdudu M:C     K:Ador         H:CLQRZ  T:The Battle of Aughrim
ABC      1 C1:030011110501006 C2:uuuuudududduuud M:C|    K:A            H:"BLRZ  T:the Battle of Aughrim
ABC      1 C1:030001210761006 C2:uuuuddududuuddd M:4/4   K:G            H:LRSZ   T:Battle of Aughrim
ABC      7 C1:301377616002757 C2:uuuudddudduuudu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:LQRZ   T:Battle of Aughrim, The
ABC      7 C1:301377616002757 C2:uuuudddudduuudu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:LQRZ   T:Battle of Aughrim, The
ABC      4 C1:760300012107610 C2:dduuuuddududduu M:4/4   K:A            H:"LRS   T:Battle of Aughrim
ABC   1845 C1:177117531771175 C2:udduudduudduudd M:2/4   K:G            H:BLZ    T:The Battle Of Aughrim
ABC     29 C1:177117531771175 C2:udduudduudduudd M:2/4   K:G            H:LRS    T:Battle of Aughrim, The
ABC     29 C1:177117531771175 C2:udduudduudduudd M:2/4   K:G            H:LRS    T:Battle of Aughrim, The
ABC    390 C1:030001210761006 C2:uuuuddududuuddd M:2/4   K:G            H:EIRSZ  T:Battle of Aughrim, The
ABC     78 C1:030001210761006 C2:uuuuddududuuddd M:2/4   K:G            H:EIRSZ  T:Battle of Aughrim, The
ABC     78 C1:030001210761006 C2:uuuuddududuuddd M:2/4   K:G            H:EIRSZ  T:Battle of Aughrim, The
ABC     78 C1:030001210761006 C2:uuuuddududuuddd M:2/4   K:G            H:EIRSZ  T:Battle of Aughrim, The
ABC     78 C1:030001210761006 C2:uuuuddududuuddd M:2/4   K:G            H:EIRSZ  T:Battle of Aughrim, The
ABC     78 C1:030001210761006 C2:uuuuddududuuddd M:2/4   K:G            H:EIRSZ  T:Battle of Aughrim, The
ABC     78 C1:030001210761006 C2:uuuuddududuuddd M:2/4   K:G            H:EIRSZ  T:Battle of Aughrim, The
ABC     78 C1:030001210761006 C2:uuuuddududuuddd M:2/4   K:G            H:EIRSZ  T:Battle of Aughrim, The
ABC    294 C1:030001210761006 C2:uuuuddududuuddd M:2/4   K:Ador         H:"EIQRSZ T:Battle of Aughrim, The
ABC    615 C1:302240034022402 C2:uuuuududuuuuduu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:LRSZ   T:Battle of Aughrim
ABC    495 C1:302240034022402 C2:uuuuududuuuuduu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:LRSZ   T:Battle of Aughrim
ABC    100 C1:301377616002757 C2:uuuudddudduuudu M:2/4   K:A            H:LZ     T:Battle of Aughrim, The
ABC    100 C1:301377616002757 C2:uuuudddudduuudu M:2/4   K:A            H:LZ     T:Battle of Aughrim, The
ABC      1 C1:030011110707060 C2:uuuuudddudduuud M:2/4   K:Ador         H:LR     T:The Battle Of Aughrim
ABC     97 C1:760300012107610 C2:dduuuuddududduu M:4/4   K:A            H:"LRS   T:Battle of Aughrim
ABC    010 C1:030001210761006 C2:uuuuddududuuddd M:C|    K:G            H:BLRSUZ T:Battle of Aughrim
ABC    010 C1:030001210761006 C2:uuuuddududuuddd M:C|    K:G            H:BLRSUZ T:Battle of Aughrim
ABC   1239 C1:030001210761006 C2:uuuuddududuuddd M:2/4   K:G            H:EIRSZ  T:Battle of Aughrim, The
ABC   1236 C1:030001210761006 C2:uuuuddududuuddd M:4/4   K:G            H:LRSZ   T:Battle of Aughrim
ABC   1238 C1:301377616002757 C2:uuuudddudduuudu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:LRZ    T:Battle of Aughrim, The
ABC     29 C1:177117531771175 C2:udduudduudduudd M:2/4   K:G            H:LRS    T:The Battle of Aughrim
ABC     29 C1:177117531771175 C2:udduudduudduudd M:2/4   K:G            H:LRS    T:The Battle of Aughrim
ABC   9803 C1:301377616002757 C2:uuuudddudduuudu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:LR     T:Battle of Aughrim, The
ABC   9804 C1:030001210761006 C2:uuuuddududuuddd M:2/4   K:G            H:LRSZ   T:Battle of Aughrim, The
ABC   9803 C1:301377616002757 C2:uuuudddudduuudu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:LR     T:Battle of Aughrim, The
ABC   9804 C1:030001210761006 C2:uuuuddududuuddd M:2/4   K:G            H:LRSZ   T:Battle of Aughrim, The
ABC      7 C1:301377616002757 C2:uuuudddudduuudu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:LRZ    T:Battle of Aughrim, The
ABC      7 C1:301377616002757 C2:uuuudddudduuudu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:LRZ    T:Battle of Aughrim, The
ABC   1845 C1:177117531771175 C2:udduudduudduudd M:2/4   K:G            H:BLZ    T:The Battle Of Aughrim
ABC      7 C1:301377616002757 C2:uuuudddudduuudu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:LRZ    T:Battle of Aughrim, The
ABC    446 C1:301377616002757 C2:uuuudddudduuudu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:LOR    T:Battle of Aughrim, The
ABC    446 C1:301377616002757 C2:uuuudddudduuudu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:LOR    T:Battle of Aughrim, The
ABC   1236 C1:030001210761006 C2:uuuuddududuuddd M:4/4   K:G            H:LRSZ   T:Battle of Aughrim
ABC   1238 C1:301377616002757 C2:uuuudddudduuudu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:LRZ    T:Battle of Aughrim, The
ABC   1239 C1:030001210761006 C2:uuuuddududuuddd M:2/4   K:G            H:EIRSZ  T:Battle of Aughrim, The
ABC   1236 C1:030001210761006 C2:uuuuddududuuddd M:4/4   K:G            H:LRSZ   T:Battle of Aughrim
ABC   1238 C1:301377616002757 C2:uuuudddudduuudu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:LRZ    T:Battle of Aughrim, The
ABC   1239 C1:030001210761006 C2:uuuuddududuuddd M:2/4   K:G            H:EIRSZ  T:Battle of Aughrim, The
ABC   1236 C1:030001210761006 C2:uuuuddududuuddd M:4/4   K:G            H:LRSZ   T:Battle of Aughrim
ABC   1238 C1:301377616002757 C2:uuuudddudduuudu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:LRZ    T:Battle of Aughrim, The
ABC   1239 C1:030001210761006 C2:uuuuddududuuddd M:2/4   K:G            H:EIRSZ  T:Battle of Aughrim, The
ABC    997 C1:301377616002757 C2:uuuudddudduuudu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:LR     T:Battle of Aughrim, The
ABC    998 C1:030001210761006 C2:uuuuddududuuddd M:2/4   K:G            H:LRSZ   T:Battle of Aughrim, The
ABC    999 C1:301377616002757 C2:uuuudddudduuudu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:LRZ    T:Battle of Aughrim, The
ABC    997 C1:301377616002757 C2:uuuudddudduuudu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:LR     T:Battle of Aughrim, The
ABC    998 C1:030001210761006 C2:uuuuddududuuddd M:2/4   K:G            H:LRSZ   T:Battle of Aughrim, The
ABC    999 C1:301377616002757 C2:uuuudddudduuudu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:LRZ    T:Battle of Aughrim, The
ABC    997 C1:301377616002757 C2:uuuudddudduuudu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:LR     T:Battle of Aughrim, The
ABC    998 C1:030001210761006 C2:uuuuddududuuddd M:2/4   K:G            H:LRSZ   T:Battle of Aughrim, The
ABC    999 C1:301377616002757 C2:uuuudddudduuudu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:LRZ    T:Battle of Aughrim, The
ABC    999 C1:301377616002757 C2:uuuudddudduuudu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:LRZ    T:Battle of Aughrim, The
ABC    997 C1:301377616002757 C2:uuuudddudduuudu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:LR     T:Battle of Aughrim, The
ABC    998 C1:030001210761006 C2:uuuuddududuuddd M:2/4   K:G            H:LRSZ   T:Battle of Aughrim, The
ABC    997 C1:301377616002757 C2:uuuudddudduuudu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:LR     T:Battle of Aughrim, The
ABC    998 C1:030001210761006 C2:uuuuddududuuddd M:2/4   K:G            H:LRSZ   T:Battle of Aughrim, The
ABC    999 C1:301377616002757 C2:uuuudddudduuudu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:LRZ    T:Battle of Aughrim, The
ABC   2004 C1:177117531771175 C2:udduudduudduudd M:2/4   K:G            H:BLZ    T:The Battle Of Aughrim
ABC   2004 C1:177117531771175 C2:udduudduudduudd M:2/4   K:G            H:BLZ    T:The Battle Of Aughrim
ABC      7 C1:301377616002757 C2:uuuudddudduuudu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:LRZ    T:Battle of Aughrim, The
ABC      7 C1:301377616002757 C2:uuuudddudduuudu M:2/4   K:Ador         H:LRZ    T:Battle of Aughrim, The
ABC  22006 C1:030001210707060 C2:uuuudddudduuudu M:C     K:G            H:BCLQR  T:BATTLE OF AUGHRIM (march), The
ABC      1 C1:301377616002757 C2:uuuudddudduuudd M:2/4   K:Ador         H:"LRS   T:Battle of Aughrim march
ABC  49404 C1:177117531771175 C2:udduudduudduudd M:2/4   K:G            H:BLQRSZ T:BATTLE OF AUGHRIM (march), The
ABC  49404 C1:177117531771175 C2:udduudduudduudd M:2/4   K:G            H:BLQRSZ T:BATTLE OF AUGHRIM (march), The
ABC  49404 C1:177117531771175 C2:udduudduudduudd M:2/4   K:G            H:BLQRSZ T:BATTLE OF AUGHRIM (march), The
ABC  22006 C1:030001210707060 C2:uuuudddudduuudu M:C     K:G            H:BCLQR  T:BATTLE OF AUGHRIM (march), The
ABC  22006 C1:030001210707060 C2:uuuudddudduuudu M:C     K:G            H:BCLQR  T:BATTLE OF AUGHRIM (march), The
ABC   1237 C1:301377616002757 C2:uuuudddudduuudd M:2/4   K:Ador         H:"LRS   T:Battle of Aughrim march
ABC    445 C1:301377616002757 C2:uuuudddudduuudd M:2/4   K:Ador         H:"LORS  T:Battle of Aughrim march
ABC    445 C1:301377616002757 C2:uuuudddudduuudd M:2/4   K:Ador         H:"LORS  T:Battle of Aughrim march
ABC   1237 C1:301377616002757 C2:uuuudddudduuudd M:2/4   K:Ador         H:"LRS   T:Battle of Aughrim march
ABC   1237 C1:301377616002757 C2:uuuudddudduuudd M:2/4   K:Ador         H:"LRS   T:Battle of Aughrim march
ABC   1237 C1:301377616002757 C2:uuuudddudduuudd M:2/4   K:Ador         H:"LRS   T:Battle of Aughrim march
ABC    996 C1:301377616002757 C2:uuuudddudduuudd M:2/4   K:Ador         H:"LRS   T:Battle of Aughrim march
ABC    996 C1:301377616002757 C2:uuuudddudduuudd M:2/4   K:Ador         H:"LRS   T:Battle of Aughrim march
ABC    996 C1:301377616002757 C2:uuuudddudduuudd M:2/4   K:Ador         H:"LRS   T:Battle of Aughrim march
ABC    996 C1:301377616002757 C2:uuuudddudduuudd M:2/4   K:Ador         H:"LRS   T:Battle of Aughrim march
ABC    996 C1:301377616002757 C2:uuuudddudduuudd M:2/4   K:Ador         H:"LRS   T:Battle of Aughrim march
ABC 182118 C1:303140036622400 C2:uuududdduuudduu M:2/4   K:Am           H:CLQR   T:BATTLE OF AUGHRIM (polka), The
ABC  13268 C1:302277616002757 C2:uuuuudddudduuud M:2/4   K:Am           H:CLQR   T:BATTLE OF AUGHRIM (polka)
ABC  13268 C1:302277616002757 C2:uuuuudddudduuud M:2/4   K:Am           H:CLQR   T:BATTLE OF AUGHRIM (polka)
ABC  13268 C1:302277616002757 C2:uuuuudddudduuud M:2/4   K:Am           H:CLQR   T:BATTLE OF AUGHRIM (polka)
ABC 182118 C1:303140036622400 C2:uuududdduuudduu M:2/4   K:Am           H:CLQR   T:BATTLE OF AUGHRIM (polka), The
ABC 182118 C1:303140036622400 C2:uuududdduuudduu M:2/4   K:Am           H:CLQR   T:BATTLE OF AUGHRIM (polka), The
ABC      2 C1:070700610600711 C2:dddudduuudddduu M:C|    K:Ador         H:FLRZ   T:Battle of Augrim
ABC      2 C1:070700610600711 C2:dddudduuudddduu M:C|    K:Ador         H:FLRZ   T:Battle of Augrim
ABC      2 C1:070700610600711 C2:dddudduuudddduu M:C|    K:Ador         H:FLRZ   T:Battle of Augrim
ABC      2 C1:070700610600711 C2:dddudduuudddduu M:C|    K:Ador         H:FLRZ   T:Battle of Augrim
ABC      2 C1:070700610600711 C2:dddudduuudddduu M:C|    K:Ador         H:FLRZ   T:Battle of Augrim
ABC   8284 C1:070700610600711 C2:dddudduuudddduu M:C|    K:Ador         H:CFLORWZ T:Battle of Augrim
ABC   8284 C1:070700610600711 C2:dddudduuudddduu M:C|    K:Ador         H:CFLORWZ T:Battle of Augrim
ABC     16 C1:070700610600711 C2:dddudduuudddduu M:C|    K:G            H:LR     T:Battle of Augrim
ABC      1 C1:532622367062111 C2:duuduuuddduuuud M:6/8   K:G            H:FLOZ   T:the Battle of Bemis Heights
ABC      1 C1:532622367062111 C2:duuduuuddduuuud M:6/8   K:G            H:FLOZ   T:the Battle of Bemis Heights
ABC      1 C1:532622367062111 C2:duuduuuddduuuud M:6/8   K:G            H:FLOZ   T:the Battle of Bemis Heights
ABC      1 C1:532622367062111 C2:duuduuuddduuuud M:6/8   K:G            H:FLOZ   T:the Battle of Bemis Heights
ABC     58 C1:017007027102014 C2:udduduuuddduudd M:3/4   K:A            H:LQSVWZ T:The battle of Bothwell Brigg
ABC  30481 C1:000701775327017 C2:duddduududduudu M:2/4   K:C            H:BCLSZ  T:BATTLE OF BRANDYWINE
ABC  30481 C1:000701775327017 C2:duddduududduudu M:2/4   K:C            H:BCLSZ  T:BATTLE OF BRANDYWINE
ABC  30481 C1:000701775327017 C2:duddduududduudu M:2/4   K:C            H:BCLSZ  T:BATTLE OF BRANDYWINE
ABC  30481 C1:000701775327017 C2:duddduududduudu M:2/4   K:C            H:BCLSZ  T:BATTLE OF BRANDYWINE
ABC  30481 C1:000701775327017 C2:duddduududduudu M:2/4   K:C            H:BCLSZ  T:BATTLE OF BRANDYWINE
ABC  30481 C1:000701775327017 C2:duddduududduudu M:2/4   K:C            H:BCLSZ  T:BATTLE OF BRANDYWINE
ABC  30481 C1:000701775327017 C2:duddduududduudu M:2/4   K:C            H:BCLSZ  T:BATTLE OF BRANDYWINE
ABC  30481 C1:000701775327017 C2:duddduududduudu M:2/4   K:C            H:BCLSZ  T:BATTLE OF BRANDYWINE
ABC  30481 C1:000701775327017 C2:duddduududduudu M:2/4   K:C            H:BCLSZ  T:BATTLE OF BRANDYWINE
ABC  30481 C1:000701775327017 C2:duddduududduudu M:2/4   K:C            H:BCLSZ  T:BATTLE OF BRANDYWINE
ABC  30481 C1:000701775327017 C2:duddduududduudu M:2/4   K:C            H:BCLSZ  T:BATTLE OF BRANDYWINE
ABC      1 C1:010105010000000 C2:uudududduudddud M:4/4   K:D            H:ACILORS T:The Battle of Bull Run
ABC      0 C1:                C2:                M:      K:             H:C      T:The Battle of Bull Run
ABC     22 C1:001777730017777 C2:udddduudddduuuu M:4/4   K:Dmaj         H:"CLQWw T:Battle of Castle Hill, The
ABC      1 C1:121100267767036 C2:uuuuudddddudduu M:C     K:D            H:"LRSZ  T:Battle of Cedar Creek
ABC      1 C1:121100267767036 C2:uuuuudddddudduu M:C     K:D            H:"LRSZ  T:Battle of Cedar Creek
ABC      1 C1:121100267767036 C2:uuuuudddddudduu M:C     K:D            H:"LRSZ  T:Battle of Cedar Creek
ABC      1 C1:121100267767036 C2:uuuuudddddudduu M:C     K:D            H:"LRSZ  T:Battle of Cedar Creek
ABC  13181 C1:030001020017020 C2:duuududuudddudu M:C     K:G            H:CLQR   T:BATTLE OF CREMONA, The
ABC  13181 C1:030001020017020 C2:duuududuudddudu M:C     K:G            H:CLQR   T:BATTLE OF CREMONA, The
ABC  13181 C1:030001020017020 C2:duuududuudddudu M:C     K:G            H:CLQR   T:BATTLE OF CREMONA, The
ABC     75 C1:617711276163405 C2:dudduuuddududud M:C|    K:D            H:BLQWZ  T:Battle of Culleden. Ru1.075, The
ABC     75 C1:617711276163405 C2:dudduuuddududud M:C|    K:D            H:BLQWZ  T:Battle of Culleden. Ru1.075, The
ABC      1 C1:617711276163405 C2:dudduuuddududud M:C|    K:D            H:LRSZ   T:Battle of Culloden, The
ABC     96 C1:617711276163405 C2:dudduuuddududud M:C|    K:D            H:BLQZ   T:Battle of Culloden. JJo.096, The
ABC     96 C1:617711276163405 C2:dudduuuddududud M:C|    K:D            H:BLQZ   T:Battle of Culloden. JJo.096, The
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:The Battle Of Evermore
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:The Battle Of Evermore
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:CLQ    T:The Battle Of Evermore by Skjald
ABC      2 C1:300010003000100 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:4/4   K:G            H:LQ     T:Battle of Evermore [Clarinet] [Durinsbane]
ABC     11 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Battle of evermore Duet Lute (5:28)
ABC     51 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Battle of evermore Duet Winds (5:12)
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:The Battle Of Evermore (Eoh)(5:28)
ABC     51 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Battle of evermore Flute (5:12)
ABC      3 C1:000000000177100 C2:udduuddudududud M:4/4   K:G            H:LQ     T:Battle of Evermore [Flute] [Durinsbane]
ABC     21 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Battle of evermore Harp (5:12)
ABC     11 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Battle of evermore Lute 1 (5:12)
ABC     12 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Battle of evermore Lute 2 (5:12)
ABC      1 C1:224442262426576 C2:uududuudududdud M:4/4   K:G            H:LQ     T:Battle of Evermore [lute] [Durinsbane]
ABC      1 C1:224442262426576 C2:uududuudududdud M:4/4   K:G            H:LQZ    T:Battle of Evermore lutes
ABC      1 C1:224442262426576 C2:uududuudududdud M:4/4   K:G            H:LQZ    T:Battle of Evermore lutes
ABC      1 C1:300010003000100 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:4/4   K:G            H:LQ     T:Battle of Evermore Vocal 1
ABC      1 C1:000000000177100 C2:udduuddudududud M:4/4   K:G            H:LQ     T:Battle of Evermore Vocal 2
ABC      1 C1:300010003000100 C2:uuuudduudduuuud M:4/4   K:G            H:LQZ    T:Battle of Evermore Vocals
ABC      1 C1:040404067771000 C2:dududddudududdd M:2/4   K:AMix         H:"CLR   T:Battle of Falkirk
ABC      1 C1:040404067771000 C2:dududddudududdd M:2/4   K:AMix         H:"CLR   T:Battle of Falkirk
ABC      1 C1:040404067771000 C2:dududddudududdd M:2/4   K:AMix         H:"CLR   T:Battle of Falkirk
ABC  20641 C1:000002000001006 C2:uudddududuuddud M:3/4   K:G            H:BLZ    T:the Battle of Falkirk
ABC  20641 C1:000002000001006 C2:uudddududuuddud M:3/4   K:G            H:BLZ    T:the Battle of Falkirk
ABC     18 C1:040404067771000 C2:dududddudududdd M:2/4   K:AMix         H:"CLR   T:Battle of Falkirk
ABC     19 C1:040404067771000 C2:dududddudududdd M:2/4   K:AMix         H:"CLR   T:Battle of Falkirk
ABC     18 C1:040404067771000 C2:dududddudududdd M:2/4   K:AMix         H:"CLR   T:Battle of Falkirk
ABC     19 C1:040404067771000 C2:dududddudududdd M:2/4   K:AMix         H:"CLR   T:Battle of Falkirk
ABC     18 C1:040404067771000 C2:dududddudududdd M:2/4   K:AMix         H:"CLR   T:Battle of Falkirk
ABC     19 C1:040404067771000 C2:dududddudududdd M:2/4   K:AMix         H:"CLR   T:Battle of Falkirk
ABC  20641 C1:000002000001006 C2:uudddududuuddud M:3/4   K:G            H:BLZ    T:The Battle of Falkirk
ABC  20641 C1:000002000001006 C2:uudddududuuddud M:3/4   K:G            H:BLZ    T:The Battle of Falkirk
ABC  20641 C1:000002000001006 C2:uudddududuuddud M:3/4   K:G            H:BLZ    T:The Battle of Falkirk
ABC  20641 C1:000002000001006 C2:uudddududuuddud M:3/4   K:G            H:BLZ    T:The Battle of Falkirk
ABC  20641 C1:000002000001006 C2:uudddududuuddud M:3/4   K:G            H:BLZ    T:The Battle of Falkirk
ABC  20641 C1:000002000001006 C2:uudddududuuddud M:3/4   K:G            H:BLZ    T:The Battle of Falkirk
ABC  20641 C1:000002000001006 C2:uudddududuuddud M:3/4   K:G            H:BLZ    T:The Battle of Falkirk
ABC  20641 C1:000002000001006 C2:uudddududuuddud M:3/4   K:G            H:BLZ    T:The Battle of Falkirk
ABC  20641 C1:000002000001006 C2:uudddududuuddud M:3/4   K:G            H:BLZ    T:The Battle of Falkirk
ABC  20641 C1:000002000001006 C2:uudddududuuddud M:3/4   K:G            H:BLZ    T:The Battle of Falkirk
ABC      6 C1:503000111010700 C2:duuuuudddduuuud M:4/4   K:G            H:CLQS   T:The Battle of Garvagh
ABC      2 C1:                C2:                M:C     K:D            H:BLRVZ  T:Battle of Hara Law
ABC      0 C1:                C2:                M:6/8   K:Hp           H:BCRSZ  T:The Battle of Harlaw (1411)
ABC      1 C1:063070063025063 C2:duudduduuudduud M:6/8   K:F            H:L      T:The Battle of Harlaw
ABC      1 C1:063025063025063 C2:duuudduuudduudu M:6/8   K:C            H:L      T:Battle of Harlaw
ABC      1 C1:063070063025063 C2:duudduduuudduud M:6/8   K:F            H:L      T:The Battle of Harlaw
ABC      1 C1:063070063025063 C2:duudduduuudduud M:6/8   K:F            H:L      T:The Battle of Harlaw
ABC      1 C1:063025063025063 C2:duuudduuudduudu M:6/8   K:C            H:L      T:Battle of Harlaw
ABC      1 C1:063025063025063 C2:duuudduuudduudu M:6/8   K:C            H:L      T:Battle of Harlaw
ABC      2 C1:                C2:                M:C     K:D            H:BLRVZ  T:Battle of Harlaw
ABC      1 C1:006021002005006 C2:duuudduuudduudu M:6/8   K:C            H:BFLSw  T:The Battle of Harlow
ABC      1 C1:006021002005006 C2:duuudduuudduudu M:6/8   K:C            H:BFLSWw T:The Battle of Harlow
ABC     12 C1:226232650777227 C2:uuduuuddddduudd M:6/8   K:G            H:BCLQWZ T:Battle Of Hexham. Tho24CDs1792.12, The
ABC     12 C1:226232650777227 C2:uuduuuddddduudd M:6/8   K:G            H:BCLQWZ T:Battle Of Hexham. Tho24CDs1792.12, The
ABC     12 C1:226232650777227 C2:uuduuuddddduudd M:6/8   K:G            H:BCLQWZ T:Battle Of Hexham. Tho24CDs1792.12, The
ABC     12 C1:226232650777227 C2:uuduuuddddduudd M:6/8   K:G            H:BCLQWZ T:Battle Of Hexham. Tho24CDs1792.12, The
ABC     12 C1:226232650777227 C2:uuduuuddddduudd M:6/8   K:G            H:BCLQWZ T:Battle Of Hexham. Tho24CDs1792.12, The
ABC      1 C1:062007000001000 C2:dududdddduuuduu M:12/8  K:C            H:L      T:Battle of Jerico
ABC      1 C1:062007000001000 C2:dududdddduuuduu M:12/8  K:C            H:L      T:Battle of Jerico
ABC      1 C1:062007000001000 C2:dududdddduuuduu M:12/8  K:C            H:L      T:Battle of Jerico
ABC      4 C1:110017060262170 C2:uuudduduudduddd M:4/4   K:C            H:LRS    T:The Battle Of Killiecrankie
ABC      4 C1:110017060262170 C2:uuudduduudduddd M:4/4   K:C            H:LRS    T:The Battle Of Killiecrankie
ABC      4 C1:110017060262170 C2:uuudduduudduddd M:4/4   K:C            H:LRS    T:The Battle Of Killiecrankie
ABC      4 C1:110017060262170 C2:uuudduduudduddd M:4/4   K:C            H:LRS    T:The Battle Of Killiecrankie
ABC    973 C1:110017061162170 C2:uuudduuduududdd M:2/4   K:D            H:BCFLORZbs T:(Battle of) Killiecrankie
ABC    973 C1:110017061162170 C2:uuudduuduududdd M:2/4   K:D            H:BCFLORZbs T:(Battle of) Killiecrankie
ABC    973 C1:110017061162170 C2:uuudduuduududdd M:2/4   K:D            H:BCFLORZbs T:(Battle of) Killiecrankie
ABC    973 C1:110017061162170 C2:uuudduuduududdd M:2/4   K:D            H:BCFLORZbs T:(Battle of) Killiecrankie
ABC    973 C1:110017061162170 C2:uuudduuduududdd M:2/4   K:D            H:BCFLORZbs T:(Battle of) Killiecrankie
ABC    973 C1:110017061162170 C2:uuudduuduududdd M:2/4   K:D            H:BCFLORZbs T:(Battle of) Killiecrankie
ABC    973 C1:110017061162170 C2:uuudduuduududdd M:2/4   K:D            H:BCFLORZbs T:(Battle of) Killiecrankie
ABC    973 C1:110017061162170 C2:uuudduuduududdd M:2/4   K:D            H:BCFLORZbs T:(Battle of) Killiecrankie
ABC      1 C1:172017060262170 C2:uduudduduuddudd M:      K:Cmaj         H:LR     T:The Battle Of Killiecrankie
ABC      2 C1:040017060200170 C2:uudduudddduuuuu M:      K:Cmaj         H:LR     T:The Battle Of Killiecrankie
ABC      3 C1:217620062173500 C2:uuudduduudduudu M:      K:Dmaj         H:LR     T:The Battle Of Killiecrankie
ABC      4 C1:001706026217006 C2:udduduudduddddu M:      K:Cmaj         H:LR     T:The Battle Of Killiecrankie
ABC      5 C1:621706117777111 C2:duudduudddduuuu M:      K:Cmaj         H:LR     T:The Battle Of Killiecrankie
ABC      6 C1:110017060262170 C2:uuudduduudduddd M:      K:Dmaj         H:LR     T:The Battle Of Killiecrankie
ABC      7 C1:110017060262170 C2:uuudduduududddd M:      K:Dmaj         H:LR     T:The Battle Of Killiecrankie
ABC      1 C1:007200700071204 C2:dduddudduuduudd M:2/4   K:D            H:BLQRZ  T:Battle of Killycrankie, The
ABC      6 C1:020171010161030 C2:uuduuuduududddu M:3/4   K:C            H:LOQRS  T:Battle of Kinloch Lochy
ABC      6 C1:020171010161030 C2:uuduuuduududddu M:3/4   K:C            H:LOQRS  T:Battle of Kinloch Lochy
ABC      6 C1:020171010161030 C2:uuduuuduududddu M:3/4   K:C            H:LOQRS  T:Battle of Kinloch Lochy
ABC      6 C1:020171010161030 C2:uuduuuduududddu M:3/4   K:C            H:LOQRS  T:Battle of Kinloch Lochy
ABC      6 C1:020171010161030 C2:uuduuuduududddu M:3/4   K:C            H:LOQRS  T:Battle of Kinloch Lochy
ABC      6 C1:020171010161030 C2:uuduuuduududddu M:3/4   K:C            H:LOQRS  T:Battle of Kinloch Lochy
ABC      6 C1:020171010161030 C2:uuduuuduududddu M:3/4   K:C            H:LOQRS  T:Battle of Kinloch Lochy
ABC      5 C1:067661711667306 C2:dddduduudddudud M:6/8   K:Bb           H:CL     T:The Battle of Leipzig
ABC      1 C1:006505620063661 C2:udduddduudduddd M:4/4   K:F            H:L      T:The Battle of Loudon Hill
ABC      1 C1:006505620063661 C2:udduddduudduddd M:4/4   K:F            H:L      T:The Battle of Loudon Hill
ABC      1 C1:006505620063661 C2:udduddduudduddd M:4/4   K:F            H:L      T:The Battle of Loudon Hill
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:CLQZ   T:Battle of New Orleans (1/4.Lute 1)
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:CLQZ   T:Battle of New Orleans (1.Clarinet)
ABC      2 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:CLQZ   T:Battle of New Orleans (2/4.Lute 2)
ABC      2 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:CLQZ   T:Battle of New Orleans (2.Lute)
ABC      3 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:CLQZ   T:Battle of New Orleans (3/4.Theorbo)
ABC      4 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:CLQZ   T:Battle of New Orleans (4/4.Clarinet)
ABC    587 C1:002677011776002 C2:uddduuddduuuddd M:4/4   K:D            H:LSZ    T:Battle of New Orleans, The
ABC    587 C1:002677011776002 C2:uddduuddduuuddd M:4/4   K:D            H:LSZ    T:Battle of New Orleans, The
ABC      1 C1:027202706775007 C2:udduudduddddduu M:2/4   K:D            H:L      T:The Battle of New Orleans
ABC      1 C1:000007711776020 C2:dduuddduuuddddu M:4/4   K:C            H:L      T:The Battle of New Orleans
ABC      1 C1:027202706775007 C2:udduudduddddduu M:2/4   K:D            H:L      T:The Battle of New Orleans
ABC      1 C1:027202706775007 C2:udduudduddddduu M:2/4   K:D            H:L      T:The Battle of New Orleans
ABC      1 C1:000007711776020 C2:dduuddduuuddddu M:4/4   K:C            H:L      T:The Battle of New Orleans
ABC      1 C1:000007711776020 C2:dduuddduuuddddu M:4/4   K:C            H:L      T:The Battle of New Orleans
ABC      1 C1:000007711776021 C2:dduuddduuuddddu M:C     K:G            H:CLWw   T:The Battle of New Orleans
ABC      2 C1:000007711776021 C2:dduuddduuuddddu M:C     K:D            H:CLWw   T:The Battle of New Orleans
ABC      3 C1:712675471776011 C2:duudddududdduuu M:C|    K:D            H:"CLORSZ T:The Battle of New Orleans
ABC      1 C1:000007711776021 C2:dduuddduuuddddu M:C     K:G            H:CLWw   T:The Battle of New Orleans
ABC      2 C1:000007711776021 C2:dduuddduuuddddu M:C     K:D            H:CLWw   T:The Battle of New Orleans
ABC      3 C1:712675471776011 C2:duudddududdduuu M:C|    K:D            H:"CLORSZ T:The Battle of New Orleans
ABC      3 C1:712675471776011 C2:duudddududdduuu M:C|    K:D            H:"CLORSZ T:The Battle of New Orleans
ABC      1 C1:000007711776021 C2:dduuddduuuddddu M:C     K:G            H:CLWw   T:The Battle of New Orleans
ABC      2 C1:000007711776021 C2:dduuddduuuddddu M:C     K:D            H:CLWw   T:The Battle of New Orleans
ABC      1 C1:000007711776021 C2:dduuddduuuddddu M:C     K:G            H:CLWw   T:The Battle of New Orleans
ABC      2 C1:000007711776021 C2:dduuddduuuddddu M:C     K:D            H:CLWw   T:The Battle of New Orleans
ABC      3 C1:712675471776011 C2:duudddududdduuu M:C|    K:D            H:"CLORSZ T:The Battle of New Orleans
ABC    587 C1:002677011776002 C2:uddduuddduuuddd M:4/4   K:D            H:LSZ    T:Battle of New Orleans, The
ABC    587 C1:002677011776002 C2:uddduuddduuuddd M:4/4   K:D            H:LSZ    T:Battle of New Orleans, The
ABC   5010 C1:712677271776011 C2:duudddududdduuu M:4/4   K:D            H:"CLOQRZ T:Battle of New Orleans
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:CLQZ   T:Battle of New Orleans (Solo for Clarinet)
ABC     01 C1:000000010007041 C2:udduuuddduuuuud M:4/4   K:F            H:"LQRZ  T:Battle of Otterbourne
ABC     01 C1:000000010007041 C2:udduuuddduuuuud M:4/4   K:F            H:"LQRZ  T:Battle of Otterbourne
ABC      1 C1:000000010007041 C2:udduuuddduuuuud M:4/4   K:F            H:"LQRZ  T:Battle of Otterbourne
ABC      1 C1:300007110712670 C2:uduuduudduuuuud M:3/4   K:F            H:L      T:The Battle of Otterburn
ABC      1 C1:110001130051000 C2:uuuuduududuuuud M:3/4   K:F            H:L      T:The Battle of Otterburn
ABC      1 C1:300007110712670 C2:uduuduudduuuuud M:3/4   K:F            H:L      T:The Battle of Otterburn
ABC      1 C1:300007110712670 C2:uduuduudduuuuud M:3/4   K:F            H:L      T:The Battle of Otterburn
ABC      1 C1:110001130051000 C2:uuuuduududuuuud M:3/4   K:F            H:L      T:The Battle of Otterburn
ABC      1 C1:110001130051000 C2:uuuuduududuuuud M:3/4   K:F            H:L      T:The Battle of Otterburn
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:CLQ    T:The Battle of Otterburn by Skjald
ABC     29 C1:007700010701060 C2:ddududuuudduuuu M:2/4   K:D            H:ILO    T:Battle of Plague (sic)
ABC     29 C1:007700010701060 C2:ddududuuudduuuu M:2/4   K:D            H:ILO    T:Battle of Plague (sic)
ABC     29 C1:007700010701060 C2:ddududuuudduuuu M:2/4   K:D            H:ILO    T:Battle of Plague (sic)
ABC     29 C1:007700010701060 C2:ddududuuudduuuu M:2/4   K:D            H:ILO    T:Battle of Plague (sic)
ABC     29 C1:007700010701060 C2:ddududuuudduuuu M:2/4   K:D            H:LOZ    T:Battle of Plague (sic)
ABC      2 C1:724277030507270 C2:duududdudduduuu M:C     K:C            H:CDLQZ  T:Battle of Plakani, Battle of Veisi
ABC    581 C1:000005660566026 C2:uddudduduudduuu M:C     K:F            H:ABFLOUZ T:Battle of Prague
ABC    581 C1:000005660566026 C2:uddudduduudduuu M:C     K:F            H:ABFLOUZ T:Battle of Prague
ABC      1 C1:000005660566026 C2:uddudduduudduuu M:C     K:F            H:ABLOUZ T:Battle of Prague
ABC    993 C1:707171612622770 C2:ddududuuudduuuu M:2/4   K:D            H:BLQSZ  T:Battle of Prague,aka. JBut.988
ABC    180 C1:770171612622770 C2:ddududuuudduuuu M:2/4   K:D            H:ABLQZ  T:Battle of Prague,aka. JC.179
ABC    180 C1:770171612622770 C2:ddududuuudduuuu M:2/4   K:D            H:ABLQZ  T:Battle of Prague,aka. JC.179
ABC      5 C1:770171612622770 C2:ddududuuudduuuu M:2/4   K:D            H:ABLQZ  T:Battle of Prague,aka. JClw.05
ABC      5 C1:770171612622770 C2:ddududuuudduuuu M:2/4   K:D            H:ABLQZ  T:Battle of Prague,aka. JClw.05
ABC     50 C1:000005660566026 C2:uddudduduudduuu M:C     K:F            H:LOQRSZ T:Battle of Prague EHo.050
ABC     50 C1:000005660566026 C2:uddudduduudduuu M:C     K:F            H:LOQRSZ T:Battle of Prague EHo.050
ABC    050 C1:000005660566026 C2:uddudduduudduuu M:C     K:F            H:ABLOQZ T:Battle of Prague. EHo.050
ABC    160 C1:000005660566026 C2:uddudduduudduuu M:C     K:F            H:ABCLOQZ T:Battle of Prague. JaW.160
ABC    160 C1:000005660566026 C2:uddudduduudduuu M:C     K:F            H:ABCLOQZ T:Battle of Prague. JaW.160
ABC    160 C1:000005660566026 C2:uddudduduudduuu M:C     K:F            H:ACLOQRSZ T:Battle of Prague. JaW.160
ABC    160 C1:000005660566026 C2:uddudduduudduuu M:C     K:F            H:ACHLOQRSZ T:Battle of Prague. JaW.160
ABC    160 C1:000005660566026 C2:uddudduduudduuu M:C     K:F            H:ABLOQRSZ T:Battle of Prague. JaW.160
ABC    582 C1:000005660566026 C2:uddudduduudduuu M:C     K:F            H:ACFLOQRSZ T:Battle of Prague. JaW.160
ABC    582 C1:000005660566026 C2:uddudduduudduuu M:C     K:F            H:ACFLOQRSZ T:Battle of Prague. JaW.160
ABC    160 C1:000005660566026 C2:uddudduduudduuu M:C     K:F            H:ABLOQRSZ T:Battle of Prague. JaW.160
ABC      8 C1:000005660566026 C2:uddudduduudduuu M:C     K:D            H:ALOQRSZ T:Battle of Prague. JC.008
ABC      8 C1:000005660566026 C2:uddudduduudduuu M:C     K:D            H:ABLQZ  T:Battle of Prague. JC.008
ABC      8 C1:000005660566026 C2:uddudduduudduuu M:C     K:D            H:ABLQZ  T:Battle of Prague. JC.008
ABC   1240 C1:000005660566026 C2:uddudduduudduuu M:C     K:D            H:ALOQRSZ T:Battle of Prague. JC.008
ABC      8 C1:000005660566026 C2:uddudduduudduuu M:C     K:D            H:ABLOQRSZ T:Battle of Prague. JC.008
ABC   1240 C1:000005660566026 C2:uddudduduudduuu M:C     K:D            H:ALOQRSZ T:Battle of Prague. JC.008
ABC   1240 C1:000005660566026 C2:uddudduduudduuu M:C     K:D            H:ALOQRSZ T:Battle of Prague. JC.008
ABC   1240 C1:000005660566026 C2:uddudduduudduuu M:C     K:D            H:ALOQRSZ T:Battle of Prague. JC.008
ABC    583 C1:000005660566026 C2:uddudduduudduuu M:C     K:D            H:AFLOQRSZ T:Battle of Prague. JC.008
ABC    583 C1:000005660566026 C2:uddudduduudduuu M:C     K:D            H:AFLOQRSZ T:Battle of Prague. JC.008
ABC      8 C1:000005660566026 C2:uddudduduudduuu M:C     K:D            H:ABLOQRSZ T:Battle of Prague. JC.008
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:4/4   K:E            H:L      T:The Battle of Prairie Grove
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:4/4   K:E            H:L      T:The Battle of Prairie Grove
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:4/4   K:E            H:L      T:The Battle of Prairie Grove
ABC      1 C1:177716717660177 C2:udududdudddudud M:6/8   K:D            H:FLQSZ  T:The Battle of Sheriffmuir
ABC      1 C1:400262374004062 C2:duduuddududdudu M:2/4   K:F            H:L      T:The Battle of Sherra-Moor
ABC      1 C1:400262374004062 C2:duduuddududdudu M:2/4   K:F            H:L      T:The Battle of Sherra-Moor
ABC      1 C1:400442644004062 C2:dudududududdudu M:2/4   K:G            H:BFLOWZw T:the BATTLE OF SHERRA-MOOR
ABC      1 C1:400442644004062 C2:dudududududdudu M:2/4   K:G            H:BFLOWZw T:the BATTLE OF SHERRA-MOOR
ABC      1 C1:400442644004062 C2:dudududududdudu M:2/4   K:G            H:BFLOWZw T:the BATTLE OF SHERRA-MOOR
ABC      1 C1:400442644004062 C2:dudududududdudu M:2/4   K:G            H:BFLOWZw T:the BATTLE OF SHERRA-MOOR
ABC      3 C1:400442644004062 C2:dudududududdudu M:2/4   K:G            H:BFLOWZw T:the BATTLE OF SHERRA-MOOR
ABC      3 C1:400442644004062 C2:dudududududdudu M:2/4   K:G            H:BFLOWZw T:the BATTLE OF SHERRA-MOOR
ABC      3 C1:400442644004062 C2:dudududududdudu M:2/4   K:G            H:BFLOWZw T:the BATTLE OF SHERRA-MOOR
ABC      3 C1:400442644004062 C2:dudududududdudu M:2/4   K:G            H:BFLOWZw T:the BATTLE OF SHERRA-MOOR
ABC      9 C1:400442644004062 C2:dudududududdudu M:2/4   K:G            H:BFLOWZw T:the BATTLE OF SHERRA-MOOR
ABC      9 C1:400442644004062 C2:dudududududdudu M:2/4   K:G            H:BFLOWZw T:the BATTLE OF SHERRA-MOOR
ABC      1 C1:400442644004062 C2:dudududududdudu M:2/4   K:G            H:BFLOWZw T:the BATTLE OF SHERRA-MUIR
ABC      1 C1:400442644004062 C2:dudududududdudu M:2/4   K:G            H:BFLOWZw T:the BATTLE OF SHERRA-MUIR
ABC      1 C1:400442644004062 C2:dudududududdudu M:2/4   K:G            H:BFLOWZw T:the BATTLE OF SHERRA-MUIR
ABC      1 C1:400442644004062 C2:dudududududdudu M:2/4   K:G            H:BFLOWZw T:the BATTLE OF SHERRA-MUIR
ABC      7 C1:400442644004062 C2:dudududududdudu M:2/4   K:G            H:BFLOWZw T:the BATTLE OF SHERRA-MUIR
ABC      7 C1:400442644004062 C2:dudududududdudu M:2/4   K:G            H:BFLOWZw T:the BATTLE OF SHERRA-MUIR
ABC      7 C1:400442644004062 C2:dudududududdudu M:2/4   K:G            H:BFLOWZw T:the BATTLE OF SHERRA-MUIR
ABC      7 C1:400442644004062 C2:dudududududdudu M:2/4   K:G            H:BFLOWZw T:the BATTLE OF SHERRA-MUIR
ABC     10 C1:400442644004062 C2:dudududududdudu M:2/4   K:G            H:BFLOWZw T:the BATTLE OF SHERRA-MUIR
ABC     10 C1:400442644004062 C2:dudududududdudu M:2/4   K:G            H:BFLOWZw T:the BATTLE OF SHERRA-MUIR
ABC      1 C1:770712000011773 C2:ddduuuudduduuuu M:6/8   K:A            H:DLZ    T:The Battle of Sherrifmuir
ABC    033 C1:770712000011773 C2:ddduuuudduduuuu M:6/8   K:A            H:DLZ    T:The Battle of Sherrifmuir
ABC    033 C1:770712000011773 C2:ddduuuudduduuuu M:6/8   K:A            H:DLZ    T:The Battle of Sherrifmuir
ABC    033 C1:770712000011773 C2:ddduuuudduduuuu M:6/8   K:A            H:DLZ    T:The Battle of Sherrifmuir
ABC    033 C1:770712000011773 C2:ddduuuudduduuuu M:6/8   K:A            H:DLZ    T:The Battle of Sherrifmuir
ABC    033 C1:770712000011773 C2:ddduuuudduduuuu M:6/8   K:A            H:DLZ    T:The Battle of Sherrifmuir
ABC      1 C1:770712000011773 C2:ddduuuudduduuuu M:6/8   K:A            H:DLZ    T:the Battle of Sherrifmuir
ABC      1 C1:770712000011773 C2:ddduuuudduduuuu M:6/8   K:A            H:DLZ    T:the Battle of Sherrifmuir
ABC      1 C1:770712000011773 C2:ddduuuudduduuuu M:6/8   K:A            H:DLZ    T:the Battle of Sherrifmuir
ABC      1 C1:770712000011773 C2:ddduuuudduduuuu M:6/8   K:A            H:DLZ    T:the Battle of Sherrifmuir
ABC    033 C1:770712000011773 C2:ddduuuudduduuuu M:6/8   K:A            H:DLZ    T:The Battle of Sherrifmuir
ABC    033 C1:770712000011773 C2:ddduuuudduduuuu M:6/8   K:A            H:DLZ    T:The Battle of Sherrifmuir
ABC    033 C1:770712000011773 C2:ddduuuudduduuuu M:6/8   K:A            H:DLZ    T:The Battle of Sherrifmuir
ABC    033 C1:770712000011773 C2:ddduuuudduduuuu M:6/8   K:A            H:DLZ    T:The Battle of Sherrifmuir
ABC    033 C1:770712000011773 C2:ddduuuudduduuuu M:6/8   K:A            H:DLZ    T:The Battle of Sherrifmuir
ABC    033 C1:770712000011773 C2:ddduuuudduduuuu M:6/8   K:A            H:DLZ    T:The Battle of Sherrifmuir
ABC    165 C1:770712000011773 C2:ddduuuudduduuuu M:6/8   K:A            H:DLZ    T:The Battle of Sherrifmuir
ABC   6514 C1:770712000011773 C2:ddduuuudduduuuu M:6/8   K:A            H:DLO    T:The Battle of Sherrifmuir
ABC   6514 C1:770712000011773 C2:ddduuuudduduuuu M:6/8   K:A            H:DLO    T:The Battle of Sherrifmuir
ABC  12824 C1:770712000011773 C2:ddduuuudduduuuu M:6/8   K:A            H:DLZ    T:The Battle of Sherrifmuir
ABC  12824 C1:770712000011773 C2:ddduuuudduduuuu M:6/8   K:A            H:DLZ    T:The Battle of Sherrifmuir
ABC  12824 C1:770712000011773 C2:ddduuuudduduuuu M:6/8   K:A            H:DLZ    T:The Battle of Sherrifmuir
ABC  12824 C1:770712000011773 C2:ddduuuudduduuuu M:6/8   K:A            H:DLZ    T:The Battle of Sherrifmuir
ABC  12824 C1:770712000011773 C2:ddduuuudduduuuu M:6/8   K:A            H:DLZ    T:The Battle of Sherrifmuir
ABC      1 C1:003001016005003 C2:uuudduddudduuuu M:6/8   K:C            H:L      T:The Battle of Shiloh
ABC      1 C1:003001016005003 C2:uuudduddudduuuu M:6/8   K:C            H:L      T:The Battle of Shiloh
ABC      1 C1:003001016005003 C2:uuudduddudduuuu M:6/8   K:C            H:L      T:The Battle of Shiloh
ABC      8 C1:111100010716000 C2:uuuuududuuduudu M:C|    K:G            H:BLQZ   T:Battle of the Boyan. WCD3/1.008
ABC      8 C1:111100010716000 C2:uuuuududuuduudu M:C|    K:G            H:BLQZ   T:Battle of the Boyan. WCD3/1.008
ABC      1 C1:077700771111000 C2:ddddduuuuududuu M:C|    K:G            H:BLSZ   T:Battle of the Boyn
ABC      1 C1:077700771111000 C2:ddddduuuuududuu M:C|    K:G            H:BLSZ   T:Battle of the Boyn
ABC      1 C1:077700771111000 C2:ddddduuuuududuu M:C|    K:G            H:BLSZ   T:Battle of the Boyn
ABC      1 C1:077700771111000 C2:ddddduuuuududuu M:C|    K:G            H:BLSZ   T:Battle of the Boyn
ABC 182124 C1:001711676761011 C2:uduuddddduuuudd M:4/4   K:G            H:CLQR   T:Battle of the Boyne
ABC      1 C1:210404020577770 C2:uuduuddddduuudu M:4/4   K:D            H:"CL    T:The Battle of the Boyne
ABC      1 C1:210404020577770 C2:uuduuddddduuudu M:4/4   K:D            H:"CL    T:The Battle of the Boyne
ABC      1 C1:210404020577770 C2:uuduuddddduuudu M:2/4   K:ADor         H:"LRZ   T:the Battle of the Boyne
ABC      1 C1:040402057777022 C2:duuddddduuududd M:C|    K:ADor         H:"LRZ   T:the Battle of the Boyne
ABC      1 C1:040402057777022 C2:duuddddduuududd M:C|    K:ADor         H:"LRZ   T:the Battle of the Boyne
ABC      1 C1:040402057777022 C2:duuddddduuududd M:C|    K:ADor         H:"LRZ   T:the Battle of the Boyne
ABC      1 C1:040402057777022 C2:duuddddduuududd M:C|    K:ADor         H:"LRZ   T:the Battle of the Boyne
ABC      1 C1:040402057777022 C2:duuddddduuududd M:C|    K:ADor         H:"LRZ   T:the Battle of the Boyne
ABC      1 C1:040402057777022 C2:duuddddduuududd M:C|    K:ADor         H:"LRZ   T:the Battle of the Boyne
ABC      1 C1:040402057777022 C2:duuddddduuududd M:2/4   K:ADor         H:"LRZ   T:the Battle of the Boyne
ABC      1 C1:040402057777022 C2:duuddddduuududd M:2/4   K:ADor         H:"LRZ   T:the Battle of the Boyne
ABC      1 C1:040402057777022 C2:duuddddduuududd M:2/4   K:ADor         H:"LRZ   T:the Battle of the Boyne
ABC      1 C1:040402057777022 C2:duuddddduuududd M:2/4   K:ADor         H:"LRZ   T:the Battle of the Boyne
ABC      1 C1:040402057777022 C2:duuddddduuududd M:2/4   K:ADor         H:"LRZ   T:the Battle of the Boyne
ABC      1 C1:040402057777022 C2:duuddddduuududd M:2/4   K:ADor         H:"LRZ   T:the Battle of the Boyne
ABC      1 C1:040402057777022 C2:duuddddduuududd M:2/4   K:ADor         H:"LRZ   T:the Battle of the Boyne
ABC      1 C1:210404020577770 C2:uuduuddddduuudu M:C|    K:ADor         H:"LRZ   T:The Battle of the Boyne
ABC      4 C1:040402057777022 C2:duuddddduuududd M:C|    K:ADor         H:"LRZ   T:the Battle of the Boyne
ABC      4 C1:040402057777022 C2:duuddddduuududd M:C|    K:ADor         H:"LRZ   T:the Battle of the Boyne
ABC      3 C1:040402057777022 C2:duuddddduuududd M:2/4   K:ADor         H:"LRZ   T:the Battle of the Boyne
ABC      4 C1:210404020577770 C2:uuduuddddduuudu M:C|    K:ADor         H:"LRZ   T:The Battle of the Boyne
ABC      2 C1:040402057777022 C2:duuddddduuududd M:C|    K:ADor         H:"LRZ   T:the Battle of the Boyne
ABC      2 C1:040402057777022 C2:duuddddduuududd M:C|    K:ADor         H:"LRZ   T:the Battle of the Boyne
ABC      5 C1:040402057777022 C2:duuddddduuududd M:C|    K:ADor         H:"LRZ   T:The Battle of the Boyne
ABC      5 C1:040402057777022 C2:duuddddduuududd M:C|    K:ADor         H:"LRZ   T:The Battle of the Boyne
ABC      5 C1:040402057777022 C2:duuddddduuududd M:C|    K:ADor         H:"LRZ   T:The Battle of the Boyne
ABC      5 C1:040402057777022 C2:duuddddduuududd M:C|    K:ADor         H:"LRZ   T:The Battle of the Boyne
ABC      5 C1:040402057777022 C2:duuddddduuududd M:C|    K:ADor         H:"LRZ   T:The Battle of the Boyne
ABC      4 C1:040402057777022 C2:duuddddduuududd M:C|    K:ADor         H:"LRZ   T:the Battle of the Boyne
ABC      4 C1:040402057777022 C2:duuddddduuududd M:C|    K:ADor         H:"LRZ   T:the Battle of the Boyne
ABC      4 C1:040402057777022 C2:duuddddduuududd M:C|    K:ADor         H:"LRZ   T:the Battle of the Boyne
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:C|    K:Amin         H:BLZ    T:Battle of the Boyne
ABC    620 C1:001711676770011 C2:uduuddddduuuduu M:4/4   K:Ador         H:LRSZ   T:Battle of the Boyne
ABC      2 C1:001711676770011 C2:uduuddddduuuduu M:4/4   K:Ador         H:LRSZ   T:Battle of the Boyne
ABC    525 C1:001711676770011 C2:uduuddddduuuduu M:4/4   K:Ador         H:LRSZ   T:Battle of the Boyne
ABC 182124 C1:001711676761011 C2:uduuddddduuuudd M:4/4   K:G            H:CLQR   T:Battle of the Boyne
ABC 182124 C1:001711676761011 C2:uduuddddduuuudd M:4/4   K:G            H:CLQR   T:Battle of the Boyne
ABC      8 C1:111100010716000 C2:uuuuududuuduudu M:C|    K:G            H:BLQZ   T:Battle of the Boyne. WCD3/1.008
ABC      8 C1:111100010716000 C2:uuuuududuuduudu M:C|    K:G            H:BLQZ   T:Battle of the Boyne. WCD3/1.008
ABC      1 C1:001100000203007 C2:uuuuddddduuuddu M:3/4   K:A            H:"LRSZ  T:Battle of the Braes #1
ABC      1 C1:001100000203007 C2:uuuuddddduuuddu M:3/4   K:A            H:"LRSZ  T:Battle of the Braes #1
ABC      1 C1:001100000203007 C2:uuuuddddduuuddu M:3/4   K:A            H:"LRSZ  T:Battle of the Braes #1
ABC      1 C1:001100000203007 C2:uuuuddddduuuddu M:3/4   K:A            H:"LRSZ  T:Battle of the Braes #1
ABC      1 C1:001100000203007 C2:uuuuddddduuuddu M:3/4   K:A            H:"LRSZ  T:Battle of the Braes #1
ABC      1 C1:001100000203007 C2:uuuuddddduuuddu M:3/4   K:A            H:"LRSZ  T:Battle of the Braes #1
ABC      1 C1:001100000203007 C2:uuuuddddduuuddu M:3/4   K:A            H:"LRSZ  T:Battle of the Braes #1
ABC      1 C1:001100000203007 C2:uuuuddddduuuddu M:3/4   K:A            H:"LRSZ  T:Battle of the Braes #1
ABC      1 C1:001100000203007 C2:uuuuddddduuuddu M:3/4   K:A            H:"LRSZ  T:Battle of the Braes #1
ABC      1 C1:001100000203007 C2:uuuuddddduuuddu M:3/4   K:A            H:"LRSZ  T:Battle of the Braes #1
ABC      1 C1:001100000203007 C2:uuuuddddduuuddu M:3/4   K:A            H:"LRSZ  T:Battle of the Braes #1
ABC      1 C1:001100000203007 C2:uuuuddddduuuddu M:3/4   K:A            H:"LRSZ  T:Battle of the Braes #1
ABC      1 C1:001100000203007 C2:uuuuddddduuuddu M:3/4   K:A            H:"LRSZ  T:Battle of the Braes #1
ABC      1 C1:001100000203007 C2:uuuuddddduuuddu M:3/4   K:A            H:"LRSZ  T:Battle of the Braes #1
ABC      1 C1:001100000203007 C2:uuuuddddduuuddu M:3/4   K:A            H:"LRSZ  T:Battle of the Braes #1
ABC      1 C1:001100000203007 C2:uuuuddddduuuddu M:3/4   K:A            H:"LRSZ  T:Battle of the Braes #1
ABC     13 C1:001100000203007 C2:uuuuddddduuuddu M:3/4   K:A            H:"LRSZ  T:Battle of the Braes #1
ABC     13 C1:001100000203007 C2:uuuuddddduuuddu M:3/4   K:A            H:"LRSZ  T:Battle of the Braes #1
ABC      1 C1:121107711776026 C2:uuuudduuddduddu M:C|    K:A            H:LRSZ   T:Battle of the Braes #2 [A]
ABC      1 C1:121107711776026 C2:uuuudduuddduddu M:C|    K:A            H:LRSZ   T:Battle of the Braes #2 [A]
ABC      1 C1:121107711776026 C2:uuuudduuddduddu M:C|    K:A            H:LRSZ   T:Battle of the Braes #2 [A]
ABC      1 C1:121107711776026 C2:uuuudduuddduddu M:C|    K:A            H:LRSZ   T:Battle of the Braes #2 [A]
ABC      1 C1:121107711776026 C2:uuuudduuddduddu M:C|    K:A            H:LRSZ   T:Battle of the Braes #2 [A]
ABC      1 C1:121107711776026 C2:uuuudduuddduddu M:C|    K:A            H:LRSZ   T:Battle of the Braes #2 [A]
ABC      1 C1:121107711776026 C2:uuuudduuddduddu M:C|    K:A            H:LRSZ   T:Battle of the Braes #2 [A]
ABC      1 C1:121107711776026 C2:uuuudduuddduddu M:C|    K:A            H:LRSZ   T:Battle of the Braes #2 [A]
ABC      1 C1:121107711776026 C2:uuuudduuddduddu M:C|    K:A            H:LRSZ   T:Battle of the Braes #2 [A]
ABC      1 C1:121107711776026 C2:uuuudduuddduddu M:C|    K:A            H:LRSZ   T:Battle of the Braes #2 [A]
ABC      1 C1:121107711776026 C2:uuuudduuddduddu M:C|    K:A            H:LRSZ   T:Battle of the Braes #2 [A]
ABC      1 C1:121107711776026 C2:uuuudduuddduddu M:C|    K:A            H:LRSZ   T:Battle of the Braes #2 [A]
ABC      1 C1:121107711776026 C2:uuuudduuddduddu M:C|    K:A            H:LRSZ   T:Battle of the Braes #2 [A]
ABC      1 C1:121107711776026 C2:uuuudduuddduddu M:C|    K:A            H:LRSZ   T:Battle of the Braes #2 [A]
ABC      1 C1:121107711776026 C2:uuuudduuddduddu M:C|    K:A            H:LRSZ   T:Battle of the Braes #2 [A]
ABC      1 C1:121107711776026 C2:uuuudduuddduddu M:C|    K:A            H:LRSZ   T:Battle of the Braes #2 [A]
ABC     11 C1:121107711776026 C2:uuuudduuddduddu M:C|    K:A            H:LRSZ   T:Battle of the Braes #2 [A]
ABC     11 C1:121107711776026 C2:uuuudduuddduddu M:C|    K:A            H:LRSZ   T:Battle of the Braes #2 [A]
ABC      1 C1:121107711776026 C2:uuuudduuddduddu M:4/4   K:D            H:LRS    T:Battle of the Braes #2 [D]
ABC      1 C1:121107711776026 C2:uuuudduuddduddu M:4/4   K:D            H:LRS    T:Battle of the Braes #2 [D]
ABC      1 C1:121107711776026 C2:uuuudduuddduddu M:4/4   K:D            H:LRS    T:Battle of the Braes #2 [D]
ABC      1 C1:121107711776026 C2:uuuudduuddduddu M:4/4   K:D            H:LRS    T:Battle of the Braes #2 [D]
ABC      1 C1:121107711776026 C2:uuuudduuddduddu M:4/4   K:D            H:LRS    T:Battle of the Braes #2 [D]
ABC      1 C1:121107711776026 C2:uuuudduuddduddu M:4/4   K:D            H:LRS    T:Battle of the Braes #2 [D]
ABC      1 C1:121107711776026 C2:uuuudduuddduddu M:4/4   K:D            H:FLR    T:Battle of the Braes #2 [D]
ABC      1 C1:121107711776026 C2:uuuudduuddduddu M:4/4   K:D            H:FLR    T:Battle of the Braes #2 [D]
ABC      1 C1:121107711776026 C2:uuuudduuddduddu M:4/4   K:D            H:FLR    T:Battle of the Braes #2 [D]
ABC      1 C1:121107711776026 C2:uuuudduuddduddu M:4/4   K:D            H:FLR    T:Battle of the Braes #2 [D]
ABC      1 C1:121107711776026 C2:uuuudduuddduddu M:4/4   K:D            H:FLR    T:Battle of the Braes #2 [D]
ABC      1 C1:121107711776026 C2:uuuudduuddduddu M:4/4   K:D            H:FLR    T:Battle of the Braes #2 [D]
ABC      1 C1:121107711776026 C2:uuuudduuddduddu M:4/4   K:D            H:FLR    T:Battle of the Braes #2 [D]
ABC      1 C1:121107711776026 C2:uuuudduuddduddu M:4/4   K:D            H:FLR    T:Battle of the Braes #2 [D]
ABC      1 C1:121107711776026 C2:uuuudduuddduddu M:4/4   K:D            H:FLR    T:Battle of the Braes #2 [D]
ABC      1 C1:121107711776026 C2:uuuudduuddduddu M:4/4   K:D            H:FLR    T:Battle of the Braes #2 [D]
ABC     12 C1:121107711776026 C2:uuuudduuddduddu M:4/4   K:D            H:FLR    T:Battle of the Braes #2 [D]
ABC     12 C1:121107711776026 C2:uuuudduuddduddu M:4/4   K:D            H:FLR    T:Battle of the Braes #2 [D]
ABC      1 C1:121107711776026 C2:uuuudduuddduddu M:4/4   K:D            H:"FLR   T:the Battle Of The Braes
ABC      1 C1:121107711776026 C2:uuuudduuddduddu M:4/4   K:D            H:"FLR   T:the Battle Of The Braes
ABC      1 C1:121107711776026 C2:uuuudduuddduddu M:4/4   K:D            H:"FLR   T:the Battle Of The Braes
ABC      1 C1:121107711776026 C2:uuuudduuddduddu M:4/4   K:D            H:"FLR   T:the Battle Of The Braes
ABC      1 C1:121107711776026 C2:uuuudduuddduddu M:      K:Dmaj         H:LR     T:The Battle Of The Braes
ABC      2 C1:121107711776026 C2:uuuudduuddduddu M:      K:Dmaj         H:"LR    T:The Battle Of The Braes
ABC    580 C1:121107711776026 C2:uuuudduuddduddu M:4/4   K:D            H:"FLR   T:the Battle Of The Braes
ABC      1 C1:627716717677627 C2:duududduddddduu M:3/4   K:C            H:L      T:The Battle of the Diamond 21 Sept. 1795
ABC      1 C1:627716717677627 C2:duududduddddduu M:3/4   K:C            H:L      T:The Battle of the Diamond 21 Sept. 1795
ABC      1 C1:627716717677627 C2:duududduddddduu M:3/4   K:C            H:L      T:The Battle of the Diamond 21 Sept. 1795
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:CLQ    T:Battle of the Heroes by Skjald
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQ     T:Battle of the Heroes, Clarinet
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQ     T:Battle of the Heroes, Clarinet
ABC      2 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQ     T:Battle of the Heroes, Clarinet
ABC      2 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQ     T:Battle of the Heroes, Flute
ABC      2 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQ     T:Battle of the Heroes, Flute
ABC      3 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQ     T:Battle of the Heroes, Flute
ABC      3 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQ     T:Battle of the Heroes, Harp
ABC      3 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQ     T:Battle of the Heroes, Harp
ABC      4 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQ     T:Battle of the Heroes, Harp
ABC      4 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQ     T:Battle of the Heroes, Horn
ABC      5 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQ     T:Battle of the Heroes, Lute
ABC      6 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQ     T:Battle of the Heroes, Theorbo
ABC      5 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQ     T:Battle of the Heroes, Theorbo/Lute
ABC      1 C1:553346655623466 C2:dduuuddddduuudd M:4/4   K:Gm           H:"CLQR  T:Battle of the Ironclads
ABC     22 C1:553346655623466 C2:dduuuddddduuudd M:4/4   K:Gm           H:"CLQR  T:Battle of the Ironclads
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:CLQ    T:The Battle of the Mutara Nebula by Skjald
ABC      2 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQ     T:Battle of the Mutara Nebula, Clarinet
ABC      5 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQ     T:Battle of the Mutara Nebula, Drum
ABC      3 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQ     T:Battle of the Mutara Nebula, Flute
ABC      4 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQ     T:Battle of the Mutara Nebula, Lute
ABC    427 C1:030001000171110 C2:uuuduuudududdud M:C     K:D            H:ABLOQRVZ T:Battle of the Nile.2voices RH.428, The
ABC    427 C1:030001000171110 C2:uuuduuudududdud M:C     K:D            H:ABLOQRVZ T:Battle of the Nile.2voices RH.428, The
ABC      1 C1:010102437771661 C2:uuduuudududdudd M:4/4   K:G            H:"L     T:Battle of the Nile
ABC    731 C1:711104211616162 C2:duuuduuudududud M:C|    K:G            H:BLQSZ  T:Battle Of The Nile. JBut.727, The
ABC    103 C1:000100017111040 C2:uuduuudududdudd M:C|    K:C            H:BLQZ   T:Battle of the Nile. JGi.103, The
ABC    858 C1:000103777727066 C2:uuddddududddduu M:C|    K:G            H:BLQSZ  T:Battle of the Nile March JBut.853, The
ABC    427 C1:030001000171110 C2:uuuduuudududdud M:C     K:D            H:ALOQRSVZ T:Battle of the Nile,The.2voices RH.428
ABC    427 C1:030001000171110 C2:uuuduuudududdud M:C     K:D            H:ABLOQRSVZ T:Battle of the Nile,The.2voices RH.428
ABC    584 C1:030001000171110 C2:uuuduuudududdud M:C     K:D            H:AFLOQRSVZ T:Battle of the Nile,The.2voices RH.428
ABC    584 C1:030001000171110 C2:uuuduuudududdud M:C     K:D            H:AFLOQRSVZ T:Battle of the Nile,The.2voices RH.428
ABC    427 C1:030001000171110 C2:uuuduuudududdud M:C     K:D            H:ABLOQRSVZ T:Battle of the Nile,The.2voices RH.428
ABC     43 C1:000100017111006 C2:uuduuudududduud M:4/4   K:G            H:"ALOQSZ T:Battle of the Nile, The 50
ABC    103 C1:000100017111040 C2:uuduuudududdudd M:C|    K:C            H:LOQRSZ T:Battle of the Nile,The. JGi.103
ABC    103 C1:000100017111040 C2:uuduuudududdudd M:C|    K:C            H:ABLOQRSZ T:Battle of the Nile,The. JGi.103
ABC    585 C1:000100017111040 C2:uuduuudududdudd M:4/4   K:C            H:FLOQRSZ T:Battle of the Nile,The. JGi.103
ABC    585 C1:000100017111040 C2:uuduuudududdudd M:4/4   K:C            H:FLOQRSZ T:Battle of the Nile,The. JGi.103
ABC    103 C1:000100017111040 C2:uuduuudududdudd M:C|    K:C            H:ABLOQRSZ T:Battle of the Nile,The. JGi.103
ABC      1 C1:400442554004062 C2:duduuddududdudu M:C|    K:Eb           H:FLQSZ  T:The Battle of the Sna' Ba's
ABC    081 C1:266000711760007 C2:uddduuddduudduu M:9/8   K:G            H:L      T:Battle of the Somme
ABC      1 C1:266000711742007 C2:uddduuddudududu M:9/8   K:D            H:CLRS   T:The Battle of the Somme
ABC    100 C1:266000711742007 C2:uddduuddudududu M:9/8   K:D            H:CLRS   T:The Battle of the Somme
ABC    100 C1:266000711742007 C2:uddduuddudududu M:9/8   K:D            H:CLRS   T:The Battle of the Somme
ABC    100 C1:266000711742007 C2:uddduuddudududu M:9/8   K:D            H:CLRS   T:The Battle of the Somme
ABC    100 C1:266000711742007 C2:uddduuddudududu M:9/8   K:D            H:CLRS   T:The Battle of the Somme
ABC    100 C1:266000711742007 C2:uddduuddudududu M:9/8   K:D            H:CLRS   T:The Battle of the Somme
ABC      1 C1:266000711742007 C2:uddduuddudududu M:9/8   K:D            H:CLRSZ  T:The Battle of the Somme
ABC      1 C1:266000711742007 C2:uddduuddudududu M:9/8   K:D            H:CLRSZ  T:The Battle of the Somme
ABC      1 C1:000711742007001 C2:duuddudududuuud M:9/8   K:D            H:OR     T:the Battle of the Somme
ABC     46 C1:000001742007001 C2:uddudududuudduu M:3/4   K:D            H:"LQR   T:Battle of the Somme
ABC     35 C1:266000001032007 C2:uddduuddudududu M:9/8   K:G            H:CILR   T:The Battle of the Somme
ABC     35 C1:266000001032007 C2:uddduuddudududu M:9/8   K:G            H:CILR   T:The Battle of the Somme
ABC      1 C1:007011742007001 C2:duudduduudduuuu M:6/8   K:D            H:LRS    T:the Battle of the Somme
ABC      1 C1:007011742007001 C2:duudduduudduuuu M:6/8   K:D            H:LRS    T:the Battle of the Somme
ABC      1 C1:007011742007001 C2:duudduduudduuuu M:6/8   K:D            H:LRS    T:the Battle of the Somme
ABC      1 C1:007011742007001 C2:duudduduudduuuu M:6/8   K:D            H:LRS    T:the Battle of the Somme
ABC      1 C1:007011742007001 C2:duudduduudduuuu M:6/8   K:D            H:LRS    T:the Battle of the Somme
ABC      1 C1:007011742007001 C2:duudduduudduuuu M:6/8   K:D            H:LRS    T:the Battle of the Somme
ABC      1 C1:007011742007001 C2:duudduduudduuuu M:6/8   K:D            H:LRS    T:the Battle of the Somme
ABC      1 C1:007011742007001 C2:duudduduudduuuu M:6/8   K:D            H:LRS    T:the Battle of the Somme
ABC      1 C1:266000711760007 C2:uddduuddduudduu M:9/8   K:G            H:BCL    T:Battle of the Somme
ABC      1 C1:266000711760007 C2:uddduuddduudduu M:9/8   K:G            H:BCL    T:Battle of the Somme
ABC      1 C1:266000711760007 C2:uddduuddduudduu M:9/8   K:G            H:BCL    T:Battle of the Somme
ABC      1 C1:266000711760007 C2:uddduuddduudduu M:9/8   K:G            H:BCL    T:Battle of the Somme
ABC      1 C1:266000711742007 C2:uddduuddudududu M:9/8   K:D            H:BCLR   T:The Battle of the Somme
ABC      1 C1:266000711742007 C2:uddduuddudududu M:9/8   K:D            H:BCLR   T:The Battle of the Somme
ABC      1 C1:266000711742007 C2:uddduuddudududu M:9/8   K:D            H:BCLR   T:The Battle of the Somme
ABC      1 C1:266000711742007 C2:uddduuddudududu M:9/8   K:D            H:BCLR   T:The Battle of the Somme
ABC      1 C1:007011742007001 C2:duudduduudduuuu M:9/8   K:D            H:BCLRS  T:the Battle of the Somme
ABC      1 C1:007011742007001 C2:duudduduudduuuu M:9/8   K:D            H:BCLRS  T:the Battle of the Somme
ABC      1 C1:007011742007001 C2:duudduduudduuuu M:9/8   K:D            H:BCLRS  T:the Battle of the Somme
ABC      1 C1:007011742007001 C2:duudduduudduuuu M:9/8   K:D            H:BCLRS  T:the Battle of the Somme
ABC      1 C1:000711742007001 C2:duuddudududuuud M:9/8   K:D            H:BCORZ  T:the Battle of the Somme
ABC      1 C1:000711742007001 C2:duuddudududuuud M:9/8   K:D            H:BCORZ  T:the Battle of the Somme
ABC      1 C1:000711742007001 C2:duuddudududuuud M:9/8   K:D            H:BCORZ  T:the Battle of the Somme
ABC      1 C1:000711742007001 C2:duuddudududuuud M:9/8   K:D            H:BCORZ  T:the Battle of the Somme
ABC      1 C1:266000711742007 C2:uddduuddudududu M:9/8   K:Dmaj         H:CLQR   T:Battle Of The Somme, The
ABC      1 C1:000001742007001 C2:duuddudududuuud M:9/8   K:D            H:"L     T:Battle of the Somme
ABC      1 C1:000001742007001 C2:duuddudududuuud M:9/8   K:D            H:"L     T:Battle of the Somme
ABC      1 C1:266000711742007 C2:uddduuddudududu M:3/4   K:D            H:"BCLR  T:Battle of the Somme
ABC      1 C1:266000711742007 C2:uddduuddudududu M:3/4   K:D            H:"BCLR  T:Battle of the Somme
ABC      1 C1:266000711742007 C2:uddduuddudududu M:3/4   K:D            H:"BCLR  T:Battle of the Somme
ABC      1 C1:266000711742007 C2:uddduuddudududu M:3/4   K:D            H:"BCLR  T:Battle of the Somme
ABC      1 C1:266000711742007 C2:uddduuddudududu M:3/4   K:D            H:"BCLR  T:Battle of the Somme
ABC      1 C1:266000711742007 C2:uddduuddudududu M:3/4   K:D            H:"BCLR  T:Battle of the Somme
ABC      1 C1:266000711742007 C2:uddduuddudududu M:3/4   K:D            H:"BCLR  T:Battle of the Somme
ABC     23 C1:266000711742007 C2:uddduuddudududu M:9/8   K:D            H:"CLQRWw T:Battle of the Somme, The
ABC      1 C1:007011742007001 C2:duudduduudduuuu M:9/8   K:D            H:BCLRS  T:the Battle of the Somme
ABC      2 C1:266000711742007 C2:uddduuddudududu M:9/8   K:D            H:BCLR   T:The Battle of the Somme
ABC      3 C1:266000711742007 C2:uddduuddudududu M:3/4   K:D            H:"BCLR  T:Battle of the Somme
ABC      4 C1:266000711760007 C2:uddduuddduudduu M:9/8   K:G            H:BCL    T:Battle of the Somme
ABC      5 C1:000711742007001 C2:duuddudududuuud M:9/8   K:D            H:BCORZ  T:the Battle of the Somme
ABC      6 C1:007011742007001 C2:duudduduudduuuu M:6/8   K:D            H:LRS    T:the Battle of the Somme
ABC     60 C1:526600071174200 C2:uuddduuddududud M:9/8   K:D            H:"CLR   T:Battle of the Somme
ABC     35 C1:266000001032007 C2:uddduuddudududu M:9/8   K:G            H:CILR   T:The Battle of the Somme
ABC      6 C1:266000711742007 C2:uddduuddudududu M:9/8   K:D            H:LQZ    T:The Battle of the Somme
ABC      6 C1:266000711742007 C2:uddduuddudududu M:9/8   K:D            H:LQZ    T:The Battle of the Somme
ABC      6 C1:266000711742007 C2:uddduuddudududu M:9/8   K:D            H:LQZ    T:The Battle of the Somme
ABC      1 C1:266000711742007 C2:uddduuddudududu M:9/8   K:D            H:CLRSZ  T:The Battle of the Somme
ABC    100 C1:266000711742007 C2:uddduuddudududu M:9/8   K:D            H:CLRS   T:The Battle of the Somme
ABC    100 C1:266000711742007 C2:uddduuddudududu M:9/8   K:D            H:CLRS   T:The Battle of the Somme
ABC     38 C1:266000711742007 C2:uddduuddudududu M:9/8   K:D            H:CLORZ  T:Battle of the Somme, The
ABC     38 C1:266000711742007 C2:uddduuddudududu M:9/8   K:D            H:CLORZ  T:Battle of the Somme, The
ABC     46 C1:000001742007001 C2:uddudududuudduu M:3/4   K:D            H:"LQR   T:Battle of the Somme
ABC     33 C1:266000711760007 C2:uddduuddduudduu M:9/8   K:G            H:L      T:Battle of the Somme
ABC     33 C1:266000711760007 C2:uddduuddduudduu M:9/8   K:G            H:L      T:Battle of the Somme
ABC      1 C1:266000711742007 C2:uddduuddudududu M:      K:Dmaj         H:LR     T:The Battle Of The Somme
ABC      2 C1:742007036627003 C2:ddududdududuudd M:      K:Dmaj         H:LR     T:The Battle Of The Somme
ABC      3 C1:770007030712003 C2:ddduduuduuddudu M:      K:Dmaj         H:LR     T:The Battle Of The Somme
ABC      4 C1:526600071174200 C2:uuddduuddududud M:      K:Dmaj         H:LR     T:The Battle Of The Somme
ABC   2039 C1:266000711742007 C2:uddduuddudududu M:9/8   K:D            H:"CLOQRZ T:Battle of the Somme
ABC     33 C1:266000711760007 C2:uddduuddduudduu M:9/8   K:G            H:L      T:Battle of the Somme
ABC     33 C1:266000711760007 C2:uddduuddduudduu M:9/8   K:G            H:L      T:Battle of the Somme
ABC     33 C1:266000711760007 C2:uddduuddduudduu M:9/8   K:G            H:L      T:Battle of the Somme
ABC     33 C1:266000711760007 C2:uddduuddduudduu M:9/8   K:G            H:L      T:Battle of the Somme
ABC      1 C1:266000711742007 C2:uddduuddudududu M:9/8   K:D            H:CLRSZ  T:The Battle of the Somme
ABC    100 C1:266000711742007 C2:uddduuddudududu M:9/8   K:D            H:CLRS   T:The Battle of the Somme
ABC     79 C1:000711742007001 C2:duuddudududuuud M:9/8   K:D            H:"CLQRS T:Battle of the Somme
ABC     79 C1:000711742007001 C2:duuddudududuuud M:9/8   K:D            H:"CLQRS T:Battle of the Somme
ABC     33 C1:266000711760007 C2:uddduuddduudduu M:9/8   K:G            H:L      T:Battle of the Somme
ABC     33 C1:266000711760007 C2:uddduuddduudduu M:9/8   K:G            H:L      T:Battle of the Somme
ABC    100 C1:266000711742007 C2:uddduuddudududu M:9/8   K:D            H:CLRS   T:The Battle of the Somme
ABC    100 C1:266000711742007 C2:uddduuddudududu M:9/8   K:D            H:CLRS   T:The Battle of the Somme
ABC    100 C1:266000711742007 C2:uddduuddudududu M:9/8   K:D            H:CLRS   T:The Battle of the Somme
ABC    500 C1:266000711742007 C2:uddduuddudududu M:9/8   K:D            H:CLRS   T:The Battle of the Somme
ABC   1241 C1:000711742007001 C2:duuddudududuuud M:9/8   K:Hp           H:ORS    T:Battle of the Somme, The
ABC     11 C1:000711742007001 C2:duuddudududuuud M:9/8   K:Hp           H:ORS    T:Battle of the Somme, The
ABC    207 C1:000711742007001 C2:duuddudududuuud M:9/8   K:D            H:OR     T:the Battle of the Somme
ABC    081 C1:266000711760007 C2:uddduuddduudduu M:9/8   K:G            H:L      T:Battle of the Somme
ABC   6515 C1:266000711742007 C2:uddduuddudududu M:9/8   K:D            H:CLORS  T:The Battle of the Somme
ABC   6515 C1:266000711742007 C2:uddduuddudududu M:9/8   K:D            H:CLORS  T:The Battle of the Somme
ABC   2039 C1:266000711742007 C2:uddduuddudududu M:9/8   K:D            H:"CLOQRZ T:Battle of the Somme
ABC   1241 C1:000711742007001 C2:duuddudududuuud M:9/8   K:Hp           H:ORS    T:Battle of the Somme, The
ABC   1241 C1:000711742007001 C2:duuddudududuuud M:9/8   K:Hp           H:ORS    T:Battle of the Somme, The
ABC   1241 C1:000711742007001 C2:duuddudududuuud M:9/8   K:Hp           H:ORS    T:Battle of the Somme, The
ABC    586 C1:000711742007001 C2:duuddudududuuud M:9/8   K:D            H:FORZ   T:the Battle of the Somme
ABC    586 C1:000711742007001 C2:duuddudududuuud M:9/8   K:D            H:FORZ   T:the Battle of the Somme
ABC   1000 C1:266000711742007 C2:uddduuddudududu M:9/8   K:Dmaj         H:L      T:Battle Of The Somme
ABC   1001 C1:266000711760007 C2:uddduuddduudduu M:9/8   K:G            H:L      T:Battle of the Somme
ABC  12825 C1:266000711742007 C2:uddduuddudududu M:9/8   K:D            H:CLRS   T:The Battle of the Somme
ABC  12826 C1:000711742007001 C2:duuddudududuuud M:9/8   K:D            H:OR     T:the Battle of the Somme
ABC   1000 C1:266000711742007 C2:uddduuddudududu M:9/8   K:Dmaj         H:L      T:Battle Of The Somme
ABC   1001 C1:266000711760007 C2:uddduuddduudduu M:9/8   K:G            H:L      T:Battle of the Somme
ABC  12825 C1:266000711742007 C2:uddduuddudududu M:9/8   K:D            H:CLRS   T:The Battle of the Somme
ABC  12826 C1:000711742007001 C2:duuddudududuuud M:9/8   K:D            H:OR     T:the Battle of the Somme
ABC   1000 C1:266000711742007 C2:uddduuddudududu M:9/8   K:Dmaj         H:L      T:Battle Of The Somme
ABC   1001 C1:266000711760007 C2:uddduuddduudduu M:9/8   K:G            H:L      T:Battle of the Somme
ABC  12825 C1:266000711742007 C2:uddduuddudududu M:9/8   K:D            H:CLRS   T:The Battle of the Somme
ABC  12826 C1:000711742007001 C2:duuddudududuuud M:9/8   K:D            H:OR     T:the Battle of the Somme
ABC   1000 C1:266000711742007 C2:uddduuddudududu M:9/8   K:Dmaj         H:L      T:Battle Of The Somme
ABC   1001 C1:266000711760007 C2:uddduuddduudduu M:9/8   K:G            H:L      T:Battle of the Somme
ABC  12825 C1:266000711742007 C2:uddduuddudududu M:9/8   K:D            H:CLRS   T:The Battle of the Somme
ABC  12826 C1:000711742007001 C2:duuddudududuuud M:9/8   K:D            H:OR     T:the Battle of the Somme
ABC   1000 C1:266000711742007 C2:uddduuddudududu M:9/8   K:Dmaj         H:L      T:Battle Of The Somme
ABC   1001 C1:266000711760007 C2:uddduuddduudduu M:9/8   K:G            H:L      T:Battle of the Somme
ABC  12825 C1:266000711742007 C2:uddduuddudududu M:9/8   K:D            H:CLRS   T:The Battle of the Somme
ABC  12826 C1:000711742007001 C2:duuddudududuuud M:9/8   K:D            H:OR     T:the Battle of the Somme
ABC    330 C1:000711742007001 C2:duuddudududuuud M:9/8   K:D            H:ORZ    T:the Battle of the Somme
ABC      1 C1:526600000103200 C2:uuddduuddududud M:9/8   K:HP           H:CLQS   T:Battle of the Somme "rpband"
ABC      1 C1:526600000103200 C2:uuddduuddududud M:9/8   K:HP           H:CLQS   T:Battle of the Somme "rpband"
ABC      1 C1:526600000103200 C2:uuddduuddududud M:9/8   K:HP           H:CLQS   T:Battle of the Somme "rpband"
ABC    109 C1:277777066011170 C2:uddddddduuudddu M:6/8   K:D            H:BLQVZ  T:Battle of Trafalgar, (2 voices) JBrk.109, The
ABC      1 C1:005177004327005 C2:dudduuuddduuddu M:3/4   K:C            H:L      T:The Battle of Vicksburg
ABC      1 C1:005177004327005 C2:dudduuuddduuddu M:3/4   K:C            H:L      T:The Battle of Vicksburg
ABC      1 C1:005177004327005 C2:dudduuuddduuddu M:3/4   K:C            H:L      T:The Battle of Vicksburg
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:4/4   K:Amix         H:BFLORZ T:Battle of Waterloo [1]
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:4/4   K:Amix         H:BFLORZ T:Battle of Waterloo [1]
ABC   2014 C1:001776051161012 C2:uddduuuduuuuddd M:4/4   K:Ador         H:"CLOQR T:Battle Of Waterloo, The
ABC    180 C1:001770121161011 C2:udduuuuduuuuudd M:4/4   K:DMix         H:"FLRS  T:The Battle of Waterloo
ABC     87 C1:001770121161011 C2:udduuuuduuuuudd M:4/4   K:D            H:"L     T:Battle of Waterloo
ABC     87 C1:001770121161011 C2:udduuuuduuuuudd M:4/4   K:D            H:"L     T:Battle of Waterloo
ABC    388 C1:001770121161011 C2:udduuuuduuuuudd M:4/4   K:Amix         H:"LR    T:Battle of Waterloo
ABC    388 C1:001770121161011 C2:udduuuuduuuuudd M:4/4   K:Amix         H:"LR    T:Battle of Waterloo
ABC    388 C1:001770121161011 C2:udduuuuduuuuudd M:4/4   K:Amix         H:"LR    T:Battle of Waterloo
ABC    388 C1:001770121161011 C2:udduuuuduuuuudd M:4/4   K:Amix         H:"LR    T:Battle of Waterloo
ABC      1 C1:116101127671767 C2:uuduuuuuddduddd M:4/4   K:Amix         H:"BLORZ T:Battle of Waterloo
ABC      1 C1:116101127671767 C2:uuduuuuuddduddd M:4/4   K:Amix         H:"BLORZ T:Battle of Waterloo
ABC      1 C1:116101127671767 C2:uuduuuuuddduddd M:4/4   K:Amix         H:"BLORZ T:Battle of Waterloo
ABC      1 C1:116101127671767 C2:uuduuuuuddduddd M:4/4   K:Amix         H:"BLORZ T:Battle of Waterloo
ABC      1 C1:116101127671767 C2:uuduuuuuddduddd M:4/4   K:Amix         H:"BLORZ T:Battle of Waterloo
ABC      1 C1:116101127671767 C2:uuduuuuuddduddd M:4/4   K:Amix         H:"BLORZ T:Battle of Waterloo
ABC      1 C1:116101127671767 C2:uuduuuuuddduddd M:4/4   K:Amix         H:"BLORZ T:Battle of Waterloo
ABC      1 C1:116101127671767 C2:uuduuuuuddduddd M:4/4   K:Amix         H:"BLORZ T:Battle of Waterloo
ABC      1 C1:116101127671767 C2:uuduuuuuddduddd M:4/4   K:Amix         H:"BLORZ T:Battle of Waterloo
ABC      1 C1:116101127671767 C2:uuduuuuuddduddd M:4/4   K:Amix         H:"BLORZ T:Battle of Waterloo
ABC      1 C1:116101127671767 C2:uuduuuuuddduddd M:4/4   K:Amix         H:"BLORZ T:Battle of Waterloo
ABC      1 C1:116101127671767 C2:uuduuuuuddduddd M:4/4   K:Amix         H:"BLORZ T:Battle of Waterloo
ABC      1 C1:116101127671767 C2:uuduuuuuddduddd M:4/4   K:Amix         H:"BLORZ T:Battle of Waterloo
ABC      1 C1:001770121161011 C2:udduuuuduuuuudd M:4/4   K:DMix         H:"BFLOR T:the Battle of Waterloo
ABC      1 C1:001770121161011 C2:udduuuuduuuuudd M:4/4   K:DMix         H:"BFLOR T:the Battle of Waterloo
ABC      1 C1:001770121161011 C2:udduuuuduuuuudd M:4/4   K:DMix         H:"BFLOR T:the Battle of Waterloo
ABC      1 C1:001770121161011 C2:udduuuuduuuuudd M:4/4   K:DMix         H:"BFLOR T:the Battle of Waterloo
ABC      1 C1:001770121161011 C2:udduuuuduuuuudd M:4/4   K:DMix         H:"BFLOR T:the Battle of Waterloo
ABC      1 C1:001770121161011 C2:udduuuuduuuuudd M:4/4   K:DMix         H:"BFLOR T:the Battle of Waterloo
ABC      1 C1:001770121161011 C2:udduuuuduuuuudd M:4/4   K:DMix         H:"BFLOR T:the Battle of Waterloo
ABC      1 C1:001770121161011 C2:udduuuuduuuuudd M:4/4   K:DMix         H:"BFLOR T:the Battle of Waterloo
ABC      1 C1:001770121161011 C2:udduuuuduuuuudd M:4/4   K:DMix         H:"BFLOR T:the Battle of Waterloo
ABC      1 C1:001770121161011 C2:udduuuuduuuuudd M:4/4   K:DMix         H:"BFLOR T:the Battle of Waterloo
ABC      1 C1:001770121161011 C2:udduuuuduuuuudd M:4/4   K:DMix         H:"BFLOR T:the Battle of Waterloo
ABC      1 C1:001770121161011 C2:udduuuuduuuuudd M:4/4   K:DMix         H:"BFLOR T:the Battle of Waterloo
ABC      1 C1:116101127671767 C2:uuduuuuuddduddd M:4/4   K:D            H:CLRSZ  T:Battle of Waterloo
ABC      1 C1:001770121161011 C2:udduuuuduuuuudd M:4/4   K:Ador         H:"BLRZ  T:the Battle of Waterloo
ABC      1 C1:001770121161011 C2:udduuuuduuuuudd M:4/4   K:Ador         H:"BLRZ  T:the Battle of Waterloo
ABC      1 C1:001770121161011 C2:udduuuuduuuuudd M:4/4   K:Ador         H:"BLRZ  T:the Battle of Waterloo
ABC      1 C1:001770121161011 C2:udduuuuduuuuudd M:4/4   K:Ador         H:"BLRZ  T:the Battle of Waterloo
ABC      1 C1:001770121161011 C2:udduuuuduuuuudd M:4/4   K:Ador         H:"BLRZ  T:the Battle of Waterloo
ABC      1 C1:001770121161011 C2:udduuuuduuuuudd M:4/4   K:Ador         H:"BLRZ  T:the Battle of Waterloo
ABC      1 C1:001770121161011 C2:udduuuuduuuuudd M:4/4   K:Ador         H:"BLRZ  T:the Battle of Waterloo
ABC      1 C1:001770121161011 C2:udduuuuduuuuudd M:4/4   K:Ador         H:"BLRZ  T:the Battle of Waterloo
ABC      1 C1:001770121161011 C2:udduuuuduuuuudd M:4/4   K:Ador         H:"BLRZ  T:the Battle of Waterloo
ABC      1 C1:001770121161011 C2:udduuuuduuuuudd M:4/4   K:Ador         H:"BLRZ  T:the Battle of Waterloo
ABC      1 C1:001770121161011 C2:udduuuuduuuuudd M:4/4   K:Ador         H:"BLRZ  T:the Battle of Waterloo
ABC      1 C1:001770121161011 C2:udduuuuduuuuudd M:4/4   K:Ador         H:"BLRZ  T:the Battle of Waterloo
ABC      1 C1:001770121161011 C2:udduuuuduuuuudd M:4/4   K:Ador         H:"BLRZ  T:the Battle of Waterloo
ABC      2 C1:001770121161012 C2:udduuuuduuuuddd M:4/4   K:Am           H:"LRS   T:The Battle of Waterloo
ABC      2 C1:001770121161012 C2:udduuuuduuuuddd M:4/4   K:Am           H:"LRS   T:The Battle of Waterloo
ABC      2 C1:001770121161012 C2:udduuuuduuuuddd M:4/4   K:Am           H:"LRS   T:The Battle of Waterloo
ABC     31 C1:001770121161012 C2:udduuuuduuuuddd M:4/4   K:Am           H:"CLR   T:The Battle of Waterloo
ABC     31 C1:001770121161012 C2:udduuuuduuuuddd M:4/4   K:Am           H:"CLR   T:The Battle of Waterloo
ABC     67 C1:001770121161012 C2:udduuuuduuuddud M:4/4   K:Am           H:"LR    T:Battle of Waterloo, the
ABC     67 C1:006377012451610 C2:uddduuududuuduu M:4/4   K:Am           H:"LR    T:Battle of Waterloo, the
ABC     67 C1:001770121161012 C2:udduuuuduuuddud M:4/4   K:Am           H:"LR    T:Battle of Waterloo, the
ABC     67 C1:001770121161012 C2:udduuuuduuuddud M:4/4   K:Am           H:"LR    T:Battle of Waterloo, the
ABC     67 C1:001770121161012 C2:udduuuuduuuuddd M:4/4   K:Am           H:"LR    T:Battle of Waterloo, the
ABC     67 C1:001770121161012 C2:udduuuuduuuuddd M:4/4   K:Am           H:"LR    T:Battle of Waterloo, the
ABC     67 C1:001770121161012 C2:udduuuuduuuddud M:4/4   K:Am           H:"LR    T:Battle of Waterloo, the
ABC     10 C1:001770121161011 C2:udduuuuduuuuudd M:4/4   K:Ador         H:"BLRZ  T:the Battle of Waterloo
ABC     10 C1:001770121161011 C2:udduuuuduuuuudd M:4/4   K:Ador         H:"BLRZ  T:the Battle of Waterloo
ABC     67 C1:001770121161012 C2:udduuuuduuuuddd M:4/4   K:Am           H:"LR    T:Battle of Waterloo, the
ABC     67 C1:001770121161012 C2:udduuuuduuuuddd M:4/4   K:Am           H:"LR    T:Battle of Waterloo, the
ABC    180 C1:001770121161011 C2:udduuuuduuuuudd M:4/4   K:DMix         H:"LRS   T:The Battle of Waterloo
ABC     87 C1:001770121161011 C2:udduuuuduuuuudd M:4/4   K:D            H:"L     T:Battle of Waterloo
ABC    388 C1:001770121161011 C2:udduuuuduuuuudd M:4/4   K:Amix         H:"LR    T:Battle of Waterloo
ABC    180 C1:001770121161011 C2:udduuuuduuuuudd M:4/4   K:DMix         H:"FLRS  T:The Battle of Waterloo
ABC   9805 C1:116101127671767 C2:uuduuuuuddduddd M:4/4   K:D            H:CLRSZ  T:Battle of Waterloo
ABC   9805 C1:116101127671767 C2:uuduuuuuddduddd M:4/4   K:D            H:CLRSZ  T:Battle of Waterloo
ABC    447 C1:116101127671767 C2:uuduuuuuddduddd M:4/4   K:D            H:CLORS  T:Battle of Waterloo
ABC    447 C1:116101127671767 C2:uuduuuuuddduddd M:4/4   K:D            H:CLORS  T:Battle of Waterloo
ABC   1002 C1:116101127671767 C2:uuduuuuuddduddd M:4/4   K:D            H:CLRSZ  T:Battle of Waterloo
ABC   1002 C1:116101127671767 C2:uuduuuuuddduddd M:4/4   K:D            H:CLRSZ  T:Battle of Waterloo
ABC   1002 C1:116101127671767 C2:uuduuuuuddduddd M:4/4   K:D            H:CLRSZ  T:Battle of Waterloo
ABC   1002 C1:116101127671767 C2:uuduuuuuddduddd M:4/4   K:D            H:CLRSZ  T:Battle of Waterloo
ABC   1002 C1:116101127671767 C2:uuduuuuuddduddd M:4/4   K:D            H:CLRSZ  T:Battle of Waterloo
ABC      1 C1:001770121161011 C2:udduuuuduuuuudd M:4/4   K:Amix         H:BCLORZ T:Battle of Waterloo [A]
ABC      1 C1:001770121161011 C2:udduuuuduuuuudd M:4/4   K:Amix         H:BCLORZ T:Battle of Waterloo [A]
ABC      1 C1:001770121161011 C2:udduuuuduuuuudd M:4/4   K:Amix         H:BCLORZ T:Battle of Waterloo [A]
ABC      1 C1:001770121161011 C2:udduuuuduuuuudd M:4/4   K:Amix         H:BCLORZ T:Battle of Waterloo [A]
ABC      1 C1:001770121161011 C2:udduuuuduuuuudd M:4/4   K:Amix         H:BCLORZ T:Battle of Waterloo [A]
ABC      1 C1:001770121161011 C2:udduuuuduuuuudd M:4/4   K:Amix         H:BCLORZ T:Battle of Waterloo [A]
ABC      1 C1:001770121161011 C2:udduuuuduuuuudd M:4/4   K:Amix         H:BCLORZ T:Battle of Waterloo [A]
ABC      1 C1:001770121161011 C2:udduuuuduuuuudd M:4/4   K:Amix         H:BCLORZ T:Battle of Waterloo [A]
ABC      1 C1:001770121161011 C2:udduuuuduuuuudd M:4/4   K:Amix         H:BCLORZ T:Battle of Waterloo [A]
ABC      1 C1:001770121161011 C2:udduuuuduuuuudd M:4/4   K:Amix         H:BCLORZ T:Battle of Waterloo [A]
ABC      1 C1:001770121161011 C2:udduuuuduuuuudd M:4/4   K:Amix         H:BCLORZ T:Battle of Waterloo [A]
ABC      1 C1:001770121161011 C2:udduuuuduuuuudd M:4/4   K:Amix         H:BCLORZ T:Battle of Waterloo [A]
ABC      1 C1:001770121161011 C2:udduuuuduuuuudd M:4/4   K:Amix         H:BCLORZ T:Battle of Waterloo [A]
ABC      1 C1:001770121161011 C2:udduuuuduuuuudd M:4/4   K:Amix         H:BCLORZ T:Battle of Waterloo [A]
ABC      1 C1:001770121161011 C2:udduuuuduuuuudd M:4/4   K:Amix         H:BCLORZ T:Battle of Waterloo [A]
ABC      1 C1:001770121161011 C2:udduuuuduuuuudd M:4/4   K:Amix         H:BCLORZ T:Battle of Waterloo [A]
ABC      1 C1:001770121161011 C2:udduuuuduuuuudd M:4/4   K:Amix         H:BCLORZ T:Battle of Waterloo [A]
ABC     27 C1:001770121161011 C2:udduuuuduuuuudd M:4/4   K:Amix         H:CLORZ  T:Battle of Waterloo [A]
ABC     27 C1:001770121161011 C2:udduuuuduuuuudd M:4/4   K:Amix         H:CLORZ  T:Battle of Waterloo [A]
ABC     27 C1:001770121161011 C2:udduuuuduuuuudd M:4/4   K:Amix         H:CLORZ  T:Battle of Waterloo [A]
ABC      6 C1:001770121161011 C2:udduuuuduuuuudd M:4/4   K:Amix         H:CLORZ  T:Battle of Waterloo [A]
ABC      1 C1:001770121161012 C2:udduuuuduuuuddd M:4/4   K:Ador         H:"BLORS T:the Battle of Waterloo [Am]
ABC      1 C1:001770121161012 C2:udduuuuduuuuddd M:4/4   K:Ador         H:"BLORS T:the Battle of Waterloo [Am]
ABC      1 C1:001770121161012 C2:udduuuuduuuuddd M:4/4   K:Ador         H:"BLORS T:the Battle of Waterloo [Am]
ABC      1 C1:001770121161012 C2:udduuuuduuuuddd M:4/4   K:Ador         H:"BLORS T:the Battle of Waterloo [Am]
ABC      1 C1:001770121161012 C2:udduuuuduuuuddd M:4/4   K:Ador         H:"BLORS T:the Battle of Waterloo [Am]
ABC      1 C1:001770121161012 C2:udduuuuduuuuddd M:4/4   K:Ador         H:"BLORS T:the Battle of Waterloo [Am]
ABC      1 C1:001770121161012 C2:udduuuuduuuuddd M:4/4   K:Ador         H:"BLORS T:the Battle of Waterloo [Am]
ABC      1 C1:001770121161012 C2:udduuuuduuuuddd M:4/4   K:Ador         H:"BLORS T:the Battle of Waterloo [Am]
ABC      1 C1:001770121161012 C2:udduuuuduuuuddd M:4/4   K:Ador         H:"BLORS T:the Battle of Waterloo [Am]
ABC      1 C1:001770121161012 C2:udduuuuduuuuddd M:4/4   K:Ador         H:"BLORS T:the Battle of Waterloo [Am]
ABC      1 C1:001770121161012 C2:udduuuuduuuuddd M:4/4   K:Ador         H:"BLORS T:the Battle of Waterloo [Am]
ABC      1 C1:001770121161012 C2:udduuuuduuuuddd M:4/4   K:Ador         H:"BLORS T:the Battle of Waterloo [Am]
ABC      1 C1:001770121161012 C2:udduuuuduuuuddd M:4/4   K:Ador         H:"BLORS T:the Battle of Waterloo [Am]
ABC      1 C1:001770121161012 C2:udduuuuduuuuddd M:4/4   K:Ador         H:"BLORS T:the Battle of Waterloo [Am]
ABC      1 C1:001770121161012 C2:udduuuuduuuuddd M:4/4   K:Ador         H:"BLORS T:the Battle of Waterloo [Am]
ABC      1 C1:001770121161012 C2:udduuuuduuuuddd M:4/4   K:Ador         H:"BLORS T:the Battle of Waterloo [Am]
ABC      1 C1:001770121161012 C2:udduuuuduuuuddd M:4/4   K:Ador         H:"BLORS T:the Battle of Waterloo [Am]
ABC     28 C1:001770121161012 C2:udduuuuduuuuddd M:4/4   K:Ador         H:"CLORS T:The Battle of Waterloo [Am]
ABC     28 C1:001770121161012 C2:udduuuuduuuuddd M:4/4   K:Ador         H:"CLORS T:The Battle of Waterloo [Am]
ABC     28 C1:001770121161012 C2:udduuuuduuuuddd M:4/4   K:Ador         H:"CLORS T:The Battle of Waterloo [Am]
ABC      7 C1:001770121161012 C2:udduuuuduuuuddd M:4/4   K:Ador         H:"LORS  T:the Battle of Waterloo [Am]
ABC    650 C1:230007110110640 C2:udduuuududddduu M:6/8   K:Bb           H:BLQZ   T:Battle of Waterloo. Roose.0651
ABC      1 C1:040002110077010 C2:duuudduududduuu M:      K:Emin         H:"LRV   T:The Battle Of Yellow Ford
ABC      2 C1:040001210076020 C2:duuudduududduuu M:      K:Dmaj         H:LR     T:The Battle Of Yellow Ford
ABC      2 C1:050000210071010 C2:duuduudduddduuu M:4/4   K:Em           H:LQR    T:Battle of Yellow Ford part 2
ABC      2 C1:050000210071010 C2:duuduudduddduuu M:4/4   K:Em           H:LQR    T:Battle of Yellow Ford part 2
ABC     41 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Battle on the Big Bridge [Bagpipes] (4:12) - by The Black Mages
ABC     71 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Battle on the Big Bridge [Clarinet] (4:12) - by The Black Mages
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Battle on the Big Bridge [Drum] (4:12) - by The Black Mages
ABC     61 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Battle on the Big Bridge [Horn] (4:12) - by The Black Mages
ABC     11 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Battle on the Big Bridge [Lute] (4:12) - by The Black Mages
ABC     31 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Battle on the Big Bridge [Theorbo] (4:12) - by The Black Mages
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Battle or New Orleans (by Cervantes of Meneldor)
ABC  20603 C1:400262374004062 C2:duduuddududdudu M:2/4   K:G            H:BLOQSZ T:the BATTLE O' SHIRRA-MUIR
ABC  20603 C1:400262374004062 C2:duduuddududdudu M:2/4   K:G            H:BLOQSZ T:the BATTLE O' SHIRRA-MUIR
ABC  20603 C1:400262374004062 C2:duduuddududdudu M:2/4   K:G            H:BLOQSZ T:The BATTLE O' SHIRRA-MUIR
ABC  20603 C1:400262374004062 C2:duduuddududdudu M:2/4   K:G            H:BLOQSZ T:The BATTLE O' SHIRRA-MUIR
ABC  20603 C1:400262374004062 C2:duduuddududdudu M:2/4   K:G            H:BLOQSZ T:The BATTLE O' SHIRRA-MUIR
ABC  20603 C1:400262374004062 C2:duduuddududdudu M:2/4   K:G            H:BLOQSZ T:The BATTLE O' SHIRRA-MUIR
ABC  20603 C1:400262374004062 C2:duduuddududdudu M:2/4   K:G            H:BLOQSZ T:The BATTLE O' SHIRRA-MUIR
ABC  20603 C1:400262374004062 C2:duduuddududdudu M:2/4   K:G            H:BLOQSZ T:The BATTLE O' SHIRRA-MUIR
ABC  20603 C1:400262374004062 C2:duduuddududdudu M:2/4   K:G            H:BLOQSZ T:The BATTLE O' SHIRRA-MUIR
ABC  20603 C1:400262374004062 C2:duduuddududdudu M:2/4   K:G            H:BLOQSZ T:The BATTLE O' SHIRRA-MUIR
ABC  20603 C1:400262374004062 C2:duduuddududdudu M:2/4   K:G            H:BLOQSZ T:The BATTLE O' SHIRRA-MUIR
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:battlerock (2:51)
ABC     24 C1:110000601100006 C2:uuduuduuudddduu M:4/4   K:Amaj         H:"CLQWw T:Battler's Ballad, The
ABC      1 C1:000170000017001 C2:ududuuuuddddduu M:4/4   K:C            H:L      T:The Battleship of Maine
ABC      1 C1:000170000017001 C2:ududuuuuddddduu M:4/4   K:C            H:L      T:The Battleship of Maine
ABC      1 C1:000170000017001 C2:ududuuuuddddduu M:4/4   K:C            H:L      T:The Battleship of Maine
ABC  59202 C1:000017076023011 C2:uddduuuuduuuuud M:6/8\  K:A\           H:CQR    T:BATTLE SHIP SINN FEIN\
ABC  59110 C1:000017177602301 C2:ududdduuuuduuuu M:6/8   K:A            H:BFQRZ  T:BATTLE SHIP SINN FEIN
ABC  59110 C1:000017177602301 C2:ududdduuuuduuuu M:6/8   K:A            H:BFQRZ  T:BATTLE SHIP SINN FEIN
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:battlesomme (1:14)
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:CLQ    T:Battlestar Galactica by Skjald
ABC      1 C1:230005006001000 C2:uuuddddudududud M:2/4   K:C            H:LQ     T:Battlestar Galactica (solo) [v.3 by Cranberry]
ABC      1 C1:230005006001000 C2:uuuddddudududud M:2/4   K:C            H:LQ     T:Battlestar Galactica (solo) [v.3 by Cranberry]
ABC      1 C1:037621000067037 C2:udduudduddududu M:6/8   K:G            H:BLRZ   T:BATTLE THE CASH -- JIG
ABC      1 C1:037621000067037 C2:udduudduddududu M:6/8   K:G            H:BLRZ   T:BATTLE THE CASH -- JIG
ABC      1 C1:037621000067037 C2:udduudduddududu M:6/8   K:G            H:BLRZ   T:BATTLE THE CASH -- JIG
ABC      1 C1:037621000067037 C2:udduudduddududu M:6/8   K:G            H:BLRZ   T:BATTLE THE CASH -- JIG
ABC      1 C1:037621000067037 C2:udduudduddududu M:6/8   K:G            H:BLRZ   T:BATTLE THE CASH -- JIG
ABC      1 C1:037621000067037 C2:udduudduddududu M:6/8   K:G            H:BLRZ   T:BATTLE THE CASH -- JIG
ABC      1 C1:037621000067037 C2:udduudduddududu M:6/8   K:G            H:BLRZ   T:BATTLE THE CASH -- JIG
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:BattleThemeVII-Bass by Nobuo Uematsu (2:17)
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:BattleThemeVII-Drums by Nobuo Uematsu (2:17)
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:BattleThemeVII-Flute by Nobuo Uematsu (2:16)
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:BattleThemeVII-Harp by Nobuo Uematsu (2:17)
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:BattleThemeVII-Lute by Nobuo Uematsu (2:17)
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQ     T:Battle with Grunty - Bagpipe
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQ     T:Battle with Grunty - Lute
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQ     T:Battle with Grunty - Theorbo
ABC      5 C1:                C2:                M:4/4   K:C            H:CQ     T:Battle Without Honor or Humanity - Clarinet
ABC      5 C1:                C2:                M:4/4   K:C            H:CQ     T:Battle Without Honor or Humanity - Clarinet
ABC      5 C1:                C2:                M:4/4   K:C            H:CQ     T:Battle Without Honor or Humanity - Clarinet
ABC      5 C1:                C2:                M:4/4   K:C            H:CQ     T:Battle Without Honor or Humanity - Clarinet
ABC      8 C1:                C2:                M:4/4   K:C            H:CQ     T:Battle Without Honor or Humanity - Drums
ABC      8 C1:                C2:                M:4/4   K:C            H:CQ     T:Battle Without Honor or Humanity - Drums
ABC      8 C1:                C2:                M:4/4   K:C            H:CQ     T:Battle Without Honor or Humanity - Drums
ABC      8 C1:                C2:                M:4/4   K:C            H:CQ     T:Battle Without Honor or Humanity - Drums
ABC      4 C1:                C2:                M:4/4   K:C            H:CQ     T:Battle Without Honor or Humanity - Flute
ABC      4 C1:                C2:                M:4/4   K:C            H:CQ     T:Battle Without Honor or Humanity - Flute
ABC      4 C1:                C2:                M:4/4   K:C            H:CQ     T:Battle Without Honor or Humanity - Flute
ABC      4 C1:                C2:                M:4/4   K:C            H:CQ     T:Battle Without Honor or Humanity - Flute
ABC      6 C1:                C2:                M:4/4   K:C            H:CQ     T:Battle Without Honor or Humanity - Horn
ABC      6 C1:                C2:                M:4/4   K:C            H:CQ     T:Battle Without Honor or Humanity - Horn
ABC      6 C1:                C2:                M:4/4   K:C            H:CQ     T:Battle Without Honor or Humanity - Horn
ABC      6 C1:                C2:                M:4/4   K:C            H:CQ     T:Battle Without Honor or Humanity - Horn
ABC      3 C1:                C2:                M:4/4   K:C            H:CQ     T:Battle Without Honor or Humanity - Theorbo
ABC      3 C1:                C2:                M:4/4   K:C            H:CQ     T:Battle Without Honor or Humanity - Theorbo
ABC      3 C1:                C2:                M:4/4   K:C            H:CQ     T:Battle Without Honor or Humanity - Theorbo
ABC      3 C1:                C2:                M:4/4   K:C            H:CQ     T:Battle Without Honor or Humanity - Theorbo
ABC    110 C1:671211215267760 C2:dduuuuuududdddu M:2/4   K:G            H:BLRZ   T:The Battling Boys of Paddysland
ABC    110 C1:671211215267760 C2:dduuuuuududdddu M:2/4   K:G            H:BLRZ   T:The Battling Boys of Paddysland
ABC    110 C1:671211215267760 C2:dduuuuuududdddu M:2/4   K:G            H:LR     T:The Battling Boys of Paddysland
ABC    110 C1:671211215267760 C2:dduuuuuududdddu M:2/4   K:G            H:BLRZ   T:The Battling Boys of Paddysland
ABC    110 C1:671211215267760 C2:dduuuuuududdddu M:2/4   K:G            H:BLRZ   T:The Battling Boys of Paddysland
ABC    110 C1:671211215267760 C2:dduuuuuududdddu M:2/4   K:G            H:BLRZ   T:The Battling Boys of Paddysland
ABC    110 C1:671211215267760 C2:dduuuuuududdddu M:2/4   K:G            H:BLRZ   T:The Battling Boys of Paddysland
ABC    110 C1:671211215267760 C2:dduuuuuududdddu M:2/4   K:G            H:BLRZ   T:The Battling Boys of Paddysland
ABC      2 C1:772071772077011 C2:ddududdudduudud M:6/8   K:D            H:ABLOQRWZ T:Le battou cass
ABC      2 C1:772071772077011 C2:ddududdudduudud M:6/8   K:D            H:ABLOQRWZ T:Le battou cass
ABC     28 C1:102771601027610 C2:uudduduudduuudd M:2/4   K:Gdor         H:"CDLOQ T:Bat Tzurim
ABC     32 C1:102771601027610 C2:uudduduudduuudd M:2/4   K:Gdor         H:"CDLOQ T:Bat Tzurim
ABC     28 C1:102771601027610 C2:uudduduudduuudd M:2/4   K:Gdor         H:"CDLOQ T:Bat Tzurim
ABC     32 C1:102771601027610 C2:uudduduudduuudd M:2/4   K:Gdor         H:"CDLOQ T:Bat Tzurim
ABC   1004 C1:102771601027610 C2:uudduduudduuudd M:2/4   K:Gdor         H:"CDLOQ T:Bat Tzurim
ABC   1004 C1:102771601027610 C2:uudduduudduuudd M:2/4   K:Gdor         H:"CDLOQ T:Bat Tzurim
ABC     32 C1:102771601027610 C2:uudduduudduuudd M:2/4   K:Gdor         H:"CDLOQ T:Bat Tzurim
ABC     32 C1:102771601027610 C2:uudduduudduuudd M:2/4   K:Gdor         H:"CDLOQ T:Bat Tzurim
ABC     32 C1:102771601027610 C2:uudduduudduuudd M:2/4   K:Gdor         H:"CDLOQ T:Bat Tzurim
ABC     32 C1:102771601027610 C2:uudduduudduuudd M:2/4   K:Gdor         H:"CDLOQ T:Bat Tzurim
ABC     18 C1:110600110600020 C2:uuduudududuudud M:2/4   K:D            H:"LOQ   T:Batut
ABC     18 C1:110600110600020 C2:uuduudududuudud M:2/4   K:D            H:"LOQ   T:Batut
ABC     25 C1:110600110600020 C2:uuduudududuudud M:2/4   K:D            H:"LOQ   T:Batut
ABC     25 C1:110600110600020 C2:uuduudududuudud M:2/4   K:D            H:"LOQ   T:Batut
ABC     27 C1:110600110600020 C2:uuduudududuudud M:2/4   K:D            H:"LOQ   T:Batut
ABC     27 C1:110600110600020 C2:uuduudududuudud M:2/4   K:D            H:"LOQ   T:Batut
ABC     38 C1:110600110600020 C2:uuduudududuudud M:2/4   K:D            H:"LOQ   T:Batut
ABC     39 C1:110600110600020 C2:uuduudududuudud M:2/4   K:D            H:"LOQ   T:Batut
ABC     40 C1:110600110600020 C2:uuduudududuudud M:2/4   K:D            H:"LOQ   T:Batut
ABC     42 C1:110600110600020 C2:uuduudududuudud M:2/4   K:D            H:"LOQ   T:Batut
ABC     43 C1:110600110600020 C2:uuduudududuudud M:2/4   K:D            H:"LOQ   T:Batut
ABC     25 C1:110600110600020 C2:uuduudududuudud M:2/4   K:D            H:"LOQ   T:Batut
ABC     25 C1:110600110600020 C2:uuduudududuudud M:2/4   K:D            H:"LOQ   T:Batut
ABC     27 C1:110600110600020 C2:uuduudududuudud M:2/4   K:D            H:"LOQ   T:Batut
ABC     27 C1:110600110600020 C2:uuduudududuudud M:2/4   K:D            H:"LOQ   T:Batut
ABC     38 C1:110600110600020 C2:uuduudududuudud M:2/4   K:D            H:"LOQ   T:Batut
ABC     39 C1:110600110600020 C2:uuduudududuudud M:2/4   K:D            H:"LOQ   T:Batut
ABC     40 C1:110600110600020 C2:uuduudududuudud M:2/4   K:D            H:"LOQ   T:Batut
ABC     42 C1:110600110600020 C2:uuduudududuudud M:2/4   K:D            H:"LOQ   T:Batut
ABC     43 C1:110600110600020 C2:uuduudududuudud M:2/4   K:D            H:"LOQ   T:Batut
ABC     30 C1:110600110600020 C2:uuduudududuudud M:2/4   K:D            H:"LOQ   T:Batut
ABC     30 C1:110600110600020 C2:uuduudududuudud M:2/4   K:D            H:"LOQ   T:Batut
ABC     17 C1:110600110600020 C2:uuduudududuudud M:2/4   K:D            H:"LOQ   T:Batut
ABC     43 C1:110600110600020 C2:uuduudududuudud M:2/4   K:D            H:"LOQ   T:Batut
ABC     43 C1:110600110600020 C2:uuduudududuudud M:2/4   K:D            H:"LOQ   T:Batut
ABC     43 C1:110600110600020 C2:uuduudududuudud M:2/4   K:D            H:"LOQ   T:Batut
ABC     43 C1:110600110600020 C2:uuduudududuudud M:2/4   K:D            H:"LOQ   T:Batut
ABC     19 C1:070403040304030 C2:ddudududduuduuu M:2/4   K:CDor         H:LOQ    T:Batuta
ABC     19 C1:070403040304030 C2:ddudududduuduuu M:2/4   K:CDor         H:LOQ    T:Batuta
ABC     26 C1:070403040304030 C2:ddudududduuduuu M:2/4   K:CDor         H:LOQ    T:Batuta
ABC     26 C1:070403040304030 C2:ddudududduuduuu M:2/4   K:CDor         H:LOQ    T:Batuta
ABC     28 C1:070403040304030 C2:ddudududduuduuu M:2/4   K:CDor         H:LOQ    T:Batuta
ABC     28 C1:070403040304030 C2:ddudududduuduuu M:2/4   K:CDor         H:LOQ    T:Batuta
ABC     39 C1:070403040304030 C2:ddudududduuduuu M:2/4   K:CDor         H:LOQ    T:Batuta
ABC     40 C1:070403040304030 C2:ddudududduuduuu M:2/4   K:CDor         H:LOQ    T:Batuta
ABC     41 C1:070403040304030 C2:ddudududduuduuu M:2/4   K:CDor         H:LOQ    T:Batuta
ABC     43 C1:070403040304030 C2:ddudududduuduuu M:2/4   K:CDor         H:LOQ    T:Batuta
ABC     44 C1:070403040304030 C2:ddudududduuduuu M:2/4   K:CDor         H:LOQ    T:Batuta
ABC     26 C1:070403040304030 C2:ddudududduuduuu M:2/4   K:CDor         H:LOQ    T:Batuta
ABC     26 C1:070403040304030 C2:ddudududduuduuu M:2/4   K:CDor         H:LOQ    T:Batuta
ABC     28 C1:070403040304030 C2:ddudududduuduuu M:2/4   K:CDor         H:LOQ    T:Batuta
ABC     28 C1:070403040304030 C2:ddudududduuduuu M:2/4   K:CDor         H:LOQ    T:Batuta
ABC     39 C1:070403040304030 C2:ddudududduuduuu M:2/4   K:CDor         H:LOQ    T:Batuta
ABC     40 C1:070403040304030 C2:ddudududduuduuu M:2/4   K:CDor         H:LOQ    T:Batuta
ABC     41 C1:070403040304030 C2:ddudududduuduuu M:2/4   K:CDor         H:LOQ    T:Batuta
ABC     43 C1:070403040304030 C2:ddudududduuduuu M:2/4   K:CDor         H:LOQ    T:Batuta
ABC     44 C1:070403040304030 C2:ddudududduuduuu M:2/4   K:CDor         H:LOQ    T:Batuta
ABC     16 C1:070403040304030 C2:ddudududduuduuu M:2/4   K:CDor         H:LOQ    T:Batuta
ABC     18 C1:070403040304030 C2:ddudududduuduuu M:2/4   K:CDor         H:LOQ    T:Batuta
ABC     31 C1:070403040304030 C2:ddudududduuduuu M:2/4   K:CDor         H:LOQ    T:Batuta
ABC     31 C1:070403040304030 C2:ddudududduuduuu M:2/4   K:CDor         H:LOQ    T:Batuta
ABC     18 C1:070403040304030 C2:ddudududduuduuu M:2/4   K:CDor         H:LOQ    T:Batuta
ABC   1242 C1:070403040304030 C2:ddudududduuduuu M:2/4   K:CDor         H:LOQ    T:Batuta
ABC     44 C1:070403040304030 C2:ddudududduuduuu M:2/4   K:CDor         H:LOQ    T:Batuta
ABC     44 C1:070403040304030 C2:ddudududduuduuu M:2/4   K:CDor         H:LOQ    T:Batuta
ABC     44 C1:070403040304030 C2:ddudududduuduuu M:2/4   K:CDor         H:LOQ    T:Batuta
ABC     44 C1:070403040304030 C2:ddudududduuduuu M:2/4   K:CDor         H:LOQ    T:Batuta
ABC   1242 C1:070403040304030 C2:ddudududduuduuu M:2/4   K:CDor         H:LOQ    T:Batuta
ABC   1242 C1:070403040304030 C2:ddudududduuduuu M:2/4   K:CDor         H:LOQ    T:Batuta
ABC   1242 C1:070403040304030 C2:ddudududduuduuu M:2/4   K:CDor         H:LOQ    T:Batuta
ABC     47 C1:270600447177760 C2:uudddduuudududd M:4/4   K:F            H:LOQV   T:Batuta de la mironu
ABC     47 C1:270600447177760 C2:uudddduuudududd M:4/4   K:F            H:LOQV   T:Batuta de la mironu
ABC      1 C1:111107270727777 C2:uuuududdudddddu M:C|    K:G            H:"LOSZ  T:Batuta (Marty's)
ABC      1 C1:111107270727777 C2:uuuududdudddddu M:C|    K:G            H:"LOSZ  T:Batuta (Marty's)
ABC      1 C1:111107270727777 C2:uuuududdudddddu M:C|    K:G            H:"LOSZ  T:Batuta (Marty's)
ABC     14 C1:007101067100071 C2:duudduduudududu M:4/4   K:Ador         H:"ILOQ  T:Bat Yiftach
ABC     16 C1:007101067100071 C2:duudduduudududu M:4/4   K:Ador         H:"CILOQ T:Bat Yiftach
ABC     20 C1:007101067100071 C2:duudduduudududu M:4/4   K:Ador         H:"CILOQ T:Bat Yiftach
ABC     22 C1:007101067100071 C2:duudduduudududu M:4/4   K:Ador         H:"CILOQ T:Bat Yiftach
ABC     16 C1:007101067100071 C2:duudduduudududu M:4/4   K:Ador         H:"CILOQ T:Bat Yiftach
ABC     20 C1:007101067100071 C2:duudduduudududu M:4/4   K:Ador         H:"CILOQ T:Bat Yiftach
ABC     22 C1:007101067100071 C2:duudduduudududu M:4/4   K:Ador         H:"CILOQ T:Bat Yiftach
ABC     29 C1:007101067100071 C2:duudduduudududu M:4/4   K:Ador         H:"CILOQ T:Bat Yiftach
ABC     33 C1:007101067100071 C2:duudduduudududu M:4/4   K:Ador         H:"CILOQ T:Bat Yiftach
ABC     29 C1:007101067100071 C2:duudduduudududu M:4/4   K:Ador         H:"CILOQ T:Bat Yiftach
ABC     33 C1:007101067100071 C2:duudduduudududu M:4/4   K:Ador         H:"CILOQ T:Bat Yiftach
ABC     10 C1:007101067100071 C2:duudduduudududu M:4/4   K:Ador         H:"LOQ   T:Bat Yiftach
ABC     10 C1:007101067100071 C2:duudduduudududu M:4/4   K:Ador         H:"LOQ   T:Bat Yiftach
ABC     10 C1:007101067100071 C2:duudduduudududu M:4/4   K:Ador         H:"LOQ   T:Bat Yiftach
ABC     10 C1:007101067100071 C2:duudduduudududu M:4/4   K:Ador         H:"LOQ   T:Bat Yiftach
ABC     15 C1:007101067100071 C2:duudduduudududu M:4/4   K:Ador         H:"ILOQ  T:Bat Yiftach
ABC     33 C1:007101067100071 C2:duudduduudududu M:4/4   K:Ador         H:"CILOQ T:Bat Yiftach
ABC     33 C1:007101067100071 C2:duudduduudududu M:4/4   K:Ador         H:"CILOQ T:Bat Yiftach
ABC     33 C1:007101067100071 C2:duudduduudududu M:4/4   K:Ador         H:"CILOQ T:Bat Yiftach
ABC     33 C1:007101067100071 C2:duudduduudududu M:4/4   K:Ador         H:"CILOQ T:Bat Yiftach
ABC   1213 C1:007101067100071 C2:duudduduudududu M:4/4   K:Ador         H:"LOQ   T:Bat Yiftach
ABC   1213 C1:007101067100071 C2:duudduduudududu M:4/4   K:Ador         H:"LOQ   T:Bat Yiftach
ABC   1213 C1:007101067100071 C2:duudduduudududu M:4/4   K:Ador         H:"LOQ   T:Bat Yiftach
ABC   1213 C1:007101067100071 C2:duudduduudududu M:4/4   K:Ador         H:"LOQ   T:Bat Yiftach
ABC    107 C1:070567040666600 C2:udddudddduududu M:3/8   K:G            H:BLQZ   T:Baty Waltz. LW.107
ABC     39 C1:777731700174116 C2:dddduududduudud M:2/4   K:D            H:CDLRZ  T:Baudimic
ABC      1 C1:777731700174116 C2:dddduududduudud M:2/4   K:D            H:CDFLRZ T:Baudimic
ABC      1 C1:067704700174026 C2:dddduududduudud M:2/4   K:D            H:CLZ    T:Baudimic - bourree
ABC   1243 C1:067704700174026 C2:dddduududduudud M:2/4   K:D            H:CLZ    T:Baudimic - bourree
ABC   1243 C1:067704700174026 C2:dddduududduudud M:2/4   K:D            H:CLZ    T:Baudimic - bourree
ABC   1243 C1:067704700174026 C2:dddduududduudud M:2/4   K:D            H:CLZ    T:Baudimic - bourree
ABC   1243 C1:067704700174026 C2:dddduududduudud M:2/4   K:D            H:CLZ    T:Baudimic - bourree
ABC   1003 C1:067704700174026 C2:dddduududduudud M:2/4   K:D            H:CLZ    T:Baudimic - bourree
ABC   1003 C1:067704700174026 C2:dddduududduudud M:2/4   K:D            H:CLZ    T:Baudimic - bourree
ABC   1003 C1:067704700174026 C2:dddduududduudud M:2/4   K:D            H:CLZ    T:Baudimic - bourree
ABC   1003 C1:067704700174026 C2:dddduududduudud M:2/4   K:D            H:CLZ    T:Baudimic - bourree
ABC   1003 C1:067704700174026 C2:dddduududduudud M:2/4   K:D            H:CLZ    T:Baudimic - bourree
ABC     96 C1:000002060005000 C2:udduudduudduddd M:2/4   K:G            H:LOR    T:BAUER BAUE KESSEL
ABC     97 C1:000002060005000 C2:udduuddududuudd M:2/4   K:G            H:LOR    T:BAUER BAUE KESSEL
ABC      1 C1:027707070007000 C2:uddddduduuduudu M:2/4   K:C            H:ABCFLRSWZ T:Bauer Hochzeit
ABC 820111 C1:000001000007000 C2:udududdududu    M:3/8   K:C            H:CFLOSZ T:B\"auerischer oder Walzer
ABC    515 C1:002002017040020 C2:uuudduuuddudddu M:6/8   K:G            H:LORS   T:Bauer keen Edelmann (221a), S. 476
ABC    516 C1:000006000002000 C2:duudduddudddudd M:3/8   K:F            H:LORS   T:Bauer keen Edelmann! (221b), S. 477
ABC    144 C1:030077070006020 C2:udddduddduuduud M:2/4   K:D            H:LORS   T:Bauerndorf (2-46) S. 147
ABC    622 C1:017705050011017 C2:uddduuuuddduddu M:4/4   K:G            H:LOR    T:"Bauern - Elend"
ABC      1 C1:070356230707070 C2:dudduuddduuuuud M:2/4   K:D            H:ABCFLRSWZ T:Bauernhochzeit
ABC     95 C1:020761110707000 C2:udduuuddudduuud M:4/2   K:G            H:LOR    T:Bauernkalender
ABC     18 C1:165511161661116 C2:uddduuuuddudddu M:C     K:F            H:ABLOQRSWZ T:Bauernkrieg
ABC     19 C1:165511161661116 C2:uddduuuuddudddu M:4/4   K:F            H:ABLOQRSWZ T:Bauernkrieg
ABC   1244 C1:165511161661116 C2:uddduuuuddudddu M:C     K:F            H:ABLOQRSWZ T:Bauernkrieg
ABC   1244 C1:165511161661116 C2:uddduuuuddudddu M:C     K:F            H:ABLOQRSWZ T:Bauernkrieg
ABC   1244 C1:165511161661116 C2:uddduuuuddudddu M:C     K:F            H:ABLOQRSWZ T:Bauernkrieg
ABC   1244 C1:165511161661116 C2:uddduuuuddudddu M:C     K:F            H:ABLOQRSWZ T:Bauernkrieg
ABC      1 C1:200620010761000 C2:uduuddududuuddu M:2/4   K:G            H:ACLRZ  T:Bauernmadl
ABC      1 C1:200620010761000 C2:uduuddududuuddu M:2/4   K:G            H:ACFLRWZ T:Bauernmadl
ABC      1 C1:070000020017001 C2:duududduuuudddd M:2/4   K:G            H:ABFLRWZ T:Bauernschottisch
ABC    143 C1:030000070207000 C2:ududduuuudddduu M:2/4   K:F            H:LORS   T:Bauernstand (2-45) S. 142
ABC 820272 C1:061163000001000 C2:duuduudduududdd M:3/4   K:D            H:CFLOSZ T:B\"auerscher
ABC 510421 C1:060603020601000 C2:dduudududuuuddd M:3/8   K:D            H:CFLOSZ T:B\"auerscher
ABC    242 C1:000107007700000 C2:udddddudddduddu M:3/4   K:G            H:LORS   T:Bauer und Schneider (3-45), S. 133
ABC  08010 C1:217727772371026 C2:uudduddduuduudu M:C     K:D            H:BCLZ   T:BAUHAN'S PUB
ABC  08010 C1:217727772371026 C2:uudduddduuduudu M:C     K:D            H:BCLZ   T:BAUHAN'S PUB
ABC  08010 C1:217727772371026 C2:uudduddduuduudu M:C     K:D            H:BCLZ   T:BAUHAN'S PUB
ABC  08010 C1:217727772371026 C2:uudduddduuduudu M:C     K:D            H:BCLZ   T:BAUHAN'S PUB
ABC  08010 C1:217727772371026 C2:uudduddduuduudu M:C     K:D            H:BCLZ   T:BAUHAN'S PUB
ABC  08010 C1:217727772371026 C2:uudduddduuduudu M:C     K:D            H:BCLZ   T:BAUHAN'S PUB
ABC  08010 C1:217727772371026 C2:uudduddduuduudu M:C     K:D            H:BCLZ   T:BAUHAN'S PUB
ABC  08010 C1:217727772371026 C2:uudduddduuduudu M:C     K:D            H:BCLZ   T:BAUHAN'S PUB
ABC      0 C1:                C2:                M:      K:             H:BCR    T:Bauldy Bain's Fiddle
ABC    180 C1:000200070607050 C2:udduddudduuddud M:C|    K:Gmin         H:BLZ    T:Baulk, The
ABC    180 C1:000200070607050 C2:udduddudduuddud M:C|    K:Gmin         H:BLZ    T:Baulk, The
ABC    180 C1:000200070607050 C2:udduddudduuddud M:C|    K:Gmin         H:BLZ    T:Baulk, The
ABC    180 C1:000200070607050 C2:udduddudduuddud M:C|    K:Gmin         H:BLZ    T:Baulk, The
ABC      2 C1:                C2:                M:C|    K:Gmin         H:BLRZ   T:Baulk, The
ABC      3 C1:                C2:                M:C|    K:Gmin         H:BLZ    T:Baulk, The
ABC    180 C1:000200070607050 C2:udduddudduuddud M:C|    K:Gmin         H:BLZ    T:Baulk, The
ABC    180 C1:000200070607050 C2:udduddudduuddud M:C|    K:Gmin         H:BLZ    T:Baulk, The
ABC    180 C1:000200070607050 C2:udduddudduuddud M:C|    K:Gmin         H:BLZ    T:Baulk, The
ABC    180 C1:000200070607050 C2:udduddudduuddud M:C|    K:Gmin         H:BLOQZ  T:Baulk,The. THO2.180
ABC    180 C1:000200070607050 C2:udduddudduuddud M:C|    K:Gmin         H:BLOQZ  T:Baulk. THO2.180, The
ABC  48401 C1:233235662242246 C2:uuduuddduuduudu M:9/8   K:Dmix         H:BCLQRY T:"Baulthy Oura"
ABC    352 C1:233235662242246 C2:uuduuddduuduudu M:9/8   K:Dmix         H:LQR    T:Baulthy Oura
ABC    352 C1:233235662242246 C2:uuduuddduuduudu M:9/8   K:Dmix         H:LQR    T:Baulthy Oura
ABC    352 C1:233235662242246 C2:uuduuddduuduudu M:9/8   K:Dmix         H:LQR    T:Baulthy Oura
ABC    352 C1:233235662242246 C2:uuduuddduuduudu M:9/8   K:Dmix         H:LQR    T:Baulthy Oura
ABC    352 C1:233235662242246 C2:uuduuddduuduudu M:9/8   K:Dmix         H:LQR    T:Baulthy Oura
ABC    352 C1:233235662242246 C2:uuduuddduuduudu M:9/8   K:Dmix         H:LQR    T:Baulthy Oura
ABC  48401 C1:233235662242246 C2:uuduuddduuduudu M:9/8   K:Dmix         H:BCLQRY T:"Baulthy Oura"
ABC  48401 C1:233235662242246 C2:uuduuddduuduudu M:9/8   K:Dmix         H:BCLQRY T:"Baulthy Oura"
ABC      2 C1:                C2:                M:9/8   K:D            H:LRSZ   T:Baulthy Oura
ABC    335 C1:000000170404000 C2:udduudddddudddu M:4/4   K:F            H:LOR    T:BAUR BAUR WAS TRAEGST IM SACKE
ABC      1 C1:000711277077001 C2:udduuudddduudud M:4/4   K:F            H:"L     T:Baure-Marsch von Gruorn
ABC      1 C1:000711277077001 C2:udduuudddduudud M:4/4   K:A            H:"L     T:Baure-Marsch von Gruorn
ABC      1 C1:000711277077001 C2:udduuudddduudud M:4/4   K:Gmaj         H:"L     T:Baure-Marsch von Gruorn
ABC      6 C1:040601070177770 C2:udududddduddudu M:3/4   K:D            H:ILRV   T:Baurenmdl
ABC      6 C1:040601070177770 C2:udududddduddudu M:3/4   K:D            H:ILRV   T:Baurenmdl
ABC      6 C1:040601070177770 C2:udududddduddudu M:3/4   K:D            H:ILRV   T:Baurenmdl
ABC   1245 C1:040601070177770 C2:udududddduddudu M:3/4   K:D            H:ILRV   T:Baurenmdl
ABC   1245 C1:040601070177770 C2:udududddduddudu M:3/4   K:D            H:ILRV   T:Baurenmdl
ABC   1245 C1:040601070177770 C2:udududddduddudu M:3/4   K:D            H:ILRV   T:Baurenmdl
ABC   1245 C1:040601070177770 C2:udududddduddudu M:3/4   K:D            H:ILRV   T:Baurenmdl
ABC 820072 C1:061163000001000 C2:duuduudduuddduu M:3/4   K:D            H:CFLOSZ T:B\"aurischer oder Waltzer
ABC 110872 C1:061163000001000 C2:duuduudduududdd M:3/4   K:D            H:CFLOSZ T:Baur Schon
ABC    301 C1:715371001001772 C2:dududuuuddudddd M:6/4   K:Gm           H:BLQWZ  T:Bavania,aka. PFD2.301
ABC    301 C1:715371001001772 C2:dududuuuddudddd M:6/4   K:Gm           H:BLQWZ  T:Bavania,aka. PFD2.301
ABC    141 C1:715371001001772 C2:dududuuuddudddd M:6/4   K:Gm           H:BLQWZ  T:Bavania(missing image). PFD3.141
ABC    141 C1:715371001001772 C2:dududuuuddudddd M:6/4   K:Gm           H:BLQWZ  T:Bavania(missing image). PFD3.141
ABC    587 C1:060001020401020 C2:duuduuddduuuduu M:3/4   K:F            H:ABFLOZ T:Bavarian Air
ABC    587 C1:060001020401020 C2:duuduuddduuuduu M:3/4   K:F            H:ABFLOZ T:Bavarian Air
ABC      1 C1:060001020401020 C2:duuduuddduuuduu M:3/4   K:F            H:ABLOZ  T:Bavarian Air
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:3/4   K:G            H:LOQRSZ T:Bavarian Air, A TS.203
ABC    203 C1:060000010606000 C2:dudduduuuuduudd M:3/4   K:G            H:BLOQRZ T:Bavarian Air, A TS.203
ABC    203 C1:060000010606000 C2:dudduduuuuduudd M:3/4   K:G            H:BLOQRZ T:Bavarian Air, A TS.203
ABC    203 C1:060000010606000 C2:dudduduuuuduudd M:3/4   K:G            H:LOQRSZ T:Bavarian Air, A TS.203
ABC    203 C1:060000010606000 C2:dudduduuuuduudd M:3/4   K:G            H:ABLOQRSZ T:Bavarian Air, A TS.203
ABC   6937 C1:060000010606000 C2:dudduduuuuduudd M:3/4   K:G            H:FLOQRSZ T:Bavarian Air, A TS.203
ABC   6938 C1:060000010606000 C2:dudduduuuuduudd M:3/4   K:G            H:FLOQRSZ T:Bavarian Air, A TS.203
ABC    588 C1:060000010606000 C2:dudduduuuuduudd M:3/4   K:G            H:FLOQRSZ T:Bavarian Air, A TS.203
ABC    589 C1:060000010606000 C2:dudduduuuuduudd M:3/4   K:G            H:FLOQRSZ T:Bavarian Air, A TS.203
ABC    590 C1:060000010606000 C2:dudduduuuuduudd M:3/4   K:G            H:FLOQRSZ T:Bavarian Air, A TS.203
ABC   1286 C1:060000010606000 C2:dudduduuuuduudd M:3/4   K:G            H:FLOQRSZ T:Bavarian Air, A TS.203
ABC   1287 C1:060000010606000 C2:dudduduuuuduudd M:3/4   K:G            H:FLOQRSZ T:Bavarian Air, A TS.203
ABC   1288 C1:060000010606000 C2:dudduduuuuduudd M:3/4   K:G            H:FLOQRSZ T:Bavarian Air, A TS.203
ABC   6936 C1:060000010606000 C2:dudduduuuuduudd M:3/4   K:G            H:FLOQRSZ T:Bavarian Air, A TS.203
ABC    588 C1:060000010606000 C2:dudduduuuuduudd M:3/4   K:G            H:FLOQRSZ T:Bavarian Air, A TS.203
ABC    589 C1:060000010606000 C2:dudduduuuuduudd M:3/4   K:G            H:FLOQRSZ T:Bavarian Air, A TS.203
ABC    590 C1:060000010606000 C2:dudduduuuuduudd M:3/4   K:G            H:FLOQRSZ T:Bavarian Air, A TS.203
ABC   1286 C1:060000010606000 C2:dudduduuuuduudd M:3/4   K:G            H:FLOQRSZ T:Bavarian Air, A TS.203
ABC   1287 C1:060000010606000 C2:dudduduuuuduudd M:3/4   K:G            H:FLOQRSZ T:Bavarian Air, A TS.203
ABC   1288 C1:060000010606000 C2:dudduduuuuduudd M:3/4   K:G            H:FLOQRSZ T:Bavarian Air, A TS.203
ABC   6936 C1:060000010606000 C2:dudduduuuuduudd M:3/4   K:G            H:FLOQRSZ T:Bavarian Air, A TS.203
ABC   6937 C1:060000010606000 C2:dudduduuuuduudd M:3/4   K:G            H:FLOQRSZ T:Bavarian Air, A TS.203
ABC   6938 C1:060000010606000 C2:dudduduuuuduudd M:3/4   K:G            H:FLOQRSZ T:Bavarian Air, A TS.203
ABC    203 C1:060000010606000 C2:dudduduuuuduudd M:3/4   K:G            H:ABLOQRSZ T:Bavarian Air, A TS.203
ABC    292 C1:060001020401020 C2:duuduuddduuuduu M:3/4   K:F            H:ABLOQZ T:Bavarian Air. JaW.292
ABC    292 C1:060001020401020 C2:duuduuddduuuduu M:3/4   K:F            H:ABLOQZ T:Bavarian Air. JaW.292
ABC    292 C1:060001020401020 C2:duuduuddduuuduu M:3/4   K:F            H:ALOQRSZ T:Bavarian Air. JaW.292
ABC    293 C1:060001020401020 C2:duuduuddduuuduu M:3/4   K:F            H:AHLOQRSZ T:Bavarian Air. JaW.292
ABC    292 C1:060001020401020 C2:duuduuddduuuduu M:3/4   K:F            H:ABLOQRSZ T:Bavarian Air. JaW.292
ABC    591 C1:060001020401020 C2:duuduuddduuuduu M:3/4   K:F            H:AFLOQRSZ T:Bavarian Air. JaW.292
ABC    591 C1:060001020401020 C2:duuduuddduuuduu M:3/4   K:F            H:AFLOQRSZ T:Bavarian Air. JaW.292
ABC    292 C1:060001020401020 C2:duuduuddduuuduu M:3/4   K:F            H:ABLOQRSZ T:Bavarian Air. JaW.292
ABC     45 C1:020205060001020 C2:uuuduuduuddduuu M:3/4   K:D            H:AHLOQRSZ T:Bavarian Air. WHG.044
ABC     45 C1:020205060001020 C2:uuuduuduuddduuu M:3/4   K:D            H:ABHLOQRSZ T:Bavarian Air. WHG.044
ABC    592 C1:020205060001020 C2:uuuduuduuddduuu M:3/4   K:D            H:AFHLOQRSZ T:Bavarian Air. WHG.044
ABC    592 C1:020205060001020 C2:uuuduuduuddduuu M:3/4   K:D            H:AFHLOQRSZ T:Bavarian Air. WHG.044
ABC     45 C1:020205060001020 C2:uuuduuduuddduuu M:3/4   K:D            H:ABHLOQRSZ T:Bavarian Air. WHG.044
ABC     45 C1:020205060001020 C2:uuuduuduuddduuu M:3/4   K:D            H:ABHLOQRZ T:Bavarian Air. WHG.045
ABC     45 C1:020205060001020 C2:uuuduuduuddduuu M:3/4   K:D            H:ABHLOQRZ T:Bavarian Air. WHG.045
ABC      2 C1:110066210066270 C2:uudduuddududdud M:3/4   K:G            H:"CLS   T:Bavarian Waltz
ABC    381 C1:000300050077070 C2:uddddduuuuduudu M:2/2   K:Gm           H:BLSZ   T:la Bavaroise
ABC    381 C1:000300050077070 C2:uddddduuuuduudu M:2/2   K:Gm           H:BLSZ   T:la Bavaroise
ABC    381 C1:000300050077070 C2:uddddduuuuduudu M:2/2   K:Gm           H:BLSZ   T:la Bavaroise
ABC    381 C1:000300050077070 C2:uddddduuuuduudu M:2/2   K:Gm           H:BLSZ   T:la Bavaroise
ABC    381 C1:000300050077070 C2:uddddduuuuduudu M:2/2   K:Gm           H:BLSZ   T:la Bavaroise
ABC    381 C1:000300050077070 C2:uddddduuuuduudu M:2/2   K:Gm           H:BLSZ   T:la Bavaroise
ABC    381 C1:000300050077070 C2:uddddduuuuduudu M:2/2   K:Gm           H:BLSZ   T:la Bavaroise
ABC    381 C1:000300050077070 C2:uddddduuuuduudu M:2/2   K:Gm           H:BLSZ   T:la Bavaroise
ABC     83 C1:000300050077070 C2:uddddduuuuduudu M:2/2   K:Am           H:BFLZ   T:la Bavaroize
ABC     83 C1:000300050077070 C2:uddddduuuuduudu M:2/2   K:Am           H:BFLZ   T:la Bavaroize
ABC     83 C1:000300050077070 C2:uddddduuuuduudu M:2/2   K:Am           H:BFLZ   T:La Bavaroize
ABC     83 C1:000300050077070 C2:uddddduuuuduudu M:2/2   K:Am           H:BFLZ   T:La Bavaroize
ABC     83 C1:000300050077070 C2:uddddduuuuduudu M:2/2   K:Am           H:BFLZ   T:La Bavaroize
ABC     83 C1:000300050077070 C2:uddddduuuuduudu M:2/2   K:Am           H:BFLZ   T:La Bavaroize
ABC     83 C1:000300050077070 C2:uddddduuuuduudu M:2/2   K:Am           H:BFLZ   T:La Bavaroize
ABC     83 C1:000300050077070 C2:uddddduuuuduudu M:2/2   K:Am           H:BFLZ   T:La Bavaroize
ABC      1 C1:100072770602117 C2:ududdduuuddduuu M:7/8   K:Em           H:"FLORZ T:Bavno makedonsko (2)
ABC      1 C1:002004000200050 C2:udududuuddduddu M:7/8   K:Dm           H:"LOZ   T:Bavno Oro
ABC      1 C1:002004000200050 C2:udududuuddduddu M:7/8   K:Dm           H:"LOZ   T:Bavno Oro
ABC      1 C1:002004000200050 C2:udududuuddduddu M:7/8   K:Dm           H:"LOZ   T:Bavno Oro
ABC      1 C1:002004000200050 C2:udududuuddduddu M:7/8   K:Dm           H:"LOZ   T:Bavno Oro
ABC      1 C1:002004000200050 C2:udududuuddduddu M:7/8   K:Dm           H:"LOZ   T:Bavno Oro
ABC      1 C1:002004000200050 C2:udududuuddduddu M:7/8   K:Dm           H:"LOZ   T:Bavno Oro
ABC      1 C1:002004000200050 C2:udududuuddduddu M:7/8   K:Dm           H:"LOZ   T:Bavno Oro
ABC      1 C1:002004000200050 C2:udududuuddduddu M:7/8   K:Dm           H:"LOZ   T:Bavno Oro
ABC      1 C1:002004000200050 C2:udududuuddduddu M:7/8   K:Dm           H:"LOZ   T:Bavno Oro
ABC      1 C1:002004000200050 C2:udududuuddduddu M:7/8   K:Dm           H:"LOZ   T:Bavno Oro
ABC      1 C1:002004000200050 C2:udududuuddduddu M:7/8   K:Dm           H:"LOZ   T:Bavno Oro
ABC      1 C1:002004000200050 C2:udududuuddduddu M:7/8   K:Dm           H:"LOZ   T:Bavno Oro
ABC      1 C1:002004000200050 C2:udududuuddduddu M:7/8   K:Dm           H:"LOZ   T:Bavno Oro
ABC      1 C1:002004000200050 C2:udududuuddduddu M:7/8   K:Em           H:"LOZ   T:Bavno Oro
ABC      1 C1:002004000200050 C2:udududuuddduddu M:7/8   K:Em           H:"LOZ   T:Bavno Oro
ABC      1 C1:002004000200050 C2:udududuuddduddu M:7/8   K:Em           H:"LOZ   T:Bavno Oro
ABC      1 C1:002004000200050 C2:udududuuddduddu M:7/8   K:Em           H:"LOZ   T:Bavno Oro
ABC      1 C1:002004000200050 C2:udududuuddduddu M:7/8   K:Em           H:"LOZ   T:Bavno Oro
ABC      1 C1:002004000200050 C2:udududuuddduddu M:7/8   K:Em           H:"LOZ   T:Bavno Oro
ABC      1 C1:002004000200050 C2:udududuuddduddu M:7/8   K:Em           H:"LOZ   T:Bavno Oro
ABC      1 C1:002004000200050 C2:udududuuddduddu M:7/8   K:Em           H:"LOZ   T:Bavno Oro
ABC      1 C1:002004000200050 C2:udududuuddduddu M:7/8   K:Em           H:"LOZ   T:Bavno Oro
ABC      1 C1:002004000200050 C2:udududuuddduddu M:7/8   K:Em           H:"LOZ   T:Bavno Oro
ABC      1 C1:002004000200050 C2:udududuuddduddu M:7/8   K:Em           H:"LOZ   T:Bavno Oro
ABC      1 C1:002004000200050 C2:udududuuddduddu M:7/8   K:Em           H:"LOZ   T:Bavno Oro
ABC      1 C1:002004000200050 C2:udududuuddduddu M:7/8   K:Em           H:"LOZ   T:Bavno Oro
ABC      2 C1:002004000200050 C2:udududuuddduddu M:7/8   K:Em           H:"LOZ   T:Bavno Oro
ABC      1 C1:002004000200050 C2:udududuuddduddu M:7/8   K:Dm           H:"LOZ   T:Bavno Oro
ABC      1 C1:002004000200050 C2:udududuuddduddu M:7/8   K:Dm           H:"LOZ   T:Bavno Oro
ABC      2 C1:002004000200050 C2:udududuuddduddu M:7/8   K:Em           H:"LOZ   T:Bavno Oro
ABC      1 C1:002004000200050 C2:udududuuddduddu M:7/8   K:Dm           H:"LOZ   T:Bavno Oro
ABC      2 C1:002004000200050 C2:udududuuddduddu M:7/8   K:Em           H:"LOZ   T:Bavno Oro
ABC      1 C1:002004000200050 C2:udududuuddduddu M:7/8   K:Dm           H:"LOZ   T:Bavno Oro
ABC      2 C1:002004000200050 C2:udududuuddduddu M:7/8   K:Em           H:"LOZ   T:Bavno Oro
ABC      1 C1:002004000200050 C2:udududuuddduddu M:7/8   K:Dm           H:"LOZ   T:Bavno Oro
ABC      2 C1:002004000200050 C2:udududuuddduddu M:7/8   K:Em           H:"LOZ   T:Bavno Oro
ABC      1 C1:002004000200050 C2:udududuuddduddu M:7/8   K:Dm           H:"LOZ   T:Bavno Oro
ABC      2 C1:002004000200050 C2:udududuuddduddu M:7/8   K:Em           H:"LOZ   T:Bavno Oro
ABC      1 C1:002004000200050 C2:udududuuddduddu M:7/8   K:Dm           H:"LOZ   T:Bavno Oro
ABC      2 C1:002004000200050 C2:udududuuddduddu M:7/8   K:Em           H:"LOZ   T:Bavno Oro
ABC      1 C1:002004000200050 C2:udududuuddduddu M:7/8   K:Dm           H:"LOZ   T:Bavno Oro
ABC      2 C1:002004000200050 C2:udududuuddduddu M:7/8   K:Em           H:"LOZ   T:Bavno Oro
ABC      1 C1:002004000200050 C2:udududuuddduddu M:7/8   K:Dm           H:"LOZ   T:Bavno Oro
ABC      2 C1:002004000200050 C2:udududuuddduddu M:7/8   K:Em           H:"LOZ   T:Bavno Oro
ABC      1 C1:002004000200050 C2:udududuuddduddu M:7/8   K:Dm           H:"LOZ   T:Bavno Oro
ABC      2 C1:002004000200050 C2:udududuuddduddu M:7/8   K:Em           H:"LOZ   T:Bavno Oro
ABC      1 C1:002004000200050 C2:udududuuddduddu M:7/8   K:Dm           H:"LOZ   T:Bavno Oro
ABC      2 C1:002004000200050 C2:udududuuddduddu M:7/8   K:Em           H:"LOZ   T:Bavno Oro
ABC      1 C1:002004000200050 C2:udududuuddduddu M:7/8   K:Dm           H:"LOZ   T:Bavno Oro
ABC      2 C1:002004000200050 C2:udududuuddduddu M:7/8   K:Em           H:"LOZ   T:Bavno Oro
ABC      1 C1:002004000200050 C2:udududuuddduddu M:7/8   K:Dm           H:"LOZ   T:Bavno Oro
ABC      2 C1:002004000200050 C2:udududuuddduddu M:7/8   K:Em           H:"LOZ   T:Bavno Oro
ABC      1 C1:002004000200050 C2:udududuuddduddu M:7/8   K:Dm           H:"LOZ   T:Bavno Oro
ABC      2 C1:002004000200050 C2:udududuuddduddu M:7/8   K:Em           H:"LOZ   T:Bavno Oro
ABC      1 C1:002004000200050 C2:udududuuddduddu M:7/8   K:Dm           H:"LOZ   T:Bavno Oro
ABC      2 C1:002004000200050 C2:udududuuddduddu M:7/8   K:Em           H:"LOZ   T:Bavno Oro
ABC      1 C1:002004000200050 C2:udududuuddduddu M:7/8   K:Dm           H:"LOZ   T:Bavno Oro
ABC      2 C1:002004000200050 C2:udududuuddduddu M:7/8   K:Em           H:"LOZ   T:Bavno Oro
ABC      1 C1:002004000200050 C2:udududuuddduddu M:7/8   K:Dm           H:"LOZ   T:Bavno Oro
ABC      2 C1:002004000200050 C2:udududuuddduddu M:7/8   K:Em           H:"LOZ   T:Bavno Oro
ABC      1 C1:002004000200050 C2:udududuuddduddu M:7/8   K:Dm           H:"LOZ   T:Bavno Oro
ABC      2 C1:002004000200050 C2:udududuuddduddu M:7/8   K:Em           H:"LOZ   T:Bavno Oro
ABC      1 C1:002004000200050 C2:udududuuddduddu M:7/8   K:Dm           H:"LOZ   T:Bavno Oro
ABC      2 C1:002004000200050 C2:udududuuddduddu M:7/8   K:Em           H:"LOZ   T:Bavno Oro
ABC      1 C1:002004000200050 C2:udududuuddduddu M:7/8   K:Dm           H:"LOZ   T:Bavno Oro
ABC      2 C1:002004000200050 C2:udududuuddduddu M:7/8   K:Em           H:"LOZ   T:Bavno Oro
ABC      1 C1:002004000200050 C2:udududuuddduddu M:7/8   K:Dm           H:"LOZ   T:Bavno Oro
ABC      1 C1:002004000200050 C2:udududuuddduddu M:7/8   K:Dm           H:"LOZ   T:Bavno Oro
ABC      1 C1:002004000200050 C2:udududuuddduddu M:7/8   K:Dm           H:"LOZ   T:Bavno Oro
ABC      1 C1:002004000200050 C2:udududuuddduddu M:7/8   K:Dm           H:"LOZ   T:Bavno Oro
ABC      1 C1:002004000200050 C2:udududuuddduddu M:7/8   K:Dm           H:"LOZ   T:Bavno Oro
ABC      1 C1:002004000200050 C2:udududuuddduddu M:7/8   K:Dm           H:"LOZ   T:Bavno Oro
ABC      1 C1:006000701117770 C2:dduuuddddduuddd M:7/8   K:Em           H:"CLQ   T:Bavno Oro (Macedonia)
ABC      1 C1:006000701117770 C2:dduuuddddduuddd M:7/8   K:Em           H:"CLQ   T:Bavno Oro (Macedonia) w/rhythm
ABC    476 C1:000001070012000 C2:uduuddduddduddd M:2/4   K:C            H:LORS   T:Bawang Haozi
ABC      1 C1:277017771166026 C2:udduddduudduddd M:4/4   K:D            H:"CLRZ  T:Bawa's Delight
ABC      1 C1:277017771166026 C2:udduddduudduddd M:4/4   K:D            H:"CLRZ  T:Bawa's Delight
ABC      1 C1:277017771166026 C2:udduddduudduddd M:4/4   K:D            H:"CLRZ  T:Bawa's Delight
ABC      1 C1:277017771166026 C2:udduddduudduddd M:4/4   K:D            H:"CLRZ  T:Bawa's Delight
ABC      1 C1:001107730777070 C2:uuddudddduuuddd M:4/4   K:C            H:L      T:Bawbee Allan
ABC      1 C1:001107730777070 C2:uuddudddduuuddd M:4/4   K:C            H:L      T:Bawbee Allan
ABC      1 C1:001107730777070 C2:uuddudddduuuddd M:4/4   K:C            H:L      T:Bawbee Allan
ABC   3004 C1:100101127777701 C2:uduuuddddududud M:6/8   K:A            H:"BCLRZ T:The Bawk
ABC   3004 C1:100101127777701 C2:uduuuddddududud M:6/8   K:A            H:"BCLRZ T:The Bawk
ABC   3004 C1:100101127777701 C2:uduuuddddududud M:6/8   K:A            H:"BCLRZ T:The Bawk
ABC   3004 C1:100101127777701 C2:uduuuddddududud M:6/8   K:A            H:"BCLRZ T:The Bawk
ABC   3004 C1:100101127777701 C2:uduuuddddududud M:6/8   K:A            H:"BCLRZ T:The Bawk
ABC   3004 C1:100101127777701 C2:uduuuddddududud M:6/8   K:A            H:"BCLRZ T:The Bawk
ABC   3006 C1:100101127777701 C2:uduuuddddududud M:6/8   K:A            H:"BCLRZ T:The Bawk
ABC   3007 C1:100101127777701 C2:uduuuddddududud M:6/8   K:A            H:"BCLRZ T:The Bawk
ABC   3006 C1:100101127777701 C2:uduuuddddududud M:6/8   K:A            H:"BCLRZ T:The Bawk
ABC   3007 C1:100101127777701 C2:uduuuddddududud M:6/8   K:A            H:"BCLRZ T:The Bawk
ABC   1246 C1:002777060052001 C2:uddddduuudddddd M:3/8   K:Bb           H:CLQ    T:Baxaben cuatro Alleranos
ABC   1246 C1:002777060052001 C2:uddddduuudddddd M:3/8   K:Bb           H:CLQ    T:Baxaben cuatro Alleranos
ABC   1246 C1:002777060052001 C2:uddddduuudddddd M:3/8   K:Bb           H:CLQ    T:Baxaben cuatro Alleranos
ABC   1246 C1:002777060052001 C2:uddddduuudddddd M:3/8   K:Bb           H:CLQ    T:Baxaben cuatro Alleranos
ABC   1247 C1:002777060052001 C2:uddddduuudddddd M:3/8   K:D            H:"CLQ   T:Baxaben cuatro Alleranos (Arrg. D)
ABC   1247 C1:002777060052001 C2:uddddduuudddddd M:3/8   K:D            H:"CLQ   T:Baxaben cuatro Alleranos (Arrg. D)
ABC   1247 C1:002777060052001 C2:uddddduuudddddd M:3/8   K:D            H:"CLQ   T:Baxaben cuatro Alleranos (Arrg. D)
ABC   1247 C1:002777060052001 C2:uddddduuudddddd M:3/8   K:D            H:"CLQ   T:Baxaben cuatro Alleranos (Arrg. D)
ABC    107 C1:002777060052001 C2:uddddduuudddddd M:3/8   K:Gm           H:"ACGLOQRS T:Baxaben cuatro Ayeranos (Arrg.)
ABC    108 C1:011777005000062 C2:uuddduddduuuddd M:3/4   K:Dm           H:"ACGLOQRSZ T:Baxaben cuatro Ayeranos (Arrg.)
ABC   1248 C1:002777060052001 C2:uddddduuudddddd M:3/8   K:Gm           H:"ACGLOQRS T:Baxaben cuatro Ayeranos (Arrg.)
ABC   1249 C1:011777005000062 C2:uuddduddduuuddd M:3/4   K:Dm           H:"ACGLOQRSZ T:Baxaben cuatro Ayeranos (Arrg.)
ABC    111 C1:002777060052001 C2:uddddduuudddddd M:3/8   K:Gm           H:"ACGLOQRS T:Baxaben cuatro Ayeranos (Arrg.)
ABC   1248 C1:002777060052001 C2:uddddduuudddddd M:3/8   K:Gm           H:"ACGLOQRS T:Baxaben cuatro Ayeranos (Arrg.)
ABC   1249 C1:011777005000062 C2:uuddduddduuuddd M:3/4   K:Dm           H:"ACGLOQRSZ T:Baxaben cuatro Ayeranos (Arrg.)
ABC   1248 C1:002777060052001 C2:uddddduuudddddd M:3/8   K:Gm           H:"ACGLOQRS T:Baxaben cuatro Ayeranos (Arrg.)
ABC   1249 C1:011777005000062 C2:uuddduddduuuddd M:3/4   K:Dm           H:"ACGLOQRSZ T:Baxaben cuatro Ayeranos (Arrg.)
ABC   1248 C1:002777060052001 C2:uddddduuudddddd M:3/8   K:Gm           H:"ACGLOQRS T:Baxaben cuatro Ayeranos (Arrg.)
ABC   1249 C1:011777005000062 C2:uuddduddduuuddd M:3/4   K:Dm           H:"ACGLOQRSZ T:Baxaben cuatro Ayeranos (Arrg.)
ABC    109 C1:002777770052001 C2:uddddduuudddddd M:3/8   K:Cm           H:ACLOQRSWZ T:Baxaben cuatro ayeranos (CT 428)
ABC   1250 C1:002777770052001 C2:uddddduuudddddd M:3/8   K:Cm           H:ACLOQRSWZ T:Baxaben cuatro ayeranos (CT 428)
ABC    113 C1:002777770052001 C2:uddddduuudddddd M:3/8   K:Cm           H:ACLOQRSWZ T:Baxaben cuatro ayeranos (CT 428)
ABC   1250 C1:002777770052001 C2:uddddduuudddddd M:3/8   K:Cm           H:ACLOQRSWZ T:Baxaben cuatro ayeranos (CT 428)
ABC   1250 C1:002777770052001 C2:uddddduuudddddd M:3/8   K:Cm           H:ACLOQRSWZ T:Baxaben cuatro ayeranos (CT 428)
ABC   1250 C1:002777770052001 C2:uddddduuudddddd M:3/8   K:Cm           H:ACLOQRSWZ T:Baxaben cuatro ayeranos (CT 428)
ABC    110 C1:011777005000062 C2:uuddduddduuuddd M:3/4   K:Em           H:"ACGLOQRSZ T:Baxaron cuatro Ayeranos (Arrg.)
ABC   1251 C1:011777005000062 C2:uuddduddduuuddd M:3/4   K:Em           H:"ACGLOQRSZ T:Baxaron cuatro Ayeranos (Arrg.)
ABC    114 C1:011777005000062 C2:uuddduddduuuddd M:3/4   K:Em           H:"ACGLOQRSZ T:Baxaron cuatro Ayeranos (Arrg.)
ABC   1251 C1:011777005000062 C2:uuddduddduuuddd M:3/4   K:Em           H:"ACGLOQRSZ T:Baxaron cuatro Ayeranos (Arrg.)
ABC   1251 C1:011777005000062 C2:uuddduddduuuddd M:3/4   K:Em           H:"ACGLOQRSZ T:Baxaron cuatro Ayeranos (Arrg.)
ABC   1251 C1:011777005000062 C2:uuddduddduuuddd M:3/4   K:Em           H:"ACGLOQRSZ T:Baxaron cuatro Ayeranos (Arrg.)
ABC  21061 C1:000000000053001 C2:uuuuuddudduuuuu M:6/8   K:Bb           H:BCLSVZ T:BAYADERS SETT (tune 1)
ABC  21061 C1:000000000053001 C2:uuuuuddudduuuuu M:6/8   K:Bb           H:BCLSVZ T:BAYADERS SETT (tune 1)
ABC  21061 C1:000000000053001 C2:uuuuuddudduuuuu M:6/8   K:Bb           H:BCLSVZ T:BAYADERS SETT (tune 1)
ABC  21061 C1:000000000053001 C2:uuuuuddudduuuuu M:6/8   K:Bb           H:BCLSVZ T:BAYADERS SETT (tune 1)
ABC  21061 C1:000000000053001 C2:uuuuuddudduuuuu M:6/8   K:Bb           H:BCLSVZ T:BAYADERS SETT (tune 1)
ABC  21061 C1:000000000053001 C2:uuuuuddudduuuuu M:6/8   K:Bb           H:BCLSVZ T:BAYADERS SETT (tune 1)
ABC  21061 C1:000000000053001 C2:uuuuuddudduuuuu M:6/8   K:Bb           H:BCLSVZ T:BAYADERS SETT (tune 1)
ABC  21061 C1:000000000053001 C2:uuuuuddudduuuuu M:6/8   K:Bb           H:BCLSVZ T:BAYADERS SETT (tune 1)
ABC  21061 C1:000000000053001 C2:uuuuuddudduuuuu M:6/8   K:Bb           H:BCLSVZ T:BAYADERS SETT (tune 1)
ABC  21061 C1:000000000053001 C2:uuuuuddudduuuuu M:6/8   K:Bb           H:BCLSVZ T:BAYADERS SETT (tune 1)
ABC  21061 C1:000000000053001 C2:uuuuuddudduuuuu M:6/8   K:Bb           H:BCLSVZ T:BAYADERS SETT (tune 1)
ABC  21062 C1:000000000001000 C2:uduuddddduddddd M:2/4   K:Bb           H:BCLSVZ T:BAYADERS SETT (tune 2)
ABC  21062 C1:000000000001000 C2:uduuddddduddddd M:2/4   K:Bb           H:BCLSVZ T:BAYADERS SETT (tune 2)
ABC  21062 C1:000000000001000 C2:uduuddddduddddd M:2/4   K:Bb           H:BCLSVZ T:BAYADERS SETT (tune 2)
ABC  21062 C1:000000000001000 C2:uduuddddduddddd M:2/4   K:Bb           H:BCLSVZ T:BAYADERS SETT (tune 2)
ABC  21062 C1:000000000001000 C2:uduuddddduddddd M:2/4   K:Bb           H:BCLSVZ T:BAYADERS SETT (tune 2)
ABC  21062 C1:000000000001000 C2:uduuddddduddddd M:2/4   K:Bb           H:BCLSVZ T:BAYADERS SETT (tune 2)
ABC  21062 C1:000000000001000 C2:uduuddddduddddd M:2/4   K:Bb           H:BCLSVZ T:BAYADERS SETT (tune 2)
ABC  21062 C1:000000000001000 C2:uduuddddduddddd M:2/4   K:Bb           H:BCLSVZ T:BAYADERS SETT (tune 2)
ABC  21062 C1:000000000001000 C2:uduuddddduddddd M:2/4   K:Bb           H:BCLSVZ T:BAYADERS SETT (tune 2)
ABC  21062 C1:000000000001000 C2:uduuddddduddddd M:2/4   K:Bb           H:BCLSVZ T:BAYADERS SETT (tune 2)
ABC  21062 C1:000000000001000 C2:uduuddddduddddd M:2/4   K:Bb           H:BCLSVZ T:BAYADERS SETT (tune 2)
ABC  21063 C1:000000000003000 C2:uduuduuddduuuud M:6/8   K:Bb           H:BCLSVZ T:BAYADERS SETT (tune 3)
ABC  21063 C1:000000000003000 C2:uduuduuddduuuud M:6/8   K:Bb           H:BCLSVZ T:BAYADERS SETT (tune 3)
ABC  21063 C1:000000000003000 C2:uduuduuddduuuud M:6/8   K:Bb           H:BCLSVZ T:BAYADERS SETT (tune 3)
ABC  21063 C1:000000000003000 C2:uduuduuddduuuud M:6/8   K:Bb           H:BCLSVZ T:BAYADERS SETT (tune 3)
ABC  21063 C1:000000000003000 C2:uduuduuddduuuud M:6/8   K:Bb           H:BCLSVZ T:BAYADERS SETT (tune 3)
ABC  21063 C1:000000000003000 C2:uduuduuddduuuud M:6/8   K:Bb           H:BCLSVZ T:BAYADERS SETT (tune 3)
ABC  21063 C1:000000000003000 C2:uduuduuddduuuud M:6/8   K:Bb           H:BCLSVZ T:BAYADERS SETT (tune 3)
ABC  21063 C1:000000000003000 C2:uduuduuddduuuud M:6/8   K:Bb           H:BCLSVZ T:BAYADERS SETT (tune 3)
ABC  21063 C1:000000000003000 C2:uduuduuddduuuud M:6/8   K:Bb           H:BCLSVZ T:BAYADERS SETT (tune 3)
ABC  21063 C1:000000000003000 C2:uduuduuddduuuud M:6/8   K:Bb           H:BCLSVZ T:BAYADERS SETT (tune 3)
ABC  21063 C1:000000000003000 C2:uduuduuddduuuud M:6/8   K:Bb           H:BCLSVZ T:BAYADERS SETT (tune 3)
ABC  21071 C1:000000030011077 C2:uuuddududuudddu M:2/4   K:Bb           H:BCLSVZ T:BAYADERS SETT (tune 4)
ABC  21071 C1:000000030011077 C2:uuuddududuudddu M:2/4   K:Bb           H:BCLSVZ T:BAYADERS SETT (tune 4)
ABC  21071 C1:000000030011077 C2:uuuddududuudddu M:2/4   K:Bb           H:BCLSVZ T:BAYADERS SETT (tune 4)
ABC  21071 C1:000000030011077 C2:uuuddududuudddu M:2/4   K:Bb           H:BCLSVZ T:BAYADERS SETT (tune 4)
ABC  21071 C1:000000030011077 C2:uuuddududuudddu M:2/4   K:Bb           H:BCLSVZ T:BAYADERS SETT (tune 4)
ABC  21071 C1:000000030011077 C2:uuuddududuudddu M:2/4   K:Bb           H:BCLSVZ T:BAYADERS SETT (tune 4)
ABC  21071 C1:000000030011077 C2:uuuddududuudddu M:2/4   K:Bb           H:BCLSVZ T:BAYADERS SETT (tune 4)
ABC  21071 C1:000000030011077 C2:uuuddududuudddu M:2/4   K:Bb           H:BCLSVZ T:BAYADERS SETT (tune 4)
ABC  21071 C1:000000030011077 C2:uuuddududuudddu M:2/4   K:Bb           H:BCLSVZ T:BAYADERS SETT (tune 4)
ABC  21071 C1:000000030011077 C2:uuuddududuudddu M:2/4   K:Bb           H:BCLSVZ T:BAYADERS SETT (tune 4)
ABC  21071 C1:000000030011077 C2:uuuddududuudddu M:2/4   K:Bb           H:BCLSVZ T:BAYADERS SETT (tune 4)
ABC  21072 C1:001771001771311 C2:udduudduuuududd M:6/8   K:Bb           H:BCLSVZ T:BAYADERS SETT (tune 5)
ABC  21072 C1:001771001771311 C2:udduudduuuududd M:6/8   K:Bb           H:BCLSVZ T:BAYADERS SETT (tune 5)
ABC  21072 C1:001771001771311 C2:udduudduuuududd M:6/8   K:Bb           H:BCLSVZ T:BAYADERS SETT (tune 5)
ABC  21072 C1:001771001771311 C2:udduudduuuududd M:6/8   K:Bb           H:BCLSVZ T:BAYADERS SETT (tune 5)
ABC  21072 C1:001771001771311 C2:udduudduuuududd M:6/8   K:Bb           H:BCLSVZ T:BAYADERS SETT (tune 5)
ABC  21072 C1:001771001771311 C2:udduudduuuududd M:6/8   K:Bb           H:BCLSVZ T:BAYADERS SETT (tune 5)
ABC  21072 C1:001771001771311 C2:udduudduuuududd M:6/8   K:Bb           H:BCLSVZ T:BAYADERS SETT (tune 5)
ABC  21072 C1:001771001771311 C2:udduudduuuududd M:6/8   K:Bb           H:BCLSVZ T:BAYADERS SETT (tune 5)
ABC  21072 C1:001771001771311 C2:udduudduuuududd M:6/8   K:Bb           H:BCLSVZ T:BAYADERS SETT (tune 5)
ABC  21072 C1:001771001771311 C2:udduudduuuududd M:6/8   K:Bb           H:BCLSVZ T:BAYADERS SETT (tune 5)
ABC  21072 C1:001771001771311 C2:udduudduuuududd M:6/8   K:Bb           H:BCLSVZ T:BAYADERS SETT (tune 5)
ABC  21073 C1:000007710600010 C2:ddududuudduuddd M:2/4   K:Bb           H:BCLSVZ T:BAYADERS SETT (tune 6)
ABC  21073 C1:000007710600010 C2:ddududuudduuddd M:2/4   K:Bb           H:BCLSVZ T:BAYADERS SETT (tune 6)
ABC  21073 C1:000007710600010 C2:ddududuudduuddd M:2/4   K:Bb           H:BCLSVZ T:BAYADERS SETT (tune 6)
ABC  21073 C1:000007710600010 C2:ddududuudduuddd M:2/4   K:Bb           H:BCLSVZ T:BAYADERS SETT (tune 6)
ABC  21073 C1:000007710600010 C2:ddududuudduuddd M:2/4   K:Bb           H:BCLSVZ T:BAYADERS SETT (tune 6)
ABC  21073 C1:000007710600010 C2:ddududuudduuddd M:2/4   K:Bb           H:BCLSVZ T:BAYADERS SETT (tune 6)
ABC  21073 C1:000007710600010 C2:ddududuudduuddd M:2/4   K:Bb           H:BCLSVZ T:BAYADERS SETT (tune 6)
ABC  21073 C1:000007710600010 C2:ddududuudduuddd M:2/4   K:Bb           H:BCLSVZ T:BAYADERS SETT (tune 6)
ABC  21073 C1:000007710600010 C2:ddududuudduuddd M:2/4   K:Bb           H:BCLSVZ T:BAYADERS SETT (tune 6)
ABC  21073 C1:000007710600010 C2:ddududuudduuddd M:2/4   K:Bb           H:BCLSVZ T:BAYADERS SETT (tune 6)
ABC  21073 C1:000007710600010 C2:ddududuudduuddd M:2/4   K:Bb           H:BCLSVZ T:BAYADERS SETT (tune 6)
ABC      1 C1:771005037677007 C2:ddududddddduuuu M:6/8   K:G            H:BLR    T:The Bay and the Grey
ABC    146 C1:771005037677007 C2:ddududddddduuuu M:6/8   K:G            H:BLRZ   T:The Bay and the Grey
ABC    146 C1:771005037677007 C2:ddududddddduuuu M:6/8   K:G            H:BLR    T:The Bay and the Grey
ABC    146 C1:771005037677007 C2:ddududddddduuuu M:6/8   K:G            H:BLRZ   T:The Bay and the Grey
ABC   6516 C1:771005037677007 C2:ddududddddduuuu M:6/8   K:G            H:BLOR   T:The Bay and the Grey
ABC   6516 C1:771005037677007 C2:ddududddddduuuu M:6/8   K:G            H:BLOR   T:The Bay and the Grey
ABC  12827 C1:771005037677007 C2:ddududddddduuuu M:6/8   K:G            H:BLR    T:The Bay and the Grey
ABC  12827 C1:771005037677007 C2:ddududddddduuuu M:6/8   K:G            H:BLR    T:The Bay and the Grey
ABC  12827 C1:771005037677007 C2:ddududddddduuuu M:6/8   K:G            H:BLR    T:The Bay and the Grey
ABC  12827 C1:771005037677007 C2:ddududddddduuuu M:6/8   K:G            H:BLR    T:The Bay and the Grey
ABC  12827 C1:771005037677007 C2:ddududddddduuuu M:6/8   K:G            H:BLR    T:The Bay and the Grey
ABC     21 C1:471606707067012 C2:ududddudduudddu M:4/4   K:F            H:L      T:Ba yan hang gai
ABC 810342 C1:620060007000201 C2:dudduudduuddudd M:3/4   K:D            H:CFLOSZ T:Bayerisch
ABC 111132 C1:000001000001111 C2:uuuuuudduuuuuuu M:none  K:D            H:CFLOSZ T:B\"a\"yerisch
ABC 510411 C1:000001000001111 C2:uuuuuudduuuuuuu M:3/4   K:D            H:CFLOSZ T:Ba\"yerisch
ABC     13 C1:376657667223200 C2:udddudddduuuudd M:2/4   K:F            H:"LORS  T:Bayerische Polka FCBb (pk02133)
ABC     13 C1:376657667223200 C2:udddudddduuuudd M:2/4   K:F            H:"LORS  T:Bayerische Polka FCBb (pk02133)
ABC     20 C1:000605070077000 C2:dudddduddduduuu M:4/4   K:Bb           H:LOR    T:BAYERN O HEIMATLAND
ABC      1 C1:242242242332077 C2:uduuduududuuddd M:2/4   K:A            H:"CLQRS T:Bay Harbour Hornpipe
ABC     27 C1:030000111100000 C2:uuuuuuddudddduu M:4/4   K:G            H:"L     T:Bay Horse
ABC     27 C1:030000111100000 C2:uuuuuuddudddduu M:4/4   K:G            H:"L     T:Bay Horse
ABC     21 C1:001106010101000 C2:uuduuuduududddd M:4/4   K:EMin         H:LQR    T:Bay Horse Brawl
ABC     21 C1:001106010101000 C2:uuduuuduududddd M:4/4   K:EMin         H:LQR    T:Bay Horse Brawl
ABC     21 C1:010100070011000 C2:uuduududddduudu M:4/4   K:EMin         H:LR     T:Bay Horse Brawl (Peopleton)
ABC     21 C1:010100070011000 C2:uuduududddduudu M:4/4   K:EMin         H:LR     T:Bay Horse Brawl (Peopleton)
ABC     21 C1:010100070011000 C2:uuduududddduudu M:4/4   K:EMin         H:LR     T:Bay Horse Brawl (Peopleton)
ABC    299 C1:070102050000000 C2:duududdudddduud M:4/4   K:G            H:LORS   T:Bayiqiyi
ABC     51 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Baylad Caracoles [Flute] - Murcia (1:36)
ABC     11 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Baylad Caracoles [Lute] - Murcia (1:36)
ABC     43 C1:010177707077404 C2:uuddddddduuuduu M:6/8   K:D            H:LQ     T:baym rebin in palestrina
ABC     70 C1:110000000000000 C2:uuuuudddduuuddd M:2/4   K:E            H:"LZ    T:Baym Rebin's Sude
ABC     70 C1:110000000000000 C2:uuuuudddduuuddd M:2/4   K:E            H:"LZ    T:Baym Rebin's Sude
ABC      1 C1:110000000000000 C2:uuuuudddduuuddd M:2/4   K:E^G          H:"LZ    T:Baym Rebin's Sude
ABC      1 C1:110000000000000 C2:uuuuudddduuuddd M:2/4   K:E^G          H:"LZ    T:Baym Rebin's Sude
ABC      1 C1:110000000000000 C2:uuuuudddduuuddd M:2/4   K:E^G          H:"LZ    T:Baym Rebin's Sude
ABC     64 C1:110000000000000 C2:uuuuudddduuuddd M:2/4   K:E            H:"LZ    T:Baym Rebin's Sude
ABC     64 C1:110000000000000 C2:uuuuudddduuuddd M:2/4   K:E            H:"LZ    T:Baym Rebin's Sude
ABC     69 C1:110000000000000 C2:uuuuudddduuuddd M:2/4   K:C^f^c^a      H:"LZ    T:Baym Rebin's Sude
ABC     69 C1:110000000000000 C2:uuuuudddduuuddd M:2/4   K:C^f^c^a      H:"LZ    T:Baym Rebin's Sude
ABC     63 C1:110000000000000 C2:uuuuudddduuuddd M:2/4   K:C^f^c^a      H:"LZ    T:Baym Rebin's Sude
ABC     63 C1:110000000000000 C2:uuuuudddduuuddd M:2/4   K:C^f^c^a      H:"LZ    T:Baym Rebin's Sude
ABC      1 C1:110000000000000 C2:uuuuudddduuuddd M:2/4   K:^f^c^A       H:"LZ    T:Baym Rebin's Sude
ABC      1 C1:110000000000000 C2:uuuuudddduuuddd M:2/4   K:^f^c^A       H:"LZ    T:Baym Rebin's Sude
ABC      1 C1:110000000000000 C2:uuuuudddduuuddd M:2/4   K:^f^c^A       H:"LZ    T:Baym Rebin's Sude
ABC      1 C1:110000000000000 C2:uuuuudddduuuddd M:2/4   K:^f^c^A       H:"LZ    T:Baym Rebin's Sude
ABC      1 C1:110000000000000 C2:uuuuudddduuuddd M:2/4   K:^f^c^A       H:"LZ    T:Baym Rebin's Sude
ABC      1 C1:110000000000000 C2:uuuuudddduuuddd M:2/4   K:E^G          H:"LZ    T:Baym Rebin's Sude
ABC      2 C1:110000000000000 C2:uuuuudddduuuddd M:2/4   K:^f^c^A       H:"LZ    T:Baym Rebin's Sude
ABC      1 C1:110000000000000 C2:uuuuudddduuuddd M:2/4   K:E^G          H:"LZ    T:Baym Rebin's Sude
ABC      2 C1:110000000000000 C2:uuuuudddduuuddd M:2/4   K:^f^c^A       H:"LZ    T:Baym Rebin's Sude
ABC      1 C1:110000000000000 C2:uuuuudddduuuddd M:2/4   K:E^G          H:"LZ    T:Baym Rebin's Sude
ABC      2 C1:110000000000000 C2:uuuuudddduuuddd M:2/4   K:^f^c^A       H:"LZ    T:Baym Rebin's Sude
ABC      0 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:       T:Baym Rebins Sude
ABC      0 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:       T:Baym Rebins Sude
ABC      0 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:       T:Baym Rebins Sude
ABC     63 C1:110000000000000 C2:uuuuudddduuuddd M:2/4   K:C^f^c^a      H:"LQVZ  T:Baym Rebin's Sude
ABC     63 C1:110000000000000 C2:uuuuudddduuuddd M:2/4   K:C^f^c^a      H:"LQVZ  T:Baym Rebin's Sude
ABC     63 C1:110000000000000 C2:uuuuudddduuuddd M:2/4   K:C^f^c^a      H:"LQVZ  T:Baym Rebin's Sude
ABC      0 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:       T:Baym Rebins Sude
ABC      0 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:       T:Baym Rebins Sude
ABC      0 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:       T:Baym Rebins Sude
ABC      0 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:       T:Baym Rebins Sude
ABC     68 C1:110000000000000 C2:uuuuudddduuuddd M:2/4   K:E^G          H:"LOZ   T:Baym Rebin's Sude
ABC     68 C1:110000000000000 C2:uuuuudddduuuddd M:2/4   K:E^G          H:"LOZ   T:Baym Rebin's Sude
ABC      0 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:       T:Baym Rebins Sude
ABC      0 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:       T:Baym Rebins Sude
ABC      0 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:       T:Baym Rebins Sude
ABC      0 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:       T:Baym Rebins Sude
ABC     69 C1:110000000000000 C2:uuuuudddduuuddd M:2/4   K:C^f^c^a      H:"LZ    T:Baym Rebin's Sude
ABC     70 C1:110000000000000 C2:uuuuudddduuuddd M:2/4   K:E            H:"LZ    T:Baym Rebin's Sude
ABC     69 C1:110000000000000 C2:uuuuudddduuuddd M:2/4   K:C^f^c^a      H:"LZ    T:Baym Rebin's Sude
ABC     70 C1:110000000000000 C2:uuuuudddduuuddd M:2/4   K:E            H:"LZ    T:Baym Rebin's Sude
ABC     69 C1:110000000000000 C2:uuuuudddduuuddd M:2/4   K:C^f^c^a      H:"LZ    T:Baym Rebin's Sude
ABC     70 C1:110000000000000 C2:uuuuudddduuuddd M:2/4   K:E            H:"LZ    T:Baym Rebin's Sude
ABC     69 C1:110000000000000 C2:uuuuudddduuuddd M:2/4   K:C^f^c^a      H:"LZ    T:Baym Rebin's Sude
ABC     70 C1:110000000000000 C2:uuuuudddduuuddd M:2/4   K:E            H:"LZ    T:Baym Rebin's Sude
ABC      1 C1:110000000000000 C2:uuuuudddduuuddd M:2/4   K:E^G          H:"LZ    T:Baym Rebin's Sude (At the Rabbi's Table)
ABC      2 C1:110000000000000 C2:uuuuudddduuuddd M:2/4   K:^f^c^A       H:"LZ    T:Baym Rebin's Sude (At the Rabbi's Table)
ABC      1 C1:110000000000000 C2:uuuuudddduuuddd M:2/4   K:Am           H:"LZ    T:Baym Rebin's Sude (At the Rabbi's Table)
ABC      2 C1:110000000000000 C2:uuuuudddduuuddd M:2/4   K:Bm           H:"LZ    T:Baym Rebin's Sude (At the Rabbi's Table)
ABC      1 C1:110000000000000 C2:uuuuudddduuuddd M:2/4   K:Am           H:"LZ    T:Baym Rebin's Sude (At the Rabbi's Table)
ABC      2 C1:110000000000000 C2:uuuuudddduuuddd M:2/4   K:Bm           H:"LZ    T:Baym Rebin's Sude (At the Rabbi's Table)
ABC      2 C1:110000000000000 C2:uuuuudddduuuddd M:2/4   K:E^G          H:"LZ    T:Baym Rebin's Sude  (At the Rabbi's Table)
ABC      2 C1:110000000000000 C2:uuuuudddduuuddd M:2/4   K:E^G          H:"LZ    T:Baym Rebin's Sude  (At the Rabbi's Table)
ABC      2 C1:110000000000000 C2:uuuuudddduuuddd M:2/4   K:E^G          H:"LZ    T:Baym Rebin's Sude  (At the Rabbi's Table)
ABC      2 C1:110000000000000 C2:uuuuudddduuuddd M:2/4   K:E^G          H:"LZ    T:Baym Rebin's Sude  (At the Rabbi's Table)
ABC      2 C1:110000000000000 C2:uuuuudddduuuddd M:2/4   K:E^G          H:"LZ    T:Baym Rebin's Sude  (At the Rabbi's Table)
ABC      2 C1:110000000000000 C2:uuuuudddduuuddd M:2/4   K:^f^c^A       H:"LZ    T:Baym Rebin's Sude  (At the Rabbi's Table)
ABC      2 C1:110000000000000 C2:uuuuudddduuuddd M:2/4   K:^f^c^A       H:"LZ    T:Baym Rebin's Sude  (At the Rabbi's Table)
ABC      2 C1:110000000000000 C2:uuuuudddduuuddd M:2/4   K:^f^c^A       H:"LZ    T:Baym Rebin's Sude  (At the Rabbi's Table)
ABC      2 C1:110000000000000 C2:uuuuudddduuuddd M:2/4   K:Am           H:"LZ    T:Baym Rebin's Sude (At the Rabbi's Table)
ABC      2 C1:110000000000000 C2:uuuuudddduuuddd M:2/4   K:Bm           H:"LZ    T:Baym Rebin's Sude (At the Rabbi's Table)
ABC      1 C1:110000000000000 C2:uuuuudddduuuddd M:2/4   K:Am           H:"LZ    T:Baym Rebin's Sude (At the Rabbi's Table)
ABC      2 C1:110000000000000 C2:uuuuudddduuuddd M:2/4   K:Bm           H:"LZ    T:Baym Rebin's Sude (At the Rabbi's Table)
ABC      1 C1:110000000000000 C2:uuuuudddduuuddd M:2/4   K:Am           H:"LZ    T:Baym Rebin's Sude (At the Rabbi's Table)
ABC      2 C1:110000000000000 C2:uuuuudddduuuddd M:2/4   K:Bm           H:"LZ    T:Baym Rebin's Sude (At the Rabbi's Table)
ABC      1 C1:110000000000000 C2:uuuuudddduuuddd M:2/4   K:Am           H:"LZ    T:Baym Rebin's Sude (At the Rabbi's Table)
ABC      2 C1:110000000000000 C2:uuuuudddduuuddd M:2/4   K:Bm           H:"LZ    T:Baym Rebin's Sude (At the Rabbi's Table)
ABC      1 C1:110000000000000 C2:uuuuudddduuuddd M:2/4   K:Am           H:"LZ    T:Baym Rebin's Sude (At the Rabbi's Table)
ABC      2 C1:110000000000000 C2:uuuuudddduuuddd M:2/4   K:Bm           H:"LZ    T:Baym Rebin's Sude (At the Rabbi's Table)
ABC     12 C1:110000000000000 C2:uuuuudddduuuddd M:2/4   K:E^G          H:"LOZ   T:Baym Rebin's Sude (At the Rabbi's Table)
ABC     12 C1:110000000000000 C2:uuuuudddduuuddd M:2/4   K:E^G          H:"LOZ   T:Baym Rebin's Sude (At the Rabbi's Table)
ABC      1 C1:110000000000000 C2:uuuuudddduuuddd M:2/4   K:Am           H:"LZ    T:Baym Rebin's Sude (At the Rabbi's Table)
ABC      2 C1:110000000000000 C2:uuuuudddduuuddd M:2/4   K:Bm           H:"LZ    T:Baym Rebin's Sude (At the Rabbi's Table)
ABC      1 C1:110000000000000 C2:uuuuudddduuuddd M:2/4   K:Am           H:"LZ    T:Baym Rebin's Sude (At the Rabbi's Table)
ABC      2 C1:110000000000000 C2:uuuuudddduuuddd M:2/4   K:Bm           H:"LZ    T:Baym Rebin's Sude (At the Rabbi's Table)
ABC      1 C1:110000000000000 C2:uuuuudddduuuddd M:2/4   K:Am           H:"LZ    T:Baym Rebin's Sude (At the Rabbi's Table)
ABC      2 C1:110000000000000 C2:uuuuudddduuuddd M:2/4   K:Bm           H:"LZ    T:Baym Rebin's Sude (At the Rabbi's Table)
ABC      2 C1:110000000000000 C2:uuuuudddduuuddd M:2/4   K:Bm           H:"LZ    T:Baym Rebin's Sude (At the Rabbi's Table)
ABC      1 C1:110000000000000 C2:uuuuudddduuuddd M:2/4   K:Am           H:"LZ    T:Baym Rebin's Sude (At the Rabbi's Table)
ABC     72 C1:010700000000070 C2:uddduduuuuduudu M:4/4   K:Dm           H:"DLORZ T:Baym Rebn in Palestine
ABC     72 C1:010700000000070 C2:uddduduuuuduudu M:4/4   K:Dm           H:"DLORZ T:Baym Rebn in Palestine
ABC     66 C1:010700000000070 C2:uddduduuuuduudu M:4/4   K:Dm           H:"DLORZ T:Baym Rebn in Palestine
ABC     66 C1:010700000000070 C2:uddduduuuuduudu M:4/4   K:Dm           H:"DLORZ T:Baym Rebn in Palestine
ABC      1 C1:010700000000070 C2:uddduduuuuduudu M:4/4   K:Dm           H:"DLORZ T:Baym Rebn in Palestine
ABC      1 C1:010700000000070 C2:uddduduuuuduudu M:4/4   K:Dm           H:"DLORZ T:Baym Rebn in Palestine
ABC      1 C1:010700000000070 C2:uddduduuuuduudu M:4/4   K:Dm           H:"DLORZ T:Baym Rebn in Palestine
ABC     71 C1:004227010000010 C2:uuuduuudddddddu M:3/4   K:D            H:"DLORZ T:Baym Rebn in Palestine
ABC     71 C1:004227010000010 C2:uuuduuudddddddu M:3/4   K:D            H:"DLORZ T:Baym Rebn in Palestine
ABC      1 C1:004227010000010 C2:uuuduuudddddddu M:3/4   K:D            H:"DLORZ T:Baym Rebn in Palestine
ABC      1 C1:004227010000010 C2:uuuduuudddddddu M:3/4   K:D            H:"DLORZ T:Baym Rebn in Palestine
ABC      1 C1:004227010000010 C2:uuuduuudddddddu M:3/4   K:D            H:"DLORZ T:Baym Rebn in Palestine
ABC     65 C1:004227010000010 C2:uuuduuudddddddu M:3/4   K:D            H:"DLORZ T:Baym Rebn in Palestine
ABC     65 C1:004227010000010 C2:uuuduuudddddddu M:3/4   K:D            H:"DLORZ T:Baym Rebn in Palestine
ABC      1 C1:004227010000010 C2:uuuduuudddddddu M:3/4   K:D            H:"DLORZ T:Baym Rebn in Palestine
ABC      2 C1:010700000000070 C2:uddduduuuuduudu M:4/4   K:Dm           H:"DLORZ T:Baym Rebn in Palestine
ABC      1 C1:004227010000010 C2:uuuduuudddddddu M:3/4   K:D            H:"DLORZ T:Baym Rebn in Palestine
ABC      2 C1:010700000000070 C2:uddduduuuuduudu M:4/4   K:Dm           H:"DLORZ T:Baym Rebn in Palestine
ABC      1 C1:004227010000010 C2:uuuduuudddddddu M:3/4   K:D            H:"DLORZ T:Baym Rebn in Palestine
ABC      2 C1:010700000000070 C2:uddduduuuuduudu M:4/4   K:Dm           H:"DLORZ T:Baym Rebn in Palestine
ABC     71 C1:004227010000010 C2:uuuduuudddddddu M:3/4   K:D            H:"DLORZ T:Baym Rebn in Palestine
ABC     72 C1:010700000000070 C2:uddduduuuuduudu M:4/4   K:Dm           H:"DLORZ T:Baym Rebn in Palestine
ABC     71 C1:004227010000010 C2:uuuduuudddddddu M:3/4   K:D            H:"DLORZ T:Baym Rebn in Palestine
ABC     72 C1:010700000000070 C2:uddduduuuuduudu M:4/4   K:Dm           H:"DLORZ T:Baym Rebn in Palestine
ABC     71 C1:004227010000010 C2:uuuduuudddddddu M:3/4   K:D            H:"DLORZ T:Baym Rebn in Palestine
ABC     72 C1:010700000000070 C2:uddduduuuuduudu M:4/4   K:Dm           H:"DLORZ T:Baym Rebn in Palestine
ABC     71 C1:004227010000010 C2:uuuduuudddddddu M:3/4   K:D            H:"DLORZ T:Baym Rebn in Palestine
ABC     72 C1:010700000000070 C2:uddduduuuuduudu M:4/4   K:Dm           H:"DLORZ T:Baym Rebn in Palestine
ABC     94 C1:000227670002010 C2:uuudddduuudddud M:2/4   K:Am           H:"LOQV  T:Baym rebns sude
ABC     94 C1:000227670002010 C2:uuudddduuudddud M:2/4   K:Am           H:"LOQV  T:Baym rebns sude
ABC      1 C1:002777002777511 C2:udddudddduuuuud M:3/4   K:G            H:LR     T:The Bay of Biscay
ABC  10682 C1:030002060006011 C2:uudduuuuddddddu M:2/4   K:C            H:BCLQSZ T:the BAY OF BISCAY
ABC  10682 C1:030002060006011 C2:uudduuuuddddddu M:2/4   K:C            H:BCLQSZ T:the BAY OF BISCAY
ABC   6517 C1:002777002777511 C2:udddudddduuuuud M:3/4   K:G            H:LOR    T:The Bay of Biscay
ABC   6517 C1:002777002777511 C2:udddudddduuuuud M:3/4   K:G            H:LOR    T:The Bay of Biscay
ABC  10682 C1:030002060006011 C2:uudduuuuddddddu M:2/4   K:C            H:BCLQSZ T:The BAY OF BISCAY
ABC  10682 C1:030002060006011 C2:uudduuuuddddddu M:2/4   K:C            H:BCLQSZ T:The BAY OF BISCAY
ABC  10682 C1:030002060006011 C2:uudduuuuddddddu M:2/4   K:C            H:BCLQSZ T:The BAY OF BISCAY
ABC  10682 C1:030002060006011 C2:uudduuuuddddddu M:2/4   K:C            H:BCLQSZ T:The BAY OF BISCAY
ABC  10682 C1:030002060006011 C2:uudduuuuddddddu M:2/4   K:C            H:BCLQSZ T:The BAY OF BISCAY
ABC  10682 C1:030002060006011 C2:uudduuuuddddddu M:2/4   K:C            H:BCLQSZ T:The BAY OF BISCAY
ABC  10682 C1:030002060006011 C2:uudduuuuddddddu M:2/4   K:C            H:BCLQSZ T:The BAY OF BISCAY
ABC  10682 C1:030002060006011 C2:uudduuuuddddddu M:2/4   K:C            H:BCLQSZ T:The BAY OF BISCAY
ABC  10682 C1:030002060006011 C2:uudduuuuddddddu M:2/4   K:C            H:BCLQSZ T:The BAY OF BISCAY
ABC  12828 C1:002777002777511 C2:udddudddduuuuud M:3/4   K:G            H:LR     T:The Bay of Biscay
ABC  12828 C1:002777002777511 C2:udddudddduuuuud M:3/4   K:G            H:LR     T:The Bay of Biscay
ABC  12828 C1:002777002777511 C2:udddudddduuuuud M:3/4   K:G            H:LR     T:The Bay of Biscay
ABC  12828 C1:002777002777511 C2:udddudddduuuuud M:3/4   K:G            H:LR     T:The Bay of Biscay
ABC  12828 C1:002777002777511 C2:udddudddduuuuud M:3/4   K:G            H:LR     T:The Bay of Biscay
ABC  16461 C1:002777002777511 C2:udddudddduuuuud M:3/4   K:G            H:LR     T:The Bay of Biscay
ABC  16461 C1:002777002777511 C2:udddudddduuuuud M:3/4   K:G            H:LR     T:The Bay of Biscay
ABC  16461 C1:002777002777511 C2:udddudddduuuuud M:3/4   K:G            H:LR     T:The Bay of Biscay
ABC  16461 C1:002777002777511 C2:udddudddduuuuud M:3/4   K:G            H:LR     T:The Bay of Biscay
ABC 491040 C1:302606121266076 C2:uudduuuuudddddd M:C     K:D            H:BLSYZ  T:BAY OF BISCAY O, The
ABC    329 C1:302606121266076 C2:uudduuuuudddddd M:C     K:D            H:BLZ    T:The Bay Of Biscay O
ABC    329 C1:302606121266076 C2:uudduuuuudddddd M:C     K:D            H:BLZ    T:The Bay Of Biscay O
ABC    329 C1:302606121266076 C2:uudduuuuudddddd M:C     K:D            H:BLZ    T:The Bay Of Biscay O
ABC    329 C1:302606121266076 C2:uudduuuuudddddd M:C     K:D            H:BLZ    T:THE BAY OF BISCAY O
ABC    329 C1:302606121266076 C2:uudduuuuudddddd M:C     K:D            H:BLQRZbs T:the Bay of Biscay O
ABC    329 C1:302606121266076 C2:uudduuuuudddddd M:C     K:D            H:BLQRZbs T:the Bay of Biscay O
ABC    329 C1:302606121266076 C2:uudduuuuudddddd M:C     K:D            H:BLQRZbs T:the Bay of Biscay O
ABC    329 C1:302606121266076 C2:uudduuuuudddddd M:C     K:D            H:BLQRZbs T:the Bay of Biscay O
ABC    329 C1:302606121266076 C2:uudduuuuudddddd M:C     K:D            H:BLQRZbs T:the Bay of Biscay O
ABC    329 C1:302606121266076 C2:uudduuuuudddddd M:C     K:D            H:BLZ    T:THE BAY OF BISCAY O
ABC 491040 C1:302606121266076 C2:uudduuuuudddddd M:C     K:D            H:BLSYZ  T:BAY OF BISCAY O, The
ABC 491040 C1:302606121266076 C2:uudduuuuudddddd M:C     K:D            H:BLSYZ  T:BAY OF BISCAY O, The
ABC    329 C1:302606121266076 C2:uudduuuuudddddd M:C     K:D            H:BLZ    T:THE BAY OF BISCAY O
ABC    329 C1:302606121266076 C2:uudduuuuudddddd M:C     K:D            H:BLZ    T:The Bay Of Biscay O
ABC    329 C1:302606121266076 C2:uudduuuuudddddd M:C     K:D            H:BLZ    T:The Bay Of Biscay O
ABC    908 C1:302606121766006 C2:uudduuuuddddddd M:2/4   K:D            H:BLQZ   T:Bay of Biscay,O. Roose.0905
ABC      1 C1:071701207770400 C2:duduuudddududdd M:4/4   K:Bb           H:L      T:Bay of Fundy
ABC      6 C1:001766226352662 C2:uddduudududduuu M:2/4   K:D            H:"LRS   T:Bay of Fundy
ABC      6 C1:001766226352662 C2:uddduudududduuu M:2/4   K:D            H:"LRS   T:Bay of Fundy
ABC      1 C1:001766226352051 C2:uddduudududuudu M:2/2   K:D            H:"CLQZ  T:Bay of Fundy
ABC      1 C1:071701207770400 C2:duduuudddududdd M:4/4   K:Bb           H:L      T:Bay of Fundy
ABC      1 C1:071701207770400 C2:duduuudddududdd M:4/4   K:Bb           H:L      T:Bay of Fundy
ABC      1 C1:001766226352051 C2:uddduudududuuud M:2/2   K:D            H:"CFLZ  T:Bay of Fundy
ABC      1 C1:001766226352051 C2:uddduudududuuud M:2/2   K:D            H:"CFLZ  T:Bay of Fundy
ABC      1 C1:001766226352051 C2:uddduudududuuud M:2/2   K:D            H:"CFLZ  T:Bay of Fundy
ABC      1 C1:001766226352051 C2:uddduudududuuud M:2/2   K:D            H:"CFLZ  T:Bay of Fundy
ABC      1 C1:001766226352051 C2:uddduudududuuud M:2/2   K:D            H:"CFLZ  T:Bay of Fundy
ABC      1 C1:001766226352051 C2:uddduudududuuud M:2/2   K:D            H:"CFLZ  T:Bay of Fundy
ABC      1 C1:001766226352051 C2:uddduudududuuud M:2/2   K:D            H:"CFLZ  T:Bay of Fundy
ABC      1 C1:001766226352051 C2:uddduudududuuud M:2/2   K:D            H:"CFLZ  T:Bay of Fundy
ABC      1 C1:001766226352051 C2:uddduudududuuud M:2/2   K:D            H:"CFLZ  T:Bay of Fundy
ABC      1 C1:001766226352051 C2:uddduudududuuud M:2/2   K:D            H:"CFLZ  T:Bay of Fundy
ABC      1 C1:001766226352051 C2:uddduudududuuud M:2/2   K:D            H:"CFLZ  T:Bay of Fundy
ABC      1 C1:001766226352051 C2:uddduudududuuud M:2/2   K:D            H:"CFLZ  T:Bay of Fundy
ABC      1 C1:001766226352051 C2:uddduudududuuud M:2/2   K:D            H:"CFLZ  T:Bay of Fundy
ABC      1 C1:001766226352051 C2:uddduudududuuud M:2/2   K:D            H:"CFLZ  T:Bay of Fundy
ABC      1 C1:001766226352051 C2:uddduudududuuud M:2/2   K:D            H:"CFLZ  T:Bay of Fundy
ABC      1 C1:001766226352051 C2:uddduudududuuud M:2/2   K:D            H:"CFLZ  T:Bay of Fundy
ABC      1 C1:001766226352051 C2:uddduudududuuud M:2/2   K:D            H:"CLSZ  T:Bay of Fundy
ABC      1 C1:001766226352051 C2:uddduudududuuud M:2/2   K:D            H:"CLSZ  T:Bay of Fundy
ABC      1 C1:001766226352051 C2:uddduudududuuud M:2/2   K:D            H:"CLSZ  T:Bay of Fundy
ABC      1 C1:001766226352051 C2:uddduudududuuud M:2/2   K:D            H:"CLSZ  T:Bay of Fundy
ABC      1 C1:001766226352051 C2:uddduudududuuud M:2/2   K:D            H:"CLSZ  T:Bay of Fundy
ABC      1 C1:001766226352051 C2:uddduudududuuud M:2/2   K:D            H:"CLSZ  T:Bay of Fundy
ABC      1 C1:001766226352051 C2:uddduudududuuud M:2/2   K:D            H:"CLSZ  T:Bay of Fundy
ABC      6 C1:001766226352662 C2:uddduudududduuu M:2/4   K:D            H:"LRS   T:Bay of Fundy
ABC      1 C1:001766226352051 C2:uddduudududuudu M:      K:Dmaj         H:LR     T:Bay Of Fundy
ABC      6 C1:001766226352662 C2:uddduudududduuu M:2/4   K:D            H:"LRS   T:Bay of Fundy
ABC    151 C1:001766226352051 C2:uddduudududuudu M:2/2   K:D            H:"CLQZ  T:Bay of Fundy
ABC 755040 C1:001766226352051 C2:uddduudududuuud M:2/4   K:D            H:"CFGLRZ T:Bay of Fundy
ABC    448 C1:001766226352051 C2:uddduudududuudu M:2/2   K:D            H:"CLOQ  T:Bay of Fundy
ABC    448 C1:001766226352051 C2:uddduudududuudu M:2/2   K:D            H:"CLOQ  T:Bay of Fundy
ABC     50 C1:001766226352051 C2:uddduudududuuud M:2/2   K:D            H:"CFLZ  T:Bay of Fundy
ABC 755040 C1:                C2:                M:4/4   K:D            H:CFGLRZ T:Bay of Fundy
ABC   1004 C1:001766226352051 C2:uddduudududuudu M:2/2   K:D            H:"CLQZ  T:Bay of Fundy
ABC   1004 C1:001766226352051 C2:uddduudududuudu M:2/2   K:D            H:"CLQZ  T:Bay of Fundy
ABC   1004 C1:001766226352051 C2:uddduudududuudu M:2/2   K:D            H:"CLQZ  T:Bay of Fundy
ABC   1004 C1:001766226352051 C2:uddduudududuudu M:2/2   K:D            H:"CLQZ  T:Bay of Fundy
ABC   1004 C1:001766226352051 C2:uddduudududuudu M:2/2   K:D            H:"CLQZ  T:Bay of Fundy
ABC      1 C1:001766226352051 C2:uddduudududuuud M:4/4   K:D            H:"C     T:Bay of Fundy I
ABC     13 C1:001766226352051 C2:uddduudududuuud M:4/4   K:D            H:"C     T:Bay of Fundy I
ABC      1 C1:001766226352051 C2:uddduudududuuud M:4/4   K:D            H:"C     T:Bay of Fundy II
ABC     14 C1:001766226352051 C2:uddduudududuuud M:4/4   K:D            H:"C     T:Bay of Fundy II
ABC      1 C1:332423371111662 C2:ududududuuuuddu M:C|    K:F            H:"CLRZ  T:Bay of Holland
ABC      1 C1:332423371111662 C2:ududududuuuuddu M:C|    K:F            H:"CLRZ  T:Bay of Holland
ABC      1 C1:332423371111662 C2:ududududuuuuddu M:C|    K:F            H:"CLRZ  T:Bay of Holland
ABC      1 C1:332423371111662 C2:ududududuuuuddu M:C|    K:F            H:"CLRZ  T:Bay of Holland
ABC      1 C1:332423371111662 C2:ududududuuuuddu M:C|    K:F            H:"CLRZ  T:Bay of Holland
ABC      1 C1:332423371111662 C2:ududududuuuuddu M:C|    K:F            H:"CLRZ  T:Bay of Holland
ABC      1 C1:332423371111662 C2:ududududuuuuddu M:C|    K:F            H:"CLRZ  T:Bay of Holland
ABC      1 C1:332423371111662 C2:ududududuuuuddu M:C|    K:F            H:"CLRZ  T:Bay of Holland
ABC      1 C1:332423371111662 C2:ududududuuuuddu M:C|    K:F            H:"CLRZ  T:Bay of Holland
ABC      1 C1:332423371111662 C2:ududududuuuuddu M:C|    K:F            H:"CLRZ  T:Bay of Holland
ABC      1 C1:332423371111662 C2:ududududuuuuddu M:C|    K:F            H:"CLRZ  T:Bay of Holland
ABC      1 C1:332423371111662 C2:ududududuuuuddu M:C|    K:F            H:"CLRZ  T:Bay of Holland
ABC      1 C1:332423371111662 C2:ududududuuuuddu M:C|    K:F            H:"CLRZ  T:Bay of Holland
ABC      1 C1:332423371111662 C2:ududududuuuuddu M:C|    K:F            H:"CLRZ  T:Bay of Holland
ABC      1 C1:332423371111662 C2:ududududuuuuddu M:C|    K:F            H:"CLRZ  T:Bay of Holland
ABC      1 C1:332423371111662 C2:ududududuuuuddu M:C|    K:F            H:"CLRZ  T:Bay of Holland
ABC      1 C1:332423371111662 C2:ududududuuuuddu M:C|    K:F            H:"CLRZ  T:Bay of Holland
ABC      1 C1:332423371111662 C2:ududududuuuuddu M:C|    K:F            H:"CLRZ  T:Bay of Holland
ABC      1 C1:332423371111662 C2:ududududuuuuddu M:C|    K:F            H:"CLRZ  T:Bay of Holland
ABC      1 C1:332423371111662 C2:ududududuuuuddu M:C|    K:F            H:"CLRZ  T:Bay of Holland
ABC      1 C1:332423371111662 C2:ududududuuuuddu M:C|    K:F            H:"CLRZ  T:Bay of Holland
ABC      1 C1:332423371111662 C2:ududududuuuuddu M:C|    K:F            H:"CLRZ  T:Bay of Holland
ABC      1 C1:332423371111662 C2:ududududuuuuddu M:C|    K:F            H:"CLRZ  T:Bay of Holland
ABC      1 C1:332423371111662 C2:ududududuuuuddu M:C|    K:F            H:"CLRZ  T:Bay of Holland
ABC      1 C1:332423371111662 C2:ududududuuuuddu M:C|    K:F            H:"CLRZ  T:Bay of Holland
ABC      1 C1:332423371111662 C2:ududududuuuuddu M:C|    K:F            H:"CLRZ  T:Bay of Holland
ABC      2 C1:332423371111662 C2:ududududuuuuddu M:C|    K:F            H:"CLRZ  T:Bay of Holland
ABC      2 C1:332423371111662 C2:ududududuuuuddu M:C|    K:F            H:"CLRZ  T:Bay of Holland
ABC      2 C1:332423371111662 C2:ududududuuuuddu M:C|    K:F            H:"CLRZ  T:Bay of Holland
ABC      2 C1:332423371111662 C2:ududududuuuuddu M:C|    K:F            H:"CLRZ  T:Bay of Holland
ABC      2 C1:332423371111662 C2:ududududuuuuddu M:C|    K:F            H:"CLRZ  T:Bay of Holland
ABC      1 C1:020402030003000 C2:udududuuduuuduu M:4/4   K:A            H:CLQR   T:The Bay of Ireland
ABC      1 C1:020402030003000 C2:udududuuduuuduu M:4/4   K:A            H:CLQR   T:The Bay of Ireland
ABC     20 C1:565661655102011 C2:duduudududdddud M:2/4   K:Bb           H:CLRZ   T:Bay of Quinte Reel
ABC   1252 C1:053323510627067 C2:duduudududdddud M:2/4   K:Bb           H:CLR    T:Bay of Quinte Reel
ABC   1252 C1:053323510627067 C2:duduudududdddud M:2/4   K:Bb           H:CLR    T:Bay of Quinte Reel
ABC   1252 C1:053323510627067 C2:duduudududdddud M:2/4   K:Bb           H:CLR    T:Bay of Quinte Reel
ABC   1252 C1:053323510627067 C2:duduudududdddud M:2/4   K:Bb           H:CLR    T:Bay of Quinte Reel
ABC      1 C1:017662437040637 C2:uddduuddududdud M:3/4   K:D            H:"CLQw  T:Bayou Pon Pon
ABC      1 C1:070200076106206 C2:duddududdduuudd M:4/4   K:C            H:L      T:Bayou Sara
ABC      1 C1:070200076106206 C2:duddududdduuudd M:4/4   K:C            H:L      T:Bayou Sara
ABC      1 C1:070200076106206 C2:duddududdduuudd M:4/4   K:C            H:L      T:Bayou Sara
ABC 210492 C1:000001000001111 C2:uuuuuudduuuuuuu M:3/4   K:D            H:CFLOSZ T:Ba\"yrisch
ABC 413212 C1:000006000001141 C2:duuuuudduduuuuu M:3/4   K:D            H:CFLOSZ T:Ba\"yrisch
ABC 710642 C1:000001000001111 C2:uuuuuuduuuuuuud M:3/4   K:D            H:CFLOSZ T:Ba\"yrisch
ABC      1 C1:030200010402770 C2:duududdududduud M:2/4   K:G            H:CL     T:Bayrischer
ABC      1 C1:030200010402770 C2:duududdududduud M:2/4   K:G            H:ABFLSWZ T:Bayrischer
ABC     68 C1:030200010402770 C2:duududdududduud M:2/4   K:G            H:"CL    T:Bayrischer
ABC   1259 C1:030200010402770 C2:duududdududduud M:2/4   K:G            H:CL     T:Bayrischer
ABC    453 C1:030200010402770 C2:duududdududduud M:2/4   K:G            H:CLO    T:Bayrischer
ABC    453 C1:030200010402770 C2:duududdududduud M:2/4   K:G            H:CLO    T:Bayrischer
ABC   1259 C1:030200010402770 C2:duududdududduud M:2/4   K:G            H:CL     T:Bayrischer
ABC   1259 C1:030200010402770 C2:duududdududduud M:2/4   K:G            H:CL     T:Bayrischer
ABC   1259 C1:030200010402770 C2:duududdududduud M:2/4   K:G            H:CL     T:Bayrischer
ABC   1013 C1:030200010402770 C2:duududdududduud M:2/4   K:G            H:CL     T:Bayrischer
ABC   1013 C1:030200010402770 C2:duududdududduud M:2/4   K:G            H:CL     T:Bayrischer
ABC   1013 C1:030200010402770 C2:duududdududduud M:2/4   K:G            H:CL     T:Bayrischer
ABC   1013 C1:030200010402770 C2:duududdududduud M:2/4   K:G            H:CL     T:Bayrischer
ABC   1013 C1:030200010402770 C2:duududdududduud M:2/4   K:G            H:CL     T:Bayrischer
ABC      0 C1:322006001706020 C2:uuududdudududud M:32/44 K:Bb           H:"LR    T:Bayrischer Bauer [Bb]
ABC      0 C1:322006001706020 C2:uuududdudududud M:32/44 K:Bb           H:"LR    T:Bayrischer Bauer [Bb]
ABC     19 C1:322006001706020 C2:uuududdudududud M:32/44 K:Bb           H:"LR    T:Bayrischer Bauer [Bb]
ABC     19 C1:322006001706020 C2:uuududdudududud M:32/44 K:Bb           H:"LR    T:Bayrischer Bauer [Bb]
ABC     19 C1:322006001706020 C2:uuududdudududud M:32/44 K:Bb           H:"LR    T:Bayrischer Bauer [Bb]
ABC      2 C1:322006001706020 C2:uuududdudududud M:32/44 K:Bb           H:"LR    T:Bayrischer Bauer [Bb]  (Maderl)
ABC      2 C1:322006001706020 C2:uuududdudududud M:32/44 K:Bb           H:"LR    T:Bayrischer Bauer [Bb]  (Maderl)
ABC      2 C1:322006001706020 C2:uuududdudududud M:32/44 K:Bb           H:"LR    T:Bayrischer Bauer [Bb]  (Maderl)
ABC      2 C1:322006001706020 C2:uuududdudududud M:32/44 K:Bb           H:"LR    T:Bayrischer Bauer [Bb]  (Maderl)
ABC      2 C1:322006001706020 C2:uuududdudududud M:32/44 K:Bb           H:"LR    T:Bayrischer Bauer [Bb]  (Maderl)
ABC      2 C1:322006001706020 C2:uuududdudududud M:32/44 K:Bb           H:"LR    T:Bayrischer Bauer [Bb] (Maderl)
ABC      2 C1:322006001706020 C2:uuududdudududud M:32/44 K:Bb           H:"LR    T:Bayrischer Bauer [Bb] (Maderl)
ABC      0 C1:322006001706020 C2:uuududdudududud M:32/44 K:C            H:"LR    T:Bayrischer Bauer [C]
ABC      0 C1:322006001706020 C2:uuududdudududud M:32/44 K:C            H:"LR    T:Bayrischer Bauer [C]
ABC     20 C1:322006001706020 C2:uuududdudududud M:32/44 K:C            H:"LR    T:Bayrischer Bauer [C]
ABC     20 C1:322006001706020 C2:uuududdudududud M:32/44 K:C            H:"LR    T:Bayrischer Bauer [C]
ABC     20 C1:322006001706020 C2:uuududdudududud M:32/44 K:C            H:"LR    T:Bayrischer Bauer [C]
ABC      4 C1:322006001706020 C2:uuududdudududud M:32/44 K:C            H:"LR    T:Bayrischer Bauer [C]  (Maderl)
ABC      4 C1:322006001706020 C2:uuududdudududud M:32/44 K:C            H:"LR    T:Bayrischer Bauer [C]  (Maderl)
ABC      4 C1:322006001706020 C2:uuududdudududud M:32/44 K:C            H:"LR    T:Bayrischer Bauer [C]  (Maderl)
ABC      4 C1:322006001706020 C2:uuududdudududud M:32/44 K:C            H:"LR    T:Bayrischer Bauer [C]  (Maderl)
ABC      4 C1:322006001706020 C2:uuududdudududud M:32/44 K:C            H:"LR    T:Bayrischer Bauer [C]  (Maderl)
ABC      4 C1:322006001706020 C2:uuududdudududud M:32/44 K:C            H:"LR    T:Bayrischer Bauer [C] (Maderl)
ABC      4 C1:322006001706020 C2:uuududdudududud M:32/44 K:C            H:"LR    T:Bayrischer Bauer [C] (Maderl)
ABC      0 C1:006001706020603 C2:duddududududddu M:32/44 K:F            H:"LR    T:Bayrischer Bauer [F]
ABC      0 C1:006001706020603 C2:duddududududddu M:32/44 K:F            H:"LR    T:Bayrischer Bauer [F]
ABC     21 C1:006001706020603 C2:duddududududddu M:32/44 K:F            H:"LR    T:Bayrischer Bauer [F]
ABC     21 C1:006001706020603 C2:duddududududddu M:32/44 K:F            H:"LR    T:Bayrischer Bauer [F]
ABC     21 C1:006001706020603 C2:duddududududddu M:32/44 K:F            H:"LR    T:Bayrischer Bauer [F]
ABC      1 C1:006001706020603 C2:duddududududddu M:32/44 K:F            H:"LR    T:Bayrischer Bauer [F]  (Maderl)
ABC      1 C1:006001706020603 C2:duddududududddu M:32/44 K:F            H:"LR    T:Bayrischer Bauer [F]  (Maderl)
ABC      1 C1:006001706020603 C2:duddududududddu M:32/44 K:F            H:"LR    T:Bayrischer Bauer [F]  (Maderl)
ABC      1 C1:006001706020603 C2:duddududududddu M:32/44 K:F            H:"LR    T:Bayrischer Bauer [F]  (Maderl)
ABC      1 C1:006001706020603 C2:duddududududddu M:32/44 K:F            H:"LR    T:Bayrischer Bauer [F]  (Maderl)
ABC      1 C1:006001706020603 C2:duddududududddu M:32/44 K:F            H:"LR    T:Bayrischer Bauer [F] (Maderl)
ABC      1 C1:006001706020603 C2:duddududududddu M:32/44 K:F            H:"LR    T:Bayrischer Bauer [F] (Maderl)
ABC      0 C1:006001706020603 C2:duddududududdud M:32/44 K:G            H:"LR    T:Bayrischer Bauer [G]
ABC      0 C1:006001706020603 C2:duddududududdud M:32/44 K:G            H:"LR    T:Bayrischer Bauer [G]
ABC     22 C1:006001706020603 C2:duddududududdud M:32/44 K:G            H:"LR    T:Bayrischer Bauer [G]
ABC     22 C1:006001706020603 C2:duddududududdud M:32/44 K:G            H:"LR    T:Bayrischer Bauer [G]
ABC     22 C1:006001706020603 C2:duddududududdud M:32/44 K:G            H:"LR    T:Bayrischer Bauer [G]
ABC      3 C1:006001706020603 C2:duddududududdud M:32/44 K:G            H:"LR    T:Bayrischer Bauer [G]  (Maderl)
ABC      3 C1:006001706020603 C2:duddududududdud M:32/44 K:G            H:"LR    T:Bayrischer Bauer [G]  (Maderl)
ABC      3 C1:006001706020603 C2:duddududududdud M:32/44 K:G            H:"LR    T:Bayrischer Bauer [G]  (Maderl)
ABC      3 C1:006001706020603 C2:duddududududdud M:32/44 K:G            H:"LR    T:Bayrischer Bauer [G]  (Maderl)
ABC      3 C1:006001706020603 C2:duddududududdud M:32/44 K:G            H:"LR    T:Bayrischer Bauer [G]  (Maderl)
ABC      3 C1:006001706020603 C2:duddududududdud M:32/44 K:G            H:"LR    T:Bayrischer Bauer [G] (Maderl)
ABC      3 C1:006001706020603 C2:duddududududdud M:32/44 K:G            H:"LR    T:Bayrischer Bauer [G] (Maderl)
ABC      1 C1:030200010402770 C2:duududdududduud M:2/4   K:G            H:ABLSZ  T:Bayrischer - schottisch/schottische/scottish
ABC      1 C1:030200010402770 C2:duududdududduud M:2/4   K:G            H:ABLSZ  T:Bayrischer - schottisch/schottische/scottish
ABC   1260 C1:030200010402770 C2:duududdududduud M:2/4   K:G            H:ABLSZ  T:Bayrischer - schottisch/schottische/scottish
ABC   9174 C1:030200010402770 C2:duududdududduud M:2/4   K:G            H:ABLSZ  T:Bayrischer - schottisch/schottische/scottish
ABC   9174 C1:030200010402770 C2:duududdududduud M:2/4   K:G            H:ABLSZ  T:Bayrischer - schottisch/schottische/scottish
ABC    452 C1:030200010402770 C2:duududdududduud M:2/4   K:G            H:ABLOS  T:Bayrischer - schottisch/schottische/scottish
ABC    452 C1:030200010402770 C2:duududdududduud M:2/4   K:G            H:ABLOS  T:Bayrischer - schottisch/schottische/scottish
ABC   1260 C1:030200010402770 C2:duududdududduud M:2/4   K:G            H:ABLSZ  T:Bayrischer - schottisch/schottische/scottish
ABC   1260 C1:030200010402770 C2:duududdududduud M:2/4   K:G            H:ABLSZ  T:Bayrischer - schottisch/schottische/scottish
ABC   1260 C1:030200010402770 C2:duududdududduud M:2/4   K:G            H:ABLSZ  T:Bayrischer - schottisch/schottische/scottish
ABC   1012 C1:030200010402770 C2:duududdududduud M:2/4   K:G            H:ABLSZ  T:Bayrischer - schottisch/schottische/scottish
ABC   1012 C1:030200010402770 C2:duududdududduud M:2/4   K:G            H:ABLSZ  T:Bayrischer - schottisch/schottische/scottish
ABC   1012 C1:030200010402770 C2:duududdududduud M:2/4   K:G            H:ABLSZ  T:Bayrischer - schottisch/schottische/scottish
ABC   1012 C1:030200010402770 C2:duududdududduud M:2/4   K:G            H:ABLSZ  T:Bayrischer - schottisch/schottische/scottish
ABC   1012 C1:030200010402770 C2:duududdududduud M:2/4   K:G            H:ABLSZ  T:Bayrischer - schottisch/schottische/scottish
ABC      1 C1:022200070763076 C2:uuuddduddduuudd M:2/4   K:G            H:BFLWZ  T:Bayrisch Polka
ABC      1 C1:022200070763076 C2:uuuddduddduuudd M:2/4   K:G            H:BFLWZ  T:Bayrisch Polka
ABC      1 C1:010700370700000 C2:ududdudddudduuu M:2/4   K:G            H:ACFLSWZ T:Bayrisch Polka
ABC      1 C1:020004711040001 C2:duduududduuuuuu M:2/4   K:G            H:ACFLSWZ T:Bayrisch Polka
ABC      1 C1:030771070207710 C2:uddududduuuuuud M:2/4   K:G            H:ACFLSWZ T:Bayrisch Polka
ABC      1 C1:030771070207710 C2:uddududduuuuuud M:2/4   K:G            H:ACFLSWZ T:Bayrisch Polka
ABC      1 C1:007707001006000 C2:dduudududdduddd M:2/4   K:D            H:ACFLSWZ T:Bayrisch Polka
ABC      1 C1:007707001006000 C2:dduudududdduddd M:2/4   K:D            H:ACFLSWZ T:Bayrisch Polka
ABC      1 C1:000300070005001 C2:udduudduududduu M:2/4   K:C            H:ABCFLQRSWZ T:Bayrisch - Polka
ABC   1254 C1:020004711040001 C2:duduududduuuuuu M:2/4   K:G            H:ACLSZ  T:Bayrisch Polka
ABC    451 C1:020004711040001 C2:duduududduuuuuu M:2/4   K:G            H:ACLOS  T:Bayrisch Polka
ABC    451 C1:020004711040001 C2:duduududduuuuuu M:2/4   K:G            H:ACLOS  T:Bayrisch Polka
ABC   1254 C1:020004711040001 C2:duduududduuuuuu M:2/4   K:G            H:ACLSZ  T:Bayrisch Polka
ABC   1254 C1:020004711040001 C2:duduududduuuuuu M:2/4   K:G            H:ACLSZ  T:Bayrisch Polka
ABC   1254 C1:020004711040001 C2:duduududduuuuuu M:2/4   K:G            H:ACLSZ  T:Bayrisch Polka
ABC   1011 C1:020004711040001 C2:duduududduuuuuu M:2/4   K:G            H:ACLSZ  T:Bayrisch Polka
ABC   1011 C1:020004711040001 C2:duduududduuuuuu M:2/4   K:G            H:ACLSZ  T:Bayrisch Polka
ABC   1011 C1:020004711040001 C2:duduududduuuuuu M:2/4   K:G            H:ACLSZ  T:Bayrisch Polka
ABC   1011 C1:020004711040001 C2:duduududduuuuuu M:2/4   K:G            H:ACLSZ  T:Bayrisch Polka
ABC   1011 C1:020004711040001 C2:duduududduuuuuu M:2/4   K:G            H:ACLSZ  T:Bayrisch Polka
ABC      1 C1:022200070763076 C2:uuuddduddduuudd M:2/4   K:G            H:BLZ    T:Bayrisch Polka - schottisch/schottische/scottish
ABC      1 C1:022200070763076 C2:uuuddduddduuudd M:2/4   K:G            H:BLZ    T:Bayrisch Polka - schottisch/schottische/scottish
ABC      1 C1:010700370700000 C2:ududdudddudduuu M:2/4   K:G            H:CLZ    T:Bayrisch Polka - schottisch/schottische/scottish
ABC      1 C1:010700370700000 C2:ududdudddudduuu M:2/4   K:G            H:CLZ    T:Bayrisch Polka - schottisch/schottische/scottish
ABC      1 C1:030771070207710 C2:uddududduuuuuud M:2/4   K:G            H:ACLSZ  T:Bayrisch Polka - schottisch/schottische/scottish
ABC      1 C1:030771070207710 C2:uddududduuuuuud M:2/4   K:G            H:ACLSZ  T:Bayrisch Polka - schottisch/schottische/scottish
ABC      1 C1:007707001006000 C2:dduudududdduddd M:2/4   K:D            H:ACLSZ  T:Bayrisch Polka - schottisch/schottische/scottish
ABC      1 C1:007707001006000 C2:dduudududdduddd M:2/4   K:D            H:ACLSZ  T:Bayrisch Polka - schottisch/schottische/scottish
ABC   1255 C1:022200070763076 C2:uuuddduddduuudd M:2/4   K:G            H:BLZ    T:Bayrisch Polka - schottisch/schottische/scottish
ABC   1256 C1:007707001006000 C2:dduudududdduddd M:2/4   K:D            H:ACLSZ  T:Bayrisch Polka - schottisch/schottische/scottish
ABC   1257 C1:010700370700000 C2:ududdudddudduuu M:2/4   K:G            H:CLZ    T:Bayrisch Polka - schottisch/schottische/scottish
ABC   1258 C1:030771070207710 C2:uddududduuuuuud M:2/4   K:G            H:ACLSZ  T:Bayrisch Polka - schottisch/schottische/scottish
ABC    450 C1:022200070763076 C2:uuuddduddduuudd M:2/4   K:G            H:BLO    T:Bayrisch Polka - schottisch/schottische/scottish
ABC    450 C1:022200070763076 C2:uuuddduddduuudd M:2/4   K:G            H:BLO    T:Bayrisch Polka - schottisch/schottische/scottish
ABC   1255 C1:022200070763076 C2:uuuddduddduuudd M:2/4   K:G            H:BLZ    T:Bayrisch Polka - schottisch/schottische/scottish
ABC   1256 C1:007707001006000 C2:dduudududdduddd M:2/4   K:D            H:ACLSZ  T:Bayrisch Polka - schottisch/schottische/scottish
ABC   1257 C1:010700370700000 C2:ududdudddudduuu M:2/4   K:G            H:CLZ    T:Bayrisch Polka - schottisch/schottische/scottish
ABC   1258 C1:030771070207710 C2:uddududduuuuuud M:2/4   K:G            H:ACLSZ  T:Bayrisch Polka - schottisch/schottische/scottish
ABC   1255 C1:022200070763076 C2:uuuddduddduuudd M:2/4   K:G            H:BLZ    T:Bayrisch Polka - schottisch/schottische/scottish
ABC   1256 C1:007707001006000 C2:dduudududdduddd M:2/4   K:D            H:ACLSZ  T:Bayrisch Polka - schottisch/schottische/scottish
ABC   1257 C1:010700370700000 C2:ududdudddudduuu M:2/4   K:G            H:CLZ    T:Bayrisch Polka - schottisch/schottische/scottish
ABC   1258 C1:030771070207710 C2:uddududduuuuuud M:2/4   K:G            H:ACLSZ  T:Bayrisch Polka - schottisch/schottische/scottish
ABC   1255 C1:022200070763076 C2:uuuddduddduuudd M:2/4   K:G            H:BLZ    T:Bayrisch Polka - schottisch/schottische/scottish
ABC   1256 C1:007707001006000 C2:dduudududdduddd M:2/4   K:D            H:ACLSZ  T:Bayrisch Polka - schottisch/schottische/scottish
ABC   1257 C1:010700370700000 C2:ududdudddudduuu M:2/4   K:G            H:CLZ    T:Bayrisch Polka - schottisch/schottische/scottish
ABC   1258 C1:030771070207710 C2:uddududduuuuuud M:2/4   K:G            H:ACLSZ  T:Bayrisch Polka - schottisch/schottische/scottish
ABC   1007 C1:022200070763076 C2:uuuddduddduuudd M:2/4   K:G            H:BLZ    T:Bayrisch Polka - schottisch/schottische/scottish
ABC   1008 C1:007707001006000 C2:dduudududdduddd M:2/4   K:D            H:ACLSZ  T:Bayrisch Polka - schottisch/schottische/scottish
ABC   1009 C1:030771070207710 C2:uddududduuuuuud M:2/4   K:G            H:ACLSZ  T:Bayrisch Polka - schottisch/schottische/scottish
ABC   1010 C1:010700370700000 C2:ududdudddudduuu M:2/4   K:G            H:CLZ    T:Bayrisch Polka - schottisch/schottische/scottish
ABC   1007 C1:022200070763076 C2:uuuddduddduuudd M:2/4   K:G            H:BLZ    T:Bayrisch Polka - schottisch/schottische/scottish
ABC   1008 C1:007707001006000 C2:dduudududdduddd M:2/4   K:D            H:ACLSZ  T:Bayrisch Polka - schottisch/schottische/scottish
ABC   1009 C1:030771070207710 C2:uddududduuuuuud M:2/4   K:G            H:ACLSZ  T:Bayrisch Polka - schottisch/schottische/scottish
ABC   1010 C1:010700370700000 C2:ududdudddudduuu M:2/4   K:G            H:CLZ    T:Bayrisch Polka - schottisch/schottische/scottish
ABC   1007 C1:022200070763076 C2:uuuddduddduuudd M:2/4   K:G            H:BLZ    T:Bayrisch Polka - schottisch/schottische/scottish
ABC   1008 C1:007707001006000 C2:dduudududdduddd M:2/4   K:D            H:ACLSZ  T:Bayrisch Polka - schottisch/schottische/scottish
ABC   1009 C1:030771070207710 C2:uddududduuuuuud M:2/4   K:G            H:ACLSZ  T:Bayrisch Polka - schottisch/schottische/scottish
ABC   1010 C1:010700370700000 C2:ududdudddudduuu M:2/4   K:G            H:CLZ    T:Bayrisch Polka - schottisch/schottische/scottish
ABC   1007 C1:022200070763076 C2:uuuddduddduuudd M:2/4   K:G            H:BLZ    T:Bayrisch Polka - schottisch/schottische/scottish
ABC   1008 C1:007707001006000 C2:dduudududdduddd M:2/4   K:D            H:ACLSZ  T:Bayrisch Polka - schottisch/schottische/scottish
ABC   1009 C1:030771070207710 C2:uddududduuuuuud M:2/4   K:G            H:ACLSZ  T:Bayrisch Polka - schottisch/schottische/scottish
ABC   1010 C1:010700370700000 C2:ududdudddudduuu M:2/4   K:G            H:CLZ    T:Bayrisch Polka - schottisch/schottische/scottish
ABC   1007 C1:022200070763076 C2:uuuddduddduuudd M:2/4   K:G            H:BLZ    T:Bayrisch Polka - schottisch/schottische/scottish
ABC   1008 C1:007707001006000 C2:dduudududdduddd M:2/4   K:D            H:ACLSZ  T:Bayrisch Polka - schottisch/schottische/scottish
ABC   1009 C1:030771070207710 C2:uddududduuuuuud M:2/4   K:G            H:ACLSZ  T:Bayrisch Polka - schottisch/schottische/scottish
ABC   1010 C1:010700370700000 C2:ududdudddudduuu M:2/4   K:G            H:CLZ    T:Bayrisch Polka - schottisch/schottische/scottish
ABC 185001 C1:070565566026070 C2:uddudddududuudd M:6/8   K:D            H:CQR    T:BAY SHORE JIG*, The
ABC 185001 C1:070565566026070 C2:uddudddududuudd M:6/8   K:D            H:CQR    T:BAY SHORE JIG*, The
ABC 185001 C1:070565566026070 C2:uddudddududuudd M:6/8   K:D            H:CQR    T:BAY SHORE JIG*, The
ABC    868 C1:000667670006676 C2:ddudddduddudddd M:C|    K:G            H:BLQSZ  T:Bayshot March JBut.863, The
ABC     43 C1:445320161420774 C2:ududuuddudduudd M:2/2   K:A            H:"CLQS  T:Bayswater Breakdown
ABC     43 C1:445320161420774 C2:ududuuddudduudd M:2/2   K:A            H:"CLQS  T:Bayswater Breakdown
ABC     41 C1:445320161420774 C2:ududuuddudduudd M:2/2   K:A            H:"CLQS  T:Bayswater Breakdown
ABC     41 C1:445320161420774 C2:ududuuddudduudd M:2/2   K:A            H:"CLQS  T:Bayswater Breakdown
ABC     80 C1:445320161420774 C2:ududuuddudduudd M:2/2   K:A            H:"CLQR  T:Bayswater Breakdown
ABC     80 C1:445320161420774 C2:ududuuddudduudd M:2/2   K:A            H:"CLQR  T:Bayswater Breakdown
ABC     43 C1:445320161420774 C2:ududuuddudduudd M:2/2   K:A            H:"CLQS  T:Bayswater Breakdown
ABC     43 C1:445320161420774 C2:ududuuddudduudd M:2/2   K:A            H:"CLQS  T:Bayswater Breakdown
ABC      1 C1:000712000677071 C2:duudddduuuddduu M:4/4   K:C            H:R      T:Bay Tree
ABC      1 C1:000712000677071 C2:duudddduuuddduu M:4/4   K:C            H:R      T:Bay Tree
ABC      1 C1:066721772073066 C2:dddduuuddduuduu M:3/4   K:G            H:CLRZ   T:Bay Tree
ABC      1 C1:000677177113670 C2:dddudduuuddduud M:3/4   K:G            H:CLRZ   T:The Bay Tree
ABC      1 C1:000677177113670 C2:dddudduuuddduud M:3/4   K:G            H:CLRZ   T:The Bay Tree
ABC      1 C1:000677177113670 C2:dddudduuuddduud M:3/4   K:G            H:CLRZ   T:The Bay Tree
ABC    502 C1:000712000677071 C2:duudddduuuddduu M:3/4   K:Cmaj         H:"CLR   T:the bay tree
ABC      2 C1:000712000677071 C2:duudddduuudduud M:3/4   K:G            H:"CLRZ  T:Bay Tree
ABC      1 C1:000677711126070 C2:dddduuuuddduudu M:3/4   K:G            H:"CL    T:Bay Tree
ABC      1 C1:000677177113670 C2:dddudduuuddduud M:3/4   K:G            H:CLRZ   T:The Bay Tree
ABC      1 C1:000677177113670 C2:dddudduuuddduud M:3/4   K:G            H:CLRZ   T:The Bay Tree
ABC      2 C1:000712000677071 C2:duudddduuudduud M:3/4   K:G            H:"CLRZ  T:Bay Tree
ABC     19 C1:000677007113607 C2:dddduuuddduuduu M:3/4   K:C            H:"CLR   T:The bay tree
ABC    140 C1:066721772073066 C2:dddduuuddduuduu M:3/4   K:G            H:CLRZ   T:Bay Tree
ABC    144 C1:066721772073066 C2:dddduuuddduuduu M:3/4   K:G            H:CLRZ   T:Bay Tree
ABC      1 C1:000712000670771 C2:duudddduuuddduu M:      K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:The Bay Tree
ABC      2 C1:000712000677071 C2:duudddduuuddduu M:      K:Cmaj         H:LR     T:The Bay Tree
ABC      3 C1:000712000677071 C2:duudddduuudduud M:      K:Gmaj         H:"LR    T:The Bay Tree
ABC      4 C1:770007120006770 C2:ddduudddduuuddd M:      K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:The Bay Tree
ABC      5 C1:110007120006707 C2:uuduudddduuuddd M:      K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:The Bay Tree
ABC      6 C1:000712000670771 C2:duudddduuuddduu M:      K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:The Bay Tree
ABC      7 C1:327100730006707 C2:uudududddduuudd M:      K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:The Bay Tree
ABC      1 C1:000712000677071 C2:duudddduuuddduu M:3/4   K:G            H:CLRZ   T:Bay Tree
ABC      2 C1:200071352000673 C2:ududuuddduduuud M:3/4   K:G            H:CLRZ   T:Bay Tree
ABC      3 C1:770007120006770 C2:ddduudddduuuddd M:3/4   K:C            H:CLR    T:The Bay Tree
ABC      1 C1:110007120006707 C2:uuduudddduuuddd M:3/4   K:G            H:CLR    T:Bay Tree, The
ABC      2 C1:000712000670771 C2:duudddduuuddduu M:3/4   K:G            H:CLR    T:Bay Tree, The
ABC      1 C1:200067340711315 C2:uddduduuududdud M:3/4   K:G            H:CRS    T:The Bay Tree
ABC   1253 C1:066721772073066 C2:dddduuuddduuduu M:3/4   K:G            H:CLRZ   T:Bay Tree
ABC    149 C1:066721772073066 C2:dddduuuddduuduu M:3/4   K:G            H:CLORZ  T:Bay Tree
ABC    449 C1:066721772073066 C2:dddduuuddduuduu M:3/4   K:G            H:CLOR   T:Bay Tree
ABC    449 C1:066721772073066 C2:dddduuuddduuduu M:3/4   K:G            H:CLOR   T:Bay Tree
ABC   1253 C1:066721772073066 C2:dddduuuddduuduu M:3/4   K:G            H:CLRZ   T:Bay Tree
ABC   1253 C1:066721772073066 C2:dddduuuddduuduu M:3/4   K:G            H:CLRZ   T:Bay Tree
ABC   1253 C1:066721772073066 C2:dddduuuddduuduu M:3/4   K:G            H:CLRZ   T:Bay Tree
ABC    593 C1:066721772073066 C2:dddduuuddduuduu M:3/4   K:G            H:CFLORZ T:Bay Tree
ABC    593 C1:066721772073066 C2:dddduuuddduuduu M:3/4   K:G            H:CFLORZ T:Bay Tree
ABC   1005 C1:000677071127070 C2:dddduuudduduudd M:3/4   K:G            H:"L     T:Bay Tree
ABC   1006 C1:066721772073066 C2:dddduuuddduuduu M:3/4   K:G            H:CLRZ   T:Bay Tree
ABC   1005 C1:000677071127070 C2:dddduuudduduudd M:3/4   K:G            H:"L     T:Bay Tree
ABC   1006 C1:066721772073066 C2:dddduuuddduuduu M:3/4   K:G            H:CLRZ   T:Bay Tree
ABC   1005 C1:000677071127070 C2:dddduuudduduudd M:3/4   K:G            H:"L     T:Bay Tree
ABC   1006 C1:066721772073066 C2:dddduuuddduuduu M:3/4   K:G            H:CLRZ   T:Bay Tree
ABC   1005 C1:000677071127070 C2:dddduuudduduudd M:3/4   K:G            H:"L     T:Bay Tree
ABC   1006 C1:066721772073066 C2:dddduuuddduuduu M:3/4   K:G            H:CLRZ   T:Bay Tree
ABC   1005 C1:000677071127070 C2:dddduuudduduudd M:3/4   K:G            H:"L     T:Bay Tree
ABC   1006 C1:066721772073066 C2:dddduuuddduuduu M:3/4   K:G            H:CLRZ   T:Bay Tree
ABC    149 C1:066721772073066 C2:dddduuuddduuduu M:3/4   K:G            H:CLORZ  T:Bay Tree
ABC      1 C1:000712000670771 C2:duudddduuuddduu M:3/4   K:G            H:CLORS  T:Bay Tree, The
ABC    144 C1:066721772073066 C2:dddduuuddduuduu M:3/4   K:G            H:CLRZ   T:Bay Tree
ABC    529 C1:251200060071020 C2:uduudduuduuuddd M:2/4   K:Eb           H:LORS   T:Bayueguihua biandikai
ABC    633 C1:070306070000000 C2:dudduuddduddudu M:4/4   K:Eb           H:LORS   T:Bayue guihua biandikai
ABC    215 C1:007100050071020 C2:dudduuududuuddd M:2/4   K:D            H:LORS   T:Bayue guihua biandi kai
ABC    163 C1:062107000000000 C2:duududduuddduud M:2/4   K:C            H:LORS   T:Bayue shiwu kan yueguang
ABC     18 C1:010700050000000 C2:udduuududdududu M:4/4   K:D            H:LORS   T:Bayue shiwu yue tuanyuan
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Baywatch (3:05)
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Baywatch (3:20)
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Baywatch (3:25)
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Baywatch (Made by Ratissia of snowbourne)((3:25)
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Baywatch (Made by Ratissia of snowbourne)((3:25)
ABC      1 C1:070611067070711 C2:dduudddduuuuddd M:2/4   K:G            H:CLRS   T:Baz and Joy
ABC      6 C1:070611067070711 C2:dduudddduuuuddd M:2/4   K:G            H:CLRS   T:Baz and Joy
ABC      6 C1:070611067070711 C2:dduudddduuuuddd M:2/4   K:G            H:CLRS   T:Baz and Joy
ABC      6 C1:070611067070711 C2:dduudddduuuuddd M:2/4   K:G            H:CLRS   T:Baz and Joy
ABC   1261 C1:070611067070711 C2:dduudddduuuuddd M:2/4   K:G            H:CLRS   T:Baz and Joy
ABC      6 C1:070611067070711 C2:dduudddduuuuddd M:2/4   K:G            H:CLRS   T:Baz and Joy
ABC      6 C1:070611067070711 C2:dduudddduuuuddd M:2/4   K:G            H:CLRS   T:Baz and Joy
ABC    454 C1:070611067070711 C2:dduudddduuuuddd M:2/4   K:G            H:CLORS  T:Baz and Joy
ABC    454 C1:070611067070711 C2:dduudddduuuuddd M:2/4   K:G            H:CLORS  T:Baz and Joy
ABC   1261 C1:070611067070711 C2:dduudddduuuuddd M:2/4   K:G            H:CLRS   T:Baz and Joy
ABC   1261 C1:070611067070711 C2:dduudddduuuuddd M:2/4   K:G            H:CLRS   T:Baz and Joy
ABC   1261 C1:070611067070711 C2:dduudddduuuuddd M:2/4   K:G            H:CLRS   T:Baz and Joy
ABC   1014 C1:070611067070711 C2:dduudddduuuuddd M:2/4   K:G            H:CLRS   T:Baz and Joy
ABC   1014 C1:070611067070711 C2:dduudddduuuuddd M:2/4   K:G            H:CLRS   T:Baz and Joy
ABC   1014 C1:070611067070711 C2:dduudddduuuuddd M:2/4   K:G            H:CLRS   T:Baz and Joy
ABC   1014 C1:070611067070711 C2:dduudddduuuuddd M:2/4   K:G            H:CLRS   T:Baz and Joy
ABC   1014 C1:070611067070711 C2:dduudddduuuuddd M:2/4   K:G            H:CLRS   T:Baz and Joy
ABC     20 C1:112705062663000 C2:uuuddduddududdu M:4/4   K:G            H:"LOQ   T:Bazetan Dantza
ABC     20 C1:112705062663000 C2:uuuddduddududdu M:4/4   K:G            H:"LOQ   T:Bazetan Dantza
ABC      7 C1:112705062663000 C2:uuuddduddududdu M:4/4   K:G            H:"FLOQ  T:Bazetan Dantza
ABC      7 C1:112705062663000 C2:uuuddduddududdu M:4/4   K:G            H:"FLOQ  T:Bazetan Dantza
ABC      5 C1:112705062663000 C2:uuuddduddududdu M:4/4   K:G            H:"LOQ   T:Bazetan Dantza
ABC     17 C1:112705062663000 C2:uuuddduddududdu M:4/4   K:G            H:"LOQ   T:Bazetan Dantza
ABC      7 C1:112705062663000 C2:uuuddduddududdu M:4/4   K:G            H:"FLOQ  T:Bazetan Dantza
ABC      7 C1:112705062663000 C2:uuuddduddududdu M:4/4   K:G            H:"FLOQ  T:Bazetan Dantza
ABC      7 C1:112705062663000 C2:uuuddduddududdu M:4/4   K:G            H:"FLOQ  T:Bazetan Dantza
ABC      7 C1:112705062663000 C2:uuuddduddududdu M:4/4   K:G            H:"FLOQ  T:Bazetan Dantza
ABC     19 C1:112705062663000 C2:uuuddduddududdu M:4/4   K:G            H:"LOQ   T:Bazetan Dantza
ABC   1262 C1:112705062663000 C2:uuuddduddududdu M:4/4   K:G            H:"LOQ   T:Bazetan Dantza
ABC   1262 C1:112705062663000 C2:uuuddduddududdu M:4/4   K:G            H:"LOQ   T:Bazetan Dantza
ABC   1262 C1:112705062663000 C2:uuuddduddududdu M:4/4   K:G            H:"LOQ   T:Bazetan Dantza
ABC   1262 C1:112705062663000 C2:uuuddduddududdu M:4/4   K:G            H:"LOQ   T:Bazetan Dantza
ABC     72 C1:776000040007000 C2:dddududdduddduu M:2/4   K:C            H:LORS   T:Bazhao hao