ABC      X C1:Code 1          C2:Code 2          M:Meter K:Key          H:Headers T:Title
---      - C1:------          C2:------          M:----- K:---          H:------- T:-----
ABC    608 C1:000107027777030 C2:ududdddududuudu M:3/4   K:A            H:LOR    T:AF AF EHS HIAERTN
ABC   4363 C1:071077071077011 C2:dudddudduuuuudd M:6/8   K:C            H:BLZ    T:AFAR BORNE. (Lucia di Lammermoor.)
ABC   4363 C1:071077071077011 C2:dudddudduuuuudd M:6/8   K:C            H:BLZ    T:AFAR BORNE. (Lucia di Lammermoor.)
ABC   4363 C1:071077071077011 C2:dudddudduuuuudd M:6/8   K:C            H:BLZ    T:AFAR BORNE. (Lucia di Lammermoor.)
ABC   4363 C1:071077071077011 C2:dudddudduuuuudd M:6/8   K:C            H:BLZ    T:AFAR BORNE. (Lucia di Lammermoor.)
ABC   4363 C1:071077071077011 C2:dudddudduuuuudd M:6/8   K:C            H:BLZ    T:AFAR BORNE. (Lucia di Lammermoor.)
ABC   4363 C1:071077071077011 C2:dudddudduuuuudd M:6/8   K:C            H:BLZ    T:AFAR BORNE. (Lucia di Lammermoor.)
ABC   4363 C1:071077071077011 C2:dudddudduuuuudd M:6/8   K:C            H:BLZ    T:AFAR BORNE. (Lucia di Lammermoor.)
ABC   4363 C1:071077071077011 C2:dudddudduuuuudd M:6/8   K:C            H:BLZ    T:AFAR BORNE. (Lucia di Lammermoor.)
ABC   4363 C1:071077071077011 C2:dudddudduuuuudd M:6/8   K:C            H:BLZ    T:AFAR BORNE. (Lucia di Lammermoor.)
ABC   4363 C1:071077071077011 C2:dudddudduuuuudd M:6/8   K:C            H:BLZ    T:AFAR BORNE. (Lucia di Lammermoor.)
ABC   4363 C1:071077071077011 C2:dudddudduuuuudd M:6/8   K:C            H:BLZ    T:AFAR BORNE. (Lucia di Lammermoor.)
ABC    965 C1:001101010771007 C2:uuuudduddduuduu M:3/4   K:Dmaj         H:B      T:Afdaalingh Air langhsaem
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:affections (2:25)
ABC     41 C1:171101707070707 C2:uduuuddddduduuu M:6/8   K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Affeyle Günâhım
ABC     41 C1:171101707070707 C2:uduuuddddduduuu M:6/8   K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Affeyle Günâhım
ABC     41 C1:171101707070707 C2:uduuuddddduduuu M:6/8   K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Affeyle Günâhım
ABC     41 C1:011107771117772 C2:uuuddduuudddudd M:6/4   K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Affeyle Günâhım
ABC     42 C1:000700070007010 C2:ddduuddduddduuu M:6/8   K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Affeyle Suçum
ABC     42 C1:000700070007010 C2:ddduuddduddduuu M:6/8   K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Affeyle Suçum
ABC     42 C1:000700070007010 C2:ddduuddduddduuu M:6/8   K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Affeyle Suçum
ABC     42 C1:000700070007010 C2:ddduuddduudddud M:6/4   K:C            H:CFLOQw T:Affeyle Suçum
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:affirmation (made by Ratissia of snowbourne) (4:10)
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:affirmation (made by Ratissia of snowbourne) (4:10)
ABC      6 C1:233324212567777 C2:udududuuuuddddd M:C|    K:F            H:BFLZ   T:the Affront taken
ABC      1 C1:256777712327256 C2:uuddddduududuud M:C|    K:F            H:BLRZ   T:Affront Taken, The
ABC      1 C1:256777712327256 C2:uuddddduududuud M:C|    K:F            H:BLRZ   T:Affront Taken, The
ABC      1 C1:256777712327256 C2:uuddddduududuud M:C|    K:F            H:BLRZ   T:Affront Taken, The
ABC      6 C1:233324212567777 C2:udududuuuuddddd M:C|    K:F            H:BFLZ   T:The Affront taken
ABC      6 C1:233324212567777 C2:udududuuuuddddd M:C|    K:F            H:BFLZ   T:The Affront taken
ABC      6 C1:233324212567777 C2:udududuuuuddddd M:C|    K:F            H:BFLZ   T:The Affront taken
ABC      6 C1:233324212567777 C2:udududuuuuddddd M:C|    K:F            H:BFLZ   T:The Affront taken
ABC      6 C1:233324212567777 C2:udududuuuuddddd M:C|    K:F            H:BFLZ   T:The Affront taken
ABC     91 C1:030004007706000 C2:uudddduudduuddd M:C     K:D            H:LQRZ   T:Afghan March. Dal.095, The
ABC      1 C1:026067077111034 C2:uddddduuuuduuud M:6/8   K:C            H:BLQRZ  T:Afiaeth hiraethlym
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:9/8   K:D            H:LQ     T:AFigForAKiss
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:9/8   K:D            H:LQ     T:AFigForAKiss
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:9/8   K:D            H:LQ     T:AFigForAKiss
ABC      1 C1:702422771024220 C2:duduudduuduuudd M:4/4   K:D            H:LQV    T:AFigForAKiss.mid
ABC   1174 C1:024040771024040 C2:ududduududduuud M:9/8   K:G            H:BCILZ  T:"A Fig for a Kiss" (slipjig) 1174
ABC   1174 C1:024040771024040 C2:ududduududduuud M:9/8   K:G            H:BCILZ  T:"A Fig for a Kiss" (slipjig) 1174
ABC   1174 C1:024040771024040 C2:ududduududduuud M:9/8   K:G            H:BCILZ  T:"A Fig for a Kiss" (slipjig) 1174
ABC   1174 C1:024040771024040 C2:ududduududduuud M:9/8   K:G            H:L      T:"A Fig for a Kiss" (slipjig) 1174
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:AFI - Love Like Winter12627 (2:44)
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:AFI - Love Like Winter12627 (2:44)
ABC     14 C1:007007007005011 C2:ududududuuuuddu M:12/8  K:C            H:CLQVZ  T:Afindrafindrao
ABC      1 C1:736372727266156 C2:dududududuudddd M:      K:Amin         H:LR     T:A. F. Irving
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:afi the leaving song (2:17)
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:afi the leaving song (2:17)
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:afi the leaving song (2:48)
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:afi the leaving song (2:48)
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:AFI - This time Imperfect12624 (3:34)
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:AFI - This time Imperfect12624 (3:34)
ABC     42 C1:022321650017700 C2:uuuuudduddduudu M:3/4   K:G            H:LOR    T:AFM WASSA BIN I GFOAHRN
ABC      1 C1:001701030606007 C2:uduuddduuduuduu M:3/4   K:Dm           H:CLQ    T:AFN: 101 - GOSLEF LLEWELYN - Llewelyn's Melody
ABC      1 C1:000000000001070 C2:uduududddduuuuu M:2/4   K:Dm           H:CLQV   T:AFN 106: Tri Thrawiad - Three Touches
ABC      1 C1:117111713674117 C2:uuduuududdduuud M:6/8   K:F            H:CLQ    T:AFN 110: Y Garnedd - The Cairn
ABC      1 C1:020101000607060 C2:uuuddduduuuuudu M:3/4   K:Dm           H:CLQ    T:AFN: 113 - DIFYRWCH BEIRDD LLANGOLLEN - The Bards of Llangollen's Delight
ABC      1 C1:060106010101017 C2:duduuuuddduuddu M:3/4   K:Dm           H:CLQ    T:AFN: 11 - HOFFDER - Fondness
ABC      1 C1:010500077111077 C2:uddduuudduuduuu M:4/4   K:Dm           H:CLQ    T:AFN: 124 - HOFF-FRON - Fond Heart
ABC      1 C1:000071110001000 C2:duuuuuddddddudu M:4/4   K:Dm           H:CLQV   T:AFN: 126 - BALEDWYR NEFYN - Nevin Ballad Singers
ABC      1 C1:711700711700076 C2:duudduuddduuddd M:6/8   K:Dm           H:CLQ    T:AFN 130: MARWNAD YR HELIWR - The Huntsman's Dirge
ABC      1 C1:060103070607004 C2:duudddudduuudud M:2/4   K:Am           H:CLQ    T:AFN: 132 - CARIAD-GLWYF - Love-sickness
ABC      1 C1:020007710100050 C2:udduuduudddduuu M:4/4   K:Dm           H:CLQV   T:AFN 133: NANT EOS - Nanteos
ABC      1 C1:007007714003000 C2:ddduduuuuuduuud M:6/8   K:Dm           H:CLQ    T:AFN: 135 - CAP LILI - The Lily Cap
ABC      1 C1:010106010000000 C2:uuduudddudduddu M:2/4   K:F            H:CLQ    T:AFN: 135 - GADEL Y TIR (Y FFORDD FYRAF)- Leaving the Land (the shortest way)
ABC      1 C1:007111277727777 C2:udduuuudddudddd M:6/8   K:Gm           H:CLQV   T:AFN: 136 - Y FORU - Tomorrow
ABC      1 C1:060504001111007 C2:dduuuuudddduudu M:3/8   K:Dm           H:CLQ    T:AFN 139: GLWYSEN - Lovely
ABC      1 C1:040077010001060 C2:udduuddudduddud M:2/4   K:F            H:CLQ    T:AFN: 141 - BRIG Y BRWYN - The Rushes Tops
ABC      1 C1:670507010667270 C2:dddduudduuduuud M:3/4   K:F            H:CLQ    T:AFN: 141 - CEFN BRITHDIR - Brithdir Ridge
ABC      1 C1:001167060707060 C2:uudddddduuuuduu M:3/4   K:Dm           H:CLQV   T:AFN: 147 - LLYN TEGID - Bala Lake
ABC      1 C1:000007000007002 C2:ddudddduudddduu M:3/4   K:Dm           H:CLQ    T:AFN: 148 - HOFFDER GWYR Y DINAS - The Delight of the Men of Dinas
ABC      1 C1:071011702106707 C2:duuuduuddduduuu M:6/8   K:Dm           H:CLQ    T:AFN: 14 - CAINC NED IFAN - Ned Ifan's Strain
ABC      1 C1:000207060507000 C2:uddudududdduuud M:3/4   K:Dm           H:CLQV   T:AFN: 151 - LLEF CAERWENT - Winchester Cry
ABC      1 C1:004006010106070 C2:uduuddududuuuud M:2/4   K:Dm           H:CLQ    T:AFN: 155 - Y GOFID GWINAU - The Poignant Grief
ABC      1 C1:110700030007777 C2:uududdddddduudu M:4/4   K:Em           H:CLQV   T:AFN: 157 - CLARENDON (2) - Clarendon (2)
ABC      1 C1:717701676777277 C2:duddudddddduddu M:4/4   K:Gm           H:CLQV   T:AFN: 15 - NYTH Y GOG (1) - The Cuckoo's Nest (1)
ABC      1 C1:060600010003000 C2:dduudduuddduuud M:4/4   K:Dm           H:CLQ    T:AFN: 160 - CLEDAN - Cledan
ABC      1 C1:000000070001000 C2:dudddduduuuuuud M:2/4   K:Dm           H:CLQ    T:AFN: 164 - Y GWELLTYN GLS - The Green Blade
ABC      1 C1:070701010107070 C2:dduuuddduuuuddd M:3/4   K:F            H:CLQ    T:AFN 164: Y TOR DU - The Black Ridge
ABC      1 C1:011716040007077 C2:uudududdduddudd M:6/8   K:Dm           H:CLQ    T:AFN: 16 - CARIAD-GAN Y SGUTHAN - The Wooing Song of the Ring-Dove
ABC      1 C1:001205040007111 C2:uududuuuuuddddu M:4/4   K:Dm           H:CLQV   T:AFN: 17 - YMDAITH YR HN CYMRY - The March of the Old Welsh
ABC      1 C1:016100002110626 C2:uduuuuududdduud M:4/4   K:Dm           H:CLQ    T:AFN: 20: TRAMP O'R DRE - A tramp from home
ABC      1 C1:020200010706060 C2:uuuddduudddduuu M:2/4   K:Dm           H:CLQ    T:AFN: 20 - Y TWMPATHAU - The Mounds
ABC      1 C1:010603000701060 C2:ududududduuuuud M:2/4   K:Dm           H:CLQ    T:AFN: 21 - CARIAD NEWYDD - The New Love
ABC      1 C1:050117060117001 C2:duudduududduduu M:6/8   K:Dm           H:CLQ    T:AFN: 22 - DIFYRWCH BLEDDYN AP CYNFYN - Bleddyn Ap Cynfyn's Delight
ABC      1 C1:030000070105007 C2:ududddduuduuuud M:2/4   K:Dm           H:CLQV   T:AFN: 22 - MWYNEN MERCH - The Maiden's Melody
ABC      1 C1:030000070105007 C2:ududddduuduuuud M:2/4   K:Dm           H:CLQV   T:AFN: 22 - MWYNEN MERCH - The Maiden's Melody
ABC      1 C1:030000070105007 C2:ududddduuduuuud M:2/4   K:Dm           H:CLQV   T:AFN: 22 - MWYNEN MERCH - The Maiden's Melody
ABC      1 C1:101011701031101 C2:uuuududuuududuu M:6/8   K:F            H:CLQV   T:AFN: 25 - BALACLAFA - Balaclava
ABC      1 C1:071020074011016 C2:duudduuudduuuuu M:6/8   K:Dm           H:CLQV   T:AFN: 27 - Y DYN IEUANC - The Young Man
ABC      1 C1:060710030607600 C2:dduudddduduuuuu M:2/4   K:Dm           H:CLQ    T:AFN: 28 - Y SCER - The Sker
ABC      1 C1:000707040001010 C2:dduuuddduuduudu M:2/4   K:Dm           H:CLQV   T:AFN: 2 - CARU YN Y COED - Courting in the Wood
ABC      1 C1:001101010007020 C2:uuuududdudddudd M:2/4   K:Dm           H:CLQ    T:AFN: 33 - ABERDULAIS - Aberdulais
ABC      1 C1:000007007707000 C2:ddddduuddduuudd M:3/4   K:Dm           H:CLQV   T:AFN: 33 - MI RODDAIS FY FFANSI MOR BELL - I placed my fancy so far
ABC      1 C1:002702070201010 C2:ududuuuudddudud M:2/4   K:Dm           H:CLQV   T:AFN: 33 - PEGI WILLIAMS - Peggy Williams
ABC      1 C1:040701011101116 C2:dduuuuuuudddduu M:2/4   K:Dm           H:CLQV   T:AFN: 34 - CASTELL MORLAIS - Morlais Castle
ABC      1 C1:000000070105070 C2:duddduuudduuuud M:2/4   K:Dm           H:CLQ    T:AFN: 36 - YR EOS - The Nightingale
ABC      1 C1:050601001616070 C2:duuududdduudddd M:6/8   K:Dm           H:CLQV   T:AFN: 39 - FFARWEL Y CWMNI - The Company's Farewell
ABC      1 C1:010757000411060 C2:uddduuudduuuudd M:3/4   K:Dm           H:CLQV   T:AFN: 40 - TRYMDER (2) - Sadness (2)
ABC      1 C1:070701000101001 C2:dduuuuuudddddud M:3/4   K:Dm           H:CLQV   T:AFN: 41 - CONSET OWAIN GLYNDWR - Owen Glyndwr's Fancy
ABC      1 C1:020707070505070 C2:udddudddududddd M:2/4   K:Dm           H:CLQV   T:AFN 41: Mel Wefus - Honied Lip (2)
ABC      1 C1:001507030600070 C2:udduddddduduudd M:4/4   K:Dm           H:CLQ    T:AFN: 45 - LLANCIAU'R ERYRI - The Lads of Eryri
ABC      1 C1:010101010000070 C2:uuuuddddududduu M:4/4   K:Dm           H:CLQ    T:AFN: 47: Y GALON LAWEN - The Merry Heart
ABC      1 C1:000707040007010 C2:dduduuddddudduu M:4/4   K:Dm           H:CLQV   T:AFN: 48 - Y FENYW FWYN - The Gentle Woman
ABC      1 C1:020711070200040 C2:uduudududdddddu M:2/4   K:Dm           H:CLQ    T:AFN: 50 - Y TYRAU - The Towers
ABC      1 C1:001170000040206 C2:duuudduudduduuu M:4/4   K:Dm           H:CLQ    T:AFN: 51 - Y FIAREN - The Briar
ABC      1 C1:001127602110061 C2:uuudduuududuudu M:3/4   K:Dm           H:CLQ    T:AFN: 53 - TON FECHAN MEIFOD - The Small Ditty of Meifod
ABC      1 C1:110607060106000 C2:uudddududuuuuuu M:3/4   K:Dm           H:CLQ    T:AFN: 55 - Y LLAN - The Church
ABC      1 C1:712770071036006 C2:duuddduuddudddd M:6/8   K:Dm           H:CLQ    T:AFN: 56 - PEDWAR POST YN Y GWELY - The Four Posts of the Bed
ABC      1 C1:000406070601010 C2:uddduuududduudd M:4/4   K:Dm           H:CLQ    T:AFN: 56 - YMDAITH GWYR TREFALDWYN (2) - The March of the Men of Montgomery
ABC      1 C1:040707070003000 C2:udddduuuddduduu M:2/4   K:Dm           H:CLQ    T:AFN: 57 - GORYMDAITH LLANGOLLEN (1)- Llangollen March (1)
ABC      1 C1:070001010000071 C2:duududududuuuud M:2/4   K:Dm           H:CLQ    T:AFN: 61- EHED Y DERYN DU - Fly Thou Blackbird
ABC      1 C1:007007010101010 C2:dduuuuuduuduudd M:4/4   K:Dm           H:CLQ    T:AFN: 61 - LLANCIAU Y DYFFRYN - The Lads of the Valley
ABC      1 C1:777711110603070 C2:dddduuuududdduu M:4/4   K:Dm           H:CLQ    T:AFN: 61 - TRE CYDWELI - The Town of Kidwelly
ABC      1 C1:002061002061002 C2:udduuduuddddudu M:6/8   K:Dm           H:CLQ    T:AFN: 66 - LLYGOD YN Y FELIN - Mice in the Mill
ABC      1 C1:017657026671023 C2:uddududdduuuddd M:6/8   K:Dm           H:CLQ    T:AFN: 71 - DIFYRWCH GWYR PONT-NEDD-FECHAN - The Delight of the Men of Pnt-Nedd-Fechan %Tune name
ABC      1 C1:027771672277716 C2:duuudddudduuddd M:4/4   K:Em           H:CLQV   T:AFN: 74 - ERDDYGAN Y CRWTHWR DU BACH - The Little Black Crowther's Melody
ABC      1 C1:002000700106107 C2:udududdduuuddud M:6/8   K:Dm           H:CLQ    T:AFN: 75 - Y PYSGOTWR - The Fisherman
ABC      1 C1:070070707207003 C2:dddduudduuddudd M:6/8   K:Dm           H:CLQ    T:AFN: 77 - Y DEIGRYN - The Tear
ABC      1 C1:010103057162772 C2:uuuddududdududu M:3/4   K:Dm           H:CLQ    T:AFN: 7 - MARGED FWYN UCH IFAN - Gentle Margaret the Daughter of Evan
ABC      1 C1:077071200036011 C2:ddduuuddduuudud M:6/8   K:Dm           H:CLQ    T:AFN: 87 - TRI A CHWECH - Three and Six
ABC      1 C1:000004000600070 C2:dudddudduuduuud M:3/4   K:Dm           H:CLQV   T:AFN: 8 - FY NOLI (1) - My Dolly (1 ) %Tune name
ABC      1 C1:070000020000002 C2:duudduududuuudd M:2/4   K:Dm           H:CLQ    T:AFN: 94 - MORWYN Y PENTRE - The Village Maid
ABC      1 C1:011011173001011 C2:uuuuudduuuuudud M:6/8   K:Dm           H:CLQ    T:AFN: 97 - BARNA BWNC - Judge a Point
ABC      1 C1:000000066000111 C2:dduuuuduudududd M:C|    K:F            H:LRZ    T:Afon Elwy
ABC      1 C1:000000066000111 C2:dduuuuduudududd M:C|    K:F            H:LRZ    T:Afon Elwy
ABC      1 C1:000000066000111 C2:dduuuuduudududd M:C|    K:F            H:BLRZ   T:Afon Elwy
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:aforest (5:49)
ABC     20 C1:211000177071170 C2:uuuuddduudddduu M:6/8   K:Cm           H:ACLOQRSZ T:Aforras de Puerte Grave
ABC    254 C1:211000177071170 C2:uuuuddduudddduu M:6/8   K:Cm           H:ACLOQRSZ T:Aforras de Puerte Grave
ABC    255 C1:211000177071170 C2:uuuuddduudddduu M:6/8   K:Eb           H:CLQZ   T:Aforras de Puerte Grave
ABC    254 C1:211000177071170 C2:uuuuddduudddduu M:6/8   K:Cm           H:ACLOQRSZ T:Aforras de Puerte Grave
ABC    255 C1:211000177071170 C2:uuuuddduudddduu M:6/8   K:Eb           H:CLQZ   T:Aforras de Puerte Grave
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Afraid To Shoot Strangers (7:04)
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:Afraid To Shoot Strangers (7:04)
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:CLQ    T:Africa by Skjald
ABC     13 C1:715667516767777 C2:dudddudududdddd M:C|    K:D            H:BFLZ   T:the Africans
ABC     13 C1:715667516767777 C2:dudddudududdddd M:C|    K:D            H:BFLWZ  T:the Africans
ABC     13 C1:715667516767777 C2:dudddudududdddd M:C|    K:D            H:BFLZ   T:The Africans
ABC     13 C1:715667516767777 C2:dudddudududdddd M:C|    K:D            H:BFLZ   T:The Africans
ABC     13 C1:715667516767777 C2:dudddudududdddd M:C|    K:D            H:BFLZ   T:The Africans
ABC     13 C1:715667516767777 C2:dudddudududdddd M:C|    K:D            H:BFLZ   T:The Africans
ABC     13 C1:715667516767777 C2:dudddudududdddd M:C|    K:D            H:BFLZ   T:The Africans
ABC    100 C1:061164010616000 C2:duuduudududuudu M:3/4   K:C            H:CLZ    T:Afriston (Set 1/2)
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:AFROMAN.Because i got high (3:42) abceed by Thorsongori
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:AFROMAN.Because i got high (3:42) abceed by Thorsongori
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:AFROMAN.Because i got high (3:42) abceed by Thorsongori
ABC      3 C1:617210113001111 C2:duduuuduuuuuddu M:4/4   K:G            H:HLQRZ  T:Af Shabes in Vilna
ABC      3 C1:617210113001111 C2:duduuuduuuuuddu M:4/4   K:G            H:HLQRZ  T:Af Shabes in Vilna
ABC      1 C1:007700710025007 C2:ddduuudduuddduu M:4/4   K:G            H:CLQR   T:After All
ABC      1 C1:007700710025007 C2:ddduuudduuddduu M:4/4   K:G            H:CLQR   T:After All
ABC      1 C1:007700710025007 C2:ddduuudduuddduu M:4/4   K:G            H:CLQR   T:After All
ABC      1 C1:665623216665322 C2:dddduuuudddduuu M:4/4   K:D            H:"L     T:After Billy
ABC      1 C1:000000060000000 C2:duduuudddududuu M:4/4   K:Em           H:ACILORS T:After Dinner Maggot
ABC      1 C1:600116671300712 C2:duuddduuduuuuud M:9/8   K:Am           H:CLRZ   T:The Afterhours Jig
ABC      1 C1:300712771600116 C2:uduudduduuddduu M:9/8   K:Am           H:"L     T:Afterhours jig
ABC   6479 C1:600116671300712 C2:duuddduuduuuuud M:9/8   K:Am           H:CLOR   T:The Afterhours Jig
ABC   6479 C1:600116671300712 C2:duuddduuduuuuud M:9/8   K:Am           H:CLOR   T:The Afterhours Jig
ABC  12767 C1:600116671300712 C2:duuddduuduuuuud M:9/8   K:Am           H:CLRZ   T:The Afterhours Jig
ABC  12767 C1:600116671300712 C2:duuddduuduuuuud M:9/8   K:Am           H:CLRZ   T:The Afterhours Jig
ABC  12767 C1:600116671300712 C2:duuddduuduuuuud M:9/8   K:Am           H:CLRZ   T:The Afterhours Jig
ABC  12767 C1:600116671300712 C2:duuddduuduuuuud M:9/8   K:Am           H:CLRZ   T:The Afterhours Jig
ABC  12767 C1:600116671300712 C2:duuddduuduuuuud M:9/8   K:Am           H:CLRZ   T:The Afterhours Jig
ABC     71 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:After Midnight - clarinet (3:00) (283)
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:After Midnight - drums (3:02) (4207)
ABC     21 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:After Midnight - harp (3:02) (729)
ABC     61 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:After Midnight - horn (opt) (3:02) (634)
ABC     11 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:After Midnight - lute 1 (3:02) (2611)
ABC     12 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:After Midnight - lute 2 (3:02) (457)
ABC     31 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:After Midnight - theorbo (3:02) (584)
ABC      6 C1:007121006227006 C2:duuuduudduudduu M:3/4   K:D            H:CLRZ   T:After Midnight Waltz
ABC    256 C1:007121006227006 C2:duuuduudduudduu M:3/4   K:D            H:CLR    T:After Midnight Waltz
ABC    256 C1:007121006227006 C2:duuuduudduudduu M:3/4   K:D            H:CLR    T:After Midnight Waltz
ABC      1 C1:022356235623566 C2:uuudduudduudddu M:4/4   K:D            H:CLQR   T:After Midnite Hornpipe
ABC      1 C1:022356235623566 C2:uuudduudduudddu M:4/4   K:D            H:CLQR   T:After Midnite Hornpipe
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQ     T:afternoondelight harp (:Roglas of Vilya 3:20)
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQ     T:afternoondelight lute (:Roglas of Vilya 3:20)
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQ     T:afternoondelight theorbo (:Roglas of Vilya 3:20)
ABC      1 C1:000101020100000 C2:uuuuuuuuddudddd M:2/4   K:Gm           H:"LORSZ T:The Afternoon of My Life
ABC      1 C1:000101020100000 C2:uuuuuuuuddudddd M:2/4   K:Gm           H:"LORSZ T:The Afternoon of My Life
ABC      1 C1:000101020100000 C2:uuuuuuuuddudddd M:2/4   K:Gm           H:"LORSZ T:The Afternoon of My Life
ABC      1 C1:000101020100000 C2:uuuuuuuuddudddd M:2/4   K:Gm           H:"LORSZ T:The Afternoon of My Life
ABC      1 C1:000101020100000 C2:uuuuuuuuddudddd M:2/4   K:Gm           H:"LORSZ T:The Afternoon of My Life
ABC      1 C1:000101020100000 C2:uuuuuuuuddudddd M:2/4   K:Gm           H:"LORSZ T:The Afternoon of My Life
ABC      1 C1:010102010000020 C2:uuuuuuuuddudddd M:2/4   K:Gm           H:"LORSZ T:The Afternoon of My Life
ABC      1 C1:010102010000020 C2:uuuuuuuuddudddd M:2/4   K:Gm           H:"LORSZ T:The Afternoon of My Life
ABC      1 C1:010102010000020 C2:uuuuuuuuddudddd M:2/4   K:Gm           H:"LORSZ T:The Afternoon of My Life
ABC      1 C1:010102010000020 C2:uuuuuuuuddudddd M:2/4   K:Gm           H:"LORSZ T:The Afternoon of My Life
ABC      1 C1:010102010000020 C2:uuuuuuuuddudddd M:2/4   K:Gm           H:"LORSZ T:The Afternoon of My Life
ABC      1 C1:010102010000020 C2:uuuuuuuuddudddd M:2/4   K:Gm           H:"LORSZ T:The Afternoon of My Life
ABC      1 C1:010102010000020 C2:uuuuuuuuddudddd M:2/4   K:Gm           H:"LORSZ T:The Afternoon of My Life
ABC      1 C1:010102010000020 C2:uuuuuuuuddudddd M:2/4   K:Gm           H:"LORSZ T:The Afternoon of My Life
ABC      1 C1:010102010000020 C2:uuuuuuuuddudddd M:2/4   K:Gm           H:"LORSZ T:The Afternoon of My Life
ABC      1 C1:010102010000020 C2:uuuuuuuuddudddd M:2/4   K:Gm           H:"LORSZ T:The Afternoon of My Life
ABC      1 C1:010102010000020 C2:uuuuuuuuddudddd M:2/4   K:Gm           H:"LORSZ T:The Afternoon of My Life
ABC      1 C1:010102010000020 C2:uuuuuuuuddudddd M:2/4   K:Gm           H:"LORSZ T:The Afternoon of My Life
ABC      1 C1:010102010000020 C2:uuuuuuuuddudddd M:2/4   K:Gm           H:"LORSZ T:The Afternoon of My Life
ABC      1 C1:266062005005266 C2:uddduduuddduuud M:3/4   K:G            H:"LRZ   T:After the Ball
ABC      1 C1:266062005005266 C2:uddduduuddduuud M:3/4   K:G            H:"LRZ   T:After the Ball
ABC      1 C1:266062005005266 C2:uddduduuddduuud M:3/4   K:G            H:"LRZ   T:After the Ball
ABC      1 C1:266062005005266 C2:uddduduuddduuud M:3/4   K:G            H:"CLRZ  T:After the Ball
ABC      1 C1:266062005005266 C2:uddduduuddduuud M:3/4   K:G            H:"CLRZ  T:After the Ball
ABC      1 C1:266062005005266 C2:uddduduuddduuud M:3/4   K:G            H:"CLRZ  T:After the Ball
ABC      1 C1:266062005005266 C2:uddduduuddduuud M:3/4   K:G            H:"CLRZ  T:After the Ball
ABC      1 C1:266062005005266 C2:uddduduuddduuud M:3/4   K:G            H:"CLRZ  T:After the Ball
ABC      1 C1:266062005005266 C2:uddduduuddduuud M:3/4   K:G            H:"CLRZ  T:After the Ball
ABC      1 C1:266062005005266 C2:uddduduuddduuud M:3/4   K:G            H:"CLRZ  T:After the Ball
ABC      1 C1:266062005005266 C2:uddduduuddduuud M:3/4   K:G            H:"CLRZ  T:After the Ball
ABC      1 C1:266062005005266 C2:uddduduuddduuud M:3/4   K:G            H:"CLRZ  T:After the Ball
ABC      1 C1:266062005005266 C2:uddduduuddduuud M:3/4   K:G            H:"CLRZ  T:After the Ball
ABC      1 C1:266062005005266 C2:uddduduuddduuud M:3/4   K:G            H:"CLRZ  T:After the Ball
ABC      1 C1:266062005005266 C2:uddduduuddduuud M:3/4   K:G            H:"CLRZ  T:After the Ball
ABC      1 C1:266062005005266 C2:uddduduuddduuud M:3/4   K:G            H:"CLRZ  T:After the Ball
ABC      1 C1:266062005005266 C2:uddduduuddduuud M:3/4   K:G            H:"CLRZ  T:After the Ball
ABC      1 C1:266062005005266 C2:uddduduuddduuud M:3/4   K:G            H:"CLRZ  T:After the Ball
ABC      1 C1:266062005005266 C2:uddduduuddduuud M:3/4   K:G            H:"LRZw  T:After the Ball
ABC      1 C1:266062005005266 C2:uddduduuddduuud M:3/4   K:G            H:"LRZw  T:After the Ball
ABC      1 C1:266062005005266 C2:uddduduuddduuud M:3/4   K:G            H:"LRZw  T:After the Ball
ABC      1 C1:266062005005266 C2:uddduduuddduuud M:3/4   K:G            H:"LRZw  T:After the Ball
ABC      1 C1:266062005005266 C2:uddduduuddduuud M:3/4   K:G            H:"LRZw  T:After the Ball
ABC      1 C1:266062005005266 C2:uddduduuddduuud M:3/4   K:G            H:"LRZw  T:After the Ball
ABC      1 C1:063005002001027 C2:duduuuddududuud M:3/4   K:C            H:"L     T:After the ball
ABC      1 C1:630502635400502 C2:dududududududuu M:3/4   K:C            H:L      T:After the Ball
ABC      1 C1:630502635400502 C2:dududududududuu M:3/4   K:C            H:L      T:After the Ball
ABC      1 C1:630502635400502 C2:dududududududuu M:3/4   K:C            H:L      T:After the Ball
ABC    472 C1:000002000607000 C2:uddduuuduuududu M:3/4   K:C            H:LOQRSVZ T:After the Ball
ABC    472 C1:000002000607000 C2:uddduuuduuududu M:3/4   K:C            H:LOQRSVZ T:After the Ball
ABC      1 C1:000002000603000 C2:udududdduuuuuud M:3/4   K:Bb           H:"CLRZ  T:After the Ball
ABC      1 C1:000002000603000 C2:udududdduuuuuud M:3/4   K:Bb           H:"CLRZ  T:After the Ball
ABC      1 C1:000002000603000 C2:udududdduuuuuud M:3/4   K:Bb           H:"CLRZ  T:After the Ball
ABC      1 C1:000002000603000 C2:udududdduuuuuud M:3/4   K:Bb           H:"CLRZ  T:After the Ball
ABC      1 C1:000002000603000 C2:udududdduuuuuud M:3/4   K:Bb           H:"CLRZ  T:After the Ball
ABC      1 C1:000002000603000 C2:udududdduuuuuud M:3/4   K:Bb           H:"CLRZ  T:After the Ball
ABC      1 C1:000002000603000 C2:udududdduuuuuud M:3/4   K:Bb           H:"CLRZ  T:After the Ball
ABC      1 C1:000002000603000 C2:udududdduuuuuud M:3/4   K:Bb           H:"CLRZ  T:After the Ball
ABC      1 C1:000002000603000 C2:udududdduuuuuud M:3/4   K:Bb           H:"CLRZ  T:After the Ball
ABC      1 C1:000002000603000 C2:udududdduuuuuud M:3/4   K:Bb           H:"CLRZ  T:After the Ball
ABC      1 C1:000002000603000 C2:udududdduuuuuud M:3/4   K:Bb           H:"CLRZ  T:After the Ball
ABC      1 C1:000002000603000 C2:udududdduuuuuud M:3/4   K:Bb           H:"CLRZ  T:After the Ball
ABC      1 C1:000002000603000 C2:udududdduuuuuud M:3/4   K:Bb           H:"CLRZ  T:After the Ball
ABC      1 C1:000002000603000 C2:udududdduuuuuud M:3/4   K:Bb           H:"CLRZ  T:After the Ball
ABC      1 C1:000002000603000 C2:udududdduuuuuud M:3/4   K:Bb           H:"CLRZ  T:After the Ball
ABC      1 C1:000002000603000 C2:udududdduuuuuud M:3/4   K:Bb           H:"CLRZ  T:After the Ball
ABC      1 C1:000002000603000 C2:udududdduuuuuud M:3/4   K:Bb           H:"CLRZ  T:After the Ball
ABC      1 C1:000002000603000 C2:udududdduuuuuud M:3/4   K:Bb           H:"CLRZ  T:After the Ball
ABC      1 C1:000002000603000 C2:udududdduuuuuud M:3/4   K:Bb           H:"CLRZ  T:After the Ball
ABC      1 C1:000002000603000 C2:udududdduuuuuud M:3/4   K:Bb           H:"CLRZ  T:After the Ball
ABC      1 C1:000002000603000 C2:udududdduuuuuud M:3/4   K:Bb           H:"CLRZ  T:After the Ball
ABC      1 C1:000002000603000 C2:udududdduuuuuud M:3/4   K:Bb           H:"CLRZ  T:After the Ball
ABC      1 C1:000002000603000 C2:udududdduuuuuud M:3/4   K:Bb           H:"CLRZ  T:After the Ball
ABC      1 C1:000002000603000 C2:udududdduuuuuud M:3/4   K:Bb           H:"CLRZ  T:After the Ball
ABC      1 C1:000002000603000 C2:udududdduuuuuud M:3/4   K:Bb           H:"CLRZ  T:After the Ball
ABC      1 C1:000002000603000 C2:udududdduuuuuud M:3/4   K:Bb           H:"CLRZ  T:After the Ball
ABC      1 C1:000002000603000 C2:udududdduuuuuud M:3/4   K:Bb           H:"CLRZ  T:After the Ball
ABC      1 C1:000002000603000 C2:udududdduuuuuud M:3/4   K:Bb           H:"CLRZw T:After the Ball
ABC      1 C1:000002000603000 C2:udududdduuuuuud M:3/4   K:Bb           H:"CLRZw T:After the Ball
ABC      1 C1:000002000603000 C2:udududdduuuuuud M:3/4   K:Bb           H:"CLRZw T:After the Ball
ABC      1 C1:000002000603000 C2:udududdduuuuuud M:3/4   K:Bb           H:"CLRZw T:After the Ball
ABC      1 C1:000002000603000 C2:udududdduuuuuud M:3/4   K:Bb           H:"CLRZw T:After the Ball
ABC      1 C1:000002000603000 C2:udududdduuuuuud M:3/4   K:Bb           H:"CLRZw T:After the Ball
ABC      1 C1:000002000603000 C2:udududdduuuuuud M:3/4   K:Bb           H:"CLRZw T:After the Ball
ABC      1 C1:000002000603000 C2:udududdduuuuuud M:3/4   K:Bb           H:"CLRZw T:After the Ball
ABC      2 C1:266062005005266 C2:uddduduuddduuud M:3/4   K:G            H:"LRWZ  T:After the Ball
ABC      1 C1:000206000005000 C2:udduuudduuududd M:      K:Dmaj         H:LR     T:After The Ball
ABC      1 C1:000002000603000 C2:udududdduuuuuud M:3/4   K:Bb           H:"CLRZ  T:After the Ball
ABC      1 C1:000002000603000 C2:udududdduuuuuud M:3/4   K:Bb           H:"CLRZ  T:After the Ball
ABC      1 C1:000002000603000 C2:udududdduuuuuud M:3/4   K:Bb           H:"CLRZ  T:After the Ball
ABC    472 C1:000002000607000 C2:uddduuuduuududu M:3/4   K:C            H:LOQRSVZ T:After the Ball
ABC    472 C1:000002000607000 C2:uddduuuduuududu M:3/4   K:C            H:LOQRSVZ T:After the Ball
ABC    472 C1:000002000607000 C2:uddduuuduuududu M:3/4   K:C            H:LOQRSVZ T:After the Ball
ABC    472 C1:000002000607000 C2:uddduuuduuududu M:3/4   K:C            H:LOQRSVZ T:After the Ball
ABC     53 C1:266062005005266 C2:uddduduuddduuud M:3/4   K:G            H:"LRZ   T:After the Ball
ABC    274 C1:266062005005266 C2:uddduduuddduuud M:3/4   K:G            H:"LRZ   T:After the Ball
ABC    924 C1:266062005005266 C2:uddduduuddduuud M:3/4   K:G            H:"LRZ   T:After the Ball
ABC     53 C1:266062005005266 C2:uddduduuddduuud M:3/4   K:G            H:"LRZ   T:After the Ball
ABC    274 C1:266062005005266 C2:uddduduuddduuud M:3/4   K:G            H:"LRZ   T:After the Ball
ABC    924 C1:266062005005266 C2:uddduduuddduuud M:3/4   K:G            H:"LRZ   T:After the Ball
ABC    106 C1:266062005005266 C2:uddduduuddduuud M:3/4   K:G            H:"LOR   T:After the Ball
ABC    106 C1:266062005005266 C2:uddduduuddduuud M:3/4   K:G            H:"LOR   T:After the Ball
ABC    257 C1:266062005005266 C2:uddduduuddduuud M:3/4   K:G            H:"LRZ   T:After the Ball
ABC    257 C1:266062005005266 C2:uddduduuddduuud M:3/4   K:G            H:"LRZ   T:After the Ball
ABC    258 C1:266062005005266 C2:uddduduuddduuud M:3/4   K:G            H:"LRZ   T:After the Ball
ABC    259 C1:266062005005266 C2:uddduduuddduuud M:3/4   K:G            H:"LRZ   T:After the Ball
ABC    260 C1:266062005005266 C2:uddduduuddduuud M:3/4   K:G            H:"LRZ   T:After the Ball
ABC    258 C1:266062005005266 C2:uddduduuddduuud M:3/4   K:G            H:"LRZ   T:After the Ball
ABC    259 C1:266062005005266 C2:uddduduuddduuud M:3/4   K:G            H:"LRZ   T:After the Ball
ABC    260 C1:266062005005266 C2:uddduduuddduuud M:3/4   K:G            H:"LRZ   T:After the Ball
ABC    258 C1:266062005005266 C2:uddduduuddduuud M:3/4   K:G            H:"LRZ   T:After the Ball
ABC    259 C1:266062005005266 C2:uddduduuddduuud M:3/4   K:G            H:"LRZ   T:After the Ball
ABC    260 C1:266062005005266 C2:uddduduuddduuud M:3/4   K:G            H:"LRZ   T:After the Ball
ABC    258 C1:266062005005266 C2:uddduduuddduuud M:3/4   K:G            H:"LRZ   T:After the Ball
ABC    259 C1:266062005005266 C2:uddduduuddduuud M:3/4   K:G            H:"LRZ   T:After the Ball
ABC    260 C1:266062005005266 C2:uddduduuddduuud M:3/4   K:G            H:"LRZ   T:After the Ball
ABC    258 C1:266062005005266 C2:uddduduuddduuud M:3/4   K:G            H:"LRZ   T:After the Ball
ABC    259 C1:266062005005266 C2:uddduduuddduuud M:3/4   K:G            H:"LRZ   T:After the Ball
ABC    260 C1:266062005005266 C2:uddduduuddduuud M:3/4   K:G            H:"LRZ   T:After the Ball
ABC      1 C1:110056777600001 C2:uuuddddduuudddu M:C     K:HP           H:CLQS   T:After The battle "by John Allen - R.A.F. Kinloss"
ABC      1 C1:110056777600001 C2:uuuddddduuudddu M:C     K:HP           H:CLQS   T:After The battle "by John Allen - R.A.F. Kinloss"
ABC      1 C1:110056777600001 C2:uuuddddduuudddu M:C     K:HP           H:CLQS   T:After The battle "by John Allen - R.A.F. Kinloss"
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:After the Battle of Aughrim (1:45) Clarinet
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:After the Battle of Aughrim (1:45) Flute
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:After the Battle of Aughrim (1:46) Lute
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:After the Battle of Aughrim (1:46) (lute/harp)
ABC      1 C1:030011110400000 C2:uuuuududuudduuu M:4/4   K:A            H:"CDLOQRZ T:After the Battle of Aughrim #2 (Micho Russell's version in A dorian) / The Battle of Aughrim / Cath Eachdhrumime
ABC      1 C1:070700610600711 C2:dddudduuudddduu M:2/4   K:ADor         H:OR     T:After the Battle of Aughrim
ABC      1 C1:664765517126662 C2:dddduddduududuu M:2/4   K:Edor         H:"LR    T:After the Battle of Aughrim
ABC     38 C1:776160027571300 C2:dddudduuudddduu M:2/4   K:G            H:"LQR   T:After The Battle of Aughrim
ABC      1 C1:030011110707060 C2:uuuuudddudduuud M:C     K:ADor         H:"S     T:After the Battle of Aughrim
ABC      2 C1:664765517126662 C2:dddduddduududuu M:2/4   K:Edor         H:"CLR   T:After the Battle of Aughrim
ABC     22 C1:070700610600711 C2:dddudduuudddduu M:2/4   K:ADor         H:LORZ   T:After the Battle of Aughrim
ABC     91 C1:760300111107070 C2:dduuuuudddudduu M:4/4   K:Ador         H:"LRS   T:After the Battle of Aughrim
ABC     91 C1:760300111107070 C2:dduuuuudddudduu M:4/4   K:Ador         H:"LRS   T:After the Battle of Aughrim
ABC     12 C1:030011110707060 C2:uuuuudddudduuud M:4/4   K:ADorian      H:"L     T:After the Battle of Aughrim
ABC     12 C1:030011110707060 C2:uuuuudddudduuud M:4/4   K:ADorian      H:"L     T:After the Battle of Aughrim
ABC      1 C1:030011110707006 C2:uuuuudddudduuud M:2/4   K:ADor         H:"LORZ  T:After the Battle of Aughrim
ABC      1 C1:030011110707006 C2:uuuuudddudduuud M:2/4   K:ADor         H:"LORZ  T:After the Battle of Aughrim
ABC      1 C1:030011110707006 C2:uuuuudddudduuud M:2/4   K:ADor         H:"LORZ  T:After the Battle of Aughrim
ABC      1 C1:030011110707006 C2:uuuuudddudduuud M:2/4   K:ADor         H:"LORZ  T:After the Battle of Aughrim
ABC      1 C1:030011110707006 C2:uuuuudddudduuud M:2/4   K:ADor         H:"LORZ  T:After the Battle of Aughrim
ABC      1 C1:030011110707006 C2:uuuuudddudduuud M:2/4   K:ADor         H:"LORZ  T:After the Battle of Aughrim
ABC      1 C1:030011110707006 C2:uuuuudddudduuud M:2/4   K:ADor         H:"LORZ  T:After the Battle of Aughrim
ABC      1 C1:030011110707006 C2:uuuuudddudduuud M:2/4   K:ADor         H:"LORZ  T:After the Battle of Aughrim
ABC      1 C1:030011110707006 C2:uuuuudddudduuud M:2/4   K:ADor         H:"LORZ  T:After the Battle of Aughrim
ABC      1 C1:030011110707006 C2:uuuuudddudduuud M:2/4   K:ADor         H:"LORZ  T:After the Battle of Aughrim
ABC      1 C1:030011110707006 C2:uuuuudddudduuud M:2/4   K:ADor         H:"LORZ  T:After the Battle of Aughrim
ABC      1 C1:030011110707006 C2:uuuuudddudduuud M:2/4   K:ADor         H:"LORZ  T:After the Battle of Aughrim
ABC      1 C1:030011110707006 C2:uuuuudddudduuud M:2/4   K:ADor         H:"LORZ  T:After the Battle of Aughrim
ABC      1 C1:030011110707006 C2:uuuuudddudduuud M:2/4   K:ADor         H:"LORZ  T:After the Battle of Aughrim
ABC      1 C1:030011110707006 C2:uuuuudddudduuud M:2/4   K:ADor         H:"LORZ  T:After the Battle of Aughrim
ABC      1 C1:070700610600711 C2:dddudduuudddduu M:2/4   K:ADor         H:FLORZ  T:After the Battle of Aughrim
ABC      1 C1:030011110707060 C2:uuuuudddudduuud M:4/4   K:Ador         H:FLOZ   T:After the Battle of Aughrim
ABC      1 C1:030011110707060 C2:uuuuudddudduuud M:4/4   K:Ador         H:FLOZ   T:After the Battle of Aughrim
ABC      1 C1:030011110707060 C2:uuuuudddudduuud M:4/4   K:Ador         H:FLOZ   T:After the Battle of Aughrim
ABC      1 C1:030011110707060 C2:uuuuudddudduuud M:4/4   K:Ador         H:FLOZ   T:After the Battle of Aughrim
ABC     18 C1:070700610600711 C2:dddudduuudddduu M:2/4   K:ADor         H:ORS    T:After the Battle of Aughrim
ABC     18 C1:070700610600711 C2:dddudduuudddduu M:2/4   K:ADor         H:ORS    T:After the Battle of Aughrim
ABC     18 C1:070700610600711 C2:dddudduuudddduu M:2/4   K:ADor         H:ORS    T:After the Battle of Aughrim
ABC     18 C1:070700610600711 C2:dddudduuudddduu M:2/4   K:ADor         H:ORS    T:After the Battle of Aughrim
ABC     18 C1:070700610600711 C2:dddudduuudddduu M:2/4   K:ADor         H:ORS    T:After the Battle of Aughrim
ABC     18 C1:070700610600711 C2:dddudduuudddduu M:2/4   K:ADor         H:ORS    T:After the Battle of Aughrim
ABC      1 C1:030011110707060 C2:uuuuudddudduuud M:4/4   K:G            H:"L     T:After the battle of Aughrim
ABC     12 C1:030011110707060 C2:uuuuudddudduuud M:4/4   K:ADorian      H:"L     T:After the Battle of Aughrim
ABC   8292 C1:070700610600711 C2:dddudduuudddduu M:2/4   K:ADor         H:CFLORW T:After the Battle of Aughrim
ABC   8292 C1:070700610600711 C2:dddudduuudddduu M:2/4   K:ADor         H:CFLORW T:After the Battle of Aughrim
ABC      3 C1:030011110707060 C2:uuuuudddudduuud M:4/4   K:Ador         H:FLOZ   T:After the Battle of Aughrim
ABC      3 C1:030011110707060 C2:uuuuudddudduuud M:4/4   K:Ador         H:FLOZ   T:After the Battle of Aughrim
ABC      3 C1:030011110707060 C2:uuuuudddudduuud M:4/4   K:Ador         H:FLOZ   T:After the Battle of Aughrim
ABC      3 C1:030011110707060 C2:uuuuudddudduuud M:4/4   K:Ador         H:FLOZ   T:After the Battle of Aughrim
ABC      1 C1:070700610600711 C2:dddudduuudddduu M:2/4   K:ADor         H:R      T:After the Battle of Aughrim
ABC      1 C1:070700610600711 C2:dddudduuudddduu M:2/4   K:ADor         H:R      T:After the Battle of Aughrim
ABC     38 C1:776160027571300 C2:dddudduuudddduu M:2/4   K:G            H:"LQR   T:After The Battle of Aughrim
ABC      1 C1:070700610600711 C2:dddudduuudddduu M:2/4   K:ADor         H:R      T:After the Battle of Aughrim
ABC      3 C1:030011110707060 C2:uuuuudddudduuud M:C     K:ADor         H:"S     T:After the Battle of Aughrim
ABC      3 C1:030011110707060 C2:uuuuudddudduuud M:C     K:ADor         H:"S     T:After the Battle of Aughrim
ABC      1 C1:030011110707060 C2:uuuuudddudduuud M:4/4   K:Ador         H:"LQR   T:After The Battle Of Aughrim
ABC      1 C1:030011110707060 C2:uuuuudddudduuud M:4/4   K:Ador         H:"LQR   T:After The Battle Of Aughrim
ABC      1 C1:030011110707060 C2:uuuuudddudduuud M:4/4   K:Ador         H:"LQR   T:After The Battle Of Aughrim
ABC     91 C1:760300111107070 C2:dduuuuudddudduu M:4/4   K:Ador         H:"LRS   T:After the Battle of Aughrim
ABC      1 C1:302277616002757 C2:uuuuudddudduuud M:2/4   K:Ador         H:LR     T:After The Battle Of Aughrim
ABC      1 C1:030011110707060 C2:uuuuudddudduuud M:      K:Ador         H:LR     T:After The Battle Of Aughrim
ABC      2 C1:030011110707060 C2:uuuuudddudduuud M:      K:Ador         H:LR     T:After The Battle Of Aughrim
ABC      3 C1:030001212677060 C2:uuuuudddduduudu M:      K:Ador         H:LR     T:After The Battle Of Aughrim
ABC      4 C1:760300012107070 C2:dduuuudddudduuu M:      K:Ador         H:LR     T:After The Battle Of Aughrim
ABC      5 C1:030011110707060 C2:uuuuudddudduuud M:      K:Ador         H:LR     T:After The Battle Of Aughrim
ABC      6 C1:302277616002757 C2:uuuuudddudduuud M:      K:Ador         H:LR     T:After The Battle Of Aughrim
ABC      7 C1:030011110400001 C2:uuuuuduuduuuudu M:      K:Ador         H:LR     T:After The Battle Of Aughrim
ABC      8 C1:763012177616002 C2:dduuuuudddudduu M:      K:Ador         H:LR     T:After The Battle Of Aughrim
ABC      9 C1:030011110707060 C2:uuuuudddudduuud M:4/4   K:Ador         H:"LR    T:After The Battle Of Aughrim
ABC     10 C1:030011110707060 C2:uuuuudddudduuud M:4/4   K:Ador         H:"LR    T:After The Battle Of Aughrim
ABC     11 C1:030001210761006 C2:uuuuddududduuud M:4/4   K:Ador         H:LR     T:After The Battle Of Aughrim
ABC     12 C1:030001210761006 C2:uuuuuddududduuu M:4/4   K:Ador         H:LR     T:After The Battle Of Aughrim
ABC     13 C1:030001212677060 C2:uuuuudddduduudu M:      K:Ador         H:LR     T:After The Battle Of Aughrim
ABC     14 C1:030001111007706 C2:uuuuudddudududd M:      K:Ador         H:LR     T:After The Battle Of Aughrim
ABC     15 C1:030001210707060 C2:uuuudddudduuudu M:      K:Ador         H:LR     T:After The Battle Of Aughrim
ABC     16 C1:030011110400004 C2:uuuuududduudduu M:      K:Ador         H:LR     T:After The Battle Of Aughrim
ABC     12 C1:030011110707060 C2:uuuuudddudduuud M:4/4   K:ADorian      H:"L     T:After the Battle of Aughrim
ABC    444 C1:302206616002757 C2:uuuuudddudduuud M:2/4   K:Ador         H:"HLRZ  T:After The Battle Of Aughrim
ABC      4 C1:070700610600711 C2:dddudduuudddduu M:2/4   K:ADor         H:ORS    T:After the Battle of Aughrim
ABC      2 C1:760300111107070 C2:dduuuuudddudduu M:C|    K:ADor         H:"S     T:After the Battle of Aughrim
ABC    206 C1:030011110707060 C2:uuuuudddudduuud M:4/4   K:Ador         H:"LQR   T:After The Battle Of Aughrim
ABC    258 C1:070700610600711 C2:dddudduuudddduu M:2/4   K:ADor         H:ORS    T:After the Battle of Aughrim
ABC    258 C1:070700610600711 C2:dddudduuudddduu M:2/4   K:ADor         H:ORS    T:After the Battle of Aughrim
ABC    139 C1:070700610600711 C2:dddudduuudddduu M:2/4   K:A            H:FORZ   T:After the Battle of Aughrim
ABC    139 C1:070700610600711 C2:dddudduuudddduu M:2/4   K:A            H:FORZ   T:After the Battle of Aughrim
ABC    261 C1:070700610600711 C2:dddudduuudddduu M:2/4   K:ADor         H:OR     T:After the Battle of Aughrim
ABC    261 C1:070700610600711 C2:dddudduuudddduu M:2/4   K:ADor         H:OR     T:After the Battle of Aughrim
ABC    261 C1:070700610600711 C2:dddudduuudddduu M:2/4   K:ADor         H:OR     T:After the Battle of Aughrim
ABC    261 C1:070700610600711 C2:dddudduuudddduu M:2/4   K:ADor         H:OR     T:After the Battle of Aughrim
ABC    261 C1:070700610600711 C2:dddudduuudddduu M:2/4   K:ADor         H:OR     T:After the Battle of Aughrim
ABC     11 C1:070700610600711 C2:dddudduuudddduu M:2/4   K:ADor         H:ORS    T:After the Battle of Aughrim
ABC    155 C1:070700610600711 C2:dddudduuudddduu M:2/4   K:A            H:ORSZ   T:After the Battle of Aughrim
ABC      1 C1:030011110707006 C2:uuuuudddudduuud M:4/4   K:A            H:"CDLORZ T:After the Battle of Aughrim (A dorian) / The Battle of Aughrim / Cath Eachdhrumime
ABC      1 C1:030011110707006 C2:uuuuudddudduuud M:4/4   K:A            H:"CDLOQRZ T:After the Battle of Aughrim (common version in A dorian) / The Battle of Aughrim / Cath Eachdhrumime
ABC      1 C1:110056777600001 C2:uuuddddduuuduuu M:C     K:HP           H:CLQS   T:After The battle - seconds "by John Allen - R.A.F. Kinloss"
ABC      1 C1:110056777600001 C2:uuuddddduuuduuu M:C     K:HP           H:CLQS   T:After The battle - seconds "by John Allen - R.A.F. Kinloss"
ABC      1 C1:110056777600001 C2:uuuddddduuuduuu M:C     K:HP           H:CLQS   T:After The battle - seconds "by John Allen - R.A.F. Kinloss"
ABC 010311 C1:317676240004317 C2:uudddduduuudddd M:6/8   K:D            H:"CLQRV T:After the Blizzard
ABC 010311 C1:317676240004317 C2:uudddduduuudddd M:6/8   K:D            H:"CLQRV T:After the Blizzard
ABC 010311 C1:317676240004317 C2:uudddduduuudddd M:6/8   K:D            H:"CLQRV T:After the Blizzard
ABC 010311 C1:317676240004317 C2:uudddduduuudddd M:6/8   K:D            H:"CLQRV T:After the Blizzard
ABC 010311 C1:317676240004317 C2:uudddduduuudddd M:6/8   K:D            H:"CLQRV T:After the Blizzard
ABC 010311 C1:317676240004317 C2:uudddduduuudddd M:6/8   K:D            H:"CLQRV T:After the Blizzard
ABC 010311 C1:317676240004317 C2:uudddduduuudddd M:6/8   K:D            H:"CLQRV T:After the Blizzard
ABC 010311 C1:317676240004317 C2:uudddduduuudddd M:6/8   K:D            H:"CLQRV T:After the Blizzard
ABC 010311 C1:317676240004317 C2:uudddduduuudddd M:6/8   K:D            H:"CLQRV T:After the Blizzard
ABC 010311 C1:317676240004317 C2:uudddduduuudddd M:6/8   K:D            H:"CLQRV T:After the Blizzard
ABC 010311 C1:317676240004317 C2:uudddduduuudddd M:6/8   K:D            H:"CLQRV T:After the Blizzard
ABC 010311 C1:317676240004317 C2:uudddduduuudddd M:6/8   K:D            H:"CLQRV T:After the Blizzard
ABC 010311 C1:317676240004317 C2:uudddduduuudddd M:6/8   K:D            H:"CLQRV T:After the Blizzard
ABC 010311 C1:317676240004317 C2:uudddduduuudddd M:6/8   K:D            H:"CLQRV T:After the Blizzard
ABC      1 C1:010706070602040 C2:udddduduudddddu M:6/8   K:D            H:ACILORS T:After the Blizzard
ABC      1 C1:176762400043177 C2:udddduduuuddddd M:6/8   K:D            H:CLQR   T:After the Blizzard
ABC      1 C1:176762400043177 C2:udddduduuuddddd M:6/8   K:D            H:CLQR   T:After the Blizzard
ABC      1 C1:176762400043177 C2:udddduduuuddddd M:6/8   K:D            H:CLR    T:After the Blizzard
ABC     45 C1:176762400043177 C2:udddduduuuddddd M:6/8   K:D            H:"CLQR  T:After the Blizzard
ABC     25 C1:176762400043177 C2:udddduduuuddddd M:6/8   K:D            H:"CLQR  T:After the Blizzard
ABC     10 C1:317676240004317 C2:uudddduduuudddd M:6/8   K:D            H:"CLQRV T:After the Blizzard (with piano acc.)
ABC   9001 C1:317676240004317 C2:uudddduduuudddd M:6/8   K:D            H:"CLQRV T:After the Blizzard (with piano acc.)
ABC   9001 C1:317676240004317 C2:uudddduduuudddd M:6/8   K:D            H:"CLQRV T:After the Blizzard (with piano acc.)
ABC    309 C1:020601000000000 C2:uduuuuddudddudd M:3/4   K:D            H:"C     T:After the Carnival is Over
ABC      1 C1:277607001111070 C2:udddduuuuddudud M:4/4   K:G            H:CLRS   T:After the Duck
ABC      1 C1:277607001111070 C2:udddduuuuddudud M:4/4   K:G            H:CLRS   T:After the Duck
ABC      1 C1:277607001111070 C2:udddduuuuddudud M:4/4   K:G            H:CLRS   T:After the Duck
ABC      1 C1:277607001111070 C2:udddduuuuddudud M:4/4   K:G            H:CLRS   T:After the Duck
ABC      5 C1:277607001111070 C2:udddduuuuddudud M:4/4   K:G            H:CLRS   T:After the Duck
ABC      1 C1:277607001111070 C2:udddduuuuddudud M:4/4   K:G            H:CLRS   T:After the Duck
ABC      1 C1:277607001111070 C2:udddduuuuddudud M:4/4   K:G            H:CLRS   T:After the Duck
ABC    107 C1:277607001111070 C2:udddduuuuddudud M:4/4   K:G            H:CLORS  T:After the Duck
ABC    107 C1:277607001111070 C2:udddduuuuddudud M:4/4   K:G            H:CLORS  T:After the Duck
ABC    259 C1:277607001111070 C2:udddduuuuddudud M:4/4   K:G            H:CLRS   T:After the Duck
ABC    259 C1:277607001111070 C2:udddduuuuddudud M:4/4   K:G            H:CLRS   T:After the Duck
ABC    262 C1:277607001111070 C2:udddduuuuddudud M:4/4   K:G            H:CLRS   T:After the Duck
ABC    262 C1:277607001111070 C2:udddduuuuddudud M:4/4   K:G            H:CLRS   T:After the Duck
ABC    262 C1:277607001111070 C2:udddduuuuddudud M:4/4   K:G            H:CLRS   T:After the Duck
ABC    262 C1:277607001111070 C2:udddduuuuddudud M:4/4   K:G            H:CLRS   T:After the Duck
ABC    262 C1:277607001111070 C2:udddduuuuddudud M:4/4   K:G            H:CLRS   T:After the Duck
ABC    260 C1:400137150341701 C2:duududududuudud M:6/8   K:Ador         H:CLQR   T:After the Fire
ABC    260 C1:400137150341701 C2:duududududuudud M:6/8   K:Ador         H:CLQR   T:After the Fire
ABC      2 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:After the Gold Rush (flute)
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:After the Gold Rush (flute)
ABC     71 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:After the Gold Rush [flute] Nov 3 (3:24)
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:After the Gold Rush (lute)
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:After the Gold Rush (lute)
ABC     11 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:After the Gold Rush [Lute] Nov 3 (3:24)
ABC     31 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:After the Gold Rush [Theorbo] Nov 3 (3:24)
ABC      1 C1:326442653227600 C2:uudududduuudddu M:4/4   K:A            H:CILQR  T:After the Hare
ABC      1 C1:326442653227600 C2:uudududduuudddu M:4/4   K:A            H:CILQR  T:After the Hare
ABC      1 C1:516452655674526 C2:uuuddduudududud M:2/4   K:A            H:L      T:After the Hare
ABC      1 C1:516452655674526 C2:uuuddduudududud M:2/4   K:A            H:L      T:After the Hare
ABC 182151 C1:321106116001600 C2:uuuuduududduuuu M:4/4   K:G            H:CLQRS  T:AFTER THE HARE* (reel)
ABC      1 C1:322760043264426 C2:uuuddduudududud M:2/4   K:A            H:BLRZ   T:After the Hare -- Reel
ABC      1 C1:322760043264426 C2:uuuddduudududud M:2/4   K:A            H:BLRZ   T:After the Hare -- Reel
ABC      1 C1:322760043264426 C2:uuuddduudududud M:2/4   K:A            H:BLRZ   T:After the Hare -- Reel
ABC      1 C1:322760043264426 C2:uuuddduudududud M:2/4   K:A            H:BLRZ   T:After the Hare -- Reel
ABC 182151 C1:321106116001600 C2:uuuuduududduuuu M:4/4   K:G            H:CLQRS  T:AFTER THE HARE* (reel)
ABC 182151 C1:321106116001600 C2:uuuuduududduuuu M:4/4   K:G            H:CLQRS  T:AFTER THE HARE* (reel)
ABC      1 C1:322760043264426 C2:uuuddduudududud M:2/4   K:A            H:BLRZ   T:After the Hare -- Reel
ABC      1 C1:322760043264426 C2:uuuddduudududud M:2/4   K:A            H:BLRZ   T:After the Hare -- Reel
ABC      1 C1:322760043264426 C2:uuuddduudududud M:2/4   K:A            H:BLRZ   T:After the Hare -- Reel
ABC     71 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:CLQSZ  T:After The Love Has Gone - Clarinet (5:13) (239)
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:CLQSZ  T:After The Love Has Gone - Drum (5:08) (1282)
ABC     51 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:CLQSZ  T:After The Love Has Gone - Flute 1 (4:38) (982)
ABC     52 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:CLQSZ  T:After The Love Has Gone - Flute 2 (5:14) (559)
ABC     21 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:CLQSZ  T:After The Love Has Gone - Harp (2:37) (331)
ABC     61 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:CLQSZ  T:After The Love Has Gone - Horn 1 (5:14) (244)
ABC     62 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:CLQSZ  T:After The Love Has Gone - Horn 2 (opt) (5:14) (408)
ABC     11 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:CLQSZ  T:After The Love Has Gone - Lute 1 (4:38) (469)
ABC     12 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:CLQSZ  T:After The Love Has Gone - Lute 2 (5:14) (3576)
ABC     31 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:CLQSZ  T:After The Love Has Gone - Theorbo (5:14) (549)
ABC      1 C1:230776400776661 C2:uudddudddududdd M:      K:Dmaj         H:LR     T:After The Morning
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:after the ordeal-part1 (3:23)
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:      K:C            H:LQZ    T:after the ordeal-part2 (2:17)
ABC      1 C1:611200116377771 C2:duuuuududdddudd M:2/4   K:G            H:CFLWZ  T:After the Party
ABC     39 C1:060221070377070 C2:duuududddduuddd M:6/4   K:D            H:BCDHLOQRSZ T:After the Storm
ABC     39 C1:060221070377070 C2:duuududddduuddd M:6/4   K:D            H:BCDHLOQRSZ T:After the Storm
ABC     39 C1:060221070377070 C2:duuududddduuddd M:6/4   K:D            H:BCDHLOQRSZ T:After the Storm
ABC     39 C1:060221070377070 C2:duuududddduuddd M:6/4   K:D            H:BCDHLOQRSZ T:After the Storm
ABC     39 C1:060221070377070 C2:duuududddduuddd M:6/4   K:D            H:BCDLOQRZ T:After the Storm
ABC      1 C1:562404475663116 C2:ddudududdduuudu M:      K:Dmaj         H:"LR    T:After The Storm
ABC      2 C1:562404475663116 C2:ddudududdduuudu M:      K:Dmaj         H:"LR    T:After The Storm
ABC      3 C1:562404475663116 C2:ddudududdduuudu M:      K:Dmaj         H:"LR    T:After The Storm
ABC    261 C1:060221070377070 C2:duuududddduuddd M:6/4   K:D            H:BCDLOQR T:After the Storm
ABC    262 C1:060221070377070 C2:duuududddduuddd M:6/4   K:D            H:BCDLOQRZ T:After the Storm
ABC    261 C1:060221070377070 C2:duuududddduuddd M:6/4   K:D            H:BCDLOQR T:After the Storm
ABC    262 C1:060221070377070 C2:duuududddduuddd M:6/4   K:D            H:BCDLOQRZ T:After the Storm
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:4/4   K:Amin         H:CLRV   T:after the style of really terrible death metal
ABC   1471 C1:026532652727676 C2:udduuduududdddd M:C|    K:G            H:BLORZbs T:After the Sun Goes Down #2
ABC   1471 C1:026532652727676 C2:udduuduududdddd M:C|    K:G            H:BLORZbs T:After the Sun Goes Down #2
ABC   1471 C1:026532652727676 C2:udduuduududdddd M:C|    K:G            H:BLORZbs T:After the Sun Goes Down #2
ABC   1471 C1:026532652727676 C2:udduuduududdddd M:C|    K:G            H:BLORZbs T:After the Sun Goes Down #2
ABC    700 C1:026532652727676 C2:udduuduududdddd M:C|    K:Em           H:BFLRZbs T:After the Sun Goes Down #2
ABC    700 C1:026532652727676 C2:udduuduududdddd M:C|    K:Em           H:BFLRZbs T:After the Sun Goes Down #2
ABC    700 C1:026532652727676 C2:udduuduududdddd M:C|    K:Em           H:BFLRZbs T:After the Sun Goes Down #2
ABC    700 C1:026532652727676 C2:udduuduududdddd M:C|    K:Em           H:BFLRZbs T:After the Sun Goes Down #2
ABC    700 C1:026532652727676 C2:udduuduududdddd M:C|    K:Em           H:BFLRZbs T:After the Sun Goes Down #2
ABC    700 C1:026532652727676 C2:udduuduududdddd M:C|    K:Em           H:BFLRZbs T:After the Sun Goes Down #2
ABC    700 C1:026532652727676 C2:udduuduududdddd M:C|    K:Em           H:BFLRZbs T:After the Sun Goes Down #2
ABC    700 C1:026532652727676 C2:udduuduududdddd M:C|    K:Em           H:BFLRZbs T:After the Sun Goes Down #2
ABC    700 C1:026532652727676 C2:udduuduududdddd M:C|    K:Em           H:BFLRZbs T:After the Sun Goes Down #2
ABC    700 C1:026532652727676 C2:udduuduududdddd M:C|    K:Em           H:BFLRZbs T:After the Sun Goes Down #2
ABC   1471 C1:157727776571114 C2:uuddudddduduuud M:C|    K:G            H:BLORZbs T:After the Sun Goes Down #3
ABC   1471 C1:157727776571114 C2:uuddudddduduuud M:C|    K:G            H:BLORZbs T:After the Sun Goes Down #3
ABC   1471 C1:157727776571114 C2:uuddudddduduuud M:C|    K:G            H:BLORZbs T:After the Sun Goes Down #3
ABC   1471 C1:157727776571114 C2:uuddudddduduuud M:C|    K:G            H:BLORZbs T:After the Sun Goes Down #3
ABC   1471 C1:157727776571114 C2:uuddudddduduuud M:C|    K:G            H:BLORZbs T:After the Sun Goes Down #3
ABC   1471 C1:157727776571114 C2:uuddudddduduuud M:C|    K:G            H:BLORZbs T:After the Sun Goes Down #3
ABC    700 C1:026532652727676 C2:udduuduududdddd M:C|    K:Em           H:BFLRZbs T:After the Sun Goes Down #3
ABC    700 C1:026532652727676 C2:udduuduududdddd M:C|    K:Em           H:BFLRZbs T:After the Sun Goes Down #3
ABC    700 C1:026532652727676 C2:udduuduududdddd M:C|    K:Em           H:BFLRZbs T:After the Sun Goes Down #3
ABC    700 C1:026532652727676 C2:udduuduududdddd M:C|    K:Em           H:BFLRZbs T:After the Sun Goes Down #3
ABC 495001 C1:272767660265326 C2:ududddddudduudu M:C|    K:Em           H:BLRSZ  T:AFTER THE SUN GOES DOWN
ABC      1 C1:026532652727676 C2:udduuduududdddd M:4/4   K:Em           H:CILQR  T:After the sun goes down
ABC      1 C1:026532652727676 C2:udduuduududdddd M:4/4   K:Em           H:CILQR  T:After the sun goes down
ABC   1471 C1:026532652727676 C2:udduuduududdddd M:C|    K:G            H:BLORZbs T:After the Sun Goes Down
ABC   1471 C1:026532652727676 C2:udduuduududdddd M:C|    K:G            H:BLORZbs T:After the Sun Goes Down
ABC   1471 C1:026532652727676 C2:udduuduududdddd M:C|    K:G            H:BLORZbs T:After the Sun Goes Down
ABC   1471 C1:026532652727676 C2:udduuduududdddd M:C|    K:G            H:BLORZbs T:After the Sun Goes Down
ABC   1471 C1:026532652727676 C2:udduuduududdddd M:C|    K:G            H:BLORZbs T:After the Sun Goes Down
ABC   1471 C1:026532652727676 C2:udduuduududdddd M:C|    K:G            H:BLORZbs T:After the Sun Goes Down
ABC   1471 C1:026532652727676 C2:udduuduududdddd M:C|    K:G            H:BLORZbs T:After the Sun Goes Down
ABC   1471 C1:026532652727676 C2:udduuduududdddd M:C|    K:G            H:BLORZbs T:After the Sun Goes Down
ABC   1471 C1:026532652727676 C2:udduuduududdddd M:C|    K:G            H:BLORZbs T:After the Sun Goes Down
ABC   1471 C1:026532652727676 C2:udduuduududdddd M:C|    K:G            H:BLORZbs T:After the Sun Goes Down
ABC   1520 C1:272767660265326 C2:ududddddudduudu M:C|    K:G            H:BLZ    T:After The Sun Goes Down
ABC   1520 C1:272767660265326 C2:ududddddudduudu M:C|    K:G            H:BLZ    T:After The Sun Goes Down
ABC   1520 C1:272767660265326 C2:ududddddudduudu M:C|    K:G            H:BLZ    T:After The Sun Goes Down
ABC   1471 C1:272767660265326 C2:ududddddudduudu M:C|    K:G            H:BLZ    T:After The Sun Goes Down
ABC    700 C1:272767660265326 C2:ududddddudduudu M:C|    K:Em           H:BLORZ  T:After The Sun Goes Down
ABC    700 C1:272767660265326 C2:ududddddudduudu M:C|    K:Em           H:BLORZ  T:After The Sun Goes Down
ABC    700 C1:272767660265326 C2:ududddddudduudu M:C|    K:Em           H:BLORZ  T:After The Sun Goes Down
ABC      1 C1:272767660265326 C2:ududddddudduudu M:      K:GMajor       H:CLQZ   T:After The Sun Goes Down
ABC    700 C1:026532652727676 C2:udduuduududdddd M:C|    K:Em           H:BFLRZbs T:After the Sun Goes Down
ABC    700 C1:026532652727676 C2:udduuduududdddd M:C|    K:Em           H:BFLRZbs T:After the Sun Goes Down
ABC    700 C1:026532652727676 C2:udduuduududdddd M:C|    K:Em           H:BFLRZbs T:After the Sun Goes Down
ABC    700 C1:026532652727676 C2:udduuduududdddd M:C|    K:Em           H:BFLRZbs T:After the Sun Goes Down
ABC    700 C1:026532652727676 C2:udduuduududdddd M:C|    K:Em           H:BFLRZbs T:After the Sun Goes Down
ABC    700 C1:026532652727676 C2:udduuduududdddd M:C|    K:Em           H:BFLRZbs T:After the Sun Goes Down
ABC    700 C1:026532652727676 C2:udduuduududdddd M:C|    K:Em           H:BFLRZbs T:After the Sun Goes Down
ABC    700 C1:026532652727676 C2:udduuduududdddd M:C|    K:Em           H:BFLRZbs T:After the Sun Goes Down
ABC    700 C1:026532652727676 C2:udduuduududdddd M:C|    K:Em           H:BFLRZbs T:After the Sun Goes Down
ABC    700 C1:026532652727676 C2:udduuduududdddd M:C|    K:Em           H:BFLRZbs T:After the Sun Goes Down
ABC      1 C1:272767660265326 C2:ududddddudduudu M:      K:GMajor       H:LQ     T:After The Sun Goes Down
ABC      1 C1:272767660266226 C2:ududddddudduudu M:C|    K:G            H:LRSZ   T:After the Sun Goes Down
ABC      1 C1:272767660266226 C2:ududddddudduudu M:C|    K:G            H:LRSZ   T:After the Sun Goes Down
ABC   1471 C1:272767660265326 C2:ududddddudduudu M:C|    K:G            H:BLZ    T:After The Sun Goes Down
ABC 495001 C1:272767660265326 C2:ududddddudduudu M:C|    K:Em           H:BLRSZ  T:AFTER THE SUN GOES DOWN
ABC 495001 C1:272767660265326 C2:ududddddudduudu M:C|    K:Em           H:BLRSZ  T:AFTER THE SUN GOES DOWN
ABC   1471 C1:272767660265326 C2:ududddddudduudu M:C|    K:G            H:BLZ    T:After The Sun Goes Down
ABC    700 C1:272767660265326 C2:ududddddudduudu M:C|    K:Em           H:BCFLORWZm T:After the sun goes down
ABC    700 C1:272767660265326 C2:ududddddudduudu M:C|    K:Em           H:BLORZ  T:After The Sun Goes Down
ABC    700 C1:272767660265326 C2:ududddddudduudu M:C|    K:Em           H:BLORZ  T:After The Sun Goes Down
ABC   1520 C1:272767660265326 C2:ududddddudduudu M:C|    K:G            H:BLZ    T:After The Sun Goes Down
ABC   1520 C1:272767660265326 C2:ududddddudduudu M:C|    K:G            H:BLZ    T:After The Sun Goes Down
ABC   1471 C1:272767660265326 C2:ududddddudduudu M:C|    K:G            H:BCILZ  T:"After The Sun Goes Down" (reel) 1471
ABC   1471 C1:272767660265326 C2:ududddddudduudu M:C|    K:G            H:BCILZ  T:"After The Sun Goes Down" (reel) 1471
ABC   1471 C1:272767660265326 C2:ududddddudduudu M:C|    K:G            H:BCILZ  T:"After The Sun Goes Down" (reel) 1471
ABC      1 C1:060710010707100 C2:dduudduuddududd M:2/4   K:G            H:"CLRZ  T:(After They've Seen Paree)
ABC      1 C1:060710010707100 C2:dduudduuddududd M:2/4   K:Bb           H:"CLRZ  T:(After They've Seen Paree)
ABC      1 C1:060710010707100 C2:dduudduuddududd M:2/4   K:Bb           H:"CLRZ  T:(After They've Seen Paree)
ABC      1 C1:060710010707100 C2:dduudduuddududd M:2/4   K:G            H:"CLRZ  T:(After They've Seen Paree)
ABC      1 C1:060710010707100 C2:dduudduuddududd M:2/4   K:Bb           H:"CLRZ  T:(After They've Seen Paree)
ABC      1 C1:060710010707100 C2:dduudduuddududd M:2/4   K:G            H:"CLRZ  T:(After They've Seen Paree)
ABC      1 C1:060710010707100 C2:dduudduuddududd M:2/4   K:G            H:"CLRZ  T:(After They've Seen Paree)
ABC      1 C1:060710010707100 C2:dduudduuddududd M:2/4   K:Bb           H:"CLRZ  T:(After They've Seen Paree)
ABC      1 C1:060710010707100 C2:dduudduuddududd M:2/4   K:Bb           H:"CLRZ  T:(After They've Seen Paree)
ABC      1 C1:060710010707100 C2:dduudduuddududd M:2/4   K:G            H:"CLRZ  T:(After They've Seen Paree)
ABC      1 C1:060710010707100 C2:dduudduuddududd M:2/4   K:Bb           H:"CLRZ  T:(After They've Seen Paree)
ABC      1 C1:060710010707100 C2:dduudduuddududd M:2/4   K:G            H:"CLRZ  T:(After They've Seen Paree)
ABC      1 C1:060710010707100 C2:dduudduuddududd M:2/4   K:G            H:"CLRZ  T:(After They've Seen Paree)
ABC      1 C1:060710010707100 C2:dduudduuddududd M:2/4   K:G            H:"CLRZ  T:(After They've Seen Paree)
ABC      1 C1:060710010707100 C2:dduudduuddududd M:2/4   K:G            H:"CLRZ  T:(After They've Seen Paree)
ABC      1 C1:211000071717002 C2:uuudududduuudud M:C     K:G            H:"LORSZ T:After You've Gone
ABC      1 C1:211000071717002 C2:uuudududduuudud M:C     K:G            H:"LORSZ T:After You've Gone
ABC      1 C1:211000071717002 C2:uuudududduuudud M:4/4   K:Bb           H:"CLQVw T:After you've gone
ABC      1 C1:211000071717002 C2:uuudududduuudud M:4/4   K:Bb           H:"CLQVw T:After you've gone
ABC      1 C1:211000071717002 C2:uuudududduuudud M:4/4   K:Bb           H:"CLQVw T:After you've gone
ABC      1 C1:211000071717002 C2:uuudududduuudud M:4/4   K:Bb           H:"CLQVw T:After you've gone
ABC      1 C1:211000071717002 C2:uuudududduuudud M:4/4   K:Bb           H:"CLQVw T:After you've gone
ABC      3 C1:211000071717002 C2:uuudududduuudud M:4/4   K:Bb           H:"CLQVw T:After you've gone
ABC      3 C1:211000071717002 C2:uuudududduuudud M:4/4   K:Bb           H:"CLQVw T:After you've gone
ABC      3 C1:211000071717002 C2:uuudududduuudud M:4/4   K:Bb           H:"CLQVw T:After you've gone
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:3/4   K:G            H:LSZ    T:Afton Water [1]
ABC      1 C1:                C2:                M:3/4   K:G            H:LSZ    T:Afton Water [1]
ABC      1 C1:020771110777020 C2:udduuuddduddddu M:3/4   K:D            H:"CLRSZ T:Afton Water 2 [D]
ABC      2 C1:020771110777020 C2:udduuuddduddddu M:3/4   K:D            H:"CLRSZ T:Afton Water 2    [D]
ABC      1 C1:020771110777020 C2:udduuuddduddddu M:3/4   K:G            H:"CLRSZ T:Afton Water 2 [G]
ABC      1 C1:020771110777020 C2:udduuuddduddddu M:3/4   K:G            H:"CLRSZ T:Afton Water 2 [G]
ABC      1 C1:020771110777020 C2:udduuuddduddddu M:3/4   K:G            H:"CLRSZ T:Afton Water 2 [G]
ABC      1 C1:020771110777020 C2:udduuuddduddddu M:3/4   K:G            H:"CLRSZ T:Afton Water 2 [G]
ABC      1 C1:020771110777020 C2:udduuuddduddddu M:3/4   K:G            H:"CLRSZ T:Afton Water 2 [G]
ABC      1 C1:020771110777020 C2:udduuuddduddddu M:3/4   K:G            H:"CLRSZ T:Afton Water 2 [G]
ABC      1 C1:020771110777020 C2:udduuuddduddddu M:3/4   K:G            H:"CLRSZ T:Afton Water 2 [G]
ABC      1 C1:020771110777020 C2:udduuuddduddddu M:3/4   K:G            H:"CLRSZ T:Afton Water 2 [G]
ABC      1 C1:020771110777020 C2:udduuuddduddddu M:3/4   K:G            H:"CLRSZ T:Afton Water 2 [G]
ABC      1 C1:020771110777020 C2:udduuuddduddddu M:3/4   K:G            H:"CLRSZ T:Afton Water 2 [G]
ABC      1 C1:020771110777020 C2:udduuuddduddddu M:3/4   K:G            H:"CLRSZ T:Afton Water 2 [G]
ABC      1 C1:020771110777020 C2:udduuuddduddddu M:3/4   K:G            H:"CLRSZ T:Afton Water 2 [G]
ABC      1 C1:020771110777020 C2:udduuuddduddddu M:3/4   K:G            H:"CLRSZ T:Afton Water 2 [G]
ABC      1 C1:020771110777020 C2:udduuuddduddddu M:3/4   K:G            H:"CLRSZ T:Afton Water 2 [G]
ABC      1 C1:020771110777020 C2:udduuuddduddddu M:3/4   K:G            H:"CLRSZ T:Afton Water 2 [G]
ABC      1 C1:020771110777020 C2:udduuuddduddddu M:3/4   K:G            H:"CLRSZ T:Afton Water 2 [G]
ABC      2 C1:020771110777020 C2:udduuuddduddddu M:3/4   K:G            H:"CLRSZ T:Afton Water 2    [G]
ABC      2 C1:020771110777020 C2:udduuuddduddddu M:3/4   K:G            H:"CLRSZ T:Afton Water 2    [G]
ABC      4 C1:020771110777020 C2:udduuuddduddddu M:3/4   K:G            H:"CLRSZ T:Afton Water 2    [G]
ABC      4 C1:020771110777020 C2:udduuuddduddddu M:3/4   K:G            H:"CLRSZ T:Afton Water 2    [G]
ABC      4 C1:020771110777020 C2:udduuuddduddddu M:3/4   K:G            H:"CLRSZ T:Afton Water 2    [G]
ABC      4 C1:020771110777020 C2:udduuuddduddddu M:3/4   K:G            H:"CLRSZ T:Afton Water 2    [G]
ABC      4 C1:020771110777020 C2:udduuuddduddddu M:3/4   K:G            H:"CLRSZ T:Afton Water 2    [G]
ABC      4 C1:020771110777020 C2:udduuuddduddddu M:3/4   K:G            H:"CLRSZ T:Afton Water 2    [G]
ABC      1 C1:020771110777020 C2:udduuuddduddddu M:3/4   K:G            H:"CLRSZ T:Afton Water 2 [G]
ABC      1 C1:020771110777020 C2:udduuuddduddddu M:3/4   K:G            H:"CLRSZ T:Afton Water 2 [G]
ABC    495 C1:020771110777020 C2:udduuuddduddddu M:3/4   K:G            H:LSZ    T:Afton Water
ABC    495 C1:020771110777020 C2:udduuuddduddddu M:3/4   K:G            H:LSZ    T:Afton Water
ABC      1 C1:020771110777020 C2:udduuuddduddddu M:3/4   K:G            H:"CLRSZ T:Afton Water
ABC      1 C1:020771110777020 C2:udduuuddduddddu M:3/4   K:G            H:"CLRSZ T:Afton Water
ABC   5080 C1:020771110777020 C2:udduuuddduddddu M:3/4   K:G            H:BLQRSZ T:Afton Water
ABC      1 C1:026051267003011 C2:uddduudduuuuddu M:3/4   K:A            H:"BFLS  T:Afton Water
ABC      1 C1:026051267003011 C2:uddduudduuuuddu M:3/4   K:A            H:"BFLS  T:Afton Water
ABC      1 C1:026051267003011 C2:uddduudduuuuddu M:3/4   K:A            H:"BFLS  T:Afton Water
ABC      1 C1:026051267003011 C2:uddduudduuuuddu M:3/4   K:A            H:"BFLS  T:Afton Water
ABC      1 C1:026051267003011 C2:uddduudduuuuddu M:3/4   K:A            H:"BFLS  T:Afton Water
ABC      1 C1:026051267003011 C2:uddduudduuuuddu M:3/4   K:A            H:"BFLS  T:Afton Water
ABC      1 C1:026051267003011 C2:uddduudduuuuddu M:3/4   K:A            H:"BFLS  T:Afton Water
ABC      1 C1:026051267003011 C2:uddduudduuuuddu M:3/4   K:A            H:"BFLS  T:Afton Water
ABC      1 C1:026051267003011 C2:uddduudduuuuddu M:3/4   K:A            H:"BFLS  T:Afton Water
ABC      1 C1:026051267003011 C2:uddduudduuuuddu M:3/4   K:G            H:"BCFLS T:Afton Water
ABC      1 C1:020771110777020 C2:udduuuddduddddu M:3/4   K:E            H:BFLw   T:Afton Water
ABC      1 C1:020771110777020 C2:udduuuddduddddu M:3/4   K:E            H:BFLWw  T:Afton Water
ABC      1 C1:026051267003011 C2:uddduudduuuuddu M:3/4   K:A            H:"BFLS  T:Afton Water
ABC      1 C1:026051267003011 C2:uddduudduuuuddu M:3/4   K:A            H:"BFLS  T:Afton Water
ABC   4400 C1:020770210777020 C2:udduudddudddduu M:3/4   K:F            H:BCLSVWZw T:Afton Water
ABC   4400 C1:020770210777020 C2:udduudddudddduu M:3/4   K:F            H:BCLSVWZw T:Afton Water
ABC   4400 C1:020770210777020 C2:udduudddudddduu M:3/4   K:F            H:BCLSVWZw T:Afton Water
ABC   4400 C1:020770210777020 C2:udduudddudddduu M:3/4   K:F            H:BCLSVWZw T:Afton Water
ABC   4400 C1:020770210777020 C2:udduudddudddduu M:3/4   K:F            H:BCLSVWZw T:Afton Water
ABC   4400 C1:020770210777020 C2:udduudddudddduu M:3/4   K:F            H:BCLSVWZw T:Afton Water
ABC      1 C1:020771110777020 C2:udduuuddduddddu M:3/4   K:G            H:LSZ    T:Afton Water
ABC      1 C1:020771110777020 C2:udduuuddduddddu M:3/4   K:G            H:BLRZ   T:Afton Water
ABC      1 C1:020771110777020 C2:udduuuddduddddu M:3/4   K:G            H:LSZ    T:Afton Water
ABC    495 C1:020771110777020 C2:udduuuddduddddu M:3/4   K:G            H:LSZ    T:Afton Water
ABC    495 C1:020771110777020 C2:udduuuddduddddu M:3/4   K:G            H:LSZ    T:Afton Water
ABC      1 C1:026051267003011 C2:uddduudduuuuddu M:3/4   K:A            H:"BFLS  T:Afton Water
ABC      1 C1:020771110777020 C2:udduuuddduddddu M:      K:Gmaj         H:LR     T:Afton Water
ABC   0880 C1:020771110777020 C2:udduuuddduddddu M:3/4   K:G            H:ILQZ   T:Afton Water.
ABC   0880 C1:020771110777020 C2:udduuuddduddddu M:3/4   K:G            H:ILQZ   T:Afton Water.
ABC   0880 C1:020771110777020 C2:udduuuddduddddu M:3/4   K:G            H:ILQZ   T:Afton Water.
ABC   0880 C1:020771110777020 C2:udduuuddduddddu M:3/4   K:G            H:ILQZ   T:Afton Water.
ABC   0880 C1:020771110777020 C2:udduuuddduddddu M:3/4   K:G            H:ILQZ   T:Afton Water.
ABC   0880 C1:020771110777020 C2:udduuuddduddddu M:3/4   K:G            H:ILQZ   T:Afton Water.
ABC   0880 C1:020771110777020 C2:udduuuddduddddu M:3/4   K:G            H:ILQZ   T:Afton Water.
ABC   0880 C1:020771110777020 C2:udduuuddduddddu M:3/4   K:G            H:ILQZ   T:Afton Water.
ABC   0880 C1:020771110777020 C2:udduuuddduddddu M:3/4   K:G            H:ILQZ   T:Afton Water.
ABC   5080 C1:020771110777020 C2:udduuuddduddddu M:3/4   K:G            H:BLQRSZ T:Afton Water
ABC   5080 C1:020771110777020 C2:udduuuddduddddu M:3/4   K:G            H:BLQRSZ T:Afton Water
ABC   5080 C1:020771110777020 C2:udduuuddduddddu M:3/4   K:G            H:BLQRSZ T:Afton Water
ABC   5080 C1:020771110777020 C2:udduuuddduddddu M:3/4   K:G            H:BLQRSZ T:Afton Water
ABC      1 C1:020771110777020 C2:udduuuddduddddu M:3/4   K:F            H:L      T:Afton Water (Flow Gently, Sweet Afton)
ABC      1 C1:020771110777020 C2:udduuuddduddddu M:3/4   K:F            H:L      T:Afton Water (Flow Gently, Sweet Afton)
ABC      1 C1:020771110777020 C2:udduuuddduddddu M:3/4   K:F            H:L      T:Afton Water (Flow Gently, Sweet Afton)
ABC      1 C1:026051267003011 C2:uddduudduuuuddu M:3/4   K:G            H:"BCFLS T:Afton Water  (Flow Gently Sweet Afton   [G])
ABC      1 C1:026051267003011 C2:uddduudduuuuddu M:3/4   K:G            H:"BCFLS T:Afton Water  (Flow Gently Sweet Afton   [G])
ABC    091 C1:770777177702173 C2:ddddduddduuudud M:6/8   K:Bb           H:BLQZ   T:Afton Water. JBAT8.091
ABC    091 C1:770777177702173 C2:ddddduddduuudud M:6/8   K:Bb           H:BLQZ   T:Afton Water. JBAT8.091