ABC in email

Sending ABC inside email messages is often prone to damage, as the software applies various kinds of encoding that can't be easily undone on the receiving end. This is a summary of things I've learned about how to prevent this damage.

In the Preferences window, go to Mail & Newsgroups, choose Send Format, and select "Convert the messages to plain text". This should prevent damage when sending ABC. You might also want to look at the Message Display panel (also under Mail & Newsgroups), and unselect "Wrap text to fit window width". This will prevent line wrapping on your own screen.

Zeek: wrote:

What has worked, so far, is that I set ALL of my WordPad options (tag the View pull-down menu and choose Options) to the No Wrap option on ALL tabs, in that window, that allow that option. There is no character limitation setting in WordPad, it seems, just wrap control. I then used the SaveAs option (under File pull-down menu) and picked Text Document in the Save As Type pull-down window, but left the actual file name with an "abc" extension.