Social Dances 2002 by Roy Goldring

After several local dance leaders asked me to play for dances from this booklet, I borrowed it from one of them and transcribed all the tunes, so I'd be ready the next time. In March 2014, a message on the strathepsy list pointed to a PDF of the booklet on the Leeds Branch's web site. I downloaded it, copied some of the information to these files, did assorted editing to put them all in a consistent format, and moved them all into a this directory.

Each tune is here twice: once with a name, where nn is the tune number and Title is the name of the tune; and again with a, where Title is the name of the dance. When these titles are different, the file has two T: lines giving both names.

I haven't transcribed the dance descriptions. I'll let the folks at take care of that.