JC's online stuff

This is my home server and testing machine. Here are some of the things found on this site: t/tr>
~jc/ All my online stuff
photos/ photos
abc/ My personal ABC music collection
book/ My ABC book transcriptions
programs Programs for assorted events that I'm involved with.
Scottish Programs for Scottish events that I'm involved with.
tune finder/ ABC tune Finder
howto How to do things
ABC Experimental ABC stuff
recipe/ Recipes from various sources
humor/ Years of collected humor
RJ full
RJ mobile
Roaring Jelly, a contra-dance band in the Boston area
CFO The Cambridge Folk Orchestra is a folk-dance band in the Boston area
Waltz Jam Waltzes for open jam session at local events
sessions Music for "sessions"
BSFC Boston Scottish Fiddle Club repertoire
CFO Cambridge Folk-Dance Orchestra
KlezIntro Itroductory Klezmer tunes
KlezJam Eastern European Jewish music
Oivan Ilo A Finnish band in the Fitchburg area
Sladka Another Boston-area folk-dance band
Slow Scottish Scottish tunes played slowly
Test (for testing session software)
Vintage 17th and 18th Century social dancing
test (for testing this site's software)