Tunes for a Bob McQuillen session
This is all rather experimental ...

The tunes are all in .abc files in the directories with the lower-case "tune-type" names, which you see yere in the "Class" column. The file names have initial articles stripped off, and '_' is used instead of spacers. There are some duplicate titles, so a book+tune number is added of the form VVNNN, where VV is the volume name (00-15, where 00 means "unknown"), and NNN is the 3-digit tune number inside the booklet. This may be altered a bit eventually. A few of the names have a single-digit number added, when there are more than one version of the tune in the collection. And there are lots of missing tunes ...

Some tools to do useful things in directories full of .abc tune files:
· Session lister Collection listerTune lister ·