T: Geordies' Diamond Reel - 32 bar Reel C: Roy Goldring S: Ian Brown N: N: A reel in 32 bars devised by Roy Goldring to celebrate the diamond N: wedding in 1998 of Jack and Joyce Brown, two Geordies with a love of N: Scottish Country Dancing. N: N: Date: Tue, 18 May 99 11:29:00 PDT N: To: 'strathspey' Bars 1-2 First couple cross down to second place (without giving hands) and face out. Second couple step up. 3-4 First woman and third man change places giving left hands while first man and third woman change places giving right hands. Third couple finish facing out and down; first couple finish facing in. 5-8 Half reels of three on the sides. 9-16 Similar to bars 1 - 8. First couple cross down and face out (third couple step up on bars 9 - 10). First couple change places with second couple (now in third place) who finish facing out and down. Half reels of three on own sides to finish in original places - first couple finish facing in; second couple finish facing out and up. 17-20 First couple, followed by second couple, dance down the middle. 21-22 Second and first couples set to partners. 23-24 Second couple dance up to the top and face out and down. First couple dance up to second place and remain in the centre ready for:- 25-28 Three hands across - first woman dances right hands across with second and third women while first man dances left hands across with second and third men. 29-32 First couple dance up to the top and cast off to second place on own side. Repeat having passed a couple. Note: On bars 17 - 20, second couple should not dance down too far because, at the end of bar 24, they need to curve into top place and face down.