Forget Me Knot
3x32 bar strathspey in a three-couple set
Devised by Barbara Youngman

1st couple set and cross giving right hands. 1st couple cast off one place (2nd couple step up), and turn half round by the right hand to face 1st corners.
Pass and turn with 1st corners, ending in second place on own sides with 1st lady facing down and 1st man facing up.
Half reel of three on the sides, giving right shoulder to begin. On bar 16 1st couple turn half round with left hands to face 2nd corner positions.
Left shoulder pass and turn with 2nd corner positions, ending in second place on own sides with 1st lady facing up and 1st man facing down.
Half reel of three on the sides, giving left shoulder to begin. On bar 24 1st couple turn half round by the right to end in second place on the opposite side facing out.
1st couple cast off, cross up RH, and cast to third place, while 3rd couple cross up LH, cast off, and cross up RH to second place. (3/4 of double figures of eight.)
1st couple turn once round with both hands.

Repeat with new top couple

Found from a discussion in the strathspey list, in a PDF on Dave Wiesler's web site.