Bars |
1-8 |
1st cpl set to eath other then dance down the centre between 2nd and 3rd
cpls, cast up behind 3rd cpl, dance into the middle joining left
hands with partner to face 1st corners.
9-10 |
1st cpl set to 1st corners, turning inwards on bar 10, join R hands with partner.
11-12 |
1st cpl set to partner's 1st corner.
13-16 |
1st cpl turn partner's 1st corner with L hands to finish in the middlee,
joining R hands with partner to face 2nd corners.
17-18 |
1st cpl set to 2nd corners, turning inwanrds on bar 18,
join L hands with partner.
19-20 |
1st cpl set to partner's 2nd corner.
21-24 |
1st cpl turn partner's 2nd corner with R hands,
to finish in 2nd place on own sides of the dance.
25-32 |
2nd, 1st & 3rd cpls dance six hands round and back.