Rose in Bloom
Choreography: © Sharon Green, 2010
Tune: Full Bloom, © Steve Maranto, 2009
Formation: Duple minor longways

"Both dance and tune are dedicated to Rosie Berkowitz, our Rose in full bloom."

A1 1-4 1st Corners set forward R&L and turn single right
5-8 Same people change places by right-shoulder, turn single left
A2 1-4 2nd Corners set forward R&L and turn single right
5-8 Same people change places by right-shoulder, turn single left* (All now progressed, improper)
B 1-2 1st Woman dances down outside Men's line below next Twos WHILE 1st Man dances down middle (Twos sidestep up) (Ones face each other)
3-4 1st Man dancing backward draws 1st Woman into middle of set (Ones release hands, face up)
5-6 1st Man dances up outside Women's line to progressed place below original Twos WHILE 1st Woman dances up the middle
7-8 All cloverleaf turn single up and away from partner (End with partners taking two hands for the poussette)
C 1-4 Ones 1/2 poussette clockwise (1st Man forward) WHILE Twos 1/2 draw poussette (2nd Man draw)
5-8 Ones 1/2 draw poussette (1st Man draw) WHILE Twos 1/2 poussette clockwise (2nd Woman forward)

* In A2, 7-8, the 1st Woman may either complete her turn single and face down or expand her turn single left so that she ends outside the Men's line and facing down, ready to dance down the outside.