Our Brief Encounters by Loretta Holz copyright 2006 - 3C longways set Music - Trade Winds Waltz by Charlene Thomson copyright 2003 A1 1-4 1C cast off down below 3C 5-8 1C lead up to middle, 3 Men LH across 1X, 3 Women RH across A2 1-4 1C cross set passing left shoulders (W above) 1M RH across with 2 Women while 1W LH across with 2 Men 5-8 1C meet taking nearer hands lead to the top, cast off (wrong side) into 2nd place as 2C moves up B1 1-8 1C, 2C full ladies' chain 1C ending in 2nd place B2 1-4 1C cross up between 2C dance down outside to bottom of set as 3C moves up 5-8 All 2H turn P