Linda’s Light

Longways Duple 4/4 G — Modal — Michael Wood 2022

A1 1-2 Partners Swirly Siding L and back R,
3 Partners ½ Right hand turn
4 Star R halfway, easing out to face neighbor on the side
A2 1-2 Neighbors (up and down) Swirly siding R and back Lt,
3 Neighbors ½ Left hand turn
4 Star L halfway All end progressed and on opposite sides
B 1-4 Pousette Hey: 1s lead up and then join both hands and retain pousette position, dancing toward the (men’s/larks/L-file) side to begin the hey. 2s cast into the hey to begin. All end, again, progressed and on opposite sides
5-6 Double ½ figure of eight, 1’s cross, 2’s cast
7–8 1’s lead down the center, turn to face up and fall back down the center.
9-10 1s lead up, turn to face down and fall back up the center to end facing new neighbors
11-12 Circle Left once round with new neighbors
13-14 Partners two-hand turn once round ending out on the sides

Tune: Linda’s Light by Dave Wiesler, 2022

Teaching Notes:

The dance in is 4/4 and danced 4 steps per bar.

B 1-4: In the hey, 1’s keep hands as if they were dancing a pousette. The hey feels very much like a figure of eight for the 1’s with measured movement. 2s can make a wide cast down into the heys and not just immediately move down the side of the dance.
B 4-5: At the end of the hey, 1s can keep inner hands briefly as they face up and cross up in the the half double figure of 8; 2s can continue their motion from the hey to cast down into the double figure of 8.
B 7-10: The 1s track down the center and back is the same as in Ron Coxall's Turn of the Tide (though in 4 not in 6).

-Dancers should note the transition and change of direction between the two-hand turn at the end of the dance and the L-shoulder siding at the beginning of the dance.

-Neutral couples waiting out at the top should join the dance in B, 7-8 when the 1s lead down the center. Neutral couples at the bottom should be ready to join the circle in B, 11-12.