Path:!!!decwrl!!!!!!!!not-for-mail From: (Don Scott) Subject: Domill Awns, dead at 66 Date: Thu, 30 Apr 1998 19:32:11 GMT To members of c.s.y2k: A moment of silence, please, for the passing of a great man, our raison d'etre. It was revealed today that Domill Awns, the original creator of the Year 2000 problem, passed away in Seamye Bluffs, South Carolina. Computer veterans will remember Mr. Awns as the original proponent of a two-digit year convention. Mr. Awns stumbled upon the idea in 1954 when he had a data record that already occupied 78 columns of an 80-column punched card. Faced with the challenge of adding a year field to the data record, Mr. Awns exclaimed: "F**k it, use two digits". The two-digit year convention was quickly adopted worldwide, as programmers were oblivious to the obvious problems 46 years hence. "F**k it, we'll all be dead anyways" Mr. Awns was fond of saying, and he was certainly proven correct in his own case. "We were growing increasingly concerned that Domill wouldn't die before the turn of the century" said his wife, "and he was always so fussy abvout being correct in his predictions. I'm so happy for him that he was right about this one, too". It had also been widely speculated that Mr. Awns held the secret to the solution of the Year 2000 problem, and it was expected that he would be willing to release the details of that solution before his untimely passing. In a news conference held today at Seamye Bluffs Memorial hospital, attending doctors revealed that Mr. Awns' last words were "F**k it, use an 82-column card". The doctors refused to speculate further on what exactly that meant, but two computer programmers were observed at the back of the room slapping their foreheads and shouting "Of course!". Domill Awns (32 - 98), dead at 66. He leaves a wife, Ada, who currently holds the patent on the two-digit year convention, and two sons, Rich and Richer, who are currently employed as $2,000 per hour programmers modifying computer systems to accomodate the new 82-column punched card. - 30 - --------------605D0F025F1591B404370D9C--