Directions to Nancy Kalinski's 201 Birchwood Road Manchester, NH93N to Exit 8home: 603-644-7682 cell: 603-533-0302
Go right at end of exit ramp (which winds around in a cloverleaf loop).
You will be on BRIDGE St. (Now, just remember the letter B. You'll see why soon.)
Stay on Bridge to Belmont St. and make a right. (Belmont is about 1 mile from exit.)
Go about 1 mile to Blodget St. and go right up the hill about 2 blocks to Birchwood Rd. Turn left onto Birchwood. I live at the end. (one block) at the corner of Birchwood and Sagamore. No one uses the front door so come around to the driveway on Sagamore.